The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 12, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Tt Tmaaffawn raaOnrr, ar KioTaarTra P
Wwn. par' Oarrt,ad aaalM M Aitharrtbara
Ml tha OKyM MininoLi.AU Psa AKxtmi o IMixaa
m Fwrr Crr nnt-wo Mouth, InrarlaMr in adranea
ax Mm arl Mmt
narM al tn. MMj rau., A Hbrl
trranttmat fcr aataoiVd laaertloaa.
, nlim b takan f Anonynvm, Ommunk-attont.
Wnltm It lntnlr1 for Inaanl ,n mut b anllon Ir.i.d
i i,uHWid artdraxn of Ui. wTltor not ncxi.rH bot a. imlnini ar M. t.nd fanh. tVa
HnirinanhitUHun, raiaciad Oommutuaalluan.
To ArtvrrOarra.
Cwlnt to rat InorpUM in rh Clrc nlirtnn nf Tun
vaaiNil Taj.4iaFH, ccmpallln ni In Ito l pr-i at an
yarly w. n aantty ra..ii.i.t thM atlici li-l-mi-nt, may
aanitl taa ana "" 'el'-. If possible, w "OUra
ik.ra saaaruoa in all of oor .Millions.
rOJ!sH or KAM I Hi: If Till: N H Til.
There Is nothing likn putMnu a IhKI Chip on
. dwperat cause. Mr. Jkkkkuso.'v Davis
nndisrstands tliig policy, and praclh.M it to
perfection. However ditspmiilt'iit lit; m:iv Im.
he never allows the world to know It. On Cm
COUtmrT, his spirits sprm to lis,. u. hi tir
tunc decline, and were wo to rrcdit lii-i
Just now, we should l. forced to tV c in .'l,t
loo that tlio hopes and coulMmo" of t'ie
Eebels were never hlgVr and flnner.
In his late mesaag-j to the lA,A C'j.tjm.
Hr. Davih atToots, will) raxuvrly skill, a re
n.aikable tone of coin age aud amiir.iiii-e; a 1 1
it IB quite possible that ilio miliivy p;!0,l,)
whom ho has .10 Iohr deluded, will contiuu;.
to be deceived by his brave pr.nine3 of even
tual triumph In their wild scheme the
SJtabllshment of an independent Southern
iDiifcderacy. Addressing the m - lib -m oi'
fje Confederate Legislature, ho to yf :
" The campak'n whloli was commo'iei d a'mo e
"lmul'urousy with your se-s on cm It in I iy, ai d wlili ti w.m still in proi;rt'4 at vnur
" a. joumiie tit in the nii'ldle of Juno, u n nor ye
" n achvd its cl )e. Ir. lms b.-en prjee i ed on
" a iraleatd with an rnerjy In rer,r j,o utie , t lo I
w hen we r-vt rt to the oundition ot our totn'rv
" at the Inception ol the operations of the prison'
" jear lo ihu manuiiudc of tlic
" mde t.y the enemy, the number ol h turces,
" thei'mnla'i n ot his w:lrliko fUip!lc, and
"the prodigality witli whleh his resources
" fce bocu laviHlit'd in the atteniit to rend r
" tocceii asMirvd ; wlien wo nura-t the nanibers
" nd nicar.s at our ftlpo-al tor n si-t imci ; and
" whtn we contemi;ate tli9 ri-sult i of a strnsnio
" apparently o anequiU, wo cannot tail, wbi c
- renderu g the fu'd meed of deserved pmise to
" onr generals mid eoidieiJ, to nereivo a
" Power l.lghiT m:in ha willed our do'lviji'
" ance, and pratetu ty to rec g ilzo the protection
" of a kind P' evidence in t niblins 'is -u cess
' fully to wi ht.iud the it uj.-t eJurJj of the
" enemy fo; our sn! jitalou."
This sounds well enough, but it amounts in
fact to nothing more than a srratel'ul ascription
of thanks to the Almighty that the Insurgents
have not ere this been uiivrly used up aud
crushed out. All the success yet enjoyed by
tin m ia only negative, and Mr. Davih would
find it a hard task even for his in vmity and
tnendsc'ty to put his ringer on a single posi
tive victory won by his armies in the hist
twelve month..
He truly remarks th:it the ennonig i not
jet closed has been prosecuted "on u scale
and with an energy heretofore uu'iiuullod ;"
but with all that exhibition of zeal aud vigor
he has accomplished nothing more than a
postponement of the inevituhle doom wliicli
must eventually overtake the Rebellion. Mr.
Davis must know, moreover, that the greater
the expenditure of means and energy which
he makes, the swifter Is that process of ex
haustion tint is now so certainly and obviously
bringing the Rebel States to a condition of
Weakness which will leav3 them no alterna
tive but submission.
i dm tue resources ol tha Rebellion ore
already reduced to a very low point is quite
apparent in those parts of Mr. Davi' nies
. Bge In which he refer to certain methods for
, recruiting the army. He not only suggests
. that those classes of persons in the South
whom the laws have hitherto e.iouipted from
military service should be made subject to
- onscriptliu and imoresimMit, but ho urges
the measure as one of extremo necessity
Surely no stronger evidence could be required
to prove the weakened state of the Rebul
ranks, and the small reserved population upon
Which the War D ipe.riumat can draw for
Besidesj, Mr. Davis favors, to a consilium-
ble ex .jut, the proposition to enlist negroes
: In lh military service of the seceded St :ite
ftnd also accepts the suo;;estiun that the slaves
O employe d shall be given their freedom, aud
endow ;d w th a certain number of acres of
land In consideration of their being embodied
In the form of military organizations and per
mitted lo d.i active duty in camp aud in the
Thia measure sorely would not have met
With anvthinz but l.rouiD- denunciation and
rejection bv the ui onlc aud tho authorities of
the seceded States two years, or even one
- -
year ago; and the inevitable coiiciu.siou to be
drawn from the genend acquiescence accorded
to it now in all parts of reisdom is, that tiie
White people capable of bearing arms are about
"played out."
Davis, moreover, refers in very gloomy
terms to the refusal of all Ibreign Powers to
r. cognize Uie Independence of the South; and
wh le be declares li b f'.iith in the ability ol'tli
c-callcd Confederate ('Joveinmeut to achieve
Its final triumph in the simple it is mukln
for its permanent e.-i ibli-buit nl, lie betrays in
' spite of himseir the fear ihst it uiu -l. Ineviia
. bly rail.
I'KACIiCtl. I II t 'l P X I'HIV.
On the first of N'ovt mh"i, (joieruor Hi: Alt
' rom issued his rt h I itiuUion aiino.inclng
ofiiclully that ull the si.ivt s In .M aryland were
" ftise. From the moment 01' the promulgation
of thisolUilal doetl.iieiit th-' Act ot Lumii ipa
tion was u law. OUidii iii e lo it was deem I
as the duty of m pry citizen. 1! it slavery dies
bard. The prattled CAccull'in of the law has
been obstructed by the devo'ees of human
servitude; indeed, so strong is their oppo
sition that CeuenU Wa li.ack, with his charac
teristic decision, has issued an 01 der, the sub
stance of which we published a few days
since, declaring that, by the military as well
as the civil authority, all the slaves in tha
Middle Department are tree.
This order is eminently proper. Where
1he civil authority is insullicient the military
iCu as its assistant, aud uids it ia the fullllmeut
or Its duty. In order to carry the order into
tuect a Frcedmeu's Rureau is created. This
liepattment is to receive all complaints, to
'. Judge delinquents, aud to give judgment.
1 Uure Uiun is a practical plan for perfecting
. emancipation. Through the sword tho letters
, wUl lirop from the slave, the chain from the
prefcaed, and ull the population will enjoy
t wfcP tttct law of liberty." Maryland will
- 6OU1 tokb tut plac i the coustellatloa of
eutfes to wbict,, t,, climate, soil, .eaboard, and
. ipnse, ah. hi eutiued. Her sons can say
tflUi pride they r Ma '
t- hsr daugi ters, already r. 1W
psrsonal beauty, will iciv nuw
.' fratB UtcUiibt of renewed principle.. -
If (hp ran boart of great stateampn In the
pat, when the blipht of human slave -y was
upon her, what may we not expect when h"r
free schools can dev lop a scot e of TankT',
w'th views more civilized and enlightened th in
thosn ever held by that great mln 1, whosa
only deficiency was his love of slavery.
Maryland will soon arise a glorious st ir in
the American firmament, and lern to blnsg
the day when her sister Mates rebelled against
the GeneriJ Government; because t) them
must she ascribe her freedom, her a1i:n'e
mcnt, and her civilization.
IMF Aitoi.irio or si.tvtHv 1 the
lAIIIII Sir A Tit.
Ii" from the race whleh, for many a year,
has superseded, In the Southern, the
use. ol the aborigines as slavs, a nt ,Han
could arise, wo should picture him a co:
tempbitlng the history of his people as mi
entirety, and deducing from it a IdIU t
moml than ever that ancient Mrf did fro n his
pointed liibles. We should picture him as
miking researches Into a very dUtant past,
w here the natives of Western Afrlci, oh T'ed
In inccant warfare with ea.h other, were !
tiau-d nlinoHt from birth Into the ineauina of I
slavery ; or should follow him l.i his iiivmlig i-
tions up to the hour whim the benevolent li H
C.VSAs, cruelly kind.suggested the subttit ition
of thi s lighting tribes for the gentla savages
whose enslavement the discovery of am
world had beirun; and weslioill Inteitly
lolle.w his looisteps as, with a llvd t -s ',,pur
posc nil the more iulense from bis sympathy
with his brothers, he tni'vs their mut
strange and sad career from that hour up to
Ibis, and dwelt upon all the w u 1 .'rial is i )
to which It gave ri.s. And when, In th glob
ing language of glu 1 conviction, he d.velt
upon Unit certain hour whn the s.tu.d
of that history all told, the principles of i
freedom should be most convincingly Illus
trated by it,, we should agree with him that so
glorious a vindication was ai much a correla
tive to such, n enrcer, as happiness is to virtue,
or retribution is to crime.
Tlic abolit ion of sla very in the United States
is not only inevital le, it is nee r. It Is an ex
purgation which the country needs. The.
existence of slavery in a nation like this is so
glaringly inconsistent with the principles which
our carping neighbots quote trom the pro irable
to the Constitution under which w live, Hi it
if we would hold erect our heads with hmor,
and without ctlrontery, we should seek to
eradicate the sliiin from our osci itch eon.
