The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 15, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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Philadelphia, runs day, novi.mhku 15,'isai
' Major-General Kdwnrd Richard Sprigi? Canny
was tern lu the Slate of Kentucky about tho
year 1819, lint removed early into the Stale ot'
Indiana, whence, afTcr reviving u liberal educa
tion, be was admitted into ti c M lit-iry Ar;i ', my
il Wet feint ns a cuht diirinr the IS it',,
lie prndiiaicd on the 'tOlhof .luce, l.M'.t, I n llio
same class with Genet al ll.!!e-k, t!io Into General
Inaa- f-tevens, who was killed nt (.'hantilly, Sep
tra, hrr 1, UVi; General Hi. ki f, (,' Or.l,
dci eral 1'.. Tsinc, of I i i r: i -, Hnd others. Uo (ti l
not statid l.'ith ill ci.ul. in his class ; but, as li.n
keen ivii' in the w of man," gen r il
ofliccrs of the ro o,.t war, this is not nlw.ys
to be con. idi'i d jki an i.,,1, i'iun oi" want of
lie entered tho t'uiicil Mates re .:uiar army,
with tl.e i"n : 1 r. uk of v. n. lf-ui n int i.f in
Snntry, on the M of duly, is:; o, an 1 win uttae'.icd
to the 2d K - pmtnt. II ' was appointed assi-tant
comrnn-snry of Fuhsi-teuco during the folio ing
October. On tbe lSili of June, ISI'i, lie was pro
moted to a first licu:cnnney, buring lecn a p
polntcd adjutant of bin regiment, during the pre
icns March, and S'-rvcd in General Kiley's regi
ment in the Mexican war. In that regiment we
also tin J tbe names of tbe following noted oiliccrs
f the present war : Major General lloinuel in .in.
tlien captain ; M.,j',rGcnoriil Casey, then captain;
Brigadier General Wrs-iels, then captain; Driga-dici-Gcncral
Vatritk, then captain; Ilripadi. r
Oenentl I.yon, killed In Missouri, August 10,
Until, then flri-t lieutenant; M linr-Genoial I".
Steele, commanding the Army of Arkansas, then
second lieutenant, and others. On tho ill of
March, IS 17, be wan appointed assistant adjubiiU
fenernl on Ueueral liiloy 's stall', with tbe rank
I captain. During the buttle of f'erro Gordo he
was greatly distinguished, and lor hi gallant
conduct during tbe battles of and Ciic
rubtifco be was brevttted mnjjr.
This brevet was awarded dining Angu-t, 1st'),
aid bears the date of August 20, 1.SI7. His tin
roct during tbe attack upon tho lit Helm illic
it Highly spoken of by bin superior oiliccrs, uud
during the executive net-ion of March,, be
wai awarded tho brevet of lie itcn int-colonel, t
date from September 13, 1 S 17. lie was promote 1
to tho full rank of caotjin of tbe 2d Infantry
during Jnnc, ISol.bnt, having been appointed
to the Adjutant-General's Department as a sist
ant adjutant-general, with tbe rank of lieutenant
colonel, be relinquished his rank in the line. On
the 3d cf March, lH.Vi, be win appointed ma jar of
the 10th Viiited Statos Infantry, a new regiment
then organized, under section H, chaptor 1'!I, of
the Acts of Cointreau approved M '.rob :i, I S i ",, for
the luereiieo of tho regular nnuy of the I'liiled
During lH,iS, he ra in command of Fort
Jlrldger, Utah Tciiitoiy, having under bis cj.
trol portions of the 2d Dragoons, and 7tli and
10th United Ktitcs Infantry. Uo held tuiN post
nntil 1860, when be was appointed commander of
tho Navajo expedition against the Indiaus, and
held ci inniund of tbe camp near Fort Defiance, the beginningof IStil. Hissccond
in command, Ilrevet M.ijor Sibley, turned traitor
and joined the Kc'm Is during tbe early stages of
the Htbelliou ; and, although occupying a post of
great danger in their midst, Itrcvet Lieutenant
Colonel Canby refused to join their ranks, nor
would he leave bio post to go North.
When the regular army was increased, under
Uie proclamation of President Lincoln, tho sub
ject of onr sketch was promoted to Colonel of the
19th Regiment of Unitod Stitcs infantry, with
rank and commission from May 11, IrtlH. II J
was then placed in command of the military
district or sub-departuient of New Mexico. As
an instance of his doteriuiu.nioa of character, it
my be reim rnbeivd that during the administra
tion oi wis department uo suspenucu ttio writ ot
AuUas corpus throughout New Mexico, nnd
arrested General l'elbain, formerly surveyor
general of that Territory, and Colonel Clements,
and confined them in the guardhouse at Santa l'o
forgiving treiisonnblo information to tho Uebo
Texans at Fort llliss ; and on General lVlham
refusing to tako the oath of allegiance bo was
bcld in durance. Finding ho could not hold
Fort Stunton against tho superior force of tho
Rebels, ho abandoned and destroyed it by lire,
to prevent its falliug into their li.mds, und con
centrated his forces at a nioro important position.
On tho iKh of Noveintier, lSiii.Nuw Mexico
iraa imnle Into a department, and Colon :1 Canby
placed at its head, with full powers. How ho
administered his trust may be gathered from tho
fact that when be let; it poacj was restored within
it, and tho United States Mag waved over all the
On tho 214 of February, IS !2, be commanded
at the fiimous (truggle of Valver ie, or Fort Crai..;,
where he held bis portion with the tunaciou .aess
Of a bull-dog. Ho finally defeated tiie traitor
Sibley, and drove, tbe Ilebjl Texans out ot the
He was promoted to the rink of br!';adiei
geucral the .'list of March, IS 2, uud lieu tJeueral
Carielon anived at the departmen'. General
Canby was rd red to Washington, where ho
became a valualile military as-ist int t.) Secretary
Stanton in the War )q itmeiit.
During the exciting iimo ot the riot be was, on
July 17, ISt'.'l, ma le eomiiiand rof all tbe United
States troops Ih the city un 1 bjibjrof New York,
and by his energetic: iic tur.s at oneo aided in
restoring the i ciiee lin t onKr of that city. Cauby reinaineu in comtuand at New
York until November lsG.i, when be w is relieve J
by General Siannard, ami ordered to re-uuie bis
position at the Wor Dep irtincnt.
Ill 8 lief.ranee Oec;nl Canby is ipii :t and geu
tleinunly, seldom engaging in com ers itiou ; but
at the same time be w ais a very di t. r.niu.;d and
aoldierlike :iie. Uu dre-SDS plain, generally wour
in; uo mark of rank or cve-i showing by bis attire
that be be'o;:gs to toe military scrvivo.
During the taily part of lb.' present year Gene
ral Can by I'cnncd ouo of the committee selcc'e I
to revue the Artie!. s (f War, alter wliicu h.1
gain ntiirni'd to bis oillcial duties at the War
Departintnt, fr iu which be w is irlieved to be
(ductal in c inniaud of the Department of the
"Wibt Missi'flppi. He was on bis way up tho
White river to loid'cr with ' l'ro
tlcriek Steele, relative to tbe destruction of Trice's
army iu Arkansas, when bo received a wound
that will probably take him from us. General
Canby was over six feet high, and well built. No
one will feel bis loss more keenly than his friend
' lion. '.. M. 1st mton.
I rt( r fi. in tlic iislrlu .Hot li y on MiB
l l i lion.
At tie v 'til m. .de to tomiuel Hoop r la-t even
lug by I'nli n clulis of bis district, to congratulate
him on bis re-election to Congress, Mr. Hooper
rend an extract of a lettor received from J.
Motley, the historian, and dated at Vienna, Aus
tria, October Id, us follows
V hen this letter reaches you the electiou fever
will be at its very height, but within a few days
afterwards Mr. Lincoln will bavo bocn re-elected
l'rtmdeiit, ai d you will have been again ihoM-u
to tbe honorable position which you have idled
Aiming tbe past years.
I oiler you tny congratulations beforehand on
both cvciitH. 1 have not yet begun to doubt as
to tbe ret u It of the great election. It is linpci--
ible for me to think so meanly of the groat
American people as to believe them destined Ut
the deep humiliation and the feartul calamity of
a copperhead adniinisuauoa at tuts vital crisis
in our altalrs.
Tbat we should bow tbe knee to the slave
holders and the licbela just us we have tbem at
our mercy, is too insane and base a proceeding
io ie even imaginable.
You sec that 1 am sanirulne. If I am li vlrirr In
a fool's paradise, vou will know in h verv tew
days after reading this, and may laugh at int as
juuen as you use, auuoufc'U we here shall all feel
juwrv Mic v''i'e-
The Political Campaign.
r.i.Ktvrtow in ti;;sf.k.
In Gallatin, the i I' Ct.'on ps. l olf ifuielly, w ith
Hie folluwing n suit .
1. n oln 107
MClclati 12
K so 1 1 i r. Teiiti.. N. s. i he'
vi te of this la c is IOjO, all cl w' ioli were lor oin.
