V) V, t iai4.. TOE DAILY EVENINfr TELEORAriT PIULADELmiA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1C, 1861. . WEDNESDAY, JVKMBKU lfl. 114. ' hiutI division or Mijgisirpr. Vkpr lit rtrarrnl KbrrniM ait Ilia A rmr A lblHllH KxlMifliUon Refill, of Hsniv Isittona Irfimall ('iin'trt-l3inrriil hhrmii (Seln la hmamink, Isarlrtiisi. Auu-lii, A,arranlllr, 'ml l.nrliiiur-iN I rlrd Irnm rti'ht'l KoRrrrq-tVr.i ts:c., tVe. frim 1h9 Cietfinnti tVtmrrtal, Mp. 12. 1 it. lipr1' hav- hPinrr thno 1I110 ll"l)l fur nnn r jtnrn, anr! v." shail ho rii patipiiii'ti-'il n Un- r ejilu iiiim o not takf t ho lorm oi cons c nt.iinn bmoio km Their lati.-t vit'Tn won' arvrtry ploH'il at tto potion Hint lnoi wii tnurcliiii Nori h, ami tin pus- Lilr y of HU'iuu ai'vomiti l vimd Ai inula d. i. not tn oin to lu.vi' I'tonrt-fil to llii'in. .In will tars lliem onlimly by siirpripp, anil will h.in t.vo but t.rrd and Mtv iiii.Vi at li-nsi Hi i s'mt ol llo in, l ft l ll.oimllt (ir-Ki'ab that l ho Kfll Army ol lh" jrpnl paw? slintlltl d i; hie tii'i.ptnis. 1 !l"M A Is Com opt. nl 'o t.t.f can. rii Hnou m anr event. (ham lie l.r.n a .'.in I ti itu, am) rvf.at las rtiMifn to tin to wn'ra miihitmn ainl n'ormi ire tin lorrcs hull a I. mi- v. iiii).iil uutli'r FAllI.V. ho tllld la Hot ilinrf to li(Mmo StIK'tMtN let Ihr ti ditto ot llif -out lnii ti ro cnllon Sluts-, i. ami tliat a ill. ii-rloim, havii amp'ii Oi cuiuiion m n il. Ins IliCBiiui i t i'i iioi.i ! UiU iu i. --- . ,('! t.foma, aid tl.e --.n, tllt,it:i n.T.'' .. i,t-rr.,' '.ui""fc"".7. .uido Hlah-K by tliur lii..stpn I t k i .,irm out oi our w:' 1 hi? nrt n-eii t oi thr illuin Id tue Weal in Fheiiman's vl.'i i)"uiiiii unny at iri m i. tinia Amu la Mil in. t a iornninb.u um in Irnnt. I lw iiueiul.ilitit'S ol the luovour lit ho ta iiinkitir ai"' "'n l,Pl.lll'UP. It hn eliuU)i tlltpi.. vo bo K'illtf M S'l'lllt ( axonua by WRy i.t AilU.a. ho o in gaJior tta 'irmv oi lie-' ooici lie . r- on iho roaii. anil reli 'r.i irir Ivia & t o ol iho r""'1 I'tr Iho amiirnm J;:cntfl. on ol lh proj -ct I.T anntrij; alave. M" in iv, bf apo(pot hia riiviiiry ami ih-j ruplil inurvli m rii-taclud ooiniiiiin, i.'ii-a-o !oi!y tlioiMuiiu I niloj tatva aoulii'ra wilhout tito liiriuhly ol an ot etiaoite. lfy hfidniT hnttHiiooua nti'l K'-'aot, and dPt'ntjirip all hoyon.I. ho ran hy tlm ilm-t he cni.Ti tla) laTannih rivorcut ott'ail eomnniniriitMHi, by r.ul or telPStal'li' ew'u Kicliiuoml atitl Lnoni-ia. Ain btma ami MitAVaippl. aui will plaot) li.iu .'il m '"IhMl'hP inurement that the pco:ilo uro Imnnwvl la tiiuii nale in tlitowinR MiKiii am' awonl on ln- ptilp oi t.iiANT, inlntlie aclvAiii whieh lie and I.k.k aro bpianeinn oift'niea oi i.atioi a. It i tue coDtillutinu ot the rerulta oi Hie care r ot vioiory ar aim w hare had In lac VYt, to hell) in Hie mi 4jidpd eontert In tho Ua.it, It in icturnimr toi.n r la the Eaut the proht ol ln nel.iiioa in tho Witt. tfowevpr, aa lo tne pratticuo niy oi wuin.'. m ai In Tennesppe while hmkumam ewm o.6T n.ll.iajtt We naro no donl.t oi it. We uiuit inuij atpotvpa n e if we are not. I ho aimy leit l ii'iA it Kiaal to U.at ot liooD, and with llio wholo orth weal to bai'.k Idm lrouiim liu cm Kl mIodk At to iiroTMiii a lor hia army, mhi ijman'h m ni will Ihroairh a conntrv mil oi corn, one, hi nurt-i un loticiwd liy tm riro!allif band oi wnr. He wiil atmrt with well ti led tra m, and awei p the eoiinlrr and wide as ho movo, Ihom aro no reai rirera to papftit be ROiia to Huul b arotina u mil lie r- aclie't tae Mvanuali, aud. ul evurw, a ponlwu traiu goej 'i ram"Atlanta to Aaauista tho dilanee i ono Unn 4nr4 atid aeveut-a"i tnilon; trnnt Au 'imta to Char'cston oue hundred and tliirtv-acven nult-s. Abont throe handred irilea have to bo marched, vbicnev. r way amkkman ifm9, Udoro bo ratjlioa a new baae. lbi a luoidh'a revere work, lor there are pointu at wliicli bo will Vie annoyed, llo i not liaeiy to tiod the roai'.a and bridge in .jood order, borloieare llwoi o; and hia enomiea are de,'ribi nouf;D to imititU.' Iho Kunainnp iu lay imt wmtie tln-'r wa eounirv iu blapaib. Uul we pn-Hutuo he may atari witb lood iu hi waiT'iii" that may be m ule to bold out lor thirty dnya. and he cm e. rt inly jt i'her tn davvan:itiliea on too roan, innwoini air aim lortvdaya io ret ihroti;rh. The pnncipal daniT at trom bud weatlier. It mere pltoiild hnpiieu to eeeor a tnrti.nrht ot delnio, sncli nn Itiwn .tANM kl ored thioiidnv'.un lienmrod trom Mnrtioe.lioro , the eoiipe.Uiin;o n.inlit be illi'a triiui. ltui li.e i.eue. rai who led the ra d lioni Viek bum to Jleri.li.in, ai'd Iho column tliat biil 'htand lorue l iroin Mem phis to Hnnxvulo run bo trimtod to Uud hia way trom Atlanta to the Atlantic. Letter from nn Offleer-Tha Trnop I'niler Order, lor u Hixiy Da)' (.'amtmuiti. letttrjroman Oltio (tfflcer. i r AD-QT7 ARTUl.A I IFTV-riPTII OtllO Vol.OM- TarBP, Atlakta. l.a., Oct. 81 1 mippoo lew woida on tuc tituation hero will not Ih) wlio.lv aniBteiepvinft to you. At jireaeut lUe Iwontieth oipa, ot vvi.icd our lea'ment in a part, att.l oi:Jupte theeilT. Iho La auoo ol the aruiv i nuouoied to bo omeahere near ti e Alabanui line, and lookiuir alb'r Hood, whoso llcad-uuertera are reported to bo at Decatur. AlRlama. 11 m luy opinion tnui oent ra rihKAii ia r.ov doiuir tb t "lei tin alone" part, in n-er tliat Hood niav net hiniwelf where ".Ionian ia a hard road to travel,' to aituin Uud hiiuacll iu Uixie Wo are oi. iter oritera to nruliaro tor a t xty ilavn' umnaicu hi y ou aoo that um:i not look lunch Itko ariei.dini the winter in Atlanta, aa manv have nopod to do. It la not ruimoai'd ti at anr below a Malur- l.purral Li nwu what ni to be 'tie rroar mine: nor do they, hut it ia einorllv nonjoe.t ired thai a lurjro turce la soon to start lor SavaunaU va Aututa and aliikdrevtle. , , tL.ei.eral InoatAB anU have force, with what wi l bo VeitbioibT bHtitiiAii, Uj "uo llio aitcuabli" to Hoot), and but littlo nt&y be expecieii u ineei our Onto havaneab." oi wbei-ever-li-ntay-Ue movo Bteut, Kou may expect thai "pometbiua may mru p" betore thi. aruiv pott tea down lor tho winter. lne people iu this rctiion aro generally robttllious, but lortuuate y there aro not nnmv ot the liirlmuK lue.i leit. Hu co Hood cut miekm an'h comuiutnia tiora, and ptonned tho iucoiiuiii' ol sn.iiiliea irom nr haau. we havo douo Nome ;.r:'lt hcay .ora'O. iiour lorap'ti'a paitira huve alreadv broiifrht in not k'ta tl.an twcnty-iour ttiouaud bnsiiep oi uoro. witn ton. clnciel.p. pi t iiolatuea, .c. In abuudance. It il on can allord lo niediilu with Mikiiman'h re-ir lie can allord to sul ai.t ih.a army, and 1 fear 1 1 to citi xeits where eur tariles bnvo boon aiu not now limit rialit.ir m tl.eirp enly ot which the Con ederai'v" la so boa.tlul. Atlanta baa boon and ia beliitf lort Med to make It uiuiort a Gibraltar, but as It tan n i lenrer be a stiateyio point lor llio ltobe.a 1 think it But certain that it will not bo abuudoi.ed when wu start on the contrntpla.ed canipiiiau. 1 hi), ot courw, hi only eoiijeciure. li it is abandoned it will only be because it ia it necotuurv to hold it. A roaiuve Htulemi'nl Mherumu toing lo the Atlnnllc lonit, from (ap Chicago Journal, Not. II. The niovenient won deemed on several wonks ago, nd kept aomnabiy well concealed Iroin Ihe pin, no and trom bohmii. t.enerm Mnuiai.t known what bo ia about, anu has taken his own method ol ii.h'.iu U known to the Hebela thi'mMiivoa. ilo liirnlliml u quaint and aiKUiUcant hint, to tho eiauilary t 'oat nin aion at bt. l.ou s, as elpewhcre giveu. nur iiiII tui boys iu b ue w.il bo Kind to aeo bun at Audoiaoiivnlo, wblt-h he can reai;b by aenniua a cului.iualitiio nor.li ward oi bis nain line oi march ucroKa Mouth t'ur.t Una. It alll bo nuic to await Iho nirilieoinin; ICcbel bo I beloie poekiui; toiieunie positivo.y al wii.u po.ut feBiRMAK ainip. but iM'yonil nil iiiu-nt on bo ia ou Uih way to the Atlantic Cj.ui, ami n.il exchanxo niUAls al b Adunrul 1 oktkk oil the coant iu duo lime. Ihe uinluiico Irnm Atlanta to ( hai leHlon, aa a bird Hies, is nearly two biiuorcd ana litty miles, and to feavanDuh a little over two hundred miles, liner amiliate ataaou.) nuiy Missiiiif be "made" at Ant?u-.ia and MibuoKevillc, loth important points Iu thi Uete s. la General Hbei-uiau tiiiiuc to Anderaonvillo Hii.l AoolUer l'lieoi r. from tin ToltHn JUaJe. We get no direct officittl authority ior the .tato tneiit that t.eneiui miuumak .ia) cut lnomiro:ii the Koitli.alaLdoncd Ailttiiittuuil moved South; noilnur