THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PniLADKLPLTTA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 18G4. $rrmnq clcgraph OFFICE No. 108 H. THIRD STREET. fs-w TkAj ? r' C.fT, of :i..htk. C' T r Waist.oorario ton ( nailed to nM-tr't al(tkny at T Ootiaaa On r,, V, Vut'irr ' K-too af.mnn,lnrartaly.j ! br ti :... jrlTtwoH L- rtld M II, tl.n.l fnM, a. lllH--4l f-irnt wal. for oatcndr-d 'n.ortlom. To itvrrlimn. o HiO C'f't ! In hn ftpsj'tupon .f T ' yv.iW T. r rnin.clllni, n. tn an m ff., l rn .Ur k. r, " ..anlly nMiift tl.t ail'Tll-ai.,, t I.. m.,7 klinfll" " 10, l poaallll.' , 'Jl 1 cur, loan, aa tpftrl; In '. ni onr erfniona " MONDAY, NOVb.MUMl II, l.stil. k aiti ai, r(vint:(T. Tlmt there r-xbtu nn Almighty Governor of tic uniTerse, wlio In endowed with mtprfvnii irlmlom and omnipotence, and wlio guide nnd gorerix the. drwtiules of nations, cannot l tVmled by any Intelligent reader or history. Its chronicle of event, nneient and modern, WTelii rcc'itf which a Divino authority alone could h.ive pi minted. A nation arises to power nnd graudi-iir orhfri ll ruinoundinp;'M ntsrn ti confire to muso it ruin Cat -tln-jo, m African colony, become. po powerful tint it existence la IncompnMhlo with the existence el th "mMrcfH of the world" while Tyre, itotfl to as to receive all the commerce o" b Mediterranean, (alls from her htfjli posi tion, Mid to-day a few seu-wa.shed rock nlon -.ttetrt the site of the "mistrenH of the sea." In doavendinj; to our own favored land, wc oo'y ee the ri newed proofs of the watchful eareof the Almighty Hand. Tlio whirlwind rdvll war which has desolated our land, and left n empty rliair lu every housuhold, i.i esteemed by many excellent divines as a nign of tie Indignant anger of the Lord; that. lie. ha completely given us over to veneauco; tmdthit the tate of U.iliylon will be ours. But uch opii ions are Incompatible, with the ftctaofourhiftory. Let us glance at the merciful provision made by Bonlgu Majesty to lighteu the slrokts of ITonglng justice. The discovery o( the motive power ofstoam. tad lU implication In the steam curiae to travel, marltedftu era In the progress, olVtvill Mttoa. Since its first introduction Into America, the enterprise of cir people has covered the whole laud with a network ol rail. Ol late years the mania for railr:ad P'co'atlon ha t Inert-used tenfold. tnost distant SUies have been connected, und tt day It la eaiier to go from Jluiue to Missouri than it formerly was to travel from Pliilid ! phi to New York. Biu the Omnipotent Hand has displayed itself lu tho course t ikon by thie gieat thoroughlares. Nona of the. roads runuiuj? north and south proceed further towards the Tropics than our national capital, while those running east and wc pa-e t jo whole breadth of our land. Hud will shortly connect the two great oceans of the phere. The result of mic'u an arrau'ijmont Is at once apparent. As eoon us the news wa-i rcc tlved ol the bulenguering of Was'iing- ton, the Unea t'ollowlug the courso of latitude transported with ease, the hundreds of thou ant's ol gallant soldiers who volunteered at tea t save the nation's life. In an almost incr dibly short space of time half a million of bayonets surrounded tho nation's capitnl, and repulsed the traitorous foe. Meanwhile those connecting tho Kast and West did good service for their country, "The closing of the Mississippi," said tho South, "will briii"' tho West to terms. Tho corn and wheat will rot for waut of a nvirkc aiid on their knees will they suo for pear M aud friendship." Man propose, but (tod disposes. The course of the South only citiisei ber own ruin. At ouce the tide of transports tion was changed, and the iron horse carried over Iron rails the products of our vast au 1 fer tile prairies of the land of tho setting sun. Commerce did not pause, but tho Father of Waters ceased to carry the Northern gold into Southern coffers. Thus, by a wise dispensa tion of Piovidcuco wa3 our nation doubly saved from suln, and tho starviug of foreign lands supplied with bread. Again the lino of telegraph poles which lnterpcct our land has proved its salv.iUon, Ail the wauts, all thj distress, aud all tlio suc cesses of our army are ut once made known to the anxious hearts at boiuj. If a huu Ired Ih 'usaud men are needed at Atlaut.i, the fies retary of War know It withiu a lew hours of the formation of the desire. The loyal North, In turn, Is informed of tho nation's wantu before, according to undent calculations, th army Itsolf was aware of Its need. The mother's auxloty over her absent boys Is eased by electricity, and the lightning, which "show's in the cast even to the west,'' illumes the national situation to the eyes of all tho World. Previous to tho breaking out of the existing war, we asked ourelvus, Why have sewing machines been invented? why bus the Lord allowed so many thousands ol helpless wouieu to be deprived of their ouly means of earning bread? tlii- Hut no sooner Is tho great luventlon fairly under way, than, like Jupiter's myrmidons, a host of young men spring Into a ne .v sphcru Of lift. Uniform and cap are needed lor a million, and over our whole land is heard tho busy hum of tho patented needle as It ma.:es the army blue Into covcrlugs for our gallant soldiers. What would our nation do without tho sewing machine to-day? No woman has lust her employment, but thousands of idle hands have been made busy and thou- Hid, of wauti Supplied. And finally, wo h;ive been always ble,t with abundant crop.-; Cod hassmilud and .