J. TV 1.1 an., o sers l.l l I ay Kt IK. 0. VIL m. that ml uottacK t, as ihir rarij! 1 dot- .wtu! tan. b :u,il Uuu KM. iiwliit ik fix 1,1.111 s t ; ItY. IV.'- IM. I'. IS' inr. 7.L! A.lt lNt IITIV cclrt ltb.4 N, -a NO ') UtSl arer. .SON IK N't cctUu T MONDAY, NOVRMI1KR 2, Wl. Bran or the new youx P2E33 i edlns Editorial, from the New York rpm Hits Monilnj. iii'noi Tinvi sii KM iipKj..i nv AHimr.it or imm a.m iiit.it ma. Frprt th Tirnf. We hsve never rim ing tlio rnrrsr of t!ic r hsd L tiling aimliigoiis to tlio militurr si'u il'on as it is t present in t!ic S nitlje-"!. The tarn great armies which so luni? roud'otitnl one an other, and which foiifiiit each oilier fiom N.vli ville to Atlanta, ln tutvd company, an J each Las started oil in a direction opposito to the other one (.trikiiiK southward through (icorcla fot the Atlantic coat, and the ntl.cr striking northward rf the frrnt central mnnnt'ln raii'jo for Middle TciinCM.ee. ()iie of the lUi-linio'irl papers n -marked, tho other tiny, lunv Ftr.inccH- i;:nrant lioth titles smtc C'licriiin:' the movements of tkrc picnt forces. 'IhcU'li. u have known but little sbcmt the iterations of Hood's armv, Btid now that Mirimiui lm cut their telegraph lines in Georgia, tlivv will know littlo moid ahnut ilood liian we know about .Sherman; ami it Is likely that what iiilnriniition I Iilv do obtain will be pot llirottf.li t'ri.in mtiliiixis," jut a- our in b n.ia'.on about t-'litiiii.m is j;ot turouh lichel o.edliinis Tho telegraphic news which we have been jtiv Irs for the la t thr. e ilnv s won! 1 xiii to in il.e it certain thnt II0..0' nrm'v. which taii lir-on sl.iicr ing on tbebanks 01 the l cnne. e river fornmo verl.s past, pas ni lat H:uck up into Middlo "Icnncs-ec. 'Ilie:c are two rivlroads running Komh from Nn-hvil:o and on tlie wcsternmot of tl c-e lines, or tin' which juiiw the Menu. Irs sn.l Cha leston roaJ ni IKcntur, Ibo,l has planted 1.1 mmy, and has lulvimidl north nearly 10 Colum bia, or within lnry mi es 01 .Na-hville. Our nrn.y Hr.ikrCieiiirnlTlii.iims, Ai.ich hin rman left (it Tennes'-eo to hold llond in check, hat fallen back K.me distscce before tlie llcbels, an I at h.-t wl viies a battle k us iiiiniiucnt at C.lum!ia,i'r si,mi V here between there and Na-hville. 1 bourns' ktiHte -v in lalhni; hack is d ttbtlfis Similar to that which tsherici.in practised oU t.,i r three occasions in tlie Mn-iiaxdoili valley; but 1 homes will doubtless 'ce to it that no pait of tho llebcl infantry or c ivaliv eh'cet a In lenient ipon any part of the road miming direct between Is'abvilc and Chattanooga. l'rom Sherman's unnv in Ooi-,i the ru iri mg'a advices are later, luit ihn Rebels take cue that theynhall lio Mamy. We Kivo extracts from Jtichniond pnpers of as lute a date as Friday last, ilia Ikipatci says that on the previous day (Thursday) Shtrmim "was still wont of tho Oconee river, 0110 of the tributaries of tho Alata maha, which runs nor; hwe-t thrmtirh tho return of the State of (leorfd 1, aud on the west bank of which stream Mil eilKcvillo is situated." From Augusta our telegrams lire onlv 1 1 Tuesday lust and this set foriu that Mtlledg'ovlUc, tho capitai of tho State, was ft p ined by Sherman this day week. The capture of Macon Is still dubious, and it is evident that on manv points the Kcb Is, as well at Savam nh and Ai:.ai-iu us at;UlLhnio:id, ..... 111-1111' 'I till II. In the no ainime the T!ebe)t are still doing what tliey can to ic-lst Sherman's advance. Il(H)d uud tils army arc too far away to furnish relief, in sea Kin, unless the militia of Gnrgia and niiaeent ftates, and the seabond rarri ons, are it'i'o to in teuupt linn longer than is likeiv. Hut (( .vcrnor Jtrown Pas mntlc a levy cn ftt.e of all por.-ons between the agot 01 Pi aud r, u servo for four days; aud the Governor of South Caro'iin h as also ordered out the re-eivo militia of that State. Ocncral Sherman, before sti.tinj out, doubtless mudc his calculations for metiiig and lor scatter ing this kind of cattle. Iho Hebcl organs at Richmond, if they do not f ive ns much reliablo news, ure beginning to unilsh us that style of reading which wo antici pated at tho beginning of tho campaign. The l'.ramiiier of Thursday unnoiinees with a calm and magnificent eati-factlon, which is iuite app.il lint to us, that "several despatches concur in the declaration that Sherman's army is ruined," to which it appends the remark : "This is all tho news from Georgia which wo are disposed to publish this morning." We really should think It would bo And pray is it not enough to satis! v even the stomach of a Rebel ? It is mortlfyinir, however, to tind that tho Kraminrr is quickly compelled to modify iu a very odd way its grand announcement. It subsequently comes down and coolly tells us : "Persons who have an opportunity of ascer taining the Pitna'ion ofatlutrs in Georgia, are quite hopeful that General Sherman will be brought to grief ero ho reaches the coast. ( tmpora ! O mom ! Tho 1 1 7i of Friday does not eom to see that Sherniau's army is "ruined, " but it docs think that it will exhaust Sherman's skill to make good tho rotreat of the remnant of his "defeated army." Tho Sentinel, alter railing furiously on the Georgia Rebels to haiHts Sherman by attacks and alarms, by night and day, to block his road, destroy his supply trains, and cut him ut In d tail, adds that thern will soon be a "grand hunt" in Georgia, of which Sherman's army will to victims, and advises everybody to join in. We thought the Rebels woro too old to fancy they would do anything but entertain us by such talk as this. They might as well stick to the truth, for tueb nonsensical falsehoods do not at all disturb us. lMl'ORTAVr l'ltotl NIlEltf AN'K FIK. IMTIO-TIIK KKI.EANE OK TWENTY TIIOI NANI I NION PltlSOlVF.KS. From Iht lrralil. According to the report brought by the Herman .iii', which arrived yesterday :st Annaiio- lis, Sherman had stopped tiic exchange of prison ers at Savannah by cutting the railroad botweon that city and Millen, and was within six hours' march of tho stockade where our soldiers wore confined. It i., theref to, fair to suppose that his cavalry bad succeeded hi releasing from twenty to twenty-live thousand of our gillant soldiers who wcie held prl-oncrsof war by tho Rebels. This