ao so pel auy i-UiCial den al ot it. L'nnUici.d evi weoce to that rlKt ia nip.uly arcumulatiUK Iroin Biauy soQicep, winch leave very lirtle n'iin to d.i'ibt Ita truth. A iirivale letter received this morniinr tiououe Iu a j,ontioii to know avnurea ua ihut this report is true. We nr initialled tliat tho itiereinnum wiil have but a short time to wait tor conviction. Iheynuty leok lor jiroot hrpt Iroin Richmond, aav aa scon aa the middle of next week. It ia be icved that Ihe niovoun nt was decided on toteial fceeka ayo, and kept admirably well couieaied irotu ttie public and lroiu a;opaip. t.encral miikman known what he is about, ana baa tuUeu his own method nt anakllijc ii kiio-vn to tlm IteheU tliem.elven. His Lislily siii'licat.t letter lo the l'riwident of the West em riauitary (iuituisrtiou ia now quoted. It aeuins tliat aoiiie lime ueo thai t'omiunlou sent laro snp pl.ea to Atlanta fur our prieoueri) at Audi'iDonvine, Oa., by roquoal ol .Shhulua.i, ai ruiitrouu'uia lav uif been made with Hoot, to deliver tuein. Military Bnovemeuta pievonwid Ibeir dt hvory. aim nowtten. bHkHMAB writiM. to the i'ro.ideiit ol the t'oinmii)i.'iu U.at he 'wi I hold the ar iclei) fur tho purpoM ilo aianed. but that it mny be neeiKnaiy fur linn In ao to Aiidornonvilie to deiivur the aupp.loi iu pumou. ' PEUSUNAI. VOTU KS. froiu Iho laletl Hfhmoml iiptn nkPi'i. w- jolty WKUl'WOIIII, l-HM.AHKI.I'illA. I'A. Jlavc jusi n ji.ur perponul of tieu.Mir 21). Am very wll i. a nnuli ed to hear Iroin you. Wrila at ones liy l!a m Uuca, and let us nnvu year adurest, so that e citi write yi.u through same, channel. Cuiajiuiiii iUr iriniaently. AU wiiil Uielr lova. M11A tl.l.lOl 1. New York AVirn plaftsa eopv. iUctuu).ud,oVfcndar lei, lqtil. rarcoxKAi) zimmehman. okk, ta. my hi'- l.aud, Aiujelui Zlmuurman, wa klUed ot feiershurit, 1 ah llcbiher. Mysi'U" and tnr children arp wpll. WoutaliKe lo niiar from you by Uaa of Uuca, or hi personal in Mew lork Imilyi Srvt. MAItY 2ialMM(dAft. CliarWtteavtila, Va., November ft, -T0 PAT MABON, PUIMtUKLPHIA.-I HAVE lad no lutelllDuca Irom you ler spvpral wetti. 1 lci-1 vary anxious aiout my sluar Mary ; say ta ber that her In-enanee hare would b a sourosoi tary treat aratitlcalian lo us all. lell her to ueerj ellort to imn us ai aijdu aawssible. W'earaauwell. H. (jOltNtl.l'.i'd, Klsbtoautb atraat, lUeluuund. rB-TirE OFFirpit cdmmavhino obt iir.1,1- ar a ill ulea Inform the trieodsol ;olouel K. P. Jem-, oi Mlddiesea county, i bfinia. whaliiar (tat ruaiorof his steaiii u orraet or not . Au liifarwai-ion ooueeiuliiK him ui be tliauvfnliy raivcd by iaa aaiaioui lyiau ls, wi..,aa jua will ,rUy obue. a.al. A. It. tW-TO BAKTOLO.-TMANKS FOH VOIIK llAN'r iuu ana fallhlul letters ; tliey cheer the ifluooi olabtvuce. i wiU join yuu as eoou as we get pel miesiau Our (treat noiile J. hae laa u.uet alnd auS kyinpiiliieUc, but in ul a4io4 at your leevui wltbotit epeaklrui to huu. I I. are :le4 the funos waiea YOM led v. lib tlie t nut We lii e Vb ueie three a aesa. rtjauie yuur elauatuie to your 77'' jlrw name, and adaivai Die by yuur ppeointuarae i7ll J lM dates are list f Bepipuioer euaiilst atesisli,. . seiiilre cease tuejilre dells naotra "TJSaa im,, V" U- AUWti . linndred nd suty-u wa(, ,re u aervice. An eni-mee offlotr says that 8heridaa ht 1 There were twenty-nine thousand rour bun aptured la the BbeaanAo v.o,, . ,nd I d(ed ,nd lVf0 voU. Mmci on tu, at Boston ihirty-lwo yard, of artillery, or an UHi of two I on (Saturday last, over four thousand hviii been f it. a day since t twk c jaituand. iittc, lL ,utJ vm prtuwa THE URATES IT WASHINGTON. TV.YAli COR GEO 18 U'rORHCE. ricnty of Money and Jowclry. MOVEMENTS OF CENEflAU BUTLER. The Gold ho Seized Orloans. iu Now UIES'L IIAID IN 1IAHYLAND. Utc.i IHo,. i:to., Kto. i:u. 8pcln) l Htci rvenlnt TelKriipli. WAainviToN, November Tho stumer inmW Wtbtlrr, from City Point, brinffa np from ruim Loi.k'jut the iillli irs ciijittucd on tho intiiif, nf tullowa : ili.f. i'ii )o T. 1'. Hii'.ter, and VI. U, 1 fftn, Mtu-Iera ; William Abvm, l'lrst A-i.'i tent V.nifl titer; J. II. Drown, f-onbil Afisi.-int "If nepno r; T. Kn tiry, Aa-iit.",nt Stupi nii ; .S. ( Stvino, a;i 1 T. K. l'urter, I 'xntcnanU ;(. X. StVluir ami V. ). Ilottnh, rK'tbipmen. llicc IV he I otllixra were neatly dreised in new iiu:.f.)ram of Cunfi'ticruta gray, iiml woro naval raps simitar to those worn byollle jrs nf 0"r flTry, arly 111 of thtm wore chin whiskers or fVBtcew irtttnicd after the cut or tho p:rato Sernmc". They nppcar to he a reckless Bet, nnd kept np anolt-y ennverMition v,hlletie'iag ruitrclivd to the Vruvoi-t Iarliar olllco. liny all portcd gold watches witb massive chains, and must of them ilispUyeJ a piofunion of jtweliy ujion thtirpcraons In the shape of di;v nioiici pln, finder rlnps, tc, the fruits of tU'ir piratical career. They also displayed gold anil paper money in ostentatious prolusion. The guard were instructed to keep special wntch over Hough and Ahcrn, who arc reported to tie desperate diameters. Emory is a native of Wtbliint'ton. With these prisoners is a small man named W. Dulaney, a lUltimoroan, who cluims tb it he has no connection with the Florida. Tho ofti.'ers nf tho Florida have been committed to tho Old Capitol. E,Tlic crew have been placed in conCncmont nt Toint Lookout, and the vessel has been ordered lo Nuw Yoik. Miijnr-dcnernl Butler arrived here last night. His ilesi atoli-boat, the Greyhound, Is at the Sixth street whnif, in readiness to take hi in to For- tren Monroe, to resnojc command of the Army of the Jam) s. The sixty thousand dollars In gold soled by him In New Orleans la In the treasury of the Vtilted States, and the plulntilfs must sue the Oovcrnmmt and not Butler for its rendition. Turtles fiora Haferstown, Md., say that gre.it excitement has txistod there since Saturday night in cons) quence of a report that a body of Kvbrls had crossed tho river In tho vicinity of Villiamsport. General Snllivan, commanding the post tt llagerstown, Immediately ordered out the men of bis command, and armed the convalescents in the liospiti.1, and planted cannon in proper post Jions for the defense of Hugerstown. To the credit of the citizens of llagerstown tin j did not skedaddle, but armed themselves for the defense of the place. A train was also despatched to Chamborsburg, ami returned wi:h a full supply of ammunition. On Monday nothing definite had been beard of the lttbcl ruiding parly, lint the fact that tha telegraph lints had been outbciiveeu llagerstown and Frederick, at a point between llagerstown and Jloousboro, indicated that so mo band of Held millers were operating in that vicinity. Tt is rot believed that any considerable body Of the, Itebels art across the river. biMRti. oitit:it isy mwou-;em:. It I. I'l.t u. llEAIIQVAUTKBa' Df.FKNSES OF THE KRONTIEIl, Svkaciki:,N. Y., November IS. Oenoral Orders No. 3 : Eurly In November the undersigned was assigned to that portion of the frontier deemed most expered to Itebcl raiders, and to tbocoiu mui.d of whieh the greatest responsibility attached. iuving carried out his instructions and received the approbation of Mujor-Gcneral Dix, cotumanl lug the Department, the commanding Ocncral deems his presenco on tho frontier no longer necessary. The G'cneral returns his thanks for the'earnest support which be Lai received from the civil and military authorities, and from all good citizens. Tho i tin cis of his stalf have been unremitting In their duties, and deserve mention. John J. Puck, Major-Gener il. IIIK Hfrt UK" IV HftNlS. 1.i:abnoutii, Kunae', Jioviiuber 16. Ha turns lioni th Ih Siuto slieiiv tb.it Lincoln's mv jority will be 10,0(10. Ciuwforil for Uoveruor, Clark for ConRresg, nr (1 the whole lUiUr-nl Hi pttliliraii Stute ticket nre elo ted by from 1D00 to oOtMl mujority. Iaere will liuve a majority of two-lbiuls in the Firjute nnd Iiouae. A I nlleil Mati'H Vsi.hi-I riroil lulo ly MlHtk. 1'onTLAND, Maine, Nocinbcr 16. The Vnitod Slates Hevcime Cutter Mahoning reporU that when going into Castine, M line, on Monday, 6 tie vins liteil at by a battery two rullci distant. One blank cartridge and two excellont line shoti fell short of the cutter. She bad tier colors Hying. It was Mowing gule at the time. The Mahon ing left for Seul Harbor. From ( unsdo. Tohonto, November 10. The ITou. William T. l'lowlaud has iicecnted the oitiue of I'o-ttuuster-(lenerul. The Hon. George llro-.vn leiivea for England to-duy on business connected with the cow Can adian ConfeUeration. I A l ulled Mates Unsirxtat in I'uranltot n New Youk, November 10. A iteamcii'snp posed to be the (lunkrr City, was seen at 8 o'clock ou the morning of the 12th Instant, la lat. 04-50 long. 7 .