The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 16, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Kralanatloit or -nf-ritl Mrf'lr-llttn Sherl
dan Appointed to I III the) Viteiiincy
OcriMlunnl by II I lt's.licntlrii.
VTAnDiirJiTii'T, Wahino.os', Nov. I I, iSiJi.
Ordered by the rro.-iJi.iit :
1. That the rcsigna ion of (i, orgo II. M Clcr.ati
U Vajor-OcTicral in th.: United States Army,
daird November S, und rnivoJ by tlio A-lj it tnt
(Iticra) on tlio lOili itmtaitt, bo accepted as of ilio
lib of November.
2. That for personal gallantry, military s'dll,
and Jnst confiden"c in the rouragc ami patri itism
of hie troops displayed by Philip U. Sheridan Oa
Ihc I!"h of October, at Cedur Run, whereby, under
Ibe blessing of l'rovidciice, hia ro tted iinny wus
Korganir.eJ, a great national disaster averted ah J
ft brilliant victory achieved over the Rjbols fur
ilia third time In pitched battle within thirty
cays, Philip II. Sheridan Is appointed Mijor
Oeiieral in the Vulted 8tntes Army, to rank as
inch fiom the Sell day of November, 18 ',1.
By order of the President of the United States.
E. D. Townhend, Assist. Adjutant-Gen.
Gen. Sheridan9 s Army
rowELL'a pursuit of rebels.
Another Cavalry Victory (her tlio
Enemy by Custer and Merritt.
r niADQrARrBni Middle "Military Df.i art
et, November 11, 8 V. M.-At General Sheri
dan's headquarter, tncre
are now to bo aocn two
pieces of urtP'l(tyi ono nnmire, nn(i ,i,ty prisoners,
n- quantity of ammunition, wL-ieh. General
Fell captured from the Rebels yesterday In
toe. Laray vulley. General rowoll, after a brisk
engagement with the Rebel cavalry, drovo them
back beyond Front Royal, and this morning sent
In the above substantial proofs of hli victory.
Another victory was gained yesterday by Gene
ral lorbcrt'i cavalry. The Rebel cavalry ad
vanced below Newtown at an early hour yen. r
day.wlen Generals Custer and Marritt, with
their divisions, engaged them. The manoeuvring
and skirmishing lasted for several hours, and
was wi. need by General Sheridan nnd moat of
oor general otticers. The Rebel cavalry was
finally compelled to fall back In great oiifiision,
and oar men drove lucm into ami through New
town. During the time this engagement lasted Geno
ral Early wan advancing with his infantry, and
bad already reached Middlctown, to which place
their cavalry retreated. Our losses were verv
mail both in killed and wounded.
A reconuohnance was mado tn-dav by the
cavalry aa far as Cedar creek. Geuerul Custer's
Division inarched along the Miil.llct.jwn road,
and General Mcrritt's along the Winchester and
fstriisfcurg turnpike. It wau then ascertained that
General fcarly rccrossed Cedar creek last night,
and had again occupied Fisher's Hill.
From some stragglers captured by our cavalry,
and also from tlio inhabitants, it was ascertained
that Karly'a infantry force wai a considerable
one) but be ordered them to fall back immedi
ately alter hia cavalry had been driven in. Tlio
smoke of their camp ares on Fisher's Hill was
distinctly visible from Cedar creek.
General Shoridan's army is In splendid condi
tion, and if another chance is a (lorded them by
Early they will without doubt add auother victory
to the let tit their tiiumphs.
Ueaduiautkhh Middle Military Dei aht
mknt, November l.'i, 10 A. M. There is nothing
new to communicate slnco my despatch of last
night. The Rebels have not again made tbur
Lust night was an intensely cold one, and here
in camp every one felt the ellects of the keen,
searching This mornijg the, ice wis half
an inch thick.
Afrit Tlicorv nt to tlie DeNiluntinn of
Uenernl Nhrrman Ueoririn to bo tlio
Ncfa or t'onflirt. Etc.
Wash inoton, November 14. The RpeculaU ins
suggested by the announcement of General Sher
man's great expedition on Savauinih and
Charleston are to-day as various and numerous
aa ever. There la hardly any point of the
compass to which the impatience and imagimv
ion of an anxious people has not Bent General
Sherman aud his forty tuotisand Dion, who,
according to u correspondent in the Times, had
beta provided with thirty days' rations and neces
sary ammunition, which supposes a train of
wagons aud ambulances of several miles In
kngtb, without Including the pontoons and
ami. try, not ltss umbcrsonie than the rest.
We haic bteu told that Slitniwn was ea route
for Charleston, lor Savannah, lor Columbus, aad
Audersonvilio, where he was going to deliver the
Fed trul prhoners who arc confined in the latter
ciiy. Another tbejiy, not loss plausible aud
more, wus, that he was on his way to
Lynchburg, to fo-o,;ern'e with General Grunt In
an assault against Uiuhmond. Another made
biia atait for Danville, and still auother for Ala
bauiH, in search of a lot of cotton hidden last
year by the Confederates In certain portions of
that buie. Finally, to corroborate tlio various
suppositions with a. hi lional evidences, it wax
Buio and printed that Annu al Forter was to sail
liriuud lately for Cmuleston aud Sitvaumili, in
order to knd his poweiful assistance to the move
men: eoLUnipiaud by General iSuermaii on these
two cities.
Notwlllut..uding my lii,;h respect for popular
tlelu)n, I do pot vipk Unit General fjhenn iii
has g - l.e lor iioui the point fiom which he
atartid, and 1 baa : my opinion on the fairt that ue
wub tlcrtcient itt transport ition, In cavalry, if n it
in lifbt artillery an Indispensable l:e.u in every
long ex)xdition by luud.
llefides, I fiitertuiu too hiifh an Ilea of his
tulcut to think that ho would venture on a march
of ortr one hundred miles through a ho-tiie
country, in onier ti leach a remote objective
when he knew that General HikjiI, having the
inside tisek, coul.l at any moment full inside of
hia line of op. rations, and cheek his progress, if
not atop altogether Ms onward march. Tills con
sideration I lliink puts an end to the supposition
that he is marching on Lynchburg and Danville,
for t crtninly Gcnmul Lee would be in those places
before bim ; and also to the supposition that he is
going either to Charleston or to Savannah, for
General Hood, having at a is disposal all the linos
of railroad southward, could bo in these places
several days before him.
srrrosED plan or general Sherman.
The most probable speculation I have h'.aid of
fcbermuu's expedition, including that of Mr. Lin
coln, who says l.c is to drive J til'. Davis and Lec
out of Richmond, is that he will strike ecvera
points in the intorior of Georgia, south of Atlanta
where General fsherman expects to cut a long
line of railroads and teite several stores full of
provisions, accumulated there by the Rebels for
vmUT. If this be so (and all the facia soeinio
be in favor of this last version.;, General Slier
niBn'a preseut expedition is sluing more than a
raid on a lr;o sca;, which we cannot faU to
hear of before long, and not a campaign calculated
to secure auy permanent advantage. .Y, f.
The Vermont legislature was adjourned over
election day, to allow the members a chance to
go home and vote.
William D. Swan, widely known as school
teacher, publisher, and politician, died at Dor
cheater, Massachusetts, last week, at the age of
fifty-four. He was member of the State Beaute
for two years.
A temperance society in Massachusetts re
cently adopted ft resolution declaring "that we
re pained to learn that some ef the best lands of
fertile districts In the Northern State are turned
from the cultivation of food for man and beast to
the cultivation of tobacco, as it must issue in the
xhsnition of the soil, the Impoverishment of
tha farmer, and the deutoraliialkxi of UN com-ft"
lion. It. J. Walker's Appoint
ment Improbable.
