The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 28, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 4

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Xbi yLWwtno it ItvtJSrit poem ever written
to btUoon. At historical precedent It poa
Rrt ItttereH. On (Saturday-, at half-pat
10, Profeaaor Iw elevnted our poet, Elmer
Baaa Cota, to a tplendld altitude, and while
tidinC to tb tky, ba relieved lain self of the t jb
' Mvti tflusion :
fi f .lesnloi TV invar 1.
a por.f.
Well, we ro j we're brmn ling to ttic nky;
A.q, fortwo sober men, aro rather liirfh. .
' To mort F.ll.ialu, riding at tbeir .at, ,
Art cT oouvi n on the gentle trec.
Here we fro dangling on a willow deck,
' nipl'7 all who tlaiiglw bj th nwlt.
(loih basitstt canid to town, no doubt ;
Jow, in t'sfcc, both arc p-Mintf oiu.
Tt bardtt ; I'm pronrl to or nho yon nil,
aJ tmly hope prlilo will not bnvo a Intl.
JfiJ dtiptiamhim ! j"V wl'l (III ei-ii cup,
f r now ' thu time pwiry ts up.
Dond bjeto luw it is a lie of late,
I Mid Ihls bouse ix mornble e'lnlf .
;h icheminK polilK'at innot bnrc,
Did mania don't shock mo w.llt their rant an 1
Tl)t well-or. man, t)C bakor, cannot con",
Tbt Wl"r n'-l, c"ll,r thing to Hun,
Tha blwidy butcher will not tinil it mf
To txjtbr r me bccaue I nscil to eat.
The landlord, now, may Iwcur and linvc a lit,
Ho censtable can servo ino nb a writ,
Dew may the jacku-s critic undertake
, To hrny o'er what his awa-ship cannot mike,
How kt MiM Languish bear mo lor a sonnet
Dpen that most tupendnua theme h-ir bonnet,
Vr lend her broiber with a "hasty .crawl,"
To claim my presence for the evenini? b ill.
I'm at ball whiiU I'm bound to
It far cxceli the vnc she'll sec this eve.
Out with the ballnat let me mount the atari ;
There, now I tea tbo wrinkled face of M irs.
He tell tne, with coniposare on hia brow,
That Grunt and Sherman ure the men for Dow.
ly, tell me not in qat alone I deal,
A fnmsttr can many trutbt revcai.
laxnaiina and poor Million, adieu ;
1 nitd to long to cliiuu the tup i,f ron.
Place one noon the other, and you'll see
)k two combined must now looK up to mis.
"what need I vision 01 a Muse's eye,
When qnalllDK inspiration In tbo sky ?
They are played out, but first would I refuse
I'rania, the astronomic muse.
fenni avannt! the grftmleor all around
How claims my soul to feelings more profound.
Jlieh 'Cove the earth, bow plainly I can scan
The hand of God end work of mortal man.
Ak ! now I feel ine but a useless thiu,
A though an insect poi-ed nunn the wing;
A living atom or some brentliin clay
Peiched on the winl to TtiVkly piod aw.ty.
Yair Philadelphia ! how Tnd a sitrltt !
My naiive place allords a now deliirbt.
lime I behold, in one ginantii: treat,
All Ha attractions lying 'neath my feet.
A bny hum it ever in my ear,
"While carriage, bdrse.and mii m toys apiww i
Tk itietts are alleys, niieyi oni a iinr,
And row 'tis but a yard from ltace to Vl;io.
Here, a a cMmax to the ncena of blls
The Delaware ar.d Schnylkill acem to kin.
They hold onr city )n a close embrace,
Wbi'oon the water snowy aailt I traoo.
before me woods, in oere and yellow leaf,
Semlt.d me life is varied and is brief.
A welcome wind ii coming from the West,
To give me tidings of a mountain crest.
Hen m may te hard, appreciation slow,
Tbii in the place for hu-nnn soul to grow.
Here all the finer faculties unite
To elevate us to a nobler height ;
No petty mtHng can the mind annoy,
But weighty themes infuo the sweetest joy.
Come, friendly wind, for I've the mood to seek
itaikn air aud highest Alpine peak.
Hit i sublime! But then, if, after death,
Wt see all teamn and tiie emth bc'.ow,
TVhy do we wildly cling to tickle breath ?
Vby dread the jonrney that we all must go ?
Ob, f acred thought! to rove the Universe,
To aolve philosophies, in life nnknon !
Why call phyBiciaiit when the failing pnlse
la tending Spirit to Jehovah's throne i
"Brit, as am not of the cherubim,
The next to hearen la my basket home ;
Dew ideaittiea enchant tny acute
My heart instructs me as a rccenVtome.
1 love my room upon the solid earth,
To poetize the fancy as it Hies;
Then let me hasten to the wood and v.ilc,.
The cave, the mountain, aud (he (cry sku-n.
Prom what I feel, I see why yon, dear Lowe,
Are to enchanted with this great delight,
toon in thy wing-ship we may travel o'er
This airy region with a condor flight.
Pond memory may lose some joy I've hud
Some festive scene, with ev'ry heart in tune ;
lint arrer, mbvhh, until cold it death,
Will 1 forgtt our ride in this kauloox.
The objeetof th present exIiiMtltns Kiven try tlie rr i
flHMir ! U) tnabic him U raise flown lliounatul dollars M
xmt durni't eheme for acientllle iurio.. After
! iluily ul orinUi'MC uio lliutit. Ill i-oosi tu tlls;imi
wan tit baUoou. aud Uuraily icuiy his w ay wuerever Uu y
Bay Uirewi.
PtailaulelphlA Alieal.
Behind New York in everything that relates to
omuierce aud natioual greatness , our little sister
City of Philadelphia is ahead of the metropolis iu
ne refpect, and that, in the words of Terence, Is
."big thing." The Quaker citiacna have run
! mad on petroleum. They are far in advance of
the New York operators in oil and oil lands, and
bestow more money and attention upon tke sub
ject than they do upon any other urticle of com
mercial value. The fo.mation of pctroleniu com-
' panics commenced in Philadelphia in Dcembor
last, fcnly about f year ago. The first win culled
the Oil Creek Company, and so prosperous did it
become that other stock row patriot were formed,
to that now they are numbered by hundreds, em
bracing a capital of some btventy or eigU:y mil
lions of coil. irs.
The Vhiladelidiia newspawn exeolthose or any
Other city m their laudation of petroleum outer
lu'. A new railroad for tho convuniencii ot
. aiatiengera haa jut Into operation, and the
work of opening the oil rcgiont of I'ennsylvanU
ia goueint ) o tiior.iuglily tiiat the teriitory may
now be said to be ii'craliy sold by im ln'S.
tiovcinor Ciutln, chii f magl.-trate of 1'oiinsylva
Bia, icuai-eria a funmur auicment mudu by hiiu
aelr, that the peirolium intereat i more valuable
than ot inc eniire cul andiron produ -t of
the Ista e. lie has gone Into the lluchauau K.iriu
Oil Cowpany, and, it appears, cannot get atocn
i enough. Thus we tiud the staid old e.iUena of
i l'ei.nm I Van a, unil tho ii.ilut old dcniitis of iis
) chief city, from the highest ollleer in the Sim
down to the humble nr. isan who can couunaiW
but a few hundred doll-irs, iub i wiih this
eingular oil fever, und running into all sorU of
extravagances and Bpeculutions.
One oil prince, worth a couple of millions and
not yet f, is reported to liavo bought the
Olrard liouic. Pliiladclphiu, uud co.iteiupiftt.;s
transfoi lning it iuUi a boiiif for poor and Miper
annnatcd oil opcrut-rn. If this pliilnnthropic
idea be followed by ttioee bo have iin
mense fortuueH from tlie oil lui-im as, and ho
are now rcsid. nt in ll ton, l'ittabiiri.'. Cleveland,
' Krlc, Chicago, nnd elscrtlicro, much siuiciing
during tLe coming winter may be spared to tin
fortunate apecoinuiri. An iusiilutioii ot the kind
anight be started in Jew York, where tho oil
fever bus been raging for some time, but has
not yet tthsutned a ftal typo. The Uippotlu.i
iron would be admirably suited lor tue pur
pose, and its t lection wou'u prove a happy
coincident to the fact that it liaJ lit. u ti.msiormcd
into a rectptut le for those w ho have been m un
lucky as to eee the oiiiphant." li'tt Philadelphia
bears ott' the palm in a:l matters cutiocrnlng
l'elrollu. It enalies her to support hei operas,
tlieutrca, and stvlish enuipa'os aud grand dunus
tic establibUmtnts. Coal and iron aie of scarcely
tiny account. The anthiaute ai lutocrury is down,
the bituminous regime gone up, und the iron
dynaaty deprived of IU scetre. J'ltiladelphia is
iead of New Y'oik iu all that pertain! to petro.
leum ; but behind ut iu every element that relates
to mercantile prosperity, public morality, and
individual dignity. The Quaker City may well
rear her lubricating aud greasy luuioU. .Wio
' X or llvraid.
