aOit i iii.Vfnii JEY1ENIMG- PRICE THREE CENTS. nilLADEIIIIA, FRIDAY, NOVKMBKIl 2i, 1SG4. PRICE THREE CENTS. fCcn. Sherman's Army Jlatest union reports. yshennan's Prescmt Position and Plans. MISOLATION OP HOOD'S ARMY. THE SAVANNAH RIVER. itre>h ard Ferzcnncl of tho Ar.ry. Ete,, Tie., VAC, Etc., Ktn.. Etfl., B(e. The Indianapolis Stair Jui.inai of Wc iues lay s the following Ntieruiitit'fl AilvnncP. "A gentlemen, who arriv-d here yrstcr liy crninc direct fiom Chattanooga, reports thit informaii-m had rea lied th it place picv.ouj to kis departure Hint tho column of Sherman's fjnlrj which hail m ive.l ia tha direction 01 Krtion had reached that place 03 t'10 evening O'' the liih m-t , and had surrounded tuo city when the courier li ft. '1 he other column of cavalry .m hinir ahead on the direct route to Augusta, at which place we will doubtless bear from them at a early day. "II ia expected thnt both column will form A unction at Millcn, a pmnt on tho M 'nn, Au- rmt, and Savannah KatiroatK one hundred and It mid a en-t of M icon, and fitly niles s of Augusta. Tncy will thun he on the direct route to Kavaunub a. id I! amort. Both Macon and Angutn are extensive nianiilactiiring cities, and Jeff, llavis In a recent -pec 'h declared that the. latter place alone supplied all tho pii'.vdor used by the Iteel armies. "Hood I completely isolated, ft.ivanaau is already useless as a blockade-running port, Charleston will noon be cut oil, and thei Kbcr mtn with bis victorious army will he fre3 to act aa tirrnnistance a tnav demand. His army will b on the. feacoavt ready for emli irkation a', a niomrni'e notice, and can be uaod as may ha denied the most advantageous." The Milwanklo H'ciouou of Wednesday rpcaks thus of Sitirrnntti's 4Jniil MaiTinenlH. "We have advles iliin morning, th it Sherman hss moved on .Macon, and thence on Angusta, wbich he will fortify and hold permanently. Ono column will also move on Milludgcville and tavnnnah, which ia in nc npy the 1 ittcr city unJ open tbe Savannah river to our transports and fnnhoma. Augusta is 1 10 miles from S tvannah, and at the head of st.Miiihoat navigation. "Afti r we po'ess F.ivannah we can eisily sup ply an army in Augusta. There i alt a railroad betwien havami.ili ai.d Augusta. It now look a if .Sheriiiiiii in end to permanently occupy the line of the Savannah river, which will bisect the Noutheru Coined, racy, leaving Virginia,, North Carolina, and Mouth Carolina on the one 'aide, and Uenritia. Alabama, and Mississippi on the other. Tbia will be a far mora serious bloat 10 tbe Confederacy tban if Sherman had marched pen Charleston or upon Wilmington. General Thsniaa holds tbe line of the Tennessee, (Jeneral r-ncrruuu me nuv Ol (lie n.ivaiuuin, uuu eiiurui Candy tbe MScsiaaippi. The Coufe 4crney ia n vr .1.- :-. . i o i. l l b Deinfr cut into anmii sectiona, in wmcu wo can more easily master the itcDcillon. ' )l "Ocnernl Klierinan'a force coimiits of tho l ith, i.l irn. utk 171. ....i .Kiii. in u Kn iv.ui i "l ftintry. There are Uooo picked civ illy, and a iB hundred and twenty-live pie 'cs of artillery. In Pi all reapecta lie is ao well atipplied, and tho men in ate to cotiriiirfous. sell reiinnt, uud hardy that, S a General Hbcrmnn wrote to his father in-law. IhonoaKwIiig, 'No man ever before commanded lien an army. "The intention of General Sherm-tn to fortify and hold Augusta ia ot imme isumhle linpoit ance. Tho march throiiKb leori;lii npon Bab would be merely a raid, but tuu encaueiit occuiinuon of tbe line of tho Savannah river m lkea u Mui.'L'erinir blow at tho heart of the Keliellion. cannot pe. nut Auiruaui and HnviuiEuh to oc oreunieii wlUiout a (letorminea (tfi rt to dinlodce onr army. If I.ce can dcUch n portion ot bia annv from Richmond ho undoubt edly will do it. Hut (lenerul lirunt i there, lie love" our ruusn and he loves Siieruin n as his own hrether, nnd ho would ra'her SHeririets hiimclf tban pcruiit Wherman to bo embirrasicd or de feated by t tic dhcrki in of Lee's annv. We must have atirring uud decimve events before the 1st of Deetniher. Tbe I. nut Woul fnnn mieriurtii Before I'nriinic. 9trrtipondne of the Cuutnuti Ccamerttil, HKAnoi Obvkiiai. Siihhmvn, Kino- tow, Ua.. Nun ruber 11. We are oil' to-m,)rr J.v. Done mined ns tioui Koine to day. Tbe road will be bu-ted fro-n Iti'sa'. do vn. The last train leave Atlanta to-mht for tho Kortb. The nrmv la In splendid coniil'ion, and a roo 1 manv more in number tban we thought ia the orth. We expect a quick trip. Khrrmnii's Aim l ltllotlie i'fliili'de- raey, Vim lc CVr', .Vuie.itt e 'i 1. l"he real object of Gun ral Sherman's nnve- mcent l the ilivislnu ot the noutnerit u )iiieiie- rurv. Let an aruiv cl.;i urc and hold Auilitl, and secure ihu p iamxe of thu S tviuniii river liv thu eaii. in j of Siv.ini'ah, or let it ritlnci) f'liarltit n nnd c t iOIi-Ii coininuTiict- tivn between II, .m fort uml Aiuuita, and with Atlanta in our buud, ill im isjiblo bairlir of I'Y-lcral mecl w.iuld utrctcii praeit. tally all the why from Louisville to tho aca. throuth the veiy he ,rt of th ) Conledi racy. Thus With me priat isiatcs or xcoegin, riunui, Ata- ama, Arkansas, Mis-i-.ippl, and I-oitisiini aeparati d trom the rest of the, Kobe! domain, with Xorth and Si.u h Ci roliou virtually h inmcd in liv i uemi ai in ics, uud V I v'lnia, or an its imp in ant p irf,c.,n: ;ili n:ly sur,' lun led, the C (Ufedorato would m a nuort inuo exi-t mwii ro nave in Intury. eriiEPAL sulridaim',-: ahijy. Onr liSHlr.v Aiiuiu lit Iul ion Tlie li lt tleul 11. nut lUi ly'N i:uiire Army EiiliHti.d lor Six H mirfc llm Truups lillny n rntliiiNiiisiu - Ht'rslittw'i iieirl lls liou 'mo imm-t'u4!i.tra ttnti il Sfnttcr (I lMliiclttiikiilN f o imike up lli t iKoii.c;. ,arl'M Ml rent; III nml ftmilloii Itln'.niriil-itiir r'oM'rw Itfllre llRU(lnnui li.-ttiss, ior itf lllff ltt InIiiiih I' I'oh.-II, lifsiii, ami Cuslr l-'iill mid iMlt-rvHllUK lelnilil lb i Alt.iir.Dtc OHllllHS TO HOVU, A7oVloik on the morning of the 21 hi the ttne cavaliy divisions of General S!ierldaii'e army moved. General 1'owell and Ddvin, tho latter couimaiiding the 1st Cavalry Division in General Mcrriti'a absence, ueru at the time en. camped on tbo Winchester mid l'font Koynl pike, tliia lido of Nineveh. General Ciibtci' held petition on tbe middle road, and the line from tbo iufuntry to tbo North Mountain. In accordance with orders, Generals Custer and 1'owell moved siinuliuncouslv acroa the roHutrv for INeMtoii, where they met and con. tinned their nuiii li up Ihc valley ou tbo valley juke, (kiieral Cu-tcr tnKiti.n the advance. At tliu kuine lime thtit f'tislcr and l'oa ell were moving 8H stated, Gi i.eral lkvin iif, d to Nincvah, uud theneo to l'roiit Hovul. t:tt An both branches ot the iSlicnundouli, and Coiitiiiuinu' up tha I, may valley. Doth horses and men earned thuii' own rutlons, and the whole command was ia Iho lightest possible murcbiug older. TUB VIllKT 1IIV01 AC. Tbe column moving In the ShenandouU valley reached Woodstock at bulf past five o'clock on the evening of the 21st. litre It