The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 05, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 2

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111 ' I T.' , I . l.l M
, i.i i, i i. :
, j!n..: J. H. I. ,
, 1 It l'H'''i ?' '! . Il"-
in. :i-... .
!'. to c:
tiilnnsi to
s mm i (.r
It i . t ;-t. of I t
Th- tv. rt 1- I"" c
thu'f it 1 o n mi th
:i 1
to litre 'n nite t in p- !-'
ttcj rc priuc t.) i. m-Iiu';-: 'n
m b to t.u.e tl ;t i. ' . ;'. ... . r.
IK ' tier t 'tl n !l to (io i: I '.
to j"n!y of i's p- :l cr - i . ;
hurt J ii ich'l i c'c :'s :i;..'i ! t .
HICC S il. tl ' VI i t : ,i..r'
rttnll.' On pc-i-ivi ii,. ;(.!
Ita?rt!iii, i iinii'i to it".:. .
ntV rs, wht -a il:
fair conM'Icr in
hiii. it of i. -t
is to ''liuM in; t. th ..i
but tboy iic,?V,-t t' : ih r
Ti-ekmg'f picccit, t i ' try nil m:
-ii uli
'Till V
I ."I il
VC ;! I
tlifre if fl Yiist mass of ;i n- .. r i
-Jitii.tnl, el now bih'i tin- , w ri".'.
uf dcciJcii t x.'t'.li no ; mi.l i" n.
lnt few ir c uik!, it is n':
granted Ihi.twr aiclilnif i.i.'. Li. h; -1
lucre iiti'i cclid In t'ic I'll.: ti i.r ii'jt Ii
tccor.l.ert nt tui, slice, the ivi.rVc-t an '..i
lil'.rlv to w-i-k or arc. , it, xi.'.-Mr n o'u- .(
g'ininjt 1 ot ri. ty wino'i tiit'i' -t, '.-cii.-j r.i',
trciiiu d! dalus ( cini-'V ; t'-ii'i h in.' tm. 'l.'
Inferred tlia' vn'uui.' winch i ;o i'.ii.'m :., ;vi i
tic pri fe-klon tl cll'lc tii' 0 li' "-'ii' ' if p .'u- t
rrfl Tiniird, i- entitle.) to jyi:l r : n I
IK' , Jtit Ii. tin: ( i r rti n t'.t.i: il n . .u
ita ; rcs ni ti'.iiil l ' ii ii oi ' " i: r.i ., i'n '
W. b nil Wi.r ti'.i: - ''. x'- 'l .1 J
Wu ntr.'1 nn'., U'J.vcvur, i ullii.'!; i '., r ' . .: . t f j.
tto btftntl.u! liulu cullci 'inii ' I' I- i!j (.L"i .r i::,t
thftt Is nowbtrWf ns. .Mi-.s l!i i..',:es ji.i:'.
few y arn pit, li.eii fim.!..!.: i... .':, in i'n
tide of the ; 1 unions w r. i .'l;,' mi '.i1. i
tba merit of li. r poems a.i l .ii-j li rmi '.i!
appreciation of t5io Ilriiili pro., it will not !u
long befoica jutt utituatiou ut Um t.iu:.iis i.iolj
Ki.jlKnd will si-curs lor h-r, in her iw.: i mi' iiy,
tba generous rec2'iitioii an 1 p;.i vi-. of wu."i
She U so really il erving.
Some of the p icinn In thU colic i :i 1: ivn lioi.-i
p nliliiibed, from ti ne t ) tin. i . m mir X'm-iimn
nawspapets an I inii0'.i.incn, imt tlii-y b im i'
poand at such long inljrin i' aal lmve i fm
catdred thron;;h o mm y nnd su? i roitioic
cl iiouek, tliut ibey will he iiilto n IV. s!i fi t .e
rirdur as those later cllitiont uhioh iu:ii'.o't.i!
I) hi and l.irg . tt part of her rn'iitne. Vo have
no tb' sracc to u'ti'inpt fihy i li'iciil iinti -'" of t'u
thiIouh pieces which irnike n t'ic U .' ; an I .''
ri bud, we fancy tbat :ho In-st v. ay t. cunvy to
th sc who have not yet seen .t a ;' .ilmi idc i of J
lis cbara tor, is to make some liri .f vr ii t IV in
it puges.
Am'Tig the mo t beautiful pocim In tUe culloc
tion are the "Lgetiiln cf tlie ll iuml 'I 'utile," ami
in one of tlitm, "villon," Mi.n Bridges t'il . us
Id the following pii-siyc, lunv 'lie . viu' to wrile
he whole scries:
: AV1I.IO.V.
"K thur sh.iu'.d eome again!" the pruphct slid.
Th- Sli.gitom wa t'd lonf, nil'! cadi frcat unul
1 1 a- st ir-'ine ro o npan Hie nation's sity,
Was wctelfd for token of expe'ed,
Tf at iliould actiicvcthe chaiK-eanii gond dcstreil.
Hut n Tr one t'u lill'd the pvil'eel dream
Of slttkito' el a'actcr and h.fiy aim,
H at in tiatti'ioi: lived ami hoping mlndi.
Anil, rentlltifr tbif, 1 murmured to myitlf,
T k belter no, the. people must lie ureal
That keep such ,-tuiidurd ot bih ex utletice
Thtir btai do n.vtr rca hi so let niu use
The gift the taiiim (ivu ino itt mv li rth.
To nt in c uiuiou icw, wiib Saxon word-,
A living image of 'In- ideal kni'l.f,
Leyt au-n t'oTgt t, aufd thene rcktiecs times
Ol hollow thowa uiid wotslupp ok of Hold,
Tha! truth imd pnienesst.iice wem iu the world,"
Nor lose their laitli that ttiey will come aijain !
Ar.d so 1 Bar jr the song ol' other iluy.-,
Have ta'en to inniieni homes nuil uiodirn liearta
Tlisghi sts olBikfeut ilt udtliat lived their lives
As (.rand y or as weakly as their a,;e
Oi .lati.l ii'a w roue lit on them ! wit a lay wttuh-
I o cn'd Fancv's portal, ami I 'd forth
In their owu tli i'tf, to bunthe earth s air again,
T. o foiicil men who linl iMeona- a name,
Aid group'o them a't about t'ic I'.ri.i b king,
At tine tbrv i iulcu him lit lali't: Kound,
And that fafr queen, s i f ad l-tiiu-e the lored, lalse hettsell'. kept her one lover true,
Wh m Ariluir trusted, liiiud to hii L'rcat wron;;,
tiinee his large royal soul In other' suv
Umy the good ami truth was In his own.
Fioin the eumc beautiful translations into verse
ul the amicnt roiiiauees of tlie chlrali lc tlmtts
and court ot King Arthur, we .jueite, in further
Illustration of Mis" Briiles' tine poe'ic .'rtney an I
exquisite facili'y of expression, the following p.ts
sapo from another tf her legends of fie "K,,;in 1
Tev laid hi r In the l.road aisl of the church,
Hcffre the altar, and lit uli the lPthts ;
Ar u o'er the Id. r, instead of saiilo pall,
Ihty cast the purple clonk bho wore that day
Hi 'lied froui tint sic and stnlu lor ulit ltcr there.
Atd I., uiicen t Kent the midnieht watch a'.o e
The. iafct with hei with Guiai vcre the!
It- iang her d rizc tvlis erst had whihpcr'd words
lit. I hose w I Mil.,' ears had thrilled b-r be ir
1 In wh sctLMlihin'-'pnl iee'hcu had lt.a,i'd
In tiundi K lilnshes wh' u he came r.n"nr,
Atd stin'u the T ' iy velvet that now lay
fl i vili upon the MkDt : hapc; tin: wtnle
H'- b ialhtd her nam :, her dar t.atue., in such
' teio
As m'ght buve reaeh'd her in the du pest prave!
He icid her n u s nn l went b 'tween th? pr yers,
lnip orirg (lo t, for Christ'-, incarnate snl.e,
'i'o cive her r.c.u'fl. to tal e her to il:s rest,
Tbi-lso, when A - r ii in- met her ns sl:c M
Whiio rolled, t it b -iikcIh, in the golden sired,
lie iidrlit forect her human sin, rind Kno.v
That God's lor, ivcuess seal rt her h .s :,- wn !
And, when his b..i:i J duty was all dime,
Jlcrokcfiom kneeling n'- lh ihc ht st, and look'd
Once ii. ore upon her face and then and then
Hii full heart fr -ke! ile thought of ail the past;
He taw lier, a- at I rat, a lair young bride,
Ki'ttal, yet thy : s'n'.e, and glad to he
Ai an bom ccun, and laughing witn her maids
Or di.reiiig t-uaii.'iit g ineasuie with r.:re grave.
He it it again tie.; i.:'- that ure.1 his b.o 'd
Vlii'B Hi'fl her nit a'm, treiu'.l.iu', pte-Vd uis
IT. 11
snw Hie i1 ron. f':;r '-i ; , Hie I'l'-.v v tno'.i'.'.i
Wai irg bis i ,-iu-.. e. r. -s ia oiln r tinus,
Ai d Iir d eg.u o . h i.'n.r f i is-:oi'.ite Joy,
Sait'Sei for L.'. o;;: x-rn--, sav t.iat no
Khcu 'I'll iH '-r; fen. th-: r -;i: ot crime 1
He tiow'd lo 1 i -i li r j:ps tu .:!.is- :'t- tin
Ttiosi n.a Id .- l.-t.i.ts. A -o--t i-i n p'li ft-t
I'lfd tt.r. !" h l.'S frame, to t r. it. k. Hi: b.e
khtulii he
The la t w.iiin iuiiel. shou .1 ler Pn-vr there :
Ah no ! ah no ! he Us-red t.o: ! fsac liad tote
To be forgiven ; t was not meet that sin)
Should bear in J-.den seal of lormer shamo.
fclie had o'er'ived her love; he haj no right
Kveu to leai upon her with the olden thoughts,
frn.oe that wao lost had canctiticd their guilt !
lieuuucia ioa was Ins olhee's oath !
