iTfti imam mill n i iii'iHrrr i THE nUCK THREE CENTS EXTRA! B .s.rr-f HERMAN MTETS PEACE. Bcorcin. Ah i . . at;'!.; a: i . i . i Misiia:si;)pi. 4 IREE STATES ASS TOR AN ARMISTICE. tio Terms Proposal!. II. Stephens Comine North on a l'oaco Mission. In! to Tlif. rvpnlnif TelrKrii!,l.. jW A 1111 I L'tfXWt.T V , . ..1 .... - ..,....,,.,, jun-iiinT a i. incre ip a rt lure to-day, which seems to come' from ! sources, auil is generally ercdito 1. that nil Kuhumav has hem, met in his nphiint progress tlironrli Geur-lt ho moT JJkow s, of Oiirght, Wa i rs. .if Al;i- i,uiul Ct. AliK, of M;,!..!,!'', who offer the wing terms ol peace: A cessation of ho;i!ii;tis. c . iiiim iiuLT io i no united fitvs f the m of Ccoiria, Alabama, tun! Mik;in:i! all tronr-s and firms, controlled hv the rnnienta of those. S( if'H. 11..- WT t. ... ur.iuMi Miites to accept t!,o debt red by the war of the. three. KUU), und nc Ui ll.iuldatp tin in for the entire stock ton stored within t.,.r limits. me people oi the heaiest to 1-e taxed to ie Interest on the Si uU) debt, and a sliire mu'rctti ou to national rvar debt. The Ml rJi, Ui mow in uicuirec Mutes; to bo tratis- to the National Government in return assumption of their resjucfive .SUte ltlo Mi ...mi tiii.f.ii.ii oi i'ic i iitvea withtuit cotil ft, lion, (tnd if it bo oeoes.'"iry for the Uuitotl mr anil troops to vout.inuo their mareb to tlio ir by id, they are to bu tinaiolested by the 1th , and to be furnitibctl with such lood and IllMl as the exhausted conditioo of the couu- 1 turuish. ral SiiuiMAN is Baid to havo H.;tit for lUr- 'Ions iu the meautiino fiom his (iovern- '. M .nd it Is reported that an agreement irat :oatd ived at iu Cabinet Council hut ulht. i.lii. reported licru tliat the TuUuhassto h is 'it iliaiiifjton furlliUiliixwitli A. If. SrE- tme ip:ai tin board. lie Is said to be clothed wcr to arrange, for a general arnrst'u u.d in read t J tli lintl .roUD' rna' I mo- OKTED CAPTURE WW t.ul LTViC OF MACON. llmlo Lttlor iy Prisoners and Guns 4. Taken. rot' gal ir Ui lartilii iK upu fo t'li ftvenitiif T.if rw.i. NtiTiiN, isooinl,ir 2! Itii) stnnior iiinAto lute, t ht iirrivetl from City I'oint, wish South. Kthat ciufirni the riort ot'tliu ei;ure oKlli i ill w :y ut Mi; on, with rntnv pru.uie.M. civil ir.r, cms, amull urtn, III! CJ by oomli. rcul j'iy evinced over tlio n' tvs. (livinjrtJiiy ii hi)!ii' v.;ry mnmraily oh- ug oon .m hj 'p.oprhite m nui r. tilt Up t Ponii. KKV'tKI i:3"MI 1. lifTcrci BlITON, oi?iub"r Xl fh(. ,' . . .... licdl e in, (.:.n hu fiil'ti.vln.i M'rmtiti tl to aiiMintii.n tl.-i T! ii. tnk f .111. nn V" """"J tt"iicov, N,ivitt').;r ui -j.ii . "ii-i .u.lli M.ii'Dii lua' on j.ikiI hlii in tn w.tti wi;hi.i t' "li;ecu ,1 .!.u 0, uci. Tiii; juoii lim ; i, v. 11" '. ll Hi llisl. Illi i'.irv nil Tt' Itial I Jor I'lin- .',.,' , ;,. I it ,.- j.t j. ,,i i 1. iw'lll.' II. M I.. ' 11 1. :,, i ,,l ..., COU i'i j IH.,',1 lV I '. ;i : . il il. . P , 1 1'iwn Ii W ill en mi-1 i ')' . .in. I iln.r n.. .... i. 'c (i) cleft :i 1 i:, te iriiij; it. tl"i stvti :. li.J ui. .: ivii.-t, tiii n lti. Hi itiij, bio. a to c ! VI1U '1 r. I'ei .ed 'h i f. r. . TOi in me :. y i; me ai- .vj inuli.i'.l.i'v. trlotltu il. l il.,.', t.r.ier 1,1 !.... r lutetin llu. Atlli.i. llllg. u. Willi. I w'i.n rti.i ,i Colli f'.in'i ' t i Winn tuc xr'K lo tvtt u i ' f a .ij.mtto o eiiiiicni'ii t in' v -.v . 1 1 uerthl, ivrr-aik r.vo tl:t rutioti .tit me it. I n:t nujr, j flit lentil, ten i1 1".,' ..;.n: ...,,i ...i, , -nr. ! h :m..., try t il it... tl to it ftniuls til :i ii i tii ti : : it ;.. ii i.a hi-, n irii,. Ih that i ih.ii.u It hi i'.. tiv (.iliei rn ii". i mn itl'rt i:iiiittn i.i: ; not n Dui.tof i t."io .i 11 bt ot or iiiiii'.c,;jj..rily ex.- i ttil ihr.t the roiuiiiuml will Iw snp. bubftiaivnec and Ii -i-Hne nnnnlv fr nn '. All forcei will l)t iiiiliad wita and fumce inainlv l'roat tl ,11 e.illnrrv rh'tu.f nn In l uf oi. i or t tn.Hl will be dona by paric;s dot for ilunteer ny ortpiuo eoiiini.intlers, muter stioti tyi ai De prenerioea by brutai e a-nl divl. tvow ti (irouur. auilera, riliiseioL' lu.iruiiiiinir. iui.1 trneliy or abubu of t'itizt)llM will tin MhanM tuUheil. Kuch brlemlo connetimlei. llu luVit bttiiiiff roar-Bittird ou everir niin. li. iuj fro. a lroubt I Jtr thu arrest of all truKn'lrii. er ui oiiuj,'iin on tun march should rum a upon mo of every oillci r and iloo-.triil tuuiiiiiiii. noiiiytuB rcp.iwtioii Ui altn.if i ' mo periouai ihIcIviii i', ir dependent, in a Kreat uiuasiite, u.iuu jneuli l of lorrl uiuuii inui unciiiiiio una me euro luuuua mm uiniiiUDiuon. ivlun ai Hid of Muior-Uctieral 8rone. tlie Irl ti kind, Asul-.tuut Adjutant ;u In atfaf TO THE lTIII.IC. ie that ir luteution that those connected i inirt w kitm "'IrELEOiiAPU ehould bo allowed to I 1 an u iiau iini. Bolenmitics uud leatlvities of ng Day. This luttsutiou we have nof IM roper to dopurt frotu In order to he imblic tho lata and Important from General Sukkman. Iu 'cell eoui 11 Ban J vcr, not to encroach more than Is tl., Ire. ecessary upon the Lour of rest of e, we republish some of thu is already appears' ' teretarf, piercing the iicmr Tim EEiiELLio;;. or turm.'Ui'? Order o. Gpor.v. Mnr ARMY ORDERED 3 LIV3 OFF THE COUNTRY. No iVi'i-c rt; tele Deetroyr :. in Lccili tirp where Army i. Unmolested RELENTLESS PEV A3TATIOJJ TO FOLLOW ANY MANIFESTA TION OF II03TILITT BY TUB CITIZENS. Macon Probably Captured ou the 20th inst. TIIE QFOROIAN3 DIVIDED AND WEAKENED BY DISSENSIONS. Fears Entertained at Richmond that They Will Oflbr No Eosktanco to ShermrinV; Aikricc, GOV. EKOWN orroNa the OF Tf'E CON- EXLCUTION riDf RATE LAW.