The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 18, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1
A- mmlmm TP hi TT7, T"1 TTT) A H IL Flo J i miCE THREE CENTS. THE WAR IN THE SOUTHWEST rUKSUIT OF GENERAL TRICE. Oliicial Despatch from Gen. Sanborn. IlrAntit-Aamis Hist itii r in- Sotritwiir Misbouii, i HiNdni li, . Noicinbi r 12. To Major Gtnetnl I'lcason'on :-! have just returned rem Ca-evil!c, nnd will forward my olllcial ro- pori of Hit campaign in n few d.iys. No one Ins tired a shot id ihc enemy Mure the battle of New- tonlii, where the me.iiy gained great advantage over 11 Ii ut ut hrst, l,ut my cotimi ind got tip in ninetoiuni uie enemy's right, and the tide of things. The enemy lost very largely iu men nnd hoMes In Northern Arkansas, und the border. My Idea was, and Is now, that when we got tiim below Newtouia and the re tn of grain mills and catue, we should not crowd him any more, but rather make an elfirt to hold hint in this land of starvation, as we would a g irrison ut of supplhs, until his army broke tip and divided. Deserters weio very numerous while J'riec was in this section, hut I have seen none that have leit him since ho was pushed otf toward! his supplies. My own view Is that all the elTbr:s of General Curtis to drive the enemy and they h.ivo been great and entitle him to credii have been to our detriment and the enemy's advantage, for I believe one-half of his army would have deserted liorlhofthe Arkansas, had it not been for tho feur of the pursuing foe, and the pursuit h is Been cxnsive; but the enemy has sull'cred badly, and all should be satiMicd, I Btippo-o. My despatches from General Thayer indieato that the, troops on the Arkansas w ill not attack 1'rieo. John II. Saniiokv, llrigadier-Gcncral Commanding. FROM PETERSBURG. STATEMENT OP A DESERTER, Terriblo Condition of Southern Society. The Norfolk Old Dominion ut yesterday says : "We had a long conversation with a deserter from tho 12th Virginia Infantry, belonging to tho 4th Brigade nf Muhnnes Corps, vestonlav, by the name ot McKarlancl. He has been In the Kebel service ever t the l'Jth of April, l.stil, nnd h is participated In all the important engagements of tho war iu Virginia since that period. Uu is a printer by trade, and was formerly employed ou the 1'ctcrsburg Krprei.i. Jlo sues the Rebel army is extremely despondent, and thinks tuoy cannot hold out beyond tho present winter, liut few of tho ollieers are conlideut of secur ing the independence! of the Confederacy, but aver that Grant can never take Rich mond by direct assault. Ho thinks it is possible, in case of the capture of tho South-dde road, that Lee will be compelled to evacuate that city,, ho pays, wus never in better hjiiltti, and wears well. Mahone.'the l'liil. Kearney of the Rebel army, is deserloed as being an ex trimily small man, about rive feet high, and weighing about one hundred pounds. The mtiirtcnt in his old brigade, he sit-s, is very favorable towards a ro-csiaDlisbmcnt of tho old Union, and if it could bo submitted to ballot, ho thinks the vote would stand live to one in favor of peace and Union. The citizens are Very despondent, having scarcely any hope of ultimate success in establishing their Confede racy. Kvciythleg is subordinate to the army, nil the immense number of women and children who are led at the expense of the city and the Govt rimiciit have to wait until tins wants of tho oldiirsare satisfied, and what is then leftover is given to thi m. Society, he says, is in a droad fnlly di moralized condition, end leeks with, rot teni e,-s and coirupiiou. Jell. Davis is begin ning to visibly show the elltets of the treiuun ilous wear and tear upon him, und his health is In a fulling conditio!!. Ho says thero are a itrcut number of des.r crs from our side in nnd around Richmond and Petersburg, and that they arc mostly sulntttu cs and bounty jnmteis, with a ptentv ol money. In accordance with his late prnclumntioii, Jell. Davis gives them employment, If thoy wish it, in the O ivcrnment workshops, or if preferable, gives ihem free tr.un iioriath.n to Mexico, Iielauil, Germany, or France. Those who want to cross thu water are put on board blockade-runners, and are sent out from the ports of Wilmington or Charleston. A gre it number of them, ho tayB, prefer JJermudu as the point of destination. Mr. Mc Farlund thinks he bus now had enough of it, und is p n'cctly w illing to resii'n his military honors, and retire once woie tu iue peaceful walks of life." IIow Nlifrimtii'H Monitor Voted. IMMENKri MAJORITIES FOIl LINCOLN. Tbo l.ouisvilo Jjumal says: "V'e have ro ceivod tho following by mail from Kingston, Georgia. General Sherman was unwilling to lave tl cru forwarded by telegraph, for fear the location of iho troo(,s would be pieiniitiirciy made public und teach the Rebels: 21st Wisconsin aim Michigan tilth Ohio lbili Ki Mucky 3i-t Ohio Kith Ohio 9vd Ohio 17ih()hio , lOoth Ohio 21st Ohio 7llh Ohio l.'li li Michigan , filth Ohio 3.J. I Olili VM.h Ohio Hth Oil o Sibil Missouri 7'J.h i'eliu. (ikiaciiincni) Tolul Ale t.'Ilnn. LIut In. ill 71 17 15 17 IJ-i 1 1 II bit 2'l) ' i 111 s 'M lli'S '2 2 IV :uo ;i )2 27-1 21 Hi 111 I'll l.'-S 21 I 2 VI i;u 210 20 U!"7 DIM Lincoln's innjnr ty :;1 Vi ''J litfo votis are" otllei d ot iralmcts in the 1st mid ad Divi-ions i t the M h Or. is und thoy rouipiisc ail the h ices were at rim r.ttui ou the Uth, but where they were ou tile 10.ii it is picniaiiuo to statu. The votes of tii-j v.ui ms n-gliiiit ts show ihem to bo piho full, genmiilv, lorthtic is a large jaie. Ci'.a,;e ia ea h of p. touh uuiituililicd toexcicise the elective fruehle." i:cti! of I'i li r ilw Hibi-1 iy null Mnil-t'ix rler George rctersmi, who w as tracked from Canada to Alexandria, Va., by detectives, and urtested lliere on the 11th instant as aRe.bel spy and mall cariicr, made liis escape from the Old Cepltol lni'on la.-t night, under the following eircutn stuiice6 : The sentinels on posts Nos. 12 and 7 permitted l'cterson, under some excuso which Uo oflertd, to go into a yard by a way and in viola tion of the rules of the prison. Peiorson "having dl.'piibcd himself, and bavin" . a r.ocded In pass ing the sentinels ou the i..:ir.s uoc ve-naiucd, leiwecn 0 and 7 o'clocl , routii IiU wvy into the tmpk'j ees' lues .tcoui. Here he is supposed o have found an iron child, left in the loem by tho gas litters, w ith lilch he broke open the duor of the mess-room, which enabled him to cross tho passage to the female department. Iu the passage-way he plcktd tho Jotk and forced e II tho wooden braces, which were eieemed sutheieut lo prevent escape. This enabled l'etcrson to cuter the ttcre-toom of Uie prison. When in this room he again sue oeded in picking the lock and breaking tho bolt of the eloor, by which means he e utered the front oillce (second toom, li lot floor, in the southern coition of the building). From this oillce Feter en made Ins way into the street. l'cterton is a rather intelligent man, about 21 years of age; about five feet seven und a half inches h!