The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 26, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 8

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    FATCKPAT, NOVKMl'F.R 26, ls64.
v ' Tif Tt V. enmii TV.', iirajih.
the mni or ii.iTri.i:.
(Dnriri the ttrrve rminnrmrtin; lit Nii-kn j. k
Itl.lll t'lt'l ' HUIC iltl'l pi'l' .l'tf Upoil HIT ll'JHl.HT
I' n irMllfij innti for ninn tl,.si:,'ii.,'iil. we hc
1mt, as ". 1" wlioso July it i to mm d.iwn
the ckrf9 utter thr itimtini H'ti li pii'. in the rtun.
The pln'O w a Niitiin, which ninkts v.rv
lond rprt. ihc linil, as wi- Imvo ntutrif, pcrnhetl
iUfll' on lln maii'H IiuIIt. ami multl nm im
driven from thia position liy tho violent mo'inni
of lb ptin'H r. When ih jtifro w ilisch .r.:c 1,
the poor little tfiir Ron:,! run its lionk :tml Im I
p Kiutrr tho man's h nr at tlie I a.'h oi ttm nrok.
Mid whfti tho n'port .Hrtl nwy would rt"utne in
plar upon hi rhunl.ter. vit.iiu 11 ili'iut. look
the bird in liia biuiil. but he ruin iact liw
(trap It lintm-nli'ti ly riMmm-it im plu ooi tin'
auonlrhr of tlie fcrmtkc-ln'riiii.Ml gunner. Th
utoe was wltiics-oil !y n lure" munticr oi'o li 'era
and men. It maybe a Mi" of union m
,uiry, what tnttlnct led thia tiir l to tuna pi u". lWililv fnti'tned nl ilin vliiltnl coinni'i-
tion catned by the battle, iiml not knowing hoar
to parang or hero to so. some iiiMnrt ld ! ti
throw iiaelf on thin gnnn. r un a p-otiv tor. lint, ,
whatever the cm if, the incident wiw a nio'l j "
rwaulifal ami p!ealnir onn to all who witnessed
it. .Vttr AllHitty (liiituina) I.ttttjcr.
Upon the gunner'a shoulder,
(Union gunner, Number One,
None deadlier or bolder.)
Burned tbe red beam, of the sun.
Down breast, and back, and arms of might,
Rolled the aweat of dcpera c strength:
And a fiery mist, and a lurid litflit,
Shone round bis straining length.
The cannon, thnndcr-throated,
Tbe awift and awoopinu shell,
Laughed rnurderiii(;!y, and gloated
O'er tbe work they did to well.
And many a limbless trunk they bulled
O'er many a bloody track,
Before Onr Flag ita folds' unfurled
From the heights of Nickajack.
Whilst round that gunner's ahoulder
The deadly tiro-bolts whirred,
There, seen by many a soldier,
Lit a fairy little bird.
Ita wiugs against Its panting brcaft
It flapped, with terror am te.
And its golden sons were nil t ro-t
In Us toft scarlet throat.
Ita wings like leaflets treintled,
A little flying (lower
That tiny bird resmiied,
Borne rndely from its bower,
As though a flower had felt what fright
Could mean, that all life through
Bad oiJ fed upon tho light,
And only drunk the dew.
Perhaps, as thus It nestled
Hound the gunner's sturdy nerk,
"WhilM at his post he wrestled
And ho:d the foe in check,
Could it havo put in thoughts in words,
It woaid have said, "Not lung
Ago the air was full of birds,
And the birds were full of song."
I And when, with each (hunder,
Sore hurt with new despair,
It bid Its small self under
Tbe gunner's tangled hair.
Quick memories of the summers dead,
Birdliko, though its bosom flew,
Of dainty dowors, whose lips, blood-red,
Bucked tho silver-hearted dew.
tweet psalmist of the summer,
So sweet so sweet and small !
To tbee, as a new-comer,
And gentlest guest of all,
Soft should the Boft winds sigh that pet
The flowers that near thoe grow,
Aid the sunlight's kiss drop, delicate
Asa melting flake of snow.
hood, loud will be thy trilling,
When, dumb the cannon's mouth,
Sweet silence oneo more tilling
Thy summers at tbe South,
Tbe people's pulse, tho nation's heart,
Their frightful throbs shall rcare,
And a quiet smile shall lightly part
The perfect lips of Peace.
Ch I the hearts of xuea that tremble,
And pine for rhameful peace,
That frautic bird resemble.
God ! ere the conflict cease,
Grant that each heart, yet beating free
For the Kigbt agaiunt tho Wrong,
May its own liird of D-ittle be,
And ting the perfect song. A. . L.
REBEL Til AIIiN !.;.
"kpt$copat8 non est artijuum tranticcnl i
me," fcRKl a eneruble. UeToat, aod erudito
father of Ibc ChrUtian Church ; unil it iB col only
followed by the chupUto and ptivute y(iritul
Ad Tiber of Mr Jetl'cron DaviB, but thut caiirient
prelate extt nda tbe axiom, and nukt a it compre
Lcnd joy and viuturj in de.ah and doaoUtioa.
Mauy yean ao ayuung muo.a native of ll.'ssc
Daimtstadt, graduated at a German univcrmty,
took holy orders, nnd eniigrAted to this country.
Soring the last Uecadu of cue present century tint
man wmi to tbe South ab a wort of misbUJiury fur
the Pu)te0tHnt Kpidcopul Church. He was ap
pointed rector or" the "Old Brick Church ( built
two Cvntur.cs ao by the early Knglisb setikr of
that region), at M;r:liant't Hope, Prince (
couiity.VirginiH, a poiut of laud on the Jatnun
rlvr, a lew uiiic tiist 01 the pn-Hfiit positiou of
(jeuernKirant'ii tinny. Here turn HesiUn priotst
spoke the words of truth to the wealthy plnnt.'n
4)f tte Tpion for inniw yvnri. Hi ;roM learning.
Jnnute tu)mt, and eUupemc, tuittinentctl, ur at
leabt rt'Ddtred ptcubant, 17 a ii.'.ht tin- tureof tho
iwet Geiuiwn neemt," were noted and nohed
alrt hd. It was i.ot loitji ttut'ore this mini iter ot
diTinc ttachiub was c.l-J I j liichuiund. yliri,
an aGnista-it to Dhop M"a le, he rose sir a lily
in tbe public i-ttmiatioa.
At Unt the Rcbulllou hroke out, aud this lou
of 'frje Ciirnuuy," despite the d iutat.-b of eurly
teaohinge and tfuund durtrin-n, gtive way to tliu
.ancient Ht ssiun tei.ct of "Ioyuii; money uu 1 ad
uno.'!nt nt better than real rcliiu." 1U w is
arritd away iu thu wbiil wiad of war a 'uut KicU
inond, and, "faifhful auumti; the faithless," fr.m
AdupUd by Mr. Jct!uron Divii a iiis bpirioal
AdvWer. To hU influum e as a petty " iCtctteiwu,"
and rtdl "Uilupod' we may ascribe Mr. Dtvis'
proverbial habit of putting GoU'ti name into pLb
licotucicnw hero that ot hla Sutanlc M.ije;iy
won Id be mure appropriate.
Wednesday, the ICth im-tanf, wan appointed.
fU duy in the South by Jefferson Davis, and on
that day tho Kor. Ur. Miiinogcrode (Mee im-g w-ro-dji).
the "I'reiiident's chaplain," was selected
to prcacJi tho "Thanksgiving senuou" at St.
TAur C'hurcb. Kichuioud, before the Executive.
Judiciary, and Leilutivo ''LtuU' of the "Con
Xaderucy. The sermon, as published in tho F.rttjuircr of
the 17th, ifl eloquent and signidcant in parts, and
wo make a few extract for tho edificntiou of our
readers. Mr. Minnegcrode took for his text :
"0, thou f word of the I-ord. liow lony will It to era tbou
m uuWt r Put tliv-'f into thv juttM-itrt;, mat, u.ul Uv at tit.
"Hu cuit it Ie (juitst, vtl(i)f ti " UrU hlU vtu it
ujuii. j0iiuuiu, divn, 0,
After noting the grim and ghastly s'.g ns of
AnankfgtYing around him, ho says
Vbut,hark ! that U lot the pea or the orj:n? hat (.
ruuitrUuf Miiud, tint 9uiuujb Hie tarUi.aiid ahv t. 1
SL1!11111", vr ,fMry Wrklatal ngUnl It
fiuiL,1" ,la 'cwin..u, wMi-d tirrutup tlie peace
li'Uil .V": f"". w hno w tt , ana lmv heard it . a nd
"..U-i.i.j ui.iw na cajllion I
"T'V'KJtii? k,'r''l,l,,ll'',t!' " ' rr'-
un but
"l.. .rt . . "i auu
hu iki.,b ol m. naj.u,. i"1' "I4 au4 UU. uoim, auj
lU) Uat apclinr ol OottZl't.11 Until lurtaatmif a. an
JnS w ajnia, ta atmun, M of r, n.a
ljlilf Uu knmra try oi "' irmaa of I ha
f WD ; ami I thia n.," "'ta itin tiMmni
dotes vi K " U ankaalvit.,. uh , . 4-v " Hu
t -4 n.'WsreaildialR.aaiid, maul' " ,l'l
kn u.u4a uk itiiiiaii piyr, 'Cm. u,ir. t,r
tWid, Iww Im ' Umu su uktr f w'i'.Uu
Into irr l'i'd. rr.f, n'l r lit.' Y.a. war -ar !' at
In. I.ti '.i.itil in i" ir lonn. to, lit Hrs , n .tt w l'i I' i! '
lnOini tinS iiflrriiun. a d a. rtnc and 1,. Its fl -1.1s
ofvoti'iimrMir'tl " i Dn- i ik m l id 1 a. ,
i!M, tit u sr .i d 0 li.titf.1 ho(.s on.l hr.-hni Mf t ;
ll alrf.l n.ilar. ami wrtu. kxw nd n.iliiK In Mir
I.I.h d o- tN n .h.t sT, and In 'r'a.lri In nt anl I'ury, an.1
rr'tM. an l w Itti n and lht hun-.n jr f .a sea. O,
l.orl,lMw I..HK ' '
He thus Inf'.rn.a us how and Uy t'ie llcbels
muat mccced :
"It In vrv Tnirt r thut f.w .l'itfiiat mi" ar '
irfiii ( r ih. tr n iiH'e I'm il v-t 411011 n tr
M'.l-.rd hii ! 11. 1-1 .1 , ! rtl.v h, i pt"0 "
p. 1' , ' ti 1 1 p ' :l ; :,. . - 1 ( .1. n ;r 11. h't .el . !
