The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 26, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 5

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l TWfutt.
Sifting the confined nml contni llc
lory re port wlii-li we print this 111,11 nlni: from
Rebel soum. wo oll.-oi nolmr n.iii.n
of tlie iin emeu's of S'i mum' i my siro c it h ft
W Atlsnt. It lin In rrsi-il anil cnnip'otoljr wopt
!i tlit tenitory Ij in fie f;-orj.'i:i a-iol t lie
ri'ii'l", ft'nl niovnu; in M'
, ,. . niUL' IH.'l.JllH i.n
itf fink-, m il ron- liir ; in a,lwi:ie of t'c
nfantiy, Im , etiio.l to inovo ; iiallv In
A tiffin a and i. wnnn M.i on, mil iiu ovm
' created n ilotil't tvn-flo r a tli rd .linino- e dum-i
' I not iiKnui' up ti M h-Wiiic l.y it rtMil Ivitiir
I Fr.'in Midi rem n in f urnilic1 tr the (lonrir
I pnptri., tin picuoui st .t. iu-iit nl the K i ti 11 1 ' -i I
l'ri s". !" Mic.-nmii, .,n ilQ ci n, w.n w i lim
I'lBhticn liiiloi i.l M ,n, ii iuformm illy oooi
tiinini. U m iio v Min i. ciri'iMitan'iHllv re
poried tint mi H, -dre-d iy, the lllli. tin It-ticl
I Emeriti Wlu-hr l ift ili alviii. c t, U oeral
( Hln rniHti. ti n in !, nur'ii of (iri'iM. arid foiijiit
I the i-noiin " ii 1 1 1 1 Irtto in the tiii'iini .;. Oonoral
J Wlnvier i i,inn. nidi a. i triv;iii .r lo.-uo fcv,rr :
I and hII tht ii..ifnv. I... i i .
CO .. ....... HUB I I Oil U M ".S (I I
V) ftk'.rn.iHh nml t.ili in, -it - n... i iu ... .....
I I , ,v n wi nun hi j, g
f . CO.Iillllii allluM til 'Hin-lfs ll tln ,Tl)riM,,
? ,nn Mcliiii,nii(.h and I ue li,ir, rna Ik hy w!ii. u
17 'hey were priMiiii.' hnvard. At I but toitnti date.
tin- It.l.ol in I n ,i r fifi-oii' wni.'l in,.,m
llowo.l C,,l,h i' 0'i:ia:auiiitlitiu uorr ro'ie it
im? ii pi ii li,trr,t'i i io, tilu i n inio driill I ;
nti 1 1 1 1 1 1- was, in ii,iii4 , nci tnoii,.;lic of ri'si-iinir,
orctca ft icliiti; u.'ivhI Micrm tn'i imrvh.
It ih fiinlur, that n:i t'ic s-h, lit l.j
o'clock, the ' Vaiik.e c i alrv " re only ei :Ut
milt rortb of 1 -n sv ih which in itsc.f lintnvcntv
two mile nor li-M-' ot M n. At ilit nl ice
they Huiild cut oil' C ilri f om M icin. unless hit
hail HiHili. l-,in .rk ,il . . v tr.ut.l ti,.... .- II
iilo. ntul k lii thcr iln v ilid or not. thev wi n
j.'wcll on thnr way tiniir Is M i, ..n tlt.,t' it Is not
"'ti.' irooiii,it: mil nt;t iu ccr'.nn lacy wul,I t0
within iinh ecu mi cs, as liihrj rep utcd, oa tlio
foIloHfuK diiy. h,cak of c iv.ilry only, hut
tLe lUrhnion,! papers have previously ncri uto
utiilf rstand that .Ma on win tuns naprmelied by
an iiifui tiy li r c. 1 tlm 1 t jr anij m 111! d"
tai:cd :oiy in true, it mav bo dou'.ied whetiier
any pord 11. ot Sherin.n's inl intry as a' that
date unite so n ar tin; cny. Vet wo da nut sup
pi me Mierinan is -ending bis fav .Irv oa tii,jro
raidH 111 nd an, 0 of it; inian'rv
coluttinj, 1 nd there bad hcn time cnouirh for
iolaiitiy to t ithin ono day s mar. li a- ner to
Mai on us the cava, v is known to Ii iVis been.
Therefore, n.l owitir the movements of the ri-lit
wing of this givnd expeditioa, wo may fnrlv
Infer tbut the bccoud's re -cireil vi s.ivnnn ill of
the c.iptttrc ana burning of M.iunn are prohiMe.
Hint news is two days later than tlio latu-t
tei eitd by way of Kiciimoi.d, and report! that
.MilltdKiivil'c had slnrml the late of M icon. Wo
express no postiive opinion ns to cither town, but
we consiiler iby nt itcinint en itlod to cunsij. ra-
r tion. Hcddo tb; io!ii,un which wo liavo
i traced from the Vi li to the l!i h, tdl-
1 low leg the line 01 the M ic, in aad Weit rn a I-
a road, viba'U 1 the road from Atlanta, a
H'couu ami central column is bcird ot at
Mclionomih, at lndi m Nprings, at M uiti'vllo,
end at Ilill-iioro; and thi.iii;h these pines arc
not all 011 the di. '." road to Mil!,',.;eville, thev
arc so near to it that cxpi ditions of cav.ilrv in iy
h easily oavc railiaicu to cither point a-i la fr nil
BJ the direct line of inarch. At all events, if troops
aU of ones have been t, l untie, ho 1 hi,.,, la r
way between the two railroads, and more than
half way from Atlanta 10 Millcd revjiie, j; jS Cl.r.
tain thut there was a oistiuet colnaiii nioviiK by
tbat toad to Milled villi!, at which pi a e it was
dotibtlesf to be joiiivd by the troops which fuimei
the rif;ht wing of the co operatipi; armies.
The txlrillin left of loiner..! Sllinr,.i,i
&X moved, ineatiwhile, m arly due east along the
f;mr,ii.i W.,i;,',.,,l ,i,..l i... ,l.n - ..I u.'i.
w-.,... u iit nn- i mnn nuiuil lie
parallel to it. Ini tuiry w n u', Sli-tll 'Id on tiie
liitb, wliich is thirty miles rast of All lata and
eight nonh of the r ulroad. This column, there
fore, il it left Atlanta, as reported, on the. 1 kh,
had made its prceriked tifieen miles a dav.
fl Csvulrv was at .so III Circle a railway staiiou
I eleven miles southeast of Shctlield 011 tlio follow
j ing day ; and here us in the e.isu of tli3 centre
and lift, the cavalry ii apparently but tlio due
1 advance umird of the main infantry force, and
not an independent command 1 12 at upon raids,
r 1 AVo kain further that 011 the following day, the
.1 lHtli, Rebel trains on the (icorgla road run no
1 turther wet than I' Dion I'olut, wliicli is foitv
j tunes cast of Socul Circio. The inference Is coui
l pu sory that the ruilroad between those st ttions
I was abandoned, without the slightest eil'ort at
defense. I'niou I'oiut Is about due north from
1 Millcdgivllle, but could not prob ibly bo reached
, unite so 801, u as the latter place. And it seems
to be the Ktbel opinion that the column tuoviu:;
; towards Augtti-ta is to edict a .junction south of
- that point wiih the forces which shall have passed
C through Macon and Milledgcville, instead of
u tho-e foiccs moving tin illy up to Augusta.
Thus, once more, the evidence points to a
I g neral and final iidvatn e of the coni'iiacd col-
nnins t.odtr Mutiujii to s mn: point
in the ue ghborlmod of Navnnuaii, We cannot
exptct to be accurately informed of what hap
pens 011 the Intermediate routes, but must Ue
content to gather, us we have tried to this 111 irn
ing, indications of the ultimate ptirpo-o of Sher
man from the sea -.taring facts which the riiid
censorship ot the Kcbcl press permits to be
As we write, we receive news from a S ivan
nah paper that on the '.'1st Sherman' cavalry
was at Uliswoluvlltc, a railroad sti'ion ten miles
1101 1 boost of Macon, and between that point and
Savamu.h. The main body of sn, ruian s army
is nioitcd tweuty-ihreo miles from Milledgu
ville which mean-, uudoubted:y, the infantry
lo ce of one or of two columns, which have Itcpt
the general sou lieas erly direction from A'.laut.i.
Meanwhile Hood is repoited nt 'ay ncsb iro,
eveuty mile souths t of N'ashvide, uad lloai
regard at I orinih. Tbu telegraph says If ), id Is
thrcntcning both Nashville and 1' III 1111, but
M avuc:.lioio 1-oil the road to t'oritiih, and it is
far Irom likely ilia" t'ie forces uud -r Hood mi
mediate comniainl are to go North, while the
ret of llcaiuegaid s army is sent back into (ie ir
gia. V do 1,01 ihink the movonietrs of citiicr
a 1 lords occasion for concern ulasut the safety of
atiy point in Tennessee that is important to us.
Oeutral Thomas is abundantly a'lle to take Care
Of all the forces he w 1 et to wu eli.
Wkfir llust nt Hvn 4 oiuc I roni.
The oceun Is about the Ust place wiicre one
would expert to be annoyed with dust, yet v t.t
volumes of it soiu times -w eep over the A'luu'ic,
and mill m ire fre imi'ly over the M .'ditciTain; i'i.
Not loii( ago a vessel that had been oil' in a dust
storm arrived in port. The crew decline ! that
the "llyiug din" a! most choked and b!in V ! litem ;
and alihough sailors' jams are not always n am '(I
with a single eye 1 1 truth, there was nothing iu
the story itself whio'.i militated ucainsi its
credibility. It is well k nown that dest s io. rs
sotretiint- occur at d stances of tV ni o ie ta m
sand to lilt eu hundred miles from an I. Tuc
particles are gen rally o' a bri. k dust hue, ami
they have been known to I i 1 s i thickly .1 to
muke the ea "ono t d" as tar as tiis c e cou.d
reach. Doctors disagree ns to th" or gai m t.ic
pheiioiacuoi'. Two ia:ts whi h bee rocon iy
come to fciit, se in, hoT?"er. to eattle the
que-tioi. dclinltcly. t;o is, that tlio itnrrod..- r
ot tbo du-t lire evervw here the ksviuc ; tti ! u'.iior,
that tii so ingredie'in aie etc u-ivciy sjj; .
