The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    "" run in tit tit , ,
Expo euro of a Most Extensive
System of Forgeries.
New York, EoEton, Fhiladelph5.,, nLd
Wf shington Banks Victimized.
Ono of tbo Arrested Parties
Turns Sta'aj Evidonco.
The detective police (f tl is city have just snc
cctded in fcrret'.ng out the author of oho nf tlio
most extensive scries of forgeries ever perpe
trated In tills country. One of them, turning
ttatc evidence, disclosed nn orgunlod plan of
forgery, whh h showed some of the banks of
thin city und ia various parts of the State, as well
as In the cities of Huston, Philadelphia, Iiultliuoie,
and Washington had been heavy sufferer.
Some six weeks since, Superintendent Kennedy
was notified of the existence of extrusive forgeries
that hud been committed on certain banks, tamo
tf them to the amount of twenty-five thousand
(lobars. Hie operations of these were so Biiecess
fiil that the following-named parties were sus
pected of being concerned In the business :
Walter Patterson, Michael O'Brien, lr.i G irva
dier, alias Gurvadhi, George F. Coughlin, Hugh
ilctscllis, John St. (Hair, nnd Speneor Pettus.
The first four wero promptly ariested, but the
remainder arc at large. The eompUiut up in
which they were brought before Judge llowiitig
is one involving the signing of a clicck tor
Hiri,lJ7 50, in the name of 11 (chard 1. Litbrop, a
well-known merchant of New York.
Patterson, who l a man about forty years of
age, is a native of Philadelphia, nnd he lias been
known for twenty-live years pastas a former of
the most dangerous description, being a bold and
skilful operator, and a most excellent imitutivo
penman, and a sharp business man He has
served several terms in the Pennsylvania and
New York Sta'c Prisons, and Is now under in
dictment In this city for forging the name of
Simeon Draper, present collector of tlio port, to a
check for Jr'IOUO.
In audition to the S.'o.OOO forged on Mr.
j.ainrop, were me lotinwim.-:
Mechanics' Hank, of New York ...
do do do ...
do do do
)ler-htnl8' Hank
Pacini: Hunk
. . fiel.tHKI
.jo, !
. .$H.),IKX)
These checks ail nmiein d to be duly stamped
and certified to, und had every appearance of
genuineness. It is supposed tlio atjgrctrate
amounts of moneys thus obtained will not tall
short of from Js'AiD.Oih) to JMM),0i).). George K.
I onkling fumed State evidence, and his testi
mony will be found with that of the others,
which is given below. It will be found very
Henry K. Vail, or No. 7 West Thlrty-lirst street,
testified that on Sepiember 2', lHbl, the annexed
check, pui putting to have been drawn by Richard
I). Lathrop on the Mechanics' Hank, for the sum
of $25,127-50, payable to the order of W. A.
Weed, wan presented to Samuel C. Mooro, the
private clerk of deponent, who ia cashier of the
Itiink of Commerce, in New York, in a noto
addressed to deponent, ropiesting the value, in
I'nited Ktatcs seven-thirty treasury notes; t lut
the paid Moore, in accordance with tbo reipiest
Contained in said note, Inclosed the treasury
notes required to the address of W. A. Weed,
as directed, and handed the same to the inessen
' iter who brought the notea ; that tbo said annexed
check is a forgery in every particular, and from
information which deponent has received ho ba
lievea that tbo said cheek was so sent, as afore
said, by Spencer Pettus, Wulter Patterson, Hugh
JdcNi Ills, Michael O'llrien, John St. Clair, Jane s
Wilktns, George I'. Conkling, and Ir.i Gavadier;
and the above treasury notes so sent wero received
by (aid above-mentioned persona.
Eamnel C. Moore, of No. 118 Wost Eighteenth
rtreet, testifies that he is the confidential clerk to
the dishier of the Hunk of Commerce, iu the city
Of New York; thut on September 21, ISil,
while dcioueut was at his desk in the c istiier'a
office, a boy entered with n note which he
handed to James K. Vail, Jr., who hande I the
fame lo Mr. Vail, the cashier of the bank;
tuat tx.. opened tuo Sam no:6 an I
lead it to a Mr. Huer who was thea pre
s nt the cashier handed the deponent the
cote which ia hereto annexed and marke t
"Kx-McG." and dincted him to reply to it,
and give figures required, which deponent did,
and handed the auswer, which is also hereto an
nexed, und marked "H, ex," to the said b y ; that
on the next day deponent was in the cashier's
cilice, alone, when the said buy again c t ue und
handed deponent an unsealed note, addressed to
the cashier, Mr. Vail, which deponent opened ; it
tnoved to be deponent's answer to the noto of U.
W. Weed, of the day before, and mentinied
herein, wiih a note on the back, also Inclosing a
c heck for &'2j.l'.!7 50; thut said check is now shown
and annexed to the aitidavit of Mr. Vail; de
ponent then went to the vault of the bank and
took out twenty-live notea of $1000 each, Nos. 69
to 93. inclusive, and p ue.d them in an envelope,
addrt-bsid to 11. W. Weed, and banded the same
to the boy; deponent lias since lnqnired as to the
aid check, .und finds that the same is a forgery,
and that the eertmcation of the Mechanics' Dank
ia also a forgery.
The following Is the note marked "Exhibit A,"
jwbieh Is referred to in Mr. Moore's atlidavit:
LArHiixe, I.i, k I n., 21 ash 2.1 Pilot
Fi-ai e, .,! -'II m .'. Mi i::av H i see r. N't .v (mio,, iS.-ii-trn.lrr
Jl -ol K. Vaii , E-,j -licr Sir : I a n roiU-::i;J
b Urs. WlllUiii W ti'fnp . ..t' Morri.e,w e, New Jui.rj, lu
ueiiiire r tailve to an In .e-tlm rH u tr.e nw''vcu thirty
( lull 0 fl ul.'ii i rilisti, j. 1. n-i, an, I Mn ilif it lees tlinrn
t Ul vulir II slltmloe, W;M Ji,u liCkl'i'l t lioi.:,' I u s-n-l per
li-i'er. re' eva.-t 4nlln for '.,'.ec,i, with .cor'i.U lie, crest,
rh it-liv. i'l Lo-neirrov.'. It' )n'-v i 'ifl'1, . Ke-.i-r n' yon tn
Al3krH J.atlirep, J.nJ.'fifcjt.ill A '-'o., lain yours r.-pe :l
lnJ, II. W. WKli.
rKx' II 1- i II.)
IIask i.l im i i n i . K,-w ,,rr ( ttTt.iii' ur .. !l. w.
Mra. u,t,c Hi : -- Mt li.c nu - l-'rf
im tci ,n 1 m:ci, icny i'..r ilnt i-.y, an,) u i. tc. i th
ton or' ?'.'' Ot.ii, i.imiI,!,. tn in. rew. will Inii-Ne.'.,
.',M:0: llilllsl n. u: I.'' l.'l I ila vs I, I'll. .'fl.l'Sl,
Irm or rtui li, SC.'-.VI; h .i Iin; .'.', 1V0 ,'si. V.. r,.eJ.-t-lul.y
.-AML'tl, .MOoilii, e.r i'isI.c r.
II K Vi.ll. Ei . In i.' Bir: 1 In, Iim thn liniuiil as
rtuU I ye.le;iln, wli'i !i,u-ri t IU it,!. u,r i.'
icttu-tairt3 tri-iisiiry U'it-, ivi i. Ir ,ni mil p -ate o in I
lr m u'pr, in sUts io suit ..iir e"iiveniini'. ttun 411.1 v-i)
relurrU, .uiiloljliiju, ycurs r-( -tilu'iv,
Cicorge K. ConkMn, one
fila'.v evidence, an.l test ti-
of the forgers, turtle I
I as follows :
,Ti;rnnoMY or oi ouok f. coxkLiM.
George 1'. Conklin tcstiticd : I livo in the c!ty
of NcwYotk; 1 urn acquainted with spencer
. 'jus, Vt uib'r Puttorsoii, Hugh McNeills, Michael
O lirien, and Kdward St. Cluir; I have seen Jus.
