V V "s. f 1- no lOTt, Ir. and iilD. i' , uri, was the i my anil 1 ir aru- lUtl- me ile- To i be t tne en il- VJQ' lung leri- tltey lirlit- and , .ind H-ae con- vines Uany uinn tatter pura , and ii tbe Hi I Itll'tlt. I HtOp uonc Aiit; VMtrl. i und ntr ot' .1, the u o t. f l l to u lie II uurty r die il r- e.wer . Art .tan da 4 tlttVO r t'lls ltUIK , tU!) t vc ur; loine- .IK tip u lie. Ol'MJ It wh i iimga tilt up J u uk' a tax tn in ui It c.ilied it with e iue a nit fc iua a r rd 1 uro EHT.. wning Sclcgrapli VKDNKSDAY, NOVKMHl.K 'J I, IStil. Tli. in ii itit;. iitlirl.i:. II V Kt,Y Attn )'. M III.. -,wie; svni i. of m; LojIi vJ! I live In ri'-i'l '1 cm. Kle. tn- I'iiv ftmiiifr on m iiinrv's wurm f':j n... ... i . . j.i i . .. . . .i i in: in inni ntir, mi' in i- '..'i.iiiii tin.i eon-inn, 4at all K.. .I..... I .tu I., t'.n l.ir.1.1 . In... I.. il wa'ch thr-r fYmh views on Hip 1' t'spu: ir.iin i M'nl'ulci n anion-.. ill'1 I'tirliiintinentfi n' i .u t ':, 'The Rrtiint toil lion.--, in wln.-h lifc'f iltiiinn (jr.iimt Jomn.i lie il in t ho cr.uilo wliii-'j stool I.t r 1 , tic :-r; li ; Th dlit nnlun rrmlir, the mr!,, r..-,,rn rr.i.Ilc, Tin" li f-'f'-i'i -tcil mini,' trlitVii slo nt Uy tin iicirlti. "'our two Ri'ncrn'i Inci- ronm Ii. Li; 1)10111 hi, ' fa in C irtli httvi' ir-t, irti'.l, etatr lljis r,ii,iim tritii.i' was A tint rip tin- ailvi-n' of ot," wir lovejir. pure Mol l.o.'y, i' 1 , lii-iii-'n arti .1, ." 'M l l:atl-'l( car h.Iii- hi ilrcam ;., -: ii I' HIilOll 0 . tuli i an.l ii I'.n!, win mil Mi ; r -t lid, ill :il il W.I Ilia lOW l.lll . Ill ft us t i ' .- .!.; fur it A lirwm it. li e rr.'l.l!.' ' r' ' 11 1 ' l.v tl.t 11' ,1't'i ' I 1 ' . i r - .v ill l!r. TN ! oi'.ki... cr ,ilk il, Till' lli).'!.. IMI.'ta 11,(1.. lie .1 tli. Ull 11 IHBll- l till- tut . I i.i : n.il r re fr. - !nm a m In : hi ! P ic i i if tut in i ,j lvv i.nf jrv )jm nd wiu rem in :.:.itt'TOtl t.ru n- mill 'it p O" fi:.'. ' xv c t!i" pl-t nf r'ir Mrt'i, uc n if ii . mni'i. in .:.-.-'n i, r- tit CTtf.K I ho bfni.l era lie which htool by tin i hv rl1 mtken cr.iill Hip r-rlcr-worn rniill 1 hi; li'L,l.i'0-tcd c-iiiiilc wliiOli tlood hv tha 5 Lu.nh. roust; AX iim; witoi.. An lutMes'in arni valiiRhio ptipor h4 been rfscnicd to th U - ynl Ai?ricuitur.il Poci.'tT of iglutiti.on tlio &u)j..ct of thi rroductiun of in that coiiutry, wliioh led to a dist uPion Iho reli tlvc meriis of the co iie and fine wools. ie nmitbcr of tliccp cruwn In the Tnitcd Kinc- mis cin r.- .'JO.OOO.vi, producir a nunuirr J.OOD.tHO jjouti'Is of wo d, or nn ucniefo off'jur uuils ptr Lend fr the yetir lH(ii). IalH9tho pottatiuu of wool into Gicut Brit.iiu umountod l3;i,(KHt,0.iO jouods, of whtrh her own colonics nlfhed 82 000,0 O.poundii. Hut notwithstanding is Tftsi incriasu in Importation, it in suld 'the ce of Iiritish wool Las not only undergone no iruinution, but its production continues to be o of the iuobt protiuMo branches of our agri- tural industry." ifao cplnnntion of tliis ultiMthat there is an inevcased demand for ) lioii.e-grown wo'j, both for domestic and cigu n.anufacinre France aud other cauti- nUI touutiies having taUeu from Britain, in 9, no less than .X.OOO.ooo poumis of long ol ; while fomo of the liner varieties of Jlrtish ol brought, formerly, a rum h higher pii c per tnd than the long wo-hb, but now thoro ii y little Uillercncc in price. ow the reason of tins seems to be in part that wealthy country gentlemen of England have de It fiij-hionahlo to wear the coarser cloths, J or tuo Ions woo:;;, instead of the line broad- hs of former davs. whii'h tcenied eHsanfiai tn iilUmjdi s d.u. la the eoureoi the dincua. i of the iubiect before tins I, tliat fit.m inl'ormutijii he hail obtuiued in mo nna otnor cotiutiioH. r, nmiouird to him t (be day for the finer iiimlitie.i of wnol wu9 sluguway. "No know," he miid, "thot none wtr the tint) Sr-xunv cliitlm which d to wear when tho Merinos were cultivated. win i was boio. m a nif.'li pnee tn munuf ic- an cxpinxivc ma-crinl to lio worn by tho The arcut obiei-t of the duv. now. Is to not licapir atiielo that can liewoni by tho many, v jLiinuiuiu, l.lx'116, ui.u an iiiose pHrts ot t ork lettcMify to tho tact th.it the manufacture of I loi)S r iruoilH. tliat are made trora lune wools. Ipidly lucieaaing; wliiie the muniifuetare of Ir (to. Us, Iruni the short wools, ia an rapidly c pIiik; uLd the CQfciucnce it that clenr ied f..rmeis on the Continent see that thev lo no' that deimind lor tlio exponsive un.l not iy cuuivHd a Biinrc wools; and that It will be Ir policy to change, an rapidly un they can. Ir Mertuos to a breed of siieep that should I . them more mutton and a larger (juautitjr I chiap'-r destrip Ion of wool." lie chairman of the meetine Bald: "The it of the people had greatly chunked. Whon can a younu inan, a person would bo att"ronted Im tailor otlered him cloth at anything lens i 24. or 26n. to jfii'J.j) a yard iinest my. expensive ciouis were hardlr evur a at the present day, and hence tho necessity nwi.iunviB w euaue uieir moue ot opo ig. e know Teiy well too, how we haTe, In this itrv. followed the fashions of our Emlish ins in the use of coarser cloths ; and that the ciouib uaro coinparutiveiy guue out of use. les the increased consumption of coarse cs for men s wear, it ammars that ntW rlptitns of goods coinpogcd of similar male- Luve been ii.trodnced to such an extent that usiueruble demand has ailsen for the coarser Is. nultaneous with this demand for coarso s has been a rapid Increase in the condemn. of mutton in preference to other meats, und ..'iuiuv ueiuanu lor toe suoep which will j tho most mutton. This is tho I'.nalish c wool sheep. It meets in wool and liesu ouble demand upon this kind of nn.rk m.rt llriti.h sheep-grower makes a double profit B UUV1B. e little fine-woolled Saxony and Merino sheep never giown to advantage on the Ilritisii ds. Tbe smallest sheep, and of the 11 nest , that have been found profitable iu tbe im id condition of agricuuura there, are tho iu Yarieuuo ui uuwns ; anu tuoso nave occn ie.itly improved within twentv-iive ruara us to press hard npon the larger breeds in the it oi carcass ana ueccc. tn tho hands of breeders as Mr. Jonas Webb and his com. jrs, the Southdown Is a very diUerent animal wnaiuwa? in lormer years; their llovkl lie, we do not doubt, four pounds to the wntcn IS said to be the uverace of the 1,000, composed, in a very irreat measure, of urge taiieties Leicester, Cotswolds, Lin , Kc. It is because it has been found oroliu io increase the weight of the carcass and , at the expense of fineness of wool, that ucc uniD ucuu uuigeiuiy ieu unu bred their present condition: and because a r and courser sheep suits better the circutn- o ot uie improved state er agriculture of the me ncu pastures, and the habits of used care. e considerations suggest to ns that the circumstances which have led to the reie.-. f the smaller and the introduction of the breeds, bear upon our practice in the hiehlr ated portions of tho old States. Mutton is lie years in greatly increased demand In oar and growing markets. It is so irood and some a meat, that it is much to be desired aid be furnished abundantly, and at lower The large sheep suit us with this view, ro profitable for their carcasses alone. But :reused price ot the coarse wools, relatively nuei, aim me greater wcigut or fleece, additional inducements to irru.v them. ould be a mistake, however, to undertake uuuee tnem into barren or badly cultivated cs. Iho smaller and more active Merino ve where a Cotswold would starve : and if to find sullicicnt food, is able to roam and wit. The larger sheep demand irood sun- aud they ure too heavy und inaetivo to i Uem up. They mint be put, therefore, n tne belter class ot lands, such lauds as unproved Maryland, reunsvlvama. and ia farms ailord. lor all the line wool d for our manufactures, we may look to litury lying uivny from the greut markets, ) regions of abundant uud cheap lands, e it may cost to j much to tuko the carcass kct. There, groat flocks of the Merino ve nt little cost but the luokitn.' alter tn the i them from the dogs and wild beasts. as not icgu observed by Americans, as It cu oy iuo sauna ami careful breeders or id, how much the character of the lleeee is Ined by the manner of feeding, as well as illty of the lod. It sheep are well led at ic und starved at another, the wool will be iu staple, will be weak, and will neither 11 nor malt goud clotu. KheeD fed on ike are mid to produce the strongest ami ou ; anu ony Kinds or lood generally Ian aud increase the weight of tho wool pari a lustre to it. While store sheep not oe so ted as to mitke them quite fat. au be no doubt, from the result ufcarclul neuts, mat it win ordinarily be found pro- iu uiio Kimiuie to leeu tnem daily with a te supply of grain throughout the winier. alth und strmi-lh of ewes that are to liavt the superiority of the lambs, und the lit iliiunlity aud improved quality of tho ill all contribute to such a result. fcadillrry aait Ihfi llrii . Trndo !IIiihI by ibe M.ir. The W(w al Lciithrr II, i r.'