WH'NKSDAY, NOVKMBK.il J.I, J A iii.kr aiji tiif i.n;i xr.ws. X I'l.ltS. Oi i,,ti, r A fo.v wrnla upon tlio iUi!v nj wcik y i ipcnof I.Jinl'iii in.ijr not he iiuii tcrf Milltf ; il'ill lir.it lip'Hi lliC "mi -j. 'tllll il IV' ji.tirnai, you k:i'), wi.ic't im I.tiii'im 11 r i N every d.iy tu hno.T wh it opinion ho tn.iy t..-. ,n. T'icre iue ft w men i i Ki'tfl mil . irofi.;i't'iii 11 M to anythlnit until the 'ijn'vjf, 'h 'in Warrant. A nl tlio Tnnn nprr'i.'iit'i Uo li'.'r"itt Only the moneivil ami the r.t 'ri.i-; li Via after all, people thins In a circle ln-ro. I it prin cipal owmr of tlio Toms i a p 'rum n tnio-l tt'i. ter ; the int. lin i-lii'T ut preiont ii .1 Mr. I ! nue, whose coni.ccti mi with the " l'h hkI-tit" e x'-"kU Over many yr ,r. Mr. P'-cnt i .i'.s i :in I'UtMr. He la the autli r of von. a loil.. ti,m s.nii-li-Buvrian u1vt.11.loa7, hi-t, ry, auj litortur , i ,1 is urpO'Cd to lie a t rit r of wi.iu: ui tho . ; i,.-, 11; leadi-r npti 'l.c Yii!il..'r9. Tuo li!':nry editor m , 8 .rjlU':l I.tlt'lL, Who i till I t'.' ril:',ir of il'i.-e I Her A. I.u.-... nil . i ill il I'liIIiiii, who, yci'i rtiiiciiitu r, utt the vticrnv of l im "r.tv, ..'..1 , tlio o m ttlril t1 u thiti-dkiniie I sit;nt iiv lih rans'.M- criii. ismi, t) tit the iiii'.lmr ot -ti-1 retorted, i.D I w ia IuuIk d a: hy tiir pub i, I n h ia Tery nMn anil a very p ir::nl crilii' ; ln ir.u i.'s are colli ct.il into ,i volume ciury vent, a.nl puii- ' li'hrd tiy tl.c l.nni(ii.a: ii. Mr. Diivid-ou i the 'inift' ilramvli'critic, II Il brt know n n-i tli hiM'niii 1 ol Ar.iltelU 'i.nl ilertl, the pif.nl-,", w nom lie pr ii d mt tarn , mtj who married him out of fir ititinle. hvi-iituiilly pirn de piH'.d ai.d dcs. r cd linn j but u it Mill . i hivilroua i nnuh to vr t'i favor;v'i!y of her per- ' forinancea. Diiviilaon it thought to ho very cor- , rupt; anil Mr. .Si.i.a Kfcves the liill.iiliHt,'s,"iiis hi:u Biiprrl) preinti often, whu-h I'- would he ! erronom to Infer huve anvtlnni; to d i with Mr, Nra Keevft' urri-.se, and ilm Timet' criMnHiin. I Although, if any a torn enmo to this sideot the ' "pond," let them wrlta to Mr. IUvld-oii upon tho ' liH' k ot a bank bill. John Okt nford, the ilr.i- i realist, also writt notices ol theatres oec is mnily fi r the Twin, lie lia tnntlu ed ixtnniuly and produced ome Bhuhhv pieces of his own. Ntmy of the Timet' lender' are writ en ly I'd n erMcoirtii im mix rs of I'.trliHinent. I'he pap.'r payi fpltndid prices, and ha- the hct ttiicnt opon ita colnniun. (il. Intone, (ho tirft st.itcs.n in in England, frequently i ontritmU'9 h a liti urti cle. I'he cireuhitiou'of the I'hiw is uimut for'y thousand copies; and when people state thit it hi the firm cireul Uion in Knglund, they must be fnppo cd to know nothing about it. The H.nli TtUgrapi, v. I'll n circul.ition of otic hundred anil twinty thoUhMid daily, leads every newspiper in the word. Ii atlls for one penny j the Y imi j tor three-pence. Advertiscmenta in the Times c ut from a ahillliiB to three shillings and atx-penc.e a line. The longer the advertinemen' the more ex pensive per lino. Tho VYme.i will not sp til its typographical nppearai.ee bylnHertin lonad vertitiemcntx, except at a prodigioui remunera tion. Tho Tihus estjibli.-bniftit does not ui'iit copies to uliMiilliers. fmilh fit Sou, tlie great news agents of the T'nited Kingdoin, buy the papers and receive subscribers ; they take upwards of twenty thousand papers dnily, Sometimes, to frighUn the Telegraph, tlio 'Timet comes out with double suppletU' nis, twcuty-lour pa;es in all; bnt an 0niuou exists bete tliat the M if.'t)l of jicir EalK muHt soon reduce Its price, or tlio a slow death; tho penny jmpera arc tiduling while the "Thunderer" Is burning. Threepence, I may ay Incldi ntnlly, for tho bentht of ttiosu who aro Dot as good arithmeticians a-. iu .-c 1 1 , is six couch, and the Ttmes curit thiity-six cents a week, or nearly nineteen dollars a year; where is, the Slur, the Xttmdartl, etc., co.U but sixpence Jier wcvk, and are more uprightly. The Timet punlishes a bedqnllt, or something as hi;; and heavy, thriee a week, called the Evening Mail, and this sells for sixpence. The other Might I went to see tho limet' great Hoe presses working. You go oif Ludgato Hill, through narrow, foul, crooked alleys, and when you are so completely pu.r.led as to bu in Mr. I'eggotty ' coudPiou of "g irme 1," you arrive in a paved area, as big as a l'hiladel phia D ick-yard, surrounded on four sides by two story Quakerish, smoked brick editiiies, that look like a part ol 1'ompcii freshly disentombed. With an order in your hand you proceed to the p!a"o of operation, and watch in solemn awo the eight cylinders that are toned d)wn to an English idea of "propriety," and the pressmen, who drink pots ef beer with the gravity of hib priests. Touch nothing. Kav nothing. Ask nothing. This is the Timm ! Tremble I This is the Hritiah Lion! Are you silly enough to believe that ttcatn is the motive-power here? l'shaw! this Is the lion power, and the royal bea-t is pacing a tread-mil below. There lire hut three powers in England the Crown, Lord l'.ilmerston, and tho Tims. I think I may add the London General O nniliu Company. Too latter conquered (jourge franc! Truin,who is thought here to be the moxt prudent statt sman of America tide his speeches. Apropos of Mr. Train, 1 come to his whilom friend, (Icorge Augustus SaU, the editor of tho Vat y Teltgrwih. Sal t in-ed to contriuuto one leading article dully for the T ltgrujm, for which he received three guineas per ill in. lie was also the editor of Temple liar, and will write for any thing that pays. Ho was tho boon-companion of Train drank Ms chumpaigue, pulled his tram way, borrowed bis mnmy; and when Train lost his prestige he loi-t Sala. The latter was his most virulent enemy, and his newspaper attacks upun the future i're-ldent of the United Stales and Warwick of the lr t-h throne were the n.oflt contemptible things that journalism bus known. Bala has reputation here; but lie is (imply a wordy, mercenary pretender, coarse in bis manners and corrupt in his ta-tes. He made his first success in tlmuemkl Wards by an imitation of Dickens; be wrote a series of papers also imitating Ibackeray, on Hogarth, in the Cortihill, and is now publishing flimsy sketches In JVmpe r. l'ercy H. Su John ("Singi n") is also an tditorof the Telegraph. Tho paper is wned by Mr. Levy, a Hcbre of Fleet street. It ia in the Liberal interest, like the Timet, aud is equally Inimical to tho Federal cause. The lead ing Tory papers here are the era'riaud Stund ird, owned by the same linu. The firmer has a cir culatiou of 40ou copies or less, and Bulls for four peace, the latter has Huikhi, aud sells for a renny. Tho Standard, whic1! redeemed itself y the bah-foolish, ba f-liendish lutlers of "M in battao," from Ameiica, whom l'wuk calls Man Satan, now publishes n nnby-p unby letters from two American corresjioudents, one a ' I'hilailelp) ian, and one a ew Yorker, and both English. It pnys fifty shillings In specie I for each letter. The hid,z. the new Souihera r t .... r J . 