The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 11, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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-rnnADELrniA, fmiuy, novembek nt 18C4.
ff, Tmtrr-n ra(ji-rr, or Ln.inti t, m ri
fal, ( k tH OwrMr, ut Butllt"! IS .!..eM'-
- IM T K'l UOMail fKH AK4 ! ! 'I'll. ""Ll.
lirrt C r"'V"vo H .'.T.ia invar i :,- n. m.
, , j4 ar-arw .
, NtM'-tNi at Id noiiHl rM. A liti-.l.
mn mcMI IMttU 1 l.i-tioaa.
fiuiiay. novkmnku o, iwi.
Mir. i.ti i.!fN l ui tr :' : if.
1m hi brlof nddrrit l.wt evening. Mr. Li .
roi.N. with h.R tinl-itttal ctiit iirei', rt'fivr 1
K, a tact which hilt not I-itii n pi'ilt cl by
Ihf fopl( who ar-i'onillt.l;i.iJ It. 1 ho fiiot Is
It. : Of OIK sYI.i.OTIIf
'I hr p.'cct'on hen- ha.' puMfl mil cn and
h" chhciI !i:irdly ii rl'.l.' ou the urficf of
afMrn. Tli" worM 'till tnt-vo-i on . pl"Uly
aa boCo-i1, mill ii' iv ho 'in tint In a little
while the cii'ie of tli'n (iovcrn-nent will
Ifromc t'.ie nunc or all t!i i pcipln -ak' '
ilistlnctlon ol p rtr. It v. ii pr t:y W'H nnl ir
rtood bo Hire the lcclUi;i took plice that tha
war Id any ovvnl iv.i.-t to Im prfwrui.' vl.'pr-
oimly fi.r tin- rotorili "i of I'm Vaja; ati.l In
tlmt n-!.;.i cl, :ul -.iHt, U co-iM but liltln
ailTcreiicc '.. Ihcr A m: a n am Lr;.' i;. or
Uroiitn- H. Mi-'in.tAt iv . pli.Ml i:i
povtcr at W i-lii v;l n for th . rert four ye T
The majority of the people, 'navvcr, ar-itm t
hare prefeni '1 lo oui'll' -t.' i i oil! tiie pro-ictit
iiicuinhciil ' the IV. .-M, n' i ii t-huli-, ti.i.l it U
but I.ilr to Infer I'i . ;:1ho pnTcrf.'l Mr.
the arcf-tint, but the truth l:i the nine. Men t
wliowere a few yenn ') poor, mil mni.nn '
the roncher.l in our population, li ive Kill ln)y
avpiln-d inunen e wraith, ultliont any "orn i
poiidiiiR liiercac of ood-breeili!i". II -re,
then, have wo the cut ii'-e of "lli.n-kyi-nu."
A M.' lt OX "I II I'lll.ll I.
Mr,'.iMi h (!. 1,'iinin i t , who mn
repreaei.tit tlui Twcuty-ccon I Ward in Select
Cornell, dMinpuiBlicd lilunclf yciter I ay by it
hlmiilcf upon our cm client police lorce, which
is uh fain in fact n'i It is malicious hi concep
tion. Hi Ian ;ii!'K i.s reportv.l lu the morn
ii'R j-kth Ht follow:
' 1 lie t i l . I'e nv u rewi.r.l of lie lor. 1 '1
" lit 11m it (of Mo- .ii o 1 1 ol iti, it.ur.ii u r ot Jcisi
'' (' ' V 1 IO l.L, t y Hl'llli' o I' j I!.C V i.OitGC.'A: C
I I (.' c H ill, V. ' l-;;llt O II e
II l
T It T T f V
I 1 r I 1 I! I'
T i t; u
u!M-i-:a i ; i. -a wxnvv: iiscoi i:f.
iiil'. l I ;-u . a i ; , i .
tlmt M peoples jtovornmont -.tu ning . i..j.s'j, nr pi:i'y l tlial ol (i.;i.j,.il
BSIIciikI election In 'lie mliU of n preat , lvil M Ci.t:i.i. A and I1.1 par. y.
Wr. Pcl'-re Tuesday la.-t thW h ol t been i j,, ,je, tUan, ol t i i nif.i iti i, it w .il I
provd to l oiibli. Tim s'rotigi -L t.-st h i l R;,i(. r , t. v:a;n it,.riML ol all loyal
not jt been applied to the ! reT.pii, .l J.irn- j ,.-lt 7ens r.-.p v illi the A I n!
WT of our iuiIon. The i r ..u: c- upon j j,, r:irrvill3 OI, UlJ w.,r ,rl,, that eniv ; nn l
Wll!ch the r;:iinieiit ofthe Hepublic . inbuilt I (.,5k.i,11(.v,v r n,..WH.ryto pu.'iit ti not jet been no lopleaily follon , 1 out tho .,,,11,. poi-ihlo c i i ! i .1 . a ; ail ai
totloe tb mouth of a o iptioim woild. The I 1M,r n:,.n tv in fi i'. o fi.f ii a i i naorL-
tJt, of monarchical koti.i nin. nts sui voyed us j Ilnl , .or-i-illy In -i i'., eo.i liU.M of
i l Kil 11 I'l il i I
I.H. I.ll. I N
... .1 M'A t
. 'II W.IM '
i. ' . . ' i ' i t
. il
r a
A. X
4 I'
throngh the colored glii ei of (Iiclr pro nl'-i'
tnd latercFts, and our history hidierto had
"rot UidiiceJ them to view us in t!i clear, cold
HgM of tiutb.
4 Ficce wc cominenei (I ( ! .!cn. . a- a t a .on,
wc Iistb ani-wcri'd a good many (iMcfrlion. of
.'unive rl, because of liuuiau, i lit rc-l.
lat' quee tion, to whi 'h we are y ',n iri itn-.'v er
in ti-e, that Is tolal lor.".ver, is whe
tlitrwe are strone inoujili to maint iiil our
exWenco in the, of rreat cip' 'ii.'iep.
And this is a question whose determination
fir.bracpj uch atUctii1ous result", that lhoo
'who propounJ It may w.'ll look on wi.h di.s
"may whilst we retolve If. It cmbraees all the
great Kmc which urd Involve 1 in tii :n ill
'word "frccd).'' It ii ,a i'!er 'lm w'.iich has
echoed long over tuc world, biit whose echoes
arc. being caught aud silenced by our cj.i
kUut reply.
Hie solid fin-la which Mr. Lini oi.x aru-.s
poa with aucli aiinidieity nd Hir.ilh lor
wardncas, render more daMned the lin :.nn.M t'
of that prospective pi tnru which ( vn ti e
lc.Tt oniinasinative Uuion man loves to look
0,'pn. Tbey siiirTc't a p-riod t) w '.iich we
ore certainly advancing, when the ancient
land which flowed with mctaplior'cil mil.
and honey shall b '(, ne a piv-ent rejlity.
Every vote whicli has been ca .t lor Mr. Liv
ools U good fceed sown l.i y od grou .1.
!liU bhort speech of lust evenini givi s us hi
own wBible views of bin own po itiou.
suivuri, the men of the loyal SuI.m h'i. i1.1 at
onen comb no to accompli :h lli it eal vviii rh all
mu ! or should desire.
Kv n tl f L'neondi'ioanl IV'i parly o i ;h',
to utillo with the Iricii'ls ol the; A J.n'.ii it.-.i-
licn in pres.iin;; iioiliiilh's wiiii n.).-, U i.m h
s the people hav d 'wJ, t'i ts t n war
tihall g iorward until the Tlc'ojIIion u mV
ibted, the more vigorously and oiTo::tiviiy t'i
niemy Is driven to the wall, I'm s ioaer p.a?j
will bo ucbievr.1 on the only basis oil wi.ic.h
tho No. th will permit it to bo conelii led.
The i f eci on the Soulli of th ! eljctiu her
la a au'ijoct for cuiiou s;:cc;il.U.'.oii. If, at
the Democrats alleged, the liebcl.s viere really
solicitous for the im-c!" tiou of Mr. I.i.nii i.v,
they have r t their, llim-jii wo never
could nee how they were to b.i ben-alUed by
the continuatlaii at VVai'aiiitou of : war
policy which allowed them no reus.nahb hop;)
of paciOciiMi'ii ee, pl on ihu coiiJitioa of
their abundcnlriR every d ulinct and iivowed
F.; r. Ill; .liin l.V K.le l:ll if V li In i 1 lie lo
: " v i.l'C Itin oil iiio-v. Ii w ..h eel a ;--' e ).l
I "iln ii -'lie ' win h III t1 i.t a ; i:i 'ii il'il ih.'
"IMini'i. '1 h h - i o h'.'i'.en Ii el r il lie t'.o
" 'I II K I I ll I I'' - Ol e l.:it i I (llll i'l ("H t
i ii c . itr 'belli of the. c.i irire en I Ii it ei - 'n-r.',
' " An. iiN pr i-n:.' J.. r-r . ; i ' 1 1 1, "( . in loi pi ,rn
"nn I mi n In m ll' r 'i i n'oi. 601 only u mi
" ll 'iti.e-M le t il (i".l lii loru lay t; 'i iiioi ,
I "let up on Hi (' eo'ci'i. ,iui.' , hn n
j " i. Vi Ii. lei llml (' Ml l l I I. H ;i Klllc I ! ii. ;.,j
.".i i"n in tin' lieiii- iT".! e pr .ceiiii-n. I'll i
' ' i.; at., i In i ili'O ere w a iinwlieie n fi s'rinr
" Ii..!. ot ni"ti o 1 1. 1 1 i ri'ol ; Ii -nit
".i i. Mr. IHNM..I'.) itii'uiv npmc. i iir.
' 1 K i.n'i I .
Mr 11: ii. n il. v in i 1 1 ri.i the people
'ill- i i p lf"t ll I'T.i III i . e -'.n et- me HI till'
"I .iiei ol (lie pi.'l' cim .i, ini.l tti.i'. ilicy it. i
i' i ti it- in . I.i.t ile-v .Ii t-e
" Vi.Zam iMi il 'okicvif '.r. llaioii l i.v
'if i Ci iii tilli:t: t i I ' eonei '" j'iry a
' i . - ! i. ii . i
"lie '"Ii 1 I i n pa-"d."
'li e (illens e.f I'lii!.nl"!pli;a o;re a d"bt of
ri :.iil iu'o. to M.wor ili.MtY an 1 our entire
o!'(e ori'iinivat'on for the pr,serv.atl;);i ol d'H
irc.-tic pence nni! tranquillity d iiin a t.c.uon
ol 'unusual tiiiileucv to luilnilcnee and turn. lit.
Our I'M '1 reports iiave teemed with casei of
disc rder, vv hi; ' , ti ;'2li i niall in thcni'clviM,
would havi . i(K.!ieil i im rioln an I onlliiciks,
were it f ";t for the o.n:ra j"OU3 deprtrlmenl,
IciniC'cd with prudence, nud tact, of oir
lolicc force, whicii is iusi.'ir.lleiint in niun'i'rs
compared with our immense, population.
Miosis. Cinnoi-o nud Zanj: !' icrve credit i
1 1 c
'i .aVi'.:..'..' '.,.i'- y
ut.'.m r
i v k i .
V 1 I '
' il :
v 'si i r
A 1 TO
fcAM I.U:;i l.t-Kl'.
FT i:t:i T.
:N'!ii.M ami fi'-'
I. At :'.
i ;f st i i s.
Ti . 1 I
K f'Ll'7,
i7. 1.1V17T'5T?V
I .5
I'U;. M. r Hli.l.hT
.i sr Kiocr is tiii: city
at I.O'.V i'KIt i.s.
"Well, veil. I'm Ix'cuinli'ur Hil l, liml
for their prompt defense of our police n:r:iin .t cu" ' u'i' "" ' fr'"'"' n'.r '"m " lK"r
the unjust and nn-i iinpul itions of ' Now UJid'altauSKkn. Jn; m . in. r
The n.cmher from the 'IV. u -. e
on t has
t'tnt in ti'Mol, ll.i.v ui.i r.'.,-ri 111'.