.f of this week fins the following intfiectiti.tr atticiu : "The saddlery and l.an,t ImlIucs ;mf found it-. M.nrc. of pr. lit h.riteiy . xi. ml. ,f, nnd ita per miinti.'i i.ro.iptrity peiieo on a mt ii- l.cnliliy and ini uing lm.it, b t.ic ii ri;,.ij doiiisn Is a id i iilaigi n mail,it Inch Ihe n.-c .-mIii s of ti.e ar I nc tt.ini. n on u. '. i,c .i.i (Ji ,i.ir.-ies Mid (add cr n .. r.".ii i.-,-.f m tl.ei ni-,ni.! of iicl; .in ti bo i h ui ii iii, i.i. ,i tro -p., the in li.lery taj-t'irg. i ic - mi , hint u, f. i ..i-i. tb? inn en-e i ii i ;i 1 1. imp .1 si on fr .int of (m.i nrnr -s, I.i tl i I' III Aii -si un. K- Mii-k . 1. tuv-in:.. Vt xii. i ! ''. ' i n: V'ii I ii, h i- Ii .-n i p. iv .1 ii'. I ii-i IM, in :i ii. v I' i i.i.r. . P i.l.i i!-f ir ir I ei'tive i - 'or it h s I , ii m .1 ii.'ii. tbi i i i.a in ; i us i n. i. d ii. t ' e -Il i '. l.lll Ki'lllILK it ' i Ii ha ! ei I. i 11 i (pi i . c i. ' o' 1 :: i I . ml in M-.i iti n I here to. "In. i: i . try ot tin i iiimy, s nei e! I i i it- f rmitiy i ein i iik aim li e muni use bii.lr.cs I'l. ch tun- uiililv fpie.iiO'i.'; rinn'rai'iei opened Hp, vm- linrulv i be lid at all b me -. iu ii vr" ii.ilol 'h' i ivii v ir, hp. tl.e 'i;uvil a la:ice iu t'i in., wlucli we inn.; pay I r ali tnn-i.;u aru i 1 - ol t..i'i has givi n our on n nc-ilei s nlnui.l i xi UiK.e . uiiirol of ainiiikit i u. p i.s-inlv rn H.e ln:e in pollile; house, In p li tin; i.r," n Mlt tin Unco I tlx i oii.n enc iivnt ol ti.e w.u , li I a l.".; uiiioiin; ot . addli ry . Inn ,i..re. ' n ir s.nck il let-aio 1. 1 f.n tirg i:p M pieiv til n -in thnu-.'-i.il il.. Pii - viorfi,, ir.,'h IP y imic at tl.n'. I nn i t Minis r, prjo-c o it' low-raic , a.i'l wd-iel tl Ve! Old Minn II I' 1 '.I S lit S B ' I II .'C , I t.' 1 0 S l ! Il it (ii.ri.i-t v,e s tin - id- re I so lap;,!; hat Iron tlie ri men ! wPii Ii bisiillilie time since prvai.e.l, r.i. l the po' il iieis Hhirli goods I ue leili.-ed 1 1 inn tin tir.-t tfno tnnLris in the ar. il eir a-.x-I 1 1 w is Mtnwn to b" ' llho-n ,nl eall e, e I; i tnev I; v ie ".li.'.cii si. in,e (I, ti .1 iiarvi st. " I he Ionian in nket p r these Krj.i.':., s-eiuv to I. l.v. pin .( n.l, t.1: o, nearly as we. I a o.iro.vn. li 1 r.u ir, ill. tinuc in nil ki:nio! lea'-her ma u tin tun has Im i-u ex. ivlei.i, bin in nonu n-is tn m .d. il un improiem. i.t in i n i.i inii"Me. as in tl il ot iR.ldlirv ni.il 1..1I0... Tpecloubil pos. -r 5oi n, . lni.i'i d no', but which Ihe r.in.-li iovrrinn nt lias ex pi nil ed s 1 much m'-n-v an 1 mi.tiiii -.ten ui much e-ii in to.t.-rin,', aii- U n pii per niBikci fur tl.cir inerc sed pro luei on ; and h ar tli t a huge busim'ss in tliis l.r in ii of lie tra.ic leisnlrcu..) In i n opened in the Me xh- in naiket. Witn the secuiilv of an cstahli ,hed goMiniurnt, al le to tociire dealers in tli posses mn ol then lavs till Driven v, this w ill l e un muring and n ost proirab'le uiuiket. With i nipni.iinLly f. railiuad.s, s i larre an suiount if flatting ot.r a niouu.aaious c .un ry, t. ill peel-lii r-c and mult - iiniu rnlly u .ol, ihe mhHIIo iiinl hariicss inakei's nr.s ure indhpcu t.ible at cicry step." I'.IIOOI .. Ilhootan is an independent Mate of Noithoru Iniiia, divided fiom Thibet by the II mal.iya, bcnieied ,y Jietiga! and Asfnun on the south, and by Nepnul on the west. Its eastern bound aiy Is the Dihong river. The whole arta is Hbout fil.TIK) square miles of mountainous country, one peak bcini! '27,'JnO f. ct high. If pro duces iion, oak, rice, wheat, and bin kwhi at, and trades piiucipally with liingal. 1 iie population isspaite, lor India, uud almost altogether llud dlnst. Ihe last Hoiubny mail ir.r.irnis lis that this re gion is now to be atiacl.ed by Iho llriiish, after etcry ellort to securo the subini-sinn of tlio llhoiitaiieno, or sonic hum nilc for their treatment ofilic liri.ish mission, bus proved nlinriive. A gi eat force Is titling out to bring them to their n nf.es. This Is a very strange prnce. lure for iho llritisb, who think that when two parlies cannot live peart fully together, the wrongdoer should be allowed to havo his own way, and a separa tion be decreed, (ir it mav be that this tipii ion applies only to free Suites, line America, lihoi tan may i-oon be taptund. Its neonli- arc lew and poor, and the too nuninrous aud rich. Tlio fact that it Is necessary to levy war against such a people, onco belonging to iho empire, proves that the Sikh war did not md Imliuu tlis-ntisfaction, and that there is ureat disultection still alive. The original tillcnse to the Iii itisn mission occurred some years since. The embassy forced itself into tho province Rgaiutt the wishes of the rulers, who naturally entcrtnin a drend of entertaining guct-ts who never loavo wiiht.tit a claim upon the whole property to repay their uitendnuco. Tbe oilense created a ptound for complaint which, wisely improved, will doubtless result in tho secure Hcquisiiiou of khootnn. llj- this process two tine roads will be secured through tho Ubatits to the capi tal of the Dclui Lama, il l.is.-a, in Thi bet ono of tho most Important places iu the vicinity, and capable, when controlled, of adding much to (he business of lthnotan, and, ccnsciueiuly, of r.riti-h merchants in India. The pittrNt lor marching thither was b.iicdhlie nil of thoo since aeentsof a purely commercial rem. puny boncht permission to live on the land at a trading post, and then sei.cd the post us a Guy eminent belonging to themselves upon might. Misfit will hold what ft huB, nnd gm w hat il can. It does nut pracii.se tliat philosophy whtuli It preaches to others. Instead of surrendering a good cause, it will light f ir a very bad one, and enslave the free, rather than h hcr.it e the en slaved. The Case of Okiifx-, tub Mti.nry Mi n ute kk. There is n possibility that this convicted criminal may cscrpc the punishment he merits ; or, at least, that ho will be suffered to live in prison for a considerable period before his ca.-e can lie adjudicated by the highest tribunals of the Stuto. Tho legal points which aro raised in his case aro us to the authority of a single judge to sentence for murder, aud as to tho eilect of a plea of "guilty of murder in the first degree," it being tinted that this pica does not re move the necessity of having a jury puss upon tho question of degree before sentence can bo passed. Oreen, it will be remembered, put in a plea of guilty of murder in the first degree, upon which he was remanded and subsequently sentenced to death. If this is tho custom of Courts in Massachusetts it is not such here, and it upjaars to be a very informal man t er of conducting rases of gres.t import nice as those Involving capitul punishment. BANK NOTICES, T3f- N O T I C E. V-X-J iAltMJtUS AN1 MKOIIAKK R BANK. FmuAi'Ki.i'iiiA, OVtober 11. N tlce I eb pivfn, i;rftbly to tuition 1 ot" thy act of the (Scntral Ait-inblr or tin rommorivvcaltri of i't tin- vl.auln, emitted "aii act enitU:in llunka ot tii (ni nit'tiwi'uldi to tecooio AHBot latlutu for tha purtne of Haiikliitt ui:dfr li e lai of tho riiitnd Biatei," aiiproviM t)i 'i'At dy of Anoint, A. l. l.sI4, tii.it id" MtookUld-ri ot'thf I or i iters' and Mechauicn' Hank ol l'hllitiloipliia have this day vulfd to buucuie tu h an Aisorlaliou ; and that Ita IXrerforN have ircurerl the auihriy ot the uffmrn ol rm re tban twv-ililrdu of the Capital Mock to niik iU ccrtiikAlu leuuad thereto L tho Una ol Uie bulled Biatra. Hi--Jl-:H TV. Kl BIITpy, JR., CaglUef. rji?- NOTICE. ISJLXK OF NOKTIIKRN LIHKUTIRfl PlIIL thH.I'liiA, Oi'tjhtir Jl), l ii. Kotlre tt liftrliy frlvenn-eahli to tcti.ii,2 ot tho act ot tlie GentJiid Assembly ol' tho Corutuoowialt)i of Tcnn 1 lvtiiila.rittitlfd "An art timbllim Itauhvoi tJieComni.-n-we.iltli to hecuoia Aaoc tatioiin for the urooHti ot lUiikm); iimler ti e law ui tne t'uitnl Hiaret," approved the id driy of Auuutt, A. I. 1mm, that tliu Ht x.l lioUh r- of the Jtutik ot urttifcru Litertin have ttm day voivd to IxHMine lucli an aihociAtion, and Utat IU I'iructora hve procured th authority of tle owneri of nmre than twu-thiidt nt tho Capital StM k to mnke the certitlcate ruQtitred Uiwrct'ofby a- hiwi i tbe Luiltd btatea. 10-ai-aot W. til'M MKHK, Cmkicf. rr notice. - COKfii UCUANCE BASK, Ptitt adki mi . Urtfber 30, IsM. JJ"ttce la hereby ptren, an:eUy to Set-turn '2 of the act ot tbeuenvral Awmhty of the Cotuinouwaalih of fenn ajlvama, entitled "An act eitabUu Hauk of tJiet'oi.i ni"iiHi.'iilth to Ix-cuine Asfio. utloni fur tno pupeof llaiiking under the luwa uf tt e I nlUd Ht.Htta." ttppi-uv d the .'d duv of August. A. i). Ifr,, ttmt tlte btorkhoidera uf Die Corn F.xchiine Uank of l'luladflphia have thmilay Tofd to hecoue turh an Association ; and that Ui IHre: tiri have pros-nrbd the autnortty of thu uwiutm of inere Uiau two-ttiirdii u( the Capital St ck tointiktiti:e curliUu:e rniuirfd thticior by the kwi of tlu I'nitt J Hta't-n. lU-it-;K.t J, W. TQKItfcV.Caihler. ft NOTICE. hKNSIN(.TON liAXK, IN TUK COl'NTY J'llII. VDKLi'iilA, l'tlll.AOr 1 r-IHA, OctbiT lVJI. Notice Is Iwby given, aiirtrably to ntviion 'i ui t.n: oi il. e (Cent ral Aifiubly oi' the t'oinmi iiwiMlih u IVuu i.h.uim, nut ltd "An a. t cnabNnk: KmiKtol thte Commdii wtiillh to become AnstKiatfuu-i tortheparp.Ksooi Hanviii, Mider tli- Uw a ui.Uie 1 nitcd httts, " iijtprtivi-d U.u !i.vl d.iy ot AuKUtt, A. !., KtH, that the Htocktuddi'M of thu Krutiniou liana, in thu county ot rhlUli)phli, have thia dny vtjU tl to boctiino bujU an Assot-itiil hi i afid t.iut in inro M-it luive pro. urt-a t!.u uuthontyof ti e oniivraut iu-re than tw.