is cue of the great triumphs of Shoriiiau's brilliant movement. Tho latest intelligence Vouchsafed us from the Rebels of Sherman's prores shows that his course is steadily and rcHf'tlcssly onward ; th it from the very b ur-, of Georgia he has been sweeping, almos: wphoiit a show of oppo-itiou, a war path sixty niihs in width, and through some of the richest counties of the .'utc, abounding in corn ai.d swarmin r in negroes. Consider! its; that all our news of bis movements is from Rebel sources, since, swing!, it; loose fiO'o. hi! moorings at Atlanta, he turn d ti thu cist ward, aud that tho Relx Is naturally put tlie best f:t upon their situation that they fan, t io reports which thus far they have gieen us id the ovcuts of lui 111 trcU are all that could be d -sired. They are not cloutLd by anv cheek to his progress, ror by any appearance or prosimct of a serious re 'iftui.ro -t any p an'. Uu tho contrary, while tho Rebel chiefs 'a: R'ciiui md are calling niK.n the people of Georgia, to bring cut their militia reserves ai:d to lay waste tho country in ad va nee of the daiiiirt inv uler, tuc Gciriam are hotly deiiounein:, Davis as having bjuayed Idem to tl cir desiruciion. Aeci.ttomid to rest th"T calculations of our army movements upon too uuo ssity of a woll lilltd and fort.iiod base of sun . lies, the Roli.d chiefs woie in ver so completely deceived as in tbcpiepent inovimien of Sh ri'u.tu. They were sure, a month ao, lh.it, .issUennan had but lor y days' supplies at Atlanta, it would bo only uooes- il thlrfl",ry move Hood around, upon his coui'iiuniei- tious witn 1 iiim.inooga, an t iieu.v uotweeuun at tanooga tind Nushvilh:, to eompol ' tlia Vaulto is," bag aud bagira-'t), to f ill b tck tn'o Tonuesseo to obtain provisions, and to save the'r bacon. Jcil. Davis boosted, to the inioaleoi Georgia that lie had come down among them to put tins en'Oiitive schciiie in motion. -To Davis, therefore, we owe cur things for the eii.oval ot Jlood's armv on a v!.d tooie eha e lito Wesicrn inuii to Lohl him the: 0 v ;;r..nd U i s i -l : Au'ii la. S.iV Mill. .. re;-ii ai too eil i'il ; mail bud ili-c c, ei' 1 fins urciin,; .tt: idled vti'h titnpiii titdd-. ot 1 Md it -d ' vt lsoI, for lit'i Me It i . iu i.iaV-:;-: 'i ;-ie. so as to cnihle lli.uuas lii. siu'rui.v!, n i:'i rVj ni 1 11 h s. lo. ' .. i ma.' u':i J : t 1 :.: -. -. t, J i . .1 1 " .: . 1 . n 1. 1 1 .i ) 0 i l '!i; 11' l. ,.t. d.. I .. t C;..:i t: : Ir s; t.iat her 'i "lite il l' t:. ca.l.-.-i c '.ti.l ; . ; r 1 - cor'i'..;lti f lild IlooOt .11 titles i :.. x-t: CO.', he) 'Jits J Ot up td.tS tfitt Mjcrmaj tics i outj li to.y ttiruc t I,. I i,tllaJ lijlull JOI. Ji.- c. 1 it-nienu, .i 1 y .;i id mot eiuu.t, v 1. lea wo;.M L ivs b;a i.n ' i J .... .,,1, I - . j .-y. . Ola 10 a f-r .it atiitv .a ! ot ,.u t,ii,ijii',i.': diir'T": tho nr.t iwo ve.us ot ttio w.a'. 11 v..s- in: uiitd l' 0 in.t'u 1: six . rotiei of the ;,it my tVCi'S llib.o.lfi II 1:011 lt;icil,' it'll te'illtes r.d cut nil' iioiu tlie 1 ic it and e..t:le ot ta ; ll'.etVcU.iii;" ut.steucu ot s deel the Mi-is.ii; pi, iliiu tito .teS l !-0 t! 'W.wli Co ti.l Si I'.iiiledLiei v." i-.Mil "1. 10 hut uiiikr this v, oi' tltii ) cur pliviit coi.i a iid t.wic: p . tu t only Kir lur ('tii k'.x i.t the j rlii: iu aiitj.lrf b.c.'.i: i ; ; t 1 pn.vi lo liljL.a'.ly i; ic it'id .11 mies, and d'i aud all, b..; also -t... , : oWU V i'd.:r .'titte rein.: . in : Ar I.ce's tvmy at Mtchmoad. Mi";ni.fi's irar.'U o cis an imporiutit, ne:tioi of ti e stita froia YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, TnE 'hich thru MfnrliAii t,a H,,.n . 1 thereat. He will leave not a sinrla line of rail way communlrat!o-i between hiclnnond and Ovinia, nor a single line between Lee's army on the Jan.. rivsr, and that of Hood cn tho Ten nessee. Iler.ee the psnlc and consterniUon which pre vail at Itirhmcnd ; bene- the cries from that noonitd city to the pn pie of Georgu to destroy their own snlmistente iu ortler to starve out Slier, man. This is their last chance ; bnt as it Involves their on n tlctrnrit n, no ft art. need lie enter, tamed that thry will adopt it. They mar burn iticr cotton on hand of the o'd crops of lull and 16 on Sherman's approat b, but thiv will not burn their torn cribs and houses, and take to the wfiods to die there of starvat on. Nor do wo think it likely that Hood, time bundled ami liny milos l hind, v. PI overhaul Sherman ; or that Lee, with Giant w ailing to pounce upon him, has been per mitted, or will be til Ic lo s"nd rr.v a.ist.ii' e to Saviiimah or C'i atbuoii. Siv rninn will I1:iih his work, and will his arrhal on tl.o s-i.b iart, we are inelinesl to th r.k that Grant will be heard tri m in Ki lauond. Mrs. r.ixi.v's Soss. Tic names (,r Mrs. Fisl y's sons who bsve fallen in battle are as follows: Serccant Charles W. Pishy, Coinpauv I), JUih Mashachusetts Volunbvrs, hilled at Friileticksburg, Mav :t, 1V,;; Corporal Henry lllxby, K , .'Id, killed at G. ttj sburg, July .1, 1HI.I; 1'ihate Mtlward llixbv, 22d, die I of wannds in liopilnl at Folly Island, S. C. ; I'rivales OMver C. Iii'.tiy, 1'., .iMh, and ticorge W. ilisbv. It, ,ri!i'h, killed before rotersburg, July ;to, is. in respnn-o to uencral seliouler s comnjunira lot) a cor.sldcrablc ariiount of muni v was re.-. irnd f ir soldier's families, a portion lelnu' specially in tituled for Mrs. ltixbv. The General called upon lier and left the money, and visited her on Thurs day loste that site was made comfortable for luitnksgiving. notion llcralti. Since November 1. Hti.1, twen'v thnnsaml piisoners of war have been, tiansferred from the iniiitarv prison at t.ruisviile, Kentmkv and thirty five hundred Rebel deserteis hate' been tiiseiiargca. CLOAKS, &o. c A btn(loiEtvrltf of r.i v.i.amt fas hi ) t.s t.os;i, ratscu cL-tt, IStlCOl BflATStt, rno;Tti iitwsm, VKI.VKr BLAVhU r -m riGUTa axRKiT cloak fmimuium. A. VV. I.YM AN, ro. 5. kiuhtii sthkkt. W B.