The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 05, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 3

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Iocm i
fvUt'HT)AY, NO V KM H Kit A, 1-1.
1 13 r. I S I'M V ll
M rr.n n t .tj.v
; i i
Wc wm'
lin p.-
Not :
A ..) i.
tl' .
Wi .
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Ir.-- !,. a.
1,1 ill
- 'it !
t:n loir, ici-lilan
- n .I'')'" itt' n
i 1, i) ..I v v-t
. ! I
nut ' v il
' I-
I'- .! . i.i:;- i. ': -.a. to: ;
'It..- oi "i , :: ' . ; '." I
All . '
. I V '
It ' ' t n : ii ,
A ' i ii - M ,. ,
An. i i- iM i ;
l.ivi only in I. ',. i.
Wh i' s vi - tii 1 , : i ' j i .
v. t, ,., r ;.,
V Ii i - I .,. i,i .,.. r , i, . ii . i
'. ........ :- j ,,. ,
"i . .. .... : i
I -I ii-- l.i ..,. '
Wi ii I .. :!, ii. i.
1 (. .' , ,. - -
" i n i-
Till! II VOIS," ,. ))' v." .i I. V.,:, i,).'.-!
1 Ii -'. I i: 'I , I i 1 1 V , f i . IQ . .
(.mi l-'s i) cn t, . . "I. ,,..,i slio.'
Tl e I" Mil. s i! t'i .1- ii. "i '
i N ii. N ii Ii,
I'S U ll-.l- ll ii,
r ri vi' i.o' or .
' I i ' l -,. n Hi,
An i L i.,, n ii'.u in in l:i,,i ?
Wl"ii t'.on. Ii r ! , .i nil sent : .r
Tin' . n n !i' i ? '
V. h!i. v. . o iii -rut is.i . ii U ii.-'!
Tint p iii; i.t Ins 1 1 ' 'i i n i a n r '
Wi. ;,'., r I I'. I.,-.-,,
Wii;.t'r r,c n is.
ti pl i -i'i j i
l.U tilHt ill i
' ll'Tl'.lt'l
n II." ;-i .
J'". r .vlio ll, '.' I
"'V C I J ' '. I, :- L.i i. .:
' r i ll r .'I' .H!.; niti . !!', r I-.,,.,,
1;' II- ii- ; .it !.. f il., n .
Tln.ii;!li wi.. ,,ml 1 nil
A ,nl ii.i !( ' in i il in.
Ii. iiii.ii r... f.uis
1 1 i i.aml i!p!i il '-;
Thi' i ami kv ul' t . -1 1 1 o i r -a !
Ahovo t'io nsnililciiiiii; cry 'it liioc.l,
Ahmn (lie a i til 'au ilr'i,ini,;i)K,
1,0' l''ri cil, mi s vui..; I..),l, v, h lto i.
The nil iiViTiYmin;,".
nvr I'r.iviT ami i.'irsr
T i i-i.iy .In' i ii.'S'j
W hu.-i; wrong v,-o 'bm c,
W ll DC hl.u.i.'. w j lif.M-.
"NVhusi; i nil bli-iil Imlil-n lie i'v..
In vain tlic Ix-IIk of ahi- si:;ill rin.;
if ci ii in j , ti s i. a 1 rovi-nKi'-if
AVhiii. kii.l is ;irt,l ll, c oil loiiiif
That hi vcrs hh,1 ciniiics.
Itnt Llii-s fie ear
'J but yil t-lmil ln;iir
'1 In' jui'tluiii 1 1. U
Tlui! niii i lie ki.,'11
Of K uvi i'y littcviT 1 lit the , 'lisli !ii Im limn'..
Anil In blioil tin; bn ul Ii . il ig im .
Del' r the joy iv. jumix un,5
TliO i.,iiiH ul' jiui i: y i ii
iiil ci'. o Hi (
l.ii'.li iu hi.-, ,'i u','
To !n.- Id:,
Anil, niiiriiiiitin.r iki,
i'.IlilillO llii.l w.i.t 1111,1 lii' i ir !
a it i i r,
A Into nnitilier 01' the l.omtnn Snri, ty s.iys :
"We justly boast ol tlic venture of Kuliin,!; but
I doubt wlicthcr it ilues not ykM to the vei' lnro
of Swit.eilar.J. liio maunitiuk' ;f tl.u picture
also tells upon yo'ir i'mt'.'in.iti ,n. CUrnet cems
lire not to be lie.-pioud, but tiny iii.le ..nil aluiiik
away besiile tlic :rr mi',1 ur of a K,i;.:ni.. I cartoon
or Hoi ttio Vi rnt fie-co. More.'.rr, iu a moon
tnincus country like thi-, weather N not
Hlwuyt. mi nnmi.-ceil cvi! ; it soiin au.ri suipriscj
you v.i h ilia nio-t un'ilimo nn.l ringinUjent
edicts. Wliiln ni-e roiiiiiuiiiiiiig of n r un t I'roy
liiirir, we mnldeuly hciiold thin mustirplei e o
hindsc.ipi' coiiipii:iti iil ovchii jIhU by mm cuiu
T!cte nt'l roki-Ti r.iitib im i(Mt iii on ;n Inkc i-ioit i
L hind; win on lthu lorcgr-Hiiil, til" br.U ?oi, the
leal'v he (,'liti, tlie q iuitit old bi:iiili:ii?i, and the
foaiiiin blue r:i.-hiii' .S.uin,' are liroimiic out n v
suiiBit nf i. nuui Inn. Wnli the sun.ition iil'
'ri' bur); compare th.1'. of llcrue. ii is a p'ci.od
fpt't, ti li'i tcil out. of a iho.i-iitnt localities wucre
u V D of import an c in e!u hi) built.
It is neitht'i I-;, Lor c invciiii r.t, but it it
FI IC, Ill-Ill;? 811 e.CMitell iOUlnuvui'; ill' IUITiHV
t' BKUe 01 liilid, loUUtl tl.C aniitln-
and iioi.l
tiuua M M' ti ,. u Hons tiie river Aar, whu Ii ut'ier
rdn vn low tlio w iii rs of tlie S it in i, t; b ;
m allowed hi turn by the jrreat enijuller, tlio
lllilnn. UfrtiO, tl; n for.' ( ln'liii'0 nny I'ri l ! .n
bu If), was atef hible i nly nn one iide, funu ';e
lii d. I'B strenprth wa. n-euueutly c; o it to
re 1st the'ts ot the military appliance !
Miil,il In four or hvc auiuiri 1 ini n'o. !Sucti
Bites ot towns am a -ii'iimary of Ilic spirit wb'.''i
ha - rvicned in Swi'.-t riaud I'oru its ya-i ,, mde
ptndei ee, nationality, and re-isinnee tn oppn s
b;oii. Jt biciksuut'm evi.rv f irui of an ami
lito.nture ; on coim mid nn d.ils, in public iiiinnc-lii-
nts In popular offjti. It has cuiioni the
ni niory ol il iam 'x, II.
It, g vca us Klatiies of HLoJolpli von Krbv'h,
the Vieioiious leader of iho Ii it'.lo of i.uupcn,
where liss thau 7000 liirm'-e niPbers routed
3u,()lili cn. ii ies ; i f Arnold von AVuikel, one of
the tor, fail er.i who won t tie je.vel of iiidepend
ence i1 h tii-ic blood. It lakis shape, and (ires
tlie ii ind, in moil, in p einres; wi'.nesi
:trru.)t i!i in in Iho Until Museum of Uitieva,
Vhire tbi-oppro-bor's an' iit is cunio tosei -ctiic
ira-ant's ox' D, leaving tlio land unti'led.
The t wi-n pea-ant does not die mi of fairy
Visits and w lls o' the-wi-p j but ho peoples tho
in, uiita n Rorg,' niili Os laide loims, witn p!i in
tonis that Mali n,onif iu iiiail, itrined with
coss-lmv, buckler, and Bicar, cxiionin tueir
puBtirity lo maintain tho old iihhorreuco of
fonijrii bon iii,','. Such an obsriinno bhow of
li'dcpcndencu is more s rikuu liom '.iudliit; it
ilitp a iU In u nut on which, iiitofetlier, eon i-ls
cd only a inn ,li'u, i f ion, wiioui tho army of
l'rnne be'Icve thev cuild swallow at a lin ai.
Wc behold here a pnpi.i..l u i ie.-s tii. in tlnit of
London, liuiiiely, under iwo mil ions a bail',
llefy iiii every and all o,,pie.-.ors inn wiyttnit
Ajiins'. liiakei tin smile as ii we n-.ivr .1 ek if -fyini
the ti.ii it. Jack, ho vou r, 1- subliui", ratuer
iii i, uhiiiH. li necils mii.-t, lie will Ru out t tho
c rii;i''e (beaidli'ss t'i ftr v bi'-i.-ded with eil :l
urdoi ) to iry wlie.her the liilo will nut chtek tue
advame of intrudiiK .-tra.if; rs. Autipuiiy to
J-rencn rule is rsstoiik in l-'rcneh;erii'ti I
(where the spoken la.i.-i.i.i.e in d iu-inv of the
Sjiuial cusioMs are p'reinih) us in catitous ivlierj
i'ltLil: is Uiei 1. t.i the inini'iitun'.s.
Iti-nr.v 1, ol I n ;l int.
rrnin Auniiurad J.loyd I liiivo l.cud a story
hlch is woitli r,'conlii;. Her s'sior, I I-.-ln
J 'nyd, was (tliroiif'L the iutcrcit of l.a ly Crews,
I tivlicTc), jrovci ue.-s t i the yonnyer daughtors of
tho Duke of Clarence, lie, as was his custom,
lived with her on terms of fatuniar intimacy und
friendship from Cue ti ne of her firm presi ututiou
t the day of Lr.s diaili. lie had expressed a
strong piefcrctnie far his second nume of
Iienty'whiih b liked luucli better than that
of William. The day after tie death of
(icoree IV, Mils Helen I.loyd mot the l-imf at
tbo liouse of Lady Jsophia Sidney; she nskod
liiln faini.ii'.rly wlictlni he was to bo proi laitnad
as KitifT William or as Kiiir lleniy. ''lleleii
I.loyd," he replied, "tUiit oueslion has been
discussed in the i'i ivy Council, una it has been
tlecidid iu lavor of Kin, William." He added,
that the decision had b, en mainly luilin need by
the Idea of an old prophocy of w hich he hud never
iiuard betbro, nor hud he any evidence thai it Itn l
, over bicn made. The urift of that prophecy w as,
'hat as ilctny VIII had "pulled down monks
and cells, licury XX would pull down bishops
and bolls." llolea exclaimed, "X have been tnal
iu an old book at borne." The klna waa&tnu bund
nud pleased ; he desired her to send for the book
M soon us possible, iseiin h was made, but it was
not discovered till after the kind's death. AnnUa
rad faid that ho wished to be Henry IX., bectueo,
ua the Cuidinal of York ii-sumed, that title, he
vriblu-d to Cbb.blish the rhjl.t to it. J).m ics uf a
lmiij uf (luuUtij.
