The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 30, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 2

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wnimj Sclcrjraph
m aiAlLf tjrraaioOK UK .-.
vim Tm ri t" Ch-t. nr KiiMrioCMH ra
Hkii HTM ' "H. ana aailrxl l Suhv mdci
(lUCK7l " '-t M P Jk .NLU: Ou IloLl.aa
ajrp rt'TT fWT oi Two MiMH.lnrnklrin a.1vnr
t.nr4 irtrd. lnrVd at Id. nfi r .t.i. 4 tllxrtl
tfrmt ratal ...d. frr MtB44 in.triioi...
To 4vrrflfn.
Osiaf V Hit ! rr-ra.a In th. I'imilat'rM, a' Ta
fiArii.cMinK'iliiiti 10 ,. t at ai
art) twur, a B-,rnt:.s rrK,( ttut a.ts-r.-il rmrpii
l hi.iM l " '" o'rl'-, It a ..i,.., ,., fi u-
.atiif.nts i ali of our rdttli-ra.
Tin: in i v or oviot kih.
lpon Momlny next tins Tlilrly-p;lit!i On
will coiumiMice Its givoml ami tlml
IopmI "mai-liimV biJilinl tln'W, iiinl ".m -il
Impel to enjoy tlifir novel situation.
Wo d'ire not nay Hint the youth" Inl that
frrli. nholfKomc, lirnlthy appeal anro which
r;(.t to ! wiiitMMciJ that 'hey tli. I it witiio'it
ttyins tlwlr hati'hvritin,.
Now a man'j lian lwritlri.' Irn in icli - pirt
of his inilivldtiality u IT lie Iml been hum wtlh
otltrrV flirty iiniTiiuiiilion ; that the ntivct-i of
our tow tin are hazy, anil ever reilnleut of tliu
dimes of cigars ; and that It U spit, njilt, nlt,
alike In the parlor, the bar-room, the cha nber,
the railroad ear, and the place of public enter
tainment Is not ulto;;e1hi'replen"tie px-iijiti-
poiM-ion- It will be the luxt oppoitunitj tint
fhr oitlon iRu-iM to many of its nieinluT t
redeem their iharnvter, for when the voicu of
tjie speaker chall nnivoiiiiee the H.tiK" aJ
journed cine cfie, 'he l ist die of the 1) ' n v
crstlc partv will be riot ; and It is e tru -t'y
hoped tliat they will die, politically, H p,. i ....
urolUiiig the ciintomary convulsions wlfi
which a great faction g'Mierilly ilfpirU fr n
life. Upon every member devolves a m.
Important duty. Before this ('onre-u wil
come for erioas consblcnitioii question o
tuch magnl.uilu as to Involve the Inter 'St u t
only of America, hut of mankind. Tin: issti .
ot frt-tdora will be cnnimilteil to its ln:i,U, an I
the life of the only ptvat nation where prin
ciple of government are founded upon libvty
md law be placed at Its disposal.
To the conscientious members of the Dem -crutic
party we would siy a few words o'"
advice and friendly w.irnln;'. You are suf
flcienUy powerftil to impede lee'islatlon ; yoa
posses etrength ouougli to retard an 1 prevent
Uie necessary actions of the G iverii'iuut. Tli"
rule of Parliament try law are suo! t!i it any
minority over oue-tbird can prevent thj pas
enpe of any measure. Your loiv aiqii viut anci
with Congressional usaae enables yo:i to t ike
advantage of every poini. on wUlcU t- irorry
mander, and by persistent motion-i yo,: ni ly
impede or even stop legislation. Yo i there
fore hold a mighty power, and Impose. u;i vi
yottraelve a rornspondingly mii'iity re.soon
elbility. The cause o( freeiiom is conrnitti'd
toyourkeepln?. AVhea last your voices s un Jed
through the halls of legislation, tiiey were mik
ing negative responses to the questiou of the
CoMtitutionaJ aliolition of human slavery. Uy
mch an action you comml ted political s.iiei.1.;
The arlvance ol mind has decree J tint to iu
aeet will the freedmea a? A n -rica tli ::r
rapport which will undertalo to cou.i'.en
ance that last remnant of barbaris n, tli u
gnatert curse which Inbum inity Ln in
vented or Christianity allowed. The whole
mass of the North now cry foe the do.vul'all o,'
alaverv. It waa not so lour vears nrn. h:it :i
party to be a live party must keep continual "ul .OI tlie Tnl ni,aa: Uow ue n"109
the unadulterated aqueous fluid Is reported to I It, anil it is almost Impossible, except for cotm-
Indiiw. Their checks did not glow with t'm ; ti rfnters, k ibsiiuw it.
bloom of a sound physical etate, nor were they ' Tbf slRimture of every person who look a
r.vlna and movinu realizations of the picture ro ni aljtbe hotels which wi re f r .:, should lie
to be met with in story-books for little boy" nibmltted to experts, f, r eomparison with tiio
and girls, which represent plump hid In ele'i ! signatures on the n ijiMer of the New York
clothes, with a red spot on each cheek, pro- Hotel for time or lour days preceding the
cecding iu a lively manner to hydrants or rilM o' the incendiarism. If any coincidence..)
pumps, txarimr mugsorjufrs in their hinds. ; in the wilting exNt, they may be detected.
To tell the truth, we were impressed with the ' l'e side thi, fac-imlles of the signatures
sallowness, sunkeiiness, an 1 strange, sharp a e h!iouM lie printed and sent to all hotel-keep rs,
of the faces a they met our gaze. j and neat ten d broadi list over the country. If
The little fellows l..ol;ed anytlilnu in. I irtlie 1 tbedet dive police and Hie hotel-keep; rs with
sun but unsophisticated. We think we are tl eir pecul ar opportunities and the aid of the
wife In H.iying that one in every ten of tin' public, ratinot ferret out the ,m rpetiators of
adolescent parinlers was chewing tobi -co. the liiceinliai i-ni, at least tile most extensive
ft itiilnly our attention was riveted by lltt'.e machinery fnr their iletectii n will have been
bits cf fellows, who, a they alru'.tej proudly set in motion.
Iiy, expectorated right and left most furiously, We oljM ivcd in the Tvihnn of yesterday,
and without intermission, pans ng after eaeh that the Hotel-keepers' Association of New
discharge of saliva with a look of in ll-ihlo Ycik have p'edged twenty IhousanJ dollars,
tarhsfaction. ! up ort'oned In certain sqx citled sums, to
And contemplating this spectac le, w' wcie reward any petrous who may ulTord iuforuia
led to reflect how speedily the ape of t i ' in 4 lion which will lead to the iirrcs'. and cotivic
winning of weeds tohacopakH becoaiiii'' a tion id the incendiaries.
national characteiiMic. raVl f nv'gni'rs 1 'J bis hiiiii, divided in tliu manner dineri bed
atllrniofus that we surround our chairs with in the advertisement of the hotel-keepers, Is
miniature lakes, and by constant practice not large enough. The insurance companies
grow exceedingly expert In dodging each ' nre the proper organizations to further the
detection ot the Incendiaries, and, as we "a'd
on the iisth instant, the reward offered lor tho
piii.opal should not be less than twenty thou
F.nii(l dollars, nor less than ten thous and dollars
foi subordinates. After getting two or three
of the criminals, the rest could be obtained
tion and misrepresentation on their pirt. ' for nothing. In a retain point of view, th'n
Why, how many mere children do you
meet, when you take your daily walks
abroad, with unnaturally lull cheeks,
or cigars in various stages of exhaus
tion protruding from their mouth-? Tli
young gentleman, now-a days,initi ites himself
into the grand order of smokers simulta
neous')' with the acquisition of a pair of boots
and the abnegation of round-abouts. With
wise mistrust ol his own powers, be llrst
engages in experimental practice ou porous
pieces of timber (rattan is considered quite
the thing), and In retired spots perfects him
self iu the accomplishment ol pulflu. Uul
his ambition will not suffer him to slick to
Micks, and he meekly purchases his Hint, cigar.
Oh! the glory and the fear of the initial weed!
How the novice, with the fear of indignant pa
rents ls lore his eyes and the distressing apprj
liension of meeting somebody lie knows, takes
to the back and unfrequented htreets; how
bravelj he bear.' himself, emitting long, thin
whili's of smoke from the extreme corners of
bis mouth, or dense volumes from an oval
a pert tin, and trying Mich dexterities as forc
ing the vapor through his nose, or driving
Itskjwatd m unbroken rings; keeping the
ashes Irom railing oil until the last moment,
and then knocking them neatly away with the
marching to the music ofclvilizitioa an I trjj-
doin. Your doctrine have fossilized yo ir tin
honored name, and the. young blool of th:
nation has deserted your ranks. Y"ou h ivo
pitted the Pemocralie. party ag iimt tin ar.ny
of the Union, and that army h is de,:id '.l thai
it will never ni irch beneath a ta n i i's
The alternative of irretrievable destruction
or renewed life is now presented for your con
sideration. The question of tho lawful and
total abolition of slavery lu thu Uuit.ul Status,
will again be brought before, you. If you
again oppose It you coin for yourselves a n'-
torlety vile enough to damn for ever any
parry, supported even by the most powerfn
patronage of lucrative position. As. it U 1
will "die the death," unless you use tho only
restorative in your power and votu solidly (a:
the cause of universal freedom. By so acting
's not a matter of dollars and cents, but in
another it is, and especially Hi to the ins j
lauee companies of every city.
I1AIU.V MT itr IIKtlllt.
We must exercise the quality of pationee.