Sikimi ii i n, Titui., N ivot.'Sor S. Twenty
vot s wire c. for I.nculn and not.e for
I'ennsv tMinia fold ers at Chettm'X'iri voted ;
I'.'o tor Lincoln, 2 i lor McCieli .n ; 1-t O i o Artil
lery, Nl for l.imoln, 1) lor M ' " 1 c lira ; Wisconsin
lUutTv lleavv Arrilleiv, 7'i f T l.ineo'u, i f.r
MiClellaii; li.utery K, 1st' Mi hie in I.iglit Artil
lery, lho for Lincoln, :'b for McClc.l in ; It itierv
M, l-t Ohio Voluno'crs, Light Am lery. Si f .r
1 in. oin, I tor -Mel le lira ; I, ni'lon, 1 u tor l.m
cjId ; Athins, 27 for Lincoln ; two oinou'ers 2 1
Ohio, 1'iJ lor Lincoln. 7 lor M (' ellau ; o'h Ten-m--ie
lnluntrv, at Marietta, I oi ;br Limsiln, with
no McClellau voter ; CUattm.oog.i, 710 tor Lincoln
.-id Kank.
Lrii'pi -port, Ala , l.Vh Keutjeky Inf m!rv, 2 2
(or Mi C.tllan end '17 for Lincoln.
(iret n-l urg, Company O, l lih Ken!n -;y Cav
aliy, otid itnaiiimousiy for Meridian.
II irnttvf t.
Lincoln's innrity in California is over 'J.'l.AflO
In San I'ran iseo 2l,0i)i votes woe polled, of
vbich Mr. Lincoln received l.;.iK0. Iletuini
fn in twrnty-lour countits give him 11,2 Ji in i
inrity. t; re.ioi. ing exists everywhere at lus
elt etlon.
I). C. Melluer, William Higby, and John Did
weil, all Unionists, arc elected to Co'iircs.
M.t AIM.
The new Statu of Nevada elects a Union
Governor, nnd gives Lincoln ;nh) niijonty.
Thomas Fitch, Union, has been elected to Cou
grets. The Ix'gilaluro is largely Union, ensuring
two United States senators, one for two and one
for four years.
Tho following despatch has boen received from
Virginia City ;
"We claim the flag for the greatest Union
majoiity iu proportion to population. Tho silver
Stale of Nevada has not one candidate elected on
the Copperhead ticket throughout.
"Cu vs. L. Pri K,
"Corresponding S;crctary Union SU'o Com."
I.incolD lias carried Oregon by from 1VVI t J
2tKH) majority, nt least. Tho State election, it
will be leuiembi red, nus held in .lunc, simulta
neously with the Ualtimon: Convention.
Governor Itaiulall is sanguine that Wisconsin
w ill give a higher Union majority than has been
'I be Toledo Uliulr savs that General IPilherr. K.
Paine, Union, is elected to Con.'iess iti the First
Phtnet. I he lu.iiority of bis comnetitor. John
W. Cary, on the iiome vo:e, is .is I. uro
about l2i t) solilii is to vote, and it is consi 1 re I
certain tint' General Hainc has about seven-eight lis
of them. The Wisconsin deli gatiou will pro'jaoly
s:and us follows:
1. llulliert K. I'aine, lTninii, ,"aln.
2. Ithnmar C. Sloan, Union, re-elected.
3. Amassa (,'obb, Union, re elected.
4. Clui'lea A. F.lilridge, Opp., rj-clcctcd.
'j. PI Iletus Sawver, Union, gain.
ti. Walter D. Mclndoe, Uiruu, re-elected.
Lincoln's majority . soldiers' votos and all. is
said to reach titty thousand. All the six Con
gressmen re-elected are Unionists.
When the full returns of our late election shall
have been officially made, it wi.l be seen that tho
farmers bavo voted for Lincoln and Johnson
with a unanimity unprecedented lu any resolute
couteet. Tho gains in this State for McClelbin
over tbe Fusion voto of lSilOliavo all been ctfeeted
iu the cities and villages where Irish immigrants
most do congregate, and whero their votes,
whether they be naturalled or not, come in
freely. Not only bas Mr. Lineola received nioro
v tea in ltx;i than he did in IH'i I, but wo are con
vircedlhat a larger proportion of our na ivo
born citizens voted for him.
It is dillicult for any one to name a dozen New
Y rkus who voted tho Republican tienut in IsjoO
who did not voto the I'uioii ticket last week;
w bile those who voted against Lincoln iu Ihi )
but for him in ImM, may be enumerated by hun
dieils. Wo know an election distiict in West
chester county, wherein .Mr. Lincoln gains
twet ty-live votes, in good p irt by conversions,
bi.t these gains were balanced by twenty six
lnitiiralizri'ion-, mainly of laborers inn quarry,
ii I of w hom voted of course for MeClelhin. Wo
have already ins'am ed the township of Clint m,
on tl.e St. Lawrence, newly settled with Irish
nien, and of course largely MeClcilan, hut of
whose sixteen native voters fifteen voted for
Lin. oln.
It is like this tbrongbou1. In Pennsylvania,
the Mi Clellun vote is enormously swel ed by tho
mining counties Luzerne, Schuylkill, llerks,
Columbia, Wayne, Rc. 'j. nine-tenths of llio
miners I ting foreign born; apart from these, the
Lincoln majority iH overwhelming -,ve think not
less thun one huVdrcd thousand in tho aggregate
vote of the Slate. So thli Sr ito. bad the right of
enilruco been restricted to unlives, would bavo
given our President more than one hundred thou
sand majoiity; wbde New Jersey and Delaware
wi u il both have supported loin.
We state these fads in uo spirit of hostility to
lidopted ciilius. Wc w ;e no war upon their
rights and fiarcbi-es. We Intend no impeach
mttit ol their Integrity or their patriotism. Tuey
vote as tiiey me lit; if they saw more cleirly, wo
do not doubt they would voto moro bencll
ccntly. We only iu-ig. that duo weight be given
to the su' iul unanimity of our AmericAu
bom votirs iu uphol lin;r their (iovcrnment. Wo
iisk that dij'loin itists nnd writer for foreign
journals .shall note the ei.aoi i.d facts, and uot
n -pott, us as almost ritially divided on tbe m lin
iUc.-i.on, bieuiibe Put cots Ids vo:e r votes) on
tl.e side whit Ii he Is told is hostile to "riivgurs,'
und .struggling to roll Lick u threatened inunda
tion of lice black labor the South.
We ilo not believe a iiiaitcr "1 tho dc'cendants
of tie men w ho cariied our country tritiiiipbatitly
thioub herrcuilntlon ere lei w found iutue ranks
of Uie l p) O' itiou.
1 he burners wee told by the oppor Ition writers
and speukers that our pul.Ii.: detit is alrea ly of
iiplullmg amount und is still running up with
fii 'l.ttiil velocity tb it cveiy do.lar of It is
it lit n on till tho real estate in the country,
ni.d must ultimately be pud by it til -it it
woniil mkiii bo ciU il to hall tho aggregate value
ol tl.e , i' farms, si.d ultiuia'ely lo the entire v.iluo
ti.ut a new diaft would sincly be ordncd
((iovti nor Seymour stid ttvo il rafts) whi b would
r-wu p thi ir sons away to tbe ba'tle-lieid or bury
ili ii f..rms In i.c ith a still uu thcr load of lo -ul
di Id; tint the war made no progress, and was
tk.-t in d, if Lite oln were re-ele. tcd, to lu Intcr
mii utile, etc. etc. Su b wcie the consideration
uit-i d upon our ptopie to ii.dii 'C tbeui to vote for
Wt Clellun. Pendleton, andS inour ; the re-pon 0
i 1 tho;C t hose grandfathers 'loulted doubtlessly
over li e K'ighl brcastwoik lit Hunker Mill, or
coiifronti d Luigoyne at Saratoga, is given in tho
all but uiibioken una general overwhelming
inajoiities for Lincoln and l'eutou throughout
the rural districts ot our State.
Some of our farmers hud been beguiled into
votiDg for Seymour two years ago in order to
"stop tbe Vfar," und had seen tho short-sighted
folly ot that rtsoit. They now voted for Lincoln
anil 1 enton to indicate their linn resolvotj carry
i n ti e war, if needful, until it cau be stopped
with safety and with honor a course whereby
e led vi Midi nt that they have powerfully aided
lo bi it to us early us well us a l".oit liccnt
conclusion, lint, whether it miy be clo-el
m t or l. ter, ti e yeomanry of t'.iis St te, and
of iteuily every State, are liriuly resoltjj that r
thull so e!o e us to insure the intiviity and tho
pirpetuiiy of our Union. .V. 1'. irtluiu- of "(hit
Ururuil IturnuiilH in Town lie VIkIIw (lie
' lii nlr I Int Irlitl ol Hn, lliili hlus
Mv will l'rolbly le I oiiikI Uiilliy.
Special Itctpafih to Tlit Ei'tning Tti'uraph,
liALiiMoiiE, November l i. General liuruside
visited Holiday Street Theatre last night, and was
ltudly cheered, nestopped at the tutavy House,
and goes to Washington to-day. It Is believed
he will again join his comuiund in the field.
