The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 26, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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the eyeotng' t:
Rebel Ofliccrs of the "Florida"
Returned to "Wachusett."
I'lc, ttr., f:ir.,, f.U:,
BpsM'lnl (o I lip r.vrnlnic TolPurnpli.
Wahi!N(ithn, November 21. The eleven ulli
ccrs cf tli o to 1'loiitlu, taken from the 011
Ci.pitol 1'ihon scvcrulMays slnco nnil sent to
Ikm ral lJ.iir.c, ut 1'oint Lookout, have ben tor
warded by tlmt olliccr to Rear-Admiral I). 1).
rtrlc r, commanding tlic North Atlantic Bio. k
drig Ssiiadror, who ha directed that they lie
tisriied over to Captain Collins, of the il'arhuit't,
which tccl is now lying in Hampton Roads.
This transfer ii thought to indicate that the
1'lvridn, with her olliccn and crew, is to lie ro
tntned by our Government to Brazilian juri.s
diction. The mail Mcntnir i";i-J, from Ciy rolnt,
liringB np one hundred and sixty-live Konel d -serers
from North Carolina, Georgia, and Ala
bama regiment.
The liopital steamer I 'unnmlicu', from City
Toint, reports nil qui. t and with little pi. k -t
firing going on. There is great anxiety in the
army to hear from Sherman.
The Cutmntu ut brought up three hundred and
three disabled nun, mostly nick with fever.
Thia morning the renow ned Calilornia hunter,
Beth Kinsman, presented President Lincoln with
a chair constructed of antlers of ttio elk.
General Eurbridgo at Cumber
land Gap.
til Awwui o vuii irjix i i.t LlLtU
A Ilalllo XCAio-t'I Thoi-
Lorisvii.i.i:, November 25. About thirty of
Jessie's men wero a'. Sliclbyvllle l ist night, rob
bing stores, &c. Jessie was nt Eminence at the
hbo time, plundering the people. Federal
forces were sent out from Frankfort to-day to
look for him.
General llurbridgc, with his command, has
arrived at Cumberland Gap.
An accidental lireoccuired at the state IYni
ttmiary, Frankfort, last night, whieh destroyed
the chair factory, blacksmith and cooper shops
Lois $.'0,Oul.
nuiiinra prevail here which, if verified, would
be contraband that Hood's army was marching
on WtducsdaylaKrtinst Fulaski. His foreo isa.i: 1
to coubi-t of JO.olO men, one-third cavalry aud
ten butteries of artillery, including reinforcements
from l'orrc-t and liick Taylor. Hood will either
tigLt at Coliiini.ia, or leaving Cobnnbii to the
Ii!'', inarih Into Kast Tennes-f a and join Ilrck
iwiilgr. It is possible a battle will be fought at
Columbia to-day.
A ltebel Colonol was killed in a skirmish yester
day. A detachment of onr cavalry were driven
in withiu threo miles of Columbia, when the
Jltbels were repulsed by our infantry.
On Wednesday our forces withdrew fro;u
IVaski, andj are supposed to bo concentrated at
Columbia. No damage to Pulaski for the pre- t nt.
sirriTioN in the Morriiwiwr.
Bfciul Vui'itt-' lo 7V EtciUg 7W .jrap.
W.ssmxoioy, Nov. 2-'i AlthoiiL-h not'iint.'
bus been received fijiu Sherman which places
his ultimate success beyond doubt, still ihe news
of )Ostird:iy and to-iliy, through Sotiihern
iource--, lt.di. jtcd that up to Monday las nothing
had occurred to interrupt his progress. On tli ;
contrary, having .Macon on his rilit Hank
guarded by Cobb's "ir.'i in buckram," l.ep ia'icd
loiwaid, and as on Monday v;tuiu cUfiioir.
mlh s of Milhdgcvillc, the cipiul of (jcirjia,
whi'e his ci-a'r iv. rc in bis .dv.. ice tear ) -l.t
the rii road bet vceii Augusta an I At'aati, and
lso that between Savann ili nn 1 M ! m.
ltelieN ackc-iwleJ-te that tins far!! -t is
fxund plenty 01 suiplii i'' his riu:e, and ;Ua:
lie utgroes ai r ipi-IIy thcuiselves :
his army as pi-incurs. Thus it re. alls 'L it tliu
slaves, tth nr. Jell' lUvis w jtm! m ,k .' ti,h' t'io
batiks of tliu S.uth.uro givinu' to oar lovaling
nrn.y every .is e i:i their po. r, bo.piii! to
char and c i-, lirinin. su,.p-s to our
troops, and acting as j,ui les, bediles itiung to our
corps iYinnan.'i rs a i-re it deal of valtialdo In
formation, h i- evidently the d.'-iiitii of tine
ltebel le.:ilei'-' t-i .1.1 tn Sh.rni in to fui-licr pene
trate th,o Sta'c b ioic i hoy opp '-c his adv. nice by
any ml itaiy force hi. h they may bo able to
father at Align-' Aud Asyit.h nv
eir, ftl.ii'iinai l.a met no opposition be
joml the eiif i s i f the co ir.iry tin'oUftli which lie
has passed, ami the m..Udic;ionsof the Ulvbiiioad
'i lie people ui Georgia have been thrown into
tin n a siKie of fear by this grand detuoiisti.itioii
that ihey are perfectly paralyzed, and havo ex
cited the Commiseration of Deaaregaril, Mho is
t.ow on Lis way to that Suite. A uccU ago, Fri
day, be left Hood's army, which was ut Tu.-cmib-liu,
Ala., jicpaiiug for a march into Middle
Tn.ce.'lic. I'pon the smne day he res .bed
I'oilntb, In the iiorthncitcru coiaer of Min.-,is-h'ppl,
hi.d issued an uppeal to li:o people of
Gti rj.'ia, in wh'eh he proiuirtd toon to be with
thiin, ami drive the Invader from their soil. As
o n, however, as Htnuivgurd left Hood, the Ut
tir started on bis invasion of Tiunessee.
He is now reported nt .Vayue.-bwo, aluiit
' tuci ty miles urrth cf the Tennessee l.'uu aud
Mvtut.v southwest of Nashville. Thomas, how
ever, Is upon his right flunk, mid will doubtless
no ve in good teason cu hie rear. Hood's forces
do nrt utiniber overthiity-five thousand inouiiud
loily j'ivecs of urtiUcry, while Thomas fully
cipiuls him in s:.eugth, without reference toother
forces which ie have in the titulc. Thus the
cumpaiusbf fie armies of the Southwest huvc
lully Ixgun.und the lime cannot long he delayed
before w e hear of victories of treat importiiace to
our cause.
Mt-lxurv f a 1.
Foiiilami, Wuinc, November 26. The steam
revenue cutti r iluhoning seized a vessel yesterday
under suspicious citcumstances, iu Johns' Day,
utar l'iinui,uid. The,vessel had cleared from
Montreal for New Yetk. xhecwa referred
lo Viuhirgton.
Waiiim....n, Nuveinber Ini'ormaton
fr'ni the Arn, y c i' the p o i. to thccrV. i
IhstTliau -e:;nJ .lay A,n tjij i fc-tii c o s A
sion anion? the oloiei s. ' '
fvnee tli new;, i f rre.-idcnt I ! oln's re-election
l as been circiila cd In the U bcl army, the
de-cttions to our Imos h ive in. i . -ed largely.
Ii is said by fie den'iters tb' tlic iiuiiib'r of
S' Id cr ktion to be wntehinp for fiv.,rji,.e
f'PI ortuni' ies lo escipe to our ore-- s as: ini--lirt-l
and the demoi.iliu'li n is n m th it the
i il'.ecrs fear to tiu-t any o;' tlieir trjops on
Thsy laiM' lost iniidrnce, it i stated, even in
the Soit'h Carolina and Virgiui.t tr.xips.
l'.-limirril I'rlsoiirrH nt
A IIIIXloll.
IiAf.TiMonr, Novetnlier (;. '1'hi Antnuin't
L correspondent of the w -ruiui, writing on Frl-
u.i.i c.mimiii, nn; two Ol Hie Hist VBSSClS C0I11-
ix-sing Cohmel Mnlfonl's llect of transports
arrived here to-day with paroled men fr an Sa
vannah. The steamers were the i'i,i , 'Jap'nin (Jrav,
nnd lllurkthwe, Captain Deny, the former having
on board MO living fkelctons and eight dead
bodies. Nine others weio buried on the p isstge.
Such was the wretched state of it e povrmen,
that onr snrgoons were themselves appalled a.
the awful si-ht. Not a single man of the whole
Htinioer btit had to be sent to ti e nojpitais, nia.iy
to line them only lor tl.e giavcy
The '-10 on the IHiu h t;tr ner
dition, and made the welkin riiu
on the free shores of M iryl inil.
iu better eon
is they landed
Surgeons Va i-
dcrkicf and I'arker, and their a
tants, ejrlneed
, -( -
the dcepe-t interest i'l ihe pour lciioiv s, and are
iioiiigaii in tiie;r power lo m t .; itc their uf.
SlraiKlin ni a ;iiiiioii(.
