THE DAILY EVENING TELEttttATO. riTILAflELTCTIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1864. IIR KSPAY, NOVKMIlER 10, vk roitw BT 1 LIA ADF.LAIDK 111 ttlilcrl. I. Virfory ! Hiotider it, cuiimm nnd rrnnnnt bell ' 1. ft... l,.. I.. I . . 1 1 t .1. IM J. - - ..--. i ij. iufi int. i in ii Iron 11 and buRle the Idid uniu swell ! Victory ' Vlcorv ! TWinln cif mortar mid a rt"mlrjr nf V1, Uaeti, li "ur I. ran n ilir e'icut tiding-, lull ! V it tori- ! Victory ! Warp, bpp llu?, over f.irtr.' (in J fleet ! Arm unit navy rxnititiRiy (tract ! CUJ eouiiirv tlio (! ,u mW1 i01,c it ! Vh'Ioi j I VI lory ! KIt with It, IriM iiinn, thn p inr homlm vn nvct, Pinko tlio ant lottir lu tu am at uii leo t ' Victory ! Viiturj! Foldli r, liie days' fuirrrinT tMroti:' l'lttrlul, rmri wli.'ir iihiiiiiIcm. mul true! Nation, oi lliochii 8 to dure ami to do '. Victor.. ! Victory ! Iifl up jour xuicra mid welcome, anew HuUr a w-ej a the land ecr kiiu ' i'lori ! Vi'tory ! F!ah with I. Irr tit niticc "Vr hu'hw iy of wire ! ffl t d It, ) e 'i run Hitli tlie n U hunt id lire ! On witb it, wlute nhipn, and never nmro lire ! Victory ! V'li'toi ! Ufarxnn on rniiiiit aiiil'brvr nnd spire, r-ifclial IM'imi,liiiiit I ho nation's desire ! VtClvrT ! Victory ! TbuniV r it, uct-iin aid nvcr and l.ihc ! Vto il, imr'ls that I lie mad water- r.ilm ! .j wilb I', wI'kIn till the univc.ree auiac ! V.ctury ! Victory ! ITermn and e tth lino melodies lirs.ik, Kcondsy p,.rnaciin, awuke, ob awuko! Victory ! stw Htm:i o.uu:ss. ADVICE TO MONT) A Y HT THE TtEHKl. f' LIT OP tllK MBMIIEU8 WAK NKWH KHOll TAR1018 l'Ol.NIrl Bi'lUlT tyy TUB BO I.' 1 II KRN We have received the Richmond papers of 1 ist the 7th int., and putiiiriti llio annexod extract frm their loluiuutt: 1IKETINO OF (.0t(lRl:sa LIKT Or MrMIIBUS. Tbe Sentinel sayi : The second Benson of tha Beconii CunareMi, uudcr the permmetit Conititu tlon, will commcnci) ut noiti o day. We prvmitna, Iro-ii what we ut and learn, ttlttt h quorum of acb Home will be in attcndmico. Tno tollo A'ini; laaliMot tbe nu nibi-rs ol tbo two 11 nisea. l'i tbe hi Eire there is u iliunge, not until reeeii'ly arown, ocniMoned liy ttiu de itliof Hon. V. It. lUtchiM, of Ark.iL'a-', and tbu eloi tion of II n. A. 11. (j.irlmid to till tbo varanoy. lit c in-r-qiifcee of this chan'o In Mr. (J trl.tnd's p -t of aervice, tLcre b a Yuc.iney from Arit tusa in tbo lLusv : SENATE. At.AllAMA. H.W. Walk. r.... Robert Jinvson... AhKANHAH. R. W. Jnhnmn... Aug. 11. linrlinid. FI.OKIIJA. Ja. M. Baker. ... A. . Maxwell.... OKOHOIA. H. V. JobPKOu.... Uarj. II. Hill KFNTl't'KY. "Win. 1. Simnia. . ii. C. Burnett.... Lot 1K1ANA. T.dwaid Kparrnw.. Thof. J. Eenimce. . R.M.T. Hunter.. K70 J. W. C. V.uim.. .1S7D .1G8 A. CJ. Urr.wn MISSOI'UI. ,1870 r M. Ljili" 1H70 ,18(j8 W. 1'. JojiHuii lb j'J NOKIII (AUOI.INA. .170 Wm A. (irauiin...H70 . lhtjti W in. T. Dorteb .... la id ! SOi rit CAKOLIMA. .1S70 .lainet L. Orr ISHS .1W18 K. W. Barnwell.... 1HU I I TK.NNESNKU. .1870 O. A. lleury 1870 . lh'o L. C. ilayties 18 id tk x AH. .1S0S W. S. Oldham ISiS .18o8 L.T. Wiijt'all rvri vinoisiA. 180S A. T. Capotton iC,G HOUSE OF RI'.rUKSlCMATIVES. ALAHAMA. 1. Tuomnn J. Fofter. fi. W. P. Chilton. 2. Wm. 11. Smith. 7. David Ciopton. J. W. R. V. Cohb. 8. James L. 1'uh. 4. to. H. Craikshank. 0. J. S. Dickiuson. 4. i'ruLeis S. Lyon. AltKAMSAS. 1. Felix I. Tiatson. 3. Vaeanev. 2. Rufua K. Uuilaud. i. 'lboinas It. II inly. F1.0KIIJA. 1. Bt. George Rogers. 2. U. B. nilton. OKOHOIA. 1. Jn'.lan Ilartridt'e. fi. J. II Kenol". 2. Wm, B. Smith. 7. Jas. M. Smith. 3. iiark II. blundford. 8. 11. 1'. Il dl. 4 C iftord Anderson. !). fi.-o. N. I.cstor. 6. J. X. Shewmake. 10. Warreu Aikon. K KNTl CKY. f 1. "Willie B. M lehtn. 7. 11 V. Brue. (2. O-o. W. Triplett. 8. Humphrey Marshall, 13. Hmry K. Head. 0. Kly M. lirue -. 14 (i'O. W. F.wiuk. 10. J.iuieJ W. Mo iro. 5. Jan. 8. ChriHtman. 11. lieu. Bridle. (i. Tbio. L. Buiutu. 12. John M. iill ott. LOVlblANA. 1. Chas. 3. Villere. 4. I.ueias J. Dupro. 'i Cu. M. Conrad. 6. Vacancy. 3. Duucan If. Kenner. ti. John l'crkins, Jr. UlSKlSHiei't. 1. J' lin A. Orr. 6. Oiho II. SiiiRletnn. 2. V. 1). Holder. fi. Kmel lUrksd ilu. (3. Israel Wi Mi. 7. J. T. L.iuijiliin. 4. lltbiy C. Cuauihers. HISHOt'llI. 1. Tho-. L. Snead. u. (". (i. West. 2. N. L. Hor.riD. ti. 'IVterS. IVnkes. 3. John il. C urk. 7. R. A Hatcher. 4. A. H. Conrow. KOIIIII IAIIOMMA. 1. W. IT. N. Smith. fi. John A. Gilm r. 2. Holt Ii BiKg-rs. 7. Jam. s M. I, ueh. 3 J T. Leueh. 8. O. Kiuisey. 4. Tbos. C. lu h r. l. II. (Ja'ther. 6. Jifciah Turu'.r, Jr. 1J. Ueo. V. in. SOI'TH CAUOI.INA. 1. J. M. Wltbernpoou. 4. W. 1) Siropiou. 2 W. P. retier Mi os. James V irrow. 3. i-enu M. Ayir. fi. V. V. Boyco. TKNNISSI a. 1. Joseph B. II'Mieil. 7. James MeCalliim. 2. Wiiliu'ii Ci. Swan. 8. 'ibornas Meenes. 3. A . Civ nr. 0. J 1). C Adiiins. 4. J. hn 1". Mnria. 10. John V. Wrri it. 6. Henrv S I'oote. 11. M. W. Ciuskey. (i. F. A. Keible. TFXA1. 1. Sti pbenTI D.irdtn. 4. Ftank B. Sexton. 2. Clat'-orue Climber:. J K. Bivlor. 3. A. M. buuieu. C. d. li. Mviran. MltlllMA. I. Rcbf. L. Montague. 0. T) ivid Funiten. 2 Koliii'l 11. Whl U td. 10. F. V. M. llotli'lty. 3. Win. C. Wiekhain. 11. J hn I). Baldwin. 4. Thomas H. (ibolson. 1'2. Waller 11. Staples, fi. 'I boumt S. Bueoek. 13. Fayette MeMulleu. . John Ooodc, Jr. I t. S tinuel M dler 7. William C. Hives. lr. Robert John-ton. 8. 1). C.De Jaruette. 111. Cna.los W. Russell. TKUitrroitiAL io:i.i:oa ri,. Arizona M. II. V a: w 11 lie. CheriiKt-e Na ion K. C. Ilotidinot. Choctuw a ion R. M. Jones. Crttk and Pemliiole Nations S. B. C.illauan. Tbe asterii-ks iudit ate new ineiniicrs 1 in the tbo Senate ami 6 in the House of Ucpresouianves elected siuce lust ne.-MoQ. Ol' FK KKS or TUB iSli.VA I K. Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, I'rmidont pro tint ; J. H. Nash, of Soii'h Carolina, Secretary; K. II. Kaivcm, of South Carolina, Assistant Secretary; C. T. lirucu, of S'irginia, Journal Clerk ; .1. W. Anderson, Record Ji g Clerk ; lulayetre H. l' lizhuel,, of hoatu l.y, fierpeiint-Ht-Ai ins; Jumts 1'agi , of North Carj lica, join kei i" r. Urt'ii'EUH or tub Hotsii. Hon. Thotnas S. Boeoek, of Viiilria, Spt aker; AlU-rt 11. Fain j-, of Georgia, Cierk ; Jamea MeUonaid, He l.ou.s Dai'on, Henry C. Lowring, Assi-t.tnt CierUn ; ii. II. Wynne, of Alabama, Duorkcei-cr. Rove op the Tea kot Throwx OvEHiioAtir). After tbe tea was thrown overboard lu Boston Iwrbor, l'ehruary 10, 1771, one of the party g(Kl In that movement. Lot Cbeever, w hose direct detceDdauti now reaiilo in Biilem, stopped at tbe bouaeof Colonel Abuer Cbeever, in Saunua, nange bin diaguiie. Some of the tea then in u?a i .w" vtu- hr an old lady of tbe tumily, Mtif tUut Ume dw Ijo'u carefully iud a a,'rt bidjr ol the res.ectability, aikcn ZThL ue,1Qn ol t!:e Cheever beie fcialem libw i'K1 ma"Kcr ot remaining txmkmwrf.i. l in Boston, Xfeittr. -lU I oUcr'ed Death or Coin,BL i.wi... Colonel Samuel MwWr, win u MedarV. crane poliiieiao, died in Col0oiUu! ?a 1)uu" day. lie hai been for many ytt;; "Wr. the Ohio StaUtman, tbe leading Uem,Ti '!r of lu Ohio, and iw'eutlypubUibeSaeamiXuS'':' llo4 the t rim. lt'ar nKETrif or cirm '4ti.i.i!VM. or Till: " W II I Hi. I T." Commander Napoleon Cjllina was liorn In the Slate of rennsylYunlu, and was appointed to the navy a a rrldnhlpnian, .Tann.iry 2, ls.n, and made Ms fimt crui-e in the aloop-nf-n ar .VnrVAf.'.nuder Con'tnoilorc Mi rvino, in the W"-t India H'piadron, the followlnR year. A fler eotnpletlpi? hh eruia: In the We.-t I ml a f indron.lm entered the Naval (eliool at I'lnlail' Iphut, in hn, lie revived bin wairiitit ai 'H iiil :iie!sliipm..n t!ie lii:hof Jn'y, IMO, an i w.3 iill.e !,. ! to !!i M n,'-'i ir l,int"ri, IhIoi ? 1 1 to tie r i-r In ii i " i-i Iron. In l.