The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 3

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P ATI' H PAY, NOVI'.MUKR 1", 1 i.
oi i. u i nr. mi i n,
li.f tiii! riser tin y In , k.i i lu uit
I 'ivr.J on.- w iw'te it us.'! to h 1 ft i hor si l ,
1 h" ft f mi if tli.'ir Mi"ivy rulri-s I !
H i' in. i. voi : s .iic i iy ili-t il iilii-v 'i ! '.
1 li f. ii; iMti rin " ! 4 1 1 : y 4 i I,
Asj r- the rrlli ' In n ot h tt";,i .. tn blm';
.'.'l 'il Hi" t i ; i i iy hi
! I.
Ar.-l tint p i!r iii!-' 1j!'I i.rii .'' 'ii
V a.-J nut t If H'l..." Ill '' HI ' ll'li
1 lio CI" 'il ' ' I.r ' i i 1 'l l
C r I h'l riv"i . n v'r Wi" r
Mj bio.h r tfiiiils i ' ni In nc
mil ru
Ctt II'" n r fin 'n- r il . , .
l iri' I twi:i.-r :vi li n.M :i ,-.
Iti-r lirnun i 'ills 'Vnv.M i'i i'i ...:i'';.' ' t ,-
IW.Ii'tt M ; :mic, 1 K-r i ; :
Kite i-'1 t"t'J "ii If-r l"ii'iiii Ii't ui i.iil .1 :. m ,
A. I frnrl.-s y enifri'il I'm i miu n i .ir , ,, ;
tVr mil -Vi". '.I c i.!o 1 1- 'in ih'. -i i i i ,ii K
Aud ml uji Miu-mi' i;,, .v tr m.'.'ly il ill..
Vfe lu oi Mi,- in -ut,' n i ili f irher nulr.
W lu re a'l tin; rri-.'i'., I :wA ,ui';e s Ij.j ;
Ott llin rivrr, tiu my r vr,
My i 'Liliiiimi.l', i.i'.l ia nailing fur mo.
I'Or nO'.l'! Il'tlllll ITIIil till!.,' ,:i.', "l lif
Wlio rn. , ifi in.' tin,.: n in . , ,1 ,m j, ;
We ht btr thn il.,i ol t:i. n ,.i.mi n ,t -,
Ai.I ir. tin y luvc ii--iil from onr j-'Mi rr
heill t- 1
Thry .'mas li,.' ami an' S'lm- t" ,r niv;
Wr rn, ii a miii,. r tli. v. il iiji in
T tijil Lnlt' from our . i-inn the Mt 'I iy.
Wi' i.nlj k no v 1 1 r ii t'.i-ir lur jiH'i n i mure
MJ I i'(i nn o'or li! 'H niur ny "-e.!,
Yt ' Hit !k Tf, I r. i , mi tli" un-"'( ii Klmro,
'i hi y nt li, a:iU In i ki n, an I w.iit lor mi' I
Ami I it mill ll.inl,, w Len tlie inrfi-t'd i;ii!il
It (lu-hiiirf nvcr, mi,. I hill, dim Hiun ,"
I ibMli i ne ilnv .1.1:1,1 l.j tin' w it r i .11,
Anil lis: lor tlio .it ih" h Mtumit'4 o ir.
1 ilioll . ii .ir ii uli inn in' Ih.1 lU ';.ini; ,
1 l fcnr the lio it ni it ln tiu sir m l ;
I ''uli )i m liuht ;li tlie n i itm in y.iW.
To Iho bviliT khorj i.f the "nrit I ni l.
I tlmli kni'W thu lovnl wli j inu Ii f,,r.';
An'l j'lvliil y nvi'.;t will the iiii'.- inj In',
AVh n ov.'T ih" rivr. th.' ii".ir. I'ul riu r,
T bu Ai.g.-I of 1 in'li ill .-.tiry in '.
. . . .
I am old no-v. My Mio has l.ceri n placiJ anJ
Btie TeDtful n I ciitild hv w i-hc.l ; Imt !h"io u
one memory 1 sH, known to Imt fi u , w.ikli
my fuini j wi ll mo to put before tiio worlil. In
ny old ago 1 Iciro to nubmit to y- unvr juil--luints,
tven n In my yomli I submitted to my
eldum. In son,e,:h cxtieimi moot. I n-k
nltettion to my etory only bocnusc It, is triu-.
Whether it ia strange or not 1 hmdly know; It i
etruoge cnorfli to nip.
Mori' than lifty jc irs n,' my lii-o her .sti'phen
una 1 livtu to.eiliir in a ti' nhont ti n nubs
outli of I.i niion, ivlu re he vim in pr.n;, o us a
luroon Mirpheu was thirty-iwo, 1 iiitlitoon. Wo
bad no rd ,t on, but a si-tir, live i.r six yi -iru
cliter than nij m If, ami we. I rioil in l,ji..n.
Rtipl.en was n loll'.iry unit -tu ltmn m in, living
otiiebin iipart in m his i.t Ijiibors, mpl Himi.i
ihg nlmiiht in a la lurly " p,.8i ion toward
tee. lhroi,:h tlio years we bad litcl to-.itu r
ro one Itad ili.iiht of ln iniriylnif.
Thou it wn win n tbo eyents 1 hnvc to teil
be;n. Hie luie text to ours wan taken
by a Mr. I an. crop, it denlc-l ookiin,' in in, rather
pan middlo uj:e, with one U, lighter, M iiiou bv
rnnie. How uliull 1 ties ribn her, the unit
lienulitul ircutuie I ever siw r tilie was
pihp twenty jeais old; I never knew pre
cuely. A tall, siiitiit torui, tfir eoiiiil. xioii,
daik ehesntit eyes and hmr, uiui Hn expreisio i
Dicre like th .1 ut un ni.nel iliuu a linman living.
Uhoti(!h I was muih tiniik witu her uppenr
anee, Mt pheu did not eeem to noiieo It; and
. e mbjit have remuiacd i.u .cipiuiuted iviin them
fortTir, but that l.e was ri'ijuired tJ help
Mr. Cuiiuion oyer an awkward stilu opposite
our In line. AeiU untaiieo ouee made, lin y soji
grew luuiillar; lor they had two leudns in com.
moil, a love of tobaeeo and SeJoii'ioifiiaiiisni.
Iutiy a kummur cvuuia ili i they pass, smoking
the one nnd talking the i ther, Maiioa snnieiimei
jUt'itiK in, lor i-lio geneially walked w ith tiiuin,
while my ebeat, whu li w.,8 weak at that time,
kept me ut home. One day they quitted S oph, n
at the gate, and an he entered thu dour 1 said to
'How lovely M uiun is! I am never tired of
looking at b' r."
"Look at hi r while yon may," add lie; "alio
lins not tl reu years to live."
It wab only too true, tiha had romo (lrcd
ful coiLplmiit hit uridm, I think It was
whieb niuit curry her oil' in the il ower of her
dJ. Mi phi n l Id inu 111 .t he consulted
the most tin It eut iioct,.rs wiihout g. iting any
bnc; at, il the emotion, rare eno.ih in him,
liiai ne uispiaytu, mill me lie loveil M ii'lou.
I mid no word 10 him ,,h"iii it, 1 knuw b 1 1 r; but I
I tw with what .b a il ul doutits he was I'plexo.l. !
iixeltriiKiit nuj'ht tliortui M iriiiii's nli sin li an i
txi iieu em as a dei lain mti ut love lioai liiut
Blight be of man rial injury ; and evi.ii if il did
not prove io, how could he euudemn himself tj
tie prulonjjud tori tiro of eeciUi,' the 111',!
of a lieloved 'Viiio ebb away day by I
day ? lle-iiics, he did not think die cued
b r him. I, who had watched her eea-nles-lv, i
liniw that she loved him with hir who'lj I
luatt. He Hrupgled w i'.li lihnvli' tleicoly; but i
to ou the light, llu leu liciuo for H uue wi ekni
and letunud, lookifi; older and paler; but ho 1
be bud learned to nieution her name with out his I
voice quivinng, und to t .ucb bur hao.l with
ont ijoldii e hn breitli bard. She was pining
way iiii.ii r the ii lluiuee of his ib iugcd niau- j
ner, 1 dured bot. help in y two darlings to
be buppy. An iintxj ccte I aid soon Mr. ,
Cuiutton, who was iu bad heulta when we iirst :
aw b in, died n.dihnly. l'oor Marlon's grief
waH tcnlblo to nre. Her father was dead, !
fitepben, n the timught, e-tranged ; and there I
Wim no one el-e iu the woild w ho caied whuiher
Fbe lived or died, ixcpt myself. I brought
her heme with inn, una was ivlili her hourly !
till Mr. Cameron's luneral. How wo got !
Ibis that tune I l.i.rdiy know. Then chine
the neeeasary inipiiry into Ins ullair. lie had ,
died, not aliocitiier poor, but in reduced eir
cninHaTirrs, leaving Mirmu nn iinnuiiy tint
would m areely gne her the luxuries her stale i
of health inpiiied. And where was she to '
live, aid what to dor M.pien wits the cole I
exciutor, lie one aiivi-er to whom he euald
loi k. . Ho toi k two ilajs and nights to loa
aider, and Ibi n I'lbrid her bis hand and home.
At lir-t the cnuld not li. lii vo that his oiler
aroie Irom , njll,li,g hut piiy and eompa-.ii n ; I
tutwhtu he had tola lur the story of thu list lew I
month, and ealid me to liear witness to it, a '
great light ecu.ed to cmne Into her eyes, and a '
wonderml glow ot love, Mich a-1 hud nererneen, I
over lur line. I left I ) in to theinaclveo that
evening, till Ste lun lupind at the door of my I
rom und told me ii I ii, it ,i 'g, in fa, t, but what :
1 koew Ion;: U ioi tf. lu llu ir c use t litre w is lutlu .
cause for delay. Tioiis-cux w. r not the im- :
p'ltant inuiiiis iu n.y d. y tliat tin y wei,.' in my 1
graiidehililieu s ; mill .Marion n aj muri i-d to Sio- i
jihen, in her h atk gown, wkuiu a moalh of her !
latl ei'a futivrai. i
The next tew mopths were n happy time for aU I
Ofu. Marion's h. a th Itu; roved tre.itly. The j
wo'Tiid, liif htei ed li ou i.o u-ed to wear !
left her ftiee alio rei .vei'i'd from tho depios- !
aion nu-id hy i,tr ( om-tunl nnxiety n bout her j
iairer, auu ine lo-s ot rest c.'ie aiillerca In at
ter.diug upon him at night. It teemed as if
thv was entirely rcreo'ci ing ; und Stephen, if he
did not lota his fears, ut least was not eou-ti.i,tly
occupied Willi them. Uenv happily we used (e
look forward to the future, for Mcphen was he
ginning to save money; and how many hi iu our
day-dieniun Bin ut pu kssionul eui'iieueo fin him,
and fuehieDiiblc'i li'c '.n I., ndon, partly for
Mai inn, but UiOttly tor me. I huve tried fushiuu
ahle life in London since, hut i never found it ao
happy as our littys In tbatdear oi l .Surrey ll'ae.
Veil, our happy time did nut In.-t luii.
Mariou couglit a eorgh end cold as the winter
cnine on, und was soon eo ill as to be tal.en to
Londou for advice. Mepiiea c-aiuo back alone,
with wiaty, duthly-looUing fate. Muriou
had broken u snia 1 Mood-vthae! on the K urn.y
not a'.iythii.g serious in itself, bui on.iuti.s
enough. Tin y were to at onee to a waumr
climate not a day to ,e loat. onowfi.liy I
l.iuked up (he ueee.-nuiy aud want with
Stephen to lxindon the Ue'xt lay to say gooa
bye to Marion, wLo had been forbidden te go
home. 'Xhe tauie aft'-iucou the)' were ou bomd
trading vcatel bound to Leghorn. Liiei.i'y,
Marion was a good aador and well unci to ships,
for lb bad ninde more than one voyage to
Madeira w itlt her father. Much as I wished to
90 with them, and much they wu-uod it too,
it was ont of the question. Mcphen bad laved
but little money, and could haid'y ate bow
b and Maiion wete to live. uu!ca be could
make hiniaeif a practice somewhere among the
fr'.nglish abroad, and his tubing me also was not
to be thought of. I was to live for the preseut
sith my married aitter. It was erv toi to
part with Stephen, with w hom I had lived all
niyhfei it was almost sorer dill to naii with
Marion, who bad been more than siatcr to
me ever since I w bar. Stephen and I were
nearly overcome with emotion ; hut she was calm
and silent, with an intent, wistful look alout her
lovoly face that has haunted mo all my life aim.
I can sea It now when I shut my eyes, though tt
bny Jrt ago. Need I say that 1 nevaruw her
1 went tu tn y .
fiMliDinl lc ifi I ii
fllllt 1 pi. til .'. !
r u in-.., aO't ho
l- ivri-li ,r. ItwannotBll
'I ' ' ' - ''Uvmnit rnon'h
too i ii.j u, c m :'ie ,i . .
o.'ly I r my ihir in-'.
1 1- I "n iti: , , r. mi
of ti'iiiM.insr utt- r pin liii:
M iri"n. to'i. r.i'.' i u .r i
my ni, xi. ty I i cin to H'.vfii.
. i. it uighU lougcj
'i li'ipp, and miked
t "i Tr iu ltaiv.
.'.v .if I). rsf if, n l
'i ii re wai nn.itlier
ti li" my ).i:e h'is.
r. ."tir f r -III
I n I. tu fr 1 11,1
l.ti-v r.,1, wn 'I
ii i'i
C i til. r
i i' li- .".
