titk dailt EVEmyg telegraph. Philadelphia, monday, November 21. 1864. Getting Sirtcgtaph OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. IVK. TuealPaa-Te rOorr, r ;ihtCvt fn Vm,firiHiktM Cantor, and (.ailed Is Bubaerlber. tm 1 uv enr at Kim duuu Pr axmim ; a ivm-aa am rim Cwr ma Two la,rHe.lnvAriaij w adi-ino. ftr Ui M0 ardor. MnMmnii InMrteal M th. oatial rat.,, aV lflxrl ftrraaaeaemt Mad for uundod Inaortlone. T Art vert !.-. (twine to ra liK-rta.e la the CircnlatlM tin V.amna Tei.eo.arn, nmpelllni ns to go I pre, at an arly koar, liiKently risiiieal tliat arturti-entente mtj a handed la a e.n at 10 .'clc a, If eaeUiu, to eecar. kaai aa laiarUMI In all or" not edition.. MONDAY, NOVliMDKIl il. m. TIIK Rllin TO PGi( K. r.o one can winii tue war to coutinup ont bour beyond the point of actual, Imperative public necewiity. Thoiiph pcnmn may diflVr In opinion m to the condlt'onti on which ttie war nhonld be allowed to oeaie, yet all mint deatre to see It opeedily brought, If po-silde, to natuifactory end. Those who fancy tint the war has been kept up, or Is to he kept up, for It own sake do both parties to It great Injustice, The Ilebela freely coulr.4 that they are anxious for a cessation of Inutilities and the national authorities at Walilutoii have ITtieatedlv avowed the aaine wlh. Nor has there been any period sinro the conflict b-jrin Fben the Bebete could not have had peace by Imply laying down their rtrm, mihject to Ih mercy of tliat Government against which they Bioet nnjwtly revolu d. But they would not have peace on tho.i t terms, while the National Oovirnmeut coul 1 not prant It on any other. Jekkk.hs.on Davis has Ins'dted on the Indcpvnduuce of the Southern States as the tine qua nun oi'iwil Catlon, and to that ultimatum he has but re cently reaffirmed his purpose to adhere. Whether he will be able to have his will in that respect much longer, depends upon his army and the people who sustain It nt home. For Jefebson Davis, It should be remem bered, Is, in feet, but one man anion; several thousands In the rebellious States, and though be wields, for the time being, as the so-called President of the Rebel Government, the col lective power of the Southern people, he is not absolute in his ofllce, and may bo forced by popular pressure, and possibly the vote even of his armies, to yield up bis own a:nbl Vous plans, and accept peace on more reason able and therefore practicable conditions than Be has heretofore asserted his resolution to iusist upon to the last extremity. In fact, If peace Is to be made with thj South on the only basis on which the nation can possibly conclude it consistently with its honor and future safety, it obviously must be effected by and thro.igh a controlling in ijorlty of the Southern people. Including mmy of those who are now In the army. It Is quite plain, also, that those persons In the South who are still engaged In civil pursuits, and are therefore scattered and unorganized, cannot east'y or safely Initiate measures looking to a peace on the condition of a restoration of the Union, They are not in a situation to act in effective concert, and If they were, their power, to accomplish anything, without the concur rence of the civil authorities and the military .would be but limited and uncertain indued. : Yet It is not to be taken for granted that the way to a peace, honorable and permanent, may not be opened In spite of the Confederate Gov ernment. The several States composing that league In rebellion are, or claim to be, In so far sovereign as to act for their independent welfare whenever they may separately fancy that the nec ssity or occasion for such action has arisen. It was on this principle that they til claimed the right to leave the Union and form themselves into a new federation, based on the same absurd idea, and therefore Just as loose in lbs coherence, and sub ject to dissolution at the pleasure of its several members, as they held that Confederation to be from which they capriciously seceded Hence any one of the Insurgent States may at any moment, or whenever it sees fit, revolt against the first revolt and resolve itself back Into that political association from which Withdrew nearly four years ago. It Is to be presumed that whenever either one or more of the seceded Slates adopts that course, It would at once recall Its soldiers Horn the Coip federate service, and that that order would be promptly obeyed. The retirement of the men from the army of Davis might be, or proba bly would be, resisted ; but that would be likely to start a mutiny in the Rebel urmy, and with that wedge of division once introduced, ilii affection among the troops would spread rapidly, the military power of the Rebellion would be speedily broken up, and the late of the atrocious revolution would be completely and finally sealed. In view, then, ot these tacts, peao ;y nego tiation may not be so impossible or ho remote as X)Dje people believe. It could do no harm at least, for the Administration to proclaim just now the conditions on which the seceded State will be severally readmitted iuto the Union, and then leave them to accept or reject the offer in their individual capacity, either With or without the co-operat'on and sanction of the Rebel authorities at Richmond. In our judgment but little is to be hoped for from direct negotiation with the Confederate Gov ernment. We hold Mr. Davi and his associated leaders of the Rebellion to be judi cially blinded by passion, and lnuccessihle to all rational arguments in favor of the only aort of peace that it Is practicable for this Gov ernment to make with the Rebels. It is true that, If terras were oli'eied to Davis, and they were rejected, k wou'd probably Increase the war feeling hi the .North, and inluie ut iv vigor Into our arms. And In that res;,f. t the measure would be to our advantage iu any event. But we predict that peace, on right conditions, w ill come at lust, If it shall come at all, short of subjugation, only through the separate action of the several States now in rebellion. To that end, therefore, all possi ble efforts should be directed. THEASO.V IS THKClWI". The l.ichmond Congress has its troubles, Just as the United States Congress used to have its troubles when the "chivalry" ruled in 1U halls. The Scriptural assertion, that there Is no peace for the wicked, holds good In the ease of the wisdom assembled at the Rebel iVUal. Only the other day, Davis startled the legislators with hi. menage; and on aMtr da, Smuoi!, iB his report, made their eyes rU about as wildly fcB tW of a dying gladiator in U? fifth act. TU.se, however, were ouUldc difflcultki-DAVw and his War Secretary are outsider., having no voic in the august deliberations thl4t Mgubt known as tho " Confederate Congress." The distinguished members of that Council can use their pleasure regarding the President and the Secretary, and they sit In solemn Judgment on all they do or all they ask for. They,llue that both of these functionaries are servants of the people. Perhaps they are, for the pi-wat. Put tiie Confederate Solona hae discovered "treason In the camp" right In their own midst msybap directly