-30, chasing another, upon which she was gaining fast. The ('Kite of lbe ternioist Raider. HMoktueal, November 16. After considerable discussion Judge Coursol has granted the appli cation of the counsel on behalf of the St. Albans raiders, and bus delayed the case until the 13'h ptoxiuio to procure evidence. Market by Telegraph. New Voita, November 18. Flour baa de clined l"i He ; aalos ol lO.ooO bins, at a .s'sulo :, inr (iiste, IIU M 10.13 or Ohio, and lli oori)l!i ior flouthern. Vs heat has dieiloed .tiale. ; saJei unimportant. Corn duU at il. Bit steady fork haul); sales at R '.js W Lard dull. Vshisky dull. liMTiMOBi;, Novesnber 16. Flour has de- ClinlUK lendesy-v and tte tnarket la heavy; sales of uUO this, at lll'lal lor Vi at-tern pairs. Wheat has decltaed Jia Sc. C an Is Oral al 1 IS fur old wtute. Urvcerias ars dell and droopu.f . . , haw Yobk. November 10. Stacks are lower; Chlcayo and stock Island. MX',: Cuuiberlana preferred, toi, i lUiaois Central, l'ki llchujaa Brathera, 7l't; Vaw ork Central, 121V ! Heading. 1 aa ; Hudson Klver, I 'l ; Uaatoa 'o-i HHl Missouri lis, 6IS; Krle Itauruaol, lu e.; oop year xrtirlisioj, H.V ; Treasury 7 ;k. Ill ; 10 SO., as.': t 10 roapous, 1U, Koeislered. V; Cuupou e,Ills UoM, al i and sues Oeeuuid to GENERAL BUTLER AND THE PRESIDENT. IIo is Complimented on Ilcccnt Sp3ech. his Sir In! lo The r.vrnlny T- Ieiiruj'h. W yHiiiNiiTov, Novi mtM r It!. (lenerii 1'oti r "on scut f"r by Velt!enl l.fu olii tliii m iroin; ho ronr.it jl itnl him on lii- vie wi m cxpi ea el fit Hi'' Vi'lll Avi:!lUf. Il'.'.i 1, .mil, nt Hit) imiiat.oii, hia d' Altaic win tlilnyi J until tUit evoniu when lie louvc on n ?-pt i iul lion! fur his.-irtu. 'ibnrluw Weed arrivcl ' tui u'r:J,np ,mJ w;,s Ht tti o Whin- IT i;e Slit Mr. Seward unrin'' iver;il h'iir, and tills, in r'mn.vtio.i toub e-li .rd r.ililoil il in fa' or of )v v4o iy in iho ( '.oi. il .V, Ikik (,'ivt.ii i.oO Vi e'r.iv ifr'iit riiii'ois of teiti c i-nfii-!onra t i;;elim'iml, Ae. THE TIFATE l-'fltlnir 4 Iihi 7A1LA1LASIE." til iIip- JMroto b.T ") ft 1 1 il nt ft IT flr.tit Ttntil- niiltlKOmer iHinrii , b...n Unnlioiita Join In l-nr- M,,, tint nrn UislaiiM'tt-'I'lie Plrmr t nilcr er l llin Nljilit In r rvxlitiu; llt'tnlla of Hit Aniilr. lli'Ai iour, N.C., November 8. The. Vnl'eJ States sieanici Mtmtiinmrru Is lying onNido tha Vnr hixvtng arrived fiom pca t'lls morning. sii rep7ts a mint desperate ehu-e and cngageiiiunt Tybh the .lrutc 'I'uliahaufe. Yi sierday moruibg, while cruisingofT theN irth Ciirolina coast, she iltMCoveied H black mifikti nn the horizon, mid, mmiwHng It to proceed fro n n me lili t liiKle-rniintir, she steered in its dtrrn'inn. Afitr the clio.-o had continued for some lima tin hull of the an anger was plainly seen ; but aho suddenly changea her course, and lor two or thivc hours her movements were very stran ;. Hut ihe. .toiiii.iici-i pursued her with the u'.m nt vieur wherever she went, and niter a long ti'nn bad so gi lncd on her ns tn have her in full view Kin. was a lumr. white, screw steamer, schooner rit ited. villi two smoke-stacks, ntid aiisacred the desiriplinn of tho pirate lullahaun; and no sooner was lbl known tlmn the Mon-'fonttry's crew were wiitl w ith joy. Short'y alterwanls tho Kcbel Hag was visible, nnd a wur pendaut was Hying trom her mainmast 1' vervtbinL' was met arid for action, and at the first ilawn of bono that the guns of the .Uwi'- yomrry might reach her, "Imtig !" they went, one Utter ailOlIltl, Will. U Minium.'; nn p,iwni,t nuu they lell lar Bhort. The pitute displayed groat enunnliee. and did her utmost to escape. The Moitliunuri coniiinieu lei tiro irom nor forccpstlo gun, nnd tho (lying Tallahuro for some time answercet snot ior mini, imn inn ir,i,im.i, atteinnlcd f) use ner nmnasme guns, in bringing them to bear she would b ivo lost ground in the chisc, and i h it si all hopes of cap ture or destruction would havo been lost. During this time three gunboats were in sIpTht and doing thoir utmost to get up with the chae; but belore dark tine of the m was lost to sight, ono was too faraway to be made out, while the l.illiaa, a very last stciinier, hud ncar'y coma up with tho Munlnon'i 'y. She also tin d at the Rebel, hut to such ilitudvantu;;e that the shots fell short. During tho afternoon ihe pirato was in shore of tho Mnnlyomrry, and her only . biinpp of nsc.ane to sea win to crossi the Mmit- nomiry s bows ; but tins alio conc'HMeei woi loo dangemus an undertakiDg.and she, wisely decided to continue on lur course, until nlht should give her an importunity to escape. During inc. i.mcr lIUI l Ol tlie Cliaso mo iwiiiiiiii.ii.hmiiii i'i' ' i I . , . .I... . 1 1.1 -... t.k yet SllO WHS BO pusneu tun. ruo miiiu uwi. miih sv the light nor to tho left without running across the Iiowb of either the Lillian or tho Montgomery, as she was between tin hi. The two steamers wcto si well manngod as to compel the pirate to keep a direct course, and tho coast run in sum a direction that she would soon be eat oil by the land, and she was thus com pletely cased in. Hud not night came on it cannot be doubted that her destruction would havo been certain. But the sun went down, and at almost the very moment when victory would have crowned our arms, the b!a k wings of night wore tpread over the pirate and shielded her from harm. Sho was completely lost to view, and where she went no ore knows. 1 bp des-nerate nnd exciting chase nntl extraor dinary running engagement lasted from about t,n n'elnck iii the mornine until dark. I am told that tt would be difficult to doscrihe tho f cene produced among our brave blue Jackets by the bluer disappointment which they were com pelled to endure. Kvery man was eager for a close fight, uiul many heartfelt remarks were made, worthy of our bravest and noblest men. And when tbo pirate Tallahassee wag unavoida bly Inst, because they could not turn night into duv, their feelings sought relief only in tears. Some excellent shots were made by tho Rebel ; aril I m told thnr, nlrhnueh she was riving from ihe ilimlrfomerv, one passed diroctly over her. 'i'wo sliois from the Mimtnamrry apparently threw iho spray on the decks'of tho now happy and extremely fortunate pirate. Atlmiral l'ortcr ia vigilant, an.1 ia determined lo rid Ihe seas of Rebel craft, so far as lies in his Gwer, by sending out cruisiers. .V. V. UeraUl. I.E41AI. I. IH.I.IJKla"E. Disiiiiii.T Cot itT Judge Shsrswood. J iseph M. l.enn vs. Robert M. Lee, executor of Robert M. l.ce, deceased. This was an action to recover on a mortgage of which pluintitT claims to have In en the assignee and owner, amounting to fjilfiUO, with interest in aircars. The defense set up psyment, and as evidence thereof, produced the follow iiig paper in the nature of an acknow ledgment and satisfaction : "1 h.-ri hy ackt.owlediie to have received full satisfaction frem Itouert M Lie, ot his iiior co jtiven hy Intu uud his lute v. lie. -Mattloa. to Jucob IIPu)uy. lor S HAI'i. ilate.liino P. 1H41. ai d assliineil to me en tlie villi cay ol Heuieinber, lm Witness my hand and scut this Jills day ol April, A. ii. Jtv a. n..r,Vv'",'iMv., Witnesses present. "Acknowli ileu before tue i ll .'-i. " ;il.Viil.i:s A BI.liIN.i, Ahlcrrnan. " The above p:iper was recorded in the olllco for ReeoidniK Deeds, ftc, mortgimi; iihok A. u. it No. tio, page 4111, Ac, on the IM.h doy of Septem ber. lHri.'!. It does not seem that the pl.ilntitr ever h id the mortgiige in his possession, IDoiigu it was assit;iieil to him, as appiars upon Its luce. Hu clniiui, however. Hint ho paid tue money to tue renrevn tatlves of the original inortstage, In coiisiilerati m of which tho assignment whs mado to bitn, iind alleges tbnt ihe legul us well as e iiiitublo title tiiereto w as in liiin. Iu siiiioi't of this he oft'crcil in evidmce a check lor 11100 which was paid ut bank, ami wliieli it is itllt ged wus the identical money puld for tlie iiwrti;ugc. Un trial. Iiihiiiiit Cot kt Jmlge Hiire Colcmiin vs. Khteckcr. An acion 10 recover ior damigrs aliened to have bom sustained by reason ot leult ue'e ot witter lioni dcleudaiit's premises. Vor Jict lor DlaliitiU . 