The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 05, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 7

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'vrmurj ecicrayh
BA1 I It i' V, V- .VltMU!- il 1- il.
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'il'.iiisl. Ii ! t '' i.-i n r. ..iik I in :
III W I.' I.' , l ' 1 . ) II' I '.
Yr I ' 111'. n V.-M k r- I . ii i ;-..i 1
'1'u li u. tin ii ' -.ijch ii. ',., .
' ' ','."'' I'll 'I '. t. it ll, Ul Hi I i
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'i'.l' ,1 . . 1 1 , r I i. j'jr' ,
Aril si, i..- j ,ut'n v s uii Ii. :ii:i.
Heaven In r n,c ' Inm- c..u! ; I i,i.-t,..t
'1" Ii . tin' , ..i. ii u ii. i,
Sijiiii i,l il y in .),. S j :
' I, II. Ii I ' s ii, V li w I', III. -toil.
Ah i' ll Ui i' In: v. t1, IIhiiiMn' n
On , ' i I i.m'Ii, ii ui".
Tl.i "Mi ;,T.
1 as jt'iii'.: (m imii ii . i if h.mi :Siiiitiiiin.t mi in
l.ondi.n. I l .ii ili" i ii' ri.iu-e to imsi'lt , I ir an
ving"tn ; l.i'ic a li lt v m.ui ;;it inwlio ;it o:irn
atttiti' (! in u Iciiti'jn liv tlie :ly of Uis
ilro a-pi'i.riinrc, nuit mun!icr. lie w.h in ovrn
In;: (i;cs.- i uy.liinj aliout lilm, t'ro.n the -i I k -fuccd
dress v-m. to the p.i cnt-loitthcr lino's, bcin"
ftran-iictt. A :'., i uf wliicU lie was fur frmn lioini?
Iinconiicious; c i.U ( Lis gunacnis, in turn,
lttlrui'icil his no ic ami n;pi'Ovini; smile.
li e ot, ly tln'nr' a'ijiH Lim ttmt violiitcJ even
wg eti'jticito w.i, bis ncditic a lilnc I'lio, negli
' i iMly h -tur.'.-c'l ii .i liyron miJor n rotlinK cllar.
rriim tl.i. I mi :iticd tlii't Im km n nort. for
tinii-dimii en I. lis Vi ro lv In) niiutu mi ruin mini
' rn il fashion iirc-ei ii,iiu: trrrilii cIIIh.
r-vlileli, in Blinr'-iicekoil inoii. rnilitnecrcil tlio
iWl of their v, ii-ki rs nd cars. My surmiro
mis 0!.f!rii c, In- h s 1 nr hair, its natural imi.
ili'iicy to mri lieiiic i lutibntril l.v tlic rim nni
txhil.ita):! 01 it- im;; and l.rot aliiv liv assiduous
His lute, lii'AOVrr. was liat n-r-ilnst.
ilicory : ii.stcait ul l.".' if; th.n and p ile, with ores
in IIUC lltll,:'' l-)i I in -. it was mini, I. iliniinlui.r.
like, rnsi ; his liuie eyes derpiv set in tunnels
)t lat, which, ns he cl.ii ..'kled from timu t.) timo,
em uuu cioki'u uy uis riMiiir mucks, and ure-
Iittd to icw a mure s!P : his uoso. shoit. tiinn il
:ip,ond garni-linl at ihc tip With six or seven
'Jcarly hsir'i : Ins tiiuiif li o.p m-ive, and liis teelli
; very (,'iiod : fmtuii itely, as lie showed thi iu all,
iot eon coni calliiK the wisdom teeth, which were
not qniic ciittm down.
lie was well n'uilo, wit it tlit-rc was of hiin ; he
as not much ithovj live feet liiD-li, ratlicr uis
'0cu to emlii iijjohi.
In his liiittnn holts lie wore a magnificent white
amoliu, which, I regret to Buy, I saw, admiral,
nveti'd, iitidileteimiiiC'l to posie-is, bv fair nn and
i pofsililc, if nut, hy ful.
This llnwct, too, uitrat ted much of hit nttcn-
ffon; nu if stowcu tie nieiit Unices iipnn It, initt-
tine what I i onrei. d to he imetrr. imi,irB,l hv
'lie punty and dflleucy ot too ilower.
1 was coiisl' eruiK how 1 mi'ht best commence
conversation whu li would uciuiio me ilie rood
'lines of this j' ntieiiinn, and ulinnitely iiiakc
lie tnu )(issur ot the, w nen ho saved
lie the trouble ol breaking ihu ice by suyitiR :
"Candidly, sir, do you think of my
uPor f"
I replied that I had not Hie advantage r.f know
ii g bun, o eii' utiistiiiir.': which 1 rcitretted the
uorf, as his wnrli shovvc l him to be a nmu of no
oinnion ubil ty. I added that he was foitiin.ito
i having a c'n nt liw lu'ure and air would set
If garments, even though fabriciited with less
onsnp mute skill.
He tried to look modestly unconscious, nnd
aid :
"Aid who, sir, may this client be with the
liithifftif Imure and nir ? As you say you do nut
.now toy tailor. I might
ierii'8 obscrv, lions weienddrcs-ed to me ; tut my
: -til e, ll on i; Ii not detoi nied, is small, that is t
aiy, rather below than abovo tho avere size j
md as lor my air, thotiith 1 llatier rnvself that I
wiossess si'inoof that if nrsui.t uuni which distin
guishes men like you aniline from the common
erd, still neither my tiu-mo nor air ii worthy of
lie vcr)-plow in;? euiimiuin which you h ive he
towed upon them. Ho, sir, really ; no, indeed,
ir, nally;" mid he chuckle.!, blinked his eyes,
ud Cast glance on his round little limbs of iiioro
!uin putcrii.ti londm ss. 1 perceived that he was
ot inaccessible to thitterv. nul did not dcsn'tii of
'tilninitift the camelia by" fair means.
: "I should npoiuKie," said I, "for so personal a
J ernatk; it s'ipped trom me unconsciously ; but
I 'on must have heard it frequently from the lips
uid seen it in the eye of the (teniler si x. You
re net insensible to their witcueries; 1 see that in
i our eye; nay. that camelia in your button-liolo
Irovcs you to be the happy boudmau of some
iliifk-eyed houri."
U "How uid you lind out ? You must know
omctmng about nic; you nmtlit have ruo sed
nut I was In love; but how did you liud out tuu
olor of her ryes ?"
"Well, I did not positively. I thought It likely,
nost in aec rdancu with the eternal lituess of
idngs, that you, who have blue eyes, should bo
nslaved by Id ick ones. Was I riiiht r"
"Well, I can hardly toll you j 1 trust you mar
right, but tho fact fc. 1 uavo never sceu the
adv's eyes."
JNover sctn her eyes! Ah. I sco: a mvto-
lous courtship, truly poetic, veiled lady, gentle
ice, wune liiinu, one raven locK just peeping
torn its concealment, fairy lorm. taner ankles.
ittlo tiddlyiddly fket."
"fir, said lie.criismnR mvliand. " c are kin-
red spirits yoii have felt the divine alliums
on hove strnck the wild carp, and burst into the
upinnp niomuy ot song. We ore poets, sir, bro
ler poeU. Were it not u breai h of the cunliduuce
ho has reposed In me, I would tell you the his-
my of our loves, our hmies, und our sorrows."
ou iori!ci ttiat so lontr as vou conceal tho
lady's name there can be no breach of conlidenee.
ho is an unknown ijuautity: let - lenra-cut
ker. '
"Not X j I f hall have to repeat Iierlianio often
tho course ot my narrative ; she would then
ecome double, treble, or even iiuadruple X, and
10 is noi tlOUl .
"Well, then, let Y represent her: it is a slender
nil graceful letter."
"Good, let l.for the moment, represent, nn.
orthily, the n me of my mlored cliariner. I am
poei.&ir, as you nave already r,eivcived. and
iiot nltoftethcr unknown to the public; in the
ruev s vomer oi me xroiilllgoury Mi-reury, esnit
nuTTtrjuum trrp cremuits: lull mav uave Been
ue of my contributions to thiit journal siwiied
Ijeta. 1 will just repeat you liiy'Udc to the
lorning. "
1'ray, don't take tho fronhle; T I now ih
oim by heart, and recited it only lost week to
ot me Aineuirum l.lub. Just now I am
urning with impatience to hear your story."
"Vou have rend mvooein. then ; I liml ucurrelo
entured to hope that the weak breathings ol'uiy
iuse had penetrated so far ns London."
"Why, my dear Kir, there ore six copies of tho
roiiiufjiuii .m'reiu'yuiiuieiauiooi tue Allien. cum
ub.auil it is U Itllcu It to Ret hold of one if them:
a no one reads any part ot it lut tho Toet'8
'",ijt TrottinRton, Trottlnghurr. Well, I'll no
ID. w th my story. One evcnim I had iust
Inished my 'imitations of Anacreon.' and taken
;f ytiem to the othee cf the Trottingbury Mrrciiry.
u ini iciuu alienee Ol iwillllt WUH aOOUt 10
ive way to the solemn darknes of night. There
s a holy stillness, a calm quiet about tho hour,
,mt seemed to soften the heart to prepare it for
untie impressions. In front of the olnce of the
rottlnguiiry Mercitry is a garden. There
sts would via with geraniums, the graceful
oodhine shouli twi lift ritlliwl t),m f ri-UiMwfrlf
nd the suitelv hlv
i'i-lufi.h'L !..rgiu PwiVl but I regret tqsay
. r ..s- ,.u ,,ouMoes. in 11)18 garden there
re two (rates. I w,m tr.i ,i,..r .1.. .,,..1.
hich leads to one'of ruei.:, and repe. U
S a beauUful atanza of , . " rV.,.'..
never read the works of n.r n.,.u 1,
t stroys originality of thoutrht. . a . 1
VHB till Jth, 1 vUiuiveU ly W towards tUg
oth. r fine ; a t'fiiy torm wis pa-iii? through It.
I M ill Ill'l .It' HIM Ii ll. S 'til'j n. .niii.-s of t' i
e or, mis vn'ii I r "s,"t 'n, '-nt m ros the
r, nli 1
1 Ii s, . bm th:. point 1 i.rtli: tri,i.i o me
' " '" d mi ii'iKip. ,t,, vi ,i In i-
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la-'I.V. ,,,,., , C,,l.l,,. t j;, ,
tl .it I i.i :il r tl 1 : .1 till'" lhi'1, l! n mi. m-
( tin n "I v. inch j 11.
A t!i c it;n I
.lus'.ii a iin.r.'."
'-' tl. l or. t vou
'I re tii'ire eniiilr-
1. 1. t ' a: a bi'ii.'ink' r.i-c m h
I t 'it J' nr 1 i'inf h mk :"
l' 1 ' ti 1 ns : I shoii I 1: n o tol 1 w,u ihut 11
t ictcil lor our icciiciii'inn we 11c mci t
1 a 1 a. win 1 1 aim ! i.i o 11 1 he h. at r."
Ilov tt ill ha. .t nu 11 s .1,1 il at il,.. i'n .t ,,. ,
ct it'" h t!.eo:,ly iii lit. nit one ! m,,'i ,,,,., ,..
11 -'' " ' I ban Ii jtiin i.y Kiveciij: one fur
em, .ilia, i;,I r, solvine 1 1 obtim; -t bv Mir n. cms
il 1 " I '. . 1 r.i,w 11 .iiheit to UK'' the ftin ,.
in. at .-. il i i t i s...ry, for iis captuic, an l to us - it
us a (iei i..? to i lilnin the other white r un lia no
in pn- c-sj, n oi the p,e:ess of Tioilin.ifnrv. T ,
v, hat a 'rieli,e v as my pa.s-i,)u lor ' white
1 iiineliiis l,ui 1 inr I'm !
As it wii" iertiul to provo his idiiiti v 111 the
oming rcndi vi, -is, it win evidently useless to
I'l isiiu le bin to i.i.. it to itiejmv only ctmni-o
was to stiul il, or t.iki! it by toree."
Caliii.: hi nttctition t ,' .otiio obitct on the
IC.' iisale, I desteifiisy , rtiri"l iIic"s(:ur it f a
I P fr-vi '"' nine, and slipped tho iloiver into my
1 01 ki 1 11 r, 1 11 idled.
I thin s.iid hat, tloi' :h I had read and hai ned
by hi srt the conti nts i,t the "I'oci's Cnnitr," in
the Tto'.liiigbiiiy Menuru, it would s'ill Ilea treat
to hi ar Mime ot tho-c 1 ,' 'i ;i'u m , rcp aitcil br
ll,e uuthor.
