" BATfniUV. NOVVMBKR fi, im. IX7EACT3 rOMBIBEL FArEI-3. n n"-rllii r n, sli,rt-lh Hrlirl Mtl'll rn irons If l ll. Ibc prop ii'ilm ticx:nl thr r .chat lT t ttis Sl.'Vtft will not I'.ii; to nnvl mtu nj.m' !), p ! Iiod t fu" f r at wt o,i;i jii'lste H in .1 uly in re i-itn,- in V'l"'"' 'nvnr. .mi n-e lienor ; will 'in I fHTor l.l'tf"' lU.lJO'ltjr l) til.) IIC.XI C .Hifr.isj. TM M"ii'B."i'irn -I, ,v J r.xaM'j lus jiio'jiititia v "anl", it I '' linnt'Toiii." Th. 'idikc'ii ,n j. the r rr Tintc-in of j.jjp.' J if, tint It luroW. hi' iii it n i' ' fit I I In t''i! ins ' i: iuii oi si iwff. ; l i t it li I" r. irv'ii' il liy tho em-niv n I t in v r! I ni ii Ititlli' ition lli.T om r-soiirens im niua arc. ex . hsti't.vJ; tint air su'ili. 11 :e, uliva.ly bd.lt il, lxnl, ' 'I '' r' r.nmiv tit' r .nira'.l. Xlif ' 0 7'" !.( s no r 'ff T 1 t'l ' r im let pllon ot' iii iri ei in ni os-nri iii v ; ". ti wiut i mm ' nr'i : t mr t!io i-m. r'cnev ;" Iur wn..n Ihr exti'incy i.risps the 'Irtiifx.- is ir: I to nle:y k . 1 11"; -'ri.li',11-r1. u;o i, til j leil'.y tlv ne-rl'ee ; evers, !M' i; m well .p. ttf tli.it iur t Ua'CJ" tlnl beiim." Tlju 'rihim- h.ij . : ti ;. .in-, (liiiii l.';th.'.U i " r r. I " In l ' ' i, i iv J. t I J l llie ) h . , ;e. v mi... ; ,s .M'.li .t. n ,s.l'llt.'V u. li'mf.i- II i i . lie 1. 1, A... ii. ill ..'iii'' , U Milt tW'T . I' I' 3 X I. .i' 'i :t "i" :m '.'t'i! s . til M' iv ill t'i :n l.i .ii' . -hi. 1 ... sVrH.. Vn !- .'I IV I vi t I J-' l.hlC ili 1 ul? Mi i''.: in 'i ' am I I "III ' ilPi.l I " 't Hi HiV tS t .h nvl n l . ih i'l ' ,: ! ,p ti' l l I'""-' on iw eit l iv i i . ii. i.ul ji't''i 'i'.ii i' '. I'i. i .'. :i t in i Id. lit d Tl.l'lv itl-t 1 1 H) 'I ''l ! lnji.ii iii,'Hil ivi't;. mol itt iinr .: lutr . Trie Tri'iuve U not tmiililcil, Cho tho A i', Witli ilitluulita dlKmt ihc ll i-D u trr the! war. Wb.l'; o ai'O liy tin im a m ui').ii I to ia 'Aliem' H' drluKr," wowe n i mwjiil'y t'.ir Tt.slnK rr0"l";c""' liHI''iiille'i. Krro rmnji ie i uw atii'ii g in Vury Imko titunliiiri, an. I In i e St iti', at ic ist L'luiii. tlioy .ue ;iorin ti i to lTg.A"lv.,. nnlitiry coinp.t-iin tut I to in ilrilioJ, and hn'e ii'ier t'tven trni!le i'idih tlioir .ic jui aiitnu of n.i:i'.iiry Unowlf il-e. LJAttcr tlio w.r ilio noc ui'ruoawill bv. sovcr.ic J ; iTw prop, r W llieir guvei nmunt and control will lw leqnireil ftrwitiljr, but not inure e tirin for lb white man. As to any ont' iision of prmcnt nxhanlion, we do not s. o that it is implied any moie in the conaviiption of n. groeg than it vv.it In ti t.xienelun ol the Consorn.t la v to I'tn'mi 'U prom of lilty yoirn of ano. o fir from con fcsfltiji; our exhaustion, It h the enniest avo.v.il on iln puf of our ic ie tint to he exliaiiicj, tier to ftivr np the content us lung aa there is a Djiiri, wbi e or hl.u k, to hear arms. InMeaJ of weaUansi, i; ii thj s'.rnngt asi;i lame of nvinn; all our powornnd strength, fn briaginl" ss-rvh o a quarter of a minion or'moii in o c mf osion of e xlianitimi, no sum of we iku n. To proolaim our ptirpoen to uUJ tlia nrliiiiy itrt Djtb oi four millions uf Hlavc to thai, oi e,K it mUlioni uf whites has, wo think, tai.ber the u,i-pvuinnL-e uf power th in of weiikneis. A to tho iIl'eetB of this proportion upon stib t:i'cice, it sir uH be borne in minj tuut ihe pr ) in ,liin of fui pli is not our present Ji:Hc 1 1 ty , iM their tranniortmion n l distribution ; tti.it wo have an uniwle sa.'ply of provisions for the whole ton .try, If ltwug pr.ipi rly dVtrihii'cd. Njroes O'.w donntuid in the tianaporlation of huppli 's, Yvl licn in the army, they tnuy lie urn-d to further thut Rreat mili:ary end n oll as to tiitlit. Xh ohjccii iii that the negroes will give trouble aTd become dangerous Is refuted b their ihuilo ana nubori itiate b .'harior during this war, when no many of the whites are from lioine, and wiiou thn enemy h is been pressing our armies at all point. NuTer hive thi'.iierues hecn more easily Bianaxed.orcxhihiicd more uhnrdiiiau inor less sympathy for the Yaniv.es than Uurmg the yuars bi tui wur. The manv thousand who have sine off and are rrwirith iho Y mkci . went beciuse they were iett oraliie d by the Might of no many whites from the Yankees, aa'l because tliey wcro d -eoived by the pT.imi.-e and di ivun elf by tho military power of the enemy. Ibis war b is n jt I id d to tea 'h the negro the li-sscn that hfs interests and those of bis matter arc idcntii at; that hi) only friend it the rua.-Ur, nnJ that be cm tind no res itift flait with the Yuiikees. Ttio mllerttij of thoso that are with the enemy has heen tol 1 over and talked over bv tho-e who have rein.iinuil, ami fie Ions, tboub heavy upon the master, bus nol b.uu alug.il or thrown away uuuii the negroes. It :e obj.'ctert by ime, tii.it to g've "freedom to fbe rei.ro FOhlier is to aeliiiole ))(C that freedom Is a Iiood, and brtice that slavery is wrunr th.it the s'Miig arxunieht whi.h this war is ua iiin the world, that slavery is the Uod-nppoiatod in stitution for thu lu kTo. will he weakened and rfud, It freedom is given us to j reward and r:ce of military service that ii negroes are e jutrcil for the army they thou d he uraite as ui.Ul.rs. But it should be remembered that whether friedom to the nepro be really a olesaiu or a corn, that uusny negroes desiro it, and .113 Will ing to take it even 11 om the Yaulio.-s. J n;uJ )i:i is (iiv. n to the r.cgro so.dier, not Iwcsne wj fce'lue that slavery is wr nt.', hut b.'cim i we nmn fiff.'r to the negroes induoetijenW fo ti le'itv wbicb be rngards as iirl if not gre.rer thin llii-i men il by the enemy. Th'j Yukee 111 lives Ihe ui'gro free at the Nnr;h. We oiTer I1i.11 freoduni at hot.io. Onr eories pfirdeu;"A. U." helieves the ncjro ivould iltss.v! from us to the Yankees, ai.d calls attenti 111 to the fact that the neio dous not desert from the Yaukt etoBi. Ibe r. a-oiis given tor this hv o.-r tcrripuiiiii at uie cur rr .'land proper. The Yan kee nivr.) at tiresent fmirs us more than be 00 ;i the dnyg' Ts of tbl Yankee seivkc; hut, when once be seen neitroes m oururiny and um er-st-iii'J that tree ooin and a home in the Coni.-il ! I y in thn reward ot service in our army ; that kme tie field of Uh r is ojien to hin, wnile it is elo fd In itr: Ul it. d S ate, sv 'tclieve till', thu tidis of ue.tfrtio'i would set si,ron.:ly li our f iv jr. Hut "A. l(." says tlio m ijioe will not ti-'n', TV rtil.' that at on? time we cntertiiine.1 t Im Iktne o; imoii. A ma inuui-bed awe r d oilice-, wntinn to us privately, ti,i in th.s suni. t ( .ve win we e.mi t give ti e onh'ie th.) weiiit an ! in fnerce of his name), iiuswe ed tins u i0?ii.'i. H.. siyk ; "l'o:t Curacr, tue omer d ly, fmx-.l they would li;lit. The r.dsel each other over the psnpei., to be shot us the" a peare 1 alMwe." but li)hi t; Is not the only dmy eVmiiidi'd of soldiers. In ihe Crir.i'inii over ' oau jnn.lred tboanind ir.cn wcit, cuilojed outride 01 t'.ie The "Work l'arty Cjr,v ," ot iho British amir, enip ij fd nil r j-id:., .aa over ten ihoiiiind. l'h'i 1. rois are n iLtcd, aa: amy us eoldi rs imt la'n iri '11 d woikiaj men. : leil ve th, oiem. iirt'a I'.iin m.o iit.,ie 1, taj:o.t an 1 111 uruc.vo, mi'j win r ue 11 ,ii.i cii. i nt -: tiers. 1 lull uf lae ii--.. f 1a.1t w ll hsii i) tkcm afu r iha war, they will b-: found useful vul oruerljr 1 1 tune ot p.'i.'.. A ho'iic sj;a. 1 t: trie utl'i'rs iti'l'i. i.ier'.s to lidulitv wni ti srre.t'y ai disi'.i(r..i in ivinno s-d eunt linthini. t'h'ir iitn 'innin slnu i ; vt th'- Tre'lent au i 'Kni't.: I pv ;rm' .ijin 1 i; 1 11 : jiu viU d tj 1 't. Pioii.otion liy semnrnv u- l l)ra-iio hi . ::inn 111 tpl.iyd iiiit'i'i the ariuva' iire-i'u'. : 'Vi: to tkey wl 1 never ha i-pp'j.-i vi t1 .riv of b Tbe lnM ari l MJjI s. 1 li .-'y riva',. s e 1 In Itesiot army si,ouu m; scieeti j tor c m, nj xis uieu who will u. 1,1 thi ni ,'mes, u 1! ; 11 y c who win m vote all ttu-i? imiu to im; ing mi d drilling th.-m, nn on!y iu srhOol of the soilur, the S'jn -id, tbe coiniiiiiy, hot who will ev l'aia to BfiiiTS tin- ii-min of tholr duty u w. ll as .-ii"'. th nil tin: lbs jetisru-hiiu inoii. eiii'.'nts ne' i''n nt'iii-.i to (ideuty and eonmgi. 