-how 'red a bountiful supply upon a nation fighting the battles of freedom. Our land has teemed With fertility nud huppiuess, anil with what we have had to spare tho Btarvit.g of Ireland have been fed. In all these provisions for our war, wo must recognize the wke ruling of an Almighty Power, and ascribe the glory to tho bcniilecut Governor of the J'KK.Tii A.tit.lllClNM, The Court-Ur den Elit Utthi, the organ of the Frenchmen in this country, recently pub libhed the followlug sarcastic review ol tho New York JFrrahl. Ono of the notable fea tures about the article is its latent diflilte for American institutions and hidden scorn of our national bravery. Wo would suggeut that persons Ceding as the editors of the CuWi ics "videutly do, should publish their paper In a hind where the inhabitants hold tentinicnts niot congeuij than thoe ol the loyal citrus f the loyal HoUh. " WUul m H'pen nciLt V ak the IlcroUl, In confirming tu successor Mr. Live or N. And that journal aii iUl.if( Ui;lt tUj rr. aldeut Ought to make an ainn rr vcttonelUa Uon, iuitl to reui:iu3 the two euous aJ,ut rranee tnJ i::r,;l.!i.J, thai. th. y uny bo uught once fi r nil to respect tho .Monroe doctiiuu. To this cud we thoulJ throw one hundred tho'tsaud men vpo.) the ilk) Grande, one Una- dn-d (ho'ismd other Mki Ihe Nl. Lnwreneo, Slid from the Isllimns to II id .on Hay thero woidd be but one Government. "The lln alil is ery locdest. It would e N tterstiU to throw o:.e lnindr'd hous:in I men In Knnce, and one hundred thousand In Fnefind, and to inn it t!ioe two roitmrles. The tour of Spain, Italy, and Ilelinin would follow of course, and ritiii",; could prevent Germany from shiriiv; the fste. With vlaor, Ih" CPliii riiiii army mif'il overthrow iwedcr, puss tlroigli the heart of It isdi, eider Cent tat A , pa.-ify T;rkesl.iii, a:ine Per.ia aitJ Me-oj.ol.onia, ruin I he In lies, crows the lllmaJays, t ilte (Ihlnn in dreams, imnilii'.ate the renminbi: Tneping rnhe!., riisho to- I mpire of Mill' n a Ti i ritorv, cross the Yellow V'ea, con.iier Japan, Hit I re1 urn to f'i!fond. by 'he Pncitl", while a few c-')t il'utwi'' siiljugid" Africa, and mimes pia irjiis ri thice AMial:a and fiouih A'neiicn. ' Tlie.-,: would be meinonilile com ousts, and we Ask Mr. Iii:M:ir he appointed C;m n r in-chie' ol the armii i : harg-J with lie.'r Bccoiii'di'hiuenl." It would, perhatis, not be exlrav ign-it i that a chief evil of our political HvsLeni hfis been the fre.pient ivcu; renee of eledlons. j Thev are various lu kind, and succeed eae'o ether at very short intervals. Tim represen tative principle extends throughout the whole scht inn of public service, Willi bat lew exenp- huis. We have town cleclioiH, St it.' elec tions, and national clet lior.s, an I wn put almost every civil oiliccr in his place by o ular vote, from the President down to a illnge constable. Of late years our Iov, of the elective franchise has even Invai td the forum of justice ; and regardless of allowing arty pnsions ami influences to disturb th' sobriety and impartiality of the Courts, wo have actually committed tho folly of making the tenure ol the judicial station d"pe.nd ou the ballot. The bad coneiUc.nuvs of all this are shown in several conspicuous forms. In tlio first place we are perpetually pulling me.i In oillce nnd turning them out. Aud this process is pursued without any reference to the charac ter of the officer or he Interest of the public. The elections come round in the older of their appointment, uud whether there is or Is not nny real necessity or reason for a change, the business of voting must be one on willi, and a change Is generally made. One result is, that nn unexceptionable man is often dis placed to make room for one who is compara tively incompetent aud unworthy. Tims It happens that we have, but few persons In any public ollice who are either familiar with their duties, or are encouraged to perform them faithfully or honestly by any jusL hope of being continued In their places ou tho .round of their merit. Hence the welfare of the com munity, and the morals of lu public servants, are umtlo to sutler together. A second uotable effect of f.eitient elec tions is the creation of a class of men who make politics a trade ; and the com, try is filled with them their name is legion. They are always either seeking to get Into some com fortable situation, where they do little work uud draw large wages; or, being iu, they are ever striving, by hook or by crook, to escape being thrown ou'. They rank in a certain gradation, from the highest to the lowest style of politician from a "tidewaltur" to a cabinet minister. They constitute u numerous aud powerful body In the State, and practi cally engineer the whole muchiu ;r of elec tions. They determine the composition of all nominating conventions, designate the candi dates to be voied for, and so arrange nutters as to have themselves specially taken care of iu the distributiou of political patronage and li;e like. As ''Hamlet" suid of the players, that a man had better have a bad epitaph than their ill will, bo may every citizen, who Is able aud ambitious to serve tho country hi auy civil po-Uinu, better remain lu retirement thau attempt to gain his wish for public place with out the favor or the p.) cutlal geullemeu who bet lie all the preliminaries. A third, aud probably the rorst mischiuf of our many elections, Is the lueesjant agitation concerning politics to which they expose the public miud. They return so often that thero Is no Interval for a hjnllhy repose. As liist as we got over one disturb nice of the kind, wo urc excited and harassed by an ther. We are carried forward in au endless rouud of contention. We. ure hardly done with one heal 'd politi cal canvnss be I ore we urn preparing the plans and engaging hi the intrigues for another. This htale of things is uv st pernicious lu scverul rcpects. It keeps the whole buslnesi economy of the couniiy lu au unsettled con dition. With liie evir-pio-cnt apprehension of sudden and radical tlu.jj iu tlio a 1 nin istraiive policy of Cov.iui.:ni, the entire s)stem of our indu-iry nud ,:oiiinicree is ren dered unstable uud insecure. This fact bus been remarkably lllustral'id in past years by the disastrous lluaiicial crises, that have followed violent ov fundamental changes lu the revenue laws rf liie nation. Thoutunds of manufacturers, merchants, and capitalists, M'ho ba-ed their operations on either a high or low teiill', on th" policy of j rotett'ou or ol live, have been ruined by mi election which decidedly altered the composition ol Coni v.,s as (o those ij usti jus, lu.d thciehy cuiis"il a lilsnij b ineeol' the politi cal meNiifi s on with h tim general co.uuieroe. undlaUircrilminiiMiry wciciltiiKii.but. X:ie liu.-is not bi:in (ii-nniiai'iil, ill' that, i, Luilt on ii iiiii:-1 Mil' r Iliii'liMlii.ii, iiinl :iiiy on ; knotv.i Hint Midi u coiulilliiii Is in ifii vor.'.Mi t j l'l ln-"-trhil mill in;ii.u t -i il ir.i-- n-ri' y ,vry.vil in. Il in hici'LUVir to Im i 1 thtlt tl.c ntci'u.iily wliirii r .jnliv IKlb.'L ulttl.tlon to hu trivi-n witliuut, iu! 