rrn HTIR1 J U U A EVENING AlLJ. rrn TT71 TT II I 1 J I 1 IL IP PRICE TlIliEE CENTS. THIRD EDITION GENEKAL BUTLER'S COMMAND The Efpoited Oi-eniug of tho Dutch Gap Car;al, iCCIPCM TO TIM' "COSSACK." Bpa-P-lnl to Tim Cvoninir 1 f-l.-grai'li. Washi-soton, November :;.-Tho tn dl steamer IHetatar, from City Point, rejotB tua: picket nrmg nai oei'D kept op with spirit nt iho front for a day or two past, roilting in tho killm j aid woaiidmg of ,i fc,v inn n ooth -ides. " oiti rr who Icn our j,,v-s i:i front, of Petjrs- burg t daylight ster lay m irning, rep r:s th i . ii. . n.-.. .1. . . , . '" i,iicre wcr. no signs ol tho evacua tion of Four burg. Tho II bd w ,rks were well manned, and tbo pi kets on both sides kepi up mir usual imrg. Dolti-fi f ItiKlor. i, was currently rcpo-tod at Fortrc-s Mour jfl yesterday morniai; that General II itler had blown tbo end out of bit canal, an.l hid lot rim water in. What foundation the e .it lor tha report th p is. f-engers ou board of the A'. Mor were uti.tbly lo fey. Tho heavy ra'ns of the past few days have placed the army roads iu a ml.tcrah'e condition, and Id sonio places llie mud is knoo deep. Tbo embalmed bo lies of Lieutenant K. 11. Riddle, U7ih Wisconsin; Lieutenant Junes Kii born, 8th Coniieotlcnt. and Setae tut W. Oo gunan, :Ut Pennsylvania, were broiirht up on he li.lutur. They will be shipped to tho friends of tbo deceased iu the North. Acrlileut to Hie ""oiml." The mull steamer r V, which collided w i'li a schooner on Friday, and afterwards run aground off Maryland Point, has been gotten off, and atrlvid up this morning. The holes in her bottom, which are just above tho water line, hive been temporarily boarded np, and sho will leave fceio at tbo regular hour this afternoon on her downward trip. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. Bpcclal Despatches to Evening Tt!lc:r.i,)li. SECRETARY OF TREASURY'S CIHCULAH. )llicf.S('n.i-M. South Carolina Plantations. DEATH OF GENERAL CAN BY. Etc., Etc., i:f- fie, kic, r.m., Kic. Washington, November 22 The Secretary of the 'treasury lias sent to tho heads of the several Uureausof his Department a ciiculur requiring the olliee hours, from 9 o'c! oclt In the morning to 4 o'clock iu the afternoon, to bo strictly observed, the Intervening time to be tie.-' toted diligently to labor. This anion on the part of tho Secretary is to corrojt tho ln-cga- luriiirn, which lie has noticed with regret. Tic Seen t iry says ho h is been much annood by opplicni''us for paint moots founded on state ments made by cii-."-"1 a-id otheis, that there were Tiicaiiclis to bo tiliel, B"d designating those tfceancics. He therefore k,v-3 uoijcj ttut It is no part of ilio duty of clerks or othors in t i j D pannmit lo tfi.e cither iufonmtion or advice on fuch spobt. ' All vacancies aro rc.por:oJ to tho Atsis'air. Sicreiary, and will bo tilii ! as the S icotry m iy determine. He will regard any t'uribar in erfer. free of this chara. (: u? a s'ltlioleot camo :'.r di.-rul-fal. While st. tin Ihetio gr.jun.ls of cjaii)'. lint, the Secretary cheerfully bears tostim ny to the promp.tiess ana taiuifulneis with which, us a general rule, tho bnsuc-s cf the I) ,art;neat has been comluca i. Tli Court at i litlniM. The Vnltt d S:a:es Court of CI dins was opened yesterday, but a IjourLedove.-tJ D jjeai'ier. Ofilv one Judjte wan presen., Ju.1sm Lorinif. Jid.'fi 1'kck Is i!ck, and Judges t.a-cy, Uiiyhes, and AVlluiot are at)ent from the city. Juojte Catron, of iho t inted States siuprome Court, writ, a hitlur I'roui Na hville, sra'ln that he will iiot be able to be in this oiiy at tbo opra irg of Iho Co'nt In Uecetuusr. 1 i n-lii l otiuii IM iiidiMiius The South Carolina lax Cii tiinins onorg will commence leasing cotton pUutatlons at llduu Vllead on the 4-.h of December. 4 iMHrnlnil .l.-l ): rnsm, Mr. I)ortc, of N''.!?- York, who ran a'ilnst lirooka, of lite Ejeprets, t ir Congress, is t.ik'n evidence for u content, thore will Da one con tested cane fioui I'iiiusvl vania. Wht l.-iiirtiiii'ut. Sfcremry S'anton Is uj.',ln at the npar'ni '".t te-Ody.urtondiiig to hisolli -i.il duties. V"n mm niuy bd Ibe hLowledjtc or desires of ot.Uun, 'bo iriepreniible S rotaiy has h iu-olf had no Ib a, iutiniution, or expectation ol'ioavin;; th-; C i rtur. I lit" ( I'MIII'I, It is laid ihut, In frr.nin Ir, nn.v Ci' i'jc, Mr. Lincoln wiil p iy csi-e.-ial rc.'u el to thr- iiiiIm. Ot busle8 trier;?)', rpilelt per.-ip ian, pri- ieil judgnifUt, n&d bir;h csecutWu and adui: iisti-iiive ability. In il.ort, bis ;.tit four yens' exp-trieu has laugbt him to pn-ura Utile 4tr'iner tiuom-n of the Jtni g Aui ji-n a elcui'? it. l ais de'e -mi nati n will bar nil of t'jj te ol ilc'urt J. Walker. ;- ii 1 t'nufiv. Iiho report of the death 0.' General Oa -:y, nhilo uot otlljialiy verified, is, ncverthel-t-s. liuivd lo be true ut the AN ur Departiiiuut. (ion. Ciinby bus been one of the most faithf.il ant useful public servants tha Government has had, and slme his advent nt New Oileaus lias stood like a wall of lire between the Government and the cotton traders, sugar dealers, and all sorts ot peculators mill speculators, and his lo-s at thin time is a public calamity. It has transpired thut General li inks' odvont Lcre hud for its hpeciul object the removal o General Cauby. He bus been backed by marly all the trading and speculating interests of the Si iithern Department. His stay hero developed the ellort to have him made Secretary of War, on the part of certain purtits who became alarticd a the possibility of Gcncrul liutler bull nppoiutcd to that position. Nlirriuuu'H Mciiii-nlsi. Generul lUwlii.gs, Graut's Chief of Stuff, tele jiaphti that there is a great panic In Rk-htuoi.d, u.uttd by the movements of Sherman. Urnvral liuruhide. General Burnside was at the President' uud War Olliee yosurduy. If A 4ora AbollNltnl. I n ucen promulgated ubolisliing the IlCibCori s. General Kinory Is to report to the jjj Commander of tho Military Division of the ratttieMppi. ot Civilian. Mojor-General Foster bus ordered tho Provost MarrbuLGcnerul of the Depurtmont of tho South io take complete census of all tho civilian wiibln the military lines of that Departoieut. t nt i-m Hon, 1 ho anrioen -emrnt that the Se t. irles of the ...vy ai d State are at v iri nu over tho -.Vin.j ll ptenmtnte; Mr. Well 5 .I'H'iitM h-r e!.'iri ttad bn.ks it i h n ini rous pn-.'ed"n's. 'ie ""''' c-im- IM-Ini? one in poln'. Mr. Seward is bu-ilj engaged in an e.iiiiiii.ilio-i o.' ail the fa'ts and prcenliiils bca i-ir on the c.ise. I III" "I Ill I fs The ptivat'- niemoriniibitn-book take-i fion the l.,n,u,, hiiiI reeel-.Ld at the Navy Di-prt- 'l J rilay, reveals tome en ; i-liies. Af.T the reeurrt of caeli eip'ttre c;f oir ve-t?.!s is entfnd, tl ere . a ,). nil 0f di-tr-li i ions i.i a le of the prrMtnnl vluh!e raptured. n.-h as gill wnt he.-, (ii.imond pins, Super rin A tlmty Storm. The n vetect and nn st proii";b' of the fuisoii is slid upon us. , Sc. I raii; t.jr o EUROPEAN NEWS. MK.IMKUII " MORiVIlX" AT I'OKTLWD. Tbe British Trcs3 on tho Soizaro of tho " Florida." LORD FALMERSTON ON TUE AMERICAN WAR. Kto., r.ic, r.tf., Klc, :., Kt"., Kto. To n r n.ANn. Novelnber Tl, ...,.,ai. Moranan, from laveniool. with d . t m, id i. iiist.mt, via Londonderry on the tub, arrived at this port at 10 o'eio k ibis inorum,;. Ttie ste im- snip I.UIU-H, irmn llo-ton, iirriM-d out on the 7ni iiistiit,. . l ,c steaiu.shlp ti,imu.i , irom tj-ie h-.