The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 25, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 4

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nirDAT. WOVEMBBR 2. 1864.
Oliver Wendell Holme' Poem.
Dr. Holmes' poem, written for tbo Oentnry
Clab fratiral, will appear in the December uuru
gr of the Atlantic MonlMy. It is as follows :
0 evsn-ksnded Nature ! we confess
Tils life that men so honor, love, and Mca,
lias filled thine olden measure. Not the less
We CCTint the preclnn fPHoni that remain ;
fttrtke nut the level of the golileu grain,
Eat heap It high with years, that curih way p.i'.n
Wbat h pa von ran low tor heaven is rich iu
TKj not all por ts, oyinr, 'till prolong
Their broken chants amid the tetapa tUrong ?
Where, blind no more, Ionia's hard Is stcn,
Aad V nr. land's heavenly rnintirel sin h 'tween
Tie Mantuan and the wun-cheaked Florentine .
This was the first sweet singer in the cgo
Vf oar close-woven life. A in! b rn ajo
tlaliae in his vesper song its heritage .
f pare m, oh, spare us long our he irt'e dealre !
Moloch, who cilH o or children tbronb tiio hit!,
Leaves ns the gentle mauler ot the lyre.
We count not on the dial of the sun
The hours, the minutes, Inn B ind" have ruri
Bather, is on those dowers thai o'io by una
From dawn their ordered bloom display
Till evening's plnne.twith hor guiding r.iy
Leads la the blind old mother oi the a.iy.
W reckon hv hla mii'i each song a 1 iwor.
Ibe long, lung daylight, nninhoring hour by
Bad) breathing sweetness like a bridal bower.
Bis morning glory sh.-ill we e'er forget ?
iitt iioonlieio'a full-blown lily coronnt ?
ajia evening primrose has not opened yet ;
Xay, even if creeping Time should hide the skies
In midnight from his ventury-ladeii eye',
Darkened like bis who sang of Vdjadan.',
Would not some hidden song-bud open bright
As. the resplendent c.ictns oi the nlgnt
That floods the gloom with Iragraaco and with
Bow can we praise tho verse whose m'isic Hows
With solemn cadence and majestic clone,
Tun as the dew liners turough the rose ?
How shall we thank him that in evil d.iys
lie faltered never; nor fir blaruj, nor praise,
'or hire, nor party, shamed bU earlier lays r
Sat as bis boyhood was of manliest hue,
o to his youth bis mauly years were true,
All dytd in royal purple through and through !
He for whote touch the lyre of He iven Is strung
ceds not the Mattering toil of mortal tongue :
.Let not the singer grieve to die unsung I
Varblcs for pet their message to mankind :
la his own verse the poet still we had,
la his own page his memory livos enshrined,
As In their nmber sweets the smothvred bees
As the fair ccdnr, fallen before the br. cc,
Lies self-embalmed uuiidi-t Uie mouldering trees.
foets, like youogcut children, never grow
Out of their mother's fondness. Nature so
Holds their solt hands, and will aot let Uieiu go,
Till at the last they track with even feet
Eer rhythmic footsteps, and their pulsei beat
Twinned with her pulses, and their lips repeat
The secrets she has told them, as their own :
Thus is the inmost soul of Nature known,
And the rapt minstrel shares her awful throne '.
0 lover of her mountain and ber woods,
Her bridal chamber's leafy solitudes,
Where Love himself with tremulous step in
trudes, Ber snows fall harmless on thy sacred fire :
Far be the day that claims tby sonnding lyre
To join the music of tue angel choir !
Tet, since life's nmojest measure must be filled,
Since throbbing hearts mnst be forever stilled,
Aad all mast lade that evening sunsets gild,
Grant, Father, ere he close the mortal cye.1
That see i Nation's reeking sacrifice.
its smoke may vanish from these blackened
talcs l
Teen, when his summons comc9, since come It
And, looking heavenward with unfaltering trust,
Me wraps his drapery ronud him for tho dust,
Tils last fond glance will show bim o'er his head
The Northern tires beyond the zenith spread
In lambent glory, blue and white and red
The Sontbern cross withont its bleeding load,
The niilkv way of peace all freshly strowed,
An every wbitc-tnroued star fixed in iu lot
Gen. Sherman Advances
on Augusta.
Macoi: Mi-.l Millcdcvillo Burned.
KsfAii: of the u:sisLruu:.
Ecrmrcgard'B Appeal
to tho
Kite, XUo.. Tit a., i:to., Kto.
Wbcn ine
Overflows! Its
fnm 1 .Vw Or Hani Pieaunt.
The military authorities of this depirtment
have, just in time, taken the proper steps to secure
ma from general overflow, should the Spring rise
e nnasnal'.y great next yeur. Certainly, from
Batvn Rongo, If not higher np.down to the Torts,
the levees on the Miaiseiuui badly need m ire or
less reDairinn: and in many places it will be found
access&rv to build extensive embankments, the
Id ouca having disuppuarud in tno waters oi our
great stream.
I torn tbe time when New Orleans was founded,
4own to the year 1HIV2, that is, during a period of
ne nunurea una rorty-iour years, ine misstssipin
ban more than unco overflowed its oauks iu Lower
A c keu h of tbe great floods which have boon
at oiucreut times cxpcriet.eeu in Louisiana, can
aot but proie interesting to some of your readers,
171b. There was an extraordinary rise of tho
jsississiDn! this year. t
17;16. Uayarre Hates that the waters were so
aigb that nnuiy levees were brokea, anu inu
iiixiSL'e was done. New Orleans was limiiJaied
lhttJ. od loniinucd from the latter part of l)e
SMBi'tT to the utUer part of June.
1770. A great flood, according to the traditions
recorded nj uovernor Mrgenc.
1 1 HI. I Ins year tbe Mi.-sisslppl rose to a
treat, r heiiiht than was rememoered by tbe old
cm inbubiuiits. In the Atmkapus md Oiiuiuusos,
tbe luuudatiou wits extreme, llie tesr spots
which tbe waur did not reach were covered with
17M. New Orleans was flooded by crevasses
17U1. riaiue rental ks at New Orlenus as for the
fiovd of 17'l.
nWi. The Teche ovcrtlowed its bunks for some
Ixiy miles above New l'icrni, and injured into
faraud Luke iu a ni.ootli sheet of water.
17ty. .same remarks at New Oilcans as the
swud of 1 1 N.
lhll. A diiiasirous flood this yeur. Mucn
stamuxe was done iy the waters rushiug thruuu
the rents In the levees.
1813. Tbe Mood was .ix or ek'bt inches liifjhor
than that of 1HU. The l'ointe L'ouoeo h-ven was
broken, the water In the lower part oi Atclia
falaya nasin (Grand Lake), ro.-.e four or fiv.: feet
alsive any elevation it liid nttuiued bincj 170.
lhlb. A very Kieat Hood. No daiuaxe below
lied Kivcr latiidiug, boweier, is recorded.
lSlii. Haine reuiaiks at New Oi leans as i'ortlio
0ood of 17'.
182.1. A (ireat number of crevasses occurred
below ii' d itivrr on imih banks of tbe rii . r.
lMI. There was a great Hood, but it did not
strove very d s riictive.
le"2tj. The 'l' .ttlicr of Waters" swept its nnrry
Waters not onlv overthe alluvial region above lied
river, but over a lurgo number of plantations
below. , .
1844. The con nt'7 above Kcd ri er was rcuc
xally Hooded. Helow Ked river tue country
tweaped with but littie injury.
1WJ. Above Ked river landing the ravages
occasioned by this Hood were comparatively
alii lit. Uelow it tbe injury done wus so liuinen-e
that the liood is iustly classed among the most
tieslructive ever known. A crevasse occurred at
fcuuve's plantation, above New Orleans, by which
the city was inundated. The break retimlne
cpea lorty-ci'ht davs, and did an iuiuteusi)
amount of damnire.
I860. The dumage caused by this flood was
immense. The 'ierses bottom wus submerged.
Uelow Ksd ltiver Landing tho country sutleied
an ueli. The basin between liayou Lafourche and
the Mississippi escaped nearly uninjured. The
crops upon the left bank above New Orleaus
were much injured by tbe celebrated Bonnet
Carre cravese, which attained a wideuess of
nearly (even tliousuud feet, and continued llow
iag for more than six months.
1841. Below Kcd Hiver Landing there were
fral crevehtea. The damage occasioned by
wm was local.
ili?"t'"-The Bell and Librancbe crevasses snb
S;' " .e country between the Mississippi and
1M tcL,i nd did con'derable damage. ' 'leusas bottom lands above
landinY no,l "j'"l. Below Ued river
Slnr was ll ft5,, Bonou V"- "her h
t thTlowe d d which occurred
hJkotM. M celebrated
liyi2. The river rose very ti.,
mouib of lted river dowo J Vuf 'vi-JiSocho
theia ere many breaks in Ui. WT Whleh
earl all jirovej very UesUracUvsj to tui crops.
