T?--?A!ky TET-EGKArir. rniLADTPTJIA,rEDNESDAYt NOVKMBKK.IC, 1801. ' IT 4 B.r Airw.voow W.irsAVKI, OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. rrtee Tmmtlrt PmOoit, r tmnrcrMTtiTa r- W. rmr, au matted to Kutncrtbrrt ) te CRT ai WlttiUM Pn( As-rf On; lK.ll.Aa aarr- Trrrr (wil roa Two Mouth, tararixblrtii eitranre ay te pM mail, .lnHMMU traerWs, M the UU tl, A UbrreJ aroxievMt niHdi Uuertiooe. Te AtlvvrtlMira. wtaalM rrt tncraaae In the (irnltlKn f Tin lar.niae T.mu cobnpvlllna iia to o lo .reia at n "T'' rtiuoM that adv. riM mi ul. nar J"?".".1' cln.-t. , roaitt. to .. Ifcera a a taeaxtiaa la all of our nlltlona. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEH HI. ISCt isrorRTFoi ft TREATS cxr. A long and Important pooliil dpupaccli from the Tfgulsr Washington corrospnnit'rit of TiikEvkmno Telkoraph, and with his lgnature plainly attached to It, was, by a blunder of the American Te'eraph, delivered at the office of the Evening Bulletin vestiT- day. Inatead of entllrjg the despatch Intj our otnce, it waa dotalned and p jl.lnlip I In the Bulletin as a special despatch, nutwiUi atandlng the lact that they recelvo no "pi'c'al despatches, over the American line, and tin plainly written signature. We leave t!i : public to Judge. TIIE NOI.OIKK.V Tlf KHUMI. The twenty-fourth of this month will be ThMi4givln( Day. Lot not the soldier bt forgotten. Ho hus endured every iriiintl in able hardship for you. lie is risking his lifij for you now. Before that d:iy of thimk.s ap proaches, some, perhaps, for whom you live prayed will be sleeping the last sleep. Bat for the thousands who will yet live, perilling their lives In defense of yours, provide libs rally. The soldier does not know what it Is to fere sumptuouidy, like you. every day. Spread before him, then, on Thanksgiving Diy, every eatablo delicacy which at that season was ever enjoyed In tho company of friends acd kindred. Charity Is cold, It U said. Will, then, let there bo no charity In this matter of providing a feast for tho sol dier. Do away wl h the Icicle word, an 1 deal with pure, warm Christian lova. You will not reach the soldier's heart less directly, for reaching it through his stomach. Let all the luxuries scattered on your own bjard then be rcpr?sented In your rememberances to him. Let the turkey you provldu for him bs plenty, and the roast-baef not wanting. Scatter plum-puddings around his path, and do not forget that he hits an appetite lorpumpkiu pie. Men who fight well eat well, and no men that ever lived have fought better than the soldiers who have given ns a cauae for the thanks we are going to offer up next Thursday week. Let the feast which we spread for tho soldier, then, be crowded with everything comfortable to the taste, which we crave for or deny our selves. We are not truly grateful to God if we omit thus to express our remembrance of the soldier. IHEHinr.E TO SPLIT THE f.OU. i Ilitherto It has been claimed that tho South in this war was a unit, and that it could not , te divided in sentiment on any one subject ; until Its Independence was attained. But a wedge has been found which is already deeply , driven into lis very heart, and the man who Wields the maul that drives the wedgo that splits the Confederate log is none other than Hls Excellency," jEFKEK-soif Davis. This "stem statesman" has unintentionally turned "rail-splitter," and is Just now engaged in cutting down, cutting up, and dividing Into sundry pieces the great Southern Confede racy. The axe which he uses is his power as President, and his wedgo is tho knotty and tough stick known as the negro. Nobody was so foolish as to presume for an ( instant that, after the Rebels got off to theai selves, they would ever allow the "nlggcr"ito kick up a row among them. On the contrary, they were to form a "happy family," with the negro as the foundation of all their wealth and social blessedness. But tho poor black man turns up again right at their hearth stones, with a very ugly and dark-looking v aspect. Davis could not let 1dm alone, and so be hauls the trembling felloe out by the heals 1 seta him upon bis feet, and tells the aristocracy ofthe South that he has a notion to put abutter ni't uniform on his back, and send him to fight with their sons and brothers for Southern Independence. This might do, if it were not thut this new candidate for military honor.) ' happens to be a slave happens to bo the property of the aforesaid aristocracy. Now to put him on the same fooling w llh the in 'is Us r Is an indigulty to the latter, to say nothing o the risk run in losing him by a Yankee bullc tlirough the body. But this is not so much the trouble as that other idea advanced by Davu and Skddon, that tho CSavemment L shall take the negroes and pay their masters for them in Confederate money, uud the cti'or them the bribe of freedom for ilde'ity to the Bebel cause. Kow, such a proposition i:t horrify ing to th genuine son of the South, whose w:iltlicon alsts in the bono and blood of the African, and whose sole design In going Into the liebellion was to perpetuato slavery over the territory la which It existed. Ccusciiucntly Davis brings down storm upon his own head, a i l lb declared a worse Abolitionist than Mr. Lin coln. By this time he must re.ilize, tho fa :t , thut slavery is a curse something like iliat wo of the free North have long considered it lcce It baa been the direct caue of all J the difficulties uud animosities wiiic'. have arisen In our country during th hut fitly years, and which liavo Dually cul n'- Cated in an open and bloody rebellion on t.ae part of those who are Its advocates. It Is not ; unreasonable to suppose that tvra-thlrds of tbj Southern jeopla would rejoice this day It the accursed institution was eradicated root and i fcrancU from their lulr soil They know that it is an evil which blights and blasts, and they have learned a bitter lesson In the war now waging by a few lordly raastcis for its preser ' vation. The eeutlmcnts of the civilized world are adverse to the crime of holding hum ta beings in bondage; aud no nutiou sympathizes with the South on account of slavery, but in ; the hope that the war may separate us and break up tbc great American Union. But the end U upprouchlu.!.', aud tho K-jbel it- President iiuiaell has started the wed";e which t: . aeeuis destined to illvidu the South ltelf. The j . question Is agitated In its own houso, "Shall ,tbe negro have his feodum, or shiill he remain slave V . Where the agitation is to stop no i;i jjHim duft nqw s:y. Tbe subject tine been i y-'lie.d, and a flerew controversy will unstie, which us "result iu eraliug two parties la ' the reMMtnrntHtrti", pitted against each other In deadly hutr. SMjXh iU)ji un;rry jstorul t,fUieiXOWnruWng,lkuli Uu. trouieudous uad it. .,- pwady julvuucvof out),.iioils uu.1,:r(ilUNr , awlsUJ J.M Aj'", l't us U'i, tliut slavery, the ,s " lldeous,- red-handed mtnsu, . Wca "r" jlfeiifhed 6lt land with Its bust Wooa.sVJl gtf I'.yyn for v,-r, ; - ' i ' ' .. a , . ... .