The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 29, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 4

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    felting Sclcflvaph
; v a rut roH ( KKDir,
7 at hading article of mine
I ajadc t i'i-fnfr? dou'le-lot 1 It
J see i cor ''. i valine,
And lit' !rcf RlM reoil.i ;
r wiidotn, riDK'IetCit with ,;,
Wlthont 10 much it an jo:
Pf crdit, ' cooled everj l it,
Ad real 'r- in Maine to M nric-ca.
flat patriotic vof in, too,
' Tbat little Si(Uib, th.t iiiu-y-lo -a!,
ttnA 'Vli'' 1 tdanu;ed to put thrji.,.Mi, coccert instrumental o, ai,
, Tbt rT ,hir8 in ,he PoI!
five hundred thousand rni.t hav read it,
yo h it's ropisd hy piece,
Aid sot paper me ere lit !
Tea, nr rc " fy o 1 J and ends,
All copied rrmr.l, as thi It , tr'.-t. a,
jr, beard of "svk tio from ,iy friends,"
SHv mr rYon tuy "cj:8nvr.iri ."
Without five mlnntf-:' time to vest,
I clip. I cut, I PUSH, J edit;
I'm Vff-A North, Sw!,, F-i-, nii.l WW,
And not i paper .-roe iuc ccdi: !
Difcird enou.;! (. yon'l admit,
To be filched j-,t of on'3 dupvcb s;
Year prlvatu sipciali" m vie to tit
With what sister journil hatchos.
Ike news i crpird tar an 1 iviJe.
, And whtin. tome hundred times you've rctd It,
"it's pltienl to your honest pride,
To Cue joarn! givon rrcl't !
TtioO)tti on Miri-iimn Wlifiro In
T JnlK, 4 Why?- tUttlne In nml
ilmnt Kirbniuul Swl Ntnl ul lirbrl
rtMnrn-UrnorRl I. na n tlrent A.
vImi illmpw at ftnrint 1.1 re In Itlrh
arlai -loMluK front Nnlloiint I'npltnl.
Washington, November .'8, ISfU.JJ
itikrmak AS si:kn 1'rom men o.y t.
Specalation cannot anywhere, unless In Rich
tBnd, be more rile in reference to ?uormtu's
erhercabonts and movements than, bero in Wash
ington. If Sherman bus visited one-half the
places which rumor hag averted he Iihh, than ho
it M Hbliuitotis as the air. Of c -jurse every ono
hi bopcml, and no one tulles of failnrc in the
Southwest. The Rebel editors, however, ar.: rcti
eerit. They tilk of inyteri.ns lodios of troops
wM h are t iiupeJe 8hormin'a progress, nud
ini'ly completely rout hint. t)f couro, M :ssrs.
Kdltors dc-ire very much fich a contiuuiiriation,
tnit thty nntortunati'ly at present luck the power
to fulminate tho reiniinitc powder, cither in Shor
loan'l tdnnee or roar.
It hi apparent from a close peruxal of the lclel
Bafwrs that the ideas of Sherman's campaign nre
totally dltl'erent in Richmond from tho;o cntjr
ttintd in AVashiugton. Tho organ of Jell'.
Davis lias a loug editorial on tho situation, in
'hl. b is pioved, to the sntiKfaction of the writer,
that Sherman was obliged to make this movement
onthward. "'Hood," mys, this strategic aeiibe,
"hal to plaeed his army in Sherman's rear that
the alternatives presented for the latter's choice
trtre, eitber to wove into Tennuewe and confront
Hood, which movement would be the practical
abandonment of Northern Ueorjji.i and the rclin
liihmcnt of all the finite of the Yankees' List
year's campaign, or he was compelled to push on
Ik rough Georgia and establish a nctr base on the
Culor Atlantic coast."
The first alternative Bbonuan rei'uaud, because,
as the writer asserts, bo was afraid of its effoct
upon the North ; tho second be adopted, as he
"Uiieved he oonld, by a grand lloi:ri-h of tram
pets, lmpte6s the Noi therupeoplo with his ability
jo go IhiontrB. the SoutU without let or hindrance.
Jn either case, says the irate editor, Sherman had
Jo yield his foothold in Georgia.
Now this is nil beautiful and romantic ideal
atiategy, and may calm the minds of feeble old
women and agitated maidens in l: iehmond, but
Its efl'ect npon the Rebol Congress, the sovereigns
fthe people, has been dlstroiwingly small; for
aye see thut the question of aruiiu; tho ulaves is
more ardently discussed as Sherman draws near
the vitals of the Confederacy if it has any vitals
The eurroncy of the Confederacy is In about as
bad a way as its military situation. jVrotn a gim
tlemaa who roteutly arrived from Richmond I
karn that It i now proposed that the Rebel Con-
ren shall no longer tamper wi ll the linances,
but tbat Mr. Trenhol.n, the Secretary of the
Treasury, shall have lull, comijleic, and a . solute
control over the subject, and make as much
money, mure ox less, as hu thooses. The pro
ferenee In Richniwiid given to "greenbacks" ha
aioaaed the Coufedeiute lion, and hu roarcth ex
ceedingly over bis unstable rno.liii.u irf cireula
1 i.r.' Ai'Vicr. vniT Mi tic kci'Ci.d.
Jelf.Davis needs advieo, so docs thi Hebol Con
tTtss, on militaiy uilaiia, and loadiug men In
1U. huiond are btrenuously urging that G jneral
Lcc b made the Kr.uid umpire, t.i whom ail
natters peit.iinlrg to the armies of tho Coated
aracy aiid their movemcaw thall be referred. It
ikvid.;iit thai 10 is ton.iidi'f ed tli mastar-ml'id
lit the Pouth, not even excepting Jttf. Duvi-,,
Ikn ror.TUAir or tub iikm:l t hii;i ri.s.
In the Ctiarl'iuaaville f.Vinm'cte of a recent dt;,
jA en to me by a refugee from the Kheuandoah
valley, tbire Is an arti 'le on ( L:e's re
ticencc of cliarucu-r whi:h is worthy of rojirodue
lion Lcrc. After reicrruia tu the snonca wtu
wbi' h ifiieriil Lee lus p. rforincd aw i-reit worh
(Juimg the war, and bow opposite in crura t-T h
is to the p ini).re-i)jo of how a great hero
acts and t.nks, the writer contli'ies as follows :
"lVthtfDiit is by his voiy raservii Ueii iral
JUe tin cucli inuifd s Uiir:li as by uny oilier
lUulity to make il.c iiu, re-6ioii tc h is male on
tii- Iti.'ow -citizens, 'lie came l tore thoiu at Ue
t'eftluviii.g of tlif ar oy no iuctiis 'lie Aun'.i m
ideal of uarcat limn. Th it p' rsuji 'o was ex
prtrd to nppar with a li'iilaluiloo ; li i wis to ue
sofiiti ina -tiiiw. r of lirewoi k-, and environed
by a myriad of bursiini; lights and crackim,' ex
ploiloiis. J'or a (pner, ntHlemonxti'atiTe ilie
uian to t rp upon the scene w is not at all to tlieir
liking, auil, therefore, in the lct,'iuuiiiK. encral
Jeu w.m not at ail popular. iiddUicird was til
hero theu and we mean n ) di-pir u'cment he
is a nian of nbiii'.y, Tho curtict .la ksonnas
not otter the ir fancy then; tha Aniuriean h.;ro
" ol'JHiil did Jiiot pray, iluit w:m not sulll ii u!ly fast.
.A memocr ot t onrro.s used to be our great
unto a cat-hiie leiion, tough, audacious, wi'li
nine lives, that, throw liim as you would, always
Hiuexn m fret Jle com tell an unecdote. lie
never forgot a face. He never pretended to be
licttcrtiun anybody. lie look his drink, lie
J new all about the ilinouri Compromise and how
lx. Jeremy Hoodie t-tood on the in'Mioii of the
JiaibiiiKin of the proceeds of the putlie lands,
lie was tound on the nijrei'. lie wrote nboiiim.i
ily. lie Sfiol.e iiidimrtntly of the 'good old
sjouiity' of Giles ami the 'good Did county' of
Ace. mi ac all the counties were V;ood' and
old." His great forle was on') he Ulked Iik e
amotly; ha talked In the County Court; he UilUd
cn the court pnva ; he talked in the tavern porch
Jie talked at the street corners; ho talked in the
lt bltiea; he talked in the curs; be talked
riding to court; be talked ridiusback from court;
lie talked on the stump; he taikedut the railroud
nactiDgs; lie talked at the session of the bauk
"jrteturs; he tdked In Uiehmoml; lie talked in
Washington j he talked at the Springs; he talked
I.i .i w,u dressing i he talked after he went
tslSi iUf r 1 V Ulk6d 'lli:u wu having ; he
'P- On court-dav the iwoqIb from
ltd lows did tbelr work
a ,lle.'cmtari.anbtedinthearmy He had
bis place, liv- told the Wtliu, Culpeper Court
House, In lMil.w ho out to r greet Win to
!0 home.' In iiithmoiid tuT
tDnuirs ; t attonded to his bu.uiw. ttad f
iiule. They sent lilm lo Westxru Viuf,,
aiiall tbeati-e, when Hcaun gard was at Mmm,,
u0 JvLnwa wit at Wijjchetr; If went, ad
nisdi no co'ninent. The eamragn railed thov
call. d him Tiirveydrop he did not a'.tompt to
e-xense lilmm-lf. S m i find him in a bla.o of
B'ory, tlie boro of the battles around Klchmoa I.
