The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 26, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 6

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The following beautiful poem, y U'bcrl
flathrtll, n English Jei.i t, who was lwn in
"! execnted M Tyburn In l-VXt, Is, in
compactness of thonht ml felicity of cxpro
lion, rirl!y erianllcil toy ny similar proilurtlr,n
ithin our knowledge. It is porfect mc-taic
of DiAXirox, tind, with Tory sight lterr.tim,
would br cutting up into lines, every cne of
which would serve a. n apottnm :
The lopl tl fee in time nmy prow spr.'r,
Mot nuked plants renew txith fruit Bnlilowcr;
The furriest wiVit mnr fvl rel-n firm p nn -,
The driest soul suits in sumo runi-totiinij
ihnwcr ;
'Xime ((" " by turn1:; anj tli.u'.-es ch.niiro i y
Frcm foul to fuir, frt.n better V.r to woie.
The se of Vortunc doth not ever low ;
Nlie i1ts tier Mvors to tlio lnnrit eh'.i ;
Jler tides hum tr:n,il tinu-s to rnr.1" ami ro:
Her loim d-jf.h weave the tino find roiirsost .a:1. :
No joy so nr-.iti tint runneth to an cud ;
JiO tap so liRr.i but may in ttcie amend.
JJot nlwftvn full of', nor ever sorin?;
Not cridle?. nititit, nrr yet er.ini U ly ;
The sniklest birds a K -non f.nd tu ilns;
The roni-liet storm mrult.i mn' -,.in allay.
Tans, with succeeding tr-rr.-.-i, tlo-1 temperta all,
That man rriay bopo to rise, yet fear to fall.
A rhanee may win that t7 misraant'c ws lri ;
That net that holds i:o tukea little tiiti ;
In om things all, in nil ihlni;. none are rroned ;
Few all tilings need, and none hav? all tfcey
Vtr.niwKled ioya hero tc no man befall ;
iho least, iiatb im; who luoft, hare never ni!.
'")hre wire Oian'.i. In tLe aarth in -ho.f rla.s .'
Ci fit- 1 1, 4.
It Das ever been a popular belief, that, In the
artier (tcs of tho world, mankind possessed
nperior physical properties, and were of a greater
ire than in our own day ; und gtbia coilun of
diminished strength and stature seems to have
teen just as pre- alent in ancient as in modern
times; bnt all the facts and circamstancesjwliieb.
tan be adduced, tend to the conviction that the
human form has not degenerated, and that men
of the present age aro of tho same stature as at
the beginning of the world. It has been supposed
that, prior to the Deluge, men mUrlit nave lieen
of a larger form, as they are said tu ntvve lived to
a much greater age, but this U a store imsutnp.
tion, unsupported by any evidence whatever.
Of "OUnts" we read both in sacred and pro
fane history, although it is a matter of certainty
that at the very time they were cHccuied as won
ders, and far above tho ordinary proportions, in
the Old Testament, tho uppcllatiuo I in the original
Urhrew) is iiotr.'lit to reli r to violence and crime
rather than to Indicate strength ir stature. In tho
"Hook of Genesis," we are told of ''tlio union
between the wicked descendants of Cain, who
inherited the evil rimibacs of their progenitor,"
and the children of iserli, who "licpati early to
the children of iserli
call upon the name of tho Lord. These are
railed the "Sons of God," and the former the
"jjaugmers or Men," by the strong figures
in Eastern composition.
.From this fatal alliance mraug "miglitv men"
nd "men of renown ;" the.-e were also "(iiants in
these days," and the "whale earth win quickly
filled with violence." As the result of this inaui
picions union between tho descendants of Netli
and of Cain, fraud, raplnr. and all possible evils
predominated, and with this narrative of Moses
all antiqnity Bgreci. Nevertheless, It seems evi.
dent that the races of Kephaim, of Anakim, of
i'.nim, and of Zuzim were remarkable for their
comparative size; In tho same way, probably,
that particular races in our times are distinguished
from others by their superior stren;;ih aud pro
- jwtions.
Of the existence of individual gland, the par
ticalars of Ooliaih and of Og leave uo room tor
doubt; bnt such insiances may propercy bo
regarded as deviations from the ordinary standard
cf wkich there have occurred examples in all
ages. Goliath, a famous giant of Gatli, who,
"morning and evening, for forty days," deticd
the armies of Israel, wan In height six cubits and a
span, and, excluding his helmet, w hic'a was proba- 1
Dij utacn into account in Hie recorded measure
ment, he did not exceed eight feet six inches,
and, therefore, was not taller tlian some modern
giants. Iu the first book of .Samuel, we havo the
graphic record of Hie death of the gigantic 1'uilis
tme. whom the diminutive David slew "nun a
ling and with a stone."
Og, the Amoriiisb King r.f Bashan, wkwe
Country was delivered into the hands of i-iniol,
was one of the last represoniativos of tbeg-i im
race or itepnaim. Aocorumg iu oriental tradition, I
ke escaped the Deluge by wading beside the Ask !
Although his height is not recorded, wo tind that
ais iron bedstead was nine cubits lomr, by four I
wide ; but, here it must be recollected, that the
beds of the ancients were ofteu made one-third
larger than actually neccs'rary, in order to leavo i
inpressions of wonder.
Xhe oluest coiliu lu the world is that found in '
the great Pyruini I, and it is scarcely six and one
half feet Toag. From it, and from tho height of
anrollcd mmnmici, we must conclude that the
F'.sypttans, three thousand years ago, -.vere n it j
taller than the present inhabitants of the country. I
The same is evident from the buildings den gued
for the accommodation of man, as well as i
from ancient armor. Indeed, the swords wore '
fVtqaenUy much buyer than those of modern
times, and the enormous ones u&cd by the Crusa
ders, being intended lint tor ono overwiielruinn
blow, were wielded with both. Lauds, aud could
no: be recovered for deiensc. I
A reference to the works of Cuvier will show !
that the ftBsil bones of colossal quadrupeds ele-
Bbauls, mastodons, und w hales, have been ex- '
nibited.and accepted as evidence of pre-historie
giants. F.ven the learned 11 n tion partook of tuo i
popular delusion ; but the extravagance of such
fallacies has been completely exposed by the
accuracy of modern investigation, as well us
by the progress of comparative anatomy
The claidcal evidence relative to giants is !
abandant, but obviously untrustworthy. Tims
Plutarch relates that faroonun mm the grave ot
Antans opened, and finding the body full si ty ordered tho tomb to be closed;
and Htrabo makes mention of a skeleton of thj
aame dimensions, l'liny, in tlio tirat century,
repeats that an earthquake In Crete d.sclose i tlio
bones of a human being, measuring forty-six
cut He, and he adds "that oar race was d lily ba
(Himing smaller" a most alarming prospu t
if it had been true. Ancient writers who are iiee
from the influence of table aro found to a l .rd
more reasonable testimony. Homer, when
sneaking of a line niaD, gives him four cu'dti in
behvbt (seven feet) and ono In breadth ; Aris
totle's admeasurement of beds was six i' t,at
whii h Viluvius fixes tho Usual standard of in iti.
In Ihe reigu of Claudius, a gianr, n irne 1 iia.i
baras, said to be ten feet high, was br u'li'. to
Jtome from Arabia ; acd an intauco is cited by
Uoropius of a woman of equal siatui e. Seeondilla
and l usio, keepers of the garden of S ilinst, w re
each Hire and one half icet; a certain tireek
lop L,t, Froceresius, is said to have been nine
feet ; and Julius Capitolluus aibrms that the Kni
pertr Maximmn (who wore his wile's braecle:
lor a ringer-riiic ) was eight fee, and si c inches.
Ia the year IMS, Mel iguano, a town of Lom-
bardy, was the scene of a famous buttle between
Fiancis the Firs', of France, und the tswiss in the
lervlce of the Duke of Moan, winch, trom its
tibetiiiacy and the superior character of thetroopj
on both noes, is known in history i s the " 1. 1 tic
cf ihe Giants." Three ciuturies later (iu ls'.i,
If Itdrerl lo nnr ttime b . : ct irt' t Cor it',-n y. wi i ! ,
If nel a erhi: e il, du i.s an lie on. ciih in re'
aucli'iite he d .'a' peni'le in Ki'cat enure iiiU i flic If'im ui
Uan-f . tor bisucce, In-aiU-d, uh.ivi' all tlmiKH. to, v iluuu- a deVfUipoi fit nf tin cheer, to prev t .if w hi. li, n,ev
were acclsl.ireed lo .ipulv ttic- ruiv fesh of a tlslt tale-d
arwcl. An Oriental prince had an orliccrto reirnla e the
jie of hli nuhiein, who dh ted the otiwleldly onus in red it co
tlitui to a proper condition. In Northern Aire a mo.lei -tie
otealty 1 eonsiilered a beauty. &iid Tuulsme y iuil' Udi.n
are regularly Ittttcued lor innrriu-e u doJcreiit priii live
iroiu liiet or Ihe human uiatrniiN, who almost iiurved iLcir
stuuglili-l to inul.e llo-tu a Itan aa imi-lhle on n, h h ",i
eloti. Oheilli baa I'reitiuntly l.een the butt nf jocuiantv j
5Le fnltovs tnti ilin e were, nr (ainpie, lin-iTlhed on tha
(ottih oi air. llrifcht, a very eoniuiuit lalluw-cuantiar :
' Here Ilea In earth an honerit f llow,
Who died o4 at, and liv.d by tallow.''
Ta C'liiaa, corpulency Is considerM a blessinc, a mn s
Intellectual iiuahtieit beinf eatueuied in the rutio of car
s,iai bulk; and it isv.t-11 known fiat ihe preiiostirous
uti'f Ike JlnlteutotB In deerucd a rw.riectlon : atewyela
oweLwom-odheirNeiiaseiial an exhibition liilV.u. I
wuii, witu t mm mil ud rti i i'urn'iiv ituu JUUt)r.
Jtryili'r umntli'iit auting man m LinnoJu v Ji.j nl.'eiflitv.-u
IMiundr. vr bvaf daily, uml J 11 . In UKeiJ tuaiily t itrrn,
.elKliiiitf tt liiind'u'U anJ thirty pouudtf. Al two yean uf
aiti-. t tiiiKtt kubiM-iiueiitiy afa.terof t.uaaiu Arauiuv.
rt:i(iiifid iwu itur.i-M to minim In audoutul U-d ; at itreUa
yars ol ai-e n mtalru'it hi. iiri-au-.t ni'lirl.r,tl;iet litinilriitt
uWlxly-riiurpounil. lnl7M, dint Jural. rc-U, nil.. sf ;
ait Lody wai live yariU in ulraitiut't ruc and walhed lh
fitiuuntd and aiitr ni'Ui d., ! iuiri'ig aixteua na n to .irr
in. to 1,1, rar. fnl77'..a Mr riptsiner, of Bk.Itlniau,
aVl , . aafJitd and Haly-nine pnuoda and ram
tdliiurfriiiil.rMU,,,,. ll.e tli.iuida.-a. OruM,
aw'tnT., auu'jniin wbM Duia irnli iW In.
vai m. i.. . an fal hit buk.'l.r rruaealad Mm la
Mvli v.l Y'fi 'm o0"1" ''ia tuit from turn, and tlm
tliair ..,k. rryS-i. uo to bc of ana tuw.l.oar
ar i Um uuu V, .ndua w iu iiaotnfi.rially iiuut
lilr ui.- u,"a fa" Bun iiie'-walaliM
lied in lwi, -"lrl, of I.i.Mtr.lilre, o
.! bed sas li...i.". 1 " -itn Inclio in height ....I
ura. an iifii.i.M. Vuafiv- iiiaa (lound..
ody, Uii atiiinit unit, "'"an. nfiir-iwo; k,a
poiinitt. Janiu Maiifu,ld aia iM1""1 aa htnidid
Wtl aira.-tw., Ilia W(i,.;l,fv'Uu"l.lnl',i atth.