T" . , , . ,. , lowered the dignity of Ida v vie oo-ili in b.'
Ldiou and commenced a war ou tho National 7 . . ,
, , 1 unworlhy oeau ts upon n meritorious eli'is or II la nolell more Iirontililii (.lilt .
tho Uebels were humous lor the succws-i of
that party in the Norih which proposed t.)
treat with Mr. 1) wi.s as regards ihc t.trmj of
a peace, uud lo givo him and li'.s arinics t!i ' aji ol a i in 1 'iial'c a 'inlCi 'c to rocniit
th i r kl.eiigth (or a rem vi al of the war in th j
event O! a luilure of tiie eo itempl.atel nejo
tiut'u .s.
T icvc is lvaaon lo beHevo peacj never
would iiave been agi;;od upon iu cjav:nl!irt,
except on the. basis ol fjon'Jjeni injapou ieney,
though the Uolicls would have gained a great
doal by tiie "ceisnlioii of uastiUliea" that
would have been a prclimhury and contam-
our (ili;:eas, who have been at their posts
with unwearied conslsncy, both day and
iiirbt. for months past.
T:::itiJ'i.K .Slmkuiiim). Five thousand
I'nion luisonera, who have nufl'-reil every d"
rrce of starvation and every indignity, at j
bavanniih, being robbed ol everything, a"o
Tonlr, fallMilll llpi lli'.l, will pri nivr II.ij from
licllntoff, rrlanvf all dirt nud d.".inlrn!T, irvi lit .r. m
turr ft a.. nr, ruir c-riiiitivf JIbohi, ef tl;c cVi. r.nci l.y
Hi. lOliltl-.lllil ml' rrclellii In ml Willi WW ...ul hi-fl'ilt-flilliilr.
Prrp.ircil niilj b lr. I). ,T.i :.i: A Sni.No.a.J
Ctic .nut .-tioit.
. I'nr, lll-rnt". t'ulurrli.
Allm.fl. and U fxervi.ui A'lPrlici.s trontft.l wllh tiie
hi.irst miccc'i. to Iir. Vo.s M"i. .171-m.ii. wi.h ill n.-v.i.i
ri.u.'-l. Hi I d Al.. m ii' um. An iiln-oiciil .ni",e.".i'nie liif
Kin. I-, ci null liu M'ini';il"..'i i' l.'-'.n. lll-lifl, u iv I..' I tt I
g;ali.,i n fll i licitl'in al Ii i.ll.rc. No V'X IVil'lull
T' , il . ii.. '0 " ' . i ' ' i ' i ,' . '!
I ' .' I., i . .i 'l . I .. I'
I - i ., I I ... i i .' I ' . ' .' ' "
i ii - I . i r. ii . i. . i ' ' ' l . nt . . " 'I '
. .ri ,, . . it ; ' ': ', I. I II I '. 1 . .. i ' . . Ii '"
in., . .u. tie. ..I I r n .1 ... I".' i ' ' ll''1'
. i . . i ,n i .... i. i . , ..I. i i . ' i -in!..
I . tt'.il ',..l l '.'1. I., .,11 I ' I I '. M. I
, .l.i.. -t 1 1 'ii-. i. .ri i' 'it' ! . ' f 'rr,
., l( , i ' i . i It', a- . .i l.. IT ii .1 i i. I - c i "'i n
. , ' ' I i. ' '.. '- I ( I. ' I " .'!' . - I ill !
t : ... . f : . 1 . ' i . -i' i. I - ')' ' T. ! ' ii
' , i ' . I I .' , . i .1 ! ! ,' . IT'
. ..'. il'f II II 'I. ''. ' M .1 t I Ii I'll ...I'-.l V
( . 'i .'.i'l.' ill f .' - I. .'i .: , '.'. ' ;. 'i "
, , . . . , . . . ... I i. n i. . I . i i i i.l . i i
. ' ii'ii : . r ,.i . i c . ... . i. ! . ... ml. ml fi'
i i " i ' ' !' I '' i'l. i' Ii.
. , i i ' ' ...ii .'i'l ,i ,; i ...
j .. ...... V i. ' ' I' ' " t i I ' "Ii l "i"
. i II .1 i .1 . . ... io ' " ... " ' 1 I' I '.'" a
I H- ..''' I"" i- "il o .. t-i.'.i '.' rl I. i h...
s, , 1 , . I . i , it 'I I'l' 1 1 1. 1 i . I ' ' ' I Ii i i . il" id-
. , I ,. .,' ., i '-; - ', In I. Ii' I . ' . I ... i (',..
T i , . , ., ;., r - il: I. . ' ' m '.. IU.:. ".-,
I ..... f '. o ! V . '. I '!.
In- ... it .'.! I. i ti'i-,'.i n t I' !'.
1...... , ., .i .) ... w .' i. O: . , , . . H -
, ... i i i . I , . i ' . I I ' I'll
. ., . ,: , ..i . . .". i .
M .' . f I ' IU' ' ' ' - .!!
1 , , . I . , '.' i . ,i I . '. I' il '',
'I i. ..I. ..ei ,., ! I. . I
I. ., i, i . :i : Ii, i' :. II"" ! o hi : .i i,
, , j' ., j , . l. . I ii -1 . - I 1. 0 il I I " I '! 1 . i ei.'i ,
, ,i - ,' s ,. I '. . ' . i. ..I',. I. . 1 1 . . -.l.i.l ... ' ..ii . ' i in . .
.v i . . . . : ..' . I! : :.. 'I '' ' r . , : ." ..
. I ,.;"... i . r- i I "ifl.i ! 'i' I . I i,; i' ' I' II
i. .. ,i1 -. t; i ii i ' . . i . n i , I . - . - n hi i ' i .
i ' (. -1 (' ,"i'i i' e-'. I i i "''. In ''i'l, l.f.'
l' 1 r ." I ' H "I. " UI.I. I.'"'. I I - V. . ll. !. I, l i - ,,'v
' 1 , I..'.. . I' .. HI " ' L. ii ' .' ': . . .. !,'
I', . r, 'i ' .-. I' so i ' ' " :i I" "r " .11,'"'.. t ' i' i ll
i i.. i. " i. J.''. ' i" 1 " ; a ii-
i l n '. ,1, I. 'Ml .'J- I'"'- i '".I ! i ' ll ii 'i . :. .
V '1 UK ''K'lv' .".Ml Al'll.l''. !.! W I'.i 1 1 A
irl.llll. 1 i . l;i" ' v N v. M I -it h i . . i i- ''.-'.'. '.' ' I-., i s:
,;. i ,-, : .i- tl . , I' . . . . I- il- i i -' I ' ' in '. Illl.i
i I .1 i , i II' ' ' l ' ft ' 1 1 I :ir -, .T rl tu ',: t(, , ...i-(
I I -. i :- . I'l - 1. ' "'ft. ' .in-': I" !' ' ; ' "i I' .' ( ' . , .
i:..l i 1 1 "i.i I i. i : il '' i. ' i'i- I - ' il' I in ili- '. ' i - i ; 1 1 -
me 1 1.' i'i" ii. in-'' n- - l . ii ' i i: ,r. i:r 1 1 i ,
v. I:i ii ,' , ii - I I" I) J I-' I:.' ' ' ..I" I il ill; l
ii. i" o: tl.i' f ii. ivii liii,'. 'i.r . I i ii ' i "h i-1 i. -. vn . r
ii'l"'ii! Iii' :i,'. 'in .": i -1 I in ;c
I ,.,.'. I ,,i I'll .1.1, I I l " .11' r- ... ,'.r r J I',' ::ui.i.i't . In
i ll '.'.
i. I Hr r r. .1 : u:y t'"ii'' ll'ii.p. ul'ir " l:ii'r
Irp i'i! i- lim lil, 'I,
nn i i-.oit f. ii i, i i. i. i'.i,
i.l.i'i I i;: i;.
'ri'lrn' en :, ii: '! el,:,-... il -,i i:: n lleov'it.i I' I'.ia
i"-ifO i 'v w'l tr i'in.;:ii il Ii, i i- Mi' il in tin .'.' tCiita
i I Kluti I' O l"r Ijr i hip o' i II hii'i ami (I.-,, iii- I'l-,.
i i.m s. J'rnl.'-:.i.i' i'ii;.l.i;i I "ik ii'ih , ll, il i wr . - id iii iiv.mi.
pl.;i,liu.l', uliu li-o Ki.i't'i'io -i.. i -,ii.i,lj,
Wi.l.i 1 1 ".ii i"'-c i,f I'. fl mi' n. i'i 'ti ,1' lie- I. 'i'i p. r
liriiinliil V". I'i.' ' t iiil'."' -t' "i'l. I'll'l "' 'i' i. i. 'I' It (hu
No. 7Vr illl'M.NUT Slltlul'il.
AMi HI 1 A I k-:.
1J1J'-'1 KI'Vl.l.'s,
1 1 ' ' i"n
actiMowt t n iri' rn its
' Kl.l.lll i.O I "K Tlil'IK
hiniaitit I'C.j; r.! ir.isn.
n n i i . to m; t iic
kar i uiAui.i. in r.u.'i.C' T.( made.
AMi jiii..; t IVN I ill: M '..! itKldOM 1 I IIMS.
A M ' i 1 1 1 . v . ' i : I . i : x
J : TN'I'l''
n o i' i'. is a t n r it i c '' ;
Vril -t . I ' I ' HI" fi 'l .
til Iiwh'IM ""I wnni in. ..I 1
H . . I'lii'l.ti'l I I t' I I':-1 ll.vo I i I
Hi Ii 0 .:... Ill' I .1 I -' .o
I 111 .l.l'i I ll rn " III I I
M hi ( l- V o I I . I'i .1'
.". I I 'll- Jl'l .1'C fc 1
i ii.ii" o'lr i',,.-l'"i
I. il ' I -III I ,U".
i",e l fti: I'i rfr,- A
'ii i, TV, ll i-.iiil'iiii thr
..i I' 1 it , i I ,,fk, niij
( "Iiloii ni i ! In llila
I- c- Ol.n
lid Mol.nrtf Ti". '
i v ' ttON N;'rH mi. I.' fi r. 1'iU ;'i:i 1
Ni.. t ill SM, I MRI.BT,
i C trl A Co.. lolliloir. Tilled nml
(xpected at Annapolis to-morro. Tiie Agent u9m;.. .
I lie. n n ri' a siif-i
of the Christian Commission there telegraphs i
for large supplies of shirts (old shirts pre
ferred), drawers, nlippei'9, dressing gowns,
oranges, lemons, apples, S:c. Let every loyal
i household promptly send to No. 11 Hank
1 street, a bundle (,r a box of these nccesiarhs,
poraneous incident ol tiie process of ne'o- or n)I)oy t0 buy tliem. Any sent to-day or
, Ihe Mew York Vi i'.j JVtu' of yesi -r
bi;j a double-leaded aitielo which b.-wa'ds tlu
desertion of their principle" by tin; l.V
, mocracy, and attempU to teach the lesson of
'the eWlion. It nronoses to go on a different
tnek for the future, and it points out, with all , tiatlng lor an aiuc ible s,:ttie;nunt ol tna t0.nioll.ow u- n timi
Tin- juiirtiiils of Morava Hate tha'. tlio Gov
etrv .cut of pr.ili.e I.hs lii'Cinii.l that wnowl
wliu p taxtb hiwc a ti(;lit lo vote In municipal
mo.inr.l.eii. rnl u.ulHin S. T. lnii.
l'tiis dlillni.nli.tird olll '. r has b'-ea appointed'l of the lntli Arinv i:nro, ma in
tho irspkuity or defeat, wiier; lie the causes (liffleulttos in di-pnte. lU-jyinay, a m
ol uiilure in the past. Brilliant essayists have piobably will, anect to rejoice over th.i isaiu
beliiro tbld written e-sayR in paragraphs as j of our recent election, in order to kejp up a
melodious as the hexameter, aa to the art o ' bow of courage aud conlldenco In their des
Ifrowuig old gracefully. The Kew York perato caus?; but no genaible man in tills
Dvllv A'cioa u teaching its compeers bow to ! eeetion of the country can b-livo for ona
i ..... i.. ...iii.. i n,. t ' m i.n, i.t tl, new., nf the. t.riuuioh of th ' l.i th r
exuiie w tui ease, mi. i j.-i. iu iin.iiuw. ... u. ., - - r- , , . - k.,.i v.-,i,i..,,o. v. ir
e I . ,. t.,.. .oi r.:i i fieri la Ol ncn No. la, iIhIuu neailipia: t rt, 1. Hi
here is the article iUcll: ivopuoiicm ar.u union pa-ty ne.c '.,. ..... (lt.,,,(.r nll,.uncc, tlio tolluwiag pur.