--4;i we tn n loin ai'ie i;i , to tv " ' o. n .1- :tri "i - : ii o i ' . . .n l.i i i'i i.u a .i.):ue li oiii l.i 1 1 1 -1. il l., t : I'.aiir mi. Aif"-it Inr e in I 1 1, lie .i!titu; orI.'r niit i! : S ts, vi 1 1 ii lie .i' uriii d to the h ip-ot- r lt 'fin , nil tl e e , : 1 nl A " .1 .1 , 1 11 I. ie Tie an -t'n t ti,o i'f I- re 'ii pro linn ii in lie.r.'., nut. vi !' r t. l'i. He ri inaine I 011 tj it it moo 1 Lid it-: !, 'A le 11 lie w is 1.1 ,nl -l .1 ie ivu ut ao . in.- i n " 1 ' uii' 'i I" Ii' 'I' '. We. 111; 1 in ti'id I in, ( 1' .1 i ) n Mta-tM r! 1' i - lieiit. 11 m ii 1 Itoir I lie ni'.i.'r 1 .(..i-. l.i'." I-r e, n tie; he nii.iiel i.i t.l A,. nl I ('.!, lie i.i:i',, .1:1111 .1 o : 1 ue 1' im 1.1,1 ...., '. .,.,,, 00 . .I .' ' v.. , in I' " '. m l 1. t. to the 1 , 1 ,1 I iiiii' v. ' ( 11 I 1 11 ' 1 ai t (i ii" 11 ), ::i , .l lino. atol In V..:- or Ji H il t :t:e iti i n liic.tle -i.. ' - fo .i, ari l t. tiir.o d 10 tl, t ,, , . ,1 j;1 , , ; Hldi l.i'W.i- jMiilol ,1 Im I.. l.i I 1 Me .n mil iiMM.iila.. . riile 11 1 . v .1' .1 :,t Mill''- I- and. I ii I.:. I .1.' 1 ;.: 11 '. r.i.o I., I i' llil: -tl ! l, I. :n. 1,. it. Ill !, Ie- win lie.' X' i i.l 1 e o i e. , ..I II. . 1,, -ii, -, !' v ,,- .1 ,,, I ,,,,,. lute I'.., Ii 1 '.:i ii in, im 1 r .'i . 1 1 h jme in lur in lii i'i ir I ei nl ii.c , .1:. In 1!- II In. was a:. 1 11 an. 1 h-l t '.'ic Me-i-n -r Muf.utttit H iVi.i. 0,1 l-,l le. In (l ';o:i.-i I'C IIU liel.l h ii and i a.' :d oil Wli'.l'l . Kle.y, 111,11 111 the li I'n.i in -' j .:r i.,: 1VOd.1l r-i 1. II v -!o ip 1. 1' uar I ,111, .,!, , .-oiiiiiiaiilo I lv tie ie:eit A. mural S. I'. .e, 1,1 the - In.ln '1 ii 11 (1 . T , . 'Hi rim n iiT'i nl i': I 11. 1 :.i ..I tr mi fi.e l-.'ST ll i ll i'o-mii l';i -r I' 'llirm W.H lllaee.l 11 a mnii.nd ol the jiii.Ii at I n nli in, and ordered to 111 hi 11. p 11 v Ac :n mil I lap no 11 tux I'll 1 Rival y. 1 1 d tiiiii. i'. 11 1 u i ;mi ; in k- oi I'laiti.ii: int lih' ni.d li' in;.- Im vi i-el vi.p tii:iiki.d aln;l,v. I Mil i' c the u leli r ill I - i 1 and l'i.l he is v :ry (nei ( HK.ii-e'i iiu mo i nti';iiin, 111 eoinpiny il h iLe ;;tili ial. in oiieiiin im. Kel i l I oris nu t i-oiiiidi on tho c.i ut ot Snutli ('ato.i. i, Uooiyia, and Florida, under tne ei mtniinii i I Ailiiiitul l n ) .nr.. tin tho lilth of July, Mi2, lu: was I'l'iinintccl to his present rank us lull ( (jiuiiiHiider, H anding at present, No. ID on Hie li't. In Septi-nil)'. i-, l.M.o, Ik- whh dc I, mil tha eomina:,,! ol the nmi 'tit and liU lit 111 ('(ilnll.uilil id Hie I'r (,,;.u, I, erill-iiiL' in Ihu laiiiiaiu lenieU ol liloeUi lo-runtiers. Here lie wrti i-iio. e.-stitl in lakinn H une valtialile pri.c.i, ai-il ti.ftint.iit IL1' ns li.tri a Idnck ide ai the r itniiiKiii.i t.i bi;t the speed ol Ins vein I wi uld ) i rn it. in Auetiit, lin was detaehed from tho IMuumi, i nd Mit,i-eiiiently or lered to tho e.otu n.hEd ol the .-teaiu t-lnon ll'( on un cial n rvp e, nnd wit Mime, months ronee in search of the i Mmwr IK, lulu. Me Inn heen ind(.ui((lilc in ins exi rnnns to nveriake ncr, and, uller u pur suit id imiiuli,", he iii iiily found her In ihe noi t of lfiilia, liri'zil, in d elleeted her capture U'Ih ther bis h it net v. ill met t the approval of all whoso Hi sire ll Is to iherve the neutrality ot foreign at. ens iitno c all else, wj eauiioi determine: hut we eaii eay it lia- teal a tin hi of joy through tho Mails tit alt lotai people, who will ever owe '(.mi!. in. di r Co In s a tie it ol ;.r.ititnde for rid- (iit the td si, eh a dt strut'- ivc eor-air us the lon has heiu to our eoiiiaiene on nl.uost evevv M'.-l. ('.ip'iiin Co!li: s h iile.ut fifty ve.'irs of u;.'e, and a Ii. en aliout thir veardiiithc naval servie-- lhiehovtr twentv-ntie he has spent at f-'ea. lie is a n:nn of lii'jiliiiiii height, and ot rather I'M. t r lie in. His eyes nnd liair are "ia 'k, and is ( (,ni It x ion dark unit swurihy. Ue is cool, eteiniiiiKl, eld as eour 'Kcons as a linn, an, 1 miily ut I'll tiniis to as-tiuio a rcspoiisihility in any : lia r lie t eliivca r'.lp and nei essaiy. lia is just v. bat he has proved hiuifelf to be tho right ii, an hi me ri;; ptuec. UltAMtliC JIIIIIMiS. Tlero stems to tie a studied Invasion of fo'tipn liayera on the FrRl'sli and Aineriean tape. Kutoii .-ct the example bv pUvmir m Fieiicli; Baiitlinauii and Metlina S. heller have aittmptttl it with sucee'8 in this city; Fe bier ar.d Stella Colas have won upplau-e m this way in Loudon ; and now a new star, an Italian lady nnnitd Bcu'rice Lnciiiosini, is playinii there. She oiraw n luriio audimecs, hut the hxauuitcr cnti- Izi s her by mi niu that "credit, of course. Isdue to a lady v. bo, heini; Italian, has olitainod a place on the French Matte, and now. In an F.uglisti tin aire, is 't'lnkirg I'.nejisli (ulte. as well as M. Fei bur. Butthc lady, we must needs Bay, is one more ennitimniiou ot C' mentis o'Dowu a theory of wmit of ori diiuliiy in liiitruisoi. Sha ia not bad, I ait He ii ao n -t ttooj, and she in not in the It ait ii.tert siiiii? ; moreover, with Btiliuii-sioii to a l mtleiHit t Hi s, we do not think she ia a bit liHrniMirre. Sic is like tin nncicnt mirincr, 'Ion.-, and lin k, mid lean j'and her lajial expres sioii er iia ce, as lu nil -ecoud and third-rate Prcni li ai iiesn s mainlv con-osis in tlrawini the np o h into linr-chocs. She would make up into a lau ou-i 'Mephi lophcles.'" noih. r ci itie, however, si'dilis mure hl'jlily of the ; " M a !- lii .t lee tie i i'-v .ii'tion - ivlio i-tacs from .1,. t'lii i n a a Y..'n vi; e t rn'..t,tii in Pa! m-lia a rt-nt (' a I ... 1 1 ' .'I H. I-' a ie I . ,1 1.1, , t e (il ,1 s - ,iilti utaiear :c i i . liill.i'i- t. li'i.f . . hS a' (1 tl 'ii" cy et (iiliru,H!..n, ni-.e 1, ii .on ; . cum a r.e ti'ul (li'inirtiiii'iit, tol'l cunil ii r li pi . i.l l.ioiir f liiiit-l nt i,u '. Iiit w iv Willi liul tutlli m i' a s niim.i-i I. an-1 wis iioi'v.-teil wt II nl. ti It. lore tl.t- hoi) ty It i, a -v,iril. M ttl Hi lUittrlcn iiiu-l tuivc bi'n . lot a lin e In Kt e'liiitil. sl, -nitxitH ntr l iaiiiirfu wnti hu mi l It ii.c m a i u -eel . anil htr iiittriiie, tfi Im to unoaia nif 'i o l) hiij iiotieriMl eiroroi iiioniiin-liitija. Hhc tutu, liitli'f-il, ibi- Krein-lt atctl.t ant oiinatitat'on v,t e-f-( rliblr, lait lioititi'g to roiiiii'trc I M M .1 1 llu' rtlitlla I'tlas. or tsit'it Iti .Vr Kt'i h fr. Mire prt.sloii sua Inr-u ueu.nliy t( a'tl Ik- ift MriiD ti m Mail ll Ileal rit-ti's iiittaa., Ian t lit u li n iiisilis et l iti-lunt Klltl ut on eauhaiil tlifc . la l all i til un aiulii Ie e." At Hie 11 lyinarket lias al.-o been revived (J'Kei tc's Ctntie if Aint(tliti(, n musical eo:uelv, wbiiii whs lii-t 'produced in 1782 wild ureat smct.'H. Ci.e sper Nesiloi, llrst comic siutfer of tlie I r al in ri op. l.i, was dpeeially onicucd to win honors in so' i emit 11 a or I it'i ii a "lie ,ri o. uiii'it, it in-aiiiiit ' N.t'l.l t.l I ll'l I I." I. Hill .'IK' Tl. ''ili',,rl .iir.fii ii r ' to Ii. r leniler l't o ule cli elf's w he'll wtili t-r tee '! mire. i he music, Moleu trom various foreign eoin- po-i rs, is iniiip ed fo Kniii.ib words, l,rofi ';or Pepper, who ili'icovcrcl the ?;'i'st illtiM'.n mi p pu imi mi the stdi'? a year or s t au , is i. fain civii'S li' t'i'e- in London. Al'ier one of lin se, "1'j? '.uim's (1'io-t" .is iiitroiiuci J in th" 'ara-- ll.e:.iie, inol fluviec i i j-s t mtrpri- ed ihu .1'tdi ti cu l.y tie awtnl'v spefiraleli 1'iicfcr of the lllu '' fiho-t .-iiil fui-tln r a-ton shod tin n r Lis ir:irv 11 in I'ltoiin.iti 'e . ii t'.ie violin, .hl.ii lilt a d si. t uts of iipp tiii.-t'. itie spirit of ttic (.'rii t iii.ii -'in wai rcpic-ciitcd by -Mr. Lei"V, H l.'. i i't'11 vol ni't. i'i c lil 'hi aire bieh h.i' (vcr fieen e;tavi-ii-hi'linf'o t in ('l inn iiiau;?'itiita. in Seji ti lii'ier I.