THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAF17 I'lTILADELFIILA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1864. IHrBSDAT, NOVEMBER 17. 1604. LITE BABY REVIEWS. Crrio'1" or Comhkrcial jtxo Ttrsnsrss AmtrooTi. Hv KlrklanJ. I). Applo jon Co., Nw York. Tb personal Incldonta in the lives of men 1 rtsd with dVep Interest by posterity. Anec dote o( Npo!con and Aloxmidor are eagerly ought for by military men j the reminiscences of BUel'fe"18 nJ Marshall are liiphly esteemed by Uriel'! riri merchants will always take an In ter. In H thHt roifP"" Astor, R tlis hilil4, or Olraril. Acting upon this idea, Mr. Kirklund lu hid before the public, lu two splendid wolnmc.'i.tlis result of years of research through jh4 trcntile anns,: of both hemisphere. Wo tare here all the reliable IneiJints of the mer chant princes of every a?e. jbt work is entertaining as light redding, but H irrs a higher and a nolilcr piirn.n. It Juvs jvefure the young men of our i-uuntiy nuiu'jcrlcsi lniiKe"f ,ne success which always attends fconoty. Integrity, ami perneverance- It shows , ihrm How ttioe men whom thev nro nlwava tangbt to look up to as model of a life well spent, stalled In their career of honor, pcnuilen but k.nent, BOP b"y" "r 'liiii boys. How by did1"' sHcnnon to busmen and strict honesty lnevrrr tntnsivtton, t hoy gained the c inti.leuce of tbflreinplojcr, and so r, su from poyerty to wraith, from social nullity to the highest plices In The work does not spnk to them in these ord, but by adducing instance after In Itaure s before them the ui.t powerful nrgu wicntof "which the human minil is susceptible an srgnment based upon exim;lr. It it not "iti-tied with gtvia 010, but it pro duces sll the irreat moneyed men of everv Hire as proofs of the resnlH of industry and honesty. (ieooie lVabudy, the world renonned Haulier of Loncon, con.rnenced life as eicik iu a grocery (tore. He recently gave half a million to founa Baltimore Jntituie. Joshua Kates opened his business career as clerk in shoe store in Boston, and recently died leaving his millions. The jtrrat house of Barring Co. were origi nally German weavers. Cornelius Yandorbilt rowed vegetables to mar ket la bis youth But it is unnecessary to quote further exam ples the whole woik teaches lesson that the only guarantees of wealth are honesty aid industry. We quote the following to show the style in which tlie work Is written : "In his youth, Libonrjhcre commenced his commercial training In Nantes, but subsequently engaged to become a clcik for a period ot three years, to take marge of the cotos. nondeneeof Hope & Co., the world-renowned bankers of Amsterdam. Shortly before tho close of the term young Labouclicre gave his principal hint that a moderate lncrsav.e nf salary was deniable. An answer was promised next morning. V'hen be went at the appointed time to rocjivo Ihe reply, old Mr. Hope laid 4iefore him a con tract, already drawn tis in which ho uumod him as his partner, with it suitable share of tho pro.'its, and entrusted him wi h the signature of tins princely house. Labouchcre was ut that time enly twenty-two years of ni?c, yet ere Ion; as sumed the eminent position, as head of tho home." The wbrk is splendidly printed, and should have a place in the counting-houso of every mer thSLt as well as in bis library. lov ahd Dvtt. By Mrs. llubbach. Tctcrson, fhiladelphia, Mrs. Habbach is not a new writer to the Amer ican literary public. She has fur years endeav ored to procure reputation, and until the ap pearance of the present work has failed. All her previous works have been but the offspring of a day, Xhej wtre little read and soon forgotten. The present work Is her chef d'wuere, Sho has taken a her characters forms which have had existence in nature, and aro not the production of a fertile imagination. A work purporting to be a sketch of real life ahonld have no imaginary persons. The persons portrayed ahonld be such as may be seen by anv one every d iy in our com mon walks of life. If tbe production Uys claim to the marvellous, let the author, in tho work's title, indicate that the tuuuioug is me aim ot tno work. Do not let the public be deceived with claims which have no existence. In some of her characters Mr. Hubbanh h is Been eminently successful. Hilary Uuucau is the truthful figure of an unsophisticated country lady. Maurice Is also a success; but Charles Huvton Isoverdrawn.and we think tio cbang"'ible in frelirrg to be tonnd in society. As long us Mrs. Hanbaca keeps to the low or middling walks of life fhe succeeds; when she attempts to portray the Arm ton she fulls. She is like Mrs. Wood, who makes all her duchesses either vulgarly tyranni cal or helplessly indolent. The great drawback to tbe present work is its unfortunate termination. While the minor details are lanltlees, the tout en irmlte leaves an unpleasant sensation in the mind. The work, however, is far above tho ordiuary mn of novels, and deserves a largo circulation. We cordially recommend It to tho perusal ot the lovers of tiction. Thb Tribune Association publishes a work as a Guide to the Great ll'w, which is written by one evidently well acquainted with the country. To every one meditating emigration it is invalu able. The whole West Is mapped out, and excel lent advlre given as to the varlons routes of travel. The gold regions are admlrablyTevicwed, so that while of little interest to the general public, to the emigrant and goid-ieekor lu value cannot be overestimated. TV'ii have received Peterson's National Ladiet' 1agazine for December. This periodical Is of more than ordinary interest, and tbe present umber surpasses Itself in every respect. Kaatward from Atlnntis. from Atlanta to Augusta, by rallroi'l, Is 171 Biles. From Annasia 10 Cbarlcsum, 1J7 iniKis. rom Atlanta to Macon, 10U miles. From Macon to Cavanrjuh, l'J'l miiej. l-rom Aui;niLa t) Sa Hannah, VSi miles. The coiinw l'roja a ti wards AuirunuU quite rolllDii, anJ in iilnces tofky, siliti plenty of small streams uiitl sitrinir'', and abn'.idunce of wuod and fora-'a ur ua aiuiy. It la a really well settled f.iroiing cuubut. Itiera are but tew swump, aa.i tbe roads generally nru yocnl. Tlie oaly strloas obstruuiiui.s thin tliu iuliablUuts couU place in tlie May ni an army would ue In tlie detruction of the bri.lit'ja over tlie Savan nah at AunuM'i. IT they do tb it the army cuulU turn 4ta attention firt s;Mn BiiTiinimli, instead Ol Churletlou, or li euuUl reuridxe thu river itt,oui any svriuus .) )Ut. ihn country bcttcn AukusU ami Chariest m is nut us ftood as towurds Atlanta. 