BAiriMoitE, November '!'. K despatch fr.Hn
Fortress Monroe says that the . i ner John Fur.'
ran has arrived thcro from N-wbern, North
Carolina, and reports the rn 'ej -tatos double
endcr eteam-hip Tw ,n, a-hr' ill' Viae lla:
tcra. 'In- III 4 inrlnli I
t :si iwin, November ;
clieniieai store of Jo!m K'-r- hr. v,
sixth .Hid V.i Inut streets, w.i- .:
he drin: and
t';e corner of
ii jyeil by lire
Th- Monlicomrr) oiinl v Solier' Voir,
NuiiMNTOw.v, November J;. The following
Is the oiheial returns of the so liers' vote for
Mi nt.-( mery cu'intyr: Lincoln, '.'is, McClellan,
17. Lincoln's majority, ltto.
Mnrk-I by Tftiuriih.
Nkw Yohk. Novcmlier J'l. isro.ks are better;
'hlrai-,p mil KmI lulmii. hO'i . uu.ii.TUnd pr. ie-ie.l,
; lllol.'is rnlral l'.':i',": MirM.-.n B.iu'bern,
Nf'V.ikiiml,tl!e4, '(aJu.. i , lluu ,n Kiv.t,
'IU Jls1,: vur I'.'divs; lm-voar
i emit. ate'. us: irB.i-.ui j ; i I0i,u,i , .'j-ia,,t)s'J ; ,'.',
('.'puiii. la-,1, , t.viij 0n ft., Ir.o,.
Ni w Yohk, November 'Jtl.l Ion advanced
is- i..ii ol 111 jCO iml. ai 1 I i ei f,,r s-ali; ill In
'.it itirlililn: Sle;,.v,n,, (r ,,uitn. -.Viic' .u an. f,l
lie Jl ilHii oi I.I .'. II I ,t i-.,..,i I ft,,. 4 r M.oi,.
imin Ilvclllriu . fork t.n-y ut $.;; .ij.'... for ls.
l.oil itnll. W hekj linn. l fl 7.1. ,
Organized Conspiracy to Earn
Now York C.ty.
St, NicLola., St. Jamei, Metropolitan,
Eeliiiont, Tammany. Lovejoy,
Erccdretii and Lafo-ge Ho
tels, and Earnum's
Museum on Fire.
A Reifri of Terror Nearly Inaugurated
in tbe Metroj'o'ig.
A Former Denizen of Fort
Lafayotto ImpV.'Mtod.
I he re vs embrace I in tn" oiiiDd i'0j.,,:-t, ;
'I'-, win t' utl'i.g tuat we i. iv nerh ips, ever
' e;i called Upon to rev ir 1. '.
a ri.uularly o.-griie 1 nt cni.i t
last ni in m ule, and uiily by i
greaiest energy was ren Jcriu
No Ijss than ten or a iVi en of
vll bo seen t'.a
'..a the city W4i
e exercise of too
'vholly abortive.
: i ! leiJin hot- Is
Ired r-otwien the
! Ucsc ic's an iot-
:'"rty w is pn in
and other large buildmi-i we '
honro oi 'J an 1 U o'el k, lod i
in-ihc amcuntof bit- and .;
jejp.iruy. l ortnn i :'y fi i re . wei J uot siiui.l
Uueous, ;nd utt.r ti.'i Ji - ... . . of three or four
attempts hud h-cii n,a I.-, r . en. tbo fe irful plot
into exeeutioi , the. itched , ( ;Le. obtiiiued suf
ficient ! row h o: i of t! e H:l ... ., lead to the con
clusion that a who. : : coir (.raMou was im ai
lieiit, ..lid nc or ii.i dy etj.i i .gilaoee will ex
er ed by the police and l ire 1) . irimenl, and th :
I. ne lin s wire eMiiicu slMil a! no1, immedi uely
upon their breaking oat. I be tory of the atro
cious conspiracy io.m spread ..oout the city, and
II. o greatest aliiim was felt among the people,
l he leport reached the Acadcmr of Music during
Ihe third aa el the new opera, and ciused exci'c
r ent, but was hardlv credited. At abuut e
o'eh ek the hlaim seemed general in the lower
pert of the city, and the citlens searched
pn rniscs carefully.
Tl ere were two theories as to the meaning of
th. ph.t lor such it undoubtedly was. Due wns
ti i t the incendiaries were also t hie vi s, who hoped
to piimler and plii.ige during the excitement that
wtuid ciitainly have followed the success of
tl.eir illortsi the cthcrwiis that a liobel organlzi
ti. n had concocted and entered upon the execu
tion of the outnige. 'J hi discovery of u ivomm
I rm Lultimorc, whose movemeiiis were suspi
i oi - (us will be seeu from the r. port of heruriest
l eiowi.seeiuid to give a clue to the invstery, and
levoieil Ihe tlnorv last mentioned.
I u every case the fires were proved to be the
woikoi iuceudiuiics, aud the similarity of the
work in all Ihe instances left no doubt that ono
Lend controlled the business, lluj the conspi
iik y, or whatever we inuy call it, succeeded t
the extent evidently intended, half the city at
Itu-t inifcht Lave been iu ruins this morning.
Never in the history of the country was there
foalu' iuii'gau uiiiiir developed In any commu
nity, and our citizens cannot congratulate tliein
nilvcs too much on their providential escape
from a seeue of horrors actuallv sickening to
Tlie Uutrla Fired.
tui sr. ikui.u.
The first fire was discovered at 8 o'clock and 4.1
n.iuutes, at the tit. James Hotel, corner of
llroauway and Twenty-six thsti ecu, but resulted
in but slipat dumage. It originated in one of the
l ad rooms, and the strong smell of phosphorus
that pervaded Ihe apartment, and tbe proxim it.v
of matches to the bed-clothes, disclosed the fact
that the lire was the work of an incendiary-. The
pnrMi were con-i.ler.ihlr nlirmed, nnd sun
ih-mr like a panic was imniinen it iir-. b .t as
icon as tic real extciii ol uio u.i". 'ire was asc -v
linied.Mdcr was le-t .nd, and the ual .jU.c'.
It is tatc. by the proprietors that a man, re
) iTrii tin iiini e as J iha Seh in', M I , in k a
renin at this houe about ...J o'clock, and thai t' e
. moke as oincoi er al is-uin ; I'ro.n his ns m by
t' e oi nprtn. next door. Vp n t'te I'oor be ng
broken op. n, the room wi. found cnjtv.thti
oeeiipii t h ivimr itoi c. leaving a b o-'i -a mi
vi'h a l oille . f phoipi.cMos ii.-nm I.
inc. si'. -;. inn s.
At live nilniiics of nine the St. Ni. ho' i II i' 1
wns die. v. r.d on tire in rooms I 1 i1', ,md
I to, siiualeil in Hie lui.ldic I. milling of Uio t .r e
on the npp.r floor. About the same tin' the
bn Ue ,.ni in Ik dro on 17 t, iu the ironl lini liiii:
of the hole'. Li liotli p in - s the strim s ncl o
i pbo- h ins an I nn at on inn -c i f iu- hes in the
; I'd l"ih. s. aigidi, ,1 the to ha . ti. i n .he
1 wo-k of an in- inili. rv.
The r. i ms were turned romplr". !v nut, but
the tiie lUp .ituiei t f Hi hot. I, iu I. r mm..' in-
t nil. m e i r the proprietor, Mr. II iw as, s i, (eo led
in eoiilinin: tin tiie to then, ap'rrments. 1 1 til n
not bveii tor the admirabv arra'Htenirnts fo
t iking i arc ol liiesatt'is h u c, it would have
be. n cntiu Iv burned U .wn. I he d.i'ii u:e il m) h
principally by water, and 111 proliab.v 'inioii it
to about three thousand dollars. (' .vcre I uv
in-nrai c.
rnoii s, e
i lie biisme-s ot
be iuterroi t-'.l,
b ou-e will n .
Ihe in r 1 r -, ! i . in o
' , not bavin ' been d.iina - d i-iv w
i nr. i ,m Aiior.
At twenty ininii'. 8 pas Oo'.i.m'u 'he f.
lions.- was dis ..v. rc 1 to be on tire iu one .
lieil i. uii.s on the upper tl ir the be I b "tig, as
in the other places, saturated with phosphorus,
and mulches I v inc ii'miit in all directijus. i n.)
damage was slight, but, naturally anourli, the
guests nere ihrown into a piiuic, bcli-ving th it
ihe whole structure won'd be fired. Tlic II i-ii-s
were soon ex'lngulhcd, the damage amounting
to ut out fno. The room in which the li e
was di-coveied w .s taken l y a Mf. .1. II. Ki.'yird
on, ot i' linden, New J. i oy, win was ouloft .e
room at the lime ot the lire. '
Mil llol'OI.I no ri 1 .
At about 10 o'clock a lire w.u di-c n rir. I in a
front n nn iu the upper lloor of Hi' M-'ripii
tan Hotel, but it was speedily cxi'ugnishe 1 be
the servants of the house. An al irui ,vas given,
but U-loru the tircmen arrived at the bind tie
danger had been passed. The daiii i ;e here is
C-tin.att d at one thousand live bundled dollars
One room only was injured. Intliismi u were
found an eiup'y bottle, which hid contained
phosphorus, a pair of he ivy boots, and a vili-e.