The trial of Mrs. Tbomus Hutcbins was com
menced before the Military Commission yester
day. She will bo condemned, probably, and her
cae will te closed to-day. All the Government
testimony, which seems direct and posit ivo, has
lecngoue through with. Slio was chief mover
in getting up the sword lor Uie Kabul Colonel
llaiiy Gilmor. The sword or sabre la beauti
ful one, worth tome two hundred dollars), w.ts
brought into court. The accused had no witnesses
to cmniine ; the will rest her case upon the law
and Executive cJeuitncv.
Her nival at Forties Mono?.
rni.siiiJT Ari'FA.n.??cji ov
Fomiiiss MoNi.or, Noveni'or 12. T ie ma. h
dreaded pirate ve-sel '. .' i h.H ViTc.l Hvtid
ton lto.ols, but not as un unwelcome v!it r, v. i:h
the bast ird "Suutlicrn Cro-s" at her p-.ik, but
having at lor mainmast the prou.l Suirs an I
Stripes us hir ens sn. II. r decks, in'.eid of
btaring asnurtby, crew of tore g.i high
waymen and ticl.t! o!'-lt ivo comic, an; n.v
occupied by gallant Yankee in i ho, iu
the capture ot tl.e ! ! i.Ui, resolved to lo-o their
lives, if necessary, in the apprehension of the
pirate. evening, at tive o'clock, tvv j ve sel l with
black bulls were obse rved coining into this roid
stead. Shortly afierwards both e.iiue to auch or.
Furious signalling was kept up wit'i tho largest,
which as at onee re ogni.ed as a t nited Srte
sloop -of-war, nnd by those pr.vle 1 in heliolding
the war ships that h ive, been in this haibor, as
the II 'hi Aim fornici ly tho llni'hip of Atloiiral
Wilkes, while coniinantllng the James liver tloiill i
during the first Peninsular cimpaigti.
As a matter of course, the consort of the
Iliit hum-It ninst bo the V.ri,i, a both n imus
are now and for ever linked closely together.
The conjectiiro proved coi reel, and the c iptor and
captured, who have nevn" parted eomp iny ninee
the eventful sth day of October last, now rode at
easy anchor, hardly a fathom longth apart, tho
admired of all admirers, and the envy of the
navy generally.
Cnptiin Napoleon Collins, the aide commander
of the HiieAiitW, reported a, once to Admiral
l'orter. lion. Th uias Wiis ui, I ni ed Statos
Consul at liiihiiis. who came us pawn 'cr on the
vessel, was biought nshore and left immediately
for Washington.
a visit ro hie rntvAiEcu.
This morning your correspondent vi-ited the
l ag-hip Muli i rn, and ootaiiiing pcrinlssi in from
Admiral 1). li. Porter to visit tho 'ioio'.i, tin k
advantage ni the mark of kind oes-, and shortly
after leaving the flagship cliiu'icd up on tho
gnasy sides of the ex Kebel prate. Captain
Ci llins, who was on tho llagship. bad left, in rum
pBny w ith Admiral Porter and Fleet uptniii
lliece, some tune previous, mid nil went on
board the I'foriiln together. 1 found in command
of the pii.e Lieutenant Co:n:nand"r Lester A.
Linidslce, executive o.lieer of Clio li'i. unrtr, a
very courteous and obliging geutleiii iu. From
him and several other Ulcers 1 o'c i nod a f ill
I,, count of the capture and subsciitiuni movements
ot tbe '.'oi .io.
AimiTioNAL df.iviis or tih; ( Vi'iini: nrrm:
On the Ith of October the Vni nt arrived at
1'ahiu, and anchored a short, distance inside of
ti e harbor. On this dny a plan was arranged on
board thu H'm A.vs..'i to attack the, I'lur.iln with a
tng, und by milling into her under a full head of
steam to sink her at her anchor. Lieutenant
Commander llcardslco and a number of men from
tho laitiiimtt volunteered for tho enterprise;
with permission from Captain Collins, he went
on shore and endeavored lo olitaiu a suitable tug.
Alter vainly seeking f-ir such a vessel, ho found
a unull light crait ; but she bad no coil and no
way ot gttting a mipplv, so this project had to lie
abandoned. On the next d iy,the ith, the Florida
uu ved to u cli-e ber.h under one of the forts.
On tho night of the 7th a council of war was
culled by Captain Collins, mid, niter mature de
liberation, it was decided to attack the Fluriilu
on that night. At :i o'clock A. M. of the Hth, the
H dcoMefr got under way under a full he id of
ctenm, and pushed directly towards the- place
where tho I'lutuin was at anchor. To do this she
bad to pass two forts and t.vo llm.ilian inen-uf-war
one id tin se a Urge sailing frigate. Captain
Collins diiected the bow of the tt'vrhmrtt so as to
strike nn.ldship ot the Florida, with the intention
of sinking her.
It b. im: tlood-titlo and very dark, tho H'arhn.
silt drilled, nnd when the collision looV plaej the
bow i f C.iptain Collin' vessel shear d and took
the pinite on tho quarter, carrying uwayt'io
m ' niO' St, which fed on hoar.!, crushing in the
rail, ,i ci-ay and planks-hear, and the cut ox
tcnoirn to the copper. The fall of the i.iast.
crutlii-.i in two boars, damaged th'! wheel and
ruined away the wa'er-elosc. On sir, king tint
I'hiiula Llciitciinut-Coaiuiaodcr lieirtlslen was
siiiiiiiing on the poop-deck, ti short distance from
Captain CoiliiiK, und deinimded the. siirreud r of
tho tntiuy. lieutenant. 1. T. Hunter, who wis
the otlieer ill charge oi Uie deck on tin; Fiori-ln,
snr g out, "Put vour ln im hard starboard or you
will be into us." The order not being promptly
ot c) ed bv the U'wiwtt, 'he collision did U'.O
place, with the above results.
Af t r the lir.-t shock tbe Wochwittt barked otr
about twenty tcet. One of bor launches was out
as picket bout. This, and nnuther troui tin Hit
7 ii..,;, in charge of Acting Master Tuo.u.vs O.
Grove iiinl Acting MaMcr's Male John Hutuor-ing-oii,
wtro the lirst to bonrd the prize.
1 lie r tllct rs ol tho Florida tlien discovered th it
thu collision was not one of accident but of d
sign, and whin 1 U ntenant Comniander lie irdsleo
ileuianiled a surrender, Ueitteiiiint 1. K. Porter,
Captain Morris' executive otlleer, at that period
in command of the ship, answered t'ut "Uadcr
the cii cu uistMiict h be would surren lei , ' and at
once ceine tlf of his ship to the irucon, it, ac
ronipnnied by nil but tiirco of tho F.ridu'i
oil etr-, to givo up bis s.vord and Hag to Captain
'n iisrending the deck of the Union ship, Porter
prole.-ttd against the legality of tho capture.
C.ipt.iin Collins told hint lie had no time, and
thht was not tho place to debate the question.
Itiloio surrendering tho Florida, Lieutenant
Porter, who was liclo.v when tno collision
occuiitd, hastened on deck, in perfect dnta'iil'e,
with revolver in hand. He discharged every
I urn , ciihcr to kill somebody or to uiann the
ltriiziliiiu authorities.
Tie crew icntonbo ird of the Florida fr )in
the II in iii.v'r soon nipped the c. hies and inado
last a hawser from the liisl-H.iined ship. On
haviijg tho hcrbor with her tow the IIk 7ihi '
I u-sei: cloio under the very luuzzlci of a battery
cn board of u ltrnzill.ii liii.'ite. Duiing litis
f rrctduie l.leutenaut Couiiiiauder llcardslce vas
sent on 1 oaid of the pri0 with anutletpi ate ereiv,
theiiebt men on board having jdoo.1 sentry over
ti e lia ibes, which hud been b itteui d down over
the pus uie.s, and took coniin in I of her.
(in passing the Irigatc.tbe W in (! it w is hailed,
and soine of the captured Kebels yelled out that
the I iidi, had no anchor, and that the Yankee
ship U nchiisitt had them iu tow. Tho party ha 1
ing I re in the frigate leturned an enswer that they
would iciul ns-i: tnnco and mi anchor on board.
'J lie fi ig.tto slipped her ( able, and was t.i'ien in
tow by a s'eatiiboat, to follow in pur-nit, at lie:
e. n.c time firing blank c irti ijues and three nulid
tl.ot at the ll utmscll, without, however, doia
any daiuave.
The tiring served as a signal and in a very
bhort time the harbor vv as alive, au l tne forts
opened their batteries also. In the tiring of the
frig::te it was observed that she aimed to suio
stiiking the Florida, uud only Intended to crip
ple the United St ates sloop-of-war. The fourth
shot, however, fell far too short, us the II a.lunrtt
and her prlo in tow were already out of range.
When outside of the jurisdiction of Ii ihi i, the
two ships ti ll apart, but kept company (within
eight) all the way to St. Thomas.
On arriving ut tho last mentioned port Captain
Collins found the conqueror ol the pirate . I'n'i.cii i
the lamcus K-nrsunje, in liarWor, ready t s.ii
lor the United Sta'es. Ha at one tri'id'erreJ n
uimhcr of I he prisoners to li-:-r, abo P.iyiiiistir
M illiains, wlio curried dv -puichas ti the Xivy
in i.niiieiit.
H1K ATI KAP.ANc E 01 Till'. I'tOKllH.
