The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 30, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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tf (he Krronil 'or The Itntljle Rernnl
f the I'I fab t ot-i. KIP.
HuAHQt Anrm SfconD Abmy Come, Novern-
r 2 f ho to, lowing i" me gi'iynl order ise icd
Oi neral A. A- ll'iinpiiroy V no m assuialmr
mn,nd of the 2d Corp- ;
Hkalui akikiih Siconii A.KMT C.ur-, r.ion:
Ttumi m, Novcmistr 20 In iniplianre wtta
d bv authority nf orders from tin bt icjtiarters
tin- nrmv, 1 assume cnnini'itid of the 'M Corns
it is iiatur..l th' 1 shmilil r miiiip ditti Ipwv
succeeding 'o ire inmm in nt so distinzuish.-d
-oitiit r as Mior (J nei al H ,m k.
1 phi only promise v.m I sha'l trv and do
y rimy, awl prtsetvc your reputation unsold" I,
lying upon you to sust nn me liy thu s..iil and
urn pa: wlK' h y on have so conspicuously tbs-
ajen mi no ninny tit Ids.
A. A. Ill lil'ItM Ys, llinr General ..!.
( flil . S I'T.C'tKM HOHM, A. A U.
General iliiinphri ys has tor some t due b " il
rf.ul of Mull tor Otn.ral Meade, mil is w. II
.icwil lis nil tlli'lK'II-, urave, all, I If OMlp l-IICO
'icr. His s'atT is not r. anno'iin n I.
' iuh.i.'s ..hps kok sot i h.
I(i''-I ri. sellers who etnic i-ito oir bos
I'i iiv in oi i . i-i r put th U ti' u Kacl's
l! 9 l.K" (fiJIlf Olllll.
Alt Tl I.I I l:v 1 IKIMI.
Tf.e i n my i p"tie.l with their artillery nam
t l.ncs in tronl of tins corps t'us nn irn.iiC -i'
iy bte ik , and h ive rontiimud wit!i little i.'tcr-
pticn during Din oii'ira duv. Oir i.a'.t-Tics
spondt d Willi vip.or. I'his ia iiniisa il. a ii siii
i.ion c!' hus'ili ii's Is q.'.i.i r.illy Ucitly a 'rod
w'n (lining the tvihbiith.
AaiONIKUIN'l I X Hi- IU Set Of A l'tllVVT.?.
'.'DO of the most astouisliitiir examples of forti
dc and endurance whii U lias oconrrod during
.e war lifts rorently conn to my noijt'o. the tle-
.i of Kliiob arc of sill): ient imorrst to w irr.i it
lirief mi'iition.
rrirnM M illinin N. Kellorman cnli.-t'J In
nmotiriy II, lliii liundn-d-uiid-liiiiy illith
fnn-ylvanin Voliii'te'.'M, M in:li I, l.vii.
At me imtticot I'o rm r, on toe lotn oi M t;
e reittvcd three ill tmct won n li otic mi
e ri;ht ahouliler, another on tl i-hin, an I
ie th'rd near mid ei.tirrly denrivinir hitn of he
e of hie right rye. Hu re.j tnd lii n sriineut
ntna i itnoi Aimu-t, when the ( orpn km mi
9 marcn to Heep jtottoin. Ihu l iiKph uiit d.iv
ie aio inttin,d hy tho eoneUHsjon of a shell
I'wtl he was reinovd from the lici t, inxeiisible,
no mah not iiiilc to report tor y u ml too 1 itli
sp .'lober. On tlio 27tli of that in mMi, n:id
liile the 2d and 11 1 1 i vin!' ns were mnk'iii; a
l cunnoiiiaance mi the lelt, UMicral Miles, om-
annini.' tlic lxt iilvi.sion, dlrec'd n dein. u ;tm-
iv cm the H cite I ti. ri in trout nf li in line.
Kellernian was Kt-l'fcd, with ot'iers, for tin
urjiotie. flicy eliitred nurd a ln-avy lire, ni I
iceeeded in driving the eneniv Iiihd tu tirt,
il'ttniBi; a niimoer of pus, tiers, " i-h w!im
.cileiniaii was sent to the r ar. Il ivinir per.
rniedthiH duty, he started h.v.-k t i rwj'iiti his
mmdos. In the nienntiine, tlic Rtliels hid
Hilied.iind our truon ro cotnj.' m fill
uk. Kelli I'ttmn in tle durkness di I not ob-
Tve thm until near the fort, vt.en lie came
te Hehel pirket line, wbi 'ti hud been e t iblisiied
tils abseneif. I oriuna'clv. he wan unobaDrve l,
.nil slukinK down he itrept into n Binidl ravine,
opinB to niaKC nil en.Mpe illirtng tho nllit.
foon am r a it.'tKsi vniertn was ttirowu out a
w feet in advance of where he lay, thm placing
m be e"n the vid tte and tho H iiunisii line.
In thm pnni'hin he lav until the ni ,'!it uf i tic i I of
vri:ii. in:rt a pvumi ui 01 uuj n, e xp'jstu IU Hie
mo and latD.und the c .ld, Iri'uZina
it tee n.k'IU", without food or drink, cli.-mu the
a-vta ami tne roois wiuiiu rcaou ot tus arm, d '-
rmlnid not M aurremler linn tell to fie eT-mv.
hit li lie could have djuc :;l any moiuit witu
On the niht of tlio fid, the enomy having re-
ed his virilnnce, he an. r. dc I in ivachmif our
nes, crawling uprn his hands ami knec.i. a id
ImiKing with him hiu ac.iureiii"nt ind
r nrte. on DemK tuiien to tlio a lie wai
tterly cxhaiited, hiu h md.s and feet were hull v
I. wen, and the toca 01 his rlnht font aoinawhat
HiKrcnons. Ho was lin.ibl'! 1 1 swallow tor tuo
rst day; but on the. second, Imcf tea and other
lOi.lsliinK and attmulatin liquors were adimn
tered with the best clltct. Ha has, to a itre it
trent. reeovered the use of hia hnnds and feer.
nil bids fair, ut no diuiimt (l iy, to I e able to re
pin bis rrvinirnt.
(enerul Milts lias forwarded a rc imtnen hi1 ion, as u reward lor his unexampled fortitude
ml tieiflmin in refuxitii! to siinctidcr bi.usell t.i
e enemy under sueb trylnir 'ireuinstaiieos, ti.i
e frr.inted n Inrlouh tor thirty days a. id awarded
imMal of honor.
The Mtvtt 4'r4.
11 lauiU'ah l irri! Aum v C'oiu'h.Sia Mii.b
Hi:, oveinber 'id. Warm iveather b vs come
K'Aln, and we are now enjoying n.ea'nshineonee
mre. The opportunity .turlnrds I n- die inon to
oinpleU their huts it not allowed to o;in uniin
'oed, and altliuiirli in one l.nos when we may
lOi e.'iiice, tidy little houses are ip-in(?ing op in
vcy direction, which do f .r o t ii n iey
lurinp tl.e whole winter o f ir jnly u .ay, just m
icuiiistanccs may transpire.
1111: time KE10111) 1. 1' rm: l iifu (oiu s.
The I!. .aid which lias been in session t ) decide
pop iLe hiidics ol b.ut e-to bo inscribed upon
.c liays ol ibis, has completed it laoors
nd made Its report.
I he lijjuril consisted of I'.ri'iilier-fJ iieril
'Imry HaxU1', Cicvol l)iift'ni'ii;i-(ji:i.eral V i u-
.A.'lit, Hvowt I'-isadiei- ( l'njd. "vV iutliiuy,
'r vet Hripadii r.(Jeneral W 'I'liroop.
7 he battles are named In an ecs-ioii as I'p'y
cuire d, and Ivclu.te all in wliicii any of Hie
ftitni lils eoiitie. ted with t'.iii corps p.nii i,, itJ,
mI are aa follows:
Hu- I'.e'lu l, l-'ii st liull K'iii, sii g. of York'. v:t,
i' Mies, Wi'lUmsl.ii ;ven l'ine 1, l"ii
ilt", I'.iuov. r Co.irl 11 .11 e, 'iat lo of Jn.i' ,
t.4 (this hu'tle hail 110 nam.-); M.vli . rj,.
ule, C dins' M.ll, rcich drcli.irl, S.iV.; S..i
01:, M tut- Oak jiwauin, (ilen.l i'e, M.iivuru li II ;
tiMr !otttitatn, H'i"tow, 'i tineville, Se.'.i'i 1
uii K'iii. Cbiuitiliy, Sj i:h Moiiiitaiu, Ant'.-N tin,
rede. ickhleirK, ( liatKeiloi sville, (iutty ihiii),',
islow St.. lion, Jl.ippali.i.ino U stuioi, Miu
:iiu, Wllilcri.csa, Sjiof";- h ?M, Nort'i Anns,
oloiotiii Crci k, 11 liis1.ui'ii ''uuroli, Cold 'I .r
or, I'.jlerslniri.', U eldon 11 iilnud, 1'. eblcs' k' .. in,
li.ipjel Houe,and lintel .it'. It. hi.
The .siege of K'.iirdk, nl.lcli took plv! if
me 0 I be '.'haueeiloi-.-. ille tiuttie, uuitut ier up
0 Pe In'lnded, as a portion of ilns eo. ps p i ti. i
..tcilluit. RlgiS tl.-l ittid Hist Hull !ti re
.lined, miii of course 11, uce ImI'Ics wore t'oi ;'it
core the on.u'iation ot fie corps, but, a ire
rti C't ii b) Iiiki n i i tU- i-oepi "n
irt htcl'it-uu and Secon I Win,' uiiin u limn u -if
ti: II .lint ciliilllll nj doivn to tiic jiresL at.
0 ll l.A. r l.K'.Ml i.N Id.
T he :cc,'t..tLi v i.ivli dio the r'r .it o t n.nir m
1 t .i.'lis -ar'n'ii-.icd iri are ilio l.i..uty li kU
inn; a Vobivt H', Mii li Iris talteu pr.T
.. l' ..ty li.c i-'les : be l'ir t !! -iil; n , cven'e.
iir; '! s..J i. U "In I. . .11, fvei, y i v ).