The primitive settlements commenced in
consistently in this respect, and it is a notice
able fuct that the landing on Plymouth Rock
of the Pilgrims whose only burning hope
wus to enjoy untrammelled the most exalted
degree ol liberty and the laiidin; of tha first
slaves at Jamestown were almo"t identical in
point of time. Then, us now, the war waged
was bctwcci. money and morals, aud mony
gained the day. The early colonists encour
aged the root of the evil, and posterity enjoyed
the fruit.
The experience of the lust four years has
hardly been not ded lo prove to us th it we
could not go on forever ns heretofore. The
lane of slavery bus been a long one, but we
have come to the turning at last. Agitated
us the question has been for nearly a century,
the hour Is at hand when It is to bo decisively
answered, and forever. Little by little have l
the many who once advocated slavery boon
educated to this result, through many a
struggle has the question passed, as it has
been bandied about by t'Tritorles aud States.
In the next session of Congres3 the subject of
the abolition of slavery will bo taken up anew.
What the action upon it will be cauuot be a
matU'i- ol doubt or conjecture.
Slavery will Ik; abolished ; and idthougli we
cannot ubolish the recollection of it, yet the 1 ol" what conceivable uso are they to the corn
perennial fountain or freedom which will b3 I munlty, except to awaken a by no means
opened by such legislation, will do much to 1 pleased surprise at tho reports of the Alms
ccrrect the devastation accomplished bv luise ' house and County Prinon? In large cities,
legislation in the past. i
If wo are one of the lust nations to oblitcr- 1
ate slavery, onr glory is none the less. The '
abolition of it will be only one of the phe-
nomena which wo are accomplishing lu tha 1 personal interest in re'ri'mlng from discour
miiLst of gigantic, unparalleled strife. It will ' nglng thcm. Under tho pure and healthy
be something for every nook and corner of a
reunited republic to realize what f'reedo:n
truly is. Tho health and tho wealth of the
nation will be resuscitated; all our lacalcuU-
ble resources will in time lie increased. We
shall tbun be a model nation, without descend-
ing to tha puerility ol Loasting ol It, any more 1 reservoirs of vice to flourish. They aro roser
tlian a noble landscape, attor storms at night, voirs which will not wear thennclvcs out, but
boauU of the rainbow flashing abave and
around it from the wings of tho luoruiug.
VA I tit 'I ItKASO.X.
TTmmviildn Wl r.l.I A M IT. KtCWAno wllft ia
.lntv,.,,iv admitted to nossess one of lbs
I ........ . t... e .1.-
..... 1.' .1.:.. 1..' '.
piuiaj.-?iui;i. ... nun 111 n .1 .uiii, siet1CU
nt Auljurn announced, as the result of
... , ... ,
ful study and deep research, that "fiction ia
civil war is unmitigated treason." The decla-
ration is t rsp, and may sound strange to tho
ears of our citizens who believe that a power
ful ftmUlHiliflll Is tllP MMl'i'Mf rriinritil..n rxC
, ,.
souui iiDcriy. jui tct. inem iouk deeper
than the suriaco of the antiounceinont, a.d
see if uuy conshli'iicy exists between their
belief and Mr. Skw Ann';, assertion. Civil
war Is on exception to tho general routlti'! of
11 eevel'nmeiit's lll'i-. Il ta n Keciml tvln.n ll.n
.... .. n . ,
nation is stniygling for el.tno, and when
its . alcty It impel iilcd, lint by loieign liXtS, llllt
by domestic truitois. It looks not abroad aud
ssy.s, ''livery citiz 'U of t'.nt 1 m l Is my
fop," bet It must watch its chosen sons, and
gllt'l'd ag iliist. the stabs of its luost trn! J
chihil'en. Tliu eyes of Argus nidst be its
proj Pity, and even tee, i, from its very ba-' mi,
may uri.-e the led tor who is d spied and de
teint'ued to destroy its liiif.
In such u state tf constant watchfulncs
those ol'.t nses which in time of peace were
naught but right, become most heinous crimes.
If, during the happy age of peace, a citizen
thould recommend a change of government,
and denounce the act of a certain Adminis
tration, to touch that citizen whh the iirm of
power would be to prove itself false to the
very principles, of liberty.
when n ciill war rends the land; when every
energy of government is bent, not towards a
psrtisan end, but in endeavoring to w ard olf
tlte blow made at its Beat of lite; when Siieh
are the existing circumstances, for a citizen
to udv:se the Government to avoid striking
this or that vulnerable: part of th'j,
if Le should stay Ihe arm of tho Adiuinlstr t
tionby clinging to the arm of power to prevent
a well-aimed blow, such a man h guilty of
' unmitigated treason," and doU'vcs the pu i
ishmeut due to traitors.
Il your fate, Copperhead! told you to
fight Against a robber who attacks you for
your lite, ami one of your servants should
seize you by the arm, aud advise you not to
give the thrust of victory to your vile, wo ild
be assassin, would you hesitate to sacrifice
your servant in order to save your llfef Apply
the case to yourself, aud reproach not tU
O )Vertnn i,t if it (Iocs likewise, Kctla con
a its In Inti rferliig with the acts of "Ibe power
that le," and when those acts are for self
preservation, to Interfi re Is treason, tmnson of
the deepest dye.
The voice of the American ojie ilerliir.
that ruction Is the present ti ne; and
t'tlie Administration had, through that cal-
Iritt vet ran. Onerai Ht'ri.Kit, teizil i nd '
rx ciit d ihr-e vbo ate trying lo stab her In j
t'm dark, the nation's voice would approve the i
act and rew ard the actor. j
When the war Is com Itided, let us have ; ur
parties; when the life of the nation is site, Id
us have our factions ; but until such Is the
c He belli faction and put n:e tre ar :i to lb?
nation, to liberty, and to the world.
THK SI I'siV ." I; J t.t'l I.ICNOY lVIS.
In bis message to the Sen He and 11 u e
of the Confederate States, Mr. Jeffmhhi
Davis maintains that equable tone which in
dicates liis confident e In himself, Ind ipcnd 'tit
of resources, Jle reviews the military sitini
llon ol the South, and maintains that there Is
mucli cau,.e lor sell gtattilatton. Ho says la
n.u,u,n ,n ti, ,i..iun. rn. v..rf,.. "
.. A,.in i n,n ,,r,..n. ,..a.! '.ua.
1 " In.-iun f'C, ' y chert .hed tint tan rjet inj of
" Atlanta all t Klctiimirid wniilif, ft Ib'fu.l, onil
j " Ihe r by I'e oveitinow ol our 'iovcr'nneat
' una the Mitmi.-'.iim nf our pe pe. ',. .,,,,
I " ic. w j'. ice by rii nco bo uuiiiin cnt is
" Hie )' lleenco ot ti c fortm revr nt tiptiu ourrsp
" i by fie oeit use, upon tlio rotirngrt aiel ajtirit of
' th" pe ple. imd the "tahibtv nt'tlto Jri vorn .nont.
" M i rosy, In Ilk" innnn'T, bulge that if ihe c im
" lev! ti Hj-.iinst tti. Illicit (I had resulted in a t.hj
" le t ml ot failure; if the valor of the army,
" unci i It e le Vers'iip of its acoiiiplilie I c itn
' ini'i il' i bad rc-it. d In v. tn the ovcrwhnltnitig
" nn'i-ps hi b u re, on the contrary, decisively
"n tmcd; if we hud been couiiielleil to evae t
" ate Ki himnid ss well sk Atlun'ii, tint (Nmf de-
racy would Late rciuniucd m o vet aud dcJaat
" m r."
it. is iincie.-ung to learu iroin tins me.s.cro
that " not. the full of Richmond, nor Wilm
j " ton, nor Charleston, nor Savannah, nor
I " Mobile, nor of all combined, can save the
" enemy from the constant and exhausting
" drain ol' blond and treasure which tuustcon
" tinue until be shall ucknowiedxe that no
"peace is attainable unless based on tint
" recognition of our iud 'feasible rights." If
these statements npp'y to the North, in what
proportion can they lie made to redound, co
rclalively, to the ad vantage of the Confederany?
That portion of the message, however, which
re'ers to the employment of negroes In ploueur
and engineer corps, will meet with most atten
tion and criticism. The sub.:ct of arming the
negroes has been agitated of late by the Rich
mond papers, some advocating it, soma as
strenuously opposing It. "The subject," says
Mr. Davis "is to be viewed by us solely in
the liuht of policy and social economy," and
the idea of arming the slaves Mr. Da via com
bats, although be would bless with liberty
such .-laves as shall doscivlco with arms ou tiie
jiia 's 't;it n:i,Y llov.
President Lincoln has often congrata
luted (ienerul Chant, but Is now congratu
lated by him. Nor is the congratulation nil
empty ouo. The. terms in which it is con
veyed ere significant, and relerto the fact, the
Importance of which is beginning to bo more
deeply lelt, of a national eluelion being sus
tained by the people in the midst of civil war.
That nil Europe will perceive the whole slg
uillcanco of the event, and appreciate, next to
ourselves, the immense strength we still pos
sess, is inevitable. General Gkant'h con
gratulations are the condensed congratula
tions of the people.
I N1.U I.NSKO '.
It is high time that the moral toad-stools
which, in the shape of low, unlicensed taverns,
htvr in nil the profligate portions of the city,
should be swept away. Incitements to vice,
like Philadelphia, enough predisposing causes
of crime exist without any exciliug causes
being sustained.
i Surely no alderman can have any very great
t legislation which we have inaugurated, theso
I moial cancers should, and let us hope will, ho
entirely eradicated from tho social body. It is
I Pike doing good with tho right hand and evil
J with tho left, to do so much to editcata and
j elevate all classes, whilst we still permit such
; which w ill speedily multiply ir the.y are tole-
rated for u lime. Individual, as well as social
widfhre, requires that they should forever ba
done away with. A baud held in t!ie (lame
stands us liiir a chance of romuiulug un
scathed as our city does ol maintaining order
anil .I........,' ......(...! .... 1 ...til. I
uiA.Mijjnnru Jt in n mi drinking
1 ,U lul wllcri' everything vile 5n nature
i I.. I...
I '" WUM'
ened and intensilled.
1 si Altli:i.