H: it WW Ucn. ile piaixhci to JJ044s, aud
aebloves another great victory. Not A wo."
tfeapes him. lie takes V inc lienUir is foiled at
Pharpsbnis; for the want of mon def a's llnra
side at Krcdi-rirks'uirK 1 looker at Chancellors
vllle but he breaks not bis silence. He has the
ti-tr ble trial of (Mtystirirg ho only remarked,
'it was my fa'.lt' ami then In the present year
he has coiidiirtr-d ttrs greatest of all his catu
pien undoubtedly one of the linct intlie w it,
.lili-iit still. When will he peW H is he
no: tiiiiir (o say ? What does he think of our
atl.ilrs .should bo kp.Mk, how the eomit'-.y
wuld lung upon every word th it fell from hi' r
i n n IN l ill. 111:1111. i . 1 VI..
The condition ot so. all.iirs In l(i''(l.iv)nj 1,
ceil 1; uly not ruitonic. Robberies an j ms,isina
tions are mote fre.pient tlnn the r-sbibition of
Vi;' fU the part of the cliiA'r;c jMirmlivtWn of
the ltcb-1 capital, fo die .4 arc rubbed with moro
audacity ttiau our d'Vcctives "itiib" a b 111 y
jmnp'r; an 1 to rob n s'lldicr in Ki'lunond of hi'
pur-e i not 1 1 steal ti.uli, csp. e! ally whea wo id
is o ie hundred dollars a cord and very I'.it'.c of it
In flic mukct at that price. Hy the way, the
ladies in Ru hniund have had a str jke 01' luck in
-o tiling the latibt btibions from N''w York.
Some enterprising blockade runner, fully apprc
cistirg female wenknessrs fur pattern;, h is re
cently brought to Richmond a oy of l-'run':
l eali' I 'aihion Hunk And f.W. y's l.'idu'i ll)ok.
These be cxhiMM to tin: ladies of Richmond f ir
twenty-five cents por heal. The " I'ttla lers"
throng his exhlbltlon-rooni, and o isole tbem
sclvcs -.villi the thought that that if they can't
all'ord to buy a new dr m, .a least tlieycaure-
laodcl their old i iits after tlie " latest and most
iproved it) 1c." Wiio, nnder ihcc circumstances,
Monld be a niuutua-niakT ? or wiio In Richmond
would sell tticlr old cbthes ?
The l'ootc-Swan imbroglio Inn croited con
siderable comment throughout the Soulli, andlho
Riclimond y.Viinii'icr is horrilied at the Idea of
members of tho Confederate Congress being In a
police court. "This," says the Kxamiw-r, "is
lan j ing ' honor' to a hard market !" From what
we know of I'oole, Swan, and police courts, we
should Say "it was carrying hird ' honor' to a
good market."
The Southern sons of ,1'senlnpim are in trou
ble. They shake as if att iched by the most viru
lent lever and ague. Why i Recausc the Rebel
.Sicretary of War has recommended that all
physicians under forty-llvo be put In tho army.
Alas ! for the knights of the saddle-bags, llluo
pills they must exchange for iron pills, and Dovor
powder for guupowder. Hat the cause of the
Confederacy Is righteous, and must prevail, if it
takes every pill-maker aud pill-cuter in the South.
So much for Southern gossip; noiv for hems a
littie nearer home. Last nirTht. we enjoyed a
somewhat genial CNclleinent in thij city. The
mids" tiyon the New York hotels havo led our
authorities to believe that a similar incendiary
attempt might lie made upon tiie public budd
ings. Accordingly the preventative, a patrol
force, was used ; and members of clerical regi
ments donned their armors and stood watchful
Bentrles over Uncle Sam's Institutions.
The incendiaries, however, did not come, and
the morning broke with theblaeof the rising sun
alone. It may be tnut Incendiaries are In our
midst, but 1 opine they arc political rather than
material in nit ir objects, hueu, tor instance, are
Cabinet-makers, poliey-shriekcrs, defeit-pro-
phcts, louu-origlnators, nnd Chief Justice ap
pointors. During the past week three incen
diaries have been kindling fires of jealousy
throughout the haunts of gn at men by asserting
that iSicrctary Stanton is to bo Chief Justice in
place of Taney, deceased, that Butler is to suc
ceed Stantoii,"aud that Whiting will wear the toga
ot Aitoiney-ocneral Dates.
n bile thus gossip runs wuu mm knows not
whete to take its permanent habitation, Wash
ington moves on not less siuggiuiy man tnc
canal which casts forth Its fragranco in our
midst. There are, however, Increased signs of
vitality, nnd Congress drawing on apace maketh
ye fx ardir:g-house keepers to rejoice. Hoard,
however, is very high.uud increases in ample pro
portions its price as each week rolls by. If the elo
quence of tho coming session only reaches as high
a bgure lue uin-t ot w itisierwiii rosi uneasily, ma
anniversary of the St. Andrew's Society occurs
next Wednesday evening. Governor Curtin and
General C'niiicroii have accepted invitations to be
present and add to tnc lustivitma 01
the occasion.
t he Society is for the better alliliation of Scotch
men in thi-. loun'ry, nnd has been productive of
much good. Tho memorial iu memory of the
victims of tbo cilamity at the Washington
Ari-ciiftl. in June la.-t, is to bo ot fine Grecian
niaiblc, twenty-tlve foet in height, surmounted
iiy 11 statue ot gtlcl, and hoaring tiienamoot cacti
of the unfortunate women who lost their lives
whilst in tlie discharge of duty.
ri'.nsTITi Ttr.AVl.ll,
Cl(i..Kb u.ailt. in trie tx st ilss ef ti e ubove gooiln, at leis
ilisu mind filvei.
Ncl. IOU, -V4, Mil 4f,4 N. --KO0SI1 RrltKKf,
ll--JI W ll.
A .mull let i,f Ko.;, :
ir.t.r, i'. fvr tw,h.t niiir. 1
Hull 8, I'.itfkt! nut ul
tl"iB J'JKll l'AHl,
j 1 Aiiui r ihi ntc ikv.m. Mian.
VrEBURTON & zom,
11-1 tul. I
k'o. I0SI1 CHH-MT PTUtl.T.
It d- f imi.
1 . do t! K
M'W l.rM,
f i.mpriaiiiK all i lie
C II ) I 1 K 1 o I. U It s),
Kr-'ia tta' t o...
AL'l T loS MAI t!S,
llKII'ICCH I'ltfi'KH.
e I l: a I N sToOllAHr .V CO..
Noi. I.'JJ, 4.')J, U'lil l.'.l A'. Ml.l'UMl Ktnt,
H-"C :l Aooie Wlliuir.
OUHl 1' U lZli'V.
Now rn band and for ial, a full and romi'lete atock of
ra.l.lusa.lile Drol oooda, ediiltstai of i't.piliii, MtIuo4
Jiluprehs .iotlii, S.'P, Alpacaa, Atokuiri, Da tames,
black Ml. a, tc. A I... a full anortment of D"in.tlc
Uoed.4, 1 ULiutlii, eioakinv Iotas, Ac, all of wtilcb we
a.ler to papjfiascra at Irom luta Id per oant.balonr the
livea &r iUicli (Jiefe aooja are siitd in more fa-ibioaatjlo
liKWaiea. Voluvlta buyer, to tnlf, eLMiulue, auJ coia
parr wtr OveUr aud Frioea witli iticua of o'.htt Serai.
T. Q171NI.AN,
ho. '49 ftOUTU STkUtf.
11 l-lia
Ho do IMU'LIN il'i.
I, ao MKUINO ii.
From Uit lata
AtlCTIoSi KAI.l.H.