Npcrinl to Tli r Kvrnlnir T'l'cripti.
WA.-iMNoro", November l'i. General !;i;r
took the morning boat for IVrti-e j Monroe. His
intcrvicwe with the War licptrtmeut nere cry
Thurlow Weed had an int en lew wl-li Mr. Lin
coln this morning.
It is by no means certain that Mr. WalW w:l
be made Secretary of the Tro-istiry. Indeed, it is
The chronicle, in a leader this morning, stys
that the only obstacle to an honorable pe tea is
removed. Roth sides ngree to rctuovo slavery.
Tne " Florida " Capturo
Doings of tho Rebel Congress
KU., Etc., Et.t E., Elfl., Etc, Et.
Nporlnl to The Fvonlnir T-I"urnli.
Washinoton, November lti. Richmond
papers of tho 1 Ith have been received hero, and
contain tho following items ol news:
On November tith Ilootl h id not crossed the
Tennessee river with his main nimy, but at the
last accounts had his headquarters at Tusciiinbia,
which is on the left bank of the Tennessee river,
opposite Florence
Beauregard was with him, timl they both ap
peared to bo wuitlng further developments by
General Forrest claims that on the 4th Instant
he attacked with Ids artillery a portion of tlio
Vr.ion fleet on the Tennessee river, near Johnson
ville, and sank four gunboats, and destroyed
over twenty barges and transports.
Beauregard sends to the Rolrel War Depart
ment a dispatch to the same effect.
Iu reference to Sherman's movements, tho
Rebels are so particularly Ignorant of the fact that
lor two days last week, they could exchango no
papers with our pickets.
This made them very suspicious that thoso
papers contained indications of Sherman's Hue
of march. As it is, however, the Rsbcl editors
only speculate upon the subject, some asserting
that Sherman has nrued Atlanta for the pur
pose of fulling back to oppose Hood, while others
aigue that Hood has left defenseless the entire
Southern country, and that Sherman is marching
on Charleston via Augusta.
Tho Rebel editors are very scvore on Com
mander Collins for the seizure of the Florid iu a
neutral poit. They say, however, that is
too weak a power to go to war with us for tho
They advise their cruisers hereafter to go only
info British and French ports, where we dare; not
nio'est them, as the Yankees are "probably afraid
of their superiors, but do not IiesltaW to oppress
a weak people."
The It'Aij; says Grant has been displaying
some activity during the past fev days; but that
he will do nothing definite till tho completion of
the Dutch Gap Cunal.
Nothing of special interest has transpired In
the Rebel Congress, but tho subject of detailing
editors, and also the slavery question, is discussed
wl h continued spirit by tlio Rebel press.
Eood's Army Still at tae Tennessee
The Escape of Robcl Prisoners.
Cincinnati, November lo. The Guzrlle't
Nashville despatch says thkt the Robol army,
numbering 110,000 men, is still concentrated in
the vicinity of Florence, Alabama, ono corps being
pn this side of the river.
Tho condition of the ro. is prevents active
operations, and the Rebel army remains compara
tively qnlot.
Over two thousand men 1. It Indianapolis yes
terday for the front, and .1 Ki i more are still In
A despatch says that ubout fifty Rebel prisoners
at Camp Morton; succeeded in scaling the fence
ou Monday ulghl, and forty of thorn escaped.
Boston, November Id. The banquet given by
the merchants and ship-owners of Boston to Cap
tain Wlnslow uud his olUcer at the Revere House
last evening, drew together tho principal uicr
cliauls and distinguished personages in every
walk of life,
Among tlie guests were the Hon. Edward
F.verett, Admiral Striugluim, Colonel Graham, of
the Kngluccr Corps ; tho Postmaster uud Collec
tor of Tort, District Attorney, Mayor, aod a largo
number of others. Three hundred persons .t
down to the tubje,
The Hon. George B. I'pton presided, and Mr.
Fvcictt responded to the sentiment of the
President in a warm and eloquent eulogiuin.
The gallant guest of the evening was received
with immense applause, and gave an account of
the cruise of the Kearsarye, touching lightly upon
the light v Ith the Alabama, and mentioning the
luipoitunt consequences and favorable influence
upon the American cause in Europe that flowed
fiotu that engagement. Lieutenant Thornton
was received with a like demomtrution of ap
A number of speeches were made, and letters
were read from invited guests, among them from
Governor Andrews, Secretary Welles, lion. K.
C. WUithrop. The company separated at eleven
o'clock with rebounding cheers fur (Ue Ketmmge,
her ofUcers and men.
' The "Kova Hs-stlwn st Prtlaail. '
roRTLAND, November 18. The stuaner Kara
Scoiian arrived at this port at 3 o'clock this morn
ing, ller adncM were ttilvgnapbAd lum Oape
ici;iti:r htwatikj v.
General Egan Wounded by a
Hi wm ahii iim A ii my to run rorivti.-,
NoviuiNr l.'i. The lirV's have lite'y bo u
playing a sharp gome in front of a pari oi' o ir
lines near the Appomattox. At this p dm tlier.
is a small creek in front of our work, accost
which tb, y ,vc built a di.n.w'.i.U has thiv it
em d to lor -o back our pic kcl lines t j a dang ro il
To connt. ro. t this G m ral In I
devi-cl works, which he supsrlntoinisd. On h
visiting a part of tho Hue on Mull ay iglil, a
Rebtl sh.irt -hooter succeeded after several
attempt in wounding him, the ball ent -ring the
rit-ht forearm and passing dia -utility d.nvu
"cvcrnl Inches, and out nt tho rlst. Tlio w-uu l
Is a very painful one, but forMnnrely is n t
d lrgerous.
Ho goes hiuij to-morrow on a leave of t.venty
d iy, and it is hoped he wilt So aire to return t
his command ly the time his fiulo ijli expires.
Another sharp Cht ocoirre 1 between t'li)
p'tkets lust nmht about 10 o'clo k, which lastc 1
about an hour, without, it is believed, anc nrloc
able remit.
Connrrdriit IlilllnrU ti.m!oiii.
llAKTronn, Conn., November id. Tho firs;
Conne.tlriit Championship llilliar.l Mitch vx.
sul.lrg from the toQrra,,:nt of Usi All,sti
piaytti here lost nloht.
The former chnmpl jl, Gcrh mi B. Hubbell, of
Hartford, Mill ritaini the go'd-n cue, winning
by SO points in a gmno of 10-ni.
(OSI.Mrril rr.
i RDKitiKNrnt vor: compi.ctr.
VJUHU.M. t.,,,.;,l.
ll'irtliT'l HtiSK
New Ilavm sU7
New Ixindon ,'i.',72
I'nirficld 7.u
Wini'ham :t.vV;
Litchfield 47 i.)
Toll.ird 'j.tih
Middltsex ;ns I
Total . i;,f:;,-,
Lincoln's majority, '2 1.7.
in ;-n
U I.
4s !
Jo? "
Con Miu a, NovnmlM-r M. Ashliry, who was
defeated in the Tenth District by h7 )on the homo
vote, is rlccled by over MOO ou the soldiers' vote.
The soldiers also iravo a handsomi
majority. Delano's otll lal majority is 'J xl; this
givts i ihlo seventeen Union Coagressmcn certain.
Fi-f-m te Cl.i'c oJour'Kil, .VrtriVc 14.
The party of the Uuion have swopt the prnlrios
by a majority of over'J'JOOOj electod a decisive
majority in both branches of th.-jLcgisliiture.aud
six uicmbcrs ut Cougree".