-KHAWI-s, aC.lRM. TVRPl'EBa. ill IUI mornl SKII.TS ilwnv, on litnl. It 11, a DRY GOODS. AIUJUS' CLOAKM J AND CLOAKING CLOTHS, FRf'STlIP PKAVKR. VI I.UF1I CLO'IHS, CHINCHILLA ( LOTUS, JJF.A MR CLtHhS, TRICOT, l'KOSTI'.n 8KALSKI.VS. UMt)N CLOI US. TWILLIU) Ll'.AVKRS. Cienks mad In th b it jt,l of ',, ibot c g iojj, at less thru Ujenl prices. CUEWIN STODDAET & BROTHEE, Kos. -I'M, f,, ma 111 y. KEOONI) 8 TltKKT, H-W-iH Above Willow. If Kos. 713 and 713 5. TENTH STHEET, navelust rsceli stl from too Auction Bulri of last week u Ksw York a large lot nf Drus ip1, 0l th,ua t'aiil ir.erei, and will sell thtm at lower prluei tlisn thoy ltvc bo nclHteii any ilmi Hit, cuou. FHKNf II BK.p VOPl.irVS. KIIKrVf'II linPHKSlt ( U)TII POPLIY8. I'INK FltKi II aiF.KISjOIll.S. HU M Pl.AII) rOI'l.lV-1. Itll lt l'l.AII) I I.OI IIS. II-I Itl.AI K ll KI.IVSJ ( I.OTIIM. N-t I .Ntil.lMl !h:hiivoksj. 9, worth Sl-.tl). ft-1 IKliL,INI( MUHI.XOKSl, jl-30, wiirtti .t'S. Drom Oocili.a'.l maJnai.d iuht!ei,at as low prices ss any in the city. HANDSOME SILKS. A I.AHOE ASSORTMENT 01 ALL KINDS. MOIHK ANTIQUK3, COIt DUD TAFFKTAS, FOIL DE SOILS, I'LAIN AND FlOVniOD SILKS, at ncurly low pries as when there was no premium oa i.n Id. GEEAT BABGAIUS IN SHAWLS. l.TA IDunkot Sh bought i tn'tueiidous Ioi All Price.?, from $7 to $13, ft low ill thy wimt fioM ftftt winter. r.ich HtdM-r,Trlt ot I nlon IHnvpr. (irav a-nl .rn Clili.trhilui, ;iKck nnl Mtulc Diu.iml ItU'bi-il ( utht, UuUt CJoti i.jnid uutui tiia cliouo-il ;iH3 rt Ui'nib of tlmt can tie fjiinil Iu Hit' cli) . I'rUos law. F1 INCH MFUINOJ'.S i nr.. Iln do l sd. i'O ilo $ crfl. Uo Oo K! ' l.rVM, C'tntiiirit.uK sll tlm C II (l I C K l () 1.0 K M, t riitii the Into AlfCUON bAI.E.1, l(F.0t:f'KI li:ii'M. i t Kllts ht'ihiiAKT '0.. -N. I. stiil t .1 Ji. KLI'ilMt S'.i.H, t AOi.ie Willow. CHEAP DRY G00D3 EJ.IFOBIDM, No. 429 SOUTH STREET. S"ow nil hn& ri r'r !ale, a lull ami compU to ntOikof rMonb!e Urn uodi, f onji)tiu i VoyHm, Mt-tiuoi I'D prBi 4 'lot In, h Ali'ftifti, Mulukii!. ! Lftines, k Ml., I, .c. AN ft full ftMioftKiftlt f4' Duacllt; ooi1k, Kiftnr.clM, C!WitVine ( lottin, c , all of wiitch we oiVtsr to pure ftM.T at Irnm lutu l' per cent, below tho lrioi (or which tiuno (toJ aro i"ij In mote fusliionnlile luv.iiriifk. HtlnvKw ttit'uUi r:tll, "t.iitnc, nit rom itre vut UtOui and Pugc vtiV. tto-f uf oiiicr Storai. 11 1-lin J III do Jt'ILlS tl'. Jo (lu Ift'.UINd J.. "I'rotn ft;.' I, t AIT Ti' t S A. 1J ' AJ, :jh l X Kill V. 1(3 Ml II SIKUKT. If!. ll' hHi;it it. it at,ti Ari ti. if.M l;.'.iinti n n c ru bi-'m' h'lu'W cf ti'ftj-, rtMi! i',i';c;ir mini . , , i m- If 'Jlf I'-.fl JHHt Id mi lli.Hl - mn.l IMiiiK Ii-8 ". ak I.i.i.ii. f iv, :..! t-!ii' i' : i t" t i. . . ., i,, . P' r ' i tt' t : 1 . ti t I . I'.i .. II .j I.'-,. t , I . . I- i ; m It: i.'-i, , - t . tl 1 J k i M v . u. i '. li r - . i' " .(!'....! As , . i, ), u . ; iS T ,1n I', ( ! I ' . f , r. t -... . i , . a i h t pr .' : II i r I .' i ' . ' I V'('e i.i'l .,: i n , . t.i i ,. i ut -r t.w ti .r.i, rit. , i u t . a k int V J 1 t: jt .r it . f ju.: .t.v , i iA r. ( ,. , i iii ii.iiui'i.I V4.-.(t n: f tilled ii.t:- , ( ct.'i' (.cki,isj, .t fc.vat ;.:!,, t,ti.i.u y c..t . .v.- l,;wu( corn1, crte ttrn en ! cci.vmre 3 cnr r? , t ii i iif, i Jm a I.-:. , li.i.. It li 1 it ' i,l Hi 'ti -,, . .i, 11 ,'t t i.i'l )h6 ftir Trtir m m" t t'.e i't yp ,'ii.fii ny. u. I t tl Mi.MiH M t.ff. S . 1. ,1 N. ' t'.ll I A St , . t 1V1 1 m ii or tu- e Art.li, Ui 1.1 10 tiu- ioi i.vr. U o JtJar.iiitt'.tuj, No.t.s A!'i it ".trr-f, I ALnj' ti, . .1 fl.it -t, WhiiVia'f fill i?t'n. Tfi r.mft rM) ( l- (, it -s(,i tui-nt l.a'lroe.f, Hr'i''!', r.'it. t'iiltiic-n' li ( f-hiiui iu ttie city, tn cory rts".-t " t :n .a, nu ll t"ui eiy iw, !tu: 'i, UuivtbiUly, u.l a- t-, liUTi' ? jUnl tn tlx! n T ( t. fkbi-ts maUc 10 oitW,fii.w.J. ftrd r-r M-iy i-.il oi'L is-?. WALKING COATS, DAILY EVENING TELEGRArn-rillLADKLrinA, NEW FDS STOKE, N. 017 AIMJ1I STUHKT. j Thf shovf lYirectfiilljr Itif.mii tit. pt-fvn . n4 the piib .1. rnmn, 1111.1 ue i... now cpcn- l et Ui iiiov. .toe an iiutliufnl tf Ladie.3' and Children's Fancy Furs, tVhlcs, f,.f TRtirt7 And nnalltj, e.naM be SflrpMeoil h nr house in Uie t'nttet Hi. to., ii.ii.m the mttiu a tunr r.f nil Ms rnr., end liatni Iraporteil ell Mi .torX when sold w.i much lower th.n at the pttt.ent rste., he ran ofTer tfiem lo his p.lron. et tl.e mo.t rf ssonnlil prices. A 1. 1. I t;tta niA.le to otilrr, anil reps i.n d -n,' 'a th? lion oia iDr and latest itli i. 1IKMIY UAHlii:, Iuiliorter aud Maauiiiturer OK I.A1SII.S' Al CM LMltEV.n rtlH't, " N. UIT ARI'll STUI'.l.r, J AlilliW l.'ANCY I'UllW. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 713 ARCH STREET, AHOVI; SLVrfTU. at ma 01. ti i:iahl:s:if.o s:or, Importer anJ UaaufAotnror at LADIES' AM) f niLI)ItC.VS I'AISCY rmiH. fjr aionntcnt of TAttCT rut!i for Lilt's audCivU U'o li new ooaiplrte, enibraetDi KVFRY VARIETY THAT Wll.l. BE WOKN DUUINO TIIK C0MIU SKAy jN. Bonicattfr ttie aanio aud canUtor, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 71H A11CII HriwIOliT, Aoots ft4Tei;tn, I HAVt: HO PAKTNP.R. OK COMNKTT') WITH AWT OlIIKltSTOUKItf lllKCIfT. f) ;t.) Im rOVHI VINI l'ANCV(iO()l)3! CCNWAY k ER0TIIE2, No. .'!-, N. PKCOND SrKi:r.T, a novo BUOWX, IMFOUTFKH AND JOItBKBH. We liato nowoiion our Kali Sunk of Herman, I'ioikIi, and Tyiolero TOYd AND FANCY GOODS, All of wMch arc of our own ictcrtlun ami tnirtatlnii.ti) which r e Inviir thr attention of dealers. Awoni; our ai- eorttupnt axe manj til 3 w EJiTIlTKLY KF.W iKD IlKHIlt AHLE STYLES. pllW HTVLK OI' HltA-'X'XJH VQ H LADIES, QENT3, AND CHILDREN. NliWllOI.U II. TUOT'l'Ki:, U M Inl No. n! MAHKP.T STItKKT. A D I 1! H CKNTS' AND CI 111.1 KKN'H PARLOR AND ICE SKATES, J. 1J. SHANNON, II !. wimliu Ko. 1 MA1ULET STlt-l.ET, u r l 11 FASHION. Email Profits, Quick Sales. HATS AND CAl'S. NEWEST STYLES. Lowest Pilces la the cltj. uoiJUNi:, sotl.fniw-nrn No. iO V. HIXIH 8TRKET. J O. TJIOMI'HON, rABHIONAELE TAILOR, N. K. (orncr Seventh mid Wulitiit Slrccts, I'lIlLAUELrillA. V. B.-Ilarlux total md a ceklirltjr for c.ittlns GOOD-FITTING I'ANTALOONS, Making rt a ipeciattT lo nr bn.lneei for some yenri past, It Ii thought of .ufilcteut iuiiortancc lo announce tUe fact Iu tlil. ntanner to the pubUc, o that tooe wao are tits-latiitlc-U may kuow ot my suifcoil and s!ve me a tiial. - 10 ?!-! 1S(54. 1SG1. GLENN ECHO MILLS, O i; K M A X TO V ,' . McCALLUM &. CO., WIIOI I.9ALK CAKl'ET A Ki: II 0 I S K, No. .-,0.) cHi.s.N' t vv s i iu:i:t. riiir.Aiir.r.run. 1S(M. lSG'l. McCALLUM & CO., ItlTt'All UJ'AHTMINT, No. 011 cues nut srnsr.T, jj.t.ii t rrcsriE i.vi r.rUiE;cE hall. 71l l.1 D A. MIUKI'.K A; CO., A",'D fclill A K D h T i' A .'tiliO A 1 Ai l.'