ti frr in, mimwtf rin i r 'i n-ft aim Hi v ".nriiMii iM '-' Wfri"-' .-.-.. 'in TOE DAILY EVKN1NO TEtEGftAlTI. rnil.ADELrniA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1864. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, lhtU. .. CATEEDRAL DEDIQATION. ieJlrw.tlon fr tltts C'nttipdml of Nt. Prtr , aa4 mu JPnnl Nnlomn esnrl mHMlit( 'rml Ttn Irrinnii by lllnbop ' HolH Vir!r IiMMlnK KnllKl . Fcn, 't ('nninpif of propl, ' TostorilaT r d"T ninonK tho Catholics of ' pMae'ii'ii. Tlio its nil f ':hnlr.il of faint l'o U r - and ftAint 1 mil, which haa born In prorrovi ol cmi- " .tisct'en ot "r "a'htecu year, win rlr-ilieata-d with ifvin and Intr-oaln cc-reinoiiir-s In the v1'""1 '"""''"' ' i I yaat rorcouraip of ix-nnle, nut ot manv ol' the. ch-r.: i f ih "Roman Catholic (. hnrrh In tins nnd otlior At an mt!t hour oi tltr mornine tl,r cro-artl h-' ran to saltier In thn vlclnita of th mitivn strnetin-aa, a fall deai-rlilon ol which wan ttlvr-n In Tim In ' iriiiKR of t-atnrilay. Hie f rtiiii.ito hoiilort of Mckftff .ulitlmt them to at-cnroil atnta, atmn illleil the pi'' of tic r-tclnnn r ltlicc, mul examine J with r er ooriowtY the m.Knifleant niotmrtioii ami tlo .oratione thercol. ITio 'wa were iiu-m y t'-miio-tut . and, hc tli altar, svera tra-eie'l m n y , for th. oaaftfon. r At ttif hour api'C!';t-! the proceaali'n Vii fc" ! trom tli chapel ou Hummer atrwt up faiiiiiuier sliti't to Lortn Cqur, which wax pat(l oyer, wn a liny aXonec) to the c-itn ol eiiti-itn.' t into lhe Sti'iani, ad trom tlionco to tho trout chxir ol tho Catlie.lrul, wtere the ceremony ot ttiv Mn sfn.-cnmirt oncoil and ' continued until a circuit ot t.i ' t i.ld'u had Don Ri.de. Ihi. capaeiunnv enit-lated in the) ehantiutr oi psaim., twingma- ot tho lncaan-n and spriiiaiuiir the walia ami louiitlnliona of t 'hutch. Abont 11 o'clock thn grand proo'ion imtnrrfi thn rain (ioor of the athodral, rohoit in a I thfltunoiM . and magn nudit rotM o tlmir nxin'mivo onl. ri, ad pitMd tUnu"h thn viir'oun aiN'-i to tho clmucji r aanoiuary, tn fbn lollowinrordpr: so'-ond Ma-tor ol iri inouico, llr. Fhan- nsP. O'Wkill, and rnnrthT. II rin.tt4MA ot (brilmn Hrhoolf, and Itroth ( tot Ilo'y ro". HI. krclwiaitwiirfHtmlmilH of the I'rrp.irafory ' and Trifoloplcnl HnmlnurkK, inuluiUnii thuno ot .Hi. CharlcK ) Borromoo. IV. Kvreiend tlcriryof the Dioofac, in ei ock ti V.-KfTftciid (1r)ry of tlio Piocop, in ca-ok $ acd inrnliw. 'A VI. Very RpTWUd and Kuvomnd Cli rav of the f riKM,in ahanutilia, without nixilo or luiiui.iln. ; 1 ' VII.-Very Keren-nd and Ki'vonMid 'lr(r of alii Diocttwi, in cuaauDice, without (Miie or maui . ale- Vlll. Very Rewrend and Rnvarond t'lnriry ot tte Iito", in copee (with amino oror thn nrplti-n). IX. Very K"erend and Keverend ( lurzv ot other ' tHoeenex. Ineonn" (with a mice oror (iio "itrpliM). X Mined AlilKit. " XI, Rt. Rfveteud Hi"hop lu cope on 1 mitre, at tane'ed by t'danlain and Mnro beui'ri. XII. Rt. HeVerend Jaukh K. Wihhi, D. I.,C 'I Iraot, In cope and niltm, nttendrd by Ainiint Orient, Deaeiina ot Honor, tiencou and 8ub-loacon, and other Minuter. Xlll Mut Heferend Arclibtsliopri from oihfr fiayuoeii, m cope and inltrn, atti udcil Iiy I liapl.ims and Mitre bearen. Xotionalilo ainnni; thne nchiy ' nibed di!nltar'M. wero Archoinhnps 1'uhckll, . Jfc totKKT and (iPAPi.Dum. , XIV. Mont Reverend A rehtiiriop nr the Provlncn, preceded by bit crona, and attended by the ueiial Miu- Tbt procwulon hiiTini completed tho circuit of the Catliedra-, enteied the !an:tupry, hiiiuihk the Lifa kl Alter the unual uiiutli Aiour aui ia uiuliou, Ibe Henter'of (.'eremonie.-, Rev. p.hihtus .1. M? Coioht. directed each ol the prelate anil cler ry to tbair appropnate places. 'lhe tlrtit Reverend Olehrunt. Hi hop tVnop, Iben dnmliod the ceremoniee, attended only by hn Bin ten and the chorMcrti. Tie ft nliop. aicompnn''ed by tho Vietr.(;r nein' Key, VYIU.I4M kl.U'llAHa DO , and tlie cliorwti v, 1 tLan proeetded to "bleev1 the enlliedrui tiy ipi-ink-liiit iui wal a and foundation Iroin a filvor tiu-.'uii . conniDien holy waler. Bibep Wimid ivai then arrayed by the Poaeon and aab-Deueon in hix pon'ifle il ventment", ivnn ;'t- - tat- of bia amioe, ciucturo, stole, tiutiu, tu inetic, alovea, chasbull, mitre, crouer and muuipli'. Tbei.ir.ind I'outlUcul Slinn wai thou opn le 1 by ' Kaliop Wood. It wa miuir by tlio Kis'hi. Rev, Bintiop ot the Diocese, Awi-tant riiet. Very liev. , Wll lam O'Hara, P. P.. V. i.( Rev. .lame O ll-nly, and Itev. Jnlm .1. Klcock, Peaoonit ot Honor i Vi ry ' Rv. Jarnen O'Connor, Deacon, and Ucy. J. K Sha aatian, Wob-Peaeon of thn Mas. Kev. Anp. J Mir toOTtny, Hmt Mniiter ot ( ereinonlen, and Ur Frau ' eto P. O'Nei1, Cecoud liftkter ot C'eioinouiiu. The ceremonial wan moat aolemn nnd ini'ioMinir. ' The fraud strain of muiic, the aolemu ehniinr oi tiie liieiiopa and ciorjrv,and ad tlie acioiupHiivinfr , aeeiiex. eombined to render tlie oceadou one ol'ir-eal to euimty. A the cone naiun ot the (Irst iopol. the anrnion waf preaclien by trie Rinlit Jkr. .M. J. BrAOLDtKO, Kithop ot Baltimore. 8ermoa of IliBbnp HrmuldinK. TtXT. "Lt women be tutijeet to thnlr b'l'amls, as to I tka Lord. Tor the tiband la bead of the wlte ; a e:brlnt l the aead of the Church. He la tiie Havlouroflils body. ilaiKtore, aa tlie Church la autijee.t to l hrHt, an a!o tM Urtwlvaah tether linihanUa In all tlilima. Hun tHUiaa. love your wiIvmh M lhrul aiHo luvtd t'le Ctwti'h amd ileilvured bimalf an lor It. " Ihkthe mikul iinc.lllj U,cleaiulo it by the liver Of water in the word ol llle. " That he ailvbt prewnt It to hlmaplt a Klorlnui ' Ohurcb, net bavInK epit nor wrinklo nor anv uoh tbiiitf, bul ibat It anjibt be holy aud Mltboui liltmialL" e-I.iii.euaua v. CI 37. lhe Arehbirhop then aaid : Ine eburcb el wliieb the lxiftpfed Faul la apeakinii In ear text, la tl;e orKanJred body ut eliiilowerH of tllinut ; aa ortaaljed boit bavma but one raltli, prucik'tuK hilt the one worabip. beintr bound toueUier bv the one aanltuai aevernnjeut. aplrituai yvt ehyai:ul and ea ternal; the cburcli diat la one In heart, mid one In aoul and ene In body. II pieaenta a aoumluuaii In ail IU iiuil-i, II laUielbuKb wblcb la Uie bodj ol Christ, of widen Cbfift la the bid. Ihla la ti,e church whhdi la the aponse of r hrlat. tlie bride ol the Lamb, the charch which Chriat Iovck. lur ubich Cbrlat delivered hlme.1 uo unlo ilc ith, thai It ml h he WBhcd ot aln and become cure ami an lelll. il. withoat apot, without wrinkle, and wllno H blM.n hu ; a f lerloaa church, worthy to be the brd of the alorlmn 'aavloaretljed.andnubjeet to Him In all thing, aud In thla, a precedent and model h-r the Injunction Ho Uya upon wtvea thai tbey baautijeet to their hubunila, ttiecliuri:U la tbetrldeof the Lamb: the chureb is auliject ni Chrmt in all tbtnae aa inuniratlon tella U4. Itien the hnrch iwii- Aot by anv poaaitiility tkll away from :hrit; thd cbureu la tb lawful bride ol t- brlrtt lor eternity It parLakeH at Ula divinity, and cannot be aevered from lllui; tot what a llod batbotued together no man BlinU iiut aiuieler. Thia Cbaicb waa apouaeil by rhriat. Ita divine totimWr In lood t and aa the bride ot ( :hrlit It uliarcl, of c.our-os, in all Ilia teelln. a and aymouthlea aubjeet uihlni Inatl tbui a. It did not wtab a btaher law than that which lietell the l'iviae brtdKri'iim. 'I lie d tielp e waa n, t alove the ui.iator, and ii Ucu rcouived tbrouah the wurld by the tornruo f calumny and the laab ot the executioner ao hi-i bride baa been ai ouri od through thla world by Lhe aume world. AouflUniea abe baa laiten-d ol aeemed to lain , but alio haa alwava trluinitbed in the end, ami ao he will aiwuyrt everywhere triumph 1 Tbouub out to uenlh UereeU, agaiu a a wl.l riae uilKht an 1 np'oiel lit to ilenomore. jlo tie t'huri'b. alter every appuruut death, bath rlaeu KUl brifrntor tbun ever. for eJi.lKeen Ciiitunea haa ahe mado her plUrlinane, and rbe haa come out el all with brow erect, a vluriwu eborcb. uot haviuit a tpot. or wrinkle or l-lcininli mioia btir. Ftuhtreo hundred veura have not rt' ,ik''t,o'l h1; vigor or d tumeU her umrveloua beauty, 'liere ahe la Vluw what ahe waa timolamied to be by Hie Inspired 1'uul, elubteeu ceutunea uvo. tho bride ol th-i l.ainb. eur niother. r'nr It' nbe be the bride ui the Lutnb, ubu U. n... k tho ,.hillrn. W e m trom tbia the philoaophy ot that navlim which laaaold aa the time ol Ht. Pa il, and which linUi' e.tnroi Ion In lhe. aenttment of the Clin.. n from too u niuouiu, that uu eumi'it havetlod lot .VOUl I'ulli' I uli.-"" you have the t.hurch for vour Mother Tbla ( hrhltan !buteii, eataoloibrd notbv n.an tor If It bud twoi h tabllabed by ti.un. It would loiut aiuce Imoi come to nombt tbla initiation t'hiirch. which bi bmo.i uu amlilat ravolutlo.ia and atorui. atnidat tott-rlua HirO'O'M ad bteakina aCeptrex, tor eighteen ci ot'irloa thN noli e bride ol the Lamb la not ouly to hrlliu-4t Jewel to the crown ol Jeaua, out It le the ciowri'u ntouniue.it ol ill" ''tlt' er Re wea nor tlod or nj.e le divine. 