The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 04, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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tmtbMmmmtfo.mmM ff-HUmt
-mm mm, rmm
f ,ir-Ti
tstifwug Sclcrjt.ti.Ii
My wifa had loft htT horns to sunk
Tba flow 1 arurihippecl in her check,
, Like Persian old: my iky hud .atai.
A letter every dy I ii.mli-1.
And oftn sntil In cl'or'ul oln,
-The baby slept all night again."
All hallow'd by hut tears anrl prayers
11a ilainl wlih mo, it los-nii'il care".
II be, tte remllnp, sli'pt, I kni'W
My dove would lumliur swoetly too,
Anil so I wroto her now rui.l then,
, "Tue baby slept all nltbt aain."
, One morn be Innic-ilihril nt my "I lc,
Pesib-siek, and with tho itav ha did,
And day with him. It was'my will
1 hat f he I loved be hiippv ni l.
8o rote I in my wonted main,
"The baby slept nil night aguin."
Pnt when, In tarn, fho fondly wrote,
Her pet names nslnR la hur note,
With rtl n talk alHUit the bod
Of him who slept so cold and dead,
I ear the bitter truth to pen,
"He sleeps to Witko no more again."
And when upon my breast she lay,
Aud sobbed her precious bloom away,
And grief mot gru f, ivliilfl of the ilend
We tl.oiifrlit, withl.i h a narrow bed,
I sai J, and taw it ta-c ber pain,
"lie wakes to sleep no more hx.uu."
Haw tlie TNintei. Cremn on Hoard anil How
Thov telased the Veesel -Itiierestinu nraui
mil l'irl Oillt-cr ami t hue! J.nXl.
rural Ihei "Itvannkc."
First Officer Moiioi.Buiiil Chid Knjt n.. r IIiooins,
who were tlio principal o.lio.-r.i on kii.oii ou tiuar.l
liM auiuiu.tnp llmmoke when th:it'i wuu m:iui
V the pirate ItitaiNK ami t.wtiu: m lin men .alter
, bir cWH'trture Horn llrvunn, aio in Now York, mid
havo made ntsteinentH ol the canttire.
lliwo uUIivis we-io taken lio.nru the Collector of
. Hew lurk, and tliatultc'-r maj,, an iiii.iruiu) ex.iiui.
nation ot llii-m, with a view oi ascertain uu- if tliorn
wsKSiiytbinit iu the canu vlncli iini;lit require Ins
eUlcial BOlioii.
llio toliowinit are their stnteuienta in coudenwj
. form:
Hialemenl or Pirt OlTleer Melioli.
Tbe Btuteiueiit oi Fiiit Cllicor IS. U. jNichuls win
, nVeilukou. Ho unl Uial, ru lar in ho huh aware,
tnere was no ki;owlcel:e ui the iuU'Uiiud u tuok 011
tiis Kotmok, on the purl ot ber ntlic us or union 111
lisvsus; inr was any crowd at tho wliart
wbr-n the veMw'l sailed. Tho euro consist -id ot tvo
huTlrid and tiueon box"8 snenr. sum 1 eian. ami
$17,C00 in irioeiibacks, and tfJj'JOO or il KID in specie.
'I he vopsel siartei I-mn linvuun wnn nniv t.urtv
live 1 atseuners siio steiipnel tlino ditfurent limoi
and touk on oilier who eamo 111 bouts. Y nut, on
, suan was taken, tbeu a boat with two, and another
with tbi ee men. Those )aMeitrcra wero stranger,
lio psH0Uers were ever reoivod bo. ore m that
Mr. Nichols tlioiieht tnev coira hnvo como on
tosrd in bests only lor tho puipo-w 01 nvotoin ap-
pijcatiou loonr I 0115U'. It w.i-- not lUxlcitooU that
any BB-itaiiou was inannestrd by tho Captain to
take t.c men en boaid, tliat olhcer saying tuey wero
K ill niiht.