-... . ' '' 1 - 1 rue Rii'i ni.it' i.fn: ti a. There Is nothing for which we linr biia iron? MnrereJy and du ply inU-resled tlitn the efibrt to rtahlih a nation of rlvlllzd bltek t-n the soil of Afrlra. An eniorprlsa of greater Importance In a purely hii'rmHurl.in respect has not enli.ted t!i Hympsthlns of this o nttiry. One of the prinripil and, in some reRHnls. mwt interesting section of the glebe is still in a condition of birbvistn ; and it seems to be the duty as well as the policy of all the iilightnd and chrbtlanlned Siat.es of bo'h hi mNpherex, to cn-openta In red-eai-lug Africa from the prolonged gl mm and diirkiicfl of the most unmitigated saviglmn A beginning 111 this good work hM been m vie on the West Coast of Africa, iind-r the atisalces t 0110 to enjoy Hie luxury to the utmost, lie of the American C.ilonlzitliin a )ci'ty. Tiie j knows that ho has worked hard Tor nil the Republic of Libt-ria is a highly prosperous j po!ac;e run-ener wliieli coin' to hi t pocke! community, and (onus the nut lens of a natlnn- ! and bo realizes to the lull extent of Its mnm nlity of negroes that m.ty be mi lt to extend , lug the ttphorism that n gi-e.-tiback avedls a over and comprehend the entire nroa of that j greet back earned. In all his st-iiffl..s hn vast U"rritory which, geographically, consti tutes one of the four quarters of tho globn. It has leen peopled chiefly by emlRrmts from tho United States, and I'tey carried to : wllh the silver lining, dwells within his house, the land of their race that seed of civilisation hold, and he so acts ns that his purse shall which has, within a comparatively few years, 1 some day have a silver lining too. girminated in a most remarkable manner, What are bis sensations, then, when hn i.nd established, beyond all future doubt and ; becomes awaro that veal cutlets aro twenty controversy, the sublime fact that th3 unf ir- ; five cents a pound, and thnt Innocent mution tunatc, tho degraded, and tho aunposad ' chops are eitial'y exacting In their de:n in Js I divinely cursed children of Ham are yet capa- ; Supi-oelng he Is a r'slnj young bttslmss mm, blc of regeneration und enlightenment, and i to whom every penny that can be Invested in hid fitted by nature for a much higher social con tlition than that to which they have been sub jected for several thousand of years. What has surprised us, however, Is the re luctance of our free colored people to g to Africa. They seem to have a repugnance to niitrratlng to the only country In which tlisy can possibly attain to that social and political finality to which the least educated and Im proved member of the white race uaturally aspires, and will achieve by liny change of local residence. We have actually known free blanks In our country who will not avail themselves of tho presage across the o?ean to Liberia, offered to them by the Colonization Society ; while others, Mill more averse to the benevolent cnterpi ir.e of placing the negro in a situation in which lie can best develop his own powers, and enjoy nil the prlvilegas of civil "and social equality, have resented the bare proposition to aid them In removing to Liberia. It Is to be hoped that this feeling will In time be overcome, and that thousands of the freed peoplo of color whom tills war has de livered from bondage In tho South may seek a residence In that country where an honor able Independence and ull the rights of citi zenship will be open to them. In the mean while, the blacks In other countries are avail ing themselves of the valuable advantages which are offered them on tho West Coast 'of Africa. Hundreds of respectable negro fami lies of Barbadocs, it is said, are desirous of migrating thither, and the strongest induce- incuts are offered to them and others of tho same race to take that step. To encourage the removal of W est Indians the Legislature of Liberia recently euacted a law providing that each family emigrating from those islands to that Republic shall receive, instead ol ten acres of land, as hereto fore, twenty-five acres, und each single or un married individual ten acres instead of five. Emigrants from tho United States aro also invited to come, and such as cannot find tho means themselves are aided by tho American Colonization Society. On this subject our former townsman, Gion.Mti Rai.bton, Esa.., hus recently written a most interesting lottnr, which we append. It is addressed to a Com mittee of the Barbadocs Company for Liberia, at Bridgetown, Barbadoes, but the views and stiggestlons which it contains aro worthy of ' i be earnest consideration of ad the, frleu ls of the colored peoplo in this country: " CoNHt 1ATK (iBNKIlAI, OK LlllKI'.IA, L'iNIlOJf. " tSvi ttn.beruO. To Me-ar-. John W. Wouiikli., (. bainiittii : i mam. ii. i.aivki.ni r, v ico-uimir- ' uuin ; Samvel T. Ciitiri i nts, Seere'.ary j Cjiu- nut ue ot tliu Li irb.ulocu UompaD v tor U'len. " (icniltnu n : I have gnat, p.easuro In ackuorr- U'Cl-mir ilo receipt nt vour cutninuutci'ioa to " mo under U.ite of Urtlgulown, H. piciaher 'J, lhi.l. l bave attentively eonsliiurvu ilu ln.eroit- " icg letter, anil 1 am rujol'fi that so mnr ' rrssxtublo liitialitan'8 of II irbadoes are will- lug to eieisriite to l.uicrn in neip uuiiu up n " i.i pin imttoBHlity on the Went Coi.-t of Africa in conjunrtiou with their Atipto-Afrirna breihrvn . ?V, . H , ;?. V" ct-iled tl.em in ustn'ilitlituo; a highly vigorous ropn-itntativu rejublicn Ujvuraiqcnt. made " tu-ut;tH with ninny ol' tin: nations of Km ope " rclutK CH vith all tuo ulghlKring trioes, and " wo ciijoyi, g Buecfal progressive nir-er; " but LKliwewtAti to iiceolerHtoi und reoil'ir Dioretx.iitsiTfl.aiilDrrcaeofwoli.diB,.oi!i),l, " iDii'lHucM. and en'crprUIni? luiin'irriuiti from ' ItHrlmiH 1-, wlio, we libl t-oallUrnt, will he sure of mcci-ta, and liy ihi-ir ttood cuiiduet nnd " ir.ilni-:ij rn turn tnc umniloid s-Ivmitagei of a " incHt lirtiie ciiuotry uud fcvni.l i-iliua c (lor umiVit1.1' un,u""t'1 f0' vb"' to th "" " 1 u-K'ht, the Ani;lo- African pionecra from tho " Vnitod butes ham nin'iu ull tlie pr -liiiumiy ' airan,!' mil ta 111 l.iiii-rit for tlio rKccml m ol und tlio coinioriahlc iCMduiuc of a JurH'o aud i-ou- " et.iiii;' iiimasing numlit r of innulriiats of " ii1rn.r1u,."rf.iri' viiinii9 1 i tinu i'ro-n trj - AoBlo.Afripii porlioa " ot the ran-, who will enjoy ull the blootiui; of " Her ami coi.miuti'inal R.,viriiiuent, wl U nil tho T-iiviu-e. vlirh l,r..uin1iMi.1Uw-,n11..oim, " manni-iB, 1 .uRiiago, und othur pecnlUrities of "8iau9. mlilier In Jum-iica, nor 1'riuiU.fl, "nor Di-inaiMiu. nor llnjtl, nor Cutu, n'jf "Cmtr.il Annrii-a, vur, in uliort, in any "otl.errmm'iy Imt I ,l-eri. Wlia'.wt r c mntry " tlm wl.lie 11 an inhlii iho lilatiic nun ou ii to 'avoid. 