'I'bla wiTutor ftil bride ol lb'' Lamb stunUa ui, weak In beraeif. hat atruuit becuuaoalie la Heuk. junt ne tlie iiituni hMiun-t o i the uiother'a boaoin la ifrouK In Lhe mollnr'a lo'.e mi l Uiefatbet'an ht arm ; etrotiit bfcaiiie ehe Hwen.n ho etaliti in, woiideitiiliy. howin;:, It la true, eoin'il inoo to lhe atorm. but yot il. her uuraeat Ur leolom tier atiennth that la within her, ami anaviliiui tU" inaua'v ol 'rifia7,br'l'tllin f'hunh, ho wondrooain her l int jivaiol berore!ii ulalida on tlila eutlh everwlioi i tlicmue Hhe tond here bow, Inleniicdliite lietiveeu the on n ut reliKlon 01 the Jens, aucueediiir that ol the patriarcha, and that tlotloita eonauinmailon which awuite her aud all who are her clilidien, between the eurtnly Jerusalem wlileh baa I iik aiu.e p.iau'd a-.rey. ai "1 1 the ben only J u rusatem, which la her real and etern.il h"ine Klie looliB back to tlio pa-.! and -be n:c?ni II a contcoael l ai.aiiOrtq, tvtic and IMorea. I li"y Ii , -e naeteo away beiore the ravaof Hint nloi-lom Hon ol Hos tile who ber briu.'nooiu. l he paat 1- uml. Mite H it l fulfilled It. 'Jho tuture la now beiore h. r. and, wit i vearmiiK beuii and atraltllu" eve, ilie look"th to the tu ture lor beraomce of eon olatlon otid atieoKth. 'lha bleaaed .lernaaletu la beiore l.cr. and ahe i hill 10" pilyrlin aoioiirnin toivurda It. Hhe boa pnKrwa beiore tor, belua' bouiid on a lournuv lioiu earui to hca.en, irurn tune to eternity. IVolu a.rmw to lov. Meanwlill dur.ne ber p,Vriiiiat.'e on earth, ane erecta .her dittarenl ai.tlou. If 1 may uao Uie expreeaiou. Hue buudn h. r luatotual temploa, and acaltera them over the luce o I tlie arib, lucy are the reaUuK placoa lor her weaned aplr- ""arouna them cluster the grace anilfbountlea of Ood. Within tl eni are myrilela ol bright tli'ti-.- indicutn.i ol tlie tuttire. 'I bec Umnief mat be ovorturut d bv eartl.- Suakea or dratrof ed by conlluaratuna, but abu rebuild ieui. They uiev be torn dowu by rutliau huiida. bu' bo iMbullda them. She la In no hurry, for abe boa eternity belote her aud dlvinl'y la her birthl iKht. Hhe knowelh lu 1 well what Moloiuon aald In Ida prater on tlio dedica tion of the Jewlih 'J'enihle, thai "(lod who lillelll lhe bcavene and tt c eartb cunnot be contained or tircu la cerated within the bound a of a temple built by huuiau h"ut 'ahe knoweth alao fiat flod may aelect eertatu apoia lor the manifeatatlouoiotonly ol Ilia water power. Put oi Ula at 111 itreater beuelli enca. AtnouK tlio bul lowed spout ol ancient tiuiea waa Uiat on which God. itber lu tho torm ol'uian, aa aome auppoaua. or in the ferio ol bit blvhmit meaeenKer. appeared to but rviuit aloaea In Uie burnlnv buab. ilonca naa aiprouuhliiv to ete what it mlnht be. Aa he waa druwniK nearer, be was told to looae the ehcea irotn hla leet, for the ground vn which he atood waa holy around. Wucb auothar apot waa that near the banka of the Jor dan, lu wbkb Joabna had that Interview with a niivutc eaaciirr, huvlua an unaLeuibed eword to hia bund : 'taHme the abooa from thy loot, ior the irroaud wbemon aou Btandeat la Uuly irround." Httcb another place wua ouiaiui, on the aunit.ilt of which, amklat the tbun r,ad liahtrituriH.Oitd gave bia law to hla aervaut Monea. u'aat multitude wait not allowed to anproaeh nearer tVrrli.r of the aiouout.u on the oce.aeiun of llial ld,uB ,,t'11U'tlonotOod. power for they wll trein 41ud waa luutuf " mauDUIn, aekuowleajilna that ae o,ionlovk T"!uJi'iV " ""hlna aucn ewtaair apot thr arrti'e, ,"U",, teBt', elected with A, t!L mhmtZr.1" t'1' f that buildlu wore cirt-d Uiat bT ouTrl Uaf if""" 'd 0 .11 lu lory t. here .ml reat. Jl bt-en had be peiaevered to Ibe ciid.tor ou uai aliar a i o ouieuu. will b tli. Uod n buiouioa im. u "i.'Jl Ood win come down in the h oly aacnuca oi .,v. t,,r tui flrat iuna In thla liriatian temple oimn to-Oay , tlui rvn-apf Ovdwllb. ChJ-iU8 ibmU).. lle'UUiu uuauuia and (raee ed inlnleeneea elualarln amn-id II Hut II la a i rand nhie-t, and tola la truly an awiul placa. Terrible t the honae of iloil It la the very gateway of Heaven. Tua l'iiri"liai I li'ircb la not a lctorp roo.n. to wl leh reiaona Coiiip incn-lv to bear tnalruc ton, it I a bouae if ernver. and a bona of the hlnhn-t .eela ot prnyir, which la lhe acntlce of the mi. I ha lllvlue UritP-i room aortearlna noon the alter, omarltix hlinaell tip at -be h-a.1 ei tt,e people to hi" I f ernai P ai her, an-l hi people liwina tiown and wordiippina; hiou Tim y, ulon according to a hli h Holnm in o.-aoinio-d. waa a r Hun n of tun" ou t llv..r- a. uu l there wai n ptiilna In It hu. t pea and a '. l'uul hill fleii'e". A rellalon cootaiii'n mare tliA' ahadow ol the a-'od thln.a to "in' tbla r Union, the worahlp of which will be per- tennrtor tee rt-t loo ot 101. tie ly eec -te I e ii 'la tl'Vic la no Iveo or tl iiiiet tiiero la Hv.m: en I tirou'hl'IK renlili . I 1 e riu r.ino ur 01 llo t r aa, or ol I lr.n.ii .u, l.llii tireeaa cull It -. or a I'ver i-io-ut ol w o . -.,' - it n ,1. HiMir'iO'.fi"" .ef.'i1 li'elt; not mi-ie breiel o id wiiie. t'-r II that waa the e 'e. Itiate.l of ur"i-r--auu tr tli the ! L I'll -t ti" .1eC4 to otilCl Iltil4 Ii It' her , We Wei. il l.av.- tMOCil I'H'kwaol-, l--r tin- J 'iva 'i "I 11 ill'ie'i lt rl er i nil ni'ire 'iio.r.M'ri'ila I te or I'K'iro. retire e iliilt' the , eaii, oi l I. rial on the cr..--, til ul we. bate t-.y ImoI the Litti-' one yenr o ,1. tNlili'i it ajiot, a'e ll ! ,-iat 1, a i II the I'loo.t atr. iiio utt Iro it It. the in ial livel j to,,, e tli o coii.,1 he e-i a, u "l tin I am i ol I. ml. -I i in npi II tbec -aa. Nov, -nn "ae we luite n-llld m hut -"ere hie. rt mid win" wl ere la the il., u inrhitrue a ol I' wli. ro l ' I f love) lieaa ot Hie rivri-e'lt Hl l'l 1- coi'i i red U .til tl e. ewb re rc-eiitiition, lalt n .t, un w or me cin-lnl y. h i llt'Oll or lienri II I a lie true in It ii'il A inilihtt Hip i mi i (1'ivi.n- iui iin.e, iy t" m n tin- Oh.i I hm r.-v.'i(iir'n, tnv''" 'i. Uir-mti Jtcin . prim S" I" (ovt'ii iir titr ii I tt t ii -t wi'i t I I (. P III tt H'lf BfJlHUftll. l if I 'fa-it" 1'- h ' W'ml t'V'M V ci . iui' lt ti- III.- Itti l, tliit ttif uM t'luir.'h.'- tor II' t' i n Imiih r"'l ft, whli l VtTV Kinall rxt tinim, tln'V nil , vmi n tlii" it" v i rt'ck, (.at In Sc'lni lu i uti t Annt hImk nil lx'it" tu'lbf rH.l i.r!M-nr ol Ihih I hnt in ti c lit Iv iHtTrtmrnf nt ttit ftitur tml liclli'vril it nt Oimi a" liny hfiii'vcrt m .heir own x ' . Mid whi'H f!li rini. n in..nv ciiht h .pM'f-H ilioy all titiiiftl tu.i. thin. Manv t lU'in r t"rn I hi fit tin- (nil liU'il.er 1 1 arrli on utt i" polite nl tiiHtniiH tint tin v iK-' f tiii't-tJ fn ttiH liciii'i. Ail tut (oruiftdi ttif UiT)) Mililn- r-t'rvti;, nyr M on tlii. nn I (lit1 llr I itiuit !,( (Turf (i hIM' V tt tn'hiie ,WSi:i:i, w-Hi 'a Hip llisl n a?i that ill iiniiiM''. i.iiiinI.i mrit, tlm Uiuiu'ur.tior t ih" .,-t:n li-a Kcl.ftuirt.ton , nn.l at il'l .i i"m 'm i x wii'. .i hji T four itit n( live, nt' all Uio l.r.Mliiiu1 on tlif hit r ot Hi in fwrtli N'Mevc lu llti- .nv-l'-rv II im t it Ih nrvcr iMiiihl htiv I ' N'Mi-vdl, Iflt li:irt H"t h-i'ii tmif III I'V .lpfi hiinsflf mil tint llw crnwn Inir fioT- oi lh Otliollr wirtlilp. Till It In tin. t (lit t.iu ul-lfi the CiiltioJU' trom lhe d:j"MfinK Ar-lilit! Kiln In th rfjion tlnit ft t in n tiiir m-i rcvctP'iHy t--wi.rdi Uie lt r Oh.vc. wr have aii lt;ir. "Wn liuvo an bI iix," J HI. rl tn ! " Hel.Mw we hn nil : tiir; wolilivo nnflllurtn w I a- tli ," H ' (1 h. ' nl xho-ti who itrv in Hi it rna i ul tlif l',v ' a i put pnrUkf n otir Rlti'r." r hun an altar ft an wf hn-t at tlio bnrmnlnr, not a n t e ix mlniil a'dir, (jut nn aimr nt hM'li o r up th- V rtliii i nH.THirc Tin l-Ulptl If tijMc c itliirv in our w urrthip. in the palplt nm tin n : on tln altar i (io l IiniiHt II'. Ihrrr w riilfc l i H (') n-if t ilk t .j hu r i ol iiumi, a- (hf rhmlrtcp-f" iHd rn .he p- f-'t coniriM, lr ui1 titlk to .ol in our IninoMt hoiiN. ThH 'hn r 'h l-t 4n.lv an mil. nu nt to tl.ii tHiatitutil city ot ltiifuc l iht t the fifrond In thi.-i country ( hut It H also a crtllt U alt thi wl o hit vii hrm cn-'HkPtl lu Hi HlrmturH. Y wry nan. wo in ml anil child who put tlollur In thin i hurrh hao, to that ?xtrnt, erertd a niouuinmit to hit ur hf r nf mury lor fntiiri" a t)t Hi ordT of archl t'Ttur', at lctii-t. it Htanitu pwrlPH" In thla country. It K m a li'1, 1 am to id alter the liurih of Nt. ('arlo. In Kciib, ahotit the annifl olrp. htit pruhahiy ewn mora Ltaulihil in itn Intirlor, tn tilts orn.mivnt..ticm ot pmnt Ini, MMiltitiiri-a ami all ium whh h ,riu np tpout i tifotulv in atl;ulic cuiintrlft. -p!Ol iliy i't thelwauH tul l-i ml ol Italv. With tl at rxopptlon, fontiilnlnir 10 tnr thtal hnr-l i-on oitntnin. It in fully the i-'innl ot thtM hurt-h ofj-t. Carln. ofoounio.lt (toe not nnuo n.