TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRArn. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRRlt 23. 18fl. Owning SHclc (jritph OFFICE No. I0 sTthIRD S TREET. Price taa.aWeier. rtaOorr, oiKratinPtMirii T. Fr Carrlat, aiei Mailed to i,Dr-toer. o tk. Clir at . P axki'Hi o I; uu am nTT Cae-r. com Ta-o rHjnrrtbl.- ir vr art, act ereea. .rttfMiMta lawerVw M te ...nat ritee. A tt.ier.l i a-vM tnod tn.artlon.. 1" SitfvrllnPtTfc Hwn.tP fee.t tm'reai. tn Ine t'lrmt.t.en of ''i'.. rami., i'' ,i'. M.iillln u- to r to pro- i.i -n Mrty Mr. ITiiHI) nv,iifi fl,,.f ,-nl rr."'i"i a. ken-led le a. In eo.-y, i, p.t,hl(. tn .ccnr. IktB a. lner:lea all e' r.gr rdiii.m. " VhI)NKMAT. NOVKMI.Kll 21. is". I. . i iiaswm.m ism TiiuTir Tin" j'tilillc do not nvjnir . to lie h ims i" I Into b"tni; grat'Tnl nt mich a ti.ue u this. Tlicy require no Mrs. rnlli;li to t kc thn n Into cudtody ami strnigiit-Ki k -t i!i;n intr n DtRto of thRnkliilncwi. Thi-y h.iv? ree'ivel from Hod cxlinm-tlnns trevnuvsi, eacli ol wii'mli ba? a tonRue to r.ppr.k fta.- Itttif ami 1 11 1 u wn worth. Our nutiom'.I pdvintjaaiM i."int theniM'lrca out so clearly to oven t'l ni.nl umrfleotlnB, that the rJiions olurrv in vi "f TbantagWins dny are tilt to bo Hi.- in .in' exponent of U10 pcoinVg luiirt. W hnro no nood to work nurst-lvi n; 01 the ubjer.t, no lnduccinnnt to icln ;i pr -porlty which we dj not puasen. and ti r.11 1 r our thanks liypocritii'ul aUo. TI10 ac!.lnns of our rmieg In tlio flYltl, the good serviiv1 01 tho private h orkt-rs who toil at houiu f ).' Oip wpll-holni? of the noldlers. nnd t'.ni uni Dlrr.lty of licrllng prevairn,; tictwccn rli"s two va't division, are suPli'iont cauioi for good fortune, even without twklu InDon iidiTatlon all those 1 nmcn-10 valnahl;1 rc T Toirs of strength which it socnn iia;i'n.l'd. to dra'n. We bave been loctured fyr our m'.inii il Bliw, and we havo been told that tlio nut ion h bt'lng punished for thci.i. This maybe bo. But it Is "ood tj t'.iru our thonght away from our lnn H,ni 'tt n". ItiitoUUo a one-sided view of one's m-lf to reflect wholly upon one' short-coming. V.'o bavo some natural gooJ in us. Tiie ciivii'ii ttancca wider which tie first colon!-ts :n id - a home fbr themselves argue this, mill tii.; con stitution of human nuture asserts it. Let m then tako a tnoru cheering view of oura'lv .. A perpetual shadow should not Intrai'i! into the genial atinosphcr? of 'epentance. We in itl lave something to smile at in well as t we y over. We cannot bo fuiever mouinini ov:-r our s.'nu. The sackcloth w 'll wear out, an I ths ahen will be dip.iipated by the pi!" 01 time. If we do not, tlifn, ;ivc tlia-ik-i a'lir.':l In purple-and-flue-linen robes of rijolcia. let usstlc.tst anoint our htmW, ail tt) uU'i 1 decent countenance to the sanctuary. If eve. anatloa lias met with retribiiti'in. w. hue met with it; if ever a great people could w ir!c out their own atonement and snlrutioa, we are doing it. When wo speak of our prosperity at Uotj:' and in the Deld, we do not forget the mutil.Ue 1 cone of war, nor Ihe dreadful aii.'iii'i of thousands of hoiuieuolil. But we coai;iare these afflictions w'th the rr 111 J principles they are evolving, and the ultiuate good th -y will establish. If through 'sorrow's nih. and dxnger's path" only the Individ ul en hope to enter a world of happiness, the na m discljillne is necessary for a nation. And nnv tht so much oi thai discipline is over, lei m not brood too constantly over our Au, b it take heart of grace for th? go.il that jvl U in us. What thousands ou thousand? of Th ink-j-givlnx table to-morrow will be grAced by the result of the election 1 How ni'.iuy plain dishes will be sauced with the conviction that Aiiisa dam Lincoln is to U- the n -xt President of the United Statet J How many a rich meUvi'if will have Its lndlgestlblllty corrected by tha same thought I That remembrance itsel" Is the good digestion that wait on ippetite, and the knowledge that the premium ou cold doss not after all ailcet the price of provisions at much as might be anticipated, is the health that waits on both. Let grumbling, then, be banished from the board; fet complaiL'.ugs be ignominiously ent away from the table. Let sweet charity tincture the atmosphere of soe'ety with its neutral tint For all the plums in the pud ding and may they be the reverse of angels' vjjit.' let tlieie bo bright smiles and genial Jok's. We can take an example from the aoldiers In this. They never murmur in giving thanks. With them gratitude is nof an aCccting sense of future favors. They never swaddle a curse up In a smile. They work the hardest for all they get, and they do not giumble so very much even when they go tti.: ewarded, f-'ouie people give thank? as they give alms they never give them at all, or are as long beli re paying tbem as they are In paying their dents. Home, again, go to work at them as though they were driving a bargain, and are bent on having the bent of It, and others are as Ibowghtlewdj Tree with them as with so much borrowed money. How many take a juijt auii solier view of themselves, society, the na ion, and reckoning up the sum-total, jive with huaiillly from the overflow logs of honest U( arts ? Tn some of their aspect our Thanksglvln du , h are the Parisian Sabbuth Araerii ani. id. The worldly and the re.llgloua are put in full foiee. All social resources are din wn out. Ti e genius of our people show itself as w-U tn the fervor with which religious ni.-fiiu's are siuttalned, as wi ll as in the Intent Arverrv with which the masses srek ue mi of an uwiuent. lasting und leusting h j an I ni b with each i.ther. Men pruy und cuivn fo. an identical reason. The fact that th ch ffii ro sustained In their consecration 01 th;s day, and in employment of all the iirn-nv-ut and iloiiuence lu their power, shows tin disposition of a large body of the people. The very sermons are worth collating, as illustrating the bent of not a few eminent winds, modified by the mutual lmluenees of pastor and congr gution. At such a season as this, whon cool rlk'oc tlon is mingled with much that is guy and Jovial, one takes a peculiar Interest lu living, if such a mode of speaking bo allowable. If only to gratily his curiosity in regard to tin; precise Issues of this cou est, he would t iki; a long lease of life, assured that each year will provide fresh nutlonal rcasuns lor nationtl thanks. lUt IMItUSUlMlliHlSJIiY t un- Wide-spread as Is the knowledge of the im portance of the United S ates CUi Utiau Coin luisslon, the conviction of Its Imm'insa ioflu Inca for doing good Is dally growing deeper. It cLi'i'ios beuiCctnce everywhere with It, and L gigantic nu ans, under the manaeineut of 1U singularly talented chairman, Ukohlk 11. ifTVAMT. Js'l-i of scattering bleHalnga plen Ifully upon the gory battlo-tMd. Acting thus, and Including such a variety of Influences luriU trl.H Spirals to every beart.