The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 10, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Tlio Political Campaign.
iretet 1n)nrlHrn tm fur ni K-M vmI.
j c e v
c 9
r ' 4
Arum- ici . i
fi. .... 17 -
A m'trnni 0 i t,
H. tVnT
t hi fii , ., "y, ,
.' f,;, . , ' i
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I' "'frii ;i ... i
I'i tC ,. ii i.
H .H-v.. . .. .
Van.t I.. ..I
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O t t..n .... i :
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V' hit ii,.; "I .... 7-o ....
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" .rf ( ,
I HI ti Tt .. . ....
i n i: bi.i l.
I tiiW'lil il I ( 1 ....
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l. upi n 1 J ' .... o ....
pi iirt,,,, ... i..' ....
'.rl : .""U ....
n. It .... .... . . ....
Fmi Ii In fi ....
Fuilufi -.. i. ....
F unlit gti.n ;. .". 1 .-i
luoiai .... .... .... ....
Jrft-rin i .... .... .... ....
Junifct ,
J.tni otpr ,i,tui .... l,t ; i ....
t iwrin'e .... .... .... ....
I tlwitu a , ! -ij &
Ifhifh I .... v,i h
I, uvtrt .... .... .... ,it(
J. r'n.lit.,. .... ;nhi
MwvT .... .... , .,,
Miltim .... ;h, .... HO
kllUlMN' .... .... ....
JHoiiI Ktiniv 1 Kit .,,
M iH'Hir .... .... .... 1 1
N!lt.nirttin, .... ?,'' i ....
Nor thuuiU rini .... ii,?.'.! .. 4Q
riilladelplun !i,n. .... ....
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I'tif.r ....
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K-n erect .... .... .... ....
(nl Is an 1 .... .... .... ....
.ie',iieliatiiik ....
t'n'nn .... .... ....
Venanim .... .... .... ....
Worit-n .... .... 1 .... ....
Wa.tmiKtcn .' .... ....
Wame. .... .... .... ....
W t'lttnort'liuid .... ....
Wtomnirf ....' .... ....
lurk .t.;nn .... 4js
Tofkll .... .... ....
1'RoitAiii.E i.i,c(tori, von:.
Man .
1 California
2 Connecticut
3 Delaware
4 Illinois
6 Indiana
6 Iowa
7 Kan-us
8 Kentucky
9 Maine
10 Maryland
1 1 Ma--i,chusetls
12 Mich pun
13 Minrrsotu
14 MiMOuri
15 New Hump-hire
16 New Jersey
17 New York
18 Ncv. da
19 0:iie
21 Pennsylvania
22 Inland
2.1 Vi rniont
V4-W.H Virginia
2-i Wibcunnin
Total electoral rote
Necessary to a cliijici. .. .
liiico n' miijority
.o.'...i. U-CcHan.
.... ir,
. . . . I.J
.... 3
.... 7
.... s
.... 4
. . .1
. . ;t
. .20
.. 4
.. -i
, . a
,. a
TIJK .(ll.lri AI,( ll1lll,l:ll OF TIIK
m. r tJiii:ss.
f liNATE.
K.TtiMiran 3S
lU'fut'lic.lll in ijo.ily
Illl o.i
ludi na
Marj land
MiHioh.i-et'8 ..
Miuneso a
Nc w Jersey
Ntw York
W ktw.j;n
Went Virginia ..
.1 in twenty SMte....122
t.T.'. tkh i. r ru i.i.i:cr.
New II .i.e,!i re 3
(fi.nnei i'i ir 2
Ifho.'e l liciii 2
T tal 7
l''r ' a' 1 AihiimiiTr .uiiii u. jmiiy.
V li'.ie nui ii. r ol laei: u- t-
1 h- IVJ.1 I r.l Co. . it ill i'.h.ll Vn'e. .. ,
he) nhiiciH i jie over the two .
... 7'l
-. . I -Mi
. .. 3
to i nv.t tn:, N jvi inWer Id. Mill folio vhiK ro
uii.p I', urn M i.viuii !ro 1: ive kii received:
t' lin.
Uultiiii .rc l.'lit A.u:l. ry, M i-j
II ttt- !C, 0
Vetiriiii liT erv A, 1 t A! itvl iMd Ar-
ti k-i. M..rj lau-l 11 ., !i 73 0
Cihs' Jurviiiud 1 1 o.l-;.:-
v lie, ir in,. i 371 IS hind I'r'f :i'i , An: )' o' r juNiii',1 12.'4 41
1 VI? iv hi ic v :i
Mi juri y h. r the I'ou'i ti.-krt...
I'rnnst 1hiiIiiiim hii.I 1lir l.kintoi'N nil fur
l.liK-tiln ami JtiliuNuui
VVAsHiMiiuN, November Id. The vote of tho
retmsjlvania njlUiers, in f. rty nlno roi-'liuents
belonyiut' to tho Army of the l'ottunac, bUows a
moj'irity for Lincoln of i. In seven Pennsyl
vania rct'liui u'.s uf Iiiuloi's anny, tha ni.ijority
for Lincoln i, lvM.
In the M.irlnUil Ciij:u1o, the nuijorlty for
Liiuoln it 1 1 '.(.
The following is the vote of tho Pennsylvania
Soldiers, as far u obtained, quite a number not
yet huving cumidctud their canvus.
Mtfhmet. Ft'iimelit.
4 'Ii.... "8 msl. (or Lincoln f-"" "U m.ij. tor I.lncola
4C h....i:i4 da d.i h'H.....17i do do
."!.... lex du do '.':"ih.... 7J d do
lllll.,.. 17 do do i
Re'j. lincolH UeCUUa r.ej. Lincoln UcCMUn
tuli 114 M Md l'.'J ;rj
Mid 1.'-' 71 M.l '.'I 44
ttUi ' I' Mil' lh: 4t
tan !,r' ni't ii i'r
t-lh 80S tUl l' Il 117 hi
Bull 6 11! 1"11 l'.'-J 70
lom l:K 7) U'l.t lm 14
(.i.ili 1", 8 UOLb.ln imrl. til 11
Moth Id 7'2 14 id In. 100
I HU lf 1.4 H ill UH tl
llidi.ln Brt. 4J Ulm )4 6
1X1 Ti l'7tli M It
14-lfc VJl I I KilU ( 47
l(i?lh llij Wi lclth 10 M
llfittl IV! llrj ltioih 110 K
jd cv w, 71
lUfth D. 'Hi rt 1 J4 109
.lUil'n. Cuv.ilH l:H 4th 1. Cv.J.i7 lj
City rallwayi on the American plun are now
in nee in the city of Coiienhagen, and at the
Untrue. The latter ciijr ii conuactod with the
watring-place beLcveulnRen, liy a bone railroad
twtog Uuouga (unnel of green tree.
Uiutces-iful Tuvfjiit by tho Uuiieil
i ? vi ' uiifVv i u
T M 1 1 mo in:, Noirrot'cr 1". 1'h" fnllcwtu; l..n
I't e-i r veivi d i'toiii I'or'r.-sH Nl enoe:
The t;'inboat s.kj.i, k.i, which h - b. i n in -fl .r h
of the llrhcl liriuiti er '"h'h'm.. r din e t o 4 U
i 1 1 :i ii t , iirr.ved it ll.iniphm HuiR Virgin, i,
to-il:iy, and Tcpnrtnd that sho fell hi ;'.!i a li
I'iih'UH ft' nmcr on ti e Ii ii. stunt, li , h va
l!ievcd to lie tho 'li.'oAiMife.
("h.iro w.h lin:nedi itely (Mien, ail Kept up
until il.ukni n r l In mid j ut tl e tt .inner ii'it of
si(:ht. On the fidlowint; momintf (S:m l,i ) i:k)
wm cpnin (liF'-oveieil nboiit twelve miliM nhevl
nnd the chue w.i n.nene I and continued d inrig
the d.iy.
At one time the vchi Ik wern h:.t tivo niiln
ap.irt, when tho sti'iinjrcr lightened ship, and kept
steadily on her course until jet m,
and tendered the lv.irsuit n less. Wneu I n' in
fipht, fhe m ln-.,ie thn line of our blo'kajln
Hi it otr Wilmington, North Carolinn, and pos
iti!v the wiil he Mopped.
Norr,. This I no doubt the same vessel r
tnitid us hiivinu hern cha-cd on Momlay, the
ilh in-tnnt, by the Hamtre and HmUsvi I.:
Rebels Ask a Flag of Truco.
Two Philadelphia Agents Arrested,
November !). A tlnn of truce, asked fir by tho
enemy, was granted yesterday morning, to bury
the bodies of those who wero killed in the attack
on N.iiurduy night in the centre.