I'liesc articles, and the 1) ittle, were 'i'.ii p ses.
sion of by Firc-M irshal U Ii tho valis,.
were found a p ilroljiella gaiters. The h .'tie.
was ot a description similar to that found at the
other hotels. . ,
TIHM A'STlI. 1 "I 1 1 t,rto
Almost simultuneoiidv with the iL--ov.'r.t of
the Uio at the Hciinou' Hotel, the he 1 and bed-,
ding, with furniture, of a room on the third ll ior,
trout, wi re found to l.e in ibrncs. Di'ing ihe
Rit"inoon a man, who regiier.'. h!ins.-if as " r
F. Morse, of lioche-t. r," arrived a' the h o'el, iu I
ei. edged Ihe room in whieh rhe ri r j w is d s. o
vered. He was not sc. n during the evening, and
bus not been -een since tho oee.,rren.-e. ef t ic Ibc.
1 he d mag. is not very great, a id w .s c nuined
to the luriiitiire and beiloiiig of t lie room. T ,
handwriting ol the man referred to rese nbles.
somewhat, that of the person who cug i-si the
room hied at the St. Nicholas Hotel.
The li'C here was discovered in a b d-ro an on
the thud lloor, wliich had be. n engaged cy a
man tegi-tcrn g himself as "lcitcri nit Lewis,
I'. S. A." S.i oke b. lug cen lo issue from this
ru. m, u strong odoroi .ho-phoriis being at the
tame I nie pen cpt ble, the door was immed a c y
bursi o; en, ami in a veiy few seconds the fl lines
wi ro completely cx ingiiishrd. The bed in this
room had the sppcar.inee of having been oc u
p td. The man "Lewis" has not been seen sin. o
the dl-covi rv of tlic tire. At this place six bottles
of i ho phoiiis were fonnd in aearpet-bag.
Two attempts were made to bum this hotel.
The first occurred a little beioro half-past It)
o'clock, at which time a lire was discovered in a
bed room on ihe fourth lloor of the nortlie 1st
wing of ihe hotel. The bed-clothes and mattresses
were pi ed in ihe centre of the door, and were en
velop, d iu (lain s w hen f.iiiud. T::o lire was ex-tingui-hcd
without ilainage to o hor portions of
tu.' bu 1 ling.
The seiond attempt was made at ah u' 12
o'clock, i.n. I the alarm w is given sim iltancouslv
wi li tin of the tires at th t lletiiiout Ii uci an 1 t
li.ii.niai y. This time the incendi iry u id p.;r
l'orued Inswoik in the southeast wing of tho
bui ding, on the fourth lloor. Attention was ox
tiled b tt sun II of smoke, and a search developed
the fact that in ihe room referred to a c irp.-t- ag
hail 1 em placed insi lo the bed. within w iici
e rpet bag was a hmtlcof phosphorus. H ire,
al-o, the tiro ex'ingnished itll nit gn iter
loss than that of the furniture and bedding of the
BAHNI'M'tl Mt Sltl M.
Last night, about 0 o'clock, soaic person or
p. r-ons unknown proceeded to tin ilfth story of
tho .Museum, iu the rear of tho gillery of the lecture-room,
and threw down upon thu lloor, na ir
a staircase, a bottle of phosphorus, which
ignited and set lire to the wooduu-work iu the
neighborhood. The cry of tire was almost tmuid
di.iw ly raised, and uu ihtense ex iteuient w is at
once created throughout the building. In the
lecture room, particularly, the feeling amounted
to panic.
A large number of tho audience rose to their
feet In great alarm, and rushed to the various
pin sot' exit In wild confusion. Many terror
stifck' n p.-rsons tlhl down ttte iron pill irs sup
porting tbe galleries, to tho pari lore,, of
conrse. by ihtdr frenzied performances, fc're itly to
the excitement of the scene.
1-ortiinately, the lire was alitor immediately
fxtingul-bed by the oillccrs of the building, no
serious dumage having been done; and b the
disp ay of nec. s-ary coolness ou the part of seve
ral nib rs and gentlemen coune'ted with the
Museum, and by a lew eif p is-o-s'id persons in
the audience, the p ihic was .pii kly sunpres-ed.
So fir as we can learn, uo one was scr.dsly In
jured in the rush.
There cannot be Ihe slightest .1 oiibt that the
riitliau hose diabolical attempt to set trc to a
biiiliiing l.iiily crauiuied with peonle wi, on!
frusirau d by extraordinary g.sni foriiiw, is on : if
the gang ol cou-uini'ors wb oojrattfd ei-ewuere
al, n 1st smi'ilt inou-ly. It in dies one s iii lder . i
r nitrini hi'e what might have been the refill: of
tins nii.boli at in t.
11. id uot the excitement be-n so prvmaVy
iuellf.l, or had tho lire gaine 1 a grc n. r h,.
wily before its disc .very, the result iiMvitahiy
would h ive been most apniding. l'lie le turn
room was crowded at the tune, uu I hu ulicds of
p-osoiis might have lost their lives.
Thn bottle which ciutiiiicd t.'i.i phosp euus,
lino w l.lch is like those employed by ta i in eu
diniies elsewhere, ivas recovered, uutii'o in, lid
is in the banns of tlic File Marshal.
.S'i ,i u Tl.t I.'f ntiij T.h.jmih.
AVasimnoton, November 2il.(i orge 1). I'ren
ticc, of the I.oiii.villc Journn h is pr ieurtd a
pass for lllchmond, frotn President Lincoln, and
starts for the ltebel capital this evening.
The object of his visit is to intercede with J.-tT
Davis for pardon of his son, who is iu Ho id's
iiriny, nnd under sentence of death for murder.
Young I'rentiec ullcges that he acted in self
defense, and was shot at tw ice before he defended
hinoeif by killing bis assailant.
: His father thinks that ho can procure his par
don by interceding with Jelf Davis. After his
lnih-sii.n ut liiclimoud is ended, Mr. I'reuticc will
go to Hood's army to see his sou.
The riesuient, la granting this pass, has hca;ed
coals of lire on Prentice's head, us i.o man more
virulently attacked him during the rt-ccut cam
(algntlian did Mc. I'reuticc.
Ai i .'flf Vctinjtch lo 7'Art Hctnint Mvrai A.
JlAM'iMoin;, November 20. Mrs. Sarah Hut
chios left here last night, under the escort of
Captain Weiglats, Trovost. Marshal, for Fitehburg
l'rison, Massachusetts, tho place designated for
her imprisonment. No Immediate efforts are
likely to be mado for her j'ardon. Her ca.e ex
cites deep Interest.
A thief entered General Wallace's room at the
Kutaw House last night, and robbed it ef twenty
dollars. He went out after tbe robbery, anJ
locked the General in.
All reports from Sheridan, Grant, and Sherman
nre very favorable.
The snow Is now two feet deep on level on
the M bile Mountains. Some or the drifts are
lf nty feet deep.
(ion. Sherman's Army
lie Fuit.k i, Jc.iesboro, '3.'::a:i,
S:oi o Mou;.tain, Hillcboro, Mon
ticdlo and Many
Towns in Gorgiii.
i:t., i;i'.. jtAv., i-;t.
WIIVVMIIS nil I. Ill, Ill.lOlir 11' Sltlltvivx'
M.V 1 C.
''. i '.a. .. '(..! L'e .. .. i . .1. i . !! IK
(iciieinl llur.lee has ric-lve t ot'i iai in .r n i
tloti from deneral W'hc 1 er tliu' 'ieneral 'S i r has biiuiid and all onion 'd Atl.i;,; i,a .1
w as adMinenig w i'h civ ilr, , nit ir! rv, a u e" v ,
ni.d waon-, tow irds ,I.m ir... I ne eueni ' s
I. r.-ewas nor fu lv a-eer'.iined, jit pii.i-i rs
tak. n report that Shei man h is three nnnv . n p .,
cech su).i osed lo cut on ten thoos i m! nvti
(ir.r eav Pry, ti:i..-r (ienril W he-1...-, , is (l...,
bat k la lore the en. iiv, vho, at a-cmit-,
wcie niar. hiiig on tiritlln, dev is. ning the wh .b;
country behind them, burning bridges, mi
roues, A... All oilieal d. sp .ten from (i n nil
NVheeier. 1 bursday, November 17, states th it he
hud cheekid the eueni 's advance at H.-ar ciee i.
sin tivan'h ca aiiiv on uu; nnnst, ir
n.u Ml, jviwiix i nn hi. ii it I. icoien r
lilll) I ISI AMI h m ON.
',. .-, 17.,. .'...,, ., v, ;,.
A gentleman v ho left Forsyth mi Th',
the l,"in, at tbp c o'clock, informs us th.ii '.i
c. mil r arrived ar that place a lout half a i hoar
t . line he h it, ami reported lie re w is .o ne V m
kic cavalry ught iu"es mirth of All
ife bridges on the io i J from I'l.r-v'li t Indi iu
Spr.ngs wrrc hurned In- our fires. I'h' ho.