-ct. a; tin French port ot s.iiou. l'here a ,,s a 'j.i t .ii ei oivti. t tie ttiree pieces pl i t d were . e ,o..s .. .v A 1 ', ii 1)1111111 i:ur J im'irs a'. I in , tni'l (.' t.,1 iiii.tjt-s. I'nlortun-ite'y fi r 'li" sin " s-. ot ll.l- l icet ,' (nc tnau iit'T ciuli le t il ill t'e cue of 'he l. ir m i to turn ili' at I- a-f i u .t'.e- whieli naiural y militated ii;.u:ii-t t!it pel i il . ei. Mr. lb 'licit an It ii i i Livsrp in! e u , .r i 'iter ul 1 1 1 r lie pioiliu-'ioii nl a iieiv liiil.ul il r.iiiin ' I 'led Hint e, in ii lit h real inoiiKeis are to lie iatro ('nci il. This p i ce is pot taken lrm llerai inn Meh i le'a . Mut rent: novel, fuit. is draw.i f. oiu a in i eti nance. Mr. ienp icmlt ii a kui to a;n e if wi'.b J. l.n llK'Ucliiiiii ut tin theairo Royal, IjiiIj lin, ir a i.iw l.-isli diaitiu i.l hit o tl, c .l-rn't A u J 'ui''.. At the Ila;. niiiil c', l."ni'on, Fanny K-iin-li'.c's irai ilati'.n'oi .I.;.' ,.,o", ,( ,!. It lu- ot Aicx.iiiiln: In. n. us his been produce I, with li'.itriio l iie 'a -ini i i the Ie i.'ini; ehara iter. The play was only n nioden'te sneeess, the ritics dt ( nun;.' It too iinu.oral in general lone for Kng lisb uuiiiecie-. At Druiy I.m.e, London, Mr. TMielps b is been n ukini? Hsens.tiioii in the two parts ol ' Jus tiic Miiilloiv" atid "Henry IV" in tho Srnmil I'uil a Hi mi 1 1 ." two characters vei y dill, rent in .tle. hut ui I'O'.hof v. heh -Mr. l'uelpa met wile ii.neh -ucoi s-. A t ( w t! c. ut Ii is ' e n op"tic ! at M.ine.iesler, Fiiii'd il, to li. ill v .'. to r.r-iii.a'ie an.l nimie'il cMeit ii.n t mi . I a l.i .her c an th in th.i-e vt iiit li l.iiM 1 1 1 n M in l.sufed io tlie eiti.i-ni ol la c years l' the oil ei l.iiii'e. .ii'iilo'spiMtix's J' ,.is cbi.i)i-n us ibe n t'liinjr piiD. lim !, , i il Si'tioi b,.s been reive 1 at the Mi'ryltl-oi e iheatie, introduce a fe.i I jjl.t, 111 wliii-h four thousand. S'luce f, et of can vas me used, and nno id the he.t shipAiei k ever atiown i-J am tbe atajic is r. preseiitcd. A burlc. 'iue on t!ic liorso pluy .l'.');m of the Menken, is to he produced lit a rival London Louse, with ont Mis- iUyuerham as tlio burlesnuy " Muzej'pu." Mist Avonia Joues is playinsotit W'c-t witb even more than her usual oucecss. Ia "L'idy Macbeth" she ia highly applauded, thou eh ber repertory also includes "Juliet" and "Pauline." Helen Fancit Las n appeared at tlie Drury Lane theatre as "Imogen" in Shakespeare's ( ym UUiu. tbe was very eutbusiutleally greeted. Louia Tyce, tbe prima donna, lately ap pear d at the benefit of a London actor lu a speak ing part in l'onr I'tliitodily. Fecbter is to appear in a near play called The Kinq't liuttt rtiy, in which Important scenic effects wlil be introduced. Mr. Pothcm Is to play In a new opera written tor buu atid called The H mnun in Muuet. I'OUllTII HWT10N LATE FROM REBELD0M. ICwV3l AL1:.U,VUU:." Acccmivt, oi' her Lo;!. DCCnETttlY COPPCn!-JAD3. EliYMOUlt AHD MilAMLETTtJ. 'tin; Loss or rue r iii;m in ii:. ftom '.'.- l:ii l,i,in,i I, ., .'. ',, v,,,, .,.', , 7. Ci'l't 'in A . 1 . V.,r t v, eieninMii'ler o,' the I"'" 'e, ill III- 'illii II, ri ort lo tl:l! N IV v l,'p,i -1 no ii', :i s tl: ,t t he n " ' emir r x eiliu:'ly nark hi 1'ii'l ;ln wii !' ,''iii',l il on Hie Il'i. ni iii.', and took i tia ('Hi an'ii n t i prt" i lit iniiha;t. A In. at l ii e o t it. k a i,t, at w:i- ilin ovi red r itn:n r towards t he m il. It w a - h ile.l, nut gave no a iti-lactory aif y t r. All I ai. di hi re in us' i te, nn qnickly as po-.;i.'e, in tl a Im nt inn k' try ditccf. , to tee h mt, wai h ou it lo the 1 1., i s ni'ii mis i in lleef u il. '1 no niter Kim "as I. not il w ith (iiapeaud liie l, bat o mid nut Ie snli ct tillv to l ike elleet. 1 lie l.eatsfiuik miller lin; port bow nnd exploded u foipulo, sma hiii;, a l.olc in the . l'.ea o,'-, ms uid.r llio wii.i r hue, our ine.i pouring upo.i tia in u In ii v lire ol musketry . i he olli. t rs in charge of tho torp'"lo boat in tt..ntly sum mil rt d, and wi ic sen' u ilinre. i'lio I imps were sei to wotk, hut run I J not save tie i.'-m I, she went ilon ti in u few moments, o.i'y tier sinoke.'tati; and shield remaining visible iit'i.e the water. Cap'aiu W ' fir Ii y says further tint lie receive 1 no notice from tho picket-lio. t i 'low, nor did tuc attilli ij lilt the shore ;;ivc lulu any ussislaiicc. A IMON IIAlll INTO 111K UK iloN. f, ,.i the Hi. ,ul ,v. (,,;, A.,,-, ms.,-7. (Mir latest intelligence lintii below, saya the Petersburg .Viress, represents everything as iint t tin lo. A lew days sin(eaforee of about buy cava ry made a raid through Nanioinund, and crosscil the lilackwater at South Uiiuy, meeting only a few pickets nt that point to resist them. They went up to Murlec's depot, tho ). ust nt tcinnt, in of the Si aliourd railroad, and I m 1 1 1 1 ( I nil the liiiildiif?s, including a lot of salt snd cotton, owned ly piivate individuals, nnd tlinc l ilies ol ei tton cloth for tho agent of Nan seniond cenntv. Captain Willis, of the l.'ith Virginia Cavalrv, Willi two lncu, kept juit Ii fine Hum, and tired upon tia in n nuuibir ol limes, killiiigand noiiud ii g several ol them. On their return to SuU'mk lliey cniricd oil sevi nty-livo or ciglity fat cattle, bclbt gitig to the f.ovtnnni ut. We believe this is tlie seenrd time tho enemy have ever set foot upon the soil of Southampton, and this advance was i nly Hin t r four miles from tbe river. Tin: HKiiiii, iu:i AttTMiiN r or kkstitkv. 'row flu' A'ti ct. s, tii-ifiuf' i, X n-cnif.' r 7. J'rivatc advices from hentneky st itn that Gene ral Lion is now in coniinuud of the Department ot Ki mucky. Tlie Confederate forces occupy a 1 that portion of the State south of Christian r unty to the Mississ-ijipi river, fxecpt Coium I us mid i'udiu tilt, ut w hich pluCiS there are Mn rg I'lirrisoiis. ibe l-'iiJtials liavc limited a large niiinberof Ktntiickiiius, nnd they are ili s ning J uly, ami cither eoiiiii g to our army or forming guerilla I'ltitiis. 1 'ai t i an bands are springing up nil over the state, to the gnat annoyance of the Federals, wlio say that ihcy are determined that Kentucky shall again w in for herself the title of "tho dark and biooilv ground," rather than that she sli ill be frte to chouse for herself. A RF.Ill.I. CAPTAIN I'll A lt(. F.ll AVITH THKAS0X. Frovt hn I'm hnmii'i .SV'i'irtW, .Vot-r niftcr 7. Cnptain Henry T. Owen, of l'rincc Kdward.bas been sent up from I'ickcit's Division, charged w nh uttering tiC;i-oiiab!e and Siditious langiiiire. We have not kaincd the specifications of the charge, except that it is alleged Captain Owen, on the occaiioti of a man deserting to tho enemy, de fiant! he uid net blame the de crtcr. Capt linOen is an ollicer of acknowledged gallantry, and has been in llio army since the breaking out of hos tilities. It is bciieveil if he u.-cd the 1 n:'ii,n?e attributed to him that he Uid It In a momentary lit id disgust, caused ny some circumstance the 1 artii ul.Lis of which have nut transpired. TllK TWO IlOOIIKltllVS. Fi Qin Vie lii' hrnnmt IHipitti-h. Sue. 7. GuveiTior Seymour has followod the impetuous Kentucky lliaiiilettc (a small brier) in issuing bis pioi laniiition ug dust military interterence il' the poils. Ilramletto tells the civil otlicers of Kentucky that they mint not permit military mill ft rem e nt the polls; that if military otti ials rest nt tlieiinelvcs so to interfere, they must bo iiircst.d; but that if they cotno with force too greet the tin rills holding elections at such places, so militarily beset, shall close tbu polls uud go llcirwuvs. Governor Seymour docs not speak of ihe c niingeiicy of supei ior force ; hut tolls tlio shttills they must, in c"e of military InWrfDr iiics, i xeiclsc the "lull force of law," and cull out, "U laid lie," "llio power of their ilistiicts." 