TVF9PAY, tfOVEMJlER 22, lMJt. THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sketch cf the Livos of its Troaiinnnt EABLY EXPE11IENCES OF OUH NATIONAL LEaiSLATOU'J. TM Third Nnloii of tlie Tliirty-i.-ie-litli Con gtvil commencrj on tlio first Monilur of next month, and hlil fair to be tha must Important ntl (Acting of ally ivhteh lias yrt assembled at the National . Tlio two parties are nearly sqnslly divided. The Peines-ratii- mem'x'm will M itnpi Dilous cipj ts to Rh tlulr cuds, as at the nrt Kurmbllrg of Congi rtn they will lie toa small niinoti'.y to exert nimh lnil ionee. Wo Ihrrefure Ih nk tliut a aluU h of ihc lives of th leading mcn.bcM, whose names b-foi Ion;: will lie familiar lo the ears of every one, m iv Lot prove wiinttresliiiff. If on. Vhn Icr S.ilfiv, FpMkrr of th Hou-c, b ira in tlie oity nf Jiew York on tho 2)d of Man-li, lst,! l. In e uiy Kft be attended the public: s li. ula of that city, and from them acinlred the fiimlamenuil cle Dents of a good Jln'Iisti i'iIu a-ion. Like ttio great Ben jam In Frankllu, and scores of other men of more than nation tt reputation, ha w.n bred practical primer. Ia iHltj he remove 1 from the mi iropilja, an 1 cnt to try Ms fortune In the thm far-distant West. TT j fettled in In diana, and as foon as he attained his maj ority, commented ediiitig and p'lUiahin'' tlio South Bend Register, which position he "till hol la. la 18S0 he was elected meui'icr of tho Indian Constitutional Convention. In ISIS, he wai ttottn delegate to the National Wtiiir CunTen tion, by which body Lo was honored with tbo position of Its Secretary. In 1S12, he was a iin elected delegate, and 111 od for a second time the pott of National tsocrctary. In lsjl, he was chosen representative to the National Legislature from the Ninth Congressional Ifistriot. He was re-elected In lSeW to the Thirty lifth, an.l in 1838 to the Thirty-sixth Con-rres'e, during both of vtLich he tilled the important po t of Cliairmiti f the Committee on 1'ost Otliccsand Tost Roads. In 1860 he was again chosen. Afier a giltant fight ia lMV2,hewas rc-elcted to tlie Tulrty IgMh Congress over Hon. David Turpie, cx Dcmocratic United States Senator, by a'uat 2:) i J r:ty. Wan nominated for Speaker by the Republican caucus, and through personal popu larity secured the support of ail the IS jrdor States Tnion men, and won chosen by a handsome rote. In last October ho was re-elected to the Thirty ninth Congress by nearly two thousand tn ijoi-ity. Mr. Colfax is now iu his forty -second year, and, from the direction of the political wind, will pro bably be re elected Speaker next session. " Hoi. Uevorarn YViu.lifiiKrton JiiIIiiu, f Indiana, was born in Centreville, Wayne county, Indiana, May o, 1S17. He received, like a large majority of onr public men, only a com bob school education. After concluding which Bt accepted the post of school-teacher, and eon. tinned In that position for over three years. Ho todi. d law and was admitted to the Indiana in If 40, at the age of 23. He was nominated and elected to the State Legislature in 184.5, was chosen delegate to the Bnffa.o Convention of 1818, and was the buuo year elected to the National Congress, which position he held from 181'J to 18 )1. In IS j he was nominated by the ritmburg (Freo Soil) Con tention for the post of Yicc-l'rosidcnt of tho United States on tho lame ticket as Hon. John V, Hale, United States Senator from New Hamp shire. This was a regular Abo'itiou ticket, and received In tho United States lo'',0 votes. Wa wonder if, on such a p'a form to-day, Hale and Jul an would nit h iv a slight increase cf mppurtcr. The first R 'pub- bean Convention, meeting at rituuiu', elected him its Vice-President. Ia I860 be was elected a R-prcseuUtivc to C jq greet from tho Fifth District of Indiana, serving during that term as member of the Coniinit'cos on Tnblic Lands and Fublic Expenditures. He was in 1802 elected to the Thirty-eighth Congress, and in October last by au luunensj majority was chosen to the Thirty-ninth. He is over forty seven years of age. tieurrrt Rolierl C. Jrli runic , of Ohio, was born in Franklin, Warren cwn'y, Ohio, on the 4th of October, He studied in Miami College, from which he graduated in 13.7. After having received his diploma In a ccepted the occupation of tutor iu his Airna Mater, which be he'd for nearly to jcars. At the a,'o of twcLty be commenced the study of the law, and In 1831 was cdmittcd to practise at the Ohio Gar, and opened his law otlleo at Dayton, Ohio. 1 1 a district elected him to be iu repress ututiro in the Etate Legislature in 1840, ami his popularity secured his re-election to th it position in 1812. Ia 181') he commenced his career in Congress, and wa contlnu.illy re-elected by his constituents for eight yerg, until 1831. Daring his continuance in the Ifou c he s.rvcJ on all the more Important committee-', and dating the Thirtieth Congress was appointed Chairman of the Committee ou Koads and Canals. On his retirement from Congress he as tendered and a'eepted the post of United Statrs While huldmg tills iiupoitaut position he proved him self as powerlul with the pen ai be has since shown hiruse'f to be with the sword, and ac quired no mean fame as a dlpl jiiiatisc. Mosto1 the South American treuu'es coutr i jied liy the Government were uegot uted by him. In fa't, President Fillmore ha 1 no e.iue to regret Ids ap pointment. In ISM he returned to his native land, aid from that time until the breaking out of the nr.;- eut Rebellion h is b en largely eng ig d in tho railroud business, in wuiJi he has proved hi mol. an active man of bueiucts, and possessed of ma -h energy. When the Rebels rose in arms a:;.iin.t t;ie tiov emment, Mr. Scheuek, reiniuiliul of tho trust which in foimer years that Government had re posed in him, protf red his services in such ca pacity as was deslraMe. His oiler was ae ;pted and a brigadier's commission was delivered hi:n. In 1802 he was promoted to major-general, und bis military career iu the Midd.e Department and elsewhere are well known to our readers, being still fresh In their minds. Iu lSi;2, at the October election, he defeated Clement L. Vallandiha n in the Third Ohio District as Repreneutativo to Congress. Il has served Willi honesty and fidelity as member and also as chairman of tho most Important committee of the house, that ou Military Affuirs. He has been, by a largely Iu creased majority, re-elected to the Thirty-ninth Congress. He is now in his lifiy-sixth year. Hon. '1'ttaildeua Klvu, the leader of the House of Representatives, was bora in Caledonia county, Vermont, on the 4th f April, 1793. He graduated at Dartmouth Col lege In 1814, and removed the same year to I'enn Jlvania, and there commenced his legal and professional career by studying law and support- himself by teaching in an academy at the tune. In 1816 he was admitted to the liar of Adaua uty,at the age of twenty-three. Iu 1833 he was elected to th tn i.r.....i, i.. t!tttleLegUiatnrC,lnawa, reiocte(, durlllgtue two succellng Ue WM the futUer of Connnon School .T.ten. thlg B and sold his constituenu that h, reason for their epposition to the plan was tUeit Ignorance. R By bis strenuous euoru he sutceej,,,! CBB(( Ing tha Leglelature to pass the proper bill, tta w bun should be flveu the praise for tha beaanu which ajlse therefrom, la 1837 and la 1811 he TTTE was attain cbonen legislator. Ia IMC he was ela ted a memt'er of the Convention lo revise the State CiiDstltnlion. Iu 18.18 ho was appolntod Canal Commissioner, which cilice he tilled with distinguished ability. In 1811 he removed from his home In Ad ims county to I.wcaster, where lie has flncn res di d. In ism he was chosen to represent Lancaster connty In the National Legis lature; ho was again elected to the TUirty secon rongre-. Alter a lnp-e of eight years of profe clonal suc-rc-", Ms old roiistr.U' ncy it ii i sent him to t"! tin n KcpiC-ci.t.Uive in S.iS, hin a lil ''I tiinc lie has b en coniin ially re i 1 ec t d to ih it lionnr i'i e po't. He ba-i never m i l j .my pr -'.ensions to oia'oriiMl p iwer-, 'nit as n bu-iness mernleT oi' lni,-nss . bns r.) c nl. Aft-r --vrviiKf on iiliiiost ad tin ii.iport.iut, he was uppoti ted in l.i2 to the m ist on.iro'is position, ol ( h.iir.i i of fio ( omi ni'- eon Ways and Means. In this itu I'i in he proved himself nil nbU !ln!.