This noted piratit ul craft, while her general nice is in no way ditlerent from any other
l.iiglisli built stcumcr burque rig, is nevertheless
closely scrutinized. Sho Is one hundrexi and
uiueiy fiet long, twenty-six feet beam, und about
twenty feet depth of hold. She bus tbe masts
fore, inuin, and mlzieo. Tho latter was carried
away In the collision and broke short oil' ut tho
dctk, and at present bo bos but two mists,
very high, each rigged with three yards and maia
Tho Florida lias two smoke-stacki, which, like
tbe masts, taper alt, and give the ship a lo,
rakish appearance. She is painted a jet black,
but tho weather has rather marred her beautvr.
The bow is very long and sharp, and gives Indi
cation of great speed. The ship is supplied with
a double engine, which bears the iiaine of the
makers : "Fawcett, Preston & Co., No. 212r,
engineer, 1S'I2, Liverpool."
Tho outsido view of the Florida only give! (be
beholder an idea of her good sailing qualities,
and without seeing the internal arrangements one
would imagine her to be a very modul of cleanli
ness, end a perfect palace lor ease and luxury.
On boarding her the tirst sight is a lilthy deck,
encumbered lore and alt with a home-made and
exceedingly clumsy traverse for the sliding of tbe
tevea-iue'li Ulukeley gun tra pivot. Next tho
broidsiib cutis nre nr io t'd cn c iu ill v b.mir'y'
c.or aeo-, vt hkh are hard to n, ma c, bav in ; o
ttvo whiels and a very imh ,n ly ocki... Iliit
t otwe, n deeks it prut have b " n piKVcily horri--ble
when ttot -Vo,;,,! a-es eipiured )
Since li, utenant Hi'avd-. has!
bern on Im ard, I h ive Peon .is.,ired hv ..'lloin
urd n cn that the crew have I n uu 'easing i
ciubl big th" ship, an I thus tar thev have only
mici cedt ti in m ikine me liiih more v i-l'ilc
rn tit iiianv I ss, paptu's, and ottier artic'eJ,
tt'kiu iroTu ships eai'iiii'ni hy the pirate, .v.'io
tout d ,n t)' ard ih'- ' ieo.i. ' riiere are no I 'ss
than tenty-six rhronoiuet. rs. The ''. 'r n
"i ha t on lio-ud a very mall vt'o'ii
biiriicd. This the "r vv of the Florida ra is i-ked,
fitol kept such tir'iclea as please I tneie fin -v.
eninng other tltiiu's C.-nimiudcr IteiirJsletj
tound (woturf, ic ruirv, marked Miss l.rn 'S'inu
Suiroiy. of N. w Verk, and Mi-s Jenuv J leUsou,
(it Urottlt boro, Vermont, which will b gladly
Thn fol'riwinr Is a full lis! of tV oli '. is
st'aehed to the '..non. but lite all cio'iircd.
Those n arked v.iih a have been in the United
Stat. Navy ; thr se with a t wi re not re, 1 .
I ,. nt ft mil Com nl Ol, If - rh i -l.'s VI. M ,r t
I till," .1.1.. T. h e,r:t., I... cel. e 'Mm-t, -1 t;.
Si. ' 0 11 irron
lsiri-H. S K;,,v.l.' 11. !. "rtein. I'. V. II I OT.
.VI 1.11 ijm. n - I ,-r, v s ,. i,r .1 .no s lit i... t
Suiin.ti. '!' J. I li irl. t. n ; A-rIsib,,', I i o.-v.o KtilTt,
ks..t, n hoiili d iriiii' . , l im ,'i.
1'n t tnusi, r K. I sr,l l vl ,i t
I'liSln. its ill. I W. A. I ImiMi van,. V, in' iv. .
thini . tii'rp, .1. Hrtitt n.
M,tst-'f n Mat,. - J..l,,i It. hi..-.
n inln s I I, ik W. li II, u.h.
1 be follow ing is a li-t ot otii-ers couoneudiiii:
the prize i rcw of tiie '..roi
titMiritst i 'rmiiMiiiliT-1 p.,,T A Pi ,ir t-lee.
K, is, Kit--I lei lfit.1. Ilr, l.iv. rt .iiflTe toti 'fi,
Mao. i s .M.ct' J'0,n H- 'le roisitoi.
KiMirn, si,.,,n,t V-s!.i.,nl. Mtnui Km;,', V.::,nir
( 1 ,'f. I lent Assl.'itnt, It II VI ,' I'.tv, n.
'.Hurl. i, r V:. N K rk. A.-tOis- VVa' -h (I tVf -.
I n convrrsing with the captured otli ers no v
on lioitrd of the FloriiUt 1 was informed ihrt
luln Moriis had unjust aspersions cast upon his
character by the newspners representing tint
he was on shore carousing while his shin wis
being raptured. They say Unit Captain Morris
Is not only strictly temperate, but bo is also n
God-ft'armg and pious man. These oillcers also
spenk highly of the uniformly kind and gentle
manly treatment they have received ever sinee
they have been prisoner in our hands.
Tbe IliicAiMrrr and I'iorida are both lying in
Hampton Koads. No time for their departure
bus yet been (Ixcd, but they may sail at any
moment. It is supposed tb it tin- destination (if
the two vessels will bo New York city, both
requiring extensive repairs.
Captain Collins has been visited by m my of
his friends, all of whom congratulate him ou bis
eminent success. This thorough sudor aeeepM
the good wishes of his friends with tbe ino lestv
of a maiden, nnd altogether his honors si: very
lightly on him.
The Trlnl ol' Ilie Kr-bel It idler..
Montuiiu , November lo. Tue K.ibd raiders
are making voluti'ary iteiuc.uts to the Courr,
boasting of their ep,, it, and bragging tho: their
Government will avenge them. Fil ms urd bcoig
iiiinlo to procure n delay of thirty days (n tho
cast', iu order to get in, tractions from Hic'.nno'i I.
UlnrUotM by Ts!rK;rtttti.
'kvv Yoiik, Novcmliir li. stocks nre lower.
t'tlB.o iilot Ititek isimitl, II,"1,; I'niiili.fliiiitl in,.,, rrrs.
M ' , : Ml I, nis I cnlritl. I .'s'4 ; lllln.ils CeiHral ban, Is. 1 Is.', ;
Ml, I.L an St, u, i, V.l1, ; .VIi(:loKn sltnii la mi Rimientfe.l,
II ,; .Vf Voik, lz.',; H, :,. uie, I. :,:,! n
hour. I'-'l ' ; Ciuittlll 1',,1'ipiny. llS'jlKrl'. 11)1',; I. .,1.1
' ,t llt'lt Hi .'CIS , hilt ilP' llllt'tl Itl ZIIS', ; ttlllltiiiiB sS(, 110;
VSi', l i 1' 4' i.t'tl; One Year Vrl ul.-n.'s. 11
Nkw Yoiik, November lo. Cotton is lirm at
ft'!'.'. K'our ttnll nntl 5e. Intvrr; ssles u. sltiutl I', I'.tr
Ol.i't. V.olt ,if anil, slut 7'i-le. l Mer. O ir I ile.-'liniiL' ;
sa es cl 1-',.isjii Itii-h. al l Si in sltire. .mil l-il .l.-tiv Tel.
Il.'i-I s. live. Perk tl'ill al $111 J'4 lr iiutv. Lai'tl Jul! at
il.'4(i(.'.ee. Wins' Unit.
IHHWH Of Tilt: IlKAVf A.
Nkw Ciii:ssjit Snu;p.r Tiifathe. Lnhj And
tty'uStcrct is dramatized by Mr. llrou,hitm, and
has his usual faults Innumerable "carpontcr's
scenes," very heavy, pointless dialoguo, and so
much confusion in the story, that no one who h is
not read the novel could possibly understand tbe
play. Hut bo has given the part of "Luly Aud
ley" every possible advantage ; he has elaborated
every detail of tho character ; be has nude, her
concentrate tbe entire interest of the play; sho is
the plot, the interest, the sole o'ljeet ut tho pi y.
Mrs. Dowers has deeply studied this tnudcrn
' Lucrezia liorgia," who, like "Lucre-tin," has the
wondrous golden hair that custom
with gentleness, but which in reality in aus "mis
cbitl." Mrs. Ilowcrs gives all tho ftiscinati. g
t hum) to the chtiiacter, the wondrous sdf-poss s
sion, the endurance, the courage, tlie ruthless
ainbit'oii of Mi-s liiaddon's conation. It is a
woniboiis peiformiiiKc, for tho audience to wirnu
all Iter clinics lire revealed cannot belli being
ur Ut r : he same .spell us the characters iu tho piece,
who ini.i;.'ii;c lo r all sho seems.
e can see ;bo workings of llio evil tnind, how
gradually the thought of crime is bom iu it, and
wiih what resolute power it is sei. ed a id executed.
This terribly wilannan woman (ihougli there
have been such) is mod na'nrally portrayeii hy
Mrs. liowors, her playful childish manner, her
moments of tenderness, her mirthfulness, are all
last inatirg. Th old s.irctsru of her i scene with
"Tallboys," w here be appeals to her hear:, which'
is stone to all passions hut ambition, her great
scene with ' llobcit Audley," the bceno which
follows it, its incipient madness, aro all uduiir
uble c Meets otl.'ne suiitkst art, so perfect that the
nrt is concca ed. This is the part in which Mrs.