'iiui-isioii tu polititul cares to fuu toutcld ol' ii.utiej, ihangc'9 of ttiiiniulMlration, nud probaljlo nioili lltatioii9 of policy ia mutilcijml, bluU;, uaj Jiatlonul Govern: nut turns the thoughts uf irnii vl.Iitnl-i too ni-icli from tln;'rirlvatoair.iira. 'J'l.iii ia uuJ o::oi ill i.i i.-; in:lt!i:ii.: ! i n tin; k.-ik nil h'.:-'-, t i c .y ai'Ma of l'l drinoi :.liziii;; trmli-i ry of :i Iji 1 1. :" -1 I'H'ij' ti iit '. wliicti net n 'i;;l.b')i- aiit '! l;;a'ui-, urul friend ugalutt, uiul d Ji irij tiio prate ami harmony, not ;il-ue of "ocletj at k.iuv, but even of the douu'sUe c ircle. i'or tiii sB, ami a great many oth"i' like re anon, It would bo well if tho twin ot s-.-r-vii e in all public li'ust.s wore t i.t!y oiitimJed, uml tbo minibcT and li of cl-rcHoa proportiouably dimiiiislied. 'I'hmo aro m:s ly elliciiil nov chosen iVom your to who militbeelctted toholilllr.lrplaeod'irliij; 5001I behavior; on J there are oi'iv-f wbo, ini'tC-J of beiii' elected f tiy two, t'uvo, or IVir yearn, OU ijow, luio'M be jive-.j a lil.ich !' i IllCiiteil tl rin, sul.j :..-.. In il:ij' ji'l.ine il loC !i).,U eiiuHH or mi ii1. l..c;i'.o; I 'a o'.i"i. A l'i iliul Of tllii kl,:ll, if l'!,'ji:'....i, ., al i ii. vl.ily i:ui; tiiuute vi ry .iJ-teiialiy l itn peace aii J liApnliu ns ot tlio IU publie, uud Hpeeiily iso-'ure popular fpiiroval. J I !'. It VIM Ht lilt KltlTOR. The Hi Im-I rn sident Is likely to have a nic f me of it with his "iihicctc. Ills teit mnHsaxe b.K stirn d up a horm l's n(t about his crs, and alren.ty they re wiii.zlni around and planting their tui!.'s in his face. The did not tnk(MiiM Uy t!ie proposition liiat'-,ho eon lirlon ol freedom l mnrh belter foi the slave than that ol'servltu lc;" or "that the ('onli-ilerittc (Inv. (rniiient bss .1 r' to ocuulre pn.isiMsinn of the slaves by ptirclinvo rr Impressment wUli ci'tnp. usiitioii, nnd tlien eimtneiiat them wttl i'Ut the coi- ent of 'he ;iat"s, or of the ni.-uters." That was s disturiiance of tlielr eii!,i iiTiTty not to is- l.irne, and o they are jiiti hing into Mr, l)vis onmi reilully, accus ing lum of being a more rtiectiv.- aholilionist thnn Mr. Lcrn., l'.ut the last straw on the camel's fuel; is hi, riiggcMion tliat the military be in-lrncled to detail editors for conducting the rniws puper press throughout the Soitli. Mr I) ih wants men to flld, and has come to a conclusion directly opposito to lliat of Cl ims ni'.r, for lie thinks the sword in mightier than he pen ; and he Intends to put those, editors who have Ih-cii fighting with gooso-quills for four jear past, in the fore front of balllo for a while. '1 h's is something they did not aini- '''I"'" - - . ""' ".,,vo ,,,''" I inir ineir coiiiTiniM niui oeiiiiui'iiivious 01 ino ' ,,f I l,i. rn ttrnnl ' tlietr unrn til IiImjChI Igni i ;,iire c f the lact that their august master lied "a rod in pickle" for their own bae.ks; that lie v as concocting a plan to drive them Into the scivi' e. with a musket on their shoulders :inl ecu mural in their kuapnacks. ISut the lnd has been exhibited, an I tho Uichm and c tiitc is me in terror. Still they show pluck and the fight has commenced. Davis urges cm bis Congress that men ure needed, und to the end that they may be ruisci', ho advises a system of detail by tho military of only such persons as are absolutely npcchsnry to curry on the various mechanical, wicntillc, and educational professions of the South. lie bilieves that there are largo num bers of men who can be spared from the workshops, the mines, nnd the newspaper olliees in the Confederacy; aud to get hold of these mi u, tho military authorities are to ex amine Into tho matter, and sot asidg certain persons to continue the work in tho diilerent branches of Industry and the publishing oiDjes of the Confederacy. The editor of the Enquirer sees a fearful t vil in the system, and styles it a "cesspool of corniplii ii," from whose depths no man could come forth lo assume bis old position of Inllu ei ce and rcspectabilits before the people. lie even grows frantic over the prospect, and exclaim : "Mo I lor God's sake put us In the " unny the trenches' any w hero; but savo us from the derailed position of a detailed "editor!'' From this it would seem that tlio Eitr;-irirer ms.n is no coward; It U not because be fears Yankee bullets or bayonets that ho finds such fault with the idea. Ity no moane He dr eads tho greater evil, that of the loss of the freedom of tho press. Ho does not want to be "'an Underling to au underling," just us if he has not been on "underling" for tho last four years. .But, after all, this rampant editor dees tee danger lurking In tho obnoxious proposition, and he quotes the case of "Umaii, whose beauteous wife, .Ma lo Dm in seek his lil'c ;" nr.d intimates that the modern Davis, not D.vvin, might take advantage of the license wai rauted by the new nystcra to put some Southern UniAii of an editor In tho "fore Iront of the. hottest battle," for the purpose of getting rid of him forever. This prospect is disagreeuble, and the F.ii l In r wiiter enters his protest. If there Is a Bati;i iiLiiA in question, we. do not blame him lor exhibiting such concern. How this war ut home is to end remains to be teen, but if tlio Southern press can prove In the light with "His Excellency" Jkivku son Davih, that "the pen U mightier thau the sword," they will gain a triumph of which they can afford to be proud. KT TI'. IIKI'TKT The aiders and abettors of General MoClki. lan, whoso pen Is mightier than his sword, Inasmuch as he killed himself by Ids letter to the Chicago Convention, havo been getting it hot and heavy through the columns of tho New Yci'ii Daily A'ems. Indeed, the Gene ral Ls bntlly treated by some or tho principal orgi'iis to which, it will be believed, he would have looked for countenance and support, refusing liiiu consolation in his hour of defeat, nnd ttpplbg to hi soul burrowing caustic In stead of flattering unction. Tills is hard, In deed. The information that principle was trampled under foot throughout all the sequel of tho Chicago nomination that the expe diency thai whittled away nearly all traces of l.Ymoctacy from the platform completed its n oik in Central'm letter that that Convtiitiou v,Mt marked by short-Mghtcd covtardui: uud that (leuerul had repudit"d the principles upon which ha had been nominated, and had substituted a hybrid platform, comes with a particularly good grace from Hps unused to make such 1 adiuis ions. Contrast the tone with which McC' Is treated by the organs of his ! own party with that in which the Kcpubli I curs now speak of him, aud then ponder well I whether he needs not to exclaim: "Save mo from my friends!" The condolementa of a j friend ure us uiflicult to suiilu uuder as the ; hi. f.cs of an eui iny; but whou a satellite i ec;ij i s Iroin its orbit, mid makes a rush at the isuu iiroiiud whleh It revolved, the grace i miim, U( ,.,. ,u- th anomaly with I'ljiiiirluiiiy must be fro;it inili'i'il. AH! si.i: r', iihoiNn tlio bi.cuud ok of ilia C'ir Mrs. Cliaili.'s Waiuer and tier eucr'etic liiisbaml may cun;;ratii!ale tliemt'tjlves upon (.Ivlng the pnb'ie a llri-t cm- s cireun enlcrt ihi l.u'tit, well worthy the patronage of the good l'UiliulclphlJiis. The builtling has been tUor t.iiKhly ienouUil, and cvcirytliing looks neat 11r.1l clean as a nnv pin. 