nl ...r t a: ! v 0 h il il- 1 'U il 111 '.. r . .t 1 .0 : tin I ill l
1,. W ii,.iiimk, i. 1 in t,. 1 ,...- 1.1 miO."-ii
T ii 11ml Milvi if . .w ir.-r,....'i:it(."'r. ' r
t.t 1 1 no. .'.-.: 1. :.,..o. 1 l . no... '
.! I. fiti.n... villi r i. I o in 1 1 111
). w j ri il 1 !, n 1 ,, 1 ; , .1 ! .1 li. a il 'i 1 ' '
. to'ti.'l I', 1 1,. 1 1'Ti ir pti' r ' 1 "i'1 s'i :1, l,r . ' '
I a l.i'ni i.i Ir r 01 i,.,l'i ea.i ii" ' ; '"
l.i' li :i I .111 . . a .... 'it ! ' ' '"
11 i..l''. 4u. wi.,..K;li v hi. li 4'iff ' iMi-itt
ill v . In; l' I 41 II,. . (. I., , I., v. - l'i ! '"I
H .mi- I' u' 1 1 es 1 ill -Iril lri rd "! '
i... it. 1 ill.i.lri ii II"' '.' I. I'". .
, l.
rl '
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-.1 Mil!.'
.( lin'rl'l, t '
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K ft Hi 1 n- l mi - I 1'f t' r
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II loltii r uri'" t 'i :iH f if
.n - ia !'' r" '
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ll la- It ' 1
f 1 1 1 ! t 1 r flit t :in rv :w . a
d tn oith ini'it : i 11 trt ; l
litre he indulged Mr
.1. J .r.a
idea :
"Hut, (iw-on(11r, rvfri b'f!itrc n
ctiiM-l Of 1 ail :ll uui 1.. .v r
"W hat In wurtli U Iiik fnr 1 wcfli
A id. Itien f '.t1. all fii iu rb
;.r-t ; iroa
W !. ntt !liu, t :,mi t rt iloin, tr ,re la.r t-v cnc .latl,
A la run ii .i.v A.k, w Ur-t ? r L..- d on bvr jtrttti
L(H tr ui'i iu yvui rarn.
"Alt, trrei h.ivetl.f ntftuf a'.l prii:r,i ; "T .e b! !
ci ileinarir t& ! .:; n. .. I n,' iht'C.ur.h,
and ! n 'ti Ktnwri tMili ni it , nnr y ot h-r b: i
iDir Krom a rii1e to itkTy ! trim I ay 10 Ine! I i.
ituth f a- aiWiih I n ia minority, aii'l u. n at wr wan
error; .ilKTt iiiwayfi to i-'-ntrtid Wuh UM'-U'". '4
lir.hy l.ei L.t-iVilut to the ornI tl.r;u ! Mrr a ij perm.'':!!
lion, ll e ar omu i.uii, lor it it.iil,. a I.f hui,
vr mii-t t'xpfr to "fiur lorn 11 our I'l.l-'iiJr.Kt' n
oi r nui o if rikj.iu. t-ur pr -t-rti
. ciiir hi a o ir i-xi-lfTic f. if all trmi ivv vjnif to Uaii
Die , il our r tii'..u lii' t , r- Lw. m truldi a tl .ii
n Tirrs iiifii art; Ue'tunn; u ur li-fT it .iW our
li.-pfN lor tin' uittir- H'Htti oi f 'T f-'tld -t : if (tie t-it'ir if
t'tn it. o 'nr a It o imrutt-it to mir ,a nl ; :t ai in it
trot d in are w illing t i li v tar, .ui 1 1 -il inf. ai.J p-ay f r,
kl.d d't f r ; il It If w i rth cur r.t l .ii i.iu. v.f a;ii :(: vr-'D li'
l lUf. ir i - it i'vi, tcr tvirint from t'iu p..ta"nt. It
can i.ot hf hml wittiuut It, -r w . , i u I ve, I tif. iv n ftr
lt mi. ii tut wit in nit ie ili'-cii'l n t,f tr:l a nl advent . ;
iMio it ut-niK ft r cJ ilriii ioau.y-rto: I' ti.r i .iftir w
ill vain. it aid kuant it, and ub il V li(ijrand
thr iik d ol ilif 1'iiuiftry. '
Here is a clait al High: :
"Wur Jn jiitt thf lnu hi t, tin ler io s privl'lonre,
o'tr tnalh l;vft iiKiunx t, AT' not tli.- only oruf I a irid tin pa. u ; no. I'm- on'v "ii- f mat have -t-i-d
lor It. It in ii.v nl aii lim riy ami trutti and
li' tavffi T e . k .) riflf ti la.r Attn-nt. and tutuwht
reu. ti tl.e w Jtult ;i viali- "!' t:.-'T hii to Dlit thu ir
nl iijvrty, iiideiterwH'iMf, rt'ni i i . il zati n .ifc'Ainl the fnil
liotiii .ji Vtxi h, 'I In itu-iisrn huriu-d t . . i i r itiu-iKiit eaui
in I acd tave to th1 una ii ilt.i.eit Krt-uiiiii to U-i'iit
tlit- i. tori'iUH t ij. Vi iim-i .tii'l ti irl xi- k .i 1 v .i,.'iii rliiK h rdt ;
to 'avf- iluir thitiifiiai oxrl.iico, their tt 'lcpt'iidftirv, witii
ffii tr' h 'xMt ti'-r woniil luivo Im-n n iriirie mi'l a dn
.'rac. ii d luadd u tmuiuli mm. nr trials, and te icte
ut. a IU- tiui(;l.t tlit in, iat uu h only ly tn It
trial unl iln-ir c I--ipnin- w t an i-rvij our r uui in itif
t n (j m-ni t i our b.'-:n.-i n l ' luni Y',t mike hi
w.-ri, -1 a niiitf imiirt to tit ii- r r a curf of nt.iun il
t xntviice that tthail re luund in ilm iiory. to ir ht ti.!)!',
fur tli' o tt I t- nr J. lv mulitt in p;i!,ai utulcr thp
rn-i. V I o d'irv sh.lnk fmtuil.' Wlm think tlie p. ice ton
treat tnr tfv Ltnir tl e b m w hlch si nil ,v tin- no'ili-r. t ir
D"r yvv ai pur t tit J. xa.ti'il, ctiiutl lt-d l-i lliehO.umi ol' nuf-
I nriK - 1- r.-ui tlii" nl lew, uv en in ti.o uu t ol nnr
H..HB, w ( ran to Jil thin tU wnii -oiieS of prai&c aaU
Din rl that' h-fci vliii:."
Now who dues he al!inle to in the following
homc-thmstd ?
i'tinishuifiit forrjr slno. Ah: bre'.hn, la tho nniil
lirc Ihat can iHn that u d'tnivu Hit?.' IMvc wo no
mii to itpvnt uu mii evil iia'mi to u-ilnrur Can wc
pi'liit to our peupli' A" free from ihc botnj-jiict of Hat in and
t il HUd iie wi:rld- Tfnluti)f llu' fit Nil, and thu tuttt of
th '! and the iirlJt- of lilt' havf they uo ai!d on iii,
no victims htro.' Isth irc no Btriu In our mUUfi N
r-lticturc t acrlflce all at liod i cotnuitndy Wo
bclclii: buck T Nu sc it'im-t f.r self HLvrandiZfin'ntv So
prowlmit on the p.jhitc for pf Ifi t;oes No aia'ii'Joiih
ineu tliati pne st-ll nrtt anil thf cotfnrv his? cuettuis-nt-M
tn itlKrace tii nt.'e of a I'lniu'derate? No specn
Intl. nun tie ruin of o'Iiti and tut- whole conn'ry, ltn
(tower aiirl flnancen. to rlc t u-ie n d weitltny N avu
rite tu !t'd on th-blood of othtim atid fatitin on the ruin
ol tr pv.iplpf' o dodfiliiK Irt uu dun ; no fartloui dli
loyalty; no uutinth, In word ordii'd.ln no wlnlc lif;
oiawnrd fbow and inward h i1ciu')h, limlucrity, pro
t n,hckla ni' Is the characti.r, arc thf live, of our
beoplf hut their'a 'ni.'ht to tti who claim thu pr to.'ti m
et the lilgiieit, and rail uun II im f n tbe justice of taclr
Now, we have a giod word for the "wicked
YanketB ;"
"As a n itfon utiindi to io I, no wry mon nlnill It fxct'l
or fun in itn relutit n to man. An wt- hit lut.i! U llini,
will ut .oal to tnu coin. try. An the pooie live In the
ituth, i ndali tht-y be Ki'idt-d m the trim, Afn-r all me
rhanvt'ii and chai re oi war and ptnir r. it riiia.s ever
true. 'l(ih'eouriBB txftlitin a ndii m, tut hi ii m a re
pioH( h to any pen pie ' I'lin thn i, ;ory and llif phllo
n") h.v ni all warn, written vlt!. a p.-n dtiped in thu uh
ol im'iiit' truth itself. In the hit too ol i-ihI i select pefpie;
MKl Ut tl l fcoiTturi lit Is ll"t rlittiut-d, IIiT't l olir illl
V 1 ear a urt-Mt dtiu oi fiit-'ioui iifvi'ineir in th-i
am v. 4 r f J irtant It may tie ,.! i d Id- oir eci '-'
t IdH-r. hat ejUnierl a'ul w,i enlist the
P.dn r and m i vii-it iifl'iiri.-t. flu! let mr'l overra e Jie
hh m t: ; Iff n tint iv pn-int, a1 d l'"k (town (n nur
e;. cm h tt, and hit the t'liarihcL'-, nuy, ' L ra, I than Tli--e
tr-hi I am nit an uth'T men a everi is ir mo" and
wiiked nr-niKs' Let m judffe oiirsU pi. not oth-m;
unite upon ur own Or-atti. 'tint! oh men U'ul to us mu
iiits;' ihat k t m1 lor eve y token at llir lavor, llu rual
isvor. that cpakM word')' evt-navtnH hie to the s nil. ami
ift rh th hardt-r io luat: our radirif nnd olepiion lure, to
i t int up to iht: s, uud.ii d ihat in His liny wurd in nivcn ui.