Ameiiiuii. Aniina:cil.o, and the tl-i- . 01 a u
malcuhe, found onlv u t!i it con.iiiou', .1 ". a;
lot inly present in Ibe M aht ;rrai,i 1 1 siro u ,1.10
t'upe tie Verde san.i bla-ts, and tin' d K or.: s
occasionally met with in the neighoorhood o, t:: '
A'orcs. The theory , thai the 111, '-ai ii is 1 1',. : 1
up ti om thopurcHcd pamp iso: cipia'.o.'i ti Atii.a'.:
iiv whiilw liids, and cair;e; by the tr.ide winds to
tli-tnnt latitudes.
I Hut thi- theory ! nypo-ed to :l.e f'. 't tli..'.
win 11 these cust -li j'. .1 s a.-.- most . eii',4 a id
pi.wirliil. n at I'apc tie Y'Tdcs and M.nieir 'he
wind is iili'iosr alwivs th: i .'-'i ja t: : i
gnat A flic n l-:s
'I'm: Mn . U N hi i. I sn ' i 1 - '
write ail urtuy 1 ou.;-p.,u .cut. W: c 1
path tlauilgli u.i lis iu u.iiiv, .iu .,
the Inirniii-; l.iso. 1.011 t.c: r..u;:o .it
i ' y
the treea ol a miU JVcii: -i Ui0i'...i tie r.'; v .y
litarliili' the me 01 ,1 cade. !-.iV:ii;' 'n-j
tiioitur it (facifuli uiuv.s on, c.itihi.ig ap
Jieaveiis til! it I : jica '.y or cti:;o .. ! u'o aujve the
tail!., ..lid it g.i It-s, .-.t! I"r A i.uiu-Mv 1 1' '
r titiy In a hoiiont '1 lii.o ; but yoa ',iiii .
tluit the liilic Ii. iy orb is t.e r.n:i.,' ti. ml. r s -
jut lit ol 'the 1 iivU. 'li.o wif.l l '- l'-rrn',..l-Hiin,
in K'ig iao uLd it half mile--, i'.'.'. i :': rrc it
a straigiitliiio not nuue as i.oko .is ;i slid iYo.n
ainoit.u . Ilur in p issing over liiis i .1 c c ui
ti liT.tMe tiino is rcnuift. d. 'J'l:e t ':r: trne
liiinh la-lci tiiitu Umi simt. A t nil fi.jia a tin it ar
Will miil.c u dis'.inc j ot '.'.vj iuiics in a .i it It .'i, and liciii a I'arto:t j-'ua u'jo it u.tii'tiiat
tun. The .la Ii ..: i.liiii, a::d t'.e v. arc Buioh'!
I.v i'rtiv; the luO.llJt ol Ti-l;ii.Lroe. j.lld
life, 11 or i.veiuy o.-otiU- yivc tuna to t'.itd a cotrif
in a n-iutcr roof, a tKucii, or somitHinij
tn, reor ItenJ. Mliiinnn, v ' IX. t.
riofe.or Ilenjtmin Plllimsn, Hf d'el
Ms residi nr In New Haven on Thtirsd m'"'n
inp, at the adt'srceJ sge of eighty-four year'-
l'rofes.t r MHiVnun r ban, Q North Ptrv '-
ford, Connecticut, .'n the Kth csf Attffust, KTf.
His father, (Icneral OOld Selltcl. lliman, was a
lawjt rnf dlsthiction, and rctnli red important nor
vice as brigadier grncrsl in t i M ar of the llevo.
lutii n. Mr. Sillin an was g ada.ibd t Vale Col
lege in 1?, ami In 17W was appolii.'C'l tutor. He
"tndie.i lw,iidwaadiuittelioilieU'rof New
Haven ;n 1S 'J.
(' a iclence, win then alnmn un
known In Ainei ic 1, ia -lug tug t, even in it- nult
n tuts, only at l'hi'adclphia and Cambrld ; but
the hril i int til vrrle tf I in oisiei , Sir II um-
phrty Haty and o li -rs. h, ,1 nit rat b l miic lis t u
tion. I'r. Dwight, h n I'rcsiilcnt of Vale College,
became intercs'i , in jt, intro luciion into the col
li e rour-e as a reg ,, p 11 imcnt of in-iruo-tion,
and with that view 1, tiered to Mr. Sdlinian
in IW J the la w i hair 1 f chemistry. He consen ed
to abandon bis profo-sion and iiicipt he
iiuhl I e allowt d time and opportunity tor pro
paiation for its duties. He a lordingly p-sed a
1 art of the n xt t u 1 f .it. in l'h ii., delph ia, as a
stti.h nt w ch 1'r. Wnotlhi 11 sp, and on his ictii'it
to New Haven, in l.Mil. del vend a partial c ,
c,( 1c, niu n 1 hciiii try to the student of iin.
Iu the winter ol Xi.-, he gave Ills fust full cm-...
ol lecture K. and in the sp inu :.i( ,1 ,,r Knro ie 10
proseciiic slid lunher his studies 111 phy-n-al
si ii nee, and to procure bo ;kj and .tppiritus for
tllU tol. eg.. or the lllUstialllltl of cllend.lrv ml
lit sit. He is, ted the mining districts of Kng
11 d. attended the lectures of eminent nr.,r. ...
in London and Kdiubiirgh. and at. m ,i..,l t,;.i,
I ranee, but w, stotme.l at Aniwer,. i,,i..r n
fa se chap-cot being an lincli-h pv. lie returned
lifter an nbscnro 01 fourteen nionthv, and resin ,e,t
the duties of his pn.lcssorsliip. His narrative of
his tour was published iu 1H0, under the
t'tleol " .bai'tntUit 1 ravels in Km -I m.1 ll..lin.i
ai.d Scotland iu 1 SM.'j-t;" ('J los, v,,, . 0ar -ed'
tiliiion,.'! vo's. lJino. nnd lienor on.r r
the einlltst Hicoiints of ( Itritain bv m ,.,ln.
catid Ann ik-aii, attracted min h attention on both
sides ot the Atlantic Not long aft, r his return
he inane a geolo-ieal survey of a part of Connec
ticut, vt Inch is liclicv. d to have ncn ibe br-t of
'l.c-c 1 xnlorafions made in the I'nitcl si,,m
In December, 1MI7. a meteorite of prent m.. im.l
splendor rnssed over Now I ngland, and threw
i",pe ii.i.kimoiii, wen nam cxnioslans, m ttic
lown of Western, Connecticut. 1'rnfcssors Si li
man nnd Kitigsiey visited the town as soon a-po-blc
niter liearit.K of the ocourrene,. nnd mi...
cceded in procuring some fragments and In ascer
t lining the faits relative to their fall. lrjlesor
Sill, man then inmlea chemical analvsis of the
li.itioriicnnd pubiishi d thecailiest au'thcnlio itcd
acta tint of the fall of a niefeoritn In America.
Ho afterward assisted Dr. Robert llaru in Ion
txpeiimerits with the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, to
which he gave the imtno hy which it is noiv geif
tally known of the "compound blowpipe." With
tlii- inurnment he lirsi eilccted the fusiouofseveial
bodies which hid previously heen regarded as
Infusible, particularly lime, ina -n.-sia. and soma
of the other earths with metallic bases In
lSlil be publi-bid in the '-Memoir ot
tl.e Connecti ut Academy of Arts and sciences"
in :ii count t.t ins exnoi 1111 tits, bv w hich l,r
hail giiatly extcmled the li-t of bn.Mes o.
bit liisildo. in 1M2. by his ncrsonal inlliieti n
with the late Colonel fieorire tiibbs. bp nir,.,i 0.
Vale Col ee the then unrivalled mineraloidc il
1111,1 geological coilection nunle by tint Kcntlcmsn
in mope, nnd he exerted himself with ircat
niectss to givo full nb'ct to the sciences of uiiue-
ra:ory and gt ologv. Immediate v on the r. eini
ot the uccoutit ol sir Iliimphrev I) ivv's discovery
of the inc'Bllio buses of the alkalies, I'rolessor
Mlliman ri pcalid his experiments, and obtained,
probably for the lirst time in the I utted State-,
the metals potassium nnd .sodium, bv tho
luri. me process ot (Jat-l.tissac. In is'''. 'while
engiged in a series of observations oil the
action of a powerful volt do dell igrator on the
modi I ol Dr. Hare, he lirst established the
tact of tho tr.iti.sfir of nai tides of carbon
fiotn the positive to the negative electrode of the
voliaic apparatus, with tho eo'-rcsoondiii' growth
of the negative electrode, and the letransfer when
tne charcoal points are slutted, l i s fact, w ith
the fusion of the carbon in the voltaic arch, was
one long disputed in Jviiiope, but is now gene
rally recognized. In 1S1H J'rofessor Hilliinan
tounded the Amrrimn Journal of Si-irnet ami
.lir, better known both in Kurope and America
as Sillimun's Jnnnial, witli which his name is still
connected, and of which tor twenty years ho was
sole, urdforcight years more s nior, editor. I bis
j, at lirst a iuartcily, but now a bi-monthly
periodical, has for forty -six year been recognized
nt home and abroad as the chief repository of
American physical .'cience. In lsl.H his son, llenj.
Sillinuin, Jr., became associated with linn In tlio
iditordiip of the work, and in Is IS it was trans
fcrrtd by the, senior editor to Professors .1. D.