-! AND CONSCEIPTIOE. reople of Georgia Urel to Dostrov All Frovicions that Can lie . Beached by Shernui, EFFORTS MAKING TO CONGES. TEATE THE MILITIA OF THE GULF STATES IN HIS FRONT. H-., Vac, Etc., re. Etc., J'.tc., Kto, Nlifrninn'ii rtleri for (lis March. fci iriiL Firi.D Oin Kit, No. 12ii. Hk.uiucU'. ieiis Mn iTMiY IIivision or Til : Min:omii ei IN TUB I'lKLl), KlMIBION, 0,1., NoVOllllllT !. I. let th 3 purpose of military opein.lons this nnny is ilivtdi ti into two witiRS, vi. : - The rlijlit winif, llei.trul 0. O. Howard comtiurnliii;,', tha l,-lQ urtl I7ih C.tii; the left wirtf. Ma'ar-ilKiMtnil II. w. Slueutn eoiuiuiiniliiiff. the MtU und 20th Vorp. ll. Ihj liftlii' onlor of march will be, wh-n- cti r prneti. ,ib!e l.y four rotid i, as nearly pimllol a pcusihle, itntl convi rgiit; at pi'l its herc iftor to to luilti ati il in ouleH. The cav tlry, Mri 'adiev. (fineriil Kilpait.ii roiiim.iuil'.oh'. will ruecivo Serl,il orthrs I'nmi the C.irmn in.ier iu Cliiof. P 111 Tlit r; will lie no jieneml irain of sappliei, but each corps will han; its nmmanitlon and pro vision tritin, dimriiiniL-d ha'tituiiHy ns follows : l!ehiiidea.'h TeKiiiient should follow ono ;y ivoii and one nnihulanre: behind ea' U brira.fei Rhiml.l follow a duo proportion of amevininon Wivt in?. prevision wn(;ons uml ambul tn. es. In case of tlaoRcr, eaeh army torpi 1 ehaiiKa this ortitr of niareli I y lui.ii,s tin n lvaitco uml ririjrudi! uneii ii'icred by who '.'. Tlio separate cnuirns will tfart Imietmlly -.t 7 A. M., and malo alien t liftutn ml;, spei d,i unless otherwlo nxou in orders. IV. Tlie army wir funn '.hoi-.tlly (Jtl tho tountry dininj: the imu-eh. J , this cat), each tuiptidt! eoiniii irdi r III oiaiii : a g.iod aad ui (Ktei.t forniflOtf P'.fy, itr.tlerti ,e ommniid ot'ono or ninie lii.erii. t tliia r, who will gather, usar tlio route traviled, corn t.r fur.,?c o' any kind, moat of any kind, irrftt iba-H, com i! ui, or wh.ttuvor is Dt-i't'ed by llio coiiiiiiiind ; ai ..iiii,' at all tl in s t ten d ire' pro . ei. ttays' i'nr'i;o. ) .Jin.74 of the in- to 1 1 ep in tin. wacn it linn ,il ie vi.'e.r.s lor iho eo.nni.m.l iiini '; foltllers ifhi n.,t etit-r ftie lw lial'iftints T Celliliut V,T t, IT: I , 'l.t-y liit.y be pi is ; dining tlio iiiittsd to gather .hies, and drivn To rcitnlar for i!te gathering of i stance from tho la!t, er a ttmiip'. ptitatncs, and Cher v. in :Uiek in iVo'itof ttn f iiiinii. Min;' 1' iriu's mint in ii.uu.u d pr. vi-ioni, itinl it r.i;.f - t any, rea J I re .eltd. V. To it tny e,,rj. t,iKi. in entrusted the 't'onsiu?, '"-C, te is laid d'j in . wt.ero th'i army i uwtr ii.-tiuy ie n . liilU-'. , il 1 n : i :mrb.' -t.''.l."e'i ii ti autl i'.ir tl., m iht . . In clbtti 'ts atul s.' i. is l.i,ii,o!, s.cil. i,o ile en! . i" hitch proi'.erty h tiM jjaetilhH or in.ii :'J, or should the htnild he pe .i:iitt ; nniiniia,'arrs mt.! inr liilii.liii.inti liii'.n l,ti l(,. wine iitRti.iovt J - k r I,, ', ohs:i ii t roads, or other s'iiity, rlion army onis . i ie in iiint-ri si. on ,i,' ami .murce a llOV.I.U. t tOU 11! 'I e OV It i 1. 1,: rlt I L - 1 3. i.filin ug to the iaea- sure 01 s'K'ti .'to-ti'ity. I. Ai fir hi rsc- mnlf. w: 'ouo, &c, belong iiifc to ll fc iuli.ibaiits, the c.vdry and artillery n ay npi-rei tiaio fretly and without limit j dis. triuiinaiing, however, between the ri .h, who are usually hostile, and the poor or industrious, munlly neutral or friendly. Foraging partios may alo take n,ules or horses to repiuco the jadtd animals of their trains, or to serve at puck mules for the regiments or brigades. Iu all foratlnjr, or whatever kind, tho parlies enfiged will refrain from abusing or threatening lan fiuaite, and muy, when the oillcer in command thinks prope r, give written ccrtilieatcs of the facts but no iecclp:s ; and they will endeavor t , leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance. VII. Negroes ti ho are able-bodied an! can he of service lo the several columns, may bo taken along; but such army commander will bear In iiilnd that the ticsiion of supplies Is a very Im portant one, and that Lis first duty is to s.e to those w ho bear arms. VIII. The organisation at once of a good pioneer battalion for each corps, composed if possible, ot negroes, should be attended to. This Laltiilien should follow the advancs guard, should tepair roads aud double them if possible, so "'at the columns will not be delayed alter bud places. Also, army' siudy the habit ot giving the a' " the road, and inarching t aud also, Instruct tl'"' steeps hills or " IX. EVENING .-iiy.!11' .lLHnSI)AY, KOmilJKU 21, lS(i. ii iti:r. A(.x'()i,'iT. Tin HTcr in (ft i;i:oii(-n "-hi rnnin's I-n i hhmh Wi.riii Itercpf AMmlirii; tne liivtnlfi-. Mai N, N.. Is - ,i, si hu w h:M ill'is,,). , Nil il- 'i' ii nil. i - in:'..- II- m ha jet 1 1 i n i . r. i Ill- hi Ml til i in t e f ti l in il ,;.;.. cv I llu II ' III Hi" 1' K'. I ll.'J W, iimu- I. Mac n, ' : .11 it Noi .- i i in i- I .' II IIIV mil' I il I I I III el, will il U 'u: l.llf. 1 1. . I,. .V,. !. rlr,. A I n ti l, in. 111' II .i'fl -I.-;;' llrn. Unit I'i n l.r n; ii, ' Sin: ne' iv II I' I Ml I tn ,:, i , 1.,. lit. I. t.t .ti i, i i. lltll.litl;: i' i.n; . i 'i li. v.l ti. ili n. i-i.,.ii;,,i, t 1.1; Intlitf ui I.n.r. , I'lirlit I. I en lretu t ni.l 1 i.e in. llllllliili t. ,.,c taint lit. Inn ili .1 1 lie Tvi Ai it '! ; 1 ,. I." It I '"f I van .'il Ml.. ( IL'Ilt l M !'