1.1 UWtK hTOUllAKT A 00 ,
tjtSj.ttiO, '2, aud lftl.BX'tlNI Mreet,
1 1 -V6 - St Above Willow,
aacHiaai.D iiirr, S
"i i. avikaa. t 4 V
Hood Muter, an Attack on Co'v.mV.a,
and in Hoavily Rcj v.laed.
or h s
Movement a
Com plcte
NiMivn 1 r., November 9. Nothinrjlia 1 t c:n
heard from Hood's army or our front, slnco yes
terday evening. The tcicgraph win s ore down.
Hood mail an assault on oar works tit Colum
bia, south f Duck river, on r-'aturdiy, and was
badly repulsed.
A Hinall portion of the II ' be', civ liry bud suc
ceeded in crossing llii' k river.
Hood ha. made no other dic'o; m nt of Ins
Thus far he has nccr iipKshe.l no'.bbig fa tb-T
than the cou.ript'np 01" so-no of his "J;ur
There is 110 foundation for th" rumor of tiie
evacuation of .Tohnsouvil'e, ex i,p a je-oper pre
caution for possib'c cmtingencics.
Hie military situation is satisfactory to tho
The Impression gains irronnd that Hood will
move cast across the Chattanooga, possibly with
the hope of accomplishing s omctliinj with the
aid of Hreekinridge.
ruon !r.w oiti.i:4Ns.
C.viiio, NovcmlHT 2K. The steamer .Ua;i. m i,
from New tirleans on the 2.'d Inst., lias arrived
An expedition organi.ed by Oeneril H.iiloy,
nnd ciinuianded by Lie itenant-Colonel Sterling,
of the Second Maine Cavalry, captured a com
pany of nebcin who were guarding Barron
Bridge, In Western Florida, on tho loth lust. A
number of small arms were uiso captured.
Cotton was in fair demand; good ordinary,
M 27; middling, l-30. New Molaisos, ftr.'O.
Rebel Accounts of
I.oi isviixi., Naveniber -0. Our army is now
concentrating for battle In the vicinity of Frank
lin, Tenn. No fears are entertained of our ability
to defeat Hood should he venture further North
Franklin, Tenn., to which General Thomas Is
reported to have retreated, is situated twenty
miles south of Nashville, on tho Tennessee and
Alabama Railroad. Like Columbia and Tulaski,
boib of which have doubtless been abandoned
by our troops, Franklin is unimportant save as
an of tho great lortiiicd camp at Nash
ville. General Thomas will not be likely to
abandon Nashville unless defeated by Hood,
though it is more than probable that ho may
evacuate Franklin. Kd.
Itebf! Acronnts.
From tht Rtlma i'WW, A'oremftcr 17.
Wc do not donbt. from reliable Information
received litre, that the entire army of Tennessee
is now acrof s the Tennessee river, an 1 the gallant
and tinconqnerable men who compose it are now
cxultingly marcMug towards tuo capital ot leu Their numbers are satisiaetory. T heir
morale is unsurpassed. Their equipments in
arms, shoes, and clothing is complete. Vndcr the
lead ol such uiirmg anu uiscrect commanders us
licauri mud and Hood, we calculate on soon bear
inir of trinnmhs which will raise tho spirits of all
our people, nnd put a newapect on the cituatiou.
J'rm itit Mnnttiowerij Mitil, .Vcnaiee IS.
A gentleman attached to tho Army of the Ten-nesi-eo
baBjutt arrived, the reliability of whese
inlorinitliou can be vou -hed for. The entire
army has crossed the Tennessee river at Florence.
Lie's Corps crossed liM. The other cjrps
crossed oil last Suudav.
It is further staled that while portions of tho
army wero on each sido of the river, a partv of
bold Federal raiders came down tue river 111
skiffs aud cat the noiitoon bridge in two or three
places. '1 tirce ot tno river roiaers were captured,
and hutebcts were found in their possessiou with
which tiny did their cutting. Tho rest of the
party escaped. It w as ono of the boldest attempts
ol lue Yankees raiueis uuring tiie rumpa gu.
T he bridge was soon repaired, and tho remain
der of tho ai my crossed. Our inforiniint furtber
states that tlie buggage and traiisjionaiion of the
army nns rice 11 materially reiluceu.
due wagon alone is allowed to each headquar
ters, even including tlie transportation of the
iJouiniuiHlor-iii-cliiel. J lie bent mules, and Horses,
and wagons nave occn placed In tlie supply tialu
'11. c direction of the uiiny is not known.
1'. S. Since tho idaivowas in type wc l-'nrn
that reports nie brought by passengers on the
train or an cnr.vcmeut between Hood aud
Thomas, and that Sherman had burned Atlanta
and was advancing in the ulrec ion ot .Mncon.
ll!i; DM.INll ATll.'li r OP 01 U l .MI'I.KS IU HE.
srnov noon's I'oN'I'Oons.
At this place the river is verv wldo, and we did
n. t have pontoons nutllcieiit to rttscb no m b ink
to Oiink. v e wore tliereiore forced to the neccs
sity ol icstlng ibe nor.h end ol tlie bridge noon
an island, nnd from tlicuce build a trestle work
to tho opposite ni 'ie. Mr. Pedan, knowing that
between the island and tho north bank of the
river the trestle work existed, vvlien Hearing Flo
mice turned the party into the canal. !! y were
very mnch surprised io lind this bridge, but Mr.
Pcilun assured tliem that the pouiouus Were
below the piers ol tin railroad bridge.
' flill Mc C'ef'oa' 7co'lree, .Vac 'ittt Is,
Fi imiM-i:, Novendier !'. A bold and da
attempt wus m ult a few nls-hts m'o to cm loo
the pontoon bridge w hicti sp ins the I'tnne-see
rier at ibis pime. Yankees procured a
kill' several miles nbove us, nnd a', aiithtfall de
scended the river for tho piupose of severing the)
hriditu. On the ir way dawn t hey pressed a M r.
I'tdun, a good und Mio-ianlinl secedi, iuto their
lei wee as guide.
They flouted on down until they struck the
piers. Here the.v were discovered by our pickets,
and wore immediately lired upm. The party
abandoned the boat, but Mr. Iletinu jumped in
the river and made to the shore Hy uiil of the
dense undergrowth every ono of them escaped.
Mr. Pcdan paddled ashore and gate himsclt up.
His explanation as to how he beenmo connected
w lib tho party was perfectly vath factory to Gene
ral Hood, and he was Immediately relra-ed.
His statement was that the object of the expe
dition was to cut the pontoon loose, so as to cut
oft all communication with th south bank of the
river, thereby isolating one corps of our army,
and consequently its capture. Tho scheme was a
bold one, aud would have been completely suc
cessful but for the presence of mind aud coot
uess of Mr. l'edun.
The same correepondent, writing fiam tin
Kline place on the loth instaut, says :
Another bold attempt wits made last night to
destroy our pontoon bridge. T he night vj iii
It usely duik, and a good deal of ruin was fading.
The guards ou duty at the bi luge touid ataiceljr
see tilt h otlur more than live steps apuit.
Tho Yankees made one pick with a hatchet
upon the cable to which the boats are attached,
the blow severed all the strands but one. The
gum ds heard the blow, and darted to the c.ihlo
before they could repeat the tick. There were
three- of them engaged in the uude: lukiLg. The
guaid captured them before they could get away.
Sir. (ItorK B. Mt-tllvllMu Obtnlu
II iu
We understand that General George B. McClel
lan has received tho appointiucnt of l'.ngineor-in-Chief
of the Morris and F.ex. Kailroad an Im
poi bint line in the (state where he resides. The
levtiiue of this ollice will be to the General C)ual
to hut he would have received had he been
elected l'letldent of the I'nlted btatoo.
His salary will be t2o,0do per annum. This is
a capital appointment, arid greatly to the udran
lar;e of the railroad xmiiany, for Ueueral McC tel
ls n fully UBdcriand the duties andreriuireuicnU
of' ao iuipoitairt a position. We have no doubt it
Will prvve cl grid juliaulugc (o tiM touipauy.
Farewell Address of Generri
W.'soisi i'n, November i!. 'ibf infnru.i'.i jri
from t'ic Army i Hie 1' tom v, d it"d va '' i Jj iy
cveu'nif, I" that liie ns .al ..:nount of picket tVil
wiw heard n'oni 'it trot t, 'ait beyond thai all
was cine'.
In ' Ii..
frin,; was hcavi r
thcra wa a!"" 1 01
vr.r's TVp.irtment the j I. l et
u-c.,11 on th.v. day, and
i.:- . able ann ma ling.