1.7 ui nr in kin io with 4nuiit4, tb i"!i-ers rtn eciie the t. tr tiii'im ot thenci?ro and luu o him 'o ua lerstaa ths'., af or "he war, be wi.l r.niie. ted and nr irete j hjr tbe n:to Kn, hd liio in '"Old Vir 111117 We arc not prepared to say tlmt this nrv.nro is tlenianfed ly our present exhaustion. We do not iwilive it i". Uut the future mast bo pro- viucu lor nno 11 must 00 nftnirent to cvftry in n Bioie man tii.11 tue arum upon the population 1 tlic Confederate Blares wbleb this war bus made niu.-t eventually exhuut-t ihote Stales uulcsj fconu thing is dor.e to hij ply this t'.ii.in froiiioti.cr sources than t!ie while population. The con acriptlon law cannot be extended to any ptenter age, and its xci ntion, however ini.ch improvt (1, cannot find (ho men to supply Uie lo.-sts as fast as the (iimpuigDs cieutc tUeni. 8hall we 1 ertnit the enemy to une the negro; npaimit ue, ni bhall we Lake use of tl.eiu for our dc ferae ? Kvory mui bhould weiih well this o'tocilon, td diheounect it altogether from tlio siin.'ctt of alaveiy, euiaceipution, and MhtT riattet. ihe negroes have their place in this light, tnd whether their y'.ace lie fotml In o'jr ruiiljs or tliose of the enemy will !c fr tho C'onli dcruto Ccnirtss to decide. They aie already in tie "liht, nd apainst us our own resotiree of met are being turned Ufainut us. fc'Lall we sit idly IX'11 "tttr'n8 uout eluvcy ami ca.auiipatiou, iiie name ltUs from mutkcU iu neitro liunus "ostiesroimj UEi oaii ol hJ J::"18' Linl! Mil A now troois." iu.'"., bundlll thousund ceiored "Sl-aat canuot la n.n,..ui i.... .1.. Wtxiy, eonsoliosi Si,. .r...fur- . i'wrgisiiizs ,e alelrotaad-cw1ll.lB.,.T;l,' WKS'iiae tbe mi bhey are.ttiid there wiu L: ' ,w- """ UW uctfnxs, lior CoulwiraAeb"ti.,l,-ltUel' rmy "WVn I first marred my wife . , , Jinsbaiid, -I Joved ber so much that 1 ,fund sten her; and n'," Je addud, witnTs ih .m wub to HWHU I Lad." "'. I TITE otut rvAW. Durnld .VrKnr, i . . b.n written tlic follow ni; litter to tlio l!""l"ti .tu'irrtiwr f.t i:t'''r (! i-Wn.x Ut.t ( h'tiMf : 1. Diiti? in V mijmini in Filmland, lici'ore 'lie eninineiircnirtit ol' thewir, 1 win pemii'tej t'j h-i'l all llie lliijf.il Dock- Yiinls, nrnl nil tlio ).in,.'i ul I'fv ii" khiliuilJiriK i tnili-hiii"titH in the kinvl in, mi'! f niiiiiiitiii utcil. In a i nnili'nsvil lir:n, tin' ii rtu't 01' .. uuii fv it.vMt t.i tin; 'nn tnrtrltif Hut rfiti iinl iifh-T yn-iirii. Till Irllor i n.l i it A i1', ii"- 'r ii'iji fii ..'iisi ei v , mil' r :),. I. 'i .'. :ii .Vc , it "fO r -lri-..J to I', tiv I H-.-i:f: in i' 'in 1 ni nt t'i in. Kri ii. I r- I. m l I in i.-i'vili; I m V t uv; v ttt -y l.i itllji m.s iil 'ji'l.u inn t'l l'. irn.i'i1 l!h! (Ln;li 3 ni .1- oi li t i jiu i c. I . i ln' i,.i ti n ii: rh. i :r i! i"i' ir-i I ..i t in ii:li ll : t .ii i ' w. in I i ,ii' i. i'-. tli i - i I im .lit h'j ri , i 'I ', 1 i, . i, Iv.i r i ' Mr ii".' i N i y I) ,. im i i. ni I i.ii.'iii"l '''Mm mi: ri i' '.i. i .S'Hiiii of i'. i Hi .1-. ,Mv ,i . ;..'. tin' i.. ' .i! i ' r '.iv.' l i'li ii.;ii'i J '" itinii' rail , .m l ; m' t'.,' ii rr. ii Ii i Ii 'I. I i. ll il Ii ! r i i i i'ir li is v ' i- i. ''f B ! llMll III I'.t." I Hi.) ill.it IV I'l nl.il II).' II ,l"i t v. Ill' 'I 'I'll I li.-Jl. I I a o ;i u I 'vi Ii HI i'lV Linn 11 my I. I ir.ioA- tin) Hi in th-1 oe'in, 1 11 c.i 'in I iVoni h . 1 'VO.l ) Hij. iiiii.t'j Kl'"i' tlio I'S'il.o .Mtli n v 'lit! i fir (i w 1 1 n.Tv.ii ri'iii' -.'s. I l'i'i". i ivi n-Pi ''Ii ll IKItlil! A In" f'lr-'f .1 of ,1.1V, !,ii. ,'. ill .1. 'h. in I k '!' V til ll ll we ii.'Mti li 10 lei i-m 1 ir. 1111 Mm rs our i. ) must V I re'er to tin e iYms ti: w hi 'i I i i'i; ol h j 1 , iiiiori, I kii' v , no v hi. h v. o l.iituli U 11 : i 11 . N ii nin; l i'i.i, .1 ol 1 i j 1 st ,te In. in mi : .'I 1:1 is.i I. ) in. I tl ,1.1 I.) -lion th., 1. I writo uf lint hi :h iu I ID t -,t ii 1 it.-, is iii. 1 1I1 01 1 1 li-id lny o 1 .1 1 'f :ii :v ei' yit h oli. 1 vi -.-"ii iii.r, viiui a, 1 my cue, 1 i.eie tl in ' 11, e up to inv own 1 'i-a I -il'V I 1 11 'loll -1. m h ni 1 ni 1 ed to i II it I liinld h uef't. in I' ir'y ii. 1'f w i.'i 11' ,n,'oii,,s I. ad hilll jllilO d li their lil 'lllts'ici ri'iin I 'ill by I'm ir r ciiis. 'I h-' sairu rn-ii I ).r .i-h ' to 1 i;i y to a ri Vie w ol our i.awil aliair-, 1 1 11. ; n i-i: in e rcsieil iiuiv n v. hi', b.11 ! . j.i.' .md is s.ili limn . I.)' tin; Navy ! lllim nt. At tin; imnkiin; out ol the ll lii llion, the nitvv of Hie I nit. il M i!i"i roll' l.'d of the tolio vtuit sie.'itin rs, 11 mu ly : 'I he 1 Tea- Irl'Mtes MeiTi iue :.h.oh, M.n: t.otii. Ito.ti.oko, and Colorado, ot tiliont .!.') 0 tuns e.ieh ; 01 the I irge s 'r. w sloop Maiirn, of l"v tons; of the lirt-class s t nv 'oois Kiihniond. liro iklyn, .San J u-in'o, II irt loiil. IV nsasjla, and Lane is'er, of alunt J )oi) tons oft' h ; ol the second -el. iss sloops ra:i.'e, tro jimis, V j uiiiiiig, Mohieun, and Daeotnh, ol' ab in' 1 170 toim each ; of the Ihird class sloops N.vraausett and Seminole, ot a'. out H it) tons each ; ol 'lie first flats 1 adilie-vvbrcl sloops Su-iiiiielmnna and I'ot haian, of ai out W tons, the Missismppl, of 10'ii tot.s, and tLe Saratiae, ol 1 ll'i tons; nnj of small I'liiliile-wbeel Mennn rs XI lnan, Sn;!inaw, and P'ttt illne, ol about 171 tons e.i' hi luakiinj u total of i.o meiiiiicrs ami r.'.ioo ions. Tl.cm.. v'liiiini im da ot thoso vcsopls in smooth wain, end lor a short time, were us i illo vs, in kLots jii i hour, nmiiily : Niagara, 10 Uj Mt i-ri-niack, AV'ahush, Minnesota, Jloanoko, and Colo rado, (l; llrooklyn, 2; Kan Jacinto, 88; I (arc lord and Li neaster, Do; Riehmond, 7'."i; Taw nee, H; Irmjiiois, Wyoming, Mohican, and -o-lah, 11-7 ; Narriifransett and Seiiiluole, H; Sus quehanna and l'owha'an, 11 ; Mistdssippi, b'7; Sarannc, 9-2; Ssgiuaw, !i; Water Witjh, 11; Michigan, HI-.'). Ihe I'ensacola proved 11 total failure, anu the machinery had to be rcmoveil. Isticli wns the slcam navy with wbi ih the Ad-mini-ir.itinn bi gun the task of rigorously block ading oOtU miles 1 1 tl c most ditlienlt eon-t in Ilio woild, ugaiiist the fasten mid best .stdaiuors that the isliops cf Kngland could produce, built exclu sively lor speed mid blockade-running nt tlio par tii ular localiiies; 111 addition to whieu tbe O'.-.'uns ol the world wire to he kept fiee of tho steamers callnt 1 oultuerute cruisers, hul wlneli wi re in real ty J.nglinh pir.uus, being built in J'.nglanl, niuippcd with Hi glish gnus, nnd manned by ia plitli crews, whose pnrpos.1 was not to light eiii eiin-ci's as war vessels, but to plunder our tiiilin-4 inerchnnt shipe, and to keep out 01' the paths ol our wur steamers. Willi the enormous advantage of having all the ports of the world, except those oi the country tin y protended to belong to.opcnto them for coaling, repair, rutuije, when closely pursued, and sale ol tee most valu able and lesu bulky portion of their plunder; and wilh the sympathy and active co-operation of tho olliciiils ol iho-c ports ; and with the strong Incen tive of Ihe free piuuder of a large, rich, and di icnseless commerce, without 'ho slightest per ianal din ger, even if captured, it is indeed mira culous tl cy should have been u'.lo to do ns the little ii.juiy I: cy Lave. The 11. tans 111 the comnftnd of the Administra tion lor building sic im navy to achieve tue liercttliun tu.-U just indie ited were about two dozm machine shops, great anil small, distributed frtm Slalnc to Maryland, many of thein very small and without tho tools, workmen, or skill n iniite for the produedonol marine machinery. Tho lirst-class shops did not exceed cli?ln in I. umber, but the entire force of those sliopi could not be commanded by the Navy JJop.nt nietit for the coastiuedon of new ma:hineiy. II, ..