Ou)y the captain and purser wero authorized to
psiaiitiheru u ti.o v"Hselt and iho puior lieu arud
to the t aptjin they wero all nwhl. .Mr. Nichols
ai'idcd : " A'w were not iiuthorized to take passoneiM
aboard et the port unless thov had proper pupo
trom the ouml. a l.eav penaily would be incurred
by viulsnn" tho ru,c in this respect."
1 Ihe lust Mr. Mrnoi.8 saw 01 a e:ipo3i:ion on tho
; part ot the siraui rs to proceed to violeueo w;w at a
qusrier 10 ten o'eleck on liio evening 01 ilcparturo.
At tLat lime two ot them walked uu 10 Mr. N ipiiols,
oueoniauii side, suii, as be Havs, ' ieuued" on Uiin,
" Two ethers csmo bell. nd h iu nnd presented u re.
Tolverut his licud, U llln liim n hu oi'.enoil hiu
: motitn Iboy nould blow his brinns out, ami ordered
f Itim to -urrcnuev 10 tbe Couieuoiuio iat' of A-uo-rita,
; hoy vave bim one uuuiito to uooido, ifoan
twered tiu m, 11 that nas the cuso lie had better stir
rentier, ai d " save up, " when they put I11111 iu irons.
One man did the work, while another kept, a re
volver aimed at hira
: Mr. KiChOLS savswhen they Hist soisod hlra 0110
Of them hied a revolver, It was supposoi to uoiily
tho r Ov ulet.erate' on inu lower deck to hoi.o tlio
oUicer In that port ot tho ship. l.r. Umoixs. lie
bad his men with biui, and Mr. Nichols Hud two
sal. on. lliouis was seized luimuoiaiciy uiier the
. tepoi ut tuo pis:ot.
It r pi ears that Nichols and llmaiNS wo -o the
pnuc. piil ouic:r cu wiitcfi, mm tbaitiit lie-cotiipira-lois
Laa to uo alter thu s. Uura ol thesj oilieors. was
to po to the room 01 the oilier otlicors ot tiie vo-set
, aim ae them white asleep, whiou was a very easy
.' matter.
Tin re wero enpajod in taking pososdon or tho
. shin ttveive or hitoe-n men: and thy erew O' tlio
Jlov.nt.lM numbered about Uly. The Clilel l'.n rlneer
had armti the Kienaid bad a evoiver, aud Mr.
iicnoLki reuiaiked that hu hiuituli had apiloliu
his pocet.
When tor. 'Nioiioi.b was ankod it ho had any idea
ol aiiythii.K ot tins kind oeourriu,r, he au-wored tht
" on leaving New York he tnouiiv tiiom mtht oomouio
. (tanner, but uot the shphicBt at Havana.
Iiie Cuptain, who was uot well, lad rolircrl to IiU
room at iiuli'pusl live o'eloek 111 the aiernoo.i, Mr.
MiunoLB keeointf the t'utiuuii's wateu; wliou
- that had expired he went ou witli bin owj. It was
duriug this period thtit tho oulbrouk oouurrud.
Tlio t aptuiu heuid tho report ul the jisiol which
Was tired, and jiiinned out ol Iim bed. Mr. Nion iLd
aaw him open the door uid stand with a revolver 111
bisbsnd. iho door stood ul-ir, sad Mr. .siunoij)
prescmrd thnt on sccount 01 U10 darkues thu Cup
' tain could seo uolluni?.
tin the una ae tu licrmuda some' of tho Ramu&Ji
crew assisted 1.UAISE and bis men to work ibo snip,
. . i.rlillii.v ttiim eiiniiMiL.ifO ui do.
All ibo uieiueji aiidcou:-as..eis received a minth's
nav n'.ier the vec'el Wl. seieeit the llroiUO.l s x . O ji-
laiaai d iho cost-i a-sers Uitr dollars, t'o'ir ee.i 01
the en w, iiicludiuv Uroiueu, eoui-uaisom otid on.ors
went to work, u'l rcwuvniiy the i.ioue, . iiiimn. 'b
- nien eave the lloaiuike't m 11 iheir c.oieo, tiui.i 10
' " wvrk tlie ship or be shot down.