;-nerll llnwU T run frrMl to timlli"
I I. I.I i K'l'J.
Sr.-r.vr Anv (ones, A tinv omtr l'.;T . v ?,
Nowmhcr '.'ii, It" 1 Mai ir- i-'neral Wiudelil S.
Han ' ) k, who has t ..-a so long nn 1 glor.o'i ly
identified with '-he Scn.-l Army Corps, leaves P
to diy to entir npon a more txt' ns'vc licpl 01
action, to v lueb he ha. been called by o.-.b-rc
lioni the War DiaartHi'it, iisii''d, as I am a.i
thoricd to state, without any c-;pres;ion of a
de-ire Tor cl iinge upon his pirt, nnd not :n con
sequence ol tho llert of his wounds, as Inn In en
bciotofor- iiilitiiittcd, but o!cly bee uise it w.w
judged lor the best interest of tho coun'ry.
A larirc iinmbcr ot the olli ers of the corps
were Hi " morning to tike leave of tec
Gen' ;. o, nd a leelmg of deei regret seemed to
pervade the bosoms of all. After the leave
taking, the General formally turned the
command to U neril llqiuphroy, who n 1I1
bim, und proceeded to Meade's station in his pri-
cirii ige, s.-ortcd by a lart'C numb r of the
OlIieciH anu privates.
Hi' then took the train to Ci'y l'omt, frrm
whence be will pnxeed by spo ial lioet to Wnsli
imrion at once. He is aeeonipaiiiel by the fil
loiving mcinher- ol his personal stall': Lieutenant-Colonel
W.ti. Mitchell, Captain J. II. l'arker,
and Captain W. lb VV. Miller.
W.Ml'.W 01 (,1'NnkVL IIAM'OI K'S t.Mtl l R WITH
Tin; si'.conii tours.
General Hancock first became identified with
the 2d Army Corps during the battle of Aiuie
tnm, he beii'g plaeed In command of the 1st 1 i -ion
alter tha mil of Gtneral Richardson. In June,
1N.4, and while the Army of the l'otoma; w is
nnder command of General Hooker, General
Hancock ivus rlaccd in couinmnd of the corps,
with which ho has ever since remained.
Its career is tamiliar to the country. It has
taken always active and ofniims tho mo-t promi
nent part in cverv campaign, Irom the l'euiiisula
to Petersburg, lu all it bus borne itself nobly:
in nono more so than when under tho leadership
of liliu wilh whom it now parts with s i much
his l Anr.wr.i.r, Aiiimi:ss.
The following general order was IsHiied prior to
tlie General's depurturo :
Hkadiuauii its ScoiinAiwY Com s, Ilm onr.
Pirrmsm iio, November2 j, 1W0. Soldiers of the
2d Atniy Corps : Heing about to avail myself of
a brief leave of nbsenco, previous to entering
upon a another field of duty, in accordance witli
Innructioiis, I transfer the command of Ibis
corps to Miijor-Genera! A. A. Humphreys, Vuitcd
States Volunteers.
I desire a parting w ilh you to ovprcss the re
gret I feel at the necessity which c ills, for oar
Intimately Rrsocialcd with you In the dangers,
privations, and glory which havo fallen to your
lot during the memorable campaigns of the past
two years, 1 now leave you with the warmest
feelings of affection and esteem.
Since I have had the honor to serve with you,
you have won the right to place upon your ban
ners the historic names of "Antictam,' "Frede
ricksburg," " Chnncellorsville," " Gettysburg,"
"Wilderness," " l'o," " Spolb-ylv.uiia," " North
Anna," " Cold Harbor," " Petersburg, "Ream's
Station," " lloydton Itoad," and mauy other
The gallant benring of the Intrepid officers nnd
men ol the 2dCoips on the bloodiest lields of
tho war, the datinilesa valor displayed by them
inmany brilliant assaults 011 the enemy's strongo t
positions, the great number of guii9, colors, pri
soners, and other trophies of war captured by them
in many desperate combats, their unswerving
devotiou to duty nnd heroic constancy under
all the dangers ana narusiiips wnicu sucn cam
paigns entail, nave won lor vnein uu iiiiirerisuiiiiiu
renown and the grateful admiration of tuelr coun
try men. The story of the 2d Corps will live in
nibtory, anu to iisoiucersaiiu iieu m uu unci ok;u
the honor of having served their country with
nnsurpasstd fidelity anu couriice.
Conscious that whatever military honor has
fallen to me during my association with tUo 2d
Corps has been won by the gallantry 01 1110 0111-
ccrs unit soioiers 1 nave cuuiiiianoeo. 1 ieci huh
lu purling from them I am severing tho strongest
tits 01 my military inc.
The distiuKuisueii oiticer wno succeeds me is
11. titled to your evtiro confidence. Ills record
assures you mat 111 we nonr 01 name ne win icau
j ou to victory. Winitm.ii S. Hancock,
Major-General Volunteers.
I!r el. In r Ida v lt-f.orleil MirroMntliiijfOiir
l iireo Hi MriiHUi'i rj b-iiiiis.
Ve." the lik'lt.ttoinl XcnUniJ, A'w' i'i.A;i-'ii.
We had a verv plcainjt rumor fsays theliris
tol Itnistcr ot the '.'2d) from below, last night,
that Lretkinridge nnd augliu again nave tho
Yankees snrroundid nt Strawbciry Plains.
There was au engagement on Friday last (No
vember IX), in which the u. gro regiments ara
paid to have snflered severely, three hundred
being reporti d killed. Wo havo not been able to
lcum uutla mil-ally the particulars, and arc In
clined to Punk the upon only a laucy oi tue' re
liable ientlenian."
The latest Information from Knoxville is that
Gllicm lins his In ad iiiarters al the lair ground
and Hint there is no prospect of his receiving any
iniincdiutc retnlorecmciits.
VtAiAV I Vllll.LIUblVCK.
I'mirii Suns I'isriiicT Coi irr Jadrte C ad
waladcr. The l iiltod rstates vs. Robert 1-1 vans.
The tli lend. mt was indicted and was tried yes
teiday aftcinoon, on a charge ot enticing a sol
dier to desert. The indictment was framed under
the uct of Coiigies-, March II, 18iit. The allega
tion ou tho part ol the United tsbilcs was, that
dtitndaut having in t the soldier, isbeehaa. in the
city, he being nwav irom Camp Cadwulador on a
pats for 21 hours, st'ipeiied him with liquor, an 1
took him to New York to re-enlist him, and
Iherehy secuie the bounty.
The defense id epcd aud proved that Pheohan,
the iiiiiiu wiincss lor the Lulled States, was ori
Kiiuilly iu the lie1 el service; that having taken
the nntli of allegiance, he subsequently enlisted
iu the Ft. Ion n i my, deserted, and a-tiin ro
enlisted, and that this he ditl rvpentedly; and
luou ovi r, 111 it be avowed this to various parlies.
Abo, ihat though it was freely admitted that de
li ndnnt Wi ld to New York iu the same cars with
Sin el. nu, und s' nt him, w ith his conip mion, to a
house i'l their n qu ,-r, where thoy lodge in
j 1 1 1 .oi . i . i , s i' i iico uu tun nut nceoiiipanj uieiii
i u the ioliovriii i ii.iv, when Sbeehau alleges that
he Vvai tul en ot.! I be enlisted.
T I e jmy ciiiae lu this morning find stated that
tiny wen' in.iildc to ngrco upon a verdict, wherc
iipt n tliey were iliscliarired. liisttict Attorney
G.lpln und A-.-i-i.-ut Distiict Attorney Valentine
lor i he l n lni fs'i ics; Charles W. HiojUc, F.s.,
for the deb id.u.t.
Don. in Coi i t Judgo Sluirswood. Phllli
liahtl vs. Al lah in Pchci.c. An action to ro
tovti ii:i inn 'i for the alleged leakage from nrivy
info pl. iiudl's pv, i.jises from tho theatre aJjuiii
in;; t'ti Ciill'iwi ill street. Jury out. i Cm i r Judge Ktroud. Schomackei'
Co. vs. Mi.iiia lltjwood. Au action of re
plevin. Jurvout.