-ur. Most of the impo t m! i,i m-y hills have come from bis pen. 11-' is the, oldev. n.emtar of the Hon -e, i; in hi i 7 J I vei; an 1 is now una.iimoiif iy ulloweil t be iis le.ider. II ; h i- l,e n elect d to the Thirly-nitith C in ;re s. lfoi. .Ifltlll I.. llltWOll. of the Democratic vauc.i ', an I d m 1 ,re 1 by t lie New 'York Ttih'wr tote the mutest in tuber on the Dct.ioer nie side," was tiorn in I'liiontowu, Tin o'tceoiiiry , IVnu-y Ivani i, I e'iru iii 7, l.sll, w:is i (Inc ited and r idiin'ud from Wubliitoii Colleg-t, studied la v, and was ml n.ittcd to the liar of his n iti-o county. Iu IM3 l'lit-iiUnt Folk appoliited l.'m Unit;vl S-ifcs I is tiict Attorney for the Wes'.i in District of Fenn sylvniiia. lie lias always had the deserved repu tation of ability, and during his legil and Con- pro.'slonal career h is done mil-li to a l l to lm reputation. In l'iot) he was el. , ted to rcpn sen! bis vt.r.lco oiicres-ioinil Di-tre t, coiuposcd of lu lii'l i, njette, and Westmoreland, In tho .'12 I Congress. lie was re-elected to the it-id Congress, and served as Chairman of the Coinnil'.tee on Agriculture, In 18i'.2 he was nt'ain elected to Congress, and ii iter a rt inarkalilv bitter contest with Smith Fuller, F.s.., he lias been re-elected to tho Thirty-ninth Congribs. He holds the po-ition of I'll vu'inaii of the Ihiiio. r.uic Congnssioiial emeus, and re- leivul the votes of his colleagues for tho Speaker ship. lion iteiiiifn r;. i rmoii. ol New York, the Oovei nor elect of the Empire Stute, was born in Carroll, Ch nitau pie county, New York, received his education at Flcasa it Hill, and graduated at the Fred ini Aea demy, studied law and was admitted to the bar, but his professional career was merely nouiiual, as he dt voted oil his time to mercantile transactions. In 18 l.'l he was elected Supervisor of tho town of Carroll. He was chosen to the complimentary po-t ot Congressional Representative to lb: Thlrtv-third and Thirty-tiith C'jngrc-ses, and nvtd with ubility ou the Con; mi tee on l'riv.ite Land Claims. As a speaker he has no power, but his crty 1ms ness lite eminently titled him for the duties of committee business. He wan re-elected to the Thirty-sixth Cungress, and durini? this term served as Chairman of the Coniniitt 10 on Invalid Fin-loBS. In the Thivty-s venth Congress, to which he was elected by an immense majority, pioviii!; that his constituents properly appreci ated his devotion to their interests, he served in the capacity of Chairman of the C j.unittoj on Claims. 11c was again elected to the Thirty tlghth Congress. Hut his lab irs are appreciated not only by his coii'titueuts, but by all his l';l!ow citia ns of the Empire State. Iho gubernatorial nominating Republican Convention unanimously nominated him for the Gub. rnntorial Chair. Altera most spirited con test lie succeeded in defeating Hon. Horatio Scy inour running several thousand ahead of tin rest of bis ticket. His tine administrative ahilLies will soon be placed In a higher sphere, an 1 all his faculties seem especially adapted for the high position of Executive ol a commonwealth. Ilou. Milliniu l. liflley, one of Philadelphia's favorite sons and a'llcsi representatives, was born in this city iu the spri.r; ot 1814. He received a good, so id English edu cation, and commenced his bn-itiess career as proof-reader in a printing establishment. Abm dotiing this occupation, he bea no apprentice! lor stven years to a jewelry olKco. After h wl 1 attained bis freedom he removed to Huston, a 1 1 for four yiara pursued his trade iu th it citv. Duiii.g this time, however, he found time to dc voto to literary matters, and by this means ueiiuin d n moro finished c Juca ion. H. t trnlnj to his native city, he commenced the study of law, in 1811, at the age of twenty-seven. He mis eiiortly afterwards elected Judge of tho Court of Common Fleas of Philadelphia, in which position be di-played gn at legal cm litioii. In addhvon to many political speeches, a nuniTer el big literary uddicssus have been published. They display merit above mediocrity. lio was elected Kej resentative to the Thiity-seventti Con- puss from the Fourth Cougiessioual District of I'tnn-ylviitila, serving on the Committees 01 Indian AH'uirs aud F.-ipemlitures oa Pub!;; Auildings. After a sharp contest, he wis re elected lo the Thirty-eighth Courvsa, As an orator, be has no suierior lu the Keystone Suite. Hu has been again chosen ltejucscntative to the Thirty-ninth Congress. Jinn. llri,r.v Ytiiit.'r DuvIh, the most active friend and champion of Maryland ficcdoui, was bom in Annapolis, 1SI7 j liegril uated at II tinp len and S dney iJoilec, from il.icb he holds his .liiloma. lis has a.'.iulroi considerable icpiitalioii as an author, uu.l his voik, published in 1.S3J, cn'iiled "The War of Ormtiai UDd Ahi'ini:liii in trie N iiieteeiith (Je i luiy " has p rent pretentions of lib rary ability. Ue us e'ecti i! Iicue i nt it've to the i'hiri. -four b CotiHiess, aud iiiii'ii it all of his public e n - .r b is loiimd a great leputatini us au orator of m m.-aa a In oty. He was re-ele t. d to tbc T'hir'y-fif'h Congress, Vilien he encd an m uaoerof ilia Co.n uiiiee ou U'ajH anil Means. In liii he was elecced ro t iu Thirty -m th Congress, serving on the. .-a ue co n iii. I ir lim ing this term. In lSbii he is elect id to the 1 lm t v -t iftlitJi Cungress, mid lias revived the impoi tanl appointment of Chairnuo of the Coii.nntteo ou Fon igu ite'ations. !! IS il ho in en junction with li. I. il'ad", created met cib n.i i,t in ihe poln icnl world b isuiiM a r.iani-fc-to agnibst Mr. Lincoln. 11 ovever, no atier nard.s mpporiid the uoiUiuoca of the JJiilioioro Ci llllLll. II. His s niiiions e:;e: tiotis in favor of liee.lo n have at b nili l,ei n crooned w.tli sue -ess and to-ib.y be leiakes bis place in the National I. -g-s-luiuri. as a it. pr, seiitat ve of a lire Sine. His O.i,siiion to Mr. Lincoln has immured hispopu luiity.aiid bisrteeplion in onr Lincoln city w tj le t bo wann ns that he received u lew years since. He has beui re-elected to lue 1 liii ty-niutu t'cinjrets. Hun. Siiiiiue-I S. Cos, ofdhio, nas liorn In .anesville, in that Ktutn. He received a colli giate education, and received bis Uiph-uia from the ilrown l uiversity. tstudied law, and wi.s admitted to the bar. Combined with his professional legal career, be accepted the po-ition of editor, which ho tilled nun anility. Iu IKiO lie wus appointed Cnited States Secretary of Legation to Ihe i'cru Lmbassy. In ls jti he was eliceU from his native district to represent them inCotigress. He was re-elected totho Thny-sixth ( oneres,and apjiointed to thcptist of Cliuirmanof the Coniuiitite oil Revolutionary Claims, llais one of tlie agents of the Smithsonian Institute, which positiou is aUo held by Hon. Schuyler Colliix. As an author and traveler he has acquired con siilnable reputiition. His work of foreign travels entitled the "Hueksye Abroad," has Ikk-u read with interest by our whole literary population. Afiasr a sharp coutost he was re-elected to the Ttnrty. eighth Congress by over two buudred majority. He was aaiu a candidate in October last, but was delcattd by the Hon. fcamuel Kiiellabergcr the l iiion candidate. As a lecturer oo popular topics he is deemed most able and lias fieiiiieiitly been heard with pleasure by our citizens. His familiar touhriijuct is "(Sunset, and has great local popu larity. Hon. (Jeorice If. Pendleton, of Cincinnati, was born in that city, July 25, Ih'-'o. He studied law, and was admitted to tue Ohio bar. In 165 be was elected bute Senator, whlih position he filled with ability, and was re elected the next year. In lbob he was ehosi-u Hepressntative to Washington to the Tbirty-lifth Congros, and waa ro elected to the three sue cetduig Congresses. During the whole of bis Congressional career he bold the post of member of lbs Committee; on MdlUiry AH'mUnj. He bad DAILY FVENINfJ TEI.EOrtArn rniLAMXririA, TUKSDAY, X(yiijlJlEU 22. 