1 tte this in th.Jinurc-.tui an,;tro ' I HI 1 tlm 1 iT t1 IK tiiit. ir ii flip rhi 1 1 ,ni-il fit tnc " lii iu 1 10 up. !ue cpi'iieue ol' t-i huu . - . j . " - 1 " '"I " -Util ki.j '1 1 1 - Ii t- yearn proves Hint white unl " i !--l;.-i i-ai 1 t.t Ilii'Vori.t -r'a'ily totiether. '1 ic " wlii'-'i 1 on iieite thu MaeU", uu.i It i-i Iniportt'il " ihey r-liutj vj live m p .nt'.'-li it' hotb are u urunpi:r. 'In iio .iii.r eoniiiry i.u: I.ltus i.i e.ia Aulv '- A :i"t tJi.-. 1 i e i -in J". i L .lily and Ik- M-l-'-g iveiuiai. ' aud h-.'O'ii.o 11 nivlity' un i-ia t- -liifuMi :hc " ttie-.-in .---ul" e ili.-Hiion nnd " r.-'i -nitv ' er " l.r niom;iir.iliie pi:i.'jliaof Iho iiniiii ine Viri- 1 i:n in n:n--iila. "lm.auiu h nu the diiil.-ulU 11 of tha times ill tha " Vinti d SM!! nu; in; the a.vl'ul civil r pro " viii'iru there t.cci .vii. 1I1 1 t'j ntiiio-t eiv.io ny " in preparing un uxpedi iou tor Liuuna, aud also " lo coiitiuin the emii'iint to exactly the c'lu-1 " of pei soiid moot iictdcd iu that new country, It " if iinpurt.'.iit tliut none uliouid KO out but those "Kfcuemi lontriiinte sonu tliin.; by th'-inse.ves " 01 l.y tie ail of frleinli to lind their way to " Monrovia ll is deiiratjlo that families bhoiiUl " o v.hese chief im-iiiliurs lilt) agrieiiltm i.-t. " Lompvten: to eiiiliiaio t iy,.ir, coiIW;, eo ton, anil " nth. r Uilieles ii'.i; iiiiiint to swell tlie export of ' the, c iimlry. M.;.:!mnied, tr.id.-siin-n, iind others " not eoiiin.jte 1 e iih lint i.uhle prohiaiiuii 01'cul " t'v.uii'P the "oil, aire idy :ih und in Li ier; 1, and " un nuil;f" n to their miniiuia 11 n it ur. all 'loi- r.mie. Anv nitmher f eintivatj.- ami director " of urleiiltur.il iiursiiit-i will hi; wolcomed as l-i uLlirl:;! to tlie eon m y. "J am, ,"1 ntk-mf n, v. I'll .'r. at re -urd and re- " fr. t, mid a t: ri -t tle. ue tii.it yo 1 cointn.""!- utile 1 nte nriae should Inv--. ill': most Je.n -1 nt " cuee'.nB, yours, U .uvuo uvlmon. ' -The ciiizeni of J.oweli, M.iaiaihUjC H, h.:v3 p:ircl:a8i d a io.d ior O'eii'jral LiUkr, at a ;:-t j( acven bundled Jul Uu . C.-neial JUag!.t- tvo a s-. loeti ui of reJ:iti; In f.'&nhvillo last week IUr the iwuiXt of fie Iho tistant Oipi.un A-yUni. A dailr newspap.T, to be 1 iliioJ l.y Mri. J-uia Ward Howe, will hi puhii.hi' .1 at fljiSon d'-U'IUo' the con.lnuaut of iheiia;loiul sallom' 1'alr. The t'a.t trot'.in hoii Oeutral Urunt full dead Fildey afternoon, OB Iho Herring Hun raee- eaurne. Ii la heue-d he wan poi-ono i. lne I ik mua!uiti a. OJ.'J 0. - e ... 1 , I . , ,, , . tiik runt: or rmn-ino. To one who Is limited In h!. irv inn It I t very delight fill to sit down to it menl with ( !iu full ceneloiisiit'M that he i. not ayiti; more for any edlhle thsn It Is worth. This Is a In miry which the millioniilre c:irinot enjoy to the fame dc-gre". If Ms clinr.tr-tor is of tht rmtun.' which wo cxpr'-ss by tho ndjecdva "rw-itn," he tney, to be sure, take a grim tli-llht In rolling over in his mouth sweet mor.-els which be feels were piirrhnsed at a buresln, and which are iilmrwt worth more th-m the money ho gave fur H ern. Hut the poor nun, or the man In middling elreiimytan.'es, who minx iiimheir surrounded l.j a large fi nily tA small ehihlnm with ravenous a:t I'Mim i.tlm se-Us to build a Inundation for that ease and i rosperity v hieh should assuage tiio gri,-fs if nge. The slmdow cast by economy, that cloud btiblues.1 is of value, and who is more than con tent to abjure the allurements ol'oating saloons, and partake of a dinner fron tho modest dim itudtm of a luueh-hox, Is ho to br; harassed each day, at the hour of noon, with the re:l". tion that sausage turnovers nro not tho cheapest thing in the world? and is ills appetite to bo taken into bondage pnd Ignominlously handcuffed by tiio Intelligence that eggs are forty-five cents a dozen? Y hen ho bears Philadelphia butter lauded, Is he to reflec t that, high as those praises lire, they aro scarcely as high us ID price? Are apples stiil to continue to bo made Into pics, when t.'u.-y sell for thirty M"von cents the hull peck? and is poultry still to bo patronized at the r.-.te of twenty-fivo cent i per pound? When these things suggest them selves (und when do they not?) ho foelj as though he were being eaten out of bona; and home. It is tho provisions that aro devouring blm, Instead of ho who i:t devouring thoin.and if ever a wolf made Its approach In sheep's clothing, It Is when ho beholds roast mutton on his table. It is trite to say that the evil will not remedy it.;clf by useless complaining; by the remark tuut no one man of a class is worse oil' than bis neighbor; and that nona of tin r.re so bad off as the natives of Richmond, who aro eijoying life under diniculties. Tho relish and digestibility of a repast aro by no means promoted by matuLlmtl scowls from tie) head of tho family. Tha crood elfccU ' .U ...!.. a r li 1 . ... which migi.t rrun.il uiij.i 1'u.iuo iroin n com em, garuh.hcd with smiles and repartees, are almost neutralized when paterfamilias preaches an incessant bomiiy on tho price of coli'te, and Indulges In gloomy speculations respecting the ultimate price of tea. In cases like these, the most ardent natures shiivel tip like so many sensitive mimosas. Jokes stick in the throat, and even wit, Instead of boing post-praadial, becomes postponed. "Mrs. llalier," in the Strawjer, speaks of the comparative content with which she could eat a crust of bread moistened with tho tear of penitence ; and wo all know that a dinner :-l heibs where love is, Is very palatable, particularly when one is hungry. Where appe tite Is always being frowned down, and good digestion is dl-couraged as being Incompatible with social happiness, the sensitive and the conscientious will feel that every lump of but ter they swallow depreciates the currency, and to take a lunch with satisfaction Is equivalent to eating sandwiches mado of bank-notes. We suggest no way by which our m irket products can bo decreased in price at a blow. It is inevitable, of course, at such a time as this, that provisions should bo dear, and that much uneasiness, especially among t'je poorer classes, should be felt. But let those wha complain reflect upon the little really sys- U'.malic euro thay take to roulttto thtslr expenno and preserve economy. In many a rina'l LousehoM, a- well an large, much U ' , ""fei ,uutu l!t weekly wanted. Again, the saving and hard- working head ol' a houe U too apt nines 10 oerestimato Ills expenditure, and present the case In a worne light than th it u.i.i.,1. -.,..11,- 1, . .!., n i..i... 