The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 4

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firming SJclcijrapIi
VlAf rTFR'00 Kl.sriPiPfclt.
OFFICfc No. 08 sTthii.O STREET.
Tim ThhN"I Piv-Oofi, at Kiauri.t.N C'::ni.. Iei
u,Hrk ('m.r.nd mailed to eiiivcrihen
"" s rri! a ;( i okf ik'U.o
ar Uv. aarlrsl n)rd
AUTarnaaaJeaoa Uirtr4 al tft Senat ruttt.
A liberal
ITMUi-mt atadt f,ie aaiefidea. Imertlona.
T AArtfn.
(torn tc reat lKiase In II r (' of T"r
tiiiij Tf CBAr. . r unH-llin-1' :n to ti im, , hi s-i
Mil7 t.'W VI I ei v. relie-.! 1 1, at
fc pernlM Ik m tcri an lA n-olcrn. Ii
tatta a aaaarttea in al. of our isipdoi ,
P'llttlt. rp v
a il;ilt,i,s til V taea
HAUHDAY, NOVLMtil'U 1", S.'.
, .n r ami i.m:.
Tlx Rirhmond correspondent of t'ie lin
den lime has written In terms wbicb .i n if
thr ollcj of General cli: nt, nnl revc il lie
wrsJiitfsss of Lf.i;. LU I.v.r. to 'i
kUAil, cno-rmp(l prize flirbtcr, fl :li:ln : witti
bl bully with two arm. strontfer, tiller,
more active, and keener-sibied i.'i i-i lii n, 'If.
no wys it I lropossllib, for hi t: to knvif
CIrant' ion-', whetlcr tli
threaten niebmonil on tiu rx!iv:n l'.lril
right, or (ho viutbsiil nilroal on t'ie. ex
treme Federal lelt, ar( f't-iiit or ri aliii.--i; ml
that, lrom the configuration of tin- irrrv.i.ul, it
l mtt Impossible for T.t- it tni'iii(i:nr'
extended linos In an? vital tibice. Tbo writer
likewise calls iittontion to tli f.i. t tli it mi
of Lkh's army I half wo.n o:it. wiiil
ClJiAsr's lias bi-eu nciiprratpd w"li r--t. II
frguca that hit:' army anl lili-'rn n I nr .
fti'o only it Uoot) in the Vt. Tlu
lpffor Is dated Oetobor 1; a. id It 's rny t
rempmber how the hope ctitcrlaiuc 1 t!i,M a'
Richmond of H;vh'h :ic"Ph Iutc Iivi
dtuihed to the earth by that otfl.vr'i) f iiluru
and repiiKse, Indeed, thiMli.ili' K ttfr or tlie
correspondent dwells upon fcM whi h ar.'
congratulatory to (lencral tin vn r n- th.-y arc
deproMlug to I.kk.
OH -lilt; t lo K'T1KV.
. lion. Salmon V. Cham;, oiio of Vut liars'
nilnd Id our country, has work, d liar.) in
fltvor of the re-election ol Ahisv.i vm Lin
coln. VThen the, certainty of tlu; tr'ni u;)li oi
princlplu over so-called policywaikii
bave been achieved, he addois.-eJ tlic cili-vu-f
C'.Dclnnnti at Mozart Hull.
i Shaking of the ettVct of the iMimi n-:' in i
Joriliea In the loyal North u;m:i tlio H.'lud-. li
"Tfcte vf-tory wl'l aMir- tlic PcV-'j t!.a: t':c
" r.n roihing io tic,).i f .f nu n .lii-i im hi li"
" lojI tliati-r. TtK.i will tin i .ii I i fi.i ;tr-
lMCg million to tirii -mi t'l :r 'iy Mi-i
hniot (? o tLiy muy con nr. 1.. iy I! ..
" odictr, coil i.nd ln!hu.r , xi,.i ( ei . li i I s i -u
olei, li bav ib nwi nl mm en a: v,- ,n v.
" cd t will tal:e fro n lii id ! '.'-I! (It Ii - irniifi U ;
wbtV evi ry Ci'ton M'lilii r, li mm; ; -;t 1 1 i t I
" iLcniH'ittn in tl.i- (.t lit :e ision ot div p url ,
" hcariiift ilif nmnt .vili .; l idir
" ttcy art twice tt.o men i li y h n- 'u-to-o. Si
"that wliilu utio y tlii.k ihc Uoijj! h-r.-i;tj,
V ii duuli e- cur."
," With calm clearucsi he. tluw a:iii3'itiei4 tli;
(treat principles which the American porvik'
have ascerted at the poll at th? hi-t flectioii.
The efltct which it will have noon tli.' K ir -pean
power., i clearly djmou-lr.ili,l hj Ui.n
In the following terse sentences:
"Thrj will feel la ttit ir coavic io'is,
'' that a iejple hue ill. I nil me I dec du u- tins
" pfope ha, done, cannot tie divided in a iv
" Itginmate lliev uailerfulto. llvun cy
" tiifmlta will lie ohlineil to respect the in ijusiy
of the p(ipl of Aincrica."
'. Speaking of the political effect of tUj re- I
election of Mr. Linodi.V, hu miiataias he I
tand on a little pl.itform of his 0.V.1 ere i- I
What do we guln ? Vv'e puto t'm opi vr
" tunlt) f..r Mr. LiKooi.N ti eii tn rrc'Oc tu it
" little platform which be mitdu."
Mr. CuAflK here read the proelauntbin at
which our Copperhead oppoaeuts tak.i so
much exception, generally ka.iwii by its title
Of 'To whom it mxy concern." C jalinul j
be ssy :
" Tiila It a Utile platform of It.VT; a little t'at
form wliu l)(r idug. they aiv r firt,
" TM-aK, we all want. Second. tui iuo-riry of tlu
"lluloo. Tbtr.l, treed jm for ad; the tou'nlo.i
" mtbtof laveiy."
As a financier, all partlcj aoknowle lo;n tint
Wr. Chak has no equal. Years of iL-ep re
search and practical experience bivs per
fifcted bis Judgment In eonncc Ion with this
Important branch of Government. On this
department be Is authority, and be do dares
" It pMpca tbc C'nveruir.i'nt to plve iinit'orui
enruuey to ihe wuolo piople. Tliern wore, a
" the lime ibis Adui inlst uiiuu wmt into piAer,
' anil at m, tin e ibe ilutie of tin Tre neii v Uu-
piaimi u' u vulvud rp u in'-, nunc siiiun bun
" and Cuu k ia ibt eou.iir,. dmiviii iu ir i oeri.
" lulu inftiiiLt but ts, kmI iu (itll, rent mu les
"ait li-stmu pap-r wtilcn pi-scd tor unaey
variously si u.ert.
"It a neccnao-jr, theiefore, wl.i'e you male
" pr pai aliens tor ia-!iir.iin' ilu-uti moiututc
aaott.r. Ic tu iciutii i' would rot h.up le-in
"ap'sillcsl policy. Iq this t'u- I'i , si t nt con
' cur ?tt wuli no1, tuai it was fer this people t,
'' cuaeit h a 1 ntlonul n yv 1,0 in nn tu t, u
tie In eeaotKS 1 t tiny cuiuiuuniiy repiirid lie;
" fur. II ic (it hanking, tno-c who hit tup 1 1.
Could orpamr.e Hint tnvc-l in I iti'u t Kt. s
tsrd, and then fledge Hume o niJs wi'lithc
"Veeliral Co verioni nt and oh nin a euoeii-v
" upon ti wldeli eircu ate tr. ry wlieio ivuli
s p'.TftCt st.utu, ."
Ileaaya that the re-election of Mr. Lin
coln baa secured a pledge of the coutinuiaeu
Of I he fcysteru.
In concluding his able address, he sjys:
'Nuw, I take 1.0 p tnieiliar pic mure In tuliu
wCleU Oneid'ieka.' f L utt'hUr.) I doa't lion ;
" Il Is s but 1 su e. Dot 1 ben fjri-cunael-.s we."?
mil ibt ttid of uif lies VU-, liy 11 long way. If
" 1 wore cu' vinn out inn pfuii, 1 e. I Im ie a id
tuifct it dl Ot carm-el out, asJ iiL our pi '.'.i.'ieii
' P'( , p the- All 111 1 c :st 1 u'-n u t 1 il, the 1 mis ,'. .1
in t he rf ini.te w en, ntpn rt- ! rio;iei ly r. c 11
(.reus ar. 1 iht- p Oi l-, cv ry uel-r ie Cr: n
i aik will ! made erp.iialint to a ddla: ;n
- F' I I."
Let im devoutly sy, "Co.I grant tli - eos
siiii ini'lltn) !"
Hit-; i,ui 111 pit s.
!t is a common roniirk now-ii d iy f 1
"lo.ttiry repeats itst-lf." 'i'hcie Is troi'i In (I.L
proverb, but il docs not urgu tint li-.i :n 1
aliulrs go baekivaiJ. Oir ua'.i'j.i, ia i.J l'r
ward march from a condition of barb.u-isui,
must go through the stages w hich h ive marked
the career of earlier nations In their gradu il
progress to civilization. The A merloau Col -nice
did not, It Is tru", depart fi-rn ati a'i -hitcly
primitive point in s icl-il ,iod pololed
development. Tli.-y lei 1 a mo t i.e-eloia : :
advantage iu this res; cel. The :. Won ur.i i
Who setUed tliem caniu lUi -r fioji hi-itly
cultivated coLuui'iuki.:-.