Cup ti re ol' tho Pirate Ntrnmor 'Tlitrldn"
by m lioMii-r.
Captain Napoleon Collins, who raptured the
Flnmln in ll.iliia Day, I an Intllanlnn, a naive
of Madison t bus been In the navy for the past,
quarter of acenfury ; exit his eotninisslon tlirotiirh
the instriiincntnlity of the United (States Senator
and m-Governor William Hendricks; ho Is a
pood and trueoilieer, ami must have known what
he was doing; that tho act was no violation of
the laws of nations, and that ha was doing G vl's
service to bis couutry and to his fiag. .Vtic
Albany Ledijrr.
Acahkmv op Misic. mm dioiaimi was
originally composed to Cermon words, so that
with this compiny we have nil the theatrical
effects suggested by Ihe idiom of the language,
just as wrote them. T ho German artit.s,
too, tinderpfaud, which few lta'iansdo;
lor, with the exception of two op -ras be-ides this
ono, l.e i z:4 and II Fltwtn ,W. iico. Mo, irt Is
liiini-licd fiom the operate, repertoire. Italn-u
never learn an unneoe-sirv note, hut O. rmi'i
artists wonld not dure to call themselves artists
were they not lamlliarwlth cverv scorn of M z irt.
Therefore had we fi'mixuini In porft-eti n, f ir
orchestra and rti-ts were 1Mb plaving thi music
with Intennd reverence, besides artistic skill.
"Don Giovanni" was a pert in which llerr
I.ehmaiiH, the baritone, ha l to stand a sevuro
test ; for "Don Giovanni" is tho highest and most
ditllcult part within the range of barioues. II )
wus fully eniial to a'l the ditll ultles. Iu person
he la admirably suited to tho handsome, reckless,
and l mve cavalier. His acting, too, was full of
spirit His voice is at once sweet uud powori'ul,
and adrutrab'y eu tiva'od.
Hermanns is tho grandest and finest "Lcpn
rello," without exception, that we have ever ha I ;
as an actor, bp is uusnrpassed. His sinking of
the famous "Madamena" was m ist rapturotislv
received ; and all through Hermanns elicited fie
ireaU'Bt spplause. "Don Ottuvio," the c nor, h a
con.p.iratlvely a small part; but th concerted
music requires a fine voice and mil deal science,
and the cavatinn, "11 mio tesoso," is always most
anxiously waited for. It requires mo-t exquisite
finish ol style, a voiee of sweetness, and great
extent. When we say that Unmoor sang it, it is
saving that, it wus gion iu its full perfection.
"Mn.ctto" (HimmerJ was well sung, and played
with great hi'inor.
M'me Frcderi. I gave Importance to the rote of
"F.lvira," usually consianed iu Italian companies
to unworthy hands. "Doni Anna," the most
diflicnlt and trying soprano p-irt ever written, w is
sung by M'me Johunncn, with ail the p iwcr and
knowledge of a flue artist; it is very try inir to a
voice na much used as M'me Johannon's. Mad'l'e
D.iuba sang the music of "Zerlimi" correctly
and well, but as an a. tress she wants both grace
and spirit.
Theirloof'T.eMaschcre" with "Anna," "F.lvira,"
nnd "Ottavlo" was oeliclouly song. The grand
churns of "Vlvu lal.lhc.ria" clectiitiod the lu.iso.
Aa for choruses, they wcro p-rfoctt.-in, both in
quality and quantity. The superb misc t .th-,
and tie double orchostni in the masiiueradn, pro
duced .1 finer etlect than we have ever seen before
on this stage. The Germans sing Ihe eore ns it
was originallv written, without the a ided reeiti
tive. so that thoro is a great deal of dialogue full
of wit and fun, but much, of course, is lost to the
uninitiated; s'ill thei'ew enj ive.i it aud made tlio
many laugh, for mirth is catching.
To-night the great event of the seaon,
lluguenott, Meyerbeer's great work, written im
mediately after Uobert to many a grander opera,
and without doubt a more harmonious score.
Meyerbeer, for foAcrr, changed his stvle from the
mere Italian school, and tho llwiucnola is tho per
fection of tlio new school, the' mingling of tho
Gtrman and Italian, which ho created. We need
not say that the house will be crowded, for tt has
lecn full every cvoiiing. To night the Academy
will be too small.
Sanioiid's New Opera House, Race shoe
(lute. McDonoujtk'e Tncutre) . This establish
ment has been leased by Mr, S. S. Satuord, and
lias undergone a thorough renovation and mads
complete for the comfort of ladies sd fumiUes,
and has so far met with unbounded success. Tho
houses are crowded with his old friends and pa
trons. Having the great advantage of st&ft elfocts,
Mr. fsanford promises us a ropctitfnu of those
great burlrsouea v.hio were given with snch suc
cess ut his Eleventh Street Opera House. Having
more r.-utn and scenery, he has ulready an
nounced the pantomime of the Shoemaker and
Tailor of Kftniiifflon, which will be produced for
the Thanksgiving holidays.
The National Circus. The second Matinee
of Uie season will take place this afternoon, at
the great National Circus, on Walnut street,
above Eighth. The audiences that have attended
tiucc the opening of the season have been fashion
able und immtnse. The company U composed
of the most accomplished ladiesi and gentlemen
known to the prolusion. It ahould be reinein
btied that the great equestrian, Eaton Stone,
performs every evening, and also at the matinees.
Ihe equestrian director, Mr. V. H. Kosston, is a
veteran in the arena, and pleasant in his remarks.
NbwChmnttStbkistTheatbb. Mrs. Bower
plays Bart Lytun to-night, one of her most
charming and poetical performances, a character
in which ahe ntrpattet alt othert on the atage.
National Tmeaths. Ilia Circus if U ft full
tide ot lucvfs.
Spct lal Di'sp ttt liea to fuming Trlotx'.ph.
Wahiiinu ion, N vcnl er M.
TUr Prfshlrnl IhIih nmornl nrsnl nuil
t'liiifnl l'.rlr.
The rrrvident, accompanied by AsslstnntSocrc
tsty Fox acl other pentii-mci, on ri.turday
vi-itcd the I cod u.irt rs of Verier .1 Or int.a' Cay
Point, where they were jvircj by thj l.leu'enant
Omtral, and procenltd down J nies river to
i-it Aduiiial Porter at tlatt pto i UvJs. A l.o ral
Potter dined the distinguished v:si'.j-s ou bjar.l
his flsg-hlp.
I'mldent nml Ills tl-llors.
The Priidciit wishes that those d-iri;o: ti
call upon liltn personally wi'l pi-t.vine ih ir
vi-is f..r s Uuie, as he is engage I iu prepirlni
t is annti'il nirssaire to t'.iegrc-r.. As this d.KU
n.cnt wiil comoin a couiprehctisive re-uinc of all
eh il at d military ma'tirs the pis-
year, It will be awaited with anju uucrc-t by
the country.
Miernitut rnitor M'ny.
General Sherman is fairly nnder way iu execu
tion of the bold militaiy pro;;rammo lately
csled. He had his start of a-voial days b. l'jro
Ho. J mi aware of hl movonient, and has coin
plrtely di stioy.d tho rai' In hi rear betseeu
Ch.ttt11no. ga and Atlanta. It is und-rstxiJ that
Gitifrul I h..mas h as north 01' the Teiitiessoj a
force amply stnlirient not only to prevent any
ni-grcsive movement on tin! i irt of Ho nl, but 1 1
asume himself ihe offensive and Indict severe
punishment on the Rebel force.
Unit nil PHiieiirk TrniMrrlly Hollv1.