(ih; weighs ubout 160 or lajpouuds; tuttcl address; sound white teeth, aud has a peculiarly positive utterance iu his couvcrsattou. It uthiiiytun .Sfnr. N'othlrjg could be more mugnilicent than tho Vintage bus been this vear in -all Mill nf I'mnr,. In the wiue districts there was a superabundance of grape. The proprktors of vme ards were otuully UB7.zltd to know what to do, their usual upiily of casks havinu Ion clri( although at work day and ulgat, were Itttal uwtblv tv supply tby demayd. nniii) edition IlICillLY IMPORTANT I'art of Sherman's Army Noar Sclma. EIBILS I?ErORT 7 HA T HE 13 MOVING ON MOBILE. Rebel Wail Over tho Miserable Con dition of the Confederacy. Nprrlnl to Tho Kvvnlnif Tclxrnprt. WAsitiNirrov, November 18. Tim Rich mond Whin of Wednesday says that (omcral Micrntnn lias sent a pin t of his army towards Solum, Alabama, Indicating n movement to take the city of Mobile. SlirrMim hiiiI Nliermnii tu bi ruihol. Tim Whig urges the calling out of a special force of seventy-five thousand men to put an end to Oiencrnls! Sherman and Sheridan. Mlsrrat.lo Conillllou t llio Nol.ltl. It assai'g tho Rebel CongtesM as incoinpe tent, Ac., nnd setfl up a dismal wail over their condition. A Xfw I.oim. Rumors of a new loan are prevalent here. Rebel paper claim that llreeklnrldije has recently repulsed our forces at Hull's Gap, Eust Tennessee, LATER AND BETTER. Indications that Sherman has Gone to Savannah. Ntr liii to Ttie Ktriilnir Tclcitrnpli. Wabimnutiiv, NovcuiImt IS. Tliere Is In tense excitement here over the news from General Sherman. The latest news received here from the South indicates he has gone to .Savannah, and that he. will also take Mobile aud other cities, perhnpB Charleston. FRAUDS ON THE REVENUE. The Government Robbed of Ono Million Dollars by Now York . Brewers. TIIKEE WIIOLE3ALK DISTIL LERIES INVOLVED. THE DEFRAUDERS ARRESTED. Rostov, November IS. Tliii U'ertherfMb libr8 the following spcciul despatch : W'asiiinoton, November 17. Tho rovenuo ollicirs in tho Ninlli CoiiKtvsiional District of NcwYoik have jut dicovcre 1 a fraud of tho most Hluppndoiis kind, involving throe of tho largest breweries in tho country. Tho proprietors have been arrested, and tho breweries, with nil their appurtenances, ns well as tho stock on hi nd, l ave been sel.od. The abrogate value of the property is not less than one million dol lar?, all of which will bo confiscated If thu case is imidc out ngninst the offenders, and half of the proceeds of the property will go to tho pors ons discovering the fraud. The par ics charged wi'h fraud have been distilling for a long tituo without a license, without makiuir auy r. turns, and with out paving at.x of any kind. Council of nr t l orlriN i Monroe The l'liirlitii. FoitTBiiss Monuok, Novi'tii'icr 15. A council of war is being held here; you may look for something Stirling fliort'y. Ti Is no news to-day, Tho I'lmiilu Is still in t:.o oiling. TO-DA'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special EcpiiU'tus to ti -ulng Telograih., November IS, Til.. Mavy. Admiral Farragut Is ns"rt' l to-day to be the ceminit man" forPc rcta y of the Navy. Tl.r Trrasnry l :u liilnt. The acceptance of tlio Tre . ury portfolio by Robi 1 1 J. Vulker is said to be contingent npon u talii.fiicle.ry tirrnngcuiiut of his own private ellu is. IV-! .141111.1. SfiJ' r fleiicral Hanks remains still in Wash- WOV. It may be considered cortain lhat Mr. l'esson- e!tu will resign Ms Kecrelaryi-liip of the Treasury to nturn to the Senate, to v. M :h ho holds his culling nnd eleclion sine. .iii inl l.rnnl N OiTirl it Ri'i.ort. fieneral Ornnt Ims nut ye t viitten his olllclal repeat i f the r.r:iml c unt aigu horn tho Kapidan to the Jauies; and Las deti'inii-ied not to do so until he- captures Petersburg an l Richmond, as, niiil! that I- achieved, he wi'.! not have reached ol'.icetive, nor the eauipai-iu lis logical con-e!ti:-!on. 'i lie ffar !tice HVt il f o Men. Rutlor. The physical prostration of .Secretary Stanton rendering his withdrawal from tho W'm Oillce In evitable, the President, acceding to a widespread nnd strongly fortified desire, tendered the position to GcnenilRiitler yesterday in poison. It is nn derttood that the General, for tho present at least, declined the honor, und left for more active Oueru t : j j i a, ut the front. PEACE PROPOSITIONS. ImliCHltoMMtltnt I'ohcb I'roposi I ions Will t rnwuim iu ine Kfuri t uiels, AVamiisotok, November 17. Tlicra is ever ptobab.lity that within a short time Commis noueis will be appointed by the President to pre fent laopositlons of titmice to the Rebels at Uii ti. niond. The pressure upon him to do so was yiy strong beloie the election. Since then lie has been convinced that tho adoption of this policy will completely silence the Copperhead lect'iin and gratify a larce majority of tha The couieof tbo Adiniuibtiatiun I Ills ItAPii f. ir.. shadowed iu l'orney's editorials, in General but ler' speech, and in various other ways. It re. ceived additional importance from the fact that Mr. Lincoln particularly complimented General lmtier upon that portion of his kecch at tho I'ifth Avenue Hotel, aud that he reiterated tii peace sentiments in hit address to the Maryland Mate Kepuulican Committee. It is represented that the South bare recently admitted that slaves already free are to remain fice, and that for a continuance of war on their purl, the South has indicated its readiness to aloliih slavery. Thus, the great bone of conten tion is removed, and Mr. Llucolu may now, with propriety, present his programme of peace to the Itched leaders. It is cousieiored great card ; and coinuiUtionen for that purpose will undoubtedly be appointed, if they have not already beea selected, to proceed to Uichmond for this our. Pose- X, T. UerM. rillLADELrillA, FRIDAY, NOVUM SHERMAN'S MARCH. Th 9 Amy Reported to Have Loft Atlanta on the 12th. rilOBADLE MOVEMENT UrON AUGUSTA. . LATtM IT0KMAT10 FROM HOOD. HIS ARMY AT FLORENCE AND CORINTH. General Thomas' Army at Falaski, Tonncssee. NoTt:. A despatch was pub'i-hr 1 in a ( In ciunati papi r of yesterday, living soam dcti:l of the ilcpurtnre oftJencial Slit rm an'a colunim fri-Jii Atlanta, on the '.nh or I2h, and their proii i hle cotucniraiion at Auitmta, which tlio Hir Department deems contraband, and vo tlnnvi'ore refrain from publishing tho report. Int. Iliicnii-e Iroui lli-bol Vonrci. AVAMUMi roN, November 17--It h-huiond pautM of Tuesday received here, furnish intelligence from (Jeoritia up to tho Uth Inst. They state that Sherman left Atlanta on the U li, ni iving northward, though tbey doiii):le mean by that eastward on a northerly line. Urnrrnl Ilon.l'a vtovmnrtil-i. Slrcimlti. anil I'o-Iiioli. ml P. i ati h ) Iht e ii tnf.u: tii..' N hiivii.ik, November l i. The Rebel army Is still concentrated in. the viclnpv of Kl irencn. One coi isS. 1). Lee's is upon this side of the river; the remainder of tho army remain com. naratlvely ipiiet on the Booth si le. Tho Kebdls have a good pontoon bridge from one shore to the other. Iho whole army is probably thirty thou tnnd strong, embracing s Corps, 70 ; Che it- ttitm'M I'firna .'