TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAPII. PIIITjADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1884. Siting SIcIcgtapTi OFFICE No. 108 3. THIRD STREET. ftaM TmiCim f'iOort, ar Rioui-apK Cknt. Paa aaraM. t ia. Oarrtar.aad to Rnbacrlbar (((); ImDHUuriiiaiira, oa Duuu m rwrr Ham roa Two afoaTna,lnTariaaljln adranoa mmbu manaa as u uul im. A Hbarai t saada fcc tttmAi iBMrtloai. Ta Aflffrlliwrf. HW treat tnanw la th. nreatatton ef Tta ajramiaM Taimmara, wmrlllr as to m te nrw at an aartrlkMr, wo anrentlr mitioat that atlvortl.-ramta tr.e k kaaexi la eoea as i 10 a-elivt, if antui,!,, i ikvi mi (m oar oaiuont. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. lSlll. THK AnVAWCK OP NIIKKTI A.. Shxrmajt is at present (tone from our g:ue, tat our f-yot still poer after him amid tlio daHoiMt and dangr. with which ho has cora pMiwd hlmrff. We hare rorelvcd newa of him aooncr than was to hao beon antlclimtod. Far beyond the tpcodr miceor of his Govern ment, and prohlni?, wltli hU firoc-i, the very Cora of rebellion, the moit that wo can expert to hear from him will bo In Rubul reports, which it will bo very necessary for us to sill before unconditionally receiving. His orl.irs px his inarch Inform us that his uruiy U divided Into two wings MaJor-Odiu-ral O. O. Howard commanding the rlUt wins, uJ Major-Ooneral II. W. Si.ootjm the lull. The order of march is by four nearly pnriiHo roads, and with respect to supplies there are no general trains, but each corps has Its am munition and provision train. A good and Sufficient foraging party is organized by each brigade commander, and the general princi ple Is adhered to that In districts and neigh borhoods where the army Is not molcnted, no destruction of such property should be per mitted; but should guerillas or bushwhackers molest the march, or should tiio Inhabitant burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manliest local hostility, these army corps com manders should order and enforce a devasta tion more or les relentless, according to the measure of hostility. A pioneer battalion for I eoh corps, to follow the advance guard, is recommended, and Kilpatukk.' cavalry, ai Indispensable as ever, we may be sure will distinguish themselves. Siikbm AN has done so much for us that we naturally look to him to do more. From the labyrinth In which we have lost him, we ex pect him triumphantly to emerge. lie is not In a locality with which he Is unfamiliar ; because In the first place he possesses that peculiar property of military genius by w hich, in an Incredibly short spaco or tim, ne thor oughly knows the Ins and outs of new sur roundings ; and he Is surrounded by skilful Officers, who understand to the lull what they have to do in acquiring andsing topogr.iphl cal knowledge. But still it is to be considered that Shtekmas's successes, In common with others, have been all the more dazzling because of the comparatively completo Igno rance of the country by the advancing body, and the devices and speed by 'which this igno ranee has been remedied. .ri.Ki. noon. General Hook, well aware of the Isolation of his army from a base and line by which retreat can be effected or supplies secured, Is making efforts to obtain relief from Tennessee and Kentucky. IIo has advanced to a post north of the Tennessee river, tho defense of which lino Is Intrusted to Major-Oeneral Oeobok n. Thomas, Hood is displaying Columns on two lines, one looking towards Paducah, and the other towards Nashville, the principal base of General Thomas, and excellently fortified. The successive victories with which the advance of Sikb.uan is con nected render the discomfiture of Hooi the more thorough. General Thomas has too many reinforcements to permit uny great damage to be done ; and with General A. J. Smith, of Pennsylvania, and his fighting corps of veterans, no fears need be enter tained of Faducau. Wo are at liberty to ex pect from Hood another brilliant failure. Perhaps he will illustrate General Sukii aiAJi'H summary of his character, viz., that although General Joseph E. Johnston was a man of some military ability, General II0011 was mentally incapable, and either without plans, or possessed of those of an inexplicable character. THE fHIEP Jf STK tSHIP. We have not heretofore mado any allusion to the appointment of a Chief Judge of tho Supreme Court, though our contemporaries In every part of the country have freely discussed the subject. Nor do we now Intend to refer to It In any manner likely to Interfere, In the lightest degree, with that entire Independence of judgment and responsibility with which the President should be allowed to determine the matter. He und the Senate aro charged by law wllh the H!gh and solemn duty of electing those who excrelse the supremo judicial functions of the Government ; and as they are answerable to the peoplu for tun wisdom and integrity with which they per form that trust, they should be allowed to do so without any Improper external lntluen.ro or pressure. This Is espeeiully true with rel'ormec to all ludlclal appointments, since the (udicHry of the nation should be studiously gu irde-J from contact with politics. Our judges, as the ev Dounders of the Constitution und laws, were - Intended to form a distinct und Independent department of the Btate; mid while they ahould owe nothing to Executive fnvoi' H any rlWn Kcnse. It should hi! the ivil- ' . , . clous purpose, us it certainly is mo saer obligation ol the appointing power, to them for merit alone, und thereby ill-till- , tain the diguity of the Fcder.il emi ts in ; ib- lie estimation. We shall not, however, depart from tho i decorous resorve which the press ought always ti nhwrvB in thebe matters, II we alluded briefly to a few considerations that should in our judgment, excretso limcn, 11 no decisive, influence in the choice of til ! Ciilel Justice. The policy of the Administration iu " the prosecution of the war has been, hitherto and w ill no doubt continue to be, the occasion of severe ciitlcUm with thot-o who have arrayed themselves In opposition to it. Tho Democratic papers and politicians have openly denied the legality of ulmoht every leading act of Congi e-s touching the revenue, taxation, currency, Xalioiiul Banks, eman cipation, reconstruction of .state Govru inects, confiscation, su.