'lliifie Hoglerii execuiivo ( ni'ii rs, in their Ur dus to ti e sheriff to " comprehend" all m. itary persons uboiit tin' poils, (to not compreln nd their siiiiut on, i or the circumstances surrounding tin m. Slates and Stato lights hive beoil long Uiad In tbo hearts of the Northern people, and are ruiw ca udjp 'iiuci.iy ; itiui i-icy, a no , vernois of states, have no more life or power ' than so many wax figures of liopartod heroes in - a show. I Tht y may talk laig. ly j they may even tbre iteu ; 1 but whut can they dif Nothing. Liu :oln is i iniptraliir. Ho may defy them, and does dety ' I lie in . Ho will send his spies mil military oltl- ciuls just when) Im pleases, i'tiey may talk of reststuiico, anu mt y may can ior troops ; but like . spuiis Ciilltd troiu the vasty deep, they will not ; ci me. mum cue evi ii '.iny icars us much, when i bo tidvi.-i s hii .-heiillsto secede from tbo polls, and leave them in tbe bands ot tho military when tin y appear in fort o. I Lincoln refolds tlie pro dam ltiom of these : fthnsily (foicrnois very mucu as the lion did Doll Utnxnie. lie Don ortlerud the cage door to bt. ojiined and cbalien ?t.d liie lion Vj comtiat. i he lion ri g rdi u tho cbevaiier for a inoinent, uiiu turning hiiu-eli aoou', p e-emed Ills li uder p.oU' at ihe door for ihu couieinp'd'ion oi tlie in no, t uud tin n .'.nil liluiself down ii'iiot y to fcleca. j NKW .MiHsiCV. ' (Ji.issiiono, November 10. Tbo oili inl vole of Siileiii ccuiity rives Lincoln Hid mtij-Jiity, Starr ( l'i im I, for Coii'tcss, has '27 m-.ijoi i'y. A Union AsMinh ymnn is o cctcliutJe Fiu' l)i,tri t C.ill.ihnn '. l in.ijo.ity ; in the Sieou l Dis- ' tiict Diikii'aoo hit !U maj'irity. Siii-riu" Hunt (I'nioiij is elected l y SI miiioriiy, i f. I H Yilii ill. t' i ill . j At.i.iM, N. Y., N.iveiiilier 10. Tuc .!'? ' cluiiis the Dtino 'i inc. ni ijority iu t.iu Sta'e lo ! ie from 1-00 to I.aiO. 'ihe Jtiuriutl claims tbe State tins afternoon for the I tiion cum'.id lies by iVotu .liio'l to 7 100 1 majority. ' IIKAVV IMON IIIIOIIIIV IS St. I. W II 11 NT I. to. Oo 1 1 i n -m im, Nov. 10 I ii St. l.iiA'ri nee eouiuy 41 1 1 but three small towns an 1 t vo di-trk'ts h nc been heard fioiu. Lincoln's nujurity ii (i.i'27. Tno towns f' hear fio;n will pro'i.ibly inere.i e I: t'j 7oi'0. CITY IMTELLlGIxTC. Statu or Thkiimomi: irii To-day. Six A.M., 6(1. Noon, (i'2. 1 l'.M.,(i'li. W'nul, N. W. I'oiirn vi. Pains. i'. very body kuim-.s by sight lin bro.i'l'briiuiiied pbilo ophcr w ho cimtx-i liiiu-iif the "Iiiii"; ol' Fain." Tn iuJiuaii,.!, with bis liiiinl o:gan-buggy-Wii;.'oti was eireultt irg iib.-ut to-day, but the pain of the Copperheads was beyond tlio rem h of bis no.-truin. There never wub such n demand for sometbiug to kill im i ti as there wus yesterdny mid to day, but the king's liicdicumentum wasn't Hie article. The su flercrs were divided Into two ciui-es: those who felt sore because they were beaten as puli tieians, nnd another class who hud "a pain in the chest," that is, hud bet against Mr. Liucoln. Wo encountered several people of this kind, who, in their iiifaluiifion for the guest of tbe captain of the iluh na, bad staked upon his success nearly all ihcy were world. For woes like these tha Kitig ol l ulu otitis no remedy. MfcrilKO OF TllK Mt.RKLl'.S Or THE BAH. At noon to-day a meeting of the n,eiulr8 of the Bar was held, to take aciion upon the death of Thomas M. Hull, late Lieutenant-Colonel of the 121st Pennsylvania Volunteers. Judge Strong was called upon to preside. A strits ot resolutions expressive of regret for the decease of Colonel Hall, aid extcudiug sym pathy lo bis family, were adopted. (several speeches, eulogising the private worth of the declined us a cititcn and a soldier wero made. IROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Am Itoiiortitnt Order llrnvy slunk Check l orarrlen. Ac. frr. in! ii. h ,,, J'ii. A.i. iiMi? r.l-jrttfS. 11 u Ttvtoiin, November 10. M ijor-Oonrral Wiilinec lies Is.-. in. d an order si t'ing forth that ci r'nin cll-Ii'0H'd P'Ts' ns in M iry land intend to obstruct the opi ration", nii'l to nullify as far ns they ceti, il e c'iiiiiieiMti ei provi-ions of the lew Cot.-ii'tiiioii. lie therefore "r h rs thai it 1 1 p, r-o,s wi'lim the Middle Department In retntor sluwHiitc row Inc. ami are under special nnli laty ii le t:. m, until the I . iatuT ' sli i'i pi'S such laws us sfinil make military protection un i.aeisiiry. A fo to 1 1 1 inn's hurciil is i natil, tht) Cilice to he ill lia! into n. Major Wiliinui M. I'.slo is npp'iii ted to h ivi i: In i-liiit;.'!'. In order to in ! tbo linn an elective, Mi'j'.r isle in n.ithni ' .i I lo in-titute inie.itigi tie ns, to si ml for papi i s and persons, and m ike ll.c ni c. s-iit j i.rii -Is. iiiii I'rovost Nlarsh.iis ol lia v. raaji d -li i' ts are dire ic I to In ar all co o- pain'' ., iii.d rip' it tlio s.nie to Mijir Lit", Vtl.O is (lil'ielcl to take possession oi ti t- I.iri bind t-iul) I!" l.y onl' r i f d the "I r. i,,i i,iys colac'cil troin tin tltt tl to Ihe support ol Ihe 1 ut tin t lie ir iinir.cuiale c, nliich i-i n i -v lineti's Rest." A I are t i lai niipropri I'rccilni' n's ll"it," "its Marir Kste is directed to diaiv li'mii C.-lonel WiHiley. li is furiln r iliri red that should the m .ueys deriieil 1 1 cm d liuiiims mid from tin s colleeted prove insnllkknt In suppoi t the institution in a in inner corn spending to its importance, Muior F.stels to make a list of nil the avowed Rebel n silling in the city, with a view to levying such ii ntril'Utioi.s upon ll.. m.iii aid ol the institution, as liiny be Irotn tune to time required. Tbe et.; (iilionof tliis order is due. ted to lie proceeded with i.t once. Yesterday morning, a i heck of Johnson Bros. & Co., biu.kirs, No. PIS Baltimore street, for 100, was prt si nnd Hi the Comiiiei'i'iiil and Farmers' Hunk ; but Mr. Noiius, tho teller, sus pccling the signatures to be a forgery, declined payment until the party preienfinii it wis ldemi litd. The man left the bank, of course, and did not return. A forged check of J, lines 11. Cox, banker, corner of North and Baltiiuoio streets, on the Chesa peake Bank, for S".!I0, was ulso presented yester day, and psid before the torgeiy was discovered. Afterwards n second check of the same party, for about 5 1000, was presented ntthc Chesapeake Bank, and payment reliue l only on the ground that tho drawer had not funds in the bank at the time nilllcknt to meet it al tho time of presen tation. The parly was not suspcciod. Messrs. Ltuvra son Smith's check for about $2100 was also priscntcd at the Hank ol Commerce, and paid. It also proved to be a forgery. Tlio man who pre sented Ibe.-o forged cheeks is roporto.l as being of medium si.e, about thirty-live years of age, well dressed, and of genteel appearance. Tlie buiipie Mumulnnrk, one of the first vessels of her cIuks, owned by Tuom is White it Co., of B.illiinoie, was burned at sea by the I tvrtiU, oa the 8lb September. It is now evident, from the I'ninn galas, Maryland will yhe Lincoln about six tltoiisati l majority. Thomas Swanu is elected Governor We have a large majority in the House of Dele gates, but the Democrats will have) one or two majoiity in the State Senate We elect three out of live I'nion Congressmen, and most of the other State otlicers. The result altogether is glorious, and causes grcut rejoicing. ki:coni'AYt n. The snmo linnk forgers mentioned in my first despatch nlso got 70U0 from tbo Wc ;teru Bank and .s t-100 from tho Vnluu Bank. Tho signa tures wero bo perfect that those on whom they were forged could scarcely detect them. Tho forgery reaches nearly $'20,00(1, which they obtained. CITY ORDINANCES. 1 K H () I, U T I O X V A,iiHVlt'K H''.oh i lOrtnin SnuiTvlsrH. IU fun (... Hy Hit, r itntl riiimnm ( uumil- uf thn ( tl.t ol l'lillii(U'ltti u, I hdt H.iiniiol Aniistroiik' ami VVIlii.ita AM I'Mli t"i uic lurci'v Uii-ii uJ u hurt-: lea ot I tf p,j ai1i,Hiiiit .Mir oi the H.Ntct'iith mut N.!.i-iii -iiti. a:in,H ; tlat J hn Hi.tlliunn ami Ur. .). V,. tiiibcrt arv, hvUv BU'inM f n tlii- i-iifi-tii'i of Ih'iilifii Nuiult. SiijuTvlHor 6t tin; Nk'cihI KMmuM nl I Ik V v lit i Wur.l ; W. hiuitli fti.ti.l A.i xiiiiil' r Hiiud .uu itru lioichy uii'irovc i hh MiT'ltB t W. A. l-'rn!iT; k. Sup Tvis ,r nl' in- l'iiirii iMMttli ii n (l.f Iwiiity-tutiilli War l. Aul tho l'i y .Snhtilur is )t Trh lUn-cti il t ir.'pii--i, Imnis, w . ft wiur-hiN t'l HtTtniic.v lor h:iI ji.