It was Uud'n juitiee he houl'l stiller ihii '
And the slept there, so cold, io pale, no Mill,
Aud he stood by, so i-haki n witn hii griet,
kltinonet., remorse, ad p is ions thi.t can war
la a mau's ii.ln 1, and over Lu:h the tjss.
And Launcelot paced t!ie lonely aisles, aud fought
VVith hiaown soul until be tamed his woe,
And went not mad w iih anguish that long tji;-ht ;
Then juntas dawn, he knelt beside the corpse,
Aud pray'd that, if to he he yet should wiu
A pines In l'ar.dlse, it might be where,
ia wide heavtu, khe ut'er w.k'ut see his
Jiiroueh b old eheri.h still
Through aU ta:rmty apart tmui her I
And the next dy ther laid hi-r In th earth
Dci.le the kinit, a.,i in th. SpJu touTb
Kir Lsuniflot aw them lvlng ihis by
And swooti'd to think that he had 1ot4 ber so
A id yet should be so far awny from her, '
M hen, at the returrection mum, they two
To the lust judgment wou'd t-igethur riae !
tio, day by day, he came unto the grave,
And uiuurn'd and faded, till his strength no mure
Could him from his couch, aud ikeaheditsU
Lieu with a n:l npou bin Up-, lite one
V ho lakes iido his dreams a lingering klib!
m inn iiir
'ir iC In. t
s it. t ii
iiK ii r 'i
'. w in
. i.ol :
or 1
.1.1 .'.I
- y.
i-i fi
lri . !! ti. '. '.V I till" k
Mm t -i MV Mill !i 'IIP., t,
A i n ..' wi.'ll v I..V i. hi .-IM...
..i in I"' y Mr t..:i.ii:i i.
... .'.,1 ' V "r ji ."llllr.- ' I ...I.
: ml. I - . I I! !' li '.III'.. ,
i .. " i. (.i, ca-'i i I"- ' I.
i'...t I.i I.i'iiK "t i :n -I'lcr
I). i m.-- 'I, it vt i vi i i.'.vn ii Ii" it t
:. if. n. th, II t i Ii. '' ri,
'I i!' I 'n t "in '' I' " '
,i t; i : i .i :i in. -ii. t hi
i t I : i K .1 h li:;il Ci.iil, lit,
, ..i v. u "r i i . ii . t i
'i . I e i. m, ni .i'i'iv In l'"
l.'.i. .. -1 t ','in ! ' tlit t..tvcri'.(;:i ani-vi'
' J ' - a it ( si n it ni" !"' ,
l!'il.;iri 1- r.ilii.n. I'll. ii- ti'H
i.v 1 1 - in jilil .!' l:l iir i.'Ol.l '
i'l :i nn it. i nl I'll ii. y ni i- -m 1J,
'i ii . -ii t ,' t I -t nl 'ifi'i'iii'. 'i m-l. ,
t t;il... i ii y In 'iiiiiii'it. C'l'il-'t,
Ai il ) rll i' tii iii.ui'. t .nt.
V ii'i
"."I", e.l
.'.r I
I .. i..
.. l-l'.l l uVlj's
to Mr
llllll .Ti:
or i'it,
. c. t' - ht; ti r (i. im
t ii '; tin t r ti tl. lo
:U i - i r (,rii e in Ii
:f'l tvh'l I t iy r- ie
'I I..
i;il i In I-
:i: 11.
Ill V i
III . -
ft p.
'I .li.-,
.1.1 1
-ill t rs n
.- r.'i-h wo
ill:. ! it.i t 1 1 Hill i
Im.1 .;i.i:t to ..into miu'li more
in- i:,".'s i ; (in t luim) of r'jully
' e eii " ; Im: tl;e two fullowini?
.i" t- i-o'iii- . t" ! A ith our picsi'.tit
t : lie nil-1
I Mfl'l '.,
; i iv ii tii.nlf.t
j I he (nit in
, I- ..i.tiU:! nt
.-. inn t i
u "1 lie
i 'tiri i
1...-C our iioti.-c of tin: honk.
I i niuii" it : no of tlie inoit
; iyrii hps hot n wriitm
; rincc llu
P' h(.l yii.s v.'c-ic oiaticti on l'ort
: uiiiUrt
'ilir, qriXiii'N np Tin; i.v i ism.
, ii miivc tin P'liion, that ilin w jrii-otit thrones
I .en : - the si a iiniek us m wo lull,
I Awl . 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 -j ; i w i rs grow secure in III,
I M il ci in h their penidc-i iviih un iron heel
I'o crinit out gna and lilo .'l from sii'ij"t-t-H-ornis
! 1 a tin y no ii. m-p, up'nnl. in ;: t'rtun tue dust,
May w ' n! ui d lii'ii with hi ai t ..f j e trnimr faith,
murmur to the r cinldp ti, "Ah, is there !
1. e '. i'n of ptoinisc, w hert in men may think,
i And not he kla.ii for kpcei-li or rob fd ol light!"
.'lve this It. ion, uiid d'-ar l...;.c die; out
' In all the eager souls thin wii-ch ps stars
ft leiiPitsi o er tr" ca'th with ero.viti" light.
1 Prav il'ht they pr-'ve not nn ti us that lade,
Whin tl-ey kiiou tl guide nil stucrlcis kliipn of
To one gr: at haven of cis'-uiiip'cd piaeo.
Save cur great eagle mid her eyi.u l.road
I 'r m peiki gnows, and vultures tliut aa ait
Her p. iting ktiitgg.el to u urp hei uest,
l,tbi c'i ii the pi.., wlu'c stripe of our ptoml lla
Ke il!.u tiy iiiiur. iii s itnn imnu n gore,
A utl wuiv no more tin- bca ou ol the world.
See how she nit.", our young and lovely I mil,
Throned on two -ia hat cinucii tiesido herniate,
'hiteu mid the in i.ons. lilting her la r bro.
Sen no with prosperous pea e i nil plunty'ssinilo, j
Crt-wu'd hut with b.iiuty o'er the headH of kings
Snu.ll we, her children, borne upon oer nreast,
Tl usuiiike her tremble with the alul dread
lit'i-t we, In r own. shall tear her limb from limb,
And bhroud In mourning nil the brilliant hopes
Tint, wnlt upon her glory, her knoll
Sh II be old Tyranny's glad, sujrutul .augh?
la Pel tin p heart tho holds soino mighty dead,
i.o ft 'i I'll the nu'iotm with their word-', Binl burn
With Atla- kttcng b It world of iircainl thought.
Ales that the) , tue guilds of th ee days,
Awake not now lo hurl npou Ler foes
The cur e ot God on p.iniridnl nn,
And win wiih cl.urmid eloque.i c of yore
Tl e slug-ish n.a mi s to a hoiy r.igo.
Would crukli ihc s'erii, tits tba: now Ifss and st'titr.
t.'tau litiit in highest places of tho '.But1 ! j
'i'l people of the Still"--1 li it t love your home,! '
Up, galhmt Leans tin! ihruh with pure tlisd.ii i
Ol tii i oioiis arts ! I'p, sin tuber. ng souls of lire !
liiu d)t a lUman's g illows (or ihc-e knavcn
T iutt tmif to taine a voice or h mil to loeak i
1 I.i- sweet reiutiiinsh p our la-uers left
To hind us all, iem.ntetl v.itii their lives! j
O orth aii'l SoutU two hi jt hers of one birth
Meet )C Spain as tiny ut l'eciei mil, !
.lueuli, tiniikii'K laeh of Miile,
I i t vt ben ti cy c one amiir, wept with pure love
i I non ei h other's neck; that .oth in iy say,
"Keep liu-1 tin u tia t, tot (j id bus dealt
Mi'kl graciously with eu h ; and thus we si u
l.iich other's fa 'c, as 'twen: the face of God,
Khiuii g with lilcssiog; and Hi" Lord of llo-ts
Watch between thee and me lor evermore !"
"1 think you will not cast itsi 'c, nor shred
M eh Miur lair li r. i: 1 1 and a scornlul suiilo
T his paper into snip, w lieu you oh :ll re vi,
' writ upon tliu night leOnle I died,
l or I khall die to-tnort'ow The great llht
Gone iu ut dawn, und my place i. iu front;
Aud I am -ei y glud, for 1 do know
ou c uuot cist your carcles.. eyes atlown
The long listed tiic slain, a, its so c my name,
W itlmut a slii within your In an, a thought
Ot how you held my lilt) within your band
Arid tut it unto liea'h ; you cannot meet
My w. tiow'd uintluT s face, my .fixer's grief,
Isiir feel your coldness sli.iscu iu-o pdu!
I Anil iu the solemn silence ot the night
j Voi r memories will rise up to stay your klcep,
I Ann w itb the slit g ol shuip lutnotKe avenge
My woe upon thai w ma:i'a sou ot ymirs!
Vi tii at last you sec through your ow n teara
! I Uov Hue, how kfong, bow earnest was the love
j Your i idm, proud eyes just glanced at and look'd
I o'er,
Treading with your slow, imperial step
I A man's best hopes into ileipnir'n dai k dust,
I And in ver listening to the throbbing li. urt
I '1 bat l.eut its w lid cumins out beueiitli your feet.
Tiit 1-iioiniK e Hi t.i In Nut Itllss.