In front of the Ppeaacr's desk. This is astounding, and a committee is appointed to examine Into the matter at once. That Is a good sign it shows Improvement and an advance in clvlll- ratlon. In other days "Southern chivalry" used to bum and hang men suspected of lacking fealty to Southern institution", with out Judge, Jury, committee, or benefit of clergy. There Is hope for these men. They are gradually growing up to the times, and Williamson K. W. Cobh may think his stnrs that III" fellow-members In the Robel Congress did not have him tied by the. neck to the lnmp-lost in front of the capital. Mr. Conn's antecedents smacked of disloy alty, and so a committee was duly appointed, duly consisting of eminent " Southern Rights men," who rcport that " the accused remained " witl'in the Yankee linen, of his own accord, "when be could eiisily have left ha J he o " desired ; that hi conduct and coneertallon " since he ha been among them clearly thorn " that he in hostile to the Confederate causfl." This was enough to settle his fate, but In commiseration the Rebel Congress concluded to adjourn the matter over a day or two, which was done; but when It came up as a Micclal order on last Thursday, Mr. Chilton 1 drove tho last nail Into the coffin, by reading extracts from the New York Tribune to show that Conn was a good and true man to the United States Government. That decided the question; and to make things worse, the accused did not appear In bis seal. IK- did not deign a reply to his enemies refused even to show his face in the traitorous assemblage. What more could be wanted as proof ualusl him than this? Consequently the resolution offered by the Committee was pressed for adoption, viz.: ." llimlmi, That Williamson ll. W. Coim, " iucmtier elect from the T'uird District or " Aialiauia, having tailed to upiwur and claim his " eat, hut rciiuiiii within tliu enemy's Hues, on " terms of I'riindly Intcrc lurse wlta them, thus " manifesting his disloyalty to the Confederate ' Mates, his name lie, and the sauio is hereby " s'ricken from the roll of mciuhcrs of this ll-mse. ' lirmlml , That a copy of these reiulmioos be " foi warded to the Unvernor of Alabama, that " proper stops iniiy be taken to till tho va ancy " occasioned ty the expulsion of tho feiiid W. K. " W. Conn." Hut a Mr. Clark from Missouri, wh'ch Slato has Just given Mr. Lincoln twenty thousand majority, proposed an amendment, that "ho be expelled," which amendment finally carried by a vote of 75 yeas, nays none. So Mr. Conn's name no longer stands upon the Reliel roll at Richmond to remind his late associates of their treason, or make the blush mantle their cheeks when it was called over by the Clink. We all remember that Mr. C'oiib was the last member of the United States Congress from the South to leave bis seat at Washing ton when the Rebellion was inaugurated. lie was always a strong Union man, and ho lifted his voice and used all his influence, which was great, to prevent the secession of the Southern States. With Alexaniikb H. Stk- iiens, Jkiu: Clkmenh, John M. Bdtt4, and other distinguished Southerners, he saw nothing but ruin to the South In case of a war for separation. To win him over effectually to the side of rebellion, after his return home he was chosen to the Rebel Congress in his district, but bis lukewarmness in the cause, has created the suspicion that his heart still j earned for the old Union tho old flag. Hence his arraignment before the IIouso on the charge of disloyalty and his summary expulsion. Mr. Cobb Is a man highly respected, has a large circle of influential friends throughout the South, and can prove a sharp thorn In the Confederate side. There 1b no doubt but that he Is loyal at heart, and his Influence, which may soon be exerted, in view of Sherman's operations, may tell with fearful effect upon the Rebel cause In Alabama and Georgia. The leaven of the old Union is at work quietly, it is true, but with an energy which will result. In good. IH CAVALRY '4ll KSTM. ' The pa an that shall rightly celebrate the triumphs of our cavalry since the com mencement of the war should be written in some gallant metre, In which the sound shall forma ratting accompaniment, to the sense. That piean would be one of pride, Indeed. We have not only kept pace with all the achievements of olden times we have not only Illustrated the prowess and military genius which have already made world renowned a few names, aud handed them down to ns from antiquity, but we have accomplished these results under circum stances peculiarly fitted to retard them. The achievements of the cavalry arm of the service constrain admiration and challenge criticism. If, at the beginning of the war, it was mis take to suppose that we could dispense with cavalry, or at least that it need not he em ployed to any great extent, that mistake has at least been corrected speedily, and with results which arc necklaccd together into a sei ies of the most brilliant military triumphs of any age. Rut it is not as themes for the poet, nor u objects for the historian's calm applause, that they need be more especially considered. Every though'ful, plain, honest, soher- thinklhg buslue-s man has nil interest iu them. We msy sing the song of victory in our most triumphant keys, and we may glory almost to extravagance in the rcsulisactiieved by a proper use of the "imiffiiitlceiitly stern army" of battle. But it is the solid eonse-qtieii'-es which secure a List ing appreciation. It is by the approbation we award in our sober second thought"' tliat the amount of our guins is to be gua;i il. We biive no puny growth ot cavalry leader. They art men of choice parts, and like the knight- of "Lear," all particulars of duty know. They are all gallunt, men who are not long in seeing v hat to do, and who me still quicker in doing it. The corps of Kaitz and brevet Brigadier-General SPEAii,for instance. have achieved mi amount of solid good net even yet appreciated to the lull. Iheu we hue Kili a i incii iu.d McCook, under IV: km an, the t iircful Di:vi v, the vehement and brilliant Ci -iti:, the gallan Mi.i::i it, the experienced and accomplished Tokiikrt, and Genera! Fowll, who has distinguished biinfelf in the Valley. SitEtilDAV has not yet made hie last raid. We may be sure he liar plenty of brilliant things to accomplish, and thai be will achieve tlicm in tue most thorough manner. The entirety and completeness 01 our suc cess Is the chief cause for stdf congratulation ; and the success itself is garnished and set off by the unprecedentedly brilliant style in which It has been consummated. The TviiTrs to ting our triumphs should not be lame. Die should be a hero-poet who haa taken part In the contest, and who has fine, noble thoughts evolving from a heart which beats with health ful blood etrculatlng In a frame of perfect mould. But In 8h krioa n, and Kautz, and Tyitutnr, and MtMmiT,audCuTk.B, and IFViN,and Kit.j-ArKifR, and Mr Cook, and I'ow mi., and Si-ksb, and Kol'hkai', and Gmi-.it.soN, and St AM.r.r, and Pl.t: ahonton, we have a host of rivalry officers who have done their duty, and achieved results whose separate brilliancy diflrra