! IV1V' Ulit'llt I V lie ji Hi. II lim.'ll ,,,, t..,!li..i-. , 'i,,,,, i..,,r f :i I ill i ti- i-.l .nit tlu- an, if .it 1 1 1 ; i : m a s nr li,.i, I he lounlt ft All;, in,, . ii ,(. --1, ,.,. , ,, 'en m.iil I. rile. nn. t.,1,,. ., il,, ,.,;v :ls tt,.lk y dell till. ii. li, 111, Mc lo l: Mirr n ri,'llt I'V llmlnnf 'K " rftt lai.t-e, the i..mli wasuivrti up. tinr at:st-t d, iitnli r t., ti, rut I vm:in. ,,i,nul -.tin. rise, ai d ilr.ivu ti,.. , n. n y ir,,m a r...:,.u!,t .,11 l,,,. south :! .,1 tlie I... vn. I.ut were in turn Ibrreil (,lllllrea-t .i.le. liriM rnl l.i win ilrnve Uie nictny into tli. ir nn:li, .it.onr. but, a tlie, nli,,we 1 it ,.d lit e, the m-mult mi n,,t r, tH l It tin neii out . Bllei llm i kitniiflun was over, Hut. tin-cneuiv hail ttl niil iwentt tliiiiiami ttien uii.tertien ral Si..h'.'m, 1 '.e ant, .t. 1,-rr,' 1'l.iiiit m ni'iiaiiti. I' nr-.-n. lllterv I.) MlH.HAN " cum lll.livh, una w:n,. , !;, Yniikei " nil, I lin y iirit piiitiK to itoi'.lgeiitei'v. t.i t.eial ;. i.. hup m i nlmi.Mii. li , ii,-.,,, .. ,,r, u. 1, With Iiiiimah' tr,m liinety.('.'ht lull. in is I. ar. I oerimT i- mil. I,,- m I a,. 1 rtna MiKisman'h uriii. tvu h.ive (tie ini, titr .n.., thnt It ii timvini! in two en n,iui, Ua I lie ii.p,,, t vl, one lit in AtiKurla. unit Hie ot i -, up. in .Micni. It i lint likely thai he i ulmi.t In Mi:iiuli, his eoluniti Inr m y h-tiutn nl t in,.; unit h line ol luuirli w II prLall lie its toll., vi : i In, rnliiiiin tii iiehin.' en the t. ei rimi statu tt.inl or Aiivustu. uut .... ... , Minimal, sixtvinile", uml llicte tiitnin.. f tne rii'ln, ll'ureh nil Mi IcJucvillc, Ihe enp of t.enr.'iil. I li,l culillnii nmrelnii,- ,n .M:u,,n will iir.ili.ihle K ( iiiwieril's, wilhlti lit. .,'ii in, m nl tin. tmvii ami there t, n ull'l,, .,.4 ill., lix.l n Juiu'tmn wilh Ihe .11 net huily. Ily thin in iviiiin iit iiluvn ml . ami the ei. ..nn in,. :,i hh" ity :., m.ivii nn Anu la !,v In! nnitnr 1,,,. 1:,. r tiu I , Itmlr.ia.l t.i HH,, ,,. villi', 111 il tin 11 tiiKieh.ii,: iin.ih, (,r mi .uvutinah, hy fnlliiwiiiir the laemii to ita teiinnuis th'te. 'v (1 nil mmii h in oi llu n I'unili v BimiiKi ,,.. .....i very lii'iir. puss. lily. In Aitvietit. SmatMAK is luov Iiik rupnlly. nu, I is not it n.-li trouhh'il with tr:iMV lie has I, am , I ,-vntl stttinn. at t. te 1 o.s it na i'tt-w.1, uml is ili'va-itiitiiiir th !'. f ounlry gi'LCtall 111 li mi'it, St'i'i'innn'M Witt. Fi'ctn lit C, (hmvvil H,n, Kot. 'l fcenn: time in the nimtlli n l-'ehriniry lust, wo think it win., ( enernl ritiMiUA.w nun ut these nnirvi inovoineita h eh tho Yankees are bo lend ot miiioiii.cine to nu nstnni,lietl world. I( wns, iiuh fit, iiiti'vi: mn in t ceuc nlioii, and in Hio ti.eiuy with which i' w is t.riiaveiitctl up to a certain pvu.t. It wmdil huve I e a .irl tu. ro marvelous li.t.l it tteti lii ielniifil In thetolntol .nleiuled cnusutii riRtini:. Alter 11, c ini urn nl the movement und Ht vi'MANH rntutn to Viciilnntr, the Mortlmrn nt wsmi,ets, toeiiil- ely I nt-.'ct nil ot their recent pro. Iiiiiiiiiioin, ilecluri il it to In, no li n nioro than a grcntl lecoliunisiiiiiro. Inteiuloii only 10 tnlhet the utu union 01 lite crops ami tho nulro.nls Iu nuiiuii, 111111 10 iim.iiro Hlutlii Iu the f 'uiitcdiruto niiliturv uuilioiilies. Jto one, nuwevur, behovi'd but tl.itt It wuk iLtleea what it hud Loon tluuiarod to b 111 in .111 auiiuciius uiuvtniiuiit involving a vttft and r unllo cetnl nut inn, I, oklng- tn a perniiiiient teteianee ol ' I'ulnn.iin calion,: U dtveett tlio Atlanlto KluliS unit litill S ti es, mid the en, ipii'ii l all tho v lyim; heiwnen tho Ti iiiithM o River and tho t.uit ol Aii, so tiirna t as the hitoul tnu M.tron and Atlmita lti.i rutiil. In onli r to clh et I ur 0n, SiimtUAn staitii.l Willi a movable ou mini, fulciiiliii.; 10 Iruverso ripi ily the Hun's ot 1 I at'tl Alabaiilil, tinijiie.stloi;. uliy exprct.'na- In nv, r.vhelut tn tinvo holuin hint lie con iparul.voly ieelln lureo under lien. I' suit to elVi't n huh infill ilnal y oil tho e-uil, uitlii i' at I'a"i'itioti'it or nn Moiiiin Iiuv, wheru he would l e ei 1, hi. il to I'-tul h.-h u :'. uio ol opera! i'lin, at d whence be could, allot ttr..lin) . h,, r.'Uuoliou nl Hehi'i'. coiitrnl the me ot l he. Ahihanui river us Inr rs Peln u ai d I'oiitiMiinoiy, and by throa! flung JoiiNHitN'B roar cuinpol tint tionorul to lull lark Irnni Duiton to Atlanta, and tiliitnttely trout to Vueon. Tho coucviilion was ifi-aml tiioui'hj I no exccutiiiii up in a cmluiii n.iiat was luulten but at that nut nt tlio who n schema ia:i...l Iu cnntetiuence tit the di-a trotu inlliot. d I y KollIil.tiT 011 tho co-eperiniu cnhuiin wlilrl, In. I Fttlliid out trim M.i.nplilH Uomial A. J. tun it. MiKKiiAN hail e.itito with onl.- suMiiiloMt niliplies to Ian him till ho oniihi etilor thu lor!. hi and pioiltutwo unnii-K .v.U roiou.i ot Aiuhuuii, or iiiitil ioini o by Huuii, v im was tlestmud t., ,n. pleiiisti tho Yankee euunuis a-iat. Hut a svsiiui 01 won tii viitd oL.tiiiiotioii him.',!.. 1 lii 111:1 re Ii, and liter en s-"it tlio Htuto uf Mi,,,. HI pi, he lotiiid iuiiiHi l. ut Meii.llail sli I ooiilrmit ii by a inriuiikiblo mreo, tvliilo his owa illmini ,'i,,l siil lilii anil llm t!o eat nl HMtmi witniod him ut tn surely lulnl cnu iHiuet:e'ca ot piosooiiiiiitf hi m.tieh WliilB 11 was yet tiiiio ho Itiri.c.t anil lie I. ivitliutit slilkiiB n h'otv, and r: tie hud Vickshurx uoin whit an army which, in ih,i.r,ei e.iini.iit.-n. Ii id fuiii letliis tnu ;h If it ,t had n.:i.;ed llimii .li u i,'.,.l l.tllle. " ' Wo tefur In IIP, cni ml.. In th'.- lasturv nl i' i-i- piilirli ot 1MI1 tn inilci tn t.Mnhit nn illustration nt llu danger nh.en beset ll.o inn.t iu:i .fnln.