These foriiis of i .'uorancc are, however, one
and all, r mote from our present tliem -, wiiich is
that ignorance of which some of us how many
i f us ; ure cons: ions, and which is anything but
pleasant. W't kpeuk of the ignoiaiice of which
we niiil e no pelade ; which is diuggcj from ns
iiganist our will, or unwillingly revealed while
tm good geintis is sleeping; whicu has boeifwith
si me ol us (till time und experience did their
v oi a ot' :;a,--!!i.,i.. e) our sheletoii iu the closet,
w I.i i ii . y d.') i..i; lit 'ii'-'mi to !ik,ht. For though
i e-, r v. holly i,ol lid I, il is on ti,,: hope and s. u-
mU. ut.-s i,i yoiilh that this puin presses 11101
r.'i'tiy. in i:i"-e inci'iioua nays, wnen t:ie
nielli i';. sail liiigns w nii exaiiiiu ,i. ins, when we
Jim .' n -'e.-i ni to believe in tie: knoA'led re o!'
f-nl..d) ... e, wlo'i thu phra cs "Wa it ci-ry
j n ho ' hoy 1. 1 1 -"s s,' " or "What every .-ch.ojl-b.iy
I wo uld la- I. i. lied fir not l.tiuwrng," keem (t"u
iiitau whut tlu-y say tnen 11 is mat we rceog
lo '.o v hiil a bin. 11 nt 11 1 thing uis not to know more.
Iu truth, ninny a young man, not naturally
cruel, has heard wi;h a sense of relief ol the ex
patn.ilu 11 i r even death of some witness of ies
khsn.e komc on before whom, tor iusuince, he
has committed himself to an error 01 some. 1:111
drrd years in a date, er ln. ta-trayc l eo.Hiisa ii
tl;0iit'..iii..-'s uiid aii'is in the ',irs of the. It jus,
t.r cOEliiiirn'ed tba Yedas wii'.i the :gi, or ii,.t
known Ihe i'it ntity cl M Austin uitu -.t. Augas.
tine, er has sapp r-eJ "It luu.t he o,"auii!.e C'.n.e in hon.o Ahere in "HainietV
soiiloouy, or that llaydu composul thu Mnuat,
or that Tycbo ilral.e lived belore Sam hoiii ithon,
or Las laid baie some extruoi dmaiy eoui'ueion of
his mind uhout et lipscsof the nioou. Not that
be cares about the Vedm or Nanelion;athon, but
It Is horrible to be thought ignorant of the things
ttat other people know, ei are sup: oscd tokuo.v, he thinks heonec did kuow, only memory
let them blip before it had laiily got hold ol thetu.
For the poor memory gets all the blame, us if
memory were rcsiionsihlu for what the attention
never gave it in thai-go. Trea 'herons memory,
which, with so many of us, ii responsible lor
our ignoraue 1" with creeping, cro iked pace,"
grudging, TaePlatinj, uncertain, playing tho
part 01 that Ignaio, "losLer-futlioi oi the giant
'"I'l'kt in hii itutT l.ll III pi lIM framt',
AuO gniile 1,1k w ekry kt J.n L.ali l.l klltl Ilo,
Sot III. kjrkblklit llUU Idil.'O 1. , n kV kSO.
And i.i, Im arum u li ol k.o tt kr- tune,
ai." wi.1T,, ununa, rutt Ulil o.o.rrnwi;;
1 11' . MII M ll.a k-i a. .0' ..-..rv l..w.ra .(.,-v
OllUu ekla lea iImb Ul. but Hi' I II, .ol allll III .,! ,rt.'
f-.iwyi on .Saciul Huhjecti.
The I
Ml I I" ltl.
A .i .. r H"i 'i-k'il'1" fi-.'i'ti-e if th" str.'ct . "I
I',.. i.. i...'t .-;. t en 'In' I i.t.i'n il.'v. The
i. i.itl. ii.iiviii.'. nt "I the Hcralorm. in "t" n'y
I i'l I .ii,..' , 'in i i'l ii " ii) to ihork tlll"
(I,.., . Snni'i'V '.'if. I'lt'ii' c are not
.( i i .it - ' Ii- '' " "f ! iy m' v ' to aii'l.luJftl
. .i... in :..'i,!i'iil. li t Ii" ni"r'iiT'f mi I
, ., ; i.iili s i,. tin- ti Ir ,i l.iiim. II i'S
. i. Jl(t. i. .i.-. ii; ii 'i . t i' ii h r lit. i' y
i .ii- h ' 1 1. i I.i . i I ' i.i hi; k . i 1 vi n "ii. ti
.. t ,(!.-- i ii :m i i ' : i ii'l I '-r l.i.l i. .i i li.ii'
,n i.n,; i u i i.' i.v in P. r vhil'- ! il'i-
.t. -ii,. M..i . 'tit t" ri ! i'i i.i, i iic li.i- fni tin n t"
in i.i i , i i,.! ..i. iir riino't niiil t' v i; i i ,f t " 'In i
j.i.i ...i'l i.'C i.:' .' ii-:-. in i-.'.m: 1 r-, i.iii"j'i i'l'"i,
i,, , I. :l 1 ' I " mi' .
T . . ii.', t i. ;' l' ; ..i "' -ii t'i 1 1 t n'.t'j-
.!(tll:'l tl,. Il I Of il ' tt KM''!, "f Mil liV.
,il I i.rn.i", l-'il l --i. I t' '.I rri'lill'l
; , M, M I II , I llu-,. 11, i 'It I " I II 'III 'W'J IM to
i, t i , i:, i.i 1 1.. I 1 1 .-. . - .i in i , iiv, r i.t
:i-.v ii. 11 li f. I I ' l-. M : ' In' ..I'-iivvl.
r i i - . i i i I. r ' t ti. i f :i't iii f,i ii i ,ii 'i'ir
I,!!. .1 . I bin I) ;ir I ..';, I. .1.' -i. 'I!' tin;
tii. ri' 'AO '
'l . 1 i,, t!:i I'm! .1' la M '"Vl'ic.
II ri " i n j .'ii r nili'iiii'.: .mi . i I i ire.
il 'M " I ; ii" S'. II in r..
I i i ' I: iic in I'vi ..tin ;!!.
,, 7 " I.' i ' 1 'ii IV. i
i,i n " r.w.itfi,
.'1.7 :is
'll.H ! l-iin ' ol.'y un1'' li') Ji shut nut ni'
ewiy ms 1'.' my riii-.'tri I. my t tint in tney
. n tin i
n il iihi ii,i !.
H'.iiniii i-p 1
i fiy ti' t'u: l.oti -i' o
1 1,, ns in tip ii na'ivi
(IdiI, tlier w'
tmvn or vill u:
, w ,tli itii'l w.iiii. n iinypi!' an i I m,
luivt tin id. a of the
to H e ... iii'k d ,v la Pi" is. .
'lit li ;-, ho-' i vi r is on Ihc turn, ('ornpira
tivi i f. iv imc t'.c hops Hiiiu on I he Lord's d iy ,
the f.i.'i 1" r i-. I '..i.i u-suii tl, rn-an r th'in It w is
t . i ti' y "; in i . t v tin s ceo. Siime, no dioili', mo
i -1 - mi! l '' n.ei'ly secular oij-ct-, hut we limn
icioiiii lo Know tun' otheis :ue shut from a gi iw
ii. i ii r. to the I ...r.i's day.
Pell iiistl'C in .st m'i fin lory proof of n gi.i.
it g . f iinl foi it li !ler oh-, rv ai.t e ol the 1.' r.i's
dai , 0. s i'. tin fi'..-t wh i h 1 Ie lined In l'-i-, that
this i.;r..'hr. Mi'j.-.-t, soiiio ycits Hgo, h.'oiinhi
Pint.- -ti.iitsi.in1 I'.-.i-i.s's u;. Ilo r; th v, lliouh il
n d not . ut r.-.d. un . t Cinpt iv.'s i.nnle a; united
in "I. ii on tiii-ii1.. 't. r. it is tin'- hi the 1-reneh
Hii'hti .-tic:-. 1 ' a!t!"iii.;h in rcti'-wsof
tint p-s- i;d n-'ii y tfiius ei ., th . -'Ie id.-rs of i his
p.-ni i i t: e tin -n to 1 1 r, and they that are led of
I In I'l un d'.-s d." the t.i .verimietit has shown
IIm ii 'in i.rii hie to i iieli utlcippts. Il has issued
del rt e mi lie. r e i.'-oitiist nny woi k lit ing done on
the l.nnl'ii imy in il- d; and other pluecs,
for w hi' h thetu w -s flu cle iiTind strong no. e-siiy.
No iiorlii tlu.-e hae,! oiten evadeii ; tliil i' i
well lor t'.c coiiiitiy iind cr. tiitahlc to the- ruling
.twir Pin' the ' I uveriiiueiit has riil-ed its voice
in f..M i of wl.iit is as cuti-nu ml to the word of
(ioil ns to the I. ht interests of all classes of the
eoniniiii'iiy. However slow y it comes creeping
in, the tide has ceitit'lily innied. ''. liuthrir.
The- ni imui il Hells.
Their- h a roma tic story to'd of rorr.ilniry
r iiu.eli, (he I'U'i.-h in ivl.l 11 II M:asto and its
Inn hor lie. There were nob Hs lo (ho church,
iitmI us tin: inhaliit mis heiird the Miuiid of the
iniisu i! p -uis at Ti'iiii'tel, w-'.en the winds wufl'-d
it in I ., s the se i, I Ii. y i i t an.e nuxluus lo have
,-onie ol tin ir ow n. I heir w ishes were warmly
rei oiaied ly Lord II I'tiiiux, who lived lit the dis
til , un ! iu line tiiuc tin- hells were e i-t and ready
to he hrt : elit home. Ti e vessel which was to
bring the long v, Mill lor appeared in
s.;.ht, ihc iuhai.f'ims tlie out upon the
rocks to wtiicti i's cn-i.ii i e into the harbor. The
pilot w ho hud c!iu: ,'e ot the ship, hearing the ills,
t od smir.d of hisownn t e hells lit i'illlic'i'l,
gave tin nl. a to (Jod ttitu be should he on
"Th.iUli the good ship; thank Ood ashore,"
sui'l the C; pta-n.
Nay," taid the pilot, "wi should thank God
evi ry w h' re."
" lhouuit a fool! Thaiik thyself with a fair
and ktciiuy heim."
So ifcey talked the i-nptnin venting hii rage in
o.iths m.d ear-e.-, the piiiit hrtn ill ins dcpcnticnco
upon (inn.
