The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 12, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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diy Hoi.mriu
X'fon ksrtl-woTi btt1drld,
Svkrwe rrftit blol-itin shock the skies,
JJt pasty burial hir-rnnrcnle1,
'"Will, death in hit l'"ir cvtw,
My soldier lit 4.
Cili, thotiiTM mora stmrp thnn bayonet Ihrnnt,
Oi bli "Ml (lri' on hin nilki'ti lutir,
CI hi- wU " f'i i hcacl In the Uum,
01 h: lust g.i9iiin pisy. r.
Ami 1 uul ihiirc !
I know, whil bin warm life rm-iipwl.
And bin hlnc f yes rlointl ahtil.lurln ;ly,
" Jim tinsri's lust Hut orintf pulses
One jtartiini! msli IV r mu
Oh, agony !
F' f I. In cruel ia.nornnrr',
Wblla yet hi mst sinh pained tin) nir,
1 trlfli'il-Mintf or laughed pi'roh.stice,
M ita lose in my hair.
All unaware.
In dream I see him full npHln,
W hi re ratio, ns ruitr and sTtii'lu.'i" vv.ive ;
Trrn wake to hear tuo lonrmmio mm,
Wtiping the (alien hrnve,
Drip on his timvo.
Since ttea-on Bought our country's heart,
Ah, lai er body iioer jet
X'lUtn Doiiiur miu! was turn ap.-.rti
ho biaver blrwi.l has wi t
Her curoneL
No spirit morn Intcn-o ami Ann
blrivrs where hor s ary Imnnor w.ivn;
IS'o gentler face, bvluveil, th in tlnuc,
Bleeps In a soldier's grave
Ko heari, muro brave.
strut tbongh his moiinil I ni iy not tru -c,
t)r weep nlnne his hurieil hea l,
Ton pratt-Cul Spring "hall hud the pinto
And wilh her hlnum spread
His quiet bed.
Til aoul I Iord Is still alive,
The name I loved is freedom's boast;
I clAp these be pful truths, and strive
To ltd, tlio n uh gn at the coat,
Nothing is lot;
Blnce all of him that erst was
la mfe; bis lite was nobly spent,
And it is wi ll. Oil, draw Thou nour,
Ugh. Biy bcwililemicnt,
Make me content!
How Our Fuel is Trocurod.
BtO. Uto.. JLlto.. Kto., j:to.
On Thursday the Constiiners' Coal Company
inangurutcd the original and u-viul system of
Visiting their colliery , accompanied Icy a nuru'icr
f invited guests. Among thn e presi-nt we
fecognlned ninny of the moneyed men of our city,
men who were, imlncntly tulitH:d to judge of the
Bat are of such an enterprise as tho Cotisiiiueri'
Company, and who were capable of discerning
the bogus from the true. The great advantage-
of euch nn excursion uiimt be palpahlo to all. Iiy
persomil vj.-it the stockholders nru enahlid to
inspect their lands, those cuuteinplatiug tlie pur
chase of stock to buy and.rtatidingly, aud the
general people kept posted as to the uuu nature
of the undertaking
By personal Inspection by (Uninterested and
liotiest men the real worth of every su-th ontur-
rle could he made known. To mose who are
majide companies the plan will appear a lvan
tafeous, and be adopted ; to the hot; us the systetn
will be held in dread, und no suuu corporation
will i ihk the can In I seruuny of the pujnc eye.
Atb in the morning no loll the Heading dep it,
ml proceeded on our route towards Seiiuyikill
county. The morning wuo rainy and warm, a id
bid luu' e'TU UH u muot unprupit.o'js day for
lueh an excursion.
But when tbc lofty hills of Hcrki and Sjhuyl
kii'i weie reached the day had cleared, und tho
sun shdnc resplendent on the rejuvenated carllr
We emereU the long tunnel, so well known to
those familiar with tbu Heading road. Tho S vy
was eluudy and ra n lallitig. When wo emerged
fiom the tiuhterruneaii cavern wo seemed U h ire
entered anew wond. Tho (1 od ot suushiuo
dazzled the eyes so Jatcly kept in darkness; tlm
tkj wuS clear; and a parudiso siieueudcd tlm
murky atmosphere iioiu which wo bad just
A little higher, and we came where no ruin h 1
fallen. The earth was ulmout parched, and tuo
hlisslng of a moot peifect day was vouuiato-d to
tu tourist, tio ollen, to apeak ill a m-ir jli.luir
train, are tbone fears we anticipate changed int i
Bless ngs, and the aarK way itppirentty prenfe-i
tij tu u lound only to be tho tmuici whicu lujds
to a blissful world.
It is nnnece Hiiry for na to dwell upon tho Inol
icnts of the upward trip the bleali hid , the llow
lng Bchiiylkill, thn blinding cool du.l.aio ad well
known to our readers.
The only ditlerunee existing between thU ex
cursion and the ordinary nude of traveling
must be found within tho train and not wit. a tiiu
externul lectu ry. Tho pieparations f -r the expe
dition were under tho coirrol of Mr. VV. Siiv.-ry
Torr, who has oar thanks for tho courteous man
ner in which be tiuli lei tho onerous duties of
Lis station. Mr. Torr is well kno vn to all our
citiuua for the urbane and g.-nllem.ialy m inti r
in which be conducts such enturpnnes u- tint
present, slid it is useless to itiention Hi it the
whole alfuir was a t-'ieiil success. His naaio was
guarantee for such a consilium it. on.
ToMr. Juiuea Ly nd, 1'restdeuiui Select (Council,
and also ot this company, too much credit sun not
he assigned for the digiiilled manlier in which ho
tilled Itio po-tof bead of the excursion. M ijor
Berry was also renowned inn ng tuo tourists lor
bis polite attention to their wants.
fJMr. K. M. J-ines, one of the most active omeers
ui the Consuiiu ia' Mutual Coal (Jouipiny, was
kiss noted f- r his energy and Biioocsdui 'iliity in
Conducting the to its suecessiul tunni
nation. ' After five hours pleasantly si-nt on tho r ia l
We icuciied the liniin which is the property of thu
company. It is located about one hundred miles
frmu the citv, and is oue of tho n aiest situated
til all the coiil rcs'iotiH.
just bclore at the mine we p.tsaed a
large hill, ill fact a small mountain ol po.iered
Coal. A stout gentleman oeated near u, upon
iweiug tliiS, exclaimed, in a tone of indignation,
"liow wu are deceived' iw tnina inattuoiu
men ia tow n muke us pay such a rate ol increase
tweansft there isascaicitv of oil!" Ihis in: r
theory of the ndvuuce of prices was loudly echoed
by several stiptruunuated ladies wli) wore wmuu
At last we renclicd the min. s and were initia-cd
. into the mysienes of uiiuiug coul, aud prcpaiaii;
It for market.
T he first thing that our eyes lell uponwija
copy of 'I in: Tkllobai ii. I pjti questioning,
we wero Informed that it was atout tlie ouiy
oarer taki n in lliat part of the country. We loll
M if we had met an old friend.
The mine is au old estubw-hed one, and con
sists of iwo shafts, leading iu different directions.
The niauncr In which those smuts are laid is
simple. A place for commencing being selected
several la-no dulls aro commenced, at which
powder Is inkcrted and a blast eusiius, caunug
the hole to become deener. This hi continued to
the depth of several hundred feet, at an angle of
about eighty decrees, or nearly perpendicular.
but the shortest way of explaining the nynU)iu is
to give our cxpcnvuue dowu lu thu bowels of the
A small ear, capable of holding six persons, Is
Ulac-ed unon the truck, with three powerful chains
attached, which are gradually payed out by means
ot poweriul engine, uu nri entering me car,
we lav Hut n rum the bottom ot it; but when we
commenced tho descent, without changing our
position, we found ourselves standing eioi t, the
whole position of the cars being chuugud. ti lowly
we commence to uisappeai- iub crowu sn-jvo
kiudiy otlerlng to take care of ur wiils and give
last messages to our relatives.
Uradually the littJe lights which were attached
o the cans of the miners in the upper world fade
wy; the opening by which we descended now
apptars no larger than a man's hand, now dis
!'leais altogether. We are in the iower world;
kit"! ry near i the rocks sweat great
rP" i the air is lilled with moisture, and
dicJl.? ixk e01- Suddenly oux pen-cn-ubmot!,"'
M i little oil lamps shone
drawing m. car. Vfil tb e'aTIs
.nipiieo, and we till the u,. we eooi is
IdcJlyof .11 their dust. HaVw,alKU.T,
to the mines. Hera the work is activ - with Jick
and shovel and blast, the dark diuound u ex
tracted from the bed where, agos ago, ami, tu
. niuvolsion of a ten-hied nature, it was depiMuint.
Here where wi stud, ia Uit durk Uauipn-;i
ntnrirs sjto, prew the tmplcal plnnt, sani? n r ir
t lnnlH now extinct, anil wandered a fauna, nf
vkiih a few fossil remains alonu attest the
ex It-fence.
Ilrre is the coal procured which carries joy in'.o
so many honm -holds.
in n jnve crenieo man, wrncn was itic last ni
all His rreiitlon, snys heathen mytholoiry, Ho
tound 11c hud nnthin to g.vii hun wtiereby
to rule over the annuals the newly male
world. 1 he tV'i r and li'iu bii'l ir.'iiK'li. the fox
and serf-mi cunning, the birds an-l deer lleetnrss
it ir.c loii ; o. lii .-ie !. on 'lie itit'-ti'l -l ipi-ri'-i tv,
l'n n i H i us, it 1 i i l-.-n '1 itan, n.le ti .-. one ot "i''
1 ti 1 1 ifiea ol the r-'ils, and t-nve it to m in. I 'if
i;,ile him uferiur to all n a -d tiinir-i. fi-'
i.i-covi-HT ot nl h ii so on-1 1 "rtiTiii fJici.-s, wn-i
1 1. os-- lio ( iml'lc ti e "h r t-i t-i inn it a i a - li- a '
r.i'e ili-s. rve lie th inks o: tti.-ir lc"- on v in
tenor ir alio lift to fin! atlot'i d J '.-ii- .a mI-i-is
. it i w l.i' so ii!.-. -( (1 n, .in.
