EYE NINO- (&MAPH PRICE THREE CENTS. J PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVKMIIKK '21, lSt4. PRICE THREE CENTS. rm -L d AA1 A latest from Sherman. CONDITION OF HIS ARMY. General Barry Seriously III. HOOD'S RECENT MOVEMENTS. FORREST'S YU,!.Y OFKRITTO.N. General Thomas Watching tha Rebels. Bvft.vio, N : j Yi..k, Noremoer 2 Brist-silcr-Gencr .1 I)i'rj, he.-ninn's chief of artillery, arrived hero yeterjiy riously III. 1U l"fi itneri4l Sherman at Kiug-'ou, Georgia, at ') Vlork ou the morning of tbe U'th id-t. General Ran y ays tt.it Sherman has ail tb infantry, cavalry, an I .irtiit- ry ha wants. Ihe icn had received eight mouths' p ay, and their Outfit hm been especially adapted to a hard and rapid winter campaign. The mm .1.'. of the tr ips it un'rraallcd for efficiency mid vigor, uni G ine rt! Sherman will cirry hi.) army triumph tut, Uirongh '.lie work he has to do. On Monday night la-t Huod's entire fire's, M' ludlng F'orrest's cavalry, wero in the imme diate neighborhood of Tuseunibia and Florence, Alabama, watched by the troops under General Thotuas, of iuc.li strength as will render an in vasion of Tennessee impossible, and even tlie withdrawal of Hood for sorvi ..j elseihjre an peration of extreme delicacy. LATER AND BETTER. EVYS FROM ATLANTA Kine Hundred Rebels Entar Atlanta for Plunder and are Captured. HOOD AND BEAUREGARD ARE VJ- 1 RTII.T. TiT! A TI 1?T,firtV.finn GLOOMY EEEEL PROSPECTS. Cincinnati, November 21. The tia;:ttea Nashville despatch says that military affairs are. nehanged and comparatively quiet. Tito rain continues and the roads are In bad condit on. Hood and E .a.'.-eg ird aie still in the vicinity Of Florence. Nine hundred Ilebel prisoners arrived at Ntsh vile on Saturday morning from Atlanta. T 'link ing the pluce evacuated, they vnbed in to pillago and plunder, and were captured. The Rebel sympathizers at Nashville ore jlcomy and disconsolate in consequence of the ( anticipated results of General Sherman's move- Bint. Accessions to e u: army are arriving daiiy from .fce North. SHERMAN'S GREAT MOVEMENT. WHAT THE REBELS SAY. TU.E FIGLT.T AT JONE3BORO Tho Whereabouts of our Army. ENEMY IN FEARFUL ALARM. RUMORS AND SPECULATIONS lBt.. Etc, r.te., El Etc., r.io.. t:to. The Cincinnati Cattle of Saturday has tee fol lowing on fSberiiinii'ii Advance niiil What It Menu) I From private ad rices, both by letter au I tele graph, we lia' U thai SUerin.iu m advuitiu fro 11 Atlanta toward the Savannah ri'er in tvo Volumes. I be first sjt out, one ac mint sivs, nn m the 7b, anoiiii-r tho 'Jib instant (pioh miy thu iss'. tlati on tne mad to m i.on. Uu the l.i u or l itu uiai.iiiu was .soveuvy nines m uavuuci, unvi ig tvcryttiiug tielon-it, and desiM.vmn everytliinit ImoioiI tliat otilil am tlie enemy, iti'l mutiny to purenc ihia poiyt jthe oud. 'lue ot i :r c 1- mn,we nt Jerstana, l';t uut tnreeor tur iiv uer, nnd iinrtiinl) edly Imen lm to un to wit i 'he other at a niiuble pu n', l'ne army n st i .1 ".ii rome accounts at 4".i)0O hdJ iu o ners u 64,000, a large initios' ln im; cavalry under Hit Patrick. Tho largc.-t e-'iniaUi ii pro'. a ile, tnn Urmy l.elng e-iaipo.ed :( f ur cjrps, and i.ir jely nirif'ntd. Hheimati took with him ra'iom for m inv divs. but excctefl to liii.l antplu privismnH in rti-i n.ute. Lorn anil kwett no at es he will n il It hmidance, and proiub'y dons. buoh i. our lut.ir jju.ion truni several so uve' ; ut at :he sume timti i ohjuld lie r oileo o I Ii it lOei.erul, nt the beii of a movable ar uf i i u: ield, may act a crdin tn ein uiimano n, i i 1 lie nay be lurned lium tbu cursu we iipjmo bru nave taken by coitiujient evcnis, ot vtu.'h ve n w no nn )Wie.ie. we unnursta el nun t on his ni.ir h thi.iiMh Gc rij a. to tn i.e 1 1. u'b At ance. sr.i.ulMii, nt lie .utort, a i u v tite ot tuppll s, if he i;ds o. e; but. If t"e iiuniiy, a-, wu uppa", is sulll.lent t in a it til H arniy, nitre it noabsiiuie ikcUoi aiy u.-w je. Here It will be mini red, what opivislti n w.ll hu tei.ui.ur, and wbul i hu onje t ? Tlure iil ii am v n iront or him. and tin; ix orji t nil i.i i mil be n'tcrly ir. tlieiet t iu o istructtn ii s prj grerf. lli Oil Ik piweiless, Lec has n in n to pn-, oiid it be I a l :t would t.ii;e a lir arm ii ibDiir blui'iiiii. Lbe Held ii ib tre'iir n icn loie him, juJ iho que ttun in, vnt e n Ii" coiniili'h ) In iur o iiuion, ho can ec n ' i -i ue un n tii p jitaiu re-nits nueledio the, war. A'hi ii a coluiun ri achei Micou.it cm d tr v ll.eiually the only remaining rai rotd coininnui 'li u t eiwecn the estern and western paits uf ht Co-.l.di mcy. When a column stiili r a;ti lutusia, it destroys tne largest inau itiii mr,e i O veot ot military muniunns in tne dumb. to (iriutest, ana utmost; oniy powaer rainu- ai lq.ry is there. When tberailr.iads to Augu .u no In in avallnan to c naricsmn ate ue-trovu i, tio lurtbcr prnctienble military ominuni i.lietwein tho country cast of the Savannih Mtofit. We shall have severed tho Con General Mu'u.lior inipa.ss.ibiu lino. lIi"stUrem'se'BK,' Alioriv th. ottlcor," but was!rd,AT atianta. Iho lad bioiifcUt h i), giving an acconut f iiuorters, wneni na i itroa.nduys that ou the Cik the surprise of ml, but i-peithei;id, which gave General Curtis asi:d the bs bcb.g reinforced, to serve beli.ro las leim oi -0.of live hundred lie reply vns "e iibt inoir.U.r rec- utly. imincdiatelv wr ite hi:n a l'urlo.ii anil presented him with thu licrc, ' " "' . nil wtbie ol the lieb.i ocneiai. ' Jotiei-boro About four liundred poor faair' thouband intend to emigrate to Mexico, an-'Y,' B,llM-tu is takina up in tin Austrian cai'BR ,lie',11'n', . tineiiMB b"'' 'H'lfK hut tipeiiia. Atlanta to contest B-Iiieretsfts ory allc. ,,lllt KllX mMtMf laniily who, in the ets , ',.varkxIK .. Uu i euobscot river, r w nt hi,,,!, ,,.itiorinatlon received liv the up on a suttee ; (. that Bl.ermau bad destroyed in Cali'itta in nJ Atlantic Railroad from -iii.i. ni ni iin. jona, the C'hu'taboochce bridge a widow fnuil noveniect is dillicult to uuikr sebool atuieis cxpluiued by unolliclal n ports Mln.-iou. circulation oaiing yesieruay. ii rune vtl'.'bs des ruction of railroad can be 'Jl thmiL'h it U'lll Hill .nxu a inniirflii. rein - itv- w.rv. - - - HUISHAS MOVIMO OH MACON. eporti bad it that Sherman, having burned llW VQ Ult 160 Ua )'ufaav bo4 set yit tor Va-rtn, '-.;i hr'e cornj.am'iir.i;.'ng to thir-y-ti ve :h' niiaiii in. n, ami that h. h vd on ye.s er.l y r In d Jjqc boo, ttnty:o uiUci ij'ith of At; uca. tifri m n s v en to rn for. If th.'re Is tt ith In th. so a -'mints, as wo ' (ii. ve i her is. W h. i'!-- ha- n.it- li toaiMr for. 1'. .lev. Iv.t npi n him to vni Ii Sti. nam and k-.en ported n to b m iveinciits. Only four dins iign !i. wpot'd him 'ni 'ving to. ir is ItMllfepolt.'' N 'W it is f.l.l PO-lfS ll'tn ii m: ig tow in!s i n, m a'lov.' sta .'d. We feri in ... thr. it In." i 'or: " ; ,rr jlo r it.