As the vesfel ne.-ired Wilpack Point, clouds
bi L'iin to rise, while the mmiv c;.cer laecs weie
waieb'm'. ore of those frightlul s tot ins Came on,
in which the vesve! bceame uoiimii.igeahle, struck
upon the rocks 'nl freight, men, ciptain, all
wt re lost except the pilot, who was washed ashore
upon a plunk. In the pauses of the storm, which
wu- loi.p and vioicut, the clnng of the b -lis was
distinctly beard ; and still, they shv, iho hnriied
he Is give their lnouiiifiil chiine in ihc freqiiunt
st rins which tlcMihttc the coast.
A i:ii."-(:ltif rer' Hull.
The Tuonto (Cittintla) l.inilrr has the follow
ii e account of a curious scene iu that city
o'Jhe very unusual cr.t' rtniinncrit of a rag
gaihiieiH' hail came off in this tit you Monday
ingl t, W which there could not have been lo-s
llu n three hundred mgincu and their wives and
sw i eihetiriH, and other friends and nciiuaiut
ai ees. The cntcitaiiiiui nt was given by a Mrs.
Aslutl, a woinait who has liiadu a good deal of
n.oin'y by the rag business. Having just built
a iuige brick shop on Piehnitai street, a li'tle
west of Church street, on the south side, ! ho de-
tern iiiftl to entertain her ciiMoinors at a grain! j
h dl and flipper ; and not being purti 'iilar us to
w heth' r the eompi.ny slioiilil he select, she g ive
a (.em rnl invitation to all the beggars and rn.- '
n.en in the city and i: ii-hbo: hood. The 'gentry' ,
t' ll in w ith the idea, und freely accepted the in
vitation. A sumptuous rcpa-t was provided in a
laige room on the grouud door, to wlneu the
beggaie bad free a, ee s duriug the whoie even
ing. A qmitliille band biipplifd iiimsk: for
(be company Iu tho ballroom up stairs,
and 'all went incny ns a marriage bell ' It is
Raid to have been u ludicrous sight to witness
Hie company 'in a quadrille, or pairing od" in an
Irish 'breakdown' or 'plauia'.ion jig.' Dancing
ai d a general merriment was kept up till nearly
I ii'cloik iu tho morning, w hen the party sepa
rated and returned to their hovels aud to their
business in dillcrtut puns of the city, evidently
nigtiiy pieaseu witn ino nospitaiity oi tneir
geiteiousliostiss, Kverylhii g was conducted in
the most orderly manner, only the presence, of a
Military policeman having beeu necessary to keep
lungs btiaighl."
How l aincls arts Miicil.
A Southampton paper giies this account of tho
shipping of a female ci.ii.e'l and her young one,
whuh lately arrived there to bo scut to this
country by tho HreiiiiTi mull steam r .Vein
J ci :
"Tin y were accompanied by an Arab keeper,
liy no eouti ivane.: could the elder camel be in
ilu. til to cross the gi.nguay from the dock to the
khip, although the Arab tried by blows and by
coin ing with a bag of o ils to get her on board.
T be miuiu: cuuiel shout the si.e of a nony, and
loveied with bcnini'iilly -oft silky buir stuck
to Ids dam. As ihe lide was ah nit to ellli, tho I
I'ilot on l.ourd the ship btcame iiunn'ient, and
called out 'II .ve the r.ui'.iiais shipped.' A uum- j
her of the leriiiau pa senders on tioaitl the rw ;
).,.'. rii-h.d 011 sie re, and amidst shouts of!
I nighter took the young camel up in (heir arms I
ami curried lion I otlily on lo (he st, amor, and 1110 ;
ship was tihliite.l to leave tin- side of the dock im- '
media. eiy, leav ing the bhe etitiel behind. Tut: 1
young caiiu 1 liii nu to cry in thu most pit, ml ! 1 11 heiu"; s'',.arat d iro.n his d un. and nic
Infer hearinir the tiito, luotun .1 dis'r.issuigly j her
eyes wi re lie isti ned w i:k te.o and her I t- id was
Hlowlv nun soiciunly iiioviti: to and bo, I 1. ,1: 1 11 n
for he: young 01 e. Ai icnm'i she Wan put ituo a
hone b".s ah d slung on b, aid it stcani-tu ; a id
tiikenoutto the .Vi ie 1 . '., w hi. Il waited in ihe
tlealu lor her.
A Murv tr 11 a llli run.
Malibrar. was one of the at: st taeciuatin.; and
obliging of v.oiii-.-n, Uk well as one of the greatest
uiti.-ls that ever lived. Of ceuibc, how'ver, the
ef'.cu liked to Lac her own way. Oaee, whtu
Mr Phillips whs the principal baritone at Drury
Tare during her engagement, she received the
lurpe Mimot ouc hundred guineas a night. When
the Atiiii tt A 1 tulx wits rehearsed in lull fur the
first time, M alibi an was 1 ager to buve the air "1 ue
light ol other ilnvs" transposed r.nd put iuio
hi r part. I'.a'fc, i f course, declined, and so tii I
Hum:. "1 n't ti tl n.c," she laid; "1 f mill spc ik
to Phillip 1; l.e is very, and if
l.e k: ons 1 1 rea r it in liiy pi:rt, he will let niu it. 1 hi.! , l.owiver, tliouc'U umpiest on
ably gooii-L.iturid, was too wise to part with a
surg so valuable; and tie lui.y was so much
chiigriiird tnut ihe (-aid the wojid net j.lay in
the opera. She bad bc.11 announced, ho -.v.. ver,
and tiii io was no escape tor Muliiiraii was
liic.pahie el biaring malice, nud nt supper at
Mr. Hade's, alter the lirst peri'01 ji:ni!Ct,I when JI .
1 hlllij s cnine to the door, it bapi sued that the.-e
was ro In lit iu the pa.-Mgc, ainl she ran to the
top 1 f the st iir, exioa.mii g, "Uuh-k, give me a
Clicie . I tic s ' f ae fght ot other lla) 3' cululug
up iu tLc U.11 a."
A sergeant and four privates of the Kuyal
F.i. gutters tlx ird In ni bouthamptou lately, lor
Alexandria, tu thtir way to Jci .ou'eni. They
are going to make au exact topoitruphicul suivey
of the city aud neighl orbood, lue.uitiug (til lis
more luinous hills and valleys.
Colonel llerdan, ut a trial neir Uilea, Nevr
Y'ork, recently act omplished what is said to bo
the best klioolius' on ncord. At a distance of
l'joo aril he bit the "bull's eye" lour timet In
kiu ce'-sioii ; then ini-Kd it by Utrific the filib, aui
Lit il nrjaiii ihc MXtli.
- 11 . I' iive a'l I'-iti h- of M' :!!
ln.iiiy mii ml teveriil yi , r in iniv.'l. N xt K 'r
H i nil fn to ltus-i.i; ami a l.'inlnii :icim. ipiir
J i'kn .i'v "ti.em i nn re litlle donln tlmtilm
lll...'l.'l ITt TUll'Hill"- Ml tl'l' (frntPl 1 like of ltt!-l:
s:..l if. I'litii e, D fiii'ir, if ihT lain f ' in
M p, ';; or M nro will 1 ' ti't'' "li''l by
Hie I'l l re si.'tt Print tit '.V.ilvs In pr. nl st it",
mill with h Mii e w .t'h.v nl th" Rr.. miM. an i
n...''ici v ol ihc t: .'it'try w l i 1. . ml . :!kih it
iiw :
'I In hi. 1 Iih't of the Pi i n t .in
nl i.'!' n t iir to h.ivc -re I 'i nit" i " ' -at ion
in I . : ti R 1. . A 'in.p .fi e.u r M.o'itt. :it ili!
. 1. c "ilir piiHuiu ol t! a' invtiit i'Ihtii'i, tlie
Inf l-'.i r. i-h I'liiKi., will In1 irii't" ii nni: t ' tue
t'i tit!, Iiiui.rii , a'l.iuM'- Kin:: i.n l Uui-t n ot li.'ii
mii'U tl im w ill Ik cvi ii Hi' temp inry m'innttm
tnn tin ir ili'in'liti r. i Pi lm c-.i. 'I lie ll'tlo
ti ii'.w in mi pi rule anil nil' ..ti'inati' hmin-lf, he
(in s.. w ill i L"v ui'i' M' rc-is'icrly from oiin In
i I.i. i ll u t I In I'M "I rclnim wlin wih 10 p'ar
wi'li l.'.ui, Ins lni;;l.l t.C'ir Line eve look "0
cn mii , t ibe hiiiiu time iipp iicn'ly m in
ii,.iii t v at ni rytliii.H nroiii.d. ntnl Lis heaiity
is Ml . t Mill kO I r eilllttil'l.', thllt I'VI tl tlmsO
ni t ,. n. etcl I -v-lio .1 f 1 tl'. insnlves a'.uii ted ia
.i:l ( ('.iMir.'h tlif in' -in-cut little Prine'-."