"'. . Htnteuient of tho CUiol Eualnoor.
1. ' final fc.uniiK.ur lliooiss was next eximinol
e-v the lust, ttiu uu lieard or hlisooCL'jd an
' ' lbu.a wijutr ou tbe vessel niu about ulue o'c.uuk 111
the tyeuiUB.
' 1 He then beard the men who aiterwardt nia lo tn
"' atlu. k. and who Blood in a cioup, Iryin r Mo i;et 11,1
kumo ol a sou:" he llioii2til timt stnuerj, bit
said noli, in". Ho wa ked uat thuin, however, and
they asked him how h at ilie liip w.n I'oiiur. lie re
t,iiMl. "klevoo knols or so." fooit uitoiw.inl lie
went into his room, iin't wbilo tliuro lu "heard a
nun aim OI1L 'All AU 1 ' "
lie eamo oui to ascertain what It meant, but hear.
Inn not ins inrther went back, aud annual iinipu
diaieiv aitoiwaidk beiud a i.inol tired, ne tin. 11
1 wouioat.aua metamau who "raised a piiol
' l,v
' il'-. Hiooins said ho liad a pistol, I nt hud no
' " aiuuniu use it. Another man c 1110 up iruu tliu
asnuway nnd fsid there was no use Iu roara.
Mr. iliGOISH eeilllUUeil 111 IlllS.VOr UI iueaiioiTi ;
" 1 L.t v wunuid inn to t u.reuue; . 1 a-kud 10 wnoin r
Ihe) said to tiie I ouiederute elates. 1 suireucorod,
....1 l,u m,t 1, in in irOi.H
ccoftiou iy too oiieetor. Did they bruiir irons
. aahi.anlT
Answer. There were so many reports that wo
Oou.U uot tad; it was add thov brought knives uud
arms in meir rockets nut. i ron ib'y emtio brim; irons.
itr KtcuuLH. lhey bud li.ti-Jiiu pairs 01 irouj
in lin ir pockuM.
11 sliou. J'.d they raicc the t oulederate ii vi ou
hoiiril thu voatieiY
1 Au vur.-.iu, sir, not thent they spread it out 011
: the 11 bl- and vn'il us il wo I1.1U ever vu tho i on-
' tt-ds.nte llaicf 1 bey ru nvl il the lleitt 0,1.
tui stiou Where n il they iret liunr owo ere-vf
Au wer. lliis crew came on bo.iid ihm eraeo pa
aeui rH bo;oie wo siar.ed. 1 hei eve 01 inein
liuiTliekotni otiiels 1 aid He ir 1 .1 ni 'e. Ui 11 11 know
' wh.-ller 1 bey 1 tm .iv- "'f; l'.n 11. 11 eu -coin iry 10
hay. bueh uui.erc. n.eiuner mlo ilis capta u ttieso
slei-.UKe i a entfors wo o uti ruht, lu.a. ni, I Mip-
alr- N 1U1101.H. tt hell Ihe vobsoI snipped so inriiiv
s,n,..a mtiiiiNH came on sod ankod wliai it w.n doiio
lorf 1'tioy raid lor the purpose) oi taMii 0:1 pasva
gers. The captain slopped the vi we biios li.
,r. liiuuiAe I v.uo very lauuhar V..111 ibo usual and usked v but this departure IU inul. 1
msde some other remark, and tlie cupuiu rjpeated
ai.u tiiivio mi'.u HHlv u i r:allt.