-d ty i),!o . ..Kii . t . uriiit in Witt, in us . in. Mir m in ' I, v tilink mri ' ih opposi' on lie d i in t en., n'ate iii(in iH l' ire he n'.i be t ie iortirn ati."is ot Mn'Miv I'll- - 'rks Iiotiol b-3 cm r ten. ti them, he ill find of "iot formnl-t'iie i Imraeti r, snd .tb troops t'.a: liefnra that tin e will ie. c 'llt'i ted in then., lin y run it gne h m a vat di.ai ; n i ire ot trouble ilian Fiei vid -u ly counts opiiii. 1 1 o'oi .'tits vi 1 b it'le to.' tin; r iren.'.iies ks thi l'et. 'sbur.T mi Itia did last I me for tnr.ra or the Hi humid militia did nt -lunnton river LiiJie, later in lbe imnier, Mac in w.ll be saved. iifc k n txi, n r mm ax's mix r iun ie. ? In nioli'ifakini: this r xpedi'ion, Slserman is tj3 priii!-r.t a i"im io rely up jn su is,;ing bisar-aiv untie country, and it beeo nes Interesting and in, permit M enn-idi'r irul point he ea'culates up ni in. iking his base oi'-iipiilie. His deuru ' tlon of the railroad northnvst of Atlanta proves that he has nit loose nt the Oia'ta in ci base; he mi.t then bo looking tj some poiut oa the A;luiit e or the viulf. e are disponed, for sev ral reasons, to bolicvc thnt l'i n-aenla is the selccieil point. This is nn hi eau.se of its greater proximity tha'i any other lo-t to his present field of operations, tvit he m e i is iis. ertalnid hat lor more than a nionlh very largo supplies have been acciimn a'ed there. If he mils to take M aeon at the fi. st d-h, ho will probably run for l'enaco!a, and m iko It his niv 1 ac of operations. It Is not to he presumed th it he curries niih bun supplies sutl'icient to enable him to enter npon a siiye which shall oc jipy anv coililerablo lenitih of lime. We hae veiMired tbe opinion that henn in had 1'en'ai oi l in view as a new b ise of supp ies, hot i. is proper to say there are reasons why be iin;:ht selc t some point on the Atl inti't as liaini; ni ar-r at hand. Savannah, for instan:e, otl'trs advuntagf s did its appm ich not Involve 'he eer tainty ot a great deal of heavy lighting. We look with i:i ense InUreet tj full and autbon'ie ne.vs fioiu Georgia. riKTiii;R Aii'ii T snriiMAV. till .-ia informatinti was received yesterday that Stnrnian hail destroyed the Atlanta and Nortb wc dtern rullroad from Ar'auta towards Cbat'tt ro. g.i for a considiniile distance, and the report was in circnlation during the d ty that he had burned Ath nuiand was marching towards M icon with thirty-five thousand men. SIIKR MAN S l't. IN. The plan of operation on S i Tnum's utrt. at we !"aru from the fine sourc end we suupi-e eorn cily. is to leave Tliomaswi li such relnforco meiits a have been sent him to iidpiiso IJjn ire- gam, while Sherman with his own colnmj shall n.ove south from Atlanta. 1 hi- is ;o c intideiitlv asserted. , nd is snnnorted by o much oi clrcum-tance, ti. i; we accept the piogi imme as a t: ne cnc. The ill t point ra irked fur :.i tine bv tshcriHnu is Muco i, distant from At'nMa ono hundred nnd threo miles. Macon iiii t c I, arc inl'omn d that be is next to move upon SaTnnuuh, one hundred id ninety m les innii Macon, and npon Chariest m, one hundred and tour miles further. I'm h iis August i, one nuniircu ami Mxty tour miles troin Macon liv rail, Is to lonn a point in the gmd tour, lla- ing re-olved upon jiich a march, Sii-inan has c uu mittid hlmse f to it t y tearing up the ra lr n-l behind him a far back as to Aia'oona, and by destroying tho brid;o over the Cuattahmchce a singii.ur inumi'iiire, to be sure since bis peop'e et Inline have heard nothing fron him, we trust iney in vi r wi'i again. Iti.s'.ne specula ion of soma that, instead of it' inching upou Savmiuah a'id('i:n :les'on,Slierniau will move fur Mon'eorucry an I Mobile. G) which way he wid I eh is a long road before him. i.nd it will be our ault if it bo not a rough one. in iifnureuaru mrn ana pursue eaeriuan, or will he prosecute his own eampalga J (Joe is moving north, the other south ; His purposes are ui ees-arily secret. Nor are we in possession of inhumation for an opinion as to tho bet' policy. It is to be hoped that the p'oide of tau States thn ugh which Sherman proposes touvuchwll ti i g t Ik n selves upon him wi'b a courage tb it .-hall no them honor. There is a capital dnli r ence bciwcen his situation and that of lluod. Ho is In an enemy s country, wnile Hood is amum; friends. No sacrifice of Pion-rty, no activity of odiiosI- lion, Binst be counted now or consider :d ex tes tive. Tiardown bridge., block roads, remove or oe-troy supplies, c jtotf toragers, tight at every 3.'S. If tihtr.iian should be able to accomplish mch a journey as that he propo cs, foraging as ne cots, it win ne i proot mat n ; was not nec i n-it-glj lesisted. On the whole the sitiia'ion of atlalrsKast and Sioiyli is cxirniiiely interesting, and ioiportunt events hasten to : aeir tteooaipinu mcut. neporls nt WiihIiIii toil, KAHI.Y (IOSC SOCTIIV. VRD. Iit'orniation receive ! at Washington shows pietty conclusively that Karly h is been roeiillcd nh lii entile tree trom tne vn iey.to send to N.vunaah by rail, am! .L it ai.o.i, ten t'l usaod u oie have been duta. bed from l.oe's army and miii tinuth, and that nn arniv of about tliir'y ti ou and Is to bo improvued it ad tr KiVcll, to get t itwccn Miorinun and tne .vimr'H eoait. lacy l ie help iss to ward oil' auv In ,w from Macon, Ai guns, Or Mobile, or T- 'I' umu' iatte poiut hiticu AHuiita and the G iif. Howell Colli) may muver i ) or fifteen thou iind niidtin, hut tbt y ar.ius stru v before sber- n. an. lbe U 'bels uie uo g no. tuiougli what 1'iDiisylvania bis tclt, wjeu iu orgitii.e.l and rn" ii Kebel urmy w is luva iinij lier soil. Gnat confident o is telt Iiere iu Sherman's ni n ) to t ike cure of lilui-mf. and the only fear if his Ci inpljte and early sue csi is from the mp'oi i r exposures tn de by c..rtrtm newsp ipeis if b- plans and bif.nti ins ,.et ro be left ou his ixpiimiou. Hut tin: enemy l.sow not as yet wbirj bo wnl bring iptini'ly, is he dws no. Imui l imscli. il.s course .vili I'j determined by ci vi lop'i g tacts as lie pro'-trcsiie-'. It will lake tne i;eii is hi le .st ten Qiivs or two wicks to uiovi lia lc to oa.uu nib or .V'lgttsta. in d in lbe nn at.tliuu sli'inn u vdl Ii ivo an open nun i. rune linn, it is to ne I, a tie bus already upturi d cr ttt'ei ed I lnwnll ' i.'io's eight tliou iind new tr-iOi's that ware li .t n'o htm when ho in oi t Ironi A inula. Lot'1; s n ga have otten M iviilhiin a good purp is oi the p ist, and he ii. fv in..ke itnotber dri(t ou t!1 in nuv. IETERC&T'NG F&jV. JAPAN. lie 4Iii ii1iik ol' iho Iu! n. I Me by tho Allll ll t l. el. II", S:. FiiAsci'ii,N.ivm.e:' i'.f. -0 llcinl advices ot t.-tohti 'JM, Iroiu VoUii'iiiuia.i juhriu the report 1 1 t! e I'pci.ii'g ol tic; I'lia.oi - i ol Japan by the til nd tli rr. The eir, i a tn -in ;v i .brief. The allies io-t twelve kilbd aid fil'ti.. ii' wounded; the .hi) anise 'rem two bundled o throe hundred huh d and wi iin b d. 