'1 Pntit cs,. 1 ii 'ini.r of Pi-inniiik, who in tt
In: tin IP' v t I nil
just cifrliticit
Tiki.-, old. See 1'" l-s fir
slum .-f
tii it it I.oui
Hit inlitiili: e mi I iiitio- cut loveliness of her m in
M r, at il lioiu her stittiiic. Her eyes mill te-th
lot in tin U.s. iieitiiig I'tiu'y of her fco, her
f... hi." s bi'Tig fer if. in rigiihir. In rumulcviiin
k!. -. is h lit ii iiette ; hut Ihc skin is wonderfully
en, cr, m.d the rosts ol In itlth seem ever to bloom
on hei .-ol . tl'ipph .l ela ek'. Her st itur i is rather
, 'i.iolili' In i;:lit, dint her lor 11 se ons per
till i,r I u:.i. si nicely '! t-otne to in d'U.'y,
I, . I
nv,i!s He most pi i teel el 1 hoi-waM-ci. s g" !-lie-ses
in the s wiin- lit: i neck, the grit 'cfuiiy diooii
ing h ul'tci'-, aril the roll, tleil proportions ol her
niii '." To h. ceuie I'.n'piess ot tins.. 1 1 tiiC j oin.;'
Iio'v nui't -l.i"iige her n litjii-n, ar.d become a
nn ir Ie r id the 111"' k Chnri h.
l-'oll'.s who want to i.''t what the Km-pic-1
t-.i;.iti:e up i inii'T' her lecnt visit lo
Hiiecn- ItU" en, will I'lid all pai tieuliirs in this ex-It.-iel
'ri in t'u Paris i tm r spomleni c ol the Lon
don . . "
'The Un.i. tl In: ke of V. iden wen' to Ptil-ruiio
to rtii t ti e I mpti f:, ai d aeeompauled In au
r re s limn to II in n-P. eien. On her in-rival
time she was ino-t mnl 'iliy received hv the
I', inn ot Priissii and the grand nil-hess. She thea
di.V'. wi h the latter a-u l.udv II anil lion to lliim
lit ai Vi la. M.only a'ler'A.irils the King peid bur
a shi rt v. sit, when upon the iimpress prureedcd tl.tT Mn.ii sty ifiiccn Augusta ol Pru-siii,
who icri iveil iier get'sl nt tha loot of Iho stair-ra-c,
mid saluted with much cordiality.
T'nc v .sit lu ted nbout hulf nn hour.
The King ate ni p inied the l''.tnpreB to
In r i nrrliiKc ar.d kissed her hand. After paying . i.-it to the Orar. I Iiiicln ss, she rec.eiveri
th Queeii'B cmiiiti r vi it. At "-even o'clock tho
Hi press dined v.iih the (Irand Dueul lamily and
their immeilialc circle. I ho whole court, about
one hundred pi icons, w re invited to tea at nine.
About c levin, tho Kn.pri ss retired lor the night.
Next n ori'lng at ifght, she went on foot to eco
Ouri-n Angus a, look btciikfast with her, arid
whs tin n ii' compauieil by the King, the (band
Duke ami the Grand Iiiiclioss, to tho railway
k'lifii.n, whence she nturlcd at i.ino p'ciie k le-r
.'slrnsl'tiig."!Y Jiilll.s.
It is mi id that nine hiiMlrt d and seven female
c pi l lo) is uic going tu li dia to assist in the Eng
liih li iegiiiph depurtmtnt.
-Mr. Wi'kio t ol'ius is to get ClinnO lor his
It.i thcoiiiili liovel in the i'mnht!! ln;azin''t aud
liberty to publish it kepati'tily.
1 ord Wotit bouse, the new Vic toy of Ireland,
is only 111; ycarsc-l H'i'.iind (says nn li ish eonteui
ponoy) lie is luiirricd to u chatmiug young Irish
Mr. II. Olenn Wesley ! orgiuiiing a choral
ti' n,oi sti itioii by one thousand voiccj for tlie
eipenii g ot the North l.ouuou ln-lii anal llxhiln
tion, width is lo lie held In the Af.r eull'.l'.il Hall,
1 lirg.'on.
It is asserted Unit ihe l-'.iuprcsa of tho French
1 bus sent an auto; mph li tter to tbu 1'opo, prom
' isiigso uilo biing her kou to he initiated into
j the ni) (-lilies of rcliftlon, and encouraging nis
: Holiness to bear up ugaiiit tho attacka of his
! iTicinim.
j Tbeic ure hundieds of Bteamors in process of
I f.rct 'Ion in tho (scotch waters. The builders on
, the t lyi'.e act its if they were aisurc.d tho war wim
j to last 'live years. The ycrils are all lighted with
l gns, and relays of k.iutls workcvcry hoar of tua
j trttiity-fttir."
j The Kinff of Otide possesses a fortune of
I 'i.l.'(Jli,0(;t. He has not Mined out of his pa ace
I lor ten years, and si ends bis time in collecting
i beautiful birds lor his aviary, and heiiiiiful birds
t ol another soi i lor his harem. He is a lazy raseul,
i a gti-at glution, and n pru ce.
I Tlicrc never were no mnny persons cirrying
1 on bi.t oie-s in the ciiy of l,ond.m us ut the present
' time., llelween "till.Ht'll nnd HUtfilOO people outer
' I' f. ci'y every morning to their d illy occupations
' 200,0110 ol them in conveyances Involving tho
dailv employment of between lill.OHJ and "(0,01)0
I public carriages.
Gaiibaltii'a nieco appeared at tho Crystal
Ta'nce, l.oiidnn, as a p'inl'c singer. Tho lady is
saitl to possess great ability, und ought to have
piovtil much mi re iittrii'ive in nr. s'le uitl, as tne
public mustcied very thinly ; "but," says a Lon
don bluet, "the fault was, perhaps lntho wantof
udeii sing publicity given by the company.
'Ihc Ii)ilr;ii;i(h:ie Hrlr; ;f Brussels, gives
tlit! tollov in; curious pn, tieulais of tho amounts
ltd bed by various urtists us the results of single
peiliiiiiiiiicta: Mulibruii, at Hruiy Lane, re
tiiMd j7fli) each night. The sumo price was
paid to tail .hie tit- for two pirtornianccs. Gn-i, at
New Yolk, received tftlOOi) for one perform auee,
and short I) iifcr obtained 11,HI)') as the result
of oi.e l ight's tutertiimiiifiitin London. Taulioni
received fr7.XJ for every performance at Hamburg j
ut her second helical ut Si. Petersiinrg she
realized the extravagant sum of $lo,udl, in addl-
I tion to u niugnlth ent picscnt of diamond orua-
nn-nts niude her by the
At the weekly meeting of the St. Luke's
1 board of puaroiaus, London, recently, a let er
1 wiih rend from a goiitlcmun In the neighborhood
of the citv-rotid, sctlinrj forth tbat he had been
requestedon bcball of a lady of property, to ask
: il the bl ind had a "complete orphan," with blue
eyes and Oaxeii hair, not more than two years of
I egf, and of gentle manners, to be given up 10 be
I adopted the lady ngret ing to take such a child,
I educate her ns a lady should bo educated, and
finally to will her TUMI per annum. Tho letter
I was lefeireil to the house and vl-iiing committee
I to see if there might be a "blue-eyed, llaxcu-
liiinetl, complete orphan m Iho union.
The town of I'erigiicuv, a few days ago,
received a puiniul slunk. M. Duus-cl, un inlicr
ol the Council Oencial. was oil the point of got
linu bis daughter married to a young gentleman
ei fortune. The liittm-, hy some mischance, was
Hung in the arm by 11 v. no-nous Inset, ills
faihiT. whi'e rendering him a- ustniice, was struck
with an apoplexy and die !. The pci soii who was
churg'd to convey the nithineholy intelligence to
M. l'l.nssel, ixecu ed bit mission s i ubruptly that
Ihc young lady, thinking it wa- her intended hus
I in it'l who lul l nied, was -o iilic.'icd tbnt she
expired in liiite days ntfr from the elt'erts of the
shock '1 n ititi J'ny t
The Paris papers announce the death of
.Madame Hie Hnw-ger ee ( oruuv, at h.r
res d : ce, t: c Cha'i itu d lleiioiiiird, ee ir 'iuio'i- '
tiers 1 1 hne), in her eighty -n Tit h year, having been
bullion ihc ."nth 01 NuM-tniier, 177 1. She w. is
In in o. the panic I'uiiiiy us Cl.a: l"t'e ( oi'd iy, the
Nie in; n heroii e. b- ing il ids m, t t"j,i.-iu. Alih.nt .h
ten yea s oun 1 r t, c.i 'rlottc, i.c knew her
we.1, ur.d a nuy.- Med.,' 01 her us a "you- g person
Usiui'ly 'i-r i.-us i.n.i re-e-a h i ei in il e niinia.-a-s
11' iiwi.-iod hot ', lie 'oreii 10 l.'je 11 '..'c end
irauitioiii 01 Itt Cotoiiy family, I 11' w i.o - ou'.d
liii,:li i": in a-iere, . ( very 1.111 1 n' tioid eu,
uc : I.Jed ti chine ihei:' 'mem.-."
1 In tuhlic eet Id: of iii.ot'.dcnce .;' the cec
turr is related as having' occurred lately at
Viini.u. A gent. email was contemplating the
w oiks ot art exhibited in the window ol one of
the chief picture-dealers of the city, when he
grsf.ually became conscious of Ihe fact that a
r.; ad uul hi .oiiging to himself h id found its way
ii to one olTns p.a ntls. Turning swutly round,
lie .oo'aid the iiele-nl . r, w bo had ttu.en so uu
usia.l a i.lei'v. ktia'KB: in me face, and ex-
! el.i n.itl, wit): Lent eiiirifil itid gn it 'ou : ''VoU
I Had vor.r L 1.1. 11 .n mv I ocket ;" -W'eli,'' rep'.ie.i
i ti e ifele 1 ! d 11. 1 i'l in :ig'i.t-'':ii.'ciede.asS ol
gibtiy, utli the gr.-it coe.nesk c.mi seti-poa-icb-ion,
"and what il 1 l ad i r 1 ou have surely
1.0 rt: i on to be oiltuued ai that. Uero 110 ff, ia
October, it'.-, aluady so Cohl iha-tne is glad to
put i.t.t'b hand any vvnerc .'
A letter, dntetl Ti r ia::('a river. August 20
bus lacu reudved lio n JI. Da Chadhi by Mr.
lleiiiv Claue'ct, of London, who taueht the Atri
cui toiv.ier photoeiapby before be left Kngland.
JI. Im Choillu tbnt, in a few days, Ue ln
tiMlrd to start tt r tlie interior of the country,
and tbat, as Le had a long journey betore him,
be probably should no: return lo tngland lor
two years, lie p;aks hooef ully, on the whole, ol
his pro-i ects ol aecuring a due collection ol Alri
Citn pln trigrai hs, though he complains that t is
terrihlv hot while shut up tin the " lu
whieh'he is obliged to operate, and says that be
docs t ot feel "nine well sometimes after practising.