-ii'li-i tn lm-ciuu, and tn lnw ii''r u.viii3 tiiu ml Ih i n. AI-KX ,T. IHKI'KR. l'r ol ( u.uuu Cuu iciJ. Atlt-I - Ali'Aii m Sn u ai' r, A-ii-J;uii rKik of (,'iiin'ivm f unicil .1 MKS M Ml, rn-tM- nt i I ct t mncil. A('ir-v( il tlil fif h dty "I' No.rtnluT, Ann.i liin i uiiu Ihvi'inii'i ciUl iiiiiuliofl mid lAty-ftiiir ( V. J. AI.i:V ANDKK IIKSItY, It M.iurol l'ii.liliihij. N ORDINA N C K Tt rnukf uii Appr rl'.ttiii i-tr Itppilrlni; Citfin. niieMrcit m u iu I'ny ior lii.iji.H t'uriiinli ti to ciiTK of (.Vf ihcll- m il Itvi ritcr nl I t Hictmnl. 1'tnt h' It it :in 1 t'uiuinon 'hhcHh nf (ho Cty oi I'lulu'li- jiliiii il rialu 'iluii iu! diua ui two itio i miiio mill t-im coHtrti tui't nine .-'iit-t (f-'iniutt tt flu Miuic i l.i'ttby Hi'iirupriu ;d to p uy tliu lolioA-lu ciiilum ; ) . 1 u ciiy ii'sw ln'iinftii work ain! iiiar':U Jnno ruij fHrnM.ui in n-piriiiu i ;itlinu nm-ci, I uni .H.-c mil to fltititti i-i in 'V :J, t.o stun hi liuiiurt'il ti'iU ov.ntv - Ml 1U1I l.f! Illl'i' ( Jti.ll (til). V. T'l p. y .1. !"-s It. s-nl ;i ,t i (i for bo-rim tini!h) iuhI l.'tih.l lir (l.i ('l-rlft l oiiiw IM in lsij, lUts huuu ot' OIK' llllll'lll "I flMil l went v-lt i ti it-'i-') I'1 tri i loitt hriiuHft im inn Kni jruVroi" DcptN tli1 sum oi i. l linMili.-d (nl-.uth tl. 1 1 nr i 'i. it ii 'J. I li-ti v. ir'.m imi- n,e ij.ih ilnl b ilrinn ai M oh i - I : i im I . li) ll: iili f Co i liiit-sinntT ol HiKHWtiv ; It. in 'I. tr. ti.t ii'ik i oi ( .m-iciih; uii Inm I. by Wi tjuy ( cliiUiOil.O It i t. A I K WDFIt ,1, II MtPKIt, rrueiHknt ol Coiiimou Coiiudl, At(hi A in; 1 1 a i H : t.w a i: r, Aisi-it.ct i Icik oft'oinmnn CounrU. .i ..ll.rt l, M, I'n'sl.l.'itt o' Select ( ' inn -tl. Avi"octl Hi-- nr'a il .y i jN.,v. iubur, Anio limit ml r.'i.i ' ti imI t liu i.lri'd Hi ul Mxly-iour (A. I. ALr N Mr.U IIKNCV, It .Mu wfr t t'fuldi.lcli'hl i. i i: s o i. v, t I o n il lo Jt i.-.m- t riaih I'.. i. rly oi" s.imucl P-ifh. I. lv-1' r v :l -i .. t m i r..Tiitxi' it im -J i r ( t!n ( 1 ti I h 1 ii .i. 1 1' it U.i fit Hdiioli-ir it hvrftv HI 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 'il 'li' ut; ii," I i!Bi '. Il'i il IT (..'( t oi' -. I"' . I. n- it. r i' . ii ...,.1 o,i"i-nl"in nt ii.o n iKni' ii'. 1 1. (' . H. IV , Mi.., I , f, .1, S,. i;t.,.i, red on iU i-lk- .U l- lut o! .1. ii. .il :ii I! i'n: , t lo i-iiv. ill lint ri'il i!-i 4.: or , ".'i if di I u ,M tin- ihri'.- sto.y iir Oi iivt'iiiu l(L.ji-il w.lii .l.'i'i- thi.'u-Niuiy uiilllnii till-'' ( li . I'.'Uil, .l"l i' I' o . Cio l'lt to.le ol' Ktovpilt.l 8 16!, in ili In c I ii i ri. t "l.-tiii'iii t. mil. ii, now in tho K..ur l --t Hi V a i 1 ni IU i' i .if i'Ml.iilf-i h'.i.f iiiini Mit iny -n n (.oi ill ii i 1 1 1 1 ' n t uii-iii'ii Ireil Hint t'vi'tity dvi t.-U( li-.i t h hi .1 U. iu ll. in. ..; -.uii'. I , , i ii biriM:, uuiiLiiiuiirf 'll I'HliI Ol t'l'Tt.l'If . I I I' I'll I'l.'M-llHl UT. t'f tW ill 't o If , ur il '-sn t it; j ; o: Hlil.l) in 1. n.;m or ili'pt't i.til wanl lutvi.-in j'!i,ii;,i ...H-l uf nhi an-jifi hh!i mil hi wilt;, hi : t oi, l i . ii h In. i' tli' Ti" e,jf ty-iiiic li--t nt.'i .i.i' rtt'.fic . n h Mut oil tde ii'irin lin" i f m-i t i v a A i I.' 1" i - ". "i :ti. li" . .ID' I t'T'!'-fUil!.i ot u-i In h lo.illrt- l i t w. . nl . ii'.i inik noiiiH j,nl 1 iti .M unit i- id n r:.ri- V'.'..- j u'f.-;. (,r I 1 d !ii i '..rV'M.'j i" i' '.ir 'i'. . i . i ' ' i ' . i ' I iii nit r lit it tin .U I u,ii i"l I'uli .l ull ..t.v .- il." i -.: v ".-lit I'or. ior V. e uno oi'Uih ntv, il i'Hii't i i i. il t.i . i i ii.'f'-1 the evn-'iiEi.';, i, mrcl In li.i Ditij':..i;i-..i ill.:- i.c int. uii. Al.i:AVlHft .1. IIARl'Ki:. l'lt Miili til ot ' jiutuoii Cuuui."il. Aitt AltlfAHAW P u w ai:t, A"l-t uii t'U'rk ot'C'inuiion fonnril. I WlhS l.i M, 1'lvMil.Tt ol' Salt i-t ( ..uin.II. AplTofil ti !i lltth tl: y t SuvoihMt, Anno H -iiiiiil Mm- tl, ii.-ltltd lill .diid Hint i'y-Kiii' (A. It. 1-M). AI.I1V WlU.It IIKN1.V, It MllOl' Ul t'iili.Dlt !jillt. 1) ES () I. V T I ) N J 1 Ambo.'Uii.ij ihe Ct Hy.icflor to Itoltu-.e a Curtnlu fii peri . Iii ini id, l'. the Kiid t m.J (.'.HnnioT1 Coirii i'i nt' IIki City of I failniii'li'l ii, 'I Imi thf t.'ity Muhoitor bn l,f ii 1 1 iibv iiHtlii'l t t anil tUircttd to I uii' 1 1 nolo liiiiiiai KtntH , It il lifiln anil until, i", all lh;il icrtiiln io or )u-t e of tin unJ, Willi tin iluii 'turi hi ii k in-fMsiitu'i or tt uiMiu'iit ti.ereon eii' led, ittoate mi I t.i' iut 11111' ol Alm um lr. t, at ti e ills tii iu:e of oJ lii'iDlri' l kn-J y U or I nt tou:li- nrd In 111 the noit'h iit!oi Mnstir tiI, in lltu 1 wt inicih iinl, of tiat- t of riilJitli'l'iliia. ('i.iiiitiiiiiii' in front or Lrt'iolth 011 llio NHid Mi'i 11m Kln ot fourtmu IV ft, aid ex It T.tin u in lniKtli or tii itl. luhlind ot ti t' width, at rlrdt u ngii'd wall thu iHid Mm vine iti i-ol, liy ft-et, to a a rutin tin 1 e itt't w iUtr ul ley, li-adn 'A . outl.vmrd into anoitifi tlui'-u ft ' t wide all-ry, with tlo fieo u and pr) iI-k of mid aiU f, of unit ir "io tins lien, uiu atluii.inid it. tl t'fUrt 01 a nam jiii'vim nt, meicd 1 11 n.c 1 MU k't (.'ouri fr the in t.iid ( 1 uutv ot 1 h iititt il,ia, at the buit of the I ity of Uii adfli bla aimt TUuina bUw. f.o.,outlielt''nth dn .1 Mn h, A. I. lH- o Mnnh It nil, IfVt. No, J li It. IL: l'r Idtd, (lu-co-dtltiiiluLt of the ant Thonmi HIihw uiiic'ur (herein, und thai uu dullari Ut: iaid lor tbo pubiiealKn ol thir iiiolntion. ALKX ANIKlt J. H AUi'KIt. I'teMd nt ol Coiuiuuu Council. Attcil A Bit AH A BriCWArtT, AittUtautl'Urli fCom'p" , yvn rrtctdent of Hclci-t i'oiimi!. Ani'mvotl thli fifth da v of ftoriubr, Anno Domini " luuUkUuU cifcht liuaiirt'd nxiy-lour (A. l. lN.l). AI-KXANlth'H IIKNItr, It Alajorof I'LiUndvlpiua, CITY ORDINANCES. A To Knrour 4K nrtt lrirltm'nt'i tn th Mi.ttu fend rimt H w i of Hit" 1'Httil Stnt-4. Hfrnt.n I Th 'clcH-i ntl .iintinm ('iwwtlAf iriiW.J, of I uriitun, 1 hit Hit- rml-tii''' nf t i v--i -it at (T pr'Minim t v fioi'iif imh;)1 t" tti" Comiii "i(i--raj up! "tiiicil i n.ier (if inl nirn c of IHtmiiiIii r li. I 1, 'Ti M il. mi A,iprfhiiiittnn I'T H,fl I'smidii' 1 Hi!inf i ulunli rn. i.ii'ti r 'Iff Hr"nt liitl tt - Vrn ilm. ' ho fill tin MUiif it li- M-liy him r ijiinif 1 !.r iin ptvui-'nt. in i!r ti:i jif ik it - . o t-nni iifiiiiiH'i' t'. up n fiA r 1 1 ; t ol Mi' Ii ' i it I"-J1 " . to nil wlii'i't'TH fiO -.ni1 Ih "l' i ti''-'Ml ,'i it M.r'Mi .l i t.i t n' mi 'I'nrv, ! i i ' f t i r I " ' ' "I t'l-- ' n l I ti'-v -rvl .). . i - .ii t . - ii., Ii i r.' in il fi 'i'i V . - ii 'ii:i(. m:.ii' i, j (i ii i i i,;iii leu ni'i'r tl n m -t, 1 1 f ! to Ii)' Ti i v i r v ii - li !' nl " i r H t- f iim-i i lir- .li l'i nnn ' t f ''I I liilill 1 ' ' !H) 3 (III V M.i' in 1 t.' rt IT V 'U'f r t f i r I ! . ( f i in i i c v nr - . 1J1 urn -it t' rfc )n lr- ,1 . i . .! ,iii... r l..r 'i" ti r a ie o.i j, si 'l , , ,.i 1,1,1 .1 i a ..n l iei .1, ll on. "im, ?. 'I i .'-,' -t.iil' nun lie (i.ti i I r mi - ii--" a.ipr.i i n I t ..ti, i ...n t i . roi . .a. i I 111' i t ..I i .nun i'i. ti. r, li, .,(-li i , i, '.e:.' nl t l.ill t-irieili a mci-i.i io-'ii.-in ic i y ,i r i I i . It , " etl 1 It no It n I 'iim-i 'I I ' Ci c ' a .1 1 1 , all u In, .1 I o . I II, ' II 1 " il lit If J n i r-i l ie n nl I I i iivlf li.fl II re il 1'e i- It ll' f I Ill . ll nt the .n.le i' , , li ai n.c. ' r (,,' i .'1 if i i " f Inr a term nl I' rc " rnet, li.. -en - 1 1 r"' I in . 1 1 1 1 1 . o l.i t -. I tm 1 1 -.,1,-1 1 ii'i. ti.. f , nee 1. a-t ii flic iti ; le a n no n' Kin o oc i. - -i m lw in, i,1p- ( ,.1 ii n . ide i i' iie'i a-1 i n's li f,li.i..l..i in "..t.a.lir ;t I. i,, , I ,,, " . ..' 'I . i in, f n- I ,, .lr. il l illn-i. I Sf i t "li .1. I erf s - n 0 ..i ,1 n in. c a, , - i , r I n p "i 'icr j . a, i".l ii ut 'i.t " l a i c lrn li ' n y ie ui I it ir- in if i i , i ,. inn e .1 n fi it, i. il .,1,1 1 . t fi t ... l n. (t i (I ; t. i , ., . ni .1 ( r. . i . i ti .