' HeOM A. la ws.-on .Mumtiv, o. to'u r ,n.t. by the
! ai. ji:i.ia a. i.aiv.s.
WlllTNtV OTtI. (Ill Ihe ICIll In.taiit at ttia
re-ldcicr ol Krislcrli-R C. .Iiuipi, Jii., New Vera by Hnv. '
ItnliTl 1! in. ilh. .lOMN It. WlllTNI-.y ol Pliiludidahia, I
, . ,AKV II1IA11AM vmii,i.,.i . al.l ,,.. i,,,..'
tmimro e. 1 onus, m iimirmi.i nufo.
mi it,
UK I l - Hi' rt. "Ii Thitrai'ay. Hie lOlh Imtniit. (:a I II I.
I!IM. W ill IK. I Ii I '). l.i 111 l(, hue c. 1 nil 1 I'a' iJ
'I he fiiniTMl ttlll taWs pi ne ici iunitty th- 1 llh inttunl
ai liioel c:.. irem hor liio rem, ten -o. .No. I d, w1.: hi:-'
1 " l"l"ire
Si.uWil.L On the 10th In-t.itit, In hli fuh your.
1 ir w Alio, m-n nt Heii-n a nnu t aiimrin.. tmwi ii.
j ni.eve llutlun. Mantua, mi'l P. M. Ciirii'i'T. i
1 r:!::"
li. low 'le.eli, at 1! u'cloca, i-ns-cly. I ulei lut-tu at
W euann,l t'cni li-ry. tin T ,nrdav, 10th liKl.uit. in th., nh rt ir or
! In .-t...,.i .ram i-ai ', ..o oi f nl int. i It. ii.; r.
1 hi. I . ra: tvtll !rtt.,i pl,i i; in M hi. lay. I u- I : .1 ii,. a .
nl J. 1. 1 1. tA, Hum Inn fjilie.'i. rcKi.l.-ncc, So. Jll.Wct
' .11. h . ire. t.
. ... r-j-.:t: . -y-
sr. sn-ruKN's curiam. in... i
Anir-al ii.n i..r iln KiM-M-.'! l-'tfulix if. ,
i.l b' itixil-i ,11 tliM ch iri li t-- uii.rr". i tt i:i- ln-.
iv; 1 - CKNTIML CoNOltKtJAi
- ' ( III li' I?, ( ON 'KTtT MAI r-K. v. Mi. K'
HAVKH will prt':it''i 1i niurrow t.ii'iiiiit, a id I'.wn,,, -,
N'lh'ff .I i-y Tiling tlliitjitriit) "Hit; jI'Sm-jis .i n-Ur y. '
i NiuN m . 1:. curucu, F(irivr
i--It-vy r-i. sji-'tat:;, un' r I . "
i. m,, , :i litri it in ia 'Mi .: i-1
' !,' v. T. ('. rJ Ki ll . , l. i'l 'h-J kV '
1'.. I'.-..- r 4 t'' . ) . l'..'il.
III-'. t:,l!UilA A.Tii-- unl
'li-il'N ill 'tr' ct. l'i OH -MuK e . d 'i S-tt'fi I'.t f'tr
' ; .. "n 1 lOri' by ilvt, t J. :tL''Aii .tt
. A I
ft- itiVKi.J, Stut, f tt.
n -; - 1 Kn:ril. SitVlCK IN liKifTTP
' OI r'' AI:ttOil am " iti"l,'f f M'i'''l'il tl,s- 'f
w.r h -; ;n .s:. m . 1 k o.'.'.-.-'i, 1 ot r.-1 r .-nvr, , 1
Kijt.'-irl,, t- .,.T )V 6- 'ML:-. Ht :- Or'tn-k. Mil' 1:-.,.
Ir 1 i': I' J 1 '.il4 r.t- 1 insu r in Ti'..':
v;(. -1 ;l , f. ja rfut. uii ! ,.v' t .rue ,iC" ;:inL nl' 1 '' m
ii'-I i'.' j1 tic U illll'-f-i ;;llJ IflC In i . ii' (.".U. t
iii K ui ,, ; u 1,1, J ti tuiillin, Ami fP ..TS'.'li iulf - !t'J
jn pi'"ajutii $ Vmr v t-iiiu:. arc v widi.iily in . ituU. 1.
-7rrr, Nf. M T.KH I VA N'i.KLK'AL LI 'I il I : M 1
' a ( hurrli M'lMNAi t'tiv t, ..I). -vis 'lu.r-
t en 1I1. Omihi ti Hip il'rnnt:i of tlm l.ii-titPr tlnoni.
Hit euiik ft'i ntlco will, by rii:uil Ijiwirtiioii, uuiii: hi
111r i)i-'.'it;i iu irn.rrow. with t'c Nurlli Hm.'.'l ri-- t
I'lt-hvttrlnii 4 iiurcli. c rn;f nl ltlt(li hii1 CUr.ilS
Mr. (-s. i:. , . n. k. K if ( 1 r 1 ii will r.,a';h at 10 ! A
tltia lu r. K. Jl. ADA dri nt 1 I'. M.
ll'liTl'TPV p A Vl.'l'llll i iv
f r- (-.?-, vvjvij. nu 1 l.ltWilll H L.'
iSrS Flt.ot if 4 hmrfc;HT, r-intthull in, d
W V i luitiut. Villi AlAlCJ. u Lu-
ry trW". KJ'iC alloll, K If tm;iiiivrmrnt, M Ii U' io.i.
vfttt-l Truu.iiii 1 '.ilLlMiUN1loi.i.ii ddi,. A
Vl tlut A C, (ly UBd v Hit.K, hy
Jl li ,.ti. XtHIU bt.,t,'.9,e v
J( A T 11 H '1' .
AMi HIIAl'liU,
M O l K t! A 1 1. P li I C I'. N .
! M -OLO V, l 1 H IS M..
I'.rtl riuini t ir l.rtiM 't
tin. reltliuM
f :r- cn.miT htkiikt.
II 1)
Wil l, rt I :R V It
M N T I K M S T ( J ti. O K
AT 1-OltTY IXIt t'l NT.
or mroitTATio.s.
Uo. 719 CilESNUT Street
BTIlEET. I KF.W8Tri.Ea. .
kw8iyles, EELTr,
at t., CAEMHGTON 4 00.
ko. 13 piano covrcns,
M 'K. 1 and 10 S. BKVl'.NTII Htwut,
Mnrara(,t;irt'rs of
C( )TT A C3 K V I J It N IT 1 1 It K,
Ami the only reliable mode. In ttilq city., IdD'nti loom l'tuiiltiirc aud Ucdtlhic.ecuHtaiilh
en hntid. U-lti.ui'.ha-2ia
"Well, ell, I'm bcromlnir Ilulil, mill
iitn't heli It," It i'iciui ntly exprribed by tlioae whose Imlr
lb IihyIuk thpm. Mow Uil. inallu mlainae. Jayno'a Hulr
Tonlr, faithfully appUiil, will preserve the hair from
falling off, remove all dirt and dandruff, proTcnt prema
ture g luiiaii, cute crupUte dltrasta of the icalp, and ly
it. isiljlliiucd uite rccluthc the head with now and beauti
ful hair. Prepared only by Dr. li. Jai.m. k Rok,S.2i
Che. nut .trcct.
'. I'llr, Tlinint IVInciihpn, (ittnrrh.
Aillima.and all Nervoiia AfterUnni treated with the
iail .tioceia by lr. Vun Mut:u.i.Ki.u, wltii till newly
f omlructi d ai.artiif. Au lllii.traicd prolpeclui of the
aume, cnntainini: lomevslunblc te.tliuoumli, aajr lie had
nrali,ou Hiiiilicattun at hl otllco. No. lull Walnut strot-l.
.lnnpN, 4'lulliluu;, S. K. Cor. Meveutb until
JUNKS' (lothluit, S. K. corner Boronth and MsrWat.
JwNKS' taothuiit, H. K. oi.rner St-vi-nth and Market.
Jtlhl.8' la.illiiliK. S. K. cerntr Seventh and Maikitt.
JOM.i'l'liitiiiu.H. K. cornel Suvuuiliaua larket
JONKSTIott nit, S. K. cwni r Seveoth and Markul.
JiiM.S'CIhIMiiu.H K. corner Hovmilh and Maiknt.
.lONKH'CletliiiiK, S K. ciitner savonth and Market.
.MlVkS't'l.ilhlnK.H. K. curlier Seventh and Dlaiket.
JilSKS' ClothuiK, 8. K. c iriwr Hovelllh and Vlarkel.
JoNhH' ( IclliliiK. R. K. enrner Suvenili au l Markut.
.IONKS'1' othlne, s. h. corner Seventh and .Market.
JosKS I'lotluiiK, H. K. curner Scvi'itlh aud Mnrktt.
JitM.S I l.Mhtti. , S. K.c.uiiii-r Scvi'iuh and .liuko;.
J- NK.S' Cliithhii;, S. T. coriifr Heveuth nnd Ma, kvt,
Jo?. KS' CkithltiK, H. K corn, i Seventh r,,l tliu ko..
,li iNKS l 'I ih'in. H. K. c.rin r Ncv.-mn aint Market.
JONKS t.tiotl.uitf. S. K t enter Seventh .uul tlarKt't.
iK'StS' ( l..ll.liiii.H. li. c iliirrhetcuth and Market.
Krirnft In I'lotlilnc.
It iralti. hi ( liehlnK.
l.MII'.illl. In '!OHi!li
l.iw .a III I Mtl Ujc
At On ui ,., Hr-iKt ' il I tnl.
At i.'ANVIl l.i Kiiij. i. O'd t!.in L
At J I r A . Ii I.! Sl.iM O .1 h( ,,(,
At ti:.A . it.'.t. i..i.,., (ltl i
Si . fi'i fl.cMiiit -trcet
J ,t. 11M lie-tinl aire. ..
' Nt. c' !' I lir ? n e h 11 cl .
I ii.- (in wn n-.v-
L I' nip.;b . in i Ii1
.tu-t re-
!Cl liv
lK IS A Hl.'t:,l!l' -,
A.vti itnil Tt'iiMi.
'l Ins leantiiul itecl t iiKruvlii, palnifd by Soln.