-pem ion of the habeax cot-pun, military arrests and trials, und to forth. They ins'itt that all questions arising ' out of these measures are open questions until decided by the Supreme Court, and they claim tho right to have them referred to that .. tribunal fur final adjudication. That clulul is admitted by the Government, and there can be uo doubt that tit some time and in some fbrra ortikotlier they will come up for dlscu3 ' - slott and detwruiiubliou In tlx Supreme Court. The Government and tho people are viiully ! lulerceted in having all that liau been legally done hy the Administration sustained and confirmed by the Court. Ilenee It. becomes of the last Importance that the Court Itself shall be presided over by a Jurist of superior menial ability and moral courage; and who, moreover, shall take his seat with a full con sciousness that he enioys the implicit confi dence of the people In his fitness for the posi tion. Now, among all the gentleman yet named In connection with the Chief Justice ship, public sentiment appears to have united with uncommon unanimity and cordiality upon Salmon T. Ciiark, of Ohio, as the worthiest person for the office. Without dis paragement of any one else, It may, wo think, be said that popular Judgment in this Instance Is founded on many strong and striking con siderations. Mr. Ciiahk Is a sound and ripe lawyer and accomplished scholar. His long service as a legislator, both In tils own State and In Congress, lias madu him profoundly acquainted with Uie Constitutional history and theory of the Government, His masterly admin istration of the Treasury Department evinced at onco his great intelletunl ability and his rare qualifications as a practical statesman and man ol business. 1 1 is political opinions, early formed, he has consistently maintained and boncMly asserted In nil places and uwl.ir nil circumstances; whilo his sympathy witli the leading acts of the Administration has been as absolute as his conviction of their w le dora and justice was clear and conscientious. Such a man, at such a time as the present, would seem to be singularly well fitted to occupy the highest Judicial seat In the nation. No ono certainly cointirehemls as thoroughly as he doas tins legal validity of the flnaiiBlal measures of the Administration, and none would be as competent to p.'us upon them judicially. Mauy of tho interests that arose with the war will die wkh tho war, but the vast questions of Constitutional law that underlie and will herealtor grow out of the llnaucial kystera of the Government," at now established, must Involve the prosperity of the country and of its individual citizen, of all classes and conditions for an lud.'flult-' period after the restoration of peace. Willi Mr. Ciiahk on the Supremo Bench, public faith In the stabilitj of the national credit would bo powerfully fortified, and this may be said without the slightest intim ition that he would in any instance give his judicial sanction to a measure as to the legality of which lie was not sincerely convinced. In short, it may be said that thero is much reason for that public: sentiment which lias so st ronglv indicated Governor Ciiask at the fittest successor to the Chief Ju'ticoshlp ; and his appointment would, no doubt, o received with universal approval. inrKiti:nr. is in iiid.uii irwu. When the attack on Sumter called into existence an army of freemen numbering lu hundreds of thousands, the laud was totally unprepared for the havoc which was nt once created when Murs "let slip the dogs of war." The hosts which rushed Immediately to tho defense of the Capital were nothing more than a patriotic, bravo, yet undisciplined mob. The. energies of our generals were needed to teach them tho very principles of military law. To shoulder aud present arms were esteemed acquirements of no mean value. The mem bers of those few ini'ilury organizations which existed previously were at onco created re ferees, and all questions of martial usago were, without dispute, referred to these Solons for settlement. The generals, therefore, on assuming com mand, found tliemsulves hopelessly impeded in their work by unavoidable ignorance of their commands. The Nor... cried for un advance ; their discretion dictated preparation. Scott yielded to the "forward to Itichmond" crj , and Bull Run was the result. Expe rience produced atscrettou. lue oest mili tary minds of our own and other countries have been directed towards the organization or our army, beneath tho most skilful disclpli- uariuus. 1'iom this mob it has be come equal lu discipline und organization to any in the world. At the beginning, tho whole military nrrangemrut consisted of a series of units, each being a regiment and act ing entirely distinct from each other. But such a condition was Incompatible with success, and General Mi Dow km, improvised brigades, but under his command they were not carried Into practical efficiency. But shortly their demand became imperative, and not only were brigades created, but divisions, consisting of two or more brigades, were called into existence. Beneath more ex tended experience the French corps d'"rme, first formed by the staffof the Emperor Na- polfon I, has been Introduced, and Its aid in perfecting military discipline proved. Two or more corps, when united, form a grand army grand not only In name, but In tho in dividuals that compose it, lu the general who leads it, and the exuse which Impels It to victory. We may yet, however, greutly improve our military division hy imitating the example et forth by the South. When it first rose in rebellion, It had at its head, men who had been for years examining the advantages and defects of the system of war as pur sued In all foreign lands. By comparison with the results of the study of years, aud tho lttltor of a lifetime, which are frequently ex pended ubroad iu perfecting a science, they have been able, lu forming their armies, to avoid tho defects which impair our system. Acting iu accordance witli tho information thus uequired, they have created different ranks of general officers from those which exist hi our annv. They have a brigadier-general commanding a brigade, major-general a division, lieutenant general a corps, und n general an army. This Is un Improvement. In our army a brigadier or even a colonel commands a division. A number of other great Improvements have Leen perfected In the hosts of rebellion, but we doubt not that ere long ull their sugges tions will be more than adopted, us soon as our gullsut Lieutennut-Geiieial lias subdued the Souiiieru power by capturing the I.elti'l ra.uiial. Tin- iinp'.-ovi'iLeiit-s will ujoil be in.nle, in Wis expect tli I'rullniiuary events will M.ry alien J;, j !- Ie d. we lj' ! ne : be at i;-tt! i-.iry CiI,- 'Jin: (wtM si; t:i:w,:i.i.;!; . For lii'toi.'ii yciiis a great rol -llion iia deluged with hhxjiX the iimpiiv of the C Avt titils. Almost ull the proviucui of t'nc king dom hnve beeu overrun, and tlitiiiiiciioii and death ciuried into every villafc. At l.i't t'lf Emperor decided that it was inoxpodic.nl for the health of the nation that the Itcbcls should continue to run at larrti. As a prepavatoi? tftt-p ho fell Into a great r.Te, demundnd thp heads of till the daring Hebels, and cxprsod a number of other w ishes criially easily gra ti tled, ull of which are chronicled with great exactness by tho Poking Gau-V'. Alter Ids rage. Bubaiilcd he miuclicd ut the he id of his nrnilen, and wis defeated. A sooond timj ho marched, and agalu tlie C'elustuild became l"r restlal and lied. While preparinir for thiol titl'ort the Iliother of the Sun was tmu-'porte J o the regions of his fraternal luminary. SU grandees, each claiming peacock feitheM ss his right, proceeded to quarrel over Uie person of the heir apparent. After this little strife had been settled by the d.