The l!i bels are out of humor, and say that
we shall have no news from Siikum a n through
their papers. "The Yankees must be thrown
on their own resources for intelligence from
their adventurous general." Now, this Is un
kind in the Itebels very ungrateful when
they confess that they themselves are
dependent on the Northern press for advices
from IIooh, their adventurous genural. One.
good trm deserves another. Come, come,
gentlemen of the Hichmond journals, own up
at once that the reason why you refuse to
publish the news from Shhhman is because
it hi all favorable to bis army, and very un
f ivoruLlo to the licbel forces. Acknowledge
the corn, and do not exhibit such petty spite.
II you wait until "his attempt to reach the coast
shall have proved tho grandest failure of the
war,' you will have nothing to wnlo about
and you might as well have the credit of fur
nishing the information of his great success,
thereby establishing your claims as enterpris
ing newsmen, as to wait for the Northern
press to beat you on a very "big thing." From
your silence we are satisfied that Siikiimak
is "all right." But where Is he? What is he
doing? Has he really taken Milledgeville,
and Macon, and Augusta, and released the
Jia'a llitlr Timir
JUt f. II Al It T'Hl''
III M Vl's All I) A t iRI'l t Hell nil I tie
.lAIM Main Iiis.i
( ll:f.S ill II 'VI W t! till. sr.
j i ni a IHII: TONI '
f I 1 1 S 'I 1IK 4:.i- OIII AI.l ii V T ox.
.t ivn:. s ii ii a ro si.
I'! I VI NTS 1 111. Al: I VHH I M i is. rit,
.1 O K S KAlll 'I ON I
Mil M.M's I'l'.l MM till i.l'P.Vi'-
Ml M S 1 A 1 11 'ION,'1
I 111 IM s 1 lie, I OI'MAl (ON Of HAM) .VOl 4.
Jaj nk s n:e t MC
V VN1. s II 41 K T'HIII."
l;t( i '.n ni.s hkki.s lil ht.A H41':
J 1 M- i MK I OMC
( t.K.VSSls TUI. IIAUt I V..IM A 1.1. IMeCUIlil.S
j sr.- u.mi; i ).Mt
wn.i. nil', c sr. o-a win
JAVM.s UAia TiMi;
w ii.i. Kt.eiioni'i k ii it i.osi ii rin ,;m sh.
K I.I CS, 11(1. II.MK Mdl-T, AMI 'till. KV.s t I!' I !
Al A llKAUl lt'11-.ll Ol Tilt. ItAllt 13 t-S:ll"ltl'sSi.l.
A I It A V V.N.
f-' i vt 1. 1 1 KS
-iv. r.:. (nntiNff.
SI st HAI I,,
IN., t ill H t'l' M I'll !'
WINTK)Wf sn l)l
ht.W T" .
KAhCKAtm . f I s'
7l i
an Rti r.
NSW ril,!;i.
No, T JJ
i : rs ((ivi'.iti,
r ir s-'M K ht;ii
at I . eti i s.
II A N 1 1-
im. n.l
il tin 1 1. t . -1 L.
f " s , l' , 1 .
. .H ..ti.ll.
M s
liri i.. y c.rir ,.
N. ,11.1 l.s 1 M Hu
I'll.K 1 1.1 ,V S i
... N t n in s
on. a rs i im r vi ;i:.i
s. a t iu li"
AIM HI'M 01' mu.sii;.
.'. H'Hil. ( iiuli.i'iiol 1 1,. I I.
.lAYM.s IIMIt ,I'M''
FIIO.Mi TK THJ' l.i'.'iWl :i Ot W:llai.KS.
bis Havana in bis coat-sleeve, when he crosses
a principal thoroughfare ; bow he begins, a
he approaches the cud of the aforesaid luxury,
to see tbincs ireneraltv in a confused ilis.
torted, and multiidicd condition, to teel i-risoners at Milieu? Or is be inarching on
startling sensations lu divers divisions of his Savannah or Charleston, or has he arrived at
frame, and to guess he has smoked enner poim. r im .. .......,..., ...m
that cigar long enough; how he consumes
peppermint candy, a few cloves, aud a large
amount of lemon peel; how he breaks for bis
domicile sinuously, and shuts himself up in his
own apartment, where he agonizes for several
hours; how he comes down stairs with a pal
lid, melancholy face, aud Indulges very mode
rately in conversation; how the lad does all
if so, who came out second best?
The-e are questions we would like you to
answer at an early date. They aro highly In
teresting ones, both to your own readers and
ours. Shake oil" the dumps and tell us what
Siiijiman Is doing, and consider us yours
obediently, with the hope that, lu a day or
two, we may te.H you that Iloon has been
Witt. v KKS T'11' lb rXnr-Mr.S I' Of M'll'S
TAt llf.s).
AS a iitirssiMi rott Tin; hair is i nkx, i.i,i.t:t.
IS lUJ.IlillTI l l.t.V I'hKIM II.I.
.lAVN't: S II 1 1: TOMC
Kiiot.i.ii in: on tin; urn i.t i aiili; ok kvk;i-
,IA1 m; s II All: T INIC
Wi!lplt'e ilu lii.wl f.ntHl"ii, mill 1(4 c itilinrxl mo
will kiip li e hult iiml m :,' d ' imu ami lirnliiiy umli
tluii. rrijiiri'il only hy Or. I'. Jusr A Sus, No. .'t.'
Ciirmiit slicct.
n,i uii oils t r.Hti.
i A I "i. nl thr I i.lliil,.; stir- t I ',.'411. I'm I I ,1-n-i- r rl I
Ni-m 1 i.enlr" , W ii .Illicit n ; mid l:u- Al.'ktn lr,, 'im,i.t,
1 In .lr...
hui.'v Si..l.ncr I'I'IV II. Willi. IIT
i IU 1!H I A V A Mi I !U It AY, Ii nnSr I nl !,
M-Jll J..,.il,s"l III'" intt 'll M:liOi ill! I. i , ,i nf I'm
j rem koii hii i in.i':),
C n iii. M' Ii. I "I! (IHT
Ail.'IKunt COltl ll A.Ni .S,"
Hin.r,it' il
M'. '.s Ai.ICK llll AY,
Al 11 .1. Mi (TI l.ill' ,il.
Mil. 1 ouill. .'I
MlMA, IIUMH1, Till IMiAY. AM) Mlllvl
Miil.T s.
skai.s n.(!i i;u si. H44SIV 4D n i:
hu i.rii.i.iiMiH'i- i'-i wi:i.m.-iiai tf siiiitir
K- i-ri 'lis.
I hi' ,i it Sl.i1 , lpr' an I i,i il MMi i.t- All 1 4 III
Bi m i' ii I'.irii'ioti
Tiu .i S-.i i-i. lur I'll- h nl ,vi n '( J it'im,. i.,iw omi'II
liiMiwrri tin- (ttuirs ni : ai il I', u i i sK.
A ilnil. lot.. .'Si mill 'J.' i-i'titii.
Svi -ii 1 S. OH . (Tli,! jiilillllr.i.hl. 1 1 :;)-::!
A I.Mft.l. ,N UM It It fiK Oil V AM)
i'-i C. !ly I. .,(,!. IV.r H.,1,-'S' i. I!.",
' ol in, Ir. j.iiri ... ' I' ll I . -4 M t " 4. f In rr.,1 to ,-S'i At IVJI
i ;! i n il i t t i i . j v . i . i t ". l-icr lu, Ii ll y v ul r
(L ir vlliwul bi : ii f hi Ii 't 41111 I nif 1 1 nm'i m
;. I . HU,I.I 1. .( S i.N,
II - .N.i .;! N. HKI'1 si, .,,
" the eye and ear.
1 j io a jvtx 4 :- m, v 1 1, i : v 1 1 .
Tlil'.O.M AMI CHK.-.T 1I.''.AS1
A. .'; r ih'c MT' '' "MAA .(.v.-) I. '."' r T'i
mi: r,.s.-..ui;.-i,
J A f IU M I' .
N'. "'.!' IU.-.NII I' sinii'.ivr
Itl.-i'I HTV1.1W,
mwi;mi' I'l-tiuiii'
";i,v.' co;iTiNL:;TAL u-at."
M t) I F H 1 I V If lfi!M
('hi, l iiv ,l'l I' '
1:1. I. ' ' I 1 1 I.OlU I'
h ' 1 I S ! 4 ii" :
Ilfsl ISraiMf of
Wm .vi Fi oot.
AlwBy on hy
l.ul . Itie:l".i-,
Atoh mid ToaUl.
firp Uenri; S-k A' Co
WlULMJ1t . ... .. . ,v
nil i
11 A M)
this, it would take a duodecimo fully and justly ' 'oxttMy whipped by Old Tap Thomas.
to set forth. Rut each succeeding effort is DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNE2SET.
11 Km tlllU IllOrt VllUCL'-rlMlUl, UUtll UL 1UL I UUIl'
An iiU'uM can pcriH'trnto his huh riozmi hiiioU
Ma ll.i.- A UattuilkkX ltt4I.4l St
tr 0i(7ii nnd not foci any the worne for it; . roHi 4miiiiiniMiiiii rarMiii t:,t
1 i t. .t i.. f ti-!t;i l.l. .1.-11 1 ''a4iaB.t.'kttiti4.
you will infuse new life Into your exhausted "u cigar is .poss.u, ,... N(IVBtllllcr ',9.od's nnve-
"""" ere einpiojru in es.i-.rcin8 j.iw.s ,..,. i,, i',.,.l.!.. mmjui to reveal tlio ia cntiua
( n cavendish, fine-cut, or the fancy bra ids uf nmhinf! his way into Kant Tennessee. 'Flu Hue
with the beautiful and appropriate u.imes and on wlncli tau is moving wouin inui ic an .( nun
the ciiptivatlng vlguetUjs. ; WHV lo ,rm junction with lirickinridgu. It is
iM'licved that lio will then essay tho capture of
Knoxvillc, wliich will give liiin railroad coimna
nicutions by way of thu Kat Fciiiiesscc and Vir
ginia Valley with I.ynclitiurg and Kichiuand.