.tfi ', ;tal c;i :rttv. il ty tiri;it:i, is hu ItiK 11 lutni' use i.ue,
.nil I-t l.ltlrlntti 1) all Itflil.'iAV: K. T) i US Ci!- ul ho
n--t i-ptviiutMa 0; i'li-ruvin t vlt vu.t"n o .t la tl.U
1.V I JtV fcCLHIKli'S r.uin.v tSilul HAVE A
1 1 .
i) ' .
; In Oft, every (.iri'iiv v
f ill a r.itnor. luMijiTul 1 r
.will a) ui, .Ate uitl nUotutl
It will nln nyn lie a l. iuuIihI ii" nturl.ii ol" the ."ir.xloin
tlf. h unJ itiio of r -ln-'lli"!! ititi wi'.
'I !.. t..-iiiiii;p,' i- h"M f J'J:v' 1 t V -;'CntS.
an I o;! ers tvlll linu thl- tufl uvM iilfiisunt and nrofli:ii''
at: Mu y iry 1 tiu uiiuertimtt. W'c i;U exi ltisive tciiiiyry,
itnt'. will ri vtt i uri.Liilftrb i-. a.vib.y i.u n;nwc tmH.
Wp ir-n .M n' lt on ti i'.' f). short, i.iiulilV l'
I' j;. nnd will tcivl a , imi ncfi) by irui), fi Hc.nn rv-
M t'.e trW !,b'J M'- wliicii ! n'ro '.oii6-htli tli jirtco uaii.tUr
( I'.u'fcuU ior tiiei iii'gb ci' lu.b t-haiH.t(jr. i u jiariicuiare,
I'KAni.EV .k CO., FnMishvi,
r"" PH -No. io N. 10UK I li Htieet,
1) tQil:'m luiUJaii)..M.
iiU'lClii.U, i'oMiiiiitlon M'n hnt and Whnlrtalt
hfstW, in l'ii.viBlnii.s anil I ' 0, iinHi'C'itt' l wiui hiin
In ' is It i.iut li; mmi, lIUaNJiY CXAV UlIiilBll. 'ila
we of t)iv win
Jsu. audlio U. kitO.N i H r-t,
rio TMK I)IHi;AS;i).
I ItHOV N mri n't rttif nnA rhromr r1Ui. hf
Pti urt eco, Wf(rt fli rrs.1 hi tit Hllcitt it So
TAi WAl-NVT H rifl, PhiUilriplHii, uml In c-" Of
tlii,i( im liiifi;! 1c iukV. No rtrtiKifinif tli ygtem Wit11
nn- i'iiiti inci!cl Ptf AU rnr" pt rfurin'! hy M?"
fftlsm, (h vaiilwii, nr tit-IllV.rinni Oi ;k-cll.'fi)
v iiiii.nt flu" h or utiy iiiitirniiiit fcenifitl'in.
Ti l tlisrnvi r l" tli rsii1t (if 1111 re ttinn ypr-s' h'J
ff 'ilitx l"'Vi riif:rt,fni. It t'cvi-Iiipa n'l tt. ly A
ii ii.itili' him li-r tli- tii,,nMi -f il" .n, Imi t!ifnl
1 n; I' nt Mill r lin tiU- Dii'.irit nt 1 ur!'. Iti r-Rt Nii;.rriorit 7
ori rI! rtl rr t.i fU in. t'T thf nt o( di'i- in h,t ti n
lticti( !) ti fi'i' inorc (linn (en o tif, nnj tor II v
n In l'l.Hf''( ii'li'1, I'lmrp twclvB tii-. p mi hiillii
s e l'i ' ii I v t"l, i: r.ii lnin nlm - t e -rrvlnrm nn I
I v t"l, lit r.ii inmi nirn t e-rrv l
tni'i'i'rfiii "I tli- vn-r t ninrn n In h 'I s cti n ni 'ur
r Miii.trr.
vl i', nil' r In .tiiic.'! In ti t- in 1-1 i-m -t i'l Mifit r ti t,i 1 m
I hi B'li'iiihut., N'-w inik.ati't or'i-r n-i-e. davc
I 11 1 im 11 i' . t" In' "r, an'l In nr u tu i y t ii-- a
I t'i 1 ru"- hul iifn nffCTl
V i' il'i I" t 11I1 lo f'HiCj h- inr if V"f II ( we f tre
nil .Itnt'HHH 111 nil C 11 llllol a. f r -imi t fit "t ul . in' r
ri'tiilin'i II nfii r II11 Imii: 1 nr.- h ill d'- API; ti'H will r'i t
e r rti-p nl 1 ii.ttniiilt'in In id" i a r 1 ul mi .1 L h ' hi h
Mill ovtry otl.or iliti't-i' inio a :.iillnitnt hiiijiimI ul
itK.ity r n iti Im m ii"ii.
fn!.(in fnrt, his U,'n nnr mnen In f'l'r t 1 n
( 1 ' V tl I' dl-ill-fi-, tl Hlil'l A'iV If - IfH ( , Mllfi 1 tli '1 u r
l I Mi n uiU' 11 1 uri' hy c -nlt... . m u.',t (..c ,i ai- i(
tlf-l . s
IhMi c'j l ' u il r-a. I uf rut hp .i -Im--
m i ti k. rip '1. '1 in of th.' 1 n n, 1 m c . 1 1
(.1 1 ot Mil k IihIn. trr OMin - I ti ihiui v In t I " 1 tu
'I In i V Is. Nd tn lln M' .wl. ni'il ,i-"((i li viiu. i ',
II fitiv r.tMi M I'll "linft". Ihiirin-'1 I t .ri I'm .ci,
Itiflitfnr.l it K..rt K . itv l' 1 1 11 ' , M t. ' i I I' n 1I4
ii.i ., i tnlntl Wi'.'jp .a, iMtn u, STii'l'irc. 11..
tin- 1 ir , I rd'RM 1 10 ()!". Nt ''in it I "' nt. . . 1 1 I
' 1 1' . Y t iiii"iii nf nt kind-, fh-c-rs, rt.'t li'-.Min,
rr t'H, I r- n I Itmw nrrt'i, I'tr.-r-, f .-'..ti , II h n.
I I IIS, I liMH lllll !'KH. S., A llli'J'iy't lit. I' 1 If ,
l-iti'irn-p 'l.Hr, l.i i-itm uist 1 II k.ii'i, tliu ,
I -1 H(if tik, (itimili, A.itli.'.i. IK 'Ill h, 4' n ;i ' on
ti( JIih'v t'X I'.'HI I, Itlitii "t It'O -il t 1 tl H-n I i- 'i, v,
t I it Ni k. hvw III tl 1 1 .unit , It 1 i ur.-s . K t'l i.'v ' ' m-.' .m'-i.
l.i vi r I i'iiip .ti lth , II ir ii l S. i,r ui .Mi."-, rn
1 1 iff If J 'il llv ri-s., I l :t pis in I .. k i m , M ,1 ! 1 ,1 t ' I ',.
t'jlf, Ii .1.v Itlfni ijl rnK'i'nii Jiis".' nnl -,
J 'i-lt cr I . . 0 I. m" l ' on, I'l 1 1 1 "'. I : Hv, 1 'It up . s 1 - ,,r
r.r.fn ni. k Milk l.i- . Wr-.t- w. .1 In .. , 1 -.1 ,,.
nl-, I'ro.-iv In .v. lil-tM'l-Up .iwc'l 11 ' . M! -i rj ,n - o t .1"
I'it (t.t l'i. y , tA Ki 1 -UK iiloti I .orni ) I, til1"-. TV it' l V ' I -t
'int. r U 0. no Ji.tiI, mvp l,liul im n b ti ; , u
i'Mtrtt' 'I, i rn wlion n mi till, it mu h a i.uiii 11. m c 1 ,
TO TH U SICK ANT) A 1- i T.ori.n ok riin,.
Dii.rniA. Dr. nitOWfU will vlult nnd tn-a p t'lon nt tii -fr ri'Hi
time. 111 li e cltv, Mlicn tli'sirt il. Vi tin t iir ti :. mj
fiullii r i It dm- t.iir-.'.vfn in cur.', lilont hi !u tiin.'til" is,
I (M i ', l'i, iinmh'.'M''i, Mi.ithi rut-iii --ti -r'. im tuiin
nil 01 tli ..n nl tl fii-Hf'' lli.t K it' k'I iiirili.-, -s iiti - im
r t1lr.1l ( On V'H'itnii iim.t!i.-iin h o;' l-.l,F, I'i.i '1 I' 1 ,
whi 11 : in .1 in liai .o y v ;h tin I'liyi mp. , il r.-,ni-.
iim" ts (l IIk- si 11. TLi-r-Miir . In i ui-tro c i1" litji
fit iliinl trout in H' has pun r I .1 I tMtti . Hlit.' i . 1 1 I nuc
.i.nlHhtir lianci' t'.r our vvry by nuan- nl I'lr'in
I Itv.
hive cmd inmiy A.Mttr Dlhf iimn aiV r ni: 'her
ft-o 0k' hHcll' d.
rilOI KSSOIl C. H. HOI.U'.S,
Mulfi nl Mt n, and ot'.iois d'-miin a knowtt le1 -f 1Mb
rtlM-ovir v,ili l e (piitlifl'il (ouirftH'dl'Ifrvnt in. '
of Eitctilt Ity Inr Hit' etna n" ell Atutr and (.'Iroiif M-i-tiam'i.
J'mfcsMir I.OLI.K- htinnaiili( d o cr 0110 lliniuitnU
phylc Imdi who un (lirctflrliy nn a 0 inli.
'Vv'f'iitVifnt ci;e of liifl immutlon if th I, -in s, iwr-t.rni-t1
Ht No. lx-i) Walnut .slrctt. 1 ftitml- iplii i. Ij- aJ (he
fnllcwlnjf :
I :nt-lxMn n prt-nt titftvrvr Inr tl In.t twelvn yenm,
wl.i. b with cnutiHi M 1 fi uni h t'i-o.i I i'.'k In f:i' rui
Kdd ii:iiiPK, tiy Hit-fit exposure to cod hy wor!. n r ( 1 thr
u nici ; n-ni ly U" I mj Iiic fio-n on (,t lit" l.m : ;
l.ild MVfUll iMtilt-Vs It IT 1 rtMuni"1 to Xhl: tilI li;ld
n-vcnii pvin.i.rjnrv ii'tscLii b n mum cf nctid' lnitiunui:i
tinn tip'1,1 1), c I i'ii.;."i vith in-tili'd liy tin' in isl o nl n nl
liMirul iron; hit' the tunic 01 my ilnhciilly 1 iiti tri"ct
tiiiii.ovul. No ini' licitl 1 at btn fti'lo to do mo
attV pi'iininient rout by int-diral trt'H'mint Ah-ml
tl ir- ,s B!.(i, I lii'tl 11 inn t I MT iittit. V 4,1 in.