-.i.r rein uies too must lltri!:ioi.,us ent".ii.i, mid likenno l.t'eiiu-o v.o lin.l m .1 iltu ant. .) .llli: "".I triaeLt ilu,M':::i-';t. u, 1 11,11 1 1 11 lint re, mil fl e.ils ttttiv, and ll.o ki to hi., actu ,1 ih. i.'i.s Iho i!. ',1,1111, 10 it om A.luttU au-l U'J.,1.,1 ,ni.- c oi the t ha.lauoo'.'a huso imp y Uu intuit: ion u. seio bntrc pn ill on the eua-n i r u tn w huso, and tn elt'oet in Ih.s way Kin euv.-ii .t ri vi ration ot tho Ailuutio b'u-ib iioiii the t.uli ;,i.ii,.s. hethefihal .0! ,Vl, l-iutil is on tho At aiio ni nn llielii.h i.. u seen, lie ll.o c Mil',.' ol it s u.aroli what it untv, ur mi'tlmils ol del. inn v.i! ho inaif I iallu th,. aiiuniii i.inur.i'S .or U.i.t d.l'eiimi via y mil ; tlio Mill," iu ftiint.l. VV lieu hltr.i ,IA M 1. ,1 oa:e.',i:i er. PS it e M-ite ut :,i,tii t: .d. tl miiiuicut tioiiiMul in, wiih m.l k.,w.eil.:u of tho eo.upuru. tivolv mnn'l unci iiiiMornr oi.'.' Ittt to u.,u,n , wo .no asfkiett. h h omul, lent tht. .... i, ' lniyy there wu.can.p'c t.u a.m a; our di.i,,., ,, , ,' ,,, lln.t eiinrter I.t l.i.-i ui-eoi..i,.tiii. and i. ... . ri illl.e .ioi'i,l col.'oiioi iniii vi'Mious icn, t 1,1 '" avy uaiiKS oi uo'tt.os iu fodui,. ihu i,,., r ae.Of the intlds, und ohnil'iietinir i:, ot Uii.te.ll nl' tun cnoiiiv. n.,1 , t ,.: . inid.ttt'j liout, hut ou hn, llauki. ami. in ir,. prao'ieahio, ill his roar. l-y this iiiiiins, h s inari h miirlit ba ih la...,! ,,i:t his tuppliM would be oAliuu.tod aud a iorou ooncen tinted lor tLofiltncy siitlieient to lusuru his di :iuetieu. Adctd to tins, our Itabt cavalry thouid cany t-ffor eeiisuiuo by too toroli all moans ot su'j. (isti uoo eu his tlanks. In tills luiilo, praolio mlo wuy und by ro on to iinluary rotuurees, ol whloli wo have ubundauco in Ihe threatened uunrtur, wa doubf. Hot auKRUAM may boeauihttii a tod Irani winch liieie wdl be no pu..ibe eseapo lor him, aud Willi Hint cuiifldout expectation wo shall look funvard to I s cpviations witituut the least approUenjiun. Csrant'a Ilinuudueio. From ih Richmond ICA V, A'ti. 21. A piolotind thinker, rather original in his wa waswont to illustrale tho niuiiia ol bonk uis' vtny sutduuieally, but uuno the va ai tuo' I o show hov. ouiptv was Iha rupatalion btuk makers, hu mou;d say: "A luu tool lives aud dies, aud uo one ku lived; but a tool is h,.ru and Ihiu aJI tho world knows 'Ihu riiuiih thought Hue lar aptitudn iu tho ' wtio hounds ou I ollscouiiUKS r biasotis li Teterp lliul hf t 1 ' ' , in- eerp- ill v pi' .1 i r "i in i,, 1,,. 1 , , 1 . ni.l . I.- 1 ., 1,1 l "IIII I, n l ' ll, Ilk. ll ls nii.-r 1 mi I in 1 n I 11 1 , I'l-'i . i-fMltnr-j I l 11 in-in 1:, ' I M v, t t in il -I ir ,1,1 ti,,. n, -, imp . :lii-l e -,l hi t .cir '. lull II I 11- t'-r it 1.,.. ,.r 1 li,' n-t e.' ila, n w II lo I .'ill 1 I 1 II I 1,1 In:,- l.i- , :l!'!,' 1 1, ll ill,, 1, .1 , : tl . r .11 1 ll" 1 1:' 'll tl. . 1. 11., l.'.i;. A f .'.1. T!i,. , '1 (-f r, is n.ifhiiH. iii'-a ... III!,., .:nii. I.I, Inn liielaa n, .' i p 1 ll e fie! ,'n 11 s .a . ,,,,.,,'r ,. inn. iiii.ii.ii 11,,. ti .1 1 1 Ill 1 '' ' 1 ' Hie l i iini' a ,1 in,. ,1 ,.,, i I -e I. ,"i 11,1 v,' 1.1 . r il'ii... w.-i. e. .111 'uml., II M tl I II, rc ir. 11 ii.-,.- ; ,, ,,,,, . ,,u j .llt 1(, H'A.v'H uin.v hu., ri ii. I,,, ,-., t , , v ,-, , ,,. I. MII.W 11 Ul, .11,,:,- .. . Ih0ln.,.,( ' r mt'liilv lie, h. llu it. I,,iw,,.r :n. , 'I .1 1 III SlIHtll'AN H I, -, Jit, 111! iy 1 til I ' '1 ', (e''.'e e e 1,1 Hie ,l.u,i,. , 11 h, I' u t i - iv, r, -. ' I ' ' a slioii,, I, , iily imi,., l0l,.-.. v l'AN I, .1.1 111 llu, m,i ,'V ihr,,' e ,'r k -' 1 lltlitll. Math ant Nii:,-,,r.,.th. ,,. h,', t in ,,. tlfl..'li.ltk- nil sell W.irll New i.wn an, I her.i-l-tvn 1; 111 l. v.- l,. .-.l lo ei in. ic him to (..-.j a.elt 1 art nl It,, i'lin lit hmI t.KAM in ti,. , t..,.u d,,,,,,,,,, , .r rtli'l mm ,11 ei,..,-,. huinii', ,1 atel him -n, n It III. ..' tli.l, h.ivo teuhe.l I. it AM' III' 1,111,1 I,,- ,,.a,lv ( ...... .,, ,,,,, ; ,,,,,: lintM' 11, liml.inlil, in- Ih.-nr.. in,,, Pl,nll 11 in in 1 ,.,.,,. ,r, lh hi, me 111- "",'. , ui iiueei",.tv, in us.' Qllill. I nr f. -veial itavn pas' IheVul.t, I. ,-: itnr ...iv I... in,.)- ,11,..,, 1 tnt it try phi :t,,, i', have hi ,m, on. w oi' ,s wiiie.n ran 1 i.'iu 1 .11 1 nun i-,,i In 11, '' ir 1 v inv Itiey iim ,1, 11. er. llcctiis r.Mi, it,.- 1.1 1,1 pr. p.ii.'il inr mi aiitai.t 111, 11 11 i t in,, ex, ecu tl ' n r.aituit. 1.1 Hi.rr h.iii X Uf lo make lor tin 1,1 i...iul I'i. KM-t'K lino, M.i'th of .'ui,,,, riv, r title laa licit Ktitiio bnak ak roilslim . i,,,- ,..,., I'i, I t" I list. Wtinii 11111,1 ,111 ti,', 1,. '.. line el ii l-i. it en id elli'liiy's n o,,.; ,li,, 1 - ii i.t. I I.e it'lluwin itiiii. r : is t.enei'al I.i;'h u p,,,, ,,, "l.t.A ti otiAtt. rtai, ,-Tf . Vnv. is Hon ,1 - .V Pi'OM -1. en. I ii sm n,p,n; that, Inst i,i .. ,,.,,,. , , ,,,,, ,. ,, , ! i,,,,. (, , win. liikeu pi.i-cs.s ol and l ,,. mint in,.' in in .1, tt.o e:ii ,a,ii-, tw I cuifa,,,,,, . i m I.Hi i, led and Iw, Ive w etc , ii.t , ,-, ,. to.'; ' the d, ad ui-,1 .i in, t-,1 :, n I,,' i.,,i l.' "tin, lu-, ot.e kil e.l ii,.d in e e. oii,i,l, , , , , . ' It I., i IP," ..ii .1..11.V nvui t. n i'ic iu v made an c lou i'i line ii f (....a ,,,, and i.'