He net ikd 10 pres' in;'. AVphout once, think
in;! ol his laiiieii i. he liivnied 1110 with an tinm
terrup eil sue.. in of poetry until our arrival 111 the
v Kterb.o sta ioii. 1 then took u Lurried leave of
him,. jumped Into a iab, and tiaiis!errni;r tho
ciin.eiia tioin iny p I1) my buttonhole, drove
to I'utifll s to eoMplete my to'i'U"-t.
We loon arrival there. Heine ill a cntii'.il
humor, I was about to five the coach in ma doiiblo
lure. Lilt what! lit w is thatr I tiied my
pn. 1-cls otic utter another; no purse ; the cabman
I cpiin to eye me sus ie:ou.-lv.
'My o!,d man," find I, '! lind tint 1 have lost
my purne, but my ponmiintcan is 11 sui'leient,uiir
unteo for the payment ol oiir lino, llrivo me to
Lincoln's Inn fields. I have a friend there who
will lend me some money.'1 The cabiimn saw the
.iust'i c i f my remark, ami iliove mo to Lincoln's
Inn l'ields, wlieiu uiy Irieiuls received me with
opeii arms, nnd piaced his purse at my disp ,,n.
The join i.ey was rather an expensive one for
n.c, lor not only was my pursu gone, but my
watch and a valuable gohi smill-box. It up
iniited Ihat the poet und 1 liad been Intent on
similar designs ; but while my ambition eMendid
no lurther than whito eumell iS, he hud 11 weak
iies:. lor articles of value an I ctiirent coin of tho
ISC 3 Mill! tll, 1 til aaAtH-XB k
rarctll'sto ei'inplete iny conquest, nor have I
ear tignin met my liiei.d, Uic poet. Lumlmt
The diprec fm'toi' I.rtjtim, or lhietfir t,f Litws,
as i,ri!iiui ly given in the iiniver.-itiei; of l.ur.ip',
ir.dicu'i il just this, that 11 man was so learned in
ti c Civil and in the Cation l.iiw us to lie compe
tent to tt nch them. The raisou why they said
Law- instead of Law, and consequently why the
abbreviation is LL. 1). instead of L. 1). i that
there were two bodies or sy-tems of
studied and taught in these universities, the Civil
Law and the C'nnon Luw, mid tho person docto
raled in 11 1-1 be a master of both. Wo say in this
eouiitiy of a distinguish jude orudvoVatethat
he is karned in the Law. Kot so in the Middle
Ages. They said of such n person that ho whs
learned in the Laws. What the Common 1. ivv ii
to nglishmeii and Americans wore und are the
Civil end Canon Laws to moat Kuroi'Oans. The
liiiliicncc between these three bodies of Luw is a
point worth noticing.
'I he Common Law is tho law of Itngluml. It
Was a home growth on Kurdish soil, und noexotfe
from a foreign laud. It was not introduced. il
grew. It was slowly developed out of the com
mon relations between man and man by tho deci
sions of judges who wcro guided mainly by tho
prinelp es of justice. Theso decisions became
precedents more or less to succeeding judges, who
also applied similar principles to new cases as
they uroso, and thus still lurther developed the
luw. The of natural equity arc so
vital and constant, that a system of jurisprudence
that rests bail; on them, rather than on statutes
and dicta, and allows itself to bo uioditlcd by
them, is necosarlly a living product; and, there
fore, tho common luw, while in one sense it is the
same system from age to age, is growing nil tho
time, is shaping and adapting it-elf to now rela
tions iu society and new eases in litigation. It
is alive. And although susceptible at any one
time of being digested, In a codo which shall
exhibit the exact present state of the law, the
vital principles of tho law itself w ill work on
outside of tho codo as well ns within it, will
decide new cafes, will enlarge tho law, and
will, alter a while, require a new codiiioation.
Moreover, like everything elso that is vital, the
Common Law sloughs oil the useless and obsolete,
as a snake does his skin, and though naturally
conservative is also necessarily progressive. This
common law, which is the natural heritage of all
l iiglislimon, belongs just as much to Americans.
Our ancestors enjoyed it and helped to develop
it in England, and brought it with them us
a sacred treasure to these shores. It lies
lit the foundation of the jurisprudence of every
one ot our Slates, Louisiana alone excepted. It
has been modified and developed iu all the States
according to the social condition and Iival exi
gencies of each. It Las beeu codilicd in some of
the States, as in New York ; it has been incorpo
rated into statutes in others, us in Massachusetts ;
but it remains in all a vigorous system still,
instinct with manly rights, and full of tho vor.v
breath of liberty. It is the greatest glory of
England, and hus contributed quite as much ns
their iolilicul system to the boosted freedom of
The Civil Law on the other hand is the ancient
Roman Law. It is less flexible and vital than
the English law, but ns perfect in its forms as the
oilier is admirable in its spirit. It knows nothing
of any jury (the jury is a purclv English institu
tion;, but leaves everything, fact aud luw, to the
Judge. The llomuus auove any people that has
ever lived on the face 01 the earth were a nation
of citizens. The citien feeling during all the
best ogesof the republic predouiiilUed over every
other feeling. Lvcrything was subordinated to
the State, llut the State was a city, ll was
Home. There was the sharpest com rast shown
between tho citizen ami the non-citizen, as well
as between the freeman und the slave.
To be a Roman citizen was hdnnr enough, and
generally protection enough, anywhere. Among
a people who were so pre-eminently ciu'.cns, the
foimsof municipal luw were wcll-ni;;h perfected.
Therelulion of citizen to citizen iu marriage, in
inheritance, In trntlic, in debt, in court, in house,
and in city, are nowhere moro sharply and
equitably dt lined than iu the Roman law. Ac
cordingly the Roman lew survived when the
Roman dominion perbhed. And even in England
itself, and in the I uitcil States also, the admiralty
courts nie guided by the forms and precedents of
the Civil Luw. That is tho reajun why we huvo
do jury in prlzo cases.
Judge Belts In his prize court In New York
adjuuicates upon millions of dollars of property
without the sif-'n of a jury. That is Roman, not
English. All the German States have the Civil
Law. it Is studied in their universities, just as
liluelistone is rtudled In our luw-school. And
the famous Codo Napoleon in t rance, which is
said to reflect so much honor on the llrst ilona-
arte, Is derived luhttantiully from the Civil
,aw. It is beyond doubt a most admimbla
municipal code ; and what wealth of legal wisdom
must not tho Civil Law contuin, when 60 many
and such diverse States can draw from It the
lh,tuwc of tLyil 1& i tyri'iitft'cW ifni'HWi'im.
Robert Adnir, the hero of tho song, wis well
I k iioi n In the I, union la-hiotiablc circles of tho
I Isst euitiirv liy iht .i,,i,, ',,,, 0f :, "l'ottunato
I Ir Milium:" hot l,,.- ,, uem.ige and th exact place
I of his I iitli an on. II. wan br. -unlit up .is
I a stueeon, l i'i ' 1 ;s d, ti tion fn an etriy amour
dlOVc l''l, pie,p .,'i y v ,m 1 iii.'i,, tl, ,,:,
I is foiltu is in 1. ,.,1 1 ,'. So.,r.vy luni be vro-M
he Clu.tirii 1 ah, n the chain of lucky rviti'.' ilmt
cllMnctcl) it. I I. im t., fi,.r :,, 1 f,fi:iu rim
II 1 tv ed.
Niar llol
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iii" "
Ml ,!i ,
f'e i,.ait"i! bin iv. til :l (",- ol 0111 !.ulie,
i.i; in.-, niid .live him .1 gi in ml'. in to her
!"'''. In : Iter life A 1-11 ll-c I t .,n th it i- vv
i",t s,, ,1 ui-i the un ,, , 4 . , p.,, ,iK , ,M,,
i' ,1, ,, tl it 11- o! s :: c 11 iii-n, .1 0" Mi-,-I,
r-i .,li. . -t il s.,, 1 ,.. I;,., ,,,,, ,m ,,,, ( t
hoi s - wa- 11 -ul - rt. ,.t ! s, r. p., ,,,.r,, K. ,., .,
tl. ' J IS, ,11 ', ,1, C ,', , .' : I ; .V. I
I , ' ' u. '-" 1 ' 1 t ic . .... t
fa- 11 I "i l.a iv ntie l.c nu',
iit-, I) ,',- of K'l'llll.l ; . ,,,
'' c led? ' li'illll '. .it t'l"
Il ' il st,';;, ,., t, , ,, ,.,, 1;, ly j ,
' I ' ' llU I til Mi I l. , f" Ml si, '' 1 ...
a'.u.'i I '.im : II lii tut -lit ol
I ol , II ,
1 ' ., 1 ot II
t ' '.' I-1 t ' 1
i I : t '; i". I.!' t
I I-'' I' ill I'.M'i
,'H'I V; . cm i , l i ;,u
j I". , .11111 i.i. v.
j A .or. 1 , 1 1 1 i ! - ::
I il' I l'l.-..!l I I , W I. ,
I i, on, t laii.iii, - 1, re
1 i U' l: .1 ti 1 1 on ,o"',
! ti 11 ,1 i', , iiiiiin-e in
' ' W il'ioill
I, s a-'
, Ills' ,, (.,, j
A ta il.
.a i i;
,'. I. a
m, I 1,1
A il
.110 an
ike p-i
11 inc. 1
1 !;
1 r 1,.
1 ,1
t. I- 1 ..
v in 1 11
si I n
tliui :. m:,-' 11 1 r a, a i.-ur i"j ,
' '' ' Olll I ll .'I'll I I, ,',, .01 'l, 1 1
; "M . I i'.' 1 on .eu.l I.. 1 1,. 1,0 ,1. ,
a-' .ic, i", . ' ii.:"c'i, -. ,,. a i" .y I,,,; ,.,
vi'iii ; the hi a ih ol I. mi ( -,i 1 1.I1 1,..: was , i (. 1,1 y
il'.f. ;' il. 1.1. . I I'n- Inr ,.y ! I is ( . .-'.-, .i, wp,
s I.i'"-' cum. iln't 1 ..ti is hoiioi nu ih, ir und .,.
st:-.-!ilti gs, ilN Wl ... , ,:;,( ,
I'o-sil-le to pi, v, I,.,; ,, v,r (j ,., ,i-i
iti:ii-.i.ii t r : un! 1 b; t 111 :rl !,-;, was l, ,r.
nlile, liml, , ,1 t ,,. ot"y 1 u.'tiu-that eJ..ld
si ci"c her hupi'iii; ss -in, 1 h'e.
Mien I ' C:t,n'"ic I'a.ulcnbi her liioinN
ll' lu l.'ll'loi: to lii.'h, t' a! sue Iiiiuhl be s'.'p.l
ru'.idfiom bii- lover, '.lie iviolc, it iss.iM.tae
im pot ' Hobin Ada r," n nl i-ct it to ap ainti-.o
Ilid' lure th at s'n- h td hiKr.l him sing.
written I.y Lady ( urol ne or, the .so n; is
simply espres.ivc of ln-r le-llngu ut tli.' tiii",
m,'l as it cninp'etely iMmiiiDrates tho cneirn.
mirce just reiaip.l, whic'i v. ero tne town tlk of
ll " pi ; lod. !hO"gh now littl" more than f it,, il ,
iriidition, then can be l odm lil Unit ilu'v wcu:
tin origin f the son;: the words of which, as
origi'iitllj v.-i it:eii, arc the fniiuw ing :
V I.e. s 11.!, .LP: ,..i, a ;.. m :
K 1 11 1 ii,.t n. ar.
Po l 'noil 1 . , ,11 ,M 0,
U nl, .,r I., m,i
tl h'ri- 11 ul' il,,. ,n .1,1,1 lolrtii.
i'l, n li,
I", . li. Cin ml I,, ,1 mill o,,e,
Ili-l iit A'l.111 ! iinnie tin- .i.i' ia''l ' iliii' -
K"t"n .1.1.,..'
VI I at mii.'o 11 1 nit 10 (li e '
l.i'liip r h t' r. c '
vi I at . i.ra ll, f . 1.1 s I'AO, ":',
VI !!, ni " U !'. I'-Jl, t . .,11 . ,'
HI; ! I' i - ,.,rii-. l i(h
Ursl ill I
l'.nt 1 ow 11, ...i iot 1 ,r !nim etc,
K. Mil ,1 tluo '
Tail i',. I im I-, 0
I: Mi, i.i 1.1 1
V. : in 1 .., .... .-, 11
si,,: im ,11.1 e, rt 1,..'! an . 11,
O li 1 i n I in- or t'or-i-i
l.,il,iii .itl.ilrl
Imnicilia'tlv aftir Lis niatrtugc with Lady
f'atolii'i', Adair wuh appointed luspcetor-Ui-ncriil
ot Military Ib spit-ils. ami subs' -quuutly, becoming
a fiivoiite of George III, he wus matlu Surgeou
(icneral, King's sergeant-Suigoon, and Surgeon
i l Ch'.lsea ilospi nl. Very toitiinatc men havo
t-eliimii many fri, nd. but Adair, by declining a
I ar, ni tty that viasoil'ir.d 10 him by the king Inr
surgical attendance on the Duke of Gloucester,
actually acquired considerable popularity before
his (Itulli, which took place when lie was neai ly
four si 01c years of iqfe, in 170J. In the llnith
ii -aw t Muffiuhir of that vear th'-ro are vcri-cs "On
Iheliecth of Roboit A hiir, Esq., lute Surgeon
General, by J. Crane, M. 1).," who, it is to bo
hotted, was 11 much better physician timu a poet.