MfMilT-tiii pound., natural pi,,'i ,i',ur '""tdrrd nnd
and Void araar, riat uaan ian..i,d fjl!?
m .w yur,.0, ((M,, W,ii..Vi t,"i!'1.,.n''
fonrdays nftc r the battle of Menta). another
victory was pained by the French at tho H'.oie
piiic, whi r, the Austrian" were completely r mtcd. discourses of the skeleton of ihe g ant
(o mir.utoly d sent ed by Hoei-accio) fonnd In tlio
tourtc cnth century, in a c ivo near Traianl, in
Sicil y j it was reported to lie three hniulrej feet
In length, and a tingle tooth was said to havo
weighed one hundri'd ounces; but when ho
"isitd the piiico he was li mn t!.n rem him of it
mastodon. The, same learned writer hn given a
comparative va c of live reputrd giants, in which
Coliath sc irci ly overtoils itie .ink.c of the satlo-
1 ton at Tmpani.
r-Minn KIWT tnc 'Tsoverv ot .vucrica, moim-s h
cij-'antie no es in the New Vi oi Id wero not uiieo.n-
inoii, and the l augoiiiam were said by I'.yr on
and tho early r.itvigators to ba on r tune feet in
beicht , Imt tc.oro pmviiI and iuor roli ib e voya-tei-s
a-sme r. th ' the vern;n stitnre of the a
Southern f ivngi s av ruif.SH ulioii' live feet and
eleven inches. In the year 17I-, I r. M itlier, in
the " I'lnl--sophli nl Trurisar dons," announce I the
dieovcry of enormous hones and teeth, which
bad bi-cn f und in tin) Slate of New York, und
wliii h he, runardc 1 as evidence oi the cvHteneo
ol ginr.ts ; hut ttese remains were also found to
he those 'f a mastodon, lluinlnildt. savs, the
Oiiai'iiidsis, in Ken tth.r, tnc.isiin d six an I one-
bit 't uct: am', that the I' wi to C'i'iiilly
tall , while the Cambbecs of Cunt ana, in Vcne
ti'l.i, wcic the most g jjuilie people he had seen
ill Ihc New World.
There t; no tixed law by which the burn in
nn'nre cen invaiiiibty be de-rinined; tliough
tin re is uu average stniulard from w hich tin'
deviations, citiicr way, are not very consider
able. Cnr race varies mtn'Ii in height rr.m
tour and one hall lect t a little over six feel ;
but mt ii and women arc occasionally met with
of a r inch greater stature. At the present time
'the renowned 1'. T. I;aruum has on ehilniioii a
giant and giantess ; the former is repre-ente I as
n.essuriog eight feet, and "Miss Anna Swan" as
"eirht lect and over"! ? 'I nking away the dis-ps-ilii
n to deal in the marvellous, wc may s I'ely
a-sert that no human being bus ever eiste 1 ol a
greater height than ten teet. if even that. Of
authintic iuslancis of ficrsons who in mo. leu
times have much exceeded the ordinary si.e, a
lew may ho hero recorded :
John Middleton. of Hale, In Lancashire, born
In l 'i7N, was nine feet three inches in heigh' ; bis
hand, from the carpus to the end of the tnidd'o
linger, was seventeen inches, bis palm eight and
one-hall inches. A blacksmith, named l'aisons,
who subsequently became orU r at the Court of
Charles the Second, was sevn feot two inches ;
"having strength equal to his height, valor to his
I strength, and temper to his valor." Ono of
Frederick the Great s grenadiers, a Swede, mea
sured eight and one-half feet, and a yeoin in of
I the Duko of ltrunswick was of the same stature :
here it Is worthy of mention that the inhabitants
of l'otsdam, who aro descended tioni the regi
ment of l'russian grenadiers, are still rctnarkablo
for exceeding tho average heigh', which, says
i ror-tcr, "is more especially striking in tlio nu-
nieious gigantic tigarcs of women."
I Hernbard Gill, who wai exhibited in France,
! In 17iil, and whose height was stated to be ten
feet, was certainly more than eight, fscvoral
l Irndimmot great height have been exhibited
among others w as rati ick Colter, horn in 17lil
I he was eight feet seven inches in stature, his
hand, from tho commencement of tho pa'm to
the extremity of the middle linger was twelve
Inches, and his shoe was seventeen Inches. Ho
I died iu lsilli. In tho Museum of the London
i College of Surgeons is tho skeleton of another
Iri-huiun, liiimtd Charles lijrne(who, however,
went by the name oi'O'lirien ). He died in 17S.I,
nt the age of twenty-two years, und measured
eight feet four inches. "I!ig S un," porter to the
j rince oi vtnies, at i anion muse, was nearly
eight feet, and performed, as a fginiit, in the
Jitimanre of ( 'imon. at the Opera House, in Lon
don, in lN'M. The last on our list, Miles I) irden,
ol Tennessee, boi n iu 17'.is. was seven and one-
half feet In height, and, .just prior to his du ith,
in mu, ne wcigneu, according to "Applcton a
tyciopiLUiu, over one tnoiisatia pounds!
Ilnpld devcliipment of the system Invariably
brings on premature old ago. In the current
number of a London magazine a case is recorded
of a girl who cut four teeth at the end of the first
two weeks, walked about and had hair reaching
to the middle of her back atier the seventh month;
uuwuvrr, buu intui in a siaie oi cxuuusuou in ner
twelfth year, rrecocioug mental attainm n's are
frequently as destructive of life as a rapid growth ;
the wonderful liurattcr. at the age of four. sDoke
! and read Latin, French, and (Jcrman; was an
excellent Greek scholar nt six, and, wheu ten
years of age, translated the Iiible from tho origi
al Hebrew ; at nineteen ho also died of exhaus
tion. We know little of tho cause which occa
sions the excessive development on which tho
production of giants depends; however, the re
nowned llikop Berkeley, who died in 17 13,
attempted, w ua considerable success, to manu
facture a giant; he took a poor orphan, named
Magrath (also of Irl-h birth), and reared him on
ecrialn hygienic principles, which were no far
saccekful that at the ngo ofsixfen, ho was seven
feel, and that at the time of his death (whijb
occurred with all the symptoms of scnili'y, at
the age of tweutyi, he was seven feet eight
incltam Ib stutore; his skeleton is preserved in
the Anatomic! Moum of Trinity College,
We may hero conclude, in the words of another,
that "tke ordinary ize of man is particularly well
adapted to his wauls aid nses; and we gone
rally tind that those individuals who deviate
greatly from tin ordinary standard are noither
well proportioned nor healthy, the heads of
giants being generally too small, and o! dwarfs
too latge." Hume Juunuil.
Whla and NICra in K ttzerlautl.
Trom the London Society ll i(o;iui wo extract
the following bit of Swiss gossip :
"Whilo hunting ufter scenes and sites, it will
be wise to take warning try tba fatal accidents
which occur amidst the A'ps almost every sum
mer. Switzerland occupies a certain small space
on the map of Knrope; bnt, praetieally, Switzer
land is duplicate. There arc two Swit.erlsnds,
the upper and the lower, the accessible and the
hard of access ; Switzerland on earth and Switzer
land in the clouds. The one may he agreeably
jonrncyed through by ladies, elderly folk, and
quiet people in general ; thu other N tho haunt of
chamois-hunters and members of the Alpine
Club Still thero is an attractive mid-region
, (allowing a rear approach to and a closer view of
I loroiucicn spots anil unattainable wondem) wh
n,y be, visited without imprudence by p. rsons
who will relinquish perilous aseen's and passages
which, even it accomplished, lead lo no useful
result, eniier practical or seient'Oi
add to the tourist's capital of brag.
, but iiieruly
"V cry good indications to thee wilder ami yet
not um ua.aruous scenes are given in lie. 'ker a
excel ent manual. Thev art well wor-h seeing,
ioi oi er i ii ion tans io give any aiieqinr.e concep
tion of tho etl'ect of grand liiountain scenery
" line gating at it you experience a eo nbinallon
ol eentual grant! nation to the eve and intePee'u al
excitement to tne mind, which can ro more, bo
described In words than certain tastes or ceiti: In
bodily i-eations. Tlie rocky wilrler.icss is often
rendered coiniortablo by the wooden hotels, which
are uu uiu increase. s,om0 o; tat., -lre ny n0
means small ; thty are not hou-es, but t'lreir
decker arks, built tu remain on drv land i isna I
of Homim:. I I. ey are ships w hich a-c nut prisons,
anu v. hen there is no chance of b.-iiiK drowned.
Ihe rooms aro cubins, nep irated from the other
cnhiifV by wooden par'iiiom ; the celling ure
(lijphr it'iiis of wood. 'I bough you do not he ir
the si a waves splash, voa may open lisvjn to
the waters ru hing, and the waters roariig in
Ihe rigsint.' aloft, i. e , in the broad expi-iso of
roof, weatliercocks, and spvias. Tbo-e arks,
too, are ballasted, iko other vessels. i'b rh,
! diilereii.e that ihe load oi nti.ues ! placed alofr,
niniciiu oi in me uuill, WllllOUl I Mr OI niakllll!
Ihe ship capsi.e.
Amongst the Alps there is nothivg likj nod;
everyihn g tc''eptte,i-ketiles and t'rying-pais ) is
supposed c.ipable of made of wood. Woo len
homes, with wooden wall.-, and wooden roofs,
shelter men vo eat with v.ooden spoons anj
forks, and whos virtue are rec irde I on wooden
gruvimoties. A i-k dandy will even shov Ins
patriotism by fcring wooden butior.s on his
Sunday clothes, when the carriage road ceases
In the Alps, there are tw o safe ways of tr ivelini?
further on foot.tiudin chairs carried byrelivsof
men. The latter is expensive, and will h.,rdl'y be
employ t d for long distances'. Saddle lior-es and
mules are to be had in plenty. Thev will fu n
carry you well ai.d safely, but will occasionally
fail jouatthe most ci ilicul poiut, especially if
you aro not used to their ways and weaknesses,
when the stream of touri-ts is at its fullest rush
ahorse which has penormed a fair journey in
harness, and has been so employed for weeks,
with no rest but rainy days, will be taken out of
a carriuge, tit-eu v, mi u saddle, and forthwith
..I.,,.,,! ... Vrt ...-i..., ui, , - .v.....,.m
I""sd lit jour service. hut cau yon expect
' mhvu a uim
TLe ttnlinics culled irom tlie British flrx-is-trnr-Gtiicral'a
report irire sumo ( iri- us di'tuils as
to the aires at wbicli men arc most likely to niarrj
ard women to be married. Af'rrra woman pastes
twenty, her pros)Cct of irettin a husband tn'gins
to fmle. "lakliifr tKe years lUC). ltwiO, 18C1, wo
Iind tliHt 7b girls were married at 15 years of afta,
lmt no millet. At 10, seventeen youths er.tered
tbettatoaf jnatnmony and 0'i7 irirli. For both
exes, M seems the most favored atre for marriunv.
lu lobl the numbers of each sex then married
were 4S,45 men aud 0,C40 women. At V this
proportion was reversed, tha cumbers beini?
2i,473 men U 21,C7J women ; and at .'iO the dir.
ferene waa aWI mora uiarked, for while 10.GJ1
men married at lhat age, only 7,tvW women found
hutbnmlt. The siaitia having once ohtalned the
preponderance, mammm it to the last At 70, tu
bud Jl'j men marryintr, and only 21 woman; iiO
men and thru; wvmeo at 15 : and S men at ax)
to 2 worutB,"
A citizm of Ilirmitigham has In his posses-ion
the largest copper idol ever brought to Kn tland,
and one of the modern womb rs of the world.
I'nder a shed In his roaeh-yard is no less a per-
nftgc than the rd Hud ilia, mcasaring ovsr
seven feet in length, and one of tho m ist mar
vellous pieces of copper casting ever lound 1) re :
from one id the lower ri omsol his temple, where
he had been hidden awy mmi two thousand
years ao, his go Ishin has been brought to llir
mnighani, and will be presented to the to vn by
mi present owner
l-.xtcnsi 'e series of roal deposits, heretofore
nnkt.own to F.uropcntis, have l ei n i ' cently lound
in KtiliBlmnkan, in l lima. The Cnincvo work
these mins, nnd Niie,-(a l in cstraeting considera
ble quantities of the mimral, ultliough the means
einiiloied by lliem are of a very clumsy and
primitive character. The largeit Khnlt me isan a
otilv tbnr and a Im f f ct liii;ii by live livt wi le;
il Is rnsid with widow sin ks in a secure ins.nner,
and the ro Is pn-tl '-nlnrly well guarded. The
t ut loin i lined v. i h the ,nie, to form a ladder,
tip and down which the miners travel in their
dully hibor. This sh an is nbout one hundred and
fitly feel dc p, and the ladder down to the dig
ging is nearly i s bun Ircd leet long. The coal is
secinrd on .nni I wooden sc lees, a. id drawn ( is
the miner crawls slowly along the narrow nnd
allppiry step i by a snap passing over hia loru
liend. The coal is liaid and linn.