Rprlnl t Th FveMlna- T-l.a-rPl.
rroiu VHy Point.
Washinoto.v, NovcmlKr 25. The .Star has the
following :
Citt 1'oint, Va., November 4, 10 A. M. g rew or important, except the arrival of
deserters, who report tlie occupation oi Macon,
Oa., by General Ebcrmnn.
from fenvMunali.
Fobtbesh MoNnoK, November 21. Tho steam
ships Atlantic nnd Jitiukitoiie arrived here this
morning, with about 1323 prisoners. Lost ten on
tho voyage. Left Savannah river at noon on the
22d. The llaltic was loading when the stcamws
Tho exchango was going on well.
Captain Cray says just beforo he left there it
was reported that Macon and Mllledgevillc were
burned. The l egislature wus in session at Mil-
ledgevillc, but was dissolved in haste, and tho
members had scattered.
The following I take from tbe Savannah Ilrpub-
Ham of the 21st, tho only paper I could see
IlvanreRard'H A-rI.
Savannah, November 21. To tbe l eoplo of
Georgia: Cokintu, November 18, via Sclma,
18. Arise for the defense of your native soil!
Rally around your patriotic Governor nnd gallant
soldiery ! Obstruct and destroy all roads in
Slunnan's front, flunk, and roar, and his army
will soon starve In your midst. Be confident and
resolute! Trust in an overruling Trovidenco
and success will crown your efforts ! I hasten to
join you In the defense of your homes and
(Signed) O. T. TJeavtikoahd.
An Appeal from tirlinionl.
TUcuhonii, November 19. To tho People of
Ger"ia : "We have hud a r-pcclnl conference
with President Davis nn4 the Secretary of War,
and are ablo to asouru yuu mm iucj u.i, .luui,
and aro still doing, all that can be douo to meet
the emergency thitt presses npon you. Lot every
man fly to arms ! Remove your negroes, horses,
cuttle, and provisions away from Sherman's array
nnd burn what yon cannot carry. B im all
brlilgcr1, and block up all tho roads in his route,
Assail the invader In front, Hank, and rear by
night and by day. Let him huve no re!
(Signed) Julian IIahtrioob,
W. K, Smith,
Mm BLAKuronp,
John T. Bhswhihi:,
i. 11. UmioLiis,
Jus. M. Sutru,
Gko. N. Ltsritu,
II. F. Bill.
Nw fruits Maesa,
Macon, November l'J. The military author!
ties are active and vigilunt.aud every man is
under arms. Confidence Is being restored. Tho
enemy aro believed to be on our right, distant
about thirty miles. Tho city will be defended to
the lust.
Latent from the Army.
SavanVah , November 21. A private despatch
received in tho city this morning from M u m
says the enemy crossed the Ockmn'gce iu force
yesterday at Planters' Factory, eight miles east
of Indian Springs. They are reported to be from
30,!C0 to 40,000 strong. This would seem to
strengthen the belief that Augusta is their object.
The Ctnlral lUilroad, near Oriswoldville, wan
cut at 3 1. M. on tbe. 2ntb. The telegraph wires
mere destroyed alto. Communication between
Savannah and Macon is destroyed. The wires
between Gordon and M'.llcdcvillc aro also cat.
AUalltlouul Itttnllx. .
V'Asiimoron, November 25. The lirst instal
ment of released prisoners have arrived from
Savannah at portress Monroe. They number
twelve hundred, ami are in a much more com
Ibrtuble condition than was anlicipa ed.
Kiuihcru papers of Wednesday last received
here contain details of Sherman's movements.
It is evident that Sherman is making n successful
march, and that the Rebels have no force able, at
present to impede his progress, lie h is already
flunked Macon, and cut it oil' fioin all s accor from
the South or Last.
Savannah papers received at Portress Monroo
tills morning also contain news from Sherman,
but nothing Utter than what has been published.
There is a tumor here that Moscby has made
successful dush into Sheridan's rear and captured
supplier. lie can, however, ciluct no pcruiaueut
damage to our position iu the valley.
.v. . rnmnM In the S'reeti
KxnmoiiR iu fin.i.j
to-d ay is one that Orlftin is captured ny mo j .u
kets. As to the corrertnes of the rumor we
have nothing to say.
The Angiif i Sm'inrl of tbo lffh ?. reliable
news from up the river has been received.
A f entleiuan who irrivcd on Thursday even
ing, from Htone Mountain, reports that a Yankee
column niovinK dow n tho Georgia Railroad forded
at Decatur, half puinz down 'he Covington roa I
and the other tl.e Ro.-M.rid; load. At S one
H.inntalii they burned s i the unoccnpled house",
oti.nri.iia "oinie two-tliitd.of the Uovn.and were
laving wasm tlm eoun'iy as they prorcsed.
Hi y icer. b In h" li. v tcs, with their train
in the -i Titi e. Tin y muted at Baker's Mill, our
t.:,vnp on, and it was not kn .wn whether they
wonld unlie for l- atoiitown or Athens.
r rrn'.letna-i iystnat the icw ffOTn tlie
i.n.iuitof Ston-; Mounttin of tlie cor"l,:rlion
Of Atlai'tawas awful beyond di 'Crlii'.ion. T.i.:
cci.l'.i'cratinn of ll uc Cit' wa an WAn of
f'.auie, a the ii -ry waves roe and fell tliiotiL'liout
its w hole extent.
I'.ia.fni', r on 'lie Gcnrsia R.ii' last ni.;ht
repoitcd that about one hundred I cav ilry
nade their nppearance at Sehool Circle ou I hurs
ly, and liurni d tlie r.iilrotd platform. It is not
brlitvcd that they hnvc conic down any further
than the Circle. Tlnir Infantry encamped at or
nsar Old M.eflield on Wednosday night.
It Is ilso reported that thoy have burned Moh
ticello nnd Hlllsborn, which, if trtio, indicates
clearly that they design tapping tho Central It iil
rosd at Gordon or some other point. Thopis
lengcr traiu on the Georgia road yesterday only
came from Vniun Point. The Mucou 7Vfcv-,jiA
of Friday Hates that the city on that day was
considerably excited, owing to various reports of
the enemy, v. ho were known to be positively
marching on the ci y. Cobb has issued
an order calling out every man capable of lie.ii mg
arm", nd all who do not respond he has ordered
to be arrested.
EThe Tclcinoi'h further says there is no doubt
that the military authorities will do everything in
their power to stay the advance ol tbcenomy,
and we trutt liny will receive the cordial support
of the cntiio community. For obvious reasons we
refrain from giving any information concerning
the movtrucntMor the number of our forces.
Tho M.icou (Georgia) TtUyraph speaks thus of
matters it the front :
"AVc have reliable information tothocircct that
the 'Yankees are advancing from Atlanta iu this
direction in two columns, one on the McDon
otigh road, and the other by way of Joncsboro.
Our forces are at Grillin. More than this we
deem it imprudent at present to state.
"A gentleman who left Forsyth on Thursday
the lHrh at 3 o'clock Informs ns that a courier
arrived at that place about half an hour before ho
left, and reported that there wore some Yaakee
cavalry eight miles north of the All the
bridges on the road kfrom Forsyth to Indiana
polis were burned by our forces.
"The latest reliable Intelligence from thi front
in Georgia has been received from u geutlciuau
who left Gritlinon Wednesday niglitat 10 o'clock
General Wheeler fought tho enemy, who was ad
vancing with a force estimated at from 21,i0!) to
Sti.iiOO, iu two columns, ono ;on the McDonough
and the other on Joncsboro, at Bear creek, ten
miles above Oriflln, until Into in the eveniu
when he fell back to Oriflln, and was passing
through that city on its right. When our informant
left, our lnfuntrjr forces were falling back to
It is probable, at the timo of writing this, that
Sherman has occupied Grithn, and will rapidly
demonstrate upon Macon, nnd perhaps Mulcdgc
ville. "We learn from a reliable source, that Gov,
Brown's residence in Canton, Cherokee county,
embracing his dwelling-house, kitchen, outhouses,
etc., together with his otllco buildings, wcro all
burned to the ground by tho vandal foo a few
days Ago. The olliccr In command of tho party
sent to do this work allowed the family, who were
liviDg on the premises at tho timo, only iii'teoa
minutes to remove their furniture from the bouso,
nnd all that was not removed witiiiti tunc turn;
was destroyed by the flames.
The same parly burned the Court II we, j.til,
aca-Jemy, both hotels, nnd about two-thirds of
he best dwellings und bu-incss houses iu can
ton. A loree oi bomu aouu or iuiu wi uie .ami o
wero within a mile or two of tho town, while
fome'Oof the band were sent into tho town
under un otlicer with orders to bum the house of
Governor lirown and the public buildings and
houses of all who have been prominent Southern
It is now evident that Sherman has inaugurated
a winter campaign, and that Georgia i the field
which he designs to desolate. A terrib'e criali is
therefore upon us. Kvery man in the Stale able
t bear arms should rally to its tesctie.