In degree according to the circumstances which induced thern and the genius of the officers thi-melvw. Hut to refl-r to the most convincing record cf fnt and figures, a britl look tit our suc cesses Is satisfactory. The '.'d Cavalry Division of Siii'UiiiAN'si army, for instance, since the Lrt of August baa captured niiiely-lwo sets of Brtillery harness, thirteen cannon, one battery forge, fiie ambulances, one thousand sets ol horse equipments. M-ven thousand head of cattle, m-vc nty-flve sets of wagon harness, ten caissons, twenty -tour wagons, and ten sets of mi btiltmce harness. It has demolished forty wagons, seven hundred thousand rounds of ammunition, three caissons, five Ambulance, and three thousand stand of small arms. It It bo rcmemliered, too, that in addition to those about two million dollars' worth of property was destroyed, In the shape of tan neries, factories, saw-mills, grain forage, barns, furnaces, depots, ambulance wagons, and the like. Besides this property captured and de stroyed, over fifteen hundred prisoners wore taken, imd one hundred and fifty of the enemy killed and five hundred wounded. These results were accomplished only by one divi sion. They are sufficient to prove tho effi ciency of our cavalry. They argue that the tcims of triumph in which the people praise our cavalry operation are not merely tho fleeting commendations licstowod upon the success of the moment, but the serious hom age witli which a nation acknowledges valua ble labors. No wonder, then, that the enemy should waste so much breath In denouncing their own cavalry. No wonder they are devoured by envy w hen they survey our glittering achieve ments, and mourn over the spoils which have fallen into our hands, and are so irreparable a loss to them. Now that their Inst resources are being drained, they cau illy afford that we should lie successful. It is but natural that they should lament the Insufficiency of their own cavalry leaders and of their own horsemen. In this respect, as in olhurs, the fact has been demonstrated to them that they are not a match for us ; and that although Chivalry with them may mean one thing, Cavalry has been made to mean quite another. The cavalry chiefs of the South have doubt less done their best. No one doubts that. But S'iuakt and John Moroan, the raiders pir excellence, are dead, and no one to fill pre cisely the place of "Old Grizzly" has yet been discovered. Among their shining lights they reckon I.leutenant-Oeiicral N. B. Fokiikst. Major-General W. II. F. Lk.k they laud as dashing, and I.om ax is memorialized as the saviour of the Valley. Whkelku is their cavalry failure in East Tennessee and Georgia, and Mahmapuke their raldcr-lu-chlef of Wet Mississippi. Wauk Hampton, iu Virginia, is their iron hero, and Imiioih.n, whose star has lately declined, la the great raider of tho Shenan doah valley. Vauohan, one of their new lights, has lately been slilningly defeated In East Tennessee ; and Basil Di;ke, Roodv, and Echols swell out the list of their cavalry chiefs. Yet, comparing the doings of the Rebel troopers with the operations of ours and calling to mind the sweeping, wide suc cess which has characterized our cavalry con duct everywhere, It will be easily believed that the cavalcade which shtdl adorn tho pro cessional display of our hour of ultimate triumph will represent some of the most In trinsically valuable achievements ever com passed. Since General G hant took coram and of the army the cavalry arm has proved of special service. Under Sumiman, iu the West, ex ploits have been achieved by cAmparlson of which many an other valiant deed shines but poorly. Living In the very atmosphere of dazzling deeds, we are apt cither not to give them the due measure of appreciation, or else to degenerate into empty bombast In our applause. But in the exploits of our cavalry, and particularly in contrasting them with the Inefficiency of Rebel horse-troops, subjects are to be found to excite intelligent gratitude in the least sensitive and Impractical. During General Giiant's advance from the Rapldan to the James, the mauceuvres of Siikbidan in the Shenandoah valley, and more especially in tho battle of Cedar creek, have evinced an order of generalship which challenges comparison with the highest. Meanwhile our splendid resources in men and horses, and the utter destitution of the Rebels in both, argue most brillimtly on our side for the future. Under the leadership of such cavalry officers as our Government have, the achievements of the past will be more than equalled. Each event of the future will group itself beside tlium to complete the glittering chain of triumph. MAKRIf.lt. KVKKI.TT-HrrilANAN.-on the lttt Infant, by 1 t!m lit. Km-. Hi-ho hit-vt-n-. Lieut. K. F. KV KKj.T I , I k rnl Mn"nabiuetiH Arililcrr, to LI'TITI A . ilauiiti-r : ol tieo. hdcliHiiMU, tnq. . ol Orilre county, l'a. ! .lONKrt-WlM.IAMH.-NiiveuilMT mti.at t. l'arer'a Clmri'li, bv tue tvv Or. I.di, Mr. i. VAN 'lO.ils to I Mi-n J1A):V ANN W ILLl.VAIi. I BL'Tlil.i:l.AMU-ltKi:VKK.-Oii the lO;li lnv,l0t, nt I A'"u.iln. .Mil, h la livv. .1. Irarlaiid H.haii r, Ir. IIIAKIKH M llltHl,NU H'lrfii L. .s. Ai.iiy, ft t K at.. ItltKWKK, et'l"r tiat'rinu ..f ih- lit Kj. ijvlfn itreui i , ul Al)IIpoli( M4. 111 yM'.lOJ - 011 (he evtiltiK tU lih in-rjua, 1 l,iAlli IH HI NM.KM. in ihe .'1 iHr 01 hr Th flHtlvch uimI irh mlf i the fniily urn ImlrM to aM.nl IIm' i iiM riil, irmii t'i r'iiii-ni-c 01 Vlr. arti tteuiM r-t N. W . eonmr 01 Muh Hint Jron (iro t, uu I ncMtlN niuruiuK JM inttiint at tt'i u'cloc.. HmW i AN. on tht tl In-irtiit. aittT a .hurt !,iinj, JOSAHIA.V HIIWMW, tnflic.V'lh v ji t. Ii -k. 'i r-li(i Hiid in imIh ot the lamtlv, tti-u i'r-'Lt-.'i u l.o.lir' , No. -J41. 1. O. 01 it. I'., art p'-).t-Mu.lv invitt-l t.. att-ritl the Minor?, 'lum Mm lat rv-iili'm.'-. Ittn Mii rf romi, n'nr 1 be l.ancHHtcy plk', Hf-tonville. Th-hiv-i .nnli V unl, on Wi;lnoidJty m-xt, id-i, tm. Hiocii k, wlthu' urtht r hot! . Kunorui to pioctM:a lo A-uu; MMth.l-i i:)liooji(il Churcn. DOItLAM. About tho M bi-t. . at Knrtr-v Mur' ot uhfa ontrMCN-tt in ths triu-h"e. In iront ,.r n t' tit-iuy n work- at I'euirhur:, K1 ill i . W. ll(I. iv O t oiuiiuuy h, N'lnery-rvii'iuh KtiHnf iit tfuo-ylvhuia Vvte.'ttu'Vclameo.'ik iu tbf ivtb y-ar ol bit at- JAY.-On tt t lMh iiitaut, NELSON JAY li. the y-ar fit hit a'-. lt r'!uti."and trienrt- ot the faml'y ftre mTK't! uMv tiivitt tl iii ativRii hot luutftt), iiuiu hm int.- n -.: 11 'l , N". "i I'rie rrrt'ft, t bin iMonrirvyi aitt-ruoon, 11. , at i o'clKkt, Hiiiiout lurthei notice. VocJiK- hud 'an'y, 8nbt:it!i liK'i'n'n-. ":t: i: lir-w, ,(, y. i l a. Mo.iin:, cu '.'m' ; .tcba s. M rK . I in ,,,fir.i an l r jud fire n i)i'ri'ri'iv i.'ivii. O r. -t"!i-. v..'- fi i" r.i.(, jr o 1 ' f ur rt-a.i c ice. N't. I'jit tt. Vr!i; . 1 1 : , 1. Wti.ii tii, v i:tri.j'j.i a'. o l.u.h . rvvi'Af j: -hro .itl I:! llic O mo river, on t.;e n : , ; xv. : .a - uu.iiiADil ui'r.l ro'iii'.in , p ih '.. l ,:o i to 1.U. iolii. i n lie1 p ni i.. ,.i r. LlM.!l ,,!! MP LIAM DMVUTr IVN- l'r.il II, : mi ..' P. . .li-"d 10 Vf.ir.. 01 ll.t li.l.l..Mili blfci'.MI N.