-. ii,n pTiormnns nuantitv o' vr i'AFi' and lie iv 1 opstiiu iion to be made lor that service. The War Department nlso drew iu-gely ou their rr soul ccs for tiau-poit tua nets, while the loco motive and tool maiiiuri ehops fonud it utterly iiii .'Ss hie to ne t the d-niand npon them. Ntitliir w:is 'here sullleient raw ra iterial in the coLu'r.v icr the lariie aud sudocu deiu ind ; the ccpoir, tin, and co il had to be mined aud u.ai.uiacibicd. llumlre a of steam ts, hundreds nccii.olivi ,s, thoiis fail ol tools, tOUa of tdou- nan Is ui tons ji met d, wire ciPud tit imtaa'lv, ami tlii 'e was iioiiuuL' 111 haml to answer tac all. War yeunn'is cann it he ': '.tilt ill a day. J la x in in neid U'ixir c.iniiot be eomertc i into killi d mechnuics in a dav ; the prices 01' ma chine y ro'B in nieiisvly, the p iy oi the iiieehit lies utiJ tie cost tt material re 1. bed a point fir a.sjve what ihiy were woi ;h cueeot Iroin the i.iitii.ous hum' ol the sinlcleiiiie't of the demand. I he 1 Jesuit was 1111 ni me poor mm rein ini'i purer woifem.nshij with hich tne mich.aery wis ni n e. Aiiykuiilol inaten il and the most un skilled lah..r had to he tin u ht tuto use. an i all lb s tone the I'liii.u lit of even that 1 lb ir w is eon- 1 ulu Ij d nornsbig by the a')..orp:ioii of ,nen ii 10 ihc ur.lii. rv s rviee. la this 1'i. iMio; en.erRi Iicv the llep irtment di 1 all tlmt c .aid poiHVy be "done, it pur ;h ised cveiy li i'teh; n.. ute inter ihat c eld be lonvm -ted into 11 lid knot 11 :r ves el o' a 'var cruiser, and the 111 vy ht tins ino'r.ent c iiitamscv ry merehnt stci-ir.e. ol ain fU.s or txcelUn-'e thu bits htt.x built iu ibe e.ain.ry. U lcl at work every st"i n engiiii! t'l- ii.rv if. the l.m I that eo lid prd ice ni.'iin" iiiai t.hiery. It. cma'dereJ a I pi in.-, of fi rial fur iirn oiin;; vei-vls, and iri-d innny. It iii-tiibti d . u, rimeii's iii ni 1 Miiii-rv, in or 1,1 1';.;,'. ui d 111 iitinor-pliitn ir. 1c rapidly covired "ie i Midsi p. ami i H in Hilary water- witii an 1 11- j leeii-'c itiiat d il'jei, in. my nii, lu.-ii n-i'r.j arm n i.l, .11, J 'eh, 1 vi 'j'.i.!'.' vac i;.:l iil'mui tli-a w it rs. hiire I 1 un ii.il sii.-n- i ii-; "Iciem to iur hid liei; ; it :;iYi s ll. hielivi ,ijs. !.c whole ij'eiioi- of ihe nintry 11. c ex'.lt.'Mve cviii'iiaud of i s ,. 11 . i e.1 'he .V.IiiUir cot with s-j.'ii a bio lt si'ii.i: il.-i" ti-tiie world run r " itness- d hef.-r", n 1 has pi.n .ic diy cii.se.i tho r.elii'ius d:"-i n to Hit m.i hi ihe Ie vviwhis :,ich sneeeed l i r ;n 1.I1 K the, I lo"k4de Ie an.; too so) ill to ; irry ea.' , .'S 'till' jiint to give aid ot anv couseiiicii''". I'he Ite l'cis Lave not oeen 11 du t import van Or 1 ;s lioiigh to un;ily th" 111 -.1 1 ! p n-i ).-- ' of t l 'T iiilay. 'llieciaii mound ijje parrot' Wilmi ig I'.p, wLii 1 i-. Hi. otii; ns at A'bi-ii block "Ie 1 111. nil c i- piaetieaMe, is peeiiliirly fivor ibn- tr th: t .iii iin:, inn! is JineO iur mile, on ci' li -i le lib I uttcries whn 11 proloet Ihe bloekudn-i 'minors, iiiiUl.itii 0'ir criuseis .it a ui-iiinee. 1, ese riia mr ate uoill vessels of light dntijlr, and cry low ilea k s. 'ii 1 v an: painted ie id r lior, aid uppr oieh th-roa-t iu tic Lichl. l-rjm the m 0111 iut it is y is vo Ic te 1 iei,'.. rtl). in until Hey nai' h tne pr iter tiou m the b itti ries is a liiee 01' m nu'es, not of Lours, 1:1 ! thev uvetothn their oc : "final sn--i i-s. Weae tlio f ireiinisln'i i s u;li that thev 1 1 m l nut rea- h tho port until niter a cliase of "u l'-w hi ms, their ise.ij.ei would bo erv rsre. Nearly ul! that have heen fluked in this inami .'r at sea Litvc t.ien Caught j it is not the speed ot the biia kiine-ruimerH, bin Ihe conditions of the block aoin0' service, that gives them an occasional suc cess. Their fittest and newest steamers, built Tiiucipsl.'y for speed, have been captured by our s!oi j..s in fair chuc, nnd the (.peed ot the vrmntid rv'uuiuuii now Ki.oivn to Lao been grout'y ex cco t!( d l y tl.at of the Krarsurpe. Ti e liitvt'ssils tonktriieteil l.v the Detmrtnicnt were 2'i srre w pniihoats of f.'H iocs each, with Sf.tid of ten KloIh and a driii '.-ht ol nine feet, 'iiiey were intended especial !r ior bloeiuuing the liioi.ihi- of 1!'C uniuler livers! The ItOjUois, Wyoiaing, and Mohican were Text dnpiuated, the former twice, in the (ineia.i, hitirmige, ivkcum-eit, and Tuscarora. The rea son lor e.ac:ly diipliiiitiiig them was the fact thut 1.6 the drhuirii-bi.cd p. lleriji. were still ii the lias.Cs ol their original builders, the uiuchiuuy could I c obtained much iiuii-Ker, uud l. me was tlic ileiiict.t t f most imioriance. TLote vessels vcre lo.lowed by the paddle whcei giiiiboatJi Hnraiatia, Mahi. ka, f-ul ago, Or.uioru. bonotnft, Concmnigh. Tioga. Gcuc te, Miami, 1'aui Jones, 1'ort Loya, arid Cimarron, twilvc in uumbtr, of ubout JsiO tons each, and iiavii'g a uaxiiiiuin tjieed id eleven (ll) know js-r botr. To these succeeded Iwcuty-soven others 01 tbo caiuo tpe, but luiger and fastor, bjing ol 971 tons burden, and Laving a iiikkI nmai i-petd of 1 14 knots yei- hour. Their names are the J mow, Ksfsacus, AVate.ri.-o, ratuKet, lallupoosu, VSinooska, Muckiuaw, Khuturock, lulhiLcsma, Tacony, loseo, Aeuwuni, 1'ontooi.uc, Manasoit, Otceohi, Multabeaett, Chlekopee, Awutney, Otwgo, Mi-tiieomet, Chenango, Lcua 1 ea, MeuUoia, Miugoc, Wyuluting, l'oatiac, and revria. Auolher seven of this class, but (till lurgt-r, faster, and of iron, lime been lately added, Baint'y, (he M'jiiU'pec, Ashuelot, Mustoou, bu DAILY EVENING TELEGI.AHT. pniLADELFIIIA, SATURDAY, XOVKMBKIt wannrn, Mianiokln, Mohon;'o, and ffonjeii-y, nit of IO.1O tons eneh. Tlie i nndillu wheel rnnhi)-i'j" b.ive the linht ilraugli' ol cl,:ht f ', and curry inniiiiniis Im tcrlfs. Ihey wro built for Si' il servi.e in tho narrow and tortuous channels of the nhalhm sounds unit river emb m' li ires of the Ni'tithe'n finds, l'or t'csi" lo.-alities, -vh.'i'o tiitiiitg was iiiipoisiliie, It was m-eessi y they should Ii ' dou'iie-li i.mi'I, or com' ti ''..' J wn'i 1'oLti 1 11. Is ahke, and Ilia' their 111 e looei y slio 1 d be npially i II ad ipn d or , " ling 'or.vurd .r b:tck. In the iiiitiiuiu 01 IS . I tnc lie i.irliu -nt c J n 11 1 11 id iln i 1; sii ;i' iou ni :en i.:.' 1 1 1 i- .s Moi ji .iii.-a ir, in a',11'. Ill' ;om. 1 Ii lire ill 1 1' mili'loca, ,ii I, ,u iii'ia, '1 In 1 111 lui-i, u r 1 11 1 " 1 1 . 1 , .M' 111011, Am. 01,1 I I v i. II l:-t 1 I la ie ( li.iiinn 1 .11 111 1 sill, II. .1 a ioie f'. M 11.na ,1 I'lul', (l'-.ii a li, I !n 1 .1 Vi' 'I l.l i Minlt' I ti an I III, :i,il Jam 1 1. 1 ef -I' ' ..1 .1 I ' n no", m 1 10 ;i 'o '.i, i f ;iooii 0,1, t hv o i'i.. e ! irli ton. i e, ..11 I ..y 1 1 1 i n'l.ll ui I . 1 Ii ' v -inio i 10 : ol i ti in t I'! r ho M - I'l lil.J, of !: ll ; a I 01. 1 r 1 I .!' o I mi 1 I ' inrl 1, ; "r 1 In Hi.; :ni . ', ' A n- oii'llc, hi ll I iiiuii oi. o-.M,'. h mi ve.si'ls iiro ml, ti. out a' '.:) -.on. , au l oili' ioci to have a (1 ol Id M'.iN js r h oil". I'l.'V'V.II "r,' i 11. ''.f' 1 ( , he lull 11,; .1, a 1 1 ,'.,!i , , ,1 0 i e ih" I i.-li M an I ! o t I'.ran.l .ale 01 -i HI e I. li 11 I- '. MM: r l.iiiii ti v a; v I'o vcr. 1 la t- an- aio iti .i ,'r. 11 ln.i .I ii ; t,y ih. I I 'll K'.l I j 1 1'-mi "ni. 1'M'i ly : r: "la s wi s; 11 i-ii .'.'"0 t lis ia.'i id hi,, : Of 1 1 III"' 11 I 11' I I'll' r i'.h.i; H li,.'.t' .1 a 1 ti) I rl." . 1 1 lor 1 1 c in ci uioTS. 'I'll- y i i I oiiii h ) nnpit'd They -ire 11 mud th A i;i" on, A 1 i; '1. ', ' Ol- ri i-ii', II iss ilo, J 1 1 -1 1 11 1, .1 v i, K in. Hit ), hi u ylia, M orioi., M ono'io il, 1. M ,. hli'ilu, i iiiirtt io, I'im-h' i'ia, l'".!o,. a ma, I'.,). .i) ill :, Will n'o-i t, Ws' no ;:l, Villi 1111 ' , Cj,i. too co1', itnl yieliiluin 11. I111 llie-e ) i s-i Is a' e Imil liio; 'h'-re b r"e b"ivi fi n ',i ni tne N;ps e. .sh '.Aiant, Nyae't, !'e pior, M inline, Jiai.kii.-, Ya.iti', in 1 Sao, nil nri w vi -cls ol -il'. I tons each. The tu idon ory i. iroia tl.-c ill -.ii'i s 01 Vnr on - p.ii' ies !ui liliit ,' to 1; -on ;to 1 tl.e li iartiin ut. I lie llr .t Hire.;, h.iit,g the ir 11 entV iiiiieliiiv rv, haw be n 1 lior nt r'aiv I). tr a il, and cm maintain .1 cped 01' I k'lots. 'i I ere urc now nearly completed the wooden lo 11 e'ad co.'-t sic:. mors Ton innnilii, Miaru mo il oh, AgauiiTitii-iis, nn.l Mnia.liioek, ot Irli tons, ilinwii g 12 fee' of wn'i r, and havia,: 1 vo tuncis ca b, cnirviiig two lo-auh (.tins. The Moiindnoek has been tried, nnd is foiin I capable ul ncl.ii ving n ninxiiiium speed 01 11 knots. Theie arc also in process of construction four other iron cluds of ihe same type, but larger and to be faster. 1 hey uie Kal.nuii,00, l'lissacomi wt'v, Uuin-igatnond, aad isiiackumaxon, caeli of .'i.'ISl tons. 