O'ncrul II iiirock has, at his own request, -.a
temporarily relieved of thO MmiminJ of tho 21
Afnry Oorps, with a view to gain respite atten
tion to his wound. T liia injury, it will be rcuicn
bt red, was received at Gettysburg, and h.uciuse J
bim much trouble frequently, during tho arduous
sumnier cuinpaign from the lUpidan, ejuipc.laig
him to rido iu an ambulance.
Notwithstanding this thorn In the tl:sh, ho has
uevcr consented to leave the field, though he has
occasionally, for brief period, given up com
mand of his corps tj 0110 of his division
Tho speedy recovery of this distinguished otll vr
will Ik- ardently clo-dred by the whole cuuutry.
.s. i,i7 nni'.'h h !o TV t'..ii) r.f,o..('S.
Bsi.TiMottp, November 10. ticnarnl Ilutlcr
arrived here last niht. ami is st.ll at the Eutaw
House, eit roe for his command. He I-- iu gujd
spirits and full of life. Many friends called 11p m
him. The trial of Mrs. li itchins Is still going ou
tho Military Cmimlssion, with closed doors,
agreeing or trying to agiee npon her scitcuea.
nhe is still in prisun. General Burnsido h is gone
to Washington. The gold gamblers are much
txciied; they are making capital out of Butler's
New Vork speech. No other it;ma of moment.
State or Thermometer To-dav. Six A.M.,
3o. Noon, 42. 1 T. M. 43.J. Wind, N. by E.
A Bounty-Jumper Commits
tho Deed.
This morning, betoen 12 and 1 o'clock, a co A
and deliberate murder was committed In a dri.ik
lug saloon, at No. 127 South Third street, kupi by
Smith tt Carntlicrs. The victim was
Allen, a slnglo man, nged about thirty yeirj,
who was shot dead by an Individual kmwn as
Rcddy," hailing froai Nr Vork, and an
ullcged thief aud bounty Jumper. Two atories
are told iu re .-ard Ut ths nlf ilr. Ono st itciient is
that the two men were In the saljon t i.Titli.r,
litiil that Allen, on account of an old gniduo
wl ieh existed, made an a'tuck upon "Re 1 ly"
and struck at bim. Tho blow toll abort, when
"Reddy" drew a pistol and tired, th.3 bill pene
trating tho breast of bis ussailaut, causing lustaut
Another statement is that "Reddy" wont to
tlie tavern kept by Allen in Saeond street, below
Dock, known as "Camp Allen,'' a .out a week
Hgo, and raised a row. Allen put him out, when
"Reddy" threatened to kill him. Lust night
"Reddy" was Iu the neighborhood of Third and
Dock streets, when ho was informed that Allen
was in Hoiith it Carntticrs' drinking cellar.
"Keddy" went th. re und saw A'lon, and with mt
any notice put bis baud in bis pocket as if ha
was gutt.g to draw some wcunuu. Alleu seeing
this knocked him down, "iteddy" jucjimnI to
his feet and took refuge behind tlio count. t, at
the same time drawinx a pistol and discharging its
contents ut Allen. "Reddy," alter shooting, loft
tot purls unknown, and up to 12 o'clock this
morning had not been arrested.
The murderer is ubout twenty ycirfof H'n,
and is only known by the name g'ven above. IU
is about live feel fivo and a half Inches hlg'i,
stoutly built, with a light complexion, much
freckled, aud full face, naturally red bair, dyed
b ack, aud is represented to be a most desperate
character, huving deserted from the Uuited Stales
military service often enojgti to merit fivo or six
rlillrrent hangings. Of ins being evcnmtMv
arrested there is no donnt. The Coroner will hold
sn investigation at the Fifth Ward Stition Houso
this alti moon, to which tlu bo ly was taken. A
post mortem examination was ma lo this morn
Termination op a Pkize Fioiit. This mim
ing Ihe early trains from the interior brought into
the city ft largo number of thieves and roughs,
who had gone to Scranton lot tho purpose of wlt
ncsii.g the tight between two bruisers known as
VJcnncy Hands, of New York, and Voter Martin,
of Philadelphia, as stated hi The Ti.i.kou wii of
yesterday. Wo lenrn that the men entered the
ring at 10 A. M., and tho licht la-kdsix rouuds.
Huiri had the best of the lUlit all toe while, cut
ting Martin in the most dreadful manner, while
he was unmarked. In tho Sixth round,
Harris hit his man right and left, and
got down on his knees, ia which position
Mattin ssruck bim a blows. The Coiled
States detectives rushed In the ring at the tiuiu
Harris made his claim to the referee, nnd a gene
ral stumpede took place. Hania, Corcoran,
Chaffers, and some others were arrested. Martiu
is badly punished, both eyes being nearly closed.
The right eye was closed iu the second round.
The parties arrested were ull taken to the olllce
of the Provost Marshal.
Aeskt oi' a BfiiGLAB. This morniu an
individual giving the name of Henry Cook was
RiTested uou toe charge of burglary. He
effected un entrance into the store of Klein (V
Drcifoos, No. 219 N. Second street, by climbing
over the transom. Two otlicers saw him in the
place and watched him helping himself to the
plunder for over two hours. Finally he opened
the door and walked out. He was four times as
large as when he entered the establishment, and
upon being examined it was discovered that he
bad on doiens of shiifs and drawers, with other
goods placed around his person, amounting in all
to the value of -'7o. lie had the appearance of
an extivmoly corpulent man, and had he not
been seen in the place by the otlicers, he could
have walked aloug the streets without exciting
the least suspicion. He had also 75 in green
backs which he had stolen from the store. He
w as taken before Alderman Welding at 8 o'clock
this morning, and committed to answer tlie charge
Of burglary.
Tbi SoLfttine' Vote. This morning tha sol
diers' vote, so far as counted and certiBed to by
UieFroUionotary of the Court of Common Pleas,
stood as follows ;
Lincoln 27
Majority for Lincoln 128
The vote polled in the 7th Regiment stood 161
for Lincoln and 14 for McCleUan. Company I of
tho same tvtflBMOt lavo LiucvUj I aad McClwl-laali.
Wholcsalo Arrest of Election
This morning nino of tho election oil oers of the
Eighth Dlv ision of the F urth Ward wore ar
raigned before Alderman Welding, upon tlie
chaigc of in sdcn-.c.nior In otll and with rcc-lv-Ing
the voles of nnqualiiied persons'. I'ruuoa
to Ihe election certain respectable citirflas of fie
F.ifbth Precinct of the Fourth War I, having
every reason to bc'leve that fraud would te "!o-u-Diltud,
petitioned to tbcConrt for watchers. The
prayer of the petit. oners was graute 1, an I the
watchers were appointed. I'pon going to flic
polls 011 the mor.Jjg of the clectioa tlio o:!iecrs
iusiile refused t.i admit them, notwithstanding
they showed their appoin'm. nts, witb Ihe S...11
of the Court attached. A warrant was
diatt ly taken out for the arrest of all the oils ers
insuie, uud tliis iiitrnii g 'hey wire arraigned fir
a heating. Tiny are named and classnied as
follows :
Pi.lio Mudden. Ju lire: .Tn!.n M.-K
John O'Kann, Inspectors; R. P. Murriy, an I
Ctiarli'S McC.lli cr, Clerks; II N. II irnes, and
John Li.ughliu, Reinrn Inspectors ; J Fmnegan,
uud J. S. Hals on, Return Clerks. Mr. L-ugHlii
was sick, and n il present. The C i-nmonwealth
was -,rpestnted l.y J Alexander Simp-on, aud
inC dt feuilalits tiy (,'hailes W. U ooks, t-lsq.
