TOK DAILY KVKN1N0 TELEGRATO. rniLADELrTIIA. FRIDAY, XOVEMBEK .18, 1861. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, faMSHI TOR NOVrytKF.R. trtml '"' far: Xbe pirwnt month offers rirent facility to tiio nronicler of fashions, as dwiilcl sump h:i sow b0 S'vcn koth w ''jo form of rostrtmo' and the mirll ,0 b "'P'.oycd. fV remark, M tha winter season npiirouihps, low much the bn-quci are returning into faror; ' and w may afirm now Hint roliea, wlmtovcr Heir tiwno, will adapt tliem general y. It is truo It will not be the el.inslc bniuv worn for tha lint jtewycarf; on the contrary, the now basino it j-jrrly one of fancy. Ihe habit, with s U:iro tail, or tails turned tack; tho lontf l'is.iies of tht teste lc cl.nssc, mid the ba.ju :s do cu.niuc, wilh a broad band, are nil in vojrne. The pnlotots and cniuu. s nru now drawn to he wniBt hv a brond bawl, making tlntiii roi-m-blf Hie blones. "No hupo all lailici of wsie will prcie-t sgnicst tliti exrcdinly iitflv and un eraccful at) It' though we mint admit th it, Sowever tinlieoiiiiiiiK. no.v Uxuiuu is ruuilily dlopted by nuYP'fy hers. The niaicrinl fordresnes ha n"iirrie 1 a tnoro Hmtre and heavier appearance. Wo may bid illtn to gnuzoi and linein; p .plinn, tallet-H, anj Kjw dclaiue have taken (heir plaeo. Ihe n ivoltii a in ilk are very uplcmlid I'n'n pailour talletaa and m-ins l'nr prund tiil'i"o Tno wiiiie moire.", with broid tiiprs of tilt.-UH in ?anous de-lK"" and color, are remark able for their cleparce. Why do yonug, rich, and elegant l.uiies pref r wealing dresses decidedly inoimiintf in their appearance, anch a ljia,,-k or bia-k and Rrey robe, trimmed wl-li .Ht, and enr-rln,; and! to Batch I It innt be Allowed that tho sombre coloreare betier for the complexion ; and bUck, f-pici.illy, is very becoming to a, must every one. Thli1, th' Ti, may be tiio true ruuso tor i'.i prefer ence, and so good a ono tun? wo need seo't no Oilier. Now, the s'cel colored, ami grey pearl moiro antique, "I'k ("ay Rross grains, and ijrey terry Trivet are in demand ; and w ho is not yinssdiso J of a black moire antique or a vi'.let tatr,-t.n ? We mu6t describe so.rte of theso toilet in order to give onr leaders au idea of tlioir general effect. rir"f, we mnst Insist npm the pi;nt, n imely, I that the wc maintains its "Unilintf in buh'oh; Ihe proof of which we sliill kivc in duvi mi-t three cbitrminit robes, just completed, for one of our most tushioniiblc ladies. The nisi is a grey ui iro robe. Upon each breadth are three broad liuted I'riils of black vel vet, fixed with a bow, and ends trimmed with guipure on each .-earn. Tho vest U in tiio firm of the habit garde tiinuuise, iiauig very closely, with facing of black vslve and gold buttons. A most useful winter costume. The second is of violet taifcl in. Tho bottom f the skirt is trimmed with a plaited It mnce, rlged with a black and violet velvet. Above this n a biack Tclvot II ounce, with violet orna ments in tacb plait. The Senoriu voio is ni the Kmc material as the dress, edged with i ! 1. 1 i ii-T . The sleeve is trimmed up the tca.ii to in a A broad velvet baud, with a bueklo, is placed over a tacked cambric guimpe, with a j ibot of Valen ciennes lace. The third robe is of green poult dc soin, with a narrow flounce, edged with blaek velvet; iidovo which is a greeque, compoed of L'tiibet fringe, very dei p, and an ovna ncut of p issemjnterie, with Lisscls in each opening. Tins robe is ac companied by a black vest, trimmed withTliitj t fringe and passementerie. The muslin giiuuno is ornamented with narrow velvet, edJd with white. Velvet and cloth arc mukinu their appearance, and it ia probable that velvet will, as year, lie adopted for all descriptions of t ilci.s. .So long as the temperature doci not compel us to envelop nrseivea in winter clothing, pardessus of the same malt rial as the dress, with vesica uad cor ausres in all makes, will bo seen. Evening dresses are made with nans and Wquei formed of lace and silk. Embroidered dresses will be very fashionuble this winter. Satin, embroidered with iwbted silk or ohsnillo, has a very good appearance. A poult-Ue-soie robe, scalloped at the bottom and edged with cheniilo. Au o.ik leaf is embroi dered in each scallop. A row of the, same leaves ii placed upon the front breudth, and continued on the body a taille empire, with lilting sleeves. A violet atin dress, with a broad embroidered land over the hem. Then a rich wreath, mount ing np each breadth, gradually becoming narrow to ihe top. The postilion vosto has all the scams cordwl. We must not omit to mention some ball and evening dtesaing we have boon permitted to inspect. Evening dresses in light, clear ma'crlah are trimmed with lace, both on bodv and sleeves. AV'e have seen several rolies of cros grains, tali tas and satin. The colors are rose, bluo, gold colored, and l'arma violet, with beautiful bkt 'k mce flounces, fcorties ot lace in thn I,.,,-,, ... form, lined with colored tilk or satin, aro elegant in the highest deirree. A robeol pink tailetas. with two rows of rnrlilie. on the bottom ekirt. (Second skirt of white spotted tulle, trimmed round with pink ribbon aud line white iik fiinte. Low bodv of niuk silk. lvt.,. ;ine berth of guipure; bows ou the shoulder of ribbon and silver tassels. Tho coiilure wi b this drees is a poulf of moss roses and whilo curled feathers, falling on the neck. Kobe of gold-colored moire. Tunis of Wack lace in deep festoons. Sash of black la o lined with taileus, the ends lloatin- behind, l'clciiuc of Cbantilly lace. A maiKC-colored moire, with splendid bouquets cmbroUlered on each breadth each bouquet ap pearing to be ti d by ribbon in bright sh.idos ; the wuoie piouucid oy me skill of the weaver. I. port each seam Is a double mountingof (Jhautilly l ice, low body, with a liehu of luce covering slightly Ihe shoulders, and crossed iu front. OoitJiiro composed of (lowers to match tho bou juets on the Orcss, with a barbe of 1 1 ick lace. A charm ing robe of white greuadinc, with liuj stripe of pink, over a pmk tail : las skirt, gracefully trimmed with liuted flounces, surmounted with chicorces piaced at intervals, und lorming deep festoons. In each festoon is a btiuerllv bow of pink ribtion. Low body, with frills a l'cnfant. Sash of pink tatlltas, wi;h long ends fringed at the bottom. The coiifuru is simple, being only amall rosebuds placed here and tuero in the hai. . A robe, suitable for a ball dress for a yo in ludy, ia of white tarlatan, with six bouill nines at the bottom of the skirt. A corselet, iu six divi eions, of blue tailetas, trimmed w ith a narrow chicorce.turnlng on tbc skirt over tho buoilhmues. Ixiw-drawn body. Coiilure : wreath o lobelias, with a full blown roue on the left side. Bonnets next claim our aitention. Vita the winter season feathers will appenr; but before winter that is to say, before vehot bceones genera in demand we have autumn, wiih the tailetas capotes, which u:u all the fashion Dux, and are ornamented with (lowers, for ex imp'c, upon a brownish grey cujaito a color most in vogue at present is placed a bunch ot largj purple vtlvet llowcrs, with grapo, and oiuaiuuuts of pear) beads. A lilac silk capote mnv bo trimmed with a wnath of violet henrt's-ease, mixed ith leaves placed all round the trout, and under the, lo lieu or a curtain. Most bonnets now have, in place of a curtain, a narrow lace frll1, bouifonnes. co itifs of ribbon r wreaths of (lowers. A branch of flowers plnced on the aide, end parilv veiha by luce or Louillonnes, emprise the arrangement of ihcj toquctt sti coiiinris. llonnets become smaller ami smaller, so much o that one is likely to exclaim : " Is it possible tuey can tit any may a ueaa r uui wuen woin, we are conctraiued to say they aro most graceful, and becoming to the face. A white velvet ia very elegant the crown formed of afunchon, cut in three points. A borbe of rich blonde ia tied iu a Hat bow ou the front, and tha sides arc trimmed with a branch of white suid pink acacias, and bright green foliage. The inside is ruched with blonde. Two rows of beads turn over the front, aud la?teu u bundle of acacias. A white tulle bonnet, embroidered w ith while beads. A bunch of flowers, composed of moss roses, heath with beads ou the points, and daisies covered with dew, lorms a pond upuu the trout. A fmuller bunch of the same llowtrs is placed behind instead of a curtain. These (lowers are nixed with curled ribbon; the inside trimmed to match. Strings of white tiiletas. A black velvet bonnet; the front drawn, and the crown of black tulle, spotted with tet beads. An ornament of red velvet is placed on the crown, lonuing a point, and joining the strings, which are also of red velvet. A red (lower, with loug frey pctuia, ornament tho left side. The inside U dimmed with tulle. A white satin drawn bonnet. Folds of terry velvet, divided by tulle, form