(j ..d h i I. ly nit, i f- I) La.!..' lttfEltlSG WANTED. A NEAT ''a. n un tuur l Mini, ill a ,-oxl n.i.v.. f'l, 'i a lmlili iu - walk !'.',in rl.e S:,i'i tlji-v. . Ji ,.nsl i y a re. nailt'e 'OMni; iiuu witn a hiuaII ram i.. I'll! h'jt t. e.itea l ,.i pt't .mi, mi, A tiMi.il v' feiu o-in-nt'i r. ni, ill t'.' y'..eu in l.:e in r-o:t un. a .lilaV.. ilv.i .ljnu,' lOr thl ai.vi.'lijt-r. Ai.iliMi "Ii -ve! n,, ' il, i i.'!h. 1 1 - J I - . FOR ALK. TIIK VKIIY CON VKNIF.NT to ts -to.y brick uwiiiniif, v. ttli t tires story iMuoi l . a u.. i 9u. 1. . lit I wuillam .tttit, opa.it. h: I Uui' lit to V. :1 I laii'i-.l. lltUiOilluf vj.sess:. r ,'iT Al'P J KM I. 11. IINlNt;i, -No. I s.i'n ii i .1 ;. K 1N-NE.NO-NK-AW liblAN HMUKIkU TOBACCO I 'Jina (rkl-(MLta Ti.i..uvo li mauuiauind horn la limii ht.il, ALt Hrni-.tlji reeauiiueiula li-l to all Otntlcm.n tt i,uauriiiuaTaaia. iuld nbolaialr and rttall at Ulb t J'urt'LAB ClfHR DTOIIR, g.Hl ("IIKHMUT 8lr(, 10 i lui CmilUllltll(Uli A. It l . f MI I, 0t h N T I It 14 H T ( O K h LACE CURTAINS t rOKT? PKK 11 ST MiMM THAN tJOT IU I l I'M. I. E. WALRAVtN. iw.a T-i sr. a fans'i,. MVSONIO UlLli, Ho. 713 0HE8NUT Btreet. BUSINESS ITEMS. IIo Ho! Yon'r J-Hlittf llnltl.itrr ton? - Well, thru U ft mU fortune, at d not trim ; but to r? niAln bhlJ hen fn fine nn opportunity oflor Id restate Mir Imlr.hy ft ffciUUul aud HtHTftl Uf-o of lr. !. J i.s's lluii Tonic, Il but IIttJ short of enroo. ThU v1i able ,r- IATft(InD oxcltt' U.t (.Clip t. ft llf W fttld UtH It 11 Y ft t(on . tit aiVifi It fruK Dcnrf and dandruff, iravn-' the hair fr ta lulling oft, mrf tlte eiupttvc (.iipham which often appear n tin heat, and in a ma.iorlt) of cim'i produo a fine gtawtli if now hatr. It alto Rive the hah a Hdi and ba tiial aiM atance, iinriuallcd by unythir 4 oCthc hind, rnpnrt only M Ko. ?1Z Chftsnnt itrcH- l'3 f , Far, Ttiroitt lleni. fntnrrh, Akthtna.And all herroin Aflrtlnm treated with the anient auocokt b lr. Vo Mn iiisum, with hie newly cotiBlruct d ai.aratm. Aft Hltntratad proapectut of the ame, containing &cuiraltiiiblr tctimnnia)a, n ay It had Hi at If,, on ainlkttD lit hn ofllce. No. lr!7 Walnut ntrect. flu 1 I Ihle liorln hAVIH A l:h'11.UIM, Artii and 'lunth hirvt., lift) c now in Ntoro a aiippi ol the III hi Jt.MfM, a Pin li s and BfVbMOfiirHe Meek A t o. II 1 I II AM. w m m MAcON" A II MI.IN H PIANO I I'OII'I KM I'lANO lORTI'.Mi I'MMl . l lilll PIANO 1 IOUTI.8. 1AIIINI T OUl4,lN. Oior InOuf each uf tni'Rr Una limtiiuiu'iili luiio Iiimmi Kulil liy ftlr. o., and the di'inmid licmt sliitl htricali ff. tut aaie oul.v li J K Oi'ULIi, 8ivcntli and (.lie"tiul r'j-cpih. OAHINKT flltUA NS. OK SS. OAHl N K. f am vi. UUUAMH. 'J'll H fciCHOMACKIJll fffHl hanos, frff5i ACKNOWLLItOEl) 10 11 L THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. CI l.tril'.AI I D TOR TUKIB MTOIOR TOXE AXD FIMSII. KHOWil TO UK TUB M08T DU2ABLE IN3TKUME5T3 MADE, AND SOI.U VI'ON THE MOST REASOX AIll.E TEHM8. AT TIIK WAltliltOOMS, No. 1021 CHESNUT STEEET. Werc-sjifctftilly tnvll our friend and the public fte nor ally to call at our wareroomi and ex anl no oar extensive assortment of highly Improved Miiiure and (trand Pianos We have received Uie hlheht preiuinmi nt all theft-real chlhltioni ever lu-ld In this country, Including the lrtzo Mi x'al at the World'6 l alr.rryatul 1'aUce, Now York, and who crotik testiuionlali from tho boat ortUts la this country mid Europe. We recUatL"(1id that there aro no Pianos made Inthd country superior to oor own. Ab riilladelphfft msnufucturers we piide ottrseh es iu hm li i achieved a reputation for our Instruments unex celled h any other niaken In this oountry. It Is a well kron fct that our rianoi have for many veers main tained their litb reputation, notwithstanding the powerful cwn'tptliton of the Kaitern makers. is'ew York and Uos'ou Tianos have been flooded Into this niftikot through their ugoncles. and hernlded by them as the only Pianos In the country; yet ftt the same time these came agents very soldom conth o to sell any one mnker'a iuslrumentB for any length u. unio, for the reason that they are luericr, and they ftre compelled to take bold of otuer inal.crs', perhaps Hill more inferior, althoUKb putTed lip by them as celebrated rianoi.whcu ftt the same time such mukert hare never been know nor beard of in their own cities. The consequence Is, thftt our elticns ftre often Induced to purchase eucb infVrinr instrument!, without oonshterlnj their own or the general Interests of tlulr city. The advaiitflges our citizens have In encnitragintrhome n.anufactures certainly should not beaVver looked, for the following reasons : P.rst. it lb fteknowlcdifcd that riilladelplda li the gTeat niauuim tuiinK city of tku country, and celebrated for lie tuerior and ikilful workmen. Second. The purohai.or obtains the phi no directly from up, tin tnatufacturers. and saves the amount made by the agent, who usually claim.-greater pronti than the mann ftftturer. Third Tho fttenl h resron nihility tmottnte to nothing, tlieoi in no rediesti ; the Inurnment he hulls Is made tor the market, and ihe purelm-fr mint run the risk. Whereas, on tlx other hand, 9, uf the mann!jtuiei h, are held n xponsih c. aud eniinot nblrtc the r;np jnmoiUty like the MiHt. Our r putation in at Ntake at U times, and it Is tli.Tefnre to our luicrent to turn out nue other Umu irt-eia-s in-ttrumeiits. ' imitii. AilumtluK that surh Instrument mH;ht be i-'iual to our own when new. they cannot R'v 1116 same nuuitaciion, or wetr the nnuie lengilt ot time, for the recoil tiiut the axajit th pends upm others to keep such pisnoH sh ho Nells tu order, und will of course not expend uiiy ol hi-protith to do so, whllit we, tho mnuraiurerK, liuve our ku excellent voi i.men, who fully umlerslaud il it- hubims, and will promptiv gtv their utuutiuu, aud the piunoi be in-v-c to w-r mieh lousr. Our eMiihlitihiiitnt i one ol" the mnnt extontlve In this 0 tutry, unti v. bu o-r i.nw im-ro enieiit now In proK'iiS are cuui.je ed, tt will b-one ol e - Uret in tt'e orld. itur otiM ct is to make ilm l-ran. i, ot induiuy one 01 the tfpMt lniiiutiii oftbi- city. Our limtiuuieiitH mio putnehs irt iid.rovenientfl over otl.tf-, and our -t"ii-i inditim for Kauuiactiinuf; n.t''h us to k' t on band u !r0e t'" i. ol uiAtet.ai, and p:o:un- the bt mneh.nerv, .Vi-, it' persons desir.m to piireh.ie will girn ma call, we will i row; all tliat we hn e Mid Ih reifant to oir pidiion. T .r' arc. of rotime. n1was dinertMim1 or' oplrih-u, and prr . i4. it liiiDtiti, and tlt u ho nr lmre-t"t In tue iii ociter piaiU'Ft v. ho in.o ell r T r irna it : to hu fi we hve 0'i' to .it. that itoi'l'i i' vu us inn- h pH'tivir. at aiiv i. fnt , o 1'"- o rr in tr 'iiiiiL- wiilt any of.'jer uiaxe whieh li. v n a) i ),o-. ie to uaiii''. V-'- a, n n a-k our faei ils nml the public t- eaM sed ex ainii.c f-r tu r rl'-r Fl.nl"' U". il-ct nained tint no 1 Oil. -n ti ifc it.v cn r mpt-ie tb us, .tr pr ues teing ii. -t'i ) si d irini a jcin'Uvd.Uiii. N. 1,. Sccuntl-hnml riauoK tuktn in tx.lmog' 1'IANOS TO RUNT, (. n.trs for Tuning iromptly ftttcmkti to. BCEOMACKER k CO , n-'.Mitf!l No. filESWl'l BTIiKK'V, PERSONAL. l('( li ANY 1M UHMA1IHN HKI A1IVK TO ' I hX, per. t'l'. I.i li, i, ,1 v or u.t.' v, v: Ittiy ribc' t .'0 i ' i. im r.. .