They had been aeeustome 1 i i E e;l in 1, xrrl
Ilcllijid, and other put ts of th ) Old Weel I, to
very advanced st ite of clvd cil-.ic 'lion ae. I
refliieuieut, aud they only fought iu tlin
luiuusthere a mow couiplolu l;i:t-l of politic tl
freedom than even t!ta i'?o?.'..t uations ol'
tornpe hai tuen utt.lMOtl ti. In their efforts
V ' that before uat'.iauovercd bourne,
ttoittwbwu u i to bo hoped no tidvuler will
ever rctuin, or, In other woribt, rotrogradc,
they were bcuud to r-e:i.,et some of the
see-nt and proee.,,,. ()f lVl,on!l f u.,j u.,
tlon width bave atwu.kd, and will for evoi
nttchd, the growth (d every new ition of
people, lrom Uie cluyiali. laU) of
orgaidatiou to tUut ol full and perf:ct ex
foliation. .
It is, therefor, Idle Hint, because we.
i nr.- now passliirr tliroujfh nut- of til- phi.r-a
ol chautfe wbicb bnvc sljiinll I t!i" nto'eot
cinililloti ol tlic ancient noire, suell a
(tiecte, l.'nme, (ir bi-, t 11 1 i) , v,
Mill (trout ItrilHln, we lire cons in -ri ly ret.-o-K.
i.finj;, Tbcsr ticl-sil i'l -s.irc bietil oil tl to
Ml tonus ol IMuwiii aim tic vonsmrsu, no! I l.i
.liv!''nl ntul morn I wmiM. Tliey nr" noli
. vibrations hic!i ibnoli tb !,. ol nr.'-
pi'.JiHl ai the "irnm In? pain-.," m tli. . an'
l.'.nii'i.ti l call 'd, lo wli'rh tin- child l-i - l'").' 1, about v.likh hr mi Iiu.i .hi: 1 , an I li!; 1 1 y
';!. ihiln t" hi tii'i'h r. Am I t I ' a
Idtflicr illiis!i.ilioii, w- w.mld .isk tli.- st.i l.oit
ol' l.iiorj to point ii to H m.i (' r t o"
i,n!!i'i.iil pro; i J thai hat not i x,,; ri in- fi
(. ii porary divvr!' i"k n:rt m i-ioi.' wlil '.i
line b .li, ft t'le tim , inUT.ii"! I a "1 li of
c't cn mid d'-.-oliuioii, ih hi tin y Ii iv, afi r-wiirtl-.
proved to h ive b.'.-ii b il tli- iii'.iril
tln-o. ol a steady, s "rn-ii;, anl li i t'iy
mlvamo tmv.n iN n:t!i T a i l ii. ll.T ft i ,' of
Ve are told n w that in the proir.-vi ol lli:
I n npnt i iil war we are repeating history, in
the overthrow of the provion-tly eitiblli'i'l
order vt tiling. 11 it U tliai c i iro tr.ielf
I iin tiling tli it mIioiiI I h i .i he n pi-vi .i-l
liibi;licd, and Is really w .-ih pre-.r.iiij;,
I fluff overthrown? Ah icu l tlieimti n
tioii of slavery, wp nil know t.'i it it w h n l,
iiliiully, pUntrd on tin se hor.- l.y fi
ro!oui-,t, r.ulih cupidity l.i!lic:el lh ir-te
ii J on uh 111 till' bcjjlllllilitr. Mil 1 we h iw ever
MiK-c Milcldcil ouiMlves lieliiil (Hit li-t,
Mbfiiever wo were wil'i tlu
clarin;; lucoiiil.-deiiey of f.iund::i f a (f iv-rn-nuiit
ou tlic doctrine that 'Mil men are crj
ated equal," and yet boi ling In 'wn 1 ii;e mil
liens of men ol a diir-rcnt raee.
e know, moreover, Unit tin re were g.-eit
ilirTiH iici h ol ojiiniou In thy 0 invention tint
Irauicd the Ccii.itiitillon of the L'iiUe l .S'aie-i
as to the pmvisioiH of that ln-tru'iieu', a:i 1
that those ililli li nees were so p iiv. rf illy
opeiative ill tile period, t.iat s-v.vilof tii
orijfliinl thirtei ii Stntes long hesitated b f re
tncy ratified the Co: til ution. The wiiile
iliirteen Mates c .nne into the I'n'on at 1 i,t in
spito ot their di.-i ordancc hm to p trri eul ir coa
ili lulls tl the (oinpael ; .mil It w.w uud.-rsto'ij
and expressed, lit tile time, in the preamble of
the Constitution Itself, that the coiinepiioa
should be lixlis-sohible, ,-avp by the vote of a
majority, not of tiie States, but of the wiiolo
people of all the I'nik'd States.
Well, that condition of the eo:nract b it d
good to-dav. liolwith.-laiKliii the political
changes which a tiiMioihy of the people of the
Confederation are now r,;.-o'.ved upon. Til lr
will in the luaii'T i.s the I.uv. Tli?
Souilu i n States are ieg '.dy coiie.'iub'd limt
pro!e-t by the solemn engagement ot their
own p.igc:iitor! a .1,1 f; i.m del'.', 1 i'.i e i.i
i.ot liL'htfii.Iy go back on that e.i f.if vn -uc.
But if this we;e i.ol l a.-ed on a .-0.1:1 1 prin
ciple of social ii. id civil 1 iw, the .';o.itiK-rn
St ites, or their pe.o;d", aa a niiiuriiy in the
control crsj , should go down, lor the slaijile
reason that thej have, in nuk ng w ir on th.1
National (iovcrnnient, not i nly foif-hed t ieir
legal lights, but sub-iitutcd by that act fie
hive ol war in the place of the law of p.-it" e.
If, tlu.11, they go down, they must blame
Ihein.-i I vi s.
Jn short, there i . a law of progress in this
iv 1,1 Id which no human eoinp ict.saud covenants
cau o; j o.-e or ibdeat. That law U tha Hw of
Cod. He lnw ordained tlinl this Now World
shnll lie the theatre on which lie means to
iU velop the highest state of soelal happinj.w
to which man can iitlain in this sphero ef
being, and He iulemls that one of thjcsiali
tioiis of that problem shall be personal free
dom to idl men of nil races.
iick iintisiiMvu tr 1 111: rixv-
1 i:iKitAri.
The people of the Provinces are still d.
1 ating 011 the proper appellation to ba given
to tbe'r Cimlederntion, and seern to think
there Is a gieat d ! in a name, particularly
hi u it Is four or five syllables long. AlbtT
tania luu been suggested, und Britannici
also, as contrasts to IJjrelu, Cinidia, Ves
peria, Ursaliu, Superior, l'erhaps Boidicea
or CasHivelaunus will be suggested next.
of the uames proposed Is Norland, which
sounds well, and Is simplicity Itself. TUa
Toronto pnpers are full of the subjeet. So nn
of the communications rabidly reject the title
of "United States." and look with al n:ist
derision upon the name "America." Tiny
go to far as to say tint " West
Britain." or "New Britain," is the title
I which would most happily express Ilia
ter of their rioviiiees. lVrh.ips the Cam-
(linns will change their minds sum) tluu.
Already some jealousv exists between tin
rre-ucli and the Kngiish population, and Sir.
Doniox, a meudier of thn Cabinet, Ins puti-
licly declaied against the Cohtcderae) wit.inut
a name. The career of the United Stales Is
one which the Canadians should be pr j id to
fol'ow, and hi the event of the Cu Indians be
coming tired of their nil, glance, no moro
shilling one could be found. Upon wh itever
name the choice may fall, the ipiestlon will at
b's' have been sufficiently it"Ualyil, mid souud
and ,seu-e well ransacked In the bunt.
Tin: i'i. t'.is 01 vttc.
The i'i guslis of to-d iv is the war-hoise,
whose neck is clothed with thunder. Oayly
caparlroi.i d, and rejoi, in;; iu bis .-treuglh, h.
s-ct'iils the l aitl. Iroiii alar, and snorts with
pice al Ilie voice 01' the cannon. IL; shakes
bi'' !o ;al. he eliii ,ips hi- hit. he tti,s--s his m iuo
be ii.i.kce his geiiitii.'d bi idl ' tinkle. 11c glo
r;i s in il., fi .;,l,i:' l iiceiileiit- ol war. The
nuMer l- -.f- gicv.- iiinsi 'euiit J'arn is.eis ;
H e Wiilei he ilrul.- is of ui t :i-tali iu spring.
'l bis v ii ,! ii t I, ,iw s Hie uiro e i
t.i.'iii.lle, aid lavs op.:, a new lilppocre.-i.'
11. at- I'm-;- If. liefin. V.-s, through thn inil-lii'li-UKit.ib
, ti" the Miie.' of poetry h-n
pita i-i'dee, the v.,'.,, of po.-iry iiiie;ure.d t',
the flavor of war. Not- lu using this word
poetry, would we cb ed its signl!leioii to
tlmt oieun sense wb;eb. emlavee.-i anything in
ryihm, or to those cr.i idi", in wiiicb, liltc
idii.on i 'liii ti e - iiiirt -'.e.d the s ".a
lie, ,,
' .ll'C
i il 1,1
ii )-i;
i live
.; Ul "
lei ,V,
' I till
V. h.f
i.'.il renoi
i, lipiioii,
'. I'i, U ho:;
uie poel'i ',' w'd.j jjJ-
i'.'JiO ft. pot, er sl tie
It ll ll ir. ep ol i if... Her 1', titer, U tio;; ' I! nil -s 1 !s;
I'lcxenl f'Siero'iOtl will not W' let d'",
And if tiii'su finidier po"ts urn not!