)Htnit:iit iriii lipoti the Inn,".; 11 v ftil'i ritt.s v fir iiid
bt-ril'tt-le. 1 iciuiti-d '11 nictW'-itl t e.itiiii'lM, wlncd hB 'ii"d
to hn uiiiiviiil'iu. Hud I M'.'iiml i.ioilIIv hint. hi;. 111 t'-n
irtii cf tJpith, whm I clmti'M-il to ,s"f , ,1. Hill,
So. '.'M lm ki'l Bir.ft, who hud hncn cured hy IT s r
tioiloc, it No. I'.'i Walnut Htrofi. Mr. I'.if v rt 1vKcd me
to ktC l'llfUHhor llnlk'U Ht 1 -lice, l-lcli 1 did, .mil ,11 fn
II tn me-. (m fitninL-f as- il miv itipi-ar ) I iv.ih ,hi in-ily 1V1 1'
iiniii my Miitrfi ltt'H. At 11a tlnif! Itroioss ir J'.olle- tr.-nri-ij
mc I unNrlPir with tin ni"it vt'-c spitsniolc
c..ij.h.wK'i.lit htiv rxpcvtnrnllun. Itnimiftl I roil Id 11 .
livf nr r.niir, lio In tr- n-cd mc lour liun t- rimo, Hiid I
nrn fcrli. tij ri licvr.i. Thin rniu t mt is a Ml n w nid ir
of v nii lirn. So fel.ochs if I vi 11; till was pU:i:ii,( und
I would rhorrfnlly ln Ito a'l tho fsh k to 'ni! thfnnivni
of iltih ucw rntclli b. I sh:ill ecr ii-l th mi I, Oil to Mr. J.J.
Itiijly for iitfouiiiiig tne J could ho rnnd
.rt I a 1 .r. v,
'o HI I 8. Kouith strtt-t, l'lilhnk lpitfa.
pvsrF.rkSiA cuiiko.
T'ds Ir fi loan ot'hiil.incc ol tho two p i.iltiv, an 1 11 " ;.'( Iv
fm h f.f Kl-ct-h lty. The po'ftrity of ton ni-rvi-, yoiu
(ti in the reri rH ilum to tho ht m n il helm In t and tin Hop.
dy ot I. It cr cliy irom the brain h?hi illiulnlnhyd, tfior.j
lorc thf n In H tt ndiiun or ntmttl. D. 1" oitMi cm
not p. 1 ft rm in h-Kiihiiitn innriiinis proper., and
lPla U the iwrtult. It tad the lallowln--
Mount Pi.f sn r,
KhWKMN filfMT, I'll., AURIIH' l', IK1.
In the plin!ol iN.j 1 w.11 taken with 11 cinii.mi phi
: tid tii.t'H im -t in my htouia-'ii, whi h g;;n'ti;tMv 11-
riend m.iil Novi-iiiij -r. At Hi s tiine an n 1: Alio-
pttti Ic I'M si'-liitl h Cilli. In, who pronoiiii:ed tlic d't-i-ttbi
lijhpi'puH. MnlH iue uni prcserthed. hut full .1 to
cine iJie Oui-flie. I .it i yh.l tilrlph a, ai d prortned u
I'cx of a celi'hiated )sp-piiu inedi -iim, ad iTilted in Hie
p.:pt rs. Ailer tiiifu; I. mt 1 exiiorieiiiM d no reli"i'. 'I hp
iiisi-ase coiillimed giiiw intf wnrnc, until .M-iri h, lsi; i, w'hui,
luttninrid the wnndcriul cures pe rformid by im annul
I .'i ctitrilv, I er-nr hided to law e It upp.l' tl, uml c in . tv tint,
ntfei tti'oiii iw l v tn ill in nt. apulh-d hy n; llrown, ttas
entitiiy Hired, und eutiiiune do to Lln tl.y.
Ni w Vohk. .Seplirijbr .:0, !s;i.
I r. 1, Hiedd, KU cA rlclnrt. Ae.
Tetr hir ; 1'et nilt nm 10 o-pre in thin hiormal 11111
rier my appreciation of onr titul proieNSioiil alnlity, u
eoni.lti'ed In your aitention t.i me perhomiily, winh- c.n
liccted with Ir. t'liamtx rlftiu, of tbiH city, now v it 1 iir.
Urown, rt No. l'.o Walnut troet. I'lilhtd'-lphla. Mydii
fnacwm one of Iouk Mundiny, and dnhcnli 10 dt'-t as
ttht ult lo treat, and 1 a-ttmo you, tlui liahn hca uii.h'r
the Uiidmeiit 01 icv. ial phyMkla s bei iru I ratne to yo i,
110LC e t i e ahl,or il able, tin y frtihd I treat in w Jili ui en
a moo rate d'-trt-c of hiicer'.ft ! remiined mr
voui fikfil, to ilelc l ivy illtMrultict, und by your ctr-tftil
ami lalthiul trt atuicnt 01 me, to place rue on the mad to
perli-ol healUi.
Ac ept.dear hlr.tny warmeMllhanltntor youra!t"iiti mt,
and my hih extlninti1 of viiur dklll lu the iipIicnU 'ii 01'
Klcrtrli h a n niPiiiiHlef cure.
Voumiciipet;tiully, CYKUS COMMINt.S.
SobUTo'ier .N, Ii'f4.
Phil phi , Klrrmoml, No.
Thin I to certify that about thran yeuia a-o I wa iaki
whh a tllftt atie which the phv niolaus out td t'lrtsinii p. ion.
I bud a con Mb, l.otu Nuiii'Sri, jsplt blood, and btx-aniu vary
much relnxotl. Wi under the cttre ol" tio phy-iUu,
and have taken a Kreat deal of nwdlcino without relief. In
th b fondiiion I eallt-d on l)i . Hr) 11, Uiu Wuluut ntreet.
Alter an elceiri' a i amltiailon w.11 pronounced cur.tiiji' ;
and.un.i'jr the hU'fti' lnjt inrnt ol Ir, llm k with, opoi m tor
a ml phvMclan in Ir. Hrown a en'rthlishiiieiit, am narty
relieved ot dlin-as, ami expel, alter a lc umre ireav
rm 11U, to be t-nurcly renin rod to ben UP. I rvcunuoud ull
atliicitd to Ki) to So.t:) WhLhu ntret.
Wbhr i'nn,Aibi.i itiA, AiiKttBt i7, IMil.
r. W. It. llrown :
1 had been afPleted with Kheiiiiiarftm since April lat
veiy i-everelv, it extendinj; over the en;lre body, c.niiii;
ttif mi ht excut iathin suih-rini;. For k ci I nt intlis w.ti
und. r the be it medkaJ cure, but itgw no he.ter.aud UnaMy
Khvc )ou acall and plarod rnao'f iiiide.-the u.iih of Mr-,
fl. A. t ult on, inm i'.e opnrator of your otabhlim"nt. In
two wu I watt lelioved of all pjiiii.uud am non-per-tei
tiy well. I gladly icoomuicnd aU ladle iiiiterinK to Uer
kind cure.
Mia. W. K. ROTAV, Westriilladelphla.
In addl ion to (he a'hivc, thedlkeanod and a I! In.crestf J
are rci m il to the inilow inv iiitnied ueniluien, th tt h e
h-en t'la'id .uid witneaifetl vm Lrca.fuuiu o t utiieta, ;ii
No. Vj-.h Walnut atrn.1.
A. J. rivHMoniun, lirifcudlr-(tfiit:rRl, PhilftileJp'tia.
A 1' eiunntoii, Mjtn -ti' inu nl, St. l.oulu.
W. 11. HmPii, Hu. In;' Hana iu sin . t I'hihide'pli'-x ; tieo,
DonKiHb, No. Sii .S.l'litli hli:ut ; Willi. an U. ,SltiltT,
Halm a stn-et, Oirm:intwn ; I, (. Sto. kton, No. '." M:r
Kei hti t. I'r.iiadt In la:Cnaih' il. i.rU'K. Sos. .( and
'.rn hi rh nl It ; Kiant.uel Key, N'o, 7.I.' N tin soil Htrt'J".,
uttinii' Ht liiw ; I joc J. UuV'i-l, .No. 'J Wnodl&lltt 'J
tri '11 Noi;jo Ar.'h -Hcet.T Vo. l ;s bioad !nvt;
KtihtTt l. Wors, No. hi N.I lord B'rtvt ; A. H. Orolt.N. rl.
conu-r Tenth and Mark't ureei.
.ludah l.e.y, Uioueniul 'oumiiuoi ion, V. H4 8. Kourth
mr.'el ; 1'tlu .t id T. 1 ani. pi tHi iioi- 01 the M. K. M.u.eli,
in -tpMAoi i.uin . .tiiili.,. Ui.vm,U!', an! liiiiiiao, No.
: II. In. nlh lii'.l; 'l'h.'ini Ow-nv. ( 'on.'itiou of" the
I. nun niKi veie. Ib iunvibuji! ol tne l-aiw und biibete',
Ann in ,111 llntH, iViila l.-i-i)i.i ; .Ini. Nnn,-iif, Dcam. -a for
!; 'iirs :ind rim-In,-ami r.firin in the lltvd. Knt'ie.uh
ei:. I I'e ho d -'in ; Win. .Morgan, ic.-jl! l)t b ht , No.
'l Sni ir.- : TliMO.iis llnrr.-n. hhvi r.i Hi .l.f. It.,
Mnli, W h? 1 'i-liiilt Ipi u : 11. r c , Kht.'uu-ie tin it,
Y vil ttai: lini.'. No i.i l I't'dMl'it H'reet, II. T. Itcsilvt-r,
ii' rcn'f Netir.tiwla and liili -ii.niiatory Ilk ui,ihiu, ..