I," i :
ir.'l '-
; M "I n
ol my ilVr
'IIP': to pny his
I 'IT tplllUP'S of
, p'l.irs. ,vt;:ti
) l iy ii I w tn
' u' H.i, ii t't'er
nii; .lint w m at
nl t.iko pitio,
I H.1-. t I R.l
! r. ii I. ti r,-.
il't.' tiia'
I t'l ill" nt li .mi ,
; u' it 11 ul len
e il uj io.i-1 iq
fuMtrs-ia t-, n,,.; j,i
111 o II l- .-. lu,;,! Ml
li.. r t :iph' riinii. .i .
h. '' v i I -ii,.: i- -,iv .
ar Im I li in, ,s i, !, 'i
ii ,'ri,i, n::, i:r. ji
.li.- k.'.j i. ih.t n h. r, i.i ,i . '. .1
li. in.-, i i-t ij p' i i , ..,.', ,-, ii.
Tivc th m. ,ii, n , I, .,.,, t II
MiiiH'ii Ii ij '., .'i', I .1 t ilinr.
it tl. ui siiue w. in l .r the .viii -li
r tl. i-. t. .-, tip i ' .i .i.i. i , i
1' r ln-r fin in.: ul.r. i.i.
V l 1. I ami; 1, , ;T ,r . .
v I Im tin til. T'i.r . . i,,
iii'M . ii ' in, ', V , , ,i m p..'.
ili,' v. i'i,' ir.. v. i i .1 v y n
t!if ihiy live 'ici ir'tpr I h '1
iV'-ryt'iir.;?, 1'pI
- ,'. , 'IP IH'I ,1
I'l'l I H'lppo il
i l 1'ititf n'. Oi
I Hp' I .if.
. It.T I na- si"!,v ti (up., r.i'li. ,
iip', thi n .1 utiii'k pvp "'I'l'iil ' l
bh V, III il Mi(ilii'U I .mi,' !o tin',
i tit" ! l thr hiui-i', Hml s u 'I i.'p
WHS l!rl".'. HI 11 vi i( HTl.l ,.Mlo.,
', itp in : h" e '.'ri-
il) till'. ",Ai "Ut-
: iti'. iipi.-iu 1 it,
ip --iji" i .'. II,'
'i-' il mil 'rvV-
Man, 11I ; hot there w as ',u porio-v in h s 1 1 e, and
1 ("t Mill' th it V.UI.U tli'l.t th mi". 1 . s ( -il
linn where she w.m. lie t.nd the was lun 1 th
Inni .
"Have yon le t li r in li 'v .4.
"sbc is ib'.nl," lie an-iuTe',1, wiiiiout ,1 (ha ioif
of 1 111 t!op.
"How ; Vh"ro I b.vimip.' to 'ricstiou
bll: ."rjt he tt.ipp. d ine,
'lii'.e me s.iinci'i,!,.: ti r,! and d.-in',," he
ta;U. I h ive w .b.ed f, .it:: I. ,na in. and 1 w.1111
to tleep.
1 lri.ui:lit him w at Ii't wmt'.I. IIV- 1.1,1
me goo'i tiu-hr ; and ns si.v hi, wished ! 1
b it him und wi. "it t., I. d, lu' of rlM; ,,v,,r,
mole ot wonder that lie, who trulv lovd his
wi'eii t'fr mm did, c-mM spotk i.V Ii.t n-.t a
n umb at it her death without Insv. ii e 1 il er
ing or Inn face clmpiiinu' In the leat. "To.
tnorrow will solve tii ih-kh.wi.- I -al l to my.
Mil as, wearv with irjui:-, I J. It a'ecp cuing
I'Ver n.e. l,ut 10 tn.uroiv del not Ive the
M'lcMion. lis tol.t me 11s betore, wi ho'it
euiutiiiii, whnt hewi-l'.ed me to know, 110.11
that mouifut we t oe no more on t ie s ili
J" l. In t.-ry re-pert but this lie was my 011
Mipt.en if ol.l, as kind and thou guitul ai
tver, only nlii red bv a ratln r absent and all.
unacted manner. 1 thought at tl.-st that he was
Munidl by his loss, anil would reali.o it mo-t
painfully atterw inls ; but nii'n'hs p nsed on with
out 11 rhangi). He 11-e l M oion's chair, or things
ol lur wink, or .-at oppo-bo ti her draliig-i with
out seemirg to no-ice ilietii ; Imbed, it was as if
fhe hail droppea out of h, die entirely, and left,
lnni us ho was holme ho knew her. Tue only
(lilieitnee was that he, uatiirallv a man of seilen
tary habi". took n great ileal of exercise, and I
kiuw that lie kept land. 11,11111 lu his bed room.
At this time lnvb vei w.,h ptes-in ,' nn: to 111 irry
him, and with much ddlh uliy 1 vou'enti'd to tell
stiphen about r, though I had ro iubintion of
ie:,vipg nun. 10 inv aarpriao 1:0 keemed plca ed.
I to d ln::i that 1 in 11 Id never leave li 111 alone,
not b r all the husbands in the world; hut he
would not bear n,e.
"I Ih ink it is jour duty to marry blin, Mir
gan t, 1 be mid. "You love him, ..nd' have t.iunht
linn to love j on, and you h-tve no right to saeii
liee lnni to me."
"My tir-t .Inly is to von, Si eohen. I will not
leave you alone."
"1 ,ee that I nnst expla n to yo'i," ho ni 1,
niter a pan o. Wi.enjou ue me 1 shall nut
be ; lone."
W ho will be wi h you " I u-KcJ, wondering.
"Marion." 6
1 s uited as if I had b.en thni, for I thought ho
mu-t tuiely be mad; i.ut he continued, uuito
1 utility inni, as n-iud, without emotion :
hed,id ai mnl uay. l ul night I do not know
wlait I dul. 1 felt stunned una broken nnd dj iu
n.yseil ; but at last, worn mi: as I waswtth wat 'i-.
ing and sitting up, I ie:l asleep; and bytion's
u.irey she tamo to me 111 niv dreams, und toi I
ine to lie com 101 ted. 1 he next nigut she came)
huuiii, Kiid frciu that time to this has uever failed
me. Then 1 felt ilia' it was my duty to live; tlint
It 111 life was valueless to iny-ell, it was not so to
5 mi, so I home. I dare s. v it is only a Ireak
of my imagiu tion. IVihaps I even produce an
illu-iou by an Mlort of my ivid ; but however that
is, it has taved 1110 from gobi in id or killing
inyself. How docs she come; Always as she
was in that lit at summer that we apem here, or
in our only time in lutly j hl.vays ciieerful ami
b. atail'iil.ulwuys alone, always di es-edrts she used
to dies.-, talking us he used to talk not un
in gel, but heri-i If. .Siiiiioiiim s we go through a
win le day of p'eastnc, Komeiimea she only c.imes
bun gcea; but 1,0 u:,;l.t liastver yet been wiihout
btr; and indicd I think that lu r visi s are longer
bin! dean 1' us I duiw nearer to her aide uain. 1
Mimit.mca a-k iiiyself which of my t.vo
lIvtH Is tlio real one. 1 ink myself
now, and cannot answer. I should think
that ihe iitlnr was, if j- weio not that
w hile I am in this I recollect tho other, aud w inlo
1 urn in the othi r I I now nothing beyon I. And
this i- why my sorrow i- not He tint of others in
my position. I lun w lint no niht will pass
without my seeing her; lor my In alth is go, d
ennigh, and I never Ian to Bleep. 8leep!essniss
is the 1 nly earthly evil I clr.-.i I, now you are
provided lor. Do not ihial, mo hard to yon m
not having told y,.u of this h"fore. U is too
tarred a thing to i.e spokni 01 w ,t mut necessity.
Is'owvrte to your husband that is tube, aui
tell b,m to come h- re."
1 d d so, aid the nn parr.'ns fir my mnrriaso
bi gun. ."sicphen was vry l.ln 1 ; but bis thoughts
wanditcd iuither ut.l luitUer day by diy. I
tpi Ke to a docior, a Iti. nd of his, about Mm, but
it seemed that nothing really aimed him. I
lotgeil, almost to pain, tou-k him moro aoont
Maiion ; but he never eavo me an opportunity. If
1 upproacL'i d the subject hu turned' the talk In
another direction, nr.d my old habits of submis
sion to bun previuli d me liom goiu3 on. Then
cumc my weuding-day. JSiepheu gave me away,
ai,d sat I y my side ut thu breakfast. Ho seemed
to hung over mo more tenderly than ever, as ho
t ut me into the carriage and took leuve of ine.
The thing 1 mil u- I le med out of thu car-rlngc-wlndow
vns 10 tell lnni 10 be sure to be my
flr-t visitor In mj o,vu hon 0.
"No, Maigaret," he said, wilt a Sid Umilc.
"Niij gi ou l y to ine now ; my work Is done."
Seuiccly i'ndeistai,iliu wn .t ho said, 1 bade
him goodly; and It was not 111 my husband
a.-ked 11, e whut he nnant that I remembered Ins
uraiige h ok und a. ci i,t. 1 then felt half fhglit
imil about hiin ; but the noiulty of my lirst visit
aliroml made ine 1,,' til my leis.
'1 he lest is toon tvij. Ihe lirsi letter I received
from 1' Hpliir.d said il at on the very moniiuga ter
H.y luaniaw he I a'l I.i eu (oui.d dead anil cold in
bis lad. Hi had und without pnin.the due'nr
tail,wiihbis right lnnul rl.i-piug his lelt urm
above the wrist, ami ho:oir.g li:uily,ev,.n in death,
u caeiel ol Marion's h.dr.
Nlllltr! i IlllllrrUa
I do not fai cy preeo, b us children, for tho very
reason that tin y me a'most always lu some ubaoi
n.ul pl.y-iial eoudiiio.i. I: I -n't uaturul for a
d ial to be 1 leiocieus. A healthy, right kind of
a child is foolish nnd tiiiirlle.'llni; ut best. You
huie to piaiit jour, ell' plump a;;aiiit their iron
lilt'.e wiiis and stout inns 'les, with u sliil htoutcr
ill and :roi.gev 11,,1-elc. When you reason with
tin m jour uigPitni ls nif' t idmal lo de. Tho
v 1 tses v ou leuch them und the Plight sayings tliiy
re tni I Hie i.lwujs jut u.uuori ,li.itigs.
'1 ho whoi.', imiuial, cliarnti r.stic life of a
child is n, i-y, ri. Hi kin,", Kicking, tiimliliniT,
bi uisipg, etai l.ii .g, I.u aking. You endure their
Mivnge pitteiii'O lor tLe bopo you have iu them.
Vi u i ve tin iu far 1111 re for what they will be for wiuit 1 hoy 1110 10 vou. X'o; I do not
want any ,,f your proper children, lb.poitiuent
is 11 ore uliin than cauniiiuiiMu to thiir nature.
C'ligii'id tin shows itseif betore pride and judg
ment in them. '1 heir hist falsehood is us sure as
t'atir first tooth, and the best of them are jealous
a.' d envious little lepruhutcs.
I would rather srurt to train a strong-willed
child, w ith hea'.ihy body, one decidedly of
curth, earthy, than 01.0 01 your children over
:r ightid with spiiit. kiptne oars 1 ao I wi tched,
w ti. up wear ed catr.cstni is, over tho ttugile
(, n: of a iittle 0: e who gave promise of a rare
ii: .1 Uauuiul sou.i-ilft. He left inc. Ut d d not
i :i. :o me. lie aiuijdy pasted out of s gut. Tie
In niortul la 1.1a nature :ar outweighed tl
n O'tui, thi.t hia ) ae-age from t me to eternity
s, (mid to ma only like lha lading away of a
btinM.ftl vision ; and even to this tUy 1 te el like
stretihirg out n.yuime alter acme unreal ti.iUff,
which, iu the shupe ol a wonderful child, raiolcd
me Into the belief that I was the mother of' that
beuut.ful buy.
I have no reason to believe that any angel
chi'titen have since lodged with me unawares;
but true to my theory, 1 rejoice in the rough,
Luioy bodies of my little oues, fearing not so
im. eh lest they should not be comclv and grace
ful, a- that I may tail to keep their bodies and
souls iu harmony with God s uatural and Divine
luws. (.'ot-. t-iiunfittcs Sjvinitficld Kryublioan.
In Twli aloue there are at tlU moment no
!ei! tbun biKty (iiuu.uijU itu m bo hare no other
religion or cried than that of s fir , or,
we cull it, "tplritaaUtfiu." There the belief U a
thorough if organized a lyetem at any tact of the
t britittn leligiou. It hue ite di'lpleit. iu jTieHttf.
iti altari, &c, au well tm its iaiers. rcviuwe, im.
lications of all lotte, with Uito und booktulere
of iti ottu.
Id s- 'u I an -rnt ten l irini s to the
poor ol Ton m, 1 is i nti e i ity.
I'0't.'lllil. the Ci li l.rutrii i'i! )li,-fi:i,t, in
In in Lot ill n. 1
Atl i ll i (i.i.M ml h . Ii. nit
ill I'.'TI- in I( j i i l a y.
gitc twn'oncprtii
A rii'w oj or. i bIIi ,1 . J,m , f r, , , '. r, , i,
liocn mio eMiilly proon. r.l a ViLvH,t,, u.
A Mi:' era f! irihulili, l,o .'I imim tn it .1' .it 'li. i'riil ru.ia i h. hi, iv.n
.!. I.i t J. .11.
(.', '. t i J..VH r. ' .1 a1 I': iir' !
tr. , I .. , . ii, t. i.., ,, .,.! ;;
-I ...
tl m- p'nv . .l ie I'll - Urn..;.. f,,.'!l.,
I r On, 'I ..I t .'llili, 1 li.l-i.'. Ill- 111 !i
l.itiK ami I '..!i s. i s "i,. ,i,i i" ( .
I h ni l!" .'I I't i:'i-li " . i i ...p. iv
P kill, lis . 1 t,.p.
1 h Mi' cr t.,v 1.
p ii iv d.
A IP w to: g, by
I ni l. Ir - w 1I1 . ip;
I t
v 1 1 , . '
'P. I Ml'
M.. I'-. I T r, v
i'Ii J " I'I." ma I'i.
hi'. I in l.ninl in, 1' I
inn: la.i .