" Ahhauam LiNCOi.i bttsbctnre-e!' i tcil to the excite a general fueling of d'aappolutineiit in M us nml Corp. K:alf:
rrmdeny. N e win not .uei ion iQ,.ii:r me t.J0 euflr0 Southern country ouuide of our u. ii. a. n.
w l TtXlBOTOlllllTV ran !. i:cn .' .. iiiiiiiiuii umi mil .... ,. . ,. . .. i ... ,,.
" iin terli.c..t.uo; have or have loi parch nud a military lines, and fill the uilnda of the d:s-
" verdict tbnt is not inc'.re. v c uuve eo U ) now lovtd ixbiilu of that melon Willi glooai aail
dismay. They will reulize tliat tho flat or
uncei.ipioml; lag war has gono forth agaiiut
tin ie, iiial that their doom Is decreed.
1 v. tib the fi.ct th;it he in re-eie te.l, and it is for
'' the dete.'.UU party to couturier wlioiu.n they wc:
' 1 1 In tent in tliu cleiii'int- of .nicccie, ami lo bo
" nuutixl by tin ir cxptricniM in lueir lu mo p tn-
. ' tied action.
' 7 be Dt mocrncy duBcrte.d tbelr principle, and
'"they now lealuto itio la al cuoacpi -nee. T.e
" Litter truit ot ilieirapoatu.'y li at tuuir lips, and
ila bli, lia ut pt nam u for lueirona u of
1 fullh. Let tiiim niout iit iuo ie .ion. it -net
A.ltl.KIt A' ,IKT(M'ltl.
Such is the constitution of human society,
that one man must have a superiority ovr
V. 1.. Siiront. A. I). O. tren inf thiloni'l T. H. lUrrls, A. A. O.
1." i.teriiiiit f. 11. Town-end, A. A. A. U.
M. Jor CluirlCK Mann, Assthtant Chief of Artil
lery. Captaiii (I. A. William, Commissary of Mus
t.n. A.I!' Ciiinphcll, Medical I)i ector.
Maji r J. O. l'icrcc, A. A. G. and Jud:.e Ad
v. i a c.
IlliltV A. l'o.. I ,n. tin:, a i.ini null i:."iin.t.
1K1.UV A' CO ,t. i t'i 1 I ,'l l lr.l Ii' ll t'lii'.Iiiil.
11 Kit v & iii , ('i.niiii't,',i in ol unit r.i ..-.iiin.
J'l'llt.Y . Co . t l.i'le 'I hir-j ami i'.ii' ,n il.
ll.lltv tt III. V ii- Inn T'.inl an I tt'.iii.i,'.
I'Vllltv A- (O ,( I'i'h hi:, 't',' nud , 'ti iieit.
Vi.i.HV A- ' ii.. i l"it", ii, J i,i e le ii 'tiioi tit.
11 ; I; l.V ro . C mil nit. T', lot -t'l't I'h ".iiil'..
I'l-l-KV A t'l)..t''-i:'ili,w, 'I ii ii. and I'l.H.iiilt.
I t t:i'V A- tn ,'"i i',, ii, id .i,,it I'- e.n t.
I'l ' ll if Y A- I'll., I'l. t'lli,.' rierd sii'l .ti '-Mill.
1 1 MiV A I'll ,1' t'lll".'. 'I'', I'll lin'l ttl,'"li,lt.
ll.i;i:v 'to, t; " tun' , t'i it mil ''iieo'iii.
IHII11 K CO , I' Hi. ';!. T''inl .nil tic-nut.
I'l.HI'V I'll ,t'l ..! 1' k 1 ' Ir.l n.'.d ' In "'it-
"I.t'ttlf A I 'O ,( 'lli. 'nil K, T'iIi it a nil 11 '0,1! i it.
I'lllla '- 10 ,l'l lll'n.'. TI. ml ..(! I" r. i .ul.
I'l Kl.V I O , CIoii'l'.K, Tlilni ami I'l.t -in'..
Bni -riilno In 4'liitiiina;.
lt.t-Ml . III I' t'iillK.
l"rin. In ft'.tti iik
ltamii nt In ChUiiib. .
At f.iUNVItl." "reltrs' Ol.l Mlm.1.
Al ll' I 1 Hi.iki.i' Old Sl-ind.
i A I Ol: IM, ll I.I NinKiVllil l-Unll.
A. C'i'M 1 1 '.l.i- .Sii,m ' old Hiiina.
No rivi rpoinit .trrt.
tin;, ci.o-i.ui .tii-t.
.'nt I'-fi t tirsni.1 mn-i I.
0. Wtll'li. jllUt lllttl.
loiwHtd lit .i.cit. iimisli ih. xid I'X.'Ciwary anolUer. Itmayt.ol be a political auperiorltr,
. " Irnm ;luir lOiiitciil ln.ieon. It a i D.-.n uicir J 1
curse intvuy iasne i temu'eil to'lic p-mplu b.i.ce 1 or povornmonlal roanlntion maybe nm t
" iheioiiiiiieiictnieutof tlita war, anil it il "lcit d rn,v(mt Bll(.,h; but atiH there will remain a
IMieiUl UinV.llClUi. Cl.i. U un..uv.... iu,j ..u
I anse from individual superiority, Intellect, or
ward in War be aain n. u me
i-t-rtilcuci'.anil nnv. r more lie isi'ini.,., d fje-vcit
" lt paiul-rtDKii'natiii'cnpi'Utlit'ciiiiiiiO'i-ij: tao
" j ury tt has i-ctniycil and luincd.
" Tlx War Dtaiorram have tuaile th final trl il
of their impvriucnt, ai.d tuey Ii ac i.-tiled. ii i'
it la not luilure alone t u r. tiioy luvu in .iin vc.
" lor. T'ety tiavc kit a na.a Ucoti iUj Ui'.mo ri
" tic rccoru. Xtiey toive iliiliniiuri. I tti st' l
' lhat, by a coiiteuipuli!'.' I'rau l, 'hev i irt-d iu o
" tin aiiiljuicu ie wliere iii iru.'-l d 'teu e. ri co il i
.' i.ot iu tons, icnee and coniisiccey I j'lo.v to i :
" n -rue. Tley Pave cyti-n-l 'lie Or in 'iatc pattr
' Has day to Maud I" fore tie ir eouiiti uupmi;. d
" ith Hit bin. ,o ol leu.-p id. .i, nuJ " iriu Hie
' ii.iii.niii't pio )ti ol liru-iaty loi -t ds tpcir oau
" CoBventtou red itcir t'me-iiiiuor d piiu iplc.
liny liave cMahlulu u t .e pr,..,i d lit of itiMib
" i idiiiuliuu to patty dl- i.i'ita , and t.av atueliui
" ihc character of ii.e. n I uc. to n a or. ml mo i
" l,n:, belore itn-y poiroiieu tti ayio ni, had tun
tier to iiM.ll' thr-jutioiii a b .ll ci,:.:iii.. o: po i -"
e.. nupirmu "V. '1 ui y I. .vo nal Hi n il i , a id
' :i one ii bus Oeeu to me R-p i'il '.
P.nt even the ertor "i im ,.,is'. have their
' va'iic a the instnictorn of tile f.H'..i a. I,"i tt
Mow couiia lid- Hie lasl: ot pai y itoinezi
" lion. Tiie War lKtnoe. i:c ' is iti I'ae Uiii' tne.e
It t it way. lVri-h the .-uat iue: t and lie. It on'',
blI 1' t it only live ur u w i.nn.K t i ti, i.i in r
.!' tiie mtsctt'cf It ti. scion hr. Let tl- HI ';
ai:ain to trie iljc'r n -i of .1 i:-t ct.a n a-'l abl ;o
' riy Ibim as laitMul'y a dal :.;ov i'a,i i.'ii
D.-uiociut'1 of oibsr Java, r. 1: i. ;a '.w n an ('''
tboae doe r ni.i. eon ie r 1 ti''it ti:e wo d O"
" na ciaey linninf a noiynt tervt: "iry. I hi
rainpaii'ii w.ia leiu'lit n r. ".ie. e "n ', i.!'.' tier
' was ftuuiih.r to OemiA'r.i.a to Iii ad c tli.1 ur lor
' el the iuuim.
1 lie iaauo iiiLiM nlcd tu tba peiiolo w. M:n:'ly
t. i, 1' u llo r,ll III.. I o..ulli':. U'l tii
t..i,r nui A Will' liili: i- if'i. it H'lT'l. I'l
' ."it-iBhi r puliiieaiiisiii. I- w-.s tn 'salt .
' inJllf' i niv ol tiiu mo;.. i' t' p". u r. !i " t
- : ul nut nan. it th't no ; iuc ' iiouiil I. tv
,,nri.!r Imlui.ti cae .1 el e-if Aii: i"
wab tliiui.' up"i. tint ii ..'-il, .a a i a atiki
'tf.tience, the p ir y v. 1 -. el: -i.; i v. .. . I i.i
rnlliii;: if."-' I'' iic ; ' ,
'The O.'li.oei.'.ey t.n "V to-I '.' '.' ' ti- y ; tv
"t km Hie ur i';; p.". ; i-1 . 1 '"' - "" "''
.ilvp.i. Cut . ' ' to, '"'' 1 ' " " -
. .uilifi Ili at the t.:l ... :c -J :. .'I' '... ,
" !.tt tt be be J nu u ..... t ; '.;, n a 1
" within lie eMiip. Cu; I'- i' ' ' ; T j
- vtiu would i!.e -is p."" wh mo 'i'i.'-, . a - .'; -i j
U. ' Let tin. p.i',. i,n ' .n 1 i'i ' fa "vn i
"i.r.diJ l .oi,i r.a-i a p',:.y i.d tf. I hi y,
' . i.ti.a-c i ' !.. .; i ". " t" 'I '::.;'''""'
" th't tuoi'gli wt'Cii ti.ey re. id u-ua liie.Jnno
' c aiic bauuer the faiu-liur bla '..mry oi ol I. Lot
. " tLeut know ihai tUcm .s a put mat .ltri
" uphold tin) doctiino of . l.'tc Sovcr-; 'u'.y, th it
- ' oppose centralization, th".' dare , iV t' i
' voeatc the peace that tlio Kupubln: year.ii for,
. " tbnt dare believo and nsteii tn it tu-.' a-iac I
" coercion of A-tate i" no' . repnoli. aaiii.i ; .: 1
' "the uojiiiliir volco wili mii,h ort t!; e. ot'i'mu
" ilrspce of tint power and pair no c of a '.V .r
i- " Auniiniftration."
Tho JovinaJ of Commti-ce i follow in;
' lt .example. It -:bo-vs to the vrrdl' t,"
although it laments the result. It s.ays : "We
" H UHt leave the arrftpgeninnt of the sliLi of
, state lu the lumd-j of tho.-io chosen to gdi,!e
bet conrvs; and, whatever bi ouropini msor
. wt frars, it U al-solnwly necetsary, under
pretwiu ciicuiusliuusos, to ceiyio urging our
advloe, or Importuning Uiose v bo ditl, r
t. ".ftom V to cltoni-c their view?." Till? rcadb
cU. It Is li-lt to ti ltepublleuu part, to
1 prort tld graee-Silly.--,, ,u t,mJ()W .!VJ.
, grow lew I wbiliit Deiiioeracy.HUa mir
w ouuili d, dies amongst her worald'ipe-,,-! . '
c.AwriaroCiwinicrcc.too, bus inad
- uik iu dj1u1 to retire from polificataQie-Lpud
It3'lpflner.ts npnn the well being of eomrneree.