the crown ami mall curtain. A fringe of forget-me-nots round the edge, fastened at tha able nnder a bouquet of os roe-uud. Roses and blond lusido. Ktriags wbuaaauu ribboa. lJT,iJ'lV1t'tolord ,,tin bonnet quilted, with u point. An ostrich feather, encircled JJ''1" "ds, trims the front. In place of ao curtain is ayiot ot wMu. LtouJ ,aj bu'tk Uoe rnrJnrlTi. JyyxetJtoar recently executed for murder, baa been dug t br nermliudon nf nwtttB. li wai already In an awful ttu of putre faction. After the doctor tiava douawitliit it mo be dcpoJU?J ia ihe uiutum of tg wa'of IITBACTS T0K SIBIL TAPES3. Th Ncwn KTrfIil or Wn-blnfflon, S. V. V Tu.irnttand fifct onr troop. ptou atpd thn towo ol WMiifngtnn on WoOndtr tot. ant It wa rofppird by tho vnemjr rliai on the ifttnn diy. ,Vo aflranre In any oihor direction In nM)nni'nHod at prohcnt. Our tore. ti ll back lioni rivmouth to a pftint on tha Itoanoko It1vr to watch the piicidt's DioTomontB. lift f fh (rtft tli rate. .A rati ml llirhmond. TTioInni bt-UivT I.H-limoinl ami rct'T-biirT trr quiVt mi ("tfn!nv. No mion wfitrh h ive r"fi--h"i a- trr.m tlic North C"i;t:iin nn ;niriK n '.ittvc t tho iiM'iif M.t ot a million ol men tiy I incut. v, ami 1btj Ma tn flit vu no doubt mi rrro'.woiu one. Itiiiii Iho Volley. Ceni-tnt f'Aiu v twin- in flill on nhh of n ditcit r. ('tleiHl il "-mu ti. hh. iv' M uv'it -tuti tl.kt M'Kini'A nrtnv m mtn m-hfil bol .N-w- town MM heiiiii.wn. Mi;iiinri'n mid IUhiau' ( -! oi,- vi cuvhTv if 1 u k'-tJ (.t li Mi.n mi tint loth. I lit wrrw n rnVdl and d-ivn vr:i mil -. Uil.i (u o I, i; i ill i i.iioiT'-i" itu A it n in er o M'ir" Un -n'H c-t . ii. ii j itti heiiuved i rv liinidsomi'lv, p:ir-Cu-f ;,ulv l.iMAX'H Iri'llll", IITidi r 1 lllt 1'A v,si; aid Wmkmam'h. iiih't I ieii: 'limit- oloui-l lm. ijan. Imiii iho nm" t-ui' l iivv i,i,'- v:lrv I i- hit H tstekffl M( AIM. AMU ft In l.'.ul.', iU d ir- ii i, hi ihe 1 roiit K' i'i ml, uit.l Kir. v it u:ro-- If.o nvvr. .nrbra t;r rntlu:i . Tho irriiiv aio y'iii i iiiIi uv.rih ' to rotnjile'o the rmiiond l.eMvei 11 iiu lit'su-f ami linr'nr I'env. An i tl.riul ii"uileh rceei.oit nt tin- :ir l"n:ui iin i;t v M iilnv.'fintcT tlint i ho eiH'iuv are jvri'nviNj; the tutis i loin the Ai uiiri iuii to ihe W'im:liet r l.iti'n.inl, uinl tl'at 'i ( .h h:i-! vv t tii.- -.-lnin I.pv Il'ti'rojid Mi.-t-nv liji.t killed, v itnnj -.l uii'l cii)tiii("l .vcr ix luimtied I their men und u,i ttued uu t(,uul it ii ii. In r ol lintae. TLo Nirlil Si'tiniH. ot tin- '.. h ttU. A 1'iivnti' I. Mer, iiom n .thu.t .ol.Iit-r. nv : tct iowft ot Id hriilnitji I'.il.rr ot tne in ,ht ui him -( I ,i ii t.tno : " v mm!'- nn n- ii' move on the u 1 liH'riO) lillf lit O II' UOi't, at "11? I -'l,M;iA Hi nt Mil a dt-'HcIinii lit iKuii tho -c-oi ii kimI Kili-h i l.oiiea ri pniH ut-, i.l-ooi.e ti t tin ll.o l.lvnnu bmnM. W o inov.'ti nifi w'!im.' y on ili' ;iiik"'C (nck'-i, ti i.d ilo n tmiietl rupidiy t i tii- n,rht uii'l CAi-iur: J t. oni an wo weiii irnin jjosi to p Jli" tiir riff wrt cp riHiid, and relioveil a fmrir ot tliiOfiMurrMfi t n mile. 1 ie Aiuh imi'iiH, vini ci.ino up loliuid iih, pi nc broke the ier " m ii were, tinned to tno leU. and will down tun V:m'iee p rkot line iu tho oppos.te dirction. re.rvitif h t uei lolly ut Ion if as thitt we hud roiiovr-d. Kverv. tlitiikf ueied hko a ohariii. iNot a k"" wak Hred nn iilher fide. Our tos oaiir out UntOi-d with the noli fpoilM ot Iho Yniikoo, witli v hteli it nnetiH thMy w ie nioht ahiiiultiiitly NiippPed ; nue!i ai tentn, bhin kct, tiMlia-rubl.erfi, oveicttuU, Irvine-pain, c.iim, ktMif vark, littvok-HHikft, t-i-t. rriHH Maiio.nk utnl I'innkoan were both on our ;ncM'i line, nut eriiionnni" ttiontlnr. Jo inv own i (tw.tUc wt- caplun d all oi threo hundred pii- Bt)U(IH. aLflMM'M nl fitiyiMin n Itoi Vnyrnm. I lie county court u. Jtoel nvhani. Va.. lix n-err- tariii tlf alter a emend run vans ol' the coua.y, the io. wiiin n uitiirted nnon t.ioriti bv -he n. ecu. r.iy uiki mi uurv chtu iiilan, hkhiiian: J.( JJwo line lioiises l-nrned, : Hums XTiitd, 4W; h!i turned, 111 ; 1u.icinu dtOrofd niihf). IU.; IVunIioIp o. wheat desiiovetl. Hki l nhrlK or corn de-iroved, M) (t ,o Tons of hav do- ioy(d. t'i-t; Ciittloe: tiel oft, t7;l); Uoim carried IV. IViVj; Mu p miried oft", 4' I) ; llo enned oil.; I neton h Inirned 0; 1- nrnace burned, 1. IU uddilion to v. bicn, Miyrt h Kot kiimhaui ft- tfis r, theio vus an iiuiueime u;nu int ol iariniiisf utni.- hi m id evi ry re criptiou oVst roved, inany ol t ioin td" jr l out vaiuo.Muh an Mr1 oitu k k'h roap'T, threHliinir nel uu n; uJho, bou bo a lot iiirnitiiio, iu tnev . 'onus, plate, &c. Vc. I ho whole !. i hhii ihii. ii iiini ui nit ,1-noi nittHH fll in UI Srit.iiKMh)'l. I n a if in i onieti- into nrncn. und ion hi b- i. diu d, we tliink, aliout o. e-.liih, iu urdi-r to urinu it to Iho Ciovorniiieiit Mt;ind;trd. Ilu in- linii(n!4iii. Ttie retortburir Ar'jf.i oi veJcrdiiT "itiiteR ilmt three ui l.i'i. Uami'ims'h Hcouia p nt;tnted to tiio vicinity ot Fort l'ov haUin, tho latter part ol liwt wceK. cnpturoti Twentvix i unkioi. nun sit lv reiicht oil tvveniy three m theiu, vvlioiu they de vered at the t.t'iieni.'.-' le ad ounrior.i. I nro , oi th-i piihonorr mriuiireii f. itM-ape auor capture tucoiit-qti-nce ol tiio paucity oi tiie izn.n.i. ,'ouio lorn fa uta aio uetivo in Ou.uJi 'a rear und l'ivu hnu a ueul ol tioui lc t.Tiit Triiiips'Hoe. lEecent reporla bear oTidenco that militarv aiTdrs in Ijit lenue-j liavo4Hiuued a inoro ctieontit at. pect. Ooiiunu liti;t kim:juuk lias taken cuiumund LerHoii, at icn lees u.o ret iir iiutrr. new recnt.iH dally 'arriving, more rum Ui"C pduo n bointc uu- toretu, DiKiuti in union ami nainiony. I lie dirwdt r at ilornstowii wuh not an aortomi n- nt flrat reported Just preceding the liuht the tn i.ii body oi our troops ivero at Morristo wu, whiie Aiujor C. U . La v's ( 1'vMdltli butinhon) cava ry wa eta tioued at Hemi's .Siution. twelvo miles diftnt. It (toeinn to have b on the dowru oi (iononil VAUdu as to iu'1 buck to Husr-elviiie be i ore (tiviiii titliit, vhere lie would have bad tonieutUa:itaifO In position. I o this end, und a view ol coneeutraiiiix hiri whole RtreiJL'th, M ajar La y'b command warf ordered to llio lat or place, wliii h order was prouptiv obeved. Hut the enemv. In vastly miperior lorce, brouirht on the attack at Morrintowu. iienerul Vaujhan, who ih one ot the "bravoat ot the brave." did ivorvihiuv in his power to repel tho aoiaiilt. iuk vnorisi wore iiiinvaiiiuj;. r rum unu cuiiMt lliB tioopn were puuic-Ktrickcii, und retreated in much (liKertUr towards JCuHtellvihe. 51 aj or Lay met our rctrcutiiiK lorcoH at thit point, wltu the enemy in hot pursuit, and within three hundred urtin ot our waun trnm. no imuo oiaieiy ordered a cnarco upon Die advancing coiuinii, to which his commind iillitnlly n anoinleil, and Miccoeuod iu r-VMUif tiio i ankei f Luck more than a halt mile, thereby tot p i tho lem at, and ravunr Iho wi:uro i Irani. I hey re nicn.y compinuenieu oy ine coiuuuiiiuiuk yt-u erai. Ihe oiiFtmltieii in the hatluhuu weto two wounded, none killed or innMiiiM All About bheriimii. 'if m the Richmond Exxintvry Xov, 15. No i.oubt lemainu but that the mihto-ry aulhori tn h ol tho ci.einv item red to conceal Un; .New Vtk puticrn ot the loth ii. slant, or thai tiio roiiHon ot the r inten.ion lo do so was the statement cniiamcu li t re ii ui 1-n khh a n'b inovciiiouts. In tho papertt ot thel'iili, ttliirli ttiev liuvo peimitted to p.i'H, nt a CltlOMl hllpp(rtr.i'U Ol dl-UDCt rjtuU'lliellt 111 UlO U"Ull Huminarii h ot new s Hut Iho writer ot an ediiorml in the Ittra tl has divulged tho whole Mlory in the con cluuuiK paruruph ol a lone article, whh-h iirooahly CHcuped t oir notice. According to this writer tho tiHAM, and ia part ol" a coucotcd caiupaitrn, ba-d ' uu on1 piunnuiK cpOiCiiCrt ot liavis ui Jiucou, Au (iii" Ui. fee. in tbefO Hperclies, they maintain, the Conn-derato J'lOMdi-ut gave autln-unu iuiormutiuu of the military Muution; told where iho powder mills, tut., wero mtnuttd; u hero the Ilrbel uriiuen werot'oiiiir; and devi lei ed the tuct Jmt the country mhiIIi oi Atlanta wum Oeleiisele. On their data Mi human ii mi Cham have concerted their plauH. Mikuman is the bword to bo pjitnued into tiio "victim," wnile IiHant and i hum ah In Id it btill, and ' uw.iy KOeB Siikuman" ou to Auuritu, anil t. ion to Charles, mi. mikuman. inr.efu, bi;st uu iiicnnation to the "movah'e column tie trett it and tailed wider mi 2, wsippi, and tailed becuiiKe ibeirreat incur wan at hud Who will n Hiintfe biin iu tiooiKia and iho t arodu., U ho tr.eM there, is but lor uu to My ; but it Ju likely uuoun'h j that he w !l Und lioiiH iu bin imtn. Hut hut it i hia story in Miuoly iiufnioP Intorna- ! Hon ot ninth..