-thinla of the Casual stock to uu:k fie ceitmcalu fi-iuiXcU ihenivf by the lav oi the UuiCtd Matty. C. T. Yr.r.KF.S.C.;sM. r. rX-- N01ICE.AT A OV.S KItAL MKl-T- 'lVwnbip." tn the cunty of t-MilUd.'U-hl.i, lull nt tt.e haiikina hniirte, ji thiCi(;ol I'MUtl'-iphla, on THl'KH- h (t)ctob-r iot lbjt, ti tulluwuin pruauiblo aud ru!a tl' n writ pj. itd uii.ti.inniUiiy . Wherem, 'i he ru con . f the liantt nrpenn Townit.tp, tli i ouuty oi lhiiul-lphja. have proonrud t'.ewnttt-a au.bt-rl:v oi I tit? om iuc mi t Ao-u.ird of capital ato.'k n tt.e -sjiltl Hunk, to ntiikj the c nith .te nMuiicii by tho Im i .iC tbe t,fiiitsl Smu'i to chaiua hii'l tjnw it Cm eulj lunk huo a NuUonal Aisuciatiwu lur crrnib' on thu b.iu UttMt! banktim thtreiore, lVvHolvtd. 'I hut thu lanX of rnn Township, In ti e county ol rhlladt-lphla, ahull become, and tho n:xu c li l,rr't y cl'tiiKd And cuiivirtttl U to D asHoi-irition for i uri ihe hitiuioia ui b iiikiiik' onJi-r tne lawn or" the I iiittd :ntes, tntlii'-tl "An act to prmiuu u na:i)iial cur reno. mi ured by a plad'e oi t'nlftd Htnt ltiirti, an I to rtj .Ma itf tne i initiation and redemption tiu ri," ap rovd Juiii .1, 14. And the ii.tuiu oi (tie id ha'innul allot atlon bl.aH h '1 HZ 1't.SS N A 1 1"NAL H a And tbe llrcctora ot the nald It ink are h rehy antlirltd to ilo uud pvfimui eery aot, inatti-r, and tfdr kuoary to be ih oe to ctiry tutu lull und ooniplute t ik-ct the mUn t ton ot thl reknliith n. And the (.'aihim' ihul! pnhlinh !! U.e ti ureof tor thirty di, In ttie "horth Anicrh an and I niitil uui llltt'(' a nevvupaperof ttie cuy oi l'bi a d- li bia, mid mid likv print t-d u.'ilcu,by ni.til "r ol'ici wise, lo a h ittK-kholdf r, asfret abi to the pru iiini "i' au a i oi it a Lei:ibittireof thu 7outiuonweiltb of Fennytvsuifti, entiilt d "An act eiiMbiiim the jinna oi iiua tJomqatm Y l iilth to bt't-ome Aifcyrlallitiii tA t h Bill puhu of JUuk- Jitii, niiiJer the l.tw of the VMted Ktatts," arpnived Aiiibt S.Uroi. jAal4 UUdHKiX, I Ui Ji-'M (waaiuvT ( AlT.Y ETEN-IN'tl TELRC! U A fjaLVIL'B EW DEEP BIND JOINT II K A T E It , Wlf.t, BCI H t Ksi, COAI, Nll MARK MOHR IfF- VT ANY FOBNACE IN USE. COOKINCI HANdKH oi 'J nr. wci.tr AiTitor i-attkuns. ltt:(iisTi;iiH AND v i'.n ri i. roiis, roii (U!.k rir llAltl,l;M W1UMAMH, M tl.ltu tra N.v 1 lS) UAHKKr HTRKBT. JIi-.OlUJliJ Kl'jTKH, J II., KATSUrAOTHElKG MACHINIST AM. i'.N(iiM',i:it, lt-i. 0. k.'i h.i'on.1 auivt. ri.u..iripiiu. jI !I1..-I;i'l:(i MACi'INK WOU liS, r r o r. , No. ."I N t 11 M ITKP.IT. riMl is t o no. i't ir. .1 1. nil oi J-.-i, l. ny ctt.i.it ft our i lie s' i :iim " ie. . III. t ...I i" llr.,lni W . ho il.' I ,liu it Mki. 1 11 flit l.iTTO"; AM) WIllll.KS MII.t.R, T.e -ia in ; io,.ij;,l ui Cilia. !lj,.uulil( t(tii1iu ot mminfscttUTrs to our .tun At.yiillK JENKt) A SON .A- A .V WEIGHT & RIDDALL Ko. in T.L'.' 1 I t TW VI N hii.ST AM T. . Ii Kit I1 . -, , ri 4 ,. , t i i . . i .'i. f I MM) STp ??!. T. H. .Sll.UA I L. 1 K v a c; i s T s, r ii s i c I a n a, nrvrmi, ftoui keupkrh, rn fnl .tl oiirr,'. l.tist na i.t i n.l! ."i.itmi.l f tmpnrtrd and fmn.c.llc I'nws, r.ipui.r I'M.-nt Hi-nli-ln., I',lnu, ft a I Oil, WiuJon tils,,, ITesi-r1i,l,.n Vlats, Ac , t at kin plitfa At f i nilnc tlrst-rlaaa -.s-ils can bt soil!. riNK KtHKNTIAl, 011,8 Tot P..nff i-ffnnfra, In full vurli.tv, anil of tlip host ,utlliy Cnrl.tnivil, Hpns-ftl ti.illii., Miul.ler, P .lAsli, Cn lhar So,' A-h, Alinil.till of VltMnl, Annatto, t'opparas, KtUaot of l i '(wM, Ac, Koti DVKKtP uo, alwaj, oahnnJ.at tuwest net r,i-h prtres. ri kk M'iri.H ran family I'pk, ;rtimJ expressly for mir mlti anil to winch w lartts tlic alinll..ri M Uiosr In wain uf re llal.lc artlelfi. Also, ISlilUO, UTARUt, Ml bTARI), Ac, of (Urfro fl 'I'l'V. Or rs hy mall, or cltr post, win met! wllh nrMnntat- tt niter' i;iie:.-j HsIkI qui.oiUi.ni will bo furnished utioa r- WIIIOHT ft HDHALIi, WPotPsalo Drui: Warvh inaa, No. 11!) WAUKKT Htrtjl,aiHivii front. Jall-lr JOlljN V. bfMl.H .t HON'H BALSAMIC CORDIAL IS Til Ii MOST KFV BCTVAt RKM KDT IDR SI IIUEM COI.HH, BtItK TIlltOAT, INFI.liJ'.rti'.A. PAIN IN HIP, 1IRKAST, ninl INCUTtNT UOitbUMPlIOM. Pit pared by JOHN . EIME3, Jr., Obemist, TWENTY SKCOND AND MARKET HTRKICTIt. I or sale by aU finuista and Slorekanpara. II I lulhslia it ii o w rv ANTI-DYSPEPTIO POWDEE, An ex. o.lent preventlv r. r that moat dlatrrstlng comnlalnt DVHl'Kl'HIA. In many casca uf lung ntnn tlnt It haa atlordr f truir woa-dt-rrul relief. IX IS rUUELY VEOETABI.E. PREPARED OVt.Y 11Y I HKDKlllCK llltOWX. liracslit aoJ ( liemtat, K.K Cor. fill II AND CUESNIT Mil., fhilidctptila, H I' tl And for tale b) Prun:l.li (enerally. 1,'Olt COUOI1S AN I) COI.US, USE MA It J. rillAI.I.M PINE TKKB TAIt liltOPS. Etn'U.ul. I'onteiiliiit fur tlie pookel. slj b tu. Uruavlata. Il-a-lia' I MUTE VIKG1N WAX Or" ANTILLKi. II Thla sqnlslUi('uaii!tk-has no e.ual fur beautify ing, w hll.uil.fi, aad preaervlns tbe complexion. It la pro paieii from puie white wax, hem-. Us i trainllnarviuall tie, for preat-rvliig the Bain, making It aofl, fair, smooth, ami traritart-nt- It Is mult soothing after ahuvlng, cures chapped bauds and lips, removes pliuple., blutehea, un, freeales, or .unburn, ami li.i.art a pearly tiut t' th. lac.. Drra, and anna. I'rle. Hi, Ml, and 74 cnle. lll'NT AIO., . 1 H.SE t.Vl ll airest, audiiu.41 8. Mull l it bu.eu iu.a. PltlLAUKI.VHIA 8UUUEON8 BANIlAliK latHTITUTR, No. 14 Nortt MM 11 Htroet. ahov. Market. Kuitaraa railii.lly sored bv B f. EVKHKlT it Pr.iiilom Ptnt Urailuatitig Presaar. Truss. Superior P.lasuo Beru, Clastic Mtocklruvi. gopporura, Shouldu BraeM, Hajaaa Sorlba. Crotebes, Ac LaitcaatuadwibTMra. B.C. EVF.BF.TT. Pyl6-1 J TOSHIPCAPTAINS AND OWNERS. aribat& The nnderlned baring leased the KKNSINH iti.t Hl'liKVY IHH K, bea to luliina his friemls and tb. patron, or ih. I).s-k, Ihal he I, propared wlrh Increased fai-Llliea l ucoumodal. Ihos. having vessels to h. raised or rvsalre.1. anJ being a practical abjo-cari.oter anil caulker, will gtv. personal atluiUoO tu all TusaeJs CO trusird fo him lor repalra. Captain, or Ageiite, Hhtp-rareenters, and MachlnUts bat ing vessels to rapair, art-solicited to call. Having tbe .Kenc) fur the aale of uWetterstedta Patent att-lalilc 4'otupuaitloii," or t'opper Pajnt, for the preserv. tlun of vessels bottoms, for tin. city, I am prepared lo taruiab ah. ijlcus on favor able terms. JOUlf II. H AXlfTTT, Kenstluriiin Hcraw lloek, ahll-f Dalawara .vwaDtt.aixiTa LaursH atrajaaV SHIPPING. l'OK NEW YORK. fit THlIK LtVK. COAHTWrSK 8IKAWS1I11 t'ftMPAN V H KKW JfKKH.UT l.l.Nt: toil NtW VOliK, and cnm ctint; fr ad Nyritiern aud tajtein ciilea &nd Vetv Orlrnn-i, nallliiK e try AN'I SATPRtrAY, frnm tho Compatiy'a wharf, flrt almve Ha o utrt., and N-'w )ork, i rum .Pier 11, JioitU Hiver, on awe duji, al a p.m. Pur ticiivht, whK-hftUl br r.'i atved daily, handled In the tnottt caieiul niana-r, ard delivered with Uie arattt dtt- PiU b,ai tail ratt-a, apply to w II. JJAM J. TAVLOR .t 0O No.2iUioiih Wi.ar.j. 11-10 'Jtn ftW; 1ST K AM WEEKLY TO MVKR mS&xitJkmmPool, totuhinn at (juftnittown, i'ork Harbor. I i.v vcil -knev. n ht-aiNtii ol the I.l.trj xJ, Nnv York, and Pntlaftolpni btt:uiiifcip (.ompany are Iii(-ndeJ to a.) a lollop ITY OP LOSIrOV.Paturday, iJo.mher .H;. H I NA, Hatnrdtv, ri-'t etiib.-r i. Kll N IK HO, h.iturtlay, H- 'eniber 10 And evi-rv aucceidUii btunlay, m noon, from Pier No it North i'.tvtr. ItATKH fP PA8HAOR r AY A8I.K IN CrKlti:NCT. Pirtt Cabin ,mHo Sinere t'WlO k irit Cabin to ly i'iU.u 1 Vt Kuerauc to I.tndotl. . . e'Ott I lrt Cuhm to Par i. . l'KHii Htvrt..);. to l'Ari so taj ltri Ciihln to HiiOihr kIk.1') B'. r. eto U.-unh irir. Tt.ou fatiif. r nlo (uiwari'fd to Havre, lirtuieu, Kui-t4-rtm, An iv, erp, Ac, at 'iually low rHbia, far1- from l.r.erpool or u iintiwn Pint Civl-ln, ti), t7o, f ild. H'.tvratre from Liverpool ai.d iJu.-tMn-tiwn,:i), 'Ihoie who viuh bf aend lor Uiair rkuda can Luv to K'fa hei v at tiifir rnn i. l or iurtJiL-r iLivimtttioa tip; lv at the Cnmrany't cfllcci, JOilN ii. tiAl t., AifAiit, Ko. Ill WALNcT t'lomuelphia. BOSTON AND Vil 1 LUbliLV III A mZaJ& PtjAuij ip 1 ii.p, 5hitin 1 1 . m c.tcb port a i- . i ui'Ai i, mil nri t w imri 4t-,, i'ink .itrt'ft,! hit duphia. and 1 mf Wb.irf Hostf.n. Vr-na irst wharf aui'Vf Htrfl, ftl Satnidity, iSu.i ubr jh. IbtA. 'J hi' it'..ineiiipi)ifMAN. lU.h-T,whJ ludtrviu l'hfadil- fhiu lor ihito;i. on fl,itiir'ly, Novfn,t.-r ut 10 A. M , Hid thi iteaiiiiltlp HAXUN, Mnlt'tcWI, flits 1KWU IfC pi.tladcipr-.ia, a iuihu da v, at 4 I'. M. 'bttt tit w and ftbbKtaiiiial it anirtip form a rf h'tiCar Bn!, Bh''.HiK irt1 i'i ev vi i .-rt puto ti.M. i n at-.;iiiva . ln-uiui ti .u'ecud at oue-baii tbe irtiiJuui charged oa I ilc v hMtii, t reiwiti tftlten at fa'r raui. hhippcm ar.' n.iuest. d to uend Eilp Bcclrtl and Dl'lf Ladinit vltb their 'ixdi. Por 1 iaU ol i'jaM (h"i"K ftne areiumcUtloni) fcnplyto IIPNKY WIN.ViK t,0 Jtt4 1 No.HJa.' M. I'KlWAUK Avenue. J FOU UVF.RrOOOL, TfKyDAY, luv l:,ni.h hip Pillf AUELI'IllAtfaptatn 0. f . l'uul, I'l .ill tor iho ab-i." putt on Ui iflh iiutimUr, Btiate f..'5 iii ciirrciu-v. 