.-s i.-; roc 11 si-j:r.::r whai:'-. J ji .Al . l: -li s. ,li r s. fi ri , 1 ik ir r n ..1 v . .. i.W t-l 1 -l i''tl I i ''M'c J"V TKA n'Aril( VlK. XSTA. 0 U-tl-td l IS. Ir .! . rn I Lie itni. me, at.'! T.li -rsi. (t t 'vt llAAt l f 1 t. -. . . - A Mr I !'U 3 ri. rut,,,! t;.f. i'l.r'ltt rr.il P -rt h A't ar- ''' Caniiea ii Atf . l'riu.8. Si'lj, Av. 1 .. v M' ft 1 1 i ii; si '-r. ..'i. J.. t. IIP c. T-f'ri :(- 1-Cf It Jt'SIH'A il tOi . 7 ' 1 N U V. . N 0 - N K - , W IV INt"AS S'li'KlVI ti'BSOl 'f 'Hi i wcrW-ttutiwi.ed I'oi 10 is .Pi.',ta;tuAil from tie 1 i:.t- r u -ai'. .td tarrcstly rtv oii.iit.:! ii. !: .1 10 au Ki.;k-itei: el l.i'vnri'Mii lavle. Irolit whtleia an 1 rt mil til ill'.il tl 1'i r'T.AV CI : 1 f ro'tP, Mo. i'l t It'. .M r B ! ,t, 10 Cull 0 Mot.'t til.tt l;.,u 19. VERY LOW PRICES, TJO YOU WIBE TO MAKE A TRESEST? 00 TO HARBACH BROTHERS, No. Mi N. r.lOIITH HTKKKT, tou will ritsu ma FINEST AND LAKOKST ASSOBTMfNT or HTAl'I.K AND 1ANOV STATIONERY, rnOTOQRAFH ALBUMS, and TANOY G00D3 in Tin-; 01 rv. V iu TINfl Dl.gkH-In Itbtenooil, MaUoanr, anl Wal. nut a iieaiitirul asaurtutcnL I'OM'IKOI.IOS AM J TOI'ltlNM'. CASES, ln trf iijlr ami Hi.mli. riilisris -wiib Hitk. and Hied Ctia gi, In Mortcee, Vet set, rialit ni A tirnniiii iitivl. Tlitali mvli-Sdj' 1'Ii.iar tASK.8-Some t.eattl. fnl rsiiirni. I.A1-Il;i -companions, tn Jf.rocoand t.u.inel, II11 tl!i,'.t .fiLlll) anil I lilHl TKAt l.l IMi AM) 8IIOI l-'Nil MATC'IIUl.rl-AII alrei a ii t .1 S.e 1. 11)1 Rt.T KNIV') ASI) H('!nSOPM-Of flnl q'iatltr. A HII.L l.l at; (iir 10V IHIOKM, Ittunt and in rafter niititltlf fi r I'lilulren of r ci a,;?. (lAMKH, AMI l'AM.11 HOI LH In urea! r!t,. Kanf rut'reijr now. CAW) riWOORAI'HSI CARD l'IIT Jiilt AVItrt i CARD t Ii')-.tlllUAl llSI We hs- e a s;-'ni d tl i l of l'lH) roUUAl l I AI.liUMS, Htltiil; at TM7 low t.u i. l vt r.ien it -s ii-.i i, :w M'.W MOKOCCO IUNtiK AI.HIM, I.ee pc.-f 'Oil tl ut oheu.tpen. t'a''on nARiitntl p.r.DTIU.tts if j i i.t alisut s '. 0; 1 ler.u i'.;i' f, r .1 iitiari:iNi O.'t o:-.r A out KI W AI.IttTMI.Ist, 1 it :i tw.t , r, ftic-'d F.tu Clt . I'ii-luri.., !') cent 1. HAREAOE BR0THER3, 11 Ko. :tl .V, KI'.HTH HTKKKT, P illala. '11A-11I.UH I ;. CLAUU'H DEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. ION. KLl'VUNTH STUKET, U-l'tl r itt. tm uniu. ifA SK1.LIN0 OI F. Sl:i.I,lN(. OFF. SELI.INU 01 K. Entlio Mtk of Stoves. fttATI! S OAS rOVst'MIMI STOfKH. Tlt..e nupt-li r r t..res arc wi ll kucwi: ; wo :,r sr'lliiu Hint) o(t 1 li.ti . it unnm-if'tiier. irli"i h. Ai.o Mil i.r'.r II. ON ti ts. .sioL.s, -.s.p. r cent, luner ti.iiu rii.u;t I'll, ta, .n M. KNIOIIT S. II l.'t KI I rt.KXTII AM) MAKKIT HI Kt'.RTS). THOMSON'S LONDON KITCiIKN'KR. or h.iirnii.ftn ItittitT. fi r tnini'li'. Ii -Uns, or piiolui nii.iitiitliiiis,iii ttvciyv tiiirriMit sies. Alfc'i, I'lii'a ilfinliia Itai Luis. ll.,t-alr Kuniiu'.i I'.on.hl,, llc'tit'r.i. Lnttiitt n tlrnltiH. Vin-lKinrit sto , tta !i It lili-rs, rttcwh.ili flutes, Itroilors, d oklint Morea, Ac, at wttolo sttle and retail, b U10 manmcriiiri rn. t UAnK. SIMKI'R TfTOMSilS, w-fniw Cra iu. urn N. HKoukii mio- OF COAL, AT LOWEST ?1AKKET KATES, To be hi I at Schuylkill Haven Oonl Oomoany's Depot, K01. lSif, Slid 1S27 MAItlvUT Hl ltKET. N. ll.-Our niello Is gi'lL-K 8A1.P.S AHD RMALL ritOFriA, 1011-lnl d'O A TON t.A' t or Larte KutCoal. to a 1 cn i r Stove and Heater Coal, A r ALlKlt'H f 'OA I. YAltt), MS I II nircet (tl'.fl, bt-Iotv tllrurd avoiiite . N It. Sumi loi at Itrs'irh onini, 111-lm NIATU and Hl'lllNH OAltDKV. avk voun ruuL COAL AT HALF PEIOE. If cir rfRslcn tll c.ill at No. !H S. l'll'iil STICKICT, Oa CIIARLKS Ii. IJAKEH, Agent, lie will convlnc thom of tl' utility, iumfort,ad ecenmnjr or liruwoc't Ut'UIlic Wea(h r Mirips and Window Handi. Tliee NtrlM toUUy exclude CoJd, Wtml, KMu, 8huw, and lBBt IYold ih crovlotf around D.vri and WInduwf.aiul ore warranted fur t)vo yean. Call or Mud fur Circular. ll-K'ittithUt yrfy. MONKYTO ANY AMOUNT LOANKD f ff A iiDon Dlaiiioii'li, Wjtctiui, JuHurj l'l:t, sJC'lottUng. o., ai M 9 .JONKrt fJO '8 0!,I FTAlil.lblll.l low orrifK. Curmr of TIIIUI) antl OAMKH.L Strerti, iti lnw Ut.mh ird . K.n. mamomjh, WATfin;!, jkwi.lbv, ;uks tfce. f-r kh1i at Kl..MAUKAULVLOWri:i('A,S. tcfi-fum riIlTK VIItOIN WAX OF ANTILLRS. If 'J tit fnniFiU' CofiBifiiu Urn no euAl lor bcautlfy iiip,hliLiiiip, iiiul itrcton iux the ctiuipliun, it la pro part U iruin puic whMo na, ii nra lu extraoiUiiiarytjuall tio for pu'Ht rving the ikiji, iu.i1.Idk It aoti, fair, imouttj, bjuI tiauaparMit. H Ih moat Hootlilnv alter Bhavinx, cum ctapprHl bniiilh and llpi, r imn oi piuiplos, tololfiioH, tnn, rr (-altM, or mnlmrn, and iiii-art h pearly tint to tit fa e, d rlc, anl atnitt. 1'ri- r , ,M, ami 7 . ccn'i. HUNT A CO., o.l8.hK 1-N1H .iUcet,auiNo.ll . i:nH i U Btrect. 11) ti Jm 1;statj: oV c. jt. kamfi, i)j;cK.si:i). J J The Amllliir appoint- ! tv ti . orpl ann" iNturt ur ilifl I'My and i'nimtv 01 l'oila t-lih . to aLilit, mttl. and ailjiit tlie i. t-on'l ft'id uti.il fli -mint 01 JAOOli itl.H;L and MA i:iA U. I.AM 11. Adu.n1tti ii th h t' i i'.i- ni (J. Ji. I.a.M it, rtfcs as- .1. and t r- ri-nt ilittr;iiitltn, ill in- ot tli1 purl it l imop itrcl. tor t.'M 'iiniis.iih-ii iti Mx !.(ii;itiniitt nn 1 iH'Bila: , ! iiiImt ti, I , i 4 o' loi k I'. at tita oiti.e. No, j 17 alnut atrcct, rt:il.idflhia. 11 -Iff- v. fm t JofiN Ci.Ai rOX. Auditor, sf TO SlllPCAi'TAINS AND OWNRKS, 1h andTi4iwd having kfurj the KKNHiNS ltN aiJl;LT Mlv, tow lo uiirn b'a trtenuaaiid the patr-'iia of the IK k,tliat In tt pri.ared with lnr.tw-d tut l.inrs u accntnertrtte ho?e Laving tii to be rK'd er rt'palnd. and b.htu; tr. praiui'-fU ihip-c&neutur and caulker, v in five pouj aeutfva Ut aJ eu Uustd to hi in ir npairi. t'uptaiiin vt Acwnti. UMp-('tfVeiHsr, and MtrhlnUU having vttcli to repair, atv t-iict(ti(l to cull. Havlnr ile agency fur Hie fc.itb i f "Weteritdlt' Patent Mt tallk oiiifHiihD,, or Cfpr Talut, fur tl prmi rva Ijhi of TCPnulu' tcuina, tor tf'a city, l am prwpaxwd lo iWuwb Uifljtauieois tevoraWr ttn. JMUH Tl. ITAMUrTT, Fe ttifiU'toii Hctew Itttrt, toMl-tr DelAware a--i-r.ini.atOT lmtl atiML BANK NOTICES ' R O T I C !:. ham. oi .sonrii Aiir. tifA. N n "., I. !!. iil c ' liTcbv p' n, oT'Hu' ly t-i nv 'tl m or t ,.i i4c' tt t'.t .t'lH-i.tl Aflf-nii iv i ( lunnu'iv. c-tlt ..