I n her rcci nt book on Italy, Fram es Power
Cobbe snys that the Italians appear qui'o r"e,ird
IcsH of religions impressions. "A sort of Chi
nese imlitt'-ri ntlsiii n rva lea tho nation. 'Wo
have i nnn'h to do,' they seem to feel, 'with the
atlalrs of this world with politics, and railways,
and the opera. Why trouble our heads nbout
heaven, and hell, and purgatory ? They nre
finer s which belong to tlio priests, if they h an
any existence at nil, which is a question we can
tint spare time to consider.' 1 ho bitterest ene
mies of the l'apacy do bnt condemn il on secular
grounds, the political tyranny il inlliots on its
subjects, and the corruption of Its jurisprudence ;
and, above all, Its opposition to tho wishes of tho
Italian nation to make Homo The
l'opeand Ids priests are hated only because, by
their political action, they thwart tho progress of
the country."
Tlio Anhbishopof Canterbury has given in
an F.piscopal charce his Ulcus oi Inspiration. Iu
his opinion the theory of complete tvrAiil in
spiration of Scriptuie is not necessary to the posi
tion of tho Church that tho Hihle is "God's
Word written." All thnt Is necessary to main
tain is the absolute nnd universal authority of
every porliou or scripture, as written under the
Divine guidance, which preserved the writer from
error. We must be prepared, he snys, to admit a
human clement in the Iiible ; for God did "not
divest each individual ol the peculiarities of tem
perament und talent." "There Is a wide diiler
ence between the authority which teaches tho
very heart of an inspired w riter, nnd the absolute
dictation of every word by tlio Holy Spirit." As
to the oppositions of science and Scripture, there
Is no cause for alarm. Scrip'urc did not profess
to teach science, but only to make men "wise
unto talvaliou." It might incldontully touch on
subjects bearing on physical science, but it never
Introduced them "with a view to ntliiiulng scieu
titic truths."
The London Afn-mrum, in view of n recent
accident to nn actress whoso dress caught on tiro
from the footlights, makes these pcrtiueut obser
vations :
"Will anyone stato what nre the advantages of
Illuminating the stugo in the modern manner,
from hi low, that is, so as to bring the intensity of
the light, with full power, between tho spectator's
eyes and the objects at which ho looks to cast
the shadows of every object in a manner which
is not only tho reverse of that which na'urc
chooses, but actually contrary to the way in which
the scene-painters rcprescntthcirell'ects f Nothing
is more absurd than this error; we see the painted
shadows cast in the opposite direction to that of tho
actual ones, nnd this in scenes where illusion is the
mainohject. Und nature intendcu the human face
to be illuminated from below, she would have
shaped it so ns to produce something quite dif
ferent from the ngly mask like look which,
results from tho modern system of theatrical
lighting, lly this curious device the features of a
performer are put out of proportion with each
other, the eyes are set in shaded cavities, the noso
proiccls the wiong way, the uiipcr lip is illumi
nated, instead of having its thickness shaded, the
cv cballs cannot but glare und glitter unnaturally.
the chin loses its expressiveness, nnd tho light
and sbndo of the countenance is broken up.
Lights arranged in tho sides of nnd above the
stage would not be liable to these objections ;
they would nid, instead of (as now) impeding
the ventilation of tticntrcs, and would insure
audiences against seeing performers burnt alive
before their eyes."
INfeUlliJ OUll
A ?I E It I C A N ,
S. E. Corner Walnut and Fourth St routs.
It Is a HOME nr fl!n dlvii'til .lnauallv.
tlaik auli'ik- the untitled tu t av lu'.ure nrtuiiuu.s. i.Mt
liividii.U Oe per cmt.
Altrilfr Wiiiiuim
llorc Jaxes PollO'-k
Alt rrt C ll'il'tru,
haauel T. lloctni',
to nrt' Nei:nt.
.1. lU'.ir Tliemi- n,
Hon. J ales n,
lUiTy K. ItMiiruat,
rnllip II. Mingle,
John Alkmtn.
Isaic lluLeliurit.
W J. Uuward,
eamiua suu.
ALFXlMiflt waiM.niW, rresldint.
HA M I 1.1. woliK, ice I' liril.
JOIIH S, WIi.HoN, Hd' V ami lilsasurer.
AWTAI. tlt: ,'1XI
Wil l )A VI IV. ALLEN,
Ba. 404 MAhMJT BTEEtr.
lnf-urai. rl rriicil in this Oimimnv ai:al',''t
Ac'CllitHiS Ot UtiCi;iC 1 ION.
Yarlv l'cllvilua will issiieit tor a Prcmli.m of
I i Vi. I ULI.AI'.H.
VranUng insurant tn thf jhh.m.hi el'
r 1 V r. i tiui A. iiei.i.ftM,
rralnst ac Idemm Ica ul lite wmle lr.t:u:i! t.y any v .ib-
lie ci.n v luuc.
Ti;N li()l.I.l(S I-llSVIll'V
rcitires a p!t fir I nn ' li ni-m,,! buiuri, an a'sn
1 wiailv tlvi Hi ll.i's ((er Karl Kiinijeiin'.ion e r i-erMinai
In; o r v in a,'.iciuunt LUe ai-biirtU irou Ins cruiri.iry
TWKNTV-KIVt: ' H.t.Alt-t I'ltr.MH'M
irriirm .1 ; :ll l'n ie r.r sn. .m l f .'.', in . wt- mai en
s.niou ir all and i vcrr Ct icriiaiua .a a; I'leTC, tra.-'ln
ur niiii is i
'tl-n . an tin
hi. I Ur ,i fit trvti n. in- au oilier sum i
til win rutn'iu nif mils,
JAMl'.S M. Tl'VM)X ' 'S -Itnt.
HOUNi.Y HKSN'H, Sivr: .,').
1IKNUY A. vim. ri Aji:l.
I'MII.ADKI.I'MM Ii4,lil) OF Uli:iM, r.
T. Itn-1,1 rt s-.-rr, Pi.:fcUI. in KuiTriso ln-itir...ub Cm:
imnv, t'liaiimii.
U. M' I l..ik'-r. iir.n ( f f r.ii'l't-s 1. iVrr.
U W. Iialdw In. irni t M W Hl" Wi,.cV o.
) intif) (. -,fliii, I rui oi ( dii u A it.'iit'i
II. B. niiivL' vt, t 'u t- . r I'! i ml. ; iiMi ( i.iK.
li"U W i I i r . M .r -r ' '' v 1' .!n u ii i
Win.ll Vcrrlrk. fltm 1 V-rrt k - h.m.
J"i h Tut ermn rrt"-m m Wf-( rjt Mnik.
JrWmfc ri)i-;'k, ii f. U.I .' .UWA yirAlt',
TiiOlllJt I .iMiT. Me l'I Btl!.
i- ra If Hi,in. tlrin Mi' rt lir-f h,-r.
J 0)i 11 1) 'I 'or tlrni I n ..'r. i;iii -ft v ' ,
J. 1 M.r 'i l.uinttoi, frtjhK.rtit i eunttylv. U 't.-titi
Ci.iiii irv.
Jiitift) f.t, Vri t-iilni t I.IU ami Rx:'t H;r---ii
Al l I ...'A'UONS
w i i.i.i w. t i r.v.
SiOO.fMhO Sliitrm-rnr Vulnc, ST.
Prr-id-iit-sJOHN 11. ANDKHSrtX.
Uirectorai, j
Thomas A. Rtott,
.'. it. Knc-ats,
Wllliiitn 8. fratman,
Boli. rt I'. Klin,
J.J.n M. Kll. y,
Liiftlet lit allvtr,
Jaini R. Mvet, :
T.O.-M.Ihiwell, llarrl.ljuri.
Ji.linW. Hall, to
Ju)u tirat'jr, do
W. W. Willo,tnraii'.
HiHlami). Siiulu, Ool'jf.ul.i. '
a'atrstaiy and Trtoiuror. I
BOOH ti: 5.
Authenticated pfctmeua bava bcii procitrad tVjm inma !
ot Uia Company iodei, and l av bean nuaayod bylro
fciaora Bovtb anddanett wltlithcHiuatifraUtyiBgmulti.
BubtwrlfUon lifila ax now cpn at the OrU ui Uio Oom
pany. and at Ui Trc4amrr'a tmc (Iutrntil tUvanua),
Ho. 417 CIUSBXPT Hu-Mt, JTartuw ' And Meobauic liauk
bulklltag. To owllnaJ lubawtUr har tor a
lkultW niMubr of aoArt.
ClrcBlara.fiaiiiriAieti, or l&JbraaaUa) on b obta'ued at
ti vu.a r Ui tonipaJJ.Afux tu 17 th UC U U Jtm
A nnn llifT Plltl.
Capital $200,00. zom lm Jl0 Pjk?
r.Tsvs MOiWF. Hi (,n "sTF.VrSHO"!
Mil II VM. i, , 1 1: os. J uv ii in,
I . PL M Mjuink, J" , ,Mtrs (I. t Alitllt v,
ItT' MAH .. l.A NOAflrErt.
si:r nt TAliY.
'I I .!i Cn".tny !k f. iirdi J m,m a sutntro:' al an-l Vir rl
!iifc. n.i.n.Ms lt,i. una i. rli r ,i. ..n r iiel'u-iii'nt-rnl
Hi'. r In' "ft. rliy 'nr Inv.B'tc.ent nnr-itlur ir
Imt re fuel )Mt'-. s ,,.- rllilleTH Aro re.w btllK r.riiia,
rvt ii 'nrif ( utli-in ti c mo. k 11 rtlrtta t.kk I ii.u Mins
l lh
I ,1'lr
Mil O
li i 1, ri v ti av 1 1' i Ksrinrica, nnu ail apnn i : n iti
I .il u.e'wt .! tlif fvu.fai.r. So. 1)1 4. .is-. J H 1
wntt'lTn r-f si'.HAi. Ali sT.
CI TICK, o. W Vi'ALNVT ts'TIU.1.1',
("KCON't) llotll;.
WILLIAM i sciii;i,i
1 lTOctell" Mi -rr','ry snd Trrn-urrr.
Ct pitnl, rl ,COO,000. blinr... , 100.000.
rAit, i 'n.
HVBSCUIPTTON PIUCK pfttil .n Ail! t2 :-Oror fi;,r?.
ri ksidi M-JAMKS M.iTTfKKO. aim ami Ti:i.a"! Ui n-WII.LIAftt IM1K C.
I I M 7 1 U",
.1AMF Mrri'TCri ON, II. ,T.
lit t.ll 1 KA IO. i (KMtt;K M- UDEN,
VILLIAAl lti.H K. N. II flriAllA'i,
1IFM1T C Iinnil.ll.
Tho Mrti'V Hfvk ol V.e m ti v !i inw t ft' t
No. 'J4t N. I RUN I Hir-M-t.
Hnlti'ril)4r. rip n) enierli't t! ( Ir'ps, will t. r 'ntJrp'l
f ay ifv j'i r cfut. f t 'i lr i,l'.i npt inv. tttn hn R'i o li
li ty itu wht- D it uTtli.c.u uf tlovK will be r.nly icr
I he 'und of tlio Company Jiflvo brrn HrltTtM with ih i M arr lv itrtm il Cic m-iht rxiirrtcn'-i'il oil tuon mul
ticcli'i.iti oi tho counlry, tu:1 ''nlnt ot Kf rf . A-'out
two 't' fi of lr,l on li-TM: Nflck, upon whh ft thry have
one v t il, hi v liit h tlii'vliAve mst trntk -il. Tt n wWl,
In (tu oiitt(iii if our Hiipirnitcmlent, nn wni n nit rx(j
r'f nt i d in. nwlio tuive m en It.wHI n lr. o yie'timg
w i . n tt flow oil tm'W nt tntrrvAiit twenty tvt abnvn
tltcwril, Hiidvlll lfll tn the t'oinpAiiy h ituire nt !'tint
flay linrreU p'-r tiny, tmilltl.-i t. It is I.'Ihvp t, to pnv a
liAiidM'trn lh idfriiJ on thf wi1 ). r.ipl'at are in w
awniiiiifc' tiic Ainval oi' nvLCii'iat? niu tiitti-ry to woik lUc
Hri nnd f a irft t of one hnu'lrtd acn o owned in Ac by
tlio omj'Hn.v.