- clmru, tt I leHiln tu ih 1mm,'I1Ii.i Mi ti- m an hu- not "muioiiod jor hurimiou," nr even tor Au.'U'ln, but that he in c nccim ntin, tho '. beet part ol Urn army at llndepori. Ijiouam ij ! c i.ainlv collectiij ' bii birce, at 1'ul.t-ki, m j'euu ) iH-e, and tl r ulea ot these .eneml uppcain to Uuh tt one Mhali i lo i k lloonV advance w.n e tno ot ter 111- k lloon'K advaiico w.n e Ino nt'inr in- tii-ep b,H ret; eat . 1'h'r ib-nin ai eai int it -minji, and hh promiHe ultraclivu cim nr.i ti I di-iiuet siiEi;."AN unay Horn tnto urund piupeo n ( jt-udlo bun by iho U-ol New uik. li nu 1 ni ih iiuircmnx oo Au,"iita iroin At nut. -i it ui-ir he n au one, aint until we nit a. I ln;ir imu ti.e v. ' tioui ; oiitberiiiurcc.4. that nuch an, i iut.iar i , vvi: i ail coniii.uc lo to luc.eou'oi.n aljoui lb. !!.' cHaueoiiM Iiiitcma from th hirhmui'd .Smi.rl, 1. hAKki Y ok t 1 1 u " i . 1,1, a i" AHttK." Au official do apa'ch,'d liOiit lYiHii.ijtrtou ynniu dir. uu iioiii.cch Ihe saie arnv .il oi iho ( S. Hiium.-i ', ,. to-mute in that port. 8ue wan en uneu by kcv ral ' I ni;i d State.- b.oeUider:, at niin mude port. 1 N n h'ti .lii,j.ioN. there i no contlnna- lieu ill llie slorv w earn ) lo u. l inn I'.'ie .imr, thai taMe'i LN hut eaned lot u iniihd'i inure ef men. The paper vvhieu wo iiuve iteuivetl phww tiuil ;ho retiori vus wuhuiit to imuat on. ( HAltI..:i.'roN, MtUTI! I AIIOI.IN A Six'O !! s''Orn were Hu rl ut liiu eitv ou dLesilay idjji: and culi tern on i'hlirdMv. Ihe VHiik.e.i ;,re mount in tr anew irun. rciort"'l I,. be of tlie Aui ',' (w v,- ,le) ,u l in, ul liutlery Warner. 'Ihey a!s , ci.nthitM huolv hauiiu a'u u Ilit.oll lo I'ttlU'rieii loetfi und Wi-wmit. iu llie ll-ells n tiorted . To BK Isoli.. IhcStito Jiillturv Works, loenteil nl (ireenvilli', Mniih un.:ii,a. w ill Lo n,.d ut uue-iioii ou iho lulh iasluut (tu-tluyj, by order ut Oovcruur lioMi am . KonoiitTM MouABHKS. riiia arlicln In spliine in YOrkmle, Hoaih Curonnu, at three ilnliurs M-r iral loli. In ( liailollii, AurtU ( ul.'iliiiu, il i eilinit lor ten diilhtrs mt iiallou. Iu Uivtuiiond, it is lUirly dollurs per iullou. Wiiimnu iron I'kack. The A'buny (Oa.) Patriot, under the sinilicautcuitloii ol '-w huiiiiK tor puncc," l'sks thus ol tho persons who lately ailuresirt a l.tterio tlie Vice-l'r, sideiit aud to Smiuior John. son, rciueftiii? them lu "teauu urate a peuno untve uient at tlie houtli:" "If auy oi the inou wIiimd names are' attai lied to the lolluwuifr letter have lakeo auy pait iu the war, dirndl y or ludirooliy, wu du nut kui.w it. Id luct. tliev are speeulutorH, and having amusiM'd liii-u tortuii'.i., are willing to reliru with their plunder. We ln-re sincerely that theae iuhu uiuv be cniiHcripted a. id mtnle lu tasle of the privs. tioiiri ot the war bctoreanysnipuiidertheiriidrire oa taken for peuc... We want no advice iruui spucuia tuis and sharpers abuut eac e." VoTK IM THK I'llIWINS A ('LOSR ItACK All Op. IKiriuuliv wttna flurded the Vsnket.u the rnilitiry prisons on I'uowi ay, ol enpres.siua' their nrolureaos iHitwnen Ihe Norl hern candidates tur the I'reaiuunoy. I be yot ot tha oth oera was : Ijuc.i.k 276 Moi.'j.axLAi el Among lue uon-ouuimii.ioiut oltleor and on Tutes tin-Dmjnniy lor Mot was 1,'tt; linn tilviiif Lim 'oi. a uiajonty vt eixht uu tlia whule vote. IkiHi illt I'.eiiitter. 'iiie principal of tthe LalanJ Hevenue He pnriiueut of Kngland Las just examined tvreuty six samples of Uer, of which twenty were adul terated. In fourteen of these sample be found the prohibited article! called grains of paradise grams which, however fit for Eden, are by law unlit for beer. In one of the fourteen be found, betides tha prohibited grains, portion of to bacco ; in two others, coceulus ludieua was pro tent in large and even dangerous quantities; Iwo uunples contained capikuui; aud two others protoauiphttte of irun. rOUllTH EDITION LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. ,v foi.iii:it iti:iirri:o. THE COHTEABAND GOODS CASE. HrHnl l lli Kll nil ; 1 'l ur.lIl. V VMii.MiroM, ruin r IS. (J i.irlrs Wil li.ims, of tlic 3;ji 1.. im. nt ol' 11, i nl S'.v,.( t'd'oi 'il Troops, wlio was Id hivclicii litimr ,., tlic OM C'uii:i,l i',rin t i i'iiv, i.,r ,'m; Cil'-Kil l ian at ('in;) ( ii' y, n ;ir W.i li'r ;. t 'ii, on ill,' 1 I'll of l.t .Vin-:ii' r,w;is r, sitcl to c!ny I"r ,iiln,, Lincoln f.ronij w.'ok. '11, c ( i.H'in n whs r,.ot to Wit i.oii i ycstenl.iy, wliii li lii' rriTivcl with fut lit!li outwurd ni-rs of i iiiol!oii. In coni-I.Yr.ition of tlui sli'ii t t.f'in !;.. d tin' i.ri-..o.rr to 'jcj 41 for etcmiiy, fie lUv. Dr. (iiirn. lt (I'oloro l) nn l Su;iiriiitcinlcnt Wooil 0 ,'ilnl iipoti tin- I ri -iif ut tliii inoi Hint;, ti. iiit rc.ik' In "Will fiiiTi Im IimII', uii'l in t witli tiio Fuci-t-'S aliove slati'il. The jTlnihcr niliiil's 1m1i,i; commUtcil tlic Jted, but sajslb:it he did it while in a st w.j of intoxii, and wLilr lie whs not awaro of lie was doing. The Hamilton, county Master wis up to-daybtforc the military Cdin:uissinn, an 1 nftcr tho Louring of testimony in cun'r.idintion of the ti'dimory of the Government sront, Panlmi Worslcy, who purchased tho (foods nt ivnter's, the ciwc was ai'journcd for ono week. iiton 'i.iir.i 1. San '"hancim o, 'oveml ;r IS. fire in tho business part of Mwysville to-day destroyed pro pirty vulued at -.''0,0011. The rainy season did not contiutie long enough to nc of much hcnclit. The s'.camer ( 'on it it nt ion lias arrivad here. The treuburo shipincnn for the past few d.iyi amount to over half a million in gold. All departments of trade are dull. Ai rived, ship Mnry (),, n troiu Now York. 1 roh l'oitr kih vi,. s. v. ro w 1011K, November IS. The steamer 1'itlton, from Tort Uoyal on tho loth, has arrived A licet of steamers, from rortresa Monroe, with 10,1,00 Kcuii jirisuners, to be exelmimed at Savannnli, were nt Hilton Mend on the, dying nt the rate of four und live dully. Thu 7tli instant was duly celchruted at Tort Iloyul as the uuiiivcrsiiry of tho c ipuireot place by the Unionists. . I IUI'I lil.tiSr., JAVAK'A. Ni:w Yoiik, November IS. The sir nniHliin Mvtitcumu, frdin KiDgston, Juinaie.i, on tho'Jlli int , arrived at this port to-d,iy. Mnrl'cls l.y 'llcyrnili. ft 1 oiik, Aovvmbcr IS stocks arc lower. riiiw.o nt,l It ek Im'iihI., le:i 1 , ; Ciii'ilcrlaiul t,,T"rr,',l l; 1! M ,,K Onirnl. IS.' : Mli-lii.'An .".oiithvrii, ,o: Nv l" k Cnlral, !', H'.i.irL-, .',; 1 1 . i , I n . i ItKor, 11; I'jinlnn l'"ii,,ul', : Mii,,,iiri il,, Ki In. '.'.j ', ; I in,' JVar Orl.d. no . :.',; lr:,oU, 1 i Hi; lu 1 , ni; .-', lilt ; coll; oil IH'.',. GENERAL EIirRIDAN'3 AEilY, Tlie Ili'lx'l ;e.i nil l'.;rly In Full frimi Itin Vullfji 'I'l.ii tlin.ii.y llvtweiii Usli-rM 1(111 suit SlriiMlinrK rile l uluu Itfli.'l I.i.HhtjH In tl.n Keoeiit 4'iivalry Atrulr lore itlurflen. l.y 3tusl.yst Men, Kip. KIP. llGAnill'ARTRRS NlKKTl'.ENTH AltMY C'OltCS, Novmiber lo. The ctiemy is tUll In consider. iiilu force between Fisher's Hill and Strisburg, his eavnliy hovering along our immediate f son t and Hank. His strength, all to'.d, is estimated ut about tw enty thousand men. Our new position has been greatly strengthcnc l by the erection of earthworks and rillj-pits, and should l.urly attempt an oil, naive movement iu force ho will find himself iu a trap. Our losses iu the cavalry brush of Siturday will amount to about ore bundled and seventy. The tLcmy's loss iu killed, wouuded, anil pri soneisis inoro than double that number. Over one bundled and iilty piisoners alone were taken The Kebcl (ieneral Lomux lost tcvenil of hii Hull tlllieis killed and wounded. Tho body of bis Acjutant-Ucncral, Lieutenant-Colonel Har vey, tell into our llanos, rri-onors say that (ieiierul Wiekhaui, eoiiiiiiindiuj: a liritdc iu Lou. ax's JJiViion, was ncvercly wounded. KAltl.V IN KKTUKAT. llKAmiVAItTKKII NlNI TRIM II AltMY CoHl'H, Ni'M'inber 111 The wily, persevering ICurly, sur priMd and bullied l,y tho ccleriiyaiid Kkillulness of On, end Sheridan's movement", is umlii Iu lull retrt at towurds Staunton with his who e force, and we have probably beard the last of him and hih army in tho valley for the winter, ut least. Dest nets w ho came iu lust un;lit suite that tho Rebel force which uus eueaiuiied near Fisher's Hill liiohe camp Sunday morning, leaving only a slight picket force uioi; Cedar eieek, which was wiiliiuuwn during Stiuduy ni;;lu. '1 liesc ile-irteis s y it was fully believed in the Itebel cump th .t oi e or two conn of Gene ral Shtridnu's army lial bien sent out of tliu valley to reiuloiee (ir.uit, and that tha: was SI, eii, Inn's iCiMiii Tor talliriL. Ii,ifdc IVdi.i iT,',lr I ctoi k. 1 he sniiits of the luiniy liebeis at oiicj l:c(ian to rie at Ihe prospect ol an easy co:nticst ot tur piovirion tram aud tlie coni;ilete over. brow oi our army. J;arly, in fact, promised his nrniy that thuy slioiilU wintir iu W'iuchestir; hut, alas! lor In hul l" ruleiilu.ions, instead ol" iiudini; the ai uy ot bis em my depleted, tie loimd il siiouer than ever, at,d as Hid of light. His cavlr re an n issance, whicii came to t rlef, sa:inlied him that 1 it would be madness to risk anotli. r bailie, aui so be inci UHUtaily skeduddJed. vnillMIIII OF LAltLY's AI1MV. In my despatch of icsier lay I sratcd tbut tlm Ftrtui;tii of Karlv's ii.n e was u,,t:iuaied ui idi iut lucuty thoUMind. It wuS prei'er. Ho liad not It's than from twenry-IWe tiiousan l to tliutv Ibousiind men of u.l iiriusol the survive. Several thousand of Irs an il were miui'uicd .")us';ri,;.Hl whom te In ped to unu ni b c.ipuired iii'isUtts'. lie d ,1 not have mueb artillery. I11U Hl.llKl. COl.ONKL M MISI1 KII.LKI). In the cavalry skirmish ou S nurduv the Rebel I.ii uu Iiuni-Coloncl i'ltoinr.R Murdiall, u grand son ot'lhiet .lu-tiie Marsnall, as killed v.i'ihiu a mile of his irsulem e. 1 lie Itekuu ulso lust alunb!e ellicers m the all. dr. 1HSI.0YAI. rs.MAi.r.s sunt Tiiuornic LINUS. Tin; vnion Unite n number of di.