'I he steamer svu A'on;, eh n torcd by Minis'er l'ltijn to accompany thu be t to represent tiie Vi ittd Mutes, did greut execirion with her 3ti pi, under 1'iirrott gun. rSbe was uftcrwards sold to the Jupanese Govemiucut tor 10S,uuo. Tiio imii n.nny to the Americans is expected to reach -jt o.coo. 'I he C'omtnlfsioners of the Allies were to meet the Jupanese cflicialsat Kanagawaon October l't, to aoju.t the amount of the indemnities to the vail, us nations. The poits are to be dismantled and tho fleet will remain to see that the I-polu keeps his 1 ronise. it is believed that the Jnpaneso Government w ill hencelorth be able to keep the unruly nobles in check. EAST TENNESSEE. General Gillem at Knoxvillo. OUB LOSS IN THE RECENT AFFAIRS. Louisville, November 20. General Giilcm it safe at Knoxvlllu with bit coonnand. In the attack on bit outposts, oar lost in killed, wounded, and misting, did cot exceed fUUr bun dled men. Cot MliNO tub SoLbmis' Votb. The soldiers' vote, to tux at counted this morning, gave Tresl dt ut Lincoln a majority of 2003. The vote ttandt Lincoln 4064 ', McClcUan 20C1. Tht vote on board the Vnited Statet supply iVesjOM Donegal wot THIRD EDITION NEW YORK DISTILLERY FRAUDS. EXTENT OF THE WOHK. The Criminals and their Crim';?. HOW THE DISCOVERY WAS MADE. THE PENALTIES INCURRED. A FORTUNATE INFOHM EH. Ho Kakes Five Hundrrd The .:-.nil Dollars. DETAILS OF TIIE II AT TEU. IZtf., Ktc, jato.. UtP ICto. Wamiinoion, NociubT 21. Iiiora on ): .s been received at the Treasury P'pirtui 'nt c' recent operations on the part of Internal Hewn ie Officers, which thows that they ,im wide .nva'tc. not only to the Interests of the 0 v .lt.icst. ba' also to their nun interes s. Tlir-e large I rceri' s. with ad the pcrs-mad property, sikU at )):l'rs, vats, horses, wagons, ' arrcls, beer on h nl, f :., have been se Led by one of the Ne v Vo"V: C Ie ' tors for infractions of the pl .in rci lireT. ats i t the Internal Revenue law. The rnporty '. noa'i's in all to more than a million of lo lars. It appears these brewers were in '."ic Inioi: of distilling Illicitly and se -retly the. rraf.se or s cir beer, ithout taking license as distillers, m ik ii-; the nocessury tri-iuunthly returns rentir vl of them by law as such, or paving faves on the .spirits distilled. The operations were .vndii ;e 1 with snch caution that, aitlmngh the Iutercal Hcvcntie law has been In op;rati n over to years, they bad not been disco.eicl iinl:ln)v. Summary proceedingt followed the di- ivcry, and although the parties claimod th it they were nnawaie of the provisi ms of tho i iw with rcg ird to returns of distilled spirits under all cir -u n stanees and payment of duty therein, t.'iey were not allowed to reap any ndvan'.. 0'; fri. ii i.i s th illo'V subterf'.'.go. The peimlt.es incurred by the-e par s nr. cuorinous. They are required, ui: Jor the law, ti take uut li.enses as distillers, to give 'c.au.'.s, to make regular Irl-uionthly returus, and perforin other Important acts. A penalty ot' Sve hundred dollars atthches to a refusal or neglect to da any or either of these actious; and the projierty of ar tics who are detected il i-ttcmptin to ilef.-a l the (ioveiumcn' by such acts a.s wcro cc.ii.ait'i 1 by these parties is all liable, upon proo:' of tlie intent, to eonriVuion. Ab the moiety of tho penalties goes to lb . in foiruer, the f irtuaate man whi dis jv;ro I ttJ-e stupendous Iran Is, and brought thorn : 'l.e attention of the executli-o ottieer, b:s, in .til pro bability, made himself kad:pan.lcu. far life. II s share will amount to nearly sr0O,O'H. We are glad to observe, in view ot't'ic strictures lately made npon New York otli.-ia'.s 1 y ono of our leading contemporaries, that this Silzui e w t the result of patient pcrsevertace in t'ullo'viu!; t-.p a slight trail in the ollice of one o:' the Ciiy Col lectors, na juioido parties 1; ivit g h u! any h inj in the affair. New York is not the only city, it i -n whire ingcuious and extensive frauds on the Government are endeavored to be perpetrated Oneot the lievenuc Inspectors of st l oirs lately had occasion to suspect a leading linn of that city of making false returjt of cigars uianufa :ture I by them. After a series of carefully conducted Investi gation, the olllcer obtained such inosistibio proofs of the linn's guilt, that they at once owno-J up, threw their books open to his inspection which, however, be had a right by law to de mand aided him in ascertaining tho cxa;t amount due the Government and the proper return, paid the full tax, an! then b jgged to bo ullowcd to pay the full annum', of penalty in-curr-td by them, vi.. : sf'iOJu, without having the ease go to court. The i.nestion presenteJ a curious tilitwe )t the lav. By its provisions, a r.i Met of the pennlties Ohtained by prosecution pjss to the informer, and the informer is ascertained by decree ot Court. In this case, as there was no prose:ut! on, the in former could not b3 legtlly us 'erttl"d, hut as the Department was determined that the tiiank'.ess but responsible and honorable ofrlec of the detfl.-. tive should not go unrewarded, it decreed that the compromise with th3 pantos should be based upon the ground that they should pty ctirf-half of tho sum to the inspector wh ) had tiled the in formation resulting in the disi overy of the fund, and the other half tD the Govortimeut. Thus it will be seen that the Ilcpirtment intends to leai notonly justly but generously witbiho-e to whise energy and iiitelligene it hi indebted for valuable Information. The Government has thus far been to lenient with those who have failed to comply v th t'.J provisions of iho Stamp Act, aliotfi'ig picas of "ignorance of the law" as aa excuse, un'il stuc people have begun to fool that the 1 iw is nearly a dead le'ter, and that ill paymouts they do make in the w ay ol'sta upt are iu tiie nit are i f vo'un tary contributions. From the following Incident, whi 'h ti-ok place in Louisville, our readers will see that tlie l iter tii.l Hcvtnuo Otilctrs have not only the power bin thativlll to enforce the law. A person brought to the Colli) ir an t u stamped receipt, asking whether It wat considered a legal paper; he was informed tht It was n it, ind tiiat the maker had incurcd a penalty, pr ibably ea-:-lc.-sly, and he was advised to return with it to him, with a request that it might be st niped. IIi returned shortly afterwards, stating that the only unswer ho had received was nbnso and threats of violence. The Collector went immediately to the otllce of the District Attorney and had the n.nUr of the receipt cited before the United Sititos Commissioner. When the law was read to the defendant, he at tmce drew his pocket-book, paid bis $200 Quo and went home, it Is hoped, a wi.