1'a't of It is In kabitrd by poor "s.iinlhillcrn." unl part of it is very sparsely iubaiiited. From Itrawuville tbe poiat wbero th railroads from AuriihUi and Columbia unite to Cb&rlrsuin, sixty two Billet the country is very Hut, with a Rood deal of swamp, and in summer time is so miaiiiin 1c that s itlemrnts are i.iarsu, iliiuih there ure Bom lar plantations, and when cotton was klnff, llicie were a great many sluvos k.'pt nt oik upon the dry spots of this swampy region. It is not a bud one to march throni;li in cool wt ailier. It would be dtadly in Riiiiiuiur. lu Bii'diatoly .around Charleston the laud li very tiat, aanuy, (.rtwuinpy. Tbe road from Augusta ta Culumbin, tbe capi tal of bouth Carolina, Is "across the riilgon," which are generally low aaml-hills, uud over ni all streams, the borders of which arecultl- - vaitd by small coium nUntors and farmers who . keep a good deal of stock, and huve plenty - of grain and sweet potatoes. Tho Conaree river, at Columbia, is a respectable sii'd mill ajbtreum nothing more and so is tbe Waterec, eastward of it, and so aro the two l'edcns, 4tnd if an army ever him to march from .Aaguiita to Wilmington, it will find no serious obstructions in the v. ay, except in a time of high water, waen every small stream overllows its low iMtnks and covers a broad swamp. The whole ""way is a good country for an army to march and uUjit In. The distuuee from Augusta to Colum bia is about eighty mtlea, and from Columbia to K'lliaii)eton. N. C. about two hundred miles. ion i tlie rWiesi cotun planters ai Mouth Caro lina are found along the rivers ulucu sucb.u .juarco would croui. '-AaualtiArlllKaliiraiBt Waif frona fcherinaa. Colonel T. P. Bobb, State JBaniUrf Agent, was tity yeeterdny, having Jelt Atlanta, Ua., a auore than a week apo. He reports an im K"4! movement on foot from thai poiut, deuii. arc contraband. lie is confident .Vrtlr,o.ulrT "won he eleetrilicd br uewa fiwiifiZ .? iT?' r,1 '"' tJjaractet.- toWhZW&7ji ""Bone Departul nt of the TeouZ !Ti? i L. m,tk Will tuk. corud'' Vk'.Vburg. and Oeneral 5Erfc CJtuer.M J)ana. reoenUy at Yickaburgrwm ow a, same e"'"uaud of the lth Army Curu. ttadquartw" Wemphls. lieneialO.u; Wt4. burue ia lu cOiTUuand of the district west of ui Teuntseae, and C'wnl Dutltlaud la cbarga of lia f wt at Menintil'. .r.ns Tt he, VnM for Washington CnntlBir their Hn I lot for Lincoln. Augustus Grlllln, of Orient, Kutlolk county, Ixng Island, now In his Mtb year, voted for Ueorga Washington, and for every Democratic randidate for the. I'rosidrnry, except Itnehantin. lie then voted for Fremont. On November Hth he cast his ballot for "I ncle Abe." A most Impres'lvc scene was witnessed at the polls of the 1 bird Ward, In this city, on Tuesday lust. An elderly man, over whoso head almost a century had passed, and who had voted for Ocorge Waidiingtm, when he was chosen I'rcsi dcr.tol'ttte lotted State, turned his trembling steps I'k'Iti the grave, uixjii the brink oi which he um almost totiering, and camt. supiH,rted by his son and grandson, to give Ins lust vote for A'ira lnun Lincoln. Ho hnd twice voted for the Father id his Country, and it was permitted him to vo'o twice for iis pres. nrr. He had twice voted for (iconic Y ahiiigton, n l h had lived to vole Tor the rc-clec'ionot th i mini who will ho gratefully n in, nil e red ov the coining g 'liem'ions, not only il this country but ol the world, ns the second Washington. Tho i.aine of this vcneiabie patriarch anil patriot is t-i-orgo N ihlcr. tie is tin; father of Arctus A. Wilder, the well-known mii' thiscitr. His son and g.aiidsoi) also cast votes for Abraham Lincoln. M'oif A .tecrtfer, .o v,nlir 10. The following is from tho tlpriiitfiield (M.hs.) li inihtii tlli To the l alltor Of the lUnuhti. an I), s.-on John Phillips, of this tov. n, who is otic hmidr. il nul four years, four mouths, mid nine diys ld, ao piar d ut the Town liall and depo-iiod his ballot lor rri'-ldcntial Klc tors and State ollicors. lie was hrocght in a cb I thenr )iiv ve I into ihc bull in a chair stipoorb d by a p!-t mn oi our f turned soldiers, and received by tbe ci'i.cns of the l Aii tisii g from th' ir fen s with line ivered beads, amid tnctcirsanl hcuf'clt emotions of all i cm nt. Alter renting for a in nuent, tho vmeiiiblo patriot expressed a desire lo shake l ands with uli tbe returned soldiers. Si mo thirteen o niers then formed In line, when each one waa introduced to the pa riareh, and took him by the b in'!, w'tli the nutioune,;. n, i tit of the time inch had served In the army. T lie lust soldier introduced, A Mr. King, an Irish man, said he hud served the country three years, ami hud enlisted for throo years more ; mid if that was not long enough to subdue the Kebollion, he was ready for another three years. After this thiee hearty cheers were given for the returned soldiers, and three rousing cheers, by tho whole umunbly, for the "old soldier ol the Revolution." Colonel Edward I'hillips, eldest son of the venerable deacon, now in his Moth vcar, then made an Impromptu speech to the soldiers, iu the course of which be said that ho was tho oldest man iu the town who was b.irn in town, and yet, said ho, my father is hero, and "still lives." Tho old gentleman was then presented with two sets of vut -s, one for Abraham Lincoln, and one for Corge tt. M.-f'L!mn, ami reUeste.5 iiufore all present to take his choi .-e, when he reached out bis hands, and in an endiblc and deep-toned bass voice said, "1 shall tuke the one tor Abraham l.liuo:n." The town then voted that Ihn Chairman of tho Selectmen present the ballot-box to the old gen tleman, who took bis ballot with both bauds and eleposiied tt in the box, stating that he had voted tor Watuingion for 1'iesident, and had attended nil the Presidential elections sinco, excepting that lour ycaisago, when ho was sick and did not Btu nd. The following preamble anJ resolutions were then jlresenbel 'to the town meeting, which were aeloi ted by a unanimous voto : ll'i. tvns Our very mniorablo mid hithly-reuo',.fect fet 'ov. eltli-n. IM seeii John I'blllljts, who is this Jay onu huinti v jiul Heir years 1',-nr mn-i'lis and nlneilv (11, una who jet retains hit uicaiul and phyith.-al lAcullies In liiuh Oeuiee, und iw.freoji. He has traveled Home two iiiIIps to attend this ten D liiet llliK. and has rleptlieil Ms tisllot for Praden tlul el eturs. aod Slate, County and Town Oltlecri ; there leie l:rh "K That this be entere 1 en the rferdsol thfl tt)wn as a la.titiK memorial of hit icelyllls' pttrfotlsin and devo tion to eotimry. and as an Ineldeut, j)6rtiap, unnarullcle .1 in the iiiin.Us of our I'ovuriitnent. Sti KHHiiao.,Masiscbuscttii, November 8, 1801. the wot iDi.o or i:r.Rti, ( Aitv. The following extract from a private letter gives the particulars of the wounding of General Cunby on the Whlto river : 'GvNOAT 'CllICKET,' Till ItTY-VI VF, MtLES TJp Whitk Rivrh, November 0, LStit. General Canby, Gotcral Davidson, and several stall' otll ccrs came to the White river a few days ago, Geueral Canby being on a journey to Litile Ro.:k to look after all'.iirs there. His purpose has been thwarted, however, by the guerillas. "At an earty nour ttus morning, tncy nreu upon us from the bunks of the river, wounding the General seriously, but It is believed not danger ously. The shot took ctl'ect iu the left leg near the thigh. "The Genernl end myclf were at tho timo standing on tbe hurricane deck. I helped him down stairs and called the snrgeon at once. "The wound is an ugly one, und was mado by a rilled n uskei ball, passing clear througn the upper part of his leg. Then is every reason to believe ut least it is hoped that the injury will not prove as bad as was apprehended at lirst. "He is doing iiiito nicely, und with good care we think that he may before long be able to re sume hie duties. Ho und his party are noiv on their way to Now Orleans. 