100. l.lieneor Jiukioii, a-ignee, vs. Michael C. Cadmus and James M. Keenan, and to nsses daiungi s at to 'William Hawkins aid Johu Dick imuu, ivc. An action on a mortgage. Rai.e or Stocks and II rat. Kstatb. Tha following sales were mitdu to-day, at the Kx change, by Jainos A. Freeman, Auctioneer: Two resren tickets to the Arch Htreet Theatre one for fie and oue for I M1. Lot, Iiecaiur st .ll.iliiiPsbiirp, :n hy H7'j fret, clear, Slllo, A llrtlne dwtlllns, liollue'.lurs', S'ljollilllK.!11! OO'i'luct, i..Ur aiuse A trni nic'.stiaiio nnd lot. flermsntown road, below .jiihu )sl 1. .nl . ato li round rent. 'ihree hiitldina li s. Hrowu stieui, I ilieeuth Ward, eec IA l.v i.A '. . ( a.t.si each. A two and-a-hall sl'.ry frame house, nulls' sHey, Filth and l.omb:ird sliei-ts, -." U leoi.eiear, iJ. 1 Three frame dtvellhins adioluiiiK the nbote on lilllls alley, nach li hy: feci: S Hi3tind nut iiliesch.eJlOeaili, 1 hree-tory lines imi urns. .""s""" -i.....--, street, abrrra Moon street, W feel 111 Inches Irunt hy Uj tvet inches deep. ?;i h7 Kround real, 'il0. Tliree-stcrj brick dweUuiK So. lull, 8. Eighth street, 10 hyl.l leet Hlaronud-reut. Nent ilweihiu,, So. ixa N. hih(h street, below Muter, 1G by 100 leet 10 Hearth street, Sis uraund-reul, S.'TOU. A Ihreo storv bnck tore and daelllra, Jt.j, 144 31. rourt h ureet, aO h et 4 Inches by W) leet, od . A three-story hrlik hou-e and lot. Aider street, below Gliard avauue Itthy 41 leet. Clear, tllli. Three iriuus liwusvs and lot, Aider sUoet.M by tl lost CThe p'lop'erof ""ope 8tm Mrs Kuidne O ial rnuy," I moil street, be low rJewnd. lt hy 4o leet. t'lini, JBB ar" Tie Clarion Oil IHHlrief. The oil excitement In the Clarion distric t ap pears to be on the luc rouse, and the land aloug the Clarion river and Its tributaries bus nearly all been ltai-ed or purchased by individuals or com panies. Twenty or more engines are be me; put up, and in a few weeks the derricks will be as plenty along the Clarion river aeon tlio oil streams ia Venango county. The Democrat suyi: We understand that a small quantity of oil was pro tared lust week by mating down sand pump iu an old salt well at the mouth of Deer creek. A small vein of oil was also struck by tlie Clarion Kivtr Company, at the well they are boriug oppo site the mouth of Blyson's Run. iUUr QUAiillKEMASTtU'S Or't'ICJi, Ikl.)T Ur VVi-HHlMUTOsa. I WA(HTr.r;i(iN. Ii. . Jiuiijarv 4. 1-464. ( AD dk-ftleri tn Iruga, Hrdwr, Lumber, Leathur.Ortlct Kuntiluif, lltu-nfit, and hAUiilrry, art r'iaitJ to lead to Dili ofTl, sn tl. M()IAV ot tvch wjk,a -aid pr pokt or Ut. m dupHcutr.of ihw rtlc'c tht-r arc fir pared to fumUh to thkt A-apot at short kutica, with tha pnc af each marlied lo Wlo dimrN. -o ilat. iu caMtharmienciei oftbatrtvic Ttnuixa it.tlio articia or aruclM caii ba Uined v, itliuttt drUy, at th lowaat price. irlr wtliinntot- liu thu d.Mt wiD ba ras,ulrcd ( tutiitti Ui Uat punctually very Monday morn1nfl llrlj4i4itrl-r(U pwd CUml Quartarmaaiar, CITY ORPnSIANCES, 1 v, r o i, r t I o N llTurlii'tiTirMln1 F-r.iT Hi. wlti TTimnar fVloiif, of k(.oivt ly lh Hp'ct nr1 ('nmmoii ( onnIln ftf th Till of rhtl.nMi'h ... I'll At Hi rim ,'minilnnr nf Hirl w:i hn atul re i utrnirucl to p-i-hvp with I'n'iriv utoi . id 'oMr.mK Btrec'' -llot.e ,r"t.h J w' it7 tlrtii.,..,n dud Mi-t''t In ttip Hfvf i.t.'t.mh u'rl ; r. th. rli'ii'linin 'l; ..) HmvinniVn - i iirt. in t'i Nimh W.if'l Ami if ih' .iri v ! wiUer thitn a wmnHry f..f t tiii.-pie airhmtfi'l t" r- ilu-It to th jirorrjr h fjilt I.j tiihln. nr i (i.al n'nn'ti tmn , n.- ,I,VXAM1. .1 IIAHI'f ir. IT rl'U nt .l 0mmtu iineil. A. r , ,k of i,'afim'-n r.vn-' It. a Mj;i A Hll.l.M . V, J, nl "I H. . .-t l ' II. l-r ' I -le. 'I ivef '..ein'" r Anao lwi'ilnl ' .rt)l and ftiity-lmlr (A. 11. AI.vxAvnr.n nv.Nitv, Milt));' el l"'lllitilrliilila. A, ! It ) I. 1 r i " N An '.r.s 8ire t, In the- Kourlit.ith I ill.: ... ..i.t t.i .ill", mmnn 'nin-ll nfthpfHy ) !,!, !' I' hl!-..iP"r Ol' li'tf'l vi i.t '11'p.a' .I e i-uter into a coiilm. t i.r oiivr- to r-'p.tlr Andr. . sfrctt, y; -I nn Mre"p.tn th" ''.inr n'ti h. r. t' el I'l '!''! I,.iH, I lilt o 1m lt i.li ai.ih'.ri' a '" eh i) Cell i- t'n I'-' " PII Wnr'! 'th,' " erl rep me:"" ee ne.-je .veil na " in tl . t.s. v nt tlieil !-..' Iflhpeariwayla wid r H.hb " me . I. am. !' n..-k. the ,..,d fhl. f I'wn'i- l I- ? 1 , .V . .wi.1,1. ttinr.. ll hV t.illip nn. .,11.1 nil Itilv fmn. eii-h 'We: 11 , ,..! .1 , i .1 .hi mi. 'M ' '1 1'"' no of I ivntp.l. thiil i. a Of t )u h'lil'lr. 4 ami un tve)o :. .,....,.,, . n4Hip.tt. 1'li.SI Ii'lit nl e cUll'.ell t'gu''tl. Attent - A HU Ml "I St I" "'r A-ii t.'tit t ''""k ef (mninri retir.,'1'. ,IMBS A I litXM W, rre't ti'iil nt Hi 1 rt I'mini tl, pro leu. AiMTi.vnl th! f'vi inn i. ot S"einh.T, Alnirt lloiiinl ene IlDMl-.lll'l I'S'H ni u.i"-'i ..j'..'. I). l''il). i. It May r )t l 'e 'i'l-' e. 4 N O 11 I) I S A S C li J In AuHintieiiiet ini'trtietlun of s fewer on nrlrts'S Mrrel, 'h'llilv f. Ultli M Pril He' Hi n 1. I he Mi'H' "t i'''l '' 'ininn r"linei f IV' I I'V i.l i-l.lleu. iphlil. llo Ti'Blu, I hat Iho I" partmont nf IIUI Iy he una is l crct.y itnt on.- it to eeii-t ril I a Slev. er en tl ..'tin. l r.rl'Ue . I re . I. ir on Ihe l'ri:tiv b a ea I: :it.'o.ti to the rlor Sn leilill . to I Is . i. K . t eular In f irm, lied r.n Intel ior iloiineDT ef.lepr leet, ivnli the b p ss.irv leli is. tor the proper piuiii'T ilraiiiHire. In ihv .riheii e ivlth a P an ,inil st'prlt c..tloiis to he. invared by IS". Inipart- '''rsPi.-t'snn'a.'i In' f'liii't ('i.mnl-. loner of Hl"hwls stt ill nilrerttse airerrttut hi la.v, unniiuneinii that proposAls III he reeetvprt for the eonstrtieMon ot istil sewer, and r.o phiill nllet the wi" t" the li wtst hi.ldiT. a'l.l It huM he a rvi.C'non of sal'l eontrml thai the ron'r.l.ilor ihiill IK' pt Die sump anessi'd upon mill ul eririiltntlie pruiirrllmlylnc en thelliiP i'l 'al'l si wer. as ulilhoriPd tiv ttip act of As n niWy, apprnvtiil Aurllri. lM;4,nnd In iiimiier anil lorm pinvtif'it hy pei tloiiH a ("ill 4 ol vriliuiiiioo entitled "Ail tliuniuiiee to IToVlile Pa thp i 'oiistriietion l lnain h t'ul verts oi liruhn." appro)"! November II. I-.M. 1 lie iki'sks of tl.e cost el' saia ))!, over urd atiovo Hie amount at.se1 uixill pri'p.rtv fronliliK thereon shall he milj Irom Item W i f an a:' .reprint on to the li'MMtMent "f llmhtioys for the vpar w.l. Warrants for tha sa-nn shad te drawn bv the I hlcf oiuinns'oi.cr nl HlKhwaya Iu eon- fur.u,tjiMtiii. AU,VANEj. ,r,v.tri:ii. I'rt'rti'li'iit ot Coiiitiioii Council Attent wu.t mt r.SMuf,, C'li-ik ui lommnn Cnu II. JAMK.S A. KKKKMAV, Trrvlil- .U of S"! rt Cnuncil. ti'i. Appmvd tlihtwHiih Ipv !' N'v'iii-.t, A'kh. IIoiuImI eim Unumanil vihi itumU'til nJ i.t four (4. i. jt Mayor ',i I'lill'i-Mplia. A N O K DINA N V K J To Ainhorii- the ( on. traction oi Htwcron W.Ulaco itrert, l iiirtt mih VVnl. Mhtr-rnii.artnioriiyri O-o it'Tt ownfm on tho Hni of Wa'lHct utretit ln-twoci lEi.l; o ftvi-ntif ni Hrn.i 1 -uro.-r, hnw filed Hip r prtlti'iii la IV If i-iintin nt oi' ! ur ovi, an iiiifef?il ly A .t i' A-ooiniilv upproi.Ml nrtl , in-i. iir ihe cni sirurnon n a mr n tli iln oi V H o strict, ilh afursaid, whl:li iij-ptic ition nun lv u aiiurovi i.y uii Houril or hnr evrB ; nnn at- a mcennji inn it uiin-r llii v auMt.Tl.d H o eoniti ii" loi . a s-wer In nc"'r(innf'B wuii me in(Miuii "i uii '""dtp. "i'l"""" Notinii(T 11, iHaH.tntH.ta An Ottlm in.-i-j 1'iovitl" tor the t'LiiMnieitoi. ut Hianrli rnlverfs or Drain " And wli.rcai, nniiitftu tin- ciilnineevl nriec of ni.itorUl and l.iluir. the cM nr iln.-ir tt w.il vwu cd tV tir.oimt RtipnlatcUby taw ab i-aMuby t.y aid iruir;y owucri; tfit-n fort Kfclkonl. Tli Hrlect nnt3 Cnrnmon Connfl! of thflOlty of riillndeltihla do onluln. I liu'. tuu Iteprtnm-T.t of Ulh waii Ik and h-rel anihoripd to rnitntrin t a nwfr ia tlic'line ol Bald Wallace Mrett . fnira tlie swer on KiJe avtuiiu to H i wet curl, lint' f lir.ad nUect. t bu circular In form.aud thn-t iW'i In.-ldr dlnin tr, with theT.,esU'y liiltn for the pro, er niiinc.' druhiak'f. In ueeonlunco wll h a p. an and Apvciikutloun M be prriartid by the Uepartmout Hicitn'i Tbc Tlilof Comwlilrtner of ir;fhwayH nmil advertise uC"nllTK to lav, aiinoniM lnh that pruiHinalu will tencelveo liir tlm voiiHtrucMon of nail tewer. and ha shall allot tin' work to the lo..'t bidder, and It sh.it 1 bo a condition of ld comraet that the tnntvuetor nhftll aceopt the unn anscHsed upon and clinred to tho proportlew hing on the line of nald n;wer. as nntlinried by tho Ac of Ahm n.My api ro ed April "i, lj, and la i.iatiner nnd form iirovided by Mh then a uid 4 of ordinance entitled "An (.r.iinum m F i ov i tit fr iho Outturn don nt ltn.nrh 'nl- vi na nr lirahiH.' Hnnrifd Novemb-r ll. HhH. 1 haextit'st of tne ci it of Hatd Muwer over and ahova the anmunt Hfnaioied upon the propeilv fruiitln thereon nliail bo i ttd in. hi linn ti (lor ettTiMtrai tloii of hrnnth culvert) f ihe Oidtr.ante io v aVo an miiiropi iat on to the Inipmt'iiont of lMnhways fur the year HvU.prov.dt d ihat the mild e vets Khatll 11 l'MHl lliC SUUl 01 0 VUUIHUI.U Uoilars. ATaF.XAN'DKR J. lUKI'KTl, I t aiduiit of ComiU'.'U Cou.tcll. Attest AUKAttAM STt UA'tT, A-. H""l l lcrk offmnmin Cinncn JAM KS A Fi(;Ki;AN', rroifd.