Dowers displays her intellectual and artistic
potters to the greatost advantage. In the crude
state of tho present style of acting it is a goal
amid false atoned, und should bo seen by all, lor
it is a performance to be remembored.
Mr. Mordaniit, though bo gave us a good
sketch of "llo ifit Audley," was a little too
rough and Impulsive for tho keen, subtle U.vyce,
who bandied lo tho last the Ilgie-s with gloves of
velvet, not of tied. Mr. Lawrence llu'ret',
c-seutialiy un iniellci: unl actor, played this part
in a manner mor.hyol the "Lady Audley of
Mrs. Dowers. The great soeno in the lirst act was
like a wo ll pluyctl game of chess, where each
watched the other's slightest look, and where
neither lost a move. Mr. J. T. Ward's "Luke
Minks" deserves pralo. It was a good picture
of a low country villain, but free from all exagge
ration nnd vulgarity.
Mrs. Flo, d was a good "l'ho bo ;" her mo lest
und unpretending in iiinoi' is a relief, surrounded
us she is t,y ladies who are all e.llcct tiiou and
piiteusiun. There is nothing to tie s lid to him
tut "Aviunt!" Mr. and Mrs. L. II urett made,
their arts quite ii.tere-ring when Auiy Audlrn
was last played here. M rs. Flood, by tho w ay.
has probably uot read Mi-s lliaddun's novel, or
else would bavo su n that "Pho'tiu"is nweri
snout cliaiiii'Crnmitl ; but alwuys a pale, cold,
monastic creature, ever dressed in sober r.ihsj of
giay and drab. This is a mere error of costume.
I bis evening, Fatly Andlnj will be rep a'ed. We
bespeak for Mis', lloivers another larji ti'id
fiishioiiiible ntioiecce.
QriNricm: Ct.t n. This cl ib has fjr its
members tome of the bin st musicians of our city,
tit celebrated as teachers and as solo performers,
being Messrs. Gacitin r. Jarvis, Cross, I'liigem iu,
and Ch. Scbiiiiiis. With these elements applied
to the extcntioii of tho mu-ic of the greatest
musters, a conceit c .niiot foil to bo a s.urcoof
great enjoyment to all who love music. Music is
row the 'prominent ncomplishmetit nud tha
theme of conv ersation iu all our circles, and all
musical iisseinblics should be well attended. Tnu
Uuiutettc Club bus wi-ely chosen to givo uritiiieeg
iustindof evening pei'loiiu iiices an innovation
that enables ludles to go alone, and that gives
them a more intellectual employment than parad
ing up ( hesmit stteet, matching trimmings, lu
London during the season there uro throe or four
"lUMrniug conceits," as they aro called, and all
admirably attended ; surely Philadelphia can
suppoit one. The tirst iniitinee will be given to
uioriow, Wednesday. Subscription list is no.v
open at (be music stoic of J. K. Gould .1 Co.,
Seventh and Che tiut sttte's. op Mi sic 1 he se ond week of the
oiH-ru was inaugurated with the brilliancy which
bus characterized ull the performances of the
Gcrniau Company. Marllai is a popular opera.
It bus taking melodies and agrecablo plot. I he
cast last night could not be surpus-ed. Mr.
Formes' "Flunkett" is one of bis most admirable
performances, full of spirit, and being written for
lilm, is most exquisitely ""''" 10 D',, voil'- 0,1
ocea-iou the whole opera was sung, the usunl
instalment not beiug made.
The duet in tho lirt act with Himmnr was
nio-t rapturously received. Hituraer Imparts
bis usual grace to the character of "Lionel." His
romanz.a produced a thrilling etfect. Madame
Kotter was in hcrelciiitut intherolcof "Martha,"
a purt at once pathetic, arch, and re lined. Her
"Last Hose of Summer" entranced the audience.
Mad'lle Diduba made a good "Nancy." Gralf
gave all the humor posslblo to "eir Tristan. "
One of the pearls iu Mr. Grover's rosary of
operas bus slipped from us, to dwell, however, iu
our memories. There aro now but live moro
opportunities to hear tho linest and most perfect
operatic combination we have ever had in this
country. Great individual artists we had j but it
reiiiulncd for Mr. Grover to give us great artists
in conjunction with great choruses and great
orchestras, and tbe consequence has been iuevita
ble great audieuces. To-night, the cW dVutre
of jfotarfr i sjicuai'i'.
Ait"v iivtiii; riiro'itr.
Wash ivf.TriM, November li. A let'tr f oin the
Army 01 the Pot 1111 ic savsth it oil Sa'urtUy night
the liebel pick, ts in front of Uie Jd (.'orps made a
noi.y dem-nitration, and th sounds indicated
tint si niching of iuipoitan n m;,;ht result, but
thn next morning a'l wes quiet, and the line
remained tbe same as previo isly. It is a ided
that probably tin y on'y'ged in tbo-e
fions on accountot the coldness of tho night. A
ride along the centre line does no1 cni'ilc a cor
respondent to obtain even an item, all'iirs bMti ;
iineon'.moBly dull.
. Irii ssl'-ntirr n Turk.
Ni.vv Yo'ik, Noveniber 1 '. The prize steamer
iet'. cupliiied oil Wilmington, on to 2d in tan',
b ,' the gunbi ut S'mifidin rfe i'ttka, arrived her '
to-day. She is btiund to II ostou. Her ' irg i con
sists of ,';;,) Pales of cotton nnd 2"i t ms of
Arrlvotl or Ihx "Hi Ilmiulii."
Nrvv Ymix, Novemtier li. The stomsblp
hiitaniiia, from Glasgovv, has arrived bore. Ucr
news is anticipated.
Snow Nliirm In iv York.
New oiik, November li. Snow is falling
here to-day, for the lirst time this season.
Siiti; of Tiii'RHiiMi ran To-day. Six A. M.,
II.'.1. Noon, -io. 1 P. M. -I'lA. Wind, S. W.
Anotiii:r Piiizr Fkiiit ltitTwr.iiM A Nkw
YllllKCll AND A PlIILAllFlI'llIASI, A priz.C light
was expected to tako place this morning, some
where iu tbe vicinity of Scranton, botwoen two
brnlsers known as Doruey Harris and John Mir
tin, (he former of New Y"i k and tho latter of this
city. The principals, accompanied by their
backers, seconds, nnd others, left the city yester
day tor tho scene of battle. Iloth men are of the
bull-d"g breed, and are represented by the fancy
to be In excellent trim.
Ihey were to have Inula set to abnt three
weeks ago, and met for that purpose near l'jrt
Jems, a small place on tho line of the New York
a id Frie railroad, and directly on tin boundary
line of the three States of New York, Pennsylva
nia, nnd New Jersey. For sumo reason or oth ir
the tight did not como oil', ending in a grand ro
among tlicins'dves. Kvrry passenger on the
train was robbed bv tho tliieves n attendance,
und brutal outrages were committed npon several
of tho female passengers. One or two persons
were seriously injured, and 0110 111 in was killed.
The tight was postponed until to-day. Tho
same pany who were present at Port Jervis left
ins; li ght tor Stranton. The train from New
York last night broucht over the roughest and
most vilhiiioiis-lo'iking crowd that ever pissed
over any railroad. Several of tho psicncors
wire relieved of watches nnd pocket-books. Here
tiny were joined by Pliibnl dphia thieves and
juit-blrds, thus making a most chuice crowd
'llio ronghs, in order to throw the authorities
oil' the scent, announced that tbe tight would
take place nt Jcnklntown, on the line of the North
Pennsylvania railroad, 11 short distance out of
tbe city. A prize light took place a few months
since at this place. Tho police of this city tele
graphed 10 the Scranton authorities that the light
wculd lake place there, and it is to be hoped that
si me arrangement has been mado to arrest the
w hole party.
The services of the soldiers at Camp Willi un
Penn were secured, and the men were in roadi
i.en this morning to prevent the brutal eoudiet
fieni taking place ut Jcnklntown. Dot the roughs
had noidea of meeting at that place; the report
was circulated by them with a view of deceiving
nil except those directly interested.
Clkanino tub Faiumoi'NT lUaisr.Tho basin
at tho top of tho Fairmount hill, from whence tho
city derives its supply of water, is bein;; cleaned.