TJii b,ai.g vt BO'-' y as Initiated Iu a Kinee-
ful and uuembarasscd wanner, and wiij uoubt
!e s wlu Us reward.
l'KKS( 41. Mll ll'r.S.
Piotv tlr tntttt n iri iiinii pip.' . r,'.f f 'I.
tltr- HIK OH iri It Ci'VM.VM'INrt KUT MX
a u, i' - III 1-tr-l.t; inn. rill I,.' I'rir nil. i.i' ' . I"-"''" K. .Ii-.i .
ol Mlil'tlfnK ci.'.ntv. ir-iaila. win lln-r inn nun .r or hu in. -t.i net nrnoi. Am tniciruiall'i" t'-.n-oT'il nir lam
win br lli.o a inn- ori lviil b.i ai..luu ill. iVnil
cu " fi'oully i,nll,o. A. Ii.
tier tl. l'ti,. anv tiitiiruia;li,n of l.ll-ulr, aol .Iinl ii 1
l li.-ilin t. I inn .htitr A, litii lU'en, ni N nlti Cttiiilini,
Winrn ami I.lqtiorH lor "Ueilinliiul I'lir.
P'Mil 1 I
ilie old
Sl'crry, iin.t
HaC.nlra Wln -i,
AS ., til uM llrandli'i,
lor iiiOili'tiiial iiiirKaea,
Const. e tli on lia-nl.tiy
Ta.'ia lti it.r.n, and luulli mroi.",.
power, but some false basis may be sele.-teal.
In liuiom.. birth Is the criterion according f'iiiiiiian HrUniti-. wn,. . annim-Mi m i,n .-- .'nt to rnt.-ri. i(m:
1..I . ,i.......i.rt u,,,i in tin, oi tin, ..... m. H - I'.. ft OUf lll.ll. i. it C i'i I.
to which society U divided; in India otwiV is i,. r. ai tin-:. tai W n h n: t fia-roini, isi-.t en. '.t r a i J
Itur-rlnr A tarns Teleurnpli The I'nlilui
. an' Iteiiiii, ,1 tht t tiavr sue ".l afd
-B-'i. in 0:t A-i'll , ol llliiV.iill
sh i is able In itiili.n l,,r llai i ay ami
1 g v-t'lnllv, II II ,.i. ' A'.'J bv i lo.-i rl
rAf;ri - t:l.y,ll.,'iiniiti .ul nun ii'i.'.'i'u:, in
eC ilSaiaL5!fc "'' .. I'"' '"'l" 'i a, in.
T,J!aau- ,,,a,, , ,,,or i, onroitor. I.
"r ' In lliliodlu'.d wt liiut ileia.-l'itl 'lio
iiollii' ll. f fnml A innt
Irlf urtipli to yonr 'uotn ; in ratitiot av.,i,i ll. In win yt ir
rv 'Tit. ,f in . w ' e i, a in,, i,i." I:, in ii ill
1-sU, mil Li: ILanUtullr ii'i-flii'd.
C M. tl.
tr N0 KMHKIt 7. IM't.-TO I'AT MAK0S". I'liH.V-di-I'liiii
:-1 tin; i-luid no ililrll lire T m .'on t .r ifv.'iat
VicKi. 1 tl'. 1 V.I a,itl',li sti ,i't nil' i h'.t Miiv; s4j. in
In tlial i'.t iri-M':iir line -uM I.i. a a .in, I' r. n at
i.railli'iill,.i, a- in aU. Toll r. it to tin i e j 1 11 -ft to ;r tit
u. aa l' ' ' I v t'i i". -si' VI ( ar- all well.
II Ctl'ltM 1.IUUS. l,i,.!,tictiln i:ri"'l, Itlcliliu liil.
the standard of division; whilo in Americ.i,
"wlierc all men are born free and eipial," wj
have adop ed a most atlulrary and unnatural
Hlondnrd, and mrallh Is Ihn dia.lnetion ajcord-
ing to which socV-ly is separated Into classes.
Money, therefore, Is the foundation of 0'ir
"first families," and Hit- ha- is ofour nrl-ttoerncy.
This select class h is tui'lenoue two most
, ,. . , i. ...... . tirth and I on. bird ft r'its. bv IK-v. Kd-t .'il'd S. A...-K',
ueeiueu eiiaui'CH s-iauiuuuui itn eonipiow i in Mi l ci.M'K, 1..... . ol Mieillin
thtU which deprived C il. til. i:s I of his crown.
Immediately tiller (lie conclusion of tho
tut a i,.i'tit, tlii u'.ii-l ,wi and d un of
dollti. C-ll antl aa.' It.
jons MI'!;:T15V.
Ma.tns VltKiM't' aui'.t
I'l n mi!-! Vlnntlnt
fllii a tCO MASON IlKlT.EB 1IKD8
d,'i:ee i.i I liintiin N.
m it mm,
-Sovi-iiii. -r lnih.lst4.ftt tttari.ii-
'rltroii., I'.aq . N. I', rnr i, 'I'win-
.N . J., lu til.
uinrniii'r, Intti
1 1 1,' N II. Moolli: oi I'lill. d. Clin.
I ll I 11 Ml s i i ink. i n '1 liiuvil i
Intii.l hv Iti v. I.r. llin,i-. Jit A N'I I'll. 1. HI .Ml
k,' .,, 1KM' t.1 il,i.n,h.i,r it. (l.a lui Jut.,,
Revolutionary War there eom neneed a series sum... ..t i iiiiiii.iiiii.
llAlllil AS l l.r.--r l.ll i. oil till' inn nni on. o nar.
W in. inn l.iirn. .Mr. .1.11 N 'IHOJI.V- it .'. lilHt.iHl l,
I.i Ml i At A K V 1'lilCK. ml nri'liils.lill.ln.l 'lt
MAiiKH-Mos.s. -iin Tliurstuy Intli in'tant, nt St.
I'liiil a I'liiir.'li, bv tbw rev. K. in;. .ton tin Itluid ll. ll.,
JAMI S I . M iltltM t.i Cl.l'H.IA MoSS.
Tl VI KLOlt INI'K.-liii Th iMlnr. NoMim'n r KHIi,
I luin 1 I t .Mtlllll.l. li.l-. in l'lillitilt'lililii, to
;1.A M'll :, itantiliT ol J .n ob 1'ioralice, ol' ibis elly.
YlU'MI I'ATTKIt.stlN. On tho mil lin ant, bv Ilia
Hev. II. I . I. !, 1IKN It V 1. Oi Mi, ol Una i li.
and '-1 SIK A., dniiKlittT in Julil. rail-T.otl, ol
N,.ti.rli, N.J.
of little iiteit untile Iratistictiotis, fioiu which
gieut gi.iii iieci'tied.and wealth rolled into our
merchants' cullers, lietice they became url-i-tociatlc.
Suddenly aeipitred lortitno )ilX-i the
os'tlon ot the piiMcasor v. ill out raining hhn
n if; lichee lie briu .'s up with him all the vices
and depravities ol" lower life. Arroganco and
littoltTice take the place of a proper appre
ciation of lite vnlau of money. ir.we the
Ir muni 'viMliisli iiii-tocracy," which continued
Ca i-.t N r:T
Ii '.-nl.'N'S
J P. (tMHM,I,
Bt tnth and Chcbput srn.
n.'iu , I'V
i ; :.' -i y
IJl lit .V "I
liuii n'jii the
ihplh a! n oi;
UhLilH-'tl. Ni
n-' re,
r f. f ll.C lit Ivvrl- Vt .ifH,
M'.u'.i'l I ' .1 ' H ii i-i I'.'.U 111 l i 1 1 t'i
,:t .it (- iiiTt- I" c-fl Kor i'-.Ti t' I
"V-t r;ij u'" f-oiii 'i In n'. ;l t. Inn; ;
,ti,i V. ' fr -r T r ! " m , fit, f i, pi
un H'H'.t U'- h' ' ' '"in i 1 n- rtt ( I'imi ii
Ji n;.!; M l- lr:..ti , (In m (t,i til l .1,1
Iiil Oio cuin- ol tnv lt i 1 f , ii i 1 1. iimI
I.K'il Ctl ll. tilt t'R tXCU It It? lo (lis Mi
i t j;'i tl 'iv u.t il ( hi U. Hdid hl A'
I lift
t HiIkI ! ISi.
'J In- lot.iin
te j , riM-l'.'. h
f I 1 Ii 1 I.'.s If II'
t li t,i:i &i .i
M I . I.I l,r.
t il, :t v. 1, iK
CHICK Oi' 'I UK Pl.l.VWAlU'.
t h. ti..-i;inCw CUi t.n, I'liil-" 'i u m. .N -
U,l n.M.t (.1 t ill .It; I1 Of ll.C i;-.ini'':y i
tii " V VMM fi ,.'"' ' 1 ' ""i ' ' H '" .1 " r
id tMinSv IfX, tv VI t. .---I,
!, i.t il i:J.-l.: ti.'t.x , 1
I ii t. '. ' ' , . (
!,i it h licit n iirt.etl
V,l IT 4!
fi!,'.; r.-i
l-f-ti' trtii pflr, (iii.-! a- PitTm tl ir in W-'VMii'H"' 1 , It
ti.OC --u r i Ll
iii h i' .ti n. J Ki-Vtf.... -'! - "'!
" ,.,
Int. -oat .'tiiiiiL. i-i.vis r-iili-.l sal-
i,; v- A i 7,,"' '. i-"
. mo. T ;..! , A . il ffi-i't' r 'i Tie il,'n
.".a ma alal' I'.ln it Ji o ir a o i
, ,. ... .j: 1 1, ..ul s;
I re 1 1 - 1- f, sr. !,'
lattl'tt l'o'l'tll,.::i '"I '"1 I'S
Ii' I 'ai-.i "'".i '"" 'S
i i ii,. 1 1 iiJie - lt'.".i i'i
Altorliaii K I r..' it .. .' r isai-Olf
. ij, , it.- I i ill 1 1 n:n in 'I ji . rn Iri'
no m-. I i-nt M-ii.l i. 't I' as 't
Ksi aei... tia.iii .-, K.,,1, .' i Iii' la
it tl'.'. II II
I'.I'Al'iriNT on tha atb liHi nii. vtr... M AKV M.
HK.Vl MON'l In tit (oil! .M'ttr ii. In r ui-i-.
, ... ., . , . nr iririiui 'inn r,'.a' m . i. .in- ii.uiii. ure rL'it)
lis rule until the coillin' tl 'cmenl Ol Otir pre- invited to itti nd lmr Inn. inl, iro.n tho ta lili nr
InT aon-lli law. A. Ii. l.iil'ri'll. Mi. ivn v .vll
si nt civil war. 'i'liis ritigti c.le!idcd through
about ;i.vli-!!ve y-ii'.'.
V.'llli lie v.tii if ni ; ,vh! di were called
ht to exifteiuv by t! 'tl'.ciipt upjti oar
lit'tloi;':! life came gi'i-tl- co (' els tiir subsUl
eliK. ol out rah ml atni.,, and tli mi who ifot
tin al: emil raeis ae. 'lni ll ili- l :te'tt a:i l sud I 'll
.'.'it.'t-, 'J lie li'i'l-e ii i'i, r oi' to- I iy ili'.ve i ilis
iii'.iia'."' ai"l pair !o aiotr itv. The w.tshar
v.elii.tu of ji' ,it "lia.r is fie. jnWi'll'-J ill of
U,;hj. A:l tiilu, ii.'c eh eg.'d; .fir p.toplj
in; coutiituall) 'in : a i "id e. rnil'i;' d rvu."
AW al! kt "W the ri'lie"!.' wlueli i ii 'ipel
ttj.nn tin: "..hoildy ai'i icr.iey." JIo.v wii a
lit. ii fa.i-hy jcv, c!-., pu :',.'. !iai..':. eivhlefs, in 1
uuinerou.-. cxlrava T.aiii', they hiive render'.. 1
themselves more than rldl' iil us. The frauds
-n ti icli Imvo been the me ins of aciiio vltttf
tl.u fortunes of fo many, have made the uani'3
of "shoddy'' a satvui of scorn aud opprobrium.