I'lic sucrc'sfid issue of Slici m.iu's imive will h ive
severed cnnniiuiii' Htioiis between the two untin
party, and It may a few decades hence once
more arise lu Its pristine glory. This is yoar
only chance. You cannot by your opposition
prevent tho passage of the amendment, for oa
the next assembling of Congress three-fourths
of the members will be triend-i of libarty and
right. You only delay It for a short lima, and
we advise you, in our capacity ot coinmisera-
toraof your sad condition, to adopt this thu last
opportunity to redeem your good nama and
political lame. Lend, then, your support to
every measure In favor of freedom and Union-
vote for every bill whose aim Is to supply
funds aud means for aiding our brave soldiers
lu the field. By this means you may w ipo out
the stain which is now upon your honor.
Union men I You have a duty more
arduous to perform. To your guardi mship
have the people committed, the care ot tun
Eepublic. It is your special business to watch
over her Interests, to defend her from evil,
1.. uitll, tliu ti,in,w fit talisl 4111-
IU1U W yiu,iuo . ' . nit,.. ' " ........... v. - - I ., , . , , , , . , ,
- ... I llilmtwu till fitl,iFi ult,', ti-liitii tittiii'lv itin.
lug. her life. Your whole, tluio aud brains , . . ,
9 .1 tiiimt.i,l in dftmii il irL' .litiiit i.vl, ,i,jt it, riiii','
II I VI' I'OK IIOI'f.l.-KI.Kfl.llH 1
i iKK-it:r :-1 1 v i:s.
No long since a child was playing with a
lili;nig toy-a pasicuoaru uox a so lu.lK.i nu,Hi lin ilu,,a'H prectennpaign sc -iim
small and ilelu ate mat a peevisn parent, migui ii i.c (iini tKi towanis h tiring sucu cominiiieca-
44l.hoiit n thoncrht have tossed It in the lire. " "": "'' mi nu .iic.i. 11.011 s army in tins
There, alter one quick Hash, naught but black
embers, with bright points coumng like dec
l AIUSh.l OltllANS.
uvi-r is ii ot men oi tnuir. nnQ
lnHtriiniriiti iihyp bcrn 4 'U1 by
Mr. (., anil tliu ilomiind U cou
htiintly iTtrrr44lrtf.
k oi 'fenle uuly by
.?. e oout.i,
8i'vcntli Hint ( henuut Btrccti.
OK lAS.i.
fffj PIA.N0S,
CKt.l llllAll.I) FOR T11I.IK
Altl.E TtllMS.
rase would be i:i pj tmu to j in bee's, sujuid
this movo bcconiii advis ible. .V. )'. Timm.
Pi:i!N4AI, MOI'll'KN.
We ri'4inclfiilly hivlla our friends mid tliu imltlte kohit
iillj lo cull t our wtirerusm. And uxunluc our cxtoiiblve
AMiitrtiiu'nt ol' lilutily liuproveit S'liiurr And (Imnd PUnos,
Wr liuve leculvt-d tlio lilstiest )ireiniuiul ut all theKre,4t
ixtillilll T4 evor lifld In IhU country. Including (tie l'rlo
Misal at the WoilU'4 I'Alr.t.'ritAl Tiilirc, Vew York, and
Ik kind I'ltot'uli to Irt nu-kiio, Iiuh luy limlbi'-H .1. it'id 4. hud itisim testimonial Irom Hit- best arlUm iu thU country
rr ii iiii .ui I in ) arwuiiii.T ifn ni'iii u n-is,vir nun ,t
t.r. tl, I II. 4l.t. V,.rL .,r. l, ...L.... IU1 Kl.llPe.
Imw Hsii r ami lamlit arc in lullini'ir. 1 at'LT. ino'lisr. i Vt IrelkHtUdrd that llnrc aro no I'uinos liuile In tlila
mo all ilu rmuilv arr W'il. HiivlaAuiit Klialith.riijle country Miiiicrlnr to our ow n.
An l'lillitdeiutila maufni Iur(ir4 wn jirido our.iclve. la
i'lt.iit thr hH-ltmottd inpf rrctitl.
C f litrllMONI). NOVF.UIIKK 1'.'. Is M. WI 1,1. 1 OtI
should be devoted to devising means ot aiding
her In the present strlfo. Money i. necessary ,
Lot the financial ability of your members bo
given up entirely to the Investigation aud im
provement of such plans as the able Secretary
of the Treasury Bhall suggest. It is through
you, the lower branch of our National Legis
lature, that, according to ths. Co.Htitarion, all
revenue must come. Let. then, such a pe. f,;ct
system of taxation be presented that, it m ly
be worthy of the mature ititellecl of its fram n -i.
In voting on questions of men and money never
be absent from your posts. Thejpositioii of Oon
g re unman Is not a State or party post, it is the
highest gift within the power of the peopl- of
a section to the people of the i I'nif'd
Slates. They select as u pi'.isent to tin (imib
rul Goveniuient the most pure nad able :n
whom they can procure, uud he gn.'s to nil tie;
(Jineral Government with bis wisdo.u ami
advice. This is the proper iij'ut lo vi"W yo ir
position, and not as a niiTdy p.u-i.y reward lor
a party service. Kbe above the traiiiuiel j ol'
prejudice and act as becomes men, Americans,
and patriots.
Thu nuestiotis which you will have to tlecid :
will be, of vital Importance to our whine peoph;.
Let them rcci-ive your mature coiuidniM'.iou.
Let not hasty action rulu the well-Jevi-.-ed
scheines ol able, minds.
II yon aueeved In living your l.i.'i I, n!l
futurity will call you bl.:s.soil; If you ftd, ih.;
r'Vi('U4'bful cries of your descuuil tut will
ring (orcva-r in your ears, iicetidiii' yo i of im
t filing iij.pu tlcu political tlea'.ii ami iinticiu!
iii; n.
la- Oil r 'tiny fit - -o & plMi.'. i-tlOll
UiloUi;u our nu- CM or .1 o.;. ! J;.vlA.' mir'-er I
oi'liiasi'iiUnr! JdfliM,' who In ye d.'tni'uilueil '
ttvvPt.1 from ho oa., .,t' l, t.. ! .1.1.,.. I
. - . "-'v-
J.rgtifl, OU(l lOdiullt) tuuUia.Li Uj U .bliiiuid Hi !
tla' AJtul'lity.. fcwW up, 'f-pai-Vllnj
uatiblirtLatJAWUt. ilfti MM1,. W'.,Uw eftl'th. Slid I
fcic,lnf' j4":.lTl,.iff' .'teiH'J-;! t-.Wtf.
lutors, maybe ubUiiiiij utaturtJtX. xuuj,
lmbllH-d freely without risk of tl.'trliu iiit to
tbcsjstem. The boys were tricked off with
ribbons, llowers, and leathers, almost as pro
;uwly as if tUey hud U-eu wcu with thulr
trie sparks, would have remained. Un
touched aud fragile though it was, it held in
Its keeping the destiny of a murderer, who
after three thousand miles of flight ristarii'-d
to bis country to expiate, bis crime.
Ti, unci, tlilurr.! Mini., an. trta nC ,lrtna
n Jit. A in I.- I, ana nil tue-r !iiill!i- lio wiin- tu iho'Iiit
till those who. wluin ti'lniilixl mnv iivnt I Itv nr. 1 1 titui. hii-I lit us hp ir hv a"rnnnAl. Tt-11 Hi
, . . . , t'i Mn'l itic r itlc iiris In a let 1". nun 'et us kii'.y ti in:y havlt ( Kchirvi-d a i-.ut.ili m fnr our Inatruiui-iita unc-
u)ronf.u liar w puiiisii nciii, 11 crime which uk h n His. li.n. , aud . .J -:- n.-lr ai.ter . c l.d l.v any oilier makcni In in.a couniry. It I. a well.
Otherwise they Would commit, le-.sonsof liOie. To Vi . l,nrv Imiiiy, Somli Vlrcct.'ljViiri'i"!ioi'Vud ai 011 fai t that our IManoi havo fi.r uiany icararaaln-
sl .II.JTiilail' 1. 1,'a j ta'iM-fltlicir Mfcb rciiulitllDD, DDtwtllistandiuif tlio pjwi-rllll
I ci,tiiciltkiu of tlio Ka-tern niakori,
1 i-w York anil llxs un lTanoa have lu'en Msoded Into
founded by some dark deed, in fancy
the vast range ol possibilities. I. am Nmnis nr Kast I.innf.. Mi.s Lit -Hlo nils u.arket tlirouKh ihoir up mica, aim licraldod liythcru
On .Saturday morning we learned that the Western will appj .r in E-iti l. nnr ; or, Thr F.hpe ' n oni Han.. in ilw . oumry: v.t at iha tauii tima
principal hotels of New York had baen fired to-nbtbt and to nionow ninlit only. On
1 l.-.i 1, 1 . . . '.. - ,:. 1
on the preceding night. No; withstanding '.h it
all had heard (he warning from Mr. Nkwaud,
who communicated the iiitelli.'fii' e of an in
cendiary plot which the Governor of Canada
had reveuh d to liiin, unli igneil whs the aston
ishment thai an attempt so daring had actually
been made. All the principal hotels of New
York fired! The list was long enough.
Really, there was some exi- is" for thinking
that thev bail all been fin d!