'J h-i , ai.d then only, the in-sent will proo a disci
pline lor rod to us! tliiionl. th' cfta t
nwn'i'tlfhWir) ih ac(nip!!.-d In us and fur our couu
tr. May t io l bios unto u tt.m .h., i: aerv .Les, Its a .
c aT.oiin, it- t'i"t.od Iinpe-. In trie uarkt h-iur of our
j- iiii Ht piibl.e, the rTi-ulent c- liiiuitlid tlie eoutitry,
huh mi i. , ooe ni un Hit ri .rcheii!uil e 1 1 tnt-uaiio i mtu
the Imiid. id (nl a ml the m ah h titvaii to uu n :roru thur
. , ul,,l l..,il tuo, Let ii ut'ii, ,111,1 :,,u'l.iil!triliii Uiwt il
.i:nl lit, icilii Ii H.-,ti'it'il il. uiiilint t it' limit .nii nrl'ui
i'. mi iti, mi m .t., ii.i:f mi am. in M.iU' i,' nnr rr,r, un.l
our luuli , 'nr ii.-.l .ni Him Im t.v th.s li iiiiri'. I ih, l t il tji
mii'illii-iii'i lit i av.aml l.'l t'V.'ry Muni r. ,uln In i aliitlii'
li'K .iw w lil'h Hit n .ml nl Hit- t.'-r.l Is Itaiilnifc us, Iti'
li i.-i it ni lanii mill t;, ,1':i'.pf. o i-url'.y in hi'.iri
uiiii . I ii Imiii. si .ii ami i.,tl.'ii.'s, nl t'litlu'tiiv hii.I .l.'t.T
nun. il f.ii'tiiuli em an-t (ktm vvrun, v. wi limit w tioli n
V run til' wllllli-il '. ill i.. U!l i to 1 1. III. i ll I li ill 1. IV In, ll ill.
t sinint l.t mirt llini v. ? ,' ill Iu' loi ul In ihti cnuiitr; mid it'.
And row we bringtb! reader to the peroration,
hich is suppohvd to have particularly satiated
the fancies of the ilipniiaries present with its
si jihiRtry, and we have no rlonbt 'inieted mny a
guilty ctinecitnee, as it came bub ding up under
the burplici , which made the irae ilcssi.iu be
rj.'iuli an 1'ip.s.copal minister
"I lie tinic III ,'nmf . hi'n inkiiv a .mi- nl,ll flnrt ifc,t I
l,MI...!iliililhAArvii:illli. n.-.iii.r I lilt 11,1.1) ll1.
in f ri. u, i ,ir .1 r ri- il .si I no". I,,-,, In II e ii"i .it" .lu' v t-.-l.
i r it'iu. 4 ii.t uu. u , i, l.. tl.H ,-u.,ii.ry iv us ui"ta,u.i
"Iiiim In It O S' ,1 iu II. i' i. t. is Is tlie in. .11. . wii
,1 oul.l ill 'r l.i mi nnr, I t'l., un.l ,,lli,ln uur llvi",
1 i t lt ii- tit- ni hi will I,.- , I. ii. l'i. il u, t,, a iii oilu r
in t r. l.ei i In it- ut it w .ami iuim nl luni Iniv.. ulunl
H nil;,,il lot Li,.' ,i.i,l. Im Ink. ll,. .r 1.1.1 nl Iii
Ii, hiH ..I I .. ,1 rii.,1 iu'iy .11 u...r w..rU I .-t tl.tir.-U,- lew,ni ,,lraiir,rrii. I.:, ilu.v.a ill.i
I. Il.l'tljl. Sl'illP I ',' S-, ,.:il'll 1.1 .1.1,1 '! !!!.! .iii,it. - till.
i i.i'iri.i il ii It-. m,'i,,i .. ii. tn iii, i,l ni..ev.n
lnJt l.ui.C'C, n:i,l I'll" i ..ill 'im. . li d lii't ,: t:n: l..i, .1
I. lit, )o, !,!,,, 11 ti. ' If .1 . . .' aj v l.i ,., a 11
li n.r til:. ii.,ijir s ' I r 'i-t i; , , .it nU, .l.n,
llklul' Lhll W, r ll Ml. Ill III' ,,ll sill lot. .! . 1,1, t'. .,,i
iiii'i i,r i.i ml, . in ui Ilm n iuiU nl tlie l-fiol Hat, in,, wit ,
II. . Iinn.1111' f,t ijllilli .li til,! 1-t.Tli ii .,',i i, ; uil
1 '.in 'Ii. 1 uli rii'iit ,,l inn 'i n nil,' i- t i ,i ,v ..j t" Its. il ti i
In a Im im n ami p ir.lwii, mil lu i.. I'usinu' n in
I - ' I k' l i'ii':!. li.'. rt'.... i'v'i ,:. 1 1... v.. 1,-'
I' i .nil, nnr I. id .l.-'ii i ii. M' '1'ru t in i; .1
ih.-il. nl : - n i, ih s;.i'.,l 1,1, ,1 in. in- ai..-al ..l 1'
t, nil I j . II. t Mlia, ' j.i,1 l,i it. Hi li.lli. In, A1j.o
in in I'lii-t ii-ii... nt i-l v, ii,. I'.ivn ir.-. - .1--.1 ,im in ti,u .u in
..ii llu 1 an. I It t' sum" ,i,' ,i' .i'l'v nl;,. wrr.1 ' mi:
ilr-iii..' nl,,l lijr lli. T in. in n y m iiycri u. In In- liitlil.ili
Hi, -jilsMnn in a ii- n.'n- -..n . 1 .t - lt ir :.,i.r,ll ...t' i Ii i.iu
mil. in uu' 1.1111111 liul'i, ll... rti. v. (irk , I'll' s.iuio In i,.
mni .ii linl thu nauii liitfii i iltaih. il,. b.uhu titrnslrn
bnd ti linn hi
'W ai Is wrlti living f,,r r. iv,,rtl. ilvt
!, l"r,t.m.
lone. 1 ol 'ht '1, ml ii r .1 ill, 4 fjf n
Ma tli.-ir n: in,. 1 1 tn i ti. i..w in. an.! none usfni tbo
paint inline, in me aunuie uat n.tni -
'.llll inn,
w licni 'nvw'rt canlii.t rtrtth, nilL ii-iranslp'it ti-eatti.
1 ', nl tula Unit Hr, t,t,,;,pi'd with u,t t,r,,M n ,l,i. ,,r li:atii
llllnd I'lta linn urn uaik to vnnr nw, ni ii,.i,b ulnrv '
riili'iii'til l.taru tiiat am lit-taii.,fe n iral,u liiuiuiiire-dy'er
i . .ii .
Sii-i-p ile, p ! iltpp iu I'turt : iiltep iii in innryevtr'
W rn, t e.ti.1 ai.ul ,n ll.t ile. ,li ut n. ii.-a',.a a, i-i,,i itvor
llu nit u. ml niiul i't.i-L aiiail LH-tlinti. InmUkli liit-
w nr,u ;
Till ll. e iau lit rtul:t,I anj tha lininmeiit fu, l il
In ii.t iiawiu.i a iltv iini.: iii;ii,n; nniii
'J lie tiij-mii ol tin at i tt mi ll.t i,nl
III li.e I.iitd titli tlit iluyct tlit ti.iltla in dim'.-.
AUd Ilia tuiiiu.jl nitii Time and tnii unit :' "
Caeurrnl Mirl.tun f'lc-leila tfmber of
IJie. hnnllttr 4 aiuliilsta,Uiu.
Tho followiEg letter from Geneial Sheridan
Las been mccivtd by the t-'auitury Couuiission :
Jlc.anoi him:h Mipulk Militauy Ii vision,
Jn tiijs Fiei.Ji, Is'ovembei' l.'l, 1,t01. J. Kosikb
Jsmim, General Secretary liniied btates tsntii
tary Comiinssion. Deur tlr : Yours of October
31, advitdujr me of my having bceu elected au
aaMiCiaie u.tiiiber ot tho I'nited Malt a .Sanitury
C'onimiesion, is received. I btive the lionor to
thank you for the ccnip'iment paid me, uud in
behalf of the sick and wounded of this army to
acknowledge the many benefits derived from
your charitable association. I am, sir, yours
truly, r. II. SiimiiiAM,
Major -Geiitiul.
7 be Eoeton Putt lately published a campaign
toag tolitled, "rJbout, Shout, McCItllau !" Head
ing the title with the Crt letters of alttruate lines,
It stood, "Snout, Shout ! MeClellan is a traitor
ana coward." Tvyk'e the Vest Ual beeu de
rived by aaostlci.
wil l j.i i:,
Ihec.ipitid ol fie rrit Mtnitrdcy. ,.(,, -,t
-anh oi the Orutn-e rivtr. and w:n Jt.s. ht-ad
of for Muall u-aiiiff until radroiid
fiKiiitl'-i P'TI'I'-mm! th t tnar.i'i' oon - , jrr.
(eraMc to tbe tniff.fla iiv r th0 oi Is of watr
in the rivrr. It ii a s vn ,jl0 .;(liorit :i
l-rai.fh Tni'r ai, h
rlr-t. r.t tl..r!y m
run nit h tirl t Or nl m.
, w '''. ! .Id- ; it n'y
n.ilc a-1 ft t.n.oTi v,:.: '., cn.ial U i i
P III I ' V- 1 , 1 V l'( ll, '') I 10' ''.I If) llr ; ) t j tie ' r tl; I v :' ;' i. l . i
iti pi; ? ..lit ii.'ii i', it -m n ti. i ..ii it ii.t.;, t.;. n
In vi- w M.o on ,tt ; : v ' . :ivr uut.
1 : ii U'tt nn ' V 'ii . i ii ' ... i m t, h-. ; t, ,
ti rn-iit-f . t ii la " n ' u i ' i .