Wilklnd, but am not acquainted with hi in; I
know Ira (iuvadicr ( witness was hero shown tbo
check annexed to the papers) ; alrout the 22d of
septeiuoiri met sreucor l'ettus, Waller ratter
sou, Hugh McNellis, and Michael O'Uricn at
Collinh' Hotel, corner of West aud Canal streets,
iu a room np stairs over the parlor; 1 don, re
member any ono being present but those 1 have
stated; there was a check written, signed, und
slumped ; 1 don't remember the date ; the amount
was twcuty-live tbinibuud dollars, aud between
one and two hundred dollars more; 1 saw it
signed and stamped ; KicLurd D. Latbrop was tbo
name kigned to it; it was signed by Wulter Pat
terson; Mr Pattcrsou tut the stump on; there
was a murk made inside the certificate by Spen
cer Pettus; I saw Ira Uaradior the day before at
HraUtrd's bllliaid-ioom in l'onrtb avenue; Wal
ter Puttd-son, Spencer Pettus, Unraiiier,
ur.u tnyseir were together; there was a
letter written there; it was written ou
paper with the heading of l.athrop, l.tid
iugton Co.; it was directed to Mr. Vail.
Cashier of the Punk of Commerce, and sinned
H. W. Weed;" 1 bought the paper at the re
juest or Ihe ethers; Speucer l'ettus wrote tho
Jotter; the letter, I believe, was given to Ira
lrvadir: we all went down together; Patterson
na with me ; we went to No. til Liberty street
and met the other panics there; 1'uttcraon aud
Pettai' remained there; Ira aud uiyaelf went up
Nuswo.' street to the 1'urk Hotel; Ira spoke to a
boy; 1 wus Inside the hotel; the boy waa coming
up Naaau street, going towuru ttie city itup ; 1
did not Lear what wabsatd to the boy; 1 saw Ira
itive the buv the letter : the boy went dowu Nassau
si reel ; (iavadier came into the hotel ; I then walked
uown Nassau atreet, and saw tue buy go in auu
conio back 10m the bank; he remained in the
tank fifteen minutes ; 1 followed the boy back, und
saw him talking with Gavadler in front of the
bote! ( 1 don't knuw what became of the boy; I
saw Ira at No. rl Liberty street : the same baitr
were there j I nmm;il there but ft moments,
snd wc.'pamted; the . were to
n'te..l Vvi'V-'' '" tVlllna Hotel; 1 went
1 11 ri -"1getOsecMike(J'Hrien;lme;hiin
A t m'' w'nt up to ti ll him thil Paticraon
nnn I tttus wanted to si c him ; l.i at lirst did not
''v vhethrr he would c mie d.ivu or 11 t, lint
'''ad y laid he would : 1 did not fell O'l! Inn
wha they wanted ; I went ti Davis' tben 'vt
niotiiing ; poli o of tlietn wero there whoa 1 got
tlere; we ml there 11 pell, and went to tlio
Coll its' ; 1 went tin re li st, nn 1 in t tbom a' ih j
to' 111 in Co Hits'; they were ti ling up a clic k
wl en 1 get there, and then took place what I have
txyice s nt' d all. 'lit the. check ; I don't reinomlier
who ti 1 k tto checks; Irn was to lio don at a
0 r;uin time, and we waited tor him until wo
toniid henas t ot coming; tlien we wont over
t iwi.r' s Nas-ftii street j Spencer, l'i ttus, l'ii:ter
poe, McNeHis. (I'lirien, and invwlf went over;
M.ell s, O llri. 11, and tuy-elf went to tho Tark
Hotel; the innlersianoiiig was tint Pc'tue and
Ptt rvm were to beat No. Ill l.inerty street ; 1
wus to ".how O Mi lcn ihe boy that ()' llrien was
talking to the day before; wnen we got the c I
lock) 0, but did not see the boy ; then I looke 1
around and saw the hoy looking at some pie'nres
iu a paper M-rnd ; Hugh McNeills spoke to the
boy, but I did not btai what bo said ; O'llrien
gave the boy a black bank hook to carry doeu
1111 ills 111; 1 then i iw the boy go down N isssai
a reit, into the 11 .nk of Commerce; Hugh Mc
Neill" went Into tho bank afier him ; tlio boy was
in the bank about twenty minutes ; 1 saw him
In n he came out ; be had a 1 irg envelope and
the l ook in his hand ; be went no N'as-aii atreet
towaulsthe I'.irk Hotel; O'Hrien met hiiu utter
be had gotten a shott distance from tlio bank,
und took the hook nnd envelope, and then wen
towutd- ilroadway, and the b y to the hotel ; I
iliii not sic I'llrii n that dayngain;! aiwhima
few dsj s utter at llie intersection of I. tfuvivtto
place and Kourih streets, in romp ny with Hugh
McNeills; I saw l'ettua a day or t vo atterwiirds ;
1 saw Patterson that day at the Collins Hotel ; be,
met me at the Intersection of 1il'uyette pla e and
l'onrtb street; Mike U'llrien was to be, but
I diu not see him, nnd shortly after, while I
there, Patterson came in; be gave mo five
ft 1 0(10 seven thirty Treasury notes; 1 never heard
anything about the drawing of Treasury notes;
be said w hen he handed me the notes, " That's
for you ;" 1 did not observe the nutnlier; 1 did
not sec the bovuuti sonie'tinieafter ; the boy who
sits hire is tlio one (witness indicated the boy
McLaughlin); O'Btieu, I think, did not h.ivo any
beard ; if he did, it whs not a dav'a itrowt'n.
The hour lieing late when the examination of
the foregoing witness had completed his testi
mony, Judge Howling ii'lj niincj tho further
heariDg nntil to-dnv, and committed Waltor Pat
terson, Michael O'llrien, I. a Ga 1 Her, and Hugh
McNcllrsto the Tombs to await lurtber dcveloo-
ments. Meant nie, the detective polico hope to
seeiiic, not only o'her prisoneis, tint money us
well. Vetr York lYurld, to-day.
A'c have received the following additional re
turns ol the election in this Sta'c :
WoiicKsTKuCorvi TheiiMleial returns from
this county give McClclInn 1'iOii, 'ind Lincoln Oiii
votes; majority for Mct.'lellan hi.'I.
"W sniNii ion Coiniy. Tite ollicial returns
from W asliiiution county f,ivc T.i'ieoln '.!:Wt, and
MeClcliaii Uli'2; l.iucolu's m ijoriiy l-iS'J, lnste.ui
of l ido, us beiore renorted. The vote for Swanii
is IKKill, for Chambers 1 sl ; niaiinitv for Srvann
WtTi ; majority for Cox 1037; imjority for Kan
tian lo.ll.
T AMior Coi n ty. Tho names of the mi'inbcr
elect of the House of Delegates from Talbot
county are James Yalllant and II. B. Leavcrton.
Urr.KK Annk's Coi nty. I'he ollicial returns
frm (iieen Anne'a county givo Lincoln list
votes, ami McClellun 1 1 S: ; maiority for M M'lel
lun, lo'.lt), instead of 10M as before re;orted.
Tin: Statk. Prom the returns lately received
tho homo vote of the S ate gives Lincoln 701);!
nii.iority, with Montgomery and Dorchester
counties to be heard from, without iucludia tlio
mejoriiy of 2(1 is for Lincoln, on the soldiers' vote.
Eighty comities have been hoard from which
give aggregate majorities us follows:
Ml coin I '1 b71
McClellan . 17,78!
Majority for Lincoln 27.HH.S
The remaining twenty-twocounties in IS.,0 gave
Douglas a total majoiityof 'I'll, nnd Lincoln
Wbl majoritv in favor of Douglas, list. Should
there be no changes favorable to Mr. Lincoln In
the counties yet to be heard from, ho will yet
carry the 8tute by over 2.i,0OO majority. Taking
Into considi ration the gains w hich have prevailed
in other counties, only the most n'tipeadoua
frauds of the (,'ojiperhi ads in I siponing It diel
bushwhackers and guerillas to vote for MeClollau
can prevent Mr. Lincoln iroiu carrying the S:aie
by at least this majority.
It is estimated now that the tof il majority for
Lincoln in Iowa, including tho so''lieis- vote, W'U
not oe ics iiiun -to,ujo
A di spnteh from St. Paul sho vs uncvpcfvl
g iins in that St He. It ia thoiuhc now tuitt tho
lnajority lor Lincoln In the State vill reacli 00)0.
The Prion majority in Wisconsin is estimated
nf fully MM), to be sail further 111 Teased by the
soltlii rs' vote. General Pame Is elected to Co.l-g-e-s
from the Milwaukee district.