I liinl lh a trft' t of I'' 0 acroi. -.n a (wonty yr( loans,
mih oof lo one.eij:Mt!i of the oil an n r.iyly. hotM ot ' fn
aro miMnrpntt.'it iin oil ttrrltory. itnl In- nt rlmn 1-ri.xiniity
to th fforso Ni-ok and liWNnn hun territory, aul f tt.v
lamiR or tin- Mull 'rei It t'-'n i) mv 'Hie work m lnUi of
tiit m- l jir"t i ui "I with in'r, iind on trifl No tl wo
atrm k n h ;t y luhrli ntine o:1 ut u th ( ,.n ftcr.
t or uioro lull In iorn.ii 1 1'. n iff, at
i.hms. m- cr ic.ii:os af r. h i TVS',
U.QiV'w Sn. ?4i N. t- I'' S I' Strof.
OAI'ITAIj oo,ni)).
lOO.OOO Hharcfl-S3 Tar Value.
Tlie fi llowliiK extTRrtfd from t!.c M.i'.ailfi.ttna "In
ritiirrr" uf Sfi.temiKT 17, 14, prior to ;fcc orgaiiiiati.-n of
"On almost ail the itrorimi In (lron Conitytho I.n;ds
liave already tn en Ieacd with a fcwtn t xptotatiom for
coal ull; and on m, particularly, the Uimkard k, tho
vclojmu ii t a have hem of thv most encounikim; chir.u:t'r.
Thaedltirof thu WiiyneabuTK (Pi ) 'Atoionu-or,' in re
fi rrliiK to tha pubjt -t, nfttr a rariful por'.on.'.l inspretit-n
ol Uic region and the gi cratioiii that aire uow ink ji pUcu
tln-ro, sayi :
'We lire honestly of opinion that when rap Ha and n
tfrprlie ihtnll have cevt loped the hm-lii aluiift tlio crc i,
that locality will be found to comparo, in Via e.t nt ofUs
Otl production, whi the Vt-naitKO diatrict, w.ale In the
purity, pravlty, and value of the Oil, It la acknowledged to
he lnd tluiti'ly f.uporl"r. Our convictions on t'iW itibiert
aie based upon actual Know ledi'e and observation of butt)
rtKlt'OO And of the t'eoIoKicul fornm! lont and fturf.ue iudl
eaUona. We arc futiMed ti learn that we arc net iXue
in these favordhle imprcHsionb aud a'tciirlc.
" 'Hcfcntlilc nun and experienced nnd practice Oil dpc
ratrra cciitur in them, and aro Investing f ri.eir
own nuftiit.and din:ctiiiK the au. ntu.a of LApitaiNti to
thrpromWIcg character of the lJunaard ootintry. Already
several lare cotupanies have ht tn organized in I'lua'jdrn
and the lC8t, which will aonn commence operationH on an
extcniivc scale. In the meantime, Individual i ucrs,'y aid
local enterprise are doliiK mucli to develop ilmt Uvoifd
Ueality, hew dorrli-lis iprlnK up every few dayt, and :ho
p-Ok.tia of alnMnK wells p-.e im in uia.'.y iDiiuii'Xi witUuut
Interrupt ton, nlKht or day.'
Uooks open for -sale of STOCK r.t the CouutmfcE
lioubc of
A. H, rRAT:CIF.CUf3 & oo
So. 61.J M.VKKKT Stiov;t.
A. ii. Ki:AStirt ;'.s,
WILLIAM n. HiOD. See. ihU 1'H 1'ret dent.
We are prepared to I'nruNh Kew C )ri- ration vith all
the hooka they rc'j;.iro, at nl.ort ni ;it c v.u ' -.v j riki., of
hr.t ual ty. Ail style-, ot liindiiiK.
si rn-i'iiA i- t-;un-i'Ar!:s cr n vk.
LIl)iirl:Ai'lli !i d ,
Oltlih Krt iy I it ANGFFJt.
HTiK'K LK4'ii II.
Ki niHi r.i; thy caimtaI. s rm K.
HltoKKItH l'l-.rTV I K.uil;H.
Ai'MH' 1' Or' -AL,8.
J'iVil):M UU'JK.
V.O A CO.,
Ulan Hook Man.ifar ;.. erK and Hiatinimre
ll-"-tl .No. 4..i' c'tlEKSOTM-.r.ijt
'OAL AT COST fr7-ro Vhll TOM. TjIK
V - ontniine'i.' M-it'.al Ca "titn any. Iu T.'Oa.ed
iir.dir u.e lini r;n V :i.iif Law ot the Htato a" ii..i
n i v an I a , Oc t o 1 1 . r,i Hf. I .
Prefldent, JAVI'S LYNo,
Of!.!-, Nn, :,fi H MIX Ml H p ft.
Tbc Corniinny h atilT r. clv ltik' iiih'--rip,loni to it m wa
atl(r per hii.ifv, uint Niipp'yiiiiz itl itockho iIitn with tt.o
Ofbt i"HlU) ot Wliitt- sii bt'hnki.l (.oitl al t- ' )) r io i.
l:i r. jaul in Hip nt'-
i t t.u-:-,li'e , and 1 t ' i.T.yra'..
, i.iny, r' ft"i nc1 can be ru 'o ":.-ir
I.I.I. I". It. K.i) ,and, m tn tn tm
lit' (.tpa.'.t.y ui the uin in-1 tl
:lir.- i nlt rprii,ef the hH ) in,' Ii-'.ut
'.NhA'vS. Kin , l!o. lihh- Cut K-
f the t'itv of i'hi.adeloi.iu. 1m oi.t,-
ll,Ul 1IIM.C . li.V. ' G
. iin-il. IA ll W. 1
iua lt i hie i'.i.u,
I i ! il, 1 f - in . ..i .in
ir'.m fi'i Vi l.A
t-in. r ai.d Mi.iiijo' I o
Pun Mil I i hi a, tnuf r l'I, Vi 4
'tefid. iu 'oiiMi Miituatt "til o hear
! )' Mi I
1 " at ii r j
. a ilo
i-ih il. .il i.tir r.' - tlie ri:hu n MVIy v i i;.
'.lnp.i:i at .Mi,,i- II I. oil Z.n'h li y Ituu, I Ukf
:i Miiiicil ,n I v;i i . ni) r a-- ii why. u ith pro,
Hr II 4
-. ) -u
)l Ul(l
t lit
t1 V i
. ' I . Al i
i,c i ' I' 'i w 111 '),' ; I H .hie to
'.iuei uttve t tr t:ui k;.il'If .'M.ii'i Vein, a & jrnt-d ov y.u
i II. ili , e.i .. t the w i'f ',',,
mi' iil -illi(.ti p'un . T' s i i. is
iu U.i r.v, ana voli Uu uo m w
1 lt:
l.rvr L
U -n I.
i in-
k ,;.ai.
h a !
"Tl, and Viff n' W Hlnpo
In l .n i y ni oe
y e i i! to u ir an.u i-
t - i M ) fd 1 o. :
Liir.i! i ns it .i .
Kfti, w.iin.ui in
'i .in 'ia lori'.i en, r ui lilicui'lu
Us,ul tit-is j'tr tiiiim.ii w.ili ytmr
r . i..lii n (, w!i c i :s , (
.l.mi "r kr. it ,'vi'i'i.ii in- lu rLi, o
..,.'.',. Vi'.ll.',; I',:. ,,
II.AMI KSKH4.rii Ki'.li:"..
iitir ii'.ilt. ns. slcicrl i:-, i A lj t.e
ifri.' Uliotl . I lUo cn:c'i L.t- b) l-.e
In- ir -Qir : 'I he frui t r u.'v. i frn;ii
.il I 'i al ( ni i..iiy, oil n! v siili-,-i-.iini
.alal..'liu:, I f fj.t- s , i ,i,ti
ii it'ur. . i.'isits w lift; i,,M' L.u i . j
-1 I Ii? Il .' in i. ir hi'.' ..-il I: r ' . 'i.i
or nino il.i s. , v f i-. 1 1 v v.i.:r,
WIl.suS j t-; i.i.1.,
JiO. l.'J Ji. s,i Li I Mri-.t.
.( I i
iio'i'lur ?, is. I
1 1 . in i.i in Oei.Aer JO,
1 i.'Hr MT : t'lllil I liecatM' il '
J trill IliW.iys tun ill lli'
t:uirc ir inu .M iir- 1 lini ir . t
, 1 ;i.-Jaii;rtj Hn 1. ;. i,
I' k ..;.l."' in ui'iri 'I'iiipum',
li lull in I'liritiii I i"ii . !i ' i , i.
'I llOil.. Il .111 l"ll',"is"., i!;';.y
e uiu lo I filial, i.iid .1 my.
1 illi, u lily,
hAMl '1.1, l . Ili.SS'KV.
. in j' (MA 1 l .i s ( rt'i t.
lsi, ,l..iMm . ,,,1. .
I'r ii i.i i irrA, Oi i.ihi r
Ir.'-s i.l. tn i i uu ( on ii,-. . rs
1 . 'i r i ir : i n:r lliin J ... - . i
fcn.l !n. In i n ii.. ii hi l., ill
H .illlil'lll i ;ii i :uu i.i - M
n. ) i iikiin all iu i;-u j . .r i i , r,
itt .' l'I furn.H' am
il ' 'Ui U di-m-.J uiu
.i'U N y. h i M ';,
l. I.1 ) i I rr al
I i Uu ..iii'lil)' .1
l'i n ii ii h'a, rein' ei v;. I- t. T.ui.t- Lvn.i, .;-i.,
Pre nil i 1 1 nii'i-i ii r M il Hid i oai 'ruip.uiy . i,-ar :
I ltd v v i n ttc y.U i I uuvip,,;. .tn.! 'tiui ii ii,at
i-Jt'iidi(1h,itti 'o . I itm .t I. ii' h i ' a ivtt1. It (: -, a n ti
luit:, I will In .'M-itfL U; :t-'i t "i.n ii,(inirttl
cl.lliCr. r.'i.ti:itUil , A l.l.l- S t . !I.SN.
ilt-.N r -Jrit-tt.
l'mi APr-1 : mm, Tfiitli month i'imo, i I . l'i cu l, nd :
'1 uoni liri .i(t,eii ii ic n ii - inlJi -later In ti y i 'ii,i ei y
-. I rmtri' I'm . It Ii u- l ''i''iuui und iJirua
iru- y, 1 tttuU iiit h ith a uk iWt art U if.
it K. KII41.KV,
No. 4'J H . 'i llllMi .-lift.
I'rsir aph i-iiiA, 2. i.- T-in. k I. so', 1i
l'r-. Jdt'itt Cuiuuin-" Mi tutl iV-inimny, lie ir St :
It a".T tne i:r-at tieun- u imiKiuin etit ymi nn pi-nfct
fi:.i.u'iJun Hilt tit) r.i-tl n-cilv't tt Jr. in itr C..i.'pau
undt-i uiy onlf r m a .i.'-i.' i.uve t t-'ii tci-.j- tiii- d
to me e-hi Jruiii il.o (uu !.f-iti4(I ul' vi.r uiri, wt.d Iio
tfiiu It Win n In i-U.vr Lui d-. It uupflor.'tv lir.if,rt' drrMt-cIv mmatd, but la lt prvM-nt Iihiii'm I 'ind ttie
mi i if ! in i Way uit-iloi au'J, tint n ttu c nti K y, !.r
aj 1 am abl u .lu-Uu, fi.r iiiixa.'Xii. p i i pu-en tullt j'ial to
tWi tlibt I I tt. or mod, or iia-a onalyeci.
i uiu, iry truly iuura, A.