The enemy acknowledge a loss of two hnndred
killed and wounded. Our men secur il about
forty muskets, bedes other trophies b londuc
to the Rebels. KiU:tl'y as many uioie arc still
on the ground between the liuei.
fientral Mott issued n e )n:;r.dulatory order M
the troops engaged in the all'iir for tUoir g.illuut
At a meeting of the Third Corps Uiion, which
was held at headquarters of the Third Division
of the Third Corps, on the ith Instant, resolution
expressive of regret at the loss of Major-Generul
llirr.ey were parsed, and a royy of thum ordered
tobe smt to his family. ',
The election yesterday, throughout this army,
pussed off very quietly the enemy even seeming
to appreciate the importance of the occasion, as
1'uir.g was almost entirely suspended during tho
day. The Pennsylvania regiments on duty on
the picket line were generally relieved tho night
previous, to enable them to vote, and it is be
lieved that no one who desired to do so was de
nied the privilege.
Ihero wero, however, a few absent on a recon
noissanre, but it is thought Iticy returned in timo
to hold an election. The voting is much heavier
than it was last month, as the returns will show.
Two agents from Philadelphia, Hobeit Miles
ard Patrick Carrigan, were arrested by tho Pro
vi st Marshal at General Miles' headquarters, on
the charge of having in their possession blanks
wiib the names of electors spelled wrong and
one ramo left out. Thoy were taken to the
ujips headquarters, but their case bus not yet
I cen decided.
Mr. Jefferson Davis' Annual Message.
Davis Opposes Arming the
!'!., :ip.. He !'.(.. lie., inc., Etc.
Kn lal Ki Thf l:enlui; T'leg:ruiri.
Wahiiikotok, Noviinbcr 10 In tho Jtieh
nioi d papers of Tuesday, received here to-day, is
pul.lit-bid J. ir. Davi.-' ni' ss jyo to tho R sbel
Ci)igrts It is ti long and well-written do n
n'ent, review In;,' i'i full the f're:gu and domes:ic
relations of the Co:ii ih ruey.
The n iiilary filiation of the (.'onfeder.iey Hr.
Davis considers eheeiluland hopeful. Ho says
tin t the cjnipiiign oi tlie p'eseut year has been
fiivinihle to thi in. lie by no moans despairs of
u I tin. ate mcvi ss, jnd reatlirmshiofi-r'pjated do
ti i m i nation that no licentiate ins for peace will be
eniir an cd with the North th tt do not recognize
lLc indeptiidi ucc of tl c Moutli.
In reg.ud to iirming tho s-lavos he objects, but
riininmi nils that foitj iliousatid slaves bo formed
Into pioneer corjis. He says the South has plenty
of white troops wiih which to gtin her Independ
ence, but th t if the choice ccr arises between
aiiuii'g tie si ives I'nd the Hiibjug.itlon of the
South, every klave w ll be arinad.
The wholo nie-futfc is full of hypocritical up
pels to ihe Almighty, and the old twaddle about
the ri;:htctu-i)css of the Kel el cjue. It is five
freni nil despondency, however, and one would
think the Confederacy is already a Government
l oth tfojure and tie facto.
Special lk-sputihi s to KvonltiR Telegraph.
AVa sin no ton, November 10.
S. rciiiiiti' lit Hie rrvHlilmil.
The Picsideut is to be serenaded at ! o'clock
Kvw Turk nil Klitht,
Prominent politicians who have arrived here
from New York claim the State for Lincoln as bo -j
end a doubt.
Tlie Morr ttboiat Nhrmii.
The ftory about General Shurman'f marching on
Charleston U undoubtedly a canard.
Election In Maryland.
Maryland secessionists claim two members of
Congress. It is 6till hoped that Hon. A. J. Creis
wcll is elected from the First District by a small
The "Ttllahaae.n
It is believed here that we hare captured the
Mr. Beward Is back here. He ayi that New
York is all right for the Union.
Uracil ana In "Florida" Capture.
It Is expected that Ilraxll will demand an
apology for the rapture of the Florida, and will
probably receive It.
Latest Soullirni News
FALL OF PLYMOUTH. r.w. no., r, i: no.
Ill', lil 111 1 it
( ' 1 1 t I )l I i i ion
Hi. H It- Milt, IN
Vi't t i h ;
I H I'. Si 1 II I
l .-f i I ! ' if i ) 'J-, . t
I :
I tl nc s u i,
0-1 pa'ii a. hi .i I
ll-iiitci -'i d in
' do
I i."
ii' i ! fi,t it fur a
t t lie i- uli !;.', uTttl
nt. I !
in a id.tni:
p c-, li
re ,'irl I
i :u
11 i
llhl i t, in iki'
s nrcely lc ? iliTn:"ious tlnin - ii", we will
i tn 1 the I, aM'B rh it w is about to s qifrin
pen in com eel .on ili one m ti mii o in it
l i-e. t ni i i win in we ca-inot ilr'iv tc-p i. .
win i e i ur purpose to dc. hire hat we tielicie
t'T ri pi ceiiia ive ot Mns I'ouer '--ioimI .Imti t
h iv fuibi Ii n'lv id. l till it liim-i e i y his late Im
ter a. nl pi ecti till the r. 'Mii-truc'ionut
to reiw'er him no true exponent ot itie pnn 'i, lis
ol Li con'-iitni nts. "
e lain' this horn th" ,"i'H ' ir.i'i :i i j. and
(l.n'ly Imil it ni an oin.n tlni'. si t.iras:,..
ecitoiial conduct i i that journal is co t eni" I,
the bes! staiiilsrd of rc-pect and oo iriciy a i 1
d cen. v -.Mil he mmiMined. Weexpe t n'dhi i
Ii s and would be ericud to sco anything ic .s
r Inwir tn u journal tK'iiinn; thai ii ,;uc or pun
li led in our capital. We regret that uVr
ji uri. als have Lot observed this wli dc ene end
piopcr rule, and wc im: surprised tint a jounial
ii'imliy 'o decently c indm ted as i!ns I'; tlollld, without piiiili.timg Mr. Hoyce s
let i r, apply to It and the imlicaiions it go es ol
the auihor's niind, the teniis "nc n'. il imo t
hi il o d I: g iMii."
If thi tc is an adjective or epithet in W-vtor
not applicable to Mr. is n ib. no ur
in 1 1 ecilit) or il he is u,l indeed bu'ic il i,y my
compel! ul ti ibunul, we mai e ; cc'. .-oou t. ti "ir
ol a gi ne al coniiniital I oi nienincr . oi ( ou.rrcss
to lunat e run eats, h r th re i. n 1 1: .v tn the C ui.
frili rate Cimgri -s a dee r..';o:i in whh li Nlr.
I. uyce could not assert a ln.;li place as a tlioiker
ami riter, a though not peril, ips as voluble and
ti rietul in spiech us some.
We thank God that convictions and our
estimate of our cause and its p. ruianeut merits
do tint induce or require us t use uch epithets,
object!' nable eveo when well app led, and iu th s
car nio-t Injurious'- misapplied.
Mr. llojci's letter is open and amen able of
couri-e to editorial ren-iirc, and has h. cii cjn
sured tairly by many journals after or with its
u publication. However mil h v may dnler
Iroin Some of th. -e comments, or from th" in
fi rentes draw n as to Mr. boyee's cour-e and inn
lives, we t eg h ave to say once for all, we
declaim all dcsiic or aitenipts toward any o',qio
s.iii n to legitimiitc di.-curnion, and the fullest
irudotii of the I'rus, recula'cd and restrained
only us it should be by the deiilara'e and respon
sible coniiol ol its iitnependt nl couducors.
The I'ontederate press generally certainly the
Viiginia piess has not fuiiy and entirely sliaKen
oil all the halnts and bias acquired lioiii a long
intercour.-c and exchange wiih ibn journals ot
that " moral inetnipolis" of Yuiikecdoiu New
A Hl.lOM) I.K.nKIl 1ROM CONO lli:s H N W. W.
WiNNsnono, S. C., Oetoticr 20. Dear Sir:
In ii'ply to your no e. 1 beg leave to say iht I
thii k ihe cuur-o I recoiiitnetid the best pos.ible
course to at'ain the great o '.! ct wc are iiiining al,
the establi-btnent of our indepeudeiice. it pro
lei d- upon two leading ideas
1. I o rei om lie the Norm, or such pinion a
may be rational, to our independence, by b.inno
ni.iig as nun h as pi.ssibic oar ludcpoudnee
with iheir niateriiil inteiest.
2. To avail ourstles of the divl-ioa of senti
ment ut the Norili.
Ii w as to give potency to the-e two Ideas at the
South thai I insisted so strenuously in ley letter
to ihe Piedent on the danger to our republican
institutions liom tho iiuleiinite couiinuimcti of
the war.
a I me call nttention to this striking fa", that,
nt nil iho world, tho only political mva i. m n
wl i 'h prop ec- to Intervene between us an 1 tne
ar patty r-ortli, is the party which a h.pte I 111 ;
(.'hicngo platoiiu. Now, should we puiniu a
podcy lo l, nil. i up tb it parly or not? 1 thiua
li.o-l ilecidi oly we .- hould.