C lpperbearls com eda that h u goao
I iiioii by 10,000.
Iii Missouri five Union (.'on gresamen aro cer
tainly elected, vi.., lllov, lloyd, MeClurg,
I I an, and Anderson. The v 'e in too interior,
es eeiuily in the tiuck of the Rebel General
Price's invasion, is almost unanimous for Lincoln.
The statement that Kentucky Is among the
S'ates that have given their electoral votes for
McCkllan is, as ) et, a ui, re sui misa. We have
so n 1 ntliirg that settles the point, nor can any
thing be known on the noj-et until the soldiers'
v.olc is counted. If Kcu'ucky is saved from
this oi gracciul position, uud do.s not prove to
be a straggler from the raiis.s 01' tho army of free
com una advancing civill. uiou, McUiellan is
reduced to the dcascmcut of having received
nil his pittance of electoral V le from two Slates
Hu t relused to permit their s iKMers to vote. If
he has uny tcnsiinlit we think lot must feel like
eallng on lite mount una of Orante to fall on
him m.d hide liim ironi tue avenging wrath of a
lice 1 c )'le. l.unmilk I ,IVc.
Hut four votes wero polled in the city of ,M ;m
puis lor Met iellan.
His, I'onilli'ii In the llmiib r Arnlf-lliite
l 111" OHIIIllHlOU.
Washimotkh, November 17. An erroueous
impit ssion hHS 6 "ie forth that General Shorldan
has been created the senior M.ij ir-Guneral in the
regular army of tho United States, and that ho
has actuully taken up General McClcllau's rank
along with his vacate d position. Army odlcors
and those acquainted with the regulations of the
army need Lave no explanation of this matter,
but the masses mny not understand the subject
perfectly, and hence I send tho relative rank of
several General ollicers of tho rcgulur army as
Ihcy uppear upon the ollicial rolls :
1. I.iiutcnant-Gcncrnl U. S. Grant.
2. Mujor-Gcneral II. W. Halleek.
a. Mnjor-Generul W. T. Sherman.
4. Miijor-Geneml George U. Meade.
i. Mujor-Gcneral P. li. Sheridan.
(I. Piitadier-Geuerul W. S. Kosocraus.
7. G. II. Thomas.
8. litigadier-Gctieial W. S. Hancock.
Then follow a number of othors who have boon
appointed lo the rank of brigadier who are yet to
e continued, as is General Sheridan in his rank
as fourth major-general in the regular army.
Ills commission and rank date from November
8, consequently any one appointed previously is
his superior in rank.
A presentation of a boat, gun, aud fishing rod
to a sou of one of the old aristocratic families of
Wales took place recently. The name of tho
recipient was Thomas Lloyd Ariwyl; tin event
was the celebration of bis majority ; and lo show
ihe feeling among the Welsh aristocracy regard
ing our country, the boat ptvacutcd was cLristeued
the hfarnatge.
A Scottish nobleman, the Earl of Cavan, bas
been oi late delivering religious addresses In Ork
ney and Shetland, which ate described as charac
UrUed by considerable earnestness and unaf
fected simplicity. It is clear that the speaker is
deeply imbued wltb the spirit 0 the religion he
Gen. Sheridan's Commission.
sraTLUiONs Anon siikrmw.
TO.Vt I.i:il I l IIMMItl. M
OVtni lt I VI. M.VtS.
Etc., Etc., Etr Elr.,, Er :
Iniiorlalll Firm nt 1 1 unit -The Wlnlor
c. Hiiiittlaii f,s t 11 Ylgror.Mi si
rlino lu I lie I'rlec r IJolil I Iim Ciiiiho
rroxf nitty l I'cncc. itc
.v;'.'Me Th' .'ccni'"7 ri'ecO,.
Wasiiimiton, November 17. We hare in li a
Hons here thut wo are on the eve of the tramp ra
tion of tho most Important events of the war.
There can be no doubt Grunt will,
In a very few days, strike a blow that must
s'.i;!gir our enemy, if it docs not wound him b,'
yond recovery. General SherMim will not lon
be quiescent, and his victory will probably bo
lir-t hetaldcd to the loyal people of tuo United
General Sherman has liceti heard fr rm, 'mt the
details of the progress of his expedition are n Jt
proper for publication at this time Sutlicc I: to
say that ho is prosecuting a work tint will sur
prise tho North when tho history of the advance
is w ritten. He strikes at a very diil'crcnt go tl
from that hitherto generally designated in the
Northern and Southern papers. The success of
the movement Is even now beyond pcrajventure,
owing to discoveries made and advantages gained.
Every other military column la pushing! for
ward, and it Is quite evident that General Grant
will muko the winter campaign an active one,
although victories will bo gained before the frost
ruins the loads.
The telegraph h is Informed us of the fall in
the premium on gold in New Y'ork. One cause
of this is found in the above-mentioned stu'einent
of lacts, touching army operations. Another,
that the Seeictnry of the Treasury will soon begin
to "shut down" on the "g nnMers" with moro
than a mere "flash In the pan," by an admirable
nnd etl'ectivc national arrangement.
The Idea that peace will return to us curly next
year gains strength and supporters among finan
ciers, and this allects the gold market perceptibly.
Peace will come sooner than many pjrsons
imagine at present. A largo number of prisoners
will soon be exchanged
I'rom KortrCM VlnnriMt.
I'oimass Monuor, November 15. Tho
steamer Amanda U'inants, sent In search of tho
barges that broke loose from tho A mime Ihirder
on Ihe night of the Pith instant, has returned,
and Captain Williams reports having soarehed In
vain for tho missing boats. Ho found the eastern
shore of Virginia trewn with railroad ties, sup
pocd to be those with which tho barges wero
pour men were on board thoso barges, and are
believed to have perished. Their names are not
known here.
There is r.o news from tho front.
I'rom ,Nw Orleans.
Ni w Yoiik, November 17. Tho transport Con
tiumttt!, fiom New Oilcans ou the 10th, arrived
at this poit to-day.
The Continental brings as passengers several
r tlieets ol the Mexican patriot army.
Ti e files of pipers brought by the stem;r con
tain no news of military or naval niovemeu's.
The I'ontinaiUU brought oiliclal Government
Prntli of i I illicit N I n tea Judge.
Phovidknck, It. I., November 27. John Pit
man, who Ins been for forty years ajudgo of the
United States District Court for tho District of
Kb ode Island, was found dead in bed this morn
ing. He was on tho bench yesterday, but In very
feeble condition. He was eighty years of age.
tJpeclal Despatches to Evening Tclcgriiuii.
WisuiNOTOK, Novemlier 17.
Clenrrail Buller.
General Duller left hero last night, at !) o'clock,
on his despatch boat Greyhound, to resume com
mand of the Army of the James, which h is been
under command of General Terry during Ueuorai
Dialer's absence.
Tim I.iihI tliirir.
The propeller Andrew Ilad r hu arrive 1 . ro
und reports that the two barges, laden with rail
road ties, which broke away from her in Chesa
peake Iiuy, during tho gale of the 1 ith, were lust,
having tunk.
The four men on board the barges wcra saved
by the 11rferand brought up to Alexandria.
KuiiiK'a'li'r. f 'niiifv l.
On Tuesday night a picket of tho lit Pennsyl
vania Attilhry, stationed ut tho Great palls of
the Potomac, captvrcd two men wbilo attempting
to smnggle goods Into Virginia. One of t'le men is Thomas Hiley and the other is the noto
rious smuggler "Lucky" Davis, alias VY W.
Hill, who has hitherto escaped detection by hit
He Kith nfNr. Mnntun.
Secretai? Stanton is somewhat better to-day,
and is able to transact some business at bis resi
dence, but by tho advice of his physician doo.s
not yet leuvo his house.
Nineteenth CorN.
Mujor-Gcneral Emory has beeu assigned to thj
permanent command of the PUU Army Corps.
ollon from Arlxouw.
Commissioner Dole has received a line speci
men of cotton grown by tho Pimas, a tribe of
Indians in Arizona.
New Mexico.
The Puebla de IsltU, in New Mexico, for which
the acting Commissioner of the General Land
Office bas just prepared a patent, contains one
hundred und tea thousand acres.
Ciol.1 (lamblrra,
The Secretary of the Treasury has had a rod in
pickle tor tho gold gamblers for several days past
which is pretty certain to fall upon their heads
with stunning force ere many days elapse.
Mnylnij-a of Kuuaor.