-loyal wn-nen from Win chester passtd tlin ii'.'h tlie lines tins motuiug on their way South. They ure ehorie.l with cinros pouiimi; w ith the enemy by tlie utmerr uind line. More of the disloyal vixens, it is said, ate to he tent to the same destination. CAVALRY BKIHM1S1I. A slight skirmish occurred yesterday, near Luruy, between a ptuty of f.mcrul i'oweli's cuvuli y and anuall force of Uebel cavalry, vrhn were loruging lu the vicinity. The itebels wira dtiveii in tho direction of Mount Jackson. He wounded and captured several of the p.nly, with out the loss of a ruau ou our side. OI F.KATIONS OF MOSBIIY'a 01 XltlLLAS. WiKniKHTKR, Va., November 10. This morn ing a detachment of scveuleen men belonging to the I7th l'rnnsylvauia t'avuliy, with despatch! i to Colonel S. l'.d wards, commandant of the pest, were attacked l.y one hundred and lift n V. by's guerJIas at' the Intersection of the Mai. in, buig and Charleston roads. 'J wo of the men were killed, tlu"" ' minted, nr.d the balaBce captured. T wo 01 the hounded have since d.ed. Thu guerillas ulso captuicu a new sboy w ith a wngon loud ol iiewspupeis, which they confiscated. Colonel J'.dwurds, who was near the scene of tho occurrence at tho time, immediately sent to Winchester lor a cavalry Ijicc, whiih uS now iu pursuit oi the guerilias. CVECILLa, 1IFCM1 AND IIAKHAItlTIK. f AKTiHsm tio, November 17. On the loth, Moseby's men, dressed iu Union clothiug, met tome of the 'Id Regular Cavalry on the road, and accosting them faiuiliurly with ''How are you, boys " rode along w ith them a mile or two, when having proiierly disposed themselves for the pur pose, drew their pistols and shot ten of the party in cold blood. Tuny fled during Iho consterna tion which ensued, aud were not taken. CAI-TlkE Or TV. EKIV-HVI CAVALRY BY MOSKllV' MEN. On the next day some twenty-five of the 17th Pennsylvania C'avu.'ry were attacked by sue hun dred and buy of ftoseby's men, and two killed, two wouuded, and the rest captured. They were on their way from Harper's ferry to Wluthcbter. -Atio Yutk llerald. IU TUB A M K 11 I C A N , fi K. ( ornrr Walnut m d Fourlli Blrctts, rHiLAir.t.ritiA. tl l a IIOMKff)MrANV,.n,l ri (fl'i dlvhlnt .nMi.rtT. V to. h ,1.' v ii n--;i. .1 l, i my I., Hire , mil i.m. 1-ait ll V Hi' 1.0 .Al CCIIl. IIOMtn OP Tilt STBF1. l'liiMin, i .1. f,l At rii.viM n, II," ,l'ii".l'n'l,,l, ll'i.i. . I ,,. 1, ai .on, AH -n II , . r;. II . . h. II. "i .- u, no T It fliiif, ft H , it ntl ,. , rv.' N i " I, J-.i.n f lh.ii,,, V UU. nil .1. l..iiol, l-,- H.oit'l.tir.', f n uii'l W,.rX. I P. VMM Il WHU.I. MM, frcMont. OH I I. 'vi"ll, li,' IT' .1. lit. .IOII.N U luHON, In,,. , a, I ,, .,,, n i.-ii jl;oie;ij kuthh, .hi., KAUrACTUHJNG MACniNICff A N I) imo is' ). n-i v. p'ond 8irri, riuuit'ii. pniri nrna machink works. l Ktl K, So. .A S 1 i;.M .-.TUJlfcT, ' "f St i I I'M I A . We are prcpaml to fill onU ig lo iiy extent fr-r o ir wU p nr" p yi iiint:hv roit ennov asd woom.m millh, Ii rl. ihiiB nil ri ctiii iiniiroi -uicntu in CftiULnsf, Hihiiuihk, ai.l Wrnvlnsf Wi' ttr the att ntiun of ninnfactfircri to our axtrn five w-uf ks. 1 11 AT,Fhtf. JKSKft A ROW PROPOSALS. OIMCi; ( IIIKK QT'AUTKIlMASTrjl, ''is- iv a ri. Ohio. No. i ni'n r II . rmr'iHl") nro ttulifd hv thn nnli-roivin-il uiui I Kl ). , N'ivi n in r 1"m, at l; ovimk ;..,j..r iiiiniaJiing lliw Ik onrinei 1 1 tu n ml it vt) with : I'rirkf 'I 11") - ;i. mv n ti.'I'inl. IN t k'i (I Mi'- ti s rmv ilnTKl.iTil, Huntu r '! nt Ulmki'ti nuy t'inJirO. r'dfdH't'H do ll at ' orils . r 'mnirT, Jo (niitiitiv, ) tl-. Aril 4r7 do Al'o. tor ti iiiMiH 'ini'i- il. livrr", i1''' nY.'M- to '.Ai.iiila. li )n- folium i ii u iimti rut iir tntniii'iiK . a iru'lt WtifMi'ii'i ei'nw un.l H. nrU f . h.H I.iii. h Hin t nn; Uivad-No. f.Onii-l No.7'1. W. M. do d- do No. lo. Cotte n .spool li.ruad-While aii'l H!a No. '.! and No :n. Twnl Uk. Ve-t ItiitiitfiN I'.iu !r, Himbh. Ku-iKiidi r Hution i- Vif'.il. Hliin Hi dn IUm t do It nt do W. 0 1. Tt-nt lidr, do iii' Ii Uiiij. Ilarr.cs't. Wrilto Vnrltll". V biitl a 1C i'-, 'i-lnih. Miitf: it.n Iwiie-I he tV.Id. I'.nlinK Tvx iiie Flax. H.-'Vii. I'lirinpn. fi. in P if of tt' tftndrd .I'llfVmavboffcii ut th?0Hlc 1 ( Initiii K and F. itiiiK'o ui ilils city, 'i o In- d' 'ii reii fn o vi i Jiarn-iir ihe !'nlt-(l Stat-i in-Hm-tM ti W'Hift eii'C In thin citj',lii j,""d nf w a kn'i, v ltd Itw n Hint' nf the partv tPritihhu', tht- Kind and tunn tlty t louUs iltinotly umikt'tl tu each artulu and Ji.irtuufl. I'lirtn-H ' fTi rfny fiwidH mrt dKMrvtly Vato In th'lr hifa tdo iU. n'y the) projioae lo furnili, tho tirict'.juid liiao ot dtthety. tiinilt , whfn it'hnilt'd, niut bt marktd and mini tpfd to rot ri'Mwl"d with Vw pr'pnMa), mid the partit'i lltt ri'lo in 1 1 n t itiLirimtM' lh:,i llir jimih ti 11 In-, In every ri'-pttM ptjimi to Army Htrtiid.ird, oihar win: tho proposal IS III nut he coMmIiT' tt. A (.'iiaranti i. Mytifd iiytno rt'upoii'IhU' persons. mnt ! (ininini) :k !i hid. jriKirantivtn,: t'mf tin' tt i-Jr mil mipl'iy tin- int fit". i' aiiitd ii him uimI r Mb propontl. Ill-is will he Hi-cued n Knditv. Sovmuln'r J-, H it at li i 'c nek M , al ID 1 4 otlioc, und btddt-is arc n qiivsia J to bo pre moil Ax.anU w ill tn niadf nn fi.iMirday, Novomli'T 'JO. Iflt. H' iuls w ill lie rt -iuiritd mat th-- cxairatt w ill he i'aiilimllj fnllMi. d. 'l loi rnn, rcinthi',- In ilrrpo-n1 Kill not ho notirnl. IU:inK liirins oi I'roptiniU, t 't mi rat in, Mid I'.oiuIh may bo otituo id at IliiA otlli f. 'I ht- r to if.txt any bM dccnutl nnn'ftsgnHldo la rv$ rvd. Kr t xe onrrlopt "Propoi.iN for (lu re Infcrt the a wue ol the ui tu K- oilucd).'' hhj u-idit i o'oM.d .Vll.f.l M V. St"'KI f , 11-K. ;t ( hie! (junn rmiihlur, CiiKinimil I't-put. IjKOl'OHALR 1 'OK CORN MEAL, ill I Ii K Pi.tiiK'iiMMI'.Mi.tiii' Hi I1-.ITPVV, ) H'A-IIIVf.T'iN. I. (,'., VlVfUliMT U. li. H idrd Pri pi.Mi:s nn- lilitHt un'll tiio T'th Ititt.utli O cl' t k M.,lt.r furnlhiilng tlie UuiUd Mu ion uuiHcii.j ft'ini nt w 1th 'I Hltl f. IMMHtKI) (IfN ) ItAKItFI.H OF COltN M R L, to lie oi li n i at tho do c rnmeut w an h''iio In r. lowii, or ut tl i wlmi vcs or ml road depot In Wa-liuik;ton, 1. nt hiicli time n the (iovernrnunt mny direct, alter flVC du ft' llOliei-. 'I Im; t orn Weal to be delivered in trootl sound (lour t'firrelft cn li rontuhiliiK one hundred and ninmv-Mx (1'. ptun'& to liei In hh yr-ilitid. anil nl h'od inoirliuntuhle ijeallly, und will he Un ected iu-t bettro It Is ri celved. 1'ayini nl w 111 he made in audi luiid ui the (Joveriiiiietit nia hive f r tli-hui si iiK iit. Itiil-i to Urn nd.lre-.n'd to thn nnderdt'tied, at So. 2iJ (1 Itluut, tnuorbld "'1 To no 1st t'jr Cum Alt'1." k i:. mtr.r.NF. 11 in ot Captu u and C. M. V. ( UAttTKKMASTKUS DKPARTM KNT. " I'liii AOM i niA, Novemhi-r :t, 1 s: 4 . Ki ali d i'ro'0'nli willhe netted at thl.t oMIen, until 12 0'i li . k M.i.n HA'I UHl'AY, Noemh r lit, I;,, lor to mntd iito di-lviry, at the Tidied Mtkiten StoreUoiiL'( JIa',o r sin et whuff , of I bo U JloinB a r teles, vz. r .i(t' n) relink thouvy nuot,iu doublsj luvuluia fVrup- I'lllj.' Vt,'-r. (tl r. ) .irreU Kn (line. ! ti (live loiiidnd) y K),lot and Furniture, assorted) b .i K 1 (one) n Oh t Tomposln? NUck. '.' ifiitN iloi.ow 1,'imilrat it. K (Mi hi i V (lour Tour !r?0). I'M ( (tvventv - ii vo Imiulreai t.'aid It.mrdi.asrortad culora. U iiluti ) font Itoider (for (-Jn.irto ('a d;. 1 (one) niinn Mnch ne and Klxtnros. 1 (. iiej .'.Uj,.ui.di font inliah ItuLea, with Spaces aud ti (slxt ) Hk lti Imitation HnHlan Lfttlier, lh ili'tty fijJiij Hk in Itlne r.n'liiii 1 mle Leather. 1 oi 'ii:i.ll.) Jat Blue 1'asie, for UiHinx Ink. 'J (int ) (it.) iioule l'.liie t'Aiiuino Ink (for ruling bud Hn- 1 ( ne) MltndiiK Mrthh,e and Lead Cutter (combined). tix) KoiHH H iilU) lin, t I on a Ni-ivfl i: i io. 