'JllUataAS KICHARDSOV A CO., 10-26 -So. ivi n ALNliT btra. pf , -t - 'J - i.ti DwutiiATsj liuii, ti ueitr avtu Vm .tun i itiit!. 1 hf itt-mnkTi of thtue lluta are (eavinf duLly nt 12 o clock M., aud ft octocl P. U.,trom ibXfid aUoe Waiiiul nret. lor frii.ta, itth will te taKfn on aocoininoiUtlf'j tern:, apply loH iLIX-Ul U. HAiKD A C0.,tf, V IaLLAH AJtJt ATfUua. V IT riTT L AD EL P 1 1 1 A , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER "IR. W. P . M FRWTH ACO'S COI.UlMPf 1 OR XJ TIIKCHfc.H(AKE KII( INKS. fVMPO:MHKll FHOM ROO TS, H KH.W AM) I.CaVKcI rilpKt.KFP. RPMFKV, ihfy nrrai InttUn Jutiratfe ctin-n all A'f.riafii n' the nrtTiarv ortraoa. pii-h a tn mTtiitinre f Hi t rine, Inttfoi iiri "t thf Ilia.;... r, ritumniri'l n - ftr k t.i nrj Hi' iio in the B nd icr, HUlrltir-, (lrtrl, th t, t i i nirtt a, and m v,,''l at y r c mmToe-i in tt,"e r-n ot Pnior Altum (--r WMtii In ti n A'nn) wtiote nb tt1 nid Ti!:atoiii iiu'tll eti.i.' have fAtirrl. t V re i MI '( VM V M M M V vt V M M Al H M H X. A M X y M M W MM W sf M M V "1 MM V M M M V M M M M V i M M 4 VM !Mif MM MM MM MM MM rt MM tt Al A Tt I pr-M-rd In hh-hlT fi.nre;.itin, (i f.rin, Olill l-f it,' t -in m.o i the i!) rcxt 0 v ip im i - vt, i ttm' i p' r da It ' ('Itiri'tto AliH ftitsirrlti vr In Ma h tn ti ; iiunfv lnr itnd ( Irani- -L, tin N. o t, rnoriy It to ri' In all t e oriff'n il purity :tn 1 vict ; tliii nnnii. inn t i Mi t'i riyntrin all ,r nh tKiii c iii.n whn-tt have nv (lllCL'd 0 i' a so. , t c : t i' 'f Tree,' ft I T O 11 f! R tl K K K IN J P.M. THi.N l lots ruli'd ai 'i H'ly or i i -KM i t.. u, riu i;. h Pr 1;) MPI'Y, i, ml ph.. M I'f I'M,! ii r,.n"ilf,H'ii w:th that mtirina In all cai .f t. irrirti.i it, titisft. uir All 'in or Wlil'ei. ! ,:ci 'a air h. d'.i k, hiin7, aid t?n"!ri'iii ; for- -n in, h fntVn, hfftt. ii-i f,l.?, ind IJH'I t 1 : II," ' il, KK.rf fii'il iJn...-l ii n !idit: At. v , .in tt t 1.- (i. r'i fi -fl y itft r 'r:? a'l ti.e cliotp t,uat.k I ! i I P! prKi rrrr t 1 I l",M.h.i.K K i y t l- KK t i.f.Kr: r S I P. 1 1 I KVF! 'I K i.i .fclJ-.r Pl.P.ti IX- tl.n nr f (he f'lIKUO UPt. It KM I I't n id ('IIK mm I.t-. 1 YIKOt I JN -th t'o mo-l'tli!-4 at the samn Inn.' nil Impri'p.r t1; niinf.fi", a -c ri'roov, l, and i m-nl- "ti t .-r .itii un- ipt'i-1-II ri i rt .l t..i tub t 'm r n l ntftii-'h. Pit tnl1 iia-ilciilr Ri-t our ntn pM- l Inm. mi) dnu ita'i ii t!i. (.,uinrv, or wiftc on, an.j wi t ill tnad f-co to .u.y ndttrjui a tutl irfiuut'. mt in Hit MM I'll HH mi in lilitiMP IMtl'MH Mll.hr llMt'ltlt J-l HI it, -i uri l'1' i.n It.! Ml rill Ro:;rt5 i I tr. An ' ii'k it re t i 11 . rin-t-t ii-rl... n, h- m-ti t ( K T t .1, Ni-'jli.il-al Pii i.-K, n, nod l. 1 I'V : 11- li:iilli I'll in !' ll I'll ii Mt im i'i no Ml 1-1 MMM!Mt j'M'IMM .l p IMIIIijh, Htl, h , ,,f M- mo. , . t tn v al i, tn.lp. Paii-t in . p r,.t. t,, Jt.n.iip ot' Yt t.n, lir-Tu- 1 M Aip, Wik Virwii( Tf Hh ii'iv ) f It e.tt'ilii,;, T' Uil-l'lV. Y, hot. i I rroii.-n ' n tl l a v, I - e ( V imt. iii.i.ri , f M-nit . i 'in- .:) ij .1- li. Hllil ah tl tut' Mil (.in,, nr. . Hi i-o ,1, ut- inn tJMin i e put:. ..t n'.nif. TliN tih th'int Ii a Imp'n .in r ?eiriot, atol otio niw,,it.h an mn u-lv. aa it ti.ii t"-n u" l hi m ir pnic tb o t"r many y,-:ir-i, nnd Ai.tt tliiinatii trtitlrl. It P'ti no', i.niotl In a nin;o lU-itlTlvO. Its CmitlM '0t- era hive hi en vniiich'tit to Km vh t'-i v tivt-r the ui nt etui.hori. ca .r. To thi il wlm hrtT" tritlid v lih ih- ir ctMntitiiii Tia unib tli, y tiiMik tlH-iufi'lvu-s' br votid tl." ri'fo'h of I. rd' il a 1-1. n noi.td .niv (tpr Al r M!" ihe t'lIKitOKIK tH'KK will tvsi.re '-mi tn ht Jilth und vivror. and if' or rt prrpppK F t.t.lXLtX n: v r, rup pi i K I p. IF p i I'Fprmy all ijintck iloctura h.ivu fu4 Pit W1MOT1TS KE.M'- r NATINt. l.l.l.MK , or, t'-M-ua- it I. i-o! 1'nprtTid ft"in pnro I'K'-tabir 1 -tract , rorihoiioii; nn'Mtiff tiiiiniuUl to tho inn-t tlell c.ilf. Th" lit InvrnaMn? FMlr tn tt e tr-i It ,it ni"iiorn iii-fi' 'ti h in tJ vt veta bM. kti. attorn ; b tn un -n'iTi-l in is iibs 'rati ljH't!.ntl i I run-, fi n i ,-c-tiwi.f nil the old Will wurii- till III! Ml III! nil till 1111 Tt u met!, ine ha be-n tr-tfc.l ov me niOft c;ni l i ''dit'i 1 ini-ii of the d.iv, un 1 by t'i, ru pro njiinrni f t.f oni of the tm.t treat inc Ucal dlsi-o orii Ot iht' One t o tic will cure Gene ral l-'vtiibty. A trwuVae cure nvttrtci III PftlUllpi out iti ilia. nititiinitiiitK PhliHI.KIIhK Pi.ti Kirtt I, K It KHU If HK PKU im;kui:;K!.i It Iflt III' It Itl.K j;i;R t l.K J; J K Kt.it liKlt One h.-nlo cures p.ilnita- ttou . f the Hrurt. a irw diMi ro store the organs of kfi iii-ratinn. 1'roiu one to three bnt llon rotturr tlm maiill ne aiul full Tlor of youth. A f-w dies r'itore the Appi'tito. '1 Urt e tfottlf ft cure tho worst cahc ol Jmpi'twiry. A lt uoic cure'ttif low Iplriinl. tiic hfittlc rostoroa mon tul pnwt-r. A fi-iv di-s bring the ruc to t)l Ct V1L. 'ibis nit tllrtno retorea to nmnly vigor and ru ntl I'tuttti the tour dtluU tni. tl. w i rn -dim n. and den pah itii; fttuvotce ot avtmual dcaenie. truxvr 'H! i O Ct' it' I'fHV'f'O THIS KMY.IR ntfTa Hva. trna.ticM'ial HeUtity, Pl pitut.on ot tho H. art, id Itup T. ni'F. It reattjri'aniwi tai power and the njiullie, oooo fOwutin mm tn lift 'a tuo mum ut tnoiiiit til,' i'( h rU"r, .amJ ii. tb t. tut ttt-d man or w.miaa b. u-id vJoriMi ajid itpunf, the youiof unil ain'.lU iU4 Moorf to rotirne t.brouj-'h cvi-ry vein, tbe nocvea to herome Niront;, And the tliea of no.- lite u;id vktir to ru anlmaiH th entire body, hiilMinii up iho c-Miatitutioti, rt itoi intr uiy und U.o to ininy a sad and daLoned aredlde. i inn ot0 CMM fOt Oi nj f H .'I I t;oo (lonoinj ouoo (ilPltOKKK P1T.T.S! Kl If Alt COAIPO 1'KVAI.P. RKt.l I.A fOTt, II KM 1 If PKKSKKYKU, t'K.K'l A1V ANJ) HAP K. P r the ft fru oval or ot truitiona, and the lnanr ain'e of K'ii'lirlty In tho keenrrenoe of the Mi-utMy I'tlK'drl. 1 hey cam or obTtetr tbno Butnvrt.na itln'uirs tha. Kprtctf froui Irirnulurlt v, by r-oiowittf the imgwtanty lutir, fill They cure 8ipprs,i1, F.xcessivu, and 1'itliijul Maa Btru.ition. Tlmy cur. Oreen Slck-D.-ss iClil .f.islj). Tliey euro Nervism .nit Rptual Ailel'ona, Talna In Ifiu Hack and lower paru of tl,,. to,l i', lleailne,,, FatLni.. on (Sllirhl Ksertlon, r.ilpiiatloii of lae Heart, Lois Desa of Hplrlrs, llvste rla, Hlik HiaiUche, IlidJI ru'aa, An., ,Ve. in a word, hy rein.ivlni,'IAelrreinalarlty, they rumnvii Ihe eau.e, aiid wttii It all tho eitetts tst.t spring iVuiu 11. KK KK UK KK. KK Ksv KK. Kh. KK KK KK kit KK KK KK KK KK Kit KK KK kit kit fouipofrd of simp'. T.fr. tabl. .itraeu, they l ontala liott.irs delalerkua to any cuustliulkin, tioweyer oell calu, Ihvtr funotloii belns to substitute atri'uKilifor wi'ak aa.s, wtilrli, wlien properly u.ed, they never fall to do. Tliey uiay he anlely uad al anyase tuidat oov period, tscrpt during the firtt three fflorilAt, durms whti-h thu untalliiis nulare of tliMa ac tlon would InraUltily l-iu. VfcfcT iir,KBa.i y. V.HI- KKK.F.F.FB KKlJiKl.ttl-a; KK IE kl FF.F. KF.UJE IK i.i: FSFKFrr.KFE EKF.tl KKh.EB la UiaCIIKHOKKK MKtil cln.s, the unfortuDal. will find a day of dvlivuralice froas larl. rliisaud pam. A day spleadid and Klorlous, nhea tliey slll no loiser sutler v.iih.ut cessation or repo.a, eitliar ttaouKii inor ..nary niiai ks ur the ia fll cUniyofuAuawiiit prepara VNVf NWV f.'N 'M li S .S S Mf KM .VN UN KM K S .N.tf KM JsNNM ii'.VN Prices of the rhornkeo Modlvlnes I'heisikeo Uon, dy, es' ii home, or .1 hulilo. Sir I'i. flirrok-.-e Inie.-tioii, W a h.inie, or 3 hotil.sfor ... Lh'iriki'ii fun., fi a b'.ttle. or A bottle for SI. Dr. Wr;!il K.xlr, II a bottle, ,,r i boiilea for Ctien.i rt Villa, for f.uiales, tl a tux, ,.r i) hoxe, for 6. V.I.I .id-XFil.F.B Klii.i IXbLoit. M. 1:1. I i:i;rt: J.r.lll'.l. :i. :': H' i:i.f.i'i:kf. t.ixi-i:siBi.t tions. Th. "fherolicaftillrtue,-' ACouiplisti Ihuir rausoui tt.nlr eiuanclpiitiou. An euiiiueipail.'ii so irr.-al.so ad miral.le, aud so prolitlc of iimvi-rsal nood. Tnent- ruedt cines will prove. In any and every cm, fa. i. nil and liever-fuilliiif fri.liu. In th UliiC VI aeed. We. ( ".i nil lh. CHKIIO. Kl.K 111 HI I ';, by f.. (.ri as f 'X-i l the l.'htr'ki 'lh., ti. s.' are sent l,y mail, free ol po-itu',), oiiro. eti.1 of i rice, to any part of u.e civi lized world, set iir, l parai.l, in su, It a tuunner u.a: no oau (hrougli whoso h.,i,d. tin y milt puis wiuild kuuw Hi. c.'Mteuts. l..i,i.es or pentlemen ran ati.i:'yaa us ,n perh'st e. n.'l ., ii. ', and we will lu all ,a-ei rrunkiy answer tr.r utirrs, .aj.d give our i iiji.i n oi , i h it. J. ui ual ;,i , l . I I I F.n ri I F. F.l.l I U kl l-g ri i.K II. FFK 1 I I IK l.r. .I'. i i Fi '-i y rv. U-LLLLXiXH Tl 1 'it HO UliLt'lA.S. Thl OltliOFKK VF.f'I f I Sr'h are ..,.u i v oil mi r- t rial'.e Uruai'.ata in II. t , l lietl wor.il. Sou., ti-1 j i.i,. ,'lp.eil (H.lvr.. lil.e,ir. try to roll taorlhu-Bt toiuis orula in 1 1. .i ii t .f il., io w l.it h r ey rati yet ut n Clt. iip .ritv,aml liidke ii,,.re f,.i i.t tv im n ii .in oe y t ..ii e.i ii,. i.iil.hi 'hl.K fSst assss.s" f-s's ri", isS b asi s SR M.