1 i e n. tiles to ie:uin to laets, me limi-M down
in li e Mime i.ns on wlnrii ! coal 1 1 -Aim
I n, ii c s-,t tl feci u;onttnt st.rbfv it is
eru tin Ii. i v ii r", p;i'i 'd. and nut t-i
the l''i !ph n ii: i Ion un inam- ts
It I. iik i.U i - In ti Hi- poitev ol Tun I i ;.r
i.kl ll to i :ii - r (i- ii li - il i lil'lt fear or t ,vir.
Him I.iimi (t iisieittd will our eve an-l
1 I rsCTi.ill) IMIIMM'-i til.- I Oll'l-lioll Ol ttil -i-'MIl
innv.iitil f und llnm sound and utnler i;oo 1
in. -nil- no t.t. c an liiii-p.v t i l-o t.i'u a f. v i- ir
in u!..r as to il.e t i t-i o, mining m ---ill Ine'- 1 tiy
It s -1 n I ll.'l .
1 1 e i o-t ut ro il ( Tortm d t'.ctn this rnin-- is :
ICo any, mu it if, lir akiitK. ioa li.i,.', en .. . . t 1 'J i
'I oil ui. 1 1 In ik lit on Ueii.lni.: tai.r a-1 il li
lniniiy a' isnl.lin.-i - d n-r n-i
4 :
o I
1 lie ii pi ice a' the i i-l y ird i. . .
hiiv i.g on the mutual plan per Ion i.-i
1 l,e niifie is at pi - nt 1' I-; i-i;
aril fitty loi yvr dav , an i a taov v-: n,
-;l -V
n- iiii-i ti- I
;n-t tr n l, ,
v, ill !:n g lv liu-t- si t c . in-. int.
Alter iiii lu lu's s-ay ill ttei li-i.v is uf ttio eiii-;1!
ne i otiiiiii-nceil lo a--ei!id. I'ati n.-t sm ".-ill nl v.iy i
(ieve'op it.'ell, and the dark mine w is in ido
ratit with the ' Star Kp:it i;lcd I ;-t .im ," an-l
'We'll l:.-ii.v Konml the I lioys." I':i,--.
ri u ii-g cheers for l'n sideet l.ineo ti w-re pio
ii-si d, atid tin- kolnl ro- ks e--lionl wi h the sh-iuts
for the man ot tlie people's choice.
Ttie.ixc!it coniineucis, and we musl ai-kuo-v-ht';-e
that a sic-lit (we cannot with trulli say
slif-lit), a very ( onsideratile leeling of unnasine-is
riiiiie over us. '1 wo ladies In the ear declared
tin y would taint, und on y wain-il an opportunity.
Alus! late h. id decried that they should have a
chance. We hud reached two fundi- d I. ct Iro-u
ti e h ot ol the shall, whin tin- stoopi-d and a
In II was ' loli-Titly runt'. Tins wu- uitu sullloien'.
to rroi ure the desired etlect. Mnn ks und tears
I tirst fcrtb Irom the terntleit l.ulii -, hut matters
wi re oon lii httd, and when Uml ;-iit once more
shone around its, they were ready to joiu in thu
gei tral laugh whn h their leuiB ciea ed.
The means i inployod to dr.iw up the coal to the
surliue consists ot an imiuunsn c Under, uroiin-l
w hn h the ennuis attiu lied to the cur are wound
and unwound, which is worked by a powertul
sti am ciif.'iiie.
Miottly ulti r p stinted on our relnni trip the
moon ro c in all lu r majesty, und changed the
l eaiitilul (Schuylkill intoa living s ream ot molti n
silver, and caused the grand trees to east their
shadow a like spectres of tho past.
Hi m ath this vivifying influence the ladies
grew lomanlic; and tbu mystic liah'de of
ri iitance and poliths in!i:rper ed with heavy
coiitcisnttnn, while we were on our homo
wind iidc. billing In a re ir s. at wo hoard :
4kl.ima is nod gal with her favors, and heitn-.vs
tfii- in nn" "an internal Coppci h. ad who draw."
"leles'ial hnppii css from" "Hie deluded Irish,
ho i a-t ihen " 'seemed h ave-, on every Z'-phyr
of the i tliCri al nir." Umiit hi lie-i an-l o'd gont e
nu n jniiiid in tlie cm, test, hut all were h ippy,
and where happiness ali .undH we will not s op to
in vc-i, tati the tiiUsu. Hunicc il to say that joy
ttigiud uiiivcrml.
Atitr an excel ent repast we returned to tlie
city, wi ll sati heu Willi the day's expeiiuncu.
'1 he ( jitisiiini rs' Mirual Coal Company holds a
lease of the pioperty lor sixteen years, and fur
nishes to each holder of n share one ton of coal at
cost. To prevent it lulling into the hands of un
bcuipulous speculators, no one man Is allowed to
hold more thun one hundred sh ires of stock, and
we il.'i.U not tlia' under can lul man igeuieiit uf
tho lloaid of liircctois tho cnterpriio will bo it
great sue ess.
The plan upon which this company Is con
ducieil is just such a sy tt m ns is m-i-'t needo 1
by our liui ns. We I uvc examined it wltn c uu,
und can tliscon r tin II iw. Cndertlie control of
such men ns Junics I.ynd, 1-isip, and others, men
well known to all for" Inc . rrupiili'e integrity, wo
can only noi liesy a comidetu
The ('lie i to 1 1 die tlm enieviiiiso a people's
C in em i i : ina hich families sleiitld cngigi',
l td wh. u domestic, wants ar supplied, reguhv
tions tor this cud arc louud upon their liy-1 iws,
and every security whi-di thorough knowledge
of liU'iness could invent has been applied to pro
tect i li o stock.
Such i xcui sionsus the present do mui h towards
procuring public confidence. When all who do
sire are invited to attend ; when gnnilciueri of tho
prt-sa of our city ure given a cwtu btuncie leuvo to
exi-iiiiue uml publish ihe result, ot their ex iniin l
(inn. iiumlluenced by any motive sivu justice t
the public; under Mieh cir,-utiisr.:inces it is impos
sible that cowlideni" should not be inl'u-ed
the ininilH of the douiiimg. Il some of the ino-t
ta,Htl-d oil C'-mpauies wouid l-ut adopt (Ins pian,
in d h t their ullairs be rxnost d lo the pti'ilic ga-.o,
nhatva-t s eculalluns and vast losses would bo
pn vi nted !
Ioa new company iPe teo pre-en. tlie pun of
a i.isoiiHl r x am i na' ioi i of its e. anns can do no
liunn, m il must do good. 1 he eainis ot tins
t-min file would lie mailo known, and tho f daily
ot tie lio;-ii8 would tie revealed. We doubt, not
Hint many companies will follow thu example
thus initiated.
A sliftht accident to the englre delayed ns a few
mi uu s ut l'ottstown, and as I lie, elock struck
the buur of miiiniglit, we tub red tbu city und
p'aced in our mi inoriiiidum "a day instructively
und i leusautly spent "
on ii iter,
Jla ior Richard Way land, one of the surviving
Ltioes of Waicrloo, has uied at Norfolk, and.
Captain Howard, heir to tho earldom of Wu k
low, Ireland, died in Dublin f.oiu dyseutery,
reduced by excessive dt inking.
One of the most laiihful und eonstunt adherents
of legi'iiiiin-y In Pr ince, the Dm: oo D aleauville
(Hochetoucauld), died lately, at tho ago ol eighty
two years.
Lieutenant Colonel Tulles, Chief Quartermaster
Gth Army Co ps, .Sbciidau's army, died of wounds
on ihe Till ili-t ,Lt, at the residence ot Dr. Miller,
Winchester, Vi. Colonel 'Voiles was shot through
the hi iu by Mogchy ' men alter suriend- ring.
His Kxcellency liallli rhilip Count Col orcdo,
I.icuti nuut (Jiaiid Ma-ter ol tho Order of tho
knights of Malta, died suddenly at Kccanttii, on
tub ol October, in the eli'nty to-n year of Ins a e.
1 he pove'tlnenl o the i.'-iunil M isler Coliore lo,
li i lt la-tea lor t,.-e!,t,y ears, w II bo iiieinora'ilo
li- tl m null f ttiotJid-r loi lliespliilof de
veh pineiil ai d rei i"al whieb, under the iiiipulso
of the late ni,d ihe piesi ut i'ope, bis adiuiiiisira
tion coiiiiuuuieitteil to its loundutions. At llo'iie,
at Nupli s, at M lian, mid in London, its gr-st and
charaelcr sttc lound. ition, the "Hospital of our
Lord and Masters the Sick l'oor," has been
Important l'iiir S'iilnrel on the
l'ii-Mi 'l'liirniit.o
Among the documents captured on board tho
pirate il,ndn wa the lefer-book of the cotu
munding oil'ucr, containing his olllcial reports
from the beginning of this year, und his corres
pondence with olllcials ut the several ports
w here he touched. One uf the documents thus
brought to light is a letter from Vice Admiral
Hope, of Ihe llrilMi navy, referring to a cine
where the I Imula had burnt uu American ship,
win- h was known to have taken out liiitibh paper
ouiy to protect itself.
'Ihe Vice-Admiral states emphatically that
Lritn-b papers must, under ail circumstances,
protect tlie vessel holding them, and announces
t hut he bus issued orders to attack and capture
liny vessel that hereafter shall be guilty of acts
like those of the l unula. Other letters in the
book revcul the con.-tuntly recurring troubles
of the pu ate in getting h Od, engineers, in sup
plying itself with coals, und in making the neces
sary repairs. A letter written at liahia, the d iy
before the capture, asks the lira.lliun authorities
to have cerium repairs made lor him iu the Gov
ernment navy yard. One of the official reports
shtds some light ou the f,,te of the United Suites
mail kb amer hln lric Spark, captured on her way
irom New York to New Orleans, with mads,
tdticiul despatched, and a very valuable assorted
Hie report says : " My first Intention was to
put in a prize crew, and try to run into Wilinmg.
ton, but uiy great uitticulty was the want of a
competent mun to run her engines. 1 sent two of
our best firemen aboard, but they were totally
in competent. Under these circuinstuucos 1
deimed ll best to sink bur, but strove to give the
P'ifcsengere the idea ihut we bud carried her o.l to
make a tender of her, or had nn her tulo Wil
mington." Another letter transmits to Mason at
London the captured diplomatic correspondence,
with the remark that perhaps he may hud it
useful. Among the other papers found on the
tloruia was the original letter communicating
the thanks of e-ur Government for the budding
of the IteU river dam lost tail.