-ar qihor t'hur. hen In Hnims 1 nnt'lr ft ralruintloti, veitrrday. r Iftivi t thv (Htm n.ilona ol lhe Chur, h ol Ht, 1'i'tci Aiitl ht. Taaltn Hnu', w hlch l the liirwoit of lt kiul but do not co in pan- with It the Ut.ttiic iitriirtiircH. I Uml upon n rrf" raieu atlon thn thin i liim-h k rand as U Ih in 't lit he dIhcihI limlde uf St. li ti:r ahout mtoeu titrew. in on e,rneT of St Teier'H you would ncmvolv notice tt . ami th'uir h we hear thut In thin eniifihtitrirti country we Mreilolng woutlera. we limit doMi-pimm have im (irdHsi'd a I that in in-itt or Krand in t)ic wi rid. Now thin ( altuflrnl Irni cot more than anv other tiurvb in the rniti'it HtMten, lor I am told It ha eottt very nlyti brill n million ol (iollnm. 'I hat amount luia h'eu 1 11 tnhtiteil hv tlie tfriiaroui) anil 11 ohh-uartcd t'ithollc of ihit if'tKf'Me. tnouKh 1 have no Uouht umnv who arenot meiiil'erf ol the rhurrh have ul o rontriiiutPd. An an otint ol tleht aiMI renmiiiw, whh'h I connld-r aa r.ln ai.v pu d. tHM'aiiHc I know that ttioftj who no uohly In fciui It will not full to terminate It aa iiolily j anl tht (!nv will rive t ' i i h hcautiltil rdi'ice. lo Ahiii,:llty (iod, trea 01 nVht ami Incunihtaiioe. 1 here Ih anotherchnraotorlnth; 01 tlni rlitirch which npproxlinnti'ri If to aoino ext.'iit to ti e !uri e dm i'Iii'h of Lurnpe. Ii ha tak- n it lontier tl no to build th in uur other church with which 1 am a' (iiuniied. ei'litoen yeura having hccii employed In Its fi-i ii'ii. It w b heiMin hy the nernhle Kknhick my old pre Ci'pior. thr n u nieiit iiumht-rol veur M-.hopoi riillflit'! tihiu, t) i n my Imnufhute prtwlct CwHor in llnitlmoro, I'lTim hv hi nn und hv him cotittnned lor m'vorul year. It wi'H then continiii'd by hla waintly nucceiior, tlie kitnented Nki mnn. wlio wiw, however, very eihciently auleil hy hi thou coadiuior. lhe pvMOiit hlMliop of Phi -!l!'hitt, 10 whom h'inni'H the irlorv und. I tnav iav, t lieariieU ImpniiifHH ot haviiiK tlnliheil thla hnilillnii a: I (O'eiii It this day (Ud.tautd to the a.rvlco of tlio Almighty. I lotiKiatulate him and the t'atholloaot thl IMoc eae , I 4-onLrauilnte all here present upn the avinpnthv v hli-h ha.- h'ti telt in the cn-ctlon ami rompletlod of thla hmiiiinn muui'i,teil in the vitv lare pn'eiice 01' llevi-icnil l re!atn and 1 leri:., eountiiiK thfs hitter niOHt hy htindr iH; three Arihhinhooa. twelve Bin hop a (thn e, l ilnnk, from t'uTiailu), aro hent. it ih Kt'.iioin that a iti'Ti- cntin n uen cation nm nriiwn tiK tli r o many, but there wmi .in Inter, nt ntta' hins to this Cathedral, irom the fact that It had hren hc.jun Dy f h an to whom evi-ry bean und 1 vi'ry ve that in (,'atho lie In the I'liited Sti , tnnii when hw name in men tioiied Keskk k, ot rhiliuloipM.i. nt'tei wur'H of Hum mine. It won bcMin hy a mu 11 of one nntlonallty, an 1 tiiilir tiy one 01 a dii.'erent uatioiituity. ninlioruli Ireiund In uitiM It. another, born In ! tuMiila, contlnuiM It, .;mt a ihird, born fn America, aud in cur wwn inldMt, complitof) It. Iiut 'he tlilco cnnlrthntioti would atlll he aa atrong 1 ad the whole throe heeu 01 the Name blrth-piueu, for atholtci make no diflen-uce an to where the Ittahop waa born. Ihey think merely ot the Hon of Ood with tli at IVehrid 01 the heart which the Cutiiohu laktli alwayi prt iluccn. that ot li'.vellnir till diHlinetlon, looking merely to the man an the minister ot (iod w ith no rufvrenue to rank on earth, oh there can be none hereafter. We are tl e same t'hareh the hu 'ch in Tlflftvei, fori hriat la the head of the whole (hitch, the t.'hurch trlumphunt In llmveii, and the Church airuttcliu op earth. 1 he e If an Intimate union and aynpaihv oe twi en Uione who are airituK''K here, and thone who are faie in the ho-om of Ood. II avin Ih not no laroit. SVe bcliexeiu ti e communion ol ' naltil. Kvury heart on earth Ih the tienrt ol a brnilier. and i' a winter in Heaven more tender than ever br liter or aiater waa on this mH ernlile eanb. Now Heaven opena for an all. Jeitm, the grr-at bride room will dcacend on tlim altar, not Hi t ie natural form, nor yet In that Hpleudor whU;h 8'irro ind-t hi 11 In Iteavi n, lor our eyea could not hear that, lint Ho will come under the bumhlo t'orm-i ol 'our daily loo I. The virion ol Jacob in nothing to ihin. He coim th rtutTonnd ed bv teim of thouaundrf of Ula aiikelw, who, not app-'a bit Lo our ph yet cht'tor around the altar and ull the aunctiiary wlib their pri'!ei.';o. , l-Well ir,nvweechilin.,,How terrible ljt.it plR'e; It Is Ti'uie otl er than th bou-e of Ood, an I fh iiatewav ot Hcnven." W e bavo hut to hope and out hopo will he fulfilled, and when the bond ol death will come n.ma us and hum aaunder tbU tleshv wAnnent, wn uliitll bo tiut"n to the bo'om ot Ood. aiirrounded by bia engcla and Brtintn. (iod icrant It mav he thut with o 1 ail. lu the nana: ul the Father, Hon and 11 Ay Obout, Amen. Mfinlnc 8ervlee. AtlbociuclntiioD ot the eoitr.on the (iiaml Mum wan ci.iieiuikd and tho beuudicuou prououncuu. 1 he aervieet elonwi about 8 o'clock . Tlie MiiNe, 011 the OepaMon. A Mominei.t iruturo ol tlio occasion wuath muaie. Vi.lt-li couipiia d Uie pt-1 loruiaiicu ol UA yin'h Oraiul A ii va in ii. ih., i. mi. .1 It, 1I.H11H ltmlutiiua ol lUviiNt the A urn Virmi ot lltntuitLI., und a Vimi fcarrte H iritu ei KRKi'TKrit'fi. I nn rimrai pan. in tu iiiUHii'iu pniiriniiii m iu i tuitictllarlv wi ll ri-ndnreil. I Hia waa e-pt'ei illy tho i-ueiu (he fiui, the varum-. l'ii"W.-s ami oliiut iliih cullii f ol whoh wu uevttr i-vuitmhei to have livaitl . tu ht;t er a vuntat'e. , i Ih..' ehiiitia, -.oiiipcfil n it wna oi at-H-ettoi-t irom t) .vnriona atltoiii-. choirs of the cily, win all thut ei tilil iiavn iKH-n rltiairi'il, hut the mhpa. with 111.' aiu Itle m-i-iit on oi tlie trein of lie niasa, ,) t'nlt't, which wnatani; aupaihlv hy l roti-aaor A. It 1 avloii, wi'ie iii Hi t-t.Ti'ly ri'iiilcrril owiti.-, pt rhupa. to tho difficulty that a-natPuronlst in .ii-mllv tvoui 1 h iv. in hi ii- heard in a build lur oi aui:U dimeuititiuB us tl e rath'-tlral . Tlw orrheatru eonalslr-rl ol thiitv-tive iwrl itmora, antl t-duiiiiiKorl aome oi thn nioai tult iito.l muaio una in tin- citv. t'rotniitmit atii"nir ihe'ii w notiut-d Ur. KlliM N, llr. ClINMNO'l-ON, Alll, Ht'.HTt, ilAKrt tlAfalKn. lll'IT Allltl Ml, If A 111 K1 llODawOllTtl, Vr. 1-t.AtioitMAN, Mr. hi'ii:jiiT, aii-i a uutiiii-r ol oih,-ia wi il lii.tiwu In mu.'.ll i;nc- ca. rrniraioi It. t . fiii'i-H wai tin- ir-iitli-r on the oem. fiion, mil uiily (a-iiiiiW-il its ''tti waa hy the t-.lloi'iaUii a and urelii-alia, bolli oi wlticu ata-int-d luatnt ili- iil a. ivt-a tt. tit" u moat to luuLti the niiiait- a tfruat aittv vt-ha, Im Lurioiuiiil tlio duiua, alioti'id tu h-tti v,ii-y eit:i.lluh a . liuu-t'il. -villi tli("int''o .lvawliack ol the ini-fl' itivra-ri-aa oi tiir aoloa utliu!"il to, wu I. uvo tit-vrr h .ir.l a no i k ti-lai lory nn tii ttmii -n oi' H a v in'h n a'.-it' It'aa nri-ulioii thiin that nt Mi.- t atl.'-ili'tl v -'U"-fiav.at ii tint t'xi-i-'itatita, i".t tii-iilntlv tlivoit:tl p'.r lion oi tht-lM, taliiith urt-ntlv lu-ko.ilu niiuihnra what it nini y iiiiw.t- up i'i ul ilny, Iiavn (n-at. rjii-o mi ei nanilii tittoii on tho niioi'-.a. mm atii'iitit-u thoir t-llolia ou tin- nrt-n-Ion. i let-it' lu t.tt-iiittiiicir. The foilowiuK eii- uv w re in uit.tiu.uie AKiiti Hlhiiora. lit. lit It' v -n-nil .Iiiiin II. I'i it.'ixi,. 11 !., ("tn-l'in ill. It'al't It.'V.'i.Hi.l .Inns Ml-I'Liiail'.v, Jl. !., N'-w Vol, liiilil KcvclcnU Al. 1. Hi- vt l.ut.Ma, Ji.,11 , liallltuli'. Iliatl.jl a. hit; lit HrviT.-ue .lotin I1 lt.jatrli-tl. IHiattm, ll I, lit It. VtM.'llll Jul, u 'I 1U. ,n, imriilu Ith In l.tiM p-titl It II. I 'oiot-jio.-, ritt-l'liri-. I- ii ht Kr visr.-nil .1. II. Itii li-y. N tMii k. hi), lit hnt rrnit ,f , 1 iitrt-li, tlami'ta Itiuht I .-vn iiil J. I.ai ift.liu, liriiiiltlyti. Kit lit Iftavi ri'tiil F. I'. Auil-'arlaiiil, li irtti-rtl. It ti lit lii-t.-ri nil Lnula .it- iii.uatiriaiiii. Itial't Itfvfmi.i .). II. I.i,.:ra, I-uit it uyno, Ititl.t .-veri-r,J J. It. I.vn. I,, 'lurunto. Ami tli liiubt 11. v.T' iid 1;. Wlewer, JMItred Aubot of Latrubti. n.Kiuiy. Ht-vari-inla J P Putin. It Krrnan, (' J Cartar, Itcnry i il alliiiiiona, .1 llallin.. i: J Suurin. 8J, K Mi'lli-urv, t ' II itorinaa. J T tli-cKcr .liuitua Uia'llty, N KH,-yriitl'a, tmU-l .Maiiirleu, l'li-rn Mulier, V J ilurlitillii, Jaiuna A Mnl.-r, 'lliouiaa Kul.v, tl II liuane, Tlioutaa ll,-Z'tlu, K llurlauilt, Allcliai'l llt'.lin.-aav, .1 t' tiliiiaati, 1- NiiM iit. 1" F Hl.i-ritlao, N Caiitwell.P O'l-'arrull, iluU l.ani-. Wlllluiti llurtvll, lii-ure htruhel.J W'.ilnli. It tt ' ( uiiur. Ml.l.a -I .Malotio, M f Martin. J Bulk-, I) !. f X li. iire. Juhu Kelly, flioa K'urJun, 1" A llanlun. ll . A, .h nu'a ' ull.-r, f K O'llliiu, V 1' Me t.taino, U H I , lohll I'linuiirnniat. W 11 MeLouilhlln . 