.llllll. s;,.. v.,p, a l".,...a .,1 . i .. .t. Taylors Corps, Ijooo ; and .Woo cavalry. Hood has also seventy pieces of artillery. Our cavalry, General Ciotou's esiceialy, has skirmishing every day with iho enemy's cavalrv, mostly In the neighborhood of Shoal creek. The roaus throughout tliut region or couutrv are in a bad condition, on account of tho roeent ruins, nnd wholly unsiiited to military operations, lhis may for some time pi event anything very srious taking place in this quarter, i'.csi is still a question as to whether the Rebel demonstra tions at l'loreucc, like that at .lohiisutiville, is not a mere feint movement, and whether Hood and lieanregard do not design establishing them selves, il they can, at some point on the" Mits sippi river. Mieriimii'i rinveiiipnlM Tho Indianapolis Journal of Tuesday last says ; V o had a conversation yestcrdav with a gen tleman who had just arrived in this city direct Irom Atlanta, having left there ou Friday, No vcuilier (i. Kvery arrangement, had been mule for a gigantic movement in some direction. One corps had already moved out of tlio city, and others were to follow, but had not done so up to the hour of his departure, in consequence of the ill ness of (ii ueral Sherman. Sherman exp-esscs tho utmost in lill'e :onee as to Hood's movements, and savs Thomas has suf ficient troops to attend to him aud prevent Ills returning South. '1 he oiliccrs and men of Sherman's armv wore never in better spiiitsor more conlidentof suc cess. They regard this as the great moveiiuut of the war. Most of our prisoners, heretofore confine 1 at Andersonvllle, havo been removed to Augusta, Hid as that place i directly in the line, Suerman win prooaoiy tano it. l liey stand a good chance lor a speedy release. No private proparty In Atlanta had been burned or destroyed, nor was it expected that it would be. From Athiiita to Augusta is 171 miles; from Augusta to Charleston 2 miles; to Savinn ih 11(1 miles. Hut, as our contemporary remarks, ' tho country is not diillcult; no mountain ranges lie in the way to inako transportation laborious; stu b ns Rosecrans met In Tennessee in bis cam paign iiRnint Chattanooga ; uo passes or deliha p'esent easily defensible positions to an opposing loreejtho wholo region, both in the south and east, is ileh in food, und has heou untouched by the war. 'Iho Chicago Journal s tys : "A furlouglvd olilcer of Sherman's Stall' states that he has bj.m orileicd, when his leave expires, to rej in his command at Savannah. Hood Is said to bo on tho line of the Chattanonga and At'imt i railroad. Forrest has not joined him, but is a tin moving towards Kentucky." Tlio t'orco muter Kt.critiiin 3ffM rmy :O,00O MroilK Kvltvl MllNll Oil Allilillit. from the Chicago Tfilmne. Sr. I.oi is, November M. A gentleman from Sherman's headquarters, at Kingston, Ua., savs that General Sherman is by this time soiiiu distance on the war pith. His army consists of 1 Ith Coijn, General J, 11'. C. Davis. Kith Corps, General Osterhaus. 17th Corps, General III. dr. "Oth Corps, General Slocum. These, with li.OOO under Kilpatriek, and a brigade of artillerv. uiuke a total force of about fio.bno men, splendidly equipped, and supplied with every appliance of wur. All tho public liUUilings.ucnots, iiiantltactoriej. In Atlanta arc rendered worthless, und tho railroads north and south of the city, and all surrounding defen sive works destroyed. Thero is to be uo turning buck, and nothing left behind of value to tho em my. rSCM MLTIMORfi TO-DAY. fttr: ia! Dttpc'rli la The liming yW.'tre'H. Haltimoiik, November 18 William Holland, a Democratic State Senator, recently elected from. Dorchester county, Maryland, has resigned his e lllce. This requires a new election, und will enable the I'nion men to elect u Union Sena'or, which w ill make the Man1 land Scnahvlil delega tion stand cqiial.iind with the Lieutenant-Governor who prciddcs und has tho casting voto, will in iko it one l uion majority. The Court-Martini setting here has been again reoiganizcd, wiih Major General Staid ut its head. The cu'C of Iloileau, of the.2d Delaware Infantry, for murderiiiK tho German Co., two days ago, w ill come before this Court to morisnv. l.xttnsiVe preparations are bring made hero to give the soldiers u grand Thanksgiving dinner. Handsome donations aru being made t mar Is it Gold operators continue much inoi have lost lunviiy. amim;.w I.M.N. AcAttr.MY of Mt sic Last night SlraiMla was fiiven nnd enthusiastically received. It is ono of Hiibelnninn's lino parts, where his pers m il grace as well as his lino volco is displayed. His talent as an actor is essentially comic rather than tragic, aud ho aud Formes, as the two brigjnds, delighted the house, being enthusiastically encored. Formes, for whom an apology was piinted, thought better of his soro throat, and appeared as "Malvolio," enjoying tho fun he nude himself and singing in his best style. Mad'lle Cunissa is not a sympathetic artist her voice is very thla and w iry, aud often out of tune. Himmer sang the grand piece of the oponi, the lust prayer, in the m ist impressive manner. Ho is an artist of the highest order of art. Tw-uigat I'iilrlia, with a maguiliccnt cast Johannsen. Ileimanns, Himmer, Stcineeke. Fiihlio will be the geuiol the season which bus been so brilliant. Li en i.e AVusTBtty as Cahiixb. This evening Miss Western will appear in that great character, of the younger Dumas, which secured for him so universal a fame as a sentimental novelist. A) a love story of deep Interest tliere is perhaps no novel that has been so widely read, while Us ap- Learanec iu a dramatized form is equally as well nown in this country as are many of Shake speare's plays. Of the Anglicized editions of the drama, that by Matilda Heron is considered the most truthful to the original, aud the most inte resting. This edition, by the permission of the authoress, is produced to-night, on the occasion of Miss Western's beuelit. Chesnit S'i'BIET Thkatrb. Mrs. Bjwcrs gives us her farew ell bene fit this evening, playing the Lady of Lyont and I'aint Heart. We regret to see so accomplished an actress leaving us, for we know what we have, but kuaw not what we may have. Auoii StrkktTkeatrk. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams takes a beueht at this luvatfe. i'urce popular plev A NEW REBEL PIRATICAL SCHEME. An Extcnsivo riot and its Frustration. CONCENTRATION OP KEBEL IIOJ1BKRS AT HAVANA. Their Troposcd Operations on tho Taciilc Const. PRODADLE ARREST OF THE PIRATES. Narrow Escape of the California and Tacific Steamers. We have been in possesion, for some time pat, of highly Interesting and important informa tion derived from Havana, in regard toa proposed licbel plan for capturing American passenger steamers upon tho I'acillc Ocean. Hitherto we have refrained from giving the facts publicity, le-t a pr mature announcement should tend to defeat measures that had been taken to frustrate the plot, and arrest the purties thereto. Now lhat any danger of that sort is over, wo are at liberty to show how narrowly we have escaped tho neces sity of recording another fYiMiKi.te art' ar, only on a larger scale, upon the waters of the Paeliie. The details of tho plot In question were cvi siiniinated at Havana some time since, under tlio approval of S. It. Malloi v, iho Coined rate Siv rc'ary ot the Navy. Ita'leader an 1 manager was Thomas A. Hoirg, holding a commission in tint ltebcl Nnvy as Mauler, who, with a party off run sixteen to twenty men, Icti UHana lor I'anami, 'ew Grenada, tho last of September or early in October, for the purpose of g t ing on b ianl the 1'anaina Railroad Company's lln steamer ti'it iV ifiila, seizing her at sea, an I then using h -r as a piiatc vessel to capture s eaiucrs of iho V iclile Muil Steamship Company, plying bjtween I'liiiaiua ami San Francisco. The party were all well armed, an 1 abundantly supplied with ammunition concealed in thnir bafimge. They were to take pissage in the f.KiqVmflo lor inherent Central American ports, mas not to excite suspicion. ll was to go on board first, carrying his haggtgp, which was t contain nothing suspicious. Ii' it was not searched, lils followers were to convey on board their trunks subsequently, with the arun and ammunition concealed in them. The. seizure of tlio ves el was not to bo at tempted until sho had got to a p int u,i m tie Central Aunriean coast, some two hundred ni'les from l'anaiiia. where there was no danger of tail ing in w ith any cralt that could give notice of the change of command ot the H'uttrm tin, when it had been effected. No s rious diillculty was apprehended in taking possession of the (Suit,: inula, as tier otneers were not likely to natii-ipa'n nny danger, and were expected to bo found entirely otf their guard and without tho nieaas of r slstunce In their hands. The (luiili inula carries two guns for her own protection from aihatcers. Itelyi.ig up iti these lor oil nslvc purposes, the pirates then proposed to cruise for tho passenger and soecle-c urviiiL' steamers of the California trade, until they h id captured a' Uast one of thorn, with which, proba bly, they would have 0 saved a trio across tho I'acillc to l'.asi Indian waters, provided thuv could obtain tho necessary c:ial by capture of some of the collier constan'lv en gaged in carrying steamer supplies of fuel to Cential American ports, l'uiiauia, Aeaimlco. Sau Juan del Sur, and San Francisco. tho conspiiators hoped to follow up their success by proceeding, in tho (initrwiln, to tho coast of Northern California, and thero making a raid aealnst Hen. llallndiy's line of steamers, bo tv een Sau F'runcisco, Oregon, and Uriiisn Co I ninl la. Fortunately, the scheme was dl-ovred bv some menus, und we presume information mu,t. lave b en sent direct from Havana to t jo li;u iiius, iu time to frustrate thu execution, as n i hear on priva c iiuthoiitv from 1'anaini, that iho part cs known to bu Implicated were all there an I ut Aspinwall, as late as the I h of this month, at il were known to the United States C instils at both p'a es, to the Commanders of the l'an im i Cotnpoij's steamers, and to tho CniteJ Slates Naval Connu Hitler in the port of I'anam i. It fippetirs that the desperadoes arrived too la'e for tho liuiiiemttta, a portion of them having gone to Aspinwall, via St. Thomas. The (iit'ttem tla sailed on tho &th of Ocober. Tho next Kaitam i railroad steamer for Central American ports was the Sulrtulur, to sail on tho iu.t ant, and it was understood a'. 1'anama that the piratical pin ty were to tako passage in her. If they did so they were promptly arrested a'trr their urrival on board, every ariaiiycment laving been made for tint purpose. Nothing can have prevented their cap'.uro, pro. Inihlv, uulisstlic la I all til have leaked out at 1'anama that they were suspected ; in which event, of course, they would not li t likely to place themselves under the American (lag, whore ttieir si l.uro would be free from international cm buiras'inent. Master Hogg (sometimes c illo 1 Terton), wo understand, is a native of iiakiiuoro, who b is lived sometime IntNow Orleius. His chief ollicer is a man named Ilradshaw, who claims to have once been a commander of the Hiriliiln; lidward J. Norvillo, a nativo of U iltiuiore, but now of Mobile, is Hogg's Master; Wil liam lllack, of New Orleans, is l'ursurj Kdward Swain, of Near Orleans, Midshlpinin ; Thomas Reynolds of New Or cans, Mis er's Male; John II ddle (alias Smith), Is F.ngincer; Timothy O'Grady and Uoorgo March, of New York, aro Qilarlclina-teiB ; and among the crow are Kobeit Lyons, and men oy tho name of lllg gins, Stoddard, und Sullivan. Wo h ipo to hear, by tho next arrival from thu Isthmus, that nil thu above-named parties, ami iiimo whoso name, we have not given, are safe on bond an American cruiser ut 1'anama, unless, indeed, 'they arrive herein charge of L'n'ted States o lleers, sitiiul tancouslv wi;h the announcement of their cap lure. .V. 1. Timet. The I ii it l StntcM Ktcanier ".Midioir1 at ItOMt.tll, llnnos, November 18. The United States steamer Siphon arrived here to day from the blockading (loot o.T Wilmington. Kite touched at Norfolk to land tiie prisoners taken on board tno prize steamer A,in'e, which was captured by tho II i( us and .V.toi. The .Viy iouwas scuth?ie for repairs. Tim lierllue In Gold. Ni;w YoltK, November 18. Ujld has declined to 21 li since tho board. CITY'' INTELLIGENCE. SlATE OT TltltltMOMK'IKR To-day. Six A. M. r.0. Noon, 55. 