'J he 1i partmcnt has alsoc n-triiete l 71 wooden and iron-clad vcfels of tbe Moni.or lype, with 1111 avprcpntc tonmipn of 7N.1TO tons. Tin re aie nmy iu tlio naiy iu activo service .Vi.S stcumerH, with nnuggrcgiietoninigoof 408,ix)'J tons, iij:nii,i.t ibe on.niu.d 2U sie iuiers and l i,U0 tons with wh.ch the war commenced. Of this nnmbir 20(1 steamers with an jgrcgate 01' 2 11,001) tons have been buiit by the ilcpiirtment. Ill I o couniry, nnu with such limited menus. nnd under such dillienlt cir.umstancea, h.ia tlicro ever keen put allont, in the same time, such im mense naval urinaria nts. In 110 nla;;o has there been any Iniluro, but whenever the n ival forces moved victory followed. The Kebcl co 1st has been held with a grnsp of iron und nc irly hermetically M'.ikd. The pirates ol the 1 ncmy have been fol lowed iironnil the world, nnd captured whenever they cotiid bo found, nnd the intcriml navigation rnii ct uiiuand ol this n-t eoiin ry has been kept njieii mid in ihe hands of the (Government. 11)0 navul iKil'.iliii i illi.n bus done nil wiiieh any navm udtririi.-tiation could do in tsin li awar, nnd it will sti I bine to I e relied 0:1 for 111 lin am iii).' a large pott ion ol v. hat has I ecu conquered. Lit anv one nsk hltr.si ll the 1111 stion how the routest would Bland with the navy withdrawn, if he would understand im tifi ecsity uiid the valuo oitlie 'irviiii It lms rer.de ri d. In the lori'foiiig coininunic.'Uion I h ive slated nothing hut tacts, fara vvhah cim easily be vcri. tied by lcleienee 10 olliciul iti cum':iitJ, and which 1 deem justly due to our pre cnt Navy Jiepurt-mii-t, in v. wot tho erroneous Ktuieinents put forth by some writers who cvideutly know but huh-when 01 ihey idlirm, or imeud to mislead public opinion, i bold Hut in a timo like the pu . ei t, we sin uld all unite to s'reiigihea rather than to weaken the urnis ol 'Government. Cer tain ly it c.nnot be said, with the aljove I'.ieN lie l e us, that in the time of trial the N ivy Depart ment hub been found wanting. Very respo tl'ully yours, Donald M-Kav. K .-t 11'fton, October ?8, 1SC1. THE JEWISH SEW YE lit. The Vnris correspondent of t'ae London .s'.'ro, under date of October 2, says : This being the Jews' New Year's D.-.y of their year .'.020, the usual distribution has taken pla :e, atnrrg the higher classes, oi t.ckcts in colored g. latn e, i n which good vvi-hes fur the comiu v ar are inscribed in gold, i hes i mo lorwar led b.v post, as curds are iu I'-iid"1..0.0 TuVuii 't he gniiiesl coi ltisioii ensues ot tho p ut ofli c.asauy lesident iu i'aris will ti ll you; one is lucky if one's letters reach him two days bchindtimc dar ing that wick ol excitement, Hnd woo torhe lu - )isswiht whoon.itsro tend his card 10 every individual of his a ;tiain auce, I10111 ilio i.iie ri: i-s ;;n."ic to ilie man -utii i. un he niiyhive e.M h.iiii e l a single bow din ing the pis' year. The e. ho rat.on ot the Jc v.jsi Nj'v Year oiit pies loity i i-ht hour-, but is 1 ot fatal to the purse, us in the I n n. h J0U1 ile I'An. I he Uy for ev. cLiiiigiiig pieferita among the I-uaehtci Is the ainiieismy 01 tlio tiiuiii)!!! of Ms'iier and tite tall of Moidecui. There are ho.iki.) Jewi in yn-nce ; iiciniiiiug the iwipul.it'o.i ot the country toll- fin ty millions, tJcru is one Jaw fir every fi ur bundled I'rcnchnien. It U e irionuoie.ii.irK lie Mm, Iu r ol thai piculiar raie w o liiv: of h Iter y t ars tasi inaV l the vurl 1 ny th dr musical gtuitis. hti.in-s. Meverb ci, il niri, tl.11 i, M :n ili Of )Ln, eieiiuioll, li iicv y, were all J ;s. as ii I 0 lel.iiu' h, who-o p.o kliiig uud popuisr opera, 1 (ji;7.c tn.x .ifcis, iiuli.'av. s so iiuuh miist.ial I (.cuius. We must uot ferret that lUjhui wm J-.wi i.V yvt'i- inn,. Vim'l I. ilVK hih Monky r Tn follow'ng 1 remm is me ot a settle I oi wl.ncssed i a Mi-n- i(i.i liver ste ..mcr : I' here wn, as is , in ua', s h.rr'e p..rty en raji d ut pi iv in the en iin j viij In h 1 lay slnuu! oe i by simii,; pissioa ! 1"1 stionn i.rii k ; and a lb- pi; ,e up- a to the 1 gin. ul w.i.uer ol ihe po'it. The d sensMo.i v.-is 1 my Moleiit, ui.ii the iai.f;ua re u-ed ol tne strong- e-t, ami 111 1:11 tiou.s ue, .; e.tcha'ig' d tnutivhe'i I oi..-e on shore the iiiaiier Mutual im determi'ied I by an appeal to roinetli n- h sid s wo als h.n ; si.u.li 11 y an ninnc'ii-.' Iv lurir i 11, an, so ta'l tn it I h. Inn c id Ly a had above his teiioo'-, aros , a 1 1 d:a 11 ,; Iiiiiiii I up to hs lull m lg.i c i.. ! nu'.i "1'il l.aie I il'irij' this : ! ;ie' I o v it's ' ) ') " :" I ai.d 1. Cii la- t:.b e -VI'. It !l s list .a hi 1 v th v rial e i: r. u i ; 1 . 1 . "rwirv e, f laa !ni- h.s 11 volier ami Lis ellensil in lms 1 nlie-HOll'.. ; let 'iS who'll h'ivj ' ie I pus O 11 111.' 1 11 1. Is H al n'e' 1 li ne. y. Jl. id lo edli s- to S '.y ha-V 'pUCS I'lC : propii al sent, rid llie company. l'. tnioiiiiiN ihv Sr. v. I he folloi.-i;;.; ,i i- r'H'-r sli-iy Iin- heeii told tousii-.m in., m .st ' r'-li iiile no horitv. s . .-' ye '.'s r. in, a lli'is o1 1 ele'-.'y ii'-iu, oi "Old Pi.-s'is, M'.-'d, i"a i'i 1 yoi lll.il 1 1. tor l-.Urest.lig WIlliLV, v nil ni'.e .ii c i; dreii, 111 v, ry f.ool en eiiiu-laiices. 'I lie n, I wl'-' wni- ol 1. m,i. 11. turii.te ' I nn s'l'i th '".U d up. n lo 110 wl.ir .-lie eoiilO fir Im m,; ru- tiou ol' 1 th-.. hoi 1. 111 : c'ii-h's, lied ch ) e for ..e sole ru ol' ; exeriion a railf ad in coin eeti .11 wi h the cii i', I and thru in e 'ii.se ol constru ;iou. 'Hi'.: r";i 1 an I I (.pi'ke tn the i.avvie") 1 iii.jI yed up ,11 it at n.l c ei- o-i'" . 1 1 1 ua". w lien nicy ' etc 11 .ti.-.i' ih-ar ne i s & Ml aii-i iluv retued ir .111 their l.ihor, ami w m aiway s ir-.ncd with gn.nr t t imd regi'd It Hie 11 M-li i o.d ivod-iiatt vol f -I! in s. (in; v.aiu man 1.1 the .: 11, ", h e" ; v r. ti l iviii f.;n''J in mi- ii s il.e mo-' leu. h'lb!'! of l.cr he I'l.rs.sli" o ir- li' nlailv iii ii av'.ri I 10 iino'ne and, v. c.h th 1 vitw, she sent liitn to ache d in tho iiek'hb r . bono, i li'ir.'in:; her-elf n nil Lis board .'trij in on ti ntij ; iut, uliir he had bun thfo sr-n.". ti'nc, the uia.-ter hnne-tly ininrmcd let that, po eibly owing to Lis ago. "and want of ijttiekucs, tl ere was Utile Chance f Lis ever leaiinr.g much . V pon this, the ludy drclmi-d that she tn rs"!f would iitidertakc his itii-triielloii, and to this end Mie had tin tr.nn every evening ut l.ir house to tench him simple bianchcs of ctlucaiion. As the lii'cs iu a good part of our suburbs, ucd is well hnown liy her nsprcti bio m ij hbors, the cm uniMMica of c'je man's rip'iliir' at.erdnni e at the .hit:i; was toon noliccd, end lumovs got ubrr.ad ti, :t Mrs. wus c.-iiicuiliig a uiivv", with tl.e view of tiltimn.ni.y iiiiin y ing him. A luiiy wilh whom sic wt.s noiUhiuleU lieuriug these iini.leasi.nt reports, wr.i to her, iKpno.. ing he r Lii.ei thut it was rot true: but suppo-i-ipp some reore priuie it ai d snitublo arran;;, went than ibis for the improviment of Lrr ;,; Uvt. tf on which Ihe c'i layman's widow w.n'e 1 ail: tl.ui it vaseline true Hie was doing her ntmo-t to ednciiU: and ii.Hruct .So-in.d-to (ot.nucg the I avvy I, with what ultimate purpose li t should not hfoop t: state, heeiny Hint that con cemtd hcrfeif alone, Imt trusted that bis (lemul will-being would be tl.rly iernrei?, acd (Ihe lair waiter cititiuned) "the bad had bo manv ni te.i os' iuiiiny orremoiuiiruiice fiom boi fiicnos on Il.e subject thut she bad a circular reply piiuted, o&e of which sLo bepged to crclosc." And eneliK Cd, sure ciiuugh, was a printed paper com bed in very tr.ucb the ssmo tangnagt as l lie acoosiirmiiyiiig note, and it verul copies of which have, il tis nud, got Into circulutloa amongst her frleni a. Ve further hear that the other uavvles, tLe li'llow-workmen ot the fortunule man, re cenily waited upon theit preciptrtse, and whether really dlsapprovieg of Iho course Uke-n by Ler, or envious of their co-laborer, intlmuUdthut tin y Lad no desire to receive any more of ber In structions, ho tbe mailer stands, a cording to our Informant, who Las Sen one of the printed C'fculan aUYD sjiudtd U,ifftM Tiiim. HtHvr.i or ns. Whi'e the gastric juice has ft mild, bhind, sweetish taste, It possesses thn power if digest ing tho linrde.t f od thut ran be swallowed. It bus no IrifliH'ni'c whuti vnr on the f.hr" rt the living animal; but at tho moment of death, it Is p. us liM .it tin 111 inay with Ihe power of tho Mrcngi'd! n.'i.l. Tin f" Is dnst on ti.e sea md iauil in the valley nn.l '1. t'i ino'i'i'.' til t 'Ui'i U 1 1 as', a: 'a ays and iviyvl. ic. Tl: ; a:iiios).'i ri is lull 01 i' It I'liicnai'i toe uoi-ooie. iitnw-'un, an 1 v.sits '.he i!i.i'it t :.l .l.ii'ii-t iv vci fd i'ic e a-'o. No 1 ,!ovr ' .ni dial it e it ; no dr i ver .a so eCM I as to 1 1-.' ;i.l i.s 'iieiie '. l.vciy lo. alo of ."iiol -Is.hf r e ; e hi. Ii 1 i-i not iiluule , I tin 10 t'i" t'p'ln aii-e ih ro is a ii.