'i it'.o) Ft.l't iKitih.e Ituio Ah t i he i.bove de-erlht tl to bo rf ihe heat 'ii:ilf ty, and P ih eet tr tin IrciH eihrn ot an inspector appointed ou the jail oi ihe l ii e-iuiti fit. ltlddt i-fl will etaie priue both In writing nnd figures, and tr e uui', nit or uLiiutily ol each arlklo bid tor ulU time ot tit h ij . r am h'd mnttt ne Km"rB"'',d by two f"po".tila f or (tniii, w (. h't'iatori k in nt he appended t the Kmirarr ti e, i tut 'i 7' 'ii - f. nt- h -!", ;'od and umleii'iit B ."'Ui Ity for II. e mil' unt Involved, by ibo I tilted St at en IH'.i1-t Jndi-e, At'ninf or oi'oi i.-r, nr other public oilicur,oiber W be the hid w 111 Hut be eoMHldered. I lie rlLl-t d n-heivt il In l eiert all hUt deooi d toshlh, ni d no hi.t in. m a ih Ir' eon'r.i'-'"r win tin re rrdveii. Jly otU'.rol Colonel HtUMAN iiUitiH, Uiiot Uuaitor marter, OK.OltOK U. OltME. II H-'t Captain and A. g. hi. lilLlT Q l AUTK R M A ST K H'8 Ot'L'tCE, ln.l'HTiiK WAMIINi.MJf, ( AMit i. n.s. I. C. Juiiuai v 1. WU. i Al' t! aiers In rdvviue. Lumber, l.eatbcr.Oiib'C 1 lit i ti.ri , CiirnH, and Naddlery. aro rei -sted to guild to Dun i iili on the MoM'AV ui o.ieti week, sealed pro I', .-..i er lit-t . m tbiplit 'itie,i.r the nnlc'es tin y are prepufod lo lu-jinh to th s dt pot a- short notice, with the oriee of i'.:"h ii ;.i kil In i-i. l m fi; nr , m Itmt, In ca-ie tbeexUeneiu-i i r t!,t" M'i :t e rc-iiiiro i .Tin.- mili le or aruiie can bo ob tt'.n ed v itl.ont tiu 1 .i , a t' e low l price, li. u..i wi-lm - to ti li io t;ii i:ptt will be required to fi inLh the tit piiiictinJIv eviry Mond.ty inornlnif. l. ii. j;i I'KKlt, l'ilt.iali'-r-Gfr.i ral tttidf!iiU't'iuirterin-ler, 11 1 In. put ut WuNinutoa . BANK NOTICES. -tl l'AUMKlis K! N! MKOH AKM'H' BANK. . II. A lo L'-MIA, Ut tbf 1' 1 I, IHfil. Kreetily to ertioii 'I of the net it the CoiiJinotiM eabb of l'eim ' eimtiittiK lliinn of the r.nn '(trianoiiH for thn purpose of of ttte t inted Mtaies," aoprovod l. l-Krl, that tne Htoi-ki.oid. r-i . .ulcs' Hank ol l'bllaaelplda bvu biifii an Asf.r.uton; and thai . d Ibo antboilty ol tho owjh-r of tbu t apital stock to make tins u-r by ti.u law a of the UnUod W, hi HUTU S. JK Caiior. '( tier y b rel;y j-lvrr ot i t li' : i At. M 1. i iittlh d l "VII i liii".w i all b lo kfomi' liii'.v.iiihi ti d.-i tne la u l' e V'.'.i ili.y t: Ai""r-, ol ti;.'' kr.-l .M i th b iii o(t .- (o hi c i i 11 h 1 Ml ( ( l'l C I 1 t. Ol i. ', .t III. II: tec i! Ii C'1! ; '1 l 1 ( ti'.l ul ti . ht'.!- I. h'-.l-:'.o - 4N OTIC Y.. l. AUK CI NOKT1IKKN MI1KKTIK8. t'HII AOl I.I II1A, Oi tjlnrr 'J, Koilcf is b T'-hy p've fanreeably to nei-Uonri ot the act (-1 lot,ri.l AiAii'i.l.t oi itit t'ommonwealtb of iVna h lv lima, eiililb d " u .cet enuldli-u linnl'ol the (jrunmn Ke:illi, t beeotue A-4fc'jelaitoiii lor the purpose ot llauknof lirc.t r 11 e Uw u oi thts Luilett cttaie," approved they'd duy ol Aiiliuxt. A. I. l-'4, that tho Htoi:K holders ot the lotiik ot .'onh(ni i.iljertiti i liuve tloa dav oied to heeoine kUrl- an tiioc(:'.ioii, and Litt. it;- lnetoia have proc iit-d tin- aiiil.oiiiy of the -v i,( r of iiii than two-tblrdi ot the pital Mo, k (o iiotl-etlie ( t;itilb:MB tciutred thyle.PT by Uu b- i ol io Uutii btalc-il. m-'il-oi W. IiLbIMM'.K, (.'avtiur. PIT fi'OTICB. I'Mti Ai'fi liiiA, Oi p.bfr 2d, 11. Wolirp U l.proby KiTrfirt. t-abiy lo Section oi uiead of Aaeiiiblj of the ( 'oiiji.wn w o.iltb of I'et a ilu.ii a, ei. titled "An act enabling h of tli.' ' na iiioinxrtHn to hecome At'iciMtomt ir tiie liuipon-of Jtnnkmu under tn law oi He I tiiUd Stites," approved tiie V'-'d day ol Ai.iiiit. A. 1. J;ot, thai ti.t to, Khol l r. o( lite t'trii Kxthane ii nk til P.n..U'lpl..a l ave tin, day Vi.U'dtoh cou'c mull an A i-oeiKiion ; and that iti Ulrec tor bate n(.i ti.i d tl.i' authorKy of thu ovr-npr of invr ti on two-tninl. of tl tUmtai -it i'i. toiiiaketlif ceitneie leyyired tbervloi by ilu iat. oi m I'n.ud "ta'tM. J- t'. XoHiiKV.CailUer. BT GIHARI) IJANK, riilLADELrillA, hXJ Ortoberl!, 1SG4. A genera) mtefirv; of the (MiK-aho'deri of th a !tnnk will be Ik-Id at U e l'.an).irK-i oue an MOsHAV, tha itlst Any of uvfmUr uei, at IJ o'clock H- to coi.aidtr aud decide thin ltank ahall ba eonre an AaaoldtloN nir the but men of HanMntf. ui.f'er the law of the United Stale; and whether it ihall txercik the pawer wnfeir?d bytliaActot tlie LimuU tuiaci O.mhutf.mtitled uAn Act et ablimj Uio bai.k ot tblK Comtuonwf alih to become antoiUtfonn turbankmg uider tkte law of the I'nited Wtate," approved lid An tuat. M; aud Ut take auy fur t bar actiuu I4a4uiyb ire'lkxUon for WrecUri will be held at the aame pLva ou the aine dg.h'tfvi uiber 21,lntwtoii tliu houra of 10 "ailauai weetiuf of tha RtocWholdeu, onder tha lUrter, IU be tud at lb knkn. Houic, uu TL'haj. l.AV.ii.e Ut tfay ol iiuver, ttAKER( I0-U rtta aetfl taaiiter. PROPOSALS. QVAUTtllMASTKirs DKTAllTM KN T. Pmi Ai-Fi cm , Ta., Nov uiber Im. J'4. fulfil rropoal wnl bf rfWird at th ntlhe naU) li O rl'k M., on U'KMIMY, NoTember i.'. for tha Inmi' (liatr d-M ry at tb 1'nit' d ttrni Htorhiiiae( Han v er I tr i t I art. i-t tvr fnllowinir int ' le. via. : V'K'O ( two ttio'innd) Waon Yon.'in- imi lrood. All of (h )m.ti- fJ n-Tibfrd to Ih- of the h.nt (u il. y, and -ntiiect to th Intprt-M n of an Indpedor uppotnttd on the par of ttf t ;o criimant. linirters will 1 ait pre, bftli In wrl'tn; and fimrei. and thfarm ont nr qt.uutuy of imch artl le but tor, .ind iho t ir.e ' t ih llvirv. r a h b.d miixt t- i'f t hyt'vo n ninlbtf ter-poTi"-, vx t,i e ini atufi inn a he (i,,i lTed to the " iiili'ft ndc rii'W d to bv.-L I 'mil ii'tleiem rnritv for th f mount Irvnlvd h the I n't tt Evil' s tlli.. ! .tu-U',' v. ni oihrtor, or other i-uhbo uil ct, other l9 the hid fvill ii. t h.' oi- ilr.rcd I i f rii 1 1 ! r-T' d to rp.,t a'1 'M drm-'d ton b't li and no bid (rum a di pt eoinractor w nl hi re- llT'oVdcr of i ' ri-lKKHM VJ H ( bl"i" jn trior- mi'tt r. IM'.dltCK Tl. UltMi;, It 1 ::t t tipMtii and A. U- 011-irK V,Vi)' (:of MlsAHY OL' S1H m.i I KhrK. -o. v ;.i 'i ' :r'Tf Wi-nr ....-., D. Novein1 T Id. W.I H'rib ! piop n.iii, iii depth a-. I -I- iv tt Mon-li rd i '.') T-i n l ;.i r.o I. p.. iin-ai. . Im -1 llav, win h- r (M i'i til - i ll,. i Mil Voi d . No'.V l-M. -.t I ' o -o. H M I'.nU ini si Im' it. i -uM nti i .t l.y an at)i of ,. , tan. r f nnl tl p h.thh ha-out! on ti e In llmo'lii.-) ,inl ! n-ioiLMia'-Hn'' m dh v i.of th.iti t t ri'S-nn,1!!" 1 - ii-. vO.o-o -ohn y nmu ho .! n hv m- . ttl l,i! r. ri nt 1 1 ft ;. fk of u.e iu an M I isti i- I oiilt, or ol ti e I in u Sin es A 'tori.ey. 1 lo- l'a D.'i-t b- m nrely bd, nnd iVI!vrpl in IVa-hini'ion or A .xandrti. ne.- of all etr' nne to tho l p irn i nt, 1 1 n.av lie rtijii Ml, It will b.- rlr;.Hv m Kt r , ,i pt i. .if It ) u , tel. and none bat ood no rJia-it ab'f Hay w ill Uf n-coti (. I rii' to hoMi h win. is in a? b- m id'- tnut a on. r rire -lii'o ci ntriiri. and jm' tiotm iiai in huh mm)' to one n i,f f iru, Miin to t pi f jvi-d on the (onir ic , -iiu d ny tlm conir.i' o.r ard both ot ht .onrHnhn n. Awanls r, i I no hn n a if to nv pi-nnwho I a-hpn-to'oi tailed to hiMll bit roinra. 'n with (he i oo . ruia. nt, Hi r v. i I ikii ot dlov ,il p L'li'- he i insider' J. I hi' i ,y ht lo rci'-'i pro. u-airt u r'B r d by the Uov n inf tit. lo.'dr nnitt b. r-rcient at tho op!nmgof the h !. rer-ti.(i ir n uu-. 'I h di llvujy or the May rriu-t co.nnume within (lit- eii 1 1- ) d i I ioin lli'1 e m cu ton ot t h" eoii'rart, ia,d he coia p ! i hv the rid enth day o .lanimrv, 1-1 I j on the rnniplo'h.n ri t! e -nr4',1, tho lliv wdl be i:ild ti i In nut h tnnd a the i;itiiiii 'i mi' ImnUh It Ida mnt be eiijoreetl "i'roj Olaln for Hn , ' and b? I'MMoJ Ui E. T I'.hTD'Ji a. ltdHK Captain O. H, V. j)ROrOSALS, M.OPOSit fOR IITDI, TAI.LOW, IIOOJ'H, IIOIlNd. t 111 ChS, M1INS. AM T'lNI.I On l' v hi i nr C"MMI-m:t nr Hi'Hii-h v. k, I;ton. I. ' , MmvptiiIht I'i, l"'.l. f ealtrl Propomis, in dupilt ate, aro invii. -i until the '.',ih dft ol Noveinl e', at II o lo. k A.M,,lof Ml h . fallow, lit, oil lb mi, OiiirkH, Sliini, lomfiirfiof adOovein ieni Cattle latiHj.t.Ti d within the an-h-nt limitt.if the 1 ht c: o Co nuit.iH, lor to'ir luoinif titiai tliecoiuuieinx iu nt oi the cmnia. t. I he nhn v anii rn to Im fnller(ri1 by ti contrt' tor and renin ed lioin tt e ii!'oiiH il et at hh li tb- tAltl-are died at audi timet as u -ay be dedn'mued 'v tfie oillct r in thure. 'Ir.e tir.nd" r oi C.iM Ir used nioi,thlv a'lrs from 15 m to :tui. atol are nw kilbdat ham Itrbhe, ' dathoro. i o v ilk M-i lit Camp, VaHhni'Oolt ,uol Ah'xanitrbu hnr o!he p 'ure. tuny, on ur wbhin the pn-M-rltied luuita ttlp-n tlieio anlrb a irtll Ik n otiircdto be colleen d. 