bivouacked for tbe night. The day bad been rainy, and as night name on a merclDK cold wiud set lu, causing tbe man to sutler to a more than ordinary degree. Onlv three ot tbe enemy scout were round lu town, and these scampered off on tho approach of onr advance. During the uight tne town and immediately surrounding neighborhood presented a very brilliant appearuueo. The blazing lircs in town and out of it, aud the red and white light in front of the respective commanaing omcurs liKudouarter. irave the whole scene the appear ance of an illumination, which of coaioc in a measure It w as. TUB MABC1T liNtWBl. Boon after daylteht on the msrnlng of the 21 d the advance waa continued. Thu day was neither fair aor otherwise. The fickle weather wa at timet il frown and then again all imilo. Tbe wind was aa plerc g a it had been the n'.:'it U'fore. Many, tuiih otli ers and men, hid n walk in erder to keep their hands and feet fr m beeim ii g In tiun bcd. Kinht and left tho h .li Vcwnrg tin nn ii nii looked line huge piles of silver, ns the 'im "trnek the II eey wnlte n cv ui on ilo in, r, fl.'c lnir in brl.l air r ivs. Tnis day 'nrral 1' , well's Division was in tho al.auc , Carter followinf;. Tim ii k r Mi'ruiiV' r, or - nr vni.hv. We f, und the" enemy's mounU! 1 videtus on Niiirow I'.,-"are ciee,; , justi;iu'!i nf Kdcn'cirij. Th-i en in v 8 p. kit I :.c was a i orti n of Wi k- liura'a I r,g d . of llos.r' lov ion, an I wa I ur.d oi. ilr II. c oi Stony ere k. To. ticket lin.' at en.i t, d to 'ho.v r.onm istan"c tor n ir adv, n c. but has ipi . k y driven in by a d p'oved tirtai l.inent of the '.'1st " New Vork, Major t.'ns I'uviDi in, ling. vDhNurKii oc i i ian. On rnbring tho town we could a-ert in noU inn tie in i ot the ei ernv'a w l.ereaim's or lr rn'.h. '1 ' e reports j.iven liv the t .t; '.ens were t ft ctini: inth-'ir character, .luagcneruuy pro c I i II fc u il if ). THE rtusr f INK OC TllR IIMP.VIY. frxin afa r we came upon a forr.) of tw i Hetcl r gimetit. the lid and tth Yirgudt, drawn up in line ou a ol ground jn-t hevond il i vk lis- ville. This is a sinnil place, situated between I'.detiburg and M unit Jackson. Oe leral Tib lett s llru'ode waa at once or.h red forwird, wheieupon three regiments of the bna lo tiie lst NewVoik, Nrli (Ono, Col nel Mure ,'0'ii mnralitig, and the 1 ttb Tencsylv inia, M ii ir lb i- on in command charged and drove tbo, U.'bele from their i o-:tion. a rt iia-. iT, The chase nfier the retreating Rebels was a wild and exciting one. General TorliTt, who comniuiiiled the whole movein nt, as chief of envalrv, having expn'fs 'd a desire for a prisoner, Lieutenant Merrill, of General roweil' staif, together with one of onr bct seouta, were seat for a retreating Kcbcl and enptnred hou. Mcr fill had to strike the prisoner three times with bia rabre Weture the unfortnnalo IteNil would aiirretiiler. We could easily have killed him, but that was not the object wa hid in vie. We wonted to take libit alive, rloon after more of the akfdaddlicg Rebels were oveitak.'ti and f roll). lit in as pnauner. 1NFOKMVVION IIIOM rHISONKUS. from these prisoners, and from o'.bcr aoirccs. we learned that Kershaw Dh is.on ha I, on Fri day last, left l'arly's nrmv, moving aomliward, und that l'.urly had Iw n reinforced to the ex'en' of the number of men taken away by rteraii.'uv from various Rebel e itnmands, noiy concn. trated, but hirctoforo ae.attercd in different parti of tbe Confederacy. This iufor nn'ion 1, how ever, deemed reluiblc. Tho fru ' of our rceon- nuisance tend to conlirni it. THE HOl'TK TO MOt' NT JVCKSOV. In passing tip the valley to M cmt .la :Us m, the north loi k of the Shenandoah riv r was iionour left. At several points tbe iilltc rial rana.jn close to tbe river bank. .lust on tho other si io of the river a lew dure devil of th" incmv'a cavalry kept in plain sight of the pnsing column, but just out 01 range ol our c amines. Two ot these teliows were particularly Harm". I hev ret unod their posiiions while tbe column wa passing, and reviewed it at leisure. It was u use goiu' after fhem, for they could take 1 1 ihc rnouotain not far from which they were, uud lb. to our pur tut must end. 4H111VL AT MOI'Xr J AC K SON ; RI.Y Wrt-ILU 1 OHl K NK Ml r H VXD. On arriving at Mount Jackson we Icarni 1 thit a heavy lorco of the enemy was iiou our right, R.HI the whole ot fcarly s army w as not m ad vance, hi ing thi side of New .Market. Our ob ject being to ascertain if this was really so, wo eontiiiueil to go forward. Other than skirmish ing, nothing more tmu-plic l until we bad gotten directly in front of Rood' Kill. noon's hill. In order that tbe reader can more readily com prehend what I am ubout to relate ia ngar.l to the battle thi n and there fouir.t, it is necessary to Ci scriiio the lull ana surrounding iiclglioar- hood. Thu hill, from tho aide of our approach, is a high riilgc of open hind. On the right is the north fork ot tho Shenandoah river, on the left 1 e uktd Ridge, a mountain. In front of the hill Is un open plain. 1 he plain is tin extensive ono. Gn this side ot tbe plain the Khenandoah river en ith tho pike. There is a ford at the pike crossing. Just on tin aide oi til,; river is ot nigu Mils. Mauling upon the hills upon this side, it is ensy to oh-erve any and all movomeuts m i lo, not only upon the open plain, but also uoti the untimix n a Komi urn, opposite, itrtua ronsiilered tho next siro i ,'est p union t ) Fither'n Hill in the Va ley. Tticobjo it in keep ins a Rebel foiec ut this point is to prevent our going through the coturry nlon r the line of" i;i cieik, nnd thence to Luiay, andulso oa lo Mil- ford and front Royal. RIXONNOITHIMl TllR I'OSITIOV. 0 arriving at the huh bill in I' o! th i plain, we ha. ted to reconnoitre the cnom'a posi tion on the opposito side. Tho llcliel ut first displayed only cavalry drawn uo in line, wi'lin stroig skirmish line in front, the whole princi pally lo tbe right of the pike. IHM'OSITION OC Ol'll FOIICES. General 1'owell coming up. General Tibhetts was ordered to cross ilia river aud go acrj-3 the plain, lie did so, and while doing tbia the eiiuiuy ileeloptd a line init' li stronger than his own. 1 ibheits moved within six tinu iron yarjs oi in-i u miy'f lirst line without opening tire. All these movements uud all tuo su c" iueni onus n wtd by the enemy und by all of our g murals. Gtnciul iairly's tlaK was in plain sigh'.oii R id Ilil', wuiio to nerai loriierts il .'' us piainiy be seen iu its place ou tii j lul.s on tuis siduoi tho pluiu. Noticing that the enemy was developing a liiuvy line of infantry, General 1'owell advanced lo the support of General Tiiiliclta with Coionel Cupliiui's lliiga Je, while tho t vo brigade were turinintr on the plain prep aru'.ary to a cuarge. Colonel I'eiininulon's lbigade of Geiiural Custer Divi.ion wrs sent to occupy u jiodtiou on a high bill to ti e light of the pike on tins side of tho river. A section of dipt dn It ins im s IS it'ery C, id Vnitcd Ml. i!cs Artuli r.v, got into position, uud opi ned Ii i c just as tho ia. airy corps band com n enced p'aying, nnd sever il distinguish': J t tliu rs congu i'likd close by to view thu iiiiikiud- iiig eng geuieut. homa twenty luinuf1 worn taken l y General I'uwullin luriuiug bis divioiou to urn he the charge. run kniiviy iinvi i.ors ins Hylic: time lie was rcilytlio euoiny bill de veloped two lints of iul m.ry, with a strong skir mish line in Ir, ut, und sunt his cavalry ucioss ti e ."In namh ah nnr, and moved, under caver in a thick wco.1.', to Hunk cur right. rowi i.i.s i.'iucuK. The prris r time arriving, ami all bcin ' rc i'ly. 1't.well s ci.tiie ilivi-ion r ii.trii d. As it ditl so, the immv opein'il lire fru 11 lo seciions of artil lery and bis ii.iantry and cavalry, and, besides, ri n n. 1 ic eel 1 li.u.ri. 1;. i) ir mm were sa close thtit icserii! cf the cueiny'a shells bars', in our fur nn il lir.i -; but, strniKu lo relate, did uot do i.i.y I'liii.tikiibic injur. 