-rThre y ao wan who is not Interested lu the succtjos ot (lir t'britln Comml;ilon. Kvery imjv.ilri-t lliitt le holy It M)pi'.ils o; crorylliin wiiieh If i.j.oin'tl lo the rxrrt Ise of tpi diils'lin rlinrlty II I" iiiitiofilntiR to. Tim xt4n', of lis I'lrrfttinits will ! tnrlly nppr.Hai 'il In-a inrnsnl ol tli ilociiiiH'nl.s on o'tr i eii '1 j. i . Tlirj- piv n dotn'lt-cl account oi' it- Jiui :-t ami wdiUIhk. mul lvl:it' uti n T . is a T'.'linjj Irr l'li n(5 H'tiich In I licrn lofv.-s y vg r'i ti fir tlx' H'it'Hcy of tin- (.'nil nl--'' ;i 'in I lis. tlHTonxlily (;ooil m;iii:i:,'i'tiicnt. i;msi. 'i nr. VI MM'K wiy. or mi:- I I'l l. The late pr.n lapmlion of the 1'i-esl lent, d -clarini: the blurkade of Norfolk Hil l oiler icitain ports rni.s-d. should sft'rd sll gtl lii'ens In this section of tiie l.'n! ill the sin- 11 rest criiriliralioii. the i.-.cl iln-ti slirvi 1 Ih: t the tiiivcriimeiit Ins no Implicit a faith in ii.-i ability to I10M the p.ir'.ieu!.ir p tints on our si .n'loard naini d In th" pr -1 1 na'.l in of Mr. LtM-oj.N, that It no !o i;; t luiiii. 1: s t t open them to tra l ', mid to k: iranten all il i. protection to those cil,i.:ni'i who 111 iv avail themselves of a pr'n "11 1 bcnelll so 1 1:1 neces arily R;cpen'l"d. rhiladelphia 0''ce h id a m i ! n l,n'. 1 " n coiniiii r. e v ith No. folk, nil I w th a v 1 il. ex lent of interior country vhk'h our 111 t.vi 1 in icmcmiiI tlum.h that port. Tie ti iei. hvur al le for renewing that cmmiei-en it o i e a 1 1 exlcriding it to the utmost possible linilti v. lib li capital and enterprise can i;x'"i I li. It ilejienils entirely w"nh O'.ir own clU. -in whether they will reap th" first trail 1 of a n vived coiiimerci il Inlereoiirse with tlm Soiuh as fust as the Ailminl 1 ration can a iJ tiers open the way for it., or leave th js t fruits to be gathered and approprint 1 by :h t in r,t m tive and thnfiy n. ii'iili is of U.ikim .-., New Yi rk, and Uo.-.ton. We make no doubt that the pi .ml'" of Ih cities earned will be wide 11 w .ik to the '.rohl 'n oj' ortimity that is presented to them by 111 1 1 reinovid of thi' block. ule ol" Norfolk, and imi.'-s : we bentir o'.ir.-.elve-i. In the srim dir m l a we j shall exhibit our ol 1 tbiie .slowness an I tip ilhy, ami deserve to remain stegnatin in the iu:dit I 01 more naiiirai r' somn s lur tnd" l!n:i :e'n potscssed by all the cities oi" the N'oHll besiih-s. Whi dionld iVntisylvMpI 1 ; llon- Ntny York und ll'. t ton to (,'iow lieh on h"r fields, and h -r rr.l'ies.iuid her lorc-ts? Why shoul lshf suMer Ihe people of other M iV.-,t:i be t he c uriers of her pto'liuls to profitable market,', a,id to realize enormous wealth in the sale ol' tha n al a larc mlvnnce ou the llr .t price paid (o the pioei:rer? 'J'lii - ;svii il. Ins be n d me in the Jiist, ui'.d Is yi l bebisr done. Is Hi t.' never to be a hane f r 'h- '.e'ler? Will o.tr ei.pl-. never ui-oii-e th.-nis.lves to a right I'lii'er-tandin of th' ir interest, and put forMi the enerty that is n"e wary to promote n I veiMire those inierests? No better ciia.n e could be ofi'ered to btgla the work than thai, vthh li the urailual re- '-t lb. I'.ehinein til coHini 'I'cMl r.-l uio.ns mivl inter course with lie South presents. Norfolk, Vin'biiii, i.i iiiitnrally one of the finest harbsrs on oi:r entire sen-coast ; and with the closj of the war. and the neiv ele'iientd, social und political, that v il' no doubt, be brought tj b ar in the ilcveinp.iient of tin; nia'eria! richer ,. 1 1" I of the Southeri' country, it must in eo'irs;1 time become one of tho must prospcroji of our American ports, both as respects tun coast wise traiio and foreign co:ti nerce. A line of railways w ill connect Norfolk: with all parts of the South, even to the utterni nt limits of Texas and l'lorida; and it Is hut re.i son::ble thut. for much of rill that the Nor:h cnu pour into the lap ot the South throah her ports, the South will bo able to return an equivalent in her principal staplpt, whosu pro duction free labor will Increase In am tuiit one hundred, fold anil more. And let us, while ou thi.-; interesting subjeel, cbscive, teiiciuliy, that one of tho mist tlii lent, because, powerfully couellialing m:a- c stires which th'e Oovernmciit can employ to .tV..t n r.nnioi..vt iiC thft 11 h.-tlirtti ntiil renew . , , .. , . t c un.ieable coiirnvtions between the peonlo of .!.,. i,..i o.stwt.i,mr.i r.r , . ., ctimna rcal intercourse be weim us as speeddy as circuim lanci s will a.lmit ot its lielufr ilone. The President is evidently aware of this, art! bis recent proclamation shows that he hi determined '.o test at tho earliest prac ticable, moment the virtue of brlii'ting tha two sections ot tho country together lu frieudly association, und binding them to one another by the p-ntln, yet strong bonis of tuutuel interest. It has been said that the war has put implacable hatred between the belligerents, and no'-hiit cnu ever unite them l. .......... nml iitl't.r.ti, in Hir iill. I lb. 1itOMhtrl ? is made ly thos.; whose wish is probably falher to their thou 'lit. IJut be all thlt as it may, the problem can only be solved by ex periment, and it Is the duty of ihe (lovcruineut o lose, no time, und spare uo proper menu 4 in trying the question pneliealiy. . Thisoienliig, then, of the port ol Norfolk, is a fair beginning of the work, aim we shall soon see how it will result. The elt'oit. at all cvol, enn do no barm, while it limy provt' productive of th:1 grcAli st g.jd. i' 1 v riivpi. For niMiy yean the bever portion 01' Illi nois borderlni on the Ohio river, and eioii'l Ing towards the Interior of the Slate for some thing like one hundred miles, lots been siyled in political circles I'erypt." The old Whig party tlxed this nniti" upon II 1V0111 ihe faet thut there w. re bui one or two counties out of u couple of d.i 'ii v hii'b ever give V'iiit inajoiitit s. II it the "iliii k d .'iVin .