1 n'wiiys borne tbo reputation of fne Intellectual acninri menu. He. was rs cloi ti:'! ti ttiii 1 hirtv eiKhth Congress. The DmnnxTHlie Na'.ioiml tD.l vei.ilon. iii etiugutCliic!, pl-n I hlin on noml natlenfortbo postol V lee-Fre'lJont. Iho fu'e of McClellim and Pendleion Is too recent to need ron nieiit from us. Mr. Fondleoin Is a (r-n'le.uaa and able lawTer, but Tiii t priti iplcs h '.vc eiiiised his polit e il ruin. Ifnn. I'rrnnttitn WoihI, wbs born In riillsdelpbia in ISI2. He commenced life, like infist ot our pub ic men, wiih no ir pnis- pe. ts; in his ca-e Ins im-ciiioioii v is a e.r 11. r. Id hututilc p .-rio.i he im rt.-.l bi 11--lt lo I'm ill ttie w. ral, and -oo.i -eur .1 th I osi'ion ' f rli ik in a cou.rm-.! bouie. s.i v.". alwiy - ntri r - 'i'.Is toieivr I h -1 1! t 1 I. c one o ihe .itti.rpii-.iui: me. ' ha. its mid slop o.vicisin the Ion plie C t y . lie. s c'. i-eo 11 r. 1 r. sent N--v Yot i i i f h" I'w .i,v--eo eiili t' 01 in v0. In ISil he .s u-'e.., M ivor o, tin' t i. ti ii, oli. (It 1,1s n on 1. is r 1H011 'h. re i ii.ii. h d.sst n-iini 11s 10 w i.ioi r !. w is .ioie or tan by. lie wis re eie ted, hn . -r, l lining u the iTI1II.1l 1 II ' 1 1 1 1"' ce of 1 p. i! I ' ica I . ir a 11 1-tloln-. 1 1 I'' .2 he w:i c e.',-,i a 'a n I.) Coili'.e-s, Wtl.ielle lll,-t -Mlisl.e,! Iii'lis.-ll bvleidoi ''IC lUta'lis oi ton .ti iii i ii I-, r 1 1 hi. He 1 an tor re cli 1 1 lou in N ivem '!, but ' n iliee.iie.l liy ttio l le.e ion i t W A . II iniilC, I '.-c, , Hie I lion ea I- ilni.ile. Whabver I oa.v be :ti.- opinion as to Ir. W'onO's polities, none deny tils .I'niitY an ti t. ctcct to tre Utiilly heir ot lum during th j nolo m:-ioii. Unit. Il inl' l AV-':-( r tieii-!i.:.s (lie thing man of the I'e nv Dem .".i i : p rty. Voimir, tsli nicil, iimI uns. h ; possesses ail ll.e leoiiiM i s lor success In tlie p iny wlio-e cuii-c be has t'rpoiised. lie was tiorn In Kiiim liu coumy, Indian. i, on ihe J'nh ol .s.'ptembe.-, 1 . .'S. lie was iilucHted n'ld re,, tved li s dipiooi a tr im the li ill ana AMury l'niver-iy in lM!i, C n. mt'lieid to trod law, and was udin.ttei to th ji.ilniiiii liar in IVi.. l'rvsi'Liu Hue i in m, in Is 36, ! ttir oiily si yen vcars' pi i tie.-, ap,ioini.-. him I niic.l Stalls DiS'rut Attorney lor In Hani, whn b Mice lie held for three vc us. In I M 3! he uiuiir i ok the ih fi use ol John K. Cook, tlie .l.ihu Drown llaipcr's Ferry rauhir, with wlitc suecess i knoivn to cur icioh is. In lHii'l he w.n elie,;.'d to the I hirt". Conirre-H, and Served with a'lili'.v on the Cinnuiit'c; of Klei-tions. Hi wis ir-i lecti d to the '1 liuty-cighth ih)ti!'re-s. 1) ariut nil h.s Coiir ressiomil career lie di-played greit natorical "powers, and bis "pee, hes, though wrong in sentmitnt, are nrtiiiily able. As a lecturer on geneial tonics bo holds unenviable n potation. Alter a contc-t ol great bitterness, be has been re-eecte l to tho Tuirty-niut a Cergrcts Hon. Jiiiiiris ltrnotit was born In Portland, Maine, on Nuvcmber 13, 1 H 1 1 1 . Whru oti ly eleven yeais old ho bacame ehik In a merchant's store. His lias b;cnan cventtul life. On a taiuin. Iho inioiu'd age of sixteen be became a sehool-tcuehcr, and after cot. tinning nt the tor sover il years, wh-oi of age graduated at the Wat.eivilio College. Ha has led a wandirii g life. His travels and o her literary productions posje, groat merit. Hi Utters, iltscriptive of his tour abroad, were eiierriy read by the public. In Ih'l.i ho wis elected to the Legislature of .Maine, and iu lsli ceinunneid the puble -ii m of ttie New York 7nni 1-Jjj. ic.vy. nf ivhich he has since been both editor and pr -pricier. In 1817 lie bicamo n member of tho New York Leeisl.iture, and in LSI!), and agiin in 18-31, was electi il to the Nn'ioniil Coii. russ, icrvbii; on the Committee on Fublic l ands. In Isii2hewis ii i. am sent to the Thirty-ilghth (.'on 'tress, whcie he ilis-inguisbed himself by a series of able financial and opposition speeches, lie has m-cu re-ciected ov r ttio Union c.ndid i , W E. Dodge, Es.p, by a small majority. Mr. Dodge, however, rol.tists. During the coining sus-iou we expect toliuir bis voice on tin uvurUtte of about threa two hjni' speeches per week. CORRECTED LIST OF IKE XXXiK C0N31E33. 111!.. MA A IK. I AI.irOIINlA. . MIKSOL'IU Jiniiis A. MeUmiallW7 .lobll It. lliiiiilcrsou.Ms'U J iihn i iiniiiss' lh.;i 11. iiraix Urn V ii" H ii CON.Shl TU ill. i M.W HAVIlMillilK La'antte 8. Foster ,li I'linn l Clara .Imiic- 1'ixiin ls'ili Annul II. i ntnii... 11LAWARK. i NKVAOA. lieo. lieml U;(liliet.. -1',;,J ( !'' el -e'l (lo elicl) 18'ii ( lo eavl) H.IIMIIH. NKW JiaiMKV. Lmi nn Irunil uh. ...Is'.' William rt'r.gliit. .. (To e.eed 1H.1 (lo elect; . .. IMIIAtiA. I KW YOIIK. lluiry S. lonn lKii" Ira lla.ris llais. A. Hi mill. ks. 16ia Ldrtiu I). Simian. IOWA. I Dili. . .Tanu. llurlnii Ittl Jnl.ll Shm-ma , 117 InU Vs. J IS, t 1"..7 Pii'J .Vl.',7 ,1HU Jnines S . Cr,ini...lh71 lieii.liiniii Wade. KHSFJIH. OIlKOON. Hsinuel (:. 1 umeroj.l',7 .lames W. Ne-m iht. IS 17 ,1H71 (lo e'.ecl . 1BV t William, KI NTIJl KY. Cnriett Iiiivih) .. . . (lo elect) I.OI'IHIANA. 1!. K. uler. C. fuull. MAI.SK. I ..( M. Merrill. . ! KIINNKSOIA. ...1,7 A!"xntnler Ituiii ev..!'..! . . . 171 ( lo o re) Hil ' I'KN ,H, l. A.N1A, I'd-'ilr l uwau. js ,7 j bus. 1(. I'ui-a!et!!ls;.i 1 llilooi; ihi.ami. neiii H tllittin rii .1 -no."-. . . .1 .ni'il il'iirylt Anlhon.,..lHil ( 1 .) Heel MAHAIIIti-HlS. Vt.HMO.NT. buries t-uiui.e. If-1' Jacob ( iiilauier. ., . Is 17 ('toe eet Is 1 1 .-so 01110 11 I not lse I MAIlYI.A.Nll. Vs Kt.1' VIIIOIMA. Thniiii s ll. 11 eks 1Si)7 l'eterii.Vau V uiWie'.bCi il. veuh Jnhiisi,nt...li5.j Imni'l isa MM'IIIOAN. WI"l-ONHN. Zaehariidi ('.l Tiiniiili', 11. Ilnv. . .1siI7 110 elect) ioil . lames It. ilsi.ibilk. . HMJ l ln'uiiiidB, Kl; tl inner its, 9. ikihsl of iii.:i'r.i-si..vrvnvij fitlt. Anme. Put. Xutnr. M A INK, UAItl'LANI). I 11. Mji.iiiloa ,'h l. 2. ll. II. Webster,' K. 11. ( liur oi IC. I'll- Ins, U. 4. I r .ueis I liuiua.s, tt. 6. l'.oiij. ii. il irrn, 1). ILLINOIS. 1. Juhu l-. entworih, K. 2. .1. K. .'m-ns,vurta,B it H. K. L. Mas.i uruo, it. 4. A bait 1. . Haimus, K 0. r.taui C ingcr.oii, it. (I. 1. 11. ton . l ook, It. V. ll. 1-. il. ilromwell, It. H. Slie'hy M. Cuiluill, ,(. U. I.CIV.S VI Ko's, ) l'i. Alillliltiy I'.ionit in, I). II. aui. n. AlaiBliiiil, 1J. II Jehu lt.ik. i-, li. J A. J. Kuyaemlull. It. 11. ( t large.) .suinucl W. M.111, ton, K. IMII A VA 1. Win. 1',. Niblick, f) I '. neir, it. li. Kill,. 11 .Hit, It. 4. Jo, in il. !ai'uhar. It. 1 .Inlin l.ymli, it. 2. Sli ncy 1 4-1 Iih ilk, R. il .lunies I. Hum e K. 4 .1. In. II. Itiee , It. r. 1. .. , .. ..k A ll j MAI BA I 'IIUHK'I TH. j 1. '1 holm n ll t. iu , It. i. Dukes All es It. I 8. Alexander l.ltice,K. 4. hkliiui-l I1001 er, it. o' Joim 11. Al.e, It. Ii' "'','1 W oi-eb, It. 7. h. I'.uutAe.i, U H, .li.lin l. l.ul.lw o.,- K. V. ll in It U u-h.iii,,,M: lU. lieiny L. I limes," It yki.mont. I. l,.e,It 2. .lu nu is. jioir 1.. a. tj. 1'uraiH Iwixn-i , 11. xxw YOIIK. 