1 1 ... ....I paper, uui iiio n tuie n uiei 11.1111 tuiu .ji nin Cut. The Munung Slur (called JjIiu ltright's papr) is tho leadin Hadical un.l iiro Fcdural organ. It has stood with America through dis aster and victory. It is sold largely in M inchos ter aud lin ni unburn, und bis a circulation (morning ai d evening) of twenty thouoand e.ip cs. The 'ni.'y Sens, our other friend, is aadly off, with a circulation of perlciis tive thou sand. It sells for threepence. The W is tho Miniskri 1 organ, and the favor-to clubhouse paper. Its policy Is always tout of the Govern ment, and the Time takes its tone from the 'utr. It sells for foitrpsnce, and Is edited by a Mr. lioothwick. Thii Mumiitg Adiertiner, BUpportoi by publicans (i. ., the London Liquor League), bas a large circulation, perhaps twenty thousand. 1 do lilooe ia u uvc-peuuy pupor, ui no euase qume, thounh the Timet bcl ruuds it, aud copies i s leaders, 'l ho.-et.uino lea lei s remind me of a sepulchre talking iini pontics. K;chHrd Max tor's termons were uover so eiilreiiing. There re some suburban puptrs of fair circulation, of which you never henr iu America, as the i'lerk tnvtll .Viu, of Norlh London, which scIIb for a balf-pinuy, aud has a salo of eighteen thousand copies. 1 The first of tho news weeklies ia Lloyd's Penny Taper, circulating half a million, and issuing tbree editions, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, respectively. It is ediuid by lllanch ud Jerrold, son of the late Douglas Jerrold, and the paper bas been intensely aud dovotcdly iu favor of the Union caic-e. Its inilueuce with the laboring noor is verv irreat. and the majority of the work- Jk logmen's organs are also in our favor. It Is a paper or sixty columns. i.loyu is immensely wealthy. His establishment covers four acres of grouud. Ho recent y gave three thousand pounds to the Lancashire Distress Fund nearly equal to Lord Derby's subscription. Tho Wiekly Time) (not the Daily), tho Weekly Reynold V, and the News of the World (not the Iduttrated), circulato respectively over two hundred thou sand, one hundred thousand, and one hundred and fiftv thousand. Heynolds bas three publiea- "2 lions, ail of them profitable. Ha is the author QJ" f- m aeries of trashy stories. Hla income is rated at if 14,0o0, or 570,000 per annum. Heynolds appro- I priutel the New York Mercury stories, whleb are il very popular here. A magazine of Cobb and Robin- '2 aon liuraiuro, called the American Scrap Hank, . is also pullisbed In London, and Is Immensely (tuecessful. Bo with Beadle's Dime Soiels. It La Unanimously admitted that we are the greatest people in the world for telling long, Intricate, and 1 1 lmpotisible "yarns." k I 1 ... i ,. 1 . ... - , r- Var.. Vi-n f,A firat tt Aula icmji mi. av.w -rj" " I w " the Enrli.h noveleOe writers, and the architect of lb London Journal, The Loudon Journal if the first of the cheap sensation papers, circulating upwards of three hundred thousand copies Mklyt John Uilliert condescends to illustrate il, and Mr. Fierce Egan is its story-writer. 1 will 11 Mr. fierce Egan In any sum against aoy man i the world for story-telling. He lives in a quiet way up in Highbury, and bis house Is of un pretending brkkt but in that house abide fiends, beroos, noble maidens, and tierce rob few, vbo "ally oit( cues week W plead THE the ean'o of the 1 n.lort ,r, their n pe.cii ce hi M-. l'i r . dri't -!li'.' I'own rhl ineys, ( sin nut i g i h. in -c. ey ;ti r. au i ii the iiti favorite mi!iol i, n 1 1. o u t ii secret p.ini's iVlpi i-n lie is 'i d to h.ive m.ir.. i ... , r. ens. V Im n I 'fi iii:.t to give rrsi.tlcnal pnbl ef, I i,.; 1 hi ir t .in e is ii:.,ro th.i'i kiiio i. I. 1 hey make m's stories, by ' up trups. Iu holes, iibhoui.'h it of appoariag bio eham'ifrs. a in Mr. Dick, i a l'st of tho rty incipacPv. New on-s ap iiniue is the se. The dis led hv the nd the !,- 'ilcst, tiu 1 on, i '1, is an A'ncn ners in ativ of i 'ted K itiT'l'im. the tri-weekiy ol uly, si'i'iv, I'nileil Kin:- from l.otiitori. b ll.l I i. ip- i, altlmiMh pi ar il ii y. li,.,r ;(,., ,, ;, . lest I 1 lorle ar, and h.i-teit't ' ti'etnelv Scti.i.iy pre. i A ' ' l.-irn I l.'.o Ml' l-iivil! Ii i '. ', i 1 me M. The la r :s Mi, : of 1 S I l'tois, Mr. I (,iy ! liC'H i- c.'ti. 1 I t re Hrc no Suh.lnv ii. u -. 'lie oMi. r en at epie. of Hie I' , 1 lie i .iniiu pm.er in Kd iiilmi g a i Ne.,.'..'.((l t I ."i U(. I. Ttiere ar- I ! led mot li.'v i ii ili ii ions ir t'i 'I' in. hi --ha f o'' which -til hi i'i T' c rori' p ipers I. 1 1 vi! w (l.tl.i (0 c, kh , ., m.x e i-- . tlie S,-trf.e,i l.,h p-il.j she, I .".'(i.l n il i t t!i rcc. tit' f! -h'. T'ii p-.ilili- if, hrr,. v. til,-!i Ii iv. , i , "Mr (!-h wttu,.! s" s.-veu ri the i x 1 1 1 1 n v ono ci- ..-ui ,t. a .' I i.o "I r.ict.itv of Ton ton " ennui rat ai d a t-ji k ot v.V'.l p.v'. 'I da 'he o a re sii:ni . i cr .nous s i in, IS .I'l.T. ot Ml' M in m, 'Trio . .'0 "I strcts, 4-o.ii rrmil tilt .il. 'i Con rt . ill I.I N 1. Mil I. LA, 11 1. II ll'sl:.l, A','1 1,-11 I lltl.i'KI N. A Madrid le'tcr la the Jn I .n ln,iy V.,,-, givts this gossippiug actjunt of the ro;al family : "Yestrrilnv (October 10) was th" Queen's birth liv, wi en her M.S'. (.'a'.uo'ic M i -sy. I.a'iell.t Segiindn, ci,tered upon her th irty-litih ve ir. 1'li-re w is ii grand rt vicv in the it'.o'i ning, lf thi troi-ps cnmpi sing the garri-oti of M utrul, con-i-t tirt tilnt-t-en hiti.ilions of infantry un.l twenty n ginn nts of eavairy and anuh ry, with scMtity-two puces id cannon, a goodly force irinich, though by no moans umioriiiiv to be relied ut on. After being rev ewou in the I'm lo, ti e true) s inarched through, the city and deiilcil hi fore tlie umenand King at the pa'aeo. " I ponthc whole it was a tine military display. It was succeeded by a roval re-ep:ion, w'uen was btillianlly aiteudid, aui ,,, occupied th enure afterucon. For the benefit of the ladies, il may he mentioned tint the Quecii herself was a rayed in a rose-colored ro'ic, covered with choice lace, and hc-p ingicd w tli an immense multitude of diamonds. Tim Infanta Iloniu Isabella was In plain white. The King wore the uniform of i apt iin-geneml of th kimtdom, and the little I'rince ot the Anurias t.iut ol a seijjeaut of the guard. " Ihe Queen of Spain Is now a large, portly woman, pi rhaps somewhat older in apoearance than her yenrs allow. She no louxer can be said to answer to tho description given of her thirty years ago, iu ouc of the popular songs of the War of tin SucctMuon, w Inch deseriti -ii the contending competitor tor tlio throne ol Spam : 'lien l',u!oi Ii A tiosrv ct ..rl, l cruel h-arl a i,l e-1 1. )tut l.ativ. s a l.ivi'l i.irl III only six years olj.1 "Hut tho Queen of Spain, though no longer 'a lovely girl,' is still by no means unattractive. '1 he photographs and portraits which aro shown In shop windows by no means do her justice, riho bas about her a great deal mom sparkle, vivacity, and good humor than her photographs allow ; iiiditil, her diHtingiii-hed characteristic is said to be genuine good temper, or, as it has been ex pressed to me, 'henrtinesH,' which gaius her a very large i-hare