Lit me call your attention to ano'h r f let. In
he event ot the ui-seu.h.iug uf a C uigies of the
Suites, t: is u.aiiilcil lhai, in Couiti-e.s, tr im
the Noitheiu States, would In: lepreiuute 1 ti
udvcr.-.e systems of ideas one h .v.nitt'ie auinnis
ot the Chicago plalloriu, ihe other oi tho l.nn il i
pri't'rainii c.
The first of thrse would he in the .isc.iudatn'y
beeu-e tho very omenou of the (Joni;rois
necrssarily implies the dcleal ut 1. ncoln and Irs
fjslem, as it is well understood that Line en ml
Ihe party he are utterly opposed lo id i
a-n inbliiig of this Congress.
Vndtr this state of tacts, an abrupt dlvi-i iti of
sci t ment would Dc found in the Congress uw
Iwieu lb opponenis and the supimrters of 1. u
colu. Kroiu ibm there Iniht res. ill even s ot iuj
Vioii -t advai tsge to our councils wuie
guidid by a masterly wisdom.
it, uiidi r thai coi'jeeture, wo could dig up tho
hi ad uf Kicheiicu or Louis XI, or even toe heal
ot Kiiif.ubeili, the great Uueen ul hngl.iud, an I
put it, lull ot its original brains, upon thi
sin ulcers of the man woo would have thu dirue
lion ol our diplomacy in that Congress, the
chum cs would lie a thousand lo one thai our
country wculd emerge from tlio eloud whieli
now iiishri'U't it, "rediemid, regeu.-i ued. dis
enthralled." War is but a bund g.a.n, htriki ig at
random, uiile-s the g. tuns ol oqil'iiu i y dir.
tleblons. lde ls aie ihu true divmiiies of Ihis
sublunury world. Let us consult theso on
oracles. As regards the instructions to our !elegAtes, I
have no objection to their being of the eh era :er
)i ii iuoicaie.
My gieat purpose is to bleak down tho wall
of lire which sciiirates us from the imhieiices of
peace N-llh 1 have gieat I ninth it it dii
and Ids poll' y were o n e repudiated, and ugo
tiutious mr peai e euii r. d upon, th it every iiio
ineiit we wou'd upproaeli maieraud nearer to:
an au-plLl'.us nsu.t. Vi"i great re-nect, ,v;0-.,
Wll. Ll IM W. II IVLI..
Mr. Jvmi.s (i. II' I MIS
mi: lAi.i. or ri.Yitor ru, n. c.
Friiu thi f,'vitht"iro fn!j Jittt n i '.
On the t vening of the 2th liltliu i, G.m Til
II. ki r, c miiiuiiding that ile.i uloieu ., received
ii.loiniaii. n by le'ejmp'i th it tlu i "..euiy hid
suci ei i'cd in impriiiug and dust. uyinJ thd gun
boat Altivn.mti; ni r her whirl at Plymouth.
GciiCinl H :s k t-1 . acconipaniei Dy Ids purs hi il
Half, Imii eiiiati ly ieit U' 1 ishoro for I'h in nr.'i,
ul wnicii place he arrived ou t:e at'.eruo m of ihe
3Uili, in the niuitol u lierce noinn irdmcnt of t'ie
towufrom the II et of gunh ijig whn'li Ii id st i.
tii lied itii'inpclves In the luulole uf tlie river, out
of sight of our I uttertcH. h'rom th'ic conceal
mini the enemy kept up a coiitin ious shower of
eanbter and shell on the deviecd to n.
I-'iiiding ull their at terns to sail u; to P! ,ni mtlt
direct toil. U by the stout rc-'IsUncA from the b it.
ti rie, under command of Colon. I Wh'ti'or l, the
enemy retired and ascended Perdido river. Tiicro
they met obstructions, w hich they mi, in removed,
and re-entering the Uoanoke from this direction,
they attacked the town in reverse. General
liaker attempted to prevent this by throwing out
sharp-hooters, but owing to tuo exceedingly
heavy lire of tho gunboats, and the accuracy of
their liie, these were driven back, and llieen'-niy,
finding no opj oii ion, they nscemlcsl the Una
ncke i. nd came How n upon the town. The lirst
or upper fort was iiiitnucd by tho crew of tho
Aft tiiurte.
This the gunt oats sailed pjst, though several
times struck by the shots from Its guns, thu
dmiiiige not appearing material. The licet then
paid their special respects to Fort Jones, where
they succeeded in dismounting all the guns and
exploding the magazine. Meantime tho enemy
threw an occasional spiteful shot or shell Into the
town, which caused several of the buildings to
take lire.
At this juncture, in the midst or the conflagra
tion of the town, the necessary evacuation of the
several forts, and the landing of thsfMAQene
ral Haker issued his orders to bio - tf maga
zine and withdraw the garrison. Vast manoeuvre
of falling buck wus done with such perfect order
that nothing of any value fell into the hands of
the enemy, with the exception of two gnus be
longing to Lee's battery, the horses to which had
all been killed.
The total loss In ftillcil, wounded, and taken
prisoners will not exceed twenty-five or thirty
men. General Uaksr has fallen back only to
Jamesville, and seems determined to dispute
every foot of ground around Plymouth, he hav
ing decided not to evacuate Washington. Thus
ended this eventful analr. Though sad in its
results to the eastern part of our Sum, Its defense
under inch forbidding circumstances forma an
other brilliant episode Of gallantry in the history
of the Btttte.
A Cntnlry Ppc.iiiiii,isnncp Tusnnls this
Ifeirot wiiiHs hKHiiin Civiiiiv Divimom,
n hi: liin. Nov. mhi r 7 I:, i--iinn.-e 1 th vt
tbc Ii. 1 , . in end loinier'iia -onicvii it i.i ti e
i bet ci - lon i'irnw by muling an attack upon
otir'ini. 'lo iifcertaiu if any such nioieecnt
iv - on toot. ( o i . rai ' irce.''- li.vio u ot C iv a y T . i ul on a Ti r.iiini'l.iil'.i e to d ly ni i i
' h J. ru-M . "i p ai. k road iti t 11.' d r ctiou of fe
No imm i im r.
A t I.i -rung ii -e-irch of t' e w ho'c coun'ry f til-1
.i -i ot r il y 1). Ji. s i f troops hit nig t i ear Is
oil ' in 1 aini irar, ainl t1 .oivnai d h i- rc'iini'M
ii i :r p t i- i v. tin g. but a r. a or.'-'r-i to t c in
r. ii-in i io in eve at il.ivln.'l.t iti the in unn r,
In lb- ii in. ii mi in il,iv ilii' div.-nm kibcd t'v i
id ihe i i i mi i nil c 'plan I thlrlei n, wtu ui' hi l
tninite.iiv In-', t'r.e ot the k I cd '.vis ur ic I
With n 1 i .is y - 1 1 1 n shooting rill , s p,i i-c I '.o c h i ii i ai Inn .i at the tune ol the b el sica;
ir " ra d.
1 hi ii h is bei n very little tiring nn tbc Ii i ' m
In i t ot lb :i : -inii g -n.r the n.i-ih .vm,ii.
ihe ei i in to c iptuie ino pc Ucl line 1:1 tio.,t
ot ill, s. c i d imp- on Sa'ui .l.iv i i:.'n la t.
Ilr ion lui lo d i.v In.s Ii. , ii cpi.ic r .my, an I
Ihe ti a. s jre Y'c 'dy lie ''.null'.' b id ; ' :i ; I i i i .i
to ll e Ii rc-'.l't ol General il .nt and in e er.:y
ol our i iin. er nlln ei u e haid I a I. o r i
ii .1 e 'o i at lv i v. ry par' of t:,. innv. an I . .r
diiioy r, in.s in en ly direction . t. It.rtl ''.
IllMUl 4.4VS l ltH'l IMII t t.
Ti c 'n'iuii in;t di "p it li ha L'.-cn p' cive 1 'I. -n.
in nn c
Is nt a i ci i-, Nov inf.. r U. Hob rt l(. (' ir
son, i-tale Military A.:' Il', Phil nlelpliia . - There
ere In'gc 1'i.lon gains tbroauhout the Si.u'e.
I. -iicoln'- iniijeriiy 1 estiuiii'ed at twenty-live
thoii-uiid al linsl. ). 1'. MoiiroN,
novenior ot Iiidi.i'i i.
Tbr princ pal siicet- squire of Alcsati
drill, r g pt, are t i be lighted wi ll as.
Hie Paris journal- slate that the liil'lgirim
(ii iieral Ul.ipk.i, having "won ii.'ty--cvcii ihoii.
sai d tram s In one hour and il q inner at the
i a-ii.o ut Spa," I. a- gone to Loudon to he uiarr e-l.