I.tidy Caroline Adiur's iniirriod life was short,
but happy. She died of consumption, alter glv iig
I irtb to three childicn, one of them a son. On
1 er ileuth-bed she requested Adiir to weir
," '' . i'.r ns ioinrns he lived; Which In:
scuipuh'uslyiliil.saveon ii. inn ,-semi Uueen's
birtliiluyf, viheu his duly tn b.s snvereiijiis 4v
ipiir, d I...11 10 appear at court in full ilu ss. If
this injunction concerning mourning were tn pre
vent Adair trom marry ing again, it bin I Ihc dc-ircd
1 lie 1 1 ; he did not 111 iriy a second time, thuituU ho
bud many nllcis.
Adair m ems to have been a uiiivciv al favorite
Among both women and men ; even I 'one Uurgii
uelle loncclved a strong friend-hip for him wlu n
he visited Koine. A.imr s only sou by Lady
Kep el set veil his country with distinction 11s a
diplomatist, und died m lsji",, o.;cd ninety
two years, then being tho Right Hon. Sir
Robcl Adair, G. C. II., tl.c iu t surviving
political and private friend of bis distinguished
relutve, (.'hares ,'aiues I-'ox. Ilia memory,
though not ,'1 ncrally known, has been ul-o en
shrined in a opulur piece of poetry ; fir, being
expressly educated for tho diplomatic service at
tho l iiiveisily of Gottiiien.if uiiiiiii,' satirized
li i m in Win ','', us ' liogtro," the iiiil'iriiiniit'j
udeut-lover of - Hwtct Matilda I'ottingcn."
latolntry ln'lilun.
Rev. S. AVells Wiriums, the well-known mis.
sionary nnd author, writes from China to the
New York Olnener that "tho Emperor of China
still regards 1. as hi;, prerogative to deify mortal
men, and command his subjects to worship tlum,"
and adds :
"Tho Tckiii tiuz'itf lately eont lined several
notices of rewards, honors conferred by the Em
peror (.who is, by virtue of his position, the Son
of Heaven, and Vice regent of Heaven and
Earth), upon the gods of eel -lain cities for oxert
ing themselves to preserve them from tho power
of the rebels. Tiny aro samples of many sueh
memorials inserted in the Government paper at
l'ekln, and their requests are always granted,
though the funds f. i carrying the plan Into elleet
nro generally raised unions tho people who ure
to be lieiifiitcd. Oncol' the mcinjiiais referred
to is as follows :
" 'July 11. The G ivcrnor of the Troviuce of
Shensi reports, that in the assault upon the city
ot Mng-slicn by the .Mohammedan insurgents on
the Sib ot March, they brought up 11 force ol over
twenty thousand hor-c and foot, and most vio
lently attacked it. Tho troops on the ramparts
were stiuck with 1'eai , but after a few disi hii'-gcs
of fhcir utnuon, a U.iiuc was seun to issue and rise
up from iho municipal temple, and the en my
immediately fell in alurui. Some Rebel
prisoners taken aitei wards said "Ju"t as wo
assaulted the city, we saw on the wall
a godlike man, weiring a turban and green
robe, gigantic in size and of severe aspect, who
pointed w ith his hand, and from his lofty po--i-tion
could look into the city and
myriads of hoi 00, und font following him. We
theielore lied iu ntfrlght." Tho gentry of tho
place, who corroborated the story of the" retreat,
ulso informed 111c that the god who dwelt in the
municipal temple had often exhibited Lissp ritual
power tor their protection. This attack upon tho
city was theielore another instance in which 1
repaid the honors given to him; and the testi
mony 01 tne iteoeis proves nun me rippc ir.11103
they sa-.v was like the npp'V r.iuco of the god 01 the
municipal temple. 1 therefore request tha' a
memorial tablet uuy lie granted for the d.vine
protection manifested ou this occasion ; for il
would not be proper to oppose the uuited wishes
of the gentry and peopin ai'ter their experience of
this rescue. The Emperor'; wili huj received.
Let it be as requested.' "
Mr. Williams adds
"In Macao, where Chinese and l'mingucse
leave each other to the fiee employment ol the r
rel'gious riits, Ihc lormir apply iliv same name to
the images in the churches of tho litter, their
proeesnous ou Corpus Cbristi and other festivals,
and to the services of the priests iu the.r ten mo
nies, that they do the Idols in their own L iiddbi- t
temples, aud the processions uud pcrforr.i mees ol
their pricKs. In somo shops, images of the L'ru"i
lied, ol the Virgin, and lluii.kluo, St. Ana n o
und others are sold with images of the Ooddos-. of
Meny, God of War, of Wealth, and other Cut
nee guii."
A gentleman complaining cf the income tnx
ssvs I.e cannot tit on his boots iu the muruiLg
without a stump.
Ike IIkabu From. Mrs. rartingtoniHscoiirscs
concerning Ike: "Betsy Jane writ to you about
poor Isaac bciu' granted into our noble army ; it
was during tho late prevailing restriction. I've
been to dreadful uneasy, laws a me ! Ilut Dan'l,
at last we've heard of Liiu by a neighbor who Is
home ou a furrow. He poor innocent ! 11 1 ons't
took his place, so neighbor Tibbins says, as Kurst
Corpulent, ami soon proved so deficient that he was
promoted to be anOjdinary Surgeon poor child !
ilut what the blessed dear knows about taking up
artcriali, and computation of lims, and the like,
surpasses me. Howsameser, if he can be the
humble implement In the Lands of the Lord of
saving the lives of thcgullus fellows whose heads
Lave been desscminuted by the bursting open of
pontoons and things, why, we must saciiihe him
freely, aud way the J.grd have mercy ou hit solur
ci ea.;- d in a
cs of 11 f 1 u c e,i
't- and . ;i:,' V i on
I.i. 'VVi.nlil
tl at I vine ot l enkini'. and then I shnnbl hsin
all ii'y tloubts ic-, hni in iin lit" ' ' Vinva
ben! llk d rumpiimc "ll , .111-e, ' .-hi. I V ,ier,
w , h s.'li inn air, "they b 11 e b 11 neks m iiied'"
S10H1 Stohi I. Sir W'nltei .sei,ii n "st.lrd
th-.i he i-.ptnl w'aml Ian 1 .-i.ibi., lor him in
tl e lilin ly ut Ahbolslotd, utul il it ivhi a ho cioii,.
in In :i nu, 1 ih" 1 ,11 it ceen ai 11 buck v. 'i:i li Sir
N ! et pi 1 ecu 1 '. I., le , I, I,, ,,,:, 1 1.1,1 .onan .
' v ' I Mr - , ." fi'"l S r '. : In r, "lion- du vou
"" ' ''' : ,' " t hiVic vi t.i pi iivslore.
1 . trl .' f ;u n lUo ln I , ,ji i,, , 'lK ,,1,,-j'
.-) on."
M Hi' r t- f v on t v . 1 1' ,;i in wer" ft vivie
"h. p'l'i 1 1 v-ii ii -1 u only t, i-.t ml.-ut In" ti in-;
bet Hi t-i il .. il . 11 tv, we'n1! ''c pi-i.i! 11 ii' 1 . '1
I 111- r 1 II ! 1 ni li. ! i, e ( . 1 v 11 tn"i 1 " iii - ,11
tin ., ,11 ,.pii I ,ti ,.'ii,. ' Noa- in e.v I,.
.") t '.v. (x'enil is 11. ake 11s no
"' -":'il Ar. n'i wit1 h 1 .ml . oi on bis 1, ni,
In: el w - h a be t c lieept""! tliau he villi has
II ! 11. 1 tie. Vi 11 ,' kv I'lia v Hi s, ami s.u i ." il
i. tin n- in it l-iai 1 tin'.' av ,,l vi it iiii'li.ii.'.
I. r
I b put 1
t ci i r.i!
.1 11 .v ill '
i- o in. n
-.1 s" 10 j oe
.1' . . d
1 lll'IC'l
e: t' , 1 is .:
s I' ' I I'l I'l I
Vi.m s, tl.
.: 1 : 01 a 1 ' p
'or ll u '! '11
C q , bit Ct 1 '
I II 1 - i. -:- 11
v "." I'.sV
- A I I:.-'. :.
',( Ci'lllplli 1
I . s- (in.
i' I 'In- lust
h" was e
p;-:i tl '(I tl"
l,..t li -i
;.e n(
N Ol'-I ll-
It' t',l ;
:-r ;:; ili
lii 1 nu
vi 1 r.
re elK: i;i 0 , iin.t
'er ll hi. .1 h ll
.M ' ..'
I e
1 ll k' '
"I I 10
!V :,:: t' 1- 1'u t ''t ii in re i, ,1 k
t I 1 1 tt t T Us ' I ,ip ,,-.i" lM .,.
'U.V, ini'l :i :"-.' , ;... tn 1 an! I
p .'1 - , 1' . ",S, ," .,. r, 1
- ,i nur (.a ' h Oi, a (ii .- 1 mi
a t r in 1 11 01 1 :." I rat-,"
'l".t 'I. 1 '...J not ScC.i 1 JJ. '
1 '
'I .1 1
.1. "i v 11 'I In lirsl Cai-tv'e " -.
a- ii -Im 'it, n,i- n-t fur') ei- acinic l-'n-in
1 u. tn 1 -i in s ii i,"tii th" 1-1 " 1 i ' of rev-r.'i-e
to ih- of V 'til" 1 pf, tn : ay vcm,
I' t ", I t.! t:ic cnn I 'i.'i' ,'.;' -'I'l l in ; set nit ttni
I'l 1 ui-i io c, an 1 (tin is hole iita I is pass., , t4, , t
I'i'.oii.- low '.oia !i iitli, and ti ii: h a' set t.i ho
open an l rei ep i -1 1 , iw 1 t 1 bo 11 positive fn i.e.
lion, urns inn n'vid ci u ii i in, bitter do.. 1.10:,
't . el an 1 hi-lkns l. ii Tilt r. imply of nil
pi l ie t in ii 1: the road wni.'h Curl Ic h-.a
f a-sed over. Iroin 11;' e n ncsl, liopeiul voutli tn
in- ' lilt I Olll lifcll. Ul.l il nu
1 11 I V I
t! is mor. 1 v.hi -h e hav
C .titelllpta; U, tilaw fiOUl
bis lain r.
V 1 v K I -. ' 1 PlM-s ci 1 I'l I! si a It l 1
isvii aii up at 11, imc. ' 11 may rest nsii:e.l
the iiigistivc appHiatus di.,011 icd the pr iv eri,
Slow going is bee.iihy goitii-, hea'thy i;"lin; is
long gin iq, or, slow and sure goes 11, any a
iley." Now, in a men's oa-ii h-use -imp is 011
Ihc tabic ut tl.c appn.nted timo, the roust is
tiiUm otl the spit, Hie dessert ii Src.ul. The s- r
vi.tiis tone y.M to out fas' that they 111 ay have
I'.oio time lor their dinner; they do not unit on
1011 tuey you. At. a lestaurmt yon
are scucd iu a very ililli n -pt manner. You'aro
not piessed; you wait. 1 aln iys take cue to
say to tho wallers : "Don't give vottise'veH too
inu h tr eibie abniil me I like to wait. 1 come
lure to v.nit." Ilciui s, in a lestanraut the door
i-pei'S every mir.ate. and an iicqtniininiieo, 11 ctn
ruiif, or a Iricud nm u, Vou tu cxeli.mgii
in vis or iika', you li,u,"h, you are :av. 1; is not
the vi-ina, it is: the iniiid which is at table. Vou
make 01 ii'i cut or In nr some lien inn.i, you recall
some u".rce.ible souvenir dinner Is over before
J 1 ti thought it comiiii need. ou have dined and
illgit'.Cti ut the same Hire ; and no luiinnil but a
boa-ci iisinci ir taken pleasure in dices, 1011. 'I bis
Is Iho ifivsou I live Iu l'.iris iike a bachelor Em;
iishinau or lin.-M'.u on 11 lent to this city.
"Syil, 1, n'ei," it, Hottail t Vile, ,'.'e.