-Jth of live of the contestants, the Imperial army proceeded ag.iiust the " long-haired I'.elv-I lLn;rsrA."." After a fierce campaign the Rebels have h sen annihilated, not one out of one hundrod thou sand escaping alive. The joy this news caused at the capital was great. The youthful Kmperor. through the only surviving guardian, appointed Tm'Nii-Klokan, to be tho Vlce-l'rliiie Minis ter, Governor General of the two Kangt, Senor-Guard'iui of the heir apparent, Marquis of the first grade, and finally, the climax of honor, the consummation of the honorable Tsi no'b highest aspiration, the right to wear In the back of his liend a 'lo!)e-rjed pei rncA's Jeitthrr. The Kut.il of Ciik-kiano Is made General -In-Chief, Near-Admiral, Junior Guardian of the heir apparent, Karl of the llrat grade, and, ecstatic Joy I allowed to hold a two eyed jx'acock's feather. Other officers aro hllowod yellow jacket and fraction i of leathers, Hnd the whole army rejoiced with tho thanks of the Kmperor. Hut to the captive Rebcl-i justice demand i her due. All of them aro either to be deprived of their shoes, or else through royal clemency to the least criminal among lliem, aro to bo allowed the privilege of running a sword through their abdominal cavity. Of course none will hesitate as to which they will select. Honor Is dearer than lilo. The corpiu of irtiNti-iisir-fsnAN Is to be exhumed, his flesh torn fiom his banes, his head cut olf and hung tip, after having been exhibited to nil the inhabitants of tho districts tint ho ruinod. Thus are the w icked punished and the just blessed, and thus Is tho groat Taeping Uiibol- l'.on placed among the events of history. The KiiijMTor, having resolved to make suitablu acknowledgments to the gods, lias appointed n commission to investigate and de termine which of the Heathen divinities are entitled to credit, In order that a proper dis crimination shall be show n In awarding thanks. k.i:noi;s. The solemnities of Thanksglving'tlay were gracefully reflected Ibis morningiu the edito rials and news reports of every .newspaper in tins city anil rsew lorli, wltlyft single excep tion. The yljrn, with a spirit'unbecoming to a Christian community, wriggles with its slimy crawl Into ttie sanctuary, and utters its hiss at the foot of the, altar. 1 ho following blasphemous parody upon the most bsautiful of our Saviour's recorded teachings w ill cause a shudder In every devout mind: " Tm Two 1'nVi "rs. Yesterday wasThankB " pivinc (i.t :i I S h"llilay. tionie sought rcrrc " stioti in the saloons, otlifT" sought ediMcntinn ' in the house of Wnrslii . Tw o men also went " up to the temple to pr.iy. 'i'lio ono prayed " alter this manner " 'Lord, 1 thank Thee that 1 am well to do in the world, iiTal a reii.-i;iiiMc member ol bo " ' cicty i that I am also u loyal nan, snrt a mem "'tier "of the Union l.eagne. I thank Ttieo for " ' Thy bounty, and for tha contract which t " ' have fifini the Oovci nm ?nt ; that I give to tho "'poof' lfnd to the churches, und have contri " bitted five hundred dollars to the Sanicary " ' 1'uir. I thank 'I lice that I am not ss other " ' men even-as von Copperltoad. who, lo'i poor " 'to buy a set. -Unite, must he dragged oil' to "'tho wars. Command in Thy rich mercy, thut " this war may go 011, tiiuil tho lait doll iris " ' s cnt among the ontiuetors : and 111 ty I be "' the la-t man called upon to do any military " 'service. Amen.' "The other man also prayed, who was the " Copperhead und, not so much as lifting las " eyes towards Heaven, but smitinR on his " breast, said.'Ood save mv native land; God " licmercilul to mc a sinner!' This ono is said " to have gone down from the temple justilied " 1 athcr than the other." The -l.'c of (his morning TIIK tKX of mi: r.SSIOVIM.S). .Shall the reelings with which wo reg.uvl a wccssionift be regaulated by the sex of that anomaly? When ladies cease to bo loy.il, when sylphs affect secession, mid whon tenui frantd talk treason, are we to fornet the generic womau that includes them all 1 Are we not rather to remember her with deeper feeling? It is from womau we learn some of our purest and most sacred lessons. So uudo flli'd are tbe instincts and sympathies which we term womanly, that It should seem she receives her education from God Uiinself, and sets before us au example flesh from heaven. But there ure ladies, In high life, too, w ho, If they do not think they do God sorviec in talk ing and acting traitorously, are fully con vinced that they can best aid rebellion so. The secessionists of Baltimore have Viupu aroused lately by thn sentence passed on Mrs. Saiiaii TJf TCiii.ss, a member of one of the first families there. Tho punishment pre scribed is five years' labor in the penitentiary lit Fitchburg, Massachusetts, aud five thou sand dollars' fine, to be imprisoned after the expiration of five years from the day of her arrest until the lino Is paid. The lady has been convicted of holding traitorous commu nication with the South, und of having attempted to present a sword to Llmitenaut Colonel IlAitHV. Gii.moii, a successful raider, with whonc career the remeiubrau.ee of many cruelties is connected. Let no one look upon the crime which has evoked such paiiift retribution as a light one. If we have uo sympathy with secession, we should have none with secessionists. What ever be the sex of the criminal, however re pulsive it may be to a morbid senso of gallan try to Inflict do heavy a punishment upon a woman, we arc bound by all our duties to our country to let pure Justice prevail lu the doom of every traitor. We aro Involved in circum stances In which, it men and women will set the example of committing great sim, they must likewise receive the Infliction of great sorrow. Tho two art; correlative iu the mural world; aud whatever may be a man's peculiar notions respecting special piuiiihments di vinely administered, he miit admit tha!- j oll'en.ii'S against nation's honor j-1io iM j meet with peculiar chastisement fiom th.it ; fioveriuiient against whicli they Mil. ,ii Aim ik i. fllM'Ni F.Y-ltnr.l si'N. on tho I.M ii ! bv ti e Hi v. I.. A. Wa-dihumo, l. I).. I'llAllldCI t'lU'MLV tn.UiM'S IAINW AV, ItilUtllK-r ul .Mull'Jurv ICot'ii'-oll, i.-.q. All 01 tl'U i-liy. V 1. 1 IS l' A K K. Oil llil : Jd lllitimt. Iiv li e II, v. .loi n -1 . - - i - .it S. t 1. 1 K I'l.l.i--, . t..ni ,. . Ol'i.l.i ncili III ! hi:, I -.-On 11 ASM". ., 'I...I . st I A I lii, .11 lh' 1. to -. -. 1 1- 1,1 i.im- tm,-. 