Dana and U. Silliman, Jr. Professor Silliman
was one of tho earliest American lecturers on
cientitic subjects to large miscellaneous
audience, lie had for many vears given public
lecture in New- Haven, on 'eliemistiy, i;eologv,
audit lied topics, to audiences of eitietis, and with
excellent effect ill promoting a tasto for science
and a desire lor its advancement, in May, 1.S II,
lie was invitidlo Hartford to deliver a popular
course on soientilic subjects, and in foptoinbar
following to Lowell, lit ls'io and ls.ili he gava
more extended courses in llo-ton and New York.
Lb 18;i!) he opened tho Lowell Institute ol lloston
by a course on geology, and in the three suc
ceeding years followed with courses on cx
.iriinmtal and theoretical chemistry in th" same
institution. He has also delivered repeated courses
ot popular lectures in lloston, Lowell, s dem,
New Vi rk, Philadelphia, ltaltimore, Uulfilo, St.
Louis, Mobile, mid New Or'cans, many of them
illustiated by bridiant and interesting experi
iiicnis. in 1MI0 Professor Silliman publi-hcd a
text-book on "Chemistry" in two volumes, for
the use of ids students; and In the prov ous year
be had published an edition of llukewell's
"Heoloey," with notes and appendices, which in
the course of b n years passed through three edi
tion. An ncooiiut 01 a lonrncy between Ilart-
10m nn wtiturc, made iieton- the modern conve
niences of tmwl ware introduced, a so appeared
IP 111 hi- pen in IW11.
Iu it il uc again visited Kurope, after an In
terval of forty live years, and spent six mouths
there. The narrative of this journey, rcilcto
with siiontiiic ob-orvntious, was nub'i-hed in
s..',a umitr the title of "A Visit to Kurone iu
s"1," i'.' vols, l.'rno., ', w York ), and h- passed
thir.ugh six edition. 1 1 lsil he resign -d his
pioic-sorshi, and tvss made protessor e ueritus,
ut at the Miuest 01 tin isobcigiie he continued
to I, dure on gtolo-y till June, Is,; , when he
a la" e'o-inif eiua- coiuse Hie siiupiici'r
and moderation of Professor siliim.ii,' thvni, al
habits, and bisr.'iif imt uctivity, have oontii',iited
to give him a firm nnd vi-' ld a.-c, free front
inc. till or tin hi v v ; mid though 1 IS'iJ) Iu
bis oighty-iii'iii year he still 10,, k lt rti.,t mtorett
in the pii'tT s- of sc ctio-, hiini'iiiit , an I iViMdom.
koine at d ai roao. He ws a niemln r of 1111-
no nci Amei car.
po .11
scicn'ua so
n'ic .
ft It fcen-Jrit-ni.
1 lie! uu-i' lined rcpec; :i lnilu Wlt, has
en the ,i-s ,-i,ni' . iloisto hit b.oh T iib -s
1 .11 the p.. 1 1 is to Lis icllow-inen. here thev
huve ,ein no'bing o. tie:' liia . a -eh, ad ol horse
11111 iPa.. 01 tlic id,e i-.i. 5 in' oi-'au aryiiii.l Italf-
) lit C',1, In; hll- o .U .I. U It .1 '.l'i' g illia es of
tl.i v. if', 'ra in.' 01 '.';.-). e n 01 the K.'tia at e. 1
,110 100 :or il.i in-'i. -;;-r l;.is :. It ,s no' the
tin:, ', bit ii - c i: in the ililag, tit f .s d ir
to r, . l tv it ,ie loti;; I've.if 'iot .-s.,r ti vcii is
'ortui w.tli lb' s.o'h: .;' Us- un'l j-l.od ver-
teor.e. l .i,g .... oie tli-.v .fivt c tn-tav a rma
" hind Kin.'ia'l or I a.nuia glass, .otod in
lit sbaiiow 01 1,- 1.1' Mr. am. Mis I u jIm', whicu
.tare but see not 1 When we read tha: Cap:.iiu
Sn ildmg. o! ti,j p'.LK stem r.t. I'o":i t, has
, 01. i-id 1.1:11 11. ..'i:g t'.ro u'i. the li. 01 ' i:Ke an
ii.,:nc cCii, s o: o:t,'i'. b",l
t 1 ti-at I'l .'-ti rv 1! i ld
'.t vet 1 :en 1 to..'
n .1 jltoi', I lasss, we
1 i c .'i, a' least, has
.'.ilth :.n l awe -air-i'1'T
v .j-.'tr .1 the
.'il t 'd 'i-l. Ji mail,
vt tr.ete m:t:
in -O...I .- .'.-ol
v r.'-r
1 1 i.n.'',
IIJ'l ' .
mil .
',11'. " I.C
d ill 1,0 a'
s'Ttl-S !oi'
it now
ton ,'i r. 01 th 1'
s-,',r MonV-1 1 ns '
.1 rev r. M'-.f it' o
t a '..I'oi.a . : '. .'
I'll I.:
. Il :
li 1 '
( to o; tl.e ;.;t,-.i.'.lo!.s 1:' the S ili.r-.' rair n.
lt-l.u 1 tte a 1. ft n if, or, tit Icikt a li ,h mat
conies n.v.eit to tl.e iScfa'-pti. n of th it moii-ier
01' an.! yit eii-ootiod. I: i a very tpioir
ti-b, brought into 1'.-. ik.uen ,! i'riuay. It
wtipl.s about tour lii!i'id".tl pei:n.'. and is thir
tioii feet ia libfTtu, c: wl.ica nine f.o". Uper Jo.'. ii
to a eerpi iit-in.e It has Lio mu nh of a
BUnik, with two rows of teeth, a i n "n bis l.ft.k,
and it full eye like a oullo'li. In color end
motion it resemble a sarpent Iu the water.
The Territory of Moutana ha elected Samttol
Mi la an Opposition) delegate to Congress.
The population of Doston. by the new corpa
ration cen-tis. ia ir,e,7 ,y, nt tn4n Chicago.
l'dwln Wilbur, formerly (leneral Treasurer
of Ithode Inland, died in that State on the 17tli
, wo autogrsnh letters from I'loreme Night
incale at.8 ""' "t' fu "'c t the Sailor' l air In
In Sprifev'1''' M'S'clnisi tts, the peoplo are
holding ward mt),','"'f, lo PM'i'lo agaimt th
next draft.
A aiiihliii"-bou;.,t, krPt ,,v ,0'1" Nrown nnd
Ib niiiinin hitnl all, was t, '"koil up a few days
since in Ilo; ton.
Peaco'i Cowli s.of An hcrv M l'.,ciebratcd
lits goblin wedding, end bis son lm silt i r w cd
ding, on th niiif last wrd '
A young lady named Malind Caret tlie, I
bm ly in Piltsl urg, from the ellc'ts f a coui
pi end of chloroform and etlirr.
The New- London NoitluMh Knlia J P.mi-
pnny are to build it new bridge two liilii.lri'd nnd
Unity feet lot g st I hue Hive: 1.
The New Kn -lard Hospital (or Women and
Childicr. in Ilo.-tou was rcopr.iMl lattlyat its
new . n hi t ' rs, and i- row in sue e-ful operation
A 1m. y tloviti years oid late'y stole iroi
In 111 the Postn asti r of W.itei hui c, Conneotit ut.
He ci niiss. s 10 have stoltii, at forcer t ines, a
watch and a Imr e.
11 c ( hie go 1 1 i-l. Tii til '-'one'r p i seises the
ll.iid Inr. est ooi'e. lion in the lirtid Stui. s,
Ha' .afd I 1 in rity nnd tin Ho-t ci Ath tn uui
liiivii g t! e first and second.
H.iing ib i s m-t ilouiis'a at
TI ere has l ein bi t a single c i-e
It 1 in, and lor that one sop'ioinote
Htni two othi rs were illsnu.s.ul.
Skatit g will soon be the m
TI e soldiers of the 17th I nit-d
Ya'.e Cole, .
of it tlie c (Ids
1. as e pclle 1,
In Portland,
lies Int' niry
have alriudy c,aistiu b d a poml.and the cit. ' ns
ate tel. ill.; slops to another.
In L ifay.tle, Ind., the other day, a lietno
irat whitlod a b.util of nppl.-s si x times roun d
the public son ire. Ho intends to stop bettiu :.
for nt the rovious ca-ciiou ho sieved a cord of
wood to p-iy a wilder.
A weekly paper In Hartford sii-ponds pu!,i
eaiiiii once 1:1 a w hile, on mcaintof the hig'.i
I rice of paper. The editor sat the subscribers
pri fcr an week's suspension to an iti-cita-o
of siibiicription price.
ihc producilon ol iliixs ed in New Jersey
slitiw-s an in. tca.-e this year) imotiut ng tifonrtcn
nnd two tl i:ds per cent. Th ic I, a-also boon an
Increase of ten per cent, in the production of
stiiduim it yveater increase Ihun is shown in any
otlit-i Sta'o.
Captain (lorhaui F. B..s-ett lias just cotti
p'cted his twnity -second voyage to the West
Indies, as m ister. He has pinch red and brooght
to Isostou over t' n inillion dollars' worth of tii.'i -cbiindi.'e.
Captaiu II s,ott is but forty. live j ours
of age.
Colonel T. W. Higgiiison, of the 1st South
Caiolimi coloiod lo.'iin, tit, has been honorably
disi barged fioiu the iiriny oil uecoutit of physi
cal disability, and has taken up Irs residence at
New port, LI. mil. He w ill devote Iiimrolf
to literature.
The Pitt-burg papers report n marked decline
in sfenmla nt 'took with u the lu'-t few weeks, so
thut teats w bich seven or eight months ago would
sill readily for thii ty thousand dollars, would not
now bring anything; like tbat ligatre.
Charles S. Smith, 01 New York, has pun Int'ed
the residence of Morgen Morgans, in StmnionJ,
('(tin., for s l.i.iHifl, and will soon use possession
of it. li . (iovei nor Wright, of Inilinu, and
liev. Dr. I.athrop, of New York, have also pur
chased building sites in Slainford.
liev. ('. C. Carpenter, of llernaidstown, M .s
sflchusctts, tho Labrador inissionaiy, hat been
obliged by failing health to return, and will
remain in Mai-aelinsetts during the winter. Iter.
