T1TE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. riilLaVDELFIIIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1801. rring telegraph a daixt UTi'iouow ar.wit'irf.B. OFFICE No. 103 sTthIRD STREET. frxm Tn aai 'aCorT, a Lmii'aiiC--a l'a W" toU a,rtar. and aaaliril lo Hnli-:rlbra at af ata Cr al Iixam Pin A-.ii t-ii , oxi UuLi.aa aec nniwniwrio KnTHa.tuvailaklrln aitranca a im p anlaraal. Mwrt"' aaaartaal at tli aaual rntaa. A liberal aaada - exWndHI laaartloaa. TfESDAV, NOVEMBER 12, IS.. 4. . THK I1 TV or TIIK MOt R Ik-for Uie election the Democratic paper en deavorfd to frighten rotors Into tlHr rink by iMrrting that if Mr. Lincoln wj) re elected there would be another draft. This WM great bugiiboj with them, and they hoped to gain thousand of rotes to McCi.kl lAK bjr promulgating the onscrtlon. Wed) sot recollect that it was thought worthy of denial by the Republican prest, for If the dr.'t became necessary It would certaiuly have to be mde but the fact that the D -raocrats urged Uus an argument n ilnst Mr. Lin col ireut to prove that In rase McClkli.as vu chosen Prenldent there woulJ lie no mnru need of men; in other words, he would on.l the war Just aa the K-beU desired by an acknowledgment of their indopeiiilunec. Now the people of the free (States, by an Immense majority. Imve sustained Mr. Lis coiVb Administration. They exhibit a de termination to put down the Rebellion. The lign to tinnilstakable. It Is the eabl'uhed rtsolre, carefully made, to end this war by bringing tho RelieU to nubrai&iloa to the Na tional Government. To carry out such a determination, it becomes Ihe Xoit'.i and West to keep up rccruLing. Notwltliitnii Jing the Fresideut'a last call for troops may be tilled, or nearly ao, there should be no relaxing of our efforts to m'uc and furnish men to till the vacancies in our rauks caused by the casual ties of war. Unleas this Is done, every day will, irora battle and disease, see our armies weakened. There ought to be a continual accession of recruits to all the armies now In the field. If this was kept up there would never be any occasion for a draft. TTe are on the eve of a great :r.i I terrlMe campaign. It is hoped that it miy result In I victory to our arms. It may be a decisive one ; it may close the strife; but t'w next onflbt may only obtain a certain result, which it shall require other efforts to render conclusive, Letus, now that we have show ii our un alterable resolution to conquer the Rebels, I use every means to furnish the Government ... , ., , ... . ... , 1 with men ready at hand, without waitin g for I our citizens lend their aid to the g.iod causu. ' BE K UOOD 'lir.i:K!" The experiences of the last four years have taught the American people never to ba elated by victory nor cast down by defeat. When, at the commencement of tlio contest, the fatal battle of Bull Run occurred, the whole North was thrown almost into utter despair; to-day a dozen Bull Runs could not terrify the loyal heart they would only urotine it to greater exertion. They might sadden, but they would not dishearten ; they might cause loyal tears, but not a waver In the determination to crush the Rebellion at all hazards. But we need not anticipate any more Bull Runs, nor Ball's Bluffs, nor Big Bethels. The day of defeat, thank God I we believe, is past. The epoch of victory Is now to begin, aud ere long the aun of freedom will shine upon a land baptized Indeed In blood, but yet rejuve nated by this very bloody baptism. The glorious new from Suf.rmAk (for the Richmond papers by their terror cause usjoy) and the reliable Intelligence of the most cheer ing nature from Chant the Irresistible anJ Shebidan the conquering, all mark a new era In the progress of the strife. We have now a trio of ablo, cautious, aud fortune favored generals, and beneath their command, and following the old flag, victory will h:re after perch upon our banners. A few more blows, eharp, short., and decisive, and we may disband our armies, and the long-absent vete rans be again received to the arms of loved ones who have so much missed them. The Rebels acknowledge that they have "robbed the cradle and the grave," nnd the army once scattered, to reorganize another will ba Im possible. Ere long the South will be covered vi ith flying traitors aud followed by triumph ant Americans. Wherever they mike a stand there will the Unionist rally. But let us once turn the scale, and every power of nature will conspire to oatie the destruction ol the Government whose corner stone was slavery. The slaves w ill possess lb. lsnde of their oppressors ; the poor whiles ihe conscripts will desert, und in turn be victors over the uutocratM who lead them like siieep to the slaughter, ami the expeulivesnnd Rebel k uators and generals of to-day w ill call upon ti e mountains nud rocks to cover the u ami bide them from the vengeance of an outraged humanity. One more efliiil of loyal men nnd the strlft v ill be forever ended. You h;iv-; tile hydro of liebdlioii by the tin-nut, the l'ythou is ithiu your pow ur ; you only Imvc tn Imitate Apollo, and by one deeld 'd hi j,v to sever U10 kcrr-cnt's head. It may struggle, It may wrl'he, It may like Froteus assume a thousand forms, It may be fire, or words, or lions or lambs, It may be antl slavery or pro-slavery, determined or repent ant, mind It not ! like Arlstajus hold Brmly on to the cha'n? by which you have eneir -ld It, never relax, never be moved by Us tears or terrified by its linger, and Iu a short tinvj U will assume Its own form, and on Its kT?"s pray for mercy and sue for paidou. If It ftlletnpts to escape through ita d If It threatens foreign Intervention, I'ke the soldiers in i'unsf, when attacked by "Mililbioihel-b," hold up tho cross, shout Freedom, Freedom! Union, Union! and it v.111 succumb. Then we will have a peaeo worth all tbe blood, and tieasurc, and tears, which it has cot the nation. A peace with true union, with love, wlih lib.rty. No: the Democratic peace, one sued for by loyal mn of traitors, vtho would at the flrst opportunity like atfuiu una cause another war, but a lon. a happy, and great, good, aud rigtiuous pence, and one to which we may point with pride to our grandilJldivii, and ay when asked the caue ol the war of 1 801 und its result, "It w is caused by the ambition of slavery, and resulted In the triumph of Union, Liberty, aud L'MY. : urkat wrtr. Nature has been very impartial In the dis tribution of her favors. Over every land she. seatters her Messlnps with perfeet ?')iati'. y. The tropics, afflicted with miasmatic diseases and fatal serpent. Ii blessed with a salubrity of temperature anil a fertility of aoll whleh act as a roiiiiM-nsalion for fevers and scorpions. The sterile soli of the frinid Tone is rone 1 liat"d for by the vomI shoals of fish whieh annually resort to its unpropitlotis shores, The barren rock-covered counties of the western portloncf ourMate counterbilance.hv tlio'r oil and mineral w ealth, the fertile fields of ' tbenter and Montgomery. Rut upon some sec- tions Nature lm been more than lavish. I'Vrtll- I It y of soil, healthiness of climate, and richness of mineral stores we occasionally Ilnd combined, and when thus united they form a site where ! men love to congregate. The