-nt oi St 1. i-t (,'tiiiiu tl, ttt t iii. Annrnv.-il ttill tiJllll d.(V Ol NoVtiiiihr. Alino 10 nih t ono thot.Miid t'tht tiutidroil and iiAiy-Iur (A. D ll. .,....,.., AbL.t IfllI.Il UTi-MH It M..jor of rhiLuiclpMa. s""l.KRK.'S OF11CK. UOM51UN (JUIUNCIL. t , ruie.nKLi'iii4. Oehiher l.lfall in sreerrtftnee M lth a rcjoj.iinon auoDieii n.v tno e;oiuiiiea Conn 11 of tlie i lly i f I'hl'odciplna, on I hur.day, tha -'iUl siay of Outooer, Ihl, tlie :.nni veil hill, Pnl.U'-'U "AN OKtllNANt-B TO TtKP. Pfl8P.-)-i'liS OK I lls: NOItTlIKItN l.l'tlin TIKh ll V.iMK.1, All. IU UKI.AII. A lAlAa 1 1 1 1 II I t lilt . ' It hereby published for public Information. Clerk ol C'oiuuiou CsjUiicU. AV iJlJIIINANrE To take VoBiPsslon oi the North-Til Liberties fjas Works ana loer.'ale a load t lere or. Section 1. The Seieci uud Common C'ltiuells of the f 'Uy ot l lulMletpelu do iTditin : 1 but llieT rules ol tue 1'ntlu- tleloliia tins Works, are lierehv atlttiorurou u line D"ss sioti of the WoiWm ol ihe storthi-ru Liberties lias Works so soon alter the llrt iljy nt July,lHi.., as can be: In accordance wl'h the terms of an Act approved April I v l. Vol 1 SMt i.ii '2 That for t ii' nunioso ei enaoiiriir ire iths tees nfthe I'lulsi.tli'hiR l.ai Woiks to lake oossessl-m of tlieOus Works am liorl.e.l by llio nrt seci.ou nereoi.rne .Mavi r of the Cltv is lieretiy au'nori.ed 10 onrnnv on tne credit ol ihe city, at ll rat i of Intorsst l ot emailing sla iimi cut. tier aiuiili'i. silc'i fcildis ol money as the I rnste. may ruitulre. noi ei eeun.a jour uiiu'id'ii iii'iusaua uviuirc and w ll nit' t rc'iolitii ih-' uu nieitl ot iiny ni 'te-y tin re tin, I'uv T r, asurer 1. Ih .. iv dhected ou tl.e reiiuultlou ol tlie T IU, tecs lo ls.-u;e ce' ll.ioules Ol me loan oi luu ).iiyur rlitliMlrli. kia In nu n um. "ints and tu saoli paruesas lliuy sin, 11 ileklLiiutt- nut i-. 'ei-. .uur said num. Hnlil losn lo hell'.id IO: ".he co.ilvcri.toB of the stock of tho Noittieru i-ibenles iliis Woiks, and the princilml tuireof to he .;i)ut.!e ut ti.e e.i nation ot llll'-ou yei'H iroin tne dutu ol rli roiDvi'sioii. una not peiore, r. inioiii e.ie iron- lent ol the holders ini-ri'-l. The ctrtlilcatct l suld loan ahull be In the usu.il fcirni tu whb h cirtnl'-'it.'S hepeororo buve hi en Usiii'il i o-i i-e-iutdilon of suld trustees, and hnil in. iratisioriiii .-:) ihe nines oi the l nr Treasurer. Sci-t'iii'l. i li.il iti.i ulo T rust) as sliall set ap.irl out of Ihe pionu oi srti.i li'i Works, tho sum of twelve per een um tier ami) ei oa tie.' ann-uut borrowed ttj virtue tins i.rdliuiic)-. ior no- j.drj-ose of puym the imai-est thi'ieou, ui.d i t ti n .nursine me pnueipui runreoi, when betur)' the suii.e iti-ii be puiahl"! and oa or tue tills t y :ir i any of itHomijer aua tne (iiinii'tlt .lav ii ii.f in everv y?ar. umu me krinl lun is r-:t i v the ami-uiit ul'iaiii I to Ihr t il Tri-iiMii t hi' I COt to till' r to. kiaiiic utiiy lall diit .. niatLitiiu this 11 ht t Tr. anuri'r lo ih i Iiall invent t)if . i i Illti Ma. 1(1 CsttS V'.;l!.- 1'Mladt'ii'lHH, ut .i 1 rail pl -ilfu i'i H j.) us r. untlntny i.t': r api'lit'it hy tin Cti'.' " tl.tf eJVlllliv'Ui' Mm ' V oian. ii uuy.ut.i i l't-hnceii'liia. hei tuxi 4 t Ac. ciHiVtjiil in .i I e the ont uf U ' -talU iJ rti'ur. to ' c nu conv-'ytal, mn. " il'ft t-iiall baVU. : tame puvrtrtt tt httvc, or her a'i-1 airany lnim u i St I'tl-'ii A. I'i the I'l iiaiU'.pMH ' COBUild to 111'. I'l ' crat, ctt nil. t ' cii umuiicr ilit i'i 1 o ai to inert t'.i in i, i lie nuiii ot nW yjt centum va .1' 'Mtill bo paid by the said Iru-stut-a .Mini blidll uvply three jir oetitma .to. the inter ut on luuu, as ihe 1 ti no other iMirpostj.mi'l the re' in shall be imid uvwr bv tlm sau ni ---.luieri of the NinkliiM rtinJ, who i (Ui avcutnulatlutis in ih' luaiii lo tu any oilier luuus of tliol'uyo . funl, wh'cti In iiorvUy iiieciil' i .i . nwiu of uul lonn : anil any sur i . iityniwiit ol naut loan. hiill be i t-tu ol the Hluktny l-'iindlowurde t"e ottur loeus to the null) (lu !-i ui tholuudeJ debt ui Uu ClUof i' iraHtiiloa of the work i, pines, i i botity of tiili ordinance, it Khali i.: ' . j of tlie ".a Work- tu inak' m dt'- f Ui pioirty,ri',il uud prontil, ii i rem,t value; and t'leattld fnt- ;.ect to bitld workH, jupm, skc, the .-ty lo all re pods as they now ... hu.'o, wlib rt.-p.uect tothoworka .nare. p pone of enalliie Vo Tmstiea cf i fke to rarryout tho varloua iiiitta ! Unanosve of ,'oum lti, and to lu . .J improve In the uioit ecniiomi-.-. ui r.'ru.und work under tlwlr Cewo, !. tnu; wHRtx- of the ehUL'na ior k'aH luila'i are hereby AuilurlwJ aud aJM. tilt hltlU 1 nqinrcd ao to nuL.tu Die price of gut and thu BoveriU priductaof lt uiaiiurttctur' ab tu uy from time to mat he necvPHkary ;tbe luid prict-f cM to be the aniiit in till the Ward.-, of the t'ity auppilwl by the Oa YVoik uodox the Control of the Trut . Hfi-iimifi. AnUiiuK In any other ordlnauce contrar to Uu ordiuwioo ia l.tifi-y r pt aUd. Directing the eierfc ol 0iuinon Council to rubllh a Lonn ltin. ReaolTe, That tlieClerl. of Oeramon Council be autlio rln dto publish l two dally newi.tpfri, deUy, for .'uur veefca, the ordlnttnoe preeenteil to Common ( uuncU at a aiHted nicetuiK U.-rxt, hfld on the V7to dayol Ottobir, WA. cntlUed 'An OrdJiiain-e to tKe pometiioD of tne Isurihfiii 1 Iberttett.aa Worl a, and tN oivNte a loan thrre fir;" uiid the aald 'ii k kt tho maunJ oi' tilnK of OunciU tkt after tlie ritpiraHou oi lour weeki troia tJie paid pub liraticn, shall praut to Cnuncili oue oi each ol aaid newa-iai'H-a lor every dai iu wlucU Ue aautu altalt bd-.obueo Liado. J'--'lj!L TV HOKSKS! HOKSES! llUKoKS WlalMHllTilpf. KllVfaUbi-1' 10. hk' Hoivm suitable for Ai tiUery and t'aalry servico wtlj be purcliaifd at Gwetwro leiHt, lu io warUt, tUI liorb. mU be delivered to Captala L. LewrrM-iore, A. ai., ami be uh,'ected lo lUe usual ti-iveniuaaiM kiapectwB bfore belnf accfrtd. Price ot tavalry li , I7 each. 1'nce of Artjanry Uora. IMeaoa. faiuMit wiU veiuade lot aU ( aad Colonel tn charts mi Dmsloa II , gusWteruaAWr-tieaerai s 0oe. A CAKD.-BKI.CHKa CO., PKOHK1K J IllkS OK lllllaAl. BATINO HOOsHK ANU fiINlJ 5(H. " rilKSBUT HTKKKT, OP- flinS (IK MlirPoelT OFr U-K. -HlLAlEl.lUla. l'.-Teaor, sastlua of Ue asifcUo bpms. te UipIt ... Biaraus pauoiu and 0 lends, loetf waraie.tO.aiiU (ar liberal sSscaarasamwil aaoal i.n.rasisly Bealoassli aa Breuisa le aJS a'ui further allratuons aud lmi.ror.meau, and use eT idisur to saerll H.a eousinued .aort audiuslnM.aa.eS Um irsowsj raliUi 4 rmiaaeli,Ula.uil aud peirrMien aj Um awwtal sliUsi sa 10-17-9ts flMail QAK BAIL OIL QOVTAWZ OF rENNHYLVANIA. INCCFPORATED NOVEMBER, 1864. OFFICKUBi Iir.C'rOB ITHEAIJt. THIiASURKK. HEWITT B. BlarSOJ". DIKKOIORH. HFHHT C AH HON, SVIL1 tAM M. OKJSIKMi, W1IXIAM AUhPAfn. JA.MEB O. riflHEB, j, c. rKVKit. I1e lane's nf rt.' Comanny, four l onJrPil and I'sti C M t r.B In i.o ilmple, I1 brtp"t Oil Crprk sul the A lie -at.tay f:i)er,wiih I'lie preautnif p:i anJ utlii-rs new bcint. horcil. For fartlculan anrt pn, pacb.p, at ti inbsc-iulltni spi'ly to J. C. FRYER, r. ill! CII1.SNLX Mlir.KT. 11-U t "nUUKABD OIL 03MPAKY. CM'ITAI, e.-.oo,). loti.oiMi Bhnro-il liir Value A limited nanibir of Shares trill no B Jia uy order of tlie Company at $1 00 per har;. Tliefollowlrurls tatraitPd from tho Phllaib-liihla "In qntror" or Kppteinh. r 17, lol, prior lo the orgaiiiiitlou of the Db'NRAItll Oil. t'OMTA NY : "On almost a:i the streams In tireen County Hie lands have already been lpased with a view to expliradons for real oil; and nn one, particular' y, the Unnkard's, lha de velopments havp beiB of the most ncoiiradnit character. 