'J " ,"ti" "1UAB u' snvings tlirough the rcvurfPil end of the lorj nfltL', and at lib i-xuenditures t'.iroiiKh lis I1i ,,.iii,.n n , 1 1 . ..a t,n-iii mi tuim out tliiougli tlm loopholes of h!s biiainesj, iiml j verj lillle 8:.vfd at home. Or pfrlmps Ids lumglnnlion Is flrrd by tlio results of one unusimlly i-xiitiisivt; week, ami not all tho ... . ,. .. , . , ... "ninit'nt wultnig Irorn hia LmliiKdi hubit'j eimlile liim ho to overcome his auxh'ty for the r. - a gl.ori nn,i haimtui Mr. Vf'yol hi ret-elpls and exjwnss lu the long rim. . To know ho to market, huJ to know b'JW . , -, ... . cook jirovi.ilons iin.r bavinij bought the. n, U to undrrnt:ind a f..w of tho-io faets which . A uobhi, but hardly advL-abb tnethoj in i for iu-lKlilKrhootlmnid'o!niiiiinitinjto"8Uiko" 1,1 , . . . , ,,, , ni.tl t. t.tl utti,iirt the ineurMoiin or milkmen, butchers, and fjroc-eiM. Hut In Hit first plaee, th(, pooj-lowlio eujii-ly ua with enables and , ..- .1 , 1.1,. , t , lt.,1.. .... t . ,-.. 11 .tiul iu the Mcund plaee It Iian b.u rifm m aStruted thut ''.strike.-' uro by no nieaus the httppiewt or must elll--ac-iotiH unnns of brin!;t;;g men lo reason. Aaln, prleen. II!;o waU;r, yoninTfir lafer llnd ilieh own lev!. Whit we lutve imi lo do at present is, uselessly com- I'h.ln. If br. ad l.-i the Bt itf ol life, jood tem jn r ! the bn.-u.l- hud butter of tho &011I Wnuldy operators, notrole.uin piinceH, dyinij U1.1001 rail, n'jbtUule, bi'okcid, uud the ueoplc nt the ?outh aro tlio only ones who have not n light to complain. Now that Mr. Lincoln is riM letted, wo Bland iu a belter aspect thiin ever before, aud have Intlnitely more to b grateful for than gruuiblc about. r-3 M.itrtFKt. HP KSTT.n.-11'M IP'-: It. -On Thurlar, Nnvt ul i:r 10. 114,1, ,11 VHi.ul.ill 'IlVllI Ml-lliiul ,1 I ..l ll I'll .r-, liv I.i v. Julio K. I I. iii-lam. Mc V li 1,1 A a '. ' Mti'liN. Ti ll mill .Mikh 1.AI IIA V. ll'Kll'i It, liulli ui i'liiiuiicl l.llii:. No I'mils. ' M liWK.U, KIMl. -tm o tcii l . r l' lli. 1 l, by tl v- im.tii llrn,;-liji.l. JA.MI.-. 11. CA1.KU I.Lt. Iu :,M.i y. UIMi. boiU ul 111 In lily. !it;. I;l'.l r - 11 iI-l.J-i'. N'lviiVr 1 1, ii' i'i.r.i-1, c--- ' ti ,1 .,1 the ii- 11 v, Wiu.1 1 ii iw: 1 It 11. 1 I.-, t 11. .11 i: Hwlli ' ll una I.i. !ul A'.n i'tl e,.i 1 . .'i Jeir., I liniuilioi luiiiii my K, Sc.i.a 11 ti.i ,j li .1111.1 Iti'-otii- ' t. .. v ' ! 'I 'l.i m l.,'!v( nnil rt-Tl-i of 'ir ffifinW, niintie.- .1 liii 1 r-t .n f .il .ii a -ii lli ra iu ill.' t.lt , Hl-n lim uu iuoi . i.i Iliy ! 1 r . I k rl : 1 1 " ' '..ii.p i i, . 1 1. a ! i.i A- 1. 1 i!t . . i i . r i 'I b a i e i t MK.Id I - . . ' i . I l-i .ll ml 1. 1 1 I . . . iiT.i . I .'" 1 I I . I r--ti i i Nt -.1! ll.i.rnai -Lilifi t Weil i. I '1 I ull lit 1 Ut.,,cii. ltiiri;t' iu Cl.a.-y ti HIt . Ii. II.OPI.KS.- On )ta list ultimo, Ii llaa-tital Hlviii in Nu. 1, llllltllllllb. Jill.. Ol lli -i J.u L 'III, i ri'-l' 1 tl 'III I III t ilU lint il- Ol li t llto... I i.r.'OUt A I : A - I'l 't I'l.' '1' I.F.t. t .,' ,,'aio 1.. i- iti.! J- Vila I'l'; ti i-.y : vt. ii iu I'e.tr.tu oiaie 'H r.. Hit. ANIL On tliii imirnlii; of the Ifi'U In.t.. StAS 1 l;il !'. ili.t-.i tl.ii'lo. Iv-'M. unit Ai.M.t ll. to uui. VA I-iil"S -.in il.e iii.rni'iti of tit 11th i it t'O, nr.. J LIZA I la. Ill IAN I.Mii.i, iu UmiiUycar of hor Hn rolntlvra and Irtt riiU of the lamllr ara luvlti il ti aiwii.i thu ijiiorai aitrvii oa at tie r.is ,l,-ii,i, of loir soi, li-i h-'.ntr r-':t',t,in 'l.ui.aj,m ti u' loci A. .:. li.i' .'iiit'i.i t t i.i't'.'ii" 1 I'.'i.'i y, li; ni-ilj j. (J A It t), i ma t. "CK'-a vt N T I U !'. H '1' () ) K K LACE CURTAINS AT 0I.T .- t'i: I vr. HM T" II A. IN 0'I- I. E. WAlRAVi N, autiKsr.a i w. h. -.aurvi. MASONIO tl.M.l , Ho. 719 OUEBUUT Et.-eet. BUSINESS ITEMS. Fur, Thri.nl lc.oiiiri, I'M'ir-h, AM n.ri, and a'1 a.aiVoni Afr'tliopi tr-nt. w'tli It.'? m.ti'.t MiCCc.ft ly III. Vl M'n iiiski K, Tfitli it II- v1 Ci(i.tturt4 4 apj.aialtl!. An IMiittrailMj .reifK-cltis (.' tin' ram. ctii'tnlntiiK fculnr i ntiihd'p tc'tm itl-i'l. u aj V I a 1 ttatlM.on i)illcitti"0 nt liii o'ecr, Nu W ii,ut -.-t. Mnukf il ntiri Itrlftl Merits. a. run. Ii.ivih v IticiMieis. At. Ii si.d 1 o.itli Hlrc: l. Hat a jrit i A a l''h AUfioj ol I l.M.AhT 11 M, Imo.u Hi I.' . n.ifl La':... T . . .i . A'loftlil- llllful ctniiiff. MaMI F'iK'l I H 1M..NU Oh I rs I t A No I) I fH 1'IANOS Tin WA'flN H Wfl.tN 8 t'Alll.NKT IlliltAN . Out u u ot t-afh M tn.i- fl'ie li-airiitiit-ii'i tiHvf. tfn h lil tty air il., ai ii tie it. m.infl I. c. iilni a til !. r oui; if. OAtllM. r OKI.ANS. ( ' 1 II I S T 1 1 ! llMI. I'MllNl-.l :t..li ss. fv-HM r OIIANS. 1'UKll I oa t i H t I Ml Him !. ii n H'Kii.s ManiK It rn--U.K. kor halt- on.) t.y .1 F. in otn, 8('if-ntti aii'l ( tiu-iiit k'.rr' rj'IIK ISCIIO VIAf. KMU Srrr il A'.'KNOWI f.r)0)'l TO HK. THE nr.EoT IN TH WOLD. Or.l.KIUIAtKD roR THKIH SITKUIOR TOXK AM) FIMS1I. RK0". TO 11K TIIK KCST LU2ABLE IN8VME.T3 MADE. AND SOU) UPON THH MOST UKASON AHLIi T 1. 11 MS. AT TIIK WAUKKOOMS, No. 1021 CHES3SDT STREET. tf ct fully Invifc our friend; and the ptiltlic frnfr 11II7 to call nt our wfirerooiiii and ennuiite our rxtrnlvt; fit-iortmcnt of Mf.hiy Improved Htjurir and (irnnd I'lnoi. VTv have 'ewlved tho biK-Oit jirnmiunii at all thefnl cxMMtl ls ever hrld In tl.i countrr, Includlns rhc Trlo Si "ai at the Woild't Fatr, Cryntal Ij1co, few York, und bud crous teHtimtmialb trom the bont artia.a iu tills country iinil Eujope. W ice.M'ltfW-4 ttintitiere are no rtAnotmade Int'iii conntrj stipptittr to our ow n. As I'hlladti'phla mmufm turen we pride oursolve In havtt g achieved a icpuUtin for our liiirumontt uncx a ltd I) j any other maVem In tn country. It Is a wlt ki own frt lit at onr I'lanos havo for many iem main ta ni d uulr Itixh reiuta'.l n, notwithbtAndia ttie pow mil ci-tni ciJiion ul tlie Katcrn uiaken. Hvn Vork and It. on I'tanoa havo been flvodtd Into Itiln matlet U.rtH-Kti ihir n(.-nclf w, rtn.i hfraldej by i hem as tli only ri&noi tn tho country ; yet a, tha namo time 1lne taint axcntA very adilr.tn continue to sell nu one uiakci's Initruii f mi for any leiiutft nt time, for the reason thai they are interior, and U.ey are ormpelled to tnke hold of other uaf era', perhaps still more inferior, ulthoiiKb pulttd ipbyiluinas ctlUratHd Pianos, wb. at the seme Hdio such maeri have never been kitnnnor hfardofln their own cities. The C3iiiif-.miueo ib.lliat our e'UrePs art often Induced to purchsa such lnlt rit-t iiik'.itimenth, without couHlderlDc their o n or the general In'trects of thtir city. The advantages uui cltUem have In encoursKl: hntne n:anufuuiircs certatnly should nut be.ovor looked, for the fo lowing reusoua : i'.rat. It le acknon leaded thit PhlladeVhla lg the great DiHuufuctarlnt! city of tlili country, and celebrated fur Its sui-erlot audsVilltd wotkruen. Hicoud The purchauer obtains the piano directly from us, ti e mill uaetiirers, and ..aves the amount nsde by tlie ai-ei.t, who usually claims neater proats than the tunnu fticttirfcr. 