P'luis ut Lagriin;e h .ve been ord'r'l to M s
sisslppl. I in: m nsiisir; or shim: moi stun ami a i i anta.
Ft '11 .PA, l, .,! Ctto U'O 'i. i. , ,S', ' ,.1, i, .loi). 1 i,
Vc have tills lehable news fiori u ) the river:
A gentleman w ho air icd on I h'lr . I ly even.
Ing, the 1,'th Instant, fr nn stoae M unit am,
n ports Hot ii Ynii.. e column moving u.i vn the
tit'orgia Kailroad divided at In-itur, one ban
euing down the Covington r ati a id the :li r
the Ito. kbii.lge road.
At stone .Mountain they burned all the unoe
eup'ed houses, so'nc to thirds of the town, and
'VT.i lannit wa-te the country us liiey prog,r. -scl.
Thev in irch in ho low s mure, w nh their trams
in thec. ntri. Tbey united at linker's Mill, n -i.
f ovinvion, and it i-not known as ye vhether
they wiil strike for Fatuntown or A'tu-ns.
This lteiill.-miiu thai the vie from the
summit nt S one Mountain, of the conti igr itio i
or Atlanta, was awful b,-v oti.l d-'-eription. I'ne
(iate City look, d like an oc un of tliin.', as thct
liery w .ves ro-e nd n il Uu-. tutiout Hie who e
A I I AS r X, JONKHIIOUO AN II M'l. il'.l) ' ull lies : iiovi:n
rt.. f.. W.i.-ttlt In't llJ:H r. v.r. II.
It is reported that, Sherui m bus applied the
tou h to a laige portion of Atlaii'.i) and ll is
bun id .1 in -shorn', and also M iiouough. U is
also retorted ihir he h is d-.troyed the railro id
fr'in Atlanta to the ( 'la'tahooeiic", a:id burned
the bridge at the river on that road.
oniniN nn'oiu nn t'Ai ri'iti-i).
'i i tu th .Sieu.-ai (7o .jio. t ai.r '-e.ii 'i, , A'.ir, 11.
Among the many war rumor- on our stre'ts
this morning is one that, l.rittio is captured bv
the Yankees. As to the correctness of I lie ram or
we have nothing lo say.
inn i.i.v rwiNo at rociai. cnicLr: i:t nov i To
AClll'HIA, ON NOVKMIltll 17.
', i tn 0f. Auymta t'M t'lti-U nut ,S'f i.ti;,-1. .Vol.. Ill
l'.ssengers by the. (icorgia Hailionl last night
lepi it thai about oi.o hundred Yankee cavalry
m.oli their appearance at ruciui Cirelu on 1'iur.s
oi. j, Noveinbir 17, and hurneil thn nilroad piat
liirm. It is not believed that the hue. come
d. wnei.y further than the Circle. Their infinity
tni ii in p. d at or near 'Id Sheilicl.i on Wedncsd iv
iiiuLt, am', trcm tl.eir inoveuit nts, it is tuo.ih.
tin lire fn foitti- to i'atoutoa.
st. i ni Ciice is a siatioii ou the railroad from
An. .1. tu to Augusta, about tu'y miles d s ml
tu. n the loruier, .uio one htmb'id and tA'eu'.y
hie miles irnin ihe latti r place. J
MONTH i:11.0 AMI II 1 1 IS It... 110 IH'llMP.
ft l tit :.'., .u.;.o.'il l"n. i i.ei s. iidii. o,-, r I'l.
It is al-o r. porletl that tbe Y'tukes hav'ti
bin i.i tl Moi tiee.lo and itillsiairo, whicli, if true,
elciriy indicates tlia' they design taiming ine
C. i trul Kailroad at (ior. Ion or st . ne other p i nt.
l'dsscucer trains on the ie n gia Railro id yes
tcrdey only came lioui Union i'oiut.
Slisrinaii AroiM tlBs 4lt:liiiiula;ee llivt-r.
Savannah, November 21. A private d.isiia'i h
received In tins city this morning IrouiMiton
ajs the euemv crossed the Ockuiulee iu fnee
i sieiday at Hauler's Factory, eight miles e i t of
Indian Spring. Tncy lire reported to be from
iln ty to forty thousand strong.
Tins would Beeiu to strengthen tho belief l'i it
Augi.s'a is IliCT otijec'. The I wntral Itailro I,
niur firlswolilvllle, was cut at .') 1. M. on i-hv
2Uih. 1 he tolegrapli Is also ilesiroye.l. Cj n uu
nication lietwem SAvaiiu.ih inii M icon Is d.i-
tioyt.l. Wins between Shcrui iu and Milledge
vllle rut also.
an nc i 1'a ri:u.
Ft ft;. l( t' lii -on i(ri','fy.,...r, A wt. '.trf. s.
It is probable that, at the time we write this,
Sh- ueiupies lirut.u, and wdi ri uliy de
uions'.rate upon Macon, and petlups MilicJ0'e
vule. l'Kor,ni:ss or siii-iri vn's uviti ii.
t'mm '- .sat-u,. i n't -V.. - . V... I t.
YVc have authentic iiib.r.n.i'.ioa tint the enemy
has uppeuied l.elorc M.n o.i, und auo hur ra.diu,'
pai i i.aa come down, pro .a ily tntu 'J iviugnin
on the tracK of the Stouem.iti rai I, and n iu
i. urli. d the litilj town ot W .iliac, in J mim-
ii. aiity.a few miles u .rth of the Mdle.lg -viil-..
hlol lior. onvillc l'.ail.oi 1 1 1st niht or early this
II. Ol Illl'g.
Ii is r- p. rtcd that this t any 1ms burned M m'l
in Uo, ihe eouiiiy 1 ar ot J.isper coontv, mid uu
litts- town ot Hilnboro, in th : son h in fiat
c. un'y. No d-mht tin v a:0 ubiieig to sirik". the
inilro. d nl (joid iu, ni.d thus stop tne P issae of
Hi. curs o'ei ell her the Central or the M I tgo
vple nil. is, und p. ih.i'- proeee-l on to Cuua
L-iw 'on to r. 1. use the l-'gdei'al pri iners, or Uo
gi i.i ral damage iu that J'lecion.
We lava a so report-, uapa ently U'ltlientie,
that the iiiemv yesti rday 'ii i.le aua't.ici upon
I'or ih, in Monroe county, ou the vf i-'oa a i I
We ii in It ibroiiil, and were signallv repulc I.
V chain th it a good daal of ex -it. .tunii es'sts
in Ma. on, and that a number of women
nnd children are leaving. It Is evident,
ir iu the appear. in. e oi the en oiv at an
the.-e poinis. It Is only a cavalry rail,
a. mil g to strike and dc-iroy all the railroad coai
n in nations to Macon lictbie the mini army up
prouehi s, and perhaps to venture farther in the
direct ton of this city or Augusta, and do us much
misi bief as Missible. It is believed the force at
Mucon and Milledgcville is ample to protect those
placis lor the present. Whether the main army
of Sheimuii will ever gi t that far down i a matter
we cannot venture uu opinion upon.
Sini e writing the foregoing we have received a
piivate despatch Irom Macon showing tint up to
tliiswiiting (hulfpast 1 r.M.) the enemy bad not
struck the load. The despatch states Hut no
trains would leave Macon to-day for this place.
1'. S. Three 1'. M. The telegraph is still
working to Mncon, from which we conclude the
i -nuny have not struck Ihc Ccutial Kailroad at
any poiut.
fi fin ihc iSutotittiih a.', .Vo. ci- ler'jl.
Our latest and most reliable advices are, that
tbe enemy was In lorce in the vicinity of Monroe
and Jones coumies, und a cou-idernblo body had
crossed theOehmulgce rivor at l'lunuir's Factory,
nven miles west of Indiun Springs, taking a
direction which would indicate bis parposo to
take Augusta in his route to the seaboard.
The cticmy may, and no doubt will Inflict
much damage; but it the people of our noble
Mate nerve themselves as one man to tho Import
ance of the emergency, and, forgetting self, direct
their Incessant, united cliorts againat the foe as
advised by Ueucral Ileauregard aud our patriotic
representatives in Congress, the (treat Yaukee
Army of the Tennessee aud lis brutal and ius
lsnt leader will he aunihilutetl. I
from Ihe oruBa Jt. "'"". Nurember l.
Information, entirely authentic, was received
here yesterday that a force of Y'aukee cavalry
struck the Central Kailroad about three o'clock
Y. at or near Uriswoldvillu, tore np the track,
nd captured a lumber train.
Smtk or TimiMOMH.Bn To-iat. Six A. M
H. Noon, IH. ono I'. M. M. Wiml, W. hy N.
I'iim n 1 In mornitii?. at- mt 'AS 't ln.,k, Odi vr
KukUn.', of V.w S . -.nvl :o D.rr'x t. d; :
crrnl an imlu i wlnli- in tV iit(C;utt of
fi: irp a Mi' ! Httiirliod to it h p-ritpr Hiiop.n ! ir..