-.w.!. , ,it!'l , i.i "i n or v iu.. 1 u ri. .M.li i urj ,imi X.il Au-yy, No. 4 ;wm.ni'I' K;r.''. rl...a- ii' n i.i.i. .."oi.r ii r.. i.e. v i . -v . . Aiia lv.ct aiul iniiirraliou 4.v-ii hit 01 unvi.Aitf. It T K-HT ! Lli.IIT! LIGHT! LIGHT IS A Ji yrcat thing 111 Inc.' llira f.t. I'lUMN. ' ..I. 8 j'Aii:sr nl 1 Kt hivk kkki.k"Ious, for toih '- .ml t,u.-l:j.'hr. i.n 11' il:tors lor wuHiol W::n im liircfi'. u.oif iil,t t.'u.n Lu.atr. witli U. a -nil l. '-v 111 uli'. t-Ailirn ftinii.h at low rat' I. Dijr:ilit IWII.-tri, (1 r rf.'.iij. d. rk ro'iin-nml I.kil'HL HI. n, X.., w.lo- m U.t u. of ta. Ortii'e. II -IV liu .No. VII 1 IIESSI T Street, riiilidoliia. tfW MONF.YTO ANY AMOYNTLOANT.D A uC(.n Ulninonda, W.Uuit, ln.U7 rials, fl AcioUilii, at WW JON I' H CO i t'l II rSTAI'.l.lBUKK I.OAK OriT'lT, Ciratr ol 'llilliu and OASK1LL Sirmil, lliinw Liiinliard. N.B.-MM0Nbs, WAlOlt., JEWELUV, OtSB i'.. lor ii at la HAiiKAiii.viowrr.icJJS. mt -am WANAMAKER & BROWN, V. 1:t , NOTTINGHAM AND 8WH3 (MtHfUT i LACKS, I S-UfT. i M ITII El WINDOW SHADES. No. tJJ i ? hi s, KELTY. imhi 0ARRmiTOI?4 00. :-o t i t j H NO COVKUS, CMEHNT ! tll'.fsr UTONK IS T'lK ( ITT t ftittrw:. i At low i-hi(,i.H. AMUSEMENTS. Jl Al l',MY OK MUSIC. I, . anrt M .tnu t, ... . iiftf T, illt f Aim. i1 MollliMi Ht4-( ll OB're, It M im irv ; -orl't V w 1 iiaue. Wtth.n...n, and the Aleikj.li a (V I I. , ttr., 'r Y t nl fl -d p'e ".'if In nnnoimcitig thit t.ebss l twed thii mi;i.M ent At 1 1 1 rrK YftH MX WKRKA, V r the pxitrttsi piirpoe n tntro.hti Ipjt V,K KDW IN -Kllr.T. In bis on tI i i ixTMintti'in of OtilOl.ANt H, In 1 ah pf nrf trrttrert of thst titl. n-K 'j he t u:t i imk in i'Hinin:iPiii I i i in ; rc Iih-. beer, taken to ten ler thf diUn oil pro d.H llu'i of tin, m rnti'ii ri: ok mi k epk kut ( ..nip 'e A' d po fer I ?n nil lt! ilr.iui.itlr an. I aie't:.ttiirft! Ml IVI OK Til!" H( KAKItV IS FNTIttKI.V fcr.W. i. 1 l:oui ti e p n I f tlif et'i'iienl enh i -t , i II M.I.I.? tt. iil.T., L!W- lilt. COHTI MI S, Al POl.STMK S I H. WAB HIMttOTH. Y, t.At'ONM. AMI I'AIMI Wl i'.NU.lA, iTt epr',h mauTtU' t ired ffr the pit lorn mm "t hUt'Tirtl i'-u'iin,miiMI la thought Will proVfi in their f li,- tt'i ''If W!" t ht RI'APMN(I.Y HE AUTIKtffi. II l an aiten'pt to HluMmte the powi Hiid bean'rol S.Hke'pere,K ait, with every areemory wbirb the m-tt iu. fin- enteruri.ie can rouinmiKJ lnin the liijjh t ilwitiri en) skill, ard the miiiiHi'or ronfMentl: h ip-'' tlml th' oiT rt mav hn ibiiiiod wurtliT tho ptMrotiaue mid the la-tHig leiuLinhiatice of every tn r r ol "1 he Hunt of AH Time. Til r. I AMI Ol 1 lib I'LAl in t ot :i'tl; lull ano Ixhhiini. 'i t e fiu rd Cf.nr'nd' s with 1 HE Ml KhKIt Or (,OI'.IOI.VMa, at d ft maltici nt reiire-'-n'iitton ot hi lionornltl H NEItAL PYltB. (IPArennliliK toliutarch, the Volejaue. aftei the klll iiiK ot ( ohiniiM, die-i rd I tm In hi pi-n lal f-nt.-- Hiid liiiH I. if corpse on n inKnificenl leer, which wt carried by Mjeh (tunp oftln ri were ntost ill tinj iln'i. d iir their martial exploits. HehTe htm with burn the pll he iiait taken liom 11 ip enemy, the erotvn he had taHic t.BiiJ ihe plau ol tlie clde- he had tnk n. In t'llh onlc hihMly wa laid on the pPe: when tno p ic was eonin d thry irathered up bis ahcs, w Iih h they lnt rreI on the fcpot, and treried a n aTiitl' ent tnornment there.) TJ.o lt.k Hhett. for the sle ol s Mired p!aeoa,IHw open b tweon the hour nf nnd iy; o'clock. Adin'fuiion. W and V-' rents. Hicined Neaia centi hJ Itln!. II pt 7t rilll.l WRHr.N.Tr'if'ircr. WltS. JOHN DUKW'S NEW AUC1I ST. IIIKATKK. IIOlMi.S 1'ACKFIi MIIHTI.V. I Ah I KKK LAMT W I'.K.K LaMI Wi lli f tl.i' 1. 1 II 11 h 11 1 f niinnoiiii nt ol Mil AMi Mill. ItAllNKY WII.I.IAM4 MI'M'AI . 1 I I clA V. a".! H I UNI HHA1 , 1111. LAKl.H Ol kll.LAIthitV. VANKKK cnrltTSIIIP. IIR. AMI .Mlil. IIAKNKV ttll.I.IAMH in in Tf 1 rn.i 1 h. (;ltr.AT HI I.I. foil TMANKrtOaiSO. EWCUKNN tt 8TRk.KrTUKATUE. MONDAV and 1i;RmiAY F.VKMMIS, Nov. 21 nn l 'i2. FroiliKC'l :if cr mo'itli of preiiarntlon. and nt an A II Al. COM UK '1 no lUOl'.SAMl Klll.l.AIIS, ol llloli lloiti Icanlt 11 Ihrtl inn Mtmilional nuniiK., I'AllMlKTTK, On. IN UK U 1IIK KMiHr. TIic iicrlovUiRn' p conrluita wuli the lirtic of Ill.OllIKH HILL ANLI ME. OnTHANKHdITIMI AK'IKItNOnV, OIIANIl FAMILY AIATINEK, a lien tlif licQut'lul ilrmiin ol tlir I'nll'IY H1IRVKS will be wiTnonti'd for the lail time umitt posllliely. TAI.NUT Sl'UKUT TIIEATUE. THIS r.VKKINO. 1 lie able and glltcil voting anM. Ll CIl.LK WCSTfHV, I. I t II, I.i; WLSrKltN, I.I LII.LB WIU1EUN, will aiipcnr aw I.AUY IRaFEI. AND MADAME VINK, In C. W. '1 11) lenro'i inortil 0I117, KANT I.VNNK; UK, TIIK Il.OPKMKNT. I AST LYNHI'.I OK, Til K KI.OI'KM K ST. AHT l.YNNKj OR, TIIK Kl.cil'KM LN T. EAST I.YNNK: OU.THK ELOI'EMtN r. Seata may bf i.ectired b daya In advanru. 11 4 6SKMIILY IH ILDINOS, 1 H. Vf. LOll.NKK TfcM II AND CIIESJfl'T 8TBEK M. HEDNKHIIAY, NovambfrS, At lnilt-piint Ihne o'clock, SECOND CI.ANNIC'AL MATINEH hV TIIK PHILADELPHIA f'LASHK'AI, QUINTIITTE (M.i n Moi-sri IAl:liTAEH,JAlCVltl,Cm)lS, TLAOEMANX, and bCUMl'U. PIIOOIIAMMES. Crand Trio in D Minor, Op, All McndrlKohn OiiartHU', Ko l.lnll M.in i Violin Huln, Coniirto In E Minor Hide Viilim Mi . Op. 4, In I'. Unt Il,.aihnvi'n hiibtii-iiptloli ll.t for t)i sciifion ot Twi'llty-tlv. uailiHion Is nt tlir Mualc Hlorn or Mr J. K. Ilould, Hevontli anil CJieannla airoi'la, where onancmi'iiu tor pnliUcor private H'rtbi nioni'i'i., in or nut t t town, can bu niadt1 iurtneaiT la nt the Club l'rojitli-tor.u!' Huliools caniatkc special anbbcrlptleii ti-mia. U-1A-4I taiiglt Tl acts, to be had only al the door, Fifty Onis. EMY "BALLOON ASCENSIOHS, THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENINO, AMP MJIIINO ALL CAI.K WEATHER THIS WF.LK. At Oor. of FIFTEENTH aud C0ATL3 Sts. The weathar btng flue, thoia within? an aioenMoi lionld I on hand early. The city lighted by gaa preaunu ft uiual aubituiu petacl, Adm.Kfelon, vii cents. Children, 15 canta. Acentlom from 9 to ac 301 ding to altitude and time OCenoied. lib. TIEST LEC1UEE OF THE SEAS9N. Mil. PU OOUDOVA Yi'iH give his treat Leclu t on Court bUI i mid JYIarrlano, THURSDAY EVEHIN3, NOVEMBER 24, (THANKSGIVING KIQHT), AT CONCEKT IIALIi. TICKETS M CENTS, orTHHRE FOR $100, For tale at ftou'd'a, Seventh and Chcamit alreett, Aih. mtad A Evana', aud Coaoert llall, tlu'e. daya In advance, lecture at b o'clock. 11-15 fJUHIHT UK.I1C1'K1). Thia adralrahle Plctur., the (reateat production al'the l aluter WEST, la now on exhibition at th ACADEMY OF I INK ARTS, Ko. IM'i ( Hl'.HNL'T Btreet, Toni tliar with the entire collection of the Inlliurli.n. Ailmlltame.TWESTT-f IVB CENTS, U-l'.'-'.'ul' "'UEAT NATIONAL CIKCUS, 1 WAl SCT rilHI'.l.T, AUnVE K I OUT If. Darectroa Hia. CilAilLtU VYAK.S'EB (formerly Mia. DAN Kil l. i. Eqneatilan Director K. IT. ROSSTOH iii-aiuci tin) ccirorHi.a fliiMinoun i A.uii.t , ana th. reinajud.i' of the "P'.ilr ArlUt 'I roupc, there will ui.pe.tr, lor Uie iir.i tine, on THIS KYKNlM, and everv t-veniitK' dtirinv th..