( I'.miu isy!aniA tnii I:d"An rtct Mmoii iiti . lnvie.- u. the I'mk- iiH lt.va:t'i tti Ik- Lit; ft 'f .tt " t'T ijji; p-i:,nilli ul" I itiikini; i i'Jt-:-1 'i- li.wa oi' v.e t in:ea Htn'ci.' acrro , el t c 2:a o.iv m Am't. A. n. U ... t-; siuv-Loi-ri of ti e H.SM rK SK Ili A.M M'U'A.o'i t.- i -fjfu-i, U'd iw c 1 1 a icit r an .;t vC s'i.u,.v n ;3.. 1 ;.-:. .a ...( itj i.r ,t t -. .:y ci t'.r i wii- n ; n -e i in I UO-'. I. !.'! C!'t: ' Mi' ill-'' '.r ' i -Td i. ..(f "0- .ii . v L' j :l.t Jk'.i I'.0 :.f i. ) : in lui j i.i'ix i . , i . i . .-. i . :.v. :.:.'! la. : f rVr, i: t:,.) it, i ..iii v ii i' .a-l- .i t.ii i . - jt . ..il I f ...-'. . . t; " I . n ; -t l j II ! -.t i k to .C,i . ' l. ' A ', i tlilJ J. u-..Mt. ! , U-'v n. i r ir. Tm: ( im , i r (.! i t . i , J i ' I'.iir -i f.. A (''I- i ff'.". 1m . " t " It c ' " i,T' t v f vi n, t -.I' c.l v :o t" ! t i'.'o:"' ,-'t (.' .t i-'., rr '- l H.e l-.n i.( ... un lv;n.- k I' .i , , I 11 A n ti (i Slit lit.' I mi i s ' lit !: u . .tit it t-zi.c Avo u.:i"i.'f lurl'it t'luv-o v: U..n- -tr. , .!c i.. s iiv I: h t'Dt.-rt ''i.tKs. 'i."P'' vt-! i: u.-1 Vi A . o't, A. iJ., ., U.4t. I... . s i: u e , .. t. . j. ' ,n ,V- .-iii'.-i r r il .- . . .ti i' iv ft! t .''.' 1 1 Atc iittii n a-u t-.ji im iLie ik iLa t!.v ..-..jn-r.-.y . i..c ...m, ,i ir'fi.iM" -rhi t!. v( i'Hj it 1 t . vo t) 4 v .1 1 1 r4.''..4'',,si tin n lor i iitt- ii i tc L'.itd ' r : c. '!. vi::;!:r? c.nt.ior. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. ICON - DAY, NOVKMRKIt 23, Atleai 4haa WIIOLC3 ALH rmr(t, faria (tl ( IV t7 tteet saaterlal, stroeif anl lurald. Tlie daiW 5 Stile we M HI at W.V). FAMILY BIBLES. A Urtf aait iMant a.jrtmt, of all el-es an.t e'.l.s, )tntnvelre4 from Uie Ule TtaJ.iaisa. rv.i,t,i cm-ap ssillbe en .l at rwr low t.u AHIIMHAU A SVANS, (I.JOMlO'lllir r llar.ril). Il-4rnila ho T4I t llli.'s.'.iiT 1 lO.r.r, SonEiiiEEnoEj., BANORan 1 00 . Etlucatioual FabliriliorsiSs BooLscfllers, ItP.HOVI'iO f No. 01 -I AKOIl H'l l!.;K7, 0 lies in Now Yjtk. II S Iia ti). loll tUAM HIDT Ql'lIt.V tJL,AH-Si:H. IAK lti AStOKTSirNT F )K iSAI.r. r JAMES W. QDEEN k CO., II It tii Vl PllfSNDT HTK.r.T. TOE WATCHI3, JEU'ELET, lilLVF.n AND riiATLU WAKK, COItH Kit A KOI I AND TKNTU H TH. Iltoochfs, Sleeve n iltem, Arml.t.i, lltarolen, Hcarf I tui anit llniKj.'l n. Hot., Ire rucli n, Waliurs, 1.11'ji.ti, 1 urki, Hpiwiin, ,Vc. W itrt e. ivinhrd ami waMaittiil. 014 DlAmoti l,, anil Hiuei liotMiit. n n aitt IIAUKISQX JAB HE r J A M U H HA 11 11 11 ll'H WllntlHtl afD SSTilL CLOCK KHTAI'.L.I8IIMENT, 8 r.Mtaec BKCOND and Dllf-KSl'T Hireeti, rttkail a. ir.mt.i ru ma tatitsii Hg'IAI.IZlNtl Tlil BTV DAT CLOCKS, A s-err Sc.irabie arH ie fur t'hurchei, Uxilt, Ranks. Cunt,iit-lliiu.c. 1'arl.ir.. Ac. . Ateu. mvi h tiTUitvji or MV'lt (lot.n rrsru. i tin lie itkl'AiKt ii Aki ai:iiik;iu. al?-lr tilocW TrUiimlukS ut ete.- Seci1ptra HIGHEST PREMIUM jl II ISfi..! I)u Ktst,W n.WISi i ill if-1 lijio ru iiSaV'j Jm 6 UKWINQ M A O II I N E B, - No. T30 OHKHNUT Htreet. PIANOS, COTTAOK I'.XCKI. Ik .OS mltr llinail. ll.rnin.lni.i. an.. U.l 4 1 iltins,al mi . iic n .1. 1.1 t i.r., 10-T-tia No. ItUi UiE.SSUt Ulru.t. TIGHT! MGnT! LIGHT! I.KfllT IS A I I prrat files In II i'v ilatk ilata. 101.1. t N -tlDK'R I'A I KNT IIIKFUHIIVK I'.KKI.KI.'i HKS, for hoth tlay etui Kaft-liLht. Ila.s Krlle -lor. for wlmlosv. witL tiro liuiiii i e uintc lijht Jwu tlx tiuraera witb the km I nnw lu llni'. v (iHs-Sttt-rit fnmlslieil at lutv rati.s. llTl'tilit Iteneitors, fitr llitlillns tlsrSi rtKiiiis, anil liit.nmettt oltlne,, etc., sstta. tint tllti UHr ot tta.. tMllt-ti, II l'i Im o.4.li ( IIKSNl'T Street, riuiailitlphla, J,' U H N I T U 11 E, C'DKAI'KCT AND BEST, l'arlor Suites, IJod-roant and Cliamior Wultn, JliiIitM,-ltooiik Hultisi. ItltolioiV Furniture, JLllrury and Ollloe I'lirnlturo, 1 lutiHs-lioltl Furnlturo, OF EVHUY DKSCRirTION, F.itticr In au.ii or Mingle I'lees, at Hie lnwest ponible ptn.i,. V.OVlAi A CO.'H. Vnloo Fitrrtlture DenoU, K. E.t'or. NINTH anil MAKKftT, and ll-lNWlmtl K.Cor Hi:CUMU AND HACK MM. I'UUMTUUK. Ilartne bonnht moat of Br tnatortals bafora the lat srcat rise, 1 am enatilctl to olt- r mj atoi:k of FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE At a intall advance on old prioei. I. LUTZ, selO-!!m Ko. Is) I 8. Kl.KVf.NTII St'RKET. J OOKINU-GIxAHM AND riCXUKK FBAI MANUFACTOttY. WM. 11. MOltUAN, Kis N. KiNrn 8TI1I:HT, Ollt Oval I'ltotoirrnpU Kratutta) ItlO-'lm CONSTAJ.11.V OK ILANlt. "I 1SS0I.UTK)N. NOTICK IS 1IKHKDY .1 " tt(en. thnt the I'ofiej-tnerililp tti-retufore eI.Unit telw. i ii HICHAM. I'. 11'iY l.lt. AWOS M III.HAKL KL, It. 1111. 1, and M. II. Ji: kVMi'ultll. tra'ditu uudjr tl,. intoii', style, .nil tine oi iimi " Wi'st l-.nrlii.-1 'omintur. of .Si. l ri. low ii, Munfyi tnerv emmlv. I'ennsvU aula. was. tha ttxtft'iitli day of .!u!y liiftt..tiaiiilvisl hy mutual coustiot, by thewtttulrawal ol aalil Miuuiie! H. Mill. Any liitiire liu.iiifi,. of the eni-ii n will lie .i-ttli-il an1 ciiml'ii (oil by the rentaln a ii.rtnei-., uuili-r the oltl title cf liio " Went Logtiie Cuti.iiaJiy." (nitii-u) ai. iiim i.k, AMOS SMITIf, M. H fltAWrOHl), .SAUL 1IL It. lit l.T. XnvtmbtTlO. f-ftt. 11-il-lst 1 -VlSSOIXTION. TUB CO-PAIIINKIISUIP J ' biitit'irurf exiitine ituilvr tlie fl.ui ot HaMUKL M. IiAV .S ,v SON, is tlila ilav d'.rolttd. Ihe buainvM HOI be autUt-d by tlte tintlcrsltneil, at 'o. -J:'! Ixvt'K Ht-t. CIIA8. Il liAVii ji. Bursmiis I'llllW. Il)ilaiat lbl, bt.iu jibei .m. km. CO PAIlTOTItsHlP.-Tho amliTfliiie t-a-re IM. May fiirirti tl a I o.p trlMtir.Mi iniiti-r tlm linn nl IIAVi ICrt Mlltl 11ll:l:il, lor the tianiuciton ot' a pinn-al ItanaiBK And litoktraku Utiitiib&it, at Jso. 2-' lt K Mti-.it, (.'flAltl.KH i: iiAVICS, 1'a.Ik.U A. HAM.U. rnllatltli Ms, Octvltr 1, 1"H. r. H. rrliev'atr'. of liij' titeitness, lllarferlaa.sere, 'mirhf re muiI t'liti t s, arid iititeniuitut btcurtil". t'l'ne nHy, buiii-ht ami 1014. til-Mitt Itiisiticts Tap-r ami loaTta rn Crlleterali netrntiattl. H'.tcks .L.d Lt ant bi.ii.i t iiatl anltl on t'tiiiiiUL..lon. I .I No. KH1, d.i.-d A ITU -i. in. I. lor 100 t' it?, u,s A J-ii. :t." TV 1 tid: rs nv.i.i iY iv:n to tiu-: i l'r ' . tl if'...