A young frenchman bet ten f rants that he
eould swallow a live li.h. 'i he awh stuck in his
thruttt eomd out t etiacttd, oud go the young
TV.Q Heroes ol' t!..) "AlVjoma-o"
Ai" ir.
lie rV.plv.rrs To:
lifty-Two Fi-.i
!.y rri::ot,!)rf!
cf Art'lldry.
T l-f I l ie l I lent
li.M. 1 1 moh c, N'ovi ml
list! i If H V.rt,
, r 1.'. Thu A:mr
piildi'l i - li e tiii.. :
IdHMhi'. I-i.stun, N. ('., .N'oeenii-er '1. We
li . i n tl lit r re 'lii' ii" mi'-' C'i -bine's p i-ty ere
piisonirs. The piy master w i.-, lapiured, und
Honiiihd in the sin unler, and the master's mate
nH filled. I.leuterait fhi-hln has n"-im-p'i-hi
d a prrnt dei d ni d has b n ttie mt- u-s (if
rilcviig a mitiibir of rood and loyal North
Ciiroliniaiis from di-liess und starvati n.
A (ti r the (!ef ruction of iln.- At'iriu-h ,' he fleet,
tnuli r C'i inmnndi r K. W. II. M trom'i, proe-ed, -d
ii)i the H,a:.oke iHcr wliliin a short di-tancc of
the (own, when they came to ohsti ii -timi-, e
oiri;i:rd a few sliotf, nnd returned. On Sunday,
Octobi r HO, th'- licet proceeded to Roanoke river
ll-toiigh M .ddlc tiver al-oe the town, where they
shil'cd I'l J inouMi with telling i Ifect. On Mon
d -y in1 r n ir r, Coinn.nnd'T Macomb steamed
down the i i vcr, loliowed ly ti c rcinainth r of the
fleet, justed tho town, and giving the Rebels
shell, (tmpC, rnd canMcr to their hearts' content.
Maci tub landed 100 n-cn fiom his ship, in
eltatge- if Mi titentint P.-wos and I'aymasti-r
Snnilf, who Imn.idiati ly charged upon Fort
Iluti mini, rnrrjing It and capturin;; alvmt ift
I l imners. 'Ihe Hibcls linding things rather too
severe, cvmuutid the. town immediately. We
t ok 40 pin cs of heavy and 12 pieces of Unlit
artillery, togitlur with a larjjc ipianlity of Binall
The rrnd lending out of Vlyniolh, as far as we
have hem, was strewn with muskets, havcr-n -ks,
etc., showing a perfect s'niiii edo. Thu whole
enrrison old not have stores snlliricut to hist thorn
twenty-four hours.
In the engagement one of the Ileliel magaln s
was blow n up I y our bu-its a i l set lire to the
(own. All tho houses on Water street wcro do
ftrojed. The town is now held by our gini'ioc s
and a small land lon e commanded by Colonel
Vardrof. "Ulory to Cm-hing for lobrava an
act, und gloiy to Commander JIacomb firfolln
irig up the example, nn I relieving a large p jrtlon
i f Ka-ti rn North Carolina."
Tic above intelligence wa given us Iiy I.ic-t-ti
nant I.origworth, of the 2d licgituent North
Ciirolina Volunteer", who has been in the. town,
nr. il Is tl.oroiighiy aeiiu.iiuted Willi the whole pro
tiedirigs. KECEL HiEONERS OF Y?AT.
The Etltl Commisfcioiiers Negotiate
for Elo.nketSi
Seliil lo I lie t:ealiif relrcriill.
Wahhinoton, November IL'. Judge Otild,
II cl el (Minimis- inner of I'ri-rners, with the assent
of tho ltebel tirctet-ryof War, bus asked per
mission of Cent ral Orant to have thirty thou-and
pairs of blankets purchased in Now York, for the
Hebe! piisorers in our hands. lie ulso asks per
mission of this Covcir.ineut lo pay for them with
a eat go of cotton, to be shipped from Wilmington.
Accident to tlie mstant Secretary
of Stato.
Who Will bo Chief Justico ?
etc., tile, :c,, -.., Kin., tie.
IiiJurlrH of tlx
Asslslimt fSci'relnry
AVahhinoton, Kuvembt.r 12. The inji;rip,s
rereived by Mr. Fred;rick Scwnnl, Ansi-tttnt
Sicictt.ry of Rtnto, in a fall, while oa hit way
fn.m Allmny tu thid city, aru more ncriuun thttu
w;H at first Buppo.'d. It ha heea (.liscovered
sinrc hin univul hrrc ttiftf bin riht ai m was (
ttind jiift buluw tho ltow. Tbo fraoturo is a
painful (fii and will dotilH'cs con '.in a hint to
lis loom fr five or bix wei ka. The accident
OM'urnd to him while li wu coming down the
stcj b of ilic Ast'r Ilon-c, in New York city,
rrnni lh rmy.
Tlie mail Hteainer It'in' l Webster, fiom City
rolut, liroufiht up annthor tmtrh of thlrtn da
scrlcrH. These dvst rUis nay lint I,ce Inn pro-
liihiti (1 the placing of conHcriptii upoa tbo picket
lino, owing to the fuel that ho many of tht'in
ilt Bert. Tiikrt duty U now ptrfjimud ly vctcranH
eMin'ly ; but numbers of them desert aUof wiico
opj oi'uniticri picHrut themsclfeM.
'i he bodit'B of C.iitait. N. t'nOerhill, 1 lh New
York Artillery; Lkoitemwit H. Armstrong, 4:ld
Iti'limnt Vnited Stales Colored Troops; and
Lieutenant U. I-. Viiio, ll'ltli rennsvlviuda
Vulu&tetr.s were brouj-'ht up on the Wtbttcr.
Arrival ol' jiurlllHM,
Lintten prisomrs of war, iruHiding live
pm rllUiM, anions whom was Ltentun int N. H
Kerry, of Moseby'B cr wd, arrived here last niht
fioru llarper'a 1-Vny, from wa:u 'o they were
forwanttd hy Cuptaiu A. I). Pratt, I'rovost Mar
bliul f that pot.
The guerillas were captured several dityn ao
near Winiuetiter, by Shciidau'ti troops.
MliHt -'Im thI Shi riiiun May In.
Among the hopo-liiHpiring anticipatious that
lie along the triumphant path of Kher-
Uuiu'ti grand advance, the nut nplendld of all it.
the probability tbut be uny have au opporiunity
of reknuinfr our prisoners at Anderson ville.rulum
bia, etc. Wbut a triumph thut would be? IT he
can but do It, the whole tiutiun will ri-o up and
call him llObhtd.
Hie Iil-!-JimMcf Mliip.
I'rom i retent npparuaees it doo-i uot acorn pro
bable that any of the L.trto mentioned candl
dutts for the vacant Chief- Justiceship will receive
the nomination. The names of Kwing, of Ohio,
aud Meredith, of lYnnnylvanu, are now promi-
ucutly under cousiderutioc. Ohijiiieu aro urging
Judge Sway no, lit rrefcrcnre Vt Cbuse, as tbo
nonuLtc of their State,
Lord Lyons baa been very ill, but ia better tins
(JmerAl M- lllftn Kcf ffuntflou.
The M'ar Department coutinucb to aaert that
McClclluo baa not reigned.
lb Wow Una.
The nrw Goveniuuiit loan will not be Oifered
for two or three u ks.
fii4'l for Knrope.
Nkw Yobk, Novemler 12. The vauieri City
of Mamtiftter and Ctrmania aullcd to-day ut
r p ah r ; t.' i i i r-1 a 1 1: i r
s m.s;.
1 H )l ) H )()
'.iilHnil Mint rn- i'nr VhIi.c,
t H. AMil'lllSO'l.
i-Mi-i s
J in-
r f .
f C l. I ' , , i", i'l
Ji.l.n V.'. Mull,
n Urs.if ,
I t .irf.
V. I'll
111 I i
w '.'. c , in- t. -v ,.-' r.
Wl.lili. tl. Sfeio-, I' .I'.rvi i
i). r.
I 1 1 W( i: Tl I.
I 'ivi-tai y siel I rei,-.iirer.
4 T .
o, 4?
it., .
,!)r 'i .! r "If
. I frill).
v, lid tit" nn il mA'1 I Ini. r
v i 'i M Pi (I'Tjrc nl .Ii- f'.tm-
,.. iw. o ( liit m.'l U' n i 1 ,
, I- ii i r ' a, i ' M. . I fit. r.-ii.k
en' -rs t I W 'f i-Maro f-r
, ,1 1
N'. 17 ( 111', M T Mr.
Im il'.iitk'. U 'in.'.l'iil --ii
limit' .i mitf r "t -liiir- ".
'I' ' tt,'- VlJ I- f H,
- tut-irii ii
( f t!,
(I'd M
I.! Jm
tr i"iiji:hm:
I'll!- SID' N r.
11- l,"vl'. 1YKI1 VI K.
WII.I.f AM M ( I Kr-.ll!:,
V'll.l.UM ANMPA' II,
JAMi;-! C. Kl.illl h,
J. 0.
, i I. VI It.
'I'tif- Ifcni's iff;:- Ci-iiiraii
Oil ll
-.1 uml M (I'O)
v. k .ui'l I'le -a-iJ
i.tiai-i n-i'V
u.ri-s in l.-e fciiii-'e, 110 b.iA'fti
l-t.i-ny l:i i r, Willi I in- j'n.ilti im
In int. I 'lftil-
Fur inirtldlins i.t 1 po -rr t c
fc.l.lj U
ai f r i i
J. 0. FRYER,
Y.K. 11! ( ltllSSIlT STIfl l T.