- ., HronM-iur lUMl'HINsON and hisCELE IIKAIKI) TKAINEIl lKHIN Alio, Meaari. li. II. Ill T lIlNrt id mi. I Jolt N' II. MCKIIAY, wvuhrlul iynin.it. and Ai K ha'a, mid alio Mr. 1VM. KENM1.DY, a w.iy poiutliir vei'iiutlle Cluvvu. It will Eic a ween ot .pk'ii,!iill"nf.iTtaluiiicnta. uaiaral lelcd In (he history of the circm in Am'Tic. MATINEES nil WEDNESDAY aud SA I CHDAT Af TKKN'llj'NS, ai.J ixtra poriurmaneva on THANKS ;HISi, DAY. 1 r"'i . loiiiiiin tli' a.tiiie. Klr.t Tier, 00 ccutM: Sesond 'I l r, 2 c nt.. l oMineuce I'-Hi every evouliiKi ' Xl aitr- liOOII. WANI OKD'S NEW OPEKA UOL'SE, AfB Mi.i;r,ni:Tvi;i;s i-ecoud amd tbibd. M I K.SS I'NeitKCKDFN 1TP ! The O eiiina rrowdi d v itli tl t Eiite of t'.e Clfvl 111 hi Jt ts vt LA III I CSAI'.l.i: 10 OEl' HKAT3I TUE COMPAJSY lias met to. upiirov.il o tue audience. TUIC VEHIllL-r llua tic, prxlAliiitdl A guarantee cf peroi.inonie, the efer:Mninr.t the heat, and tLi lo ue the lemplii o(M,nMKi,y. liotra I'licn at 7 o''''ook. Comni' nci! ..u.'.rtor tciVe CAliUM I'F Al'MlbKlON, S CKMIS, 0"-e,tr 'jV-fi i'riMife limi., Or ia Cit'cM. ... , , I i l.-.'' ..'. r.iiB'iy Ch:!'- ji i.it'i Ti c l o -. Or. '" ill bei.p. :l l'r. in 1 to J n clock, f..r V. tale oi h'CL, red ee.ita, ai.il ie l.ipoul oi l-riA'e iloei. tt COOD NUMDEn." VARIETIES OF J a HiiTTiun l n.ir.U't'.r, II' iH'ratud- l".i et .r. 1'rcf. (, r ules c; lu'ell-fcen.?.1 h. ene in a M .,1 Ho '.r , wit:, liae-n-.-ii", InfeiU tu.il CUit'irtt Wori.ii.i'i Ki.here Choi, e o." 1'iii-s: .itt fctlf Dt.im.e-To Y'ouiii,- Mn lu-proMiiiieiit oi' Idiot-. uu: rnri0x comtsini', -a (jmu m:-- r ai-e-The win- a Pru!:i Kiilfe-W.'.ont to Miirr' M.ed Xeiiiperaui. Hi li-a' The a'e a Appeai-i ho Lu ai'i ken Wjriiii .--Are l rAu s l'iii'li!t:c.'-0ii'.'H'. at.il I'.irtent TlieLxpriasloBoi hrei l'oll:eneis. ixid A'l vice Dun i roxgvt jour OJi-A CuKI'j 1 HAS 1-Oi.ji, illiKtraed. THE KI'.V. UK. riiTT". Mil. F. 0. C. DARLEY, Por traiti, l har.tcti r, au'l h.ot;ruw.:i I'lin-.i. lv.py, 1'hy.l I'l.j.y. Ethnoioiry, rnvniot'iiooiv, and Pav. hoiuy Amou-.-ti e Manila, S.ii.x,ia.:uUi, demiilol., Nutche, and r la Head lii.Uuiia-D. llmuon oi ll.g J acullka-Hiyalc.il Cul ture A Jsew Cnr.ilUo Sleep L.U'Or, Mental unit Al nnml Eliai,-.ion of the L'.inui Old Ako I' mtu4!od dud Uua ial'ECEWUEH No.l'llllKN01.0l.lCl. JOI KSAL, JO i aiits,or a car. eAauiiU have ll. A tiew voltiiu. hca. Willi toe ii-t numt.ei'. N .w la the t ine to atiii b i. lie. Addr,a Alea.i . aOWi.rUl WKI.LS, So.M HHOADWAY, McwYorkl or i. L. CAIX.N, No. '.'4 S. 'I ENTH Sne t, l'liiLidelplilu. 11-21 t FINE CLOTHING, J A. T 1- M 1" . VVOOD 4 GARY, No. 745 ( M KHN I'T R lTlhiKT. LADIES' AOT MISSES' HATS, JIKKI' HTYIJ1H, I i W KMT I'll I C? K, NEW CONTINENTAL HAT.P AT MODI'-RATK r K I C K S . r. OUt V l A r T HO.VNtTtl mad ovr. Tt 11 and Uoii.ifM tt -tiAid. WOOD di OAUV, ho. 7 Cill HUt'T HTaV.ET. WANTS. lAKPhMKlCS WANTKD. Ill M'CilARH IM'AI1MI-T t W. HH N ' I OH, (IIHI ol OlIKr 9 At!TKUM-l Kt Wear how Vurk Anue, Wa-iiim. ion. Heiilember r1. 1ms4 . Wanted Itnmed'ntf lv, r ilty l:nd f Altl'KN 1 1-lES, t fO to I 'iiiit I.rmki.ir, Marylumf. Waue- W n mntb . an A a ration Khrh Mcrkuiun will IniiiR hU own k t of ttt -K 'I rHiispirtiitlin Mill l-e fiirnl-tuMl h tltel Uvi-minenf for the Huiknienand tin lr loom in.ra U.li r.iy to Prli,i l.'okunl. JlHIN A- IXIHON, C'nlonel and t'Mef tjuarierma.ter, 11 1 eiannuid of tVnihlng on. APAHTNKR WANTFI), AVI I II A CAPI tal oi frnn f to f-HUi, In a line and luci Mive tuibineu. Addiess M. !.. at tlili oillco. 11-4 MliNlaSHM) HO ITS K WANTKD, IN 114 went Walnut or l.oenit.or Arch, or Chesnut alraet. Atiarcsa " urnut.od llouiie.' at thl otliee. lo M-0 THE rur.I.TC TlllltlV VEAUS AfiO X vh In tl.o la.-t atai.e ol .Milinoinuy eoniiuiHion, nun fiUen np to ilie. I reKieit In rhiia.H UmiIm. m.ti i r. .Ii l'ai riali, iI.qii of t'. is cit , ordered me to Moms Iohii, h. .1., h cintuiKO of nii'it miles, lilch took me twr. dura to ttet ttii-re. tm my arrival I was nut to bed, and tiiete Iuld tor iimny weeW 'I his wuu m imti il.ic, v here nil uiv I'Hnnlv ll(d and b:.d died ot ion.imiiiim. lir. Tliiruioi,w)n'atlrnittd my l'nther in till Ian llhieit, -h tiilU.i,ntnl taw ii one week to 11 x n niya.lairi. lie hjid kit ii ;iU iu ..unity uo H at wv. and tli nuht I wji to K" to. 'I l:Ch 1 l.e.nd ot the retnedie-. I i n o:lT tn the liit il-, wtii h ctned me. It Neixneti to inc that 1 could feci f Lfm iii-n f rat ii a. ni wl o 11 h vs I'lil. 'Iit iooii in . n d ih m.itter i n my Innni. and I vould liit i tl more than a pint ot i.trcntle j!l"W aiiiiter evi iy iiMirnlPk'. An n un hh that bt vn t-i Btih-id. my conh, lever, pain, higlit-xweati. ait derail ti have me, and my aiillit Ihh ame no treat tfint It m with ditltcuhy I cmld ke n (rum CHlin loo tnueh. I noon gained my bttetiKtli, ai d Iiam (nun iletliy On my rixovery peojile would fsend for mc, from Car and nrar,toaio if Ihelr cn-oa were Ilk? mine, Thia Induced me to tttulie nrutetMonat viaitR In tho larvie rltjvs, an, (or the latt tweutv yearn 1 have had ctitant praclite ex tm it.int ItnihH with li ft rcKitrometor, irom thre t? five niiu drrd we kly, t' e imhl c can jiiflge of inv 0nor nnitiea lor hecDmititr taitilllnr wlih lumi dineites: and also tue eJtianDii tlve8 wik!. to i-ce the oik tn.it mtiknB these n"do nnett, ai.d who w as tun d of coniimptioii hy tiem. To mal e new lui,K i liiiHasihle ; hut eavilh In tl.c I aukh and chronie ineerutlun id' the hrouehUI tidies eun b heulcd. Huch easc are d iiu hourly under the ordinary treHiment of iliyl(-ijiiii, und ("Ml mu h aro cured by liio roi'er uxe of S l.rnck'ti l'ulmonlc Byntp, Seaweed Tonic, ui.d Maj.drako IN If. 1 utn now a henrty man, with a l.irve cavity In the mid dle lot ol the riuht lumi. the lower lobe very much hi'pu tied and c'Lilttt adhehb'i) ot the pleura. The telt lung it bound, ana the tipper l"hcoi the riKt hint? is In a tolera bly health) coiioltion. The Krtat nann why physicians do cot cure cotiKiiinptlon is they try to do too inm h ; they Kive mdieinet to atop the eough. tottopchl'l, to ttopnh,'ht sweata, het tic lever, and, by so dolnw, tliey dcranx" the whole dlMtive Mjwer, lokiiiK up tho secretions, and eventually the pmit'iii li.ki itnl dlen. AUc.r I mttko a care ful exanii'iiiitiou ot the patient w ith tho Itepplronae ter, and iind 'tn hi- enough led to cure, 1 direct Uie pjuluni iiow to tiHi' the three rtiucdies. tiocd nutitii'.n l the remedy. If you have any disease in any pint of the body, it will remain tl ere, and decuy nion aoii morw, until you can Kt thestomaea In the con d.tlon to digest fitful, and make new blood to take the place of diea-eO mutter. 