-er if a poorer man. Tho costs of the prose cution were fcl- Tho remaining $19o were divi ded between the Government and the informer. Let others bew are ! Iti-Hlhn la tli Old Point If UHlse, Foiituess MokIiob, Novemlier l'J. The fol lowing are among the deatht in the hospitals at Old l'oint since the last report: Dwight Wil liams, 203d Tenniylvanlat John F. Sharp, 6otU Pennsylvania; Toblat llrown, lflPth Pennsyl vania ; Andrew J. IUfic, 6htli Pennsylvania; ftamuel II. Christy, 18sth Pennsylvania; Charlea M. Swift, 211th Pennsylvania ; Jacob A. Warnor, 20Ud Pennsylvania. A severe northeast iiorm tet In to-day. Harketa b y Tcletrnsph. New Yoiik, November 21. Flour firm; aalet bf ii barrrls i ')'ii.v,ij itn lor Bins; l0 Ujviis)u lor lilito. sinl tmui'ii id tor Southern. Wumu dull; solua of 'd!At bu.liw. st an uilvftnet ol S csints. Corn ad kneed H cenlt ; ii e ul l..usi bu.bt-U nl f I'oft. B.tr ttedy. fork 1iHWbJii'I5. Larkuuil. WLlkydall. A substitute broker ia Concord, New Ilamn sblre. tayt that be bos put two tiioustud uiea In j Uig mi w KiTicf . IMPORTANT ARKANSAS RETREAT OF PRICE. CAIKEE OF HIS CARRIAGE. OUR TURSUIT AT AN END. Cti cial Desjutch from Gcue:i;l Uunis. H ' si, i, r n 1 1 i. Ahmi or .an. Piihio n, l'isr Ai.kasiis, Novcciber H. via 1'ort eo't, Novjm icr I.i. To (.' iiera! 1) i .ie- ' e li we j ist , 'I I'lc. I the pars it of V.-i. c :-e r ir.l ir I cro-n-.l ilu. Arkansi- rieer, nnder fire of onr guns, lie letl hp itlier of his guns in 1 hi i i carriage, wtiich, with other Ami and .; iinit ,,'s, have fallen i ito r ur hands. We are now rid of 2',,i100 nr "v,i s) h .1 'Mr., d bu)iwha kers and halt starved vagali.iu Is, w 'm I tope may ncTcr r"tnrn to ilitnii tho pea etu! liihnbiUntH ni rtb of the A rliaiiNas rV"r. IT- i ali. beyond curpostsof Payefreviilc, l o iSin and Fort e-ibem. v.hi-'h .re r,i"i safe. S. H. t n r-', M.t' 'r-i iener iV TC-EAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. KlH'dii) Ptspatthi's to Kvonlne TfUtrrnpb. Wit!Ko i k, Novemlifr .M. k'lrUet I, Inn Kriakeu. Tii" steauie; M- ncuisitfr, fp ra Cite r j.iit, reborn all (iiiic: when silo let", at .Ou'u't yes-te-r lay moral'ig. Ii itlcr bal rcg lined jone siou of the strip of picket liue tauen by the e.ieua on Tnursday night, and ouv gnv.boata had ii.oved up towards Dutch Gap, 1 1 it to be in readiness t take .1 tiivid in 'ho tigbtii g siior.l.i the er.emy again attempt any further otlVi.oivc dem n.s'M t'on. Aswlrf rut to tlie osrtrll." Tho V.i4i.' i.'rcatne up n p .n-e o: tli'? regniar 1'i.ul stiaiiiicr f'ovtikA', which ran into a t.'hoji er on her downward trip. After gettitg. icar of tV tchooncr, the (tm ai-den'ally ran ftjrotmd near Maryland Point, when it wi,t dig :ovrcd that three holes hud been knocked in'o her botto u just above the water line, In ilt;- c.ilivicn -vitii the s.hucner. The steamer I. .'.'. .'.. no to ti c relief oi" tl:6 rVmncA, and t k k ot! iier ma, is and p.'S .'.ige.-s, aid conveyed them to i ort.-ess Monro?, it wis a 'or'.tinate circimntann' fust 'he . --i -rtn lU'round; for at the time, her .r;ppiod eondi'l n was nukutwn to h"r otl'e ers. Had she proceeded e l licr w,vy she clouYltts would have fone do Jrn sith all on b ard t'n re'.iy causing great loss of lite, a sue ha ", a arg. nu n bcr of pa-sengers ou board. Ciigiliirs of ttlooknif c-KntiiierN. The avy Department has raici-cd intu'int t.or of the cAp'.'ire. of tite blc kid-.-rii'iners fcbooner Aa .Vu,n.i, tnd fow s; ,s,r, ti e forinrr on the 27tiiuiidth h.tter Oil theitsth u!t., while attempting to run into Vano l'a-, Te i.is. They were iiden w'th ass.v-ted carcys, -ucli as gunny hag, hoop iror, vc. Alsoo: thec ipturo of the s.'hooners ..; and Johi l. ffa;ii. it, by the Cuitrd States stea-ner Kirr 1fo)-J,i,i, while atbrnpting to enter the port of VeU? o, with assorted cargoes. anc or l.lciiU'iisKI-l.ftvfrnnr Jm otis, f lieulncKy. Fevem! proniinent Kentucki in' arc here in reference to the arrest cf Lieutenant! iovetiot' Jaro1 s. Tliey will !! t sii ' eed in getting h in rolcasid. The heads of departu.etits ,v 1 J I r :nm iiend CoTgresj to increase the .il irics of cieriis moderate iy. Tta ieenl Cor lit. Major-Generil lluinphrcy. it is s.,i 1, wil' q . cred General Hincoc't in evtttii; mi oi the li Crps, in the event of tint cftr.ui.ir.'lcr'e with drawal from tho array. It is General II incek'n a .'li to go Ntrtli to undergo medics,! trea'tr.cnt of bis wound, and whi.'c re-tiperaiin.T to d 'vo'n his energies to the re-enlisi nent an l o-gm!zt-tion of a corps of vcitr ills whi' hav 'ten .it ic.lst vo years' service. The rnhlna-t. It is stated that Secretaries Reward cud Welle are at varian e again over tlie surror.dar of tho Florida. Secretary Stanton is more tir'uusly in disposed again. The announrenic'it of General Dutli r's fneceeding Secretary Stanton has aroused nil the representative fowl's of the conservatives, an i fliey have been plying the President in sei Fon and out of season, un'il it has became one of the pleasantriea of the Cnpifol that Ger.itral flanks has entirely eclipsed Mr. Whl.ing, and become himseif eliief licito- oi tho " Var V-i-poitment. IIoimI anil Mieniinn. In referenco to pvpula." anxieties oncerni "g Il'i-id's Invasion of Kast Tcitn'tso", it may bo stated that it Is not hermat's v .r.t to leave the bars down behind him. Tiu lUdiinonJ 1(7.. o of the ltilh publishes General f-her man s letter to the Sanitary Commi-ion, ml con'S'turet fttnt from that he is mare binf fir the relaassof t).e Villon pritDncrs. AStltMKVf rNTSS. O'ni.AT Nauokai Ciiu t n. 1 his tceuiiig Tro. feasor flutihiiison an ! his trailed d igs. Meet's. G. II. Hutchinson and T. 11. Murray and Mr. W. Ki ii cily, versatile clown, will riakc t'leir first nppearauee. in addition to the very po.iul it troupe ut'aitl-ti w'no have drawn so larcely norm puiil e 3tb ntion since the opening. J.i s.i;urdy even ug i suiiii nee was so large that c -o tin. id itiors hn l to be made on the stai'e for se. jra! hundred iadirs and gentlemen. CITY LMELUGEyCE. St VII e'F TllLKMl Ml. imt To lAV S.x A. M , 48. Noon. 40. 1 P. M. 4!. V.'ind, K.N. li. Itif if liiNd. Tins mormng the Mayor issne l warrants for the payment of the city bounty to ii u.cn, of whom 47 were enlisted for three years 'i for two years, and 1 for one year. They were credited to tho dillerent ward' as follows First Ward 4; Fifth Ward .'i; Ninth Ward t; Tenth Ward l'J ; Twelfth Ward 1; Fifteenth Ward 11; I'ightfenth Ward 1 ; Twentieth Ward 1 ; Twenty, first Ward 2 ; Tweuty-seeimd Ward 12 ; Twenty third Ward fi ; Twenty-tilth Ward 1. During the past wcik the stun of lo'i.