I M IV. I', I ii 1 1' i Mil l. set i.s ,i n i lit. I IV
(..... I.MI.iv (11. .',!) ,-i.i p. I
I I e, 't lle-ci
.Hull ii'i.i, i. !:!
liii.h f o!." pin in tl': f
.re. Tl I l.iitterv wis then k: I 1,
.ii.t.ii'i ii. -w lbevet Al i i..i -i if . ici ! ) 'i mil i, l ei
.: be. II 111 DO less than t .velpy leitties Nn-: I'l l'
.me. The gieatesl Miiiihii- ol, les in iv .ii :li
ii y ore b.ntiiy li.istanta pint ist.u v ia.i.uiiiI
ins by lli't'.eiy 1), la'. New Yolk Aitiil"iy. To
I the nioel I' of our general ol'.ic. nj In this
0. rps Cria.u and Ayi'es, coininaLijict' lii isious
1. -.e were in command of bii teries nt the lirst
.l K'.m.
Tim inTn.E or aun-iii nimow s.
It Is snirpc-le-l that at the buttle of Sheplierds
wn, foucht fsepteuiber 'JO, ISii'J. iiiitncdiaiely
tier the b .ttle id Anticlaiii, the 1 lMh IVnnsyl
r.i'in t li.iiteci-s, now Leu. ii.'-ing to tins cirps
.ok I'f.rt, nml (itptincd neatly ttiree hundred
.in. I cannot account for the oiiiissiou. .V, ,c
oi h Herald.
1 Old II I. I t..
HtKDHK riTKlli-lll HO, YlltOIMA, l'OHT Hl.I.t.,
' .......... I ...v "1. A .li.urtrau'.l.l.. i.Iu.jI. V.rt I I ..II
ii iid e.-peciully so eurinfi a tierce liuiubardnieul !
lMind yet to convcrae with it-' inmates, and to note
VVie tioinlmltiHie with which they inmate their
" alrliresdili escapes, to bear them tell of the
.1 oily sport they bare bad in "dodging1" the nior- S11C11S Ol lue eueioy, puu wuucsi iuo com
Jplacency with which they "live, move, and have
bur being in a piuce wuore ueam is a uany
litdtcr, iuipresbC8 oue with the conviction that
khere U, indeed, lu the very utiuospburo of
oauger a di let table exedemtut known to him
odk accustoiueu to ieni.
'Talk to the garrison about being relieved by
iroops which have been occupying loss perilous
positions, and the proKiltiou receives uo favor;
like the lrinbmau s hauginfr, they have become
accustom cu to it, bine coin tortable quarters, auu
ire perfectly miisili-d with their location, lu
i heir bomb-proofs lUcy are secure against the
nMHm of ordinary sbells. but the rooiiim of
loo, with its covsr of earth, affords tbeia no
I roteeuon iroiuiuc,vaeiuy uionar sucus, wuica,
rmctiuies dropping perpendicularly, penetrate
I the nlcht time tho f. at of dxlginf one of
ITo-we (lctrui ti rr missiles Is one of easy c itn
f ;il ment a its eoni-se Is marked by ihe burn
ing tnae ; I nt In daylight the oil' signal of Its
cominitis the is'eiiu ir in. sin tncb. precedes i s
passage, r.nd one mti"t Indeed be an artful dodger
to avoid tho ryrlo of de-tru uon. And yet it is
done d U y , hy the men who give those uly ens.
turners ihe it. -by with the ehiin.ion of n mere
. one' n lor their rs nl mil. tv uian a hcx'l
h i o im ps i.-i.le to avoid the l.anulo snow
ball hum .1 nt ti i in by Ins b .ion.
Ar. .ir.inti u iipted ( iiiinon i i ' w kept up ye
tct.h. I'm in I'orts D.ivis, Hell, and Hice, wu .iti
w .s . etui, s.y rc-iMuided t,i bj t ie enemy, w i.i
of lute h: s n plied otilv wt-li iie r .irs m& t'lis
poi lion of our line, lealing to tin belief tli i. tie
bus wibdtawn bis (M'ld-pi.iees to roltif 'rce his
iirmii a el cuheie. f'n riding nloig the line n i
t-pi i ml i itiise for the lirin eould tie ns -iTtilned.
s me -ta'ed Unit the whole all i r v,is i-otten
up for the. iiniosemcnt if a lady visifn,'
l ort II. II with Jan otli.'i r, who rcpi sted
an artillerist to tire a tew rounds to tost,
the tceiiri cy of hi ordnance, which re pie-d eing
a c. I. d t", anil the enemy resH)iidiim,1 our b K
teiiestoll e right and lett ebimnd In, and the
atbi.r toeanie general. At'ii'lirr version, and
pioi a'.ly Ihc corrc. t one, is that tiid IUhels
were tii-covered In the construction of a new
work In r- ar of their first line, and thn' the sliell
inc trotn our side wss for the purpose of causing
a MisiH iisiou of dirt thro ving on tue pirt of the
Johu.iK s.
T hree casualties Kcurrtng in Koii Hell an I
i iuily yi sterd.iy ar r. pirte I. ijor
Miller and Hospital M. w ird Hoit, both of ihe
I lot b 1'ei.nsy Ivaiiia, were, n rv severely, but it is
though- not da rice rou-1 v wounded, by the eplo-
ioti of a tiiort.-ir shell, which penetrated their
bomb-proof whilo they were quietly engaged in
discussing- the merits of their I'll inksniving tur
key, which failed to reach its destitution on the
124 th inst. A private of tho 7th New York He ivy
Aitillcrywas Foriously w iiiuded in the leg, a. id
will probably stiller amputvion. Y. I . Tribim:
Latest from tho Georgia Fap2r3.
ruossnt; or the owee river.
The Roirte Each Ooluraa has Pursued.
(:t., lito.. ir... j :to., lito.
M" siiino ros, November ;', ). The S.n-.innali
Hi pu'ili'rait of the 'Jill ei. lint c intiadic'o.-y
statements an to Khei man's mov nients, particu
larly as to tho erossiug ot the O;. uieo river. Tho
column operating on the Gcur'a road kept tho
wi stern side, and fttin k oil' in the direction of
Miicoii, as though eouteiiiplii;iti" t junction with
the forces in that vicinity.
It is stated tha' a strong to-ce. of cavalry is fol
lowing Sherman, and that i' is not Impossible
that Ton est miy ere long bin.; like a wolf on
his icrr And Hanks.
Sonic of the rceent'y c cli imp d prisoners have
rrdhed Washington, and sty Hint when thoy
iirrivcd at siavaiiniih from M l en, they were
kindly treated, and furnish, d wi'ti the best food
which could he procure I, n i.l that the people
intimated that there were forces under llcaure
gard and Johnston at Mn'on end Augusta to
oppose iSherinaii, but they did not bellcro he
would encounter them, or tli it ibo military au
thorities would, in time decide where to concen
trute the forces they bad.
At Savannah there were but fifteen hundred
nn n, who could make but a leeole resistance.
I.I .VI It II, Nil Kit tl t'N ilV AM'K.
tiik mil IK i;ai ii eoi.rMN ii s i'iiisi i;ii rnoitA-
I.I.K 1. ATI. NT Ol' l:rll I1ISK1N Til i: MS
lAM'l S ON T.ACll I IX K I! .- lil.l KAI'II.I fins ion
1: l l.M oil! ISO At (it STI T . li MAIN RFMANCi:
or i in: I'.Nl:M 1 on Titoors.
The cour-e of General Sherman's columns can
now be distinctly traced, fiom the Kebe! accounts
of bis movements, and Indicates that he has
raided extensively a'ong 'he Atlanta and M icon
the (icorgi'i Central, the Cljorcjii Stale, utid the
l'.lkton brai ch of the Cnr'n Ct ntral.
Tho column tinder General Howard left the
Macon mud at (iii'liu the e iva'ry raiding us far
south as Itai nesville, the jiinetinn of the Thorn is
ton branch of the Motion roa I mil then struck
iff to the ea-t, passing through Indian Spring,
ciossing the Oeninlgeu neir (imptoii. Thcuco
it ptissui t'trougli Mon'ieello, iuo county seat of
J;. -per ciinty, crossing W i1'
and i.ittle ricr, mid oii'i.i .'
r ue mill s aliuve Millcd .e . '!1.'
A portion ol this co. on .
the I'liunU'.ie river, after r s
ml Murder creeks
: ji.ttonton tw.'nty-
. o jiiied the lino of
; with lloivard's
w iliji, tieiil' Indian .sprii . ,
tliiough II ills'ioro, T .im.
coui.iy lu-A n of Jon s m i
iihich point mis reiebjii
ihc 'jH'h. I ti:s d vision in,'
t.-r i's Ijoiio p t':e iunc
probably passing
i, Clinton, tho
- (Jris voldville,
itiuday afternoon
i .no red oust vard, as
on i f thn Ji.itonf n
r 1 roa.l, arriving
1 I this fire 3 Ills),
; M icon, and if this
. ad coiii'iiuui 'ation
I rnncli ol the (I'.'ori .
tl.i re i.n t'.e A p i i
ur limy ptcsiili.e, A'te 'lie
point aus not eairu t it- i.i
iiH- lully dc troyed.
Fr.-iii k. .t.nit'.ii Hm ir.! n:
illli, and, a- the Aujitit i '' i
jJ'saB tli it pn'i-'e v, . ev -u
c iioty Mipfo-e ill-it, 'ei. in .r
mi . c-.-cs, ','rri ral llivc-e' . e
lll tl. lo join tile tliv moii V .1 '.
li g lit poi.n. 1 iie 101
eil on Mllle.lgf
''tttti'Hi'ihit of tiie
I by t'le llobels.
. smiplislied these
jd do .vn to Oor
iad been 0i.'rat-
1 eoltiiuiis then
no 'I'd viotw.tid eve.- in. ei ot the. Ucorgi.i
C.! loin! lo In ' on tlio J !J, traces
I.i' mid w Inch the U-'H , ! rcliise to givo us.