1. HKphen i abo,, Jl. 2, i u.os to it. imc, 1. H. .Ins. tililiiplnuy, K. 4. Mi.ifini .Junes, l , fi. Ne sun I in bir, J. b. li i.iy .I.lia. 7. .1. W. ( hauler, ll. 1 11. 1 .en. o , Jul, an il. Kiien.-zer iinin ,ii, It. H. P. Ill 11. lit. la. 11. Hi. lb. IV. IH. 111. III. n. U. :i. Lb. n. i.K. .Ian is l..i o..f,"ll '. u ii . A . liar Iok, It. Win. builliird,' 1). I II. o iiiliclu, i. Jul. ii A hcici.uni. H. 1..1W. .N. Ill.l.beil, il I Iims, l.uuuveui , 1. Julili A.I.i.mvimI It . i ,r umln Kei nw.,i, u , i a l u I nu bui.:,ll , ,luii mM Ai i v ii, i.. li. it. .is liiml arl, A. II. I i.ll li, K. I. n-cue I uiii.i.ue, U I., ii. J tmllius 1 . lluvis, v IV . i li(-,l..U . i nlliei u ,,t Jluicci .ilurrl.-, K. (,. . luaehl.iss, l(. W mil, It. I. ii v, , I liarl, It. buit 'un Jluiu, 11, .1. Jil liun iiliii y, l. II. Hli Aern.uii, It. MOV jia.Kl v. .ti-hn I' . urr, R. . M 1 1,1011 A iseiied, li. I l.ui is ilj'leiivc.--, II. A .IllCkSllll Itli-I-B, I. 1 . l. iv . V 00, llci 1 . s. I,,,,l s. ti. oi,1 ii. V. hroavl'-r 1 ', (. In. Jo- nn il. 11 f, ,-., it. II. llios. . n.illcv.l, li. 0:110. 1. Il. llj. K ',-es.),. It. 2. I.U....1 P. Iia: ii. il li , I. I . ,.:;, It. 1 Iv 111 Lwvren.'e, it, fi. I-1101. 1 . 1.1 o und, 1 1. 1; 1..-I..-. ; V . ( ei.i., li. 7. t- and. Haei... na, re . B. .1 on, - il. il.inij 1;. f Is 14 pii I I n -k un 1, li. HI. .I. llies ..I. A...I e, II. II. Hem-,- S. liuild , It. 1. V III. 1". i n.' , i. lit. I 'iiainihlla I) auau. K, 1 1. .Main.. Iv'e.k.-r, it. I.',. !...!. A . 1 L.11 . li. In. auiili A 11 n.'h on, It. 17. K 1 . V. K.-.,. ev.- li. Ia. is iliis i'. mlll,u, .t. 1-.I. J:..-. A. a ,ie 11, -1:. Idll-IIIOAN 1. F. I . be 011.111, It. M. liarlcs Id.s.m,' II. ii J. vv . 1..111 iveur It. 1. 1 li.nuus W . jv-.-li'V, it. 6. b. I-.. I li. ti. Jullll 1. DliggS" 11. IOWA. 1, J ones r'. vl ilsnn," It. 2 Hinlin I'rle , li. U. Wui. II. Aid-mil, It. 4 JihiuIi It. liriiiu. il, ,i. 5. John A. Kiissiiu,4, It. 0, A. W. lluubaid, ll. WIKCUMHIN. 1. II. 11. 1 a, nn, it. 2 IMiaiuar C. hlnan, 11. U. Aiiuu-u Cuub, It. 4 C. A. Kluriib-'O. I. 6. rhilelus .-sawyer. It. (1. W. It. jleliiilua, ii. MIHSOllllI. 1. Job 11 lloi'iiu, 1). 2. Henry J'. Ibuiv K. 8. iuiiliiss K. Noe I, ii. 4 hump. 11. Itoyd, It. t. Jus. W. Met lurx, It. li. Itob, I . Van lloru, it. 7. bciij. F. lAiau, li. 8. Julia K. 1m iijsiiiIii, It, il. Ovu- W. Anileltfou, It. MVAI'A. 1. 11.(1. VVorlliiiiL'loo, It. I'ALllSillNIA. 1. I). C. Meltacr, It. 2. Wni. llighy, it. 8. Juhu lliilwell, 11. OltNOO.N. 6. lain i ll. V. ll rih.,i 1'1.X.SSYI.VAMA. hum', J. 1 u1.11.1ll, lb I l.uriei, U'.Ne ll K. Li in aid Myers. li . iiliuin 1 k. l ey, It ui 1 in K. 'i liuvii, U. II. iluik ey Hun 1, l. 1 John M. broouiul., it. ' hi u'iu K.Ancuiia, 1' : Ihuuui-us toUjvi.'i., li. ilyer Mn.use,t 1. l'lllllll JllllllHIUI. I. lit ( Inn lea llenisoli 1. IU. Ulysses Meicnr, it. 14. f.n.rie F. Miller, li. 1& A. J. iiluHsireuiier,l). 111. William It.houniz, li. 17. AL'111 A. lluikei, It. 15. Mi ph,ii K. Mil-, iii.K. It. (.I111111 W . hiutieid,i:. in. i ri.on 1 u ver. It. 11. Join L. Luwsuii,i 1). i'J. J. K. ..ii.iiil.uail, It. 'i'A. 'ibuuius Wil taiiiri. It. 'il Oeo V. Lawruuce, It. III'.LAWAHK. 1. Juiiu A. N.cliiilsun, V. wir vim. IMA. EUcuU iluue lieuiiieaiis MlM.ISOTA. I 1. Win. 1, It. i. I point, liimuelly, It 1 HAneAa. 1. Hiilnev t lurke. It. 1. J. II.D.Ueudei-sun, II. Keiubncaiii, lai ix-mocrata, Hi, iuiliruliw rv-4.leelul. 1 unleniid Ijr VI u.l.liM K. DonoK, Reptiblicaii. tt iiiiteHti-d by Fihhku, lUipttb iuau. Ill onteiieii bv Smith Ii'iti.lkh, ltepiibliuaii. iCviiU-sled by liisvif I). WuiiLaa, Kopubll tau. lie Klalrs ft to elect and the probable political OiiUtpitiXiuu ot tbtir Uclegatioua, aro as loilow. : Acp. Jmih. New llampal ire i lihuilb Isianei 3 Counee.leul 8 1 k-iltUivkr l 12 6 Hbou'd tbese eabiuales prove enrrocl tbe Ilnuo will liu t, (I nu Keplib iraua ti 41 1 leiuocraUt. Ilia prtH-nt llotiM) baa li ilejiilWlCUMi to VI F(UitTI!';BriiON i w- I POWDER EXPLOSION AT NEWBURC. 1 ,. i i sti:, N. Y , November 22.-Ni.urly all th. In ihlings in 'nis e iy were violently -hnken to-1 ay by an i illusion. A pat. h irom F bk.ll tat'i that the pow le. toil- ti.x or s-x mill s back of Newburj li ive 1 1 . n liliovn up. 'o ;..i tie ila-s have yet bo."i receive J. s;:i omi l i Ni w ip sou, New Yo k, November 22. At 7 o', lm k this mornin? the packing house connected v i'.'i smith X I'nnd's power mills, .1' miles west i.l , New! nrg, was hiovn tip. Mr. Smith, a workman, win) bad entered ti n building tKc mii.ntes be ore the exnl-sion, va the only person lolled. 1 he 1 uilil ng c a.ta ii- 1 ah 'i. threfl to;p i; dir. 1 he '.ut-c "I the cxpl" uon Ii . . n. I ruin l.t I ni ii (. .:;. aiNi'iix.i; oi i i.m s n isv -ri. F .,., tUe Hi ,ii,.iia .'n.'io'e, S iv.l l. l's-sinn 'sou the tiain from rciincssee, who arrived at II, idol on th- lib, s iy th M ijor looic, of ( icru ral a icuan's e i r.iu i:id, h 1 1 g it lithli d tl.e enemy ut M.irntun and e ip'tircl a In. in of e;,rs. Idip led wl h e.iiiiniissa.'y stores, .vlii h he ilis iojc I. II" al-o eapi li" I a w ai'.i i tr i 'i, coin i -ting of nine w igons, and kill-jj thirteen and catituieil a paity of the en"iny, ; neral lireeliiiiri.lge has issueu a prjclatn Ui-m giiintitig complete pr iteetion to those E 1st le i-nis-reiius who mav wish to Ii? 1 ivn tluir ii' ins nu I b.-conie peaceable and ipret :ito. on. GINEFAL GBANT IH NEW Y03.K. ItU IC iiil.liir( r-s u( tin Aitur linns' I iilliusliisiii lor Itic l.ti'iilieiirtii' lliiln ou (he. City 4'iii-h lie I -:n Atsin lor the I rilnt, f Ac. ' The complimentary serenade to Oovernur Fen ton at the Astor House, on a'urday cvenl 11; last, as before reported, was 11 mo-: lu:eres'.'.n ai.d 1 nthusiastic atVair. Ono of the chief reasons was that an unexpected, but at tiie same time very pkti-aiit surprise, was iu s'.ore for tho friends of Governor 1- cnton, who had assembled iu large numbers. It soon became known in th"! hotel that Lion tcnar.t-tU in nil (Irani had arrival In tho city and taken up his quarters in thu Astor House. Great anxiety was cNprcssed by all present to fee the Oi -ntral-in-Cliief of Iho ArmieB of the 1'nited States, und as the news sprcid fio.n lip to lip the crowd ineiea-ed in proportion. The n,uici:iincs indulged in all kinds of suppositions and imaginative suggestions as to tho pur pose of such a sudden visit from so distinguished HLd I111) orin-it a pcrsoiiiijtc. (some th lurjht t'mt bis pr ( nee in the city related to business with Goieinor Ftnton ; but as this rea.-o-i did not ece.11 sa isfiictory, other visuacres .suggested that he bad come 10 prepare the way tor n new dra'.t. Nobody could come to a conclusion about it that would fatisfy anjbody ilse. The s lenade took p'aeo In the lnrgo dining i-aloon of the hotel, wlneli was decorated In line iv lo in l.onor of the occasion. At the Uirthur end ot Ihe room Irom the entrance, and just in the rmr of ihe reports rs'iuulcs, 11 dais was erected, ou vtbieh two chairs were placed, lleforo the Gov ernor elect made bis appearance, one of the Lieu ti uuUt-Gi ucral s aids came lo u,e reporters, and ttati d that it was ihcue ire of Uemral (ir.uit that no mention should be made through the nows pi icrs ol bis piesinee iu tke ciiy, for roisous of lusiimi, To gratify a great number of gentle men who bad expressed their Ucsiio to see tho General, be would n.