;;i'l' s, 'I'- y .itJjii-t, f '1.4 voy sivjetlyjil" t'.i 'y
l.nve ne t the c:..-1'.-' st.-e'-.gili of ,n an 1
pierciiig vi.don, tl'.-'ir flights b.ive til.; (Klieaey
aud bwilini ss of t lie snsiihcv, and tin y are as
loth us Ilie. lark to 'ivc iu tin; Juvoi' titan j
Fphere of r.u'lh.
But It ..1 with i!(;W--pa;.e- w.i,' po. try tlut
we huvP piinelpally to 1! id. If i'si wir Las
de-moimti.iteil tltiil a re it su my yoiu .-itd.-J
lave 1 1'. tiled urvii ivjj UaJ a great dojl bel
ter bavn burned the, 11, it hes proved like n Wo
that the power of dressing b trtl la its la p etic
aptaiel is mora prevalent lb in has hs usrw
pected, Iu thl j great war so m.itiy .ic'.d ;ms
hnvp orenrred so truly prii-tle il. ' 1' In 111
im dtnbln and hnpuMvp it ,ml 1 h iv
sei Hied si range bad ("ir 1 1 1 r ilur.. 11 he mi
iiliuti'd by in my a pf.etl'Ml sllitiii. fhci,
too, the fact that corne of t lie b-i , ,,.(., t, lv,.
-elfeted the re vs;ia,K T ;n (tie jil.i ee .1! t!e
pj ar.ttiee of t!ielr c'i it wi. tin 1 I 1
cuti'd tin- taste of tin. p, a 1 I pr in I
thi m to nppn ci ite w h it ,,., k, ,, , . , ,
1:1. slice the s,'iiriou . an t fi... . A .,, , .,.
in. I!ke 1 bar 'h: s, cv-rv '1 .il . eii , 1 , ,
'bill will. And il liriieb . co 11 ,i . ,,. I j;i
ih t cut lift s., a nl eo ,en 'i. :i;' t!i 'in -lve liy
their good looks and ;;o. I 1 1;',; 1 . , L ' 1 ;.'o:i
w ill uladiy s,i,,v t m-iii I 11 p -.v, wli-rv
every perfee.'n.ii em t, . i to the li.i
iilvsuta-i . 1 1( nee lo tl,i i. evvp ip'-rs 1 i-iir, I'i
( l iMnini; world. In 11 a given p , ( h 1- 0:1?
t 1-I1 (I the kii I of lii-tnjj in print , es peel ally
whin the pr'u li-rs have kieieke I his h it
thoughts Into pi, and pr.-.nle.l t!i n tithe
pel.lie like (lia.iemd, In the n a r'i, Ii nvcr
grows Iht-d of miuglln;' with the s b t draa f its
ol the l' lo.intain the ddlei.e.n di.vof
(be Ciistiilian hpring.
The army ol newspaper jnnds Is iril d'i l;
it is ( being cut down, anl t!i wti
remain arc being disciplined, live 1 tti' 1-n
1 incut 1 .1 of tin reeling pnl lie are beeomhi
i neb iiir im 11 iiopiaiuled with l be t.ver of
true joetiy. They mi not In 1 1 !; j In
iliscii sitioi.s on iltt oalure. Wiio n nv is
Hili - lii ij with sin b I'.T 11 in 11 's ',' T.I ey 111 iy u l
dcliiie to ntbem or tlu-inselves wo it It i:i til it
mul.en poelrj, any more than they delbie iv'i it
eoi stilutes the soul, w hat ren ler.i the bnver
ibdntilj beantl'ul, orwled iiii';(m n'i? tu cv
inelod ous and another b trih. It it they ir
g Iting to know whether t ie riiv'ul's t'l -v
ntul arc anything more than rhymes and t'.i y
are pretty sure to discover lint toe verbos
vol iller who swad ll.-s up a very littln s-eiue
ir a great deal of sou i I, is, after all, on'v a
very slmpLsh .sheeji in le. d di'.fuiv.l l.i vy all's
We. Ii tve not had many bd'adi written.
Of touching seen. wro i jlit up wit'i lyrie il
sweetness, and set t plaintive iioisie, we bare
hut lew specimens. O ir war poetry, f ir the
mod. pint, deals wi.b ilie stirring and t'i
thrilling, the dariiif of thi llel.l, tli - dorninf
cf a fortress, the duels of whips at se 1. the
.'icconipl'shne.s.t of kciic feit. Tile,
ti rder and the gi ntli'.aiid the purely pla'n'.iv
tire not so w idi ly dealt in. One fact is not'e e
iitiie; and that is, that our very lir.-d poets, oar
sweetest psalmis; s, hive u ! f . 1 1 1 l.l III
present struggle a the. 10 on wiileli to e ;i:i 1 I
tin ir genius in ile- pro. I 1 el;:i of a I 1 ;t 1
and serious work. I'll;1 poet p;oib! ;i 1 1 -slauils
li s work best .vi.'s ii-m, we s'.in jl 1 k,
if the word ivero njl s h 1 k i.vyj 1, a 1 1 in
application so distorted, rer'i 101 01 1 r.i ; i I
why no serious worl, h is yet app "ire I is lii 1,
the poet's mind is not cnmij'.i ronri.e 1 fio 11
the scene ami lime ol action to survey the n in
tlndr true liglii, au 1 to bj propo.-.l 11 i.ely
We are searecly fur enough removed f.o:n
the lU'Volutionury heroes to vie.v Lhuiii as
poetically as we might. The distant fonts! pi
"must echo very lar indeed" down tin corri
dors of time, belbre we can invest the men
who tread them with the hall'-imagin 117 Tight
( f po try.
Whilst the war lia.i been prolitlc in the pro
duction of serious poi try, il given occa
sion for the humorous bard too. II, morons
war poetry may, at the first blus'.i, seetn
I almost an anomaly, so cruel and relaullesj, ap
I purently.ure all the concomitants of .war. la
, the incidents of camp-life, however,la tha rle'i
I adventures of some straggler, In tin) tin ler
bandid operations of conscienceless "opor.i
j tors," hundreils of opportunities exUt for broad
humor, bitter satire, playful balinigo, ail
; cold, sharp wit. A charming prese'iiJ.tio.1
book for Cbrisuuas, by the-by, would b; a
judicious selection of neivspuper war po.dry,
grave and gay. Several coilect.oas hive
aiieady been made. If they were alhnvji to
liiter through some discriminating mind, sae'a
a work might be compiled as would rivet
lln.ily the sympathies of every class.
I Hi. I XI I Lit Ni l I Cl'llllSlll.W t O-I-MISSIOX.
Tbut noble, philanthropic, and pattlolle
Association, under the mauaemoat of tlut
Christian gentleman and disinterested patriot,
(ii.oiu.r. IX. Sti' aht, lisip, has exp.ia 1 .l all
the funds pluceil at its disposal, aud continues
to demand of the public their generous aid
in assisting It to continue in its gio.l work of
cheering the wounded, ministering to the
dying, and biirjiug tin dead. For t'.irc? years
bus 11 worked with unparalleled Industry and
unprecedented success. Livery ponuy plii'e l
at iu disposal has been satisfactorily accojnto.l
lor to the public, and through its ng.i?y the
wiirils of our g;ill;int boys iu tlut field have
be-on supplied with less expense than could
have been accomplished through any other
agency. With strictest Integrity Lit? Its ac
counts In en ki pt. and all its tran-eictiom are
open to the light of (lit y. Spiritual and in it :
rial help have been ministered 10 our lirave
defenders; thousands of the nation's best men
have been paved lrom 11 bloody, loneso:na
grave through its exertions ; and thousand,
; iiion, could have been similarly blessed, and
ti-o thousand hearts id home mule gl i l, if the
1 ( oiiiiiiissitni bud sullieient funds to earn out
all the mighty plans of benev ob-uee and
palrlofi-m v, hieh it so much desire -jo execute.
Ciiu a more painful position be Imagined for
a loyal, warm, und tender-beam d ChrNtlan
patriot, than that iu which the agents of the
Coiomls .ion are so freiiunly pl i's-d ? L'pon
ti lieid of batile lie the wounded nation's
d,-!, nd"rs, pleading for help fro. ri thou- w ho
v.eiir tl.c bedge of C.'liri-lt 1,1 charity; an, I they
obliged in s.iy tlmt, for u nit of die neces
sary In lp from thj relailoiis of thj,e very
w i.i'iiili.d, they are liue.hle to ?x th" live, ol
our coitntij's truest, sous. Mi hers I yo 1,
v, luK-e tons are to-.lay In the. iVont, c i:i yoo
refuse to lend a be'ping band to an Ass j ': 1
fnin which is trying to help your boys? Per
haps, when you steel your heart against th;
ttppcal of ihe Comiuisi.ion, jott may be t'.ms
b .tiiir' )O ir son die imeiile,, for v out of ' ip
iiie. C101 JOti, witii sudi tl possibility I. s"r
)in,. . 1, 1, t'. o to t!o your ilio.y'.' .-s!
v.l.i 11 j" ! m'i' j our weelui bier. , l-i -ji'-lii
' ;.)l(! e.u ii'iil by 1I1.1 sti-it'e ivlreh no-v it 10-l.-tte
-. oiir l.-oni i-i coiniiu' rapidly iii.o )o,iv
coi.'eis. )on resist ton lbi" led 1
w'im b conies lioia tin: ofbailb:? .If yo .1
b.l .e ;-. . 011, by helping tin; eaiise you help
him; If you lii've no son, tiien a tloul to claim
fur I'u nils is upon you ; you bav; no ebillt
gii'i! to your coiintry then give so libu,'i'.ly
of your v,n lib us to c-jiial your naigltbor,
who b.-.i liU Ili.'-li und ijlyj.l in t'ej (1 :'d o:
Loyal i i.iM.iisl you who iiavuvol i l lo,' :t
vl(-oioes p'!o'i ol U10 war, 1 by
yosr pibjcipl. iiikI glvj to aid tho 3oMiei'i
of t!.u l.epuoiie. True-beaiced loiil'.'r.l.
you who want thu war (aided on account, o''
the. vu,l lo,s of lil'o it. causes, do your part
towards iliiuUiiebiii the slaughter, by soud
!d:; tu thu Christian (,'oitiaiisslon.