-iirrmd out on the Kth. I im i. , ..,!., "t If Mh.ujtvn nrnvedont on the Dtli. The srea n hips .Sujdniu and Trutumn, fr in New York irnved out on tbe 10; li. Tim ut..,imshi,, v,..... from Sew York, arrived out on tin- nth. '1 lie Hunk ot rju'lAlld re. In .Ml n. rn. f discount to H tier cent. Hie lower house of thi Danish Uk-sraiU has idoptid i lie treaty of p-a e by a im m nority. 1 be Uiaxiliau Corresouudence ilIa-Jvk i.i n, , capuire ol the pirate t'Uii!ti is p I'lUshed. 'J'he London star douo inees the seUurc, aid hopes , A m-rica will repmliato it. ibe tor.vurd put of Iho sto liner J,,. o, near Murpuol, lias bee td over; Oui the alter n irt remains upright iu tho sand. At the new Lord Mayor's bum i-t Ta! min e a speech, in winch, in r. i..n..., .t... bloody war ill Ami ric i, ho sii.l lie rr.i.r..,! .h.. 'oiileii'liug parties would soon ii ,,l if i.i.., ... he rcei neiled than to tubt: ami fiar tl.,-.. aiu. pnti-fi which h ,ve ha lowed that eminent wi'h ilooo, v lil be ettled by Hmi.ublc urrane.uen! Iietwecn themselves. ireat tlomis h ue Ck-c irro 1 !n t'n .. n.l I'Cortuotis daiiiuire has lie.oi ,,ii-.., ,i u,:. by a Hood. ' " 1 lie expedition to J iiiin win antlralv n... 'Css'ul iu oiienuiir the lriiiin,! s ... i.. n... .J age of all ships. " oiiiiiipri liU Iiili llieuro. I.IVItRlOol, CorniV Mimrr -li,... Km. n.i.i r 1 1. '"I foti t, wo..,. 72.i' 'n. in' HlHlllIU .U I'WI l, ,., s:.,..,,. ., , .. ... J inurkot I,, oy.nt, und we., an i.in,, f i,i. i ',. d 1 1 I In olli- r Ui sen.it;. ms. M il... ., , kn.i.. ,ik v t lies, tin- ni.irs.. t losing ii,,ur.l. rtl ...ti.,ri..ia illliailtl"llil mu ; Orl am .- ... hue i.ia V1"'"1 '..!. I.ll , in ota. Hl'K.11,-,1 1 i mii'm.t VI '.,d. Jill. 1 ie mirket elosos "roi iblon Markoi iteu,i mi,! Itmier I oru Is iluU. 1. 1 '- n !' a l'l.o . i . . i s Ma ii in t.-T',.i o;i qu.ei anil liu,ly. Lsul is ilvan 1.0MUON Maiikbis l.iiNiioN, N ivein'ler 1 1 Mnk n I ntlnim n . lii. r-asa.i t ill .i s). i .i.u'in . ir.ll Kllr.l,ia 1 s, ii,; f rle kuiliimU s.(rt; 11. :.a i-e.' cent, ei- :o nit ; KturkelH l,y I'cl.'Krx.ih. tr.w Yoiik, November 22. St.,:k arel"ter Cii-mo aid It rk fsiici.l, Hiv, (' ,i, .rl.n,, , ,r.?r,.,' 4 '-'J I' '"I. l-'W : Ml lilcm s. .'i.r'i, ;t'. -j0,v' l,,ik C-Mlr.il. '11 S ; m. I.IM; lli,l..i,i River . .,i.,,i .im.-i, , ., ; i.rie. I!,1, : u,io Y-.ir fi tl. 'I r.-Asury 7 .(,,, 1 Is ; I'll 1 , r.Klst Til. ..nd 1.'7. , '., euupoiis, 101' eu'lpon lis, ro-i. IsiJi IHIJ Df ll AI ! lilVH ttl, (IIIMIII, AIiDllIONAL Dur.ias. The Chatf.s.i?nt;s- Haf'ta of Tue lay h is (lie f al lowing ; "We learn tbnf the Rebels Mucked Oencril I'illtni at Morr s-owii, on K iturd iy night last, a t.iit 1 o'clock. G loin, it win repined, was i.utiil.and bis mii lery captured. About one 'omatKlof his command reached Strawberry riuii.s yesterday. They rcp-irc! their comm it tler captured; but the report is not ereliied. Ibcckinridge is said to bi In comimtntl of the Kencls." A HUl-IIKMItild I'ililllOriOV, I is with sincere gratification ih it wo announce the promotion of any odixr wh ' has r;n ler.;d f-nod service to the. Governm-h', but especially so In the following case, where tho offi ;er h uio-ed hus labored for ears with uu. e ising vlgilanee and ere.it success iu a most iiii,. )rc.int depart roi nt of the army. We le trn tint tbo President ha- promoted Colonel D. II. Vi.it to bo B.evot Brh-mlRr-Grueiiil f, r faithful .-old meritorious ri rvlces. General Vinton hi ne-n in tho mili t.iiy set vie." of the I'nitid St i.ei for forty-'.Urec yeiiiD, twenty right of whic'j he big becu em ployed In the Quartern, .sicr's II turt-nent. Ho Im h tn ciipii'.:, d In nearlv all r active mllltiry opra ionsoi our ii'iiin-s sine-' f, l,i: l.itei. rify and encigv render ;he tt, u:. try L.valuabie. " year IS 1 ;, a-id ins services tj l'- -.. t.KVM S l I'll The g iii.l hour of pc.efu! lii'e, ' n tr.iirninrii ij through tic . Ai d was, which only de.iu,,; Coul I mean, wpj kissed by -, riieii suddeii'y a well kit jw. !'.. A vein in suMicr a k.ur eye I I'ejgct tbe hour !oig ,t the pi i "My G id ! 'tis Gen, ral Gr n.t The peojilc heard, a shout w., r Their voices cheered us hearts l'or GiiA-sr was there, md God Who taught that elr'et'tala l 't.iv'f.; iwdetl StreOt, v.mt strife n,iless feet. " lie cried. ..iC-J, vero in them, o praised, v to win them ! 1X11 Mii or mi; I! Ni w CiicsNir Siithiir T.t vritp.. Tlic ro niimee of I'uuintt,; as it is cilij-l on thj bills, wiu; given with great display and clTout nt tho Arch some few years ago, under the. manage, mcnt of Mr. Wheat ley. Nothing is so ter lilitally grand as an avalanche, a Niagara of snow, descending like a torn-nt-a stnita ell'ect uliursf Iri'posslblcto present. Tie Alpine scenery nt tl c Cbesnut was exceedingly rdcturesutic and line in all but tbo i-bincbo. The iiiostoutlm nastie imagir.mion cannot see anything bi ia.il ted cauwiF, which last idht uuullcd itself aulijurdly, and ditl not (it thu cottage. i he snow, too, fell not with the graco It did in the .So (,f j,Xt but probably all this will In reiu j cud In lutniercpicsentutions. Tiio pivllllon in the two lust acts is it-otic elegant imd magniii eci t. Ibe piece is full of Interest, and H as e xcel, let fly played, us complete a whole as weku,etcm lit tl ik theatre. . M ss little Gcrmon, wc confess, sm-prlsod us The part is ot.e entirely out of her usu.d m lo it requires sentiment uud pulJtos, two tiinliiles v. hich Miss Gtrmon bus novei' yet displayed -, but in I'uuentte she infuicd a touching, goutlc pa hos that wuschaiuiingj nd lii tho fourth act, which Is tbe diamatlo oatiu-trophe, though the third is the scecie, the rose to tragedy, keeping, however, within the bounds ofgwu luste and truth There was not a veslige last night of ber nsu il miti.neilfcnis, and we weie delighted to see the audience appreciate ber newly revealed powers by applause, and byealliiiK ber before the cur tuin i lor it will show Miss Gcrmon that until now Hit has mUUiUn her road, ajid that it dot s not leiiuire to lower hor tuic-nt or herself to be a fuvoiito. Her costume was excellent, and of course the looked pretty. Miss Vatiglmu is a lady evidently accustomed to the stage, with u good voice, uud intelligent reading. fche is a great improvement on tbo lady whoso name was iu the cast. Mr. llakcr,ae"Becuard " was most tfleclive, and drew tears from the audi- rillLADKLrillA, Tl II)AY, INOVKMHKU 22, IS(4. f n-e In the ti-nrs of the last tvo as'ts. II niBl c-up wa , n e b ut Mr. Mor lftiiiif miide ai rnn.-h as pox i'il-of T-ir- whi b has mil mu h p iw.-r in It. M r. W , -.1 a lit-If out of pi ice, and un-nrViV irv, n : ,c ,-av, roiiiih sold er'vf tbo Knipire, bat pi ;v. I ,. Int. I ig. ntly. Mis. ihnpnt.m tu iii an cx.r lent aiut ln-iulfiiiiic l)u .-hfNs. Is Mrs ( h i im an av irr that tbo imperial idiet un torln I. leu crm.ilin.j o i the stae ? lb ojis ar." Vspccally awkw ir I an I Inili-emt in all stage niovetnents. Ii'f,;t( , with its musie nr. I all its -verve at ri 'i,.iis, ,i., ,1 to tie a-iintr, sbou'd t t a mp ilarpie.-e. In ibe l;.'i . ieee Mr. Murdoch, a iieph.iw of : le traced.an, mad '. bis tiist (ui "araiiee i i tin" clia-- i oi ii.ii, in uroin. , iii, ,i,,(i , it; sv ouiift. bun, . in,,., v. i h l irge blaek eve- th f i oo liri-ehief, gem!,, imnly, stvliih, and ;'ili vvaeiiv. He i !rri. If v nsiti )n (, tti s f; erv in 'i re, a lo.'S ot ill r, iiainition. arc V i til Aucit Sini-rr Tu fu ni:. f. ,f . I n.u was spl, -ndidiv put on the -''. in I f rs ' .aries was ene.'.s itin..