The rumor market Is heavily stocked with the
following programme : E. M. Stanton, Chief
Justice ; B. F. butler, BecreUiry of War ; Eobort
J. Walker, Secretary or the Treasury; S. r.
Chusc, Minister to Euglund. The "new slate"
finds scmi-oflic.'ttl Indorsers In clivers quarters,
aud Is very generally credited.
The Defeated Uuvernor.
The petty malignity of Horatio Seymour has
cropped out in a new direction. Captain Charles
II. Palmer, Cth New York Heavy Artillery, was
lately promoted ti be a Major for meritorious
conduct. He was summoned as a witness for
the Government in the North case and compelled
to testify. For obeying this summons Q jvernor
Seymour Las reYuktxl his cotniuku(oa.
V' fa: Dr 'I'a'rS In Tft B rnini T'lrQWyh.
Pai riMoHK, November 17. A lire broke not
tl is n ornit g in the ttpp r story of the east wing
of the Fountain Hotel, in I.'ght striOt, whic'i,
however, did not extend beyond three or four
rooms he fore It was sulnluid. Considerable
damage was done by w ater. The hotel is full of
guest', and it c 1110 d great consternation. Damage
probably two thousand dollars.
The ca-e of Mrs. 1 1 ti chits his tsen de i I'd
upon by the Commission, but not officially avt
i oil 11 co. 1 ftom he .! ;iiartets. There seems but
little hope for her. A long eontiti"iu ntin prison
w ith a heavy fine may bo tho renlt.
The (ruin due here nt S o'clock fro -it Phlladcl-
h a ha t ot yet arrived.
The rumors of Kcbcl raid-' lt:t Western Mary
land again arc without mu i'h truth. No serious
apprehensions of tbcin. Th" cit : ens are armed
ui il pri pared fi r them.
Nothing special by the Norfolk boV,
Advieis In, m Sherid inure hlchly en o tr tgin !,.
(.obi gamblers are greatly exoi ej to- lay.
A laige number of soldiers are no.v re urnlng
to the 1 rout, all ill good spirits, an 1 re,: 11 cd at
Lincoln's re-election.
Mnrkpl l Tclc;rifttl.
Ni:w YoitK, November 17. 1'lour has de-
elnii.l : l"c; .s!s- nt IC l. SI b'is. a: fiii.ri;. t'.tr
.! . ti" 1: -i l ;:. ' ti it", una S n ; ..1 r. tnr iin n.
W Ie i has il. . Imr.l .e : sa - "I 1 '..'i-" e, .1 I.' s i.
I'.il sru!. r.rS fif.ivv . -aios el l.''S):il'l, at i:i;,i
le v: .1.. 0.1 Jull. wi, i lull.
I:i ip's of i"i,.iir l:i,ie lih'. tvh"at ";en rn,h,u.
Cora l.i.iaS) tnmliels.
Movement nml l)lNtolf inn of llnoil'si
Army-SperutntloiiK nn to lleniireirnrsl
N mni im.k, November 12. I telcgr lphed you a
couple of days ago, thai tlio w liercaiioutsuf Hood,
or, more properly, ll' auregvd, was knoivn by
the proper authorities. This, General Webster,
Sheinien's Chief of Staif, permitted mo to do.
At that time the Uebel Army of the Tennessee
hud moved very little, and accomplished posi
tively nothing since my hut letter.
Prom what 1 can learn at head ;uarters, and
through other sources, General i; taiuvgir I's
headquarters are at Corinth no dount at the
stately residence of Doctor Stout, where he hung
out two years and a halt aito. Hood commands
in the field, aud is still at l'lorenco, Ala. Cueat
ham's Corps is at plorenee, upon each side of tho
river; that portion of which is upon the north
side cxtcmliug in camp as tar us i'uscuui li 1.
Stcplitu D. Lee's Corps is ut Jackson, which is
the northern terminus of the Mobile and Ohio
railroad, over which the supplies for Ucaurcg ird's
soldiers are transported, i his corps, it is stated,
moved into Jaehson on the 1 li instant, and com
menei d lortifving. This is a most fertile coun
tiy, but most of the people who oivu large tracts
ot land in the country put in cotton this year,
and forage, tluretore, is represented us being
ei y f ciircu.
S ewatt's Corps, composed largely of Miss'ssip.
pians nnd Louisianidns, is at Corinth, Jacinto,
ami kien,1. Tbe ;e places are ban Injure towas,
within fifteen miles of each other, extending
a'org the due nf tho Mobile and Ohio railro ut.
It has been definitely ascertained that the entire
tone ol Rebels, in iho vicinity above mentioned,
Inch. dire; Wheeici's cavalry, consists of n'
2M.0I 0 liKhling men. Forrest's forces, which are
within two days' march of tho Hehel hoadquarters,
joined, would swell this nn tuber to ,'11000.
Di-k Taylor, who Is said to be within hailing
distance, baa not more 1 ban six thousand Infantry.
Thus the whole Kebel Army of the Tennessee,
which one yiar ago boasted ot'sevon'y-tive thou
sand vctirun warriors, cannot now upon a pinch
muster moro than forty thousand soldiers of
qualities good, bad. aud indlHeron'.
H cully, General Sliermau has kindly pormitte 1
llcuuregard to reach the end ot his ropo. There
may be a trap ut the end, and the itubal G tnoral-in-Chirf
may get into it. -One fact I am aware of,
whether llcuuregard goes to Memphis. W'es'flrt
Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, or whether ho
ititicm ties himself at Coriutn, is all tho samo to
us. The lurtber North aud Wost he goor, tho
more crippled he will become, a id the uure des
poiuto will be his situation.
The wildest and most unheard-of exaggeri
tions in regard to the light at Joiinsotiville unfor
tunately totind their way into certiru nowsoa
pers, und wire subsequently telegraphed b'a I
cast all over the country. Instead of the !
(iovernment sullering to the amount of six mil- j
lion of dollars, one million will exceed the to al
Oovmimcnt loss, most of whL'h was destroyed
upon :r" r,v''.
The toiy of the destruction of vast stores rra 1
storehouses at, and its evaeu ttio i
by our forces, are stories equally absurd, an I
found their way into respectable nowspuiers
through the incoherent statements made
bv frightened steamboa'incn, who aiw nothing
of what transpired on land, and knew very liltl.i
i f what took place on water, so unifinniy su.v
eessliil and rapid hud their escape been inido
from the scenes of strife.
At tho time Forrest made his appearance at
Poit Henry, just two weeks ug), thero wero a
million (lobars' worth of Government stores at
Johnsonville. As I informed you in my last
letter, all of this movable property was sent to
this city in tho succeeding three days, and but
one steamboat 'old was transferred to tho levee
subsequently. Johnsonville is a new town, and
has but few "Government buildings as yot. It is
a very important point, I owever, just now, and
a soon as its danger was known, the garrison
was reinforced by five thousand men, two tliou
n.nd i t whom wero veteiaus, and two batteries of
The telegram transmlt'ed by tho Associated
Press agents at Cairo and Louisville, in regird
to the river lights, and tho destruction of Govern
ment und private property, are substantially cor
rect; but ihe despatches concerning the laud per
fonii itifis aro egregious mistakes.
The real facts as regards what toil; place on
hind are briefly thus: Un the night of the sitii
instant, Forrest cleared a placo fir ten piecis of
artillery ou the opposite sidoof tho river to John
sonville, and planted, or "sunk." as it is called,
that number ol' guns. Karly tlio next miming
he opened upon the gunboat and other craft, and
during the day kuocked to thunder throe tin
cla.lsnnd seven t ran ports.
The next day he opened fire njion the towa of
Joliusonville, nnd shelled it vigorously for forty
eight houiss, at tho expiration of which limine
censed filing, and moved away. During this tune
a portion of Wheeler's cavalry made tlieir ap
pearanee south of tho fort, but finding the fort
s'ria.g and well garrisoned, they returned to
During the shelling by Forrest every building
but one was struck, thut being the o llee of Cap
tain C. C. Peck. Outside of this, with the excep
tion of the destruction Uy shell and lire of tvo
buildings, no oilier dam i-'e w is done. There
wero lew stores, either under cover, or on the
leveo, us I have before mentions I, an t these wero
but slightly injured. Tue cuiiiiiiuuicatiou, both
by riilmad uiil telegraph, lietivjcn here and
Johnsonville, b id been unharmed dining the
action, und the forts are being atrengthoued.