-t. KM K4e) a.sU'l.s.s, siii WUm xi 8. ..is vi ii va' i our health- .in. li'i' l.eiilui of m.r oll-tiiii-iio i. ot to liv, a it , ri ty i.il. uniiui r it I, d tlr,,;.'':-'. Ass lo 'llll.hK ,tll.lili;lNa.8. and Uk'. Il Ml... la. fnii.ri'a m'.tri ati:c ns will p'l irrlie Pi st Offi. -e, Count: , Mai., 4i dial, i. ol wriUr.pU.ii, aud uiolose i.,t- ag -lamp i- r rvi'iy. Ji ti.e im, a.isia will aot luiy U,io for you, send lo n. and wr will -end them to foil hy Etprrsa. Pnnira ad dreaslrgtis should aiale the disease ami ayuipunoa. aiul, foil paj .KuUi s in l ard lo their ta.en. W. Uval all Ua tutt'i i tl.:. nl, i,rtlu:e In iu.ile or leuialu. fa u in. nuns ai a distance lienl not l.eillal. l-eeant. cvf then tni.i...iiy to l..iti.a. Me hs -e tn a' d auvcsas-. lull p. .Ut ni, iu ail poruuba ol tils' oiv.U4U silie. W. with to f..nd , er) reader of Ihu ,uj.cr oiirtlirty two pa. . pauilinli't n.,.. A.i'l: ,'.a all '.ii, ra and orders tn Dr. W B. MtUWlM 4i CO., tin. Kl WIlfcliTV Slruot, titw Hork. R.,ld wholesale aud l.lall hy HYOTT At CO., -ai- aw -ilia Jso. M X, SCCOMi Hilt. I LU.d. 1 KA KN FSS, Bl.INHNKSS, AND (' ATAItUB, 1' .1. IH A SI H, M. II . )t..(r.t..r nt ll, Kr tn.1 t r. iM-jita a. I ! ! ai'ii' vleHinnr to thrx.fn itimrt ttm nrrt"t kiirrraa. ItUin ntel fitro the nat reilahia 'Hlr,o tr th- riiv ran he rrii ni hi nifVi-, No. Ml PiN K. Htrn't Thp Mf.ti.-ni fm nll.vaff Invtli fl to arrontoanv t'ctr nt'r.. t B. f ha no ret-na in hn practice. Iti Ht'f KAL1U, 11 1 A U X H, AV B r.A l T Y . If In (t1 a'!m'-irB ef , It to tan, ittvitt'ciiri ih; 11 l lt a hi.H'iuinK tltiwv, t ading, djh a tn an hour - I.a vt rt I I' to a h't of tYlea t , If for vire to m,i .a rnnnivt ; H With hk b h .r It'll-id tn ; Iiau.rtrbh atxiie hi-ndat V-iaujji! It ti, live trir-'moorc axi frrt. WliMrtf H e ri I.if.r AtJn; It to lh r a Uf or p-ii.-; U In dtA and k'o to itrraw -IUA.LTIf I If you wh a life of f lepanre ; I' un alur thin w rld Lnnnirea( It i vory rmotif t Ti-ii oo iu a,t, Tak.- Ui) advire.'aud wtnh nti finw. Ttf?,, hYtPi. t..itr., Wralh. and Teaiity, You II b,.' piforAt for evvrj doi. P) crr fr 'rnnl ol lf. W I t.I.l A , UH'Vivn Nt ItfHai, i ni- h ;k! ai.P. i.t IIK, whi. t- .ihon'd be rad hv a.fTi.n' Hh Hm I'.MMr.i. n K-R"-ii),end t tu iMvt.ra ctllce, No. sU hi HV T. hlHmKrt pn v m-i V XX KLT IHSKaM'S' NKCHKT DlSKASl'S H M Mil PANS (.! I T t t M "ll A lir t I T"i B(' i('n.i ti-. i i i,, t. i n I ir n. i t, ( . a Mn- ith lor t.t'S.'KKlKKA. ,4:r, M'Kirr-r HK.it, ,V,'. '-tMttii rn leicirii', ii,, it.iisjnMi i,,, 'try. 'f l It I, pi..,- io r s.tk, n if , i;. t;f nro. tuna It, trin tu., in i.ir !,, him roc-nit ra" tn twent,. -four h .ora.'- 'n par. ,1 , t,Trtdi.ait of ihe l n - ,'i t.'in ;iin i, ,,i.i i'i tfit niot emitiput lMttorn n ll" i I I'c it n' M if a Mil I tin S" I T I ry I ;i .1 ill i , S, ( ts,,j IMfin VFII, '.'mm, s.iwhi.iiHvr (i.'vat tl i ;itr,n I n M tUiiftlwtU It.OtttU. pA.W 10 lh.- 8 W AIM I N 8 tilPT. Si hi h lit nil (ft n i,iv .t,,,.. I 1 1. 1 , II ill t l.iC,..t,,i'i', 1 1 I'cniiV f 1 ired, or h toi liruiir , nt P. I 001 '. M i:en t.a. U Mh iu ,oot : ! i t-1 ' ii". Si'ltfS, n iKtrr.t.s. Ei, .te, Ac. mi 1 i: .. i on . i Hi I'lUMsi OK Vf SKI.P M, I'M) li'"T AMI llf UK .MMT. la otli rv, :t c ,u li.- iu, p ios tivr r-ire, OK V N P If, 1 . . U-KK-t-ib.' HMA- lil I AN S lioo-r ami m.Krt.l , ( t- the tu -at p M-iit, f(Hait-,.ii,ifi!iTj.,imil,,n ,.vr p:,.M ni-.d; u rra to i ri d rmltv.Ur., , llU:,-i(. Aaf pn Mo.cipi.1 vol im,ao tl n t .i r-in- i. il ti i..h I'h.l i .itiin.-nt, TaVw tiu'ti . f thia pi rt ii,.- r- i,,n! und . t,tf ,t n-,,1 do n ,t Hnik-i't to -or p.iU'tit that orwhirh )m may it-ptni In ath-r Jt at a. OO K"T m.RPAIIM Altli.'iii vn" m v t ,'i m m, , ! ir.cn-.-.hT.'.tli- SAM -Ri I a N n ILiiiiT and JiP.tJ; .Uli'K- o ill .,n.-vo i-mtv yMii.Mi imp, n pi, HiHH tiie ,iMota, un wi-U as ull t'.e bud ciiic s i.t imrc'irv, PPVAl.P.S! PI MAI.P.m In tiiat. .Lthr-tloni vltM wl e ionnMm oi jVinatt atiMi-r. tie K"i'l AMI llF.ltll .IfM'PS .ire nvnt hain-itv a:.ipli d. m I Irura:. d I n-rin. Ii, l.M.rorrhi, a. In bfirlns do n, l-a-.l'tik' ,,i thu oinb,lebiiivytan.li.TalU-tnuplttliiU 111' UU lit to ti l' rex. hi-nt tij vxpiraa Prlre ?1 a txMHe, r f, tM)ttlea for tl S A M A l( 1 V A N ' M ViAHIt l. In rnei ot Rvphfiu. ni.d m t onm -rtn.n wltb the Hoot oml Mrrti .liitrrs. p-.ih ithrtTloni. I'rh o T n uti. t hr eMicar .ff tbeai rnnedli'i m n Li ko ncanowlVdcrd bv pbn iaiih and pato ma. Tlo y ir- naid in the I ni-M 8tftia I'o-pMali, U,u rt-'stoiiMI health to uiAiiy ol Vur br io a- 'duTi. Proii- tl o Itiilttn'cr "."tun :" w ha r 'i hp. sri,KON ray of tih: t M.Mtt I ti S til.Ml.MPS:- "i',,,r If 'tt ir vi , Pi'itr M it.oi.M.rM 'Paitniioro, Md., I'p'iriinry -UK li. s 'I haro prcat au'if.rt tnin In ita'pi lh it I huvc uar I 'Tl.r hnm;xi din It. nni' na' fir V iht. ul Jiiacn-r Iu Iim rtniat ftia-i n.a-y tunni; that I hivi- inod them with imU'-n-t i.t, i -n. nun, od iT' ptTiv, mid have found them re-p.-iitt to mj antic p.iiiimn piomp'iv Ull rirei'tii.illj;. Knnwitii: th.'tr roin ornt'tiii, I litor the fnl'rat nflttjtico In Uiflr od'eat y, uint n :'ar an my uc vf them exienda, r9.:ou;iuei.a ll.eu niroiigly. "A r.ri; FD C, MOWIJRH, "Aaalsfnnt Htiri-iii .'Mi New Vork VoU." f et It he nodi" atimd that thru- n-rin-'Poa aro a.s rocoin rro i.d. d. and Wilt p'tntiveiy euro the di-oaati fur wblch th. v ate oilortd. ohi by n. r. rinM, N'o, Sllrl. P,1t)M H Strm U Iii'4tliNii r.k IV-1. w - .Ul Ko. Ill J KA, Hirtct. s A M A R I T A N ' S rUM.lltlTAN'4 fl liK. PAMAKITAS'S flUlK. C U 11 K rA tt A K 1 T.s N H II I.K, SAH llll l AN H IsAMA.irANH AM A IlITA.N'f, t l UF,. fl HK. LTIlR. M A IvITA S H PAMARIIANH U A tl A li IT i If' ( t'ltK. f UKK. CI UK. The only sure and sale rem. ,fv r,.r ii.,,,.,..-!,..,. fit.. 8trlrtui, Ac. Cur.. In all cases 111 from two'lo .!' data. I ru e I 'ale or Ki'male sent bv mall. KVOrt' A cu., Sol. Agents. AMARn AN a f VVK. (iaii tin r.ts .s f i i;i HA.tlAKIVAN H f VUV.. 8AMAI1I I AN f IIKK.. MA.MAK1 1's.N a CIIIIK. HA tl A It ITAN .1 CtlllF. rSAMAftn AN S f I'M.. HAM AHITA a'R ( I . Sa.MAIII I' AN H fUKK. el A SI .III IAN S ( IntK.. (IHFAT SI-KI'IHI- I tilt NKi'llKT ntSRAflKS the rsruuiia! y enKne-s, lli.iioirliii'a. meet, .to. Farh hoi c.iii.iliia 2u I'Uls.and wul cut. Iu iroin two slxijuis. Vrl,-,''2. It tn al-o certain li restore tone and P'.iter to thnsetrhf are lit biliiiucd by eare .s or an olhsr eiiuse, .nil ri r.M..ri-nil to lull i i,:,,i' .i youth, wlieii thu l-ills anoli. Wlll..it tl.c tniesliorl. In tliesu LUbCuru t'lll three liuia .ui j . (tklil bj ai.UJ C. I'llICK ltOSF. Proprietor, , Hot mill V .at llilloo. Bolv Agents, Kvorr fo No. 2':;; X. tir.CuMi street. Bo sure .ml a.k fof ISAM AKITAN'S rilltE. MAMA tl I'I A.N'S fl KK. AM UITAN S f I I1K. PAMAKITaS 8 l.t lK. HAUAltl I AN ri I I I.K. KAM ANITAS IS ft ltK. 8 ill AMI IAN M C1IHK. hAM AHITA SI 8 fl KK. SAMAitn AN 8 ( I'liK. 8tM .Itl'lAN H CHUB. flTRt'P Tli: Rtfiuili, HtllliV IlKKIOORD. 81 KIT UK I'.H OKIi. H) KIT UK Itlfllltll. 8M.I V 1)K lllftlKU. HVKtlV 1)K Hll.OIII). FVlll'l I.K HIOullli. KYKI P IiiC ItUtilllll. 8VI1IT liUKIlliKll. KVhl I- UK ItlflllfTl. 8V11LF bKKf'i'HIl. RI HIT LUIHKJOUU. 8 III I" UF. ItTIMItO. BVItl.P 1H-; Kli llilK. RVItlT UK ItU.'iilll). Rt KIT UK HlillltD. K KI P MS KM.' Hill. RYlirP HE RUMIilt. 81 KI P fiF KIOOKD. Rt KIT Dfc KIl.'OKIl. Rt KIT fiK IllrOUl). RVItl'V IH. llll'UKII. M 'i p 1)K KICUKII. BVKI V 1K HH llKli. H, KI P I.K KltiuKlf. A c i Unu rure f,,r H terms ofVenereal tllaeaaes Used In ih. ur.H.eao Uospiiius, una tlie ariuie. turougUoul F.urpe and Amerli a. This pr.'psriMnin has n. einal as an eia.Heatnr of this fiu-in or disease, anil sin iiifthens tl ,-oiisiliiition ifi-iuiraltv. It v'lllcure all 8ores, Rpuls, 1'lniiilns, Tetters, or aay eriipii.1111, no lutttisrr flout what can., or how long surid- Price 11 per hot lie. C. ritlt'E UOSR, Proprietor. R"le Acents, IiVH'IT A fll. RoloAvenia, liVOI'T A ft). 8oie Aiieuts, H'VOT I AfO. So. J2M, HKi'ON'l) 8 1 reel, neat to any address. .u.'io-tuth aia J. F. ItOSK'S OOI.DKN-PIl.Lfsvl J I'ptolhia rrl d females have b.ea hum hugged by Po.sarhs, At dotiilnal Hupportars, Ar , lor ue cur. of I alllwr of Ih. Womb aid foineml defillllv, wtilrh mean, can only prove palliative. II cot lintu'lous. Mob. of Jr. Kum . patli'lits hav. le.-n csli g such aburdlt,es Thay rely on his iji.lileii fills, .nil ttierrbv ohiain aoaneut cure hy ih. us. of only . lew botes. For tlies.ooiu- tih'.iDIa one hox Is worth a hundred Ahdi.nilnul fupporieri. rlee, oOients per box 801. Agenia, ltO I T ,t fo. Ho, Jjt M. HKI V1) H.lnet. to 1-tutli.liu THK SAMARITAN'S CURK .1 ca; VAX UK KFI II I) 0 ! JttlKK FAILS TO CI KK! JiOl.8 .NOT NAl "KATE! IM RPkkliY If AUTfO.N! NO fllANI.E OK IMKT Itkiit'IHUi I I911 lifir INTKItl KKK Wl'l'il lll'SINKHs Pii RH1UT8 I IIASl 11W. isl'll tv I'I'l 1, 1 1 "F lo'i'ei. ii.u I Price J, Mule or female. Hint ly mail to any address. C. PRIf E HO,s, Pox ii Post om. ej. Role Au'erts, I,Viil"l' ,t ri).. Ki-I tiiiliHOiu Ko. Zi! 9. .SjCChNii street. RAJLKOADJLINtS. 