TothbOil FkEOioss. The Mcadville, Cravr
w ttmnty, Journal euya : The oil regions are
.'u'uiH'l!h the intelligence and boapiulity of
ix. f!lr"'uitu u'y nd convenience of itt
riS' . Mriont hotel accommodations
t the d.Ht ia now icojni7.ed as the true me.
ropolia of the oil d .rtct. t,er b,urdy Bight
l the money-kiu of Oudom.nS a regular Oil
Kxchange might prohtaely he ,uii.luihed ut the
Mi lit Dry Jiouhe. We learn, by the way, that it
it in ooutemplution to open an oil c.xcui,gu oitu e
Id til village, to be managed by menu? expe.
rieae and means. The idea it a good una, aud
re bet will be apeedil carried iutv cilwu
Fem t-rAralw.
V tht m. tmmit H'A.ff, Hot VS.
(irory.a la now the Intwestln military Aeld ot the
t'nntf it raey.HHKRM a s) liavtfiKrlltrirrlcricaiilton.anfl
bolillr advunoed into the Interior. We would thai,
without giving to tho Yankees, who are
now rii'pcmlrnt iiMin hnuOiorn aotirees for inlorin
tlon a to his movements, wo conld tell our read
eis mhere he Is and Imw he Is tannir.
It suffices to any, however, that there Is aothtng
in the sttiia' oii to eau-e enji the IcaM tin(H tnl t'on
ted rnte to f'eur ttut the cani.avii, an now tiisen In
tliHi i.tiHiter, will tif'l re-ult mot advanfneoiMly to
em etnt-e. Iip'e:id of nv tyln-r ttie fon-li to t'"i kon
ev ted eiii In I ho emrirs Stato ot the Month, wo
inihiVe In ti coiirMiiii Impe that fnaKMAst w II
i t. ii Viiv" to ek'n'ii't h.i t, ln m il' n. y ".til and int
one tinned eiierry In n.ul.inir r'od il'; itiiitoi
tlie riitirant ot Ins ile leuii-,1 unity.
I.nlrt (en in (.cot'if
Ja't tietore trotnit to press wo h-arneo ihht the War
lcArtmWit l-a.l reirrivi'd tn.oi inatjou trout l.coriria
et nn emliienilv n- oti rn . 11 cniirneter. We refrain
treni a rente r' it'i te tu'c mental the n.'ws
as it li.i- H'.i. tied n, l.itl we lire v. urt.llite.t in ns
uni':' i.r rra'frTs th.iltlin otli. iul Bdr.e'.s treio
t,,.r.Mfi me s imnrnMc a w. rou d rxp.-et.
141 .'( ftm i' .rin. .V .0. J.",.
1 Iu-uiteliifi'inH1 tioni .isii ria eferil:iy was very
Hnenllc. and finiie ..rows mure toi.ivant It. 'it
man will sutler fverrty tor fit mid M'lty . A sr.
ticn ot Ins loie" is uu.ifr-.tood to have Im'; ii vi if
heavily tepnist-d in att.-mptln to ero'.s ttie tre.un.
He ferl enr part cu'Ris oi iiumrs ami l.t.Mlilic. l t
our ttootts opp seit to Mhkiiman slco;iless nctl.
vitv tor tlie.r iiiot'o. Let liieiti Inn russ hiiu vlih iittn-ka
and witti a:urms. llHrrnss him t.y Onv, and h.irFV
lilm hv uiL'lit. I."'! tfietu (l-stroy sii.iili..t ti..oro
him, and let tli.nn ti'oek Ins muds, and Ins
niuieh at evei y priictleiinl. jpoinf . All tins may be Mono
linlfpi ndent oi licivM't oiienitinns winch wo stmll
tloubleim bo able to direct airamrt him. llr.'Ak in
npon bis attav, and there will soon Ih a irrand hunt,
tree tor eveivbotly, and In which we hop.1 ovcrybidy
will. loin. There Is no continuation ol ttie report of
the boriiinr ot Mitledncvilio. t
t'lVm tit VitrArt.on.l U'tpntrh, Soo. -S.
We are still without uny otlirial iitlorma'lnn con
reriuitg Siikuham'h niovenients in (ieorgla; but no
are not entirely without some auttieii'ie advices on
ilie subject. MifcKMAN wna yesterday stl 1 west ol
the tJesMuee ltiver, one ot ttie tributaries of tho Alta
mnlia, wtiich runs south through tho eastern cen'ro
ol tne Mate ol (ieorioa. ililledaevillc is nniiated on
the cast tunk ot this stream. It is behoved ttiat tlie
enemy haa been to Millcdgeville, though wo are
pretty well assured that no information nt
the (act has been received at the War Pepartnient,
In the only bmh we hear of onr troops having with
the enemv, thev have licen entin-ly sticeestul.
This affair oecuired near ,l..nesl.or, where the
Central (ieortla Itailroail, runnintt from silicon to
havannah, crosses tlie Oconee ltiver. A eoiisuiern
ble body ot the eneiuv's cavalry atiempt. d to crosd
to the east bank of tlie Oconee at Ill's point, on
Wednesday mormnir, but wcro met by our tionps
and driven back, l'tie situation In Ceortrla Is ro
raidttl in c-nicial cii-cltsas ilec:d. dly encjuraini.
1 here is ote tact iu the caini ain which we think
shcoid ric rr.ncti trmntid lor hope; that ts. tlie slow
ptctw-m madv by SiiK.iman. He Is now In his llt
leentb day in in Atlanta, and lias yet marched only
atont sevcrty-tlvo ndlcs, aud has not readied one
point ot strajegic importance. Perhaps ho docs not
now, as when he started out on tho expedition, feci
hitrteli positively master ol tho situation. Wo
(bull he nt more from him iu the next day or two.
Ibe Kichmond .'icii.'rer closet a review of an edi
torial in the tiew 'lork Yriouiie on ftiikiiMAji n
nioveii ent, wbeiein a houetul view was taken 01 the
lituatiou in deorvla, with tho following aontoiico:
' Conildeiitia ly, and not to ao beyond Mr. I.hkk-
lev's ear, we will tell htin that Siikioiaj Id tiot iu
Macon nor in Augusta."
Altaim Around rctni'nbiiia.
From Iht bttialch. Nut. Vi.
Yesterday was obscrvod as a day of thanksgiving
In C. rant's auny, w ho no doubi devoured the seve
ral thousaud turkeys sent thorn from the North, and
about which Yankee newspapers have been talking
nomochot late. Ibere was an nnhrnken quiet all
along tlie liuca throiiKliout the day. Kveu (ieueiiil
(iUAIiam, comtiiiitiil ne at llerinudu Hundred, find
lug It Impossible to dislodo Ci'iieral ric-KLTT Irom
the advanced position catitnn'd by hlin last nlzht
week ago, sc 'ins to bavo comu to the coucltidou to
let him alone.
On Wednesday evening there was some niiiinpor
Unt tiring ol cuuiiou along the i'ctorsburir hues.
From TennctMi.e.
from Iht Itichmonii Diiratch, Nor. S.
tienoral Hhkckknuiuob la clolnir everything well
in tiouttiwcstcin Virginia and Kast Teniiesaod. Since'
the battle and decided victory over tin.l.K the
Yankees have kept remarkably .pilot, aud remain
beyond Ball's Cap. sending out occasionally stiong
rrconno.tring panics, who geueruily lose mole than
they gain.
The Ext-hnnae of rVlHonersi.
Tlio exeaanec of prisoners noes on wc 1, 82"0 Con
federates have been delivered, and 'upturn Hatch
(anew euai;ed tu tho d. l.veiy oi Yankees In re
Arrant" incut have been made to exehamronlnrgo
number oi prisnuor a'. Mobile, uud it ia probublo
that the exchauro will soon bo resumed ou the James
ltiver, as the umiiinciiiunlH luatle at Mavunnati and
Mobile weio only at the mirestion ol ( ouiinissioner
(H'Lii, iu uidcr to obviate tlie uecesdiy ol so much
overland liavol on too part of the Yankee pri
soners. From Knat TenneNMeo.
Frotn th RtchmuHtl tinit'wl. Aon. '4-1.
We had a very ploalug vuuior, sayn tho ltnstol
(. (nr. r id tho 'i''l, Irom below, last ilium, ttiat
UuxvKiNRiiinr.aud Vaouiin nirain iiavnino lanaoes
surrnundott at fctruwt.crry i'laina. lhro was au
ennauem. lit on Krlduy last. Iu which the neiro rei
meuta are said to have suffered severely, three hun
dred being reported killed. Wo have not been able
to learu authentically the paitioulura and arc In
clined to think the inport only tho lanoy ot a "re
liable gi nllemau." the lusest Information Irom
Kin xville is ihut (.11.1.KM haa lot head-quarters at,
the Fair grounds, and that there la no prnsptvt ol
his receiviiiK any liiime'ilute reiutorcmuenw.
l.iinrinmiH I'rle.e of Wood.
from lilt MraMl Uinpalrh. Milt. 2S-
Wood dea ers ure now asking one hundred ilollurs
per coid tor wood, pine and ouk mixed, anil in many
cares it is several days be:ore yon can have it de
livered. Many turn ill this city are entirely out
of luel, end milcFs ineihtles tor supplying thetii are
cousiia rubly incrciecd much oulicnui; will ne ux-
ieriei.cid this cold weather.
Itiiltiitt lo the Kt'ticl Pannrsss,
Si.NAiK, i'liursiluv, Kuv. lil. bcuulu aietat;tvclve
Mr. tiAtiLAM) (Ark.) efli ie.1 a resolution, which
was agreed tu, iiistiuciint; ttie i' liiuuce Coiiiuutn'o
to itiiiuo wheiher the act ot tit e 1-titi ol Juno la :t,
il.crca-lnir the cnuip.Mi-ull.iu 01 h.-ads ot Executive
ilepartlneiits, etc., includes special a"cnt ot tbo
Post Othco In pui Inn ut, unit, it not, whether it Isex
peiiiout to ineieusA' the coitii.'Usatiou ol Much atruu'.