1 t,f r l.iu.m it.i I ii .1 'i i.t ti.'1 t. iiclv i t '- in: 'I 'n ii 1 I' i.ti tl.o Inti -ial, tUMii I1.0 n- .tli-n i' 01 li-T .,'r I -, Nit. Llln i.on. !, anl -tr-.t-l, 0.1 Sui.ua.. ..iu :iio';.i, .!, 7:n ie-niiii, ,tt 1 o'ctot a. i ll miii:hi IN. v tl . wl IV Jlta:ii t.. -on 'li-'.-K; ;n .,11. it, 1 1. ii. -.1 Jim in! Ilpe lii in t l.o rt t.i .til:.t,).r.i:'.AllLTli tv. 'l s: i .l.'i.t-t ,ii :l iim 11 1 ! 0 pe ri spr -tin 'nv:t i lo !' r.'i! ttt'iuiiinil. lit in tl.o rtt.i,, .11 v. t.i t ir .'11- it.i.al, Nt, 1 .-i: iMrieti .t.tet, tii.tt u i.'ia.il t..,.ite, itj - .--.tl.il y init. cnii .,(,.:. .1.. t'i-: , ie. J v 1 -ca 1 1'.e.tt-t' ;o a . . J. l'LAI. - f'O ti e :'t't, Mw. 3.111 AU I). I tt, .." el Mu l; lit-' II, nl. a-.- 41 venm. I ho ruluuve, anil lili uu, ol t'ic fariit'y. filo Solllliwark Cult 11 So, II, V. 1:. 01 e. A- S , n.- !rT'i,!i,i''l-' Itivll- .1 ti ul ijii'l 1 1 v v luni-r.il, lltim lint r -ekn - "t l.vt huttiian I, No. H4.I Mitynn mniiK Avi'inu', ,11 Huti'lii, uln-. nijuu, al 1 o cit..t.K, to urotijt.d to I'liiiaiithi-nj io I'l-nu'tt 1 . 1 1'ITZ K1!! a-n-t-p In .Ic.-te on Wftlncs:av pve.ilne, tin- V.Ml iiMtrtnl. MAIillY II., tho .Vinitij t:t hull (tl Mtiniy U 1 ittl i.ytlia A 1111 tn ityt, atd l l .v t urd and '1 uioulti. lui- nultC't will hit giviii or tho nun-rat. KCKKKI.LJT. On Hit) Kid iuilaut, liEOltnK l.t K It Ul. antil V '-. 1 tn' ri-iativt a and irn nils of thp family ara in,iti d 1.1 atun l tlm fnncr.tl, 'i'ui m.i Un; n -itu act-, ?;o. fril N. l.n-.ilu auool, uu -Mvu.ui.Ui itu.uut, i tuo., 1'. M. l-KAItsi'N'.-At Tnm-Hl.ite on tha arpnina of ths VA hl 1. Ifl ill.wilt-ol l.,aai; rt-'Mitfoii, ju tho iivti, ycr Of tH i 'it.. t. iiitinlr ui tlift fiiinjly ar luvitiul tu t!.'iiil tlie il, Irvin t'tf r. ".I'll Ik u ol )i r hnsi,au.t, on s.t tr l.iv 111' Luuu-i Uiil. A U l I Wtl I. l I wv N T I K K K T ( O 14 i K LACE CURTAINS ii fOitTT rrt. ( r 1.1JHH THAN UHHT ,r iu:' n am "'. I. E. WALRAVLN, 'I f.kSSOK T W. U CA4KVL, MAHONIO IIAI.1,, So. 713 UUECNTJT Street. BUSINESS ITEMS. II nc Vim a I oia;hT-l'se Ir. I. Jn.vno'a F.pp'frAnt kt Once. It ny T 7111 frwm Coii.'iTuplton. It vni (ti'.nn'j cut tl.i ci lriTptric (uin ni tu.Ui. Ha '1 ',0!. t.stt-Aei-? Tl.lm trj J.juij s r.xi,cto-llt. tl aril; flHimuutlon,r(li'Tf tl c-cot-fcl;, palu sud lull jt 1! 1 tin lll hy rftifrtt'i- inp, so! prodi.rf a pe-sty cji (!' t"L i1'i"n,' J. no hMwr.torunt vlll ovijomf II. a a.iu. die ctti traolJoo of it e wind tubes or ntr vcsvli, anJ cause the ,vj Uoq of tho 3iiicitu BlticU clog, U:'ia. Jin eyti VUurii? Kit." la'tlug two or tln-w UOK' d!M of Jk)-k' Kliir",. taiit in 'illicit Mic-CMiicn, and covet-in? tin srntl In bfd, the iIIimim will lis "i buiKd at the oulsot. yin-l tffiV Co)liVT)l)tt"tu- Jkjiio'8 rtpcctf'raut vlll U'ro yuli limutd'ato rt-tlof. (t clear.art tin-hii.it-frum all Inllstli ; iimttcvi, while it hfa!s and iuv;guratot ti fin. Tiiotnamt who l.avu liern lilvcn up lijr tlioli- pliyeltlan Imvc ttpt-n rcjturrd to I.0M1I1 tij it, ni. llopni? Cogh, Crtvy, and id! it!eae of the Itinera or birat ore eCectunl'y and ajisedily cured by Janu'aKx. pectotftut. H Is no new rmirslv. r'or tliltty yenri it lias been lirfi.re ti r public, the JimiiaiiiI fcril ronstHiitlyliicri-aB ln', .-u.d Ibu (ii!cnc'.' ol iu nrrat caralive powers accioiu Jailii in onr hated. Why oot iive Itatilnl'.' rn-jift.cd only al No. '.'1. UlicaLut atri-et. l-'.i e, l'r. Thront I1iim'. lrrli. Asthma, und all NeiToua AOcrlloria troated with tho aurrat Huccel tij llr. Vos Moa'-nriNRKii, Willi l.ls newly ronaiiurti-d apparAtii.. All illuxtihlod proapeutus of thu eainn, cotita.iilhi oinntiliiahlc tostitui nlala, n ay hi had BratS, un a,iplUatl n al llll odlcn, No. M.-; Walnut itrcot. I'lne llnviann 'lKBr MKx,IO, llAVIn.Y KlOH M'.OI, AR' II ANO 'I'KN 1-11,1 lia c Mi.-t rfece ed a now ImportMlion of llAaNaOe..vuj, 0( the el:0lcd Iranda (IporKe Nleek A t'o.'n yTg,. 1 lAtOS AMi MASON" A HAMLIN S I AI11NI.T OIliiAMS. Oror Mi of each of tneae line liiattnini'lita nave neon a !il by lir. II., and tlm dulaaud Is uou Htuntly Inert atli.d, t U bale oui) by PIANO ' l oa i ks. 11 ANO I KOn I KH H INIi I lullTfcfl IIANO : K'K'Il.S, O.tBtVFT OltllANS. CAIllNi.l' 'Oil IAS It. 'CAIIINhr 'OrtOANS. CAIIISK r lOKOANtl. J F. noDLD. S-M till, nnd i nomii.l alreeta. T III-: HCJIOMACKIJU PIANOS, ACKNOWLKUOPli TO 11C THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. Cl.I.EIU'ATKD FOR TIILIR Sl lilKIOR TOXK AM) FINISH. KNOWS TO HE TUB MOST DU2AELE INSTRUMENTS MADE. AND SOLD tTON TIIK MOST 11KA.S0N ABLE TEHMS. AT Tlll-i WAKKKOOMS, No. 1021 CHESNUT STREET. We roi-VPelfitliy luvlta our friend, anil U10 public trenar ally to call at uur warorodtna and exaniue our cxtenalvo abaortmttiit of hlsl'ly Improved H.iuire and tirand Plaaoa, We havr received Uie hlffhctit iiremluina ul all theftroat txhlhltitina evor held lu thia cnuutry, lucludlns the lrl.e Medal at 1 be Wot Id a lalr,Cryiml 1'uUci., Kew York, and ntiDeroiia teiauouluU from the beatartlaU lu thla country anil kturnjie. W c tV: ,ll.(li-d that there art no Phi not made In tLii country snporinr to our ovn. Aa rtilladelplda nilnufArturers wc pride ouraoltoi 111 havlrg achieved a reputation lor our Itiatrumonta uacx ee.ledh any other luakers lu thla country. It la a well, aronn Tact tl.at our IManoe have lor many yeara maiu- talned their l.irh reputaiion, iintvlti-.tiUudliiii the pjwirltil C'tDipf tltlun of the r;atern makers. 2rw York aud lloaiou rianoa have hean flNodud Into IMii ntarkat through their auenelea, ana hur.Wdcd hy tl,era a ti e onl Piano, In tlio country; yet a'- the aania 11 rue tlu-,e rauie airenti Very aeldom continue to acU any one makers Instruments for any length ot lime, for the rea,oa that they are inferior, and they are compelled tn take hold of other nia'iers", perltup, sllll mora Inferior, ahl.ouih ptiHid up by them as celebrated riaao,whou at thu same lime such makers huve never been kUfTtn or heard of 111 llielro-.vn i.iUts. Tl.e conacijuence U, ttiat our eiliena are o-leu intl'tred to pure'.ilae aueh Inferior instruinenl.i, ,vlthoie. contnileriny their ,tvu or the iri noral tn'iruits of thdr elty. 'I he advanliii 1 our eltlxciia have iu rncviuravlil.' l.ont' L.anufat-tTm certiiniy .ioiiid nvi bvjovcrlook.d, i' r iho e.iUiv, tiiji re..ai'Ut First. It ii, aekno ieih;'l Ihn PMlfttU'i'Mrt 1, the itri at IUU11U1.K lurluw; citv 01 tliii iiiutttry, and cciebntted twl.s siiperloi and .Mlftd worl.tuun. H"vi-rtd. 1 . e pnrehiier obtains ti.e piino dlrfttly lr..ia i"t, tl.e liiiiLtit'tietttrtrs, nnd saves tlie ati.ouitt a:.: tie by ihe an t.t, t 1.0 tiMtnlij- vlniiui. urv.itvr pieLts It. an the nituiti ii'ctnrcr. 'Ittitil Tf.e :t enr, r ren'll'H'tv orr.ottitt, to Tio'f.ni?, I'.ern i, no rei'ifrft ; the instit.inviit t.o mi, la m uie 101 ll.t uiar-.et. iiutl li e piiri t.tiki r mutt run the rt,a. AS lu-rea, outi.eoll.er liitiul, e, as tie lumiurAclurert, arc he;u r,-iioiis -ie. noil amt'tt t-birk. th rvrp iiimo ilt iAe tt.c a.t.it. our r pittatit n is ill fao nt a ) tunes, mid it lb ft, r,ft ti r,, ..i;r ltui.e.i to tt.ru otit none o'.iu r ti.,,11 liiti; e.aMi n- ;riiiiit iit,. I i" 11.1. Ailint'in ilia- ,'ten ni'ttri-ir.rnts n.iMit to I re..