'J In- ii tho only w ay to Leul cavities in the lunH find ulc rated bronchial tube. Correct the Moinach and livt t aiel nature w ill do tfie he Unit. Many penoiih have hi. IU a that certnin mciiciiv are Krt at purl IUth uf tho blood. When Motid Ih once dieaned ti c4unot be pur Hi id ; tt Ih tiNea u-d the same aa the diioaned m a iter Iu tho avNtem ; but v't the upparatua In oi dor. tho liver ami Htoinm h, and tiive it plenty uf honrlshlnif f-jod, It will nuike iit w Mood, why-h will (uko the pUco uf that which is diieuncd. Sehvm k Pulmonic Kyrup Ii one of the heit prepurn tl' n of Iron In ime; a 1 a powerful tonic In Haelf, aud when the HfiweeI Tonic ilnni,lvea the mucus In the Momteh, uud it I carried oft by the Hid of the Maudmke Fills, the Fuhtionic Hyrup unule Into hlKid. Thin is the only w ay to cure coi,amptjn. ll I cannot get a good an peiitf, niitl tood tloeh not digest. I oanuot cure the patient. Sever mind the coimh; remive the cuuje and It w ill htup ofltnolf. The Heawoed Tonic l a auiuuhint, aud none olhor is imiulred when It la uee J. It is a ire and pleanant; nobadoilitslblt like when ualiik' Bourbou whiky, which aecais to build up lor a hhurt time. ropsy sets In and the patient dies suthlenly. Whisky destroys the costing of the st m moil dofi Btioi purUaJiy ceanea, aud the blood turns into w hut and dropsy li the result. Hchouck'i HeuwiL-d Tonic la dittilh-d from aeaweed, the Kroperih'S of w hh h tend to loo-ten the mueim ur slime that iaUa tbe stoma' h. and the Mankraae 1'illa carry It o'l. '1 he 8eawe-d Tonic ued by many as bitten. Where a patient in feeble Us atiiunhiliug properties are suihcieut to relieve thut all ;.'uiie leoUn.,' that dyspcptlCH arc often tioiibied with. Ii l( aa pleasant aa wine, and perifctiy haruiiebi. A wine f!a a lull nt It will digest a hearty dinner. A little laku be. ore break rmt is ood for the ti much ; In eivh' 'me out of ten, u.itients sar tht it ro atotes the appetite thai they uro dlVutdof eattui; too mm h. ihe Mandrake Pill are o(d In all families wherever purKathua are re-, uinM, with (.i-.! s.ttiiUc.ion. The a t uently.and the ato dssiivw what they d . Calomel can do no more. After Ukliijr the niedl lues, pera fnt in boqic cawa have bulla Iu diileitnt pans of the body, oihert im e a ramir this h cucouraoug.li nboHathe medicines are taking oft .-t, theatunmi h is hei-iiiuliiK o tngnai, better bloui U making and the dlne.iHH iiviorkitm otV. If the expeetora'lon la tree ami the bo win are kept open, huiln, AO., 111 nutocjur I and w here w ill jouiind a phjukiati that glvci medicine to do thia V Instead of thin l Otirj-e the consumptive week f r om tlniig to a 'ftp the ctuish, n'uhi-mveatr,, and to bnittk ua creeping chili. All thene ..oun-laintt are cnuiuj by d---aed Iniifia, attd ftieh remedies tend to dcitroy Ihe tune uf tin; at'-marh, A eouah la an efiort of nature, and to atop it Incxtwaea the disease In the Pin. Who owrhe trd ot perwan - ug cured of consiinui: ton by trying to stop tt.e oiikh. yaw blood iimdc bj il.o atoinach Is the only r uicdy to heal them. At lei" the blood H Diado It g ca somewiiere ; it takes JtM course 'i roiu'l. the MvsieDi.and dlivase wrkH out, aiid so on, lural ttuer Di'-al w ill aupply Uio w h le body v. 1th new hiooii, iind tho du;Hd in 4i ler In the lunui In woikt-d out, for nenii LJoud taket It plrnc aud luali up ilie abtcestcs. As said above, the only wav to cr.ra comuinption Is to fix the toiuach uud liver so aa toud will anient, et up a good appetite, k' p tin Ihjw'i w'-j! open, and the luak'i must liviil up. In 'iiiuo "v, the Pulmonic yrup hat the lower oi'extrlcuting iiie bile Irom tin blood, and leaei il n a he;illhy mate , , Many pursuiiit oi )me yuara are iul eet to what 1 ral!':d Cancer and Ulcer.il' tl Sow Thr-at 'I ha; dlvui-ie orl(,iD.U' s from the itnmach. Iu maiiv cais cuniuut m' the Mitndrake Fills alou"hau cured il ; burning It out U caustic atiords oulv tempore try rodef. huh hta'l.iciie, ulcers In the thro.,;, and 'o-tied V-ngje arv from the sanR cause iind rcoolr-- t ie -.unie trMttu;n'. If you have a ln-Mdaohe vour Biooiaci: i out of ord"r. If you ha e a coated tons ne, bad tir ath, or ulcrsted UirofO, disordered stomach cut! it i itid the Mandiuke f.li? uiil cure thtuj.t.L 1131 "liISS0LVT10N. NOTICE 13 HEREBY .1 ' niveii, tliu. til. t.vpartn.r.lilp hrttofure e-il.llni; bttwr.n MR'UAKI. C. Pc Kit, AMUS SMiril.SAMUtl. H. 1111. T, anil M II. CH AWt'Olil), Iradinu imdor the nauie, atyl., and title 01' the ' Went KnirtUf t'4'lnu.iny." ot Nurrluwn, .Monta'uii:rv conntT, I'eiin.;. itaiua,,, In. aiAti-t'iith day of .Iti.a li.at, daauniM by uulual cnatni, by the wl'harawal "I aa'it tiAmuel U. 11 it. Any f'lwr buavm'sa of tin- o..n.n-n wltlli filled and ci.'1'i.'.cil ty ti.. r in: m. nil iiai'ileie, uuiltr tl.i. vld lul. ci U.i " 'es't Kiifcln t'u,lEj.'' (iim.i!.j k c novnt, AMI'S SMI I'll, M. H. I. ItA VVFOI1I), HA.l'Kl. K II 1 I.i'. .S. '.nWrlC. I'M. il-ll-lM lsdl.VTlON. THE eO-l'AUTN'KUSHlP lift.r'rc m attf linger lli. nin. pf sAH'i:L N. L.AVir.S .il SON, iu a ila dlno ved. T..a bni.r.tt.. tiul tt fcttUciJ t; lie i.n.l'rf fe'ini, .it Vo. I 01 K tuAS. K. t'AHl ., fcuiriv.ti, farurni. rsMdrlUa, ) Itiotur jo, lnw. fO rANTMRli'iFr'J'-tl . nilerlTefl ra U.t day li.rir.ii t.i..pinirl1ii under in. brm el 1.S VIES UHO '1 1111(4, ii. r il.e uan'actii.n hi a avucral ltuuUua auS L(iiia,i. j:iiiui.tsi Uu, i'J IiO 'li h'r.iit. t'IIAIIl.1.8 i: IiAVlt.8, Mtl'tS A. lAVitB. n:.a(l) )., Cctettr 1, IK I. V. . ru.-te, of Ir.debt.itn.'-. fOoarterimar.ar,' Vohi'her, aau t't,eci.,and tw.teruuti.Dt bixurlt.t-a i-ena-laUy, Ikh.ji.: anil tolil. Ill-I lia Hua una 1'ai.er ar.l loaaa on CeTlateralf nero:atrd. Hunk, and i.oaiia btu(iii and avid a Cciuiuualou. f O - T A II T N E R S II I P. WASHINGTON It' K lUJl, Ci'U'inia.liin Mer-haut aud Wiioli.nJ. J'e.ii. r an I'r. via.iina and l'romKu, lu. aasocuili-il Willi n.ia hi Lit iM.iiueai. oil . n. Ur-.NIiV I. LAV UL lLlltK. Ih. Ol. Of Ih. hriA will ie WAhlllNdTOH BI TCIirit SOS, Noa.M. a id IK. 'ilONT Hireef. rklladlhi, Octeh.i 'H.im. ia-J,-lm BEDUCED PRICES, fHE CALF OBELI: OIL OOMPABT or ivrxT vtfcciM a. Cf .ti. iiproo.(oo. ai.ir lao.oo. fAA VAIUl $i& et'hSClMH lOS TKIO: rll in UU 1 neper Snare. KKfll JtED WOKKIflU C'AriTAL fn. 1'itrxiDiM JetKR W vrTCMl.t!f Hkiii lAitr am- Tin m. -j WIIMAM PRICK. JAM1 etrriTChKON, lit t.H t kAlu. w lf.1 LAM HKM I , ntNnv C. ft. .1 h 11 ( RAM AM, l TClll U. The f:tfVV 1K,,k (,f the (' niptiv I now op o af the C'ooiitldu Hi ti-ct f M'a.r4 M ui Ti alf.0 A W1.1,IH, Sft a't" N. r HON I mi n-t. Hut iih in, np-.n tnteit. L tl rt- iAn.f wi,l rtilrel t. psy nn fercm. i I t, , ,r hi b- rip t'.e ha'aicV ixty da w hen the eertiftea'c ol met Mil t rftfr Hi Imd-if tl e Company I a o r-n ctM the i rx 'i t ( a t bv 'iini 1 1 1 -n n i evp ri oil men ai4 (c.oiiku .i rhr ( cuiMi; .ar. ! r niat of -lirfct Atont two at r, n r,t u-d1 i n llmi. o k, i.p n hrr, they rove i in wi .l.li, vbhh tlelHe v Btrt(lk Ml IhMWviL ii. tl r o ition . f fir Soj rrti tf-micnt, :,b w (ii ml oup. fi tml iM.i..ho 1 tw m ei, tt. w Iii be a lir.e jiedint w H. b li th . oil in. bt ftt ii:,vai twenty feet at On vi 'l md wtU bid KMl.e i "in eant n ir at le l !.t t r't l i- r dur. oftu i-' t . it i- i., iif Ari( i f Y e I'ltinn I'I'i'tM' tfi tlpwlok f i." He are now aw a tint, the arrha of o rtnrj cjs. muery o w rk tete M f'tf. h fnd I" a tiact of one hundred acni owned la fee by ll f 1 omi any. 1 hud ! a tart of lift eerei a twenty yrt' teaet atih.it rt to tn- h;Mth of ti e oi. a rtiyait;. rtoth r f ftvte) er" niiriitpni-(' h rll terrlt'T . ni d o in rb pnKlm1te to tl t Horn- Seek find llnwuon s bur; territory, and to the IM"' o: the Hull ( iwh Ot.tipiti Tie rl, on baih of tl i I n eeiind with vir't. ar l on tr-t No I wehavw Btrork a i-t n y lebru tior o'l nl a d )'. ol U lH. I (I Hiore lull inlor ntn.