of the affection of those who aro privih ired to appro mh her. "The Queen is sai l to be a very atl'-cfionate mother of her chiluren. She h is now four of them three girls and a boy. i he eldest, tho Iiitiiiit.i ala lia, approaches her 'birteeutli year, having been born on the Jtllh of December, ls.'il , She is au interesting young lady, but is said to I'Cur hi r-elt somewhat nn re haughtily than thorn) about her entirely approve, 'the I'rince of tho A-turias is the next child, and is not yet quito eight, lie is an elegant but rutner delicate-looking boy, who seems to be worn out with state aud study. Tho poor little fellow is driven through Madrid in a coach und sit, attended by a guard of honor, almost every alter noon, to the Ketiio ( a part of tho park reserved for the royal family), where he takes pleasure in driving hitn-i-elf about in a little go.it-chaite. Ho is gcuorally accompanied by his sister, tho I ifni'a Isabella. The other royal children, with their nurses, fol low bim in another staio c.irrliiuo drawn by six mules, and that is generally folio veil by another similar equipage, full of ladies and gentlemen in waiting, to that even the poor lit lo Prince's drivo In his gcat-thulie ii made a matter of court ceremony. " It is amusing to see this procession of IMnccs and Princesses going to the l'ra lo, followed by a dreg conveying four stately scecimens of the genus ' Jeami s,' in gold cocked hats aud Ver million stockings, who convey from tho royal stubles to Ihe It-tiro the pcrain'iulators iu which the younger members ot the roal family aro doomed to take their aiiings. "It is observable that the Kin? and Queen rarely accompany tho royal ctuldren. They usually take their own separate drive, almost always in company, but very rarely with any of tlie royal family with them. Tlie King, Indeed, Is said" to show very little attachment to any of his wife's ollspring, though ut the same time ho fully rccogni.es then), and is at the present moment, il is s.iid, especially anxious toobtiin a decree of the Cortes whereby he snail be appointed regent in the event of the Queen's demise and the succession of the I'rince of the Asturias to tho throne. Whetherthis arrangement will bo carried out or not, it is ditllcult to say at present. It is not until next year that a seulctujut will become urgent, and much will depend upon the course ot events and the parties who att'.at titno may bo in power. Nrliiu.topol Ah It In. Great ruins never ilio. The Tartar Arab and the clheial's ilro-ky lull over tho plateau where the ftcsh spritigiti;; vines rise tip amid a rudo necropolis. Siatily fort still liown over the ueep, calm fiord in which lie the bones of a nary, ss if waiting Inr Its re-urrection ; and crumbling quays, shaiterid toners, and broken shells of horses mark the margin of waters on which once floated the armaments of a giant aggressive power. A few grev-coatid soldiers clamber over tho heaps of broken ina-onry, and creep Iu and out of the dilapiuated barracks and fhol riven buildings. Listless, flat-capped, aud booted citizens saunter tl.n ngh the city of the past. A gioup of boats in the centre of the harbor is cngaicil in endeavors to raise to ihe surface tho hull of s ,tne rotted ship. All semblance of power is depar ed. Encircling this scene of desolation and violent decay, rounded knoll, and deep ravine, and undulating plain, all seamed und dented with grass-grown earth-works, spicad from the sea to the great cleft in the plateau through w hich rolls tho stream of the Tcliernaya. Within that narrow front oneo white with the tents of Western Towers, whore the thunder of tlie eauuou never ceased day alter (lay, and tho lighinitig of bait o Hashed from cloud to cloud, and leaped from lull to hill, for long, long mouths, the herdsuiau now peacefully tends tlie flocks which browse quietly iu the enriched ravines, and all that strikes the ear Is the plover's whistle, mingled iiu the lowing of the kliie. English puper. Crocodile mid MiMikrya. From Henri Morshot's travels in Indu-Cbioa, we select the following paragraph : "Crocodiles are moro numerous In the river at ruknam-Vein than In that of Cbautabouii. I continually -aw them throw themselves from tho banks into the water; ami it h. s frequently h.ip pined that careless lisucrs, or p-r-ons who have iinprudtntly fallen asleep on the shore, have bo come their prey, or havo aft r wards died of wounds inflicted by them. Tins latter has hap pened twice during my stuy here. It is umusing, however lor one is interest! ! in observing tho hahiie of animals all over the w orld to see tho manner In which thi so creatures catch the apes, which sometimes take a fancy to play with them. Close to Ihe bank lies the crocodile, bis ho ly iu the water, and only his capadous mouth above the Burlaee, ready to seUe anything that may come withiu reach. "A troop of apes cutch sight of him, seem to consult together, approaching little by little, and commence their frolics, by turns actors and spec tators. Ono of the most active or most Imprudent jumps from branch to branch till within a respect ful distance of tho crocodile, when, hanging by one claw, and with the dexterity peculiar to those animals, be advances aud retires, now giving his enemy a blow with bis paw, at another time ouly pretending to do so. The other apes, enjoying the fun, evidently wish to tako a part in it; but tho other branches being too high, they form a sort of chain by laying bold of each other's paws, and thus swing backwards and forwards, while any of them who comes within reach of the croco dile torments him to the beat of his ability. "Sometimes tho terrible jaws suddenly close, but not npon the audacious ape, who just escapes ; then there are cries of exultation from the tor mentors, who gambol about joyfully. Occasion ally, however, the claw la entrapped, and the victim dragged with the rapidity of lightning beneath the water, when the whole troop diserse, groaning and shrieking. The mUadveuture does not, however, prevent their recommenclug ihe game t few days afterwards." A few weeks ago the annual service took place for the repose of the tonl of Napoleon 111 i mother, Queen llortense, who is burled In the mall chapel of Knell, next to his grandmother, Empress Josephine. The marble monuments be bas had erected to tuelr memory are simple aud vtry beautiful. DAILY J!VRmNG TELEGRArn. PniT.ADEI.PmA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 use WATcnrs, jcvEinr, Bii.vru and ri. An n waiir, COHUKK AUCll AND f l.N I II ItrrMjtt.'f, n)rtre Ttutrn., Armies, Pme H VP. ,. S-rf I iu ti,l hit,., r.-ii m. i . ... ,vt, ,, rs. W 41tcr.. i I , 1 -k i, H,..-i,. ,t,'. ',1'ri.n ri Cr, 4 mi. I --, .1. iu;i; lit . H . ,i ,q and H, tr h, h l.t. j j ,.) ,1( II MU'.IsnN ,T VIIDKS. J A M 11 m it a it it i-; il ' - i rii" i-a in, ff. 1 An, t1 A t K r.HTA I '.I , I M I ! M ' N l', mi. rm 1 T.IJ rt a,lrt.l' I i A Tt t U OV MVi, ..Ot I f 'h I M "HUM- ASM ' ii K . i . I r.L.T iii,i.'- Hcry J.-c.b'.i ASH S. CO fm-i1.,.::..-.v T ')' .!.