Cot in or bvi-K ano TrRMiNKR isn li'Aitri:n
Si Judges Thompson und Ludlow. The
Commonwealth vs. Frank McKcever. Tho tle
feiiihuit is Indicted for the muider of Joseph
McMasters, on the 11th of August last, on board
the ship Z.11J1 7'.'wi.7i J'rtl, nn Fnglish ship,
McMa.sters beinthcu boatswain of the vessel,
io d the prisoner a seaman attached to her. The
ship had but a short time arrived. Tho pa-scti-gei.-'
luggage was not yet ashore, yet some of the
trow, and among thcin Kclvcever, had boeii
ashore. The cook, nctori'ii g to the te,ony,
was tirunk-, nnd the captain, upon the fact boim
reportid. tletaikd a man lo act iu his place. It
was with this man thut one of the even, named
lidii(',hc'.tv, got into an n'tercation and a tight
about his bieaklast. This 11 as iiuellO'l by the
otbt c:s.
Just ut this time McKesver, the defendant,
(Sine on hoaid and inquired ol Dougheity, who
as passu g alt, the cause of the tusiurbattie.
lionttlierty sa;d nothing, except thut he had beea
fighting with Hogan, tho mli-titute for the cook.
McMusicrs then said to defendant that it was
none of IPs business. This led to an altercation
and a fij-ht between the prisoner and deceased,
w hich resulted in the slabbing, by the former, of
M Masters, iu the neck, with a knito which ho
drew from a m-abbard ut a belt around his waist.
The cut inflicted by tho knife severed the jugular
vein, and the deceased lived but a few minutes.
The defense attempted to show that tho killing
whs done in but blood, aud to home extent iu
eelf-dctcui-e. Also, that in the course of tho
fight the prisoner received at tbo hands of de
ceased a serious wound in the thigh. The case
is still on friul. District Attorney Mauu und
T. II. Hwlght for the Commonwealth ; John
O'Byrne, John I'. O'Neill, and li. C. Min, K.,
hi U I'liaoner.
2 C 0,000 SHARES.
"WrV I r gr . iOtvt, J-i,iMI.
SI 1 SCIti' Tl'. N I HT'.l, V) II ' IIAKK.
Till-. 1 oinpi.ti dim ti c 1 1 I'.ijm itig Inlf -rc'ti'.
.1 to I
I ... ttp- - rk
c 1. II 1 ( ' let rut. d
f im i I r'ftitl .
ny rfvi r, ( vt iiitls t It.
i- iltu.atUtLs
tie. tewn 01'FrftiiKPa.
Oi. tl-'p lc
, .r Jialiic 'II1IKTY () ItAI'.RI-LI UAILV.hllf cf
lli belongs to Has Cvur-anr. las dorrLlis ur two
luvre v!'! airuuw Im-Iiir en etea, and opersiions will at tie I oir.oiciiccl. Ttilinsl'-n of tl:s A'l.tirny river
lias liecn fonnd to be IcallT nroduellvs i tli new w U
iBl.-l) -.trut k on lie- to i; I'.ihm is urortu' in; 'i--7 t4') a'"
reli for day, stso tho uow well on It ha1 10 n I-i a:o- P, no'v
Sillnpllie Silti (It") barrels ttally, and Inoo anliirf. b'side
Uu r i ells et' tuei.ty and Ibinjr hari-rl- In Hie Im aeC.iato
, )ir'- iiileii t In .11 tlie oil olrflu' d In I
Or. Mti '
t a.r en II.
JI. Mi tXlNTOCK 1'AllM,
On OU rrirVfvn wtii'-li l.n.e vitiated tMO wt i,pr.-
ducliilt KKIHIV 11aKBI;L8 ITH HAY. On this I'-js-e
ttiree new netware nn belrg dr.ll'al and neArt-nuj
Ilea, In ru whP Ii thet 01111 any will receive the of l-uu hoi
iu on.. The (arm ta well known, from the fact tliat tl.e
'McrUnlockvUV- Itiioki mComi any" unn tae LmJ in-
The 1 -filth vorkii f Imcrist 111 Hit f. lie Hire diserllad
lots on Utt ec-JetTateil
J I V J l-i A IV I Xi JI Ull'l' FARM ,
OnCIH ink.
In let Niv 1, on wlii.-K
lu lot ho. I, on whicti la slittiiird the
bilnj,' 11 .tfd
lu M Ju. (1. Unl.: lot the new
I iittw 1-eiriK drlllcU, ftixl fVom tie fact Hint It jolni lot N.
7, on Yt liich It oltiiatcit tho
I.atrly Btruclv. It i pc;t('tl tiitt A lirv (Viwliif will mil
t obtan ! on IliU l"t.
In M 1.0. 8. TbU lot l-w iltnatorj totwc n ro!i 7 Hint '',
1-Duin as th "Ktiun? Leases, " vlihli li.ivc pitvtJ
tlitnuclvei f be the very bet oi t.rr.lry. On ti is lut ts
a.UiauU ilia
Which )' now heng drilled d.Tpfr, s the t-xln wluoh li. -1
bcrn fast arc n txovcil, and liotulliO Indic.itloui a Lirye
jleld la fxpecti'd.
In lot Is'o. lA,n htch preparatloufl aro beinif mult to
bilik A Wfll.
In lot No. If. 'I I i Mot Is particularly ivoIIiUuatail, ad
joining tha lot Ko. '.''Son wMcli iq aliuuud t)' new n err
ing Will
fluid to ta producing ilx hundred barren ?i day (the
striking of U.I well advanced the M.iplt. 8ha Je Co nip inv's irom i 17 to f I I r aliaff). pr. aratiuiii will be at' cd to sink .1 will on this lot.
In lot No. which if ailTantugeotisij situated frjm tn
pntMiiiity to the Kt-vitonc leriKO. aiid the Jercy Will.
In lot Ko. , on wbkh li United the celebrated
.J 1211 HEY
Now producing abi.ut O'0 I.AIinKLS PER PAY. Thiw h
on ol ihfi la rue st KIow Ing Wells on the (Vcek.
In lot N'o. W.nn wMelililtuuUUtteli.i;rj.niVi i.t. The
ii"vjij a i xza nEimAaiiJx
In a avnwdgml to be one of the bt prdu lr.g frms In
the v U"!e region.
Ihc lullowing rrnurka are tnltn from the flnancbsl
coltituuhof the l'hil.uU'iptii4"iie88,"of Jioveinborlt:, ;
Ihr- rxv'i:nim nt In oil stacks la atlll lncrning, and the
prh'i-t) ci'ionir ot the priiucliiK citiupanlct huve iuieriHl.y
fidvacrt t. Wc notice the compaiiku nituatod on the llydw
nntl l;;:teit fiiiin, which Is cniiihlcred out- of Die buiion
Oti Ciii k, hHvlug ruii idly aUvuroud within the lait lew
days. Tills Ih owing to mhiiu lmv wlh lutving I no 11
lately an tick on thin property, fine thmlnif about u thou
hnii.f hiirielh per iluy, iinil miti itoitu Ivvo hninHtjil'lw
Hr ilay. 1 1n finlru yield or thin tanu U now between
llltn n htindroil ami hvo thousand barrlH por ihiv, and
GiHiiM uf the eotii .liHili1. lot-.nt'il on the 'Mup e Kiunlc,'
Hyde I'aim,' 'Ito-k,' Khort,' and .M iiit rnK have
f:'l their liicoiuiiH doubled by the alxtvo iieivv wiln (rtiiUK
down on tb lann, mi out of whi.-h the lrc-t oli citvito
jci ti'tiitd i aJl h )iao he it itru. k. '
nil. il 7) or I. Ing IntorcM in two aii'f and
i he 011 Cherry Hm, on wliMh Ii t::n;tt, d the
ici:i:i avkm.,
Tl.f se
''It htvcii pi
now p.oluiiiKoineail01tAKlti:LR PER DAY. Thii veh
la one ot tl.e njoni rcli.ihl, and hii b n d.illy incr' a-Ct'-'.
i.d tlie fetril.lnu nt It bait provcil the fact that Cherry Hun
propctu Is tuuoiii; the mt it n. i.i lle ami productive In I ho
oil region.
Htti'lT' Untt lnt' rest ti tfle arrs u CiVvry Kmi,
iihtiut thrcc-fuurthw of u n il.' above the KiedWt ll. lii
pinjofrty 11 well .c.ur t, beinic all b"renlle, and H'i:
VrLl rc ti.-n h'-lnu diilkd on It, I WU ol whU-h are
near oomph tiou, and at onlliito the lean! granted, 1 IV i:
jHlhr. WI-I l,H an l- br c tuiiut'iiccil oil the property
w ithln one htinar-d d.iys in iu Nuwuiter I ti.
UilviT-t lb iii't in! to uurf.tBt tin- yit'l-1 . tin t'u n,auy
to a lurt.4 aim. tint.