- ,fi i nnJ 1 y tr-. t". Th" nf!i- ir t vvt :hr
tn tn vil 1 1 in , n ho 'in 1 1 1 v m t V h t 'Mi- iVt
h- u ir j ur-ii'1 .sir m'ti trI nnuro. 1'hi rl in.
HiTi1 in!.i(l nrit' ivi! ?t i' i mi (!,), i t v, lnv.
i j; iii r.J httr yto h '.l w. A'tio h -1 v v
ii i-tiil 1iiMN r ftii l utY-r i. '"is' i'lo mi-
n 1 Mt tin- tin,.-.
l h' oiirrrti'i r ft op vi KV n Piird, . tir
Ni.iitl' r, in A tii' my rftM-t-i, h'viv ( ) '-trd, w ill-
him t.f t' W n trn- t'ft'vr-'M '..inO ' nVloi'k.l nt
t t 1 1 1 1 j.' . ii in-'- rt Tinft'-l in tp thTil r,-rv,
pTtlfl'. MJI' mmi (n (lUAP r I llT'lt fr"ll M) H'ovO,
'I It-s i- ff iiu itt'tl ,if It.-. A,'in t-vo :iml tfi re
tin licit (1 il', UjMmi n m i tiiL-ro n tin iu
ruintn p.
t'A' liiu a r Lt. Aiiii.?iM O'lvor n-sis
rr.iirt'Ctl tlii iii"rmn iip.ri the t hnr;e of
11 h.'uI vftilnif Pt tlie ctiMMhiTi. He itt.e.uitti,
ti vniu in i ho Nnifh Wnnl in nn"rtir min'
t).iin. Tin imk'n ol ihc flivtion hippc:iv i
own Iho Ijoum-in which Oiiv. r n-nuliMl, ,nul hi.
Rtn irpt bv ptt'in Irtn-cft' ntl for iiiih' ti-T pcrii'i
vhh ut l c.oiS. Jfr- wai urrcsvil, un 1 hc! l t r u
fnni,. r h- uriuir. lie l.i.h ii to i,p-tr,ii .l '. r
liuT :im rem rc-tci in Jcrsi'V, h hi Hut lio ii ui il l
to i sc:tp" the cln'ohc-i of the i.w.
"Tin: Sim: ur uu Cfti rn v." - Th olnrc
'I ilton's lc tnrc on this suVjcct, at (' m-trt 11 ill,
on TuciUy evening, promises to be a irrear suc
n m ns tbo iindicnco h c'n,'',i,ie l ; un'I w
p- -i.tifhul, Irom n ttico- n( Mr. Tittin't otlortH
in n ut jurtK nt New KntrUn'l, tint the leo
tnn r come np to the liU'lu'Ht exor -titioiH of
onr people. Some tickets nur vot he ohttinu-d
at Mart it'irs. No. to-; Cues nut street.
iNo. Uev. li. 3. Hoir.iirtti will, y re
'iUot, icjtut his o! on " Uano n-,'" to
n onnw evciiinL'. at W. o'olock, at ihe lull, Sith
iu, a ( nvviiuo.
To i in: I'liK-int n r Ki.n r.
bt uu; im oi TnKH ka:.i.
tr y n Imvo von ttif ni.b.p tr,r'
Towftnl Ihf-li y our rttl ni m(pis t,dVl j.ri-s.(,
Ami linjH". urti :rnr nn litnciM r't
Aiinmitolv tn thrllt ttu
I tu- r.iltT oi t nrtti't Kfent fit,
Aim! -'cntinln" to that'll Mivi'rWt'ii pi-nd
Willi ftwy ih your ) tit Muii (jnui'l
Hvln-hl by M.fubm-iircT croud,
Yit tl l iiiii-i d ri'i'l c f i ran t cure
'I Ir minute of .von r iHfotn ho,
A ml h-'ii vr Ih tlic wfiriit t hc,r
Ol ruirh n-piui-thllln .
t n trui' tell' rt.v In Kmnvn
It.v htiu tu wtiuni the ft ten Ul (III
A hii iik mirtlrfiic. - alo-ic.
Mtin- pixel u oifi-l 'imi unrn'
II ' rt c. rCul Imnir islthn-i.'li u m(c
' I in tur liv ill i White Hon1 otitlionr.
He m iv in inir ,
A h el that it all hj uv n.
lie li't n , n nl and w hnle-umc fare,
A i d, ttioiih he ttuH-itM no iuIm ot Kw-r,
J'tv hanOsp'iie. well uiad', rioihiiiR wear,
fctMiplv priK'un ii ikm hkNMii r'H lowc.
We air rw'lhtpt liv. xdt-m adr (i iuhlst, ciiai ineTrr
K'Hptct, ttye, fit. iwa'tfi.'l and v. r manitp. to any maile
tn mxi mro, ti li to VI niTrem. Inwer prkm. We have
a fui an J compete anoitm nt ni the vliulemt tftoUa Id
tlif niarket, furchaAet fur r,ih, at th- tourett prict qf
th mum. nnd sold itircanh ouly, there tore at Uio low
't prtct'i poi-iMe.
ToftKH Hall, No. 1N Murk tit utreet
Tin: &mwo M.vtiiiNK.
WHU tincers nlnu ie and r;i.c.
With tV a list's g:i!iimi an 1 .i.-',
A lady .at tu hor prett 6t:i U r,
Jn lully wnrhnj: a v.ij.
ili-k! rllrk' rli. k!
In coiuCttri iaI like u i.i.ccn,
A tul "tinK tn the mnilc mviTy and i o fi ,
Of" The F'oretv-c SeW.nt tfacl..i.e "
IVk-vllrk - ctl.'k-
My work In almost dene,
t liefc-cli. k-cllck-
HiTnre I Tisk narre'y hfnri!
Oh I i hame nil tn k rN, I ay,
Who now w,jlii tli r d ifv .m.
And wiiii th(r tiinf in d ifc' and ly.
If iMri 1 4 nee, lie work !
VU.-k cli. -. liek-
Ilow tl. a mapi :c n''t!! . !
li. k-i-lUk-i'li.-k
I Ctn irrer Neli-ve lny iiyn !
Si i in, and, .ind t tin ,
lUnd, and Kiifet, .ind main,
I n 'h could Alnnik' w rk a!1!!,
Ar d iiin A.iy In my .liewu '
"Cl'ck--ell -k-cluk -
Pe, it stwn Vi li'vfr jri-u f 1 oe
From (!ii: rine-t fit of t cf jm-.
To a e'e-k. or a pa r ut'ih' t . !
C hk-dlik-cllrk
An I watch the morry thn.g
In Une.y oft. wtt'dn my mt,(,
'1 o HI it em4 to svrnift
"Ol,! nifn with iitr dearl
Oh? men with nmii r wivcv !
Ilnw Rtuiuld ym !t; oi- n wh thn
(11 uldvn our ptr M iui h.-rn 1
Wh. no j: onl us c an unki ho nr ic trij'ht .
Who itia-t'O otiLTa'c away
Ily making's Uu t it I'ht,
And laru.iiK tod ti i'..v!
"Then (.-o at once- a: d t,vt
A -FI- reiic-1- Ht-whii: N'AJti'n
Ot I trfr nre itood. hut i.iji,ve X) tu kd
T b a i i hi hi s I w en.
Id a' t'UM'lifti it mm t
A d : oo'll ft c tii t to e'.,
1 1 ft' '- a y ft 1 ir, long dav t jtn
Y a I b ft ftd f my adv.c
Tl p eatfi I .YiiitiO 0 ti ft?. A?m tpi-li i'om
1 1 1 f l i ti'ii , ijiir iIiim r ni kti c ei m one te
t-i tdc t e , icMliiitf ei .her lo nrht or let. Tho ode
bthtt d "K on ni ' Kewin? MatM ei. Huri'tlMty. shu
I lulty, rapid . p r ( Mmn.
Ki..i;i.ei: S m ini MAeift -it '.'mn yy.
tY. ii'J Cri-nnt tt'rx et
Yami.ia ItOAhrr.n Ai.uo.NnH,
Of rare ijtiity, M A.iy'uotured ry
filM'HKM F. If .it i i ei.
Ci MUONS. PlV, Ciltl C, AN!) S j FA Cl HlllwN,
a:MHli l-'U'lTI, Old V. ;Tk .ioill ii.'VT tl' 111 CftH li.)
Ii k id h any ot ter i: juc. W. Pa t v v,
Nn. 1 ii iH C'liunut lire I.
Tn:: Auit of Inm nii .Vliiio a 1 upo num.
h T ni M.i-hlii' s hae ticen i-rlerrd to tho pu ic, i ue of
a Mi li ponucf it ii1 ,ti ol excs Um t! .Ol 1 .it ki:jA lejed Jtt'rlt
ai hit'- Icbk felt, wfiiit --the Imveuxerlen d, the nc ion-m-
ofo Muclilne moe pTt'.'et lit .tn tne ba'ncaJ slrticture,
c'ini)liihii,', In toe ttuj'it . t itr.-e, mh(-.'i tty with Uma
fcWi'i, and i fade iput)ic duiiu, tt ir'f-r ran- of inn
one tlmt could he ihm!,. a;.dim'o-d anJ C'li fiii'ii l-d
h) all.