- I! irr. ml m ' rt v. II I Ml St - aro HM ." F it n i 'i u u i: til I. ATI sr ANIt 111 ' 1 Pnilor KuitM. llcd-room unci c baniber Mi it -, 1 ) I ii i n ur-ii on in mhiim, Ivltlin I'nrnlf ore, l.lbinry end Otl'n't I ' 1 1 1 n i t n r llouneholil 1 "ii ril I il re, OF KVKUV M-.M KirriON', Ent.fr la Sni' er ".! if if I'leei t, ; U , pr'.rj. tiOl'1,1) .V t'O. s, Valon VtiTltuir l U 11 liwlntl N. K. C.r HrCUMl A Nil HaCB HfC war vruiiii. Ilvtr bfn(K nut of my m. t r lfo; the Ut ftftt rlt, I am ei ud tu off r iaj u t vf FIHfST-CIfS KUILMTURIC At a tmall aavanee on old rUi t. i. i.viy., Mill .im Ml. I'll 8 Kl.KVKM'11 frill.K.r. J OOIUlMtl-OLiAHH ASD I'ICTVKi; IRAMK M ANIFACTOUY. WM. II. MOIKJAN, Do. 'tVH K. KINVH HTiii.i.r, Oilt Oval l'liotop;riiH Frames lelO-:tio CONrlTAli-lLV ON HANI). GAS HEATING STOVES! t2$. CIIKAI'ER THAN COAI. OK WOOD! KAGLE CAS HEATIXfi STOVE, TIIR ONLY ONU THAT 13 HIFF. FIIO.M SMOKi: OK SMKLL. W II Hi t OIT ICI'.S, r.MU.OUS, D1NINQ, SI.UI.riNG, AND IIATfl IIOOM8, With leiS tn ublc.in less time, an, I at less espenie thin any t'oal or Wood etuva. Tliey are ry it uvcnleat fur use iu apartiucms la unlet lucre ii no C'tnuiui'j Hue. O. AV. IX)03II, No. ;2- H. HIX'I'II STHKliT, ll-Wtathstm PlltLADKLPIIIA. HI OVKH I MTO VliS I SKI.LINfJ OFF. SKIXINO OFF. 8L SEI.L1N0 OFF. Kntiro Slock of Stoves. P'l.VERB OAS CONHtmiNli STOVES. There surerlor l teveii are well anewrt; we are .eltnir lh-in oil vi rv Ii w. ut iimuiiluciircrs prices. AIho Hit Kl'.T I ion uvtM H'luVKS Mfvr Usui, lowvr timn refill ar prleen, ut MeKNKlHT'S, II 16 lit riKTEENTH ANU UAKKKT )rilBKr8. THOMSON'S LONDON KITC'IlKSKIl, nr Kins. ien liioine. fir ramllieii. btels, or puril.c tiQ li.aiiiiuloiis, In twenty dlilereut ie. Also, rtilia- itrlM.ia nai vit, tiMi air rtiriiHci.s, rnn.tiiia II. alert. Ixiwitown llrU4. "irelmunl SUivum. Haiti H.'iiirs, htewhele PIAteii. Itrllr, t'ookltiK Htuves, &c.,l wllu,e ak and mull, by ttif inanuf.i-nir, rs. CUAsK, HH Mtl'K THOMSOM, D-ao-fiaw-Ira Xo.'2iv S. HKi u.Nl Htrcea. tOAL AT COST-ST-M 1'F.K TON. TUB .tisnnierH .Mutual l.uul I oinpany. liirirattiil oratnl lie 1VL11- b ivaala, Octolii-r, IbOi. om.-e, So. t'a h. Hira Hirt. The Company is still r- vti iiik jmhirrip'loiu to it nook at ivr l..r-, ml rtuppivniK its mticktiu.ili'm Hit tr.3 U'M ivm Ity ol Whito Ann Ht hiolkill ( ital at . AO per tvn. In tu,a the ntlt; to liti' ('ul).vry, ami t. ma corporate frandiitiCi ot tlie ''ompiiny, n fi uco t an bu m id- to tfi' Lr I t.utel, l'A II W. M l.l.KliH. Jiiul, m ri'KJrd to tlie ; tU.uiiv of th Coal, tin rttpurity of the tuiiit'N, and tlio I jirotlui tivi ri fl ol i ho entire i-nti rpriHe.tiio toll owiru irttt r i lr. iu HI HM'KI AA 1 KNKAH-. K., ih atile CVef Ko Klin i r aud burvt jorijf the City ol ' i'hmilrluhla, in itub uikitfd : lmi.AnnpMiA,hovetnhr21,lK'.4 Jitmei I.yoil. Ev. I'rtMdt Di ConuiuiT' MutmiH oalOo ltHr ir : Huvinr Tlhltnl, at yuur rviit'Ht, tho mtnt-i lately li iifd by your tooiHiiy at Mine Hill, on itcimry i Kun, I uke pUmure In MaiQKthat 1 cud ee no hhnod why, with pmpt-r inuii ixeiit, you h ultl not have entire hio-cuis in tn-tun able to dfliv-r. at thli Diarkat.coal whUh wtll te accptbie to the conMimiT and remunerative to the itockboldcri. The Hkhtinore and MMinmoth Vehia n w worked by you have befn op'rait-d for many jcr, at the itte of your own Colliery, as well a at ail other polma. The coal Is tb rciore well known iu this city, auU you fcavu noavir article to introduce. 1 he "Id Hlu u ii In full operation, and the nrw Slope opened to me level of lit KAhtiy. In aslmrt fine it will be rt-ady lor op ratuur.wt b a uYiivrry e iuti to your antlcipa tityan; fcud I heiittvu that, mditioUfl worked, withoitt in-U-rrupMotii thut cannot well he foreseen, ymi wilt he ahta 10 reai ti a enifetiy ot hin.((H) toni per annum with ymir prenent lot nitiery, tlie condittuu ol wta l'i n iuu.im not to require titter much Uuii' or vrt'rit ep)i.dlture to placo U in flnt ru'.e work in 01 tier. erv lie -p.-iiiiilly, hlKU tiLASli KNKAhS. Civil KiiKlneer. The fdHowtriK ooiuuiudk tlon-i, ielctel froui a Urre ninjiotr, nhoothe appre' iaiioii ol ibu nttTpiio by the cltien ol I'hlladet) h i - Jami I.ynd, Hear 8ir: The coal I received from the t otittitinem' Mutual Coal Company, on uiy subscrip tion, han kivtn tu enure na nuciiun. It initen riisiUiif, l unm well, in fiee froui aate. depuaiu white a-ihes, and li not enMlv exiltufiiixhfd '1 he Are In our kt'oien Krate hat uot oitil uut lor tight, or uiue dayo. ery trulv you, JKWr.tsL, No. 4sM N. blIU Mtreet. Oeloher 2. 1MM. I'm! Aihj cniA, 0ctM-er2.'. WA. -Jamea Lynd, K111. lii ar Hir : Until I bn'ttuie a otoek'uiliier iu your Company, I hiid atwaya been In the haolt l tuntinv I eh Ik U eol. Minee trylntr yourn I Ilnd it, lor household purp'iBu, lully twual to 1 ebi;h, and a vury atio-n r .mh ie inded. loun.Uuly, HAMCKIs C. IIKMS.RY, No. Hum COAl'Ka Htreet. Putt AbKLrnu. October lo4 ,lau l.ynd, Ki , I'reckdeut 1 tiiu Coimiiiier Mutual Coul Coiupiuy My lu-ar Hir .- Our Coal hai emne tw hand all In t(nod orth r, and hM het u uced in Ixilti iH'iko and turnacu. i am tit f imed that lUt quality U ail that euuhi be desired uur LlUly. JOHN MUIU'K, No 11117 LiHlllsrhtr U PiittAnRiriiiA, Octoher ?;. Ii4. Jame Lynd, Tr idei. t CoiiBUtneri Mutuul Coal Company Hear Hir : 1 have lvt n the t oal a tin rouylt trial, uni llnd it a niout fpliiidid aitlele . I am ho uiii b plent 4 with It (hat, it n t loo Lite, 1 Mill hit-ream lay uUm ript on 10 one, hundred khuret. IteHuectlully, AI.I.KN C. WILHOH. No. Isi0l llfc.SNt'1 Htreet. I'm 1 Ahr.f rin a, Tentli montti -o!h, Kneml l,ynit : The con! furnished mc as a tM khohler in t y Cnuipaoy Kivet) twnire. ianttactioii . It Ii well pn pared aud buiua UU'.v, 1 could uot Hub a better article. K. V. FKALEV, Kn. 4'i H . XII 1 If I Htreet. Tuii.Arn phia, October W. 1hu di vine I.ynl, kit,. I'rt ftitlent ( uiibiiiuer-i Mt tual Coal Company. liuar Hir It atlorOH me reat pleaxtire to aiinoun eto yu my purtoct hannfa. tton with tke e.ial received Ircm your Company under u.v 01 der at a Rulmcrltier. I ha a been aucuntuuii-d to ui coal (roiu the nciKhlx.i liooil.il' your mine, and alio fft-iu It when in other hands. Itn biipoilorlty heretotoro wai decldeuly mriiked, but in Iti preient haiidn 1 tlnd the article In no way deteriorated, but on the ci.nirary, go fr ai 1 am able to juage, tor a uueHtic purponei tuny uai w Mby that I have ever uid, or havo aualyud. 1 aui, wry truly your, . WILLIAM M TTHTT.R. Kail ol' HcUo.kOl. Aon1 In ManiiTiink-JOHN AT AM H. Anuiit lu Utiiuuulown Hl'KMCbfei KORKKT8. ll-V"J-6t OF COAL, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, To be had at BoLnylkiU Eaven Goal Oompanj'g Depot, JToi. 16U ac4 mi lUBKXT 6TB&ET. V. B. Our Ketto PHOFITS. to QUICK SALES A 1TD III AXL A TON t or Larrt KutCeaJ. t er fitoTt aad Heater Coal, iXTBK B COAL YARD, 1M1U Ktreet (07), below Uiru4 tboi; K B .-IkBl kl fti Branro Office. mm iu.TM Mfubpuina qaqdlmi PA fin. fiKI.PH FR CO., IMlOIMtlK- lulirt CF I KMKli r, fl VI Hnr-K AND I'lMNll H'f'MH. n 4.