western part of our country Is thus j particularly blessed. Arlaont is thus fivored above all the mighty prairies of the land of the sctt'ng sun. Hich In silver, productive In ' soil, and salubrious in climate, the attraction it exerts is (elt even in the hlghlj civilized capitals of the old world. From the huts of the German peasant, from the hovels of the ' Hussis n serf, from the Ice-built dens of the i Norweclan.and from the manufacturing towns of old England, come their Inhabitants to try their fortunes in the Kl Dorado of the West ern World. The history of Arizona is interesting. As curly as 1087 the Jesuit priests, led by the de sire tor the conversion or tho benlgh'.ed Indians, and also with a longing for the "illthy lucre" which was so thickly scattered thro.igli the mountain gorges of the unexplored West, settled tho land now known as Arizona, the silver bearing. In 1".77 the Jesuits presented a nvtp oftli -ir towns to the King of (Spain, mid we iln 1 by relcrenee that more than forty towns nnd vil lages were laid down on that chart. Mmy of these were of considerable sie. The In li .ins, however, alter sull'eriug n long ser'es of brutal oppressions, rose, nnd Joining with the trib s who had never been subdued, drove out or nuwsaercd their oppressors. A superior civi lization disappeared before their devastating career, aud to-day a few almost obliterated ruins alone attest the site where once the enter prising Euiopean worked and died. Hut civi lized man will risk his lifo for the hope ofgiiu, nud again are tho fertile prairies of Arizoici peopled with a race never to be ejected from their homes. Its population has so lai'.dy increased as to render a territorial organiza tion necessary, and we doubt not that er.? long we shall see a silver star appear in the con- Htellation on the American banner. We would say a word to the native-born emigrant who intends to leave his Kiit -ru home to se 'ka fortune in the distant Vo-t. If he can live with any approach to comfort in his birthplace we advise him, by alt means, to do so. To go nmid the wild of barbar- ism is no uctlon lor him. He will look back ni1 Plnu ttt r '' 01,1 hu""'- If b eotw expecting to pica up goiu wnuoui exertion nu 1 ., I win inn. 1 011, energy, anu iiiiieiuiig't.me. per severance are the on'y guarantees or success, whether he labor in the crowded marts of tho Atluntic cities, or plod his way amid tho pri meval forests of an uncivilized country. If, however, with a determination to better his condition, and a mental and physical con stitution capable of undergoing fatigue, ho starts on bla long Journey, he will return a richer though rougher man. He has tho well wishes or all he meets on his outward route. Society always helps the man who it sees de termined to succeed whel her she aids or dis countenances his efforts. The world ai.sl.sts the man who helps himself. To such thu West opens a vast fluid for sueejss, and hi will certainly come out of the light the victor. The rapid Increase of our number of SUtes astonishes Europe. The immense gain In our western country in, woimenui iu say, aceuiu- , have followtd one unotner 111 sucu raimi sil'Jces plished without any loss in the old settled ' sion that one may well pue iu uduiirtiou or f,. . c. . . i .1 the tecuiidtty and uetuluess of thought mam- Stated. Iu every State bus an Increase been j i,"(ca D" iutUoress whose reputation is cam visible. Vennout has the least, aud M issa- I paiativelv of recent growth. ccusetts the greatest, In proportion to size, since M- 's a Prolllic .wiri:cr' "n,:,jvet!ic T''! n i ii . i i , A recent novem bear no evidence oi decay iii her 18o0. The smallest gains are in the Cotton ! p,,WCr of attuicting and maiuniuittS tho int-uvst States. But the census of 1870 will tell aaolhur tale. The enterprise of the North, wlileh will be thrown into the sluggish title of Snuthora society, will more than compeainte for the loss ol the tens ol tuoiisaiiiu ot tier sous, llie loni-n emlicrant will seek the fr.-e aud halmy South In pret'erence to proceeding to the l:ir-oIl' West, where civilization hi In Us infancy. While the West will slightly los lu tier p.iiu for the nev.t di-cnile, tho whole couniry will be more bcm-llti-il.a-s her hitherto fliflili'il portion will increase with the m-'st Horn I.ihinir of all her nic-.-nbcrs. i om.iiksmiiv ii. ,mtii:.v4'i, t ri nr.. It is anjii.-ing and curious to extiinluc into the various Christian nttmcs of our Congri's- ut....,l T,......nl,.f-. ..a ri 1 niiiiini ah iiiirirniiiiiiiB, iuiilii;?. in Ul I - iu- 1 ii., i i ,. nam; nun 01:1411111111 lit lis Ri-iei:iiiiu ul inllir mens. ri tie race ol Uiiownh dmaptieared from 1 Um rnlli ulu-n tlio Sl-,l,.a i.l' Mtcijjli,..! ,..,,1 I Georgia went out, carrying their Biuiw'ns with tliem. Georgia's ltltow.N h is since coinn to grief. The extensive lituiily of Jo.m:s has not been possessed of a Representative hIiicb the fiiruous Owkv, of Lehigh, was dut'eated. Morgan" .Tonks, a Democrat, is elected for It. The la"t Thomson concluded his political career with tho conclusion of the "Great De funct," and his Cabinet. The places of thuse ancient nnd extensive families have bctu tilled with a new race. Three, and probably lour HuHHAitnri grace their mime with hononibl". The mime of Waximu'hmk has buen flir yen's tainiliiir to Congressionul Clerks, but to-d.iy it is rediced to two, 1Ci.hu- Ut iimi'i' u'ld V ii. li am H., of Illinois and M is;iehn-ttt-4 resppetively. The ruci! of l!n r. has two mjiiibor, b I'.h troin New Kngliind. The Dul :h n:une of Van Ilonx has two repruscutusives. 1'emisylvj.iila and Iowa each have a Wilsox In their dele gation. To descend to the CurUt'au n,.Ties, we lir.d prcoi's that America is a Serljtlure-lov'iiig nation. The John?, J.iiuif, Wllliain, a id Koberts are numerous, bit p -i ulia.- cofiio nielli still abound. Vi'i-eiin-ii'. seiidi toll;'' ci-i.i hii Am "i Iihuimtr, and l'liiiotus, a trio ul L-pm win i'r . NcwVork presents th" nation with lun's Orlando, Calvin, L'-.-ica, Al'.n:.idiid, CV. C'mwtll, and Uui t. llliuuU wid Indian.'. to0' :ii)"r '(..',. tu -iv EbeBCjser-." to the Na. iuiial Leg'il ve. Penn-ylvauia displays iier go id solid Qtail.r r trocding by not making h-jrselt' iidi :-!loas by any inure exceiitric nume than Adam, with the exception of Jud,-"? M i.itr i n, who boas's the cognomen of tin; "Hero of Troy" Ulyi-s" J. Indiana, with hur loyal delegation, po-.?