A Gothic church, dedicated to St. Mi.-hael,
ha- just bet n completed in Marsi tiles and up"ne 1
to pnl'llc wot ship. It is tho tincst t' itliobe ednii
in thai ciiy. 'ihe stained gl i-s wiudoiv i o: the
choir lire part. ciiiiirly beautiful.
tjui en Victoria has given a s'r'e of Minna-
II. imp i n I', uit l'ala e a a res. deuce to Dr. I'.ir
unay, Prutessoi ot A-iroiioiny at the 1( Insti
lutioii, Loinlon.
M. 1 ii Chaillu h is been lieird from. II" is
doinu gin d ileal ill tho gorilla way, and has
si it nine one o lingliiuil. Should tin: di-tni-giii-hcd
loieii.'iici' arrivc-iilelv, be can pers niliy
ei iiiouud the toes of M. Ibl C:i lillu.
Sine? the betrothn... I the heir to the Ii i.sinu
throne, there are fur young kins or heirs 1 1
kingdoms unprovi.l. d wiih win's to wit, the
K ii. g nl Havana, the kim; of Greece, Prince 1 1 mi
I t-it, and the Prince of Grange.
A congre-s of tho Sunday school teieVrs of
M.itche-tet and S.illord is expect, d to tie Held
lilorelho i loe of the year, to con-idcr wlw
Suncay scho nr.-, when they gmw up, seldoii i,d church, and what measures should In
adopt, d ill coiisiquence.
lie wealtbie-t I'.nglish nib'eiiicii a-e the
Iluke of Northiinilierl mil, tho I) ike of Clevo
liinil, the Duke of Hedf ird, the Duke of Sntlier
iiu d, the Marquis of i stinin-tcr, and the hi nl
ot lliidlev, liciitier ot whose iii.viine.s is less than
i'-JWi lIDd a Jiar, while some exceed it by nearly
Hroiln r Ignatius has heen exclnded, by order
of the bi-liup, In mi all pulfit in tho dioc sc of
Gloui e-ti r ami Itn-tol. There are now only the
brethren In the monastery at Norwich, and one of
I l:i in is ti e ' inliint Samuel," who, though but
iwo years old, bus been regularly dedicated as
belonging to the order.
It is alleged that the suicide of Mr. Thomas
Huntley, a clerk In the Messrs. Spottiswjo le's
iiriiitim: dike, who cut hi throat wiih a c irving
ki.l'e, wus owing to tha doubts ruse. I in hi
mind bv reading Dr. Coienso's works. Ho ha I
I'li'ii a 8..I" r nui timperato man; but his nnv
studies had led him todisbelleve in a future stite.
The p pi -trick of the Davenport brothers is
an old thing, accniilirg to the king of Ou.lo, wb '
suys lhat in India it used to bo performed in this
fasl iou : the performer was tied ueck nuii feet
Slid i ut into 3 sack, tho inoii'h of whle'i was
enii Ilii y securer--, he was lii'-n thrown Into deep
n liter, Ir in w hu h he innrgd siviiimii'i-', tr e
fr-uu boih i'oi - and sack. A London piper iir;es
si.bjei ling the Davenport hrcth rs to tb.s test.
It Is now di-tinedy ascert iiue.1 lhat In many
par s el Aiii-traii'i, "leads" (as they are Him 1 by
the tnii i r ) of "wash d rt," c ii-i-ring nl -ub-nug
d rivi r I" ds, exist hiiiidieds of feetheliv
t e pich' nt sui lace of tho earth, and m hi v eo u
p hies :ne row engaged in pr litablv working
lin ic i Mraordlnarv ilepo-its. Than the lowest
imp.tliri i - y t , in I o o, in io: i ol the miners, i
1. n ilup of anribr. us gutters," uti. I they
tin nif -t innv littlu resjiect for the leo. nin of
f ol. e'-t-, who, ii uli I ivrrected bv I iter c n
li me. were in eiror in a scit ng tha , as a ru'e,
i old wculd iievir bo found in lars'e ipianiitics far
fn in Ibe sllilacc.
A Muller case has taken pi ice in India, on
Ibn railroad between Ahiuoodporrt- and U nl
pii'', i g i t eman traveling in a soeoud-ela-s
eiiirisgc hiv ng been suddenly utticl.e l bv a
p. im n traveling in tne same carriage, and
roblh.l of his watch, and after being beien
Kevi tely was ilirow-n out ol tho window, but c in
Irin U lo lay h Id of th" fon'stcp of the c.nri.igc,
and by i iingmg to tho bulb r held on till tlio train
nsct, id the Maimn. I ho man wuo uoiuiu.t'.cd
the outrage is in cu-tody.
Sir Moses Monti liorc hjs written a let'ert i
the elileis of the Jew- iu Moro eo, cxhorti i'
tin m to promote among their poorer and los
educated I ri threii uiiilorin obvdieni-o to an I re-spu-tlorthc
Mo-irl h authorities. Tho d ingnr is
that th. Jews may now as-umc a I n indnp"nd.: it
ti.iir,aid,bv ib imindiiig rqu ii treatment with 'ho
Mohan ni' dans, lo-e Home, of the benetits of iho
Lin eroi's edict of to'ertion. Sir Mo-es adv.s h
p nh nee under peny injuries, mid .int)
the .Miiori-liHii'li.irit o.
The London corre-pondeut of the New Y'rU
Tfi'tinr lav id renr in e to John iiuTs
tirpeet . "L I wire one of your popular arti !-,
now siy Kniiik Ikllew or Tliooiis Ni-t I
think I w.'iiid devoi" a i wo page ilbninii i in
in'ii'i H n''i;,o John and Ins helonin,'-. 1
would dmw J. tin, c utrally not the jo ly, r I u
eiinit, corbi i1, a tog tli.r a o hrypnal oil b iy
wl.oin Lis aits like to pieiigme but J An,
loai.-c, sordid, and uno ant, with a look of brut il
cotiiphiei nev on hU coiiiiieii iiiC.', e uiiniim i with
the keenf-t soln-hnes ilieevsof a Jew nu -ur
engnigid In '-swi-a ing" sovere g is. I w in' I
r. pri s nt I im um sc, swollen and mon-uous,
i b si: ine cars and bovine horns, i:i iu!c."i of
b - doubly anii,, il nature. Around lb i ci: it .41
figure 1 w .ul l d. p! t h s doings and probivi:!
his hoiue wor.-h p of rank and Mnuuioii, in
unigiiiiiiiii'ly to other rations, his "-yuipiiny"
in b. h ill of l'o ami and Denmark, and his "11.1 1
tniliiy " between North au ls uitli. tiuit.-en 1 ;h
id i-ui jf. t- wou'il ri-aiii y sugejit iheuise v ;s t 1
form a lery p etty border and tlm whoio pieturo
might he vuy f.iry dedicated to the au ijc.t
ot 11."
-rlir Mmllie. Ml 1. r. Sin I'r eini, II S. si. t son J; C. ..
s !.r Aic ii, tl; un, .S' . .11. in N H,. K A. -an Im- ,;i ,,.
S. l.r i'. II i. hal, lo.nai, Ni l' U'ni, J. I.. J: ol. .S. itO,ii'.-,
Tt ir'illi' t'llt' ln Ho oil. Iiulil I'i run luboeo Oth tilt ., wl'h
eulloii n. l.ish ,v I in ai. 'I'tn h tilling berine I''idc,
ol m d Irani .-ik' tlurti -r. idiii d iroin rnraa,uOa. a sin uit.,
I.,r liuiia'. in ',ie nl 1 . . V . lin - .111 . li-st o'll,:or at ttui
I uit n. ll.u late la.ptiiill Ibaiuali Ii. 1 g dl J ut Pcraata
l.u. .. l-l nil .
linrtttii' . M . Univ. fbnv, l'.i day. from lb.vAtia, In bal
hiM to J . K. I. io I' V .V l-"i
I. .I one .1. O il n. I nli. I. 17 iltt'4 Irani .N"i 1, With
litnu o to J K. li.iiey I o.
ling l.iniv .Mulmtiii-tltr.i.U days from ltonaaiU, in
l.ulii..t to t'. A. . in I. r A Uu.
llrlk- I'oius.l.l, l.ieretl.6 .lays iruOi Key Wo.t, ill lulU-t
to Workl.all. A l o.
Hi In .in all l .oi-.ttinw, f'r. .wtn.ry, 4 du.i'i fioal fortress
Atuiii'oe, In imllst l W.ii toniio A Oo.
II. In I.e. .ilii il'.. Siunti, lo days from New Orleans,
in Sallaat to Henry Minion,.
IlllK Mains (IT. I. Jrvi,10 days Torn Orclillla, with
KUalit. to liak.r A rol.cni. .... ... ,
helir lis l.uilni-iiler, L'ohusu. (VoUl Nw loik forW aall
Inidoli, pill mli say.
Hil.r Pachlc, arrow, S day from Halters, lnlot, liibul
lat lo Tiler Co. . . , ...
riclir Percy Meiint'r. (irst-e.4dyafioml-ortressMonroe,
la Ullu.t to J. il. fl. H. Kepjiiiir.