(fC!.cr.tS Sioeu.i.'sc liin.n is Understood to have
ti.l-i n ihe line ol the (
Ala.iis"!!, stviy-iune I'l.'e
Ci.U.'nlltli tc w : Ii tiic v 1 ,
f r.,o.t ton, t out iwc'i
the in uiiiry, and learn i
(i l.t i.r'.s in vi me tit. b,
wi. - pi ar lonoii ro'in, lb
i. -nn. h o' 'be -stife r n
tioiu Atlanta. 'I in stie in
ii" in this movenn nt e
( '. i" to)' ; t' t I ''' ' o.i
to ;u: ' , . .1 ,vi '" : it,
l.t:)'1 i.-' b'll'evs'.iiii),
S;a e road. At
. ..n tlauta, he c mid
i.i o. 11 j u d
"1 :s distant across
il. sinw ss of that
1. th this ft lvau-e
i a ion of t!ic Alliens
i e. i iiinety-iivo miles
'-''''t! "!.") -ti. n r ml J
i i Yellow rv.-r, neir
' ', between ''ovlng
c, b.'twein llurli-
: I i I I ,-:': .'
li l.e al li nvaro's coin
Mel IIII.'d i.i i. , on ti... J
ilii-'ale e f .i !'.....!, r,d
l'l'.es. AniiiiillL' "hat I
iX. i:,
a l tha' of General
... nearly the same
i ted iiiejut I'o riv
c .i it in ns move 1 at
lav whieli bus been
the 1...C i t in ..:, : i in.. . , i
i'i tidily accomplished th is tar the distances
tiavel'ed, and the points reached, would bo as
lollows :
I ri.trul ...'Kir, . i (.v.i C',-.j.
-1 th. Greensboro.
-1st I'ulon l'oint.
J.'il. Toouibslioro. Cainak.
Jlth. ltobiiisiin. Thomson.
'.'Vb. Duvisboro. I.ombardy.
'Jf'.'li. Ilostwirk. lielii'r.
JTih. llcindoii. Augusta.
'JMb. Milieu.
This estimate is made on the assumption that
belli columns are moving euch upon ihc linos of
laihoad eiisiwurd, and uot coiuiiiiiuicatlng or co
ol elating with each other. On this theory Geuo
lul .siotuiii would wove slower than wouldGene
lal Howard, U cause the points at which he would
btril.e are ol greater impoitiinee.
At In ion l'oint a road branches off to Athens,
Hull' a veiy important position, and tulrtv-eiglit
miles distant. At Cuininliig, a road leads oir to
V ashington, the couuty-sent of Wilkes county,
and iilnetecn tulles distant. At Camak, a short
road leads oil to Warrentou, four miles distant.
TLe following is a table of distances on the
Georgia State Houd from Atlanta, not before pub
lished ;
Decatur 7 milci. Union Tolnt... 6 miles.
Stone Mount'n. 0 miles. miles.
I.lthonia 9 miles. Cumuimg K miles.
Converse 7 miles. Camak 9 miles.
Covington 10 miles. Thomson 9 miles.
Social Circle. .11 miles. Hearing Smiles.
liuiledge 7 miles. Loinbardy 3 miles.
Madison 7 miles. Hetzclia 6 miles.
liurUlicud .... 8 miles. Belair 10 miles.
Greensboro . . U miles. Augusta 10 miles.
Tvbt4iiiiiiiHiH""""tiMiii""17l Pul-
Tne distance on Ihc Augusta and HtvainaU
rond, Iroiu ti e former point, are as fo lo s :
Aliens 10 miles, l'.irypt li ml es.
Mell. in hi mil. s. ilrewer Smiles.
(Ireetio i'i miles. Iliiyi'in 'i miles.
Wnyt.i sboro.. . l miles. M irlow 4 m '.
l.tiii. kins 11 miles. Kden 7 mile
Mlllm 10 miles. Illoomlugda'e.. ti nn es.
S.-arla ro S miles. , Pooler 3 mile.
Sin Ito" 5 ii'ilo". T' lfnir t ur" .
Og'iclie 1 nn .. Savannah .. ., -I uiii s.
( nn e-oii 7 niie-s.
II i i-yor.dale . . lm :)) mile--.
Ollvor 1 inlhs.
THi: I II Mll.l s : IN ANO s I l to Ml.
The following a.e the distan. es on fie i' i nm
ton ami Savannah road, from win l.r.'cr p.n it
Jui . tie n .1 miles. S.nkehr -.hie . . I ml
Moll lite ith read 7 d n I 'on 1 . . . 1 J in les.
S.ivatii.ali river .i miles. Aih-'po . brnlce I 'liih'i.
IVrryslmrg I'd :1 tn Ie;. J,i,'k-otih .r i. . . i miles,
llardi evnle , . . mile,. A i ims it i n - . . 7 tine's.
( iridium villc . . I I n.'l. s. f; oit.n- il"s . . . . ', 1 miles. -hie . . 11 mi es. A ov dpi. 1 ,:nie-.
1'oeotalio . . . . 'i mil s. ( 'ii o i spi.i . . . . 1 m 'e.
Total UII in li s.
lu nn, rii nines ion it.iMoiiei so Aio'srv.
If will be interesting in tins conn ion lo
gl li 'e nt the f icilities whieli tlic 11 'h' ts hAvo to
lliiowiiig reintoreeni"!i;s -nM ii:'Mt:i ami ot'ier
Point- upiu the ht.eoi'licneivl S'lerui i-i's nn--. n.
he Auliiis il I ntit ..hi i V ot the :1 t iii'liu ! s
that t 'eajn bave beeu s. nf tioin l,e -'s a n. t i
tliat i liy. 1 he. nice by rail :ro ii Iti runit
to A llunsta is a- foliowi,
llichiuond to Web Ion Ni 'n les.
W lib in lo Wi iilin.'toii . li'.J miles.
Wilniiiigton to Km. vi le 1,1 m les.
hifg-ville to Aii(; ista M miles.
Total ..('il tulles.
The rate nt whiih troops i 1 1 ne trau-pot-ted
over the Southern roa Is in their pres -ntcondi'i u
will probably not eved eigb y miles pe.-diy,
which would rcipiiro ii'ioit seven days fir t.O'pi
to resell Augusta from Iti-'hnio'.id.
Illl: lit HOIt Allot r ll't'.. K t-illl IV.K
H is a! o stated tnar lire -km blue, In 1' .st
Teiiue-s. e, is ino Itii: toward the (..'.)r-;i i line;
but li is ti .1 believe I tha' this is pir' ot' fie p- -gr
iinli e ai nil, and th if (i ' ll.n b.-l I ; , srli i
is nt Cu.noeriaud tiap wiri a k n g-i lo: "ti
cheek any such movement if it is lu c n empii
li. n.
Ill K MAIN itri I IN .T..
1 beret'ore. the lleie-ls m ist relv upon tue 'evies
ii called out by ( lovci nor Ibo vn. of tj t ir
gui, and (iovcrnor lloiilniui, of South v'.ii'olin I, to
reinforce the triiops which have, ere this, ): ih i
i ly lea lied Aogu-tn, from ilie g irris ins nt Savan
nah, Charleston, mil Wiuuiugion. Men then
tncy may be Ion l.iot, fo- I' is n it iiimn-iblo, as
-uiie.tcd ve-lei'.lay, that neral S ierui in miv
make a feint upon Augi-ta merely, md wi t
tin'il ti c Hebel troops i-re c me' ntra cd ther to
opp ec bint, and tli.'u d -h oil', aiier cu' ing th.)
railroads in some other direction. - V. I'. il'ic .
T II I. IN' I MII All V I I It lis ll'i.isril i r ION Ol'S
' ! S-
Tluie is very Mtile further to report in e
to the coi.spnaiors in the re.'.mt plot to de-tiy
the c ty by tire. The cxiiniinition of the per-o is
n rently in cu-tody will not be ma lo public, n t
bus it yet trims, 1 ed wlien it wi, I take pi ice. It
Is probable that o-her arrests have beou mad ,
buttle mimes of the parties are withheld for
lea ons bctoro mentioned.
Tlicru was u iimiiir in circulation about im in
on Thursday, that the hiding p ace ot a consider
able number of the miscreants had been dis
covered son cwheie no the Hudson, and several
nrrc-ts had been i ll', c:ed ; but we nn 1 no tounda
tion for the report, and place no conlidenco in it
wnntevr. I no puniie may rest assured. How
ever, th it If any of the coii-plrator.s have : iken
to (he woods tor concealment, tho cultures that
they will be speedily unearthed are exceedingly
There was another prflss around the door of
Mator llavner s oiliec, at (ienoral leeks head
iuariers, on Tuesday morning. Progress is being
steadily made in tho registration, but tho course
of the exaiiiiiiiiiion is necesniriiy a rattier slo v
one. It is, however, a wholesome and gratifying
spectacle, to witness the anxiety of the Southern
ers to be duly registered.
The standing place nearest the Major's door,
and const ipiently the next turn at the lists of
r. mstiy, is most earnestly coveted, and some
times purchased, from some lu -ky hut needy who may ehanie to occupy It, for a
i oi -itb r.iblc sum. .V. 1'. 7W'(i".
Spt't lul Despatches to Kvcnlng TelOKniph.
iS'ARitiNOTow, November .1 ).
Ainln of lliirMtsw,
A number of condemned horses are advertised
to be sold at Gicsboro Tolnt to-morrow.
llis Mlnte l.iHrtiiieut.
'r. Seward's lore gn correspondence will not
be ready for publication next Monday.
Tlio Hpven-1 hlrty Loan.
The subscriptions to the 7 HO Loan, during tho
past week, amounted to l,."iOO,oeH).
l.-Hijr f iring; llnirtl nl City Point.
The mail steamer Hii tatiu; from City l'oint,
reports that ut four o'clo -k yesterday morning
heavy urtlllery and musketry firing was heard at
City l'oint, from the dircciion of General llu'ler's
position on the north side of the James, In the
vicinity of Dutch Gap, mpposed to have boon by an attack tx' the Ke'icls ou our
outer works.
limibouiN Aihi-llinir the ItelipN.
The gunboats also appeared to be at work, and
the firing cominucJ until about 11 o'el jek, when
it slackened, w hich led to the belief that if tho
Kebels had rcu ly maJe an atta k tlicy were ro
pulsed. On Monday muht tho Kebels kept up a
retty severe lire on our w irking parties on the
Uf OA Piili'lil H uf (.I'lifrnl I'iiji.