1 I'. M. 53. Wind. N. W. Ruciu n inc. This morning the Mayor issued wuvrants for the payment of tho city bounty to Ti men, of whom 3 enlisted for live years, 51) for three years, 9 for two years, and 2 ftr ono year. They were credited as follows : First Ward, 2; Fourth Ward, 1 ; Fiflh Ward, 5; Sixth Ward, 1 j Seventh Ward, 5 ; Ninth Ward, 2; Tenth Ward, 5; Fleventh Ward, 2 ; Twelfth Ward, 1 ; Thir teenth Ward, 3 ; Fifteenth M aid, HI; Fighteeuth Ward. 5 : Twentieth Ward, 3 ; Twenty-first Ward, 3; Twenty-second Ward, I); Twenty-third Ward, Kl. Recruiting is now progressing liuely, about three hundred men per week oeing ruusunea into the service and credited to the wards of l'hiladel nhia. It will be observed that some ot the wards receive larger credit than others. This is owing to the fact that those successful wards are oiler ing a small premium of five and ten dollars, while other wards are doing nothing at all, their old draft committees being no longer in exist ence. By a proper etlort I'hiladelphia could easily secure enough men to fill her share of quota for a call of a half million of meu, should ouo be made. Why don't the wards go to work ) Meu are easily obtained now, but as soon as a call is made they will become scarce, and high boantles will have to be paid. It is easier for tha wards to pay a premium of Ave dollars now than wait until a call is wade and pay fifty dollars, and even then have trouble iu filling their quota. Eohbsbt. A night or two since a store at No. 802 Green Street was entered and a few articles stolen. HKU 18, 1S(4 What Ni-xt? On this rainy day, whn the damp, bleak atmosphere hangs like a pall over the populace, when thero Is a scarcity In city new, and when even an advance in O'ohj or "ile,'' stock, or the solution of tho oft-repented question, "Where Is Sherman going ?" fail to raise tho spirits of the people, we do not know that we can pen a more interesting paiagraph than th it relating to a new Invention of some ingenious Yankee (of cotiife), w hlch ili'sirves to ran with rotary ehnriis ami selng inn bines. It is nothb g 111014 nor less, inli 1 to milium, than n I aln-tender, sill to be In Its operation ns ecntl as a in alicr's Unce. For a few npfiihs.of course, tho lati)will rake its oblivious rati' in a 1 radio, l'lus is the Mrs! lorm the inveutl 11 a. -true. Nnat the cradle inn be changed at w ill Into a little eou h, d- justeil at any angle, and when it (the bay) ih able to sit up, the con h may be 111 ide a ch iir, with a place for phivihliKS in front, while the child can dance up and down, aided oy the verti cal spring. W hi n the chi d is uhte to st, md, a support, revolving in the centre, sustains it in its cllorts to stop; and when it has learned to wtlk, a hobby-horse attached, instead of a cra.l c, a fiords hialthtiil exercise and amti-lng pa-tltne. Tho in.ichlnc is a'so e ipable of being trail mint d into a rursery chair for the table sand wuci not in 11-e for babies, becomes a handsome o lotn in. The onlv question is whether the ! 1I1! m will tolerate any such innovation UK)ii their rights to be tossiU and rocked bv misses an I ng man. mas. Will they not soon discover the ba-e substitution, and raise a grind nrntost a,'.iiust such a mechanical expedient r We shall see. A W011K or Mkhit. Messrs. T. I!. I'e erson & Ilrotlur h ive pub ished to-day the most recent prodi.ction of Mrs. llenty Wood, the Clurlotto lironte of tivd.iy, under tho title of "Oswald Cray." To proeuro this work, the publishers have spared neither exertion nor expense. Over three thousand dollars have been expended In its prepara ion. It is only necessary to mention the name ol the author to recommend the work to our fiction-loving public. Toe above produc tion is fiaught with dee-p Interest und admirably delineated characters. Alter several years of liter..ry labor, Mrs. Wood has procured a Well ness and purity of s lo which can onlv bo acquired by long practice. Severe literary labor has piodiiicd a serio-as a'Urk of sickness, but the rcputa'ion she his acquired is more than a recompense lor her sullcilng. The present work is equal in plot and superior In style, lo "F. 1st, l.ynn. It is her cie" ,ferrt.. ,ya or recommend it to our readers. Hitnii'A nos or Tin: Uurvr Ca, of St. Fi tkr an 11 Sr. l'Ai t.. The dudicitUu of tho gnat work on which, for eighteen years, a carps of werkmen has beon engaged, will tako place on Sunday next. A full des ription of tho editico Has published recently in Tin: I'.vcnivo Tni.u okai ii. In another column will bo found the older of tho c iituuttee of arrang monts relative to entnineo into the Cathedral. It is both neces sary and proper that s teh a system should be adopted, on account of the great crowds that will congregate mound the centre of attraction. To those who are entitled to visi, the edilieo wo wou'd aihi-e to re id with c irc the advertisement. We give a synop-is of tho order. Tho holders oi led and blue tickets w ill enter between nine and ti n o lock at the gites ou Hummer street, below F ightecntli. Tim holders of green ti-kcts at the door at Nineteenth and Vine streets. Special tickit holders enter at tho gate on Rice sir jet. No carriages aro allowed in the space before tho Cathcdiul. A l)A.Noi:not s Coi nti:ui rit. This morning Hiram Darb y, a young man, twenty years of age, an American by birth, w as arrestod at the clothing store of Mr. John Soiborlieh, No. 313 N. Sect ml street, oil the charge of passing a coun terfeit Trcactiry bill, of tho denomination of Darli'y had purchased a coat for sfl i, and tho bill was ttt iicrcd in payment. Tho spurious charac ter of the bill w is ascertained a few minutes afterwards, and Hurley was arrested by Ollieers Johnson and l.eihrick, and locked up in tlio Station Ilouo, Third, below Oreen street. It is alleged that the sumo fel ow attempted to pass a similar bill on the keeper of a lager beer saloon, in Vine street, noar Third, a few days since The counterfeit is pronounced a li-lmgrap'i, of a very faint culor.and hasevldently been touched up. To those not n-od to tho appearance of the iTiiuine, tho counterfeit Is a dangorons one. Those who have had bills of thi description namid passed upon them during the p est woe had better call at the Station iloaso aud take a look at Harlcy. I'ohtai.. During the progro-s of tho war an immense amount of mail matter has been ti ad mitted through the I'hiladelphia l'ost Oill io to soldiers in tho army. Complaint is made that in a majority of eases tho packages arrive either hero or at Washington with the wrappers destroyed or the address so mutilated that the-y cannot b1) for warded, and are, therefore, necessarily sen', to the dead letti r oillce. If pars ins sending would take the precaution to write on a card or slip of paper the full name of tho ollicer or soldier fir whom the package is intended, the number of tho regiment and corps to which he Is attached, as well ns the name and post oillce address of tho person by whom it is sent, and fas'en the card or slip thus addressed securely to the contents of the package, inside the wrapper, it will iu all cases insuie their sale delivery or their prompt return to tho ow ner. Vr in hie Ant.