Let the rieh glvo their hiiu.ltx U an 1 tlu
poor their M,ice; but let all give; so tint, j
each nmy say to bis children im l gran Irbil- I
drcn, "I dhl my psrt to help our nsUon's wr
riois 1V v li ter of iw;t."
On the tilth of thW re, nt' t,,. n,iml
TliHii1-M(.ii ir.g ol 'he na"son irnir,. It has
been j.ropc-wl to tak 1 up a colli 1 lino l.i .ill
the cliun le s 011 tied day to aid the ('.iris I.411
Commit-ion. t'u s'lggeslbm be lo-t'l
upon. I. t (vi , cliurcli In oil -whole SUV",
and particularly in gn nt a 'd p itrioil ep , ,
sin h 11 ho d I e nil- d thnl will 1 beer th" hi oris
of niir ul ' nt bo) , and cause Ihein to 11 n.euv
,e,- I hat Mi ir frii ml 1 Hi. home .i.ill hoi I them
t- neit cordially rcconnncii'l the 11I in
jin p ,-cd It is a duly which 1 very Ciisslini
patriot owes to Idinscll, l.o bis children, to b1
eon ol r , and to bis !od. Let hi. 11 not neglect
its fiilillueod. II hi fails, bli coiise'i i.ce und pos
terity will taunt biiii ; !f he ob.-y , (tie grect
ii.; of "V . H ioi." , t;ie d end .e-rv nil,"
w ii! b- lo-,.
O.IM I'1lt MI1lltllSHIVIMl J V.
!th Its elsiraeterlstlf energy and pstri-.t-i
ni, the Union League have dei id d to furnish
tin- gallant army of (ieiic.-al Sti i.inv-s wiiii
1 suitable thank-giving il'iiMr. The jjr.m.l
end glorious servic-s rendered by this cu n
inliiid, dem.'i'id a preoer iieluiowli"lg:n-'iil I r. 1:11
he men of the loyal N'orlb. The un 1 rla'-iag
is 11 gi'.'.Hilio one, and the Union I.: i."ie e ills
on our citivns to tii.l Ihein In th Ir w i t,.
All coiitrihul'ons will be Ihaekluil) received
uid ciire 'iitly Ir insmitleil ly that 1
f Ion. It l. a (soo.1 work, 'ii.i'. a'1 1 .1 l i
'h-'ir ''-t lower', making It a succe,,.
3 I T! l et : ttol i avsill Met v.
.S; , 1! 0, iv 1 v V Tic fl'-'iirty f' I v .,.' .
SV." niMlfoN, Nell tehee H, tnul.
V.'ii-l liict'-i. lii ws ir. ere li,-ilv evui) unv, ,'uil
tl tic i- a f -o ; pit that 111 tt-r fi'-t V.)mi';,i ii
I hci tidn r it will tie fi.ll tl. .t kjtns'icty w.l' 1
CiMI'lltl ''.II.. J ijlii,!' CIS " 111. ut-u (. e.uraoj'H
hotel ciip-j os iiihi'i.oiis. (U 'hut I'liPadtdp'ii 1,
w!tli it Dt-ntiuss fet at in 111 e, ai d l'locciati"
-.i'lrpi , coioi. '.c ne.Mii '.'01 tiuic' r, v im ,u
l(is ot (tni.ii'is:. v;ll tuii.g Iniir f.iiniiic. with
tlicr. fit- e im, r, ..r tbe . s-i : -ii nl, sod
piicisif .iv'T toe tt.ii1'1; Ui(,!i. A r.v two-,
liu-.d ,'MLi.tor ieut tu ow ol cut bp, end r He l.ouds,
a few ib-.js siiici, to aseirteiii wlnitthe clniro
wiiili. In f, r .ipitika Hi ll tun tuitiou'us, rr.d
bear it lor ibr, " ..i.,oi... 'I tic term
to Mi. 1 wore -J'' P" wi.k, or over $ infi per ' Ili.i, ends if pi opl' live In ll-il'.im to ei.ui. hue, bv i nlimy. l.iit (.aoi.ti of
this, una In n lur unit irs.
Wa--l;inrori to,- l ien foa.cwl al (Sfitcd (biting
'hi ,iCi. !) lUicot- if lc.i'f, inc. .iun-'w trntn
cihi poiuy i.y the f-.. i;mv of tlic lroi4.,.y
Ihiri- is vi.-.. Iti'i n iint'iitiou lor them. Toe
yo,l :..t.-. let t turubisd upo-.: "r.'i .it cx.rcc.ti.
t'r.r.s" iH'liir than 1 pon f..ct-. l'ltrplr btl1-va
that the lVi -ietent will sunn issue a pre claw -tion
tth 1 iii; n 1 1 1 ai ion' c--y to tin- l.'.chel-, po?sil.'y
esc.-p'.nt. a f .v of iln 'ncorrljtiidc Icadr.s. ilet
thin w It toi ieu.1" till i.'lcr (oust ii'ic. Micrmaa
luive enct it -re tiic I a little el their active
strufp;' U0ti IhCC-een.r.
Xroni wl-iit I ln'Mr. I bclitve that wo shall hav
"pood 11. v. ' licfoic t' iif,tia,s ineels, aiel If iiot
pi,( d l.i i.t ha t news ' I in cnrtiioei. 1 liere is
to be h .id t abling, und if it is mi cc-ssful it ill
, roi id.,, In li lloni d up with oll'eis of peace Uion
the conilii.' 11 cf st -ohilo suhivbsinn. The cx
ciu nisi 1 1 f tbc pic , c. it is pra latm t that is ali.
uiiiU i-.enu, io nt l.Hiul, It if pii-ci,i'ly so with tu our tdiiiriclr.l policy. Mr. l-tssen'le-i
,-s net vet :!c'tr,i trhnt to tin. Ho bus net luld
gold, and he th e; it will be dene openh).
Ibe War Department will ici .immnuti some
I Vt'lj III1J" TIL lit 11 (.-TSIUllUll VIIIS W UU'I, L lil-AI. Ik
is Kkiiy toat tue Uonscrpt'i 11 act win ncsmtnunl
is seve.itl iu'peitani runicuUrs. It laci.s eill
cilia ) in its pr, seiit shape, ana Congne.i w,U
j r, aiiils j Minted It.
Tun I-'.mili 01' Oi.n John Ititoivs. TUc
vtt iw , t Job- fhoi.D, of hi;terit fai'ie, with
hviitI !' 1 be fbiuih , itur'ed oveiiutid dvios the
pu; t Kasc.B, with a eirovj of ca'tlc auti diic-p, for
Oi.ilforma. There huve hteu rainfi 1 ruraora fur
I f, :e;i v.i ; k-- prst that tin- family bave hern n hhtd
1 rd no ft. r?d by Ik tti e Iinii iti or Fvch, ! tnmil
I 'as-. The kroii l)rc.un ksys it I- en ih Vto state,
I !n lit littc l b reeeuilv leci-iveU ti the-' it
j tl hi vleir -.ty, Ibai :t has been nscc-'taiuid that the
! fiiii.P;. , though ni'itlilo 10 rpucli their ilt-'tiaiilion
j th.H !ei!, ,rt in a sale pooti ,n for wit terini:, wit'i
' tut ir ;.ioeli,tu:u will lesiii.iutlicii journey in early
I'i r,g.
III I i ll-1 1'..( Ol'K. On iliu 7tli lii"tnnt,l,y tin. Iter.
( lia. 1'. Kritlli 1 II , 1-KKIi. li ltiil.lttu SAt.ldi; 1.,
t.auul.K'r 1,1 the bee liavld 11. I'eucic.. Sa curJd.
sui. I v i-H UAKKS. -tm tup luerniiiK pi ftovniuSir
till, 1,54. h.v itit, itcv. An.irrw laniiai.-ia. .Mr. HKNity
K l--'l 1. 1 1.11, ul Wclliiillsli'r. t uriol cuunl, Jll.l., ti
.M u i .,eli A. BAKd'-.S ol llil.C'l.