In the hands of the military authorities, how
ever, tho defense of the State is left. We have
no suggestions to make. WUtU wo have Ion a
looked for has come at Inst.
We have no censure now to cast upon any one,
while wo would nrgo upon every man in tbj
Stn'e the necessity of doing what patriotism ami
duty rcouire him.
More of the t(-ptini Oniade.
lrrrTKaraoM A. n. sTri iiRN", or okorou, to
H1I0N0r HIS fstTIOM.
fron iftf . Aii.oiid ."MH'ii'l, ,VrcAr Jl.
Tho AuiriiHta f ViMif'f"'"'"'!'"' contains- a long
letter from Vice-President Stephens, addressed
to f-cimt'.r Srrntnc", "I I.otil-lnn i. Tlie let. r wm
tent to the press by Mr. Kte.rVm, in order to
corrict the, minppn hensions of his pj-ition,
v-bli h. he sai s, aro to some extent cntcr'ane 1,
and in li h Mf S mutes, inhis p-rcli:it M .bi'c,
(Iii.mi l tbai lie it. Not linvniK ro mi lor the
whole hit' r, we . nit t .e lo.lowii g c cries
ano --vim his
"(maw i i mis. ii t.i , ., November ... Is I.
Mv D. ar tur 1 have jn-t lead a report ot yoar
iiiieeb at Mobile. I nan thai, report I am per
unoli d j n ;Tea"y ml taken us to my views
tl o uii;e i ot a com en inn ot tno 'ates,
t vii m I iscueanil jeinlon me tor
th it s'o" et. 1 nave by no
eh a i on.'eiition bv cnytlilct.
hi on t
and I
this :i tb r ut
mians invi'eO
tiii: m: iiiTtiiiss
IUltim one, November Co. Tho cise of Mrs.
Sarah Iluts loiis, who has been convicted by the
Military Commisijn of sending arms to Harry
Ollmor and sentenced to five yetrs' imprison
ment, attracts much attention bare, and strong
efforts are being m ule to procure a mitigation of
her punishment.
Many of the most cirnest portion of thi loyal
citiens of Baltimoia earnestly protest a:;s.m-t
uny snch leniency, considering that the social
pofition of the laily should not shield her from
the full measure of the responsibility, and that
her offense in extending aid mid encouragement
to such 1 public enemy, freebooter, and highway
man us Gilmer, was an act not only ugaiust the
talioii, but against the State of Maryland ; a high
ciiine, meriting the most rigorous punishment,
such us will det'ir many others of her sex in this
ciiy nnd Siule from like offenses.
From the I.ntefct Ueoraln 1'itperH.
Bai.timoiih, Novcuibor 2o. The follow ing ex.
tructs are taken from a tiio of lato Georgia papeii
received at the American otllco :
Tho Augusta Chronicle, of tho 19th, publishes
an appeal to CcorgluBB by Senator Kill, as fol
lows ;
Richmond, November 18. To the Tooele of
Georgia : You have now the best opportunity
ever yet presented to destroy the enemy. Put
everything at tbe disposal of our Generals. Re
move ail provisions from the path of the Invader
aud put all obstructions in bis path. Every citi
xen with his gun, and every negro with his spade
and axe, can do tho work of a good soldier. You
can destroy the enemy by retarding bis march.
Georgians, be firm ; act promptly, and fear not.
(Signed) 13. II. IIlLb.
I most cordially approve the above.
Jan A. baubox, Secretary of War.
I iecnllnii nt i t'oloi-l Solilier.
WAMUNoroN, November 2,3. Charles Wil
liaiiis, a colored United Stites soldier, wis exe
cuted by hanging in the yard of tiio Old Capitol
Pi isou to-day. for killing a colored woman near
Camp Casey a short time ago.
from Now Orleans.
New York, November 25. The stca-ner Nor,-,
t ii h is arrived with New Orleans' dates of
the l'Jth. She wus detained at Fort Philip t take
dispatches received by telegraph from General
Canby. Our files coutaiu no news.
Arrival of Iteleeil Iroiu
Baitimohb, November 2o. Several steamers
have arrived at Annapolis with released pri-oaeu
from Bavanuah.
Mm l.elit by TelesrrapH.
Kfw Yokk. Novcmlier 2-1. Stocks are lower
Chicago anil itik ixtana. : CuiaiH-ilanii c ,ni,
4..; milium central, ii j. aoiiiwbii nouiii'-iu, ,ii;
liudson Kiver, lis1.; -, Mii"Uri ss.Mi'i ; Krte. V, 1 1 On, -var
e'ertiOrates, 'j;'.i: 10 lUi, 9-; .'-'.'", C,ei,mi,
t'lo; Coii.on 9a. 111. o.lj i. as iitiuteil tu juy at.'i,au
linev lulleQ Hi i'lp.V
JIaitimohc, November 2,1. Flour is quiet;
Blei of Howard atraet super at 111'.".. tViu'iu ibill.
t'1,1 u la KOiiri e ami tbo mariet rliui at $l't) fur Itle bar
tiui. WUitUrui at H-.-il TJ.',.
that 1 linvi said or wtrt n upon tno sntijtu-t. It
s net at all a ta.oi lie uie i Mini me as a 1110,10 nt
n.ii,r'iiiiitii,;' in 1 11, unions f ir pc .ice. I Fee 111 my
dill euiiit s aneinviij.' it. mil as so respi cume .1
In ily as the Cine. -go Convention, repie en ing o
Ihhc a poitioii i.i Ine eneiuy, 11.111 pn iikch lueiu-
11 lies il bn iiiTit ono poAi n r Mini a
nrncoM'ioii. 1 it il 11111.I., and do sull tlnn't, tuat
it was ni:niy poi.ic .oiu . e-'j on ,i,u ,,-.n. . .
spond favorably to mat prop isition, tn
B'niiKh as 1 saw no insuperable obicc
tloiis to it, with tin- llmititunn and res trie
lions Hated In my 1 ttor. Indeed, vti'h t iose
limitiitions, I saw no o oe tiotn it f. nil, un 1-ir
present circtinistiuice, to acceding to such a pro
position (ti iisuiiuiii i;e mane; as 1110 uiiua.ioii ui
It would tie tnc i?rt step, nnct in an suet
Ciife" the first step Is otlen the most ilillii iilt. It
tiio Federal Government should prooo-o to ours
rciivcniion of the Stats h, I do not sec why it
might not tie a ceptcd, simply as an advisory
body, as I smtgested. I sec no constitutional dit-
Beuliies In llie way. 1 lie tieatv-niaking power
in la th Governments is iiiniilu to provide
for it. Tho treaty-making power on both sub s
might agree to aubmit tne nuesiions at issue to
the consideration 01 any nooy 01 men on cso-iu, 11
thi v chooso. and hear tiio report without any
pledge in advance to be bound bv that report.
"In personal quarrels such submission i ', often
meile; ami in tue honor of huniaiiity it may tie
S.11U li at in most raises 01 mis ainu tuc result is
to nuiliatile and hointalilc settlement. Whether
such wni.ld be the result of 11 Convention of tlia
Stat' in our ruse l, of course, uncertain. Tbo
piol abilities, 1 11111 free to say, in my judgment,
are thut it would. At any rate, IheiO is a proba
bility that It mhrht. When we look at the ele
ments of such a body, if it should be tendered on
the other fide and accpted on ours, and tho true
naiurcof the controversy,! sm not without strong
hopes that It would so result.
Mr. Stephens then proceeds to sty that thero is
ro prospect of the proposition referred to bolng
cllered, except iu uie event 01 aiciioiian h elec
tion. He proceeds to state, at itonsiderable leimtli.
the advantages which he supposed or hoped would
result fiom the electing ol that citizen, lie thinks
that a 'laioruble response to the Chicago resolu
tion, looking ti a loiivoi.iion 01 tne ouites, uv
President Davis, would have greatly uided and
might have secured MeLTelluu's electiun. Ho
con t r ues :
"All that he need have said In some public
niunter was, that if meli a proposition should be
tendered by tho Federal Government, ho would
lice, ilc to it, tiith some, such litni'.ttioris and ro
stiictiuns as stated by me in the letter before
iilludi el to. Tho idea that tins ould not bo con
Hiliuiionully dono Is strunt'e to mo. In the
most objectionable view ol the subject, dele
gates, one or more from i nch State, would ha
but commifsioners or plenipotentiaries from
each Government respectively, to initiate
negotiations, &c. Their acts would bo subject to
tbe approval or disapproval of their Governments
respectively. Why conimissljners could uot be
appointed In this way ns well as any other, with
out any violation of tho destitution, I do not
tec. The treaty-making power in both Govern
ments is nniple for Ibis purpose. At least it so
1 ems to me. Indeed, as I have said before, it
seems to me that it is ample on both sides to
m Inn it the question in issue to the consideration
uietely of any body on earth.