-1 .1 1 : .: ll - ni -.lit ll' i'f .11 t ile'il ' :;itl t to i , 11 - . ,. ! i' ti rs ne M lit I'm-1 , ... tl . ul o.' 1' . .. 'f L .1 it j,'-y tit: ivi;, :Jt'tt ut. 'ili'.l, H 1,1) : y rwt r'. i .hy ... t J 6 . ,iCf - t Ot.f -r, i I'.at.f .t) ni.tr I, u t'M' f iiv 1 . '. . ..IV. Kin 11 inr i- I,- A "1 I "I f. ,: t in ti n wt .iat...tj I'J.t t- it- ft in ie t It ! li ni.o i . v ('i r l' ct . t' m li - lu;.cii fr. ,it niNiitdin )i tr ii.- r ty. Om i.innm tiito tt.fo ' f.r. im M.ftrf'it; ft ;if HMrr, mul ci r l' ti-i,o U;c.:-U u l : i..r.ii;.'r.. .i .n ? f l.M J 1 S ' f K r I'll hatn. H !i.(r't CU'-lt tJ UaAt.i.S... Aula JirOi (if II:1 t'tt inm li-lltr, A . ifri.m ii',i ne u i i-t '.,re will r'iVt ui l f .0' vr v 11,11'M'n ii .il wc ii.ive t,a m r'nl lo im.. j mm-. Tiic i'lf, el finrito. alwav tiitftrvti-; ui I'l.tnUit, anil j r. i iii nl i..iuo, kiiil liton- who jtre Intcft'ili'U in tle n. e i.i i i!,. r ..'inn who ii y til I'm fit. in us ; to nch wf ; ci if iO.thbt twuuiii v vj tiH niMfh pli-ftture. i.t ti y i.u'c, o . I i Mr inctriiiiientti witli any otiitr iukL wl.it.ii 111-V lf,.ty I 1-AH tl lJ D.altlf. W' ft'i'U . oi.r iii'-iJ' Al. ! tl.e i i i:c to r ii? ah1 ex An i r ( i i if r I'll iu ti. ft i !ju iri il n.iii i.'i li.(U' n ti l- i y can mp. ie w.th i v, tv.tr uvt l v.ug io. '.iii !f ol iviuiv cj(iiimol.Uin. 1'IAKOS TO KJJNT. ViMrs I t Tm.ing jaomj't' oUcntiod to. 6C1I0MACZER & C0.9 U O-ttif tl To. V.'X CllCSfVI STJtECT. yo i n rniN'ntAM and (Hl.sHT ! LACKS, a? "rr. Mir sin.f.ii. WINDOW SJIADKS, No. T i l -wmit. ! XI.LTY, OARTlLNGTON & 00. MABM' ACilllli-KS'. I (.Ur.SVT RTkr.ttT M. 7 4: l ursNi'T RTitl.t:?. piano cnvi.lts. lA.i'.rsr .SKH'K 11 TJ8 I ITT at l ow ran s. AMUSLMtNTS. A A I V. SI V o F M U HI 0 - 1. And A! n anfijor on"i r. roao. M .,, til On-H.ili !n ft. 1 lioiln. Iiitlt ninrc : -.,rV Nt-w Thmtriv w a-iniiKton : and the Ah-xaii'trin. Va. lMiefc. Hiw Manager T'OI.S II. WKtoIir. I.IK 1 VI. NT OK Till. xt.A-'tJM NCI I Mill, 1 Id CM I'll 0 tl. I'liilnoul 'I ra.-il'au, ' ft ( It .V fOltKF.tr. I n M irn'ull r innfK p-i4oU'ili"n fi ( 'liitliiLAM -I V- Itu.-f' el t'V Ml alOllAIW.Y VAST AND it III 1. 1 . 1 .V r Al IUKNCHS. ti'.chi 'lie- ver imnv of llll- I.I AIUMI MIM'H ' Oflt (ITT, Au'l enllinl'i'i''-Mllv no 'l.HKli'd A I.HI Al KIAHKlt-I'lKCI, Or" AHT 1 II! I SIIAV and 1 l.ll'W KVKMMIS. Nov. 21 a il ti. r-linKjiMir-'a I'owc rnil It-onHo iraui'tlv 1 olllot.A.M s." 1 il'i, Marema Mr r KOeiiKST AKrwaid ("Ulnl.lM.S,'' e inrioi 111 l,y MAD A. MR I'IMH, Mlis Al.ll l'. IIIVV. Mil. .1. Mi" CI.T.OU'lil. ase 1 1. TIIK AIITISm ill' TMK rowl'ASV T lit-. i.i 1 at I'lov H ri'anted In u mi 1 In ot uiii'K't:iipt.'1 CvmiMflUlO", Willi M-.W HI r.SKKV, I lnrrMi.l AMI A I'l lH N l I NI .1. Ml! lOIMtl'.ST AI I KAlli I.VKIII M )NIT. I CBS. HAV, TIII'ltsliAV anil KIllllW Mi ITS. HVATH SI (I lll'.ll MX HAYS IN MIVANl'C r.o Inrlorinani i on WI.OMMII Y I.VK .isd. 'Un- next c i.onnniK-11 of t:olilol.ANr.S will t.o on Till ItSllAV KVI SI. Nil. I ho Ilex Shpi t, lor the ol of ai-rnr -d p! k. no opon hflwron tlio liourtol II alnl 4 -4 o'clork. A linln-.lt n. Ml nli'l iri ( iim. b-miri'd oaw ."Al ruiti fel Utlona' ' 11111.11' w HI!1:n, rro.t.nror. S. JOHN UIiliW'3 MKW AltCif 8T. HllioK. 1 AI;I Wl l.l, HCVI.'I r OK MI! AM' Mils llMi.NKV WI1I.IWM TO-MUItT (I'tidavi Nuvmher LAiiK.. Of Ml 1.UIM-.N CIlMOMS Ol 1 II n corsnv. AMI - I.IIUV 1 UK 'I ll.f'.l VJi. AND VHS :miKV H II 1. 1AM 1 I.N M. l llAICACIKi: 1. 8 ATI itotr, mi;, ami mi:s. HAi:.NKi wm.mavh. Mti.MiAl , J. H. (.LAIlhK TjEW CBLSKUT STREET THEATHE. ;HF.T .SIK LSS (JIlMAT NUCf K'S ,.li K.A'I' M (Tl'.ss lilth.l I' lL:t i ;S l.tll. t'l1 Mil KMi ;m AT SI 1 ( r.S, of iii-i t icaitll l.rt at htn nal a i ' 11 1 i 1 1 1 , in !lw ii th, o 5' a. I VUl- TI'i ;, I'Ai Va i : i' tk, I'll i II t.V I 1,. IMirVHKlTK, i a t v Kit. rri:, I'AI" uk r re., I'AUVKKTl'K. A , II 11 I I pai v uk i 1 1:, I' l Ita'I'iH, fait H I'll I'AIJV ill il 'l K., l't I V Kl.T I l p.ttv h ii;t i f , it nit t , le H TIIK hl -.. . I .". IKK I III.; r.Mt OH, ( MlMlTliK, SXIIV . Till'. litMIHI KM' M I.MUM' IlilO Al tl.Ml ll l..T SI I.M.Kt llll-'. 111 ll.MI I' L. 1' MK.MltUI WAS )tl.l I II I Ij 111 lUNU t liXIIM Kit Afl'l AIM-'. i.nNti con rtM;i;i Ai'i'i.M i'. fr' m the I'ahltiitiivhle mllein-i In iilu'inl tin " l.t il ovi n lt;rf. 'il.c Noel 1 Meelililllr.'.l E lites. nn;l :u- S espo. Hilly 'I ill, I ALL Ol I III. AV AI.AN' lli; 'I I. ft I ALL viF 'l lil: AVALS Nl III. TlIK FALL t'f 'I UK At AI.ANI lit aa I he IV me Of V otn!( r Mild Ocltlllil. the II A I 'I I Ull, I'lH 1 11.11 KS, I.K.Atll III I. t'OH I I" Ml-. I fcAl' Ii I I. COS I I'MI.M, llhAI I I It. I. C -.! I Ail.8, Ml I'Kl.ll SfllJslC. M I'l llll ML -!!.', I IIAItMl Ml MINUS, ( IIAltMtMi MI.NUt, t llALMINd SU.M18. ClIAItlll.MI HOAOi. und the I t Kl Ll Nl CAST Of ClIAnV'I KIIH, L.Vt M.I.E I CAST UK CIIAIIAl'I'Klta, all reci-ivi ii tl o w am.' sicnuiiueuiintlitii trur, the au llnco. lion I i'l; -11. nuvr 1 ii.t.i-. HUNT ioui.i T, 1 0 N'T voin:i:i, pai t km ri:, 1 Al viti.n 1., 'I HIM l.t I Nl Nil, I HIS l, K.NIM1, SI ATM Hi I I III ll hi Alt n.iTIIHl UnN'T Kill il.r, iius t tonui.T, l'Ai: IlKTI'K, I'ALVItKI I I", 1 11 in Kvr.Niso, TIIIH KVKNIMI, clKITS Mr.fl'lll li .sK.tln t-M't'l.'I'.l, M'AIS H CHI. II SI Tt SClll "JiEO IIIIIKK HAYS IN' AhVAM'V,. 'lIlrvIL IIAl.-l IM AHVANCt;. A CAl'l-MY 01' MCSIC-A CARD. Mr. t ortri ileslie, to Imprii U o nnhlk with tho (net II at I. in arraiKi uienK WI..I, I'ltLCLI UK TIIK ItKetl I- 1 ll:N OK ClULOLAM l.t vnnil a lew i venin -a. Tho enrit.etiii lit of Mr. KOllliK-'l' I, Hunted piiHitively to tweiilv lenr nlL-tiiH. iliirltik' wl.leh ie win iitmear In ALL OK INK SUAKKSI KALIAN ANOOTIll'lt IMl'KltSONA 1 1ONS, and then depart lor WahltiKtou, whore he uppcura 111 me eit,f.e 01 111a niinKenieHi i.ern. I nder no eircuniHiauce-, tlieret ,re, can COUTOL.NiVs he a-aiu nrixltieed tuts m Inter aller II I, onco w ittutrni, 11, viii.cn vita ne uonc alter a veiy im let run. it-io-ll WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1034, at ,-;'.. r. tt., THIItl) CLASSICAL M.VTIi? KK, lir niK rhllaiUlplila Manual Quintrtte Club, Messrs. OALJtTNER, JAIEViS, CUhSS HINOI.ETirKLTfl Paik HBO ol 'afa tioKetfi, -.''Kid at MI tlmci Pat-Kajti.' of ') tlcKflts, good At all times,.,, Fur halt nt tbc Mittlr Hinre of J K Could. '0 Ceati t0 rio U-21-lt jl,jnE fcTATE d THE COUNTRY;1 TU KODOItK TILTOX, Khq., OK 1H KEW VOHK 'MJiDKI'KNDEST,' Wiil ikllr a Lt t lure on this auNJect, In c o a iz ii rr ii a. i-j i t On Tl ESDAY KVEMNG, Nov. 2.f At H clocX. TJ. kti V4ntt, Forsala at MacUvn a BoA .tor, No. (00 t. I.raiiut ktrtct. ot CANIORD'S NEW OVKUA HOt'SH, O JiACK HIHKLT.KMW. KN hECUM) AHD IHinD. SIVCKSS rSeKE( EDKNTKTl fhf O.-enliiK I'ruwilvd wkh the Kilte fi:e lf vl mi Ria s cf iaAuu.s i'nami i; 10 gur hkatb: I UK (iiM.AlV IU met tliapiruval ot uieaanJltnce. 