-Ht) 0 j w as paid out for bounties to volunteers. Voluutcers are more plenty to-day than they have been fcr a year past. Since the clo tiou umie men enn be fi uud who are willing to enter the Bimy than before. Recruits are plenty, and uil that Is now needed Is for the several wards to otler an inducement iu the shape of bounty, nnd in this way may readily secure a tmlieieut num ber of intu to meet unv calls that may iu future be made upon them. "Some of the wards havo already adopted this precautioa and, are meeting with success. Nearly throe thousand men havo been obtained and will be credited to any future oull. Thie number it being daily augmented, and if our cilieus by their eirorts will endeavor to ttimulate the recruiting spirit which now to itenerully prevails, our city will be far ahead of all others ui the good work of filling the rankt of our army. REcoNtrBi'CTEii. The Mechanic!" Institute, a literary association of Southwark, wot reorgan ized on Saturday evening last by the election of H. F.diuonds, President; Harry Gilden, Vice President ; F. G. Fisher, Treasurer; and John W. F'luzier, Secretary. A board of twelve manager wo also elected, nnd from the enthusiasm mani fested on Saturday evening, tho Mechanics' In stitute bids fair to become all it ever was In its palmiest days. , . W ith a valuable library worth, at least 850CK), and with tuib gontlcuieu at Key. Dr. Durborow, Messrs. Merrick & Sons, and Morris, Tasker 4 Co. taking worm Interest in it, the Institute will t an Uom to tht fitUcM ni Sonthwoia. Tur. Ditsrii ov Ainmr Ni.w.is-The tid tuteiligeree of the death of Altsrrt Newsam, the distinguished deaf and dumb artist, reached ns yesterday. He ili d ou Sunday morning at 4 o' li" k,at the "Living Home," ne ir Wilmington, Delaware, uf..r a lingering illness of several years, resnl lng from an attack of paralysis. His history was a ruiiarka'ilc onn, and in his pec uliar line (lithography) he bad no superior in this coutte try. It w ould ''C a te lions tak to enti neruto the ir ny excellent drawings w hi h he has made: S'.t'a.'e it, thai in Uic i..,ti, a world be is well known for li s ntiu.cr ms likenesses uf the dictin gnishid nn mbi-rs of various c ii fts, vhirh, for liuelpy to the, ori tlnals, and s o'erior finish, will c nipare with anv pro lu tiots o; tlie kind on fithi r side nt the A'lanti '. f"fj To the tndlitl portrait gallery he hue nun. biit. il some of the b-"t spc imeas to bJ f mti I iu that elegant and enter; iinitn. cube ti m. In the d ra m utic line, his portraits of dis'in'i shed his trionists have ever been regarded wifi ndtuiri tion for their acenra y and superior v'nish. As a oi , Ut, In" bm been pron viii ed f.t ii less. At the e stub! is bine nt of Mr. lijval he w h the pvln cipal nrtist. l be superb product! ns of hu pened iiUallid the finest of the Kreu h .art s s and the la ter ure well known to h i e no siipeiior in tone and artistic litiisb. Several of bis mai'n'ti cent crav ni d ' livings and lithcgiaphic prodiicilons now adorn ma hi'lsof the Do. 'I 'ami Dumb Asylum at 'Ir' " irncrof Pine and Ilroad s'rc.'ts, and are exhibite I wit l com- i Iiii D.lablo pride tiy the m&nagei 4 o. tiiv ')euev lent institu l n, as the work nf Al ien Ne vsa n, , one of their e.iiliest and most 'lis'in.'aisho t tin id's. Ills conduct In lite wasof tho most iiveni-oa liable , and i xeniplary eh ua ter, mi l en l ired him to j his numerous acquaintances an 1 every lover of , the line arts. The eminence w inch ho "iuoo l in tho liiiiogiiiphlc art will doulitless c infer upon blm an linmortal ninio in its annals, and the incidents of his life present an interesting biography. We le irn tl.a a com uiitee of his f ien is pnr pee having tho body ictnoie.l t Hi s city, fsr inti rmeut at 1. oircl Hill Cenc ory. Iho funeral will take place on I'tiesilay al'teinoon, at i o'clock, from lbe residence of John A. M -ell'sier, Ksij , Twenty fust street, below (i,hen it, and willb1 aitmi'ed by tho pupils of thu D af and Dumb In stitution. The services will lie atiSt. Cletncoii's) the I piseopal Church, corner of Twentieth and Cln rry sireets, and will pr 'gem, no doubt, a Bad and interesting scene. They will be .ondutted by tie Itcv. M r. t biilaudc, of Now York, who lias been telegraphed to for that purpose, and every effort will be made ! render tho occasion, one not only of diep soi un-. ty, but aa I n press v tri'iiitc of respect to the memory of tho departed. Tn: VisiriM; Hosion Co m : i sev.-The Commit tec from the City Uo.incil of boston, who have been stopping in m.r city for tome days past for the purpose of contracting for iron gir ders to be used in the construct! )ii of the new Municipal II ,11 now bmi ling in the ' hub of the universe." will leave ns to-day for home. The llo.stoiil tns ware eirert lined principally by private parties, but were especially in charge of our own city comic diucm, whoso attentions w ill not be bug ittcn by t ic visitors. On Friday the stnxrrters were escorted to Girard College, and other Philadelphia iiisti utions. On Situr dny they wero sho.vn around Fairuiouut Park ai d the Water Works. Yesterday several of the Conimlf.ee w, re pre-ent at the blessing of tho human Catholic (' aib, dial. A numtier of tho visit ng gentlemen are mem bers of tne Grand Lodge I. O. of O. K., of Missa chusetts, and on Saturday evening Past Grand Musters A.l mis and 1'u 'ker, of Uoston, nietuners of i lie City i ouncil of tb 't place, were iutrodui'cd to Kt.terprisn I . dge, No. 201, of this city, al Sixth and lluines streets, by M. VV. Past Grand Muster J. Alexander Simpson and M. W. Tast Grand Sire 11. I). Ni tholson, of this .State. A number of interesting ad-lress"4 were made, and the occ isi in was one dial will ne I ing remem bered by the members of fhc Order present, f A Whll-wohv Biiti.c-Fi.hi. In the month of F'ebruory last Clement Tlngley, Esq.., of this city, presented Knapp't renrtsylvan'a B ittery, of which be was formerly an olllcer, with an ele gant silk guidon. This fUgwas carried by the battery on Sherman's celebrated march from Chattanooga to Atlanta. At the presentation of this Hag, the gallant boys of the battery pro mised to return it only when It had been by the storm of battle rendered unlit for use. The con ditinn hus notv been fulfilled, and ibis morning we have seen this relic of our glorious advance in the Southwest. It is indeed tattered and torn, and speaks more eloquently man w irds of the brave deeds of !ts det'en lersj and how in the fire most shuck of battle they met ihe foe. As hinupp's llattery now journey with .Sherman on Bis graad Souihward inarch, thoy may rest assured thi'.t tbeir tattered riiI 'oii w'll rerua'n with us not only us a rt nii mliruncer of the gallant service they have pstformed, but as a welcome ntgury of their comnlcto nLd llual triumph over ttp ir euo- mlet. The battery now numbers two hundred and fifteen men n a.ly for duty, and more re cruits arriving, vie ho i i ild call this a popular bat'ery. Dkmi'atio! ov a Coi ti.f.E. To-morrow even ing, at eight o'clock, tne new col I ego rooms of Messrs. Bryant, Stratton. & Bannister, Assembly Buildings, S. V. corner Che. nut and Tenth stn els, w ill be dedicated. Ou the occasion an addiess on "Commercial I'ducttio i" will ne de livered ley the eminent merchant, Peter Co ipor, liiq., of New York. The rooms of Me-srs. Bryant, StraUon, & Bantrster are located in the third story of the As ru'dy Buildings, and are titled up in a mtniier calculated to Insure the greatest care a id i oniii rt of the student. The curse of study parMied at tho institution of these gentlemen Is so well kuown to