'lb contractor ). all be liable (or all I li hldesj.t illovv.h'w', liori n. chuck, f.nn, and lotniuc, ir on nil tin: f lover n inert hfpi' cattle nlflu. hi'Ti d. nn 1- if fl'iti In ma t nitl-.hicto by to ni'pear to tlt' Snii-iH'i n- In-nartineiit that aU doe exertion, diiit-iicc, and can; Ji mailt; to obtain aul artlcb-t. l'a rn' iit will be ri i'iin d every l n da; a in Government funds The bids wilt state the arrount per miim-il, lor the nrtt cli h icitrrcd to, and bo accompanied ly the followin': narfliiKe, cerilih ate, ailidaviti of ea h K'taiau or, aud nth ot alb uihii'-e. It auk foiin- can be obt.'i'nod hy the umler a'kii il. I'irOI'08 AI.8. I, . of t! io R'nte fif , comity of -. oflVr, per hud, for all lln'e-4. Tal'ow, Hoof-,, .irnj. Unit -M, Shins, nnd I on 'io. ot al! i.ovi niiucm lie-! t. tie kbP-J Il bin tho am hut hrnl'f) ot' (lie In - tn- t n i 'olunihia. tbd a a Ml cnti (Ihe u'linrint o bo in womIh and bj un h. -.uhn'i ' to nil tlic coiul t on n the a he riteem nt hi i w itb ai pti.tivd. r.r VTTAVT KK. ' We, tlie tinderwinf d. n iil i ts oi , In the connty M .1,1,(1 m,tiv of , herehy iointly and "?! i silly covej ant lib U-f! 1' nited aod itmriiiiee. In cum! the ff.reiiob.g hid of eh Ul be a.epti d, ttiat 1 e will, w.tUi: fi. e tiftv alter tin a'n-pt nice ot said b.d. rdt ii a coniiH'. t for the prompt ami l iltb ul exerntlon of thu ihine.and that we villi bi-i ione hN surety on a bond, in tl e mm of lit teen thoiiftand v'ol ant. lor tlm porforniaiu.-e ol hit eontiact In coniorudiy wuh the tirmiof bin pf"pf il, Rhd ibat ill cai.0 the wd Hhall fail to Intel In'o a font ia t, under it c term of ti.o a IvurliHemcnt dntcd No mbt-r HI. iSol, we nuara'dea to tuak - ood the dltrerence btween the otTer nmd? hy tho said - - -- in tlic toievona piopoMii and the nei b).vetrn-(tponr-IMe hidd- r, or tke pcr-iou to uhjm tho coa tuict u, ay be an md' d. WiliicBi: ) t.ivtn under nur handi arid seali, thle t day of- -,i;- Tbe rrnpm (dbillty of the emirfint'r tauit be shMvnby t' e ellicta! ceit'iu nte i a f ,ifr-t '-!,' . In-trff Attf-H' y or t hittti trttis Jintyr. 'llie coriillcate must bo lu the briiowli'i; foiiu : 1 herehj certify tlmt from evidence entirely nalUfa'-tory to me the ahove namcii 'uai nnioifl are uood and niiiu lent ii fauretie tor double the amount tur which they otier to ne hccumj . To widt h each gu.irat tor mut make and append the follow, iuu ; OATH. "Stain Bf . county f , before me, a In ami tor tho county and State aiorcald, fersoiially appeared , one ol tho mi rot lea ou tho l uarautfT id , v bo, Oi lmf duly nivum, di pon-a in. 0 mim that lie Ii worth, ov r and ah e all juit dota and llahibt.eN, tlic Mini ol thirty tho" -and d"!la; 9. "hnijicribcd ami svorii bctoro mctbis - dtyof Nft bios vlll be toniidercd unb -f niadeoul In oonf irnity w nli tl nUoe lorm, nnd are Mcrompnoied by tbo toio ffoinir j:iiariinti-e, icrtincHte, and ntlulavita. Ad liidoem niiHit brv aid with their pio.msaN nn oath ot Hllei.-hinci, 1111 s one niy be on fib- with tlm heir w bo hhall open the bids, and 110 proposal- not tolly com ply Ihk tb forPtoiiiij.' requir'-mouM, 11 h well In l.r-t r.i in bani. w ill be eon-blercd or icsardtdni 11 proiiOnal wiibiu the iiieaoln ot tbi- ndvettisem.-ut. 1 he col tmctor will he held in countable for the III tea, Ta!)' W, iloi.ih, llorn. Chucks, Ju., one wiek after tho b'KiiiiUf of the eoutritct. inddci miiit bo present at tlie openlm: of the bld to te-oond to IheT names, mid all hid, muit be end ru il "I'rnpoAuli br pure. 1;. hIult Hides, 'lallo-.v, IIooi'h, II01114, C buckH, Vc." and be directed to tlie uuderitiKrcd. i iiKi.r., 11 lrt 7t Lieutenant Colonel and 0. A. OI-TICK AIIMY CLOTHING AND KQUIP ug, TVW.LFI H and t.lKAHIi Siiecti. Fun MH-.1 1'iiiA, N'oembi r 1. It4. Kra'cd 1'ropnfaln will lie received nt ibli Ofllci umil AHhNbAV, the 2Nih in-t., for Mipplving the sckuyKiU A 1 iuu with tin- follow Iriif articles : 6 A or ti-4 :-) I'lue K eme ) , army Ktandai d. In'aiilry tiinit Cont, d livei leu to coinrn' tice In ten da liom duto of aw hi d, army ktaiidatd. i.lue lluntlnn ; dei i'lli'h to conuin uto lu tun dav 9 from I'ani-I uwiird.urniy ht,iudnrd. Color Hi-llh and siim:s, dclirl-s to eomiuen' 0 In ten dah 1'ioni date of u ard, a mv -milliard. Knii l'rav iH( de.ivtneB to commeiit'O day alfcr a.vard. gatuplt 9 reipiiiotl. Itiai k HUi sih. deliveries to commence day after oward. Hamplen reip iri d. 4 4 Iipii j Itle.icli'-il Munlin, deliTeries to commcucu day a tur uwaia. humph--" 'ciiiind. 7(" at)-n.cli lieftvy Nril.lnif, deliver leg to cinmucc day alter award. Namples re.nmt d. Urow 11 Holland, Jcin trici t j CJinmcnccda (.uter award. Mnileri ieiim( d. iJiirlt blue Thread. No. :J5, deliveries to coiQumnco day atttr u-Aurd. Han. pU-s in uilr. d 3 4ei ti-4 I'ark blue Klaniiel, deliveries to coin 111 c 11c e in 10. asn liom dt-te of a;(id, siiiny iaudard. Ma lier Teiim. dellvei o to commence ill 10 days from dote 01 award, army 'nnd nd. h -iiipleh 01 M 'h artlc ei at are required to be army stuctiard can be son at thi,- Htlice, Kach bid in Lil be t;iiaran'i ed bv two reipo'islh'e per Honn, vliese inaiur fount be appelideil to fhe 'imriii tee, and i i-ttil'i il (o n beiiiL' i.'hi1 and Ml'li -icut riceti.ity fur tlic iiuioimt involved, by Mime public ium t intti 01 the Culled H litis. Hi' in tioui di uicltlrpcovlractors, nml tho-i tint 1! n it fill V roh'fit' trUtt tin I't'ij I'I 1 1 uui-t of this ad VOrilbOlUCIlt, w ill not be coiiM-'ercd. i'.lunk fotuih for prop.tfint, rnihruciDL.' tliu tormiof the Cnannnce r 'iilr. d on 1 10 li hid, can he bad on a:d cut I -n i ihibidtme. und 1101 e 1 ih- ri wIik Ii do not muoraco thm aaiaiiiee v. Ill hi con dder. d. n ir w ill auy 00 co'i-hl-lend wliii h doen not ft'y cunj'ttiu to Uie re (iii'e Ii. ml a tlnti hi M.i'i-d 'I ne bidt v ill iate the nmcber and ijiiantity of each klud cf arilcjr pnt oned to bi- ii.-lli rd. rri pouid must b eio oi M-d Pr -posals for Annv Supplies," ataiiin: on the cn ci jpe the pani. ulai aitiilc bid tor. lit'.i:MA iitii.jn, 11-18 Ht Coloiu! ij. At. U.-pailiiint, cvistkxck 01 rioi-:, uNin-;i) status tO Aimv, Jso. VO S d 'TH Stn ct. jH M il .0.1:1;, M n.. November 7, Renled Trnposau, in diiplicme, ,v nl bn r.-.-iov ed it V. U cilice until 12 M oii.saTi KDAV. NovemhiT IM, lull fir Iuu. -thin); thu I'udcu Fiaie Iicianui.nt vlib K'l It TIKil NANI) (4U0) HEAD Ol IWV.r VKTTl E, on tht I.oi i. ji IIm-m d ut the s.a;i' Ca'He 8caie at lUbi more. brts ol (liDit) ne ihotiuid each every (10) t'iiiii.; to 1 fj web-lied vithiii one and a bult' da, h alter airinl, at the expuie oi the contrm tor. Tnev mnit uvn'ce uhout ( l;,'.-i) .biitfen buildii d 1 .minds mois wei'.-titj all lai.iiiK'l ortm ( Ims-Vom ih.iu.i.nrt md ufty pcuml ronn wen-vt UnlU. much, Oxen, t'own, UeituiB. aud IbanU.M tattle Will be rem ted. A rt -durticnof ten (10) pounds will be mudn from the nf tuiti Metr acccptid under thin coiitiuet, pi -vlili .t the hi. In nl itoet not a and in the pen. 9 two an 1 one I 'di hour-- ben rc l.eb.g welf-bed, or ia iwt w titalied luiuit-tibiit-iy alter rtinoval irom tbecarH. i;lu; k r.iink lor prcpo-ali rau be had 011 application at tlin olVce, c it I t-r In peison, by mail, or teleKi apli, I'ropo'-alh by telegraph, or other iiret;, Informal p:or-.Mi'i'wliJ not be eou-ldercd. 'I' he t oh eriii'.ent will claim tho rk:ht of wsltrlilm; any one anlnal ae urate, It lia appcarstneu tiui.aiH It ru Tui-'bt tho lainhiiuiu me'rtiotwd abuo; the ex.-o"- ol wtiUi.g villi b paid by Uie parly t-rrluc Injftd.' attnt. f I bid. tn secine comMcration, umd contain a wrlt tt : fct-.rtianue oi i1(i n .pi imij peieij, us lobuw.-. ; We . ot the County of , Mute C , do hereby p 'wra' t e tmit in (or ao) ahl ti fulfil a coT.tia- t lu aic. r-ai iv witti the tt:ms of Idi (or Uielri proi tt"ii, r d tJouid 1-U (or thtn) I'fopualli.-u bo accepted, be (or C eyi i. ill at once enter Into a contract In aee rduuc 1'.' r'.vi;h, tnd wc are prepared to become his accuruiu, th li'L K""J and nutbt ii i t boii.i, f, r fis Hi itnent. T: e rcpoi.sJbi'jiy ut (ruaraiittra aunt be nhiwn b the orl . :ai certitnateo theCK-Tkof Uie m-arcal Hutnot U,uit.(ji (-1 Iii I i.iUJ Huica D.aUitl A.tUiUtfi , to Uu u wit.h U.e bid. lodm r- niuat be present to respond to tha'r hi Ii. and pre) arrd to tttvv bouda a:td aiaa Uu contract baiora lettv Un tba wdua. 1 ovirnit reierai lo lti(f the riht W reject auy or all biut foii-iiit-ieu nim aaonabla. raTmants to be ma io alter eadi delivery lit such fnnda afc may be oa baud; if toua ou baud, to ba uad aa fcoon m. rect4iid. rr-).oi,n be endorsed distinctly "Proposala for Itiel tattie.'atid aldromU lo Captain J. U. UiUutta, U. B., ita.tJUKue, Murvbuid. I' a bid lb in tiie natue of a Arm. their naraei and Uietr port obita addieka auukl appear, ai tbey will nJt ba cva s.trfd, iNi.h peraonorevamDemberof a ftrra ofTerltif a pre poal limit aoenmpanr It wi .h au oath of allegiance to the Lulled rtinitt Oovemaicnt.lX faw baa uot aUcady Ulad oaa lu th.t oitiue. AH l.'it not enmplyinfi it rii ity uiik th$ tirtiU fAil ! t4t$nciHri4 uiW tft ftju. UU. J. H. OILVAW. U 10 Tl Caplala aud C- 0. d. A- THE RUfcSELL TAEtf OIL COMPANY, SVOAU CKKEK, VKNANOO CO., FA. CAPITA 1 777 I i H )0. FIFTY TIIOVSANI) 81 1 ARKS )V $5 KAril. vm larTiov piacK t2 :o rr.u rmaiii;. itr.HBRVKi) ton wojikino capitat.. 