'I'ho lint of pw form cm in l.r-io.'S 1I10 but in tha I'nitcd Stilted. TUa I'.'.ith ut the D.' ltro'herii are truly wondorl'ul. I r. 'liii ' a Miitiv mm irnu.'in',' B"t of "IVto I .! 1 :.ira" iu'Vcr ieeu e ;i".:!i'tl, and it lie Ci el'- '. I li.i ..'i.'ii'"i:m and Hi i ivj.'lliy f iniily I ie i. i.:i 1 .. .li tre ut i:e etrei:. ui:inMi'. ilifu-i ! ; m ' ii;,.Ur 11 r l.i'.'l. ri.'i.i! a.-inisli .1.1:1, lilt. S imiul sii.'i'ijy s lu.i.iy HWi'i:., loi'.., lie j's 1 he ia.'0;i ill a uiurry liiiiiioi. rAIIIKR-M.Ml'.'r.- A'. V. j-.iintt .11, 7:ll In Unt .it ih- 1 liii. i'Ii 11 urn npipl.uui, uv 11,11 ii. .-. lir. 11. .il, 111 11. .m: 1. i'A mi hi, ni J.. to Ai-ict,, lUUcUn'i' UI (I.C 1.1 C V .d. i.iLl l. 111 i'lllllULcllll 1,1. lt'ni A N. ( a 1 j fs 7i, ,u,ii,nit ni Kiilli Co:'p. II kintal. I II., IV. nl, Va., .' V 11 1 I I, ( ., M il ol Jo. u anil S 11411 in nit n. 01 111. ,1.1 1 r l'l', v-il 1 . T . I , t r n7 rli, I. (,.! - I't'li I' bur. . in il.i -W'ti yrar ul liibure,.! iiH ini'irot C'liiijiuuy L, ' ini iy-ili-1 linul in-lit J'.'iui-i -ni .1 uliuit-i'i'.. I tip n-'i. lr. t s 11.1t ftj- ih i.t tin' i.niiilv iiii-.l un mom li, m o. I'n N ir.-! f -iii t !l . ni. i'., l in 1 .m vit . M .1 r-H'tci. tnlly ii.v!ii-il t.jntii-ii'l tin iitiu-i.,1. ir.,111 ri!ii,li'H'i' nl Ins piii.-nt-. N.. ii" llin'i' him t, en l.i,.-.,iy iii 1 ,rn..iMi, III- I 1 II li.BtUUt, Ul 1 u'clcCit. lu lrottl)li lU luUUUll'UC C'l 1.1 ti 1 v. v--,'i.''5trnv.-0'i liii V! '. jr. ni. tut, l .i v,.ir. Mi 'It ill 'O i; .villl,i nl.-' o,i in J j.,11 A. mil Mr.v A. 'Ii i t in. 1 y. I .,,.,, ; .1 !),,.. I r. .1 1 .nj M'.'r I it 1, r t ', t uli' 11, t...; at, li,i i.-.iiuv, I ,1., Oil T y i". I l . -M. IIT .1' . -A 1 II. ,. -, N V.. ..- ,. r iii, Ceil M 1 1 1 1 .' I V I ,ty I'll" llli. Miil-'n htrt of 11,0 lalil lirii.-.tlinr.t.c.ii. nil Juuiei. .1. IVmlwuitli. A'l p e ! i' 1 1 s , .. ii it i I, on pinKor il'itv, licff-r l'i t r-i,..r .' o I -' ;t Hi iiliiui'i, 1' A.-u-ilv .f 1. i;. uiul Hu n 11. i uitfruvii .1 . n.e.' I !l i'i l's, j' mo lliill i A. V.i-i Q A II J . '' i. " I! N T I It V. b T O O K f LACE CURTAINS A! f OHTT VK .1 ! 1 1 K S H TH A N (MMT Of 111' T I I I E. WALRAVr.IN, H'J A fl AAi i t W. U. CRR"t. f,l S N lO If 1.1 . S Tl.t CarsTT 3-t.r-j.jt. Q CCUETEY d. VILLITTcl. ' CN'. U m..t Ki H. Hl'.VENTllSo-.i, I I 1 1 1. A O I I . II I A Y inu'ts'.j.s.f of BKAUTIFl'L cot i'Ajr. i iniNiruui:, A i.d tlu only ti ni tn tlil-i cily. AIo, lieena f'iMii l-urnllnrft suit I;ci.IIuk, i"Me,l,mtlf eiitinnci. a la ii.Oi, l'.o EUSINESS ITCM3. "Weil, well, I'm liecoiniusc Itnl'l, nti'l can t litif It," it r.ii.inll o i'rr.sKl by tliOn h.j Inilr 1 lwivluii tlnio. hew tli.- In:la niHtui". Jynf 'i U lt Tnrl", falll.full .. 1I.1, will prf,.cro tl.f luilr ftvm litllinf off, tnmr e all dtrl nnd Oun Irufl, inovent pre ma (tire K'HjnoM, Cllif rr'ipllvp iihtn .fa c-l' tl:p i-calp, and liy It-, (onllieictl lisp'tlit' IliP hfA'teli nor- aj'd In aatl rrrcaioJ (in'. hy IT. 1. ,1 i si. 4 H.ih, Co. ai'j Cltesnul tln-Lt. Ijp, lor. Uiront ilisrs. I'nfnrrli. As'l. nil, and ail Aflir!lon tip.ite.1 wllh ll.o uirst aiicceki by Ur. Von MiiseiiiKi i.,wllh Hi niswljr em'tirurtid ati'ari.n. An llli.stin ccl iiroiptolm nf ti c irniip, coiiUlnlnu aomr s altiabln tf-stltnoiilala, a y In hl Hiulis.un appllcntl'in l ! is olllei'. No. l"-'7 Wnliiut ti pot. l'rrrj A Co., lolliliiif. Third Itnif C'IiciiiiiiI- J-F"K1;Y A COCTIsllilnff, Thin! and ClrsaHilt. I l'.lll.V A I'd., C'l.'tlnnx. TMnl nntl cii':.iiut. 11 1 K V fc (Ml., C'loth.iit', '1 Un! anil C'liennut. ItKUV A CO .CloltilMK, Tliitil ai.ii CI mannt. rFI.'liV A CO.,1 l.ilMiii..,'! lunl aniH'liu.nut. I hi'.iiy pi r j ,('i,isiiik, 'I nn il ti'l C'liPHinii. I t'llKV A CO ,C'l.,:h 11,'l'nircl ni.d ( Imiint. ri.KJtY A ( 0,,Ci.HlrT (i, TliCd and ripilint. l'l.irKV ca , r nlhini,', I'lilnl ami Ch.ismil. l'l M(V A CO. , CI,ilfiliiK, Inro nil CI. i. atiiit. I I.IHiV A CO ,C l"i li.. I li ulanl L'l eitn.t. I I. Il HV A C:o., t l'tiii.K, 1 l.ird nd "l.-amit. 1KI KY A I : , CI itlilin . Tlilnl ii1 Chi'inut. I'IM.IIY A CO .Ointhlin:, Tlil'U and Clu-iiTiiit. I'hltltV A Cll.,clilliln(r, Tliiril and ilHi.liut. l r l;nr A CO.,CI..U.Inii. Tnlid nnd rlunnit. KllltV ,t CO ,C!!nllitK!,Tlil!d and f'liesniit. I'HIIIV ft CO .('Mhlnu.Tliinl and CUmnl. lXlcl'.Y A 10 , Clo'.Wnii, '1 lilrd mid Clmuut. Nuiierior niir. Tlii "llarpw'K Wrry" It tbo tipnt Flour iliat ongpii to Mils met. flout! lot,Jtnt roccivpd, lit lls is A ninHAltlM, Ardt and Ttmlii atieula. 11 new! Plnncw! STi t'K A Co d IIAHON A tlAMLIY'R rAKINt.T OHllAhS,. IIAHON A WMMI.IV sj Oauimi T Ois.At.H. nhCMB n bo a I riAis-os. J. V. OOITI.I), flpvanth anl CUcsnut jbrsoU, jyjIOIl AULi JACOU3, BANKER, No. dO S THIIil) HTKEflT. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT, BTOCKS ktiU brtl'il'i BO'JiJUT ABfD SOLD Ot COMMIBStOK. I' H ii BANKERS, No. HO S. T1IIHI HTHEET, J'MII.AI'KLIHIA. ai d Inmifftto I Kciitnii,1, Uul-J, HUrcr, aad Uucuiuhc Alotift b. Uictu und hull. rnumi Htiritn pn!J to tle purchase ftiil $e of Ml irk anu iwitidt. on i oiumiHUu.n. Imeitittl aJiuMtnl oa Uhonui CoUeotiuai prrnitly Hi lit). lOJt-.UX GOLD AND 3IL7EE, nouo i it a rs i sold, IWICHAEL JACOBS, 10-5. Din K. 4U S. THMID 8TREKT. QOLi X, OOIiU, O O U 1, EILYER AD BAXK NOTES WANTKD. DS HAYEU & E20TIIE3, tui-ir xt. ao . TriHo aruv-T. gSJllMJ. &. XtAJN DOLfll, Ko. 1G a. T1I1KD Sl'REET, UANJtKIlH AND 13KOKEKH. I.ccit,8toai,sluilcimii8l(f'V u.