-rrnfcssor I.owo, the balloon ist, is still making dally aud nightly asceml-ins w hen Ihc weather is not stormy, from his balloon (. rounds, Fifteenth and Coatos streets. Among th. se who m de ascension yestcrdav, were the following: William (iralf, James ii. Dixon, Frank llcrrinptou, Wiltielni Ol.sen, Wiihahn Ncilson, John Degcnk olv, Waldcmur Fischer, A. Andersen, lVtcr Oilnet, John Stevens, No. Ml'.) Arch street, Henry I.. Smith und wife, Mrs. Curio I, Reuben Wickerhamjiud wife, J din Cer son. ami Francis Deluivcn. Mow. II. Richards. It. A. Walker, and U. Gilpin, in uie aicuusions on Monday. Thco ascensions are bee. lining daily more and more popular widi thopubile. Tin; "Pass" Hi sinkhs. The dlll'jrent passenger railway companies 01' this city have iu contempt 1 tlon Hie adoption of 11 pla.i which wilf prevent tho use id "i'ico th liets" on tho roads otlur than by the part es justly entitled to them. It Is proposed that p r-ons who have a right to avail themselves of this privilcgo thill, on applieotioa for such tickets, forward their ei-rtr tie n'e'e, upon the opposite side of which will he printod or engraved the "puss." Of course, whe 1 such tickets are picsinied to condor-tors, they have only to com pare the picture with the person presenting tlio pass, und the r'ght is at oneo established. Till idea is a novel one, and would no d mlit aeeoin plish the object desired- Tun riiii ADixi'itiA Cmmi. It is con templated by the Philadelphia Press Club to make arrangements tor the delivery of a coarse of lectures before the Club during tho winter n ason. It Is propo-ed tor this purp ise to ob ain the sen ice ol the (l.s ftigulshed literary men of the country, paruoniatiy thoso connected with the iiewipupwr press. Among those csually ineiitiotud were the Hon.. Schuyler Colfax, Speakiir-cyf iho House of Representatives, Hon. lluraei Orcclc.v, Rev. Henry Ward Hoocher, Mr. corge Francis Train, and llayard Taylor, Ks . Fight 1!ktw i:i:s Two Fkmalus. Tuis morn ing at an early hour a row occurred at a low house, In Water street, above Dock, betwoea two women. Ono of them seized a casc-knlfo aud stabbed tho other, Mary Brown, in tho temple, inflicting a severe cut. The party w ho iiillh tiel the wound is known by no other nam, than "Dolly," and succeeded iu making be. escape. T ho wounded woman was tukeu to tho hospital. Her Injuries arc aot dangerous. The' Votk. This morning the sol diers' vote, so far a counted, footed up as fol lows : Lincoln 301)7 McClcllau. IMS Lincoln's muioilty 151 1 The lltsth Regiment polled 140 votes for Mr. Lincoln and ti'J lor McClellun. Company II, 57th Regiment, 2M for Lincoln and 6 for McClellan. Rkkovkd. This morning the transparencies of the Soldiers' Campaign Club, in front of the Commonwealth llullding, Chesuut street, above Sixth, were removed. T hese transparencies were the ti nest and handsomest displayed in auy part of the city, aud were the last remaining relics of the lute Presidential contest. KucouNMED. The man who died from Injuries received by falling off one of the cars on the Junction railroad, as stated yesterday, was recog. ni. ed as Charles Coltun, a son of Charles Coiton, Sr., corner of litoad and Waluut streets. Rut HNiNU to Tutia RiOiuuNTs. The fur lougbed soldier In our city are fast disappear ing, aud leaviug for their regiment. In a few days more, very few olttcers or privates will he seen promenading our thoroughfares. Anothlb 6ts.ah Finn Enoinb. The Shiftier Hose Company was located by City Councils as steam (Art engine company. r nut t:v in cK.rti Y riTT.-AVM. Davis, I 11 Alias 1.. Davis, una 1 habi kk II waiid, woio riestc.l in this city a Ion dari slnoi by Dotoctivo ( aiii.ik ami nlT.eer Croiit. upon the chargo of rob lery. Thev are allei'ed In havo loreo I an entrnnro Into the store 01 Mr Stkpiikx II. Mathh, i No. Wt Monti'oiiipry strii't, in Jeriey l lty, on tlio nigtit ollhrtth Inst., by lorcm open the s'm i n at tlio back window. The artic es stolen consi. tod of flag uth ry and hosiery, ifid a small nninutit of money, llic ilctrndunts hud a hearing lefno AMermitu ri I', nf the ( entral station, en W ednesday Bltei noon, suit were cniiuni'h d, with ttie rxco,tion ol CtiAiti.i h I.. Davih. who emered bed lor a far mer 1 ' c.tciilav altrrnoon He nil'ii l to make ins ni tie: rniict este. nit v , 11 ud Ins but wis tor lei le I. 'I lie Recii-f,f w ere mresteil at the CoiOm! f.0. I "ti l, 1 n H siki l sire , whe c tliey I inrile.l. Ihcr rnonis veresenretnal iiiiil article rccovms I, w Incll Weie iiielilitleil l,v Mr. MAsrKasas his prop vty. I in the 1 er-on ot one ol Iho Octc infant w as ,011ml a cmnilrrloit ton l.lll, which hud lx-n slot,. 11 111 111 the uionev ilriuver 111 tile store 111 wllfl'Il the lohl erv Wll- oolnmitleit. tn. Davih anil How-Ann were sent to prison to nnsaer the elinrro at court. Siimi riilMi i:-.-tn.Mi Cnitttitrri'iN. The, 111 .pardonable irreaulaiity with which the ri iuse nrliesul the cliy are rellcctrd ut the nrn-ent tone ii veiy tiiinoyiuir to hous, ke"K'rs. lloxos, barie s.and other leccptucles lor nstiiM aro sot out oil tho sldn 11 alts mi tla days doiiiuatcd by the Inspeolor lor llir visits o( the a.-h-raris, but instead or their con touls liemif carted away promptly at the appointed l ine, (In v is inuin tor ilava ou the pavement before Kins; removed bv tbo curls, It. Indeed, th.iv am nut stolon l.y nrow ling yairahonds In tin ni nUma. Tlio icur ol this latter annoyance Is the causa ol still mors Inhoi to liousckcporn, who, to prevent it. are kept busy lui'Kiim Iu their barrels, and out ,-ain, uutil tlio boon 01 hnrinir thotr ahos 10111 ived is asc irrtoit them. ( oiiiii aliits aro irocpient y malo ol tlii an 10) liir lirefru'aritv, and also of iho slovouly miiiiuer in which tho work is done, when it Is dono, that tney always succeed In ilopo itinir a portion ol thmr asli,M in tho carl, ami tlio rout onihoadowalk and ou tlio clotlm and In the ovos ot passur. poilosirians Iu shun, as It is now nmiia -e I, tno colleotlii ol ashes hythorilv carts Is a posltlvo nuisance, aud should I e leinvUiod at ouco. To riRCHAii: CilOtuino ATLowTuicaa, make a K lortlon Ifnio oar .lock of Ksaoy-m ihk (Unnents. Wo atflv.llliiir sooila oatiiil in itvl. fit. makemnl ,aVot. frowltt la i'T fnl. toe, r limn Ii new rtidrir.! I'.irtae kanio H.00R niae 10 o dor, vtoluvaall stv let, .!,., aral i n. , ot (tioihne- -Men , Youtli a, ana Uovs'. All oan Uo nulled wiUluulUulay or U'uulila. MevNKTT .tr Co., Tower Hall, No. ,',1S Markat alrdut. Vanhm.ikm. Tho Washington Star says: I'onons 01 both asxos have tmoii itullly of c hpUw aloeai Iroiu tlio window curtain., sola, lunnto and chair cotum at Die l'roslilent'a hntiso. They oven ro k I'ar as t eull tti ppili.i( lr rattio walls, and it.U tha bracken inan Ilia nhidowa. and tassels from tho curlaini. This prac tloo Is indiiiKcd la to loeuro roilcs ol visit to tlia I'roiMrn Ual mansion. Tiirue 1 idles of high pesiUon have bon cmiJit In tho act within a lew da.vti, one of wtuau fainted. I'nelo Abo hat to woar llio tat of tho dre.ii coat ho bonsl t nl'Cliiirlo. Hlokei ,t( 'o ler llio (.'ontlaentnl, Uit uiiiimr. In hli pockets to keep (lie kidlt) from cthiplaK thcin otT. C1111 dihn's Cr.oTntvo. An elegant assort ment at M. Bliocniakir & Co ' No. 4 X. tlsatli (root. C'iiok h Caiiami:i.s. CliocilAto, Vanilla, roooaiuit, and