'I Mid The flCCnt'H reftrnnsltiHItv imnnnli tn nnMilnv. theu no red 1 tin; ilm n ainnoent ha hens U m idu lor the c ari.i i,and ihe loirdiahcrinu-.t run tlo risk. Wh rea, ou tin otttPi liMiid. wo, a :).u ninii'itieturoT!!, are neld n-pnus be a. o(i.,m. t i-rirk ih n-M msiQinty ime the t u'nLro cJ-. iui.i.n.ei 1.. J Kru Ui. Atlncti'iiR ifcar inch Instruments mlyht be 1 )'jiii tot ur i Hit when ittw.tiior cmnot kv tlie Hiiue rb..nu.t iln.-an.it d -iwtua upnu oihi-r 10 t,L-p auJi! ' Pilli'" l"1 " nn'tr, nn.miii o' ' c-mrai- nut fhkiiuI taLiihcii 11, or w-r the mini leiw.b nf iline, ttr tiw ait) l hit. protin ui ti" whiUt we, th in uii fait u rrrn, iiHvc our wn v. (fii.i worKDien, wii'i ni'iy uiiii"ratanii , tlu- IbiiiiiffS, fttitMm yo i.j.tiy mve tttlr attont:uii, and till pimii'H in1 Tnatab t vjar uiQcd longer. (u I'Mitbliaiim nt S lihi iti Hit) mo it extetiilve In tlili coi ntri , rti (1 wtit-n our tew frnprnvf m nth uow In pnifro4i a'it;cnii.t ed.il wi.ib'onu tb lar,oit In ti'e wo Id. Our ohjtct ! 10 11 Uh iJiim trai.cU uf luJimliy one ui tlio KIvHt lLklKlitU-1 01 ill city. ; Our lutiuuiritiH it ii,. ni.if(ii crrat imnrovenienii over 't otliiti, ana Mir ext' imivo l'ioHiti lur nuniiiticiiirlri i-itl li uk '0 en rnta lrUKkoj utaterial, and liMtnm ii. Ltvt iii-irh !iBf . A.k 1 li i er.uii ilttM rouk tn oiiMHise will rIva tia a call, we . win prove all ilia' we Imvo nmJ ir r 8nl (o our ptiini. i Ti.tT. are. of rourtf. alwayt iiTruiirM of opml.ta. and pr jiitlx i it inlnr-H. and 'ho.-f u 1,0 arf tut Tttaua in tho vale rnor iani v. w juhv ni;:i r iiuin u ; u mumi vrn have on m t.K. thtt It would k ve ui mm h picaHU'e, nt an 11 iiiiir, 10 iffi otn luhiruu.oin wnii any oinvc uiaku iiii nit y u .ty i nm on in i:unua. Wi ant-iB ink em-1. Ii injs and the n ;bllc 0. i-a'l and oi- an'ii i- otir u.in.ir 1 liiii..).- Wc f--t'i haii u--ij lu.it no li-ii.-In tin. i-ii.v a, ii v iiidi'o wth iia, our pi lie. btliij rauMliliititi- and O roia acrnuimiiUaLlli. N. E. Kecond-hnnd l'laiim taken In t vlmag", I'l ANdS 7 O UKN V Otdi rs f. r Tuning promptly a teinhd to. SUHOMAOfc LR & CO , n-n-wnitti o. li'.'l t MK.-iNfT uru.-.rr. rV ) T 11 K 1' I.' H I. I ( J. 1'i.lKi TlOX or i I. M'MtFKI IHMt.. 'I': III II. I .'III t I VI , 1 am i. prii - '-i i . I-, tl'-r.i it .ii. H'i, ( oi. iii.s liv tin m i ni;,i .i at in It a .i.,H...a. ii .u- -a it Ctir. 0. 1. Mi- a in, i ul imii i y a' liiu til p.,a ) -il ill : .v-tir.-'nry ul lie 1 f, .i.ui v. Iu t'i i i:ii' . fii.l In I'm- ,ri.-i '-I .l i.ir.i.iiio.. da- lh ii- lt tlrii nnil i ui.! .l,m. ir ot mr,..)). l-l'i a t-tl III rnlii.t.ll i.-li n.K '1'rni.i rv mil'!, li-i -ttvill il i-tir-ri i.t y. uud i, !u r .ti lniti. n ui In l ilitna sii'hi. I'iiI-i iun-1 I il lie! i'Ii-iI to lie pajruieut ol' itn.irU. to dvti-t-llv,-. uud I ullicrtt Itirnuili iv .i-jni' limn iiitu-lililhl yulii-a.li-i-i .'irutjroUs.il I to iia;U-f ; itiul ItH .Mliiimu'i-ii'l.iii, ami llie cuujia l of tl.e ' in- u.iir'a rli r. d to an- .l.irpil, hy oritur oi' I ha Htx r.l.iry, ; uiiiii r ll i iiiiiiu ei tla siiiit-rvliioii ul liie iinUur.liiii l. in . v.tii'in nil ciiiiniiiliili-ii'lt tin rt'itrinK tlnri-to, i.r to tl.e . llvnsiD imli -HtiU, aliuiild Iia aildri'Mii-tl. I.ltiarul ri-wnnls lidve ulti-Ad.v lit-in pata iu avvi-rni iiartiea wlio liava aidi il lit t'.c .i pi' lt-. iluu "I't i.uieerli-ltiTu, It I. r.,iil tint the hlliniili.a il.ua oiVt-mJ, aaiinl to thi- i in . n-t i. la. It nil i; ea oitt.i-n--lull"! i,-,l In th-- .tipji:.,.. i bit It ol milieu tt-litl.ltjl tn tliijnilr tl.d ttreult of 'It n.i'iufi ll i . iirit'i h. tmtl tlnm i-uil'ari lls all bu-niPis i'iii.taiioih, it'll in . i ti.-. tlii ettiii4-l r--iiiiir.iiiuTi ul' all t-tiN.t'ili. ol' iilU-'il'ii .n't tt'.tl in i ' i ttii.it. t...in; iti.Kla hy tli.i O inrt li. i '1' lui t'.t' .Itluilim-tit "! tliut ilrbilutiU'.'11'l. It in !. ' cliilly in'Mi tliat all in r-i-in Iiuvihk- a an.'ivUnlntj of i.ti- s i iiii,.iiit.n.t in t, kiitu'.n by ilie ii i.ifiiui'M', . otitr 1 1 1 1 1? t. li oiii-.i-.. b, v- ill t i'iaiit iiii'-ulc tl.l-rn 1 .1 11 und jiritit'Uy Itn '.I'r ntiiliTilkliitl. I'tiliil; In-l ul tn:y "I'ltri-ffi t riti u tiont liift liii'.it'ry it 'll ! tmi i i I'tll'lul m 1 1 it to iiit t it t rntui'iil it .'id ii. oii'illc ty nit iii. ct-t-spli. l.iiiit uitliliji.il'. i to l 'lib - irtl. KDWalll. JOItOVM, n t-:-ia.wjiii Kiiicitoroi in.! u.-. W It 1J A Ii V . .'.l"0liCi;nPIIY OF I.II'.IJTKS'AN "-IIKNFK 1.L I.SrlKl.ll i-Oiil'I. S vula, J lui 11 a lino I j Inttriu.i't b.jtk :o ivt'-y Autlilcitn. A IVI. MARTISE.W illVlOia' KN'i.LANH. Vola. 1 Hl.it nuvt i ..nly. v.iuiv-, niiroiiV or TiiwfB-Tiin aib ok LI'IJ.SaI;. f-u. in I., a' -lib rtre.vcti IV'i-tlo .iifi.a al li.t KOOK HdOMW. No. 18 if. rllXl'tl MTRVEr, Ati'ivoOliuitint. 11 ! "t VVAr:AMA!.En & BROWPJ, J I U II HI I I II II nil I. I l '. ft t f'.'ITIV'flA't AM) S'-VHS i a ! .y, T i t I I II 1. :I!im t i i ,-r. V-IMHiW MIAJ (JARSLNarOTT CQ. Ilirifit .-tfti'-.T i to PA!'' A i." ' t i I It- ... t : i 1 ' A : . ' OVi'll:', i.;i uui tn; oi r I t r l.ii'" l-llli Hi. ?M ivi l.t t - ( 1 1 A:iiL"r;MrM ; . ll'ICAN At AIM, M V I p :, y 4 Ll.OI- l l I.H'IVr It Iilriv tur I MK I.A T i 1.1. Mini' 1-Of I J.V..:.V UF 111 I. VI ll'-l or. v ' f itiA ori.a.i mm- tsy ( .Mil. a.Sboim:i1. i',.n luotnr TI'IH l I IlNF.MIlAVl I Vi: JI.N'I Ntlvtiiili r 111 nil. '1 1 i- iinlv t tnc noil pu tttri-.r ol Mh, t,.-..r'. urtii.J lil'i'ra. in live ttt-li ot I.I III,!,' l-..N'ir-l ft'r.r. nr. tVa tin Vitl-i Mad .HillAM.- A Hiri'Klt 1.1' '.lit.!- I rl a no 1 irtt I.i ilv ul I'ii i.r. . -'i timl I. ail in Hul l I'm, nl Vi.r I ('nil. tlo hi. Ili-in I t out tli' M v r- ...Mn l. I i:i. Ill JO A H'.M l.'il -. I" . t l,l si; (.'ANUS A Mi l. SI. '.I il 'l. .11 MAN xln.l. I'Ai 1,1 -I', Mr. IMI.il lf. i.t 1; l.rl-K, I W HI. I K.Mtl, I' 'It'li;-. ,...M. Hi. -Milt il .ilil.M.i:itK a. i.-'D'i:i; i,k;ijia:i .M. i nimi'iiii: iiAin.i.MANH CM MILK VII'.".i-:i'K ... M. I IIAi.l.r. . i.i 111 .ltlti.lt . t IIAIII.I.S Lr.il. M N.M M. I.liol A.ll. ll U Mi'.lt a. i-.it !; .-if ;it.ii)i;L M I'lll'.ir K HIM ...M. A . T i.-. ill! rr' at. a i.i no sm; tit'.'U's i I.O..C, i).- l-l. H it Mi .11 I. -i ii't.i k.... .- is-. in.! Mt n .. il.lr. Jit ill.,., tittiirti I'AS t U L, inei.'nut.il to tl.a Opera, '-lis IIIi.KK-H' Wilt III. A full .VMIturv llind nlil .oiii --ir on ll-a sUiro. TIII.'lliOA V I.t I..M.-SH, . ov. I ., only time ol HTRM1KI.I., r.int-ij (lM'r hv Von K'"ti".v. l':-ieii'al -rtlli ,i dutrr-l ol lirtillmmy an-l vivaol.v lit-vor "ItUi'linJ ill I In- Hpi'r.i, I'M l'il w ,th til., ruit. ;'HK I l-.S la In. I into is a-nl'il t tii'li. M A I.V'H.1 1 1, or! .Insllv una eniir.--.lr- c i.n ut"il lor Mm tiv Von i' lot'.iv. 