-1 . innt't I" 1 'I il ti..' ' Vifi'tJ Cur nit .it I I in.. , .h"c. . "l r iii. t.t. I' - f..r ( I M f 'I r tc .. i rt' J!. I: irk.t'i vs. Ami.'t i M ! it - y. own' r, A'' . I' ! it. . t .. !, ..i.. I'.-.ia.n t.i i- i ' i ij.i-i. -.ti ts o. m , ., i utit'i, 'iu r i'i- ."f i.t" -A ti ! . (.. . n.t 'i-i ni li IV n il, cntumiii,' If' ttui t. 'iii; , iiiil . t iu U, A hi i t. . 'i. h.ua - lu rit.. i st vie 'tin- r l'- . i. 'It in, ?-": V'. '-'.t l- t fcim i .r s tn ru iih'i tl.i k t.n mini ! wio iJ- v Ai i - , l vt, .. ' l! II: Wt St It'- "I t.lHliaU fcir LI, U tut tt fit .'0 it (te.-c. I ! .in f 'A ( r I i vlt.f. H..J,. . j .?.. . c. i- . ' t-.-ni. r-A v . T of r-.il Jvn '!:' t-r 'k I'A'lMir nn p-tf' . nt (f si,,,!.,.- ttrft't and w--.'tw. i t'f A i4iil -treit, i e liou:, vfMr-p. t Ift in ii in p.t iii' , 1-jili4 . Jiiiii 1. Jt'iHi, u iiut , .us., f. r. Kv-j-tr-'flher ""nr., lf-o., ' 'M tf i . .1 J.vcl tii' A huLiln-if, o t : 1 1 ft t - in Morn iv"'fi'rlv cirn-r u liir-lii. uv. nM iui !U" Loll ' fi ft, j.i-.;' :Ml W.'F'l, 'ft Oil (iiriU'll 4VC1UC, .! t-r Tf Tl. Ifli t ; Vn. 4. I - I Hritl Till. T 'VI li r -ulniu.i.' or lot LiJii. ecniti Want, ti bit ut, '0 l).t n ilitii ri4i i i.r.i.w"it ft i' 'i Norrln sLi.t, "'uu r,.,nt .t"-t pur.iii 'i HT,ih Miit u i'K U u I jillt, t'it4ii:4' r,')t tL; U!t n i' ni'i tl't 10 ft" t 7'i tiHTiv, tn tiri-i I'ri'vt. tlx m ntt(h U' t rthiif M- n'lH ft r tt iti t'l til tttfiit .r itvciitio. tlicm-si siuili.vi rsii tly Aloma it.Mrl DUI- il'l l' tl 10 'It LA. Wt' (jltfllllt4J. Ii.-i-llll ,i OVERCOATS CHEAP, 1861. FINANCIAL. XE FABMES8' AUD MEOHAUIOiT NA.T10IVAr. IlAiyiC K rniLADKLPHIA, rntAPtotAL aohitt atii nuporTAiir ' Til K CHITI4II UTAtM. fteeelers gutter! ti..u fi u,, hew THItLK v hakS T M 1 IK) TltKA.su r MDrM, pa, at aialsuitr Into alt r eeat. FIVK TWHNTV IrOrfD; A;so 4ir tti TEN-FORTY n Nl, tntrat tn ttos aaMsl la Oolil. lW nwloa W . BU1HT)t, I . Oit'Hior. QFFicu ton 'riiia HAI.K r NATIONAL LOANS, ITj, Hi 3. THIRD aTttEET. rMHHlll.LMH IN E V UNmSI) STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT, LOAN, TtveS)iifrtHeriha1n M.a tha seuveeafi' Rtl.s-rs for a portion of lhe NUT f. M HI X I'l l CFNT. OnLi). Bf.aiti.Mi Wan, ati piei omd to oiler It on hwu , trntu to their eoontsrs, In ts-sje or s-nalt amount., in Bonds of Senomlnitlona of Utt, ltax, HOs, atid lo.)., otlt tTittstett J aod coupoae. Tbelntereat euimtoe. on the lat of It.tvenber nett and I, parable In lo.J.naii auana ly.oa Uia l.tot liar and NeTcuitHir. All otber tioTivramert .SeonttUea on h.n an l for tale. and tulinua'.loti gitui couciruius tttvoauaouu, at our ofll.-e. JAY OOOKIS A OO., STo. 141 8 TlttHll HTKKKT. 11 l5-, PhtladslphU. tIOClttJ AND fctl;OUltirilir4 B JUtJllT AN3 SOLD ON COMMISSION, DS HAVEN & B30TEE3, Mo fill i4. TiUKD STR ST. It JjJILITAHY AND BAVAL A9ENCJY, E. T. MATHERS & CO., I: T. MATTIIHWA. Lit ' .1 luf 1 -en . y 11. fnri n.Mit, , CO. VASHi)itS, .nasTiliit tu,l. L., I A-tioiU4y;si For tho Adjustment ana Collet.tion of CU'.au AriiIiioI (ho lultcl btitlt'i, or ft'ir Si-lite Government. I'HINOII'AL Ol'l ICLl: No. 808 WALNUT STREET, PHILADHLPUIA. coKusitrortfDr.vctt solicited rHoif all r.UTIB4. r.n.lnn, Bounty, Prti" Moner. Baca Par, and similar CTalmi artendel to. Bxlal attention glreu to C'lal ui for Lois of Uor.es. Anpl.eatloa brutal atti-njed to a. If maja la por,. Ifo absrie maar until tlie Claim I. attiueteJ COMPLETE LIST, AT 0KB OPrtOF, Ot ALL PRtZCI fAVAtlLK. ti l In, is rim A M R It I C A N , S. K. loriirr Wulnut and Fourth Streets, l'1IILAOhI,r'ilU. It It ft IfOME COMPANY, and umflti dlviJed aunullr. ttm a.ilirt; II. a in ure -I to pv iuiu iriMuiutu. J.st di idviiti 00 per cvat, BOARD OF THU8TBK9. Alexander W.iUIdfn, i 4 . Etlprar Tlirnji.n( Hon. Jami FolJLMjk, H-m. J nej,ii AJ.iaoa. Albert kotwrti, I IIomi vK. Hommtt. HuipuoIT. iioOina, j rntiip li. WhiKle, r.i urue infill, J..I111 AiKnitn, Wiliiaiu J. liuwanl, ! Ihitau Uaioliurat, HamiU'I Work. Al.F.XiNMKIt WiHTtLIMN, Prasfdent. hAMl KL Uimik, Vivid rmldftit. U17II JOliM ti. WILbOX.Seu yiuid Iroasurtr. ( iOAh AT COST :)( VER TON. THE V,' onsiiuiPrV MutniU Conl C'onipHtiy. IncsrnuratsM iiinttr tin CseiKral MirUng Law of lUe HlL0 ot l'cmi a.viviuila, Octobor, IHW. Prafdnt, JAM KB LYMM, .v , OffliB, No. .'.', 8. rilATU Hlrmt 1 ne Company U iMIl rvcv.i nit, Niibi.rlptlunH to lu .itn-t-lt atftld pr iiutp', and .-npj.i.vtm. its atoct.1 o tU-rn with the best qnuiltr ol W h)t Ah isctiMYlktll ( at ti W per toa. In ri-ryaid to (ha title to lucColliary, ami to tha airiwrHte 1ranv.ii-.fsi of ti.e rnipany, rwtn nc: tan bp uitidt- to Uif ir YmiM-1, HA ii w. M.IJ.I.liP. K-...ttiirt. in regard tn thu qtiuilty ni tha Coal, tin i-aprti'Mv ut tlia mine, and th nriHiucttvt'iif'i-, ot the i-utfrp iiiii-ririi,a,ihB toHo iin leitiir in.iu HTItll hl.AhM KNKAH.t. k-it.. the ablo Otiter Kn pmitor and Hurvi-jt.r -,i the City of riiiadelphla. ! iiib- Billlfd . I'nn aI'CIi iiia, Kfvmlir?l,ls': Jamit I.vnd. Kni., Prpfltlt-ni ConouDicra MututtHxml Co liar Sir : Havm viittU, at onr re'iuwHt, tua minea latitlv k-aicd hy your i uiil'.tn at time llill, on .aelmry Hun', 1 taWo plraiura In u iiig thai I run in' no ri "h wtiy, lih proi'i r nmn aKctLcnt, you ahoultj not have ootlre hhtconi m iirlim abfc lo dt'hvir. at thli DiarWat,cn.il wuu-h will br ncce)tdbl to lh ''Ufiinii rand lenHinmailM1 to the torkl.o! ki. The Hhliiiuoru and Mmniuorli etn a w worKed by ynu have bfli n opuratfd lor mmiv yttarsi, ai the ttte oi your o n t'oiUfiy, iiB will ax at all otiVi' poiira. '1 Ua i'oai i thi rcicn-well known in Hub city, aud uu s.i e 110 iit-w artinle ta introtiuoe. 1 hi-ulii sioi' i in full oprttlon, and tha now Slope tilttiicd to tlx- U vel ol its aaliery, I ri a -U tl ttm- it .Mil Lw n-otly for o(-atiniy. w hh a U'th .ry eni iJ to yo.ir antirifta tiors ; and I ix llnv tha', iuHt:iiuily wurkfd, without In lermptlona thut rannot wi-ll Lu ton-men, you will he able to r ar-N a cHOiCliy 01 l(Jii,UH) tnt r unuutu Kltli your irHtint iiiarhiniry. ttia s"omlitl"ii ki' wlue'i i am-ii ai not tw if'i'ilrc citniM 111U li tun- or rTf4 fipeudl'.iiru to piacu it m itrit-ru;ij work In qhUt, orv Wnnpoi'tinlly, HTKIfK LAND KNBAHS.ivU KmJnfer. Tha fi'Dowfuk,' ctiitiiiiiinlctitl'-iiH. m-leotia from a Urt'a miiiihiT, hlintv Uie approi'iattou ui the emurpti-e by th t'icfunk 11 t'MJ:ili'lihia ,.ii v j.vmi, K'i. ih-nr Hfr : 'I he rxial t nrelvn. from ti e ('niianuifti'4' alutiml (;ual I'ornpany, on invanlirti.