The "i odf. h ttri.itocracy" was a t'-i'ia of ridi
cule; --shoddy"' implies a crime. Such is th )
conventional acceptance of tha worib. Whe
ther just or not, post 'r'i.y mut t, decide.
V.'i: t'.o not t'lil'il. we ha:-ard oar reout itina
for "double-Bi-jhl,'' when we predict that in a
lew yeara there will arise met called "aria'.)
firtlc," who will surpass iu bombus, vul
i,ri;y, and bad titilt any which liuve, preced td
it, and completely throw tho shoddy" of the
ureseiit day Into tiie aliiale. For the sake of
per. picuily we will call them " Petroli;!."
The di:ovcry of the vast livm? wens oi oil
..... t.. 1 1 Ur.
upon a soil previously uoiishii-p-u ii.c
(iod-iorsokeu in our htut raised tho-e
who below were mnons the poorest of our
titl:eiu to be the weiiltbieil. Tlteir ro-
celpla tare MjuIouh. We have heard of one
man who, before thiuio grand Ulscoveries, was
obllwl to row a boat to keep himself alive,
alriet. on Hiiturdav an 'ruin, n, lint Utn livta it, al 1
',ti,c', witl.oto nirlli.'r iiuili'e. To p:,ii"i.,',l to odd
l. lli wh' l.i'intt'ry
lill.H. On tl i-'nli lima lit. Ki :ltl'.i:( A V. Ill III), In tl.s
e'iil vi nr o' t'.T ayi.
lln ri'l '..i'-iiii'l i.i ti,.-ta' are Invlt 'fl ti
atl. nl :. i , i,ierl, lr..,n il.--p . ,l "ir ot s. .ll irr:ff.ii,
llm., i, i. ' ii it n i-. ii I'll l'i,ii:i'l ,lliiu. .ni tin.
t'tlli e in '. at i n'i: ..i t.. Ni.V. -lln Illi Lllll diiv oi .'nni . 1-to'l KM' -1'nlil)..
... ,.V iu III. ill li .-nr, ill tht Iti' iitalHt
Nil to. . 1 , ..Mill.
1 t.i- r. i. ul v.-, nr,' ir-ml. ol t'i,- t "nil v inf. r. i-i '.-ttttlU'
liivitnl to illir.iit Hie nni -oil I ma III- lilt . re-earner,
1 1 ..I'l" nl"ll " , . M n U t i - til i 1 1 1 ii ''il, "II'l. Ill' l.illl
ill- . Ill, 1,1 I" I.'.". I V. I"" ie ,,,, il'il i e-lier of III..
'I ii ;-l:i t - r i, lit ti li'K''"''ill a''"' l'li-i ue ilv iitvll.'il In at
11 It No 111 tllll SMtr KI RKKT.
li. MDVl 1) TO
N... .-: AIICI 1 S i ttl l I". T.
I lib. c in Neiv York,
It i .,i ., I ' ll t t i 0 h-1 It I ll
I ie
. I.
I lll.lll
el, i.t.t int. i ",t ;t i-
1 ar .: i.iiii-i i ,i.,,i,
On', ert, Hi d .iO'ii. t- vl, ':'!
SiW.'. ! " A v u i TH' f Vtf -1 At
Ar. !i.;'.c ' l . tl' f,
IM51 t Al. l I I 1S. i C '1A
I'i na t ir'
.i:v r.
,.i-;u Mrsr
; Cif-ofct vv. sirviONs & brothzh,
rANdOJI Bi i't, above fcl.Mii Stunt.
PEECEKTAiioii Bwoars
' Maa in oidorai lo a.'nirtuBt noiici'.-vlnitli fi r rie.hnrn anil
vi "ii,lt.-i ii" .'iii'li ii'.u i..inl"'llii'.n. '"' ,'rr ti" .i- n t'.a
',',,,, , , i,,!,," I'.,. :.' I it'l AOl 1)1(1 Ml J' l.t!
! WlJII illli i't..M'1't. At. fcWOill) mam a
UU Wrm aaoue could uot supj-ort Uim, J gJ'Jv"
W l;nuu Intoini of four tho'isimd dollars a 1 ti r. ...i'iv.h
V.'e cat. iiot vouch for. th,; .tatUw of
U ".1.0 li" il, t I lion- i '. I1"' I1
I'l VI. 1.1 1 1: I'l I U, m ..!. oi i:
' fen. rill .' II' il'ii- I'I "'.' ie 'J-.'! l.v tli-1 t', llii'ln-
at in o el .. IM'U le r 1 1'.' 'Hi I' '"' ' N". I '' IV. l 't
i . i . tii 'iii.ii ,-. '
K Y -ii i ' ''.' I"'' 'I -' "it. allif a li-n : l:.i"-t, .V
MllV K. Kill. I'. V ni . il 'i l vi nn.
ail'nd ihV V Nn. mi 1 SANSOM HTI11CKT HAUi,
lia. f HtT'i't, Oil MUtlll.luy, lii.-tnill, IU a U tli'Uh,
w .Ilium liirtlifr llulkf.
il Ii.HM'. On H'ttinliv. iCtli of Novi'intn-r. in 'In'
'M , ol his UAf, fJiAKLI-S UL -C'UI.Li N noil ul
ViclOl (Ml.ltllU.
Lt-.K.- l-HMlie fllh iii-.tunl, .Vll.l-l M .1 V.Mr i ,-..u ' I
John J. i -'ii. M .1 rtlu li. I .vis iV'1' i .v-'i J
It Kiii'tiix ui it i run n- tint i Wi It 'a '. ti t ;
V ti'll int t mi o.ii 'It u i iii'.:f ;
T'.ut '.t'i f wo i.i.cii -j in id) aJift li-
IVolKl llif LaiipV -iliorc
V ,iv t Ii r sit. HiiMir h'T i tty
nl tiu' nt nri 'h i iu-ii ty :
' n our i!i .ir - it 's r; - s. I
'Itir- rtilituvfn f.tn4 li-ifii'i ft ill i tinily arn r-putmiu !
h il tl lu titu-'i i tin, lu.'ii i:: r. i - oi i h
p,i t'dtt, N. .'CM w 'toti aiAict, wu imurdrt' tiinruooii, l
litttl tiUt 1- o'cloCit.
J I M Kit - LK V. R'lil 1. )!. 9 ,iirf?t), !9ill, lnl if r
1 .rvii...l, t ' ll -Mi'iify, N, I., iui J.'.Ali.- lit A. U A
VV i.t:v. 'n :h. oriic ' '
AIAMM.--til the hlh ot NoviiUtliOr, Mr. MAKY !
i'.A'.il L, Hi thf 'illUl yi-ar Oi'iu I -ac. , , ,A I
11-r i.i'iiH itnl tli(, of Hu-itiiuih' rtt Invtt-tn font (
tUl hi r 1 till' rial, Ire. il tilt! tiUllnfl Ot lUM n-ill iU I'HV,
t.-in; i'iitfli:i, No. 41 i s. i wtrlitlti nlni'i b- lu
Biriit. mi i'Ui"1' y "i ti r oin Ufxt 1 ftn, t 2 Vlo H, i
riiv.'iiiY. n th mti hiMtttuuCAl'liLitlM. wih) bf '
i u ge Oiiii by, -btl 4' y. ur-i.
'1 1 " ic'iiiuvm .ti.-l lilt u.lit r H o family rr Tnocti'iTf
Invitfri t-i rttti'fi-l th iitntriil iToin tlm r.t!i.iitji ot It.T
IiUiIjaiiU. No. ok, iiwlionl mrtiut, Uwiow .-tiui. on nuii
tv laiu rii'iou, t 1 o't-'lu. H. rtw. viuo ut bt i'Ml'l
( li in h; iiilfHiKlu nt CuliipilraWfiiKti Ty.
k ri'H 0'i tt't1 tith liMtiint. of wo aniiH rociilvt near
a, .... ii. -iiib u.imio. MiUi.r WM. K Hll'l 1.
7,. i "C.r.t 1 t'illlfllt iM'lllWH Vt.lUllt.MTft. Ill UK' '.'I h ' ' imMnl fMjlMtV.ll-Ml "V, -..ll lit liiO.-iHi-I
N niFrornTorrnMM'N ri.r:A.s for
,i 1 1, .11 i.i.r
1.. n.o;
Vl "III- ( . J-'rlt' 'I . Il"vi, N. i-'.
.1 , All liU'i ,i'ii.t-' i i" 1 1 p- .
i .'. .; , . i r m . .it r 'i a h lI I I'm :l I
M..l.irr.i i l-t or l i-n ot i; nml. 'vli d t,-
... l ... ,rtl (. J. Oil llt AH '.H'
r..w- ..i tn ii-ih A'lJ Wl.Jil. i. - liv.4. til" '"'I.- " 1
Mth ; I'UH.i'u tn l.-i.'.Mi WiiaKD.l m -?.:
t.-l.nilliiK in l 'in oi1 ln.isl.w.iitl
vift . t a-.ti b-.i im J ii.i i il.iM irius ut r"u i
in ..f tt.
V. t
1 III", R IV: t 'S'-rt- Mt'.' t' 111-
o ItiiiL"-: i .v mi!'i i'. li v.' .o li'tl.
HC ll it 'It'. I ' ( '(! ll 'O llll'itl .l" t f illlll -ll , r I .-f.' lH-..
Ie mi IV ;i . 1 - lit.' "it 1 I '(''. 1. 1 riii-dl, jtii"!'; in I'i"
nrpi. i l d-'i'! , vt,.i I r urn -ni u ht- i .i .1 . n i:iy.
V Iii 1 rl.nlif. li ul h '-n riiinl I v 1'r.i' -.I .1
lloilrt-, ol No. jr.'O s":iliut .trfiit. Mr '.ultalxi d m
i -it r.M."-M)i l'tt-lli ill li' i ii a I ii" : , nil ' III ' 'tl
tutrCi (fi t'iiii,f iu ii in . i'1' it' i , i.f 'l' ilr
f.i'H iii H'llotli.t: . Atli i ll'-m l .ii.ii , r lt K-s ir un-l
i 1 wi n li' litiii. will) tr ni" s-Mt-i' hi;i .nn ' n
rni'i:1i. w Its- ut HitV fxi-rcOiti.' u, ll . i-im-it I : -u ;1 ir
til illi I i ITT. I V libs II' ft '! liM Our Mlili'fv Hi. ( ', itl-H I
din tn rf i t j r llovi it. Thin mire time l ill n w.indor
I l li . i i h a no hiniLKh til's ii ; uii it i (in ii ut iiuii
t r-.- kbit-.
I Airtili rlii'fH Ullv invito n'l t-h-k to hviiP Hic riv-Ivr-i
o' i 1- r - i.rm-th w. I si rs i r fi (, IS -n' Hil to Mr. J.J.
lid!; lor ifttoi !in.i6' u.fc w. Pro I r-iuia ti. rt-n
,11 I M 1,,V Xt
No 814 H. r'niirU' atnia. rM'rtat li hia.