CrilSlfTKNlK OKKK'K, UNltKl) ST All; S
O Army, o.iOhl 'Hi,
ll a 1. 1 im.iki., Ml., Vovfm'ifr 7. luf-i.
Ht-alrd Prwnali, in .Occii'i-, will Oj rtlved hi thu
rffitu until U' M., ft.O M . V. N; rn'ur 1', ivM, u-t
fti;nHliitjr t' I'tilltd i.iti't Sdifiiininoo lJi-i4;imcLt
ili'livvri il fn liiiltlni(ii. Mil , Ht
OK I'M MK M A I'O.tK ivhtrh to hi'it !),
(O ll' tllll irlJU 't.'lt lt,S. Illllllt, I'l Mill h'J tl"lt
oar. tm n l, i)ili no iron (, lo h
iru'lrmri rtiil nr 8t;li.i. in.d to I) : i'ip' k'l
vlllmi ilnnv ilwn t f iti'livry. To de (liv
. I ifi O n ilay-i h"Ui ul miitravl. I nn'ii
l.uie -h tit I'i rk Liu-t pirn'Mt il .n .1 ui!u
ci ihP lmk to tm iMlMTft l, wliiclt vll bo r:
ta'hcil uniil Ihe ili'Dvi'V I- niil'ti:.
y I'.AKUKl.h WKftM H.: 'I In' nvk, l.ol
tlT )) an 1 tltin in ih ioi.; iurtrr, mi th i
hli m il( jit- J-nti irtiT, hi Ii'j ff.lii(iil (2 l
b nirut. an (mi t.,r'Ut ril"ii ol ton- ut a rund
lUtIH iHir,, HI III1 J'tti MM M riils-h'HltH'U UflK
liMiifl", hi h twu lion r.ui'4. ui-'iil h b iftii)
txiin nisi or 'tuin, ,nc to lu K-d Ufini
tlnly iUB ut l"lC;y. 'I.i ti.: cl l i'i'' t it)
li i ti n (ii t n t "iiii (I I: t ii mv.iril. i'lmM har-
KitUl ilM'l ll.l'ril !' Ii'l'il'lltl'il At A Hillllpll (ll
tli i itt to 19 del v tri'd n ittn cou.A':t,
vlnrti Will be icitunt-il uutil Hit) tIrLv.Tia
100,000 1 OtMftSKW WIN l Kit HMOKKI) It AWN
S) r i In- Ollt Utl I'U' il i n: :il ll M ? r.uo
ptli or wrapjuT. To ij I'U.'kt I In tisi-tt Met
t. (.(!. l-v. n ! iu t u (in; ii-, tiuin tiio drim
oi ! ir u t.
,;m it wild ihf ttKmr i:koi'ni k.vtka Ki.ot'it,
cr timiUn N'.i. i mat ii.i' t ii riniMt co
f 1 4 -1. i 1 1 i.-l aud Ijuu'H I'd!. I'.oih lie.iiti
t.t ( fi.lly h.'Hil l.iif.l. i I .t li ..U"l und
III . ' 111 !- Ml .( t1 (litlC-i M'I l-i'itUf.V lit IV-
ir. t.'U Oin'-imlMu lie dili in cil tvllliiu Itfht
d9. nrl Hit- wiiult; WiUilU Ml 'ceil duj9 fi'oiu
UiiH- i t uwltl.
l n raicv. iiuM ui i ir i o: shim rwe i m : r , nicn
nl ail ! t t:il id tlii- utttf.dn J t.( "Kip'-t iio i '
iui(ia il mill in urt liv it.? M.U! Mniir lui, .n
turh In 1tn-i city 'I lip I I mr iu. 1 Mn a 1 v,ii .tl-o
be t xamincil i'y , httpe.'U.r on tlm im-1 mi ihu
(imcrinn- nt, i fi will r(iiM i hII In th
qii.tiity ol ti n ( lour tr InanyotUur reiju ct Is
IhUT.or lo liio, NIMlMlllil fe.llillUlt. Illiuii in Ihj
ikVr.(1 lit utts'- t i if i v ( i iionrdi b i'aA to
t ;i-i buX ; bfixt-i ( tn mail of rihy-'st uil
Ct(,Ol Mllll HllMl At .11 IlllLXtrt ll- tJf.t or
oil. r t.i Hin b CH'I: b ituiu tiiJ Uipo aiiiuifl
ln:i:-, cr It '-ii Uvu ti'fi n, toiu;iii't Ulul Kr.iwVrlt
to v ttif r ; boxi to lie triH i tvilh ll.'hl riM-n
Lit kor nirujis. Ti bo ut-livi-rt-d in lilut';ii day a
Ir'iin i)iti- ui uwiird.
ICO, 0( 0 I'OI NtS Ol- l ui MB KIO bo in
ui uiife ntf kH. lu Lu uuUorul ni lo d.jl l.oui
il ati- ot iiw iinl.
100, OUO Nhh niial OHAIU; UR'iWV
iff imv-n in imrn-ih imp "Hfiim-H c mi nnvn ui
thin utilciv to tin fully be dd luicJ. and to On do-liViU-d
wit), In ten diYH lioin dat'- ol mKrd.
l',000(. Al.l.DNS OF I UK UKor VtlAl.ilY Of
l'i'KK MNK'iAK, tmtdu oiilr l orn tl lor r
lil;ky : fict t.tjiu ah lure k ld r liiiiirioui
i.h-;iiM v. And ot unit inn trnKth; tao
Wi.liv NinfiAr tHkln? 1 t,u bl-nritciMio
ot inludi to luuir.dir.o ohm uouc troy U
I'ldi-r liM .ar uh iidih' Uu kiiiiio mreiiK'
iuk be ; tc put Ut) Hi bull' lit rrn 1 of 22 'iil
toui CHptcuj V' 1 iu matin of niiitu o.U.lika
hRiiic It. he tri'H ut On it uttttn. Ivifh iMiVi'ry
10 Im-cc- iDp ifiic) 111) -rti'lf:u ot n t- ia
p'tc.t Cif ini-t tht tl.f Vioiktar l ui ni
p Vi r d iihib. t ha: I ui f tu be dt llwtcil la
if it Ouyt, uimI On! wliuly wtlitiu twenry dstjt
liotn du'i' of .iwurd.
J40.00U PoUMiS Ofc' AlAM.NTINF.i'ANlI.K3(tob
pi oiiii. n tu ih puuiKi ). 1 1 rail (I ui'iHt bo iiw n
tlont tl. Ittixi't e tn?i hi t ncd wjii hht Kfenii
Int k; Ml .ltH. 'I O b di likulid (li Ill.Ut n Ui
11 ' III 1k'- lit .iWMI'fJ
10Vt0UU I'ol MiM l li; HALT (i pnnli to tbo
luwei). nonlnnA'toii brnd U" tiH to he
ih h" Kn, ..nd'ilie hull to t id hoIi it hi r'l
ttn tuiirt'li) tu Im MO'fi, cltiiii, Hint dry; it hold
in,. I ki to !' nhlitti :it d b, 1'M.lii M hl: ilir hi.tU,
lo b- tlt-1.' tifcd in tvU d.tJK fioiil UHttt uf
coin ru' i.
3C00t)U I nl'M'H VOTAToKS flO p .niids t)i
hiibhuij , l;i . i n ji l'i j. h iiuiw h ir( rn- I ;
tu he in . d, crultirtry, wvii o p ril
nkircio, iiiiiy iicau unt'U, stuil dtiih.itja ttd
Cilfll'fl mi .
(10.000 l ot NhH poiin.lH to tliO biiKhi;!) goo I, lif'i.iuiia or c'ht'r nkla OMoNrt, i,i uo
i i .uod.hti .iu. fn,l Jictd-Uucd bAirtiHt 4
tien t rt ii.ti uiu u jui'.
Aiiuul t irn it-i or d
b'lintiit r t . u i tit hir"'t''i1 of ell tho artlrle nTi-r1!!
ht ai uti- pi 't -, ( .' h' Hi a un it oi- in id-' fur erh
ftiln lc t-ii n at d, jimI hid 1t!r- M iy )i(iih J r Hiu witohj
r liny ai i cf tun,. 'riru.ii nail hi' m.ule mi hl-tiili
fcriiih Inihl'-hi'd ui tliiK iitlca. 1 lit) curiillr-i'u ttttitidied to
Ui- i Toinaj uitiit tu- sti. fii .i hv lw r. iptiihi')in ti'iiuttf
h lr- (.in'-. iti iiiiiiih unit en (irt'hstid, or th
n....,tl w Hi i i-l Ik i .'im Ji nd i.vJt hid iuuhL hstvt a
cih.'i ii i v of th; - ! vrtiht-iucni .I'i' J tit its iiend, and
L "t In M" t'lMt.' ifi i l'n- ! , hi- Mil till ltd trtruil.
1Toi.hiIb unit t i j i i hi 4iiK''uird wit Ii th mmiDtn, h'lt
pn dt-;ui I'. ti ft; .ir.di , ttiid oudorhi d "frupuistU tor Hub
IIU HM'I' Htcrt-h, '
i'i in iti-i hnvliu: tho rrxl"f variety of Hioret altovo
iiht d but inMin: HPJf'M'i ot a similar klna, wrtj
lilicm tu m ud iu uroixikdlH it -ii'i)l) u ili.-m, wni. h wirf
nniie .utt-mluii no oidinr to -n a und adulation to on
wiintM d lot- Huivii u lii n'.l c.i t s uot ni't'OiJlly tx fptud
ll.f lilivTi uiUhl In-' it! Ui" t)iue ilh d. Ill fttHO
cf iiu'iirt. tbu t'nned hiutcH n-h. i thu jiviitof P if-
t lntii! i'Im'V. hfio to niakitMip the dull :it-iit y. chttrliiK tho
n.hitiu-c pHld over usnuuU iiit;o to tltuai ty tailing to
AU stolen wlM he enrt '"tIH Insi i r'nl atnl rumiif red with
tl.o nainidth. it' t.irio of wt:ij.'.t.i, t.ii;md by a
rifiilut oublc Muijd.ei', uut bo ftirulnhvd wbtuovof
,,, i. ir. A
CtotitW atci of Inhjireth-n by I'rorc'.lonit pickrt or in-
Hht'L-tora. utli'T t inn IMit pai'iy nirniMi'iiK mu ii'niuriu,
will hi- ru'iulrt-d l..r mt-ft'ii. crtli v inu ou the car', of tuo
t-lii-r tlts-r iTt'st-iit tiuitiuy ULdcuuaition, tui'l ihu iiuwu- li rui'roiHi'L' IihimcIii II.