Fi in iom iis 1 n I'.noi.ami. In tho section of
Eronoiiii" Science and S:iui:-"ii s, at the inciting
id the liritish A-soi iat.on 011 Tliui sdny, I'loleoMir
Levi rend a piqur, cniillod "Siiilisties of the
Mun.b.r and Gi'ciipatioiisnf J'orcigneiH in Eng
I. nil." The ceii-u:. of ISC1 showed that tlnro
were In Kn-him! 8I,(KMI loretgners, in a t ital
poptilitt'on ol L'l .blMl.OdO, or iu the proportion of
0 il fnii iners for every 10.1 natives, or 2C,l
Li-itisli siibju-ts lor every foreigner. In finneo
tin re were WMIVO foreipers 111 a population of
.'17, Ik 10,0110, or I -o.ifon igncis lor every UK) nitivos,
or 7.1 ni'tives lor every loreieiier. In tho United
States there wcro I ,nnO,0 0 foreigners in a popula
tion of '.:7,d'' 0 000, or la lorcinrrs to l')0 natives, or
about 7 natives to one Ion igner. Iu Spain thero
v.eic;i.",,(Miiiforci,;ners Inn population of Hi.iKui.cuii,
rr in the pnponiim of O'JJ louigtiers to lui)
ru Ivcr, or -117 n . lifts to every one. loreicner.
The population of loreh:ni rs in Ntov Vm k was
r.n.ily us two to one of the natives. IV'iiessur
I.i vi uwelt 0:1 the ocenp .tion-. of lore'gn-i s i
1 r-.' -n.l tivel It tt.itei-r-ri il.a. I Ue
w; 0I0 iiiimbcr eonsa:teil oi sciiiuto.uiid roncr.illy
firitgnns were cngaped in useful indiistr s.
'1 here wctc about I rot) foreigners in prisons in a
total of UO.Ol'O. 01 .r ' rsiiiis who Mill n il the
pi unify of death frciii lbi7 to IMii.l, li n ero for
tgneis. Tim C.i i-Aiit:. Tho ulmy d tyd for eats wcro
iu the tinu 01' lii ypt's power ns a nut, on, fnune
live hundred jeais U. C. Tuny were held theie
us sacied us dogi r, mid dra'u wua
the peiiidty foi kdliin; them, l'mm their hoc
ttiinul its and gh s3y li:r, thu Egyptians
diemcd tiiem symbolical ot the moon, and a
g Idcn cut wus worshipped at Sycnc Herodotus
tills us t mo marvels uhout them. "Tne Toms,"
it ict ins. in his tint", hud a n ea'ii.r liking tor
making n nay with kittens a very toitiimiio
thing, tio, or tha liiud would lmvo been overrun
with cats. Crowning wonder of nil, when a liio
breaks out, the solo care oft lie 11. .lives is to keep
tl e euis from it, to ilo v. Li ic li they post themselves
us gnants aiotind the burning house, und take no
thought tor putt 11 g out the Humes.
A oivlne iii,pul-c, hoivevir, savs the chronicler,
Feiis tlie cuts ; tlicy U.irt miner :c men, or leap
over tin ni, and lliiig theueelvcs into tlio llames;
then print niouniin'; takes possession of iho
land. If a were found in ad in any 0110's
house, the inmates lind to shave oil' their cyo
broit'. Hie animals were can n d into
tho t. inpli s, w here they wcro embalmed and
sob 111 n 1 y i'- posited In theci'y of liubastia. Sic,:i.
mens muy I e sicu in the liritish Museum. Very
ditlcivrji fs their fate et modern H, me. A recent
truveh r tells ns they uro (hen: us hipli-y es
teemed f"r euliriaiy purposes as puppy-dogs in
China, ll you h u e u 11 nst hare inr iliuner, you
bad better not mako too many inquiries us to what
kind ot "puss)" n w.,6 before it caino into tho
thrf's bauds.
Siiii'VvRFCK ami Loss ov I. ii k. Friday nUht
while the r hootier Dunlnrio of KocklauJ, from
I'hiladt Ipida for lioston with eoitl, wus p i cung
through the Sound of Mout.tnk, she sprung a
leak, uud in twenty minutes niter she foundered
and went down, currying w ith her f ur of her
ctcw. Her Cupiain and prim -ipal owner,.I. L.
.lumeson, and 0110 scaniu'i, succeeded in getting
into the ligging nnd clitiibed to the topmast Lead,
where tin y remained until the steamer l.mpiie
City came' along, when by their shouts they ar
rostcd the attention of Captain Li ay ion, who im
mediately stopped b's slo unci' and sitnt the b,
illicit r command of tho Chiel Ma'o, James John
son, and ti ok them oil und bioui'ht them on hoard
the steimer, where they were kindly ciied,'or. A
subscilpiiou was (tuned ou board tho boat und
afoot one hundred dollars was raised for them,
to which some of tho Masons of lioston added
fifty dollars. The two men who were rcscuod
saved no! nine' but what thiy had on at the time.
The names of the men lost were I). W. Can
ilB.;'e, of Jtockl.ind, single man, mite ; fi. W.
Hopkins, steward, of Camden, Me., married;
I'hiueas linker, of Massachusetts, seaman ;
Hemy , feamun.
The vnsel was principally owned by the cap.
tain, and was not insured, lie est unites hi:. !'-,
ut from vm'Om to fJX'O. iV.'.'u.' loi-j Acrj,
fh.'oief tli.
A Si i sriTi'Tr. Svvai.i.ovvs l-'ot n Hi xmikd
Iioli vns. Si rnc of tho most artlul and despe
rate men known iu the list of criminals of this
and other countries are now engaged in the
dangerous but lucrative operation oi "bounty
jumping" in this country, and some of the w
of tlieso characters huvo, in the course of their
eventful carter, como muter tho jurbtli tion of
Trovost Marshal lllumenl urg. One of these
cases was before him, a few J..ji i.g , In the
P'rsonot or.", dairies Wright, who reprn-en's
himself ft C.r.ailian, anil wh i became a substi
tute lor a dratted man of this city. In i riler to
insn e the safe iltlivtry of substitutes nt the
gi'iieial reiidcvmis, without the neees-iiy of
luinisuiiig a vitilf escort, tho plan bin been
adopted 01 tak l( than the prine' por
tion of the rnoinif found upon them, and sending
it to the rendezvous', to bo returned to them
upon ni rival at that point. Tho man in
iiieslion, a'tcr eating his dinner at the o.'hco of
Captain hlumenburg, was rcqnested to hand
tiicr Ins recm y lor the purpose above mentioned,
lie replied that he bad but al out lif'iv dollars with
him, which statement, towevcr, C.tptiin Lee,
Deputy Frovost Mr.rshal, was unwilling 10 accept,
iu consequence of lufurmation iu his pg .s -fsion to
the ci ntrsrv. After a thorough an'h of the per
son of Wright, it was decided that he mutt huvo
twnliowed some money, and an emetic wus pro
cured and administered to him, but without effect.
A second wun then given, and in a short time,
Wright was seitd wilh vomiting, and threw up
a hundred dol'.sr m te on the Chesupiuke LUnk of
this city. In n brief sp.i -e, I.e threw up a second,
a third, and n fourth. He then confessed that he
hud swallowed inch note separately, whilo catiug
l is dinner, bv plscing them In p sccsi.t tomato.
T ho money is now In the custody of the 1'rovost
Marshal, as well as Wright ; aud nnlcsj it should
be positively asei rtuined, us it Is believed, that he
is a "bounlv jumper," it will be returned to him
upon Lis arrival at tho general rendezvous for
UnttUd tueu ami saUUiuiM. Vultimore (ui. t i(c.
Am i 1 1. Pi . Wa b 1
di cu.v.iiiti a to the pioVib! !
ci ct I riii. nMiut. ' I lied, 11
t 0 siitij 'et sre s-oii'.iiig."
N.v. ll'i ".T.irKo1 fttr.-i
ni a rt-,, t : . 1 ' s i' Ats n in 1 os 1, .Trf.rrTH.
0 v . n 1, 1 , 1. 1 . 1 n. 1111. 11.:,.
I' i: I' .. 1. i ' 1 I' 11 V MCI A N S,
1 '
,i 1 1. 1 ki 1 in 1 1,
' ' '' t ' I l 11 . i.-m .. I'll. 1, 'iipiotrS
.,1", 1 1-1 t ,., ; I, ,-,i,..i ,'iu",, 1 lnta,
1 " 1. " - 1 :.-.-. I rl--.-. .1 li, ,. I .Vi, , ,. i,,M
I'- s J. . .'.. '-' -I 1 :. , !. ,p .- s ..1.
I m i;ss, 1 1 . 1 on s
't ' ' ' ' " I'' v 1 .. 1 1. 1, , Mi I. .' I'fUU
l ' ".' . ll a - I, ll . . I' : A. I,. I .,',.
H. ... .",.. '. ll",' ' ',-l 1 -.,,-,
. ' 1 ee .' - , I- . '!' I 'V s I,.-, ti .0. A. i. .i ..,1 .. 11. 1, nt
I -i a t r I 1 1 1. ,
l iii .' 11 ; t 1 "i; 1 ,1 -. i' -i i s ,
I Its-' ri , i 1 r, ,..'; . 1 . j . . i , ',. v uy.:-
tl-e rt U1.1 1" - ' 1 , 1 oi " 1" . ( . .. , .
A -v. . . 'Ac,', . -, . . ;, -... ,, -r-, ,
Oi l I.. -. , II . , '''(.' " I' ,,.. I. ,", (.,- .,. ,;
O tl- m ki., , , ,.,11,.' .'i,,t rt-il a- -. i.t.'. tl i-t,, I,
nu, ,f..i.
Wt.TCIU'f X Sl'MI W.I,.
is u" -.ill Hum W io. Ii.i irtfl.
J" 'r j t: 'l.v .'.' -.ji. .. -.
1 (.(MIIMItli ,v '.,
L?I a r 0 t n r r, l h i v, 3 ,
1.--1-rt ' ' li-l
I't-i'l ii me r y,
'I tiilut Art to: ,
unit t-n-.-i l.,tt u .
t.HAs I'll s, v. I vi I. a ., sel.l .ii.!;- r,.r ;,i,. li.ln.i ,, ,r.
K... I tlllO-lu.
No. (223 CHE'J.NUr bTHKLl'.
I lA'l UN IE I) Jl LY !,, lwtt- J OS ) l H
I lim i t, Ki'-.- Ui, Can., Nii-mii li.rlim
s i' Siii imi.,: ,.t m,T kliel of neiirliitf rt,,,iarri, inr l.iia'ni,
-.-I'ti. l,u l 1. 1, Hi, 'll I'Hlptll 0,.tt.-Ntllk im si, rolling
is-Ii (,,,, ,,. , , ,:,. in '... n,,, KICK Klri-rt.
Ilmnab Mo if . H. Mttni H'rirnt. ISIIsJiOnl ' S'l"lS
-Tt, ll, HI. i'l, n,H (in. i,k lc,l ll.f Kr.isISa
1, M.. KIV liutk, Ik-vi In liili.riii la. ti ,. '.,.i n,l ,ha
iiiir-i j ..I if l.f i, ,.r,,,rt ni, nn.rc,i,od
si lut a to .s-..m list It.oac I' si , i, v' vi seln to l.f ru urn!
nt H m .ul, b.'liiK its, iivi: ilnii-ct'eoiiiur i,j
rsiilKi-t, n,l: lids p. i,i,l Mioiitiva te ill vin.cit m
In, si, il io 1,1 iu l.,r i. :hi, i.
I i'ii. in AciM i.i, M.lp riir,s,'ntsri. mil MsehiillUi
Ml llU V.s,.l e flj-lltr. H ' I' m lf,.i , fd to mil
lis i u i: ih iiciu-i .,r tl," pui.. i.f "Woitersti ilti' Fatonl
Mi'tsll.t i "iii'..iil!i.n." ni Cqnier 1'sint, fut Uir ,ro,i'ra
:i, n of a--s..;.- br,l-. uii. t..r II, ii ci,i km pii'i'src j Ic
'urn sh Uii, ssii.o mi fsiui stile Iitius.
j-iiiw ii. ii vivmiTT,
Kni..tiittoil Srti l)i-sl,
iMI-tf IXilAWArl, tinui.lKi Iurrt ilid(.
ah..iiaP''l t ti - i tin- hi (Jiati.nt. wn, CiTk Mrtrttur.
Htli.V. 11
e.''H I h. j"! i i m Mi .ii.
m?!1 ti'!i'Wi, :--
i'il I iriupntiy hi o tnttmdeti ic
i J.m nu, Hitiir.!y. Nvm1icr A.
'l i Ol M V( ;-Kri'i. V.ucMifHr 13.