I'V ll Ti lil Iiun. n i'i t I' ii t. l'i '- .1 I ir
ristT.A-'M'in nl"' 'i ' i- a . ' iri
t i' oi. n mi ' U- i - i.i' .. m ' t
IVH.J ; In .1
i-'h n ni t : :.i
i a
I' .i
n i-
i r v V
ii r i M l . ..',, . i
'' ' "'' V
,..'.'.,. f 1 . t ... i . . m
I , -v '.' '
A ,i 11 i ' .
1 it, , i
I: a '. i: "
Mil. '.I llk'.l
, ' li'
I'll ll .
""''f "'
- ! V. , '. x' nf j
u liio ,,-il:,i . j
i.':o. fioiition !
it 11 u.
V .'X '.' '.'
1 he V.r'-r 1 so '.it;
!' fir !v,.-'. I'.h; i't;.iii! i
r.ti n li-r. A! ,m; a wi i
it.n i: vrn f. tr--' im;' T'r.-o ol !
ir. m.i i 'tur-.r
:i'n: y !!..! a
oi A' .n; i.
(-.. i.itit . In v:rt of : ! c:ai rv
pra- il ili pot. Shm.l? 1 . 1" i:c t!u
nii btn i' lo t'Ccii'.i'.i' a rip.'orp' cimr'u'i m
tlie iiiiu lr.i.frv ami m.t'.,r:; wh,.'h hn 1 lvn
in i.c ilifie wore niOTcd t i M on. an 1 ti.i;Ulii:i
fur itK n i' ft i.-i'il, so in a v. ry sU"rt tiiuo
tt:e plui e li ime iu.hiui.i. tur'tip Arrc:mi , pi I : t.
an c xtcimirc Hinl vuUi.ii le a Almnt cv, r bail
bten. At tho s.ime time the cily, naturally
strcn, was made iloubiy f.'rniiilai.Ie by work
m mil i n tlie lielf-'ln eurr unJini; it. innl it wa
niatle a li.ife lur Hood s ,iru;y. lmloid, he is
-uppi'i.i',1 to liiive iK'tupkil it iuiiiirdiHtely niter
Imiiiiii; ba, k I rum Allmu.
It in II kti'iwn Unit the place has been far
riiioncd by militia since the withdrawal of llo id s
army upon ii career ul'ier Sliurnmti, and Lite reve
lations hnve tiown tbnt Howell Cobli has liecn In
comm ml. Otisiavus Smith bus al? ) been men
tioned in th s t'oiineetiiiD. It will bo reinenibered
thai alter Smith's relliement, sul)seiiieiit lo his
lopf of Niw Orli ans, he was sent to fieorg .1:0
a'sirtt (iovcrnor Ilrown In the orpanizution of the
State militia. It is not impomilile that Cuiili
eonmnnd ; the Hebel forecs In the field, while
Plinth is in rhnrp" of the immediate d'lenes of
tl e city, tinch id the Importiince of Macon to the
Kebel., that it will not be surprising if the
strong ut liirtilieatiiinn are loiiml hero. It is now
the t'liiy piai.d dejiot fur the li.i l, el army in the
Nonhwe.t, nnd . oiiiiiiai.iiii g, as ndois, tiie trran l
trnr.k of railway eomin ini ..itiun, will naturally
be ikftndtd to the last.
A rr.N ami tsii isiii ii nr ti.
An army enrrc-nnndent five-: t;u t'i'.K.avii'.g
dcsi riptiuu of General Sherman :r be apj, cured
In Kiogst'in. Oa., a few days before deji iriiug on
bis preat expedition :
Newspaper correspond! n' are usually very shy
ot hheriunii, owini; to the ini-t.iken tiuprea'Ji'i.i
tbnt he is the sworn enemy ot tlie whole Bohe
mian fraternity. I ('unless that until 1- rid iy night
1 hand Slieimun almost as much as his Sttame
inautity, find inany a tnu" have I tancti
hehinu m ine weil-dre.ssed etad' olliei r, lest .sher
inaii's e.if;le ee should detect my eifiicn su t,
and his austere voice order mo to leavo ui9 lines,
i.oiwiihstaiidiiig I carried Grant's pass in my
poeki t, an I bad ivcu no aid and comfort to the
enemy. The oilier ni(;ht, however. I was en
trap ed, and, with no line of retreat open, 1
hinted myself for the eharire.
fritting" in tho tent of two of his ccntlciianly
stall', listenit ff to the enliveninjr rnusi of C-'louel
llainliribt's l-nnciistcrfPenn'-ylvaniii I Hand, who
were eeienadiiiR the General, I was not aware of
the close proximity oi the Chieftain, whose wruth
1 so luin h ftared ; one of tho stall suddenly pre
sented himself at the entrance, and addressing
me, 1 moved to tiiecuirance, when there immedi
ately betoro nie smod the terror of ncw-paper
coirtspondeuts Major - General Sherman!
"Geneial, permit mo to make you aciiuainted
with Captain ," rem. irked tho aid ; and before
1 had lime to recover from my astonishment, the
GttH'ial had exttnded his left bund, which I
;iasptd, and a moment after wo were sitting in
ll e tent, engaged In as social a .'onversr.'.ioti as
though we bad been aripialpted for years.
1 Le moment my paint tou.mea mat ot Mier-
tnnu, and hio'voico uttered,-! aiu delighted to
tut et jn nl tenor and eini' irrusstneiit uisap
pam il, mid I sut there lor ha'f un hour, batoning
to liin cotiiplinieiits of the band, his laconic re
in s to Misnits pat ers trescn'cu tor en.iorse-
n.tnt. and bis clear ideas upon every subiC, t
n leired to. Sitting there btno ith the, canv,'.?
u u', which was bhto.l up by a crackling lire
bui Linn at the einraiue.1 hud an excelleiitcuance
io siudy that strange geniut: whose word decides
the destinies of more than otio Man , and to
whoso nut every bayonet yields willinir sunuus
siiui. The General sat in an army ckiir, over the
Inn k of which one arm Initio down ; his small
pitn itjg t ) es, one moment grazing upon the ruby
tin in i a, tlie next peering into the darkness bo-
olid, us though striviuf; to seethe lungs from
wni.'u lee cx,Uisito music m tue nanu issueu.
Ihe Aeiiitnni-Ueneral presents a paper ior en-
rJorKii.ctit. Sherman's eyes fall ; in an instant
he knows its con nils, and tictore be has rctol led
it bis lips dieta'e tho endorsement, which l ap-
ta n Dayton Badnurulile Imsiucss pr.i(tii".eenalilee
once more p. er out ; his car i, turned W c.itch th
cliar ii.usii of the opera 01 the. 77iiee v.tYiie.-rfs;
his seems to move invoiuntuTy in lia.-mony
with the lioiesj the simple remark, "beautiful,"
iHMpts him; Ins eyes orop to ttie lnor-iesi
here lor a liiiiin.nt so intently that juo niipooses
be is 1 ketch rt? a four rui'tifus' '.'ai' in hi-
jr. ut m
uilers a
ml lue c es are rais- u anrupiiy, ami 110
tt iv brief winds that sho.v us ho love
nd basa ery iiiS'.rtiiiiiiiuum oj'.'aijol
music, and
Kond ai d l a
He deft ts everv error an 1 f.ihow it by a ner
vi. us twitch of the bod." tout shu is th tt it does
uoi ret pleasant 011 bise;i-. In .-'jiivcisatioii he
is ouli k. so on . ftrol 11 infimir : eonvevine an :uei 1
in a very tew winds ; nevr 0 iperi oi el 'Ml "'.''
las-fii'lit in bis S'lee'ion of word, to K ve h.
thi'U.'bls ex prt slon ; and m iaiiuaeit si eler 1
Unit ii'ione cati iniMiii'tcisuuid him. lie is indued'.- man ; bis eye t irit a in mor-j 1.1 one
11 stunt tlniii n.ost ni.'u's tin in a month, le iii-
ii set ee a lui'f en hour a visitur isalie.oa eiin
strained to 1 elieve Uut Is. en in in lias in 111 my
11. im s as a c'...,-.k has's, ,u t jiitoinr, 1 f to tin.
ni.el'Uiii in ot tbo crmd 'imlc, bu n-.-ti tini'i
b g I -r iis liHiivuluai -elf. it s is .1 siraiife i.-i-ni.iit,
on that lew men i a i lolly u el., out
one tha' nil who meet h ui are t.t.i uto ndniire
and wi ndtr at.
Pl'IISOVtl, Ml III 'Kt.
s'i..., ll.t it, it Ai e-.-l t r ' r. , . ,. '..
1 ... - Jutiii I.. 1' r, I' .b i-hi'i, n.,;i; s ,,s. m ,i.,ct.
I'ln.'aili il 1,1: Hi nal .11 itil-'tit:- li r i.-.l. I. .-it.
mil jtt u, I anil . Mhii IhiiiiKS li ev. tint in nt tli ri fi n. 1,
all'T nivlillt win-n I tic Ani-'i-l el l'i: I e tils null i il Ilif
a.uiiii. li-ura, uuiy, Juil.N vv . p. 1 i.r. c . .
I IT I IF.I TKNANT W. V. llltoi'K F Nil III"' 111,
I ni uiin 'i.', i ntiti-r , lltur .i ki, ', .it 11,1 iw.ire My 11, ar
llr,,i,'itr tt t rale win :en st , , no lite.,;. Uy 11. it' ' 11 1 '. rti tu t,t nj lepiy. IV rue at ne, t urn! rt:it,i ,,,ir
aiianty. linn it 1 was marri, il i.n tin- !'.';;. .,1' O, tetter lo
A.M.; ll"b id u.-nl. uiinl biati.ilitit at tti'lntnnu, is. I.'.;
V, ill ih In Hit Nl're and Al.liln' I'.urt.iu. y..iir i,t;.n, u ,
I'.triiar,! Ilii.tki-iilin,, w as tinrll .'li lie :.'tl .s,.pi, ml,nr 1
Alu, l'u,,k, and .' Ir. S.tus uil Well, ulltl mln lue iu
much love- Veur Uevniuit Msiu.
- in ar Hiell.iT: I ak pro. .in r nf war: am 111 l.,, I'l
l.trt ; am tlxtuu rirll : I i,,t in htm In, 111 son sunn VI rnc
tiy I aii ol H it, ; i.lso atiul w. id lhr.,ji:i: l'i, , mm lin.ta
iii.yi',. , . , i tsntfatllih lUsliUinud I. nil 1. 1 1 t" '' 11 .