SI Ai hi 1 KV -CAllit. -On ' liuruj-. NovAKbsrlftli,
liv Iff liav. Amir lillvur, 1)1 AON S i'AN -UU -IV , it
1 nil 11M11-1-1 (.uiiiv, old.. 1 1 .MA Ilk' It. (J Iltt. ulitor vl
1 11 eelo I arr. tllaltiiure pitei-M , ,,,411 c.i ijr.J
W 1 1 KlNHi.N-HIMO.S.-Ou tilt, il nt lu tint litlia
IU v one. w. Atat-tuiiKliihi, ni tue ilii nio' slreer l'-tr-Kun.c
t 1 ni. , , 11 in- iil'Mll' II. yit.Kl.,.SO.i to
:liii. KATf. s!,UON, bot'j 01 1'blU.lelptila
" 1 " - Si the UiiMn-talit Mr. J VMl.s ft. HOY lilt,
ni ia- ti u, er l ti i t.vf.
'ii ir t,!niivi'i a. d r..,i'lii,t tlie lainllf arc iioeocttailr
lie,,i',, tc uMi iui tfu iinuiral 1'iaii Ids I II, ie.l,li,.ir.e,
1 oil! line! Sid w I'.iiin. tiliivtii, 011 JVlululav uielnliiK ihv
iii-i .niuT;t. ut in o'llurk. 'lo .n,iii.,l to enruiaiitewu
I i-u , aery.
I Ol II (.--Cnthf TPornlii't lit tlii- lsth liwlant. JAMKS
'' 1 01 Is It m, 11 ol 1 i.iaua-. A c In tlic i el vrar
o: 1 Is u ii'.
lie uliilivi-s anil lrli,nn, ea ihi- li.inll ai, riopcuiully 11 lo ao. na lim l.nurul, innn tl,. r.isl.ltiit ol Ins
liar, nl, M. LU.l It veil in airri't, ou t.uii'lny murn-li.-
it ci 1, 1 locK.
nil. I IMIIIAM.-On tin, iiii.rnlnnnf tho lstb Inttaiit,
tl.i-i, MAny A tlll.l.lMi.t.ial.
Iln ir i-iiiln 01 tlu Inimlr arf lnvllo-1 to attend tbt
imuia . tr, 111 tl,.- r,si,l'iiii. m h-r i n, lior. H. Iillliiu-
I An h sir. i 1. i,,i Munua, iiMruiutf, flat,
i.. 'to pniC'iHl 10 Laurel 1 i ill.
(lilt.. tl, .1, l.ti 1. r.f e 11111,11, II.. n. cviy
at ll
Il :,).s 111 .he -.l.lli ,inr i-i 1. s mie
I,., ri. li, - niiil -cl. 11,1, ni II, t t.inillT are rraie-ctlultj
lit .,' U ti'li I ' I, I ,l',i 1 lr,,ii, t,ib uu- r.- .hi. lite, Ne.
V tl,.! I Min t. S,.li,U . ti.i- 'I'lii 11,. rtlll. nt
,k. inp'.ii ,i 10 tl r i,-!.i U l lii. ne, r, . Mini.
r. 1,1 tli,. w a i',., an 1 -ti- nnv li.Titui to
III j,i. '-t 11 ,h. i ,i ,li c 1.., t
M I'I .S i. Al.i'in 0,, :n In 1. tu l . rlrej, Mmir ie,
il 1 ; c , ' n.r.eti .1 lu i'.c triii. -ii-. r, ,0 ,,. ttu,
1 1,1, v ,,,-l.s at I'ller-i-aru, K ovi. m. 0,i;i,.V '. li.
Mm-', "Vi-lifli It e I IT1101 1 1 enll,, Ivuiliu
V ,'Hili.i
111 III"
iOlli , car ul In..
1 I 1
1 : .
I :
f i t I KI..
e 1.1
:.'. ie!
I-u .-e ,
"i it,.,
a, - ,
:,' 1 ,1,
,;i t.
IM ;rnii, w n it mi
i ( -j ui ml :i .m'i 1
-oi'li .i A. It
t ,
..I ll fl il'
II.' If.,
,1- ot tin- I. null, ifi, r .p i:.' 1 11 v
i n. ir,i. I IS.- ie I 1.. ie. ,tt
.'lil.u t;r,o:l, at 'i o'clnsi, ou Mall
' l,,I I,.
lii- 1'11,,'iit.
e:,.v 1 1 li.
,'Al . ontholstli iintitnt, M'.I.stlS JAV, In lite 4:d
V, :ir el t ie. U'-O.
1 1 ri'l .to unit irleints ol tlto lattitly am reteiectt ully
iiolnil lo titeiul li ih 1. li noi 1,1s foe re sl.'iit,..,
s,i." l.nt in .V oa.l iy il. l"ill,ji)i!, lilt, -lt not. ,
l.l '. .,' !- a, t, illi I'I tlu.'t tl Jlie '.
l.l Ii
.i;. ci
. '..II,
t oi. i ;t, .M'.-iY ruiL-
I II s.
no' i-
,i.,.ri ii
i n r i
. W . (
-a ia.. 'n;
i ,
v r
'.' , r,
. li ,
I,'. i e'
- , ,-f ei
Hlt.i:,: ',1
"I ii.!t..
,u i ii.
, ii, . i., i
i' - n en H : iv fi'ieriinin, nt
. i.. I i.ii ,. .Nr. I '.'! i,,-;ii.l , win j
tiinl li-.,n,.i are ii".j,i'jiiu ly i.i-
i .ion-.
i A ii. - I) a Th o uliiy rvi'i.l'i.s Nnveinl,,
- ii il V, II L ill V At, in On: i - ,l y.'ar in hi-
a,- r'filM'i inn, In. let tu I ne y a 0 re
n.wli.t to ill t, ili Ids lllli 1' 'I, IIOMI tio I He re.i
,i. I t S.'lili tit. ti .In "t, ,ei ' .ni' -,
no ill I'I o 1 l-.,-' S, rvli , . -il tt.i: t'.. ore ll ot ttio
,1 - lnii 1U.1 nt at 1 :iui, I 11,. I.
- LNfnV IJ'.Aiil'i: IPll' I'., M). LlPi
I'I -S! f .' ,1. . t . fl '.I.'...: ,.1. So,-:. ,,i.' I I,
' o i.nnn an um unit 01 i o.t 1 nt Imvo l,utn cu
1 Itj l .o t .to'. '111-; ,'li'tu,. It., ' -1 vj iiii.uu I t
11, i.,i,'r:i :, aiale,', i;i,v v. 1 1 1 a Tn.i'ik.
li'i v, will lio im ec'.tcl idi :, cr 111,' loom
.'s n.
.. . 1 . .ii , f ri "if, 'ai'!
. I 11 ... I e t I. ' : ,'
o I I 1 1 1' I'i r :t WTI.i
I IM ei. . '.'.'I 'i ' l..'il
e r. ul,., I l,v sir. O. e.
us-. i.i I r .. i ' '-I
tn. o Ol li t lie: U, until rTJliS ill'
, Ji-oii, .Sitv, 1, t,r 'J
e....jl.i K 11. li'd
Ljt.liiu; J,: S ', rct ir.
WANAIyiAKEil L Di.0W.,
A II It .
VI I .il - v
' N I Itll
! ' I K A l1'
,1 I-OHT ' I'K't I'I VT
I j I liSH THAN i.tt4 V
IK I 'tnc A 1 11 ,
!. fi. VV1 1-PAVc.N,
o A' t..S',i), T' w. tl ,iint,
VIAhOHIO llVl.l.,
Sin i.ii tc -( ttniif Halt! nri- ton.1
. i' , f i ,t m ii 1 i ii, '.I d mi. a trt'ii' . I il lo f
: tv i . f :! hii'i.p n'i 'r-'H iniii1 f 'iITT t't ul-(ri.
) . . t I . il nrnliiic f ,U lie's
: -, 1 - i , . l-i k .t.of - f ci r.,. T hi vIli -rrn-,
, ;. . 'i p i it c .il,' t ' - fit ml h.Mliii v a lr n .
,i ! u 'fi? tt i' t'niwti nil, p f vn ill Vn b tif fr u
' . , u '' , i 'P ' LL " 'I ft ivt i'. ' ' f w!i;i'i of,n
) ; r m, ti t : :,i,, nii(: i -i l.i '-i-il; i f r u-h pr j'i ( . A
t. ( - ! th . i w i Mir. Ji a l k vr lit bair 1 1 h ".l
i. hi i: 1 ai-- firh'n , in- .HiiJurt ly li'i $ i Kind.
t fur, 'I It rtiii 1 IM'Hhp-, 4 Mnrrli.
y 'I i' n nnO .l h" tin t'l-rtirf t (ri-at J wtili lh"
,rli'..' ucu' l IT. V. s M" "'I 'l tKMl, wltn Lit II tv I y
i ! s- iu I. -1 i-r.i I'lif An iHn-iUfM prntiieri'ii : tin?
I ri-n'fc d'i , ' ' itl't b'f tC' -f m ( , (. .i, lift t
,u: . .', f Jl "l. ' Uu .:.. ?to ..'t.'i' slfi'i t.
1 tur f ntij i liittimtt;nu.
l h. . 1 i If' ii ! i.v
Ardi & id I jiiw-i .i (i '.,
;id, infsl t Ncii a
oli liii i kil m
!l U .-.'V.