Ju a letter of tho same date to another friend, lie
siiym "I have scut a batch of gorillas to the
Hiliish Mukeum.aud I have also shipped a live
one. which 1 sincerely hope will reach Loudon iu
safety. 1 hadtlneeol them aliv alt) days beloio
the T'Ssvl sailed lor KnjlanU."
The rich widow ctles with one cyo and ro
joitt s with the other.
All women fro good ; good for something, or
gi od fot nothing.
Hois fin liitul often play the ntunio e.f pltth
ami toss. When at sea, still ofient r.
A nmn being coniin'si rati d w lb nn account
i f bis wife riiii'img away, tcpiied, "Ah, dju't
pity im: until h clt."
M . it's w ith l.l bai hrlnrs as
w th ino wood ; it k h.i'tl to t'.-t tVon stalled, but
when tlit v do take liaii.o thiy burn prodigiously.
"1 n vi. u ihnt y u can do Ihc "land
ImiP in the l.uihi nf l.ynt.f" Mini a in itiiiger to a
ki f dy ne'or in qi'-ekt ol i n i e'iii:enn nt.
'I H-i'iiUI think 1 migl I." wk the r p'y. "I
liavi. iroie a gieat many landlords."
"Which is the bi st shop to get u fiddle nt ?"
a I c.l a pupil of 'Com Cte ke, the mils, cunt. ''An
it othe' a1 y s (-hop " answered th'1 .v.-;; ; "hi cause,
il jiiii hey a orug there, th. y alw aj s .ivo you a
i oi in."
"I puppo e," said a quark , wl dc feelin.-j Ihc
pnl'i' ot his pnlient, "that von think tue a I. iiin
liii:; r" "Sn,' mi l H o n. k n.nti, "I pen cive
that von can tii. niin a man' tl'ouhl.i by your
ti tu T."
(Oiii'trM'rnn walltlrg iilon;.' Mil 'trt"ts
li-ni'd h's t'u. ere. s sinppi il hy a i-tu-e b irric i I'- ol
im " tint's ibis Im ? ' said he. to a peisoti iu
the urcct. "('iifs to ;top the yello.' (ever,"
"Ah1 I've oft la luiird i-l the II d id Health,
but I in v r S'.w it In fore."
An lil h firc enti r, previous ton dial In lii h
be v. us the ilelcniliilit, was in lot nod by hi" coun
sel Hint il t!u ie were unv t l tin jury to w hom he
ilM.ct.d, he inu ht lc.,'.i i ii.illeiige i.'i.mii
"1 iiilli, and so I will," n idi, d he ; "if th" v do not
in iii: me. 1 will I'h'iilengc every of"
"V'hat Is the reason that nu:i never kiss
' sell i, ther, while the lacies vutu a wor d of
V ,s-i 8 on I. miuii'i: (a.esi" said the en. ton tu
( ir. b' the other day. Gm de i oe' l lie I n ino. ill.-,
'iiol rf en iinsweretl : "HeeiMnc the men leivo .t
mmttliii g hi-tti i- to I i- s, viid the 'a Y- a lir.vec't."
The eapiiiin "nil it' iiiiineiiialcly.
H.M.i-wAv A hoi cnian crossing e. moor,
rrkeil a countrynuiu tf it v on siife rutin'.
"Ay," answered tlie coiintrvnii.-i, "it is hard
r r . ti ; 1. et the botiom, I'll warrant yen ;" b t iu
hid a-doieii steps the litu.-e sunk up to his gir lis.
' Von s'irry-telliiig innul, you said it was h ml
at (he bottom !" "Ay," replied tlie other, ' out
jou ure not halfway to the botniu yet."
fun a iiKi-i'iu A,' r ?. IS''..
Ti n Isve ll.iH ilm il.'i' n Div i.'.-iul
I IK I. NT. , tl. -ill .'I His . Uli!.lc ..ii 1' ... in!
II 4 ::t K. 1'..,
Not IU ifll 1.1 -'!.
Ilo I ijro, tr.i n liive this i(lv fertiire.l u IiI.i.'ii-I of
'IHi'lKIT.l: IT.-N'I. i'it l.l Hi' 'jii ion. s nl 11. .1 I'll'lk
sin. i .luK 1, isi.l, ,, on tltnntnil, i li r oi
II I In !'.. rl. HAI,I,.t'SMilt.r.
;'' llnl.k tf P.-lllis' Keini.
Pun. aim. i.eitM. N.o'.-niti.'r 1. Isi;l.
'I I e 1'r.sri! of I III l-c I..I h lllis llhy II.-. Isli'il n il'vl I.'. it Ol
M I-: I'l-.U IT. N I'. I'or thu Jllsl'siji ill HilLs. rna'.o uli
ei iiiiieil. t'leiir til all (uses.
H it i.t R.C. I'AI.MKit, t'usliltir.
l-Hll.APi 1.1'IUA, oveiii!.er I. IS .1.
II. H.gimI of lirp f. a iv II. in li if dco'iin 1 A tU I
.Iifiilut KIVI.11.U i:i,M'., )iivKlie mi (.cmuii'l.c! ar of
HUM .HHIV A. T.VVl. C .lil.-f
RANK 7 t f it i i-'i i k. Nnvmbpr I .
1 lii T'i ret ;tn l.uvu ( liir. d.iv !. Im id n (If viiIi-im! ii (I V K
IKK ( Kfs 1' iv ill" lattt i numtlir., m nW.c ci: tlt'iiiuml,
cii'vr of uli tnitCN.
M :i ft y. i. ci'Mr.YH.cMiir.
p v ' 1 IliM" -NATIONAL liANK. OF
A' ritilfttltli'Iiin.
I'm i. a iir i. rut a , N'ovemhor 1, THill.
the Hmju '1 of I'lrf tdm Imve ilni l lnn-ii a ilt i(Viii
(iM K (1-N T , tue (H ull liixi m, pfivtl ie mi (it'iiirtud
utii tlio eaii.ihK t1'1" llii'' ft' ilir Hht six raon'liH.
I IK hi .MOKTON Mi MH ilAKI,, J u., Cantor.
Tl -r Irrct(ir :jiv ilnldi tiUor Ml X I'KR
TJ T. Iir r!ic Iit six niouJii, im iibli' on (1rnHirl vltr
it ln. W. H. lilUVl'S,
11 1 fct C'ftsl UT,
' liAlv.
Vim aim l.eiiiA. Knvinih r t. lsfil
Tin- lllirelors linve Oils tlsy deelHl t'il n tllvluei it nf I'lV K IT, N I . li.i .he msl sis uioiolis. psyflili- m, at.n;iiiit
. leiirnt nlilnAtk. M. W. W'JOKIVAIlll,
11 1-tit C'ili". IT.
niiL.iM i.niiA , N "vtin'iT
'I Ik l( r.l of ll"ep)'r.s )i ilcrttrrt!
uldfij of
FM.M'l I'l- ( ( 1 NT., i-nwiti on ! iiiiiml.
.Hi. i Hu.l''. ib ait r im! fU to i-rn.u ir ceriU'f M-9.
II I M F. I' SI i. V. L,(. .tl . i . r.
Ni.l:oiml llmih, i iiii.Ali A, NiihtmNt I, Is. I.
Ttw 1 'tri i lir.s imve tliittl.i di t la ' il A I i v iti ml -4 ! i V li
V r c i i , iu i.)U' oil -lejHdiH' rii'iT 1 1" ii il in I'M .
1 1 -1 II W. liUrtirtiN, Jr., C.slslcr.
'Ilio nrr of I ilrrelti li.ivc s MocIh !'( il a nvt-
iIukIi I HV1. I'I'.lt IKS f ., n 'silicon V- nil. n-niU
CiMfol :iII,.xlb. .lO.M.i'll S. 1'lLUVOl.,
H 1 1 1 Iih 1 .-iiei-.
lilUAlU) HAMv.
l'.in ir! i ri-i '
Nnvfiiil.. r t, ts-It.
II. .1 l I .C ,ll 1114 ot
I L N 1 , ('It) UUlt Oil
VMk I. auk I f,.-, (livhiu tl a 1'ivuli in
ti.r 1.11. i H UlOI.10r, Ol IA
: inalilt. live ol nil t;iM n.
It v. Ill be m-. fifiiy 1 r ti'.c linhlcrs f rU v. n hc luu.
IH'tln CIi I'KMSiit'il, t UMltiticr -llfllf orf CT i-li U h
1 r ci'.i: old kit it u, Li fuie utci . Mij; tic lr. iiiti". J'.y mv.r
vt t! ' nl. . I. MJUAfr t i'.fi,
11-1 lull s tit CmiIih r.
N O T I V K.
run Alii 1
IIIA, lletehl r II. I, IS. I.
Ni tiro Is Ihm'iIiv sl eu. Hi-ii-i lay to -t t-l U.n '.' ol itie set
lit li e lielieiKI ABMinblv nf ll.c (Ii. fjiiiiii! ol Pim-o-
Ivniiui. euiilli-il "An net ennh uifi liitios t.r tlit l.' iui-
n oiiwiallli to Isk'OUii' As.-iieik.ioiis lor lue l ur.M.he of
li jlii.ll.,: ui tier the Ik tk of Itu- I n'.tt-il Utaiot.' .iiiiliieoJ
H.. 'i'-il tll-v ill Al't'lisl. A. I l-'-l. I'.IU I'll' .Slee'1,1. .Ult-rs
III tin- t sriiiPrs imtl Meelikillrs Its'.k til riUli.itetplilk Imvo
lies any volcn to ln-c 1110 Me ii all Ashi.tcauon : ntl llikt
Ilk I'heeiori. I,ste nriH-un il 1I11 auil .iiliy ol the omuri
lit ninre Itlllll of the ('Siitlt! .Sl,ek lu Iu,ike ihu
ci-nliii fttu le'iulictl tiurt-t.'r li-v 1ms of tl.o Hulled
Klttli k.
ltj-;T-jinj .l-Jii-M' rji?1 -)"io 1""
N O T I C. I',.