Possibly I may deem It not injudicious to men
tion something in reitard to tho movements of
port 011s of General Shermau's armies In my next
letter. 1 will reiieiuto what I telegraphed you a
few ilavs ago, that everything is working right;
uud if we achieve the successes which it ia antici
pated are to be the result of cortain movements,
the nation will be eieetrilied at the announcement
A-iiiniKO in K lUtLiioAD Kei:ii. Three
things, It is said, a woman cannot do, vU. : She
cannot sharpen a pencil, she cannot tie up a par
col, sho cannot curry on umbrellu. There is a
fourth thing she cunuot do, via. : Sho cannot, get
into or out of a city passenger railway car pro
perly. Observe the scene. A crowded car is
coming along at full tilt. Fcuiale inside with a
big bundle motions frantically to the conductor
to stop at the next coruer. Female with another
big bundle wainug at the next corner for car to
stop. The car approaches. It stops. Female
with the first big bundle takes possession of the
platform, end eudeavors to get down. Female
wiih the second big bundle meanwhile has taken
possession of the lowest step, and has one foot
on the platform. Greek bus met Greek, and bun
dle has encountered, buudle; but the Greeks io
this ease are very amicable, and each, in charm
ing amity, is pi easing onward, the one to the
curbstone, the other to the haven of rest inside
the car. The diplomacy of the conductor stands
a severe ordeal, and Ihe paaseugor look ou in
admiration, as though surveying the mortal com
bat of two Kilkenny cats. The atfalr is settled
amicably at last, no 0110 knows how. Moral
Female paaaengers especially should not attempt
to cuter a car uutil those gelling out are clear of
the platform.
Kt,, Kle., '.te., '.(., Etc, Ete.
Tho holidays are rapidly njiproaching. Tho
fancy storekeepers have commenced to docora'o
thiirshow windows with every variety of play
things ; booksellers are rcp'onisbing tiicir stock
w th reading suited lor the holidays ; tlio theatres
and other places of amusement uie preparing
attractive plays novelties for tho public and
cv, ry w here the 11-nal Christmas an 1 New Y'ear
gayetiis of the city hivolc;uu t Jshow their
On Thursilny next, Thanksi'ivin!? day, the fes
tive siason will be inaugurated. From that thno
until the New Yiar sets iu, there will be a series
of fensting and joy making in thousands of h uses
in tho Nerih.. Hut at tlio same lime let our tea I ti s
r. no nicer that there arc thousands yet rem lining
lu our mlilt who, (luring tho past vo ir, have
been made (o drink the biftor cup ot'sorrov and
poverty. The demand that thewir his mule
upon our inhabitants In tho loss of lite lias cxtbi
guishrd the lire upon many 11 hearthstone, and
made many widows and orphans among us.
At no tniiC In the history of our country has it
been to nteess.iry for tho wealthy classes !
remember the oor. To these the kin.lly hearts
ol our people should ever ex'cnl, but at uiis
fcuson tin re ia an add.tioual inducement to !j so.
Soon the winter will bo herewith i's bling b jsts,
its ebil ii g winds, and its snow. With whir s id
hearts must the poor look forward to thoir
advent! Luxury and comfort aro not for them,
utile-s private individuals furnish the m am.
Surely the wolf wi 1 conic Into these homes, unless
thoso wno are provided with abundant worldly
means bar him out.
It i in tho power of tho poorest among us to
ie 11 vc Hut wants of his moro suffering ncigb'iois.
And w lion we rememlier that the 1110-t de-miHe
iiinoig us arc of that class whoso husbisnls,
brothers, und fathers have sacrificed meir lives m
the deten-o of our homes and fireside, we cannot
as men relu.-u the in the aid that, they are so
honestly (milled to. It hardly becomes us to
ti nn these OIK rings eAueiV ci, because they have
a right, to them j the privc nf life. : is In this
liebt, our eiti.ens should remember the poor
dining Die coming festive S'M-on.
Titot inns audi t Tim Anvv Thanksoiviso
Pinnkh. It ia a certain fixed fact that onr
glorious soldiers in the field, und our gallant tars
upon the water, in homo ports, are to have a
gmnd Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday. In
several cities of the North turkeys are being
gobb ed up by tho thousands, while thero is no
end to niineo pies and the other luxuries belong
ing to a lirst-class dinner. While the turkeys
ate hclio: dressed, the "" for tho pies being
minced, and the tlough rolled out and formed
for the reception of the delicious hash, one cannot
help indulging a thought in relation to the graud
spectacle Hint will be ebib:ted on this occasion.
While the feu si will in the main lie partaken of
under cover, in tonta, there is no doubt that if the
weather is pleasant, lunch of it will be eaten by
thousands In the open air. How ravenous the appe
tites of those whot'or sovorul years past have been
snapping their teeth on hard tack! Tender us a
piuinp puitridgo or u reci-bird that can hardly
elevate itself Ironi tho ground in consequence of
its fatni ss, will these turkey wings and legs and
marry. bouca seem loour veterans. How rapidly
will the "stulllug"(lisapp;ar, and the mince pies
and tho other choice provisions that will be on
hand ! t
'1 hen, too, what witticisms will bo uttered on
all tides; wiih what oleetneity will hearts speak
to hem ts linndreds and thousands of miles away
in the North ! Wlnit bumper toasts will bo drank
to wives and mothers, aud sweethearts ut hum),
who, too, ure revelling in the festivities of the
day ! und how the soldier's heart will keep tbo
warmer within bun, all through the rest of the
J ear, lor this testimonial of respect and esteem
of the people at home. Ou the water, too, whore
our navy Indulges In tho samo gayctics, tbo scene
will also be nn animated one.
We wonder if oo this occasion some of our hoys
in blue w ill not toss over a leg of turkey to some
hull-siarved "Johnny Heb" who atands on picket,
seemingly, so fur as an attack Is concerned, .last
to listen to the merriment of our boys on tho oilier
siuel May oe, just to snow the greyb iclis how
our soldiers live, some one will share his rations
in this rtspcet.
Well, it is a fact that every man and woman in
the North will all the better enjoy bis or hor
Thanksgiving dinner from a knowledge of the
lac Hint our soldiers are likewise feasting them
selves. Patents to rim.Am:i.riii v.vs. Tho following
Is a list of patents granted to eitl.ons of Pnlla
dclphia for their respective inventions and Im
provements :
William Adamson, for improved apparatus for
purity ing mineral oils.
y.abinu Kbis, lor improved furnace and cuoola.
Zebinu Kills, for improved boiler for heating.
Daniel JCr George T. Jones, for improvements in
wool-burilng machines.
Dieterick W. Koble, for Improvements in artifi
cial aims.
S. C. Ltmo, fur Improvements in stair-rods.
W. 11, Heed, for improvements in fastening
buttons to fabrics.
Louis Sohaiff, of Conhohocken, for forming
Mockets for terra cottu pipes.
J.isi ph Wood, of lied liank, X. J., lor improved
slice lor car brakes.
C'alvaiiv Pkehiiytrhian Cm hcii. Tho llev.
Wolcott Calkins will bo Installed as pastor of this
church nux, Sunday evening, by the Third Pres
l.yteiy of Philadelphia. The llev. Daniel March,
D.D., Moderator, will preside and propose the
constitutional questions; ttio ebargo to the pastor
w ill he delivered by the Itcv. K. K. Adams, L). D. ;
and tho Hev. Albert llarnes will deliver tbeeharge
Iv the eoi gregation. The Hev. l'rofossjr Hitch
cock, of Ihe Union Tkeologieul seminary, Nov
Yo k, will preach the sermon oil the oca-don.
It is expected that the llev. Dr. Kb k, of Bos'.ou,
will olliciutc iu lliiscliiircli nextSabbuth morning.
Visit mow iiik Hosion Actiiouitibs. This
evening a Committee or the Boston Ci'y Council
are expected to arrive in this city. The object of
their visit Is to secure Iron and other 111 iter. al for
the construction of their now City Hill, which,
win n coinpleud, will be one 01 thu finest edifice.
in the country. The Committee will proceed t
the Plnenixvlllo Iron Works, where they will
contract lor thu furnishing of the iron. During
their stay in this ci your City Fathers will no
doubt tender thrill tho huspiuliiies of the city.