I i, 'i il. l ',1 ",
91 1,. I
i I II "litoi
l-..'li Still,
.1,,.' -el, r , -rin'.- Iirandi or
Iiiti-rlmr Alnriii I rnli the 1-uMic
. wri ne,.ir, ,i II..O I in,
" letot I Hifi llii' ft .I'll i ul On y i it
I 'f !!- ti-'.r'i i,,n i r tins in, ami
It t v.'I'.lti. Ii i o,S"-a'e'- lj fio-til
.k,--XT' l ,ll.r. --. a lote a a
J-' W It, li lvi- a'."i t .1-1 !' Krn
1 s" r " ' " ' ' ' ' " 'I d '' It Hr. It
1-- is li,;rra .. I tl-KI 0" i',' "tit
li-u,. i. i - le.i.i A Ii ii.i .:r .in. l
1,0, re i, h tn eoer -m iu; . , i, v I a . ' I It. In 1 y, r.'
f. ...... tr... . ,, w , o-ii e li. ' ..: lull, tl II i I, nil on-
.1 ' I, . ..itel lie-i,it 1 i ,', , . . I.t . t;ie ,v id ,w, ma X A -ri t.t
ur I,.
' l li'i 0 ' tl'
I ii e r no t.
Joi'S . HI'IC'! F.V,
So. li.l t'lllCS-tll I' .sire-H
tJ. tri,e .' r'. A. t o, s ,.-.-"EH..
I I A SO i
II t
.W N A i! ,HI. N s
v , AM. 1
I Oi.'t I S
I oat I S'
. . li
I id.', r.-i,
i-AM ,t r I'liiev
O iti col , m-tn.f tu se iKis
I- sl t.t hoi Im, l t"i' s a li,
fc,r i.. I'd II - i,tiiii-1 . t-.-ii
liuvl, en. a i ts
1-,, r de 'll, lo
I :. li' lUii,
H 'vcntii a,el e I,., ret i,'.r.'et
c inM-.r
o . 1 1 s .
o tits,
: k '.tsi r
t'l et lis.
. (' K IS Tit M i CONOKKfJ TI' U.
(--' i lit fen, I ON'itHT II III. -I"e,'l, n.; Ii
ni i'i, ,r, l..'. Cl'W'AliO vawb. lo ntorrvw , t IV.1 j
Nv ' e -c I'. .W. si t. tie-
fr-.,' CHH.l)hhN'8 0IH'IU:iI.-THK M'.XT
tv-t' Heo'ltev e Voiicr on "H,t f Hih
iti." villi t e .rent feu tilth dmro:i of the K,l.liiu ,',
10 tn-.'t jW al..lins,ii. Sir, ice at il o t oca
jor HiAVr.UY. HIST iRY OK.-fil'.'vMOef
to n'Trr, a' V.i P M .! tl.e 0 ,ly;
t l.tireii, loMltAkO sin1,', atse.a .iunii, I, i;.. ft.
I-.Oi'l . I d.-tet.
5-T." T. rAbl.S CIlliKrit, THIRD
' Sin-et 'Itiist'tnech wl' no o,i"it f. r O, . i it s r
,i,.fl Te iniir w (Hin.dii.'' -, al S( C. A, 7 Ii e
11 . ti l . nr. '..C'l'li A til (.0 . V ) Hill ia cat! l.
rTti- IMON M. E. ClltniOU, KOI.RTII
flo-ot. In l"W An -h h)i .al'., Novimi'i-r ! , low.
K MO'el.K, I' IS. Kit, p meli in ll,e tu antiiii al t'OJ
oi isf, t. ll I'tv. .TollN lit Tli In the evetliii.' at
pi-ck He ironerK serin, u tvli tie p'i',ar-t.jry to
'l'l'in.lli..',li(, .erviio.
feT.M AUK'S l'.VANi"eT.lft Kb Ll' T IK
:3' HAS C Illil.l'll.sPlil ,(! OM-niiS re t ',,ne
I I Ir' --Tiili -1 he l -tiiie li... nt win t.i, ie o.ieiteit
:.,i Is, u.t w, ii 'i l j at'irrov, , al 1'',', o cloci; A M and
7-; I M
aPAt.IoVO. An hl.i.l 0. ol Kama or.., wit- d, ll,e -a
Vi'.ureln aid ol tie I'our, anfl Orti an ami liesntu'e
t li )ai'i-D. til Ilie Acaileir.,v id ititHir.on IV e l.eH lav h. i nlna,
N'. in le: 71. 'lkl,et.- -lb reu l,i., J n ini,iir of
., , riait r-t' ci' lua- bt otta.oed at o e s'aliivltc
III i-ton h tl 10 v'w'l
1 -J' V llttll INS ITTU i'l-TcTp
-' (Veil tioi.liMloA ave ue ninl hkcf.n
11NTIi atrietii. 1 vn e veivlce t. he d ev y .s.,til . ti
altei in,,. n. at a.L iet,t'li. v reaciii -it lo tii,,rrosr ov-s.e.s
Al.luiT l li. a 1 1 1 1 ilii.K AS am lu,iied. '
ir im-
: nan mkn'A 1 i.Kisii- s ARsiii'i.rric.v,
yi th be I. li Novoaibwr ax,
TieseU ran i , im l Cia ut tti j at tt v
ll'ACr llliU-li.
Or '.i Ilie H omv,
ttt,h 100ft anulOll CllbSMJi" f rM.
m" xw, t' N 1 1 KI) HTATKH (liim-iTIAN (!
UtaL- (iou. -- ( mJi ucuUvif'ttHluiiidiU lur (lis rv
euk ouJ-
in,- ioi. ii.ii. j:-
Aru.y ( un,i).)tn V. M. O. A I-oalon Muttt.;
Imt Jo.-, hiori JriNtdiin-r,.,.
1 .til.ADi f.l'.li.V.
Jolm McAllitrir, (lr. taauitiuii.ti
h. ioiinuu (utlilnii fiuO
Kli r. A sill--n (Muuiiiulial)
(tur is. iiirri
! A-pf'tlnnr V lmv,H uKTi't'iiirt,o oj iio of
Jl tm j'l-nrv tl. JtJ .ij.p
LailU- hiii,icT' a (j ,Nif,ftv r'mli ui a'liUt !
h .1 per Itcv. ti. K ('lie tr no
ill's)' I l.r ttull CoiiilMIMHli'll.Kttl.M Ol M.tlmyl-
ki.l luii.tisjt t Lurcltj por iiov. J. ni. lu--eliirt;
(utldii ionit. )
Ail k hn.nm iii,n-i ,
A irlci d
Aiiiuiiiit hi m-wlt dfeiid uli Iicru lit tUu Mil
tiu puuciit... ,
I .t)
DM. Jit fi
Amount fK4iii-vil( .lKod rvloUilr
a 1 ii, iio.ij
1 he t tilled states t'lirlsllan (Snuintioiol, lie Icava to
a, V. ,.! ,e the m the i,.I,oi,Iok ail'lllioal
"li,r,s no 10 Novpiii at lu IsM:
I nil. MO-I, e 11 A.
sir .. S. ( '. Kuril, i pudutii. Him Terry , one pr-
!',.: .,.y. ...1. lioiKi,.,. tHouai-aiisei; 'l oa.ji, ac,
li".,lnii sl' re. a. iiii,.vil,.,l,e,l 1,1.. wliBr.i. 111
tillplTK. I KlIkl K. II. M I AKI'. I'lmlr uu I tl.s.l!.."
No. II 11 VNK .Miei t, i'lilla.le.1 ihlv
J ' I' H I ! i M ij N .H
I'-' .1. .Imi.ii fl "I Uu, A !! tltdwll.
LLV. PHIL-LIP j liUO0lv;
eilVieliuteut cupel auemlt tit of Bt. Iltlitii nu.l Lu ll,-.
I-l. lid;
Willi m v. i'lritiir.ix,
Htiitr.. n.ii.tof ivotuon-s v'i ,.,1, a V-en ,. -e rtu I
Jv ir li I.i .mi i ; .tvt
J. Mild. i.t; .t, iv
I ''III , .1-11 .11'.,. .'t .r, .,-, I' . i., , u. u :, ,1, ie " A"..,-, e .,', ,
v ll 1. Al'ti'irs.s -t n erni.t,
Cf. lt:'I)ay ivra:;iM, v.wxr ci,
ai o ..'tOs-k iv'.iio'i tji.v,
1 1: t' l' ren, e t , ' 1 c ii r o) r.f Wm ., , ik i
L.t II . tidlf TOI ! Will JTiVllO.
; I'm Viv.i.l
11 is J:
,; L'.NIU.M I.KAGUJ UOU.Si:, A'o. l'il !
CJlK.-v.ui .,i;,,e.
I'nn a i i" ; ni',, Nnveie'ier is, f-..;l.
t'l.tiirioii wini of ii v,i ,, ;l a . -, -os-
5;. i.i .n,a 'i in," t-, anil t hi, liopuaseijuiy of cu l.,inu' i
lll'e1 Ull ...b , u.t ill s ',(,-'', lu h.i uni-i a e'.n-' t. ll .11 o
bin r s 1 '., Khll'iM. t',e pr i HI vNs.s
.l, IH:, It l . ci K 11 tt . 'Ulei.lIIAS'l VIOli
inilii i IIIOS M i.i ,a V la tin, ui. iienn... c .ntrt i an :
111 ,1.', I,, , , lljii, ,,"'t i.i-l oo i ,,,. I,,' ii.
Vv t.i .11 ii, rtt Utu.u. ell'.U. II. i'.'l'; -id,
li-l'J-r. it, tret ir.s
onrstiT 1 i.Acis,
ffmtrr. " s t v i a.