"I Know there nro many pcr-ons among us
whose opinions are entitled to high consideration, eO
who ilo not ugreo w ith me ou tlie otiestion of - ; '
Midi Hans election. Iliev mclcr Lincoln to
McClellau. Perhaps the President belongs to
that class. Judging from his acts, I should think
that he did. Those of the c'ass to whom I refer
with whom 1 have met, think thut if what tin v
term a conservanvo man suoum oe uiecieu,
rtv on the Ctncaso nlatlorin, oven, that
un li n uns for a restoration of the Union would
be offered as onr peopiu ivuuiu avioin. jw.o
ghost of the Union haunts them. The spectre of
reconstruction reals its ghostly head at every
imer to their imugiuatiuu. liieir upprclicnsions,
I di ubt not.uro sinicrc. Hut 1 entertain none
uch mysi If. I 11111 no believer in glmsts of any
kii d. Tlie old Union and tiie old Couititulloii
aie both d; nil dead for ever, cxefpt in so far as
tho Coi.sti.ution has been preserved by us.
There is tor the Union us it was no
resurrection by auv power short of that
which brought Lazarus from the tomb. There
msvbe, aud doubiless lire, many at tho North,
nnd aoiiio at tho South who look forward to a
restoration of tho Union aud the Constitution as
it was ; hut such ideas uie us vain and illusory as
the ilrciimy imaginings of toe Indian wurrior who
in ileum clings to his weapons, in tonu expecta
tion tlmt he will have use lor them beyond the
grave in other lands und new hunting grounds.
1 1, esc tears of voluntary reconstruction arc but
chimeras of the I rani."
Mr. Stephens then explains how bo thought
the election of McClellau would brim; about
in mi-tit c, negotiation, and peace, on the basis of
uouicucrutc luucpemicne-e ami (stato sovereignty,
North and South, thus lavlior the foundations of
peace and security 111 the fulino. We Conclude
with the loloi.itij extracts, de lining Mr.
Stephens' nosition :
From the report ol vour sticecn i itm ion to
inter that vou onte rtaincel the opinion that I was
favoring and innf 11,7 a convention of the States
in pome 1 utside way, and not t!irou?li tin-organ
ized channels of tin two Governments. No such
id. a was in mv iiiind, and never can 1)3, until 1
am nr. parcel tor another revolution, if secession
be a rcvoln ion. For the States could not go into
nieh a convention at you seem, fro 11 tno rop rt
uf your rpeecb, to think I favored, without first
nciiiii g 1 rum their present alliances.
l b is, to mv mind, is us cicar as i', h to yours.
Ill ou ihe s iilijei t ol ree instrnctiou I t ind now
just wh, le 1 did hi October, IStil. Tli !ti I wroto
to a gtiittemaa in answer to a letter tr im mm,
until g that I was chained with such
eetiMiii nts. and ilc-lring mo to make a pub
lic, d, n cil of it. I told him in reply that
1 looked upon Mich 11 rhuigc us that as
an imputation 11 -u n my Intelligeuee and Uou
my integrity. The issue of this war, in my judg
ment, was subjugation or independence. 1 so
uuiieistood it when the State ol Georgia seceded,
and it wus wiih a lull consciousness of this fact,
v. itli nil f s rcsp'mid'itliii s, saci ihecs, and perils,
that 1 pledged myself then and there to s'and by und 1 er foitu u s, wh it:ver they might, be, in
the course she had adopted. As tor making any
public ilctoal ot much a e-htirye, 1 f, el too niucu
icibrtspect to do i'. Yours truly,
"Al.FANi)i-n U. Stkcuf.ns.
"Hon. T'iioh. SimiiKM, C. S. Sen ile, Richmond,
CAPITAL ,VX,000. Hrmroe-5 I'rtr Vaitie.
TT, f llnw hw Is xtrat'l from Ui PlJ",1lpha "In
(iitrn" af firptrmtx l 17, PM, prior lo ll.l frfnanuiltlcn Of
tl.f M'MtAlttl OIL I'OMI'ANT !-
"On almiwt a I ids itn ams In oron Ceimtvthe Ian, Is
hv atn'ailj '"n Ica-nl with a view lo i rlorarton iVir
real oil; (nil i n tins, r-arllHilnr T, Ilia Dunkard . llie ile
TfCI mini have lie, a of llie mont einonnit Imk ictfr.
Ti e .llt-,ri,f Hi" VV.iJ-neal.arK !') 'M,-sniirr,' in re
ftrrirmeit.f !"'' in '' eartial eronnl lni''finn
ol a rrHion anil mi ep- i abena l''- ' '" uk"" '";
tl,ri-.fsvt , ,
-Wf are ticn't y'ii en'-iien tl at nt"i soil n-ttrftla-Li
e . . -. '..p-el tl- lo'"" ."i' ' er-.
that leralltT will lie fon nil ti tom,r,re, In ths e stmt of II s
Oil ,r.,.l.M i, n.'i -k .e Vmini-o .li.lrc-.t. M In ti e
, iinly. . r. ity. nr.el v altie ef tl.e . ill. It Is ackii-.wt.lKl w
l,e In.b lv sup' rb r. Our ronv,. Hons nn anLeel
a-et ...1 iv-.n -rani krr-.vt il .-. ct.e-vatl.. ef lv. h
f. i-U.ll" mi I 0MI1, K".'l"l ''.1 t" limllens am. s,i, i- in ..
e.. o. we a.- grt .1 1 Km o.-t ak-rw
li n..- '.. i era ,i iiii,rr-sl' iii, an 1 auf in.
...Sr),.n, ,,. r, r, nci 't an, I i.rac'I'M " '
r.'b r c ,n- 'ir In th, n. ftn.l ltiv,-tii,i( 10s r.i ly of ll.tir
e-n iiKtit,nn4 ntnrllnu tlie. a'l.-nli 'O of cafl'allH- 10
ll-l'lro liarrlr n! tl,.' iMinkai-.l .il itry. A,raal
Vi rat Inn e r nirnlf li iw l"tii otk oiieil In fill ate ir
a, -a l e Kot, lil'-li w bi soon e ,mfuii ' ot-riti ns n an
. -I. ii. i- r,i;e. It, n-ne snl ma iiiiiv..lii,il enr.-y aol
to,- ,l . no, .rr are iknii;, ni'ie'i In ,1-vi l ,p llial l.v,ir,-,l
l.a.ililj . h'-'v ill rrli ks ifK t.rry f.-w days, .iiel ti.)
pie. eta ol a lit Inn ivjs .ss ii,u many lnitinc.i wltluot
liilertuieloii, I'lc'.t or Caj."'
1'ooks open for alo of STOCK at the Countini;
House of
a. n. riiAcTECua & oo
No. 511 MAKKUl' Street.
W 1 1.1. t AM It. HOOP, 8-c. Ill-W ' !) Praalilta.t.
1 1 'MP A Ml N.
Ti e art rreparr.1 to fun, 1-1 Nov Cortoriillona wltti all
llie Hooka they r- nilre, at short noli..' ana low prion, of
hot riiialllv. All atylvn ot lllintliiK. vi.A'i. I'Kitrtrp ati.s or stuck.
1,1 I II. i It A I'll til Oo
i t'A NHI Kit loioh .
OlMlKltH IK 1 ItANHFrn.
MUCK I.Hnil U ll.Af.AKPK'.
UltllliKI.H- M.1T I.l.lll.Kll.
A' ( .,IM OK H II. hH.
MV.l,l..VUI.eJUk. );0a, ACO .
11 m tl IW 4-2 Hr.HNlT H'r"'l
C, i .'1.1. 1,COO.0OO., lOO.OtK).
Tslt VAI.UK, '0.
HfltsU'ltirTlON I'ltlt'K. paM III full tiMpcrSlare.
Vlo sno.t.T-JAMIiS Sf'ITItlthOM.
Sl.clil lAliI asi. T'le.lst in It Wll.LIAal IIKICI.
TlmKi runs.
Ill nil I'ltAiei. iiKnitnn vteFtliDUN,
W1I.I.1AJI1 Ultlt K. I N. H OKA.I1 AM.
Ttn I nnolr of Ihfl I 'olIHVlll V la tlOW 00n ftt tll
0..ntl.g II, MM- "I Meatrs. .Mi UL t l 11K0.N A e.OI.I.INl,
No. W N. I HON r Hovrt.