Mr. Maxwm.i. (I'm) oill'red a resolution, wlndt
Kusuirreed fo, ii.slri elimi the Naval Coiiiinittee to
ii quiie into the oNpeUiciicy ot allowiu? ralious to
wi.rn.nt oll.eeisoi Ihe liavv aervliiff on -hore.
Mr. Maxui.ii. 1 a bill, winch was re
let red to the Finance ( niiiiiiillce, aulliurixing Hie
fetietaiv ol the I'lra-urv to reiint. uu.lcr rer.iiu
tious to he pi-eseiilicd bv hlin, file 'out '.icl'ate tax
on Cimlcdeiiile bonds mill mlcrest hem llor llolei, the same were he .1 by widows and orphans,
auil Merc i;ccesuiv to tin ir support.
Mr. t.UAUAU (N. t: ) oil. Ted a ic.niiutioii, which
Wits amcc.l to, call n no ihe I'loident lo coluiiiiilli
cafe to Ilie S' Lale u riiiv ol the report Ol Lleilto-nuiil-t.cnciat
1. II. ilu. not the onctatious oi Ins
coihi. mini iu llic ball If ot 1 h:i kauiaii i.1.
Mr. t i it a ii a M iibo futro.lnce.l a re.-olulion, hich
a us a. 'it i d to, iiitt uctiiiK (lie t 'oiniultlce ou in. lull
A .Tuiri. to innuire into ttie exticaicucy of ameuding
the ait ot .May 1, lM'tl. prnvi.l.inr for the pa. ui.'tit ol
iiilcrtt on the n iiioinl anil suO-isieuce luud, due
the .North ( aiolma Cherokee In.llaiui.
Mr. (.uaiiaai al.n presented the memorial of some
ol the hoclety ot Friends ol joitli I aroliua, as.iiug
that Indulgence iu exeiuiitinit tliciu Irom military
service, exteude'l to iho-e iho were nr'Uilr ot tliis
ernu-!oil plflona to H"2 be cMihdcd to tlloo
WliU had joill.'d It since Unit t'.lle.
Ou motion oi Mr. ( aI'Mitox, the cou-uieratiuii oi
'.be t-enate bill to auuTiil the ai t pruvidiui lor eui
plo) uu ut ol uegrocs tu tlie ai m was pustpoued till
Ou motiou. tn.' ScUAto resolved to go iuio secret
llnLSK Or llil'llKSh.MATIVl'S. Houso ni"t at
twelve. Player by liev. Mr. l'K'KErr.
The Home took uu aud resnuiea the coti'id. 'ration
of the bill to duliue aud punl-h conspiracy against
Ihe Confederate Mutes, i'euilinu the coundorutiou
ol the bill Ihe House adjourned.
Lea'a Advice Deairrd on Arioiua Mlavrt.
from flit lltclimoml btifu'ch IdtluriuD Aus. 'ft.
The Pnstideut, in his message, haa already broached
Certain military propositions, which he considers of
great importance. Now there is no doubt that Gen
eral Lax agree with the president on theaa sub
jects. Now if (Jenaral La a hou;d be called iu, b
iui the nutn who is to execute what the Prwlo,"nt
advise, there is no doubt hu advice would carry In,-
mease wemht with it. The great military question
now before Congress, is the recommendation ol tha
President to employ torty thousand slaves in certain
e untitle aa laboren in eur aruinw, thereby releasing
usAriy ibeMiiue numiMir oi nnuiina uien.
ibis eobstuer to be absolutely neeeaary in the
nrwteul bIhu, oi xlhiira. Ii Couirreea Uvel xuv itount
let them call in tjcucral aud abide- by what he
s, ami let tt be dvat at ence. '
Tho Georgia Campaign.
rrobabla Cnpture cf the Robel Irihoa
at Miller, and Rcsov.o oi" 20,000
Union Prisoners.
THE "315 INST.
Tho Advanco to MilloJovillc.
Details of tlie Movcincnt8 of our Array
to tlie 20th inst.
Ulr I2to.. j:tj.. ltc.
The Ulnrcli to H Uleiticevllle, the .,t!nl
4l SVttortclit.
(leneral Sherman is of course rut off, for tho
time being, from ntiy direct communication with
the North, nnd we ure compelled to depend upon
the Rebel accounts for all information concern
ing the details of hia inurch through Ocorgin.
Thus far the reports have been rmitc full, and
have indicated the must tratifyiiig nml encou-
rringencccss on Ucntrul Sherman's p.uU We
learn that the stoi ni burst upon tho Hebcls uto-t
unexpectedly, and that they were totally unpre
pared for the movement. The very advance from
Atl.inta was thought by the Rebels tube a retreat
ftora that city, and w.ts bailed ;t the sia'nul of tho
rnln of Sherman's army.
oli arn conclusively that ho ha been un
opposed by nny repeccuhlo force; that he h'H
swipt everything b. foro him, und his created
throughout the Mouth the greatest consternation
and dicad. Alter making demonstrations against
Jlncon in sitlliei. in lorcc to ituluco thu coueentia
tion of all available Rebel forces, ho has quietly
nvoiiltd the city und has seized tho capital of
(leornia, destroyed the railway communication,
with the cast, und thus lett the forcos at Macon,
the only orK.lunxtwiooy oi troop uvicmnnii
vannuh and AtiKUst;'., jaf in bis reir,
The Hebcl ncconnts which we have published
lie. of course, detwhed and irregular, and eome-
tiuics cuntiot be clearly underat Jod.
In a former article, announcing tho commence
ment of the march from Atlanta, we have given
the history of the cvints which led Mhoruuti to
undertake the campaign. On October '2 i lieo.l
escaped the pursuing army of Sherman by moving
through the (l&dsdcu Gap of Lookout Mountain ;
but not before Sherman had, with wise lore
thought aud precaution, orguui.ed auarmy under
Thomas to meet him ou the Tennessee river.
Finding Hood was safe beyond reach of the blow
he was preparing for his destruction, Sherman
determined to ignore hia existence aud strike in
another uirection, and not less vital part of the
"Let Hood go North," lie had said to hia coun
cil of war j "our business is down South ; if Ito will
go to the Ohio river I will give him his rations."
The picpurntions for the march begau. The army
was kpeciully clothed, nrmcd, nnd reorgnniKcd in
two wings lor the movea nt, und then rapidly
marched to Atlanta. Ou November Vi Sherman
left Kingston for the Gate City, declaring his pur- I
pose and bidding the North adieu in the following
remarkable telegram :
"Hood has crossed the Tenues;oo. Thomas
will take care of him and Nashville, while Scho
field will not let him into Chattanooga, or Knox
ville. Oeorgia and South Carolina are at my mercy,
and I shall strike. Do not be anxious about nit ;
1 am all right."
Whileut Kingston Sherman issued nta order
for the uuueh. This order, which we give on the
o.ith inst., has excited the udmiration of the
whole country. It is characteristic oi tho mau,
end containing, as it docs, a plain statement of
bis intentions towards the cni.ens oi mo eoun'ry
through which he was about to pis, will refute
all charges of any purpose to wilfully destroy and
de-olate the country.
Knmn iliivtt for tinal nrouarations. were rnrr.ilrn
after reaching Atlanta, und it w.ts no: until the
ltith that the miircn ucgan.
w KtiNKHii.yv, its.
wiiiln Atlanta was vet in flames tbn two wind's
of ilie army begun the movement simultaneously,
the nr-ht moving directly south aud the left due
oust Irom Atlanta. General Howard's wing, with
a large cavalry force in advance, moved through
I-.ahtiMiint. aud at RotiKh and Koaily, encoun
tered a cavulrv force under General lvcrson, and
a brisk t ut brief engagement followed, in which
the Rebels were driven.
lvirson could not hope to do more than delay
the advance, and this was not effectually ucconi
iilinlud. for Howard appears to have made his
l.i miles dining the day, und to have encamped
that night near Jones'ioro.
The I. ft wing, under General Kloetim, moved
out to I'd a ur, where the two corps divided, one
going ilirnct by the Covington ro d, parallel with
the Georgia Railroad, while the other moved north
ot me railroad by way oi UockOrulgo, eacu ties-
tiued lor Covington.
iiiiKMiyv, N0Vi:i4iti:H 17.
The right wii.g advanced upon Joucsbor.i, and
later In the day upon McDonough, whe h tuvy
O' copied, driving out Wheeler's cavalry trnl
Cobb's liii i'iii. i he f. Tincr It'll bi;k on Grilli i
and ti e latter urioii Ham. sville. The nilroul
builiiiiigs ut Jomslioro, and the court hotisi nnd
01)11 r pnlilte bindings at M.'I) jtiongh, wcr.
1 biirneil. which (1. 1111, t. ess g ive rise to the R:bel
lepoit of the eoinple'e destruction ol these pli. es
The advance ol TCi Slociiin, consisting o:
a small lorce of e 11 airy, ontcrc.1 So '.ial Circle,
and buiuid Jtlio buildings tlicre. The
two iiifaii'rv corps fjrming this united at
Covington an I uu-In tl latard from tli 11 p jiai
after di stmying aurli buil'lings in thu to .v a a"
could be of use to the enemy.
nilllAV, N'lVKMUKll IS.