'VIMX)W S1! ')' S. r, . tu:
rs - hs. R F-ftTZ,
at i, OARIU'NTTOS 00.
lVh; KA.C! ! ' IIH!t NTKT-.rT
1.0. TIJ I'I Mi ( fiV I. US,
I'TiiKN'rr . r i 1 -.""' . i "r. i i-l
H IlfOTT. 1 I I "V I' It ' Ol 'i.
W ArJ S,
S .1 .'.Ml.n
t -.1 , O' ' 11, r ' 1,11.:.
. , ,i I'.'iii a n'i, sir, ft,
r ,i",v ik ,,,.,,
.....,, .'Ms. i )
ii a , , k rriit t , , o
1 W n . , f M a in' reli . n, t a
arS.I i,.,
I" I' '
1 1.1 1 It 1 .' ll ,
v. -i 1. 1.., . ai. i
', l-r f. la i in- i k I ,. oi ti.
1 '
I . 1.. ,i t i ' r t li, '' t I. ".Xieil.
lulls I I. IS s.
.,1,-1 nil! I, I, I O etc i"tle,
l i :i ' i i ,1 ' .', s ' i.
i; i
l'iItlNi;.,. , AM Ml, WITH A. CAI I
1 'du tie tie t.. f.":, n I ..ii.- anl tu rnlive
liii.ll.ri.i. A.dai,l li . et 'I I, i.III.m. II I
I v e e a i , ,.r j ni,,.. , 'rl, , or , In-.flat US i.
n,l, Ilea 'I U: ft,.., li li Ili'Mit'li e 111 e
i- I HAt. I sreTi'.. 1!KI. RsI A K
:! .'.I. '.SI AT I.. l.f.AI, K-l t"l'.
1 t 0. S.l it, a .li.ti re V. ik l i.
I'O'l ."A- s. -.'C ! V.'oltl II.
I o; si c, t.i.'i ii". vv utrn
(Ml C'h SK.NIl r CttAl.tK.llh.
I lid Oli I'Mil Ol. ( A r Ai. I iliK.
(V tl Hi SI.Mi Kill fit '.l.O o';K.
Ne f ,H.J Iilii!; In t-i-rrt'i'-s or d!,livp nf ricsie .I'.ild .ll t,i mil mi m ti i'v.
a t Iiev,- a un a er dit.'- i'ii (,.r prni ert th in .n, n-ii,"
l.rl.-; Ill thl, :!... W e1 t. tvutenase fir f Pr-t clavt
r et i, i, i,,iti'l f V :: a - .1 iv nt .it I .1!, i, (, i ..
wlif t. tvl If.i'ti V " , I,-.' pif 'V e'i I lit pllt
'.l.ollliK f. Mil. I f it,
ileal R.taip tip,, ir.
:'., t o m si vi ti u. t
Tl l o K .' . 1. 1-:. .siiri-tMi iiiut bi'.
Jt-i-t Mi, i- ,.a '.n l-i.-e Se or Cl'-'v.ea , I'r e
f I't'.' 0 .' :; ' p in. '
i r, very In Pr I ia .s I:v. i--:!ni en l."rt tt'i,t.
al .( Ti nil , '. ,t J.' liv 1 s ai tl ts. f.-it tli i,'. S,ni,.c.
"nil lee .' , n. . It; . f . i.t'i , aed "'rt.
i-'oii'i iisi., ' , I'l 'M-tv "i I.', e'tp 1 1 et,t rr .tteet ;
..til-le a I fori lit..; . Ie 'um i;,r,l?i, Ac. l'r;cs
I A,. e el -i'l'.Si i..l N. ) liir.t ,l- at. iveo
.; "l l.p.
A r.i . i,s' s , . - i.l-l IV I" lit ro'a''"i".
S( M'.A'i ",iU '.-.1.1 M-. W ALLiCtii, WP vT
J--1'' .il" a., '.--t - O, -' : t . t t't'n J,i,u.i,
'I v, i, t -. a al! fi e v ,. , ( ..J',1 f , , I '.... W .11 ce.w--;
,f 1 , .ail l K t'lre:. 1 ai, '.'! 'i Iltl'..l e,i. f. ,ni rt .. ',,
, t l.-tir tl.'y .1.,,, Hi i ,.rt ( iii nieit. v,e,l of .Nitis
l-i roll i'.i i ii l-.ii I , i.iMt.,1. 1 e'.t Sli'.'ili-i.
A C li C t C L, pDsir, v ivl.i . IS K f
llvtilii-f., Sa I :-. i ii.. .'rr-t I ol tfl t y l-VM-el , t i
IS-lmntV'. a" ei ; ' a' tl r .p.:o'm.c J l At !.u.' 'ie t'l.-i. e. '.I.
'.e;. (.;: ,.) i.ri
? -., Mi.-At teio -i' ll - 'ir.l .-n Vine. .it ot Sr veu
t'cntl. n'.d 1 !(.'.! ttdh tir,-i-tt lot, t! I')' iK! (;tldti,i
it ii tl e t loic;' il-.'.i.'O i' 'tt,
LAKC.r. hllll-. V At.I) DWKI.LING DM
a--MevepUs at,, va Spt inn l.aren aire t. t.tit II by i'i.,
i it ) I I 0,
i-?ai Ilvvflin: ti Tlirtha't, alinvi, Jl'i'-nfiVTo i.t, Uii
l-'-.riif , al. In f rti -rete criler 9 i-.W
-a-iv aie- u (Jr?on ie t Is liy ttj. thrive :o ,tn., $ , "to.
lien tt.o-aii 1 a liait-. (m lii.'ileit. s,,,,,iiif nh.-ve
a cm. Lui!.siou'j li-tej,-S'0
( MiAt i'Wli-ANI) A-HiVIjF STDIlY
SJ 11,, i-lIlM., Pri.Daliu, tlieve WaJtato.t.-ll r'-jn.v. Lit
ten,, 80, JIHO.
iiev-ilit near two tfoinnid olf:r ctj prop-niipj ud
u.t metis Lear I'j tn ory d"dr,tlc, l,.rt)itii-i.
l.lOU'iK C aflM.KIi,
Ileal r.e-,
tlt. til u.aix ni 8tteet.
I'AJtM's. J .-. I. H. t AK11S.
I'alt.VS. KAAMS.
-a o. l.r4 acrf..t)ii.e niilit a tnh of Tr-en-fi on Sew
1" i' loitdead. tt-noi! ae;o tv ihejilate. atutt 6o eeu
to lie appt jtia!'.'l , t t.t; ill., per acre. tiam Fn.u. ot r,.ir; res, n:.t Ilmvnl' ijtovoi, very
t:ci'itei t, st.untr. fci-O.OtlO.
, bUl'LlllOlt l- AUM ()!' SI.KL V ACrtHH,
only ten uitei. ot, "n tio Caupnvlvaui (ipiitrat
I'.aiiii to. tl,e n.liiin.'.' vi. vt. fi.n. 11. e station , I SI .tin.
Neat f arm of . i a,,r, fi e miie, front I'.r t'ol. tup rlo''
't-tid. anj nu;utivtuiti;v UL-4iirpitt..ed. Ciiei-.viJ., Uo.
J cnlv kait u lutii' fit ni atat on at 1 ru ton, on l'oi.n,)'!
varila 8 I t ite H' .iv:,.
Km d'lUbl TSe.stiou nr,J Kartn ,,f IS fccrt.i, only
f ur atid a half iu;l t treru Ma'l.?t itreei ririiit.ea lha
l ave.-rortl road. I ritcal.'SO.
OUEA'i teAttlili'iOK. FavRM OV 2J)
--r'Di, near Ojr.i.; in biailutl, on the CaluJtu anj At
larj'ic ba-lioai. 1 re t- f 1 .eo.
It, sldei a (peat i. pi 1 arii:.. in ei'titor rottntv.
f 11AK0AIN ,v.UiOMI'.l DtVJ-,1 (dVO,
sii Hilie ie r'eo mar t at-rov d :ard fn Itoxhoiouiili,
f-;i ir.nn.-i '. pit, .n n in.l ie.'. Ac rrKr t i.
(IKtlitHH 0. Mli-L1- H,
Keel retnio inoiief,
Mi I I N. SI.X lit Slrast.
VdJiilsS) l ioin!), f eitiisi lTj!)i:i,
t'l A.NtA t.VANlA.
O A. I I ' T . V STOOli,
IS ., .
luOdO nil. I s sf i a -naKr , rut I. ?aui.
tVcrliin;; f ij t i Hi s m d "i;r 0.Ttup.
m .1 ),;.
Ion ail ran ! A I ' I i o III N V. i .
Vn: l a, t. , ' - : ol. Al I lnr' ii.
K.I i -. . - ( .M Kl.'.eill!:- a.
VliOiit. S W f MIS
Mr AtiiM'li IllKLP liao. (,-its I , lent ol 'tun I'.t'tli-
iiiiiui Ipon Wi-tl...
Mr. Wll.l.laM C ilJleTON, .J.1I,', i. W Ucr iii-et:t,
H. laiiilplna.
Itr.tliWAltli HIIIITCN, B. E. tortiti of SUtli and Wal
nut atreet, Pllllailel'OllU.
.Mi-.TUOMaH W. l.VAN4,)o. sii) C'lenuit urea', rfiUa
tltll'tllll .
Mr. K. W. iuitEY.Ko .-l'lfie n ,t !' c',P' I'.i-t ' if.,
ir. Hit I- I'.l'iu.U I s, i i;,ie ... i'a.