.m iuu I, tlu ir , ' I" k 't nr" h". , '.tin I iv in , i. in oie l.'pu ki',1 w ih III: I'll . ii tn nu ve r. ii w l i"l.l. I iu wli.r i.t otnpi I let,i. en h,,t lor Hi avy ii.i.tkcrv n ma k an In-ur nn mi nnlav n eat 1 n in 1 fleishi,,',, inciv, ,s , o act- ol inter.vr THE REBEL CONGRESS. AN IMPORTANT DEBATE. Exemption of Civil Oukoi-s from Military Scrvico. HANGMAN" FOOTE FURIOUS AGAIN. Sir. STAl', ol Vn rliiiit. trout the I'o iiiintleo to wl . in was leaned u toso.titioii iliivetni,' uu in mir ,l lo li e e) eu eiicy ol upplvaii lo tlie WV..111 iia os .... ri:ii a mo. iiieuiioii oi tlie uvvs ul llm MUlo.i nn i.aii niiiu tnu eiieoi. to ueoie iso tho uiiiiiuor ol - """ ' n' rl U) OlillS,'H, ti.i, tnu Unit thuy nn.snu.ied it iii;.ln, iiio.n,ui h i,i f ii.uiui ii, uu. several rstal.! la.'i.s a tun .i us t.i iiioihiy their eseiniuioi l ias u., ut have r: Ijeea to In l.tiii v sei'vun rilHio . tlnvn I,,.. . II tie llc olli.,huelilliiil utily-uvfto.ra, w.iiwi. 1.IC-, no-al ii. nto liluy noi ee e.ieiilia iy ,t,l y to c t in ct ill li em rv ol. llu onetal.ouu ol tueir re s; e, lit, I, ow riiineniH in, t'i.tnun.,1 e refotiiiiieud tho itmaii ,t 11 i til i 1 a j..u. I t oiuui.Ui,.-, tn rnusist o. on m .n. hi r In in euen lale on th,; pan ui tho n uud n eli l uiiihiriis may bn u, pointed hy t a Son ,n. WIu.m uuly il si, all ho In iisei il.iiu tin nuiuii, r o, ol l.ei is ,tt futll in ic o. tin- mi-vol ul rtti-te.,, e,.,iii ted ..y Ci il i laws .loin ui, n i, iv Mivii'i: in i... am, i s the t I l.tfih'in o .'-tup s, .01 Ihe pui use ol c t,i II e vni.u.eiii ot sa il s in. .,. and il i!u-iia . Li l ni tx milled he Inrwr than in,. pn, , ,.,. ,.,,, thai sunn to ieiinie, Uml lue t iiuiiint i 1 n..puio let.i. it lu ihu ti, nnso uu appiahnt to fuel' i. lie o, an ii Sh.los In so uio.hlv tho i- u.sneoiivo txeini'i-nii hiwnit, lo toi.tlor hitbu ru mimai , ser vu e a i I id it - Li tin d men I i-ta ei u t'L'llteeu jud Ini ty tlvejia.sol nee. w liuso nerval's Iu their scv 'i-al nt-tiie- l.c tein enirily Hi peine.! Willi, wiilio it Ceiliiit.i.l lollm'i iiiiienl ,,l hii.d Males. 1 i IT' l'l ih, in suhiiuitiii the report ol tuo fn n In I'ic, ff.d ihat it was utninits mat so, no aeiion oita I Inl i'lukeli, eilh. I l.y t fit.-rei- r tnti rilu I. e.rhlll res, to Ll.Hi lilt,, ihn nil I it ur mrnn tin, Isli.. ches ol ineii w'hu aio luiw OMjlnpt un.l.'r t io tsl.ue ;aw. T. u muli-luu ot tuo t miser plum llu li':. i: sh w hat I here mo mote Hull, thin v i.ioiim t ul II h" ut' "Ul nl Ihn tinny uu the l "it ul Mtnto exeit plioii. Virgin u nl inc. ul home o- th.seus l-li ll; .No: ill t aininiii, iit-oiil l;, umi; outh t it-ui,iia, 4'U; Aim unilt, lo,t ; 11, h ui.-u,pi. Ih); tc tnuiu, it lit sin n-i d. he, ween listen inn! la.ooj tt was clear that uu til. i lie II were I d nl h,,ui ', an 1 t lu. i the muni r liiiiil Imi reduced Willi, mi ,' ari. in. i t t tho l lil.ho . iv.i:i.. 1 1,0 l.i.voinnm ol mo IW'V. i ill Mm ll. or u Mini- had reeenliv in -t ai ,i u ji t a tu i.iiu cutli'Sel up, ill Ihn stint; o. Ihu i'uiii,ti'v ; tuny hud i ul .orlh a nui "s n. t 'b.ihitiiuis. wlunii w. r oe li III us lur us Ihey went, l.a Iney lti.i n t i it tu enoiieh. Ihev woio sil.-iu iniuu lin, suht-Tt or Kla,e e oil 11 ons, a sehj ,vi nl. i wlilen lo,' iiad a til' thuilly ll L. ve uil other. In. mahi. is saiu ho was 'u l.iviir ol ui:k:n nu ai ' ul to lli Mulos; ut. ea: tii'.-i i,i,, r'-sp.-iaiul in pen, lie Lo ii. at tic ..tai.i J j ..;,,hc.-, ,: ,ia. (i.t'tei d, il li.e cr is nt tho eiiitji i' .. m, :.!i ,v,., they would mo that It would no bo tier I i sit uioad li e i 1 1 1 al on- ul Ih. ir n si oi-.iiv.' t.uver.,i'iu ,,, a,o to 1 1,1 t. ru'e llio lines ut .ato nvei'ci.i'.i, , thu i ' Ui. tule Mil jtiu ill it i r i'.ue,',, to iloeonl any li-rilli ot I i liee w ha'li hint ei ten iin.n.s. d us. I'.iu.j was no lu: ii iiiuin i.ev. tea to Suit. I tt.L'al, tin, i i, . l.i tl.u.e . Oil, aer I. nit tile Ul.,'iil Ui nre . , too . Ma f t, v. i.':"tit' ei. uiil in. ( atn u,. it wtr t in Hi my tl.ul s ou ll.o Lui.k.i ot i li.i .lai.t I..V.T thu! rui. id na tie saw: tn. ll tint an.1,,- ntl tv tiiil.. llu .Nniiii hail t.i, ,el I., .,-!.,.,., btil v. ur, hioiu.'v iilnl Cut. I 'd tai . No ot o ,':i,i ', tor cue.'. , hy miK 111 a I in. v. tin ion ol t no .-,1a e.. ' A la ii or w hero ul-i iho Sin , a ever inn ,u. e l.c i Mhu. V lien t.,0 N ot l It sit . t .1 , 1 1 : 1 '. o a . c i- .mm nl ihe si-Pcb mi ihe ut i:, ih v w Oi h. he nn Ul oil t l "ei !i:nv,eil; . t.u, in ., , ,,,,1 ,. . iln :c was n. tiin.u.'.i a.i.titin i.n i:-; il cv .s i,.'tl,c.' iu- uep. , Ui'l.eo or liur nil!, sinl-U tl d tu our ,e:tliuen, slioniii. a L.-ller iiiu.nvi ii uu ul i,. tint', CI- lliul eilVllUH l.,t, j,: UlOltslU ; Us O.U'I' 1!; :l.,l j - tit . i iix .null ul lis .uwi i ami to ;.iii.e ,.t tn m.'ot the i call) HllUi'iih' lhal is upuli li... lit.. I 'I. l.l At'tl (t-.l'-l said (hut the ni.Illloiu if tu, in V.ivini'i ( nr. hi Ac. i:n h.ul -aid that, in a o ,i tt nt i ti nt, ho would ho w.liiiur tu bt'il oil), iho ,u 1, t ui Mlito se-veiei iln Vl -li.-d lu k u;, i. si. el. a una utiutis p,Uij,..-, was u.n.' ai!y.i:tt Iy lilii'iiu tV Asiii.ui i,:. lh: ( was M:ut. s inhts ii. an, and ho i'.iual n.,t y.,t, n,r 1' Wliieli loohii to t'.o O.ilnil'.plh.a oi ,-iT olUtois. hnilli 'nt oil nu, conlliiuril M". T.kacii, had in lur aauud shiireut Ihe louiiirk.i iru,u ihn u.uii in. in V item a (A.r. stai-i.i.. ). ii iud tu v u.n cale i rth ( urn inn. s,j hud ii, 't' wui uiore t tiun one liuuthed and eialiiomi ' nictt, which was u.oro, iu pinijuriiou to li tun, thuu uny other Male in lite win. to L'i ur.vuili. Iho muriaiily stunslies n. th t o, ibat North Carolina has iosi ono ai' cnit. o. her troops, whi 'iiviiua hit e oyer i,Lc-liiiil per cent l.o was lirod ot this cunt that the" tho llou c. W hero war tho ovnloe lina not lutviu done h A sreut hue- and cry beeume t.ovetnor vi.em dared ' tu av tiia u t tint"' hu In In, . 1. 1 : .1 m 1 T E UE G-BAPH. nr.. ft'1,1 n tho .,,f it,,i.i, 1 ' nl the s.,u.i Rt ii,,, Nnitn, ,;,V, I ' Ull M(M,il,Iir, t ii.ii iiuv w,, "' 1 i' nn. 1111. 