(.'enetal Hoa ir,l pushed forward his infantry
to (it itlln, unil his eav drj entered Forsyth, cut
ting tbo railio .d to M n on ut this point. T ec
Jlcbel forces lell Lack to Mae .11. While tlij
cavalrv bv this nioic tneiit led the Rebels to sup
pose Howard wan moving directly upon Ma.'o.i,
that otliecr cliiipged his direction unit 111 archici
ilit nelly cast, nnd the rest of his cavalry ren ihed
Monticello und Hlllsboro, which jilaccs are.ul.o
rei'ii'ted destoyeil. Ihe infantry lo cos were
ei.c imped m ar Jack-on and Indian Spring. - ,va
tienctal Siocutn's operatiumi on Ibis day arc
not iletniled liy the enemy. It is only known
that he pushed lor ward ulong the Georgia Rail
road and encamped somewhere in tho vicinity of
Ma.lison tuition.
,No inpid had been Sherman's movements, und
so t liise was he now upon the cnpitalol the Ma'c,
that the Georgia Legislature informally riil
j.'unnd and lied to Suvatinuh und the woods.
Oeneral Howard npnears to have moved due
east from Indian Spring to the Ocrnulgee river,
und to huve employed the day in brnlg'iiig the
General s oenm. nieetin" with no opposition,
moved cn-twuril along the Georgia Railroad, his
i-uvulry udiance destroying tho road und ttutioiiB
us they moved iorward.
It was now co 111 'parent that Micrmati uau goue
around Mucin that confidence was rc-torcd in
that city, and now that ull immediate danger was
over, Ihe valiant ciiiens declared it to be their
intention to defend it to the labt.
General Howard's wing cilcetud the pa8-"e, of
the Ocniulgce nd advuueed direct upon Mil
lcdgeville, tho capital of Georgia, UU udvauce
entering the place after dutk.
A lorcc ot our cavalry urtien tne Georgia ven
tral Railroad at Griswoldville, toro up the track,
captured a lumber train, which they destroyed,
cut the telegraph wire, and severed communica
tion between Savannah and Macon, and left Cobb
and h'.s troops I or in tho rear of Howard, who,
having thus made a feint on Macon, had entiiely
avoided it for the purpose of capturing Millcdge
ville. T his cavalry force then pushed on to Gordon,
where It encountered a force under Wheeler, aud
met with the first determined resistance. It le
tupioed tlutt AVhaelcr'i cavalry had. by forced
marches, reached Gordon iu time to throw itself
in Howard's front for the purpose of obstructing
hia march as much aa puible.
General Blocum moved forward to withm
twenty miles of Auimsta, where he la reported to
have met a force tlf tlt vuvwj nd to have been
reputed. IS SIIERHiM OOINO ?
We have thus shown the position of the tw
rmln columns of the army on ke 20 h lnUr.t.
The qncation naturally arises, Where is Slierni itl
foing f In whatdirecion will bj the next move f
Ham ing at the map, It will ho "en 'hut within
nachot the right wing Is the great prison camp
nt Mi len, yvhe-e o many of our soldiers are co i
finid.and to which many of till Andersonville
prisoners were lately removed for greater socurity.
Further on lies i-avnnnah, In which there are
Ihe t. n tIioii..-ii.l Rebels lately ex . h mged an l
delivered in the H !'i. l authorities, but who be
Ihtre unarmed and helpless, witlMtlt trmap jrt
to'i by which to retieat and with no annv to
riei-tnd tbein. In front of the left, wing lies A11
gii't.i, the grea- trs'tnal 01' tlie S0111.I1, whoe im
portan e t?u R icl ni m l viy arr lately alluded
to, calling loudly for its dclcii-c; and beyond the
Savannah river, nnd open to the, invasion of b )'.h
coltrms, lies oii h I. .r.ilii'i.
' 'teortiia nil I s pith Carolina," sii.l Slier unil,
"arc at n y mercy, nn 1 I sh HI -trlko."
It was no', uttered tfough'.lcssiy, .mJ the hot
bed of treason Is about to reap snme 01" 'hn '"ruits
o- hi r treachery. 11. lore Hher .ian lies rh;trlostn
on l i led and S.'i ih in hi' -iglt. lie no vi
wlntff r or not eiln r p' act is vn n-rntib- to bis
n,3iiita. .1 id w.ll wo-e y an. I tleb'i'V '.t -ly il 'ei.l 1
v! ii h to .ir'l.e It t e thir en'i be eirr' l.hc
knows the barMnr if 1. ".tu nt lies directly j 1 hi
f-ort. and Cut lb. "0 it 'f 'v and plenty.
He will pass tlno mil S oath C irolina it is in be 1
at bis tner. y a 1 I bo wi.l not fail to leavji!
i-s 1: ti 11 o.- mi: 1 1 n, 11K010.IA.
Tho tiearest point '' Impii'in'O itl General
Jlowurl's n.tiM H Milieu,, distant one
bill, ilrcd 111 d c ght mile 1 fionl .M:lle'lgeviil.i and
icw nty nino I10111 S ivainiali. 1'. is tho capital
of Ilurlic county, nnd has of lileycan i",'.re is nl
insieand population, iro n hivirr been nn.l.i
Ihe june.iii n of the A'n.usta and inn ill a nl
Central ;eov,:ia Itailr. a ls. Sonic ni nths sine,,
a ramp for I'nion tuiiuers was es;a'ili-fp! I tli.'ro
and the l.ngcr part of tho troops formerly uou
l.iied nt Andersonville wore removed to this point,
"J he pti.-on is hnill npon the aamo plan as the,
Anileisonviilc sto.ka le, nnd at our 1 it. st dues
rr-ntainctl about twenty live thousand prisoners.
TT Cse mr.y be removed bofoie Sherman can rcu'b.
tliOii ; but tin' rbauiis arctb '.t th r.iilr'Md trim
por'Btinn is now too much oectipi' d in irmspnrt
Irg tioojis to defend Savannnh and Cbnrics on, to
ailmit of the removal ol so many of our piL-'oners
Irom Mil'fn.
Onr latest intelligence from savannih leuls us
fo hope that the re-cne of th' Hij prisoners has ere
now betn nccompli-hed. AVe pnbiih liire".i h a
etnti n.cnt trom Savannab, Novcnbor 2o, to the
1 feet that isbnrmnn was within sK hours' ic iri h
of Jllllen, and that the exchange of prisoners had
been stopped In cousooitcnvc Of ln proximity to
tKr.TriT Or AVfHSTA.
Angntta. Georgia, the most, import, ci'y
within reach ott General Sher.n.i.t, and of ihe
ott' upation of which wc airi. ip.ue an early an
nouncement, i ;, in military sense, one of the
most important cities of the Snmb. 1'. is si'
on the southwest bank of the Savannah river, one
hundred nnd twenty miles from its month, and
hu n river and ruilr.nd connections with tho coast
Savannah and Charleston.
Vorlslvtir OMltrti.
SI it,,ltlO.
si'iiycHinicN nucK.t'Wi'pn 'nAtiK.
ThMomj-.iry vr. tl o r,!'.oiv'ft Fi.Jc.-ls:
rn the iil'tjrst' d
i-.t in a we l. tsi s r.
h?Ml'.TJI I-A11M,
On nh'ny, fivs ic'li'sl .low ih trwn cf ftanVi.'i.
On llils Iran? Ji ilni-isd llio
Now 1 irJi ' lmr T1IIRTY rno) ItAKRrl.S PAHA , tuH if
wlneli btlec.ks to tins Ceuiiany. Tlia ilerricks far two
mure wells sic n w bclitR erectail, and narration will at
onre be . ennuonrp.l. 'hu reslon ef tl Allctte ny tlv.-r
In. Iftn lentil t" le t,.lity froauctlvs; rt now w.ll
Int. I) t.'Hck nn th l.i a t'AUM ts prndte'tn t forty M') har
r. I, snn tha new ivellna liatsmcN 1st Asn Is now
Di.i,.pliiit slit) tea) bnrrrlH ituily, anil lncr- ailn'. be.tar
i.iti. r e.h ft tuenty anil th. rtj I srrrtf l.i ttie liomsiiisie
t.r.e ,r.t'i (
lett-c iu tl.a
i.trmt in at
ti e 0:1 t.a.ji:sd In I
Ttnanco County, rertnaylvunlii,
((l,f0 PHARKS) AT l A 1'fLL fill.
WirMnR Car'iUl R"frfa for DcTflfp
BiCbt, l,00.
runtut- Al.ffiHn M'NT. F.'1.
Vi.i rrsnir-T-rijWAnn niiii'if.N.
f , mtiaiaf asp luei'tn,
Vr. AL"Itr.II HVT,riaJi-tpl". fie. ..n t fl t.e tlitti-
g. Waur trrc:,
40,000 SHAM S.
5 100,000
....TAR VALCE f 10.00
Dtl.ASli iiKIt- .niHN W. TnrtllF.Y, t'ashier Corn K.
eti.nar Natl" nut llsnk.
gK l!KI'MlV-WM f. l.tNB.
tillin I'ntts.
A. 1.. r MTFl.t., Pn-'itlont t orn r.'anii national
Iia. lV . I h ...l. lj .'.,ii.