(1 riiK-NlT H Ytlr FT, OP- I ' M t r, I . p N I- K A I. I'Ohf ITIU K, I'll 1 1, A lit-. I.f H A. I'A - 'I fii.t- r. d tot d'tiio tli'- r"''-r pr'"". I" t'flr mi o rmxi p.'ttror and irkidi. olr AriU' it tr-unk for ':al r nroi rit.rn'i nt nv t Ktnr"niy rt. .tt . m.j r " rti'-e is- atM !lo Airt hr a'tra f t--ri ad Im rv,ininj, 1 d ij ic fMrr rt4- t,r to merit li e eo'mioicd a.tpp.r iil PMionaf of the ueneral pntilir oi I'tiila h lp' 1 M 'c-nity (o ir lin srv MOM-.YTUANYMUl f w utMH liiKit.ni. :), Wnicr.ri 41 la h'Unim A . t V VT .U t S ( A CO 1 MONKY TV) ANY A UHNT L(. N I l Jiry J'iaia, o l rHTMU hiil'.li H V fU'r'l.'K, ('.T.ir (fi IIMKI a I VMM, 1 1 I, ,s " I 0',l...,. y,H.iVi.Vi.H, HAlt'llK.4, ,IKW:;i.HV, r . t. ' 1 a 1 ' 1 N N I ', -NO- N I - A W l IM'UN NmuKIMJ rMtft'H 1 1. worH ret,., i,-r 1 ,. is m i:m'e fire l fro:u :hi r I s r t.K I . Ar.) frtinctiy re ti.oi ut- 1 in till (LMitl-iuen ol I u'ir Tantd 'd i.t ,f 1 1 I 1 t'M : lil'NTH I'crcf S H CtC T TOHR. N(.,.&:l ''HK-SI V h r.-.t, l'1 '! 1 opo 'He ttatf Howie. )A I I 1 I I AI COLUUAUO GOLD MINING COMPANY. CI'AMTlir.l' It s ,'K. 11 I I S sv, l. IM A ('Al l I A I , SI'OCK, 1,000,01)0 a. O.O'KI Mmr.'.-I'nr VhIo, 8.i. 1" mli-iii -JOH N It. ANDK1ISDN Ill-i'i'linff. Tl r.mp A . f-rf i, N. It. K nrii". , JulllWH Fl. Mfthl!', T C. M. IVm-rll, llarrlihuig. J, l a W. Il.ill, do J. i.n nr, 17, do W. W. Wvlk, Lnni'imtiir. Y, IIUaiB (1. Kfiulo, :i,Iorn,.lo. W ifi,ftni (.. frcf ii.nn, K11I nl I'. Kii i.-, J. IN M. Kll. f, I Imrl.K lit Hliwr, U. 1' Si JIITIlWOliTll, Secrttary aud Treiiurer. OrriCE. No. 423 WALNUT ETBtET, noon o. 3. Aufh'ntlfaffd upeoimen havo bfem,rcurs1 ftin ine of tl e Cempany k'dee, ard havo ben anajred by r'n 'n Hocth andtiarrett with ttie niott ratliyln remiltn. Huhncrlpllon Hutu are now open at the IMTtre ot the ciia pnny. and at the Tn a tirer Offl.-o (Intern-tl llevenue), No. vjn t'HK M T Htreet, Karmers' and M rhantei' hank toil. ,U. I. To onidnal nuUcnU r $JM) per atutro f r a Un ited iiiKiiher oCiharej. ('lrrulnr,)iuipitlet, or Information can he oh Ml nod at the ufiwe of tlie onipany. alter the 17th lti-t. H U 'luk RATIONAL OIL EEFININCr COMPANY, ok I'm r.AtiKi.riit A. Capital $200,000. 20,000 8bares. $10 Far. I'TlKKIllllVT. watnon malum:, m inaoi.iih. WATlillN MAI OSK. IH l.fl HI K.VCN'-lliV. llll ll.llll,!' IHlW.i;, THUS .1 1,1 V'lSIKIl, 1 . IU..M h III JIM:, Ji:., J4HK II. t AllKIU I, ALKWNliI II t. lUCAM. TllKANl' 11KH. TIU, MAS J. LA NI'AS TKH. SKl'Ill.TAIlY. J1K.NKY ('. Hl'lAKNSOS. Tliii r,,mrau-1 rciinOri npn a Mihitaatial an, I li-gitl-niste tin. iiii ii. bM-1-..Aiid .'tli-r iiri-at.-r iiijut-rim-nlt. au,1 Diem r- Imlilf it cunly lur Itiv-nlnii-nt llau iinv .tli.-r n,i -v bi I, rf tl.c i-ulili.-. hut, ri!tlni am i,nw b.-lni: n c-ivr,!, ami . lui'i- t"itlion 01 thi- RliM-k i, already tjiken ln.itfiAiiin 01 ire I'rcr-iTty u,av l, i,i'niiii'd, anil all iiiloriuuti.iti ot t,tiiie,l At Hie yllU 1. ol tlie Culupiiy, Ho. I ri 3. SItv'UNll HUtil. JAH. II. BTKVKNSON, II W-fulh.ilui OKNEIIAf. AliKNT. pEMBKOKE OIL COilPANY, I'rnungo County, l'oiinxjhiiiila, iNcoi;roRATi-:n under tub laws of PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, OOO.OOO. 1W.0M) HUAKF.8 AT 15 A SHARK, FULL TAID. Working Capital Rcsit1'1 for Develop, niciit, $10,000. ritaJubtsr-Al.rKFJ) 11VNT. Bi,. Vic -I'smntM-EDWARD BIlll l'EV, Esii. PBrnr.TAST An, Tarsrjit-a, TU0U.VS W. EVA.Sti. DIUKCTOR9: Mr AI.FIIED IU NT, PhUaJtlpl.la, Piealileut ol lh Ilofh- li tiem Iron Wnrks. air. WILLIAM 0. J19UHT0N, No, 115 8. Watur slrost, l'lillaiielplila. Mr. tmvAKU 8H1FPEN, 8. E. ronii r of Sixth and Wal nut itn-ft, I'lilladdulila. Sir. THOMAS W. tVAJiS.Ho.BaOClicmut s trout, PUUa- ddplila. Mr. K. W. nAtl.ET, Kn. MO Clio.uut itrtat, I'lilladclj'tiJa. Mr. HILL. Ill KUW1M, I'liuburf , Fa. Mr.B. Bl'KII HIlADroftfi, Ki-w Uriht3n,ra. Hr. J. L. CAlt.VAi'U ,V, frnlJoul of Cora I'lautor Oil r,mi'aiiy, Allfshtny City, Fa. Mr. WIl.tJAM O BLilUAHf, Pltfibiirn, Pa., SoorttarF and Traaturcr ofFitbiturg aad Coiui.Uvill. ilallroad. T!, Comi any own lo Cet ilmplellfi acraa of Uitnaat Oil Tnltory on tli. rlulil Imnk of tli. AllMih.ny rlvw, near Oil City, with nni' I'mili cliiK Wi-U and anotlier marly coin- plaud.vlih rallruad, turnplaa. and river ixai to uie Iiropi-ny. Fur partlt ultra, icii Protpei in., to b. found wild any of the liliTcturii, or at Ui. oftices of MISSES. COOPER & GUAErF, No. 11 F:CUANilK, and Mr. 8. HABVET TE0MA3, No 314 WALNUT BTKEbr, Wh" are aiitl,orlzed to mill a limited nurabar of iliari'j of .t(..v li-i'jat THE EUBELL TAESI OIL COMPANY, BLGAK CHEUK, VKNANG0 CO., TX. c a i it a 1 777 &i -o,o FIFTY THOl'tANl) IsllAIlKS OF 5 EACH. BI BtX Ull'TtON PIltCF. W W PKK SHAKE. ,25,000 IttBEHVliU FOR WOKKINO CAPITAL. t.K. M, C8EAKV. PKKMIilir. TU0MA8 A. hi of 1, Vh K-Paasmasr. UIKLCKiK" : 3 11 M, C'BFAIIV. ' J. W. VAMIOI'TES, IHOilAH A. BIOTT, 1 PHILIP 1 KI.KKK, ,11111V BfiWta. AMCF.r. P. FK.IlllKK, Hccr r and Tr.atiirer. The iir,irly IIoiikiuk lo ill 'oini ny onninta ol One Hin, ill' 'I and Kilty A, ri" In fi aiuip.f. ol v.iluul,li' l.ulirl-(-allnu oil Lund, lliiNtticl on Hiik'ai creek, About two miii- fiuui IU muulli, mUiUi auipuva uiloFluuuU ortuk, Vuoaug-u toiintv, I'a. ... .... I lil pri'pcrtF tiai bfrn arlectrd with a vlrw to Iti yaln able kiCitlon, tiavniK lt Imt-a exli'ndiul alcn and on ImiiIi ulna ol Ilia crui'kover tari'e liuudred rudt, whli-li, tiiuriluir with tha larK.' amount or Flat or liolluui Laud, Ktv H ani,cifor adranlaara for drillliiK a larKii nunil,i-r uf oil -lli. At lut one Hundred Walla can be located, wliu amide roniu fur Tauka, Kniiini--li"iiiM, aud Dwcllinsn. A aood well, irivintr twenty barreln per day, la witliln i.iio fouill. of a wile above ft; alau.iovarul ood produvliw viella on the creek below It. The oil obtulned on thla creek la tho Lubricating1 Oil, which ci, muianca in price one huudrud per mvuI. ahoo other oils, and In mote la demand. Tb. l ompany ean obtain a large revenue hypartiea wlahinv to ali.k welia, reserving iroin one lourlbto one half ol theol.fmeof cxpeuae to iheOouipauy, In leneuileiit ol tiie ret enue from Ih. lr own weiU, liiore lDut a large utticirnrf ol land for both purpoaea. ., II ladea k-ned tofiv.Uie couu-aol to drill aeveral Welle In the beat M all"" at once. Tb. Ulle Iu the prouenj la nerlecl and fine of Incumbrance. , Kubiaiptlou booU ar. now open at the offlce on FEHHKK A CO . 11-I7-IM So. 3H. Till UD Sireet. rj-HE OLAHOH EIVEH OIL COMPANIES. OFFICE, No. Ml WALNCT 8TIIEET, (sicond rtoo). WILLIAM 1 SCUKLIi, FRMLUF-NT. J. BIMPBON AFfUOA, VtU7 u4 trMai-f . U JJlUlsli A 'He CAtr CREEK OIL COMPANY Or WFST VIHOISIA C. it1, rl.f 00.000. hlMri, 100.000. FA 11 V.W.UK .n. h MSeit'l TION pKii K ra' Hn full $2 Mprr AUre. HI HMt EO WOKKIN-1 OAT! TAL UtO.n-tO. I11 ii'ixi JvMVjl M ( TCHirrT rc-tTA A. it T mv 1.1 R-WII 1,1AM lHU T. Ti"lt' TI'IM. a vrn vrii Td'Kjs, 11., 1 Ah&vs. I i (.11 I UAH Ki'lllllC . V lifiF, i . M1.I IA.H IIIIH'K. IIKMIV C. Tl .. r,k l..k nf Hie I N II i.KAHAM, I.I I I ,11 II. I1..,, pint , l'i li Ii n.vv . pi, -il M,o .,i,l,lb - l, ,,. ,. M,..-r . N . t 111 N I "i,.t. HC.ON t HII.I.INS, s ,i t .... , 1 1 r , t p. ii Mti,., p t. t'.elr r.itiiea i In re-pilri'il l-a liny pr! , , nl , r lip ,,!,., up I.. i. a, t'.e b.i A.i.