I. ci n Iy b. 1 1, put
t, 1 10 n u-,e I j ih
A 1 111 '111 11 1 lin e, rt was g'von t' 'lie I rin,-'!
I'Pn I'm ss ,,f Wales durim il,tPr la;.- u-it to
(' p. id '. n. (lade con. lu, ted, Mid il,,. pro.
l.iuimne ii nisde up 1 ni ire y . I li iiu h mus e.
,' 11 11,.-, or 1 n 111. her up,
very pular in l."Hi"n. Pali,
, are
'I II,
to lie
1 new
.n t' e Hoyal Hi, II. rv of li
'U-tlrt'i ni,
loi low ni nv 1 h? ,v
optret'.a t v Mi l-.irreii.
''ri,lnl'j I., y.n e,
l' liui Onva, a H)puUr -inger of tip- ll'rbn
KoVtti U era Mnii-e, I as n noii,,, ed the I r
iMT, aim ha- f nlireil into it un tritiioni il ,
wi ll un nb'ii, ut the Hr,;i-h 1-.iuImss-.- 1 1
1 ity.
A i luir il festival was lp 1 I Utile ii li 11;, )r
('. theilial. on.e tue hundred or'-l hu , hid
v i ts took pan In it. A 1 ai o'ht-r, at I icu'ie! 1
tl l ie wete luuiteen . ,1 Mi.if. is. ' !ih piusi,
Kle led laiigid between la 1 1- and Sir V Ibi - 'ley.
A in w icti.idy, en l ed II , , ;.,,",,.
1 1 11 in ' , iroiluet d a: the St. .luiues. London, intro
di ces Mr. tlcrbs M i thews in a 'itua l ui of
' ine bite cillienlly, and Mis. MiiMi.iesas a
ttuiit, il 11 it"! n g, hj . it in .il muih, r in daw.
A in w lif e, by J. M. Martin, lia b.en )--iliieidai
Ihe llaj n.nikei lhe.,tie. Il is cilud
' '" ''i" S'y. and tin 1 s iijiop u hide in.itnm dual
tid at .1 j a lousy I etwn 1, ".M . Hihiim,," a .lei I,,
111 d his wre. r.ueh-tone, us Dihbitt.-" was ic
itivid with great favor.
Several concerts i f Interest will be given in
this city beli re b ug. Conner, the dcli:hiiul
nttlo pr nni rlunmi, w 11 upiaai in ihe con -ert-ro.
111 1, n. I ummig pint i-is we tn , have moppor
tui ity 01 htaiing I'li tuoti,, l'ease, and
tloit.-i ha k.
Titiens lias been pus.nted by cit'ens of
It with a diamond ring, a- an aekno.v-lidi-inent
lor lur kindness iu inking tliepait
i'8si"i,ri to Madame iiudi rtdoill in the ora orio
of ."i,i.i, at the H rmingluiin retiul, whin that
lady was suddenly ailucked by illi.e-s.
Mr. lli ncliet's lime of win, wi:b Ihe' li'iretto
f ntiiely remade, is to be ;;iveu at the I'lieam
l.j r ipie diirii i; the winter, with Madame Mil m
l i.rvallio lor its In roit.e. Mm i'r will also l e re
jrodiic d there, w th in poitunt reiicnehnieulk au I
iuiriaii'.iis by its author.
The I'ync und Harrison opera troupe isttraiu
to mve peifnrmunrrs In l.omion, having secured
b r Ihe leading roveby the new opera, ll,,l ,n., by
the I re neb composer, M' ini't. I hision'pos. r h n
ready u new three a t opi ra cu'lsd I'i'.nul iu.!i,
w ords nnd mu-io bj him se ll.
The Wcl-h Kiktcdilfod w.i he'd this yr.T at
I 1 tt. tl 11 ! no, the pidn ipiil compo-riou peibirnie l
being Thr Spy. or i. 'ci-,, liy a coiiip..-cr
1 umed Lbwis n 1 . 1. a. is a Invonte wa er
ii g plucecn ihe cast ot Noilli Wales, but iu easy
aeetss from Livery oeil.
It Is curious to icnnrk tho number of .Tow
who have i f lalter years lascinaled the world by
their musical gi nlus Struu-s, M. yei, Henri
lletz, McLdclssnhn, Sel.11 oil, Hali vv, were all
Jews, as is (Mlenbacli, whose tpaikdi.g'iind popu
lar cpira, thplitr ana' T.nftra, nuihates so uiueh
inusicul genius, ltuekel was al.-o a Jevvets.
Wiilio l'aj e continues to gi' e his "recitals"
In Ki gland. A recent critic remarks, (hat "w th
nil his mmun male skill in ivuklnic irom bis i-.
ttruii cm thu soittst und moot tluiiling tonus, or
mngi lliceiit tonoiousiii ss of some splendid elmr l,
there was a cuuniilng placi.nty boib of feature!
ni.d u iililnr a moilest nbpegaiion ot self ,vln li
cniiiri'tted lavorably with the eeeintnc and se.t
coiiiplnci nl denieauor of belter kiiu.iu, p. rhap, not better, older performers."
The r.ew opeia htu' lu Chicago will scit
bent i!.5U(" pi ople, 1, nd tho ttage and dressin .
r.niPS will bo so thiiioiii:hly wanned, that ii
thiiafi ji utiiiil s.'vs : "We shall have no more
Bhiviripg and llue-l ppid 'Woriiui-,' 'Itosinns,'
nnd Coin tencs' In chatu r niii.s, und tcuorl and
ba-sl will lo.-e the iiCee-sity of tearing their pis.
flews to tuttirs to keep thi 111 warm." Mr. (inn
is to be lc.-f e ut the hou.-e, us well as tiiuse iu
Cincinnati at d Si. Louis.
TLe opira hoiiMMit Ilailon linden is owned
nnd 11 unaed by M, the same mm who
1 uis ite gamming t .i.les, and who is, in liter, lur
more important than ihe tirand Hake hims' If.
1 is a ne.,i huh tdiliir, u.wuyswxil ami fasiiion
i.b'j atiet.Ucd, und tnlbiing the services of very
good 11 not of ihe lir-t clo--s singers. Colson, so
wall known in this city, was tho prima douni lieth Trench und Italian opens ure
given, mid ihe progi.imniu for the sea-oa just
1 an fiom the 1.1th ol July to the 1st of hi p.em
ber in' li ibd the oiems l.e thmleur, Itnmnl
rVrir (,, Jnenhde, Xttinia, Dame llltwte.
La t i It dii Hi fiimit I, and a lew otbeis making
In 1 11 film ti 1'iuLch and live I.uliun Ottr.v lor
tlie teusi 11.
Tl e mii. i ilmre Hi !gr gives the followim;
f ariicu uis ul the auiouuis rueeived bv various
nrtists as thn n-nlts of ainglo perlormm es.
Manbiau ut Drury I.ane iceeived t lot) each u'ght.
The same j.rin: wa- prld to l.ublaeue lor two pjr
li.rmiiu' es. (Jrisi at cw York received II ItM for
ono p. rfi rin ini 0, und shortly alter obtained
tJll o as Ihe remit of 0110 night's entertainment
iu London. Tuglionl received libit) lor every
i rrli rin. oi, 'e ut Hmnburg, and at her seeoud
bti.elil at S'. IVteioburg she lealized theextrava
guut turn of JLHIiki, in addnioti to a in iguitirrnt
prtaent of diamond ornament inano her by the
A llirec-sct play, which ia criticized a
"loi g ai'd tiixsoine," jet containing many lino
pott ie.'i I pa-m gis, bus b' en prodin ed ut the Sad-
hr's Wt'lls '1 heaiie, London. 1'. is by a Mr.
Lurbanan, und is called The ilch-TimUr. '1 ho
him ol ihe ttoiy it an nged witch-lindor ur S.ilem,
Massachuteus, 111 ar the clo-e of the seventeenth
Ci mury, who, h iving brought many old women
to deaih on a eh ,rge of w ni lietall, is punished ut
last I y lir.ving b;s own d.iu; hter 11 cusod andeou
vi, led He is half uu enthusia-', ball a plotting
in m tior, and is cuirountled by eouvei.tiou..!
The plot of Meyerbeer's Kit, s! opera, I.' A fn.
fi.t'pr, or I'as, o dv (in wpi, as it v.dl be ea. ltd on
the bills, is as tollows :
"Vftsi.t 'e o.iiiia, liluinttiir Ir'.tn tin flr-t imi,l 1.1
Af'U-a Willi u of is tt, vi . :ti ,1. two
slins vl 11. i' to r, . win, .t't'l- V'-i'i-i-', 1111 Afrl tu
tr.'.Pur, ana l'',it4. es-i.uts;.! 1.1 M.M,j,.ur. a 1 ns
bu." It',!.' K nii llaiinua 1011 1,'s ,d,.i. Vasci Is
.eiuttUiteel Io u l,ai,d v it, l iuhi ..ul ! r luoins l.'tl
lot hi h tl till tut t.-ocu U eo iiui.'iili a.t.l I" l,a
in nn, t or I via,-.., sli, u Is ila. u.ust r-' tir I., Pie nrtt set. lu lun im.'- n.i a e o
It ir, jo-"Ii wit'. Ilic 1,1. ,1 S,ia,i,..if uuU Nela-,. ,.
'liitUinr plan lu sal linn 1 urn,.: In,) tit. an l.uitlia
t'Uti.11. wl'O lov.-t a. '1., till. 1 i n cry ana a.lie-- liliu. Ill U.i'uhli oniHine'il p ri.iis-1,,,1 t.' i ''lura in
Airi.-a luiiir-il" Ins ip oovi-rie-. I'e 11. a is ith fail, tut
Ilk IS HLIl.ll tl'llmr.Ctt I. NI'd li.t.iwii 1,11 be , , 1st a'
Msda.'H'ear. lie k It n , b inr.i 01 si , no v. e-llKa it 11:18
tnts lit re ip p'si'k LI '"' IIS k nluvu. -.iii. ,v.l I m,,' Ui.'O
Ii. l.oi lap . .r i-l.l) will lUt hlui 1,1 ,1, it' I . At pikiei'l,
l.l.Vi tl er. Sill' a'UI..)oi'S In r Iilnint. Illl-l ro.,,, ,. s,. tval
iiie. 'I n . a. i In r n t.. 1. 111. .11 iia., imp . t, -'., r.w-s 1 1
liliCei II t npiia-lret- w tnle .l, ,.i. aaiva tu .13. ... '
UlO 4.111 Ul lllf J.f,..'
Sir liObcrt I'ttl, On unne th;m one ocM.-iun,
invittd Mr. to Vtu tuu. llu tve.uKMl
at fnst from iuUf'Osition, to vmix in liue com
taiiy," but ultlniate.y went. t)u one o.caslou an
anlnatcd Jb-cussion took place between biin.seit
aiid Dr. lincKUmd, oa one vi bisu.oiite tooiirj
as to the furuKU oa of coul. But t!:o result ws
that Dr. liiuk::ad, a urtch gi-eater ua-t r of
tiintie fence than Ste.iheusuo, s.onipi-.-iciy
sUtntcd !ui. Next cioin'r.g, btioro .nrakfudt,
when be nas walling n the .oiicd 4, da-'i'.y
poudciin, s;r William Ft!t ouuio i pand aked
in m vLat be whs tUinkinabuut. "V hy. Sir Wit
Ibiin, 1 am tbuikicg over tb.n aruu'unt I bud
with JIu klnud luhl uiybt. I know I am nltt. aud
th-Ai, ifi bud ouiv the i-oiamund 01 moras whith
be bus, I'd have button biiu." "I-t me know ull
about i(."uiu Sir Wiiaaiu. "aud Ml see what I
can do for you."
The two tat down in an arbor, wlien the ant.ito
law er made himse.f thoroughly ac iuamted w?th
the points of the caae, eutcriijg into it ith ull tho
zeal of an advocate about to plead the dearest
interest ot hu r!itnt. After Le had maatertd tba
feubiect, fciir niliaiu rotte up. rubbiug bie bauda
with glee. "No I am ready for him." Sir
Hubert l'eel wa mud ac onainttd with the plot,
and adroitly introduced the enbiec-t of the con
troversy alter uhiner. The result waa, (but in the
argument that followed tba man of veienee was
vertome by the man of luw, and Sir William
Follet had at ull uoluta the mustorr over Dr.
Buckland. "What do vou Mr. btopbennoa r"
asked hir Robert, laughing. "WLy," eaid be. 'I
will onlv aay tbU : That, of all power above
and under the earth, there Keeme to me to be no
power to great ae the gilt of gab." Jlci W ho
Have JliieH,
An I-lrgli'h wiita-r, Mr. Hotten, hat ptthlished
a ' Dietloniiry of Slang," in which, hotvev, r, the
I-oridi n in imc thinks that justice is not done to
tt tat'p-al s ang. I u proof of this, the rev lewer
gives the following Instances of the u e of I'ren h
and cither fmeign phrases in runent Ihestnctl
eritieinn : "lbeutiicul slarg, ii ctiipr i'ities, and
swncter ate not 101, lined to prote-Hionais nn I
pioictsional iournul-i they ere. 11 mio tliealrh nl
MitP t". lii'iint- of perlortn in ' s, hurriedly
wt iii i' Kit, hi i.iKh'.an not eetii rally pipe models.
01 1 1 i"'.ii con pn.p on. ite tirs' . o'd is rimsnn
ia I.i 1 th n the I ist word, ,n d the wh do phrt is
,iiu ,ni'ii',i 11. nn uie fM'll-i A ili
or-still p Tt. rn unee is ile-criheil as 'a hi
list j to c, tf a r ,...,' or ttie p .vo i- .- ii I 10 be
'a e ,' r '., I. ,ie w nt w 'li,' o. to h" a 's 11-1 i n,'
'.I nth .en-. dam i- ,,n ohl iaf,' tot in f r a
U S's ol A Ii ity who lo i.'Of her pin i- sh I
10 hat inn I,,' or t.i be .1 ,i, '..p.i.v.. n ,,0 m i,;,.