(Tt l (i I- Wdi.s, ("M.'iini.'ij , Nu n m'. it I
Aii.lcvi'r tu.t: pi'ti.h; .-ttiuulM, fit n'nm, lYma I'lor No
41 " : . : . i.
l.'A l l..s I'AhSA.iK PAYAHI.K IN Ci;iil;i:NOV.
ir' t rt ' 'i i') mi .s'ixi v A'ii ()
i it -.1 rin. t . 'm;.. i. i;i- ): Mm,,.!',, t-i r "i .ton"! ij
i trt u!n tf I tps. 1 (n hi, . t-'ii-t to I'nrtu s)-uj
1 1: (tlnii to Hitmi-r I'.iwi I HlcTv f U itnii iri;. ;t.'m
rn"scm.ti.-. mm. iuimil(il t-i llftvrf, l'.uu;iuti, luit
ti tiiitrti, At ttt rp, Ar.,;tt et)i'nHv liw r.iiii.
1-itn-st irt 111 IIWTj'.iil nr .liocnBl.iWi : First TrtUn,
JliH, .;(i H't'wmr fium I.Iviti.k) ai d i.Miuuns, 'I iWu v. ; .i wl. n ncinl iot lut-ir liU'iia tun
t-n v i i k. t t . i.f M:i f r.t'i .
J oi lit i tli tr inn jiu.'t.DN ni'. lv t i.t CnTiipHnv"!! (iillcoi.
.lOrfN IK IA1.Iv".ki li;,
So. Ul ffiLM I Htrt'vt, rUi'mli'lpttiA.
ItOSmis AND I II I LA I )' iF, I '"l I IA
Htntnial Urn', nulling Ir. m viu tt port on
' 1 I K.' AI. Iti n. flfst wt iirl ,iNic I'l NI. Mrn-i.fdilii-U
!' n Hid l.tii: Wharf. Ii.tfin. hiimi 11 -t wl.arf
i'(.Vf 11 N f. lSiic'I.ii uitluv , iNoviilnhnr , J,-W.i,
h'l Uii .TI Ill'lil I'l i 1I I,. I. HI l!IH .WftV,
'I !ir itr.'iii-litn NOi:i N vtll fmillicni Hi.hIoii Plil
lm'rl.',;ii mi M'iii J.i , Ni.v, lntu r f, 4 (.'ulH'lt i. M.
'J'hiii! new utul Miilisfanti.ii .unrfti,, ,,rm a ri'K'ulW
litu , f. M(i fn h- tm. li i '"(i (lUiti'Mitttl v en HMiirdTi,
ItiMiTin ci vil ct. 1,0 iii uiit- lifiU U.u yruvLjuui ohftriodon
r i. I u take 11 nt fair rtfon.
tMi.iicts. i. rt-.;ntMtii to toiiiJ Blip Roiti'iU kud Bill
Lm:1iii: v Hi ti.' if 1 OM'li-.
r 1 t festH I'sHv.r.t.c (jivItik fie nmniodntlns)
I'l ')' tn Hi. NKt' V,N;,ii( & m).,
VJL Nft vi. lil.l. WV AKt Avoi.uo.
f?A 1- ( it 1 .i T.rrrui Aa., n-r.rira. r, V-n niiVi 1"
Ih ttiKihlt nIj.i- I'.IM.AT'F.r.'MIM, fnidnln C. V. 1'(hI(
wi t K.tit iit Mip mum- m rt on tlio Mi( nilti-r.
su t,t I-- iu 1 n 1 u t .
ii'h.ua8 men ,t 0.,
l'l-VU Si,, lol WAI.M'T Htrwjt.
T..-ts liiill V. lllf V1IT. IVI'ttll tTMl
tm7vtuvt VV- nd i4n1l1uru L fici. Tift hctnwarr And
t. 'i inii( ani'i. 1 lit' btfuiu rs nt tiic-u I111C1 un- lea v iiff
lim.. m .'. tli rk M., i.ui o clock M. 1'r-iiii ItiitJ pior
WMni't rl.
Kor tr'Klii, wtilfh be tiVrn on ppctrmftl Ml"?
ti-rii k ri;l fivWK.l.lAi; M. iiUiD i CUM No. U.i
tH.I.AWAl.t AtoiiI.U.
t. A I LR C AD Ll N cS.
1)1 II I , A 1 1 1 ' U' 1 1 1 a'7 (1 K U M A NTO WW , AX 0
MiltklVI'OM H li MI IIIOIl.
Ti.MK TMll.B
n 11.4 nt, r HOMiAl , May 10, lil, nnUI (urthar
KOI! lif'tlM VMTOWV.
I.rnvs rhltitrtil) II. 7, H.!. lll.ll, 1J A.M.; t.S.niC
I.."'. .'.V'C 7,,tl, In, 11. 13 P.M.
Loive i.viuisiiiiiu u.l., i, I I", S, S W, 't. 10. 1 1 , la A. M.
I. 1. .'.....'i. 7, ti.ti, lo. II, nml U 1'. M.
'1 heS 'i ' -!, ami ihe :p., and l Uaius up, do not sto
on Un Ui i '..n ii I'.oiii, .i.
IK-SI I' Mtl.l. RAtI.KOAT.
Invo I'l i,i,(l"liiia, 0, S, in, 1 A.M.; i, a'i.i.T.I
uml II 1'. M.
i i-iiiecheni iit it'll, 7-ln,8,n-l(i, 1110 A.'i,fia,
ti HI, S I", l.llil llrili I'. M.
I.i-i,vr l'l.i'l, I.mi S,t-"6, 11 Ivi A. M.; 1 k, J
t.'.,ii.i. anil 11V, f. M.
l.ciiv.1 Vi truton. -'.7. 7-60.0 and 11 A. M.tlM.IM
6. ami til-. M.
'I I.e tram bp, will stop at WuiiltilrKon, Mnl)OliS
ami C'ouiliuckau ei 'J
I.tava Piillat1i'lit,':t. (5, s .'C, ll-o. A M., Vi, J,1, S.
( ',. s i.'.a, j 11 Vi I'. .VI.
I.ra-.' Mima, un' ;;.8-."l, flS', ll.'i A.M., I, , T.
SuUI .'j I'. II.
II. K. NMlTIf, rimeral Hupi rirtmitcnt.
nn'll lu i ul, M.s I II and l.Hl.l H .Siroi-'.I.
1 I OK Hf TIM. Kilt VI, llOV I.KHI UVVN. li.V.S I ON,
k'MII! till Mi, li.Vill.l-.lOJI, VVII.KLnllAltllt, WIL
LI Ail.11'01: 1 .
F A I.f. Altlt WtlKVKNTS.
On an.t alter 111 iMi.l'i . Hi i n n.lj. r Vi 111. Passenyo
Tniil.i nlll k-iive II." MAV IHtt'oT, I It I KI Siro.-l, aliova
1 ie li'l'sun, l'liiliiili-lilua, daoy (.rtiiiiitu)! exeeiiU'dl, a
ion. nv b i
At 7-1 A M. fFi'rsi) fur lii-tlili'tistu, Alli-titiivrn,
Mauri, CliiinV.. Vi I la-'-leu r.-. Vliil,ii,isMrt.
At & l.'i A. M. (UTiJiiiiiii'iliitii'iiJ l'r lii'Vlaitoivn.
Al III 1-, A. M. (Aits. tin, Hiila-lc-ii) furl Vl asuiiitoii.
Al'i lu l1. M. ( .U'eiii'iinoilatl'iii I Inr hio lisl'iiiu.
At 11 1'. M (l'ts'i'i-Bs lor l;rl,,li;lu in, I..ih',,ii, An.
'I lili iriini luit' !, i v I- si t.-ii atii'lu I'. M., nni! iiirLi-b close
ci'linectioti Willi t! u Nan .lei-si v I'l'liunl Ivr Nuit Iiirli.
A HI., V. M. (Mull) for Ilo) l"-.l'lvn.
At" I'. I. .M I A'.-i:')iuiiiuilnil"li) lor nol'iti-licul, Allett
1'ic. n, und Minicii (MiiitiK.
ii I' I' M ( A,'i"iii;ii, il'itlnil lor
II i. M. i A'-coiiitiicd.tiii'ti) l',r l-i.rl li'.isii.iutiin.
1 l.oiiili l lcki l in-'.t l,i- iiriicini-,1 ut ttn; Ticket 0 Tim,
Tllll.ll Slifil, ,r llj'.ltn S Hlrecl, III orjrr lo steuretu
li.ii cil ruli'i nt' fur".
TIIAINH Km: rniL-'DKLflllA
I.rrvr r.c:t.i !-,. i.i .11 G n A. H , 1'J 1. itmiii.iin 1 1-1.1 P.M.
i"li-i..wii at ,i J) A. M., J 1'. M., und .1 SIP il.
Luimii'lc lit tln A. M
Pelt VVusliiiiiSen al M-M A. V. unit 1 1'. M.
?h:tn,l!,l,'l f. r r.el',!il,,m 11 !t A. 'f.
I'lillml, 'iti.i l,r I i.i-. :-ios :i al I'. M.
. ii ir I't.tlu, ell. lie m j''l A. Jal .
Hi ll L-li, i i .i I'l.'.ii'.. t ,i.i a' 4 I'.. U.
Iliiitcan i li-l.-..!-.-.- I. will tall f r ni.! .t'lver
t' ul tsa itt'jmt. CijiUrl Ul.'V b: lei. ui Kt). lij
X. 1 1.11.1) bi, it:.
j. ): VI.I.IS CI kr.K , Ak'cnt
IT St iv ,1,-tjii, meiit.-i'li sii-l aiu-r 'iLr.sllW,
Via siul-ir I. Isu, irinn will It-uu' iroia w alum ttuvul
J'llll un I- licwi. :
I-i r I m i- Mi niij all licci bt'iiih cl'M.IMJ'o nt 9
A. M null I 1' M.
F.,r Viliv.i!,', lirtit. cfi.n. H.ilvm, and ti'l 1'itriuie.Iiatc
flu,! I iviitt. el i l-l .t" ill ' A. M. null 1 1'. .V.
I ,,r .,: a A M.. la 11., "ti'i i I'. M.
tut HmeLii.t,, t ,41 jA.M , IJ M .Irnil
ItMtCit Mav a- i A. M. an l 11 11 A. M.
.11 . .i.i. ai s-lilA.JI in 0 :i :' VI.
Hilil cl,i, l7 II A M.,l-li'f. if.
" 'nlii. .vl 1 A. M.,.11'11 ' I'. M.
" VVieoi.iiiT t;.H 1'. i.n. I' ii A.M..i:it.U tt f.M., r. oi I', m. te i .ed " . i'
H!K tVLM .11 lis,.. Y I'M'ili.iH I'CMl'.lVt
AV.'I fitlit..! i,, nil ite i-raiii i ' il J.,..iisM imsl
lit ss. ni-, ive, ih iiM-r, iilnl tnrivur.l itim-ii; , ,,:!iu. ri--. ti
sit I I'.sinis i'"iii,,.in,i Ii, ail .a,ls i t t'n-i-'iiii.tiy any
a. le-ii-, liti u-'ivl to li, tin, A Hpt-Liiil Alliso n,,.
isi..fs null Uiii'i'i'S trio n.
J. VAN I ENSsKUkEM, Sui'SrUllfD.tlnl.
I l.lll"l) t.u, N, null 1 1, II" I. I'l-IJ
Uulv hl Akil-ov tiMLi.caij eo.ui AS.aib.
Sol n K.
On a- d int MONDAY, Jain. ir,v 4,PL flu Tral-n fer
Nsv , l ife, I, UI, It Kl Bllflil llrl'il. Ci, 'U,, lila, ut
il u A. -I. I N ifc'.l;. and 2 iKJ I. Al., and tlio O anm It avmg
kivv Vera al if' A. M and 7m0 1', M., will ben nictr tt rua
if li, b fi r ua Iii, in, I b-.i'.ia M.ii'n oi.l Nnw Vurk
anil Wi:st,ii:K'ioii I'l.isuiis'srv, , "ul lull not lake ui iu lat
out ai.v ruin ns ri uitMt en sali' rllle.
'1 1 c ll' A. M- anil Ji Jilniiilaiit Lu.s fv Now Ytirl to
A'aUll.sU'll, ai.d lim 11 t,C A. M. m il I', at. i-iili iroin
A ailuLiUii lo Ni-w YrTh, will ctiimii a- ci i-i-ni'it, ani
ran i am i emu to auu ir tn t'-e In'.. rucdiaU- italwuii atii
lialiln i H-, VV ssl'in: ton, and Sew V-j'V.
Ak.l.Af.t.i.l.jl.slS lir. I li 1 KS 1'llll.AD LLPilI 1 AND
NUW Veil.K.
rinis Icavti PnUl1,l.tlla. fri'ii. Ktni'n-ti n flrp-it, at
11 1 i A. M , t on. and b lb I'. M., ami Id M niliioiijitl, and
AomVilnul Kocst Wliarf (via t'nudvuj, al ij ai.dbA.
il., 17 M., i an l i ,r. SI , lor tic ti.ra.