-e vi ilii, . v. Io n II e ci r-.liicil, ol at,., k l,l be r.'jdr I. I I I il i t l' 1 ii'i'ln a. ,ti or p, n l.n' ,' b, , of ti e ir. it i,,, l lct Willi I oil nu n and I- ir-t A'HMit fill'. .1, ,1 1 1, . ,111,1 ,'al , a.-n a of I d i n II- I, tl v I -, up n vsb'.-T tlo'V liin ,.-t I't.'t oil pill W.-II, it . a. Vi ell All e p., - ri.r,.,l imii wli., I,.i a. , n It. will u. a Ur.r ,e ,li-g ,ll. .It p. -.(! p, w At In:, rial. 1 1 ei.tv f-. t ah ,i tl. well ahduill I, id I , tie t onipnn? a a ;i ire Al b'Ant i. tiv I am l. p.-r d ty. mli. I , t. it i. l...'. ,.!, to pv a taii'la, ne ilh I, cup on lli'wluk , apI-aI We Are now KV Ai'.ll,- llll' AUlMll.'l IP l ' 9Al- n,, hllll IV to W.Mk tl.O will. i . opit I a tiai t or one humln d acn a owned In lee by I f i e I e rpi. IIV. I luid i a lin, 1 of I 0 mt, i , n a toenty yera l e, M,t. . el lo ,.l .- : "I I. i.f t' i- , il hi I r. ; lit! . Hot', ,,r t A Arc en a-i rpn- 'i ll , a oil l, trio-r. . aim! l'i,- iii . l.-.e pnixltnii y to ll,i Hor.e V rk -li d l.AWn 11 . I, tin ti-rrl'oi v, And lo trie lam'a oi li,,. Unlliiock I'onpinv Iheuork on both .if li . ,- Ii pt ,,,.. ii-, ,i wiib i t,, i , und on ita -t So 3 we have . ! 1 1, k a I cm 1 'llbnr it 1 r oil At A ill pth ol :HI rent. l.lli.olt lull 1 1 1 1 . , rl i ,it it . ti ai i r-. tua, a; Mcare 11. I I ll'tll tlN A fill I INK', II iC-'.'w No. vim N. I HUM' Hueel. Oil., HININd, COAI,, AND Ol'UKIl NKS' I HVI'A M I S. We At prepared lo fttrtiiah New OtrporAtlone with all tlie Ib.oka tbey ri'iulre, ,it abort notUe and low price., of llr.l ipml ly. All aljlei ut Itln.llni.'. MFII.-n.AiK F.KTI'ICArES OK RTOCK. LI 1 lliull! M II 1 11 do do 1 ml I l 1 11, IK . OHIII KS OK 1 1t AN HI F.R. HTi.l K I. F Hi 11 R. HIIH K I. (lluK.lt 1IA! AV0K.S. HM.IMI Fit UK CAPITAL smt K. llld'KI- ItH' I KITI I Km; hit. Ai I iilM Ol SA1.1.M. I'i ll'KNU lmuK. MOW A CO.. It'anK Hook MantifAi-ln-erR and HUHontr. ll-l" tl No. IU ( HKMNL'T Htreet. () 1 1 av i: iiijHi Bo. 430 WALSUr STREET. lklillnU-Ililn, NoYcmiicr, is, isni. Iht (iitdrrlnd li ftuthorlzod to tll llmltod nuubcr ot air of an oll('nuipny wtin.p iroperty to mainly on Oil Cr(k, Vi'iiftno county, ronuKjlvantft, tod It believed tu be ot ttml valut to miy upon tho crctk. The purilon tjevt'lopt-il nd prHlucllvo wl l, from Hie b:g!nnlnK H'cure to Die Hltti khnldf ri a Dividend of Three per cent, per Mtniih, and thec noil! are IrKTCiMnv; dally. Iu addition to these pnidticlry woU. they havo a Inn; mterekl In Eleven other In dlttfrcnt iUim'n of devt'lopment, aud tfvcral of llirra nearly cniplct d. Thoro Is room alao for in t'tiial ntiinhrr nf wulli upon the nnie pmitorty. The CrmpHDj own, nlso.ovrr acrH of un lovolnpci pro( r(y tn ti e nrllilurl.iMHl of th ollifrj, iuori wlJch (l oy pn'Hse ninkuit; hvV'TuI wo'la, tho monvy Iuivihk bt'fti pri'viix d it.r tNr irpu e. Hucli an opportunity of t-tita'tilnfr. at a Itiir n it, a "tot k ro iii 0! Idt nd from so mui apurllon of Ha jtr 'p.Tty fide m nflirrd. t'ur fmther Information apply at tho oilice ( J. D. IIIIIMIOTII, No. WAINUT HTRKKT, 11 18 Bciweeo tho ho ura of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M, O. 1J. DUNOAN. J)UNKAED OIL COMPANY. OAriTAL - - - - - SSiiXyXH). KIO.OOO Hhnrcia-ll$ Tap Value. The follow. nn'ln txlrtrtrd from the Philadelphia "In tinlrci" of Ncpti-nitH-r 17, lt4. prior to tho orgaiiUutlon of Xhr DI KKAKD OIL ( OMI'ASY:- "On almost all the atnami In tin en County the lands have alrrady tfrn leaned with a view to explorations for coal oil ; and on (me, particular y, the Uunkard's, Ihe de Vflopmcnta havo horn of the nat encoiira rtnK character. The editor of tho Wnymahurt (Pa) 'Mcsa-MiiT,' In re forriDK to the autje-t, nfter a cartful pvrsoiuU inspection of tho r gU n and (he operations that are now uk.n placo thorr, aya : ' 'We arc honestly of opinion tli at when capital and en tnlao "hj.Il have cow! uptl the lands alouK the crock, that locality will he (ound ti romparr., in 'mtont oriia Oil production, wltk He VrnanKO district, while In the pnnty, pravity, and value of tho Oil, It It acknowledged to he Ind finitely MiptTli.r. Our convictions on thla subject are haced upon actual know lede and ot.nurvatlon of both r i lons. and of tliv frc'lok'icul inrniutlons and surface Indi cations. We am Krutlflcd to learn that we are not alone In thi'se favuruhl Imprecations and auguries. "Sch ntiHc nu n and experienced ami practical Oil ope rators concur In them, and are ltivosttnK Uboraily of their own moans, and dlrrctlng tho attoiitloa of capitalist to thtprouiltlng character of the I'uokard country. Already BCTcral larc contpanlett have been urifanized Ui rittaburg and tho Kant, which will soon commence operations on an extensive scale. In the meantime. Individual energy and local enterprise aro doing much to develop that favofed locality, .New derricks ipring up every few duyn, and tlie proceia of sinking wl-Uh (toei on In many Instances without interruption, night or day.'" Books open Cor salo of STOCK at the Conntin? House of a. n. rriANorsous & oo., Ho. 613 MARK1CT Ktrocl. A. II. FKANCI8CKH. WILLIAM B. HOOP, 8tC. U UlltJ Prtjldent. J)lTTHIlUHO AND JIOHTON rETROI.El'M C0MPANV. Capital, $400,000-Par, $5 Per Share. suiiscHinioN rwcK, $200 ter shark, ton FULL I-AID BTOPK AMP NO FURTHER A8r)Kj.1MEiirS. Ti t pn,trtjr of tbla tVnii'.inj oonsUta of the foIloKlug valuab:. I-'liK KIMl'LI'j Ti-rritory. eiUualva leaieholda, rilODUt'IKO WKU.S, Wulia go jig down and uoarlj llul.liod : No 1. About Wl (lift j) Arr.'a on Cherry Tree Run In KF.F, Blall'l B, lioitaolo IaiiiI tunic cut Ui alnk UK IV WKI.LH. 1 1na Ti'rilli.r la 0ioo.it tlitt liAlti-il I'f Inilouni C'oinAiiy (llii)Aa1 larin) on inU'rook, tH.undi'U In uarl by lb. ct'io briilid 8ii,t Furin, Ao. n. No VI l.i'Mii, iei-iliiiil lltl yenra) on Wftih. MoCllntrvrlt Oil t'rfi'k tt!4 nori'a, All flat, vory valuabU), tlowuig antl pnliiiillK' .vi lla All around. ho. a. "Wild I'ai" UnwIi'K Wt U, about :W hArrrl. pfr dHj, OB Wrtah. l it. 'Ilnrcrk Kami. I lm ('iniioiiiiy own. Ihit !VliliL working llilroat In tbla well, un.intt, tanka. Ac. 4o. I. No 4. "rallf'irnla Woll.No. l,"on Oil Orrk , dowa OK) l. ol, All r..d to roiiibo. Thla a oil ha lloM cd IM Oarrria nor oav. No. (."California Well, No 4,"onOilCr.oli,ilown nearly Mm lo. t. J.o C I..a. perpotnal (I'll 'ara) on Vi ai t.iOlll'rtak. all Hal, contaiiiina tho Mboe w.-ila, miiIi nuoi'ii-borao oniillie, titiikt, dr-n I' ka, .imine tion.oi, Ao. u. .. l.i-Aeo i-erittiual :! iiiiraion J,. aoroa Oil Creek . all At, And In one v. oil do v. n loo lout, ouoiiiaruir luteroat (HorkiitK' in 11,1a wed and lt-a.- USN 'UIOUHA.SD MUIIKS UK.RI'.llVED FOR WOltlU IM. 1 AI'll AI.. Poolta for rtt'iiiis!. aiihuTnttii'ii aro now opon al onr oil. c lor a low dua only ; whou oloaod, tlie aiock uo ba I'lAo.d on the. rogu'er Itnaton and I'hIU'lelpLla Htoi-k llourda aa a irnu una dtvl.ioiid pujliii! Oil i-k. .in vi ui Cm am, (Nil It la oxp. tiod Ibo aliAra will hirci'ly Advnnoo. All Imtl or Infi un.l Ion. with proipuclnaoa, oan bo oblAinod ut Iho undt lainii d. Too amall capital or una Cniaiiv, with lin- ii'-miaI larKO Inlorcata, uiuat make It a favoriltaaa a inuro tuvcalluttnt. fF.F.CfT Ko. H Fariiuhar BuUdlngf, WALM'T. Del'.w ;lilllt'r, rhllAdi'lpl.la Atom y. I.F.ONAItl) A MAN1.KV, Ko. ii IW.AVEIt .stn oi, N.w York AK' iuy. bl tNCtU, VILA A CO., Ilaiikor.. 