Fatal Acciiibx r. This m irniug the ' of
an unknown man was found lying on th J junction
railroad track near Poplar s'rect, Twenty-fourth
Wurd. He is supposed to have fallen off the
und been run over. He anpeare I to he about
Ibirly years of ago, nnd had the letters C. H. C.
on his lett wiist. He was dioised iu a blacit
beaver coat, pluid vest, purple und black pants,
niid black Kossuth hat. The budy was removed
to the St .t on House.
ltKr itt iTiNO. This morning the Mayor Issued
warrants for tho payment of city bounty to 02
men, of whom t7 were enlisted for three years, 3
for two years, and 2 for ono year. They were
credited as follows : First Ward, 2; Fifth Ward,
1; Sixth Ward, 10; Seventh Ward, 1; Tenth
Ward, 7;F.levcnth Ward, 2 ; Twelfth Ward, 1;
Thirteenth Word, 4; Fifteenth Ward, 11;
Flightecuth Ward, 4 ; Twenty-second Ward, 12;
Twcnty-thlid Ward, 5; Twenty-fourth Ward, 1.
It .vi up it Bold. This morning Hugh Key waa
arrested upon the charge of having released somo
prisoners from the Nineteenth Ward Station
House. It seems thut two boys wero locked up
iu one of the cells, und Hey a-ked permission to
fo down and see one of them, a rolativo of his.
ie watched bis chance, slipped the bolt, and
allowed the orisonors to escape. They were re
arrested. Hey was committed in default of '10o0
bail by Aldtrmun Clouds.
Piuk. This morning, about quarter past 3
o'clock, a one-atory brick structure at the south
west corner of Taasyunk road and Federal street
wus destroyed by fire. The building was formerly
used as a tavern, but recently hus been unoccu
pied. It was ow ned by Mrs. McCluiu, and Is
supposed to hare been set on lire.
Fikkwoiiks. The exhibition or fireworks at
Broad street, last oisht, in honor or the late poli
tical victory, was a very imposing one. The
crowd assembled to v iluees the display was
very large one.
Bkavtiiti. Fkriodicais. Mr. Kramer, No.
403 Cbesnut street, baa onr thanks for the latest
copies of the London IUastrated Sewn, lUtatraltd
Timet, I'uHch, Oma-a-ll wA, All (In Ytar Hound,
Pkudlino Withovt a I.icbnbh. An Indi
vidual was arrested in the Twenty-fourth Ward
Jesterday, for peddling shoos without a bestow.
Ie was hoed lea dollars.
wtNiu.ivr.. iU-vnY MrFAnnrsr la tV
mm. ot an Individual who -hli ped In the nivy on
the 2d of Novemier. When nuterins: the Cm tod
Stan s service, ho appointed Joua C. tALLiHA
Ids attorney 10 cu left li.sboniiiy mousy, with In
stiuctimis t" Pv if ever to ha wife. Ihe money due
thn-ailor was fonr linndrr-tl do lara. Mm. Mi Fai.
hvsj cbIIimI npen ( ai I ahais for IIk m ini-r, and bn
I tfiTCtt tier one l.tllldreil ilolltlrs ol 11, I Iim amount
sln would not take, lull wauled the wlwln aum. A
Mill was lieio nl auu oi. I him. and icier lav ho luul
a Ik n 1 11 1 r at the ( i ntiul Mallou; lie waa held lor a
lurtber henrlritr.
Sot.DfKKs' Oiti'li A ss, The mother or
otlu r re arives nf destitute orphans nt deceased Pima.
.yivanla aoUlava and sudor, who n'-lde witli n ilia
eily limits, are n niio'rs! to mrcf tb Suirertnb'nd 'iit
ot the soldiers' Orp'mn at Ihe Union itonovoleut
A-annation on the IMl'M, 24th and 26th ol tho
tire.eut niniUti, tnawiHui no liouisolftA. l. and 4
'. (1 , Ut lienr atqiiicMtions and make arratiirein -ills
tor flip i inm-Kiii ol said ott'tiaiia into the a,-hoolH
and Inst, tubulin pruvbicl tor tliem by ttie Stafn.
A (lot I) M t" t A t, FIIOM Pltir AOKl.rflfA
I nicsRNTxn to I'iimiiikkt LiNooLK. icvrral gen
tlemen ol Ibis citv have lately gotten up a very nati't
nunr god mesial lor President I.incoi., rhiI it vaa
.n scti ed to Intn on I ilesttay ryonnir, by ilon. Win
i.iah II. Keii.kv. It beara on one auto a ba rellei
1 oiiiiiii ol il A-uiNorox, and on the other, the shud
of Sir, Lincoln. It also bara (he iuscriiitmn.
"Aiikaiiam Lincoi.s, an I onel man; Hie rr.-i ile
iiiiikIs his p-c'isuon, 1M'14." Mr. Kfi.i.kv mule
i I Ina us Jin happy ellurts ou llie occasion
ref'el red fo.
IIiavv Koniutnv or Gold. The residence of
Mr. (freer, at tho corner of Kighth and Ca'low
liill streets, was roli'si l last night of fc-l"l)i'i
gold and from tiiO (o S i)J d dlurs in pqier.
I he fiu ney was place I iu Mr. Greer's pos-iSdon
by a dei cased relative.
AimivAi. of Kick and Wot Nni.n Rot.ntRRs.
This morning, at nn early hour, 1 10 sick and
wounded soldiers, from the hospiuils in aud
around 11 iltimore, arrived ut Broad and Prima
lrt eta. They were conveyed to tho hospitals by
the firemen's ambulances.
To rcnciiABi', Ciothino at Low rmciis.mako
r Itrllnn rtom anr stock ol HKtr maio: lUrm iti'i. We
are si'lhna KOO'ls eiml In M, fit, ni'ike ant 'M'iO-lf,
ii on -Ut lo .'Si ef fnt. lover thtui Is ti'iw charait lortlie
.Miir f .oils tuaile to a.d.T. We nva all stvn.a, l...,, anil
(rl, c of Ittetliinc --Men's, YnmU'e, ana lluva'. All eau be
.ultcU wiUiouiilelaji or Iruutae.
PesNFTr r,..
Tower Hall, Ko, el Market ft root,
A Yanki:b TmcK. A letter-writer from
Attniita says: "The othar day some Itehelt were tuken
en the Savannah river whl s'uck atiootsini, atnnns' wlivra
waa a captain In the Uehti army. Three r our ctiaps ex
ehenKOd clethen with the prisoner!, and bv meani of this
d'snulss penetrate 1 Into the art or Savannah, an.l re
turned safe. Tais atd ether elrcuniuitices hare cm
vlnced tleneral bhcrruati that tic has men In tils coiuuutul
eapiihle of pcrl'irudns any maitnsr of duty." Tats liirliteut
proveawhat dnaiwlll do la appearance. We believe
that even a Ifehel, dre.aed In a complete ault from Charles
Ftokes A Co. a one-price ClotliblK 8'nre, ii'Kler the Cell-
tlneiital lletet, would pass r.ra gendetuau anywhere.
ClIOII'K Cahamhis.
I tooo'ate, Vanilla, Coeoaiut. ami
l'ua. h Caramels MnuiirAetiirTil by
Srtein s F. Winra(N,
. 110 Market atreet.
F.nohmoi s Demand roa the ' Flohknue."
Since the opening of llie eleiiant ueiv warerooaia In this
illy, ut No. MO Che-nut street, ridlaaelpliia, by llie
Florenre Hewlnir Machine Gnrepair, for thetnloof tliclr
celebrate.1 Inatrumerita.the demaad for them haa boen io
much increased that the Company have been obliged to
eDlHr-e their facilities fer maniifaeturlni; them. The
"ft,'i"lilswoii for Itaelf iae hlttbeat name In tbe
e ins machine euteiory. It la nn'ineaMonably tbe bast
!u use. Kverj raaenlnc seld is utu ran'i'i to give sadi
faetieii. Vanilla Koastku Almonps,
Of rare iiiAlity. .Maiiura;liii-3d nr
HlHl'iir K. IfiitiMAS.
We hi:) lr our readers to the advertisement of
Ihe Aine'lcan Lire Inenranee Company. They have been
established flitern years, and anyone that Insures with
them can rest In perfect lecurity, aa their a.sett are most
rellaulc. i'hey also Issue Don purine premium policies, so
that no pamrnl can be lost If circumstance sboi.U pre
vent pavment after tlie rst year. Their oillje la at the
aiiuihcatt corner of Kourtn aud Walnut atrseta.