V, i, '1 ULOllOLi;.
Hi hubai. HoM'i iAi.,lij. 21, ltlcliinoiid, a.
li no linproi utiitot In .vuui u.., s l.tiilth. Hlie ia ..nlia
l-w tii.tli Is l.elpit.s. lUitaon Uleit at IniU" it.t run ol
AiiKUbt.Hl ciitixt-IPe lev. . llu ialt tl lauotiU uui, a
h:i'-i ,1 t.epi oi ,',,'asijn. li, tiirtsi,tj a vtiy eraut a. to at fit. Walitr i. uii In the .iruiy ; r.i ah it.
i ntl. im t. i ..ui aii(M,twtiait' 1-A'illKit.
Nu.tall at: 1'., lY-,1.
I.-Tt) .1. M. A. It.: -( OLONKI. f. P..IOSTKS Mail
.1 u i.;- in, i.soT, trnia a i-iiiiaitnt aoi nd rei'thed funr: u uu.
Ir , 0 Iti. in iliai'hur,' nl till tlut .
) our uls ,11, i,t a. ri ant,
A. ajCHiJ.l'l , Ilil.-lif n. Cullmal.llin.
Ivr i:loi:i:k II. t.IAVIT.l..
ill ADvl AkrillS FoST fit I. AH Aiit., iltl ,lllV. Id, listl.
I If IttJ.ONKb ST. I.LI. Lit I11EN1H., I'AVf
I'. tiUs, 111. : I i.i'.p iuitun ol tleuiai Mela.iU I v,J
lalt. U,,wJ "ball.''
Ai.isGPob, 'a., liovi-juliar ID,
A pretty woman at Jackson, Miebigau, ha
beta carrying on tho recruiting busLuess lu a
novel manner. ue marries muu on condition
that he will enlist and give her his bounty. Khe
being sbiklugly haudsomc, the man consents.
After he )s gone she marries another. Four nit
has she Buurried and sent to the army. On the
fourth cccjuiua (be dVr"cted.
ltirr-ft'r il lit. of AIlitloa,
1 11'., i IT.
Mor r.;w'i.r; "r.' 7 r.-'rflr.
WAMiiNiii'iN, V;e ii'-et Teni-iff.
VhhI no of Sf,":ltl'i onw.ird mir.h
h r'rt-n the jtittin! t,i f icor'ii fhij 4?rt t t.nifo
tiof. l."'ir, and in: the 1 At in 'iu'irt of tho siliu
rint. i-) th -I- pit..: t, v- .h'! ni'U'M, H-
I -r :h m- i- '' ur( -. rt '1.' -fi'iir tion of
?1 or., r ; iir-y frr.vrt irt s i .vr
t llu IIKInV.
M'Ih ;tj" r :i"T'ry i- iindouhUTdly
ii i 'r ii ' t tit Tt i; i, ' o.i,' ri'V t
v! .n:r".iV wl1! omleavor to pre nt.
i.r ihr i 'I nrw- htn it i- in ihi'ii
K r t.t ,(tM:; Li.i I i' ;
I lir Hi I. iv
1 i
.' .'.
,.i,-il r, i.i x ut'iKi-.l in.' ,v A,'i'k rii'.in
l'4.r. rtn.l II. 1-" lll'W I'.li rS VL't "'. iH' if.
' .i! i. in,, ii.'nil ii I'tv"! h-M ( nli:r the
1 , !,.ii'i .luni nl i.. .Ipuliif-'V. 1 i -.lw! .,
i, , : i.i.i ; t il, us in j . iji'y the iMr-.uro of (lie
i.uc iM : ii. i'"' lrir;-ir oi' a frii'mllir p-jwer.
I ,io Flt't ' li. tlr r ii-iUr. J." , ll lit:. n' :ui !tr.
i iu.,111 r. s. war.l .hpI Mr. Wi'lln uji in tin;
, iP , 'i. M,-. W'llic- i a- li.fn.v .'iv: t-i t!ii
.'..'iiiiiml- nl 'nil ri nit ii 'i' i.i' Ri tin !-".rr!iiry ut
at.', mill a ilnii icih-" 0 upiiiinn U jii H i:ii;i irt
m.; a Mil- ; in -i-.iri'.'lv nnpi,-iljlo.
Tlif Fn si I' nt K n.nrc ilil iriuincJ ever to
i. jn I'.t'.'oiiKli the C'iitiiut:onl siiicinlmi-nt
i rol.i ".t in; di.i'.i.ry tlir jiKiiuut the'l. The
i.r t i '.in'u"., in it first 'cuiun, w'H i:r,,ntilit-
,!ly agwe ! if. .tn.l ft iiH'.ri.;nt number of Stiles
will iidi'p" it. Hy t:t t rue, the military p iwer
cf tlie (' int."!, r n'v will I ! iK'Strnyo'l forever, nnd
fT.u Ni w Jer-ey wili adopt tho Constitutional
a u n. li. i in.
I lie wt.t:h-.r i i tlii- vr : i:y ii gi riC:ts: ; and if
it i , Ktiti.i, s it wiil riv li..iir. tbu iijiur
pi'iity be I" sjppo-cd !n !c ire to! I.e. one
uior.' blow ;,)f He win:." -e!s in and tliis rin-jai.-n
i nils. That bl.jw tlnmld (live bun )'i'-ses-f
ton of I'cteri'.iirp.
UKAI'lll l
i, i M ini r.
I'll iu in. i.i' ni a, Novt motr 2-i, 1" I.
Sin . Yesterday, a. I wa-. riliLi; hu:nO iu the
car, a young man, led by a lit'.'e boy, cnljre l,
The young man, a, was ,);i,c, t:y blind,
but was conversing most cheerfully wi ll his little
companion. After most of the p.isst ni'ers lull
stepped oul, 1 eliit into conversation with then.
Tiic blind ma:; tol ! me be h i 1 b en -.voinMe 1 at
tbo battle of Gettysburg. A bill bad passed
through one eye, goin behind tiie o'.hor and
severed the optic ncrvo. lie w is reduced to total
blindness, and h id sull'ered severely. Hut though
entirely d. priveil of the mor. biesscd of the
senses, ami i in his use of the others, he
spoke wall tlm utmost tirhuiain of the I'ninn
army, the only r-ftre he expressed being for
his inability to serve. '1 1. 0 ball he was bit with,
he carried us a trophy in his pocket; but I mi sure
his greatest trophy will b his own duvo'lon to
the t'nion, preserved, as it bus been, through
sii' h sutb rini-and such irremedialdo privation.
1 ttwueht the in .'ident wai worth iii..n'.iiji-.iur,
lor i: prvv. what ,.'!diers are w jr'li.j
A Union Iivbii.
WiNUKi.i., tun I.awvi u's Son, and ll.iw Hi:
HkiAHE A MA.IOIt-fir.NltUAL. liy M ijnr l'llll-
nimiiu, author of "Tbe Tannr !'.ny." Fniln-
delphia: Ashmoad livans, rmtlis.'iers.
In this volume, a duodecimo, the author his
been aided by an abundance of iiath.-ntie matc
terials. Historical fails have becu furnished
him by living witnesses, and all tbo names,
dates, places, reports, and descriptions aro be
lieved to be historically cornet, 'i uo thirty-two
cbaptirs are plainly, Jet gr-tihi 'ally composed,
without any attempt at "tine1 writing, .inri aro
embellished with four illustrations.
Oman or Glknalvon. A Tale.
Ve taic pleasure In a..knowledi;inrt th? receipt
from Iho onthor, Mr. Thomas II. l''i,rn'inm, of a
metrical tale, in which a pleasant legem! is related
in polished verse.
"Pmieir oil Ibc Ilciklli ofjolnl I. cell.
I'unfii annoiiueos th1.- deat.ii ot' Johu J.uoeli iu
the following terms:
John l.riti.ii, Outer (li t . xi x., h tie 'tLxtv.,
I''i.T4'i l'hc simplest words are b-'st rfdere all
wmds are vain. Tin days ac" , a erect artit
ihe man of life, and with hi Klorlous mental
In cult 'Os iti in 1 po ver, 'nil itli the. shade of
phy.'icnl iniitmby d'arkening upon him, took his
accusti tiieil pi.ute among friends who havo this
day belli Ins pall. Soine of them had Iwn I'el.ow
woikers with him for a otmrter of 11 cjutury,
others for fevrr years; but 10 know him well
was to love liitu r'y , and all in whose mime
tin -c l.ues aro written liijiirti as for a brother.
Ills iiiii'iutncnt is in the volumes of wlii.h this is
one sad leaf, and in a hundred woriia which, at
this hour, few will not remember more easily
than those who have .ius'. left his grave. While
society, whose every phase he has illustrated with
a ti nth of grace, and a tenderness li 're ofore un
known to satiric art, gladly nnd proudly takes
charge of h: lame, they, wbO:C pride tu the
1ft uius of a fc'ieat iw-ointo was equalled by their
allvt.jn for an attached Iriead, wor.ld leave 011
record tha' they havo known no kindlier, more
rciint d, or more generoue nature than I !it of him
who has be. n ilius eariv culled to hits icit."
Asiatic Cotton. I' the'.lii'enec bront-'l.t
. h? tho null, w.' laiKlaod iu
' Oc'ol er. is correct, the amount of the Rist Iudia
. f,,tton crop will n.nn brin to nil upon the price
I 0f ,on Uipti.,n. Tt.i ro were at sea in the middle
ot Utt')l'-'r forty eiftlit ships, laden witb TH fill
tmics. One is .tre.lited with tiO.'il baled
' nti.ii.i ,.,,,..1,1, r -01, k-.,. iiuiuireii Imles a
a gf id
r.iro, a-id when :br. .; ihoasiinil wero ni''
1 aw:iy n Mobile or N-.v Ofleius, tho feat
( ti,JUtfit piul' In 'se heavy Imports fi
I tli juiiht piod In'se Heavy imports irom
eoutitrii s A'uieii were w iai to raiso 1:1110 moro
tl an wlr.t tutu teil fn- t.ielr own iw-Js, ' one of
the re'iilts 01 our v.' n , .rid w.i! tc'id ;o lower tliu
lost ol Mtton clu'hs.