I tr in-i .io,.. a .iine; it ih" ui-e is -o ga it
11 Un et, ) w.iiu b".,.,c he "tiit.iin, tin v am
mil to hae In . n 'honor, d tvi ti call-;' ii the
p 1 ee i-, tn i-.ii 1, d good, it i sahl to ho 'likely
to 1. i.iw', oi to le 'a nia v;' il't o rlj utio i of
8' V k.'b r is npiewlp.t ponipos, he is -aid t
lave 1: i, ui hi d I, ;' If the )".:. is -hort and f mny,
II i e, lit d a '-Me iiiiiui; fa.i e 1' tin. I if it isslpnt
I' tt ,11 Iy, ( l.-c.illo i a : ft. or "irfife
. . in 1 1 .
1 "W 1 en nionerel languture like Mrs Is 11-15. 1 by
J', an can hard j w .u 1 r that 11, 111
ti r .111 1 tu'Miraged to use it Ihe w irme blip
I tin h iil-lii n presented at mo-t of our theitres
aie ti bit m iiis.insi d iu Ihe ee ikiip'. thirdriiul
I i 1.1 t Din) 1 tt in origin and eoustr 1, tl.m,
! 1 nt its 1 liaiHii. rs gen. ru Iy ret rn their French
1 til.s. lhise littes are of'i n terrlnlo stumhling
j lini'kt to the aelins. We have he ml toiirteen
j d Ih lent pri.iiun. iailonsof the word ' hni'rttr' in
( bin 1 11 e, in one liii'ht, ut one thea're. 1'heclp'ap.
lc-sot 1 ad tiana aiions may imriiy account for
I this slivinly tiansp iin'.in.; .t dramas, but Ihe
j t: ine ret, 1 11 , 1 11 ,,i 1, in to u,e n :hi l'n neli Arg it
, si tg Is thowu In every c rnrr of our play
I lulls. Il thite or b 11 r Ii inaie daii.ers mine on tj
e.'iirnpw minutes, this is ci' e I a ,!,, trtni
vii.i' it a lioinpii e, a n.niie kotnr, and solo on
tie lioiniiiie aie tiuowii in as a iiuke-treight
I bitwun il. e es, tiny are cad. .1 , o'lcchvcly a
null. m ,-,' and s. inciifi, s, hy jKUy ,,f varietv, an
j '' i'i 'o..'".' A 1.1 n'h is nev. r addrc-sed
as sir, lie is ulwat s ' t,M(,' or ' I,,,,,,,,,' ac'iirding
I to t! f lam y ot Ihe speak, r, and it lady Is alivav s
I ' Ifi'i'inpii, , i'p,,, j, ,,',' or ' lo.ii'.i, ii, ' 1 hn
j latteMn it g nn iil.t.r viitli ui almost as vulgar ns
'o.r,.' it ' iii hi t' Hi min if v pronounced 'John
eve') Is lie is en m, j ,m: of mi, h h til tran-latod
1 1.1 111 a-, urn! ' nn was m m lie writts'it
; liiM-v.iii pi, ni tine, d.'tlieiwiselhan 'll,muri.' A
1 bag pipe cannot I 0 introduced on the staere wiih
ont bi 1 tar labed '.i.i-:,, pi,,j,i,' and a netiuv
whittle io the same s,,n.; iir.omes a 'po.t' .r.i.'
tilin.' A lhiinb!ertL":ei' is 11 'tir,n'iilfiittitir;'
a u njnili n eoi b il, rale i- a nieu luui,' or au '0:11
1 i en nt S iriiuailst ;' a sin i nitcriainiii lit
1- 1.1 vi r i-in d by crowds, ii iv iys 'p vioniz d
1 y ihe iliir ot society ;' a siip.iim.heiid, as vulgar
anil obvious a- Ihe old llariliolomew lair do.l
tuck, Is cilled an '. lii'Ar.vio..'pst,,.,' a y lutuiul
se or is tout tines calad an 'infant proili't,'
unedinisii 'jntinile Ko-clus;' tawnvaefoi
fiom tlie ctt Indies, or It ,,111 tin' Sunt hern Stan s
of An era a, it cal'cd an 'Aliieau H i cius;'a man
w ho pint s upon the banjo anil dances, is e died 11
' 1 egro ih lit e dor ;' and a wonian li'ie M ss Men
Ken, the b nude ' M.i.eppa,' who trades upon her
iniHitii 1 ce, is ended trilted creature' I'M 4
I In li). huge is ti Tn lu 011 loih with inanai.'crs and
jouiii,i-!s. A n.unager is either 'a p pnlar
esli iO' ,' or ' a during mtr ,u iu ,' nn old itet T
Is son ft, me- called ' a v, teriiu.' It is lashio nilile,
to s y that Shake.-peiu 's plays k- ep the siage,'
and that : the C. V.Viii Hun u h .d a 4 lonj; run.' If
a 1 a- is 1 nt veiy trsk, b is ml to dr ij ;' if' it
is lone', it is said to want ' culil'i:;.'
"Arn r- will think nothing ot railing 'H.nnVtV
"rtat H"llbai.ies 'bits ot lat,' or spoakingol iviag
liai us 'a Heavy I lliei. Any a-tiou on the
ttii).e is Krow n as 'linsiiu .-s.'someiiuies shin teneil
to 'bus.' 1'aliitirg the laeu tor uny ptitieiilar
i bin a, ter is known 'nnikiiig uji," and thu paint
is i u 111 iy e-tiiiu -tvur paup. i uie Ihea'.lt',
or In use,' us it Is moro teehnieillv toruied, is
b dlj .'ittended, his is r died 11 fro-t ;' or il It is
t ilt tl wi'h ordi rs, or 'bits ot piiicr, as ihoy uro is tuiu 10 lie 'well papered, s in-,
nor. ilailrg geniuses take a higher flight th ,11
tins, sini we n memoir an adv, rti-eni"iit of 'Tom
Sin cis' Champion Circus,' in which It was said '1110
inline 1-raily und l.ight'y warmed by nut Io-h
ti un lour iliotisiitid dull, hied spi ctutors, consist
In..' ol r. r.k, weal' he itity."
"llie proper 10 the stngo tho
terms used in sihumi g ol thu various nur.s nt
Hit aire, run handy be as slang, until tiny
in r used nnprotession ally. It is very necessary
that tl Coil itnl workmen should have iixed names
f..r the iniiteiials they are called upon 'to work."
. p, 11 ,i,-y i-piaa 01 -say-iiuiiiers, 'mtis, 'wings,
'I cuts,' 'eolin ci-wi iehts .' 'Ilics.' vamnt r.vtrnis.'
'l.iavy tets,' ie., tin y inu only using tho ree.ig
mi'd hn guoge of their eiufi. Tne call boy who
mj s 'overiiiie's on, gi nl'i men,' mi l ho nninuter
wi o lells tlie pioii,pttr to 'ring up. uro 11.11
rirntpis of slang that ta-k i- left lortlie audience
toptiloiin. The iiudi. in e Is lieneruliy very will
ing to periorm it. bun the upporsreiitry Inter
feres with the gallery visitors, there is ul v.tys
some -harp yuutii to shout out 'lower the bin ;'
end the tiebniialitics nhotii the 'prompt,' an I the
'i. I'.' side ol the theatre, are stippn-cd to bo
lutni iar to everybody. A penny-a-liner, wri'iuir.
uu ai e.nint 01 11 theatrical a, c.den:, once described
a wiii:ts as 'a gentleman who sold liicd lisli on
tl e 1 rompt side 01 the Louse.' "
Qt A RT KKM A ST I! It's D K l1 A RT M RN T.
Pl.l'AI-Kt lHA. Novfrn xr IM 1-i'r.
hrfiln! rrniaf.-:i wi-i I .- At Lfti niiueuuiii IJ
oilvK i'i' ll'MliA,, N ..vo'tn'tvr ?, l-v;i, fur turn
(Diu. 1 i'i:ti- ii !it iy nt li e I nit.-il Msren .St' r-i'ioUic, ll.tu
Ot' I'M it I ill I. ul II' ft -Hit lltk' jltU'les,
4 (two tli.iisinl) V n-s'i n I'wui ", n 1 irmifil.
All ol l!if u!i - lferriitl rn h - n( Ititi ti tli y, ft'i-l
Milt in iu O e In-spn il n of aU iiu.nxtor jhitii4 uu Ui-j
jiflrt of U10 err tniit
lniilflr til ai p-ic, tn(h In wrl'lnir tv! fi ' ir, nn-l
11. Hiin out or ijt until j ut f.iua article bill for, ttuti tne
t ine f tlcihl Tf.
a h iild i u m t lw f.-mr.itiri(1 by two ronponilt' per
Hdi.-s, uhi,r riKiniiir" nuihi In" lippK-n-letl to tfit) tf.iar.i'UOA
nd ciTil'Ifl to t ln'iii-.' od'l niii Htuhik'ui Kt-curiiv fur
I In1 iu ui.l lrr t-il, by ilu ( n tt d Htutr- iMNirict .lnil. .
Aiionifv, 01 Vu ii-o'or, or oOiur tuuUo ufUoor, otUefrvls
Die rei, wilt tiul br ri'iiililnrtHl
'I rljrfit ih rrtrtil lo re-oct 'l b!dt clffBif'l too
h:lt mj uu bid lruiu ilcfauitiug cuulri-.tur wlii be re-
iu idor uf roloneHIEKMAy UlOdS, Chief ijnirtLT-
UiMrtl r.
11 I-3t Capiulu ftnil A. V- 31.
.UJilfc.VCK, No. ji.i ..reef
W'Ai!iM.rn, II. pvolnr !,
Prlil I'ri'i.csa's, In ln,ul' I ir iva liiiiiJifil (.'(ti)
T-1 ct iii.n" i e ) uti'aN I'.i.t'tl Hbv, wiii in- ii-t tiuea tie
tl I i tt re tinliJ Xii-ilUv. .Nuv. is, n,k, i 1 o i :m- t
Hull must ti roiiiinn.t'd by ftii oatli ol' ullfyiatifu
Min t-y ti e titihlt i liH" on tl t lu li.ii uitl. nj and t lu
t -miut M'l'unid' by r 01 tban twi rt',"iMHri.'
raiMn. uhii uivfcn'v intiKt be nil" n by int.- tt I a I
r.'ttiiitntr nt iiiri I. rk i ti.t) iifMrot l'trlcti'uiMt, 01 01
U.- I i'i '"tl .SiH'ft .Mlon.ry.
thf Ui) otu-i be to utvly halnl, an1 i'Hcrel In
W ii - lOf i 'it it A x.inUrU. treu of nil p.'ine ta th-
I t :irl li.tti I . I N IhHV b flUTttl. II ill !'. riKt. 1 1 Ml
H t r't -i tj i..if li i no- ti t I, uiui iioue but jo4 im rJiava
m: l'i. Hi'ibt rr-rniwtl.
l'arU' lu t.i Min &s ;inls may be m wImiumI fn-'onii
III U) rt'ltllllOI. HDll 0 bui lis eilll III II Ut Oil Il ail
i.i ti'r mim: t ii r t eiviil on u emiinis: , biaci tf titu
ivi'i'r trior ncil bold ul i.m iiiiriiiiloin.
A m I ito ite it.tvlet ut an v .i-on wtti Imi h r
tr.fote i. tilt ii io nurii hit lunMifii Kitfi i rn? liM.t-rnui' nt,
ii r i I jtn.i.i mill. m iiiit ,ii (cirtii- li i' tf. ib rt' I
'iii i . ,i.i tu rt .cvt .iisila u leaorvid by (;.t ii iu
im - I.
liinlfi's must mi rcut at the ojJtiKtii of lhoi'M t
re i" 'i ti io li.ts.i I'.ihn
. Ii iii. (.. i ni' tiif lluv mtttt conmi-nsi' , Itliln 0:. i.-n
1') tl .)b iioiii tin ri ctlon ul t!.f c-u fii' t, it, A bo id.u-
I'tiM l. lit: I. in 1.-1.1 li i a, u .luiniai , W-
i Hjn ti i v ii l . 'i u i'i if a i"ii', ili IMy wllt-a
p ii.- fr r in h i - '..I- .i tNi i .(iVt-"i i-it-ri inn iwrnih
I.i in im'-t iu in.uiuj "i-io, atalii lor 11 , ' tt'nl Nd
AuiHitl'l If
K, T I'.IMIXil',
II- IK m rn-.Mli. h. V.
Iinusi;! IIUlisKS! IKJltSKS!
'.'i ,;:ii..'im si; ..-IiI nkl - Oi i ii i , i
1,1,-t la. "
W'.mv.;rN. NmV nil'fi' jo, l,t;,
U rr. miMrililt! fcr tti'lt-ry mid t'tua-rv--1 vlci' tvtll
bU U-i 1 l.t li'ttsboiu IJ' Jj'Jl, 111 tljU uiWktlt, tiJ
in-. - 1 -In t 1 1--4.
iu.iM's will bo (Mivwed In Oiptaln h Low.-t
A. i. M , ai.d ti- lUit.tiifed tu Uw uiuul iio-i ui.4sO.ut
i il I .i'Ii ri lu- ii. ul'
r.i.c i.i I avnlry Jl'-rnei, $i7S each.
1 rice or Arti!.Tv iliiiba, lin.-a.:h.
I'ajuiua wlu biuisUa lur ut (' anl mtt fl.
Colonel In chaii; !rt Iiv. )-.,
11 -I i -t i , :incfii.s,ilar-L.enri 001 ..
m:litary notices.
h tn itit tmiJ ut.ii V..r ne ivn;.!, iii.a luilii iu.
ft I, jsvirr, lie ili:'!c ol a Dvililir at mr ,'.t..v,
1 Wi, of terrier, F. or Yr.
Bflter c'.aip')n'tl..r. loai. Ut Rrr.