-i uro pr?. ..fi,i; at v-r MiCt "V.tiV n a i in i ISM , II .C-?w So.'.-ii N. I IMM HtfAOi. HTITUH, .Til., MANUFAOTUEING MA0HINI3T AND KNOINliKK, Ko. 1 C-l K. BEf 0Vr Birwt. PliMarJaMa. $lo,oon! CAN fU' MAUK ON A PATKNT MrilT-n whl.h diilv wa.nl. al .rrlalaur ai jj. a. ii i nci miivipo.-i a n an i,n ut it loc uoiacar.a, In Ita r.iri, ar.d Ilm mnhl w lenl prr rral.. A nrraa hi) ha lanital ran ioin the nd i-rlli'-r. or it rcip..i all 'i.fnrii.atioii ivlli Ih iiniarli l for a nniinal aina, a Iliat M HO tau b iralh'id. AJilrpaa "MollciriD," IliU oilice. 11 I wj"3l PIANOS, COTTAGK KX0KU EvajTl ami O'k.il,. llaiuiMiuiiiiis. aai M.H. annsirs Mi-mo rtokk. 10-7 tm llui CilLltNUr Hlrat. SPECIAL NOTICES KSf- THKOUtJllK TILTON. I-'.Ny. hli.ln ol l lip I niirli i ," (OM.r HI MAI. I., .Niivpiiihi-r i. frV lMIII.AlKmilAt NOVKMBMH lt A ' Nil. J, fi. ijtihK.NdARl KV, TiTrtunrer, in a:count wita Kihth V urd Itt unly l u d. IK. To balant e fV'im Iftat avnutit -77 rMibn ripttoni rfl do for liepn smuitive ItcitnU.'.iKi t") I16 It fit. Uy epenseof nmal credits JIS W Ad. i rtlhctut ntr. Ac , I'-i .. S f icm ntatie rierulU Vtott 00 Wind honniies '.-$ ) Ualaiico on haud 1.1 MH WM II The fbreiolrfj are unt Is aubmllted for the Inlortamtsoe f MiD-uiin rn to the l.ilith Waid Itouny 1 end, aiid rlt. en;, ot that ward halite to drati, Iu the present actjve Yoluntec in--; inoxeiucnt it la ifc-irahie to nec ore an may recruits as pomhi! to ilie credit of the Kfgnth Ward. Hione.v c peiulfd for thh ptirpoae now wi'l he i irreal mte hi helplui.' to lid up the veteran regiments In ihe Held. The dt i ot pelting volunti em was never moie oresHimr; the iKciliiica for Co n ma never greater; the adv antages et prompt, Inimedlnie m tl.n. neor m re nppacent 1 l.e eitieni of th Kikhth Want are ined auain to mOe) niliM-riptioiih lor thuspiirpuhcnna to forward theta with- out doiay to .l.tt. ItOSKNtl.MiTKV.Tiaurer, ll-21-.lt mwf H. W.cor. 81 ill and W AI.N UTJiia. fr UNION I.KAGVK UOUSK, NO. 1216 U!KsiM;T Street, p Tjhi adi r.pitt, Voremberlf. 18H, Ihe propound Thank striving hlnner for the army ot Cii tieral Nheil'iitn having been Anppjed by the rMlreuto New ork, wo tin tl that no further edorts are needed om our part. 1 he money w hu h has Ikm n contributed for thia purpoae will tie relumed to tho donor on application te) Mr. C. It. Wlliri'l.E, nt the l.ea-ne HoiJf,e. 1 1 tiF.olM.K H. HOKLII, Secretary. ffi ; J CHAMUKRSIiUKa Sl'tTr.RERS--:-b The tommitloc appo tiled to cfdlo.-t (unda for the relief of ihe Rn tiering people of ('hiim'it-rtiburg are desl roll of brm, lug liir duties to a close Those of oor gi nt i-oiis cltUemi who have neglected to make their sub t-cr pti'in are nrf d to s nd them to the uudemiened wlth r ut deiay Winter la npptoaehlug, and twelvo liunttr4 wnmen and children are without homes, aud many ere utterly destitute and penniless. i:iMbNI A. BOrPF.R, Treasurer, 11 -.'l 'it 101K 8'ITfLKT Vi UAttfr1 JKg'- r H K E D M II N'8 RELIEF ASSOCIATION. ily luvlUtiOtt or Hill A.H.iH'latl.u. iikv. ruiLLirs BROOKS j II. TOSII.INSON, Govtrnumt Huperlntf ndent or Bt. IMma and l.aille. lil. nd; WILLIAM F. MITCHELL, BCiMrlntiniletitof Froclinca'i Schxila la TomMiM aad Jior h Alabataa; aud J. MILLKU McKIM, furresaoiidlnK Siizretaryct I'rci-diucn'a RaUol A,aoclatia, V ILL ADIIRH88 I'll E PCHLIC, On MONDAY EVENING, November 21. ' AT Vi O't'LOCK PRECIKELV, , AT OONOKUT HALL., In riii'icic. to th. progress of tli. work among- Ih. FrMd- men. Bisnoi rOTtl.'R wUI rcn!.. lMi. KTif- COMMl'.KCIAL KDL'CATION AND J III luilii.np. ontll. Country. PKTKU OOOI'KS. ! Ea(.,or Nuiv i ork, tli. Wfll kuowu iUlla,riClirt.pual aua' lu.r.-nunt iirinoi', win uanvi r ad aair.aa ai iiryani.nir,-' t-.ii H.inntitti-r'a national 'orainorcial Colk-ao. Aaaooalily II11II1II11..S. w.corwrol TKSTll and CIIKSNU I' Sirtota, 1 ai J'l KSliAY Lxi-'iiiny. tho '-Jd lnHt.,at H o'clock, on CU rc.':Mibij ot (IcitlOHtiuii tiie new rollus Hikiibi. Subjoob "cvmiucrciiii F.auraiion ur.a ita intiutinueoiiiiiecoantrjr." An inviu'ion i. etniletl t all.wlio may wbh lo attMid. ii-r.-ii f-rT- OinAlin BANK, I'lULADKLrillA, B-y C'ctolji-r 1'.. 1W4. .V f.iuTft! in.etlnK ol' the Sio.-khotdi.ra of tlili Bank VIU be Iuld at tli. I'.anUliiK lioil.a oil MONDAY, tli ''at d.i)' of ro I'tntM r next, at VI oVInck M., Ii raiilr iind di-clde whi'tlirr thia Bank .hall aa-' cuaii; an A.aoiftatloa llr tl.. buatueaa ol Kaiikhi., tuiil. r the lan a of the 1 'uit.l Hlai.A ; aud whether 11 ahall rxorca. lh pow ra conlVrred lijtli.Aetol tli. Laaiala 1 tui. ol Una Stati:. vutitltd "An Act oiiaulttiK the toauka of 11,1.4 riruuionwe.il.il to hticuuie aaioclatioua lurliauklBC Older ilie laws ot' tlieKaiteil ..l.it,," upfir.vd Hid Aa y ut, iN.i; .nd to take aayAuth.r actwn that uiaj. ba neaaaary. 1 he ul'i.'iion fur Plrectom will . held at th. aam. puv: ou lh' .ame tl.iv. xloM iiiljer Jl, betM'een the hour, of JS A. M. ami 'J I'.M. 'lb. annual meetiur of tle Ptnoklioldera, ander lha K fdater. all! le hi 1.1 al I lie Ba'ikliir-llouaa, su TUB-, iAl, t, . lit dar vi Nurtmbtr, at l'.'o'cJ'k al. W. L. HCHAFrER, i l'l: wtoi ni I CaahMT. I j-T. - OHICK TrNXSYLVASIA RAIL-, -HOAli CO.V PAS V. Pint aO' t eiita, Hovetnbr 4, lSdt. JilYTlCF. TO SIlAKCliaLLiEHS. T'le fi'iar l.nhiera oi thia I'ouipany ai. notlfled that, I tiile; it.-, lulii'ti oi lh H ia d oi liirect-ira th.r are,. uli tl. d Ti villi, -nil. t" thcatockuf the Company Ih. ulawunc el IKS' I'l l! CKVl. on ihelr riapocliv. lutereat, a. ahfwr. b tnelr l.iK.ka ol" tr-n '.'U Inatali: . ka ii scire:. "'..ler on illeu to a ii,uMl.nal part or a ahare, umiertiie t.-ruii . the 11' sol.itiuii, anall u.ie lhaprivt-., 1. nt ofc.bKi.biua' lor a l.ili ahar. on Uie payment of UU Thia H:c k will be (.anad at the p.ir value of (1r doti lurt per a. Ale. Aecn.ed Litervat at nix PKK f.'KttT.wlal bt ena.nen ifwtn ttie l.t iii, taut uu:U payuionl la niadn. . Tf. Iliika f-.r aib.cr'r.f. n antl luvni-nt will bo ope t.u alONUAV, ihe 7th In.tant. andwlll eloae on th. .11.4 tit I). .'ini..,r Imvt. iil.F u ltirh no tnrther aull.iirlDllou. w III in rn'.'el'. ed uidir the rea-'ivtlon, ll-lh-ilJ il THOMAd T. l lBtll.Trenni' rlM" -SOLUIl If' ORrHAXS.TllEy - i'.r-4'ii. .1 will meet tie Moll. era otf of ,Lfl. ili.'.it Jte Oriiii.iia of ileoeaild P- lli. is at:d p.u.ora o- relc'e t 'fie cll't the hi i.i,e 1 1 -,)i.' L' 1 1"N B r HKVOI. . Nv. lit) b. SEsESTU Street,. 2, .tl. i lt.' i r. .ei.l ni jii'i. t ' Oi !l A, M- a I . !., 1. ti.iiia Mid iiial:n.- arr.iui i t rl t At- into to. o'-'uou ' t:i.i .vr t..tir iu.iii.uii. a-na- NOT IC K. ALL V e'.u ma aiam-t It UNH It. p, mmiM... Mtll i,leak. uieaell. . .. -A h.r. ... ., . 1 mi f,. 1 1, ten ill.' 1'. ltx J.lThlf...t. JAJalSL 11-1,-tiH -,1- AKMV, NAVY, AND V3t noiAinn Kmbrolil.red. (aaouid.rHti a.c, Uialji. ui.au,aad,ai wl rtiduuidii Merchant 'tr-. ao.nall'ltl Sua.l. above Cim.ui. It' 3 In F k- r J rAK'i.yw T' e Ti ard o: V a .i.i.n 1 d vi,-iiif A, t ti,. k ef I ,e t.'-.iiip.uV, aybie on n.id alter Ia. iX Fi itr. ot Al oriitfy l. iat f c. ii.ii:.iiin a; u.e tn.?V Til; el' Strut. V ll-4-.ni y V v a. eV 4 SIXTH AND MARKET 8TREE It K Mi M tt V V tu rn 3d Wi pc pt 111 ;nli' in ti exi B- I'um llll II f )U I ft wi llOlll Mia tUfl rem lutrt