'I HK VKUKK'T 1 Ian 6a prclrtHiit'd t A (maranttK of Trti)anviu-f, thn antcrf fclomont the iKfit, mul ttiK tt lir Oi 'I niilu ut MiniirvtBy. I i-i i i ptn m J o '-look. Coruui'-nre .'iuir;ar t' irtttf, CiKlM -r ADMln.SION. 3i CKMM. (Vifttrft..,, , WeanU Ithii l"..s.i, iifftst ;irt,iv , aprunff tu.v k, KAiuiiy t Ir'-lf S.au.l I Thv Ho OCior w.ii b opi U lYmii ',i U "J u'roflv, t'tif the hi.-tit urcu riu.tti, and t'i l,iiiosii of' Frlviat? H jxh. EilY E1LL00N ASCENSIONS, THIS AFlllKNOON AND KVKNINO, .SD l l lllXl .'LL CA1 WEtVllIEK THIS WF.KK, At Cor. of nriEENinaud OOATES Sta. Un weritl.er b"lnir tg-.e. those wlll.inp art asi-ni-lo, ,!eitiiil I ti iiuitj ear'y. Tlie eity J,u;ed lij yi, itrormi a n.eb'. ..t 'tete vt 'at .v. Aitur.,noii. .Ti lite. CM'.'r,n, con's -err, ie ns ttvtu 1 1 Ui t j, aecuram to tti(i:i,i!e and time f'HOUll, il-lu T'liiiiisr in:.iEcTi;i). Tt. a siln 'rat '. t. i..r V, r Si'. t A i. ,ti litre, ll.c i r.at w eri el. li.r, it i. i .! i . . i: ii. . ' ii..-ii i' (- : p-'.i It j.n , ; !.. i c . !(. i;. 1 . i v, t t i iv,: 1 1:.. (i1 1.1A V N T!' NAI. ( liters', AI M i' Mill 1.1'. AL.JVK f.ll II 1.1. I.ri,lrle Mr. I'll.t-LaiH l.AH.AKH (f.'ir.Il- J.I.a. J.'AN Kli 1). 1 1 it.li.n Dlmrior f. 11. H'L-'Ti.N 11, n:i I - !i I ,al.d Hl't:ittV.(.i, 1 A V.ll y , n.l ti ; r. 'i t i.i e - t t i, e sr. .,:r i, rL,t I ro u.e t . re , Jl ..un'i. r. ! r lli '.r-t '.iKf.i - Tilid I A I '.'I Nt.. aid e virv i .' .r.: I't.r 1 1 tit , I'c.rita 'I 111' l. ItlSdOS '.ml Ul'l i.l' Hi'MLli lHISlli .h:H A . ti. I., ll. 1.1 It I'lSdl U l O'l JCIIN II. .VI.HUll, ..,) :. kl .1 i : n.n.i.i, anil A-r. I am, .mil also Mr. Hl. KiN.M.ni, "tv ,...r vei'-::ie Clown. 'tvlll Ii" a w. , i. nl ,iittitl o lrntftt i-invviili linniral- It.idlnt r I. .nu. i , ot f r t.t m tu A.n n .i. M ri n r I h it,.ti,'it'c..iiAv 1,1 k a i imtiiv ir- TkhmkiKii, tnt tu .riurir.a..c. cil tUAUKi- en iM, DAI. f r.. i , n (iu. ii ti;r same. Vlr.t Tr, ."jOcenlft; ecend 1 1 r 2!j ct-tit,. Couiiutace 7 ill ivcrv evviiiinii M a:itr- I'.tA'il, I'STAIK OF (.'. it. LAM 11, E.ECEASK1). J i The Auditor arni-ln'eU bv tlm Oi-.;,ai,b' e'eirl fe. tl e C :y nu C.Mit ol 1 olln'leli-lna, to a itl:t, hettle, aid a "tut the M eowd aim) l itai a eouiit ot JAColi uia,.iLL mul ill A HI A It, LAM Ii, AUiull.ini alori ol Uie estate nt' ,'. 11. LvMII, dee.-auil. and lo n .t..t dhtrileitli.ti. w ill un et t'.e rirtl s iuternted. lor the jiurpy-.ns ol i.i, aw nlutmeiil, t'U lundav, llnili.t.'r 0, 1'.,.U , i k T- "I !" oit.ee, N... ',17 Witlul ISlriit, ''' ''ii'l-li'lin. .... ilW wlul. t i'-'UM CLAtlVl."1'10'1 L A. T K H T. WOOD & CARY, No. 7i0 OIIF.NNUT RTKKl'U-. LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, AlIi HUAt EH, ItKHT HTYI.IW. i.owi:mt iitioin. 11 NEW COimNENTAL EAT," ar tf -3 I) I? R k T K P I 3 S H . p. -Of.O m.VT.T 110 itTrl taa- rit 1UU aud vi re,i,a,d. WOOD OAKY, (to. t:f 0ll".St(UT ST.tHT. WANTS. f? I) A i.il.,Ml. wniiln hftjt-hmir'4 wmk Uv:n tn ntntc iionte. fit Hhf t; r y .ttiptmi-tji' iliut; inn n wii t .hi un 1 1 imti If. Hi r( o i MMt $ Tipi'l .'Hilliilil. A U ifilltt ul IU. ill ! Ill trill M rillt,ill tl" RIV tn s T' P l-'Tvi'll flfliriiiiv m.it:.1 ir iiA.,!n i'-r Hi-.- ft'ivi.iHa.r. A-iuri.- - - j ei ; .i, flkt It. I.- 11 Jl iAIll'UN'1 KKS V.ANI1.1). Ilyaiuit in fit, IlnrAit-rMKM or V ,ni . i ,,s, lirrK 1. Ol' t'tltki- (Jl .M'.TI'KMAsTI'ti, 1 IsoH.f.' l 'Oli, tt.iH 1'itiirte.ntli street, Ne,r New Yolk Avamie, I a ,11 1 uni'M. hi. temper -"'. I .4. 1 W.nl d lountdiatelv, Ullyli,,! t A li IK fl K ItS, Li to H Tttiiil Looktmi, Maryland. U'a.e. ." a ni .nlli, an. a rail .11 1 nrli wnrkniau will liriliR Ins unit att c.r i-ih.n. 'I laiiMtortalmn will t-e furnM.r-d Im tlieLo, eminent ltr tuo wcil.ii.iii and Hi Ir to i rrum tiiU elty in I' int l. ioki.ul. Ji.MN A. -.I.IH'.H, Colonel an il t lilof HuariermailHi . 11 1 iit'iiaitmeiil ol rt'.i.l.uit' ,n. tIJA.ltl-.IiJH 11. CIAllli.'.r BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At No. V, X. KLTiVESTlI STIU'.ET. Pi'.li. 11)1.1.1 itU. l'lilKOr.KLM -wi a(.i;ks or t itoit'K tlJ l.A.,IH I'll' NAI K 11,1 r I ..lit r -. Ti t-hi.no tsuda are a ti.aleo.i lite Itatllo 01' III. I'ltlT.K. In Yt H'ni'o tiud Crtiwt'tun eotinlie-. renniylvRi, a . Tin i an uiis.iiia-si'd l'j- an) mi. l.A.iui! uuaia tn - n.i.1 1,. I. a -i.t..r sule. o r rnoiH't ''i w h.L.,, now putiipiQj HO bartel-i tl oil "i uav. Inniilre or il-l et, itl.tiltiir. rt. lllSOWN' n 11 'I'.-lr ll.iein N J. li.!'. t.it aid l!'Hi:t. riiilaiiu. 7)lltoOJNAl. UK. ( IIAltl.ES IIL'EF.RT'S rurel) Imrorttd FIIFNCII FKMAI.R I.H1I. in anil P1LH, wairmiltd In all case.. Mri CliMlLK.s lll iiKltr. on stettieitl lliyslian. I'Tiiianne and oiiieta prtvrue lor Ladles. Aiinl) nt tlie llulAMC lulu aiultl-., No. 1019 COiTEH STREET, 11 -S.'i-tm Wi at of Tenth. OAL AT MUST COST COST 1RICK TO ul tvit lluallty. MiBriH.rach ( ntlilii.tf to una and a half tdiini. nt ll mi i nit, f cry ytar for twenty ynrs, aim tocttsn, ilnitiumia ot pruLltH fioro ilo nui))u coal, may mw ho otftaio' ,1 nt MO, ni, ab, l.rt f i n tutjsrrlMriK. nnl l alf .-n .It.niuny ;. ntxt, ot tl.o MLTCAL HKAlt MotlNTAlV I- l.'ANKI.IN DIAL O.Ml'ANV. Otllc- No. I.'I S. t 1 1 1 IC i Htn rt (opi'OHMo theOlriird ltanKk Htofk OaplUl. f-t lu ti'.rA,u flmvs KoNcivi'tl w oik im ciipltal, 1".'.6k Hharca. HoDHcrli.iinu of 4 fthare-i, ot 10 ftlmrn. ft); ol JD ih;i i ..$!,'.. : ol 'A' 8h:it, tl.'6; of X Htmies , tiu ; of 'JM ntifltrn. H'ToM. I a. bal.tup entitles tho 1ioM.t to reootvo, evory yr, r.m- mid n hull t -tis til' liual. at cunt. Ur M vtar. auJ l'-h Ijiiu-t.il, eeiy ti uuiuUn.ot the jiruilts lrom the sale of ttll Ml?(lNS CbHL M'm hhohhru who do not waul any (-cal may hava tlclr Crouiii tiOu ot cottl bi. Id hy the Company (or their uiptvial t ut tit, thy oruhtu bi-l'iB 1'iild over lo then. in. it'ind.Mit ot U.e iigular c-ithh lU-hkud-, to which thoj aro at Gill t't'll. 't lit i'oniiany iicsficii laRe and well built foal Works al li tiit'-iiii (in ar Triinont). with oxtfiilvo Aluiln ; aii.t '1 Imbn KiKiitN, uu excellent Dmible llrraker, Sloe Virk, lai ,e :tt.bl t.i.lm --, iiH lrods, and all oilir mm liiiitTy ami ppi'Hratun, tn lull -pt-rntlor, cap ihlo ol nilnitiy yu.i-oij I .ii", in beeteiniua io J iO.ivi toa er y.-ar. ThtfCoil li of tl.e hent otiiihty, rhuflvoi tho Illicit Ilcmh ami rrlmro-. elns, wht h, with s.-reral oiIkt vahirtbtf coal vi'ini, I'xtt-iid within the lines ot the Cum p invtoriwo iuiiuh in ii'TK'n. A hrmu lt ( I Ihu lit-.i'liu Kallroail tten.1a to the n-lno of ti e Company, over n hica Hit) coal la daily muxl W liimkt 1. Hiorklinklera may order their Cnal io any of thouaual ii. tz. . Liuiip Coal, Hroki-n, Kkk. ritove.or Kut Coal. all at tho prefent to'.t price ot 7 w per toti, u-ltvcrud at thi! houso, within the unnal dl-tnuce ct the Company'! coal yuid iu thu uoithmi, ur.dUle, and louthwra pjr ion ol the i Iiv. Tin t-'oii'pany and all the, mining works arc elear of Jeht, yt.it all t iMTiiiious arc uon'iuru u un iiiocisn prm- ipit. 1-or clreulara and Mibicrlitiioiii apply at tho Oillco, No 120 H. XlilKli tttiatl, neeuu'l Hour, oppoiilta Uirard liank. Aknt for ItoadlnL'. MrtTor Iloror. board ot Dlrcctortt Willi am r otd, l. II. Wolfe, Bohurt 1'. Kins. ll. Uimo-ie. WM.SCIIMKl.E,l'ivHident. A. B. ,Iahii.k, Secretary. 