1 lii, m e r'; haj-oy i.y, I. ;rr:i -. Aa.'t l,ed br t!.u
liln rhl cxK'tiU turo oi' . aj itnl, a: d taw u.iLeut, untiring
Fiom litt tirst iiMrtlu -tio:! tl e ''Kj "in hAi n.ilnej
li t-' ot tViciiilH. uiid Is reitrui'd b oir 'irt fdoitlioi as a
mutt fn l-t i.i'r, 'ji' v eini"lti"iely pruv.nk'. what we r
inoet l.kii') t" u.-i now .,., ihu t!:u iii(lie ('in v ai'. e.
i nut u c 'im ! tV'in. w, .in't n'f'i'.i i - e ,m'int-o in rna
t t i U . nt'. ' Mi !d at So. t. to ("lumiint stn-it.
- irtlie h i ttl l our rra'ieis we will iinnttm .unt of
the ainaiitc;i.-h and iu-i ruveuuiiti ut the Fioruue over all
vmkfn ft.ur tH fr rent $tfrlef, the .. Inot, J;ttf-!,-If
"i, and tim- i-it, on one atid the v-anf uia diiiie ; oich
Mit h biniK aiiit-on ttti stUcs ol the fai'Tic, and ueiititr ii
thi-ni wdi raw'i.
1' hai the rt erfif-l1 feed -notion, ai d hy aimjdv ttirnhi
thmah ncrew ll.f work wiit r;tn iti. r to the rn.i t or leti,
rviaiarn (tart ol tit- fmni'.or fntl-ii the ends ui tt.o
ki'Wi.g wiU.'iut turning ti.e mbrlc, thmly iiand
Cliannhiff the length of the -titf!', at-d from jne kind of
at ti ti t anoiJ-ir, au it jdii) In duiib n uilv tl c Mitrhinc U
in iiiotun.
hrtry tiuh it perfect in Hit!, making tho taui ecare
and uu lit rni.
li ik ainioat iioiffkt.', and cun be used where iiU't is
ilMJKiilotia are ftll ;"e Vi'v; there ftre no uprfni to et
out ut order, aim U kitujiH liy euabluk the luont
to (i i rate it.
H u tn t t cit the itr-fitt of the operator, ai all machinery
la itn Ho Oii tuhh.
Jt it the MMl Miir twin the vorc, raakiug live
tttetiap to each revolution.
It Mitch t on blue rfatiit itUt ttrtnQth, and beauty.
H dtvi the hruit vr finest wort Willi uquat facility,
Vithutit rhnmif oftfitfivn or th(dnntry,
Kvvry Machine Un oae iY JcnekN' patent heminers
attached, euaUhuit the ojicrator to turu anyu uitho item
it doe not require fuer thread Oft tbe muder aide than
It doti ou the m per.
It will st airekthe beariett acamt, or frou one to
here thlckneea of clotli, without cl.aiife of teailoa or,
breakliu ol thread, or iKli'plnn etltehei.
It baa a uniforai and eli-taiilaiitt teniion ef thread.
A " hnrnum'0 St'f- .sever," w iucli the vori t4lf
b rurulkhtd with each mtachioe
Whle pvkaekkinit the aU-ve and manyorfier ftdrantftTfi ,
Uie Fluftuca i told t corroftouu ye toe w lift ouiur
flrt claa Machines.
Ititie la no rwk tn baylruj the K lore nee, at erery
Marl'Lne U warrautwl to niw entire attrctlnn, or the
ftjouer refuudM). ho chare uade fur learn in u
opviftteH. We learn that au aene U the ime oi thee
oitdriulMarhuii4liatut ocui eataoLithed Lu all Ui
prtnrlial ciUea and tona In the k'7l Hiatee, and
dvie our n-aeti (if th-y annul call at ihe aJartuta,
e C..MCheuuji iirvt Uetid Ur rtrculara and eauiolee
v I Tt'N an: f'oi.N.
i .". -. u'ul . ri ri t.. .. Kl'lt,".
W h c.'u v I a: ue-r. nn diT. rent V. ok--,
T. t'.eii'iiiit Ar tO'iriikiti.
, .. w i ea r , ..e tn Jd.a-id ii..t,
lii. t (.'.'. ' vt ot .iy n. " ' ,,i ru',-'
tt- ai ir nr rmft:rd, v td btilh d,an i c mud,
lie y t ii? a tc -iu't i.
I' . t .ii !i " of time tt.e 'udb e If Imre.1,
An I ' . 'l at K .mt, .uid fi i.l 'jruL-f.
Ji w Co- n tn i dh to mke t a fl,'M,
I't . he fi It t! a' t'o u n would -rnh thi riuM.
ft he (n e c th 'aw pro ectlon.
1 1 e ra!M m .irm a m ll'n tr"nir,
T 'if tip te r i land pit d wnthewrnn,
in I it . er'mly -o mrd thj he, en- rne
f l i nl i, eut lb .i;Ureetloil.
t. f nitfe of all iuv,erial, inc udini; ddion aul
rud. t l'i arlt h iii a 4 a. 'oae-prln , ' undrr
ih- oiitmrntal.
A i.n Kr l t ami Vai n: r. 1 ar r;T Tf t!ioe trim in w iit inplattti ap'MidMtt; tn nov fur hull hr kIH-i
will rellert a iimtnent. thev will tt the progirl t y ot
tjwwg thine oi "tiii'ta itlal and ettd irit'ir vnhietutho
re-! p lent, tit thi charaetcr the mmt eleuant and ao.-iNii-fatee
artfO r the Sewlnir .Machine nnd the one to
rct, tor n htnidred reotn that we mtlit nfime th
"Wheeler A WIIoti," Fold nt No. 7o (.'henn-tt street. It
lit. hey nd a donht, the heit fpwlnu mni hlno In exist
erce. he pvi r It hai been exhibited In competition
It ha. route off victor. 1bonnndH of lamlltra In ttiii
ittv niiione lin unrlv.iled merli. ami niimeritu anpti
rutim are nmde to the ci i t nlmo-t d iliv fo tfive ttt rr
cftattt t tor other nia hlne the heeler it Wilnon. 1'er
coti. ttietetore. who cotitrniplain tuiyhijr tnai himii for
pren-nt", hnuld po to headiiuarirri (No. 7'l I'licmni
mrei 1 1. ind 'rf th? bt it l.alleti are tatiK'it the uneo
these un ehlliin nt their own rculdelice AH niai-tiliu
sold m o. -( ( In en ut treet are warranted, and he,it
in tep.ilr tree ot charge.
lit an ANtm.
A e n f: it t fii-m a Iniliaiid toa w lf'. there eou' 1 tin n
ttilnn no ap loinatf a a Wheeler A Wiiwm ewtng M
c ilue.
Aa ft ;ltt itom a tatttei to ft unnvhter. the Wheeler
U llron Kewinii Mai time woul 1 . o ne line ft pnt'Tiial
benediction. Trv It, e h'nd tu art hJ fftrhota, antyuar
ctiilureu'e i hiUtn u w 1 11 blean you forever.
Xothln could tie more aeceptat!e a a on-aent trom n
tiroitur to a flffr, than one of theie ad m tra de ma
chlnen, ftdmittesl to be th' ber-t in the wortd.
A ft t' keu ot esteem irom frl nd to trlend nothbtif
eould be nure e'emit than thin world-renowned Senium
M ik-I hie.
Tho-e who hnve a demre to d- a irrent ntnontit of frond
nt a uni nil coat nhould nend Wheeler A Wipton Mneh no
to some poor ftrnllOft woman, and thereby emihle her
to nn p port hemelf and lamliy. and lay np aomnthlti fur
thetnture. TbONe who havo ft Wheeler A WUvm Ma
chine are mire of plenty of work at nood pneoa.
To Fhow ttie ImmeiiMO nnd fit-owl iik popularity ol the
Wheeler A INon AUrhlne wo would atnie that over
'f.OfO ol theni wdt have been nianul rti-uirrd thin y mr.
und nearly MM hnvi' been aold In 1'hllade pha alone,
bverv tnat nine warranted, nnd the mom-y mt iruetl ti'
not entirely aati"fa-tory. W e ad vine all to go to th-i el
Rant alcflioom oi Wu f.i i Kit A Wiiv-on, No. lUlrheMiut
trert, nnd nee tliene wondertul nine 'iiinn in operation.