-hcre nod ( luiki, mij U UovcniBiint Sicurllloi II .Mrtt and Sold. fuil.U EOVCHT AND SOLD ON O O M M I H H I O N , DE UAVIN h EROTirra, 2 8 No U P. riW-.T) STR -F.T. VVANAMAKEu & DROWN, NiiTTINOlIAM AND 8WlW i.a;i:h, n: w urn r,n. WlMOW SII ADK'V r-w .sti : r s. No. TJJ S.ELTT, T. OA RH HO TON 4 00. ,'tm:ii:s, tiir.sfrT Rvurcrr Marl T'4. t lH HNliT A" Itt.r ':. VIA NO CO V KKS, i.t.-.,i !ir noes is t:ik ( irt AT LOW I'llH'ES. AMUSS-MLNTb. V. 1. II HAS A l A 1 C. M V l f M II SI O. l.l'I.Mlil ( llri-f,tr. losr l osj nvi't.T ,i: i.a -r i i.k , i:ov i ffs '"A HI. ANHCMt, i. CllU f.i,r, . III! A N !) It I; V 1. It T Ol l( K Kcr lit - I n nithu or t m I I'l'MA Hi- A I -1 . V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t N I rt.-.AsON,'t.-, i. rl- -v" t'o uuiMiK cclnt n witt-'-m of ttiiptu ,i llr-Jnl priMp' r J t v, in ;. Mif nn j' hi. the cif'nz nl'-Wst Of Iir "t"r hn r t f).rt- to hit v.-rv hliih -i ;!. ''(fitin i ot r'tf It imthi ij tir in ' tu 1.' trm,c,l tj; "h L J :0 i r i-l rm-.n (.n"-,t ilirin 'tfl t I .nl us. hi, l Mifi'innn Willi trtr' t h-it ttio cur- ' ii'hl V" n n.ti i-'iiiliv,i.v torm Uiu'f tli" m a 'on, it rn- i i. fiM' nt-t-t TD.iii v iiiituiin In t l-slcao prucl jiI'i tlii pif-iuu uy oi l ottitiiuiii-. TH'.S i.VDNDAV) KVKVIS',. N d -uinl,r II lAli'i "I A Only Ihric, (iraiid tjift .i Uy Von KJotuw. Fourth at sMifl .1. F A It I. I OltMl-'w t. ....ri'iukU in- rv rcli dr.ip'il ti'ii rt'itiori. u'miMily a i mpr.Mily i mm n-e l n r Miii Uy V un t In tow. KAN at Llo'itil In wllh h he i.tH f t :m t.'ih ii w;i, uii.rt ui:a- n urn oi tlir ((.in on ilic. A I A R K .IIHIAN A l;MJi:it At fll irilia I I.K t l lll liril.V..n Sn'-V AN'J i'N OIJAFK..., ft' rtlr Trl-Uin I 1' H tllliM I'HHl llV till- (illlp,11l . Mi nn i." wuli to iiHt i'iv.mi it Iit tli" Omit 1 nor irhn Of)ci(( OominHi . , nn i i-v-t wlinr-' riri m 0:1 of c uHitst liniiimit uml Bpirlti'd DroJiiutioim known 1 1 I tie ft.iti imia kvi,mi.. o. l.jt ). ri oniy 111110 Oi Mi'znrt'o hnniorlnl ' 'imtu, lt.N I OVANN . Willi the (rri-tit N. itik ami lio.i n rit. cmor.iclnn mrchi lli mi the i r.inil i.t rii'Hii -'Kern tot-ii,iiiy hi? Itrltd io'Ivi-h lirlllinnt Mimln to f tm Nr.'. Vnr fifmori, v n ni it ipi;('ivc,i o 11 -.tch oi comtwiKiAiiO'i n -vt'r u'v- 1 rt; i. en u rfi1.' i.j (Mo.irt'rt ct'.-t d'oil . if in tim' 1 Itv , nmt uilru' K'd ono 01 the Vitntt Lou-io4 if tlio initiro , s.i,n WJ-.UNKM)A V T.VI.NISU, Nov. KtU, only tunoof !,F Mi'(ii;-,N ;. Ci nn'10i r tiv Mmvpi htfcr, v(th e vc y KrcAt ea-t. Tin- tin .mi 'I, rtuil an I r- ! ar-n , .11 I U II o iMfi- U' limi 01 ihi-i 'iT,t, tli i ro.f-t oi ii nit In 11 o ut , fi c'n'H'r uml iro.'.nrn p'u' rioire. It fiiitvilif vor. Mir o iii ni Jus f'i oivcil ititond two roitrpatn- II011.-1 th m m fi en in Jio loii, tho hc 'oiki i wiir 1 h rv Liinlid fw th( ini'-i Milfit ircscnlntin pvi-r uiviri In Aififihwi. A lin.l.l -nt ir-iHor nry irrtunn:inuo uiiy bo moM-u lurw .ro 10 fin tt . n i imi, Tlll'KSIfAV KVKNINU. - ov. IT. only tlmo ol HTRI)KI.Ti.. Oiotid Opera hv Von l'l.t w. 1'ro ciitol wttb a d jrron n iiriii;turv mi'i viv'Hitv ni-vcr Mnt.n.if'i 111 inn ooora. xei it w .it! tii'.s ra-t. MM ri In n moio i-t anil 11:1- tl'ill, M.I.VM.!0. nriKill.'illy ttl.d c lri' -1 Conil Uie:! r ruin o v on rtotow. m iMnirv itui ir.u 111 j,t,- Ni'h 'I Im MUlr,' Hlrcn-tli it the 1111I1 dortio'i ol tli" lrtlllil lifrnii:"! I'pI'M CI ni;HT Cihlirjin, i 1 11 itio cut. itniAi t.y i',.i,M, rov. 10 only Mme nf H IK. ,.K t'TiHiit opi-rA t y (loimuil c'oiHtoH'r of "Kaiid." Pro Miii"l tor t tu (tint in A fiiefn'.i. r rmn I" !' ot "Hi nt r.-i l'itr-jii on v one net fun) -i-lei'lioin i.mmi ' .Mj- r.' l e" wi'io uivcn in 1(" t .n. 1 h. cltr u 1,1. t iii-r. 'fitv In Hi" fir-t, 11 K w . wi'li "i'.imi," to rtlin -iH tliti eutiio lirifbiitut'Oii ri li.niiiml -j Kit fri. ca 1 1 p 1 i 1 a 1 ir 1 1 ii.o m, nov, ivin, I.Al.A IAH'WIIJi M ATI MCI-;. FAlh i KN I'lili;. Adinl-iion t't Mall ioe, Om- I' H.'atii miy lie fa- cim d limit extra rhurjo. tu i'tf. niiiv It .(cureo ut tim rou at nricin tor anr ot the dtiovu ut . lit ut tiouM'rt Music .torc and n1. the Auailoio.v. A CAI'KMY OF MUSIC. Un.ier nnd Mai-;pr '7K T. KOl:T. (Ai d ci llollh':v Htrrt liirnir-, i:ilt nun'1 ; friT-ln iw TliCJlre,, aad :liO A.oxaiidrt (a.) iicnire. A OKK T I'll ASIATIC FK AST. rixtcnicnt, U'l ll Dltftits only, of ti.e ciuhiout Trae- tliflii, Tfll. Kimn T l,Hf,'", w .1 w'P i' nder, for It c flr.t time iu I'MlAdcli'liLt, U;s biil- ii.tnt 'sTst- aiivii ui tvi-iui-Aflua, IH fcHAKBIEAlill'S ORAN1 r.OVASf TBAhUV OK Tli AT Tiri.l., fV ti -tr.cnrinff on MKAY NHillT, No.-omher 91. 1 he- Coranur. . t Miisiniu air. t OKut.H I hits ien vcrv rfiH'fnil.1 selccUd, ciiibt hcIi'i'J, unun r otbera, lUc celebrated m.i.Airr. 1 inini, fhf HCfitery ni-rd win ik ipvithi of th nrMuu.'ons "f L1 it. J. lei I. h,,u i n, -! rjuli.0e-iliiit, Willi n'-wii i.ui.'ion drayary Ijt MP. WIM'.lt. of 1 I iladt'olilu. nnd .si-torl iii'w Koniaii iccnon, em1, Adng llll I i.M M I'll 1, I . P I t 11.1 t I UIiVILiA.M n. b) I'.r.riiHiKS S HY t . ol itthimorc. 1 1 ir iM.'t ' iit-i v uy mt 11 m i 11 .k, ui ma AAti'tnir. T It ( dhfnti -vh, UiinniTK, liiUKnfa. Ao. A-, w(rc mado PK Mfslili tor tt'lf. U'hT nt a font ol uvlt w). 1 rr luiti I A'tloUliirh, ace ttiu Inttu-' ad vert:.o n. : a t . . ll-l-'-iit Tit KS, JOHN DUKW'S NKW AltCU ST. ItOliMK t:UOWIl'.. FI.OM 1'U'TO I'ME. Tl.lrd wk, llilrtt wfn, Tnl'd wt, T.iian,, TMtd w ek. TMnl week, Of II' I'.ri Hit! t V 1 n vt;eTTir,t of VK ar o .MKr I'.-iKSKY Wil l IAM4 1MAY aM '11 KfiUAY KVi.NlMiS. t' .s'Cl K I'aI a C aJ-IX. YASKIU COUUT.SHIP, .TONl'.rV liAnV. B U. AV1 MKi. UAUAKV WILLIAMS (11 hn 1 litift'.'teri. 8 ili. r.-"irr l sin O'Mh In aiUnnciv JKW-eUKSNOT STKKHX TIIL'.AIKE. H'JdWVANIH'MIHT l- VKKINIH, Nov 1 1 nn.i 15. lA-r i.kk or mi:s. i r. nourits, Ytlit 1.1II uMlifur in 0 r iteir 4 an 1'li.j if l.i .I!k1.1:y 1 j colicludf will ilii-liiirry r:,rie of 'OIK TaiI.UK OF l AUORTII. SAT! I'I1 (il i UNOON, Ni,i-i i...t !, tti'KI.KlHUK&NI) fAHII.V MAH.NtK, I tat'lull i l KK'l 1 T1IIKVK.S. !'r!i'ny F.viii;n. I iwrli Hi i,i lit ol Mi'n 1. T. Ttiwirj. V. ibillil r..eiini;, t."V0uit,.rVI, wlllb iirnducu.Hlrrr fill. lurrth-' ntl.n i.rri.iirn luu, Ut.u jimult's buAiallul III l.L.1,1 fAUVKhlTK, 1 UC1I.LK WKSTJ.UN AS I.JjAII.TllH l'OU- Ai Hclvl.N i.1 C ll l.t. w r.STI.BN" 8 hV.AH. TUB I Oris kXK si. i.i'cn.i.b i.mi'i. nn as i.i-. a i', i' in; I l;si Kt. ,!'