Nr.w Oti, Cohtany. The Pittsburg and
Itoston relroleum Company, it will ba aeon, open their
tsoka at their a-w oillee, No. 14 1'arquhar Uuildluira.
Hj rcii-rrhiK to their adel-tlaeQleIU, a e incise accrual of
their dltr, rent wells may b seen; they aro amonir the best
oil well, la ihe countrj, anil will no doubt pay the stock
holder! large dtvlUenda.
Put np In Neat Botes,
Suitable for rresenta.
Stki itrsi F. WiuiMiv,
Xu. K'10 Market stiect.
A i.Aitr.n and splendid assorlment of Cooa
Atattinir la now In atore at McC'alJiim'a wholesale roo-na.
No. WtiChesnut street. The trade ihetilt avail thelmelvoa
of thla opportunity of piirchaatng, as thoyara going off
rapidly. b
Toino ttr.N who desire a complete commercial
e dueatlon ihoutd visit Crittenden's College, northeast cor
ner of Psventb and Chesnnt atreeta. Tby can get tha
moat thorough iaatfiu-tloa there in Bo ikkeopiog, Fsamaa.
Ahlp,aDt all branches suitable lor a practical buslueaa Ul'e.
t'pwards of 700 pupils have irradtiated frjm this College
dnrlDK ITe pa.t ytar. Call and itet one of their oitaloiuea.
TniiKS Turn IIioiiLY. Mrs. S. A. Allen's
World's llalr Restorer and vlobalaamnni, or Hair Dresa
iig. are prbted lusbly by all who oae tiiem. Careful stud
and experience hsva maSe them waal they are acknow
lnlk'J ia foreign countries us well as at home, tkc only
valuable preparation tor roetorlnK, luviaorating, beautify
ing, and dressing the hair. IhoaeWio use tbom have tto
grej Lair or laid .pots. Every lirurgls. sells tbem. ,
PiioiooBAiois made in the finest style of art, at
B. F. Keliutr'a.No Ui Arch ilreet;as proofs, aee ipecl
nieiis lit'e-alre pbo:i'grapT,a In oil, lvoryijpvs, enrtes de
DisiitKT Coi Rr Judge Sharswood. Jose)ih
M. Leon vs. Hubert M. L"0. Kxocutor.ox -. Aa
action on a mortgage. Before reported. Verdict
lor nelendant.
Isaiah Aldrlch and James Yerkes, trading as
A Id rich & Yeikcs, vs. Wm. J. Thoiuason &
An action to recover damage,, uorontunt
tut nibbed a quantity of tiu cans, into which
nhiintitls Dut 11 inld houov. which they shipped to
Wurren fc Co., of Cincinua 1. Tho cans, it Is
ullegid, proved lo be leaky, and union ot the
honey was lost !y leaKage, unit mis ueiun is
brought to recover for tho loss thus oeeasioned.
Defense, that the cans were in good order when
(ivliveied to aud accepted by plaintills, and that
deli udunts cannot bo helu li iblo for conse inoti
liul damages for loss of contents; and that the
loss was caused by the negligeuee of plaintills.
On trial. A. T. King for plaintills; Charles
Gilpin and J. K. Valentine for defendants.
DisrniLT Coi rt Judge Hare. Iho Harris
burg liank vs, Charles Hee'mer. An ajtiou to
reeovirnpon certain checks drawn upon plain
tills by the defendant, and paid with the under
standing that the defendant w ould at a stipulated
time make the account at tbo bunk good. This
defendant fulled to do, hence this suit. Verdict
lor plaintiff 12,071-26. B. C. Perkins for plain
tiff ; Gross tor uuienaani.
Daniel K. Ashton vs. Courtland F. Folwoll.
An action to recover for services rendered
defendant in elfecting the sale of certain real
estute. Verdict for pliiintiil'Slol-H. W. L. Den
tils for piuiutilf. K. N. Campbell for defendant.
Coi-kt or Commok Pleas Judge Alliaon.
Wilson vs. Hardin. A feigued issue to try the
vulidltv of a will. Before reported. This case,
w hlcb has occupied the Court for the past two or
three (lays, is still on trial.
Omuat or Tas Evavrao Tiimius,
Thmsdar, Movcmlwr 17. t
The Stock Market Is very dull this morning,
and prices are unsettled and lower, owing to the
decline In Gold.
Government bonds continue firm, with sales of
5-20s at 1034fji l03$, coupons off; 6s of 1881 at
1104 ; and new T30s at 91) J ; Pennsylvania 5 are
selling at 94 ; and new City 6s at 102.
In ltailroad shares there 1b very little doing.
Beading sold at C7, a decline of 4 ; Pennsylvania
Bailroad at 654 ; Mlnohlll atOOJ ; aud Lehigh Val
ley at 813, a decline or 4; 151 was bid for Cam
den and Amlxiy ; 45 for Little Schuylkill ; 9 for
Philadelphia and Germantown; 30 for North
Pennsylvania; 51 for Elmlra preferred; and 38 i
for Catawlusa preferred, a decline of .
City Passenger Railroad shares continue very
dull, and prices have declined, with sales of
Sidge Avenue at 15 ; 84 was bid for Spruce and
Fine, decline of 4 ; 62 for West Philadelphia, a
decline ol 1 134 to Arc itreet, which to also a
decline ; 9 for Race and Vine ; ami 28 for Orecft
and Contcs ; 70 was asked for Secoud ami Th.rJ
60 for Tenth and Eleventh ; and 49 for Chesnnt
ut! Walnut.
Thero Is less doing la Coal Oil shares, and
prices are drooping, with sales or Oil Creek at 7 f '
Irving at 8J; Dalitell at 9i(7i'H, which is de
cline; Perry at 4; McEIhcny a. 6; and Oar
mania at 1 31-100; 35 was b d for Maple Shade,
which is a declines' 8 for Densmorei 4 for
Hoi k ; and 4 for Fgbert
Hank shares are firmly held, with Mlos of
Manufuciurers' and Mechanics' at 304 i nd Con
solidation at 40; 172 was bid for North America; .
1 10 for l'armej.s' and Mechanics' ; 5(1 for Commer
cial ; 30 for Mechanics' ; 86 for Kensington ; 4'J for
Girard; Wfor City; 47 for Commonwealth; 50
for Union ; and 70 for Camden.
Canal shares are also dull, and prices have
fallen off, with salts of Susquehanna Canal at
HJ, a decline of , and 8usquehanna Canal
Bonds at 60Cfll; 3J, wns hid for Schuylkill
Navigation common, 3s for Schuylkill Naviga
tion prelerrcd, a decline of 1 ; 7"4 for Lehigh
Navigation, a decline of i ; and 9J for Morris '
Canal common.
Money is plenty , but the domsnd ts limited. "
Loans on call are freely offered at 6(7 per oent.
per annum. Prime paper is qnoted at 7&(a9 per
cent. A despatch from Washington last evening
s.iyi : The Secretory of the Treasury Anally deter
mined to-day to curry out his purpose or antici
pating payment of January interest on gold- '
interest bonds, and the necessary ordors were
this afternoon sent to the Assistant Treasurer at
New York.
Gold is active this morning, but prices have
declined IOC" 11 per cent, since last evening,
opening at 227; fell off and sold at 219 at 11
o'clock ; rallied and sold at 222 at 12; and 2231
at 1. '4 P.M.
The bears, on peace rumors in New York,
mounted the market, und marked all the prices
of stocks down, on sellers' option. Quotations of
Heading were sent by telegraph at 664, but large
orders went from Philadelphia, but when they
reached there, there was "no stock for sale."
This is graud humbug, in New York style.
Archibald Melntyre, Esq., Treasurer of the
Mint, has given notice that he will commenced to
morrow to anticipate the payment of the January '
coiqions on the Government loan.
Deportee by Clarkton A Co , Brokers, No. til S. Third il.
f Ms) Morris CI bdi...llo i f"0 tl Kicelllor OU... 'i"
0 ih Kea.lhig R r,.H llolah do I'J
Hsl.h d SI 4. lOinh do lei
lillhh d tn.'e lis) ah Caiaw. pr....'iO
MS) nHI Tank... Is) S I JuO ill Corn Plant . .M tf
lie.O d IiA3-.II US) si) Kmert UlL.bld t
li n.liC'iiine. ileul. ts'i a' lKlsh lll'iheril "V
leu .li I. rifts oil.... 4 ' luaiaata Walaul Islaad 2
first no a it n.