Aiidli-aii'i New nik, Iruni I 'ul ul' Pciinlanilt rcl,
al 7 A. M , I" A M , 1: M ,4 mil S 1'. M , anil al ljunt
li lulu, and Uuu li'i-lol flalil" liosil ul ii A. M.,m,,c
f.M. Wll. A. (.AT.MKK,
jai-U A., at.
IHilI AIM I .I'll I A, . VII.MIMil(i..
1 H t l.l IVii'-V l; 1 1 im mi
i ' II A Si IK ni Inn VH
On ami aiu-r lieMuv n-,,.. ,
risi-i'i-i" ir ii. li .1, i i,i nHr'i',ia i'tr
I". W-.
a i-i c"i'Usl),R Aft A.
.... ,, 'i, m i i . i . .. ., f . ,
"'.. I ' !.. '' I -, J I : ' V
""mit at tv. It IV A. Ill . I iSl.i tll. I CO
I'. V.
can and 11-00
S A. Il ia A.
Vl i i I". -il ft 1 "
M , I -. '.'-',"', f. :
Meiv l s,l Ml s v.
' i r n i l M
'i flo
.',-.! i : - "
, I I" iV.
I . M .
VI- I ul sol I . A
S!l,' ll' . ,. s , '.
I l: l ' i
tf.iic Pn I nun
io: r in . m i i"u i
.' m ' t.i v i r. -r'-i).
T I .- i ,1' ii 1 .u, I ir.
t IS,
i ),
. I...!,
I It I-
'. IV V
I , , , . I'
I 'I, 'I '
, 1 1 .1 1, 1 ,
. M
-.le.t a:r s'.atl-iri
nel l.'Vrm.-.u ' i .i aivtl'i'it a
I li I'M.
unn no
?'. v i.ti v )i.K
A It.
, a:"l II 10
tl . I" t. III r,in
l-Tll.t ill'i'Ill.ll'Pi
I-. M . ('.im I'll. la-
I It I f A. "1 .10
i at m A. 11., In .),
si 1 I" A V
and f- 11
I M IM.'i si I.,-.' I VI
. i'n
K. iK.VM.I.
lib' II
t tl.M,.
I 111. ,1 '
i.V'M'i.VAM.t flt.Ml'.AI.
i'l'! t T.I I'l ITMIlft '
1 1.')' I I'll.'. M, I. ;)!
ii'l srcKi'
M.i liiM. i.s
.s i iik i.i j. vi !
ii VN..i.An t y. vm T(
t v I'm -.CM I'hi ;(r i J t
!l;ill AM' M Vl;Kf.i Mrui'Ui,
l.ii l'l l 1 l!IA,
iflv I ti'KKi S
( I
I I 1)
I t i I WVM
I. AS.
lltvl.i M,
f Y l i'N,
11 ' ! M I,
1 "'m i 1,1,
l All.,
I IliCil.'t
" ' . I MM,.
M;-t i
,:mu ti
n.ADl l.t'HI AN l.i:iK It Vll.l'0M.
1 a ! r.. t .1 -n i, m, w u .... ,.i. ... ,.j
f .-t on st, I'm t . Ci.. 4 ,io:. t K.i.;e
IL UK' -IO',t. UK i'KNS, I . V A N 1 t
i nr m mi. i a m w,
" A M..T.r Tii.nmnKi ..r, km .i-i , f i,'
i f Inn ) l':t;.-l'i in it nil t-ll --f rin 1 1 lie ( I'liU. liir,.vi rlno
i in i' 1 1 "i i rtt htiirni ara w -Hi t! i- tiunw of tin' N Titn'in
fvMini l;,n:vH ivi S..:..ifj , U tiu.ui.nirt. Huv.-n,
lhin :ii . i:ii. n, H'-M.n. mh . , o.-ti H.n.Siiir'.inntnv,
ri n un tli. k n -inn. v ..iihiil.', iiii ii- in, hcrm i.t,
1' null ii, hii'iMlii, U,), Im -ter.i niiiin aikiui. N i,ir,i t nil.
N iltaini- of turn lflivt.rn ri,!'"iMu nt l l.ti
H;..'ti Will, tli' t'liiiil'i i iitiiil silu.j Km run.!
I Mr ( I nii.h r-'Muir. 0 l!:c -, s!. n. l-"liii..t,i,vsiih
I I i' i irk :it.d WtlKMmiilo li iii way I..r otW, Hiinu . or. 4tid
TPK l'ART 1,1 NK,
nt 11 '10 A.M.. fur Viutl-m ; ttml tl,.- vv 1't.t, comifto
ti ni ht I.Hntl". i!!i. j;h t'l- Itrn.'lnj- ami ',inii'ti Kill
ion." tvi 1 pl.irtrn, Lit,, nn.l IJi'hIimj, At lUrriMtiiitir wl h
I'm- 1 iin l.iiliiii'l Vnl.e ah 1 Niirlhfni Ci'iirt Kahviva
l4r (AT'itt r, .Vlll'T-lsnrt;, iMSHt-iinvn, SfilnsKrove, Muu
Itnry. ctr. At rnilnir- whJi,h tr.iinn on nil tlio
'ii r tru ri.tiil fn-iit t-mt pfiut- N.irih t iho k., Wctt
("tin .MihniHin,!) :iinl tin- Misi un rivfm.iinJ toiitti (uid
f Ob I lint Nt !i. ;in .,hn ni - uU h li rli'm 1
'I Hi: II A'lrtiMll l; .i'('ti.M'U.A TIOV,
ul I'. M , i iinn vm i.'nui..,i, n ru r.- o hu:iviini l mn.lo
w ;ili (lie o'V uml rkh'M il a kftilrnitit iif uh, hmm.
rr, .uui i.i ittt.nrit i lu iritiu M,.(li lt: nU Ittu r.iiuJin 10
l oin.s, ui il ri.u Nts Unni- hum u T ,; r.M.
Tiir. -i;ii': iai ki;,
nt sP M , rinifi lh nni'. h n ni.,ut ci,i-n i. 111. Tor Hurt -1'i-i.t. uiiiiitTl.iiul. I.iM'Ihtk. Miilun, ft'tumintnn ll,
' " art. M.iiih oiiMM i , Miincv, V 1 lirtin-iiirl . Hi-rrnvn,
I'.' iiwiM.-1 rtt.'s, XV, un u. niv, Vi i iuirtl. Kr c,
i tr. At f' try cnniit-. tion It ii n ite with Oil 1'in-k i.mhI
I-r lltiiiillc Mliii'ior'., n.ul wit.i tin Allnrtic uml
t.ivat IVr-tUTi. Itiillrnrtili itr t i .ttiislin, Mniuvl li", nmi
.lul.. i tini.. Tli r.i nam Cuti'ni. t;. at H .un--Unr witU
-ilniiii-io hxiTUHs fur rntjfniiw' una ail wuatt.iu
,Mil(lt: .
'im; nm.Aw.iPiiu r.riti-,H(
ftt li.-.'i T. ..! rims tSitMi. tt ,m, iitua dim, (.rri to
I'ill'l tir-'. tun I llnrr rnjiu'w. nil ilivi'ilnu iou-Im,
tlnrlh, Hf'tllh, Bint Wt. Mri pliv; cii run th ,nu-h Willi
(iii,, irn'r io IMthhiirK. A thnnli cur f -r " U Hliumsp irt
at. t! inn nut il. tie nnuut n uiliu timi t WiIh train, ami
ri'IK lll'H illll.UlH, Olt III "Wi A- aia
'I lit- i'l lli.tiripl In h: prrftt ;,. ( ili-Mv.
'I l.c l-.'li K'tesi (! rs il i J , i rrit S .ttini iy.
Ailolliir trulns tvam ti 1 y. i -r-it HnniUy.
tin' cars fi Ihc Market s(rfi V ,m K illmty wllII. nro
Ki( l tlmfitr; nr 7 I-' I'. .M . to t opiiiwt wild the Fr o .
prc-a.un.f nf IH V M. In i-iinm-'t with the rkiUdejiilil
1-. j.L- tit tltl' I'tuli.ili Jihi-i Uf tt. !
i l liiAci t 1 1 1; i:i k, .
cfipt Ptm.lni , ii. p cars .,1 tlx- Ulirktt s(rcpt PnsenffiT
hnilw mi ill U .in rront mint cvrrv two mniiitfn.r'im- '
nifin-'ii u in Lour pn-viont o the ilme of ili,initiirn of
m il ttinti, diitl ilu-1, iv i cm ilt irnvr tliliiv iu iiuirn prlur -
t; ll ulil.lli'ii Mini of tmli Huh. fii'iti thu l'liU.nlo!)Uifi ,
MOSTlll A ('Oil Ml' IIM TK'KKTM,
f'.f tl r ri rt.iinu.iil' leu i.i i.ri"ii liv u:, flit of town,
iT'iiClti M o-i it m r-r t"n li-11,1 fo n '.il, nmv In-onr-rtii.M
, at U.w rnti-M, o.t -ur Uuy-lonv lilpiA, ir uvinl wiihln
tin' iiti 'iih.
, -VAMll CuVltiNUCKM, , ,
flk i.1's V.t.. ,T ' V ' ""i "" wvlvo
iui tAuiuin'b- Y.r Uit tif't ffiTt'Vr'' ii Him.,"." "
Aio.v in.. ..toi, 'iiOkHN,
lurihr uir ot fciKil us .ntfiiiliiu arhuol Iii tlio city, at
virv litr intos. mid i ntiill g hoiurrs to ;4 ttli-i, II us Oil
C I'l t'K R Mill' th
I t T furl lii r ittiui uintl"!'. anjil nx Idn rnittMuir Ht Klon,
rot iu t ti '1 hit I tr 1 li nt'ii IM ti n Mt ret, i'fil u uiphia.
JOilN l'.VA.l.tL'!t Jr ,T..u .liiOilt.
K.srrjiN RMiiiKTnv I
Aii Dui i-Mint rt:i'rtjiii.(,Mi un I'.aiti Irivcft Ni. 1 17
ii.-rk Min t ill- l M t tU.n pvc -pi,.,!), ;4( A V. M.tollniiif '
it O'li fwi it n. i iN'u' trftwj tiiiamiii tiioiiij; vV'i n',n uiu'-
lm I si r iiinal riilct !' frrr. I'm ll -i I ir nitimlun li t.iinl 1
tn til,L!l'r, lor I'li'rh ttii-r'.N MO Ktvril, ami baKtio 1
H iv ii'iln. ! u(i.t tm.n Willi iax.M ;ia:urfi.
r i i lim .nii-r.u.'i'i. ii. p iv ru
rilAM IS H NK.Ki'ilk'rut. Vfinnt.
N'. 1 i I UK K SiCtft't.
ThPCil,c"'t Mining liiu-ciiirt,! .it (lid
M'lilliunt . -oi mil ol KM VI.VI'H hiiI M KK K I' Ml i i"ti,
v, ltrt i' ii'l till it. inr tin- in-i i-mi'iit ( 1 hiKi-iiKt will rU'lt tt
prt'l-pt utlvinkiii. An u unit if thl ttlia'tlu Kxprrta
t ( iitimny it. I'l p,iB:. ih--. m. I. c nrh tru'ii lM-torf ryArk.l..u (tin
ih put. inf tako up choc s .mil I Mv-r In.'ia 'f to 4nv prt 'th.' tr.x.Hi.ij pnhli.- are turcii that ( t
ttttittltj reimt.i'jti;
ill n t ir me nn. rl.k i r liivt,'i.r, o cpt fir h rai Itf
api'i'ii'l, ami I tult tln-lr iu-p-.i.'-itil(i v to tit fliiinlied
l.i!lnrh In ahio. All r m - 14 1 t.-1 cm ml'im tliat uni iinit In
aiiit' ill hi' nt the ri:k im thu ow itvi .iiukin takni by
hpLCIUl I'UlltlliCt .
KitV.H. HTM.
I.y thlti route lie'ivlitii ot till Ui hi-nptinn ran he Ctirwurttrtl
to anil l'mm t.n, unit en lliu railnuulit oi uiuu, Km tin kf(
liiiliann, IlliiioiH.U'l .I'ltii.siu, low n, nr Mi nuuil. hy rniiroml
iitiii l, ot tniii point oil the iiaM.-nbh rl iTh of the Vrt
by Nicnuinri trom Kutshnr.or to nil lAKts purtu by stuaiaeri
in tn Ktir.
'i ho riHti'r. of fi 4'i' l.t to iiim! fioiu an v p.ilnt In the Wait
y tlio I'tvvnt; 1, 1'tiin ('- i tr il l(l,io- l an at nil Uroct a-t
f.'iMinthle att uriy:liHrt,tl hv othvr r:tliriRl co'npunh . ('!
i lijini's atnl thipirK rittnutltiK the trnnir tation ! ilo Ir
In trhi tu H it iiiupttiiy ctut ie! ulth coatlaunco on ii
t ily uui" it.
hor iVcutit c Mlrnotd or dlilppin illrci-tions, apply to or
OflilifiMh I !) Acn r ol llif I 'i.iiiiniiiv.
h. It, MMi.-iToN, Ji-.r'ttiN I,
II 1J. iit'lliSTON,
tlcncral Kn-hi A.-ni. I'li'imjciptitft.