Mr. II. ui p it lid.vli .din. S, .r.,..,i :'i.
.Mi J. 1.. OA I. s A' in , s, 'r.-ii.'" .t ' f.-.i i'i. i, :r Cel
t '..ii., nr. . .', I.. I Leu;. I i',, i'.i.
Mi. Wit. I.t U O Ul liD.Mil', I'ila' ,'. I'.i ,'),:'. ilia, y
a' it l o ll 'Id i.fl'i til, ir illld Lull l. - lit .. o liallr ui.
T'io Copiiuny ov.-n In :va nuiplo'ilj i-.tre, ie' die 'jjst
Oil 1' n.tory "ti Die rit-'lit bant, el t..t alt -t. "iy liv tr, utar
Oil City, wit'i ope ro,l i-litL: W. II -JuJ vac", el n -:irty tu n.
Ideitil, with r.iiiroad, ttirtijiif ti. and ti . cr nieiuiS lo :,4
I'. r j.-ir t t-nl Ira, i'r.iiipil' t,i J. I t bt rolitl i itll .tny Jl'
Hi,-: Ha- ' t or at l!.u oi'l s , i
Miciiis. coopls ti ciiAirr,
No. 1 1 JiVJUAN JIt, anl
Hr. 8. HAIiVEr 1E0MA3,
re tii-i wasni t st.iit:r,
Wi,o art autLerUtd to ned a iiudlial uuuiii' ol ti arjt '.I
ttocn. U-tJii:
A T e
N... 1'.- t 1 i I ''."-. in I ' 1 HTKItl'lT.
I .O-t.Vje.l-1 r l"HIOaal.
M i) tt I'. RATH V K I C E H
C a - v--.i. 1 - M '( Nf.'S piat. ,er fall Halt
ih3 i .i.fieia rel..iii.a.
fl 7Ji CllfovKtir STKaHT.
MiU, V'VV. TtlSKK 2), IWII.
rKt).li:.MMK ;
1. Alt i er. eni,; ai.n,e , to the Cathedral for the
It0.tat...n ft:-, ire,' t.e ('eit witli Tinieli.
3. I t ,,!: ,t.::t :.! reid IV VK T.i'i .tl, tslllllluf
it i tn t -. eat- Ii. pr s, 1 t nr. r at il.p cteet on So Jtinar .'. :.uO i ti i-(,, tr .t dais;., belecn ttt
i,i"i i, f 10 " i l." 1 A. M. I hi s nittt. will In c1m4
al p.. i .'., K.
:.. : , .a -... it : I,',- t, I , f -.1,' i. w ll puttr Lt;a
Sot f '.I s m- ' id N-ii. t- r. ti , -I Kaaainia
'.,-:: '' ti t. V'e,.. btr,-, t-. I, - 'e '.' V i .'evil thl 10 o o'.oe.
lain, ie ihir t n tif t:tu ;i vi :.'..., ai .tj.r lo loiloi lha
pr Cl .ion In',, lie I ett,-. r.d ..I the. main en'raura oa
1 1. . n't. -. pit.
t. "lisa'-is lie. fi. j:.. , t' . lU'rnltiiof l-Ds!l-
rai en ai 'J - o ''.,.', . , m liate 'Inrt and ' n Sutum jr ttrtft,
nt ;.ve S--.t .t'.'ieii, and al U p ?-. tern sates of Losaa
S'l'itt e.
r,. As the tiient'tt of 1 irUi ts I, It .i'"il lo the eiic'ty of
the titcltil, i., i n,, tity wHI !e n '. etved at the do irt. ar
too re-for, ad'iiiiltd at"''ot.
Ft l.'l poi ti rn ol ri.f Pre, I and In, mill rt Of til fillttr (atl-
udfad fy h'letlal v-ill :nt"r at the fta c jtr-o'.
7 As po rarrlac'ti vv il! i. tiertnil'eil to en'er lie taaot
!n f:ollt of t,ieJ't:. d ll.ey vy tl :,et dtevQ at SeTtu
tteitin fin-i f,iii:.'i t -e-.. aad StvtliUeu'il aad ltact
8. HioComrjiitep of A.-i nn ji'iamt! and tl.e l llieri wIM
niret nt the seuiittary, K gliti'tiiilt and Jiace tlretu. oa
.s-.rday oviiinins, at s o'citck rroti.,ely.
liy 'ir.ier tt 11
U IS-Jt O.vviriKK Of Ae.-HN't.i..vC!'IIIi.
"niAuV vou l:c'imjii':u:!
11-13 2t N NUSC.Ha.SNOT iiraHlST.
I It W T
Dt'pdslUirjr niitl rinaui'itil Agent
TUnm 6TATE3,
Ot U eM.W IS.HVt Inrvaie lala-je pr traall a-aonaU.
10-10 LOAN, AT 1'AH,
INtf UFUi" PvYtllLt IN VMS.
Hulitorlbeia haye rim u vl ett of paliur nana lntsMl
froa s iterul,. r l, la (leitod S'atJt jNoiyt, ad.iluf atfaar
teui. iri'iiie ui.
7 to '1 Ivi'lAt-iXJUY NOTES in'iaiinat1 inv, c-niiai.f y on band andforaal.
C,svr.leii of OI.O 7 3-10 uotet tato the Loan ( US I,
a'tt "idej to.
C'ItrOP.VTOK (,i: lNIltDUAtafly-gayMel'i
to mate lo tl,t Ih-iteu static, t ,r 1 av.t-t. e c , can datualt
at UU. bai V lite t.ue at villi ti.t Ai: liiaut Treavurar it
lie I r.ittd St ct.
it -l.l I'.'t CASlilB.
Otl'UNH Of 1SK1 ItO.HOe),
I'.l Vf I' f AT MMlKltT ItATK OF Q0L1,
It 1 Ml HI
UltKM',1. i C!(.
llillntt-l(tilii. iYowmber I?, 1hSI
oi.p. uk r liiwi' t Ju- Iht ui tiftii.itrr Bet, an tb
I ul U l'lt o tt- L ::( . Htli u paid ta preseoU-
JI 7S-;Jt AbHSlAM' TttilA-HJHEK M S,
I'MII AIiM t'HA, N'oTlIlltit.T ii. lS)4.
htalfd lror)ftii wilt tc iccei id ttt im un .te, until 12
O't'luuk M. ll MtUA., Ny tiiiuer , J'1, lor no
iiiiiiieduiu dtilvfty, ut liiv. I'niicid yttuort nurunutti,-,
llaiitm-r hirrctt v. Lain, of ifif ft !, of- Ink it. i-'e, v .;
(( ut t)n hunitr- l Ainii.i'Hii.-ei Wiit'uiiiii; ".ittwni.
Ah ol tl.o ubt.i Oi st.ilii, 1 '.o Ij.- (tl" Lest i,ti ility, find
-ni'' fi-t l tli-- ht-i ' i'i I-i.i hi .til i.i TJjx ujiJ)iHuicd oli
)at vi i In' ' -'v'-yii'tii' itt,
J' i'lii . '- - i't " ' nt M if. v-rtiljfc anj fiaroi Lhv.'
:ri"ii"-. it'll '-r, iin! t i' in c J v--y.
J rf- H :' I"' !,';' ii.H ! I' i" r''t.-MIl ppr-
fi. it w .i'p Miinii.rc um ' :n ;. ., n.l I i iif trn irn
ft i', .. ,'f . t-t 'i a- 1 'in . . '.-1 J-'i -!!!. ' nt f t ui it
ft;i tl.t- Jtiiu.'tnt itivii' .' it, i- li. i .1'. 1 S't'.-s) Ui.ri. t
.i.i Al'i iii 'v nr .)i' ' r i f o' 'it i u it)'i'.' o Me'cr ,'... ei
!' till- li'il Will li" .! iCs-,.'-v',l.
'J in' rittti in rt'ieivt il ii. vej.'.'f m-ii rind t)jbi','U,
A i l uu oi ' i' I'm u J. ' i u.t i ; t wr ' c i.i i't; i t. 1 i X-
i y u -d. r ci Colon. ! ni'.ilt'J.'i J.ii.'iS, t'liici -i larur
n..vitr. oroit '-K R OUM,
Jl-l:.-; t Ci.i.-J -k. M.
n r itiM.arv ljiAti.ut oi r-iiUJcJiiitiii, Ho. lluJ
,HAl,t t.,r l, Sti,' niui-r U, if- l
He tl, 3 l'i a v.. iu l,u ic.i-mwJ at llt'i o1ic until
n.'.ti of 'i I t- HU AY ..'.'. i in- I'Jir. '( t fi " tl!' 1 '
l-i- if' u oi ,tn nihht L ii t-' ti" liM.jmu .!. i t'"l
Mil Arm-'i.fti, m ein i mm lo ,.i.i id hih i-hUhii-h.. nt .f .lOll Mi: AH fill lit Jl, Aiellil-iti, O. t'i
ti Ml ' 11 Ftrt'i't-
Vri.i'.ifH i intihi'uliite thf hori--t tin e reritilrti. t o4lni
v;ie tin- tili, nd ni ii ' I (t mtio upon ilu nvuiar to-m
li riilKd m U.i um". 1 " l'".u-i Mits iti,ui i.,o
i.nt tu lijicl 11 dcdttud li.LOwrtlillij hiu Ui
U 1 ) tit t.'.'i'i tin ti'id A. i, M.