LANK Or" NllltTIHtltN MIIKRTirl.
I'llll.M.I I.I'IIIA, lleiolier 'ill, l-s'K.
Kottefl Is lit-rstii- e-lvi'ii,Hereoklily iu sfi'tl.iu'i til tlit! not
111 the I it ll ml As-tllll.l.t oi till' Ilolilliuilliwell'.rli of I'ollll
i.v Iviinlk. i nt it It d 'V 11 nil t'liiil 'lieu IlkiOni'l llu. I oiiii'UHl
V. rnltli to tK.eoino A.toi :k;i"iiH l.,r II, e 'iiro-c of It.tnkuu
liiulfcr the Uwh m' n.e tuheil Hlu'es," iiiirove.l Hit- VJu
tlnj 01' August. A. I', isio, llikt Ilin Hwck'u'litiT ot Ilia
Jlkl.k of IS .1 1 lit III laiiiTtils llUU' '.111! Uli) 0 eii UI iiiteiilil'
iu. !, no 'o-oe'i.tiuii. ftti.l li.kl it" liie.c 1 1. Kent 4
f I.t iitilliorli v ol'llie ow 111 rs ot t la 11 1 ol tl k
I'lil'itiil hii. k to" Ilm I'ertllieu'o l'. iitlrt-il Ihen-ior by
tii" lows ol li e I nil' il silalel.
in-if! i,"t w. i;t' cnsiuer.
tOKfii i.-V HAN (IK UAVK,
riin Ai-1.1 i iiiA.O.'toi,cr 2-i.lrf.i.
Nuilre 1? h- rchy tilvrn, crociiiily lo K.iction 2 oi tl: fcft
of tl f i ;eiiti nl Aim in ! T ot t lit- romnionwenhli ol' IVnn-
Iv fklUH. ll( JtiC "All' hut flUiljIillkj llHllt. ol' till I'o (l
iioiiiuiH iii to Income A-sMiciitti n lor tru mrr-'scuf
li-iii't.ii-.' i i '1' i UieiiiAH oi I'n i aiti il '-t iici. " ii l'i 'Vi"i
t. (l:; t.fAi",iiHt A. .(.Kit, If at 'lie tt')' kli'iM' ! i if
tl.ciiuii i- l ..ut.- o I'ltllii loipj'm Imve tin- day
.ti u tu Ih' rjf ,;.. Ti un A.t'C'ulion ; unit tlnif ilu hi uc-ti-i
miiiv ) u ii' cl tt;c mi.'oiity oi ttio ov. iht-. ot more
ti un t '.-1 1 'ii1 tt t: 'i-i ''ui si"fk i tu- C'.-rOi'c tio
fi iii.irt'il tl uiflor I'y tiis- lnw vt' t!,r L nut il Sta'i s.
It i'l-.kit JMV. Mtl.lti.V, (. -!. l.-r.
is o t i c k.
Till. t'lTY II INK.
l'i ti.An1 i i n , October .n V -;.
JB. tii' I; I f n h- l- i n. mnti'. aov tu f( tmn .' oi tU t
bt i i.t' lit ) . it I v'mi.iISi.: f i oiiiiiitiiMi :ilih ot IYuh-
k 1 1 u .h , i i t ' An tu n i ni, U'ltik i o " lo niu in.
w ti( ti lo HinTuf A niu' ii- loin, h.r i c inn I'-mo nl H ViMfH!
Urit'i'i ti.i. J;. .. b oi tm- I 'un d S'Hti'iN. ' ni'pio'. ed iti" 2'
litiy I ' ,i 't'Ml , . . IN I, tl it tliO Sti-oMioI U U ot' t,8
iti'. 'ol. I '11,.,'Im vi.'ml Itit'iiiic iii'ii .iu iiisoci.i-
II.. .
. I'
! i e i nn 1 -t-.l t.'
.'.i'ii..iry of
1.1! M.-'r: 10
aiv. of 11.0
. I .V
.--Tool. ..1 fW
.1 1... 1 etoi' by li.i-
1. AI.I'.I.KT I-I. ti ts, t ,, ler.
; c 'i
1-. t:-' -.
1 ( 1 .
ol i .': .i.t,' i 11 V.
I'. .1. .0. e. . .. ti ti l. r ."i.l-.ol.
s.f.t:. ,. j. I-, t v v t u, ., r ";. ' v t" Sf 1 1... 1 i u. I. . act
I.' il 1" ue .l.'.u.t'. ol 1 c I o n 111 i:wt-..l 11 ei' l'i- m
' 1111ii.11, el.i t-li 11 ' All uet euknl.tit! Maui.. 01' tliu i'ioii ii,,ii.
wt'.tU!. to lie. oli.e Arso. ikt'.ms f. 1 l!. .U1 pose ol l.-.liK oi.r.
ui.ut. -i.. i.t, oi u. . r,i, aa ot.uit, ..i 1. 1 ,r.- oi ie,
it i.v tit Alau-t. A. I.. IHiT, t-nt Ite toti Ii. -:,( ;. ,' !(,,
K en sini ton l.hi.k lii tio- on ti! i "! I'l.itit.icli 'ti i. tm . I : -i's
day von tl tt. tibtcuie miell ml Asset-l.t' fill ; ai a! Ii.ot It.
loit. I. at i.iivk ;..e:at,l liif ai. lilo uy O! t..e nil le.-i. . t
u.-.rt-tla.ii :w i-ltili.!.-i l' Hi- t'lo.itul -I...;, to nl ...... t o.
ee:t I
R.l' il .1111 .It tl.' let. f
llM'i o; Il.e L'i.;
S'k!" s.
yciiK::n ci-.i, u
ii(i:.-.r a
ti. e Ivi'ii -..jldt' .
ti " e. lot i : i'
oi:ni:ka:. m
I ! " I '. Il.ll li . .
l.ilkd. Ii.ln., Ls.t
' h.
H, e.
I i ill
1 1.. , Ml k
e. al lie. t
I. f.S-
1'A i . t'Miobi f .(, , tl.u it. lie wint. 1 r.iii ic hi.J rcoiu
IU U rJflt 's t il III.. tn III. U' 1 - Th- I mi i ci"-', f .l.e VfmV, uil'tr.n T,vtu-,'.
ill tru t-f iinty vi ft, i tntli Ipnin liivt- pi'm uhtI (jc v n:n u
ai'.tlu.ii: y t.i ti,v dwiivrN til l o-llilnls oi Hit I'Hj-'tl st-u n
dl Un ftiil.i lifciik to muive tue ctriiru.n ruii-til v t'i
ihhi- oi Itt li.ilM -lUii'i to arMrii.ii Ab.: i.uuwrt lis h
J'tfik intti a N.i'ii.n.ii ist uiit h I r ti.rj i:.t un t... Utc
lit "& I I'ul.lAijii: ; Ihi'ttl.M.
)itt,,svtl, mat t Ha. ilt of IVnn funnnMi., In t t
t-j i.iti t.i ii.,u.ii ril t. Ati income, iauJ in- t'tt it
f - i-u,il a" -1 k.' ii-...t-,i! u;n an Hsb-iit mi ut
i Jiri'i ii.u- eh tl.e Inislrctw i s I inking nuivr ti e :4nu- :md
I 'lilted -tu-. t ntir.tit "An r.t 1 1" r--! u imionl 'it -Iflcy.
HiLiitlty u tpti i I iilU.I huu t ll.H: ll.sBluJ
I'lT' iltt'i t! ' ir. ii, nn-n i. d inl'ii!-' tiii ii.t-ru'ii. -jrotl
.lun .i,ls.4. Ai-iM'ii- niui.f c t'u: 'tit t ' I nl
..l'i h'.Kii klm , t,t Uli; YMSS NAVI' NAl. lUSK.
Anil (Lv Ut.: r oi tf.ic .ml II ma nro h.rt t; iu.ori i
to ,ii 4itd 1 1 tl; , u; j ct, ui h r. adJ iMi k n :teary
tc b- !"iit? tu ijtrry iu'.tj :u:l tt i . - il ti t i-iu u-tii-i
oMLis rt-atiimiou. AnUtl.t i'stii.lfr ..'.aii , tiltii-T1. n )
th u.rtfi f ji r tl. i :y 'In; . In t ie Ni ;h Afj'-i i- uii mid
I n;:itl Mjttt-i (.iflifii'," a ne vj-injicr ii ir e city "i' -il
i blifc, in.u at iti -ik pt i ut i 1 iioiut',ii m d oi otht'i i
to v''h rt. kl . idir. m i c t'ij to t'.e 1 1.". i -i'i.n ol au
of 'lit- I.ViilN-ifttiiru t.f ti.i ".ai'ii -nwe .ltd ot 101111 yimiia,
tutitU J "An u-t ciiiiblliu' ii,u l-it tsin uT t iN :o.,i'iii
wtrtilJitii Lfi'tJiiiu -s.n . ittiioim f r :hc lur te iJink
m , unr er it l.tvm tl I'nnt'l Mait-t." H,v,ijtiti
An-UM '." ib-H. JAMf.S Wl'fKi I.,
lu il Ciiiiitr.
Ai ins "it." nt i in mien sroiiK,
Irnpoitor an'i Maiiufuctnror of
i, a ui i: s ? ! r ii i l i) r. i: x s
Vt sifortuin' ci f K'T rirt s ty l.illsi an l Chli Tren
Ib now conplttt , ii. trf inf
lit tar toe tltn. 'el et -a'l'r,
N.s. 1 1 n AUOIl bTKI'JI'rr,
I I.A V.
: r iv r?M'K or ro - (-.pcti-ix wi tm asr
OntlT.M IIT'.IM II F.CP'Y. S U tia
IJ'fOM fl". ANH VWtTAtlt ltl R OP
No. Holt; AIf.CH HTItMIJl',
I'.M.OW NlNl'U,
To scitct from k fi-'iit clsss AhiiOrtiucnt.Ceiniliitlasof
iit:i):;oN cay and mink sable,
Hile, 'l (he hiteit stylce
'l lu sc i.-eit. iveii- I.: ui.lrf wlioiiRMd rAnneil from Ki to
170 ; nd arc helm! sulil at small ttlvaac ou coat attha
ITtfciSfc.NUai. Eatl-fnetlon K-. mantei-a. lO-U-tii'.lil lat
rJiv'jriiTt xiOHixntv
.J. PI. llA-l'KIUJI.