A day or two p.i-.-i d. anil im-ii lifgan to
whi.-per, "'The N -w York il iii l escaped."
Escaped! '1 here is escape Irmu il mger. but
can an) tbiug e.sci'pc Irom s.iK'l y '.' T-iere was
no Uanui r ther.-. It was t'.i " xal'.-t pice fro 11
tire in .il! Il; it. c-,t. '1 Ii!- U 'Iv .f.-li.u(pla
where, lor y irs pa-i, pi'-ui 1! it 11 1
their sili.en dime- wi.ii v..'l!-g!ovi:J It 1:1 Ii
ar.d fuil-d.v.s.i loilets fur too d.:ily tliu i.t,
taught patient New York that uut'uiiig b it
disloyalty could be gentei-1 ! This is tiie semi
nary of rank treason where, auiid-t the site
guards nll'uriled by a gi'iiero.n people, 1110,1,
liih-toii"'.;, huiiorable ui-'n ami vu:ii ui
faegb! this - tint X"v Yolk Hotel:
V, Leie tlid tic ineeiuliarle-i '.nio i Ti u iieii were In New York '.' '1 li"'r say w.i
ipiite s-imr: iu th-- j,l.ices here t'fy r -gis-tered
tlieir names, and hltiillcil liiv j 10 roa-t
their li'ili.'V-Iu.!ge s,
If they cauic to .N'ew Yor inf the pvr
p.e of inccidiiirisin, it 1., not i,i.c!y they
lived at bo.i.'iliui.;-'.iou-es. U is oiill -.-,s likely
that they lived ut private liou-ti. It is nut 111
the lea..' likely fict all tjye,l nt ilcj
New York Hotel. They could not be sach
feels ns to do that. We may Le sure, how
ever, seine of them went there. H Is tho
etily place whe.e they could have f It quite at
borne. Tin y niiiy not have stnjed th'TC even
fur a night, but mine niuit have gone there..
Thjcbu, uwy have taken breakfast or dinner
(l twiytn, tUe uiU;l. It is (paito probable, too,
11' they did not show more skill in conspiracy
than they tlid In making fires, that they put
their Mimes, or other names, ou the hotel
It-gistcr, If, however, they did vUd UtUr, It Is
1'ii lay. Miss We- cm la' 11 li'm lit. and 011
Monday uppcars in a new p!uy. 'Fboac who have
leu M, 11 .'!' I. limit- sli u'U be 111 ittienii.incj
citlitr to nif-ht or to-morrow.
41 A Kit II. l.
IllailUll Ali -lliM on i he ii.tli In-tuut Im 1 lie
lie.-.. I. 1.'. hln-i.i. tli- It I.,, ' lilllicr'-, ,i'il,-, I'u ,
Mr WII.I.'A.ti r. 1 . : 1 1 I . 1 1 : I . fi 1) nt.1,1 Hi's riv,
I'll:' C11 mis . I'a., I'l Xhs I KItM.NN Ml It'll SKIl.ol
Mcittl'.li la.
.I.'M-IT llVKK. (li'li.tiir Ifllh, Ii lti-v. .Inlin
'1 1 on. I on, a; I.t- I'.it .11 1 i-el lirtiml sitw .'iff '
I 11 1. ! nl ( te rflt N" il'.' ciirisil.ii s' l'ti. In :',
nl. . Vr, .nil'.-; It. 1. 1! an r In An- 1)1)11 I 'I'l l Kl.,
In I. I I lit lit' II, N.,1. Lli'"'"'! I'llJIl'l'- . It'll !' '"tJ.'V j
ut in -'1 c -rllilm.- r. nt ,titli4l h;.t'(M
tt'.i ,t L li'mlit k u ill' lii.i'trc rut ACI'A
.. I.c ;r ii6... -ni te 4. It I - is f-iv-a
i, i n i.ii ttuiii the tir-t tno'll' l a'lt'-ori-
lll .. I. I H t SH . ' 1 ' ' I 'Tt HKli flSl .t'HtU'l' nt tli'' I'l lilt -
t t.'t ssl.uli it tt'-'t'l p.-oti'Mitl C.I it ll.i-stirc-t uii'itr l
a- .1 I fur 'It: i-ir. uf t' 1 .- inrlnilti-R. ami ns till' Ik-si tln ra
1 1 lit': :e hj I'I'l .i:l"l. II ml IX Nil ili.CN-i s
ci.rt!ii' t.i'l ati.-'s ana Ins- of tlio aluvc
t'l-i n-i h, ss itli tt e hiM tt) rnmi tc Hint a"S.iii:c a snctititu
l:i 'tui t 01 tlrtti. im -1. a: 11 1 tn cosl, lt..s c r'n'Mic t in l! c
,,,,. 1 ..- t.t ll r Al l' SUA I I H.tsili-I. It VON Mils 'II-
1-1. f l: itciil'Ci t.t 1 ii ttn.t titiitccs tn I.c at -ri cunl ill en li
lt, ( In cMitciii 1 mi l'' ii c: In ail Its dt'turtn.cni .
In ttii'lc vs I ti ,cii,ir ' acniccs in any "f tl if alt-vn t.i,l'iaitalitu'l rih'ci ll.ov h.ix r n.nv tins
i.incst inc. 1 1'. c-i mi 1 u.-t in .11111 i Uis. ' hsTi M.M Al.s
Bltrl lihl l-.lir M 1 s lii'in ll"'- U'i-t n I ''l''''' l,(' -'III'. tl i
I I nitir .1 ul Ins tip tllll lit Wl.'.'!l Hll i.t'l'-r tirit'S
l.a'-M- fjulid te tt" so, ut ) bv tiamillisl al ll's oil t , , r-, 1,,
vt Al M'T in c'.
, yils Ml, ..SKI It, Willi Hist 11. Ill I'l Ills (Ti-
a- -' its tt B' tti oilici's aic -uieiM'-il ssuli
1st i tut t t tsllHI'l" ll llitll I- till in
K.nM.SIlAI A. Till ltl)M l.:vK.ti;5,
i t.M isJ.Jt '1 V. i DIM I), 'lit.-..! I.
I.AM' V l.t H
Ot O'C I'l .t.l.- '.'tti i,.-i,il i" ti t't ill I'uin Ittiil Icliil; s tli: ill
ln Si 1 hri ' 11a' H t.-ntti -c, iu tli c .it-is ot
rai,. j., i-.4t v ac. 1 1 le,
I'A I Ii - -I in, l ii t V it ", r 1 I..
I'AI HI'.T'tK, 1 t' VK1'', CK,
I'A I llM'Tr , I'A IV It KT I'M,
011, 1 Mint i iii': (vv.
Oft. I Mll'.ll 'I lit'. Sl'-tOls .
lit, I Ml" It I KK M.MtW .
At I I'll A l.l. Vl's
ititiiMHiii.N'r s( Mian,
.OV I'.l. l"l'.tllMl Al, KKr'-il TS,
tOHiiKt "r 4 tisri ft i'.-,
Oltli;l.NAli Kl -K ,
Aid Ut
(1IIKAT I'lVI'llr' t 11 l H.I I J ttat 4.
Aini.iK lite itiuits t imil-liil anil Htarll tw 1 an .ax fiat
OCI UT Utllttllt 11 6 Cl'lllttC Ut till' I ilHltl.l. I I'L 111 '-1 IH 'tlllld 'I t
I IIK I Al.l. Ill- IHt, AVAI.AM III.,
4 1IICIf IS Mlillll V l:l:t'l It I. II 1: 1
tiKOrl it lltr. tl 1. 1 if r: is, tibtll I'.t's l.
CAI Vl.l.ri'K IS A
(IKS' ink m:'i i:ss.
nil: 11:1 8h ami 1 nr. 1 riti ic
Ailke tratuwiiiit ilia most lavish prai.-a uiiiufts iu..tiic-
11.6 ncifttrniaticc 44 lit c.-ii' Itulo wltli an i ntiiily in-vsr
Funs-,., tiled TIIK U K t A l'
IS Hh Y e AH A'l' I' 1 V ,
JVfifslK ltllOWN: Oit TIIK kK1.II.IT Or' t.Ct'UN.;.
Kt'tCKIlAV AI THRNO IS, iiKlll .1,
VlfTKKh'l II (illsNII I'A Mil. V M 4 Tl N I, , :.
Vs'hon 1'Al ItKTTR sslll lie trt-st' iu all i-a a''iultur.
its. jon:i Duiiws nkw arch st.
IIOCHF.S l'ACkKU itl Till': ROOK.
IIONi: AdAIM. llOMr. At, At S.
1 11st Vina ol'
WF!)NKKliA and Till -Itsli.VV EVKNIMtlS.
Tuln las lof'a (ircul I'miu-ds of
Jcri ml ili llcrllc I. 8. C't.AltlsR
To tuui-liiue w 1th
.iiiU'ry 1.8. 1'l.AItKK
If. 'lie, llotii lit of .1. H.CI.AKKI.
fi ss oital nr. "
. 1 . . . 1 , 1 a . . m - . : ,. '-r il.c rnii'ittie-t ot the p,i'.i"in. !!
... . ......... ..1... i..rc(1 lils srrv
U"l .", ,lt,.l . , . . ,
1 tin . hut f. II n.,"i .il trn-ti wit w
tt. SI ..1 tk. -t"l -. IM.IST In 14' I'lSI ll.l . alt
t.u mi I Ott.ta Mt. : V4-I.M) 1"
nil O l
11 .
n - 01,11 vr.1,1, 1 ;
r.ttU 'itsilt 14 I t'-li il (Sill
P in. Msa
il , iTicr. -(unci', ot 1111; Mvri.ii.