Send ior a cir -ular mid niiccituen of work No i harge.
fall enrl und make your ticlertton, i-u inr K;vAni'i i. It is feanlly n es-
r to in', tin our n :.ih r th ii the enn-rprNe displayed
1 y Mr. i w. 'iti-her, in prvcinni: a varied eoliiH-tion i f
r.iotornplfi, haa ni-t with unco t. Couuok loourcltyft
itrunK'ir, e iu-netK ntK a dranne,r rat. r a new 11 nc of
bmineM.he Imi tij fntcriirtue And liberality procured for
him Belt a patronage superior to any similar eitablia nucnt
Inotrclty. in l.'t'a::b- iMe Industry, procured
accurate pkotograpV.i of ail the c lehrated charne'eraof
modern times. Kvi-ry land and nation Ih repruaen'ed In
aJ rbofct,TPhie CoiiTriiv Am nig onr urtny an I i avy
representative! we notice Ue:i i a s tlrant, 8? ermft Ktl
patrlck, hfeade, and F'euionf, uMletJ:e pillant Admirals
I'UfOiitaiid arrafcLit aru fit Us h'K,ic -a rrom ou gallant
tars ih-.-j arc a h"it In the nietvfi Anions the states
men, Fre-ndtnt Lincolri, Meinrs. Seward. John Xtrht,
Kdward Everett, Lewi t'as.oal llnry WUon, tiita
lo our chureh ifnitij; people he preients an unparalleled
lint. Itev. Its Itetlimie, Itnruei, heeclier, aud Ii amber ,
and Htslnpti Odenheiuar and I'uiter, wlUi n hast of others,
are mct altly pictured. The armies of Kcbelllmi are fully
rrpreiinted by every f.eneral of Importance who his
provtd fa! e to his duty and .ith. His catalovue In vahia
hie if fer n- other reason than the ion it and complete Hut of
leadlnj; Ki bels. The lanil'.j ot Lee has four reprcieutativo
tut nibi r in the nruiy.
In farey pictures no collection vn excevd the one which
Vr. I'lic her present i to tho public. Uts whole sele-tions
are abl aud ciirt-i jI.j laadt, and the pitronnKO exieudod
to hill, by yur pcojile is well ileie. veih
Tiir KiouFNt e doen till kinds of family sewing
in tlie I'esteit manner, trvm rhe heaviest wo ilten to ttt
ui st deik-.ittf iobrxs.
11 oii,r'
PIAvo CtlUNKr OliiJAN".
h old KH. Ovr- 6on .fea h of tl.ose rlnc In-
Fl A NO trjm"i;i have bi e:i mil I Uv Mr.
I ('tt I r s I.., am. ttu ceinand l 0"n.aaily
I'l Ml it rr a,hia.
KH.TKS. KirleuT.:rbv
ns "o j.f, t.oTTf n,
H.H I ES. 8cyi-ii:haiid C'tiesnui streets.
Old. h -4 .
otM V N .
t A 111 N K r
tilt M H.
v iti cr
T.AiiiFH FfitH. An elegant asortmcat at
f harltk Oakford A eon K.Coritmeuial HjIcI.
Po Yov Know Dkks luu rt-moved to No. 413
4'hcRnut slivetV lie seli Tobacco, CiKarN, Pipes, Ac., rtrty
per cent, lesa than any 10m In thH city. Kcui-iubur
otan, So. 4i:t t hesuut etret-t.
Thk AIF.M, Fuikni).(!A gem;" "A lion-e-hold
treaMire;" "A rrfct beauty;"' "Works like a
olifttm; rhe b-Hn tt.e world;1 Would not bo without
a Florence;" "It makes four ttiteh s with the same eao
that others make one." Succ are the eipretMoos used
by purchasers of a l- Icicncc. SuM at Si. ttW Caesnut
CucifR Caramtuh.
t'hoco ate, Vand'a, ''oc lanut. and
I uiub Carami Is Manufa-turvd by
Hifci'tiKN If. WnnMH,
No. l-lu Maraat suet.
Oen rLk.Mf;N'B IIats, All the latest etyles ut
t "bar it a oakford A ten , t oouotntal lloul.
Winhow Siiaiu h. Ternona par-ha-in shades
In t.iese times ol hlu.i fiicea w 111 ftavu money bvatntu-u
Koiiu; to tin Uiji. tfactjrtr wi.o !e o wc-1 aud fawia'dy
known W. Hi Mii Pai u
No. IkHiMu'iii'it street.
FlNFK AN 0 NI' 4 1. WoUK If (JOQ On tllO KIil-
ren e thii cm li loui oil uii v nt lu r mac tn iu. Call aul
camlL ottu a. No. '.'Km is'-trmt street.
I.miirh an ii Cunj'iaw' h li AT. I.Mcit style
at C'l.ariii O ik mrd A S-i. , ii.Uiit outl It jI 1
V AunNtdi to ri.r I 'in
.I.i- us.lj p " if t .'and y it ; iiitU'tiiMt
"Flori)nv.M Is
.irra'ifcd to tlv
fitiiis' "laiiM.H 'ii.u or money rtnrncd.
C.f7i i. and Famhionaiii.k CoNi-Ronovs,
! M up lu tsu:st Hoft,
hi.t'aiiic :Vr lr 'euts.
Mo. UIO Markul .tieet.
L'i i.ul Sihh.No Ft knii ritK. Old und Nl-W
I nr; I .if l-'i h IkU.'id ti J arnUUeJ iu tho M-ry hott
uiautiii at W. Mkmiv hiirN'H
W. it tn t'pbultffrv KHtablUhru-mt,
Nj. llosdicsiiut street.
Oit. Si bM iui'tionk. As will be seou byadTor
tiemt nt e'sewhere. the I oks of tldb enterpriHe close on
alon.lav next. 1 l.ose who desire to secure one or worn
the remaudi!' si. ans biould avail tbemseli of the
oppoitunity of so d !nk' We have but little doubt that
when the Company (formed from among tlie suh-.crlber)
KrB c r,.aiil-tJ, tlit.-e kl.arts will omiuAud ft ban Uome
pL'ttrirAHEiis mar rolj upon tt'ir.tx the bant
l utk ai dalle Uakto'rdA h . Continental Hotel.
I'HOTooitAi'iiH. Klfiiant styles of artistically-
extcuUd piciuies, lite slu I'hoto.'ra; hs In OU Colors,
l.ciyt.ipi s and Caries de Viite,at B. t' lUmii's popular
dftUerv , No. :l Arch btieut.
Gi:t thk Bkht. Clcwmen. as a claas, do not
recommend an article uiiIcns they have gool reason to
know it to be aluable. I'roctirnof any Drutftftit one of
Mre Alleu's clr.-tilars of kr World's Ilatr Keitorer and
llaki lircssliif, end you cm read over tw.nty tontimouials
of our wont ea.ltienl clergymen, each one reoo mm ending
iu Ibe stroriiiia terms tbe use of these proparatldna. They
rth tore, invigorate, indbeautif j the hair. If you wish t
restore and retuu your hair through lite, use tUeut. t, ery
Drub'tf't eUs them.
Mrj. M. O. Rrown'i " Metuphyaical Die
isovkiy." kills Uu root of every disease. Price ft... Mo.
Hit Arcft street, ttee ftdi irluiueot in aaother eoluiun.
Wm. G. rr.HRV, who U President of one of our
oil companies. iiidUlArfely interested In eeveral of the
bit dividend paylne; ooupaales, It will be seen, by refer
ence to ftdvertiacmeBtt la prepared to furulah oil cempaniei
with their new Ivooks. Ue baa floe stock to fitect trem
ftt the aoulUweat corner of Foorth and Eare (treats.
To Finer rirMii Hi wr atrarded to the
Orovir k Biker lewlng Machine Company ftt tbe
MUldfaft State 'eir, recently meld at Kalataaaoo, via.:
ror the best r a rally Hewing Machine mid for tho bait
Marline work.
Special Dcipatchc to Evening Telegraph.
Washiiiotoii, NoTemlur
Inrroaiie of Nninrirau
A petition was in circulation yestordaf In the
Treasury Dei a tmcnl, asking Fecreiary Feisen
dea to exi'rt his Intlornre with Conirrcsf to rif
the salaries of the cltrks and niosscngets.
IVie With h ladlKiia.
1 roiii informati.mriTClvi-daKhelii.lianEareao,
it that peace prevails In an nnn:al
le;;rec wi;h all tlie Indiun trlis.
Mr.nher. or l'oiilm..
r Al out tivi lrc or fifteen memliers of Coag'css
nre now in Wabhinirtun.
Miernmn'a linrm.iil.
A,Si. I.ouis letter say : Anom -er ol Sherman'
stall is li. re, who slate? that he bis orders, when
Lis leave exiii, toJa Sherman by way of tbe
Atlniul,' coaM, at R,iann ih. lie expecs Sher
man to m.irch entirely across GoorfU to tht
I he Report nfMrrrrlnry w.IIm.
Tlie report of the KccrUary -if the Navy is fin
ished , ami In the hands of the p itiiic printer. Up
nnrds of six hundred putfes are aln-aly printed,
.ind tli e whole will he rta ly al an early day to lty
I'oi'ure ('impress.
t rum m Orli an.,
Ni.w YtiiiK,Noveniher26. Tho ste imer (Jimrs
' 'a ina, from Nw Orleans en the 19th, arrived
at tli in xrt to.driy. She brings no now.