H. hr Ilr J, liuiloi, ll hour, noia Lewi-,, Del. , Ilh oid.e
to t autslu.
Siaam.r Snrali. Jnno, 24 kours float New Yurk. with
Dld.s 10 W. M. Haird & Co.
llrlg Ollrunre Mun dith, In balla.t. was s,bor on the
lomsr nd of lliiletiui, and waa haulsil off la.t
eveuliiL' by tin' lus J. vV. llataiQi'l'. I aptaln CorliKS. w ho
reports il al the hshl at lort nittilavias ool huiuinj at
gepm U fr Tin Eieiuni TdtqrapK.
OicuiLLA Brlf Maiue, Jsxrl-4o0 ton. (rusao Bait
l-eusisiirco Bar.tUS I'alon. llcsrd 100 boles cotton
Lewis A UimoB.
Hi. Mianss Brl TliriBia, Wslter.We.tfratl.vss I
bhla islt f bales coltoa lo bole cocoa 41 doa theepand
(oat . 4 balsa hull, Pi mm. .I..ll pun. Imoua
aiolaaaes li ra.k, old iron 'i l.bls .uirar 4 dolesdSeasSa
nitiaia do braas S So ooposr 1 ao i,swtcr 4 halts raais
Jsai.lchs k Isvargus.
CITY INTELLIGENCE. 1'aiik.--1 Ins dt Ikhtful pi ice of
resoti will be in ire attnetive thin ev.r next
scasiiti, a a niitiib. r of tine Improvements have
bel li is i dc, and iv hers are 0 nilenipia:ed whi Ii
will add both beauty mi l con-fort to the grounds.
That part of the p uk f.i n'tni- n lug avenue
In- lii' nil ib caiit drive through it, and trees
Imve I.e. n p ml t on c li side . f tl.n roi l. A
eil. iil..r i rove ',..s b. en ten Ic lit In i( point where
Ibe l ii er load, tbc ro ;d Ir-mi 1,-itntiiig .avenue,
ainl - he n- w road b. fore ineuli.ui''d, tuee. An
e : tint a li tc ii a. bio 'Irii.k.n.: t .titilani is b'-iitii
I loll oi: 111' tin. In. ,y le -ding to th.' I'h n, l.ey c
Sptii g. 'I hi--TH".-. sen to .ibn it o-.e biiii ir.'J
tuliiNive tie Minting t'ub..o:ic, t iw ai Is th
li iii'ii p. ii loch iv i- t.iriio rly r-a 'In J in- 'b'-c.'inl-iiic
a Uu ht ot -t. Ki- -'e; . h is b...-n ''ov,'r- I, ati l
n 'inn I iron j tin p p. it ab .ve it. This i not
g'tiiiilly ciinnliietl all iinproveni'iiu T'i
t. in,. 1 I t ut ty ot the -i ii. ,;, iu us '.lat'iral bo I,
I as t i en t:.K. n away. I o trie i est ..t t' I moo :.:.
t't d in u po-ii on iipparciitiy natin.iiiy for-ned t.i
lin: j 1 1 r om1, two loiiinaiu.s havo b en pi i-c.l.
I'. li.u t e-e fiuii 'iiins :.ii ev. r running -.tri.t-,
i--un i; liom the bianch i f a tree, anil rutinm;
into an urn h.-iou , attrm t.- iii'ich n't- ition. Toe
t'l vc al. n;-ihe rivi r is now c"in;i etc. Tlie nii-i--i-:ai
d t'liiu yto tn- generil tiap-ir-nne.
ol ihe park, as docs al.-o tiio observatory on
Ibe high e'eviiiioti at thepoiulof tile nv. r neir
tl e ski.iii g Club hi.u-e.
Si is x 1 ' 1 1 : i : I' ion It i: in no. The 'lew
steam engine built for the 11 linbo v 1- ire (' i n
pany, No. I, of Mending, by Ihe "hap:nn:i llro
tln isof this citr, will no liou-cd to-d iy bv the
Unmleisot tho Good 1 n ent l-'.tigine Comp auy,
and by them fnrwatded to its destination. A
ib hi. it ii n ot tli il t y linliilicrs from Ihe Good In
tint will convey ti e appaiiitu- to Ueadnnr, and
iion icnchirg that cuytlny will be nn t a', tho tiy Iho ltuinbuw Compiiny, and escorted
tbn ugh the prim Ipal streets, there are but few
Menu i is in loading, and this will be quite a
valuable acqiiisinoti to their lire department. The
ingine i- ot tne sain- s ylc a- the one constructed
lor Ibe authorities u' I' leiirugtuu, New Jersey, and
is 'iiinlar to the Nfiti. A Levy engine, without
li e yoke motion. The pump is S i.J iii.-'i bore, wiih
l'J null rtioke.tiud Hie st. inn cylinders Inch
bore ai d 12 inch stroke. I he w nolo apparatus
weighs ol Oil pomiiis, and can lino i u stieiin of
wan r thtongli a U inch n.i..le to the d.-t in-e of
'Jitu le. t. 1 he body imil w heels ate p duled red,
siiiiidwilh gold. Ihe limp in the air vcs-el is
made of silier. n both s dss ure p dtiti d, in
go ileu Icttirs: " W h' ti duty calls 'tis ours to
1' iai. Kisii.i Aiming those who were in
jtiled ou the night ot the Dctnojratie proc -s-ion
wa- i'rdrici.s l-'i it., a ilis.'har-ed solibcr, residing
in liightli strci t.Jln Ijw Carpetitcr. Tin: uui'n tu
i ate man died liom th- ilhctsof his iniurics
ye-ti luny af irn mi. The rtece ise.l, upon being
iliM'hargid recently Irmn thu urmv, join, d the
S.'ldnis' Csn pnign Cub, ivho-e headqiriro-rs
are in the Commonwealth bunding, C'icsilut
fctifi t, above Sixth. Thi building wa-fiiriotiiy
a-Miilcd in the night ot the procession, and while
standing ill trout , l-'i It, w s struck on the head
and over the i ye. The wound In lit head wa
most itigbttnl, and wus the cau-e of his death.
He wus euiilii.ed lo his bed, but on Tuesday in
sisted up. u being t ikon to the polls to deno-it
Ins vote lor the l.'nion. A eairiage was procured
and he was conveyed there, and meeting some ot
his lrieiuls he said : ' Hoys, this Is my lust vote;
that blow is going to be the death of tne." Wo
mo lurther lulornnd tha' thu do. eased was
aluiiys a most ardent Democrat uuiil he enli-hd
in ihe army, where ho served his coun'ry faith
fully for three years.
lloiini-ii). An Individual from Chnui'iersbtirg
was enticed into a low ilea in Lombard str.'t t,
below S.xth, last night, and ut an early hour this
in oiniug discovered that he hud I cen robbed of
loU. ilo made known his lo-s to tho oolice,
who arrested six persons found in the hoii-e.
'1 hey were commit cd by Alderman Mooro. Tho
money was not recovered.
Another individual, named Wm. A. M -C iv,
railing from Indiana county, was robbed of
v bile in a conceit saloon at 1'iltli and Che-n it
streets last Light. Ho was in a private box with
a couple of leinales. Immediately after th-y leu,
he iLseovc-id his loss.
Pi:itONAi.. Colonel K. VI. Greg ry, of tho 01 t
Regiment I 'en mi. Volunteers, who lor some ti no
past has been aiding, and who
once ocetipiiil tho position of Provost Marshal of
Ah Mine ri i, has ai rived iu this i iiy on a few uays'
leave of absence. Colonel Gregory is well km) vu
to our ciiizeusu a gallant commander and bravo
s .lilitr. Ho lnis distinguished himself by ins
g.ibui ti y on u number ol ur usi uis on the Pen n
sul.i, and trom the commencement of la.i war ho
has lib utitit d hnn-cll with the brilliant expl i tl
ol I t n lis) liania soldiers.
ISiiHKNAiiK. Colonel Wil'iiim I). Thomas, of
the l!)Jd Uigiinent Pennsylvania Volun o.TH, was
tbc recipient of a grand serenade last evening, a'
his ribidence in Spiing Garden sir jet, near
'I he serenade was provUi d by the m-mbors of
the Kepublican luviuciblos, and the music was
furnished by tho Jettersou Cornet und Douglass
lSut.Us. An builiess was delivered by A. G. Cat
tell und G. lnman Kaclic, liaqs , to wbieli Colonel
'1 hum a responded at length. At the coiiclusi m
ot tlie -pcit'lies a colluliou was pailuKcn ot ut
Spring Gulden Hull.
Dnr-N k on Ink. A woman was taken to tho
Sixth Ward Statl m House yes erd iy, in a beastly
state of Intoxi.ation. Iu her poises, iou was a
bottle about half tilled whh red iuk, which she
had evidently stolen. Not having tho where
withal to puulniso nun, she hud been drinking
the ink, which was iiinilu of puke berries aud
miuio bpirn uots liquor. Thb tfoso was sutlieieut
to have eii-iired the death of any or.iin iry p tsw,
hut the woman ret ivcred, and tv.i-i sent to prison.