1 (I.ut tli..v -i .,! s . 1 ' 1 ,i l,,r in, 1, ei 1 1 s in, in. u. ,m, nt ol 1 ie I , ,1 ,1, 11, .ei hiir. 1 -In ,,! 1,1 1 I l i I AN I ',,-1, ,,,, ' i-'ie .in : 11. 1-1 oiitv ' I -,.i. In . p. ill.,, - ;t .,. , ,r nil,; ' 11 mir ,1 It .mm . i. ', ii,. ii.- in i. .1 - 1, , v t,rl...,i I tint llu, 1,1 nu. il. ih. in in 'I a, V : r n .1 I I e I 1 '.1, I 11 iM'i.l I. .ini, ti , II I- .-l.'ll til it ill. Inr e:tr. .1.;. ..n . un.l 1 ui 11, t'i ' li III.!' ll-M I'M 'I I Uf ..pii!,, ,1 -. -I ri W !' . 11 1 , I , H I' nl 1,,, ,.,-,l , liuit am h nn.t ,!, Met- 11,, 1 1 i. i t.- , "ii il , , iv,' , ,. ,n ,,'i k.,-,t 1 ! 1 '' 'l l.i in I- ,i w h .i....tii, t,., "I" v i :e: hu: ,1, , 111 , Ml' V, ,, ,,, ,,,. 1 ' :i' . It I, 011I1! .,1.1 , mm; I " ' t 't ' ll-l , f. . tin . I 1 , ' '""I ! If h' I ...I Ihtt l,r 11 .!.! hi III ' t ...-.-. pa., ,,. ,,, ,( 1 1 i-v- ,1, '. - 111 tl, , iini -r 'ill i.,t ' , '! ,'ri.l I:, ,- 1 ... -I it..n. .1 w 1 t i.r i;,P tiui.r 11 1-1 , Ivl 1 'f It , ' . ol . :! Mi I nl' 11 I ihl . r. I 1.11 , rin- 11 T .1 I -I', I- VI it. I 1 j ii ':"! N"i 1 .1 I at .-I. n .'.-"-, 1 MMitl, 1 a 11 :i . . ! ; , ". ' ii ..! A l.l :iu,:i " . .,; 'i- !,':'.'. i u-:- I' i, hi 1 1 11. , , . . , , j,,; Y.i I inn .mm. . . , 4,; llt.rt.ia x; I l.i i.'i v 1.1, . ,., ih,, tal l , Ih, i.ilin, . ,1, i',,' ii n,,,,. 11 11 e 11,. 11.-. nc to ki that hr I l .1- H I'I i.iili M 1 1,1. .,n v. Weill, I I,.,; ,h, t,,,.,u hllii ntlly -.i-li-.i-,, hu;, t.v -r la,, ti,, man. I -wnu.n.s ami .t,,, , 'U'f'l 1 liiitit r.-ii.,, 1 , ,, 'il ' , When Nor:!i I am. in 11 is 1 tit u..w 11 u haviim (kYi- nver liventy-ei rht l 11,1 would l.eheve thai mil ar iini 1 inn, nine iiuiiiir. ,1 anil l.v-i phvs!c:ans eMeiipt. when t.eeriiii. u luiuci and m,ir ,,.1.., , . . '. h it tin. " ' "' " "v". 1 1 In r-1 th,, t.ei. Mr ft. li ''.,. II Pl.,,1 win 1,, l 1,1 ,,,,,1.., I' ar.' li r WiU R.I , ... - , ,. ei.. f,a .-ii,') 01 11,0 t,,,,, ' "' " 'l l,','l-V HI,, K, Ilpp.IH'lll i ul,l ,' 11 Wlio wn ihl nterelv ahn.iv nnv uu. a' it- iWiites. ..: 1". -Mil tl Ml,,, A,;, , ir.ilina in, i, I ,, ,1,,. Ii l ie M ,. hud pit. ll . tn tlie war Willi li,,r .i..r I ill I T, un.l snc ,1 in v. i iihuinhm u, -I I ULi .. 1. :i ' . ."inn ru ' ' a I,,:,,, ,.r ., .'..'1.. .. "i In i nr p. i ,i, nee wan ui" loved. .in i -'i i-hii.i in- i. a, in invor oi uu apm al to the . .... . .... , , in i.nitt,. . 1 1 .h. u.n -av tu. I. n o: .or.h t aruhu.,. i,.. ,. , ,,, iliitv u , iiu:ii';iilti. h. r la h.-r . vn U..,r,.,.-nf.,.,-, ', i i 1 irii,niitt tin- im,i,.. "" " i'v in mi .. ni, t ir.,!,,, , '.-.,...',,,,,. ane. ii.ii i v I itmii, in, ' ,'" ' ....1...1-.I ,ii no n. .arm nuhi links ll t. II her, I, nl he ,;, ,., illt,w (1, u , loiule. it t- it. i l i ni l II tit,- I'nuili mini irutii Vir I I'M i l nl dues in, i kiiav nl a laek. .'ill it i Mr. ui nil. ui . u , nr. t na l d,,. ny tviniiu and ivh -rc ii. i . t. m tan,.,' i am nut at itii,. In sa -, Iml l i . iu i.eiM.ii- iii'.i in o cut am li, it a v ha, .- Man ii llml m as.. i, was ,n .Soul, t llr , 1,1, .1 hi.v If ...I let the Mli,.;u , Hu wului ( .In i s ,-. ryi'K l supiiit'.st il m vuti, ii if i .an the iMHt!,.,i:iu to nrdcr. '""'': t,:i. - .nr. i,a'ii..' ; t ll is Ills. Tnc .a-hl h-mj,, IS ' I., It liltl.-'l cuiti'i,. I, I III, fi I tu til" oilcsnnu he. ore th" it.,,,. Ml lo.Tl-1 never r,-a ll, tin. Mull io wl hunt smi .. I. i him ul pii.,,1 , .,. , , lW , , " neter iil.ii.le, in ,. r..,,,kr t,. ,.. ,iK ,u ullllll." t.l. Wllhoiit a In It. In.,, . iinl CM ,,,,, V I'uV'.1'."": V"!"ir ""'.'.' ' ' '- " ' , '.a. s.cii I,,',,' un.tleskb.kiig a ticks upon VI,-,. t H doitt ita.o .,,,.f, i,. nu, iau ui uiiii ., v uaro it-it ii io ii. .s ,uee. i, was n ot, .-r i,, , 'untinai iho V e, IV fi.lei.i, but i' not n. .nder , ,ud0ato bun. ft wa-it. otder sir. Mii.r, (r.sin f-i Mr. N; enker, tho i-milh.iiiau Iri iii i.ii es. ,,r I -,,,-it., oi.c.,ks ol "sautknn ail. els , lilt liutiie tl Vu-e I r li'ltlStii'invH . cu U. ,11,1 fCllUCl'llll 1 ,v,t ll,,. uisn in ui I -iiiii ,w-l.i.i it l.c ni, aus losuyl Ii .il 6- iiavn i,,.nu a nr iii.ii e .,aCK. in. 1 1.. n-Ne s,t, a very upon into. 1 cull all utti.eks ,n secret aeas.ona " tuiaeks." 'r. 1 1 1 i k, ri'Mini na t mi knows what 1 c utld nn in '..nin. ' i,n I will ti) tu bum .nhiruuil iii'iui-y a small stiucu in linn cMm-i.e ih hi w . ,.,..,,... u,i ,n-citici WilU SO UlUCil i ou"r.xv 1.1. u wiin no uitie'i cni', licit,,. 111. I.hits e.uiiiuiiiiiK). Air. .Sncicnr, tlio gcntlo liiaii rein .loiiili t ur. savs.wc liavo no iitoada 1 "i..- imiii' wait tiiiu. l say wo nato in, mi.- -conn, true, valiant, nieuds - u ttte fsoilh. laeny into pivi ii Inr ,'Ht l.Et.t.AN wa.t lue pi i c. I. very rote ar, vim inr lofi.Kii.A was it vulo utini si l.tM... I.N H Ainoilll io,.oy. I.yuly vou'iriyoil lot , I l.l.i.i an wa.. ti vtiin ui, . ii ii ail aruu'i.c). li Mtt l.i l. heen e icio.l, ho (l'on:i w.n p.t ur. d tu mas,- Ir.uit hissiat u u lor a col. vol. lion ui l',i. sot. wi.i .-.,,,, ,, ..orih and .,u h anil t." Lel.ev.'d ihut liio.s.iu.h would liava seoiu-'d Iioiii it peace all.. Iter li.ilepciidetnHi. li ihu -on n hail met l,.e in tniivcniinii. -ho would nu... 1 ii n nl ii league! and d" . usive, w.iu mo Nor, It mi thu si net e reem.-nl oi the K.inro i ,1 ,- lint", u ilheiul tis-ut.