-sOS a Copperhead Mif u A K I., while tue religion o!' the Uuiou party Is di.clarod t'urough their repres';utative Goulovu S. Ouxu. liut we will not pursue tlw sul.jo farthei' : It U Mmuoing, but not in.iU ucilvi!. To any who fcels au Intereut In tha subject, we recom mend the perusal of the roll ol thy lions), which wo pullbii eUvwhvre. lint: t ii or MOt IIII.R IONOK. I he hearts of thousands of nur clii,i-,n at home have been rejoiced by the intelligence of the Intended exchange ot prisoners, to be acet mi dished at or near Mavun:ih. It i pain ful to lie obliged to dash their hopes to the frround, but the perflily of the chlvalile Sontb has again Horded us an ex unple of (lie sense of honor whieh is held by the chivalry Ilnd Mood will, however, disnlnv itelf: anil m' "ft lamilies are principally dc seend .nts r 'b'1 convict of the seventeenth century, who were transported for various crimes, among which was, doubtless, in rjury. This ancient eccentricity has been again dlsplnyod by the convicts' descend, nit-. Alter ugroning eichiinge all the priNoners, and afti r having allured the United Slates Government to transport tliem, over three thousand Uebid prisoners v. ere Bent down, with several more thousand prepared to lollow. When, upon arriving there, the Confederate authorities refused to fulfil their part f the agreement, end after the expense and trouble of forward ing the troops, we were informedthat the Rebel authorities had countermanded tho order. All the prisoners were returned, and our owu brave ciiplhc boys remanded to their dun gems. The vi bole sense of honor in our country cries out against falsity; and in future tho Government will examine Into the proposl t'ens which come from the Rebel Government, m:d net us experience teaches. I)t;' 1 iMit imii:d AuitivAL. Our city was highly honored this morning by tho arrival of Lieiiteiiiint-Geiieriil G 11 A NT, the victor of Vicksburg. He was quietly walking Chcsnut street int iitinito, when a soldier re.cngulzed hlin.and the immediate excitement his nri!ii, treated testifies how deeply he Is seated in thu 1k arts of our citizens. As soon as his pre sence Is generally known he will have a recep tion worthy of his hi'h position and distlu guished reputation. Mrs. Ilpiir 1Vmm1 its vells. Mrs. Henry Wood if- one otthi.se. writers who-e genius bus exerted n wide spread itiilnetice through the medium of woiksof the imatjiiiH, tion; and this, to In a true womanly way, in spiring a healthy tone ol sentiment, omvcylnii deep uiorul Ic-.-ons with a winning tunic -.In ss and s-ncfiily far more etlc live than the studied, artit'ciul trriuonlzing of some experienced m ilo writers. It i? plcasunt to conteiulato the works of siu li a genuine woman, all heart, and there fore Irrettirilj- eonimuiiii ating the best of advice to those who most require conn-el, and never Vicarying them by e'abonitc di-ipii-i'lons 011 the evils and follies of humanity, hut convincing tlu m.ar.d etltctu.dly reaching their better nature, witheiit once inspiring them with disgust, or geiuling them 10 indilterence. Ma-h a woman is Mrs. Wood. Without the t'enius of Clcirlo tj llrontc, the appeals no less powcifnliy to the heart. In all lur writings there is a spirit 01 deep rvlilus u irnust.noss (too fri-uk and tinciro 10 bo ilcgrudcd into cant), tliut iriepresibiy exci'ts one's sympathy and conliUtnce, nnd impels you to acjopt hor counsel us coining Irom a womnn of experience, "at peaue with ull iiiRiikind," ami In-piml to tvjlte, not lor ttiu mere love of fume, or for amhiliun's saku,but for the gKid of In r Mlow-ercntarcs. There it a biraiglitiorwanl hlmplicity and direct mss auoitt Mrs. Wood ilnil coininaud roipeot. It ik 1 lie cltsliniiui-him.' ehioaeteristie of the prj- lui tions of this uuthorBi-H, tun', tlio story is told In h uliiln, nauuul wav, to in fully to sustain t'10 lnprehb.n that tbougb ' pslng strange," the nuvnuive is nevertheless tiu'bful. At a natural coimcquciu'e, the novelist's purpose is subserved, and something besides tho simple monmnUry gratification ib the result oi re.niing any of hor work a Mie is a writer ef surprising Indil try. F ir the pat few j ears, tho novels emanating from the aine well-directed pen have succeeded cacti other ut leinarkiitiiy brief intervals. In this couti'.ry, us well us in Urea' Uri'aiu, they are e igorly sought I foi and rend. ' The K irl s Heirs ; or, Lord 0.1H- burn s Duiifditcrs," "The Mvstery," "I'no Lost I li.nk Note,""ThcClnmiiin)is,""Vjriier'sl,ride." 1 ' Sipiiie Trevlyn's U -ir; or, Trevlyu's Hold." I "'I he Huiintcd Tower," "Foggy Night at Otl-j-d," I "The Uunaway Mitch," "A Life's Sojrct," "Tlie ! Ciimic's Heir," "Shadow of Asldydyat," "Wil i liiim Allair," all Issued by T. U. Pcerson and 1lmll,i,rfi llitt.l.lnlll.i lllir AllH'riCRTI till lli 1 -.lltU'S. of her readers. "Oswald Cray," for e4:npltf, must he regarded as among her very best produc tions. Ii ia a domestic tale, full of iin i-leut, illm- trutiog many wholesome truths, skilfulh depict me 1110 inipiriccnona oi uuuiun oaiuie, iiiiii m inl used with all the matchless ingenuity 01' plot i allj vividness of dilineution wiiicli ma-la her ! picvious iiruUiiviiona so ca.,er! so .Ut lor n-l antiiious'v annroved. Kvtry ihor iiRhly good iiotpI H a ooiii-nlctc l!i...lri,ma. -Mnt l.i ui o." hv .Mm. Il -nrv Vj.,d. , , , . , - . , f ' ., . , 1 has tui ni.-hi d the ma erial fo.- the c mutriciion of a iil.iy v bieh tjkes rai.k ainonj the ino-t pyptilir on the int;d in sia.-fo. "Oswald Cray," liic la'.js- elltin oi ttat ce.eiirntcd antlioress, rcabus as gieat a d'stitiction. In tho Urst part of the bna'i llie ikaih of Ladv O.ivaul, from an over-do c of chjci forin, her funeral, and the reading of hc-r will, l.ritig all tho principal performers on tiie stage. I.uok lo ''Oswald day," and follow the dramatic development of tne story ia whloh Mrs. I isei.iy wood exhibits a la uity oi s.miiirn - , , , . . , !.... ...... .............. ...I l.nnn.r ..,.,) m.xA.lt.,,..., ol ci.ntciii)trury lictlou. I uullsiieit ny i. li. I L, ., 1,1 -t i i i i. 11. I 1 e'cfson A. Itnis., l'litlndjliilila, l'a l'ncc 1 1 1 jH p(n tr. Or S-U'l Iu ClO II. MIRKIKII. I 111-VIillli'K- f'OilK. tin mo lii li Insliiii', tir Ui v. I. M. l.in-.in. Mr. WM. W. Iil-.V1KICK. to .Ml-. ANNA ri. I l uilli. all oi llil.clly. I MrWII I.I IM.1 i.aKUHH'KS.-Od Iho 17ili ln-11 t, b- Ki-v. Kul-orl .1. i.ioii. Sir. N A I'ol.Kil.N II. Mo-.v'll.- I l.lA.M.sto MwmHAHAII A. tiA Kllli.l IvS, all ol Una city. llll IIAKDSOM-HTKOf'K.-Oll the 21lli 01' Mar.-li, I In.i, ut tlio icili-m'ii oi the lirnlii'a latlmr. b-llie H.n'. I Mr. Viilinnl, Mr. .His. II llll 'HAKD.-ON ot ll.-vi-ily, I .N.J. to Mlm AMKLI A HTHOl'K, ol Canl.li-ll. N. J. Tiinil s .McDtMVKM. Oil ThurnlAv evfiiinu. j Nov. inlior lTlti. I'ol.bviliw Hi i. Tliniiiiii M ir,ili'. -Mr. li Will It TiiDMA', ot Sniv Vor.l. lo ilil i.l.il. .i. 1 .Mi-i'JWi:l.l.,ol I'mnLiiinl. IIMII1.-In l!o.i.lllla. ., on ri.li-J..i', V.nn.nm" Htli. In III.- - Jill vi-ar ol iliT uif, .MAK'lllA Kl'l'I'KU, i',i iiii'.-.i-nt iiinl onlv mirvlviiiR i-lnlil ot s.iiuiii-1 iii.-t Ilo- I btcui li.ilnl, lornierlv ol rttowa, AIontKon.'.i.'L'r eo miy, l'u. ii i' '.-i ia Snaii'ii i-. Noviiit.hi'r i I, l'i Aiiyl :ni I . . 0 1"l II-a ilin!. l,M'iii I'cnni'i'Oti. troui 1 )-i!' U i H ini:l"U'-. 'IHO.1l AS H. IIOO.OI l'0lli:i:iDl A Alllli'-'l'iu i .ii Kir , In the .tli your oi inn a-e. . HilWJI.tS.-nii i ha l'l:l- In H int Mlti r il .Imrt I' Mi----, 01. i.ii-ji .uoi.i in i.iii limvn, JO.NAl'ilA.S' l;i ) W.ll AN, iu ; th- ,Yi!t ', . ;1l il1 111- il;f. '1 lie ri-lu'l i- i-.ii'l irl'-nil" of tbi' I'mmlv, aim Protor.tlou Luiiit", No. -.'li. I. ti. o' II. J'.. uro rii'"'ti.nly in.'a l in I aiti'ii.1 iho liinri-iil, 'loin Im lolo ri -iJi-iii'i . il"iij le-ni. .... i .,... f.,.. I .in,. ii i.-r i.ii.,-. i:.--'o-ivillo. I'MatV- I nrili Waul, on W.-,luiiMl,iy .- v t. -.l in-l,m HI o v., mill nit uir-livr ii'. ttiio. 1- iiniirnl to piocmd to A-iu.-y M. llii'ili-l l-.fitKei.jnl t bur. ii. DAVli On tho evi'ulim o: tr. ' lhtd ni-l.iilt. hc.ii. a di.UM- I'.ililiil. l.d in ciiuin. WILLIAM 1). 