(-' i:i'. WimiMi A mli. Tilt r ll(8 VKKM. I I i , I I.I. M Knl V UH Ali i.lTll, Tilts K.lKnaKRit. LI I'll.l K UIS'IIKNAM I.KMI.lJiK t'lillj AUKS. WAI.M'T H1!!!.'.! IrtliAII'K. WAI.M.'T hTKIKT THKATKk. 11 A I MT 1-TllKI.T I'hKAThlr. WAI.M T BTl.l l;T IliKATl-K. fM)AV KVISiNli, MUKMlitMC II. momiav kvkmmi;. Js'okvwbkk u. illiSt AV LW.Si&U. NOV.MUI'.U II. llll 6 Thl arfmlraMt I'lctnre, the ffraatont prolu;tiuii oflha lor VJ-'8T, U now on exhibition ut tha A.CAM-.MY Of1 KINK A UTS. Wo. !IK.( HKHNUT 8trett Tsntitiier vtitlt tlie cntJra collection of tho Inatllntlon. Artmiltnc, T WHNTY-1'I VK. t'K NTS. U-li-W ASSKMItLY BUILMNG8 h. W.riirrlEN Hi anil CHKSM'T BtrocU. V i.t NKMDAY, No.uuihor Hi, ltt4, At liall-i at Uirve o', 1'lUbT ( LAbSlt'AI, MAiUNF-t. Il V TDK P!III.A!H I'HIA rf.AssiuAL (jl'INTKTTE CLUB, Mr.,(J. liALUIhhK, JaKVM. (M's'HH. 1'L.V-KMaN.N, and HCUMIT. rittH.UAMMK. Ii 'In V iVit, f ini 1, Nt. 1 Booth wn H aridip. tn us 71, No. 1 IWvao Jlai.'j if j'.j 'i.i, t rri'Ufe -Ih'-plu 1 ti t tii'le c!f Coix.Tt Itut!t ijumUUe, tv t, hi n in 1 cur Muiait H;.lisscr;n!,iri Hit tl.r Hfiauii of twentr-flye Matinoea fit ut tf Mu - st.if ol Mr.J i'. 'ioujil. rti-vrnih ami t lir? : ": ij t vis. wtMTt-1 11 . a .finer 1 i fur p.ihlrc nr pnvato ;uii. it,tiitfl ti or ''Lit t-i i.t n, cttii t uiaue lur tu vt- . 1 1 ' r . I' I i : t- in I. (i. ti nv hs'l only at liie tl ir. Yfj YAiI(A7ciKCirs, 1 WAI.M.'T MKM.f. APOVE KtmiTII. I Mi: 'ILK I.IK!:( tins up M us. CHAiiULJ WAtt- nr.11 tn riuniv Mrs. ian JCK I.). Mr. I, H. !ijfHrtN K'iMCiiriin Dlrojtor. IMMENSi, M HIKM i;s AN1 Ohl-'.AT Kt:i Ti'-MEST. I KLJ ITr BMli 1 MUM TH OK l.AtUill I Kit. Jiirii:ntli wri'k tv ich'tira-od I'.Vl'yN H Ft INK, tho M't,iiMn'l KAMll.Y, Mm WHIM K Olii-trt-i of tho .I..''.li,t M.-iKitiu). Inn HI'S Kit ilJtH'HKICH, t'li' u-.-txtt I'.. Icntli! ..'.., .t. .Mr Tl..:ii.;).Mi. inu r.'ii.iv:LJ HIM 1. 1 ( 1 l-i M vt. r oi !l l.';.!--! , Cii n.h ill t'i:.' .1-' .'V M ii T. ti , ,ir . nl ii, ,,. ,r mavarviy ut jili-; .t-t.r T .fi -tli , j:.ju-'.,tli-ll -i-'Lii-a, I.l v, .-nr-t I.e.-, Vrceii'h; nil. -MA IIM I 6 oil V.Xh.M-:lM" I dXl L itiAlf Ar'- ill. NtltiN , c , i cnitf P t J 1 , o'cloe. 'J ' is iK'il.'s iir'i-Taiuuie rteh and at'.i'ti' five L'AurAOxiraiiTQ uacdiitigt AND KNOINIUKH, Ho. lirjl s. BECOND Sirctt,riiilad!ilili. M.ll'l:: IU KG MACHINli VOitK.S, Xr. i'fi x. lioi i KTKi:.'.T, Ve tin Ln pan d ;o tld oi.Ur, to any cxtoat fl.roir WJll 1 n'i. n .'li illNKKV f, It fOVI'ON AMI VOilLK.! MJL1.S, i iicii ii i up nil iccLiit ibivim uiuou LULu.d.ny, Uiiiuaii.a!, .'"I . ' di .OK W I: . a,, i.n aiuntijii of ui.Hiuf.i':titreri to our i p v -iks, 1-11 AU''Hal JKLSITB 8S flNE CLOTHING, Us 7:i I ur i.s.-i;r S'PIT.T. I L A. "V f : 4 T . VOOD ti CARY, N. Clir.MNl'T BTKKriT. LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, ALL HIIAJ'IJHT, II10HT HTVbi: NET7 COHTIMENTAL HAT," H 9 B B R A T I'. 1' I' f 0 B 8 . V. rT.I yl.V. IlOMNCtl in- ocor. Felt IUI ftua liOi'L4 IT" I .sll. WOOD & OAKY, li. m OlIKdBijT HTSLVtlt. rpiHi HCllOMACllliK frrril riAKOs, frfll AC'KN'JWtKOOFH TO l!K THE FINEST U THE WORLD. ti'.i ti;rATi:ri rH t.ii ir 8in:a!ou tom: ami vimsii. UiO!VN TO UH 1IIK )8T DU2AELE IK3IEUJIE1.T3 MADE. ANU SOU) UPON Till', MO.ST KKASON- TillMS. AT T1JK WAKi:iltC)MS, No. 1021 CIIESRUT STREET. Vc roi.rciriii; lit- ile niir ftivi.ilt aiid t'.e public avnor nil) to cil at 011 wftroroimi fttirf (AaBinf onr ovteiislvo ai-r-rrtmiit of I Uhly ImproY-nl1 Sijiuire and rand IMtno, Wo tiavt' roct Ivctl the hiKheil irpinmntB ;tt all tl:e great cxlul'lil' li evt-r ht-IJ hi this coiiT.try, IncHnllng Ihp VrUo M.f"a! at tht Wo'hfs Fai1 , Oronl l tl -, Vc-w York, an J unv rf iti le-itinioul.iN frui tho best attlau In tlXi t-ountrj flll'l KtlifVO. V foe: sutl'ilcd Unit l.ore t.vo no r-.tnos malo luthif country miporlur to uur own. An Thliude pMA wnufii'turers w j.rl'e onrehos In hftvli'H achieved a reputntltn for our instrumcntB iincx cehub any other uiakorii In country. It lea well ki'oo fat t that out I'Unos havo fr nun jcarsmatii ta r t-tl liieir hl'h rcptitailon, lu'twIthbtAndiKg tho p'jw.rful ompf iltiun 01 the hA'tcrn makurn. fsi-w tifk and Huron Pianos have lnn ffftodrd Into thin n-arkct Uimotuliclr bki ucIck, aim himlili'd hytlim as the only Hanoi lu tlio country; ot at the name tim4 tluho a itio agents very Celtic ra continue to noil any ono uinkur'e Imlnimentt fur any length ol time, for the r&aton ihut tlipy aro infotlor, ami tl.ey aro rcmpolltxl ti take ioU nl other d akcr.s', pcrliai-s ill! inure Infatlor, a11hmif;h pcflitt tip by thorn an cclchrMftl rianoj, wht n at tho nau.e tlmo uch niaitori havo uuver been kiionu cr hcanl of in thrlr own cities. Ihe c-mst iucqco i, i: at our e'tizon are oitt 11 indncci to purchaij mi oh, lnii riot iiistiuoit iila, wliliout coiuidorintf th'.ir om or Uio genual In ir rests nf thitr city. Tho advantages our cltiicui liaro In cncmtrajrinK homo rnftnuiiiCturt i certainly bUouM uol be.overluokvd, fc.r tho follow ing rOHbons First. Il Ih acknowledged that Philadelphia Is the (treat muiiufactiimih city of tuif country, and celubratod f"rlti flitperloi and l.ilfi! woiLmcii. Bert t d Tjc purcha.-tr ohinini the pin no directly fmni us, the ni xuUcttrfT, and hitvti the amount tuado by the at ent, who uaunJly cli'.im-j urcittur prullti thau the uiana- r.ctuur. 'Ihlul Tho akcnt'a resronHihilitv amounti to nothing, there . no itdre.