-, anil we s n, i d sot.ii hi.vo th.. wl.ulo Noitu Aiiuaieiiii duauin siiii iii'ilmps tu.,i. Vv hud t:u .ric.ids in I'.a,,, ,. It was lii.iy tn taik. ui il. W o h id tn-i.e ay an, il ,!,. wo, hi'1" '"' lliul "'u ion oi ii,v nr. FntiTK sa il lliul lie believed, wltlith-- "sun,,. Illill. In III Mill.ll t at. il, i,n Unit tno pnseii, Was no t ' t.'l us lu oiler nn ins in ticuee lu ihu cu 'iny. l',,(, not ill wt re f. inn it. j- lur war, and lu hop d lo t. d WO welf U o. Hut Ihei-i Aas i vuh tici, Unit tile Nnrth too, wus yrowiliu weury ol Ino war. Ills utlelillnt! lliul I t en culled lu ii inter Iruiii ono wliu had liuurt-d I " u naniiiuu ol llm L iiiuo'uiic om t int. u ut i ,,aukt,od.,o SB" I , "I H t I a 1 1 it i OHttir ban ) i sm uu WIS s. m.l i.ioi. It t m int., I hut st on n- o tilu le. leu ,u i ho lu Inn. 1 1 t ir, p Mtn u ti. kit a lu t out l.i vo. I II. a. t'oi irr r-l 1,111 u them o d s r. In I li r , i aoo i. hi tn. . r yet lt both til il ,1 lull ol est oh' t'Vf. 1 Al t'l Al ul tin hit n nn hint a t-i i,,. hi i rti'l iitirp I n l ien aun irt ti mi nl (In-- i.,;nt .li,, v I'll' til k nr V. .Ill 11 .1 i'.I . I.illi'i' titi'iih.r. Ai; .1 lire 11,1 tit, e tn ii slk. tl.,i,y ;,rrii'i eriileh y :,re U'l eriileh, . ami 11,1 ,,. ,... hi 11 . ,,11 ,.r -k 1 , . i'i' v m , 1 1 ii,. 1 11 t ... w a , 1 1 , an 11 i ,"i p, lin,.,i,' 1,1 ,1-tr fit 1. -ei. 1. iiiclinl'ftf n 1 ,rjl 11.111I 1 1 , I 1 In ,,, I ,:, -, 0 s,,,,,!,,!,, I,,.,.,,,, 1 'il l !' XI Ihe n,.r ci,. ,'r"tvii',l tl.aitir". i'n M, i 111 'I ll.i- Ml.e.e s. en I-. Ihe luilitiil,. Wl.liaiin i 1.1 ,, . hi rr , nr. ,11, 1 c i,,- -i t -, n, . ,,, c ,,. , 1 ' 'i'' n, I 11, -,' w , Here ill- ,, 1,1 l w t ,r., ,lc.l nlt 1 l..-ht,t 1,1. ., llu i...iie ' I, h- 1 t , , 11.. I , , , ,11 Mm 1 1, I ,,,, ti,, t. I ,.,,i,. , I,,. ,.. . i. ,, , I.. 'In 11 ,r 1 . 1 1, mil tr: 4. 1 I.- 11 1 -l-.l II ll II , I. i'i (. :i II'. .,II , in-i'lnt w.l 1,. p.,.. 1 1 .1 l.i I , I ... ,., I !' 1 I" t 1.1 111 id ! Ill .,.' I .-i.l w ' ,1.111 W I. lie hi . . It W in. i n ..1 1 1 a 1 ll 111 In V, : lie . l . . n if i tl . . r , ., I , , . , ,. ,,... . , I i, i ... i II A., il s i,:, d a, h . ur',lii. ,i.,t,. - Lv una ' I ' 1 1 1 I ' ' 1 1 1 1 . .s in j ,,,, .I,,,,,- tt.c II ul nn. td A mhiiuin.',. t miiuilt 11. Hi, siipplira for One Pn-oiif r A l iir viiu ,. Ion In lie Scut tu oy V oik. I'r lu ihr It .;. Aoe. uie cialdied lo .earn t'oit a en:r ipiirnloiif e hn-lu-.i. . ii... le-t'.vcn tn u.f, 1;.,. tn , i., t ,. ,. - r u, Is. lian.e , and t.iuctit ('. v. t,itvr. ie- i" Ha' ariuiiitf t"f nt u tue il iini., i ,i ii'H Hi'' 1 us. -in rs a on i u.-'t s., .en,.,, .-,,.1,1,. . -, nr. v nuns. I ho tletui,, t.crit siii ini' e, hv i n'' I. HI I. io l litl ill I . HAM', who ,,.mii,t,y reehed; ".. I . It llsK -111, II w cimipl eil will! " In see. n atiee with th.w .h la.l-.. one th-.m m, O.t . S , I , , ,t.,, w ill he Sh.l.ll, It I'iim Me k irs 1 h..f in Ni w V ,,rk III u I n,l.-d silut,.. v,,.... '1P e. in n a I. I c if '. tilled n,r and c..i.,m, , ,j .,,. ra, 1 i:i in V, t.oiv nt tun Wa -co, l, u,l h, I. t o .1, iiluir licit he limy mute luc ssarv :iii-hh" - i., .up ,,-r ,i ,- ...ii- ,n nn, e.titun and ttm nitrouu :,t .u i. e lie. .li .1 I v . ur pr,"i . at ,(. t- w uf ii.- t unit., cnu n t'i, nu. d i,, in,. ,...t ll(v :inlinr. ....i.e.. t. s uisiii ini) ,, nu v. VV I, v. ..l a. I an his ti.tcrtiiite. !t.Ai. lfrutn l!ual TrtinrsHt'f. Vent IA,- ' .-hut,,,,,! .',,,1,-f,-, A'ur. al. Ihe hrstnl .oi.,r,,' iiivcstlle Inlluwiiii a l.lilue al IRti.l'U uia ,11 reatd to iho icc'iit ehnl.ilisviel.iry LV lien. bill. KIM.IIHii.:! - t'tir leie.s a,,' itii,kiitn a a 'minus- tlnlsh ot tli-rint-I'liil'ti in liust Ii inii-sso... llu hi.iur.Uv last li nt llm cKiNltlliiiK alliteked the im. iuv In tin . r mi In lu hlneiiis ot Hull's I. an AiOT can vt, . -ev'-ral ni t's ul their winks he withurew lu tho evelnii, ) living thu Waiiciisliurg t l nn. n, ami suhn'. tin. i,tn si lit t, l iteral lit Ka'a coimn tail tu jon, VAfotiAN, iu ih" t iieniv's loir, lu,, l',,h ta's ai nun. i'U.ili.1 the Lap, and commenced a r. treat low a us K i.ux v il e. mi una , mar Ituss, Iville. ihe 1 iM, ml enluimi wtis attaekt'il aim ct rftteitlllff 111 two hy ami i , o K K. ;a slloit ellr','ill,t re siilteu it t ho t'lltlilili-ti, rout ul' i!., ,. . . ...'.. I tit. tin i j r, iu tiers, a train tn liny wunmil' nu atti l uluiats. om.eil with supplies aud valual, e nie lual tote , ll.n n v hursoa, nix ten-pen. id artotl I eitg ihe w liolu ot tho t Hi's uruiiiry. ainf t n Hum s ot coiois, 1,1 nn,, our liainh,. tiji u, 1VUJ ii-,,, . ci oral IlKKt KtKi.iDut's licatl-luurlert were at .Muu.nn.wti voiiciilav. l or v-ei, ht pn. inn rs, ruptured hy M iiur root, at .Merr st. wii mi 'lue.-.iuv lust, :nr ve,i It, io last lui'l.t, in ol anrn in Ailnniint I iiii lki t, oi the sixiy. 61 1 ill, il I'tl. es.,,; li, tun. nl ' Lur lossii; the atlit.r ol I nJny wus i,o kil'ml and tw wi iii-.l, d lue tmin in eurs caplincl in tl .1 ,r was Inn id wnh cuttuti uud t,lul supunes 1 l f HUH' ninl enaitic weie ilc -trove,!. tVI.vtn I lis. 1. 1, i k; ii cupiiireit ut Mtoiiy I'rnr.', i'iilt too IU v. V likltim, were hruuvht in ,.J ev. ll.n, , uud tiiriietl ..v..r t , l. ,,,,., i 1 1 iiuv , the co iilnl. nit i, this , est. hv whuni li.nn v.'eic cot i iri.ed lo l orl vv a.thull VM1.V LATICST NEWS. AFTERNOON DESPATCHES. LATEST FROM EAST TENNESSEE. The Position of Gillotn and Burbridgo. THE THREATENED INVASION CF KENTUUSI. I.oi i8vii.ii;, Novcm'ier Z. After flillcm's recent defeat Hiwkinndgtf udvan, od to Strawberry Plains and UUVs Cross ttjads, threatening Knoxvillc and ( umberland U.ip. On the 21st llteeliinridgo advanced to Powell's ll'ldge, six m iljs from Cumberland Gap, whoto t'jerc was a heavy skirmish all day. llnibtitlge has moved from Lexington with a slrer.g force to p.otoct thu Koutui ky bordji fram an ant ieipatcd invasion of Lreckinridge's lora-s. ! MIIMI'IIIH WO ItKl.trW. Caiuo, Noveinlitr 23. Three steitiners havo ariivcd.with Memphis adviics of the 2Jd, and fM.r) bales of cotton for St. Louis, and 2..0 llcbol cupturcd in Arkansas and Missoari. Nearly all the Confederates from various parts of ml Mississippi, were arrested on MUCK TID'KE CENTS. 