1I. editor of the Waynebiir ra ) 'Messensrcr,' In rc ferrlnit to the stihipet, aftir a can fui personal itiripaclon ol the region and the operations that are now takin.' p'uco there, says: 'We aie horostlyof opinion t'mt whrn eanltal ana an trrprlse shell have i ev. loped Iho lan.le alona- the ereek, that locality will he foana to compare, In the extent of Its Oil production, with the Vennnco district, while In the punly, sruvlty, and value of tl.e oil, It is acunowieuireo. to ho liidt'tlnltely superior. Our convictions on this auhjeei are bnsed upon aetual knowledge and ohservatloa or both rrtlons. and of die Kooloiiicul lnnimtlons and surface Indl- enllons. W e are cratinea to warn inai we are um susr in these favorahle Impressions and auiiurles. Sclenllac men and experience! and practical 0:1 opo- rntors concur in them, and aro Investing llherailyof their own means, and dlrpetlng tho attention of capitalists to ir promising character of the liunkardcouniry. Aireauy spvcral Isri c compsnios have bcrn ork'anieii in I itisaura: anil the Kat, which will soon cimmotKe operatl .m on an oxtenslve scale In the mi antime. bidlvIJual enemy and local enterprise aro dolus much to develop that favored locality. ew derricks sprlnit up every few days, anu tue procctsol' iliiSli's1 well. s".es on iu many instances without uitcrmptlon, niht or day.' " Hooks oucu lot smo of SIUUK at tlio iwountint Iioiiat of A. H. IRASOIEGUa & 00., -No. 61.1 MARK K.T Ktr-iHt. , 11 FHANCIHni:.', II IV) rresldent. WILLIAM 11. 1I0OI), See. iiantoiiKUM OIL STOCKS the i:ni)i:usioni:d UAH KOIl BALE, and will pay particular ettrntbn to the outcome ofsll the desirable end rsular dividend-paying PETROLEUM STOCKS, Such ft the NOIH.E AND Ir,!A.M A.TEK, DAT-ZELL, JUcKLUEX Y. McCLINTOC&VILLC.orPUUdelpMa, an J 0E1I.MANIA, IlItiilOAlK, aad HhlCKtOKnoOKEB, of w Vork. JOHN PONUIU, 0,a3 PINE STHEEf, K)cmfl. O-M-lm Kew Ycrk. piTKOLEUM ETORAQE COMPANY or n lad el ni: a. The TUoi.1 will remain open attheOtTice of the Company t All up subaulptUins iv tlie eU cl. CAPITAL $100,0(M Wth pawsr to Inmate to t-CO.Ot. SHAKES TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. FIVE HOLLA KB per share to be paM upon Bahicriptloa, The Company have pwrchaied a tract of yround In the first Kard of the clti, e-xtrndlnd from riut Hiuse roa 1 to the river DiUwure (immedUirly to be connected by railroad with the estemive Depot, t.roucds. and UooKs of the Penoaylvsnia ttaJlroad.'ouip4ny),uti account of wlilcU the Company KuTe already paid FIl-lY T1XOUBAND DOUAU8, Leaving only fMVi 22 now due, v. hlch It the oaly Indebt- edcif i ot the Company. Additional tueirrtptjons are now r)-.aire J f.r MiarMB, Docks, and other kf neraJ liuproveinnnta. rrtons furwardlug jbat rip'ltns for stO'.k, or Insfal- ru.ntfl ther"0u, v.iU please make tlielr chochs payable to the order ef FltKliKinOK f. mrnrLL.EsQ ,'lrteiiurer. OITIOE, No. 327 WALNUT STREET. T. S. KMKHY, 11-10 Ct PltrlSlUKNT. TAAUl'llIIN AND COLOUA.DO GOLD MINIKG COMPANY. ClIARTtKKH IIV BTA1K (If rUNNlTLVAHlA. OAl'lT.M. HTOCJi. itfl.OOO.OOO L'on.OUO MittrfMi Par Ynlsie, $5. Pipfci.l. nt-JOHN n. ANDKUSON, llri.ntora Thomas A. Reott, i. 11. Kneuss, Willi am 8. i reemaa Boberl l. Kil'K. Janies R. MAeee, T. O. IUUowpU, Harrlskiirf J. Iin W. Hail, do Jobs Brail, do W. W. W lie, Laacastor. JoliB M. lUl. y. (,'aailee le bllver, D. 1. WUbamU. BLttlo, Coturada. . SOUTHWOllTXI, rjetretarj auJ Treaauror. OmOE. THo, 423 WALNUT 8TREIT, booh a. AutlipnUcatfd specimens hate boon procured n sms of the C'omf.aii, s loJij, anil bare been assaed brro- t)' sort iiootii audCJsrreUwlllitlieaiuilgrsUllnKreiiHu fiubsorlutloii llils are bob-open at tlie 0111 ce of Uie Cum. parir, and al the Treasurer's (Mice (Inlprual Revenue) ho. tfl ciiesS UT Blreel, 1 aimers' and Muhaoics' Bank buUilUic. To original subsorilars ti W ftt thars fur a uiuited oiBuoer ol snares. Circulars, paiBBiilete, or luforajstlon can be obtained at Uie oflke of Uie Companj, after tbe 17lli last. ll-l.'-Iia MONEY 10 AN Y AMOUNT LOANED uaoo llaraaDda, Waloues, iawttrf JUl, iVHiuaiis, are., pi 1 JON KB a OT.D F.KTAiil.iauKit i ilisr oi'nr r Cora ot lUIHJ) and OASSLI1X sUnetS, jsosow sjonuiara. K. B.-fclAMONUb, WATUUAJt, JIVTELSr, OOsT sVe.. Sir sals at BKaLaVkaUilLT LOW rTtlCKfl. S(-ha $!ifs fUVs CAN BE MADK ON A PATENT ClU,vAll MlK-lne.wliiu oole wants adranlilni ) ell, a. It la acAaowladaed beall wBa us. Itlossiaaivwsal sa Hs caree, and th. eaoet aiataut aver ni.se. A uereua who Ih capital oaa luin tha adv.rtiser, or to. pskId. aad all liilormalloB will behnuaxtsid fur a swmlnal snin.so tliat 10.Ua) na IMilWO. sldvUtaM "MMlkUM," tbl uios. Ui i JUIH. M. O. lUlOWWH QEIAT KITATHTSICAL DE300VE&Y FOU IJllAFNKHH, NOIPES IN TUE HTIAD, riPCIIAROF.S FROM TtlB BAR, CATARRH, NEUHAUUA, RHIU'MATISM, ASTHMA, iVCR0H.'I.., ItllOMClII AFFKCTI0N1, THROAT ltFFIUULTIFS, InsPiirrt ryis IeAS f f Hair, Jlysppia. Fnta'avmen' of hp Lher, liUPAses of the MUneys. ''"ostipetivn, t ravel, riles. Insanity, rue. I'aralisls, Ilnh of LKc.d lo the ll.ad, CONHOMI'TION, With r.11 fci. l evsry dlsesr vhieh Inf. its the hurimn bo'l.1', pure.1 eflpi mftl.y by IMIIH. Mi U, llltOWM'H METAPHTSIOAL DISCOVERY, rmct OrFK tP tV. (10 AKCH ffreet, riilla.li M Ma, Mn. 1C I'OMl Hire:, V. r. aim at Jo. It t HMHUiTuN rl'i tare, lleston. Vo borlr wtih h.ntn.mi'r.ta, .o i'l' i tt sr tn H.f Jit nnrnnts' up the ntr)U or )M'Viii tat; wirei. o poiir nw niifticiiM'si U'"vn itM lurnett. lh VKI Aftl . HiJAL. IIHtV(VhKV will reah ev. ry spot thai driiK and initriiinvote wtlJreatth, and tho'i sntM.io( plss-fM bulfi. Truth U nilKdty and must ptvvatl; f imr l fmrTff mud wtthdi'ftih conse'iucitily must souer or later sink Into oh ivtnn. In all the unlv-re ere U nathtnf so rfimpleietr s rOKt-il u Incriir an the fa-is, forct-p, and moiivee tvn i,r ted vtlth Uie physical and menial rouatttuliouuf the ra-"e. Thla Md state nf thine Is the roanU of lcnrtnre aud hlinniit s nn the part of thoe who pn f ta to atlm.ntKvr liealth uud lile tn ihe p-P.W winto in faji, thi ineioriiy knore tifd (torn th item altovether. Al: rytl a find tl rlr rxlut nr in nit up!iyiCD, totd can neter be unuar t4 d i rt trnm tlie sar..e. '1 h re are men who mhe a btiaineaa of tr-nating mcki'I Tr mn.Ahi.H, 'ih- nr-pare .iiStruiiit-Qta, too o,t-hswiMis to thii k oi, with whu n to experliF- nt on p"r e.liv vte tiuis, who I av nfenxth, neither ph)slcally aor nient,iliv to uiiU'ro aneh acfili u filmy e.i p infm llf. who crcftUd he human body alwuya aiieaka of It aa a DtlKh'y vth tlt'.and ue man must he a amivu or fnJ w ho Would fttt nipt to divldtt the sat.m into ! llona, and trfst nn dleane si cclilcally, ItidLpen tnt of Uie ( aru or si ht whole to v hl' h iti'-y bciuhtf. All inch pructl ton era treat ki-Fn i, but kn.w tiothtntrel ti.e i'aihu wn.i evr Thus the wxrd ia no'hmn Ji fa than a vnst hoauiial. 'I he ala'niiiit: coniMtloti nf the p" p e phya cat. , eaim c tally Ui youngs. ho meold withdif.-aae b. foriithi y nesi n to bud Into Hie. tfethtir with mir ad expi rlenoe in hAvns b-en ten avi d of dtar tricm, wlio Lave patsed lute unt nu'ly yr&v s bv b in:i i-ci uimI mi. Hit ic ciriMiiiiNtaucea, r tin many others which inhfht be m iitloni d. an- an trreitii'ie stimulus to tho pan tin tu driuand of ery uan w hn h;ih ihu hie ami hemtii oi ihm aehe and their lovd one In )ns handa.siiid la odnUinin'lv a-'tniulMerlm: uiedh -p.na w bWi ih pa:t--nt lin 'taliowe 1 1 1 know tht n unit or n.ituriol, I Hft unut r U;ei-.i'ifeJins'ances the j i O; f. have a ilvM to ot-nin 'df tvtr au-'h ptivHic.tin to (u rnhh ttn in with a chart of hu ch.iia'.ior, timt tm-y m.vy know bin iiuftlitU,rttliinn,,'a'c., ; m.lvcd t-vrv ph il cJiiu ahou d be wuipid ed t.) ha e li hunK up In hi mi it-eat all h'Ora. It ll mil thfoiik'h thla cfiaunel thtt tlio publlt ran hae any a.nnfy or Kiiaia'iti'p. for n ti it la mot dear to It IHeand heaiiU; thervn. Pfe mny bo Pi tne , l)i d oUDinii mn ruaut.cij fur a blKk.uili?. Uisn a Hi imb way Innrront .piftilfL-Mimis, wUih are InJlapen aable In a ph) twmii. are atirc to to (i u c i j and eih Id d. Were ihla unlerrval y done, thnuauda wnild h;ae tn-.pm-fwainn wl.lcn natur' nevvr qu.i.lMcil them for. If iia-uro qiiiiUtles not tin re 0:in be no anlmhie quiilitlcation, na. In order to di ti t the firm cAiie ol diatiiie, it is rciiitarin no t Indu-pctit-ably utrepiury io inherit fastmlty. Mta.'Uv- ical Iow-r and Consiru;thejie-a must aio be lnlmrltel by all w ho would bo f.ucceafuHn tlndiiip an an'.id-de eapable of datiotna (he cau e of dUtjahe. There t no rtianr el t.y w hirh the causi can be reached with certainly but ihe one I nave u acrina. 