Oi ncral 'I Ickut Ak'nit. Knl.aik-ip'ila.
(.I'livrnj rtupi t inU-iiUuijttAltoiinii, t.i.
ll I'll 1 1 Al't.l I'lllA 1i HHOOkl.VK, I
IHJsUllall IN HVK itottit.
KAItK i.
yxcvr.Hior. tickvt svi,i;kji fou tiikff nT9. 1
On nni v i r MMAY, Aujkiiat 1, tv4, trulin will lhr t
lwt of VIK fitrt'tt, rtiilMOci(liia, ivry morninn; at 8 A. '
Al. i Butiiln a vptfti,ttifljt.i hy the i.;aindii and At- ;
lurttlt: arnt It.tilian nndiulnwuio lny lu-ilu-iuU to 1'iirt '
ftf iUinoiiili, uui hyih" c iiiuioilljiit cicaumr Jchmc Uyt,
to li ot of Atlun'.ir attract, llronklyn ; ratoi run if, lenvo A-
Ihi.iu btiert V Jiarl etr day (hundaa exceptd, al 11 i
Tiavrloi to tha rlty of New A'orlt ara notlUMnott
at-plyfi.r pa nnw hy thU line, trirStat ut New .let y
tiAvlfo; train! d to Ihe t'aiiuien and Amlmy m-'uop 'ly tha '
axrlnaivu- pn v. Ut o of earr iiik panat-iirr nml ftwii ha- i
twvia U.e ci ih i ot fhiiioh Int. la and New York. Iti-'-tt ,
V . K. i.Mr hi t'Trt. tig''-rl Hutnr.iit'Liid. nt. !
1 I R h V T O R T JI K i( N K A I L ROAD
J f liul Iv.! I
11 1 Al O AN It I'll K i.AKKS.
I.y ftila 'i .o .hi and I roiiom )tallroait. Holvtihre, and
I 'elfl'i n-e i:-i'o .!. 1 .iro, l.ULK.anniiin, und uaUTU
Lmliv.nil. arl Y rn- i'al.. av.
titiiv mo . iiR.n:,-- n-t wit-ii Iiii:;H!"lphl.i and Hll'ilo.
No rhaiit-n;' In il. ni,'ht.
mii.Kh ok hi.oad oattih:! i
M'tfi'lih v 8!. ?(. nd ar- u il.o i.i hi ci .1 of iht roina.
toting N. . Mi. -I.t ii. t :, i ;i.'.f 1 , nt it 71 A. M . , t oui Tlia
K - tt: f..i. Kenor '!' t' c I'l ii.inflpl !u and i r -iti'ii 1! ul
I : i ifti ut M xrtun' ft ( hiii.l l. ihr Itr. nd s.i'iu, ri
0 Ih-ln' s. i' , I .I1:, .iw ; ' i "i .ml NS'v -!':ru 1. .nr.. i.i. and
n t.ii .t' 11. i.d Io ihe t -fits iiaili. :i , an. -li; ut iu..aliul
t-: i a. V.
tout.' So t'.-Tii c th-' F.tio CaMiv.-iv K.prr-i f-:ni
ItulihioHl lo I. M. :;i- nt l in it lliiiid t'iti 1'U
vi: e. i.d'K.v. .t,,im,ii:ul . t ; ti-io t.atuiii i' 1 , .t ii i ui .M.i-a .ma
t t.'.ii'k to Y- (ti. in- l'i :. an- l.:;rtd 1 1 ,: ; i, u,k U
oi .-. tl ton-, h to M. il. Ir li-l .a. nu i i-M .it :; M.
I ,i. t r. i. ru ii .ll-' i.i'irh iMm- 'it DrlaHitf tM, nil
tl.i 1 r...v. . r I. aii n; A-t.l Vi t 'H rn Ki ;ro.iil. i.:
1' AT.
tl.f 't P
o a-e
ud b.
ra- w
l1. y . 't t.-ine Ij.'UU ftiolb
r it H nd. ,it t; 1 : . M , ,.nj
"rr 'rmih. l-e'.i-v.-src. l.a Ka
J u dia , i..ue ut i e. Airu ;
I .
r:u..r I r
tiMftM L
i ii l.i.r'
ii iii
I'll 4Yt
r:t' l-
'Ill ,-. ! 'I .' vi li, .".'.1 lr, Til Hi:'..iU). ll-ll'lit', le.r'.ipi
t. r I-ill. .Ill I ' A.'.,, I'l.ii'O, 11' ...t.uuit ' ill. lll-rllt ilnij,
1 1 1. .ii '- ii. ii , i.i s . ..i"t ,., I ' ... i ii ru ll n'.f i i.i ii, c.
li.ii- In I v, , r ,ia ..tli. ii, a ami HmUlu, ill.
-h if r l:i Hi I. Hi ( I" ' I.
ll-jc-lul Wll. 11. li lMF.K, AgWt.
I'liU ADFI.rillA AND
s kli-l klllll.jAll.
'I , r. at I'n. imrar.M ill. Men hern and N r,iiw. t
Cos i ll. t'r nu.) Kama lo il..' tilv i.i Hrli- on l.tsu i-:-,..
ll lml.i i, lis.t.l lirllir I'KV.V.-l I.V. MA H ULKHAIJ
4'(Mj'NY, I.,. d ui ilir tin -r AJijuc.i is 1.1iis lai-iUi
ci i i.i-i' lim i, ,n ui It i nur U n. ib.
II i li.-w In ii. irr -i-iiki r ana b'l-Hfli froia
llarri, imrii to .uncr,ii tn. ilu. lulu h), on Il.a il.:;. in Hi vi
lli. i fciiiiivtu im..hi.:i1 tc him i7nu'lii),uii Llifl lYuwi-io
iliVlhli I
1 1MB F IMfattN'l.lH TIUlN'I AT lull 41HI L I' 11 1 A.
Mkl,'ll..iri lultM 1"" M.
t i ic-si, 1 lain kin, Il I , P. M.
I Ml-, lull L1.,J, b ll 1 1 I. 'I 1 IIIA.I.I. l-o Ul .ls. A1 Hi,..
Iriiiiii lipiw l l':.j.ail-l..!,t . anil Lock U nan, aQ'l Ulauii
Fsit d.i i. nnd I "C Havm.
li.i.ut a.m t-ias far. . u lite KMirai, Trnir. b.sli w.i,'i.
J r i .iui i ai ii rn..,i r 'inw I a." - u, ir I i i n-n-. ti, ,., at
tt. K.ti rii.iul'KI KVK.MII ..I Ml!-. ,.(-.!
Anil p-r t n i! I t u -ii,.' I i.i tl.c .'iii,..!. i , .in ,:, :
H. II. Km. a. ii, Jr., cuu... MA 11 XI, a,.il :.'. l.K T
S,l"4.. I .i! atinl'liia.
J. VV.
II. I'll..
mil, iinl, M. N.C.R., tU'.ilm ra.
ll. Mill- - fl3l,
llu.tral f'rvlsht Am-ni. I ,.tl.,. .., nl
I.;-, i IS 1.. II." 1' r,
Qini-a! tl' Kii A-'i'iii, riirii,ii-i)i'.iti
.I'iSK. It .i. ru n .s,
)l-tf til Maua.i r, V, I tliaswi a
1 o,;4 Ai;KAetf.v;;."NT!,OF
? i . . t. n ,mi .,i ,,f , , ! rh,,..,.,1 ,nZ7Z
t: , ...,,,i I' m,,,,,, Un. . I't.m n.,;,ji.,i,:a, "fai
a .4 Un
. ,
V'At.Mi'T a fKLIT WUASr,
f'-ILsi- , vir.
wii, ii i, vir. ritt.
, " - i. Mum, m -n amn-i)-. u. ana A.AO-
" -i (I'M
A; is i. W . va (Amen ai d Jimr (it,. M,an,a
I A, l.' M .virr, den ai.d Aia'',,jr''i;- and A.'AaooBi-
a. ,. . . -
A'. I . I . via rami i :i an.i Aiu',,1, t.. and.A.P.a-
( l ! " M .v. c m,',-r. at .1 Am',
sr. A:
,niiii. -latt-in
'"" '!- t i i r ,i ic-,r
I ni r si , i .a I an 1. n ,n ll Alm.ijr, Al .nimi,UO.i
: ' I iwi.i,Iiiii,,i
! At :
M. s a (' ,,. I. .-I .",b(. i .'.... tttt.,''
tl"l, (,i itin and I ...leivtr), I.i llliiis Tli'kst...
Ill ,1 .s ,.
t . , . , ,h' l' t'"n, ll. i:.:..,bi.i llclrld.
I ' r f ru .,i in
t' r -a. -i,i, i. II ,i, , I. ,
t"it I.. i-t i, a. m. r
n- t, .1, Ar , i-;i . M
tin : air a .loons, nt P. M.
'' ie, r, luittruiii, and Vlnooar
' or I i,,!,. ,, v ,. j v j p
. . . . ,rs ,t.,., ,...n j,, an(v,
ltvrlr. tlitrllnrtvvil.
A vi., u l. :i ai.v
11" .1 in an u ! U
l 1 1' I, 'on.
. li.'aa r-iD eirtrtt ttiroufk
t !.'ai V""'li,r ,,'"'". '"-rtr. atl narilstf.
At i A. M.. (,it lit) K"IMti-t.lI1 lint Ms. V..,w
I in A. M , via kin niut.-ii ui J J.i.a..t i... L -
. I Mi
At i -i m . . vi-i k.....i,. ... ' : : i vm
iialTvion ami J, r-e t'lU i-.V-
i n --...
At f.'.., V
-r utj,
t r
nilll.'H tl'M'i It 'li' pi I A. M. V:. kt I , I u
I.i. I.,, lux .1 I a v. .. .. .... M.
rir will
f.r Veit i, ,i, h-i a-: ,'iuhwic
--iir,,v.,,,,;l,OVri'i,,(1 All. -'.
1.'' A. hi H ( Ih i
1W Mmu'li t hunk nt ;. 4i f
I IT l.iUIlt" 1 1 . ll'" ;IM' ti(
Kr liri..toJ, 1 rvjiwii. :l v'.,
"He it -tl i.-i nt r r.M.
I'mr'U 11 A. ti., And!
I Si .
lor lohnfihtiiY , Tannin. H'n -ornfiu', n'i,h'.hn'c, Tof
1-iar Vorn ni ; A.,b t;. and 1 . M. rhc it A. It.' Liu
f t n Un-1.-'
tf K r.Nnw Vnik and Way I Iro'j l-inni; Knnnhtm
I'ro -t.t'ikr r).r i irt on I hjIi Mm. t, aivt a .ui. naif a
h"! i ( i ! - r Ji-p.i !'ir. ' i4,' rra rn'i ii:;n:l,o . pjl aud
o: .in it. a' i,i ovc- triln tun IV, in ihc .o t.
it tU? IM Mi'iinoi Im 'no.c only aHowinl crh ""rrsn.
. arc piw."'-u''-1 lr..:.. anvthinc in t'lutmum
hi' i .-ul' v k,.t..!ti-l. A.1 i'u:U' in-cr nnvpouitUtt
t I i i'.: f t c.i"n I '.t ( mi' i'n ii u-t t'trlr ivsj.'tnul
h 'i it r litt.i i.- , t.iOt'f ! r t't-r po-.tnl, nw w fit n,,
llai. i fi r wit) am 'tint leyiiul f pki, evpout by tuAclal COB
ti ii t.
riiUrrit .uo y will .-ih i'r and Ip'lrcr h
ua; c a ui - t. L'tU.i i it-.t at o : WAI.Nit
M.rrt , (1. 0 4TZ ,.-
Ani.-ii.IS. Ii.i.
i.i nkii kum ytw V011K FOR rillLAIItiLKlUA
wii i, Li:Vr
l-rom foot rf nr.h.'i-t t'tf-t at 1.' M t& r V rK
,ii.r it ar M ninipf ; v 7 and In A. M ,0 j, h. u
i J i Sif-lit) Mti .i.TM-y ,t an I fci nMni.'
rmii li ot M ir'la Mrvo. m a , m. and J P. M . vlB
Ami") Hit.l t ntn 'i i.
Yrvm Vvr No. 1 N. rtli Hh er, at 12 M., 4 and ft r. IC.
U rrtht anl l'n-dtnui'rj ia Amnor am) UamUctt.
i;kkhiiit links voit nfw yokkand
,1 all I tn- atjitl'.n, on th Camiluu anil Aulctv auJ aim.
noctiny Kwltua'1-.