11111 VM1MV Mllll Till'. ICTIOV fKNKtt.tL. As the ciieuiv ci ulirmi tl to advancn down the bill we Ir d a plain view of nt least fifteen tlmu mnd infantry nnd a division or more of cuvahy. The enemy iuimIo seyeral ntteintit to charge our men und turn the li'ht Hank 01 tbe troaps 011 tba plum ; but in each utituipt was met aud cuoJicJ wuti promptitude. All or u sudden n heavy nro was oneneti 110111 tho woods by the Kcbcl cuvalry on that side, (ii ncrul Custer at once comprehended what was up, nnd ordered Colonel l'ciiiiiugton to bold the 110 ition at all hazards, which he did. At tin lime Otnoral Chapman's Itrbtado was held in 11 sirve lo support tho nitillory mid protect the ttmhiilitm e and licatluuartcr train. Un the liclit of i'ovieli's line, in the course of the genera ( l ingo, one biiyudo bad to move over a ploughed laid. line It was thnt Muior Oibson, of the lbb PcriiisylvunUi, while Kolluntly leudlng that rcgi mint, received what may possibly prove to be a pcjiuiis injury, in coiic'Uf lieu 01 ins lunar .ui' ping and tailing wub uuu whiio in tuc act o luiping a ditch. The heaviest part of tbe fighting w4 on ou riiibt, where at one time tbo enemy, on tlio west t do 01 tne Kiicuanaoan, eoi in a cross-lire on those ou the plain. Quite rapid and heavy tiring on botli sides now commenced, and was combined for u long time utterward. EARLY'S AHMT TIri.AY NO B!f THl'SIASM. Our men repulsed every charge of tbe enemy's ravnlry on our rignt, on 001 u sues or tbe river. In tact, not only I'.any a cavalry, nut also bis whole army, acted cowardly on this occasion. The idea of a general using his whole army to drive on two small divisions ot cavalry 1 Had harlv remained perfectly quiet, aud let us run right into the midst of bis infauiry, be could have pained an immense advantage) but then, attain, bad we gotten into the midst of his inlantry there ii do telling but that we might have stampeded bis whole army; audi guess so thought Early, for although be knew our forco, he took very good care that we ibould not got on ipeakiag anus with hiia. T. MlU S I CM IMS (Nil (Till Nf. Til IIWOMIUD- ocn i nets HKriiui. Having now g linni cur point, and developed li e enemy's strength in full, we com n n -d slowly to ret ic on the 1, ft, tho right of our II ,c fcatier ng and skirniiMliini' lieavilv, aud the i a l uncln in three lines. At ot c time our p isiti in was anytluuc but a site one; lu fact, till 'he enemy's cavalrv not been driv. n back by the ibiriiur ot our men, wc Ao.ild ceitiilnly have loH thnc hundred prisoners. (s'Phait's lliig'idti re'ro -e 1 the river Cf." In eTtcrflctit order. Tibhct-' llrigAU followed. Tin: men ot' this b; iga c ssl.- niofil to the very list ro lin.te. uud k. pt tin cinuivfiooi ait,ro.i blag them toa rapidly I' t 1 a ty ol th" coin u n.d. 1HK KS' MV Hlhls V 1)S1, A 1 onr eonnn ind h iving rc osied th.' ri 0'", the enemy's ca- a rv tu nic a ,'ash to the left, ni l ai on a't rw.mla made their a,iK-arance well up m our th bt tlank. Gentral f'lsfer now undertook ti chcik th" enetnv here, win, h he di I most emnhnti'' illv. He was u m ec- -ful th,t the I r ' I eav dry to get more thai iiveiy-hon di-nince 'rum thill' alvnii' ii; and supporilu,,' infantry lines. A itfNVtNo rtoitr. After this (piitc an.rited fighting ensue 1, ex ten, iii g from the Si'ctiandnah river, wture it er 'Ss, s the p'k '. b,ick ilinost to K le ibnr r. A' tunes ii mr il Ko-se.t's liac and (b' Cu er's colors were witii n n atone s throw of c h otbdr. fun onnrit op tiisi hi tnis m lit, u. In coin;; b"k, General Cnst- rtiok the r:.:it and (len rul I'o ve l th" leit of ttinplke.wh i Gi nt ral Tortv-ri went on ahead with t'AO bria lea to it'll ct a position iroin which lo charge the enemy a cavalry, should tha time folio np. 1 he position reb net to was ta'tcn, but the eremv, very judiciously for bun, did not con tinue Ihc pursuit. Am Mrr ro CArri iii: A Rr.iiiiL n AO. In tho course of the retrograde one of the einmy'i flaga kept cloe on onr rear. Seeing this, (o nrrsl Custer made il special charge to trv and capture it. The regiment charged, but, eoul J not overtake the ilag;but General Cuater kept ou abend, nt the bead of three men, alter the II. m. He did not succeed in tretting it, Im' be came very mar doing so. It was said to be the flag of the 4th Virginia, used aa a battle Hag by General Ro.-ser. Ill Vol' SC AT WOODSTOCK . The 1'ghtiug and lirlag ended about dark. Wc retired lo uml bivouacked for the night at Wood stock. (ASIA I.TI IIS A MONO OITI0F.HS. In tbo course of the day 'a operations Assistant Adjutiint-lieui nil SeilKrt, of General Custer' stall', was struck on tho shoulder by a spoilt b ill, and hud bis hnrse killed iimler him. Among the wonndt d are Major llird-cve, of tbe Jd New York ; Muior llovce.ol tiie oth New V ork, also woiiudod. Seieial other ofllcers arc wounded, whoso names 1 now cannot ascertain. Our whole loss will not amount lo over sittv. Capi iin Keefe, of Gcuu- n.l Sherldnn's stall, had bis horse killed. tub st ci iiss or tub iikconnoiss inch. The whole of the f nes eng igod did adiuira- b'v, nnd their escape without iho loss of a g in or wagon, ami only tho loss of a few killed aud Woiiut ed, is remarkable, especially i al'ur h liv ing run into and engaged Iv's whole army iu a positi, q of hts own selection, and which he had long l.een preparing to defend against superior numbers. The whole column, after hivincbivouackfld for the night at Vo idsmck. left the last named place ou the morning ol the -i-ld. wc HH more pris oners trom the enemy than the enemy took from us. We killed a Rebel colonel. I could no'. karn bis name. OI NKKAl. UKMN'h ori'.RATIONs. General Devin's column, which moved up an 1 attacked the enemy in the Luray valley, was t'tiuully su ccssiul. ot his oporun ma uuu acoin pn te usi of casualties I will have to speak here nllcr. IH'llATION Of T1IK KM) 10 1'.M I'.V T. The engagement lusted aix hours. Four hour of t he time was hard lighting. General Powell Personally complimented Lieutenant Colonel Adams lor the gallant bearing of the 1st New York while under heavy lire. .V. . Iffrulil. AnisnnKsiiN. Hn. rini