'This river is so narrow that guerillas, if they chose, might obstruct its navigation entirely. In many places it is not more than a hundred yards wide. "The party that fired upon us were not twenty five yiuds distant, and the wonder is that they did not ki'l both or us. we returned tbe compliment with grape and shrapnel, but canuot lell with what success. nonrg, . E." Mllilnry strilor lu-aiitnsinir ltpnmtiont-i in ins imrr jaiMHiHKiii. Vkitkd States Mihsissuti Sqi adhov, Flag Ship Mack Uatrk, Moi'ND City, Illinois, Novem oer 10, 18114. Tho attention of commanding iitlicem In this fquiidron is particularly called tu the printed ordois of the Navy Department, dated Mur. h 31, and September 11, li:i, and tho ordur of the l'rtsidei.t of tlio United States, da'ed January 2(1, lH(i4,an.l to the Circulars and Hcrii lmioiis of the Treasury Department for ro(?uliin commercial intercourse with and In the Stales declared in insurrection, to wlueb tliese orders ri ttr. DlvUional and other C iiiuiiuridinK oitieers ' fcliould make ihcnisclves petfectly tamtliur with ' all the ordeis, r.gulaiiorii, and circulars on th) j subject. I Transports in the service of tho army and navy, I and other strum boms moving wiih goods an I j aieicliiin.liEO.iii conformity to tiieaibre-meritioued ri eu Biionsoi me 1 rt im ry jicpanmeni, m uio, . . . ., .. 1 . . 1 .... v. nut,. pr.i ui.iii; tu. jr tawiiu uustueae, rcuoivu an me pio'ceiiiiu unn assistance tuui inc ruii- bouts may be able, without lniurT to the pool: soviet , to pive them, and they should be allowed , to make pioper laiulitifis to ob ain necessary tuel, 1 avoi.ttnK expoicd uud suspicions I.Htiilities. I lSeetsaary protection and proper assistance will be pivcii to rien-tiry Agents in ihe perform- I anrtsi their duties, under ihe Treuiury llegula . tioi M Like protection und a-tsistiiiice will be given for obtainlnu milittny suppliui, in the aeeessiiil 1 and controllnblo portions of the inium-otion uy rt u ion, to parties du'y atitboriTed by the (Jenc ral rotiiruHUiliiit; the Ml iiary Depurtincoi. ljiiidiiiR tlie sttpilli s re.tilsito lor the Uovern merit pUiiitutioiis is a necessary part of the system and la lillowalile. LundiiiKS lor the abovfl-tnentioned purpo-e sltoiild be made by duylilit only, and then all sttainlMi.ils should It.-ep pickets out and srcan up, uud have their pilots and cnRinec.s ut their rtspet-tiva posts, hues attended, and every pre caution observed to prevent liounlmir uud c ipttiro. A sound discretion must be excrct-cd by mm iiiundmf; (liii'crs in peitoriiunK the import int uiid deliiote duties coniidud to them, that the public interests may lie properly protected and the policy of tbe (iovernnieut promoted. S. 1'. l.i:i:, Acting Hear-Admiral, Coinmaudiiig Miss. S madrou. Mr. W. II. Try. Mr. W. IT-fry, the composer aud critic, leaves to-day for St. Thomas by the steamer Emily Ji. Soudvr. Mr. i'ry's health lias been in a prccnriouB condition for several years. During the rre.-iiliTilial campaign of 18G0 be exerted l.limcll' with a will that was too great for his htiouttli. A duent, witty, and powerful speaker, he ovt riaxed the capacity ol an orani.atiun that was always yiore menial than physical. Ills lungs became ullectcd by too much work of this sort, and it i to repair them that he now poes to the friendly climate of the West Indie. AVe tiust that his most sanguine hopes nill be mora than Mr. I'rv'i jirief, it will be perceived, comes from politk'B. Ilis happiness, we are sure, has always been t'l inufic. lie is umiuostionubly the must pron.iient muslcii.a that America has yet pro duced. Two operus from his pen are known to the public I.roxora and Motre Dame ile J'arii both ol which were eminently successful. Asa ciiiic lie leaves a void that cannot easily be fille t, lllsslyie was trenchant, bis observation rapid uud correct, his language peculiar but huppy, aud his manner always that of a jjentlemao. it is to be hoped that Mr. Fry's recovery may be rapid and pw'iuaiaiut, and that ii will shortly tetnrn to us t'Kjtfn to grace a position which he bai made liononubie by tiiidly wisdom, gonial udvke.ntrict hnpartialitv, and a complcta devotion to art. .V. 1'. JVisn, l"6tA. Tbe rice-paper tree has been naturalized in New rm.tth Wales, and has proved itself to be a vtrv hardy puuit, having survived the operation of gruu hunt and cold, mol.iure and drouglit. The tree Is a native of China, and Is kuown as Ilia Jource of that JuLiar epengy fabric opon which Chinese pamt .'4icir giiy pictures of bntter- FOURTH K!)1TI01 FREE MARYLAND. Congratulatory Visit to Presi dent Lincoln. JJE IS COMPLIMENTED HIS DISCRETION. THE PRESIDENT'S REPLY. Washington, November 17. This ufrtrnnon the Marvltuid T'nion ttttc ( nt Pimm i tee formally railed upon Ties: lee' l.ii Mtn t i con gratu'ntp him on fill re election. Mr. W. II. I'lintell, lli.iiriinn, in hii nd dress, said tlicy f' It under deep obligations to him, because, by the exeicisc of ran ilis section on his jmrt, Maryland td-i!ay ucetipics tbe proud posi tion of a free Slate, and they desirod that his future ailiuinist at. on of the Government, as in the past, mich', result In the rostor I'.ion of the I'nion with universal free Join us its liu.n tcnia'.o basis. The rrcililont, In reply, sii.l ho would nit attempt to conceal his uratilic ill.m wita too result of the clectlou. lie bad exercised his ben judgment for the (pod of the whole co intry, and to have the seal of approbation planed on his course was exceedingly grateful to his feel in is. He expressed his belief that the policy he ha I pursued was the best, and tho only one which could save tho country. lie repeated what ho had fiuid before, tint lrc indulged in no feelings of triumph over any one who had thought or acted iliti'crcntly from him self, lie had no such feeling towards any living man. He thought the adoption of a free State Con stitution for Mary lund was "a big thing," ami a victory for the right worth a great deal more than the part of Maryland in the election, although of the latter he thought well, toj. In conclusion, he repeated what he had pre viously taid, namely, "Those who dilfcrcd from and opposed will see that their defeat was better lor their own good than if they had been mccessful." Some time was spent in pleisant intcrconrse, Ihe Trcsident relating several anecdotes npni j pii.itc to tbe occasion. IUK of the (ship Oceua l'enrl. Boston, November 17. The ship Occun I'mrl, of Iloston, from New York for Lisbon, arrived at Tarra.onu on October 27. Her pilot nnchorcd her, but before she cjuld get a prntiijue to go inside the mole, a furiou? gale came on, which drove the ship ashore, and she became a total wreck. All hands were saved. nsrkms by Teloarrapli. Ktw Yonn.Novciulier 17.fiteks are lower; OhieHKO and Foek Inland. 10' : e.'urnltei land pn-ierred, 47; Illinois Oenlrul. UU'i : lleadilM. I ; lllldBoil ItU fr, I1H; e'linton ' ;l'i,la ; Krie yr.'.i ''ormcales, ',', - 1 reaviirv 7 iios. 11; 10 4n-,!7 ; t, iin. lur, : ;o'un Be', 110'. ; HejiiiereU 110; 11.. lis 9t ls7, ill; iiW ojier.ed at 21,'J . now held at 1 JlV OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THIS ClTi OF .HM-AlirXtMIIA. WHKKKAP, on trie iuk'U of the ''ih of Or toner lt JAM&H AMiiiKI.L wh lUnrili-reU in I'husnut iimve Bmb HticQl, bv lump imrnnu or persons imknowii ; no knowjt, Ihftt I, AIJCXANJIKK flBNRV, Mayor of the t'liy of t'hl. artel, hu, do Iwrctrv otter the Mini of O.NK TiiOrSAN l lioi.LAKS to r.omsoever himive mten lninrmtion hi will ttci'ure tli nm-st mid conviction f Hit p. lon or pcrnoiii uy wiiom inch murder whs fjinmltte I. In testimony horof 1 t-av hfrt'iinto set ni hmul, unit CAiiicd to t aflHfd th" t1 of the t ii nt rhi!til lphu, Uilt mxlt-cnU day oi h0e,NAvitKVRY, , U-17-?t M ior oi' Philadelphia "iLEHKS OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL. j run a 1. 1 1 em a, Oetiiir II. iw.t. In scrorrtanre i. 1th a rcouillon al.ptil by r e iumen Ci nnril of lliol'lty ot I'rnUMlelpMn. nn I nurla, U: i'.ih duT of October, IHtH. tlie amie.seil I. ill, Ai.iuit-d ' "AN OI1IHNAM K TO TAKE POSIESMiON dr' THK. NDHTIIKltK LIllEn- Tll.-i (IAN WOHKM, A Rll 111 intuit. 