'l lie i-nt if- -if. n,lb ol" tit.- tn tl-i li.iuon of tin, t.rntiil tieruiail Hi. a- Ooui,ianj u a u lirittoa in tit" i a a HAIl:..l.AV :!M) IS. Nov. i'ltli, OM.A I' A It : iU-l'i.l, MAilsKK. fAI .-Y. fc.N ,1 It;;. Ai'.titliloti to M.iil .in-, ' tc I'otUr. itttftta may bo ai-ciur-il vl liu'il rtr.t rln.r..r. ,-.i at-innv be H.i-urf'1 ,:t tli- rftri'a'- l'"'!'-; for unf of ll:o a'u'Vo utrlits hi i:oul i'ii M is.o iilirj aaJ nt tlio Atadt uui. J1SST LraTURr OF THM ZVrJ. M it i)i; coKiiov v Will tilvp Ida n-a: Li-, hi r- on Con rt Mini t ii nil M .in I ,i u f, TITJE3DAY EVuMN 1. K0VLiiB-:a 21, (TlllMiS .IVin.l MGilT), AT (JONUKH I' IIAI.I,, TI KETH M 01'. N I M, 01 Tlfll.K t l. Fnrattirat floira-., i-w.-th ti an1 t tin a i A i.iin.', a id euuitrt liail, II, . tcit.ro at M o'f.oct. in n int b!,'tv .. A.li. 'iu dil.ii In n I . at ra. ll -ll. A CAIKMV OV M IMC. 1.1 - am- anil M Aim. it I'l'l.NI 'I'. I'flltn. (A,-!) i. lli.lli.t.1)- Stl'--t TI'i .tTi-. It,i'lirn,i,-; Font a Niw 'riiruirc, Waaltin..ton, and Ilo Ali-n.ttidiii (la) Thtatm. A (iiiiMT ihiamati.: rrtr Krirtsf-mr-iit, lor VI iii-Ma only , el tl,.- ei.ii'tpri Tri; o illttii, MI4. KIUVIV V tCHK'T, who v III ri-nil' r. fm tl.a Hr.it tlino In l ull tit Ipolu, In- bill llant i i-rboi.atiun ol t'lltlOi.AM S, la hltAKRPElliK'S OltANll ROMAS T?A'il. IV Of T'lAT TllLK, Oimmmi-lrg on UlnNliAV Nlillir, Nnvr-mtit-r il. 1 be OoiDpiiii) to Mi-inln Mi. n.ltitl- s r h.-i in n vary rnri-liilly ,t Ircllll, oiiibntcli'ir, untune olbor.. Hit- gi-Uliralt-ti Traitidlrniit, M AtlAMK PONIMI. Tt c- actuary ueil mil 1 .e.-t-rai oi'ilo- iirotlitcilniis of UK. 0. IKlriHI-a.L SMITH, i l Plitlitrlajplilii, wltli ni-wii ti,"in'f.l drttparrbv mii wi-i;i:, of I'l:lltnt-Tililri, and ai-t-ral inm Koman acpnt-a. o-nliraclni IMF. 1 KM MI'll A I. Ul- ll'liN Or' COItlOLASia, b' Vr.ril.lhLI.S H i.K.lZ.ol nultlinorr-. tin Min-lillieiy by Mr IIKIHKK. ol tha Acadr-aiv. Iba (.;o.ltiiota, llnnin-rM, In tKttla. rttr. Atj.wt-i-e maila fcxt'it-b.ly lor this piny ai it i oat oi'.ivit $ too. 'I ht lt"X hlii'fl li-i the aali. of aa-nrt-il ji-ai-es. will ho opMiCil at tha Atiadumy oi- Tlirit-lllAY,Nn.-i'in;ir i7.and t-oiilintii: ttii-rv dn tliervaf ai during the aiaauu, bitivaun Hit lionr ot '.' an'i o'c'iM-k. Adin'n.ioo. Mi und ' font-. 1-i-ur.ictt isaiiib to reitts adaitlr-ri&i. IJII 1 1 . 1 r ev A It I! K N , Trp.unror. JEW CIIKSNUT STItKfcT TIlEAritli." WIDNFHUAT AND TIHiltHI.AT KVENIXIH, Ni.vi'inni r 1-1 nr. it !7, I.A8T K OF MLH. I. I'. lt')Vl:H-t, Wfco will ai.pi ar ttiln t-vunliiK by int.c'al daslro, In C. W. '1 uleuic'a iliitrwvtd aiiaotatton of KaSI I.YNNK. Toconcimle w ith tin- .-tmttslnft riitrk-ltaof IMF. Ull VP Niiillr. I'rka.T Krantn. Ilfnefl: ot Mr ll. P. Ilnwcri. Htal t'liiioittia I. Ml" OF LYONM. HA'11'ltHAY ATTl aNOOV, Novr ubnr 10, T WKI.F'1 11 tlllAN I. FAMILY MATI.Na.15. LaslUnioot ItsKIY TIIILVES. Mus. joiilTbu.KW's uli'w a nun st. THK.ATliK. litilM'; I liOWDKI) PltOU PITTO I1DMR. 'i I li d wet-k of ittr llrl linnl Li uitcnn t of ill! aril MUM. H Alt N KY IVll.l.UlU 'IIII1KK, lll.illuoi s eiFl'Kn. WEDKtSUAY AM I II I HSU 1Y KYCSINa.1, 'fuf areai Iri.h llrananf MIAN1 MA l.'ll.'l-: SLaufJy Mnfiiilro MR. IIAKURT WILLIAMS Iu ua f lt"wt d hv tha 1'rotu in tiom'dy of AH Hot'K IN r-Hli LK, ' o contilnitt mtn A Tlll.MI'l Hi I.KIiACV. S al i loctinU lx d.ty. lo atlvnina. T UCILI.K WJ'iSTr.HN AS LHAH.THI-i I'OR J j aKt-.N I ft WKI-TF.UN H I.FaII, TIIK FlIKSAKFS. It fll.l.lS WIKIMNAH J.LA1I, TUB Fl.ItHAKKM. II 0,11.1'. UI.-i'll.ltN Ai I. Fall, I'ili! F IllSVaLbiS. I ron. li; m.K'i t KN as i.kaii, thu f ik-akicn'. LlOlLLt WI.BT'ntM AtS I.Gtll, 11IB FllltSAKliJI. WALMjI' H'UK'.T I'tiKAiKF. WAI.MIT tiTKrET THr-Al'IIF.. .ll.M I' MKFKT THKATltK. WAI.M.T BliikKT IHF.ATiiE. IIIIH I':mmi, THIS r VtMJtil. HUM EVfcMAU. Qiniiwr HIMKCTKO. Tiiin atliiiirable rictiirii, tho k'rrataat pro.ltntion of the I'tiiiai-r Wl.MT, l now tn exhibition at th AOAIiF.llY OF FINK AKTS, No. IDMOIIKHNUT Btrt ot, Tt iirihar ulth tha entlm coli.ctloti of ilia IB-Hliiilon. AODiiltaiic,TF,NTY-FIVK OEST.-S. Il-lj-sjma CANKORI S NEW Oi'KKA HOUSE, 0 itAl Ml KKl.r, UF'I I l.K Ht.OONO AHU THIRD. KI'OrFSS I NeuKCFaJKNTKO! Tl.aOp. iiliK,,'rotd. d wlihtlis F.ltt. tif tha Ctrl Ill'Ni'Kl.li.1 ir LnlHK.S t'sal-.'F, TU OKI' NKATSt I Ilk OHFAMl liaa uiel i'ia uihoot n oi ttie audience. THIS V F.Hill' 'T Ita. I.orn pr rlaant J I A nurran'er of l iriaiiui.c. the unn-nalninant the best, ai.d tltl- ul,!' lit, Ti tiipli- ol Miiib.rl..y. Ilcors i.rn n ai 7 o t-loclt em nt.-nt-r- iiunrttr bt-fore 8. O.MU OF 4IIWIM1IOS, Ji OKN ..1. tln-l.e.lr VleonH 1 t,l lil I.oMn, I Iro t In-li- 1 I'niati- l tia a. Fi.ttiiiy tr.-'f .'.Vii aa't'tl I'll liox la. co wt h upon im'ii j a, -i o ock, for the '" S-i-' ui' O :tuta, and ti'i. l iil of Priviilo Hones. VATinXAi. c:iut:i;s, lA tl A 1. L C Miti.Kr, Al'.liVB Klllliril. I'M.I.I; 'Hit. I I ill. I fins Hi.' MUM. OIHKLKi IVAB- .l.!.' iii ittirly Mm. Ins KH'K), .r F Ii.P'iissi'.in i:iueiinan Dlre;tor. M.,lill ,11'KK 1 1 ' TIIK CF.4MIN-. ll'MI Nrr I Ull .i F.H Ml ii.l.4T KXi'l I'KMKNT. ii! I i'n I m -i'l , mi oi; r.. oi-' I, i:i;n i kk. Ii tin . ll... nick f-a (v'tioa-i-a i: T.M Ml'tlNK, the l"l-i" II rVVII.V. Vra W Its Fit ( Mi.tra a of Ilia If. I Hit AI ttaii It,-. Ill N.IK 'Hull II l-.ltS. tin- .-rant l.,to.iit.t i.,.., r. nr. iiaohf.I.' It. ttio rtm-iwn'! lull Kl Ni. Ci- .Vii.n-r of tlei; i.-bi.!a), 11, c inliiiltalilB JustHr, h. bill KJtD.Jr.. will upi'i-ar III a vari.ty ol plt-aalng .jint aftli-., A.-ro'iklli', and iSiiiivitilaii letriea, Iu iiiiicn lii.-y L.iii-torltni.. Ai'Mim-iti.s. 1-lr.t Tir. '"iiicenli; Prru-itl 1 ler,'.'.'! r-itU. ) trl' rn hi i-a toiiiinrtii'. ewry evt'iiliik- at 7'; oVIOi-k. M M INi i a .rn WfcllSK-il'AY aid MAIX'ltliAk- AF IKIlMlt N.-l.cii'.i i emu ,tt 1', o'l-lot-k. i las tmt.'k b ui iiiirauiinf nth and allrut tlvc. IN Till! ("OrilT OKCOMMOX VI,RS kou '1IIF. i 1TY AMI I' M'M Y OF P'lll.At' Kl.l'lll . llAl.llir.T I TItliON v. J'HI.N L. ttll.SUN-. Vi'ritl. ox. .Itn't T, init, No. l:a. '1 ho A i-illiir St piiiit il lu lip. nt distribution of run 1 rri.iiiivii d ti, i. -.iu-ii'i's bul.i ti lOti- luflui .ite ttrl of u 1 ll.attDrimn lot or pl.'i'O of kt, lltid, with tlie th-i a s'ory liikh medhu,.t t!.i r "on i---clt -I, bllu tin ou the M. K.cor. ln'1 a o.inli a. ul iVh in ui vr,"U, in tlm ,-itv of t'lnl.ul ,1 I'l.ttt ; t t'liti.irinK lu fionton IV.'. anon trt"t M i,-,-t, and vi-malnu lu lointii or ih pih u.Tihantd uIoiik I o inn .tn-t ami bt iwt' n iariilltl iitiug at ri'it ai'bl'-. to VVhar I' il -Ini't IS ft, t li un-!ii-a lo un ail. y a I'm I li ui. l.fi mda, Ji-aiHi'K t-.ii'tiviiHi fioni Mild Foiitih str... t, wi I iiittud to II Jtr. it'll ot nia .ti';oilitiutiit on alONli Y. tho .".tot' Noiiiiiliir. .1 ll.M.,ui hn oil',, a. So. Hi H. SIMU ri'it-tt, l-iii'aiii'lt .iit,, tviitii ami w hart-jll inr it's ,ni-i-i -ti ll uiu-t pri.Hit tli li- (Uuul,or tlu-y will In) lUKairod li in t'l.iiiin. m ta tuid I'tiiid. U-i-liU E. II. TI10I1P, Au.liio IN TIIK URI'HANS' COUHT FOH TIIK Uiljt mid 0,.itltl oi J'niud pam. l..'