Mr. S nipson opened the case, and soi l tills wi
a charge broueht against the eleciiou otli. ers of
the Eighth D'Visiouof the Fourth Ward, who
were guilty of a ini.toeuie.uior, under the a -tof
l.stiO, and of fr ind under the act of U t ). Certain
g niienien hud attempted to vole and iheir votes
Here letused. He co.ild also prove 111 .t upwards
of 3t-0 votes had been re.oived wiiieh were
li iiiCuli 1 1.
Satimel K. Stringfel'ow, aworn. He, with t vo
other inspectors, was at the Eighth, Division of
the Foniili Ward 1111 election day ; he was thtirj
five minutes ,lx for the opening of tha puis;
trttd 10 get in ; found tae doom locked ; tho win
dow was opened und votes were recciv d. lie
wus lutoiiocd b could not get inside, nlth augU
he was an extra inspector appointed by the court ;
votes wire being received at this time. Ho pre
sented his certiticate to a person inside tho win
dow ; don't know what was d mc Ith the paper.
Wiiiiam U. Edwards, aworn. Was uiso aa
inspi ctor appointed by the court; knoeked tit the
door but couldn't get in ; the c-riiticato was
handed In the window ; did not make application
ni) sell to any ol mo election otllccis ; we knocked
several nuns and 1 .0 attention was paid to it.
The counsel for the prosecu. ion h'trc sub;ni'
ted In evioentu the p. l.liou to tlio Cunt
tor waleh. r, who Here appoint. d, and will v:rtf
r fused admitt .nee.
T he connm-l for the defense obj ?c ed to the
petition being reteiv d, oa the ground that no
tvidciue been eliei cJ lo show that the sig
natures attached were genuine.
Tho petition was linaily wuhdrawn for the
presi nt.
Mr. Simpson, counsel for the Commonwealth,
hro tu-kt d a continuance of the case, 011 aeconnt
of one of bis priu. ipal witueises, .Mr. Doiao,
being absent, fly this witness he would rrjvo
that the votes of unqnalifietl iwrsons bad been
taken uud great fraud commuted. He also fur
ther Intended, In the uicainmu, to obriiti an
infer from tlie Court, i'nd have the ballots polled
in that division examined.
The case was then continued until Monday at
9 o'clock.
Tchki.ys rou Thanksoivino. Kxertlms are
about being mado in this city, similar to those on
foot elsewhere, to provide our gallant aoldlers in
the field with turkeys for ThiuksgUlng. They
are to bo forwarded in a cooked state, and it is
Ihe Intention to accompany them with aurh other
articles aa muy be necessary to provide our boys
wiui suosi.miiai 11 not a luxurious dinner.
There will be no dllllctilty In getting the tnr
keys, us we feel satisfied that if the amioun-o-
uicni 1 e once made tnat a movement to lb is end
has bfgun, enough gobblers will be forthcoming
Iu twenty-four hours afterwards to give a turkey
dinner t'.every one of our boys in ihe lield. Tua
greatest iliilii iiltr will bo to get this tnoveiuaiit
sturted; but witn so many as-ociations among us
all iufeiunted In tho comfort ami welfare ot the
sol.'iers, this ought 10 be easily overcome.
Whoever is to do it, tho soldiers should by all
means have tho-r turkeys for Thanksgiving. Our
grtal national feast should find a turkey in every
tent. It is little enough we can do for thoo who
art doing so much for us. A surfeit nf fighting
on their behalf deserves at least, as a psor return,
a surf, it of tutk. y. Those wbo have many,
should send many ; those who have two, send
one; those who have only one, semi that to the
soldier, ami go without at home. Better a din
ner of burns ith the love that has neiit tho bird
to camp, than the stinted turkey aud the thought
of bard tuck on that day for the soldiers. One
day's rations to 1 110 brave fellows, and let it
be turkey roast, with all the fixings I
Ghami I.oiiok I. O. ok O. F. or thk State or
IV.NNHYLVAN1A. This org inl.ation convened
yesterday morning at 0 o'clock at the Hall, Sixth
nnd Haines strceta. R. W. Grand Master Win.
H. Trinulck occupied the Chair. Tho sctnl
iinnual reports of the It. W. Grand Master and
the R. W. Deputy Grand Master were, read, und
it whs shown that the Iudeendent Order of Odd
Fellows is now in a most II lurishlng condition In
l'eiitisylvauiii. A lengthy reimrtof the proceed
ings ol the Grand Lodge of Ihe United Slates was
lead by Grand Representative J. Alexander
Simpson, which showed that Ibe Order is increis
111 111 Birength and uselulncss throughout the
Cnited States. Numerous umcndme-itH to tho
consiitu Ions nf the Grand aud subordinate lodges
were introduced and laid Over to the sessiou In
Muy next for action. Tho subiect of the instlto.
tion ol an Orphans' Home for a refuge, for the
iJesiituto childien of deceased Odd Fellows was
introduced and laid over to the May session for
The following nominations were then made for
Grund lAidge uiiicers, to aerve during the next
term :
H. W. O. M John M. Cro.lantl, So. 6.1.
K. W 11.(1. M -I.k.w KIiiik, V. In.
It. W. (1 W liichuro WntMin, N . till: Sum . el !), 1 n.
'.?. bo im; sum... 1 1', Uwintm. Sj. fr-W.
Ii. W. ). M. W ilil.iu ( urn.. No. US.
K W (l.T.-M It.Muekltt, No. ssi.
li. It. lo li. L.of U. B. J Alexander aMii,isou,Os.ri!e
The Grand Lodge waa closed in due fjrm at (3
o'clock P. M , and adjourned line die.
With a Vikw to Matkimosy, There are
plenty of yourg and frolicsome in on In the city,
who, tired of the siMgle blessedness of bachelor
hood, fly to the double bloweduccs ef matrimony
as a relief. Thit relief once obtained, like "feUr
l'Ucr Teazle, they rellect that but a short time
ago tiny wore made the happiest men ia the
orld, and that they have heeu the most misera
ble fellows ever since. An easy and (consider
ing the high price of vegetables) cheap method of
securing a wile is to advertise. Look over the
ruHtriinonial columns, aud you will see some go
further than this. Not content with oue wife,
some advertise for two, nnd perhaps it is fair to
conjecture that some choice spirits Lave a bird in
the hand its well as two in tho bush. Au invita
tion to a voung lady to oue or more, let us say
to exchange end compare cartes do vislte with a
view to matrimony gives evidence of a catholic
love for tha beautiful, and a harmonious blend
ing of the amutive and philoprogcuitive faculties
as touching as it Is true
Dkath or a Yovko ITtEO. William Kenuard
Dtltz, 26 years of ago, formerly member of
Company K, 2d Pennsylvania Reserves, died on
Monday last, at liis late residence iu the lower
part of ihe city, of disease contracted while In the
army. On election day the young soldier was in
a very weak and feeble condition, but so intense
was his desire to role for Abruham Lincoln that
he insisted on being taken from his sick bed and
conveyed to the polls to vote for his favorlw. A
carriage was accordingly obtained and the dying
man was driven to the polls, where he had the
satisfaction of gratifying what seemed to bo hi
last eunhly wish.
(JCokc'Kalbd Deadly Weapons. This, morn
ing Charles Smith was held by Alderman Weld
ing, to answer the charge of carrying concealed
deadly weapons. He was arrested last night at
Seventh aad Market streets, and upon being
starched the weapon wo found on his person.
Thi Union Victonr. The Supervisory Com
miuee for;RcruiUng Colored Troop, will make
grand display of fireworks at their headquarters
in Cbeanut street this evening, attar the termina
tion of the display by tho Vnioa Leagu on
Broad street.