Al l. 1 Hi. L' i'A(, liuilM :ti p.J art aaJiuutaL
Staiiii-'t ret, l'rict, Munaf.
tor all fuiUiar kuiiaaua aiJf .1 Us Eiicrattlas
Nilt 8 TGONT Insist, kaldtt a,jc HinH,
ktiwtt. u-tUiura i il i a j'jiuck. MlCywtrr
t&-tg Ma-tr a.lJITu!'4us '4tc.
(KTotrt an4 aottlwa ttltliif th. Ntr o rartuujtK. avytkal
ewoBLi axo OTurK muTAJir r ipaissr.
Ar. luvaaa U tbe xtetl
aCAKvricruKia.i KaTAJtuauuxyr
atoM treat, abors Sixth SUaai.
sfca. Sa anlrrat Uta afaortaat ot!o,w)uca r rtehaaas sal
mamiulccsraciiilsOHa otaar boni.ititt
wantrr c atl"uli, tli. alAMIt ACTURIM1 JK.iTai.Ks
V. . II'IIT OF rV.HIM;T-s, I
WimiiToN, l, IV, January 4, !;.
All draVra In if,i Kitdirt I iniih. r. t (Ih r.Otrl
f iirntli r , M.rMi, ti J r a.ll rr. svfr "sir. f Hnn.1
iv tl IB t n - , in. tl,. Mn (A oi tni irroh,! ak.1 r,
l' si 1 1 ht. m iliifl inr,ti th fiip th.-v M' itr1;' trp I
t- hwitith o ti, a rt.'i .-l ai nho t ii-.U :h tt n- . f
r,. t. T' .rlt o in pmi-n fl, urr, oil t, m no th" s ..i-nn.-.
i 1 1. 1' 1 1 i n.jinrf i ,tti. arit i or .tele can io ..f.
iim. tt: mi i t ,-,,, . t , ,,,.
I a l hn tr to .. I tn !ln . t will Ixt ifr.n rot 1 1
l-"t iim I'm. h ',irt M' m irn:ir
h m mvK i:it,
1.1 t J.I I. r tai-.'f.l'i,,.i....
1 .,! ui n' -n .
' ' V r A 1 1 T K Tl M S 1 I ' 1 1 ,
i IV. -IVM.1l.lM NovrrlilVl II, is
I.I III . , , ,
r H . at iv u riiH-k M,( , ,f i j ni'
I t i MMtr.irf 1 vvt'h -t'lii
ii.ihI h I.
I. A ,
tl i ' I
r-,. f it.
in V a'sll.l-l i.
( m,! iril.
r..i:u. 4 i
'mm an, ,ft. r, it i
ia ( oi U r 1 1 a. .tlrr, U
liiivn'r, rl ,
l li I. TVT J l
A!o, trr yr innii? 'ii. U Jimt
' l. 'Mi Itth n ,i i-rl il i or ir in ui'
fil'n to pirn tt, ii
i " 'i .t(.-.l lu- ,mv mill arir',
I' H Uin ii Miti'l in.- It r tl No ifia iil N'n.
"li, n ,
Ml, I -I'k.
,"l It' ,',.-
Il aa. ;i an
s,. i'. i, it i'.i.
Hi, ll ,n
11, I. ,!.,
1"il ilj
If, il I
i I,' .tilTrt, d.)
' ii . s . ,,,, . lUrur ...
t l it. t'm 'mi
tt.ll i ll. ... ', fi th
tl I, l. I' ",.l '1 ll . ,1( i. .1,1.
I.. ,.t n I si ii, r--1
I . ... IV .
K.n,, .. nfil.. in,!fr,l SMIrV-i',ir hi fifOHt.
I . I. 'l.ii ii ai.d a; niiAt in ,ln. cnj.
I' l i .1. ii.r.uir.,' ,.i fi ... , in ih,, I'mtr t siv.'t tn.
I " ii, H si,. I ,. ii. ii, tn. cm, in ,w n, , .,,
if.'i II..' I-Hll "I '!,. OS, Is fitlli'-i,!,, I,,,. Kill.) aii.l n.ati
Hi) "i i ilt dl-t.nctl liiKitvil .u tavli ari,i!a anil
.i, I.
I'.iiOr-, r, rliiii pr.Hls nm.l ,!I-Hu,.'v ttal" tn thrlr his
il .' i,ii -ii'l j tl,.) .r,,., .v i, u,a .rli... .iitu Ilia,
ni .i Hi iv.
ls.i,.i. , tili.n s.itiii, i i,l, nm.t be m.vik. it nit mug.
I" l "ir- -l'.l,,i IV Hi! Hi,- T '".S, ul"! IM.' .,Mi,.S
Un !.''. intsl itiui ai.t- i' If .1 It I-k, mxU .It. li.lnrt'T
l''i'..l tti. ill., Ai mi Man. i.ii.1, yiiieri it,, ll,,' i,.,i;,o,i
ill ,."l t. ,'..lll,lrr,,l. 1 '
A t., eislil..,', .i(ii,.,l l, two rr.p,inll.'e prs..ns. ni'l.t
. i ii..j,.j . ii, (1 I'lil. ( irimiileelni: 1' t In.. In will
" l'l I) 111. .in cl, - not, ii I,, iiitti uii'l. T lit ir,,Hi. tl.
r.i i. win 1 1. ,.( m,., I ..ti iri.isv. No. .'inhtT .-,, -s ii, at
VI roil ll , ki ui , , i:!CC, u,i biililim ininiu.'i tlui
Am .s'ltlH-mi lrnn H.Viir.lsy Vn. annl,"r '.H. l-lll.
r. .,i,,i. lli.u itu. . ..inr.i.'l iv ill i... i. tiu.iilj
1.1- t f. tailiH- In fr.,,o-a'. wl'l ll..t l.o n,; ir.,T.
Ii .M l" i i"i ' l-'., n-u!,, i , .in a. is, en.l l: ,n,ls in.iy tin
I !
t .1.:
i, it
io L ist any hij ili-duM iinr.'s.m.1.t. Is
ret. 'i
l.t It
I. rse rnrl...e "rrni,n.:it. f,.r (lu r,' Insari f iouuuo
uili, I- ulintill." nnd ,,lr,
r.iN.n. l ll I l.l.l AM W. M.Mvi,
In (It rtilt'f iMi. rniiiii.r,t'li'i!i,iiuil l','i,il.
p-uorosAi.s i oiijiNiiiA.N (ioons.
L i I'm-i vo or Ti.r Ts-Ti.wmn.
tl. II, I IM'I.N AtlAlll-,
''vi-i.tivr :,, ,h,:,
.'.!"....! fr..i in r.r Inrtinn
r :, ss i. a . as , oji.v !..',) t., I, .l. ti
Ni'iv Vn'lt. nl.l In. recnii.,1 .-it f,n
?ilr.l Prop
I.ih.'i,' d' at.
v.i-,1 tu ll,e i-
I I'i. e "I tl.,'1.,1
ll:.. -J. tli ilnv "f
.11 Hi
mill I o i l. i'k ! M .ii. i min t V.
r ,v ,
loi.iiiii II..UI..,! uniil.s, i,,r lUlttllins trvuiy sli.iil.iti..i,s
........ ,,r I''i:: in. io;
l I. ASM yn. 1,
Vl' hIM'' tu I' t. I. i i. i im, is s i.rv , ,,t
I ,:s.i, i i - a i: . w.i ii. Mi.'Mi. ii, liianki'it, t nnaoiro
is' I" .1 n i'i','-. nt , u, I I, s u I.
2. Si ,ai' ." . pi. H hit., Mn. kin.,- lllankn't tnin.-mnre
' I I, . i, in. i ts. ai'.l w , .yi ,, j, mi ii, I,,
'S'll'.llls 'J U llnii'Mm kllMr UU t.'t.ln til. ll.iiro
'.' I'i fr. in, lu'e. ni .1 w. ivli (
7.'i ra r. I1, pi Willi, M4, k.nHi liians. '' ., turn
. i. l, ifi' In, I f nnd v. ei, h 4 i. ,... ml..
;'.l0 fall - I 1". Wiito ll imkt I .. i.i m.miiro
..V hi I.i I.u-!,.'-, a-,, i wcikIi ji ', iKiiin .is.
.'10 pal, - s i". M.MN4.1 M.i. kina.. lii,,k, i,. i , niensnto
H'lo i'ilThi. ni,U K.lshH p..nii,l,
'.'.'0 pin i pi rt, ,ir;ri Mii.'kli.iin Itl.iik. U.ln iuo.
ail'" b, l.t Ml I. .. ,.,, ,, w.-lnlni ii lllnl..
.in it in n.'.,rii M. knis,' Ilia iVi-a.nuioii-ura
l l.v 'si li , li,.,. nn,l , kn .','., .nnils.
.smpu. i; pt. ,rlt kl.i. hliiu,' HUiikeis.lo nica-
.K. I.v ;i' lii.'l'rs. Mi d iv. I h I ', p
lis) ram .IS) pi. tlrwii Miirkinai lllankel-, to metslir.
"'' 'f ", '"' 111,1 i"sli I"
0 pairs ,'lp lioen Mir.liisr 11 .vi .-, to metturc
liliu , h.i ln't, ai .1 n. Ili p., ii.
.1. 0 ran- '.", pi. i. rem .M, l. man fi'ui.k.'t., to net-
ent,'f4 l- m in, litis, .inu weiifli ii ponii'lt.
lrsi pairs :!.i, pt hnli.'.i,. ni.i iki'tt, t.i
m, nM.i !,;.; .. m ri (,.,,,, tx'iKh III pnunila.
:ll pi. Ulna M.n'k hull' lllniik. la, to
n.'a-iin. .'."In Z'-'liiiln s, inni in luli.s noil ls
Jfujaiit pl lil to line M i.klnac tliliiiik.-tr, to
llirasnti. i.l It, ni; in, In a, an, w,.ihIi it n..iinji.
100 pail- ' pi liinl.o III.,,' MiK kliin" lllinki"., to
a insi rt-I.' hi .M! ln. l . a. un.l wi'lli '.'a pnnnils.
liopnlit :i', pi . "li-iiiln. Ila liliu, Maokinac lilsni. 'a
In in. a-urn Ml l,i si t,cli-is. in. I wvuili 111 pn.lndl.
' ' "" ..un, nana nine mailki'l,, lu
invasnn lsil.. ;.j n,, !,,.,, , ,'lKh K p in,u,
.Wipalra '.", M I .till lu-l,. Illnr M'klna. Illans.'ts, to
in. iitnr, ;! bi IK, in. i.e.. ami weiuh ii p,.un.l..
pi.l.s il pi i, mm. 1 n ni,, Mask man lilunk.'tt.ln
"iii ";'" 'l-av.-O inci,.,., ami welBli.',s
.... n . ,.. , ,,,.,,. v vi trkina,. ii ank,'li. to
Uh n-otre iii bv 'kii ch. a.and wuImIi 4 ' pouiidi. a
I I Ml
1 1 1 y
I f
n I "Iu h.
do lllai-k l luih
Orar I.M HI- JMth
tlM il l.i-t tlri u Uuih.
Do do lllii.t t j th.
ilo ito N.'urltfi i'Kth
i'-' taiif i ii n t wool r iriwlo,
l'o no 4 ,iu
I P'oi d 1 1 rt -itl y.. lo.)
1,'rlO d I'ollon rhrt..
Krt s, Wursftd i.iirirr.iig.
HI. j.nili t?ii,-(,
Mi ri inisc.
T"iilMy i;t-V
KlllF lfuiuis.
('! I1.U 'S
I rn a In llllntf.
l. -I rt. kuiK.
Km aii.
Kt-iuiKtW y Jeans.
Cib-a- i d HcmriH H! ti"ilt;g.
r.i-i iicii dk iii
riist'li.Mrii?a. Kiid t'lHli,
Klaiirt h, a-coittsd.
1'lsiil Li:.fvN.
l.itO puiirtli lln wri (il'l eg Twltie.
do foil.. ii Uiiue.
IA. K'aun.-t Mbln.
,.' .) I 4 at 1 1 co hMrls.
Vt" tl ii I'lrti.t af "fit a Tlin-lV n-biii.
'AO do 1' 1 tiled Co' ion ilo
;LHi No. -4.
in .iv-mun i r.itnri s-fi.
( ro. k i;oina, liidi IWuu ltro.iu.:lJtli.
'.'' I'm nt-, do i)
VO" VsIM, lt Uu
V'O lih.e KHtluft I rorW. ,'tiflti.
j-) iio ruDti,
V-1 rl i t'HiH.
IU) Btrel'iuixriJ Hu tm:t Kroi k f.'ofltn.
hu do do l'n 'Hi.
'.'itirfldft mixed Havtlrt-'t rro'k fata,
''0 do do I'sil's.
Jd do do ittn.
ri.ASH NO. 3.
t'AKliM 111. A.hll ( i M l; AI. Ill I'I I I TU, 1
l.V I' pi u!i.m Ur ti KetuH.
ltd in. tn Jii'nii'i Ut) i tiun.
','AX- ( auip h.-iU. 1.
i tu .'ii l iiuari i in l aua.
4 do
tiii ru,N.
H A ft I.
I- I'll I loo-.!.
I ibtl l-i OS.
I'ick Toi th "iiinbi.
KltlU Im.iIIJ CuLi'in.
7o do n tsrs.
do v..'.ini iiof-.
J Ca 4iri.bbtnrf 11 .
7 do ll.oi j ;iw tiiro,
l.fiai Krv Inir I'm a.
aaodotti Ititiiiite "i-ron.
l'i i-o ln. li luh't- i-oi'tisi.
'i do Ax.'i. to woub 4' - t
, 1
:o t'o .uu' MirroM
ii du Ko.iiiea, Aiiivti No.
Ill io Miovi-ii, a tin h No.'i.