' s: nrtr Ol. (. m"i"s, Isi. ..'I 4IM 1 ' .sirot.
Pnll.s 11 I I III , Nus i-tll -'Cr ' ; Is'tt.
Tl c TiTrrl ft tilrt ' '",.- Inv c tin - ' d i liirr I 1 .lind-'iij
nl I .it I. I'KU ( KM', II"- l'4i'il St., 4, i4y,l'l m
iinil alter tlir :n'th lii-l.. cV4i "f St4ta t 11-4 lln-lifll
41. ill lie c."iil f 't trmisrtr on tlir 'J-sli m.t , at J F. M ., a
(tin 111-ii "ti tlir Ittit Ii .
H i r.l THOMAS It NK Mtt.K, Sj rotarr
HiTil R M i' M ' f I 'ITU'. I fl'il F''OH M .' M,t t'L l, -
UK nvvIs-iiiVi'.o -i ritti ami I r v ifi'iiT'iTvuii,
it l4t' .i-oali-c i..f'll v ;.. ti wil In 'If 'i-ir'.i'
i' ri't tin 'ii t h s' 1 1 f s ' ii.-'. 1 i I-r. von M't-rulliKR m
Mirrnt liortune 1 1 1 - y w It rn ln-hllli and vuof t nNfrta.
'1 1 tv lib-. : :U in', ltl( "flh. I if ft n clfb of
trniituite tu tt. l.-;i n yu itnJ m lutvl tli.i flo
Li y 1 oi-ii ..! ri - ui inahf in y c icihtl'-i v tww n.
V. ! lilt M)Ki:.
8. Y. nt- I UHVr,t uud "t
To T'r. VoN Mlsh 1 !:, . M.;r WaI-NI'T Mt.
Itkvlittf dsv-'eni ; iu tt i n tire fYoiii b 'uln", au1 ri-hinK
(o ci" out ut v en t' " htn-:K of WachN, ili-wr Jry, 8'lver
Waif and BH jt-1 1 'tf. Ware, tJlcki. Miincul Huxch,
Ti-blc Cmlciy, Ac , w.stdtn Kt "a., I am prt'paretl t.
ofl r .iidncemcii' t I'lrrlmaiTs, mid so Icit nri niun in-
t ii'n of tlifie fco-i.. i, ii ol Vfiiicti an- t j .l ntyl of
Ur.e qitalily.
j ori'irK or tuk ma you of t;is
vn or i Mii AiiKi.i'ittA.
Wtti ri H. it !! uih t. ti t' ci, tu 1 of t .r..ti'ir ,urr
ll. h MK U.M I, Al.l.KS 1 ' 1.''' tictvili tt rfnii-
Hict wi-imiJ, nt ihf tiAiil n" 11 ni :ni rittfl "tiKJiltV ' on
(1,1' nli.-ht "I M'h-IA , NnvMii'.fr l , Hil tn rtwrnt
Hi S.i. 1"7 H '1 liirtl s'ire'.in IM:. tv Non know thai
I. At. I- VASt'l K MINK.. Mavoi ol tl e Cut ot I H'U '!
i.;,lH.(tf,Ilrnl.M..,.rtl fhmni.l H'K HI NUUKU l"l..
I. Alt? to nm'pMi-rr 'hull fi'tt Infjr n .tHn n
ni i-M e nrwhi nuri .km ii ti-n of -crvU b Mliuia
Ml.l tniT'l'l wns rnmiuHti-tl.
P. 1. -i iii..ii i.rr i 1 I imM I eicunto t.rt my innJ fttiil
-',.,..,1 ti. i. ..tii4i "i ihi-4ii i i (i.c ( !lr it l'.'iiUl iaiUiJ.
I tlu. t wen . Biti t'a1. 01 Nicip'm r. 4 !.!.
- o 1 1 i f. v. o f t n I" yy a u i; i : i-ud
1 tl t icit w I 'itiK.u- j lii i, SH. IP WAl.NlT Htrot.
Ph 1 1. a ". r .nit a. Nof,rilrrs1 J t
I hf as,ttir"l iM.s I S lrK fh v XtHIP (MlMi AST"
law 'r,itli Hp( lir ill' n (o Ito.rilfi-ia l.-ccnxi io
kti in-t n tt f n ii'icvi Itn'f n'n-ft.oii the l. uw.u
iiir, tvii'viiHt .o h Juiin UN-'! in tin o"ir., noil d n
I r r l' i 1 1 1 1 ii ' tjrt l 'i B .niit M,iiirattii will Im- takeu
on a."MA n. t, irriMHi.. r 14
t:il AM.!. H. WA NK. Ma'or Wirden,
il . : t Ff-rt orraiuceiuia,
iv ' ( II I I. i ! T HI'. 1 . V, ro N O I J.
t'.iiiii.ivny.htt'Hid Htoty. No.'ioH 'HttRl Ht .(..
Pin i. r m i. rill A , No Cllihcr Hdt .
A m tii-u of tf.i' M'fH'klM.liliT nf ;ho Ut Koon nut m
pni wil, l.e li ld ;(t f he ( tfttci' of th t.oin vy, in M(M
1A t . Ihti'IhIm r .'i. at I rt't ifWU I. l., for tie pn" f
xrmt iiMciiiM in sinus ndotHNnrv to tli ti.t')ft of IU
1 fMii.iHiv.' .1011 S C. Mut,
II 'j'-liU Bcroiiirj.
i.m fi.ini't.nv. S". ;;7 H TiMl:l Htroi'i.
I'n 1 1.. Mil-1 nm, Ko cniU-r 1 "64.
A c'twiirod of 1 WO AM) ONK H Al.t I Kit I'h N I M
ou ipi ' irrd i n the Cti,tI tck ol Un$ Cmh
lnili ' lit ! HJi' lit-Id oil the "Utl' iitst.
I f 1 1 pAiil on nad all r Dcci'IhImT I . 'fl'-t
II . iitt.x i.o il. in t HK'K'liK, Trctuner.
I :n I t
No. 114 t'HKHNL'T rt l RKET.
Ill.t K. I
II. n i Ii.-!;
I h- IV it.;
i i-.;n
. Mi--. M
t In-r '''.
ot i i:c i umi1'
l . lit' . ii A m
n h-.i I 1li- tn i
I'l A . it in- nl'
. the V '1 lit
t.if r. -i.l.'ii.
llii-K' tarni 8Kt nm vi r- uldom rnntlnue to avll any one
niakci'i invirumt-utk Icr any length ul tiine, for thr reason
that they aru inlilur. und Uu y aru : inpulled lo take
I. old ol other', p rtiitp tnll mora lufnilor
ji)tlioii).h J)nllU i i ly th- m inlolrntt'd I'tanos, when
at the Milne Hint- iut'h inmuif l.aQ Dcvcr bt-en n i r in ard ol In their ow ii ttili tt. The cnii tuenue
ltlliat our e liwm art ofhn htd n-iM to jmr. lnko m4. l1
lull ri"i nittiiini' tit!', wtihoii. omsith-rinn im-ir ou or ilia
ft nt lal tnttrcfU of tli ir t ity
'I hi- tdv.iiiiuj,! b urn i it I .t'li i l:nve :n tiiC'iiirritfitiK hoint
ii anufit4'to. k i fiti'iily -.liuniJ uui haovt'ri." !. d, ir H.
IoiIom Intr i :
K.ihi It ii a knntvI.-.lKt-J thtt l"iMnd"l'l.i.i) lh t'tt' yrcat
inaiiiiun tiii Inn rltv if t,i - rounlry, :tlM ( e tln at'-d tT i
bit) i-rioi ami a! i'ti'l wi-iLiu' n.
hi "i.d Tm-1-nri'hiin r obiaina tl.e d!n .f ly iV.jiii
i..-. tl mui nwictuH -i. mill -im- ih. tt i nt!.- hy : m
il, ( i l. ho UM.tilly i 'lii-l;. K-.tU-r i-ri'llH th;iH t;,f ninliu-
i.vt' vtr.
I hit ii l e in t IU s i, "i ill-' !'l him- mil- to MVi.:n
I)it!i-if ni rt-:i fit-: il. in-ir 'iitt'.t' i" ii- m n
Tlio youim, hCRiitiiiil favorite MCr"t,
iiit;iiji.r wi.ninu,
Will noraoi.M'- lit-r th'uMo ilmratlf ol
In the tDoitil, iiuoUonitl piay t l
OK. TIIK'fe. M KN r.
Due tio'h v will bf i!iven ot tf -0 Ait''rMii4'i of
Mlhft KHS inu now plar
ll-'.-H t.t CKt ILLfc; OK,i.- L ANl-11ATK.
I;XII1inTION OF WORKS of Aitr. roa
!i thaBKNI I IT otthe
Atthf ArAIKvlY r KISK AltH
An Fxlilblti'-n ol a I'rlvutc Oolirctton of WurkR f Art,
in raititiiifft. .sculpture. Water t'ol tr, ..nil olnt-r Drawl nut,
K.nuf avliia. Vc., Ii now oin nt tlu- IVnitsyivain
At-iitli uiy of riuc Aits, No. 1 1 r.!.'' ( III.HM T Htreet, from
H A M. to 10 1. Al., Kr the bini-Ut of tie Chritian Cjui
A0iul-lon '.'; cenlh ; S.'jifnn 1 it kctfs M ctiiln. U-'.V.t 1-1
At Cor. of nrTEENTH sind 00ATE8 Sts.
The wcathar hhn tine, thoaa wiihtntr an aneetmloi
h hoi i HI hi. on hsn.l early, 'ilie city lighted by k ir4nii
a inokt mhoitie p-iacle.