-iure i.ieis '1 mil c. ol tho iii -miles . mini mm I vi n.ptv no; It- ' ..ie .' Is r ' il i.v. r Ih iitiiler tho cy' lid, waie'i sui-t lei 01' the c . eh 1 at Mil'.' 1 II ko.g, : lid : 'slltl'l 1 vi'ivnti.n 01 nils' ni.n. 'Ills ii'pi d, si well alaaleil to I'lifve l'-eli, la" mine ..c-.idiiy, whi m, under co'ial.t el'l liiii' l II l , !) 1 "l:e s SO'le. hie, I ,1.1, to he . ".lil- ii Iii tin -ki :, 11ml 'V"iil.- ro; a"-v rh" I'Vlid-i. mi ie il inil I'm alo:"' 'Ic i d e -I oi th 'in '.heio ero litt c oil I- 11 1. 11 hn t' 111 , nli t.i nia.nl oiertoeir in.i.i'e iiioitnp A- a- ji' wio'is 10 the li pi'i is t 1 ! -s.t; Ii r ! ' 'in ' Hie eyc'ril's vashed ci 111, a I1': ! ''' v..rM-!i is I'l'iMrMoiis lo e.-ater. '1 1.1 hie oh hi li h aves the lunrfs h is OC 't) so p. t c 1 1 ilncO. d o. iis Iil'eo'n ni'.' iir.i.s i-ti. s, 11 a; lo 11 '.ir -ail.': il 111 iiii-..'d w.iii ot'ie.r nir, the II on irii it 1 e. . t cs I '-inn the ni'i'i'.h, would e vi ;o imil.. Oi .t" ile iih l y Milloe it 011 ; while, ii it leoc'-i 0 ale ut 11-, .1 more or less liestru 'live m liiii nee o. r heal:'i v.ijul J In: oc aisi ined. llul 11 is u.n.lc ol a nature 1.1 111 u -h lighier lino tiie con 11,011 air, that il:u luomeii', it esi:ai's the lips I, nil in h, ri 1: it ase nds to higher icg ous, lib ove the Imii'hn.p poln:, there to be ree: lied, ri-.io-vuied. find -ciit hm k ,'igniii, ri ile:u wuh purity lit d life. How rapidly It ns'-i-ii'ls is beaiiultilly t il it ed 10, y finiiiy liiutni'ig. lint frill ard de.ully 11- Die expired nil' Is, I mine w i- ly 1cn1.01nle.il iu all 'u r works nnd v i.y s In. us ii to pood a 'count in the passu.'! thioiiph the organs oi voice, and makes it tho whstarrt love, the soft wnrus of Hlteciiou, the tender tones of nun. ,111 sympathy, tlio sweit sti.alns of ravishing music, and the persiius.vo ehi'uen e of the tinidicd or itor. It n well-iiuidc iniir be extended on the ground, bis niHis at light angles with his lioily, a circle, making the navel thu m nirc, w ill ju-t take in the Lead, the linger coVs and the. feet. Tho uistunze (roiu "ti c to toe" is precisely the same as that be lli ie n the lips of thu tin; ers wheu the arms are ixtrude.l. The hnu'tli of the nody is j nt six times that of the loot; while tho dist-.nee from the edge oi tho hair on the fori he.nd to the end of the rl'iii is one-tenth of llie whole st itui'O. Of tho sixty-two primary ilemenla knovn in nature, oi ly eighteen uru loiind in the human body, nnd of these meen urc metillle. Iron is found hi the blood, phosphorus In the bruin; limestone in the bile; lime in tbe bones ; dust and tishCB in nil. Not only these eigiiteeu ll 11 111 an eh u ciiW, but the whole sinly-two, of which the ni.iurto is uiiide, have their csseuti il basil in thu four s ihhta'.iceh oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, III d c.n bon reprerei'li.g Hi 1: more tatuidar names ol lire, water, saltpetre and eh.ueoil. And such is man, ti c lonl ol Hie each u sparli of lire a drop ol water a grain of gunpowder un atom of char, cnl ! Hut looking nt Mm in cuotbrr direction, thoso clcrneuls shadow forth llie higher qualiias of a liiviticr nature, or ol nn immortal existence. In that spark Is the c ilor.e which "peaks of irrepres sible activity ; in that drop is the water whl.ili rpcal.B ol purity ; In ll.u grain is the force by Ml. ich lie subdues nil thinns to himself makes the w ice ereutioii the supplier of his wants, and the icrvitor of his plensuii.s ; while in that at un ol chart!' -ul theie is a diamond, which speaks at ore-' of light aud purity of indestrueiii'lo nnd l fsictU ?h proie: s. 'I hill 0 is nothing which out shim s it; it is purer than the de.v-drop. "Moih aid rust" corrtut it not; nor do ordinary lircs destiny it; while it cnts its way alike through b afs and adamant, und liar lest steel. In that light wo see an eternal progre.sni.n towards rooiii-cience ; in that purity, the good of divine I atmc ; in that i-.elcstiueiloiilty, an immortal ex-ii-t nee ; in that progr-Si, steady nseen'-'ion towuros the homo and bosom of God. S. ieitti? .lini'Weiit. 'Ilio l.anyer nml IH" llnetur. ()ccr.sion.illy, very rnreiy, it umst bo owned the witness is, besides being a nittu of soieuso, a man of the wor. d one who joins to the reii'iue ments of the want ull the quick and re ady w lt cd Lict ot society. I remeiulicr Such a case. TLe l uiii tcrwas i n cuniiuuii man ; ho washighly and variously pil ed; bad a keen wit and com iniiTidinp clc'iueiiie. It w.is his task, on the ocras.oii I tc cr to, to obtain from tbe uiedica! w iilcsS the ao mission I Imt the uihstaniv: to which the j.oisoiiing was aiirihu ed was one freely iiae j , ... tie". ........ .... ., I tsvthtltf'kF ohi.at. ciai s, anel oeeasi, nally iu uoses Hint verge on being excessive. ' Now, 1) ic'or A., you l.iivi; tod us Hint 'tijchiiiiie is to be found in tho phariiiiieopiinu, an .elinissiou that goes to (how that the f.ieuliy are not at'iuil, to use ihe vulpnr i liistiatiou, to play with ei'gc tools, 'ion hive nlsu said that you have inlii'lneii red ii in your ounpra;' kv. Will yon be kind enough lo i'llorin us in wli.it dose's?" "I lie doie wniml be ile eriini'.eil by the nvtire of the ilhie , iho objeet soiigli' to be o it.iined, mid the 1 is uhur oil' must. ,nc, s of Ihe I'ldivi lual pa. tiei.t." "oini , conic, doctor, I am not trying to J oiielioil you for 101 iniiee I opinion. I want gn einb'iea. AVonld y oi give a gr.on of this liii iiicii e 1" "I ini?'hr, I would r itner give an rv lith, or a eixtb, or a lotiitti of a grain." "Hut 11 l ave actually given as much as a grain ?" "I lielirviI have." "Now, woiil.1 you give two, or are tin re cares iu which you would pivo tl.rie gra ns ? For instance, would you vcii'ara 10 ailu iid-tcr llitce giuius to one of tun gontle liiLii '1 the jury " "1 opine 110'.." "M'gbt there lot be a i"i; in wliicb you won 1 1 give nis l.onl-1 Ip j'Oud. r us many lis three grains ?" "1 thoiiiusiy no'; ceilanly not." "W'ou'd you give n ethiee 1 rains ." Al this tins d ictor sierued h ightly C' nlnsc i.t n 1 unwilling to rejily ;aud ihe lawyer, ae iptmp ihe hesitation us eon fusion from 1 en g pi-.i cd, fo lo.ied np bis suppo c I a lvan t.ie.1 by reieatin.( the oiie tion. "I 11111 ilo'ibt.t'ul rn the point. It is p.slblj that I might," was thori'ily, after a long pan 0. "Goo 1 heavens, sir! v b it do you mean i Yon b.ve tol I us Hi it under 110 eircortst oics would you a lmiuister us much us three gr.iii.s to ou" of the gtiu'lenioa of tlii: jhiy, nor to Ids I.oiilsuip on the b-ineh, and jet you i.ow av j'v that ivi nre ae'.uiilly ujecr taiu win her y ou would uot clvetbis tlose to wn iixpluin this, sir, if yon cm." "The netijiiof stiycl.!iii.e i'i but Imjicr.ertly known," said thn On "or, v 11I1 pr. at eoniposuio. "It would he 1 valuable cm ,-ib I'.i.m t me .ie d s -ionee 10 de.i r D.iin: ii ; and we h.tc a 111 imiii iu chemistry thai a s, ui! 1 .ri 1 tn" ehM ti t'..'7o'; 1. Til It's 11 y 11 1 m.i. g. ' In ibis case U 11 as not the .aivyer v.iiotiiumpi cd. Tilt 1 it KIT TO lie Sroh'PN ,t 111. TiMRS. Oarii.'r was on a visit to il'iiriey, when movs cine that ;: .o.iii iiiy of j.l'iyrs nere goio to p norm a- ii rniiu: h un. l.'.rd I.v t' ienn said to 1 in Is, "I1, iv v.id near you'-re in the lie'gh I11 1 1.0 il, and . ll 1 i; you in vi ire an a Idrt Ss to I'o I I in he'.!. im audi nee. "siuiitiose, then, liio 1 1 il l cl,. v.i'.iioui tno Ionst hositut'ou, "I I. gill til'! 1 . .-ri . ul ' a, e r. 'ir ' ' fl'.'O'. . h.o . I.-.' I :i i- I.. InUK a..) iris to reel--' "( I ' e. j.. t hi I ", li p, "i von be ber'nthiH, llu nil. I Hie hl'll-C i-.s ile j 1. 