S. Hus.-ell Lutler, of Noithampton, a graduate of
Williams Cullcge, wdio went out in July, rotu lius
at Cariboo Island.
At the funeral of Limit, mint I riniston, in
Diinbury, Connc ticut, recently, the clergyman
poke from the passage in Revelation, "There
was a rainbow round about the throne," and as
the body was lowered into the grave the sun
broke through the clouds-and n beautiful rainbow
appeared in the cast.
Mr. Caleb llou-e, of Turner, Me., who w ill
complete h s ninety-fifth year on the lirst of next
month, on election day lodowiih his son lour
miles to the l own House, walked unsupported
fibiu Ids conveyance to the ballot-box and ilepj
sited Ids vole for Lincoln. Ho first voted for
Washington, ai d lms voted ia every Presidential
election since.
It is probable that the debt of UnM0 on tho
Provincial Theological Seminary at Troy, Now
Y ork, will soon be cancelled by tho libera! colleo
t on taken up in the Konian Catholic eluirohns
of tlint diocese. Lint Sunday three churches iu
Troy contributed -ll'ih).
During the Union celebration nt Nashua,
New Hanip-hire, on Thursday evening Isst, a
snltitc was tired nt I. owen's lliil.and at the forty
lirst round a premature ilis, hinge o-cuned, by
which I'lCdenck I. Hughes wan terribly niani'led
in both arms, one of which hits b"en amputated
The teacher ol the Cambridge ( M is tchusetts)
Hi: h school, backed by part of the committee,
recently made n rule that till the boys should
weur slipper in the h aii-nom, ami s int home
those who did no; comply. TLe p.U'or.t' objected,
und the r li t- lc "a r- .elpd -d.
Tl.e tiinl nt l.osto 1 of Jo-cp'i fleip, a Poitu-
gn i;i. in. lor ti.o i..iirder of lo't'ii Silversmith,
tcrtioiia'e 1 on Ttio-d..y in a v. r Hot of guilty.
l!.e- pi-i'lts belonged t" tlu bir ue Itot int, on
board ol which ibe ni'iidc-r was committed in
.In y la-r. .hid .? Ciii.'oid sonteii , i pent to bo
i'Litg on tiie li h o: Fe'Tiiary net!.
!l. ul en M. J-r, .;' I'aw;',ie..ct, It'io ! Isla :tj,
slnr'or d hi- .inn by n ri.'.e shot wni c buniing in
Mu.i o t'.'W ibiy- ago. was taeiity-'.'.ve lailis
fioiu nr.;. 1 ! yri. ian.b if!.-: preson -eof n.ln-1
to lie a mi,! lieh'ly r'.i.'id li s arm ' ive the
wo 11... tin! t'n' Arm wa- so - iVly Hiit;iutae'
twi nty-ii ,.r h 11. s aftar th- aceldei.t.
Tic- 01 .re nt I t ; i-,.i '.nr.: is -I:!1 a: wo 1. o 1 the
Airi-iil'iiuil ( oil, go noes I -n. Th" 11 Jnse has
voP d by a ' urge :u .1 1 1 - to r. t'ie 11". of
b. t yen "to,r,.jiiv.'.' Vfin S .;'e I'ni
voisi'y ii"i'. f.sio I at "li go-," a 1 I the favor. ie
1'iitu now is M divide l ie !nc ,u. o- ti.e a Ticai
tur il mm! nnioi.c ti.i ti.r.o .-.:.; Iroady ex
isting in '!.c Sru'e.
A sailor once La.d a ii lt-ud who f a I Sl.e.kc
tpearo's ) lays for hr.n. He erit ei.'.od tuem n'.l
I re-tty freely ; but 'ht t' e.-nm'o 'be 1 a-nige in
the Miiht-mmtr .V ';.; mo , la wi.lih II1:
ii.tviiiiii J is n.-iib1 lo .'l.'o i.( on :bt iiu 1 i.lii's oaoH,
t.e 1 rcnt'Ur.t t '' r.n tin, . l.i eU I
-hid b' " iio pill;, s t. M t as -1
ui.ti 1.1
iirl1. ss
Hit :
i.d ecu.'! 1-0
t-.i 7
h it: '
1 I.l CI f I I II (1 'b.O) O
M .'.in d. y fi.e vt "ict.ii ;;
iiu Cfili'f', ! 1 cared at !!.'
aim of a, and v.'ith
.(-. s ij's li.uf cr y c 11
atUr K" 1 . of Oi-r-(
oils, i"r.nin',' 011 me
trei.ibling liiiilSuLd
vnue n ni'.rkt.d
uliitr, ti;at li'.e
as In; l.unurd in vote to tl.e
f.rrt vote was givi n in lt-dd, and
that this was doubik 'S the l..s: vote It would ever
I e his privilege to gi 3 tor President, lie
l.andid up a written (ti.timem, wh'eh he ro-
ollostlll lU'gllt bC Hud tO IhC lUilu ilo'.lUIldllig
tl.e polls, us follows .
l'iil-iid be the t'.'i:?':e which now watts tor
tr-.'.-ct- and the h.-ml wbtih would rut tliejua
l..r voiu 1 i out Chiisti in comn.oir.voalth.
"John K: i:c, ng, d tj.
"Oboilic, N.ACiu'.'-r, lMil."
Ltiibir-ed: ''A Freeman's Voc, IS'l, for
Abrahaiii Lincoln."
AcAnMtT or Fins At OrNifi op tub
Ciim-TiAN Commission. Last t rening tho p.
elous ball of tho Aca.ifiny of Fine Art were
thronged with the W of our city iu full evening
dress, to witness the opening of the collection of
production of art there to be exhibited in aid of
tho Vniied State Chrirtian CtimmN-loti. Th
cause waj one wotthy of the dlsp'ay of beauty
and patriotism which cb irat toriod tho audieao
The paintings on e- Ul exhibition, in a l lltionto
tbo regular Atndotuy di-pli,y, which wore kindly
tentlered by the BoaiJ ot Direttors, number
nne I lindred and iiinetr-ninc, nnd nnstitut al the
collection of James L. t h.ghorn, l-.s. Mi. (' ng
In m has for yi ars dotoii d his t t-t, , time, mid
money to the formation of n colter tit,n of w.iich
any one n.ighl bo proud. His lab .rs hne bc-u
n w.i.di l. ami he now piesems to the publi , In
a.d of the snbliincst ell ut- of Christian cavnv,
an exhibition unrivallod hv anv private pro
pi, iy in ti c New M oil, I. '
A11101 g the gin j'S picsciit we tecogtiir I imriv
f)f our loading mor, h mts, mnncted man. s l' ni'i
I nly Mich an attraction and si.oh'a cause could
i'miihc to grace Willi Hit ir pit -cm 0 a scene of
Mi, h 1 tiblh fesim y. Mi C aghorn w is as uriiinc
a; d ;tolf as iisca' ,,nd bv Ins indet'itig tide
nci iicn to art has rti-s , metilid the title ot (lie
M , 111 is ,,- our St do, 11 not 01.1 coiiii'ty. '! he
w ho 0 01 vl"itinti 111 h; j ,--f-s ,,n iiiu-t b" V.1I1101I
by the kindreds of tnoiissn i- ol donai -, a id
with West'1 great picti.") ol ( 111. si lio.ici led tor
c iniotniiioii, only 1 vci ia it ny tii.c of tlie tire. it
y nir tecontiy Ueld iu our pity! Mint ol the p mit
mgs Hie entirety new to the' g'ln piiiiln.-, ami
are the 1 telnet cum of .,, 1.
I'lnti rimr the n,i"'ii"ii rv "iPery, the eve dr. t
rests upon tho ."gantic picture ot Wu uanp,
" 1 lie la, 1 icty of .Viinlph," v In, ti bo 11-all tuo
pt oiiiiiieat c b .tract 1 vi - lies of thr nrist. P. lid,
clear tlclint ittion ot feature, and indistioot vet
ii .-, i rinlilc b ickr anil i.t'tu-' tl maui loa uVo.
Mr W ittkamp has another won' , ., ,., ,-n:i led
" I he Pi soin ," ami ion 'id, d upo'i tie we l-knnwn
passage in Cin-pet's fMtaiistof. ' Ibis is-npe-11,
a to his "Adolph." I he yot-.t 1, bearing it
ft male, Is in tho act ot sprlilgia,, ,a i,tl,.y 011
ii ) : -a th 111, (i mn ol! a Ilo. 11 lug li'tiip-or' ice. ' 'I' he ot bis lace linn and steady, tlity are still
-iiain'.ii iu ton-ion in the act of leaping, yet tin
smiic of nsMirnl safety is hall' for aod. 1 ho
cltcct of the picture is nijrre-.t by a peculiar red
light h hii h shim s upon the h ads ot the couple,
il il is 11 tiie, the puoiic should 1-e l-tii.-ir.od ot tlio
(net ; II It :s the rising or sr. tiu.t s in. the li dit is
too powerful. The production, Screcer, a uun ls
111 life nnd energy, and is as far as we have soon,
the nr Ist's lii ' Wio-re.
No. ii i is a small production of (inlsson, " Tho
Intel tor t,f the Church at Liege." In perspec;ire
it is perfeet. Tlie columns of the an. uni eduicj
ap t nr ns Ihouph actually ranged 111 older, and
the light from the' rollects w i h lmimt i .lo
beauty the shades ol the soiouin anU ua I uluir.
It i a pei feet gem of th art.
No. Id, " The Convent Door," is the fira st work
ol the geirtis ol Sh gert. The holy lather's la -c,
ns be watches ibe delight of the children, is tl if -The
boy sits with his una inonnd Ilis sister, as if
to shield her from harm, while his niaiilv little
face is tinned to the priest, half in i ,y aii 1 intlf
surprise. e s it lor hours at the p ur before this
face, nml though! that every feature w familiar ;
yet when again our eyes rested upon it, the old
hob it with n nooid force returned, uud tor 1111
In nr w e gncd upon tlie coun'en 1110 . It is well,
we will mn dosciihe, We adti o the n ader to ex
amine lor him-elf.