-h ; iliu liictniiitetU hv r-eiH lit iu:tdrt lor Hit? ni:trr t i, and the pnrihaiit r iiiu.t run Hie rink. Wit -rea-., on the other baud, o, ui the niairiUcturorti, ire field repoim 1 e ai o tHi i.nt triifc (tie iv.ot iv loiiity iuo tlie atnt. Our repiMetton 1 utaiako ut all time, and It Ii tin rite re i our irieiesi tu mrnoui nuue oiutr umu nrhi CittJ InMriin.t'iita. oii tu, AUuntuiiR mat lueit mstniuiein mni do t-iUid t ur 1 wn wnro i.t-w. tney cmniit k v the titiua t attph tti 'it, or wf t the miiP ieiuth of liino, fur iho rt Kbon Uiat the neiit di ptnUi upon otlmru to keep luub pluuos an he fct tn inler, ami will ol t iturit- nut exptmd hi of M proliu to U b-, w ciilat e, tbu iiiMiiuiauturarh, hao our own eittMiei.t work men, whr fully underhand tin- ami win uron ptiy Kivt t'lfir atiuuuoii, aud tne plaviB 60 made wt-ar inurU lomar. t'Ui t'hiat.llithnit nt l one oi the iuot oxtinnlve in Ihlg coi ntiy, nnd when our tew inproeni( ut now lu prunreii att fillip. e td. It will be one ol tin Ure-t In tl'e wo Id. Our ol-itct lb 10 maUti ihik hranib ot iuduilry ono ol Uio ureal itiiiiUuiloni) ol ith- city. ttir lli-liunjeUTH a-i 03ice rrn impruaiiini over othi, ana our iKtiri he tucllMi for nidituiaeturiiiK erirtl It ub o ket p ou hand a InrhO itock u muteriai, and plO llf llif bt UiPtll nti. Ac. It pOliOIl UuTiiUI III vuidiiuao wilt hij urn m inu, Ul provti alt tbar wc havo raid Ih igid to our pianoK. Tluff-io, of courfc, ui ayj ciiTevt'nre. of opinion, and prijudtt t d itiinflk.aud iho.e w ho arr utterebtcd In the talo ol tithoi piano w In ni) dMt r from u ; tu ouch we he on to hit, that It would (; ve utt uiiit b pleakuro, at anr tiuio, 10 tet our insirninanu witu unj oiuoi iuhmiw uiii tie d aychuoac- to naint'. VVeaubiD itfck our fi undu and tho public to call and ex amine our iliptuiov liuiMN. Iff I h tiled thitt no in ths cit ctn i- u.p'-ie A.thut, ptiye hutuf bit and tvruit actouiiuocttiiug. N. U. Second-! i und Tinuos tiikeu in CKchangt?. 1'IANOS TO ItKNT. Oidas for Tuning promptly tltendcd to. ECHOMACSER k CO, n-?-wo!fit 5o 1 tnil C'llKKNUT bTKKKT. IIOKSi;S! UORSPS! 110RSKS! tJL RTKMA.vrKi;-lil.MiltAl.'! Oi l U'K, 1 t him ii iimii.1, f WaaiiTsr.TON. Novuinher In, Hti, IToriM ad It Able lor Anl Itwr and (av air oer kice ntU bo purr-biicd at Uiitburo licpot, lu open niari'Ot, lM 1, 1AM. Uorei will be d iivrred to oantain i, i.owry Miuro, A. O. M , and be luhtecled to tu ujuaI UtiveruuMnl Inspection before lt'if acn ited. rriif oi Cavalry Hornet, ii tiaon. iTica ot AiiHlt-r-v ldiraMi. tlbat:ii. taytDL-ut IU bouiauo lor ill and more. JA M lH A. EKIV, Colonal In eti ir.- Firfet Invli u, ll-ll-irt ' iuaruraAier-Gnerai i Odl . riO.rARTNKRSIII r.AV ASH1NUTUN y IH'TCHi K, i imuiitnlon W rchant and WlioU'niitj lculer in i'roviium ara rro-iucf, una uicon ui! v,nn rma Ut M tiulitw ld son. UACNltr CLAV Bi'lXtlUU. Tbo tile of tlitj nrifl imH iu ' (iiiuuiVM1AIJ T I "TTfTf T. fc. ani Nk.II i undUclM. ritJSr Hiroet. XhlUdelphia, Octt bir ii, 14. ll)-J4-liu l)1 JSSOLUT10N. NOTICK U II E It K D Y kltwrt, that tho t'diiarlnor-tilp h' t'unitoio ovinunj t il .MICH n.l'.li')ll-'l!.AMi)H HMI n,HA MCKI, K. I1II.I', Mid M. Ii. CiiArt i-Mi;i, , trt-jiiur nn.i-r t'i" i r ti,-,!., Mini lit le ii" Hit ntiM I'.n-iiM' t.miiia.i. m N' iri-lown, M nti oi n r.v county, ren i-vlv-t:i:u, is, t iy .liith tlav t' -Inly iitnf, diin-'l.'.il 1'V ni:iLUUi Cyn at, 1st i'n; i'.i'i' a" id .: Ka il M.iiuii'1 ii. lint. .'. ny li.tjr-' I mill rtn ol llii :"ii . ..I :i ni im: uiii'im.ii .1 In' I' er.m.Mi. in 1- . He. ,, UI..I Ifttnlil tit.. Ol IIU ' Wi I ti.i.itt iJoi:i'aiiy ll,) M.f. T.OYF.R, AM'iS nn I'll, M 11. Clt WK0I1I1, yAilLi.Lll.llll.1'. ji nnlH'rlLl".;!. ll-U-lst Dl.SfiOI.til'IOX. XHK CO-l'Aia'M'.HsUll' hiitt;tiiti.r exiitinff nndfrtne linn ol SAM I.. r'.L -si. IiAV Ks ! iN, i H ivduy difOiiid. 'I'm. Ii't uii-.n iUI bC.aliit'U iiy U.o i n.ltr imicil, ul N.j..'"i InJlK tll,lt. I HAS. i, 1 1 A i l.-i. Ba.iil. I'.rul.jr, rill!, 8t.l,Ua.ovl-uO,lN,l. CO. FArilNKkslllP.-Tlia iniVt'lni'il haro t' fui-ii . .1 ii o i ..--l in r.l- li mi.i. r mo nrui ol 1A VII..S llll'l- 'l ili.ll.-l, I n III Uuii' u'ln ll ol a i;..UMl llualalllil alio ltu.a'l.i Ho. H-'.'i IH. K t trout. l'l.itJt A. OAItO." ri.l'cd!;!.la,CistoL'.rl,l.l. U. H. (VrHfrnt". of Iinl Wcilrc Qtifriei'Of tt n' url , . Mid l'!,n .... and Urn ciuiii ot 1-ocui 1. 0' k no Iil'U, Inn . nl and aol.l. I ' l" i' mi (. I'm t r nn. I Infln, in r..ll.l, ia1" nf n.'.M'..'d. I- in i i . a nil l.oillk lK-tifc .1 and .old OU Ho ll.n.- o. r REDUCED rniCES, At'ARTNKU WANTKU, VMTU A OAPt 11 01 Imn .w)U) t-fn, In r nil l.r.ur, buiMs. kit-" M. I , l lli'i pniif n-4 iKlstSHKI HOUHK WANTKB, Iff writ Walnut nr Arfh, fir Olkisiaut llr4, A.UiTs, "KninhM llou.' AtlliU ollln. 1 N IHKCOl-kT OF COMMON 1'JiKAH YO ii a i.k 1 KT lin:Tor ti. juiia i.. niia. rrn-1. m. Jin r T, 14, No. It 1 : c Ai.i i -r .Hiil. (1 lo irpott rtUlrll.uU'.n nf iUtm4 pm-iMc. ( fy ti.e Mi.nnft tle iini'rr thr trn of aA ttihl ffrthifi lirt or ilrrf t-f (ttr ttnil, Ith th Ute ttor lTi. tiriukiiK-f irriitn rn ctM, hluini ot ih If R.eor lir M r-wtnli h rt J rnttn Mr"'. m tJif city "f riIUJl ,,iit ; i g tn f i cut oh Wliw'on tii4 'i lsVt. a4 t"ir'.inn iu I. i.k th or (ii (-th nnritwaitl a1t. Kf trtfc trtvi hid htm ii pai M';l linr ni fif fle l f Nar 1ott tn e in ftu ji 'nrhr- l nn ttllt-v '? ft'.'t 6 tit(iM wU, km Ii a i niwfi m r.4 inirtlt idW."!.! atlewl to II" iiinn M In .k-j oir.tiiK it on M' N l V . tVa i t -rf" N-ttnittr, .t 4 1 M , at l . .fl t ', ho. HI rt. SI X VH H fv , I hiifiiltMpi.i . ti mul -'ifrp f.ll bfl lamr- f 'I n,i -i prM ut tv-lf riMims.or thoy will daharretl lit. in n-iniiiK jn ta rAiii t- tui. li-r Jut K. If. TllOKr. Andllof. IN 11TK OKVHA.h, (roUKT FOU THB i M anrt IV nitty 1 1 l'l .l ifif p'jin hie rt Ml 14 A ! I. 1.11 fY.. Ilff"(t. Nrt'-v tn I iiii- hUi i, Mii fiii. kmIi.w oi ..J .;(Vdn4 t,. . 1:1 If -Fi. ( 1.1 . 10 M, i,, .ti.rl rr M 'l-HI"fA f ' nn,. i m t m I I Ii i '.-,' (o rftain .iiiiIt l - aot i.l 't-ilM.l l.Hi.ti ti- -"i ( 'rut ut-. ;ti,, im ti fUtnrt vl .-liMi-v' I'C n mf O" rnta , liovamhcr IK, I 4, a-It-- fxctpUom l 1 lofl tlivT-'l". jiknkv a. prriri r., (tii U Aiiwrti(' for Kittan CrotMa. special Nomrs. p-X-f Nfnif k.-ai r. rr.Ksos Hvi?f3 - ( a.'ft'Uil tba I Nl'tS l,IAi.Cfc,.i rt oS i(VmFTiMifi., wi'j pirro puiini tin-in ft i t innWr n.ii'a h lorn u e l.ii ol l o mi "r. W.I, mi Ni IT I Itf-M. .1 A I !: H L. ( '.A'lM HH, fill t 1 ' I T'ii-urr, fTTT J OM'ICK Ul '1 111-; DKI.AWARR Mii'iu iinuitut v (' 'in, an. , VI. d -d'.j.iiU, Wo- -ubfr P, li, I Sftt i 'I'fli.JKK l'i I. Tl.f f 'll'.w !iu ftlHMi.i n ot t. e ai'rt of ft Oo opaiif I- IM1 .In c il lil. t 1 h ft Km i ! il ii ter - I r- ir i.n lei. Iw-I fioiP S v I ' J I ' t '! 2i it , On Mrif r a'..! I: U t 111 -kh .... Vl'M''; t (i 1 it. Ki-t 1 v!-; n M I'r; tmtf on f h ti'-t ni,.r.-l t II, h 1, MM ?H,1?J 1 '",i7T m Yr no- in 11 m d - .i v I f. m NL 'ai.i-T I. HJ, - OC' lT il . I I Mt i-tnr nr ii 4 In. and J'.UV i. , . . JUii.JtM 71 On Ure Itmki I ' T't 4 Iit'.'ic-t u'dnii mm pcr nl Sa. u.t)s,cVt , 7i,5tt M lat'i, Vs'ion'.nH, A-c . . tlnrlmr tl.t ye tr ai abuvu ; Vjiilrif and ltiiand Hiw '-':. tia l.oi,a- iilt.MI Kin Live- ''.'. r?i l.cli-rt' i i"rmiiti ?.Ji IH l.'t i'i-urMi i t-. li.'