AitiiiisniKit, :'o t-t'iiti. rhllilmi. V oni
Att nnioLi irom i to f.i, ucvurdiiiy lo atilade itnd ttiua
im turied. li t
Thik admtrahle 1'lcttira, the urcitieit protlustitm of U
ItNii.ier Wi hi , Ik now on exhlhituio ul the
o. 1 1 -. II KSNUT Htroet.
Ti;t thr with the entire rollti li.iu of the InUlHiit-'ii.
Atlinittuntf.TttKS'J V-HVi: t'KNTS. M M Jm
1 WAIAUT S'llii:Ki'. AHUVK EllillTII.
Jrtctle a. ruAKLfcd AUMER
(tuni'tiU Mm UaN KU
In addlih'it to ihf 'jft' TroiiK, tiu HHEltV,OI)
I AM II V Mr HAM N I'M rt Sh, . A iail, I i ni'mli mni
k .,! siruiits. M me KIS.iautI Mr. U'MKISU. n ill ap
ii:ttr tliix -'t k in kiiii'.i-i'il im I ilnrli'w Acti oi K titiniiii -imii.
Mc-mm t.. H III H JUS vN t.u.UOilN II. MUK
UaY will .li-iiii liit- Si inn i M il'. and Mm. WA.tlcr.M
vs lil uiirinliift; iLc im limits liaiiruit IUh hc MrtjUy, a ir.
i on oi niiinil I tit, imw I'rii.iuuiiniF 1 1 the t'Ul.lNlt
roS.v IM t I wil: !' (i ri -I iu''. 1 lit- trt iii t-iitld n.mder,
.Murnu Nlt OlJt, M-nij. (M.l, mil the TVl.t.KK.S
ik! Ill I's, I n t ut i, in,'iel, una w Ii H'mriiy Hiietr,
i r if-ito.aiii t'.f :.n.ij - f ir4i 'I icr. .'(OciuIn; Si-jond
"lh r -J- rciiift. I'nvti'e lin!. 1 And f lui'ontiny to iif e
ii inl im a'li n. i it-: v nr inin'i i!m iii i lie d y. ; jrm-
I'M i niilli.l'l.rt' a1 7 '
MATIfM on U'HitAY fl"d SA I I.' It DAT Al-'-Tl
IfSIJI-NS, tl III': 12 i ' I" 'Ik. II
. hi M '.
t i'.-! Ml'. I n.l 'K
. i .: i
, lii'in t
I.t '1
it li I'-i
t 4
i I. V
I. liil
t.u ti
Oi 'i
I .
I :n ! i.
I-' -. . i- .t ii Hi M.vrv t t.Y'.nt''
! t f-l NN.-On the '.nii in-:anr, WI LLI VM H. tho m in J
! oi Ja unuml 'iiiii.uiut t on. nl IS j ei(i - 'i t u tl .
i I i.i ri i.iliM - i n.l , : .th ti t In' CMiiilv. ii No ti.c m in- '
h ri m ll.i' M-vcii tv iviihil K. tiiiivnt l'enfi.ytai.!rt
1 V In ni ' i' . ( Ilu . r h . .i -i u mt vi- u'-n Li.f'i (): i-c
I iii,ifo So. b . . a ml J. n A .. .in- n-i' invit. d
j to iilh i:it i i f lun. . Hun lil i. u h' l 's tv -!!- u'e. No. II li I
S.iw-.v-iiiii I i'.i,;i'i t: h U'unl, on Tinir-ilu - uiti rn or,
ll I lt'. i Ul ' fi' lf- iit 1 o'rhn'k Without initlinr no'mf.
I DAVlv-tiii the m-i.ii,i, M'UW.N
i Hts DAV;n, m Hie ; .ti oi hi ru.-.
Hi- unif !. I'-iuN iiL.l t o-t ot li:.' ltiiiiHy itvc ri'-ipr t 1
I fuilv in .t d to n't. nil tio rinc.'.l iioiii Im 'iii'1 i'f I.
ti' in- .No. .oi) ...iii. vie 1 1 nil .ii.ii? uiy ifo.'ahifc' a;
iill'1.-On the '.Hit In .t.iiit. oi eroiiit. KVKAII
I. "I trvl, iiaiiLiiti r oi t.'lu .ii'l mul Luu:.-u (..,
in th' Ith yi'.-t oi h r t '. 1
'I hf rcl.itivcH u d 'ri' ii''- t the tnn'My tiro rcP'vtfu'W
Invited to utt'llU tti'. fi.'.er d, liutn iho roniooiio; ol ti'-r t-4 ill., iluillt till.' U.lJill' ttl'il.H l.roi-l olf'-i'l . I'll
1,i.' i'l i'in t" ti. "uin-r I t tit ", o'vloi-k. lntt;r
ui nt at thf irnniy i.iiiln t Lurch.
HA UN i- 11. fti uu.Uy. iJih in-lunt, A N' N I J wlf-- ol
lli'llf V ll Ull.-r. .s in.', lit lu.: it'. , V, ;1" sit (ijt, .11 il,
Jloiii.'.t iter, eo iti'v. 'ii the 7 ' I oi lu r
I.c htivi-H mid irh'ioU ol thi in n Iv aro r- tii"tliillv
(iiviitd to utt ml iht' luiiv.ul, ou louiciiay. iJc'.Liu-yct
l-i, al At o'ctua A. il.
M Mi l I ' . - tin h - '-Nfii tiuiant, .lOShl U M- MUJi
Ll . M t I'HJ'ti yr m a -u-.
Hi r t-i'hts itii, lite Wn'iiiitftoii I. d,te, V.
6 . . M .. rn I i l.e l'-i III -'"'I era I. istrtj i-'-Mi' "fotiij ni-
it-tl to in L int H e 1 ll. it r.l', ir"iil n t I '. r ii'lf ;.i't , N .
tiin N, 1 we nil Mi cm, i. j, ,ii tr ,.i Jtuui urnou, un 1 .iu.4-
dsstj mil rnouu ut j ovim'k.
rr vAHosir nuTii'K w siiiN..r(jN lod ib,
o,;iii, y. m . 'fit! M.-inl..ri ol Wn-iiiiikion l,ntl.. N .
, null (tie ir-ir m ' url, a.''0 in.ciiiill incited to
tu.l In the alAbtiUlO HALL, t'UJ-NUl' finuel, on
'I IH KSI.AT next, If i einOer I , ut I o clock, lo n"o.t,d the
fiilielul ol our lam bro'hrr, JOHfcl'H M- Ml J, I, IN, from
h Ut ih duiiue, it. W. ,'tttiu oi ThvIiiIi aud Muuiil
Venn 'ii I risvtM-
l-j oi.Ur ul th W. M.
.ht le
1 t.liei)
r.'4l,l III' Ul ll l Jl I'll' t -I Ml ft .(,, I'
Ua-tiit. t n;r tu.n- ti 'i . - i'mh-.c .t a ' i;.n ;
I .i 1 1 )-!; -i. 1 1 ot .o tni . t 1. li ' ' i.
cm :u-ti .ii. ei.t,.
r'.,.rl!i. .V.hit.tiniii .haf m.-m ;nst ; : tirni s n
i until to . ur o n wru n nw" r'n-v t uu ..I K-tf i
.niM-i tion, or M .r tl,.' p. line I' ii.:ii ot iime, un' n '
Itii-oii IJitU Hit BkC'-t d- pciio'i U 11 ollifcit to M'i p fcil. h
ii.H'o'H k 'if -flk III onitT, .tll.1 S lit Of" tu'irtf hot eXp.-ntl
a.iy of hi" Koilts to ihi to, vi hilt we, the iiiaituiaot imt-,,
h.4ei,ur rx. ei'c t "i'i-nif.i. ho I iiy .noi-rannd
1 1 .' li .1 1 1 ut b it ii 1 1 til io.4itiy ;-ive Uiflr ...tcnl.oii, and
L t loitui-k In- inuilc tli' iiiu.-:i loin or.
-Ui tnt.ll:nunit is oiV! tljo e;eil-ivr intl.'l
,! ufi . .in il wio ucir lo-w in. 1. 1 1, in.-, .t no iv in jt.. vio-s
arn-ll-i i td. It Will l" ono ..I !.. I ll t': o-hl.
I , i r i. v t . b to inn i.e His t,fAii li (I iud lolfy oi.t o. Li.e
r. .it i::t,ii'.if. ol ifci- S.IIJ.
i oiu ii'.ii.toi m ii't-o i.t" irestt uii roxiMiientH ov r
oifiT-, nnu o i- exl- i.e mem.". ir n.:u.iuii n in.;
fi.uhl" i "i ep cn huiid a huf :--.'K 1 Ui.ttci.ui, u:id
ii, o ur- II " h-"t in icli ni.r. A--.
Ii'foriiim dei ion iu i-u t -tm-ic wlH cive im a ..ll, j.fov.: all thai li.i. u;d in r iiiid tj o ,r lu.t to-.
10. n-iiie. of ri)iiri-e. niuo.i il-lu-r ii' if . . oiiii:oti, and
' in. pull, id i mCittMl lil. -.. ..n .tr" iiittrrif 1 ia ".'lu
oi r b wli" uui. diif' i fi i'M ; to sik !i w .i.wm
qu i. Miy.ttiitt tlv.sfl'i KM' ni'ich peaiiio. al uiy
I I iiV, io t i ti'ir i'i- li 'U'i wtih any ot';t-r muuc tvuo.u
i (' ti uy . hoi e tn loum .
a...n.oh our Me il mie 'Je K.ihMo to r,,'! und f x
i iinii'i to:r toip-rioi- P.nort. fol HHttiiUd llml tio
. It.-Ch ii ti o. , if y oaii c itiueie t'i t,u, our ii.tli l.t-iiij
11. uuoi.'iic tiruio a Lutooiia: a).'.