1 lIKltl.HHt." hh.rtli pubilslicd fer public udbrmytlon. V VI , F. Mill I,. Clerk ol CuLuineu Cvujk'IL AS OKIll NANf'B Totkerotemonof the Northern l iberties fla Workfl, and to -realo a load Ihereti.r. Reetfcn 1. The select nJ Cm. ne, n Omnells of the ( Ity of l-lillmlelf lilu do iirdJln ; tno Trulee "I tin 1'hll delriliialli.s Worm, 'e hereby nlhorl.-cl tot iae D"is simii of tho Works of the Northern l.lfcertiui. (a Works, to ood uii.r the tlrit day m Juiy,IMi.,.,ai can bo; in sccirilunen wi ll lh uriuaof au Ael approved AunJ 1, iVctioV '"Thin for t)i ri'rpo of ensMIng tbe Tnu Wei ol the rilulilna Woikmo take oi tie-tins Work ftinh.irue.ll.ytlie first neetiou uere.ii, fio layi r 01 the city is hereby nutli.irlveil to burro .v on Ihe credit ol .ho oit. at a rate of later, at not eeelliiK x per out. u-r ai.uuui, lucr. .11 rot ot uioiiey ai thu trusters Div re.iulr.i, n it eoeciliiig lour bun ire.t tli iunand d.ll,ir., and wlilioet reiiulrliiK (.iivnienl 01 any nmui y tlieref.r ; thef'ity 'Ireaaurer Ih hereby ilhocted on tl e re i.iUltioll of the T .u.teee 10I. me eeitnieaiee oflhe luan of ihe City of J'h'.ledel; hia in .sell auiuunti and to suaU lorU0SM they Ihtllrtehtiiiiatenol exeee,iing na:a uui. Bald lesn to helloed lor the eni.versli.n of Pie to.'k of tlte Tiottbern Liberties (let Wniks, ami the trliuiii.l ti r.H' to be payatae at the exiuration of tlfWu year lr.un lite date 01 .ueh converewin. and not betorc, without tliu eon ol the holdera therein, 'i ne ctrtitteAtea ol said lean hall be 111 the o.ual loin. In wtiieh c. rt ih teH herc'ofwi o live been lieueil on the reiiuM'ion of aikid tni4ie. and ahull he traumeriibli-al the .itltce 01' the (Tit rrouii.rer. Heett.nJ. That the saiti 1'rUMteoi, Hiiall bei apurt out of the proltti ol aol i.ii Wotka.llie muu oftw,.,e een.utn ner ann.m on tho atm.unt uorroe 1 hv virtue of this erilliiunee, tor the puriioe ot" paftni; the Iniei-ett tbi'reon, f r r IniiiuriniK the prlncipel thereof, itlieri the aatue ihall be pavahle: au.l on or before tie llii.ty- llrst day 01 Ucee-ober -i,l the tlnrti.lii lav of Juno in every year, nu ll tho miiI loan la redeemed, (he sum ot tlx per centum on the aiaeuiil of taut loan biiah bu paiilbv the ael rrulcea to ll.e (. il Trtaiurer, viho hluil ai'liiy thre-p.'r cetitn.a tlieieof to the puM.ici.loi the ialenstou e-4l loan, at the iniiv tail tine, add tn no other inn li-te, an. I tho re- rojkiiinit tlitee per centum "liailbe pied over by tho "aid Trei.orer to the OomunuHl inirs ol the SiurIiik Kuud, w in 1 .... 1 it.vt-.f roe tuiiia anu ..- u.-cuii.iii.ii'!ik 111 1,1. man , thr;.id .iai V. .rki,or iu nay other I ,an 01 ' iiu- (Vy 0 f I'lniade plrta, ai a ilnkltiK fuinl, wtiieh 11 ncr-iy ieolll , all. uii1li:iI to t.-e r. luiv n.eot 01 s:ul ! u-i ; a nl nay ur .1I..1 r. maintni alo r the payment ol a.d pan, h All be up filled by tl.e(..'iiiuiiiii.ii;oiii-ro 01 loo Siokini;!- uu '.'.jwrda tLi exiinioilil nn-til of tl.e utlie.- to the .aid (ai W otki. ti ai'y.oll.erwltie of the lumlcd d -at of Ua Ciijr-ol I'M aiialphia. hi tu. 11 4 Vpon taklnji potunsjoii of the worki, p-psi tc i-mivi-yeo under ui. hoitty ol tliti orjaiaui , it ihai 1 il.e a 11 tv el iheTrtil , tf of il.e .as W'.rks to make ad) tall, a r.'piw. 'o .'oiii.c la u .hi p-opar: . and ..aroma'. so .lonvi-v.-'l. 'ad MS aa.eii.i il va lie : ami toe irt'd I i-Us- teea s fiu.ll have, with leapect to a.kld works, ai, .-. , the aaiae pow, ra ard anthor-ty In U rn'pei ti m ilieyno-v lutve.or hi-reatti i- muyliuie. wlt Kbac; tu a urkl l.itiu-ted to th.lreare. Hii-tiono. l-orlhe parpuse ol eua'-lin-' P-e Trniti-ei of tlie ri.aaui.-lp! ia i, il w -u 1.1 i-io) 01. ,111.. vai iu . t - a.ia eoaltiWd 10 l.i-ia by Oriltuuni." of . 'oao. Ha, 41m to ia- ciease. eMen.i, lee oe. . -I iini--ove la tla moat economi cal ineiiia r ihe plpci, Dii-ti-rt,, attd work undta trn ii cre, 10 .n to i.u-et the In ire isln,- hoii of the .-til,ni tor i,as. U.hl, Ihe raid Tiuit.-f. are hereby au.hjn.jd and r4jir'd ao to reKUlale toe price ul K-l ana 1 10 set ural pretlui'ta of itl ln..n.ilaeliu-e as at.iy 1V0111 tune lo iia tu reoeessary : tlie suid pflce of nul lo he the aai? i i all 1 1.0 Wauls of the tliysappdcd by lac tia- Wo.k i.u Ur tue toatr.-loi the Tru-te, s. Hi ell, 11 a. Anvihuor In any other ordinance contrary to lb! ordiiuiioelt hereby repea-ej. ia hui.u nils, IHiectliiK die Clerk of Cooitno'i Concc'l to rubllih abotn mn. Tteiolve, Thai Ihe Clerk of ( Oo.tni-1 be au'iio rleo 10 publish id tin daily ucwviiucri, dany, for oar we kl. tl.e ordinance prt-sente-l to Coeiui n t'o-iii1?!! .it a muted nieeiin Uieieot, lml.l on ll.o i7tu dayof o l-.t.--r, Irtfrl, entitled "An Orduianee to take posses, ion 01 too Noriberti 1 iherlles .las W orka. ami to create a loan theta for:" and (he said ( ourk At tho itu'ed uieetiuirof Councils next after the e-,iration 01 lour t.c.-ks fi oiii the said poU hratiin, nhalliireient to rotiiicila ouoofeach 01 1110I uewi papera for every duy lu which U.o aaiae shall have bt-.-a Biade. lU-al-4r IIOUSKS! IIORSKS! UOKSKSi (LAilTKlilAMKiM.iiM.HAl.'t) Ol 1 H I , i I lltui Al I'I'l.i, Wasimnton, Nnvf mlir lu, 1;. ) Horaet Riiltatile tor Ariiil.rj nd Cttvalry i.-r ice will b putf hatki.l ttt laieftboro Jjcput, lit opu uivkjt, nil J't. i-U.1,1 r 1.1HT4. llorcf isili be ds llverrd tn Captain L I.owrr Moora, A. ii. M., nul bu iitiectmi to Ue umal Oyvtrumvut liiMpfCtibn Insert' bi'ltig ncccpud. 1'rkeofCavalrv Hor-ctt, $176 ch. I rice cf Artt;ir ll.-r-Mi, awnanh. I'aut4 will be luada iur klx U) und mora. JAMI.S A. EKIV, CoJtmel In . ItfUKf J' iit l-inni.-o, 11 14 tia'tiarteriuaaivr-UiUKirala uaha. DKAI'NES?, BLINDNESS, AND C.TARRU. -J. IHAACK, M. I., Pioft-6w.r of thcKfo autl i- ar, ttt-uti all t.iatis- ai pdrtcthiliid to ttiPutjcvc- dii-uUtm ntth th iitiuont iucm ai. Tetijufnlitlj liom Ui luuat reJlnhle Rotifues In tli rftv can ba u at Ml ttflicf, So. Ml CiNK Htrcei. Tbe Medical Faculty are Invited to accompany HitU tat'tinH.a b bat uu tH-civU Lu Li vracUoa 10-ttLf A CARD. btIX3HKaA-" CO., PROHtlK K'KH OK ( I V1KAL EATINd II(UK AND ttlMMl IMMiMd. Jsa. 4H CHEfHUT HihKKT, f 10NJ1K (-KM.KAI. 1'OHT ('FUCK, rtlLAlLf ill A l'A. Taudcr, bjr BtaUivut nt the public prvtm, U th-Ir nu iterHii iMtroon and frienda, Uitdr ariDMt tbaiiki inr JibaiAl eicourK mtMt iu'mK gtnentuttj kMaUwc4; aad promt m aUd UU lurthtr attrm Uu and Uuiirovemantt. and im- evei7 aodi-avur iu mtii U coulliiud laaiitari and patroaa of Ihu gauurai pdUc af tViUiadt Ijilila ai4 YlcUatur 10-17 ika MONEYTO ANV AMOUNT LOANED U09O Dlamondi, Waiulwia. Jairr JUta. lHriiiiUsf. Ac., at OLD f'8TAll.lailKI I.OAW OFKIPE, Coraer or llllliu and UAHhULt Sireiti, HeJow Lombard. . Boisf AMONnat. WAXciita, jrwELr, ocm eVc., h,r sale at . iilltAithAilLY LOWPniCM, K-ka PROPOSALS. 1)K010SALS i-Oit COUN MKAL. M a I M or r'Mi"io.T r h-i r f S'-r, I !V,-IMV,Ti.N. I). ( ' , NflvrmlMT U. f Prop... n art- IhmtJ nn'il tlii It'iti Itoit.MtU ft n k M.( f.,r l'irrilhlliK lf UliH" fl:t'' un Intra . t l .-.ith lulu r. nrMtRKiw.i'i'M Hft"r.i.4 ok corn MK.vr,, ti- i.ritvi rfi at Th tio'riimcnt wa"1! m 'tiMrir low n. . r at tt m I tirvt n or i il r tad dfo 01 V.-irt 'ik'i"n, 1. , .n iiri. tniif ,i tt.! ii"v rMtni'iit mfi dirtcl, aitfr lit r il.Ms II. It h f. Mm ( orn Monl to b ilifr il In -ottud flour ! t. I- i ,i. . r on H Mini.' O' l.n.ilH'l l'i'I n r.'v-tx ( l!'' ) f. .11 I l'tn--ti l; r-' . r. I iiml nt h'i'piI nn'f'liAl't.lbi'.' ti'H Hill ' t) In MP, ! il hi I .xi ore i' ! iff tv'l. ut he 'tut ut till li HitiilR a the 1 J.j vt-m ni 'Dt n.ffs..- i i.. ine utififr i-nil. at No, O t- Ti' ,-j-a.