H.ila, iiti. ts, n iion cn'ctle? tlolr ium. will no fe-inirM
..i,s. ...u- ,.... ,.f tl,. Ir .nil. itio. lolls, llie lialaneo lu
(rtlj ilnia, I. I'll li e c rtlllc..l 1 aluek wul be rmoly 'or
''l N.-'tl'mls of the CompnnvtiavP been sell CO'l with .he
in in. at i an-In some ol toe inesl op ileiiee.! "it no'ii and
lit'oloi-r I . ol tin' rout irv, uu'l eoie-tat ol: first. Alsiut
..... a. , i n of 1st .1 on It, rse .s-ei k, upn wlviea tln-y nuvo
ii... .... I In vi I n h tleyl.sie ilhvt .trios, oil. Till, writ,
i. .i .. . ....;, 1 1 oi,r MiiiieriMtiiritent. as .veil ftsalleapo- iniiii ho hn.e ai-eil It. Mil be a lar. e yir',liri(t us ll II, oil now at Int. i valB twenty ! I abova
tloiiill. anil ..III s-l.ltl lo llie e'ouieany a "hure al l, nai
oiiv i :,er... oi-r .laT.siiiu, Ijr.l. 11 is hoiioye-l, to pay a
. .....i I, iCi'inl on llewlMili- rai'C.ll. We IK t.iw
aumtlnii the arnvalof necoisary machinery to work lias
i-i ! ( nil b a tiact of one hunilrnl ncn o owned In fee by
U.o i oiio'iiiy. . .,
in.a i. iractofi n serea. on a twenty Tsaars lee.
anh.-ct liidlie t la-nth of Ihe oil as I. royalty. Ilolli ol lli-ej
aie ni..iir,iiii.eil us oil I. irlMrj, and In- In -le iin.aliuilf
to tin. Horn Mek mill Itawson a Hull torilto.y, and l O.a
l.n,! ai tl,.. Hull ire.-k Con puny llie nork on lioUi at
IJu ai ls ino.e. uo'il w iih vlv'ir, und on on -t No. s wa ai
Hturk ii l.i'.i v lubrl. .itltiB oil ut a depth ol ,10 Hut.
tor more lull Inlorniation see pri,.-lii, at
M.ssra.M't'l TC'HKH.S Cill.l.lMf,
l-:0-2w -Nu. MO N. I HUNT rltioet.
I eiui-
Venaneo loanty, rcripf-ilvaula,
Itn.tXsl PH-VJirs AT $1 A f HARK, FUtX TAID.
VovMriR tarltal Kerifl for Dctrlop
nifut, M0,00.
ms'tni-.' ai.ikd lii'Kr, r.scj.
Vat iR,i,r,vr-F.DWAnD suirrr.N, r-g.
llctrlASV At'D TaKAaraail,
till MAI W. SVA.1H.
y.r ALHir n IIl'KT, r t.ila.l.)pt... Ptnl.Wi.t e f Lie Pit..
Ut ni iron W,.tk.
Hr. WILLIAM C. 11HJ8T0JJ. 8. Water atreet
1 hi ttil.'ll.ri lA.
ll, HiWAKII BllirlT.N.S. E. roriier Of With Wa'.-
mit iitrret. rhlladrliillla.
Utr. THOMAS W. JtVAN'S.Ko.MOChrsnilt ttroet.PhlU-
. . .. ...
Vr. K. W. PAII.F.Y, No. Hit CMinnt iu",riuiauniniai
Mr. HlI.L r.l KHWIN, ritisliurii.ra.
Mr. II. KI'HIl IIHAIifOKI), Mw nrutoton, ra.
lr!j.L.OAIiNAillH, rrealdent of torn rianter Oil
iwiiiii. Aliesbrav e iiy, ra.
Mr. W1I.UAM O. HI'IIIIAItr, PlttlhnrK, Tit., s:rlary
and Trtaaurtr of Pltlsliura; And ConnaUviua itauroao.
Tl.a CoBiianynwa In f alroplajls arr ef thsisal
Oil Tartllory on tlie rlflit Iinnlol Ul All.ananj, nr..
Oil ruy, with ono prsilrc line w en ano anouier naany i o,n
pKitd.iiiih railroad, turnpike;, and rtver aeass t th
Yit aarti'-nlara, aae rroapeciiH.w o io" ""J
the liliietcra, oral tha oOicea cf
No. 1 1 EXCOAHOi;, and
rAttii. HKI.CIIKU fi :),
J 1 1 iKS or t IMall. r.ios'i -.i.
inktNii inn. vat. No sil rnr.-m r iHKi:r,r,()P.
t's i -, I't'Si e.rn. k. i-iiii.Ai.a-.iViiiA.
I A -"lander. y m.elium ef me panne pre.a. u n.t
n..ron. patroni and irirnos. Ineir '"" ks ft
llheral anroi.rarment mol heto.d; Mil
... !. lo ..Id anil tiirtlor a.lra, tlona and imoroTemania,
ii mi, rtto Hiilnmr u Ilia coii'liinesl anpport
md pan onaKcol mi-lienerai puuuc ei ,u....-.r. ,.
l)l.tnH1l'."v WJli:llf JCvvaJ WirV.
... ,. ox .hi i mii i ii i ii . v nrn-r,
Omar I ilium and i-.Ktl.l. mraeta,
B.-MAVOSIin HAl'' Ills, ,tr.WBLPy. OXTRi
Ar . I" T s!e at
KKMAUK Alll.V 1 OW rttll A-S
lOItCaJl asllTi;, J 11. a
Ko. K.'l ". flKl'ONO atreef. rallad.lphla.
)RIM'.m;vi.; .macmim; works,
r r r,'. N K K iS I STItl.KT,
1 nil. s. n ems.
W. are prepared -o oil order, to ny .neit Ihr oar we
iT'in NT.nv rnn roToj tt) millm,
fuel, ilnir all recent improseinanla In ..aiding, Hpinolnff,
Siol w. a.tiif
. th alleotiiJ. of mnnr,-tnrer o our Sltao 1
"tiTU' Ai.rKi jb'vr a boh
JiO. 31' WALNUT 8TBKt:r,
Who aie aiill.ori to aen a UrnltfS nium'tar of tliares of
a W 11 I.. Is H .
IMilliMlelphln, rVovmbr, 18, !-.
Tin inulfrilf ned la anthorUM to ien a timiiea nraiat
of Hhares of an obt'ompany whoeo proparty Is mamiy on
Oil Creek, Yenanno f ounty, Te nnaylyanla. aid la bellevee
lohsiofeiiualvalos to an upon Uc creek. Tho portloa
UeveVoped and productive ulil.from lh begtanlui;, aeoura
to the Stockholders a Dividend of Tnrao per cent, per
Jtontli, and these wella aro lucraialns dally. lna.Wlt!on
lo these Drodiiclrs weili, they have a larts lnier. it la
lie. en oilieta In dittemit aupea ef development, ana
...yeral of Ihern nearly rempleted. Theteti rooiaalsofor
.,. i n.l nnnibar of irelll upon tlie aune properly.
the- fompanv own, also, nrcr -Jo!) acre or un i.-ve,opoa
property In toe neUiliborl,oed of the o'nera, upon which
they propose itnkins aeverai we.ia, tno maB u.yuh
provided for the pnrpoae.
(Such an opportunliy of chtainirii, at a low coat, no -
paylns dlvid. nil frvia io iuii.1 a purUon of ill property is
etldoru ottered.
1 or luriher Information apP'y at the office or
.1. D. ItKINIlOTn,
' No. 110 MiiTK-rt fttreot
C. V . V. HIUhT. ' -
D II U G Ci I S T S, riIYt5ICIAN8,
Can tlnd at oar eat. tiUsl.n.Hit a full aortmentof laaporVel
and liomeatle Hrni!, Popular ratuit iledlelBea, ralntf,
foal Oil, Window (llaaa, I're'erlptlon Vlata, fl.,at salsw
pllcci ai genuine nrst-claaa po, da nun be sold.
rtNP. P.iHK.NTI.M. OH.1
For Ctifectlonen, In full variety, and of the heat qnalitj
t'oarnneal. Benaal Indlie, Madibr, Tot A an, (Haoear,
oca Ash, Alnra.Oilof ViiHol.annaUo, Oopp.rae.Eatraot
of Iosl,ic., roll liYLJtB- mo, alwajs en tuunl, at
loweat nel cash prleea
1-lllK srie t-K POIt PiMIl.T THE,
oronnd expresaly for our lain audio whMh wo aavlta
the attention of thoae In waiiirfn iiaid.. artlol.a.
f unify,
Ordcra t,y mall, or city poat, will meet with prompt at.
tenilon, or ipeelal quobitlom wUI be furnlahed whea ra
V. Iioiesalo Drui! Warekoua,
Jall-ly Ko. 11!) MAltKKT Hircet, above rrout.
11 Jl AV IV H
An excellent preventive fir that nmal distressing eomplatnt
In ruauy casea of lorn; abindlnK It has afforded troly woo
derrul re.leb
l)rr.A l.t and C'heuilst,
s.r. n i ano ciiessur sts..