- m n t. a i .- . ir t .i p. a.- i... 1 nt cli...' 0. t Of nt i- i n .-ii'.e. .1 I 1. : ,1 nl c ( i ' Hi O (i In.! iini',1 "T i.l ,1- ia ila. ,iii'lii.'i. it.ii.i'ii.' ! in l'i' it ill,. ill il 't r I l.f "- b'lv. mi I'" i'i . : i n . I r- i ii n i I" i' ' ' --liiri.'--l"ii. of I ns H una Km . iiih.. i ( iltll f' r I ll "ill- 1,'A nil. i lij Id" Bivt'lHl I'm. o.i ll i ' .lie 11 . ' ' I - ' III SI I ' - if i '', , r , tl" r, ii ,i.i i , I i.l i ic" ..II'. I. r Oi - i -t I i:i 'mine;. . itll ..! w 1 In .t ,1 I i .1.1. t, t t C I' Ii ll I'I I Ie 'Sno th,. -ni'li rii(((H-i ,T,f,- ap.' I . r. V f .1 . 71, ".I t l t.'illllll. li.f p it .11. lit nl x (( 11 ,1. a I li.rti'iil tilt .I'" im, i ni itii't v. r lua' On ol . I unit n ih'. il j , fir to In n i il fit. "I- I I f, r.,1 i .tr.l . Ii ,t ei i Int. ll. In lint d 11 .' 'M i' I m 1 tol r l m.l lull tin in 1 it- : i' i.n ! 1 a" 1.1 1 t ' 1 1 ' h I h r. in iM tii- rpti.r, v a , bv 111 ! iHf ' Ii li i 'III tl h.l IIH'.'Ull itl'i'.o'jrl.tlloni II.' Mi '1 ill ll r t rft to 1 lion ti.c't'iil S t'l loll 4 "ll :l' : t'otn-'ll"! HUT I'VlU ho Vf .til! ".'I'h tl c I tse j i-H-Ta li. tl.i'i' tT,iiiif'i Mi-mi :iy tin-iiior-i inl M -iih. 111. P ! io" 'i '.I r IJ. I' '1 , mot Hi. wrrii ti I ,r tt.i- .l 11 1 nt In r ll: .i'i" oi i d tt.,u! b( 'ju d hi 1 li" '!.' 1 k 11 A-f 1 1. 11 1 I It 1 k Ol ti e t ,r lin ll t! ihu :i r " ill I' 1 hi M.uoH'1 i'"' er'iri.' ut iimp r.imii tiir,.ili-d I on ly tin' lHoi l'-i.iini-iotifrii, aii'l tht tnf Wirra-Ki thill it.t n iiu- n Iim 1 "i.nii rniio il bv t ity i' -in I r, od Oi!:i ti ('.rhwiih piii'l li tit'ii'. rr".iiir.T, out jt huj lu- in j. in tin ia 1 rurv i(i! c 1 ih th'Tfw AI.K A N IlKll .1. II iif it, I ft 11 dt m ol Ommoji (,' ti.K il. Attffct Vi'lt MAO F.fiMUl, t h rk iift'ornnion l otnni'. .; wikh 1, vri. I'rrnf.lfoi oi ,s. it n I'nuti ll. AiM'T A'd II M fourth dtv ol Novi-mb'T, Anno lt. Mi' (hoi. - nnd Mfc'ht hiindir I nnd ixt v -lour ( . I), AI,i; ANIH.U IIKVUV. It Min'nr ol Iiiii4di'ini v. N J lo ' () R I) I N A N C K uihorif il.f t 'on -tr lift Ion ot a Hfwfr on C; Mow- I ll 1) 1 vi.i v-ft. t oTid tir-i! ill ihf Kilti-iiil;i ml ni I'M1: . A ioii" Mm poi "rt ow((i-rn on t n l(n: t l.iillou Imi a f" t. l.tlHi'tii I ui ot -;;rs him) rwi'ii v fier.d, iid in I n id M'-oiid. ii.'iwi'vn r(i lowhi.t nd onl I'leii--. h.ivi itlt-d th'ir I '-tiihni in tln iN-pa rui it o: su-vt :. i.irt-c'M h ih Aft ol A ii"inhl y i,mt''.'I A( tii l-ii, 1 r ii priii ir,o if",io' ftM Hir.i'i t n 1. o ali'iHltl 1 m.d I wi rii) -poiii I 'ir-o'ti a ni .roii -l. i ': Iil'lli'itiOM toil Inn pi oft ti. tht It ..rj .IHu 11: tl a- ft lin-. tii-i: hflfl Oi IoImt .1, I'M, l'i- y n i-o. "ii tin' cori.'riM ih 11 ot it, stHur in a.'vj iiomm:' i1,.- ;rtv'l 11 n oi 1 in oidnuir.'jft niiiiiviu S'oi . iii'i.t ii, 1. s, fl:,iiti.'ii ' An ordiiunt to provldi for the co.i.' don ot urrtiHii llllMl O! Cllili..'. ' And wIm rfH, ih Inft to Itie t oh uiimmI prlre of nTt.rifilt 110 l.iln r. il " oi'. 'tr It- f it fH. 1 will ejuvod Um u nount stipiilatt-d by law 111 aahh by tin- bnnl jifoiK-it-) o.vnurs, llitrt'o t Hi'i-i mi 1. Tno He t and Ootnnion rTimdU of lhc(Jty of liiiliiile. ,ii'ii do oidiuii, 'I mil tlif !iV'j itnrni ul' llUh w ui he it l. Ii-ieov nut li irir. to (m-truLt .1 to' wit on (ho hoc oi I w eni ) -hi c im strtii'i, trom Wood u-n et to t:.llowlill Nln it. ami "ii 'iilow hill in ft. IMiii Tw.-nty-lli st t" 'I went Mt ond let l . it, t on thf lint, oi i wp iiy-l-i 'i-nd il n ft to in- r rt t- turf lUiid- .li.ilili tiT, ami I ia" on It.i' l.i ol ',i I-- h IH d-ifft to lo- t'.v.i ni l m ltii-hi'i ilotn.' tor. wnh iwi uidnlioi'i and with th'' tn isiry ill it. 1 lot thf iT'i.r sin Iiiii ora 111. a, in a' rdtin" wi , ti i.liiii Pt il -i'i c IKuuon. lo hu j ri p.ui ii ty tlio iteprtrttni-iit Ot Sli MM . Hi'. 'l'ili . 'I hill tho (Vilcf ('.mirnissl nor Pf Hlfhwiivtl hi :ii 1 ;oi tho 'uti riimv to i.nv, a-ii,.. . u; ih u p -op luU w ill In- r Jfii tl l o t-olWiiii-liwi i t''1 nfwr, iti d Nr i1.m11 in ol t.owoii, o iln lowi-sl hi l-.h-r ; imd tt aim 1 1 D1' a 1 ontiltion of ram t-miirai t I'm tho i-.ui' 1 a :t'r ' hII icci il 1 Im tuniH tt.o isi d iiih ii tnd tii iri d to !t,. .r.,ie i vt M I'n.' mi tht Inioul iu m-iou', 111 ti'iino a -d hv the Aft of A .st mldV, ;i'lt"i i V prll Ht Im. 11 .d Oi in til not unJ form piO. hlnl by 1 0 lion-' i and I ol' an of t ma-net) tnt (!fd "All onli: iinro Hi luo-idi' tot hi c.nt.i r.u'f 'on t hi him h enl io t tir t! r.i'ti 1 Mppntvft Nnvnnher 1 1 , 'll.oc s ut tin-rtist ot' t-aiil nnnrriivfr mid aoovc tin1 amount u-in ii niion ttiP (iroinn iro.imt t h-r--ti ih t.l ht 1 aid horn nt'in ( for t.-oii-iniiti in i tiranrh 1 iNci t. ol tho o illi.dini' to in iko an ;ipnro r a i m 1 1 tho Iti.ut imir ot ll'v't wa 1 for tin yar vil : I'tov .it I'd 'l .11 li mtl oxee-ot blind no; oxcecd the mi in of one ttitmii n l 9 into) ilo : Ai d 1 io. nlfd, Thut th'Tf in a bahi-.eo r".nu:nln,' of the Mi in 01 nin, r-iiirlut.oii ( No 'I'll niiiuii-iii to paj tlie rt'iitred lor the coiiitrtiri Wn of 1 hit fiwiT. Al C ANIfi:it .1. II AKI'KK, J'reauk'iit of Cuiiiiiii'ii Council All st Aih:api Srv.w'AitT, A'-M'it.iiii t '.i rk rif Common Cnimrl!. J Mr.s I,. NM, rri'f.rl'iit ol ftolovt i 'ouin L Approved this tli':h day of Novituiht, Anno Itomini fin- thoiiMind 'iy ht hnintvi'd and nix ly- lour (A. D. Ih.-... ALKXAKDKIt IIENICV, It M xyoi 01 rhiidtip il, 1 K SOLUTION J I. 'lo Ai thnrti It t ti-ituctton tn he enti r"d',n thiMHflcItU l.otidn tl Willi am I' llama, la ItDo-nviT ol Ttxtoi. II. -ii. -d. ll) tin S. ii"'i aunt 'in n. on i ' 01 ilnM"iy ot Pnha.ieM.m. That tbe Cl-y Hoi cror i bert''i a ilnor 1eO Io t-ntor su'lsla- In ll oil ti v t llli ial inn d, nt W iiu a I lluiiim. Into Km Ivit of laxt't, H. ( ' , I ). -4 . It . J 1 1 v , 1S 0, i. ' , Ii. H. ll, .Vorol. Ih-.J, 4U) ; Kurc 1, .-vl I. '2 2 yi.t: .Inn--. IW?, If.): !'Io- hh d Ihi- ( 'in';,.r uti til CvT'-Vf the ac: 011 n-s nt tho sunl WiMiuui C. 11 uu-u af tie I una liit-ii' in no dil.r, It. AT.KXAVIiKR J. IMltl'RIt. J': tMidt.iit jl Coni.ujii Cou:i ;il. Attest - Alii:lt.l Su:w vnr, AsMintanl Cn rk oi CoDiinnn t'nnnc'l. i A UK- i.YNI), Pnnidfiit ol St vl tJo.m il, Arrrnvcd th1'; f't'h div fit No .'.'iiiln-r, Aorin iinii:ili one tliutiouiU rihht Inmtlrid and kl!(t-roiir ( . 1. Iftil). AI.KX VMlKlt l UV, It Mayor of rtiiUdvlhia. A'1' tIi ClnUl'ANV. UAl'ITAL, 1,000,000. CflliT, o. 521 IViilnut Stri'ct, Uoom No. 2(1, 2(iO,UCO tSL'AnE.S 1'AIi VALUE, S?5. KtnisCniPTION I'ltlCE, ?',2 .j0. 1.1. Tin. t'oiiiisn- on an ilalttij onc-iilri Isntt Intertist in lol No. Ml,tai HYL'E AUD 1GBF.RT FARM. Coutviair.g at not iiii acre, on lili t( Is ailuao tl it.a .1 l.ltwl V WMI.L, Now lin" In j uii. ui iiMlilili 1 oc. Ki.inlr,,! in I '.fty Kai: rcit t i r itui,. 1 tab liltt riiil l'i aitiiaietl .111 tl.e e-lt-ltr.tti a 11 YD 1 0 AM)IOII I : I t'V i-a. 101, liir). inc. i.rov.'d it.- If 10 Ih one of thf ell In. inn, a tail'-, ll.M.urf uctl, ol i,iii, i.'.,u tt.irr. 1., haviai. oct". Itrni k ti lt liln it lew tl t s Jd 'I lie 01.. -'M .Inititli (1 ulili) woikins in cr- jc. la lot. 7 mill ti, oil IIYDl ANnrfJIII'.IlT I'-.VIOI, toowniii. fo kc.v t"ii" l.t-aii'i, on iiliili tiiireaifl to I lodueil It well. kiiO'tll lis JtJ 'H'l'ONI'l WKr.L,y SI yliKUS I AMI J. Afl an tliei in '1 In i rti. t-'H m l., ri .01 I '....n ; ,f a-, Ii leoitii fli.i'ii.'f ot il.j I'M; erij , we btvo t - tr. r- -1 01 10 e..t' I u bi y ti 1 ,i i:n- nv wi:i,i,, Tills int'TC. I I- !-(' ki'U'ttt' ' nr. tin- .tint . ,'l,r.i, lirai, it 11 fit 11 !'" 1 fen I' il.-'l " 1 nc... loo. t, ,1 it ,.v, rv ll.ilKliiliell el tnti... 1. iy l.,ifti,l In i,r,.. rtiicail,,. ill 1 If IU. II' I' 11' a tv . I Hill Mill.;, il .1 !li UiC iiv,i,.iu. . In. sit ..a tlitit il v, in tht' lii . liin'H'fONH U'i:i,I, No. I. ll't 1 1 e on" Inilf w.'ikiii Inttrinl, tein' orif IniirOi ( f all ll.e ull io lint tit li nil UAILIIOllI WI-JLjI., ON MII.I.CK FIRM. On fill ert ei. , now l.ri.ili.e'l!