-enmpany tuo Governor elect into the room nnd hear tlie music of til", baid. The aid addid that If the press do-i ed to mention that Guncm! Giant had ooen iu the city tin v could do bo on 1 ucsuay (tins) morning;. The n nien'iitativis of the vaiious morning ! papers published on Sunduy then promised to I 1 11, 11 all allusions to tho matter, and this is the least n why the public were not on Sauday I moridtig (ji ciiali- i--,;i,mctl ot (ti0 f.lCt. 1 atioul 11 o'clock the band arrived and marched into tho room playing the popular air, "iiuliy Itoimu the Flag." lu a la minutes ! l'l-i.tou and G Graut entered and pioecidid to ihe dais ulready meii'.ioncJ. Iho wiuile e. iii any, which eoiiip!e;c'y tilled the ro nu, ut tin e broke out into loud cheers for 0.- tut. Thoewuie lepiaied over and over a0'.iiu. Tlio il.iloi-iasui ias iuuniiise. Men took ell tin ii nuts mid waved tiiem, cheer ii g lusti.y. The ladies, of wnora tlioro Wsrj a goidly number pre cm, were le-s d 'ni'insi.r.i'iv.', but waved their bandkei liiels wub a good will. Ihe Li. uteuaut General h.viug s b.JlSi.f bisi.te the Governor elect. Gunera Si ekpn undo spicih, ibc liiiuu ( Oiulsul which wc puhiishcd oa Siiucuv mo iling. Govern r Fenton followed, amid applause, .nnl pl cged New York to be faithful 10 thu wuolu coniiiry tmrii.g the war. Loud calls were iben made for General Gran' ; but he bid not st em disposed to speak. Tho piopl-. however, shouted all tho more for bi n. At lei. gtb be had a ipnet conference with son ot the gentlemen pruxcut, when it was rosuived thai Geueial Mckles should respond for him. G. neral Sickli a dtu so brtell.. , aud ill his usual clL-i liva stj le. .Subjoined is a report of bis ro mnrks : (ji.Mi.iHbS Lieu tenant-General Grant desires me to tt auk i on lor tnis enthu-iastie welconni. He must postione a future occasion the ph us.iic of uiJdrcfidug you, icldiug, us he dies, to a reset vv un posed by Ins olllcial responsibilities, Ihe propriety of which von will appreciate. You will 1, giee, 1 11111 sure, that if any nun cau ullord to ie silent it is General Grant ; his deeds speak lor Iniii deeds ni ne ci.11par.ut tuau the words of at.y imnor. (Apiduiisi ). 1 he sovereign "then, being de-iroas of getting u f oi J In, k ut 111'' chiel, propoicd that be sli nii.l I rise. I Ins ttiu ouneriii iiiiineuia i iy uiu, ami ; bo '.vi d ihric or foi.r '.ices to all part of tha and - ence. lleiiupoii there mre new cheers for Grant - three tuns three, un I ttiieu mire. 'I he m i. -niulo then w. ni ou in the u-ual w iy. Ce11r.1l irant set lor some tliue listening to the In un 1 tut airs phiyed by ihe baud. Near hid eh lir sniod a Mr him . looi, ,ng boy, apparently full of lilc and Inn, and -aliwiiL intccii years of uge, uu lcr M 01 1 to be the son of Geuer.ll Giant. The j out km, r s. cnc'd litebly delighted at the honors wi n b iv 1 re I1111; bis father. aftor (ii i.enii r-ir.l.lis' s,,c. c, responding for General Gl'iii-, tl.e 1 einciiUi.i 1 ieticral uiose and retired. 1 he only visit ttie ieneral made on tSuudiy was to the luinilv ol Colonel W. S. Uillyer, one ol Ins old stall. ts 'Mi after taking bis seal iuoiid id the 1'eurlU uveiiue 1 in s u lady got in who wis uiieiec tii obtain a -u' The General immediately inse Mo! ;;,ii 1 cr hi-, vhilu a allaat New s:it Bto'idlv ii. theirs. A Hi l.tlLltiall y csi , tnkl i:ie ciin. ui t .r ' : l! a he.ix, itr ri.ii icl.reil it "vci.v : till, I 11 1'l nleo tin: :-t ilc: .i. who knew 1 wis aboard. The latter v very facetious, In fact, od," "a magniiiceut sell," nent to others. Anotlnr ciitlcin at HI. Illl" ; iai'1 be lilc' . Iii.ll veil, iiinl lb ' re't-inblaM'.: betAi eo Grant us ln.tvf c ii' bum ini. dei-v isli ! iii tbe ear ironmi need It 'ieiieial (iraut iaiiuia'.e.y 'ure was about as nincu ibis person" and ( nry Ward Beecber and a Willie at the resilience of Colonel llillyer, it bfeaino hnown that the hieutcnaiit-tleiiural of the Annies of the I'niled .States was there, and unite n ihiotig of neiijhborinK citizens paid their re.-iec;s iu peison. lie returned to tho Astor House in a elot,e iiin-iiij-'O at half past '2 o'clock. AIM' lU'iiotiiing bis precious Irebtht, tho jolly ilr.vcr bis IriiUiis the following toast: "Here's lo meself, jlcnui. Counelly, the bicuo-t muuin Auiull.y but one; I've driven tuo l.iou ti unnt-tieneral of the I'ni'ed Slates, aud its more tlmn lliibbv ever did." The l.ieuteuaiit-Geiural, wc lrarn, also made a visit to Liiutttiimt-Cieutrnl Winficld tscoit. Hi) wus a'coiiipuiilcd by att lil t. Tbe toLieutn:an!-(iciieral8ol the United Mates uriales had a short but must intercs'ing cunfmrcc. V btn (ieneral Grant was about to tal.t liis departure, General Scott aroso, took a cijiy of bit auti.bioeiaiiby, which baa just bten published, and wroio on tbe lly-leat : l ioui the oldest to tho ablest General in the W(,rld. WiNFihLO Neon. This hepresented to Liciitenant-Goneial Grant. Ko coniiucrit is needed on mcb u coinpliiiicnt. Ytsterday morning General Grant breakfasted in a quiet manlier with Colonel llillyer, at his in l'iltteuth street. Aficr breakfait the Colonel had a carrinse in readiness to take the General to tbe Astor House. Tbe I.ieutenaut-Geuoial, however, refused to ride, aud walktd all tbe way to tbe Astor House, and we do not think ho wus recotfuited by any pei son ou the way. , . . Tbe present is tbe first visit General Grant has made to New York city sinco bo passed through here rn route boiue from California, ten years uto, after be bad resumed bis commission as lieutenant ill the 4th lulautrv. Tbe Lieutenant General left for 1'hilailelpbla at two o'clock yostcrduy attciuoon. .V. r. ihrM. FutTun Statps DisTRiCt fiii iir Judge Cad WRlader. Al I). Dike v. Bbenn, llansmnn tm Co. An action lo reeover on a promissory note, ltefore reiiorted. Varrtiet for defendant. District Court Judge Sharswood. John fii gan nnd C'luirles Msec, cxe utors of James Mnrhy, deceased, vs. Oeorge T. Illspbam, d niiint tiiilor of Juscph Tucker, deeeK"d. A . i. fa. Mir. mortgsge. No defense. Verdi t for pliiinilll for jfi.ltil .11. ,li s,ph It. lliiek vs. Amanda Coleman '. a). An aition of i je. tmen:. Verdft for plamtitf. All xiu del It l'li'iro rl. ol. vs Charles s. hi k. A ii-iimii d is-ne to trst the validity ol a i'l linent ci i. luted I y lb niv S Inniilt to Charles oui -k, lee ih ll'lldilllt On II I ll. 1.. li It Curtis Co.. vs. Vvre und Lindell. A n at lion to r-'enver on book ce.ouit fir ireods m d und delivered, lb b use, thaf detend int sold tl u Mime i barai "r of foods to ot icr p une-, not- I'hst indiiig their as-ur ni.'O t i def.oi l inn thaf. tin y could i in e nought cbenoer. Verdi 't tor plaint Ills si'MH -'0, l eiir lli.rris vs. Simnel W. Mo ri--. An a.-tion on a H-reiKii jnd"uient. Ni itulen-e. crdc lor plaimill ? 7s- Ivklcv W. rt'-ari.s vs. sumo. S.:nie cftise of nc'ion. No de'en-e. Vi 'ill i tor p1 loititt c, 711. I iiln at d A. 1 'nitivi djvs. shp e. A 'lion 011 tor i :n i 11 . 1 i.-ii 111, No delense. Verdict lor plamtitf I '11. Ci, in 01 Common Ft i:s-IuiIlc Lu ll m The Court was ea,g gi d th.s 111 .r.nog wuh the v seen,. neons euiiient ii-t. Cm in 111 Common I'l cam Judge Allison. Wiih. 11 vs. Ilaidin. Atiigmd i-sne, to tot the v.d diiy of the will of William Hardin, deceased. I'.. i,ie're '.rted. '.' he evidence iu "rs c .se closed on i.oth -ines e-teid ay. II. 11. lirews'er, 1. :., tin n inhire-M il tin' court, and jury, in tavor of tn validity of the wid. Tins inorni eg Henry M. I'e, ki rt, En., w.n speaking on the other 1,1.10. A DisniuKii Suor Dtm. Ibis niornin Corotnr Taylor comrncneid an iti'iue-t iu the ease of William Cavanaugii, aged thirty rive yiars, sin enlltrd soldier, who was -hot la-t nb'bt while n'H lnptiiig to de-i i t. The doc used, 1 1 ti a 'quad of oilier soldiers from Camp Ca 1 wa aeer, v.8- mil, und. r a guard, to liio I'enn silvania hailtoad 1), pot, 'I liirtu lb nnd Market Btr el ', having been ordi red West. While march ing along the streets, throe of the number broke in u run, nmoi k tin in Cavntiaiich. Ihe guard leliaim d Iroiii tiring at tbc deserters for fear of shooting sunn asstr-by. Cnvan lUgb, al ter an (M itiug