Philadelphia, And forsaleb.vDrcKKliitasennrally.
ron couohs and colds, xtsk mau-
I' un i i si ionr 1 UKK TAIt HIIOPH. F.ioeliant.
Convenient ibrtlie poeket. Mold by the drui ate. ll-ll-lia
lti -t.iiirile'H Victory over Jlllein.
ADiiiitoKM. I'titTiori.Ans or Tin; hoiit oi1
i.i.dir u,e oeiierul MinluK Law ol wu istate
yivui,la,Octei,er,ii. .,,,, ,.VM.
nrriea. ,i. i,'. s. HIM'll isir.ot
Therempary la bIIII receliiliKSiitnei lpUons to lis ,t'K
ltll i,i r Bi.i r... and sepulyilm Ita amoKim-nera wmi mo
I....1 oi.alkr ol While Ami hi lunlkill foul al . Ml P'-r lo.i.
ll r.fuid lo the litlo Hi tue Colliery, iniimcn ;U""'
lrin.i In son oi tliel 'oionai.v, re't.'i. line inn oi- m,o.-... ui-n
-. uiisel, I.AVIH W. hKU.KItrt. ti.. .and. Ill reara lo inn
ion,n t.t ll.ii l-ou . lie eilliiiri . oi u.n iiiui,,., -,u
-o soo'ie .uterprlhl-.i'ie loll i
Ooiu Sli th .AMI ksr..iss I. . no- ion,.-
I,. i i- uud burl. jorol Uie i-liy ol l iiiiaueipnitt, in Biiu-
l'mi Alirl i itIA, MoveioherSl.l .l imes l.ynd. Ksq.
1 ..... ..!. ,,i ',. .i. Mil .mil f uu Co. ii-rtrs.ll-: I lav
visaed, at or realist, the liiinoi lailyle.iel hv y.,ur
t on. , all v ul Aline 1 1 in, on .u'.ii.ii y . ,in, . .. u.u
I., . i, . in., o,:.i 1 euii a. ii no r, lis, si ivuv. with proper iiiiiu-
aii u.eiil. . ' n tl" uld uot have cnlhe s.u eeaa in b.tiiK uoio
to dil.vcr. lit It li market, co il Mm-li will oe nee. pi una to
.I, . r ....I reiulitietull. e Lo till- stock holdera.
'I he Ski, mure ami Mrtiiuinili un n .w worked by you
t-.ive been operated tor many J. iirs, at tlm site ol jmr
i -.,ii,..ri. ...,11 an i all oile r noima. '1 Ii4 coal Is
tli.ii-ior.. well kii.wu in tins city, and you haieuauew
article to Imrodi ce.
'I he old slope is In full operation, and tha new Slope
oo.,.d o, i I. vol of i:s nal i v. lu n short tune it will oo
v i..r .,.avihic... i'h a di.iie.rveiiu.U to your anUcoil
.,. ..,,.1 I l ll, i tine, iti.lleiolislv worked, wlllioilt Ul-
ll ,1 run nut oil hu loies.'eil, J.ill will 00 t'A
lo n acti a raocli ol lOUIS) tens per Bin tun ivltu your
present iiim lullefv. I'-.e condiil. li Ol wh e'.i is aue.l a. not
lo require l ithe.- niiotl lilu. or lir.- n eslioliUPiue lo place
It In Orsl-iaie ..'.Thins' oioe, . wry iiBiimi-iotiiy,
Hrilll-hl.ANll KNKA.-.S.C.-lvil bnkliicar.
The follow inii coiiuiiiiroralli ns, selected iroui a lurs'O
piiiiiln-r, slio Ihe uppreeialiou of tlm ouloi-pilse hy Ilia
cltb. tia ol I'lilluileli lua.
Jamks, ki ll. Dear Sir Tlie coal I received frnin
H i! I'oiiKiiii.ei- Mutt t. I onip.oiy, on my
lion.l.nv .i..-n in. enlire saltaiacllou. II innites I CH'llly
1 ui ns well, is fiee inmi stiile. d. posits white a. lies, and la
no' easily emlni'iiisbod. 'I i,e tli-e In our klioleu itnite Las
not tiein cut tor v.iai.1 or ninii day. ry triilv vi.urs,
No. 4J N. MIX I'll biriiet.
Oetot er J, 1M.4.
I'toi Ai,i 1 1 1 i , Oebor?'i, lsoi.-jwnaa l.vnd. .sq Mir: ITliul 1 li.'.-nnn' u sl.iekliol lor In lour Company
I had alMiya tie.-n In ll.. Iialutoi liUi nine I.ei.lsli ,'.i,il.
Hi.i e IryliiK vo lira I luiilit, uie lioiiaoi.'.i.i inirpos..., m.iy
t'liuil lo I lb e". , id il ler. sun.Ti r uriice inn, e,i.
So. loci OlAI'KK -t re t
Piiii itivi i-HiA. fli-tohor It', lsol .luoita l.vnd. Ks .
President f II," e '011-110,1 TV Mutual e'oal I'ompiny . My
licsr Mir : ilur Coal ha. . "me la I, and ad III uooloruei
aliil lias hoi ,i u-ed in b'.th a-me and turiiac '.. I n to
f.aimil that llie iiuuU'.y l all IhMt conl.l be d. siied. Vours
i.ui... .uiiis mi ki unit
No. ItilJ LnCli-l'tWt.
Vmii .orii-iMA. Octo'er rtl. J. noes Lynd, Kso.
Prc-nt. i.t I oil-Lie., rs' M. until Sjal rouuuoiy . -Hear Mlr :
I hs. rlv. n tin i oal a til. n, us h tri.J. and II nd 11 a most
i,i. oO,. I .hi 1 1.-) I inn ho uin, ti el-aaia wtl.i il li not
too halo. I wl.l llioreioa lay IO one tun, Ued
.l.uee. li.,i.,e:l,.llv. Al.l.KS I . WII.H-.IN
W.. IISIM ItESNL 1' Htreet
Pun a I I I eiilA, Tenth nioiilli Alih, Isol Km lid I.) ml:
I l.c coal lurnist.eii ioe as a .lis l.huldJr in tl y I'ointiauy eiittto s.itisl.tctl..u . it lawuii inepaiua aim ourna
liceiv. 1 could not sih a belter arllrle.
K. K. r K M.FiV ,
Nn. M S . llllltl) Hlreet
Full ST. I l .11 1 A. October 2J, Isii4. Jvuiei, Lu l, K
l'r, Ki.l,i,l I ..iLiioiei H' Atl.lllal t OrtlCoiuimllV. lo .r Mir
li a''oi, b in.' an u1 I'li a'iii'.. iii iiniioun.eto yu uiv poiioitt
aa'ihta.'llon adh lha i oal received tr, iu your e:o.Uia,l?
onil.-r inw order ns a MlUs'-rllicr. 1 bavo been acTii-l'iruod
louse coai iroiu llie luasiits'ihyoil oi your in ne, and ilso
Iroiu lt.Mi'11 HI oilier hand,. I.s smieil jnly liei ouiloio
was ilicldeel. tuiima. bill in UN present nanus I iniii om
ailii-ie ill 1 o i. a . dell i lorsled, hut on the cuti aiy, so lar
aa I an. aide to ,ii lee, !r d .uies'ie pui'i'osea fully cdual to
uny Unit I I live ever used, or iiava uunlyod.
1 uiu, .try truly loura, A.c.
V.1LLIA.M M rnt.r.R,
r"all. of Hcli.iv kill.
Agent in Man ,Mil:li-.I01IN AlltUH.
A,:. i t In l.eiicai.lown-m-K.NC'K.K KOULUM. ll--vl-6t
Between Itio hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M.
CAI'ITAIj . . iiijO.OOO.
hcltBCllu rieifl I'lilCE $2 Ml PKlt HHAKI..
s2j,000 HP.PEBVE0 POll W011KINO CAI'ITAt.
'lUOMAll A. MI.'OIT, Viea-l'HJ-iolHrVT.
UlKl.otous :
3 Tl. M. OltEAItY. 1 .1. W. VANIIOttrCS,
TlinAlArt A. nejo'l'T, I PIIIIJP PEKftl'X,
.IO.IM HOWtll.
niiu-rl. a va-cni- Pt. M.-eri. arv and Treaati rer.
Tl, ..rooerl. hclonslnu to I ll .'oilibl D V CUIl.lHt N Ol OllO
Hioidri il ami Kilty A, re. in l.e sii.ipie. oi vaiuaoie ouyn-
oalli-u on Land, sitinileu on isilar creeji.aooui iwo miles
fi.on its rnouiu, whicii euipties uitolrcucU creek, Vca ;ugo
col nl, l a.