1 ei s oil' ihe sl ip- iiivl pu l doe. n " '".My lord," saJ Onrlck, " vL. i- the In !! .' to 'll-; lle'i :'' ii i; o1' a -s nldn -s if it. lines not coine i''.'i:l'.". and b'jsoms of the nudi- ! i'i .a ii-. v- t. Mi Ci'.inoi.i sus. 1". (tinlly 1 e ,'i liy nini ary m ght be, .lie , I i. . i . d nln-.iys t lit. t its sliapo l-t' ii! to the: duties, onlin iry or I.-, 0 : ; r. "a n h. ur I lio- k I T liii'l li:"' ex'iii' n'iinn c, 1. 1 ihe wea-er. Smntury and com im t .I'll , o i.voa'.i t.t nnd elegant, ii.ipht this g.ir M' I : be nt 6.1 Iliiics r.nd sfabonr ; but, just hi we si'iii'liiiKS Fee a simple l.t'iiuoi-t freun honest inlnstry to rliariiy proving n iicvei'-ctuliiig soui eo of ridni us litigation, so lies this garm nt, bluine lefs in its ( lifdnid Huiocptluti, proved from pune latioii u nidus iu which fashion bus hutchct her l'l-noi! of (iidlcss al'Minlities, ninilcss lollies, and n.eanii iiles.s oujaiei . 1- or the mutations of this i.rtitli of dus lite enolcss, us tbv are aimless. The mode ( f to day will be obsolete to-monow to be levived, it ui-y bo on the daynftcr; or tie crotchets if a hundred jeius n;;o will be H.inci:iitcd w ilLOL'. motive or cause. There is i.o ccilaii.lv, uo tc. uri'.v, no pat'.M:, no rest i"gi.Iacc; bienute till rbnu'io i.s dir.atcd by I'.ishiDu, und fiihl(.n disdains aud d Moanus ull t'bligiu.'oce to rule, luw, ,r pi-iatii lei- of beauty, uli'ite, octnoiny, cjiafort, or coiuLi'm sense." It bus "but one aim, oi.e oloeit, one tiisire l.ovcl.V. .... 'i ne vices of this giiinitnt icii cr iiiicntory the virtues of the nthi-rs, and i.iig'i.stt lii-fh v.ios ii. tbi ui- It is to Uiis evil of 1 i.g, liiuvv.auil bull )' th.rts, llonaced tier 1kv t ' r, that v"c owe our prunju iullu liou ol onno lirio. l or it is blmpiy Iii.pos.-ible for a lady to w a V. ubout nt ml and lave Hie use tl Lor humis, without some machine to assist lu holding up ber nl.hts; i-nd here the propagation of evil by evil Lei ii-. XLe ma.-s ol'sklit necessitates crino line; ciiiiollne necessitates additional petticoats tor warmth uud deocucy; ui.d these are bound round that part of Ihe bidy which most reiuiros to be hft uin iicumbered and frea. And all for be left uiituouinbertd and free, anu a j ior Uut? That youurf aud old, nugaiuJy and elo iiit, may look aud move ullkc may look aud oie like nothim feminine, like nothing Imiuan, WU nnt vi.fe- niev UOlliiLt; ICUIiuius, . ' s. .- iikc netting eudoweJ wim nic r- ral mo'ion mny pose the ibspe und size of a ba cot L.aiid tho luolion of a J.itk-iu-llie-b'ieeu. .I, lion. John A. Hinphum (finon) delivered forty r-pec- hes during tho la c Ohio c-tnviue. A pro'onnd dealer In statistics "Only W'y flve persons "lit of one thousand marry ; of this sixty-live, thrro are divorced, eight run aa", fiuitt. i n live like cats nnd dogs, thirty are Indif leic t, nnd Inn are h ip.iy. Mi-cr ible worid !'' Til pi st to M11. I.ivf 01 n Dr. II. W. lie. Inns, T'rrdili'iil of the Unilfl Males Sviaiu y i'.t mmls'lnii, when about to return to his home fii.m C'uhioiiiia.w.i made the besnrof . pro-en'. -I pfnt l.r.i'i'v niol value from a f" ci'ien.' of 1! . t. te 10 T'lii le d Line iln. To" p'cs nt in .p'l'tlon 0 a gold b x, bau'. Cir e im n s long .11 r 01 c ain! a Lull im lies wide. vi the lid of Hi tux is n 1 hie o' nv.il tn;i", c n I en- l!ri ly of -ol 1 'iiol, hiilv u.!'lif.l; in 'a" in lie ) lie- .':in toe ihe ii" 11 r- ' A. I. " 10 Iv ci" tin ''. 1 1 0,1. n nif the lms a 11 11 01 r f no pulnr v lie'iiMlnl K'.l len irysils e re s. ( 1, Im ta . rrd 111 hole lelv;:. I'llis 11101,0c 11 1 I v un oh.' ft' "'I t " ji .-- I iu the ha:i'h- ol the ) re xt. ir. by llr ih l u'v. on Tiiursday list. I'l ' l I I ' . . 1 I'l- a l Ol , I' I.-. I he "lo lilHTS . 1 tl C I 11 v l,ii r." iiieiii'i.: beiwt. 11 Ha -.nn uo ic 1 ;i rl'. Ik 1 n l'"r-ri:-s M n.r ie, hav. n ii; d -.i) u I ll : pi ' lal i'i. oil S a. d a l .i:i. al a' oils lor ' i i 111 ji"toh.i .' ," ..-.riey al :. ' cn.1' 1. 1 1- .' oleo. 'I In t c ol' c s hie i eg 11 1 ' 1." t 1 .ni ci 1.1s to w 1 1, the . iiuil all the i.apo tii . ,.; ie,. a, 1 I n i.'o.e .1., 1 ill ,'.: ,') .11 11 Hi i 'il ti.'i .1 r.'ill II' I .'. el . Ilo I tl.e tl.l. it'll.--I HI ol' ell the miiv of ihe T it lloC'.C.l ni .U III un in h 1 n. i 1 11 1. il 1 1 t'l. ' n 1 I'd ov ir lie o -I '.'I'l.'ljll 1' ll' '.' to III ie. ."h'S itll- I..I.I J I ill M-ii in Ri il llO'O 1 11. v. met f C h 1. L.i. le'iin i ,a Ie un ler the - i;'C v s.. n I A. II. 'l al.! n i, the im: I t .'iMn sni 1 in' PC- nl ui the I'o-; ll'li.'e Pep rln'.ill.l, 0.1 only W ill 1. . D i n .nt li ne ' iloU il. A Siom 1 ic is r II i.Mi 1 r wee V c I ir i r neii ,u-l inio il, senl h.ene by ihe l.xnrr 1 (.'. n'li.riy '. ,' 0, or 1 e.ir.y .-' O a ni in i n tl. avui'i .'e. The ) l.y rieeive.i by a priva'e ior hi. thin, n tiiomba' -eivi n was slSi. an I cut, iu Hot Iiol lo be ilidii.!"'l .111 aveia ) of about ;. SO lor exti.l el .thine, worn out in oxoos. Rocliitigi'e duty, the amount of various ht'ls lon.es ot urtiiH nnd equipments, nnd sutler's biUs, viiiyilip from Sf'lU to each, l ids ri'iiiitul'l : (nine Iroui men, manv of e'l'.i hiv.: Is en ibiitiu's. wh oti 1 Nor' horn lhi.no to' ( ) taunt, mi l ruli ulo as wor'hl' ss, im, 'o v 1I1 nt, iii.d iiiuii 1" to li lie cue of Hn'm-'lv-s. They liave proved Ihat they cin !'','!.:. Th y are now piuvii g that Ihey run mnnige tneir own ecoriioiiic.il H'l'iirs. lloi'on 7Vii".i.-M;ar. A Day's Kiemi'ts ion Ami si'mknt. TLo tiliir.ipb inlorms .Mr. I,ion ird ijrovcr, the din nor of the tir. nd O'erman Opera and th manager of tl.ca'.res in Wa-hmpioii and 1'hil i liilplna, ll ;'t bis red ipts a, thevaiiius pli es 111 tier lil (Unction re iclied, yesterday, the on jr irous npgn g.uc ol luiie thou-. 111 1 one uumlr.-d tn d liliy dollius in a single day. hi Wasli.mooi'., ut bis til' lilie, ei.'hl li 11 : 1 1 1 reel ivul lil'iv ; in l'lliiu 1 1 hii, nt the (Jhiioiut sire, 1 the itre, ma io.;e mid evening, eleven Lnndieil and tii'iy dollars ; mles in rhii!idcl bin for bis opira couiiiany at tbo Aciuleniy ol Ma-ie, tceiily-cight hiiiidreJ dollars; in rrovulcuccOraud ii, rnum Oa :r 1 last night, Mxti'tn hundred nnd lilty dollars ; Orand Ol cin Matinee here yi aterday. niiirb'cn hun lrC'l, nt.d mles for the concert to hightover seven hun iliid dollais. Of this umoir.it the 1 iovcrum 'nt will reci ive, through revenue and income tax, nmrlyone thousand dollars. A pro'ly go id Oine lit fur Ihe war fund. Huston Stttirrinn tymhtn t Invite, (Mvjir.l'X vVittii.v H111111.N On one oeca-ion he ( lo'in Maxncll) was closely piusu-d by some soldiers ill Hilinliuii li, and, running down a narrow e'ose, Im kn;'nge in a "1 hange-bomc," when; he begt:ed llie lamllady lo hide him. 'ihe only avail ab e place ol'coiieeiilinciit was a lame new meal chest, lasti iic l with n p ollock, in which lie bad u.i' diy eiiMoiiei d himself, nnd heard the key nmk 1 all Monro, when the house was tilled aid sttr roitt ded bv his pursuers, who loudly exclaimed linn ihey were cci'iiin he wns there. "Seek tne boos nnd )e will," r-pliid tho girlewil'.i ; ''it's ui sue miukle ii3 '1! ke. p ye lung." The soldiers did ro, uud without success, and ties', de niniulcd biUor; on si iing down to dis;as which, suits being scarce, one of them jumped upon tho meal store, aul all ex pressing their wonder at where the wlih; rould have got lo; when the man on tne bnirel suddenly excln.ined, "Trey hide ony ite; may be he's in Ibis very List; guduwite, pie's '.ho key till we sec !" Tbe remark was anything but pleasant to John Maxwell, who overheard all ; I ut Ihc unit! ou's nerves tortunatcly did not fail ber. With great nddr.ss, and without a rao n .out's delay, she tiling open ihe room door, ami. curliug her lip in scorn, s'.e reave I over the land ing: "l.asio, rin awa tae tbe gude man for tlio key o' the girnel, till we see gi.i a Whig can lie in meal. Bud no gie a hnost wi't." Tho rule sn ccederl tho soldiers laughed. and, asking no more nl out him, went off without waiting for the return of the landlord; und John Maxwell, who had sueec-stiiilv struggled against any tickling sensa tions in his throat, came safely out, mi l 01 ol his e'c iiieto Ireland. 