-1 I rl'-'iti H. C. flllPKVK, (' pi n and M. V, il i;. ai; i r r,M.cT!'i;'S i)i,r.sRTMi;r. l''Ui m fin, N'ovrniii-r M. il ! Vro r' M! h.- . reM (i nt tlifi olhof, until 12 o if . V .il t i ( i ( i A , So. mil r P, f.r tho tl: iui iti.ttt dei-.,rf. hi tie1 I'nl'cil Mt ' Htorpliomi1, Is1 u miT : i i t h m , ti( (t n) r-.n.-s l.eay " r'"' -il er. .1 i fin i) I ftrrl I'r'-n ' ' n li untf' l a o- 'i- ' )toitip -ir l-'low. v .. -. mr')l!i tljiih f mcoidm Wrap- iln. it ,ur pnl ruritit ir, aisortf il i ti'tif) ;i ( Tt ron-(wii (: ,r.) nin lint tii h 't 'jhi t nirv tt.iirr 1 '; H- ( i wt'i.t ; i till in!i 1 I litrsjl ) I't ,U l.lTil.M I 1 I'M) -.1o M.f M. I fi im ) .-"i .1? (' in On-.. tout vi). i ''a'd H" irl".' i JM'irl" a 'ii.. i I l )Mtr.s. iwlili I tin. i. wttlt spa fc'itl m -- ) Sklnn Trnl; -v )on i:uiin Imhr, hit.ii y fnjNt in Kit n. iir I ieie i'H'bcr. 1 (:) ttft.ll.) fur Hlt.e rut-,, ilitliiiK IiiVi. 'I Wk) (iit.j lioiiUi liiue Lriruiiue Ink (tur ruUni ; head Iil) y). I i'.nc) Mt'riMinr M.i' hi'.e mi-! I.a i ;nt!or (n ut 'ni'l). us) F..iith S.iiiitp Kuie. tt I "is ) I on' Nt kfl KiiO. ill.,.) K lit Hoi h Hio A i oi' i Hhnvf d.-k'TtlrT'l to hf of tbr otlit in H!'y, ft nil ,t t I" th tn.p nl iu oi nn iiiiji - tor am ' into J u the jotrl i ) (he ioveriinit ti. If h'd'TH iil B'ntr j riff horn in w rll ;ip and tltur" ,anrl tl Hii.f- .int or '(t-arii; y of each ai fi'. lu bul jor kd t we of H..-v. I' itfti b'd mn it it ptt.trantref (wo roppon-liila prr Mm, : .nanir" tm tie ui"'ihi iI to fhn Kii.irnn f iuf i i f-1 nl t", is t.chi.r kti-otl and vniVient f - in Ity for il. v iimmint Involved, hy ht ' Hire I Mtn'r hinriet Ji di i-. . t'orri' v or i ol'-1 ft. i . or otluu jnMii: 0'llce f,.i.l;er I' e the I il Will tl"t tie C HM'l' red. 'I iif rivln I rehervi ti roiert ail hid A om'tl too hlh, ai 'I no I. Id honi n drl iii'tii" C'.n'r.iftiT win ro ive . It i-ideroi foljiiil ilKUMAN bl.'if, I'hiffiMrttT tn rioter. oi'oitnr: it oi:mr. II ll-it Caiiiain and A. M. C1 QUARTF.IIMASTI-R'S OFFICE, IM HIT lK W--lttN',f(iW, i V,'k mii. ins. I. C, Jannarv 4. twil. AI dealers tn Iruf,l!iirtlwjire Luintx-r. .fAtvr,t)th Ktiniiture, Harnen, iod s;nti(lt ry, arn ren "ei t iwrid to tlii 'thi on the N"Um1AV ofeneh week, a al"tl pro potsal or lint, in dnli--ate,oj' tlio artic'nn t-iey are prepare') to tnrnhh to thin depot at sliott u tko, vt ith the pric of tn 'n inarhi ti in plain rutrrt, nt timt, in ei-otheexK' ii'Met of the rseivhe rciniro 1 .the nrth le or an iele i can be ob tait rd w Hl.out delay, a tftf lowest prir. Iieaie tn w i hlTiy to i ell i ) this will l.o require . -fitrnUli tli lit punctually cvory Jlondav mominif h. II. Id iK Kit. Hi if.'ftllf r-Ocneral and Chlf t u utarmai' ' 11 1 1 pot ol Wasl.i' iiuon pitorOSAl.S 1UU INDIAN (jOOI) III e i: 1 Mr.Nr ok Tlti: Oi-rti 1: ItiiHAV A iNTHHIOrt, r ' a i m. .Novetr .Im t .'i. ikiI. aeakd rropesul, n ln!-rd I'rop rir 1'iilun (loot:. (I'uiBw 1. V, " :i, a me cbho 1 .iv Imi tu lie . i 1 j - vend In tho titv of Saw lotk. wl.l bu n-ceiv,! nt the 1 Hire of Indian Al'nlr.. until 1 o'ei the .'uh day of ovi iDbor. lu.ianr loalns .lHmetl arllclei, fur fulfill wiili , h.Iiiiih Inilian Irlhe : ik I' .M ,o:, FltlliAY, fur rirnl-hliw tl. t'ol .ng stlptiUtlnHS 1 l.ASS No 1 mai kinac ai A Mia;-.; w 'Av , ,- ,.,. l.UpairiSpt. WhltJle A,Me llhuieu, to unaMiro 1.11 l,v incliea. aril , ,, H i.H. ?,'.(l pairn V, U. lute V .a.-k,,,,,. Dirasiire .,4 h l.i ino'iti, a j,i we,n pnumle. "COlnnri--' I'.t. W lute M a. kinac llhiuketa. to rai tt'tire hv t Inehwi. ,:,! M.t.h poun-'s. ;i.l)pa.rH IS pt hl Mckiimc lilankiit.tomcaauro ;, by -.0 111 he- a. nnl e!ih I', i...,niN. 300 palri I it Wlill, Maeklna' Iti.iiikeM, to mfasuro li h 4n met w,, .)', pouiidi. 'AO pi." 8 lr. jTiotila. klii.i.- Uianket., to memtu-e t.ob, liln fh,9 andwtiklibp .nnde. "60 pairs'." 1 lt. 8. arli t Maekinaj HU'tkets, to Diea- sine il h nm 1,,,-iiei,, M(i weluh i n .tinJ. S(V) pair" t pt. Hcarlet Ma-kitiac lllaikna.tiiuie.furo 42 by ii iDcheg, ami welll .'. ivmiidi. yiOpairilS pt. Hearlet Mneklnae lll.mkoti, to mia- ..1; by &o inehei, and wtlh l' p .1111.I1. TOO pain :ieH yt. Green Atui kimie lihitiket., to meaiure 6i ly HI lii.-hen, and u-e'li l0ioiiiiila :if0 paira ;ipt. in-en Ahicktnee liinnkora, to measure .0 by 7' Ineheii, anil welfth 8 S(H1 palra ti,S pt. .Ireeii Maeklnao fl'aukets, to mc- sureM by (10 Inehei, and welifh H pounili. lOOpo'n ;l,l pt. Indue, lllue Ma-ki-ia: III i-iki-t", to meai-nre mi by n inehei, ninl weiah In pn.n la. e'lOptlrkil pi. Imlio lllue M.iekinil'-. Hiaukeu, to iiioaMire.M! by 7 Inehei, ami weluhH noiindi HM pal.a '.'S pt Ind uo lllue M-i.-kinac ,llh.nketi,to meaaurc A t hy oti Im-hea, ami weigh S pouiidi. 100 pairs U pt. Indlno lllue Ma kluac Itunkeia, to Btmiiini liliydi! Ini-hes. ami welnh 0V1 pntiudN. KOiialriUS P' ontlnella Blue MueHn .o llln.-a. to measure e.i l) H4 Inches, mj welyh 10 pound.. SMpklra II pt. Ilertlnelle lllue Mai kin. u- ltlanketa, to me.i!i..relMiliy 7'i hichei.ond welytiHp .i.uiti, 'SiO pairs pt Clou inelle lllue Mackluae lliai.eti, 10 leeitaitri- M by frfi Inehes. and wll. (1 p.iuniie. VUO pairs pt. i.i'iiliii.-l'a III11.1 Slaoklnae llUnli aeaure 4 bv f S loeiiei, ami ivetho'4 po 200palri I,', pt lleulli.ella HKo Maeklnao lllanke'i, to men-tare :i.; hv .'i0 fi chea. ami welh i p-uiidi. u J.IOO vimla fancy 1 ll lllue I loth. l.ti.O 00 do do (;reen Cloth. Il 'll do do do lllai k ( loth, l.."0 do flrar Mil BliioOloth I, 10(1 do feaved LiAttlreenCioth. If. 1 00 do do do lllue 1 'Mh. II, (111 do do do Searlel Cloth. Jlil(.'ozt 8 4 Wool Milan li. li 0 do .14 do 1 I'lMi pound! Linen Thread (Vo. 40.) 1,:,('( do Cotton Thre.iil. !a prim Wonted Clattering. o y itnifc unni-o Vo MM .lu Nfrnlmac. HI ul 0 in noo le t 0 lCiion Jo. tno I (ml 2.1.0 lu m o ii.'i.ixo 7.H-0 ;,rifl .'l.INO ill llO do do i'O do do do do do do Turkey Htd. lllue li--iitni. ( 'utl'lllUaiti- lirown Hrllllny. V.r l Tb-hius. Hairnet-, ki'murty Jeans. Oitiatmri;". I'i. bk- t-d loiut:c 8' enlrg. His achvd do do rh.'. a, atrip-1., ami r:.nii. Fiaiiii Ih. asftnrta.l. do do .tl (I I l,iMHj pounili Brown itiilmg Twiiie. f.(0 A t t'oUn Wai'.i'tJ. VMM Fiamwl Sbtru. J I: t'rtluo Hhlrt. i'lisiti Udrn6 HiB(lkrbirs. "A-O uu rriutel f .to; Qo ri.AH NO. 4. m-Aii-MAJ'i rtomis'fi. '.fft l ir-k roatB, Intiiwji Mn.e lir id jJoUi. J Fuitt", li tn Jt'it t tn, tl JMl On Pint do 1 oali. In SU'tl i.n.wj ir,. I10 do '.'.vi 1 :utt mi' H'lU do 7 ill tlu d' td H4i:r: do Pin'i rri.-k 't.t j. I'an-i. :i s.j. 3. .iin i f kai. n:t; , Mt i. f :. naene. nil . li ti iifsti .Japnii"(l ke't'ct!. ;;iioi.'auii Kilt. Htdtja'fii '1 -luart Tin Kini. 4 uo I in I tiin. H.iaw A'aI. KUh II" K. Finh LI vi. Odiiu r.Mtti. iiiiti. Ktnti 1 juih Lvinbi. H l---irs. Miitur-i. WtieiUhK lioi i. (rilbbiliti il Hand S.iA i ih'tf. 1" no.) lo do do do Jim lm do do 76 do 1 ,imi r r ii)u I'ttnt. ft) (J.i.ju lUMltij: flii'.ons. Imi ao tnii 'I bte h-Mjon. i't ftu Am'h, to wi'lifh 4 'a to Ui n.'.oh .vi .lo tl ill' xt", 1 1 indu.l, wtig's '"Ja lbl 10 ito I. !n irr.r-. 1 d SiuVt, Ai'KJi ). '2. It) do Hliiiviin, 4 itn j Nn.'J. (.ot'ilM'if Auu rit A-i in;v i u-:turo- of tiie n.ii.lrt'(l a'ylri ninl m'uHi.v, Mil ha pro i'i nn, ; but ai tbe Mra,itj of i.'af.Wr ti .ind t'loii.i ,ir. r. tuu liri it will It tirvm ti,iri pri'M'.-iiiir a .l n nite aritt ie ol' olthvr oi' tiime h ti.ti, Hi .1 -hiimii ti.t'r-M timii a Ltimin tu bid Tiia nn u to i c iiiriiifi ti uu tt, in all ripectn, '-onf-trui ue aiiit It t'Mu.U ill. tt i' 'imernm'nt imuiilcH, which any i t-n a' tiiii t ilt . 