II. Is Dri neriy nas nc'n peierieu will, m yiew ui 1.1 v.i'.-
atiic U ci.lii n. liavinK I'.a liuea e.Mended aloiw and ou Iseli
noes ol llie creel o. er tun e nuutlrcl roc a. w nu n. uinciui-r
Willi the larKC amount of tint or Uollom Land, frives it
aiiicrtoradinntaee for uriilins' a lartio nunilier of Oil
T i-ils. At leii-t line linntlrcd Wella can bo 1h-.!1. wilu
ami le ro, nt lor Tanks, P-nalne-houset, and llwellluire.
f, iu Oi ot a Diiio above It, good producias
u. lta on the ere, k li.'loW It.
The oil obtained oil this creek Is Ihe Ta.tjrlrs.tlnr Oil,
w hich couiuinu.e in price one) bundJvd par ocut. aiiove
oliirr oil., nun la nioie in demand.
Ihe l oinpnny can ucitaiii a large revenne by parties
wlsl.iiie ti, ,i,,k wel l, restrvtou Iroui on.'-fourtli to onn-
hall ol ihe ot, free 01 expense lo UieCompany. in lependent
ol ihe rev. nu.' from their own wells, there bclnK a lariio
lull ciency ot lor uoni
II is den ninii to givo the ee raet to drill aeverai wella
In It e I en location al mice, 't he title to tlie property la
I infect anil lire ot liicDiiihianco.
Hub sorption Hooka ai now open at the office ori
KKKItKt; Ai CO.,
No. 33 H.TIUal) Htrsset.
1 EA1 NESS, bl.lN DN KS, AJU UA l Attn. ll.
1) J. ISA a( ts, M. !., Proletsor el me K.yo and Kar,
treatl nil appei tainlllit 10 thoaoovo oiemoera ana
tlie utmost success, noun niais mra " '""-"7J
uiicea In the cltv can lie in n ai hu oillee, No. oil PIN it
u.,.-. The Medical Piieiilt v are Invited to aec.imoany
tl'vlt sat'en lie haa no leereta in hla practice. lu-SIf
W Thta oiqnlsite (.'osmotic haa no eiinal fur beantlfy-
liig. wiiitenina, anu primer. ina in uiiii"piuii. k.
paicd from pine white wa, ln u' C lis extraordinary qnaU
tiaa ft r preservlllK the akin, niiil.loa It aolt, lair, araoolh,
and lianaparent. It is most aootlil. g alter abtivlng, euros
chapped bands and lips, removes piuiplea. titoloiiea, tau,
freealea, or ninbiirn, ai.d Itui arls a pearlv tint to tha
face, n.ak , ai d arms, rru-eae. oo, aim cenia. nvni
,V ( O., o. loo KM ll aireul, anu no. it a. r iimiu
BtiocL lo-b-iiia
Cms-jm l'lllUllhl l HtA auuuticina
ItANHAi.K IXMI11UTK, No. l Korea
NINIII MU3ct, atiove Marael. auipiufeaj
radically enred by U V. KVUItKTr S Preinlnm Patent
tliadualhiv rreaaare Trusa. Mnperfor F.aatio Batts,
IiaaUo Happortors, bboulder Uraooa, Buirsm
s.rl.B. Crutches. c.
Ladles attended b Mrs. B. ft. EVP.B i: IT. aaOo-lr
Olbrr Bebel Knereaaea lu Enat feuat asee.
From th! MritioHTtnnettee) Xcijit'er.
Forty-tight prisoners, captured by Major Toole
at Morristown on Tucadny laat, November 15,
Hrrneei here last night, lu charge of Adjutant
Tritilett, of tbe u2d 1 ennchseo Hegiuient.
Our loss In tbe allnir of l-'riday was one killed
and two wounded. The train of cars captured
by Major Toole was loaded with cotton and army
supplies. The train aud cuglne were destroyed.
Eleven bushwhackers captured at Ktony creek,
Rcott county, Va., were brought in yesterday
evening and turned over to Lieutciiarit-Colonol
Terry, the commandant of this post, by whom
the were co&tigavd to Fort Walthall.
I'UtTiori.ArtR or Tin; 13 anu 14.
ff ni l),r liri.tol I ' on.) !! iji'trr.
Onr torct's tire in ikint! it glorious linish of tbo
ciiini initu in U hi I eniiessce. On rururday lust,
No.eiulu r 12, tici crul lircckinndf.'o a tuckcd tin!
cm my lu their intn nctiramts ut Hull's (.u.
Alter ciiyii,' sj.cral lines uf their works, he
tiithihcw in the cvouinK, leaving tiio Wurrcus
burr; roiid opcu, mid Mibiciincntly fcent DuI.e's command to join Ccneial
iiuijIiii in ihe euctiiy 's rear. The Federals
ut once eva. tinted the ft:ii, und cotuuicticcd a
r.trtiit towards Knoxvillc. t)a Sunday, near
llussciiilic, tho tetif itii'ir Federal column as mid cut In two by Viiuj'liun and Duke.
A short t'tifrugciuciit resulted in the coinp'.cto tout
ol the enemy. Several hundred prisoners, u
tritiu of fitly wiu'oiis nnd iimbuluui es, loudetl
with supplies nnd vnluni!u tucdicul stoics, many
horses, aix l'l-pound l'nrrott puns, being the
whole of the enemy's nnillery, and ten stands of
colors, fell into our hands, i )ur loss w.ts hliglit.
t.cneral lrocUlnriil(;o's'iutirtiirs were ut
lMonistown jesterduy.
I.Hler Iraiu Ilree-K lurlelt.
from the iliinol KnjitUr, Xvttmbti la.
Fusecngcrs from Jonesboro, Thurodar, could
give us but little additional news of Breckln
lidge't. movements. He is still pursuing the enemy
and securing the l'ruils of his victory. Tho totul
ntnr.ber of prisoners captured is reported to be
eight hundred aud fifty. Four hundred.of these are
expected to reach here to-day. Fifty wagons and
tcums, In addition to those already reported, have
fallen into our hands. The enemy are in strontj
force at strawberry IMulns, eighteen miles from
Kitoxville, aud It ii said that General auglni Is
eguiu in their rear. We expect to hear of another
handsome bugging" ailair iua few days, aud
then ho lor Kuoxvilli. , , .
Later intelliuence received Saturday night
assurai us that our forces boldStrawltcrry Pluius,
and that the enemy have retreated to their lorti
ncativn at ivaoxvilie.
To Ll had at
Bi'Liijlkill Ilaven Coal Conicanj'8 Depot,
j;ui. lititt and Is.-; MAHKLT M I I'.KLT.
N. B.-Our
Mien its.
in. il-lra
,.0 A TON
LHt l'or Lar.-e Kut Coal .
ill) u 1 oti
l'i Istvve aud Heater Coal,
MM 11 Sire.l .;i,
bciuw eiuard avenue;
V rl.-Sau.iiloi at Bronch Otllco,
11-1 llil fcilATH and SPItlNil OAItl)F.V.
Entire Stock of Stovess.
Theia aupcrlor Movei are well knowo; we are ii-lllng
them or? very low, at niaiiiitacturera pticca. Alio HUclKT
ikon ovk.ll KlOVts, atipcr caul, loo or tiiaa rc,ular
yriecs, at
11 15 lit FIFTI KNTU AND MAkktT STUBS 18.
r hmooeaa Itange, a,r farjduVs, tantala, or publlo
hsitlliiuocia, In twenty dllte-rvot auaa. Also, 1'blia
oiej.lA llot-llr Kuriiacea. Pottablo
U.ateea. Iiwdown tiratea, ructH.ardHtovea.bath lloilara,
totewholc Plaura, Hroilar., t'tsokiug blovas, etc., at wUohk
aaifl and rotaal, by tbe manufacturers.
90 faiw Cffl Aiu. JtAt ft. SrXVMO btraai,
Capital, $400,000-Par, $5 Per Share.
Tl c property of ttla Comi.inj oonslsta of the following
Territory, est.iistvo Icaieholds, PKOIIUCTNO TCELI S,
Wella noma down and nearly ittilalied :
Nc 1. About Ml ' (lily) Acres on Cherry Tree Knn In FF.P,
HI.MIM t., hoi. ante bind sliilic eul toslnk Kill WKLLS.
'I Ins leniiori is rpposile I ,e I'aliell petioleici. (!.,iit,auy I arm), ou enl I ruuk, bouuded ui part by llie cclc
bl.'lUd Kloiy K.irul, Ac. AiC.
ko. 2- Lease perpeuial iti nn Wa.h. V.-f lliit'-M-fc
Oiler. e.-.O, nrrc, ull tint, tciy v aluable., llov, lua and
piimpinn well, nil around. .
ko. .i. Wild Cat' I liiwlni! Well, ahotit In harT'la per
hi. . . a M'hsIi. Meflnttock larui. 1 no Coiutiany ow na
the WHOLE working inn-rest iu ihie w ell, tutuiu, tauks,
Ac. Ac. L
No 4. oraHn.nila Well, v.i . 1' on Oil Creek, do'.vu '101
f. el, ull ready lo leiubo. This ell hat llowed list barrels
'"no."!). "California Wcll,Mo.i,"ouOil Creek.down ne
""t'.o. ll' I.ense pcrp, nitil (fi Tears) on '2", ncis lOllfreek,
nil Hut, eolilaiiiiiie tie wctls, .. nil lln. .u-!i,.i'ie.
t iiclue. tiuits,' Is, ensilie ho s. ,Vo.