1'. I.'arew, Hlvltlr Kattlfl, K O'Conner, M ( uliliett, Ed Murray, Mark t:rann. O M A . I t aiium, 1 Hliannuliun, Nnnlii, John l-'ei'tier, F CrMne. tl H A Wllltmn Kour, M Kilan, John Mitlovim. P Soonun, P K U'ltHllly, II I. V rlirnt, J Keul.l'l, Auti J McC'onoruy, Uuith Mnlndian, K Mi.Kep, A (.:tM'k. M M.-urer, at litarkur, Jubn l.ointliian, l'liiia F-ix, J(,ha Mutiahan, 'lima O'Neill, J .1 Huaacll, I' Mtf t'arthy M Al'-Kurnu, Xavler Kulnr. T I llach, J Wil (a ln, V Att-MiiNeaal. I'aira-k Tuner, M MvAvav John M !'', hi Murt'hv J o'lti-llev. J Ali-llovern, J Kltlnurrli, llttah flurvy, Win V tliilun, A tlalluttlier, J it re ho oy John I.Jniert, T Tonnr. T tiiirrau, J ln.ll, t Hulllvatt.V burke, t' Mi Kudil. u, r Nullivan . J Ka en, J Mcllvalu., A jl Kilan. li Ja-ctiarvey, K CoituoUy. J Muiriollaiid. II J Hlotf uade, Henton llil. N Jl J A Walter, Waaliliiit ton, iit't h Curliieby, Juaaaauhuaetta. Tliouiaa 'I'rac ', leart,eld. 1'a; 1 houiaa t Wnn Coiuinlila, el C : J H t at tain. H J. feiinaylvunia; 11 Ultaauu, Jtrooklvn s t T WIU )li,uia, Po.iiiu: J M.Kay, Oranua, M J t Julia liavlB, f'iiilMdelnblat llr. Morrow, N Y llr. Caarouuli, Oaitaiiat John Alulien. Michael Hherldan. Jainea Kalley, J.wupll Iianui, Patrick J.yneh. L W rirnith, Ihouuta lltetioDV, C Marianlll Michael llenneaay, John T I'Jrui-k. K Stenzul, Kutloii'h Kunor. itichard Keuuhaui. 3 Imuitlierly, ti Vullineyer, Joh. tloudttnnauo. Thouiaa llouWlni, Joha alullen. A Hi lilatii. A large number of blaten ol Chanty won) alo pit-aent. Kvi-iiini ve pAm were held laat evening. 'Hi. I aliieuiul Kill lie open daily tor t0 wtaika. We are indebted lor th. h.ndaoine rut we puhlitb to-uay to Dr. fcrai iamr. puhhal.er ol the Vmeerte. DaMtlk ut ti-Uoarnr 'l iba.uk a. Boaion, Noytjitlatr 21. Ex-(ovenior Fair banka, uf Vermont, liicij y"ttrdy Ht lii Louid In bt. JaUMhurr. FOURTH .KDrriON FROM THE SOUTH. LATEST FROM SIIEHMATT. Cui.f.niiatioii of the Kcpoic ilixi he is Moviiiff on M'i.ccii. r.CCEL RLPORT OF THL AT TACK OU li'JTLEIt. V , 1 m 1 s f r )N, N i . !1 .-- l-.i iiiiinifl -r- uf Siitniilay, re-tivo I tnr; tny, n.'r"i t'l-r rc poitot' Sbertn.in rt muTint; on Ma on, it'i-1 p.v tli' t tlio fitto of Uuiyoyno, f()r him. Th' y pruiosH t-j liavo ntpLaturl on .Mmlrcd niwl ihfrtv.thruo priaoDfrii in the mi'l Ji Hutler's pit kot line-, la t week, in-'hniia TolonoJ K ;t u tf m:tn, I'Ol'th 1'oniii-y Ivania Vol in'.o.T. GEN. SHERLN S MAUCH. DEAURECArtD AMD OUTWITTED. HOOD Sixty Thousand Troop Eu Route foi tliC Atlantic Co.st. THEIR DESTINATION SAVAN NAH Oli CHARLESTON. Ihy will Vlalt litenn, Mllltvlievlllo, null Aiia;nralR I'U.y of Allttiili l.-sroyil lolnl llpalrui'ltiin ot tlie Itailroml llt'lwfaau Alliinlti anil Antiijti Ivarr4iii Allnrha tbo Tvoli-ll .'r ntitl Ih Itfainilaeil. VAaniNoitiN, Novcmher 20. It Is no, con traband now to state tli it it ia known G-Mier.tl Sherman will touch at Maron. llo bus live corps of veteran infantry the '2 Ith and 20th of lha Army ofthe Cumberland, aud the l.'ith, 16tli, and 17th of tlio Army ofthe Tenncsseo, ctin-iH'ing In all of over 50,000 men. lie has uooo picked cava'ry, under Kllp'ttrick, and Ins thirty days' rations for man nnd b.-n-H. Hu goei fmo!y equipped in every particular. His scont system and courier line is so complete a to guard against l he possibility even of a failure. The country through vthii li ho poes is abun dantly supplied with meats and bread, and is fantly country, traversed by but, few stteams. If it rains a week on a stretch, it tines up or soaks down into the clay in a few u ur. Alter arriving at Macon he will probnbly pn to Mlllctleville, where he will divide his ami), M-ndii K a part 10 Savanmih and a part to Augusta, llo will I'urtiiy tlie lnttec jilace; and after rei-oir- inn supplies ui tho Savnnnali river, he will bo ahlo to movo on Columbia r Charleston. The prorramme, It carried out ancccsftilly, eont plttely tiemoli-ahes the railroad system of thi tute of (icornia. The Western and Atlantic, rmiulii? from Clint tnnooga to Atlnnia, ono hundred and thirty -oiKht milt s, is almost totally destroyed, it will ttke a j) ear to rebuild It. wi'h nn inconvenience in ob fiaiiiirg iron. The Gcoinia r lilroad (a Stab) in stitution, as is also the Western and Atlantic, and to which the Confederacy is Indybted ma iy millions of dollars), rnnnimr from Atlanta M AtiRUBia, one nuixlred and seventy-one miles, is destroyed from Atlanta to Covington, f-irty-oae miles. The occupation of Augusta will add to i s Uentruct.it in. The Ma' on and western railroad, running Irotn Atlanta to Macon, 103 miles, is entirely destroyed. Tho (jt&rKia Centtal railmui, running from Macon to ijavanmih, is l'Jl miles, and this will no doubt receive Hhernuin's atten'ion in a lew days. From Augusta to Cliiirlt-aton is 1:17 miles. From Augusta to Columbia, Sotuh Carolmn, is HI lit rail. Mont all the manufactories for shot, shell, tied ammunition, and cannon arc at Macon, Augnsm, and Columbia. Half tho powder the lirhels n-e is made near AuriHt i. If IkaurcMird attempts to In'ercept Sliortnan, or follow him, he musthcnd bis entire army, with all It paraphernalia, by rail from Corinth to Mt-. i dinn. It must then march trom Meridian to Woutpotm ry, a dii-t.inee ot it bin it HuO miles, with only u short dece of rmli-onti, w tli no means of transportation, ruunint! from Untoutown to Se ina. l!y the time beuuregard reaches Macon Sherman would be out of his reach. '1 homas is wiitcbinit l .'. 1'. T. 15., and is twin!! heavily rtinloteed with new tro rps. In weok I'roiu now Ihoniaa' anny wiil litra &.i,000 men, 1 csu cs A J. hmith, who ii (o- ipi-ratiiig witu an army ot observation. llrtallai of the Movement. Nashville, Tennessee, Novemoer 10 T) tlie country at lurne tlio myt'ery and see.resy which have envolmed the eituation of Sln rin in's army. est eciaily alter tho alfair in tho valley south of Lookout Mountain, Ht which plme our advance was actually crowded unon iii-j enemy s rear, t have (iin-n I'll tt) grave niHiiiinioueiiM ins, A.iter the allitir iu the valley, although myself and ! oiherB, 1 suppose, trtii-A'l uji lieaurcaiil'a ar ny, ' and gttve ski tches of his oporiUo. s all throuirii Northern Alabamn, we i,; ilot iini-d an unkind silence In regard to Union inove.ncnVs. The Kebel Army ot I'ennussee, untlcr the guid ' ance of its old comn.aeitcr, d h!d titrouith orthern Alabama without linp".llmoit or par suit. Losing sight oi Sherman, who ha 1 bo n si rapidly pnis iii ct i's rear, the people naturally consoled themselves with the impress'.-in thai a trap was being proiectnl. and that hut a saon time must rh-.pse beiore the annoiiu inmcnt of an overwhelming defeat of lieiur .giird's army would be made public. Iiut the A till .-lean people ore .i.irror esnccially in war limes. They cnuhl sun He.inrcff ivd's anny ouittly loc.ued al Flon-n -.e, Alabama, a towa wmrb fill inio our p..-siwsi.iu neaiiy turee yi.ns ago; they e.ittiu ate un l I a-r ! ir s lorce . at utg lli-ttr fiet-U, ticiinp at un army tif ibci-v.t -on; at d lliev cnttlil litur the I'linaof I'orrjst, tlinnd In it aw ay ut JoUn.niuv Hit , a sm ill un only 70 niilm tlittiin' In mi the "at.nn canit.d of renuai-fji). Hut tin y toul I hear u-ithing 'if tat; redi.a'H.tl):e Miei in tin. '1 lit Ir I.i T hepe und in;!-iini; anticipitiong turnt 1 to atiiiictv, and tli.'lr u ixicty to 111,8 ,i pit hritMi.n untl urii-f. uml in .-Heme tiicy ipif.a. liiu.eii. "Wb.rc la Mieriii.ni, and what H lie ilmi K .'" Aa il is noit uo lun-.-r & secret, 1 will tell you. Whti. (icrcral Sherman tr-nsmittcd thi los I'ftl. h 10 SicKt.try tSt int'ia, in wnich bo st,-t.-d iiia tionps ra-iiuiicd rem, lie told tho tru'h ; but lie tlid nut im'.in In Ktve tliern a taste of it. at Atlnnia. i-'l.cniiiin dues nut lielievn In ros'.in his army u itrc.it wlido at a n'tti--. While piii-.U'ti,? llniitl, iliiin'i lio to.'C.'ti-.iph io Stun'ou to tbo eli'-et tli.it his army was in iii'iii.111, a.tdin i t') it it was bi-tti-r fur the nn n than lym-' in camp ? Hud Hi hup 'Kuril's army confronted Sherman, Itiiti-ad of miHin-,' Its riun-ulutis nnd numilit try wild . oe c 1 ti e, the "rest" hiuli tlia I liter 11 id nrniiilaed to his victorious army, wrula huvc ceased 10 exist before this. Long before the fall of Atlanta, General Sherman totmirkcd miny times thut the Gate City w.n not the objective point. I never learned that he mimed any p:ir ticuhir place in the Southern Confederacy aa bis objective point, but the impresion buettine rife, early in July lust, thut it was not Atlanta. Immediately after tho fall of Atlanta, and while lioud a miny, iu B fctine ot bcmi-aeinuruiif.iiuini, hovered around our front, I was informed upon good uutboiity thut there would be a winter cim paign. And, really, had not tho b.irricrs been reinovtd by the withdrawal of the Kebel Army of Tennessee, General Sherman would bavo undo an attempt, at leimt.to have forced himself ucrosa tho Cotton Staiea. This waa the programme. This is the programme and more than sixty thousand national troops are already marching through Georgia. General Shi nnan, you will recollect, pursued the columns of Beauregard quite up to tho AH bauia btuto line. The hitter, with ull possinlo apctd, at this juncture, hurried his surely pressed iroons west, bs if the Prince of Kril Spirits were In liis rear with a sharp stick. This was good for Sherman, but bad for "Toutant." A Iniott simultaneously General Sherman urged bis suuy eai-t, with, of course, some grand pro ject in view, aud in eight days subsequently had bis army upon tbe n-ilroad betwv.en Kingaton aud Home, with headquarters at ilea former place, situated upon the Georgia railroad, about midway between die Tennessee andChattukooi bee rivers. TLis was I) rat-rate for Sherman, but mighty bud lor "Parlty-voos." Hire, at Kingston, preparations were Imme diately made lor tbe coming campaign. The Brat information I received concerning the move ments about to be developed, confuted me. I learned one day thai orders had been issued to tlie 2' Hli Corps, wbicb bad keen left at Atlanta, to cease work upon tlie fortUiciUious. Tue lady ho li tl; permit forfhlr.plng all sittlnraj' goniU ri (nlrt il In thd Army w.i Biilai"l th.it tier aKirt'a must be romo.cil by Ute lDtli initnnt, at Atlanta nan to ho t:vai'.itnti'J H'I iltatrtiyert. 