1IA.1-", o; Ion, nun v . Tlilrlni utti PouniyliunlB i aialry, in lot 4Uf vi-iTiil 111 -i aio. ,, , - , I ro irl -iul. anil TolAtlvc. are roipp-'i illy .i.-i' ,: to tiitoiHl ilo- mi l,,.,, ir-iiii 11:' ri--iJ-n-,o oi l"i it' I1 a it---. l'i oiurti Hfurkf lui-r ti-ttui, Twtjniy ti irn Ui, wi. Viii,. itiv u.uriiinL-. Sid i:i-tim: , a'. 11 o lo-.k. y 1 1- LI). On Uoudov uiovnin:'. '2Ut m t ..nt. A. Hl:i LA, ti'U.n rt-inlit'-r oi ' Ttuniiai and hiu n I U'ld, tKit I UKiIltlirfA.aM I i.uvs l-uu-rui i"'iu l'u' r--i'l ii oi nrr fti,l Cnr.ii'r . lixit. i ul i..oiiii-"n Frrt,--:;- lii l'i II V 'I J!l-''lUt mi . oV -..it. yi, v - Op !' ii 1: i'.-Mii!. .M 1-T 1 A .'. i" in iti 4'j"i V'-ar i h. r u". .'jlH",l! Ii-iit lif l:tf" r!iU'.'(, N't: j ii. f. r i t . in unrr"H 'U.j mi: i.ii.v, i '. 10 i. ! i mi. i; 'Jcl '3r'v. on n. -.1). tt r ti : i .. J i H A. ..,i C i- :u r S ! i .- ,-.. t , a : ar r : ".' ! .i j ! . - , ;v ,. : I.- a I. :?-. i- N . j. - ii- 1- '.. '.H Vy.'.'ila... J a Ai ...a l.i wll al V -... , Un liAi.'I'SO';.-On tii- Wth in-ijr.t. irtm I1' 1 , f- . I-1 . n i .t.i- Cm u. ii ..r Wi'i.-'i'" M It Ml'll A Kh'iuv , I'liiniiil'-ur s.-r'.'i.f "i iu- .i -. -w ,lci.ty v olunl -)). Hi Un' .',:rt yt-ar of t li U '! ii.- rr: ttu.'- ui:-i til-Mi.'-' i rh.' iain.lv re r. 1 t.i v Invii.dto aMfi' l t'ie fimra!, ir'nu iii- roK-.-u.'f oi l.i lKar-Ufal, Uc U1.,) . - J., Oh ill il'.lluj , tl.f mill ILl.l, It 1 o:-"i... "lU'brJ'T.-On thelwn Sii.. In S'f w lUvrn, "our., A WS A i' r. Ill, only d-vu'imr of Wl1 itu A. i d iUiiinih --u .init, ti, a il j"..r- loru.rtly ut kl..'ti'. 1 11.. f l'i ti O n tb- jiti li iiuii i vx a hft 't'-ii'L r'-i' 1 , Cl i .ii .T In tl:'' or.a-l, Mn. l')M IN -iK MKlDt. n l .it t' lli y-ur i lo-r Him ci ttt iati- Wt-iwi i.r. i lit' r ..lllVI't ttliU iri'll"ii " ttJi- Ma i ,J III'' I." I' l iTtVll. H to .ilt' l"! thp LlIM T.i!, Mil Wi'.l.- ituy. (tl UiMttut, at J o clo.a. noui m-f i r.M-M.-u i it Mu.. h-iv 4-a .'- 4.1. i .o.'l 1 -ic '.'t- v-.iL a. t -il it i.d il, i .1. To utM d to K orn)" 'V. i AVi-Oit. ou the jimii uut., ii. i-oi.oi;'iAyLOi:, iu tl.c .jUu iv.iu u i.i a,.' . flu- r U.tivtM a'.rt tin'.ul" of the Mmlly. rd-n Jtl'-ltUio-Ml 1j.iI;.., No. jo, a. . M. MiaO Oi iir.l M ail. L. l.i. No. are re i il'u'ly iuviul tu att uu hi. ium tf.'iii ,j.) late i. -..t-in--, Laititi'.o ttoi l-t.oii r il ei'l AniinT. iut!U-cnt'o Ward, on Vt1u nay. tne i j, mi I ViO-k. 'iw piucved ty iivl aMvi1"1' A N 411 III K Q A. It l. i w. i. oi c: a m I'. N !' I u r; H T O t) K LACE CURTAINS u i okt 'i i-i, i s r i,i;hh than c;ti--j- f IIIIM '.1 A I t'l V I. E. WALSUVIN, aij. t kmok to w. ii taunvi., MAHONIU IIAJ.I-. Uo. 713 0HF.BNUT 8' reA BUSINESS ITEMS. 1, 'r, 1'liroBt IVIsciihm, 'ilirrli. Astliln. nnd all Ivr.ll Afli " I li'lin ti'nle-t "ill' " " uri't iiiccoi by )r. Ves M"- iii-ki-ii, with I n n Ir coinlrud, d nnt:n'ii" An Ulii-anniil ftoipucim o H uc, colit. Hint M,ri,rliu,li lr-liin 'iinli,nh ' ', I Hllh,Dli p,lktl'0 HI till oltlic, M '""' I ""l. holer 4ll tJiitimiiii iil 4 a ('ri'i i, K-mi e ii I'm n I vi.ci y..i!Mva. 1JA-. 1 A- R" I'" I". Aiicii Hud 1 - tnrirlnr Aliirnl TflrirrMiilt Tlie I'uli 'line ' -I-.SS I II . Vxlill -II t ftllll , . ar,- liconiHil tlial I I avp mic In oIiIImIiii.' On a -1-11, - (if iln . VAin - I , iyh ahl'' Utvcn.liin t'-r Unit city ami I vit luliy. It it iikthceI liy clc.-ul .-tVT lliy,'lip'tni-fi All itthiTtMi-i(raT!,i I 4 ki-ST illy Urn lrc nn-ll'il'- K.K-H ! Wj1"" . n.ij,. aii.I .lisir U an o.rrt..r. It i rr in iiitriKlm-Ml wl huut ililai'lMii tli li.iu'.'' in in- Iftst. A h'trlnr ntu-t leti umpli trt your room ; he cuinia av.ml it. In ni yi,r.' eKM-ti(ti( in Nw nrk It link not l ul I i-il If It Ii an ou JTt to iri't(-t, ho; mill i i1,.blil, II, e w.n l.ovij auj d-'H ot your liou.-f. It can tie tlnne. I' ill sml hci' It. JOHN A. fcl'ltPIKV. Nu. Uia CIIKSSOI .llrv.l. 44i orite Sli ck A . rrrril 1IANU , MASON A- II Mill. IN S CM'.I NKI (lie ISi Oier ImIIoI inch i.f tliiii' li"e llifetllttlif llla I. Ill- ln'cll I.-,1,1 liy ir. o., 1.1 1 tin- iii-m. tr& 1 c.iu -tHlltl iocri'Bfli.i. i or .--.Ue oni; by .1 K nollT.O, 8-irntli and I In oi"l ulr'-i-li riAo l Oll l KN riAM' lOKThH H IMI I tun r.v el a No IOI11 IS CinaM'T III'IASN. t aiuhi- r Hi; IAN.i. iiii!ii.r 0,!t". INS. ca'iim: t OKUANS. WANTS. Jff WW KL LING WANTl'l). M'.T In i-l Ini:, c"iitaiiiii': fi-cr p-ii"i. in a , o -a n-IjIi-l.jrl iv.ul. within a liull-liour'. n a.k limn Hu Sl-iti- i,iiii, I rti Hliyil l,y a ri' omtini. c ic-iiti:' muii with a sin ill Mtmlv lli-iit not tu t-M iiMl $I7'i i i-r icli'iiii. A b iicm ol iili oi i ii. ninnlli r'-iit.lll bi- clM-ii in tl.i' l" r-.t-ii n-i-tirii y h pi'tutili- ilwclllHK li-r Oil- :liivi-rllm-r. Ail.ir, ai --li.vi-ll n;;, al llil". olllrc 11-11 l.l c lAKlliMKliS WA.MT.1). 111 l' ' M'Tli's t) I'A t'l 'Ml T t'l WAsHf.'r Oi I it I tu Cl I ' II 1 A til I K4 AM l Nt'tr Nciv oik Avenue, I Wsins-. t u-. Koi'tcniiif-r ''i ) Wtmrrd lniuiidiu(l. 1 iKyOoo.l (AUI'IM i:i:H, ti to tit fiiliii l.ookntit. Mnrvli.titl U .ci y;o a month, nnd a ration Y.hvIi y, nrknuiii tninit In ohii kit t' to'il. 'I rrtii'"rtaiti'H will !' fiirnlst.t il ) thrt ;oonim',nt lur tlx1 vuikim ii iiitl tin Ii toi: ir'iii tMs city to l'li c l. toktmt. JOHN A. LIIfN, CV'Ji'in I a'tiiciili't' Vimiic-niaHtcr, 11 1 lUpHlttlU'lU Ol .VdBhtlltfiOn. FOR SAM.. TIIK VKRY CON V'KXIKN 1 tiikiiur--.iorv liilck Iw'liiiiif, th ilir M-(irr il ibl" but k dwHlinjiH, o. iv-t Noriit Twtnt till ntrtut, ofifit St Cit iir-i t s Ctiitriti. Iu im tli.tli' p'HM'-H.oii ut Apply to I.i: -VIrt H KKHMKU, 11 'Jl-21 N'-. IW S. fill 111 ti H re.t. tVO TIIK VUUMC '1'HUtTV YEARS AGO 1 lv.an In the lait hiaucx ol iMiInioniiry cutmtiiupLion umi nvcit ut to die. i v.i Mi .t iii riilimti'iphla, uj Or. Iib tn t'arriBh, Ihcn of thi.x city, nrdiTctl mo In Miurti town, N. J., it tilNduirn ol nltit njM'H, whloli took nm two (Irth lo net Uirrr. i n my urr ul I wai rut to lnd, aoil tiioie liitd lor iuhio wtikx. lln-s wm my native pl,uu, iwum an tnv iKtoiiy iivcm ana niut uit'ti oi t-viis.iini'tiua. Jr. '1 lioi moil, ho mii'inl'-il my t'j.ihrr m hit hnt nines, wim c;illf), ainl l'iivc ni lino weolt to 11k ui mytt.uirs. llhndM'iii all tn I'nitiily tlirit way. And ihttufH I w.is to " loo. 'I I, en 1 1 (Mid ut tliu it'iui-dii I r vw o:li:r to the !iii ill', whit h t'ttn-tl mi'. It citiit to ni : that I coulil l 3l tii in pi'iii-tmtJi t uiv wl o o rtvipoi. ') hr,v o n vtin-Hlic m itirr on my hin ;n, And 1 vouUl spit nil mure than a iim ot 'ortfii iw i:il iv mtit r wvt ry nnrtilii". Ah miou it tl,:t Im-i,.hi t u'lii-hlt, my rotwh, ljtl',piilM, iiitfht-riWiutn ull hr.an t Nm' mi,:Ddniy nl-PU f lt'i ami' an kvv1 ttiat It w.m wiii; dullcit' y I could ki-p imni ht in - too miH'D. 1 i-ouu h'A'iifd my strontlit mill Iihm- r"v n ih ttiv On uiv riitovi r people w ould se:id for tuo( iVrtin far and near, tu ii it Un ir cirt n wtue liUo tiiiiia. I hit lottuct' l Tut? to n ali prod nio;iaI vislln in the 1hi m cltn'ii, ait tor tin laht tw i-itU 'iir: i hnvi Itad cii-tani ni i-tiri i-x iui- hiinr luof" with iitf ie5it'roin-:ter, Uoiu thii-it t five uun I dii d fi -kly, tin' pniiVt! cuit Hi'lrfe ot' my opwr unitu' lor ouc iiiinii inimiiftr witn iiurt tiisrscs: uiu a mo the coriunt) Uvt ntoti to toe th'! out tn.il umk"! ihc.tf aa dc cim i, and who w-qh ciiTi il oi' consi-tnj 'i i;i by tn-oi. To ma'no new lun'H itf imtMinsihlo; hut citviticH In the 1 ju'.'s and chronic u'rertittnns ci tne brotu'lildl times can bo lo;ald. buct ca-.cn arc dyluy hourly uotlur the or-tiiury tn aluieht oi i tykiaiin, ajid nist mi. ti arc cjredbytn j j.roi cr use oi Sthenck Tulm nlc Syr-1!' tJt awetd Tjiiic. acd Mandrake M U. 1 am mm a huatiy man, with a l irc ca - ity In the uiia dle lobe oi the hi hi lunt, tii !a;.r iobf vei":' Iiiuui nc-M i ted aiido(-iii.;.ie a'.'