I.nw i;n .1 .1 1 Ml S. . 1 the I1..11V ef Ttuni.n Illctui-d-I'jt.
A r.. , t'hi'aa. i( h,ii
JOHN ai.k. Mn:n. V .. va tr.h s'rr.Phlhu'a.
I'M li t aM'KI;Vi;i I; No if S 1 h rieeiilU itrwl,
I It ,J. ! t'.
J. II. M il.SKV , I'llihnrg.
U.K. I'l Hi I 'i:it, M. II.. Wilrniiikton.
H'M. P. I.ASI., I'litla.l .l,,tial.
On;."' No.
1 ls 8. FOt'HTII Htver-t,
riitt. 1 1 tit.i'i 1 1 a.
is 1 ' -in. 11, ,o,i'i.t ic' O 1 tjin4.
i'S in nil allies of all trio
1:1 I' t -ni, nn O't Creek.
le.el .. 1.. 1. p. in two hiin-
iy i-s k, inant,. oounly.
ii. ?i cx-.irs'j:ocit iaiim,
On 0.1 rretlt,r.n wii;'i Is sltaats.l two wePs.prc-le-hi
V.KliliV lUl'llt LS I'F.R HAY. On this lease
three new lis are aoiv being drilled and near comt.-e-llen,
fr. ni which ie omr viy w!U renlve tie s k-mum 1 h
,111 111. Tbelarmla welt anowu, from the Inc. that 1'ie
"lct llnt. rMi'c l'ltren 1 n .'empauj ' own tne lanil Interest.
lel.em Iron Werh.
Vr. WII.I.IAM U. lIUgTCW, hO.l
I rnarti ll'lua.
llr. MjWAIUI PIlll'PCN.S t . lerrrroftlaih and Wat
nut street, 1'hllad.
Hr.TlltlMarl W. 1.V AitS, Ve. hrt CU snnt itreei.l'
delplilA. Kr. K. W. TlAtl.KY, No. SluChrennt Slfat, P'.il.ldelj.lda.
Mr. HIM. fit. I1.1W I N, I'm. tin m, l'a.
Mr. U. Rl'811 lIKAD'OltH, h.'W Brmllton, Tt.
Mr. J. I.. CAKSAiilMH, l'r. sldeiit ol torn riat'iar O'l
CoDipany, Alhuheny Thy, I'a.
Mr. w II, U AM O UlliillAltr, Flttshnm, I'a., Se-iretury
and Trcusnrer of ritlsburf iial Conneiavilie BallroaJ.
The rotmanyiwn In fee ilnsfle 11.1 arrei ef tlia Wit
Oil Territory en ttie rM'it bank 01 the Alki-tasny i.ver, mar
Oil City, with one .r...l', ilnr W' It ami another nearly .oni
pletid,ith railroad, tnrii) Ike, and river a:csa t.i tl.e
Ver part'eutars, ser Prsapeetiis, to ba found with any i.f
In Jln. t. rs, or at tl. 11 c 11
Ne. II F.xO'lAH'.K, aud
Ait uw'ltrl n tc Mil a llmltid ot Blur. , of
I.. 1 1 -,.nui '.u.r!(l ft ji! f:.'- 1 v
, !: 1 n il : ! "ii i: -" lii'dn'i
AihI r , nil t .C i! .nl 11 'ic 1. r- r
dr. ii fl. re- of iailtloii l..t-t III' k',
J firi .'iic onr Nnn 1i vl ''ity i:nrnyr, oil c't
0'i ii '"A Hit ((.nun Y. tnu,' o,--r ixiy ol wfitcli frt
) m- tl if ilr-t r!n-i (.;.rar',rH. H' i-nt'on vtc ure now
protltu tug oil: srvt?r;il nro n-iw b ihk tiM Wiib cooj
iro-i i", nml twrntyor t'llrt; Wi'ia b-)rd .u YftnouC
atsiffn uf rt'jrr in.
A" rt ll prtmii'-inc i'lvr- :m ;it f. linKfl HiimNr Of
fill paUI lun', ff Jit' vr n i-i. m. iv tjo tilf-ilu-".! at 7
i arh, il 'll .H','11' .1' il it .ui; "l' i'iO cirC'TB. or At tlio
t'frl' f ol v Couipai.V.
The pro-pri tt'F. rni't I'nln : rv t'nl' A -"i rii'loii tt Uic Com
I'Htij r pr. f rfy, l.e rb:;im',tl ;i O.! fiili.:o. 11-30
VorLic Oil jhk! Coal Company, aJ
11 ?s fit
It is liniiilsnni.'lr Iniilt, many ofrlio homo?
hewn spi't ionH ni tl cletunt, nml has a popjlution
of tibi'tit twenty tliotisanil inh.iiiiiants. A, Hi"
capital of Uiiliinonil county, it lias a spacious
city luill, rriiirt-lionso, und j lil, wiiiln a ijovcrn
ini nt nr-oiiul iiijV'Icr-null, hospital und several
other jiublio Luildiiif-'g, pr.v c tbc city. A canal,
"i'l.c uiiis in length, itiinii-liiiiK an Immense
wnr now. r to tin) city, lias uttracttvl a law;
numlier uf munuiiu'lurcrs to llic vicinity, an l
many inipoi'-unt manui'ictnriis aaJ 'rollirg mills
liiivo liecn in operation hero for years.
fioiT.nNW.xT vvoniti.
Tint war lias uililinl new iwn iriaivc to 'li-s-t.
Tlie State Armnal Inis been seized atul cnlarre'l
liy th Ueliol autlioiities, anil a lar.ui pjwil-r mil!
lias been erected. A numijer of other works hava
also been built by tho Heljels, until the city is
almost utsoibid ia tlie proiinu'-ion of materiel oi
Imr.icdiately after the fall ot" Atlanta tbc Rebel
fiovcriiment tleciilad upon August 1 na
well as Miui .ii anil other point8. Major (J. L.
Suyro, of tbe liebi l Insp.-rtor-OcncnU'i Depirt
ini nt, was iiiitlinrlzed to ininresa slaveii in tlio
cunnties of Kn'bniond, llurke, .lell'crson, t.'lua
cock, Wnrrcti.t'iiliiminn, anil Crivcn, anil for a
month prist a lar;:e lorce luw been cng yed upon
tin. sc works.
Unless a Inrfic forco of veteran troops has linen
ptisbid forward into Aiiustuto hold these works
Mi cmii wilt waiK over mom n;,ruiusv un uw
that can bo i:atbe,re.i tottctlier in tbo stiiroiinanm
cuunties. Tlie destruction Ol tue worns at-iutjusia
would be a seriotn blow to the Lonieucrucy.
Wo have often described tbo city of Savannah,
nnd our leaders are dinilitlesa familiar with tlio
i nerul feittures. Thoso ileacriptiona nave oeen
chiefly devoted to xiviu? a view ot tue narnor He
lioses, no attack ever, having been m.ute or liua-
gincil fri.m tbe rear.
Tbe city Is built on a plain, but alij-'Utly
eiea:ed above tbe levul of tlie tide, aud h.w lieen
otisitlcrc'l unhealthy on account oi tne sw imps
in lis rear. It IB, consequently, uin. nuiauvn;
united for ikiunscj cominauaiiii? tlio ttna a?-
nroaebct. I'oitifl.'Jtiona base, ho.v.ver, been
nut, tun not very jtrcax ui vxium, mm iu hi. m
lime inrrrt'n'pt..
Two venrsaeothe Rebel O ivernnient threw
aucli ol'siucli a in the way of tbc buildim; of limi
licntions eorrmaniliiq: tho lauil apprn.icuej as to
en'l forth the must liiitor ilennucia'toni Irom
tjovernor llrown nnd Oeneral 11. W. Mercer,
rntrmatntini the eitv.
Verv few troops were in tlie eityatiue nine
(ieneial rihcrman begtm his march, nnd wc have
no Doaiiiva assuranco that the itarrison hui bacn
reinforced Uuriuutbe present emerircncy. Gene
ral j.din It. Jackson, of l'lorida, has lately been
asNiftui d to the command ol tne Mivannan tn.
triet ot Oeorgia, with lioauquariors in me city.
'Die 1 I'tf. ivrri.1
lots un tl.c c. libra!
r l.":r't In me f.
.icslnfj ile:r.t til
t'uiTitn STAvra riHrnn v Coi iiv l.tdife CatV
w il nler. United sita'es i. John Miller. TUu
d. tetiilant was Intllete l under tlie act of March
3. IttiH. chat jeil with nurehasinir military cloth.
Iinr, cqiiipnientH, rl :., from soldiers. Tho evi
dence clearly estabii ilicd the fact as charged, und
the jury reimercil u vcniiet oi fcuiuy.
Klias (iarwooii w is also charned with tlio same
iileiisn. nn. I was al-o convicteil.
Dikhiict Cm nr Judge Sbnrswood. James
II. I'atk vs. s A. WiUbt. This is n suit to
ree vnr dai)iii(;e for allei," d I'nilure of djiendantB
to convey ci ri.i.n pioporty on Aortu streetaccoru-
hitf t.,liiip:.t. tu trial.