No. 17 is May's "I nly Jane fircv, pre-enting
I. i r Tablet as she goes to I set utiou." I bis wotk
is May all over, ivory t'eatiue pro'lsiuis the
attisl'.- inline. The most perfect part of the pto
iluc'.i n is Lady Jam-s eyes, ie J with weeping,
despair ,h' ictcd Iu them". Thev form the most
cxpicssit.' ijcs we hate ev r s en depicted oil
I'liiivas. In the rest of ,he pie ore, the bug. iter
hues picelomitmtc. Mr. May 1, we 1111 lor-tnnd,
ii. Palis, whore bis taste hi the scleetl 111 of c dot
will doiilule-s he improveu.
Nos "7 and 17- are tlia only reprvseut'ition of
Paul "ober. Until lire laudsoaie eene-y of
course ; and as he is tin avllst, are great successes
iu the ntt
liotlu rmel is represented by five of his larger
woiks, all of which lutvo been ably eri lct.oel
bctuto. Piouiiucnt 11 no 01 g them st iu ls his mas
terpiece, the ' Cliiistiin M'.iityrs." '1 ho Itev. Dr.
M01 ton's review of this workcxpl tl is ft int lull,
ar.,1 is -o coiniirehoiisive that any attempt at cri
ticism would he plagiarism. M. Mm an lias two
ot his water scones, which bear his usu tl ch irac
ttristios. They are ab iut in worth to tne
more extended works of tbat artist. Sully has
two of his portraits there, from w hioh class of
paintings be has won Ins reputation.
No. t 1. A Cromwclliun Trooper is fho onlv pro
duction of thut able and talented artist, Lmtze.
'I bis k-a s'udy in itself. 'I be K un Ih 'a I, Puri
tuu soldier sits by his candle-light, while hi e 1111
raoes lie around him asleep, and ith tlio storu
fimatici-m w Iifeh charaoterized tho days of tho
lliont Protector, balancing his llihle, while lie
rends, upon his sw ord. Tiie rvuV rtm nihu of thi
wan k Is e ;iiisito.
A. F. Tnit hns but one of his delightful fowl
scene in tho collection, No. VMX " 1 ho Happy
Family." In all barn yard views 'fait lms no
Cciuil. It is his own peculiar forte.
T. ilin hamin lie id ha- bis ex piisila "V ndinn,"
and his "Sprite of the Water Fa I," as leading
productions of his genius, both of w hich have
given him a reputation as an nrti-t, cpial to that
as ,1 noet.
SehuBsil'e has OS, "Saturday Night;" nnd Ull,
"Childien at Home," which we have seen before,
but w I ii h f r touching pathos of home surround
ings will hour examiii ition as frequently as tho
pleasure is allowed to the discriminative public.
Lew is has ono of his minor I andso tpe Keenest,
M.i; of the Cottage of James, the novelist,
and "(llgnoux," one of hi large, lightly, or
rather feebly colored painting of a snow scone.
Ail of this nrli-i's worns arc tTinarkubly light
tinted, and sprad ov r an extent of canvas
w hich ought to be grand, but is, iu reality, ex
tended. C. llubmr, No. 11'.', has one of those delightful
home scone which in dec the heart feci wa tior
alter viewing them. T hey elevate tho min i ami
tiuto, and will ever rank- among the liue-t pro
ductions of art nnd ctu -c.
T he whole collection is one of the liue-tevcr
exhibited, and eiety ol.ien should visit it, n it
only on nceoiint of its in!r;nu!c worth, which is
unsurpassable, but nl-o the righteousness ol the
object s hould cause the ci o-vding nightly of tho
clas-ic hull until the exhibition terminates, and
its thousands nrc sent :o ,,ur gallant bys in the
dii-iiuit Sjtith.
Wei'.'t great picture of "Christ llojected" I
also added to tiie vnliiald p'ivnie collertion.
Thi work has been by general consent pro
nouitced tiie liue t prodm "dun of his gaum, and
its u.-e is the more rmerk iblc a- the artist
bad nearly attained th venerable age of eighty
whin ho undertook the licroiioan labor of cover
ing this enormous can v. s C.-itl, ally considered,
it is worthy of the. hi In st lotnin nils ion, and
would runk high in m rtnch or soliaol of art.
For conception, 1 ompo-itie n, drawing, c. press!. m,
dramatic effect, anil nil other re .uisitos ol high
historiP id't, it il eiiallv consnieiioas.
It has in n on special ehib: tion, but
blind With is great am mini ilngs, presents an
ii'tinct'.on of ur,( i.ialiolo.l worth.
F.'ioi : Hi V Discs;.!, Dr. The bits'. et. of pro. tb leu by a foma! n imod Lid ly M T.iag'i
lir. :i. m the Twelfih Sti et M.:rl:ei, a- iw id in
Tuc Ti 1 1 t itei'it, has. lo-fader 01 the Mayor,
been the aird to the H, in -hment Salo ns. No
ewrcr ooidd be found to. t ie art , le-, an 1 it is
supposed that tuo ar.": ' 1 wont tn.'o'.igri the
inaikit purloiione nrl.i ''."'i fron one st i,d and
an cp'.ie or an egg lio.i. another. Ir.sVnl of
hfvirig a v.oh T l.iiiik-gi'. 11 .hnner, I: ,1 l- .1 is id
iu Msi.aucusict' 1'rl-er:. i' i: :.: ll.eiler. who
r.rr, st-'il 'he licensed, lie ': ': d "t tl.'- l ver bo v
he "hould disoose of :b aket. 'li e 1 .ilriotie
reply wa , "Stml it to tl.e- Sulooos."
hiiENi.i-ii A ni'.Mi T. A fiendish attempt was
II. am yt-'es!:ty aft, Tenon by a info-Team to tie--tuy
i "0 train t'rotu Baltimore to this city,
i.f !, 1: culled P., r. HIP. Vetwen 1111. !-n and
Ntt-. on. Tie 1.0 n'c ft t the ;''dotv who
atfi ei
1 00 - t
ti t ci
ore '
l-IV 1'
, t,
it , 1 1 la (-! sottlt: cr.iis.t.cs in .
h;.o.-i'ein that tney wool I p tch
i.e 'iii.i ne to.iH -en: e io.o.t,;, m can, r
li.oci.'lne -aid '.eiidc. v,-': : .1 ai'il
1.1! n.n.' ot 'i.e 1 ars brol on. I'.y .1 m a
i.n age to IhO 1 . s- n . . 1 l oiiiinod
or ! - - .0 d 0. I'la.l.iii d u 10 or two.
1m - t f
' w
1 1 .an
tl.e VI
l i' 'lit
1 and
s I I ti.e
hail to
IV .-I r.f -l 1 '.-.::! '! t in 01 there were
I ut os- oi.,. 1 pi- in tot 1 ,i cs t :' fiiorooi a;' si ion
t .ir I'I1 rt. left's i: no r t .i ..i f'.', ,'ivc cen's
- ' il. .:tt, v.l.ioh is alin't the .n!y noiic-ab'o
lottri'iii n ; iiM-los tc-e silbii!- in in ,'iic. to
. , ' ln,li- e l ; I. ma b. ais, '.''ic IK iiiurt ;
biiiiti, tl -"' to The. ' pound ; lahnnoos, ho. o
1 e.ll''bctd; eggs, .',oo. to .ne,; onnnis, 'iio. to
I.",,-.' i- b.'.n-ii , k; po'. toes. Irish, '.'.:. to Js,..;
sweet pt:..toes, j.ic. to 'ji'e'. J haii.pi'ik ; po'iltry,
Ur. to Jto. 1) i'i 1:1.1:.
T:TIM'-N'.AI. It. P;ill..i:M LtNlot.N.
Jiiseph F. Stakes, if this city, an 1 a
lucmber t f t e H- b Pennsvlvnnia Keginient, h is
f awanlnl to rresiilont Lincoln n very hand-ouie
and valuable gold pin and pencil.
The Secret Military Conimhpin of
tlio Government.
Oficials Consigned ta Fort Miffiin.
Af itite'vn's or every to or tbtee months the
people of the North arc astounded by the dci e
lopmentof s ure ntt of rouspir.icy miiongCeii em
inent c'li litis, wherein it ia iise ivertd that a it s
tt ten' cd 1 Ian of robb ry of money ur of goods
belongin'tei ihedovcrumetit aas beet i-on ltii tod
for many itovutbs p.i-t. The ) tiblie at laigt, in
niouy cases, have noted the CMrutagarrrstt Ie of
lit ing tsf this that, and the other Ullelal, and have
been not a little po.-. led to undei tt.'tn I horr men
receiving n KAlury of Irom one to two then hi net
did'ars pot- unaiitn could supisirt mill expensive
out ays. f-K., fen, and tvclve tionths pis
by, and j 1 1 t!n-e pnit rs still bold th Irpo. i'i n.
.aso Iho public o.- private tunipr. tln-ii btninliv
iiniiileefi d, ai d !'ie movo iu sooitt' nerluit
en if. mn s to all.
Ami yet all this while the Uoverniiien'.' I- not
f 1 tinobsi rv.iiit of the nci, his ot 1I10-1; i lllnaU
is the public i led to lma.-jinc To bo Mire,
Mr. I'rt sitli nt Lincoln, or -Socrnta-:t.t
Sti, 11:011 mul Vcllcs. may bo iiuiuced to
b'."i e that tl o iliiloient tigers i'e of the (Jovorn-m-.'tit
in tlio ditlorent ci'ies of live Norimiro iK-.rig
ct inducted as behoves tho best inloro-l of t ie
(-" eminent, simply be-nsu nie a ou itsous of
nn leitMitioe (tmiiii' pnrfes IioIiIh g posili ju utidi
li e '.'(ivernniont iei h their ears.