11-1C llualon AKi'uey. OIL STOCKS. THE UNDEHSKJNKU I1A8 rOB BALI, ul win pay particular attention to th. piirtbaa.of.UUi. daalrabl. ill reiaUr dJvld.M paylnf PETROLEUM STOCKS, Such a tb K0I1LX AKD BELAUaTEB, DALZKXX, UcELOEXr, MoCLI NTOCKVILLl, ef PhJIaAaJphla, and OUMANIA, BlUUdAn, antl UICUABOOUB, of 'w Tork. JOHN l'ONDIB, ft. 31 nB BTSEET, Booa 4. ItoM-iM wTrt HE LMB OLD'S REMEDIES. IXUID EXTRACT BUOBU For Worv RetonOoa or Inaontinetir. tt Vrtoi, Irrftatlnn, I aflaroniatlnii nr Itlceratlnn nl 0. Bladder or Rldnay., IHlMieta the Voit.a.'e t7Iti,l.,tMj (Aa H 1:1 lee. Cahvlut, Oriltrl. or Arirt Ju.l Dtp fit, an4 all IMarue. ot tlx Illadd. r, Kldnrj a, and lropalcal SwelUtifa. FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU For Weakveaieaarfalnii fruni Eteca.fr. IniU5cr.tfon. Th. ennatlf trtlon once affected wltti Oroanie Wcakntu rraiQlr.. the aid of medicine lo Mrenglken end invigorate tetyttem, which HKIjalKHJVg KXTIUCT IUHUILI larartalirj doe., If a. Uoalia.nl 1. rabiullted (e, CiMUMapUon or Inaanlly a,ay enauai. IJELMUOLU'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIItT, In arTccllcnt poeolfar to"Fami.;a," (, aaariiialei ky any other preparation, aa la CaJoroafi, or HeAantlon, Krrega UrUlei; ralnfulneia, or Enpprosaloo of Cuatonaary Erao UAtloni; Wlcerated, or Schirrona Stat, of tb Ctana; Leochorrba a, and an tomplaluta Inoldant to tb au, wtnthor arlalng from haMta of dta-apatloa, taapradcnofoa, or in th. declln. or chanie of Uf. lIELMliOLD'a FL.7ID EXTRACT BUCUC AD IMPJfOVaU) K08C WAJ9H Will radically eitermlnat. from th ayaUra Dlaea.ea.f IhetUrtnaryOrgana arlalng from Habit. of DlialpAtloa, at tittle trftnis. Wile or a tkmnge tn Jut, no Inconvenience er rxfoiurr; couipletaly auperaedJnc thoaa unpleatant and dan-jervut reenidUl, Cei.. e and ilercury. La all the. dlaaata. XJHK UKLMUOLLVB FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Dlaeae.i of Uia Urinary Organa, wbethar aai.Ung la "Male" or "'rmaVa," rem whateetr cause originating, and no matter ef hots long standing. It I Bavaaaatla taste and .a or. ,imru'ia" in action, and aaor .trenitLenlng than any of th. preparation, of Dark or Iron. Those auffaitng from Broken Down or DilicaH Constitu tions, procure the Jiemedy at eneei Th reader rauat b. a war. that, kowavor alight aaay a th. attack of th a bora dUoaaes, It la eertaln to affaoi ant bodily Health, Mental f otters, ilatvimts, and Ms Pos terity. FEY BICUS B , PLEASE NOTICE. WE MAKE NO SECRET OF INGREDIENTS. mrxMiiOLD a fluid extract bucuu It compaaed of Buchu, Cubtos, and unfpjr Berries, aa Uotod lth gnat ear and prepared la vacuo ay II. T. UOUUJOLO.Dnigglat and Chamlit of alatooa yar' ax perlADo Is tUia ofty of rhiladalphla, aad aow sraarflM by to aUMtafOlaoiit of Ih faoattr, aad ar aa ad BltUd a. at la tb United ItatM inr, Bad ar. ale. la TU7 (vaoral at ha 'lata IloepttaJa and aako. aVanlUry IotUtatteau tarotiahoat Be . MadlcbM deatrerW t any addrwt, aoooafitailod ij ualUtt llrctlooj. Irlraot Uttanto BXLUSOlD't Drug aavd CbamkAl Wacaa, . IM Broadway, Haw lark. Or SaUJklBOU) t Maal Depot, H. 10 . toaik ttrwot.l'ailadarlphla, awr tf ttwtAati. k far OkXHSOLD l.aa-4 UUMOlbar. OfEMlrolf,ak A,at.toir. at. twirsiintrmii itH4tia JyTjlilM. M. . JIBOWN'rl GREAT METAPHTBIOAL DKC07ERY ion ukafnksh, K0IPK8 IN TIIE HEAD, DISCHARGES FROM THE EAR, CATARRII, KEURALCIA, RUECMAflSM, W ASTHMA. v ' SCROFULA, llRONCniAL AFFECTIONS, T1IK0AT DIFFICULTIES, M.er,..d Fc.,I.e.a of Balr, Dyapep,!., rnlarrAtnent of the Li- er, Olaeaao. o( u,, Kldnya,Oim.ttpailoa. dratrl, l lloa, lnianliy, Flu, Para.'yila, Rah of Blood to the Head, CONHUMPTIOir, With all nd ery rtl.ea.e wl.leh h.fo.t. the hnmu r, enrcd cir.:tually ly MIVH. M. . IIUUWN'H ITITAPniSIOAL DISOOVEBY. PRICE 3. oprn F.8--N0. no Anm tr, t',vuu. K... ia iiosh m...i, ) York, and at .o. lb PEAlUKIiTOK wlMni Ra,Q Xo portnir with fnafrttmenta. No blow inn In li.e o.-a No aiiuttinu up i.i.etrllA or lalrndurlnf wlref. No poiii nir niodicin.-a down tho ihr...n. 'Ibo MK I a Pill. MCA I. IHHiVKHV win narli )nrr tpot H al dittva And inaUunicuU wiUroacll, and lltou aatdao, plaoea liealdoi. ' . T.iiih Ia Diii-htyaiid mnat prrall; error la Imnnr. net. d w thdi Alb con,..,n. utly uuai aoonor or lawr ala Inlo ob Ivioii. - In all ibo iinfTera there I. nolWnii an ramplellT wl lowtii up In ern.r aa the facta, Aareoa, and mouvM en JiT, rhjlcal and meniAl couauiuuou of Ut Thla earl atatara thlnrala the riHtnlt of lanorawee) anrl bl aoni eaonthepanol tho.. who pr. f aa to adtnlnlaur hea ih and in,, to the e..pit., while ,o (,t, Ihe majorltr l.i,ore(,..rtrt,.mlho..M. m alio,,iher. All Pr.Tioa rlttS ll ol. o latonco in in. t.phyalca, ud can a.ew lea UMlar. au.. rt ai art from the aan.e. k-wa. I to are men no m.ke a bnalneaa of treatlaa pm- Flf 18i ASM. H o? 1'rrp.r Inatrnnienta.loo Oa'bamul with which to experiment on thmr atllivla. loinii, ui. witn vhlcb tu xpriiB.ii on poor mUr vto. : " -'.t-i.rn..., uriuicr pitji-raiaj 5or IIMUMUt to una rt.o AiM-h slentti rfmhng fjypftr tmnt. f-o crfnttj :lie riun.D lx 4v)jt iiw.ki ofH M mUhfy whole, antl th mn mult bo knm w f,,ol who ultl sttrmpt to di ld the vitcui into rtUn, n Un ny ditt .f.iiy, Indoptji.rlfintitr the utrta r ' tuikhtv wnol uwhkhthi-yti.n. A U inch prU loa ot treat n-n tb. bui htiow ix thinR f th cAiintt wl.t 'I hf aii mtntr r.nttlUn of th pf p iiHthiokIw. p tally Uw yonn. whiiareld wUhfll-raeWrTthyirwim In hud into Hi,tf'ga?ihfrwithnuriiadcxp' rtnoiibavlnc iM-en tifnavi'd ol dear friend, who bar putod Ibw nnt nwy rav hi tHOKi rat d on. TiitiM' ftin nnmtanreri, nrto manv nthm whloh mtrht ht Birmlom d. am an Irrrnlttlhle ntiniulm to tho paonto t d nmiid ot v n im n it tm had thf iifo and health ( ihm arlvt'b and thflr loved onei. in hla imndi.aiid ts conUnua'ty a nnnthiitiln tnt'OK inoa hirh iht- i ni iaa t adowsd to ttmw lhi iimreor tint ure of, I ayuntlfrUieieL'irrumaiaric4 tli r d"ve a Uhi to 3t marnlfiffvcrv nicJi iihraiclAti to tLrnKh rhrnmlih a rhait of his chara-ter. that Uwr Dm know hla uaiiri-aiknit, Ac, Ac; initd every ihvti clnu kImhi d le con, p. I vd fc hav it hun up In hla oilic at all h.iur. It ! only Uuutifh thla chaitnl thit lh puMtr tan 1 ave in ,tetv or truaranten for what l mrnit d ar to it-ht and h nith ; otherwme life may ba tn tn hamti of a mm tu'jre quailtied for hltaniiu. UiAtt a p) y l lan. in tr ia way Inherent qnaliflratlnni, which r fndlnpn aib e In a ,ili-ilun. r ur to he dvtcc'rd and xhihltml. W f i hli utm f rtittPy itoiie. thouraamia would Have Ukepro (iii(n whU-Ft nati rt-nenr qualified inm for. If naHra lUHhrt'i not ttii re e.m b no mliah!e quitUrtoatlon, a. I onif ti at i. rt tne t)rt aiue ot dia4?. It la r inlaiie atl in-.pt naly ne'ejry to Inhcrtt t aauatty. Metaphy u ai Fo r and Conrviruitlvetta-.p nniH atao b inharUad by all who would he fturceh.! In finding an amidst riahle ot de t-o)tiia; Ui cauov of dt -. Thara la no channel t.y v.h;eh thec.mn i canbreaciiad wlta rartAlntr tut the one I have dfRcrihed. 