1hsreiim I m with eoiimicnce in ire wnria, mat u i throiiKh InhorltlnK ththe rae 'm.biiiutl mui cimraetnr that 1 have been enabled to detect tnu flratcimsoofdiHkjao. the eantf la not. us flirt 'it tt mimn! it tj bf ad:acaie.l la an liifatted law bt-tween houi and oody. which, the Apnat e Faul it-In os, ih always wnrrliiR av.tinat eann oer. Tnia law aenda toith atopp-tues.ttieee atotipa-caprodueeiiiNeaiie In rtlvermnVd form, anu if dtaae ia exporiiaeuie 1 on or tampered with it tatcsailnuer arip of th csnatititlon win moifipiiea Tfl iinT urm nm chit hvs-hiu um svaieiu. thus dertroving the whole inchluery o: tttc hn.nait body. llrmemner, me Bioniacn ana ine l-ixer rjvo Doinim. dowlthihe cause of ihe diabase. The tr.'-iUnj ol tn' " orpaus,for the taaae, has sent mil Uoru to un uulhneiy stave. v Ith cenfldenee I say to the world that my Metaphysi cal IHtonvt-ry ia the only remedy ever otti-n d tn thu world which wtu tiiorouniny rtoninuaio trie root oraiaaae. tne discovery conatata of three nlMtinet prenaratlne ; one fr trie acaip. rue for thee s, aud one fr theeara The-f work In eouiur.ciloa. and einke at the root of all rilmmae. Hhenlaa alM mean every dise-tatj that ever iHteaied tue unman way. A LADY IN THE LAHT STAOE Or CONI'MPTIOS CLaili. rrem tha lliton Journal. Ji i. Ut, tKO. I. Alra. Nanry Hlonn,or Ko. eri eVarre street, i hnr. utuwii, do ceitity thailba'e iwi aiilicied forti-a )enra. My rlht side waa so parali)d ilitt 1 could not he on it. Dun mi tliat tuno I smlered from ca tarrh, si re ihroat ; would c -ush from oue t hva houra at a tunc i waa vr nervoua ; st luom coutd an ep at iiikuu I ad a innti feer two yi-.ura alnee. a !ilr:i red jeed me o a skeleton. I had all tlie nindicol advlt e aud ntt'dicines wotiS. eou d ii r cine, but all to no imruie. I waa last aipttif in ihe lait iUkc ot'cousuuipiioii. 1 was ooiKIimsI to hd whin sira u. (i. Hmwn a Mt-taiihyalcal Olac jterr waa aent lui. It waa BUhiuiJ a'cortliiitt to d notlou. lVlt ii f i belter, hut ra'htr worfte ior aotuu time uy frienda wantt-d roe te ntve up, saiav It would kill me ; tliat i waa ico iar utihe aioi u i vsaiik to tryaiivuni moie Hut uiy mother aaid I would die If I itid not find rtllefln ir.e inc vry ; and us It wh the last ulal tocjre ine at.e would continue It- v e som f-mid tliat it wa the rireuiuiion wht h wttr rnhint: luto my evatria which was tai. try ttlect. Aa the em ulation kepi fnt-ieas'iiK my d eiist bvan to br ak hi. It was six weeks after I iian to apply tin1 uudictne before 1 could xailier oirenKth to ri Into iio(oii to nee Mr M (i. Itrown. and then 1 tiad to bav! Iii-lp. Thu secof.d tnne I ven'uied I wu wiLiiout hit. ai d tne thtrnt'nje I toiitio my wav whti'mt aiw dir tleuity. I betnu the dm of the Mtiipi)dcai llscoverv in aUav.and the result Is on this iiiln o' July, tnut liualth and airriiBth Is fust retunuuir to in eu.ici.tUd rruine. kty paraiyied side la reatomd to vigor ; lean now rest wen on it. a?y caiairn 'a m ciun, uiv narvojs neaa. and aere ihrojt are kOie. lnkeiiwl All in v ir rKUlariti-s have dl-app an d, and I mnat a:kiiowiedo thai, i tuc pu'viiiMiiCr oi .'Hi, I was uiructcd to the use Mis W.O. ltrowu a Meraphyrlcal Dlncoveiy. and bv It taken from the mouth of the uruve unj restored to my famllv and iriHiiwa. Ikuowm- dlaeatoa are pone, ntd Iteheral s in ulatiOfi hia ukuii pla b t exptcL It wiil take time to rt'i,aiu my lost iiean auo hirenift'i. liKMAKKAHLaC f'VVK OF lFrN K8S OF TVVKNTY" lAitPi' HTANIHNt;. I.John A Nfw.omli, ol'tjuui -v, d certtfy that I hnvo heB entirely deai in my b it er lor twenty yeaia. and fn tl.e naat su eara 111V naiil ear ima o.xli a) Utar Uiat Csiuld not dear e )nvcrh.iti..n or public 'iieakiaf; ol any kind. I coulu not hfar the ehiircti in I la rluti r. rule 1 was nuiUk! Iii U e churv'h. I huve aso iicen tr-'nidr-ii for a niua bcr ul )eara w uh u very aore ihroat, ao that I wna ojligwtl to t. e up sli ti'i ff In tVurcli, fur 1 had lost my vimcb, I Had i:rMt tpii.b;e hi inv head, lerrlbie iiolnvN, nlnioai to ei a.ineaH. Jly head ftlt numb and stupid, atid was a aouice 01 comtant trouixe to tne. I tried ewry itiurdy that could le theopht nf. I went to aurlota ; but aa tiii-y ami d U use luitrnruenf I would Lave uotiiini; tu do wi:n tlienj. AOoiil iue in Hitn alncc obtained Jdra. M. 1 Hr.wn M.'tai'hvikl IXncoverv, .md utd it acrold iiK to ihe owectioi. s on ti e bJlth s. And the re-u't la imt thu ihnuiiil' 01 uoin care iiD'tisjmv rt iLore-r ao tliul 1 van he.ir na wel;a any mat). The ynut ti'nubfe) in uiv tifatd Ui 1'iitif" T unlit'. Mv head lerla lierltit-llv eunv and at reat. My thnrnt, wlilch aa so diifaaed, la entiiiily ciirni.ano 1 navv re vereu uiy ok arf iin. 1 woitii n lal e 4iie th'iu-iind dollars (or the beu lit f have received m t:.c use 01 .alra. Hrowu s Alvtaim; aical Dlnrovety. JtKM.l(K A HI R CV ItK OK MH:MAItt:KS KftOM TUB KIT. Jim Ai-Ki miia, Se'eniber 7, lmJI. T, Henry Marvllle, Ji r'on street in itr air. irjwiifioiTt s coal varo . u. uiiuituwii, dif entity ibat my asm Joahua tsoa braiu fever and ia. aim 011 the t reai, w nlch left Mia with d:(.bartai noiu tin. ear ana ui" aiei eyt'i. 1 ne ciirnaigua ntt i crnard. Ilia t ars b eniue unite larie and unnatnrttl oivtrt d vt lib scai. Ti e pillows had 10 he clunaed dnnn Uie nik'ht, ao saturated were they with the dlncliaitfoa; tt would tie m i pin i un-10 ueiiL-rinc uie (omuiiuu ot ins evea aly fuuilly pliyticlan aaid he would K" blind. His Intellect auo became iiniiairetl, that he cared not to be, or play wiui cimuiL'si. no ii' iii utM.cu 01 unviiiiut' around uim. lione but Uie parent can tell what our suilerlus wore te U.ii.V fU U1I llisill III IIU9 IXtUllliiUO. Mot providentially, about one year ago, I taw Mrs. I., mown s "Metaphysical Itlx ovtry ' advertised in the LeUirr. I want to tho O tlce, 4 in Arch street, and procured the tuedlrlne. My wife aipili d It faitliiully aud jierafverlwuly. The mediolne worked alow I v at the bet(liintiiK,but Still we jieraevei'i-d, and the iiult la that our son la entirely cured of Ida Qlauaaus. 1IU lutullect feccma to have awaJnued out of tht sloe p of duath. Uuis considered bow a briKtit and liiU-lUkent hoy. The dls t'hartjt'S ttom hlaoars have ectirely cwamtd, aoj his ear have become small and natural. His eves nre clear and string. My vstfe andiuyst-lt ari w-t .atLnud with the emit cure pertornud on our child hy Mm M.ii. llrowu au uulo al'-al Llacover ,aud UiO-t heartily coiuuid U to all who stiller. Mis. M. t. Brown a Ccl-bratd Poor HkUard's Fya Water.Sl per bottle : sutuU sUe gouu. hcaiit Jtuuuva tor.sM pw botue. A ItKMARKAIll.K CTTJiK OF nLtSDNKHH. raMMiM.4,C. W.July ltt.lfM. Mrs. M. ii. lirown: I oar atadaio: I hate btm quite blind In my rutht eye lor seven years. I have been to several doctors, wIhiu li.'.ud Ooold restore my eyiUfct, but they never done me any yood. I sjiefit laive suiii of money tn Uavalliuj to where 1 heeid there were doctor who could beueltt iae, but none 01 thetu eouM do sue any (rood. I thought uy eate hopeletts, until Pdd by a fnt-ud yiu oould relieve ue. I sent by a irletid and pioearod your Metaphy steal Il4 eovery'and In tvieov-four hours aAur the lljal treat ment, I coald see quite diathiCUy. X aui very UsajUfwl (of my dottvorancss. 1 reuain yoora , truly, JO US BELEf, The Celebrated 1'oor life hard 'a Eye Water, M 1 ama sUe.U eesta. ' jro. 410 ARCU lureet ftcttlp Beaevatof, 91, esO-wMaa UO ASCU aHreei, v 1 WRIOnT & SIDCALL No. HO Mnrlrrt. Ptrot ttFTVlFt IKiiNT I SWWD HTKT.T.T. w. waioDT. r.B. sioraia. DHL'OOISTS, i'UelCIANS, A.n 01 VFRAI, F'l'tlltrKKr.PKRR, Oin find al mir pit, lllsliinent a nil assortment of Imffrtsa sr.d Ih nipstie lrn,:s, hopuisr Put. nt MPdtclnM, Pslnte, osl 0(1, wiiidos) otpss, I'rc'cript'mi Vials, e., ai as k prices as c nutnp flrsl-class e ds psn he solo. USE r.KriKM'IAk OIL Tar Coiifprtleners. In full v.