Miijor Gcnernl John 1'opc left li tre yesterd iy
In tho Goverinnent despit -h boat h yi (, for
City Foint. It Is reported that he gnos to assume
command of tLc 'J.l Am y Corps, lately coin
u nnded by licnernl Uutuj-k, who has been
assigned to tho I st C'o.'tn. wuiea is to be oi-'iu....-d
In this District.
I'ryor Sent In Itosloii.
1 he c 'ptui'cil eN-'cnui.t' H .ger A. l'ryor wa
sei.t )t .knlav 1 1 Tor: W.orn, 1, ,!oa Inf-j.'.
ep'tM litjnl ii to T'ic i'u..i..f T ' u .i V
The Itiilllimipe ii'id oliio rinilrti'itl.
llAi.T'iuoHi:,Noeia! ci- :j(l. The ll.i'.tlin ore n 'J
Ohio R il roiid it now running through to die
Ohio at Wheeling and rml-ersiiirg tiniuteri upt
edly. No Kebels ne ir it, and no fears of
them arc ente'tii'iicd, us our antlioi ities have
taken i.-pccial c ire to place a t.-o;ii; f .rce tit the
threat' ncd points.
Kl'bl l Illllil.
The destruction of property by this raid is com
paratively light. Some of our mea were taken
I'rninle Ki'twl It-ii-rtlil.
Mrs. 'Willie Key Howard, wife of a Rebel
oflictr, who has I eon on parole hero several
weeks, was yisterday rearrested, und caused to
lake the Oath and report daily, for violating her
parole. She was at or.o time held as a hostage
for Mrs. Allen, a Union ludy of Hii htnond, whoia
Jiff. Davis threatened to hang as a spy.
Arrival of Itrbel IXerter.
An unusual nuinliorof Uebel deserters are dally
arriving here and taking the Amnesty oath. Many
of (him are llultlnioieani. They are all sick of
Dixie, and njoice at getting free. I never saw a
more repentant set of human beings,
I.iui'ola'a Ite-f lertlon In rtiebel Army.
They ray Lincoln's re-election causes half the
soldiers in the Hebel army te sicken al heart and
abandon all hopes of the Rebel Confederacy.
lire In I'roviitenee.
rnoviPFM'1, H. I , November 30. The cotton
flannel mill in North lilurkstone, Mass., owned
by Andrew J. Kimball, was burned to-day. The
loss is quite heayy.
Pepartnre of Ibe "Aualralanlan Mte-ia
lur tiarvpe.
Niw Yoek, Kovember J1. The stesanhlp
Auttralatian sailed at noon to-day, for JJvtrpovl,
(alOug 1,(0,000 lb "PVCit.
The False Iloport of tho C.ipturo
of Morganzla.
Ni w Yohk, November '-". A letter fro.n M i'-
gaiimi, dated November 17, -ays:
The report that tho g irrison at this pl.c.i was
raptured by tho K. Ih I General llu kner, sent to
a New York paper iroiu New Ib'leatis, is a wie'.ed
and ninlieious laiBe' So attiek h is be n
made by Huckner, And thn sta'.Mii. nt tliv. tho
gairlson was "S'.irpr sed" Is si-nplv m I'ign.ur, as
G em rnl I lliii.inn has always prove I him elt i m
a .lie awake and loo sleepless in hu vigil in -e 'o
be surprised h in-ell, ci. n w re h s -oi l ers n t
eqiir.lly so.
Nothing would pl.a"C him and his garr soi
be"er than an ttt.n k by the Rebels uu I r II i '
ii. r or any other Hebel general, a id the hi.-f
fault lonnd by our otli.i rs and trxps Is the ex
tremo iiiiiibl.-ticss of t.Kit displayed by Ihe It Oe-U
w hen our scouting p ir'les aa l sintll re onuois
anci s apiwar near th ir lociiTties. Our otli.'ets
and lie 1 1 are in ev -client heal.h.
The rimer, " Tall.ihissee" anil
"Chickriiinuga" at Wilmirtoa,
North Carolini.
llAi n a , N. S., N jvemher J!) Tho steiiui r
Iklfa arrived this morning from li 'riii'i.l i, win
advices to the Jiith.
'1 be bio. kiidi'-rtinners Anintro'iii nnd V'ikiuh
had arrived at Itr rtn niln, the fonuor with 7JI
and the latter with 4iK) hales ol c it on.
They report that the pirato ( Vii'ca.i.icim; i ar
rived at Wilmington after u slight brush with tlio
bl'xkudets, nn.i the 'li,'bitiusr'' wis safely in
port, and would leave in a few tl.iys (fith a ei.go
of cotton for II, rmii'lu.
I he following is a list of the blockade- runners
at Nassau, N l, mi the l-'b :
The II i.ffi' Wisp, CeidK.' I. a, nb, ,m.l I Vi.'ii
'.', all of which bad been eh.if d back; the
su-imii 1'itiil, which put. back leaky; the ".el
ai d Ullii, loading; the l.Vwi, which put back in
con-titii nee of heavy weather; lie Mac, whimi
was in the dry duck ; Ihe Hutu li'iny, Druiil, I'..
ltirttr, and Ci'iu val CHiuh, trotn Charleston; the
I iilh lhiitii wm llimlrice, from Wilmington; tho
.Wars, laid up; tho .loimmn, .Nyi-ci, and .iiirn,
loading; and the Wcoit, broken down.
1 he I'tarmiinn had her machinery datna 'd,
and sailed for Havana for repairs.
1 ho WiM Km er had been cha-ed bn k, h it
attciwards sailed again.
Arrival of Ihe Kpnsliiitlo.i."
Tiosion, Novciuber 30. The steamer K hm'iu
dm In. b ariived from Norfolk.
I'AYMiiM or Tim City IIoikiv. T'hc city
bounties at the present time aio only paid to men
who enlist in the regular army or navy. This
hus been found necessary by the Commission in
view of the wholesale desertions Hint take place
among those who entor the volunteer branch of
the service I bis order is also a serious draw
back to Ihe formation of new regiments. A meet
ing of the oiliccrs of the 2d Fire Zouave Regiment,
tin orpnnliition being formedfor one yonr's ser
vice, waa held yenterdav afternoon. A couip'inv
of ninety men, to be attached to this regiment
arc waitirg the bounty to enable them to enlist.
'1 bo meeting appointed Colonel Smith, I.icuten-niii-ColoncI
Helium, und MiJorW. 1'. Smith, a
cnnillii'ti e to confer with Councils on tho subj et.
It is to be hoped that Councils will take sumo ac
tion mi the matter, In order that recruiting in ly
continue while volunteers tire plenty. Tuo
ouave Regiment can be filled in three weeks if
a I oiinty is paid. The men who will volunteer in
this oreani, .I'lon will ,tnr the in ist pu t, be eoui-po-ed
of Philadelphia firemen, nud not of
w oit bless class of thieves who have so long h en
robbing the city and Government by "jumping
the Inanity."
Pais or Stocks and Real RsiTwe. The
following sales were mado to-day, at the Ex
change, by James A. Freeman, Auctioneer :
A reiind r ut of per snrinu. srcarcl tiy pru.vrty
Klo..!in and l.oinljril street!., $-i la .11
li-nleel c-.tme, No. Itsjh llr.ili'lyivitie -.trs'-t, b, liyT)
t'fi't, eltisi . I. 'I-si.
A II' Ml ilw .'III1U', XltlCtf ellltl a'lll Thoili;iill Streets, li 1J
1,7 '; I , C ar. !).
liusliiss siiitia and .livcninc, KI.Ikh Avenue, auuvo Wal
la" stio.t. 14 hy In-.' f.-. t, f.;.i (.round r. i.t. (.I.'i.i..
'I t.r.T -tnr din k liui'llnn.. N-i. N .rin N ni-t th
trt el : Kit hni. I,v .'.. Iii-t; t'.ISS lirmiiid neit,Mi'Hi.
'I wi. Iiu.-hmi;-, 'os. sin ii-.d -1 Kn ..r.:r -tret, 'n.i.'-.-i
(rein Iir .v.11. a'. -M' blcvi'iiltii,, ''.'-'. l a- li, Sis'ai.
T w starv t.ilelt liwfllPiK ll'ilke, Mi'JlL- Atruet, e It
Wsi.i. ll i.v '.II il . fc'Sl er.eiiii) r'-nt.S (To.
..i.t' i'l r.'s. liiic.-, N i. i 8, N.aih lirt, !" by M
1. el.rl. ,ir, f I 'nil
I w. ms'. .i. in Nuhlo sirecf, with C'; hi tiiv
reiir i-l.i-; f .'ieo
I n't i f pi ty. Ples-iint street, In the re ir f tl.e at, n e ;
l.' roill.0 i. i I i tOi '.'-i.
Rr 1 1 iin m- tin: X v rioN vr. (it Attn Ri ot,:r.
This afternoon the old National Guard teg.
nniit, bntli l'ciii.sylv.inia Yoluntecrs, uu.ler tae
coin of Colonel Peter Lyle, .u. ired lu the
'iiy. 'Ibe regiment has served for three years,
and is now discharged. Twenty-six privates and
s xteeu ulli ers retuined home, some of the men
having ro enlisted. Tho regiment roce.ied
by ihe llcnrv (hi. ir. Is, ami Comnauy 1). of ttie,
l'h'nt Regiment, Cu.'onel Nclf. The Soii'Ustari;
Hu e Ambulance also turned out.
Ranuii i io Hon. S. ih yli.1i Cot i as.. Tl.e
coiupliiueutiiry dinner to the distln.'uishe i
speaker of ihc 11 use of R"pri.'setiMtvas t it:e.
rilace in-moirow evening, in tuo lariv hail on the
second Poor of the A--eiuldv liuinliii's. (i.c.rtr
ii' r ( urtm, (.et.einl Cameron, Hon. A. 11. It:e",
of liosion, Ihe meinbers of C iiiu.'0-s Ir. n th.s
i.v, and other proimm nt pui lic men will be
piesent. The atbiir prom s 'S to hi ..!.' hy .,f
tiie tl siiueuisl.e.t gn. -i .m l the geutk usu Ua'i:i.