-s" whb'h bus enveloped this modern Kvp". is beiua: rapidly tliapellt d, ami lloihing 11 1 tu l"ii-lej to let l'chl upon thai region as lhowiriu whieh we iii'o t;"W ccarK'eil. N.-irit ihi v. hole 1 orllon oi It mois '.-, 01 .ij.ii .lly 1 by men from lie; clave st -'.-'s of K 'i' t- i;.'. Tcnnc-si c, and Al-tbauiu. 'J'i. 'y w re poor meu, who lelt those States because of the dif ficulties thrown in the way 01 their advance ment In wealth and position by the aristoccvy of .slavery. As is the case generally in the Southern States with tho?e who do not pos sess slaves, these men, who sought more free dom in Illinois, were not only impoverished, but tney were ignorant; and when lin y cast their lot on the soil of a free State they car ried with thorn slaveholders' ideas of demo cracy, and stuck laithfully by tueui iu every election. It was f.'oin these people ihui theDt m j crut always i4pc. ted and received the cuor mcus majorities wh'nij carried tiie State for their pi-:ty duriu so uieuy years; and It win on that very vote licit they Loped to assure a heavy majority for McCi.vit w at tho late election. But they counted wrongly, and were unaware of the astonishing change whieh has been In progress in that once be nighted section ulnco the Initiation of tin) liebelllon. Thousands ob thousands of people Who formerly , supported every candid i'e, good, bud, and inditferent, nomiuuled by ibe) Democracy, have within the past tout years discovered that the nam " of Democracy but fje ibe u'i skin"'t''.Kvu',er' Ob ibo4l- tiers 01 the wolf, shivery. Secession rev.v le I tie monster fy M'.i ippi.iji oil tlio dis 11 1 , in 1 Ihe eyes of meu who lionesll,' loe I'eir , country snil abhor despotism open ' I I 1 ii'ler listoiii.hinent. Tiey !iegail to I vid e.u I J.iia'l for tlieinsi Ive :, nvd th mor,, t !i i l a i l tlitti,"ht the inore. tii, y sha l l, e. .1 over I'e bcnihle 11 line which tho leaders of lie it '1 ! lion v ere mile:. vor'niK to consnni'ii lie. 'I' i lithi was let In np'i:i th-ilr mindi, an I t'e fcr.TS ilnikni ss tb-it. Numbers of th drbeit 1,1. n came out In oppo I'I ;i lo th" Ite'iels, in I ithi r on the th Id of b it.L'c or 011 th slei n; I'l't the example ol H resol elion to it oi l by the t.'n'on. The heroic dee la of tj'nenl .loii.s A. I.ooan on nipiierou- ido ily tl -U, end M i el n-i in voice at biene, '--h mtin th : lalle try of fiee.lmi," toll with td .riojs 1 cm. I upon the pcojile and siint I the 11 t a it torlons te.'.l) for the old flajr. A Im ':e ncinbiT of coun.l es which use miilbnn'y it throw heavy in iiorities fi.-thn ; Democratic party, at fie N'ove nh T ele :llo,i j tunic up v. ith Ih'ilr m t tritles reverse .1, and i enst theui lor Lincoln and tha Union. l'"or bistiince, .Johnson county, In IS,! 1, fjave Mr. I.rsrnr.N 41 voles; Dumi.vs, Y2. Tiiii year the lU-publVau ticket carries It by 7 ' I; ' und mi we might multiply last lie 's of th 'mat l.ioial revobtll tti wiii"'i h n oei.-re.l In ! Soioht Pi lllinoi i a re ;i ui v. hie'i h 1 1 ael iilly 1 bec-nic a byword and a reprot-h. I! i' tlia I day ! as dawned, tnid llht nnd k:i i.vi I j scalier afar the bin kiics n t 1 1- tratic wb'cll ho loct; enslTOudcl and so looy pos ! Si . seil the minds ol Us people, j Takipg Southern Illinois na an r xa n;de l j wh I can b" done in tho way of f-'gciarjllsvi I a coirtiiuiilt y, may we not hope, with a c v- teinty ( f fiillihnetit, :l,.i'L tbns i;ne rei';!t w il ir:iiispire among 111c pe opi ! 01 ine .- vi'ii, t 1 soon lis the war is brought to n ier'ii::etio;i',' Will not the masses of the Srj.lh.ru people more fully uuilerstaii 1 their own a id thi interest 1 of tne (foveriiaien; if Tin fivlin ol'speeih ami the freedom 01' the presihelnj' then vouchsafed them, they will l' i'n how great has been the darkness Iroin v h:cli Hey have ist emer .'ed. The ku'iwleil 'e o;e e j nc'iuii fd that Ihe sjiiii1 of t h ihz.it'on is no- posed to lic.inan bund t.;-, joid thai no mtioii can be called a tndv i nii'iieii -il an 1 Chris tian nation wiiii h ndvneales (m l smhihiu il, w ill take full possession of th' ir mhnls. und j esti'bhsh in them 11 permanent love for ti'ui.'i intelligence, and lilh'i ly, which no earl lily power can ever shake no human nj.'ency can ever seduce from it 1 allegiance. w u ii;ii i:s ,imi rjn; i;hu. In a reci lit ariic he, ''Trade and Its Liw ," wc -tati il that us hi';h p.i. es for all llie neces saries, as well as liiMilit s of lii'e.are in. vi! ibly ini idenl to n state of w ir. it is both 1111)11 -t and l:i, wist! lo th.irge the tlovernuieiit with a result which it did not procure and cannot previ nl. The war is not likely to coma to a spicily conclusion, if wc may credit the utlor iiu' cs of Mr. Ji;ri i-i:-.o. Davis and hi. newspaper organs in the f'o-ith. They breathe defiance to the unns of the nation an 1 declare that they will not even I'steu to overture.! of pence, I'xeepl on the condition ofladependeiiee. That sort of t.'ill; may snuiut to some ears Vi-; tbt- ravin"! of desperation, and it is, no do'thi, .. . f . . . . .1 liictutod in a large measure by a spisit of obstinacy that is much more inspired by nu.lignaut passion than cool and coa id .'iwlo reason. Assmnlnp, then, that the war may, under any auspices, lr.it a year or two lon.r, it be comes a careful and provident people tt antici pate the ordinary Inconveniences of such a state of (.flairs, sud to make nil suitable pre paration, to meet (hem with virtuous lortitmlj and to mitigate them as far as possible. Tuo question, therefore, of food and fuel for tho million becomes highly imporlaul. It b; tpiite uppareut to uny reflecting mind that, at the present enormous prices of nil the essential, Indispensable Articles of universal coas:im:j- tion, such a;i flour, collee, tea, milk, sugar, I meat, nnd the like, a vant niimbi r, ner'uips j. ' . ' . . , moiety, U noi a majority, oi tne people, can- " not alford to buy eiiouirh provisions to answer i rpnll!rpmf.,' (f U lmtv coalI,)rt. if not tne reqiiiremeuis 01 orm.miy vusi.au, o ..01 positive necessity. And as regards fuel, no w,n jo mou-1 streugtlmu the arms and rcjnl ono can full to see that, with wood at thirteeu , mate tne courage ot bu.slmiiiis, fatlKrs, and ... , . . . , , . 