For:.v a'u -,iu v ('hfvty h'iu, (he
tveh e acri 1 tnvm d hy the Coiiijuiny. Oa the a 1 join ni
li.riim reat ucthhy now exists, derrick iKlng cnun d
aiuMMlla ib tiled. Two ih-rncks are now-belli;,' eie?'it,
und the d vcloj.itient of pi'cKTiy will bo p.usccuicd
'fho following extr.uU are frm an editorial of tbo
'PahUc Uici, ' No 1 uiber Ik, ls.,1
"ne of t'.e tnnht remrkahle feature ittioiit ti--" preient
oil rxelteuient It w iit.e the tfirltory kiutwnto poistas
oil m i'.t,uii fiiniJiDu In ana, the older Bt itltd por
lions whir.- moht uil haa bet-n dmwn oit, U Uatlv raising
luprhe. '11. price, I-k, ol ttm oil la higher ttiau ev. r,
bt'ijifi ekeii did ait and a halt per hnrriMat l he wells- now,
ct, ail around Oil crt-ek m w areas have been ndtJoil ot lar
m aier ttcnl Utaii tboe ht(tr known. 1 ho whle ot
C iit -ri y Itiiii imi bfia.d tn have cuiuc into tue market
mice t.f benlMiiin.' ot tl.e ear, ao J la now c tntiJort-d tiie
iihh l valuable territory uliwhtr l bo touild. Weill are'iiU inter (u ou a.
'1 he Coinpuiiy die nw ifftiritig from tlie producing lij-teie.-U.l
M 'iV-l Ol II (:tj JtAKUKUN HY Oil. IMU.Y,
wlilcli will eiialdo to pa: a haudsoina and prompt
diidci.d on Hi capital i a hi, an interest in i:iliilTKI.N
Wl.LLb in ,.irIou btfije of cuiuplftlou, TWO on Alle
Klainy river, Hum tl.ey will icoelve I1ALIT tlie oil ;
UilslXon AkChnhtk i'arnj, fr'ia which they will re
ceieOKi: EltiilTU the oil; k'l t'. on CLerry Kun, 11 W.f
the oil , 1 WO on Cherry Hun, A 1.1, the oil ; uud Sl on the
Hyde and l..tcrt Puna.
If these wuu have but the umiaI auccewS, the ptvduction
lo ti e Company will I iucreted to a larg atuouut within
tlie next ui iety days.
Iwenty-nve tkousand do.'lan will be retained in the
Trcaaurjr, for the purpose of developing the luudu of the
O001 pasty.
Si biciiptloni Kill be rvtelTed to the abia Cainpauy it
Tl.lialti in, dVjliar m iibMribinf , ai,4 one doUar and
ny ci nt, oa the bilk 9f Jcitjulxr, Ihoi, ll-M M
iiao County, renrtj Mania,
(j j r 1 t a. 1. h 'roc it,
Id ,( rtlAaFS AT t ', A 'I. II B. I I : T. TAIIl.
Wcrliinc CaplUl llrstrud for UiacIii).
merit, I0,W.
fn'-H- -Al i FtfP lit NT, E-o.
Vl r-fS l 1 i.,-lllTAMl Kil l ,-KN V ...
ir e t . .. i v s-o m,
Illt'MAI W L'.f.
Mr ALMH)'.I. l!V!r, P'i...ll.le, P.s.i.tvt tw '..-
1.1 .m Iron W ri
air. WII.l.iA.M C. I.3VHT0X, No.lii 8. Wa'tr itrttt
Pi iiait. irli a.
lr. KIiW C'i Plitl'TEN, h. V. ron
.fOIl.tti TVil-
bui r-!ret, l'lilift'l' Ciila.
tr.TIIOM4 W. r.VAm.Ki'.WOCbi-ir.iit tr.,t,rsi),
il li' .
Mr. K. W. PA1T.EV,1" spi Clitsr.ut IT ', I''i Ma.
Mr. HlLI. rt'll'lWlN, Pl:i-hii,r 1.
lr. B. H'MI llKAll'l'ltl'. K- w llr . h'.n, l'.i.
lr. J. L.C'AItNAt;iIsJI, I'r. HJ.-iit 01 ttm PU i'or 1. II
C'eoii any, AllrKbrnv CI't, Ta.
Wr.WII.IJ.VM O ni l lHIir, PIOt..uv, P.,r;reu-y
anil Treibiirer vf i'llt-iairg ami Con tie 1 s. 1 lie Railroad.
Tlie roBOianycwn tn ret i.rnplc 21-' acrii ef Pit t'st
0.1 renl'orj uu Hie rlsat Icink 01 1 in All. tUi j f iver.u, r
(ill City, with 1 T"il tm 'U auJ ai. oilier ncirly oen
iicttd,lik rs lrcaa, tkinipthe, aed riser a.'eeii to tl'6
Ker iirtu "Urn, w rr-np- tm, U be for.ed w ah ..ny 1 f
UK Mr." its or at tue cfllcfs of
No. 11 KXv'lIAN jK. and
. 31 walmt nrnrt;r,
W e iit ulltlif :litd to '
:i u Unitftd nnm'ier of I' ar. , of
il --ji hi
(F Vi) T VHIG1.VI4.
Ciriiul, Jit I ,( OOKK). hKiii. 100.000
rlflTsCltlPTlOS PltKT; paid in ltd) ii .Wp" ' r-
Pr;RiDr.ast-J.lMKfl M' Ci"T'llfcN.
Sk Hi. I AH V A l Ti:i.M 1(1 R WILLIAM IIH11
P'lRf l'i:Q.
dAVKfl MrCCTCM-U, U. .1 APlMi.
iit iai ritAt't, t;non.:B m men
tMM.IA iiltl K, S. M CiB vlIAM,
Tti rio.-li Book tif tiie i'.wupaiiv ii inn i-p'P l' thr
Counting II nf Mi.,n. M'Cll'' 1IE0N A I Ol.l.ISf,
No. UU ) HO N 1 HlT.-' t.
h '!!' r;b r. imm,i t'nifiiiw Cu !r nat.t" w'T U r - , lrv-1
ii tiuy Hfty P'T r nt. if t'i tr t.ihrt ipii'iii-, t'ie t'i'a o In
nxty da t, v hen the i crtiitt..i. i of ntoi w I.I K: t dy Icr
M en .
1 lands of t'te f Vnc pany bf-n iH,id with the
t If ul i et ate by mum oi t 'it limit pT't;')''-'!! m! mrn .ul
icfiii-m 19 "I inc iM'unliy, aun , n r irv. t.w.mii
wi a:raof lai.d cn llo'rc Jie -k, bp in ibn b tb y hae
n wi-ll. lu whi h tl oyl,flt iust miuek 'ill. Tmiwol!,
In the on:nion of onr Hiiperntenlnt, an well - ail cTp -
rU'TJ--' l innho havo tvon It.wiij n a lmwi yie'-nng
wt 11, ue II linws ifl now at imervai. twonty i-.t hojvo
tht'w.-n, andwHI h)d to the Couinany h tiar. t l-i lnt
fltiv lnrr:H pt day.Hiinh'l. t. It is ho i ,.', to p-w a
l.andf.ue ilhh'.emi on inn wi'n eai.rfti e are n iw
availing tho at i iv til of nccijssat-y uja hin:ry to wvrR to
scoiid I, a tratt of otie hu::dr,d acr; owned In fceby
1 litin t it ua l oi i'.o acr''i. on n t'niy .r i -e.
iibl-tt to one-eiKhth of the II u.i a myat'.y. Itoih nt hk-ia
ro Di.nrpa,'r(i as oil tnyritory. nnu lie. iu 'towo provinin
to th Hon1 Vt-k nud Itawiun l;ui tcwitoiy, and Uiu
l.nla oi tb Hunt re 'fc uti p.ny I Me woik ou utiu ot
rh'stl urit'i-inril wlih rieoi, aud on tra t No ewe ae
amfk a heavy liibriratuiR oil at a depth oi'.'V) t'eeU
tot more htu i.iiuruiuimn te prot)e''i9, hi
Mes.r. M--CM ICrtKON A 30I.1.T B',
11-20-Jw . Ji( N. 1 l.'tNT vneet.
20,000 iie"kuei ron wojikino caviial.
J. P. M ( kEHY,PPFmrvr,
THOMAS A. w 01 T, Vi t -Phiimn. vt.
initi:ci)UH :
3. H. Vi-CltEAHV, i J. W. VAVHOfTKN,
Tllf-MAH A. SCOTT, I PIMLlf I'UtUl.r;,
M IN HOW rill.
PAMl'1 L P. I'KUKI i:, Sc. .i. rj and Tream.rer.