Iho nidttcr in charge.
Tti tM r a Cw't, T; .vr. a"t(r
boon a canal boa, which went .yivf t'je F.i''
moiint dam a woek or tuo since, was s -.toniire
I.v a connie of young men. '1 hey state I th it thiy
feared Hie bout, one-b.ilf of which res'e-i on the
diiiii. might do some injury, and -set it on (ire In
order to remove it. They w.-re arrested by the
I ark police, but discharged by th-j A'd.rmin
before whom they were taken.
Disuonist DoMtisric This morning Rose
McLonglilin, residing at No. llnl Pearl street,
was arraigned before Alderman IScltlrr, charged
with the larceny of clothing to tho value of i ),
the property ol a gentleman at whoso house she
was employed as a domestic. She was committed
for triul.
Mi.ial ion I.inrTF.N'NT-CoMMAvni:R"Kt.t.s.
A night or two since, Licutcniuit-Comniandvr
C. II. "Wells, U. S.N. .commanding United States
steamer Holrtui, received ut the League R'hhiis
oue of the medals of that Association. It was
gracefully acknowledged by Captain Wells.
IlrAt'Tiril I'kkiodicai.s. Mr. Kroraer,No.40:l
Chcsniit street, has sut us the latest numbers
received of tho London llliuiralrd .Venn, T ime,
J'ltm h. All the Year llnuml, Ac., which are as
good as usual, aid for wbicb our thauks are due. WFAi'osm. This morning Thomas
Berry was before Alderman Welding, charged
with carrying concealed deadly weapons, and
with assaulting Otlicer Taylor, at Front and Arch
streets. The defendant was held to answer.
riiESFNTATioN. Mr. A. W. Taylor, late fore
man of the Mantua locomotive works of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, has been pre
sented by his fellow-workmen with a handsome
gold w atch.
Recki itino. This morning the Mayor issued
warrants for the pavment of the city bounty to 1 7
men, of whom 'J were eulisltd for tour years, 12
for throe years, U lor two years, and 1 for one
Sailed. At noon udy th steamer Donegal
from the Nvy Yard, to join the Bomb. Atlantic
iM-UllllS IWCrTvl).
A MSI 11 MINI TO Till. Cons 1 1 Tl "I ION NA tlOH I.
i niia ihe Nat.oiial Convention iM-eniblel for
the pnrposp of ci n-idering An amendment to I t
Constitution, met 1 is, evening at the West Arch
street rns'iy:e inn Church. A large aad one
w. s presi n
Tfe objr.t of tbeCynvenioti will be nnderstooJ
from the tollowim: proposed smeodntent:
'lo lt Cnni.rAhlf'. the Hensle Slid 1I0U" ot itrprrneuu-
'O f" III 1 ol.) !' Ill - f .1 1 -
We. t llr.ns el lh.1 I uitinl sititre. re ss-of illv I'i. A' .o In .ll. " to niliu. m.-A-ure eril.ili'i.
ii"'it.iil.'n oi ilie I uile4 staii i, n lu reo lu
' W . . tin. p.-o sir ol me ('nit -il -tnle , h-iiniav .irtinow
I. . s l A.lnu lny t.iul MSIIl.l-. ill .- .11 All nut Orily ul,l
l.ii.rm i.v.l ,eT.'iiinn'i., 1 tool .tes i" I'lirt-t, A
ti v I iiler smelts Ihe n ili.t. s, Ai.d Ilt" r-v.'S'id will a oi
re.l.r. hiiIIiii ity, In nr.ler In e-.n-. II ll. ft I 'tin -I ,ftti
ii.v. in. nil In rr.l.T lo lor n ft inure C'Tl's't nlii'.ii
-liil.t.sli nl'llie, Insure ihnn.-'l..- e til . i'"ov I Ie
lor ttie run inon il. i.'ii.r. . rem. no ttie ri'ntir.t! wo Ij.r.s,
Ili a -ii. Ule tie'' !l:Ut" .1.1 1 t,ie"iil,-4 ol Ille,
liiirty, suit the pur-uilof Im null' ss to oiir."lv.w, oir
io-l hi V ami a. I Itie la .I'.i'ilili. ..I the 1 iiel, .1 i o .1 nil
Ulal e-tiil'h-1. li.l" t otcllliltlvll lor the I llili .l HteleN ot
A liKTa ll.''
Ill the. absence of the Presi len'. II v. Dr. V. I ly,
Hon. J lines Pollo'k pre-ided. The m. ef'ng ti ns
(p ncd with prayer by Rev. Dr. F.dwurdri. A
serieji ot' resoltit ons and ttie .imeii bnent were
oil. rid, after which the Convention a I io irne l.
In the ab-ence of the President and Vlce-I're.-I-dent morning, Rev. Dr. K I v.nds was oil ed
to the ch iir. Prayer was oil r. d hy li 'v. Joel
Svart ,ol llalliinorc. The Seventy-second I'tnlni
.is then read by the. Pn si. lent, atT w hieli let
tt r from a niimtser of proininent divines, en 1 irs
Itist the object of the Convention acre r -ad. Anong
tin in were ictt- rs from Hon. II. lira'. Brown,
Senator from M ssonrt; Piofe.ssor J. F. Winkler,
Maiim Luther Collt ge, It ilUlo, Nc v York ; Rev.
1.. W. Habel, I.uthenm Cbureli, Kir 'hh.iyn, Wis
consin ; Rev. Dr. Dulllcld, Detroit, .Michigan ; and
A number of the delcga'es to tho Oouven'ion at length of the smve-s aticiidiug thn lor
inatii'ii of au diary so. icties In their rsn!etive
localities, inn I of the circulation which had been
given tor signatures to the memorial to Congress.
Nt prscticiil opposition, either in public or pri
vnie, lias beiii made to tlic movement, and ttie
moral ponioti of the community in t lit dilf n'otit
bum s have on all occasions heartily advised it.
Amot g these speakeis, however, a general im
prcsse n prevailed that. -urheiotit publicity had not
b t li Riven to the object of the Conwntioii. Some
is 0 or seven thousand eiteu ars bad be. n primed
und distributed, hut a very lingo proportion of
the religious community were in entire ignorance
as to the t xistence of such a body.
Amonii those who spoke upon tho sublet of
auxiliaries, and tho success, partial or otherwise,
of the movwiiciit, were Revs. A. M. Whe'stoue,
A. C. Totld, R. II. Cumin, James M. -Donald, ll.
N. Johnston, A. M. Milllg.iu, M. 11. .Smith, Dr.
Douiilas, James 11. Coop r, Professor J. 11.
Mcllviilne, nnd Messrs. Clmrles Lowe, J ihn
li.atiy, John M. F.idcr, S.Jack, J. M. Cannon,
John C. Sluie, John 1 . G.irlcy, and others.
(hi motion, the adoption ol the reso.imn.s
otlt led at the meeting last night ivas considered.
Ti e r. solutions are as follows:
.'rttiii-ri, That s linllonnl loeocnlllon ol (lo.l, the Lord
.b -it" I Inl-t ami the Hob sn-rutiiie", ms .1 nt t'ic
i. t a t.rml ol Ihls Asot-iatl.-li I.i 1'oiikre 'e, is ea'ftily a
M rli'torid ililty ttlileti ll Is intlloiml jienl lo ill- r"U ir.l.
Hnult'il in cotim.U'iiitlini ol the :.'.iuer.d ilultii-loti
ol n-hiiitui liiteillceiieo. t.ritii'iiilos nn.i ItislllulioiH
lliniiiliniil our country In view ol the many i-niiress
i'-( oiii' 1 1 le lis ol (' hnst hi inly liv llui Coiisiuinioii hiiO tlio
la'lu.iNtlve enaetnirtits ol the several stales and hi view
lilso. ol the rell(i ions lilslory ol the fo'iuiiiuii ol tills 1 10
v.Ttiiiii'til, It IsastrtkuiK nml Holi'iiin met that our ntv
s. ill tvmioiiNl I'ollstltilliou is No devi.i.l 01 any itlsllllr ti vn
I lirisltnu tenltlre tlint one ol our t'lnet li Ulntlos one.n
rrniiMtt lo npiHilnt ttiy of livsliuu mid pravtr In uu hour
111 iMtt.lle rnl..iiiny lies-niise ttie nation 111 Its ConNttttt).u
r. eo,uiiieil no lioil anil nnother. In coiitraethiit alrentv
Willi a M. Iioiiic un rower, li.-st.nt.'il not to ileelato that
II. lioveriilneiit of tlellniti il rtlates ie not lit any sense
loiiinlisl on tlie t 'tirisll.ul relis-loa. ll has in Urn If nn
rtiumetcr of eunnty asaiiist Uia laws aud roligloti uf
te.o red Thnt the measures proposed bv this Asso'ta
tioli arc not aeetlonal nor sectar.ail, tinr pnrusaii, t.ut dm
a. neral veiee ol I'hrlstiaii )iatrtotisui, a'ttltiK ttiitt which
Is rlil.t and wholomci , wtilvll la III kcepini with oir
anti-ci iti'tits, and which will not oiicratt) oppressively
lit n Hie i-oDseU'tiee ol any citizen.
iXctcd. 'lliat theHtftte of f Iir times, recent and nri
Sent, and the stale of put. lie senllinetit, warrant and en
couriisu tlie iitleniiit lo secure I he Amendment ol tho
Coli-blnllon whieli is proposi'il nv till ,V.n ml if an.
Iltnoti ui, I'liat Ihe hour ol cluistlsciiicnt u the hntirot
repentaiu-e ameiiitnient and reiornt, and that in such a
rtiiy ol national troalno. anil ruhnkii as has lielnlleii us,
every reiorinatloti tioiu sin Is vnhialna ami Import nit :
It is cl. ar that In aekn owleitukns Hod. lu exnltliiii tus
fton and in ilifliiHiuK tholprinfl.ilos ot tils Word tlironuli
au our lioveriinii-nt anil A uiiilnlslriitlon. not uulv Is
there no mistake commute.!, tint aa end ol tlio llrst
dicnity and tinuorlance Is aueurod.
Speie.hiR endorsing the principle of tho liist,
resolution were made by Rev. Irs. J,iul;iu
and Coopor, snd Rev. William Whito Wi bums.