-r.ii-(unWuts viin ua niir- kai im.icttAiu. It iwuitn r'-atiilv, h iriii w'!, la i'rw (Vtun b'.ii'-, d.-iniiits whitti ihIii, anil U not iaiiW a;i.iRUinhi'd. fl ho Ure tn o ir kifoneu jra'e lu-i iiwl iVvt-u uii t i'uf tiyin ut yiiio dav h. ei y t- uly ourn, wiuin Jr.V-.LI., No. i;' N. SI I'll street. Or ti,U;r 2, UM. I1' iiMimiih, Oc!t.ter2", ;i.-,1flm.--i Lvtia, Ts.(. l-t tir Sir U.c.il I hi' ,tiii" ft sttvk'Hihlcr 111 vtnir Ctmipaur 1 hAd al..a h-ii fn th hMf ui' titrtiliK l,t?hi jh vAi. sS! ( txy.iiL: ours I IiikL t' , iur Itout-bold pui fui'-a, tuly ',;!. to 1 I'll ' '; I, lllkU a 4 CiV H1' T 'I'tKV lliili'cit. icilira,lri:,v, .samu;i. '. lir.v'RY, So. !;: CtA iV:i Htn?-t. r ui A1...1 j-.A, Ov' . - ' 1 t.i .iiiiu.1 i.v.id, r--:., I t ; ..It'l ; ,.1 I.- -(v, , j M. t... I (. I -mi, t,;..- -- My if. - - i r '..il 1 t 1 ni" - 1 1 Ant! i 11 1 1 i' o I ifi' r, ', Ki t i- ii i" a if i iI 'i : .1 .. . tl 1 iii ', 1 ;.'i i.i - 1 . 11 1. .it ;. t, ... .3 .i.i . i ii-. -t - .. i' :n if.. . -j"'" 4 V' KU M1, o. C'i. 1. 1. 1'-l'Str ct. ) : 1 ' - , . : - ; , Lv;.., L- t r '! it:tit''i i'.i...'.-): irS!'-; 1 ). i- t'.v 11 ib1 ...tt 11 f " ii i, n ." j tl".l it i in .f.. ni.it 1.1 : ii . 1 no - j ui ' ii p '.0"J v ;r 1 it tf ,.t, u ns-t I"- t I .1 11 . r ..,(! La.' kin ni,: .11 ',- h.iiuUt d ti.."... I!c' 4V 1 ! I ''A' r. T 'r.'n;V, Nh. l'f 'l.l.Nl'i' Strc-.C. IV.: ii.. .1 ii . X IK-. iV..-i.. . .0.;, I'm. 1 i iK'l'l l.vriil : - T i 1 fur.. .st i-ii i. . i s-.rf n.!.r f'.y 1 4 y 1 v.-4(n' ,-Mi!is'. r 1 r, It t.'ll tirifia.i'd i'i'ti I' .i.na lite . 1 (uuM mi4 vi .Jt a it ura.it. -I". K, K. VKVUTCV, t- s 1, :(:t) su 'tt. Tft! at.t fill. (; -her 1-iH - l niosi I.vn i, l'i (,, 1 01 a ni. 'ii-o f.' .Vtut. 1 ai oul i.'onipan , ljuar bit j. jjf.tir ai: of I1'3-.'U 4,u niiu'.i. ,Ui y.:i n.y pon- .'t : i.'.tt ii-n w ,th th.i tvl n-'-'ivi-t ff-om .vuv i '"Jim ;y 1 MiiiVr iiijpc-tk'r s a itiht riii"r, 1 hw bswm ue -unt nii. d ! Unit; 4..1 iruiit .tiU 111 .Ii'mh Uo,t oi your m.uo, ami tiluj fl.ui 'ti .!!. hi ttJ.i-r Ji.'iit'i. I;ti mi'j;( Jiity titn'it v.t 'im hit uly in ttf(i, I. ut fn If s t.rt'it nt lirtniit rind rm 1 aid .-le in ru v n.y tdui'mu attd, l-nt uu the c- .jmiLr ', io ur 1 t ' a. .a hu to ai.lvo, t'r di:.ui'!i.i im t it . uiiiv viusU 10 it 1 liiiv' ia i r UN;.!, or 1 tti uu.i:jxcd. ; 1 am, yary ti uly i.ius, A-. tMLXIM M. ITI1LUU. r iii oi Sv.:.iii .kiii. fnl InMRiinvPTiV-.TOtX .AfctEtm Ocrm.unt'WB Mi'KUi. i H JlUl.i ilT.HL ll-VJ-Ct WANAMAKER & BROWN, I AUCTION SALE3. fACKT ATJOTION Mas A- , HlMX.l t Stresa. 'tliKKV 'osnlriimansai ef n... . , r i . i.nuiianiitNi . , T- V ' P "I If , , Attt..tU'"tl',AS,"'"l' At -be WIVA", HnBAVWI tMrorTiisTu r nr tots. .T."- ',,', V'1M '"N4ri ??sT ,,,', ".7'; "J'T'i ""'''. ""i"'. oo.,s 'l'r' w''!:",AM.''H,CN T'TB (HtlVITB A4T4 l Ni ... '.I HW ""'" '4s. sultW liH city am) cuantrr retail .lureke'peis t. . . . " Tta Mort in,, An invoice t.l ra.r..fl,,,r...nrti..,,;r. ' i.".y... 'anait t.sm pla'.o. ha- (10I.LK0TOU-S OKP1CK, ISTKRNAI. at l" o rW-i 'a "ii """"." Mi.d.,. I.eeember t. ISCt, iKini 'Ti.',?,'; 'rV'S .:"'""'"rf JKHirf no li. t . J .V ,'lr"t.' one-nairler es.aa, lira., hotnlti.'.r'1 " ""'tb 'sen. ofV..,M V, " Ve ld a i Sr-"? f """J ,'"' II V.I JIH' t.K IIAHLINl,rol.eotr, ' r' ' r:rt iJittrlct ot IVnn.ylela. waiji ur oiBAivi iufl AND BAEORS. Cilia. (jiia.tTaaisr,K'a Or.ina a Daiin i,r m,. I Will b. ,r!, ,1 ,,Me anc on.atttoi.m.n.M TW,arr (.A 0'i..!ret.H,.iii,tt,,,it.I. ir.rnHllinsmY um! II- 1 l. Illll fill ill AlS Ilia J1..J . , kj . f 'If fill -. - -- 4X.aw7iiu WtUM.sM Co Mil. TON WTIJClN'S." to "I'MTPIt STA I I " fli.Aln I-,. int.,. sir-.. .1 I I . I 1 1 - Csajii n (rorrii,m4?ut iboOt. HtU -Otn niirh'fro,iaritM-itsr, It JH-lit T it Of RAIiJUij'tH.,) 7. 4A!.K 01' CONIKMN'ED MULKH. Cini-r Qt'AirrKRwtiTKrr'H Ornnn, rja a , vs'''TON,l.(;.,Nf,vfTareril.Wr4.V f.i v V ' r,,:r" Wol.(tiptf.n I (!., r.ri Wjj un.lt f..r iMiMlmprvtcn. v,, wtun. w nJ to f. tutntn-p nt 10 ft'cloclt A M. 'i 4-rtJL I tun, i:i ( jsDVMtm.cni fuixii. II r. r ,1d,, r Op.itsral RndCl.lf Qurtmiit, 11 -(,t L!li!Lof"',,n''t',ll'i'ii! UUAialUtMA8TKR-OIiNKRLr8 1 r.ii it IJiviitju, tVanhinhtom OiTr, I WllMMftold TnMlf AorM n,V Ui hS'bldtSr: tiuvn hi.sI rilri-n nnni6.n ow.tIk OkK, rj'.NNHYl VANIA. TIIUttHUsVY. Movrnihr 17, !Hf. lancasi kk, i i.NNhVi.vAviA, rfciuvr. M Noroiulir it,r, l6r. E ASTON", rK N ft h V ( . V A N i A . TUUHSDAT. Tw. S mdn d CtvniTj Hone si rack jtlsWu lii-'np Uoitfi imvo l.ryn ooadsinii4rii tta lit for tte 1 i.w s .u.,-vsiv ushi Hvjsv Dirrtiijai llAr-4ta Hold ninpjw Hti vroami-i.rA ( ?i nVVvk A M" lj 'tiif iu t nltcj btate CnrrFrT. !l t ColotidI in c,ire Firt HJUiift'iirviil 0.0. PUOPGSALS. OKIMCfc OK ASSISTANT QUA&TKUUAS Tl'K. Blti.n aut Ducrf.ip r'ntm-rriu, 1 Ho. JUXt riiKAHi istreet, V u , . . r'ov ember !M, IH64. 1 ark.l rmro'alu w!!l ha rarelvcd at Uilt otltce aoifl n .m of Wl;lNKhjAY, ;knb Untiun for tt.i prompt de livery at Camp discharge, near bpritur BUU. Phila4A piva.tx li ' i m 1 -inch, H-ply mhber hne, of b-at quality. If' fnt a-iiuU,.l to rubber hoar, ol beat tj amity. With uccu.aajj iou;iMnn-i and bramti iilpea. cum Mat for tue. s To be Inineotrd and approred by tha United 8Uto IfK-ctor. 1'ninonaU will ntrn prirc pr foot frr hoie, Inclntflntr """" -" n-tiyr-m-, nv none a i uuie ror nh r . am niu t be mudc upon U.9 rugular (ortna wbiasi are fttrmtlit-d ai this otlicit. The Lntttd StutiM rt'irrvei tf erldit to reject all bide dot nied lncomptti6lc wltb (ta mt-reita. AUlt! KL g. ASH HEAD. . H-SVttt CauUUn aud A. g.K. QUAiniaCMAvSTKR'8 DKPARTMKNT. I'tiii ADt i.pi.iA, November W, 1HA4. Healf d PronoPRl lll bo received at Utta oitice, unUl It 0 rlot tv M. on THIHHUAV, December 1, luiit, tur Ite iMinedJrita doilvrry, at the Unltod Htaiua Htorehouaa. Hanover atrect wharf, of (MMMl-'iio Imiidii'd feet of Corporation Htin, caiar rlvttinx in nii f,t sett I out), wiOi aorew couiUiia All of the atiOTe ta he of tho bait (inrdlry, a4 iH-(i'(-t to tlie tu-iM(;tim ot an luhiieutor apiuked oa tUa part 01 the tkjvs-rnniont. UbidiTH wlltsaiaie prtro. txith In writlor anrf flrrtirea, nmd iht niiiiihi-i ot feci biu tor. ar-d the tiair of dwire.r. ac-ii bid miiNi im Kiiarantei-d br tiro iporuilbta pnf nj, whoae aUnaturtiji uiuat le aipeoded to the Riiani ti e, mfretitnd to, a t'eiox Mtod and f-uirVieiU ei-uitr for the amount InvosviM, hy be United mate ltitirta4 i note, A Home v or oiiccior, or other public oiliccr oUmt- t. r tin-l.i.t will lift he oiMiMi-rcrd. I ae rir.hi if reher f rl (o re'f uN bMn deemed tno hfjrfc. and ho bid noiu a defaultirir oonfrartor wui ttm ne i'-y oiaer of Colcncl iitl;MA-N lli.ijr, CUief UturwT DiA.uar. OKrOR R. ORMR, II W- Captala and A. Q. W. ip-r HOH8K8! HOItSKS ! nOUSRS! 