1 i p tlt- 'e wtll Imj risjidly inspt'cteit Mlstl (it. it. Hurt a wl.h Lilt: 3u pie y uu ttLciu or Uiiiaild Mil I uilt' il iir t!'jii j.iirnt'. Smh as iLav b. ime-niat ther-t ) i'i at. j p. uvular w ill i t ecicd: in wino'i cuie the oon trttchn will hv l.oinitl t- ).:: n i nil tHhtrs ol the r-iiiMj klud ir 1 1 tiiil I t i th in th 1 ,.4, or, li th it Imj not done, th. v. Ill hf hi r-dt hiHu u'limv faviiHMit will tm iutl lor 'he r N r ;cl i u ; itvolcn tiireoi', eurtnlvd by tho 'ig. vi oi in.i'Mtf iipp ii'rt ; "i iiH'in, lintihoQit lei -.imd i ibvibht will bo reserved to r i"iir a riM-.-li-r ur u MUtnitity of iny of tbe am -lei iiaiticd thim thai Hui'i 1'UmI In (ho above ohttliU, at tho Irl- a projiused.atid all tidi fur turlihlni; eaid ar:i te iua be n ,c ft tl d tht 0ti n ol thi- Ih uriuiut, and tbut Don- fioiii pfrttoin wli'j I'Ma I'ttthul tn cnuply with the r- iiUilt-liif in it ol a ltrt'Vinit 0"inrHCi un '.ue juiirvu rtiHiesj vt who arc iiui uiauufai. tu ertt ot vU(ih' d an Ti in the reiulrt-d aiticU"), w 1)1 becomtiilereil ; und the fact u fit bid oer ate hitch mitmiUriun th urdr.ilfin mift he evidi'iued by ihe (jurtltlcttit: of tho collector ol tho port wIhto they rjiut), or wht-re tt Ii orotoNt'd to tUllver the artuk't ; tho r-rui oiuU uitiHi embrsice the Hrtb loM. with tno (luunilti tlu rttd, a thi'j are ai raii! d In tbe tohctlule, with the iirh M iihiicxi d tn ea.-h Itl do'iar uud cenia, at which thi-y me to Ih fiiruifhtd, and tbe ftiutunt mtMt be l ui rii d out aitfl hM ttd no for eti b chn. Kaid prlccn and amounts mut te io Klvi ii, vilthmit anv itiodiilcatlou or l.olocd uitKlincHiion, or venation whan-vr. They klioubl bo tubiultttd wltb the following l eHdini : 'l or v e bt-rooj irotM) to ftiruMi (lie mtvIco or tbe ind I no l wtiHrtn nut. atud Hri-orolni.' to Uie tvniiH of itt advortive- tuent h-not', dattd ?iieiubr ', Ifi'A, Hit f"Uowiai HitJi-IfK. at the iiri tln-nio ailixed hte insert iue lut ui c.rillnif to H i tiUMi ur ult.bkts uroixjHid lor). di-IWutable In the citv t J'ew . oik by i lie Jbljtiay of March next, or at mu-b rim' or liW-n diirtnK the far 1h-i, a my be ord nd by tbe oinuJu-h UtT of Jhdiaii Ailairi; aud if the mnii.uHl hL uortott d I .er maert the uortis "in vin-:e or m Lart.' If more than one i !..- I pn jo-d lor) 1, (or we) will wti hi ii twain v duva therefM ri xtiuto acjmrart accord- lniilj , and ane B e'urllt autufartory to tbe t'oiumlakloner ot inaiiin Ai:airior tiH'iaiwnuinjJioriBawtfuii uicsuur. Fact piopocai niiiatbe acooioi'and with a yuaraiiiee In tl a h.iioMinif lotm.tii bin alatnid bv t wt or imro raaiKtusibla I-eroom, Hboae kiimclein uiur.t be cerlluod tu bv a Uultad Matta jtioKt or duiiict attorney ho'eby, (olntly atO aeveraily, yiiarun ea Out tbe above burner (or om sflcra). if a. fviiiirurt s.iiai.11 tie award. d to blui (or t aiu). ccoidiii to hie (ortLt Jr) bid or pnooaJ. will ajteouta a contract accordingly, and Kive the rwqimlta aeearttyfor tbe btfiionnaDe aT-.f. aa pranortlx d ifl tbe advertl. nn nt lor proiKaia lur inuiau .oio. uaie floitiui'w o, 1no4; and In ibe event f hi(or tbolr) liiHure aouido, we boiebT aaree tu Mud otireeivea, our heira, earuUri, and rby aarwetu Wndojireeivea. our heira, eAtrutore, and a na, to iVrlaU and nay tba t'uited Mtaue. a lUtuiaitM, uu not Ur. tliaii tuUaai Pr 011 iUv ut aid aatiyi a u iu Itoiifii will if rtqtilrt A In the anaonnt of tia bid fix the fa I H.l al perforutaiiow of Iba contra. I, with two or mr atueuea. wboee iuf-iriency aauat bacerliJiad to b tmud . ' -i .tiik. .o..iaterul wbJchdoea Mtttrlatlv Cofflin in ail aartluulaii to lha Uum and direcUona Ibia advertuavtteiii. W. T. iofj;, CvUiViMiofia Pf ludiaO AQAlTI, JJ'b-tutLet HCLMBOLD'S REMEDIES. II i;ljiiioiih ITUID EXTRACT BUCflU Tot Kon Htt(ntf.-n ct InnUn,nr of rr)n, IrrltAiUva, Irnammstlnn or rir'rstu.nof th CtuKtr r Kldnsy,, bif'l" I'rotlraH Ornntf', tltmi it tfl HUdtiv, Cn'rvlul, llrnrrl, tr firlii tlwl rrjt'il, nd all Dli"l,t Of IM DIS'tdT, K slr.js, ud !.( tlcl ScUilin. IlI'l-'MllOIiUS FLUID "EXTRACT EUCUU For Weakneeei ar ,l)r,g rrom F,,c,,,Ta Indtieretlon. Ths ron.tliutloti once affected with Orjnnii: HVataru n "iulrea the aid of rordli .rue to Urtnt J inriforulc Ihe ilem, xhlch does. IIfcI.1 ni01J)'8 EXTRACT H'CIIIJ tavarlahly If SO , treatment la siibri.ltttd 10. ConiilDU'lloD or I.isanily a ,T,Dll,e, lIKL.MiiOL.UH FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIIO, la affcctloni pecallar to "Fimai is," Ii anti)oaJed kj any other preparation, aa la Chlorosis, er Retention, In-Cfa- larltics; rslnfnlness, or BupprestdoD of Castomary Kvso- antloust Vlcerated, or ehlrrous Stats of the rtorns Leuchorrhaa, and all eonipltdau Incident to thj sax, whcllier arising from habits of aJtiipaUcn, taiprndonclee, or In the decline er clianfe of life. lIELMIiOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT ECCUC AKD IMI1E0VKD KOBE WA6H wai radically exterminate from tba jitem DiaeMt ' I belL'rliiary Organi aiialng from Hablti of Dlaalpailon, at liille txpwn little ar ro Kngt in ditt noineonventenca rttioiurt; completely nptraeAlng tboaa unpltcutnt and dWftfta, ILUJD tXTKACT BVCUU la all Micaitf of tbe Crlnary OrKani, wheUiar exlitlai In "Jfaic" or "yetitmkf1 rm whatever mut origanUmy, mndnp mutter a Act tong $ tending. It la pWaaantla tatte and odor, "immediate" in mcttont and' I atrengUienln- than any of the preparations of bark or Iron, Tboae uOeiing frou ilroktn tioitn or Ditkatt Conttitu- tions, procure tht Remedy t e-m e 4 Tba ifAtx mutt be aware that, bi weer illfcht may be Ihc atla k ol the above dlaeaeei, K la eertaiu to affeot hie Jlodily IhaUh, Mental ?uerttIJapj)iir.iud hit Fa- krity. r ITY SICUSS. PLEASE NOTICE. YE MAKE KO SECRET OF INGREDIENTS. BELMBOLD'8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCIH7 Ji composed of Buchu, Cubclt, and Juniper Uerrici, m leotoJ With ireat cato And prepared In vacuo by H. T. IlOIJdlLD.Drai'glft andt'himliit of ilxtoco yeari'ei perteocaln:Uiecltjof PbUadclphia, and now presorted tyttut uoatamluaut of tho faculty, and bin been ad mitted to uu La the United BUtei Army, and art aUo la Very general Me la BUte HoepltaU and pubUo Banltary IniUoUone tbioogtioul tbe land. Miclcee delivered to any addreee, axCABAultid by eipllclt Ur act tone . Direct lettenio BELUBOLD'I Drug vxi Cbemleal WarehouM, o. 69 Broadway, New Tork, Or BKLUBOLD B Mescal Depot, He. 104 0. Tenth itxt.naia4aloala. Beware of toMnterfelti. Aek iW UElaMBOLD'B. aud lakenoetbaf. Offieeopea lVom To'eJock A. If . to I P. If . .feu tv pnejuiu n mtr lu-tithi- in QAK BAIL OIL 00MPAN7 OF I'lvNNHYI.VANIA. INCORPORATED NOVEMBER, I834. ! lir.ClbK SOAl.E. TUF.ASUIIH.H. lif SBT K. fHMrON. DIBKOTOH1. lll.NllY c'AlfOS, w:t.l 1 IM M tii:i.t: i I:, W It LIAM AS- ri.'ll, JAML1 O. V.sltfcS, J. C. I'HI I K. Tl.r lam's ol il C'-uif, ft rr-s In fre slmi le, He l"t ;,ur lr'-il nnil . v j ( I'.O) Oil Ore. ami Hie All.' y t' a:i1 t.'.hrr slienj Hlvrr, Willi l ne r. il... tiviDl; tmrvd. fi.r pnrtliiilars .'.I pr re'Uis. a fjT i-ibicr n'lons ap ij to J. C. FRYER, Ill CKI.HN1.T HT It LI IT. 11 II M J)TJKKABD OIL 03MFA1SY. J A I'lTAI j .