It has been ten years since this labor was per
formed, and In that time the sediment from tho
wan r pumped into Ike h-isiim has left a deposit
01" mud marly a foot deep, diminishing tho capa
city of tho basins to that extent. 1)110 b iln at a
lime is cleaned, and the labor, under the circum
stances, is dillicult. Achuto or infilled trough
lias been erected from the top to tho bottom of
the bill on lho north side. A portable stc oil
engine and a derrick on lho top of the hill works
the buckets into which tho mud is shovelled hi
tho laborers w ithin tho basin. A bucket is swung
by the derrick over tho ehiiie nnd emptied. The
mud dCMCiiils rapidly and falls through a trap
into a cart, w bin it is hauled away to till u,i the
ground In (lie park. Tho work Is rapidly pier
formed, lliniiuh the labor is consideraiilc, us there
are about 217, tent) IV ot of mud deposited overall
aica of about live acres, tho deposit bein,j a foot
Tun Soi.diirs.' Von;. Up to this morningtho
soldiers' voto for Philadelphia stood: Lincoln,
Dill; MeCldlan, WO; giving tho former Ull
majority. Tho total majority, wheu all the votes
are counted, will bo about :;000. Among tho
returns opened this morning were the following:
Seven companies of the (HMi R giuient, Colonel
l.yle, gives 17 Lincoln, HI) MeClcllati; seven com
panies of the l'jtith Regiment, UK! for Liucoln, 17
McClelhinjFort Milliin,27 Lincoln, 12 McCloll in;
Company II, 1st Artillery, o Liucoln, e McOlel
lnn;Cuiiip Fry, Washington, 47 Lincoln, ! Me
Clelhin. The vote of Company D of tho fiSih
Kegiment stood 102 to .'Iti; Harwood Hospltil, 17
10 2. The vote 011 board tho United States sie oner
l'virhtitan stands 21 L n oln, HO for MiClellan;
on tho Arte Iroiuidn, lit) Lincoln to 2!) McClellan.
Tin: Postal Monkv Ohiikr Systcm im Opr.
ration. The business of the money order sys
tem Is rapidly increasing, and bids fair to become
one of the most valuable adjuncts to our Po-t
Ollicc system. Tho transactions of tho Philadel
phia otliee with other utlices throughout thu coun
try, show a lnrgo excess of payment in favor of
the city, and will be to that extent at least a sub
stantial benefit. Tho orders ure, in mmiy in
stances, to business hoii-cs, and the snpji isitijn
that they would be almost exclusively transa"
tions bctwetn the poorer classes is therefore
incorrect. Tho una. nuts ure usually loss than
thirty dollars, but s -mo sums are a high us u
hundred senders of money having tbe privilege
ol duplicating or triplicating thcii orders byline
payment of additional fet s
Dorm.i; CiiAitriK. Ttvo young riilims, givi ig
the names of John Denn:rs and Willia.n H.
Naglo, went Into a lager beer saloon on Cjatcs
street, above liroid, last night, whore, after beat
ing tbe proprietor i.nd bartender, they attempted
to s'.eal the content id the inout y-.lrawdr. A
couple of policeingii, be '.ring the row, rushed ia
and took ihe rascals into custody. They were
couvejed to tho udjoiriug building, which is
occupied by Altlunuiu Hutchinson. That func
tionary g ivo them lit e passes to Moyameusing
Prison, where they were sent this morning, alter
having passed a night iu the Station House.
Tin: lii.ocKi.BY Almsiioi sh. Tho population
of Uie Almshouse on Saturday last was 2 "1,
whit h Is a decrease of 11 over tho same lime Inst
year. Within the last two weeks there wcro ad
mitted 1'IOj births, 10; deaths, 112 ; discharged, 02 ;
eloped, ll; granted lodgings, (it) ; grunted meals,
12st. Tho whole number of males Is 112 1;
fc mules, 1420 healthy mules, under till. Hi;
workiiigmeu, 2l'i; number of men employed,
311; whole number iu Insane lit pai tuicut, .,, d, of
which, 2eei are mules, uud :70 fern lies.
Ilia 111 iuxa.--Tlns morning the Mayor Issue 1
warrants for the piymcDt of the city bounty to
011 men, of whom 2 wcro for two yean, .Vi for
throe years, and o for oue year. They were
credited among the several wards as follows:
Tenth Ward, H ; Thirteenth Ward, C s Twentieth
Wurd, H ; Fifteenth Ward, H ; Twenty-third
Ward, B)feveiith Ward, 2) Tiura vvaru, 1;
Kiglith Wurd, 1 ; Sixth Ward, 13; Filth ard, I ;
Tvtcniy-sccoud Ward, 8.
HtAvv Koiiulry. Information was received
this moiniiig at tho Mayor's oflicc of a heavy
robbery at Wilmington, Delaware. The store of
Mee-srs. Worrcls Childs was entored, and silks
and satins valued at from six to uiue thousand
dollars were carried oil. Three parties were
arrested and committed to New Cusllo jail upou
suspicion of being implicated in the allulr.
llKcuiviNQ Goons. This morning
Dennis Keller and Dorothea Kehoo, the proprie
tors of taverns at Haddington.were before Alder
manMiller, charged with receiving goods stolen
fiom the United States Military Hospital at that
place. They were held tor a l'uithor Ueariug by
Alderman Miller.
SoiDicu Poiiiii.D. A soldier bail his pocket
picked of SCO last night, at Dean and Spruce
streets. A man was arretted upon tho Charge) f
eoiiiBiiUing the act.
Tn 1 la nn.vrn in Wist. Countrymf n may
Voast of the attractions of rural retreats In the
winter, may talk of tbe beautiful s,-enery and
now-rovrred hil's, but the a'tractions of animate
human life, of social pleanre, belong cspeciDlly
to tbe city. Hero it is tint tho various conven
tloial p'easurer, wl ich by long ta ,i:mcu have
Ih'coii 0 iicciistoinid to, are brought into full play.
To 1 0 sure, wo do n t t ike ladies upon stn.ill
I if ci s of bnards nnd let them descend some
iih'htlul declivity for the sake of making ilicm
sen nin, liul by a modernized provision 01 society
they can i v wi h tho ns-fintf 01' a gentle
man's arm. Wo have no Inrec ponds, upw irds
of twenty feet deep. In which a hum in being
v early loses bis or lit r life To be sure, such dan
geis add to the zet of country sport, but It is moro
pleasant for a svd tc cuspo ,t'on to enjoy this de
lichtfiil rxeit ic on 1111 arii'ieial p irk.vthoio two
fiet of water render safety assured. It is also
most pleasant to see tbe tors, and cloaks, and
A hundred original devices for dctending tho
human body fiom the at acks of King Frost. Tho
moit'td nppe irance of the snotv -covered rof,
i:. erspcrssd with the red t ricks, caus 'sS;be city
10 prc-m' mi uopcaran e Iiko the KeVI
11 mm r w hen it is viewed from a dis anc
lied, white, and red arc the characteristics. C mid
we not pn cure some blue, and make the loyalest
city iu Ihe Noith as true In appearance ss she is
in port to the national banner H"r pontil ition
are nil loyal, and all her citizens true, we may
conso'e ourselves, however, with the retlectiou
tl ut our banner is formed by nature in the
lirmntmnt, while to man the llehel rag owes
its cxis enec. One is heavenly, the other earthly,
or rather internal. One is the other's
duys arc numbered ; and we believe its end is
very near.
The Cuv in Ntit.i, Tiiky Cnvu;. X large
number ol men are daily arriving troui Lkb's ariuv,
who have luken the oath and Itoen sent Ninth. Mo.t
nt ilicm ais 111 a wretched coinlPioti lor want ol
f hithitur. Ttltty ant laken teiiiiinrarilv in etmrgtt by
the 1 : instil Vitlitutoi'r Ijelritshiaiuit Couiiiiitleit, aiitl
tlinsit ill want ot IhIiokt, turaiitrs and iitechailics,
euu piocuie tticin by I'ppbcntiiMi at tne Saloon.
P.kicai 11 dk TttUKT. A man by the, name
of LnwAiii) Jackson wrs aiTtuifiietl lielore Alder
man lltl ii.Kii yps enlav atteruouii, at lho Ceulrul
Statiitn. He Is allcg-tnl to have reutett a stm-lnti ma
ehliio irtun a Mr. Timmons, uu I niter n l.iinliw it l.,r
sonic tune soltl it, ami Hiipro'inu'eil the inonev 10
his own u-e. He was held iu sereu ii tin, bed doitars'
t ail ro answer-
Display of Fnti-AvtntK-i. To-morrow
evrnlnr. si 8 o'clork, a sph nclid displsy ol fireworks
will fake place on llrotd strtstt, ('lossnut
ami Wuinut, in honor of thn rtieent I'nlnu victunus,
iiiiitei' llio au-t'ices ot the Uufon L aae.
DlSTIMH'IKIlKI) Ahiiivai,. The lion.
Thomas Swan, Governor-elect of Marvlum!, was in
Ibis city yesterday, 'ihe tbstliuruislieii gioitleuiau
lis. I ecu 011 a visit to iN'eiv York, ami arrived iu
this city cu route for Jtultimore.
To Pi nniARF Clotiiino a r Low Piuen, make
s st'litrltt.n it'ttu ear st.ick 01 Ks. tnv M 11,1. i;tr'ii-ms. Wu
if Mrtllnir oih1s r,iial In .('vd, W, mtl? stii mnfrrlil,
i tan .'0 t r ,. loicrr than Is n.tMr rlntrii'itJ lor tua
ssitk f -fvt inii.le tn oriler. W hsve alt sit let, .1 -i's. naa
lriri'H ,i Cioiiiiii' .Viva , Youth's, abti llt '. All en La)
autlt-tl without ilt'licy ,,r truublo.
lit SM I T .fc Co.,
Totvrr Halt, No. ",ls Market street
"Oh. tlwlr 111(1 ! tills tvnrlil how strantre is,
Kvery day lirtniis tuitii new e'euufs.''