11 :M-lia TFAD1N0 HAILHOAD. FOR THE COX A t veniriice nt' nolUKTi und others vhdtluK "Camp lli chiTjro." near i print' Mill, a upocliU Huniay p:iaieuKor tram uiil run heiwet n l'hlladi. tpLia and Fim-nlx ll'e inrll fnncr notlco, romin-neln: tiiiinlay, November I.'i, 11, M avibK i'hi'aJriuiua ut a. h anu riu r. m., aim roturu liiK from rhuiiilUeat l' A. M.aud.l-or. M.. itopplug aiu.intation. u. a. jik'ulm, U-lj-Ut Oaneral Superluteudcnt. TUILADKMHIAf WILMINGTON. AND X ALlLMOl;K KAILROAU. i;llAM'K OK HOURS. Onandafttr HI SOAV, Novtiuber 1 1H, Pat4?nircr trains loave lliliadelnlila hr it.utim.,r at .Vtio (Kmt.. Alonuayi exeeptoi),8'01 A, U .. I ' M.. :ii 'I ill) and lu 3U r. SI, CUaturat U U A. M., 1190, 4 00, u'30 a 4 II C r. si. WinrliiHr-a at 5 t .Montlayi eeeptod), 8 05, 1111 A, ll., i'.Hi, 4-vu, io jij and 1 1 r. m. hew Caitln at (H-c-. A. ii. and 4 Jl. luvir at 8 o.', a. M . aud I 0U 1. M. aiilfnrd atHtVj A. M Uaiiahury ut h't.'i A. If. 'I'HAINK 1-OR rHTr.KPKT.rillA Lfave Baltimore at Hli, b M A. M. (Kiprai), 1 lt. J- Hi. tr:, and lu I. Jl. WUmlKt-u at I T 14 A.M..U 21,1 -0, 2 0, 4"t C and lo'ft -' ValUtury at 11 1' A M. lUlordala o m. 1 Kv r nt fi i ft A . M ., and 15 T. M. X,'W r wtL. n.t s bit A. At., ami t t0 P. V. Cheater at ait., O'AO A. M.t 100, 31J, 500, 7' JO, 9 U P. U. Lavf Baltimore forHalHhtiry and UtermetliaU Stallone at iu-:,. r M. I.a e UaiilUaOre for fever and InterwdlaU stalWm at ' TRAINH rOR PALT1MOKB I.aava Theater at tv-cdA. M..3-I1I and U ol P. M. t av WLUiiuitt. n at ti il, K A. Jd.,8 il, . .aad 11 40 P. M. rt lyht Traiiif,wUhraeeni,xr Caf attached, will run i t.,l iiv. r Leae WiimJiiKttx for FcrryUlleaHdhiUrmedlatrplacei at 7-M P.M. HI NDASr-Only at -ViW A. M.,10 H)P. M., ft-omrilila- Atiphia to altlnM ie. j-rom I'bl.. dt lpi.-a t Wiliniufeton at V00 A. M., 10" JO, ai d 11(1' i'. V. I -t m A'tlapicton to rilla1elfhiA at 1 4 A. M. anil 0 ;ii) P. M. Vi. at J0-'0 i. H., iroin lUi-'itcor to t'ulUi. Iptra. SI'-ECIAL fiOTICEfJ, Co t'l-lICK l.K Till-: I i u, ,11, , Ivt CIHl blory, N ll JON UI. .'.'. H i IliKii Sir. e:. . tai..r .'. in:,. I ' ; rt t'.l' S . if i t iim r.i .t.' in on i 'u 'it 'll' ol' me l'i.iii.tiy, i n MnN nt t l'..l., lur li.t'iu.in , f -..,.,' 1.' tl." :i.!.-r't iif t I.i JUilM C. -Mil. 1.1.V ItH'K, 8icret.r. .lit- In 111 l.t ' , ru.t if 'i, u : J . "lc. Llil ll Vi , I ia. ri.'- ll-'...-ir: 'UCK.-IJH l( EOF rilli .MAI'I.h' tUaf.lt. cii r-ny.Mc..l rVtl.HI f nttcet. l'.i .'.a .1 , i ;.a, N .Mul' c-'.' I l: I. Tt ',t ti i.f It ti' till 8 ll . i C ).. ' I. h V d " i ' I : TC .1 I t! I ' ll''mt ti I (il H I'l " i 'I.N 1'. i n tnr I at.iliil h uvt., p t .-.,(. ie t I and a'tr V.r '-tin ill't., i k'A f lt...'H. l.t btm' s vill iii- c t ,eil iiir trau-.iv. uu li. '.wlli iU: , l J S. M., 11. J i j .' tl 1 11 11 1 jl :n . 1 t't T7!OMAS P.. fcKAliLI'.Scrrctarv. oturi: or thk okmsby riniio- 1(1 111 t iiu.i an .'. So. :.7 tl TlllltH Slrs.'t. I'm: Al t :.i 11IA, Nitveii.urr .'.1, li.l. A OA Ull nil cf TWO ANU ONI.-1IA1.I-' 1 i ll KM'. L'fcji it , O.iy (Ir.K.riil ,iu tl.i 'itjtt..l Slotlt nf tins t'jui f.. i.y civiitil .nl held un it i' '.IM'i I 'Ut. 'li In- aid on auJ alr lli'i'i niltrr l.lf' -l. (ilt-vii -haw 11 i.oui:ia- i- .liituoKt;,Trtjsurrr. lil MOVAI.. OKI U i: OK TIIK CITY Itnint v I untt t 'in.Bii.lW!1. liiUioavt'.iltJi lli.lld- iiiK, No. till) CUiiSJSL'l sireei. ,-, KOVIMIIR" 1'.', 1SI1- '1 h TV'ttrtlY Ktmd CiimirtlS'lon has ri'iunvcil il ffli -a fri iu Hit. tli I rune Ml,-1 lo tt", ti l 'lt.Nl'T Kln ut (-ni.iiil n.,r.v. win rt .tJU ttfit tlaiij.as ImroUimm, lioni ii lu i'i'o I', M, . -n josis num. 8viry- tf NATIONAL UNION CITY KXKC- " IC-e ( mnntlcr A o ao;'ninio.l mealing of tha ( It t Fi ote C"r,nilo-e of thr National Otiton rrj win bo ho.d at the tn't-n Itiltb II Mle, No. It. a", t UK,SUT rllr-x-l.on I KltA Al 1 1 l!.t".1. !'" ' No,emOar. at . i, arik W II.I.IAM KlXIOlT.rr-llaant. U""'.TV "" ' ! aecretartea. 11 la w m. u brM", , OKl'ICK OK VKTFRAN HOT'NTt I ( onmll"0. No. 7 lloi.liiRlTli aiMlil,, I luimn M,.uut I hl ,t'li...m He eoli,t-1 VAtoraiil. who did ti" wrt en Ward lloimtT. al e eilltid to a C't'r I'..,bp- ot 1 wet t ni iK-llaf Tin' lnimlal(ara aidli.i4-t t.i manlne , lalm f..r -ie i!al heanty jf lw nt. nn!ol'n i . I n on MONliAV, H'llilM l'A s. a ,n I laDAVs, it o'rtiM-k r. M., a 1 i l-r-MiTH a II ai.i , l IHHh Sttv. t r r,t,n omiUisl U tblA licnnty ar.- r'TMHed o apol) at t"' Olllca. r r mi-vt.j-es ixl'm ""'"S'fHAV ni'M.or-t, cau:. j nn.li, 1 1..). w. si moo . Kl'WiJH l:KHi PI. i ll-4'tat I I C7 K Lobig,ii Coal and NavigationCouipivaf , I'lil' ;'. ililii, ovfmVr Tl, WA. A lUVIll-M Of I- IVK. l'Kl CI'.N r., nn, r w lic:.:.AHs A "r unr t!KlT ir an era ou ilii Caitit aJ Mi,ck id" tue Iv.nipanv, has thu iifh-aaj dt- iiu e1 1 r tiiu Woard ol Sdnuaiiai ,, TATABI r. ON Jl.SU Ai'TUt TJISPAY, THE 23th INSTANT, CIF KOI UNITl l BVATI.d AMIMlATIi "lAlr. 1,1NV1N WAIllUl. ti at TT.uA.surten. or I. st irsrvjrTio.N.H. Thuni. tt'ii On- 1 1. ii Jl! hut;. r p'lirn $l.U$ t.f m-K-vflHI-fi-i, n a wi rl. Hi i" M,;' si-vn UM9 of A ..nt. I l icrnt'orj , (r.-i ira I' J A'lr(;t,"iiy r-n- n: iu U il.-ituriwi, c:f.ti .11"'' t" i1 ' -otnc 'T.t( ri.uipHiiir i.t.w ti k , a-iu t nn H. Ii'-r Tii c tLi iiif !t..fi ; nt a 'm iIv Ik- ii,i ror. I h f ih-.i i.'Khitf tn I wi it.. ibto-'-rtN, eK- t lli-'ir t'tll' or, an I maftC thMT lmr. ft.'1 ftvHl lc iJthrr ft tl. Itm of rbTrttkf. ftf I cft tl, liii i-iiff-lt ti; il il' "in i, two or iitii P pynifM ( ,-:i t i l I- :.tliM ..P'. 'ilKl- A nl.rn. Alrf'tlv ibo fuji)'llf ut i m urcl A t1.' !' wnip ntK rt, i.'i MOM ' A V nr i , lo m . in onr or iqi t ut' 't o ia:na:a!a k it"i, crv.-t at od '.t uttnly to ih;n' s m vimiM'".. K r . e-r. K'lHUTH R,ui ALM. I inwIm, iViiada., II ti It Oi 1.. l.OI'.l'A.'J riiu. , N.:t; WA1.NUI K- orncK of tiik nra.AWAHK Mrti.ai ii.iaiance Comfan, Pli.iail.ip.na, H- cuher '. l-xii, ISO'HI ) 'Tt ll TMr "ill iwiiii stat unlit oi u.t mi r' h Pomonf pit M. .!.(. in c ant. nn Uy v. '.tli a ptovihion ol iiitii i-p Pri'tol"!" TfC ! l f. in Sr.", 1 ,1. Ml. to Cl. Jll, l&rl Oh Mi.L.r ami iniatil Ht-ks Ji.'t.i"! ;M On 1 in' ai. -hi US.! l 2.m 09 I'ri ii''!iti in iv-iici tnot in.irkrl on, a v. 1, xii. fri rr"ni" rn.i rVdl T aa eitr'K'.t fntn V jveuilr 1, Ha, I .Or" . On .,'a Un i it tr:;i. ! - io and Inland R sin..., IS..f4l rt lt.iv., l-i" 7 . r-H.KI M Iiifrt ilur'n irtmc pr)o I al- , i...... .'ll-t.-MI 14 ir tha ytir a, aiHy. .ti-in ill Wl H , ti tl 1 ' Ji-I cj.t.l l i lll.l'lil 'M I..1-.-I, V' pi ll ;m, Ac, it' Mil.!... anl lii.aiiU Ha I 1 in- 1 .0 ( - l..t;i:u I I -Hlitllu. ill i iitliral 1 ,v A.' tn y t l aii.'