.c t n oi the pleura. The left lung i u ux.ri n,iit uonor i..t-.v : m,- nh. inau i. m a loior- bly lie:iiili comiiiii-u. Tho nivat n-amn why jiiiyaiciam i "o mi tint con.i-n i i -u i t:.- y i' - wiii tu-i mm m tin .- j V.Tt';;. Ilin L-'lc illke-liie poller, io,kini: up t'10 m-oroti-ina. anil oi.-iitiniiiy tLai-rii-nt i,.l.a,in I ilici. Atter I iu iWii a c ire- ' I'M ji'i.i.no !. fat . in y mi. me i.c-inioai'i. r.a.ia I I 11U llll U fll-JU. U l'-l . .J IH.U,1 I 11. 111C U lllVUl U'll lO ,,. ,1T,rrt. r?n.d a. I i;o- u nuiiiii- n . ti.a remr lv. If ym hao anv i1is'4so in . ny p...l. t e.a i-dy. n wi.i mjuh i.'ere.ana .k-.-.iy ditioii t.i iiirit t.'iKl, atiil iii kc no - ol'Knl t i tal-.i- iliepla :o ul ili-i-a-i il niatti-r. Un. ia Un' "iilj .v t L'-.il oni-in iu f tie inn., m.il uli-i raicil tiro, cbul moo.. iNjn-ac-' ih iti'iiii-l: mid In - r, apil n-itnrr w ill do t;ia tioatinif. iny l.t-r. i.iii. I.ai l- all Idi-a Hull i-cr-iillt tni-d. i:iB--. are mi-At piiri-tli-iHnl llie bl'il. llbi-n I'l.ind i. on -o dsoam-d Ii c inn it nr- uuriilid : it in ill -os .i-J trn- i.en.i aa llie diaoiil niattor lu (lit- .inn ; tul t tin- aiiA- .itui 111 olil'T t!ie liror aiul -iiuiua, h. ni d t,i.c it plftn .-, ot uo -iri-l.Miar f )o.l, It ivill if .- , , n ,- .u . n nu, n, ,unv uil'li'i?.'. in., n.i'i, ' ' i ,-riu- i-ui li Pulluonic Mi i-iin !-ono of the brut nrop.-ir.i- ll-'iv- ol iron In u.o : 111. a rovH't'i'il lou'o In it.eil. and I ivi.n tl:e (iian ii-it 'loiiir di-i-i- li-i-a tlio in'iuna in tne hioi.-ii i-li, ilnrt It I-. earrii J on I,..- t'lei Hid ol' llu' Manilrnko I I'lii", ll,e I'niinonio H;. rui in uiailn inlo lilood riii. ii tno oi.li wuv to i irn o.iiiMli.iot:oii . Ill i anuol ifol a inoit a i in titi-. nail loua iloin not iluui-l I oa:inot i-uri the patioiit. Ncnir iiilnd tlie con ,h ; roni i-.'t -.'io un ian u:nl il mil nlop ii-n.eil 'Iho hi-Hivw-il '1','nii' la a utiinuliint, ami nmio oi I, or Ii roitiitr,i niioii It i. ui-nl. It is p iroaud iilaiiaiit: rii hail oitecia lull lil.e H lin iliin BoiuUoii wlii-.Ly, nliu-ii m -n:M lo build up tor a tihort tiini' lirnn.y aeti l?i mid llu- p:itlonl iho. Miiliienli . IVl.:nky d'-i'rnjii Iho '-ortltll ol' tlio hliiinai-h ilKi-.lio i purliJiv uea-a, .nut tha lil.iod llirn. ilitn ii a il Mul drni-v i. t:io rua tit. Si ln.'iirL'a HtiiiiYi i-il l omc is ili.t.ll, -J iroui leaivei-il, the lirolii i:i o:' ivlili-h lonil to li o- n i,-.o tnui:u or tiliinft lililt ImuiIh tbo toniiii-li, mul tha MatiSraao 1'iili ci -rvit o:i. '1 h Si'un i-i-d Toiiio 'a i "il l-y iniiiii' as hlilor.. When, a pulli-llt . uolilo iti Ht'inn'.HililI propoi-.le- ll.o u ln;uil:l lo rohoio liiat ul1 :'oiii- iei-U:ir- t ia' il.. spi-c'lni are often t,o b:i'd iver. I' is aa i-i-i-ant us win-.auj pert.-ciiy liai tnii-Mi . A w!na :,-:a a lull "t It will de. atl a leurtv ililiai-r A litilu tak. n he.on- hreaK ail In I.' ii.J l'-ir Ilia ai iu.i, h ; li, i" :h i-,iim oat l-n, it oats aarihuit rc a'i,ii' I it; tii lila -i I.,:,; I'.ty tire .iV.il l ol eatiii,; l-ii' uui ! . 1 Ii.: .Maii lral , I'ill-iii-i- i. .. il (n ail tain he. u hiKei ur Imi l'.i i ! i as-ii ri-'ii i:-a. i. i"i .'-o,H -, if(u'-ii--iiia. The art .onl y, .iinl th,- it" -i;.!-i.v,- o .11 ::m.- il . I H-einol I'.lll ilo i itin Ai it t 'lie iin'.ti i t I-Miw Ir t1.i.r Iir I hfx !' !. nui' ,tt-t:i hin a ui- e r.ii T l n Is tr- t.aiCM;. Oil "1, !,:'. i h Kl t':o Hlnii.i'-i ni .ilt'ii'i). 'it UHil tl"1 l'i-.'. -i" J '. 'I't'Ii.. l'i .ill'! : .' '."'.M rt' . 1 1. ' i U ) ) w-ivi'- Iii ju.i j-; ... i : -i idit l.tL iih- ,-v -.Hi'!-?'. !v' 0k" firt'tlU"- A 'i,"se 'An-1 ! ii r t.rc t,iJH'i h'tti,- . .in '.v, a .d . ri!'iii-'.:j i' d t-.. '!"uo- u-c twue u: !in- ri 'in t- A :u,: ii an ot)nr iCVvn, ar.il to !op it lnw-rn:aei tl b tiis.-.ijf- fti tli'-1 in i' Wh f-Va.-r.ie.iril oi ersi. uifc' rtd ii c.i- '!ii''.o by ti-v.nif t" stt v icii:. 6v h i d m..d; Ii thu it.'...u-.. . the ruly r'i.i i t- 1 el tv-ui. A. IT tl.f h.d Ir i,:v ' I: ih -j k, iTe ; it T. .. i! -e li.ru 1 'h r: ! "ii:eiit, .lud dii- . W.4.Hi i,a..d ti fi!.'. i' fti ...f v h if :'. te wf. i! t. :- j'h ;-, ....'. , u I ' 'I i.-;..- -I i-i.w.t- ii. l uu . ..a.'.-: I. ' IV. I i: i .1, un i i .ivoi . WD 4' - ' !n i ri i f . I .. l"l .-. Ui.: l r. - :'""'' V ' t .1 ''1t U' - '.r.T i. tne , ' t ..iv : o it n h d f. . A II' a .1 .Wit n rr. I rd r I r.-xi 4.1 If li you h i 6 A 'l. u .nki. w.:l t f 'pIo.UA A; . li . liUOWN, i 'T.r is Ljitt Cho'ri Tiuuk-fi ami Ci.pit Nt,b. lu.il n ul H'iO.MAIiiVaUI biKKEl. 'iisti,.t. .i.rW u'-' to uidar. 11 tt:;uha'.w li'ur! in.iii! jj'j.iii Lionr IS A li ki..' t m iaf ui t ' ! I'UI.I.IS- i i i. i'. i i.n i 11. i vi i- uk.i :.r .ioi:s, i.,r i oil i i ..i, ' h-. i m l'i '! tt'i t t r Willi t.i 9 V th tiV 1 trt'-ri . It- In u i.ll.MrO JV t li'"'1 1UIUI- 4M 1" M1 Hut. nu i-i i I. r jj.f.iiniK a.. Lilt thr nti vt i.iil-liiilu W rAti a. li.u-1 a-it ltilla -tiira, :i. lo--:' -, ll..c! Inaci-'nt i-l.u il, & :., Wllll- -a.. i-iiii-'-, ,. JH.lil5 i' SiHvt. PiHavli'liIa. I'M N' JTl IN'l.ltAM ANIJ 3VVLS8 IH-'I I l.M.tp.S, (, : st.'.. t v s m t t a. ciMlOW sHA I ilv-s r w st -. r s. No, m K EI.TY, v,. OAHiUTl vrON 4 00. VI It KLI'.s. tHtS ,T RIBU'T : o 7 ft l lllhti'-T hi ::.. I'Ia.sm l-'A I-, ttn I. i..iMt si'wk ( tiii; i :t a r I viw vhi i s. AP.1USCMLNTS. 1 I II V (i I M C A S I V . - I.i "s anil Mnnn.r TO. IN T. yortll. r l-n, ol tlif llolt'Mny -t. I h.-'On-. lult -nun' ; i'nrl'4 Ni-w I l,i-,itrp. Uu-iiiiikl'Sil ami .tun Ali-Ani,,tri.i. Va. ii, hiii-. j Mhh .vni:'-r joiin n w Klulir. 1MK I VIM Ol 1 UK si' os I Hill Mill, 1 K . I Mill Of t l a T'elTi'-nt 1 in, i-il m ii, Ml! I- l H V () K R K .1 r 111 111 Mtail'lly III: Tir: n it 1 1 pnlwHl'lt oil ol COII1' 1 AM S i llni . ! It nlirht by A Jil MnllAliLY Vsr AMI nuil.l.la -.T At till. Ni l., I i.c In ain k- vrrv reany ol 1 III 1.I AOISI! VIMi" (' (H it C'tTV, An I ere ', imI- -tli nil . nt 'ilnii'l o n a i.ckvi vM,sir.iii ii-.ci: or Attr. Tt') SI A V V F.N I MI, Nu pnCior 'I. Is .1. Fl ' IIMI I'llitCOkM A M IN rilil.Ahl I.I'IIIA 'l r-lmk- I o l rful t'nniii'i Ti ii ti-.li- ' ( OIIIOI.AM's." Mr I'. hOKIV-ST ('llni Miir,'ni- Alli-maiil (illl'H.VM s." sutinorti ii Iit MAIMlll; I'KMsr, I1S Al CK. URAV. Mil .1. .Ml ('CI.I.OI IJ I m i. t:t ahtisiho"i' Tin: omi'AM. 1 hlii un hi I'lay I' irfoiitc4 a nt le ol uaf ninil1 .,iiitileti lies- Willi M.W HCKNKHY, ' (VfTt MKS AMI A I'I'lilN I jlkNT.S. Mil rflltl'F.ST Al'I'HAIts I.VRtt t MONHAT 'I'tir.S. IIAV, Till ItsHAY anl rnjii.w Sill IIS. SC AT M SI If UK II HI X HAYS I N MIVAM K Si rin.innancii on WKIIS Ksll V KVI-.MSU. Tlio iii-m pi r,'iriiinr,i ot t'nielJLAM'S will hn on Till KhilAY K I MNII. T In- l;ox Hlipfi, lor llni 9f of n-unii plAi e. now ojioa in ivii i-n inc imun oi :i huh ii o i i.k i.. Ailmltf")! n, .'si hihI 'A ri.n'H, HiH iina -.i-ul iti cciiH ;nl lltion ni." I'lill.ir AllltK.N, Tn..i-iirir. In KW CIIKS.NUT STKLKT THKATUK. t.UKAT SICI'I SH l.l.l A l Ni l I -H 1.1:1 A I MK.I I HI ,-kIchiiii i i.ri-iil So I AI V III 1 1 K, 1'ai vm i n:, I i VI'KTTI., TM Mll.I'lH, P M 1:1.111 . I Al III I I K. I'.it inn K.. l-lll'.AI f-l tl 1.11 i n-.iT si t ci;-ii I. .1 Al Ml ( iS I K linn r- 111 til - ,11'tfc. 01 t-Air. l;n i r. l-Ai i lil ti , I' .1 Vlll lTI . I-AI'I I. I l l r. cv-'i i;i: I ir., r ai l in ii i . of l:, I'AI VliLMr., OH. I M'l l( I II' HSUW. (ilt rsi'l ii nil i. till. I Mil. I! I ill'. hNHlV TIII. WAll.Ml ll'I NT SI I Nl ltV Ull. M Ai i si ' 1ST mcsfliir Hlb MAI.MlKll I.M t.-Ksiilt1 ie-'clifll or i I iinii -ins iivi kii Ai'ri t i; l omi foMiNi i".i ArPi.Aici. from lli ralil'ril'li- inllpii-i In atieml in- i la'lfi.-n-ini;. ll.c Sin i-l -M-rl inn it K-i. i n .nil n , a i lytl Mlly III!! I A I.I. ill llll. AV AI.AM.III. i nr. i ai.i. if 'I 'M AV.At.ANi in; nu. t ai.i. or i ii, avai.am nu as thi tliani'. of iiomlrr ami or lii'lii. r,i Iti-.iitiiiil t iiniim.eii, Ii. -i i iii - t'n-nt'i e. lli-a'illli.l Oi-stimif s, llf-'.nl il (.'upturn---, Mi,i ih Mn-lc, Si i, rli Minn-. Huiicrl, Miiilr, S' p-ri Al-i.lr. (T.itroiinK lim ufli I'liiirniina Hoi-.'.-i, I'hatiiitnK toli-, Clinrmiiif h.-u,:-, and the IM'KI.I KMT t'AiT OK ( H .K'' ri'.fl, K.XI'KLI BMT I A hi 111-' ( IIAHAl'Thlli, all rocon ed ll.o M-nrini at ioinlnui:iliiii"ii tmaitliv nililU-Kco, 1i,d t Korfct-t, Don't I'lii.i't. lion l 1 nrtf.-l. I) n'l l , il, ll m'l Knrj:i I. I-A I it tr rTi-'. pAi vuri 1 1.. run kvi:im; tiii s i viMMi hi-a'i Puc in il 8-ntii Hn-lircil bl'Htl Hl liri ll Ill ii t I-i.ri:!-', PAfvatn ii. -. i ai viii:r i I., illi-i i: i- si mi, ' iiiis ici-:nim;, (4-tM Si-L-ur.ii !i-nti Nii urwl bi-llta Hoi iui"i Tliroi- liai 111 A lvnlll-4. 'l lirc Iiavs nt A-tioni-. II ! 01 m i JOHN DUE WIS , KilAV lAilll, UOII-1 U IT U J HOl.SEfl PM'KVIl ifllillTLV. I-aHI WI-'.V.K t LAHT WI-.IA I L-.iSI Wl.Mi ' of ll.o bilttiant oniintmuriit ol' Mil ANIi JIIIS. 11AHNKY WII.I.MMS MONDAY, TI'KfOA V. and Wl.KN I.HKAl , llil. LAKKH OK KlI.UALNtV. AM' YANKr.K uorii rmirp. UK. AMI MRS. ItAKNKV WILLIAMS IN 1UITII 1'lrOI.S. lilll'.AT BILL Full 'IHANKSQIVISll. "Y ALN UT SI It E Irr I'Tlf. AT It K. Tins evknIno, 'I he ubto mid ylllid vniniK artl.t.- 1,1 CII.LK WKSTKItS, Ll'l II.UK WKSI KHN, 1.1 CUXl; HLsTKItK, H'lll api'Oar ai I.AbV I6AI1EI. AND MADAME VIS'Il,' 111 C. W. 'I iivionro'H moial play, KAN I l.VXNIC; lilt. Til B KI.OI'EMKNT. Art r L, NKK OtiCIIK Kl.lll l-.MI-'.M'. HUT l.YNM'.; OS, TIIK KI.OI'KMKNI. i:Kl' , NrsK; 01t,TUi Kl.lU'livlisM. 8oaia uiay be nci-tirei! fclx ilava In advaneo, Mi.sa LLi ii.u: wtsii.us H ill apt enr on llllTiariAT Al'TEItNOOS, at Jo'ciock.' U -I 4 .SSI'.MltLY BUILDINGS, i x is. w. co . L'or.NKUTtM U AN1J CUKHNtT 8UILK i'H, WEDNi:tIAY, Ko'6mbar 2 . W-M, At hall punt ihrte o ilm-k. SLCvMV LXA-7lji(, Ai. WAlUtK hr j ii k rnn.ATr.f.rii!A ci.ahicai. miS"TKTrra vi.vn hvrt t;Al.UrNEK,JAIiVlM,CUi)Sd,IM,AOK.lASN", n UU hCll.Mll. I'lIOi, liAilME. Orar.ft Trln In I Minor, Oy.v ,.....Mf ndH-t-hn t.Miuiicttc, 'o l,iu ii Mn'rirt .tin 8"U, t'ciiwrio in K Minor Ihln iuliiiHtc. Op. 4, In 1. riat 4 ltiumien hnNnri lptu'11 li-t Ur ihe ":-ni oi l'M-iit -tlvo a .it lures Ih ut ilv Muttc htorn otMr J. K, Ou-ild. evontli And i'iu Niiutn --fn-i'tn, . Is ere (Mi'-ia'iucu-1 iir pnhliror irlvato ptoio'iuancct, lu vr uui of lo'.tn.c.m bo mJ tortiiast-r-vn- of il e t nib 1'r-iDiii torsoi ;lIuol1 cuakf jirciaJ mibscrii n. .ii finn. N H H it fcinule Ti. krif,, to be haJ only af the tfoor, Fifty VnTn. RMY BALLOOiT aSCENSIOXJS, THIS AF1K11N00N IvXD EVKXIN'O, AMD UKIKtl ALL CAI.M tVEATIIEK THIS WKUK. At Cor. of riFTECNin aud C0AT3 Ste. j Ihe weallir Itnlna; tine, thoa wishing an airenloi lioiild hu un Imnd early. Tkt cay llliioU by gai (TOitnti a inut utllmo spa lacla. , Ailmi-titoii.-.V cent. riilMreii. 15 centi. Act-nsktiift iiooi tu $4, ntjurUius tu aitlttt'lo and time OVi'lWK'iJ. ' II piEST LEC1UEB Or TEE SEASON. Mil. Dli COUDUVA M ill b'iva iis rciit Luctu-r on ;oni'tetil mill Ttirriutco, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24, (TIIANKT.IVINIl MtillT), ' AT C'ONCEKT liAlI.. TIi KKTS SO Cl'.Srd, orTHKKE t'OB l 00, Ifi-r a. !..-a: ilou'd a, Heventh an i riu anat etrrnrs, Ah uuad A- Kvaua', a nl L'oiicrit Hull, lli.-uo ilav. In a,l s'aU'-c. ItMiiii ti: -o c.ock. ll-li Qiim -iT ii jo. 1 13 cru i. Tl - aii''ni l-lcn-re. t'if rrnatit produ.'tiin oi'tta 1 a iit.r M l'l', I- iii.w on oxlilliinou nt tlio ii' m ii:i v ok iim: aui'h, Si. li'.'.. Ill HSL'T Hlri-ut, '1 t', r iv il'i i tip en'ire '-iilltctlmi oi'lht- In titntlnri. Ai!i i ii.m-e TWI.VTV KIVK t'KSTs. ll-1-.'.-.'m' Kl Al' NATIONAL C'lliCCS w.ti.1'1' sn.i:i.i', abovi: Kinnni. .lie-). 41 t. C MltLM WAHSER in;. (oriui-l.y Mr. DAN Kli'KK K.ineatrlan Dimclor f. 11. HOTuN lii-s.ii.'i ii,- nlniir.it.d N.il-:i; wuuii l'iMil.i,aul r.n rl.X!l:,'0' -,f ti...' I tii"il ir iir'.l- 'Vrn n i . t .. v. '.' d. r, I'.'.- ti ' i r-1 tin o,i i TU! 1 1'A'I'M M .. ti. il evi-r- - ' ii-jr;. - tl.-- II--P'--., l't -rai- ir lit' iciii.NdiiN .u-.i' ..n ri::.: BI!lK' THINi:i Ulill A l-, Nmill. i;. II. Ill I(.lIlNSi'ii .-.B.I .TullS 11. -T.I ii, v iil r, I ii;..n..-t a t.i i r 'a's, -.:i: r.:- Mr. V. M. K:.NN.;HI, ;. i-r- t.i)i'"'.tr v...--.'.-:. i'l.,i i.. iivin f,.' i,v.--ii.i i ; i,, n: r-ia,..-.ii- in . d i . - - ,c -,,. ul '. .. ; . . .i it:.m.K6 ' -Vt.; .'.-I ii ..n' i I .:i-vT :' T 1 II '.iji - N t:ii ii:.-,, icui-i,,;; i u. I'.'.'.IN, ..I.I.. BAV. i ri- i .-. i. ., r t . -i.ii:-e. i- r t 1'.. r '1 o-:,'- ; s- .-. :(', r - ".'.... 1. 1. 1..1,.- ii ; i i -'.u . i ' j ti .-i,...t i . u. 1 1 '.Ol 1. tANiULLi'- .'KW i!'!.K U'JI.';'j:, .' iiAi.i. .-1 k:..:i-, fci.r'Vi.i..s n...ii a:j.i i ninn. ' i'.'.'-s r sfi. K''i:nt'v rrn ' Tl ' A. . , rrf,vrii, ,j wlliil1 1 K.ie , ft'.' i'v! Jiik.'i. i"i vir i.AUir.4 va.i. iu t--.ii uxiuiir.iii 1.-- -.itt :i a ,.i ; ri i..l oi i'.e a .ititn.t lilK VKKi'.iT lit uei-a (ir -H-uun.til ) A ui :irr.:.if - --f rr.ii.Liii'in-c, the eii'v-i:n u .-.c tie 1'st, i 1. i ii in i:,t 1 --ii i-l' in Win- r.l- -. 1'i-iri i u. ,.t , i. ,c i'oup.'i. in f i u.if,.-i tif'jr. CAlU-h l-r iuMIcMU, , my3 Cii.N i.i, f - ' i' "a ',J.'Va I n!. Hi m, ir, , , , I'm a;i hia-. Juui.ly clrtle t .imi4 l I .'.l- I l-.i Oi :i Ml,, lit iitirll Ir.jui'JiwJ i, I., ma, : ir ..a la.'i l'i fti -.liini H-j.ita,ai-.il tie ImitC oi rii.tn i;oi.. 1 OiST.ocroBKit ii. i t , ciiit rit ic.u i: J J No I'm, d.a d ,r:i ti, l, iW ltw ti.trcs Li i. ti in ., in lintiruiiuaiJlCjlDt' iiii, I" ii-.'.'-innw' w 11.1.1 am innr rum. ( 'OrNl'INtj.llOL'bli AMJtSL'UOOL DKSiiS I tuiiJi: (v otilar, at So iUOARTWI H'root, ), ri ULYJlVli l'i,'Jttii.i::. L A. X" ti "s T WOOD 6l CArtlT, No. 7-4 Olil'.SNtI T Hl'ItliltiT. LADIEV AND LUSSES HATS, Alula HII A I'tUW. I.OW1XT I'UICKS, "NEW CONTINENTAL HAT." itoiNiNivrn AT MOD I'. P. Al K V K I C I' 4 f B.OHl Vfl i t nO.HN'r.t madi 0r. raitllaia ana Hoaai'-u ire a.iad WOOD & OAKY, Ho. TM 0H.tH)T HTKKKT. OSWALD CRAY, AN ENTIRE NEW NOVEL, By Mrs. Henry Wood. MEB. FOOD'S NEW COPYBIGHT N07EL( OSWALD CKAY! CWAI-D CKW". OSWALD CIIAY' OSWAI.U t H AY OHWAIlt f'f.. . Iy Mr. HKNTV WOO 0, i pr'nt.'d Irom (lit t th(-( a dmmis tipt and al ;iu- I ir t- she Jt. turi:t.iecie' l.y im irr-iu iMiu. Hcnn Wood at at: cx an- of oierTlutlhiia:d I'oIIhj.m, andib publlahcdtlus dttvann for bu'e by all B.A'kai -Hera lu tin I'nlicd Sintps, bctiiK 1-sued lien eight week In ttdvanre of the rouilttitn o( Ita pub licaiiou In llunfj it is complete In ono large octavo Kead Uie folio Iiir iU)ilcof It from the Edifrilcolumiu oft)' I'Mladelpltia 'lreia," wrliKn by It. Shrlton Mc kenie, Liq., alitr rending.' an ad aura copy ol it: Mn.HrM:Y Wfoi.'ri Ni w Nm m,. T. li. Peterson A HioIIki linve ni't puNliilifd Mrh. Wood's alot noH. hdire i -k tn ailvhiii. e ,' tt uppeuriincu in llntand. It In t'litiili it'H.