.1 1 11-. Davis turning Abolitionist! promising
slums their frciiilom 01 tliuir lientiinln aoKUurs ol' thu
itehel siuiy ! ilvltiK Iheta tracts ot'hmu In thn ('iinrclorucv!
If lliey are to he rree,stitl slaTt'i-yiit tobetlio "corner
tons" of the Cont'i'derary, as Aleck Htrpheui lays il Is,
wlio arc lobe the slaves ? Are tliey to bs AloL-k and till
coadjutors' Are they to be tho foreigners, (Juvernor Sey
mour's "u-tend'" Surely, "poverty"' (of which ttiet'on
fedrraryliu plenty) "niuaes us ac,uaititl with strauw'o
bedfellows." S'r-.t message irora Jen, will pruttuhly le
ct'Uiuicud tlie olllcers In bis army to purchase their mil
fennaut Cburlea fltokes & Co.'s One rrleo, ilmlor tlie Con
tlncrJtal'Who kiiowsy
A IIorsi:noLi TnuAst RK. Tho "Florcnco"
Stwtr-f W schlnc Companr, -slo. tlile Chennut street, have
dons tlie present sire a lastluir si-rvlce In brlnslDir boloro
tl.e pat-Uc the Intrultabla Hewing- MacMue whieli boars
tht'tr name. The adTantuirui of ttie "I'lorence ' over all
others In uie are ao manliest Unit no one fails to recognize
tbem In an Insiuut. It performs a stealer variety of work
than any other Id uie, dooi it better, anil with leas labor to
tlie operator, and everyMachtue Ut mild wlih a guarantee to
giv e perfect suthifactloQ or Uie tuont-y la returned to tbe
purcl aaer.
Choice Caramki.s.
e'ticcolate, VanllJir, C'ocoaiiut, stitl
riineb C'araiuols. MMiiufaetaretl hy
Hl'KI'IIKN T, U'liiiuas,
-So. UlO .Mai aot an cat.
Inhitiaxce auainst Acciiiknt. This is n now
Meu Hfarted tiy one of the Hertford Companies, 't'hev are
I erli etly reliable, and It Is certain'? a great Indiieoniont
for those who aro obliged to travel to take a poller, when
fur lliuatun ol S10, nouub may bo seeured In case of acci
dent tn keep theue depeodliiKlipolltheui friiiu want, livery
one who employs anenta lo travel sliuuld at ouco. as a
oniltcrof eeuliomy, take a poUcy out 111 the Travelera'
Insurance Company. Hee advorltsemcnt.
Vanilla HoAsrtn Almonds,
Of rare iinalliy. Maaafaotured hy
BrbtuiKX F. Win rsits.
Simks' Hai.samio Couiiim. is an excellent
reuied v lor Citlda, anil during Ihu Int'ltiiiient no inon llittre
Is nothing tiettir to have ill lho tt,iNit lur tlie elilMivn.
.Ii.Iiii W. Mimes, Jr., has t'S' ii loiw known to the dr iKntsis,
nnd liis pn par st Ions :tre eomtiuiiiiili'il with skill uud can',
ctiriit-r ol Tweiiij-KucoDtt and Market srreeta.
Choice and Fasiiionaiili; Coni ectioxs,
Put up In Neat lloxek,
Ktiirable fi,r I'rusents.
BTi.eio.s K. Wllirtlas,
Mo. l.'ll) Market sire, !.
As Goon as Ni:w. In this fast country tho
luilr wt rti'iis and rails- early, lint tliin und :;trv hair inili
eatts enlv a iucal dt t ay. V mir hair n v he itn,ewe.t niel
a oa r a In, il tliiiineh lite hy Die list' 1,1' Mis. H. A. Al.t-ns
World s tf,tir H, aimer and yl.'b.ilb.tuiuiu, or ii.iir lirota-
iiif:. Kvery tlrusial sells the.a.
Oiiiimon's Tkmci.i; op Aiit, No. fill Arch
(street flavins unlltalntd faollitlea tor the pru'lu, ii,in of
eleijiint 1'hotograplis, Indies and geutlctnen need liav enu
It-ar of any detention, eltlier 111 ailllilij or reeelvlmi th"ir
pitauics. Old pictures cocli d to any siie or ilyle, u-td
vv bile In our po.seslnii kept in a tire ua,t i'u. f-praof smv,
especially provl ted for lue purpose.
Tiiosk who contcmp'atc having li!t'nesc
ntude sri.nod go to 11. r. Itetiuer'a eleuant Ho him. No.
te.l Arch street, for lvorviypt'l,l'artt.s ;de V ioie, Ittc-.i.;e
l'lioto,Tapiia in oil colon .
Mi Kmiiht, in Market street, is selling o.l' his
tt. Lk el' Rinvi s. 'I',, those tvliii vv .oil (i is-i'.'a.i.iaiu-'
Htovt s he otter- ikre barn tin',, tote him a c.ill.
fii-.EAT llMtnAtvs can I io bad in .Muslins at
Williams', No. IH1 Uarkel Hre' l. Huo ailverlliuul cut.
Oirics or Tus Kvksi TaLroaveH, .
1 u- Iday, Novtuulxtr 1 . i
The Stock Market, up to the close last evening,
was very much excited; and in the Oil shares
especially the orders to buy were very large. It
seems as if all the loose capital in riiiladeiphU
was finding its way Into oil stock; for men and
w omen of all classes send peremptory orders to
the brobeisto buy, aud commissions ro as thick
as blackberries. It will be well if some of tho
ardent purchasers ever see their mouey again ;
for in so wild an excitement there i.s but littlo
disci iniinution, aud "good, bad, aud indillerent"
stocks are alike in demand, and are purchased
blindly, us the votaries of fortune Invest in lot
ti ly lici.cts, iu the hope of drawing a prize. That
mm j of the Oil Companies are paying well, wo
do not deny ; but It would be the veriest madness
to suppose that one-half of tho several scores of
companies can ever pty their stockholders a
dollar by way of dividend. Our readers, if they
will dabble iu Ihe greasy waters, should make
careful invtstigulion and inquiry beforo parting
with their money. This by way of caafion only.
The demund for Heading shares was very
strong during Ihe day, and New York purchasers
took from the market four thousand shares at
pikes varying from U'.'i to 70 ; the shorts iu both
maikets experiencing a sort of 5care, without
having much chance to cover their engagements ;
for most of tbe shares were bought for "the full
account;" and the sellers were, in the main,
parties who go iu for a very small profit on their
operations. The near approach of the dividend,
which, it is said, will be 15 per cent lu stock, and
6 per cent, in cash, renders the Heading the most
promising investment among all the dividend
pay iug railways, and New York speculators are
quite shrewd enough to take advantage of the
market. Out readers may expect to see Heading
Hlllnj iiOTiTvHer? sLQrtan.4 ia more is.
This by
Way of prophCRy.
The Stock Market Is rather dull and unsettled
this morning, with the exception of Government
bonds, which continue very firm, and prices hv
again advancod, with talcs of 6-20i at 10Jir103,
coupons off, an advance of j; and new 7-30s at
!n( ; 109 was bid for fii of 1S81, an advance of f .
I.ailroad Bhans are Iris active, with sales of
Reading at r,SJ, a dc( line of f; Little Schuylkill
at r,(a if,; and Philadelphia and Erie at 32ci?.T2 ;
lo4was bid for Cumden and Am boy Railroad;
CO for Pennsylvania Kallroad; 31 for North Penn
sylvania; 31 for I'.lnilra common, fil for preferred J
Hl'i for Catawissn preferred; and 65 for Philadel
phia and llaltinioro.
New City (Js aro without cbsnge, with sales at
City Tnssengcr Kailroad shares continue dull.
Tenth and Klevcnth soldattr(!25 was bid for
Thirteenth and l'ifiecuth; 3 4 for Sprnoe and
i ior the-nut and Walnut; and 13 foe
Arch; bitj was asked for Second and Third; 60
for Tilth and Sixth; and 2.1 for Oroon and
Coatcs street.
There is less activity to notice in Coal Oil
shares, but prices arc steady. SaUell sold at V (
Oil ( reek nt CJ ; Irving at 8J; and Egbert at 5,
wb ich is a slight advance ; 41 was bid for Mapla
Shade; 8 for Densniore; 1 J for Organic; and 9
for Noble and Helarnatcr.
Iu Dank shares there is very little doing.
Cirsrd Bank sold at .50; 171 was bid for North;
America ; 08 for Commercial ; 30 for Mechanics';
Ro for Kensington ; 90 for Western ; 30 for If sou
focturers' and Mechanics' ; 55 for City ; 37 for Con
gt'lidaiion; 47 for Commonwealth; 53 for Cora
Kxcbangc; 51 for Union; and 70 for Camden.
Canal shares are rather dull, and there Is -less
doing. Delaware Division sold at 36, which is
an advance; 33 was bid for Schuylkill Naviga
tion common, 40 for preferred ; 75J for Lehigh
Navigation ; 'JS for Morris Canal common ; and
U for Sus picbanna Canal.