the public that it it useless to allude to it here. .SuiHce it to say, that under the tuition of tkeric geutleman a :h rou jb kn.ov b dge of those studies re unite i i mereati'ilo life can beobiained in as tli .rt a nne and ut as cheap rates as any similar establishment iu our city. The attendance at the npe.iing t.vmorro will no doubt bo rpiii- large. David Paul lirown, Ii-ip, w ill preside. The Puess Ci.vi . The establishment of the Press Club in this city has been the means of originating the pi -tion of similar associations in other cities. The rptsburg firuaU-U; in spe iking of the club, says .This assi' iition, nrg..uUed during the summer, now Coiitiint about forty iin inliers, including proprietors, edit )rs, -op lr ters. correspondents, and contributors. The olipvt is to promote social inter, ouist) among the m an b ws of tin; profession, and to tecum an inter change oi views upon the subject of j )urn absin. Meetings are helel twice a lii m li, aid at present a tot its ol essays are beingdeltv.'red by the mem bei s of the ohm, each gcntlouian diicusing some topte eonnectesl wl'h tae profession. Wny can not we have a simliur club here? The .nter courn' arising from sueb an lussoci itinn would, wo Jnu it not, prove a bene'i: t' tlie entire press fra teriiiy. Cti.aksisii Titr F vlliviirsi Basins. The work ol clcaiisi'jg the '-.asiut at Faniuouat is still progressing, and it will be soma lays yet before the task Is complotcd. The ope rat on, whic'a is an lnieresting one, is witnessed by a large number of persons. Nearly every load that it removed from the bottom of the basin contains a large number ot lish, some of which are of unusual sb.o. They ure taken possession of by the workmen, and those that have eaten of them testify that thu flesh is much sweeter and puier than that of the finny tribe generally. T his is no doubt owing to the fact of their having been born aud bred in the basin, tho waters of which have not been disturbed for fourteen years, and which Is much purer than our rivers. The Si-ndat HrnALD. Thlt it the title of a large, handsome, and well-conducted news aud family paper, published by S. K. Cohen & Son, No. 108 S. Third ttreet. This is the fifth news paper of its kind published in Philadelphia, but mere is room tor it, and we count not it win oe successful. Philadelphia sustains nine daily papers, and it it rca'onublo to suppose that two thirds of this immense crowd of readers are dcsirout of having thu news on Sunday at well at upon other days. I.NurtsT m a Homicide Cask. This after noon Corouer Taylor will commence an investi gation Into the manner of the death of Fraueis Mellon, a shoemaker, who wut stabbed about a week since at a bouse on F'itzwater ttruet, above Eighth. The particulars of the allalr have already Ikcu published in Tus Tki.iuumh. Mellon died yesterday at the Hospital. The party who inflicted the woand bus not yet been arrested. C HeahinqWaivkb. Thit morning the election ofheert of tbe Eighth Division of the Fourth Ward, who were arrested upon a charge of fraud nd misdemeanor In office, were arraigned before Alderman Welding for a further hearing. Mr. Brooks, counsel for the defendants, slated that they would waive any further beating, and enter bail for Uieir appearance at Court. Bail iu tho turn of 60U wat tirdinly entered by each deltndaut. Wos'N "Marf.ii!hs.' If women are not able to gracefully enusr a paswnger railway car they can "n arket," and that to perfection alto. It bat been well said that -'tht nearest way to a Dian't heart is through his stomach," and this must account fir the predominance of tbe female tex at our market. The ladies know tbe wouk point of their "lords," aud do not full to avail tbcmnlvcs of it; and if y n want to see "beauty and booty" together just visit our market on some lainy dav, such as we have hid for tho past week. Nd "beauty an i 'he b a-t," alone, but beauty and the market-basket. Woman tarnel Into a business personage woman as a w ,rker out of ilo'ts for an hour woman under ditllcul ties woman as a cut i r woman ns a eh itl'erer woman as a vegetable, poultry, nnd beefsteak cornopseur in a word, woman as a philanthro pist, getting food for the hungry, and making hereif as useful as ornamental. When thu weather is line, and tho wa'king dry, woman's task as a marketer, in spite of the crowd, baby wagons, and heavy m vrket-b iskets, it not extremely unpleasant. But iu muddy, sb rmy, and wintry . atticr comes "the tug of war," and Heaven have mercy upon our woes .and ilauehte rs. Kairt ovi rhe ni, mud under fo it, umbrellas, hoops, b.itiy-wa.-ons, bedraggled skirts, muddy dogs, men, women, children, all mixed prombeiiou-ly together, present a scene o' dampnes", eon In -ion, and misery imno.s Ire to be described. Surely the "lords of e-rea lou," should vote the wife who can " mariiet" in storm r weather the most priceless of ail objects in this mundane sphere. The OlTU'lu! Votn nt the Oclolxw lilii tlou. II Aiiiiism no, Nor ti. in. following Is the oin eiul report ol the rote a! the State at the Otolier election. It Includes the home and Soldiers' rate: - Union im Ihttirt. Pnion. letnocnif. mni'it. m.u'v. 1st 7.742 H.'irt .... ti.OX! !fd 11,7117 7,2.10 4,477 .'111 11.4117 0.!i'2 1,4. '6 4ih lil.UHS 9,844 U.744 .... Mh 1I.UI7 Vl.iW ii;s) .... '.th 8 mil 1247 .... 8.1SJ 7tl 1P.KW 7,2itl 3,et77 .... Stl f.,1171 12 07il .... 6 lOo Wh 1I,H'4 7,i)44 4 4'i() lot Ii HM',7 ll.l.M .... 4;r fill 6'3 ltl.nlil .... fl.iKt 121 b lO.t'Ms, lO.ioll .... 615 lHlh 11,724 8,7i.'H 1,0.11 .... 1st' I. 11,11111 llara 7.27 1ith IO.avii 18,,ik2 .... 2,ttot) blth 11.242 11,174 iW 17' I HISK 8 7lrt MO .... lSIb 11 WW 1".KM R-,2 .... Ilrtn ll.Ktt ,nu 1,717 .... 2PII 14,314 ln.triH a.ttH .... 21st lo.TtU) lo.Hriri .... li- 22il 11 BH 7,U 4.2l 13d ILK".! 8.1.4 8,7fiS 24th 11,727 10,112 1.61& ,Vi,71rt 21 Ha7 Majority.... 13 CM Fast Y'oith. J.irncs O'Brien, a lad, was before Alderman ToLmd this morning, charged with the larceny of a horse aud wagon from Second street, above Callnwhlll. The lad, when arrested, was amusing himself by driving about town. He Is represented as a very fast youth. Ho was commitcd to answer the charges pre ferred against him. Sits k. Tho brig A. C. T'li-omb, loaded with coal, sprang a leak while lying at ono of the rail road piers at Port lUehmond on Saturday night last, and sunk. A steam pump will be placed on board to-day. .ventse To Pi'RCiiAtn CuoruiNO at Low Fbiciis, mako a solei linn item our sto-K of Ki:apt.)i mk lUrmenii. Wo aroieillnif goods quul in ny, jit, mijt-6 an I nm'erm fruiH 'lit ti .'in 'tr cent, loiref tnnn i nwctiri(el lar tns .aire B-eds ni. ile ti. oriir. Wehivoall sivle., st.., aad lirifi's oi Ctol.'ilni; Men a, YmitU's, and Uovs. Alioaubs suited wilnokt delay or tretitne. Hksvktt A ro., Tower Rail, No, 61s Market street. Chimirkn's Clothino. An elegint assort ment at at. Shoemaker .ft Co "s. So 4 H . KUtuh stroet. A SEntoi-8 Case of M.vi.T-TnEATME.t r. The OovrrniTrnt, we see, hss been swhielod out of lo-iiotwo hiu.dred Ihou.anl dollars ill the way of revenue and in come tax, by lha New Yerk brewera. Uut bellies thtlr beer they have biM-n trtain' for thcmselvca trouble, and we hope Sreretary Yemt nden will maae them Aip aniutid, tsachliitf them bette'r how to barret I ilr beer anl nfnre orl their dues to their country, wriilo many brave and pa triotic sous are br jujht ti their bitr to support the c aintry. 