1FAIINO UAlLltOAO. VOK THK ('OS . vciiU-tu-eni' a)'dii'ra and otner vlil'liu 'M'amii t'la- t.uin'." rn-ar Ml-liinl iJiiJ.ii iite-iftl rtuiniav n.ifiatjmn r train will run hu:wii-ti .':niad IliM aiid t'lm u(a viiiu unid turtb-r I't'iK-e, roLim-iu-lr' H i-nl.iy. SovmuUvr U,lw,l, Isfavlnit l'hi'iidclphm at A M and I'.ln i'. V., and return- ifiK from rhuni-wilifj at ju A. M. uiul i .WJ. il., atoppm , sat Ull "ill' itiiis. If. ,t .1 1LIIal,n, il-12-taft Oc-ieral tm oriuu-Ddcut. LW RAtLilOAD LINE NOUXli. I If If (-KI Pill i T Hilt 'Ok I. VK JtJhUl till IK HVr. 1UM lib. PA KK FXPITPION TICKK.1S f l,i.OI FOR T II HER DAYS. 4'n and .-.rtt-r Mt Ml i A V , ,U; iiit I, Im., trunia wiU 1. va Vt t ol VIM; Htrt, i'tuiinU-ii bia, ev. rv niurniiiK at H A . M (Bisiiduyi t-xttptudi, li eticu tv tb Caindun and At laidlc Mid lurlttwi aiul In Intvurr lUv U.u If .jida to I't. it Mi nint-ulh, and l-y tt.i' c- n 'noilmi.-i p t-ainir Jtie II vt, Ui t ot ul Atlwnt.c lrc:, rooi n ; reiuriunc, luave At a' Si tlivtt vmji u .iiiiUava (jjacipud i.mi 11 'Jmvf'ert to the rityef Nfw York are po'tflod nn; to ftlpiyP r piaru t thia hit', the Sln:e id Sr.vt .tprstf ta ni , tmi u d ti iiit; tin., n and nn.t,o iiii.iiup-ajy ttie xi Iiimvi' privilege t curry t. ir pi (i.ttr nul fa i.-ht t' tat'iu il.K- I'tln-H t,i M.'ladi'ii h,,t arid :-vvi Voir. 1 V . P. t-KIl 1 i I I M. lit niial iSupfiuiUndulit l'HII.ADlM.rillA AND FKIK KAII.I HA (i ll.isii.at line Iravetst'S u,e A.inhrn and N"rthw.at f '0,,11- f .s' i'. i:l,s,..n,ii 1. li, i C.I i.i I.i., oil 1.., Kl... Il hn-hrrn lea. til bvthe l'i:NN.,Vl. A M A li tit. IOI tl) f il'. N V , and in. .ler th.ir rt'.a..ot. If botng rupitliy lpine.l li,;oi..h..ul tU ,'nl.i.' iaiia lh. It 'a li"t lu I.-, ' r I'.i..i , .,i,J Frelv'M hnaKiSaa fr,.us llarrishuri-10 K'ulorli'lf ( !-'. nil1, . , oi th" L ' t -1 i', I , I sloii. and iiout Hl.ail.sild to hrls l. aiilcal, oi, Uj. IV Utru iti.lait'ii. 1 1 li or T'-'D,, II, u Al.',.li I 11 11. St Ll I'll: A. Mall '1 rsx.n iHjire. I.V. k.pies. 1 . ion i.a 10- s, 1'. tl. furs in', I i.", it, i 1 1... i r i na ..h 1 ill sso .u l:.a tra.1,. a net we. a I't,, In 1, Ip ia jinl Lot k li i s-li , iaud u'. v. li l!tlMi,re a,.d I.ik'A liuien. lsh'itii 8 1 t'li,.' far on the lis press Tr.iln l"th ways. Fur ititiirinattt i, T' i " c s I' s-s, ,,;.', l.oai,., . , i, : ll. K. r..,,,.iasT M KI.K.VFN III an.l MAPKF.f .r.'et,. At,d fi 1 1 , 'ii-'i.t bii.iiii as ia the l oionae v A, ems : K. it K p, ., i., J.-. , voiotr s ,li 1 i.i... ill au4 UAitk.1 I Sire, ta, IT t .Itii.hl i. J.V, fti'Vl, Oa, flat. J al. efjiai.A.i. jt. M. 43. K liaiuu ..rr. II IIOI'STISI ILnrral Freight A. . in. t niud" I 'll,. . i.fcvvia h. iiuiTi', lavuerill Til kit Aem, Phiiatlttlj.liia -f . ii-si". in n. Purls, Jai-ti takacral Manaa r, H llh.inap. 2, 1 80 1. RAILROAD LI!MS. 1)1111. AHr-1,1 HIA, Ol.ft.MaM rOVt'fS, A.VO X MlllKlNlOWM MAII.tfDAII, .. 1 IMF. 'I All I.R tinae "" -ON"Aki ' 1 ""M' ar,BM T . . . r"1' -'H'MAHHIlVN :tt$WUX&i'. ?vr "h " " """ l-.tve iK-niiain.. wri.fi, ;,7 .,, h jo mi, ,. . M l.ii.a.l . (.,,.. ',. 7. s.n.io I ..i,., i. v , i an.l a trains up, do ihs St. on tli. U iiiiai t. n ti Host . I'liK.sNlil , .t, I-Ml not,.. I'l-aie PMludi'l'liia, Ii, S, HI, U A. M.i 1, H, f.t I eaie riii-snnt lllll, 7-l'. H. 9 ,0, II 111 A. M il It I f I, Si-.ii ,. I,,, r.i h' in,, v. ' 111; I I'I N H 1 1 1 1 1 i M ' K K N ANT NilKltMTOWN t 's. . I 1 ila.,,'lph,a ,S ..i. II '., A. M.i i',,a. it.' its fl..Si..t. ai ,! Ill' V. M. ..'. U-ave N .n,.i,.n, V, 7, ;',! an l II A M : 1W. IU , ai.iiov. M 'I I',- rS trsin an. 'IN atop at Wls.at Ir.on, U anay.uk and I'oinho, ken on'y Hill JUVATI'UK. t. ave -1,,.,. . K, d,v.n i, A at, IS. n.lX.tX flAl I I t 111 Nh, llA'.l.KIHN, 11 KkillAltllt.. Wll. 1.1 t.tlrtl'L It I . Fl 1 AVItlN .I tl NTS. . "" n"' "'' "il', N i - :. r II 11 Passen-r Tr un. i.lli s e i,e M: 1 K .IT. I IIIKi' M rt"" . si. .v, 1 i.ii,.oii, I l.ilsJ. .i u. iiinj iH.iiiu.y, .v.-e.n.'.li, aa lO'l. 1. . : -- Al 7 HI A SI (tsve.sl (ti- llr lilefi'm, A'l.-llto Man, I. I'hiii I, V'ill. ....ur. ll'h.ni rt. II. Al '.' 'n A. M. ( A1'. i n. it i. ..1st i., I, I lor 1 i..vl.,t.wn. Al I li P. M. i t.'r'.tiKM.ula i.i'i, i..r fori it ii. i, lotion. A I :i :-n l'. M I f", I" . a . ) i . I III t ilrlt, -n, f ss,..ii, .s 'I li.a Ithii. te n I t, K i.l -n at',1.'. t'. tl.. M.I 1.14K1 a t lo.. c.'f.ne n. n nut. il. e Ne. .lersi-v l er Iral f.r Jiiov l.irk. Al If. P M. I MaI'S f-r I in.. !. II Ai.', if. r. M ( a. -I , m,n. ..Liu .!:) tn Ite'liltlii-ni, Alien to, r. ai it Mam I I li ink. I f tl ( Ii'.. mn.. .lsi:..i 1 for I, si ,,)ae. n. i ,-l. I m I. i it i l... ti ii. . I at the Th-kt Ooi -n, Tlllllli Hoeet, ,.r ltl.lt,-. Hue. ., in oiikr to atrurutl,. lu i'l i ti a oi lsr I IIAINM 'ill I'lHI.AHKl Vill i Leave ttfllil... i-.-i alii tin.l i'-i i M , und A 1 1 P. M. I'. ...at a I. ii' I. ., (i A .tt.,.in: i t V M I.l.i -. I iie nt K In A It ori tl .ishiiik'ton ni '.".I'P M. UN nt'NIl Vt r, VI "i..l. 'f. In (. r ti n ..,,. n i,l :i "I i I. tf ,r 1 tin p. M, 1 1. , t. si . i . 1 1 f r I'll 1 1:1 ' rl ..ls tl i 7 A .tl li, I I . f. .11. Ililiii.su s Hair. nr.. Ki,r..as will i.ill I r .,a. ilsllvnr havrt.. . si the .u. . t. Old.rs may b- 1,1. at iMo. 11J b. I l.lllli Mi, el. '.'1'.' KI.T.IS fl AKK, A-ent. Tlllll.ADV.l.rillA, VlLMINdlON, AND i liAI.IIMOUK KAII. ItuAll l IIAM.K nt ll.tlT.R. On ni'il art' r Hi Mill' N. v, iiiik rl'l, 1P0, Pasaeitiier Ira.nr li-nve riilltiAeltiiila tor llaj!:l'.i..rr el .. If, ( Kxp'ess. Mmulat. excepted), 8'06 A. M , 1 1 t.,'l il. II flilni u II, si) I'. M. fru.-tor at s IV., II li, A. M., im, 41X1, l-.SO aud U'OO I'.M U llndnirt'.n at ft 0.1 Mon,Urs exeeptedl, 8 Oo, 11-11 A. It., v:,..', I i o, .' . ii. In .l and II'. tl ! kl Kti f aMs Ht " i'.', A M end fun V. M. li,., r nt is'ii. A. M. and Its.' P. M. Hlilf..itl a, n I'", A. M. Kallshury at k i r. A. kf. , nrtiisn rtril r ro i ,.t I M'.l.l 1 1 1 .t leave Rnliimore ai 44, K to A. tt. (tiapresi), I'll, 6 i n. o il.-,, and In iss P. tl Halial urt ut li t , A M. Miliuru ul '.' .10 I- M. I ipver at I'. ' A. II., and 3TJI V. M I Xi' I'aalle at M M A. M., ami fi Kip. M. I f lieatei at S ID, O'.Vi A. M., 1 UU, 3 11, i 00, 7 .15, 5 10 I P.M. I.e ive llsltlmnre ri.rHalt.htiryaiid Int. n.ie.llate atalhins I al iti'itv. p. M. f eae ltaliiiuure for Dover and fnt'.rniodl.it. Kailoni at , liur.kt. I TH -i INR FOP. P ll.T'lMIII K , I.raven,rali-r at s ail A. M , H-a rt and II it. P. M. I . avu wilaiiiigioa at o 11, A. M., j .1 , 1 j,,,and 11 40 , P.M. ' freigVil Trains, wllh Passenger far attached, will run 1 as hili, : j l,i-rte tv tiniliigir.n for Pcrryt llle and lutennctUateplnce. ' lit 7lli p.m. I 81 SHAt 8 -Only at via) A. M.. llioo P. M., from Phlla- I di'tphla to Ha'thoi.r,.. i Kr,,m rhllndelphla to WUmiugf.iu at ','00 A. M., 10'.10. and 11 1", i'. M. I froui ttllmlnt:lrn to Philadelphia at rtH A. M and fl :10 i r. m. uuo at IU-Jo V. M , ti.im llalll'ijore to I'lil.a.l.-li lii. al 11. F. KKN.Sf.V, Miip.rlntendeiit. 'JTl'. ri'.NNSYI.VANIA CF.NTltAL UAIT.- i. KilAI.-IKN HAll.v TKA1N.S Pltll.ADEI.l'lUA TO I'll l8itllltt.!-a.MILKH: I The Tlrkat Ottloe of tha VK N NSVr.VA VIA f'KKTItlt, ' ItAll.ltilAll Is not I.M-aleil at the New Passenger Iiepot I ol the ftitnoanv. 1 llllc l IK 1 11 ami UAIlkl-.r .mr.,..t... i 1'IIILAHKI.I'IIIA. 1 tin and alter .MON1UV, Oclober HI, Idfil, tmlns trill leste I'lillaUtlpbia as tollotta: I N'OO A. M. WAIL Tft tIN', wllh th. folio, In - eonne tloni Ar- ! mo at list flllHltlt IMItllM.CIION lli a. M.. and eoiini il wllh IVes! flual-r Itallr. a'l. ar riving at West I heater II .10 A M. Al rmtV M Nil I'OIV V 1 t''.'!A a . M., cniireling w ith liatn lor Wayroshurv, and I rrailiniK there II 111 A. M. At t'lil.U.tllllA II .rtl A . M., i t'oiiiu', llini with Northern femral Ka lo u l, aud ro.n h Ing in at -2 :0 P. ,t , liaiiover Junction II .HI p. M., ' Liu over I I,', p. M., uud Uetivsburg S l.'i P. li Alan, will, trnliiin lti'itdliiir aud Itoluuilua l.iulr.'iid, lealiiK al I 9 OH P.M. Arrie nt HAItKINlU Kli ".rn I "line tum huig 1 II'. HI , nir.v. at Hiii.l.ur) r.'d..alltiiuiUi P. -.. ....,.e,.i .-in,,,, ui,i .-sorio.oins- Leave roirrls M.,lt lliirtuipoil 'i'K' P. M.. I,.,-., ll.iveu 7'.Vr. M. Vila Fiilla, Ai, , reaeit f.unlt-a 10 4., P. M,, nn, liurraln nt il lit A. M.I Pa-aeliiitri lor llun ill... ltm,..ri. fll.M.io.r..,,. lien Irk. I.e. tli Haven. Hnn ksl, inn, . ru ,, tl. ii ,, ....... ' V .voinlng, f ltisiou and crllnl.t, take tne f.a.'knivi-ina f '."u.,,."'.r','"''"1"' aorfhuinoeiland.j a-t li st leu, at 1 :i, I'. iM , urrvo 1 ork 'J I' A , llan ,v.T Jiinc-IH-a II ,m P. V , rl iiiover ,'tl P. Al., and Ot.itysli.irg II-li p. M. At IIAPfilhltLllli, lor i',l,'tb liit:iiiuli, rJanl Yal-e, liaiug at tin P. M., iirrnu Carlisle J in P.M.. I lijuher'. hurg t V M , Ami llagcrstown H I.t f. .tf. At 'I t KtJ.N K i lis P. Al . connecting with ilitul Kas'le al.ev 'I'riun, having at 7'isi I'.M , and urrlvtng at llellilonio al Sisl P. Al. At A I.T. u) N A 7 41) p. tt , i-oiiti. c-tl it will, llniuc'l tiatn for llo. Hits. ahum, reai-liiiig t.iere ki.'i p m. At 4 Kl HS-ON n.n p M,, coriueclltig wlih llrunih tr.Uu Ir F.in..hi.ig, iiirivii.ti Pieru U .0 l M. At I'I I'TSI'.lItu 1 ;A M , an.l there cohlit t'tltig fur nil points YVc"t,N' it:i west, and bouthw eat. ID'OO A. M. PAOI l ACCOM MiJIiATlOM, So 1, .rrlvlns' at Pnoll at llVoAH. 