1,'po-i the name day I learneil (whnt wa a fact) that ortltys hnr been lFuetl tn tlio chier commis 1 -ty i f tl 0 nrmy t ictul tn Atlat'ifc. 'lth V"-' ai'iio liaaVf, thirty ilav' ratinti.a lit sixty thoiisati'l ii.rn. 1 h.s.-e item, of Ini-irniKti m put mo in a .iiitiuhiry. Tin- Itleaof eiill'i two million ol Muott-i In a t-ity th it wn" t'l he tli!atroyt-a, n nt-tihi-t-ol nil', uml I imtneiUntcly soiiRlit to "lve t!,.- ( 1 1 i.M.i :il I - ,. 1 -, .ii.J I'niinil th.it tliijii-i.li.li-a t'-r v-tt- n-t . iH'ti."'!iil m tlioy witawl. I a-. . rl, 'I- I, li 't I have hi'pt qn i't im'il iiio '.-it j-itii "il," iinil 11 piirpmu to tvll yi'i, tlllt 1 y; , ,1 tji .1, .-..tn -m .1 -if 'he H'h. I-Vh, I'ith, li'li .i:nl '..'Hla t.'i.rj'S, und K 'lp ttil'-k's Civtilfj , K .1.1 it. v. I he f afl.ll li')-' ' iim-.u'V't'-oil I'll m:iri-ti on'in ttt'3 :i :n -., with a iliviainn of Ivil 'tii. fi'-ri"-;il ,M-2 .-'( , itn'1 i,Vr '1 l'; o' ' l" I . ratri' S a (.' i-, el 5 , Ibti 20 h Cor s, 1 hit ad tar. if an- tn il Milium, 111 nivtii c. ti, ,1 "-cotl al 1 vly in tin il,rif- li. n ol Mm r.il !o ti.t to.lowi-4 hv ilin 1 I'll Corps, lil'IT'l .b-'li'i of lite lennes-e.., ,.iM'tl o:' I he 1 -tii lief, l n.-r; I nitMi, on Duvi. 'I hu Army 1 ir-notttl ll'itv.iril, i-otii. :or;i Jncr.il J.-itti, .iml H it, (i'-nonil I rmk Itlmr 1.1'' h -.- I'-t'l-.l thve tliivs In fore A'l.vn' t, trntintf up th'1 rmlrnatl us it weui lining, tin tun I Ith the l-.toh bri h-n wti th-atroyed, and from Hiet.ee li) the (.'lent th tieh'-e tiver, tli') work of il.-atriietioii was lOinpl'ie. Abnosl til" entire raiiriuiil track v. ns leinoved, mid tho rails luis-nl li,, aud othetni Ini'ircl ; all the ltiie' nnt ston huiiBi s and ile;nis were burned, and the cu litis and masonry blown up. The imiticn-e strii' tiiic which "pins the Chaf t ihoi i In. w-i.a burtii-tt, a id the fotiiiilatt'in bl.iwn up. Kverytbirg w,.s in n-aini'tis a'. Vlantit- ni-ikc good th destruction of that town upon the arrival uf -lie, Aimv of the Tennessee, and, in ail probability, the Hate Cuv, so I )'ig tlie fountain head of the Smith, for the production of muni tions of war. tuns acnt reeling to ruiu on the 1 Ith The torch was to be applied to all public btiild ini's, nii.n'ilactorlcs, Btul everything liable to be traiislured to It'-bel use, which wo ild not burn, wus to bo blown up, including the railroad buildings ami other railway aceotnp mini'-nts in the ttbiie of the city. The Army of tho Tonne-see was tin n to resume it m in h, md will no doubt, make a junction with the advance In a few davs. , "While, tills work of destruction was being per formed, a detachment of men operated in like nionm r towards Chatianooga, and will, no doubt, burn the bridr-e over the Costanaule ut llesaca, and fall back a,d lortily near the the junction of the Knoxvlile branch, south of I) ilton. 1 do not know the entiro programme to be cirric1 out by (it nerul Sherman, neither do I know pootively bis destiniiilon. The latter may depend some what on circumstances. Alter touching at Macon, I think ho will go northeast. Andtrsonville is only a shoit distance south ol Ma on, but if tbo ilebels succeed in removing our prisoners from that poin', as Ihey prohal !y will, a vi it in that direction wjuld be of no tarihly uciount. Among the faithful ollicers wlio accimpiny this expedition is (.ieueral Oliver Otis Howard, com manning the Army of tho Tennessee. Ilii military ability nnd consummate bravery and intrepidity upon thu field of action, his csta-bhshid integrity and Christian forti tude, and his natural impcrtitrbation, stamp him as oi e of (bid's own mitn. He Is known as the Havel'iclt of this army, whilo ids uniform un oaitiitatioii tends to otiscure him, even among those of less brilliancy, w ho have ac pnrod a world of renown. lielore the 'i Ith Corps left Atlanta, it had two sliirht brushes with tlio enemy's cavalry uml -r General lvt-rson, which did not amount to much, bowivir, j et. Here tire tlie particulars :- On thu morning of tho 7th, Heavy's and Ward's Divi sions tinned siiuih Irnin Atlanta about threa miles, tor Mime tines plained reason, and returned to t-nmii in the evening, followed by a squad oi UMiiiiObstriiiive Kebel cavalry, liciieving this was a ruse to cover a retreat, Ivrrsou made an attack on Atlanta with twelve hundred men and turn sections Ol urtillci V This was a good joke of Iverson's, att-.icV.ed the 20th Corps inside of tho I'orttiica'iotis w.th 'twelvo uunincu men. a nauuiui ut iiu.ui.ij m iu-j n ilasl, into tho cavalry, and tho rouega les r.m, uo I. a tuiinir siisinini il bv cither sldo. This was the great Ivtvson's liist, irattlo. On tho morning of T. ..... .. .-! ...'..,.. I n.L-...l mitt. lite 1 ltO, SpOlllIIg lOl It HUb, imuyia'.aiu, .aw nn inereused force, tlio picket line ol Ward's front, hni- alter ibitiL'a lew shell, swung arounu an-i atiucked Ocuy's pickets, driving them in and ilillitif, nun tiilin. Ti n niinuies after a brigade of Goarv's infuntry drove the (inllant Iverson end his gang out of 6ight. We lost one man Klilou iu mis sanguinary ulfair, while the Rebel loss was two killed, three wounded, two prisoners, and about inteeu nun- tlrtd badly frightened. X will add that, upou examination ot lhe prisoners and wounded, they declared that ammunition was getting decidedly aeatca in the Confederacy, owing in part to tbo di'ircasoof blockade running uml the desttuc ti,.n of lhe inanuliictorica at Atlanta. Iu their caitiiduc-lit'Xcs were f mnd but twenty ronntls said to have been manufactured at Augusta smce tho full of Atlanta. A etc 1 or limes, Fit OJt AVASIIIiNCiTON. nvitl ('ailiirf. AJmiial Earrngnt c.itiiuiiinictites to the Nwy 1J luiniicut iiiiclllgc-mo of thu c.ivif.ue ul tho ri u.-siiui tcliooner I'mu ha Im:ji;m, by tho Uuitoil Sf.ittA t-tcantcr Scint, in Uctolier laat, whilo atumntins to run into VcUsco, Toxiis. Sho had an assorted cargo. ) rata Sta-nlors in Mnrrluntl. Ycfcteiday morning, at 3 o'clock, about ninety BcliKlatvcrt! tiiacovenU cro-sing from Marylunii into Virginia,, above l-tlaril' Fdrry, having witli thiin uuine liftajeu or twenty tail bornun aal a number of heiul of ca.tle. They are supposed to have croased (luring tho night. The Provost Mai-atial of Montgomery coua y, in so m as, la formed ofthe matter, made iicb in'iuiries as led to the beli-jf thin lliere U a concerted horse and cattle bU'.iltinr movocient into Mtvyland by Moreby and other guciMii banda. Tho troop was led by llnvry (iilinor, who left a note ninued to a wall at a den-rled biililitig, stiuinir that his present r.iid w.-ia only a forer.inner 01' wh.it w.19 toeouic. jciii'i-tl J. II. II. Wiira. liriL'.iilitr (jciiituI .liiftn II. Il ib irt W ild, of tic Unitdl Suics Vnl inteers, is mu-tored out of service, aid by thu itno oliieiul order army ofllcers who tuny be reported ititlea-de-citmp to J him nre r(nnii. d to j dn their regiment, without delay. UIE RLOLItT ELEOIIONS. KK.V YOltU F -a ,i :,'.(. Tt t'iltm. We luvii ittinris fi York Stale except l'.i out tltiko Iwo the vol m all tho counties in Ne and St. (jawroueo. Witii- for President swnds 1S.J4. 1800. I.it.cnln ltei.'i'Jer.it'e Vnit'ii iim.iority. Hue K'ViS HVi 1' a'uiUt 71 el C111011 in.i n.ii i.i ny t. id lu- i ii -1 ot ibe -lute will it.-, ll'im in IHi 0. llelunif fur Govt.r. 11 uiif.