Gold is very dull this morning, and bas do
rlined 4 per cent, since last evening, opening at
fell off and sold at 1 13 at 11 o'clock ; 211
at 12 ; ami 240 at 124 P. M.
Tbe Money Market, as we have noticed for
some timo past, continues dull, and the transac
tion aro limited. Loans on call are offered
ut(J(7pcr cent, per annum; prime paper ia
scarce and quoted at Sfn. 10 per cunt.
A despatch from Washington this morning
says : The Treasury Department is still sending'
out copies of tbe appeal of the Rocrctary In behalf
of tho !s'cvcn-tbirty loan. The subscriptions to this
loan last week amounted to nearly 1,000,000.
The subscriptions to the Ten-forty loan have:
nearly ceased.
Hoportco by Clurkson a Co , Brokers, No. 121 9. Third St.
l'ilh Illbherd
I d "UCurt'n oil lf
lots) eh do a
s-0 ah Egbert Oil .... A
lnih do nc,! ah Walnut Island
HO ah Noble A' liiil.DlO I", i
all Kacala r Ull. .. 1
1U0 h Hot k Oil n11
rsstah do f,v
loitlsh Mi'iioracy Irou H'f
fssi q limner
2iAih do -Ji
lm) sh tiormaula
sioatl do
VO ill Corn Plauter..
tssi sb do
pm th Mineral (Ml....
101) ah Caldwell
3,41 sh Clinton Coal...
.VO ah i.'onUnoiiuJ ,b
So ,n Soh. s oil era.
lis) all do
I 11
$l'K)f0O8-S0 lir.'J,
Ksish sthiitiokln..bJ0 IS
JI(S oo I".",
$100 do c.lis'l i
tun r H 7'j0a..,.aeHr.ft,si'i
ln7iO do uew.lnHi'l
fli no rum. ,t A U t 'SI m
S sish Iialiell Oil .... i
sh (llrartl Hank... Ml i
lis) ih OU Creek CS
e"i i th Irwin ou H'i .
'.HiOsIl do S',
'.ssjsh do bA s;ji
ies, ah Egbert Oil &
lisi .-ti Koattiug It.... a m'i
lisish do SH'?
do all a M ss2
ms) sh itnion cm pr.. s
inn sh Lit led li 4ls
KKiah do UW 4l
M sh do VK
R"h Del lllv 'JdsJ
"si ab do M'
l(N) ah Phil. Altrto .... 81
3 sh do S-JV
lOvlahlO IHU tU
Quotations of the principal Coal and Ooal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
Fulton Coal
u rrauUlnOll..,
Bik Mountain Cos) . r.
M.V.i Vlhl. t'ual.. II
(Iret n Mi. Oal 4
N . i at bondalo J
aillowea KstnOU.. .. ll
14 llrvluti Oil Il( 8sJ
6 l'ie Kann Oil.... 1 V l-J
J llciiainora SV H
l'i Dalell OB J 'J'-i
I Kclilliony ,!,- 6,sJ
r 1 IttHierla Oil S
I I i OlnuUtatl Slf
Jl NoMe.a Oelauiatar.s.. t))2
10',' llibnanl a .. 3
M .Hiory Farm 3 8sr
jlllnioer ,.,s .. 9J
a Petroleum Centre. 4 4
'! s .. h;(
J't lloire Island l2
-ia Ailenheiiy lllver., I.c, I'm
a 'CurUn a .. ,.'
ii'. I'hila Ollt!reek.. 1' IV
4VV,' Hull ( ret-a iJ
New Crrek 1
'ee(1or I'nm Coal.
rilntiiiit'oal a ..
Iluller Ceal 10
I ifioiinrid Coal.... '.Si
l4nii Mining 'JO
Kesltne y.ino.... i'a'
t X, I'ltllT OU
Hit! Tank '-";
l'oiiiiii(iial....a.B ..
Oil Cries i,
Maple Sihade Oil.. 41
alct'lmtork Oil li
I'ennsy h auls Pet . 1
Perry Oil S SI
tllneral Oil
Keystone OU
YenancoOtJ K
I'olou reiroienm..
lleai on oil 1',
Heneca Oil 4
Oruanle Oil. s l.'j
a ,t,eriaania....,s..s
3 t orn I lan tor s ..
4 'Brows 4
l't'4 Rock Oil j ..
JSiiTarr Farm 6X
Ron. on Co s
Scd I'piier KoooomT... ..
2 Waluut lsUnd...a
4il'lMoiior,iey lron..s
la,('ldw,'U s
l)n Uavkn & Duo., No.
20 8. Third street,
quote us follows s
Arnerienn Oold
American Mlver, tj's and i's 2JH
Dimes and Half Dimes 2i:i
Spanish (Quarters 221
l'tnn. Currency ... 4 dis.
New York T.xchanjje ......a 1-10 "
i dis.
Quotations of Oold at the Philadelphia Oold
Kxcbangc, No. 34 S. Third street, second story
It A. M 2441 12 M 241
11 A. M 2K11 1 P. M 210t
Market (lull.
Tho following arc tbe receipts of Flour and
Grain at this port to-day : 1'iour, Uti bbla. ;
V hRt, .iWiO bushels; Corn, 2109 bushels; Oata,
4HHI bushels.
The weekly averages of the. old Banks of tha
city of New York, ou sjmtaay, Novemtier 12,
lMi4, prcNcnt, in the airKi-egaie, tbe following
cb.ui;;ts iroiu the previous cxhioii of Novem
ber o :
Increase iu Loans $l,53d,&9
Incieiu-c in .Sfttele 7,'h),7'o
Decieuso in Circulation 114,828
Dei lease iu Undrawn Deposits &17,3tt
liiciinlinK' tbe Clearing House operations of tha
week, which show tho inter-exchanea between
the llauks, iHcliidinp also ihe Kub-Treasury twl
iince st the cite cot tho week. Thu following is tha
general coniiarison with the previous exhibit,
com also with the movement this time last sea
son :
Ki.v-.14. Ilex Nov. ILIUM. Hov.i.WM.
Cupllal fi.'.i. s S-'.M.W'J S..iHa).1
,a la-'ll.W lHSji4,0-il ls).a7SIO
Sl,ie ',ir,,,iK ll.',l'l.l;l il,7l.fllT
I irriilallon cclvill ll.7.v,'l.k .SJvtO.t'sl
l.rcsa iNixiaMa... v4.7 Iis.lai7.sil 2,w,,r
Fil.ani!i, ;a,iesje;.'6 a, aO..;4
i i.,iri, i, i.,i,; iM.oyv i&i.yjuwn
luaub-Tteasiiry..'l -"Mes.-sJ n,n-i,ul
Ti-ksdav, November 1.5. Quercitron Bark, is
.ciircebutfUuiai4 Thton. sales or any magulluOo
bavo been reported.
Cotton uiu liuiltcd rtqutst at f l'4c31 42, with imiUl
The Flour M.vkct it devoid of vitality, and the transac
tions eilccteu have bet-n In a great meaauro of aa uaim
portant and extremely limited character. The receipts
have been exc-eedlnsly light, aud lue atocks on hand have
bit-u reduced to a comparatively low fin are. The demand
for export tui beeu -tremcly Uuht lor some time put,
nud to-day the only aalea worth notlclnx ara aoaVJO bbla.
mi ci hue at Slow lo tail extra larully at U-.i, aud fancy
brands, as In SU. Tbe sales for Ue supply o '
tho homo trade are only lu a small way, and wltain the
r.ngeol the above fun-res. in Kys flour and Cora Meal
tlie tnoisaoUons are o su unjinportaut character. Frlcos
are rntu-viymiuihiul.
Tlere ts a Urai reeling In the market for Wheat, but very
Utile dnln-. II, e sales am ununited to Hone.,, looo buali.
s.wdredst H uow I so ? buah , and Kentucky wtilu at
St'S.',. live la in limlttsl re.iue-t ; smell aalea ara tuakiiis;
till Klu'l 13. J oe reeititta m coin ara extremely lisitt.
hut Ultra It, a Arm ft siius. with aalea of yellow at St So n
bush. Tbe market cluiud with an upward Undeney.
Thrre Is a trctc! deinaud lur &ata. and aalea aro making
fleely at '.ihe. V busb. lu llariey aud Sialt tho trajisae
tioiis. at not toed i,,r several wuoka paat, bate beaa at aa
uu mporUuit cbaractur.
1 here u a moderaie Inquiry for Whisky at 1 78 for
Ohio; H'17 tut Fenuajlv aula; audfl li for Dratle, with
ts so. feaal
Bteamshlp E. O. k.ui,lu, UaLUsjUer, New kort.w- ' '
mr at c o . , .. M. A cs.
llaraue Wltes, Falrclilld.llarselliea. Wort"" ".ttUlulUx(
barnua Hi, Uiaula, Lmnfaae, UW JatitUrv.. w-
Harnua Hi. Uiaula, Lmnfaae, W Jatitufv.
H.,na. , a. U. A, Adasaa. . .tv-aa.U. . aaaaaa.
Brls blar of Hops, Bray, '
mni atogHTsja. ..,,.
'"' ;t .s'fumBaua-Jt.W.iuiu""
Bohr J. It. CvuKve. 0.', "" nM" """
t canaul. that figure, than it is now.