-, Mr. W ! .,in,s uai ;ii. al'y sp.r'ted and auiu-nn,'. il "ire c-owb'l o; course. Assi;iiitv I!i aiirN,i. I he s con.l nntiuee of the ria-sieal U ilntette f'l'ib w.ll ti'io ol i.-c t -n.orro v. 1 he musi,- is ul r,,i hiitiios style, an 1 ex. . nt. d to perf-etion niu i - so !! as is never h.-nr.l In an ordinary . me, rt. I'ne n i li,-1 , v. rv la'l.iouatile, the Wtcliesi of our r .( b- n ibeie. ' OKIOI.AM N" r nil; tlllfV. Hie (',ii,i;iij of the htage is nonlie ". , , of Shake-peart". The trmre ly w' il,c p( :t w: it-, It is nvie than half as lovg M iin as thi a t on ediiion. In 'his the spc.-.-b'-s ot seven! of tb ' characters aro lyher wholly omitted o- arc m i h mutilate, I, the ''Iruprovyn'ieiits'' con-isting, f ,r th.; most part, of verytyrffcht bits cut out, an 1 vry fiif id onis put jfk " Tubus AiinditH," tli Yol ciiui leader, haklel and suppressed : the giand chnracti of " Vlumni.i" is mercilessly eurtaili d, audtfvcu the lie that the gentle "Vir. gllia" is permitted to s.y iu the origin il is ninde still -less in tho aniVided 'cd.tim. " M- l.cnlus," too, is scarcelyViermitteil t j show wbnt niSnncr of man he s, whie scene- in .vh cli hi eha'raetcr develops i-s(-l( alt ig'taer oniiited. ' Tkc aits so skilfilly d. line it, fl by tho author by which "Sicinius Velutus" a-,i.l 'Muoius Ifrutus," the Tribunes of thj people, Incite the u egainst "Coriolunus," are almost, completed ignored by the dramatic inn ,v.itor. Keen the speeches of "Coriolanm" an- cti", and the hero is not allowed to use what ine would nr jn jwerc his fair share the original words of his p u t. I he ordeal of Ditste ami scissors !,, h c , bus umlergoue iicfore it is proiumnecd lit for tho stage, if not conducted on precisely thi u : principles ou which a seiu-aiiou noel is slashe i Into and "walked tip" into a "moral, eiuotio , ,i plav," is at leant conducted upon a process ak;ti to Ibem The spirit in which tho glib dram itist p it hes tbo thoughts ot Shakespeare together with the glue of his one idea is not tar removed from th it which would pick tho spots out from the sun's din", and eke iho vacuum out with n star or two or which would gratify it laste ami diseerum mt by loatlii g a cannon to its mu..le with bl utk t-artiidgis. Shakespeare was not poet without iui ertec-ions j but theyureii.it to Ijj reiuoibe i by the alterations of another. Was this allowable, the works of tho artist would equally be subjects of emendation; and the envious and wretch-, I painters, and still more wretched critic, mii'lit crowd tbe canvas with lurgi" uilowanoos of bin,! shy nnu green fields, according tj their own sv.i et wills. A hen, however, a Shultesperi in adaptation i9 ucces-ory iu tbe eyes of tlioso wh.i certtiuiy ought to be best tpi iliued lounJcrstaud the bud ness of the stage, c-usure is generally silent, an I uie niouin oi in,, pumut clo-c I against t'mlr Itndliig. Shorn of some of its lo-ksof stecng h as tbe original of Curwinwi is, the priu. ui il character is retained almost in its integrity, l o tee the p'ay upon tha stage, and to real it 1,1 the tpiletude oi the study are two S"prratei p'-.a-sures the former of which stimulates m more bv the magiiitlcent itpiieals made unitedly to the ft n-is of s M-ht. and he niog, and the Int o;- by tho joint symmetry, the d ivo-tailodiioss of liie various pans. 1 l o " idea i f the life" of ' Corio' tnus" ,1 ies not imbed "sweetly creep into the study of Imagination." It stinks Into it baltlly an l ere t, and siai.ds a breathing stattio there. The pre vailing id. a wo h ive ol " Coriolatnu" Is thit of liuijis'y. No other euiboiliineut of Shukespf ire is so coiistaiviy associated with this impross.ou. In. Mt) first ciufroiitment of tins peo ih in t ie soli.-itutioi; , fui coasu'shi:) which ho del 'tl-l to make of them as though he disdained wn.it he so'icits in b passionate interview with " Voiumiii.i," when she pros ri'ies to hi'n tiie re ip" by wuich pride shall wait on power; i:i his banishment, his exile, and his death, it U the unsullied majesty m his characer which we p; ni cipaily i-imiie. Like tho luminous a iuosph. ra mrit iiii'liug the oiatue body of an orb, in our toi leinpla'ion of tbo light we almost forge, the daikne-s it envelops. Mr. l'orrcst's dulineation of "C iriolanus" is to be clasied among bis very best perform itiees. It is to be php-ed bes do his ' King 1, ir," uj w'li U piobubly ho rea.-lies ttio vorv altitiJc of li s genius. In "Conolauus" there is less room thin usual f ,r the display of Mr. Forrest's faults. I'uo tumultuous scenes between "Corioi anus" ani tlic p,.puluce furnish at once o -cisiou and ex :uso for a lehemooco which borders upon ra it, and the sptctrteular character of the piece tliver ,s tho Btteiitton stuuoA-li.it from the li inc'essa, il p, o loiigcd pauses which Mr. Forrest is sj ton 1 of niakinff, and which Sliukesjiearo never coil t hav intended him, nor any other actor, to in V,o. 1 hr.mc.bout all tho plav this actor's e.vuii uta elocutiou was employed with the utmost skill, and interpreted with singular powe.- passages which, to the carele-s reader, bad con auiod at best an ubseure sous,;. His first speech d'alt in mist patrician invective, l'or this, however, tho bulk of the play gives much occasion. Too iiuc.it .in plu) s ufihis are where bo Is accused by one of the Tribunes i" Sicinius Volu'ua") of treason; wb. n he rejects the cilre.it.ies of bis tno'her ("Voliimnla") to ask con -11: itln'lv the c i-is il sl'ip of the people; when he receives sentnu :3 of banishment; and when, at tho clo-e of the plav, he replies to tho i.iipe.i' biiieut of --'i' alius Auiei dins. And ibourb it was with s-i,:h p ns ig -s as those the impression of Mr. Forrest's groaMst exe. lleecfi will be eoii'icteil. yet in the c.t!iu aa I iiiiet-t-iupertd scenes it was p.-ocetl tint Ins . ntne tleiiueation o:' the ch int.-tor w ,s o p il io his barmoiiious eon ;.'p:ioii of ir. T,n p o i I uiodtsiy wnli which "fJoriolauus" rocjivis tie prai.-es of "Coniinius" and tuj awir l of i'io Senate; his exquisite groetiu.1 to Uavortr." -M . g'a.inus Silence, h.iii!" uud tlm I . ft' solio t r with whith, in tho Volsei in ca up, he ivlio ,!s tu'i appioueb of bis wife nn.l mcher, and tho e,n-bas-y of II , man ladios, are variously ton -in ig in deitiee, and iuvo-t with io :u!iar g;-ie ; pr.ud a eburai ter. This r, leutless .n i ir ....-i, I utter most sweet compliu.cn j, as, fur iu-i i'i,:,;, w :l,.n ho speaks of " I'he 11,1.1.' sis -r ,,r i.,iie , , ',, Tl..' fe.iuu ol R lie.: elii.. ,;,' .is file t ; . 1 tut . ei.i'.ltil .,v tl, ii.i-i ir., i, i j, ilv,: , j -t And .eaiiss mi Hist, iei,,! " A' this late day lo in.