1 brothers in tho lied than a rclnfercoinent of dolTarsa cord, und coal at an equal, If not 1 tw,.ntv thousand wen. Ic will show tt.cn tint greater co't per ton, a very large proportion ' tiny 'mul thiiis arc not forgotten, and tint a of our population must freeze to death in tlu I P'tul eoi ntry is wutcbful of their MrUfdia." next winter from hheer inability to purchase 1 " wood nnd coal er.ough to keep the house ! ThuMiorc iihoii. K.t. warm and cook the little food that their sleu- ! , e ,lc ,tw 0U1,. " "t , , ,,, ,, . , 1 liuvc inude a mote enviable reputation for them- der means w IH enable tbem to pay for. ! f ,n y() tr,ff a o1 of ,Un Til,0. vnaimen is to oe none m so serious nn extiemityy , The man of wealth, or of easy . .l.i.nMlnii.,M am a lio il,ii,fl n.it osni -ilinnl tlio "-"" u"l,,LI' "" '""'"J v.wi. iw o-v ho wants, However prices may mivancc. mil we are a civilized and Christian people, and live in a community in which no citizen can be allow eii even if he would, to think of his ow n private vt elfaro and interest, in total dis regard of Ihe situation of his neighbor, or rather thousamls of his fellow-townsmen nnd ; tow uswotneii. The 'comparatively few who '. re well off, and who feel perlbctly secure ! BKalift the worst viciesit-.tib's of foi-t'iue, cau 1 not, nevertheless, afford to wrap themselves i.p in tin Ir selllsh Independence, nnd take no thoughl of Ihe famishing and freezing multi tude In whose midst they dw ell. Christianity is not only opposed to sucb hard and cruel egotism, bill put lie policy, soci-U peaoe and order, are inpially repugnant to it. The time has conic w hen provltlon must 1 made to avert scenes of bitter disHess, il not of teii'itiltt ditiirb:iiiec and vlolen -e, In the community, bv averting Vhe clremei of oer- rtaial went and siifVi-rlng. Hiunm nature, fjilUvali-d ami ili .lipllned as U may be by the luwJ, bat'it-. ai'd judiebil saii.-lloii.s of civil M leiy, is ei-i-eiitiaily mid ut bol'teii lot n.m nature still ; mid W hell the lust cruel loot of hbii'Mitiou und tleat n is applied to fhe moral sintiiient and loyal instincts of the jsior, we may be sure that the demands of nature i will be s'.roiif"ei' than the sense of civic duty. ) Happily for us, a plnn lifts been found to i liable every family to obtain fuel at a late : nuich below the present market priee. A company (the Consumers' Iucmil Coal Com- 1 jiiiuy) liasU'fiior'jiinied here to n.inecuil.a'id tlciiti-r It. to their members or .hureholders r.t what in called ''first cost," whieh moem the si.iiple to.pensc to the company oi lei-sin',' and v. oi king (lie mine and delivering the coal to the consumer. 'Ilio Dchcne !i.n proved en- I tirily s.tfislactory lu i.o pr.ieti'.'.i.i operi'ioi tlii.a tiir. The coul supplied is of liic L.'st qiialUy; il is j'ai'aL-.U-j 1 to Ci-oh ub.iCi-ibi,r with nil desiiah.V' cerialniy nnd promptness; it Is obtaUicd at nearly ouc-haii o!' the price that is demand :d by private coaV-denlors ; and, to crown all, the stockholders are almost cer ium to save ipiite fifty per cent, in expeuie lor the coul they rie-clvv, while having a cluiiioe lor a ta.-ih tiiviih'iid out ol' tho piwiU-i of tho corporation, on the burpkitj t oul uiu nnd sold to tb pubjto. , . ThU pHiu-lolo of mutual protection miht boflpplkdtomnnrjf not all, tho article of Imo Ma:,i'jvuh a-i Hour, su-, cotfc", tea. st'd so on, provided the I si tore vol Id p.i. 1 H i.'enoral lit for ch.troi lu-t com I .in1' to 'ip; l-,. t Ii-'ir 'o I hold n w'th -m. h eei.m 1 ihll' t, i- fir 1 co!. Il is ht ions ' lnl ."( h a nit M'iiv vt ml. I ; r vol mi I . ih ul 1 "i' Ij'rout.l of pi ivnl I'lM'll.:' mhI Ml'-ot. .lis- 1 I. ten'. Il .t;i.'. ti e'l, " ei, ' 1- triry check ' i' r..pe i " ao.l t. ue tul .pir:l ' r., 1 I' .1.1 i II n'lif'l I. ' ' p in tune 1 1 . : 1 i t i ' - of i"i" - .i 1 1 -vi lops In veo i'"'! es, "ri'Hi", an irt' fcinl i. areih of l!r 111, tn or t r 'o H. li- tiolislj ff.l' C !ip II:' ii' V 'lain, a, ,d i 1 I e! ' t II the W I.i e' I t ,,.e!Mi:t y a Tt'll s,' r. . ! ' ol tiiz-tn 1 d n.'-'-r; 'liep'y to e,ii; '1 1 , if bt.'t"!' sine 1 er-, In sr.j nui. i i-i,t t h lo s-..!-!i e.l '. a ip.ir lot -is '.I'i I'V I l il I! 'i' He- f .nits 'l el siu ro'. -(.-' t'e- ' :i' r. It i 1- ''..n ' I! V to!' ; -.il t'ii-.'i i.i j the n ci-v . t ',ii- j -e; I", e . 11 1. t'e cretfl ur le c -asit i t'-.e ft-ve: n"i u , v 1 11' stoj K d ; and w 0 know ot ll't l-etlt-l ne.ii'l' c n a lin ihe vi! Ci.ui tic pt i 1 -f ) I " of c 1 o tiin.11 iol', lio'f so cill'l e-.. I ' I . I pill ill I I " lii e In -. l;ii-;: "el t -the von uiru-r a! pi 01.1 1 ro'. t I li ( I II I I 1 1 .1 s i ! ii 'i : . (.rv.tte.l va 'ill t : w e -ji d, il I - .1 ' .'.:'l - '..tii". ' 0 it1 .11 II. I M In the 11. ii!-1 of the iv 'li.. -I li fc In. il lo r rolT li e 1 I "i 1 ;( -, v. In. " i n- .ti. t il ill h' -toiy. The p.-i.. :( i tl c .i ill' l.'is ki.oe li 110 1.1 . ti .s no p ir 1 the pvop,'.' .'I 01 -lint in ' s Ii',. ' 1 1. n leii- I a in inrl.lv 1 1 1 ; i i I v or cmiVitit v. '! i-ti iT llillon of olhef nstloi -, to '1 i.i :iel.ii. w h i!;'iei'iil liciu o n Vfik conK in in .try stys; ' 'I'I c C 'liiiirt Ills ju t 0.1 Ti iii.l.sj.tii...; tiitir.c' t-j is li ' , lint, il a. tl il. n1 tlt-s tis is iln I.( 11 r or II 'i in . i v I'ppr c mi in 1 in t lie a- n y s 11.. ..ol lice ...i .1: I w l-o liui our ii.uiii l' . 4 1 u it in 1 i' ,1 mi lt il wot" tii'smsc ff '"' t ie i r. n.i-ir 1 , ti' I mi. t"C, me 1 m l pr-il. Uis inii.t.i- fii' in- 1 ,-tllf, Jl.illtC 111! HI il.'lllil :C'i t'l ll'.'-t Ol K . ami 1 !i.m tuitntKi. Il '.lis .1 unn-l "mix l"- on " pi i. pl to taise a lew Hi ii-iii.il tl J-.tio 1..1 lis olijiit. A liiil'ion - it 1 1 1 Imve Ini.ui n cliia,! pi ir c to pn.' fi-I I'm frioli . t'liriee ial 1 litioiv it.ii-rttif: vvu.cii Ltlis p!i :i.-aul e inl 0:11 iy ' liivtiil inspi'c tin ft 1 1 - in cur or . m ..ii' i" . , Wc biii e n 1 1. fi s'h 01' i'. in. p niiil mill I n to 1 ki 'In t liii'li:!"- iii -l-c - H : tnili r uent " ' 1 1 1111 thtiii il.c ti-t.-;irg sl.at the people at ci'i n 1 u.11' with him in lit- I'rm ules. ri .1 I-t. nit j Siitti'.-iii.iS, iibd appii-i l".U lit" start ins ic iii-;rii n : vnliii A1.1I hs the Tinnkt!tvu:g I'es'iiti I - vw. 1 O.y.ifa'l ti'.ys I01 tl.inl.mp ol lunne nnl tte 'ill 1 l.o'ieel.ttl'l -.till r.t t; .I'.e ll-j intit'l! l!illn'T hni will lie iii-tri.iitrd inr.'i';'lt tin i',"ii,is mi,. I iw fli 1 1'' wiil .-nc ie..;ay a Icvt he ill loua nii'iji - auti .ii-piis'iiui Uni oui 1I11M to '.he s-il.li.r is leit hot inn - f 1 e ll! it we 1.1 ;:(..