.'i Adit rtt.'i ir. I rintiiiu. A.' ' 1 .tcs- I Ititt .1titi , 'I till I'ri' iiiii.tu -. i n. 1. 1- . .-,l.tni. ac. ... :i.ty) 11 1 1 W, T f .Mi-'U.n,, ba.ai.v-, It' ,r, -.'1 It. us'. 'W 11 .i n i't; t '- . It s' . ' ( I' D am 'irt t f t taAtu iM tlVHi, x .J 1 ...ma. A.1L1 nr TIIK C'VtPASV, Ntiviniiliri 1 , 1.1. $f) !, ') I'til" I H'.a'cs I 1'tT Ci it I.oa n. II . Jltrt.W 0 m.iio 09 T.VA 91 Mi M " SS.SW 0 i!tfi ir l't.SM 9 ,190 0 3.0M 0( IH,li5 00 13,000 Ot l.'4,T00 tt HI, 7-V' '1 1 nl' 1 ptitfi ,i.a 1 r ( out. I. inn, l'9-l I l 'iticn M.UiiK Hia 2'i't C'cnl. Lo.irl, ll0(iv) s ot I cunt li aula, r'ne tat 1 tut 1 1. tin M,M"t Hlali-ot ri-liiivlvuj. la, IsiX I'oi t ei.l, l.nbli lMro Cm nl riillaiiclplilti, Mx P-r Cent. 1 (tin liH"' Prmyl aula Kuilrond, lat Murtiiiic, h i't r I etit Hutu,, ,rt0.f iV 1-1 nv ii aniu liatlma l.'-'il .Mt'rih'ano, llv I't-rt cnt. Iltini.a l'.i 1 0 .' .Hi -1 a.es stif k i .uriiianUiw n ti, t iituiiany, principal and inti-rct itiiai; tititJ t' Uie Jily uf i'ltlla- iltirl.ia t,"'0 1.'t' Ml ari Stoca reuiialaiii.l llallioail t'otrjian, ,0(O 1'4 m.ajva hmck North Pcun.vl- vatna lt..llriiad L'ntiiiianv oO.Cfrl Tnl'dl mat., Tna-uij tenlil- ratiiH ol" Intli'lil.dncB nO,0iKi Ht-t of Touiii'S.ae tlio Por Caut, Loan l'.'STI) Loati, en I'iii.! aiiJ M'irl(iai,'n, aini'iy cturt.a $,Vt0 txr. Coat, $l'J.l0O : ilarkt-t Vain. Real Estate I'-llli rpcelv.ii.lo for InHttntnct' made. ItalaiTt duo at Av-nciuH, l reinitiiui in .Marine 1'olnica, Arciucl lit torcat, and ctliur dobts due tin ( oQip4iiy Scrp and Hiuca oi'Suudry ItMiirain e and other 1 1 inpitiiica, f V;i inj. Kfeiinialtd alnu Cnvli on depoait wtth 1T.H. i.iovcn mint, ub;vct tti ten tL.yVcatl (V C'aal. Ui banks i,IM n-l ( Htili lu lratr &h vi l-i-.r.r r 'l'i,)KI0 (a) lltf.'iaW iS 1,.W1M4 0 ' f I'nii vni t rMiu, N.emhrr n, 18.;4. Tho Bard of l.rc- . toi liae ttui Caiy iifciart-d a ( a-n Dividend of TKN por cent- "ii tup capital Mock, and SI V per cent. Interest on tho rcrip of tlm Company, payable on and alter tha Ut ot 1 'oct inter pioiimo, fue ot IS'iitional aud Stat taxes. t' Tin y Imve aho dcHnrcd a Snrlp T)Iv idem! of FORTT J .A-a,,... 11,1, ...Miail nP.,n.liim. Inr Ilia ..ar Al, ,1 1 n it t W- . tvt'er ;tl, Iw 4, ctTUikuteii lor m Inch will be issued to ttM . I Carllei entitled to the aarte. on ai d ufiT the lit uf Decent- J cr proximo, liee of National utid state t a ... a They have ordered , also, tliat the acrlp certificate.! of L prontaol the Company for the yoar lw o he redeemed la f 1 anil, at the otUce 01 the Company, on and after the Iat ol t Inreuibcr proximo, all iatcrft llicrcon to uoae on UiaA i day. 1 JSo rcrtilcate of profl'n Ixaned under Bt tlie Act k . Ineorirailoii, "no cernilcatc bh.ill lue unlea claiiaeJ ' v.ithin two yeura after the due ariulon of tho dividend tf wheii-of It U eriUeiice." T DUlKt I ''UN- Tlmmai O. Hard, Batuufl E 8tokt, jovn . . uav in, til iu mid A. Setid'T, Thcophilui rau.utii-;, John K. l'enroe, Jauiea Tr.mtm'.r, Henry C Iuli".t,-Ir , tlanitM ('. liatul, Willi, un C I ndvr i, Joseph K. M. ;il, (itorce vl. I.tipcr, 1 1 tit h ('tn lir. .si. r , rciioiian, lleorv Sloan William i It. u I ton. Kdv aid IailluHt-n, 11. Jt.i t-a Ur-Mintt, .lacnl) P. Jopes, J.itneH It Mor arland, Jdhhnii 1. Kvre, Npeticer Mrllvkdne, Jolm lt.irnipU), litt.lurf, A. 11. Bi rgtr, de ft Aiurt burton. THOMAS C. HWD, Prnaldent. JOHN C. UAV1H, Wce-lVCideat. HiMtY T,n at nv, Secretary. 11 INI m THILADI-LPIIIA, NOVKMBKR 1;. i J. O. kdM- N'iAKTKS', Treaiurer, la account wiU :i,;htti Wurd llunty r uud. f DB. I To tia'ain-a fr m last account $177 IH T Bulntrii.th-ni iii in m -9 do tr lieprvtiuntutive Ueciuita.2M W cit. v By ptnaeofnual credits $191 in ' AoveriieniriMi, xr , i t i ai' iireM'iiiiivt) rei'ruit w) . "WnnX lountJea , (N I 1 Hal a nee uu hand 174 ws i $4HW II B The fore Toinjt acroant l fdmiitted for the Infonaatioii of .MibscrlberN to th eighth Ward Homily Fund, acd (IU- 1 2MiH of that wurd liable to draft, In the present active i volunteeilnij movenunt It 1 drtirable tn acenre aa many, recruits at pototthle to the crtidlt of the Eighth Ward. ' 3lonf y experdfed lor thin purpose now wll be ol great nae ' In htiplru to llll up the veteran regiment In the field. The j, dut of KtitniK vo)untera wun nevermore proamuit: th facllliifa for doiau a never greatur; tho ailvjuitages ol ' lri bipt, iiuMietUJtf aotl 'D, never more tipparent- f The i itiens ot toe Kikhth Ward are nrued aafti tomak , , Mihft rU't.ons l.r iliupurpobe.aiia to forward them will.- . i out iii lit v in "I J.n. ItOHKNU HTK, Treasurer, 11 3 Ml rawf H. W.cor.HiAlUauJ WAI.NL 1 8U ' OFflCK PENNSYLVANIA KAllVi i;OAUt:oiiiANV. i Fun ad' i vnt a, Nnvemlier 4,lHfiI. HOTICE TO HUAKKH()IJjEI4H. Tie Ptanholiltri of tine eoiapany aie notified ttiil ninler lti-..lutin) in' the Boatl oi luie!tori they are, ant tied to m but nhe to ttie stock of the Company the uiuoun ol IKS I'J.H C'KNT. cn tiie.r t ipectiva Interest, v frhown lv their Ix-oksof the'Jd tnttan:. Fa. ii - l.;irhoiti er.iiiho to a ir.u tlanal part of a 'liar 1 pniierthe ttnas of the Hi'bOlutioii, s.iall h.e tlieprtvl lne of huliiciibiiiK fur a full si.re chU puyuicntoi iUW l l. Jfi. k he S' und nt ti e c.r va.MC of fmv flnl .: I'.t a i.itf. Ar r I i..t.-rt l'i:K CKNT-wla He t ift;i'd iroio hr f .int....t liir.il rioio .1 in made. Tin' IU I'M :r itib cnpi-n an! p .vun will be uviei cu AI'NiA , the ;h inafMlt, an: 1. 1 n.e on the i i I'tut ini.fr no '.i, r.'.u i- wl.A'h noi'iiitlKr u'j-iti'lptlvn . iM t T" t .. d ii Dilt r f i"1 r 'i ''i tit'i:. lMM-:li--:i T HUM At) T. iTRTII, Treasurer. - l'V.NNslVliVANlA K.V1U10AU COM TlV 'KTKT.'-' riT.IT-ll N'T, f Ptlll Mill "III. Noveiiili T 'ti, lGlil. t Til" Ti anl of I'l (in ri It.ivt't f il iv ilet Ijii'J i. .iial (.,,.ai iln.Jtvtl or 1 IVH I'm l.'K.N tr. tm Uf t'apiti (iio k c li ci oi.ii..iur, i'i,.ii oi uULUrtl aud but.UiAC; I'Ay.iliL' oti ti iitl .ititi 1'ilt it .t. I'.w.r. ct Attorn. ir cllt-:ttn o'dlvliler.da ranbetia Mi ortilli'iilit t. ut tlie ilLuc U l'.i .' iiiip.iliy. No. J ' r il'll.li Hint. Jlit.AI i. r nil H. A'l'eutiurar. Jl-t-iu ",f- NCTlUK. ALL I'KKSONS HAVINt ' (-1. ,ni, annil-t 11. I H l"N l.Raili t or any it. i ....... til it,.,, nrcawiil llivnl to the nntlr .iiii., I l lr, lljlbL n lite ml" r, lull, at No. I J1.J t" iltf 1.1. r Kir..!. JAaILS L. CLAtlllUHN Jl-11 l.ltl XrcAiitirr. riTV TKEASUUKH'S OFKICE, N mZJ vfnii'cr 8, 14.1. 'i'ii. l'arnil'.lr( 1. airs lor tri, U ....i., i... h.i.i ua. irTii... liKMllt HUM If. City TrcA'urar. , trr..?- AH MY, NAVY, AND CITIZKNt WJ t'tatlilna KriibroldiTeU. Sflouhlt-r ttlraua. Wraatol o., Ul tj t. ai.ua.n.u, at v.ijt tciiuutui'i h f r AKR, Merchant 'i'aikr, 10 8 SB Xo.Ml'rUbt.l.avvlCuoitliJ 01 el w Vt CI HI ol ct ti' vt N C tl P c m U O It II M M o M K N Ci Oi let uf th an ill 8" lj be ut Cll Tt tie th lai n co do Ci Dl. At tli th In th tlit Bp Ia G( nit "aNt tin It t. mi an un ml nit ' 'n of as cn i f..i Ull a. i HI, Lu i, tit on !, ii tvt in. of