JMsTiin t Co' iir luilee strond .lolin Miller
vs. John .Meti'iik. An a.'lioii on a Hue mil. ii!'
ftnso. th.:t the di f did not a h.t Ins biiiiu-
Inrii to ihe li.srriiii ei't.
le V iii.lii'etim and (;. W. Mi'Mleton Vs. Jo-
senb 'l it low. An ar ti n to rcc iv.-r t'jr ren. allece l
lo tc due nnd in .n'rours. Defense, payment.
t.iln i n.r ih leimaut.
81 k.ioNS-Jinliti s 1 hoini'son and Ludlow. 11
lnici. e e t. e-,ol w l.i a tin re are a tinmber, ti ivitiB;
Ineu ae-titued for tr .i to day, the lirst casecalled
wud ihul oi In ii. v ti'Nuiil, Indicted for tin) m ar
tier i t i,i r tl. nr I ..ree, a sailor, in a ahoomnker
si, on. in thL liiiid -'. rv of a house. No. US l.oui-
l. ii.l sir. . t. ou li e I h ol Julv lust. The evidenco
for the Coiiiiiio i "'iiltli disclosed, that on tho
ii i- in .m. siiiai. i,r ..until 7 e clock 1. M.. D Mem,
tl..: ill feiitlant, ciilf d nt the shop and Inquired uf
Mr. 11 illv. the i ror: ietcr, ii nu nlU tiioiia ot ins,
iiniiii'it I's-i.-iv. still resided there, sintimr
ut tl.c same In' was a soldier just returned on
luiloi;e,li. 1 rcc. who was iu tbo room, said to
O'.Nei l. "Yen nr. a soldier, are you? lam a
mili.r." O'Nii'l rcnlied. "Yes. nnd peruana- a
st n of a b h." 'i bis led to a blow from l'or. e.
O'Neill took Hum a shoe-hem h a plalnR iron
vtith wliit li to dcli ud liiuiseli, whereupon l oree
kniH'ked him down, took the weapon away from
him, und kicked him white uown.
n, .h fenilnnt called to those person? to take
diceused uwuy.'hut thiy declined to interteio j lie
iirastctl nn ordinarv ahoemaker'a kuifo. on a
iieni h within his reach, and with it indicted a
stub in tho left UK of the deceased, severiui? the
(,.,. ,...1 , t,.,v Vrnm tho ellects of this woiiuil
f orce died at the Pennsylvania Hospital, whither
he had been cniricrl, two lioura aiter.
a .,.ii..r oi' ili.fense it was siiown that the
dtteniliuit was disabled from a wound in the arm,
and l.hvaicaliv inciipa'ile of protcclmf nttu-
ktlf, and that he onlyueted inaell-iletensc. tioou
rhuiacter was ulso shown. Alter the evidence on
both fides closed, the Commonwealth auauiionul
thecanc, und under the instructions of tlie Conrt,
the inrv rendered a verdict of rot suilty. Dis
tnct Attorney Maim and T. Ilrudloid HoufsUeny
lor the CoiiniioiiwealtU. Uuniel DottgUorty and
John O'Jij rue, Ksqs., for the defense.
Hurkrta l).r !U'rrail.
New Yoiik, November WS.-tjfecka are bettor ;
t hlcro andltmU Island. 101T; ;umU'r'i" .V,'";.'
11; llli.i'.i. tleutral. K-Ai : M 1" euOiern. fc'.
hi-wYnrk Central, lai JUadlna, '" '!"di; "
llsX: hne, !..;-,. Oiie-y.ur I'trtittcate.. 0. , , , 1 ieui ny
7 a-loe-.llTH : o-40. Hi' ; o-ao, j..iii.i .a, lj, ' i twui'uu us,
lla'ai l.vld, Vii.'i i ainca theeiiro,a.
-Hecry R. lluttcrfield. of East YaasallK)ro,
Mulnc, lost eighteen hundred dollars' worth of
ahovel handles in one of tho veaseU recently do
atioj td by llebel cruisers.
-A new Hebrew cemetery is In progress of
completion In the eastern suburbs of Baltimore
on the neck road, adjoining Mount Caruiel
II Tt' 1 y.lZ AND A-iCJ 1 1 EI IX PAH 11,
OnOIKreiK. In I. ! No. n, on whi Ii flier, is a !! rev
bill), tektcd. la let He. 4,oa winch la sl'.i.ak.l tha
'rvitTi-,13 -wx-jri"-..
lo lot No. . Ouil Ivt the new
KGllEllT -WJbJtjLi,
ll ih.w lirltiif drilled, an.', from the fact Itist It .'"Ins M No.
7, vn ni.kti is ultuati'd tl.a
Lately struck. It Is exatcttd t .at a lartc lloivlni, will will
bo ubtalna.l nn this lut.
lnlotHo.8. This lot Is situated between l..ts7aad,
known hs th. "Keystone Leases,'' which havo prov.d
ll.eii.iih. s t., bo Hit very beat of torrltury. On tins int Is
situated the
i lu'l T V Hi li IJ I Hi Wlllilj.
tviilcn Is now bolntt drilled deeper, as tl.c t aols which had
been fast arc reaivvcd, and from tho Indications a lar.-o
Jleld la expected.
In lot 1.0. 11, on which preparations are being made to
sink a well.
In lut No. 1'.'. This lot is tartlcnurly wellaltnatad, ail-
ioiniHii tne lut M). on wuicn is ainmuu ine new i wir-
Ui8 Well
frnt.l to b. producing .is hundred barrels per day ftho
sir ik ink of thn well advanred the Maple Slia.lo Company's
iti k trom $ 17 tu$ll p.:r share), rrrfaratious will be at
nncecnmnnnei'd to sink a well on this lot.
In let N". i", vihlcb ia ailvantaireoiisly sltoatrd from Its
, pri.ximltjt to Die Keystone leuaes and the Jersey W.ll.
Iu l. lho.'.l,on wklch Iialtualed tho celebrated
Wow urniliulos-annnt S's) l!AItni'.I,8 TKB DAY. This is
one of lite latest Fl.iiv ing Wells on the Creek.
In tot Ko. '.'i;,onwhlchlssituutidilii. K.i:i i.LiiWiix. Th.
Is aekn..wlrlid to beoaeof the beat prmduoing farms hi
itm whole region.
The following remark a are taVen from the financial
columns uf the l'Uil'iileJpliL"i'risa,"ot November le. In. I
"1 lie I'xel'i'iuent tn oil slnclis la still Incre.'istug. aud the
rrle. s ol siime nt'lho iireduiiint I'.uiiiini.ti's liuve iiiatormtly
H.l vatici 'l. v no. . t ine eiiiii.niiu'H sh uuie.i on uiu n yuo
nnd I shert latin, v. lilch is t'oushhired oni ut' Ihe lies! on
On t', tiuvlnir rti,iilly mlvureetl wllliin the hist low
ilavs. This lo owitiK to n.iiii! lwi-,.0 wells having 1.,-un
i.nelv sirtu-k on tins iiropetiv, ouo ii.iwuiu aiunt u tnou-
suimI tmrri'ln per tiny, uud mm Il.nilmt livo hi'iiilrisl tnir-
l. Is p. r .lav. liii iu U yli ld ol tins nirin in now Imtwren
inn. u hundred aud to tl.oiisaud liarri'ls s-r il.iv. and
ui iho eoiniianli'S lovato.t on ui. 'Man e .sliuilo,
'lliile laiiu,' 'II. '.' 'Ia'Iuti,' and 'Miuerul,' liavo
I in I ilielr iii. oiuus doanted ny itm also.' now wells uoidk
iluw on lb s Htm., ou one of whleli the uir'csl oil cicviac
i-i luiiini is -a,. i ia rune oem siru. K.
"I i.r M;cnth (1-7) vorkhig lnti rt't in tvvo tT,s uul
i-tchltM1!! i oi i fir on t'lii'rry Knn, on wtil-'h l sttiu.t J fbu
now prmlti. ;t,i( if.iue JtO HAIiltKLH n:U PAY. ThU welt
oiu! Hit- ttnkiiij- r it h-'i- procd the ri't tUat C'Uorry Ktin
lm-liMtv I, en., the uu it nliut-lf fciul jnoijiv the lu lU'
Oil lt'klt.-U.
The tiitiri l.niii liit. vo-t lu twi-We a.-rf ou Vhvrry limi,
HlMtlit tlinii-l'"nrt!ii ol u milt! ut'io tilt Ki-e-l .!!. f -
pn.pirly Is w lyciite I, bi 'ny U buro-ililo niul I'l V
tl.l.S are now behw UilHod on It, 1 WO ol w.Ufh nro
1 1 ; r i s.ini.U tion, ami fluroriltiitfti' thf lenseH rmiicii, KIV K
HUM: WKl.LH Hit' to be otunioiiceU oil tlio inopt'iiy
within on- liumiril Ihjh mm Nowiniror I, In... Thin
lntiTt In mk'i'Km. to imri'ii'tt; tho yii'hl ul tin- (.'oniiniiiy
lo K l.irvc u jii t-iint.
rorty Ai'i',lu iVt- fiuitle,on ( lierry Itnn, ab 'vo the
tuiKf n hb tivMM il by the t 'iit)):iiiy. n the toiiiio,;
furim urc-it m tlvltr nuw rM-tH, ilmileiiti being tjic.-'t d
ami ihiltid. Two il. rrickM ro ituiv la'tn,' t'loc'L J,
unit t)ic lit veb-i-mciit of I! 1 nr.ii'rty will bo niofccuiiHt
The following etrals ro (tu an eUiN;Ul of U.o
"One ot the most rcntarkal-h' feuturos about tho pn tent
oil oxcitiim nt U ttmt, w I. tie the tririiuiy tttninto m '
c'Un iiilv ftfm!in In men. tho ol.u r i.-ttU'tl r
t. lis vlnri' tnofct oil hat Ie-n Uritwn ort, it dully raifltife
in Vine. J l:e irue, t-io, ol tin? ull U lilt'lK-r tUau uv
CI UJll V Il.r.JiIl V J ' ' ' V J V-v.. -
' CA I'lTA 1 rTt'-i'iO.OOO.