3, Tt. M'tHKKV.rr.vinrsr, '1IJOM AH a. s nl r. Vi b-Pkmim.vt. MUKCKiHm ; ,) It V. CHFAHY. I ,1. W V WIKH TKS, IJlollAS A. b:t I I', riMLIl' fhltUKK, .Ith'N 1HIH K't. PAMO'l. P. rKltlti:K. Ho. reiary and Treaiu rcr. 1 hi pf 'pf i i v h tannin to tl,i- i 'oinpany ejiiii ot ne lloroir d and Kilt" A'Tri In t e ompli ot valuaid- Lo'-i I .: I iik ni l.mid, -IniHten on Ho. nr cn e i wo ni'h i tv m it rnou;ii, wl,.( u emp.ici lido ' n n h cn-.-k, V- n.:iik I'm nt . r. lh property bft hrn ' ctf d w ith a view to H v -Pi-fitile 1" rtu n . h v vy p- l iii-H eti rob d a). nr and mi ho' h ft 1 1 i f -t t h reH over three himdrr.l tmi b. -a h'. b. t"i'.'ii' . r In, (he larii- aiiionn ol I Ut or Hott in l,,in1, nlvi i i ot 1'iior a'.vaiit.iLCi tor ilrllli j a la to numi . r of M Y i Hi. At le.ivt Hue hnndrod v'eili c in ho hi ate l,n i amplt- ro .ia b-r I .ink-, hi.nci, u 1 I a i i ik i. A i out! vvi-.l fiMl i: t" n'y b, n i I '0-' d.'V, l v MMn foiirthot a Diiin ah'oe it. a.u, n vi oi, 1 I''Uc n.' Il on the . mil t.'b.vv It. I tif oil ofitalnd on thl- rr"'d N t r ,b':r,' r 1 1- i )d , wli.l i lo'ii jn i nipn.e mi" hundred p r ( nt. a'-oi oi i il-. ami c n'on- mi it( tiuod. 'li.e ( oinpnuy e:in 1'iiiaiu a i.irp fvinMi bv pr'i s w ihiri: to irk' u i I . re! rv Inr (fail ftno fourth to "ni bt( i.t ihe o. t'r i- of e vp-t.-r to th "(' n eny Mi !;' n '-"'it ii tt e revenue ifom th ir own e il - tijer b-iiik a laife-.-liwtU iei J n( lurid lor but Ii pi t - poi--i. Ii n iloi .io I to give tho c,.n ra-1 to dri I cvrra' weli In the 1 1 t location at our. Tim title to the pi'-pvny 1.4 per(. -t ai d ft e of Im nmhrinire. Huh 'clip' ion Ix.kS .tie lioW open at the oMh of r l.ultKi; A I'O , n ir ut a n.v ;i shrill ;?n -t-ee. J)UKKAED GIL CJMPAIiT. C M'I 'FA I j i(),oo). lOO.OOO KlutrcH lar Value, A limited nurnlKr ol' Shares will ho SulU hy ordrr of tlic Compfiny at 1 (X) per shani. The fnWowInc Ii etrR ted IVora the Fhiladi lph a "In quirer" of September 17, prior to the OTk'ar::.ri;iorj of theM'NKAKIl OIL COM PA NY "On almost a l the ttrcaiailn ,T , n Cminty ti.e ,aid hae already bi a lea-d ith a lew to rxplorA'ioni for coal oil; and on onr, particular y, the JDunkard, the dc e'0prnent have bti n of tin inoft aiiconra'ntt char'Ktrr. The editor of t!ie Wayifbiirif (1'a ) Mcsinver,' fu iit ferrinir to tl.a inbit' i, after a cartful personal in'poe'i',n rf the region and the opcratioii.- tliai aro now Uklnif plnoe there, any. " 'We art bnnitly of op'nlmi that wh'-n capital and m tfrpllrl hali hae enveloped tho Ian (In alonjt tba crek, that locality will be found to compare, In tha extent of Its Oil production, wbfc the Venango diitrlct, while In the purity, irraMty, nnd value ol the oil. It Is acknowled d to bo Ind flurtely Mipcrl-T. Onr ronvicllons on this e u K are baed upon a tiial knowledge nnd obnervatlon of bo'.h ri Kio"". nd of th- neokKiel t .1 mat ioim and mrf n o Indl railonH. We arc (rrutlhed to leirn that we are not alone In the.e fftvomhle inipi-esHlonu and aiitfurli". "Scientific men and oxperljnccd nnd pracllcal Oil ,) ralon ccncur in them, and are Inventing libera ly of their own mennn, aud directing tho attention, of capitalists to the prom 1 1 log character of tb hunbaid uutry. Already teteial larc conipftiilei hive btvn organized iu I'lttabufK and the Kant, which wilt noon commence operation! on an eMtutlvc scale. In the meant ma, individual energy and local enterprise ore dolnx mucli to develop that f-tvored lociiltly. New dcrrb ki tprinh' up every few da i, and thi procrfBot linVimf wrll pte on iu many lutta ncea without InternipUon, nliht or day.' " RooUd open for salo of STOCK at the C-jtinting IIcuhc of A. H. rEATOICU3 & CO., o. fil.'i MARKKT Street. II. FK ASt'tH'T. Lil-lj Hreiideut. Wll I.IAM II IHtOIl, Bi KIll'lWJ A.IMI IIOHTON ri'.TIt JI KI M I'OM.'ANV. CjpitrJ, $400,000-Par, S5 Per Share. feviiscuiriioN rnicK, -.oo ikr shahk, ron hji.l i'Aii stock and so t'l nniKii AS.iKSrMEN Ig. Tic pr,r.ity of tl.lfl Cunipunj cnnsl.ts of the folir.wlng valuable l-'Kl-J KIMl'I.i; Torriloty, iMmMve Icsietiold., I'KOI.U'CISU WLLI.I, AVtlli. snliig down and nearly Dnlilied : Ne 1, About ,rHl(lirty) A'-itm on f'lierrv Tree Unit In 1'EI HIMI'l.fc, bote able Iniul Hllllc . ut to ' Ink Hf' l V KI.LS. 'I I,i 'I t ii ilnr.i ir rppoilc the Pull, -II fetrnU'irii Cni.4liy llliiyes' harm) on oil ( reek, buud, d In purl by llie cU, bral.d St,, i t unu, ..,'. Ar. Nn v. I.i'iis.: perpeiiiiil (ii:i year.) on Wash. Oil cr ck m-r.'s, all Hat, vory vuluablo, ;lowinn mid pumping n .'lln :tll itrtuintl. No. :i. "tt 11,1 Cal ' I lowing W. II, abonl V) burr, ll p.'r ,'riiii!o,'h rami. J bo coiiiimny ,,'vr.. llio WHOLE working Interest lu tblt. w.'ll, enijlne, tauks, .. I. No 4. "California Well, No. l.'on Oil Creek, down fino l. et, all ready lo rt tiibe. 'iiilt ell baa lluwed l- bai ral. ..T No. 6. "California Well , No 2,' "en Oil Cret'k.ilown nearly .',0.1 l.'.t. No. II l.ea.e perpelnal (Ifi years) nn 'JM ai'iS-iOill'rcok, all, .' nianiiiitf ibe i,l,,ve ncIN, witli liuoen-liorst .-urine, lauka, den l kH, fliik'nie boil'i's, Ao. No. 7. I. case .ien.eti.Al f li veatsl on '.'Jw arres Oil l'r'ek. nil llat, and In ono well (low n IU. tool, ouuuarlur iuterent (work ink' ' in Hill tvoil ai d learn. 1Z.X '11IOU8AN1. SIIAIIKH HKSKItVED FOIt WMIK ll I A I'I I A I.. ltool! s for ot'l,:tVAi. aubhCT'l'lioli are now open at our oil ce tor a few ibi v only ; Min n closed, tbo stock to bo plated on tile r.'kll'Ar llnilon mid I'lilla-lnlpr 1 1 Mtn'k lioaldi. a a f.ihA .!! dlvbletnl-payltl r Oil. i'imii: , im; I'niiu.l, wb.u II i. expected lb.'" abares will largely advHii, e. All tultl er li.foiui tliotl. v till tnoipect'iM', e au be obiai'.ed t the unilerM:i iied. '1'lie Hiuall capital of ttit Cempany, tvllh the aelnal lark'e Inures!.,, liillsl luuke il a itivorno at a leiure luveatmeul. II. R. I.KF.i'lI, J....H 1 iil iilir llulldliiiil, WAl.Nl'T below 1 111 UO, rhl'a'lt'lpliii. A'eney. I.KONAItll A MASI.KI , Ko. W HF. ATtlt street. New VorkAien. y. SI'l:.N( hl(, VILA A CO., Hanker., 11-111 Ibilon Aeiu-y, T Ili'X'llOXi: UM OIL -STOCKS. th is i;nuiuisi(3nl:i HAS I OH 8AI.K, and will pay otrllcular attention to tha pure-base of all Die desirable and rrcuiar dividend -paying PETROLEUM STOCKS, Ulieh ai the NOIII.E AND DKLAMTKIt, DAI.ZrXL BIcKMIEXY, McCI INTLH'KVII.LB, of ThlUdelpLia, nd (iKIIMANIA, lll.illU.VlE, and K I'.'K KIMiUCKtrt, of hew V,.r. .JOHN l'ONDIU, No. jji'ine sncEi:r, . 10 Mm X GOLD MINIS G COMPANY. tllABTFIlKl) HV STATE OK PLNNsVLVASlA. CAl'lTAI. STOCK. 4H.OOO.OOO JliO.IM.II s I'ur Vnlnc, P5. Pii'-ldeii't-IOHN 11. ANUICUHON. Xireotorna Thoma A. Scott, . li. Kneass, William 8. Krcemau, Bobcrt 1. Kiiitf, Jolin M. Kllcy, C Laiic. Ie bllvcr, Jamei R. Slayee, T. 0. MeDowcU, narrl.bnrg, J.'hnW.liall, do Jolm Hrady, io W. W. Wylle, Lancsuw. W illiam u. Kbute, Colorado, V. SOUTH WOliTII, Secretary and I reiulire.-. OrriOE, No. 423 WALNUT STEEET, KOOH Ivo. 5. Atitl.enlUtteJ apeeluieni have been procured aouto oftbc C'enipany'a lodes, and lavo been assayed byfro fe.aois liix.tb and Uarrett with tlic u.ost eiaUiyln results. bub.iriplion Usti are now open at ti e oilice of the Coiu pmy, and at tlie Treasurer a Olll.e (Internal Kevenue), Ko. til t'HKN H T ttlrcet, I artueiD' aud Meeliaidoa' Hank biulillni. To original tub.ciibera tfM (.cr share for a liuiltod number ol shares. Circulars, puuipJileU, or Information can be obtained al tl,e oiRce ol Uie C'oinpauy, alter tlie 17th Inst. ll-W-Kra MONKY 10 ANY AMOUNT LOANKD tipou Ulaaiouds, Watches. Jen airy J'Uie, Clothllui, Ac, at JUM i CO.'B OLD rBTAHI.IHllKII I.OAV OFKirR, CoraW 01 TlllilU and OAHK1I.L Ulr.ets, ltelow Lombard. K. B.-KIAMOM.b, WATCUbs), JJiVVtLSi', UUK8 Ac., a,r sale at ltEMAHKaUtl.Yl.OWI-nK'JKg. L'lfl nnn CAN BE made on a patent vMl'sA fjy ' Medieiue. wliieh only wants adi-enislou w. ell, as It la acknowledged by all who use It to be In It eures.aud Ihe saost potent eer luaila. A person who baa capital can join Ihe advertiser, or tne ree-li and all Information will be Imparted for a nominal sum, so that liouoo tea a ttaUt.d. Address "aiidluue," true line. 11-4 - A a V HVriGIIT & niDoALL TTo. HO M: vKrt. p.rr-(t I l iVtFI S I HUNT ASI. HH'OVD TRV;n. C. T..KI.I..DT. r. . Sll,l.l.t. DUtCtllSTS, l'UYSICIANS, An niKCHIt FldKI KtKP-R8, fin fnrt . nar.-i li,, in. mi i; , ..s,,rlm. nl..rrmpnrt't 'i(l I' i,;rat'o Iirn. v V ,lr I'.n.iit M. ill' mo,, I'alntu, . WlMow ll., I':i., r:;,ll .n V !!,. .., at low I'M. on d'Miln. rm-r'M, t -!' run bf si, Id. one kiskati i. oh s For('..i,lrll'in"rii, In fun rarl.'H. ai.d nf llif b.l (iu1lly ( frl.ll i.,l, H'l'.',l IM, Mn'l.l.r. I'iH A.h, Co.llH'M'; P..,!. A-h, Al...,i,.i!i llf,,i:,.rt.,.r,,tMrcl of I '-. I. flil'VLHS ... Hlwujl onliia,t K w. t n-'t rnh ,rtn I'I I.K Sl'll KM KOH P4MU.Y fKV f!roi,n.lTnivfor nur m, Vi'i m wi,,rh IltIH tlie ' li,li"n of U.n.c In aiit ,1 rr'i.if. aril, le, M, JM'H,0,i,TMitI, MlsrARH,Ac.,o utra Or.l. r. by mall, or rltr pmi, il m.M wi.h pmmptat t'nll. n.or icediil qooL.tlci,, III bc nunlihrd liea rs- ti.'