Ho .iki'I Ar.rikn.ii uta i.ini tia. it' ll.f r it.:r 1 k' vl-a
ai oiinll'y, wMI l-ii io'"Vri'-d; b it us th--' sumo'i-i
lilitiiV.tii ti ml ilolj.s nio i -Ii'1-.ii fuotica, tt ill Od .it-sii'H
Mn,in pi'P'hltitr a rt mi'-n; iinino ol liiiiroi ill -e
ki iUt tt :u a -oiui, u- ilu'ii-'i (tii.ill a' i oiupitiiy Hi' bi t 1 1, a
mtii t- to K- liiiiiisi.t u inii!, in ull i.- lu-. V-, , ini'i.nn t
ai.'i I'd sftii'i tie I Unei unit nr nuuMjitt , wiu.h iu y
I.- -Ci il at li.iB ( tY.i-v. I i.e .li lli 'm il! ho i ia-iillv HiMnvloil
ai.d itm i n d ll b tl "sin l.y nn u..'i nl oi u,ri'iMN Mji
I'f.i t u u r l! ai pmi'.v". hui'ii a- ii'U b inu' in,il ihon t
in uny pv'ii i.iar w Ul " r a "ol; in u .i cinr th i-im
,lni lot v III I't l)i. i. nil to tut to.ill olin'i t ol llttj n '(ilMi-J k i toi
..r 'in.tli ii'nii iiim d t; s. i.r, u t-e not t.( o. ti'-v
w Ul bv pi r l iir-id ul i bi ii"p. ra.Miu nt H ill b.'
,'ui l '"-lis in i v t d, . n iim ol -ii Ibni-ol', culilUil bj ll.o
l.Jj- r t l 11 'fills !)j('M'il tO all'.-Cl llu 111.
it 1. 1 iv untKitt'.O'l nut ll.f rl, lit win be ri'ion nd to
ri ',iilti a v'l'ttir or U i ounntlty ofnn of tli arti !,
iihiui,t1 (luili tlil si't'i iliuil ui Ila iibovo stlii.lnb , at ili'
jirii-i h pmpiiffit, atiU u'l liioi. lor lur ilalUhK aniil aril If-
n.H) n ti-il t tl i ui in ii i H u in, ,;.( :1nu
n i't' fi i in ki ".i8 li l i lulU il to coui'lv . ,tli t lie rc
ii'tr. ti.tii'H ot a prc l lis oi ntiuct u ith Hie Umlt-u Statei-,
t r 1 uiitr l ot lj a itfia ' lu ' (. ) n o wtiolcab- d rtai f ii. i lit
re" d m tlrli .,, v ill btr iimoerc.l ; mid ibe t:u-t tt nt bU
( vi lift: .-nth niutitiis tuiiTt tird ai'-is mum Im ovidoin i d
Ly ttie .' ?tir ca,i-of t!. coili-ior ot the port wliorc il.ey
ruMiiu, ar v:,crt il la i.rijpoM'ij to di iivur tlie aiti K ; tlio
I-ropiiiul?. inu it ouibite Hie nrticlt'., with tiio qunniitii a
Hxit oi, a- ato arrui .'ii in Uoj iiioiluk, vnh t.i o
I'licf. ii'itifi-d to fa. h.lti doilur. huJ cents, at wlm-ti
t'-y ate to to nun Muni, aiid tbu aiucunt. must
titii 'iii ui:t niiti l ' U J ;ip i'or ci.i-li t la. .sh iu-.tuiij
u unfi's :n'.ii in i-o ia('n, sMt! jiit anv ai JtiK at'on ur
j;oj'OMvt n ..o..t, iti, or wri.i'.ioii Wlmti-v.-r. 7,-jr
ui'vIIm- .'.k.buii'trd avittt tot IoiJovmh. : i or
1 1 ft i.j ; rjJi ip to i,irri'sli up.-eriiA of tin lun .m
Wfji ii-'njoi.., nau 'jruifii; to t.i-n,iutf ol Us K'citiiij
aiftit t'ti-ti, Jki. J NoMHibt-r fi, I'M, t i0 foiuv.inx
an .i!(v ut t i i'.!. ti tlor. to aitlKivI tl t---e ini-.-i i). iit
ftcioruii.oto Wo i la-)1 or el .( in.poat J lor., ii'-Uvorbi:
inti,, (it , vINf i'i Iii 'In' I-tjtiii of Miirci. nat. or
at aio'l: t.hio or tl.m-i durina tlia vmi l- ,a nmv b
( ti- n d 6' tiii ( miniairait oi I r isva AiUtu . and a loa
(ropor 1 im- ac cou d hrv iintivt tb nm Ji 'iu v tiol? or in
part,' It more orr ili is r.poe.l I'or) I, tor we) will
wtttua toati'jr dar ut a contrAi t aoryi J
Iv.g i , Ar.d 8 vt s t uriij aAiiafu loiy to the t ouimustouer
oflndliiu Arlalrsfor t!.e Uitliiu! p.'tliirmanoe ol' Uiusanit."
tn t piujHsat inuattH) accuB.anicd wlU a tjuarume m
Iht t' -1w n ft'rm, t bi ilio-J ti two or luoru rj ;'tt i rtl
Kr.ui, whoaa ufl.c.i'iic inn( ba oert)Miu to bv a Uniiii
.stttt icd- r dutrtct attortiiy : " We faerfdr, lelutU
tiittieafiauy, ruaraarre that tbe above bidder (or biit.
rra,lf a c.JiiirL-l be aisardrd to blua (ortueiu).
act-otd m to ii lurtbWr) bid or propoaaJ. w Ul eaeuute
c i nti Act accordliiily, ami irUfti.' requisite security fn
tke piTforninQce ti t-ieof, aa pretcilbed la Uif a.H erilam.
tjirtit lur riJpjal for ludtaa uoidi. dated November f,
ImA ; and In (be tveui at hit (or tuein i a liar auto do, are
haivby aflire to blad ouraeUe., out httri, fiecutora, and
aaiifiia, to fcrfeii and pay tba lnltd ittaltt, a ditmatoa,
a mm not Um than Utoee par ceut. oa tbe aamouat ot eaid
bid i proposal.'
liiMida will be required la the a bio a at ef tbe bid fi the
fai il. fai performance of the ooutract, wliit two or more
auratlM. whoae auriuleucy aamal beceitUed io by ft Uultud
bihui juuji or nu met aiiomcy.
ho proposal wHIbe eouUi-r which doea Bot atrietly
oaforiu lu all panioulaia to the term ftutl (UracUotuof
ttiia aaveirUaewtal.
W . P . bOT.E,
11-8 tultiiatH ComimJsilontr of India Adaira.
'.'i'iit'0 do
loi.o do
l'-llQ liO
1( H 0 do
l.'.l HI do
10. (Ml 4 0
I f.M do
H 0 do
JO (no do
T li i
t'.MO do
f. 1st' t'o
,.'(. do
OvncrH, army ri.oriMN'i and equip
aa, TttrjJ.rH and UIKvHIl Sir.'...
, . Fun i-iiit. Nnv.ititx.r IS, lr4.
Hra r Prnpn.alt will br n-.el,. at ih'" llfll anil
V '"' aill.plllng i:i. hcanvlklU
."'"t fun trr 'nilnr. Int a. II. 1. 1 - '
t 4 i,l ii I M j l ine Ker,e,, arm. aiamlarrl.
i '".'J'i'VV! ' ea ;, ,.iu,n.. i., c .i.iai"iice Intra
ila.. lion, i.r aaairl arm? .1 .I'.lsirl
Ihe linn on, .iril,,,,.. io ,,.,,, inten.laiilr.ui
i I r ot aw ar.l. .'n,t .'.,n.tii,rl
a ' 'M.' !!' ','.','!". """."' d"ll". ciniini-nta In tan
tt ii t il. .n ila'r- ..I nwar.l. a m, ,i.,,.i.r,l
Ki'l'll rsw.r., ,lr o.r v. u t.imin,io da j after aararl.
t an pi. O' ,n...l.
I , . k ML a. d, lv. ik lo mminsnordtji atlerawar.1.
8, n i. i n I.
4 4 I r.n y l.. .i n. ,! M.ia'ln, drll.rt es to c.,nra"ii' s ! iv
arrikv.1,1, hsn i . . i .ml, ,1
til", il ,i . 'i si ril f. 'Iv.ilca Im- inmiTir,. ,,,.
k'ri ...Hi. M a ,T, I" - I .' i ill) I ll
li'.-s n II,. la 'ii I iii l,. r.cs l i C'lTJiin-M'r .'a;-t.'i.s.era'ar.l.
slnl' r. K .l lit rl
I nik b i t I i.r. a .? . .'.'.', i'-1 l tfil.'t ,
at. . a tr.l. an nl. ie .nl 'I
''ai iK.n:e il.ii'
3 li.ii.t.jil i .in t '.to ri"', .t. i m' I.-, to commence in M
ra li. in ,!'" n. .insi'l, aino .n..l irl.
M.. iei Trn's rlclo ..ri-t to voiiiin. -nee In 10 tlavn front
rn. o tAt'.l.t'iiii "aiiihsl.
M mi,',,. t ail.' fa a. ara rr-iulrt'l tn branny
t'a . ai,l ,ni l., n .u IM-" i . r.
It,i t. .1 nii'.i l... .-no. no. -I li.- two re.p.nsIM" prr.
".,.. I,..., - v ,,. . i ' r, a i,,,i -i l ,- a pprn l., inr .iiiai
I" anil ' , Mil , , I., i. Ii,.i. iin, . ii til 'it'ii' r,
I T U.r ant"' III Inv. Iv. U, l,y s
I: e linio.i k aoa.
P ib.ic l.ll)t.t oil.' ot
I'.l.t. II. in n ii II ir it
,rtii It vnnp iritn i ,
vt 1 1 1 ... I t.i r.i- .1, ,r, it
r .iitrnr'nfs nnl tfii 1 tint do n t
."'l. hit W-lii tllt M.(M-tltl'NUl.t,
li.a.ik r. iui. i n ,, air, ,.,,,,, n . (.,,, i.rms of I'-t)
filar mi.r r...,lr, ,1 , n a, n ' t.l, ran Is h i,l i a . . , alioi
a' Hit ,-l! , e an. I m.i r . It . wti . 'i .n. n,,t .".,i,ra, , , n a
IO ariuii.-r win lit-. .;,. iii. rrn. n -r mil anv l
i. erril whl. h itnea nl nn ity ,-,.i.,i,
n rra Hurt m'.l
tlie rv utre-
r.r bi.! wtl, .nt-- fie null In-r and quantity ofvtch klai
if arll.-n- ;in".i-.l In in- iltliv . t.
prt'i-.'sna n ii. i btt ,.i H-.-.f. "Prnpn.ala for Arntv
Hgip I, ,, alat.iia ou Us ru ciope lliu uaru. uiar uiliulo
b 0 I'r.
lls-ltM III. i It,
111"! tVolnl y. M i..pailin-,it.
t'lill l ll AKl ( siA-lt I H fll VK H, i
Hhl'ir i h'il
Wiiini,mn. H.tV. 1. i rm :mth, i i )
Pf'lrd Pr"notti'a mt Inv lie.l Uy t i un ioU' ' -r oip
P Dai lul ti it d rtiatrn y ianf rui.i it a !' aitmi-tit. at
H.,ltnmi. ll. i . ; Ha mm v. Mil ; Al"an. t. -.ut
r ortian a onr a ,m ei.bcr oi Unae piacca. wiu Uv,
i. .f ii, inn and Straw ill i.. rir.tvnl for the l1lverrof 'rt biiihHi
oil Min or t'atv an 1 .'A) tuiu oi llay ur M'ra-v, and uu-
hi.jit. r-. muni ms. at litrb f thr ai-ovo nanii'1 pointt
tl jo -f.M-I., limit,, ililivril.-t. und Hi.- r.iti'4 ntwlil.ii
tb.y ill tmiKr d ilv ua Hiorcttt, t?i quit a Hy ul ca. 'i
riH"c r. i-ovt-d to bi itniMMvJ, ihe time w lun Mittl
iMhi'tus Rl'.ui bo loniiiuiKid, nnd when to tw c ui-
I Uv ,.rl mutt wnfon o'tt In wnnls on tTir h d.
or n in to iy ut up hi tMt ttotit M. du, oi .iu tw.
bnni l is a. h Unii m htr fn-ks,ot nhi.iit thn-e o-ih'Isj
iu. li. Tin' m kio be torntiiu ii wtth"iitaxua i har to
th,' lii-v i mini tii.i I I c Ilnv r Htr.iw io l.r Hi-unrf Iv Imiad.
Tbe pailx u'r kli.-l or d. n ilj H-m ul iintu, ('orn.'fl v. or
HUuw, i.n.p tA io he lUUiMrt'd, uiuit ousiaieUiu tho
prop' i- U.
All Ho- urilt h a oiT. r. d tn l. r tlip hul h. ri in ln Itu! will
I).' mil.jfi t I.i it 1 1... it tllipfrtlaju th UMVrOilll!llt iiispcc
toi . Iu ort' t rlnu urn pel
t'oi.tractt "Hi uwirl.-l (Yon lltnn ti thw In tlie
low i.t Tosponsiblo htildura, an the iiiiit.'M of tn-j tit iru
nun may n'oiiiio.uMd ain-iif win b niaoo wii.-u tin
who.'c ainniiin cjntrai ied lor sliaU bavo bvuti dolivanjd
ai.l lu-ct ph d.
1 !, blildlT Will tl' rp'lltfrrd tO ftIV.mMnhli Minn
will) n Koar.uitH', slmd by two rftponmblo purvMit, tuiit
tu faic lilt bid It mrejited, bo or tney wi 1
i mil ii'n oni inrri-Hiiur eonte tho c n
irm-i mr itu- .inm wun .k d aud Puuii i' iit Jtuiutlt i. in a
miiiii e'nial to tho ninoinitof ih e'Mitrart. to deliver the
ii-ium- p.u.'.-iu in i-.iiioiniii.v wnn thn tut nu or tnu ml
miim ti,i iii ; iiid In riw. tho hAMl b;d i f ahoiilo tail f
ii ii'i .(.to ii I-1 'iii itti' i , iiii-y iii uiii r o koou tlie tlim rviiue
n'i i-i ii tl.i-. i'i t .-I f.nd (udder aud tb no: lowf-t r
at onsibit in Vrf, of the pviaou tu wuoin ti.e ctmiraoi
Dia b a ur h'.i.