WILtUM U rilLKg.
Cnt In Jlanauink- JOflV kUK VH
api.Hq Oa-iaiM hf r:NCr:K KOiu.urs. n .-ii i
1.. IMl, and lti hllii r Urmirlivii ut uiAtu-N t ; .
kt ll.a VlAKKUIIiV III MNKsS I Ui,l,l;i.i:, k k
. ..I i...p .1 VI II l'111'KI.I'f tfirju. Il .. ...
rbllnflliiln. Xavi tw'r, 1". ISQU
TU tiridfrilrmd I. asitinrU.i tc I'll a Unl'ed natotier
ofHtarn ot .inOi CnmtianT wLine rrotfrty t munlyoi
(ill ( rra, Vrnatiro rnuiily, Tr nnsjlvanla, anj Is belK-val
to dftinal Talus tc any nrinn tac ertr-k. Thu r' rtiori
dfM-icinl artlpr.' b'n'nnlrp.i.ture
to tl o HKniriiilU.rt a 1'iti.lfrnl if Tbraa P'-r cant. j.r
Mi'tith. aud then ai'iln are ln reailnK dallr. In a'Mltli n
to it.ete tinsliirlnn e'K, trify bave a iarta tttier. tt If,
lvru ott.rrK in 'l.rt. rciit it.',;'" of dev. lopiuf nl, -a
T. ial of Ihtm ncarl c.ini,ili ti d. Tln-ie Is 'omn', j-ht
an nionl iiiiniU.r i f (''.! ni- n if f ..ri.t tr i er' f,
Ihe '. rnpiiDy 0n, iiln, "ViT acr(,s of ,,n !r r:..p I
pri'i'. ity in t;.f n lk'.i"r'i''l of ire o''i(f. ui'f'n wi.ic1!
tl, jr jir'-iio.e tiiikiiv-' ..v.ral wr if. i'.ie niiiKj L.tvaiK- b--. n
pr.ivi.r.'d fur Hie t'irisi.e.
hii. ti an oi i'i.riiiiMty oi' nl ta! Ir.r. a- a i- w c, tt , ,i .tn' k
pr.,1 !r.t dh ul. i i fri.iu .'. u.t I a u lien o; i'.l j r r r! t
r-r iilolii . n.T.'(l,
Fr.r fu.-ir r Iiif. rir at' n . 1 1 '7 r,t ih r rt -.c ' f
j. i). iii.iNi.'rrii,
-.;'";;t htiikkt,
11 18 B'lMr in h( ire of 1 r.n.l i o . lm k P. M.
C. 15. I)HN(1.N.
VciiaiiKO', rtiiiisjh;inl;i,
i(c, at ii a hum:, rvix r.Mi'.
Working Capital IN'served for DeTi-Jop-mri't,
riuntlM- ALI IlBI) III'NT, E'tJ.
Vi' r-raisii tM-KD'AjiD eunrtN, C'(..
ti. ritart amo Tar fli-rrifR,
Mr. Atf KF.n m r,Pr,t!ad(lpl.ia,l'rfMlei,t c; the llei)
lctipm Iron W. rlis.
Mr. WIM.Ia.M C. llJl'STCM, Ko.liS 8. Water tlreei,
ilr. KUW AKO HllirrtV.S. E. c.i.(.-of Slxill nnd Wal
nut atroct, I'hllad. lotiia.
.Mr. TIKiMaS W. tVAH,'niit .treat, l'hiia
ddphia. Wr. K. W. TIAII.KY, No. sliChfsnut fr'et.rulltidolihia.
V.r. HILL M lldWlN, I'lttslinra. P.i.
Mr. B. HL'SIl lillAIifOltl', cw llr ht-.n Ta.
5tr. J. I.. CAItNAHHtS, rruldcnt of Corn Planter Oil
Ci.ropany. Allt'pheny City. I'o.
Mr. WII.IJA.V o ni'dllAltr. Pifitinrif. Ta, (crctary
and Traaturcr of I'iitnburg and Connelsvillo JialJroad.
TtiC Conii ar.y own In toe imp!c 21- acrpi (if tn heat
Oil Tfnllory on tlie rlntit dank of the Allfabcny river, near
Olt City, with ono prodrclm; Well and another nearly tom
Flettd,lih railroad, turuplke, and river a:teis to tlie
For particulars, see rrotpei tiif tc tie fo..r.d with i.riy of
the lilici-tors, or at ll.e crfi.-es of
So. II EXL'flaNyi:, and
J,-0. WA'-Nt'T BT.1ELT,
Wl.oarc authoriitd te si J .. limine! mirxber ut tht.nt of
atmkj ll-; i nt
CAIUTA 1777200,000.
fii BscitiiTioN rnicE u to ra share.
J. P. M CREAKY, Prk:di NT.
'iil()Jd.y A. hro; l , Vi L-i'i.KJ it t nr.
DiUKCloita :
3. IV "M- f'ltFAItV. I J. W VAVlf'tJE.-J,
IiloMAfi A. BCD'I'T, ! I'lirLU' 1 Uifili:.
PAMI'J-:!. P. T KltKi.K, Mvcrw ij nul lrcasurf .
1 n' f.tutr rvlcniciuiv io th .'oirijn n ciit-i-t. o:'0ne
li iiitlr tt ftn-l Kiitv AtT.-s hi fie lnir''. 'i vi.limt v l.ut.rl
'.iut! Oil Lunil, vjtu.aeo uti ftiu'4r rrcen,, ;v..,i ; t mi!, s
Ir- ui nt- immili, wtiitli ciui)Us.i jitj Kr. ihj!i crtckl V-a..iifeo
ct tiiity, l a
1 lim pr pt'rty hnn hen prli ct. d with a vVw to l!( vnln
atile W-v.ttlMi. hnit fi lm extt-mleil a:. in: uirl on ini:h
itl o "I iht' cri't'ko- it litn e tiunortti 1 1 x h, -vim h, l t;t;;ifr
T-itli tl.f lart'c amount m' Mat r Hoti nn Lun l, gtvt-n ,t
finifttor HdvuniHi t for -Irillim; a lurne r.aruiier of Oil
tll. At l:.iht One !luii()r d W'tlln tnnti lecjrcd, HtlU
tnuple rfK-w t'T Tank, KnKnic-hnuse, mi't lw.'l!im8.
A votui wcil ir,v"-' twi my'is tr it witit'ii one
ftninliof a mile Hl-.ive It aJuo, Bt ooii ).r(tluciUf,'
wt'Hi on tlit? cr-'k (m-Iow It.
'i re oil ttiMuunfU on ihis tTt k is t'to T.i.Urlou'inv' Oil,
wlilt li uitiiBD b In prlt-e lino hunUfud j-er o-iit, auuvo
0 titer uili, ana l mote n il(-aiaiil.
1 1. t'(Hni:iny can lj:aifi a lrfo revenue liv partial
ifrliinji to MR wt-lm. rfxtrviiiK (run ontr fourtli to m'
tilf ul llie ol tt 's iUfXpciisc to lltt'VV in. ttpy. ir. 1. jem ti nt
vi D e re t'liiit- t'ri'iu lhi-)r 'imi i'l!ir,'.!ufu Win a iftife
tuflicieiH y nt !:tnd for oon pu. i)oin.
li m yr;J to (five the i:.n'ra' t to 'r1'i ovrral wplln
tn tt. l)-t locat id;, ui .t ,r. Tiiv tiUt ti liie i:, u( rt y if
jt f- i ai t !".' of liicuwil-r.iD
bubtniuen 1!o;Hb arc new j-on at rfflct of
n:itt-;t; ,i 'o ,
H-IT lilt N-. j;i A. Mil Kl Strr.
TZIK'. 1 KI M 0'.!.r A W,
Capita, $4C0I000-Parl $5 Pr Share.
fcVUS. IUITION ntlOE, f2-ffl VI R HI ARK,
YVK U ll L'AlO H IO K A '-O NO ri' -ti'IEH
Tl c t-r j . r.y I U i; Ch i .aij :'.' i :he U l wing
I Kli S1MIM.11
T.'rritor:, .st'.is ve Jn.irw.ds. lli.I r '3 'S r"..I H.
M li e K-;i .1..SII1 ai.d urMly lin.iiil
Kr 1 s.ln,nt Ml (tll'tvl A-I' . i0 't! t r. T,.. f .mrK!:
"IMFI K l"'i. a i:.' I .ii'll i mi ti .' .' I 1 1 " I V WMX-,
'I ln 1 .1 1 Mm v is , u' ilc t .o I '.,'. . 11 P, l, . I. .'.i '.' inn .1. i'
( I ..i In ) .'.i 1 1 . ' Ii' 1 , ,i . . 1 .1 t Lij i...t . , '-
t' d si-,, i j r'.i.nt, f o. ,v . .
N" I. 1. 1 in i o I't'ii.! '' '(..I -) i. "-'.tli v.r. it, i.
tlllrr..-- 1 1 , ! r-'. all ri-.i, v,,v i.i'.-i, , i,,
P'uiHiiii- i I , i il mo. .1
s.'. I ' i ' I-,., iW. I, t,' . .,' '" I -
o.i v, w .i -ii M "lii""i:' I ir . .
Hi.- Wluil.t: iM'tsiii ill'.-:. i,, t i ,
. my
N . 4 . ".llir. mil M
r' - r, ut: rji: ti t .in
I" r . y
K '.l. '.i.if. .iiiii w ,
. ,' 1 ..r, i
i ill i,4i:.
1' i v , :
Sl l' K 'it
mul'," hi,
t e..i -
'V. II Il.(i I
I !'.
t. r
nil i.i
I'lH liic. i.i iii s. .'. rid
V'. 1 I .U-l. .. f!.r'l
.III r'.c, ii'ul in (.... . .;
' .wiri. :.'S- 'i. t ill w ;
.... t' i' ,n'i tt
' i 1 1 ' 1 WlJM. -
I Kii 1 il' u r i M, -U M"
LS.. i
Hi i t r i., ; .iv u i i.i ,
s- i: .
! I'
11 u-r 'I v u ' I ill '"If
.ii .' .i . ,i ,. .. , , 'i ; v.-:.. n cv.'-l.r... ...... u to
1 1'-.. i'ii i n tin' ri .uii: Im i'i.ii t'i I ; .; ii'; 'ii hi... r,
H'llUlS 4 .1 I' . r A I I I'K I!.'. I'l-'ll'l- . l i:;.' ". l'I. ,111 i.ii,
(i m .im, vl.'ii It is sp. .!.,( ;..' n.' j ,,,,, .,.i,;iiy
adwi':..'. Ail li.i t! f: iiU'.iiii ii.i.,1. ii i in f n. i:t nsos rut,
t. ,,l,l.,' , t ,, I),,, ;.u... , ,.. ,1. 'I 'M- .11 ,. . ,,f' tl.lH
' ' l-iii.l . uli Hi.-ui ti'ii) lurite lll'.er. tlt, ui.i.l make .1 a
rite uk u In mi- iii.iBtiiitnt,
. ii. n. i.Fi'cii.
'i It 1 u,.i'...ii,r liui.Jn.n, 'AI.r'T. tii-i ... 1 IIIICI).
I'! ilu'I' ln 'u A. i ii' y.
. H'-rANtl: Mi.-et. Haw n y.
HI i.X hit, VILA A I 0., I. :, :.
ri :n
Ai' I., y.
OIL S T 0 0 E 3 ,
HAS jolt SA1E, ar. will piy a.-i aliii.tlin to it.a
H!"-a; uf all tl e Jfiral!f and muar div.Jir.J-iayUi
iU;Uii:-V V, M'rLlNTf'KVlLLE,ofl,l.iladi'.hia, and
.i:i;VAMl, I1W.H0A1K, Ld KMOi:LtU:Ki.fl, of
Xtw Vnrk.
10 la Xcw Twk.