-n f i.i Ci;.v," and li atrlcth a tale ul KiH.lih tut ietN in the pTi ncm day : tlie anion d'M's indued, ao r-ot'lit 1 aa tltts aiili.mu t-t li 2 Tne prinrtpal pn ol the loculitv is in the rural pJi'l id Kutand, protiatdy, as lur as ti e titM ripilon cniihlDH un to lUdxe, lu the uld town of HluevMbnr. Tln-n tUe M-ene hhitts to Lomlon ; utter th-tt it In purity tnin-fiTii U to H nlleiir, in nrniimly, anJ tti.al! i of-cfi v hue it bi an. in the iiuaiut old onntrv tovn. 'Hie riero if civil enK'neer one of thosr model men who at pear to Ih'uriili in tlcllcm only. His bait' li.o'liir. Mw'k t'ruy.whDhe tpeculaUoni In a joint puk-I iniuii.g company ruUe him to luxury and bnrtif I'tni dow ri to tm urtvv i a chumcter drawn v Ith h Li Mil aud trtit- pencil. There are alio au I'tctuciit Jf. UtiMiiai ana iii i.tuiuy, luciimiu a dciir sihti r. ttliiiae fi ilrmitv nuikea i.ar hlumh-r aniUHiiwIv, BtHi a couple oi ionihU' ncii olboya it course, there ia a iilitiii uitr M'lii , a oen mj.; inauana a si m nuT, wan scvp. ml t tier draiuntn j-r.-uttct . J btri' ia ho ait hiddrn c Line tfO, and n nival d al i nivktcry, eltareii up at the propt-r inoiiK iii ; ilnit iv, prectftlywlipn Mm. ooi hooves tu lift tK' veil, lu no nit vious rictl m ot hers tint even in "tut ltin' Is tlu- iutirftto coniiMielv keit up; it never lif.',and tliere no inAaln'a tiiHiisil'lemieni at the secreta tuKhith t' eauiliur iia the kiy. Hie part wherein the Vtorkini: ul n otut -tm k eoiupany urr developed, b!iwi fin ul Wuo liViii' of IiiiaIuoss. I pon tha whole, "Oswald Cr)' b one ot tt r bt i.ovwe hare rvad for tuoif tluie. It 1 iti I; i' aiitl.or'a le.rt production. It la remarka'ily vvi'll printed. In lare type, and on lino paper, nud wiii ui iiotiUi ui nu a vev mryt haie Price 1 50 in Papor, or $2 00 ia Cloth. MRS. HKKKY WOOD'S OTHER BOOKS. The Enrl'a Helrf 7ft The Runnway Match 6n I lu.- Mitery 7 ". A Lite h St-rrt-t fto Hie Lonl l.uiik N'oto..... 70 lUltar lor Worse 7J Above are each In ooe volume, pjper cover, tatb one la also published in one volume, cloth, price $1 each. The Ctm lining 7! Ai rra Kloyd 00 Ihe above are cacti Id one volume, paper cover, line edition are alio published in oue volume, cloth, price mo. Oswald Cray I VI The Castle's Heir 1 V) 8tjnirw i refiyii's ln-ir; Vrner a Pride 1 .'0 or iT0vin b iioHi.... l o nntuuw oi Asmayat, i ao Tho above are each iu one volume, paper covur. Kach one la also puMinhed in one volume, cloth, price S.'.W. Th Ilpunted Tt.wrr 0 The Lawyer's fteerrt '.'ft 1 "fc'gv Niht ut Oitura.... William Allair Coplei of any of the ahova, or any othar book a, will ba aeiit free of pok'sim un tecelpt of retail prleo, per flr-it luall. Add re hi all u.dt-rs and remittances to T. B. PLTLRSON & B SOTIIERS, Publli!ioi-:t ofVf'TActA Off 'for, flvO ymrlj9 JN.3O0 CHE HSL'T STHK-Kr. IMillaJidpt,, l'a , All tho New lt-oVi are for sale t PIITKUH'JNH'. It Qii irxm :n i j:;jve 00MMLECIAL OOLLEQE, So. o.i7 lir.sm r titiee, onrner r Huveuiti, Ktni'Jii.llil lHlt.lneoriiorat.'d lv,. Voting Mt-u oii'pnrea lor tlie Cuuu.iiiij -..ouae anil bail net Lite. Thorough or.tl pmc'leul Inatrurtjnn la iiuoR.M:i;iiMt, to all lta branctiei, ua prai-ilaod by tlio beat atcountanta aud ba!ue.a an ti, I'llVatANSHIP, Plain andOrnaiiii tital, ia luijht b- one of llie tuoit coin nele..t ol'ieciui i. t'tiumierJaJ iiil mlaUona, rommerclal Law, PatcctJng Connlarlnit liotet, Ac THI.KOHAPIIINO. e Sfiind.and co l'aper, tanglit by a kmK-ex) .(rleuoed Ul"T.itor. Hrail'r.ti Ini'rrt.i! ieii.irat.'lj, aa.t re -elved at any time, e.vmlni. ne-ii ifis af.t-r Heplt-iubi-r li. UuiaieKnea iiu:ii-t!' id tho naiui i of lil itudeati, ttruaat A ., i'iniifhi-il .-r.it . on app'ii-ail -n. U.i;il..tutl b. 11. i.KIrTiDEN A CO. I 4 (iOOD NUM DSTl." VARIETIES OF 'V ili-i'ia'i t h irr.i".-'r, Kl.is--at-ij - l .i ei in I'm''. ! l!il.'iriko.i'-ii H c.t.-- iu .1 .V ' Un -lO, w'. '. I I - ttl'f'l-' :.:'.! 1. lit .i!l:.l'l ' i-.t- .li fie:v.ii-To J. "..r-i l"t'i a-- o ' i intro". e.uJi.C of "U:'l i'.'. II! i' . ' ii .-' . ft' -'I 1 ivl 1 ' , K, ., r .-i -j - r asoN n covK'.'inp. '- irtn.t t- i '.: ii Pi .. h '.l'"-n- 'in ti Mu. -. i v -aiiK- 'ill t'ie ,v ,.'! . i ,oti' - i'; t- t'.i tt" . s r 1 1 i. A -'' ' l.riA'i-i I'r- i-.1 -t ,-: i M'-.- i- i-., ii . (,.- t:x li li lob ii : I mi-i - I. .. .. ni - - --'l-.iil .1, . - I " !'."! : lo.. . ..ur 0..'!--A i i.iio.'.'lAl 11. M, . .- i:.'.'. liiu i: V. w:. rOTT-'. irit.. O.f.Iifl.SV. vr- tr.,'!-, ' Ii.i. .. li :.', .i l l II i -fti-. -I'.i'-'i.i'l-P-y, 1 liyn . '.' .,.i:.i.i.. r ... no,-.otitj , .1 ul 1 i . r. '. ,., i.-ii : 11 i Vi .I'-,.-' i' X, 1 1 a -ot.,li, Homi-li e. N.-.t--e., mil I ..l tie id l.i, ir. I-Ij-nnkioil oi tl.e I a,, :1m, . P.iy ,: I I . 'i. i A Ni;.i I iir.ll) . o - hli-i 1..1' or, ii:ildi .l.nl 41 .i" ml -1..I..I .... .-i !)n Ll.il-.- I lit .U-- I ..ri. 'Ii, I i-tl il - ii ii.xi.Miii'.t o. r.iiii:.sui.iiif u. jo-'R'-ni., ;o !.!, or i'.' rar. N"sir.--il h lii il. A ;low vi iiinH' I,' it, ni Willi Ine ui-xt miml'i r. N.nv ,r tl.e t uie t viO' . iila. Aili ti-i.i .li- wn. l'uil l.i.K A, Wi:l.Lrt, 'o. il UHll.UiW.i'i , N' v Y.-v ; ot J, t, l.'Ai'i::.', Vi S. 13) I -itie..t, l'li:Ui)elii!nV.. Il -.'l '.". rr wp.iiTiiN au j-:i;u.b uv- MYMv "'i;i 'in - "f Oaia-'ier, f'Hii'liu':' n, t id ro.l'i liil.-at. nitll Al)tli.'l-'. .a llui. ii- i.. Ill -ill'., -l r.Jiio. .lion, 8 '.I ini,ruvciui nt, Mi'..i. u.en. auii rrn.K.ni; ii . n t iummi ui-.m- t.i u, A c, ilu- Miid e. i ii. ii', ly u joiin I.. an, . X ri ri nili !-'-ami B , oki, n.vj mCtmm riANOS, COITAUE f H tvUI ail kf A II' A ftSIO BTOItR, ''IIi: l'AltBl CITV BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ite Most Siirffstriil (owmortlal In4Uu (Inn In Iho loiiiilry. 0VI.8 r.OO l-Tl JltMII IK UTTrfiLiATfl'R Till-'. FIBnTT 1 KAK. Til-In.iliu I ii, ai !n tl,'-p.-t, !ll rior ra.flta r'alma , pi, atl. laiur upon l. I :. trln I'- nn riip al'-m . aad a-i ooa I ii i in bluet to m. own li,,-ro-i. w il' la ai'i-nii bf a ni e la r e i..i. ruiioi. ir a- ,.!m;- ti,i il 'iP-ifc n n;ma Il I irh. i ihnp., ti. H ,!.. f,. .no t, , il. p -l.na, " A hr M h;i I i iitrr limn a rot rm or i.dy prifiiraior) I CB 4. mi. ,i (. in mi.lr e.: Mi livi ith ii- ciamia or p-i ti-n-io' . af ito.-.Ml nKin ttia nil,,. hiu-i i,oi ; n , refill s i nil to o I. auriliiinry .enan U 1,-: It i n-'rr T.-i t-.f i. i innui n, or c n,i ' ,! aul thra i. it, i ir o,f imtoriiiii' pi ti i, pirr r-i-,r t an il,-laa I el' . Il- i. rill : lo il: -I n I es 1 1 juit .' t,in II li peenln ly I t lai ij, l,m limliiiti p, anil i, tnan.viil hi th .o hi i,hi, I . it;, a hi In II- i-,'i- i..r mor - I i ., i it. ai an I pspo r . -' . i- b ii t.-n.