'J be Ull'. wiiiitlau I b I'xaiulncd tinl pa"noil tipn If
nk.ii. m limn i u urn. a mi tf.e i Mit o tiit- i iii'c-i :o.iii-
4iniiftoiM are iPtitt( lo hoid 11 elr wuhout
svii.ii.iiiiiiiii' i nil.-, i fit At mm nn ill i -i. (join n loi aulh'UL'nl.
I to be inkde alter tin d liv ory ol tii nioroi If
fluid uv nn bujia: It uone on band, Ut be utuae uu iKa
t- luin.'imori m mt or of a Ann ofTortnir t pro.
rihil, in n hi a. lotnpiiny It hy im i-ftili ot alUMfaiicu to tbo
mtfl lntf t.ovcri.iufUl. if h lots n.'t alr.Nidy Ilh d ua
Iti thiH oil. ie. In adflitiuii then-to a certificate will ! re-
siuirs-.l bflllni' C.rlh 11ist tl.l Hit ult otYrud thtMtovrn
ttient, uiith-r liie above adverticiut lit, eiUn-r be oiw b ih
j.arty biilduid, or are tu Je .ui vKhhi d or nt'eived h lUtm
oi loytu ciLUuiil lor tiuuvary iu luv uiiiivh owiw vwish
U4 mail be lciciblo, and tt mimbori aiuit bo wrlttM
sA ui.l! u . ssk i.ri ski il l.v llmin s.
Atlbuiiiit.t co in idyl nt; miUy with tho toraw ol U04
autoruaiuiuil via b ft -a.
fV doao llamtud, Walolioa. Jewwry JAlt
0tUoUiiiia. Ac, at
Corief ot 111 I UI and tt AHK.ILL lilnwU.
Vc. tut aale at mt a
firVer nitxitlin or tiieortfniii' of t'r1n, Irr'UII'S,
IndimnislUn nr I'lurstli n of Us IlUuldm or Kidneys,
I'U'itff vf thi 'rctrotr (7'nniir, A'lt-nl ill l.C fllalltrt
C'i! ' 'u i, I. rm.-l, cr Urtrh illilt Vrjfit, AtiJ nil Dlpf
of ta b.Milil'r. Kill, ji.scd f r I-., a! !ivrUirgs.
i Ilil.MHOI.IJ'H
Fcr t caXimisi srlilns hf-ro FicdilTi Inl iTttli n. T).
c rmlltiitlen oi cf frfttfd Willi Crianc irriitnt-u rnrilr
11. t sidfif mfffUlii ic trlt.Qttitr.amli-.rujcruU thtiytf.m.
lilcli IIFJi.aslUil.D B KXfKArr I'.IKiJIJ lnr:b:j
i.(.n. If no troluicut Ii lat iiJIKi) le, Coi.mtniitlcii nr
Ir.ALity iray
In afectfonn ffruitar (o'Tkuai ka,' is tmcioaUtl by any
otttr pre luir&tl'-n, b Id Hiluroilx, or ltfutl'n, lrrfirn-lrf'I'-s
; Pi lnfiiliin, cr :niprthlon cf Ciriicnwry Kvitc-
uutUni; Vlcerntcit, or f-chirrct.a Htr.te cf tfi t'ttrm;
t.cucjiorrha a, &rit all c f nip lain licMcnt to t)io irxt
MhiOier ailhirg from tftlilts of il-ii'iiin1 hupnxH'itcUa,
or In the (Jt.ltn or ctir,K oi life.
Will rad:ciOly oUrrolnaU from tho tjitom iJiioacs of
D tlL'iJiiuri Orif&iiB MltlitK ficin II b lt of D tmpU .a, at
iiitie e. ji(net K'.'k r t o tharuje in Utet, n inroncenUn -e
or ejjosvt fi completely iuprrecdhtf thoto unpleasant and
fenctrhus Miadits, Coiinxa und Jvmoy, In all tht
In all Plttttet cf tl t Uilnsry Ori n, vhclhcr c.iUtii( In
Muit" or "Vnisi;," rem vhuUtitr cause ci iuiMtiin'j,
end no mu'Ur Aou lung Handing. 11 la pliaiant la
Uhto and sdur. "iini?!i(ii!" in mttivn, anil m'rs
tr''Bfct!ieutiitf tliaii Alijol Ibt prf psralivn i of bark or Iron.
Tl.oic aufleilni from UrcUn bomt or Vi'.uali Comltln-
liuiu, ;ri.ii ii lUvicily at enctt
Ihe roder uui bt svsrs Uml, nuwivtr illuU maybs
ll.ctflo( ib sliovs illimti, It Is cirlain to nffect :.U
JJodily Jha'lh, Mtn.u) fmin, Uunir.f;. ami hu i'
In compesea of Uuchu, Cubelit, and Juniper La rks, ss-
lrto.1 wlti great cars sud prepared la TatuoWjH.T.
liUl .vr.OLD.DrucKlbt aud ( lieialat ol elittccn jer' x
pcTt(ucIn:thtclt7 0f Fhlladulphls, and sow preaorltsd
byttie Bjoiteaulnebt of ths faculty, and bait been ad-
BilUodtaiiitla tt United 8uti Aroij, aud ars aUola
Tsrj gtsu-al ue la Bute Hospitals and public Sanitary
lniUtstKuii UirouDt.ont ths Und. McdUlncs dl(Tered
to an addrsai, Sjocucnpaulcd hy eiiUvlt iirtctigiu. Piroot
BEUtBOlIi'S Dru wd Cusmlsal Warehous,
Ho, 091 Broadway, few Turk.
Or ILKLKJIOLU'8 Jdsdlcal Dspot,
Hi. lot I. TsnU itrMt,rbJladelphU.
Btvar of soosterftlU. JLik Kt OELMBOLO'8, ul
Offlcs open from T 'kxk A. U. to t P. M.
BMkjZrBItfinw7Wkrf Mt-tstta
jyjIIM. M. i. JlltOWN'H
Mil It AUil A,
:. t. -IN i
4 V iu. ' I I
-( KOI-l'l,
lllKiN'CHIAL A IT !''? riuM
riii;nr nii-'nt;t'i..i'ii;-i,
-..I a rii-, r i
f I'n'r, (i) ii' p -i i. .1"
v--i- ui on hl.l.i- '.-,i'- ..
ln-."ll. II'.. Coul;
. I IP.1,4 lo tl.i- M- ol,
11,1' I.I' FI, l-l
. ax . I
tl IV M IT 51 I'TION,
Willi HI .ill 1 (Vf
rur- -
- ;,,ri I f. nlti
r.Mnat.y Iiy
K'TVV -f.M l-V.i. 410 Alt' II Ht-rcf, P,iU . , .,!,
tiu. if. HO.SH HiriH, i'nr V rH, .UiiJ t
0. IU l'K.MHI' I T-J 4f", 1'..ia
i. tof'nr n ith Innmi' nit.
frii ti wni. in ii f i ,trv
H- ar.iiinrii. ! Ut- iH.nlnlfl or l t '-.f1 ifint; win-.
N(l ti 111 lit' III. tlif IH (IlilVII I hf
It.i' MIJMmMl'AI, MSP.Vr:i:V will -ti T"-v
pm tfrrtt iUuy ni,l insirinuMiti n.llni h, mid tvjt.-
Tnuli in ni''fil'. mill nuidf provull; i-rr'T il imiT't'-
anti'lw lliil'utli a iiarijui iiuiot htXHier or Inter tiitK
I to d'l K nn.
Ill liil I li NIC Vi'T-0 t' Tf- lt II Miinf! SO fWlHtl f.MV B'V il-
'jj sm.1i ;lru uuU mctilitl ci.iii iiii.iijaol i;i
I s'a'n. f (hi
..n i i'l' i' u i
n Ihe r"i;lt of lnttiivo ant
f i.t ll
iii'i .( ti i I'd.iii . wn if ui iwo , thi' mitri'v
o fmiu t!.t i tiu in ah ., e ht-r. Alt I'vitH n i
i ,.t in nn t. i.' sic,, n n l tan nvr Lo undcr-
ti.' il rt ;i't T-iin I Mi' -num.
h r- o.i'li .v Im in-.kf ri Im' itii'i of trt it int' ti i: l-
' l i im . 'I h v pripaio I'Utlrntiif'.i's, n.i hrtt-h tr.t n
to l'i. k ul, vt-'iiii ht'li tu f- riimiit o:i p 'ur an. v--tlsiif.
wliu am- -f . ii.'ii, li-' lhi-i ili!c illy nor intul.ihv
Iti ui 1t o -im h it' i'i t i tn nls.
llf y Im crf vt' il lif hutiotn b dy 1au s npr.tKi of It at
ni b: w 1 1 1 1 1 t and i 'ie in tin im. nr Ih a khavt qi f.x vt ho
nld a'l iniit, tu diitti! il.ii . v t 1 1 1 li id m liiiitii, , ir
trt'iit uriv (Mi .., c t-r i "iliv. lint i"til-Tit uf .im pa: or
mti wl ule tu w hh h On hi'!..n,. ll m. i ;m tl h-n
tn It at m i i.t i t, hi t aui.A n MUnc ei 0n u n; wt.ui -e'.rr
T'ni H e wi r I li tif h sv.- I -m On.n a at' 'i"lal.