The Hotel des Haricots, in I'aris, was lutely
iliTiioU.-hed. It used tube the place whcie na
t.oual fuurdsimu were confined when under
uiri-bt. Muuy I'aris notabilities have passed
night tl.eie, and the walls of the little prison ure
literally covered with inscriptions, earieaturis,
ketehis, chictly executed with the burned end of
a ciear, vt-ises tugiui cd with a penknife, by poets,
novelists, aud artists. It was here, by the dim
litiht of a taliow candle, that Alexander Jiuiuas,
jih, wrote Lis cUartuini,' novvJvUo, "I'u Cai do
s, r,,. :iii
il '.; s :.,; 'ii
itS lllOlUl
ny nj.jirn'.iri itc'y
i ss
UiO Will; can 2
iil'iP l)'iipiit'.'
! more f.tiniilir
'i;.' our t.Hil'';t
mi-t vu I: mil ii
SOU ll '
lir. itlr
juj s, lit (1
Ami y t d 't
I'ma I it'e,!
IIOIC V"l" ; ',
llli.i.'li! t : i 1 .
i"i.. ! -.- ,: .i
I: i i n i !il
ti-r-1 i:i o'ltrr
Hi ". 'Ill nl tl.r
fur UMim i. 1,.
-- - t'l.
n'i. i!ti r ,.', th it It f'-i . . i.;. ,. ,,',,,
1.:- . i:.i 0 . ,. I 1' i. i .'' i '
.... ,. I I'I i I' I. i 1 ;.' I I
i ' I,, '.a I., :n ,r- I n - i ( ,
' ' ! tlll'l! kori i.i -i v ., ,; , , ,
i . ' , i ,-. u it .-. . it," '
I .. i, . ....... , "
i . , . ' '.. i " i
-' s'''!'. ' . ' ,,
' - ' ti ::i'V : in - ; i
,i .' '.i .. .. ,i i I ii i '.. ifi ' ' ' '"-
.ii- i -.m'. . :. "
ii. tl .ii
' ' " - - ' - I,., ii .'- a. ".'.
' ' -", . : v.; t ,,',,.-. ,.
'" ' ; : . t .
I ' ' ! I ' i' 1 ll n ill'1 .' HI ". .ill i v
i t r. . , . 1 1 i. i! . -
i ' ' i i ' . i in
1 i-'' . ' t i I- '!' : I !. t .',,,. i
' ' l'f ' .1... i'i.
., . .j.,-. ; ,ir. !;,., I ' " I""'
ll-.l -i .
; i n it..
.I ;
.11 U.i
i ,
li t i
l t,,
i', u,,a, .,
1 1 1.? i'i ,
I n ll,,.
I I' I'I
i , Ii 11 . II r
I. .ll 11, ,
'11 -V
,.i III'
I. -:l
; - n
i in te t:
I! n ,
Ti iior i-m ,, i
II n il,', ' in l.i- n".."i h I'
ll ltli tlllli.l nil I It'.l.iO ,i,
w l.Kll l-llt- ill 111'' 'loidr-l 1.'
I :'i
K-'i ' ' i- .'--i v li.i
.-. i t..
in l ie '
ho if
1 hi 'l,i're ii id tii- Mi'tii
Mllii,.'. ll 11 II f! ,o,J ,!; ,,( .
to II, 1,. .li'.-l, tl II 'Cc I.U'Tl,
lion ti.cir li.t n in :. in ,,
n in i ) nf tin ir f.i.nt., ii:. I
flll'lTA Ul d 1 :lJt"s ; J,., .
.ul vc a iv ,
't nil CI'
i-iih: t.iem suiti
iiu t,ie, il out ,,f
h :i
'oiiiis, 'ii tiia-tcr ol ill -ft
ti.o'i-r i "S.i, you h ,
. I'.
d i..
ol i. no , h,
i. i -.'.,u, -
n !l r.Ti i in,', j a'. i 1,,,'n ,
lit tin: otl, n-c a -.iins- t i--i-ii-
ii Hour I c, nn I l ivj u ,'uu
111 Hut III-.' t'lill"-, s.) ns 'n
.in-" tin- -bit it ut ii s!i,,..,
i'." '1 'IS" r'o" I : !,t
' or pr-r- !.
I "l In tl'.'i ' 'V y
iiomi l u'l-l i' n-
1 '.' .1! ' lliV tO
i'i,i thitii.'i ih" ni.ttt r
o i'.wi ii.,il toi'ir iiptuii,
I. eliii;.' ol ti . ir in, ml
H i' -tioii Mot : iK 'ti i' to .
lotpl i n , be dearer to
bin trli't.ii'- j er-p i a :, '
tlloil)'ll til, 11' 1 Ni.-tid i,,'
linn liiiti r lioini.
' i In- e . ii is-, I
e tor tin' w. k i n !
are i In- only p ir' of ;,i
,-, "oiirn, n in.-ll, h.i .'V.-i-.
tin) p;i i ul in v, i ,t.. r
or -J.iiu i ti i ii, c.ei
Uiilcieinc of 'jpiiimi'
V hi n wi'itul avor to nn .'y " I
' lb , t nt n -nun h to induce a I".
lion und expo.'iire. Ik phyr.i-a!
'lie Imine I in o
bit; of .k pr i
il" ili hi i-; lii.e
tlie c u:se,oi, nt
Hie -ii.lilrti loss ot'a unnc'it, .id
ru ti in
mil -, nn I we no in t u-t oso. in tin, - rr-
I'Iim', the hnuc covi-rine nf our usual rell-i csnert.
We arc lie, ein.ent crc.iturn. W e nre apt, on tin
ii-r.tnu( ol others not r. upcelii us, to leul our
tciics respectable, -unill, iiiurior, iiirouine
lei.t, unable to hold i-ur mn ; nZ'. heu e tlie m'i;,i
atiDoiBtiie. wiu h predominate in a run'.'
in the ini.-. Wf! diiiii uliy ln.iv m t.,ko it. We itf
cunl.t iiiiuwari'd Wit.'iout mil- weanons. TlieiC
uie iis-:iu;n nnd iii-r -s-i ius of it .laiino to rouse
r.ur ci u rae and ti ipi.cken our po -neri, ivhi. h
rail for ami snpfjcst nil ans,,-r wlileli tu.iv he
re-ented on the, (.pot witnout Injury t-j "cur
tj if: n it y ; l-ut this is not one of tv-m.
All that can be dono ivrer.'iliv uiuleru umb
all, at ba-t. ibat we a- iuiillv do Ii to
siidili'tily with an inner liliink i.'n-e of tin. liiu-, n
ili'ir t us to where ne .ite, a ooi.tuseil leclim: of
hai'i); ( lie worst of il, ivlKeh our i.istun't u n hes
us 10 keep to oui-i 'vi - uk nun li iiM po.-sib!e. l'or
it riu.' t he nmcii u .-'nib is nc. -e-itv a bud- i
din l-lmv, )',ven w hen are tit a d , idviinf,' 'c. ;
I'.iri li s.s, iiiui nt i;,-2 in the -ei uriiy of so i a!
iiitiTcour-i . Nochil i,i , . reoursu takes svmn i'hy
for granted. 1 nsuimcs one ; 'iieral (, mu'l -.-i-tiliiet.t,
a di-poction to follon a lead, to tuiv-iu;
tu'.jeet- In tlie .-p.rit in wbi, b they arc tnr ul.
a mub is a eliei k,a blank ; it is u enrtain luil
dcnly iiinwn down, it is puiiii.i; up n:;.imnt n
ib ml wall, it is cold obsnu. moq und recoil. the bun nuthority on his bide,
mid wc have laid our-eives op.'n by :otne lntvi
venenee, by a ini-iila.-e.l .t. tisi in liii e itnle.-. en
Mon j and we have t.-ii par. :vs p.iinl jy -ini'i
their children in this sort, tiisf aiiowiir: them
li' ei tit s, then theiii tvitli a liar.-ii rh, rk
in luid-i nicer of -pintit, and tins in the piesenec
of stiiinceis or, perbaiis, we 1. no i;iveu way to
tl, tin. ma in, and an; met by ridicule", or wo have
in i!e a cjiiiidini',: ivii'.'b we tender, and
i' is rceiivid w ith indili.'ic'H'c ; or wi tell u slm-v,
iii.dwenie nsked for the of it; orweare,
K 1 veil to understand thai we a e m's'aken where
we have a-miim d ntirselve-i well informed ; or
our taste Is coolly net at n.iu hi ; or wc talk, and
inc reiMiiileii th i' we nieproi), ; nr we are broo .-tit
line to l ice with our inouiucc in a way lo make
ii.- 'eul it lncsi
The 6'r -ngibi'l' a biiub lies ii 'be sat Idon appr,-.
lift, -ion that we have eotnmi'!. .! njtv;lves. and a
con-i ij in nt i-u'titiil scusi- of in-iituiiiein -e-tlia
tlnrn is somebody (ti in i-lo-o to nn, regirdles of
our feelings looking do n ".1 '.f, I'tni ostenui
:i' islv uin.yiiiiMU!ii.iiig. Tins is an eliiti u iiu
di'M-iipiion ol peihiips a inoinentrtrv .seusntinii
tollowiriK ua nil cucuuipcr p'obnnly m sh ri.
nlur wl,ii ti e.t, h p.u'.y in ,y m-.-iu to jnusuo his
way tiii'.iouscious ; but. ill human ft'l'ins tbiio is
not tlic measure of imp irt .nc - , an-J uno of tlio
wo ill iea.-t tii-j-iiii s u memory ol it in his li.::iri,
b illing no proportion whatever to the tiuij it
ti eh In ci'iiiijr.
i'lin etlv collected and self .-:;ti-.1j.l person
,,... i . ,n.-.iii ,.,.. r , i.i.mi ,,m, , ,i
m,t my well Mini, I) wuli nji-'ee: Htn li rj
Ei-riiniy mi are tlie Inippv t" K't.ed w it'i tlic
iowcr of rcpaifc and rejoinder, tin may he
c:il:i-d soi'.ii! d,.h.rcis, whose xlory is an em t-Ri-ni
y. w ho can collect their i ,w- is on tho i",
ll ml iio the check they talie." , nb usury, VVncu
i. Si'rib,', accordine; to tin no ) r nn.ry,
an. -ecred ihe million .ire ivhn wanted him to leu ;
liim the use ot bis genius , or a coiisideralion that
it w us contrary to tin.' t-erip nr.; ior a horifl ( s ho
wrote it ) nid un u.v to pi ca 'li t iciln-r, it was il
pi ilectlj I. lir snip'. Tint in in de-erved anything
l e t, I iu Uo must have Ic t ti oinipli rutlur tiuu
Ii.otl'Iii.tti hi, !i,,n. on toe spur ol tb-. mirn.-iii,
he could ib i'iuiid what r .jtii ti ul M. Scribe to iai!
him it horM".