-inu tte of this gnat a , that he has faults, would s,-ireely" lie ivo-.li the trouble or the time. II, s uxoolleneios are so great that ho can afford to ret iio foibles, i.ntl thisc, moreover, are so fixed us not t iiu removed. Flattered as only those who have been so disparaged t an be, and disparaged only as those who havo been so successful are, Mr. For rest knows too much of the world to expect hK liientls tti be so candid to him us to almit bis limits of acting, or his enemies so goo l-n uurol us to acknowledge his virtues. His distinct uud wonderfully musical enunciation, his ultn i-t peilect tmplmsis, the delicate varictv of bis in. lunations, und consonance of gesture with speech, aic rare 6llts indeed, und happily udorn a genius which excels iu those delineations where pbvsical ,rr. a os prevails. Mi. Forrest wus rcnllv well supporter!, the chief nltntcilt.its of the cast being Mr. McCullou th as "Tiillus Aiilltllus," Madame 1'onlsl as "Volum uhi," and Mi- Alico Gray us " Virgdl i." In con. sctU i.ee of tbe character Of "Aulidius" being nipped od'nuito rboi t, like a rose in the bud, Mr. McCnlli iiRh had but u poor cluinea. The scenes by which, in the original piny, his disposition and counterplotting are developed, are, in tbo stage ediiion, entirely obscured. The brief scenes in which he is permitted to appear are limited to tho fourth eud fifth acts. "Vo'umnia" has a better chance, but even she is restrained by thr emenda tions e f the pltty-wright. "Menenius," who is some what vcrUu-e und sprightly in tho origimil has all bis green boughs lopped off, aud is pro. seutcd tuly as a withered trunk. Tte scenery with which the p'.iiy was presented deserves notice. It was new and beautiful, ami elicited spontaneous tppluuse. The costumes and war equipments were for the most part an-prt-prlate, although the triumphal chariot of "Coriolunus" was scarcely of such mal jt as that hero would have most delighted In. The geuoral suppoit wou fair, which is saying a great deal more than we can always say of auy theatre, and the choms and orchestra were equal lo each others' capabilities. CITY INTELLIGENCE. iii, w. Mimt. To r w sis M 4'.. W nd. N. W. A. M , MOVEMENTS OF KAJOR-OESE-RAL GRANT. V!pu to his Fiuriily r.i Eorlii.tau, New Jtivftey. MIS STAY IN f4CW YOHK. ui.vr mi: tiiik. shkrmi. Grant's Arrival in this City This Morning. SCENE AT FIFTH AND CUES?? UT STREETS. Ho is Eccognizevl by a Suluiov. THE WILDEST ENTHUSI ASM The m-iv-mcnts ofth- hero of Vlcks'mrg have be. n attended with m ieh sc :resy darin.; the put few days. Uu Th irsd.v last (icneral Un nt leit the army an I proceeded to Washington, l-'ron this ei-y, niter a brief c iun'titi m with the I'.-e-i-dei.t and Secret iry of War, he loft for 1! iriiugt iu, N. J., the resilience of his fum-ly, nssin through this city on 1'i ilay. As may be ia1.i15in.-d, the .,iiet people of H nlington w. re grtnOy s'lt-prisjd when, on l i i lay aiteruoon, (en ral "tirant, , companied by several memli.rsof l.is ia,uiiy wis s.eu upon one of the principal streets. Iinin. dia e recognition to ik pU' c on ail s'des and such hand-'-link in ivid L-irty con.'rituli nors never before fell to til- lot. 01 this rouowuod otbecr. In a tew minutes tbo no u of the. airiv.il 01 ij 1 .tut flew like wild lire thrjiu-li the lo.en. .1.1,1 the gathering eventuallv bee one so "real tha- in , ui-u ,ut ...eueiiii nnu nis i iiutiv were obliged to stck the seclusion of thrr own homo, lb re, until a line hour on l'ridav n'-tht, be received a number ut visitors, the l.-.-.r',,, leaving his residence until near iiii.lai-ri.t On .Saturday morning General I. rant, aeoom panied ley his fumllv, arrived m -New Yors cry, an l .piieily and in an tinos-enuMous m mu'er procc tied to his hotel. During the day the g c it i h.eltan, iu piam eiti.en's dress, with bis li tie son, and his tlauithter, Nellie Grant, ufier a sh irt prwii, nude on llroadw ay, proeecl-d ton noted place of a-nuseiiient on that fa, nous tliorou: h t.ire. l b. :r hu pa-,ed uu hour or more and naiu returned to bis hotel. N. tw-iihstamliii tho priaeyt)f h'.s visit, the fa-t of Ins arrival liecaino kn ivu to a riumb-,r o.' pioniinent elti.eiis, and lh."c be entert liu -d up to ihebourt.f 'J o'clock 1. M , when bo no-nded the grand rcoep'lou given at the Astor lloisoto Mr. Fenton, Governor elect. Kojieatod eir.rts were ina.lc to iu.lueo the Genera, to make u speech, but without avai'. He remarked to a friend sitting upon tho p! it torm by his sine, that "if all the imaginary gold which exchanges hands in Wall sireot every twenty four hours could be cuaveried Into solid mail rial, ami all oiler. .1 him for a soeech on that occasion, he would not make 1'.; that it w is not tbe purpo-e of bis mission to ninko speeches." The New York 7Viej of to-day, spetkin -j of General Grant's visit to that city, says : When the Veteran Vnion Club com;ilimen'od the Governor elect w itb a si ren nbi at the Astor House, they little thought what a distinguished i,u, st would craeo the oc -aslon with his presein-o. It was only after much solicitation th it Gouoril Grant consented to como dow n to tho roc niti jn room, and occupy a seat by the side of Ojieruor Im ntou. His eiitr.ttieo was greeted wi'h a shout of applatiso, buistligou' fivin tne heirt ifi.-ury man fhcio present, the honingo of tiie p-o.-io to their great victorious leader. No words can express th ; wiltl cnth i lias n of ti e moment whin cheers for Grant rang fro u floor to ceiling, and tho audienco looked upon ta.it modest, unassuming man whom Ira'f tno continent teirs and tho other half ad ires. 11., positively retuscd to speak althoiii:h r. n arediv Vallfd ujioii. oices in the crowd eaMod ri "Ki.-e up, '.cuvral, wo want to see yon." Xqo General rose, bixveij, aud sat ,io.vU amid erics I'tiim all p uts of lliO roo n, of "G jd ble.s you General ; Gel bless you '" lo G, neral Sickles he delegated the honor of returning his thanks for his tlattering reception. ll;s reticence on this occivtion, hit resistance to tins inducement to s ,y at least a few wmds, was but ttu illustration of the obstinate firmnoss of bis character, which, having once determined t do or md to do a thing, wilt not allow bitn to deviate from bis purpose. I he General received very lew visnor" during his st iy iu tue city. OaSuml iy evening iio called on Licutftnxu'.-'eneral sott, at tho liuffojou House, but it is believed to havo been nothing moio than an uaoiliji.il visit of cour e-y. To those whom he hono'Cd bv receiving them ut his rooms, his manner was . imo.-iul, his eon veisatlnn hopeful, and his views of the situation most assuring. No oua cm he irhnn I ilk without being profoundly impressed with the forco of a ,'ha,u i,r combining immense power with tho im st nmisstiuiing modesty, Ihs presence fas cinates, his eye magnetizes yon, and y j. cannot look in his face, listen to his Ica-, e.n n, quiet word.., and go auy doubting tint Grain is in S'er of the siuviilon, and kuo vs it. To a geiitl. man ot this city lie said, on Sund iy afternoon ;' T he Southern ( onf.) .lor. icy is a mere -hell. 1 know it. 1 am sure of it. It is a hollo'v shell, and Shericau w;l! prove it to you." The t.tlin, in. met cons lomiess of power with which Hus was s ml, more th in tho jrds t'leui ehes, C'liveyetl to Ins visitor an iiuiju iliiicl oon vi. tinn of the trutn of the General's teoisii ks. In answer lo a question wheihur, in bis opin ou, niiieiy days would bring the end, ho s iid, with a gum -niiie "I am not a ninety-day m in, but we . shall see what will happen in sit, in .nths." 1 la eiunilicttiico of these words fro n ibe C nti-ni:ttnlcr-in-('liief of our armies, wi'h tties?nso of fits know edge of and p nteiMv- r the vuolt sub je, i, which his man n or imp' at-, cannot be an ler ra , tl. General Gi-art knows and beli-v-s whit ho i v'.aud he is not ae;u-t.)uio,, to -X),-ess bij vi. w without due eousi i ran in. From tho nioveiiieiit .-.f Ic'ieral .