ISCliFASl.l) liRMrATt'H.
The Cnmiton nml Atnlmy Itmirontl nrd T ran porta tUm
i .oii.pany h t-n-.j-ht 1 in- Ni v York will Iravo Walnat
at rut ulBil. on mi.-n'i-r .lanuary H, OaUv (Muniava jc
ciptu') ul 4 o i l", a l M. J
MiuiiuiiK, the ahovt Miifn will leave New York all a4
I r. h ht iiiimt bo dithered hefore S'il. M.lo b ht
war.lftf tl c iniiiii- if uy.
rrelKht lor Tn nf.'.n, Krlncflort, K(n':it'ti, y.w Bnina
li k, am) all point i. on the ('niudrn anl Atnhoy ft&ljruad t
loon the Hi h.iliTc, (folanaro, anil KJaoilrisftii), Ui Nair
JiTM'Y, thf h rn In hi nml Jnininhtiry, anil ttw hurMr'irtoii
lind Mount Moll.i . ul In -hi I.. . ri'i elvtiil and f nvar.lrd up f
k" oVIm k I'. Al stnull packnyoi, nu- Mount ll .Uy recalvad
lip t.i? n rl.ica . A.
Tin HeMih'to i i:twn'f liftUroad rortoccta at rhinip
h:.r with thu l-. li.,h n'U'v rliioH.I. In w J.Utmr
H. tilroa.l roi.iHi-ti pt KliiWth with thf ' w Jeratty
tVntral Itttinmi), mul i,t Ncnark with tha Horri tut4
l':iet KtillU hd.
A Mif tiK'ioi.nv iibi. "l'Ojfyinir the inarki and nana
b rs. aliipptrx uml ro!isL;ri'. s. must In cvrv li.ttunc b
ai nt whi. l at h !o:o! or 4..rtdi, or no rincipr will btftnaa.
locn-iirrd itii-lliiloa l.Mir. b n made Cor the tranaftorta
llot. ol l. Mot ., u.ovrrn are loyln d to try .lili mot.
Whvu tl ! ftoi'tV ii frriii-shiidlii M'intiiiia o( TWO tM
I. OA I'M or tnoie, U will be tl- liran-d at the toot of Kortlth
Btrett, firiir the lroe Yatrti, r at Tier No. 1 Noitfc
Hti r, an tin-vhlpprrn may rtrili natf at thP Urn of Ui
hiptmcl.t. Y, AI.TKK KK KKM AN, Krelrht At'ut,
N.) VUrtti. linUwarp avcintc. I'biladelpliift.
t.XO. H. HA Silt Krclrltt Ai'mit,
Jv'' If 1'U r No 1 Kortti lit vat. Nar Tart
f;n kat Tir' Nic r.Tv
i'i.N k LV A MA, 1'flK M'Fitf WiKllX. H(j t
lit l.UA,;NA,(,l'MllKltl..tM), AN li
Tfavc tVa fr-n'raiiT' T"tM-t. at THTIfTPPVTW ani
t Al l.nlrV HIM. Hr,n. I UilaJrlphia, at ilia roi owiMC
MOlrstSd MAIL.
Al R-00 A.M.,
for Ktadiii, 1 -Miaimn,
rohrva, Lltla.
Coinninio. HarrlTH:nr, KiMinvtlic, P n'rove. l am ini.
Thin tram rom.ffti at nV.AIUNii with F.ait FnnTrrtv
uia ftaiiioad train mr Aiieutown, Ac, Uie Kaading aa4
Culiitiibin Itniltonit lor Kphritta, MHz, anil Uclutinna, anA
lihth 1,. Imnon Vulh y Liani tor IWrrMiutj,, c : at rtr
i,iNT(N with Cniawh ia Kailronri tralim tcr Wliki-a aira,
V Hhainiiport, Jock Unvin, K! in Ira, Ar.; at II1KKIS
M'Ktitvltb ' Nortriarn Centotl,'' "I'unilHjrlnnd Vailay.
and "ft.Mi'. Iktll mid ui'tinhanna" iaim for Nortttina
berUnd,)N .pirt. ork. 'hambornhorif, Piiiflrya.awi,
A Nt M N K.VliiK.Hf
T.ravi rhllnrli tphin at x-M p. bt. Mr Kaadfrur. P.U
lilf, I'm- t'l't, lUniht'tiry, ,t , connncttrm at llama
t-n re with rTin.ylanta Oitural tratn for Pitiaioiv Ao
lSortl'.crn Vpirni itaorond traim for Hu'itnn r, Northum
h, riBtiii. Kh' iru, Ar .tMitl at fort Union with Unlaw la
Kid.tuud truliu foe Miiton, Wlliiatnarwrt. lUnOra, HuiIah,
IrnT'' Rfhilii atcvo A. U ., Moppiri.; .a l way
(lot f in .in i: In liillndi-lpli'n flt V L'fi A. M-
Koiurning, iravt n 1'ioliiucip hia at 4 .ft) r, M. ; arrlrM la
l.iiioioi: ai V. M.
Tr:iiot fut .,iiiUd-lpldaIi,aveTTlirrlbi!rJt'it H-Of) A.M" , ani
Pott-ivilli- at H .(.' A, M , arrtvhif tn 1'hil oleiphla ae 1 C
I r. u . Aii.ninm trnim tiaie Hnrruonrv at t 4 P.
I 1'olt-vMn' dt -i 1'. M., ;, iii i'ld add ma at I P. IC
I Market uair.i, i.h a pioki iifvi car aUailiii,lcav
, PhilfoVljd In nt I V. M , i'r Hva-hnri: and all w ar aiattjitaj
I ka?r K-rauii; at l'i, non, and jH.nntnitiowual It Mit.
U. lor 1 hliailtii hm and all way Hathmt.
I All the ul nvu irnuta run daily, Sundnva axeoptd
Hum! ay trninn h uc l'ottavli'a at 7 A. M . aud PktlJk
deiphlaat a ll P M
Paaen'cru lor lnn nttiwiovi n and lut-irtaiffiutr po.nt
take tin s-ii) A- M. .'in 1 I -W I. M.ualna from riniaJjli.iiiA.
reluming Hum Jiowningiowu ai 7 00 A. M., nA It ;ti
T.ekvon Vf w York at" A. M. am! 7 P.M., pailijr Reading
at li mlonujht and 1 at V. M , and couneciinr at Marrta
bin it m Kb l inrMij ivk.U 11k I road JCxpie&g ualiu IW Pilta-
Du:(r. t n-ako. atiu me vt am.
KitnrtiiPia Kxprt'Sf tmtn kavei llftrrlabnixoa arrfral oi
tc vnn ivn,a pMiaa from rtltnt-ui k t aid
hyto A. U , p a sin Keadinjr at 44' and Iu .V A. M., audi
nniyiuu at Ni w lofk at I" A.Atl mid4 i. P. M. HU r
li g an anooi(i:ii. thtM iraio thruiivh.batwtwB Jarauy
il'V ni'd ti':aiur wltbou- ohaiiue.
kl ul) tratn for New York Imvn liarrliarf; at l-ift P. M.
Mail train for Han p.bnr,i loavra Naw vrii at ii kL
("( III I Kil l. XAU Xk UAlLKOAIi
Train, b avi-Pottbt ido at ; U A. &I. and P. U.f
turnitiK TucanTa at 10 A.M. ano 4 b P. Hi
HI 111 I kll.l, AM) hi s.H P..IANNA It AH KOA1.
Tiait'i lev Auburn at ii 4 A.M. for 1'lnoicrvra ait
llnrri-binv, rd at l-.ytl' 1 f-r l'nievr..v amy; ratttri-li.k-from
llMrilh:itv t l' P. M., and rrui Ptuagrova at
7'4oA.M.,and..p. M.
TIt'KP. m.
I hroch lint rlana tKi.-tt and emiirrant tlokaU tm aJI
tin (iinii ipal polnti tn tit. North and vvi and Caaatiata,
1it tolli'U inn; th u l are obtalnniilootilv al thn uitloatl
R BKAIiKniiU.Tr.a.iiri'r. No '."H H. FUKKTH ritra,
M.Hjiiit pi la, or oi ti. A MCOI.L.H. Ui-naiul HupetlutM
dt nt, kradin.
At 'h Tirr rw i di-fount, buiwieit any polnta iealrad,.
for uiudiei and fl'm.
'i nniti, batwaeii ali potma, altWIMaaHa,
fur Imuihas and )-n.i.
For tree, ih, tine, or iwrlre inotithi, for hollariMlF,
tc all pilm, at rcduc-d intra.
je-idhti' or tho lltf oftne fond "ill ba fnrnlabad wit
caidt, eut:tiiiv ihematlvei aud wlvaa to Ucaeta at bail
Fr m I'Mlti1rlp ' a (o pnnr!pnl ii.ttt'ni, good fbr Hat ar
il aw Si.t dnv, fint Mnrd'M. at ieil'ird fara. t ba bad ou
ar the i TH1KTKKN ll anUCALLtUMrUliX
iiK.di of a'l d-irtpiiofii forwarrffd to aH U abov
f-ii n: -. 'i' m i . t 'a new iratv-ht dpot, UlsVOAU
aud S 1 i. 1 v Mr l.
KJ.KK.IrT THAI Si TM i'ad -ijVia v at A. M , 1 P- M.,ai.t fi P. IC ,
f- r K a-.lni.-, I.e-iron. Ilurrisburtfi i'utuviila, i'swt twlia
tou, a;d p-).nt-. bejond.
waii n
tV- n ai iyr l,l-i:k''.c,ihia po' irlo for all p'acaa th
r hd ' ti.unt ; ra hi t a. M.t aad Kr tlt pratiyai
liAiit iir oj.iy a? IliS P. ..
tin a1
t.KV l
I .
Ul DA Y, Apiil 1, lstl,tba train will 1mt
at .
i k -a k i:astwakt.
in ss.
n.-.iu, 1
VV.ii il"jii'...
Avi lulu..'
Kit 111 '
( 11 , il.. a t uril.
M .
f V ia t.'Vil.ia.... a-no
.1 Vi tn i.l.tisioi'. ., ?.
4 .1 v. 1'. Juiicuoii.. li-.1.
4 IT I'eii. .1,1 !l :'l
4 11 l-li. I'll t'i nl,... !,-4l
! il K"iiii-lt lii-(H
b I 1 .-i,ii : t I'l 11
C. .ii M i-si liiuM, lu -ja
'"' I's -il ln-M
4 HI
4 44
7 Oj
..' I
. - 5
..7 .:i
. .-i 11'
. . f.'t
l I .
) 11 1.'..
"liir i't-tit in I
,..i'U-. 'i'a liii. !,i-i n 1-h.iiisi-il fru
.. .--IS. I.i llllliTVUHST ai.1
V'lKI 1' 'r t-'.i, Vifsi !! loi'rljilila. Market Blrant
l-i.i'.i5;',..-r K.iiii.aj Cm.s ixuv,. f'a.ii.'iii,era ui autl irusa
t tti.;
I ..-iii ,ui gu tljrcai-1- wlihriut rham.., of ran.
lui lif.NHV ivnii, buiiurlutendunt.
yi T F iTFsTE ll WlLAl)ElJHli.
V 1..1.U ''.VI'. 'l.V Ml ilA.
Oi and nltn t i.lUAV , A.i,i 1, itti, Uiu 'I raiiu wllllsava
kL K, li-l. I :-
1 1' vi. I l i'k.1' il.ll. fr uith, K.ptil, corner of TH1RTT.
VIH-1 mil MAIllisr Mm-u.HA. A . Uui A.M..1S
I'. I.., ;-..t I . Ai. u'tli 1'. M .
'. I. ,f,li.,na t l' .hi., oil from r.lWITEV.NTH
V, V!.K, 1' hut.U to lllllU'l 111l.iT mil Jllt4v.f
S lit . '6.
.a im H',- ( In -i.-r.f.T-m rY.t Bpot 011 rt AtUKW
f ' .' .v. M.. . ... A. M.,11 A. m,,j i. si ,4 vr " '
... 1 .11" I IVl-l 1 l,l,,,''4 ...i, T '-"".i
''! 11' .al. t m."i)i,l mi,i I ..."" '
li. I.. 1 I I aj.l,';,a In , ..
1 i .i-yv Vulsiti '.,i,' . a i 4. 11 ml '-r.,
I'stti ',ii,1 , a .) 4. M.
I "..11 VV iv rl -irr ui a 4. M. i' 1 t. .nJ l ' "1
V 1 '' -'r ui a 4 M. '"'
'1 IHIIin
1 lii-mi i ai ; 4, ' " 1 h. itlaau -mmi
en, ml
I I,. 1 I' .
I .i,.i fcK'.'.r',',.-. 0UMtMal