-irlety, and of the best rjaelity( f irlleeiil, Heri.nl Iridic. Madiler, I'ot Ash, Oudhar, R-k'.i Ash, Ahiiii.ti'l of Vtlru.l. An" i .to, f'npv erss, Kxlrnct of i.ovod. e., riiK liYKHtt' j'ie, ala ayi en hand, at lew)Sl npt f ;)h flees rt'l.'K MIII KH FOH FAVILT TCE, Hreupd esiri iy for our sMes and to which w lavlts :I.e A'tciitii.u of t'.o.p lu v. ant of ,.;iihle artieles. Aho, JMUVV, firAHUl, Ail.STARl), e., if af f nllf, drill is by mall, or clfv pes!, will mppt with prompt at tr.tli n, or spc-lsl quotutleris will be fumtshed wtipa ra quested. t v aiejr iii oc f 1 1 i ' i,bj e .rilierale llruK Warunouip, Isll ly Vo. 11 V MlKKT Htreet, above Front. jtrtsu nill.ADKi l'lllA BUKiiJSONS i ST" Oifl haniiai.K ISMnrUTK. No. 14 Uorta J- MSTII IHreit. uive Market. Huftapea ...i,. .n.nr,i1 hv 11 ( . p.VKKKT r M ITenilnni Fstp-nt Uradualma I'resre Tress. SWeertor P.lastie Rsrss, castle siivlir.ii Hupport.s. Rjoah'ir riraoaa, Baspeo iori s. Cmtrt-e'.. Ac. Ladles attPDdeil bv Mrs B. C. FVKRETT. aavm-ly i WKALTH, HEALTH, AND BEAL Tt. If tn ealn adrntrtwe evaa t Iftocauat- invt'ou" nlkba; li tt. tie a Moonim fl" er( Fadiitf, dylnK In an hour-PiAnrl It ti- biMi ho i of rtieeda j It fur vice to mate antcrida; If with hub b-irs io-mI u wed: It a murble btune when dead wnawnl If to Itvo threescore and 'en, WiahlnK d-e as lent attain i If to live a life of pain i If io die and go to gr, atSr.xttn If yro w'ah lfe of taleaairrea t If you value this world a ireasuresv If every comiott you would aee. Tke uiy advice, and wiah ail tArM. Th-, having Health. Wealth. and Deaaiiy, Ton 11 be prepared for every duty, fly a careful prmaal of Dt.yVILMaM Y(HTVfrJ Jfew HosiK, IIIK klAKKI AUE UIMTiK, whieh ahouid be read hv every ore o.d by I'ooSaairt sjene altv, and at Uie Lio tor s ctice, ho. U Bl'kUCK HTkKT prloe U orta " W CAK1 TO Tllli LAD1K9. llt. M rONCO B OOLDEV PILLS FOR FKMALEH, Iufalllh'e In correctinir, reKulntlnf, and removing nil ft vbstructiona troui w nat vi causes anaaiwaya V succtaMul a a preventive. w The-ePMIi are nothing new. and hare been Meed by the 1 . tor lor many yeora, both in Frun- e and Anieriea, wltai unp irailcM d success In every caae; and he la erred fcy n'any ittouai o iniiinn wiio nave uicn infra, n cuo - is l I kila pubMe for ihe aileviaiiun of those autTertna fronr anv lire-, niarhirs w batt ler, aa well as iu prevent ao Id-j crrahe of family where Malta will n.-.t erniit tt. Feiali)4 peculiarly ktiuntco, or ir.ove iupnontK tntTnieivea are r cantioLed a'aiiiat naiiw thebe plus M1 in tal condition j an tl e propiiuior aaaiimea no rt'p na'bliity aiu-r the above J at'W'ni'.ioi-, aitnotiuti tiieir miiuiicHS would prevent any n iaihielto io aitn, otnerwi-e t;ie r.ila aro recommended. 1 un and explicit O'Tectioiis 'iccnnipitml'iK aarh I'rlcail.oi aix boa t'r 'u hld wholesale aad reUt-m r. Hiott. v ii.ii' .., nn.M f onnn street. W'livht Hiddall. No lift Mirset nr-ei A Marpl all. n inor of I hlrltentn 11111 Market ttrrete. eiier t .suiit)i,oornrr t .e.ond a:d ciieeo sueete, Iiotl A t'o.. So. i.J'J N N.C'ii-J ativet. lohioD.ll' 1lony it (Viudeu, ar.d H. (J. In .moor, t wil'n, At iut:Ul by all drugtilais. ladlea.by sending Mv'K TOLLAR To eltlicr aperit, ean havi- the i'll.LM HKNT t oNFirENTIALIpY. By mail, to any p.irt of the city or country, free t 0-22-2m Ke.24o W.TRIRTY-BIXTU Htreet, K.T. SfcCltfcX DISEASES! SECRET DISEASBS HAMAltlTAN'H ( UTt hA.YJAWllAS rt (.IKl l Ttie Mofrr Cfiitait t iniE jlvir 1ed, Ui.i poaiilvf run lor tioNORltlMKA. i.LF.ET. STHICTCRRS, Ac Comaina no Mineral, 110 Balsam, to Mercuiy, Otil ten mils U be taken to edcot a cure. Cures In 1 rem two to four days, and recent "aaee ir "tweniv-tmir hours. ' I'renarea rv a irraauaie or um vrt veranvoi fennay vania, onu 01 uie xuoai euuneiH woevor anu UbvtnJMB 01 me prt-ai-ni sr. SO 1-xriiM'KK. N TKul HIK, NO CHaKCIS WIT ATK V la. Lt th.-ae who have deaoa-rcd ot'sfettmc cured, of wh have been purged with liaJ-aui Ccpaiva,or alereury,a oiice try uie nanirtni 1 A.i o uir 1 . Pf nt by r.ill In a plain envidMie. Filce, Usaii- puckat.ea, $2 Ketualcs, $3. U LOOD I l.LOOLt ! I IW.OODltt HLOOii 1 1 : SOROFIXA, liLCFUS, HOHF", RP0T8, TETTtJtti nuAixi uoi 1-. fiYrillLIS Oil VKSKKKi IH-iKASE, AC, Ac. 1 hAVl.UMTAS 8 ROOT AMI HKKIt JlJIPPB . Ts rtUrcil the u'lk aa P'la tlvr cure, PVPTfl lS OH V NP.KKA1. OI-EHK-the 8AM KU AN S KOT AND lir.Ktt Jt'K'fes, Is the m iat eotentj ctrialn, and ikciuul tenieuy ever preaiT.bed It r-aachi -and erudieiiles every paitlcie af the veneieal oolt'n,i thai ti e ci.re Is thornuxh and p' rmaneat. Take then -Una piTifyiuv remedy and b hvuled, and do nt uanaii U oar pusurlty that or which ou may repeut ia afl yeais. ' T0 VKVT DFPAIR! Alibcuph vou may be nr-onnri'-i incurable, the SAM A IHTAN'H RnoT and liKKH JI H'K- w ill t in vo evei vc'diietii imimrl'iua froin Uie asum, aa well aa ali tli bud clkc.soi mercury. FTMALEt " FEMU-rRl In many aihrtlons w'th which nnmjre of trcmal' sutler, tie Bool a M IiFKll .11 li'KS are mot haiMd , at'bpKd.lu lciiraiid L'trut. In l.euror h't a. in berli down. I'liUina oi the Womb, DsUJUy, auo for all con pi aiu IncuH'tit to thetex. bint by cjaprtss Price SI a bottle, or A bottles fur fa, HAMAK1TAN Li V AMI li.ln eaaes of Rvplulia, ucd In eonm-clion with the) Ito and Heih.luiueH Full directions. I'rlce renis. I U-eitiracv uf these rcuiedh a ia alike ackimwtedfcd I i'h) Iclaric ai.d puth-nts. 1hy are usd iii the l'ih Muiea lioiu,j, thus rcaiorbitt health to mauy vfjv Piavt ssiiiiMra. I row tlie Ha1tlinoreuBun :" WUAl 'IHK KrKt.EONB SAY OF THE HAllAltl r A W S KKMKi II h: . i'otv Hoai itaj., FdhT yARiuu, 'Itnltltuors'. Md.. Kehrnar 'M. 1M4. S "t have freat aaiiaiaclii-n In statin thai 1 have U&', 'The haaanlau Keiueu lea' f.r Venerea) lista-e In h tTi'Bt ins t'lnary forma; that I have usi'd them with )ui: iti. i.'ai,-ri twin. aid nrotier.v. and have aiund Uie rexpord lo my antlcpatlone prouiply and effeetuall. h rowing ineir couii:oau on, 1 nv witjiuiirivwBiuuTJsi In their etPtaey, and as ;r a tuy Laa uf khem ejaieada, recuimens men, rW. "ALTRKn C. IIOVTKKS, "Assistant Rurai-ou full New Yora Vuls. T el 11 be nndi'isliKMl ilinl tlu'se remedies are aaracui n imlrd, ami will nositivcl) euro tlie diseases lur wiu tl..', are ollered. buwby n.o.rpnAs, Ko.iS t Kimil'll Hir.e HKHMONH A O .. 10-12 vi.fau Do li RACE HMt SHIPPING. rf 1,011 NKW Y01lK OI'TSIHK MSB. COA8TWlr-K HI KAMsillf IVIMPANY'S M.W rHMillll' I.INfc UK SUV VOIIK, anil otmertlnfr rnr all Norihoru aud Easiera cities a cr Ui naps, sstlliiff .very lll.sl.Ai, TIUltailAY, ASH STI RnAY, frim llio Compnns's wbarf. ftr.t aiK.ve Rare strePt, a N)'vs York, tivui IMer 11, Morth Itlv.r, oa same days, af. XI. lur m il ht.wtilrh will be received dally, handled In t rail-nil iitaniiiT, Bra uciivcreu wuu Ui. frvaiestat imu-lj, ai lair rules, aiii.lr 10 ir 11. L1AM J. TAYLOR A CO., 1110 Ira . Ill) Mur'b w narve. fTfV BTKAM WKKKI.Y TO UVE1 3yiir4 , r,iM,t i"11' i'l"" tniii.wn.i.,w. Cork llarb. - i j,,. , il-kncss ii .1 camera ol if. l.iverposd, Vest Yoi aiid Ftllsili'liiliia Hteauisnip Company aro laieudW sail is (r.ll'is: TI V OF IIA1.TIMORK. Pslnnlar. WovemliPr 18. (TJY OK l,llMuS.Halurday,MovmleriO, ETNA, Hal iirdsp'. lieceiiiber i. And at cry mccudiuij baturday, at noon, Irons Pi.r K Sa l.,rlli illi-fr. KATKS Or PABBAr.F! PAYABI.K IN CUItRKNOT. First Cslilii Sli'Ji'OU KtiperaK. Irsl C. I)lii to I.mdun 17UU 8trrae to London... O- t Irst 'abio tn l arls.. llsj (J rltprraite to l'arls ttu- l lrsl Publn tu Hsnilir'elMI-Ull fakeer. 'e to Uaiubjra. 74. fassenifirs also forwarded to llavro, brvjuen, lioi tenlaia, Aiilerp, sell e iuauy u.wraies, f ares frcm Uverpool or yuoenstown-First Oaii Biwi, si rfi, rim. meerane imm i.ivuriKKH ana s,ui U'Dii.S ll. 'llioie who w ish to send lor lueir iileuus buy tickets Ii.ii at tliere rains. t oi luillior iiiiui Biaticu api ly at the Comnssy's orTlc. JOHN It. liAl.K. Airenl, No. Ill WALNUT Street, rblladelpliia, rjNWlL BOSTON AND PHILADKLrHl T jLZ Rteamshlo Line, satllnir frum ach oort b.l 1 1 UllAYli, Irom first wharl alios. PI Mi Bm ,Pil di'ipliia, and l.onic wonrl. lluatoo. 1-ruiB Orel wua alinse I'lKs". Sueel.nn rialuidaisMovvniber 2)1. Ihih. Tbesleunrr KUKMAM will sail Imm PbM.dellihia I Saturday, rsoveiuber si., at in o clock A. at., auu sioau HAXUN Is witl.ilriia B fur tlie pn sunl. Tbi-s. new and substantia atuamsblas form s r H)ip. ssllHia froiu .ach uort Duncluallv os Maturdarvs. In .ai ancea eueut at one-hail Ui. sreuluiii obarsa. 1 isie vessels. I rel.lits takes at fair rates. i Shippers are requested lo send 1U Kecelpts and M tAdlna with tlielr aooda. Por lauht or Passaas (hasinf Una aerommodstleral apply to hkn5y wiNsoit ,h)., f j.l-tf JC.. Ktl a. UELAW AKAS Arsaaa.1 sKs FOR LIVKRPOOOL, XUKSDAl .alsovemlsir lo. l'li. ltrltl.ti liU PHILADELPHIA, CsptalB O. T. VIS sal for lit. abnre port oa the llith Muveiaber. ivV etlesuaf. Hu ui carren xrwatAS KionARnaoi 00., I io-te oioi WALfcUT Striit. FOR NEW YOH.Kj TlBaPATiVrls ,T VnM. sis lielswar. SB, "l .l" 1 anai. iospssunih Uie. una. ar. ksasi I. .tlv I'i n cUsek li . Ana a . .j.,.. te V. T T 1 dally ai IS o cloekM, aud a otoca. p. at ttoa, tasaalai anon. B aluut.trMt. . Por f.labt. whkiB WID ha u 'I I tot fr.wu, win. win u M .aadMy J