I 11 TY TIKH'SAM) till ARES OK $5 KAC1I.
Fi nm ittrrioN ritirr. 12 bhaiu:.
$'i.5,t)00 itKfii!KVi;l von wokkino caiitai..
J. It. Mi't'RRARV. Iaatir.!r.
'illOMAe) A m 01 I', V'ii.L-l'iuini Nr.
oini.cioHH :
3. It. ViOHFARV., I W. VANiinr rt.M,
'illu.uAn A. bl'n 1, 1 t 111 ia 1 1 iiiini.1.,
,IH!iN innvr-ia.
Diut't 1. p vv iiiii'.r.. Si'.ti i and Traaaiin'r.
The prunerlv n th .'oinpinj coiimis 01 on.
Honored and Kulv A. r. 111 tee ninp.e. 01 vaiuiiiue. i........
... ,t..u III 1.1 t.fl. .ilM-iTrtl n.i H.i.-.i- erf .K.aiHIUI iwu 1111. en
lr, in Us inoulli, whirl, empilea artu t'ri-uvti creek, Vcnain'o
'.tintv, I'a. ....
1 1,,. i.r.. 11, it. l as been srl.-. ted vith a view to lt v.iln-
ai.i n.r .11. n. i... li.u Its lines exl.-n.lod aloDtf and nn In. Ii
aides 01 Ilie ereek.ivrr lUrre iiundred roe's, ivhli h. ti.tetii'T
with tte arne amount or rnt or uouora 1,111.1, ki'i '
si'l'eiiur ailviinliueH lor drlllltn; a lariat uuoiher 01 till
We lS. At lell IUIO llOtllFI .'11 HUB U! H:itlu, nt.u
......1. rn.,in n.r Tanks. Ene'iio-housei, Slid DwelluiKS.
A fcooa we i Kivii.L- iweiny urtrivi- i-e., ,n
r. unliol a milo above it, a:au, several sood producing
ells on the i reea Delow r. ......
I,.. n.l nhtjlned on this creek Is the LllfnU'llir Vlli
lu. 11 1. nii'i.n. Inprli o 0110 hundrud per 00111. auovo
ollierolls, an.l It. 111010 In deioand.
The t ninprtiiy can H mrito revenuo nvii.ri.--s
...hi... ....I.., ...11,. r...rvluir ty.ln onit-fourtll lo on.'-
nlrol the ol free of expense to iheComiuuir. In lenenileiit
m il e revenue fnnn th. lr own wells, being a
aiirtaiiency ot iHnd for both pnrpoiiis.
11 ISllOS ItnoU lO BIVO III. "l.ll-r.-l UF ll"" nn.n..
In the l,e- t leeatiou ut 01. re. 'I hu title lo tn. proporty is
tuTlei't ar.d I'ico of hit-uinliranee.
Biiobiaip'.ion iiouaa nr. uww wwii
Tla Corp Tilnrs be le'. c tins t. Le the
stoi-fc ivr put h tore t tie prbl.c.
c'.tsp. st and lst
Onlj 2."i,(l(10 Sltiii't's Mill lit Sold Out Of
ll.O.liOO Sliures.
yyAeiJiKaTCN and walncit bend
Oil. COall'ANV.
loo.cen sharks
Subnet iotlon 1'iiic
10.0UO Shares llescrvcd as orkin
Hi Kach.
; Capital.
I KKitsi: Jit fo..
Ko. 3J fl. TltlKU 9lret.
Cfii..e, No Gl'l MARKET Et , PhllailelpLia.
y.i.l A ueilon Oil 1 ivci.,n iw .uuiing 10 barrels par Im-ii'iiMii;. ,,k
.NO. . A WII On UMI I ('fa. w i r a- itn a vr. arpr, - im
lnrv. -towif i-tt Nc.ii linn ii itM- i'ohi rumor wen,
No. a. A wt'li on t ul Crick. "-0 fvei .li tp, now ready for
tiitiinir, irv'th hpieuUia ihov of oil; eory pcoNpoctot pru-
illli'lRlJ IrtTVtiU. , , , a ,
No. I. t)i,o tiati hitTet In ft trnct of live hnndnti aciv
rn ihcoHn-t.en.v rmr; nix sl'n. now pumpinit M ft y bar
rels ( 1 ou it tiav ; ttufi1 in re wens now k'uuk uown, vtiut
nmr a lalli- oi nvoi- front , nil u. o I Inning territory.
S-o. it. A hHll iKre or Ddfotita nchriT.c Miniomim noun.
whit h me now piniumm burro per y.
H u ii. fcinlitimda iiait wmeiin w anmi nenii,oninc aii?
Rtunv river ; In. nn y HnrrotitiilinK thli propeny ure line
proline nc writs. This tnirt will b. dovoiupt'ii rapully.
nilUKCHI lUMlt RIO IH Ut'iUK imivnini'iniw'fl1: tnn-
tlon 01 tl.o BtocH nlH-adv tnk.'U. Mm pr-npctim umi (til
liii..iin.ilit'i) ran he oh-niinM at the OMlco of Hie Comoany,
now at KO..IU MAKKl.r Htret. U 20 lil
rMlntlelpIitrt, November, 18, ISO I.
Ttie underlie, n'd Is aotliorlied to ae.n a limited number
o! Htares of an Oilt'ompany whi se iiroporty Is mainly on
Oil Creek, Venaneo county, l'ennsylvanla, and Is believed
to be of equal vain, to any upon the creek. Tho portion
developed and prnduetlvo will, trom tha brelnnlnit. seour.
to tho Htorkhold.ra a Dividend of Three per cent, per
Moiuh. and these Kelts ai. liicr.irlnK dally. In addition
to ihei. producing wells, they havo a tar Intereit lu
Eleven inhere In dllfcrent stakes of development, and
several of Uiem nearly oouiplcitd. Tlicie Is loom also lor
an ennal number of wella upon te s.ju. property.
Ihe CompanyowD,also,over'J,stacrcsoi onlevelnpe
property In the ut ithborliood of U.e .'.hers, upon which
they propose sinkinit several wells, Uia money having been
provided for ttie purpose.
8uch an opportunliy ot obtalntrir, at a w cost, a sio- a-
paylnit dividend from o small a portion of Its prop rly i
For lurther lnforroatlon apply at the oltlc. of
b. mean tne hours of 1 and '1 o'clock r. M.
O. 13. DUN OA N.
IMPORTANT TO OIL COMPANIES Oil. Companies Is called to a new
Pitltitt Iniprovtd RiM-K Drill and Reamer,
ccmhiiKd In ona romplete Ilrl'l and Reamer, In anch a
niannn as to Willi ami Iteam the Oil Well at one and tha
same time. It Is thorn. lit hv 1 nooricneid oil well borore
that It will save from on.-llili'l to nnc half of the timet
hen tofori' ne. essary In drilling oil wolls. Ttils Itoek Drill
haa ji"t D. C11 patented by I) VVI1) KVASH.of ths firm of
Kvnns i Watson, No. 1U S. l OUItf 11 Street. The Dirtxit
ors . if the dltfi rent HI ronipanlea aro rciiocll'iilly invited
to call aud examine the patent and model. Aa tliis Drill H
likely to take the place ot all others now In use, any per-
lon wirhlni! toteke li'ikUf this paient and mauuiactirro
tho Dill'a should tall at once upon th. patentee, ihe
patent has and ten liken out, ti iriuit date November
-a, lut, liivln-,- Ft-venteen jairs to run; consequently
there Is .iery opporltirlty to rrall.o hnndaome returns for
the raiuiiuiiotaiiin; and mi pl.viuu of this Itotk Drill ana
All iKi'sriiis nre eautloni'd uk.iln.-t making, nsink', or d.:al-
Irtlnsiij Hoik Drill and Itearner that infrliujea 011 my
patent, and anylltlll ihit Is cnnHtrneli d so aa to ami ana
ream Iho vi i ll at the sumo timewl'l bo an Inftingement,
as ihcci'inbinatlon ih the principle 01 my paUnt.
1. .nu ele en di.l'ara and a halt per barrel at the v elu ni
et, i.ll ttroutal nil creel, new areas have been added ot lar
feu i.ler i" tent tiuin tliosc 'tlie whole m
t'l.eny Hun ninv be taut to have corue Into tlio murkut
ee ll.e b. iniiiiiui.' ol tin- year, ami I nftw cuia' J.-re.l Ilie
in, .hi vuiieible ii-ii'lt"iy uiivil.ori lo be toiiud. Weha are
ai.pi.osid uevor lo tail ou it. '
The fonipany are now re-aii Hu from the prnduelim In-ten-Ms.l
II 1V-10I It (')) llAllKCLS Ol- Oil. DAILY,
vhlah n ill i-ni'.ble ti.c-ni to pay a hatnUouia and pnuniit
ihtldi nd on its capital; alau, an Interest In i:iGIITi:i:H
V I'.LLU in varliiiu atruas of completion. TtVO on Alla
uheny river, from wlilih tlicy will reoelv. UAI.r1 the oil;
TIIW-IKon McC'lintotk I aim, from which they will ro
cilie OKK -tllulITU the oil; i'l VK ou C'hsiry Run, UAI.r
ll.e o.f; IWu on Cherry liun, ALL tlie oil ; and SIX. ou tha
11 da and ligboit farm.
lrtlicia wella have but the usual success, tlie production
tu tlie Company will ba Ineicaixd to a lar jo amount within
the next uluety days.