I'uaeh Caramels Maiiuraetnrod by BrKeui.s F. Witinnv, Ha. l'.'H) Mai Aat alroat. A Woni) to tub Wish. The celebrated Klo riia o Hewliiit Macldn'-a aro now In use in our llrst ramlliaa orriiltadc'nbta. and thoy are Jin tly reyanled ai -hiaiae-liolo iroam roa." Hundreds of partios rave foand It econnniy to soil thotr ina'bhn of oihor make ut lull price., and i von lean, and purchaio tlio Florence. Every 111 ictUne sold at No. 6 4! Che. nut atroot, t'hiladelphfa, l warrimtcid lo irlvo aiiilaraetlon or Hie urinoy roiurnod So ch irs-u fir UulriR lion either al the olllc or at the residence of tue purchaser, circulars and faiaplea of setting- sent ou raiclpl of atanip. Who Minds a Cold It seems a small affair, and In consequence Is uaually allows to havo Its own way, and yet how freiro-ntlyaiiejlcctedcoulauiU InBr.m ehlili or Consumpilon t Why not take a cold In tlmT, Uin, and by using at once Dr. D. Jayne'i expectorant, which for thirty jrcara has been a standard reniody for all Coughs and tolda, avoid those dreadful alternatives? Propared only ut No '2I2 Cliesnut street. Vaniixa Roasted Almonii, Of rare i)iiailty. Manui'uelurod oy 8riciMi..s t'. WuiTaey. Wk invite tho attention of our readers to the larce Iiluuk Hooka manufactured by ftfoas A Co., for tho new naUoita! bauka and railroad cdmpeniea; thoy can be M-cniilUdup In tbo windiwa of their store on Chosnnt a root; they are most durable and massive, and for beauty of wo'kmanahlp uustiraaied. Tbo dill'creat oil companies will tlnd It to their advantage tooUI on Moss A Co. before 01 tiering their hooks for the New Vcar. Choice and Fahhionaulk CoNrKCTioss, Put up In Neat Boxen, Bailable for rroscata. Hti'piibn F. Whitman, Ho. I.'IO Market slreot. For Evkhy Home Wheeler & Wilson's lltuhcat Premium Lock-atltch Hewhik Machines arathe tinipli'Ht, cheaiiest, and best. Tboy are lUliter and easier to ope-ate, simpler to learn, iiuicter in ac Ion, and less liuhlo to get out ol order than any other Rowing- Machine. They uao less than half tho cotton of most other ma ;hlnos, and do much heller and iluer work indocd, no liutaiu ti alimony contd bo slronser (lain that wldch hai beoa ace riled to the Wlierlcrt Wilson gewiu- Midline for anperlorlty over all others for family uso, and for general ir.AiiotucturtHK purposes. To .bow 1I10 iinuieuso and srowluf iioputarlty of tha Vi'becli r A: Wilson .seisins Mat.hiue, we would state thet fifty ihonsund of Ibemwill have beon maniilacttirc'l this 3 ear, and nearly six thousand have been sold in fhlUdol plilaalone. Instructions glvea at the roaldenceof pur eliAMrs. Kvery maclene wirrauted. and the money rcinrii.'il II not eatiroli ory. Wo a-tv:so ah 10 so lo the eleraut anil sraouia of Wheeler it W1I101, No.7ol I'licsnnt aireet, aeri soe these won lentil m.urlilaea la op rtl.n emr trends out of uvu hiioulU send lor a eireiilur and specimens ol work. I'i.koant styles of finely oxecu'ed photv graphs are made at II. K. lteimer'11, K i. 6-1! arch stro.'t Lrp-slze l'hotoKTuphs In oil colors, lvoryiyie, and etartes de Visile. Beesecuuvna. FINANCE AND C0f.1fV.ZRCU. Omc or Tna KvtiiKO TKt.anaAtu, Friday, November Is. i The Ktock Market, us we have noticed for seve ral days past, continues dull and unsettled, with the exception of Government lo ins, which aro firmly held. 5-20s sold at ln"K'i 'lillj, coupons oft, nn advance of J ; and 10 4 )s at 97 ; 1 10 was bid for Cs of 18M, which is a slight decline. Ituilroad shares continue dull, with sales of Heading to notice at C7(r;"4, a decline of 4; 1'eniisylvania Kaitroad at ti.34 ; Cam Ion and Aiu boyutlol; Little Schuylkill at 1)4; Minchillat ti, a decline of 4; North Pennsylvania Railroad at 303, and North Pennsylvania Railroad bonds at 11)0; M4 was bid for Philadelphia and Our niantown; 80 for Lehigh Valloy; 51 for F.lmira preferred; 38 for Cntawlssa preferred, a decline ofj; 01 for Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Bal timore ; and 31 for Philadelphia and City Passenger Railroad shares are without any material change. Spruce and Tiuo sold at IHjil nndGreonand Coatcs at 28; 094 was bid forSecond and Third; 23 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 65 for West Philadelphia; 14 for Arch slreot; 10 for IUce and Vatic; aud i! for Giraru College. tCeal Oil shares are Inactive, but prices are rutl'cr better. Maple Shade soll at 3d, an ad vance of 1 ; Oil Creek at 74, nn advance of I ; living ut 9 ; and Dal.ell at 9( 91. Cuuul shares continue very dull, and rather lower. 32j was bid for Schuylkill Navigatlou common, 38 for Schuylkill Navigation preferred, a decline of j ; 75 for Lehigh Navigation ; 99 for Morris Canal common ; 1J j for busiiuohsuna Canal, a decline of i; and 3(4 for Delaware Division. Bank shares are firmly held, and prices are rather betterwith sales of Mechanics' at 304 ; and Farmers and Mechanics' old stock at 70 ; 173 was hid for North America, an advance of 1 j 70 for Northern Liberties; 85 for K.eruiugtcn ; 49 for Glrard ; 384 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics' j 8 for Bank of Commerce; 56 for City ; 40 for Consolidation, and for Union an advance of . Gold is excited this morning, and prices kavt declined 8 per cent, since last evening, opeainf at 220i 1 fell off and. sola at ?17 atll 0'elvA.k j PJUOE TIHIER CENTS. 21 "J at 12; 213 at 12J; and 212 at 1 P. M. Mrk weak. Money confinues plenty at about former rates. Loans on call aro freely ofTcred at 6(r;7 per ent. persnnumi prime paper 1 scarce and quoted at 7 f 9 per cent. We Invito attention to the advertisement In another colnmn of the prospectus of the Russell Farm Oil Ci mpany. Tho territory of this Cam- ' pany consists of the absolute ownership of one hundred and fifty acres of valuable lubricating oil land, located in tho heart of the best oil region IntheHute. The n .ardi.f Directors Is composed of gentlemen of the highest character for busl, ncss Integrity and financial and practical expe rience. The Comp my have wisely determined M bring their cxten-ive territory into productlv development at the earliest period. To this end, In addition to their own wells, which will b rapidly prosecuted to completion, with the ampla sum of twenty-twe thousand dollar working capital reserved In the treasury, a large revenu will bo received from the royalties of other well, applications for which are already numerous) Thsro is sulllclent area for over a hundred well, abundant space for engine-houses, tanks, and dwellings. While of course his Impossible to predict with certainty that a golden harvest will be 'reaped for any new "oil enterprise," yet there) . arc few, if any, wb li b have been placed before the public with so many claims to pablic cmfldenoe-, both In respect to tho dimeter and ability of it managers, and the indications for oil of the noes valuable nature npon the property owned by th Company. The subscription book have been opened at the banking house of Ferree & Co No. 33 S. Third street. Pllll.AblJt.lMllAliTOlKKXCIU-SURSALII.NOV.l, Reported by Clarkson Co . Itrok. r. sn. 111 h Tsi.a j. K1KST B0s.HU. " leWIC 8 5-20S liuw. leu -b DaliaU Oil .... lli'JI!! .tm IfliiO da wlah do !)V HO ah U.vple 8b... , bo 30 4'W h do .10 li ah Hiwi. Canal..,. WW laahCam Ans. ... 