- to pr.oi'ie it 'fuaiil.s -i.tto' s'so ft r 1 is liiii-ily. lu i teiy t iiy nil I v "iu.'e of lie T'teili ti e luleilis . f Mnibcrs li nil I in ! si ir in 1 11', n-el not otic t-lionlil Oc pc'"i.tl' il to fee' s i'i oile-s dnv , 'Vlr ' ill 'lie ui.iion t n -i jon ire. t'"r lvaml of a n,'. iloteer. ISut iln : ii' ti a I. Wr n. 11 st 11. 1; !.-. I'.inuoit fit'i a !!.'- iii'siie Clin: t 0 rrliiv Mi. ir n tats 'lYiu'er I - ei.e-e 1 i. oii is. '1 In- tiim - u"C I. ifl ; ii. i. it "i n . .'. ii 1 j tn' .ii,m ii 11 , t'oiliiiig, iir.,1 tint are nii'i u il' i liiM . Hunts hate aio e lv in '..I. mi l 11I I In, lets HI t! Im' t-i li' hri-d 1' a ''I tll'l lie t.-r er. I l'ii!i s li 11 it ly ittirl (tti -i nt toil is extent! -I, tii-r will i ssiui'illv he 11 niesliliai ol sniK-i'iao' tms wie'i r miiciig sold'cr-' li'.iiuli. s. Tamr reimf tiuii in-t he lef: m 1 rtvatc charity it is a tlnty wl iili Iho coni.try cole- tuo men wtio 1lefir.1l 1111 life. f tut, tne work must ie oy--teinstitil In ordei to lie etliilve. e ,111 initKf stioiilil l'i or,'niiii d in every ci:v nutl tnnti, V. Ia.se tiiisltuss slioul.l he t lo ik Uj Il.c Limbics ot M!di'-rs niid to prori ls relief win i'. vi-;' it is K-'jiiiicJ. (' iiitrilniiiinis of uim. y, i-l -itiiii.e. I.rovi inins. line! fai l should lie clue it nttiit.it; lonlof ttu-c c:ianni tees, ami, su'e'v , .1 .. l..l. I.... I,-r.- , .tn. ...,. I 1 111, tl'llllli IIUI','I I'.,-, 11-... li.lj I .-,..:...-. I dollars, nt a ilav's uotiee, we may say, to provide 1 a 'll'U'. k-u.it ing ninaer lor the so'iiim aid 1 Kitlui'S, will not be b.a-Lv..irU to rdieia the iv.iutu I of ! h ir families. "The llovuinor of Ohio has just mule an ' excellent Mici't sll'iu, which we sleual lika I to 'ee iidoptcai in evevy 'Kta'o. It is tin', as I wci-bnll devote Tl.ui-otl'iy to tha;iiiSi7ivin or I lia'iciiil irr.iciis, the vthole conivry oUoald ui.ite to iiiiiVc tae followli.; sia urilay a tlay I of jubiitc to the soldiers' laintlies. ('jiuaiii- tei s ol cl iigns e n ic rcaauv- orjaiuiM in every chv .1311 village, no will a'.iunti 10 the litstiihutiiiii of the rcuplc's olIeiuBs. W'e reed not fi t r int j .htiiis. as tlm aetioii of ci'.cli loiiiiiiiticc must he Si'up'.cd to Iho leves - t.o-f winch conic nndi r its no'ico; but nlmo.st every f.iniilvcm cuutiihi.to lis rhiire of cl-i'luug, pri visiiu's, or fm 1, whii-li will lie di-triimtc 1 oy the ciiiiiiniilcis. Tt'crc is no dniuti r that too much wilt be sent in; for tho iic-essliy is pre it and iirm nt ui.,1 it uiil l.n Uilllt'tilt. even wir.li fie firniKi t care, to supply tlio actual wants ot tacsu olii ru ( 1 1 lie l.r.ti. ii s so'iccuue. 1 line should lie no de'iiv In settini abtti' ttils v.oik The iiiui-t should bo male ot th.: little . ... , s mUl ba :naloof , tinio left to niskc tin Saturdiivfotlowin;; rUanks- p.vi,,,- a day ot pla.lncss tor the, wives and e.iii- - - . t!f.fl.,ldrs. Su,-, a ilnv 's wtrk . TlI.n0!(i ,pc able editor of the New York ;J,;i(,v, since that pupircunic under th i . ... . .. coniroi oi -air. iil.o.s, iuie.n d of 1'ising any of ini'lcr the manage iuu liopuiitriiy ii itdu ittnuuit nent of Itov. Hkmiv Waho llipeiiiiR, its repu tation for ability 1ms bocomo even more Tvidely cxlciidid. As a writer Mr. Tiltox Is as vigorous ai be is fearless, and tho heaviest of his editorials aro rend wiih a keen interest, which Is more than can bo said of all editorials, The Into Preside nt'al campaign has brotnrht Mr. Tii.ton befure tho country in a now li-ht, He tiH.li an aclve part in it all, of c juro always on tho side of liberty nnd the Union. Throushout New KDfllflnd, and In New York, iniiiiouso aswin b!u"i'S ol tils tnllow-titiiins greeted him with the most unbounded cmbdslasm. To his fama as 1 writer, be has ail did tlio reputation of aa aecoui plbbttd and (lowerful speaker, an I our follow. citizens who had not tho privilege of hearing him during tho cawptlgn, will embrace tm oppor tunity which w ill no olt'. rod on Tuesday evening next at Concert Tlall, when Mr. Tilt ix w.II speak on "The State of tlic Country" asu'ij,; with vvbb.'h he, of all other men, is perlii. s mos' th"roiiilily fmniliir. As this U bis first let tnio ' in onr citv, we hopo be wiil lo wcl.oni.d wi U a my .'urge audience. Mr. Iliv 'ortlttti I'.'i-iii.ieriw Nlahf. Mr. Ut. Curd', v-i w ill .site his ;irs! !.' urn t. morrow night, nt ('jncut Kail, on "Cinn'sliio and Miirri.'s." Many ot our le i.lus will ice til the rich least that was enjoyed by them at Dj Cordova's lectures lnt winter, whieh wo ex tended to the public by their republication in our paper. He combines in his style a vein of ihe guntld and tpia; most humor, with a solid and earnest longing for a purermorality and healthier tone In the walks of daily life, whether at home or abroad. His recent lecture at Irving Hall, New York city, have been attended by Intel llj-'eiit and fashionable crowds, and his repuution and popularity have been permanently established in the metropolis. Wo cannot think of any move delightful conclusion lo tho joyous festivities of Tli.inl.'h'ivini' ihiy than an adjournment of fami lies ftcueraby to Concert Hall. TJ'O cotton crop hits boon very suo-.vstiful thia ia-sou m Suutheru IlLnoU, paying i'ar b oftcr tltftii any other product, ear four hunUwa bJj hvo alrodJy Tjcou bhipped from Cartiondak, nui mot thv aa mncb moro will h& shipped. It ii comii);;' nm CMm with ennal rapidity along the ontlio lino oi" tho Central ruilio.id. Extensivo propru tious tip; Uing madot'or the torning year, and if the -.th'jn 'u propitious, the coitou crop will u rtally ininiunsc " g' RRAWN ., VMflAMAKH & BRVW;V , niHHirn r' TI Mmltt IN On tit" ITtli Instant, t.v nr. I I. I t.' N 1 nai, ri rt,,r 1 1 I Imr: h a' c.f r, aleli tn . . M r. . a.i- s W I- 1 l .1- , le o I I.I. Ul ' 1 il I. Mi Hi'.. I.V., I." i.i III 1 Hi. i SI. I.iij "I: I Sn.l.v.ll'- pio-r 1 . ..- n o-.) I. imil IIVM.t'lT 'initio's r-l Aiil-kI 1S11. , . I r-i'Mr 1 I or - .11 10 v., Is.. I N . ee .tr.,M, r :. , .1 A I .. 11.. i . .'. r. I e I Ll.l - 'a I i.i, t,i Mill .- Mil I'.' Si, I'll . 'I' t-l I 'i I""- 1 ' , t I" V "M ' ,i Oi - I ' '1 If it 11 ' !-.,. I'. II S - . 11, r'. tr. ' Wll.l.l M liiMII. . ti. i.- MM t "I II tl 1- 'li -f- Ml - '.'. III , man: el I '. '..'-I t I I'. I. , r 1 , I l.'.i'.N, . 1 i.. ilio a n il I I. n al in Ito II I tit 1. 1 It- .1 mr- ' 1 . III la. s. I IT IV II I.I 1 "I CI'MI In tho .1 -l !i,-'!.!. 1 ' S.I Ml N It I'D, 1 in ii'- A. I.