iLi's Amaiccii Ocmii. A series ol live Indian operas, to bo performed wholly by Hiunor l'crclli's pupil, during the coming winter, will ho eoiiimeuc'd ou Tuestluy eveninj;, Dccom- I rr (!, In the larse room of the Assembly Iluild- in'S. '1 hey will all !o b 111 dsoiiiely and appro- Pi lately costumed, and bo rendered1 wiia tlu aid of scenery, and the o'.hcr re tin i es for staco dis jd'iv, 11 nd us the most talented anions Mc. l'eieiirs ltupils niil t-iko 1 art in them, tncy will do ibtless be a ; nnd brilliant success. The Inst opera lo bo produced wi 1 be llliliiottls Mum ill ,'o'nii, 1 ast as follows Wariadl llohan Miss II Armando deliondi Miss 1) Count deChalais Mr. W Omit de Cln vretise Mr. U 1. The series will he Kien he sitjjcnnfitm oy, and u.readv the list of sub-e, i'ler ut Mr. l'erelli' rooms, No. lll'-'M Chesnut slreet, eon. ilus tho liiiiin s of '111..C a uuiub.r of our injst eiliraiis. I.I.I J A L. I rHI.I.IIJK.Htl- V.MTHll Sr.l ll'.S DtSTHlCT Cot'KT Ju.K'o C id- wuhnler. I'niled Slates vs. Johu Welde. An iiini iin ni charKing den nd.uit w.tu trauduloully obinunii i luniiev trom the I anted (states, uy per- Kinaiinu one John tbto, a ili-chnrgod bugler ot the liil 1 111. id Mutes Caiairy. lietoio rep trtcu, The inrv tins inorinns rendered a verdict ot utility. ihel nttca Mn'o y. ,-iiciiaei rroinio. ine ilelemluut is charged and was put uikiii hi trill, this morning, 011 nn nidi clmcnt lust, lor pass. ine a counterfeit tiity cent postage note; ari l second, with having a number of such note in b s ru n ics.sion, wilh intent to p is the same. It was in evidence fr tac 'anted estates that when iirrcsii'd, on the lHtb of October, the defendant had upon In person nine dollars 111 mo counter feit rio'rs in tuie liou, uuu tuat ne couiesse i 10 the ollicer that be had passed two do.lars ol llicui lor live dollars; that lie v. iaa poor man, ana in tended to make some money out of them. 1 lie detense was that itcleiidant I an Italian, but recently arrived in the country, a -id almost l'Tiorimt ol our language; tint ho was inton- cut, d. and was lmpuscd upon liv parties unknown to bim, x bo took advantage of In couditiju to cunv oiittbelr ournoses. 1111 ir 111. JJisriiK.T luiur-Jii ' Miarswooj. i naro ts. Silnck. A feigned Issue to test the validity of c rtnin con least d jujnieuts. lioiore repuncd, v en ;ct It r Hamuli. Jea. Marslmll vs. K i'th Simpson. Au acion of riplevin, to usceiiaiu tins value of cert 1111 property tiikt n In execution, and t recover dainat es for its ilotcnMiii and thu conversion of part of it. Verdict for plaiii'Ul sM'i-.'l. J. C. Kirk patrick A: Co. vs. . L ick Co. Same vs. Hubert l-'roelieh. rSamo vs. I'eriliuand lb -rt.. l iigncd isfucs to test tin: rht of pnperty in 1 il Inure Is ol coal oil. taken in ese uti 1:1 as tin: inoperty of 11. 1.. Poster & Co., under writs of dcienuants who were executive creditors Poster Co. Tho oil is claimed by Kirkpatrick Co. as theirs, on trial. lMsritic r Coi icr Judge II iro. Jacob II nn- kbire vs. William O. K'iue. Anuciou to recover a balance alleged to bo due a part of the pur chase money of certain property hi Delaware, lormeriy plalutitl"!, sold by dcleudant as Attor in v. Ou trial. C01 ur or Common Pi,i:.s Judge Allison. Wilson vs. Hardin A feigned Issue to test tbo will of Williuin llaidiu, deceased. Uefore re ported. Tbe jury rendered a verdict sustaining the ill. M No case was ready lor trial Ibis morning, ami tho Com t iidioui'Btd till to-morrow. TKOM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. ,'af Ihtiimlt h lo Tilt Sn-HlHg TtUvrapK lt.ii.nnuiii., November 25. Wo luivOio uows to-day of any kind from Grunt or Sheridan. Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson Is still in prison hoi 0, but w ill leave in a few days to fulfil bor sentence of fire years' imprisonment at Fitcbburg (Mas.) rcmalo Prison. TEOII KEWBESN, N. 0. ialleairaiave of tbe Yellow l ever. Poktuhb Monbob, November 2D. The steamer Louisa iloort arrived here this morning from Newbern, N. C. A large fire took place ia Newbern on last Sunday, consuming a number of Sue i tores and dwellings. Tbe yellow fever has entirely disappeared, and the resident! are rapidly recovering from the panic whlcb took place during its prevalence. The atorea are being reopened, and the merchant! and other who fled from tbe city art returning and reramlog their bujn.v. THIRD EDITION GENERAL 0. H. THOMAS' ARMY. POSITION OF CEN. HOOD. ITis Advance Threatens Nash ville aud Paduoah. DBF KXSKS FOH THE LITTER. l ot is v nt. it, November 21. The .ssir'wii relic- rut i a Its atiilcmtnt laa: Hoods aroiy i-c; npies Waynesboro, from which psiinti ho tfcroitous both NarhMllc and l'adncah. TLat porti m of our arm; ccnTri'iting him is cobc Dtra fd at Voliiskl. Tadarnh ia fed p placed ,n a state cf de'ers.;. EUROPEAN NEWS. TREATY OF PEACE ADOFTED BY DENMARK. Scmraes and his NewPrivatocr "Soa King." T1IK FRENCn THESa ON TIIE " FLORIDA" SEIZURE. Mullcr Exccutod on tho 11th. IIalitax, Novemticr 2,i. Tbe steamship .1.1111, from Liverpool on the l'-Ui and Quuenstown ou the 13th Inst., arrived hero to-day. The treaty of peace has been finally adopted by both of the Danish Chambers. The report that tbe steamor I. mrel had tr.ini- fcrred Seuimes and bis pira'.i al crew to the steamer .Vn King, off Madeira, i coulirmed. .a l-'ranee say t'l it ha broken off rela tions with the rnited State on accoi.ut of tbe ieiraitc of the FhriJa. CitituNsT'iwv, November 13. The steamer 7conia arrived here 011 the 1-th. The Paris lloumo closed firm. Kentei were iinotcd at 6r)f. 20c. The I'ari I'utrie assert that Knglnnd bia called npon the great powers to protest collect ively against the aelatro of the urul 1. The Home Secretary ho refused to reprieve the sentence of Muller. convicted of tho murder of Mr. Uriggs, aud be is to be executed on the lltli iustuut. I'ommerelal InllHBnei. I ivmrooi , Novf mlMf l'-'tvrntiw. 1 hassle. otC ttt'-n to (1ST t la.Ot.SJ lifl. Til sllulstoins lire lli A,j lnler. Ti e lire. U. tuns siarset . .lastly. I t e I'rnvisHtn llurket 11 tlnll. I.arU firm. 1. 10 mm, .NuivutliiT I'J. Consitls lo.eil SI 114 11 tor nieney. Ami-in, 'a 1 aniens. fm Hkllro.KI, lOiftSi ; iuiuois l au- tsl, tl.t. ' lier cent, tli.coilnt. HI 11 r 1 11. Tr-e at. It a ir wair loi.-cet,wsi,tftweillnta(.llasi:ow 1 me liia iuh , i ru .irkiat-r c oravaia. OiirntuK or n 1'nMnrintrer Itisllwny nt iaiuiNviii I.oi'ihvili.k, ovembor 21. Tbaukgiving day win generally observed In this city. All tho stores wero clorcd, and tho cunrcues were well attended. The clUf event of tho afternoon was the opening of anew slreet railway under Ibo auspice ot 11 New York company, General ,1. I'. IJjylc, of I. uisvlllc, as President. The running of tho car attracted crowds of ci i.eiis, and d'encral Bivlo treated the populace with convojanco ulonJ the route Tbo ears wero overwhelmingly crowded. Till'. KOI, III UltS' TI'KliUVH. To ktuksmMon 1:01:, November il. The steamer ('uiWtj I cart arrive 1 lu re at a lato hour but evcnlmr from New York, with three hundred tons of turkeys. Several memlieri of the Coin- mittre In New York accompany the steamer to City Point to sec to the distribution of tbo turkeys nmone the different regiment! of tho army. Tho steamer Jumn T. lUady is expected to reach here this afternoon with a similar eurgo. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Dcs p.Ut lies to Evciiliig Telegraph. Wasiunotok, November 25. Tlie i'nn ef tins t'lorl.lH" Our SVuvrii nii'Ht Hill IMnue nn Ai.olony ti llritall. As the fact now nppear, tho (iovcrnment will not attempt to defend tbe capture of the I'lorid i, and an apology will be tendered tbe lira. C-overnnicut. Turn New I.OBU. Mr. pessendcu will not put a lo in npon tlm market until after Congress assembles. Illness ol' Jule i ulroii. Judge Catron, it i feared, will not be able (0 take bis seat on the bench tins year, owing to rapidly failing health. (in n Fiirlatitih: Oem rnl Ploeum, commandant a. Alexandria, has left for tbe West on a fifteen days' leave, tbe lirst be has ever accepted. 1'iinKressinen C'ominur. Senator Dixon ha arrived, and the city is fust filling up with members of both Houses. Alignment of JrrHl (jivyitn. General Uwynn lu been assigned 1 1 the com mand of the 3d Prig ide in General Ayres' Divi sion. He Is the lirst of the newly brovetod briga diers in the corps who has yet been assigned a command in accordance with hi promoted rank, ivnl milium.. Admiral Porter communicates to the Navy Department tbe arrival at Fortress Mrcroe of the I'uitcd fitutcs steamer nco. hbo c in urod in the Gulf Stream tho acbooncr Sybil, of Nassau, with a cargo of 307 bales of cotton. Acting llear-Admiriil Stribling, Comminding the Past Gulf stiiadron, communicates from Key West the following captures : Schooner Lucy, under English colors, on the 17th instant, by tbe acbooncr Sea BirJ, tender to the steamer UemlrUk Hudson, and n nameless schooner on the 2-1 th ult., by tbe V. S. steamer A tin. llotb bad assorted cargoes, and were near ilm shore. trvinB to run the blockade. Also the schooiu r lladaer, nnder Rebel colors, from Kt. Minks, l'iu.. on the bill instant, by the L'. ,S. sleaiiiur ylifWr. She was loaded with cotton. AltriolillurHl MntixtlcH. TV,,m tlm Census Returns for lS-'.O, which have just been printed, It appears that the State of Illi nois produced tho largest quantity of wheat ami corn of uuy Smlo in the Union, vli., 23,a37,UJ.'j bushels of wheut, and llo.ld, ,i busaeis oi iu- dlan corn. . , Pennsylvania produced the most rye and buck . a-t Lji i. ,...).,.!., rf ilm Citriuar Anil .V.r7: W Ileal , , I, " i , i i.3.vij v ..v i ' i,.) i ,.( ilm Intu r. New York produced tbe most oats, potatoes. hav, butter, ana cmw. uroduced the most wool and wine; 10, 6!'-7 pound! f tbe former and &G8.G17 galious of the latter. V irffinia uroduced the most tobacco, and Kentucky the next largest quantity ; the former 123,908,312 pounds, aud tbe latter State 108120,840 MuJiKsinni nroduccd Ibe largest amount of ot ton, and Alabama the next largest quantity ; tbe former 1 ,O-,0O oaitS UI tw yvuuuo mui .uu uig latier KSH.foS Dales. kii, Carolina uroduced the most rice, and Georgia the next largest quantity! the former 119,luO,o2$ pounds, and the latter 62,507 ,6a2 . ..iti.,. nnnlnrsjul tha iiiost anrar and Did. lawas i 221,72b' hogsboads of lb lornier and 13,439,774 (U0M VI Ute pin. crir intelijoekce. (tlni ir TuvuMoMnan Tivpsv. Six A.M. : ). Ne .11, 2. One r. M. (:',. Wind, W. N. W. IJEETIIiO OF TIIE REIURN JUDGES. nTiN.0lf THE SOLBIEIW TOTE. 08.i;iil Majority of FhiiaJtilpliis. for Frcbidoht Lincoln Over Eleven ILousaud. Tbia morning at 10 o'clock the Djard of It ' turn Jidges us., M bled In the Supremo C-ourt reoin or Ibo purpjso af receiving the otli ial yotc of die soldiers as ct at the residential election. The papers euatainmi; tbe re'nrni were several hundred in number, and mu Ii tunc was occupied In trading them off. Some of thorn contained but one vole, uud but few were of any p irti ulor Interest. We Klve a few of the mst Import int, sbowlrp the ptoportion of votes yeuer illy cust amemr nil the different companies for Lincoln and MeClellan. Un ' ,ln. M Ctc l 1. Camp Iliddlc, Carlisle, Pa Hospital 1st Ibv.sion '.'d Corps 1st Kcgiment V. U. C Camp Huniln, near ( Ity l'oiut Jarvia Hospital, llaltltnorc... . 7 1H id 14 ; 3 :i 3 a .3 32 Frederick Hospital, lud Mower Hospital, l'biunlelphia llmled Mtntc steamer I'outtiitit. . Patterson Park Hospital, licit.... Campbell Hospital, l. O I amp Cudvsalader, l'-liladelplna. Cavalry Ibireau, Washington ... Wlseull Uurracks, WasbiugSon. Slst Keglmeul Nth Cavalry Camp Htevenon, D. C Is Id Regiment linirv lltispiul, Washington,,.. ,'ilst R. gimenf Iteeeivliiir ship I'rincrton I'rovost Uurracks, I'biladelphia. . . Hospital, Annapolis . Patterson l'ark Hospital, lUlt Soulh Street Hospital, l'hiljtl.i. . . , Turners' I jine, do . ... Ilrosd Htrf ct, do Camp niar Arsenal, Philnde'phla. MtClellun llo-pitnl, do 1 1 ';') 4 ) i'i 40 o 2 48 6 "l 3 1 I 10 17 id t7 l'. 4I' t 3 1) H 3 H 7 r. 37 3 .siannc MirracKS, iv asnmition. . . . ij rrmce Street Fii-on, Alexandria, V Ircmui C imp Dt nnison, Ohio IMth lieamien: Ifiiith iteuimont, Port Delaware. . liidepencent II ittery, tlo I ni'eil Mnies steamer Alt in, otu.. White Hall Hospital riicMcr do 1 l ilb-rt Strict do j Ct mpaines A, II, K. and P, t lleitllil. nt .It, o tins morning a nuniticr or aa iiuonai retnrus were recc.ved by the Prothonotarv of tbo Court of Cemmoii Plena, The total soldiers' vote will stand as follows : 1 inroln 4 it') MeClellan 1'J.V, Lincoln'! majority 22 l This, added to the majority on the borne vote. hifb'wils 9,'iOH, makes the ol'xial maioritu of I'htUitltlpltia 11,702 in favor of the Union ticket TllKOIIORF, Tlt.TON, EUl., AT CONOIiKT Hil.L. Our render! will not fail to bear lu mind the literary treat whlcb will bo given at Concert Hull on Tuesday evening next. On that evening, Mr. Tlltou, the chief editor of that popular religion newspaper, tne new lorn intirprmiea, win deliver bis great lecture ilor tbe lirst time in this city) on "The Ktato of the Country." Mr. Tilt in is an anie nun eloquent speaker, aim omsoi tuo best writers connected wtib tbe press of the c iiin Iry. Tickets lor tho lecture can be obtained at Marlitiis' llnokstore. No. liOJ Chesnut street. Till'. Cut .KIH1ATION OF TllA.NKSOfVINO DV. There was a general observance of Thanksgiving Day yc'tcrday. After the hour of 10 o'clo:k business generally was suspended, except lu the case of a low stores, devoted exclusively to the sale of fancy goods, toy, JVC. All tho edifices of public won-hip were opened, and the attendance at them was unusually large. The Hi'riii m picachcd were chielly of a patriotic, -Mr having reference to the events now ch.tracicriiiiig our national existence. At the soldiers' hospi-ale and tho different Insti tutions of public chamy, bountiful dinners were partaken ot by the inmate of each of them, and ai social nf lite bospiiuls spcecbo wero m id,! by eminent speakers. At the Citizens' Volunteer Hospital, liro id street ana vt