1 bo ri'soliiilona were still under discussion when
our report closed.
The attendance this morning w is quite hire.
What Niixr ? SiiAitr SwiNnLtso. Two un
knowu men called at the stoio of Messrs. M eho
ner .. Morris, Front and Willow streets, a few
days since, and asked permission to ueposi". for a
shi rt lime several barrels of tiil'o v. Their
request was granted. They then visile 1 tho es
tablishment of C. II. G'Htit rc Co., mid sold to
that firm six of the barrels for .fi"i40; to James
Niiulty ft Co., four barrels forf bi i; to Georcc
lllb. n", three barrels for s'i.ll. These ptrties
called for the tallow, and upon examining it
luiind that it wastwo-thirdsclay.tllereonly being
a few inches of (allow nt each end of the barrel. The
particulars of ibe swindle were communic sued to
Ollicrr Hart, who, from the description furnished
him, was enabled yesterday to itaeethe men to
thrir boarding-house. No. 91 ) N. Second stro-.t.
Here be arrested tlie two swindlers. 1'ho otlicer
in xt pioceedcd to their phue ol business, I. sure I
sttei'i, below Front. Here w is found a n itn ior
of einplv burn-Is, nil ready to be pttrke'l. Two
workmen wero ii'io arrested. The prisoners
were arraigned beforo Alderman Toland, and
roinmittid, in tlefuult of sJrl.iOO bail e.i 'h, for a
further heuritig on Saturday noxt.
J. mo. k Sn a kt. While workmen were engaged,
a lew days since, in ditching the meadows IkIoat
Walnut street, on the west bank of the Schtiyl
kljl, they killed a sm-ike met-nrin!? ten feet in
length and vigLteeu inchts lonnd the bdy.
U lite an exciting oiiase took place before the
sinil.c could be captured, and ivnilo b ing tt"
pab bed it resisted furiously. I'o one person, a
si . ke of i's si.. would prose a most dangerous
and p werful comba'.'itit. Fortuii, su -h spo
ea s of tin: ati.t-.-oinla ar: a fjreat r irity in til l'
llp.iiw ay Roi l r.uv. Tills moruiiig a youn",
man, tc.-iding in the Fn'teentii Ward, wn ar
r..igncd before AUuniiau White, c'largeit with
iiirhway r i'ob.ry. Aboiu a wee'i since a in in
was u'tu'ki-i a Slxo'eutli and Carlton streets,
nn I rub1 ed if s'l i and a gold watch. Tin' pri
i .incr, who is :lnrgc I with oc'iig implicated, was
! Dim t tt il tor a fur;hr i:e.triug.
It'ii i-vi.v. S nn,) time during la-t vpi'ht and
tins iieniilni; .in enti'iin e was idle led lii'jthe
d . '.ilint of Mr. George W. Or iin, ft". Third an i
W ,'sb ngiep s'i. ets, and a lr:-: eui -unt of
i- oibing other goods carried nil. Aptrty
s.i'isi (.ii.'ti'iy a't'-mpied to pi v i soinis nf th
Ji oils at t neialiii'.rinif Icoker'--, wli in be was
a resttd ni! !.. et no tor a i u-'hi.r heAring.
A'. Isii. siei asp l. Kiin i. Isvi.n rTN. We
i. ,v- . :. 'Ie,. u ..' . ' .j i ve-.-y al.r.t..tive .iinl Will :" ci
tni.'i n.i'e v.i: ci tl d'ii.l l(:il!. .nl '1 nu'i ludi a" r,ti.i.
l'!s-l. I i 1 a i . .,. u 11. ,.k, of I'l.i nn.i, the iin.. ni us
I ro'-'ir . s ar,. ati.uil io Hid ai'.i. a tut" tlie I 'on I : lit tit al and
..Una tele'" tills eity. T'l" tn ikatu.'s are s . e .n.ira I. il
ss lo show at a t-U(i' e. hy in. ana of el " W J. all, sel w ith
n e. i(; Lands, ttie h ..a tnd minute of til" de)iarttiro of
uii i a-'i injn- Irani on a'rudniid out cl'tkn ciljr. The
InJaaloih arc urrautcd In Hi" form of a cabinet, with
tour sides, on an oniainetitid slaiid of hluek tVahitit, and
aie to be iiiirnunili'il ti ttie bilshiess cards ol' ourni.'it
c nterj i lsir tlrms, tastetully dUplay ed, and coveied wltti
kl ids. Ai au n'1'it'iiii'.l ffiC'niia, this cuuno'.
bosiirpsa.-id, ... It U sure to attract, by Its icAV cviif
mi liilm it, ii.d utleiitlon of all parsons v l.ttun; linn Ity.
I'ait'es who desire Uihrhni Uielr b'lslnt ss before the Hue.-',
ol our irlnriial liob-ls, Instead . ( litlerhn; the ti alls, llniirs,
and tahles Willi plaeards und hsndtiU'a.aliotdil aeeura s
proailneiit space In Hie "Tluie Indh .itora," livad'lrusdni.
Messrs. imi'iiuiiil. IP Bh,U!isa,l'hiladcliilil.
An ExtBlLrst l.s i liNTiOS-. While science is
atlcnii'tlng lu Invent in sni of trsversiui (lie air, anil,
like Kwdalua, klo to tloavo the sky by uieana of
lns, and, tike Icarus, fftilnntfro-a the nelsut to which
IU vanity lias eltvatcd It, ptaellcal Insenidty lias been
iiulatly at work perracliiu an lavanlion whiek will bs ol
great in lilt J to tlie masses. Tin vast Ha la the prices of
lusl has Uireauued to suak oar ixor, or even mode
rately situated populatiou, ftal ths titinss of Jack I rosl;
tut just at this eitremity a provtitna Is made, by 1dati
wamth with all lls,eoisJ sleaeures can b pracursdfor
evea I as tluin ths cost of ceal la the bygone days of
pears. Mr. browns haa Invented a moat simple patented
coiitrlt anca, known as ths Mtiallie VfttUhtr atrip and
M iikow Wntisf. hy which tha "sriilieriiw and sasr air" Ii
totally cAcludv d. The contrivance consuls isf a aiost
aiinpla cooibloatlea of seoial, Willi India-rahber aprluiis
aliai-ued. ulil'li axe fastenad lo Ike door or sriudow, and
whirli cllnK, so to speak, t losely lo ttiarvack, and sxejnda
aU the wind. Tins loseaMiui InsentioB Is flireap, iraei.
cal, and available, and suoald be pem-hased by every
launly with whom ocoaony snd eoiniort ate disnrabbl
I :..!.. It comes to us re ommeaUed ky,
banlms hesisea, Insmance comianle. resl
Serres, aed bv epeclal eompllsaentary tesllutontala (rem
kevs ft. W. bellow, aad 11. M. Held. Iba sole airenl la
ti.ia city Is Mr.t barlM 11 Baker. wkouA,c,tv.M
I VV" sfi liquid Tl'lr. l t'H vIMtalsJ.
To Of tf-r O-tnks Tm.
t'h pisay, why those pr-itw i -nil '
Why do yojfl'n arotind,
Tb'ia klcklns up yonr arornlal heels,
Wltb an ImraOent boaudr
0 har el Ip il Ie yonts lo meet
'l tat you Ahiultt ttiufl eemplaln.
for e .tb iye fresh, ol eopie ewoet.
You nevei ask m vain.
Ol rropl and hall, ol rain anil snow.
And ulntrv I chill,
Kti aiere. nt tavorod riUt. oo kno
'I luui If In liuinea slid I
Put ihue If ie wilt, men ft ho tak.
Throush all iheir lives, lo ens.
V. e: t.ti.l t Is too bejd a U"k
1 h. Ir idle m; at" lo rlen-e.
Thev il.lnk not ot poor Rdke, who lon
Kor hleselnss sshlcti fny sllnht
The uAl.te wlie-e SU' lidAliltles Ihrotll.
T1(e wnrm repo-e at n:tit
lliit (litlle.t miiitte catiini' snnpo"S
Had 'lis a pnv' cn s.nall
To wear uch siun.- , t leinilevne .'t.iths
A" come from Tower Hull I
We are ftrlilnn Itr adv-m vkr (1 inn i-.sts, enuai in aver,
li sp. cl. itylr, pt, imitinal and pi rino'i"p. In any in.l"
to moiuinre, at -'A to Ml per een. t.'srr prl.-es. Wchave
a full and cntnpietil assolt.n.'tlt of the choteeet noj le In
Iheniaiket, mriiiutrtl for e.i.A. ol tm toiT'lt , i iees ,if
(Ae jeuii m. and aold for cash only, Ibem.ore nt tho low.
el I'r.Ccs (loe-ll.le.
Tow l a llA't. No. 519 Market "tre-t.
ItiHsRrr st Co.
Tin. Ci nriN On. CoMrmv Is situated at No.
I :l st. I ..nun stre. r. Tll(yhae a fine ottl. e, and the
have I
,1.. of
,t'..'k et idle conipmy I" steadily risine. as they hav
very fVielent nffi'-ers, who uii.tcrsiitnd all ttie detal,
ttie Oil trade. They have lately mad'- insny improve n tits
in tlic oil laud, oc ne.l bv the e. ml . Ally , and tlie I'reslileut
i. f the t'r rni any (who is also President of the St.
Nicholas (HI I'omi amy) vlnts ths wells and persunallr
ii. pi iideiuls the operations there There is no slock that
pays tielter II. an C 11 stock now, ami the price of Pet r ileum
is steadily lie-re i-lnc, on a -rotinl nf Ihe vast quantity dc
n.aiidi il both for exportation and tioine consumption.
'I he Ml tlo-k olT.-rs sii. ilir ImPneia'-'iiis to
tlio.s ssIki tsl-.ii to Invest. As It run hetiiiuht now at a
loss .ri e, and Is steadllv ll.iliii. l'.otll of ttiese c 'tnpanles
w ill pay lar.-e div tdeods.