- uli.-at. Ittnl b.rrt'l. cr .lv. lit 1 -ll I'relll I'll. V fit f. an in di tl , 4 In,' lie r juice II, it aiy on vr oil ( 11 1 lie in ei . tin ji con 111 01 it. . iiieri.ii it v mr th t'l'.i'K 1 uti'.i-i'S. 'itiis .'oiii,na,t Imio oiiir(l u(k'.i tlio IK I u'elit ttlr-l-UDijis. mill ll i. . (.i.n.k'iiHv ei., t.-i... t nil win 11 a i. In i.l'cr.i'inii ii 111 lirlnij u.o jiolil up lo .utile t,i c 11 u 11 J 1 t'tl Li.' rein it 1 tia v 4lii. Oiii'-lweatit'lli work ins Interest lu Ulti:El TOWN lEAHII," On tie rr.'al.rutcil M'OliV FARM, 'll unci. 1 lie worklllli lliU'ie-l l.itvil itonnhl 1. new I'llteul 1'i.ovti' lu- a ..oil on Hint le.ihe il.nt il,a iimitu.-u lar.o (11.HI1I1I l( s 01' oil ; Bur as tia re ia 4liio u in-wM fll oliiif dun 11 011 tl l.s le (Ue, tl.t; Icltl to the CLiii,itny will tit Iftij. iy II fit l-I'll. 6ili. k illy acr t In fte ilin.lf on (inniiiiv iiurv, Ateut one and l. hillr lullea uliove tl'O Cele 111 all (1 11I3I3'I WMLIi," Kcnt!)'(iiic-I. allot li!i li inboltoin f ind. 110 rnlKliilinr land, a 1 mt a 1.0 tl.t-ro urn a nmai,,. of (Urn. ka aain .- up, klnl well III proi-vaa of limlrtr. 1 lit- el.arii. tar ot t hurry lien .ii 1 ert li.h I mi fully le-ttd. Kvcry Well unk liaa iliuiiif( tl luiiir or le- oil. 'lite. K.t'il IVill I- (l.'ink' jif.iu f anc, Aniuiii H .-ll l.vt i.i.rrt If, uud I'llnec H'vUwvar liA) buireta, uud a uuinbir lioui Tifty to One Hundred Barrels Per Day. 1 1:0 .r-aei,t ylulii at oiiiottila ('..mpanv iroiu tbo above vaiioua ii.leic.t. i. tofl) ilxtv banels l" 1 .lav. .. - ,,.r.,.v . ,,l:a' " AS'lIU-S'iProaliUnt. 1'. W. V II THANK.flei'rt tAiy. 'I book. 01 ili-omi'Uiiyar, atlll orn fur a llmltol vi nmi i of .iiliscniitlou., t tlif.lriiillce.No. bii H'AI.NUl' hlicit, lloein Ku.ttt. ll-7-ilt I AT1NTED JL'LY 19, ltKH.-J O SK V H X MUITI.T, tleve da rail., rrcneb Hleura Dyalna ud Rcoiirli on any of Kcarluy aiijiarel, lor LlJi.a, l.anu, aad I tjldrtin. l'.l.nt ai.tHiralua lor alrel. huia t"J"'aft'Ju tne-iiM. 7m rack mum! -."jJJLIL' " J1 Jlirawt, ilavlel.iui aua-aas KIN-NE-NO-NE-AW IMIIAN HMllklNll TOBACCO! luia world-rcuowutid Tobacco la ranuuUiiund from th . . HKKHT LEAF. Ana arni.lly raooiniunnlj li.di io. ail Oeatlenieii of - , , , , Luiurloua Tut. Bold boks.atf aniTVuail al 11VIJ.1 H J-OPULARriOAR STORK, . . , H0.M rilKHHL'r hiri.l, 10-t-liu oppualte flaw Uouat. HtLMBOLD'S REMEDIES. Jp:LMHOLD'H rLTJID IXTRflOT BUOBU For Von-BsltnUon or lnor.llnnea of t'rlns, Irrllailon, Irnntnitlon or tnrH. r of tks DladSsr or Kl1nri, Illifitf IA l'rt'tflt G'ntuli, tllnt in BUJIer, Cdffcic, (Irmrtl, or itriri ituit Dej tut, and all Hlnei of tos lllatldtr, Ral mjs, sad lri.inlcal fi' lIKI.MIIOIiD'H ILVIU KXTKACT 11VCIIU For Vtllr.M.. arl'tnt firm Kitrttrwt Ind'urrvllen. Tf.e "n.tllulKiai once afTcctrd with itruanit ll'talne.. rciulrea ll.e aldfif motltine lo llrtwjthrn mnii tniiyormtt tht. tiilrnt, vbltb llkl Mill. 1 JI B KXIHAt'T lil t IIU larar,ably dja, If no la lUbnil.Ud lo, C'olil'iiu".ltn or In.ariily may rnne. JililiMUOLUK ILVID EXTRACT OF HUC1HT, In alTccflona peculiar to "Fkuai a..," la unetinaJed by any ctlirr preparation, as la Otiorocte, or Rcacntlon, lrrertl larlliea; l'ainfulnefta, fir r'tipprenaum of I'liatotnary ac oattona; t'lccratnl, or t-'chinom fltate of the I'larua; Lcuchorrtiti a, and all cniaplaiota Incident to tbe aei, whtlher arialng fmm bat ln of dli-lpaUon, tupradenclee, or In the Jttllnc or ihaute oflie. HELMUOLUa rLUlD EXTRACT DVCUO AttD IMl'HOVEO ROKE WASH R ill radically ixternilnate Irom tbe ajatera DIioaiob of tliett'rlnu; Oriiant art. Inn from liabliaof Oiaalpation, mt liitle fuiitnff, Itllle r .o tkntine in ul, no inconvrniaic-a or titji.tvrt, ta ni0elf ij aupi raedlua- Iboae uitplrtuant tun! diinijtrnut rtmtUitt, Coja.l And ArVrcury, tn aU tuoa dtaeana. l.-yK IIKl.MIiliili'S 1LU1D EXTItACT UL'CHU In all liificabca 0I O10 1'iinary Ork'ana, i.beUior exl.tlni,' tn 'Ju' or "Pun.," 1 rn vtmutfr eaust oritiitiUimj, aiidfie m.u.ter 0 Aiaa Ung itat-diftd. It la pUaaaiitln Uite and ou'or. "ioca. dtuut" . mctivn, and more atrcuill.ciilnK liaitanyol lh preiiuraLioUH of liurkor Jran. Tlt'.t autre, illy from Hn ken Dawn or DtluaU Cenitilu titiiis,) iticure t't tittittt v at coit'tf. Tbe reader mnai ba aware ibat, honevtr aflht maybe Inc. aitaek of the abo.e dl.eaaea, It la eertaJu lo affect fits "(. ,V VAni't, J.'trira F:itcrt, Jlm-l iiientand his i'i 1 I rity. P11VBICIJLSS, PLEASE NOTICE. NVE MAKE NO SECKKT OF INGHEDIKN XS. liELMHOI.U S FLUID EXTRACT llUCIlfJ Ta compeied of ittti'Au, Cubebli anil Juniper Derriet, se leoloi Vith great care and piuparej lu Tacaokyll.T. HIB OLD.lmi.eelul and ebamiiit of ilitien ytiar.'ei perliuce In :tce dt7 of Pbiladclplila, and now proacrlbad by the moateiulueiit of tbe faculty, and bar been ad mitted to ute lu th UniUd Bute Army, and ar ala In very general use In Suite Uoapltala and publio Sanitary ItutltntlODi ttrouliout the laud. Midietnee dellTerud to any addrtaa, aocuinpauled by eipUiit dlreciiooi, Direot letUrat BELMB OLD'S Drnj and Chemical rTaiahoat, Ho, Dili Uroadwv. Mew Tork, Or HKLMBOLO'S Medical Depot, Vo. 10 8. Tenth ttrMt.FbjUa4lohU. Beware of covxUrfellj, Aak fcr HtLMBOLD'S, aud tali no other. Office open from T o'clock A. I. to ! P. M. oM IBI.(tt rri7".. Uttatikr-M 1- AIM SSJiLINHM'SS, AM) CATARRH. .1. .'..( I , M . Ii . Pi.'i'.'"r it il,e I. ye and tar, l ill., n . - (ti I" tl 11 ': .. 'O hf a t..Vf n.e 'Ttlier ( (. ll'l ...I oirn.i. le tint dial. Iioia'he mnal r. l.i.le 'It It. tie rut t an be 1 n a' hn nitlce, No all PI Nil . M. 11. al I ie liln ar" Inriiit to aceoinnanr rt-tn in In. praelice. 10-Hlf . lie bit. tin .( i -(Hi rnrons Ni ffi.T). rsK mar. 1' hllAI.I h I I M-. 'I I.-r f. 111 I . IH "-. I'.lrelKMIt. rnrtteiiifi t fur Hie pm-kt '. Mel t l-.i ll.e ilrnid.ta. II i lin Willi Ii VIU'ilN WAX OK AN I ILLK-t. II 1 1,1. ex, 1 nt t 1 ni"i " lit'' if c in a I tr r iieantify- li . Ii ic I. . . iti .1 !'( n.f " ( e ciii .'ti .(( 1.1. prc- I" 1 ( a iiei', i ie , " i n tv .'i . if a en- .ua..r.llna: n tall- II. ' f r 11.1.11 11. t' ' . ii in .- i'.v a .' tl. f.'O, .01 rlt, .ml ti itoj .ri 1 t It 1 111. i' I ' ell' (I a't r .h.i.ltitf, t ores e'.ii.n tin .1- .ml lii , r- ei. ' - i-i.i.i'l h. i i.,t. i.e., t., (c'i.Ii. 111,11.. 1 ti And le., ft rr - a .cirl tlit'otti, a- e 1 1 r . .1 a T. - 1' t . . 'IcitT n't, ll'' 1' ' " . V . 1 .M l.N I ,1 Mr" 1 J ul So. 11 . I'll. H I ll hire. I. i) a dm KALI 11. IIlALIH, AND ; nr ai r.. If to ar!" a-!-r Trl r ir i : It t.i .'HII-.I ln 1 I f n- - l, hH If U' t (o Vllllllkl tl.llltT, ! .1.1 1 h. d 1 in .l.i n ur - IUia, nr 1 I .1 e a :o(i i.f n ipo.i. , I' i r V U i it ,,Pi, I; it h hi rn!ii'"'nnnii; If a i.irti hit- r'.m. triii n ih a 1 '-tA.L-l! If fo ltv( i I.revtrrr.' .,r r. , fVlM.lui' I f H l.'likt tl. -it i ; l! t. 1 1 V t l 'l- .,f , ,. ; If t.. di- aul t.. i ,' jUalthI I ) ti p i-' a l:r- ,i...i.:r,B ; ! ).'ii i -io. 't'd 4 -1 rr f j 1' ivy ton. St t iou Hii ii-t fi, TV in a.i (', .imJ ivlni. uti HrH't Ti.e-, hn . i nt: In ul I., v7f4ith . afi1 l.ftity, Tkii II hr if.u 1 f. r fvti, iLity. ft-rin p. r:i- -i ot Hi. WI .1.1 K.x iU Nt, fl w tlif M.iUil M.K MiK, ,vt .