- I !- . il ! I t III I ' " I I ' II II. III. Ill s' I M TVS'.S 1 uemtli. 11 t 1. (tC I Ml ll.-liO-t I :.!.. 111 li't'M... ; nil ii . ,1 III oil.- us r Will iw I-- I tn il In in".' (FLK,!OUS NOTICKS. m 'I. .". I " N III ll'll, I IH N hi. IN ii. if r- isf - I 11 . -'. IN't .- ' 1 " ...or v.. ii, V llhill'-li il'l )N, , - 4 . -t I ' I o- irf l, 'I'I 1 V . 1 1. 1, ' . I III v , .11 1,1 ,S s V IAI'I.IiN At bi ll I I ,vf '. I -Al'l I I ( lltili ' i ., in ,ei 11 ', - TII! urn ins M..;-r lll-V. Mi:nv .' !' 11: - I e.u U-. .... wis a lu. r '1 I o. , , ,i "rn 1 0 i.i li n't! .IT-; t Mi. .,-,. 11 'V i,i-mre,mi. .. a. .11 , t. a d naiu'-T i.f lis, 11 "V 'e ..le e.e .1 -it . " I -ii tiie II I" : l.'l !l.l.ls Mi.'U.r. n . n y i .--.ir. 1 .n-ti liin.-lilni; ul 1' W 11.1. ,'.i."l. . !- Il)- I iil I M ..n . I'-i V SI III . ' H.S.-r.Y I I Iil VN it ihK H-.-.e. i i i-,i i .1," ley, v.. 1'. i-li. 'I li H. !'.; nan- .ll. i a I. l I y r, I nr. 1 liri ul !. I .ttnrrti. '.-ilnvrnil mi ltv .n .. -in trr-.tl Ul o f I fr t ft (14 l I 'I . M ' ' i " Villi 1 H If If . .;tui I d fciu auatf . An !Pin.iiAtfd Itn-ipe iu. d H 1 M'.'.i" litl'l.iM,- ;.i : ( I li1 it !!' tr I ':i' ti Utl'l it' , :i tt" i' tl'- d tr Ku o'')i i'. No. .".' ' w iitnt . t v i. i;r- ii rim It t ftvt. K uy r' v: Jtmt ifi.'. Ivcu tr I' k " A Id. irvi f. !!nrt:lur Al:tri I t-l-trriu.i - 1 tf I'nMij l; irl In t1 it rur. of tir-T.mi- iMt lir.-u- i 'I I T lu! t. ftixl i i in'v. II fft "iicn'ri' i.y . 'r -ti InI.. h'M.i it mi '.in - tc '. ..'A'ht , -tit) ' I I ir.-" Sr.- .i iMijl K.4ll v l' '1 "i'r I "" I'' M'T. It I. Mil lf.lllll I. I Ll'llll .1. ' 1. II. til. i.mif III i I ''iri.l .- ni'i : t It uni li to fi tr i otn ; tiiiii'it fl v 1 1 ul it. In Nia u-ilV '(H'T i i .it Nth ork ( tti- s ,tl IttHf tl If Kls K'l ol H vi H I - U 1 1 , In t It ) i il u' I. ti ' w n.1. v H I I ll irt titir l.t'M -1. It IK' tjt.,. I, t" tK Ml'' tti" (t . .nuts . i:mi i , N... '-.V C'lIliHNUT suet t. ora Virr!. A l o.M AflPM Mil Mil i'i. LAN s ri vNo 1 on i i.s I'l l ho 10 VI I H Itlil ftn.r ,'il'of i lteli i'f nasi- llt.o ln-in.i ii-n'o I 'iti I'.-i-ii - n In Mr ., UMl li,P ill umllii I, c.-ll-tor.tlt ir,Ci 1 i-.ell 1,. i oi i ult! utili !' .1 y. (;otjl.:. H.'ttiitli Bllll I llCO. lit bU'eCIS. e-viiiNivr oai vxs. ( llll t I'e. IVSS. i: vi'.isk r o III INS. r.ve.i nr oli'.i INS. i-s I'I A S'1 . nun . s llll SiCUOMACKllU SfVlSi PIANOS, ACtiNOWUiPOEo to in; THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. tl.l.l.llliAn.I) toil TI'.l.IK StTI'lMOB TONE AND FINISH. KNOWN TO Ml THE MOST BUABLE III3TRUMESTS MADE. AM) SOLD VTON THE MOSV KliAbON- AliLE TEKMS. . AT TII 10 WAUI'ilIOOMS, No. 1021 CHESHUT STREET. W fo.i(clitilly lnll ..iir frliiJ and tli inibllo RM'iKr nllylocitil.it otr wiirortjjms unj exunme oar tnl rtaitut oi liliili'v li.iprcvcil H,imrr nntl i.mtvl Plnot. We live tmcc ! the tilpht'it jirniiutt ut ll the sri't ciMtUi 4ii cvcrlicldln U.lt touutrv, iiic'ti'Unff tho PrU.i Mcl at lUe Vt'iil4 lr,C'r)iiul t'! n f, Vw fork, &n4 itm t-roiii tetiiuutil.ila Irvia the bent antiu in tld country M eiffltRii'i.cd that tticrc ro lid riAiiotuitJe luU.. country butr1ir to uur on A riiJUJ''p'J ui'nuiuitureri wo prUt ourk(tlvt tn havli r aievcd ro)iitatl-n (or oar lae.rii viitv uboi c Utl by toy olher mKem In tnii country. ltlwll kt on i'tirt that our l'Unoa htvo fvr niany yeani mn-ta'iit-tl thi ir JiiU rcpuuilon, iiotwtuttnUutf the powLrful 0m-atltIon of the i:ai tern tuakera. Nt w Yurk and Hns on I'lauon hafo bn rtin-tid Into tt.'i narkrt Uifuvli their itnnvif an it ht-raM 1 by th ai tl:6 or.ly Pianoi tn th :oun:ry; yot a, the aaiaa Umm itn-fci- miii- A-,'uftti vr- irMin mutlnne to ne II any on iaf.ki'i tnetruraiita for any lotiKtn ot llio, for tltc re t!i-y re interior, nnd tnt-y are cmittcd to tk told of other uiatirrV, prrhap ftiil mra lnfetivr, liMhtitiuh putli d t?p hj llt.'in aa coUibrdtt d rtau, nht.a at tho i..nif time inch mnk-re imve never beo tVn.wnor henrdof lu tti'lrown rtt( . Th cutkrqueuce I , tl ai otirclti.tu ftrv uit n lu-t-irt J m pur 't-we iDti iuf'Tiin In-tirurttrntw, vklthont eonniderlBi tht-ir awn or the ;.,?iijit hiUre.-ttH of th lr rliy, Thi jidvtiHtti;;ii our t UUuna have lu cneoiirnlit houaa rua.mrc.u.i u t-rrtAinly -hottM not beCororlvktds, I'r U.e 1 ' lnt,iiif re.iHitis r rit. Ii U Ai-kno Ic'leed iht rKUmlchLa U ttienr4t ruai.uU'.H Tlti, .lty nf t'i ciUintry, mid ee!ffjM!d for lie x uter It I and ft ill n I wotkmua. Hi t-oiid. T.' o i iir.'ui( r ob'.;aa the pi mo dtrcctty from t V. ' iiif i. uiHcLitfi ii. ..nd -ivc-i th; amouiiit tiaJt; by the ir dt, vto u-tmiij-fiuiuit rfivAt'-r proilra thAnthu tuanu I l-'.f-Cf. 1M;J 'Pi1 itoiit't n- i oii-i'!lltv nrr.nr-l! to nottilnij, 1 1 t? i- i 'j K- 'f'. f. i(n .inr. i.ii-'ii !m eiin n in to tot ( ntni ul i f luitii 'e, a in m.iiiiM tririi, ur' hld i spi'i. b f 'III k'.ii.it t M:-k i,Ji..ii'.oiiif y lite tde hhfii. hut r iict; linn i .i: s'aXtt U ad times, j-irt :t u I it,- rvr ro -"".ir iiiicrfsti j ivru oiit Ijjuooi!. r ili.in Ur.it- r.a'i n : i ui.itiii". h tvth. Aii it itik that a. ti Irntrumont tnii-Tt he ' MUrti to . ur own lt-ii n w, fioy eiiinoi. m t'ta ..tnis jiiilMat li'ui, or Mi tt the nuintj kiuiti ol ir n.c rt.-i,n tlmt tiie aeut d pert iti ni-ai a:,9th to p iti-ii pMnui, at tie si. la In "tru, .tnd w HI of I'.iurff not tpMid iwi mi iii'. tiro il: Ut do , w hlUt f. th iu0'iftt-l:if . Imve our i'hn ti cUetit -.kii).;ii, wi. f .lly im Kr-it.ni't tun tt'sun'f, mid w .il piooiptly ftiVf ti.clr utt-hcii ii, utiU ti e 1'i.tQiti bt initio ! w-'iir inui lon,'.'r. nur fciiiblnm nt ii 'Ut of the in--it e:;rcn-it in Ct-btttrv. ni.J wlivn o r uhw ia.rot v iue;i- new i'i pri.'re-ti are lui ie eil, it will hi. one .if t'i Uii- t nt ti r .v.,ri. (u ri.imct ti un!. Hi i tifttiKU oi iudiotry tne u: t'.e IT' .t illfttitiltK'Il- til thi" vitj'. nr iiiHtmintiit ! yV linrT''Vi:i':ti ovr oth.r-. and ot r tt-n-ivo -0'l i t-- n.:t.i..i..- ii.i'U iih to ' f i on hand .1 lutt'f lw Ik ul u-rtlci nu, a irt iiiocur' ti D--t iHi.CM.nfy, .tt'. ji peraona uts i".n i" v1"' .-e w!U K'vr re a cd!, wc will ni4i t mII ii.t wo hfi't o fc.iid Im fkii'l i ) ) r i iii-'O' Ttirt ure, f couro. nhvuya d.iieicu'M, il of-int. n, lir. itHtkt l j iiiii-ii, and t):.' Im r ;m( - r.-K'-d :n t:.