HuS now In (lore
nikLen of
a full k.tmriB.eiit of tko csiebrktM
l n c 1 1 . i s 1 1 1 1 a IK 1 1 v,
nAti'.i:icoAX utisu asij ii,u.r ho.-ic,
Fur tlie ( oUt'dioii oT Clit'ra ARainst tho
t'nili'l S'tiiU'H, or anj Statu
Gu'.crtinH 'nt, dr.,
I'llINOirAI. OI'T'ICl'.:
Pwiton. Itounty, riioMour-r, Hack Pay, and ihtitlar
( la. 1. 1! Mllelirtcd to. 8 tolkl tlteutioa given to C'lahul for
l.osij ol' llorsci.
Api'llculton by not 1 1 sU. n 'rd to ns If mnde In pemon.
Vl cllkl"l. Ulkllb tllllU llm Ciklui il Bttjnltvd.
C0MrT.l-.1E LIST, AT 01 It OVF1CE, OK Abb I'KIZBS)
1-AYAI1IX. Ill Tin
I. T. KatllCW!!.
0. G. Vanhoru.
To 1L tlbtliariital rjoLilerwiio tm beeuwouudedlnbkttlo.
tltrt IIOI'KTY
To ll.c-- who liftvt' kkia td two yoars, Uiiiittck a I'EN'SIOM
to llltiia- tiiHuhlvd.
fttlO I'Ol NTT AMI) l'.A'K PAY
To Willows, I'lttifr,, Mot'ifn, Ac.oi' Unite who hre
Cut: vl lieta killed ill (lie' sirilck.
T" lt. ldowt uii.i W l.t.iwoil Moiters ol" llik flol.tlcri,
ktt.oiati, kiid Marlaek who liitm duat Ui tho kei'vl' s.
l'ltl.K MOSEV, HACK PAY, Ac,
J...-'- II r t.kirk ol sum,,, -i ,in,l .Manuel.
I iiv.-si: rl.AIMs). emt ah ' tto " i.i;Ciitt NjiI dU and
P:;.u utvk.-nuitfnl., p.. '111,11! etflle-eletl
Ail. rtif tr kpr'S' to
C'EOr.G'. W. TOUD, v laiin Agent,
II : f lu DOC K bTltlXT. one iloor below Tii.rt).
f wX uiion, Wrtlelitl.
T ' i..h b'. de.. at
VtW vj .kin I H A f'O.'S
Jermlrv I'.kto,
l.ll fST M.I lallllti I.11AM (Tl I'
1 ..,r 1: ll'iif and GAsi.n.i, sam
Hi-lew (. I' '.r.l .
H - I-1 WONT is. XV All'lll.ii, Jir.VCLHY, I
t '; xi'i.v j cv iT'tcJ.-.. n
us a
si A-
iV? TI'A
TFA warkhoot-:. I
,litti 111 Ih. Ju p. -It.'; 10:-! liejl.-r in
t ,nk it' as, rut, aau laiiuici.
t la ,ie ltkli.r.k I !; r.
t less ii i'.'kekivi U 1 I'it klca anil Sauce?,
J", I "il. Ma! Ft'Uii Alear.'l I'oru i,
CLiiiicl Mea'i. rnilti. Suup, Ae.
Ni -. . Mi 1 ,i k 1 i;l op n ;tl.
At Hv. 11" fKilli "t:kt
1 .1 ) Ji'siili II. IC't hTV.
M IS A 11 li la 11 ' H
w,n uisi k ikn ai.Tiit.
:;rrtj tfi It ND as4 Clltkjit I 6::. U, I l-iki I.
k'.iSKi a. a 11 i 1-aii 1-1
He.rAU1-NU -nilktlY-bAY CLCn.ltll,
. E
Ott.lkb.k krtlelk fel CLUre-lvl, ilo'.ll,,
r..,r.i n. .11 ; . I'si L r.
.e. MANI KM Tl i'PK OP TINT! 1101 T PrSS,
I tti' h I 1 KI AIUtl) AMI V. Allll NIILIi.
Jkll-l e I'.ek 1 rima, of tvtry u-iteoiiuoo
SI kid MIM'tt hliteii, huyk Jjimoudi Vik.iita-k,
Ct.d, Sutt-r, u,l l.ukll 'I It-klCI.
AU lutii cai I'ouUdkuiul.
SulH 901
oniLDRrirs cLorniaa emporium.
III ''7 .1 e H ",'(
t-Vv7 tY: i
Vfi rf pecrnliy In.'ite s.o.-il tlc-iti ia ti oar elkkut
SMOiin i bt of
Cr iir llntnr C.OVfi , (Ultt-V, IM ANT-C, ml SflSSRV
I luihiiic In mti v.vric'.ji, hi U-e Iv.cst, aotltii 1'ips
r.oi w.i, ku
Upoe l klttntli n .r'l I,. VIS:.1'H' DIIIWiK AK.IM I.
Hit lut.l c kit iiiiliol to ciill sa l .uiluo.
Sll()i:MAKI'U it J(.,-
ie,Mu ?iri
4 i. rutmn hthbw.
N. i;. (orncr Scii'iidi fini' Wulmit RtrceWt.
K. B.-Ilavii,-; ehti't.-.d s ce'o'.r.'y tor c-ii'ioj
MsMrs It a (.jt.-l.iltv In mytni';:!ci.i for omr Ti-srs pA4t,
tt Irt tti. e.Vt r.l tvfln it at Impound to .inn .ufice the fket
in tl.ik to Itik jnitlc, so fist those w ho are ills
iMikilttl itiay Scow i.i uijr iupOkkI and givn mo e
trial. 10 ail-Ins
(Opposite Ihu Mimoulc Hall).
Tills Mkcliino Is tho trliiti.i.h ol pr'rfiio' In rtotf'nr;
Miieiitiiis, ci.miili.iiiK ruHiiy rsro ana vulu ililv Improve
u tun not po.-cthn! bv aov ot it'l Muel:. o.
Ilavlni' nroliier CAM or COD WilLI.I., it II cuiphstlj
ealA it iii,Im.1.ii, lino lilne
LAKl.ll MANUI Al l l KI.MI.
The riihltr kti- tnvlird to kx.-iiiiiiit- litis jsnrtthik at tliolr
As" cjr. N" i'.'l'CllKSM T KlrMI.
loli1ier' Wlvi k anil W'idtin k lullilihr-J wl'h MkShlnoS
on nicouimuiJklinR tonnk. IU "-klulblui
JjltOVJiiU. K J IA. ItJJll'rf
t-tS Ko. TJO OHESNUT Htrtn.t.
sioi iiirnus, lUriuoiiiU'as, aud Molo
doous, Ht'
.No. 1111 L'llKS.NUI' tflrent.
lot onij ir.NCr-t l.KO but trMF.iMIArXK.r) in ptirttr
of Tt-ne knti 1'owt-r, oesiiiett,is.'nl.y tor eibtirnht i ntl
Httioiiiri. hui fi und to he t,iull v.e. kilkptod ui thk farloc
kaid 1 rirwUis 1.00111. lov skit obi) by
No. IS N. atvr STll Hlrkkt.
lks,aeemi'tt assi.rtu.ont ol lUk 1'krieet KtindwB
ClliB'snltj oil I. lid. I1"-S
j 00 ie I rs -a i-a KH
ho. :!(! M. MctTll STltbht.
Gilt Oval I'hotcrirnpli Kraiaon
srltl-.'ia CONSTA'iTI V ON HANII.
Having bourU Biost of r milcrUU bofoie ttaa l
llinat risk, I lira k.ikhltd to er). r my sUak of
At k uiill id' knee on old prices.
IS 1(1 nm Ko. I S I 8 I.I KV15NTU STRKBr.
II E A T E R ,
9 SS llulu-Viu No. 1 i:i:i MAKKEI 8TKKLT.
Ko. 710 Cnr&ITCT STREET,
Il.ive (lie t-ure to Biincuticc tUnt tUy re bow rt
lrtrcil tu litrnl'h
8(1 1' AM .K FUH
11.1", li'fn citiite
CiisiMi: mi i tf, hy
.: In the rtiet.tiirhuit of Ma'.h V
erowdi el wt-u-.rfaiid men
Of kim. h H::iiAll n rtihi; on T.e npin-.r side oS -ITETt.
Js' I T IM i" 1 1, I r',.,v N .eii. li ki'i'C.ri the
l (er. ct'l 'i iNs l'OXl'N fit lr.ttfi (.1 hl 'si e.-pj, j,, 10
Ikti c. .'(: i-r ctn. en kii i.ii itt " V, xhl -ti by i..- aiy k
rr.'..l it itel.ou, Ham (nil fi ll'
Ci. i"i W" I'H ''r kti.k'ttof his i-'iHtoii'-tri., who klvrays
CO l')!t 1 MM
iuia.n st"Ki!.ii ri'iiircii!
'11., a uUi-r'l..'W!:cd '!' .1,.-. e . Ik Ir. . I'- UciiTtHl flora Old
Al.d l'Hi'r,llT jte.n.:i't:'.:i !' ' 'o k-l tiuullciiiku ff
loiMir.c'H Tkkto.
fci d w I, l 't.k'e no l'i t - -it
MM lit'NT'H I '!" f A-ICIH-! STOKK,
M o. ill i'HI.s.VI. l k mot.
K-4-lli.) t'i p ...le CUU. lioilia.
T;i)jit'PU a- -')Uiiiiisi"t;o.,
kf'l 'Ml A. l-ol lt,
A ... Ill II ! ' I. r I I l .
ti. i i-l... r k".li.::. i UI tl
'i. s