No. 7. I ease puptluiil fan v. ars i on 'J acres Oil I 'reck ,
nil Cat, and in one .. ell Co.. n 40U led, one iiiart.-r lute est
T..orl.n s in ltd! wed atd lease.
IU lliOlBAMJ Mil A I! Kit IlKRr.ltVED POIt tVDIMv
Tteolis fur ol'.lt'.lSii. Biih.cnptloii are now open at our
ciece for a lew da. a onlv; when clo.ed, the stock to b-i
pluc.d on llie rcu ar iiosiou and I'hliadelpl la kio-k
lioaid. as a nnbA t'li'K do hictid-i ayln on. r-icni . ins.
Ci.miam, w,eu It la expecicd tin- shai-ee will bir.a,y
advance. All luitl er liifoiiu.tlon. wiih proapoeiuae., can
be obtaieed ol the uiidei a llied. T he amaii capital of noa
Company, with 1 lie act inii lutKC iDlcrv.t., uiuil uiuke il a
luvurite aa a scare luvc.iuient.
n. H. LKKiif,
No. It t aniulisr llulldiut'i, WALNt'T, below Tiliun,
pliiiad' liilila Asency.
Ko.C'TlPAMr'.l: Mt.el, New Vork Att'-my.
M I NI tK, VILA A CO., Ilatik' ia,
U-1C Ho-ton Aiiciicy.
HAS FOB BALE, sn wlU pay particular attentloa to the
purthaie of all the Uailrable and regular dlvldend-psylag
WtF-LllFy, MeXJLIMTOCEVlLLl.ofPhiUdolpUla, and
CtitalAMA. HK.litiAIE. and EMICJCEUUOCK.EB, ef
Mew Tort.
joiin i'ondib;
Mo, 39 tlSZ 8 TREE T, Btwai .
M.M lit jsew Tark.
If to rain admlrlnir eyes ;
ll'to cause Invidious alitbst
li lo b a bloomini.- ilower.
Fading, dyiag lo au hour HsAt'Tvl
fr to have a hoat of rrleoda ;
iriorvlce to ma io arneinla ;
11 wiih hl.U-iM.rn blood to wed;
ll a marble Hone when dead WiAiral
If to live threescore and ten,
WishltiK li io as loim aK.ln;
ll lo live a lite ot pcaae;
If to dlo and ko to yratt HlalTHl
If you wish a llfo of aleaanroa;
If you value this world a ireaaurest
II eve-ry ooretbit you would aeo,
Vaku iny advice, aad wlsu un lAess,
Then, hBTlns Health, Wcaltb.atid Ileanty,
YoD'll be prepared for every duty.
By a rnreful perusal ol Dr.Wll.LlAM Ynl'VO'8 Hew
Hook, IllK. HAIIKI.MIK lilllliK, which should be raaet
by every ono. bold by ILsn sellers gene-ally, and at tbo
I.oclor , oltlce. Mo. till Hl'UUCE TKKlvr( prlea U
cenU. au-f
jbj. TOMIlPOAI'lAlNs AN 1) 0WNKR8.
-The under. laned l a. Inn Icsod ma EEllMlJIll
li.N HCKl'.W lu ICK, bans to iiikstiu hla frieuda and Ol
patron, ol iho l.ocl, that he Is prupured with looreaae4
factliiiei to accilDuiodsla those Ii.ivhih vessel, to be ralsea
or repaired, and belnu a practical abip-carpamer aaal
cauUiei, will also peracnal attautioa to ail veaaois oa
tnis.ed to him for repaira.
Caplalna or Aganla, Hhip-Carpsintara. aid Atacblnbjtg
baviuit veascia to repair, at e ami zii.-u 'o call.
liavina tbeacenev lorU.eaaloof "Wciteraledtl' Patent
Melail c Compoaillrn,- or Copper I'ainl, for Uio preaorva
U.H1 of vessels' bottoroa.Sir tlua coy. I ain praparod to
furnish a same on favorable lern a.
Jl'tlW II. II A Mat ITT,
HeiiHlmrton Hcrow Oocl.
Ml.W Ttelawara aveeue ano.a l.aaret ,
ni'TNinK i.iNi:.
COASTWll-K. MlfAlt oil.- eilMPANY 8
M.W llll.l'.il 1" liNL,
mu M. v vintk,
ard conn, etltur for all Nortnctll aud Eastern Sltics and
New Oil, ti ei . siiiliue 0. ciy
J LLeLAl ,
AND M tTt nttAV,
from Ihe Conirnny's w-hnrf, fli.t a'sive Kuce street, anil
Nov. York, Uoui t ier 11, iSoilli Kivur, oa aaioe daya, at
i V .
lor lu'lcht, which w ill he received dully, handled In the
mt si ca eti'l iiianner. n- d delivered wiih too araaleatdca-
imicli, ai lair rates, api-lv io
No. '.' ll Nor li harvt'f.
11-10 am
r..-?r, S'll'AM AVKEKI.Y TO L1VER
aXlJsuai. Pool, loei-l.ins at Vuci wn, corl llai bor.
, u . i,. know n .learner, ol l) a 1.1. oriinoL New York.
and Phi:.'!!' ipt.ia StcaiusLip e'woipaiiy aro lulotldod te
.ail as loliowa :
I IIY til LtlNDON, Salurday, Movoaiber X,
1-. l N A , s at urds v. I lecciuti'-r a.
I- . Mtt'lUi. he'ur.lnv , ll.ieiuher 1"
Ami oiery .ncicdii,0 BaiurJaj, at aoou, frora Plor No
IS North Hli'-r.
Firel Cabin ll-lJ riioerake eyOU
li.l Cabin to London 170 oil HteoniKC. to I ondoa... i OU
i ir.i Ciiinn ti, I'uri... l'si ihi Mtocianu to I'arta..... fal'iat
J iistCal'inlollamlirVlsOOi) 8to.r. ce to UniulnlrK. 7t.Ua) ti
PasseiiKirs also lotwanled to Havre, Itrcaieu, atoH u
tenliiin, Aulwerp, Aeate,iially lowruloe.
rare. Inm Liverpool of Cjiieansiown : Flnt PaNn,
II.SJ, HTO, SJIU. Kieirace from Liverpool and Quoum- (
tov.ii.tvu. '1 lioae who yi ah a aeud lor their li lauds eaa .
buy tiehela here at ihese rau a. j
1 ot luitl ar uitoiuiation api'ly at the Company s office, ij
ions il. IiaI.i:, i.'iK, 4
'0. Ill WAI.M T Sirvct, Pluladelphla.
" tl?. Ht. aiuil.lp Lino, aulllng from each port oa
bW t HiAY M, from dr.! wliarl also e PI X E htreol.rhtla
dclpli a. and lina- barf, Uo.ton. Flora nr.! wharf
above PINE Street. on Mat urduv, No. ember 'M. lMil.
The atciiutehip NUliMAN. llaki r.wiU .all Mm 1'hliadeils,
pbla lor lloatuli. on Saturday. Novcuibor M. at 10 A. M ,
and tho aietiuisldp SAXON, Mattiiewa, from llo.ton tor
riiUadelphia.oo aame dav, at i P. M.
1 new and .Lbawullal au.amalitpe form a rogula
lino, eailhig from eaib pot l puueuially oa Saturda-ya.
Imui ui.eci wiacttsl at ouo kail Urn pruodiua aluvges oa
gale ve.aela. ...... al
Frelihte taken at falrrites.
Bbipiriarcreiiuastedlaena Bllt Eecolpts ana BIB" '
A.anmg won turn pooo.. .
For Visigut or Paa.ags (Mvjn, tine soiodaloiis
anolv to HFNKi WINSi.K at io.,
iJ-U Mo.maS.DEl.AWABE Avenaa.
rninT.!dprpHlLADl.PHiA,Cptalnp. r. Pool,
Wl'l sal lor the above port a Uie IHU novcuibor.
btca4.tb w BtcnAHDSOM tt CO.,
Mo. 101 WALNUT Street
sad awtn.ura Lines, via Diawara and ,
ti I aual. uiii",. t; ., f VrT . J
dally al 11 ocioca a.., a. uoia wwrw
above Walnut atrsMA.
tor fraiabt, wtiick will be taken oa acsMmmodatrn
term., epplr to WILLLaJt hi. hAlatXI at CV., A. ileki
DAVAFtAJiai ana.