- '. oi vft c:aii.'H v li-j ii. i v dl'ii r t'roi.i ti : lo tii 'i w- f .o on'', to -..tv.tl.at Itwoahf ft v in ii.uch i'.. ai.re, ..t tittu', to t ' our ln-triiiuiU!i wuu a.iy oi iii iu.. . tr.i v u..iy ' .;o"e to i.aun . H riftiin k otir ti iuii and tha yuhYc V all ..nd rMm fii ir (ililHTl'T liilU.'i. Wv Itll irUlIjIlCd t'... l.uiii.1' iti tl.i-t ciiy ciui u:p''e w ith ut t a ii f-K.ug ic.iioi l-t Mod lirtiitt ak.'JowisUOdut:ii(t. N. 13. Sccund-l.nKd Vianos taken in cx :l.anf-? riANos to iu:nt. Ord .ru for Tuning promptly auonuod to. SCHOMACKEB & CO., n-Htofil Ho. l'r-!l t'UKNUT BTREKT. FINE CLOTHING, A. 11 1 r wii 1. 01-vra mx K N T I r. N '1 C) C K LAt E CURTAINS AT IOKTV fr.H fl'NT. II'Jfr- ' I ' H A. IN OOM'l' it IMI'l.l-l '. I ION . I. L YVALKAVLN, a 'ISSSOK to W. . ItKiOL IVIAKWNIO llAldi, Uo. Tl) OUliasu't f.trect. aiio TTlN'iHAM AN!) SWISS J.ACiKH, i. W 8 T Y I, C 8. (I'r.sM r si ti, y.r. UTNTOW MIAMliS, No. t 3 It M'Tifti is, ! EELTT, . CAlilillJCTON 4 00. AM'V.iX'tt t.'f .s , 'usnut nrtt::r.f Mi. T V! VNO C'lVKIlS, tut'K'T i.tin-r il' STOCK It T"n 'ITT SI Itl.KT. AT LOW I'KIOHS. 11' in a. ii;i;i j.-v'i'w. D. VV. CLARK, No. t,i fiii'U-Nti- 5ii!i-.i:r, Hie-' . hone u vr y iro ..Ui V 1 1 Vt A'l'llt s ,1.,'A I, I, l;V, and .sil'.T.r: ft .Tt'ri will!.. nt,, I i r ir. fe.- for tho r-.n.in HOIIDA! TK i.e., . f . ..t t xli-ii.ir-' i a-il . Ino tnlii i' i of ll.r Iviljwa g kC.-lsi Wti 1 -it a .tti.i iil- i;tdd Wm. h-8. S- 4i .t, if I h't ft1- Urn, iii u hi. .it gt it. y 9 Willi r f, An.t'HlAM V- ttUlil'J. Kl . Itfl' n - on e, tw W t: r Ik . I.f it V i! i ti'-lnf, I iCi'l ''dftli- lit i I'I .ill-, c id ' .. t i.Hnii. C.rli I'M - 'i (',!, lii ll.h. I If-. U l J 1 I. 'ULil , ( '1 . ."I ' l.t.i l I ' KMlf!-t, . -:d ! t l ' ;l; m, ii. d e.f i' itcn, ...li.l I 'I.' (tl Ml.- . r.. id I'it-. I -i'i. s', tii' d I'ts, Ml-J-f-.', i ii. 1 lit t vu Ui:i", ' iiil J.ar l.'i k. li.-lfl Mil l: i l.-llfea, ( ,n:ii fmt t itt-U. I.nic '.vtt, l.li'.l lA4 k I.-, I.'iid f ih i ..ti, tN.M W.if. !lr..ks S K rTIi-inUtt", s.iM-r r i-ta it S il vi r l'mn l.iiivt",, e'lu. IM ( J;.i.r, Hir V k rt i,in.. K I KI WAIl'. 1' att ' on ftut. nr AU'HtH t::-. :ul, and wr. i Tpr Hi ! Ckf l'ftpM'4, J it; it t kc p, t ;nil lU-ci :v re, r.n'trr I -l- n, S ri.p Vnr l ti, lift Hi Jlf lit Un-aklii- I int-.n, Ji.ni i rt'Mh.orn, tit I" C.-lnl-t, "po' Ii Ilfl(1ri, v mi e h, ,r't .Sttin's, n a. ( tui I'.Uh. Nuphlii I.. tiki, I l" Il Kll Ml, 1 iv kiiitr. li f i I it. I.. Aliti Ca, kr Kl a, I rU.l Ktu'H, futiTi-r Knifes, t'lilidrrn'k i orkn. l.ili'ri'i hp... nt 0 jt(r Iju'Vo, Fl l P I Hl.iM, t ,'il.ifr mid I iiirrt jvoni, 'iu. bo st.'. ni.u hU rtjooua, 1 ia a in! 1 1 1 1 n i ro In. 41. A. I Kl Jf Wl.I KV. Wi hwo on hiiMi a lait-o lt "turns p'ated J.ffplry, liirli we Artri.flnn out At rot pra.t to in;ik ro'm tor t ti r nisOJ-i. '1 1, . M' M-lniig Ko''i lu "ur ilu" woo d oo i -:l to .ul and i i .mini -vjr tiK-k avlre puirhanliiii. All io di WMri.nr i l t rvproneuit-d. i ' i I.. (t r No.iMCHKSSI f 6lif.it. V. -Hti ho jiul .H-wetiv I'krwuiU r pA'rod oyix-erit-nrrd viThni. ii, and warranted. KiutavIhk' tuatly muiri il va-H-MdtU Hi iOAL AT I llieT (X)ST cosy rKlCK ' 1U V Mul khiiider i ptr ton lmmt diAto iwiivery CjaI ot Lost V'A'ity. i.ani. euoit -uii1iiik t j one and a ii'tif t-jii. mi nrt iMM,.irry teir torinviity vi'.rtu.i toc-Ain divn'. w oi i n i I o.u ih.t -inrptut r..il,tn nn be btntii-J et f 10, r. tin it u obicrtilii auu half in iity b titai -.I the 111 UAL II AK MOUNTAIN r KANhl IN :4 41. 'o.H AN V.O.nc Nu. l.'l 8. Till Ul) Hint topl-Ob'tr J -t.-r-ua IUiA). Htix k Ca.iitAl. Id t:j u Nt.firf t iv -1 i e.i wnrniny oapiiei, iv eo iii.iri. m!.riii.ii. .it i.r si ir.iie. tti to ill r i. : oi i'i.rf, l'f ; ul ' nil tJj; uf loOiUArc, ol' 2h (baiei, :!. I. A' b J.ui' ari.,i"s ire rvMa.r m rei-oiv1, every yAr, npi ami a hlt t f i-f .il. at iot, lr ?0 Mri, And t'4h liivhirtid, ovffiy m uiouti..o4 the pro ti t s trout too aieot Ail 'uiii.' ctal. M3 fchol i.r- Hiij iln not vaiiI any ooai may ueva mnr T'lpu'ttou of c -l !d by itr t lunptiuy t.r t irir ipolal rnriit. iti erotii. t- ine paid oor l tbem. In lap-tidfot ot tt.e it-fcuiar i.i'ii iH.iuvuJ-., to wuicu tUey aie aUo tniitwl. H i he (Vmpnnt i ia an a wen muittoai worm at lh.na on (n' r t'rvn- t), wl'fi t,niv Mlnlu ai l ui.t-tr at '4iita, h.i v av lr..l ii.bie Ureaaor. Mo,'i n.rk, laisitt HiraiM kl t . , lr.),l, and alt other ma'innory and pf-iALBi. I ii- I t ih ra re .IjI' of nuntn-f M,iai t i., te b-i'xt ' . .1 to !'', Wi i'it pti y-ar. Tiul'o! tit l io ihi iiuniHy. cuitny w hip nuci lUatJt and 1'rir.t .-e Vtun, n, wait ivral uiu r VAUlAbk-fiAl VC.:, i'lrrl,d Willi iU lb lUli ut Hie LUi- puny for two ii . 'u : -t :h. A D At K'l I tl Ifl-t l.ll'l.f Kaiir4'l '-'Ttl! tm inn Kinri of tt.e louipax) . ".-r fct the oal u daUj m1 l BlAIHil. hio ai-ilder ti'ift iirh r treir oai m any or tie ueoai 'p. vi. - I ii i' li-oa-n. f f. vw, ir Hut fwAi, ad at tb pre-en Mt pn.o t ti U aer Ion, dM'vrrd at tiu i.oej, w.f'u'i '.. tMual ci.tauc- ,( t'.e r-.ut, any foal yid in Uiu no. lifru, niidi'', aad totiinMO psruwui ol tfity. Thfl'-vtuf any -I l l itie niit'Tng wrai are .-i-wir or irnt rtl rtii i r :i lot i t'-' . n "itrd on uie ein pnu- ipl'. ror eii'i.uri t i'i ii:i .puone a,'p;y me wn ia. o 130 tt. Tllll.I' tiet, -r. pu-1 tl.-r, opoonlio lltrard tor Ufa 1 -.-'.?.r uoyv. B 'ird of Oir' -.W-niui "wd, 1. II. Wuliu, BoN It -.k..ll.l. m.s,,,.,,,,!,,,.,. A. B. Jilli . v.-:ry. 11 i. I, A 1 I li tir.N IH VNl lllLUKIsN H TAELOB ASD ICE SKATES. J. 11. SHANNON, S . 1 " UI.KT (li'.l EI. 'AVl'.M 'K'N, srnVKYIN", I VfllNl l.a- Nit .-. I '.- B H' n-it-t l." 1: M .tr. cat tr, D.ai t'L.i.. ' ; iil " K f t 1 1 1 in ii " i.riirr ft M'l .-lICIlsU I --1 -I 1 I I V.n!TlTN ANn VlltllAt. PI'- isV 1 . 1.1 '..i.-e. "f I llt In, t 'itii-itnti.'". r'l 1 .I....I. .i'i, a 1 1 w li 1. t.ti nn. ii-He U .1 ill V. .ttJ T -.1 n "I . .111.111. 1., V 'IU, !..- -nJ a iw, I... J A 1 .i.iii s: 1 r trrv I . r r" . 1 '.11 I H "1 I' K,'il 1 i.tl 51., i t ,1. il'HUMAH O. t .1. .K. IlllOWW, muu 1 tVLB9 IN BootB, ELocs, Trauaf, sail Cavptt Bags, No. luitmnl lOiUMAIUkKT t-lllKEI. f'u.ton.ar work ni.oe le ardar. U .uiia!.sr i"OVNI IN(i-lKH tfli AM) SCHOOL P1.SK.S V utaLc to ur.li'tat II ll jCo .1- I'k'II oreiMi.ii H H -.st. IIO'IUIS. PEDUCED PRICES, ltl--fc. I .1.1. ,l...l. t-t-ll Ifl. -III. lit. 11 l.-.l ...'.llll T II H '1' . WOOD & CAUY, "4f oilI'MN'tri' sTHl' irr. N LATm,' AND MISSES' HATS, mcr mtvx.i ;-. 