1 weuly-flve thousand dollars will b. retained in th.
Trunin, for the purpose of devolopluj Ih. lands ef the
Si bictfiitloui will be received to tli. abov. Company at
TKKUH-one dollar .a stibserlblnf, and on. dollar and
fut j cents via ih, 1 jVb of Jtcceulwr, lbM, IV A l
A- .
l'LIU' a i.urani
Capital, $400,000-Par, $5 Per Share.
bvuKCRirrioN rmci:, i2-50 ri'.it shari:,
KOB i'lll.L I'AID B't'OfK AMD NO
AStiESdMEN 18.
Tlepupeityof thlaCVmparj connista of the fclionlng
v uluabie ...
i ki: kim
T. rrlti.rv, iV nslve leaseholds, 1'ItODL'iT Ml Wl.1.1
Wells ti.lni down and nearly lliilslied
v, , i. -j. e.i... i ...... . ..n I'li.rrv Tree llttn III I'FIK
SIMI'l.r., I.ouat.1.! hiiiu .uil.c ent tnMii. I II'IV WLl.t,-.
'I i,',.teriliorv la cia.o.ili- t'ai J-otrulouul C..iiiuiiy
( Hoses' I am.) on ml . r. ek, bounded ui part by the t.
bl .11. .1 Mini V Kami, .'. A e.
..... , . i. ..i v...... v nt W'Ah. MeC Ut'
Oil ie.i,-;.e. i,, nil, very valuable, lloo liu, aud
u..n. Uu ,.r.,n,i.l
Ai. a. "Wild t'ai' I low-leu Well, aimut :m barrels per
iluv. ..a W ihh. Mi.l' e I arm. Too l.'olii,iuiij ii'im
the MHil.E voiklinj Intel. -t la this well, ciulile, lauks,
'i!ri. '(iillfoin'a Well, v.i . 1 .' r.n oii Creek, down litsi
te. t, till reail to umbo. '1 ilia well has lloncd l-.J uni ielt
'"n.',."?. "California Well, No.'J.' on Oil Cieitli.'li'wn neiiily
'"t'.o'il' I.r.i'e iie.-petn it ('' -.) oil -" I a.-ie.O r'r.'fl.,
ull iiul, ,-, ntiilint.K the nlsrt. well'", wah nil '1-le.ri.
i-lithie. nn.).., diTii. ks. en .Ine lunges. A-o.
V. . I i-u.i' l-eii'itiuil f I'll ea' sou .',', a. res 'i ll fi-- ..
nil l at, and in Olio we. I down -Ml li'i't, "no uaite;' li.lii
Ivoikii'". in Il.ia we. I ar.l h iiu.
n km 'iuol'AM xtlAliKrt I'l'SI IiVED I'Olt Un;,o
1M. I Al l I AI,.
ll.'olis for oni.'lXAi. biib' are now open at oar
oil i-e lor a lew il "HIV 1 wlleu eio.ed. Ilie Hock to bo
placid on Hie rejulur Union and I'luladclpr It Sfn-k
lloiiiila as a i.i-na iii-k ibvl.teitit-l.uyit.fc Oil. rit.i n..
I'iiHCAM, wl.cll II Is expected the shUlt'S will hu-eiy
aUiunie. All Itntl.i-r Itifouiaiion. wll'i pr..apecliiM'-, tan
tM-nbialiu-d .'f tin' UluleisiL in d. T he siuall capital or li.ts
t'..i.'i-sty, vt lib the ii lual htrito uili'icttta, n.ii.i uiski. .1 a
l,....e.le u. . ae. Ure lllVL.Ilill Ut.
n. s. LFr.fu,
Ko.M 1 liuUdm.., WAI.KT'T, below nunn.
l'l.ilad.-lpl.Iu A;.u.y.
Ko. 5s ItKAVElt .-trcci, New York Amin y.
hl l.M Lit, Wi-A A CO., I'.ank ia,
11 10 1" lou A . ay.
ttOAl. JIl.,
. n ...,....... .. et, emiDiureQ
AM) O I III. II I Tl' "iin'ii-i " r-"
ran be fii plied til lowest ooli prices with
I bill IS'CATXH l sKK's.
TltA.NS It HOt'K-t,
Bl'ul K I.KIMlK.lia,
I'lVUH'.Mi HOOKS, A?. . A.
A futlasiortinenfo' , m l.aii.l i' .r surehii-era to
-c-1. ellrol.1. Willi sot over l.Y'CUlei eat Ceil 'IcatCsOl Stock.
W. Q. I EPRY, Manuftctving Stationer,
11 -iia;w 8. W. corner kol'UTII and RACE Sta.
OK WI'.nT VlltClSIA.
Ct.tilul. l,CO0,0O(). f-l.ui-.-, 100.090.
Kl'liSCItU-'l ION litter, pall in lull aiWper Share,
i:i:m.i: kd wohkinu CAI'lTAI. H),ooo.
l'i:i -lDi.xr-JAUKH Mi CCTCIIKOH.
HAS t'OU BALE, aud will pay particular attention to the
purcbasa of all tits da.lrabU aud regular dividend-paying
tiew York,
', 03 riSE STBEIT, ooat .
10 M la T,rk'
i.l-l.i vt.v IM' T -i:tt
lWiri ViCI Tf'f'l.ON,
III l 111 ( I: SI'-.
W H.1.1AM Ullii K.
lit.M'l it.
lllluhllK Met-' SIlDES,
III lU'il.U.
'.'1 ..111
k Il'iol. ni Hie Coie.p my Ii now op-n at tne
ll, , r . --r-. -V. CI.T.T11.0N COULIMS,
N. I HUM 'Kin . t. , ,
ill.. r,u. ai i u' eili ii tl ' lr lumes, will be. I 'iiuired
.. v i ... i' i . -n. , 1 l. . It si .tin 1 if lulu,, Ilie b.l aileo IIS
i: -,m :l c eriui..
ol si nk will be ready lof 1
i 1 e i ,nfl-' t tl.e Cotiip-ny hae l'i-eti selected with th I
r.- i' v. . a.e nt Mt .' ' tt.o'ii.e.t oyj.ei icn.-oa -ul won and I
i .e. 1. . Is ..I 11'. . null .. l.U'l . .".-IS! ..I ': Klrst. AIhi at I
. . ... .. . .1 ... It.'.... Vi.. I in. n wl.t. ft tl.ev bns. I
i ne wi i, l.i v.i i. i. '.im- ........ .....
lu the ot..i.:ou ia ran Nuptriuteuili'iit. us w ell as all exp.w
rl. n.ed men w.o haio a. iu ll.vui l.o a laie yia'.iiua I
ih iK.w-.ll at Intervals twenty le.t aboval
ii.. ....ti. mi win sli-ul tithe C. ui'.anv s slnire at lesvt I
fntv barrels per il..y, ni'll- lui t, It 1- believed, to pay al
I nlllll ue .'Hi eio on t. ei"le lal'ital- M. arc Bin
awauinathc aiuia.oi ucuta.-arj tu. uluory to work tiasf
"sei-ond t- attaet of one liun.liTd acres ownodutAwby J
'TlL.Va'ir'irn r,f I- ' sires, i n a twenty yoara' leav.4
.1.1. ect to on. -V -nt 'i "I l e i'l" a. ' r..yl'.. I. ..Ill 1.1 io. I
' ,.. 1 I. r, ii,.rv. and lie In .-lose iip.xlinity I
r .. ...'. . . n r ... .1 1 .....n . lino t. rrit.u-v. and to tb. I
ii'o.t. oi u.e I.til. cii-a Coiopjui H e woik m bulb of I
,, i, .,,i .ibi v' i', i.n.l mi ira I No. wo a. I
Bttuek a 1'. i" v'.l at u .Ii I'll, ot imivot.
1 or mole I. .11 iM.o;i.,..tlt.n ', at
Mi's r.. al. CI 'icm-.oN a iiil.tHM',
ll-'.t'-'.'w Ko. '-1" N. I lltlM Hlroet
We ar. prepared to furnish Mew Corporations with 1 '
the Hooks they require, at short notice and low prices,
Hut finality. All styles uf liliiJtn. '
fVIKFf.-PI.Air, CKliTlVICATI'.S OK BTOCK. I do do il
HTOCK IK I Mil It n.xl.ANPFfs.
llllilkKUS' I'tT'Tl
A Cent NT OK (.ALLS.
MW1E.N1 BOOh.. jjojg oo.,
Blauk Hook Maniirietiit.ra aud 8UUooar
11-18-tl li0, 4 ' t-'tt8 Itread. ',
mude to ofuei
11 -W
wf.. .V..... n o.ia . I.UI1PK. F-.Ioell.ut.
CvBveuwut'loI U.a W"vt- aWld b 111. dxuwilatl. 1H-JV