Oiuhin 01 T1.1. 1 : t.
of ;c a; .! It'
".i'. ai. i ii." la this d .y
ry t itle, it is lament. ih:e
iy o.' the y i mer li.ciu-
i'rii'tids arc in relation to
'arly history of our reli
i.'whi'.t strikint instance,
nme umler tiio writer s
. a lew evenings ai,'u. At
,'iitni s l. iuse, cue C t'uc
10 t.te how inor
neis 01 1 lie s-'m'
the risi . pi.'res
ty o:
gi.)ti tsoeletv.
SoeletV. A s,,,,
ldiist' atlve of till: fn"
iiniiii ii.i e oit.-rv .ii' ..
H - j. i .1 a'!.- -.-me ..t --
'.a; -i", , a - .;;.i.
I' I i... tbe o.-iuia Id ' n
e.inie ii lie .iipiptd I.'
si. villi of ' lose ,n cs :,
iii'in iry . - "'ii1. h i'
at o'tui, i.i t'l 'he l''i it
iissft:iti it reti ! i'.v.
Mi ei ii' " ti,,' to low r,
"In ti" ,;r l.'.'.n.
tliin lady, inip'.ired if a
term (ii.iiier, and how 1',
ncuiliers of our Society.
. uiiihmooli to satisfy her
ver, could Hive a correct
d a' wliosu house we were
1 HoiK'son's "liisloricsl
inn , alive, vi.. :
V 1 o iH'ing at ILirby
a', a ' w i et ih-ve t ;s ai;rttat Icetun. preached,
, be us i' d to in. ik s .it? coiuiiiuniea ions to the
I )'t ii le at -no tl i- . l iny Heard litiu pretty
! iii:e:lyi '. i .ri n ' so ni eiinoand l.i.ik bim
beloio , lii.-in e li;:.i.t ami r,t!:er miiristratcs of
I the in.vii. liior.'ie I ox spoko boldly ior the
! truth, t'xhnnim' tticn. to look unto Christ within
tin-in as tin. vrciit Siiii'.-tiiier, t.nd not unto num.
nnd bidoin' ihtm, iu tbe words of Holy (Scrip
ture, to tremble at tho name of the Lord. Justice
lleiiiiet nt tilis timo dorideil him nnd his feilow
belicvcrs, calling them Quakers a desigu 1'ion
whit h bus ever since been used by tho world to
distinguish us from other piolcssors of religion."
It.tii.WAV Ski i ni t r. I. appears from ottl iai
documents recently published : 1st, that with
l,'t,Miy,yj paksengcrs, on the l-'reneh
ruilwins from lS.'il to 1HV1, there Lave been IS.'ti
Kceidtnis, by which 1112 persons were injured
and o IJ killed, ftiving on an average one passen
ger ki'led out ot l,ri.w,oo., one passenger injured
onto! 4ini,.'iil, or one kiliid or wounded out of
.'li'.V.tili; J.i.tbiit of o.i.i.-ln:: passengers by coach
one vius killed, and of L't'71 by coach one
vu vvoiin ltd. Whence it follows that tho
H'ciinte on railways is iullnitely greater
than by the old method of traveling. Hut
the security of tiuieiers is much less on the
lrtiith railwsys than on those of several
in ihbuiing ci uiitrles. It is true that in Knglund
tl.e proportion ol persons injuied on railways is
greater than in Fiance (one injured out of
nil, .11.: I; but, on the other hand, ii is much less
v ith respect to persons killed (one killed out of
o.a-lfi.a'.iO). In lielgium, l'russiu, and the Grand
Iiucby of lladen the suTety of passengers is in
comparably gieater than iu France. In ilelgiuui
Ihe avernge numlser of pussenuers killed or in
jured is one killed out of 6,601,804: one Injured
out f near 2,0o0,0o0 ; or one injured or killed out
ol lill,J.l7. In rruasia we have one pasoengttr
killed out ol 21,411,466; one wounded out of
3,M!,UPK s or one killed or injured out f 3,291,073.
In tie Orand Duchy of liaden the average is one
killed out of 17,ol4,077 ; "ne injured out of
1,144,31 1 obckillrJ or Injured out of l,(i2.Zs.
i'.......iiu.,..r. WIS T. IORD
'.i... ni ii... lidiiiilnv utr.-l TI....H.-. I'. .'1
V.w Ti'tHtrv, H a-li n10:i . ml II,.' A'Ui , v r.'io
Bl.''Mni-rr JOHS 11. Wll
i .ii . ui'i. i ii k jim- Mir. n run vii'.
.'r'." il.1 1 .im
tlltjnin. .0.. is U 'IU,
'I rai r,l.ill.
Ml. F
ll. I. ' kI'.ivi
i , tt I V i n it ii r. !: T.
IX .' I'l. MI'S,
; t 1 .
nl. I'. i
,11 ,i' v
1 'II.
V 1-1 .''li IIV1I.1 I l'i I
( i :v
In ii
. '.i Sl'.. i.l ill i
i -. .! '!. I .1,
i MA-. I It I 'Kl K. Il
i ll,, I K lilt n i I. l M
uk.ij . s;
. "i OI'HH IM '
-i.i.i-..Iji i-
Al.l1"'' i.l: .
Mil I. M. .1 '
.: M .1
li u
'I ll , t ,' I !..)' in
in: i'i mi
,i i.
1, iii. 'i l -i, ,
KFl;v Ml
M I'lV
inn cm in.-
V, !
II A I'l
1 1 A
, . im its;, tv, s.
i It I. Vi s. I i HITS
ska i s '.i:ri'iti:n
si Ii , a t t'V V v !'.
I tt n: vllUILIdl
N" I rl itiiisii.e fi
ll ' ,', ..l.,.ta
l- " . t i.ri p iraimn
"i ," II,. . s n ..., I','- I'
., In, in Hit I iinrs i,f :t
ii-ii" in i. ' .in.t
'I rat-.
' if,.
h IV'. 11. all li
nr. 'il rw,i
fs. n. n i .
s.. . ill I S. Al ','Kti,l'
I'llllll' WSIlKls., I,e
M- I'Ollli 'P t" i.i'.i'rt", t'.r pitil.-wii'. th' t'utt
II a' Ms iri.-.i,.' ii nl-. WI, I. I'liK'l.l III". Till. 1 1 1 . " 1 " -Tl
I Ii in i 'I' ci i iiii r. , v t s in i- n I a t'."v "vpni'u-s. ft''
i -iii.iiM in. n: in Mr. Hittl' I. Iitnn l p ',iiw-iy 1,1
t v. rp i -1 . 'i r r. ' n 1 1 1 , it -1 1 i.-K w kii, 'it w.,1 .1 ,. "in in Al.l.
HI' IMS -II Sh ll'l' Mil V A Nil (ITIII.K YL.H 1 1
T!"Ns. a .1 1',, n il. y nt t.r i asll tc: ,n,ii liq a,'i, i.'S
III tl.r . I,"!' 01 ill eill'.t-'. IllIlt '..Til.
I'l .t. r ,i.. eii.-nin-ta" . it.- i. inri', in ' ''.ri,, an i t).'
ai: en prn.tiirt'l ft.. a wmter atfe- it Is on c tilth. Pawn,
ii t,,i ti will h- done aifr a try hrltt r.ui. ll 'l
J.V1 nit:
.IDHN DiliiW'S MiW Alv'JII KT.
TWl'V'IY l-'lH'lt lll A Nil I IT Vl,l"OI'
Mil. AMI MI'.in. HR I'.V W ll I.IA.MS
T1H1 is.ilnrdaj) l:T.NtSii, .N. veti,!., .- il .
Titr taiiii i im i.k.
l.AVV toil l-AMI'.sl, a-1,1
in ih i;i,m; i iiaii : i kk s,
sliNl.M avii invi T.s.
MllNHAV, J. H. , LAIilit:
Hi, Si.i"-! n-.u 0" n.
Hit' iHitturdsvi Nliltir.
T l. iv i f tc tt lotinv la.iirlit ae.r-'ss,
will ajipfai- In
ill Mndnmc 1 tl.'S'.a , r'uirin nip protean liri'.ian,
visa Livii.i.i: w i.siFHV,
wilt Ptit'fff sin! limn.', In ,i a, trs.
I'flSi n ssi'.i
mi 1 111: Kt.i'i'i'.vENr.
CllftU' flTt'l NS
t. II KAT M i l .;S
ukt it'f r.t!
(llthl I' KUt'l 'KM
ol I'.o ii.-lcau 1: , ..n-at snin'
I' A I VHKT'l'lt,
I'At KK I I'.,
I'll VIU1TI',,
FAI'V It l-.TTK,
lAI!V Itl-.T'I I .,
P VU 11 I . I I I, .
KL.tT h::C..,!a
R . nan . :'t Hi.' a cf
I' A Ll V K I'M' I' I :,
I'a I' v ni: r 1 1:,
PV II V I l.'l' 1 1..
I'AII V Itk l' l It,
I'Ai'VK tin;,
mt, ('Mini tiii.; siMivv
,iit, 1 111 1. tais,sv
IIII, IM1S.11 I'll K VV .
I I It: .SI IC.Mi It I..VI' I.M'.ltY
llllt M KiMKK MT W'liM'.HV
'I IIK .'I At.MI'M K I' tCUKlit
I 11SU 10M INI F.t) Al'I'I.AttSi;
fr. in th- l-'aslii-eul le unlci ' in a'li'inl. 111 '.' Inst ev, n
ilif. Ihc Nevtl Mtrtt.nilul KMf 'ta and ini it t,ps-..utl
IIII'. r'Al.l. OK Till-. AVAI.ANI ri B
TUB !' ,1.1. uV AVALAN. Ili:
was tt.i ll.f tut' 01 an.i li'r nntl Oi'tli:'i:. et,
llr Al Tll'PL I'lllil'MKS, P.KMII1KIH. rosri'Mr.S.
HEAi;rin i. roMt UMiis, itKAimri'i. cisi't'iu.s,
hl'I'KIIIS MltHU,', HI I'MIM Mi'sn:.
und die
KXitRLLCNT ('AsT 11K . II t ll Al ' 1 r.US,
all recto til ll e niitm s; c.'Ui'Utinlail.'U f'nui die a.iillcnt'f .
HO .NT Kilt .Kl.