IT ; 1 hieMnit irreet: O. 11, l arn.k-k, Hhroii,.; D ,p.Ms
and lui'unui.iMon of the Kidn--yK, Chict .ml f-'ortk". :i
trve'n; Ani!(ony f imey, O inuiiip:ion, Sio. l.'IT M ii ki t
treft; K'lunrd McMalioii, tJuiiiimu!OU. No. I ;7 t ro a
utiet-t; Ciutfli's il. f.ri,,-!,, it . -nK-,ix .fid luiji paiwi,
I'enih iukI Arvh tre-t" ; J. 1th- -t, Chr in'r- Cr.1.1 hU.s.
'oin .uii'iiun, and Vink" -t on of m Ittu.n. N . !s i'..t
i'W.ilil .ti,ft; Hev. .1. AliUlory, Aphoii..', I'.i: Kil.lnl.i 1 .
C V . 11 ST. '1'ilnTi.S, h.';l.iill mi tV, 1 ; liAlil-'l
h .v till , ;!.". Villi-, 1 a. ; S. ' It ill.,', t a '. an. I" 1.
slecisioal KCTiinnc-;,
lid". C. II. UOLI.KS, Lecturcf.
V. I). Pl.'OIVV, II.
t. KIlt DII, M.Il.,
B. W. IlE.JKWI'i 11, M. I.,Rn.l
M: e. H. A. r l l. l'OM.
' frltr.n, a Inly nf prat epriie'ir 1 rt.,'tv . wl!
Iij.c ii.lui- u.ur.c Vf treat.HK I J un l-.ij.i. in .ia. -.uitiil.
Aili'ren nl! ic.un to
Dr. W. E. EROWif,
No. l:J:iO WAIiNUT KTIlEK'l',
" 'i -t I'an.Aur.tiPaiA.
KEAf, KsTAl K. ttF.AI. I'.STATK.
lOU kAI.P, t.N.ltin WUKTn.
I'OH PtAl K, J.,iim,lfio WOKTII.
POM HA'.P, .'.,mi,,lrt WOIITII.
f'AI I. K Sr.NI Ktllt t'ATAI.OilliK.
call ok .si mi ran !atai)i;p.
lany w'.innti in urh i. i di-pfc
faali- iMilil ra 1 to rill nn in, al m
a, I I, an 1 uti'i i-r (Ini aid Inr in,.fri t.,,,, a i o-lcr
I1111I r-r In cltv, W ai tPil to iiii.c' fir.y llr.t cin,,
pr pr Ic. koulli ol Vine nmt p,t nl Trntli nlrri, ,r
whlrli catraoTOl!)
t . iv. ,1 p'tci-, ii in p.iil
IlK'iln.h II. Mil l.f.u,
I isitlrat Ki',' l.ata' Otiarat..,
No I.l N ft. XT II Siri-a'.
SAI.f.-M Tl',1111 1)01. III. K
? '' K
J Man Ion hi
f i.rc.i.
Tv n vi ry cr.
went nl 'I .-n il ; I
r-i l.AIKil
Ii-ri;r lit nn t h.'-iin: ulic -t. Prl. c
I'IhI 1
n twcl'lii(r., on A ri I. .Ircc',
I .'11 1.-1 . .. rri.'p t :; 1 mi.
I'Wiai.iNo, Aitfii .sri;i:i:r,
c. ufllistl. 1 1 I
..'wtiV mut ii I.'
b V7' Ic' ilci Jl 11 ('licrry slie-". ,
; i-.i'. ft ,1,t -ii. A '. I'ri,.-
.',' 1. c.
I arfcci fli.l t la-, .'it ro, Ito. I-'N. IMiil .t.i'ci. l'r t,
$.'1 ,('!.
Aicll I-H S'.. . , V.. Hi; lot l:.-'.. Prl.-., '.fl.
I .li nr w liivf-llln, . cir'i'T 01 Ti' iMitictli and v.l
Iki c 1 lil I : i. I ?' t II I I ' t ilc i. I rlcr f. ''.''.-
M'.AT l)Vl;,.l INtl, WAI.l.ACK, Wl'AT
- J'ol Nii-atM al : .- .1 I'r 1 13 t. .I'.r.
)! I'.XCI'l.l.r.M IIWKIiliINIi (NOW
n : 'r-. I,
, i ll 1 lit 11
.1 ) No t 'In
I I uy Shi
HI rt .' I V 1 ' I '
. l.vci. ,
I. .1 .'I Ik I.'i I. ,-t 10 ,nin! i illii r l'..prii ,io of ic i'l hi.
.' i.s l il" h 'lor 1. i. iilil i -ll oil 'i
o'inni: o. .ji.i.. ic,
rrrilrl ItiMl D. iwe It t) ,.r r.
No. l. i s. M I II nut".
I. M -
a I. : .--.I..M-.
I A I! MS.
I A K .IS.
r Alt u.s.
t AI1MS.
It .SA1.I'.. VI KV M I'I-'.KIOR l-'AliM
- ..i i i in ii . ii,
1 ..ft. I :i.....a.l, i c,
lo ... ic ic- I ,'r, , .
1 11 In-'. I a-in I
i ci 11- tn nut ri-, in,
0 mil ., 8 il r Ii ot 'l'i .-I luu. i, n New
,1'i,,.l.r I' ! i'.-. Mint tn: II
U' ,m ai-rr..
t" :' ii ran, in ;n- 1 1 ,wni n.tov.-ii . vory
I-, Ai . : t '".'I"').
M TI.IUUK l'Ali.M nl' aSlXTV AC'ltliS,
only tfn ln:ln ojt, on tl.e Ihoum) Ivama t'
l;nMiont1, (ie ihmiiiici wrt'k fioin tho titie.n: $-.H,'.n).
Ni at Farm ol '4 .ine -. tne mile from I'.rNtnl, biipirior
land, ami iiip, nvrnu :i:s unsn; p, cl. l.'teu-.ili, Ac,
tnli Mi' Oi.
t nl tmll a in Hi- 1 1 om tintioit at Ti cut on, on I'e nun
aniu Idiiiund. I'm e ih. i v,.
Neat di libit Mansion and l'.ii in nf 1 aeie ; t, n'y
four and a ball ttuh (mm Market sheet hri4,'c,on t ie
lluvett'ntd roBd. I rice H'.',('CI.
fj life AT NACJil 1 iCK. FARM OV '200
-ai-ie-, M a. liacota htm ion, on t"te Caiuiitu ami At-l.-tniit
IJttr.cnd. I'rite ii.iu.
lti -idt o (.it-Hi null 1 1 .' of l itrni1 In ('Verier county,
a- 1 ; A KG AI N. SI X-ROO.MKI) DWKI.U S'f3,
- S'nb c, A c. ; 1,'ho in a i 1 in res tf Uml in linxhinni.h,
J0H ft tl IP in tu Hu pike; Iron mlUna-, Ac. Prim :oa.
sir.otfoi; (. Mu.r.Kit,
Vractli al Kp.iI I. Mate II oker,
No 1 .1 N. SIX Hi Strtot.
N.SUJtANCK A(. A I IS ST AC'Cl I I: N is .
l'AIiTI (dli, CONS.
C.M 1TAI. .
WJI.I IAI W. ALI.latt,
A 'I NT,
n. let ai,m t mii;i.:.t.
J.;i ; : i eel ( . iMn :hi t' mim-'uh a "ti'm :
AtJ lli-M- H I. VI. HV Pl.:t lil I 1 IX.
Yoi.'iy fo licit i w I'l he i.-mied for a Prcniltilil ot
fjvuiill'n; h,nttreiif e to ii;c a'lio nt of
I J 1 ' 1 JMHi - M IKilil.AU t,
i i nin aer-hlcntai loas of li'e wi.iie tr.tvellli'k' by ftn . pnii.
In. cui' i am c.
ret u res ft ..:ir ni Ti.e l.oti antm linllwr', an! a'.-,j
'lwent li.r,iri pei v. ock couipt u'ation lor per-i.n t
1li:i hit ft(Mt,'ititiirti tlx a soiled from Iuh urdinm y
bi'Mi t
ien:rrF n I t . il J't. If i lot f .MM:u, ami m-r u ok I-liii.-eu-
at ion for all ami v cry t crlpilon of aciiont, travel
t l' oih' r i sr.
c'fh ii-r -;0(t v ith l pr we. k ron.p iiHa Joii csn b
1. ' it r i-rc'i' u o. nin otlur Hum b-jiween f".j and
-.' 0at pi'fponl. n tt. i.-ti b.
.IaMLS (i. 1UTTK1SON, Pn sitlent.
i;oiNIA HINNH, uirel.try.
lirNTaT A. I'Vl-;Jt,Oi.niral Aycrit.
l'lin.ADKI.rillA ltiAltlOK IlKKI-;i!KVf'K.
, ItnxJ.l, rd Hihir, 1'rcnideut IC tiltxpiUu Inaur.mcu Ootn.
phiiv, ( 'lialrnmn.
Iac K. Haker, ilri tf f irm-Hm A Ihil'.rr.
M W. I'.n l.iw in, iirm ol M W. lial.lwlo A, Ct.
1 fci'im ) ltd. n, i. mi oi Cod n A. Aa.-mu-,.
li. II. ntne, s, ahler lhi ntteli':H Uank.
l.i n AV . Ilitn. M.Hor t!iy 01 riiladeipia.
Win. II M rrn-t' . tlnn of Menlek Soim.
Joi. h i mi eihoii Prexiiout Vo.torn KanV.
lion, .ii.jni ti I "oil - k, r e lor V lined Hiaiei Mint.
'J lioinnv IVihc r, .M"u-l ant.
ie ir; e II., iirm Stuart ,V Tirofhr.
.loh'i li. 'I n "or. tit in l alor. (llilo.ip e A (To,
.1. Jhm iliciiibou, i'lthidviit ioniiayivaul.i Riiinviil
t'oif.f nv.
.1 an c Wehf.rreithin I Kth and Sixlh Sirott-i Pasfenyer
lunlio ,tl, ;uiy.
hki;ivi:i AM) rOMCMES
Xo.m rt'AI.NUT Mireei.
IM. s-pih '!
O AI'I'sTAti Sro(t)(c).
lCiO.OOO HI11UC8-5 lur Value.
A Hmitl mimhi-r of Shiiren will be soUl by
otdcr of tho CompKiiy nt 1 00 per sbttre.
The fo'lowin in cxtiftctcd iVom the Philadelphia "In
(diim" of Stptenihcr 17, lH, prior to tlio orB.iui:iiilon of
'On aimost a l the ttreami In Oreen Oountytho lamU
have a'roady boeii lonsed with a vluw to exploration for
cai o and cn, paili' y, the Iunkard', !ie de
velopments liav be. n of tin moist aiicouniijiiuf charaur.