eliiise, was r.ij t ureii ; the other two milking tlu lr escape, 1'pon aniving at the depot, the dec. asid wab lied bis chance ami again broke and ran. ibis time the guard were ordered to lite. A ball from one of the muskets took ell act ubovc ihe hip, passing completely through Ihe body, and causing almost in-taut death. The, hoity nn" removed to the Twenty-fourth Ward Stniiun House, while the soldiers went on thoir way. DiioniiKiiiY Hoi sr. About 10 o'clock last night the police made a descent on a difoi derly home, known as tho "Marlinvillc," located 011 l'oilit House load, First Waul, and took Into cus tody six piTsor.s, tlnee males ami tbreo females, Susan Hall, the ullrgcd proprietress, was among Ibc 1 .umber. The house is a n-sort for low char acters, and-it Is alleged tljat young girls are bar ton d lure. The w hole parly were luken before Alilermnn l.ut. this nn ruing and held to answer, F.xri.ssiiK Tiiikvini;. This morning four t oys, whose ages range from f urteen to sixteen years, were arraigned before Alderman l.ut. upon tl.e charge of breaking Into and robbing lie tht ears on the Ilnltimoie Railroad. Tins -yntim ot thieving has become ipiiiu extensive of lute 1 11 all 0111 raiiioads, and is generally indulged in by sin ill boys. Koccuily one of the cars at Ilroad and Ft line streels was broken iii'o and a lot of eiotliing belongii.g to sume auuthern iciiigces wus stolen. lli iisTi;ii. The water main on Twcuiy-scc ond ilrect, betwe n Wood and Vine, burstcd this, caii'ing nn exc iva'ion of earth along the line nf the I'nasenger railway to an extent of lome twi Ive feet. Hit iriNO ins Mt i.i:s. George Renner, a mule driver, was arrests d ut Juniper and M uket streets j cstenli.y, for cruelty. He had ehnrge of a freight i ar, nnd wus cngageu in showing his brutality upon tbc dumb annuals placid under his care, lie was held to answer by Alderman Jones. Sai.b op Rem. instate, Stocks, Frc. Tho following teal estate, e'e., were sold at auction to-dny, at the Flliladt'.phia Kxchange, by M. Tbfinias A Sons : iKsi lire Anijydaluld Minim Co.. of Utt.Lan, par tel. :k. b 7 sl.are s Peiiitm .ilk Nntl. nal Bsnk. tH"'j. s nlmies r rsnv lm 1 Ire Inniriince I u., I'.ce. I u si arts li-liumi? MuHi-l lii-urune,. c'u.. i.l. 1 ,i,.!. I'diiit an i r Park ah Mi.alinn. t-t .a. .'i. sl Ani iiiriiril f ire .aiinv l'.i.. Pr '.' ..',. i:Ur'.- J.oitai.nle Jalasry, J.IU ttji bj Ju,u: j, lsigi, t . 1 - i1 a s) oi,,- l l,me u lill. l.uiubcraiid Minei al Cniil,. .ny, Vol itny.i c ill 1 . I'S . S'.'S, I s,Hre I'nlll.lH lltfal Unlet l o., SIC. lis ,1 tties A.ocurA .Minion C. ni.ny of'ltcliii.'aTi, ?'l. It' si Hlfi It.-soltile jauuTiK l',.a.udnv ol llieiiu-au. ht t . 1 v o-ht T) I'.i'-K ilweliuo, u. '.-' M J..ICS st., i, to 111,,... H,i' In let ibve:. in;. IS t-t.lft st. .V. 'I hrii.-n,rv r, .No. I il'i Ircl) r re, t, $1 l.'',, 'l. Ti.i.S st' iv ilxel li k. Ph. Ml H. st-venlli lln-et, lliJ 1 In, eot'iry Jwi-lliin, Xd 1 1:, N 8iMe. ntli itr-ct, l s,S I. 71 leo lu.i y Jwollins, Nn. 1 17 N tsl, c,it'i k r . t,f I s",0. 1 i-itc- niuyilwHiiiiK. o. IW N. Nit-cnii, irsiHiS. 'Iiir.e ktuiy aweliiutf, Vo. l'l X. SixKeiiui strtet, tdiv.A l.utnry Aiel mill pr-Tnriy, run, il -t,eet, IiL' f'r..nt Ml. et si il I lei Tcaiiluw u Kesd.uo tud. V. Bi'-stuly reiiiteniSs, No. li d H. T i.irleeulli tn.ot til ...II. 'I lirei'-slery itweilliie, li mill., l-Il street, fti'rsl. '1 1 ne-sii.ry aw el liny,,d..lili iiruet, nor ih of Wane, lb 'I'. lliiei tirii-k nii.l two I'raiue Dn i-lllncH. Tiu.-il sir-."!, be tw en 1'iittti't mil lirneu streets, ..doe, t u j, le.'iiu, $ sjj suit fs u. I . i el lireun.l, 1w ,-tity flfcenil V,itJ, I'ua. t stt.ahlt 1 roti rty. Twe,:ly ic-itsl .til, t It, O, 2J HTJUIj A Kce. 713 snd 715 H. TENTH STREET, Ilave'jnst rareled f,t,i,i the Aoctiutl Sties of la ,t ve-k in Kaw V mk n lars'r lot nf Dr-'sB li-olu, Ol'.Ol-, .I'.J I'asil muni, an 1 wbl nal lliom al love- frier i tiun Ihey La,.? Iniii eifaie.1 any ran tills semoa. I !( II KKI PPI.IS. I IIK. I1 t:MIHKISs ( I.OI II I'OIM.. KI1) I'lU.M II .ilI..lltM)t-.-s. ititii im.aii) loi'uirs. it K ii n.Aii) ( i.ui iis. ft-I HI. M It ll KI ..N-SI CLOTH'S. h-4 I Ntil.IKH IIKIIIMIICS, tf,-4, " irllisi'.-,0. ci km;i.i-sii if:aiOi:ti,s i-r,, uoi-t',yi. D.i iii Gooitt. all sra.ks iiS ..ilaits, a: .is laiv t r;, cs as miv in il.e c!t . hand:ome SILK3. A lAltoi; ASSUItlMLNC CT ALL K:NI,S. 1C1I!R ANTlQl T's, (. (lliPKl) I Al l' l-.l A, l'Oll. I)K FOIKS, H.AIN A N 1 J l liA lU U SIi.KS. at nearly ai Ii vv j.r con when iliere w is iv la.jj. pr,- CRT AT EAE.3A1IU U S1UWLS. l.'dti I'lttiikt-t sii.twih. to u 8-at a; a In u .1 i'.' U-i - AU rr're.':. from S7 tj $13, as Jfisv as tl ey wer sole 1 1-1 .vjiil.i-. It a s It. n . er, 'r, i,.,,, I ni,,,, u -.v-r. (.TM. H ll lir-. n r'llee l! il. li id Ol 1-1.'. M',1 liltaieili l.ill.-, U.ll.,1 l'!t,l,.l,.i! ..lie.,.' l'i. s ,o -Il.tfl. I l.f j. mi- i m t run I e bum! In tin i itv. rrl c-. 1 v. J Jl'Nll NEW HAHiii:, FUR STOK E, Ni r.1", AUC1I LSTllKKT. The tbove rt re-lfnlly In form till patronn. and tlie pub lic In (.'t-neials that he has uow opeiud at the aboe atore an unuitntU of Ir.dies,' and Children's Fancy Furs, V l lth, ft r variety and iinallty, cannot Is suimii. d tr uny t ot ii- in tl e t'liLel Slates. lHiiit; Ihe minu'actiirtr in' nil I. Is t'trs, and havini; imported all hit etock when (,-clawai much lower than at tlie preseat rates, be can cl er Hani to 1. Is putrons at tlie mo.t reaianiiLlt- prices. Al l, t I'ltH made to onler, and repairing done In tl.e le i maimer and latest Mjki. I IEN11Y IIAHKE, Importer and Manufacturer (F LAMl t- ASI) ClllLOHEN'S FUS3, Xo, air abco btiiext A TON .- tor l.arns Nut Coal. 1U a Tra lar Btove and Heater Coal, a r AXTEK'S COAL YItH, M.V1H atreai :,!), n. aanii'iea at Hraacn (ltnee. 11 1 lu kUIU auS ItritlBU 0AHIK. WDLLH, Ho. 43C WALNUT STREET. rhilntif'li'blit. Novfmhcr, Ih, 1HI. nndnUn 4 p aniliorltd to n limit it) nuibr fir h Arc of .in o i (.'nr.jurn wl. f jji'.j':r rutiniT n O M't'fli, Vi-nan(.-o cr'iniy, rnujlvnt nn-l in t clivM tr. lo ol f value to Miij i,K'n tJir z-i' 1 He vrti.n di . ) t and proflU' itv" . 1, it nu ifi4 tj- Binrtnt;, svc-ira tn tt, rt.o k;,4,)ilsii h viltn l oi Th:ti ptrcent. pr Mi nih. aiiu th' ( h on.ftn; ilnj. Mi ion to t) prJii'-irK li-y h wt all - t In'w t la IUi.n c n lu iLi rrs-d. ) ... - ' i' fl-i l ipriifni, am.1 i.cral nf tiim nearly mm ilH"l. 1 hcra i to m ,lo f.-r an .nal iuinhr n wrth nuon tt- .'nf p i-r'j'. lh. Ctmipiiiy own, al i. o if '. p 1 prop, rty in iiltii r. y l o' hr. M'tr-i, u: 1 ivMri tl ) tf Bil k-UK r;tl r 1. tr ti i h tvii.i,' b ' a fr vici'd t" r i'i' p .rni Huch .in iit'irini'liy o' Mat' Trv 'i' 'w r , a ,. k r:.; If. s' CU i I- ii'l fr .in .j n.i I iuj-llou oi" lis pi-.i iti. rn ft', ml. 1 . r lurt'.fr 1 . 1). Hi INi.OTH, r hir.i.i' . .r ,.i te "- f i i. ' t . 'to T. s r. m. Jl It- O. H. IH'Nll M. () 11 MINIMI, COAL, AM) Ullll II MiW i (,M l' xil.M. W'c :ire -rr,iir,l tn I'.r-esti e,v -r ( oi at i-ios v: I ii 11 tl.e t,.,ki thf y r iilrv, at it . in: . i lii.-t ipiAl Iv. All 11,le' , ',l,i.,n,:. AtKM.-ri.A K 'Kill I 'I .A I I S ul si'. 'k. I.l I Hi H m veil Hi dn 11. I I'AN-f KK III), Ik .mnKits oi' i ii A.ssKt'.i;. HTIU'K l.l'.H'lt It . s n ii ii i.r i n il n i sci.J. p i i.i s r i ti crpintAt, si'., k. I'.lli.k) its' I KfTV I l-IM I.Ii a ' iii r or h m.i n lUVItulMI H'J.'K. MO "I t W , Il,fti r,s',k Manuf i, lu tiff and SUt..,il.-a 11. IS ll .. I .' I'llKINt'T Sir. t THE EU-bILL FARM" OIL COMPANY, M O Wt CI1K1K, VKNAN(H) CO., VA. M M 1 A I iT7 V ,000. Ill IV JUolAM) Mi Allies 01' KACil. Hk' ii Kirrio.s yhi:: v:.v) Ptit siivkr. Sj.iO(H. ttl'-HRUVnil TOIl WOIIKINO C'ATIT T . J V. t--rhK H , Pr.i.tii nt. UlHKC'IOItH : J ll V. P11V'.I)Y. J. W VUIIO! TKiX, iii MA a fiot'i r, i Mihit l i;uhi:k, ,., iy HO'.Vi.K. f-AMl M. P. I KIt.ii 1., s-. rt vrj hth) Trc imirnr. 