1 he enemy ,. advance skirmished with our rcur the next ,l.,i , ,,u on ,i0 p, ,, wveMl rifli counters U lllH.o alunit ,l10 roa,, Oncnv ,e and bull's Gap f ,!l9 of iU UU, at. immense rr,e dvhed in'nonr works t tho ,,,,, a,.,l .t:cmcl u, carry the position nth ihink " f;""e li"R' upon ', r , - I' , r ' " ,,,,Ur"' 'U- onLy r.lo,:., us apcnpt to rarrvtl.e n' too br ;;a. ,.., nt..r , the ,,,.,; tjiis s,,,,:r i, h, c!,h, U,tJ J w,.ndcd. while the cue,,,,-.. much more On!l,cn,xt c ae, HrtUP.l..r, !,, !ith ti c enemy oppcitcl In ffreit r.,. ,., .: 1. 1 letUla:,k,ev,em,,c,lrteny0rir,Bt0 - - -oiir fcrti'S ,,d thoir base. V(,reiTi , ralii ttig !. g,,,,.. dsp.rilT , wmhan Ins and the ulta -king annv, (ililem ordered th a reir. at to be coicluced tt, r.ipiai, , t.n fit M.!,y al dis,iplmB wenld allow. hi,cihiirecmcnt whs l,oinS conduittmi t entmv f..!'ocd up at a rcpeea1)!,- diataucs rn iMsit ,:,i!r fir,; fcw ,,,0(Jj otherwi(' " " ' limit nionsfr.-he m.inner. The not day. Sand ;y, tj, i.-fn i.ui,, fc,T more unlet were made KnowiHe-wanl, tho cm my, as heretofore, still acting slyly. On the n!e,bt of the l.lth our little army, composed of the 8 Ii, tub, and l'lth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, anil a l .itt. iy of sis. l'urrott gans, under Lleo-' ti mint ra-lers,,!,, encamped at a place called Pan ther's crrck.rcat Vorristown, forty-two miles cart of Knoxville. The exact number of men under Cillem was lets than two thousand four bundled, hot as he bad sent to Knoxville for rein, foreeincnts on tho 10th, he fully expeeted assist one before morning. Abont 10 o'clock Sund ,y night, Oillem bocatne awaie ti nt the picket line of thu enemy was lrg urged furwanl, end ho placed one-third of In. cominsnd-thc Sih Tennes.,, Colonel Pattou -on picket, and .ml, rod his artillery and frain. toliettil ypuparcd Tor motion or a,'Uon at 1 niomini s noiiee. t'.viou at Atpieei.-ely mhlnl dit a crtuth took place nn, ut one led swoon Uillem's eamunnd ivaU nndb,r';'' 'f" ,!'"'k'',u'"lic'""p" Sd and broken. According to deapaiches receivnl tiiiuts f.'yi.ri'ie Uovernor, A Jiatitnt-tietieral iid niyscli, giv,g , d,.,iU t-,ft"e uZla, the scene which Immediately ensued bev t;nrs description. O0i l'ukc's Hrigiitleinlvanci-d lu front, and fired a vol e into the ri,k of the 8.1, Tennessee, nearly H the l,,-s of which were new. pnaln-in, ihj wllile-t, .' imau imlile. Simultaneously pr- ' ti. nsot ae,', llri;;a lc inado desperate attac k, upon tt e r.eht and 0,'t, ,, f ,r niore than an himi ajt.bilce of death and lurv reigned supreme despite .he , ifon,. of Colonels Myeatoa aMi!-' l, r to s, cure Its abatement. At this ju.icturo a most the entire command was surrounded, and i'. .ZL fT" '"i"".' huud, the anidciyl! BUCCleUcd ia capturing our entiro ben-lif. The Hth ronttos.-ce had nmken, and wh it. with now and uiimiinaueuhle hotses aud nauie stiiekcn riders, might nor bo cxooctoit? Ther dashed Into the ranks of tho l.lth Tenneisetf. which up to the present time had withstood the fho, k with heroic equanimity. Hut now the Hkh fine way, and lioth regiments tied in great con tusion, dt- t niluatiHir their rniuai.. t,t... ao,ci gst the men of the ! n Tcanessee, who joim u in thct ni nii .il of disorder. Jieniral Oillom's prewnee was of no avail, an 1 nil etf. i ts of hlniscll and ids to check ihecaUtnl tous ilisorilrr were fruitless. During this tracics scene the light, lull mooti brcime obscured, the he.. vers were enveloped In clouds or Inky dark ness, and the nlitlit ic came as pit, hy b a k as the innermost, rceesse? of tho monster hole of Ken tucky; at.d worse than this, an Indoserihable nnt-s of sol, ler and teamsters were Tiding ami diivingforde towards Knoxvliie, V,gor. ously pursued and harassed by an el iicd aad victorious urniy of three limes Us own num'ier. And thus It continued uuill our troops were pnri ne t twenfy-fnur miles, most of whom arrived ut trit i wherry pluius, sixteen miles east of Knox- aitiition. ihe citt'tiiv ki'tii n ... :. alter Le pa.-.ed Newmarket, wbirn le ptir-n was itbantloned, i.o dotint rotn sbeer exbaus. lion, und to obtain lime to outlier up the 'runs of h;s victory. (ii iictitl Oillcin, in his despatch to the Qovern nient, stales ti at tlm stiunpetle was the most fiihiliil exhibit on of punie slncksu soldiers he hun ever seen. Twenty-tour hundred cavalry, a baitcryi.iuitiilery v.ugon trams, and a nnmtwr t humlrfd bead of cattle mid mules were one im xtricabie ma-s, with the enetny pouring down t n nil noes. 1 he dcscrip ion of such a sight can iiotur"c ihoi.agtiiui!o,itoihe slightest coucep. lion nl the tenor of suih ascent An tnlleiul despatch from Goner al Oillem rtsulis ot tho d saster.of which thu folkwin nay beciisi lercl the tcnor:-Tbc loss in nil hunks to the tlaiknussibat cainaon, is sma two hundred and twoury covering the total kilnd, wounded, and missing. The enemy's in tins particular, of course, is small, ijar In artillery anil small alius, Is largo: wo 1 full buttery ol l'airotts, and half the men awuy their arms and almost evervtbiug else "ciiimoUc them in their endeavors to v .ins and bagua.'ii, and a - tt e, un.l tne win 'to the ham I j:i ' i ' ' - i -j . . ; . . " f A ' - t MM)