TTi 1 10 iiro men ejicnip' iry all Iho duties of
life w ho i.evi r p ,k5 a day w ithoa l smtMiiuc; s cue
bully the. r wimis, of oonr-e vict'ins,
ii-nl to be told that tiny say no,hilib' und do
notbinf,' nglit), their chi dien, their servants, their
uiiiiiiliii);-, their a'-quaii-i-oiei s, their asso-. -s.
l-.viry day niiiie'.hlii ha p;s ed their lis which
In s ai led liKo a bin v at the unit , nnd worked mi
j the rct'oll. ' lion 111." a Mist r, vvliieh has necu
I irpciitid With (pieiulous soreness, end been
i p.i.-std or, lo the noi Id .:- a fic-di trait nf c'm-.i".
ti-r which has add a to tlic growing whn I.
daily tiii-es boiwicu the mm and his speeies.
I Not t -a", wo can cut him wc do not even wish to
do so. All tho n icuiontes of friendly Intercourse
continue I" puss netwe n u-; lucre is no ro.i-.ou
llu-y should ever he left oil'. Hut at every cnroim
let he juts siioviU fuiihci .mi further uvr.iy from
our m.i rut-.
dm- by one he los s tin- l:e, 'o the licit t.-; of his
I J r it nds, who si an it on tlie ikictisive, keep -," h,
I shut tin ni-eiviB up iu Ins nre.-, nee ith justinc
i live million, nil we dm'ht not hi often, in bis
I inner heart, wonder-' at his vn is i uiin. l or
our part, we are sdiceri ly s -rrc for hitu; and ne
i miu !, Iu. nl s, tlnit in, n uiav have the
I, rb t, without !ino viii tl, Ui t we would oiler
one pci-crul coun.-el ti,-v r, u'oler any t-jtiipta-lion,
to pia-.'tifi. a ni'.i ur for bettict? iJmvu on
pt utile i-.orth , in in; nr. b'i-k a good deal, take
a ct'. ul'ous r ute, letive ' d ml vice uu-aid, or
said in le.-s tr liehant l')llii,.i I i hion, bear irnra.
lions, i iiis uices, ishut not, i..'.i,,-r ttrin inlliet any
Mid, Ii n wound on your Incu's golf-love. Do n )t
put ti mi , on your behalf, nn the dti'y ol Clnistiiu '
f, rp. ivei'. ss. Allow hint to ic-I ni some iirnoi.ine t t Tliei I list l uri.lUe In l.iicliiuil.
of your opinion, tvtu Iho ih be in-iy believe it I'.vr.etly live bundn d vc.irs have elapsed sine e
nritto'h '"-, ,0'ti.,,
I.oiuk sharp and acute at his expense; for it is ' to do, ar .1 urcu of tilting the dull day through
vcty cert'iin that ho will not like you the better, ' by the side of the Mont which supported the sun
nua very unlikely , also, that he should him-cl 1 dial in frentol St. Anthony 's Chapel.on HiliKatc
bc the better, lor your tiuvina; inade him feci like, hili that stone w hich subse pieuily bee inie
uud perhaps look like, a fool. If lie is otieu pur. ; l.covin as Vbitiington's reso'ved to mend luu
under the apprehension of it, the least that can be ! wujs between the' summit of the bill an 1 too
expected o.f him Is, that he will eschew your coh- , low part of the vale ending in Islington. This
tidencc, ani ctuefully keep ou tho windy aide of j heimit was a muu of some means, and he dtvoted
iutiinacy. , thttn to brinu'it'g gruvel from tho toj) of Ihe hill
Here lies the secret of so many charges of in. und luyiug it nil along the unclean truct which
(multitude, and benefits forgotten, of unrequited, men, as now, bore the nanie of "Itollow Way."
unvalued sacrifices. Not that a few, or even u lie digging out gravel he gave a pond to tue
seiics, of ill-conaldcred, unpalatable words , folks on Ibe hill, w here it was greatly needed, nnd
nu-ht to counterbuluuce real services, but that ' he contributed cIcnnlincsB and tei in aty to tho
Ihf y put hiimau nature lo a strain which too vale, where neiihcr bad hiiherto been l.nowu.
seveicly tests its weak points. And theie is this Traveltrs blessed Iho hermit who had turned
to lie suid that contempt, of all things the hard- constructor of highways; the pilgrims to Si.
est to bear, it, if we go to Ihe bottom of it, the Anthony's found their access to the thriue of
motive force of most snubs. The practice Is cer- thi ir taint made eary and pleasant by him; and
lainly iiieonipatible with a re.-pectful habit of j as for the beneficent heimit himself, his only
liiind. Our friend la iu a hurry to tell us that n gret wus that. In accomplishing this meritorious
out judgment is worth nothing; thut our cxprcs- ; art for the good of liis I, ilow-iueu, he hud entirely
sion of it must be stopind j that we, or some- ' exhausted all his foituno. Tho king, however.
uoni-- nnuui, ua, muni uu put nown. as we ttilua '
uivi hid iiiuiu-r, iue exainpiea tuai Iirst occur
come f i oiu contemptuous minds men without
dcieiciiee, who are accustomed to lean upon
iheniselvt-, who uo not expect to find iuucU ia
ether people.
We do not fnd thetn (appealing to other, or
wishing to know their thoughts, or willing to
follow out their, or listening to tueir
suggestions. They live aud think alouo, impa
tient of interference and interruption, and nourish
tome ui lion of theiiuclvef which ptuctically,
though it may not take tho form of vulvar arro
gance and vanity, sets them ubove the possibility
nl benefit Irom the crude, unformed, untaught
iu'.cliigtucta itruuud thtui. Judved, it i
lir i
C !'
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'!. .Ill I Ml" Hi l.t-T o'
. ",l i r , rs i , 'ii to
d on .i ii ss iM' tint;
1; it u i , i i; shop i r t
ou imi-' ly b.oc r.-niai
; n i',,lm, . m rm'uiiiani.1 ol this i I -ss
j ikci.i s, e, lumiis, iinu oery f,',-i,'s (
t'.riii iho ic.-, i onsti in i-'ii , iin in irv
i(l in the
li iuui,uU
,' nrclul, c--ll'iiis
! unity, nf biiiidrid ot snail i p ad up in moss. I
I lisri'iniin lien pu,idto know w inn was the
, u i titmitc I'l'stiny nt ihc-e my , nf sm-i s.ivho-o
ohinnv, shells n inee a n i.moaut of c ne bestowed
on ttn-ir outei a.-pei-l,w hich that they must
I be there for a ptnnose. In France, yo" mutt
I rcinctiibi r, tlnii. si ails iii 1 o- upy pu'ii.o iinen-
tuni, an cn cun: sviiiiiainy inn nu; ocen discovered
to eii-t bct'.vi fil flit- ruaio and the temal a snail,
which sii'.'fji stt d IC ao'D" i nthiisi -tie .o-.oi the
Idea that the cxpcioC Oi c'ctrl'' m.i might
Hi. nbv I c saved.
.t this I'cilo.lof their h's tory tin Ir name In
i'rench, which from the days nf tlie 1 lurauionds
hud been ri;i-iiji, was ehunped to ., m ,,, which
pii'iony niic thev return. I he ra c, however, sank
I into uoiiuoii, in,.! one was nmy reminded d its
: ineiils by p-,thicarii-s' udvcrtiscnieiit- auuoun-'-
it V V:r nio-t delicious svrups, io.i-nes, -c.,
made ni .-n.iils, ami nurrantid to cure iwrv e ,1-1
ii'nl nii fii mat ever was caught. estcrdav,
l.'owcvcr, -o-ii ,-cr ,' i o,r,;,7v occup-'d the
niti I.ti in ot thi police c-iurt. Snail-, it appears,
nre rati n ut laveins ui.d public hou-cs, not iu
lnirdrc Is or In thou-nnds, tuit in tnyi nids, unit
sr:: il ij-.-ii, . . . usscri 1 1 shall not disptito the pjiut
with them I that they possi ss a deli iicy of llavor
which cxcicds tlnit nf ovsters. Soil.
A shop in St. Iicnis was let a lew m-intln ai;o
to u milkman, who underlet it to a certain
ciay. I'.xtraordiiiary sounds, as of ratiliiii;
chains, were beard ut dead of nijrht, etiiananuir
fri'in the back premises, und ln.i"Ji! a vapor,
fetid i'tni -iCKeniii)', arose in iuincs, pene
tratirp (he cloe'l nud ciiitnin l windows of
flcipuj: i.c'itjl airs. What could it lie? Kvi-iii-iitiy
the smoke came from lamcray's yard.
What I'ark Irade Oil he ply? Ihe police "were
flnpl ed to, and the niilKiiiati pro c deil m ainst as
havii t; t'luli rlet his til p to so mysterious uud
awful a ptnorogu ns Ins tenant proved.
. a. ,cniy tatoil that ho was u wlncesnle snail
n cith nn, that he euipiovei) intents wlio b itl'ht
lp -nails in different purls ol Frniice, but tin;
una-t med caino from l.tirpindy ; and to pre-
I me his -naiis lor tin- i'aiis lu.uket the pro-ess
ofc caning must first tuke piacc. Tins he was in
I'--- biiliu of oiniiK over niftiit, liy pu'tni' several
II oUB inds Into hope ttioa of water, and then stir
iini tin m '.villi iron l-.rks, which u nul tho rat' found so ti rii.yltiL.' to M. I. an 'r.iv's nervous
l e-i huors; imd that (ho next process was that of
boiiiiifi, wliii'ii, uiiloitunat')!,', rCHulteil ''l tile
rmi'irl smoko to oilenstvo to their olf.iit
ory Foiisfis.
JIan Is fond of goad cntiii, nnd in ovciy civll-
ircd niiiion the t ihio i copies a 1 irjrc slniro of
utemion, Ii different coutitri'S the di-nes vary I
w duly, and tho postures and tlio it'iml cr of
riicstsj y it iii ail, litt-ntlous fcas-.s are common,
its tymbolb of hotp t illty and gi od .'hecr. Mr.