aauuigioa avenue, on the occasion of its seeuud anniversary, addresses wire delivered by Rev. Messrs. Ilrainard, (lod tlar.l, Mr. Joseph Hearing, and George I'ollock. During tho past year 3,1,000 sick and wounded soldiers have been provided with temporary ac commodation at this hospital. The report which was read paid a very just compliment t i Dr. Kenihrtlinc, the surgeon iu charge, who, since the establishment of tao hospital, his milously labored in relieving tbo w iuui of III o iiifleriiig soldiers comniiited t ibis care. Tiom noon nntil he. hour ol midnight Ciicnut, slreet was thronged with pedestrians, and the scene presented was an animated one. All the hading places of amusement were opened iu the alicrnooii, and wore well p Iu tho evening there waa not u place of uransemunt in the city from which scores were not turnnd away, unable lo gain admin nice. Notwithstanding the fact that there was a general indulgence by our citizens in tho festlvi ties of tbe day, tbe poaco of the city wa preserve 1 in a dtgiee, ami the day pasoOd oil' pleasantly wnb nil the participant!. Tin: I.aie PiinsiiiENMAt. Er ixriDN. At a recent meet ng of the Union League of Norris tOMii, a number of resolutions were a-ioplod, among which were the fallowing : ft,jtt(r.Tiuit tliia Imam! tiu Vt rtiil.i.t'1'tenee ttifcl,sn tru-aiin.- ina FrmliUnt ana le. ('lat, a-i llitu prrst lit aim'.' mill n.svy, lite rti.t,. au-l tbf eitl.,jm wil der. ins ine Atliiilri.trallon lia not ln;.iiiakol m tola efcUtlilH'ti t, filiate ailali-n, nor overl'tokcl tne trutf ann inn, I,,r Initiit. us the evil, ol wmiiioii ivr in a no, on let-rrv c uf u'.ih at &ml .li,-slio iovur of lite Moult, It.e wleked worker. ol liatlttlml t:al tinav. A.etiti, That the lv ' r,. or at IJk', nsviri t, a n a .e, ontl i ol'o of I'rvitioonl I inioin for ctiit I civil ins .'Is'aaie Mini ttiinuisi dt rnl li.o ti'inv and nsvytif Ihit I 1 il- .1 Hint- . 11,1b l.en.iie ctmsraiiilaie. Iihn no .,tn- nv. hi. iiMlom antl ualricii.ia tt. uiucu a. an tu-ti, u.t. - ins an civi l w In linih' loH oriiy of the pme Ihui hf I l.oae.t hi d t-Houl.lo. ami In. iitiiley ttiea as will c-nhit i llierouiitn to ,i-a,:o on I'irt ti i-l. oi' Iho I. in. iol'.l til aatl I 1 1 011. .iia 11, ,'.iiiid en lanire nro. struv nut it-iiuM,,i. O.tar.'l, That till. I.eM.ll'-, luiol-tl'T. le-int-.-i y n-tu k,,,.. i,,lii,nLlv .tiitiMirlttiLi 0,0 itieasure. ol' tint A'lulin'.tra- 11011 astl lis Chi, leney or tl.o i,ruv and navy, will ul f.ilLi 111 Ilo- ml, ui' hot lanu pi. tlt.-nl In miller all sua tl all In it. Ifiwrr i r tint in-oseeolroli ol tlie wai , ntll il i. i.jii ho eolnint II tl. .110 Hie I'OUll'O , i. I. tin, it. e. t-'iauiiu Hon. and llui: os-fullv vllldu- llt-d .11(1 re.Un ell. tir'olrt tt. I eat till. 1.. -liiue. huliui Iho first ti prnri-ne Abraham I. int-,, In mr r -eleclleo hy ao'emti res ilut, in. steotl pleih-etl 10 ttlimd t-y huu lo the last in nin"iri ihtv Ikoi, iis Ihtiteilucr ut t that tends to tlie overthlM ol tlie lit belli, iu, its aiuei. aud aholtorf. AitiiEsr or aTiukf an" Ekckivee or Sroi.rx Goons. Nuiueroui depredations have recently been committed upon the yards of dwelling! in the Piftecntb Ward. Wash-clothes and other valnaitlfl articles were stolen day after day Yestcrilav one of these ollenders, a lud named I'llunnl ' liurk-s. ias arrested, lidward Sim iiiermaii. resniiiiK ut TwoulietU and Willow stieeiB una also arre ted unon the cliargo of ro- ccivinii the ni-operty stolen by Uurks. llotli of the accused had 11 bearing before Alderman Piiil- const, and were committed to answer. Housing, an Am hvlance vnci-.u DniifiL TiKs, Yesterday afternoon tbe Franklin Hoso Company, located on Proad sbroot, above Fiu water, housed a new ambulance. This ambulance was built at Frankford, to which place the uiom luirs of tbe committee, accompanied by their wives, repaired for tbe purpose of brlngiug it home. On their return to this cily a lively light eniued, which lasted about ten minutes. In tbo melee a number of per.sous were cut about tbo bead. FiBE. This morning about S e'clock, tbe roof of the engine house attached to the woollen mill of Messrs. Hughes & bhurlcw, near Ueslonvllle, was damaged by fire. Good ro Chbsitk Cointt. We aw two twin boyi from Chester county, yesterday, aged three years, who bore the respsetive name! of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Uamliu. Accidbxt. Thli morning laboring man, named Daniel Callahan, fell from a Udder In Walnut street, above Fifteenth, and ierlously injured blnnu. lit im taken to the Uospiuu. A TtiiMft ron Oi.n Mr.w If tlin Idea of eetabbrhinir a home tor old men la not a new ono, 11 is ai let uewly carretl cm. (lu IVeilne.tlav aiteinoin such a llonn was npcneil. a 11 auih -r of pieltlllLtllf ClelvT ami Clti7ens lieow present. I lie rftii)iiius eseieises were rotiiitietetl by Itev, ,Vt''rs. Id M V mill IHi'KKUSos, ami Itev. In. Knsilr i. j'lavt r were olleretl, livmiis sunir, a, 1,1 n u s 111 iUe, ai d b mauliil eelit supcer was nrnvl etl hy tloti.ition Maitr Iikisiiv h niM if was prewnl, evincin ; tho unto concern bo invarmtiiv lakes in nh eetH 01 a rlmi la le nature. T'.e til e, ' li d M ,ii' llmno " expiins II111 ilt(eel ot the in.ti iiliou. Sniiihir es. Iul, t Iniiriiis or t ineil a 11 to I e I011111I in .he city, ami I was lie me t that. old 111 "i we ileel.le.llv ninrt lie pie, than onl woinen, a lloinn .nnuel I e i tcai In-licd u r ilc luiiln o d lie n. I Ic succe. nt Il o ftsliliflui cm, tltlieuli'.l end oisctniraiie I at llr.l, Is lit w lirinly altttl. II i "tin 10 tl on I orlje Ii sr il.sUi.c Mark, t, We.t I hiliuleliiloa. l ite -.put 1. 1 1 nher telired its lo be kinn v ami uniiivil'ii ', l ilt mi ..bttly att r, arlmtile as tti be surrtliin-lt' l liv taeeny u s mm bust a so ofP aiding lo ih quiet, loviiir lar. If.. Incantv ia a ha, pv mean lati w,ssu lln.ti two 1 s int.. Iho ililiiitt.-s are well earetl ior, ai d eonleiitt d. 1 1 ev iiniitl er lour, we holleve, atnl, rein itleniiK Ii at the charier wiut itulv olilHinel la. hpnite 11111' the Hist iiaiiMlt' aoinittetl last .lutie, litis is Cnmr l ieifv well. V Iiimi luoy ai" provi,tel .vitll a hliari ai.d .treiinens 1 Iftri are tteiuit iiuiltt 10 fileniii 111. el, they i,l need utimluit to euiianco their cimilori. Outainivo IIorsi s cn our Ft sr. rne.rHsns. Anniim Orman was arret"l in the Twoi'y fonrtb War ! ye.terday, charge. wit'i win liln? a 11, an in llnltord county out of five horses. Jlc waa stiit to licdiord lor trial. To rcnciiASK CioTumn at Low Pair, make a .. as iit.n floin .nr .lock of Ki nv- a a lis ;rn,rnts. Wa rf ..not. o,tla roiirtl la.'vt.. Ar. a...r an I mm ew. 'tan .'.', le ,s, J..r frut. touir D-iw ehura I l'.,rtfl '.anie a.ntl. m.ile le ordr. H e htva all slvie., .t.., nl rrht. ol C'eilioii.