-, should ba raai v'T'' Ho'i! l i-....or h-r i ai.d at u.a o ',i;i,e, io. -iM; Wi KL' K HYUKK'lt prlrt? auf fa I . li. I V ftf I'm t, r Ct iiit. A AI;I) TO TllK I. AM lis. dr. i-i I'.ist fiH UO..HKS rn.i for i i-MAi.r.i, It l.i. l iii i-i.rri't'i'ir, r.'kiilft. In , and ri' aU ob Uiii M' n- n. i.i nl. i'. i. i iuma; aunt i ui a- a Kwuiiih u. ri an- not l ir-ir nt m , mitj tvf iiitri nied b? tba imi! -ai-. oi ;'i in I , ..ii v ant m r, witfi 1.. I.. in l-nrnlii'ii o !n i Ti.Mii tr.on-ai .it Imiit I'lil' M'I lit inr ihr n' Lin- u.';i' i w HlKMiini' uinl thetu. t i H-tiO a.u- mt ion of tliori nutTi riitK from ttur, a-U uti in Dri'vtn an in- 't tni'iil i ht r' l. ttil- will n iioriiiit It. fern -it it m-i unrii ii im ifii, or tr o-c - iimnifnii. tru-tn atvi- io, are CBiitiOin it iiialu"! ii 1 1 1 " t h'-M- t-'in Ml' m tNnl rtnidllion, a- ihe tnopi it ifir aKiiintt no ri ji. ut blllt aft rthe alniva adn.i ni'iofi , alfl oiik;h thrir aiUdni'-i wmiul jirevnt any'' it, if-c hii'f to ht itlth, oti H'H ho ti,e nils an n'toiiu udai. Kull nd cxi'iicii U iti iio i tn'i ti .l .rf aarh Imh. I'nea $1, oi nx bot i t fi. suid wboloiaaa and reU 0 by th foilt w mi' I iriik nl-t I- IHott. Wli t. A To., N i. W N. Fourth atreei, V r it-r. i m Sol.hili. No .' M i r k i nwt A Vnr-ioail.f ri'frof II. I ii 'nMi i-no ..aret trectg. e Ut A smith, con. it of -i.n'i ad Urutn juei'la. It). Ht .Hn, .No. ' - J N Stf I Mi -tt. J-d uo'fi Ih 11" uy A Cowdcij, nod h. I In hi. our t itnoh n At Ittnll bj ail dr UiMl'-V Ladle, bv eendintc 0F. TOIXAR To either n; i at, em havi- hi' I'll I.n M- N I' i nSt I KNTIAM.T, I'.v m.til, to any i.trt of tf.o cny or country, IVtM f pUBtHO. S T IIOWR, 0-'-2-7m Ko. 'JC W. TIIIUTY HIX1 II Mtroet, N.T. SAMARITAN'S CURE O f.M .ItlTAN rl ( I liH. SAMAIll I IN 'S ( I ItK. AMAlll I .IN S (11, K. SAM.lhlTAS S Ct UK. H ll Alt I I A N M ( I'lill, HAllltl IAN H .1 I.E. Mill HIT A K S ( t'llK. I I AN M ( I KK. 8AM ll lT.IS S . 1 UK. Te (oily lure ana tint! reniedyfor leienrr'ra. Olaet, Hlrt'-tuiv. ,ic. ..icea la all t.ti. in Ire.u two to a.a da.. i'liee ti Male or Female- cnt hv niAll. inoil i CD , tele AgenU. SAM A HI 'ANN ( f ItK. ISAM l HIT A N s rritn. KA.MIKI rAN 1 I'lillll. SAM Mil l AN .1 I'I'kK. (A.MAhll'- V t'l UK. 8 l.MAlll r,lN rt (li KK. HAMAItlT.lS'H Ct'ltl-:. KAMAKITA v'H I'I'ltK. .SAMAIII I AN H I UKK. RAM Alii I AN rt l'i UK. THE fiRKAT SI'lt IHtl i-KCIlKT DISKASKS, rt' Kilriftl aveakne-tt, (iotmrriio a. lilcflt, ... F.arb tiux t-i'tilalnr, A' I'lll., and wUI cuie In Irom two to lu rial a. Trice It li-al-o eertntn to re.tnre tone and power tm thoae wrwl are rt( b.litait d tiy ((e.a or any ollar eau.e, and will re.ti re all lo litil vttror tn youtli. win n tlie 1'iba am axed about lit Injection.. In' these cusc, one I'll! three iiu, a (lay. (Btnl by mall J C. THICK HOSK. Proprietor, Hex '.'.'.'iti Tost (lltlc. BolcAgenta, DM) T r Ai l'i),. No. ?.'li X. Se.C'iJNU Biicct. Be stiro and ak fot HA M AUTTA V'rt CI'RE. HAMAIll I AN'rt ( I 'llK. I-AM IIMTAN N IM Iila HAtlA H TAN M ClOlli .MA M Mil I AN OS I I Iili. KAMAKITA N (ll IM. 8 iMahi rN n nucii HAMAIIirAN 8 t VUK. RAMAUI'I ASS Ct' KM, li. ItlTAN I'fkli. PTfl l' IU. Rll (illli. M III I' UR ItlCOIlO. mm r in HOdiui. rvki'P UK iti'KiKti, M I I I' I'K IlK'UKIJ. M Kl'l' 1)1 lll.ttllll). Mltl T I I. I. li t". I). KIHI'P I'e: Uli'tilll). hi I I I' l't: 1 I' uud. si i l l' nt.; iiicotil). tSillll' i'K 1(1 i-ltll Nl Kl'l' DK IllCOIlU. M Itl l' I'F. Iltcolil). hi nci' i'i. iif ijiti). hi uri" M-: iii' iitii). M HI'P l.K KI' lliiD. K III V DK UIC' im. HYICl'P I'K HKMI..). HVi-HI' llH I'lllOHD. miti v iu. KK'.ittii. KYitci' lie: ki'xiui). HI I HI' I), lit' I'ltl). i- V IMI" UK Itll'Olll). hvin r UK im mm. n iti p i.k iucuiiii. A r. rtaat i (ire lor ui. inrniN of I'ero'i cal Hiseiite'. I'.ff) In Itie ltiiifiin tlohiiiaiS, and tliu aiuilue luroaKUoul Fo.rpe arid 'I In pr- p- raii"i. lati e'ltetl a an erad'en'iir of tbll form ol oiki-jv. at if -irt nr'l.i'ii. II i-ro.'. ! niton ienerally. ll h ill ci.iit Mil"i, H (..a. i tiiijilfa. 1 (iiu-ra, or any eriipilmia, no mutter tu rn what cune or bon loiia itaud inr. frlce 11 per bottle. C. Pitll e: HO-iF. Proprietor. Hete Ateiit". HYtlTT.y). Hole Ai.r.:, HVtllT It (1, 8..IC A, lulu, liY.iTT tt CO. Xu. 5.13 M, BKt 1UI) Street. Bent to any addrea. atkio-ltiUi eitm 1 .11. J. S. U().K'S CfJLDUN TILLS. .1 ' rpto'tilrf t.ri tlienidli's lutv.' l. eu Ii .mtia, an 1 by I'e. stub, A' t'otiiln.i snt'pn-ti r-, ,V" , tor inn cure of I allit'k ol ibe Won ti utrt m","ti.' i-'id t'v, which means .'.null put-, it nut liiiatinitt. itoueofllr. Iti-a. a pa' It'i'tt tiiive : o-n ti.t. k .iicn aoiirituioe They ret, in lii (i. ali n I liln, ami tlier-by nil uin ApertVct Clreliy t)c l"l' of onl- a lew It ixee. For llie.a coin ti.ttin-r -int t. X It worm a I (I rt AH, nnan I It upre.ricrg. I'lb-e.i" tt n't. per bm to le Aft nil, 4)) iVI T rt. Cli. Mo. SKiil M (i"M' H u e . 10 1-iuiba'lui '1' 11 K PA Ml It 1 T A N" 8 CURE x can mi i.ii.ii-it o i l KI, I Al' H T ) Cl'ltK! I'lttrt -N "V .N il '-.KITKI ! M'KKI.Y IM ACTION I Ml cllAN.iK (If 1'IKI' l.K ,'t lltKDI Dl'FS Mil' IN I Km I- ll' WI n; III MM .si IM'ttWITSt CAS UK I -Hi IVIIIilJl T 1)1.1 KOT'lOal I I'tli e .Miii.'o. I- e.naiti. Nti,lb ui.ul I" ai-y UJ.eaa. 0. I'UKE IIOSB, Hi IX ?'i 'li Pit.t Olllee. Pull .ll'fl t-, DM) IT At CO.. ll' l Ka. 'i.'l 31. KKtlliJi'O dueet. thtHNG. l'OU NKNV YGUIv. Mrfr 11 oi IMiiK mm:. OAS I. il 'Hxlli' . OMI'ANY B M.W I Hr.H.M i MM; I J It Sr.'V Vtil.'h, rird rti' 1 1 1 1 ' f..r . il Nntht-:!! kil.: Ka-tt-m C.lifti anU N.'eV I 1 1 1 1 HMV. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ' l" 1, I V J I K-k A 1 , IIU C-liAY, .N"lt S TI Ill A Y, from ti i' ('oini .en 'i wv-.'if, ih -1 ,i w lin o -tr. i t, and j-.tili, luni lur 11, No. Hi llivor, o uue ti ut, I oi 1 elklit. Wh Mil-lir ncfiiid d.. i! y, liandle-l in the nt o r:i 1 ii'i n tno . r, i-d d. ii in d ii.h ii.o M'OeUL'atd in put h, ai ikii r it' i, ni.) I mi II.I.IAM -I TA Y I.O It A f!0,, 11- If 111 Nf. 'J o Nor h w iiarvt-a. isl-Hl, STh AM WKKKLY TO L1VKR-J&-k., pool lo..rhint uti.'ufi i 'own, (4jia linrbor. - i l.i m i .I - k i.i ti - ihii i is i'i Ii'i- l.!n,.oo. New Yurk, iid I n. ...n if. .n Su .iiio.:i,u i. onipinj ara Inundad La . (. l-. i il Oi MANTIii:S'fi:i:. HVurd.iy. November U. fl'l Y K H. 1 jh ii; . ,itii!ujiv. Nov. -niiir ity. a t l i Y Or I.t 'S I n t.N . Satiii dny , N nuiLrr Jd, Ami evt-ry aiKixvdiht; bc.iiiid:.v( at uooti, from Plar Ko 41 iwth liivtr. HA'l V.H OF V AtJHAi ; K r.VYABLR IS CUItlET.NOV. Ktr-l I'atdn fli.oil) S'ue-rn'.e jO'OrJ I 11 bt Ctthin to London 7o oo HuarttK't to I oiidon.., tSH'OO Jir-l iitou lo I'arm. . Iiit t-t Htot-rauo to I'uru Ho-otl lihl Chtn to IIiiuiIt VlHi' im Hitjor. to ij.iiiitmnf. 7-i.i.O 1'asMiit.iTt. ulo foiwniilid to Havre, Ain:iutn, iiot t t'l iiu lb, Antn tip. A.'., rtt f' iihIIv lutv rHiuu, I'ure' Hi in l4i rf.oi 1 or ijucrimiovvii : F!nt Cabin, J Kn, jtu Kit-.r.i.f rrolU trtt.ol and Ojit-tnta-t" 1 hi.o mutt iih to hciiJ fox Hiir Inouda ca bn v t:. loti hen a' ih'r r.n. g. 1 vt Uiii'iDi-iti't k; i'K at the ('imnany'i oce. -Uti' S il. ItAI.K, ah m, No. Ul KAI.NLT rtircvt, I'm aiU-iw'h;. ZfZ J('MOX AM) PHILADELPHIA Jtm, tt- HtjniHM; l.liif, .illbig fn-m e-ich port oa b v 1 1 lil'A rt. liotu flr.t v Karl nho0 11 SK Str-rtefhila-di ioh a. ai d J oim VtL'itf, liosiou. Itolu drt wuarf I'lS k- StitHi.on stuitlav, -Son -nnVr ii Imi. Tue Nit'auii r jNO KM A N Jil mill 1' rinl nlelj-hia on Samidav, i iuht r I.' at in o i-iouk A. Al., aud mtauiur bAON I wUl.diiiwr f"i tin.- iirriiu'. '1 Line utw and uhttunii,t t-ainanipii form regiUar Ui t , a"rtiK fiiiiti rkch poit iiutu uirtil) on Haturday.. luni nun ug fdiu-clid at ouo hUJ Uiv j-rviuluiii ciii gtU 04 tale vi-htelk. i ii-lvbt taken at fralr ra'ea. bhii i'fti-are rt-iiie-tiU lo tend Slip Eecelpti And BIQ4 Iaadini: iib Uieir t-ov In. yor 1 laubttvri'aiiaMe (baring fine aorommfttioQi) api.lTto IIK.MlY WISMtiR 4 tM jai-IX Vo.a.ULLAW AitIC Avannt. FOR LIVERPOOOL, TUESDAY, ll.e lirltlkh ihiu 1'HHAI'EI .rillA, Cantiiln C. F. Tool. ai'l lall lor the atMive port oa tbu ltb .Muvtwbvr. bUiabu currts irv. inuAiAa HiriiAnnsoK a co., 10-W .o. lul WVl.NL'T6iret. r FOR N EW YOKK.-DESPATCH JaftwiHrT"- Bw fl'ira L.D.g, Tia itaJawara aad Iv.iiitu ( mi ah Ihe iieauRTw of thtba Unan ar laavtua daii ai Vi o clock ii., aud odlock J. M., from tiaij atiovtj Walnat .treat. 1 or nia:l.t. wJH ! Uken oa ftmammodatlrif , termi, applv lo WILLIAM U. bJUkUi A OO . Ha lairtT