-, l-'.iii,, aiu! .' . thus : Trioil llciuOLtaiii- ....311 .6, 7 33 a, SO I :H3,7!)8 297,tilH 8.M) 41.271 itii'-.iatic, and fit. Lawrence i.irlty. So liiat Mr. Lincoln's ibtiut 7"'0'. I'nu 10111I vote h 7dU,0ot', or oo.Ojo more ur are full except from Che . L-iwrciicc. Tueyfoot up IKiil. ...3-l2,iiSl ...IMil.OJ! I'uii.n majority 2,O i2 Dem. tnaj 14 , 10 The three counties to come in will hriuit U iv cinoi 1-eiiUiu's iiiujority up to about 'MM. His vote in all save the three counties numed is Lllfi more man I Ineoln's, while bey mour ruus 00 vote be) ind McCleliun. Theic is, however, a mlstako In the voto for McClellan iu Lewis county, where he litis UUl) nuie lliau given iu our talilo. This reduces l.m coin's niajnrity to OCJO, and loaves btyuiour marly WM helilnd McClellan. i iui.Aii:i.i'iu tbik itiKfonr. Moniiav, No ember 21. riio market for llark IBllimtbif niorninif, there beins but a tmall tuj'plyhere, and No 1 It In Kood douiiind at fill V ton, Clovt raced It In very abort tupWy, aud a prim, iiuallty bin,e, rapidly al$ia-t4tbt. In Timothy tbore w at no lalea to nolo. Ha.aeed la quiet and etui al i tln,a ... Hre.dniitlt-'lhenarket It ui.uaualiy dull lliia morn lint, tbe Block Is atualler tl.an at tbe tamo perltal Ior uty yeara pret b.ua, aud aa tuppll.-ieaiuie In butaluwly,lio.i era are r.ot willlnt! to accept lower late.. 'Ih. deiuatid It cbleili lor hiuao conauuiptlon i ao imittlry beliiK ma.1. lor tlili pniK. and aaiea bavo been ci'iirinial to amaU lou. .at S.'ta Hi-iio for Biiperlitie I lour; 110 a.au,U fur low grailetj ai.d Lot d.xlraa at ll Wit" ISi latuby a,nd fancy lota ao t,.i.1iiUtoini.llty. KitiaU .aletot K). Cl"ur were. u.'l at Is in Corn Meal Ultra It boiIiibi! dolus, aud priest r. "'tthfat' It v.ry qulot. th stiu.rt lrl to wsti tor lotvarralaa tbau boldatrl wUl una Like. e lluUM "lel of atuo baahela at $t Ml for reni.a vanla .rid Aiaber, J-l.taV.W tor Delaware; .ad i 7U.t ' SO H.r ' ," ll ala.watl-7tt. Corti-Llltl. on band, and sal.aa)l Jtm blultela wj av, Tt l jata-l 7S. Oataarolu good demand, wiUiVaV; JSictSu,: Tb.i. arouo iiantaeuont la uol. '"wwikv-TUri'lta llp.'ted d.raBd, wltH a.l.t of 1W Wli M tow at '.i "Jfuut ML Murltrla by !'; atl. Nbw Yokk. Novemlif r 2 1.- flt.rki are sfr trly ( Chlcniro arid Kli lalanrt. liM't'i fumlmrlana nrntarrM, 4'.: Illlnola tVntral. J2ft; MirManl H'MH".rn. It ' .w Ynrll Ct-ntral. fjc-i : H.-ad-na. i v-'a ; Hndaon Kivall'i1.; Fria, llf'i -. tlnr-v.ar Ortitlrat-., Wi : Traaittrr 7. "Ha, lit',: 10 4n,t oat'ina. WUi di K.itlat.rr a. WX: , t'oupotiB. Id . tl' Bawlat'-r-.!, tntl'i ; '-oni'ori fia. Mil; 'to. Ri Bl-trr. J. 1,1 (1. M. da, l-'l, irj;(y.h il "nf-lat Jl . Hai.timohr November 21. I'lnur T-ry ilul'a W lit-at .T-tlvr; wMta Hr,nat(l ".'fnil !i: rr1 it' tl d'HtOI'i. .. fi rntlrro. mwwhlta a i4 jr.'nw iit tl "ft. Wifaky-l'iH ami minimal at II VHtu 1 ill. Orocrrl.-a anj P.-,viil jm ui Hi llvt!. pOEEOKE OIL CO MI ANY, riiaiico County, r.niiltiirl i, l.NCOiiruRATLD UNDT.il Till riNNSYLVANIA. I.WS OF C A. V I T A la. T O C Ii , mi"o ,). ll",(stl MIA:: AT j A -!.', ! I ' T, 1 A i tJ. Working Citpit.il Ufm-ru'd for Fi tvI p- IIKIlt, Sl(-,Ma(1. rl.-tM T -AI UiF.II Ill NI. r.-'i Vt' I -l-MSiM at- tDaTAtfl Hll l.'iN t.-s sr. i.i mat a d Ifra -.'"! i . T'lCM i-, W tv . :' 11 rIBi:CT)KH: Vr ATaFIIF.I) Hl'HT, P i!il -Ip'.tr., Prra u, r,-. t t.a !: t -.!. Itliem Iron Werka. Nr. vvibl.la.M U 11 )UDT0; So . 1 1 'j Wa'cr itiec;, Thlla-lt-hiliia. Jlr. H.WAKIi HirPEI.fl t, tf.-nrotnli: , ..nil 1 nut ntrnet, Pltilad") 'hla. Mr.TU.JMi8 W. tVAK?, Ko. m Clc tuit atr:,Ph!la- dell'llla. Vr. K. W. TIAILKT, No sin (.-aea-.'t Itr-f., rt j-nn- i'-m. itr. 11IIL nt'lttlWIN,rittali'r-,Pa. Mr.tl. UUSII liKAli'Oilii. N'-w Hriitn'.on, ra. Mr. J. L. CAllNAtllUB, rrcBli't-nt o: t.orn l iar.ier uii Cemiiany, Aln-hny Oc.y, V.. Mr. WILLIAM u Ilii! .1 1 It '', PiftlifM, r , "eomary aud Treaaurer of Pitisti..rg an t conntlav'll Itaiiroaj. The Comi any own In fr. tloatlc 115 acr oi '.hthtst Oil Tcrtltory on tha rlitlit bitiite- lha Allofhenj nver.near Ull City, with one prod clins W.-U an1 arotner nearly . otti- ileml,lth railroad, turnp'At. and nver a.-,oaS to mo jirojierty. for partlcultra, e- rroan-!u tc be lo ,ra win any ot the lrlrcLtors, or at the olh :es ul" MISSES. COOFER & GRAErr, No. ii k-:'is jk, mid Mr. 8. HARVEY THOMAS, ho :?i i wa'-nvt -iTRsr.r, TV'i.nreiHUiio.'i.i! io k 1 i liuiit d uuir )?r steefc - D AUl'lUN A7t Ct)ilHAOO GOLD MINING COMPANY. ClIARTEIiLD HV BV ATE Cf I IrSSTLVASIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 1.000,000 200,0(10 MiarfN-Par Vnlaa, (ft. aiilrnt-JOHN It. ANDKMSOfa. Tliomtta A. Sco't, M. II. Ktienhl, Winiam B. Kreeman, Bobei-t P. Klny, J. hn M. Klli-y, Charles Do Silver, James Jt. Maaaa. T. 0. McDoaeil, Harrlabori Ji ha W. Hall, do Jilia llraOy, do V. W. Wjlie,Ln'-atr. Vl illltin 0. Klmti , Cirluriulo. L. KOtJTlI WOllTU, fr.tretary and Treanurtir, OITICE. No, 423 WALNUT BTBEET, ROOM Mo. 5. Autlientlcattd tpecliuent have bear ronirtj ftt m arm of the Company'B lodea, and havo b :n apaayed by l-ro- fa una lloitli and Gimti with 'lwHiotKratlfUirinll. Hubaerlpllon list, art) ao-v open at tlia Oflloe oi' tlio (.'um- putiy. and at the Treaanror a Ofu -e (Tntornal Itcvenua) Jln. aill? CHE-KL'T Street, KarniarB' and Moolianki Hank biiil.ilriK. To original aulitcrlberi t i M i.e.- iharo fur UiulttMl nutnlmr 01'aliarea. Circulars, paiiipJil-.tn, or Inf'rrr.o'.lon cav bo oltalnod at tlie orllreof tlie Company, alter the l"th Inita ll-W-ato QOAIa AT riltHT COST. Ct-.t Price to Stockholders $7 00 rti Ton, IMMEDIITE DEIT7.EKY. COAL OF 1JKST QTIM.ITV. KrUhEP, etch eiitliiliig to OXK ASD i HALt'TOH'J .Itlratcoat, F.Vk-kY TtEAB forTiVKKIY EAHS, and CAfll KlVUH'IaUa of proftlB from the tale of all surplus Coal, may now le obtained at $10 (Ks pa able iialf on mb- tirlbuis and lull c:i January i uex:, of -lit .VCri'AL EEAR MOUNTAIN FEANKUE COAL COMPANY. Oftt-ro lil TIIIIID Htreot (Ori'OI-JTE ('IT. kHh ISkSK ) Stock Cupitala J500.000, in 62,500 Shares. E-eeemd Working Capital, 12,500 Sliaros-. SiiIiik rlptlon-. of 4 .fi--tfc, f i; of HWur-M -nf 20 bhar.n. 17.' ; td' '') lnu'tfl, Hitj; m" W) tUtti., f a-o; of hat-h hhar i-ntlilp th-' nM- r to r"? iv. pr-ry vcar, onv nd a hull tuncot c.i a: oat, iV-r W ar , diiU tUsii liVUlvntlb I -VlT.V ti UiltUllib, Ol" IttO 1-CI:8 llJU UiU B B Ul ail Mjrius --oiii' toim'rihnMtjs w lio Ao no, v&nt any a-iU may havo tlulr pit-pnrtitin 01 C"l Id by thn :oinp.ti:y, r'or ir-clr cHpofil biiicDi, the prutltH btinn iid overici th-'oa, ludcpndi at ui the nu.lar cuh alJtliidf, to wl-ivl tocy aru also nllt-cd. '1 ticl'uixpativ podhc-ieilarKf and w U-bull'-COATj W OftKrt. at lHiAI U.iN )n' .tr l:vi.:"ni , Ht' uylkill cnumy. tlth eMt niivo Jhl LntiJir and Timb.-r ltihtn, an ec Ut iit lH littlf I'TtH'ilT. S.i,e A'0.1.-, Itii'..y St t, -Ull kJll.lt'g, itlt- roadH.Htid al) otln-r Muohiiwry and Aipar-.ti,(t, lu n.11 cut'irxtioa. aiuiin oi' minium .'xn) I' lis, to be cxUaavd to I. iO.ux) toiiH it r j i-ur. Tlie omI Is or tho bn fiuaUly, chiefly of the llAdi II. iiili ui.l J'r i ro-to Win-,, w Mch. with i'Viiii! uili3r Miluub'e Ccal Vt ii t, cvti'i d iviitiin the lines of iiio Com paii lor iictti iy two miH'-i in i(::i(rt. A biar tli oi' tin Hi-adtux Kdll oail extends to the mlnoi of tliU (L'uuiai.y. ovur hUli Uk) i oul i dally ncut lo mamct. HtocKliol(trR ranv order their Coal In any of the mual lif'H 'u -Lunii Coal, liroken, Kirg, 8iove,or Ntil INml, ull ut the prfwt'iit roni frtce of 1'i.H) ptr ton, delivert-d at tlu huse, -Mltldnthe Uhual dNiHiiwin of (ho ( ouipaiiv'a Coal Yards, to the orilivrii, Alludie, and bouliieru jior tl'.iifl ol tho thy. I t.v rui .pmiy and all tt MlhlnR WorXi are clear of debt, and nil otfi Httoni are i arried on on thi- cnnh principle, i or Circa-aUk and Hubi.ripUuuii apply ui Hi Office, Ko. 121 S. THIRD Street, 2d Eoor, (01'1-Ob.lTi: l.lltAKD BANK.) I10ABO OF DlRKCTOl'.S. WTM.1AM SOHMiKU:, PatstDi tT. VVII.MAM rOI.D, KOBEItT t. KINU, ll. il. "rVOLl-L, 11. HCUMa.LE. W-Sl A. B. JARDLN, 8.-aitTAr. A TON 0 t or Large KutCal. .to . ion for Stove aud Heater Coal, AX1KK M COAL YARD, MKill Blre.t IS07), below (iuard avenut. K "PI. BtBii.lei at Ilranib OIBce, 1111m UUTH and HFRIH 0 OAJtIy. COUSTY'8 TEA WAREHOUSE. BSTA LUnliad In UMI. I'oporUr and Healer In flri. leas, W luat, and Llq.ors. Choice Havana Clf art, Oroaa HlaekweU't Plcklee and VaacaM, EsiglUk and Scototi Ait nd forter. C.niMd kttatt, Trultt. Soap, 4m. Kavy alettes put aft wit car., a yus aa, BBO0KD gt- 1-Je ly JiJUUfA 11. WIHHI. O1 , W JJ 1, L H . No. 436 "WALNUT STREET. philnalhlft, aVovrnibtr, IH, Isol. TTi um(rilirid H ftatriorlfd to 11 ft limitod nu-uber ff Htart-i "f anO Cou-otro -rriore rrni'iriv I'Bumivr.a (i. I I'rirk, Vrnnp-n i.ntii'y, Pn n 'y Ivunl. nd b- H" fd iu !- of fi.l vftl!i .o ny "poii tfc r X 'Chi portion lYFlrt.tl d pff live wi I.fDtn fhi b"8,Bnlnr, t ei.rc to thr 8t,. -If. Iil,r Jii!:nd f Tur per crnt. r "T I.nth. th ( fitil tro ir.-:r". t'lnj; tUily. In it H'J. n lo tfictfl pro'J iipg wfl'l'-, lh-y hm a 1 ir;( imnvt la EIMn i,',rn l,i 'ti'.r-n: m' tl- v lopmeni. and i vria' nf i'im n' iirly c tu ;i't' 1. 1 U". it io.ii ;ilo for an f((tnl ;i iniher ni v f'if iip.tn trt 9 pi.-fff-v 'IB'1 t'.irootny ft". n, il prt't'rrty In tie ni,".i i tr i-y r-r "iaa aliikii. tt jf nvi.li-rl tj' it.'