4t?2 L gtAttTaJlMtlUf.-ltrbKRAI.'lh OlvKlim, IKST Il r'ltltt'tr, V WAMimiiTOM. Novnor 10, 14. IIorftM nulUblfl tr Artillery and Car airy aerrloa wA be pun-iiaaed ut Ultboro Ut'ioL la open nukit, IIA mbir l.lrV-4. llnraeM will be delivered to Captala L. Lawry Moor A. ij. At , and be fuh;ecied to tha usual tiuvetuaaaM tnnpfctlon bed ire belnt aeterited. Pi ice of Cavalry Ilrh( 91 7S each. Knee of Artillery llorttea, Hjreatb. rajiftout will be tuada lor aU. Ioj and nora. JAMKS A. RKPT. Colonel In charge Mrat IHritlon, 11-1 1 -l.'t guarumiasHter-Oentfrala Ofllon, CILKKK'S OFJ-lCKs COMMON VOVSCIU. 11111 aiikli-mu, Ocbibar aj , 114. In flecordanee wltb a resolution adopted by the (Vuimoa Couutil of the ctty of f hbudelpWa, oa Thursday, tka sis' lit day of Octobvi1lht!4, the annexed lull, enUUtd "AN OIM'INAM'K 10 TAKE !"Or,SV.H-itiN I'K Till. NUltTllKKN LIURKo TIKS i,H VtOKtiH, AMI' 10 CUK A I t. A LOAM lHI'ltKFoH." fi bcruli bubliibvd j'or public Information. W M. 9. AM Al.L. Clerk of Cvuuuon CuuiwA. AX OIMMNAHCB To take ratirsilon of the Norther u Liberties daa Wixfcav and to rreato a Inad therlnr. Rvctfin 1. The htMcut anJ Uonunon Couuclli of the Pity ot f hilailelfhla do ordnln : Tlut ite TrtiMtae of the I'Ml drlpliia ini Works, are brehy autborli'd to take P'im4s lon of tlia Works of the Kortliern Libertiea la Worta a iMMta ait-r ihu iut day i July, lttn, a can be; ta cci.ro 41 n with Uie tii'Uh ul aa Act aporowd April 1 le-M. rr. r.atii Section 'J. Thut for the pnrnAe ef anabllnf the Trf Uii ol the FmlatielphJa ias Work to take tMiftamudt the liita Work" auiU'iiUedby tlie trit aeclkn hereof. lua lav- r 'f thu oiti ii herettj ait'Jwrued tn barrow on Ui credit of .he city, nt a rate of Inter t ret exceeding- na pe e'nt. jK-r annum, eucii mioii 01 niney a the J'rontsM Ditvy nxjl'ire. not ei'4dintf four htm )rtnl thoueaiiij deilars and wlthoct rtwfto'rlirtr ite uaymaiit ai any Uinuuy tbTt'iort the city 1 rvamirer hen'ov dl'sVCtNl on tt r rtj ittlaiiitin or the l iUittt-ea 10 liitie oerthlinira 01 the loan of the City ot hitattclr hia In uoo aumuntt and toancb parUcaaa tUy hall uvaiitnate not iu-eHiuig atd um. Maid loan to Ui- tn.d tor ti.e L-ouT4 r,l..nof tti ntork of tkn Narthi'rn Libcnlen (.111 Worln, ami tne pnnclpitl tnereutf to be payable at tha lrattmi of llftu yeara friiut th date ol mch ronetalou, and not tK-tore. witliom the csv tiit ot U10 h'lldurs th rfcl. 'Ine sjertitii'iU'i oi aald lou hml b in the OHUiiJ mtin in wbk-h oert'tt'-atpn heru:otora hp heeii laiui tl og ttiv renuMilim of intd tntatei-s, atk4l ahull be trauMorbit-at thu 1 itit of the City Trcswtuer, rnoctiin il. That the Triitta ttm II t apart out of the prniita ol" iaid tiii Woi. tlui Si'in ot twulve par ri'nti.ui vranniiiu rn tbe atn .unt frrrrowed hy virtue of thia onlluanL-i', for tlie purr" of paying the Iniaraitt thi roon, and f r reiiiil'iiraintr tae priitiijiiil tbmf vli'B tie itiiiio ''ii b aavaule: and oa or bHft-ri' the thirty flrt U.vy or Heuember and ttsa tltirtirtb day of June in every year, mull th aaid ban ia rede mt'd, the tmu oi rik per centum oa the aimiunt tt said U)4ti abaii uJ bf tW Ti UMta tnt'icdi. TrMorreswho thiU auly three per ouutim tlietoof to the payment of the intertetou ml 1 loan, aa th aitiiie iimy lall due, uud to no vthur i:iip'i,aiid tha ra tra'mnn t'ir"per centum ihatlbe paid o or by tha aniil Trt KMiriT to th.' Co niuiik-n-.i 01 sunkiuj; Fund, who a! all invest tbe s-.l4;e ami ir acc jintilafionN In tht! loana U the said Una Work. or in any otHT loaua ol thu ityo I l-hiia.t:l'h.a. ai a '1111111111 ;nd. which la noroijy speoA cjilj pii-ted u, tl i- rtpuyue-nt ot laal loan; and any aiuv. puib ao.a:i.n tt i.rtr the i)in. iit ui a.d Ioaii, hnU b aupiu'd h t'i- i u'ii)l'i- 'T lfk HinKmL'r nuittowarday in.- ealu:ulkifiutor the atlier baim to the bo 1.1 tMa, Wciki, is iwiy.utio-i .-.in ol Ui lulled dt.ht 01 UitJCMa 1 Rru'uVftrirT.tv.lrrrc ot wvrtt. ptneT, Ae t'4iii -y n ( 1 1 r f. th. or tinau. e, It fthatl ibe Hiiiy of Hi fi. no i' the lai .Vcrkalo unxkeade aM i--t. o k-.v'.v... d"i..4 pri),:art..n..Ua.l .crymt m. n iir d. Pitri 'is .vS'is-eii vi : :-d i- ..'! I fm t a t, ,i if fca . t xvitn rrfsCt-'-f i sii'd wit. , J. (if.. AC, tli Miiue ifMt-ti .,d a.ith-M. la ai: reip.t .1. tnfyiiow .i.i-.u,i.r iKri-iUte .h h.e, wiiL ietpuct to Ine nuran h,.tUi , r-rn r rfp 'so.l enaUlv t rru-f m ot tl r ri.i-ri.4.,b.a.a W-r'. toer-yo f C -n vnt'Loia t-unaj i-. nntitil 10 t.iei.i M ur.iiun.'i Bui t ouiu i.b. and to ua-i-i.ie.eUH I, io i:e, aud improva n ti at e-on-waU .' 1 1 ni 4 . t! t il -' lin-i. I., . l.d Wi l lilld-jr th- ii Cire pr. 1 c ti li.ift hr Iv.crt-.i r;Mntv i-f tU -'i.-nt M.r li-itt, fie ai-let Tiiiuft aru heiN hy fistnorutfii amt rs.45, , red eo lo r-i ttJ.-tc C o price of h.iO tuu hovei-Mj j,.,,1!:, ot' ill u.M.wt.1. fu.'e ut ni.'j I'r.t.i tinii' to time b ' n cta-n. v tm' d ; ri. of f-s :j l' Ui s.nur In th W.ntf's f 0 tv bun bUd b tlie VVoik uaor th t4';,:rt 1 :' the l i:-:i s.-t a. n aiiki. I -. !n any rt1 er ot-dUiui oe c uirary tn tl 9 i'.-i. it i.'V' I V r. p" ri-d. Kf tCJt' 1 ioN, Ttio vfs?. That c aCleV of flomm Oonn. 'J bo 1 ri.edio pui'Msh In two iJaily mw- i,.er, ualty, t ,r wt k, IL; (nd.i.04.c pr4'4t;iit4,d to C'.n iiU'U CtiUii ail i i,i:d tic fl,- tl.. root, he'd on tho drt"ot" o, u!isr, Th-t, ''Au Crdi'ianti to t p iHwiv . )( j,a ortbt.'i l.ibartii-s t .as ork, and t cixtiro a.) th?rt lor i" itit'i tita sunt Cit-ik ia the htad iiu i tiiv ot .'.""" ri .t ui ;. it u 1 A' lfaiiou i-i loi r wc-kB t'ri-m jltj a iu ii H'. v; vi. I. nil v rt- em to tVuunls one t-t'cai.-'-. .M ..' n-wa- tai r-Tt. lor fcvtry duv ln w hk'ii the aioa 'jfja'.'''' a j SIXTH AND MATlXET STREETS. 1