iheollieei-s iruve uu iiocuiiut ol tho nnird r of tlio
ea-penter, Bub.-tautiully ui aiready puh'ishod. Too
chu i euuiueer. HusiNM brouzul unoird; nuitia ul
the men ol tt. e Moinok! had aeeu b in uelore. ll
Imit Lien 111 too norvieo ot li e Ceifeii Stale, aud
hud becu itu apla.n laiv iu luo Jumcit iwii,
1 ho 11 .rates nut amain Uu.-nv in nous lor uali uu
lw,.,r oiKi Ihi. inirer lor the name tioto
C;uestiun (to Mr. NicholbI. llow loug did they
keen vou and Mr. lih,oir.s iu nonaf
Auswor. Almost all tuu timei we wero chained
loifo.her j nobody was as uiu.iii iu irons as we wore;
the steward lli. y put in iron, nijrhis; it wai sup
sunposod they needed his services, u.ivini? eateu all
they could. ,., ,
Cliiestiou ito Ntonoi.s). llow did you get coal
.iter ttriivinjr at Ilerumuuf
Answer. lliiAiKK una rtorod a bn loudoil with
coal, but we hud to ho o ut no I ir, and there v.uh so
lnueh s. a on, luut wo cou Idn'i itut t.'io coal ou board
lusler than we could bu ru it, us we had to keep
sb am up all the time. T hey bnruuJ the iu: ton out
01 her Let. .re they set Lor ou tiie. We lelt tho Jiv 1
fiefce about Ihi e o'clock halui'iay morunif. T.ioy
lauded the men, and then the ladios. Tho latier
would not have the venae unless I would take
ensrire of the boat ard put thim on shore. T;io
Cuuiederate olhix-rs had boon draikiuj, aud tlio
la nes would not trust to them.
I took ehartns oj lsud.BK 'he women. Our officers
went ashore iu the last boat. The Court-derates ilid
Hot v nl u carry us into Ihe Couludurucv if tho-,
' aoulii help it, so thev shipped a s many uiuu as they
. aould at beruiuus. Ihey uot lorty-live.
btaiement ef the Wtcward.
T!,t,,,w"'' Mr- Cook, was also examined. Hn
am nuAi&a tola biui the Ha xiwke was jioiu't to
ay.;D,lur,0;hatit sianled steward, and would
hunTll.k'1' TOM BuAiaa promisiua bim a
mou hii? "" ' buSdred dollais a
ihe sL o Wiliuinion.
MSitaw oepm u.u,.and be
A eOTTBriondeiit of tha Ixradon Athcnttnn
vrlte) from Home, September 28, as follows :
"Klfrhettl, a wealthy commoner of this city,
baa lately purchased an old palace for an old, being in one of the dirtiest parts of Home,
called the Illsclone ; it la close to the ria.aCampo
del Fiorl, and not far from the Farneic I'alacc,
Kxtcnsive repairs were Indispensable, for lh
building was In a most rickety state, and, on let
ting piople to work to dig for a foundation, they
ckiiic npon a pavement composed of lurge slabs of
thul tumble culled 'l'.uln Snnta,' wbh-h Is a dull,
m iu il umible, of a rcddiMi line, which couu-j
from the island of I it.u, in the ArobiprJago, and
Is 1 rop?rly cnlb d ' Marmor ,lnwuw.' ) It is, how-t-vir,
I t-tier known by its modem name, which it
dcilvcs trom il foitnlng tliejanibs ot the jubilee
door ut Nt. l'eterV. This pnvemont ws found
Ihirly teet be ow Ihe present hvel of this put of
Jlomei and here, bk wi-o, tin y euiiie upon 11 m wall, lieur iihieh they found a pieee of build.
IiiKSiiini whal rcn'iublipg aNo.ih's ark withotittho 1 tho siecs were of brick, nnd tho roof win
formed of blocks of ti nverline reminn upon Mieso
wnllf, and nniting with bevelled cd :e ut the top
(ngclt'i-'.'nstliey cull it In Seotland.) There worn
two f abii'-t mh, eiieh formed of one hune tiloek of
traertiuc : 011 several of the. Idocksuro seen, nruo
and Well cut, il.c letters 1'. t'. S., which, as yet, the
aichn-tdi twists here cannot explain. Ureal dnli
cuiiy whs ciicotiiitcrtd in l oose jtietico of the hole
coLl.uiiully tilling With wuter.niid preventing Iho
work g' log on ; but a fteiiin engine was procured
tu win k ti e pumps, which, a.c now plo d night,
aidilnv. (hi opi ning tlio ark,' it w is hem, I to
contain a mm 11I1I cut gilt lnon.e si Hue nf 11
youthful llerenlcs, toiirteen leet bl.'b, but lyin
en liis bark, or us the Kouians graphically
decent cd it, lna pir iimVi.'