'I bo n?tH n-H.'lttv nf iim cu,ir-pfn, rn.t tie Ti.m n
by H't oini-ial ii'i-i ifn'iti of a 1 nl e-t Mil". Ida rut
At oinej . Co it-cur oi l or miv oifi- nfiioer un I.-r
ti p I rltid M.'i'et oovoitiUj, nt, or r sp jnmok- ihtb u
kn w n to u i oit i-P, r
Ml n.i.uTr. wi,i 10. hi r iioEiiUtl oi' ihe accLptance or
rt ion ot ihfr pro, o'ri,
l loMiiii ran i-und r-nt-'Mh e a.l lrras t f cadi bUtlcr
miit-t b.' i g in wntli'D In Hie prop foi.
t-f ionsn.iikt he luluto-Mid u. Hriiiii.ller.iIiMierRl I II.
Itm Kcr. f it i h.'iot iii.irtorn n-ii r. Wunimiit'oii, i.
iiim ulioird b p'uuil liiurtio I " I'lo.otW nr K.iratfo."
lit t hi .iim tt, uui to the a.ii.iiint of rio oo.iira. t,
Uiw.l by ibr I'Mi trHi tnr nnd I old ol hi KvaTUt.r w'll
be i 'iuin d oi ibe utciafulbiddr or bJddora upoa nicn-
li Hie , olitiml.
Iti: ilk i rmt. of blitn. KUi'ar ti-en, arid boa da m.iy bo
obunitd tion ttiM 1 1 mi' ti to th ms oii'.i e
HfH.M t-K l ihu'ksaL.
(Towu, County, and State I
!, the Mibtcrlher, Jo hereby ptopone to ftirn'ah nnd
delln r In iiiv t'niu d Siafi -a, ai Ine (.'iinrtertnui er t le-
partim-M ai , agreeably to the ienu ot y mr
ndviri.M-nieiif. It.vithff i oioial or lora.e. dtil,
w ant liuton Depot, Diteuiber IhI, Lite luiiowlna arti
Of", vi..
bj'iielnof Corn, In tacp, at -- per !mhet of M
1)0(11,101 .
busheir. oi Oai-, .iisiu ki, at per buihel of J2
poi ml.
toi ol hahd !Iav, :it per ton of 0on poitnt.
it nt oi baled Htr, , nt pr ton ol .ntdi poun la.
ir,ll,iv '. o t'um in I'll tn kii or bi r re the u oi
i Mi-, ano io i louii'l. letl on or bit'orr tbu duy of i
In , aid p e kb in null to en'er tutu u wrofu cut -art
Whh llie t'liltl-d Mthtft. Willi ttO id fill'l nmirovoil s iH i...
wliMis the h aueoi urn da. a ulur buliiu kouUi-U tuul iii
tu hna bitn av iipud.
Your obedk-nt airvunt,
lrlt:dKT-('iisrain. 1!. lit. hVR, "
l.hUl iH'poi vjii.ti-tvrmavter.
WaMii. biou.O.C.
''.uahan tt.h.
We, thr nniTerainrd, rrnidi ihn oi , in H- runitT
pi , ai.i.t ,st.lU' oi . hcbv, loiiit.y nnd-uvDiaiir,
Ciivrntni iHi the I hliid 8i.itt n.iind fcrtnr. un.-.-. hi mo
Ihe rortKilnjr bid of In- at-crptpo. ho or Hie-
will wilt-on ipii daja uOer tho airojtance oi sid
Im, rxpciue Hut coittmrt for ci-p tnuie, with nioi
Kirtit ieiit aiirettpx, in a sum eiial o fbr am uitt o u,e
(onirsci to fi mi mi tle lor-K'' propusfd in i-ami.roiii v tu .he
tfinm of the advi-rtlNinieiit, .la. id Iteiviu r H. IhJ. ii ruler
hh Ii thr bid m inuile; ami lu east i lie stil tliull
fail lot-nitr into n eon trio I ii rt!nre;ihl, up ;iiai-iini-o ro
BiakP it.tM thu dWiTt-i.t'e linw.rn He oihr ol the tiud
an-1 ihe nex' low. t n- pom (bit I, ij.ier, or Uie ucr-
lon tn whom tb ri ntraoi n.ay be awarded.
faiveji undt i lut buUklj and mi una d.iy or
fSonl 1
f -te I J
I r-i-re eorili'v thiit, to the b nf mv hnowlntK-,, n l
hell I. ihe abt u-imno d n oa. nn;.ir. art i,... j und Mittl
rli hi is uiitui to, ibr aiiuoiu.i fl,r whi. h ta oifcr to bo
! amy.
Tt- b ufit IS -d by the I n te.1 RtitPi iMifi-h-t A'torn-T.
t'Ulrt tor oi ( hoioiiik. or an otto r ortieor und ;r thu l ulled
Htnts i.tvi iuiiii m, or ie--oi.ri;ne ersuu known io ili.a
AU proptaln r civi d urd'rtlil tvi'erti.t'n...n ho
opf i il ai d f xumined at Hl oiti. p nn Wednt-itiUy nnd
Nitur.iay ol eunn Mi.k at I'J M ltiddors are m u-i'-tiuliy
lntUd lob' pivsi nt At Ilo.' ojitiillliM o; Mdn ll fhy i .rij
ll II. KM'UKIi
1-4 tf Itr'tadUr-i.tueral ami JurUin usier.
jnior 08 ALR.
1'iiOPOhAT.n F'R IIIOK, TAtXOtV, nOnr. HOItX
Olrii i in ri.T i ui m I hs miv ui' ii! iisi-n:vrK, (
Vi'UHb nt.tiin. I. C . Novumh.-r HI. ls;. (
Staled Propo-ttn. m tiupih me, are ii.elied until Hie t
daj ol Nuveiiil p', nt iloel.H'k A M . for Hi l-t. Tallow,
lltoli ll ri h, i hticl. a, Hhin. nnd loiiiiet of aJOovein
intm Caltle tlunkhfert-d wi. l.ln t he mioh nt Ihoiti of tho
I'I ' ot Co uu nla, lur toi r luoh'.h liom Uacouiiuonce
n.tnt oi the cunt ae.i
Ihealjs.vear h ieH to he collected by Ihe tvinti ator and
rmoeil from (Ji virimii rhio-H t wi.lcn iho tatiMui
Hied at am n tiutu a.- m.iy bu tie .luaiod b Uie uiticer in
h a rue.
'Ine nrmN-r of CntUe ued mnnthlv v a-fen from I6m to
3(Veii. ai.d -re now Mil-,l.t chum iirld. , iilHiMirotcaa
Var,, i'iit i-auip, Viibini.toii.itud AleBii-lr)i( tiut oihe"
p tit e. may oci-ur l hiu iiie preterlbed limit wh re these
arih'h a w Ih be re. unit d to he euliteli d.
I lieeoioriteior nl ulibi'ha'i all Ih- hldPt.t'illMW.hno't ,
hoiiit. (.hiit ka., m. in, und loii-hi'fi, cotnltiK ir 'Ul oil Hits
t.ovt ii no i t Ir et ea.lie 'lu ln. n tl un tisi It eull he tuiu o
sailtil tO L) IU Al e.iT to Ihe On In it t, llij-ttrililoill that
ah di.! tM'rili.ii, dl.U'-iK-u, uiui i iiinAl nmilo to ul'luiu
a;d ur h h t.
l'.3 m. nt will hi? n ..nlied ovary ten dti In O ivormat-nt
V. hi- oi . . .i . 1
Hi. hhln w ill "late iht atroiiiit jut animil, tor 'hf art!- I
chs.eierr.d to ,u d be a. e np.inie J hy Hu- Mii.wlii (
nhit e. i ct i
..U;, amuawu ot eu h uaiainui , and,
naili et t!l umn i
It auk t iinirs e-i
i he oh'alm Juj aip U ttUoutothc oikUt-
pl;orO.. I 8.
I, . o th . or , e-ninlr ft , T. T)
ptr h'a.l. for ml II i.'tn. 'I' iii'iiv, Hoot,,, it, .rot. 'i.m'ka,
hl.'l.s. iin-l J on. io t. o, nl) t, iv. i Mii.etu lice!" h tie M'iei
w ii iiili Ih rtlu li nt I ml'N ot' Hie Ih ,ui I oi l ' ilumi.'H,
dol a a a) d r uis ul e a jut '..he m wo l a-ol
tit rn a . f libit i" l' nil ih'' c nd l.iito.ii tho a oi-jiit
lit-ii whI. a; ) t iiwt-ti.
iir.Mt Nrl.K.
Wi, lio ninteT-t.'ii -1. 1 1 id . I, ol In tli
ni , ..i d .-l .ti- ..f I to,r. lolntiv and
Itiili rmi'i ant it h He I ni'Pd Nt t- . '.''nirn tin e. In
cii-e il't- toii-v. h ii I hi of a ml h. accept, d.thut
hi' Will, tt.lll'' tl. c .mi t ai-et tin- u. i puinv of Miiil bid.
Kit ti ii t uiui. I bll the pinmpt aiid t -Stli i, f i i ulloo of ih
.vinie, iti d I Ilil UPWIll beeonie hi aiiri-l tin k bond, 111 j
H M in i l lit i t'll Iii n.ct tl .'..I .ir-,. tor ine ('.MlMpoiiin-ii ol
hh. ioi,t,4i i In . oiiiorn.liv with Hie u run of hit tu-ojs.sui, !
ai i) Hut in fi.u' tue said ,i,all flt.l to j
mi?, in v a cor inn i, under ihe ti rm i I ihe mi nt
d.iieJ Sum i.ihi i HI. 111, wo liiiiuai'tea to Uirtke .,od the
dilK'iCm-e hilwiiii il.c udci tuudf hy (he i,d
in ll v Un -i.- hit piup'Mil uiui thi! nevt ioWt.-lio- !
Mn,ii" n i ii . ii i i ni ii r, or ito i-oi uu iu wh-ioi ihu ioa
Uio t may be uiinnli l.
V ilhcaa:
) i.iwD un 'ur our Sand, an 1 ecu a, lh.
The rrsiior j'ltihty of the ii.irantrs mint e ahiwuby
ti t! ixtii iitl f'Timcate of a l.'-.t.t t .v-r , luii-,--t Atn y
vt I Httrrf .SM'f4 Jutiye. iho toiiliicaie luiiat be m Uie
lulloWlhK loiiu :
I hereby tvitii. that from evit'onc entirely iltt,a:t'ry
to nu H'P atiov. - iihiu'-., 'lUumni1 i a me -i.: .tiid jaiiii ant
nstuu-Hesiur dui.i:ii am o lit ir wh.cli ttwy oilt ui
be iicuiitj .
Tcwhhh ea:U i.t:i Ur u9 aud vhttudtae
OAl if.
.:atf of ', rou:ii ni . , toMOM nip,
1 a t" ami :o, u.e coi i!tv a. 4 (tait' uiorcsn d,
pcroi aily ariea;ti ue ot the suietu. on tba
uraiil, of . wtn. belra duly aworn. deiiowa
ai d buy s '.i.ut he U W'inM.,onr und .iboie U ut dcuu
and liithilitiea, . Mim 0t tl.irty tlKfjanud dohara.
"&uocr.Lt-d ana tworo beiore ue, Uii day M
h hioa will heen5idredtin!prv made out fa confi nnlty
with the tioove tonn, i.d ic acc m., un!il by tbe lura
Ko:rk Kuaianloe, rorlitteatu, atnl itflnluviia.
Ad biddtis m.Mt forward with toeir p;opoaa.i an oath
d' alh'Mtame. uuleat oue may be on tile mutt the tPcar
who ahall open Hie hlda, aud no (rooaU imt tuliyetm
pi Ins with ti e fori;i,Jii ictjiiirui.ei.ts, ut well in fact aa
iu Ioitd. w ill be ot-iisiderud of reK-irdtd aa a propoaai w.atua
ti uieuiMh,- ot tlu aJvcitUi Uitut.
The coi truLtor will ba l.eld necoiMitab'a forstiMu
Tallow, Hoofs, Ih. ma, Cliuclta, Ac, ouc wee alter Lie
aisTTunK of the contract.
Bidder mint be pneaot at the open in of tlie bida tti
repohd to their naiuea, and all bids buh Imj ondoraed
"I'ronwijile fur pur. l ,i-in. Iliac, Tallow, Hoot.. liriu,
Chucka. Ao." and be dlrectvd to I fie uadernlgm J.
tl. BKf.Iu
11-16-71 i Litntonaut Colonel aiid U.S.
alor Organt. liariaoaiuiiu, aad Meko
devu, at
ran deafness,
Mm., d rM. Ta,, f p.,ri T)r-prtle. r.ntarffemeet ol
U. A r , iM.e.-ct of thf KMqi, Ounetlpattoft,
v.iel, riiea. In rt&D ity, f lit, Paraljau,
Hush ut Blood ui the H-ad,
Wit!) ail m,? vcry AUrt wWeh !nf.,Uf aamtB
nred eOeitualij b
I'BICB tr..
orru:r. -yn. 410 akti ir,t, ph laAtiphu,
.No. 13 1'tAIUUlTsJii B jnare, BalM. .
No borlnir with fnttromrntt.
.o Lii-. ifl(i in trie .irp.
m.ti'mt np-i-iioitrtlaortwtrodtirlni- ariree
Jn pom ii.. inr.llo nea down tbe ihroat,
Truih it un ci it v and tnutt btwtiII.
rated wit hdt uib-c. u-eiimnilj uiuai aooncr r isir .i.m
uaei.utiiiij uiuai vour er later ia
Into of 1 ton.