.Ud' I 'I'll. ( I'll'llil'dl uf 1 !.' ii' i DO till 1t ill . I'NlM)'
rliill) f t oi in', v. htf :iit)'ilrt tv 1 1 lull vt tf tii-fort; ih-v he: n
to iiii-j !Mo ntf, tci;i'tht--r with nir tint rxp rh-The 'n h.t vftu
en i in iivrd ti ijiar ir.tTi p, who lutve htiid int
nut uit lv i ravt l . in ui"'. pii ti' it .in.
I in r rn. ii'nstuiit'-H, li h mu ii v ot'O'M whldh niltfht h"
im 't hou d. art1 mi 1 rr'-!-1 1 -oi'i.wlufi tn im- iw nl.) id
! in. 'lid Ml i-i. r' .-"'.i In i In- .i.i' iif ;u,d hi' .1 il li -.f i Im 11 .
.iii.l 1 Irh (') nt y it. Iita i.riinli.jwi.l it .-.nithiu.i'h'
ItiK.'-if" Ii - h. I'd 11 W til'-li tin l it1! lit l N Ii il lUl'LVf 1 ,
Iikiw t) i' iiiitiH ir hiit urr ul . 1 uti uiiiit r llio i' l'u i' mu a
llf n ll- I .il f 11 1 j!if tu 0- 1 1. l IV. 11 Mlih pill Mi' i.t 'I
to ti n Mi t'l' in 1 Ii i t I a t ut his r!,u -.i-'cr. f rmt tu y
in iti n.ti" iii ii-(.4.:h :r ion , A 1 1'- -. ; .n'h 'd v i-r iii v ! -
(1 n.i'.i d hr c it p. 1 i d : hif c it liiili.' up iu IH c
rt nil ti'iiif. Jt is uu) ttun i'h inn .''nniiel t h it ll
plihll.' 1 an t .IM' mil '.'K'lv ui; I'l .I'llcc for W ll It I-. tii'M
itr lu 'i ;tti- rfiid rn .t.l!i . 1 rii. rvi li t 111 tl'i'
hiti'itfl ! Lilian iii"it- cuailti'd r a blacksiniiu tJi.m .t
pi J I' Hill
111 ti is v ;iy miKTi'iu 'iiuniii HTiD'i-i. v, in 11 arn iiuiitno'i-b'i-
lo it pi. v-if-tiio. .-ii- mri' to lu? d"tit"(-it uii'l cili hi c I.
V . ililx tiin 1 1 -;il v tic 1. f. In -ii-ait'l would p?ivr th'- pru-
l.i' ri nrtti.r' in-- r (,U ! t- l ttciii tor. If nitn.i
jll.iitl.f'8 tn t On TtT hi f t' li'i t. i " 1 Iy iO-, as, I'l
rt:f to in ti 1 1 ii.c in st i :iusi; ui tji ''a-'. it tn rt: iiit t' itiid
iruti'-i vi-obly in t-vi b : r n lorn-rit 'aaua!'y. M'-tuhv-
n few t r Ull'M 1. Hit liH'Tll t'l.U- Hill'!, HlH'i !'!'-.!
by all who would he mu iv-Mu! in llndl''nn ,in:hl tc
Cuptihl" u dt -t't jliiK tin; :i!M-nl illri-a-it ii'iur.- Is no
4 han t i l I y i h ii ii the t-ii im c can bi.-n-a. lied miOi txitjintv
but iu- '-, v l lute th s.-.ih 'd.
'Ibtn-tire I ii' with Ci-ii' diMlto tMho world, t'ut It ht
ttiittii.-h ml erh li-c I'kmi r.t'o t-t'atimni.i ih or timratT
thul I Litvt' Ik 1-11 t-ii ill ild tu t;'it i;i thu lirsi cum" 1 f dii'-d-n1
i l. ettir i U net, ui 'i (I ' P,'"" If bn. ;l tl.BfUio, i' li
r- U tPd law lii'tAiu hkIm and onily. whlcli, lh- A nut 11
1 ai.l ti 1 iif-, 1 .il .in w .inlJiK each uilu-r. T -it
law riiU forth stpi 'h thru- ttuupa-ci urfNl.iei'iH-tiriioti
i j iciiib, aii a if ttlsijAsc m 0 )i'tl!ieii't"l mi ur
ttttniT'i1 wi'h :t 1 11 fc o 11 hrmtT i:np ol tti cunsriiuthm
art iri'lt'p ifH lit i.'li' r f ri i no'i ol'i.-r luri(t'i- m t'io
in, tbuit dtf tro u u the wnoh: litHvliint-rvot tho iiiuuitn
t) 0).
lo rntin'Tr, the HNimnoh in tho T.lvpr have nothing to
On with il t cunt' nl t'i-di--frHt'. The iri-.ti:ni t;f lltiie
nrpunh.ftir t b- tatisf, huu lent oiillloiis to an innliat ly
v 11 n ronn-u c r 1 pay r. me worM tnar mr tri iiHiTitt-
tp IHirittt r it tl," ouiy rnn d v.-r mh n-il to the wt.rld
tb tnU ihi fonc'ily rinr.ihila'i' tin- rout nf diHt ano. l int
ttint'i-ry fi'M-l-- ul thr. t; ol-tliit-l i.r.-t itrntl nn ; uno f .r
tlie M-aip, mh f r t'f t-i. into nn" hr iht'oarn. 'I'ln r iviirk
In r.uiiju i'f 1 h h, ami n nt 11. e rout of nil iii-c imi.
n iirn i .a- nn, t iLi.tJi vry ui)oa:it: thut over mtimed
Ibt huiutii b'.dy.
t I Uhlf.
Vmin Dnt It.'ton Jnurn.d.
Jim 7,i-i;t.- l,.Mr. Nancy Mloan.uf Wo. h't'-Vwrm
t't t.t In r:t-li'Mii, duivitify thnt I ha hin ai'J'c'nl
forttn 'dim. My rivbt -hit win ioiBvtiv7"d ilut t
'uid rit l i-on it. Duii'rf tint unic I Miilt-iud from vn-
tarrli. m n lhtt.;.t ; w. iild ..i,iit,h t ruin on-' to l.-y fiuiiid tt
At nut; w as vi r, i. rv ut ; bi idoin cmid ! t-p at uiiu,
1 I ad a lu 11 n ft-1 er to ,v .11 h mh. i, whh-'i ri'tl'it-i'.l 111c ma
aWi ittni. I tiad all the nnnii. itt advlt o and m. dn:infH
t-v luu il 1 r rnif, but 'ill lo U' iiuriiure. I w ti htfl'
tt it f 111 th- it sUt- nfi.uii-.iii 'pliun. 1 tvaa V. ni iiH -l
lit I ed w i.i 11 Ui- II. '. Hn v n VK'tapiiyBleiil him iieiy
u rnt h i. It HkM Jtpillt"1 at'c.rihiiK t diNCMoil, 1
1( n hi. b, iter, but rir her wot MHnr MiiiM' time
M fihi ti-' VHiiU'd ni a to kite up, laiinx it vvmilri Kill
i;f ; tl I w iis t' o fi.r p i and too weak to try an v tiling
t ire hut nn nitilhci-Ntthl I would dm it I did nut tin
relief In 0 e lioc et y ; and an It wit the bint til tl to euie
u t e wi uhl r.tiiiilin.t it. vv e hoo 1 h mid that it w the
cin itlailuii wl.ii h wiH rudi'iiu 1 tin my atMfiu whlfti vut
la ir t'et-t. At lln- firi ula'luii kipl IrcifUHi :i j my (I
ii b 1 au lu I rt iik hp. It wan n x wci'kii afltT I br .:
in uni'h tfn uii'd.t Im- hf o nil 1 ronid t;aiht-r urt'iitrifi t.
Into I o'ti-n to te Aim M . Iiiown, ami then I nod to
bavt hcip. '1 lie Mt'Coud tune I v-tiMii ud I went willint
relu, ai d ttu1 Ihlitl una' I louun my wuv withniit any tit
flviiity, 1 hii.'iiii the oue f th M.'tii(.h tical Dim-ovcry In
M a . and the 1 1- uit 1 rt on taiit iitn nt .iiiiv, mat hoitii and
BtreriKlb 1 fani n-tutilur in 111 tnuuemted frmnu.
!y .iru yt-d mile ih k n'ottd lo viur; I can low rsnl
wei. on it. .y i'iita-rh ot i.iih. Myt iUK'h, uiy m-n u ii
fii-na. anil nutu ihru.-tt art' ono. I ulrep wtdl. A I) mvlr
rvf-uiantit n have (it apptartd, and! iiniift itrknuw!odk-
ttiai. bv the liMivali'iiC 01 tji-ti. 1 was niri-ctttil In imd 11 ,0
Mm M.O. Ilmwii K Mt'liiphyi-tcfil Djirmory, and by It
Ikk.n fn m th motif h nt thi krave an I rentoied to my
Inn ll end tiM'i't'B I know iu diM-atfi nru uouc, tiu a
(,-itrral 1 ih ulai'oo b-m tukm pla-f b'.t expect It wui take
tiixt lu rt tain my 1.J1 ihmi. ana tirengiu.
t. VIC KT.lll.NU.
I.J.'l.nA N wiiui.ii, ol'i.-ui. , dii rt nlfy thivt I lino
Iim n ntin 'v ni nl in 11 v li lt car nir tw way i eat s. um I
If.t l-iirl i'iir- Iny rigiit r-ir lint b.Mi h i ili-..l Hint I
rniiid nut lii iir r ii i-i". II- li or pulillr eiikiHir ot any
kniU. I iniiiti nut In av Hid i hiirLM lirl!.i il ik' M'lnlu I w.n
mum.' ii li e r!uitt"ii. I liiivi aii bi-i'ii l ir a ninii
bur nt i-nri. vi llh ii ii IV miii IIii'i.mI, .ii tiittt 1 Au. d it
In I lv . i hli r I I. In t k Iin l , Inr I l.a-l tn . .ioi.
bAil i ri-41 ir.niti c In mi Iii-jiI. itTilli ii ii"l', iiltnol to
raii i.r. Alv m-uil lell numli and klupiu, anu urn
bui.rriv ni e.iii.miil trouble Ui me.