M.c I.-, an habitual drunkaid, and has no lni:in.
Till- or Tin: Cahi-aion. At the head
quarters of the Union League lust evening, there
was a large nu etii g of the friends of tho Unlo.i,
ho wi re ussemb.e'l for the purpose ol congratu
lating (u-b other on the recent triumphant su -cess
ol the I'liiun party. Lx Govein tr l'o. la k,
on taking the chair, in ion: a lew ajipropriito
reu arks, ai'ler which M Jor ll. nry, of llai.c,
cx-Muvor Cluirles Gilpin, und other-, made iut:r
Il i.i.i. al Voting. This morning Owen Miline
wus bet iro Alderman H.b lerd, charged wuh
111. f il voting. He wus ut.n aiir.ib.Oil, and voted
on Tiii.-il.iy iu the Ninth Ward. Alderman lli'o
I . id . . ni ii, in . tl liuu lor tho
An l.iirii I ninii ii.i i.ed I.iU..rd 11 istings, also
itiiinitui nb.i ii, w a i 1 with having void
nt i tie i d -I Pieciiiet 1 1 the 1' ourui inn 'ar I.
lie was also ihurg'd wi-li huving vo.tcuel lor
uiiotl i r man to vote. He was loll tor trial by
A I'Jetinuu MtL-svy.
Oik PoinicAi. Vu toiiv io tin Cnt.i.iitiA ri:ii.
We ui.der-tiiiid that the Union League of this
city intend celebrating tho victorious issue of the
Pic.-iih nttal election by a popular d-mon -'.ration,
ihe manner and time oi the eulciiratioii
have in t been .leteiniin. .1, but Iho evliibitiou of
joy at the nice ss of the Union ticket will be an
in"' inibg ii ml beautiful pageant.
Kinu This morning tho M ivor issuuj
wuiratits for the payment of the city bounty to
thirty-six men, of w hom three were enlisted for
lour j ears, twenty for three years, nine for two
ycurs, and four for one years. Three years'
reciuits are entitled to Jjl id oounty from tho city,
and not ,-aoO, ns was published by mistake by tuo
bounty luud commissioner.
Acui. iNis. David Hycr, aged thirty-live
yuirs, was badly Injured yesterday afternoon,
by a large f tune falling upon him at the new
Chtsi'iii .-licet bridge.
A lad rjiunid Joseph McDonnell had his loft
thigh lruclured by lulling otr a bench in the yard
of a l.oioc iu Juliantia street. Uotli the sulfciurs
w ere conveyed to the tuHspital.
Tin: tli l i kvisokv Corns itthe. Large crowds
are nightly attracted to the building of theSuper
v'sorv Coniniittee, on Chcsnut street, above
Tweltib, w here the immense transparency dedi
cated to the free coioted people of Maryland is on
exhibition. This afternoon a young man, a resi
dent of Burlington, N. J., will have a hearing at
the Central Siation, to answer the larceny of a
watch and $Mi stolen from a house ou Spruc
Tub GrunoAT " Galena." The United State
gunbout Galena u guyly dressed In flags and
signul yesterday, at our Navy Yard, by order of
her commander, Captain Wells, in houor of the
re-election of President Lincoln.
Firino a Salvtk. A salute of one hundred
guns was 11 red lost evening by the citizens of the
first Ward, iu honor of the re-election of Tresi
dtnt Lincoln.
Ueltixo op thi Reti'RM JrDOEg. The Board
of Return Judge will assemble to-morrow morn
ing to receive the oihcial vote of the city.
To PimntASH Ciotiiiwo atIiw Pnicsa, make
a I. tss" l. D from i nr .Iih-I til Kmnl hck i l.r tar n-s W o
aieii'ini.r in.l in.'t'. iti, in l fi"-.,
f -it 'ii n- M' t ,r l-.'.l. ".r.e Ulan ia n.i..'lnr.l far I .11
, alt I' -'. nia.te ttio drr We Mve a'l .1. ,, -t.-o,.
rrire of ("oi'imi' - Men a, V011U1 a, and boia'. All lie
ftillleit Wlli.StaldelaJ u. trioili.a.
Tlf-.-O'TT Co.,
Towrr Hall, Ito, als M trket alii'i t
Unpfk THK"Cl)MTIKI htal.
I ii'l. r Ihr ! orillneiital."
t ndtrr tl. "iXniliui ntal '
1 11. r l"r ,- r'o'h -iff.
O'U- I'oo l lotsill.:.
l.i.e I'.iCi' I lolli'iie.
11 1 i.
Ciias. Mo
I in... H.l
si s , r.i.
KI . A 1'...
1. 1 - A i: ..
Tin Tin or Aries wmm' a Kkciifatiom ami
I 1 1.1 o.- nd'. ir r fl. . t upon tha nii-l I h.i
II n .11 la i.e. n On' i hv.t. al eiai-illnl hi . ihni.nti Ave.. n.v
lie'ii 'l.-iraiiai 11.' ol trn ne.-tU we lti 11 .ti.t
I", a. tirr ami built- la ,.ti..itlna H e ml lion 19 tlie lie .' I ' r Tl
r to lit if. 'Ill tl 111 tf.e I lor. I., t. . a 111 VI Ii.rl. at
No. I. in I la -ni,! a.rrt t, hei-.w Sevt-ich. one f
' tt h o.aie.l ii,.tmi 11 .u, 1.4 ullh a "tliirnljn
st-lf .na, a n'o-t val iai.if a .p. i'il ore, by .vl.lrti t 10
-a-.rl laid d reel. .'. 11 t mill lie lta-1 . are or Ir -u'lli 1 1
11. 1 t'ti-ialot. All it, e.- 1.1 lap. ar-1.1 .1 ai.ti ,1 -iiai 4n-
II I to . .1 e 1 ntire ,ill-ta Ion, or It. e Tn'-nfy I. re arm' I :
a U al U t ' ter- uive-i tlolr monejr tn ih- Ki-rfS
In til a ra lice 1 f i.'K. IVt-tv-i- ti w v.. nuii ibe -av
.Ian. f 1, 01 0..1U nil 10s al llo- aelal'.l.hiiieiil au.l li'iut-lii:r
a time.
M k 11 vr v 1 1 on R called attention In onr col
li trn. 'r It, 1- m.. rianr. ol . pt"li liiitoii-tn"iltnti f in- lam!
.. ,1 lo in- ivtnil. 1 111 -stoia.t' I'.noi'fliii . I lite iti.i'rii. 1 m
are a III. -! nlU-d a'.l li.-.' A ho art. I. io forward III' la-
" . -i- . f .tl. ..,11 .Tiittl in ilni an ai hhnili k -"m'tio lev.
l.tobini .aelisit uti "I ior. iinlly 10 .1" liv citll-iii ac
le .at..', N :1 Vl alum slreut, ai (lie tKK'a, will be
i-l.i-. .1 ill alt w .Ii. V
As ()ooi a New. In this fast coun'ry the
Im T 11 1 It. 11s at il IS 1 1. . mry. Hot thin ami irretr lial- linll
, ntt . . n.i a 1 1 a' tl. t a 1 . 1 our hair aav lie rt'tit'wed an. I
.".la 11. 1' tilt t.T tiie il.e til' Mil. ts A Al-en a
W or'tl - ll ilr in i:oirr .ml yl 'onlstiiiiliai. ur Hair lir&-a-li'i.'.
l-.iiry iltu 't n il-, them.
Noinn. If vou want line furnishing goo Is,
Sott A ro ., No. sts Chf.i.iil Itiet't. have a fine aio-k to
.1 Iti lien'. 'I lie .1 aril are a t '-t'iaiii al this
inmntt t h aa a 4.01st til run aJnayibe olitai.ied.
uu. Hit m a call.
W 11 v N von in sinr: pliotogrnphs, obtain them at
H. K. H-Iimr a. No. ti-,'4 Arrh airet't. llil llfo-el.e. ph. 110-
I. . r. 1 1 a In oil itiior, at. it earu-s de vislia arc iralj arn.tie
AMllllFH till ISION IN A I.tOAL IliNriliK NOTB
I'nih.ii SiiTis CiurriT CofRT Judges
(iikr und Cadwa'ader. The rhibutclpliU and
Heading Itnilrond Company vs. Charles Morri
son, etui. In this cue, which was before the
Court In the shape of a bill In equity, to compel
the defendants to accept, in extinguishment of
ihe principal of certain ground-rents to the
amount of $'3iKI,0(Ki, the legal-tender notes of tho
tnmd Mutes, ai d which was argued a few dais
tigu, Juilo Gricr has Just rendered the following
Coined money, in modern times, forms but a
very small pottiou of the current money used in
coiiimcieial irausactionH. Paper money reprc
s. ntitiir credit has long been used ns current and
luwlul money. Hot no one could bo compelled
to Ihe promise of a bunk lo pay money,
instcd 1 f the coin itself. The notes of ihe Ilatik
of the United States, issued under the authority
of the Con ri nie-.t.wcre current niotiev, and law
ful inoM y, because l--iied bv such uu horny, but
weie n Ter made a leg il tenfer for the payment
01 net
A 1 ontraet made in the United States for the
pay tut nt of a certain number ot dollars would be
coin-trued us meaning, not Pius-iau dollar or
Spanish milled dollars, but lawful coin of tho
Ut died SLdes: The addition of the description
" nwiul uioi y ot the Unl-ed State-" is entirely
su- erilu. us, aud docs not chango the nature of
t e obligation.