Pot are the readers ot inn in MiittrH aw ire
Hint in all the principal cities where W ivernmont
depots are louited, paid agentstif tne flovernment
ate ilrfyaltor d.iy luisily eiiganed in observ.iiit the
li'ti'imr In which tho business at these drp u t
nnnis -s couiluoied, as well as tlm conduct of
the utbeinls placed in chaise of tlmin ? For iti iu l'hiladt Iphia. iu the second utory
o(a very inotiest, unpret, n,ling liulldluit, located
on one "four principal thoroughfares,' tlaily sits
the Military f,uiiin-ion of tho War Ui pnrtinent,
re.s,dedoir by Colonel cicott, the sp. tal Com-iiiiM-iomtr.
The t'ololiiisioH is conipnsed of hat a few
members, who me clothed with power tt suui
n on witnesses in uny ease rnrier consideratiou,
nnd lo toiin., 1 the lorwuriling of nil p-ipem ro
Intii g to th i truiisiictious of any (loveinuicnt de
pailuetit in Ibis city, which mav be lu-edcd to
throw light upon the suh.ieit of such in pnry.
Wetk niter v.cck, and nioiith after mouth is iu
many iut to the iuveithtatlon of soino
Mipposul lraud. Si oretly and sili ntly the C011
intssion opciatts. The evidence of guilt slowly
but sun lj aoeumu hues. The men of crtuie ,11 II this
vtliHu, uiiMisolcitius of the fuel that their actions
are being inntle -i sub.iei t of (iovernment investt
e'niion. still loi'llnue tlu-ir noi.lrious pia liors,
until linnlly the day of their doom arrives It is
the in it 1 ri i; lit hour perhaps.
i hcie is a gentle tup t the duor of their resi
dences, or 11 riticing of the be'l. ilusiuess of
gnat Iniptn tauc: domuuds iloit an interview
stion'U be iiiiiiic l.Btoly given to the person apply-
r admissiou.
the n.ornicr Messrs. Smitl
Jom s, ami
Hiov.ii nrt iiniiiitts of Fort Mi. Ion1
In such milliner were the gre it frauds perjto
Ira'id liniong otl'cials holding po-ilnni at the
Navy Yur d discovered several wuikssuicu. l our
person werearrc-ted at that time, anil tunic other
t' ok pluce yesterday. All these oihctals arrests
have bt en lout to Port Mall 111 to await their trot'.
There mciiis to have been a collusion uniong all
the men aire -toil. The goods stolen lonidsled of
riy clolb. rosin (forty three btrrels i 11 one case
being mentioned 1, several ban els of knives und
forks, a largo amount of lead pipe, tin, puiuta,
oils, nails, tools, and many other descriptions of
articles w hich arc daily purch tsed at the yard.
Froniithe proceeds of some of these, one of the
atrc.-U'd party furnished a house in easily stylo in
the southern part of tho rity. This wa plnccd
in charge of a mistress. She, however, homing
of the iinpcmling invc-tig.ition, sold the furniture
nnd decamped wilh the proceeds of the salo. Her
artest sub-equenily look plane, and she is now
held with the other party mentioned.
Another of the party had commenced the con
struction ol a beaiitiiul house, brown stone front,
in Montgomery county. At this house possession
was taken of a large 'inutility of oils, paints, X.0 ,
wliich were ldeiitilied as (iovorninent property.
A uiaioiity of tho-e robberies, it would appear,
tlid not take place from tho yard, but were carted
oil before the delivery took place. For Inst tnre,
a vessel would arrive at 0110 of our wharves
loaned wilh roslu to be delivered ut the navy yard.
As In the case of the robbery of the rosin
alluded to above, a mini tier of carts or drays
were driven to other portions of the city, w here
they were di po-itcd until opportunity an i veil to
tli-piu of tlicm. Iu o'.hor cases, goods were
conveyed from the ynrel in carts, which entered
for the put pose of carrying oil' chips, shavings,
etc. Tin, loud, pipe, etc., were deposited in the
bottom ot these carts, which being covered with
shavings or chips, concealed the fraud. In other
ways, not yet made public, robberies were
'1 he following nrc the nanmsof thoso that have
been iirrested and sent to Fort Miltliii :
George ti lliDghaiii, attic-hod to the store
keepers' department ; William Harris, the pro
ptiitor of a sailors' boardiug-liounc in Front
sunt: AtitonloA s, master tarter ; Mrs. Jose
phi, llorer; Jo-inli Pascoe, master p'unilicr;
F.d. I honipson, master caulker; Joseph Tan In no,
Purser's Clorkon bard the roc-mug ship Voire -
It is rumored that a number of other a-rcsts
will yet lie made, in consequence 01 0110 of the
parties having turned .States evidence, nnd re
tooling a complicity among other otlb isls that i
truly astounding. A to tho extent of the tin nils
we ore unadvised, some, however, placing it a
lilth ns several hundred thousand dollars.
Hm-RiiTix-ii. This morning warrants wero
issued by the Mayor for the payment of the city
bounty to fifty-three men. Recruiting Is pro
gressing rapidly, and on nn average about three
bundled recruit uto It'dog obtained each. week.
Now is the aceopted time for oar citizens to pro
cure their substitutes.
1 lit MilMiik ii t't Co il (iuiunie. ! f'aUcd to a new
r.ilt'ht Imp mm! Hoi k Drill itiul Hniinrr,
it in blind In one coiui.-leti' lui'l aiut Reamer, ia inch a
UiAiiiid it h to I III nd Itumn ttt6 Oil Well at out and tlm
ni" lime. It N tUont,.it jvovritii' ni ull wall burcru
fi-nt it will invfl froi-i nri' -t! ird to ntio-liuti o' tiit Um
tvr' tcfer; n 1 tj.sttiity In Uriilh'g i! wt'.l. Tint UuvW ltrilt
h;u uhtbw3ii DAVID F.VAS.ui tl e rirui of
K in" A WiiUmii, No. It: S. rOL llf II itri' Tne Mrc t
crt .:' th- tlfiitn nt i. I't iiii.inlci sr !. -tt'ntly Invited
it cm) mt trx.siiiiwu tht- pari ut hu! uidd' l. A V.'it lrl1 in
l.koJv to takf ihi inrto 01 all orliuii imh iu uic, ny i-rr-i..n
wihHt y 10 t.ikt licit! of tii : !'' ftiiJ niniiiiui t'ire
ti Urii'i fbinlii mil ut once uj'D thv ji-itcMtco, The
I Hiti.t hat jiiiit Lf 1 n taiitn in , lje.ii irirf ilt Jlovemiifr
I.avii.i st-vtHt"f ycr to run; co''iU'Mit!
tl.t r-' ii t r tiK r tn it e t v r a'ie J.uiiUt'iiu r turn- ttr
it 1. ii'i.j'.h..nj'jj,- .im) fcuj i'Iy i j; o! V..b : k i'. Htitl
h JU .r.
A p 1111, Mre -I at..nii-l tu-i nr, u tin. . ,ir J, si
It Kin sn llutk Jli-lll BltJ itisuifr lluit iiilriiisfH on toy
,.'i. nt, suit .ii.yliiill tint b - cstrm .,it so m t-, ,lrl!l
n .1111 tt.o tv. !l ut tot- n-mc tiiiu; tvlll he an Itltrlnerp.illt,
se 11 1 1.1: inati. 1, ,s u v riiio. X -1' my iityiil.
lil t i t I.
nt i-tMi: 1 1' ti;.. r '
I KMii,:; r."
I I 'liit. -I .l.Kl'EN'I'ONr.
s U '
: A I i ' ('
!'"niK f-(i
, M'A 1 ii t, l
NT!! Y."
1 111; tail's
I'M Pi. 1' HA I.l
( ( t.
( r .s.'CKKT II M l "
' - . . ii" ri't I I' All
:AY liVr.MM,.
'-,.1 I'.VKMNo
K'.'TIU'.K ( V Till' SKASON.
'..iii.i 1 Ei 1 i iu: to" 1 nt: fi ,v.
I. IM t( MKKlXt'JiS l.i.. i.
,' Umi.
MtV 10 IK,
l.ll II.,'
ClICUC. I Ol.UltS,
Fn ul o.. :.
RKtltlt Lo 1'Rh 'S.
t I I N Mul liAHT A I 0.,
Nl. IMi,4.'..', .ma 1 .1 . iiu -iMi So-iei,
Ati, o o Vt illovr.
Lyons ?elvs,
Frost Bcavora,
Velvet Beavers,
Cbinchilla Cloth,
Tricot Boavcrs,
Fries Cloths,
Lupin's McrinB,
Lapin'8 Foplinc,
Fublinio Black Silks,
Ricl'eRt Fancy Silks,
Lupin's De Laines,
LupiL'B Cas-hnieres,
Lupin's Wool Flaidj,
Lupin's Tamis,
Lupin's Parissiens,
l upin's Thibet Shawls,
Vienna 3roche Shawls,
Paris Broche Shawls,
London Ooen Centre Shawls,
Largo Premium Blankets,
Melodeon r.ud Piano Covers,
Damask Table Linen,
Towolings and Napkins,
It) i-'Oi nnlia
Tlixril AN I)
1 "n Am t on.
; f.M VTVH ! P,.(.r,.(l hilh rb,.
1 l VI (it 'IM l.v ll.-ft iMl, . I.,t It. . Hllt'sl kIih-m, $1
I 1st ki l.r.o y i it k il. e,n t k k!" , .'HK-.
Itt.lMN nut- I-i.'m, h , t!lVr Ht h . to fl.
1 luf ret. In' dark t iirornctii'Mlll" x.'srtw, 7.V.
I lot Intlii ' hl K kill i.nvt-s, , nrili t.
1 let hroctif st-riii, tiltti k an I i-rin.v ct'Titrc, ti u tf
I l with- tii"'- knl tmMii.l, ii, tl Inn., -.e ins, f I bo.
J 1 I iilm k in, ft whl'i triio' nt.1f r nli-ivr ,v
l Inl v.-Ty htt'M r. totitilf ln-llr.1 hlnrk twnt'tet rihrtnn, T-V.