Tl.i i- h It b o I lant " i't i t -'a ii'ihttit? ui In .'.tl . tt
fi.i s i' I-iM'l'K-lt v. I'l.fl it'iturli, ol' Wirt n-Tvi'-i ii mu
in-lii tin- 1 1 1 i t Ihitu to lln- :-t in it 1 1 lnniiir lmi t l I I ti fin ji-
liy ol l licr rlt iromtne brum ti -iiij, tllmi"! -hi-1. t'nT'
lotc ibr miiMfli ii ih U lt iniiiut or niTnti . 'l Uf tuc-n rtUi-
i iw rliiiii ii li-ui'im .to (inx't'oiir- itr.poiiv. iitl 1js-
topla is tla rii'-ult. Kt'nl tin loltowlny
MiU'ht Pi.i v-vhr,
Fiiaski is Cnrs j , Ca . Ai'jriiif. I'l, 1 ;
Tn tlif t-fiHuy ot iMoy I wi h tkr:- vfiiiia r 'nit ml ptl'i
mid ui i-nii"Mt in uy Mijui',u. whu-U Kiilu;iliy in
ni a-i-'l oiitil Norinlitr. At tliist I'm un vmiiif-.i'. Al'
pnt to riit "tfin nt rt!U- in, who tiiiiiiniiQi-t t'o ibi-
lll'i' 1 t tin p-l. Mfilfllio Wiih p I'-i.-i ,,(, Imt lilll'ii I'i
;lirf-ilH ('iKt tMl I I Vl.'li'l. 'rb a url . ri-'- l'c1 it
I'l x ni c lib" ut'fl l np-'ii .'a iiit'dl'Mito, mlvur -J -tod m fit
Viu i . A, In- i.iii-K tlial 1 oi n.-ncf I ro r :t 1. Th
rtiM nt rnnilnneil oowi- ir wur-c, un'il M iptri, H ' w:.i .
li-.ii it.u 1 1 thi' vu'iuti nni t--irr- n-rli im tl n iui''! of
Kit eircM) , t r- rrliiil. il ti'tm--' ll iin b-i. ami fn thtl. j
itliri alti'Ui twi hc tr MtiiM nth, ,iiiiii'd by Ur. Itroft n. wftH
Ciiiiulj iiirtJ.NiiU cuiiiiinn H'i to tl.u d..
J m. i;n tsvs.
Nkw YtJiiK Hiitcttbt'r;.i., .Ml.
Ir. T. f-hwiUl. riool-lclnn, Ar.:-
I c r -n - ' rm:t hi- to ov or- ih In tliU intorin ii inn
l f" mv oine 'tt.lM - of nur bd h ro.Miii'inrt; 'iiily, t-t
r a.rn1 If M l oi your atn-titon t tm1 n.'r-o'iilly, tv 'til- j a -i
!- t4 it v Ith In . t'iiftiiiOirUni. oi thi city, invv m it i 'r. No ir.'o u nut nir-H't, I'L 1 1 ni hl.f r. t !
vn-v will one of ion1; it. uli'lUn.'. n-ttl u.H'k'iiIi k mm-i tin
lit ruit to iri'i'i K'i'1 1 ai-'tire toil, tli-ti liavm. hu ,i uhit
lln- uintiiH nt ol bP-t iitl l'tiVHu'a i hot -r. i ca-ic' to t i,
m in -rt hok ,r if :itil. t'loy lii'ii il I tri t in ' u i Ii t on
i: moiO i a' tl n o ol mii'c "is It hhh niim tor o - h f
Mini Mktl, to tie tfd toy ililln iilt'ri, itiiti hv vo'Il c tr fttl
anil tiiltliiu) tit nuiifiit ol'ino, to place nif on I'i" ri to
l-citt i t l.t a.'h.
A" opt, (Iui" f-lf. mr lvmniMi thar-k-s for your a'li'iitf m,
nml rt lil. ti e ti'imtt' "t .."iir pUI'I in the np.'lic til m ul'
Ir hi i'h'iu u Hifthod tl cure.
ouih.iOJinttliil'v, rY.U-.S l!iMM!N(iH.
coNftUMrriON- cuiu:i.
I'li II, l't 1 I Hl , Un- Ul tl 1, So.
T':l li o o-rih'v tha' aiMjn! thru" y 'him a .o I n! ikon
w 'h a tit-i . w' t'" ilo -iciau .: tl oi t ! i up tm.
I hwn cxili, ho-iihcn-'oi. i Ir IiIo hI, aol bjoa-no viry
iu i'' h ri I t x J nn uiiihT t'i i iraof ii-o ih ti-'UiH,
ntiil buvi ttKi n it gremt il-itl oi ni'- li.'ini- wltl on' r- lirf. In
ih n fiiiiOilK it I cUhil J r II r o, UU) W.tli.ift nrot.
Aiu-r to alfM'Tii a 'XainiiiaMoii w -. pruiioiincd nirn'thi;
nn(l,iitii"r the -.kt'hi tn a i.imt ot Dr. lo. kwiih. nr for
:nul ptM-traii In In. lirounK aiili-Lincn-. a n nonrty
rclii' il di tiiitiHUf, tt ml eviiot t. ai'or a liw nioi-o t rt
i:.t n'r to be i nt rely r it'.'rtl 'o he lit n. 1 u1 'iii-iH'iiii a l
a.Mu to t o ift No. Iii" Wtilnui ntrt'-t.
M k.hi iiiiL.i'i.i.i'iit4, Au-Mitt -T, 1h;i.
Iir. W. ll. llro'vn i
I I'jull.i "it aiMirltd wl'h Khrmna t-m sliit" April last
1 1 rt li , i i teti ll ik ''' tna un !ni b-J , 'jmiHln,
tln' riv -t vc U'M ithi; Mlttt. HU'. I-or t (orl ni'i:itnn WMsj
inul r too bi'-t tn 'h.-al chit, out - rv irt ho t -r,an I tl'ially
uuvt- 3ni ileal- ai1 nhi'l mt ho'I U'ttle 1 'Ji-' of Mrn,
H A. V'oti.iii, ii'int p npt-rat if of our i staMiilniifiit. In
tvovMi'i t I ur-, rt'lu'vt tl of ll pJiin. inul am iioa' por
K( I-, sri luit v ifi'i-iutnom'. all lii'litu ufltr:n; to nor
klO'l CitlU.
.Mri. W. K. WV.f KS, Wo-t I'lill.tilt'pUia.
n il ' h i" 'h' fhoi . th' iMt.("n' J an ' nM I titt ste.l
a o it, rn i! tn t : I-1 1. khi . ii.uut d tioiiti'Miu i, ih it have
li ti, I-1 ii'.'ii i iti it' is-. tJ uiii Ut.i'. U'-Jit o-i u.ii'.'i'j, at
.ti, A'sj.imf mii ei,
A. .1 i'l iiH .iiio'i. l.i ml -r U n. taI, IMnfaJ-ll.ia.
I". i.l 'i . M , 'I if. I 'ill.
V'. ll. Smiili, No. ii i Stiih in -lr" t. i'li.l.liloipUhi : ( leo.
ui.n in. No .'-.(thili -lit'.: 'V.'hii.n M. tKi,nr,
1 'i.i . it'- i,i It-; ut ii.. n : I. ' 1 M' Von, N '-'; Mar-
i ' m ii.i'ilHi' i.i iv, (';.! it a ll. (;ri,'u. os. anil
... t t 1- i-i' : i f. ; m i, i el !'" . 'o, 7 ' S mi on f-'('l',
itti.i :v tif lew- I u'.o 1. i.uM-r, Vu. 2 Wo'iJlanil JVf
ra ' . Jl 1 ' ' oi . N." 'i T t ' Al i -';'' : .1 . I Hnml n'm-i;
r- ' ' t I V , . N M . T : n! nr-' ; U. V-ii;, N. K.
t'i," l'! Ml,:! .tr ( StitD, t i :.
m. I .... x . l;n.' - i.' nii.i'.m. V t, U'l S Fourth
'? it: K'l''.i:l 'I' . i" --.ill", p: i .I'iio.- o: l'i- M. K. i'utn-h,
' J--i i-ii-i. -i i ii ib i 'in 1 ii;, I'H lUiii-., ai J I. i n'it i'i, No.
" , i. li.. Hi - r t , I'i in-- Ow mi. ..iik't-iil oi or' t'io
r.iiii utiJ it-Tc"o llotfiurrou ;o of t. c l-'iiui .til l Hi moto i,
Am -rii hu lio' I. ri.iU't. n'li'.i: J-n Vnn in, for
t-. auti rinr'i"j ao.l ruttriiiL: in f.n li-n I, 1 lit ;rirh
nml" I'e i'tml i i . cis ; Wui. Mornau, - ie i"i nl D- 'nltl , Vi.
HOI Sjic ic -tr-'C: : 'I hoi:Ui li i Top. b-;v.'-i- I'i t' ' ';i ii .'
M i!U, Vf if rniiii'lf-lp'tlu : ili't r , it'ir i i.a"i' i ut,
oi if iml.t, No i'o i 'iti!iut mrou'; II I1, boitlv.x,
(lcioi. Nfii.Mlutii aiul li:il t'UHi il rv if 'ivim i' -tin, S .
17 t-i rhi niir aire -it : O. II. r.iri.ilf.k, t'lir.-nif l.-..vpx
ioi i i mid i.i n i I .o Ki 1 uyi, J:."- it ' I K' I '" i
S! : Vt.t '..'il;. ir-i'-y. r 'n- nnp-' , fiv l :l M -i." io:
ft.'l; r-'iiiitl M.M.ili'Hl, '.' iHiii.i;jtuin, S '. I t'ro il
i :n-.- il. il..". iiv-ji- i .ill ' .! .( f "i,
'It -.Mi us I Ar. -I. Ho, T. i In Lie Ul'o'". '.''Ih,
t t.i. lU. f l- il, "' ' '-.ll' I- .ill.' II. V. 'ilM'il
I ' v 1 . 1 i n' T' i Il.-v. .1. M -.Hort, Ai;i in--, 1 'ii KM ''ni .
ti. Yoti:. Ht., i' .-u'l .t., I'.i ; J M i iii
'I .'.-. At",. '. iilf, V.u , N. -irr.'.i. v. .. i u:- dd'..., .' i.
-ic'lt f tl'C aipo' i t 'Mirvpi) f r tn: - . n
aU i r i".
A -M "r I Mr, ill AS i
Novi-mb r I. IJM.
. 171 !-W) (HI
lllOCO L'ni.'il Mu.m i ivr .lit. l.i', m,
iv'l UT on
7.VC- o C-iiitu M.t'fc .x IVr l-vi t. I n,
-n 7-V-U2 '-0
li o ffu M'iu; ft 1 1 ti- v h ho if , t iv ivr
t ent. I ( a' t-
h'iittoi I.i o.-! H-K IV. I i"t,
l.i.i. -"' MO on
I.'Hso;) rttv i.i I'lii udr.'pl-.ii, M l' i (.VnU
lour l-?Ai:
V.'aO Toniihs it ui a t:iiir.ntl,lht (oitr asv
Si V-. ' t I' 'J.Mvi i-O
f-CH-O I'i i v tlr ht l a lKhtl.'.M M r -,ii-:',
S r C i nt"s tVi.25 i l!
I'. .t'D J0 ' i- rs i'' -i (It rmnit'iiw-i ,i
4'nioH'. pi' tint! li'foroai
iiutfa.iu'iHl l y Hi iVityu! IMnU-
,,. i hi l-'.JWi) on
f l:m si nn k mh.K Iinn.- l aula
lliilliooi Cow p:m f,HV) ft)
f ,on0 h h'l.'Ti n Hto I; Norfh l'cnni'yl-
vAnm r.r.l'road ('oinpany JLO-lt tO
00,t(Ki I ni tl hta'fi 'lrta-u: Ceriitl-
c:t;o. (.t inni'bU'diH 4.i-' 00
nO,)bO Mt te r.f fontioiuM) I "ivii Tcr Ut-nl,
l.oai v on
lLO.K-O l.onna i n Ponl ani Morla'aj.-o.
ami .y iKiirid V.lw 0)
$ll,r.'0. .Market
a-uiM ".lo Pnr. f'
aitM- -"i"-'i f-
laui i-.&taii' ..'i.tvn mi
Itlll.- rtttUiil'ic lor iiHlil.ilU'u iu; di. lJ;l,jlJ -ii i il cut Ant niie-., I r.-ni'iin!
n Varmo I'l-ln loh. Arcriien I li
ter fr,,. Pint tJtor diiits duo tho
?omiaiiv ?l
Kci tp a. o Kt'ick of South ln-.ura.uo
und i-il.t r Vi mpiiiilf-, ft.'O'i HO.
f.-iitii iicil Vatoc t, J (0
'a- Ii oi (m (til Vi ilh l'..
li'ivt ri u.' D't bUOji'ift tft
ten (;.) tail tllO Oh
Cat.h in KhoKh o.l it o:t
I MUil 10 Ili lllM't 6 i mi
I n ,- ci t i i. .r.'iii ni' i.'.-Ai 1 1 In l .n'. i. lu L i.
. li.l l.t'K J (
s t u i : vH'i-i'. t' nt ! ro mo n
r 'iintr mij 1 1 '"i tn our ot n.
( I'MiniH pii'a m rofii t"i "i "ti n .-" I i
h tn;ii h . i a if) nt ui ti I i o;ii insT-'ii' ul.-. tnrt
i I., h. r.'ir.'-l.i r io, i i I . --oviry. It i- r
k ot. ii I It f nr Hnuoi li'ti t-r i-i tt v "M umiii'
t i , ( (! i 1 i ;i rput i I ,T , I M -i i t . t UiJ i, (I. . iv r ul
r. r , :t - . ii f J'a l ii t n ft
Nc.t "i i' M . f-i 1' an - f a c 'i 0-1 d In'o
: : N ti a-: t tl i m'l' r : ; iff ti r t . I by ihcra
. c or i ri"i..i to Til n r.. ; u l lit sum1- tia.ii
I is. .hi:ii j-t-iiiU vhj' K''i"ii i:io- to .ir.t ai. n
r . I'li'iil'. i nl for Rl' 1 ii l tin.o, for the Train
:h'.t 'lo-y an h)'' t1"t , arnl llu ' - r. r nijnirKl to Ink
1.1" ot othPi ti.ft ora", f r .. M'll mora l.ifb'lira!.ooih p..!) il ' p by ' li oi i. a i HTnUul rtR'iui,
iii tic hrnic flint- nib o orl Into To. or ho
kr 'fw I; ' r I:' Mil ol m lio li otvn n lo. Tin" c m rii iio
In, that our c i.'.oi-h are ofi-n iiil'i-v l lo pu,-'.uii hnk
It.o nor )r -ut nni iit. ii" it. coj!.i.!er:u-, ttic r own or tfat
H , ifc1 itriro-1 of th r rity
l lie j dvmtiiKi "oi rlti7r i ave in pnr iur-iiiKli
. ri'it:ia .ii.-. f tort. i n'y nlion il not Uj ov-.-tluK'tl, I r lie
to l-.v ii H if. ol :
IV ft Ii ! iikiif Inlerd tint l"li'lpfi"''hM Ii th"(tr-at
Initoiilin 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 t I'ilv oftit't rotintr-, ar.J c t'b,t M f or I
enpfrlnr im1 ;illlfi I ni'.knnii.
s-ioiil T t piiri hv .I o'.'aiin t'.o pUnn ulrrotiy fro
ui, t'. in i u'tu I'M it ;J ..a--", i. Jio a me ".Ml ii tJ'J by tho
h, cm t, v ho i.u. lly i l.iiii"' v, it .a r tt.tsii tho wanu-
I. fi ii r.
IMul 'I I c nf t nt a n s t.iisil. litt n:ii'tl..U (o tio'hinf,
tl fr .1- i .(till : ll: " II-.-.TllliOl.i h' tl f la tlivIioiC
II. I- tr: M.hii'! o it t i-iiM ' ii.ii t tho rink. Wu roa.
ii tl o.:i l i'i il i-a. ii llo- in.iii . i '.r.iu.t-i. -.r oriJ
n . i-' i..- I . in o i i i t .t f. UU n.f re i tn-ui'M) lia Uia
K,.r, i'lii ri I'i' '.tii ii )- nt UttvO ill al u ui :tnd it tJ
f t ii tun u. i iii -rluie.l io tu; I. oi.t l'n.i ofu.-r th-tii r.rt-r.a-
in-tt t ii oi t
Kmi ih. A(i-iiitiH'). iltui Mirb tnHirnmcnfa iniht ha
OmI t ur lUiiYiln ii T,t v. , tin . i--tin ft k u ti io mnaa
.. fi n, . i we i 1 o -' I' ii : I: l 'line, f -r tnt
n ;l.a .lie ' I ti- p'-f (li up . n cllifru to ict n aot h
i.slit -c !c in . t . . :ii l '.till o c 'ur to n- t . mi mi4
HI I I - p'OIIt I" :' n . i .-.i-i wi-, - ti.- iii'.i'ii'n i'"n-,
e tor ovh iv Vi I ton men, -vli f-i ( ttn'l-pr-taail
Ij kilif. !.. hull tt 111 "0 t 'l I'lVi" t'lllf nttfilt on, Ull4
ll.C piaDc s I o nn.tio o tti at mrv. i
t ii i r-ii.i lil iii im I- .-oc ' I. - n i '"i cxlcn-lvf In thlt
rot r tr , ui .i o I" t our i rv i iij.-m . ri-r.t.i r.ot m p-Oijrr.a
rt'M iiip.o Pit. it ti;' b 'f oi tin 1 tr- -I In tt ill
( mi. oi.'i'ci it to ii -lo'1 or.u i ii ol maiiitij out oi lat
ii :ii i ..-.i i tti I. i-i ll
in. i in tiiuio M h n i.'r.'ft.i i"t it fm(.ToorTiinU dtt
f.l'.f', nn our I'vtMi'ito tpici M i- s tor mi.tiu' -uf
Anai'l. ui o k.oi cii bni1 a lni.c lot k oi, an4
h'OrOtf nt- Of t tin .oil lit'f.v . v.
II pomou di- to uit on f o will kivo ut a call, we
v ii'i.'. v. till :ha. vtliitvf uti'l Ih r.rvtl tn our prna.
Tiiti hip, cf oi,rj. t.'tt ,i)0mi-ii?. oi oi.ln.o.l, inj
pi', ii-di. i U n iiit i..am1 b W-o ht imori tu t in tho imU
i i.ilo r I'lo'o ttho o n v iMim r i .mii o . m buon .'
on in Mty. lift wo I K vi- u-i mm-h pv-iiu'O. at vif
no", m t our irrifiMooit wi'h unv fur inai r.J-fc
i: i y n i-vi 1 o "fr t nao c. ...
w awa t u-i- our i M' tli an.l i', ptib'ir to ra I aud oc-
nt1 mo Hip. nor li.M'-r.. We i o. s.!i l!..J tut no
Ii ins in 'I: mi o ii r iM'i'o t th us, o-j: Ico. beluf
riijot .ibio iotl ttni-t a. MMi.tuot a m.
y,r,.crowl-Iuul Fianns t:tUcn in cx-'Iian-
Oidtrs for Tuning promptly nitpndt d to.
LCK0MA02EE & 00,
ll-.-WDiftl 'o. K-'l CIlaMNUT f TRLKT.
, full AOI I.I'tllA. OOlOtH'l ;l. lHit.
in ai tordanop with a icMiiiiiioii adopiod b tl o t.aiiuix
Coo in il .if :lo t Itv .f 1'hliii.i iphta.on rburs-iy( tltfi SiM
du tf i-''. ti. o Aiiin-M'tl I il:. enuUtHl
"AN Olit'lNAM V.
iiK, o-tH vtOitKH, aK!) iy cm: Air. a jam
fi Ltulv puLltaUt-a lur pnbU. liiiormnHai.
W M . r rM I iLt,
I'U-rk of Comtu-w Couuf4L
I H'
i.w"'- iu
l'mi aufi nn a. .viri.wr !", !8 .1 Tho of I r.-c- t
toi Ibmi th in n it o tuoti a ('a-h IHtl'loiid of IK per ,
t t ut. on tbu tai'iutl ittufk. and Hl pon-i-ttt lntii-ent un I
tl.w M-tlp ( f ll t'niiipituy, inyjtblo on and after tlo I
ht ot lHt-tuiUr pii'ViUiti, (ue oi Na.ioiiai and Ktatd I
t.i---. !
Thiy have aino ihrlaroda H"r;j IHvhlnnd of .
I ( r cent, on '.lie i-n oil frt iniuiuo ior tn oar vn li:i no-
ttlitr ill, lw 4. ci rii'ioatch fjrtthich wilt ba itiit"t to tho
Kuicch i iitiilto to (lit- nan o, on and a for t im of Ut-ccm-
i r i r "ximo, Im ot Naiio'ml nud s.ata iant
'Il.i-y hii cih roil. alM, ihat the (.ni ct'r.lth'ittt of ,
ptotitMl liiO i.niiii.v lor tl.u jc ir 18-u hr rt Jioiiii-'l 111 ,
a-h. ut tha nib out tiu "''iiii'oiv,iii ind iii Ttim I-.' 'U ,
lu etuibt r iMOsiii.o, all into i -.t then ju iu lvao o.i t'.at j
"iso corttilcitr' of iirofi's ii'-iiril under Vt Vv th A't of )
Ilicovpoiatu.n "no r.-rihUMt'' uhtll InMif ni:?s i-l t inri
vtiikiii two yen uK'-r tlio ho.aia-.ioii ui' the U.vuh at
r ht ieuf It ia eVit'ciic ." i
1 1 i t: I A : i MiM
The man C Hu u.
.hiknt: D-vVi-,
t. iii.uiirl A- H" o h r.
'I t.o phtlim Ta' -Oil'
, L lvnroM .
JiiliM 'I r.t..U.-M",
In nrv (' lsln !t r
itrllll N C. llttnil
ill btiu i ' i.mlt.
.lUMtOll 11. HtMll
, -tutt-ii O I,t ij r,
llu'-b Cii'iy,
H-Atmi burton.
H iiuuel K Hin.o.i,
.1 t . 'oi:tita-i,
w ul am '1 ttn tlo n,
K.iK at j li iriiu.-toii,
j..loUfst I'll'UTiLOt
ih 1'. Joros.
J nit !. It Mct'artand,
.lo-him I'.
Si.otii or M livulna.
Jonu 1. mptr, I'ltttluirg,
.. il. IttMViT, dJ
HitMtT Lii i
THOMAS f lJNl, pp sl.le'it.
.ItiilN C. DAY!., Vl(- l'io-"UUt.
, Si-iir ui.v. Ll'l'u
Th Itnaul
annual dtvi-J
Hu-tk o' Hit (
pt rtl'lo oti
IV iri'i
f tr l u-.iv. im J p: i mi" i nt" it - : , ,
UmntHHlMtlMti-h-Wi "'I y '- ' 'oC.tcii Wi I ,
fh i'i it i. -it ,v!ii.! iioi.' ..-d Vnrih -r.M,v'U 'MiMilin
lUdotiraof i.i. uppoinliat-nt on W lA. the M' t
.Sut.U4b."r, a 1. 1 O:0r-t.. I..J JJ. i 1"
H'!tt-t, ! '., 'a.'oli-'.!.
(t (i iuu-t prci.
li. m ll'. I fc a
11 -ft -lot
... ai il i..triln-i iti'tir-
'.'tV'".'!- thtm.f.or ihtjw-lJ t-edatari-ta
K. SI. THORIN Au-litor.
IS 1
?f't!, VluT -h, il Mot. tho wi.l tV"f '-lnt
li;a tih-d in -ai i i 7. irt U-r pontlou, anrt an Hwi-hiht-m-.i
o, nm M,nii whloh ibt oienia to rat in, umlor a I
li. v.,.- ii.t.. iiiii. rly ol ti..-. cny.
ril'l l.Hi.- On 1 '.nrf-l-i). lm. in-i"l'. ft. tie 'Hi airif
k:t a;-.. ,1 unit PO L. i't"'' lc a.ilJ .In H Mn'.. r.
I v v Fill t,(i.-Hudil-'niy, "i. tlio atu lust, L'UA.tUji.a
l-r., ii-.-n n r .i.
.j tr:, t.,1. .-t II,,' i ii'il'f ire l -,-p'-" tll
i"r,ll, from ma ill. ...,.i
ui Ulillt uiU luvJ,. , -.1 I i.
I... t. -i i.. u ; ' I I"
i . iii't .ei iii' ui , nii.-
i'-ii it.
mkv.y a. rt-Ktrrria
AlWniw lor al' .1. i f iu-0.
J h. . . nil liana lJ. i-.-t, ' ll. ati'i'l I Tlii-aiina
i an . v mif-vi i aii i"
ilt,cil:cal lIICTIinriOJ,
I't-cf. i". !!. HOLLKS, Lclui'cr.
r. nur.iiii, M. ii.,
C. W. litiJKiVrill, M. U.,ai.d
an.-. 8. A. H I-'i OiJ.
air.. illfiu, a Lilly uf Hrast exiirieni'i: -a 1 1 3 a .:.ii , a:l
lii'im cl.aie ui Hi: .ti ig In l-.a I. .4,n ii.,..i.".dici.i.