Ti e stututes of Congress always tako a dis
tinct on between lawful or current money und
iluit wbiih shall lieu tender fur payment of
deb s. 11. nee, we lin I that when such is tho
ii t Mi n, the iungiiudc is, ".1uif thallbtaltyiil
U luU r," etc.
Some & ins of the Government are a legal
tender I clow a certain amount, but not beyouJ.
Thus, by act of O b February, 17'Jil, after the
expiration of thn c years all foreign coins except
Spanish milled dollars shall cease to be a legal
liy act of Ap; il, WW, "Foreign gold and silver
eons shiill pass cur mt as money, within the
lin in d i-t, tie," and be a legal tender for the
pnytiet tof all debts, ftc, at the several and re
spec ivo rates following, Ac.
Again, by act ot UNtli June, 1831, "The follow
ii g gold c ins ha'l pi.s as current money, and
be lece.vabie in all payment by weight at tho
n lli wii g rates," Ac.
llrnce wcfitul that in nil cases where other
noiiy than the coinage of the United Suites
o:iiere.l to bo recuvid as current or luwlul
11 iu ey, ihe sti.tuto cirifuliy provides the rate
and coiniitii ns under w hich they are ma In a Inner n r puj ment ot debts. It is ch ar,
then fi r, , that Congress has always observed tlie
di-tinetiou between current and lawful money,
which n ay be received in pav ment of debts, if
the en d tor Bios lit to accept it, and that which
l.e may becotniii ilod to a- ecpt as a leg il tender.
It is ckur alto that if Corgress make any other
thing than their own coin a legal tender, it may
be u ed as inch. Thu in the act authorizing the
National Hunks, their notes are n.ado a legal
U udi r lor certain debts due to the Gjvornmnit,
fur taxes, c. but not for debts due from one
citizen to another.
The treasury cote "re mado lawful or cur
rent n orey, "and a le.'al tender for debts,"
Ac, as between Individuals. As this it the lirst
net iu which Ibis high prerogative of sovereignty
Ins been excrci-td, it should be construed
siiicilv. Ills doubtful in policy and dangerous
ns a precedent.
The only quo-lion then is whether this case
con es within the letter uf the statute.
Is the n oncy which may b paid to extinguish
a gr.iiiu.l rcnt'withiu the category of the act f
Is it a debt ? 1 he owner of the land is not
b. uiid to pay It. The owner of the rent cannot
ci n pel him lo pay it. There is no obligation as
I ei ! the p iriies. It cannot lie converted into
iin obligation by the election of one of the parties
without the cmisi ut of tho o:her. A man imir
i xi ciitc hi- bond to me voluntarily, but unless I
accept il be does no' become my debtor.
l lic-c pr. und r. ids, in tha na'nro of a rent
si tvlc", are somewhat peculiar to Pciin-vlv.inii,
and little known iu o'her States. Hut the
; ti rt tne Court ol tie Statu has very clearly set
th d and .l.-ermbu d th ir nature. Tho eases are
ti o well known to the legal profession to need
quotation. ' A rent servhe (-av the Court in
lio-hr vs. K'il'ii-H Wat's A Sergeant, !''.) is
not a debt, ar.d a covenant to pay it is not a
c oeiihiit io pav a tl,l,t. The annual payments
ipring in ii cxi tciice, and for tho first time
bi come deb s when they are il' iuandable."
1 urn of opinion, therefore, that tho tender
otli red ry the bill in this ease is not authorized
l j the stiitiiie, and ih it the respond"n's cannot
bo ci iiipclleil to extinguish their estate Iu the
luud, by such a b adcr as that now made. Tho
bill mil t then fore be il sini-se.l.
DiMiiicr C. .in i Judge Sh irswooiL William
1 1 ii lew vs. lienj iinin Kellogg. An action to ro
covi r wugi s Btlct.d to be due aud in arrears.
Jury out.
Dis'intiT Cm kt .Indue llure. Jame DufTv
s lidwaitl Miller. Helure reported. Verdict
for plaintiff, Sb .
Coiii ror Common Ti.f. is Jndge Allison.
Doi'vhcrty vs. Hardin. A feigned issue to test
the validiiy of the will of Mary It. Welsh, lletoro
n polled. The jury, by their verdict rendered
this morning, m-tuin the will.
Anne Maria Hrown vs. Le7.oarc Brown. This
case, just put iion trial, is a feigned issue to test
the validity of the will of Marcus brown (colored),
deceased. The conte-tant alleges that deceased.
at thu time of the execution of the will, was of
unsound mind and incapable ol penoruimg tuo
net with a proper knowledge of what ho was
doing. Ou trial.
1'HII.AIIf.l.rill V Tit v ni: RF.POBT.
Tiu ksiiav, Nov. 10. Cotton is held firmly at
nn advance. Wc quote ut fcl-io.
I Jiieiciiion Hark is in steady request. A sale
of Peterson A Mustard's is reported at oQ tjv
In Provisions no transactions have boon re
ported. Prices are about the same as lust quoted.
1 he Flisur Murket is characterized with much
firmness, but rece ipts come in slowly, and there is
but little demand. The sales are contined to 600
bbls. Pennsylvania and Ohio extra family, part
on private terms and part at 12(n 12-o0 bbl.,
und iiWHi bbls. W.B. Thomas' extra on secret
terms yesterday. There is a moderate inquiry
for the supply of the home trade, at front 9'7a
for fupermie up to (.13 for fancy brands, as ia
quality. In Rye Flour and Corn Meal no move
ments to notice.
The receipts of Wheat, a we have noticed for
some time past, still continue extremely light,
but there is much firmness in the market. The
sales are confined to oooO bushel good Western
red at "2 65 ; 400 bushels good Pennsylvania do.
at fc'a'oOiand about 1100 bushel Southern at
j'.' Cd. In the absence of sale we quote white
at from to Uri 85. Small sales of Rye are
making at f 1-70. The market 1 poorly supplied
with Corn. Some holder are firm in their view,
and Btwtlllag to dispose of their stork unlea at
an advance. Yellow 1 worth tW. Oat are
scarce, and are worth from 88 to 90c. Barley aud
Malt are quiet at about tonuei rale.
Omcs o Thi Kvn-omi Tiisflsinj, I
Tauridar, lii.,mMr 10. . , I
The rise In stocks continued nfttrwe wont 10
press yesterday, and during the afternoon lifts
transactions took place in the leading speculative
stock, Reading. The pun has. were large, th
orders numerous, and during the day Now York
brokers were buyer In this market. There la a
large shoit In'.crc-t In thrso shares, among tbel
New Yorkers, and the cosh certificate ar qnllU
scarce for delivery In that city. The highest
price reached wa 704, t which price the toclc
sold in the evening at the Oir-ir-1 Hon -e -the Urst
telegram from the Fifth Ave.ntie Bosr.l finoUng
the market firm, with Rending at 70;f704i
Hudson Liver was I2.VJ; Kne, lOlJ j with an al
vance on all the Western share of 1 to 3 pet
cent, ovir tii price, prevailing on Tueaday
The Stock Market Is rather dull thi, morr lng,
with the exception of Coal Oil soar.-, which aro
more active and prices better. Mlueral Oil t ld
nt 2 ;it(o.t, which is an advance; Irving at 81,
an advance; at 10; Densmore at 6 j
McKlheny nt C ; and F.gbort at 51.
Government bonds arc firmly held, and there)
Is rather more doing, with sale. of 5 20atl01(a
lot A, coupons off; (Is of 1S8I at 107raT07; and
new 7 o0s at Wi.
Pi iirmylvaiila 5s aro selling at 01.
In Ilailroad shnres there is lees doing. Reading
told at ti9 81, which is a decline; Pennsylvania at
Cs; and Catawlssa preferred at 40 ; 45 wa bill
for Little Schuylkill; ,'i9 for Philadelphia and
Germitntown; 60 for Minehill; 32 for Nortbt
Pennsylvania Railroad; 83 for Leblgh Valley;
51 for Klmlra preferred; 18 forCaUwIssa com
mon ; 32 for Philadelphia and Erie ; and 45 for
Long l.dand. '
City Paspcnger Railway shares continue dull.