'ic ,l' n"' " bu Sir Amlrn 4ij w. CH&ISTIAN CJMLTIoSIOiV. If i;V. IlKNiiY 8. WHIIfi, riup'ii.iiin lio Un'-dil ti;ui-;t .Irmv, r '.: n ly u r:irn r in I: li.i.itl 01 ilio Kt.'tJii, nilt ''iv: thr Umt mriU0 ft til t'm Hc'Hkiii, ut r'riNl'Jf AL RlKTtli iDflT EPHCOI'Au C'ilJili; I, V ihc Sti ft-t, ne.ir TJuftc,ntii, TO-MOJillOW KVKNINO. Sirv'':os ti (.jdimji.Cf t 74 u' t icV, A CvI'i-IcIk i V t tha ClirtbUan I'unm.lnrii.r. vviu i. tak'ti 1: w- Hurr Tb t rfpti in to i,.m -tin ,y M n'Ki'i Bn I Y'-tnij,' 'vltU n pi-raTiM hi inii Cliiir.u Tij-iii . ri i-v Af.crnt - ii. fcuvice t ; u'jiock, i n 1,1.1 n i mu iti-x iov. i IIVAT I H .1 1 1 ll will jirt-aM. HiM..,.'i n im,- V ,.. u ,;r 1, il 7 c'.vitt. Kut." .t I Ie fl i ":i f i v ir brut co'lict, .iTitl fit' Oity tt' v..uili.i. wi.t .n it) . V -jb. urnnivo, MSII.IIMII AM' (OAT IV"-J- l-nwliilig ll'S 1111:1 l.'S hy Ill'v. A. nMSHilir Ca crauii'iil al J. Allinvitil. ft." t.ltKIlN lltLI. I1AUY KKVIINTlll.N'l ll AM; rill halt. I'ri'ui'iilnw le-iini in".' fit 14 unit 7. J.veuiu suhirtt. "i lie Heu.i'laol nl Utterly I'i. iw el." .-;.;.. in.scii'i.r.s of en his r, w n'ni" s wr ui'ove Wuiluee. I'.'eiieli'iis lu ui'iri'.i.v. in i 'l A. snillV I". M., liy l ll.u ll. .M 1'I.LIN i, oi K vitiiok.v. fijlo- CIIHIST IlKKKNIollJ AliAIVnl' Mli: AT. kJ1 tnclet it I.ih riverine ealumni inii'-i, bv ll -v. J('ltV CKAtiJIIlHK. tu-inui-row , in a' 1". Al. , 'in ,u chuivli. M'lII AVIVN CII M'Kf., 1IAI.I." "stJIT't AND nut Mill Annul.'. -K. e. II. H . Ilili'i' M N, liy rc'ii'ri-l Hill r. H"M A ,li eo irsti oil Atinlti'luil ll ol tl") IV l.'l'i il, tii-liicik'riiw, IS P. il. hlmiiyrs w.'leo '.". i ,e . WKST AHCil HTI1I UT l'H'.sll , . .,(i. -, V ( liar, li Hi v. It. I.. S I A n I ON, l). j., I ,oi""i. r In lisrvllli' 'I lieiile-leiil Neinliuiry, K.v. . )v ill ao.t:h la Uii' ( l.nrili lo iu.tr ev Linrinaii, nl 10 ' oMo k. i"a,s WAIiX'KH nil V. INSt'ir TK ill-' tICIF.N ') CIIOI'Mllll Avi n li- m t sm i:n tl'l.si in st. I'leac n.e lu ur .rr iw altfiiiu.i'i, at S1- o'ei i.-k : v 1,'ev. I'KASK L. H01.ll.M. kalniieu. Kslt atil H, tiiel ut 2 u'elee'U. Si I 1)1 VI Ii N li.'l ll'iOsl'. N i. -.'J. i.F.1 1 II. I-I I''n- re-., ll.ill a ncml ill sv."s.n in:' i.ur e.n ritiy ii.el I raiiiuiav. Iw 'i. II. -iitkox. at i:i.i..i:mi t iti.iWioj'i Hli-i'i'ts Sriie .-ii li aiteriiuijii, a u'e:."'k. At It..':: A. M. ( nineiiiiil'.'n eri.'.e. ! v. Tlti: I'ltl IINT "N Vi IDS If. I ItiS! ."- ..' Kernien im llils suU'eel Mill lie a":i' ic '1 in urn r"W I vi nlm , in the I irst II mu n-r I lou-.-li, jilt ' : I) an-l AI.CM Miei-tH, al fill' -.i.l-1 V c'eluilii, lit" ItiC I'U'loi, llie 111 v. II. It. UO.U.DMAN. i-v... CKS'lltir. I 0 VI . It Ml ; .VI 10'.' A I. I'll'llill, COM I Ii i II I I.l, ll v. K. p. lll I'M. A "ill "I llie I'! rlsl'ii'i I inn ml . -I..II, wl II jif-ii li ill lu1-, A. l. ti ni III" I (. r. Hi v. fliWA lil) II AW I, :, will iirev'll ut i'i i'. Ai , no llie 1'utiii'llc l.uly eil ihe flout. rl -xt-. IMIlN M K. CliriU'H, I'Oi Kill H'lKHl-.r, i-n.V ti.l.o,' An li - -.i:',',alli. N'i .-it. :. r li. II. -v. i I.A s K I I N VOnm: li. l. -nil i ri-i'eli iu Mi.ruaii' l In .. . I, ek, ,i. U,v. W'il.l.l.i:! .MA.' UK in llie I.Vl l.ilu Ui ; li i l. e'k. .-r: i llfs-l' lll'I'ilItMI'll lll'TCIK lirni 'l.C 1R- net MAI. Sill mui slitl s. .A ItDI.N So -eis, l.'.-V. J. II. SI'VllAM. I'.lsli.-. ill I'r. -eh III It". '. Ine-l A. "I. jiu. t ei cl'.ek 1'. al. hlilyc.'t ler the- e-v ellility, "l at, iul.tatl." it r. v.i i tt i an io i sTv i i.i.iti rrAT-, itv sit. v einl 1'e'iiif.st. tei-in.irr'iw. Iimi hi los imp ili.r s-r-nil)'', lis lel!ens!-:i 1'. M.. 'i'l 1 1 IT! ICS I li Ulel III HAIli) Avi iiuo, on "The Ituek uimti v. Iiteti the rlinreli tsi.l.t ." mid I'! I'. M , lit npor lli.u-e, lll.HVI I N'i 11 si , hheve (Unbuilt, OU "(luurtslilll." Colil-Ctieilltt, All lllvil'.'ll. tx" NWI '.III'MIOIKIIAN. COIIMKK OK liltOAD A-'' null 1; UA U V IS IMi Ulllml-l. Miililiet of He v. Mr. liAl.iu .'i I 'is I m nine l i'i'tiiie, ' Tlui klml ol i;vl la-lH'l' un V. liieh till' New 'I lie'uletey lli'llte. Stronger than 11. ut ot Mirnr.les." in the Moriiipu. Hi t o'clock IiI.iI.k. ei'i'i.-c Ill tr on "itui Clirli-thiii I'tnnni'ij Its iNot'ds in llie I'lintut Crisltt." 'i'he pulillc Invitee. .r -v hl'lllMI (lADDI.N II A I.l. N. wrcOirMri l--J 81 I'.Mi (iAIIIil N nml I ill KTS.1N I'll Islreiti. Ulcel an s ol tlic Cl'iueli ol I'nrl.'l ii-rcii'liiinu limv cve.v I. mil's Jih.v. SI ll.V A. M., for wnislilp in tl.clirt uloiiH ol' Irian, "-.in v.'tlii. thn laailV tleutlt llll He onus" in .n. i r nml iirulm', uiiii t. r leaetiiiiK mui iiiiniuilsiiiiis one. miner, ui.il al 1' r. M . lor liio iiii'iieliiuk oiiliuWorJ ly ( iiAi i.i.s i aj;i pi LL. r-m tai.vakv i'itiiiYi'f.i;TANl'iriTmTi", r.iT .' Cl H' Mrift, liimie llleellltll.-llev. III.MlV HAIM Is ,u:8Mi, r tlii. fUnun t ishlati, will preae'li I'l-Uiiirrew innniliii.' ami eieninn. lu inn sin nrnaii. st '.' : (Ci li.ei.. l.i. iti,! hearers a Ail.ssiousio- Jllti linn of ( hlum ii ui 'I Voiilli ul Ihc uuip tiliui'. All ni'lulili .rins hiuiilii.i OeiM.1,1 ure jue Iti-el to titteiul. I he Mihject in the t . tilur will l u (l,e Hyrlnu M a-nacros ul lsijll, sail their lieuliis on lliu liiisMiounry werK. !'?. "J'' ,tl V- t,i'- w- H.MIM V, PASWlll OK f i. o-i .t !',"' Consri-national CbnrcU. eorin-r or 1 11. Ill II anil I.UL1.N. Hill couiiuene'li Mirles ol ller liit.nii ujicn "Miiii iti.u I,,, dV-tuiy," on Halilialli enulus, " a i , M! ' V'f ''""f1 iH lav lade a difcuislon ot iiie I real-OS cf Smui i The (Iriulii i of llie llu, ao Soul The ( out ition lo vlilel, It tew plaool br the Full -j ne Keiutii.n-ilj,K m M hlcli it In plueoil t.v Hleiuitloii 1 uiuiuiui uud 1'Usriittijiti.tlei.of llruvuu aud Uadl, BSy "1HK ISItAKl.lTtlj OK HIIU I'ITT AltKHK iT. , ls"allv tunUMl Ui sttamd a Kfiwrsl mi.tliiK a !; ustlonsl l.uaidi.' Iiuil. lu Ji.li Ij btrMt, buliASKti Miiuiii.a Mixtli, ou Kiiuday - muroltis. Nov. Slh. st Ira c.ai .' i-urrutau oi eaiaonoiim a "i beoiuKieai i mt t ' ' fM,ie mesiiuroa to Uavti .touuv iudu sdu- - ,v, tfl.nta0 iniituili iy. J. iinwsuuor. M It In, Jus. M. A.h, Cluw. Johnson', hsnj'l MeeUt, illlvd , Jvuen. 8. Akjuiuduf. B. liiuu.wk'k. i'tr. jw'v. isAue lassttur. l.. . LamefinuJl . jss. 1861. AMUSEMENTS. M ii AIC AN ACADLsM V Ul M I Sic. M ONARD OH0V1.H ItlW. TOU. (,IM)V ; IVM C I-? AND - ; i M AN tt IT.UA. il " i . t t x i t i.f. r v i. i i iv i,t' . i I.l l hit CJIil ):cvt w i v !: .'-, nov . v. im i. I il.T ATI I AH VN' V i J ll I tit-. 4 .vr - a . i c:;a ff'urM. t-rlv llili" . 'i"i vs-M-itht V, t( t(.r ity 'it. f .. i' ' I. A DAM 1 .' Ii 1 AN :T T 1 -J.A Yi i t V il-.' 1 1 . -; 1,1. t .. I. ;uy.: II Mil l M N, Id- M-- a i i ur 1 V-l 1' l! l" It i ,t u.u.i W iit'iu I1 r -f i ii Si.-, .1 hi I'.' si' It. hi u v- ri iIt t iirnntr iii o n li.iif if i. .'f. ..friii iu- tt im f lun i ji ii t'.irt '-' i i.iii ! if Ij 1 1 -1 M, . nr li- .o ill.' cut. Isit.our.M MM AV. J i.rtr. l.ivnMir.ir.i. H'-rl n, t i i In- t'.ti .f- i.iii c lu r li)iiti''i)h't AIM' o,Ji.ti.ftl M tvi- i.n M"' It i i" ii tli f; tUt n AN ton i U M tw M' lrt.m. MA i AMI 1 rtTiiA JOilANV'KN. llrr Tt ypi'i'ui un m Ann Inm, lin tiiii Opi'Tit. V('tni i, n .h nny , n l f i-l ' jk tniiit iu i liil.ttl i,')uii. MA I) A Mi; lAlMI.KMAN. n M.ira-uit:i I. A 1MK HI. A NCTIM Im ir..v'-l tii.n v-on i u. Mumit Hit- jrt(("st inrtnn ot lh l-ni'i 'iw.tinn peril. 'I In rv infat -tn ntfth oi thr "i-t. Uin i rrii--t n m tlirrtii, d 'ti-irii. th'- lirillmnt n id t-i'l'-lt. i ni fi mhii ut ii a (irne nl ph ivsiiie wUloin il- U"i''' In "l" ra HAI.LI.iA MUI.'. fnrhU'iittilly, n HUN APAIlt ii r.Y i;vi:viN;, ov. ?, onl. ni-h i, un-ct tut rivi-ly. cl i; a ji Kii T j io ii a h isi r.. (.(lAM) OP. PA HV .VI.M.IUII UI. KAUis Fuin:i.i 1IW Hrhl iippfftrmicr, r.iif hii rt-liirn (rum l-.uiufto, ft-i lii'i-iruiiv 1!ii rolr In wh'u'h lift iH.ttld h i flrfc owpr;tT.iiiri n In I, r.iltt-n uptl Amoiic i, fixivt uicd i) io ain Lt; li.f i,r'.4; unt-uiupiif.'U. I UA? Z IIIiIVI.IC. lite f it i'.)k .tra it n n liolftrt. THKOI'OKK lIAIiKi, MAN, tin on-1 uip "urniicc a-i ltaliuhnnl-t M A I A i K tl III A , A 1(4 ) I T K II, II r in iiih urnn us .Mi-la. In w hich nlis h;i tliN h ,(i" n iiHiili- uu fi.ttitHii)ilf -no'ctHft ju :'w Vt.rh iiit'l Jlcot ll. MAIiAMi; IH.iM il -Ui li ANNSI'V, oitil onj.cfr.i!i eiia 1' rjii -MIS.S 1 HKJtK-tA VOOi.), Her firnt uvpi rtninic a , Kkiu. Tbo n ninl iIdk cant hy Compai y KOI I l-T W n nti-il oiitln, Iw tlio r.inl (nnnnn Oiern t miumny, iili nxiriv r I'O.itra, Xiim1 hnn-1, t ul. l'n U Im lirtt tirfM-Mfiition In Now Yurk Ktnl llnsion 1 1 ou-ai tin viry ui.ubic lo obtiun j -s to tU-j ve-Jt.,;iiiii il MiKr. AYI.lNi:SIAY LVi-ININi;, NOV. P, IhCi. OnlvNiM nm t rfiilVx.