MerivaV, in iii- History of the Ka pire,
lives tl-o follcving dis'riptxn f l-uniaa
"11 0 nnlinny ;u I'.nnenicr.t of 'i Rotti'iti s ip
rer eoiu-i led ol ilneo low coiicho-, on three sides
of a 1 w oihie, lit w hieli (lie uueudaiilskucs culil
inii.inior without iucoiiimodliift the iccumiwot
)jiiisis. Upon each euin h llireu persons reclined
a mode which had been iiitroiiuit-d fioiu (i'rejee,
v here i' . I ad I) en in u.-e ceuiui ies, though not
t.i in the 1 croie lini, s. 1 lie Kevptiatis and I'c -s
a us silt at meat; -o till the (necks cornint J
l, mi, on! al-o the Jews ; the pr.u tie il tnulpi ns n
lien, s ii presi med lb" nods a.- sitiin-,' at their ce
lt si ml li,u,,ii, ts. The M .eedouiius, also, down to
the time of Ah xau cr, said to iiae adi,ted
ihe more ordinary practice; und su di w as thecus
tmn nt Ifoine till a late period. When tlie men
first allowed themselves tho Iudti'irenco of re diu
mi.', ruiu.icd boys und aoiucii to niiiintatii
nn erect posture, Iroin notions of delicacy ; but iu
the i i in o of AiiL'ii uus no sti-h di-tinenoit was o'j
icrvc.l, nod the inf, riori y of tlie weaker sex win
ii'y k.i il by sc'.lini; ihein toitether on one of
the 'di- eoui hes, the pla e ol honor beitiir always
in b. .cntre. iieeliiud on smiled and cushioned
ul.,.-, leaning o:i ihe left elbow ; the neck and riu'Iit
a m l eie,u..d Lis sandals lemoved, the lioiinin
uti.n, ib ni l liiiii'i'if, inter tho exhiiu-tioti of the
l noi stra und the With, to all the luxury of languor.
lMs fcluvi-s relieved him from eviy cif irt, ,er 15; tin y cnrvril ur him, tilled his cup lor hiui,
stipp led every ili-h for hiui with sin h fr i.'.piii nturv
viiimlsns he cuiild r.i;-n to h.-s mou'h with hi
tillers i.nly, end poeri d w.uer on his h nul-j ut
cviry remove. .Men of yeniiis and learning
uiiiiiil aiuuse tin niscivcs ivi'h injiiV 'rsat ojh 0 ul ;
Hn,.-e to w iioin t-ps resourco wi.-insuiti icitt h i I
other nil a 11 ol cm . t: diitnen'. to r,or; to. Music
u d liainii! v.i re iicifoi ti d bc'ore tliein : itciors
nnd ili.wi s eshii,. ted in their pr, seiiee ; dvr.tifi
Bn,l liiinchb-i.elis wero iutrodueed to mil c stioi i
Inr th i;i ; Au-iii atns himself soineinucj escaped
I'ti in tl e-e levit cs by pi lying at di-'O benveeu th"
ioi r-es; b it the u'aie wit nn I practical litiin-ir
w bh which ia miny houses ibe ban. pu t seems to
li'Vebecii m as mid, ,iv 0 u-.1 lo.ver idea ol 1 110
manners nf I toman K, iitluu-n any, i-ia iiiit.s,
0!' ii,e;u ti uiin pabtimes."
came to me rescue, iiesi t up a tnll-bur, aud
put lisbeii adicrce addressed to 'our well-beloved
! William l'bclippo, the hermit," that ho ami the
I jublic might know wherefore.
I '111.! kiDg declared thut he biirhlv am.rael.ited
the motive which had Induced tho hermit to
bi-neht ''our ncuple imssing through the highway
bitvvten Hi ihgiiteaud 8milhliuld, in muuy places
notoriously miry and de p." And iu order that
the new way might le uutintuined and kept in
re air, 'the king licensid the hermit to take
toll, uud keop the roa I iu order, aud Itimselt in
cuiufort aud di-.iiy. 'Ibis was tlio Iirst road-bur
erected in hnglund, and William 1'helippc, the
hirmit, was tho tuthcr of the r.ico of lurunike
kecptrs. tVrnn'i Muyutihe.
in :lt. tar- nf ic' IT
w Mi l. .rrjti ,r. i.'
Ai i;. :- , ... .
llflMC I'tin'is :. il
ino v ii i.i.i'v. n.i'
N'lliiii i lii iiiilri .
At ,l,c s its' oil,. ( ii" i. il M I it'in,
tliric :V ft in. o..i ! in, !.! or ii'i'c mi'i:-
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ne i utenais,
.Liu ii-is and
In 1 :;!i New
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I l-.a-s p . lo a in. : ,
i ; tn, p.n k i y boes :
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i i s 1 y 0. J , e hi.el.i,.e r- -'.- Ilj
limn ) . a int'li ' ny p. no c i- , tt in a
hot. 'i' r, ,o iv i-isl.ui-.; In lone:ii,i- f i.m n ,'riu 'he
Hi l i I ut r.y ; the h it- arc pi s of andirons tr on
'I ..u , t m s, , i.inl th" I r.i- k: o'et on the
f n'i i - ir, tn, ni Kc'i. l e ii:tiili;e iioxes f -om the
in-it a' li.e vv e.'loti ra il-, a I l': i- nu e
"I It ' ' I I III-t't, ill ' l)'h -o sm.lll t.; ,n j, .
-1 i i , - it oi 1 1 r, a, i, I ,n;i ',i".ii;n i , . ,i; ;
i r
"!' , to I IT 11 .1 sen
I- in c h
I lie I .ciii'i-,il l 'li. ii It's ( i i
lH.'llll ll.ll.l'.
An eh t-nntiy dress, , yn'." n ,n fe-ttt v
appealed beiorc tla' J ri'iuiml of Corrcc ioiia'
1'oliie, lo answer sevi nil clirrues ol swiudlim;.
He pave flic n.m.c.', of 'Wi.diinr Mtlnnitowicb,
Tiiiku de Meduuuni, Duk ol'i , mo, nud fMtcnd.'d
to be a mar illative ol the r ipaiini! l .iuieo:
Moiitenrpri'. IU has alio been knmvaas Mil-liiiile-
of tlri'eee, ii 1 by ina-.y other u luics. I he
pii'ptic.oi of a hotel in tti" Uue d'Aibrese
net used thai be lir-t e une to hi- liou-o i.i 1,m,::,
bciiiR ut tlnit iluie In a very w u v'ie l con liiion,
liiiviiii; rcllhcr money nor c'o: lies, nnd u'imi: I'elv
ilisiippcarrd, Icavinir a debt of 7'f., " hieli, Ii os.
cvir, be ,a.d in Ihe I'ol.ow inir vcir. Iiavin.; in the
mi aclinic, nb-ained the protection i.ft-.e I'ounte-s
(le (,'tii tiiuo Jlaulia, a lady ofgrult Wealth, who
sii I'll"'.! !;!m wii'Ii inoney.
tin Unit occasion the prisoner ic-idcii at the
Hotel do l.i uvrc, ami l.vcd at rent, expense-.
While tb. to he o tiiini d ehulie.- ,,l n tailor mi ucl
Vail to tlio iiiunuiit of ililof'., which be paid, but
tfieiWiiuls inn up a lull of ;;i',o.ol'., tor w.'ii- h
W a 1, I. cun: una' Ic t o.-t his iii-uiey, un c-tcd
linn. He it's . on rained viod- and m-mcv to the
uii.ount ol .''iioof. iriiiu M . ( 'ppel, a -Inrl'ii.ii.i r, to
w horn, ns wei I as to WiPl and other v i tuns, he
1 retetided that he was a il'iko in Mmitem i;ro, and
the o' n cr of iiini-ense estates ; that ho w a- a'l'Mit
to Ic man led to the ol tlie knii of I'ur-titL-al,
und also that lie bad doposite ,1 at the
t ati.-sc lbs Consignations n eoi'itl' i-ontaitiini: the
cn vvn i i in tin mil - I Mantincirm, worih,S,oiiii,oiiijf.
Alter his arre-t lor dob, however, this c. Her was
opi, and tho pretended diamonds proved to
be pnsie, not worth more than Vlf.
It appiaied that tlie ( 'huikcm finetano h id
ititri ilimd lite pr.s , tier to M. l-'iemy, liiri'eior
ol the Credit l onclcr, and bad author I'd
tlict p'-iitleiimn to hcnoi his di ms, wlrcli was
dune to the amount of 2,1 0 0'., win n tho
C. unte-s refused to supply him any lonir-r,
and he then bcran tivietmiie the tradesmen
who now appeared ajain-t him. It w.i'T'iovc 1
iliti imr the trial that tue prisoner was not il nc ir
relative of the l'riilie of Monteiii'tfro, hut timt.
nine of his distant relatives wore couti"cte'l with
the I'lit.ce's faintly by niiirrki'.'n. Ai'f"r licaiin
a i;iciil ileal nf evidence, nnd counsel tor Iho lie.
fens. ,the nihunal ite "'ured the cnarc. s ol sivin l
lit'rt t ii ' ly I'staniislii il, and coinl.'iii' ed the
nrcuiicd to 18 month!' iiuprieuuini-u:, with o'lf.
"Jl'llklllM" In Ili'Uillitrh.
Tho 1'iiiico und lviucesB of Wales, on their
visit to Denunirk, a in followed by it suite of
London newspaper reporters, who know or pri
teiul to know everythi.i that the royal pair and
their friends ure doine;. The most ridicuious
ipeeinien of the w i -Ivi i.-vrs of these Jenkinses is
found In a lute later of the Loudon Herald cor
tes'Lnde:;t :
'li is not for me to pry into tho secrets of
aui'iibt i crsoi iipa s, or to dream of r. pcu'inii the
P.l.e la, tsor ex pi, s-ive word., that inuy hiiveeome
to my eais, but oa" cxprission ol his Imp, n il
Iliiibiio- thetirnud Duke of Kitssia is ao pretty,
nnd slews how entirely he )tivcs b.-art, as well ns
banu lo t ie il in s , r ions lady he has selected as the
pa. ti cr of his pre it destiny, that it ill ly not be
lint ro.'er I slii ulii mentioti it. It may have been
in one nt the vvciks, or inline: on one nf the rustic
s n:s ol the royal picas, ire-ennnil, or pos-lldy
in nut of the dc p rccessis oi' the ancient win
'oas of the castle, and when lookinpout on
I t diumoii.i siudik'il hcavcis of a northern
nielli, that tho tall, tine-looking drand Duke
bxed his l.irere eyes on tno sti I more expressive
Cue- ot h'S bemr uiil iM'tri'hcl. 'Dacmar,' fie said,
'thoio uie not lyes you hare; indeed, tbey are
not cjcsl' 'Not cy.-H "fail tho lively prineesa,
Willi n look whi, tii weit to his he irt, 'what are
tury, li not eyes?' ily heiiven,' said the love
ti ii iu p rial pilnci, 'they are stars. Noiliinir
above is inoie In i ihtor bcuiiiiul !' 11 1 mention
a I'l le. fact i f ilua kind, it is to sho v that this
1- i.-ti un royal manage is not to be one of tho e
to mil tippy iu ih, ir ton',', in lies, brought a unit
by lat'iily ariunneuents, or to furtiicr dynastic
iiitlu, in a s. but t is a union of pure ail.ctiou,
nl w hich the iov.-r lus s.tlc -id ibe bride to.vhoui
he mis coven his vmo'e h art; nnd has so con
ifuetitd h instil usivou'.i the hinnldest pea-unt
niintrforn r. tnrn f hi- love ih it he h is won
to lumsilf, lybisiwn pars.mal attractions and
the clo iieiice iuslrcd by an enamored heart,
tin .hep nil'citioii o tier who is t j be one day h i
Ciinrtslil) in Ito.iHl t'lri'li..