-).oo(. IOO. )( HliarvH-85 Par Vol no. A limited number of Shtircs will bo noM by OTdcr of tlio Company at $1 (M) per share. The following extrarted from the Phllailelphln Otilrei" of Spi. tnlM T 17. prior lo the ort,'ai.izatl ii of tl e I)1'SK AHIt Oil, t!MPASY:- On almost a'l the ntn unn In ".r-on County tho lar.fli bave a'ready beon leaded with a view ta cxplm'.ion for coal oil; and on one, y, the Lunkrd"i, the de vrlOriDi' iits liave bci'D of tin- mot enconratiiK cli.imcter. Tleetlltoror fie Wuyi)'-Iiirg Ca ) 'Meaoiuer,' In re frrrlii to the n'lb'-ct, a cartful person! ln-.ecMon of tbe reK'O" a"'' tii-j oprtttl"ns that .ire now tuklntf plaoo tbre, any"!: Wo ar- honestly of opinion that whn capital und en- terpilie elwll bave tovHop-d th atrntR tho croers, that lofiility will be fo und f coiap ire, In thoevt'-nt ol l'- Oil .production, tie the Vtnanvo dlstrh't, while In fie pnnty. irralty, and value of the oil, it li aoKnowledKd t be IndetlnRrly tsup'-Tlnr. 0'ir convlc'touo on thU su'ijcf are ba.ed upon a-:f ual knowledge und n of t th rilnni,Hnd of the K0il0Kl'nl lornnitiona and itiriife Indi- Calion.i We are Knulhed to le.irn that we arc not alone iu these favorable miprcsglons and augiirie, "'ScienttHi! men anil experienced and prnctlcul Oil opo ratori concur In them, and ure Invciting liber.. ly of their own meant, and dire, tins the attention of CApitalilMo thcpromirh'S character of the lumR.ird eonntry. Already tevi ral lart:e companies hive bu.cit orfe'-inlied In ritturif and tte tatt, whiol, will Hon cntuienoe oporatlom oa an extensive scale. In the meantime, Indivi.lm.l enery an l local enterprise ftre dolut; in ich tu develop that favored locality. Now d rrl' ki prtDt up every few d-iys, and tho procei of linking w lit nut, nn in many lu-itancci without Interruption, uinht or day.' ' IlookR open for alo of STOCK at tho Counting House of A. H. rEAUOKCUS & CO., No. 513 MARKKT Street. , 11. Fit VSL'IW JI ii-uj Prenideiit. WILLIAM B 1I00I, Sec. PETROI.EI M COMfASY. Capital, $4O0l00O-Par, $5 Per Share. suDsciarTioN riaci:, 2 50 shark, FOR rUlX PAID STOCK AND KO FUUT1IER ASSKSldEN ro, Tbe property of thi Compftoj consists of tho following valuabie Terrltoty, extensive leasehold., PKODUCIO WELI.S, WtllH Roing down and nearly llulihed : Nr 1. About !V(f!fty) Acremin Cherrv Tree Kun In FEK SlalFI K, boif a')le Und uttlc eiit tOHink HMY N tlXS. 1 hut Territory ih npponite the l)i.lfll I't trolemn Company (HnjeH1 rami) ou oiH'reek, bounded in part by the ceio bratid HtoryFjrm, Ac. Ac. No a. L ae perpetual (i'O yenrt) on Wash. MeCKnto.k Oil reek a- rcd, ull Hat, very valuable, Jtowlutf and piinip nf welifi alt around. u. H. 'Wild Cat" H.wtngW"y, abont 'W barMi per dny, on Wntth. Mcf 'lintork Farm. The Company owns thiMV liOLJ;: wurking interest iu tula well, engine, tanks, tic. Ac. 1, So 4 . "California Well, No . 1 .' on 0(1 Creek, down ! feci, all ready to reiube. Tim well has llowed l'Al barrel P,Nori.C'alifvrnia Well , No 2,"en Oil Creek.down nearly iOo l.'.t. !-o. (i. I.eiiHO perpetual (W years) on acies Oilfreek, all ivHifiKittiK tho lve wcIIh, with lltieoii-horo envlne. tanka, dirib ks, engine houscn, Ao. -N. 7. l.eae perpetiiiil fiO venrnjon 2i arroOHCrek, all fa, and hi on ncil don leet, one qnartor in teres t (HorkinK' in title weil and b'ana. TUOUHAM MlAltLH ItF.SKUVED FOIt WOKK IMi 'API I'AL. Itt nt ftr oifiniNAL subscription are now open at oar oil e tor a tew davi only; whi-n cloned, the ntock to bo pitict-d on tbe rtnu'ar Bonton and l'hlulelpi,U HtiM-k itoarda aa a how a una divintnd-i ayln oil r-.ii unu CoyfAhv, when it is expceu'd the nharee will largely advutx e. All Imthar htfotni mon. with proepeeiusei, ca-i be obiaint'd id hi underlie m d. The smtill vtpital of thni Company, with tbe actual larve Jnterctu, must, make it a laTorite ae a eeunre luvcttuient. H. 9. LEKCIT, Ko. 14 FaT'inliM UullJ WALVrT. below I IHKO, l'blladlphia Aa, n :y. I.KONAKI) MASI-KV, No.-M RKAVRH Stiut, Mew York As'mcy. Hl'LNCfcH, VILA A 0 Hankere. 11-16 Hu ton Aiteney. DliTROLiEUM OIL STOCKS THE UNDEHS1GNED HAS FOK BALE, anA win pay particular attentlou to tho purchase of all the dei. r,ble and regular dividend pA log PETROLEUM STOCKS, Such as Ui NOHI.E AND 1.KL4M4TKH, II..KIX, llrKLIIKriy, McCI.lNIOOKVILI.E, of I'hllaJ.lplila, anil (il'.HMASU, III..I10AH;, till! KMl'KEItllOCKER, of cw V..rk. JOHN l'ONDlll, Ko. 33 PINE 8TIIEET, Koom . 10 Ira Kw Vtrk. JAUl'JIIlN AIVIJ COtiUItAOO GOLD MINING COMPANY. C1UBTEMF.D BY SlirE OK PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, 1,000,000 800,000 fiharea Par Value, 3. rrcsldojit-JOHN 1$. ANDEltSON Oireotora). Thomas A. Roott, N. 11. Kncais, James R. Mairea, T. 0. M. Iiow.ll, UarrUburK. Julia W. Hall, tfo John Hratly, do W. W.W lie, Lancaster. VMlUam u. Hnute, Colorado. William 8. FrcsDisn, Buborl r. King, J(4jDM. Kll( y, Cliarles lie Hllrer, SOUTIIWOIVTII, Becrttar aud Treasurer. OITIOE. No. 423 WALNUT BTBEET, BOOM Ho. 9. AuthcntlcaUd specimens bare boen procurerl from soms of tlie Company's lodes, and have been assayed by Pro fessors Booth and Garrett with the most raUf) U.K results. tV srriptlon list, an now open nt the Office of tl.e Com pany, and at th. Treasurer's Otrice (Internal Berenut), Mo. tin CIlbetlUT Street, farmers' aud Machauloa' Bank building . To original subscribers SU'W per soar. Iur limited number ol shares. Circulars, paiafthlete, or Information can be obtained at the office of Uie Company, after the 17tb last. 11 U-tra Mn nnn CAIf be made on a patkvt MIMAi Mlleliie, which oulywaula adverll.lng well, as It la arkli(,wlmlBod by all who uae It lo h. universal Ml It. ruree.and the aaost potent ever mad.. A Hirja who has caullal can loin ilia atlvatilsiv. or th. aaj all liiformaliou will D iiuiiarUd lor a U.t l.'.lHi eaa b. reallavd. Addiees "Medlciua, ' this uioa. Hi- ,Mi 1 hi. Us ui, f Tt': Iil:. 1 - K M II- 1' 1 I 1 .,ent , t. II J Im- XVlillK VlltUIN WAX UK AV .. oa If ik. n'-.i i-ik. p .... :.i'-r,, ir..e.r.. , vi,,n iiisnrr i.Iiii.i nil- Yihue ms. .B.',..,.?imnnl.a vm.ll- l""'r'" '!. H;.,alh, an.) nai i'i"" l ll" WM..r , .,.... J"PP"t 0'"" , ,p ,M.i .... 1 .I....M.-..,'.a1 a' e. nrrx. a. . I a-Mf . I'i mi. mi l i'.n'. ttuvr l hn. 1 ii (Mil -ilr- Mint. 1 s. Ki.iirrii 10 H Jin I'iMI.AnKl.l'ilIA Sfif.iwrirr HIMIAUK I H H 1 1 I I I 1.1 -0. I. neris .' .1 nii 1 ...... V-.VM. i.iirtnrva ' 'nil f. IlKHKi'l 'r-,nl'iTTi ra'ent .i.K I'ni.rre Iiimit. Ml.rri.if Km. lie Belt., K, no '"1 c; i,,t. Mui,..r,riers. Wlioi'li'er llra?Pi, lesMn-s.r-i n . ril'i ' ' . e l ail.n ettcmlMl lit Mia tl.r. KVr KV IT sbv'.'I. ', K L l K, BKAI.TY. IliiALXH, AND If 10 f vl B Tml.InK p. i I' to In. I.I .-in sth.; I i - l-e 1 1 oiiil- ! . v , i , lading. riUi: 111 an h Mi.'-Ha ttt f 1' have a host of 'i land. II Tit . jl r u. ,ii,i 'o a.n i , . ; If with 1'h.l.orn "'..I ir, ; ll a uotrb.e stone whm dead VVR4Lal ll to live thrrra.r.' and i.-n, , Wts'.lriK ,!' as l.i . ..; ll lo II a Imp III p.-Kco ; If lo die and ko to ymfe -flKatTnl If ?ro wl.h a nr. of f irnKMres j U tou value ihii. w.-r'd .r..v.ores. If every . '.I wool. I vej Take ut, nad wh ali ff'. Then. Iia. Hi? Hv..i'h, W. r.l'h. and fieaniy, Tou 11 be prppar. .1 for evc.y duty. P.v p.rnsal of Ir. WII i.lA'l Vnfw.l'Sl ww Pr..V, HIK MKKl A1K 111 U.K. wbi. h .lioipll he read by srrn nr. by I'.ooi, m-ili-r. ar-norallv, and at th. io . lor s oft..., ... 1 bl auii. BlKK...r1 pro. i. c. nl. If A l'A It l) XO 1I1K LAIUKH. IK. PI 1'OM'fj B nOl.UKN PI1.I.S Kf.rt I EMAI.P.S, L.Tnltlhl" In rorreotlnv, rpiilinnii, and rr-innvins; aU S'tlruttloiu ir.'.ii wh.uov, r caopn.and aiwaje sucl'.si.jI a. a pr. vcnii.v, Tli.r- Pill, at" iioiliind npw. and iiavp hr-n aspd hy fha I),.r'tor for many years, both In r imioe and Aimirua, with iipara).fh d n ' s lit c.urtav; and litis urirad hf many ludirs . ho ha. . LS.'d them, 1. av.kc Q. I'nN for the allot.iilon of ttioie suifcri.