V '..VV. lira
fVBnol..f Jt of I hllaUfi.IHa. I T th a.""?!,!!
dajaf October, 1W4. thm anrfx. t ,li "'JJ. Ui V7t
"AN OKIUNAM ' l-tJfd
to tmke ronr.flsKis nV TM, r,
THKKI H'H.' ru ( ItCAI t; A Ut.iA
U M. r SM AT T,,
Chrk ot C-uiiu.n CUUvtL
Tc take r-ift Xv 0OINAN B
iu taut i v v.., t.,. sonhrn, .,b. rtlM Cas WorM,
of Vliv" ' ' tl'' f l','t Rf1 Juimnon Omin. iln of tin cty
1"ii.iii ,B n ' 1 'nt Ui' ivv.htffn ni t), pi.ti.i-
,, , ' tfiki, an- hrtffhy antnoi .c.l to t He pnKi.
' ' M thf .i l;i of thf M.-r::.iTn i-ir-rti (mt Worl.t,
- n ittti-r O.f t'rt il.iy t ,IiHt, 1 .', ,m ran b, hi
4tc.ri),tiu r t'h tiue terini ul an Ait M-tro cl An i 1,
h'-ctinn l Th..' fr h virvnK Y ennh'inir thn Trni
t'fi i itn rnm-ioli'tn i (- Uoili !u t.'ko p '- m. ;i t
t!ii .:i)i rK--a it1, riott i-vti,p ti'-t : If ti liin'ii. t :i
Maw f of tht ftl.v l ir ( an D'-rl. '1 to liarnnv on ti e
ir !; -i( ilif M;y . .it rftt-i 't iti:- rt --t i ot
ir r nt. "T di'.nnni, "i i utnn "i nimir'. a ttu- fr.i - in n
m a i ri"utr.'. not rx.v i 'im mur in.ti t -I f hoitian l .UH.i m,
mi w i l ( t rr- I'lirlnr ' on ii"Mt o: an v in "lit y h'r.M .r ;
ti.f t'itv Tri an'irfr t ti- rt'Dv tltt-n-il ni U r. iiitltinii of
II' I rnvte'f ' to lii:c t ,'itl'o ',i:rJ ni ti. I'M'l ot 'In' ( i r T
)'hi!H'l l hia in uu 1 Hm-umti am) 'o ti':ii purtira an t'.:y
H'mtl i'li'riHl? not OX'ft'iluiK iHni xiiitl.
H.i.d l i to In' um'J mr t,.t . om t-i"tt -T V !, V ut tl.n
No- tM-ru Iii itt-rt if ' i is Wot at, irnl tfie n in.'Hi.ii ti t.-.t'
to ( j .o.iiili' 'tt On ?;'irati'Hi ot fifti t-n tiirs mmi tlie
dati' "I -n h t r'iiiion. and not bfiorp, ti fun-
kt I t ol llie honlTS t 1 . r' -t - I'll" (friHltllfl nl NMI I lon
nil In1 m It. I i. t- mm l'i W lit' li C rn:i- (" hfif.-l -ro
hiit- ir?n iBBiu-tl ori rhf t'"i.l"liion ot' i.iid truif', miX
il In
fn! n: hr ft r nl II t UT rrt'.i'-Mrcr.
I I .if " e '.i.i! T'iil' ( "' all ci irt out
V. rtu n I.
the pre
i oi t. -1 .i" rit'.t':" 'm of i.m lp i r
crir nti i"T milium on ttif amount Dfrrowu,! Ny virtue of
th'B rilii. in. f, lor tl.i iir'"o of prtTintr top inron-it
tf i r-in. ,t itl f. r r' tlio tli'T.of,
klnn tlif1 diltf. Ail bl f.i aolf : aiil o r
Itrt -rc l: Il.lrty I.rtr fl y nt I u. (vnlcr arid tho
ti.iititth dav ( ' ,?nno m" i-mv year, until tin'
aid l'an In fd-'int d, thr nrn oi ix pr C'lituro on
tli am- nut nf md inan nhall l ia:d Uf tfce Pild rrnti'-i'ii
to it p ( ny rr HMirT, wim lull wnply thn'o -cr ct-nt iin
tl.'ifof to tlie- p;iiu'iit ot i Ii inter t on nail lon. n die
mtt. in.iy fall due, and to t"i otl it puip-iv. and the rp
mtvninv tlm pr cpntum uNail ho pnnl over hy tl.e naid
1 naurrr to (tie 4'(iHinnnii1ontrn nf tl.-e Mi liking KhiuI. wno
B' al) iiivett tlif line nnd Uh Hcciiinulat.onn in iii- loam to
tlie lat-'d V ( rki. or in any oilr Itian. of Din ( 'try o f
Mi.iiitiiiH. a a inklnir fund, whioh n hpre'jy mw. iti
raH rieiltipd to the reiityiiieiit of Bald luan : and miy mir
pin remaining art r the iH mnt ot naid loM(t.ha.l be
applied by Hit Coniiuisilonprn ot llio Sinking uml tnwardii
Hi' fxtlnutim- nt uf the ol,r loam to tlif ;iid iiai
Wrrfci It t.ny,oUicrwi!e ot the tuinlt'd d'-ht ol tflu i,iti ut
I'hi udtipMa.
ht tion 4 lpon tnXIn' pomesjion of thi work, nlpM,
Ac.. onv3d iin-ifr audonty of thin oriiinaiiee, it 9:m
1 th- fluty of thp Tfiifrt nf trie m Work tn make a de
lalkd rrpon to t'oiuitilH of tlw proparty. r'-al and ttroiiai,
po conTcyed, and it iiesrd vane; and tt.osaM l'i us -teen
hall bav e, m ii h r Mpcet to (-nid work-, jntie.H, the
finine f.owtrs ai d .-nthor'ty In ail rpe'tt at H.vnoiv
hatve, or In ram r mny have, with rtsjioct lu tiio vorka
air any tntnin'fd to tlietr rare.
HfUoitft. hortlic porpoieof fna'-llmr th Tru'tt'e of
Ir.f rt.iiadtlpbii (tad Worki to carry out the vario n trtintu
vonfiiU'il to them l.y Orilinaneen of I'cuinclln. and to In
tre i, rxtt lid, ! Bt, and itnprtivo tn lh mom v onomt
t til nianncr tlie ulpp. we'er, nnd work under their care,
to M t(- 111 ft tllC lll'.'re..til; W.llltM of tho fill' HK lT Kai-
ll):ht, fie piiid Triiitem aro herehv an:h'Micd and
;q .ird no to rK'iilitt' e prlco of VJ 'nd the iev;ral
pndio iiof tt nia:tii!artur ao may from time to Mint-te
nfc'fary ; the mud prt- e of xat tn he the --atiir in all tho
Wardi oi tlio I My iuppdtij by Uii in Works undor the
Control oi Die Tm-U'e.
H t-tien . Am tbinv' In anr othf ordinance contrary
Ui tU; nrdir.ancc li uerft-y r K-.t't d,
il-hoi.u rius,
DirrcUng the Clerk oi Cvinmon Council to rutill-b k Loan
Heto'.v, That the Clerk of fflmmnn Coonrj he aiuho
rfrdio publish In two dally Di wii'ttprn, dally, f r our
wvfkt, the ordinance prcientetl to Common t'ounrll nt a
ta:ed miflni: thereof, held on the '7to day of Oftob. r,
If'i-t, fntlilrd "An drdinant-e to take povisioo of the
Norihern l.thrrties (;ai Workt, and t crewt a.l'-an thero
iir;"nnd the ald Crrk at the ititied tneetiiiK of C'ouuriti
next aftrr the expiration of tour week irom the said puh
li 'ttu n, shall ,fe.c nt ttit'oiMKils on? of each of taut new--jiaperi
lor every duy In which the eaiue aball hic oe.-n
ir.uL'e. 10-;il-4r
XJ OltacS. . eoniT WALSl'T and 1 11 TH Stieets.
Pirt Aitr-u HiA. Novemtter 1,
VOTK l . TO cuNni ACi ons.
f'ftled Proi'ai, will he reeved at thm oflu-r nntll '1
o'cIih k 1'. M. on Mondav, the Jtl liiKiant. for tne ra I im,
A. so intivh percuhii ard. the tnliiivinif itr?ptt , vi.. :
IJevemh, Mervinp, Twt-ifth, 'afnii' and Thirteenth
utrreii trom Herku to I-amatter Mreet. and l.aneaster
!tr,et lYom Kltvetth to Thmefnth tret, in thn Twen'v
11 ru Ward and .ill bidders miy be present at the time aud
place above nien tinned, when ttv proposals will ho opened,
ard Ui work aw.iith l to the lowest bldtler, and it tit' doe
tint tome forward within three d.iyi thereafter
e title a tomr.isjt, lut b.4 will be cnnniered
11 JtVt'iths :)t f 'hief ''crr.mhsl ner oi H-Khavs.
TLi'a. JdlLi i akv D.m iu- t f f riiir.Arni'nn ,
u. ciiLAtui iStrwet,
November 2.1. Ihfcl
iialfd r-np iaWH b re.-fivtij at this otfi :e nntll
no--n ot Wi-'.IiNLMtAY, ;nrth lmtant. for trie i,ror.p' rie
lkveiy a. Camp l.m. ., unr Sprjig Mi 1, rtiUaUcl
nia, of
llMi i't 3-ineh, l-ily rner V.o'ip, of b't quili'y.
1 h ft i-t ,i-;iieh ;l ii nihinr hi n: oei. n'jm ty.
With ncotniwy coapuuiya uud trttJUi-i ipvj, cuiplcto
fc.' ufle.
To bo iniffcttd anJ aj privrd by tho Cnitod SU'.ei
Int-p- tor.
Prmosal will nainr pri -o pc. foot hoi, inelttdlnfr
Coit of cotipluiivi and hratu h- ipi h ; ttie ob ji'teit Unit for
elie:y. an i u.u-1 Le made jpuu u.e rt't'ol ir loruis which
ar frnltl it tMf o'tlre.
Tel;ni:d wt,:iit rtervi thenrit to reject all bid
deenitd liKjui.taiit'e wit. u nit- ret'e.
ALL KK 1' . ASHMi; '. D,
11 2J -lit i'apt:.l.i cd A. . Ms
tfr Mih.arv l'i.. i. t l'L la-li'lj.:. a, .No. UoJ
4'ltMfO R'rttt, Nov. mfrer', lr-4.
Nciileti rrnpo",;,;4 will he te-'i-ivnl t th'n olce iritil
noon of M 1 1 M -A V. Vhth iiit;)'i'., fur the".i n an 1 ".ui-l-leil'in
of additional frame tuut,i:i(;H at M k-.Un United
htat'-K A.-mi t-It-n .-ai Jl i:l, r i t.ijt- i mi to pi m a:td
spe !"aTioMtt at the ntiice i.f ,lOHM McAltrilL'it. Jr.,
Arthlteet. No. td3 S. HIA'TU .'U-oti.
I'ropoha h inunt stato thp Aiior'st time rciuird 'o com
pifK ill work, ati'l m.i't ',c uiat'i; ol thu rt'-juin- fo.'uii
The .'tn;pti -iatt r. 'tv . '.'no r t rej ci il h 3i
itetiiitd l;it'.iupa:iiit wall nt intere-t).
A.'.lil.l'. I H. ASMVK.-D,
U-W-Ot Cru.ii and . M.
HtbliaWCK, No. " t ' treet
WAo.!!, T ('.. Vovtmher If . lv 1
Piledf,rop.iuiM, in dnpil ale. tor ivo Hund.ed (-A))
Tor,) ,.f fittod nifi! aii!a,'ifj tjukd Hay, win uu i or.cii a:
tl.itt iittK e until il'jiidy. Nov, its, iNi . at 12 o'clo'.! M
Uh!" tuifit be i.'jc''inp.init d iy an '-a'-H t mv.s i'.o
(mil-is the hiddr hai ;-ne m 4'e In fllc ") .nd Htj
usoul L'uarantet' .U:u'd ty :-ol lent tian iwo reN(nMM
pfr"-ii, wtiit Mjlvea:y must ho ii. wn b ne orthrul
ft-M it:a:e Mt t 'iu rierk ot Viq m'tin-i'. Lt:t;K t' 'o.ut, or oi
ite i ni ed Sta'-i
Tii May mil -it bo iriirfl.y hald, an 1 diliv, rd in
"H'ahiniion or A 'exandu iree of all iene to tho
li.iirir;ent,i tnay ov rja't-'d. It will io ri .-nl'y Hi
he e t il ot!!. re it i ao,-W.l, ..ud i.oi:t b A fouJ imrl.a it
al le Ijjty ill be rtn er. td.
r.trti'- to wh'Mti awdr Is may tc.vW m -s: a', uu -een:er
into cuiltrfict, ind iive tii-i.18 ..tiai in amuou. ti one hoi
of to-. t.uin to be '"i-ivd on thy ..out. a- .'ibiltd vy too
t it ii r -...r ai d bo'ii o fin'mr.torv.