A ! I'.le court go.sip is wor'h reltiiiag. I'rir.t uss
Muiy of Cumbiidg', ha-got a bean I (she has
l.'iieu desperuii ly n love. At flu duarns' b ill
I she nn t young I.''d Hood, and forlti.vit.lil.i t
Ler heart. His lortslnp is a peer of the rcului.
wc nt! y, hands nn.. und twerity-six. Her royal
j hii tilers i.- nt 'Ciistten years older, by the terms
oi the royal lu.irn.ire a.", no iiu inbi r of tbe royal
, can inatry my olc below the dignity of a
I prime. Hut she nil piohab.y go our lo 11 in
! o'ltrandgit In.u l td a Moii'.in.iiic niarri.ive
. nn. I lit royally whstle. The aibfr has cr.-uted
! .-itiisiilcriii.le line, oiks-, in hi; h ipnirtcrs, aud her
I brother, l'ritice U ige, took b"r tinveli-.g un tue
1 Cnniineiit for soimtim-', iu ho(es thut "change
ol scene" the nsul prescription fur love sick
(lain elb would are her. Hut no, iho arrow
t hud gone into the npu ious bosom too deeply.
f-;te .I. clares she wll niatiy bun whether or no,
i Weic she to contact a lawful royul marriage,
i tbirc is u. l!.,i,g liuugei' than that her In.ira
I iii i Ii t bit un It, i . krone of liughind. Look a
the chuiiec. Oldl. ori'e HI hud fourtcca chil
dren, ail dead, ad nu descendunt except the
princess uud Lerbrother, l'riuce (icorge, and
Utueii ictoiia uil her family. Not one single
grandchild ever hd a living child I legitimately)
i xcij't the iUien. lhitce licnrgo is unmarried.
The Princess llcsna Is to marry tho Duke of
Oldenburg, ore ol the claimants- in tlie duchies,
l'liiieiss Ilagmi.r. f Duimuik, is to be the future
I n pri -s ol Kussii iSu, with all these royal alli
ances iu tho northif Kuropu, between the Kng
liih ro.ul family od the other royal potentates,
Ihe ltniiHittitcs rill have to husband their
sltciitth. There Isroubio uhead. Lvntlon Letter.
A Ci nioiB Caci i.aiiox. .Sujijiose a silver
dul'ar ui asurcs Uncle s in diameter, dollars
soplacid will uiuk cue loot in length, (and sf Vl,2n)
so placed will mill! a mile In le-nijih. The cir
cum'erence of inearth is a 1,(1(1.') miles ; It would
therefore require j)12,;,si,uuil to go once round
the tarlh j this sin must bo multiplied by si IT.nha
to make it eipn to our nd ioiiul debt, w liieh
would make tho wr ilollurs gj around the
caith's circumfeiaite four times, and cover 8010
links besides. Aowiug a silver dollar to weigh
an ounce, lb oi n to a pound, and 'JOOD pounds
tothe ton, our ht would weigh Irio.OOO tout,
and would nqiili l-'o bhii.i of lnuO tons Imrdeu
eaih to carry It. It would make tii.iiM wagon
loads of tw tonsach, und, calculating that each
wugon will cover spn -c of l III) feet, they would
bticlch a distanced 3ii miles. It w ould tube a
uinn ,.ti5 years al 10 days to count tho umount
of thlsTatt dibttiniatiug thut he would count
Ctl dollars a minor, woikiug tcu bourn a day aud"
IU duyr. a week
f . 'ti i kmiiFN r.
or 11.1 inoib.
foil I: I -1-1; 1 - 'OI-' f,
a n 1 ut 1 ;v .(till Nsi :v,
'r 1 I N Sl.s -1 I;.
11.1 ( TOIIAI, IK ki.l
p, t. on ;..
,v 1 , ,- , .v in -a o 1 a i 1.. i , :, ', ,
- ' V'.'.l , I. I l l ,'.r It SiiO'lT.
' ' I'I '" ' ' L 1.
s ' 1 oi i, t- ; , ii.. ,,i i 1 ,, i., .; ,
' u "i. . Ik. i. .-. I. .. i ,i a- a , ,i.
i. - ..i . m n n- , n , ., '
' I i... j ,, i .,, ,
.- v l1 ', I. 1 . 1. -, , - , , , -i ,,. .
'I i. A II ...! ll 1 ' iii i ' .1
I. ' .' in ., .' '
' ' I ''' I'" ". .. .'II- -. - i I, ,,l
: ,l. n I,
) ilVrn I ,
hi l( iN .
M I ill'
ra n kk'3v lv;, i - c w a lily.
il 1 1
( '.t,'i:i i i i . ; oi l
No. .ill CIIK.-M'l' .- l l'.V
i ;
.t i till t..i i', -
i.. n rs, Sli.
, I
. II. Ill I'l
llA'l '
- .11. Tli Tl-). (l,
i- ii iii'l In tl u
III '!.-. r.
.'li I (I'lil- .1'
.i,s,' ll-
nn. . it i . .
, li-iiti.i
V 11,1 ii
, t r.-a.n
11-1,1. 1
I', I '111
I iln It, I
ii "r I n l
ul r- ! h Ii
10V I l.'NTKN r AM
A.'in, t'
1111 I 'ol .V, I t
I' -si r s ki
I.. H VI Y
nn- I I
- vol 'CP . - i . ... a'l!.' ', .1:
s .a a B,.:.;ir m
0 iS. IDS l"l Ci ,
.U.I X. V,u
:-vr vn f..r....
I no In-.
1 mm it
n.-n. i .is
AI,, I o)
in , F. -r !.-.
ii-.ui,,;i ,t,it, n,,. j, ,r.
a, Ai. inii.s. i iK.i mi
Msrti i,'. , i'
I r il tuiil
un.iri i 'l-,iii'sTit.
I'n.' M. :..
at iil i .it '.', t(, ,r :lui)i
i. tk-kii S; rue - blrert
: i Me.Mvvt.rv,
sea li, . ri'ioiic otl'esi.
, all s ki'OXt Sit,
5-lwn d L' '.ours yi j ari'l il .i si.
".'.-tr v
iiTii.m i.iiH.
C'l'.-i-crs on! .,i,'I ts votmn- ti-, itj ,-.n furl..,',!n. a. ritcn
sVil'lil ,S AM) uTIIlll VIILIiAltV t:,,'l ,l'it)X in.
Are lit. Itr.i I . t'i,. cx'i.Tinii p
st an t iwcti -it i.m) );iMi'.i.Hinrnti"r
sansovi si i:i;lt' hall,
VANHiiM Suet, ni'nvc Slxtu Strict.
M-.fc (a ov.vr.u th ituirt(i no'Ui'.-Aiitfh for rtohnt iui!
lictfciii i .. oli.i !,! (.' ri ru" iMl'.it. nn ntci-r h'lui. in li
ro,-iilnt fto l v I I Ai-1 ll KlMl Jhrt K1.KU
i'.i.i - up pen kk x- cn, ruoriiii'-
1'iRH UK I KNIltll. HTINII 111. I ss. i-n
iiivi.-.,, i!iii.M. v, i.i iin.-Ntr si i .' i . ri r . 1 1 1 '
1 I, Ml K I. I.M .li A I. COS I' on UK, I 1 1 II, A I) .l.e ,
I A - 1 iita, r, h.v nn iliuiu nl llu- i,,l ue pre.., In lli,-li ,iu
ii i'rm.s ..itr,.iis Hit, I trl, nils, Itit-ir umin.'st tlixuks l..r
I'lii iBl i Hi ..i rani inrlit Iniibt n. in i, u.iy l,c-t,nv, il ; nnl
in, nix' to a, al -oil i unit; r a'toi-tii'ii. mul i'ii,r,iii'iin'iits,
und in- iv"! t i-.i-lt tl . oti,iiiiii'l nii,rl
't,,it;i i-onnrtV oi Hut general public ul' l'',,liiu mij
viinitJ lo-17-.iia
1 lls'sol.t HON. TDK CO I'Al.TMCKS'Uir
I ' ri-ili,!, re r'illhi ii'i.lrr I en rt tu of SAVII'KI, sj.
I'A I - .1 M' . lo il,.i .11, .an-, il. tl, ....... il
te -rill, d le, Uir fin, I, I -l. ti.'-t, i-l .Ve. .''.'.", Iliti'K Mrr.-nt
I'-.S K, Murvlviim I'srtaor.
I'li.laai I'M, si-i-n-uiotr jO, 1 i.
CO l AKINW ltsiiii- - Tin. "in.f rsl nr,1 hST. tlilt ,lur
fi.i ii,, 1 a o . n-n.r.liip un,"' r tin ilrm nt )i.v Vd. tlio i.
'I tll Its, i.u- ti.c tran.aei ion i, . yi iirr-il lluiiuus and
1' tel.. i ai,',' IulIiii"., a; No. ,'Vi n.i K s;i'. , i.
I -' ,i;s k IHVIKsl
rk!u,i.i,ocu.b,,i,it,.u'11-'1 A'
V H. t rtft't of 1nrirlio1nr:i, 0Il1rnJ(l, rn'
i tifittTH .imi I'li'joiVH. ai.d in imm.t.t iL-niiiifi Kiiiti
riM.v, i -u.'tii ur mi i,u
! i Mil .'ai I'uoer ftD'l liV'Iiin il7rltci-A'S li-Ki':,rii,
S(C'Ck talKl .;aii b'll.fcl.t ,IV -.ol'l u'.l '111 'H'H . 1011
0 - I
li TN UllS li 1 I'. WASIIINC) roX
lilt. C-.tinnl-stnii At. ri'ti-lnt .n,l H 1,,.!.,. ,..
- lll'K'lll It
Hi ii
I In l l. V b!,l!lll!l I'i,.i,, ;. li.n m.s ...j it.-il h m
'-ii. ii i ... Iil- s-'H IIKMIV i LAI Ul icilfcu. J ,o
et tl,s lina n ill l,"
ll I:
WAilllS.niiN lU'Tf'Irti: )s
N'" I'i ni-.IIISM. HIONI' Mi.o.'f.
riill.-u!.-l liii., Oi t h.-r '.'1, 1,1. lu-JI-liu"
t-il'IU'JJH, .Jit.,
lia s d r act uni r, q mauhisist
lfi-10 Ho H.-.'l N. HKCONF. Htr-v't, rt.llaflp- iv.
1 (Ut li K,
Ho. Ci N. Hi. M ilTitttaT,
- I't.A, t l I'll! I.
Wc arc prrrar. 'I to ll'l or.t, i. u ny ei it lor oir well
ivii.i p
Mm 11 IN I'll Y nil' COl'TOS AUD WHI)I,I-.N,
I'tei-'Iimh nil ri-e.m ij piov.-ulin's in. iuditu, tin.,
ami w.iivim
VV" inviiu the attiiiniJi of man-.. '-j-tixcrs to ouroxien
llvn worki.
t il AI I SL.II JKsKM .1 ROM
I'llll no f "III.. ),-0 , til. Is; 1.
In tis oi ,lanr"
is ll, .V r,-s, .on,,,. ,,,l,, M , oy . u tr,,i,ii:,.,a
C i.i, a
lias 01
i-' ll. il I'ta'l, ,,,!i . icir.iUy, the .'. lb
r, ih .4. ll' aiiiM-x.,! "ill, .n'liu-i)
"AN t'l.Ol.-A M i.
TO TS.KP. I'OSsP-lsoiN n- I In: MHiT.'ll'KS l.H'.KK.
I.Ks (i.i.s woliks, A Nl) IU IHi.VIt A LDH
i ina i.niii,"
Is li'iblisliid lir i-'iblii: lnl.)-m,,tioii.
w a. K. -I'I VI I
Ch-rli oi C'n.iiii.iii Co.iniir.