1 hcrfi re 1 iu) wtth ci nildence to tha world, that H l (hxuih li-herliti.K then rura conblnatl' n of vharmater Uini I have hten enahkd to detect the ilmt oauaenfiUea,e. lt.ee.to-e U uot. fi-a-ty iffw It tu be a disease ; I' la ftn iPUitd law b4tei. arm aDt ooIy. which. U.r A pout l anl telii un. Ik alwavi warrta asaluir aarh nttier. Tnla law henda foith nloppiMiea,ti.ae ttoppa.e) produce dlse&e In dlveratraUd ffriua, acd If (It-aat) ia exporltneiited on or tampered wlm it take a firmer Kripof the constitution Ai.d nulfptUa In oiliir ftrran an a other loo)ltiea of th ifeiu, (bus dti uoj Ir.g the whole maohlueryof Ui huuuui body. kvmi mher, the Ptotnarh and th Mver hv oothfnir to do with the rauae of the dtaeaie. Tlie tri'attna; of thei OfKMii.for the ue, hai sent mlUiona to aa aniimek griaVU. V Uh eonfldrn'e 1 ity to the world that my Metaphvirt cl ltf cnvi ry Ii the only renmtv ever oilen d to the world whitli will Ihoroitivl.ly annihilaie the root ofdlHvaiie. 'In dim-vrr) conaidfi. oi i.irt-c omttnet preparatljtia : on for the si-Nip. oiief r thee) fi , nndooe for thoeara Thce wurk. In otiMunt-ili a, and artle t th root of all dl-maae. When t re a it, 1 uitaa every diaetue thkt vr Uit4 the huuuui bodjr M LADY IN THE LAST BTAOE OF CONHVMmOS From the It ox ton Journal. Ji l j(7, lviit. I, UfB, Nancy Sloan, of Wo. fU Warrva lre i.t hrjeitown, dooeitify thatlhafe fren avieted for i n 5r. My right aide wa o naraJvaed that I couUt not hv on It. Dunlin tnat time I suitered from ca tarrh, u re throat ; would coiihli innn one t five boure al ailnn-; wait vit.v iiitvoum; at hlom cuid mVep.it hImI.U I I ad a lunjt fever two yean aince. whU-i rrdm-ed me to a akvie'on. I had all the uuIuaI ad.lr and tut diclne lion e ron'd pn cui. hut all to no purpoae. ww feat alnklrtn (he la-t nnv of conaun'pilon. 1 waa eoonntd to led when Mtk. H. u. Hrnwn'ii <nliyilcal Dlnuovary 'waaarnt ft t . It a pp:io'i corduiK to UUectJoa. I felt no rw-iterHit ra'h r ume lor noine time My friend witnti d me t Ol up, aayinv It would kill nu; tt ai I uk too fiw Mi.e ttiid too we-tk to try aiivUilufi more, liut my mother aui'i I would dte If I did not dnd ieittji In the lnnc'ij;, , a id hi it wan the luit tilvl to cur ine nhe w ii Id contliitie It. We a,oon f. und that it wai th rlrciiiaUon wi.lt Ii wm iniiuu Into my tviUio which waa tut- Itift efleri. Ah thi el'VH';tor Vvpt InrjeamnK my dta enae bt ian to bn-ak au. Uhm atx wioki after I dcku to ui'ply ttif iin-'icln' n.'fore 1 t oi'U tfathi-r atrunj(tti to no Into Hot. ion to aee Jura. M. G. Hrown, tt.id thea I nad t ha vi) htlrt. 1 lit- HfcoiH, time I vt-niured 1 went without )ielp, ai.d Ihe thlrdttme I found n.y wav without any dif ficulty. I htan trio one of U'. M tuphyalcai Hiaoovery in Iinv, and the rvnilt la on thla irti of July, Uiat hoaUh and trenail, la fnat rftunnn,; t m roariuted frame. Aty paralysed aide In n aiored to viiror; lean sow re t welt ou it. any catarrh ta noue. My cimnbt my nervo oa tivnn, and tore throitt art youe. Inh opwull All my Ir-reitulamli-a have dlaniK-arfd, and I mutt trJioowifKlf.- ' tliat, I.) the providenc' tit U d, I wttn directed tu Uie uie of 1 M. tl. itrown i Wemphjffeal Iloovary, and by It taken from th mouth id' the grave und restored to my . family and (iifi.da I know ta- dlarae aro frone. antl a iceneral cln nlalon hai taken piae. but expert U wUl tak time to rttsaiu my Kat tlah and itrangth. iiEMAiiKAiu E rmr rr Tr.FVF.8s cr twentt I.John A Kewconi) .of niiu-v,do certify that I have hoB entirely tlrm m try left ear for twenty year, and for tl.f jai six yt'ttra tfiy ngt enr hx he n t- duaf that I ' puildnot hear cohveraatl.n or punrlc apeakUg ot aa kind. 1 could noi hear the church ttvila it itr wtiile I waa I tiithiK Iu lie church. I hnve alao bten truht.'d fr a mtm I br ol ra wnh a viry aorc tlirnat, ao thut ( waa oiliKd 1 to P I" t r crrli, for I had ltt my v. nee. I ! nad preat trouble In my head, terriloe uolftca, altii4t ta tuiwi-r.r, kl head felt numb aud ktuld, ai.d waa a t iouree of emiatai't trouble to me. II trlt d I'Vfjry rcincil.v that could e thorn tit of. I went to aurlfiia, but as they warned to uae Inxtnttuent 1 would liHve t'Oi. liiK ti do with tlmin. About uuc in Mith alnoi 1 t lifjilneti Mra. M. tl brown' letriihy.)c .1 Ii-ioivrv, and u-t-i) h HCi tntl iv to tli t-irtn-tioiibou t e nmit a And tlie remit In that Ihe hcn'ln. oi boih cara la pfrfeoilr r atorm, ' o ti nt 1 can henr ut we1! a any man. 'J'lie mreat tmuh-a ' In mj I viol lb rutin ly i.'. Mt head fvt'ia portectly e?y j and ut reat My throut, wh'ch waa ao disrated, ta ontuoiy i ( cm ed. vno I have re ivcm d my ou-e v mi. I wmld not , taV r one tl uoiind no inra tor tne miu'iu i nave rooe.vea in the u. ol lira, liiowu UuyQ3ikal Uinvvary. KF.MAVK A1M.F CVUT f'F DIMaHAHfiRS FRO THE irK IMvASfc.U CW.a, AM Luai Ufc' IS.kM V ii Aiti i m. Fee eirber 7, . Ht-nry Mrville, J. lUrum aurtji U' . r tr. Mr iwnuotdt I ol yardi. lie -n'anti.wo. do tertf if at my J l-o brau e.er at d ctrrh on the rene', wmcti lefr lira a oh d.at-aaea nom Uit -aur and dlMa-i ey. Tn oUcharKea umvot cruxed kli vr bC:uie null lai-e a.id unuaiural. c- v-i. d .Uh fcah. Tfe i'illw hai v he cli .nn d.ir.n the ruht, mi aaturaied er thevwith th-: dibcoaiK-; U would tvliiip-'alOo todecvlhtthecoinhtim of hia itea. ' W Inu-iiv pt y-R-Un i-ald tie would lamd. Hit luteihtot i,ao hn biii lini uir'd. that Ii c-red n-t to h, or piy with chiltfien. HettK.k no notice o anyt-nna aismid bun, onehuiihi.reiitcautellwtial out auUtirin.'a wr t kxn on our child in tbla ctmdlti.'ii. aloftt piovwentialu, about one year ago, I taw Mra. Jrt ii. Itn.wn a-kteiaphyalcal Ila.very advatUaad Id the Lftiacr 1 want w U.e Office, 410 Arch atreet, aud procured ihe mvdJdna. Mr wile applied it talU.lully and ntirHeverliiulr. Tbe mediaiue wu.ked alowiy at Ui "hi itfliwe psraevcred. and the ry-ult U that Sur.onU anllrely cun d of hla . J"v atema to have awakened out of UMlPt ; ' "W'B considered now a bright and InUdlUvont hoy Th dta-chart-us irom hla ears nave enurely cea!. ltd havt) become email and natural. His eyes are elear aad airon. My wife andmyalfa iwel aUatted great cure porn.riued on our eldid by Mrr 0( Bwwa g So taphyslraJ ilcovary,aud nwal aear Uly cobuuo1 U t rM."' Browaii O-lebrated Poor Wohard'a Ry M atex.Hperbt.tlieia"4'30014, Kttm,T tor, W per bottl. A HKM AFKAB1.B CTTTtE OF BLrNDKXBi. rHiaioA,0 W. Jwly aajMir. Mra. M. i. HrowwV Iear Madav I have been uulte bUnd tn my rifthl ey tog aevea yeara. have been to arvral doctors, rho ( beard etioid restoee my eyaelKttt, but they never don aa any ttood. I spent Uuv airms of money In traveilua wbere 1 heard Uir war doctors who ewuld Uaaftl but nnne ot Hani could do ma any good. I taoefct iu case hopeleae, until told by a friend you aoald raaev aa. j sent by a irtaud aud piiMrured your 'Meiabyakai lia coveryand In twenty-four hooxa aJW Ue 4xst tref manl, I eoald ae tjau aiUuoU 1 Ma Tfjij tta4UtAXi $4 fijy uJtvat io. livfjulm yoora, truly, JOaOT BUaKT. Tha Calebratad Foat &lcbftH,l By ixa,Uoat.. jaatfdAJKf-i Bcalp Kmetort fl. jjg W ' .aw