1 line feUows, with their deer, irj to dtttra id It. A lull of "true blue," from l barlcs Stukee A Co 's. nador the Con ifi cauf, ihould decorate one, aaj a init of half-aad-balf uch ai ihev wear at Sinn-binf, the other. ' Interes TIM el to Hoisbkeei'ERI. We find it to benfiifnal vaine that a tewiug machlns should bars a nnltorin and iidf-reyuUting ten. Ion of ttiread,! an I hnul4 make ie great a variety of stltehei aa poislbls. We auo Icirn that an tiiSlriimcnt having the rei-eeiWieeei- ptciefi,enabUi:f the operator to fatten fie ends of tlie earns, nnd have wi rit ran either to the right or left, without tiirnhig the rubric. Is of very iraet advantage! ami the lauie may be .aid of a niai-litne whaeh multei every ultch complete In itielf, diat li nolsuleie la its ope ration!, and nut Uab.e to sH sulof order; that is free fromob:ecttens of iprlniri.coE wbeeli, and cime. and 9 comtructed as not to oil the ureal of trie operator! that eombuies la ail itltches the grcates' amount of strength, elaiUclty, and beauty; that pirfonu bata trie heaviest and Haul work with equal laelllty, withiut cbanue of tension, break ot'tbread.or akiptng iiitcbes; and thai, wltliaJ, lews the most raieilly, aad r ins witb greatest ea.e and li so efniite ItifiiR.triietl.in ttiat U can be easily nnderstood The ' Florence" bis aU these Important atuibubi, and Is d.cldedy the bet niauhlne made. The rhUatklphla Akency Is at N'o. isto t'httvmt street. g Ladies Fcrb. An e'egant assottmont at t'harka Oakford t Son , font neural II tel. Choice Carameip. f'hoeo'ate, Vanll.it, r'ocoan'it, and Fi.a.b c'srinell .Maiiiifaetnre'd by erii'Mi s S. Win rM eM, No. bitO Maiaet etiost. Who Minds a Cold It seems a small afTdr, and lu 'onstviucnco Is usually allowed to have in ia way, and t how frequ'ntlyane'liH'ted cold ends In Brua-e-iiitUcr Coniumptlon! Why not tuko a cold In tlrnn, then, and by using at once Dr. li. Jayae'i Kxpectiraat, wbicti f(.r thirty ye-ure btn benn a Hlaiiilard rem-idy for ad Oouuhi and Celdi. avoid tnoie drca-leil a!ieiL.itios'.' I'rei'lreil oulj a.S. Hi .hetiikt smrU GKoiu.r. Stuck iV Co.'s Tlnn as. and M eson id Hamlin I'aMual Orcani. to be had only at J. R. ii acid's, Neventh au-1 rtioiitut itiecis. Oesti.i men's lists. All tl.o l.vest styles at e'hailce iia:nrd a Hun'i, i imiiO' otal Uoul. Vanilla KasTin alhomih, Of lare ii'.a!ii. Maiiuiat'ired ny Hi ia ai.s t'. Wan ,a. I.ebiES Ann Cn:Litv.M'8 Uais. Letest ttjTe at iiarl s O .laoril It -S m's, I 'miilucmui 11 iul CiU'ttl. AND FaSIIION.VIII.E CoNCECriONS, J- i' up In Neat Bokes, H'l.ialiie f.ir l'r seats. Sti.iiikn f. Wiurj.K, JSJ a. 1J10 Market meet. Prp.e i' sseiis may rely upon getting the best Fan at cbu.lt s Ca-iaoidi: sioii a,e:oailiibiilAl fi'itel. PiiorooiiAi'its, naiihal STYLES, artistic exo- riitl.il:, lite-Ilk. ill expreialun anil mil irlntf. li If, Hi liner i leiirvlyptis, lite sle I'hotosraplis la oil colers, and Curte'l de Vlaite-, No b.'4 Areli nl-eut. LliUAL. Irsi l EIJ.lt.KSCK. United States DistmcT Coi rt Judgo Cad waiHder. Tho November sessions of this court, fur jury trials, began this morning. The grand and petit jurois summoned were in uttendance. Fulrii.sn Rogers, Lso,., was appointed foreman of the grand jury. L'niikd States Circuit CoprtI Judge Cudwalader. Alba B. Duke, of It bode Island, vs. Sl.enk, Bunsman, Carpenter & Co., of Lan caster. This case by agreement it tried before a jury drawn from the District Court. It is an action to ncovor on a promissory note. The note was given in consideration of alterations to the boilers appertaining to defendants' manufactory. The dcieuse is failure of consideration in thie, that the alterations and lHiprovomeiitt In ques. Hon were of tueh a charoclor as to reader tbe use of the machinery dillicult and nearly imprac ticable. Un trial. Bullitt and Dickson for plaintiff- J. B. Go wen for defendant. District Court Judge bharswood. Atdrich vt Thomason. Before rejrwd. Verdict fur defendant. Samuel Barrett vt.Thomat JeOriel. Aa action of trespass to recover damages lor the alleged destruction of ihrubberr, gross, Ac, by defend ant's cattle, which entered plaintitTs premises by breaking over the fence. On trial. District Cocbt Judge Stroud. Oeorge W. Can ft Co. vs. C. 0. Vankirk & Co. An action to recover on a contract of tale ot certain ma chinery. Defense, that tbe uiochiuery was de fective and not iu good working order. On trial. Cocst or Common Pleas Judges Allison aud Ludlow. The testion of thlt morulug was occn pied in the bearing of appeals trow tlie Uegisier vt WUJs. FINANCE AND COMMERCC Ormi or Tits KvmmNi rar.eniuni, ( Monejay, jTosrmaber tl. - 4 ' The Stock Market continues rather doll, bnt teady, thli morning. Government bonds are firmly held, with sale of new fl-'JOs at 103fr7dOI; IfMH ,t !',J; and new 7 30s at Wi; fit of 1MI are quoed at 110(7?111 and old V20t at m(n 101, coapout otT; new City Cs are selling at 102. In Railroad shares there Is more doing, and prices are rather better, with tales of Reading at fH, I'Uyer 30 days, and 681 regular way. Th demand bas been very active, both In New York and this market, the stock In tht former city being In demand at esj cash. Pennsylvania Railroad at 66; Northern Central at 5.(rii7 Camden and Amboy at 152, an advance of Jt Norristown at 00; and Miaehdi at 60; 45 wot bid) for Little Schuylkill; 30 for North Pennsylvania, 41 for Elmira pr. ferred ; 10J for C itawissa com mon,.)''! for preferred ; 65 for Philadelphia an Baltimore ; and 30J fur Philadelphia and Erie City Passenger Railway shares are wlthontany material change, with sales of Second and Third nt "0; 34 was bid for Spruce and Pine; 23 fof Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 65 for West Philadel phia; 1.5 for Arch Street; and 23 for Oreen ano! Coates ; 5fi wat asked for Fifth and Sixth ; 48 for Chrsnut and Walnut; and 28 for Girard College. Coal Oil shares are rather dull, but prices art) steady. Oil Creek sold at 8l(o.!, an advance) of i ; Mineral Oil at 2 94-100; Dalzell at 9j, an ad vance of 1; McCIintock at SJ(q6; McKlheny at 6; Hyde Farm at 6; and Noble and Delamatec at 8J. Bank shares continue very firm, with talet of Girard at 4!'i(V50, which It a slight advance; 17S was bid for North America; l,1!)j for Philadel phia; 70 for Commercial; 304 for Mechanics'; 80 for Konsington ; 102 for Western ; 30J for Manufncturert' and Mechanic'; 58 for City I 40 for Consolidation ; 47 for Commonwealth ; and 65 for Oermantown. There is very little