A wsrdh vi l no he iua le ro any pa io.i who l.n lure-t'-'tora
'.iilfo io i Ti'.m inn tor.tii, .h wi:h tt. i i.v -aL- nt,
nor iv i 1 pr poivl" oi'd- ;i , -tits iu , mUlt:,' i
Th rhi to iLii-. prt, -t a's it t:'.( J !y .uo d jvein-
Ui-ldir" Pinst Tir- presoit A' The o;-en:n; of theh !, tn
FeM1 'id : "heir '.a'lUl.
ilntliiWt ry in Cic lii.v i..u-1 Oin'U' ii'e w I'litn " .. .-n
li.' ) J - i- I 'otu i t in' itci i t-f the . oirn t, ..nd I a
p el d r- t';e 'r- enri diiy t, ' , : hi , I ".'i
Vt'infiv oc,ip,e. oi 'ti r -ni; , t, h- -Iiv --i llia
p- ft r i.i .'U I .' til ." lh-" i oyen iti' it iua- In.- i, t,
'Uii lu..: tt em V. iti..ij- for tl.ts , .u- I k
autli ea t-it -.(i
r;. t nn i
11-If M Ljp:a u .'. m. v'.
0''n v. of 'liu. Di-'.f'uT yi'Ai;.n.:i.
1 i.tii- I i. .' i i .'.m ri', s . .t v...,. , 10. s,;t
1 1! ..'I'O.i.U s, t Ull All M 1 1 K . ill1.! A . N
K.-. . . 1 j ,.i I'v.ii ', r . , ,' .t II "111 ...'.l!J
' ! '' S '''' 'I '.) l IM'H'i. M.i. '
Irii' .j, r .il. '' '-It' i.r. -.. i..-.'. i!.. Hi: il,f , .' . ill i.
( i
I'te ..I
11 M i
rep ;
-th. (.
l I
I .
o ,a t.o, i .
1 or.t
.it ti'.ie.
n d f .tn. o irh t-i
I " k.t-i h i M ,1. . it
i. l i i.i: .. . i -pi ii i
.1 i io it.i't 'I,
a' -v . i..
'' A;-; .
I- I (t ,.
i - L' tn v 'i
lif ,t -ti Kii i 4. a..-, r t-
t-l M Oi-f!. I.i 4-t; i ' ti
t -'li I ... it
' o ii , n -. : .! t' .
- : i ... a i,..h. I' r '.t '.
1 i 'i 'i- i p t t a. it. . '
Tit r. . t I -1 : 1 ! I.i.. : ( '
.Ml t M i
1 , . t I
'.I I
tl. 1..
it-.. I. N
-1 r r.i
.t : l'i li.
I i- t n'.tj i h ; W u. 1 1 ir t .r-
IP r m .(...,, t ..." .: tr f. , . t j e- r,; , i
i nil--1 -.. n,M . ..h p-i-'s r si. -a i 'is a- m o(-,. -m-Ud
in i at l'-iru..rj An, i'.i , i. t ,, ., n
' ls'i.i-' 1 "'. d. . t v. .--t !', ,i : r- : - , ; . , , o
1 ei I. o po.iinN j' r 1 ' in.,!'- ,i: , . . ( e .v .ii r , , rt
! t.i i! ora. ii: e;u '; --f ' n i.u.i h- r,,.u .' ,i to N" . -m
)ii;- I', vvr, -I':' t uv.r )
'1 lu1 w fu it 'o h- ti at -j - Tit. ! ( ' t.v' -,i
I l'V (u,'tii . mi'il' um !"i-;'f,- Si- ; ; p,, t , , -,
j l.nut' Si..:'; iili.'tii'O'in,,;:. . .) . . ..
j No .oi t.trr.n:. w.;, t - j ,:.J ,(- i ,. ; r.4-, .(..,r '.i.
thnot l-aeni), Li.rdijre.tii ,1,1.- !,,;; 'T, ..i e. , , .i , v
I tdf-er toii
I I'ldth : ho: ild ivc t!."lr nairi - . f ;n v . " i, f t. r
h:.e of ir.-i'-.i i.c , .1 e..- h - ....i . t . u.
! it ini Uy .. h i iil i:t tL.' in --I 1. j.-i ..i-s i k .- tl.
t ot ini'i!' rt -1 uu. i- j er- . .. . -tJ,' t . ri
i . I. 11 - .'lifj ;:..'! In u '(ft;. J 1. r .., u. ,m.J 1 i ( ; (j
l'"Ml tO h- p .:teh ; f -p,-- it t w. ! ',
(eu'otleud e.t-n dinto. a-'dj, -I .i . ! vtl'i if nt - r.-i:ri:y tur ed l.y Kiid j .ir.K ', ni r!iu. , l'.. ; . uu .'. i..i,
utlv- ri! i n:(i't
'J ttti'tj'jt't, ' flu i.iJ. re d .: 'r f -pjwit :
Onlimite N i. I ;iM,'r-l')
Uh lt.-:ite So 'J '.ut oj.
"n lh ire h.- (,
iSMi-its. l'V : .Irll.'-' .' ti e . a. UU I f i.Vjtl
o: hn cor nl r.i ;. n oi'e id 6 m r ty wai p ii;
hi'irtd. ; 1'riiii.taH ttjiTit h.-fi.'ii-'tfci: I'.-o(., fiV 'ijArmy f'l"--p'-r
ii jt'ii i.p Ciiite 1, V, ue . .-it i!;t Ati; u-.iv tc.
1 it i.d it tic v hi 'n- thtvi t iitH J uiiiins tt.t v i :' o,i, !j iu'.i
, KaJ ilit iLf)inrtmi n:t m t':'f a-S ci t-eii. nt
I I ai tie-- to wfiom fcv,.rtS ,-. lij.t . . uj it: 0 prepar d n
, ixt i nt C'tiiia't. ft oitt;, an 1 toti.- '.itv :p i-iiou I'm h
ljr , i ta nhi .ii in r o- u. ii-1' i ( ic t iir,
t i'liniruci a -il l-e nr t et t t'.v apr- . i uf t v
I Vurift in.iti i (uti.ti.i). t nt ;. t.i I.; ,h r t'tv. d .t rjct
ii er an inii- ic.ji mdv i r oi.ert-o.
Coiitr..vto'it It- in re,.il ii-- i,.r nrvjn t the flrit
? oi April. In,', i.itd t'.iy w l l-n iti:.;rd io ...iv- a
plat- ct' i t r n tlit v!-. ttity uf fine 1. .n-Wi-rif.
a .id I oloii a" d C!htrlet- ' I 'W in i) I' -;ii I.
at wlufl tlif UaJ L -oUUiUili Mtd il-J.ii;! and
J tadl -y.
by o(Lfbf lh Vifcr.t'maattr Ot Wjral t JJ(t.
J lfuhht Cai t. id A. li al , U J. A.
1I1LF yVARTKRMM 'l-'.K'H tn'HCtt,
i in-i.r nr W'-iiiHiiniv,
- III .!'-, I'. il"""""'J t I .
1 di nlr In I'Tima. Murdwure I iimlxr. !,eathef,Of
Knniito , Harn-s. and ddl ry. ar-i re (o. t d t s
to tl l ffu-r. on the Mi.l'A oi t eh we a, a Iftied ; or list, in diipl" Hi1 iinic'e tney a-e p-epa
to t.unt-h t" th -lei-.t ;tt short n-.tho. ulth tt.e pru
e..-', mark - d in pllti flUUCi . n ' ,n n ,h'S 'irr
oi 'hea-eMue r - ":;t. r.the urn- e r aiiiile cau he
tflit.ed ik,(Mit t'eiav , at tl e loweM j-rlro.
' aiers wl'hinu to 11 to '.hl .If pot will It rX0:r"i
Iti: lii h the li-! pun- tuail etti'j M ..i.dwv m -rnoa
n it urrhKH,
Hrinftdlr (lenf-ral ntidClilcl iitnertnasier.
11 l o wi oi Wa-U.n;:oi
0" V KICfT A l'i" M Y( TOT 1 1 1 N O AND KQU
TttM.fclM and tilltAKH Snents.
I't I l'"1 . Not emlt.-r 1. tW
SK'-d rr-pofaU w H he n-.el.-d at ttu (tm-e
M"M'n. -fe .s,h m-t., f.-i --ir.:.l imk tn Si.fcuy
Ar-o nm Mh tn.- t.ilovini.' a-n- lei -il
4 or . -I M, i i,,,. K in e . , ai io v t;i mUrd.
Itii.mtry ' ((, . :immi to -, .nim"n In
di - Iron, dale of nm.ird unity d;ii'!aid.
Id le lltiiitinit ; tit itM l . - lo colntiMlK'O In te:i Jai I
da of nw nr. . unity f nnd i:-!
i ..lor U Ut an. I 'im., deiu i ru n tu . omniL-n-.e Ir
tl i II- m dale ot Hw.iiil, ,iriii lam! ir..
h int Mraw. rt, .le .iv- r,es to i ..uinu n e day .Tier aw
Satnpl. . r-' .iit'ip.i.
hi.c K nn, dli tries to onimenrc d iy a:Hraw
8:iti.p;'t re. ir- -1.
4 1 hea.y lilt. ithe.l Mil Mn, d. liTerics to cor.inienc
after BVtftnl. h.iti.pu i ( ii i r t I
si-in. i h- Pril l-tr, d. iivpi.-i t,. rommnv.'e
Alt. I .iward. nnip'i'- re-itnn d
Ih.iwn I l"l Uml, di Iiwikij io con,in ii':e ks Jjiflf r J.W
aniT'leii ti iiniM'd-
luirk hh T'.reml. o. i.,. iherl.n to commence
after award, iSiirnpleH m ,-iirt d
3- t"i '.-4 dark l int' t .nrin'l, iiel.t efh . to . oiuiuer.s. .
(!a Irom -1st.' of n- nrd. wrtm' --tiitiil i-.
siii-tt-r Tent. .I luei i-n to coi.iiii t;cc In 10 day '.
.In ti- ot tw urd, tny mei.Ui d.
hnniplen if niiv i artk'.e an nrn rt 'luircd to Im
tiin.liir i ran he feen at thl- --tin e.
Knell I td uiimt he k. u.irrtTit l I v tt-.- ret.ponfliji
n ni, uh' v 'lunl'iir t'.iiat he nppi nih 'l to th w
tep. Hid et'ttlflf il Iti ns hi-iiK- .ku! t.tid "tiflleifMt aoi
fi.rtiir arn-imt involved, hy mi tuo p ibiic lun, loua
i e ( mltd littie.
Hh; from detnti 'lrr rnntrftr'-T., nid Vinp Vt d1
! ,-r-i ft'ft tf- rr-jn.i tt "tt of thti advtrueeuj
n III net be coii'hlep d.
luank iirm mr pr 1, enihrarlnaf tlw termo of
fs'inr intec r -4 u irt J on i h I -ul, . .in he h td on apph. n
at th' .-Ith e. ,uid not e ether., w hi. h do ie-t nitir.iee
Kiiar.uitep v 111 lie ronidcred. n r will atty prop.i;tl o
uhle red whh b d-.'i not ifr i-iiy conarm lo lhcrii
tti. ti'ii tii r In Mntr.l
'I ne tn. Is will ate thi- ti'imh. r ami (juantlty of.'a.t, !
f f airilil' prup.'Hi'd to he d- llr red.
pp-pota!. tniiit he etKh.r-e.l "Prop-nals for A
Son ilei, itatuiK uii tit cii eiop thu p.tri uiar a
bid for. -lir.itM
an luiir;.
ll-lP-f-t C- 1"n l h- M. Itcparlrri'-.
lio. MH 1VAI.M' I Itre t.