- M,ti t, Yenllt a, sad Hm'. Allcarjba ttuitad wlUiobtdeuiv o.' trouttia. Bpvs-ktt A Cv, Tawar Hall, No, Old Mrk.t aiiaot rillClOTHtsto. ( l-lhws to mil li Kail of the Year. I lolnnii: to anlt iho t,l I ot I ,tad. (keiiil ,a (o uil Ihe ra I of Swrk. f ' lo .tilt the tail t-f Ailivntn. riothina lo .ml ih rail fUifhiiKiiid. A'M,thinii to .un the mil oi M,,l nr. ( lot tuny to .nit Iho tall ol Charleston, flotliuw lo li( lhp f All or r.o of anvO.Hl,a: (C&f e. etokel A. Co. Oue-l'rtev, muter the Ctmtllif ntul. Ciiii.nniiN' Ci.othino. An elegant a-ort-nuat at II. Hhinnkt r A O a, Ka. I H. Kuihih .trcet. Tub Latiifr' FniFND. "A goin;" "A honse tiold troa.urci'' "A parfect litaniy; ' "Worka Ilka a ahaim;" "Tlir best ia tha world;" Would not tal a noranee ;'' "Il makes four stitrhea wlili the .amo ease ihat othrra make ono." Hach are ttia oaprn.nlona mrd Ity ponhaifrs of a t k roi c. Sold at No. CO Cae.nut trael. To ant of our many readers who may wish to l a profitably employed, we would call attentl in lotlia taaipin! ami embrohlery store, No. Vti JflToraan sv"tiue, b.low ( .treat, which ta faraaleala srea'. nacrlhce, on ae.-ouuttir tlie ill besll'i ol Uie occup iat. Ciisa. K. Clark has been long established in ILe rpriotsterlnir bu.ina.a, and he now give, ti.s rx -In.lvo auinthin to lietttlini;. Thoae la nam, call en lilui, So. la N. Klevenlri itreet. Tin: Oil SrnscHii'TtONs advertised in another eoiuuin preit nt gpi-ial Inducement, to snhscrlhera. As the ate.prle la joltrn up in -.od faith, and an will bo carried onl, lite. e ile.lrlna to iDveflt in the oil rii.-lon aed oat l.e.itate to a-iva It the pri ferenee. Aa will be seen Ih book, cki.c onMouday next. TnK FionBNCR does all k'nilu of family sewing Id tha neatost manner, from ihc haavlaat woillert. to tb met delicate fsbllci. Gkokob Stuck Co.'a Tiano ad Mason V llamas s PIAVO K(itTH. I'lAMl I'Oltl l.Sl. I'lAMl KOhTKH. e I A NO t'OftlfisJ- TAIIISKr (UltUN. (AlllNF.T Ove. (.Oof eaeti of those line In- Oitt. ivs. gtrunit'iits have Imcu .aid bv Mr. (MIIINl'.r ll .nd llivcrulalld 1. coll.taally mill INS. Il en-ash. IfAIIINKI' for aala only bv lint UN. J.K i.OITt.P, CIIHNUI' Bsventliand Chesuui streets. I OliuANrj. Do You Know Dean bas removed to No. 413 ('hf.nut street? He sella Tobacco, Caara. Plpea, Ac., fifty par cant, le.a tban any other man lu tins city. Kcmjiuljer nean, No. 4111 Chesnut atreet. iCiioit:E Carambis. ChoaoUie, Vanilla, Oocoanut, and rtineh C'ftiaiuela. Manufactured by Brr.v-iiKN y. WnirMkM, !.o. 1J10 Market .neat. FiNtn and Ktr.F.n work is done on tbo Flo. r.-iKT than can be tlooe en aoyotlier machiae. Call and eiamlne. Oiflce, Ho. Sao (.'hesntit street. Vanili.a Koastrd Ainomis, Of rare riuallty. Al4iian.atuissd oy firsnii-s r. yruiitiA. AV'AnnANTnn to Fi.rase.-Tho "Florence" is the only perftct fumlly tawm ruaohine warranted m lc eellre satt.faetiou or money rvlurnd. Choice and Fasuionahlh Coni ections, Tut op lu Ncal lloie., Haltabie f,r rre.ants. grime P. WiumkN, Mo. till) ilark .l street. PiiOTOoiiAriis, natural (ty!e, nrtisiic cxecu- llen , ilia like In esprea.lon and colorlnit. B. P.Keaurr'a llfe-iire l'hol,r. b In Oil Colon, Ivo.ylypas, and Cartea de V i.ite, Ho.6J Arch itrte'.. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Orrica or Tna Kvaamai Tatanaipfi, I Friday, Movoiuuar ia. ( The Block Market ha been dull for some days, under the sensation rumors in New York In rela tion to Government loans and army now, and although tho further fall In share! Is checked, tho market Is apatbellc The public are quietly watching tbe turn for tbe rise, which will shorily set in, and speculation awuko to vigorous action. We shall, without donbt, havo our winter's rise in stocks, and we look for one of the most excit ing period on 'Change that has been wlmcs ed since tho breaking out of the Rebellion. TI10 accumulation of large b.ance of money In flian chil centres, the almost certain cessation of ar.ny movements a winter sets in, and the absence of other business than that of a speculative cb ir ic ter, combine to foreshadow the usual furor in stocks, which always follows such a sta.e of affairs. The bears have, besides, under boi?iis rumor, hammered the better clisi of dividend-paying shnre down far below their real value, aud the rebound will be as as it will lie su l len and rapid. It is tbo fashion, in Near York, to have periodical fits of clatiuu and depression; and for ten days past all hands have been ope rating for the fall, and have so oversold the mar ket that slock i now much scarcer than money In the street. Indeed, cash certificate for do livery of most of the railway shares have not been presented when due, but begiui oil', frjm day to day, bus been tho order. This state of ailair Is unnatural, and cannot lort. It is the sure forerunner of a chauge ; uud as the 4ow JiJt holders refuao to loud, wo shall have sharp buyiug on the first scaro, aud the wbolo crowd of bears In Wall, Willi mi, and lirond streets will rush insanely Into tbo market ok r.urcliaset-H. and perform their usual feats of "ground and lofty tumbling," in order to got in their short sales. In our own market, the principal fancy, Reading, holds firmly. The Now York bears have ham mi red away at it to no purpose, and tint stock which was tib when gold was 2-59 and Erie 100, is still G8 when gold is 220 and Erie 05; showing o tbe shallowest stock oporator the porrauncnt character and real value of the ibares, ae no real owner is induced, by any numbor or variety of canard; to ecll out iu a fright or with the hope of buying at lower figures. Tbe near approacu 01 a 20 per cent, dividend i! powerful reason for faith, and with tbe eaormoui Business ui mo iv there are no temptation! to "iwap uorsei ;" in other words, the holder! of Reading are eauinea with thoir purchase!, ud will not ieU In order to Invest elsewhere. The OU stock!, In eonetucnce 01 n mcrcaseu flow of oil from the well of leveral or the cotn pauici, are in groat demand, and "all lorti and condition! of men" flock te the exchange with their order! to buy. Indeed tbil lort of !pecul tion U not confined to men, for women who have saved np a few hundred! are ai aailoui to "Uy their luck" a the most Inveterate gambler, and have all a particular "fancy" which they wUb. to laveat In at once, for fear that no oil stock will for tale Trmor. VTUb tho chMacWriiUo fervor of the eex, they are Impatient of delayY and rsre nothing for the price, 10 that Clay etui beeomc, nt once, tbe hapnyowners of the oovotad ihrc. We fenr that many of them will awake from their dclnslobi to find that they have madei very permanent Investments j that oil stock! arw ' very tnacberous a well a very slippery aaTilrs and are very dangcrons thing! to fix their aAVc tions upon. In oil stocks, as In lotteries, we all hear of the lucky man who draws a prlae, but the thousand and one deluded mortals who fritter away their means of living in a continued and forlorn chase of the blind goddess, never have) the honor cf favorable mention In tbe manager;' advertisements. It is s'nted by gen'lemcn who have visited the) oil region that millions of dollars are being ex fen, led In experiments; that derrick Hand 13 thick through that country that they look like ' forest of masts;" and that tbouiands of arigurf ' are tormenting the bowels of mother earth In