- V ri.ua.. Hl.t-tl all "VV'-r' cO'y o1' rajira thi ! rd f- m l'- -iaui i ffrrr d , .i ..- .'-al acr' a it 'in I " t r . .1 it' :t ' ot ia-a, UP, in wi, rai at il. ti," ru -'u-y li.tvittfc b. I tai :lr-r. Bt l.ivr r..a',a ..lo it. l 1 ft ii -Mon o: Its pr,-f, t', t-'T ai thr r " -f t ! 1 i.r fu.-tl't r jf -i ..' .!. U. Ki IN iiOTil, Nr.. a WALNUT hTUKKT, )1 j. lif III i'. 111 li-a C- 1 t-ll '.' 0 ' ! t M. O. Ii. DUNtlAN. Oil,, MINIMI, COM A N 1 1. '('Al. AND 01 1 1 Ml M'V Wt- irt prfparr.1 t- fi-nian Ja.a C--r"iral'Oiia aait'i al. Hi. HftOllB tticv r- tulri. at a'.ort -n t,,-' au-1 luia prt, i . ti.-t 'itiaMy. Allatlrata lll.ubnp aiKi L-PI.A- r. '. r.KriM :a rfs ok io'-'K Lt l b' HI" Ai'H Kli t't io I H A NH Kit IIO IK til: 111 n-s n r it aN.Fr 1" HTnt'K Lr.MHK.lt. . rn. k i.KU'ii 't iiAMitoi:-'. l!K'il n.it "r C vimtai. aci -.K. IIM'ihF.VM- l'l;rTV I I li r.ll A. -ttti-N r oi' ui.:,!, Mvinj:; i B'.'OK. MOM CO , H-fcr.it VO'.l Manufa- tu-e-a ami S!(.t;"Enrt H.it. tl Hu. ti t'llKSNUr Sir-ft -TIIE EUfSILL TARtf OIL COMPANY, proAIl CUKKK, VENANGO CO., PA. .'A PITAL . . "..vo,ooo. II IV TIHH'-'AM) SHAKES OP $. EACH. ia B-tv KIlTlOS I KK E 2 M PER BIMRI".. Ifi'i.tRii kE.nnvcu ron -woukino caimhi.. J V. M "tl-:RV, Pr.rami v-r. 'IIK'MAS A si,o; r.Vn a l't'.iint't sT. biKECK'ii" : 3 It V r-HKAItV. I. W VAVHfirTF.S, llllialArt A. nUOIT, : I'lllMf KEIIKKK, ,10 tv no wi-.n. RAMI; I-1. P. KRIOtKK. sn-retary ami TraBiirt-r. The tirot'frlr I" 'i iiK-itit, tc thla I'onipany conaiata ot Ono 11'il.ilp il h.i! Kilty A- f-s in I'm aunnlc. ol Yiiluabl.. I.ul(.-- a Mia oil Liiuil, itua-'-o iui ait'.-ar preen, auoitt two iiiin-a fn tn ita uii'u-.ii, tvhicb emptii:. uiiur it-ncii ortiaiK, veniii.'" unity. I'a. , , .... I In- r-ri't'i-rly 1 ft-a tic-it aein -tnl with a vl.-w to It v.-vln- able k-catli.il. tu-. l-ii: I'a iinea ext. niteil ai.,nrf and on b j-a an.ea . fib- or-'ek')' er tli 9 .humlreil rota, which, tuiritiiei vi ltd t'' larve am jnr -1" Kl tt or ll-Cl.'ill l.atul. Kit. -a it amierlor a'lv.int.'.. e - fur 'Irill.-n.' a Jaiic- tiiitntn-r of Oil W.-ila. At le.i.t 'ino Mnr.'lr.-tl Wella ctu be loctte-l, wiiii ami') rt' 'to t"r 'I' Anita, l.iia- iic-hiuaet, ati'l lm.!llliiii. A .ii-.l w r.ii inc .-v'-in v n.ii i' i -1 u... , i, - iirlb.it a tulle .'ab ivo V. ait i, tovaral good pro'lucill,-t-lla on t;.'- . r ---It t i-lriw I. tie ill iV.ilri'd o i :h a cr---H la rli'lf -ib'-ICK-tiu; O'l, tvMoti i'"tniiiAi a in pri ii-' litiuiUc-d ic.-r titnt. abow olimr iila. an t ih tcoii m ilrtnaMil. rii. t'oiup.niy cu -iiiiain a l.iW rov.-n.i. by ptrtlet at ifIiII'a to -i, A m ''!-, r-afrvitip tr,.ui oni'-l-'iitrtti tn o.v - hair ol liie ol I'-y nt api-nae to nn-' 1.1111 uuy. in 1 'ifinii-ii. ot tta reieuii" t'rom th.-lr on-n wella, Unjru b.tiiiit atai ko mittioi'-i.ey ot built -'ir -io-:i pi"i'OM-a, It 1a ilea ,:ri il 10 if.ve me c 11 r i- t i-i 'in.i a.i..,i.' iu Ii ibe be-t lic-ninn at o -.e. Tho tltlo to the proper' It jit rti-ct ant fiee of Itu-niiibran'i-. n.ina.'iip .oil not-at ..re i .-a 1 --u ' 1 n- ""-i 1- "' M'.allKB A lid . I I S. f lllllll tr.. TJUNKAID Oil CJMPABY. CU'lTAl -r?5),)0). ldti.lKIt) janrct-i-t.'i I'ur value. A limited number of f-hnrcs will bo sola by order of tho Company at $1 no per share. - Tbe f. II) a. o la eur. :! irom trio Hbll.ilelphia "In- qulrei" of Sapt-mber 17. liu. prior tc tbo or(anu.auon ot the Dl'NKAKI) OIL COMrANY:- Onaiinua; all the itrt-ann lu i.lr.-en County the lanta have already beta leased wl.h a vlaw to explorations fo: ooal oil; and on cne, particular y, the bunkard a. Ih. Je Trleiimaatt I'.a-.-e been ofthe miat .neonraulni; chara-'ter. Tk editor of t'ie Wayueabnrt- (fa) AleaactiKor, in rc-A-rrlDgtotli. tnbjeot.aftera careful peraonal Inap-wtt-n ofthe region ami tbe iterations tliat are now taking place there, s.tya : We are hor,viy j.' opinion that when caplt.il .itia e-i- tarpila-iaitililiavetcvluijcd tlie laads aiona in. cre.-a, that locality ttill ue found ti e iii'tro, In th. otont orita Oil production, wltk too Vcn.miro dlatrb-t, while In th. purity, travlty, and value of t'ie oil. It la acknowledged to be indef.niteiy t-up .rlur. Our oouvtotions ou tins Btiii.eoi are baaed r.pon a.tu il knowl.tlit. and observation of both ri elona. and of th'- iteylcyical liu-uiationa and surfica Indl- eaiMim. Wo are 'ratltied t learn that w e are not aloiio In thcae favorable liiiji.-caalcna ant aiunrlea. " Sclentiile men aed cxperl'-nced anil practical Oil ope rators con,:ur in tlieta, and re, hiveatiun Ubern ly of tnelr own mean'i.and tl'.reitinK tbo attcnUon of capitall'ta to tlii-l r'jii'ii.nfc charaot'-.r of the I lui.aard eoitntiy. Already B'-veral ltrc conipaaiea l;av. b-;cn orgnnled In Pi'.taber( and tfce Eaat, which will soon c-iuitnonco opcratlona ou an .tensive tea'.e. In the mcant'ia.. Individual energy and local cntirr:te are doing mucii to develop that favored keality. Mew derrl' In spring up .very tl-w days, and th. proeere ot' itnkluh w-lla g"a on iu many inatancsa wlthunt Intauriiutien, nia-'it or day.' " Books open for ale of STOCK at tho Counting House of A. B. rRANOIk'CUS & 00., Ko. 513 MAttKKT Street. II. Kit VNC1H M'al, il uj euiid-Mt tv ii i iam r.. iiticr . S" T)l'rrl"t"ltlJlti A1NI JtOSTON l-CI'ft' l tit M COMi'aNY. Capital, SlOO.OOOFaT, $5 Per Sharf!. suiiscmriioN ruicn, 2-ZQ pkr share, l"OH 1 lI.L-i'AlO 8TO..K A Nil SO 1'1'lUIIKit AiifES-IilENtS. Tl e jr .party f '.bia tVmparj constats of the fol cwlnt viluab c I'KE SIMlMai: Tertilo y, exln:s.ve leateboHls, PHOUUCISO V. Eil.8, Wtlla litilot tli -vn an'! nearly lli. shed . No 1. About V) ;l.tty) A res ..n Cherry Tre.- Han in ITr. SI.Ml'l K. but. a ile Inii.l nulls ent to aliil KIKIV WKLLS. 1 lua I, Till. -l-t I- cpi'Uaite tne ll.ili' ll etr.il.-uiil uiuiaiiy lllajea I arm) oti D:l ''reuk, biiinid'-d In part by the evli; br..ud st"i v i'arm, Jt'-. Ai . No -J la nat- pernetiial (in veara) on tVitah Met llntoek Oil l n i k-a'j u -f. all Hut, very valuable, tlov, -ing aud Piinn'ioi; wella all nr, iiriil .No. a. una -. u: I I'.m! ! w.-a. aut : l-.n-reli per iljv, i,a Wain. te-. "Iiri-o.-t 1'uriit. riio C'lliltmliy uivua the V lit iix working lutenat in lais w ell, engine, tanks, 1. No 4. "California W, II, -"n 1." uu ' '11 Creek, down 'MO feet, o'l rea.lj to ri-uibe. Tins Wi.ll hits llowed li'l oa'-rvu ' N.,."i. "Califi.rniaWill.Kn ii, en Oil Cici k.down nearly 100 le. I. ! o. 'i Lease Perpi uml (I'tMearsl on -J'j aei.sOIU'raelt, all Hat, e. ii'.iuiliii.- the lli.ive wells, with nuei-ii-l.olio enslno, tiiiiks, tii-rili sa, eiK-lne llotl-ea, .V.o. Nu. 7 Lease perpstnal t l'J enisioii iii it'-rea Oil freek, nil tint, and In ono vi oil vlovt n foil feci, nno oitartcr interest f vvurk it'K ' in tins vte.l ui '1 i- u.o. tZU lHOUta-Mi Sll MIK1 Itr'SMlVfiD l'OK AVUIIK- IN.I I AIM I' A I.. ltoi lta forotn.iiMi p-ii'air i'ti ,n are now open at our oil ce lor a lew ilava-iiily; wlii-it clut'-il, the stock io be l.lat . tl on the rei,ii'ar II i'on a:nl I'lili i-lolpl 1.1 Ht.a-li ltotii-ds as a in i nii ilivlne'iil-i iiylie- tin. cr. uu . iv ( tiiAS, when It Is '-xpii'ied tlie sharee will largely advaiit-e. All t'litl ei Inf jilualion, with pri.spocl'isi.", can be t'bmliied ut the utiilers u!i--i. The nruali ea pi'al of t'..s I Yiupitii) , wlih ibeai tiiiil lartte intori at s, must uuiko it a favorite us ii lei ur-.- investment. ii. s. LKr.di, Ko.lt l'nniiihsr llalldiogl, WAI.Kl'I below THIKf), I'hltaileliilila Atteney. l.KONAIill tt MANl.K. . , Ko.WItr.AVIlt Slieel.K.iv York Ag.-Dey. M l.-Nt LK, XLA Av (10., liankera. 11 -If, Un-tuil Anency. pii-XllOXaETJaM OIL STOCKS. THE UNDEUSIONKi) UAS FOR BALE, ant will pay particular attention to th. purchase of all tt. detirabl. and regular dividend-paying PETROLEUM STOCKS, Such, .i th. K Oil Li AKT BKLAMATEU. DALZKLL, iKELUE-SY, UcCLINTOCKVILLK, of riula 'Ulplila, and OELMANIA, LU01JUAHE, and KSltawEIlUOOKEK, of 'iw York. JOUN PONDItt. Ho. M FINE STUEKT, Bo.a 6. 10- tft-In l'.v P1TV TKRARl'TtF.Il.'rt OFFICE. NO- at.l,rr . lHtJ. Tn Vauio llet Lawt ror la. saa - - . 1 . Staslon eau bt aad al thit othv. UNUY bum t, U- tjay 1 reals are l A WEIGHT & SIDDALL "No, 110 AI.'iclTot-. -if.-"t, rt nw'j Il.t ST ASH HKttlND faTPFRTH. P. Btl'tAl.t. Ti ! V G (i 1 STS, 1 11 V P I C I A la S, AMI t:i'N nil. MOHI KLLl'i nra, Vfnr f at Mir'" bliahinct a it 'i t -a..rin-: rtr.f ImportaJ , I I : fri i.rtua, p.-.it:v l'a:-iil M !! Inra. falnta, t ;i. tli, We .lot- ilna, IV ciit:-ni V'ala. Ac , at aa law irli'a aa ft -inliia firat-riaaa ki.,,1, ran I)'- aolil, riNK F,aa; I I M. OILS Fur t' . !" tl' -i' r. In full at.irii ty, imd "f ti t !! c.MlM fit -In. I. nci-nl In.l-ia, Viijor, I'.a -h. i-n.llarar, Cn'a vt: h, .Mmii.Oil m Viin.-l. t mint,,, l'..i, tip, l.atraet ,-. 1 t r C, : , !' 