1 iT'T'-! iwin' Ui l!i . ompi n oimiiii of Ons 11'iiion .1 nn. I Kut' A r-s in (V i i n c. ol v.iUirt'tt1 Lntrt- AMU (Hi Liintl, ititutf on Hm. i t rcei, jftont two unl-'i rr 111 it hmu' h, fin t. cmpiu's nfi I rfUtii ertek, Yen t"-i.iin , 'a 'I i.t . "'ity hf fifn il "lti l vlrw to (ft viln iilil U fiill. ii ii'iMii i"s i)ii rvitnJe.i ai- naf .i J on :i hkh t t ih" i-f 'i-k " '-r tin-' 'l'liFlif.T 'u'i, w hirh. t-ii'tn'r it ii t) a liirv uni'iiii. : m' Hit or llM't.m linl. tilvfs I Mi nUti- ai! .Pii.u c- for lril! " .- lr,- imrnhcr . ('il WciIh. Ai Ip i t in.- HiPirlrfd WhH .-iti I n-tt(i yliij'l" r. in Tmiui, fimirir-.i me ', miJ Div.-ili'ut. A .Ki'll vr c i in: v l iu, el- iT (i '. Itliilt H.- tciiiiliut ii iniii) i.i.) l: aia i, at urn I nwd j. rti.l u:in . Vi'llh OH (lie T'-'k l -l'tu it. 'I I iti oil orr.iiti"'! in thi rp'"l. it t)i l ibrlrtMn . Ml, wlii. -it .1 in pri.e on- Im.itlrcd jor i-i'iii. 'JO'.d oil or iil uiu it uiom' in 'N'tuuml. lt. I'ninp.nn cun tr a-n h i rv nne hy par'l 'i n ihliinif to -stiilv "w 'l". r'.MTM. r rr-nn nn.'.fniirri i 'ni" tisit ni iiio ul ot''p"iii' to i!i-ti nii.uiiy in l.'ii.'n-lft. i i'l) r ri'rim. fr. in th ir .v:i wt-llh, tlu-pj U-iut: a itt. V'j Hiiitn.ii'i'.'y ti Im i it i' r 'to', i p'M ni's. li ii.Iim rn . tnfv.' :hi ut i t t- IH'1 iovithI vrH in tl. b-t ) don .vi 'i n'.' i Tii" tiUo to the pr-iinir-.y U j prlfcr ai il 1.' "1 ini'lliiil''t'. Hulii.ii)iiii Ji.oka ai ii iw i .11 .it ttie .-ittl.-e ot' ri:miM: ro , S. Tlllltl) Sire. 11- -l.t JJUKKAED OIL COMPANY. CVl'ITAI. 00,00.), 100,000 fc?iarcB-lS5 l'iii Value, TtiP rt'M.iw!ntr K f.itri tnl uom the Plula-l'lii i tlttln-r' of Hi-pMnlKr 17, W4, prior lo tho ortfftui-u:H'ii of tkl'I NKAKI) OIL t.-o vltWNY : - "On alum ,l ailth-- (trormi In ilns-a CVintyt'ie la linve already lieil with a vl'wto oxpIor.vijn the rufll oil; ainl on nrif, particular y, th Utinhard'i, tho d vc oinni'iitii tittv te d oi'lli' tnoit an-jonru'InK rtiariiiVT. Iheftlllorof the Waiyii'-hbnri; (Pa ) 'Mt Hst'inMi,' in m frrriBK tha anivct, a ;ar fill pirnomil inii vi jn of Oie region atul Uic oj la'.luns Uia. .rc now tukiiii pl.t :u tlu'rr, snva: " -We an- Wevly cn'.vioi. 'h m. '.aoiiai -nu v Dint l'K-.ihly will h? found io om, .4t !, in t!i oxtunt ot us Oil prodii 'ilon, with tl.e Vi-ruu-to distriot, while in the purity, iT-'ivfty, ai.d valm- of t ;e ia acknowledK'M o he tnilt ilnttely Mir"rl'T. Our chux i.-tioiis on thia an V ' are h i-e! upon ie:ui. Know Ivdp and ob-crvati m of b 'h niiioun. nnd of fh-' jTokix-i -n,! inrinrtttoiiH and nirt i- ludi- cnt'oin. ve are xritn',o i n mat e uvt oiunw In tht"n tavoiahle linitreeions aud aiuiirl". Hcl. niific men and en'rii;mfd and pracli O 1 r.itnra concur In tii m, and .ire Inviting lirmra ly of their own nuani, and dire tinp tho ttt'iilon of capital ut ro tlu-promi-lng chardrtiT of the niink.ird cU'itry. A Ira'l c ral IotkC oompanic hive b-:ni oiani.ed In PitturK and tbe Kat, whloh will oon ooinnieuoe opiTatiom on ai. f xtcndvo ica'iO. li. the ui aui'me, individual energy and Ioch eut( iprlfe are doiiih' niu:ii to devl'p ihut fivorcd locality. Xew- derricks eprlng up every ft w day, and t ,e piotefNof ilnkiiist wt-ili on in maay luntuiict'i witliOut Interruption, nlnht or day,' " I.ookd open lor ulo of STOCK ut tbc Count. n: lltJIlfiC uf A. E. rKAUOKCDS & 00., No. d:i MAKKKT Street. A. II. KliiKCIMJI'sl, WILLIAM II. IlOOn, 8(-c. 11 li l.'b Prssi."iit. piTTKII I'lICi jVTVI UOsiTON 1'UrRH.KI M COMi'ASV. C'ipital, 1400,000-Par, S15 Per Share, f-uii-snurrioN nucK, 2v0 rv.n siiAnK, 01t 1U1.L l'AlO 8 tO K A-st) JiO I'l-KTllKB ADisKMSUKNIt. Tl.e pr-,j,ei1y rf tl.l . Ceo.i..vr,v convl-ts of tbc foi.ev. Inj altiab.e l'KK SIMl'I.K Terr ito y, .M't.fclve ltah!d-, VtliH ytuiiK cow a and Ut'rlj' ih PTIOl'Li'IN't hed. Nt I Ab.,11' ,'snftnyl A' res ,,n Olierry Tiec Ititii in l'KK HMI'fL.l.oiia'.n land lUllK-eiittusnl KILIY IViil.l.s. 'I li,s l,ni:,,rv is t . l i.i i. ell I'eti- uii U nii.. ny tllnt-s lain, i iinoili new, belt, .tied 111 pari by Itie e, le I raud Sl . t ariii. sle. Ale. No 'I Li a-e pt.ielual . Ill' tears) on Wah. M Clllil.H-li illl i i, ... - at, u . . ,,11 ii, t. -,t.,y t al.iable, ilo .v ni-,- and ,uu p lit- vt, lis ,,l ur .mil j-,., a. vv na i'mi' i !o Lis- M el, aisiui 'to barr.-l. p.-r tliiv. taM'sli. 1,. ' 1 inn. Un" t'nm(,niy imn lie l lil'I.t V,u.a,lii, ilt.ele-t in ItiiJ vtell,el.6lll.:, ia:,ks. tl' r. I, No 4. ''ali:',,r.a sell, Vo . 1,' on I 111 I'rei-f . tltns n 'Km I. el, all rta.lj lo r-.-lniic Tliti vt ell Ims liovved 1-sj lioni i I" r ci, v V.. b. "t'aiaeriila Wetl.Ko "en nil -rc.'K,'liiwii neui-ly .M e le l. i.o. ti I.onse p-sri-etuit (till lean) on aeiosOll' reef. till l,.il, e i), unlink li e nl, ,se -A, lis, -tMlti till, i'11-li..rie ell In,.. I'ti'lb cl'-ril, iis, etli III.' b tl-es, .c-j. N.,. V I ta-e eeri.t IimI t'l'i vein si .in '.'.'. aeres Oil fr n' I i ,'t. feaitl III o,:.- is e.i d... n .on led, ouc s.iarler iiitorsst i vv ..t I, i in in ml. we, 1 a. .1 1. a.sit. lltULiSa.M- sli.vl.-KH l l-'-tf If V KI) 1'tilt tVi.lili IMi " AIM f l ll. i.-r to i- is. i sni.-t t.i; :..n are n..w op. n at onr t l-ee l I li-s ,- I ..niv ; Vsl.eii llio slotls lo be I-i; c-,-,i on llie re.-ii'tir Ites'oa an I I'!. II eicijit ii s.., i. Lea. e.s as a . - v i i i,it il -l,i.-i nl -1 nv in r i in. r'lt'.l.i . is,, lillMVl, lsl.ll il is esp, -,: I tile't-a Will It,!',.,.-) d ai ii-. All inrti e.' Inf nn illou, pi', . , a i In-, leaiet ,1 of Hie l.! lied 1'1'e Blimll e ipi-al of Illl. 1 enii'Miy, wl.ti lilt- a 'eal la-ve lllle,, hiu.t'' ll a Uvul ae ai H II'IU'.i llive.linellt. II. S. LKK.'tl, I ori.alial' IlnlldiUKS, WAI.NI T below I IHKI), I'lillailt lpnirt A-tiii-y, IKONAIll) at MANI.I.l, K.8 llFAVrit .Slleel, New- York Aa-vln-y. HI'LMLLh, Y IL A dc I'O., Ilaukeis, 11 Ki Iloslou Auency. pHTllOLEUM OIL STOCK THE UNDliHSltiNKJJ HAS I OK SALE, and will pay particular attention to the fiirdiaie of all the detirabls aad regular dividend-paying PETROLEUM STOCKS, Buc-h as ths KOHLF. AXD DELAM ATstR, DALZEXL, ilcfLUKNY, -ycCLlNIOCKVILLE.orrtilladelplila, and UUiMAKlA, aiiillUAlE, and KMCKEKUUCblCB, of kew Voik. JOHN PONUIK, Vo. US PIlsE STKELT, Boo6. lCM-lm JNawYork. K3f CITY THEASLRER'S OFFICE, N0 ,vt' veseber S, lKn4. Tho fauiphlrt I.awa lor llie U.t aeeiton cau be aad al ILIi uilics, J1EN ItV HUM SI, Ll 4 Cay sr. I f)ll W. s-l ll . ,V. MlJVM 1 n ti t I LALbAKIU UULiJJIAL 1 Jv.t. lT 1 J) lAlt A? COI TH, TNK1.V liNA. J 'A IN IN iHf. HKKA4T. nnr 1 111KN T OOSUMA. J ION, Prrpar- d by JOB!? "W. f IMC3, Jr., Clipmist, . 1- . V 1 si 1'iiMi IMi M li; r a'-r.Ki:r 1 ,r L- m. n- ... : sad -p.r. l"K .s 11 1 latiulm It H (I W H AM'I-IiYSI'EFTI'J I0WD2R, 't i , r." , !.! . r. - ti st 1 1 , ' a -o-c-iini; .. -mipUtnt nvsi'F.rsi . i,- . I i s- ! i-i. t ne Ii Ii ,,!e I liuir it.iC.i r- 1. 1. II 1 !TH1 LY VFOLl'AIM.F.. I M l' Mil 11 ONI V IIY 1 !U, I ir.illCK I'.UOWN, 1 rn.k-:il ai.4 uilst, '. r. O r. I 1' 1 II AMi I MltSNt r fiTS., l'l,IU0i-l,h;, 11- I An-' r r s iic piii'-vln'i r- nrs'.i?. J)' V, A IMS, KI ,JMNI-;SS.AM) C Al ARRH. -J. iaa 4, M. I , Pr' . .- r i t trm l,v and I w, t f i-At" 'ill iH"-t- 1 i tttil'ili lO tr.s i,..v! uifiilw w I'll . 1, .. .,.i...t n -, .-. Vif-tm ma:- tunti h m m rithtd .. ii oi-sj i i th-' - itv run t n hi tuit'-". No. All PINK hu tt. T'iM' l 'sti I'sv-'iiMv invitt-il ( i- -ymnny V'-L t':. 1 i li-' hut m ft' itic u hi.i iirutlis.'. 