N. ij.-a-soond-hana J'i.inuB taUn in cx .-banse.
i'lANoa a ju;nt.
,iU'-id fi Tuning promptly ttttemted to,
EUnOMAOKER & CO., bo. H.'l Clit-iNL'T STHULT.
I ."AN..
vt i-i uT t-nsr-cosr rnici: to
i-i t-', . ii. r tan liiHiird ute I'eiiver L'u;
, t . - -! a. i i noil a - i;l ni; t j ue Hud a half
i it-t, e . i v u.n i.m t w i it - ye ir. mui tot it oh
t - lOfl lh-' -o't-:iiH I'i al , 111 1.V IMW bo
!';. ;i. ; i ' i n t u'lMTim-ij. . niiti inir on
. , . . : re M ' ' I. ;i. u MOUNTAIN
l.l MHAI. i I'M I'A NY, So. 1 Jl S. TU I Ul)
MM t I ' i it'ois-tl' I ' el firild I.'l.ik I. Mo.-ki Cit, ltl - t
i;j t .' MO l ai'ii Kc-ei wil woiliiu': i Jhil!, 1J JiiMl aharca.
..ibi' i n.tlou of 4 ahtiiU4, T.i, ol lu t'otit a. 'd; ol Jo
lii;i-'u. H , ; ol 4O Jitiu, ; ol lioharci,, i t , Ot V HJ
l.n.'it iiiiui' fMitirl'ft tl. LoH-r to rfi eivo, every year,
ia- and a h. dt inns oi, at com, lor . wM't, .nut i .i
I n nit -nl. t- cry &ix un tuUia, ui t .t' ino'.v.t .roiu u.c -a.u o
all UHhi1 ci
Sir . h hi'Lu re vto de not want any coaI may liu e tl
firojio, L.on ol !. id oy tn- i oiiii .my ior n ir ep inl
h in ni, lo- i'T t;t b-L irf irtl.l ..v r to ihfin, iiuleji inh ot
of :.e nijiiiki' e.itli nun! -i.d-, to vt l.i it tt.ty uro also
t nniii u.
i in' ( 'oni'iinv ios. si i-gn andneU built foul Works
it' Hi It;' In il l.iiai- 1 ). Vt. ll c i t'-li'-l . i' Vi in Ml a i'l
i ii.t.t i' H ! n ' fs, it a oc! leu: I ii.. til-- lliOrtKi-r, Miimi Vork,
lac o s lt iu ei mu iiti h'oruia. atal a'l olliei nme'i:ai ry
(nut tijui rius. In i i'l i i" i n;o n, t up tiili' of m.iuiir Ju.uuO
l.-i , im uv i".t' ..llcU to I"",' U.I lOfi.i ja r veur
Thist'oitl in of U.C l o-t onahtv. ehu-tlv of ti e 1'. lark
l!i.;ti nod rnniro-.o Yen. wliV'i, Willi overal nl nt
val.;i'.i-ie uial, li nil ititlua tf. hues oi L.t' LVni-
n. i lor i -AO i"i h in : i L-tli.
A h'tiueii 1 1 tun Ke.oiai liilirnad evten N to tho mines
ia' 1'.'- tii;.hitii, vwt v.tixU the tual it daily sul io
.vet k'uiMtrs may order their Ceal in Any of tliouim
aich, i i.i.- it i i . al, llii,k il, i . - -, rtlote. or iniu i i mi
Mil ftt ihe oriM nt ...i-i rru e ft wr hn, ih hvered nt
the h.'litsf , tt iHlu tin; Ubiiltl di tit:iue 'f H.e oiin-any
coal uid ni U.e noithei u, lii'ildlc, and soitilo rii nfiions
t.i iiit) cay.
'1 lie 'oiiii Aiiy ard ail the iniiKn,.- tv-aks a"e ' Irur of debt
i il ml H, i.iiiuLh ai i i ondiK ti d on Hit: edah la-in ipk.
lor tjrt- i liar : ami riioni'Mi roiu ai'lv u. th O'flrn,
ii 1) h. Xlillilt bllVsvt, kLoUil HiKJl , Ol'poiK Uirartl
kt nt for a.'iio.'. M..vor Ifofr.
Ilurd ul Uirt inrti Wilil.uu oid, D. II. Wulte.llObort
1'. hum, 11. Shiai le.
A. B. .Tinnrx, Reerotary. U- J-i-Iua
Coldrintac:i'4,i.iil-i's, Mlcrost-oiies. Ojicra, t-jiy t''a-.i'a, Hterenecupa, and VU'WK, MaIc
LanUnis, rtoji-. ot Drawiun lnittiutueQti, Purktt Com.
puiibc:., r'attcy '1 lit'iiiiiituelrrii, U?ule4, Air I'lttupi, Kli't
lilr Macliii.ia Onh ni'c Hatterlaa, Siirlllng lloirili with
tlovab'.c I.i-tttis, it si. .te, fur tatcby
No. ! i cur.sNUT sTiir:icr.
lii4Uat(dC'atiiliini4 itrutl,. lt-)
l'Mii.A3i'i.:aiii v, lfarember4,I.4.
tOTI-'K T HliAUKII )MjR in.
11a Shan Iiohm r of thiu e.-.niiiai.y a e notlftril that,
iiiniei ie lutlou ol the li" d ot lirrct 'rn the? are, ei.ti
llvii to ii'to, i Ik lu the block ol the Coiuimny the amauat
o' '11, N M K ( KNT. on tlndr iTn'octlre lmerot, At
ili"H ii t Hi" r h'.(KM of the 'id mstftnt.
1- m It ithnreliolder on 1 Vn to a intctlQnal partot a nhare,
niiiier the lerien oi the lietattiuthtn, aUall hm tne irttt
1 we of lubscilblDg for a full ahure oa the pity meat of 11(1
d. l art.
Thiii Stoefc w!H hel.-ued ut the par value of flflr diH
lara pr ni.a e. A perm it t totett at I r l( 'K,,iT. wlH
lio rl.BH'-d irnm thu let niitunt until payinnnt in mlrt.
The ItooKi for Hitribcriptlon and pi moiit will he o(tai
on moniiaV, tbi 7th iuiuint, and tv ID ein on lh al
of ItooviiiN r next, alter t hlrti no further iiUlicrptlotia
vi ill h received under the retaliation.
11 tl-'-;il TU JMAS X. ir'IRTll, Trtaturar.
r'.M. JHM.
No. 715 (WF.SNUT
aM Machines.
g T U I-. I-, H
i ; Y OAS.
Can be had cliniur than any other litf Xtnvi', al
11 SO-lin
.vo. if lil 8. I'll TU rtviti-'.r, r.
No. 40 S 11IIU1 HTKKKT.
STOCKS AND MV.iK nut'i.Hl' AN1 8t)I.l OH
JOMMlrtSOlV. 11-' ltd
Knnd t "aiiil-.nioii. No. 7 tl H.OSMITII rillAlif..
I IKKACI Hue I. l htlailelphln. Ke-enlivte I etoratM,
who ri.'t iml in ine any unl It nmty. ro eatlMed to
M'y Konnty ol Twenty five ItollarN. Tho Cotninliil titera
apitoiiitt il m oKutxine (-lalnm for the ahov e boiuny of
tvi utv-nve dollar til mt Pt on M')S I'AY h, WKISI -1A
, H, ami 1 h'lOA H, at o clock 1. M., at Mo. 1 (lot,l
hMI'l li .H 11M.1,, l.lltKAKV Hircet. l'i r-'-nn eittltlud t
thin Itounty are re'iuualed to a(ply at thltt OtTlre.
t OMMl l I KK.
rAULJ.MH.l). GEO. W. 8tMO!H.
YUVi IN (JltKHI.r:. II 2M
C.ITI.KN8 ilf THE KOlltril CONI1KK1-
8 ONAi. I H1U ( T.
Hl-AI'l AltTKItH,
BitOAII AM' Nl'lllNO (iAKOKN nn I
Kon-tntwr 'il
The ItOAItl) OK KNUO'.M KN T of the KOt ItTtl t S
t.l.hSNIO.NAl. UIHIICK'T (tump m in Hit ! ourteenin
litteenih. TwenMeili, Twenty-ltrt, and Tweiny-louffc
Wanis) hereh) irlve notlee that they are now mrafredtk
re lain.' undeotrtctlnif thejnr Inu-itt I.Utt of each id 0e
Wari'H ia tlelr Ihstrlct, amfvn thu Inltorthey Invite tfceoa- '
ofH-iHtion ntid absmtaio f ot all nood c-iilens, by ctv')
Hilt laioimatluu In theli' poiusioau way aid iu the oH'
reetlou and rol.-ion tht icoi. '
Any portion iim apfear hefore the Board, and have any
rut tue t-trie a en iiona the Itit. il he ean tliow, to the atitao- ;
tf'inol the Boaru.thtt the n rion naimd U uul piopjil
enitilli'd on aeeotinl of
1st. AileiiMe.
d Non rikldeiue. i
.Id. Oi er aye. 1
4ili. rermuiietit dmabl'it y of inch a den e t
to r iider the piTen not a in opt r aubect lor eorolmeul
nn.h r ihf law and re(lUtlon, i
Mlu IUMn, ht ived in the military or naval aerrlr
two jeaia Uuiiiijj the nitiient WH., audbccU hiiUiMably dU-
Ihenaint tot all persim liable to military duty taUof )
0 their u-h uenie in a xub-dititriot ( Ward) aa well ma aJl
In the Sub t Utfici w ho iroui time t time tiecouae liable, I
muni hf addt-it to the knro ineitt l.tita ; and itie na of 1
mtsou wb'Oias hat ttillf'td In the miliary or im al
er.ict4,ui wio Wmote (it?, uunentlv trmn It or wauk
liahliity triittina en while m ll, will boatnekrn off j
It U lor tin) iniercrstoi ever eluxeu to have atriekeil ,
fnDi ti n I'ttiH all uttme Improperly enrliel, beeane a j
excel, oi i anu i haTeaett i lie tj na culled for irm aacta J
iib ditrhi ; Mini It ia equally tor the iuitret.! oi cacb per
on t iiiol tsi lu a hv en oib-aitrh-t to piaee un the Utia i
nil pero.ia in tht-auh dhtrii t lluh-e todomthtay duty
bei-aii e xjit (frPKter the number tu he drttwn frmn, the le
the chance tl a any panh ular inttividnal hi I he drawn.