-!y,ji.imii(jilV (trui.tJ Oiti. JOSKPEI I! ITR MANS, A" Slpii'iil-tni i lPrs, hi" vorr 'f'l'")-a?ni i-.m . , l tlr ai.il ilrii n a lie cour.i'jitin mi I rn-lif Ion Oi w h Ii rulti.l iiu.tily bovii In a nu(jr.tllo!i. IICNOK OtlWrB TAMAUO, iUnUm uppoaroiKe n-i I. aunt. MARIE FIlKDliKICI, fUr ftru i..ndniiice fB Mrtrifuoilte, 'livr orluKi i iutiifition). If "V.-uai itic. II Un lirrrt aplll-AfftDt Q OH Vu.CUtl.l'. 1 hi? T-'nirklll'I'K Cftr-l by thn ( oiuimttv. IA l I 4-11. uut In.' ii'i-cati1 1 il. runs r. nih: oi thtp 04 IirU. UiUtMAY J'-VKaVINCi, NOV. 10, bCi, Only i'.uu mct lAffitivclv, ol Vt. Weiiot's tau 1 0H'ra, r ' Ii M t. , HA HI LM A, ll.Vi VI I" R, M-IIM AN, 11 K S JiAL.lt: I HI. il, Iti- I HMd'lMND, hn.l tlis! H( AN I CO.MI'AN V. I'OKMi H iii tuWVMtri llto-liUiijiti '11 Ol l,'a'i,i,t tljc HiiiL.i Ni. J-KU'JAY 1-V I'NUNti, NOV. It, UiU, (ul; lin e, )iofl; pof Jtlvuly, ol Hulov, Grii 1 Op'.-r.i, rJ J(K .flOW IMS. V It.i lt i Tiin.l cn-t. U. trl.l he liruo-filtl4 to rojvii, t i(Jt v i v lino';. Oi'Uu, wlii:U iipun itvo o.;cn.ii(iiH Jjiiiu tl lA.rw Yd'.sivs.., Wit'ic-.-. tl bf thn LVltiiKu iSSHi' Hi.LA i vvr coufrTvaieU at Oporu lo thu cuUro VVilf.tl, l!ti l-S Ol' ADMISSION, piittvil K-utn lu rnrjuol, rn;iu't Otri.l rr l ouoity .,..... A'Ui I ni on tu thu abi v jil.tctvi , , I' ii.il i li- lo , Ant) nil hi .vtre 1 hft calf oi J;'Mt'pi il hmtH w.t! C'tniniftncfl on 1I1H (hA'li:it JM MOKN.NU, KOV. ftrrr, At (ho ACADI MY OP AM tJIO nn.l COtJLDM Ml1 !(' HT.)l(K, vlu;ii M'at- tot ,vv niy,t mny ho mjouiJ, ai nvt frrr::r tiikatph. ."HIS 'SlttinlKi' ;v-is .ivn. K'.,y.-nil.r !t,'"f.i. . Mil ,' I J i ..ll III' M - !. llFd.-C 4.1-1 Ml- V 1 I : Nl ItlVIAN.vV, II.. M.l'h i A! ) j IV. II :. : ll Jl., e)tl lli.Q.'V. i..t. -Ill: ) I.. -, i .ii'lo-a. v Aii'.. I m: ins: v a'ffri or.TilK ijakK in.im l i r . M'.jni--; I. iia.Jf-Ji. K- e'lu'; i. I.FlK 1) J u: VSAS H.nin .''.inil.. M's vii'oisi.v mviin.iv iiir.Un.i' siii s ic ; or ri ik si. ni;,, .. l-el l.j : ll : 1.1 11 sir- II.' ill ''I Ill3 .' ) i.'IAl,y 'j'. ii. :, .. - ..1. I i.'uii. ."I,, 'ml It. Cui..lurei si :.j .! ic v. X itfc. J.'JlN I'.lliV'il NiivV Ail .'ii' 81. ia u ii.si. .ii. ii. i'-i s ii iv n. :i t ii(s. fiT'in I. 'ran, un- ,iu :i'j ,'i i. ::.'. n ini"i .lll' i it." Mi ji a 'lis. i; ii; s i-.v vii.i.i.iV'?, is 'nil-Hi di.oi'ioi's l'ir..'r.. 'i. - I,.iia.:n.". o. jr. a m llll. I ,,illl i.'I-.. I. i.l Of. fi. Al'0l,,N .1 IKU.V. i. I. IjieOlell ti.. lit ' I'".' l "'I I.W.' .l):t t.VI)ll.sl. A ii tu.- In 'im ' I! MINI. r tiiK IIA.luN. )'.r...'il Mrs. Jl IIIMA WII.LlM IMii'.VI N ("T.'.ll Ai 1 l.tJ H..I.' ..'"I'td ti 'Llll .U .VtV'.:. VKW r.HKKM'T ST.r.KT TO V. I'R i I.KO' Alif i-ltOVi'.it ll.l.iAM K. 81-SN, l. . ..'s .li d Mantis' rs. llll; o.i i. dry; A:"I'i.i".SoiisI. st i.fh'i-. IIMtl KlaiUI.Alt 11..1.XU fAtliLV .MAl.NLi. iV.ull will tie' pr. D:ie it -j 1 1 1; nun v t nif.vKs. THIS (SjOii'iej) ill IMXil. Niivpiuhar '. .''. Jl UK. 1,. 1", Hull rltS IM 1 AMI Sl'l.ll.xllil) l'ltl I'."-. iUK MIIA.M.IIII. Urs. Ilnllir M'. D. I". ItOWEHS. 'lo ctii.eliiilv i. itli Ihe luiii l.-ii'iiuiiuil I'.iuit tli siyled Hit: IIOM.) MOON. , Mioit'liveveiiilie, lust time In tlii. eilv of THK MON I s- Tr.ia oV hi . Ji;si; or, nit; .ikivhhs ok m aduio. PROPOSALS. J)l.or045ALS 10U ltKITEH BALANCK9. I'u.-I Ol ii' i Di iai:thi nt, ( Oeisi' i r Hy l -ii. ( F .itl T'i"i-o-s'-i v II! ! rccci.rtl fit 1'iis 1 luirtrtont ui-til u.i'Ml) cay fi Lo-M-iubcr i.txt, - I'i o'cl'K k mum, tr iiiriii'ii i,s 1,1 1 ur 1 uiii.it t lor ;) c CsC t f thf " t on.cpfc In tl i- I lUh u Mtiitfrt (i-i oim- ii'ui, lam 'iU hitt-r cue lUbiday 0. 1 1 1 uUj 1 ;,t, uf tl u Ijlif.fvh.ii ilt"ii't iill'iii, .:.: Itit. 1 'stirt-li (a (JUpal'lc fit Wl l4!l.lll.r C(f.l llfv, Hvaltlu-V'jlt- Yt'itJ l.tu be t-ruutil Hi-wu iO U tiUi tUlluUV. OI IM-- il Ih i' i'i'-il v ill n 'ii.Lrf1 tf a veur. Jti I'.iilui et f, ii.i.l !r of w is'.. In, nt It list fif " pMi$itl., nviilrdi jici wtjiyht, t- Ih- ymditl iiu. n to hiil 'iJiiucfiit Of th. - t It it. fci.'j(j.ts-t'ii .1. U ih Lt rtijtan.il ut yt at. 1 i'i if ft com c'tiiCfh wili la te.jiilifd li; t J l ti&suucot to lt$ fin lsiu'U. ttt vvi-U h iin r.ntii 111 J durjitt iity. hstiiiiilm ct caiti (lekoripUKiiuf bftmin-e i.uitt w'somt'ft)ir (itch Lu, unu Uie h. ti ter v lu ul'Utlu llif cciiirr.ci will ior imtuiit (I t furintsh Haltti cui fji-Jcnd ul u nuniiij luiill t M's ( lllllil tO th MU'lc. tut ii isHkaiiue muitt te .ell and neitiroly packed In hox i'ur tntiittjortution. Thu ltjiliiint k nturji hi- iVUvcroil friu of all chtirue lo tho Mank Aui-rn y rn utfl'uvt Ohlce i)t curtun iit. Ml WHtihiiit; tuu, I.(r,vl,o tU sutyj.t Ihu mui'tir ferfict nJ is-unl U btHlipit N. Ench hidderimiit furnlnh with I la pr.i(isnli evidt'tico tf )! tUiility turouipljr wltii hla bid. Two lurticluiit iiiruliui will b rc-quiietl u a nmtrict. F ttlluri-si to lunilnh Uuluncet as cotitraf-tl t'ur proitlf. or tbe .uaUl'iiif if liiuhe uf uu iitieilor guuliiy. will tt ei'iiiifUfcd euilititiii uuuku for tiuu ivilcliuni ul U.t ontmat. Pruuudl mutt We eii-lorijed cm the ouUkle ef n rieM , (j'( h!h lot l.i'lltrr llnlicig,' mid iUlreaeJ to the t'irkt Ai't'H rvLiivtii-Oviivri!. VS oliiulMfOi J C, W. IkKNJ-lH )S, IV J'0MC4ftia-VVUllii HCLfvlBOLD'S REMEDIES. J JI.J.MJIL-l'H rLUiD IXTRA.CT Bucnu r-rVdi HUnMifr lncotitlnwr f Vrtn, IrrUtlvf I; .itriniiimtli.n M VkroH n)r th B-vM tw KldMTl, At rrlrtir t aM , a-itl i t ifntAlVr, r , . ' .. ". I, or fi- i ''i-1' ji'l ll T -Uh r; l r i- ii. 'li r, Ktli IJ, J I t' '. 't 41 fJhi.ft. 1 f 1 HO I.l) M I I VJI V. I K KKVV 11V.J Hij ft t vm ',! ftrl'lnji ti'in Y,x i 9 j ilreMAn, Ttit f nhtiMitltnii 01 i c aiifi h-'l w Ith ff.'i', 'V ir. tj ''ii! rc 11 Ire 1 the i;ilof mnltfhKt l ilrn'j'fi ti an Ui' iurnl4 tfatyt m Vi-iclt UKrMU.'I.PH F.XilM-T lll ' I'l tavorlAbly tfot n, I, no ti'Hlmrnt Ii iilu .l , S to, Ci-uyUt.i vr Itir-anKj n.nj fr..i.. JIKI.tMliO-L.U S VLVID EXT11ACT OF BVCiUV In aJoclir-m pcfullr toTEMju.Fs," h qnexinaWd by aa otl cr prej iraUon, as In CnioroMi, or Kf.-Umlioi, Imft- lisritlrs; Pal),''tJinu''i, or SuppM-iston of Cn'toroary Krao nuluni; I kur ilfil, or sclnrrons Sta t f the CHatM; LtuchorrJ'o a, and all cm'-itn'i lncl.ut to th . n htlhor arislhg from ha1ltn of tltn-rlpiilon, Impradeneted . cr !n Iho ditlln or uhaau 01 life. FlViV EXTRACT EVCIIU AY. D Vt ill rai).cal7 txtermlrjutn lit di tbo tiem l-Ucavea f tl.e Urinary Otant arilt kih'It. Habits of UiinlpiUol, i ii ile tayfHit, titiff vr t.o cAiitkjs in 'Zi'W, noi u6K0nU4 ci t.' rcturt; -ctufl'l'!,y tiii. rs-t dhiK tliute n .; iMtiU a4 tl-ajtfvvi rtn't.iittitlojana aii ttn'M7,lft alltliote). (h.Ux.iltlft. UHXi JIK'KMJiOJO H 'LIT1D hXTUACT HVCHW In all T-efeti ot tlio 1'ilimr) U'KHih, vhether ltln t HA'4V cr iyfi n.Nt" ft vn frAuttV. ' catt o. ljlmUtQ a ui w wtir Aoto loKj itat (Jiti.j. It la psiUaAt ! taite and c-or. 'J.,.iuJmX" in j-fwi, aiiU aoir itriiJtiheuliit'Rf. anyot Ihe in-i.Arotions of Hart or ftfu. 1 t...-j ei ireihif, iruiu Z rUi In.cu t,;- biUml CUiVl iivu, rrt- an ifi4 Ht fhti-'y 1' oim'. Itb ttni'X t-utit afHfj thu:, iiwavir vlitlti may a iiA a Ifi'-lt of th a h v (M 'n1. It In f. rfnln V' ftfleot h4t i . V JI:H. -4ri ata: , -7'iV 1 .t;V OMti A PIlYSlCJANSrLKAhE tiOTlCK. - WK MAKK KOSrerET OF IXGREDIKISXS- EELMIiOI.Ti'B FLUID l:IItACT 11UGUU It comrs.-ed of iitwf.u, CtMtn,ahi Janipu' IlcfrUi, lectod with great cara and prcjartd lu tacjo I.T. HtlsMIlOLntlVruyft'lU aud Clirmikt of Uitcnyaax0--perfetit trt ;tlt cltf otT PI. 11a del ..Ma, and cow presorlUad b Uie DJosUa.lucut trf tae wculty, aud bavt baea tad uHUdtouitln tba Uolkfd 0ulea Anuy, and aro aJiaU vary Kanaral um lu 4UU Uoapltala and putUo BaiUUry InjtUuUwii Utrooghout th Und. Medklnoa dallverU to any tddraes, atsxttyaiuitrf t aapJiuU Ulreoilona. plraai lattari to HtLUfBOlD Drug aud Chamlcal Waiehoon, So, t Broadway, Tort, Or UHlMaOhD HadlaaJ Depot. Vo. 10 1 1. Touta atroat, anaiadelpbta. aUwaro of counterfeit. Aak tor UELBOLD'8, Ukf takenootbar. OtMco ope ttm T o'oiock A. M. to8P. If