1 Iiieil i v. i iiiuni il. m c..n;ii fifi.u'it i-r i worn tn
am i if. ; lint .1. lli w un'i 11 to I'm itiMriiin.'r'H i whim
)lllU litl'IrlllH III dll V I'll llll'lll. Ablllll lllll lll'llltl h:
Iti. I Hi 114 'I M I N M I If II ft .M i'l K I'll' '!' 1 1 HI'.i'OVHI V.lllnl
li.i il II iii i nn! In.' tn tin- i vr. i'"iil h nn 1' v I) itll. I Ami Hi
ri'.lill U llilt tin' 'n ill In:: ol In. 1 1 I'liri Is piTfi.,"ly r. .(..
n II. nt I i .in r ui. wr;i;iii uiiv Intnl. 'I'll' Ir.mli.s
In u. I ' uit is . iitli . Iy n il.-. M 1h-hiI li'i'N in-, 'i rily v
a ill at I i'it My, w hlcll m UK so illeilieil, Is nit ire
,i r. il. uml I liiivi- it' in weii nil on ilk. nn. i w i ii in n
ike line tlti'll. Hint ilo'liu H lur 'lie I en.'llt I huvn ri'i tiv td
i ihe use ul Airs. Ilrovwi s Metiii.liysleal lltbiovery.
Kl.sf A)(K AHI.E ft'i:" nir IiH.iflAlniKS Vk"Vf Tim
I. Ml, lilhl.Ahl.1) iill-B, AMI I.US1 Ul IM1.1.
IMiii iHi'ii!A,FeB'er.ibiT ?. iwil. Henry M irvlll.
Jit. i.iiii aireel ll'ei.r Mr. llr twnf.iiliU a nisi yai.l), i,n
luu nn ' vi n. tlo o I l,l It HL uiy si'll .ins una skis oriuu v ur
ml di 'a- ill on ll.e l-rens. w men leu v. nn inst uiirMna
n.mlln est and illsi .si1 eyes. 1 lie OlseliarKn Iliv
. s..i! Ilia -'ira In enine iini'e larue uml umiatiirtil
en , l ll vw 11 11 scan. I I V ininiws iin'i iu no nimnci-.i iiiiiu
llie Mi lit, M Bhlulftleu wre ini ywiiii iiii' ais.'iims;. s ; l
svnulil be fniimasilili' lo iteserlbu tlieeoniliti in ol tna eves
My lun lly pi yMrlsIl i-illil lie wmno, K" nnnu. ins iiiieni'Cl
auo lii i-iiiiiu In i l.ssir.-il. Uiftt na cureil ii'il lo no, or piny
si itli elillitii n. He tnnk no in it Ice i.i uiiy tin im hi. mud him.
Si.ue Imt tin-piirenl eau ten wiai our auuu inl wule l
Uii.k mi "in cl no in mis eiiuiiiiiuu.
Slnst 1'iov Menliiiv, Hiiinii one yenr bkh, I biiw aira
Jvt. l. r.inwn a "Atai ai'liyaii af lilsiovery ' a.lvertiie.1 in
il. m 1 went lo tt.o Ollire, llll Areti street, and
,,1-i'f ured llie ui.U.' Hie. mv vine ni'ii leu ii iiittiiiuny unil
f,el S" ariWKiy. m Uimiisini' u..oi shiv.iv iti ino
i.iiiiiiii.'. but atilivie lien-evij-.-d, und tin) ri-ult Is Dial
our nnii Is eiiiliely cun d of bis aisiises. His lull in l
aiiiiis to tiave aw nil-lied oi. I nt tin' ali-i-p otdiatli. li-'l now n bitelit and llili lll.elil boy. Tlie dla
ehuri-'is iriuil blsnars buve ni.nroly eeawd, and Ms eura
nave become amail anu nniiirai. ma eye urn eiear am
aii'iinu. sly w ife anil uiyselt urn well hatinited w-rti t'te
L.rinl i ure nerlnlliied on nur elilld tiy Mrs. M 1. Ilrosvii
Ali taidi an ai lilaeijvery.aiid most beaJtily uoinmeud 11 lo
all wlio sulier.
slis. M . ... iirowna i eiroiinru i-oor iw u.iru a r.v
Muier.ll pot tnittiti aiuall tut ciuta. bcaip iiaiova.
lor, U l el lollll).
rAi.i'.i. i.A.C V. July lira. M. ti. Ilrown
luar Madam 1 bave been tuiife blind lu my nitlit eya lor
aaven years. 1 hava iiaeii lo ae-rurAt doctora, whom
beard Onuld reatore niy ejeatkht, but they never dona mo
any Kood. 1 aiaslit lamaauiua of inonoy In travullus lo
wl.eie 1 heaid lliero v. aro doelorawho eould baiieSl ui,
bul none oi U em enulil do any tiood. I tlioiiKlit my
esse hopelesa. unlil told by a tYh iid y.u could roliava ma.
I sent by a Hlend and ploeirrod your "AteiaiihysieaJ lila
covry., and Ui Iwonty four houra aflej- tba Ufst
iiient, I rould sea ijuiw diailncUy. 1 aua ary UianlsTul lur
n... ,l,.S.ur aiirsi.
1 remain jronrs .truly,
Ti e Clebra(4 Too Blchua'l Eys Water, H ; sma
o. 410 ARCH gtret.
. tlO aUtCU BUfet.
Scalp Renovator, l.
('(Iff ills
AMi C 'l.! I'l-'. M All-
I Hi K. T A It tll lira. r.xcill.lnt.
Ifl Hi I ' f-r i.rn.H t. 1 1 J l-,.
II l-l I f'.T tl, ,,l.
Hill'. VIKt.l.N WAX dl-' A.N III,LK-(.
1 I, In ii ill lie I o. met it l,ii nn pituftl lor linlirT-
ti u . wMivi.lm-. uml ere-crv li-e tli c-.tupu-t ion. It I pro-
l-Mitil iniin imie w iiitt- w. li- n r i. tr'irains'-r(iti.
Iii.l- jiTi-., i ii, i, ii,i- .km. Mini em it .utl, fnir. mu i.tu,
ri t--tniimri-iit It I. ui-itl "im k ii-li-r --hnvtiitf, ,-nrrn
finp"'l n nuts rnl In,-, r-i,i-v i it-ii-l-v l.l.itriinn. n,
In m. i,r .iiiili'.ni. mi'l Itni nrn n ,rlr tint t'i 0:0
- i . i. A-, a t-i:-1- i . ,'n. .1-1 r, rrn'n. H-'sr
hu. i .-J I N 1 11 ail i el ii.l Nu.41 B Kill 1 1 11
In 8- :lrn
W r, I, 1 ti ,
lv I 11, AJiO
If In
tl ; .,
Ii i
tl I
ll -. i
If -.
li .,
Ii :u
o' f,i ii I
- ri-.)
'. I,', .,'ii-,v.
'I- -il llfilf,
i-y ilnty.
M 1 iiovr.n m
i,i ii muiiilil ut rxi'il
i' ! . 4. lil dl u,4
ll.Kl T, i,r..-, u
(,' U H fi".
II II tl- ,r-
' ri-I -
1. 1, i iiii-'.
' ' ! -
t-A !1 A I : I I V -i
h.l'IOill v S
mini I, is
SA .11 III 1 i V
H M I I i X .N -I
uml i.h;i- O'-i, i il 1
( liom III ;.il i :
. ..I lv n
j. i Ac
I'i'irt 'i-.
i".U in
iu I i.'j , Sole Air ntf.
S M sKt l N Sll'i
HAM Altl r.l N 1 I I I K.
HA M 11 1 I A N s ' I I, i;.
SA MAI 1 r "' fl r
S.U'Al" I N s ('' i : ,.
sav .ci t i 'h ri l:i-:.
A M M'l I A N " l'i ' K.
! tiltFAT Hl'M II li; l ull MVUl:
:r timi;sks,
Inll'Hl s lieH, lii.t.-'lt' ri
. Ii box ei'lltalrvi 11 1'lil ,ll'ii will
iKO1., Ac.
i ri lu iniiu tiro to
ii . rrn tl
i. nKori rtH'n 1 re. ton- t ci. r ntifl nnwsr bi those who
ibliliilid Ii V e.ii-.s ir ,. v inuii, and will
r i,i .,,ii)i
. In tlose i
ii il, e l-Jis are uM
i-t-.t, uuu rill Ui rue luuts
; hour. I'roprtatir,
: i,i.iit u.e l.iji-uiun
(hint by insilO
l;,,i . t; i' i itiica.
Si,' Ajfi'I Is, llllll T .1 I'll.,
N i. '.'. .' M.CiANI) Stient,
hr nre and ft-l (or
M MAI. I ' ' .','1, I I III,.
Ham vih i A i m i nr.
H M A HIT A N .'. I'lilti..
M.'i'MIIU'i S I I ,;.
H , M Ai.'I'IaN' ,i (I I'l'..
h m i iii f s'm t i in;.
h m iiriA.N cf in;.
M Hi t'
syi.i r
si in r
hi ui; i1
in; itiourtn.
til. I: rnl'.li.
I'l'. IIH'IHU)
I.i; Ml.
KV I'l l'
,' Vlti !
SI I.I 'I'
In'. KH'OKIl.
UK HI. 'illlll.
in; nii'mui.
S i m r in; i i
1A IlLl- 1KKI
ir II.
1: 1 s
in. ini'iiiil).
ui i' iiii i.i'.uiai.
HI M l'
HI i' I r. id i .l:l.
t- HIT Ii
RYlt'T I'l'. T : 1 T mil.
M l;i !... Ii ( nfli.
r-1 i l l ! . K Ii nidi.
r- in r IiK b "I.U.
A e- rton i ci ri- b-r i,1 'nrriii
of: itK-nnr).
M 111 I'
M M l'
In-; ici.'iihii.
1 Ll T IiK lll"'il(l).
i f 'i inn-iil liis.aes. l.'sod
.inn Urn u: intra liiroiisbout
111 1l:n I- llml'i-all llosil'a s,
Kim in anil u. rn 'i.
I In. in. p i rail' -it I ai it ennui as an orad'entor of this
fi 1 1 . of ih.ra.e, a, d -in ni'ln n-, tl i-1 o 's. niitioii senerally.