V Int ' III.' ftlltJ limit I. mm ht'tl flii'lll'it luilftllllH, 'V,
j h.t m -k una an w tM i, Murtiux luiiiK-i., a;.
1 Inl nlH'l lil'lil 4 Bill DM ll ( h, VA .
Am J iul li irl.iv. x.nhh m,, f.rtfiui-wnc!i,l.riith.f
1) ( nn 1 rVttor (i-it'C h. snap., Ar Ar,
N 11. - Iftu;j M IIItT, l.t-t lU'r-l oiiu: Lu int . &K- nr
A smalt let f Sn.J, V'4, T,;1,
oril.T H,il:al,? for ovriilnii wear, at
anu 1, tftsltttr or.t of
IIH.NO (Wlt'T KAI.f HIK I'lVAI ITltt .
in tun
ttn. I0SII CttF.SKtTT flTKErtj
iuuiiiT ccboiis cAsuMiatii rr.Ain.
.1' im do oo.
Ill) do MKhlNO ,lit.
I roni Ine lata
Aft'l'II.N MAI.KH.
I l KtVKX .NTHblt.tltr CO .
But. At, 1.2. ami 4.VI . MKt SI Htn-H,
II '-'f 'I Ali.-yo Wlilnw.
Nos. 713 aud 715 N. TENTH STREET,
Ilitvo'lmlreoi'l-eii n-oin the Auction Bale of hut week lit
HtK York UriiO btoif Ilrciis I,,, oil, Cl"lln,nd C'tull
uioiua, and will it-t; tl.out ul lower prlcei than the; havu
Ue-D blttteil an tltna tldit at',iii.
Hit II I'l.All) I Ol' I. I.N St.
t. Hk.1l K U'.ltKIW LOTUS.
N-4 lr.Kl.lMIlIl';ll.llVOKl, 9 4, worth fill-
0-1 KKC4L1MII Ml&KlAOHat, S 1-.10, ttollt ..
Drril Ootids, all MMUlm mid iualltlcl, tit as lotv pi tmt A.
ny In the city.
A I.Alton AS iOUTMl .NT OK Al.k KINKS.
at ntiariy an l,,v prices m whon there wiu no preiulutaoo.
I, -. Id.
l-.DO blanket Hhuwla, bought ai a trt'Oiei,aoualofl
All Prices, from $7 to $13f
low ai thuy wore toh l iot winter.
ll actt lit n tir, Tnt ut I n in n itavcr.
tr.v l Hn o CMtirhtHa, lilack anl Motlr P)w-vm.iJ
Bltb(-il i lot lis, Uatiit (. lotlii.Aiid uu ut tha cliM' cl
UlTUtt of
that run h found In thr city. Prlctn low.
8. E. Cor. NINTH and AEOH. Strt-etu.
islam kj:ts FOIl HOUSKKKKI KI.?-'.
liLANKiriS FOll THK All MY.
at mi:
i;la:n:ki::x Hrroi:t2,
?-.', ut H. E.cci-Btir NLSI1I ait) AU- U unci,
ourn N'rniiiiir.
Vt rn hnt! ttid for .t!f, Tiill and rorai I- tf i :-;-: of
i, i.ilc iir tlonds.oiul.wur ol' Fi.iin, M-ru.ot.
I miinn e'ltilln, grp; A..ia.,, 1 Lain.,
l.laik Mlka, tv. Aim, toll antortunit ot' Doiaott:c
tloot... iaiinJ, L'loakiiiK l lolhs, 0., II of tfhica
oi:er to ,unia.t:r. at troia 10 to per cent, bftow tl.t
(.rle. fll tthlrh tlio.0 o-dl te eld ill liiord UoLioiutl
k-oallllo.. WMnili buj-emto oitll, e.jiatiiliit, ndccm
I -re our Gootla ud Pricol with tuo tK'iilkir 9tor.
1'. T. QI 1NI.AN,
Ho. t ut nom a sntr.T,
11 Mm
(. f. y. ' tK:T. AwWtnawr, a-tMt iwrtrmw.i, f
'(me, 'Hit, A HI) KKIIHA.'.IHIMa,
(Kali Vinrt. ', "Wlf m i hii AW'ttoa BootM, aa M
WUl IMfilid vm ,all k, ialf of
"l kil41AI AWU ttVWXt i
Ai th. 6 . tvJl0L0 rrjBKmjin
A' DwUta"'RV0rt,;. or nBBcrtAj.DrB
Alttia tarri or ihc
I aah will t advance wtin 4lfra4 n trntttmmm mf
too4 tor aflblta &).
fn ti nijr,
At o rt'cU-it. at c: t. Mat. Aifil'i Room, Ka.
.Tjt. MnrltAl nfrcpf, rntnprl luf ' vanaty of fln fll
tin-t r ruiLi hrratpiiii iHTKnh-, er rlnavtirarsjidu.Bialr
hrarrld vol. I mottnir 1. cvrooui " "r 'ntn , .
I X.I.I i II'VHI ATC(,( 1-K WUK, Ac.
OtiaKP'd aa'Tit Imrr wifrli f.iir ToMchnna, atlvar
t ti mhi, lad k nl kni's-'tnd lorli ittT kma, no-ia
ufiiw, I'liitert cut- ntatui, f() Li.iiiuuiii oJ jfmff, ihrea
rei)Pra,tne -py ffl.t:.
ly nrdir of Mpur, John Vakoi A (.- iniwrtaf
hv are cicKlitif out v.n ork of i for uiia a.oa,
.....y TI T,',, Mnrnlnir,
Aii'Kfti'Imk.itt: (MHh A,icttn Bm. 9
BVV" ti"'f. Urtrf i".rtfDi,iil of Krco-r, (IaIKII,
i'rt KiiL-twI. t -v, tn- ti dinif b"!! tnyiol atirtcrtiai l ,
llOiM-tufii. r Ttl'ftrnt. nHifDhm. ilrumt. AaMt, flol!
lar.t j Ixixm, lurnltuiT, Ac.
fur city and c untr rti N ek jri.
i . . , "n TiiaiJa M rruii,
immrtliatrly r.iilr.w,,,.. ,f,e tni tyri , Mrt.
Uuui n: wl i,eyMrt arr f ar. ,,. 0.
- I m a T "utt- niufi.
'i7 ;"r:n'.lU,1,TM- K tH-r ?S iH-HaUof
If M i ? ,tL a m "7 :n,v"n M ' jt- I"" ft. ,
r tn . w . uaI vv M,,,pd jKsi
f . nrhsir cnn, and 21 HiKl. ftHV of Co iac,of IU,,r) Ug,r. C.J.. 4 TfS
Kirat limctot rmiylvaat.
W r ol.l fit l'ri.,:ic Cw ( orr!. n ar ta
OliMvuto-T, in Iii" 4"u m' UrtnlMiiki'-n. ; C. on M.H
hAV, Jili ni tit ifuii. t IotoirMri..'.M.ejudmnaa m
Uilftl I'W I'llltln StTVlr.
hni ui c--niuifciirf ni I0irliek A M.
'I a inJ'-CfUti, in tttntmrentiun it.
H. It HfTK K,
" 9' ,! ' goioi ffmimon, l. C.
fiuhj JUtvixrw, Wa'wiiwut w Citt,
Jl vfml r K. Ih44
will b old irt Pfll-lle AboM.h, to sm olxbjat oiildor, at
Uic tiliirs ai ' y'ar naiua i h'vw. U :
Nofmb?r 17, lr;.
I.ANl'At'TKK, I KnnmYLV'aM.I, FRrL AY,
Nm omtr V. 4Ht;4.
It .-ni,)rr I. IW.
Tt o hrnidrwl Tavalrr Horip at siirh plaft.
Tiie Horhpi Vnv hn con4en4 aa uatH f jt lhay
tnvir, y hvr ici ot tha army.
l-ftr . naa anil lainuuy purpoaei ananr goo4 barcaana)
znm t. hud
11iTia "old winvly.
hMa i to I'OBtimmn at 10 o'corU A. f
Term Cab, to V, ulied bUicii Currt-nry.
IX f-tn JO Co1tnMnrlitrtf rirat wtoion.g. M.O.O.
I'lULAOKI-PMIA, .NoV-ltW lffi.
K. nlfitFia poali wi.t br rrceivpd at oihce, until I
C fhx-lc M 't J ill JiHj', DpcMub.T I, H--4, for ta
I' 41 i tlvrry, at ittc L'lilttsl Htstm Hturbouat
llit.-vT m:t 't wharf, of
f.'iofi) Mvr liuinlmi let of 'orp -H i, rnoitar
rivffimft, ib 1 i(ty it tMclliiia, uuh turn. cuupUujff
All of the a )OYt to b- of thr lat qtin'Uy. anil tab
!' t to tjilbii t'tmn oi aa iiifprH'tor appointed oa tUo part
ol ti Uuverrta t
Itiddcra will taia price, both la wrltiof and fltruroi, and
thf inpiheritl l t bid tor, nd tlie tlmo oi lUTVn jr.
i acii li d unit Of Kti ir ftrt by two rrap mihl par
fini, wtiosp Bicni .mre mtjftt-t appended to th Kttaraa
tr, ioVv-i'i t , 'o, aa beinuinobd atnl audlcitniL aerurtty
for Mi d'Houiit I nvolvi'd, iiy he tinltd Htala lianic
Jndw. Atiomi y oi ' CofVcfo., or ettar public oiHcer,oiber-wlj-r
tlie iid will nt 't t om. ltUwd.
Tn rlirht la rewn Trtliort wt allMdt dpmd too hick,
and n :! trovi a d MiiuUlntt onntrHi'tor will ba re(fl4.
Ity order ol Cula uolHEItilAN B1008, CUicf yuartar
tuasiar. OKOHOK R. Oil MR,
II Vb-4t Caidata aud A. 14. af.
ru'hcK ok" aumy- cumiTNo anS
V,' k ;iitiae,l WI J. Ki ll ard iKAKD Atreata.