IUcki itix. This morning tho Mayor issued
warrants for tb.t payucat of the city bounty to
7 a-
An 0nr WNTim. One or the oTioers of
the I I. it Poli o Distil t found a di. lurgj rai-r
in tin nut.eci El". Pati'lug, C joni-iy C, 1st
Haifa ion Prnvsvlt mn (tx morsDm) Volunteer.
Thr paper is at the Mayor's oilne.
I.AHci N y. Three colored boys wero arrests !
je'terday for ro bin a furmtr tit the mirkot,
Sixtotnth rnd Mnl.ct stress, of SUM. When
a rest, ri, they hud ap-'nt nil tho oionnv, onft of
them bavicg a pistol for which be had given $17.
Rr.i KiviNoSroli.M Goons Edward Dimpsiy
ur.d Nancy Dunn have b th been held fo answer
the rhnritenf r.lving goods st'den from tho
I'nlted States military liospit tl at Haddington.
No iiohk is complete without a Sewing
Ms.-1 m, an.l we r.emm. n.l t our fnf a Is ih Wtiest..
A Wl na Kwlnrf Marl.lpc, . bflnr Ins ht, lniilt,
i.d chrsia.t. Wo l,.Yf on In n In oar owafamllr,
. w.'u..i ma w wi'T.-n it tar t.-n I'uis ttl c ml. Kvcry
midline I. ssarruiilril, i,J Iho uioik'v rct.iriie.1 If nit
Mitlifj ..iMita-torr. IiKiriK-tl.n Is Kiron at tlio
pr hum, ilo lo I'm lwut itlrammn .if W boelor It
ivn.oi. Xo. 7u4t.,li..iiut.tri..t, and ft tlioio wonderful
ma. tiliicii In orfrntlan, mul exuinln tin- imt'.iiiailu.t ffork
ptif.. rated bv them.
An Old Sayino iMi-novKD
ad tnr'nloas msn
Lonn stnre found a plan,
At Mch somo lnoy their shotiLlor w'
iThopeh lliev cannot dispute 1,
Hy which Covet a suit
Ot cloinee, troio a bottle oraw.
Thus i whenever you think
Ah. ut tAklnK a drink
if larer, orsometMng ntn.ner,
Ttiat wish vou uiuMt Uiroltle,
An.l Into the bottle
Prop your change, 'Ull it holds no longor.
Now joaboidlr uiav ue
t'p yoar bolt e, and bronk
The ssme Into pleres, and then
You will find Uiat Inside
Whica wlllfor you provl le
A ult sood ennat-b kir most man.
Hut. thus far having done
Ho Judiciously, a-inn
Tour cash upon ''ehoU!v" to waste.
And Immediately go
llnto Hkxmktt A Co.,
For garments well made, and with tastot
Select your clothing tt.m our stork of Ktaly-nia1 var en bv secure goods equal in IU,mtttr4at and
r.rwflAip. to any made to order, at JS to M par cenL
lav er prices. We have a full aod compete atsottineat
of Uie newest, choteeei and mst diisl-at.te stylos of
goods, fmrcAafrd at the foirclf price t of the ttam. for
ctiiA eacfultrefg. and sold fur catK rxcluuvt'lf, tberefo.e
at Uie lowest prices rm-lilo. An can ho Ultud at ouee
irom our stock . with out it, any or troulilo.
Towta Hall, -No, 613 Markot street.
llgNXKTT A 00.
A Yankki: Thicx. A letter-writer from
Atlanta says: " I'ho otl.or Jar some ftebels were taken
en the Savannah river w tit'e rfuok shooting, among whsm
stas a captain In the Kelt.. I anuy. Three of our chapj ex-t-hanited
c.eihes Willi the prisoners, and by means of this
4 sjuiine penv'.ratej luto tlie heart of Savannah, aud re
turn.'.! safe. Tkls aid ottier rlrcumstancei hare con
vlnerd (leneralhherman that lie has men Iu his command
oapable of pertormlng any niatuiar ol duly." This iacl.lent
proves what drtt i will do in appsarance. We bellove
that even a, dress) in a coiuptcte suit from Charles
Sltokts A 'o.'8 one-prl.-a (llothiug t.ora, un.tor the Cn-lh-.ntal
Hotel, would pass tor a geutluinan anywhsro.
Chii.iiren'b Ci.otiiino. Ail elegant ttssort
uitat ai At. Shoemaker a Co s, Mo. 4 N. ti.uui struut.
A Gkkat Rkittation. There has never been
any invention given to thu world whieli In tae sa-ne period
ofllnie so effectually wnu itswaylnto universal favor as
the Khirenisa' Hewing Mnahiue, so:d In this city at Xo.
CIO Chrsuul street, all who examine il are dulighteJ with
Ibe manner In woioh It operatas. ft mskot ni Jois than
fourdirfor,n( sUtchcs, and oseeafas all kinds of faintly
setting with neitne.s, ilurihllfty, amt d.?spt.'h. E.ery
mschlno sold la warranted to give sati. faction, or the
money will be returned u the purchaser.
Latiivs' Ftma. An olognnt nssortmont at
Charles Oakford A Son's, Com jieutal U itel.
Ciiotrn Cabamklb.
Cboaolate, Vanilla, Cocoanut, an.l
1-uurb Caramels. Manufactured by
BrKVIir.N F. WlllTMHN,
Ha. 1J10 Slarkat strtat.
Tin', vast amqi'st of oil which has been thrown
up during the psst few yvars fntm the bowels of the earth
has created nuita a revolution la the ournlng fluids. Sperm
ou, larpentlne, camphene, and other volatile liquids,
spirit gas, Ac, have alir.0it gone out of ate; even penny-,
dips ui-et wl'h slow sate for pi-trolsum now it king of
llkht. These ideas wero engendered as we were ahowa
through tha newly Oiled up olllca of the dlllerent oil
compsnlts. Moro especially were we allraeted with the
roiivttilct.t und spat'iou. r.smis. No. I-W H Fourth street.
'I rest- oltu es are ncruple.1 hr aevorul oomnaiilo. all of
tlean k,
i aim paying large uiviuuuas. uuly lliink ol
tlocti biin.lied barr.-lt ol uU a dur ao.'rulinr to
single coinpary, and tante IJea may bo formed
ol the prtfl'S lo b d sir. bated among Uia
sio.-k holders. Vast fortunes hve been made bv many
In v.( iu, lis In tlio companies, and wo advise all who
have .apltal to spare Ut get flnyora hundre.t shares of
this to. k. The demand l-rolilt e .mtaiit and hicreas
lig: It cannot Ih- rvhned fstt It eutert Into
nun.berless compaalllons hereto. unt unku.iwu. Am ng
II e bfst paying cnmiianles wa (Ciserve the Cur'ln an.l 8t.
Mt-hoiasas pavitig dlvli' Tholr oillcert are
thorough buslLess men. and sate investments can be
ade In them. Tht lr o(l;ci- Is tho most t-.mveulent In the
city, ami sv.ry tacilliy ami luluruiallou wulbe giteu tuere,
Su. 1M 8. J'ouith ilrttt.
Gfvtt.emen'b ITatr. All the l itest atyles at
Charles Oakiurd Sou's, Contlnt nod lloieL
Vanilla Roast eii Ai.monus,
Of raro quality. klaiiRi'a'iturod by
BTkCilkg F. fTilil'MAR.
We nEirn those troubled with ludlg -stion to
tha advertisement of Aurt Dyspeptic ' Powders, com
pounded bj F. Brown. They have beett highly reoom
mendod by all wbo have used them ; and it ia U
say lhat they will boar analysis, when we kaow they aro
preiiared by tha relenratod rompoiindr of atrown'a Ja
males (Jlnger.