11 lis .b l-enna Ktt ;i l.S) th Lit Hen K 4ii I sh Mlnehlll so irniah North Pa K.... auV s sh spruoe I'lae. jUV 10 sb Unea Ooatea M ' .IKI'f we. a. in to ... f U'dCArA inortRa...ln71 ;.' isi Head'nn bda 70..1iri r 1 n. n. ,,m 1.1 m . j i.n ,orni i' at-np.. ss S.11W N I'a. 11. .Ko fttishfnr .Mecltk.. 70 2 sh Meeh Hank.... n; .11 r inion 1 oai..,. It, ItXlstilrwia Oil 0 Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold F.xrbamre, No. 34 8. Third street, seeona story : 11 A; . M.".....::::ai7i i p.m:::::;:::::iu4 Market active and exciting. Db Uavhk & Bao., No. 20 8. Third street quote as follows 1 , American Oold ....'"b)"'' American Silver, A'a and i's 200 Dimes and Half Dimes M.5 Spanish (Jtianors , ()5 I'enn. Currency , (ut. New Vork Kxchanje 1-10 di. par. Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ; Pulton Coal 1 BiH At. Mi HiK Mountain Coal, ft N. V. Mid. Coal. .13 1 i (inraalo Of... S rrankllii OU.. 14 .Howe s Kddj OU.. .. a ! Irving OU .. 3 Po.. farm Oil... 1 tireen Mi. Coal. IS. t'arbciidale,... Kew Creek Feeder Dam Coal. Clinton Coal lmtier ('.oil lilHitiond Coal.... Hwataia I'etiu Mining Connecticut ...... Keystone ZlDO.. . Eieolslor.OU lllg Tank Continental Karrell 4 i'vii.iuore.isa,ats. o -iis iiaiaeuou I1, McKlhany Jf 14 lUooerta Oil il"l ;0:msted t in SobleAiieUtaiatar. n 18 1 s lllibbard , a ? ntorr run a 2'i Hruner t IV Petroleum Centra. .1 a' Ksbert , S.'a llogo Island 9 Allegheny Klvor. Oil Creek. Maple .Shade Oil. a m 17 (.iiruu a .. 3 Pmia.t-oil Crook.. 1-81 O's' Hull Creek 4', ,1 Oer.uanla I Vj 4 Corn Planter 7' llrlfsa H'( Si Rock Oil 4t V otie rarm I 5', Mvdo Far ul 1 '4 Tarr tiomeatead.. 1 I 1? if I Mcl'llnlmk Oil... Pennsylvania Pat . Perry Oil Mineral Oil Keyalone Oil , Veuanso (HI , t'nlon I'etroleuia., Ueacon Oil , Beinxa Oil 1 i-irt The following are tha rnoeinta nf f!nl nil at this port during the past week ; Crude, bbls 2S70) Rellncd, bbls SriOO Tho following are trie receipt of Flour and drain at this port during the past week : Flour, bbls 14,500 AVlicat, bushels 7800 C(m " 2(, 8(H) " 30,100 Tho following aro the I Meal for thu week ending November 17: nair Diureis siincrutie... 11 uurrti superune " line " micdlings " Rye Flour. ....... " Corn Meal...;..,. " condemned 13,765 t. 67 45 30 340 ' 60 Total.. 14,301 The condition of the banks of the three prin cipal commercial cities of tho Union is exhibited in the following table, which shows the aggregate of their lust weekly statements, compaed with tho returns of the previous week : ,. .. ... '-'' wie. Ciirula-i. Dupasiit. tf.'n "T '' "U'J0 W4" M 3,7a.',iftl5a1is,iiaHfs I'lilla., Niiv.14.. 4'.lHi,S;S X 7l'v:U !I,4U Mi 37,W' Uobtuu,i.OT.H. SU,4t.IW7 4,71U,MI) .OI7,i7 i.,0a,4i8 . ToUla tna 717.874 SO.nn.tW IftTstWI fls7lM9 I.aat week.... .'ho,uu;.;27 kO,7e:,irjlil,asl,iM0 aMatajsT liiciouao In loans , "io y47 lucreaie In specie 'uoo'DI i cerease in clrcicutioD ISiVte l.ecRa.o hi deposits . 4J7 4 The plate of the new flfty-cont fractional currency are ncurly ready for printing. Tha notes will be of the s tme width as those now iu circulation but nearly twice as long. The new live-cent notes will bu of the same size as the old ones, while the tens and tweu'y hvos will bs of graduated length bctwoen the highest r.nd lowett denominations. It ia probable that a thice-ecnt note will be issued for the greater facility of making change. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue ha decided thatpursous who sell Schiedam Schnapps are re-miied, in addition to other licenses they may have, to alo take out licenses ae dealers la liipiors, wholtsale and retail, accordiug to the manner and amount of their annual sales. It has been determined 10 appoint the agents of the Treustuy Department authorized under th law regulating trado with the seceded States. '1 heir powers and duties have not yet boon de fined, 'lbesc aro to be a matter of agreement between the Trcauiy Department aud' military authoiitics. i-iiii.aiu miii iKiisK Kcroar. Fuiiiay, November 18 Coiton Is held at l-3d Pas, but we hear ofno safes. io iiiles of llurk bave baea reiiorted. We quota at ft ID V ton. Tie Flour Market atlll continues excessively dull, sod. prices are drooping. The runner decUus la tlM premium on Uoklaud milling Exchange has o.ieratod untaooratily on the luarket, aud bolk buyers aud seilcra are apart la ttelrvlcwa. 'I'ho sates lor export are moderate, amounting; to about a-.iHi barrel! e.Mru lainlly and faney, part at la) 18 V barre-l, and Uie reiaalaUujt lotto barrela oa terms not made public. Fur the supply of the home ooneumers the ales aio ouly in a suiaU way, aud within the above raue of prices. The dulneas whl( h lias charactorUed the Wheat Market for some time past atlll contmuoa, b'lt a decline of Ac. t hnsli. somewhat lmprovea the demaud aaJea ot 8U0O uusb. Western red at l; and Hoaiaern at ! iS; In the absence of aalea, we uuote white at ti 7h(a2 HO. Hye Bella vesterduy's nsurea. Corn U quiet and dull 1 amali saiea of veUow at $1 su. Oata ate lii stood reiuoal and ,M hush. Boutheru sold at 0c. Whisky The deaiaud Is Hunted; sales of 900 bbls . t-enuaylvanta and Okie at 91 7tsdl 7H; aud iirudtfo. at 91 76 Markets by Telescraph. Nr-w YoBH, Notember 18. Flour has de clined insane. : sales ot VOO0 Jjbls. at 9tiuU oft for 8iate.(,iu-tlullMllorOlilo, and l(i-lei7l.- for gouthorn. Vt heat ha dtclined 'iia3e. ; sales of 10,000 buahela at si-Si (a 2Ai' lor amber Michigan, C'orn unsettled; :ki,000 bush, sold at 91'71'V'i 1 SU. Hoof steady, fork heavy; aisle a of l'-'i-u bl U at tol) itsu.40 tor uicas. Lard dull at atui.'ag. Whisky dull. liALTiMoER, November 18. Flour dull and neleettd; Howard tstreet superflae 911. Wheat da oliiiliiR. with a heavy market! Moulliern white SlsOt Kentucky. Sa-7.1. C'orn flriu. with a scarce suunt., n. white, Sl-7.i. I '74. llroeeriee are very dull, aud the Drsuaa nominal. V, uukj duU at 9fl for Waalaiu. LITEST MIRISE IXTELLiGOCE. CLEARED THIS MOBitTBO. Barque Victoria (Ur.), chrlsiuut, rort au frlne. Thotaa Vi attson dr bona. Barque M. U ilavea, Haven, Cap Hartlea, J. B. Baskiy At IV Biuque Dresden, Faoerna, New Orleans, Workmaa C Barque O.t.. Waltby, Uray, do. do. fseur A,, at. I.M, Taylor, itamiiton Koadj, OauitAla. , ASKrVRD THlTMOEJmfO. u blM WilpOnward.CUag,iiay s (rout e I"' " to C uieia Itnlaht. ,0. ibAm hchr atagnolia. Oanaaa,l s ftem" w to ( rowfil ( .an ns. . M TaetnM ktoa- W. Locke. HuutUW." roe, in ball.. 1 to caoiaiu. itml frva hi feet, wtu taOs W If. at. b" All. i t i aa