.ttj. WKIOIIT KIIIPAT.T,, VM,olcal Urilk' Vt'arahnuia, ly So. ll'J MA II KIT Htri'ot.aUpT rmot. y i jt w iv h ANTI-DTtPEFTlO TOVJ-DER, An rxi ;Ient iirovnntiva f-r that nuist illstrrsglna oouiiiUint J) VHl'Krsi A. Iii D.any rs-ci nf I' htnnV.VK It baa afTurdf l t. uly won dcrtu ictt t. IT I.S rt'KKLY veokt.vcm:. VUri'AHKIl OM.Y HY 1 IiKIi:UICIC JiHOWN, Iirntlit ati) cin-mlsf, N.H Cr. i IU II AND CIIKSNl'T STfl., I'lillAdrtphia, 11- b tl And for rale by DnikHK'i generally. DF.Al NKSS,BIsIM)NKSS,AM)CATAHIUI. -,. ISAACS. M. It . Pn.fcin.r nf tbe Kya nd Fr, tirnt all dll Amn aj'ji rln tiiTu; 10 hftitinvr- moDitM-M wltb ti.v ntiiii'-t nin i-t ss. Te-tlm nnln trnm tht muHt rltaile "I'lri'i ll Ibe tltv run tie f li Al Ills olllei', Nn .'ill I'lNK Htnet. The. Meib til I- m nit v nro inviti-il to afcompanr t' cli aat'efa a- be bas no ie rt-ts in hia practice. 10-Si i;or coiT(;ns and coi.ns, t'se mau- 1 HMAIJ.'H IM.KK 1 KKK T A It liltnp.H. F.xrelient. C"on eiiiciil ior U.e p"0k. t 8bl by the druKKlnts. 11 J iiu -TUITK VIUGIN WAX OF ANTIIXR. f V 'I bin eTH'tiiitM'oumitt(' c1 n f'tual t'ir beanttfy. trp , whiieiittip, ami prver vinir i! c cimpielm H la pre-t-H i t-tt limn pun- bur w x. In ii. e tin extraordinary uaHll tbfbr jirest-rviriK tbe skin, tmit. tun It I't, fair, raooiti, ti'Kl trAiinpart iit. It n tiiott nm.iblng after BbuviiiK.ciiroa rhapiieil huiubs and lip-, r wkuti ( luipIcH, blotches, tan, fnraifft, or .unburn, ami iiiip8rtn a anrv tint t tne la' . n rk, anil arms. I'rli e .it , sml ;." e-nis. HUNT A ( )., i,o.iJH H.HLVCN'l It anao.41 mreet. 10 8 3m jj. t1 ! 1 1 . A 1 1 1. I . I M I A RTTHiJl?.nV SC?D It A N ' lAt , K IW ViVrr.. Nn. 14 Nnrtk 2 NINTH Htrott. "tnr- Mitrltet. RiAtoru rndu-Hlly cured by B V. KVFKK TT'H I'reniinm ratnnt ilrad unfit ik I'tTHsnra Trun. Hmiorbir Klastic Berta, Litic HtnchtriKi. Huiportrs. Ebouidor Braooa, Bumo aHirl s. CYtnche-., So. La Jlen atfeni'fd by afra B.C. FVKRKTT. tarV-lv BEAI.'TY. IftoaIn a'Tnrl'-'t'K tien : It to ruin. iiivi.l uiin aiiiUh ( Jf t- be a bliioiiiiiic i.i.tir, fading, dylK lu nn b'mr Bpctt1 If tn tiAve a no at ot frit-o.1i-; It i t vice to m.i tt ami fi-W; It with hiub bi rn b iMid :o werl ; 11 a niarbtti stune wlirn d. ad V'aAivml If lo live. threesc'To ar.d '-n, W jtbliiK ii'e a lorn; uvtiln; If to live a bie ol' nwsikt'; If to die and no to (r u.'o IlRAim t If yon wish a life nf pleasures ; If you value tliU wor d trtiaitrcaf It'flvcry conitort yon would si.e. Take uiy adv:itj, nnd wib ait ikret. Then, having Flrnlth, Wealth, and Ueautf, Tuu li ba prvparptt for wvry duty. By a cnful perusal ot Ir.wll,ljAM VoirvtVH New I'.iA, J UK IfAltldAiiK OI. IHK, whirh ibould ba read by evev ore Bo'd by ItnnRnelle-rs j: re-anv. nd at thn lux tor a ortlce. So. lltt 81'bUCIt HTKEbrj price cfiita. aue-if A CAKJD TO THK LADIES. dk. nrrosoo'8 noLDEs pills tor fkmalks, Inlaltlble In rnrrectlnK, reulaiinc, and romnvino; aU 4fbstruLiltn iron i whatt vt r CHiiH-,.and aiwa a uCtt-aMul a preventive. Thec Pllli arr nothing new. and bare been atari by tha Hector tot many enr, both In I' rume and America whn i) iTiurutU lJ biicrt bJi In every rase j and belt argud by Dmi.y tritnai d Imilcs who Imve ua d them, to BMKO xm lulu public tor tbe allm int ton of those iitnVnng frnm an lrrr: iiiarhirs Mrbtittvt-r, a u II n tn prt-vunt aa ln cnaxv ol tHtinly tu-re beuiti will not cnult It. Teimilua pivullMrl hitimled, or tl oce Fithiioi-inK tln iunelves so, aro cnutTOi i d tiiiiiiht iihIiiv tb'"-ci pi -ib wldli- in tbut oondltloiv, aw it. iTo)ulL-ior aMiiiie-i no nin.ns(biHty atb-r tin- alwv ailnionltioi., itbnii.-b tbrlr i.nlilm?K would revit any nun bid to btriiltb,otbruthe tnu I'uls aru rvomiuoniiedv 1- nil ami e illicit d'U'it'or uci'oiiipiiii ihk eat-li Lmk. rrict$llot six bui I -r -'. hoid vliuiutio aud retail by tbM U Mow in i: riiv;l-ts : I. limit. vi iti- -:o., No. M V. fourth street. iu bt A Hnidall, No il'- Mhi .. t nun A Murnhftll, c rin r of I libt umb unit Market stretf. f'nlir .t Smith, cornor of Stvoiiil a-.d t.iuen jUnuta. Iott it TO.. io. S Htcnnd sir-vt. Jiibnon, llrllon ny A Cow den, ai.d H. (). In luiotir. t'auitli'ii. Al If uil by all drubtflata. Ladles, by sending ONE ECLLAH To eitbtr niuent, can have thy I'U.1.8 HI NT t (i.MKIIir.NTI AT.LT. 1W mot), to auy part of tte city or country ffea te. S. I. iKHVB, 0 T2 2m Vn. 2 15 W. Till UIY ttl X 1 11 Street, N. T. Of arfAIii TOasmrcAriAiNs and owners, c (S.ev- Tbo undiTnlnt'd havt h l-iood tbe KKNHIWtJ lt.N etCKKW In K'K, bHS to Inioriu hit frloudaand the f at ron b ot tbe l-rk, (I h. tie Im prvpurul wita Increased lilts to accomi.ii'dnia tbone hnv.ii vt-Hsets to If rained or nishlreii. and bi-liu a pnvitN'al ship-carpenter and v -au!Kvr, villi ne pfrotiaJ aiienuon to ail vwsseia en trusted to btm ir rrpauft. Captains or Agi nts, Ship t'Ary-intnrs, and Macbluiatf ha viio; vxmrli to repair, a t' S'j.i lit d to cnl. HaUnr the acency tor tbe suit of " Wetu ritedta' Pahtnt ; Mt'tnll'4-1 'ouiHTt)iilon," or t'opper I'aini, for Uie presirva tioii of vc 'huIs' bottom, for tin cuy,l aui pruparwl furu ib ttbe aatue on fttvijrabiw it rti.s. ( J'UK H. ff A WSfTTT, Ko'nif 'tc.n rtcrew Dork. Mhll-tf Delaware avuvue.alAv lare-l street, t l!Ar)INa KAILUOAI). l'Olt THK COX- , 1 i iib iH c ot' no up is iin.J otlur vtstiiiiK "Camp t)is i b npt-. ' m-ar MmIhk Mid.n pti'ml nun tay pntavniftT ti tam will run tit wei ii l'iildt-l,i In uiid PIiu iiiil vll c until . fonbir I'oii. i-. i-ofiiiiK ii'-irk' Mnnbi, NoTHiuiHir lit, led, ' b io Ihk i'bl'iidi lpliia nt s A. M P. M ., and return Im; tVoin Piiu-iiiAvilie at 10 A. M. unu :i .to P. M., sioppiujj t Jl-IJ-lit i'OJl NKW VOHlv. fH'TII.K I.TSK. COASJWt.K KI i-AM-illli' TYMPANY'S M W PitKli.ll l" I, INK it'U NhW o;K, utnl c..iint tii.K for il Noiii.c:u ui Ea-.ttrn cities and Oil- at' it, stiUlu oiiy 11 KUA1 , . Till U8IAV, AMI SATI UDAV, fr in t!n- Conn jiiin ' wt iut", t'r t ii'Mivc-Kut o htrci't, and i-iv )oik, tp in i'i. r 11, .Nt itb lii.t-r, ou auue ibtya, ai .i i. M. I ur i.eivm, wnn n w m- rweivrd diUly, band'ed in tbe nn i.' fn't fiil ii.jiiiUT, io d ib in . n il u uh Li. a uruultiHt dta- ', paUb, at lair r.U up; iv o . 1 Ulbl.IAMJ TAYLOItAOO., II 10 'Un So. -.'.u m.i -u w i.arve. , Z.? STKAM WhKKIsY TO MVRH. ii aisJ!j''-'t-i il ttiiu-bini nt (iif nii wii1 Cork Harbor, i .m v know n Mi-Hint ! oi I ho l.i-ctpool. N.- Turk, and I'btutb Jp:,ia ba-s-uusbip (.uipatiy are luuottod M Halt A. !it'..H n - , CI IV OY It VI.TIMOKK. S.ituntav. Kovembi'r 19. l'I'Y HI-' L 1 N 1 KN , baturdd , Nut aiubur 'M J 1 I S A.FattirdHy, Hf crnilM r i. " ' And own succtuiii b.uuiUa, At noon, trvot Pier t 44 N rtb kl-r. t It AT I. H O' rASSAfJF PAY 4.111. K IN ClIItllKKCY. Kllt Ciibitl J'X' OU Ktwr-e ,...' fC I- iret Ciibiii to l.cndo.) 170 (t) SH-ei ao to I.otidou... W-Kf . 1 Irht Cttbm to I ai's.. 1:" WI aSut'ia-,1- to I'ans Hii'ii, buv tiL'Kti'' beit. t iiie rut'a. or luilber micnuniiuu apply at tbe Company'a otTlcea Ko. IIIJVALMO; Slreet,Phi.ttdt-UdiIa. I i liUMU AIi 1 illbADhbl'lilA B,u ,,l, I l. i. a.u .l..rr . M ....... a. I it kii AYS.fU'iufli-flttiart ul-jvc 1'lNK Mrve'.Pbila- dt Jpliia. tud l.i y. Y hitrC, ib-ton. drt nUarC atltiiv 11 K Hti i-i-t. on Slurdii . Nov -inbitr ';. Ifv.i. Tne uti-ant r M'Ki'AS will' sit'l Uiu Phil tdi-Lihla oft 'l Katiird.iy, Not t-iuiitr M. at In o i jotk A. al.. and smatust' 1 1 bA is v iu nt .i hi) ir ti.' prt it u , Tbi-ie new and sLbstautJal sUHm4nin form a re(fular( lti e. satlriijK froui inoh imt pum inallr on Kttturdavs. B lnaiiinnt.i.a eii6t,;d at uuc-baliu.t: jftiuuiuiu tiiiaigedt I aIc a l st-bU. 1 1 n li l.u taken at fair rates. 1 Bt-ippersarereuesii'Uloavud Blip Xcctlptl and WM i Iaadln with ibeir looii. I wot l la aul or raasax tnnvrns; mvrvuMmwnwikm a arrl l tO ntlaMU WtNM'tt UU., II Ja4-lf N0.H,2 ti. 1H:I.AVAHE Aveuu. Jft l'OU MVKKl'OOOL. TUKSDAV,! iZIiKovouiler K.. ...,4 ' V 1 i.ti JUltlt-Il SLIP 1 'IllI.A.l'sT-I.1 " ni'im.i 4TWt I Wi 1 sati lor tbe above pil en Uie lUi Aiovi-iubur. bttiai.e ti iu currei. 10-H6 h't. 1U1 WALNUT Btrcut. A ir Hilt NEW YOUR. DKSPATCH' J C,it?' Bwtftsur L ues, 1a llawar an b.,ti.aui anal. '1 he sleaiuurs ot tlm.a hoes are leavl. I d.ilv si IV clock M.. aud ocmca f. al.. Irom tSU4lM. iralnui airert. t ., rur .rTir. w,n. wm vm iwh on .moisnjti;i. Ieri,i(.a,,l. to WILlXiK at. bXUCU A tt., .. UiX 1 Hot csi'in toUtttuiT Kiw-ijo Btr k u M.uiiiura. 74.(i . l'lthM'tii-ih nl--o fuiwwud to Havre, lireuieii Hot-l j tcftbnn, Antwerp, Ac. , at e-iuaH b.wrntos, ' 1 Fores in ui l.t i-i pool or tiii'eiistovn : Pint Oabiitt a '1 H.'l', fl7y, $ilo. b.tvraj-'e from l : t rpjnl and iuuens- , town, 70. i hMje wi.o , uh to scad fur Utuir liieuda ca l; )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers