The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 11, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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frnioK TiiiiEE cents;
-id- JUL
good hev3 fro:4 ciij::::a:,.
Tho Details Coritrib.iiul fjr
tho rrcsmr.
l.o'ivii I r Nov. in rll s" I: i-, r,, n'
SMveJ fioni O'lrril Sl.i'ri urn's amy .n mi !"i
yor.llit HD'I Idtoi ,li!r rii,,r t. Icr, .) ll ,9 , ,( ,,,, ,.
llihu'l, being il nd i'ii in-1 ) ;, i.
I'lus uu -icui t,t !,. c.icl,a' 11 r n mi ,..
truth in p-t i i i' . , ri )'...,!;.' ,u ,
8 irrmtn li io -ri i!i .hi h:.., ''. t:y .-'i-st- is, ni ,i ...
Sttinf. It li n-i( f:u Ik , e, iwfv, r. III f. h In,
. " h.iil.-:4. ICi.iioii li, i i.
Ibc Origin of tho Rumor,
ItttV, E, Kic,
i:t., ki, i;io.
Oa Tuesday last tho ipolis St i'cJ
rcbliahcd Hit following, iu a ilou-iie-lcii led edi
torial le id(.r :
"Otlliers who arrived in this city yos'rr l.iv,
d'reet from Ch it'.inooga, report lii ii i-ri'ir tt
hi urman ntuiiinl to early U-i we k. Ue imps , Uis ar,ny, bavin kit i,, corps
in 'iennesscc, undi r lic'irui l unulas, tn iv.(o i.
lioiil. They -..iv 1 1) Jt Sherman nrst di n'.roycii
the raiiroao irouj Ctrittutlougii in A. i.iuti, and is
u n lining iho ii on to the ci-y. Iloihoo
bid m 0 AtLu:l.i ami n.ur li l w uu his entire army
Il the dir. itiou of Cha-liston.
"lieti'tc li in lies the broad expanse of tho Uulf
nd Ati; ntii- M iics, mi I i.o can su ipj lii-. n uc!i
to su 1 1 ia in. i in. i MH, fur tluru is no firco lo
bar bis pr.-fcrt-s. lbfjre Mm, lo his ri;; it, i
M ib 'r, aiouinl which mo (lulf fiirfi an; slo.vly
fe-Bcrntrrii g ; t tin Icit is Antl'-rsniivlh , a p
in which a:e n tting tU.iiiH.tnJ-, oi siidicrs; umi
Hot ioiUM'iiMiri'iU) iii-tiin:c t tin! 'ir.'iu ii!
hi S..Tuiiih uu.l Chiiilo ton ; u tliu ujrtlicmt
ire W ImiiiHiiin a il Kn lmmnu.
Thia Hi i is full of dai-.ui.', but K'V' H cn-it
p oibise of smvLii'H -t ,iu it nuiy ho tn it niii ni ivi--m-
i will be tin- (Tonriiintf fciiiiii'i) of t i w ir."
Upon this tliu Wr iikw.xpupui'ii of Wcilae
4uy Ji si ttiit as follows :
"We havo lo-ilny an nstounilln? lih oo of mili
Ujnm, Tht- l.,ill.mMii .ivcm.' of yi -';r-ly
(iHU's ill it ISherumu, w.tli tiv.: ln.l
r ached A 1 1 in ' it t ar y la-t wi-ck, mi I t!m, n ivi n
thoroughly tlrq'roytd tho rulriil li.tii"n
Atluiita ami Chatunon.i, uinl huvlni; liiirneJ
Allau:a iii-ell', bin uuuy wau,ari'UiiiK"ii Co iil. x-
tun, iSuiuli t. iiruliua. l liiiciiintry whs (iri'inri-1
o hear ft'iiuthii g B.aitliiij? from Shrruian, tint
vet oti'ly iiotbirK to rt'in.ukalilo as ibis. It B
ptara to be ului hi inciouiiile. for it lianas u-irii-inH
cut tnuii that (i in lal suki iiiiiii Ii is cut tinu
'If ccirp tic'y li cu from bis hses at C mtti
Dooga, u-ll.ll, anil Lou svllle, uu.l t.ittn i .villi
him all ibe Miipi;es p 'tisiiilp, anil txpnotni 1 1
live upon the c mu:rv, is iniikiiii; iluvtvly for it
i.e banc, rtur C iurlciton, S uitu Carolina, where
bin amiy i I l i- iiinpliiid uy our II ct.
"Ii all tlii be t ue, tie imn.iu ut bus not onlv
btrn krrt n n,ott piofotiml Ki ror, Im; -viu ,tsio
. Jii. n ikM ?i;riti as much a, the South. So 0 !d .i
lunch has n ver, pm-faap-, been pirdi'lid in
military bis'oiy. (xct-it i Naiioin m in h. cc'o
brute i I at ni u lroiis invasion of Uiissiu; but in it
tine ? Hint .Sh inian iuti'ml' d to'teitrot tuo rail
mud I chil d bun, anil that ho intcude I t b irn
Atlanta, and wu ncmiing li.s nrniv h mi-j vhere in
the South, wo havo ihu contirnintinn of a p-rs-iu
ju". lii'Ui Ail.iula. '1'bo. Ciiir iu'i) '; j al-j ,-avs
it linn iiiioiina'ion that .-ilu i iiuiii is aSoiu tn do
fom.: hinK ntihrr ft i tlinj; t!i n ut'irrivi-e. Tlii.
2Vw : 'Micrn n-i pmpiiscs, aft.'r K it.icri ig
Buliii li nt . ti p:ics t tlauM, :o ur riilo i fui i.iii
ru.iu Hum (Ji.i.t'iiimoya m Athm a, an l uirc ivuli
HUiCllv lluiva'i c iu il.iiii on i wni'cr 1 1 ii- tn tlx
eo'ton Sial'.s.' i'uu 7'iwiti 150,1s ou 1.1 Wc dot.iit
H Ii !o :
' Iwonf hiisri'v mrpi-wjl te 1? st Oi il'in ot j,
v li titu utlifet ..te ini.ti j .li. rui 1. 1, i'i i.". l Jiii.i h,, a
All li. kii.i'it . m ill Wv in, fa, roil ii .vlii.,
' a 'I,'" 11 ."!. i'i..i-i,t.. n s a-i-s IJj will .aft
1.1m ui';i sii,t ji . . . . 1, iM i i,a ,:,,rr ,11 t hivimi. mi ii.
R- d sttn 11 tl!-
Oi b il 11114.
tli t1 V vtlltil-U
H'MII-I,..!. wv 1 1:1
II, III 111 "li IS kll Wil.
11 I .1' liuu .i'i.i Ai'itri
It-n'oro 'i:'n iifx 1. 1
' .s'.l ,'S lll.l tin c ..
" II 1 r ih ri is 11
' M lb .1
u l III I.H'I ll.l
f rcu lu l.u l'i nr. mv-s II l'..r
Miin 'r, a iiiiinl 11 "1 Ii il.e 1 : ll l;r
CAtlJMltU Ul. ll'l'l 11 t lllli'TMim I
: II. 'II. H
I- 1 Ic II-
I'H.I II V JI ' 1 .ir.-
UO'.S'.nJ Oi Ldllr 1 l.l,rH..I
I inn uu
urni, e r t i i!ii. n'liil.i.ii- an, Sit.U'i.ia:i, . '.lurl,;
I a vt itaiu.un. 411U 11 c mi i. ul.
Thn Cini'inna'i 'Jou)wr, hil, ro-,i ii-ri L inff oil
lh, ah,'vi. 1I111 Us ll. "teiy I in r ii'.i'ile tliat S"i 'r
Bian wjuld stait out O'i - ii' i hi 8-:".msivjt air at
cm wn-ou 01 tliu vu r, iii-f. Snoruiia h i
ioiie out tcmetrhert' Irom A'lauia. H'4 hoi 1 ii'i
joitin'. Wiii'tbcr be is in oond his in u'-e to
t'liarlt sion cr ii'ii, rcuii:us to lie Htcn. It' 11. (.
l.Ufc-, ol wuuid tu. ii Viiiinoi. i!i, Nuriii
C iKi.' ia ukjntf Alien tu, 1, o'i nis roid,
W.iul-i b the 'no-t fc is hie rid m i'. line 't r iii
to 1 lie M-tii 81. fur ov that way hti eo I'd . ut l."e's
m y fioiu 1I1. S mil mi, I ,;.,lim up i n,r -'m,
and Sav.iiuun Kt bin li iuiu. lint Mil' : C 1 t.-ls-ton
is mi.i n ue hi- a 111, lei us louiiiLf lu v ami
"' b ciuld ita. b 1I11T".
r?faiirl. ttlii'i 11. i,.,i,v.i.i.lir Liniu-i I! .n l...
W Atlauitt' fc.'-co:isr, Hiu:lii:.t.ii irom .V'l.ti.ta. au I
ll mailt from it lu a U.i'cct iniea-Mut t'o li'iudr.-.i
and veut.i live inii", omi li'indniii ni t 1 1 r . v t-
Aupuk a, ami m i hundred utu t v if 'if f mn
AUI-U-U iM C'lurl-'loil. I'lic lou:.,; wilic'll ' ) lid
prolia.dy bi Hi 1 n by KlO' iu n i. Ii: ill-mm
the AuusM t..M' I 'd, pi-iii' 111.' lit . 11 (.' v!ir
tun, Mu-ii-ou, liie-'iiiioni, Cr t vuir liv: I au 1
Augiit a i ll ; i.rl.l ti .u-. a.u.:im(i is a
Tit.v li!i;."r'. nit ton nt pivs-nt., -rj n fm
IUbv!a iuku all 1 li 1 i 1' m i I-1 .-ti l tn-ii'li t:
thi ir wnr 111 1 1'i'liil. Ir i bun icO 0.1 1I10
Havatlliati rmr, wiiu'li dji ili-s (Ijujii frnui
f-nutb l.'.n 11K11.1. A 1 1 iii i 1 h r . , i- it I lY. 1 . 1 1 A i is-.i
V Jo lc tun tin ik ni" no is. to vu , ucitii r iu
y tl.e r tii'Kvci'n Auuslit ii:iii-sii:iiinti. S iji
tj t' hi, on mil' 1 11, 'i I'lii r l' 1 LU il l "i" ifi, --14
Taiiti iti, in i.iu r.K on, h ) t. a J 111 ct i 1 101
ai UM: c c.ijus wi il ll a, x,',",n i, at-
romi- ir 111 1 v.', ii'i'i wo jn j u:im 'j ,,,,,,,1 0 1 11
W. ulil pi'. ei.t '.I'.at in all 11 . 1. Is. It.i,),l s ir i.y
it) If ay" up on 1 Ir.' l.-u i-'is r" r. his ru n Ji
b.iriei cvi, ami v Itli :: sh , r I a. th vty
..asi 11 li n d .) ' mail h ti.h u i thiii'in 11. Wuclcr
and 1 O' ti 'a i.iv diy iu iv i i H i i l.s.i tli a vi.t
11 Hi's artnv i' n i.t'liUer np;'"-t I by ll-u i's
ii fun r, inn liar.i-i-eil iy ii'.n c y.
' 1 111 mi J inrivn we kii'iiv ot tvhi. li could rest u
h'm on! ine (I tr;?ia MM rinlii'a ami mini)
l"'i! ii.i'i'.iiiy ui.d civrr coiiiiti n I-. iridi-r
t'Otih ai.d iicsi'U, 01 I! or.;i ., and ill ; fj-w at
0.1 rflemon 1 uml.-r 11 ir.l: i- a'.d S iv 11.11 111. Sli ir-
(juiiu will m..ii'li nt im-t ,i(i,i'U;i i"ir .lis stio 1 (,
Iwi'h, 10 110 ni'u r,v uu lii- ill il:s. Wi-.u
Mbcinj hn cot. Id aACi p Imtli i.' i. itia an I C t
'Hii nil livii.iun ini. 1 11:' ii"i ii'iiinrs iroill I'l-'
o nil tor it is tbi'cco ti: at V e litat, news of the
dnCtlion of sticriuitii'd njovftiunia may be ex
Pccud will be unaitcd with bnwliless u.ivo y.
v 1: tn nit 11, on uiii-1 n3 pure HH'cuauua. sv hit-Vvi-r
our gallant Wcjtei 11 army goes, w nUi'
vxpect uitinentous news from it."
'.atrart from Ihe iiiloni-ilry Iteporl
llm in I il Hi" Vtr l iitml'ia
liou of Uurnl Met ifllnu olitiml il.
U Wcro you in tU fall of ISCt a candidate for
the Tictideiity )
A. 1 uon t remcmher.
U. Did vou in the fall of 1MI cncour623 finy
poisons lo vote for you for Trotlduut t
A. i may nave uono so.
Q. Do you know wnctUcr any nerson votsd for
you for that ollice i
A. 1 e.un 1 ice it.
I u. Did you, during the peuil refdrred tn, cat
for li.rpcr loices ?
A. 1 dim t remember. I may have done no. it
would have been In accordance witU my hubiia
St. Lovia, KoTomber 10. A terrible turn do
fpaised over the town of Chester, Illinois, at two
. o'clock yesterday morning. Over a doien houses
Were blown down and completely demoUued,
burying the sleeping inmates lo the ruinl. rive
persons were killed and twelve or fifteen
rounded, several of thtui seriously. A bntk
church was blown to alouij. Suvcrkl al-iila in
the rit er were carried ueur a quarter of mile up
ItLe Ulutr.
rru Aiaw Orleaai.
V Ksw YokK, Moveuibar ll. The stesuier Quid
In 7 Star, fr tn Orloans on the StU iuatant,
arrived s4 this port to-day. lbs paper coutaiu
ri. E-jicrriTiAL rto:r.
Union I'T :.jori!y in Haw York
ccv. snYPvioun otca rzj.
Tl.o Uv.ion Mvjority i'i r;iin?7l'.M::I
Tin ecu Tuount. il.
f.hc Civcs a Ilo.ivy Union
ut-., j:to,, 3Jfc., j-:to.a i'.tti.
Mli VltH.
At iiavv, V. Y., N ivcmncr il. Stifil-Umt re
turn have been received bur.' to indie ito li 'y i I 1
a doubt tho aneem of the Union ti.ket in tUe
State bj fioin .IlKV) to 7D.I0 nim. ii'y.
IJ.MDI.N M tjnu: i tl.H.
Al't''bi ny, ct. . . . .1 iOO N an: ii-a . . . . , ." 1
linn in-..' 1741 Unci. 1 1 1 1 ,7
Orttaiin tiiis i'."M) Diioiiiln '!lll
Csviifia ill li'. Ontario ... ins
( l iiii'in i.i. l.Mlll Oiaiu.- '-n
I'll. nini'K ,1 1 1 Mi l, aim l ii I
CI n i n -.'HO (;.i, i's- '
Ciirtluncl... ;nii()t I'.'.i, cm :m
I cUoiiic, e i loon St. I. i t r. ii,-,- ;,m
I n ilnni SVIS r t'o ; i. ,'st ) M
I'.hms, im Iikmi Si-lint icr, e-t HI
l-'r-'iklm ll 'iil Sii'iiu-ii ... is 1 1
I iiiini' ml Haiti, c-t V'll Su.'l nk .'Ill
(i l.i-i e, c-t 1: M Tiotf : . 7ii
tli'ikunr, e-t.... In:") 'l'.nnpl'.i'H I-,;;
li li' r-on ISO '0 vVuncn. i'st il 1 1
Lewi, repotted.. Cin VI'.ihI, m; on 1 s. I
I iiii t"!i n,c-f.... lino Wavn i j o
M i.I'M'l' 'is l) Wto'iiui f r,7 I
M'Uiroe io.,J V.un . I wo
lolal Union mnjoritie ..i.l,J 't
Mil I. til A it M l. II li:, il us.
Al' n-y a, .in U.icki.iuil 8!"i
I'1 luiiit-i.i 'Jiio Kci, n- rt uly ci
K'ic 312 S h: bane VXll
(iini c, u: '.MOSe i Ti KM
K'ut 41 o Subiv in, est 7t)
Mmu-Mrery iM err, , Mil
New Vnk :!7wi A'cstclic.ter Iii7
Lull urn 4HII .
Que- ti', ct l .' .O Tot'l iippnr'tm i,). 'i'i, l.'i I
bci s.cinr I" Apt a.i. t i.i tjority
llh hn.i iiil l ilO for 1nc ,ln .... r,JSi
Colnl.el Li iron, Hi publii' io c tnui.late for lluT
erri r, :i ).ears to Innc In the sain count . s a mut
J. I 0 n me limn I.iuiOlii, or a t' t il uujor.iy of
tup. in MocBATa C(VN'i:nn tmr ar.tTE ron iim
toi N ami n.N ion -ai: tiot'it inn; t riiii.
The World of to-diy tints peevishly acknoiv
Icdpi a li e defeat :
We are ulruid Governor Sir mour liai been
tin atcd out til Hie vo'e ol "in s aie, liven ,,f
the returns wbh'fi we ree' Ive 1 ilnrlii-r tao li -t
lo da a uf er the eh .'turn w is hold, we eon 1,1
lint i.iitl. r land lue c .nri.l, nee of ike Ki'puhlic in
jiiiiii.iila in their iiiihsih il a- tlmy bid tvuiie I the
tin- St.iti j t ut U areiiis th. y kucvol soiue t'liiu'f
weed li't.aud hich were ll x inciuiie I In tlu
I inn hi t ii, turn leinrus. In short, u icorilinir t
t ur Alh. iiy r"nep'inilcnt iliev have beeu h ii I
iitrh ikiter lurn- in ml the ll -pundc m -tr :i
I., 'his u ni, a view to lliiiliui; out ;,.i in my v i "
ire niit'i d in order lo euiiut f. ntiin in. Wo
cur rot ilifmt lliualio S v in, ur bv our 11 ires,
wbnua i' pie i.-ely the sauio us tb te ru-rUa I
li the t'llieis nf tlie lti'iiilidieiin juiiroaU; Imt
ei tl i cliiiin L'. n'ou'a elctin i hyjd'lO in ij ritv,
b:tli w.ia ptob.ih y t. e U,;iti'0 agreed up m
I I '"ii hain'.
1'ict ii,um to the e'ee'ion, vv-J bill an e-'i.iiit'o
n ude up i l the lira1 a ili re - ii ' I y coiini ics in t iis
Mute. It ttus e ii tii Iv ciiinp: ed, itn I Ir.-m t io
hi M H iirtrani liilMriua i'it,, ami R ,vo us ti.e .s a'O
I y nl out 1'2 0 II in ijuii'y. On i he ol :ln ul elec
tor, the lu tual 1 1 tu i.s inure ili iu j.i i d'd our
t :Miu, ales ; for we Old no' exu et .il ire than Sj.lkk)
nijiinyin this tiv. lion e mi hit 1 1 wio y
luie Unit Hi.)nmnr bad tnrrinl tho Sti c, and
w ere in a ln.-a to unilcr-'"" ! t ie b.isis fur t iu
I'liiiiidei co uf the H public ma in lace of cm
hi urtf. ; but it ti i ins Morion 1 - I not visit Na.v
Vi lli fur mill ion luiveriMi' ' 'inonr tn iy iu
cuiin eii out ny ductore.l r-:'! n ; but w-j ti, ui'y
I ell, ve thm on list I'ucsii iy no received .ni
I in si nn jnii y of llid vole. uV l-iu po.ij lj of the
l.Uinirc tiialc.
ot ret i il tlii'itl-n iih l ir
1 ilAIOi.I 1 1 1 "S
h i; ti'ivc i.
tl ' IU I til.
coiMiKi. ! . i ; s
.si-- . I b
' i o i a
! -J r. J
-io..", s ; , .... ii i
A.I. tl li i . .... 1, lm ....
iii-ir. ii, i . a .. i ....
II. a-1" I ! . ,"' ....
i ,u. ail .... 71
IU" i-i. .... I...- il ,.,. 7i
I "ir i lull
iiiiui.,1 , .... n ,
' 1 ' k" , i:.i
i'. mi-1 i ."
( ..i. :. :. i .mi'
r.niii-u.ii j -r. i ....
t'dili l I ... ' VI' ....
i . , in I ... Si .. j :i,,
I'l.-t-'r.... ... I 1'
I bit. li ' .... . ....I -' i
. .mn .a 1 "
I ma. p ; i . 7c ....
i , i' I. y , 11 si ....
' lu I - I.H'I . .. 1 'i
1 uu ik-i a- a , i i ili i
l'MI"l " 1 1 ' .... I 3 4)1 ....
IIVlSMMIt 1.1. .. . 1 ...
M- - I - . a,
Ire i n e 4 i i. ....
I Swill .... ; , ' j y., ....
t ..,ik iii
1 let -II
i.r on-
) tnuii i tli-i ,.
In is, 11
,'( 'ci-. a
)' liiil.a
1 an- r-'i-r
1 s,t. lilt,
1 1 - lu 1
J u inn
Hti Kt.ll
Min. ill
Ainu ut-
Men. .r
Mi.i.iin r
1: rv
I :,.!jc.i Ui
K 'luetewt
I DU-n
Vt arit-u
VI I'klmorrJJUd
Wt uutiuii.....
t'bkn uiaiorlty
Lvuie vatti,
..... 1. K
I'D' ,...:
IStM.1 . ... 1
i sio ;
....'i I
-tvii i
..... !,l
.... 79
.... IWJ
.'.'JO: ....
....I l,!Ol
1,1'JU i
....I wu
1 V"0;
i, ,: uu
is" ....L
t0- ...J
UlUj I
.... l.H.I
....! la-
.... i ft.imo
M..',) Iltl.tljll, j
::::; ":
3 ::::
"cs' ....
WI1 ....
"77 !!!!
.1 ;
UOMli VOTE 16,000 7 0 W.IHXI INION,
riTTam bc, Moveuibur ll). I aeud you the fol
lowing L'uiuu majorities : AlleKheuy, 81OO ;
Arrutliong, 210; Uutler, iHO; Crawford, li'ioQ;
Erie, .'toco ; Indiana, ImX); latwrcnce, 1842 1 Mer
cer, 400 1 Sonieraet. 8)0 j Washington, 100; Ve
rango, 3a6. Net Union gain over October in
thirty-aix countits, 8409. Wayne county gives
McClellan 870 maiority. Union gain, 113.
lUaiiuraiid, November 10. The majority in
Tcnnaylvan a will be from lfi ,000 to 20,000, with
out the avldicni' vvta iu the held.
til) CXUW
Oh'ii-'CUts I!c.VLs irom IiTljuri.
Tollll i,t. i, t ul t t'liiyhniiltt 11 rvv
llll..t lll 1,.111'Ulll III t .III l ,l-,1
U f- It .'Ill'llli'Srl 1 -- ri'"-H"l I tCl-'..
S r I ui :, N.iv.Miiber li s r l pr .iw
c. int. ii' - i.i- S t" li. v.' ,.- , .i 1 f: ,., ., ;
j;it.-1-. .-id :. I.le I.i '-.ila 'ii.jiriii'S in,- i:,.
fill. li. II I' lillll Bf .tl.V .1 I 111 I )'l I ...,);.
tb: g i i.i.
ll 1 s -.
AM. 111 r III fit li ;v. r, ' iv. 1 ' ,: ,
j i: ' ' -.1. '(. ii...' f " r mi, .,k
j ''" !" il'd a i n I' i", I iv. N ,
.!- ' .!'... n i., :. l; h ,,i ', a'.lc :1. ;t
j l!:o 1 . ,'- e I a.c.'uus ol tli.-i: M re have H.lio.ued
! 1'lU'Vl.. ij.
1M.I IM.
Ii uv M, i ,s :.' I.-eh-s .-i: turns ialvt
cm t;. r u, i ,d Uaiuu a.
.1. II. l'.'i .
J SH ti ll I !
v ii .1- .tn in ii irity .i' 7''.M fi 7'-u'''j-tlll-
lv III. lull- lu aito tin- , ,,-i uf
I U 1 1 i i- h .',, n i'. h, ,r I 'r .-n u i f i I i
"" ' . .,i i'i, n.Ki inv I '-'II,, I'.!. I e
til, ' - f ,IT I- I, ;
:i. i ton i.i I i'i, oin 1 1 ) ri--:
M ( hi mi 1 VJ I
L;u d i's in 'jui'i'y .
''e h irn Ihni Minn-'stti ";-r 1 I' 1. i 1.1 1
jnrny ut .etr. 11 Cue and aix thou- tn-i, uo. 1 it"
to 111111 h ft.- 111 IS'ld.
Ko Trcublo Anti:ip;t"d with tho
Ii'ii.iliaii Govt-i'iruont.
Mil, STAXTOX -litWAiSiirtl.
Gccd N c;vs to 'oo Hxpcoto J iVo;n
Sherman and Grant.
THE ti LI V L O A fi .
S;rl il In i.i,- I.i .iiin,- r 'li- r.: -'i.
W.iHiiiMinis, Nov. in'ier 11. I u Lit ." ... 1
Ibis iii-.iinni,' says thai fiu ' ,ri. iiU'iii- wiM
cu-e us noiro'i'ile uU liriil, a. :!nt (I ivrn
n 1 'I known to ! well 1.1a .-, d i i.v u l, us.
Been h.iy Siautou is a !:t'le be'.ier in lica'. h tj
d t.. . lie 1 as been .,u ie ill.
I pert preat in lit.ny news from Shcrmin and
(;r..nt .thin a fui'.iiiyht. The c lu.p ii,:n of 1S04
ia nut yet closed, as reported i.i tno ou Ltrn
tOff -tnry l'."--. n hn will probably wait until
Deeember for li d n hv loan. It is rum Ted in
financial e th ,t ho will attempt to r.ii-o ouo
Inn. die, I niil.iuns nevt time.
OiEciallioport oi'Mr.Tronholm
i;'rcfnl lo .tit- frt1.-1.111u I't-li'tr,
WA-m.vr.rov, Ncveinlier 11. The report ft
tl 0 Krlml Sccrcury ol the 1'i'n i.-ury, received
lure to day, n!i'),vs iheirrereipta from all sotireea
I I li ne In 1 n four hundred aud liftoen uiii'lon 1 1 f
eTara, aud their ,expeiulit'.res six liunlnd
III d fourt en iiiiil ons. There b ing three hue
dnii millions on band at the cumm. u en,' u of
tLvlj u ii tai ycir, ending April l.w ; tU;r '. i? a
buljiiec m w H'liijining uf one hundred a id ci ht
111.I i' us. Their a'Ti ite d, ht ia nj.v l.liuly
lit , h c 1 und rod mi! lions nf dulla. .
s,c tary T'.t nholm ad. nth 1' the I ir -o an: 01 11
ol rin. 1 o. W neii ha-, bceii created Uy au lui.'a'. oil
of th nt ri 1 cy ha.-: 10 doi r :ci t ed Govern, nent
bntiiif that nothing but a vigorous tasa'ion will
pn ven their ultimate repudiation. lie s iy s fiat
cue hun'rej d' 1 ars in bonds mil now bt I ut
a . -t 1,11. 11. ttold. He prop ) os an additional tax
i.i kin,! often per cent, ou all additional pro luc a
Cthcr Eank3 Iloavy Losor3.
Bltei'litl ti Tit" rti'uluir Tcli'ir-.ijiri.
f' 1'ai.ti Himii, N iveml'i r 1 1 It Ii nn.v ase-?
ihe bank f-.r. oiics hcio rj.ieh ovvr
thirty tl oiisund dollars and it Is bile'e t tint
other banks bavd been 1 111,'' y sw.ndl l-hiwill
m-t arki.owlei'g the fact, ho cb e his yet been
obtained to the formers. It th oif it that they
have u couipUtca in l'ud till, bla, the
blank dia'ts ure Mipp -ei.t to 'inieb e 1 eu raved
Tie sc. undrcl-, it in pie cu ed, of. im ne iiately
for the North. One is 1111 liii-oi-iiiu in.
The itjol.ins still ct iiiiiiues ofcrthc late Unhn
victories. The Miryland Senile his only ov
Copperhead omjorit. Uiltiuice tounty ele.ts it
Uuleu Scnuicr.
liosiu.N, Nutcnitiir 11. A e nii'iiitl ' : Inn ben
appointed by tliu Uosion lioard of Tim e to udot
fi'ino suitable measures to te-TV to Captain
V iliilowlhe grn'.vful re'.'Oeui'ioii 01 the inercliants
tf liobton l'"r his cullatit con lu t in swoepiarf
from tho ocean Ihe nio.t destructivu on .'iny of tho
coiiinieice of tho United htntea.
The Atlrerli. cr pays tint Joseph Storey Fiy,
who lowtred tho Uni n 11 'g i.t liulf-inust, on the
1'ourtli of July, wai romi, 1 it -d as one of tliu
CoiiiirilUc, but subaopieutiy had bis u.unj
trastd by a vote of twenty-six to s'.x. Tho
Kearsargf v, ill be thrown open to visitors for Ihe
bciiC'U of tl;N;i'ijuul Soldiers' fail'.
a roor. DiAirn.
Kr.w Yoiik, ovembl;r 11. The Conrriei- Jet
Mats t'fit'j of this city to-day authoritatively
denies the published btutemcnt that an alliance
oll'ensive und defensive exiaied between Mexico
and the Southern Coufcdeia y. The Imperial
Government of Mnxltuillan, it declares, docs not
now and has never entertained any relations with
U10 Uebel Government at Uichmoud.
Bpeclal Dc-spitkiics to Ktcnliig Telegraph.
Washimotok, November It.
(Irurral Mct'lellnaTa KealKUtttUo.
NotwitbstAuding all rninovs and reports to tb
cotittary, General McClotlau did sond in his rcsig.
nation yesterday to the l'rtsldcnt. Llucolu hits
one hhellug less now.
tt0am vnkal Kcvll.
The rretldtnt has recogided Tooloro Msnara
ab Conbul of Guatamala at New York.
Kew Mitll Boat,
The steamer Thoniat Coiner, Captain Phillips,
started yesterday from City Point for Washing
ton, as a mall boat, for which Mnrloesuv has been
chartered by the o eminent.
Ccn. GiKtm Drives tho Enemy
P'orty-Fuur IIlIoj.
.Till- i:LE.AI0.i A't' ATLANTA.
o',i .: cf lL roni'.- y! tu:" a ,;:! OV.o
f oluiors.
NtsiiMMF, l'-5po ill d'-p:t'h
to the Ni-iv York i;n,-.i. tiencrul ilpiei.i l:,n
utterly rMit-'d the 1 nemy in Ivnt Tcnn.' -ce,
dilvii g l im In treat, confusion 1 1 ml e.
His advaii.c Is trnety miles rust of KnixvlIV.
I'll.' Hi i-l la are at Lri-'o!, t...'ii:j r( ''.nv':lic.ic I by
the Viri.ini.i mil. 'la.
The n p 'its 1 ou-'ern'ii the d 's'ru ;ion of
r,on"nuient pr'-p- riy on bun I at .lolitisvilie, are
'r. nl) rx.i'.-Li r iic.l, iird no '.ippreli.-iih jus are
1 1 teitiiii.. d in r. 'aid 10 its ninety.
Ihe tli iti'in tion of f in eminent and privi'e
pmpi riy -n the r.vei is conip'eic,'.iin,.- an
:intl TLBC luft.-.
The election 111 l'.ntt Ti nnc-tec w is un.i iiin ius
fur I.ii.coln.
Tl.c follow irg is the vote of Ohio und lnnsy!
vania .'M:it at Atlanta.
I'. 1 it..i,; 1 I. in,-.. in, ; .Meiticllan, 3-'.1.
dliin I inciln.Plii; Mcfh-lhin,
(hir entire tailio-id and telegraph co nmnnici
ll"iis me ctmip'ete nud secure.
6LI''d'e exact li. i-,-a ,Uts is 11 . t known t-i tii
-nit'ioiii 1 s. The be, I. nil ir. iveni.nit w ill he (!
vi lipcd at tl.c proper time, and will e'cinly tli-i
nali. n.
FRO 1.1 PETER3I3U??C:.
IVi.?l (111. Army nf tlio I'iiI,. irirt Tim
Mi In (fin' V11I1 l.lofitlii'n 'ln,iij( 1,n.
1 1 k ttior uiti lis or At.iiv or tut fuTOHM',
Nnvi nihcr in. The re'nrns of the vo'linr iu t'le
ir::.y l,mo iriy al! b ?, n a frf.t n- d. Th"
IVnnsj Ivania Soltileta five a ina.ior.ty of lor
Mr. Lincoln.
The U'cstcin r'jinents also givs Sf.iull tuij-iri-1
1 a for lie f.unc tick t.
The total vu'e in tho combined armies be-'ore
II iehmond au 1 l't tcrsl.uig ia put down at l-ylno,
t.lncoln'a niuj. rily being about 8000.
Several IViinsylvuniii Siato Agents wore y
teri'ay placed under arrest on ore unit of their
bavii g blunka with the names of the ele tors
wruiBly spelled. They are hold to await the
dft'ihinn of the Si ere my of War, tho matter
biivini! been r. furred to him.
Quiet still prevails on the linei, cxcc,vliig soine
artillery tiring ou Wednesday evening, near the
1 he following order has been issue I fnin these
headiuarteis i
IIiiAi-oi AiiTi f.s Aniv op tub roTnnvr,
Novi inbtr 7, IH .4 1. Tim 1st New Yotk H-.vy
Aitilb ry, liilth New York Volunteers, and 3 '.tli
Wicconsin Volunteers having been roimrteil to tho
M.j..jen. Com. ss behavini; with dlstlngiii-hed
bravery during the engiitcmcnt uf October 27
ltt'',, ou 11 it, her's Run, ho takes pleasure in
restoring to the-c gallant regiments the rig t to
e.irry the f lora nf which they wore deprived by
his gencinl order, No. 37, of Septomb-r 53, 111.
2. I- b..voig been reported to the M ij ir (l tu
Ml f. 11111 no. I n that tho colors of Ihe following
n. ci. not td re; Inn n:.-', reci n Iy lost In battle, n-co
1 i-t ntid.r cin'iiui-tanet's that n-tlect uo dis
honor np'n tln'-o leitiiiicnts they aro
' eteby pro mit'ed to carry otlcr colors n .nn ly :
T e !l h New Hampshire Volu tccrs.r.H::i Mvtsa-.
chu-c't Volt'iitvcr-', 51 -t Ne.v Yo;k V.luil c.-rs
iitd 101 h I'i nn-yltnnl 1 Yohi'i'ccit..
lly coiiiina i'l of Maj .r-fl vicial MitttiB.
S. iniiMs, Assistant A j itaut-'-icno.ul.
.4 Jurli.; Appnliillitl.
II .Miiiis nt no, November 11. Oovernor Carfln
las a) poinb d James W itaun, of tho borough
Wa. bmgion, I'residrnt Judie of the fourmeirb
.lutliiial Jiistrict, comprikcd of Wadi:nj.o:i,
l'' -it:c, and (Vreene coiiii'ics.
l id nil. il M il'-s t an-lc-i hi 11."
Ni:w VoitK, Noteiuhcr 11. The United Stiles
gunhoiit run,, iVf was "poken on the S:U instant
in latitude u.'i'', cruiaing for pirates.
'I lie I'nll. il Kliilpw Jil.ilio,tl lloiitlrfllo."
Kt. Johns, N H , November 11 Tho United
Stuns gunboat Muntialtu arrived, here nt t:u
o'clock to-day,
I-irlilir im H I'ruiil.
On Wediicaday uight.a. a train w is on the v iy
In in City l'olnt to the iliudnu -irt-rsof Iho Ar.ny
of the r.-K ui-rc, it was iii-d on by tliu HP; 1-,
hut, the shclle fell bbort, e. ml tiler i!utc did n.i
A aii'li'ionfr i..i,i A-.isy tv.tli.
JCi w Yoiik , Novcmbi r 11. Captain I'ride, of
II I' krhot'iii r l.nnra 7V'i , fruin St. Kills, T ir'l
I laiiil,iepoits that on tin 'o h of Oe ober, ut t'10
iurt of M. Kitta, while the cnj.iaiii of tiie
kchoonir Sfti!itt, of New Y ak, wes ash no, a
pi f'tipcr, the ma'c, ai d the c.icv lip; ol tint
cbiiiii.s und ran away wi.h the vcs-cl. ller dei
tii.aiioii '.in- uuKi.own.
SitTr nv Tiic.iiMuni TKit To-HA. Six A. M ,
Hi. Noon, .".2. UM.,fi:l. Wind, W.
CNM ii.avii i i; aku Sot vhi kn ruvNsvi.vAvit
ll.tii.noAti Ycstcidftv,ptti-uunt to law, Ihe stocU
holi'ci s of this Company met at the rcnn-ylvaui i
Kailnind r.iiihlliu', end organ' il byelue'jiga
bo,,r. of dirreioia, with John A. Wright as I'rc-i-di
111. A eoips of engineers will bo put upon J18
mute imiiiciiiutc!;', mid tho line tury-yj.,! "n,j
loriiicJ at tl.o o.uliest rnic'lOuble period. Tun
eastern ni d wcsttin tin!" 01 this rosd thtough Iho
Ibe fou'lu in counties' already exist in Ibe Cum.
birli.nd valley line to Chuinbersburg and tuo
l'itt.-1'ing and Connellsville road to C'oiincllsville.
Tho intervening division will bo built by tho now
Company ; but the woik is vciy heavy, us the
country ia mountainous.
Tin: Gii'ahii CoLLLt i:. An estimate of the
expenses of IMS lor muintiJuiug the Girard Col
lege has just been eotnpl.ted. The principal
items are as follows ;
Clothing and outfits
.. MH.OOi)
.. IOiOO
V uges
(ilOlltldS. .. . 1
In. 1. nt:, 111
Iairitc amounts are alio required lor salaries.
books, stationery, printing, &c.
IIohbino ov A ttuu Toat Ofkici. Last night,
the sub Tost Office located at KightecntU street,
above Chetnut, was robbed by persons secreted
in the buildiug. To enter the oftioe after the
cloning at 8 o'clock was Impossible The Invaders,
however, got but little reward tor their trouble,
the whole booty being a batth of unpaid foreign
letters, principally diietd to Bridget ,
Kathleen , Patrick . and written by
their loving relations in tbe tmorald Isle. An
attempt was made on the lire-proof afe, but for
wunt of tools, and the return of daylight, they
w ere compelled tt detlst. The wholv r tir will
be thoroughly investigated.
Btmo KisPAitieD. The damago done by tl.c
rain to the calvert at Ileed and Third streets, a
short Uiui smce, is bow bvwg tjUv4-
Ha VoIb of Fhi:;u1o!phi,i for
ciiira rr.orA..
To'al f.-joiity on. the IL.wa nml
IL'oluicrs' Vote Ova- Twtlvo
Tlii ir.ori inir. at
', 1 ) K, Hie Il -aidof lt.'lurn
Jiu!:i s ii.s--nil.ii il in tl
Supr one ( '.iurt I' -mi.
fur the C'lu pu-c of ic
ii ii.; tno oPi.'i il vo. of
i'i ilaiiel hi.t as cast on
Tuesday lint. S irni 1
l'ri-i lent, nn J xi a , .n.
Hiiiictick wan tPmsc.i
Uu'. en II ,-tiy nn, I It
The re d of I.clui n ,liiil(
ii,., a .
I. I' I'. T !'.,
V v K li ,., ,
.1. r, 1 siii v,
S. .1. Ill iibI.'Ih,
tl. Sl. f I i.,.,.,f ,,,
(i. .1 M', ' lil.
4 I; . C-Ill.!,'lt,
t I f. Iisn t'l ,
I'. S . Mi. ri,,..
II . K I' Ms: c t,
11. J. 1.., , I 'Ml .1.
1., ti M. , 1 . r.
1.1. .1. II i.ic- n,
.'VU J. II I', Sc - tai v-i.
;c- w.i- c tiled is lol'e-vs ;
.1. Hrh-'llft
II. IV4.1 -I.,
,1.1' II irr i.
N r. 11 -nt n.'
.1. 1 ' '.'a 'u,r .
h. a i;n"i,
I It V l ..,
A. ll sil,
.' II. 1' 'i PUT,
.1 .n X , ,!,..,.
I'. II l-'T,
K It. II .11.
The vote waa called off us folio v:
I. UK nill.
, 2.4'1,'t
, 077
, 1,1'iSI
. '2,o;.
, l.oi-l
MtlO.i" hi'i.
2. ili I
!, I
2 i,H
I 41 i
1.0 1 I
1 2o7
I ib'
1. -tii
U 3 -7
1.2 S
2. li ;
2, I'd 1
l. I NI
1 : 1
1 ;i 12
i, ni
4 2,017
l ir-t XV an'
I Seci sni
Thud Ward.
1 nn it 11 XV.iid
1 illll W r,
SmmIi V. .11,1
Si tllilh 11 rtl
1.11 l('l W:,.
III' ll WiiiiI
I . nth Want
Fl.v. 1 tn W-.uj
Tiv, ; li Ward.
I hineei. b Ward
I-, line, n'h .ir, I
Filled lb Ward
Mx i riuli mil
Scieiii.elith W,ii. I
1. :lie, ll'h Want
, iiicr. m il V ii. il. . . .
I 'wer.iu th .nl
T'l' iil -i.rst Vt ard.. . .
'1 vi 111 -ki i-imkI Wiif.1.
'1 urii' Ward . .
I wei n -111111I1 Wind..
1 nen'. -til-h W ml .. . .
1 v.iiii, s''.h W-.rd...
T- t,f ,
I oO.i
7 7
. 'J.-'Otl
. I.N"7
. 2,4'i.i
. ) 1 '1
. 2,no
'.l.i'ni'l nii'inrl v.
W bide vi c nt, !i:,i 02.
Tl.c lloant tiieu ailjoiiruvd to iiKOt this day
two weeks.
Tiin noi.nimis' vom.
Tho votes of tho l'hiliidelpl'ia soldiers are
k)o ly coming in, and several hundred p icU 1 ;cs
have 1 fen rcctivnl ut the oilico o' the Frutiiotiu
taiy ol the Court of Common i'iuas. They are
being counted und ecrt li. d 10 by that olllccr pre
v nus to b, iinr aubmi.tcd in the 1! nir.l of 11 : 1 1 1 r .1
.Itnlses, wno tvbl rtvua-'inblo on Iho 2-ith iu-tiiit,
f. r the purpo-e of ncclviug the votes. Tins
n.oi ning :bo votes so lar as couated, lo itjd up
US tonows :
I. in 0111 McClel'nn 121
Th'' vu'e 1 n Ihe Itce. ienu' ship l'itn,vnn. It in
r ll tin Nn. y Yard, stood Lin o n, I'I ; X! 'i;iil
laii, 4K, a very eloo contest. At t ie IVince
Strut M'lit tv II ispital. Ales indiia, V.i,an!iii
vo.e uf ,111 wa- east for .r Lincoln. At tho I'io
vrat Iti'.rriicka, lu this cny, the vote Mood 15 tn ,
arotln-r clo-e a. av-'. At tbe camp on tho smith
lie ol the Scliuviliill ivrscn tl HI votes for Mr.
Lincoln aii i Id lur McCicilaa were pilled. On 1
cuinpii.y at it'oni',1 at C.iuip C1.lw.1in ler vice I
I I Lincoln, .1 XlcCicl an. At ihe Iliotd Street
Ini'pii.'.l ihe rhihide i hi.i vopj stood 0 Liuco'.u, 1
Ti e votes gen. rallv, ao far as eniiiito-I, me four
lo linn i'sl.ivornf tlie linioii li ke't. i ho to' tl
Inn r-' m'l1 nt l'ln'ad"lihi 1 will give a in i.j-.ri y
if urn ut 0 or ylr. I, aie dn. 1' us, a lied In
Ihe m-'jurry ou the hmiie vou1, wi.l iu iko the
tu'iil innj, ruy iitor I2,ti0(l.
Hi H i. NT OS A Ili.sniuii.HI.V Dvvon ir-)i'S':.
This ii.oriil.g, In 'tween 2 and 3 J clock, the pLco
of li e Setoi.d l)iti i.:l lua-.'e a dos.'ent upaii a
tli-on'i riy dunce at Fourtii a id Car.-ti.111
atrei ts, hi p. by Andrew Ai tlnirs. The h Hcniont
was 11-cd us a luget her s-iloon, un.l t'l" hcm.i I
aii ry as a b. Il-r -oiii. I. at nigh:, lb to n rm.
aidr ruble ilisord' r in tliu hou-, and tho p dice
wi tit in and took into c ii' io ly tho proprietor mid
acv n other persona, two of whom were la Is n -. 1
Ul Rt il 17 tons. The proprietor was held bv
Ah eri'ian ( aro r 'o unw, rat Court, wlilo tho
0. bcrs vem I,, 1,1 fi I111I to keep 'li" pea e.
A Uanobomu Tho' fricnJi of
Cr loi.el J. W. Monro, coibtiiitiJiug tho rc,imont
of Iliriify'a Shai pshnotns, reeonly recrui'.ed in
Fbili iloi; hi.i, have purchased him a h ndsonie
l.oi-i und tMii:n;:sj und firvirdo.l thO'Otibls
lu a j 1 1 .ti 1. 1 h. I be an im d is jet 0 ui:U, and a'liut
kiMn ii b , lids h gh. 1, is liMiii a ce ,ril d .stock
in (duo. Ti e hole p'mnu cost $ I ) I. Colonel
Mime Is a I'I, llioic plii. n ami co 11 nan Is us liu )
B leijlmri t a-win cvr n eruiteil. T wo re.'bncnt
has i' rticip ued 111 Mir e Oa.tlos .'il.oa I, and
nriiui't, d itself wi'b bonur.
Di ai 11 of A Y01 no li into. Tho death of Jas.
Iluhb ', a nn niber of the IH21 Jicgiinent, Pdiu
sylvanla Vo'unticrs, Colonel Win. II. Tho n is,
lunli ph ce mi Wcdiie-d iy evening, from tvphoi I
I ter. I lie ib" e t.-cil was bu'. si v nteen yeirsof
aile, 1 ni! jo ncd the reciiiK-nt I'oi lb i one Into Iced
din s' an v co. Ilia dine s was cm td from expo
Hire i lit lo c.ui.p I.le.
Lami h' Assoi iation. We aro rci'isst-H to
lav tlat in consequence of tho dej'.b, 011 May
P7 lu-t, of Mrs. Mary A. lirady, the la'o Presi
ilt nt, Ibe L. dii s' As-oci di. m for Soldiers' ll 'licf,
of H e I tii'i'd Mutes, has been tiu idy discnn
111 ut. 1. ' 1 pi r-.ors hive nnv R itlioiiu- her. ai'.er
10 11 lh el itin.itui 11a of m ucy ur goads in tneii'
1. ni ic or liiliui1'.
L ir t ri 11. A joint resolution pa-se l C vnneils
yeat-r.'ny, h.C'itii g the .Manaynnk blngino Ci n
I any as .1 Mi .uu ti.e cn-iiie. This is t'ao first
bteain ttif iie 1. card in M may in k, whore auch
ii n iippftr. Hi s ha- long been ne ded.
An ordii unco lucaiiiig ti.o Siiifl! ir IIoso Cum
puny p'ib-cd 01. c bniucli of Councils.
C Diii Aiiit i:K or tub I' Uitl'i tun.
D.iMct 'a 1'rovisi nal Iltig n!e will 1 -'ave tlie city
tn-n .I'tiott , fml will s' ri l-o t. tits at 12 o'cl v k.
Tl e fnlliiw 1 w III bo the rn uo : D "vn Itidge
uvei.iio to F'glilteiitii, ihr.ii ll'iih.rcnt'i to (TIi-js-niit,
don n l lie nut to 1 hinl, dnivu Thu d to I'm,
J' J'!':e in rimud, dontl lii'ond to Depot.
RA Ni w This morning. Mi s rs Williim
M. Cooper Ik Co. Hung to the brcezj a handaoiie
ting, thirty feet long, fr im the Cooper Shop Ro
fitahireiit Saloon. The word " V.ct iry" is
insciibed upon ibe flag. The act is done lu
honor ot the great triumph ot Tuesday last.
Fii.ino of a Saute. A dilute of one hun
dred guns was fired last evening at Frankford
road and Adams street, in honor of the ro-election
of AI.ral.RUi Lincoln, aud tho decisive victory
achieved by the Union men of the Isiuclociilli
Ward nt tho recent elections.
Knu'.iu d 1 rotf his Dutils. Commodore J.
IS Hull entered upou his duties, yesterday, as
Commandant of the Philadelphia Nuvy Yard.
The in-1; ul salute was had from tho receiving
ship on the occasion.
N i:klv Cohtlfthd. The United Stales As
sistant Trta-nrer will be able to tube poasesaiou
of his new aparuneuls at the Custom House about
the hi st of tlie w hich time tho stltcralioiia
ill be completed.
To in Ili-i'iiikated. The Supervisory Com
mittee for Kecruiting Colored Ucgimeuta have
detct mined to exhibit for about ten days longer
the handsome transparencies in trout of their
headquarters, No. 1210 Chesuut street.
rnujONAL. Among those injured by the rail,
wsy accident near Uavre-de-Grace, on the 7th
instant, was Profoaaor Sauuders of this city, who
hud own 10 Washington to nutko arrangements
to facilitate recruiting.
Closino or tub Camfaioiv. The cloning cam
paign ceremonies took place last night at th
V Dion League Hell, bevura! speeches were made
on the occasion.
Dt ATu or a BoLBim. At the Fourth Street
Hospital in this city, the death of Samuel Smith,
Company D, lfttiih 1'enaiylvauia ltogltuent, wa
rcpomd yMtrdar.
Tr'ps to tho lloiht of Thirteen
Iliiiidrctl Feet Every Fifloca
1 cr a wrtk fast rnn'c-.s r l.-iwr. the no'i. 1
n ri'Laut. has be, j p..'v.ij'cd fioni 111 iiv u bis
grit'nl topical b.rl , m as in co:i-e ici.'o
of the i x'r, tu,-'.u, n- y ut' she w. ithcr. f 1 v
aids iii.oa y. s' r l.iv. bo-eer, the riinecii ,!
to cli"n nd, and the 'ini once in ire h it eirulgeut
isysof 11, ht Ihrourh tbe clou. Is th it h id u iog
ol seurtd it. '1 Ids t vidvn- e uffalr we it'icr Indii," ,1
l'rote-ror I .owe to 1 oiiirnen.-e the inflation of his
ina 111 1110; b balloon, Ideb ha a camel y of run
li.ii. 11 g listiry lite lluiuvind lo t I g i, tvuh nil
i:sn'i.;uii po.'i'r n.llii"eiii 1 1 he ir aintt -i per.
auto', lir 7 o'cluek in the ivening tn.i lull tn mi
was ( I'UiplHrd, und fiuui Hint n our up to I I
u'c (a l, a iiuiu''cr of 1'ir must pr mi, ncr ui'i .i 1
n ncc as' ci.sii iis to Ine ult.tu Je ol one thoasa id
I he night wna 1 b su'if'il nnHclu'it on", n!
ti mil b Ihe union i- 0-1 yet full, and the si,-it
w .tiit-k-til Irrm atiove waa one of the sTin-ics-t
thai ihe mind ian enncuveof. Ilencatli a cuii
111 uoii , ba n of light rnci cled t-'ieci -v. wh lo lh)
eolil rata of 'lie m- uu n lleetcil iihoi Hi,- h m-es
gate a atiptrnititiril a p, ft t- ihe Si-enr. loih'i
1 ght and leit tbe siivtreil nut rs 01 th" D'la
waic tnd Sel iiy kid rivus tnatcd and rolled
in alif n- e mil' d lice and Iher.t with
vends linin who-e niastbeiula brurbt lirbs
eie an coiikpli uuualv ilisnl it ed as to via with
tic Mar' that gluter.d In ihn donio overlie id.
Ilani y a bn atb of air disturbed tho tranqnldttv
i f the 01, a leu. The bum of tbe p ipulacti ocl rv
was disiii eily auilib e, and tho iitmospiiore was
as resonant " a lull. Mam ona bnilt of marble,
pnvaie ai'd public edilii rs, grew fairy-like lu ap
I i nr uiiiler ti e ellet laot the mo 'ilie uus,
unH ti e Brine wan 0110 bun; lo lu retin'in Vred.
AniOlig Iho.e who made aseen-ions I is', Diirhf
wciu the loltuit dig : lV ier 1'. Wright, Fsq , 11.
L. Smith. Dr Frank Steward, 1). Mdliide. 11. L.
1'tigga, John Snyiler, Widi.mi lln'k, Mila-ird
t asty, Mrs. J .ue Gray, Miss 11,11 Vnsirs, XI Iss
J'liniu ihnniaa, Mrs. Charhs Dyer, and some
eight others.
To-1 ay und for several wcks to come aseii
aiona will he 111 "rie by the Lruleasor frnui liiabal
liiiui grounds, Fiftetulh an. I Co lies siro;ta, every
fltn rn iiiiculcs.
1 lie Mieiesa Unit has so far attrndnd these aseen
ii r-B In s r, nilci ed them ( 11 lie isipuPir a it u our
eilizei a. Some of Ihe mo-t tiinhllaili who,
nmler the ecort of gentlemen, hue tm'ii iniliuvil
to 11 ake tl eae trips, have bean su prised at their
eell-iioHscs' im and e..iituge the vcrv inoiiient tlio
ballomi left the gr uind. Tho ma' inn is remark
ubly gentle, and the Ntiiieture of the balloon and aubstantuil. The kriiae of fear, in
f.irt. is erlire v ub Iterated hv tint fm'limt 11
of the scene. I .nal evening two bys, eieb of !
them Ui.iirr twelve yea s ot age, wem lu-tra
minta! in inducing their paum'st i make iiseou
fions with them, mainly by their own ex In hi Ion
uf courage. Theweitber t i-duv is well caicu
litied to all'oro. a Hue view nf the eitv.
Ai KNowi.tnoiNo Tim Coun. What are railed
piai-ticr.l jokes op.-rato in dilf rent ways upon
oiU'erciit individuals. Tbcro ate tho e who ex
hibit great philosophy when they have been
made the subjects or witticisms nr who. to nso a
vulgarism, have beon "phiyinl upon." Very
mnnlully thcko acknowlcd'e th i jokn, and uro
content lo wait until a lilting ojiportuulty arisos
when Ibcy cuu return it.
Otters, however, under au h eircumstiniHjs,
il piny a peeviabneaa and m 'ke ncbidli.ieoxlil
bilion of coriluctlhat, to say the least 01' It, is sim
ply ridiiu ous. These are. of Hint chin, very
fiei.uenllv. who are uuiie ant in mlniiinr oil'
jukes, and yet who nre destitute of Hint incntil
eipiaulii.liy and aell-ba onr.n requisite to receive
tbi ni. Such aeiiou is cowardly in the extreme,
unit rer.ikra those persona guilty of it ohjecta
of f upien.c conitniiit.
Our iititntli 11 has been narlicnlarlv dlno-ud fv
this exhiOition of human weakness during iho
past political ciimpaL-n. While onr re-elee'ed
i-reaio. nt niigrit in hla lovl tl mom uits clnir inter
i.e me gniiiU kiicciss of the Union cause ' -1 iiuie
ji he, mm 11, c t.i-ppci liead.s in our inMst hiv-i
by Iheir iiciion given cui reiiey to Hie iielief th tt
tiiiy ri-gurded ll us a very kerenis jnk.i, an I oni
il nt is n,t lo l.e liiiigbcil at. Tho fact is fr.ieiy
admitted en all sidi.s, while 1.1 the snne tiruo w.i
e: nti id th 't the le is no use in "gciiing mil
nhout It. "Why no' come nit and nit itully -know
Ii dge the corn, Mea-is loins?"
You will p-Tspire less freely Irom the eir-cts of
Mich mi ailiiiisaion, and people will l3 dis,, ,,ed to
pour a little more of eonsuUil-m upon your
japing wounds. It will Irs a politic movement,
also, on your p.irt, fcnllcmen. U ne'e Alirih .111
ilnea not ful a whit lesa iii lniedto ucen ii'iio
ilute yon with a residence at the ae.i In d irtrnr
the coming wlnier thun be did a x motrhs o,
if y.ui will pe.sisi in tiguiati.lTig hnu wnb audi
truil'irotis actiens as ymi are kno vn to bnvo bmn
fiiiliy nl during the past yar. Cuma rtuwn,"
gciiilt men, and " ki t p cool" under too allh ttnnr
ciicinistsiirea. I Iscn-tlon y u will iu tlio
end to lie the betltr pan oi'v.i'or.
Aesailt aku Battiiiiy with Ixtiivt to
Km.. John Clnbbey, Mary Clabbey, and M iry
Colter, were arrested in Fran '.for I yosterdiy,
upon tho charge of committing an assinltand
buttery upon John Folbeit. wi h intent to kill. Ic
ia albci d that while Clnbbey rniM-rcil F nh rt in
a fieht, the two women ass ml',, U hi 11 from
lit In nd wilh tlal-lntna, beating him very h idly
over ti e htail. The accus'l w. ro 'rr iigiic.1
before Abbrman Holnes, an I li"M 111 fliOd bill
aeh for their appearance ai 1: mi l.
Tiif. Mi'NK-ii'Aj. If osi'iTAi.. A eoinmunlciition
was received in Councils yesurday from the
Ccn nii-sloiicrs for Hie Municipal II -pi a1, iu
111111I cing that the building ill be aifircnn
I till vv it 11 ill il.e present month as to bo rca iv
for U'O, and suggesili g 1 h it tho Hoard of II ultli
be tiu'huiiiid to expetnl poitlous of it.-ms nf up.
p o) liiiiidii in t exhauktitl, in order to fa uisti tho
liuild-lie', und lee iiimciidiiig un ex ,a a ip opti.i
tinn of stou'.KI to tbe llounl of II aim.
I.tlu 1 ny op IiiiN llieharl 1 1 illee'i ail
Thomas Mohan, twi oung men, wcm boforo
Aldernun PaiieOist ninriiiutr, eh irgod wi h
the 1. rci ny ol a rod of wmuohi irm thirty (ivo
ket In til. I li' y wi ro 1 rresied a. P.iunsvl
vania nvetiiie and Coites ir'et. hueiu; tirn u'lt
the plunder across the Sehut ii.ili in a lioat. I .
bcK'i)g il lo an icr. ho isa on the utner aide 01' tint
rivir. '1 he pilsoneri ,vcro coiiimP ej to aii,w;r
Iho charge.
To Pi vciiASKt'LoruiKii trl.nw Pun us,mke
a aelei tl. a irmu , ur si,k-k oi its-tiv- tt t im: 11 riu 11 . tv,i
am'r,.' a'M"' "iind in.'V-. m-u? i,i 1 i.,.' 'o 1',
-,; '.'ft ,-r cttti. I u-.-r I, ii.wrtitivM i.rt.H
..u.e kt-c t.i 11 di x Vtwut.nal lv ,ui, a -d
iritehui't ,iitinik- ttei. A, Yiii:ili'.,auU Hu.a'. Allotubo
.until wnloLltlvhtT , ti jue.a.
Tl: K I I Oo.,
Tower ft ill, Mo, h,s M irnoi ..-"tttl.
Tiif "Fi.oiir.M r." rot o .1v conib'ncs ad th.i
tlailratil i.titliii' h 111 a HewniK Ma-'liui--, but In ad dd 111 10
till le tll-fV Mill' l-llie lltS ,lll- ,11 .Iti l 'K t I'tti'Mt ll"U.ll"IS
araeti"!, eridiilii i' if. m,ir in 1 ir ' ant i till it' oaia
tiesiltiU i la-ilu avoiil Ihe -trulli on llm il.v v.ln-nt ivis'iira,
elt'.e 11 pin 1. at 'i. slid t.u gut ne- e.rr. ni 'r.- r,r let usnal in
li catoni rlen nn, ata'-linie,. fvei.v ' Kl irt-a.u I. liira-iii, 1
vi li "Psininii . heit Hen ,t, ' whitii k'i a.-, iti- wii.-a
llsi-ll'. llcidcii's Ill's, 1 Iteie la no oilier iii.-ie-liiiiu wlim'i aso-cit'e-
a., largo a ra-ms 01 wink, li doe. not ni.iuiro iiu-r
Utteai on the uiiiler aidr ihitn It dni-s on the tipin-r, aaj
Um's 01.0 klcl ol Uui'sd or sua it Itli P10 triiutas e.-oai'iiiv.
Vt Iih all llicse ailvauuim, lis price ft nn hliftnir lliail
thai of .luaa-.Hull uiueuino.. l.voiy "Fliirt-U''o" uia
clilne, moroutr, la aolit wlih a tt arrnuly, wrlllau. If
ri-'tulrid, and unless iwileol aatl.ta-Mli'ii 1. ulvaa llis
iin'.iyl. retiii ni-U, ami uaeli uisi lilnel. k-iit la perfect
01 , l.r 0110 tssr tree ofcliar. e. titiiiguig laity opi-raior. ara
vent I" tlie Iiuukos of f iilthaaal., W S" laatrucuons,
vt t.nn de.ireil.
V ii conclude, (hi n-r,.r. that in tlie pcrclia.eof Hawing
Maelilne. thu "Hi -rriice" lumriitnoiil, scld at No. SMI
( lininit strtuit, l as Hie tlrat olaliu liion On ansiitlonor
all vtio it mi M dl.i'lay iitHul tita.e and aouud Judgatuut la
muklnf Ualr saisolioii..
A Slight Coi ok, which attracts but little
attention In Its uiclpleaey, mar U forcruansr ef
Cunai saplloii I What la aumeltiac. esUed a triunif oold
freutuatly rod. la Bronohltlt t What rrclls.s folly lo
allow a coiia-h or cold to beonoia ao daap-aeaiod, whoo a
rsmcily 10 prouiit anil caruia aa Jayao'a Kapaotarant
can ba rsauuy prociuad 1 l'rcpareil only at No. lii! Clieeaul
ttrtut. j
Bono of thi Misantuuope.
1st weary, and alck and
Wlih the cuy'a lutehsnical dia,
Wbeie l ui otiivli loo stcU kitovtu 10 ba tra.Us:
Aod pUKtllly pelleted fir tin.
I'm sick l these battles Lierrino,
Win. iinilr snuboais, and Farrolta aual shells.
Its I II off warns the irsldeu I's. itlc
Ua ilia alwroa ot AtnAioa awtdla.
Tlifis- tia ssnh can rsioles la bar kloiaaotl
I n. allied ay vat" soot.
And llisra Ui ausnlla. and oiiosinmi
Hliali pis fahy assli uia wilh null 1
The) II us-ver tormsnt me wtlk "advara"
About Oha. Htuke. A Co , aud "sna prtoa ;'
'tutUl Ihe Ooliutiealal be uay .UU Uourlaa.
But I b for the laati or boded rict.
PnoTooAPHS of fine styles and artistic exectt-
llsn aad enl.h, Ivarylyvsa, t arte a Aa Vlalla, sad Uls-al
j-botosrsiiiia is U twain, atl MB.F, sUiiisi Ns-aJi
Alii ivvvti
Orncs ov Tua r.vs, Tnnain,!
nldsy. ovinS- 11.
Ti e market was di pressed alierno
by rnmors In New York tint ihe Government
Interned to supply the merchants w.lh gold at.
2 Vi, to pay duties; 113d also lh a new laatl w.SJ
lo bc I at i.iu o upon the market. Thea
eaai.ri!-, tilth nt'icr scnsition stories of poisj
t'n,n,i.--.-,cr , shook tbe fal h of timid hjMer
md ihric wa a p. rfe.-t rush to sell stocks o thd
k'n . t. 1 he fun continued np o lO Vcloc t a', thi
ruth Avenue Hoard. Rending wis mir'nd
don lo rc,',,,'d i0 t xulsmirnlng,
whh clearer beads and sober redeeii ins, tha
mMlctrallhdbi'.Ve Uocrd in New York, andt
Lne,., lu Jcnuml at M2, and Iteaditlg At
(Ji.vfrrnirnt bomls are fumly held, with ailesj
i f 2ilHiitl01C'(-!OIJ, coupons off; 6i or 1831 at
lbTJ ; and ld-4os at in , new City 0, are seliio j at
Ui ilioad shares aro ruber better, with sales of
Uuiiirg nt !(, 6!. an advance of , Cam
d I. nud Auiboy ut Liiiij. an advance o((t Peon
s.t hai ia li . Uro id ai lis, an advance of 4t NJr at 60; aud CaiuwNsa p-efcrrod attol,
nn ndvuiice of 1 ; 4(i was bid for Little Schuyll
kill ; tin lor Minclilll ; 32 for Nonh retnaylvani
ol li r I Imiia prvfcriedi ami 32 for rhiUJelpbJ
and liiie.
Cnal Oil shares con'lnne atvft, but prices arfl
rati cr lower, with sales of Oil Creek at fl; lrvlnjf
OII.K',; Maple Shade, 4?fi 43; Detismore, 8 g
J' gin it, 4(ot ; and Great at 3 ;9Jwm
I id f. .r l)ai.cll ; 5 for Hock , 3 for purrjr . a j gj
for MtFlhctiy.
City 1'arscngcr Ha.Uay shares continue dnlt,
andthiie is Utile or nothing doing. t)9 was bltl
f..r Second und Third, and 2'i for Girard Collegef,
oOwas ashed f. r Chesnut and Walnut; 70 foa;
West Phi'adel) bin; and ltij for Arch.
Tbete is moie doing in JJank shares. Phila
delphia sold nt ICO; M iLufactureiV and Me
rhoiilca' at 20 ; and Union at 10 ; 4 i was bla for
G It nrd Itntik ; 55 for City ; for CoiisolidA ion f
and f.ii for Corn Exchange.
Cuiuil aharcs ate lesa active and rather lowar,
with sales of Susquehanna Canal at U, s decline
ol 1 ; 32 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation eyin
nion, 40 lor preferred ; 75 for Lehign Navigation J
V7 for Morris CaiuJ common; and j'7i for Del
waie Dlvikhin.
The Money Mai ket Is rather more stringent,'
but the demand is limited, and tlio rates are with
out any 111atrrl.1l change. Loans ou call ara
oif red ut C(o 7 per cent, per annum ; prime pipe"
Is scarce und quoted i.t XQi 10 per cent.
A despatch from Washington this moreleir,'
t-aysthe contradiction of the statement that tha
Stcrclury of tho Treasury did not intend to apply
for any new loan la denied. Ua
l as no Idea of licking for any new loan whatevee
bil'.'te theopi'iilug of Congress. Ttiefievcn-tb.rtieB
wiilttill I e kept open for suhscrlptlm, but na
new loan is tn be nnthorlzed or proposed.
('old la mote active this morning, but price
liiive declined, opeuit g at 241, advances) and sold
nt 2 l.'i al 1 1 o'elo, k, 214 at 12, fell off and sold at
23H1 ut 12, riillltd and sold at 241 at 1 P. M.
riUlwtUKLI'Hl.t MOCK E0IUe)lt HAUtO, NO V. 11.
ateporlad by Uarason A) Co., Brokara, Na, LU 8. Tot. 4
BEiromt boardsi.
1'ion.h nttitirM..
I l
hni an run'lncital ...
t'tSI -ll
'.si 1 ah dn
''Siali ,l'
MO -Ii llvd'i Farm....
6"l', do
'Jin n nriutnle OU.,..
hti su iatiuri u 1 ....
Pl id' do
I'll all Hock Oil
'2 si eh a
sun ak 4'herry Kim....
uiNi aa Al. Mvbolita...
6(IU do
'id ' an do.
Il kl a!i ,.,
Vial all do
I s, MU.e.rl Oil....
Ii II sli K--J mis H....
I'Oah J.v
H".h Al'c-ny Kir.
I'm sli corn Fiauter..
0sli U.i
,'Iial ill do
Ilkl ,h H.'nee' Oil,..,
'its) sn Kl :i irado
.'SI sb Noble .s l)-l...
?i.i art rai ali r (III . ,
1'jU.ll UaateU Oil ....
d.. ..
vis- ,h
in -h
' 1 1 an
l.'i I. I'll ll.'...
I'f.n u... .
il-llsh il....,
'.in b niiini r
11 11 sb on..
VI, 1
Ml 1-U
i' h
I'll ah
h .t iilH'r!,.
1 0 at
ei. .1,
IH' ah
HII ll
t, i-h
nn h
Pti-ii n
I ul sh I'i-i, I ii'in..
in e a" 1 luiti'u roni.
'Mi aii ra.UK. il .....
fl' rill) S ll-'Ai.
I's sli Maple go.. b 0 4
i' 11 iW nn .,
f'tl'll It is.e ;
Si's.i 1'. rt In 4.1. fiiiip. i,4 I
I M l.i'uy sa. I'rs I'd
fine n ,t 11 r. 1.1 w.ii 1 ;
K 'li I'liila. I,k fill !
IH il- Valinl A V.i eh. Y
6 al I 11:, 11 10
fr.s. ,), v tr-1-1 1 I
'J.n .11 .. V. A li ll'.lj
ne b do I, ,b It ;
he -ti f uli- n I'osi.... a';
411, sn lo a',
lu ai fill C'rvi II
Ulan Ij m in On k-N,'
I' "sli d 1 4 1
I'"' sn riensinur-
Jaaiaii Luimrl ot, ltdj
Mi ah 1I0 6
4'C li it cij ,
7' II sli Oo 4'f
k -li Fessl 11 .in .... 1
li.l ah t.rsl its.ia... tit.;
11 all c a,a AT Aon.,
ai 'h r.iois ha...
lialall do 1,16 I9s
I'ainQ do., tvA fit ci
Id' .li isaiaw. or...t-;aj4 j
A all A.-sil, ,,r Ml ,,0 (WI
Jllab a..i.L'aaal...o 14
Quotations of tho principal Coal and C-ksvl Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-ouy i
Mid A't. gn
k', Vntni:oO(l ,
I!1,' a , l"ni',u i ieroisulu., j.i.
fiiltnn Cos!
It'-, .Moioiis ii I'nvl . 1;
V A mil. 1'n.i,, ..
tirrn al !! a ...a 4
K 1 an- nraiv .... 'i
New i r. 1 k a.,
T 'sler pan Coal....
-I,0 I "al
I lun lid foal.... .0
I..-, naufta t'". ...... S ..
.1 Frsnkltl. On
3 Plows a r.d.lOU.. ..
1 'Fsj.. Fsrut Ou.. .a ..
I ' t'enarnnrs a ,.
vi IlS'TaliOi a ..
II Mehlnenv ttf
l ,lt,-lsita till. ....... ..
I'I II (i,-tesd Jf-J
1"S MooieiV ikuuinatar.a ..
W lliii.aird a ..
'i i-t rsj-tn sl
2', H'Uli'T a ..
I V Fair r ,.
J'i ll' if fa'anil
Ut, A ie.ilieny lllvsr.a ..
II I'uriln ...I
(P, Hill, I ro. a
4'.", IttTlll
ti', I'O'll ClaBkr ....a .
4 hriiim a'i
5 np ...... .a ..
ii.' Kill, nil 'o a ..
tl' If e-rt
. ..1"S
A l. Ml' Ii s ...
I (liit-ts liei.l
K' 1 .ua i- tnti, . .. y
I jk I m oil
Ilia- 'I auk. ...
Cent laiiial
Oi. rui-k li
M nil sl-'l.' O I.I.,
n. 1 'ui-, ik (nl.... a'.
I', m 1 11 10,
V."l 1)0... ... ..
Keyiiin, Oil 1 i
OuumiKiin of Un d at the PhiU leluhia G.dtl
l'i hain-f, No. 34 S. Tiilrd a'.rect, atvnd stor :
!'! A. M 211 12 M 2141
11 A. M 215 1 P. M 2U
Mnrki t active.
The follow ing arc the Inspections of Flour and
Meal lor tbo nctk eel ug Novcuher W;
lla'l barrels nipi rlii.e 7 'I
il.nrela aiin r'me 11 014
ni.iHins 7
" Ittel-oiir 43
11 Coin Meal II
' louueiiiie.l
Tosl Uit
Tl e fnl onlr't are the receipts of Flour and
Criiin n' this port during the past wetkt
F'our. bhl.- 12 S.iO
Wheat, bukbels '- l"
Crn, " WO
Outs, " 3i,titXj
Tbe following nre the receipts of Coul Oil at
this purl during the past wtek:
Ciude. Mils 1771
Keiined, bbl a030)
Fbidat, November U. The market is poorly
bupplied with Bark, aud Ko. 1 Quercitron is la
demand ut $15 (j' ton.
There is very little Cloversced here, and It Id
taken at $1212'50 iy 04 lbs. Timothy is qulot,
and without change. There is a batter feeling,
and rather more doing In Flaxseed j KUwortli
$3 40(n3 45'bUBhoL
In Cotton there is but little movement j Mies)
an making Ina small way at 1'40.
Provisions are quiet at about formor rates .
T he receipts of Flour still continue extremely
tight, and the stocks now in the hands of holder
are reduced to a comparatively low figure. Tha
market is firm, with but little doing la the way
of sales. The demand for export is limited to)
140Oc'lSO8 barrels extra family at iJH-750pJ13 00 s
and 400 barrels Broad Street Mills on privAia
turns. The sales for home use rauge from '-i
for superfine up to 813 for fancy brands.
Floor and Corn Meal are qalet.
There Is moderate inquiry for Whaaat onl
very Utile coming forwards ; sales ot W1" i""'1"'
reiinaylvaniaredat 2 o6(i !i W ; and ri
at i-2 2 ; white ranges from t2-7 ' 1,17
U. very little Cornhere! yello ?a0 mi
Eye sells In a email way 'Lnl
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