Green and Coates sold at 2f ; 69 was aid for Se
cond and Third; 60 for Fifth and Sixth) 4(1 for
Tenth and Eleventh ; 314 for Spruce and Pine ;
16 for Arch Street; and 10 for Race and Vine.
Canal shares are more active and price are)
better, with sales of Schuylkill NavigAtion com
mon at -UL preferred at 404 j Susquehanna
Canal at loin lo ; and Delaware Division at 334 j
75 was bid for Lehigh Navigation ; and 97 foe
Morris Canal.
lluuk share continue very (Inn, but there la
very llttlo doing In the way of sales. Manufac
turers' and Mechanics' Bank sold at 29J; 171
was bid for North America, an advance; 150 foe
Philadelphia, an advance; 14') for Farmers' ami
Mechanics', which is also better; 68 for Com
mercial; 70 for Northern Liberties; 2UJ for Me
chanics'; H5 for Kensington; 49 for Girard; 53
for Corn Exchange; and 50 for Union.
There is very little demand for money, and the
transactions aro limited. Loan on call are)
ollcred at CQ 7 If cent, per annum. Prime papec
is scarce, and quoted at St-flO J' cent.
Gold has declined 3C"4 41 cent, since last
evening, opening at S55, fell off, and sold at
JoOatlO o'clock; rallied and sold at 254 at 11 1
dcclined aud sold at 25iJ at 13 ; and 232 at 124 P.
M. All kinds of rumors have been put In circu
lation by Now York speculators since the election,
to advance the price of gold, but, a will be eea
by the above, they have not had the desired
ftsported bj Clarkson Co., Broaari, Ns. Ul 8. Tolr4 St.
ion in limner 7 V
n.'.h do til io;
Ml ah do 1
IP 11 111 do av
li'.MI all d i
sou .0 ticali'r Oil... I A
soo.b do IM
Sou ah Stor J r arm. bo 1 III
inn ab lllbbard 1'44
llMlah do 3SC
iH'nR rank ll
Too ah Corn l'lanur. . ' S
lai ih do 8sf
HO .h Hyde Farm.... s.'
1 Ull an UalaeU Oil.... Di
innb do Hi-its
:,, d 2:llll
VII all do h. t HI
41 0 sli fit. Mi holm... 4 H4
l'li'-h do 1
Mil all tin A
11 11 ah it r.S
oi.ish do A
ll.lnh Cull 11 OU ..1'5 11 V
si..b tl.. 11 V
i n h Egbert Oil ....
l'.i. 11 do V
H O all do .'' ',
lixi.h Bud creek A
posh do
liOahl'nlon Jsf
CeOati f-oiilineiilaJ ... 2-2
Hl,h Ktiadins H.. 7e'2
linn ab P ma Farm.... I'i
soosbMcii. a oucrk. 3
riKST BOAIn. 1
:SS1 U. 8. 6, Ul 11.7 1 US) an Irwin OU SV
Mull 10 1 ' 1 7 , I j.l .h do a
CMiV.H.b-'AM nn v wo d naiaeJl ml.... 10
thill tie Illl
2l sb lenstmra....fl HS
do I'll I
(f'.isii 1-Vi'iir. er li-'-'a
f.i isi V.o 7 am. new... tisa
f 1. 1. 1'tnna a. til ;
SICIMI (til Ci Up. IIMJi
C A A liii.rt i:,...US
om .ii 1 mi. a on i k, 1'.
I'i b Huiuit A Meiih. 2 'H
Inn ,h Ilr. .Mtiiiiil o
tin. li Mineral Oil.... I'M
.'i o ih do I..H) a
M" Mi llri-anlr Illl....
A all Ai ad. ol Jdualo Ao
'.in M. K.baay Oil., ef
4i o ih do boo i)$
lillab Egbert Oil., bd Ai2
lio.h Hvh. Navoods. ai'2
si ab Hen NaT nr. . ,e 40 at
Iwiah 1'nlon cm pr..
am. b Suati.taoai.... lAlgf
(M sb do IA
H.l .0 11.1 Illy ....... Mit
Mi lb Venna HI -)
ISII Ih Read. K.rgi Ua.SS tl
'i'.i ih I'aiaw praf.... 40
luo ab Unn avcoauia M
Quotation of the principal Coal and Coal 011
tocks ut 1 o'clock to-day :
Bid AU. , Mat Jit.
r niton Coal H l Franklin Oil . 1
lliK Mmiiinnii Coal . II V I'i ll.i , E4d Oil.. .. IV
. V i...i.i, IS1, irvins Oil s .. 1
llrrt ii Mi. C ai..., .. A P. lairo Oil., a .. ll
N 1 arbt ndais .... V llNiutntim. ....... s .. t)Z
Ki'li,il 1 IS llSKellOii s ,. AO
lei-der lianiCi'Sj.l.'i-l 1 1-lei McKlneav a .. ia
CiiuionCoaL ', 1 K-berla OU .. l'
llntlcr l oal 11 Iii ll'mnuiad Ii S't
bnalara 7 10 Jhmle Oelaiaatar. W
Ani'rit'ati Ku-llll.
1 -I llibliard a .. l
i SWiMiory turn
1 isillirunr .. inl
Keystone 7.111c.. ..
r at-elmor Oil a
Ms lank s
('unllm-nlai a
Oil 1'ieek
klai le Shade Oil. .
Alci: int. ek Ull....
I eiai,liuuia l'sl..
Parr; Oil
lll Mil Oil (
Kt-TiUone O'l
Vtnai ii-1 ill
t'n'oii letroieum..
Peaiob oil
Henna Oil
S lloae lalsnd...
OS jAilathttiij ltlvar.
4? 4.'i I'lirnn...
(,. SVI'l.lla AUllCreek.l .
1 a II11I1 C'reos s .
,i 4 llerra.ioa
b'lli 3 Corn 1'lauuu-..
1J Brl.ia
1 Itoek IMI
1 Tan- K-m....,
1 3 'Sen. OU Co...,
8', .. 'at. Vb
.. 1 ', . Hyde 4'arui.. ..
Orsanle Ol1
Limitations of Go d at tho Philadelphia Gold
I'x. hance, No. 31 S. Third street, second suarv :
lij A. M V. 12 M 2 ,i
11 A. M 2d4 1 P. M 254
Murket active.
The following are tho receipts of Flour and
Grain at ilii port to-day : Floor, 1409 bbls.j
Wheat, 7i 00 bushels; Coru, 4010 bushel; Oat,
4( l'.b bushels.
The following are Ibe receipts of the Susque
hanna Canal Company for the week and season,
compared with the same ieriods last season
Week and aiiaeon ending November
5, lM'.l 85,91193
Previously 23.597-61
$--3',.5.i, 59
Patuc timej last year 176.151 77
Increase d3,3iJ7 79
lie New York Tribune this morning iys:-
"IWonoy bus boen less active, and at 7 per cent,
stock houses have been readily supplied. Mercan
tile paper is still in small demand, aud sells at bCn-9
for liest, and liVli for second grade. 'Ihei
street has been full of rumors about new loans,
snd that' no more gold louns will be issued
'I he Secretary of the Treasury will annouacs)
his own policy, and from Washington, as
nsual. Now that the Government has had
its bands strengthened by the vote of the)
people, it should lose no time in reforming
its financial policy. Tho old expedients in
the way of manufacturing money, however naces
mry in the past, cannot lougor be depended upon.
There must la: higher taxes and a more thorough:
collection of thtin, and loans must be made to
play a subordinate part in supplying the Trea
sury. The pluu of getiug money by ubcripiior
must be abondoned, and loan sold upon thej
market for what they will command. Io a word,
the national credit, strongly fortified by taxen.
must be put squarely iu competition with all
minor credits. It ha been determined that the
nation shall live. Its bonds are the first mortgage
upon every dollar's worth of property and tUj
labor of every citizen of the Union. '
Nxw York. November 10. Gold opened al
2lel4 ; advanced to 254 ; sold at the Board M253i,
and b aow telling at 202.
Harketa by Talecraph.
Mew Yoax, Iforember 8. Stocks are torff,
CIilciKO sad Hock l.Uunl, liriH i Cumber u.s
Ai -, Illinois Central, lA; MicWan "'"-",i!iil"
lOiaeautMd, lH'Sji New Yolk Curat. ,i'''it.JU,
tiil lludooli River, lioj. ; KrK. Wl. . "?. 'L7wist.
caUa,l.i,i len-forllea, S4: riv. T" I,
louvil o. coupoui, iwk 1 lyssip.. aa. '' .
New Yoax, Noveinbor . 7
cllued 10 1 lS.t.O bbla. l'i"uiZt oT.'lin Uvt2
11-1K1J ; oU. 1
Bataa uaiiaiKHinl. oij ao-- w BmI Iraa. ro, IS
at SI -7Lh.. 1 74: c."J" .'a.a, uti aUalJ
Si.avr ; lico kbU. wa