-ts ii nl.-ti'iit,.,! (, u weiiatT ana J ri bl, i- ol II eir .1 lli'.e'lt.. t i ii.i o I,) il.. . - f 'In' tit , II o I th ft ni hi. ra-Tii-al I I i- !-,.' n at ', a: In u ilei.ri, i.l pr,..p.ru inipata iolod In I. ( 1 ' - luri i' - 1 1 n in- re ml ' h l .i " it im ' on ii,. iioiii run si lir th?i ttilniri a'nl ll.lt Ilia Ui as. r l i ' tin- t ..II.. -. HI' II-, ir. noil tin. T, 'I KN I'H ai.rt ( HI'.SKt I Mtreoi. I iii u a-, ata'. t ata "tt-i - l-ie imi apiili anon. It RATIONAL OIL BEFiNING OOMPAIffY, Capital $200,000. 20,000 Bbaree. $10 Par. PIlHM I'l.NTa WATSON M I.O SI . M AN.ru.ith, kat-on mai om;. , hi '.a r. sws. mi u.i i i ii , n, ni - .i i i r, i hi .ai kukivnI . jt . .HMi. (. i-ALi.ne , ALK A.NM.K 1 . IU. .11. Tl oMAM .1. L N(..'.8TK.. fili( UK 1 H . m.Ma t . hi v. KNboN. Hi ( -iinpi' I- f -m.lr.i itimri n kmIkUui il ftn1 t'iT(r- HM'i l.t -ir i-i In t-,ni 'l a r. Hl'-r Mi 1,it 0i:i,ni uioi t- r li l!'' rti tli y for l'iv-"-tnn ut ! nn nil ' "lh r tin In I 1 1-tin jiilJii. Mit ii in "I- ii" w o ir-r rrct'lvTui, fii.il In t.c pni tlimcr !. f ftM-k ! Mn J.i tnK-n nsrr-ini ot n -ii c' lij mv (m tAniiMi, t'id h il inlnrmiiti n (-- a I Hi tl.'-I'ltl. T t.l 1t Ci'tl-ilMnj, M luM Pi. Jll Mn-t. t) A IS. II. rj rs St N. It -TMnth-lin (.KVr.HAL AOF.Hf . V, GAS EEATIJiG ST0VI3! ai CHI.Ai rU THAN t'OAI. OK V.'OOl)! KAVIaF. 1S II EATING STOVE, 1HK ONI V ONI'. VIIAT 19 I'l.I i; H'.OM f.M0KK OU 6MI.I.I.. W.I'. Ill at (H KIC1, I'ARIiOKS. MXlStl, .Sl.KKl'lNO, AMI BATH ItdilMH. WI'l. li .a In ubln, In let. tin .-, ai.il at leu cxpun i than an oal rr W iH-it tituvi.. lin y ara if ry ctinr-Dlant lo me lu anirinieiit la n Mch ttiera la no Cu mnu t lua. i. AV. LOOMIM, N... 'J7 S. SIN'l II STIlfclllT, II-j-i rh Un rilll.AIiliLPHlA. roiifii: ri.(ii'MAN, caupknter A'wn I Minlili i, No. '.'i" l ,tK n I: Hlni-t.oiid No. Ill KUUK Mrn t. M ii-l.. i. W oriv mul MinwriKi.tnii: iiiiiiiilj ai- ti II, III! lo. a.-j-i SPECIAL NOTICES. 1ST TlIKODOItK TilION, KS(J , "Nt;V YOllK INlii:i'l..MKS r," t'OM a 1! I' 11 A I I., Nun -inner W. "Tlie Slati ol l!,. IJ'iiintr.v." tt TIIK T W F. N T Y-T'0 1' RT H UNIOX lx-r"i' M PC-Ini. li III Ir Ixli un i IIANKHlllVINil liAV. In tlie I nliin M. E.CImrcli, rut Kl It Mreet, below An h. lit o'rloi-k I. M. ('Iii l.itruiit ol all ilowiiiiinatiiin nri' punllalty Invited ti lie nri'M nt. Till' oxen lie. lull In- rurntu, lud liy .Mlm.tera ol tlm Viirtntis K.vanielirat t'liim-rfit ol llili cltv, llh I 1HNK1.IN MOOKB, l. 11.,) " KAMiwIciU'lin. Committee. 1 11H.MA8 T. MASOS. 11 -W f O l'" F l C VI Lehigh Coal and NavigationOoinpany . riiil;ul'lp!il;i. NoYemiM'r 2i, im. a ntvrtiKsri ot 1'IVE I'l.U CKNT., Dolnc TWO DOI.T. UtS ANH I U TV CKNT per ahara on tba Cai'ltal Stuck of Ike C( inpa-iy, haa thJi da been dcclaicd by the Itoatd of Man:i.ert, rAYAIIl.K OS AND At tER lUFSPAY, THE 29th INSTANT, CLEAR 01 CKIICn 8TATLB AXD STATU TAK El. EDWIN WAL.TEU, TKEAKUHKR. llftl-Bt Ol l'ICE OF THK LANCASTKR OIL Coiuiitoy, No. e6 H. 'UUHIt Ptreftt, secuul 8 ory. rilll.AlU 1 l N4iVlllt'T '21, 1MUj. A niottlmt of ttif titockholmra uf tho L&nculeroU 'ominy will bi- tu Id nt the titluo t thcC Jiupu,ou W KI.NK.hlAV, -No.cntlicrV.J. M o'clufk. U JiUIN C. M.t r.lNl'tCK, flotTOtary. ruiLADELniiA rosr ofiick THl'RmAV, ttii ytttt lnUnt, hay in. lfii .ct a .art by tlu i'rttiiii ut the I'lMtoU Sulci tie, a da v of TliaukuKivhii; tnl iTitvur, Uiift ortice siU to oo tur Lmaineu autll 1 o tlo- kA. M., whm Ir willhv cIohl-J tor ttiday. Tho rainern will n.akr thir t'4rlT nit.raiim iliftivorK'S ; Uio ool ktto: lUvir luuinii'S and cveuini' coliortioin. (j. a WAr.noRtf, 11 ?2-tit PoJtnwater. rrv? - NOTICK.-WK HKRKUY CAUriON the I'UbUc auinut lU KotiHtiUK our ('heck on tho t'tiinrntnufalth Until. r.i'lit'lfl.pM. datxt Ntr tuber al, I'!. pvabie tu oitW ri( 4k AlimtlT, and by hlaa entiurhd t ItllUWHl, KM'I1H,1:k a CO , irtwanty niiie luihilrt d mul ol'ihty-fiKltt ttoiiura itavuiity.Uvt' contc, (i.'hh ;.. ' hi t niJorni -tit of auid t'iitck txliij- torgfda ljMnont ol It hii a Ik'CU ilotpet, Jl-W t( T)HEXKL A CO. l-r OFFICB OK TIIK CITY BOUNTY ' Kuril t'omuilialoD.CoaiuitJiiwealtU Dailding, 140. t.ll t'HfcSSUT Street I'Hit .HK! riiiA, November 21, 164. HOt'NTY NOTIi'i; Whwoan, the Couimlasluiiera of tht Bnui'ty l-'und have evidence ih.tt a larm and liu re talng iiunitMTot th T.iiintt?r ri'i'uWins liuQty frm tbeclty tUri with Inii-uni y befuro lavlnK tha elty, aod that there la itn ur-SaUiled avu'tmi tnr the uurpotta. notice la htttetiy uImmi that tic Ooriiruiition, with tut- concurrence of tl'H Mu)or, nlll nterlalit no claim, and will atlvliHs th pajniciit ul' nu bounty to volimtt'r enlHtiriK after thia d;ittt uiiiil tba adaption 'f p i.per aia;:uart1i ahall tnsura fiat tlinno who ciiliAt tu the cnsUt of I'Lilatit lpbia aliall add to tt ti rttcctlvt atreiiKtb oi the army. For tlio prcHt-nt, th pftynient !' baunty wltl be con tinue it tti recruit f'T ttj it'";tiliir Army an 1 Naval aer vlce, properly credited to tho city ol' I'lillu'ieiphfa. B. 1. KI!ftl, 1 1 - '."at -t Prt; id y n u kS?-" Oil. SUBSCRIPTIONS. TIIKRR 'y aru only On lluudrod BubsirripUoBl at ett'U. T'ie Rtibvrfher, In a wortl. get In tt. lht icven tract f valuable Oil ten itur , l'r.'iPlnn on tha A'k-i-hetiy nvT ami tributaries, nud conti tioun to an. I ml 'o.titni; several t'i.iiiimiil''i uow at work, nud ut no bl,br .rUe ttian they mlKlit a iwJv i' Tn S'lbx-nf-ar- ormtnle ttt tJtiiupaiiy tiK'iuaeKea, elect thiroilicera,aud manage their af'nirt. Shart-t are p,t.vih! elti.T at ) t'.ma cf tibcrt.lng, or wh'u ib list ) mwtla up; Li tlfird, two or more porMint car. lul) ta.a-f tir an-i tatk a ai.aro. A ready the m.iioriiy vf "-hiir- an) aj.'iui. A the riw.ha will pit -Iti v-lv clit t i oM'A t"-t, 'o -aire trie or luoiv vl tl.e i Jia uarf nh r-'o, ..Odrt ut .n.e -r aurly to HI'Si'iV.-J M. MITi'iflOS, V T e- r. l-Of 'F I'M "d W.LM"rsi-w."i.ltl.if 11 '-i IT I . I'OVliA, I n --Vf) W.Mi WM X'1 T Sr. l " TV t-Vri'mic 4it 0 iU l :0 it:ie ' iamli ibr tb li . . s' -. tt.'" till' re i'i'-.f tin 1. 1.' '!; p" ut' t.-'i ii t- r l i i to a .! ii"-! oi eir jfl-:- i i-jd to ii i' tiicif -.ib- . lt.'f iB e ii.'f-jf ""no tit pt O'J , :. -ti I I t 1.. !. f i 1 i.. !' is. - - u(U;-. Wi mi' I ftpi-roi a't -we.-! hLiinirl moil' .i i..i l i".:. ui'i vt. (,.; :.vii4 j9, ..i-a ui-j r;; COMUl.KCML EDUCATION A NO lt i..n..(-:i:rl.ii .l.-; C . itr,.-l'! IKIt I'O 'i'lC'f, ,,f nv frk.Uie w-11 known ptn'M'it fotu ind t..:, A KamiMe Nation, t o-;:u.- rc ;1 'JW 1711 ' o.-rta.iou ui Jfliraiii,. t' e n.v Cell- K-)- mi. s ib "I. mmir-'l'! tl.f "i-'U a.iu - An mwu'.io ia Uiitld to au.wi.v ai.-w aj.i Uj IMI'' -.fill. fiOi.nil-H.S' UtU UAN.-r.-TllE UN- a, r, Kn-t will m i Vf Mot-ieri ortU- r lipVirl-. o ot kucadoi uutc orp-iiia vi tle.iMd 1 n.i -vlv.iuia o- iV.eK.mtai 'hot NHM Itr'NtVDM.N I ASVK'I ATMS. u tt. ht-NTH H;eii,ia the 7id, i .d, .'iui, and 1 ,iii ul it. fl pf -ent inoaih ( Vovem. , b;t e-.-n liiu !i"U, citA,M tiii.U M ,trt.ie pi.rf oi" h-vir.mj :ipdic nulla and n.akiiiif ur.an,M.iiuiita lor ihe aduiiatnou ui kdd (irp .un.1 iui" tu. ri b' ' i tt ul I i -tun'; u piu. ulwd l'i tfitt biM lot' Uiir uiai.ilcimacc anrt (d u- itlon. TlHiH. tl. lil'HUU'VK! Riip.-rint n 1cm b-'l-Jivi Oru'A'H. LA'.,i . an, NoNcjiiL. r iv, 11, il l a: 11 I a K I. t1 t il iff I