1110 A. III. FART LINE conneeis at I.ANllfstvll.I.E 3'40 P. M ., siltit tram mi ICi-iuluig nnd foluintila lla .roiiil, 'irrlvinr at l.ltif. II Hi P. M , Kphrata a x p. M.. and Keu,l Ing .14 -a:. P. M. At HAKKI.MIUItll, wild an Aconini). dntion I'reln ou Northern l intriil liiitlwa, for Hunhii'y and inti rnieiHste points, reitoliin,; Hunitury ut II wi r. .tl Ai IIAIUilMU IH. Willi Usui on turuheil.iiid Yaliey f ,r l irl'slc, nrnviHt llittre at .', I., P. M. Ariiveaal I'lii.'mrj 1 lio A. .tl , i,ud there piake. close coiiuectioii lor ull YA esti rn points. 1-00 P. M. PAHKEltt ltO ACI OMVOflATfOV, arrives .1 Pnrkca biirg ai o i P. M., stoppii g ut inti-ru.etl.ate stiitlous, a .30 l. ll. nAllKISI'.l'Ril AIXHIMMOIIATIOV, makes eonnee. tlon at lioivniiutnn a'. 4 Irl P. M., tsllU trmu on Uayuea buin llrnll, h, lea' lug at 4 ttO P. M ., und urrl.lii;; ut Ytaineshurs' at n-lai p. M At f ni.l'SUilA, at ili.i P. I H. ,wita tinrlhern Cenirnl Kallivnv lor toik, 1,-atlfisr Wrlslitsvllle 7 on V. M . and anliln at York ? An V. ,M. Arrlt.s atliatrl.-burc at 7 It P. M. si -00 P. SI. FMIlHtANT ArcOMMOIlATlOV, from o. 1.17 Hock slreui, da l.v, eais.pt Huniliiy A.rltra at II irrlabunr, a 4.1 A. Al ; iYlillMn. in; a. II ; A'l.iona, li'.si p. m ; and I'lltsbuiK, 11 lo P. JI. Tin-1 a-s are ci.n.ror.iibltj, ami emit rants, or lainlll.a yolnir Weal, will Und me r ites low, ami h.te ll.tir hairgitiie. for which clucks are glv, n, torwarili-il l.y ihe sauio liaiu. For rurilior puril. iilma apply lo IIIAM'IB I t'NK, Kmigriiii Ai.'enl, IJ7 inuk .invt. Itclwccn lluiri.burg and Pllfshurt; a nrat class car is atlaulitMi to this Iruiu lor IchisI travel. 4-UO 1. M. IANfAHTl.lt ACl OMMOHATION, rene'.es Ltucster at 7 ?J P. M.,au rouclies CoinuibU tt.i 10P. Al. rt-ao p. ill. PAOI.IAfCOMMiiDATlllS, Nu. r-uch l l aa at o II) tt'OO P. M. PlTIRIU'r.O AN1 F.itIB F.XPHf.SS, with the 'ol kiwlig ennu. lions Arrivvllaril. burn. 1: i"i A. tl Huiil.uiy, i Ji A. M ; .Viri,.r.niioiiaiid, u i'i A. m.i Milton, 4'lm A. M ; V, lllldinsport. i, -ti A. al : t.jek ilu.eii, h'.l.-i A.M. ; tiii,orliini,M 11 A. M ; rU Almy , l! ill A tl,; firry. I M P At. ; and Kile, .Vos'.P.M. lit firry close roi.iicilon Is ma.lc wtro oil frees K. K.. f -r Hiu.viUe and Hhailer iho rresent turiuliins oi the lioa,l, I -u,e hy bl.iie or lie! lor on City aud t rank Ilu. 1 i ,'a..cnera lor I'lin lie, K'ipcrl. fttooutsli.ii u, iiertvlek, ite-cti iueu, Rhi.-ksi.iiiiiy, i't, mouth, Kiiiirsion. tVyuiniiig, fli.st.ni and Horanli.n. take the Laknisaniia and III .Hiislt jig ira'in at Norlliuri bcrland iP.s.engr lor I lir.lra. I.o li"so r, Cannu ul,,ua Niagara I .ili,ctc.. reach Klmtraa' li .1 , 1 tl., and lo.'.a o a 1 I'. .M.J At lltl.l.islll K,,, ,il, y ,nh rri i en'ral Ua lway, lor tt . Hnuli,, I aviiiK iii j .'ti.l, t,.: a.rli.s York, 4 10 A. tl l Uamivur Jimcl n, 4 4, A. M.i h aves U..n..ier Ji n ii,,n :im)A. M.i arrivts ilauovcr, 1 l'l'U I. Al , nnj llcllt -h:lr. l.'.P. AI. .A; 111' N I I sli. 1()N , 4' i'l A. M., vvirii i r. i in on II t... I Tof. K . It , arrivl-i -Hop, all A M , il:. lMIUs, A. Al . Hid i' n- I. e' tuiii tl.ei t . hy S:.,j... cr i.e. Ii .rd. At Tl uUNr'.. ., it A. II.. eonne nii . ,. ,... j; .ol n I: i.ol. l-a- ..ig 'I vroi u at k o A M..iiiti.i lie).. :. n..-, ill'! a. -i . and lio .r.l. r.".M .'. tl. t.e.n i i rioue on I :ie irrl.-ld it. k. t k a tt , ,..,i pi,:i;j,sug. nisi., m. At C IiF.hmin, 7 . A M.i.),'i v-lih l,--.,-,.-ti t.oii t.'f t-tli lislo r.'. i'lid UTl ,1. ; II.. r ", I.' ,' 1'. M .t ;l(. t ' .'1. Mixta in i i.v. si.. ,,1'N, ',..; a. ii ,.,.., ,.,t i bra lie 'i tra I" rt I . !l .,1 r , -. it a s . 1 i. , 1 I ' , . ',' , a ,! Inriana II t'. 4 . .11 . I ' l is :r i n n'ie : i r, 1 ' - v.; wilh V, . st I'. nils . It . .a is I., .in .,.. .n.., . .. ll .', Jl. .M Ari:,,., p 1 I ,,l li tob;.. tl l.'i .ul i en: , U'c-t. 1- lo 1'. .d., and ll.- P. tt. I'Htl.tl K' I HI V l.M'l.r.ss. . ,.-,. ii.s'i,, ll. 1 .ti s-'er, ll-, ii b'lt.', Mir.-v: ro :. A. it .it, I eivi.town, c,..t..)g. .11'. in. .... .:i ,: i , , i....i . ii : ir'N .i.N i, , I ,. I . it , l.'.o in.' l.ieie al a, si A. tl.. .. ', I 4, , llro.ol l ,tr-:-.ii it , nutl tii- st'S c tii- I'...., A. Alt. I ...i.i, -a A. ' I i,v ".. '. I; ,i: ti.. A, 1 1. 1 . ,i , '. i . ..I . i re ...i et;.,ie xt.tr, :r m i i:. t' r .i''..'t;n I!,. i-,.t :i I.', I M.,.-.nl n.-iic Itiiia... t. Itedl- il. A,--r c- .1 Pill Mir,'. HI 1'. l., in n. o.-4 CO 1 , lit'.' ' I '11 1 v.ltl, I'.n.i.i'h 'i. i - ,i, . 'I : ., ,,'.., ,.- ..-a Is i...:ii ilu' l tl N r-h :o Hit l e le.,. o. Mi ,;? ,.,...i j el t ... I tl. ri.er-, aiul Seoul, and Houli.ivu.l lo ail poinis I .:c. I , '., I .. ..I . ...I. i It.rii.-t.rr.i'i-'t.... ii,i,..n.' '.r'.r-. !..;.. a. UUI. , li- l 11 .. Jim:. I . i i i tt;. r I ".:,'" is, i'i 'lAM.I.C.11, Jr., iiiA'.-l A, tut. JKKM.Y r.A I I.T'. OA') T.I.'"- Arrai'-. men'.-1 '11 sot ,". r ''I'rsiMr, 1 ..I, 1,'a.oa tsiti i,.iu !ru:.i IV ahi.it Hircei J, . elitt.. r I 1 ' 1 a f, il.v. for t a . 'f.., ucl alt fl.l,' A. ., .01 l .kl. F r M.l.i.i.. , iiin". t lon, 8,: tl .'-es .i,:l. ei 1." - " r ..: " .1 ler ii.a,lMfi. el U 4 II.. ).' ft' .tiiotiiuii, laiouclaier, 0 Ii of HI' . II, c 11: ! I i.ll i"l 11 uii.llitii .1 t. XI. 11. 1 A. kl.,13 At .Jkid 1 1 fit. Ri'TI'llN'TNO. lf.it v f h e Mav .1 tl A. M. an I 1 1 '17. 4. .M,...'ii. '.ilo in A.il.a.iu ,1 ,'. tl. '' 1 I ' , 1 11 tt7 I' A At., . 1 "f. M. ' haieoi ul 7 A. M.. and "t l. AI. o Vtva.s:uurv at 7. 11. mi ,1 l.kl tiJ 1 lip. I' M.i" i'i.. OU , , . . I lilt- a'Ksl II ll-n P.l":i 8 t'O'llM.Nt i Will .ll. t.d to all Ihe u, ,,al hcall' ", - "f F sp, i'- h'lsl. I It , . . feci , c. 10 10 1 . , anu "i a o a initios,! outer real, , 11 S l ie I xprcss f.ooi'.liilea In all pal ls ol III. 1 , Hint 1 y any artls I. clilru-lcl to Ihcut. A Hps, lal .My .si i.,i.r isai. p.a.e each lloutigh train. J. VAN i:KN8.-k.f.Atib, Bupeilaiend.iit. rliiUiile'i'hla, Nonmb.r 1, lh'Jl. lll-l. i . .vr , HH..1.P KtH.n p,v, ii i. a at., .i, r.r I amherSvill. A ,, r.i,.,...l 111, r M. .Iv'riT 7, f ",tr"n'"".t a'allons, at S r AC. 1 evr M in.i.i,k,i,i,,;i,,s in, St,', li itf A.M., !., 7, I U,,., ",,",7'I'''IWM. audVlaoaa '"J:'S,'-1,'W. K.FMIT1I ll..'Slf.i.r. r.rt.rr,,. I "J " ' I'I f M' m.i 't Heis.t. M.MM a ill i.itf.F.a -,lr.ct.. I F:..rf,c- K. ' ,', ', 1 '''o. "ferly, RnrUrttiMI. i ,,,. w , '.' '' '.'" A V. j,t,H l., X-OHTH VI NNSYI.VAMA Rtll.liOAn.- " 'l-nion. 1 M' 'it tbn,u 1 ' r I 'It IUTI1I lliru Inn i oai'.iuvi u a . s. I r "T I' ,IH fft. Rlnrlnn RAILROAD LINES. ISta AltK AM, KM KN1 a OF M4. r a w iUKK i.i .irsi. 'I I.I' ( Sll. tl 11 .till .tel.. ... I Blk.i..'.-k,. .-j . " Ba' t.-ail lh ri'VAI.ies- .ilw, rr.,1. rl.,i..ll..,. , . a'. k ai.il Vtej flM. .in i. ' '". f1'' "' T ri'K-T wuAftr. Ill Icsv, as f"l ..... v u . rani A M..s aCsii.din And Amboy, C .nd A. Ae- At csmiin. Walton . . A H . M . v-a t'anulrn at . .... and Jtn.y(:i'iVa'ii'arBi'as) At 1 M . via Caiudru and AaVoy','v 'ud A. Aiio.)ni- AIHF..I. ti. t.'ainde. and'Amb,!' nr. sa ' lt t 71 m IM t-ft i . and A Ax- Al ) f. M..la raimlrn and AmhoyiAcci, i.moi.s1.a9' Arf .i..--.'".' . ",ul1A"'''.'A'er0o;ta.V if reiaht i,d l a... ii.-r) l,t i.iasi Tk.kei V" t'l.,,s Al t V M ., via t'i tli.p l FrriKhi and I1 t -n and a ir.lx'y Ar.v,'nMaa m ' an, d. -si'i;, ii i.iNsi rtoket. t i, ., 7 r. M """""1"' nvi-rly, arid llurltac- RieaieNsnt Trenton, f.r IM,. 'I. Tttlrtlttrtnn T.v. "'"''"'i. n',1 i a.s.iiy at A tl an.li i... u. ' 1.1 M M II....U & l ... .... ... . ' Will le.r. ". "-'-'-i"lva HKVOT I.. I. .11. '...." ' '1 nty F.t.- I At rai P. M .sia Keuaii'ilA.Vu'ii'ti 'j.-'aer'tiu-V." I at I IN lie. At I.'. I'. M ,.r . 01 1 "re,- .' ' ' M-usirutoi t-u and Jirai-y L'ur, ., nt, ii istwioili.. 1 Ir II ,.. P. V. hut- Kill ru,. "liy. All o U.ra S inlay ' exi .'i .' . i l or lt,i Turn: irk, F.lii.lra. lo-. r.. ter. I'.li,.ln.,s,, li, , l.? M .J,.? wr,;"ThM I R.',.,-o Hlr.l.t ,g. tv.'.., ,' cl i'-ln,"J A?l I town, ll.'hle' .'in III h ill. ,., hi,.- .mlKl ." .V- A''- I I'-.'ti . Fa-lor n.r Man, h I'himk st l ,, p. . """" i f , r l.aii,ls.rl, Ihe Nt it I. .M o", rtni'ir.t ,va -iiilr. ' ., .'.'r ,lr"''.''' lrer,i,.n. ,o.,at J I and li 1 , A. M, i ull a.m. t,'u i in, f ll,lr,ie.i ut,', lM,'-,nr. ff- 't-ionitr. t:i. n-ll-sliurg.an , f rar.ii.rd ,u li A. M., .t.t, HI'.M Il f.i Ntv. t.nk andnarlin.s le.ir'na Kenafntioa liei,.lnfi II e .r of, .,i -oe. I, .Ik ,-e Italimi. I.all an I liotir 1.,-I.M. depaeture. The i'sra i .in I,, mine I), put, and in, .irrlsii' ol aarli irsui run fr.m ihe l-ei,.t. I .it p.. on .is i.i li.H.va.t' ..my al.'iived es'.h paaarnirw. ! a-M I'si'is art p,..,il It. .1 I'n.in t.tr.it,,' er ii,i.u- a,, nair. a t.-li I.. i ,r ,"irlii. anoioel. All l.iwi. .,v,i' rlfiy .ound. ; , t.i ) Hl.i ti.r islia Th,. r,Mi,.t.,ln , a, iriei r.-sp, net. Ji'lil' li t haver i i, t.. One H .l'.r p. r 'rn.li.,1. and wlj' rsil hm 'il, I '"r ul"u"t b""1"1 1A). .leapt by .paoial oon- I t.iahan.'a Rat-i-ace Kspreaa will ral:f,r ar.4 flrllvar Ko. 1 t' e .i ,1. lit'i ms. Ortlir I . he , i t , :) ai.nut ! 'lv"!e,l., -,s,',,. Wul. II. UAT.MKK, Agant. ; I.IM 8 Hitl.ti M--.W YOI-.K FOR PIIILArilXPfTTA ' . . Will, I.F.IVK I From foot nf fonrtlnn.i airrer a' f'.' M and 4 F V na .lone I Ii ati.ii at, ten; si 7. 10, an.l II ,0 A i r M.. fc.il 12 Ni.ol. til. .In, .... i'i,.. .... "' " ' I ir. ... . ... u . .1 . - . ....', nv.i..,,,, ,n. I . ........ , ... r..,, . sueei, ai l A. .tl. aud i p. A !l, v an.l I ..ni...i, . sc.. via ' Fioi-i l ier. 1 North Rler, .1 11 M., 4 and S P. at. tl reli-hl and pasaeiuer) via Anthoy and Oarod. a. 1 4'1( KK! MT LINKS l'Oll NKW YORK AND liestillu 1 INPKKAaF.lt 1F.HPA'n,n Th. Camden and Aml oy Kaitroad aid TruavMrUttna , ompai.y a f rvi.l.t l.lnea for New tnrk will hare I'anat bin it wharf, on an, alter danuary s, oad tnundava ax rente,: ) ill, o clork V. M. ' 4 F ,,ur""J'. u" ,wv I liK" will le.vr KewTor at 1 usa Fr.ivht mnai be delivered before 3I.T.M. to be Ibf war.leil the a. me ilar. F.eifhl lor Trim, ,M, Prtneefon. Rlnmtn, Yew Rnw wles. and all n.-lnis on the Lauideu ami Afni-.y Rauroadi nlan rn the llel i.i. n. lieuware, .ixl f i.usinton, the N.v Jer.ei, ll;e f r, , t,l,l .,,d Jsmeahurii. an I lle 11 urU.tauia nutl M..UI.I lluio I'allr 'a. la, n-eelved an.t f,rwarded up t I'.'j "'fit,, k 1'. ;.l. .smrfU pau-ka,.ta lurAlouutliollyroooirM up to 'J o't it.ek P .tl. Tho I'.eoithfV, Iteltiware Ital'ntad enimeeti at Phftlfpa-bun- wllh llii' l.a lilt li tll'lev liallr.in.l. The .New Jersey ftallroad .'oiiiiei'la at Kl'at.elh with the New Jorajoy for. tint llaltroud, and at Srttark wlUi the atjrril aiial I'.aai't Kiifrond. A al,. bi.-in,.r.tn.!tiBi. aperlfylrif the marks and nnitt lieia. ahlppeia and eo.i'.b.'i.et s, must In every Instance hal sent w nh ,ai h l. .l of n-.i.da, t.r oo riretpt will .e Kiven. Increnseil inrlliih-a listt inv t'fen nisue ur he iransporta. tlon of 1,1 V V. r'rofK , 4.-.ivers are Inslu-d to try this roosjau Vt hen tt.e sloek Is fiirnlslinttn iiiBiit,les of TlVll CIAst I.DAUH or more. Ii will he d.liv.r.d at the font of for tie Ui street, n, :ir Ihe Dnive Yards, or at Pier No 1 Nonas Itli ei'. a. the sliipnera mav designate at the time of thai hipiuvlil. tt'Al.TKIt Ull l.MAN, Kreltht Ist ut, io Vi,s It. llt lanare avenue, rtiiladeaphj., Will. IL RAYMOND, frnlirtil Agent. J.i,', tf I'i, r No. 1 Nor h NH er. Mew 1 ork. rK A I I. It 6 A D . E A D I N Q OltF.AT TKt'NK MS.'SJ FROM Pmt.VllKl.,'lllA TO TUB INTERIOR. OT l'F.hVKI LVAMA.TIlK 'I1UYJ.KII,I., RUfJ. Vl'KHANNA.f I tlliKKI Al, AMI WtUlllMM VAJ.LktY, AM. K0RTJ1, NOItTnifF.iT, AND THE CAM ADAS. PASSI.N.aKIt TltAINSt leave the f-lopany a n. pit, at Tlili:TF.KTIt .nil f At.l.uWim.l, Mueeu. t'liiiaili'iphia, at Ui. ftaiowiac h.aiia MORNINO MAIT. for ki-aduis-, l,elsi.n, Fohrata, Idtta. At 8-IW A. at., I ""l'i "rl. liarrtilo.ig, ivu.ville, Pin-truie. T'm,.a nuiii.uiy, tt liliaiuprl. Kunlra. Kn.-heat'-r, Niagara all.. Itunnio. AllenUiwn, w llkeabalr.. Plltatin. Ylir.. f arlula. t t-hnraterrhurg, Itaiicrsluwii, Ac This Iran, connec:, at KF.ADINa with Fas, Pesnivhra. ni. Railroad iralna Itir Alleutown, Ac. tli. UeadttiK anA I f 'duml.la Kaihoail for Fphrata, Ull, ani f 'iliuuliia. and j within. Lebanon VaUeylratu for lisrrl.burg, c.:.i PffRf I L':!.?'1' will. I '... I. a halrouA -..lr .rtVokr. ..IrTa, ttlli autaport, I.oci Haven. F.liulra. i'.i at kakhjiC f.l'Ktl whh 'Norlfi.rn feiitrai," "I'umherland Vally. and "Semis Mill and Nsm-urharina" trams f.r Norts.m. bsrland, H llllaur p u t i c'kuoiberahurg. Pin.trfuva.aaa. AFTKIlMION K.M'liKMH Leaves rhltatk Iplna at -J K At. Air Itesdlrur, Potaat. ville, I'lni'Bioi., liarrlaliurir, A , cniieitUitg al llarrut huii.. w ith I'emisylvanla Oemral rmrns for Fittaburar, Aet. Kiuti.qrn l . ntial llallioad tritins for fiuabury, Nortbura berianil, 1 hinrn. A-.-., am! .'. Port rUut.iu is-nh OAtawlesa Itaiinuid ualus ft-r Nilloa, ft lilj.'uiiAourt, Eliuir., ifuifakts, Ao. KEADINII ACmMMYtlUTIOH. I.caTerBt ruii g ai i.'. ll .1. at., slopping . all war Ma. lloi a, arris n e in f l.llr.ti !iila at ti -.'.'i A.M. Keturn!ng,li iivca l liilodniphja at 4 .H, P. H. i arrtrM tm KenilhiL' at 7":. P M. Tiiiliisfort'iillunt iplrlaleavellarrl.biirgatk.no A. M , arel PotlsvUle lit i ii'. a. M , grilling lu Phil ; lelphla ai 10 P. M. Atteinoa.n Trains leave liarrisoiictr al I 41 P. fat.. Potthvllie at -i-.a- p. M ., iii'tlitnr In I'lilladclrhia at 7 P. at. Market Iran, a. with a paaarngor car atlach.d, leav riillaultipllii ai I P. Al ,f,r Uaatliuu and all as; uiku leave K, uginv at I:', n-sn. unu l'o,vrlngt,,wualt.-tkia. 14. nir I bilatlelitila and nil way aiattons. All Ihe utaive trains run ,lai,y, Hiiiuiays exeeptad. Runday trains h ave Pollstlll. at ;-uo A. M.. aud fhJla delphluttt J'-'i I' W . f IIKHI F.K TaLI.KY RA1LROAH. Parsenirera lor llownlnwtt'wn and Inforrue'.la. TWitAfl take the Mil A. SI. anil 1 .lo P. .Vf.ir.lna from I'iiHAdctphia. mourning Iroui Ifowriiiigtowa at 7 ut) A. A4 aud U M li'tri. iHKrF IUKK EXPI1K18 FOR PITTHBfrRO A YD TUB WhsT. LeaareaKewYorlt atA. Al..,id7 P.M., passing ttaadtnc al lviuioiibslit und 1 V P. tl.. and eonuoctlair at llarrl.- bti fit with l'tiii,avlvai.ls Railroad Express train, for Plltat I burg, fl'lvako. and lh. West. I kcturitini. E- prcai trull, leav.s irarrlsburgrm arrival oS inn rennsyivaiiia r.xpiess rum I insourg at il ,af ai,f H'HO A. 11 , -asaiiig lieatlliig at 44and lu 10 A. M.,anA arnviug at New Ul at in A. M. and I stl P. M. Slees It s t air aciuti.pani Untie trains througa,b.twMn laasy Cl.y and I'lllsl.urc. itl.ooi cliaime. M ,11 Iratu for New York leave. Ilarrlsh.rg at I'll P. at. Hall tram ti.r llarrl.hi.n- li-aies New York t U at. r-l ill 1 I Kil l. YAl.t EY KAlT.ltOAIl Train, I. aic I'ntlsvllle at 7 IV A. M. and It ik: P. r4f tuiuluir fr..n: Tnacai.Ta at s lo A. Al. and I 'kt P. M. Hi '.1 1 1 11 MIX ANU HI Hill KHANIsA KAM.KOAD. Tisina Itsve Anhi.ni ut :i 4.V A.A4. f..r Piiuvrove anA liurri-btir.', and at I'-'ai P. M tor Piueirr.iv. only, retttrre lIU Iroin Haniabi.rc at 1'lkJ P. Al., ...d lriKU 1'U.egrov. at i'ioA.Al.. ami . P. AI. TK'KF.i'S. Threui.fl first-class tickeis anil emltr-ant ttvtkets to aal tlie principal po'i-tr in Uie Nnrtii and YVoti and fanadaaj. The loi:,,iii U.'kets nre i.bta:i,sil,. oi.N al ihe urtlro.af N I. ll.tltfol.il, llrJaui.r. No :'17 8. KM kin atnsat, PMladt p: la. or of ii. A. MI.UIX.S. tltnarol HuporiitMat. tlelll, IteodU'g IHMMl .'T ArillN TICKETS. At?o reree, t. discount, between any points oVslreal, for fauiilivs and llnus. MIl.KAnE TfiTtF.TH, f end fi r 3l'l nitlea, b.tw.fa .11 poults, att'.I MMKk, for fauilliea ulnl liruia. HFAON TICKET"!, For tl r. a, at-, nine, or twelve months, for holders only, lo all p' Int., mi rtd.ire.1 1'-tcs. l.'l.l. ktlYMF.il PetiCir.i: on rho ttnf of U.e r ltd ivlll be fiirntahed wttk f tols, (.ui.tiii.g theu ."lve. and wives lo ucaeta a aaet fui V. EXPHItHIOM TP'KBTS Frcni Vl.Os.lelp! a to piMictpsl st itlons, good fur Ratnrs. la Hun..'.'. .,-,d II. mil iv. at reluct! tar., to h. had only ni the 1 1 k,iuul,:,,al lUlUlllt-NlHenaCAJuLOWUliX Rtrv.ts. FKI'.liillT. tavd- of all d.'.crlp .ms li-rwanled to a'J the ahov. pct,,-, ir- ri -.!.. 1 cinpanv a uew irelaht depot, KilaJAJI a.1,1 tt II l.lll. hin.is. fl f'IitMT TRMNH r.ei've 1'hl'adt Iplna dallv tit tl A. M.,1 P. M.,aed OF.M , f . r K- 'i-ili sr. I.eh.inon. Inirrlsburg, I'otunue, Port Clui ti o, .'id points beioud. MA1I.H CM, re at the PMIa.leij h'fl p.-srOrflre for sit p'aces on th ri-atl .-.i.d , ia l iai,. ties ar I A. Al,, and for th. prlne-sal sla.u io '"i't ai -i'l.i P. At- DHILADI'.l.l'lll.V AND IUI.T1M0KK CEN. J ', ii a I. ltAII.KO.klf, OI'K-S 10 UrJsttf-4U'ltlAia Al.KANUKVf T. 11, a..ii niter lllll) VY, April l.l.Sol, Ut. train! will leavtt "f'.r'uK LAlil Vt AKI). 1 1EA B WK8TWAIID. ai.'l.t..-. .l.l. I',!. I M.Vtlo'.S. A.M. r. If. O-.lol.l. Yte-t '., Ati'! . J "1 Vsi.a,lel,liia.... H'laj 4 Ml il ..J tl eat t'i, eater. .. 7'4t 4'4 '. ' 1 ty. . JiiiiCUOIl,. '.' 'Si fl'4l 4 li' ft iK ird 'i '' 4 II 1 I, .1.1.1 s Kurd,... f tl H 14 h-.l Ki or il !" ur .1 1,. t'.'oi'..tv I'l-ai ''' ,;'.: A, .iilri'.e 1" -"' I'D 6 10 lisl ,r.t l,'.id t-.k l.ol- 'pit, a ha- h.-.'ii ci.a'i. ed frnia, so. -is. 1.1 1 lllll I'f f 1 IfsT and ,t I'Ml.i I. I; t. a. Ma-k'.l Hlra ov , . .,'.7 . 7 ni .; ij . e'la, '.!'! K , ii. fin, til s 1 f , 11 1 11.. ,1. tv ' t.vU. 1 1. ',.1,; ii '.:a... YV.st.. ,.1,1,1.. laot'i. r li l.ii' le. iitl, on,., ::.,' K 1 r K.u.ui. . V -is j l's.ho.i era to a. a Uoaa ti.ii, pa. I k ,i.,ii. , ra go tt.r'tu h i,; .i,o,,i rh t'l-e of cars. Jl IlKMlV W"IH. Hiiot1liieildnt. Vsi'VsT'tTli'S-l'l-'K AND nilLAD-iU'Uli I ilAll.l.l AH. VIA All 11 t. HIS,; Al.llA.'.wUAIKST. On ninl sttrr II. 1 HAY, Ap.ii I, ! ..I, U.c "1 aim will leave) a 1 1 I , a 1, t. .'i - a '. Vh s. f: 11, 0 Ii not, comer of THIKTY 1 lit -T and ! Ai ls KT .-liens. S A. M , ll oa A. . p. v., i .. f. ,.,. .;, i'. .v. i i ili .le'elii , 1 ,' 1 ,, ed f'.im FionTr.i'.vrn anal ,V ,' ki'.l t-utsls lo mini k-i I lib A" and MAUtiVt l.s ,v. WH Che. ter, ft-tmi the Itepnt n Fast MA IIK tt1 I, , a.1,1 ... t. II., , ,., A. M., 11 A. tt ,a P. al.,t. M. 1 ' it -rs I I' 1: a Wet I Iii .l.M, l,.a l'a.sgel lialiwaf ' i a y l Mr kf n.eei) ill cuutoy Piauongore U a lloui i ,,,.,(1 (1 I, ,, , j ON SI VDAYS. 1 ' ve I til' .,1, 'phii ai s ;o a. M. and i-iuip. al. It'lrlii.Hli. -i.iuisA Al. a,.d 4 .10 f"., .,g, '1 1. tins I, ...ins I'l.lltt.is pl.la ut . A. M. IJI. u',. U' d VY.Ml los'.r ut , 4, A. M. .ml ''' -L'leuo- Willi ti.oi.a en II,. pl,ila,l.lohla and )talll.,,l K t'M. ul ni.il lli:iiu.vl1',l',"i'urnl,l.aSjnl. ..ill tlt-'MIV lt,.till.lAliJ;""P"' I't' ' 1 y LjI- r