Th properly bH'iiKin' t 'h 'oinp; ny r.iiiBtsts ot On
lininired ami Kitty A'-ren hi f e simple, ol v.iluahle l.nbrl
eailng Oil Land, situated ou Sonar nrce ;,ahn t two nnh s
hi.m IU L)ou:ii, which euiplif into trench crcok, Venuifi
ei'Uniy, Pa.
Ihii pn perty hai bn neh fted wilh a view to It v.iln
alile kicatl'iii, luving i liiu-a extended Mung nntl on bo.h
ldii of ih) creek om-'i' three hundred locn, w hh li, together
wlib the larm: amount of I Kt or itottmn Laud, - A
.toiioHor aeh Antitfceit for drilling ft larnc uumlier of oil
Weill. At least One Iltmdicd Wella can bv w i'd, witu
ample ronm lur Tanks, Knilne-hmiso), an l OwLlhugi.
A i'iod w eil. rTiVinv twenty barreliper day. is witiilun
foui lhof ft luilo tibifve It, alio, several good proiluoin
w !la on the rreek hclow It.
The oil obtained on thii rrr.k is the T.ubrlcn'.lng 0.1,
whl. h c inioan .a in prh o tine hnudrcd pr evitt. a'juo
oiher mDs, aim in nioio in demand.
The o ut u!aiu a largf revnue hypirtl-'i
wishing to hifik wrlis, reserving ir mi on--tonrtu to on1
hilt ol the oli fil ot vpi-iiHO to iliM.Yni any io tp 'D'i'int
of ti e revenue l'riiin th ir ow n wells, there being a large
fcufhcI'Miry ot land for botn pin poi-u.
It Ifldon'ned to iMe the e irr.i- t to drPl wr,l vteAH
In U. he-t h-cttinn at once. The titlj to Die p.-tptrtyU
p rieet and fiee ul ineumbran
Hubncjipuoii Hooka ur now open at the onlre of
H.ltllKl. M .
1M7-I?t - No.'lS.
IbO.Ooil SHAllllS ji liaoh.
Snbseiiption 1'lietf
10,1X10 Shares I'.cserved in Working Caite.l.
Cffxc, Ko 314 MARKET 1st , FiiiladYif h.a.
Vo, 1 Aw e'lcn Oil c reek, now p imping 10 bai re.s -r
d.n . .tint iiioc (mii;.
Jo.V. A wll on oil Crert. now o -r ; fev-t deeo, wtrh
lurte ow 1 1' oil Ne:r l.'iis i tho Corn eMamer WoM,
whi- h is ii-jw pniiiiiiti!.' ic.'O barrel1 of oil per day.
No. y. A woli nn oil i n eK. .i.O feci deep, t.ov reaJy Tor
tuhinii, with K(ijcii'hd ahov of o:i; c ory profjoct o: i -o-din
htK largely,
o, I 'he iKt'i Interest in n ti nn of five hundred arn i
rn the Ail l.eiiy itver; sU wt III, now pnmpt.),; (lny i..n
rt la 1 foil i er da ; tnrei' ui -re w-Ms no a .miuk d jivn ; v ill. a Dili- ni rivur ir-eit, all t:-i t h-irhu territory.
.No, lull a.-ie a T d"unie n.-r H e i. voiiuimti. '.Vt'i,
wh. h are i.ntv puinpMiac li b irr " )-r ''av.
Not; Kight and a hsh aerr-t m W ilun tte Al'-
' 'tryihrr; iioini j urro:;iidli'g thii prtn -ifit. 10
1 rufinc nv wells, i'tiis tract will t dov eloii- j , iindl.
Sub n th'iia aio n-m 0"in.' ! vl-- .I, ai. l a la 1 r
ttfii ol the bt.Kjb ah ea I, ijKi-jl. the pr vt l- .10, 1 -
in nn 111:11 inn ivtn h- nljiaii,. i a liie Ode j 01 at - t'coe. iy,
now at No. ill MI.M PH.iet II U:
We are prepartnlio funiiKh ew irp'.-riaoi witii all
tiie Pijolti tliey re iuird, ivt short n-aie-: nn 1 ii. inn i f
.'ot ijunrty. All llvles ot niielin;-.
ft j Et i - I'La"1 i: t'Kiti! o Al r.s or 1 j ;.
LI I UOiltt XI'IIKII do do
feiTDi'K LKOtirll.
ULiilMi Kit K Cvl'l I AL - I'm, K.
l ltOkKKM' I'r I'TY f .l.i't'LK.
Avil v r 01 SAI.l-rt.
Blank P.Ovk Mantif..i ttrera aud StatUmra
11-18-tl h'o. CHJtlSNL'T BtreeU
Havlug bought mo it of my i ate rial before the lat
great mo, j am enabled to oil r my nock wf
At a iniall advance on old prion,
e10 ?m Ko. 141 8. KI.EVEXTH SI'RKEf.
o. k. mnth flTuttr,
Gilt Oval IliotofcrapU Frainea
aior Oruuil, Harmonium,, aud aiek
ilaoui, at
e. 11U1 tJlESkCl Ktreat.
maUe to order, at
no 7T.' e:an 1 rit Fire.1,
touveurwit lor the ovkt- HviO b ike ilross'il' 't if du'
J1 C:! I'AIN V.
CAriTAl H000
rui:i?'r-A r ions f,r.xAttrm,
? T. .Tli-Jt llN W. TOI(ltk;V, 0r Pi.
hAMS K(ltirit Hnk,
pr..HKrHY-WM ?. LANK.
. ' . TipT I., Trv .1. i t
K!V U! rj. J MKP, rr l)if
! an.-f Nut- m
r.f IY .mi Richard-
J. ii. I :. , 1 n -i.urj.
R. K., M. !., W:.uiii;:.n.
'VM. H. 1 VNi:, I'l.'! )). U .i.
Of t... N . 1 4 S. 1 OLlt l It hm-rt,
PIIII l'T.T"ltT .
. 1 (- r'v o: 1'; a :min -oisU'ti c' O I I.nB.T,
I,- , . nl ri ul Ii i.r K- r "T It 1 tint ; of a; I tn
1 I i-n t! .cil fin "A. IWi ',. 111 .1 I "-in. ivi Oil Crtk.
H."i n-, ').', ' I" Ul.ll III ..: I . .Ti'llil-1 'I' J1 'iu In tvo t 'IU-
Artf. ? -K - ur ).v uU'i Eit-: Ill i.t;k,, ciiaiia; coaaiv,
J tn 1 1 .iri .ilv "it on h I r 1 unit 1'ity 1. rv,yj i,.9
C'ti Itti.lM.iii'i t'nrin," ovi-r mvy 'it vc ar
l ni-1) t ,1r,-t I'll- oj.rt; mot . Sfvent-rn tr iViW
Iiroii 'i it'll 'r il lire now l 'fni; t,t'-l wlfli go'd
pro' ti,aii'l t ttity r tf.irtv w& Nirei m vr.o .
BlflBcc ir'nrT.'i.
A1 ft ".!! pnun 'i'pr invn-'m it n I; m'.'1 1 in'n.'fT ot
full (Hit! f.!iJ,-M, ! c- i-.tir'". mi' ''C !' 4iu vl .tt 7
uj,Mn ap'-'il' v in u .mj if 11.0 nionri.iir at tiie
vl'.-- oi fbf nnii any.
Tli" jiroif t'ii. t'-n' s; iln n mil . r i 1 i jn of liit C-m-
I ftPT'f pr- "Ti , -n 0 'jij'an vl it u- i. Ji-A
run b' 'jtj'an e-l it tie- .
C-TAK Oil.
i i put a .
Pirn m i r "ni . t.he. iS'tl,
TMs t to nw , orvanlfd wild a "' .( -.) no,
I'll it :ll.iw 11 iitiinetl Keiiitiun a ' Ml.. r iiQ'i Di
rct ; f- r tl. ertuiii. .
!'! -If.' -.-T.
1 i'.r. I li I It.
"I 1:1 I AIM .
HAM I 'El All, EN.
1 if prt.p' rty of thin' 'nnipiiny cormiM of the f'tlewinf
vniu.diio Iracti f l.aml, kn'uited lu Neuingo Cuunty,
ln aere- on 'HOMi; CHEEK," hrvin? a large front 00
PmIi Uh,j ( iaia erp"k.