'K 111 1-UH uc. al'ta.vl i -t tiara, al llivi,',- 1,' t ''"h P- I"' a ) i'ki: -ii'it rs mil p.vit.v f-r, lirc'-nO ""Tir-' iy '-'i- our ai-laa -ti-t to aai.joJt a,- UtII. ttr attf .ill ir. ' f t.xa.i in ant . f, . -i.ii.t.. rtli ta Al0, .W-,'l.l', '.Sf, J( .S Vtri, A -., cj itlra ft.t.t (, -1 .It-rr I y ii . at ll, it i-lty poal, at 'll maat vta r-ri- mi-t at . t.t.'-n. t-r a; r, I..I tio!:itinii8 t m bc, rtiituarit-tl t.t rf- iji.i mi.;. wiiiaiiT unnAi.u Wtiol'-aali- llrilit Warihouae, Vo. 11H MAIIKKT Mr -ir.aii.iva faota. rail ly r. Jl II AV IN H ANTI-DYSPEPTIO POWDEF., DYHl'KPStA. 1 1. it ri 11 ti 1 lft 'fr-Ti l' (t tins aiTorJ 1 tt u'y wi n (l.rfnl rnlot. l'J I rV'RKLY VKGKTAni.H. 1 T.FrAlir.1) OSI.Y 11 v 1 Kiai;iUCK I1HOWN, rro;,:Ut anl cliomia, y.r. (.vi.i irru su cukss. r si.., Phi? i(JtTn., I iK MKSS.UT.lNDNKiSS.ANDCA LRail. J ) ,i. aa t M. I) , frf'Hfi..r uf tlie Ky ao1 Tr, atf f.li Jiit-HM-a Alport. tnimi? ;0 ihf nonvo ru 'm'wr' wrh I'i'1 --t u le rim nml iron rh niuttt rfllm t ifm- in 'h ell v fun ! aiinm hi i No, .'-il F.N H Th JH'tlv nl Facility nre invited to c;urai,tnj va'.'cu s.ai ho hua no .ccrttt m tils pructac. l-Vf-if Ton cnur.Tis A'l) roLD.s, vse MAR- V hMAt.h'S TINE TUKK TAU l'UOP-4. .Zx-xJIent. Coiii.fnt ior Hie p.".ki!t Huld ly the dniKK'nt-s. H 3 1m I'lillK VIRGIN WAX Ol' ANTILLRS. Irc-n-hltenlnir. and pTi-nun .uu H-.t cnmpioxion It la pre-pn-cd iniin p'if nbitf whx. Inn c lt fxiraordifia-j'ijiiaH-f-,r pr"sr inK ttO ikin, DiKklti it coft, 1'Alr, nu-wth, aixl .raiisi'airit. It mod wHitl.li g attrr Bh.iMnK.cur-i-"! c)iap,iff j tiu.i-N and Hp, h-.ii- punplfs. biottuion, un, ft' i fcl'f. r 'iihnrn. and tm parts a pfarlr tiot to tie fa nek, and fTtm. PHo m . M, nnd V em'a. HtTVf A . ')., ho.ioo S.Hi. KSTHrttr-itit andNo.418. KI'iHTlI Htntu lu-ftim TV I LA T)FI.F1T I A 6UKOE0N8' BaSllA' 1K. IHS11TUTR, Ko. It Jortll viN t'll Htreat a-'tive Marktt. htmtnra. radicallrenred by B ". KVIJtl-.l I M Frtuiilnui Pauiat ilradiiatliit rr-aarr. Truaa. rii.fierior Hlaattfl Bart., Kiat'3 oticBiiuta. Hiip)Hrt.rt. SbouWer Bracaa. Biao aorl'B. Crulf liaa. Ac. La i.e- aiUmlotl by Yrs n.O. K.VKHKTT. wV-lT M KALI 11, U K AL.X11, AND LEALXi. rfto aaln ailmli-ina evea ; it' to cause t'lvlrt uiia .ala-tiat it in i.e a lilooniinK tiuticr, ! idnig, dyl.a; lu L. tir liaACTV I f to have a Moat or trlc'idn; If f.-r vice to nm to amei ita ; I with hl.-b.Di.rn b'o rl to wed; Ii a Biarble stouo when dead WEALJrarl If to live threeacf re and ten, sValilog 11 e aa limit ai ,.lut If tar live a life of peaof ; I.' to die and go to $n aM-nKALTBl If y. tt wtah a life of rloaanrot; If votl value Ilea wtn ld'a treaattret; If evtry cotnloit you would aoe, take toy advice, aud with all ihrt. Ihea, having Health, Wealth . and Keaoty, tuu u b. prepared fur evi-r.v duty. Nt a caTffnl reruaal o' Ur. (VII. MAM VOUO'S Jita P--..V, Tl!)-, MAtlHUtIK (Hilllli, which aho-lld be rtjsl byevervene o'tl by H-.elb-ra p-r-e-ally. and at th. bo. ior "a l-fJIC Ko. W 81'KlOlli STKKlh'l pr-c. ' centt. - u-W A CAltU TO THE LADIES. I'll. I'VTDNCO-8 O0U1EN FILL" FOR rEHO', Iii alll'le in rorreetln. rcgulatlnir, and removing all I'brla action, iVuiii wbitlc-ii'reanaea.and always Biiccetai'ul tv a prcvuuUvo. Tt,af Pilli arc nothing new, and have been osed by th. Do.-.er for niaiiy yc.ira, both In I- ratti-o ami Ann-rii-.i, wl'O mil araliei'-d am- ess In every caae; and ho is aig-i oy many tno-iaariil laities who lme haeC them, to atiaaei-b. Tbla puiilic lor the alJovuiiiiin ot timaa suilernuc trout anv li-et'oiarii't-s wJiati-.aer, a-j tvtil u, iu prevent an lu-crea-e of family avh.-re healt ' will tin penult It. Fee lies paeiillarly alluated, ortl-.na inpiioHltu; ttuiin elvaa -o, ar. cautioned against uslll" thene plila white In fiat -'.'tnttl-.lon, aa te tirti)ii leior aaKiilnea tin reaptuibibillly aiti-rtue abuv. iId:i"iIiiii.i, I;)i.i'ik1i their Htilihieaa would prevmit any n la'-'ilef lo health, otherwise ti.e I'uta are r'-couiuiarwled. i till soil e a. illicit n-ieetioM ncci'iiipiiiivloK wi'th trox. 1'rlee il.or sii, Iwtui r to. hold wholesale aad retail by the f..-11'iv, in liairgl-ts I II ott. iviut" to., No. 6S N. rnurth street, Wllfht t "l.ldall. No 1 1 fa Mirket street A klar-liall, enter of Thi ti euih nno Mori..' alrraft. .fi;l- r rf. iulth, ciirner ., s.rouil .ml tii-cen itreatt. l'vitt ii t'o., St). 11 N Hte-..tiU .-li'i.t. ' .l-lh-l-'in. H'ill"wny (towdcu. t.nd S. J. litiai-our. Cairnlen. At ltu.1 by .11 thuugltts. La-ll.!, by tending A' ONE rOIXAB , To ehlirr afjent, can have the FiLI 8 hl-.M' CllSWIlKN'i'IAIaf.T, Hf rr.il!, lo any part of tlio city or country, fit) f P"-s. 'i-ta. Ko. 5I.' W. THlltTV-BlXTll Street, S. Y. J7J Ml,CAlJiAl4 and owners. (JHri?. Th-. Qnd-'rKi-ym'iJ na-lt'K itm-ed the RhiNMIh'a-T'.-N tpt'Hl'.Y li'H'K, bK to ti.tbriu hlM friendi and ia pair'tri-i ol the b . a, that he la pr (nrd with Inureae4 uci'lt" ! to a .'c wiiiodute thoe hnviiiL-vtsBoie io t-e iais4 er rt'tiiirtd, -ind bi-liiirj a pra-'iicii ahH)-cat ieattr and eauiha, "Ul p'TRnnal atteutioo t (ill vtoeli a tniBti'd 'o htm ior repair tail. uiu or Atf--mi.t. NU.41-ra1-v6im.ra, and UathiUiUli bavirnt vo"-i,li to repair, are u.KMt'd tu call. llavimi .he arncy for tho mile of "WttMtedta' F.tent Mftiitl. c "ouipofitlnn." or C'fipper Paint, for the eree-r-tion ot' bcTinnjn), dr Una cit,J aiu pretax i n.rrub Oic M.e va UoriiiJe t rrui. johii H. nAMTmrr. Ketihiutfton 8crew OorW. Vit Oelivirfl ivnrnjh. alnr L&urrl treat. SHIPPING. "" OI'THlliK I.IKX. i AM WISE rsiSAM-llll' COMI'ANY 8 m;v ikkhiiit line Hill NEW YllltK, an', t nin'i-ititr fur wtl Northeiu aud I'astern cities and t w i.-tl -a.-is, a.iliitiij aiery J-.L-iLAY, TIU'llflllAY', AMI RtTl RtlAY, f otn t'ne Cioiraiiy's wharf. iiit at-nvo Hue. stieet, ard taei York, iiutii fwr 11, KoilU Ki.er, on tame da.ts, at il F. M . lor 'ielirht. w''l- h will be received dully. handle 1 1n tli. roost .ar e-t-.I tuaiiiii'i'. a d deiiit-rtit una the gieatestdts p.itli, at lau i it.-a, apply 10 tt ll.l.IAM .1. TA YLOlt no., II-1.1 -Im fit..:' II ftonh W'.a-vit. ajera)., .ItAM V KEkLY TO LIVER HtMEafta.ro 1 toiieninir at lyueenrii wn, cork Harbor. -- I., a ul-ki .jwit s'latiieia ol t!i I.I . eiiiool, New York, and l'hm.!';iii,ia Stcauishtp Cti.ipiny ar. lnuudtsl 1st aail I. ,11' i'III ul- l.ijSliOV, Painrday, K at ember Jt. 1- I N A, Patanliy. li uiiib- r .,. An-i tvvi-. sn-cciiiUug Katuiday, at noon, from fltr 5t 44 N' rt'-i Kit T. ItA'l l't 'JK I'AHSAIIR PAYABLE IN CUItKENCy. :i -1 -. I.i l"l 00 s-eari a, e t"'M 1 I'll Cabin 10 I.i I'doil 1 ,'U tal rati uiat-e ti L.illilou... 6.-V-IBJ f i.-.-l ( "Hi r.i 1-'ria.. Itniltl tateuiei to I'arit 80-IMt 1 11 at ('fl'iia to llalulir'itlNl'ntl blei li'lta to Uiiiul) ii-g. 74.iaj raa-n-oi-a al.io iorwarded u Havre, llteuiea, Kofr teriljtu, A at -veip. Av .at enuallv Inw nncs. fare- ti to l.neriiool or t.iucitiialuwu . First Calild, tr, 1, ttl7.i, t..'1'J Sto.-r.tre from l.lieit-ool anil I'tto.-ie-toivn. .'!. J liui. who wiah to se.td for tiiolr frkudt caa luy t" l ets he at theae ratee. . 1 lurt.et uiioiutuuou ai'i'l.v nt the Couipaay't offices. ilOds: H. DALE, Agent, No. IU WALNUT Mlreet, l'lilladclplilt. -trfm BOSTON AND I'lIILADEItrillA jLtSisrtaaa ftttinishlp Lino, tallli'.g frcm each port oa mil KITTYS, tr.mi flrnt wliurf aiK.vo I'INK ratruet.l'iilla delphia. ai d Uaig Vabatf, lie, ton. From ttrsl wharf above l'INE Street. on Haluidav, November ;it. loo. The atei tiiship Jiult.MAts. llalicr.wlli sail trom fhtladol phia tor lliiston, on hatnrday. November in, at 10 A. M., and the steamship H.lXON, Mattt.cwt, from lloston fcr P;.llaCel'lilii,oa same day, at 4 1". M. Tb.-ie new and f ulistanual ateatosiiipi rorm a regular line, Btillaigfroru each purt puretually on Saturdayt. j Iiisiiiiiiicei eUeelad al out-hall uit preluluut charged oa tale veSM-lB. ... I rrehhta taken at fair ratot. I 8hli'ieisrer(iuoatedtatcnd 811. Betel; ts tnd Bills; Lading with their i ooils. ... . .. . t fur I ISiU.Vt aaa'asa S... ".. ..7 . .. a ... .... .. ..a i .nn. nn iMwnm.innnnai - Ko.fv..' S. Ki.l.AWAlIE Avenut. ia,-ii J. FOR UVJiltPOOOL, TUESDAY, ; stt: I ft jtttveruhor ! ''. "TTllrltl.h ship i-IIILArELMII A, Captain O. F. l'ool, ; ajt i'l aafl li-r the anove port aa sue I'Jtu Auvciuuer. Kteeias-e SV- In curreuey. 'THOMAS RH'nARIlflOH CO., jn.oit n u. sus -ai'Sui nieee KORNEWVOKK. DE8PATCH ' 'and Bwtfttur. Lines, rl. Uolawtr. ai4 r. , ..i 'i n a a aamiua ai mna inwa si, aaaavitiK , dally at I'I o clock M ., and i o oloca r. ta., troia Ulad flue j ''ifor IrkL'w'rch will tx taken on amumodatlnt i temt, .pi')y U TtVIUXUl U. bAiUii CO., Ho. 1447 ! UELAWAItl! Avenu. ; ajsiintnn Tt AII.ROAIL l-'OR THE COS- ' J V venleae. of aoidlert and otl.trs visiting "Camp lilt- ebarge," near Hprlng Mid. a sixelal (tiiuaay passenger I train will run between fhUadelpbia and f hu alxvllit umil I furtber aonce, etiDjiaeucUik: Hunday, Mov.mber U, 104, I leaving rbPudelplna at H A. M aaa I IXi l". M.. anil ratar.- I , .... uhn..,:,..li. .1 ill a SI m. a -i.-tii W AS - ,luir 1 ai sll Simons. O. A. jileoujl. ll-l.'-l ututraiBuiieranieaueaia