It w ill i-nre a'l sii ,, H ., . I i . . , ! - s . le.ti r-i, or any
en pilona, no mallei Irom what euu u or how tun; aluud
liv. rriei. 1 per bol'.lc.
C. PIllt'M COltr. T'op-lelor.
Kilo Ai-eets, livnrr a ro.
time Aai nia, uvui r t i'i).
b le Aseuta, HY'iT I' . CO.
'. 2 -a X, bKI.'uNII is n et.
Pent toativ aibtrcsa. au. lutli aJm
I'ptothlH ttrl tl ti innli-H havebifu hi rnhiii;r t b
mi'hh. Ai i'uiiiliitil Hiiphui ti r ,Vf , fur tn cure of
J- ullii. f ul tho W nu b and t ci. n1 -I-id hv. whiclt ui'iana
Cfitfhlv pr iT t!ui' lv.. If hot In 'mi lull i. NniOof Or.
Kuitf a i a'loi t Im i ts'-n ufl m fiitti aiurditios Thty
rtlyin t-Ih (it ot ii iiiii, i. nd th:rhy nb am ooruct
u:i h tho iti-o of mi h it r -v b...e. bor uitma onm-nin'r-
fin b' X lfc .f"ii) hiMid rd h h miti tl uyr,T.eru,
rt'-t". !' rt nti nrr hi htloA u:, bi JT I' A I'd. Wo.
jtw no:. Jd -i-tuths-'im
S A MAUI I AaN'S c U 11 Ji
X CAit 1
ur: i.i i. ilk tj !
LVtu n s to r r tr,
lujfc.-, .MiT N l" -if-: ATF!
ley M'i KliY IM Ai.'TlOS !
NO rilANi.K OF 1HI.I Itll.H IttKIH
lc j.s mt im Kit i-1- iti-. wi ni i;ri.NK4si-iifni;rr.,il
CAN WC I M'.h WUKUU liisI'tsOllUfc!
Prb f f . .Mule or I t umit'.
hi hi by in Ail iu mii adifa.
f?. I'liffR itnsK,
Jiu I 'li t'llfet OlII.'O.
fo1r Apfrit. bVOIT t CO..
lc-l tuih.tiim No. ?M N. .SECOND Street.
J HAM.lKI I A.S'S I. If I'l
HAiMAMIAN rt t i 1 1 I I
Till' Vf'RTCl HUis I I Hi. I U.
t , n )i (-hi-1- t-i.rt Inr
i.uSi.itniitKA, ..Li-Kr. sritmrriticfi, o,
Ci n;a im uu itit)rn , in a...iiui, i o Mmuurt,, t
(i,l h u plllb tu bi' I ill ii l tl .t a . tim. I
1. 1 fn In in in two lui'iii- dies, -ind ifi'i'i.t 'H'ri M
ivtt-tiij - tour h ur-." l'i i't nt -d i y n trjitlua.t) m'thtt I'nl.
i'IH.iv tj I I'i-iitcv i" uf thtj hust CiuiliOlll ItoctuTt
and ti itii.-tii id trie tm rtt-nt cav.
M' I n l'jri- , Mi i Kt il HI! . S" fti.ANt.B WUATKVKB.
!.-t I h M' whn h.ivf h- r-d o'ik' ur 1, T tvht
1 live I t tn uurftl ni U h.tlMiti. J(.mi a, or til iht)
i" A n ' it i i it ti n in i i
f-nt by Tiutll In u ihtln i-uv'l"iu'.
I'lhc, h.a.t- piiAtt.tif i, $J I fin lies, $ i.
lil.OCD! l'.I.OOli.I
trt reus.
HPltOr I T.A,
t" I.t ntH. MOIII S,
stiAi KH. ho: ,m.
iSiC, Ac.
n A H I IAN s
lit if IT AsM) Ul. UU Ji KT.S
H o(nw i tin ( ii'iiit- un piisti(- enro,
SVPnil.h OK Vl-M-.KKtl. lI KAHK4-lhu RAMA
lllUN M KI'OT 111,, la the m 't utt;iiL
ctt 'am, and i:i-t'tuai n-iiifii.v t t-i irt ( riht-d ; ltTat h-i
tn tl fi n t! tent t-H nuj iiaillt 't) i inu vf iiMt-ai TKs
that Ih vun- Ih tbtiitiuxh mid h'Tmiiiii-nt. 1'ahtt their of
tbm i . r it ititv n tiifiiy and be I'tvitli-d, und do u t UAiiamlt
Ui tint i.uuiil Utut or which jtu uty rupt ut lu aiW
0 V IT Kt'Allt!
Althftih von irutv tts hn fn ;iu t- inturbf,,thr' 8 AM A
It II A S S Iti 'O 1' and HKIllt J I I f wll nm vo tVMry
f- .1 tts.' iui"til ifi. from the fyntti'.a, u wull M til UJ
bud ctltc.fc oi u.iTcuty.
In ii.ui-y rtittrtloni with whltli ninu'teia ut KfinttTtt
Hitter, tic R'i ANl H fit it Jl lt'i;H.iro itiu-tt hit pi-1 If
l,!iwil.n I Irt iilt A I'ti'iu-. In l.i.r.r'hn a. In l.irlu
low ii, 1-u.iinif ut tbti Wohib.DbUtlir.aud lurtUiuoinulaiuut
lit- it:-iAt to Uu trx.
luni bi tixitrt-! Prh fJl a hnttl. ur fi botlloi for$1.
h A M A M I T A N 'H AN1
In, In rBtM of BviditlU, uttl In t:min ciit.n with the Uoot
and lit-1 b JtiUt h If uh ttiri t'ii I n i- t t i,u.
'I ht-1 ;t in- - i "- .' i ti t h- f . (...IM- ii"ku((vitili ei1 by
divririuiit 0 I'-it "' In 'trt lil t) in II. O tllllfil
hi it if tit taiF, ii.ya ri'ituiisK U'diiii iu luiiy u JduT
biavi- lit i ts.
1 ruin Hit- lldttln o n"S.n; :
HMAlillAN .S hl.Ml.i .
'I't.M ll.i.-.i'li.t.l., 1'iiKT MAIUtHAM.,
"Hu'tuiii-T., Aid., l--i.riiKry ih. lHiil. (
"I ham pr at nm mturti"ii in ntnthtit I bavt unril
The nn ar tan It. me l' f r V. utrcitl ihataite In It
Dun c ut mat y fur uih ; u tt 1 tntvi- u-d I he in with judic
ial in, o.ntUuii, aid, unl huve found tlteiq
ri "hd in m itnih iail it i )ir(.iuriy uud tt-fTi-ft uitlly.
MiuW'tit-' itifir cuiui'iixit'uii, I b ivn the fullcet citnihlniKO
In tin ir t-t t m y. uud an :nr ai iny ol them extoudat
rocuii.iuviid ihtiii airuhitly.
Aelnt nt HntKfui ftih Snw Vnrti V'
I ft It lit nnd'-it.Hnl ibat th ? i tnediet aio an reoord
jiimhIi tl, end -tll pixtlt.vv.y curu thu Uut-tiaua fur wuitU
tlii-v am tdtvrvd.
fcolahy R.n.ITniWf,
Ko.tF F.1M1ITII Hirtot
lKSMOl . O ) ,
in.'.' No in;. itAt h &trt
fj, l'OH NKW YOIUv.
rn TsitiK i.tNK.
COASTWIHT. at l- AMillll' I'OMPAKV 8
M-AV yilKliliri' I. INK
nut ui;k,
nn,l conni'i tlnu I r all Num. urn aud Eastern cities And
.Sew Oil- in. a. s.iilllii,' every
I '(H!
I Ml
Sill llOl'Jl 1 , 1
linni ll.e i'nminii a v.' hri, llii aisive isane suei-i, anrt
:el loik, lieui i'ler 11, I.1.1 lb Iiii er, on aaiue dav a, al f
ul'.M. ,
I or ii. lrbt, wiilrb V III be reel-lied dull)-, bandied tn th. i
rni si t-au-ii,l maiiner, u. d dt il'-ereil is lib ibe srualust ilea .
oatili, at lair run s. ui'i'ly io
y V.II.I.1AM .1. TAVLOIt .tt DO..
11-10 fltn Kn.aiu Aurili Wliarvus.
I? Kovt-iiiber I"' abil' rllll.AI'El.l'KIA.Cul.talnC. F. l'ool, -
Wli sitll lur tlio atmve uort on tbe l-'.ili Aioveiuber. ,
btveiae f .'a lu currein v.
10-SC Ko. llll WALNUT Street. 1
sa&ssViEt3. and HKirisur. Lim a, via Delaware aast
liaiiian i anal, ' U.ese tinea are teartnf '
dally ai 12 o. lock M ., and A e'eloca t . At., frose UladvlaC
Mi. V.I .....
Kor rreiubt. vbuh will be taken on seeommoilarlnJI l l
ivrun, si'i".. iw i.n.i,isa ami es isn s syv. an, sua f
t'A.LAHAHK Avanue. I
XsTssilii iiTI TON I riH Ka.umeil tin arsS alvsV ,
a., nu.j , .No.ual,i r7, 1H.H tlie Hleaatliout 1 HEN I ON wist 1
Itsiilue her lesttlar trlpa oaily IHuiidaya exceptett.l ,
I.eavullilstol ut 7 1(1. Hnrliiitlon at ;v,'i.ainl Taeony at ,
H il, A. at., lor l'l,.laili-l.hla. Heeond trip down Kill leave
Ilrlslol at 11 at 11-1,1 A. AI., ana Taooavv at I
lllirs HriumiiiK will leave Walnut tttruet Wbart at I
S'j A.M. and r, I. M . , . '
Tie Timiion War Una (Qulniln, eoniluctorj will tears .
Trenlnu ut 7-I& A. At. aud tale tlie boat at Taeony. Ha
tuiiilOK will leave Walnut Hireet Wbarf aii', f, si , autff
laA.ibe lata al Taevisr tor Ireolou aiul LnteriuediaMt
Al H-lH
"KiiLLUii u. cnmzu, ai-j,