Hilt prjverty was i'iaerrd by the nrkinal owtwri oot
t "1 up vMl e LAIt.ll l.AM) SAI KS tii-de In Veiiaiivo
itiuitv llnee the dii ovrry ol (Ml, ,.s p ' "f ,lM' 'I
loiti-'tnonn, w tin h It lxhevi d to oe iiritiirpus-ed by auy
lerritni j )il Ihis reyinr,
ri and three-(.iarter (u ) Aieu, nn the AlL-ghny
rivr-, al,"tniT. "lur.- ' ia k,' n id m the luiundla'e
t'lai'tuMatl WKI.I. n-.w In sac- "- f ! oi oratl.-n It
Ii aim oiposie lh ciebrated w H KKLKIt, PHI I.MP3,
an.l otl'tr wells.
l ie proieri of th s Cotupanv a oned fn PER SIM
M.K, and is n:arlv an J,K' ll" V A W.E l'erlt.ry.
Th- ro 11 al t -H'-' HK nt pp 1 r1 t l;,as, d. tip n wntr't
there I- a well V.v owners!. Iiueml.l-dt use loUKTH
ot tin- Oil. its KoV Al. l 1 .
r d.ntra -t" h.i'e he-n mud" l-- r th" lntuiedia'edevelop
111M11 o! bo'h tracts, ant En.ino TV oK and n;eecsHftry
uia- hitiery for that putpnite Is now on the ground, and In
i nure 0' "reel ton.
Hie iiiimb. rof Miares to con?dnt of TWO HCSPRflD
TM"T ANi. Th'1 o'i..-rip' pie or tho stok lJ
r'Afd aMISK DO IT a I. l'a S1I M.'E, loll paid, aud ISO
a'i sninini.
1 iie'it Thu?rd Onllirs lave been referred by th
'ri:iinl ow ntri l-r devei'ii.L prnpTty.
1 r.- Mtbtcrlptin P.-ok 1" now p- n n hr tnre of
KAMI EL H PIMM.II'K. .n Biii :ij hcVKNTd
tsueet ril -H'ti SAM' KL Al. IK , He retary.
The afli-nilor. uf C h Oil Com ;:.niei U e;ilioJ to a nee
Fittt nt Iniprowd Koch Drill nml Reamer,
comMii' d In one complete lhiiland Heanier, In auch a
ntaiiuei Rf to D.ltl and K am tho Oil Well at one and thi
f r.nie tittie. It is thouj ht bv exierieuctd oil well torero
ttiat li will aave from one-third to ono half of the time
h'.ictoforti necessary In drilling oil w ell. Thii Kock Drill
ha hist been patented by IU VII) EVANS, of the firm of
tviin fc Wiitnon, No. hi S. EOUItrii Stroet. The Direct
ors nt the dlfferont oil Companies are repecti'ii'l' Invited
to call and examine Cit- patent and model. As this Drill Is
liXHy to take the pl.icoot hH others now in nae, any por-
nn wishing to take hdd of tlifs patent and manufacture
th1 inllla shnnld c ill at once upon the patentee. The
pMrnt haa just been taktn cut, tearing dtte November
ll-M, having seyeuteen yetrs tn run; conieitueutljr
th'Te is every opportunity to realize handsome returns fer
the manufacturing and nipplylng of till Kock OruT and
11 a in er.
AU persons are cautioned again d making.nHing, or dal
irg in any Hock Drill and lie timer that Infringes otmy
patent, and any Dtillth tt Is constructed mo at to drill and
r am the well at the same tfmewl'l bo an tnfrlugeaicct,
ai thccvnibinarli-n is the j'rinclple ofniy patent.
1! -tf-.i Putcmoe,
PE1 JtOI .! M t OMI'ANV.
Capital, 15400,000 Par, $5 Per SLare.
svjiscKirTiox nucK, vi .-ioriai shark,
Tlie f ropeity of tilt Ctnup-ini coiiiits of tho follow in f
Tenltofy, extensive leaseholds, PKODUCP'O WBCL8,
Vn going dewnhjid tieariy riuiihed:
No 1 About .'jnitiiry) Aerea n iheny Trer Kun In FKI3
8IMPLF,. hot'a'de land aiituc ei.i tMid PIP I V Wfc.LLS.
'I ni Tcnimrv is eppo ite t e l..lii 11 I . tr!eii'ii Onipany
t llayei 1 ann) on UiU 'rcek, bi-ULd.d in part by the cele
br.ited Stoi v Farm, Ac. e.
o .f. Lease peipeiual rOyeari,) on Wa-h. M-'CIInto.
Oil neti-y'ia re, all hat, . ery htttablc. (lowing a:id
ptiDtpnif' wells ail
o. i. "Wild Cat" Plowing w U, aliont barrel per
div. n W,tth. SriCHmoek harm, i no Cumiiany iiwiii
thtj WhotE working inurcHt in liiU w ell, engine, tanka,
Ac. Jr. I.
4 . 'Ciillforul Well, Vo , 1 .' on oil f'refk, down nt
feet, nil ready to reiuhc. ThU icll lns Mowed 1X barret
pT t-ay.
No. A. 'Vaiif'Tnla Well, No -2,' VnOll Croek.down nearly
uHMt ft,, .
I-e.d Letseporpettinl (mo ora) on 'i'j aeies OilCreek,
all thit, eeii'innlng tbo ab;-ve well;, iah niiuei.-horte
eiiyine, tanas, deri h as, en-ui" hon-e,, & i.
No. 7. Lease prpr-iual ('-: earn tun Vyi aerns Oil Creek ,
.ilk i)a', anu iitono wed dto.n PA) lout, one .ptarUr inter eat
MwirUtiy m tids wnd ar d lea s.
rejl lllOLaA.NU SHlifc.cs HF.rtKKVKD FOR WOKK.
IMl ' AIM r
Books fur nui' iNii, anhMj-p'U'ii -re now own at our
on ce for a n w dai only ; when cloo'd,th mock to be
planed on tho rttfii'ar Mo'on mat I'hilt lelpt 1 Htok
Hoards as a ho)sa i na d.vhi. nd-t a m on, tK iui isi
I'eHiAM, when it i epced tho -tiar.a will lar'oky .. All Miiti or hif.iiiui.o i. vvlih proapoctuses, can
p. r-btavi'ied the tnd'Tt v.." d '1 no sin ill eoi'jl of thU
'onipiuv, witli th'-aciiml lurKO imorcai, jnust make it
lav ntc at a aeenre Uiveatnuut.
n. r. LEKcir,
Nt-.H Pit, .bar liuildiugi, WALKTT txdow lillKD,
Phlhid. Iplil.i A-noy.
No.fs BEAVKIt SitixI, New York Aou.y,
rrl.M LK, VILA & ')., Ilnnkera.
JVlC l'-J',01l Ag-'llJejy.
MIllUtt I(lliH, 0 IILt4T, IH, 1V1I
T1 i oJrttn!d is aaihorlzM to ae'i a Lmi'ed nunber
c Kraret of .in OilCuuipany whoe property lamaliUyoa
ill. i rerk. eiiano canity, Pnusylvania. aud la b--dlttve4
te be of f ;ual value many upon the trtek. The portion
dt!veop-d and pro-lb- Li w I m the be, in mug, aecuro
to the rtio kholdtri a DltlUcud of Tree percent. per
Month, nud these wells, are im retting ddy. In addition
to thce producing woMn, ihcy he a Iftr.te lutorcit la
Eleven other a In ditierent ataurs of d-'V lopment, and
1 nra) of them nearly completed. Iliete la toon alao for
an e-iual nninb'T ot we!la upon the s.ime property.
Ibe Ccnjouny ow n, also, over 'i J aTrc or nn tcvc.opel
p.opTty in tfio nelKhlnrhiHid of ti e o'nerj, which
they linking aevcial we la, the uiuoy having bcea
provided for the p-rj.ote.
Huch an opportui.iiy of oljtadiirg. at a low ct, a atock-
payUig dividend fioiu ao fciut I a portion of Hi propuitjH J
belduiu oflured.
Eor (urther information apply at tho oftke of
11 18 Between tae houra of 1 and o clock P. U.
OIUCi:, No. 311 WAI.NVT MKl'.ET,
Beeretnry soil Treaaarer.
11 -Ktlu.tutl
ANU 0'1'lllili ISCOKI'OltATliD CO-MfANIEH,
nan be luppllcd al lowe.l eaah ifloe, Willi
I LU'llfK ATK8 OK H'l'iKtK,
Bloi k i.nni.FitH,
JJUll.l.Ml IIOOKM, Ac. Ac AC.
' A far) aakoiimanl of aaMle. i.u liuinl f r .iiri-iiusir, ti.
aeliMiUvtu. bijlu.of uve. liiUfllflvri.-all.'crtillcaleeot KKki.
W. 0. PERRY, MamifacttriBg EtatioBer,
11 IW-ew W.corntr KOl'MTH auil BACK 8.