No PnosriioiirsonSi'iKiTs or Trnvr.xrixv..
tin yottni: man sslthttie black earpd-biik' Hint called a
iheCotitliicnUl llniel yesterd i.v, iskoonti. Several p.trlt. ft
vshosasv hliti.amt amons tticnt the dctectlvos, rccssaUe
liitti us the pert tsliu buss allot IPs el.itlilntr At Charles
fciiekes .t ( 'o. s one price, under ths llnntltieiitiil, and li.ts
tieett patronilmr that celebrated Itimse slueo Its nitalClsa
tiient. llisilsit to the Com im-ntal yesterday siAslorthat
Gt omii; 8rt ck & Co. 'a Pianos Ami Mahon cV
H M' IN's
1 1 'It I IS. 0 e- .'.(SI ..leieh ol' Piose llae 111- ( I lb i INS,
PI ISO sirum'iits haie h.i'ii sill bv Mr. CIMINCI'
r'1'K 1 1-. Ii.,.tu.l lliete lid is cons ailtly dltdlNs.
I MNil , eri aslin:. CAItlNKr
KolTIH. lorsaieonlvliv (dlUNS.
siami .1 e ..ofi.n. .. iii s -;t
M(A1S. Bevetithalid I'licslail sl.tets. tilt i A N 4 .
Cull nut n'h Ciotiiino. An elegant n-sort-nitnt
At M. Bhoemakt-r A: Co a, No IN. Kiatith street.
Tin: I, Aliu s' Fiiirvn. "A gem;" "A hou-c-
tiold trclstiri'i" "A perfect le.'.lltv; ' "Works ttko .1
atmr m; I he lo st in the oorhll" ' IVr.uld not bu wlth'iut
it Hoieiice;" "Itn'Akis four "lit -li.-s wit li the saiae ea-o
thai ottieis tuaku one." Huch are tlie expressions use
by pnreiis set's of ii l lorenee. Hold at No. IUO Caesnut
A Neiii.kcted Coi.n may cause months of
sutTerlns. And oltcn ends At lAst in Consuintuloti, Broa
eliit's, or other PuliuonA'-y Atlcetleii. When neglect Is
eneiidi .1 b resnlts so (Isniieroits. what csn justify the
cAii lesA Inditreieiics of "wsttlnit lor A cM to net we'l
Itsull .'" If those who are now troub'ed with Cousths,
('old-, Hi. .trsaiiess. Sore 't'iiroiit, .fcc, would surely avoid
the driA.lliil siilterlnifs of the consumptive, let th-oii take
at oner Dr. Ii. Jeynu's r xpoetornnt, a remedy si hose em
ciey has been established thirty years. Prepared only by
lir. li. Jay lie .t Son, So. -4.' ( hesntit stroi(.
Oil Si nsr-BirTioxsi. The books closod yostor
dy n Ith iill tlic shares secured. Ws understand dial thn
"lieserve list'' Is now open at tils olrico, corner of fourth,
and Wutniit street. Tlio-e (llsapp'iliiied by not IijPu In
ths flrst list, may possibly secure an original share In fids
v. ay.
H. Si rr j. & Son have concluded to close out their
liu'SO sti ek of iroods teiore Cln-islinaa. All those who
want fc-oode in Uieir hue will do well to Klve diem A oall al
Pair old estahl. alied stand, os, 711 And Tli -N. Tenth
Tun FioiiENcr. docs all kinds of family sewing
in tro neatest manner, iroiu the hea. leal wo dlens to lbs
ni'-st d.'llcntc lutitlct.
I. atiiis' Frits. An elegant assortment at
ChATles Oahuird A bon t, Continental 11 jtel.
CitoK i: and Fashionaui.1! CONI-HCTIONB,
Pot lip lu Neat Bones,
buitable for 1'ressnts.
Mo. l'.'lO Markut street.
Do Yot: Know Dkan has removed to No. 411
hesnut sliest? He sells lob,.' co, Clears, Pipes, Ac, fllty
D4 r cent, less th.iu nny other msn In (Ms city. He nemtier
l(enu, So. 411) cht.nut strts.-t.
Ft licit ASKits may rely upon getting thi best
1 uis at t'bitrlvs OaalutdA. Sou s, continental H tcl.
Ciioick Caiiamki.s.
Chocolate, Vanilla, Cocosnut, Atitl
1'unsh C'Hiauu'Is. Xa-infactiirid by
H ri-.ein F. Win rs is,
No. l'-'lo .Market SI rest.
Fini it anh nii Kit nvopk is done on the Flo
reuee ttian can be iloue on an other tnaehl-ie. Oall and
cm. mine, tittle, N". 0.KM l.tsliul street.
I.unrs and CmtbitiN's Tl ATS. latest style
at CiiMrles OAktortl A Son s.i'oi.tliitnial Hotel.
Vanilla Roasti.d Almonds,
Of rare iiuatlty. Alaiittiafitured tiv
Urii lll.a F. Will f S.vS.
WAnrtN'rnii to I'leisk. The "Florence" is
t..c only iM-rifct luuiliy sesslia; umi-bine warrsntinl to ivo
(utile -ali'fuc'loti or tin i.'y returned.
Oknti.i.ui.n's lit is. All tho latest styles at
Cbiul.s oaatord & bon s, Coiituit utid Hotel.
riioroi.iiAi'iis of tine styles and artistic exeeti-
f'-'il arc llisde a II. F. H' nn. r s G ille'V, So. Mil Arch
stri ot. rations should ieiiieinbi.'r the ait. moons are brief,
n. .d 4C early.
Sii t.i.'h newpttent Stove for consuming the
ms and eiiptB'U rltiK In at Is the ele aposi a'ova thai can
la ni d. ll.ey nn lor saie av No. Ill 1 Hill ltie(.
Mus. M. G. Rhown'h " Metaphysical Pis.
moii-.' Vils tlie root ..f s-.s-v .tieiis. I'n-.; '. No.
I.'il Ari h .'reel. eJ ud-. e. t sMiaent nl anotlier column.
Oiriu ins Kis.smo Ta' aoaii a, I
Wednesday, Koveuibor an.
The Stock Market, as we have noticed for
several days pas', continues dull and heivy, und
prices oro unsettled, with the exception of Gov
eminent bonds, which arc in good demand.
o-JO.s sold ut liMiAfTiiltHj ; Us of 1S81 at 1 12.J ; and
10- 10s at 4; 11 11 was hid for old 7 Ids, and 1 IS
was asked ; new City (is urc selling nt 101. J; PI
was asked lor Peiinsylvunia ,'9.
Iu Railroad shares there is rather more doing,
with sales of Reading T.uilroad to notice at til, a
decline of .J ; Pennsylvania Railroad at U7;
Northern Central nt 7b-; ; Caimlcn and Amboy at
l.i'J ; North Pennsylvania at Uii, an advance of 4 1
IaMgli Valley Railroad at 80; CaUwi.ssa pre
ferred at 118, n deeliue of 1 ; aud North Pennsyl
vania Ilaliroftd bonds at DS; 4li was bid for
Little Schuylkill; .7.14 for Philadelphia and Ger
muutown; O'.'j for Mlnchlll; 01 for Klmiia pro
fened; HiJ for Cutawisisa common, a decline of 4;
and 30 for Philadelphia aud lirie.
City Passenger Railroad shares arc dull and
lowor, with sales of Thirteenth and Fifteenth at
20, an advance of 1 ; and Race and Vine at 12 ;
6H4 was bid for Second and Third, a decline of
4 ; 24 for Spruce aud Pine, decline of i ; 40 for
Chesnut and Walnut ; 06 for West Philadelphia;
and 15 for Arch street, a decline of 1 ; 65 was
asked for Fifth and Sixth, a decline of 1 1 4 for
Teuth and Eleventh, a decline of 1 ; and 24 for
Girard Colltge.
There la no material change to nolko lu Bank
hares. Farmers' and NechatdcV, old took,
told at 69fn 6i, a decline of I; 180 wae bid for
North America; 159 for Philadelphia 1 87 for
Kensington; 424 for I'ean Township; 50 for
Girard; 31 tor Manufacturer' and Mtschattici';
4C4 for City ; and 474 for Commonwealth.
Canal shares continue dull. Susquehanna Ca
nal v.4 . Uixjl5,Bavitacsjr is 324 wl
bid for Srhuylkllt Navigation common, 3etsJ fof
preferred ; and 73, for Lehigh Navigation.
Oil stocks are Inactive and prices are unsettled,
with sales of McClmtork at ,'i, and Rock Oil at
41 1 39J wits bid for Maple Shade; 4J for Ferry I
9 for Palzelt; 3 for Mineral; 9 for Noble and
Dclamator; 74 for Densmore; and fi for Md
K.licny. The Money Market continues very doll at
about foimer rates. Loam on call are freely of
f red at 6 per cent, per annum. Prime paper is)
ery eerec and ii'ioted at 74(i9 per cent.
Gold is less nctivo this mornlng.And prices havo
declined almtil 3 per cent since last evening,
opening at 2:V2', ; fell off, and sold at 22SJ at 1 1
o'clock; rallied. And sold at 230 at 12; de-lined,
and 'old at 220:( at 1 V. M.
Another new oil company hasten for.nid,
which, for the magnitude of its property and
Ibo character of Its projectors, bids fair Dear
pass in proluctiveiic-s all others now on the
uiaiket. Wo refer to the West Virginia and
Ohio Oil Company. It owns In fee one hundred
acres in West Virginia, near the Tack wells, to
g. tin r wiih favorable leases on 1 30 acres o't the
best oil territory in Ohio. It Is divided lulO
100,000 shares or five dollars each, the eubscrlp
tlon price being two dollars and a half (no othsr
ravnictit or liability required). This
for a working cupiial of fy.'o.OOO in the treasury
of the company. A large number of the shares
have been already subscribed for, anl
tho books will prohaby be closod la
a day or two. The following names are
among the list of subscriber : J. Kdgtr
Thomson, 7.'0 shares; Thomas A. Scott, 613:);
.Tames It. Smith, 2NS0; Stephen Mirris,
11.11. Grit, 0O'l7; Uenj.vnln F. Huldy, 2.S2;
Win. C. Stiles, Jr., 643.) ; J. P. Steiner, 2r2 ; tl.
M. Hildebuni, 111); N. W. Harkness, 22; F. ll.
Wyeth, 112o; John Wyelh, lUi; Henry Ujwer,
1 12o.