Tt(j diior of Uie WaynenburK (Pa ) 'Alenaoiib'nr,' In in.
ft-rrirK to the auh n I, af'rr a can hit person. 4 1 inp-c'l(n
of the rcinii am: tin: oprvatlons that are uow takin p'uo
" 'We aie hontatly 01' op nlou that whn capital and eti
tirnilRC fchall liat (cvt-A-p-d th? lamli alonK the crck,
that locality will lel'ouudt couipare, In tha extent ol it
Oil pH't'tic lun, 'th (he 'cn-i:ho district, while In the
jiuiity. t-r.iv ity, ami aluc 01 tlte Oil, ft ia acknowledged to
be intletlnitrly Mipoih r. Onr convictions on thin subjeck
aie bio-etH upon au'ii d knov ledo and observation f both
ro.ulons. und 01 lln j,eoli;ical toi inaiioni and aurfai'O inil
cutIoiik. We are ratlhed ta learn that we are not u tone
in these favornhle inpreNhions and aueurien,
'scit nMut u ti and uxperifiKed and practical ) ope
r.itora coiu ur in l .cm, and ar (iivcsiImk llhwru ly of their
own menus, and dliTi-iini,' tho attcntii4i of capitalists lo
tlitprcmliint, cl;iir.u-tor of the I'uncartt&iiintry. Already
heyeiul laro ccuipnuleh hrve been ui'tfanied In rittsburK
and tt.e Lait, wiuch v. Ml toon commence opttratlons on an
extensive acalc, in the meant ma. enuixy and
local enterprine ure doing much to develop that U to red
locality. New (h ri !ck fprintf up every few diyi, ami tlia
procctsoi linki. i; wv'J io on In many inula ucea witliout
Inftrrnptlon, nint or u.y.' "
Uool;s open lor saie of STOCK at tho Counting
lloase of
A. H, rRANCISOUS Ai 00.,
No. &i:i MARK IT Street.
II. I' It ASt'tS Jl-rjJ.
Ill I.') fronli nt.
WII.MAM n lloilli, Sro.
reorit-A f uhsctipiioiiH to M'Vfii traets of taluihto
Oil Territory, ii r.e Hi.unl, iitnuted fron'n,' on the .!e
khi uy river ami i' triuiitailos, art: now open. These
tract ait- utiiiMjjDy w II loc itod, t ji rt.--- of ih'-.n 't.fjnmtHj
Hie pvoperiieaof tie ' Allcyowi ' and 'I ionenta" Oil Coin
pdllieb : the other ion." b mr in cloi.-eoniiu'Ml' v lo t mini and
to tin1 we'll and r i -rtien of the "i-'arrar, ' "ilull Creek, 1
ard "I'n -i t. lit ' ('ilt'omp 'tiie-i.
It In proponed to re civ e only 11 iubierlptions at IC'hO
ea.'h, t ; i t ' th-uie!vi-d. when ti'e U' it lnnde
up, lo or-nanio th" Company, cleH their own o l!. r.,
A . 'I I ii eu'Cipriac I r .iiittt cuusuul iiiUucaiaeuts to mi).-.
t rh tr-.
i-'o. t Cin, or to ec:iri one or m-Teof t .o
LJim c ei fctl ;ue., ad.iit' or apply to
. V.. cor. rfiUKTH ..iuIWMM'T S'l , l'h.lfl.
Put.' cipta iu I-v iiuii or o in rw'S" ;tiio r "-ie,: i
A, t:-t , Tr if
yio. Iv7 WAIAt f
P ilid-'h.
Jt hn li CMPANV.
Niii I. LINK 1 KTS'-'lV.'il ON
i. i t, j , l i ); M'.W i tii;K, ai U o vlo w, in,,, ,,r ..
i 1 1 i .1 hi'!'.- .Mi'iiiiW. N-.-.ei..i.. 11 I . i, ,ci a It -
li. 'otl tmi: will Ji-uv ; Kc-nsl'): t.'ii tl p'i'. t'aHy tstiu i.ivs
':. J.'r.',, ui I.' ' . h.eia I". M. I N - ih, r N -' u ,o
not-ppiL: ; t I'll tiie suiltnib. W. tin tin,', will
Ici'.vi- ' H , i i-', at li; K.M.
i m :in n nov i- jwii,, Kfn'ii'-t ot lir-i.o; a i A.M.
Nin'i' i, i'oi Vf,v Vok.'l) d.B otill '1. ,o a P i
i! h rr ,n:i! w i; .s, J..ii 't on a ,d .ti'.er Mjip! ;; , U;n
I iu d!tcoii i up d !o T - vrt i".c o'i 1 : ' v i . V r j -tr-
I' .ii road on ,;i'd ur . r MO N I - A , No. emjer U, Im.i.
The v .y l.i' e i ,i,is vm Ii t. 'i,:., i t.,r). , ,uc W.tltmt
i-rci t w ban ar ,'. P. l , for l uihIm rt . ilh1. vt ill run Y ron
ton "thy. Ai..o, !m' '. l I. ri' (Unite? Co olu- l r), front
htnhi-foti lo ii t, vilj :at:e Pa--' lU-.-r. to Trent r onh ,
xc.'P'ou Saj iiati.ty h . Oil u 'lieu tl.i ii . ill t.iki-p.iM-n-r-
ati.l cor-in;, t u hi a 1 r.tni i n t ; He! hi n 1 alaw.iro
i;."!!..!!.! tor L.iiub,r ilio end infrineiinii. uirhloni.
II l: 4t W. II. ...WYiiLli, Aaont.
J i, vei n'ii' e ft t-o'UietJ" .mi other,! l-lthijf "Camti Dm-
hujre," ni'nr Spring Mul.a .pcml M'nuay pann-niT
ta n will ntn hctwet-n Pnliadelphu ami plm nUville mi il
liirtiier iiiiIht, I'oiuiiii'iiciiiK Sumlay, iiuvomUur Imil,
lea . Phi huh' I ph hi nt a K. M and lht 1'. M .( and rouiru
lnu from Pho iiJX.ilie at 10 A. M. und t .;n p. M., it mping
l all staiioiis. O. A. NMt.'OM.H,
11-lJ-i Jl h (IcneiMl-sHupriuUntleiit.
TTAXtl'lait, DllimEY Ar CO..
tva ft.', s. lltllilt (IfRKKT, PMIafelshla.
Atnrk, mil Txian. hotieh' anS aitd on Coainil,,li. tfa
t.irtanl Hank lint.a CMn. , Imiuht arl aold. Bfiaalal
attutlon tcitr fnrrr't anl aja f Oil Htarljl,
iHtfKt.lia rteel''!. anj Inl lr,. a hd, a par asrar
mnt '-'
avj: vouit i-'iuii-M
C'AL AT I-ALf rmoE.
I' o r mti rs v. ill cull .
N... 't-i h. i ll ill S'l'ltKI'iT,
On rilAri.i.s It. I! A K Y il, A;",rnt,
lie il; i on, incc ihi'm of 'In- el! lit -. ( ,'raf rt. an J wnwimj
o'l:r.,Mr (Mitall- v. i :if t r r -tiMi.-i n ',(1 tvl.i.1 ia Itanrl,.
Hic s rli toll-!l nf, mi,, i v.l.'.wt .1 K .1.1. nana, aad
lin.t Imiu II ir.ii(. ,.. .,i , 0., ,n.l WLliow., aaa
ar. i artu i f li,r live ; fa .
Call or iifl. nt I r (' irn'ar. 1 1 -1 'll'lill
iii uiht it l 1 1 ; tsviz I .
T'-i. n.tinllnMa l'trt-ur. Ihf u t,t nro lll -tmli of ttii
I aii.icr W 1 f I , I. now , n oxinh t cn at t;,a
t.o. f.,1 Ili:-.M1
t, ith r v.t'1- t!ii, i ulna , ,ii, . ti m i,t w. In .tliii'lon
t-i,ii,!i',i i iw rsT. ii-u m
0'.i. - i h-!i
. I 'uii. I .1 :
I , i;s cur . - n n ' y vtvH- t d.o. mi lor iJio enJ-
hn; N i
i ;HI,ll 1,1'HI .
I'l oft c V-nf l.fiftnre m A,.ii!"ii,. til Mu-h',by
l.i-'n.p M. : Im-'i-.n
th i.ii r ,- i r." i I i.- i it r an -a h ih ho ., Phi-
I; -li Ij ii rt, per S.toi ;-l M -j.
I ci I. ( I ri-n 'il I mtn; hm I hir.i It i.T-m I
I i '--hvl t 'li ir - ,i o r M r . V . I) I ;t ton
l.r.ill. h' Chrl li:i ('tin linif oii, li'ir. h ot Ma-
ii uu.r pi r llev. Ih iV opti-l.m tri III toii'ill, .
(hiiit.'-ti a! a let' ;ii. lo i'.-iilr.i) ( . j;,
i I-inch. I hll.nie'
S ifei-.' Al'I S.i'i.'tvol Ht. '.-itt'l -W'-i I". K.
Cl'tin h, I'liiladelphUl. per W. V n-llt,
'I r a u i-r Cn-tK)
P I- ot a Parlor Ktti-, lo hi ct (nnv. I lnln-
h ' i.l ' 1 1. i'1 r. - oi d i a iditoual I JJ
'I H. M . , Plilia .el ihia ft-ta)
1 nolf Chrlr-lmil ( o,n , North Hr ad t
Mt' et Pr. -li i 1 r un ( liui. ii, l'iu; a-lt iplna
in-littionnli 7-a
V ihic liar', w 1-00
A Friend. I'hlla.lel Vint 9 lit
( n.:i ,tc u.n a. i he lit mil M al 9 M
A mo ml a,.-1, now I -d l cl.c-u I. ei , ni r.-llioiU
Pttpir H,T,
'InM ftt4'.-V.'
An.oiuit pros ton-ly tu k u ,v. l".::,t 'I 'A .4
Total ft.vrHj
.JOM-.i I'AlTl'.li.HDN, Treasurer.
The rinti d fltnt'-f Chri-itiaii fhtnini';-nor. bo'm leave l
a'Knowh'l e the ree hl oi th.- following additional
ftoren up to Novein er l.i 1 :
l li T.MH.I PltfA.
rh'tnd. '!:hta M lo Win r 1 pa 'kfiR.