New AiK-TimiT Inkstand. Oliver's Tatent
Inkttard combines many advantages, liy merely press
ing the Suger upon an tl.nilc substance, tha Ink Is bnug'it
where yon want It. tt Is easily tilled; doet not get out of
order, and tt ere is no evaporation 1 hey aro fur tale by
Charlton, Wholesale Rta'loaer, In fourth street, who has
the ag nej for I'liCa.l.lplila.
I.adii-b and Ciui.iiKRN'a Hats. Latest stvle
atCl.arkt Oakl'ord't,('outliieutal Uolul
Choice and Fahiiionaiilk Confections,
Put up in Neat Hones,
8ultahle for l-rt.sanu.
HVKritKM F. Will TM AK,
Ho. leio Market stroot.
Got l.n & Co. have a tine assortment of Fur
niture at both Uiclr establishments, N. K. c irner of Second
abd Kaet stse'tt, and N E.corncrot' Math and Market
streets. Those about furnisfilug their houses can be
tnitcd txactly by calling at either of U sUirot.
Tun End oi- the War. The greatest conu
sance it new felt that tha Rs'jelllon v. ill tpeadlly flxsle
ent, and the war clots The tame assurance la Uketvtia
fell that Ihe best and cheapest Coal Iu l',le!plila Is to d
by W.W. Alter, at his splendid new yard. No. 957 M.
MluUt street, lilvt him a lilal.
rtiTtciiARFHR mar rely upon petting tho best
Fun at Cbaries Oakiord A Hon a.Coutiiieutal Hotel.
Gi.emon's Temil-b oi Aiit, No. 914 Arch
Htreet. Having unlimited faclllllea lor tha production of
elegant Photographs, ladles and genttomvn noed Uava no
fear of any detention, either in lilting or receiving their
pictures. Old plcturei copied to any alse or style, aud
w bile In our pottetilon kept Id a lira aad thief-proof tale,
especially provided for Inc purpose.
Yor will fikd thorn entirely satisfactory if
yon get pictures at 11. F. Helmer'a, No. C24 Arch street, by
ticurh g llft-ilie puotoirrapui ta oil, Ivory types, or CJriol
4 YlsltC.
Mltl. M. O. Bbown'b ' Metaphysical Dis- ,
ceverv," kills tha root ol every disease. Pnoe H. Ho.
410 Aiik tueel- Sua adt ertuwmeut in auothat ouluuia.
Orrica rr Thb ftnmM TaLaeaAH, 1
Wtdustdar, KoveulMa- lu. (
The Stock Market is heavy this morning and
prices are drooping, with the exception of Gov
ernment bonds, which are mora active, and have
again advanced. 6-20 sold at 1034, coupons off;
new 6-20s at 1031, n advance of 4 ; 6 or 1881 at
1104UO, an advance of 1 ; new 7 30s at 094, aa
advance of 4 ; and 10-40 at 9og964, which U also
an advance.
New Clay 6 art selling at 102.
Railroad share continue dull aad nnsottled,
with sale of Reading to notice at 674(i6J,
decline or 4 ; Pennsylvania lUilroad at 654(oi6,
decline or 4 1 nd Catewtasft preferred t 3903
40 160 wa bid fur Camden aud Antboy ; 45 for
Little Schuylkill ; 594 roc Philadelphia and Qer
mastowfti t4 for Mineulll; 82 foe UWljlV Vftl-
ley l n4 1 (or umut pwmt1.
In City rascner Railrovl shrei there it
little or nothing doing. 31 was bl1 tot epfuosj
nnJ Pine; f,r (hesnut and Walnut ; and 63
for West Philadelphia; 70 wis asked for 9ecjn l
and Third ; 3 for Fifth and Sixth ; 15 for Ar .-h
Street ; 12 for Race and Vine; and 20 tot Omn
and Coatcs.
Coal on shares are less active, and pries; an
unsettled and rather lower, with sVe of .M Mis
Shade nt 210, 371, decline of 2; Densnore at 8 J
McKlbcnyat (1 ; Rock Oil at 6; Noble au l
DebimantcriitOI; D.dioll at , and Oil Creek
at ft.
Dank shnrca, aa we have noticed for o nJ
time psst, continue firm, bnt there is very llttla
doing. 173 was bid for N ,rth Aiwiei, aa ad
vance of 2; 1 10 for Farmers' and Maclianlci-; 34
for Commercial; 30 for MiuarictureM' ana
Mechanics'; so for Commerce; 88 for City; 37 fo
ConaoHdntlon; 47 for Commonwealth t 50 for
Unli-n ; and 70 for Camden.
Canal shares art dull and lower, with sales of
Bchnylklll Navigation preferred at ,19,, a decline),
of ) ; and Susquehanna Canal at U; 324 was hi
for Selmylklll Navigation common; 7oi foe
Leh igh Navlgatlou 1 08 for Morrla Caaal com:n in
and 3C.J for Delaware Division.
Gold has decliued 3 per cent, since Ust even
ing, opening at 237i, advanced and sold at ii
r.t 10 o'clock ; fell on" and sold at 21M at 11 : 2'M
nt 12; nnd 214 at 12 r. M. M.irkot weak.
Tho Money Market Is without ch lugo. Lnna
on call arc oifered at CC7 per cent-Per annum.
Prlmo paper is scarce and quoted at 810 pee
iteporiaa oy ciarksou A Ci., Brokers, .No. Ul 8. Third a.
... . nm oitB lUARns.
Sltno Lehigh 1 al h.ll.. I06 . 4.m th aWa.Ung S MX
sn Coullatulal ...
il. lw u do ux)
a 6'0,h rriboerd 3
Jll.h Bo.: i Ml S'
. :t'i too a N. I'witral .... oi
Tl 4.1, shStary K.rm.... 3
R i lio)eh exoalalor Oil.. IV
B1.'. laOsh L I ul
S.Osh Co
Vi.'n sh d.
".! Sh OO d
l'O sli Corn I'lanur.
vsin sh do
l.isish do ,
suBif Tank.
lo.h (io a OstiEJ Iorl
bcJ sa Curt n Oil lo too ah do iil
."i sn nius t re..R.,,a a
flft-OU. R. St. -81
.llis l.o sh Noble Si Del... as
fin) do ma;
9tv sh llsn.iaopa .
ss S af
1'" da M'is.1
Vl ta Hot;
.'-sl U 8 B-2et pus
Si.i.1 do .....e l'-l''
i(s) di la.Mj
.V(iO do 1.1, t,
'ti (lo lnriv
ti.ii do lici).;
.iU. s. in-tasj
i0 do mv'
!" U" n-g. Wsf'
.'.i"i r S) 7-30 new Pi'
t isjni ity Ca. new ....liu j
S h. Nav. lls'71.. ))
.'"'ca a iu,.rt .;... I
MH' A Ss. H7 ...pgl1
SliroSinihtiry II!, ,
Si li th Oil ( r-ek (!,'
1.0 .1) llalaell Oil.... S
sn itormama ..... I til
sen in gaMua ft....
sh do tssl
4nnsh do ssiis
8.).h d MS
inn all do S7'f
!"' th dj tnj
SO sh Phil. A Oil .-. l 3
lim.h Hhaoi.Jilu..tKJ 14
Wfh sea Navpf.... r.f
Inosh Hutq Cnl....i It
IU sh Cam s Ana I
a th fauna tut 'Jl
M 'tt do ii',c
10 th do ,.; i,, '2
lushCataw praf.... M ,
losb do 4) 1
a iu Aeaa. of at atie as:
Cluolatlons of Gold at the Pailadelphia Oolcl
Exchange, No. 34 S. Third street, second storr :
!', A. M 2.17A 12 M 235
11 A. M 23tlJ 1 P. U lt
Miuket active aud decliuing.