-iier.uan it is evident ho epects gre.it r, stilts, and in thj s're. :s.s 0f his operations bo hut the most m rio t comi leaoo. A.thoin.ii ft w hid the pl-a-ure of seoiag him, y." lie -o impressed ih'.sc lew with his own h iiio f'llncs.s that they cannot help reiterating the cry oi tne Veteran I'liion -loih i.nl tho or i or of all loy il men, "G jd .''le-s you, ta -nor il ; G .id bless you ''' l.t itertil Jnni(' trrlvol llii-t Xornltii;. At an rar'y hour this morning the General m i is c i in Ibis city anil stopp-id at. the Continen tal. Ho intended to proceed im mediately on to the front, but by some delay bo missed the train and was obliged to lay over a few hours. Uo- tween 10 and 11 o'clock, accompanied by one of his aids, Colonel li ideau, he left the hotel on privuio bu-iiics.s. Ho wi.s tlresscd in civilian's clothes, with a large slouch hat, having u nliiug whatever on his person to indicate his position. He proceeded down Chcsnut street unmolested mil il a short distance below Sixth, when a soldier who was standing with several of his comrades on tl.u sidewalk recognize d him, und wildy ex claimed, "My God, there's General Grunt !" This rows spread almost with tho speed of lightning, and in a few minutes tho General was completely besieged. Tbe crowd increased with great rapidity ; people seeing the excitement came ru.-hiiig to the spot to inquire Into tho cause of the rejoicing- He was grasped around the neck ; to his coat tail, und his bands and arms were seized by till who could possibly reach him. Tho scene whs becoming more exciting, aud the Gene ral stood confounded, not knowing what to do in order to extricate himself. A large number of police rushed to tbe sjiot, and the fact that tho j excitement wits owing to the presence of G'.'uei -.' : Grant was communicated to Chief 'uggies wn'o scon hud a large uttuibe: l' p()ijca ol, hand.' The police t- u formed a hollow square, and the ierttl was placed within, and fairly lifted by the crowd Into the Central Telegraph olliee, Fifth end Chesuut. The doors were speedily closed and guarded by the pollec. The crowd gulkered around and climbed up in the windows, and cheer alter cheer wus given for tbe hero. Alter some delay, the Generul was conducted iip-stairsinto the Mayor's private ottleo, whore be w as taken In charge by that otticial, and heartily velccmcd, after which he informed the Mavor Ihut be wished to leave as soon as possible. The Mavor immediately sent for a chaise. Tbe crowd outside of the building had by this time largely increased, and the wildest onthit- ia m prt vailed. In spite of tho efforts of th" p.il .o a pas age way could n it be m. tl. 1 1 oin the steps ol the Mayor's office to the cm ring.'. Chii f I 1 1 lies fcein-! this, iin.ne.li.itelv s enr. tl ano hor nrrinre nn.l h id it taken th eli.'rrc ef i n nMicer to the n ai I a' of ln,loH"n tbo c, ipmre, on Walnut street, l'liis ruse sue cet d d uio.-t Htlmiral l.v. fee . r wd -et iug the carriage drive around to the Walnut sire, t Kate, and there ha unit, of coiit-c supposed lb it tbo General would tu'te Ins coiivt ianeo from Mrs point. Memwhilo i l ir,:er lollee tonv arrived, anil a pass ice w is otieii-.l I" tc n to tows of officers, and the (lii ral aud fob n.l ltiileau were ec irt.tl bv thn M'Vor to lb, ir carriage. As the (ien -r d p iss .1 In: i l i-ci rri eee hewes loinllv t heere ). K.-ervtim s. . mt if deterniiiietl either to "hike his h in, I, or at lea-t to touch some part of his irannouN. II m. tiii iis of nuns i re stretctie l over tho In ads of the t lbcers. and the General was gently tapped on bis head, - boulder-., and evcrv pari of bis body that roul.l pi).-i',v bo reaebeti. A pis cng'r. cur. till, d wnb several ladies, passed it (ho time. Tin y waved their handkerchief and In otu r ways mimifes ed their reitard for tho h m nod i n I i ut tin I. As soon is he was safely sc itcl in hiu t arrlugo the ciowd b oke thro igii and dun-? to the couvi y.ittee, nearly every win lev of w'l.eh w is broken. Th driver nnplti. 1 his wliip to tbo hor-isan.l proceeded up l In snut street. Ui the Con'it t'iital, witbou' regard to the ci'v or I n i-i .,. pn.Mliltinc fast ilnvinc. Before nmcb ol h crowd could ni-rive in front ol the hotel the General wa. t'M-ortcd to his room. Iu a short lino aft or. i uds lit. took his depnrtitre in sit h a m inner us to csr-ip? almost any noti e. During all ibis oxeit.'nieut.5froin 'he tine tho '" nanil was Dc- ege-l in Chosnut street mini Ins departure fiom the M.iyor's ntll.-e, ho hold tu .t inevitable rigar in his month nn l sm iked most i.i. ion ,-it , w iiien was no u. una owim; to the c;re it i xeiicmcni ninier Inch bo labored. While th people were paying bin so nil h honor ho seemed iiiitcn t ni'iiirrasse i, iipisiung ire in intly, wit'i his -t s . us i oowuwar.is. '1 he popularity of General Grant wis attested iu a rciiiaiKiime octree liy file populi-n this morning. From the tnno ho w as lirst rccogni.ed on the stietit until ho s .tight tho eheitcrof tho i,oiiiu.entat llot -i, mo eiitliiistnstii of the poo d' .-.i-i ttieio.iieii. .-sot mono was the excitement .. ion,. u t,i ino c ,ii mature years, but the contii. glon -pie.itl to cl.ihl n ti of tender Miars, anil the-e wtic iin. ea-iiig in tinnr cllorls to obtain a glimpse However (.-icitly t ,r mt in.iv pride himself npm his riu ineei'iiig nbtliiies in a military point of ii, musi uci j uter eonicss tnat t.'io crowd .sineti ue.oe, .-.I nun upon Ills visi t ) l'lilli lei plun, on the ''.'d of November, was tn much for nun, iicwe, ultn -ami Btrat-gic light Iii.fflli-iitH. During his stay hi the Mayor's otlice, M iyor ...,ii.t i, Line- in, ,iii jr a s lo 1110 II ', ,11.11 ,j tile Gt nt nil's fiiniilv. Grant renllclth it thev i.r nil in very gootl health, whereupon somo "0110 at . , U.IH1 n I'll,,,,! still,: "How is your uih-r family, Genonl " "What lainily .-" respomlod ;ho Genersil, for the inoiii, nt taking his eiitar from his mouth, and liul, line it between bis forefingers. "Your family in Virginia, General," was tho reply. Tbe General, smiling at this witti'isin. an swered, "Oh! they are always in tho best of health." Some mliiiif previous, while Grant was stun!. ing on tin sidewalk stirt-ounilcH It... th. n,,.:,.. .. blight-looking boy, about t.-n yours of ago, slipiietl wit n mo policemen, ami approaching General Grant with extended baud said, "I w iutt ishakH bunds with you, G ucral." Tho Geaoral took the llillo fellow's hand and gave It a hearty shake, after which tbe boy stole ont of tha onclo. Hire, and with his face beaming with gladness related tbe incident to several ol his comrades on tl,e opposite corner of ibe street. Notwithstanding the extniordinory elreum st im-cs ot tills Impiomptu ovation, General Grant could not resist tbe tempting luxuries of "tbtt cigar," of which so much has been said. It whs nnl long but sin.'ko, smoke, smoke, tho stmn.i ol one being replaced by a fresh ll ivnt' i, Hhitum. so have we seen hi-n amid thn din of battle, w ben death and desolation was h ippcnini' on nil sides. '-That cigar." seeminglv, is a part of hini nlf, and withoiii it his existence would bo in Ccniplcto. Ha n TiikmTiii rk. All attendants upon places ot public amusement, and espeolilly tlioa'ros. know how universal is the habit for a por ion of the audience to rush pell-mell from tho cst ib i-h mcnt just Dcioro mo close ot tho perf or.uan.'u. o mutter how deeply interesting; m iy bo the clo-inn scene of tlic acl, these ill-iu iiiueted per s.ms cuniiot bo Induced to wait until tuo fill of Iho curtain, but climbing over benches, and ru i nn gdowu the sUiii ways, by their n jiso prevent ibosn desirous of sittintr tho nla7 out. Ho ii-.,-.. ing so much as a single word of tho langu mo uttered upon tbestigo. Many plans have noon tried to correct this nuisaneo, but that ad p ed by M'-h Heron, iho actress, only a short time since, si,-mi t iieeave as wi'ti as novel