.ili' M 1 1 ' 1 1 a I- I. OKOI'SR, itO'-oaei"!. N"lii la Imr. hy Kivt-ii that tht-w idow of Haul tie, -fiont h.ib I'i.d In al. l oiirl ln.r polin.in, .intl un imiiritiMMdeiit of pi'i i-oi'dl r.Mtn wlil'-h bin i-li'i'tb to rttaln itn'li'f l!a- ii' t of apnl 14, iK l.and lib biiiipli-intiiia, ttud Hut thai'.isrt Wl I jpptov tl.t- .tune on t nuay,JSuvtliiur I'l, i.-n-i, uu .iaa uiailiuni bt flltd ll-un lo. 1IF.NKY A. 1'FEIFfT.U. Il-ll-fiinw4ia Allornty lor .Sar.h l Mine. FINE CLOTHING, A. T I'l T 'V . VOOD Sl CAilY, . TiH ' llfSNUT STItlbl'lT. Nt LADIES' AND MISSE; HATS, AI.Ii HI I A fF.h, iii'r htym:, MlWIKf I It I O tUM. " NEW CONTINENTAL HAT." i:crviNirrH AT M 0 l i; U A T 1. PRIC )'. . P. OLIiTr i.vt.T nOftNtlHrna-Vor-r. foit IU -od IkiutKti ic'iid. WOOD & CJAHV, .. 7ir CTIKh?l''T HTT.l.IT. WANTS. fij; n'K'fti. with r iirnlci.rC of ltr. wltli In i it ortlice t.Mt it ol 1 ti 1 1 tl hi il CI. ( nut, Ak-drt'St a . i' fit) A I'AKTNI' R WANTKH, WITH A CAPI laloifitiT a .Nv'itn a.Misi, in a auio and lu,-'-.itiva I'l'-ir.Hb. AddieiH .M. ll , at till, other-. ll-l a I'VliN'IMII'.l) IIUU.SK WANTK1), I wrat Waliiiit tr tx'rnit.or Arcli, or i;h' itiit slre-t. Atldrtbt "t arniMlied llouao." at thli ollloo. In-a A MASA nrilfiKSS, LATELY FROM li(-i. j lor. will Ut i l.'s .ui .'t o at Ilia N.-w l.n afit ilia-iiia, Nu. ..I.'' CilK.iNUT Slto.-t. If JJlTTrVtll'Itt:. AtVI IIOSTON I I'.rkJLKliM tOMl'ANY. Ciipal, SKOO.GOO-Par, $5 Per fJl.ar?. suB.'.rKin ion riucK, t2-rr0 pkr shahk, I0K H'I.T -1 AIO PTOPK A"ll NO ri !;Ti!K AS; FHMKNIrl. Tl froi 01I7 Ills romiiaoj cutsUla of tttc fil.t-.,i,g valttab'a I'KK .IMl'I.K Tirrltoi, rxtiTivo ;efttbo!d't, rHMiL'CT'O tvj:u,q( W tLs tolTK i'.o n m.d iifurij tlnlatieJ : Nr. 1. Ahc lit ftl'Olfty) Arrrs on flierrv Trr- linn In VKK MM I'l fc, Iwital 't land Millit- l-nl lo:i' I I F I Y VI liLI. S. 'I hi. l'i ri I'orv lb 1 1 po-iti- tue I'aln-il ivtioli-uin Oomp mv (115. I -m) on nil t reek, bi ULilfl lu part hy the c- le liriaid Mtoiy Kin-lit. At". Ai-. Now. I,i mo poi eii.nl ;IH) ycura) on W.h Mt-Clliitock Oil Orti-li as arr. all l!at. very i uluablf, tlotviutf aad pnrrp 111; Wi lit. nil a-oui.tl No. a. '-Wild t'at ' I lowtrtt Wall, about ,'tO harrt'ts par flity, i.n Witt.li. MuCllir.r-rk Farm. 1 h l ominny omia lint YMIOIJC working Inn rt st In tl.ls will, tnkiuu, tnnka, Ac. Ac. I, No 4. Tallfriiit Wt l'. vo. 1." on (HI Oie.1. rlowo flnn li cl, all ieail lo it tube. Tlili n oil has Honed lit) parruia pin ay. No. ti. "Cnlifon.ln Well, So ?,"rii Oil Oeek.tlown nonrly WO le t. f o.C Laasepi rrniiial (in iear) on 51; aneifill"rk, all llat. rr-ninin t ir tl.e above wella, iiith ui'ii-on-hor-e cmitie. tunl a, iiir. n t , eni irn- In un-s. A-u. No. 7. Lease pi i p.- lital f iw rear.) on 'J arros Oil '"r.iek, all I'm, ai.d In one I nnivn lufl ict-t, vueipurtur Interoit (wnrkil'P lit Oils weil ard leas. 1EK lllOUHANH Sllllr..1 KKRKRVfiD KOR W0I1K 1MI l A i'l I A L. Bisiks for omiiiN.il, aiibirnptioii are now open at oar oil co tor a few niiya only; wlnm clubeifTthe stick to be plui-td on tin- rtKU'ar ttr'fi'on ami I'hlUlolpr la ntoefc. lloarda aa a 11111..1 linl divlaind--ayln.OiL i'r ipt-riNa Ofin-iav, whin it la opi-cu-d llin ahurea mil largely lidiitntii. All linti ti Inf .un, lion, with pi upocliibes, can bo ublalnnd of the tiiKteraik'lied The auiall t--pltal of tills Conipkiiy. w ith Hit iictiml lame iittorobU, must make it a f.Yonte Bb a et .U'-i- invebtliluut. . . H. H. I.F.KCII. No. II FRMUbar lioildinua, WALKHr heiow Till Itn, Fhl'ailt.lplila Amn -y. I.KONAIIH MAl.l,V, hn 5s IM' AVBIt Ntteel, Wet Yoik At.-, u. r. fil'KNCfcK, VILA A; l 0., Ilankor.. li-i'. Ilos-.on At-ncy. P B 11 O W N'H AKTI-LY&PEFTIO POWDEB, An extfltnt jtrivcrtive forUmlninit(!treftlnu cun.?Ul'it 1 V81FaSlA. Iu injtiiy ca Mr il X r.g HUtul-nc It haia:Tci iiei Uu! vrca derful relict. IT LS rVUKLY VEGETABLE. rUKfAllKD ONLT BY KHIi DKItlOK HHOWN, rra: pj,t ai.d ciiomUt, K.J3 CvJf.KUTlI Aftl CHfciiai:r HT?., HillridelpUia. 11-16U And crnebyDtoKKiit 8nrlly. rHE LLlLtH KEW AhB IMPROVED AlH-pJ'KillT INKSTAND. WARRANT!-:.) HUPKRIOR TO ANY IN USE. Oliw-r's ratint Inkstand P088EKBB8 I II K FOLI.OWINO ADVANTAGES: It la no! crmpi'i tied. tin trouble to ii !. IfcmB not et t in nf o tU-r ( Ii ver ioi inii:i.l It U emily cl neJ. Filter ttie Ink loru'O. Kie j the Ink itee from ex lueurt'. Kifpt the Ink freaii nd It provkDta tvii ormlon. lof ii ut reii i titling. liiiiueilt llUaUlU. ,lu botbt,rer montil and dur Forri'r tj nit -i nu nert. mid Wholesale only bv tirtltl.lON, tS'HtiontT' tv.t-liome, tuuuTii hiichtr. U It -VI rV XJ II 12 , Oil EAl'HST AND liKST. Parlor i-tills, Iled-room niiil C'liaitiltor Hiittn, Dlnlnit-Hnom Miilti-), 3i.ltolier Kurnllu re, lillirnrj wiia Ollloo I'iirntture, llouKi'lu.lit l'uriilliii'e, OF K Vl'.RY DESCHirXION, Kitiier la Ruin, or Single Piecci, a! the lowest Kilble prima. (iOUIiI) A CO.'H, Union Furrttuio lii-pit, 11 10IYntl N. K. Cor HKCtlSD AMI RACE HT. K FADING HAILUOAI). FOR TIIK CON Ytiuent'eot so'iiiera anJ otherb vIsltiiiK "Hamp ilii t'linrRe," m-ar tsitrl.t.: aiiiLa -tiatial Niiiuav iu.ben-i-r train will run tieivrtiv-n riillaitt-lt.hla and Fttu nliivllie tttiill tin tiler tiotlre, t-oeitni'lli'lui; Mumhty, Itfovembar Ll, leol, li avlnit rin'tiilt liihla ut H A. M aud i :HI M ., iiutl ralurli liiK iium I'l. uniAi Hit ai lu A. Jl. aim J in r. m.. louinua ai all stations. tl. A. Nil 1)1, LH, U-l.'-l'-'t li llencrul Buiiuriuteuoviit. VM- GRAY, N. E. CORNFR OF SIXTH IT ai.a .Ml Stilt Streets, liujl lliaiuol'tlb, WauUea, tolti, biivtr, ami I.rwti 'I'l.-kyis. IHO -B IX WAST or MONEY CALL. Alt tnatneii coDilOenUal. au19-.m SFfcCfAL NOHCEa. p-- DIVIDKM) m;tick. Pi i r-.ii. toi. Iiti Nnvenibar 1,1. IM'.SH OIL fOMPAXY.-t ap.t.l 1 si t) li-.M.itr. . $ 10 eiuli. 'I lie Il.ii'flnrii h.i-'O ti.l- .la it. i-' ir-il then b.-.-oiul lii.inlhK tllvlilenil ot'TiiitKK I'KK OI'.M' on the t.'aliUitl lllntii, for lint iit'.iitQ til Hu. her, .nit ol the tiro:Hsot thu l,. I . io In, i',l. rliiit'l,.ilii.i ii,lis,rli.i'. will hi- t at, I .ii Hi j t'ltk-e ol Mot'liT) lllinN COLLINS, ,u, zlOii. liont s'.Stil 1,011 or til ill Il.e sth luslHlil. WILLIAM AI. 'c'T 'UKOS, Pro- Id.Mit. iiiii titr Wxay, Ju., hwiiit jr. ll-u ii I'lHI.AliI-.I.rillA KXCUANCiE COM- l'AN Y. ,il l ulii.li 7. 1imI4. The Vitii'vers li.tve u,l, .'.iy uei l.iied artlvMcntl 01 OVQ I 01. 