I'll II. i-t- r.l MIA, Vtivemher 51. 1
Prnlc! rri'p.sli. In diipho.iti . tMii i'C rt' t tved a
(.flwenntil lJo'-,Mk M., on Tl :1 VY, Noveml .'.
Irt4. lor Mipplin for tin- n-eot the ( tilted "Hint
tlie fi Now lllK, Ul-siiU.m c itureh,ili Uvci'td ill I'hllad
Mt: I
1,000 l! !tItr.T S 1 1KST 'M AI1TY OOTtN?
" N K W M KKH" .,r "I'KIMK H EH9 ' '
(tt hieh to he ttiitt d) ltt iii.l hooiK-U oak na
wuh iron manter hoop. . nn-itt to tie in ;irn
or itain, full tt t uht iind thoroughly sitlte.
have Im en repri k. d wdhm thinydayaoi
ot dedvery. To he delivered within t
d n tVotn aw ard. !
."i.tMlO I.AKHKI.s KM HA sri Kltl IS'E or KV
K AAllLY KLOUK (wiiith to i-e tti'.vil), :n ,
well coopered harreli. lull v IteaiUlliied. J
ha a hecn urmmd v. l.tiln thirty da Iron.
of thw ado'tiHeiiiint aiu ol bran 1 i
plat e of maiiuUet' re to ho tttatt-d In ti.
'i n Im ileltvon d wlt!nn ten dvg fr-on aw'
30,-iCO hi( NI'i HHHT ,H' I.I V, Kli.N-D
l OKN MKAL, in well coop, red hert l-lnn . '
rrlN. Urund to he inoutlone.i in thu bid
Oellt er"d within 1. ti .In b irotn d ite of .t"
ro,ooo I'lii sns ort'KiMK i.'ktiikh;. m.
v I coi.pered ha-TeU Ithidi TH wll it:
prltM per pound lor Itiriimhln tho w holu i
port, ill o th.- nhoM' eoiU-e nuiited, Ci
lit tl pat k. d ui N'r- in.-, tmi'i-r h.irrt?
r. parties lurMrdi n: It will bn rein.r
ftrnte on Mini mat t'-e c i:ee itirni-ihcd b
it of tlm haiuv iuudiy ut ihe N.tinp'e o'
and thin it eontAir.B im u.1m(''i Hti-m nor a
lute ui a'.y fore'n NllO-taii'et. (ren
simple re'iulred. 'Io tio delivered v
tw-ntv i.yn tiom -ae ot uttnrd. rorsiM i;n t . ki i.u v t iu ki.e sr
or im 'M k niiv it aw sr.ilt. Ha
be t ne-t In uv tor if i' purpowc. To 1
liverot! wohin ten iIivh from uwatd
o.OOO tt rri:i-:ri.j-ji, wniriKVor1
VINKHAll. in str-ii:.'. we.l c.cinsre.l h
To t o delivered witniu ttndnyri fr )m '
10,000 iMU Nns kikht ji aims
CANI'I.EM, lull 2n. lubuUei
ithin ten I'ay-. frotu n -vut-d.
40,000 POl'NDS (iOOII II AHI SOAP, In ponn
fll I wc'Kht, pts Red in HlXty pound boxe
ha i t'livcred within ten ' s iruw award
20.000 I'Ol, NIH CLl-;N. KINK, MtY 8l
.trotiK, well e-iopeied tmrrcH. To he de!
wirnm ten rl: vi ft m nw mil
'1,000 1'Ot N1M pt KKOHOl'h BLACK I'K
in four otim paptm. Hiddi ii sill nta
variety ot pepper oimr-d, un t will tu.
s.tuipie in krain iin wej uh prounu.
faiiipVfi of hII the nbovo anlcie-, exeetit nieata, tr
iwiiViTed wit ii me iToo4)al, u nd reierr-d to tiiei
the prnpoi.iU iiiHnt not be eoi'loHr-d v iih the (tampl
naiupiei uosi no in iK-actl or UoltKH, ai.d noli'
pare. i.
1 he meat, will be ax imlne.l and prd upon bfJ'.perif.r on iu part - it tii tan i d .
.separate iropoalfi. in dop :o i'e, uuito h. in id" 1
arti';If e!.un.L' '1, und bidati-- u.ay pr.-iioiio tur t;.
or ty pin of e;i h.
A Mintetl coot of ihitj n Ivcrtliemeiit tiniHtbo j
to eacn bi-l.and thu prop .n.ih mn it Ve pci lie iu tor
s uu an itii u r cut".
Kaeli t..d inii-t huve thowrlffen LT'i-ti'i,i"of 'wo
Hhli nTiifn for the fuliiuiKtit oi t.u' iiKrL-eii.ent,
aive oonnn n rt iiuirea.
lt!ank form lor proponal", i'onlrt'n'n th fot m o
nitfee, may ta- had on ui--n n' th i oin- n.
Mr" sei eii' piiiiiO. p;a e of bii.tiin-h, nnd -late
chafto, T.Hine )t .'ontenu. n., i .nc, a id pet weigh
le mirked on cverj P ttl-uto, and all old mru
OHM- rated.
Ite: .riiM jf tve.'htfi by pr-rfessiotial public w.-U'hi
git en v heni'ver r .pilt ed
No bid Inmi pati'' vt ho hat e laib d to fulfil a
aKreetneri win bo con-Liur. d.
Uiu will lin luile package-, unl de'lvery -it nny i
tliN ity, tvi hk denial.. U eit rv dits tidie ; nnd any
pa-k it'en or v .opetii'.'o will ho .'oi.sideifd aUltleivu:
IT rei-'etio-i Of r.mleiiln.
1' tymen wi'l tn- in.oie iti nv , funds as may be (u
hy the I'tllletl St.itlH lor iht ptn p. Se.
I'n-p0's 'o t- ni'lnrifj "i'inpo.jiIti fur Suh-Stt.-e.,'
ami Uirteltd to
HA : 11. wit;;
ll-Joi-St Caii-raiii and 0- M.
1niOs.S I'OU 1 0 t A( i H.
L'hll.l- O- A Hi I' - M V j
llr-I'Ol tlh .t .MIIN.ilO
W tltS;Tn '. lit.. I L-e llluT '
Pi-ale (I r;-opials a. e lot in. d h ti,e uii'itf'-ltf'-eil
tttyinir ;he l ii.t' d H'a:o4 i) ar'ernniSti r tt lparti
Wa-idnutn, I. i', i itai'Iuio ttd ; AhiXAii-l
KorrrohB yonroe. Vu , oi ti.o.r oi Th- ma p.acjj. w
t'oiii, t'ttt. and sira.v.
Illdi ivill he rte. Ivc1 for ih .I'-llvorv .f -'-OuO
ot'Orn or Oats. and-'iO tons m liny or b.riu,
llt-UhY Uinst ttntfc .U whir'ii of the ah v-1 n unt1
they p.-p,ht,- to tllUke th llveih und thu r.i IH
III. y Will ni.iho d'!h"ei there-if, tho imin'1'y
tin i -. i' propo-ed t bo Uoiixo.ed, iito itnw wi
d lit -ti. i sli.Ji bo couiiiiiLctd, uid whtu lo I
I hi. d.
Tne price toit.t he writ'i'n our In word- on the h
t wni :C l-e p.'t no 111 ;.im1 S'oit -i.-ks, iC .1
busi el- a h o.i". In lit., i-a-k-t, . i ,-i(,.ru tjire t
tut'i. 1 lie tn. -s to bo tinimtie I w itr. nt vir
tl licverniu- ncj 1 ! .; JJ.i, ur .SI--.H. io I..' a -,ird
Tlie pai t'v'ul.-.r kh:d ij d- .eili.ri a i of i 'nti, '-ki
'T.l'., ;.rop ltd to 1-0 Mi1. Here.', lllUfct o0
I f
All the ui'. hi otv-rnl Hi d- rfht t-tdi h n-i., r P'
ib I
- si iijv i i.-u i ii . iii-in ' iiLi u ll.e leiVfriililie'i
1 t'-i . he-or1 ! ' h:-; a p e-l
I I''1 w-l' b rwir.h-d ''ro-n tf ti: ti l In.
J I. .. f -.t I Mn.llMliiii .-ItJ i .-.. a-- t r in'.' i'.i ni th;
1 1.... a. lis J
i,.. i i i t il.. .-. .,'..1 i u u te
who e aie-. t t ton i i. u i lor Miftil im
IM '.I"
:!l I,.-
i'ilr. ,1 t- it
I l.j I ii o i
in :miiv hm nr
P'.MSI.ll.l p i -
.1 u
'ifi'i.ui, liu or t'
i'..'- e.-.ciia tl.
1 iii"l mi n, l rt mil"
nr iht- c 'i.'nii'f. i.i .1.
uy i n Uu' U'ium ..I'
i. u
h li
h a
: uu
t tl
i : , i .." ii.. i'.i in ii-.-
i -.. .11. ii rli !hv. allir ir.
.u .... . .1 ... i .r
im.,... ...... . .
i-jliii-vi C Wl
I'.i', . .... l.-r 1 i ii::i..,t i-n' I' s i'.ii', 1.1.11
n :"i .. i t I'm: i : , In s .-ui.i t-i . i : ji f to t;' mil'
l i I, i . ii. . . r t. 1 s t. 1 1., f. i -i r ')... il. . ii.ti'1 1
l. im- .ii. .-:.. t!-i i.'i n: . i; I'i't. r.i .ft s, 1'
. ' :, :l.- f . . vi .is u.u, i-; 1. 1. I I:- . f.t il I -in';
li t in i' ii.t.t a ."iiiriii t u. a'-r. miu. . . . u
l- i kt ! i,.! ili : ii in a t-i .ii l'-r l-'u I' ,'!
i.i,.; : 1 1 i.t '.l luit'1 .1 l. -l lt ,f 1,'iMi-r, i
...ti l-i t :.. i.i ll.e ii l uiu It as I ' ir. i.i ui
i.m i, uii.i i..:r l.imJi andtfti- -l.ia i'.i
in i ..,
kv, si
hid so
n ri
6 b
I I i rttu tliu'. I" I'- .( .f m, kr.ii
1.. lit i i-.i 1.1. -.'-i ii'0;iT mv (.-,i
. I. i.t a. .l.rt-t :i I' . u f Hin.'li.'t 1 - ii t uij'
"'I u'liifci ttiH' ! ty li.i I'tilil l.u-l.-t
r.'ili'. i"r ! '.M'-t. in, or an olt.' r ortli . r unJ.-r
IstMli'. iltv.'ii.u lat, . r ii'' imi.,1, M.i
All ,rr.., r..'.''v.-a uril-ri! .. m 1. pill.,-,,
i t l'i il ai 11 . IH'li.l tit tl'l. ii't-ri' nn l.'riiU'
- to 1
I IVl'6
S 11 I
ik ol
H cu
v, Vtl
tiMlurnay ol ..t Ii v,utk .t 1 Itimifr. r.i r,
ll.VlHU :, l'i l'.rtt Ut lilt li'..'ltll f rt- t.,:s I- -I
I, II. If.
I I il l'n,at!-..r Central il i.'u.r
HI' ' I ..' !' v . .-..I .'I, ' "1 I . !., '. . ... ., f.. I
i -. " .1 . .-1. .I ' '.'.I.- ' .! lie I.,
- ' il" :''"' r. nf l 'i n 'i. i'i ... H.iitn i
.I'll. I. .l'V ;r.. I.
i . i -1 . :r r .' . . r-, i.ii - ,
.' I "':: ''.il '..:i-'it ..! I ui r l -
' ' ' ' ii - "l'i,'- 1. t
1 ' ' I . . '1 -I.I, ... ., I. . , ., u ,
I- .1 '" : .- "I. .....
I . I".-. .-I.I i i' V i.i i, ,, "1 !, ,
T- !..H .. ' ''". ' -'. ' 'I'-'i- I ! II'.'.. f i,i
111: '' ' .1 I.' ,v :'i-ii , . ',i- ,. t, -
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