1'MIh telp! i:t A lrien.l. I pn'' knife.
Vl.l I.exCri nod T-aek p.-e. U-tlst a! cl.s, v In-.'.- In rt ii(. otis pTM.
IJFOltHF M. HI I AUT. chairman.
No. 11 BANK Street. I'hil jtlelplii.
n-;,'i j Ol TICK W TIIK l'iin,AIKLPUIA
- - (iaj W oi&t, No. '.(I S. St.VI.N fIJ - tr. . t.
vm i.mi'-i.i: II,
O ih r- for If wil be rcc ived at trlotce, or at
cit' tr i l the worl a.
It I --7t I'll of f.nsinii?.
? ; ;" DTV1DKM) NOT f CM.
1 . ' i ii nini'iiimir inn,
IUKS nil. !,MI'AN . - I'.niiliil t'.u u ll-.-l ires f I tit V
ri'i-'i - IM' I'm r;ors icmc litis it-n-u, rl i i, iholr a -ond
n i nil, 'i ilivlilonil "I l'l:l.'M; I Kit CUNT nn I i I'.,, Hal
.Mi-el t-i tic moiitnol ci ti-r. ii-.t nt ih. nri.til, ol ttni
I'll ,.i m-cr-.l I'hil.i.:. 1.1 ia r-l.-cii'ic a ill lir ra,.l at Ui,
ell . e i.l Mi l'i I' . 1 1. i.S .'. Mi l.i.iM, .No. a lo S. I'.out
;m t, cn or nl'.cr ti c nth iiist int,
wii.i mi ji. i jn iir.oH.rr-'iii-nt.
lit mi i r.i Viv,.tc.,rr'i rcla y. 11-12 Ik
II. lV ilivil ill-" ol tin- A n tHllloil.
K v. I 1111 ILH'1 lll.O.IKIi,
I! t-.l i.i.NmiX, 1 ni,,,
W. K. MITi'll - I I,. tM .
.1. MII.LKK Mi Ni I:.. ..
ivli: .i',lrc (. tin. .nl, I c n MOSIIAV I Vr.NIWIJ, Nil' Fill
In r '.II, a' ( onri ri Unit. In rolclonco to the prmrre.i of tlia f
licit, l In. c " llil- I-'il-i uli..n. i
lli-l on t'nllcr Kill prr.-iili.. 11-1? Ht j'
ft-;5'- OI'UCH OF Till': DKI.AWARE
t. '' ai .,,Hi l,aii!iiiir. ('r.i-it, nin". l'hll.iliOi.hl. ...
vnnljcr 'I, iKil,
'1'lir. foltnwini; stnt - incut ot ilic mlMiraof the f'nmrianf
t- plihlNl.vO in iM. rtnlty wl'h n ,nn iioii ot ItMilhu-ber :
i r. I'l'ciii.s rc.-clvid ln.iii Nov. I st, Imi.i, to Oct '-'l.t, 1S0I,
rn Murina anil Inlanl ItlikM tt.'t.nif nil ,
tin 1 Ire Iti-ks I M.ti; b
V,,7n5 Ot
rrcnn.inia nn 1'oiicim not niiirkcil I
nil, Jinv. 1, 8.14,171 ti (
$7117,177 M .'
1'n nilnm., inarkril otT u, onrnoil fiom Vovnniiur I, HjJ.
tn Oc iHHM' ;il, InUI :
tin .tiatliic and liiuiilil liisls.... ,.'C,t 7:1 ;
oil rill- i,,an.i
lot- nmt drrlnff Mine ptriJd Sal-
Btrj, c
7s,tn m
Lottac;,, Au., durlnt-' the your as abuvu;
TIai 1 tie and IpUmI itliuri
hi'SHPH fi,l H?
l ire Fosm s )),i Hi W
Ihtuin Pimiiutna 'ii.'.vt !H
lb I'lMiruM-ffi 4i,iiji h
k in Coiirr:".s livwil ii
AtUt riialnK. I'lhitni', Ar sf,(4U li
Mao I nltfOMtaia '1 axon Pre-
niii'm-. pod i t. Staini-fi. AC I! M) '"7
tApcuscs, Hulaiio. ItCilt, JLc ititl 00
atil 2
1 )ifs i o.xt It-elvc of the Rinonut roscrved f
dlvluciiUs and pro tit. 1
ASbfcll Or' Tilt: COMPANY,
November 1, .i.;.
f InO.fOO Fnitrd 8(atn Hve Per ('out Loan,
lll.O I'liiied MatcH Hix Per Cetit. Loan,
7.C"0 rnlti d State Hlx Per Oat. lxnn,
K,iXX) State ot Pennsylvania, Five Pur
i'ent. L.oat
i ,C00 HiaU of J'con-yl.uaJa, SU i'tfCtut,
l.!',C'oO Citv of Philadelphiii, Six P.-r Cent.
Vo,Ot.O PeiiuyKauiaKalimad,lt Mortatfe,
Hlx Portent llomta
,r0,(X9 l'i nnn l am a Railroad, 0UMrcKa;e,
Ms Per ( t nt llolids
lo,f, .Ay n area htot:k (.ennan.own U
Compniiy, principal und intercut
tinaranteod by the City of Pnita-
i;,Jul. HI, ant Stock Pt nubj h aula
P.illlOfld t.'owipaiiv
t.lXO luiMhaien htotk North Pennsyl
vania IfHilroiid Company
fco.OCO I'naetl Slate- Tn-asuiy ('-ortlil-tntcs
of Imiehtedm 'n
0,00 St ita of TenncaHee Five Per Cent,
l-'K.TCO I tenia ifQ Pond ami JIortiaK,
amply becnttU
-i,.W Par. Coal, fHli.l'X) M, Market
Ki al Kao-
lliil- rccelabh' lor lintitianee madti.
).g inn-ii doe at Atetn iet, rroniiumH
mi Alarine lln ten, Aeirucd In
tereat. and ttiier debts due the
Scrip and Stock nf sundry Insurant e
and other Companies, vtL'titnU.
Kstimatcd Value
Ca.ih on depiflit w ith (f.S.
Oovert'iut n'. kubject to
ten da h' call in0f.fi0 0
Cut h III llanka .,1.1 Ul
i ni; in !iuer bit Jii
r tuvoa oa
lt.0M 09
11S.S15 09
9,UCst 0U
ft,0QQ 00
tVitfo oa
MOO 00
3,060 0
is.m oo
rijo oo
l'.TOO 00
$f.7,CT 87
i,is0 ut
ll:i,tu it
Pn:i ai i 1 1 nu, Noven bcr 1 t-i -t The Hoard of D roc
totg liave hi m t.ay deflated a CA"h Dividend of 'IK si per
c nt. on the capital atock, and SIX ier cent, tnte.eit ou
the t-t rip of tho Company, payable on and after the
Ut or 1'cieu.ber pioxiuo, m oi N.iuoimt and Muto
'H ey have alo declareil a Scrip Dividend of FORTY
per cent, on the earned preintiiu't lor Uie year ending Oe
tobr .'U, Ii4, ct-rttiieatt'B for whuh will be hi nod to tho
panJen futiiliii tti tiie name, on ai d afrer the lit of Ooceiu
bt r i ro-.inio, i roc ot Naho'ial ami siie ia ves.
'I ht y hr e ordered , alto, that the acrlp certlflcitoi of
profit of the t'oiup.inv for (hu yar l'O be re I mum. I In
t ah, al the ofuh-e of the ( 'omp mv, on and after the 1st o
luo mb'-r proMiuo, all Inteiet Uu-f.ion to ooaie ou that
Sf cortinVftte of proiiti 1-o.ued under ;M P.r tiie Act of
lip oi u, "no criith Hto tshttM Issue unlHti claime-1
wiiK.n two year! atti-r the Uociaru'lun of thu diUU:aJ.
wuiivl il la t'Tidtiu'e. "
Tl.ninaa O. Hutu!,
.tot, n t . liai 1,,
E.llcnntl A. NniuTiT,
'l liconlnlUH i'duklnu',
.loliu If. rciir,,"o,
.laini-8 1 r.t. ,n. ni ,
11. nry (' I'.il. it. -Ir ,
l. mo t'. li.. ml.
H . inn'. 1 i d .v t ,
i .-.J.-1 ci. i.cit r,
!!.!.!. i:r.iu.
B uunei K. Bioaeti,
.1. P. Ccriistail.
1 Hi-nrv Hloitn
;Wllllillll II. 11,'Ullotl,
lvl ,v..l j l:li I i II -t m,
ili. .Km", llro.'M.',
.I.c iili I.' M,
-.)4ino- It. Mol-'iuiand,
I -hil l I', hi' IV,
S-., ii, -r it -lhiiini'.
.Ii.'in 11. P.c nili), t'.itit.urf ,
A. II. b..T,ir. du
T'MIMAS C H WD, I'lflMi ill,
I.'I IN C. I'AVl i, '. 'Iwt-rru-i.l nt. Ull-liu
It ii c:t II ri. ii,
l;i v.Y l.rtlir
-j r.'.Nv,
r,n: Am ..c, i , Ni, e-nl k-r 'i, Hi'l. (
Tl f F'ri1 rl M;-,,-!,,?--. h.i v.-tin. il .y ili , iaro.l a acni'
gn nl d.wi.nil of HVK Frill i.'I.Mr. on tV taukai
Si - i a '.' i'.l I...1.: ny, t i.i unU bluto Uxull,
1'i.y. loc i n (mil aftiT l.rlli lu.t.
1 1 wtrs ot Ati'iri.t ., ur .'Kc'loii nr ,iu i,i,.n.i.i fsnlii ra
p-i it-,1 ;,criti, n It: llic olliri; el" tl,' I' j: ip.iny. Nn. '-'Jtl it
'lllll. I. Bimt. J'llOJIAi T. FlitTil.
jl i-ino Trcasuror.
pKny ri F"nnM ivanki. 'On' nihcp r.f tha Caci
!.: is .. hatvU .it hJ. l'-'' AUM f Jl,'r'jt'VEn
H 6 ct Ki'creluy ami 1 rcunujr.Tl
v.n,...r n is... The I'ji''t Lain for Ilia lau
if-lcn cau be liad at inn. ollua. II EN I! Y L MM,
it-. City lTuamrsr.