one. rue p'ny prt'diiced on tbe occasion was one of her own c in) osition, and she, as na'horess ami actress, rlghilv deemed herself untitled to more rosiiee-.ful aitciuion. Wuh stately mien she advanced to the front of tho stage, and indignantly protested in liitnsui'ge something liko tho folio ving ; "Tne respectable part of the audienco will remain and wimess my p,,or efforts; the rest of the audience may gor It is well to add that this deserved reprimand proved salutary, for a co indole con vert inn wus experienced, and tbe entire audience resumed their seats until tho curtain fill. I'oiibhkd Boots. It is nut a milter of ncn--uess, of personal prldo alone, that one should always a) pear ou the streets with bis boots or hoes neatly polished. Hri gh:Iy polished b tots ure cooler in v. arm weather, and warcj'.r In cold wt other than dull and dusty boots; form wirm weather they rcllect tbo sun, which dusty unit tlirty boots ubsorb; and la col l woa her tho clean boot d. es not allow the warm h of your too', to radiate freely, whereas tho unolean boo' do-s. ( lean, bright boots aro consequent y more com lortalde, us well as r spec. .bio, both In warm weatb.r anil cold. Not only will tliiferiut sul stnnees, as iron and wood, give .mt h.-a or take it in, moie or le-s, but tbo sa me substance radiates heat more or less actively, as It is bright or dull, rough oiMin otb. Now, tlirty b, jots are rough as well as dull. Ihey havo a surfa nof ni iny littlo hills n i l valleys, so that, tn truth, iheto is inure surface, fir the hea. to p iss through either way. As a rough sir, face is n lurgar sur face, more beat irom within and without at vavs passes through dull and dirty boots than polished ones. Aiioit Vmiuu'.m.'.s. Though tho morning dawned upon us clear aad told, yet, from tho ocea-ionnl cl. ml.; Hitting across the hori.on at the time i f wriiiiit.it is almost too gold news to believe lhat llie ral.iy weather is altogether over, nn l therefore a brief paragraph up-m the suuj c; ol umbrellas v. ill be quite nppropi'lato. No one tu i c.s abou being bothered with u m brellas unless there is acual n.'.elfor their use. V htle some pcr-otis are so fort-matt! as to b pro vided with litis usei-H article i-t in the nick oi' tunc, w In n the ran t'O'iiiic.'n.es n Jo icon, I, theie u o set res of otbeis up m whom, so tni igl y, Iho lain Merer- fills when thoy c irry iMi n'cll is with them. Now, why cannot tho s i n-i pUn'te niloiiii d In this city as aero- tho water in i'aiis, tor iiistaii te where tbo shops of to'iieci nisis ure ageuoics fir tbo loan of uniorollas? There any one caught in a shower may procure an tuiibicllH by depositiig its vitnn as security, re urningit the next day to any tob tc -ouist.'s shop, on account being kent between them. Tho ptiee of a ilny 's hire is but six sous. Who will net upon tho principle, and confer a boon upon humanity thut w ill never bo forgotten i I'kkfiimi n's Aid Society. At a mectin3of the Frt-edmcn's Aid Society, held lust evening ut Concei t Hull, Bishop l'otter in tho chair, ad ilrcssts wire delivered by Mr. Tomlinson, tho Supuiiuttiident at Fort Royal, and Mr. .Mitchell, tne ,-st:pcriiiieiiiteiii lor lenncssee ana Georgia. In the del nrtmuit of tho South, with tho head quaitois at l'ort Royal, there are 10,0110 colored people. Only SbO rations per month are required lobe issued to these, they otherwise supply lug themselves. In the Southwest schools und I churches aro being rapidly erected through the labors of Ibis people. The Soldikh's Voir.. The total soldier's voto was received this morning, and stands as fol lows : Lincoln , 4129 McC'leJ au.,,, , 2080 Llncoln's M ajorliy. 2U49 rifU-l EUlSOS OF THE FINANCE CoUMITTErj. Tbo Finance Committeo of City Councils havo agreed to rcpart in favor of an appropriation of live thousand dollars for furniture lor the Muni cipal Hospital. The proposition to increase the salaries of the Assistant Engineers of the First and Seooud Divisions bos boon indenuitely postponed. Coiionee's Casus. This morning an unknown white man was found lying dead on the side walk, on Callowhill street, west of Twenty-fiftb. Tbe deceased appeared to be about fifty years of age. An unknown man fell overboard at Tine street wharf, last night, and ws drowned. Acaphmy or Mi sic nnAin Bali, ok "Li Cotfrik Ulani iir." We l.arn that arrAnRo me nfs are now lielng ma le to give a ma-rnlncent fancy dress hop, to come off earlv in February, and as the members of 1st I'oU rit lllwu hit, an as. sedition of gentlemen of taste and experience, I sve tbe nflalr in band, ws feel warranted in prrtlii ting that there will be the finest display of Intiey dresses ever witnessed In I'hiladelphla, anil that the I all will lie a perfect success, it will im 1 n enil e retl tb it l a I'vtrrir gave the most rip-runt Itinry dress party hist season ever given In our city. 1 bey propose this sea-on to ecli,i-o overv thing of the kind ever given in this coutitrv, aud to introiiu c Npvirni new fca iircs anil pcr-ona t't n oroharnctprs 1 ever Is fore a'temp ed. S nn 1 our most ra'ht'jnub o ladies ore already prep ir. leg their costninesto attend the grand party of . . urn ir iHun.-he. Mi one Is to ho admitted to tne tiuneiiin floor except In fancy costume, I it kefs admitting n, tbo ball room tlo ir litiiit-d 10 six niintireti. unci to lie old onlv by suh t rlo tun. Kaeh f nbseribi r to havo a certain number or au, nence tickets to present tj his friends to win ess llie gioat Mill t.i uie seas ni. -u in'it Asiinn uvKit riu; Sciu vi.kili. r en. This morning tho Schuylkill river, owing to the recent heavy rains, was ah uit eighteen U tiles above Its usual heigh", and llo ved wit pit at rapid! y river tbo .bun. At an early h inr , his iiit rtiiiig a catiai uoai D'ono trotn lw moor ii gs.Jiit.d was washed down the river, and over it num. in passing over the baat snapped co-n-1 leicly in half, one portion remaining on tbe tb m, while tbo other rested below. Fortunately tit. one whs on Imard. FwitMotsr l)ist The work of cleansing 'le F'alrmount R.i-ln will be finished In tame tlrys. Among tho fish found In tho h isln were 11 number of gold lish of tho rarest color an 1 sp,i t it s. Thee have been placed 01 exhibition in 'be niill honse. Dining tho cleansing of tho basin water will be supplied irom Corinthian art nuo. On. St nscniviToNs. Ily reference to tho nd-verti-cinont in anoth'-r column, It will bo seen that the bonks positively eloso 011 Monday next. As the probabilities are that on the last day 1)11 re will be a greater de 111 and than can h Niii pliid, it is suggested to those intending to take one or nire of the remaining slmros that they 1 cure them by mail or othciwise at once. It is "Xpected that when tho company gets organized the-e shines will command a handsome premium. To rt ltciiASi. Ciothino a r Low riiic-st, make .1 . lertl. n 0,011 1 nr stock 01 'kkakv-maiii. Dtrni' tiis Wo oc, st-IMlis KOtitts i'illiil in 'tilt. rf', iii.iAs tati I inaff-itl, irnn, -i4,i .Ml ; ,- ee.it. loirer thnil Is n-iw eltsritol l.,rttio sti. I- g. oils nis.le to ,1 Jer. We hive all stvl.'s, si a ,4 em oi'riotliiie Aioii's, V.iinli j,.iiiil Bins'. All oall he uitctl wlL.oatd-!laj or irauliia. nevs'iTTr .t r.i., Toner natl, No. els ll.irsol sliool. A .Skhioi sCani; or JlAi.r-TitEATMnxr. Tho tit veinnitnt, we see", lias tit.n swln le.l 0111 01 so 110 tvv.i Inn Jri'd tfiCusainl if illar. In tlie way of revenutt iitnt in--.iitio tai.bytlia Nw Yrk nruei. tint ti,. lej mrir mer they h.ivo b.s'tt h'-l'rin' for themsnlves tniutil... ami we fm-ie Secretary Fesstli leu will tnsko th-.ni hnp a-sottnd, if elilit-! lli-ni better how ui k, ret up t e,r heer tin I tlic ,'1 their iluea to I'l. lr coiltltry, Willie- 111 uiy bruve ii'id in trlotic ions are br insht to lliiir btr to siii.po t tho .