-.; fTrira any lrr.!i.larlilrs whaiovr-r, a well asm provnt an In ert.. nf family wh. ro li.'Alt'. will nt pfrnilt It. Females P' oiinrlv sitiifelrd, ortl.o.e ttiioo.oK lliriiiclvea so, ar. cannoned aKinnit iiittiv IhPMt; plu. wiiiu In tloit rondi'tors, a. I he propilelor assume, no rospon.iblllt v aft'T the alKiv. a.lmoiiliinu, altliotiuh their riill.l'H.s. would prevent any no. lil. l in IipmHIi, otiiorivl.e too Tills ar.t ruco.nm.bded. t nil and explicit d're.'tions ;o c. .iipun InK .i-h b.x. I'rlce f I, or .tx boxr s f ir Sold wholesale and retaB b) the fnilowlna l.n.aRl.r : w into AVo,, No. vl N. Kourth street. U'llvhl A Ml.lllall. So II:. M srai t SI . v. l A M ar1-hall, corner of Thli terntn au.i M.irl.flt streets. ellilrr A inlth, corner o second aiol (Ireeii stret-U. I.vult .V I'O , o. Wl N. Hci ond street. .lolol.oti. llolloway A Cowden, and S. t.'. 1 1. liiroiir. am, Ion. At retail l.j all .Irusaiiis. Ladles, br sending OSK DOLLAR To either .11 enf, can ti-iv" tnr- I'll I H SI' hT rtlNFTHKNTTAT.LV, Mr mall, to any part of tbo city or couutry, flee af postase. R 11 IIOWB, 0-52m To. ?IS W.TnillTY 81XTII Htroet.H.T. AMAKITAN'fi CURB. BaMAHITAN 8 CI'ltK. I A M AH t I A N'.H ( I UK. HAWAK1TAN S ft HE. HAMAHITAN H Ct Hp'. HAMAIlllAN'H It'll K. PAIIAKir.tN'M Critsj. P. A M A It I AI ( uttK. HAM KirAN rl I t HU. IIAMAU1 1'AN a C:t 1: K. The enly inre and sale remedy ror .lonorrhr, Olret, Birlcture, Jse. Cures lu all cases In from tno to ski dnys. rrioe Male or Female sent hv mall. li. Ol T Co., Sole Agents. MA FIT A W 8 CCRE. P AM A iil r A N H ft UK. HAMAKHAS r'UM'.. nMAIin AN I'I'tti:. AM A 11 IT. K 8 I'I UK. H. MAIlirAlI CI'ltK. rlAMAIII 1 1 S M CI I It 15. NIIKITO'S CI UK. HAMAIill'AN H I VHK. ft A M A Ml l'A N H CIUK. THE f.ltrAT MI'K. IH.: Kilt hKi'KKT MSEASim ."-nuiial Weasne-s, llonorrlo. a. lileec, A,c. Pseh boa eoniain jd l'uls,and wnl cure in from two six da a. Price fi. It Is also certain to restore tone and power to thosewha are rf bilttuttd by ex. ess or any other cause, and ri, r..tore all lo full rlKr f youth, when the 1'itis are-j.a without tli. injection. In theao canceo Pill thre. tun. a duy. (tltnt by mailj C. ritlCE UONE. Proprietor, 11 ix vw. Post tiiiiea. Bole Agents, l)YO TT A CO.. No.2 l'l N. be.C0.NU Street. Be tnre and a oi BAMAKITAK'S CCBB. HAMAKITAK'ri CCHK. SAMAHITAN S CI'ltK. HAMAKlTAN'tl CHUB. fAMAUITAN H ll KM. HAMAKI'I AN'H ( I Hi:. BaMAUITaN rl Ct'hE. SAMAKITAB H ( I HE. SAMAIll I AN 8 CL'KK. BAM vltlTAK 8 COIiE. RYIIUP 1TC Rll'.lltl). BI Kt'l' TR HICORT). KYltl P UK IIICOUI). PVKI P I)K lUO'llli. KYUI'P UK ItlCOKI). t.VHl'1- HE KICOIlll. Kiltl'P HE IIKM.IIT). BYIC'P lE KKMIIUI. 8VUI P UK hlCCKIl. BYlll'P 1K llUlllfT). 8YKIP llE HI ".III). HYHl'l' UE HI(.'Olll HYItL'P DB HK'OIII.. Hi Kill' I'K Itl' OKI). KYItlTP 1 .11 lllt'.iltll. PYlttiP UK Itll'.lllll. hYltt P UK ItiClilII.. PYItlT TF. TlIC.lll 11. HYKt'P FIE RlfOB!).. KYUI'P Dti KII'OKII. HYItl P UK HU'OHP. HYHCP IiC ItlCnitll. BYlll'P UK KltlUll. BYlll'P UK atUUHl). hi 111 P l.S UICUKU. A certain cure for aU forms of Venereal Ulseases Used In the Kutnjiean llonpitalt, and the armies throughout Europe and America. This preparation ha na eqnal as an .ra.lieator of this form of disease, at.d slreuii'heiis tlie consul imon ircnerally. llwiuoureal! Bores, Bpo.s. 1'liiiidea, Tell, rs, or any erupilous, uo matter Ironi what cauue or how bug itand lnr. Price fi per bottle. C. PHICa HOSE, Proprietor. , BMe Averts. UYO'IT s CO. Bole Avren.s, 1(Y()TT C ("). Bole Aents, KYOTT It CO. . So. 23 tt, bK. 'ONI) HI n et. Rent to any address. aiMl-tuiti sia J. K. lt)SE'8 GOI.DKN PILLS. f CP to this rerl -d females nave been humbuiKPj by Pc-sBrwe, Atidoinlnal Hupiautirs, Ac, for th. cur. of railing 01 ih. Wotub aad several deol.lly, which weans csncLly proe palllutlvj, if not limn loo., fcouoof Ur. Hose's paiieuis have reen usti g suen absurdities They rely 111 his Co) den I Ills, and thersby nh aln aperient cure by Ui. use of oaly a few boxea. 1'or tliasasvnnv- Dialnt. One DO! is WOrtll a blind d AlMomlnatNnoinri.r. Price, 6(1 cents per box bole Ab',nis, 111 O l "f A CO. Mo.' f Ut. BEcOalfill ueet. 10 l-tutha3itt TH! SAMARITAN'S CAM IIP, KK1 IK1) Okl CURE hEH 1 All.B TO OI'KEI UOtH MIT i. ALSEAT1C1 IH NPKEIIY IV ACTION! r0 Cl!Jt)E OP I.IKT llk:yl M1KI1I DOES NOriNlKUlKRE Willi lll'NIMKHS PI'RRl'I'rB t CAM UK CNK11 W1TUOIT 1I. I ECHO I , Pil'-c Male.r Kemalo. eltnt by xuau to any audreai. C. PR TCI? ROSB, ... . BiKiiiPostOrnca. Role Aeente, UVOI T ci... lo-l liiiU.iiu Wo. 3S2 K. BECOXU Street. SHIPPING. IOR NEW YORK. fll'TSlIlK I.1SII'.. COASlWIr'K SI KAMSIIIP COMPANrS MOW rKr.ll.IIT l.l.Mi HIK NEW YOIIK. and roniirctliiK for all Nortl.oiu and Eastern cities anA Is. Orl-aiis. sallliw every TLESUAV. TIllliSUAY, ANI RATrKDAY, troui tl.e Coinpnnv'i wharf, Br. 1 ainvo u.iee street, an" Newlork, 110111 Pier 11, Jfoilli Hiver, ou same days, at Kor 11. Ifht, which will be received dull v, handled In tht nw.i ca't-nil inaiiiier, ai d deilverod wlib tli. greatest des i..teh, ai lair r.ttes, apriv 10 WILLIAM J. TAYLOlt A 00,, 11-10 ,'lm Ko. 0 Mnr'ii Wharves. STEAM WEEKLY" TO LIVER. Ali'-alt. pool, loni'lilng at Cjiicei,Mown, Cork llarboii - 1 :r . il-known sleainers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Couipauy ara lnteDdod U sail as follow a . CI IY UK LALTIMOItE, Saturday. Novomnnr 10. CITY OK I.ONI.ON.rlaturday, November!. E IN A, naturday. Ih.eember a. And .very succeeding baturday, at &ooa, front 1 ive No U Norih ltlver. HATK8 (llf PA8SAOE PAYABLE IN CUKIIEKCY. Plot Cabin Vlil OO Slswrav. goo d 2 l lrst Cabin to London 1 741 1.0 htaeraye to London... 6H'V First Cabin to I'ana.. lis. 00 Btccraxc to Paris SO'O. I Fli.I CuOm to llambr tilho ml Bio. r, k. Ui aliimliurs. 71. m I Pahseuaer. al.o forwarded to llavre. Hreuusu, Kotn tcrdam, Antwerp, Ac, at tMiuatly low rates. j , Karea from LlveriHKil or Oueensu.wn : First Cabin' ,J Vl'iu, SI7.I, tvjlll. Btowrage from Liverpool and tjuuets town,. 70. Those who w iah to sud for tuttlr fricuds cA liuv tlekeia .tare at uiese ral... 1 i or at th. Company's oflca! d.tlt u. l.Al.rj, ARent, . Ko. Ill WALM 1 Biievt, I'lu.aJilphia. cKF. BOSTON AND rillLADELPIII JElXasZ Bteamslilo Line, sailing from eaob port 01J b.i 1 L Ul'AYB, iron fli.t whan above PINE Ktroel.philal delphia. and Ixing Wharf, Huston. Prom first vua ff above 1'INK Blreet.on haluidarov ember '.i. ItnA. I NUKklAN will tail fioiii PhlUdelihia 0 I Ssturdav, hovciiiijer Hi;, at lu o'elock A. At., aud steam.. bAXUN Is withdraw n for the present. . I TheM new and substantial tteamshlp, form s itgnV I line, sailing from each purl punctually on Raturdary. a) Insurance, elleel.d at one liail Uu premium auargsd at gale vc.sels. , I reUhls take at fair rates. ,' Shippers ere requested to send Blip Receipts and all Xiadiiis with their Hood.. ' Kor r i.iaht or (nating fln. aoeommniTatl.nsi 1 apply to henby wiNBuR a xi., jai-tf Ko.oa.utiWAk Ar.uua. J&t, FOR LIVERP000L, TUESDA hmmsV Koven.ber 1... TTTTlilllab ship PtllLATiKLPHI A. Captain 0. T. Po I'I salt for the abo e port oa the loth November. Btciiuc ik In currency. B age TttOALAS RICTTABUROTf CO.. 10-W o. 101 WALNUT Street. V.1 1 bk fiH (iV'(ill- ll M.I. s I t V I' ll ' . 1 .-ot . -r ti e i ' FOR NEW YORK. DESPATJC ' '.iutug XLnd Rwtftsur Unes, Tla Delaware 4 Ituiiuu. i aual. I he ataamera of th.s. Hues ar. Wa ir dally at U o cloek al., ud a OkK:k P. M ttoat Uuad I' M ".1 k or fleuilit. whleh win ha f H - A... torms. apply to WIU4AM at. hjOMM A CV..JS0. Itii V r.s 1 . ii . ur a . vv 1 v I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I t a t t li fi t. D (1 il ni tl I-'an Chrg UH llC. Ktntu ptcu li Ilui la tlie of gru UJiplT cnr Ittkl-I