Oitnw of Tnn r.vwwrm Tn inaara, I
M.uirdur. MorrmMr (
The Sro. k Market continues rather dull, but
steady. Government bonds are Tory firm, and
prices have again advanced, showing the confi
dence i.f the people In our; 8-JJ
sold at lOo.Jf' 10-), an advance of J ; ilj of 1881 at
1114, Rn advance of ; and now 7 30s at 0P;
New City (Is uio selling at 101 . ,
Kailroad shares aro steady. Reading sold at
BTiJl" fs, nn advance of 1 ; Northern Central at 67;
l'ciinsylvania at C7i ; Catawtasa preferred at 3H ;
nnd l'hilatlelphia and Krio at 31 5 l.'ii was bid for
Ciimdcn and Amlioy ; 4,5 for Little 8cb.nylalU;
.iH lor Fhiladolpbla and Uormuutown; 30 for
North l'enntiylvaiiiii; 31 for Elmira com uon, 61
for preferred; M for Cntawissi coalman; aud (j
for riiilndelphia and Baltimore.
City Tasisenger Kailroad shares continua Tory
dull, and tli.'ie is little or nothing d,iin. 2il ,is
hid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 35 for Sprnoe
and 1'inc; Cii for West l'hllalolphia; loj for
Arch ; 10 for I! ace and Vine; and 24 for Oreem
and Coatcs ; "0 was asked for Secoud and Third ;
66 for Fifth and Sixth; 19 for Tenth and
Eleventh ; 48 for Chesnut and Walnut; and 2"!
for Girard College.
Coal Oil shares ore In f.iir demand at about
former rates, wl h sales of Oil Creek at 9; Mine
ral Oil at 1 1 ; Dalell nt 'Jia ; Perry at 41, an
advance or 1; Noble and Del.uiaer at 0)(0i;
McF.lheny at iil(nO; and Walnut Island at 61(a)
6 ; 33 was bid for Maple Shade, and 10 for
Bank slinrrs continue very firm, with sa'.e of
Fanners' aud Mechanics' (old stock) at 70; ajid
Vnlon at 52; 170 was bid for North America;
1 8 for Fhlladi lphla; 30j for Mc.cU inlcs; 87 for
Kensington; 42 for Venn Township; 50 for Man
nfucinrers'and Mechanics'; 40 for Consolidation;
474 for Commonwealth ; and 8 for Camden. 1
Canal shares are dull and lower. 32' was hid
for fk'huylklll Navigation cominoo, a decline of
4 ; 3a for preferred, a decline of ; 74 for Lehigh
Navigation; 130 for Morris Canal preferred;
11 lor Siuriuclunna Canal-, and 30 fur Dela
ware Division.
Gold has advanced aliout 3 per cent, siiee
lust evening, opening at 21'Jj ; advanced and told
at 21 J at U o'clock; 221 at 12; nnd 222 at 121
1'. M. The shipments from Now York to-dav
reach SI 4!H),(HX.
1 UII.AIiKl.nilA MTOt K K.VinyilKSAI.M, VOV.2H.
lit juried b Clurkson A Co., HroktT. No. S. Tlilrd )l.
HO ,i li.itwr Coal.... 7;
int. ih limner 'iV
'JtOrtti At H'a
11 h tiu 'J s
Hii-B ( on n Ull r'
Ii". .li 1I0 It ;
tuiih F.xrrli r.bin Hat t '
It" ill lit litt,
.'.I ll nil d-.' ua J ,
Ho .ti F11I11.11 r.i.i....
tau.u St. jtiehuiai...
loo sh Wahiut Ulana.
khu ii
win .a do..........
S-'.n. .a ti..
ll'sl'tt di
I.'si Minaral OU ....
(10 ill I'lltitttn Col...
)iii .h llyda Farm....
lisi.tirorn I'.anivr..
AO ,li forrjt Ull
FIRST lintliD,
rrov. a. c. -ei tu.1,
wo .11 Oriianl.' 0.1.
tt .in t 8 b-Jtri liuS
SutSI tlti it,V.
SI. SI il ruK.tll'.'v
f SS. I'H I ttU...llttW u Ml,
$..Mti '111 liSOVIT 70... .I'm i
Hisi('lijr m. new ....imv'
Ii 11 sh K.'.nl. U. II. ...c tt"
110 hll tlo trtii an ;
listsh do i si7V
I' ll fell qo 'i
Jt tti l ur Mec.old 7u 1
IS li I 111..11 iik .si !
tio th (i. V. M..U10 11 1
UK ill 111. Muunt It1',
SI 1 ih llnloa t'lllpf.. 3
lis .a UU Crefk
1V h uiy.U OU.b-w
ltsiih tli..
lmi.Q do e
iuimi Hau.a
u.t. d 1)10 U' rurry ou ..... 4'.
AG sh m .KinniirOu.e u
A.) nh Htd.1 S'artti..., li
llOMlldu..utikllll'tMl. 1.1
I'll) do 11
ass. !f . (!mitral .... H
r.7 .n .'.tin. UR nils;
imishrnnw prr.... fSt.-s
wi.tirini. si
li.i ta , do bm 3i
uiith do 31 'i
Cinotations of Gold at tbe Philadelphia Uold
F.xcl ange, No. 34 8. Third street, second story :
A. M 2IA4 12 M 221
11 A. M.
21'JJ 1 1. M.
Market active.
T)r. Uavew 4 Biio., No.
quote as follows;
Amulcan Gold.
Anieiiian Silver, 't and '
ll.Uies and Half Iliiues....
20 8. Third street,
, 221
. 211
. 2H
Kpani. h Uuarlers
1 n n. Currency..
I dis.
New York Lxchante
(Juotatii.ns of the criaclmU Coal and Coal OU
s toe As al 1 o'clock to-uay .
Bid A't. ild
miton Cnnl s
7S Sdneca Oil.
hiK MoiiniMin Coi .s ..
K.Y.JsMiil.C'tial.s ,.
On . ii M'. . l'i
. I'jriit.iii'al. .... 'i
I'tit tier liatuCoal. . ..
Oilutoii Coal s ..
btiller i oal i ..
liLiiiicnd l.oa!
.Mod cry Iron.. .101.
IVrii Minins an
Ku -tone 'lino. . .. 2
F k. uislt.r OU s ..
Hit. I. ink I'.
Cf.titintMUal S
OC I'rt-fk
U.i Mm. If Dll.. U
kits Imlolk UU.... tl I
I'.rrs Ull
klmrial Ull ..
Kn-ionf (ill 1 ill '
I ' .....i, I'.tmk.m . )l'
A', Uftmuio Olt a . .
1J Irviiiu 011 IT,
i llunitmora 11,1.
a Diuzuiioi; s ..
7i s .. f i
1, K..I.S.H. OU ii
7'; il'iD.tsnd 1 3
In I, NiblctkUiJainaiar.s.. S '
lo ililiuurd 3 )'
li'Ai euory lua i'-i SW
?1 Hi un. r S . . i 'a
I'mnilsuia Cutr. '- 'A I hslMH s', 41,
i 11. .K. l.l.Dd l'
2', Alitylmily Jllvsr.. .. l'i
;!.,' rurilti s .. l.s
i I'h UAOIKTosk.. J.'. . I .
K II. ill Crml S1.
lifriusni I 'g
s Corn ftaauu. ....s . . 7'.
4; llni-il 4
l'i Koci Oil 4
'.'1, rrr F.nn 3 3 '
1 w i.ilt UUud...s .. D'.'
V II Far m .. Hi
Utavon UU.
1., i at. Mcaula s ..
ti. mn.iitinn of th banks ofthe three prin
cipal commercial cities of the L nlon it exhibited
In the followingtable, which shows the aggregate
of thoir lust weekly stukmenta, compared With
the returns of the previous week :
.wial Sl1: Circular. Dtpoiitt.
N v Vo.lo aiwillAttMliiaas .V- lbs,lM,l!ic
KJltin.j: I.I'.TUS tW.lS4 JJlJ
Total. Trt IKO 491 2h.MS.70t l (iU,7!S 'Jl7.l,n0
lucre.. In loam I'ISioi
!. nw In tK.c, .oi'mJ
liiiK-me In rireiilalaMl annual I
JiuTi'M.e In di'osiis ,oii
The decrease in the loans, at thown above,
comes fisjin the Boston banks, where the discount
line was curtailed nearly six millions of dollar.
Bisamihlp J.UIbnou. Uoweu. New York. W. J. Taylor Ct
Imr.iu (nlon, He.rd. furuamliuoo, Lewis il Uamou.
ll.niue IXal.h.Uilkev, amwarp, J. t. Bar.lay Co.
l.rui Anna. Morrow. HI. TbOMu.. J. F. PmUstoa.
8cl.r Fanni, Vauce. Havaua, ll. B. BttMa 4 Co.
fc.J.r Auiencan fc-K. tltaw, tiew ll.v.u, Cupttt J.
Hol.r Auklaiu. lltMipsir, I'rov llenca, Caplalo. C. bkaw , toliaw, City I'oiut, Cauuut.
HrurR.C. V.ii.l.1. Hlh..rQ. la d.. fro .a Or.l
with tiuano to Raaor 4l t oUona.
adir Ctira. au.uoa. 1 dav u-oaa fllsad. nimtt
com BMal to . al. Laa. . wtk
btai(Vn. Vs'.uaoa, 1 4av ttom
Boar U St. la. Lea.
Oiit-mi l Bri .c, wn"""
aksr l.Uvn.
4 . t
f r-
fi !i