11 in r t.ui',i;r.
liON T FHI'lii; I ,
I'A I VKKI ri:,
mis rvi. NiN.i,
hunt Foitii':r,
IIIIN'T rOKllhr,
v t, vttr.r 1 1:.
rittd F.vitstNit,
8a TS rtK"IIItf'.D
SR.1I -S M.ltl Kl U
MAIS HI'.I'I Itl.l)
SLA 1 S Ntl'I'llKII
HS.ATrt sr.l.'t'KK.:!
TiiHKF. nwn 1 v a ii a ::,
Ulan: Days in advani a.
Air. FOlin desires to laipr..,s Iho linMic with thr fr.ct
It' at Ma .irrnni:. mi nts w I ,,L i'PKl.'Lrul. Tlii; r.t:,'i: 1 ,
TIIIM tlh l'i ill. 111. A Nl', t.....i,,.l ,1 I, m Tl
f 11111.1111 nt 01' Wr. KomtKsT is luinievi posit vtir to
is em, -111111 mmim, u'iriiiir w n ti us win app.'ir ei.t'.i.
1 I.JNH. and llitti depart lor Waikintoii, whera lit app, rs
at tlit tliisf iii'tna t iiuautaititt litro.
t.ttr no clicumsi iiit'es, tlierti'ire, i ortPHAN'm
ht m ain proline, il tins wl".tnr utter tt jfle iv itnatwii.
which will ha Oone arte? a vt-ty run. ll-JJ-4t
at .i.'j r.M.,
ItY 1I1K
J'tillacelptiii, Uass.l'T.l Qulnftte Club,
i.AI Itl NKR, MttVIH, ( Hoes, I'L 4 .KM AMN
and (.CIIMl'IZ.
i'a, a .lye ,f Ti 11. set,, s.k d At all l.rr, .. . .
Ja. kuRt 01 ,'si tiiTi ta, t'ot J at all timas... ,
ur sultat tt-' rjloreof J E. Icnld.
:o Cents
lt-i'i it
TllKOLt'iU'; TII.TON, Emu.,
.11' tlllE
jrrtv yriK " iviit:pr.tiiiEt.'r,"
- M ttt'.iitj.- c Lei ti.rr nr. tt ia l.l',t t.ui
r T3 H T Hal.;
On Tl'ESDAY KVKMNli. Nov. IM),
At li it' 'tnf ' .
Tf. I.'ts III n's, Kcr Sil',c AlMartl.ti'fl lit, Istira, No,
CKi v-'htmil.! sir. f :.
I: 2- M
ItAlt hi KKijr, Ll I -VI l.s rttlXJNIl AND I'llUI i s i-ne.t'Kl'K's' rrti
Tt't fin. n;'4 ' 'H'W.l.U as. I . ll iti a l-::itii.l li,
i:. 'lew il, a ,1. HI,. l..r.i: i.l ti, ('. ti
lU'K:.Kili cir LalHLs usi'i t; lo
.ill. ..'.'.Ml'Aal t
lis- nift lint :i, nri'V.ii ol Kit wuil-i ii, e.
IT 1 K VKtltil T'
I .is t.i.,'0 l '..t inedl
A(o.n.ilit"f itr .i.u",,'. -li-,irrr,. inti
a ,1,1 11. Is II, nt I lie 'I .'ini, le "I Mill' r- is),
limit ,,"ji. ai , . i.,ca I on :n. u i: 'llt.l.'tel e
I A'lUS 'If AI.Mlti US,
is t'.'Sls,
Or, tit "t.-a v: . .it
I IIV lit Itl'tlCS, llf. I tl It.
l'ru ale Pnx-s. f ..lull)- i ii-ii: Sianli
i ii.' iinx ti"i '' v i i u. i,,. n i. mi. n t. , j .e.ica,l,r
sait nt st iuf o fei'Ult, a,,a f,e liisi.usal ot rriv.ut en ie,
At Cor. of riFTEGNIIj and 00ATC3 Gts,
Tlie wetiie- ,, :rp ila. dica wial .ng it a tiisln
III. ,111,1 l,i- e i l,.c,d 0 .lly. l ilt i,:y l-ali.i 1 l'J i ruunti
a u.ea: ii.liilnit' -p. 'a-.'a.
Ailnn-si .ti. .', ti nts. rT,iiaitn. Iti cents.
Asttiisiuiia uoiu 12 tu acjiiatiia' to aiittunt' ami time
in. ni'itii. Ii-ii,
TMs ftilmtrHi le Picture, t.'te ureatest pro,lu:tiun tf tl.e
ra, liter now on cxhlbitinu at tlto
Ku. lui.'.lTIKSSI T Slrtat,
T,-i;ttlir witti tlit tinire i.illtiti.'ii i.l tl.t 1 ii-1 i 1 u : I. n.
AillnlttlUHC, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ll-R-Sui'
1 WAI.SLl' MLLLr. AIIUVL KliiltTlt.
lunclicli, Ilia. I'tlAul.tS tVAUKEIt
t'ji'u.urly Mra. UA Jtlt'Ki.
K..icitrirn Biritlor F. II. ltOSslTiiN
II, .i.l, ll.ettUI,r.ittd HIIKI: Wiillli I AMII.I , anj tl.a
rtiiidimlrr nf tin- i. 1' ai it't 'I rntii.e, tl.Ti. will aj.penr,
L l ll.t hrst llBt.nii THIS LV'FSl M., iiid cvtrv ti ,11111,
iliiritit ll.t wi'tk, I'rnluror HI ."IC'ill.Seu.N ami Inal'KLK.
PltAIKI) TliAlMd) lull, 6 Alii, Jlfmrs. li. II.
Ill TT 1I1KK. .N ami JOHN II. MI'RItAY, wninttrtiil
i:.ili,ini.-t (nil Aer. l at, and alio Mr. WM. KLNNLHl',
a it-r iHit.iiinr virsinile rlomn.
11 win Ly awitaiii tpltiiili lantertHlmutiiti, uapursl
If li in ll,v l.iatery of tl, cireii, In Auierl, a.
AlATINr.t.8 011 WLI.StfliAY and SAI'f IttlAT AK
TKkNOiiliS. tad txtia j,wiuruiiiota uu X4IAXIi!l
I'M.a itmaio the tarns. Flr.t Tier, SO cents! Stci nd
Tl. r, 'lu teal,, I'numiekia AO tvtry tvtiiinii ; 'nO alui
yJKJ LAlnl'll ) lilt BALL.
Tl.t- alvt laiidi axe aifuaia nn tliu taaki of
Iii Vtianjio unci Crawfoie couiitit Frnnsvlvanta .
Tin y in, uuur:'nl Ity any oil. LAMiBnowin tha
Aiauiiirsalr. OKI! PKOHUCmo WKLT., now Bamplng
110 LiSritli "1 ,.;i ttr ttal. lo,uira oraadraaa
lil.OKi.K W. illlOWN,
11 i!-Jl' J',timX. lta',Ouaid Uvuaa, rUaaia.
fLTITo EXTEiCT urjoiiu
" "i.r e ti ntJi.n or IrxwnUnenta of Urtna, lrrtlaissa,
lananiBiatkin ear llraraUnn of Ui BIM4ar sr Kldaara,
'ifnixtia lAa rrotlraU Olandt, ttMU in lAa Rlndier,
f iivftif, .-ail. r rf, t ul Cf c'i, And all t)la"t,s
nf Ui4 p.a.1.1. r It i.'.iia.T,, lunl I'n luteal 0 wnlllosa.
F. f Wiakrnaaa aritins fr ia,alTS In!,rrUin. Tl.a
i nitllnlhin once alttettd with frjaiile tTcatwu runirca
tli stdof mtolttna le Hrtnilhtnanilirw lgorati lhtilnn,
nhlcb IIKLMnolJ) B EaIRACT IH'fnrj Invariably
ricat, If no trial nt Ir autimltttd 10, CnaaimUvQ or
li lamlj n a; n.tiii.
In afTclloni stnllr Wr-mauV' Is msiinaiad rr.y
1 O ar prt pirotk n, ai In (tiloroili, or Krtaotlno, In-ag
laltif t , ralnfnlncs, or (iippiaaalon of Cuitomary Evao
Datloni; tTctrnltd, or tchmoDi 8tta of tbs Cterai;
Lrnchorrhu, ai d all semplaluu Inaldcnt t ttis hi,
hUir arlalns from hatdti of AtaslDatloa, tnproileuclca,
or Ii, Die dti-lli. rr eLar( of Ufa,
TMI BOVU) uoue WAea
vi dl jauliaJJy marmlaato Irom tho ijltim Dlsiaataof
IlitU'rtnary Oraaa uiilnn Irom llabltiof Olaalpadon, ol
lode rpi, Wll' or to Aa(it m di, ndinconrmlm. s
or a.ri,irir; oouiplalttlj lapcraodlns Uioaa unslaaaanl m4
aenytrt! rtraitf Cofalta ana Aarcury, la All Oitta
JlHj locates of U Urinary OiKor, whether i1iUji. tn
'lfaW or "Cft," torn uhutevtr auH irtyinatityt
f. tUHC matttr pf km lung nat.Utng. It It pWatant In
tart and dor. "Jrtiniiatt,t tn mrtiont and mura
It iciijlhe Hint than ajiy of the reiarai(ui of Hat k r Iran.
Tbt te iitlailue from iiruktn Ooxrn or Ddu&H Cvtiittu-it.-iij
tiHT4rt lh$ titvitay tu .
Tbe it'adtr uiin b aara that, bowser tlibt may be
tbf I'iRi.ot the aUve dlaeaaot, ii it oartaln to a(Teit hit
Jwitly tfntu. X'ttlut f:vfri Hpiinn$i ami F)t-
Is connoted of Buchu CuUbi.anJ Juniper Btrrtet, is
lcto with great cars and preiared lo vacuo by II.T.
IIOIAUiOLD.PruKHltt aiid'UemJtt otlateenraart'ax
peiiuica in Itls clt of Philadelphia, and aow prctorlbad
bj tLe moatoiuiitent of Iba faculty, and bava been ad
Haftted tc titala tha United States Army, and are aUola
vary coneral we In fluto Uoepltals and aoblio H&nUary
InaUtnUoBj tkrouyhont tha laud. Uodiclnae dailrerd
to any addreti, aci4Dpamd by eapUUt diracUoaj. Ulreet
letter to
KILMBOIL Drag and Chemleal Warehonee,
Ho. 594 Broadway. New York
Or fiJtLafliOU) IfadtoU Depot.