1 . w 1 ;m f I'lilc'Li. " NEW CONTINENTAL HAT." noivrviyrts AT M ') II li It A 1 V V It I (J I", S. I 0 - Ol.l' v; i.v: 7 l.J-t oi.d tiiHtiii'l rtl ,.iio K 7 tl in .iSo or or , f oil UoU WOOD . CI1V. No rv. fii; Htfi r sTitt rc. W HTYl.1'3 Of sTt A.'rt3i LAnr.S, AND cniLDurN, NK.WltOI.l-) H. I liOT'l'liit, : Im '!! MA 'Kf.r STRKKT. Ml, 11 I IN Al TltnllANtll; '.VII II TIIH I'rtrnj.iaiinns of tin i'ri-iiii.'iit or tho unttsj innl ir i l.ovnrnor ol tills i tiiiiii-ijwt-.:th. ts.tilM 'll'U -ilitv D'-Kt. 2Hli Inst., fi.s a tiny ol (Ifiitiivl T.i .nl net In,:, lint tttlicty tn lint ttnilcrnaiiipii In larattt-s. I nu,..nu,t. will nut ba tymi To,- n.nin i.t .in ibat tlT 1 I lltiat as c. 11A..11 rruHlitcnt rf.H' nn. M. H. Insiirs 1 romitry. .ll.r.ll'l! U. ( O, UN. I'rcslutnt of tlin I'.iMiiran. n Comininv oi ort!i Amort'-.. vvit.i.iA j iiaIii'K.h, H.-rri'!(trv Of till- tpsnrun c Co. ill H'ntn t,f renn.ytvanlA. TIIUM AS It. MAUl.H, l'nul'Ient ol Iho An cnran l lrr Ii snrance ( oropsnr- ,ii, iin r t : i t'.ii ms, I'rr 'ti'.rn! ol tin I'i mist- lvmiin Kl 1 Im-ttraitie CotulMUl. j. it. yv!u:hi:iii u. Fit ilernt of I'lnt nix Muliinl l.t.irsar. t'oiunsnr. !Mi.l lM t t:lii rrr.M'Innt Ami-r.' ita Muliinl Inhuralioo Ciimpfti.7. JOHN ViKMH. Hotrcldry Aintrt tin ' nlnul Itifiirnnre t omp.n. ATI VVllnll .Mil II, 1't.r l.lvi-rpiml nnil LoniV m In- nrit ir Con);.av. Vt I I LI A 4 ai. l.M I III. Bt?.-rt'Urv Anll.rm'lip In-iiriiiK-o t'oc pan. T. TiMil.l'.V, rn-sliipiit ortl-e l.t-i'.-ini'i' tusuiniice Companj. r. N. It A l'M.lt. I'ri-slitoiit tiftlif I'rnnitlln Kirn lt.s.ir:ince I'oDipinf. ( n t lti.i s ,1. hurri-.K, rrrsl.li-nt of tlto 1'iro Insiirit'-co Cniiijtiiny, Counttror r:- lini ipl.la. (1. M. Wlltll), Atft-nt Itoyul liisurimcu I'oinonny. tt-f' HKMOVAI.. DI I K K OF THK CITT '' I'.o'tiili I line ''o iiml a,on, Couimoattctlilt llulld In.-.ho t,.-. Hli;M 1 Siiiol. K.it mnMi 111. tha noi.nt Fifd C..i7i'ni. -'nil I. as renin a it Ii, riltl-n fi-t.ni .N.i V.! Pitinc- sireit to No. ' I t ( Hi.sNtir Mtimsl tsf.fn.d Mi.rv 1. ii'n. ,t-.ti;i tot i-t ttsliy, as her.t-.lore, l'-oir. it'i I.-! i r, it. lle3-jl ,10'IK IlLAtH, Ici-rrturr. 1 :f TIIJ4 TW'KNrY-l'-OUllTU UMIOM Isaamir MFriltw' tvilltsi nple mi I II KHUI VI N,J liAY.Intiii' I 11 lor, M. t:.(:i,urc!,,rullllll ,-irou, lieloif Atcti. al.lt o'rlmk I' M. Clirlminns of all denomination, nr roril'Rllj tnTtted t lit-li(.i ot. The e.ori i.e. ttlll ! roi.tl jrlot! oy Mluulora of tiie varloa. K.vnni..lical t luirnlmit 01' thi. city. Ill V. !llsSK.I.IN MOvll'.K, Jl.U .l hAMirxc.'tnBTi. com.ui..t. THOMAS 1'. MA.SI.V. ) II - i'' O I' I C Iii Lehigh Coal and UavigatiouCompauy. ri.il.tdclnliiii, No.t'mlit r T, IHM. A blVIliKMll OK 1 IVE I'lOH CENT., Bring TWO DOLLARS AND UtTT CENTS p abar on tlio CapiUl look of th. Company, lia. thi iky Dom d...'llirt'tl by the Hoard orMan.;i.r., rA VABf.K Off A.SD AJbTElt 1UESDAY, THE 29tli INSTAIfT. cleah ok ckiti:i states and statu taxuh. EDWIN WAlsTEll, TKl'.A.SUKIR. lleJCMil MOTICK. HANK Of 3.0ttTll AMESICA. Nnvi 'll'.l.ntll.IHSI. Vol!.- Ls hrbv filv.n, aiirreat'ly lo tecil n 1 01' Ih. act of lli. it u-rj4 Aanriittily ot tn. I'orutnonweailli ot t'tinn nylva'ila, tnu lel "An act ciut'uioK lutt bank. 01 lb. Com m,iut.-tllri to boi-nnio .-"Cii.tloc. foi th. purpose ot l.imku.,1 nn.U r Urn law. of the l'nil.4 Stute..' apurored Ih. 2M Juv ol Aa.n-t, A I. ln-l. that lb. 8 orklioldv : of Ih. IIANH Of Milt III AMKlllt'k.ol thi It'll Inl'ant, volfd to !.-. n, auch an ua.cvlitiou.andtliat lit l.lrertora h.vr pr.M-urvtl the itiitlioht of tin. owner, of utor. Lkn two thlr.ls of ihr t-M.lt4Uio..-Mo make the ci-rlarieatti r iiuirtd ihtfrpior by iho law. oi'ihe t'nttvil statue. ll-.i. w im lia J lltn.Kl.KV, Carter. S T '- WECIIAXICS' BANK. Fniiani linn, KoveinberW, 1H44. Wotlc. In BMr.tiy lit .11. a. rucnhly to Boclion Two of tba A-t 01 lu.1 t.tneral AJ.4tl.bly 01 tho. Oiuinanwualth of I'.nii.tlvitiiu., .uililt4"Au Aet ooablliiK li-ink. of tha r.'uuii'i.itiwi.alih in hoi jni. A-Melatlnii. for the pnn'i..of Hdiitt'iK nnflor ino law. ol tl t:nlted Slate.," approved t.a '.-i o.i t f Aug J'l. Iisil, lls.t th" HliKklioldVr. of tha Mo. h . Ii'n. batik ut' ll.a eity and I'omily of I'hllaiK'lphta luiv thi. dy vol.d to b-.-i-etn. Mlr-h an A.soeiaaon anil tr.at it.o I l-Ktors hav. pris.-nrrd tl;. aufnorlly of tha owa.r. l D.iri than leo-Mros of ll.e cuoll.) stock to Biaiil e ruu.-nlo n.-iuir. J ti.troior. oy the lanaof Iba I i .n.l H an-,. J. Wi-J'l.viili. Js , II is . he lot CaihUir. riril.ADKI.I'UIA 1'OSC OKFICK, " i,-..aiillH ', lattt. THI'RMlHY..h.'Jlih Insiant. t.atln. houn mil apArt by Ih.- I'r. .1.1. nt oi' lint l'i..i.d Siai. u ailaym "I'liaik.trlv.nif ami I rater, tin. nitiee . ill '." o.n for hnsloem. until III .1 .-lo. A. M ., wbi-ri 11 will he rioted for theday. Tha carrier, lll mil' I'.eir early lonniiiw ilelivarK'.i til. ool kiioia lliiar uiiiiii (i .W i.iauiir y'"A'"'1'( MonV II m 2t I'o.nuj.iar. 7T)f'on. SlIlSCKll'ilONS. TllERIi Bs je only oiio lino '-.J riuhscr'ptloiii at lox) "lli -Kb.. r.i . r-, n a word, n-i l i t ..la' '' aeventraeta of t a'-.a'-'e ml In: lt..r -, Ir. n'ein "n Iha Alk'eheny rtv.ar a t l 11. lulu itar., a-nl e-iiill.uoi . toainl a.liui.-uui( mVer.U 1 .,.. ml... now a' ..ort, auii al no huh.-r nn. than lltay lui.t-i.bj l.e w.J .,.. 1 ho lino- nl. oric.liiia t.i 1; iiiiau H..U...1..S, .1' l Hear eSl .er., ami uiaiune their ai.aVea .1. pa-- i.t.i. H T -it n.e tlm. of s'.'.i.erlulnK, or wti- u th ,.-t i 1 tn.le uni u n- i"' 1. 1 vo or 1 010 i .r-.ins . .11 . 1 ih . 'I'-' Ilk-' -l ' sin- A'r-'.ilv I'.'- m norliy i 01' i'i 'i 'u ' aire I. A- the !-.'- a will i i.ltlvi'ly .IM -,,'t ttN II V 11 vt, to ..-. .ir. .vet ' I UOIC ol '.lie i.n.a.uuie' V V c 1. ')t It'll an 1 Willi 1 sire...'.., ri'il.w.i , Uli-i: i't K. HOItllA, .! , .NO.WJ rV'Al.ii'.ir bt. - M '1.1)11 US' OHVHANS. TUli le-l-1 4:111 d I ( -U i. .1 . -utuic Orp of -1 ic .sid I " llesviT,.ni -ui- tne 1- ..I th- I M"J Bt'HKVllt ,KN T,-lt.OVlA v 11. u kwb'ri. Miret..a lie J.M, I ell. na , n 11,0 1, ur. m i.Mv u ,f.,rli.r .-..n.-.. -of he..nnk'.a.plie.i- au.l Itr-.M. for U.r ;...r..- of he.l ai'fi'"'; I n,.;k'ii( a rso.eiii. 11'. for it.. ..o.H'n or .at.i li n. ,11, J I.. 1.. a... M. B,t 1.1. a. I I Ill-l'.tuie.s ,ni.ttn PI.I. lor U..U liminiu.u -,,'rpi,0Wp ITP", i irphtt, I 11 -li nk f .ciri''tn.aetB.u.r. ori t". si, i,l.vemb-r in, 1" cm iv THKA-StKl.U.i uirrui!., ny et3y " ..fr 1,-r t. .!' (mi to i.d m uua t-ua. 'MM. City 'l'tuAurf. SIXTH AND MARKET STREET8