doing In Canal there-. Sustiucbunna sold at 1 li, an advance of 1 ; 33 was Did tor Schuylkill Navigation fcommon, 39J for preferred;".') for Lehigh Navigation; 130 foe Morrit Canal preferred; and 3iil for Delaware) Division. The Gold Market it active thlt morning,' but prices have declined 3 per cent, tltice Saturday evening; opening at 219J ; advanced and told at 2'-'U at 11 o'clock; 2224 at H4i fell off and tola at 21!4 at 12 ; 218 at 124, P. M. Market steady. There is no change to notiee ia the Money Market, and the demand it limited. Loans oa call are freely offered at 6 per cent per annum; prime paper it tcarce aud quoted at 7(Vt!9 pereent. A despatch from Washington lays: Th story has been repeated over and over again that Mr. Fessendeu hat been telling gold to bring down the premium. There is not oue word of trull in the story, though it has acquired a cer tain respectability by its age. When Mr. Feasen den attempts to keep down the premium on coin. It will fie by the adoption of pnWic measures. Tbey will not bo hidden from the financial world, lie is deliberating upon measures calculated to strengthen the Government securities, aud lo increase the value of the legal-tender currency, but thut fur, since the war began, the Govern ment has not put one dollar of coin opan the) market. The recent panic among the gold specu lators produces a very good feeling in the Trea sury Department, but It It accounted for princi pally by tlie military situation. To those persona who are aware of what is going on at this momeat in tbe prosecution of the war. it is not tururislnir that gold trembles. Instead of tbe campaign being ended, there bas not been a time fur six nioniha when the Rebel Confederacy wat In to ' much danger of defeat at different point in itj extended liue as at this moment. l'lUbADELrillA STOt'K EXCHASOE8ALB8.NOV.il.' itrportnl by Clarkson A Co., Broker., No. UI . Thlfd.1t. UuruttK n ISKIIH. KOshTbWierd. IKXirb Prune isll.b do 4i si .a Oil Creek...... tkicish do..,.. lsunb do 4HHI h do vnci ib do I''h do 2.sf,h du sl sl) St. MidMlnj... lisslfh. do 41.1 sh do oil h do turn sh do 1011 all CVlillaenUl ... 2 u ih do Me, UTS) sb Curl n Oil it & a: i . ;! aa,: " Vi 4V psiin on.... inuan do v'.n au Esoeialor OU.. ISO .k da ......... IIWii do 4'. 4 'i I SIOU ah Walnut lalijt. .!;. in.) nn So. ....... ns, J'Oan El lloresio... :t'i l SI lb do i . Si ! h Tarrllome.tead lOU sh Hon J lug B SB 1 KIhChurry Jtmi.... ti A First no sun. two C 5-30S, ui A . no ab Phtt. on . iy $.'isi oo luc' 4UIIIB MoC luitoca..., o i llllib MeElheny Oil.. 8 AO -h Hvde Karim.... Ilia's N.Ceulral .... M Xlau . to....1M... t7 ' i b do a lOllihRaeq. Canal.... 14) : i .UCam a Aia....liJ , 4ih do IftiVf - I'D ab Uasue lalaaut.. J 27 lb Henna KM K 41 ah Nor rlelowa R. tl 1U) in Krautm K..C.SS a-IS 3 an atlnehlll CO , .'sti N'ooie A Uni... s'st lih Krnid. II. K...e.SS'Jl ' Sah.'dA ild KH-... 70 , :) d 'Ms,: tVsl V 8 7-iH)a....ueiw Uli'i t .ioo r. a. HMD is ti oncily e. new ...,Hc i ti i Iteud. t).ls 41. ..l'Ci 11 ib l.j-.rd Bank... 4i)( 11 1 lb oo Ml I 4il sti rullcn ('..al..,. ;' !' il, sir. M.iiint 4 lUllsh Oil l reek 8VX1 AOsb do a'4 1(' sh do 8'i! 2i 0sb do b.10 S'.l lmlsh i) s ', I HI' Hhalhieral Oil.... 9SII llMOall IiaizeU Oil.... U1. Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold exchange, No. 34 S. Third street, second story : Mi A. M 21P 12 M 2194 . 11 A. M 2211 1 P. M 218 Market dull. De Haven & Buo.. No. 20 S. Third ttreet. quote as follows tn.trna. a.iM. . 218 2J0 , . 20S . 203 .. American Gold , American Silver, 4't and i' Dunes and 11 all Uimea.... Spanish Quarter! .... 203 . .. i, 4 die. J die. 1-10" par. I'enn. currency New York Exchange Quotations of tho principal Cool and Coal Oil Itockt at 1 o'clock to-day : a ni An. , dm Jut. 1'sf i8ii 1 3 1 1 - r niton Ce.il. or.-aule OP LSi Hig MoiiiuainCoal .-oV. N V.A V d.i'..al..li iV I raaiauii Oil 14 Howe kujj Oil.. .. 4 Irviua Oil BS li fope farm OU... 1 1 I iiiiiamore 1 1 UaueliOi. ...s ., 1. A4i.-i.iih.nr s .. 11 lleeena Oil M 1) ru-te.a 1)( in N.ibleAlisdajiia'er.s lli1,' ihbliHjil s .. .. is lory larm. ...... l'( e, Hruner s .. 2 remueum Cenu-e. tH 2 eiaben .. 4'si lice Island s .. ti', Allenheuy Ulver.. CS' 1 Curlln s .. Ure. n Ml eii ai...i .. S . i am. lutaie 2 Mesa Cieek M i-i uer I lam Coal,. V CllnioiiCoal ', lluiler enal lu IiImiii. nil Coal riwutitr. .li,ii.a-i.r- lrou...l'il4' I'enn Mining 20 l 'rtnaoelliiit K.) tmiv 7anc. .. I1. r k 'tf.inr OU s .. Urn lain. i'i ('..Lain '.ami s .. 1- erreU Oil Creek I .. Mutile shi.1i- Oil.. 31 Yl. i 'arc it em ,,l .. fi.iii'.-.lvau,al'et . 1 l ain Oil 1 I Mln. ral Oil i .. K'yslnnr Oil Jl Vtnalicti oil I a, Inn I elroleum.. '-"4 Ilea. on nil I Kentca Oi1 4 '1 l'"J I, ii 4',' II s', rails oil Creek . 3ei Hull Croea..., 3'.' yi OeriHiiua...... S Corn t'lauier .. 4 line'iis J '14 Ri ;. OU 2', ri.rr Kane , il .: r.rm..,. llvde Vtr in ... 1, St. M i'Ii,i Ins.... 5 SS aliiUl island. l'll l.'si ' 4-, , 1A PIIILADKLI-UI4 t'ATIXE MARKET. Monday, November 21. The market continues dull, owing to the large supply and lbe wet weather About isue head arrived iind pirtlr sold thli week at letfl lfi.c. for extra; iaeL5c. f'r fair to good; ou4jic. ' pound for oommon, ai to iiualiiy. 1 he fvUowiug are toe pirilculars of Ihe salei : 17S Martin, Fullerton M Co., We.terii. tf.etax. isl ti. 8 . .Mtl'lli. a. Cheater o.nuity, liyo6. 4S .1. 8. idonirlilgo. Ohio. Ueet.1. 40 H.Cbaiii.raiiylaiiia luti 14. 24 J it .1. Chain, eenu)4vaula. l'a;14. (SI Mooney at 81,'dtli, Waleru,l'et4 itls.. 1(10 r. Ilaiboway.cbeiterou., auu HuaierB.lJ'aiaj,. ii K.Ke-oit.Ci viler county aud Maryland, liiiea. V2 Jones kisDIeae, W.ai.in, 1JM l i. 40 A. Kennedy, Cnmur county, l-''S. 44 Werrlk a lln.ilier.Chi'atoreiuniy,Wl. ll Joaeh JleKlllen, We.lcrn, l-so lilt. . Hi ga Tbe temanU Ii heller, but prlcea are without any maun la! clianiio. Aboul 4'sl tioan)ei rived, and Sold at list auieieut yard! at IVoui tlbml' t1"5 1 "" n,t- hl ep The inarket ia very dull, aud prioes are lower. Aboul ;sio head arrived ane aotd at S to Sc. y lb. areas, M(toVa'ciiuPnue scarce aod hJuh. aboat 100 head sols at as luitu fur Bprtnuera, and 8J6 up to H0 per bead for cow auu caU, as to guellty. LITEST 1SARISE IMELLICESCE. CLEARED THIS MORBTnta. Brig Anterello, HeoU, 'alaioutk,C c. Van Horn, llrig TitauLa, Meph.ui, Ikemiiort. II. Adauae. rleibr 11. W. tamut. riowarda, llueton, (Jaiilaia. bchr r. Maiuti, Buaiav, Bu.una, Uaaitiaui. aBKTVEO TUlS If OKtrnia. TeanafiofSl il.in.r .Ij.l.n U la- li'ii. .. e S.rt ileal rouitLs.iokoI.Mil.,kUbaiiMlva l ulled SuUsie sjuarww maeitr. lorreoans. m.mm-i" Oelir KeUieTarbox.Vlonella.sjIS.y. "".a. '"""i,, l , Mar, wlih logwood teD.ti. Wotatu A " e- . Heuder A Co. . - wliM . Win kdwta KMd.Goodapeesl, t f " Bsc ie to C'roweU a CuUtiia. . trom Psll Blvt. . hclir U S, i.riilati,evJarasfi"' lu ballast to eaeiaie. mmM. ,rl mm SAttsKM lutatt . eV bi r-awle M ai un, testes. t' " It Wl kv taSTls-AW - " ''