Be. 104 . Teat stmt, Philadelphia.
Bewart af aonalarrelti, Ak fcr ULK BOLD kf, aud
take do otttor.
Offee opes frou 7 o'cleck A. If. to P. K.
aWby Prf U erf ryirkara. 14-tati M
Cr.L riTEOLLUM 0')iH'A'7. j
.'it )i ),i.)i i .
Vorlilii(r Cmillal, IKJiillilO.
; I KIT I ICS I'HIOK, W.V. -ill A RE
Tl.i-( t;Mi;ii' Unn IU )w w Intone is: f
'I I f ?.:'t ihK ng ! fit TO
i: In i Tii' ot n-.'f ii j . rci, 1
t r. mt t li-t rt'-i
On Ail'kli' ny r1 fr, itp miW )
on th" i" n 01' Ki tniin,
n 1 .t use , iti.,i!J ib
(-dt: !!.' TIMK'T V fO) HAItUCT.H 1 K 1 1.Y . Mil' ,
v t.i, h tirloivi tu ill' Cf .ii, 'any The di rrl i t',tf two 1
inure wills art' il w bchiR rr cel. ini (Hrttons will at.
ontc hr'f m-ril. 1 In- r-, -n o t'i AilOwhfi.v rivef t
an Let n I-nt;tl to lih l iiroJurtlv ; tits new well
if 1 ft i k k on tin- l.vk Fa im s i rmiiiilT , forty !) bar (
rrU t (fays aljxt the nt'W w I. n Hi; vMr s Itr. hi ii now
p-iDiplii nty ('in) DnrroJi'y, and liicrraitn, bMiloii I
tilt,- r w ci is ut' iv. i iy autl ihirij harrcl lu the im nlatv'
t)irc Iti all tho oil oi''"
ace trn the
CnOtl Tn iX, nn w) irh lfio li v t ittfd two wM!-,pr-l
lurn s I. Mill! V ltU.hl.LS I'hK 1AV. On this
:rtf nrw wt lis art- now bclr f dtlil d and near comp'e-1
or, ir in whli h the 4 ompitny will rolvetbeoNi: -fcit-mnj
nt: en. Iheiiwmli wtM k. ii wn, irom the fat that tho, .
Mit'i!m"vkil.c 1'riruli nm Comnnj " ovn tht land in
Thl Mih wrrVI k InfCTCnt Intro fnllonrlnfr rtseritefl
io: on tl tt lrljia'nl V
1 1 I IiS A N 0 1 i G 1 1 K 1 1 T I " M ,?
OnClit rnk
Id l"t So. it, on whii h lli.'ro i, s woll nofl
111 lot No. 1, "h wl-ich la blt'iiited the 1
t'llPl le,tcd
'ruiiTLi: wuiiU ;
In lot N'. i'n this lot (hi' new
ll r.-w l ' -ir it Jnll'd, anl frnm tie dct that It joint lot Kof 1
7, on li situated th
Lutely itruch If i expected tliit a Ur-c flowhn; well wil
be obtiined un thl lut.
Iu Ivt ho. H. TtaU lit ia Mtii.U d between lots 7 aud f 1
known as tiie "Ki-jrotie I.euM-B, " which haw provat
xhf insc'vcs to he the very bt-nt ut tt rntory. On this loi it
iiuatfd the
Which !f now being drl I'd dt t'n'r ai the to!s whloUha
been (attain rtn. vt d, mid irom thv lndlcuLioui a Urb
3 Icid it t-ipcctfd. i
In lot o. li), on which jrf paratluni aro being made t
8;i.a a wtll .
In )nt No. !!. This lot Ih particularly wrll tltuatad. aOi
joLnlHtr the Jut Jio. iH, on winch U Itutitcd the ncrtr Flow
Ine Weil f
II iM in li nviMliittno tin hnti irs,! hirrolti ntr ilav lh
M.lliM. ..Iilila u-i.ll I t a U ., la all, a. Ian PnniA n
M k irom f 17 tn HI pt-r il.n ). P'-t'iuritions wilt bear
once onnjni id tu (ili.k a 1 11 wn this Int. j
In lot No. ;o, wh eh it adiHiTuurously -Itaated from I ,
proximity to the Kt'V"ti nr hu-i" ana t"c Jerty W.'H. 1
In )t No. , ou wlilcti U kiiuatid the celebrated
Ji:ilHIi-V AVILil,
Row p-. cluc'nK eh. nt HAltliKI.B PKR I Y.
one of i ho la'tfst Flu inK w e in on iht' 'rfek.
In itt No. on which U ditoKKri-t- n Wkll. Th
J ArkrowUdtfed to bo one of the hoat prwJai'lrig farmt
the whole reylun, '(
Tho i.'llowinf; remarks are tukn from Cie tluano
toluiuosot the f kilutitr.phu'. rt bft, 'ot NoveuibtrlstAo',
"'the exct euietit In oil i ck ih Btul inert itnig. and tl',
Vrk' k f Dii- ol the )ir ui.l, k i mu.ii.uh have uileul
(tvatcii. W- ik tiff Uu- iM-dijid ih Mtuti'eil on the Hyt
and t-K''--l f'a'in. vhlfh it t-oi.tiiiftt-d om- of the best
On 4,'rtch, I-uvii h ri.nit nU. ceo within the last ti
i))H. 1 'hii U ow.jig to oititi i r e wttil luvitiif in'
laicly r rtit-k un thlt Hoiu itj , -.ite ilowiiiK about a tfV
tai a bairieit p r om , itiid i tr tl wInk two hutidred b
!'! i-r day. 1 ht tn hu ji Id i ti.i Mnu tnimw- hiwe
tilit i n hi iulrej axil Hm tui.iui.d iiarrtin iMrday,ai
n ine of ihe i'tniiiktiili- 1- en t d i.n (i ' wii e hha4i'
'lljctr Karin,' li'uk.' l.kiHT',' aud 'Muii-ru.,' ha
t al tht-ir iih onoi douhlt'd it i(u t(, unw wotli gnu
tluwn on ih 'arm, on tinr nl uhicli iho hnyest on crei '
tt te-iiiit. in ta.U to huw het-u iti ink. ' t
Tie hf i ntli (1-7) working inttrtst in t-Ao acres a
i if Mi ii itithtb on C'hcirj Joci, on whi;li Ii iftuatid ti
now producing itiue 310 U M.KKLS kh DAY. Tim wJ
Ik t f.v ut il e dor reliahlu, unci hts lu-cti daily iticruain.'
aud the strikiMK oi It hah proved tho tuct that Cherry Ku
jn !? 1 1 v le UH.OHK the ni)i n-:mbio a d productive Lo f r '
ell rtylon.
Thf cir.irt iand lnt r8t U twi lvc a- ret un Cherry Ru (
tl mt llui't-fuurihi oi a nnh- uixiva tho Hued Well, Th''
proi'tTiy it wll hrati'ii, bitj ml b-iruihle, ant HVI
WI,l,s are nowbt inf d ilh d nn It, TH",) ot which ail!
nt ar t'uUiph-iii'ti, ind at con1 1 ti m thfieisi-a ran ted, MV
lMihk. nfl.l.h a-u lo be tv i nn-iifi-u on thr projter1
w lililn one huiul'fd dtiyi In nt Nmiuuder 1,18..!. 'ibv
liiton t-t is txpeeted lo Intfi Uaf the yield of the Compaq
to a IriU'f amoiinu
lirt tVe iiu,le, on he try It an, above U'
t w e acri-i uwnt d by tin t'un. j t n y. j the aujoinJoi
funnt Kicrtt aciunv iio.v cm.s.1.?, iiuiTRkt bwlng erectt'
and w cilt. th iUi d. T -o id rri 'hH uro now lieltnt ertetei1
untl iMt dvvt-hipmcut ot tins proprrty will ba p.otcoatv
'li e ft:lowiiiR ix'ratcH nrc frnin an editorial of tl
Tolihc Ledger," Novt-hiber l.t, l-t;l
' One oi ti e iuot rt rjinrkmhlt) i'tu'ures rthout (be prett: ,
oil e.xciti iMi nt I thut. whim ihe l;in.or knjwoto tot-'
oil 6" r.itutily xti imin In an a. the ohit r seilled p uC
IioiiH wiuTf moht oil 1 1 an net ii or wn tut, is uwiv rwuid
In prlii'. The prit-f, 'on, ol Ihe oil It hiyher than
bt u.: flt'Vt-n o -1 arn and a halt pur barrel ut the wc llu no
1 1', iill ttn tiiKi mi crrek new rt-un utxw uot n atiuen oi t,t
prt-ater evti'itt thfn thohe bcPnre known
Ihe whole
ny lion iniiv be taid to hntc Cooio i.ito tfic m irk
btut'i' the i lit- oi ihe ear, aud it low c mtidorud tl
inoit valunidv lerritory Hnvt litre lo be louud,
tuppokid never lo mil on ll
The Cuniptiiy aro now receiving from the producing In
tcreata.rirTV-FOrit (M) UAKUKIsH Oi-' OIL D.VILV
wlilth will enable thuu to pay a handhoina and promi P
dividend on itti-aplluli alto, an Interobt In LUilUKt;
W DLLS in vurout-ttauet of coniipletlon. TWO on All1
beny rive.-, from w hich they will recitve H ALF the oil
TIIhKEon Mcl 'Unlock r arm, from which they will r
eclve ONK Kltilll II Ihe oil ; FIVK on Cherry Run. II VL
the oil; TWO on Cherry Run, ALL the otli and SIX on Cf
llvde.iid l-gbeit 1'urui.
If thete wellt titve but the usual eiicceit, the productlo i
to the Company will be increatcd to a Urgeaiuoant wUUl
tha neat ntnet dayt.
Twenty-live thousand dollars will ba retained In tl
Treutury, for the purioi of developing tho binds of tt
Cow p any.
tibbtcrlpt.orti wll! be rvcelwd to the above Compaay t
TERMS On di tlur an ubicrllilng, and on. dulUr Si
flitr seats vn U. Uta f iCvtBitir, lwl, 11 -tt- li