10 tf H V. A L 1 11, II L A L T U, AXD Bt a i ri". If to tMi nTTl-Inc r : i to MHi.r In v it . ill 1ulw( ll Ui Or tl f.NfKllllTlif f. '1MT. I nt'ilf, (ln in a:i hrtii; Hk WTTl I- to ha re ft nodi r i"; irritln ; Ii 'T Ife to in.. e .'m i ; II with h' .b-h-.m h r li a n.Httiie tnr h n irad V,ai ti! If o IU thrwui-rr1 aiifl tfn, rm)iin: ii a Iouk It to nf a litr oi I'-rtc; If to di and ki to (? ta.'f -UtkLTn If yr n 'ih a life or plffinrj ; It uu vaiur Mph f'H!d " irnimrra; . f oinfoit yo would .w, TU u.y fch lee, si ad winta ait ihre. Thn, halnsi Rfai'n, Wealth. and flanty. Tmu li l i 'Harel fr wveiy duty. 1 . . ; i .'rtivil o: It, ft I I.I.I a M VOl'Sr.-fi Nw It. - v. llir, MAHKiAOi: til.lDK. whu:h KOuItt t6 Tfttd b fvi on- S-rll by l;..ol M"M k im-allv, and at Ui j ' i-i.r a cnne, i Di nutf. mitiur.ii jint m ci nta. na-r C A M A K I T A N ' N CURE. O HAMAltlTAN'8 11 UK. SAMAIll TAN M ci in;. HA VI A KI I AN l l i.l;. fl.l MAM l AN H I I I.K. M .IMS 8 I'I'KK. VAMAIIir.lN'S) I'lllB. as h i i: ui;. hamahii an h i i k, K M A l.'l 1' INS I lib. Tp'Ot ii.ris an.l lulu tor li..a..rih'e.i. Alet, Htrktaiv. Ac. Ct.r.a In all caa.-s ill tvvu to au (lllTI. I rist ! ii l emlts l, mill. Ill Oil' A CO., Sole Acnt. t IWARITAN S I'll It K. HAM Mil I AN st l l It K. HaMAHI I AS -l 11 UK. f-SMVItllAN M I -It KB. AM tll.r - N l I'l'liK. H A l A It I Ta M s (" Hi:. sAMAIilTAN 1 criin. is vi Aitl l'A S t l HI-'.. S.1VI Altl I AN S I CKf.. Is A l A III IA S S III IK. T1IB OliPAT Sl'l.l IH,; Kill! HKOHKT DISEASE) .-- niiiial vi entoie-s, l ii.n.irrl;, . ii. i ; lm, ,l , Feeti Ir.i ..iilalni AiJ'lUi.aiul vmU cms lu Iruul two us. ttin h. I'rle sjj II is hIsii c.-rtairt tn rf storr tono ninl povor Ut tliowwt are ,i. Inliiaoal by ex. c-i or uuy oilier ean-o, an.1 ft rsi.T" all lo lull vlt'or o-y.iitli. win ii llio rib. an ml n ut, oat Lite injection. Iu llieiu case-., one I'Ul UiriiSlitus a ilitv. (isiul Ij mallj C. riliCK It IMF. Pmivrletor, ito. '.'. ', 1' ut oiikoa. P'.c Aftntl, mutr ,t ID,, Kn.S li y. kCUNLs);i. F-t noe ami a: i HAM AR1T N S ( t'I!E. IS M All I TAN'S tl III',. SAMAIllTAsi S criit. NAVAfclTaN H L'I I III,. samaio i a v s 1 1 nt;. S M IKITAS l t ' It li. fi , V AHI TAN M CI hK. t-AMMtir iN M t.'LIIK. SAWAHII AN ('bill-;. is iv .itiXAjj ; ( i" i.i;. vVF I'E Fi'.'i'tn. is) him" riRTtioonD - KVItl 1' liK llll'ORd, RVKi'P l)K lll.'Dltl). I-YI.I I' 1)1, lilL' IKIl IsVKL'l' HE UI'iOKI). sni i' li; i.ii;ii!.n. i-viii p nte unioiiu. Slllf UK Ulllllil). tsYltI'1" I IB Illl III HI). Sl llt V lit: UF "III) HYHI:P l ItlOOItU. SYlil T PR Itl('olll). Ill l' UK. KI OKI). ISYHI P UK HtCnlil). (S) KI V lK IMCillD. M ill P LE Kir-lltll. UriiiT te mo ml). hYKitr. nr. Riorvitn. IS) lit V I.t. tiU'.JHII. ISYIII 1' IB RIIKIKIK !-v l.l-l' lt. IIK'Oltll. ISYIil T UK KI "Oltl. HYKI 1' UK HU Olin. is Ki t' I.K HH'Ultll. A c-rt ' in enri-f r it: lerms of v.-neieiil liLeasiia Used in tlie Kino,"aii Hosiiliati, aad llto anuiua tUroiigtlout laii-'l' and Aius-ne. I ns pr pai tlieii lias na ennui as an of this f'.rtu ol lisease. anil streins'li'-iiB ti.r eonsiitiiil,nt Kencralt. II will cure alt H n.v, H.i v,'a. 'I'eiler., r any eni'iUoiii, nv) uiaoor fiaiiu nliat cauu or buvv laj auatl T.lcc tl per W; lie. C. rHICK ItOSIR. rrop-letoi ". S .1" A;-i t. HYOIT I'O. n.,' .iijenia, lilniT a Co. ( "it: Agents, IiYiiTT L'O. So. 23SN, SI, ION I) Si met. (ient tuaiiv adilrest. aiiao-tiiih aia Th7 J. S. HOSE'S OOLllKS PILLS. I ' I p lo liu. ierl .IfeOiuh M iiav -ti i n hiilnlniitaa I b l'esin,s, A.'it' iiuijm) t, r,s, .v.-, lor me euro ol lalliimot ihV..u.l anil iei.eia. t-Di liy, fflnoli uimiu e..ii rrive lullli'-ovs, ll" nol il.jui l ilts, ho.-.onr l.r. l.'o.e a iatlem, li.,v reen usl k men atsiir,btlei Thef I'lirn ins flcitleii I Ills, aial :ly i.l) am aps-rloct ,-uiel.j- tlie ne cf onlv a few b-sea. Lor llieHeoin iMiinu ,'ne Ik x b svorih a hnn.l ril Atil' tnloal sitl,p triers. Irl. e.'si ' pii.s i.T bit bus AfsU.e, 1 o'l'T A (l,. Jfo. I.ii S. sHONii n.ieet. 10 l-tuilielia '1 II E SAMARITAN c u i an nr. m i n i) o : JtLV,lt l-Al'St ia i-t ui.: HOK- NOT X sI'slKATRI l ist'LLDY IN ACT10KI VO niXNt.i! Of 1)1 K I' 1K.JI lltt.llt HOl-.-s NOT IM Klill- Hi: WITH IILsinkIsSI'IKSI'ITSI CAN IIC l SKI) wmiOLl' DKl'KiJTlOii I ril-' Mateor l-'emale. t.nt t y uiaU lo any addioaa. C. PRIi'R HOslR, Hex jii'i; P'.it oni.-o. S, I Al el-, UYOI T At I 'O.. U' I in!.- lot Ko. 2fl2 H. SKOtlNP Htreet. fiiisinKLiNK. I COASrWI-K si ,, AYIsillf I'OMPANYH M.W KBKIiiHT LINE Kilt Nf.IV YOIIK, am. i nin-1 tiiu lor ail Nortliein autt Eastern cities and .iwln I--t . su Una et ery '1 1'L-si.AY , Till USDAY, VM StTfRntV, f.ont the Conpaov a ivlnirf. nr.-1 atntvc Kitee sli, et, and Nf, Yoiiv, I.out I'u-r 11, JNoltlt Kiver, on aatue days, at I' M . I or I'O'liih', wiileli will be received dully, haiKlled In tha mo-', ran i n i,,u.iiit r, a' tl ilell. urc-ti vsitU too Kteale.l del !i, a: la:r r tl s, ai. Iy 10 WILLIAM J. TAYLOK CO., i -lfl lm No. - 0 Mil h VA iiarves. 4ft?t 'fcAM "Wl.l.ULY TO LlVKtt- nV'lirl:'i9to pfs.l I o it i-ltl 1 1 1: et i.itit-t listen n, Cork Harbor. -I i . ,.-j,,. own so-iniieri ol tde l.bnrio,il, New York, and l'li,,i..t..),id Kieuioiltip 4 oumaiiy aro Inuindod ts laa i l.ill'iw : (1IX ul LiililiON. ialurdy, K ivember W, J'.I'N I. -an. i.l .i. li. ieiiilii-ra. LIU ' 111 Illl. K ., in, lat . Ilt et-lillser M an ic-ooctiiiii saiuiday, ca o,.on, front Flor Na t r A l-V -! "t J Kr"l - A ' 1 K PaVABI.II IS Ct'KilKJfOT. !'n -i t'.-.i, n tlen iO Sieiisie .10 ii st I' lo L noon 17,1 ul tsiieru je t ) l.iiinloa... as-ud Mrst t'i,i. u to I'.trii.. LSI Ml rtt, i ia.-. lu Paris !. in i list (-., in to Hani ir fe-l-si-il 6le. r. ye lo U.iinbirn, 7l.tAI li-. oi. -n. ul.-o i.iiw'trde.l lo llrmaeu, lUi teriljin, Antw tr). ..., at equally low rates. I .ir,- ir. in i.n,.i.,K. or yaecii.towii: Flrit CaWn, i J I.", i, ITo, e.'i'l hi.rave fioin Liveipool a;,d v'tieuits , i, vi:i,v . l b. i.e w ho v, i.h to send lor Uaur liluas oaa s h:, II, , . I. I.. . rMt, a. p itn nn luiciiuuUon api ly al Ihe Company's nftices. 1' ,101. S I). DAI.K, Aeein, K Ko. Ill WAJ.NI. 1 ttlioel, 1'uliaJclphla. af(f frS. BOSTON ANT rillLADEI.rillA 3a Ttir itf Rlvamsliin lone, sailing from each port oa Is.. 1 1 Uii.TVH. Rom Crst whan alioie I'INE hlreol.LMIe delpiiia. m.d Long YA hitrf, Iloslou, From nnt wharf above IMNK Htreei.on Hatuidav, Nov ember ti. ItsH. T lie- 'tei.lnlltili ii HUMAN, I'.aker, will kail roni 1'hladol phln ti.r lloiion, on Satnrilay. Novc-nibc-r 'ill. at 10 A. At., ami the iteitiurhlp H.WON, Mntttiewa. troai llo.tou k)f f ooi' t.B laioe ouy, at ( l . ai. . j llitie new ana .ui.siaituai so aiiisi.ips lorra a retftuar 1 1 lire, t,aiblig fioin each port puiH niullj id Halnrtiaya. IniuiHiH-ia eirectid al one-aalt Uic oruiatuu(Uia.gtdom Sale vessels. I I reli 1. 1 taken at fair ratea. fi hii.peii are nnne.ic-d U) send 6'Jp Becelpts and Bills 1 I.adaiL' weih ttielr eo.idii. ; lor 1 lMhl or LaM0 (having fna aeeoramodntlons) j api.lylo IU-.MIY WINSi.K i:o., J jat-lf Mo.Soih. LlLlAWAhJS Aeanao. ll FOR UVliRPOOOL, TITl'Sill AV " .V-s, . , MtMihs. Moven. n. 1 ,e llrllnh aliln I'HII AI.EI VIII A. Captain 0. r. rooi,i v 1 sail lor the aboie port ou the llli Sioveatuer. (iteeiage Siilu turieni y. juoMAS mcnARnso, co., 10-2S Ko. lul WALK V T Sueot, -fT KOR NEW YORK. DE8PATCH: "a-st"1 uift.r lanes, na Uelawar aiUt- 1 1,. .i.i.n t aual. 1 he sieamera of these lines are loaviut; dally al 1 o clock ai ., ana o oevo a. w -a above Walnut street. . . ... I 'or freifbt, svtiicai win bo taken M aoeomraodattiw . Uriueapia toWllXlAat St. BAAiUJ A 00.. Aio. iX? , ' L)tLAltK Aiauue ( lIADINO RAILROAD. FOR THE CON. 1 A V vcineneo of soldien aud others vlilllna "ituip 1I I charge." near Mining Mill, a lal Biinaay piisaanu'-r 1 liam wil run he-ween I'laladelphia and I'tievulxvllle uiell fnrlher aotl.-e. eonnuenclng Hunday, Moveinber 14. l)Sii leavlug fhiiad'-lphia alS A. M and 1'Un f. M., and rot urn lug rroio i-iiuiiiIaviIMi at lu,aua il-.ICiP. M..aioppiut at all taiiom. O. A Jilt iil.LH, I Jl-li Lil Oeuerul luperfuteaduit. i 0