1. .Sit ,or bnare. iaal lc on iiutl alia,- tha llihni.t., vj li e Siiiitrliiltndi tn ul tin; Km I an. e. H H-lw llt.NIIY ll bllLltllLltn.SenreHry. tvf CUY IKKASL'RKR'S OFFICH, NO--x' veoi'ier a, l-.l 'I'ne 1'ttinlihl.Jt l.lwi for tin last es.kni nu he hatiatuUo oiine. HKSlli IIU IM, il a Oily Trousurar. f EDUCED PRICES, li OV TUF UNION VICTORY A GHAND DISPLAY FIREWORKS. IY ClltJUlR OP Till'; UNION I, Il A C U l'i . writ... I i i.r p; CU WEDNESDAY LVLNIN3, 11 - j-.I.i (, 1.K1WLI5N CIlKSNVr Ar MAIiKIU' bT.S. i '-tr. n fX " OM'ICK Of 'Ml K Dhl.WVARK i'i(iil iiiurt.nc (Vni,'(tn, l'hii4Ui(ii( M - vifithori. Jsiji, IsC'tKCuliATKIt 1-K. Ti e f.Ji''Win(f n'ni int m ot ti p r.; . nf tV C'-mpMj Is tiiM'hiMc In ror.t. rmlfy wi It a pr; i -i u lurnti -rr : -l'i tun mi f'Mii.d Hum Ni v. Jni. JKi. t. t (i-t 2lt. Mtil, .111.1 '1 r ai , tnBI U r ler.1 . , ., '.'7I( .' Oil i lit i:..tk r rrrm'inii on Policte not miirhf I iti, Nuv. 1, Jtii,, 7M7r i- rrtir. iri nmrt,t,loT i- fim-J fr-'tn Woremwr i, H-4, On Mar n r.ml Inland hicVi.... SI1G '.1 71 On tin H.fct- l?n.Nt 75 fnt'i-fait Ouih.K KHtne nerl.nl Sal- vn'.h, Avi' v:i v.u it I.o-nor,, Fjir.??iirn, Ac, il'irlnir tlip yonr at hhof iVfl'inft aoi liilu.ii H w tgAtiuu I- ?H.v:l fr I irr i s !VHi Hi Lt'tnru lu r;; n-'u. ?t ?M t i lMlfnT'C h 4,Mf) fl An m j CI.Aritfh l:.ti( 'j Ai;.tii!i h I rhit im, Ac jp(;so U 'Tiim- I iii htH t Ti on I tc- ti-n tns. i'n i in, Hif-mi , c 1IW Jf l.xpt i.m b:rines, Kent, I4,n; no t VtiMn nclrMo of the movnt rerrvcd ft tavti o divitifiiCj aud i-ri'litM. A?al.l.i CF Till: 0MPA.NY, Novi-nili-i I . 100 ,000 ftft 111,00 L'nlrn! Mfttta Si Vi Ct nt. Unt lv;l "'.t'O I'lilfil .STiitm Six l'ir ( cut. lorn. US III W f if - r,v,j M KO.l'OO Ma' ot 'iiijl'iifa, rive vn: Lf.au yj-, M,( 8mti i f I'liiQlMiitiu, Hik 1'er Ctni, l.mi UHIAM V.itifiW Citv .f I'hliailuli .ilii.MK lvr CnU loap ui ,620 sr V-VK) iVniulvatiiaUaiirond.lkt Mtn-taKe b! Vr Crnt II-mmU 22,000 09 Ivnnfj lanni (ftilroeUi.lMMi rtfftKP Six I'rCfat byni W25t M V,i0 'MtJ lat aren blin k tiiTmnnumn (Lit Coui(n.iy, prluripid a 'id inrprctt gutrmut'Dd by the ..'ityoi t'lula- hia WWO Ot C,5(0 IMt hl;an'.- Hiock rmnKaiii IdiilioHil Cna.nuiiv 9,103 09 1,0(0 tiohhiKi Miuk North !'iiinjl- vania Unilrnad t'oinpnnv 9,ty0 09 &0.000 I'nl ed Htatm Tn-K-ui'y Certltl- CtiKia Of ItiJi I'H dtifsn iHA'J 09 Ht-;e of I'uutKBee Five forCeuL 1?.0j0 'J9 128,7' t'O I.ounn cn lU.nd and Mortxaffe, au...y fecennd 128,700 M !i0 Pur. Cot, IHW.IOO.M. Market Value. Rral tut ate lit tia recmvatflo for Inmrniti-a uniiri. UaJancffi due at Agencies !'rcMi,luru on Irtarim PoikIm, Arcme.i ln IfTcat. and cttier tltLia d-ie tKo Conit'nnr Pcrip and Htork f t Suirlry Iiui.ranri und other Omnanlei., t.'i-loJ. luetliuBted nine CunIi on ucp4.ui with I'.rt, tiovertm' ur, hiibjcet to 1en diiy.'caU 9lD)(iO0 M Cabh tn Itanka o.i.')4 Ot t. Uin lirawir 57 W 97, IT ftT 'i,0i(i (10 tH,7I1 u Phi i. AM' i i-ti t a , Xm'en.ber !, J 8' I. The Hoard of Drc- lura 1 avt thu ca dectnied a Cafh Dividend of TfcN par j oiTt. on tLo t ai itai tick, aud (SI X pt r tut lnt Mt ua me wnr ui ii.-- i.nrufHnv, pnyaiiio on ana atiar uia Ut nt lCLtmt,er jjioxiuio. frco ol NaUoual tu.4 Hiaia T tuxcf. Tl.py h-vr m-M dorlarod a Herfn TXvldefid of P0RTT f per cent, on the famed I'runitutui tor Ida Tear endliiki tc- 9J ti hr :tl, Jew 4, ( crtiiicuieh fur wowh will be li.ued to taS loirilek 'i tliJi-6 to tlie ai;f. on ai d at' ur the tut iecou- j U r nhiuio, liw oi Naitnml and State tix 'i lu-y Lae onl-rtd . alno, that thi ecrti certlHeatet of 1 prortt ol thi ('(.uipany for tha yt-ar I tl htreleuuid la f CahJi. at thu otttcf ut tli- (.'otaixiiy, on and afttr lite Ut ufl I J.i'f uibtT niLVaiuo, all lutijtfct tl.crt'n to ceaia on Uiaili 3i UHV. Nocerttnrataof nrottt Isined nmlr tf. Rv tha Ant e Incoi pmatlon, "no c'ni!icate ah all Unue utileka clique with n two (eara ut'(jr tii UocarMiluu of tiie divtdeadl WHKCTOH8 Tnrmai O Hard, .InLtp C JVlB, fciluiund A. 8 u lor, '1 hf i uMImh 1'anii.li , Jot. n K 1'fttri mj, Jaiuei 'I nti.iiHlr. ll-ni C I'alu tl, Jr., .'mt t: lami. W tilt am (' 1. nd wig, Juhrnh H. Hea( ieiri.e O -.ei't'r, Ifni li l.'ratu. Bituuel E Btolat. J ftiiatan, Ilcnrv KliMn William it laonlton, Kdward arlluitoi . H.aJi'iiei iirif ike, .lacob I'. Jorci, Jniiuui It MuKarlaatt, Jothua I. Kyre, lSi)nrtT Mul)alne. John H. 4eni)tl0, f iltthtirf. a. u. eriicrt ao TlfOMAS C. R4ND. Prettdant. h Hert Burton, JOHN C. WAVH, VlM-Pre.M.-al. liintrr iaTLari;h,cerutary. n U-iui jK5jf OIKARI) HANK, J'UILA.Dl.LrUIA,l Oflol.Hr IH.lrVU. A laneral meetiinc of the Rtorkholdera ftt thla llaakl will be t.e!d at thu UankniK houfe on MONDAY, thai (kn:.U(r oca aiviao wnetiiur uili Hank ihU undt-r the lawt of iho I nitd HtaUs; and whether It haaJ exeic't tlu poMvm coniijired t ti e .at o Die 1huUJ iiiiati un fiai'. uuuca -An AOt twiatiiini the iMfikj ir UiU (.'JU iot'iiHfnl h to tHTonie aaorlatina frbanliiBvi UlCt't t'u law.t ot the l otted Stales." uoorovad iiti Au-' gnkt, M.I; and to luke aoy funbar acuon that utay bat Il.e Krfton Tor IMreetora w)i be held at tha tame olaral on ihe ka'iiif ilny, November 'il, batwei a tlia houra of 10 1 A. M.and 'i I' A1. I Jba annual lucrtliia' cf the PtucklioMura, nndfT ttiel cr irir, Triii in miu hi mo tdi.Kint,'-iiinie, ou i(Ji. I iKi,uie in ut) oi aoumtwr, ut i jo cjock nt, W. L. aOUAFKKU. 10-19 nKn notil Caaluar. NATIONAL HANK OK 'i'IIR NORTH ern Ijtwrth'H. Fiiilam i paia. Not. 7. Ii4. Ihe liin'ctorA have tm d.y ileolarvd a dividend oti HK KN I'Mt t:KM . lur Ui ousl six oionth. payab.e ot uvu unu civar oi uitvi. Jl lo t W JirMMKiTK, OaJhler, f NATIONAL liNlv OF COMMERCE run iit Lint a, Xuvrmbser 1, 1m A, a i rie iHKiru or niro.'icrs rmvo trm uiy tn'riarea a aivi l tiiiitiot iiVl.lLK tt-M.( vuLiio on dLiuand.cluan all u. li-M.'t JtUlM A. I.EWIK. fashlcr. fr: i knnsylvama railroad coa TKKA! UtR'U rKI'4KTMCMTa f Pill I Alu.i.citlA, No diitliur 1, lSul. I T!if lltiard of IlrtvliM hitvc th dy dfi larc-.l a ina nmiiTHl divhb-iul ot KIVi; PKit KNV. on tlm Caphl rttork oruirtioimmitrt il-'ftroi' al;oulunU BltttUiL'j iiAvaMe on at d uttvr Uiti inst . 1 PuWt rn ol M Ui-rnf t r Jwi:.:i"I.iu ot'dlvI'len-Ts ran br h1 on m.thr:itl.iii at tl.e Clfl'"0 of Hip 'iu,)uny. No.'.'4aij JiJIlU' flUttVU lU'JMn l, V Lit J 11, 11 4-lm Tro4urtr. NOTICK. ALL PERSONS IIAVINC ctunoa aiain-t tl.e LXUN l l.Aia isl. of unv . itn Ci niiiiilltt.i'. will J itHi) linniiit tin ui to tue umltk mr)iMl hiTiTt.' (I.v 1st ol lic -inhor, 1 M.ttt No lli.Cilf.1 t T hini t. JA.MKsS L. t L-UJUoKN, 1 M l-nttl TrtMauryr, flr.T- O0. KICK OF THIi IMI I LADKLi'Hl! '!.., U k,. ..nu L L l' L' U I' llaalbs.-l ' ' " Nuw tint It II, 114.' Onhri for Coke . be raoulveu at tint ortlca, or I Sitavr oi ma wofifc, THOMAS H. HTKWAItT. H-12-7t kiuim-ori IIKrTiT ARMY. NAVY, AND CITIZKN1 f- (lotliin ;introld rud. Scouia. rStruui, tA'raatiil XC, la uiiaiji'stu,i f i ituuctu pn. rj. k akh. Jft-i linl TyiUn 103 ?tn ' ' Vo l9VIMTT7fitat.ab.aChLiuittl SIXTH AND MAHKET STHEETJ 01 Ho 1 aim i