CONbUCTA llON ltr.U.
ihtrn alllt iUfiW '
1 Dr. W. B. BPtOWU,
H Jl at VJlLVltiLt!14
To take roorTinl-m of ibo .Nn.ilur.i 61 Worl,
and io t n an uiati ihc i"i.
H elf n 1. Tin- oioci an-j C nnin in O.'iinrlls or tht rHf
ol . h l.nit . 'l. m ih ord.ii 1 i.m tn- 1 unite ot iht l'lill
(h Ipl.ia iiai A '.r) a, tiro herobv antlu il' i to tt-v iU"..r
. .... ..i ti.t. orlak of thf Nnrflu ril I.ltx rtioa l-las Woiki.
ao soon titi'-r tht 1it.i any oi Jinv, in -., ai taa (
arron.iUii i'h lUu ttiliiaol an Aui ityiovoa apru i.
! AHhoctpin' 'i hn' for tl.f pnrpofce of en.ilUlnir tr Tma
to of it"6 ruilat.f Iphia t.a- u.kHM tako i.novi m nt
! tii- lots Work-. ainboritHl oy llm iiiht M-ciioii
' fti a t r it iu I.' oti) lu burrow on tu
1 rmht oi ih It . at a rat r lut-. at rot otratd'na: ax
ltr eoMi. - r aniiiitn, t-tn-li Min: tl uiootn- at 'be i'runte-i
t. ri"ittrc. n it i mm oUi k lour imu '""i d liunsani dibir,'
auu v l ho t tt'iui--nit -lia luiyini'iit (fart m ui y ttrfr-' nr;
t I t Vi'y '1 r an .nr i hnto ul tn.M on l; k juiiHnh of
tl.i' i iut t- i f. o in-no oeitiu-.itta of iha p an of ino Vvy oi
I'h'l 'iit I, hta In i-urn an.ouuia aud io mzi partiut m iubf
fL i(liiow: O 'l o-vt-ff UuK trt'd sum.
hum niKi. to bo uacit lot i .t- i.'L'ii t ( i - i. n'i t.ia -ttck M tar
K.. ti.irii I .ht r tirf i!nk Wo'kN. aiuf too I'i lutlpal t i"f
to Ik uuh'j.o at t? it rat Ion of htf oii yuaia tioui Ui .1
iliit. oi fouMM-ai.-o. and not bvoro. uiij.yut t.i cu- 1
m i t o' tho ru'ldnii llurtol. inn c.iunc not. l touaiaaia
1 Kliull Im in ll.c u.iuil lonn it) winch entitle. t hriu'iitor
l,no h. t n ii-tMi-it n ti.o rt'n'il-liioi of Mh! tru i't. and
ti. nil ht- naiihiirHbh at ihc utlh o.'il.e t'Uy Tnwii'r.
! H fit u a. i bai tup -ni-l TuiHioe it.a.l ho; ipa.i out of
I tl.c oroj.m ol fcid tai m.ui i-r (rJva or
con ui.i pu anntnion tht an.ou'it trrr.j-tl b vhntof
th n tT iiiuii'tt. 'or tim ourjona of pafiiM tha in'oratt
1 tl'iTfon. a id I i n Ui.bui iug tho piiiiona! lharo-if.
I wiion iliu win.o ai.r.ll b j,aMo. and ou or
j h. uuo ti e Unity hi.t day of lim obor ud th
. 1 1 fi-th da of Jnro iu wry )at, d.i'II tho
iui Van U n li 1'Hifil, th mjui ot i ir crntuusi urn
i tliv aiu- out t.f naif l &u shell bt,: Jxtid hy l"6 n.Iu frio-feo
lo t lit1 l ily 1 'en 'iiiui , tt i u hliall a-,lv ihrit pir tntuia
tho not to'il.o pai intoto' tlio inter- ut on -mi l t ii. a-. tiM
! hmho unit lali Otio, and to no ntnnr puiaoi.t, and th ra
I m-iii'in-. il.H-t- jioi- conti'iu it'iu'ihi' ua o mor by the aid
1 ii'-onri r iu tho :t wmibrMiHi h ol il riii'kion Kund, wm
' kiifell mti -' tl r tmut aiol it a io c uuitlnl'i-o' lu ih- hum tut
i tl,.. -..iii tiu Work, or In mu o'hT ioun.oi ih.M'iiyof
1 1 1 act 'pi -a a a -oiihtu fmol. wiiicit U noroy a ciit
a t li ..'.M' tn Tl,!' I'l-IKi, Illi' II Gl atlll ll HI' . iU HT IUO I
t'l.M . ioi th pa.-i "ii tnnlUk. o ab on illUk luaiinuv iil' r tho p--m-nt ot aul ioa.H'iiJI t
ni liiii'D. I ,,,.iu.ii l- ii. i ('otntrl-ioi'r-r -.Mho Hi iV im; l untlloararda
11- Itl'iiUI'Dt. I -a atil.ttt I ' ' . , . i 1. .1... ... iM a .
11,1' &.HIIKUn i m' III ill li o oi l n saiit an imvi -
W.iika. iMi y.uui'.iWiM ol tho tun. lrJ d J't ol too CK a hh. , .
hoi'oi.4 t'l-ox1 t'ikliir. iJiMiMt-stloii of ti c work, (ripe.
Ac-, toil vi . eo in.tKi au'!io.ii ot ilv trt-tnanco, it nhalt
i.i iliu i.iiti ni iiit 1 1 nt- i i s of ilm an V. rkn io make a dti- '
t'tiltii r-pT iu.,or.',c .In "f tj. p oparty roni and per-oiieU, a
hi iMiiiT M il, no tif u8mH. il . a i ; and too ad rru
t'-i a ruitil Hit, e. o itf "t a to t lo ha.U ttorn. l ,, 0., lAt
itjiuc oowcrH ntdanU.oi t lu aU rt spttti n-i they no v ,
luivi-.or li-roa'tt." un live, ttiti ronaci totnuwurkr
alri-an Intiu-ti d ihotr t am.
ht ii, ii.t, I'tsrthc putrioto of onaM njr tha Trii't.'M m
Ihol'f.ilfUrli 1 i:l. IN. rMi-tMnjnv tin vari.nta luinU
tonliilott I., l!. in 1 y 0'i!i"it:t. i'f iV tnu'l. tiol 10 lo-Cto.i-o
o ' ii 1' c -i - ui-i ri-x in ! mi ,it e'ono.ul.
i.iimannir il.c MiH-a. iui- . r , .t-i' urk. iindtj" ifcoir car
.It, li UO ( I t'o: ill. If liMlW " ,,!' O iu' aa-
li -ht, iii . m id 'l iuiiUo am hfuiby uu u- iz.-d and
r.a ur. d mi lo rojitii ito thb pr'fti. oi .ia .ta-i Mira
ioi dui'.B ol Hi ii iii i ill tad un hp ui i.v 1 1 inn 1 into li 'imu ta
to-cii tfiii t : tv titltl I'll' " f 'o ' i'i' 'iio In all th-f' s
u of'tho I :i !tMiH..i, d by tlx-t.a Wuik uaAW Ui I
to'iirt l of 'he I i itu t. t
H ' tl. n .V An fhtiirr In any ntlar otdluiince contrarj
t-i liii orihinincoti) hen h r. u J
I.KPti'i I' HON. 1
Ditcctiiit; the Clerk, oi toiutuon i.uui.t!! to I'ubll-ihaLoa ,
bill. i
Ft ioWrt!, That tha C!o'k ol Cnmm n nuuprll be authc
ri.d .o P'ii'lu-1. In t-ao i-aliy n'-wi HPfrti. 0h, l r on
tto ka tl i' oroit a; or pr-ai'iiit-i to (Vnun.-n i uo:h at
titatvJ iiif'thu' thoTfoi, bt'ld on tho irTm day of octoooi .
iM,l, vntiiit-'t An Uidinai.fti to Uko t..Mii l.m t.i V
Vonht io l. bortli h liai WorM. and U cn nle n loan Uiol)
f. r " tn i.i tl'O miiu ( era at in v-ro oi- i-nnn i v
n.-xt iifirr tho i'.iraiion m hmv wcoka irmu the aid vnf
llratl' U, i"tll ,'io.-em in C'Miof 1". oiu."'i oaoh ol n.U'i Uuw
I pap. i-i ht tviry uuy in w:ui--i t eav """;:"
ff-;, NA'l lON'AL 11ANK.OK TUK NOIlTll
J:'U,ni.i i, Nov. J, lt !l.
tl.U d.v i Ilk I.t i cl it iluki.-nJ of
W. m,!4'dr.ItK,:ftht.r.
r NiillfM-:. (ilLI'lLLAX OIL COM-
i r itc (jota-
oni I.i
I hfi :ro M"
HK KS 11 U
d-u und loar
II iu oi
- ? tiir t : it tiu ivun.ii.-Tho inik-a
any it i.ow Ih itol at Hu. k- TV Ai.NUy 'r,',(,VEr(
11-8 Ot Hicrtil.try and i r -aaur. r.)
Tl' lt I'l'I'.'.- l)uiM:Tt.VT. f
f in Al'i.'.ri.i Ni'veniher I. 1V..
: ill i to -i have ll.!- it V d" l iit' I a .'rn!-
(i i iVM H i: ct'-NI'. on ih.- rapo.iii
i-n.. titaroL Nut it n tl uud 8lie t-vj,
M. r I. .' mut.
1'i.uL.p-a n i a i t.i.iv r r r .iim-tion ot iimdonui fan o na
Oil Hi'ldlCUt'oil li lot; olf.Ctj t: 'f o Jrttiy No. -' ul A
'ljf nil uuo:. ino ma-, i'. nitril.
11 -lin rsj-u.-.!
lilXTOlt TVNUAI-t:.
i:rRV v.. s.ui'SON.
1'KNliV CAItsuN,
WILI1AM 111. ;itmElt,
JAMtS C. FHlIi:,
J. C. UtVKlt.
T... Uu.Jsoi'ti.n 0UJ.-14M, Al'.ll' l:u.: U .,1 ,.li 1 i'ltjll-11
urea in ico altui le, lis I'ttwnea Oil Crodt anil ti Alia
i'liny lit vrr, wait cm' I'roiltii'.s'wcll aul other. "W
tiiiU.fc UilaJ. ,
Fur parUouUrs nml rro.pMtiu. ' ait'iii.titiiis,
!'! t (
jV.-iV (0ti.n,L- Kniti-niliTi il. ii nuLh-rPtratM. Vai
4c, in at--a i.uiui.isa.l,ai vuj itluutdprir'..R
M.-r.-t-ant T.iii.r,
10 3 :m V-W Y-'Xm btaaet.aU.val'l.u.nut.
- iv TttVlM-RRlfS OFFICE. Ni'
sH vrumr a. I :.--lti..l'ii..n.:ilrtlawt f..rii la j
.....,.nr,i.l,h.iilatll,U., JlENItY IIUWM, ,
. C.iy Ir.uaiuuf
CsT I'uNtMI-'-'tO'T,
IITltl) 8tr-
sw 7-30 LOAN.
M,.l.-rrL ti. ii. rCCtiTOtl. and tbs No Ji
' . . '. "....., li. V
iiuiiai!!.- 0EOU1.E J. B0TO,
No. 18 8. TillKU it
J. 0. IKYEE, '
'jty, illi Clll.KNI,I SlltlXT,
J 1MHAN BMtlltiJill XOniCOOl
'luih-auilU-rtuAiiauvi) 'i ba ct I, iti.inuiA..iured fioQI '
riNirtT LP.AK, I i
Acil eamcatlff l-elMimu. ntla ll.ull ta all aHDtlaiaat ' I
j nx'ir ,iui jaaui.
Sold irhtilciaV afit r.'tail al "
0. Sll OIIKiM'T,
i iuii - vmsiii iK livna
iaei v
, 1 j