AS 0illKM'R
To lakt I'o-.i sii,,m , f il,, s,. :h ro I. a
u ml ,, , r ,oe s ,, 1 1,, i
ts. ,-'f, ti I. 1 1- s, ,,, i j.. (; ,,, . , i
t . I,,-, ,1 I iln .ijOtil" : - 1 1, .11 1 1.,- t ,
Hal VVork-
iiii- Us nl" the ' -Oy j
.it i -I 0 t l''.,l i- I
il, ll-laii I w , ti, ni,- I,, r-l.v ..ull.-.r .. ,1
. , ii ! t.D- H ,i, k- nl tin Nor. liTil
.,, -,, ..If. r t!,- no ,1 iy .,,.iii( - .'
iu ..rilti'ii e v.1 li :1m I. run. .il jn A-' tti.
lss, 1 1'. I.. :'l I 1
,, -1- e l 11 I,,, ; in
cniv, il ', il I ,
net,! n 'i n. ' '-ir :l,r ,n; r it
till nt III. I'tnUi.i-i, li tl Hits t.o
ii. , i.i.i v ,,ik ic " ,,i n..,i n t,,.
Via-. , lit Un- c'- is In-, -'tij ,i,i'ii
i-i, ,nt ut h, :-u , nt a int i-t i
,.i ci nt. ,-r ii iimt'i, "it- it Mm,.
i iti in" ii .. ri-,.-
. 'I' 11
t I"
I I ot
ll III,,
Into ri-,,'11.1 . li ,t , i- -. li es lour ti, i
Mini . 1 ln t r'.iitf nti; -I, . t. m.-tit
tin. a V 1 r- as- ri c i- n, i,-, ,h on
tin ' m t, - s ti, l.-iu-1 1 t: '., ,,o . o,
I n l.-,.i I h.a in mi, n ..iinii-tit. a al :
stii.,,,i,'B,,.iili n-.l .A. Ksiilty -;i .! .
hat,, I'tb'i t,, i,v us, ,1 lor 'I.,- ,'. .iv,
N,i,lt i ri, I. !,i i'iii-s l,.ib V ,i,k.. in
-,t ,.lil,,,- ut Out oi,ti st, ,n -,
i1.iti ,,i i in ii I'-'iiii r.l.iii. ft, id no' t,
S, , t it 'In I',. .III. Ts lliei'. nl. I ,
ii-.ii: ,. t'.i,..,
n . .. i 'i r.-i r t
no l ii i'ta. -,
i-a l. I', j ..,
piflieias iticy
a it'lt,
il I I ,
slao, It. ,11 11. i- I till III Will I, II... il.s In
I, c. , I, 1 1, I; to, -I ti ri ,,,!-In i , I s. --I i -us
t-ttll in- nau-li tuhl, it i!,c i, lit, r ui n . lev I n-.i.
s, ,-n. i- a. I i-.ii ,' ..,! I'.usl.i- . a'l si" i.e.
Hi" i",,liu ol Mil l I. as Vloil.-.lh, -ihii i-l l-v
i n tan i i-r uii in. in en It, e ui-n -ail I f rr,, . .1 nt i
tic i , i 'in on i-, -or tl,,- iiminei ,m' i.m - r
Hi, it, lo mul I r i-i-m.liii, i ats' th" iaiaii.,,,1 th
v- Ii. il th- Mime ',.-.'l bo I ii-. il.'. t a.a-l a
1,1-1, -l-e ll,r 11,11 1) llol ihiy nt I ,i". . nl, tr att'l
III.,:,, It, iv ol Jul.- in i-i,i i .... -, itn it th-t-
.III ti-iin 11 I',1,-, I'lii.'il, tin- ii' -K j cr e, iifmu i,a
t. bin ittn , I . iili i,,ti,i stall' I." -s,,l h, t'.o - i ! fill It,-,
,,ltn ii. I l.'i -,i.l,,, -hill it'll ihr-t' i -i- ivi-nt
ll.l'll I't to tl.C ,.l n-l-, t Ol 11,1- It. let- tl Oil M.tlt,:i u- 1 1,1
H. n-i' it:.,i la 1 ,'in-. ami to !, ni ter j. itip i.e. ami i,. n--Inslliili
ihtt i n I't-lilitul blatll lie ii it n.i l,v tl,i said
In -nil 1 1-1 to I In ,liinti-M -t" a -I lie s: ok nu; 1 in nl, ii, liivisl tt.. . ante ITI'I ,1s aeon l.i iiln'.,.o - In Ui,. Inn, i, to
tt,e i 'Iii lib. V ,,1'K -, Ol III Hl-Vnilul- l,-lti-Ol 1 1-( 'It y ('
) l-aani I, I. h, a. a .-lin, inr Hint, Mhic'i i- her.' y s,,t, iti
f nil. , a ilt, nl to 1 1 . i , I' i. iiK iil i,f tii,,, I.'hii ; uml ntiy biir
ltis Tt iiiti'ii us till-1 T'.i- ,aui,-iit ot sin, I Insit, -Inill be
n,-ili i) l,,i ti , i;,,tit-iti ,it II,,' Slmoiiii I-iiti-t t-,ii .mis
tie i-th", ii, ,i,l 1 1' tie olh,.i' leans t, the Htllii lin.
Win Iih. il any, olhi-rvi im. el tin liunlod duht ol thy irllj ol
Bi lien -I l,'i,,n tat.le-' ni it., works, pip.-,
At.. I'nlil i'l ' it O t.-'.i' HO M ol 'IS' ot Oil- 'T'llliatlCi., ll .--l.i.ll
I, e il i- only ot th.'l ruin . nt n,o .it . W , i.i ti, misi: d
lalill! r,- ,,ri In ( Mil,),. I. l 1 1 i nt'l t li r .il mul ,l,
1,1 nv,'), d, suit Its us....- ll ll i l- . .itnl I'll' ,:) , I -;.-(i-ia
.l-sl! bssr, w ith ri'8 el n, s ac v.,11 s.., i-ii-, 4c. tha
bi.ine p.,wi rs a.d aulhot ti fa an l -li.ct' n- tl . now
l.avft.or i.i-ri.attir nt i Itioe. nut, ii-bpti tt, ti,i v. oik.
a, r,-. ,11 inn i-.ti il in tin Ir , inc.
Bi 1 11, -ii Ii. Inr ll-e lmr' -in-of cna-liiur llu: Trn.t, as nf
tl-i- i-l-iidtlili'f-is lis. v - ,ti.i l.i can s i,,- tin- i Aii-it ti u.-ts
rnnmti il In ll.stti hi luiliitnnii-A nf ( ' itiurlls. blnl lo lit-eri-ai', ua, li i-iili-. anil iiniri'V. In ti.t nm.i t'ltouotui
. nl in. i, tn r H i- i, t, i s. uii'ler... nid vi nil,, mul".- Itich cm ,:,
lo ua to tiK-ct tiio in, it-M!,!ti,t ii am. oi the I'll i. ns tor
lltit, tlie Mtu! 'iiusiei'i ate l.tio-l-y iiiillioii.ud uad
ng iirid io to r-s'iil-iti' Hii. Irl.'i' nl a "b and lie-.i,
il iluelb 01' lib Uiilllllini lllli' a. 10,1,1 I. mil lull, lo lilllt- ho
1,,-01'Oh.ll' . tin' ..od pii '. of Km- lo I," til. HHIIIl- In l.U l,
WHidsuf the i'il biipi-lii-U hi ti,.' Ha. IVoiks linuar Iha
coi 1r 1 of thi' 'I'iii- i,i b.
Hicls,!! ',. Aiitl!iuii in ai,) miter ordiaauite coutrary
t Ua. orUilialm 1. hi n-l. v n ,i a ),:. i ins,
Dini'tiiib' Uii- Ctotk ot Ci u.iii,iii Con:. c 1 to riititt.h al.ota
lu. I.
FMOlvfl', That th( Cloak nl llonna,.!' Ccuac I las bull o
rlyidto c.lly i.i-wb, nn -i, dali), l, r ,.or
... kb, lit. oidinani'.- prti.taou to C"iii.iioil l ouncll al a
aniiod iii..ui,r tin ima. t Id on Un- 7,ln .la of let r,
tsi.l, .iititlid .'An l), lo lake pebbl'lMou ol I'm
Is,, r, l.t rti l.'l.l-rt its lias oi I... and t" un .it. a I inn llti-i'i.
ti,r i" ami Ilia bbld C in k al Ihe .lan d luni tiitii i f Coittiiil
tti xt alirr iho i xi'iralioii ,,l Iniir to, in il,c ,a id puli
U blliu, nl. all la o.i-ni lo Ci-miciib .mi' nl ua. h ul nuld nuws
l'bl.i rb lor tvi-iy iju) in Willi li Uie bttuiu shall him hccti
Biiiiil. ID-iri liv
Cct Trii e lo Bto- Vjoidcro $7 00 per Ton.
II'ltKi, ,' Mll0i.t o.r AVtl A If M.K TOMS,
atur t'iT H.HIoTWKMV v l:itt. ail
'AMI i M.I'MiH il i,.,,'i, f,om t'.i- ,,f ,tl .uiltn
l iil. i , l.i ,1 ,, ,t ,(l ni !,,,, ji,i, !,,u ,,,..
. ti i.. .it .' I . ii .l.iiiin o i.nt, nn- M L'f i. Vb
rn at. ciiMPA
i 1 1
I ll ST
i ti: is-
ninti mi..
1 l l'l I ,- I. l.lliAM B A ' K )
I5CG,CC0, in C2.500 Slirces.
-. veil V'or''
Ci -.;i:tn1, 12,r-00 Shares.
r,t in .irrlv s.'0
; ul i hit ih tiO", (-
. f f I.l. . .
I. in f (i
I H I itt
i ltl i thr hoM-T to rrft-U f. cv-
H O , '-T i ' i
, ! th" p:t u
' 4.l,C tt
i in iii''
. 1.1 :i y
tl l" t sv
it .a-
'Hi 1 , Inr t'lrlr ,.
i', -,- f -u. iii li n
ll s ml
,1, I. ,,t
'hi I r m-, t,
l I..
utv 111 letn,
lo wli.ib Ji y aid
tut I . I
"I'.sl ,.r I,M p,i'-r--lirri"
I l.'l'.h.-ll. I'l) 1 1,
lii..l' 1. S, Int. Kl
I "i.i,. r ll-. t.i. . ,..i
Ini.r S't on f ll .1
t l iiN Al.i'Si.N ill-Mr
I", , -oli ,. v ii'i - a ,
,1. --t
K ,li
l. nl
lin l..r. si, ,
rs aii-l A ,,; i- it i . In
,i "id l.'io, l,, o.' i u-ii,l,
J Ul
I,'. i" .on. 1 ii t - ' t ,,i nut, in
I. ,e i , i, , it- i" r i . i,r.
tl I e-l la ,,r l',o f, inti'l'i'.rlr,
II, il'i ii-il I r'D roi V .n s. ,,l. h .
Uriel I. I 'SI V , i, , i'M, I ,1 w .11 in th.