I'HII AHM.I'HI A, Novt-utbrr 2i, ltM.
Sealed lrHsiil w (1 bv ritorvrii at tlua otliof until It'
nYli tk M. mi hah 1(1 MY,.'(d Itw.tuitHT Het, for anpplj
iii: the s. lio: IKill Ac nal with tlie following rllclaa:
hlnnk' ta, wih-rn, ar. my ttiindird.
,uninn Klitnritl, i o. di
fnvairr t.ultUiiia, di do.
Ji-lncli tdlttw Woiat etl I,ai-e,arniy stantlard,
Af.uhinuTlirendsif an s) 70, aitmrdes rcjttir?. '
Wllltniantle utt-n. I ti irk. So. 41, dot do.
.r y t luiiiul, fur Il 'ria or llr.inpa do. do.
l'PRVtl Hr-rtf?M, f-r pill "MtTB 01 h r, do. do.
Wmb l jiper Lcuth'-r, txxt qu.rttv, otik-tanntn, fro
slauilifiT hltles, Dm hel ad Vinrtid, to woigh out
le-tt tlmnaevitn ouneca to tl a aiiuuia toot.
Hoi Leather, hjit "iuall ty, i-aL-tamisI, from Atienoa
Aieajrl.i I'laia )dda. 10 wciyL not la itiau foot teen
ixmiidk tier ad-.
Heth note mid Wnx lTpoei LatT a ls aiiYiect to l
h) ri tion, und lo be of amtah lo iim tty ami uustut.ce lor
inakmr Aiihv Boo'a aud Hoot eet.
.H h bd ni'iat ho Kuarunt1 d hr tn-ora'p mlbl par
ona, aiKOntiirra nnott Imi apfmded to Alio gaasau
tr, ami rrtHiij a njt htiinj antuA km ,inrUl-t ut luourli,
for tlie amount in wived, by aoiat. puUUc tui iCttouaryof
i iJ a trrui oft.iulHn? ronlranfnp tiw. k.K-Aa
fi!l 4xnipiy wHh fiV rvquirtaaustj 'ar Aiad. ruuant.
Will not t coaaidered.
Blank lorma ir 'Dtaala, abratlna tiSc ft inn nt tha
(tUMriiuu r nulred un eatii Ud, can tm had or 1 application
at tills otrlro, und nmie ntficr, whkh J mnt jnibraco Hju
Kuaraiiteu, will b c.uide red ; nor Kill nj b
c-onairiered whioh dHa not autftljr wontgiui tg Uia rtiuir-
The lld ni'mt stut tho number and naan tttv w' rh
kind ot h rtli lea pri nad t ba dflivi rodt
IT-iMfftH imm i 1m endorHiMt ,arr pnaU fa r Ami7 Bap
pHa. a ai lug tli unvelopt; tLo paJ"iK.J ar articla btdt
rr.KMA! f HIOOS,.
11 Will C'olouel W a arte :( J Jepartmeait.
" Cit iATi, Ohio, Novea abr 1m4.
I'roposali ara Invited bv tiie uadunil.'araui all Yf )
P 4 1 , n rooar 7. LHC4. at I'i oca , for furaialdaf;
thia l)i'iartiunt (bv run-rant) wlr:--
ISl AMHV TKOWBtK.S A. hi Kora Atmjr Blaa
durd. MIEI.TCR TFNTfl.of fH,' ln-K. DiKk. walliUi 8 oa.
ro tht) Jin,al yiirU Army Maudai J ,
To be made 111 acftdrtnve itli 14'OGtl iratlona adopt
by 1 lie j"aru-r!iiaitti a Uf jmrtai-14. a oiy oi tvaicb caaa
La fcean ut tlua omc
Alao. lor the ioim dlata d-l(TTT of
of bi- Ii bl 0.1 it a mil lunii'h Kaiui'le.
.iiph a 01 the bt.mdHid arti.jen nv tv t-aoen al the
Office of ti Hi nn aud Ktittlpurt id thia cltv.
'I o lie dt llven d tree ol ctmrf. .at ua l u.. d Htataa ln
apictloii Wareboue In tin- uliy.,m ood tiaiar packaKM,
witli the luiue. oi tle part) fnruinhiaf (th I. bid and quan
tity 01 ifoodi dldlBOtly markre' vnaa-J . in iu MfAiidnat kx
i'ani oihTinitdtKidi uinat Ji-itiih-t iv aia:a Ii their bklar
thi 'luiiiiiiiy u.) propoat) to f tfuit.., the jiJuo.auti uiuaof
)MUddi'K,hfn't ba mvlted and niimv
brrt-d to c,npiid w ith Ij prof oaal ; and the partlea
tht-rtto niti-4 iiiurani H-.iib: iiotia aaall ba, In atary
fpe!i, ijual to AriBT Maadasd, otfiar nt . the propoaai
will IM'I be coiiit:ar d.
A Litaxaiita. fl(.'nfd by two rrflponil'ita raraona. must
aerompaiiy each bid, g.asaAifcMiui tl: tha blddar wUI
aupply tlie atti deR awaruou to "ton nn.t thia proputal.
Itida will b opt-uad ou w t-UM tSUA .. Ikecenitnir 7, IWM. .
at li oY.o-k, M., at tba odicf, and biddara aia ra
uiiratud to Ue pn-neut
awarda will ba it4a on Wad-aaday, imieuifrer 8.
J 14.
ttmida will Im tuvr4 that Ua cojriraot will b faltauJlj
TJfrauu rafatkur fa propaaal will mat b DoHad.
niank ftif m oi f um)i rtmirafcU, and 6u4 uia fc
Obtain ad ai Ibia oHj.
1 ha r (bi to- rjct anjr bid daaoaad oraaaoAabla U
r.ndor antU-pa "Propoaals for (hera iiwri tbo nam a
of ttieaitlcW- wl-j-klj, - ai ad'tftoa
CoK.n.l VrJUJAM 4, MrK.UI,
11-26-7t Cblef jiiartofjiatei-,rii -tf'nuatl lpot.
j)itoi'o.sAii,s 1011 u.rmt balack8.
lVilOl"! 'I'- tl PARTXKNT, t
llrfl.i-r W, lKf.t.
eiibd frtif'ona'a will b raoaivad a tbla lepArtmaut
un'tl tl mo dov ot Ut'emto-r, nt ; o tkjk ntou, for
iuiti'h u. L fiier liointicii iur t ie ul uVthv u at oilli in,
ti.r I lu. j i"r otie yt-ar, tiem u.d iftr tn :Ut day
ul 'jtbof nt. of te fnll-w:n U- .t pik on. vlis. :
l.-t r.'J.nru e capribi ' t w-'ithimr m-tM o 'uv, avoitbi
pt i- we rcht . t. bu k-r;iJd A tt 10 iiuartor funcoa. Ot
tl;ee if it 'H I mm W1.1 1 n -,i''r d ,( year.
j litun jt c liable ot wtlfln', at lt -r.- poionl,
i,Vndt wekht. t' f trnd down t!.ifouiH'!i.
th( -e It s sui'i'tfi'd l.t will be raii ilred im year.
l'eruct turie-'tiiei? will be rw'iuin'i iu i. Uatancoi to b
mushed, nt atretb a. il di.r jl-.iity.
Samplf oi'i'.ich J'-r:i tK'Uof LAUkiiv'i mint noeompanw
'cf. I id. .tiid tlm bid tr wi.-' may t-ua ilif coiiract will
It re-;uift d ! Inn.m i liir.c.a t'i-i J. u. ,1 aality iu uU
rt i ei ta e .mil tu rha ami '
Km h Jt.:latire iuuit be w.l B1 -it-.., July p.nliPil in ft
K' r'er trnn'-j" rU-t.ut.
The H.-l.tiU Ui iM be l:!r- A fr t,( all rli .v e to th
H ark Agt-in-y oi in-l'ot l'f-f.'im'iit, idnmkiu;;-
t.y.i). . viiWkUu.v'. l-ui ,.1' .m it and f-iu.-l
i s..t!ii ii a.
K.teh i, mi': fiir.d-t h Lji vrn i---i evi.V nt" of
biti rt:il.t;;ly vit:. i.n Ud. Two -iit aurftica
win 1 ruiiii! t u li' (OMtr.ui .
i i.l. n a u I". .11 1 't on.ti-. ted for rt'mptly,
or ti.e tin 11 of if ;.u ricr n'Miliy, u i
l ii'l.'.ere J a k iini.i 111 i.iit ;'or :.. .'w.Vaure ol u.
1'u;, 1 -tiN muFiV andi-;'"i?kl rn t!.e f i1 U! of en
t '- p" "I'i' 'I -".ws l"i- 1 t tt : I' '.i' v - iv. 1 Kd'lretmcil to
tM Atl'lUit! i - I"-' . 1 W ..ln ;vloai
j-.c. w. iii:vmio,
l.-Si-wt l'
1 No. lU-V, t:..ud A.rl -2, y Ut K J aiawa ilij
it .jit. 11 i hi l Ivt tL.tUl CViUj Wt'.'i w
it 1. wnxtAM nv t Ar.R.
1 SiA'iK OK i B. LAME, fcKCKASKl).
Iii b Aed 1 t ap. Inti dt y ti 0 ivrs' I'mii t tor thai
t and (tun'v t i loiUtuii-hia. m ai.-tn, me, ami
hO'i m ni1 M.oiiiiiiiu nuoi aot nit 01 JA0ii". K'miiiu
'.1 t' M VI 1 K LA M H, A1m)i.wiruora of v o a ve ol
C I a Ml di d and to raptul duiril. mwi, v ai ni-1
i 1 frti'-a iii.n-i'0. n.r lot vu poia 01 Mbii., .uiuu-ot
in'lmv, l - ni :r 4, 14, nt 4 .iik k 1. Al., ai
o' te, No. ;n Waiuui auvav, Fiutad'i-iiia.
11 Vy-wt'tu 't 0iUl Ll.KX fvN, Aud.tarjfct