III lib Ihe Illl'Vurnt (Vara Is nlt,ln. - .
tewed nlnt,ror tft. f(iClt, d" "7.L
r.7e. h U" A,hfskJ auU SSmiJlSi
1 hi nad tta'eof thln.t ta the re-utt nf Ignoriae an
thn; n.aon tnpp-rt(lf ,ho,. who pr f -, o adntTntei?
KiiojPi.odnotnibetum ltotPthr. AO PhytJ Iln5
u .lrexUterct'inrn..t..pnyBk., and can aever be aDder-ti-ii
apuit tom Ibe lama. w
wi.'.-a"1 nu'V, r n '"' k' n'l-'n-of t renin ie
l. tr l ?i -.h f1"" ,,,,t','n't".w.'baron
t o inn a m with h,e& to exiH-riiaeiit on poor aiUr vteZ
tin... who havp ,nvh, nelihei phialrally JiuUilw
llpwhocrt-aud he human body alnvt sppikl of If ae?
mlKhi wi.olcand the dimh bea auave ar tool vLa
won d.uti.mpt to jivida the PtU-m Into Vtioaa.TaS
ttput av ditato aneeliU aliy, lndpeodnt of tha parta e
n.iKhtv w hole tow All tuch iwaaitlen-
iner Thu. the w, rd ia no'hmn K,, thaa a vUt umpiu
Iheaia mini, condition ol ih p. pa piivt eall mmlU
daily Uu u it,.', w ho nreold irhdliaWroretbTiii,.1m
to bud mm ntb.torfetbrrwlihourBadejp rienoe.BhaTli,
b pn I er. a ve.l of drar Inonta, who have Duau4 iniT
unt mi ij rav(ii hy beiBjri ppra-idon. r "
l in M'circumiaicet,w pii manvothei trhlob mteM bfl
nienilonid.are an lrre-h.ti.: ..mulua to the vVli td
th nmnd of ev. ry indu win. bA.tho in a id health nfihemZ
i-elipfc ami their lovd one- in I.u iianda and iaoonUegal
a-:ni In'Mpi Im. nu-lleii,,- hWi the pai J.-m i al ailowoj tm
koow the n.impor i.rif iirvoi. I a underthetpcirPtfni-iaii'PM
tl.e leu le l.a.ea rhlii io o mar dofevprv aueh phTaiclara
lo i..rnl-h Thf-m uith a rha t of it chara-ier. iZ
riu.j l.n.w,Ac ; mdedearT bjtZ
elm ulioii d heromp.1 1 1 hA m It hnng up In hl ufllt
at ail hMnrs. It la onl thromh ihlt channel ihit Ui
puoi.e ean I avp any itt or truaran'M oe what m noift
dear to n- ui .nl hnilth; iu.frwis, j,fa may be la ti
l.andt of a man moro QuailtUd fur a blacasmiu Hiia av
pl j U lun "
id tr 1. way Inhcrpnt on al Mention a. which are rn.Ben
aitb.p in a pby.H i.m, art aura u b dttnc pd and exhibited.
e v ihln unit cri-al y tlcnp. thou -an it would Ifave Upro
leairti whleh naiitivnevtr.iaa.l.ipd uiem fat. f aaHir
quHhfiea not th re o in be no infab.e guaUdcatioa a is
cruar in d net H.e tlrt causa of dlpa-e. U la reiulaiteaa j
.n.i. nvBi.iy nnenjry to Inherit Caauahj. alaUue.,.
anal Pow rand Cnn-inK-theners mutt a:o be tnlrMsf
by all who would be auct-cttrul in flndtrtjr a enikaUi
capable of dt mro; Inn th cm-im- of Thtrw la na
chanrel ,y htch Hip enntet can be reached WUA MrlAiHi
bin H e one I havedsderliM'ii. w
llmrefore I ra with c.nttdenee Intht werM, tbtt It tfl
thremh Ii then- rare cooibinaU mot ch.raetetf
tint I haTebveii cimhl-d tooeteut the rlratcaaMtMdUpae
iJiecDHM In not.aa nik,y n p,ne it tu b) a daii, lr la
an lnuiti?d law bccw.en aou- and en Iy, wMeh.Ut ApM
rni'l i lm ut. 1" uluayt warrliiK aftaliiat eaeh other. Tab
law nendt fotth tooi .u-m i:,p kt..r..i ,.Miisa, aiu..a.
In dhertifled lormt, nndh dmoate l xprlrsenftrd on er
tampirtd with it mieaaflnQer npof the eon.tiiut'.oit
Ld uiult pJeh In t'lli-T b.rint atm i.iher i.u4iinu ni- ias
I' ItltDl. thuadfiltroi ill. lll H, Iml muKhliiarxnl Ik. ..a .
J.t nM mher.tho Ptoma'h anil the Ltver hae DCXhlnetd)
dowtthihu i kuii ot thedupme. The Uellni of that
organs, for thu Lame, haa aeut miliiuna to as HattoiaLa
W hh conild.ncp I any tn the world thit my MMawhyaiJ
ml Utifovtr;. lolheoi Iy lemudy ovruilvred luUiwor!4
wl. U'h nllPhornuichrr ariPlhWam tho root ordiaeae. Tha
dit.ti.veij coiisiAUoi tlir.f oiitinct pr.'partl)ot; fu
the ctp. one f. r l eee. nnd one torih ar Tbce. wnf
In foiiinnah a, and inM tt He root of all dtn.
M lirn i n mi, 1 uuau every dleeaae that evar ure(4
Uit hllUlitU boil-.
rm LVHhU. ,
roro tho Iti ton Journal.
Jin W.lNsj.-i.Mra. N.mcjrflloan.m Wt. m WarrcW
Mn. l.t lii.n.-st. wh, doct'itily that I ha-e tm aiUicratl
frrnn jturn. My riKl.c aide wa ao paraied ihtt f
ix.nid not l.e .n it. g mat tine 1 autiared from ca
thrrh, st r , w uld emmh iroai nn to hve twtu aft
atinie; ai xT nervout; a idona coind iep;it uUuU
I l ad a hum fper two vpara inetj, whlc i fpJuei me io a
aketeion. I had all the mndicai advl and aapdieineif
li. to t rout.l pr- eine. but all t.i oi purpuaa. 1 wae taat
li- . r . m H.e la-f iH-L-e of consumption. I waa confined
to l ed when Mm li. tl. bmwn a Uetaphytteal Dierovar
y i.s (.cm ti i . it hii npithe t aci-oidm- to dtcvlUia. g
a. ti"ttiiitiil.'iiiia'u''i HUIM "lir IKHUP Iim
i My li lenun wunttd ine te lva on, a-olni( It wcold kill
; me: tt at I wut tro fnr oLeand rno ne tk to trynrthiu
, loo e Hut iu mut bar bam I would die If I tMd sot Su
rellei In ti c lniC ivm-v; aud a it wis th lait tilal toeurte
me tl ( iiidotiiilniielt We noon f nod that it waa th
ilrt-rliiiloii whleh n ru-hinki I. no my a),ni which waaj
tafliKfileet. At tho ctreulailon kppt m 4a-
mat bi krtii to hri tik to, Itwaa wecka after I bcuaai
j toai i.ij nn-mod (in. bof ire 1 could ea'hor tirnu tn f
ii.iuiiUr..'uii(ln n,tm m : urowii. una uisn t nad te)
bhi bfin. lln tPTMnJ time I ren'ii.ed f went wluiouft
help, ai d the ih'rdUmP I lound my way without any du
HiMiiiy. beifn, tho u.o of thn Metaphvnlcal Hiewvary ta)
Mas .and Hiu rusnlt la on Uila i.Hi oj .tuly, uiat baaitft an 4
aneiiuth it fatt returnloi: to mj oruacaied tVaiue.
Aly pia:yeit side la renurud to vior ; I tan low reel
wl(nit. a y catarrh ii k'onp. Mycoah, uy norvoua
ni'dt. and aira ihnmt rr .one. I tleop well All raylr-'
lejju'antli a hnvc til-appeared, and ( mint aeknowiejy
tl at bv the lirovidnic' ot tlod. I wnn dlreetrd U the u-a .f
Mia Itrown t Meiaphy-lciil Hl-i-overy, hn4 by It
tkn from ihe mouth ot tho unve and rtrd to mr
fnil and inertia I know m diteaH4)i are arone. aad
jienti nl i irtolailO'i hut tnkt'li plfli but eaptxt it Will
time to rtfeani my and atrentfth.
nrviRKAUiE rrKKor tkfkks or twctt
YK it HI ANIH-Ni..
I.aTohnA S wcomh, uf iw jiii ' , do certify that f hav
I ft p entneiy deal in n.y h-it cr lor tnemy car, and (or
ll.t 1 Hhi ai vcar my r gtit e4r hut bn to draf IhM I
conn not hear e uvrrt.iii n or pin llc ipAskUf ot nay
k ui). 1 eouiu not luar tho church h'lU it iy n ml 1 waift
Billing In ilechurcn. I finvc ito b.un irvu ui far a n.mi
bir ot i'tiri w nh a Vi r tmie throat, o tttat I waaoit gttl
to kit' iip ati'i!i tt In e-utii ,tor 1 had loe: mj oc a. 1
t-real iritilitp In my h-d. .erriu c n dvea, almost tft
r; u.u.t -m, ftl head lelt numb aud atusld Bad waa a
ti mu' ol oonnaiii im. hie to hip.
! am itlt , but they Wst'Ki-d U) uar ustruaima 1 woal.t
Imif i ol ine to do wlii t! tt. Abo it oneiiitntB tiore I
i ol'tiih tu Mit.M. Hr iwn llot.t.fiicil'l
nnd n nceoni to; to Utf i' .f eetior i on t e l lll a And th
rcti t lis Hml the In-.nine oi L, h e:i t ia pe'feeily rutlore t,
; co tl .it 1 - :tn hetr a vt i'!'..i aiiv m.iii. The Kreat trouh-e)
, In ui ht'.ul 1 eidl' Iy iio-. M h-ad iTfctly ear
j Mid ttt )'i nt hy th'oiif, In li v-t to diM'fi;tl, It atirjf
i t im i d.uiio 1 )ia e if - iiv. it-. I i ii y "oi-i' u$ tin. 1 wouhl a-it
: tat one iictiid do I iri tor t!i.' t an ill " dav rtivil
in ihe; ol ilr. HioHli Mft;i'hriii !tl l.ti.oa',y.
I.KaiAltKAI'I.F t I' I. K 'K IUS;iH KiHt4 T'l
i h K
) ru Ai'M.i um, Sen etiih-r l-ii'l.--', ). nry afsrvidii,
Je!!i r-on itpci 'o r 'r. tr wi'- 'dt t .n,i ydrdi. -1 -i.i
hi 1 1'. v n. Jo rrtn i. t my on j.tsima i.jit riram ie er
u i ii i .it a rb eii i.ic i' r.i viicn lei' I ua ' ith d.m aaratee
froui tl t cir am) ilti ae l v--s fit--' '. i-ii'h'"en .
ciitsttl i't i..r ImC"HiC .jiii'o lrk ' it uonaturit),
Covutd with m lib. 1 1 e. .wt hud to hehi'iired dun m
tho t.i, 1 1, bo HtttuntU-d wi'ic ih.'y with Hv : it
Woltul bt tti'puaihV to de .-i -be ihetO ' I tl 'tl of II I
Mvr.iiiih p' y !) in vahi li" u.m.d 4 h.-ud. ila inin'.i ,(,t
a..o 1 1 c amt- tin r.f, H it h c ired not to or p'iy
iih ci ht -1 n. Ill- took no noiloe oi'ii'iv fhnic around h m.
Su.. La u.i' i -ii-'.t nn u ;i iit our sujlMUAfia waie l
hrttk. uu onr ri lid In th! condition.
M-'t protinviitlaJh, ahuuiouo year ago, I taw lira.
M. i. Hrown a "aie'iiplyaKal IHstOTury" adwrtlaed in
the I.tii-trr. 1 wut to tl.e Othi-e, 410 Arch a tree t, aaat
piociirrd the Diio Iiie. llv i:o appued It faithfully ami
iMTm verlbi:ly. Tl.w medic-iie workoj ilow ly at Ut
bi4iiiniii, hilt atiliwe jMirteMj-ed, and tlie re nit im Uiat
our son Is eniiniv mr. d of hi alteatca. Ilia liitele4
ai tiun to huve unakened oiitot the tltep of duath. Uei
Cfiib 'cr d now a b:lf tt and hit Ihant boy. The dia
chaiL-'" from btscars have i tirely ceaned, and hia ear
h.ite bicoiuc- riiitll and nuiural. Ilia eyes are clear and
tir uti. Uy ife and iuselt are welt tailiil4 wiUi the.
ureal tnrv perfoiim d our clo d by A rt kt tl Hmwd'i
Bletaohjai' ai heartily cobuiwiuI U !
ail mho
Mia. M. i. Bin'i r.hhrntfd Poor Rtchard'fl Eyej
IV att i, bl per liottae, aiaall tUe ii tvcala. ftcaif Kaaova
Wt.el liri bu.tie.
riMM'M.i,C. W.Jaly .1, lh.a4. Mra. M. li. browm:
Iifiii' Uadatu : I hn e boeji quite blind In my rlajht eyo Sat
aevco years. 1 have btm to areral ducUira. whoai
beard cuid ret tore my eyealikt, but they neer done ate
any Kood. 1 apent laive u mi of money ha ravhaa fa
where 1 beard there were doctora who cmia
but none im them could do me any good. I tbouttM aa
case htipek'st, unUl lold by ft ftreud you eoulcl rUv bmb.
I teat by a Mend aud ptocured your VMMbyaMai iMa
eovery.' aud lu iwonvftiur houra aflwr U ftjsttrarau
mfni, I could tee u.ue UlasUiKUy. I aut var 'C-t a
tnjr doBTerajice.
1 ttatki yoari ,tm'y,
TU Celebtated Poor lltliard'i Eye Water, Ui ftnu
, . 0. ilfl AaVCn UA,
belw-Wt-Sa . 414 aMtjOB