- ittntrv. 1 fiese t'lnlowt, with their Seer, try to Oefr iid It. a suitor "true blue,' from t'harles Hlukes ,t tto s a ider tils tleia ft pntal, shctld dforate oDp.auJ a suit of fiali'-aud-baii' such ts they wrar at rilng- Slan, llie othe-r. iMnnnsriNO to Hoi seki-.i:i-eks. Wo find It to be of il, nal value that a icwlnit machine sli nild havo a unlloriii and eir reKulatlos ten-Ion of ttiroail, anl .b.iiUil niaks as rrat a variety of tlftelioi as pissililo We ano learn lhat an Instrument having tlie r, irrii!ilef,ft. mo'in,ciiiblli'f the operaair to fa-ten the emls of ttio esrus, aud have w, tk run either to tho rl-ttit or left, milieu! turning- the fabric, H of very iroat aileantairm nil the same may be aal.l of a niacMao. winch m.ues iv. ryultehcomiille In I'.eir, ,hut Is nnlselesj fa Itsoln- ratlons, and rut llali e to set out of or.lor; that Is free irom obiretlons of siirlniii, 001 wheels, and cams, and 13 otutriitled as not to oil tie tlre.ior the operator; that oiub net in ail stitches the ureaics- amount of stretintti, lntlellr,n.l beitltv, that performs bell thn heavlosl ind finest work wit 1 ennal faullity, wltli.ut ch inva of trnslon, break of thread, nt .hlpjlng stltenesi tad that. -Minai.st-wi tne most laindly. and r ma with ur-,,.i,,.t en 0. and Is io simple In c lastructlon lint Ii can bo easily understood The ' Klo.ence" ht all those Impo-iatit att'ibutee, and ti d cldetlly the be t maohiue made, ibe Philadelphia Ag-iury Is at No. ,slO t-'hosiuit aireou If. Stum. & Son have a line stock of dry Ja.l to select n-uin; Hi -, hi ) been lon-t ..t.n,ii.i, 1.. i-u.fr.PHi, and those wn.j want 110 , J in tln-lr hue would do will to cull beftre Bitktnit ttilr nitrehusos, ut tbo ol.l 1 tubluli"d stand Sos 71a at 71 N. Tentti streot. The Ladies' Fuitini. "A gem;" "A lionse liol.l Ires. ure;" "A perfect heattt-l" "Warts like a 01-utm;" t-i 0l. best In the world;" ' We aid not bo without a rioienee;" "Itmakoi four staehea wttti the .-tuio eaie lhatotlieis make one." Such art! tlie expr.i. . ,1111 nieil by luirelmsers of a f'lorenop. Sglj at Mo. (kk) t'aesuut meet, Do Y'oc Know Dcan his rcmovod to No. 113 t'lietniit meet? He sells robaeco, Clitars. .Moce. ,te.. llitv per cent, lest than any other mm in this city. Keui uubjr Dean, No. 4la l.'htismu meet. Window Shades. Poi sons purchasing shades In these times ot huili pilcea will ev nmrey bv at once uoiiik to the inane acturer wlio Is so wt 1 and favorably knownas . IlKsrtvPArris, No. H'lMlJIieojut Iti-oot, Choice Caramei.s. t'lioeolaie, Vuulfln. ''"ooanut, and Pttnefa r'arautels Manufactured by SrKi'itKN . Win 111 iv, No. 1110 Muriel street. Wb have now uowar ls of two hundred Oil 1 '.iDip, itiies In this city, rcp-eeu'lni? a c ipual of $ i'l Ola - OfO. Rome of these cwupAiih-i have p int nr-te ,ll?i Jen. Is, ed In a any oa s have doubled and lebtod iho par value ol tllelr iharei. The new olliee No. 1 1;) S. Fourtlt atree'. which has lieea newly fill .ilslie.l. 'ij is the 1.1 ,st e iiivo- ai nt of oc!ts In the city, pre,. '.an a h.ely at, I lnturust Ins .e.'lie tlnlly. Diiteient coniDin-.'s tl b'tslness there, and th.yliavut room expressly lor taeuseol the tieltliuinera. Toe b-ist :.,n.p)iilPs are tri'T' loeatct and a'f ou-iiiess Is done in jsit-n atie 01 'ler. Dm !n the p,i.t few weens the stock of oiie of the comoanlei dolus: busioess there, l'ie Oii 'tln Oil tl"lnp.iuy. has Itioreussl t:most d.iutne being uo v 'I't.ited he holiest ut'Oii nr ol! st k boards. T ie stt Nu'iulit OU Ci niiant's stock Is ulsr c iIiik up rlii Slv; th o hs. s a ,11111,11 1,1 S.M'UAl.isst.sn I "lie aill-e 11 ivo-11 'tl,l:Pe.l.l,,'S. I lie Ciesloelll of t!i-se .:., r li l.loeis o;il O.'S Vl.ll I 1 .il tl) .,1 Mrtlls I .i.le s: Ii ',i,' , N10 10: an l tliu wells, and git ei his e, sontit att, nil ,11 1, "trn',.''.'U tvitii tl.e Inter -st'i ,,1 tlie si,, ,1 lie rap'd advance of tiie shares of ihe si hir'io souih sst foro ntes have h,.( a ms le In thoe IiivAit'it - its sn , 11,, si-N it pat sueh 1 irye dolile,. I-, as tn. ,1,1 11 ii.l top 11 I eotlsntlMlv limn. 11.. 1,, ex ,'trt lia.ltl ,t ,,'ie an ounts to levsr ll 111. II 0,1s n'd ilisrs eurly. I'tinse who uu.,' eiiill it 10 in.-.'-t sri.iuld uu 11 - J a'.ow l-ol liu aillo ,, No. I. si H. Kourih stro.it. Okoiioe SnttK d Co.'s riati'is, nil Mis in It 11:111, iin' I n'illl-t (Iruan. to lie had on'v :ll J. K 11 elld I, Velithaild tllieilliu streits. Vanilla Roahted Ai ho-.uh. Of rure nullity. AfaimnlHurod nr SiKi-in.s it'. Wtiijis. Ci'fliiiosjs. Pew, Utni.E, and Soea Ci shions, o-iitoati's glveti, iii'l work doao lower than can be tf- rided liy tny 01)1 -rii u-e. W. lli siti 1'aiic.s, Js'o. M11S Chesaut street. We havb before ns the map and plan of the new Nutlcnu! oil Itoiliiinu Couipiny. Tlio silo of this .'oiniii!iy's bulUlinjt it sftusled 011 Iilumoud creek, near tlie NurrlHtown Itaitroad, and when completed will be ot vast Importance 10 the petroleum trade. The facilities which this Company will hare wti'ii they ure in active operation will enable them to refine flitoea hundred barrels of oil per week. 'This la what has lonf been needed, as flit, oil luteluued by llie ililtereut 0,1 c uu panics has accumulated beyond the facilities at proneut niloriletl for rctlntng It. We run. therefore, commend this oroleet as one of ureal Iroportuiice 10 the oil 1 1 ml', and to tlie liileresl 01 the e.ou- 1 eoinnii.tilly ueuorally. tn we export large uuaull- ttes ol petroleum. Ui-iioi.sTEniNO FtiiNirt-nE. Old and New Ktirnlturo t'pholsturod tud Varnished In tlie very bct mam, 11 ut W. lUM'.l I'ATTKS' S Welt EmlUl'liolslerv Bstabllshtuent, No. lWS'JUotuut striiet. Choice and Fashiomaulb Cokfkctions, Put up In Neat Boxes, Suitable for Presents. SiKcnits F. WinruiX, No. 1.10 Market sueet. TitizES them HioiiiY.Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Bstr Itestorer and Zylobulsamuin, or II air Ores UK. are prized tibjhly by til who ase them. Careful stuiy tnd experience have maSo them what they tre iwkaow Uds'd la foreign count r loo ta well te at home, Ue only valuable preparation for ftetorluK, Invlsoratlng, beautlfy Ins, tud dre.t'iuj the htlr. Ihoaewho use Uiem have ne liey hair or bald apoU. Every Drustffst sells them, rnOTooBAi'iis executed In splendid manner nd in ityles lo suit all tastes. B.V. Belmcr't Ivorytypes, Cartet de Vlille, oui Ufe-iUS 'IwlorapL iuoU, Mu.0.i Areb street PRICE TIEIEE CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Omct or Tne Kvt,m Ttinattrw, ( Toeidty, tforemoep ti. Gold Is netivo this moraiur, and prices have odvat-cpd A(;,a por ,. nce ,M CTonlnffi 0;wn. It g at 0J.-14; advanced, anJ sold at 21 at'lOJ o'clot k; fell off, and sold a'. 