1 he liouiii of r.uroluif nt call especial puldiu aUeuliou (O
the foUowinn
'.( a iMThoit. with fn'ent to prevent the draft, refu0s to
,ii r In ft nr unihf when law Hilly reiieetet o tit do by an
u nicer whoh lenitl dtilv it ia to aeorUin and emoll it, It la
on ut f ft ('( ot that oiTeer in the perloriuajii e of one ot' ,
h'ft rtutn In rt l tiinn lo the draft. Ho,alo,nf - ot tnif '
'tn r nwnt's wtlh the Mine. Illegal Intfut, and the ufttndfr
fill, i,' firhsr r,i,, uli erf Ut tumtnti' y art ett by the
print) it in archill ' fanittaph '2H, tirr$ett Hftflmtm.
li, M. I. A v K 'ii i'i am ami Cnvoii Mtrhel, '
l'reiliient ul tne UuAid uf
Jl ' i.t t'irtiilh DUtiict.
iKOltfiK l'l.itW'MAN, C.VKIM.N l'KU AND
III ll 1 1 :1k
Hircet. Maihilli ' -rK tirnl Hlllta rinlum tiol.litlv at-
Jl Utiiliti r, No.
h iuU'ii lu.
.. AtllT.KNlri'ut.aliil N'i
- UKST1.KN Ii AN K 1)1 rillLADKL-
I'HIA. . .
Fli.S I HIlKIt fIS, 11.4.
At an eli-i tion in t.l a tt.r '-'tt 1'i.iniit. tt.a tiiiloritiiif
nutur't utitlrtnrii vi en It. ti il lilroulura ol' trtis UauW Ivf
ti.i' i-r mui ji . . ar, s 1 : ralli'r-ult I" "'"as K.'ath.
William Mtll'-r. i iuir.i s. Aik!, s
Munis I'allir-iiii Urn ainlti S. .Utiiiey Jr.,
it. I.. Cn sou, lii-ore A. WomL, a ii.rri'iii; oi tti Mount ot Dtrrs-I.irf, li.ld Ihi
Jmv. ,tiHl-.HI I'A i I l.ltMl.s, h:..'!., was ultuli'd :n's'Ui'iit,
I nil '. K. WKVli A N IT,4'inui.r. II 'it-ill
vhkki-:a,tiik aiditoii.uknf.-
r;i!, at renulrt d by the Hth c inn ol t'io A -t t ti
titled "Ail Ai:' eiuioniU tho l-.tUnn ol tint. 'ouiuiwim ilt'i
In b ome Attoci.ilioub lur ll e pur, oe 01 B tniiiu iimlur
il.i. JJ ,. I'"!," P'tf" d ont!i J.'d .luy of
At'i-tis!, A . 1. Itv.4, butt t-tfrlidi d t i iu , tlui tne l ooi iur
. !nl H.u.k oi 1 tinayl vcii-.i.t, ot Hiel ity oi I'liit.i'jt lj'.u i,
I. tis :inin.-lied uati-;..i -t-'iy evidni e t.i h!ui tli il ali t-iti
re.,',llrt li.c:itt nl' MidActa.iVe bee it Complied with hy t If
-.tni CaiiK, ui.d t! .ttlthia heeome .tn An eii'ion Drtut1
ju;i'oi.' oi h:iikliii miller tne l.iwi oi Uk- " into I St iei ;
I ilo, t'.i'-eion; tiiht- no.i'-e iii'ieof to tic p ojliu it l
in .ic. oiihtmiJ wltn the proinioiia of the' btd lls!i -e. 1 ,i
ol Lit: A' t, -l iil JJ deel.ire l:nit the mrtei'ol' bald
Mu:ik, h tl'f tiiTKlt, Ol n.ll.! net, 1 ile.'tn' d -Ul l Ulke l (o tli?
iu i of i oil tiir i .'ii ''.'. d, sub eel lu the pro. loio.ia uf Ui'3 Ut
u.':.onu.'s.Ost. M'.niS',
ll Y '"tior "i l'"ilu sy 1 s :i'if I .
Km. ciivi. CilAMl . t;, 11 viiti.. i.t !..., ill lii Niivnm'uT,
Itv j. 11- ill tvjt
fAUt, . . .
11.14-t I1KH4 111 l.snl Ml- 1,1. r al
Fi'U sl'i i. litis. Niivaiiiliur 'J, H'il. ( r ,
Tl.e H-iartl o! Iniv. h.ivu tli. il"y Ufi-Umd a i ml- I
annual liM.'ilil ol MVK 1'Klt I KN 1 . on lira Itavtul t
bit" k i' tl.r t'l'itini'.uy, i k-:tr ol' Nauoiial anil rjiat. j
1 a v utile uii ami .ittei'l... ti lu.l . I ul atturni'i I. r rulir.o'lnn of ills Mends I anb'ha
oil HCtil!.al..'U tliu 4.n.c ul l ot.ii.inr. . 9
"iiitti. Himi. TiwMAtj i'. run-it,
li t Im Trta.urer.
M)TR'K.-AL1, 1'KltSONS 11AVI-Ns
IK i-l.witiii mainsi tie Ittlos l.l; t.i nr any "i
it. IJ'-lmititti t.. s, .11 I'li'tis. ina.-u ttn-in lo 11. iinitr.r-
i. ni.i I" -lure il,lMl I'llf iiiL-ei. f-t'l.m No. 1-JI.K'llBd-s,
I X JAJO'.S L. I'lllN,
11-11. ,1,1
t3f- city rr.'EAsvnF.u'M oi'kick, no-
w-s vimi'i.r a, imi. Th l'uiihlt I ais-jfortii. Iaj.1
en.slon ia.i Ii. liasl una orlist. 11CSUY l; I si si,
11-, CiO TrjaaUi.T. .
J floihiu. Kmlmiiarr.a. fituuldi iStrap.. WllJ,
lo Hjla im,uti.iiiJ,ai saiy rtjuirnillin'4"
Vrrtiaiit Tailor,
103 Sn Vo.lSlli'111it.i.oo'l""nluut
NtlTIO I..
ti i s'K ii" vflllTII AMV.Rtl'.l.
N..-, kmui r. Jl, ISlll.
Ni.ti it s h.-rrliy slven, orcfal'ly t.mcti.m a of tlm act I
ol'"i i;n.t.i Afsi-Ul '.yol t. , I'oiuniviiwi-iill'nil renil-
. .1 ..,...!...!' A 1. I. .'I I'l- i i IL' I Ul ,1 ll' l.ftt.ui- .
I I. II , . .lll'l IO IU. ll asa".'.ll ""s '"' l""l'-'-- - t
i.iiukir.i; iiinlirtim l.isva .t' il.e I niicd Ktitin, iiii.rovoil (
tl.e J.'J .!
UT till) lll t'l IJ 11UC14 r-v iiv.1
oi A i,,.i st, A. U. W I. U .it tho Hin. rilioldt-r Ot
the ll.lMv 01-' XHi ili AMI liH A.OD tlm inn nmiaiii.
M I. d to hi eoii'C mien an .11 CI uiou, :uiu iii;h 1
li.o.. urui nrcd the .iiAnorlty ol luf owmra i
t mi' IfilnLf 01 Lit- eiiuli ii !- !: ttt nia0 tin)
i-itiiuulv ra
.',-.,1 Uirrasl tl Its lass. oil... I '"'"''j'fw-a.i.lff
I1-1..J ssfia lui J IKn'KI IA. I tt. iter.
f- Ml'CHANlCb' 11ANK.
l'u 11 a ok 1 i nM , Novembr 'ii, l.
N.tlil-f is fcwi.vai,. !,, ..... ''! ."?stiouT.i 01
4,1 at it A.s. uiliiy 01 Ut.'l C'lutii tiUM-alili ol
W.,,,., .'.i 'a, '" 'ilea - Ai Aet....Hlt,.k lUiik.ul ll.
1 ,. ,. .ss"i,?tl, 11. bc iiia Ass., uiiotn I'.r Ihe
Hank lb. I .w. ..1 t ... 11.U4MI Ulal...." ,i.op.v.'
J " a da - 01 A l'it.1. l-o. hloeklnilit,, , nl tiia
M -ta iiiioa lUt.a .. U" c.o aud county ..l l'l,ila,l, li'l..
a ml, i v ttil.ll to u.i oiiiu u. ll ail Aa.u.i. loll, ami
.' It A l.lti'lor. ha pt".'.urnl tin itutnurltv of tlio
ass'iirra of H'" ' "-' '"' n" "' " rapbal W.klo
ntukrilt. iert. Heal, re.iuimd ihiivior. by ti .t la, "i u.u
I i.tlutt niaiea.
U--i-4si"ui lin
J. J l-.