vain learcb after her secret!. Many of these ad venturers w ill grow rich, butavait army will come borne sick and di-heartened, and will leaver ' their derricks standing as mementoes of thelt ' folly, and monuments to mark tbe graves of boa drcds of thousand of greenbacks. The shrewd, unscrupulous men, however, who waste no tlmej in boring, but hoist their derricks on tlx Block: ' Fixchange, and sell their certificates while tha fever is at its height, are, probably, making mora , out of oil than tbe legitimate aud hanest ex plorers. (Iovcrnment bond continue very firm, witlt sales of fj-'.'tls to notice at lOloMOO, whk-h Ji aa advance; and Gs of lHfll at 110; coaponi osT, 10:14 ; Pennsylvania 5s are selling at !M;and neiv City (1 at 102. In llallrrad share there Is very little doing, but prices are steady. Camden and Anilwy sold , at 1,12; Pennsylvania Railroad at 67 i Minehillaf: ., CO; and Philadelphia and Erie at 31,), an advance . of 4 ; 30 was bid for North Pennsylvania ; 51 foe ,. Klmlra preferred ; 16 for Catawlssa common, 3A for preferred; and 68 J for Heading Railroad. City Passenger Railroad shares continue very ' dull. 204 was bid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 3IJ for Spruco and Pino, a decline of 4; 66 for ' West Philadelphia; 11 for Arch; 10 for Race and Vine; and 20 fur Green and Coates; 79 waa ' asked for Second aud Third; 49 for Tenth and : Eleventh ; 4.H for Chesnut und Walnut ; and 27 foe Girnrd College. Coal Oil sbarei are inactive, nnd price! are settled, with sales of Oil Creek at 8,Vl). DaJiell at 0 Pj ; MeClintock at 01; McElheay al 64, an advance of ; and Cherry Sun at 3d J, an ad vance of i. Bank share are firmly held. Farmers' aud Mechanics (old stock) sold nt 70; 168 was bid for Philadelphia Pank, an advance of 4 ! 141 foe Farmers' nnd Mechanics'; 60 for Glrard; ' 40 for Consolidation; 50 fur Union; and 80 foe Camden. 1 Canal shares, as we have noticed for several days past, continuo very dull and rather lower. 33 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, 38 for preferred ; 130 for Morris Canal preferred I 14'j for Susquehanna Canal; and 3)4 tor Delft-' ware Division. Gold bos declined about 4 per cent since Wed- ncsday evening, aud tbe market is dull, opening at 220 ; advanced and sold at at 10 o'clock ; fellolT and sold at 21U at 12; and 2171 M l'Ji. Market weak. I'UII.AIUll.PHlAfiTOl KEXl'HAVUK ALE1,N0V.aS. IWported by Clarkaon A Co., Ilrokera, No. lit S. Third Ut. FIRST B0AKD. finoflu. a. a, '81.. :, (c, do ssai U B D-201 V'.'sO uo ..ion, ..lie', ! ..lull Kifl.hlllnMoant..laO Sis) bU do tssi h Ull Cnok...lsa) l""im do 1110 ak laUeUUU..bfl ,lii .n d uo fell sD MeClintock.... 1141 sh Sl'-Kahmiv Ull.. ,l s ins f,tu an. liuuu do Its', $-.10 IVntiJi ft. !il .,t.K'ity Cs. new ...A"i lluitiC.VA morl tl. 2-1.1, 6 HI .hliir.1 Mecllk.. 10 Ilm sh I'onn Mm . .bui J I r, ah cum a Ana....v-i 1,1 an Venn KH 67 . Vsi ah Cliorry Run.... Wi 1011 ab MlnelUU OS . 1UI bh I'lnU A Knt.bisi llll. Quotations of Gold at tbe Philadelphia Gold Exchange, No. 31 6. Third street, second story : 0 A. M 2'JO 12 M 210 11 A. M 221 1 1 P. M 217J Market active. Di: Havkn & B110., No. 20 S. Third street, ouote as follows 1 AwvM0. American Oold 217 American Kilver, A'! and i' iW7 Dunes and Half Dimes 'Ml (Spanish Quarters 202 l'enn. Currency 4dia. New York Exchange............ 1-10 " 219 i di par. Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal OU itocki at 1 o'clock to-day s Atdu.i Bid JUC Pulton Coal.. lllrrmolo Ofl I V W big Mountain Coal -a . ft'V fraiikunOlt W .1 How. a KadyOtl.. .. I'i II lrvuuj (Ml US 11 lire. nU'-C'-ai. . Caroenoalo ... Kfeder llaiuCuai. Clinton Coal Ilutler Coal I iiainoiiil Coal..., Halara Aiiicriesn Kaoun. Teiin Mining Connecticut Ke)stoue 7-lno.. . ) leelslorOII Ilia Tank Coin mental...... arrell OU Creek Msole Hhadf Oh. llet'liul ,ek Ull... Pentl.vlvallla I'Ot I'eiryOli Mineral Oil Key.lont' Oil VeniiUsOOtl V ' Tilt.ii 1'etlolruiu. Unseen oil Bauer a Oil tl , Ii 1S1 I'oo rum uu.. a rarm uu.. f a aor. IX I lOU a .. 9V 1. 117 a .. 6 Ai 11 1 lie nainoisa., lll,-K.lhl!T. K,.lMrt. Oil .. 3 Oliustead 3 3 llfonUiADolaroater. K' is! lllibliard S ! ('It Hiory Karm 1 'IX lllrunm retrokium Cenlro. A 8 11 iKsborf 4..f .8 2 .Hose Island a IX H: CunUi L'iV 1 H di 1-liUs.HOIICrtsjk.. 1 si ai.V (,', II11II Creot. 41 S'i I II I'.eriNanla I l'l It 'l.'.U i'..n,P fl Kt2 i' II lllrlKKa 4 1 '."; ittK-k on iv ',; Tarr Karm tfi Tl 'i Oloba Karm....... .. 1'., 3 inch. OH Co W 4'. ft IClierry Kuu a .. The following are tho receipts of Cool OU at this port during the past week: Crude, bb's 2300 Reflucd, bbls 3740 The following are the receipts of Flour and Grain ut this port during the past week: I-lour, bbls 11,140) Wheat, bushels iW,4t"3 Corn, " 2--MIU Outs, " as.iXM The follow ing are the inspection of Flour and Meal for ihe week ending November 24 : Hall barrels superiiue 2 parrel supcrtine 10,29(1 " line 4J- " middling Corn Meal 0 " condemned 69 Total. 10,401 '1I1I.ADELI1IIA TB.1DC REPORT. rmnAV, Novcmlicr 25. There ii icaroely any. tlilng doins In ymreltrou llark. We quoto No. 1 at tlo. ire Flour Market Ii devoid ol acUvity, but arlcaa are almost without ehanst;. Suppliea oomo forward alowly, and siocka ou band are belli reduced lo low flgare. The demand for shipment la moderate, only 4O0lu0 barrel! belns sold at tl-.iW V barrel for low grade aad good em a faiaily, and 100 barren yuaker City Million eecrat tanus. the aalea for the aapplyof the horn trad are uaklur at :e;.-sU0 jr.foraupernne, up to ll-6ox,, U M foe laucy, as In ijuality. By i hat and Corn Meal continue extruuu ly quiet. lu Wheat there Is aearctdy anything doing t inppUe! Muie forward alowly, aad iharo la but llttlo demand from any source. In Ilia ahaonceor tranaaetlona, we quota Fenusylvaula aud Western red at tTWtiii &t. and 8outb em at 2 rsoi,2 00; white commands from (2 TO to ill 'HO. fult-aol li) a in a auiall way are making at l'7u,,yl-7J. Corn uieota wiih a uuderate lunuuy, at $17 il so toe yellow, with aalea of ltssi biubehi, and UnO buaiiela wlilld at ll'ifc. (lata aliU ottutinne In sood renuoat, and aalea of. Ulisi liualiela ai reiorted at uoc. In Uarioy and Mail tha tanaactloua aio ot an e&uTemely UnilUHl etiaraoter. Wlilsky l uulet, but llrm; wa quota Omv ban ell at i; ; reaUed do. VV , and Druda at ll'Jl. Market by Tdlearrapb.' Nrw Youk, November 2.5. Kloar ha- doc'Ineol t,'al(V.,ialeiol S.olie Mils, at ! oOdi h) for HlaU; SlltgiU lor (Hiloi tlo inl-iili for Houumra. Woeal la dnU wltli uar l.nnartiuit Corn hae advaiMMMl S eanut eataa nl 7 sAt bbU. at 114. Boefataady. Pork heavyi altot)lkjoi fvrawa. lAid uacnanatu. wuiaayauu. LiTlST M ARISE ISTELUCESCBi CT.K&RKD THja Mosicraa. lTarqelJnda,lleiitt,Tortusaa, Workiaaa A litis Vlucoul, MorrUun, Has Orlaaus, do. hni lmosono, , Maraaillea. da. M - fj. a.' Una Lady WMhlutoa, ituAeiava, Bt- Johoa. ' aoudwACo. , tavarfa Bthr Jtia Junes, Large. Bl.SitU. JwrJu. bvlu at. (J. i an, alukiy, beau-o, tw"" AtKTtTD ""SCart to, uam.We' John "'-JSiZ - - Ivtk, WW. aMdM W W.a1. w