-i . ,,,i n-1- i ,n ,, in,i, - n, ', , ,.,(,
of lb- I,'
SI'Vl'LlI 1,1
.'.I ll III, I',
I, AI tl K- ,1.1,11k IMII,)
iiiil-aiiy, iii'ili ti t
''. ! n.'s I- th. mi"
u. ,1 I. Ui,i- si ul i,
er It
, i -
:.'r' i m.iv nn'.T t'
Ir c
f (ho i' nV
iV fit
till nt )
tl . b ii
pri'i t.t ki r ,' mi
p r t
it: in ti"- Dsn, ti
lit t i
Hi I nn- m nnd sit H Mlii'im W urc ot-irf Avhl,
li d II u ." .n'oi rv .in iMitix ,..u:i iht'c.isli iTi',cJi.r.
l'or i irruiiii' Ainl fiii-n- rtijiuuiu i;'rly At d o
ClTro, No. 121 S. TUlPsD Street, 2d Tloor.
lOri'O.sli r. I.IKAHII BASK.)
Vlt.l.lAM KCIIM-I I.K, r,:l.i sT.
V II 1.1AM Jill!'), IIUIIKIIT 1. K1SH,
'). li. Vl'ul.KK, li. nvni.u:.
ll' l'l A tl. JAKIir.N. Btf in Tstxr.
Y vjin-i'r-t.'iiAws Aimcci:
In i,. had at
Sitlmvikill lTo-vn Coal Coicoauy's Depot,
Soi. )sji nnd is.; MAHKliT Ml ItltKT.
N. r..-C)ur in, -tin
I'ltlll 11 s.
'.. i - I-1 r I.ari;e t-M Coal,
fl.i a Ten
1 c-r Htavo auil Heater Coal,
ALTl('i4 1 OA Is VAUT,
MM II stri'c; i ;
ht;nw ii.i-ttnj tivntto.
H - S,ini.1os At llrnn.-l. VTUe.
Mm Hi TH ami SV'.H Vii .ii:nj;v.
- - - - - t ..
I'l'' riilLADlCI.V'lliA.
1 Ik- IV. il s will rnmuln oprn attl:e(i;Tt
li) till ii,i siili -li-t!ens to the sti ci.
i iho Company
FIVE I'OLtAits per Mimc lo b irniil epou HubscrlpUim.
TlioCiimpnny linve iBrcbtis.d a Irai-t of i-roinul la iho i
Hist W aid of the elly, frum l',,lnl II-.m." r !
to Uie river litUwnre (luaniwllatcly to be c uiiiectiil by '
ratio, ml lh tto uatanalvc III cot, (Irourda, uud Dock, of ,
the l'l-m ay li-inm Uinlri.Hj l'inni)ui.y),cnilecoiiii; oi wlileli J
thi t'omitaiiy hiiro alrrauy p.ild
brnvlntrnn'T 17IM-2' aovi due, rSlc'i Is tlio oi!y liiduljl
cdre. ot tho Couipanv.
Adiii.i inal iitbsiriptl'.iia are now rciaue) ior Wl,ii,'Vi'I,
Dmbl, slid otht r n.ra1 iiii.-rnv- tn.iitN.
!' r.oi-b tnrwtirdli.K inti-, r,p'i-n i for .tack, or lo.'al-m.-iitb
lltitri-ou, wld picaac Diski tnelr checks pijalec to
.lie oroitr of
riiKliLtlicK r. m r-7f.LL,f.i .Trcsiircr.
orncr, k0. 327 walnut bteiet.
T. S.
11-3 r-t
T. 0 0 E S
i' 1 1 ic t i x 1. h ; c,:;: u
HAS- 10K 8AI.E. and wi'l a,y l
artt.-iil t at'.Titi n to Ota
r-1 u c d'v!,:u-l ,. I.w
piiri'h.isc of all tie .t.ilralf and
Se.h n- pet
lit IftlA'.iA,
-N. iv "i - rk.
NfilllJ'. AND Li'LAMATBIt. liti.Zr.LL,
Me.'l IKT.lOll It, bit, oi rt ,l ,,lol,',.a, ami
r.iiniii vi r, ami KM'.i.ititu .iokeh, of
.JOli.N rONDllt.
io iiu
.V Y. ill.
CIl.M.TKliLI HV HI A'l1-. OK I I. N V Vt, A Vfl ,
Tiiomas A. Hcott,
. II. KflLH9t
ViUium H, Krefiii&u,
Bodr it 1. K n ii,,
J.4io M. Hll. ,
( hut It v H1U cr,
J tmei R. Mdk tiA,
T. C. .Mi'Irs.weil, U.nnIurs,
J .l a W. Hall, ilj Hrtt'H-, do
W. W. Wvho. r.i cilor.
illlam ti. Mtulc, Culuru Ii. j
bdcrctuvi'j fiii '1 ri'uiuror,
OrriOE. No. 423 WALKUT BTfilET,
KBOIl Ao. a.
Authenticated a pccluieui have been proiured from aotna
ol the t'oiuiiany'i loil.s, and have been a.iayt-d by fro-A-iaora
Isooth and wilt the most sTtittty uit-- results.
fsubacription Una are bow open at the uuit-a oi tho Coui
pany, and at Uie Trta-tirer'a Oitlue (liit.-rnt.l kevunue),
ISO- 4'.'7 t'ltt.BM'T Btriiet, Karuiara and Mcibatits-b' lla-ik.
bulliinif. To original anbacriberi B,1 M pur aturo for a
tliulted uuiubaa ol aha-roa.
H'u-i'Ulara.ibUiUili:lb, or information eau ba ohta'aesl at
ti. I'OItt ot tho (oinpiuiy, alter the 1 71 L in at. lu. H-lui
Bill A 1 -INK Till M TAU Mints. KxisOleiit
I ouvittiHii ior ll.e Buldb; the dnikVit.. u i lM'
TUiM. M. fji. iillUWM'M
l'OK L13Ali'NESS, i
Til no AT DlFl'TCTTITIK'?,
I I ... to-, nr rlr, Ii..,i,s,o, r.ntrirmmitef
t.',)-, I'i.ei.o, ,u, Klitii ,,.,U.ili1ii-..,ou,
l.tSM-l.l lir.. ln,oi,lij, n, l'ralviii,
Itii.tlil 11 c si lo (lio !,.,,
Mil' l-.
: 4r' "' : ' 'nf' ' th hifraaa iKXf,
v u "l iluillj by
illl-. H.U.llUOW!Sbj
I'lilCK SJ-,.
('KM. I.' -N... 11(1 AHI'll Htrr-t. ri.H 1. 1;.),!,.
K MOM ,, Newy..,,
' l-KMIItUToK !..,,,, ,!pn.
X,' t ,-i 'nc m It Ti ip.i
-Ii ' nii-nts.
,i 1 1, n,i, m ,
h-,s',it,iii' ii(. n-inirii. or lnro.,i,,nr w'rtt
, ' I' I" li- 'ni 'he ni-. ili.ivn lii inr ,.il.
I.i. .u 1. 1 a I'm ,:, nis.s,VK,iv will rraoh
I...'. i " u,-'tr""tn'jit mil reach, and mou.
IS t's'iltlcf.
I'miiIi i-
tnmf prrmri; irr.T It lmT.r-f-
t'-u, C w ,tl,,,
GjIuo iiuij iv unrt kuttnur or Utvi imk
I', to cl, Ivii
in sliili. liiifvorse tl-rrr I- noHilnj in comp!telr
la. vim, ii,, n0.iCU) .a ui.,,!,) u.umuouafta
11,1.. if ihinr. It thr result of Itnoror. anil
Is.":;!-;:":: zxt .:,.; tts
'I h, m nr.- men who i,,,ke Im.fnr., of trastlotr sr-vrt."
t. tl I K . f ,i, VV I'",1 mrt ".""'ineuts. to.. ou'l,r,iii
letllll K lit Will, ,11,1,'t, cV,TIIMI'lll ill, p.,r blllv V IC-
in in ii. in mi, li ,(,', ,lr ilitj erfrnmentt.
a i ',' mi'Ta'.1". l!,o'""""n l""-v' r M
auii.nit i..i.., nn.l tl... ui.. n nun be. man .1 l,a w,iu
m, t tt ii , ;r.:.,,.T."-;."u-v i"1"1" r-n.
iil i . . " I'L I. U.' .v Iji-Iim, ;. All sii.-n iir.oll'Kiu-
llira'atmins.-i.a.mion nf it,., p.., i,iii. mJII
:.! yo .. ,r.,!4 wIlliOisVX ,';
-ra, bj-i.av.,1 ., Joar irl.iK,. who u'v. uImcS hS5
u. .t.iiiil'M,erarrt,n.
lncn vim, mail v otVrt whlotl rallt
l .".it. i,.d no- nn lrrr-1,111,1. .Im.Hu. ti. th." pl.,T. m
.i. n sn I .. i.-ry issn n lm h.sihe into and hoiuthoriiKM."
1. . . lira tii-i, i,,v uoni'. Ill In. I, oiitliiunil r
,'-Ins i,,l ,... ,,rt, ,r .,. , , i Vt
,i.m ll,.-ii.iiiic, r imiiireon ,,y ,,dcrUl0sccl
.i- i -. , r i ... t i a. mi,rt,,f overr tii,-h iil.viilil.ij
..- n-itil-l, iliviu una . ,.(,,, , chanioi.r.L.i ui!
liltli- kites. Ill- q..lin.'.lll..ll...te..... : l,l, , -vVrv nhv
it i 'i ', ,,,r, ii I ii i- ""'"" up In aia oni".
. i.'l .i,.,r ,. II ii ci, ly ,r.iii l,, cl a m.i l.'ut tins
i'iiImk .anlu.o anv suclyorsiiaranir. l..r isuat Is Ml
fi",",,;";''"'",""1"'"",:,',",,'r""'u '"' raui
I ,!, y '" """" ''"''"'I fr a black.iuiui iiuio .
I n i; t war lnhrr.M qiinHiVatlons. whir ar.tni1l.ixMi-'
V. I'll, Is iiin.-r'rtltyit.,iir,th,i-,i,il,i,,
l.-iiin.l.lili mili,r.'iii-v,rilu.,iiir, (J..m rr. ,f a,n
- nu nil. tiiiii, i, inn, .n-atioti. as. lit
i.ritar tn il, t, i-i ih in. I rail... of dl.ea-e. ll la ro .ul.lio iai
In n-ln n-ai-iy nr1,.fijrj. , i.rlt .:,i,aiiy. Mrfin,li.
.t.'iil Pnwi-r mul l must also he loh.ritwl
l,J all nlio would l.a in htmuisao amliWKa
i-iilxilil. nl lug tlio cause of )ll,. a.o. Thorn Is no
enam el l y whti-ii tliocuu.,.. cuubvruachmi. wlia rartainty
out oa-nut, lia.n ilrsr-rfhi d.
1 li.mi.ra I pay with cniitld.nri. tothe worM, thit H let
ttitiusli ml etliliiK lm-. ru.e i.iu.biiini in ol ehsraelar
th.l I Ii.t. him to d.ti Hi. Dm c.iiinofalr,n.'