.hH a A:t ie Clmii-i. m '". k. I'.ii-t'ii::, U ;,", t Jnvti-I nltfc .Mia-en 'I ait on l'rc- niM.m , 1 mi I i, M.ii'( . e 1! .H.i tt lA;iUiNn, Sl'i-r, Kent, Ac M JIM (W Jlitl M 'n.m m r'li-. -.n et 1 1 1 r : . ,- (r aurrirt rt'VtrM f r tanw oft diva ei.d I r..i'M. ASkL'.'H OK Till; COMPANY, Nove'iilici I. Hil. 10',,'"') t"it(ii Ma'.ta I l'- r I.n, t),m 111,!''') I'nittu fctatfi hi.K 1't-r Ct-nt. Lcjau, I s l 1M,11 Ot 7"' t S'fttes Mk I'er C. tlt. I.oun, b a h 7"i.M Ml l'',it M..t- (t Imuih lvhnU, live per r.-nt. l. a; O t.OoC 08 .Vlo'i Hthti-(rii.n-yi'.ai'ia, Hx l'erCi ut, 1hii iV.,HW 99 Wj.v'V i in- td n.iiat'.t ipl.f-i, M r r (.'enL I nil- rj?,w 3f i,' ') I mu..- m. ii .d, 1st Ali'i i, ;itfO, i'ufna lWiiio W,0W Ot rA,.(m r. rsit himii I ft'iru!i'jd Mi rii;t', M TcrO'i'l llnprtb M.r 01 if 1 si mi i isU'i k wi tli to.ii.i.i. P"-!:n'ti''l n-t i'rti (T'lc.r.uitted the ijl'ju! Itilil- b-.tlra Qt I H'.htts K'ocl. tcnns l nnbt i;,t Ot !,- l"fM uie Stork North I'Miti)!- vn ia K.dln.a'l C" .;i.i'.y a.Tfit) Ot Uitf't l-i :'td Mtn'e in nm-y (lertnt niter, ot Inueliteoiie-l. , 48, tJ Ot y(0K) Sttoof fomii'ssoe r ivo ferCent, i ..:.i. i?,ono ot I'Jrt,.". I.oh'is i"i I-onfi and M'rtt'tife, Muip x fcocured lri.TOO 9t .'.'D0 P;ir., HP2,lHi,M), Market aii " Ilei.1 itr1f (UlK receivable ur Inmir.incc i'j&de. Jt.jii' s d' v it At't-i.rii)-, I ri'iniiim on Marine l'oiuleji, Aferued lu terct, ant) ttiitr tlrbm duo the Comt'itny hcr-p aiu Stoca el MiiKlr Insurant a and olb-r fi inutility, $l.Vt W. FXituftied Valttc Cat-h rn Oep it w ith V.H. t lover mi nt, hnb;ect t ton dav- rail $Kft.(l (W C?ah), in Kauktt I lr l Ot t Mb In luatver &j7 'oH tH-.T.RJT RT rati adi.t r"iA, Kovomlrr . 1ft :t TV.o Board nf T rrnv lom 1 ave ibii dn tU-lit red a I'anh Iiltidnnd of TH.1 per ct nt. on the taplt.t tock, and t percent. lutiot on tl.c M-rip i f lh Ooiupauy, piiyah'e on and altar tho lt ot Oett-Dibur 1'ioxiiuo, lne ul N.tuoual and hutte tux h. J ht-y have doehtreda Hcrlp Dividend of 1'ORTT .ci ceiif . on the earned iiremiutn for tlie vear endnu to i' Ini M, Iw 4, eerti!i'aiih larntiieli will bo i-uued to lh jrartlf entitled to tin- fttr o, rn m! r t' e ol Dacom ber pn x into, tire ol Natloual and Mate taei. 'I hey havo ort'erad . aUo. that the iciip certlflete 0 proiith 1 1 t ho Company lor the yer IhiO he re .ioorainl In t ui h, ftt the ollii v of the t'omptnv, on ami after the lit of lii cen.hrr proximo, all ioierest thereon to ccaso ou Uat llHV. o ccriificf teof pnfltK l-mird under $?' Itrilio Ant Or fin oip'rniion, "no ciTiltieatt ih ill ituo unlehi cltimed wiihin two jettrn niter the dec:arathn of Hw dlviduutl wlieitcf ll u eTidenep." blKKCTOKH. 1 hntnaii O. Hand. Jobnt: Davii, Kitniu'Kl A. M' u1r, 'l'la-..piiijioi 1'auidir ,', d(diii K. l'enrohe, Jnuif i TianMHlr, Il nry : Italiett, Jr., Jaintts !, Hniut, Wiilli.niC l.tidwix, Jotrih (t. beat, (ieorrc U. i.viptr, ltu; h t.'ran.', Kburt burton. B.iutiiet II. 8toke .i.t. tei.iitau( Hi nrv Slortn (iihtui ti no ii turn, fcduatd Oriintito 11. .lanes Hnnke dae.ih P. .lopes, James It MeKarlattil, duflhna I. Kro. .Spenct-r MclWatoe. i John K.6vMiiple, I'tttiharfi !A. IV. IJitkit, dt THOMAS C. HAND. President. Jons t;. liAV'lsJ, Vice-President Hi.Mir nriiN, Svcrotaiy. 11 ll-lut ' UtEl DMlCN'S lllll.lKl' ASSOCIV llotl. l,y Invit' tlon nl'tl'.ih Amh..LUou, k. v. riin.iLii's i;iuuiva, It. K'MI INSilV, Ki., W. Y. yil'l'llisl.l.. Km . J. ini.LI.ll Vll.lsl IMl . Kill Kililfcisllu. inil.liciiu UeiM I.VliMKi;, VitvM liT' l oiic.rt Hull. Iii relei.ncu tu tho piuKi.iimf u. itUioi i: tlio rrcoilmeti. , III l...i 1'ultvrMlll prestiif. II ItH ri.NNbYLV.VMA UAliiUUAU CO!- TItPIS! IIFH H IIH'AlirMKJlT, W I'lllt.Ai.Kt.i'iilA. Nevmnlior 4, 1HH4-1 Tli. H mrd of lilnicl'.t H hinpthis .1 r dicUrt-il . On ill nil ni HVK I'Kli 'hl. "n ih t'.ulua hl'.rk : it. i; Ci'iiioiin., rlciir uf .N.Uenul anil 8iftt.UM nlilo nn nnd iilu-r lolli liibl. I'diiorii cl Alluriify f. r collection of rilwiVurt, rtnb.hl nn uv.'lii'Himn .1 tliv gltis. ul lliu I' iiiii'ttiiy. No. 'J ul tt U' 1 1: 1 Clr!l. THOMAS 1. KIUTII. lli-lm Tromirer. (e,.i '"lIlVlDliNl) XO'i'lCK. "' Piii.sni in.. 4il. Xovembar IMl. ROSS Oil. f:i)Mr.V.-l.'iil,IUIlK'Oll-i-l re eacii 'I li liitiiiiirt lisve Hits u-iii-i.ioil Mound monun liviaini oi Tin; K t: I LK ('i.yi'.iint'i' uifM Mi ck tnr ti.e umi.tb ii Oci.'bcr, out vt tha irotlti oi ih. Oil iii.lncr.l. 1 Inlii'ji l;il:iit Irlicrl'.cr. ivlll lie l..ld At th. Olliea i.t ill Cli'H lll.ON 4 1'Ol.l.lSri, No. WK, t iuat ilrctt, .ii or nfiur llu- nlh limtni.t, K ll.l lAM M. COTt'llhOir.lTn.idmL Horn in WmJ. I. ,,M)i.icl. jr. 11-U-O 01''K1CK01'"TI11''. l'lllLADKLIMHA Cm oill, So. :. SKVV K I'll htr et. fliiV UHHUft ll, Kl',4. OutiTK for t'.ikf iiiil be rccciveij m tm, oitlto, ur ti oilhoi ui Uio woiki. X110MA8 H. STKVTAUT, 11 U'-Tt i'blal KngiuMr. NO'l'ICK. (ill.FIIXAN on, COM- Brry pi l'i nnbvlvai,iu.-'l'hn Oftlco of Uio Cooa- ny i i.uw luciliO m Nn. lii WAI.M I Hiri.t. J. I!. IKVKR. 11-8 fit Hcret.ry anil 'I ruN.uf.r.V r cirvrrfia',Asru i.n's okfic e, no- vinnior S, li; - I he ruuii'tilut l aw, for tho UaO i'A.on cull 1m: at tills unlvo. I1KNI1V IlllilM, 114 Ctly Irvaiuror. rjfT- AKMY. NAVY, AND CITIZBN'S ta. Ddtl lM! r 'abroidcrril. Sl'olild. rhlriipa, Wmlal, Ac, lu Hjl. i.u.ui,.ed,at ijf iudiific4irva. Meachaat Tkiwr, 1011 Cm Vo inKTSIlI tstwat. U,v.(li.e.not MILITARY NOTICES. U liOlNT i rt fa for tho I nurd Him I.J I.i pai Ii nil lUU .n iMld I'liii iiOVNTY rOtt MAIUN1.S. WANTHDi Hint.. Marina Corn. abia-biKtied 1 i lull ni a fculill.T at ii. lt aly Tarda LntU buuv ai.iin-or-wir tu roioisii ,11,11. .na. 1 arm of ten If, '"our Ya ars. .- .-..,. 1.1 . .'I. n 'llu. i I ..' itrmi. AU. in I i,ii'Ai. r.iu..'i li'.H ui ou fi'lsimont ... a.,. ... l-i-.,! Mi r., v. lor all filrl!:.T U-luiualloa 1 ' IKorultui iU;J,eoii.. k.i. .ill B. nio v T Strict, biloiv Hpruce iJtioot, biinru Uicbuura oi J and 3o'o:' li. . r.O ViT.l yi rT, r .r.,r Malor and R.xrultli Oltl04r. i TXIUXJUOIIH. l..lrt. r.A tnl.H.r. vlnlllTiV ll.e I It f OR fnrlOll'.'ti., 0tlllg IVtOKL.S J.MI Ol'ill.H Mil 1'lAllY E' il. ll'MtN TO, I Aro tus lia la lue evcinana MANrFAtll'HiSl) KSlAllLISHMBST ni. CEoncz w. cir.'.cns &. brother; HANSOM HTJJl-ilVi' HAlaL., FAKSfill Hiroa, abova Sixth HUcot. M'lde t or ti r n tl o aliortaal nwic-, mru mr ncsnn-a . Wl . ll'TlllJ I'll M-'. II. A I. UV. 1. U MAI 1 t SIXtH AND MAHKET STHEETS