Thesiipei'intcndeneeof the prac'ical oparatione
of the Company has been entrusted to a geiit'e
man of rare fidelity, energy, aud skill, who, until
recently, has been one of the superintendent o'
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Under bis manage
ment the Interests of tho stockholders will bej
caied for and the lurgest results obtained.
I llll.Alll.l I'lIlAHTOi K KX :I1AMI1KS1I.RS),M0V. TO.
lleportis; by Clarksou Co., Brokers, No. Ill A. Tnlrd At,
11 KI Olti: HOAIIDS.
HVJ all Senees fill.,
cash Phil, k OdCk.
I'D ah da
PS sh di
1'0-h do
.. sh .III
thai ah do
PS sh d
.'a I sh W-llnut Isiand.
iHsli .to
,'i"sli do
Posh Story Kami....
Aiaiah limner .....,
.' sh J
Post do
il Si di Perre Oil
Haiah Maple 8h
Iill ah d
?''so Kmtser. .
. b 5
Us I I I
... 4.
... ;
... .
... 4',
bin i
I. sh d
:..'. a
PS. ah
PO 1 h
lis h
f. si st
Ill SI ah do....
'.ssi ah B'm Cr - k .fs'i
lnsl.h IMotell OU.bli
iSDch di. bi
Jim ah KI li iroao
VU sh Keystone Oil..
,.'2d 4',
do. ,
IPS' sh do..
.... 4,
S.VJIOP. B fia '8! II
II sh Far MecBW..
II ah do (tl
Jo'sh Siisi Cub. .bo! i e;
lunah ibi U'S
llOsh AlleiAP.tU... 10
J'i HUM l-.s's ha s.
t.s.0 do I(h,'.
I'll 0 00 KsiSf
tun d res-1';'(
t.'io do Pi',
itm r. s. lu te-'j
Sl' " City Os. new , .c lii'H Can. ,t A f.s 'dil prj 1
S.s el's. K. 0. 1st in. .Ill
f'lO N I'a. ls bds.... iirt
t.S.O do 1(7 V
S.rsn f'.nbiiry , E 7". I'd
lis. an Uci.tiiilock.lilO A'.
lntish liiieeA V new.c li
in an cam & Ain...,iv;
40s's N. Co' lira! ,
2isi ah Hock Oil
Oil 4'J
A KB S!sl
n U .. . i.iv?
i I'A. K.h JO Sl4
II sh Panne I
llOsh Hi-ailing I
xa. sn North I
Hah Usk-li Vll"v.. SO
SiSlalil'alaw brtf..,. AH
uslilallict lalU,.,. Hi,
New YoitK. November 30. Stocks are lower j
Chb-aiin and bock Island, lu-i: llaniberl.tnd prei;r4.
41',: minds Central. I.T: Mlrhlan Boiilhero, S'.lsll
New York Central, llti Usaitlns, HI,: HikIsoo
Hiv.-r. lis',-. Canton Co, iiSsil Allsaoiira OOVi; Erie,
hl's; One Certiorates. P7i Treasury 7S-I0S, 115
IU 40s, lis'i ; Uealaiereil, tis.'Ji S-'.Da, Coupons, HU; On
pon tit, U'i.'a; Kesistered.IDo; Gold, srM since the Board.
1)k TjAvi-iM & Bno., No. 20 S. Third street,
quote as follows
Auvlnsy. Atl'("v
American Gold 224 23d
American Silver, i't and I's 218
Dimes and Half Dimes 213
Spmiish Uuartera 213 ..
l'unn. Ctnrency 4dls. ilia,'
New York Exchange 1-10 " par.
Quotations or the principal Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock today i s
ti Atk. Jiat Auk.
Fnlton real ;.si H 'XfcF.lhenv isr ;,''
Hi, .Mountain Coal. .. 60s" K.uerta toil a a.
h.Y.(.Miil.Cual..l 14 Olmstead j 'i'i
(neon HI. Coal... . 4K A Holder liadavinaur. 'a 10
N.csrbonesle i H lllhbard 2 lis
Ciln'i a Coal I ' 1',' Story Farm s .. tcnl
1 a. clalor Oil 1'. ltil Hruner a.. IV
lll 1 1111k 'Jt,
V, I'r'rolounl Centre. 3
I 1 piineiital ....... lis
Oil Creek 6',
Maple Mule (111. a .. Oil...s ..
I'ennsylvanul J'st .
Perry Oil s ..
Sllneial Oil 9
Keystooe Oil a ..
enanuo (ll
Vnloti I'etroleula.. 2'S
llearsm (Ml 1
Heiieea Oil a ..
eirvaii'e Ol 1 .'
rrankUi OH
llewe's lidiljr Oil.. ..
IrvuiK O.I S
Pal's tana OP... 1
llenamete 7 ls
IiaJr.ellOU s ..
314 FiKlssn it 4M-
7'. Hose Island
an Allegheny Klvw.
s. Ciirtln...
3 PblU Oil Creek.
4 , Pull Creek
3'. lienasula
Corn Planter. ..
1 Hriirss
'iAr laauund Coal..
I r-walare I'I
li Kock on s .. of
Vi Tan Farm i'i I
1 4 llioisa Farm 1', IVf
1 4 l.liliira.1.1 a . '('4
10 Walnut laland... .. .1
1', Krouer s .. il1,
H IthieCreek S .. I
'( Alletlieiir Al'iils.s .. 10
The following are tho receipts of Ibe Dela
ware Division Canal Company for the woek end
ing November 20, 1S01 :
For week to dale J7,3f-17
Previously In 1S"4 211,218 41
$217,013 oS
Week enilinc Setd. -5, 1S63, K711-8I
l'reviously in lsii'l lorl,ls.5PHl
. lli3,kl(l t)vS
Iiicrciisc lu 18(14 JP (.5,016-931
Hahio K, Di'Iinfv Co , S. Third street,
quote as follows i
i.lei'A.J. j- 'il -J.
American Gold 2204 210
American Silver, 4's aud Ps 21.4 220
Dunes and Half Dimes 213 211
Penn. Currency 4 dla. 4-10. lis.
Now Yoik l-xchiuige par. pir.
Tho following Is a statement of coal trans
ported on the Delaware and Hudson Canal: .
r'tr rim ir&ik rndiini rr ;A4
.Ve ,l. u
I-elae-Arr and llod-"ii Canal Co isdj. Ml.., ii
1 eiilis.ibiu.i co.dl ) 'LSI 4.c,.'ii'9
Topi! tons Hi,''M
1, .''..'
For liic same pviioJ last year:
Fi- "of
s-'( a.
I). Iss-ece .sn.l Hu Lou ctnilCi '!7.IS7 "A '.Vf
I'i i.llsyiiaunt toitlt'o s, tsjl l.i
Totld Urns Ui.v.l l.dl, Ssi
i'i: 1 1. in i.i'in t tkaiu KErour.
WriiNi hiiav, NovemlierdO. In Buk nothing -de'im.
llold-rs ask tl.'i ft Ion, but without aloe.
'Ihe uuirket l.r aeeds is uiuibui quiet, at a'iiiu'...iie .,
The illACth e een.btlon nf tra.te, as noticed lu ths ri n
Market for some days pan. tnll eoadnuos. and sales ara
iinikuiiioiiino a I. nilicd eteut ui shout loraaer rams.
Hupplles continue lo A'rlve slowly, and holders are nrm
In their demands. The demand for export Is only 'In '
small way, ami Ilie siile. te repor are au.iiil 1 aid barre -IV,
I. lane and. 'sal hhla (.'ueker I i'y Ml lis, on terms kept
leer ISma ins supply of lb. home as
in in i'l 7a I.V l-i l a- I.i .(iiailiv. The nl'iveiiieius in Ityes
Hour and Cora tu-al couueui of au Uuviua
'''uf Wheal Market is ratter qnlst, hut ho-aers are flrnf
in i ,i !, noli salsa ol liasi busUe.s j.aeked at
. ofi! "'at -a' i .he'; la'liana amber at if.., and
5f,ts, busi, d. b.a .hern at tl e ...... rts'iire. Bo "
In wl.ile- ueoiiiileal J ISi '.' IW KvS Is In limited nq lest,
vTlUi'sM,:.", ll"' "!l' . rnartst I. Poorly "W!
Corn ; oldyellow Is aelllnii at It and new st .s..l ,4.
There Is a liberal demand lor Data at (lie , with s Ales of
;-mo bushels. Iia.ley and Mall 'ffk" '.J.
aci.reely auithleu dolus b ns prless. nuky is ami
It i,i I.t' ,d, Za i loivards the close It
A ilccilue. but Itl.'.ut Umhnii buyers ; sail! of fsuu.yh -ma
and Ohio Lbis. were made st SI !
Ship Wealmorelaud, Oecau, Liverpool. It. rsnroa.
Una Ulika, llroxu. Truilitod.S. A; w , .welsh.
HnsJ K. Arov, W eeks, Barbados. J. K. Bailey at Co.
ins Alberli, flow, 1'eusacd., B. A. (louder a Co.
tear tiuiik TulUe, Kick, I'rovltiuelowu, Capulu.
ramus F. It. ll.w.eitine, Turner, 7 days from Boston, 111
ballast lo Feter Wruibl Co.
brhi i arohue lidj,6iultii, days from Fort Royal, lot
tallul to E. A. bssjder A Co.
liuJ. K.a.uin.. Miekersou, days from Fort Royal, la to lieniy aitAoiis.
Bcbr ttiawaita, Klauey, 6 daj-l trout Kswbaryport, Witt,
pulse to (leorse B. Kortoot.
stolir Willis aioiiall, Aduus.5 days ftom FortMM MossroO,
tn ballast to J. G. & O. 8 . Hwpliei.
a, or, Usnn.8 daya ttoia FortUnat, wilt h4"s
ltusk8. W. VVehdi. ,v,.
loki J . at. llrooouai.t eays from Fort Royal, In baUsat
hour gueea erf ths Booth, Moa, day froaiTort Eej al
la bailauil to CAtAlA. . .
aWhrC.ll. hirers, T-Atujlsiy, I Vaj (rota Kef v7t,I(
t-snl a) Corut a kJsiiUts