221 at 11 -22. at 12 j ral led ami sold at S-'fi1 at 12J P. M. The Stcrk Market is lnietlve, but prises are steatly. Government bonlj contl me firm and I il.'es aro rather better, with Sales of 6-2os at iH4(- Kll, coupons off, which is an alvancet ;7;,1,(,;;Iw117'Ki1 f wsiart.,u,tad 'ew City f,s ore selling at 101 ,. In Railroad shares there I, rather more doing, aiid ptieeshavcan upward tendency, with sale "f Reading t notice st 61. an .advance of ; rcnns,W.ni. Rail road at 67( 17J, an advance of 1; Nouhein Central Railroad at 67, Little Schuylkill at 4r,i,(W. Ck,M VM bond, , at slO; N,M, Penn.ylv.ni, a,lrod bonds at ino; l.eliigh Valley R.llroid at 81i; and lhilailclpb and Erie. 1 3,J, an adTanc, of j. 1,2 was btd for Camden and Amboy, Si fi I'hiladelphla and Germantosrn; 32 for Elmlra common, ,11 for preferred ; 18 for Catawlast cam nit,ii,.1!) for preferred; and 64 for Philadln.i. and Ibiltimore. Hii ro is little or nothing doing in raspnier Rslroad shares, in was bid for Fifth and Sixth s'' fr Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 3I for8prnce' and Pine; 6Si for West rhitadolphla. which le an advance; and 1.') for Arch street; 70 was rttked for Se-ondand Third; 41) for Tenth and i-.teventn; 43 for Chesnut and Walnut; and 26 fur Green and Coales. Canal shares continue dull at aliout former rates. K3 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation com mon, ,i-.t tor prererrcd ; 7oJ for Lehigh Valley; Hi for Susquehanna Canal; and 130 for M-irrla Csuiil prelerrcd. llauk shares continue very firm, and nriejja rather belter, with sales of M inufactumr.' .i Mechanics' ut 31, which is an advance of 4; and City Rank at A7. an advance of 1 , 17a -i.i North America, an advance of i: lsut r, rbilndelpblt; HO for Farmers' and Mechtnlce' .'iJ for Commercial; 30 for Moehinic)', 88 for Kensington, an advance of 2; and SO for Oirard. Coal Oil shares are stendy, with sales of Oil' Creek at 8J, an advance of J ; McCllntock at SJ ; Mi F.lheny at .OJ ; and Cherry Hun at 30, an ad vance of ,5. There is very little demand for raonoy, and the ra'es remain about tho samo as last quoted. Lcuns on call aro frcoly offered at 6 per cent, per annum ; prime paper is scarce and quoted at 74(a) 0 per cent. Considerable attention has been a'trac'.od to tho unexpected advance in tho stock of the Clinton Coul and Iron Company, which for a long period was inactive. Indeed the rise has been so sudden, that holders of tho stock have Ignorantly disposed of it at less figures than It would com mand at tbe Board. The reason given by those who have a know. 1 ledge of the subject, is tbe discovery of unmis takable oil indications upon the territory owued by the company, which embraces about thirteen thousand acres. Within a few days a lease hit ' been entered into by responsible and wealthy operators for tho oil privilegos of ono thousaud acres under an ample rental and royalty. Tho lessees will immediately comiuenco the work of sinking wells and developing the oil production. Notwithstanding the Indisposition of those connected with the Company to furnish details of the mutter, we feel It our dutv to nnt the holders of the stock on their guard against a ruinous sacrifice of it on the eve of so iinporUn a devclopmcn'. . . Tho les ecs are sangnlne of the existence 0 Jarge veins of il beneath the enormous wealth of coal und Iron already found on the Unas or this Company. J UILADELPIIf t TO( K EYOHANI1E U SOV.il. lti-portetl by Clarksoo A Co., Brokers, Ks. UI , Thirdstt. BsFOitK n lABii-i --.sun utiauing it ns It.sisii Bieelsior OU.. l'S) k do , iv ssstsu do '2 StDso do , lJ UHI sh ii th list sb iis'ih do., do., uo... do ., r-o'i OS'S , bio lao. s. 11 sh Cairn riaoicr. . 7 1 6tn ib do 74J do. .e oil l.H'O sh Walnut island i'w-i ,.M,HHUlHn at.ian uoacstary ..bm I Wit ni 1 i.tusb do. stisti Uuerry Hua-M I J'Onli do. do. do. do , do lm n 4(a) ah V'U-II lttiih BOA) lb do VA 341 i. eti ninkia deal. 3 J'.l 100 in ki uorado ..... tot) an At. NiehilM... psiah K,u uu Hit an od t Sieek ...,o 'iss) sh liiuner 4U0ab do 700 su Orsauiu Oil... J I VI n b letisb ' O.l do S)4 fsisli lllbberd... ft Visi sh do site sh flermanlt S'lU'OVJ s S-Jen... .... .... li). .... 1 V 1 KlKST BOARD. .liu 171) th Oil Creek risi.) 00 foiu Slissi de o.lm-4 $ ,11 I'M 7-.'S)....new tiles aiflio Mi-Clitiiock... . S lisi.o s-,r;uj,ii....b4 6 lui '. sr. Central r.i I'.istit.liy (is. new ....llil. Utio so Keadine- H...tH SUV It. l sh do sOO a,)sj n Penna KM jil lOlt ab Ut Sch K SViC? (S) sh do bOO SVS DtsiahtlberryKun.... SO W sh though Vatley.. S'lf UtO.hPiiii. airle.... SI loo ah do am .... ii...s iii.iri ...i,.i t'llsl lleadlns bda 70.. lint S.V 11 N l a. ,is UN) t'KIICties Yal b.ls.... 40 V.'i )l Alamil .Mech. al Jti sh I liy Hank ti7 lc III 111. Mount i'i lubtb d, sin 1', Quotations nf Gold at tbe Philadelnhla n.M xchan -'e, No. 34 S. Third street, second story I'i A. M 223 12 M Sj,. 11 A. M 2271 1 ' 2201 Market strong and uctive. De IJavi n & liuo., So. 20 S. Third street quote as follows ' American Gold 2-tj U1A Amtricun Silver, 4's and ' aitj ., Ditnesand Half Dunes 211 Spmiisb fj.iarters ...211 Penn. Cuireney 4 dis. i dls. New York Exchange.... l-lo par. Quotations of thn principal Uoal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-tiay ; .t.i. JIi Ktilton (Val Densmoro..,. 7W His StoaiilAii-.Coa) .s .. N.Y.iV ind. ileal.. 1J l-een Mb Cet'.... 4',' Kt .'Oer lian. 'Jiial. . CiltitoaCoal..,...! ., Inaler fool iu litiiiii.iid foal tSsviitara l"ei,n Mi'imi; w 1 xeel-lor till a .. His I' oik V) font 1 nen, a! J Katr-.il Oil llr. ek a .. M ue,' Stn,le Oil., al U 'C'llnt'iek Oil ..a .. I'oiiusilvalna l'et . 1 Heirv On 11'.' Vln.iul Oil i 111 Knystoni On I Si loiion 1'otr.iteum.. It's lleaeon nil 1 . Heneea Oil 4S oraulo Oi .. Ilowe'a hdd Oil.. .. Ii vim Oil S Pope farm Oil... fta llanell tje,.,,. Ill Mcliltieuy .... ' i lt ,erls oil. ....... 'Js l l Oim-iesn 1 1', NobleaOelauietar. I 1.1 llil.liaid .. '." Mtery Kami 3 S1 10 iHruoer ,,a .. ol '1'err.iieiiol Centre. .. 1', K-.-b.rt 4.'; ll'iiie Island Hii Allegheny Klver.. H i Iturtin 14 V ei.iUAillK.roek.. IV 10 Hull frees 4 i Oerivisuia. ....... .. 3 foru etinier a .. 4 K'K-k Oil 4', 3 Tarr larm..., O obe fiiui.. S-31 Heh. Oil ai.. ' aw I'l Wal.ut laUiid...a 5 t'herry Ifua 4 ., 1 ", St. Nteholas s .. 1'. r.lua U.uliui s .. st, fcidorada 1 ,, IV Hnrkeit by leloicrnplt. Raltimoue, Noremlier 22. F'lour dull and li, avy. drain seine tt steady pi Uses. Wtatiky stetdj at SI .a toecile. tliui. New Yoiik, November 22. Flonr has ad- vnnred 1',". ; sale.) nf 10,01)0 bhls. at SH'Mls$IO 10 for state, tllwivl for Ohio, aud t!o-5i,tIA Sir IJoulh.-rti. Wheal ativai.eedJtriHe.i sales ol 7n0U busheU tl tl sofof amber MicbiKun. I'orn advanoeJ lnuJo. I unimport ant Href nnu. l'ork heavy; sale! of 1'Xkl bbla. at Isstuvtia. Lurd Aim. WuiskyHim. LATEST MAKIXE lMELUGETE. f'LEAHPI) THIS MORNTHO). gteiim.lilpJ tiiboii,bow. ii, New Vork. W. J. TtrlorAOo I lup I nrerwrlter. , fort Haraueae, P. Wit tit ,u Sea liar,ue Unlou, IVilmer, New Orleaua, Workman at Co, Huraiie Pawuee, W tltuuiis, Now Ortetui, il. ruiuoua. IttU 1. Mye.-s. Suiitn, du. do, IU is prince Altred. HUitliia, Porto Qleo, J. VatoBeVCo. Itrtu Ooncord, Smith, lieaufurt. Workman t Co. KeluJ. Kinsley. Lake, Alexandria. J. 11. 4t ) rl. ReppUet". twltr MituoUa, Chase, beauioct, Crow-ill at OoUlntu ARRIVED tnuT MORNtHO. (sehr C'artliaseiia, keliy, t, days from New Bedferil. with oil to J. B. A. Alien. Bclir Heroine, CUaniBUn, t days trvm PrOTldeaoe, la tal la.t to captain. ate-vni.-r bioveky. Rliaw, M boors front Xsw Yort, "U idse U) W. M. baud Co. IMPORTATIONS, Jleeiorldf er Ttu HvMung Ttlttmt. Liy vursaiL fih1 p Wyonilnf, Bunoe- fJJ, tM saUbOutu A Kerr 4 Itro; t7 f-"'r -..iiuei s eaate Yaruall Trimble: 1 blid nitli-e atiekey ay aeeda t) Utidrwh i ,-. 1 c" ."jr ia rmao IB) pine Merrill 1 71 orates eatr-liesTety .M touM uisua-irn-jsk but do tstlik a B..r; Si caakl svtt art W S'tS lion Brown, abiple tl" , eazuieuware oidar. J