J rotT. at. a,, si...e.lli), uo -b Dalaell OU .... '.
iiU S-'Joa uric
watb do
ll.l.h Perry OU ,.t4 4
lKlaK Heading R ... ST '
I sisb ao...b64int 87
lis) an McKlheny Slf
Kmsb 'tar insula 1 at
1'lOsh Hns i. Canal.... 1SV
'il o ranna ail a
ti an do n.,'4
100 sh do W
S h allnehiU tMl'
I ah do env
.'tl h Lehutli Valley.. HlJLj
II all ftlitue avenue.. 10
fil'll co tHH1,!
sl de 10H,'1
Ji.TSIf a I'S..,.tlCW Hl'4
aii.'o reiina an to
SliuiCltr Sa, DSW.....1I4
7oO do U'i.l"J
tKstSI Su. Can. bits ... 1,1
$?4i .us'. CI. acrlp.. ifl
til (ON I'a. S Km
2,'i ah Miniiu 4 Mech. :!' :
visncotiaoi. iiaiik.. 4')
K o all I'enn Mia ..beO tl
111) ah Oil Creek 7
lltlah Irwin oil S(
4 ah Treu:on K ....1(4
4 sb Uaneyunk Uaa SI
5 ah I'lilla Ua 1!0
Quotations of Gold at tbe Philadelphia Oold
J'xcuanire, No. 84 S. Third street, second story :
Di A. M 2274 12 M 222A
11 A. M 21S) 1 P. M 224
Market active.
Da Uavkn A Bro., No. 20 S. Third street.
quote as iouows i
Amencan iioiu h i
American Silver, Vs and i's 210
Dimes and Half Dimes 20.)
Spanish Quarters 20 "
Peun. Currency.... 4 dis.
Xscw xork lixehango.. .......... 1-10 "
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ;
Bid . Mt Mt.
Fovton Coal a 'l Franklin OU IU Irving Oil a..' fi
K.Y Mid. Coal.. V.V.i 14 Pope Farm OU lsZ
Orren Ml. Coal...
fi lllenemore 0s, SV
jDaliellOU s .. li
1 Md'.lneny Si
) '. i ICDarta OU
I jOlinabiad 3'i 3'i
.. IMeWeAlDeiauuKer. ' S
:K llllbliard a .. , V ,
I HI Rruner S fi
' 111 Elbert .. ,
'Mi Il.iiie laland I l
7 Allegheny Ulver.. l et .. ,.
M ;Curtln 11 12
1 PiillaAOIICreek.. IS lli
.. Hull ( reek. 4.H i'l
4 'tlerraania. a .. loll
I corn Plantar.. ...s .. H;-i i
2 Bncss a .. 4
li Itock Oil.... o.V
a-, (bolie Firm. IV
li IW'elout laland S
J, . CarbondaJe V
New Creek J
Focdar DainCosi. V
Clinton Coal
lluihr C.ial II
Pejin Mhilua a'.'i
Fa. elnior OU a ..
Bib Tank s ..
Continental a ..
(Ill Creek
Mauls hliaUe Oil.. :)'
McChBtnek Oil ... ,'..V
I'eiiiis.vlvauiaral , 1
I'etryOII s ..
Mineral Oil tl-IM
Keystone oil a
v etianao ou
t'alon relroleum.
Haiieca OU
On-awlo Or l'
The receipts of
Coal OU are as follows
to day :
Crude, bids... , ,
Keliued, bbl (W0 .
Tbe following are the reeeipu of Flour and '
Grain at this port to-day: Flour, 1800 bbl. f -AVheat,
H800 bushels; Corn, tilMD bushels; Oats,
4 l.H) bushels. ,
The principal of the following Loans or the
United States will full due in the course of tbe
second form of the present Administration, and
will assuredly be pi id oil' in gold, at maturity.
Whatever doubts may have been entertained on
this subject, because of the contingencies of a
state ol war and of political changes in the Gov
ernment, are now removed by llio signal result
nf the Presidential election :
Loan of Jan. 28 IS 17. duo Dec. .11, lHt J-st1) 418,2-50
Leun of March ill, 1811), duel uly 1, l(ba.8,tX)S,3 11
Total 9 18,323,391 '
The returns or the Bank or Englauil for the
week endiug November 2 coin pare with the state
ment of the previous week as follows :
Oc obsr 2C. November 1. '
Pillillo ilepnsUa lll.T'M.MS l,ti7.DU
Olh.r.l..oia .l..J.-.T7 la HUM'S
IJoveriitneiit "curilUa ti sli'.c:! 9,:mi mt
Olli.r-eenrlti. s M.7.,7 l:7 In icw,'"!
Notes in cmuia l u iii,:kjj ' ai.ei.ii
aptelr and beileii l.i.lin.lny i IJllJ.m
Tiu'Rsday, November 17. Tbe market still
( niltiiiea poorly supplied with Ouercltrna Bark, but It Is
held Uiinly at ltf ton. So aalea luee been ra ported.
11, a rrovlaion Markut Ii raUior iuisi, at about former
Helilera orCotton are rirtn In tbalr dominla at tl (0, bat
without aah a.
Tho f lour .Market la axtisjinaly ipi'ct, there being
acatccly any demand rrora any aouroe. The sudden d.cduo
In Iba premium ou Hold and Starting Exchanire, hat eauaest '
a feeling ot dlalrast foi Ui I'uturo to parvaiia tbe market,
and buyers will not purchase, only to supply Uifut unwl
Beers'.ltoua wauta. The demand for export ia limited to
llie barrels Morthwoat extra raiully at Sb) and about tfOo
hajrela prime winter wheat, extra, at 11 li. The sale
Air ibeaupply oribe bunie uade are only In a aatall way.
and within the ol from Ste7S lo 1U 0O, as to quality.
Itye flour and Corn .Meal are scarce no sales.
Supplies of B't'oal coatlsoa scanty, and there la Tory
little offering, Mo aalea have been reported for savera
days past, We quote red at 'J (s'saCJ oo, and wait at
rittiilU'i, There la a steady demand rorBve,at yee-
ti rduy a fliuirea. Wasoilre a furtker decline lu (torn, o '
I cent; aalea of K-'aa) buali. yeUuw at Si SO; and,
te(i bush. ui'H do. al $1 StVii.1 tio. Oata are In fair demand
at Me., with small aalea. lu Barley and Malt tliare u
etin-ety enoucli uottig to Ax prloea. aoll continues In moderate reqneat at 117721
l is f bbl. lor Feaiuylvama, and 41 74 ur Urudae.
Staamihlp J.t.ib.ou. Iloweu. Mew Vork. W. J. TaylorftCo.
Baiiiie tell (llr.). 1 ielier, Cork, Workman A) Co.
uehr Aieri tor.i, ( lara. rinaiiaiu.e. e. van Horn.
Seiir Sarah Cuiien, C'uliea, Oeauiort, U. A. Adams.
PMp Ontario, lloaiuer, S daya from New York, In bailaet
to Workmau 4 Co. Towed up t y tug America.
Bohr bin (.-lender, 8 mith , S duya rrvui Frovluustowa.wltli
Bndse to Ueurae H.Kerloot.
cl,r DiamuiiS Hut. Hull, I daya from MlUore, Dsi.,
wilb grata im Jamea barrall.
Cerreipvndenet erta PkUUp)ila XxrAanad.
Lkv.s.s. IhiL, Movemher lo, If. U. rl .earner Typbaoaw
from North Caroitaa lor Boston; United Htaiaa r.""a
autterCayusa.rruu Mew York, cruuingi aieavar
Towu,aleaiii-tuit Amaitca.and wrecking-aoboooM' """''J
achr a.P.Baw, Willi wood lor JSew York, J
o clock ttila tuuruiiig. A large ttaet lell Hie B'' Vl'liT;
huaday tuea-aliia. le.uad H. Aa uokyn
driven on tlie bar in Ui4) cove H' U's"'-
Ue nithl ol the lAb UiaU Wlud ! "J 1'ltliiaaui.l.
jrntiisi VJ-d fix. tagnayra,
IXarquaa Koanoke aud ww " : ", wu orf u-
went to sea al a". 'i"''Ltut i.-Ks).enl ty U
Caa yeeteroay moron '-"
taiu VtrdamW u