1 In- cii-i-1- not. ti. n osy i. (, ,.r It to b.t a il.tu.u, l- la ,
an ln-u,tril law litrn .mil nod txxtr . Apist e
l o,il til.s us, I. ulwaii .iirrliui aaniii.i aacli otliar. Tula
IHW si-t.J, lll,th st.,,lslL..tll..i. ...,... ..m ..I... .
i uimiiH joriiii, una ii uormir
ltnii-ncnd v.Un it ukci finnT iri
Ill dlveibthid K.rim, and If .ll...r I, .x,Tlmrin,-il oa or
Tip nl tlio cinstllillloQ
d ot'ior Inoillti... or that'
. . ....... .ubl,va wiuuuumu
ii.Tiienil rr.tli. .If. titar'i and thu Liver have nolhliiK to
do with ti e ,-stnnnf ihr.di-.nsi. Tlio lr,-uhiK- ih..
orrsns, lor iho .aino, liaa asm mlllloua to an auiuaio
Wlih iontl.lin-. I iiy tn Hit world that my MatapliTal-i'
r , In. -,i r I- tlic oiai rcmisli- p r i,m.d.,i ... .I...
t wii'i-m situ limn, uulilyannthilni'p 'h. risit Tht
iii.i-i.rri) enisi-i. oi turisi Ol-ltiiet pri,,srstl oa: out l'
tl-r .call,, on. , rt' and on. forth" can Th... work
In c.ioun. -una, and atrik. at u-t root of aU dlaiMix..
w t . ii i -b a'l, I mi'tiii every dltoaae that evor lufaaitd
Uit hnuicii !od:,-, , .
A tAbV IN TltK LAST S' Ar.IJ Of COSib'Alr-nOi
' Fr,.m th;s tl.iston J.,tirn.y.
J .0 1.1 V7. loll. -I. Mrs. Nincy Nlosn, of ITo. 81 Warrca
, an.. I, i It.irteslnwu, no itoitlty llistll a'n Iwen aitlicud
I lci l. tl l.itrs. Jlly rhht blile was bo l atslia.'d that 1
, not la, on It. Durinir uial lime I suiloresl from fa-'
tai-ili, s. re ihoi.-it; i, i, 1,1 onusn ir.i,,, oil- to i, hours al
atlin.'l was vers n.nrnii.; tttoin o.uld t, .p ,it nfhtr
1 hail a ItliiB feitr tyoyears s.ii.t.., .1,1,: , n-dtieod me u, a
bkcelnn. I lis, I all It p nnslleal ail. l. o anil m. diein.s '
I bun.ei eon tl pri rtiir, hut ail to no purp ssa Waa net
, .isl iK it II " la-t -ta,-i-nrcoii,ii,.-t,-t,,ri was rooHin I
lo boil wl.i'ii td. 1I..I. Ilmwn .Melaphvblcal lllscovarv
, i, xi.t i.i. it aa a..ii.. ;.....,!.,., t auceuea. 1
l.-li in-b iter, htn ta't.rr woiae ir bom. tl,,,. t
I Sli rm -io- siui.nd me it (.1.0 up, attune tt wouid kill
I), i'i It at I wns in, tnr s'l-i.a and u.,i no ,k In try atirllil.-ir
iito-o li.itini mnin-ir said 1 ivauul iii. if I osu uot rtnd
, r.ll.l in II f l-no n,n ; and a. l is.s th" I ,.t til, I lo.-,.
I me .he ivnnlil r.itiiliiii, it VV. m'oi t, und that 1 1 was lilt
I'lr-til-ulnn .tii' !l ti n rn ti nu 1 ao my ..,.! to was
tii, h it (t'ret. As Mm circularl, ni etrpi IntM.A. lini my.lia-'
! h, . an io hreuk up. it was .-x ..kb aflor I bu -an
, in ai i i I ',. nu tiu'ii," horn' o I .otii i nu i,.r btr"tii(tn in u,i
i bit,, lin n,., to jr, bj d. );, v,. a id then I lial to
I hsii-1, in. I'll. ...olid lime I v-i-ii'n, nl 1 went wlili, ait
I,e,,.i d tin: Ihlrdllu-e I lotnid loy
fl. 111'. I 1-,'i UII tl 0 Ul. "f lie M luieor-ll'.l I.H.'.ll". v ia and il.e rvsnll a on ibis .'itn ," Jolr. tuai boalttt and
I aiiriiil, st.i.t ii tnrnttis I,, m ra-i.-nt. d ft-Hiui',
j ! - am yi I slit. Is ro.n.ied to vleni't lean now rest
.l'i,liil. a.y ealstrl, , i,o. li t-,i(li. uiliwra.i-
,i' b.nn,i s ii- inreiii nn' ipnt I op n "II All mvlr
ro.l.liniriib lave ill-acp-and, and 1 mo.e aeA-Mnvic.lut
II bl. lo lh pri" e I,l. I n f. .lir. etc I In in,, ,t. ,,f
Mia l.m.ns Mc'aiil ) ,l.,i Uix-o.erv, uid by It
Islon ft, -to Mis mouth nl th,, ura . . mij resto.-cd ta n,,
tbiiilli ami linm.'s I k imiv u 'li-.a.s .ro aim., aft a
"I I' . I" "ho 16" ! I. flk'll pii.. b ( oypcitll mil u
tiu.1 to ri'taui uy lot . Ilid.'i and htrf uth.
liltMAHKAf.Ili ( I ItK Of-' M A' Mb. -IS cl" TWKS IT
V I.. ills' Sl.VSll.Ni..
l..I,',i A S sti'. ih, rt i.'eln- . . il-i tor.'i'y that I e,v.
hi . c Bin.-!) .' nl ia my ! It ear t"l I istiay tears, an d It f
il . tnoi St. m o. i.i l'f -.1 i ir !,-) h it I tl".)l ha' I
t' tl i' a l. i.u' i ii'.ii . in n t.r ,-t .pa. kin. oa daw .
a i,d
"Ci ma l:i
I o c',iir,-,t.
si" ' '" a I'-a- it isll.le I i a.
I ii. iv. nlb-i tii-i'tt .mil il.-,l r ,r a mini-
, r. m re it, n. to 'ha' I was o.l
.uiin.: I
bar i t i
t,l I lli
baa iri
p s.(l i
-It 1 ill
tifrh, l,,i- I l,it,l i,-.t nt, v oca. I i
'til ' Ut l.t , It.
'r.ilni! it ,f"-, almti. It
ami .tn; id, aa.d a '
Ml. 1 1 V
J !' I. t
itii i i-k'h
f..,x,. i
; 0"U' tni-t tr.' l if tu int.
" ft iu r.W r.;iii J.f fi .ii .'it f. I w;nt to '
if. i tn i ,i- wa i'ttl io it" (i -ir'i Mcr.ti I wuuUk
I lit t.r u Wi ll lh..UI. Al'illt t.IJt) IO nit.i ,M,. I
k M t; f r .wii'H II' wi tn-1" tt vrv.im1
nit. A.!. i (i.e f
1 CC BI 1
Iv nn,,'.
' uh . u. in-
artii.' (nuii i
-1 ly .
ill rum,
!iietl, is nur.y 1
il I Vk'll, mi
' lirtV risC'IVsr-4
1 ii ior i
ah ? M '
IM V '
I I".
I-i. ii
.1,1 .
IliUI1'!, .
. .1 :
it L.
I S, a
. i.i i . ...u k ro .1 yj.l i. rc .
ix-y ti i t t-H, ( itr-vd i . -
v.',.., I.u Allil tii., JJii'tfM
r ivi" 'j" it vts. iurtfi ! v.r '
'"' hi i ll ;r. i ,J U nHt-i,
t'.i i..i i io I ,i c.iin-i'. -hit n
i ' Y Iu ('lu OiCUfi: it
.h( ill i, ,;,!:, iu or In i-vi,,.
' ' A I i f . I .!,. III! Intc'lout i o I'ari'd inn lit he, ur i.y -n
Mf ui tiiJt(f)irnrouiiU hiuu -li
wi it our hiu.ertoa w-ur m
i 1 1 i i i
I. 1 iu Lilt
i-i ti- .1 -i. i r lit c ii,
full l '.1 M Ll. - a. I i- I
tl r ' h . t. ' - I iat' (I v c
n'., I m ... M-'1 ii I-, di
M i, ii t. . y -:.-t in t- i .
t't M
:i ilt ! . r,
' 1 iil"'-1 t ( .ill i
i-i-'l Mi t)li '
il mil
t iirdi
li,, al
SI. t., H. Hii llUi-Vf.!. ftl IllttOVvM " ftrivitrtUe.l tn
tue l.t.i.-sr. I writ lotto Oi'i., 410 Arch itret, and
1 1 '' r.-i. il.t- n.kd Ine Ji ,. u taiiiituily and
iipiM vttrltfrily. 'l!.c n.e.iiclia- ok.1 nlowly th -Imb.iIiMI'i.',
hut nt hwt ivrscri d, ami tlie rtnutt Uit
OUl h -li la fnllrcK cun il r.f liis (llct'dici. If 1m lute I It) ot
(.cunts id Uit iinKciictt out nl th kl. . of d.-ntli. iloi
i-oiifliilir.-d low u btiyii-.t liit.-lljMMit hay. Tho Un"
iirj;t a tr-.i,. i iit'rBj Luve bi -tirttlr UM'd, and hU -ear
lw litCTi ,- M-HiH ano in'.ural. 1 1 1 s ff, Ur clear and
wtnnn. My tfe tntl ur i li -wo wv-it tatlxtWd wlih tlio
jTcni uu-iierii'iiiiftl on uur utiiid hv Mrt. M (. Hmwn'i
Sf v tai lt fi. hi ltixtiry nud uut Ik ui muuuwud u .
all ui.'t r.
Mi M. Ilmwu'i C l, ty-at'd KU'hartVi ty
lH I. H ,Cl b It)), fcUt'ii1 hUt. LUUlS. bl-K.ll M(aIlib.
Wi , j oi t.utUo.
A ltr.MAit'iATii r. ci'itK or Bi.tvnKEsg
r it.i-ii.i.,C W.Juij i' ytts- l.Mra. M. il. llrowat uadaiti 1 I me bu n itinte blind Iii my riaht eye for y.ais. I have h.iti to ..Teral dootora. wI.hd
In ara I'nuUI rf.ii'r. my eytal.'at, but th.y nevur mi
anj ,o.i.l. 1 iiMitt laivi'bumb of money In travollna Z
l,i-. i' 1 hi hi d there jb .ro Ooclort ho could UnaHt uuT
bin ii.ii.eoitl .uic.iil.ldti me any ood. I tbouaiii tui
cn..-1 iM.eles, uitili u,ld by a fri.'iKt y,,u ooald nL,.
I ..nt by a n lend and piistm-d jour "MoiuuU,Uil IjLTl
Cov.lJ."bll.s in tv.ttv.f,.ur Lnura .ft... .fi- .
lu.nt, I ciuld bee iiuna dlatiuctly.
1 Bin. vary UiaoikAi! lot
t niuala jroura , truly,
Tla I'eai-tna'.etl IVkw Rliliarda Eyt Wateii.Wf
Ul-,'.") Ol'Utb.
-o. 4)0 A'-"
Ko, j ABC'H lrtt.
Bialp lii-itos ator, f 1.