1)R Uavks Sl Bko., No. 20 S. Third itreot,
quote as follows ;
r. . . "Hnvasy. tttf,
American Gold xii 2
American Silver, A's and i'l 223 ..
Dimes nnd Half Dimes 218
Spanish Quarters 218 ..
Petin. Currency idia. 1, diS.
New York Exchange 1-10 " par.
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal OU
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day t
jim a at. jm
Fulton coal s
HS'linvanMi Off. IV
Big MountalnCoai. S
M.Y. Mid. Coal.. 1.1
Hi Franklin OU
I I I Howe a KdurOll.. ..
6 Irving OU SS
3 P.X Farm Oil., .a IS
1 ViDensmore... ..
li, Iialicll on a BH
IS McrUheny a ..
lti HoDerta OU
'.Sl 'Olmstead
10 iMobleAuelamatar.sSAi
XI illlbliard t ..
'( Story Fatal a ..
1 , ilruoor
I i Vetruteum Oantra. 4H
2 HliKgoert .. 4 V
SH. lege Island I
II Ailegheay Klvar., IS
IH CorUn t .7
O) Pi.liaAOII(eek.t .,
S IlluU Craok. 44a
Iflenasnla ...a ..
i Com Planter a ..
-4 Hrigg
it's, Kook OP g ..
Grrtn Mf. Coal.... 4
. 'arhonttale 9
Kew Creek 1
Clinton Coal H
Buller Cual 10
Iilnuiond Coal..,,.
ftwslara 7
Penn Mining 21
Counoctlcut ....... ..
Keystone U
Ixcclskir OU s ..
lug Tank a ..
Cotc.liieuial s .,
Oil Creek t .,
Maple Hhada Oil.. ..
aU':narnck Oil.... b
Peiins.vlvaula i'et . 1
I-orry ll SI
Mineral Oil a',
Ki y.lona OU il
v enango (ill
1'nlon Petroleum.
Ilearon nil
Beneca Oi)
t lllnot.reek a ..
1 V tldoraJo I rt
H 4. a i
The followinc ure the reoeiots of Floor ami
Crnin at Ibis port to-day: Flour. 14X) bbls.
Wheat, 6300 buuhols; Corn, 49 JO bushel: OaM.
8200 bushels.
A number of decisions by the Secret lry of
the Treasury of questions arising upon appeals;
by Importers from tho decisions of collectors of
customs have been printed, from which itappeirs
that a duty of l.J percent, per pound wa properly
assessed wn molten bull .ts imported from Can la,
the article being of tho same chara-t.'r as If it
were in bars or pigs ; also, that 10 per centum oaf
ralorem was properly assessed on ore hell weed
under the act of 18(12.
The Secretary of the Treasury affirms the de
cisions assessing a duty on brass padlocks, and
also krutta, caststeel tires, axles, shafts, and other
forgings in the rough, under the law of Jane last,
at the rate of 45 per centum ad ra'oretn. Tho
Secretary docs not concur wiih the New York
iippruisi rs in their special report, in which they
claim that, although the machine known as ft
loom Is not a manufacture of which stoel is a com
ponent part, yet the shuttle, which is an accessory
machine, is a machine per te, being eonaposetl
partly of steel, and renders tho whole iuapertat'oti
in question a manufacture of steel in part, ami
subjects It to 4.i per centum duty. The Dupirt
ment, in analogous cases, whore the closalticafion
of different articles in the same package coalel
be caily determined, has dirooted that the rata
of duty applicable to each ere shall be aepa
rately levied.
rilll.Al.t l.ritl . TRADE KEPOUT.
Wi kehday, November 10. Quercitron Bark
mil continues to be held with Inorea.fd flrmasiss, anal
tales ol SB aadt. art reponod al SU al loav.
Cotton la In Ifniited re.iuasL, wicb saiaa tea lltaltad ea-,
ti nt at II 4(u 1 43.
Tha murket It vary rrly supplied with Cleverssed, audi
there ft very lit I le eouiicg forward In th absence oftaleaj
we quote at 1 Ai'. 1 V S4 Ibt. FlmoUiy la but Hula tugb.
alter. Prices ara wholly nominal. Tin re la a 11 meed
demand for Flaxseed at fl'totipa W) f bushel, wtCi toiAtl
The ProvlsUiu Market It loaotlvt, aa Ultra la noi
enough doing to fix prlcts.
Ti e same firmness which we htve noticed fn the Mi-rov
Sdtrket tor some time past ttltl oontinuet uaabataa, aaal
eoi st-tiuenily die transactions ara only to a limited a
teut. Iberscrfpta are esosk iliugly hut. and tn tl-K-aAl
on hand are very much reda.-atl. rbsdeotatid fvr akoort.
1, eacoediogly limltrd. and tho only sales to report, ara a
lew bundled barrels at IU''i for saoarnae; 11 U-t fog
extra: and ftln-.'v lilau for esu-a lamlly aod fan-y branda.
as lo (inalliy. T he t.les toe snpply oi tha born iral
aretvlthln the above rang of prices. Kya Flour audi
Com .Veal continue without otsentlal changa.
'J'here Is a steady demand for W boat, but holders artj
withholding their storks Irom thr market. W nyttleesaleaj
ol 'AK0 bush. I'ennsylv.uila and llelawara red at t uocaa
2-1-1. aad while at 2 7.V.J si. Itvt meett with a stead r
qulrg at l'7inl 'i. bul without ealet. Cora la lowar.
Baloa of 'JMiO bush, yellow at Si sl.n,l'Si. Oata art In libe
ral reourat at SOc.. with talea of aOuQ boah. Rri ...j
Atalt are quiet, but unchanged.
Whisky Is but little Inquired after. We tnote PdnnsvV.'
vaula aiid Ohio kbit, at tl ;7tavl 7a, and UruOge at Sl'iS. j
Barque M. Boutley, Clark, l'ort Uovai, O. 8, Stttaoa C0.
irig oeue isaruaru. twa, new ornsu,, ao.
ling tlmlra, Morton, Portland, C. A. Heckihar ft cv.
bit auiac A. Brealy , JJoughWa, For net a Mwuee, J.Q.H
ss. o . ovvun,
Parous If axlmilluu. . 11 days from Bermuda. wlUt
coal to K. A. Houder A Co.
Hcbr Narah, Benson, 8 dajrg tTOBl Xaw Haveft, la balUtt
te Hlsfcuiou, Uiaan Co.
n, ur Liuls Hauil.Souiert,! days from PartBoval, lat
ballast to aaptam.
tcar Eveune, Lsugnun, iv aayt rrom Haw Orleans, in
ballast lo li. W. Ueraadau ft Bro. ktnv 11, A, M..UA,
U4 Hi, Km. lb BO, taw a larga i team ship with two pbr-ws.
(auppoaed Uie Quaker City) cbaalu stlnianrg
upou which aba waa rapidly galuuog. t
.' .K,wa., ,s ausua ti tin art alRnb wisb
kadaeu W. M. Bakrd A Co.
Bsaaaaer KovaHv. Hkaw. 34 heart fjramxaw Tork. wuftt
idt I W. M. Bair ft Co.
It Oor. of rUTl-OTtfW 00 tttti
Tot wauar bain aL?S5 IlilJula!twi3
ahould ba oa hand a.rV. fsss rssa
liassbuiu..ij Ckifdrta. U arat. .
ftrSTM--. s aiMf