"In art, this stutue equals the fiii-est tint er.-r
Greece produced, und the earetu'l milliner in whieh
it has been hidden, 11111I the means taken to pro
tect II, argue thai its value was tminn and up
predated. 1 suspect it must h ive been hidden In
the fourth century to prevent its bcim; curried oil
to liy .Hiitiuiu by tl.e sou of Constuntitie, vUi i
mudc oil' with I'viryihing he c ould lay his
on in Ibo shup" of works of ar', to e.nrieh and
nilorn Ibe city which ttienceiorw.ini was to ber
their imrci'iul name. It is interesting to know
thst the coins fi.uml in und nbotit tli 0 statuo were
those of Hoiiiiiinn, Deeius, and Maximinius,
commiiiilv styled the 'Herculean. There were,
l ki w ise, coins of the Lower Kmplre.
"Over tho gilding, which is very thick and
bright (und the ;i'iool which is still perfect), is
a lough ta canous Incrustation, wlih-h inii.-t be
curci'uily removed belorc the bounty of the stntuo
can be thoroughly enjojed, It was found iin
bedded ill mil: bk-rliips, such as form tho sweep
ings of a sculptor's siudio, und also wedged in by
niiishcs of uiclilteeiiiral irimMnetus. Insido tho
figure wus found a very pretty littlo fenialu hend
sculptured in ruihiii maiblc, 'Iho buck hair in
guthi red up in a net, much in the style as worn
by Indies in the pre-cnt day, nnd which fashion
prevailed from Ihe time of Ileiiogubaliis dovn to
Constaiitmc, ns wo seo by referring to other
MutucH Bi d busts. The period of Art lo which
this little bus', I cloiigs is that of Constantino, and
theietore inferior. Other relics may vet bo loitnd
in the ttiitue, which is far from empty.
"On the first indications of this discovery, much
speculation nnse us to tvhcthi r it were equestrian
or not, uud whciln r it might not prove to bo a
ponruit statue of l'limpcy the (ireat, since tho
place where they arc excuvuting is on the sito
of l'ompoy'8 Tin atre, which was the first ever
made of Mono in Koine; and that its: sir.e was
considerable is known from the fact that It
accom mutinied twenty th msund spectators. Theso
ti is tiro 110 pretty well
at rest, as the statue speaks lor Itself; at thu eamo
time, as there is a dial of that incrustation above
n.eniiont d Hiihi rlng toilic features, there arc some
who insist that it U a portrait of Doinitian repre
sented us Hercules. It 1ms been raised to within
ten feet of the mifacc, and men arc busy explor
ing, iu the hope of liudiug ono ol the feet, which
is missing. The club has come up in throe pieces,
uud tho lion's tkin, which bus hung over the
shoulder (similar to that of tho Thebun Hercules
in flic Yniican), and which has evidently been
cast atparati-ly, la especially interesting to us
lmitk'iiis, as showing the mode in which the
aneiems executed their work of casting.
"flercules being the tutelury deity of Pomiey
the (Jn at, it wiib natural that his iinugo should be
ei.nn n in noiirn tlic butldinaB he erected. Asa
wotk of iirt this Btntue is fur superior to that found
In ihe For urn Uoariuui, wkich is also gilt bron.o,
ami u now in the Canltol. It has evidently been
executed by iirtisii in the time of the Empire, and
. . .... . A II ..1.... in .1... f.1 . . ...
Stood in ine ten.pic 01 huh-ui miuoi muiti.
1 he bcautiltil marble stntuo of Hercules bearing
Tclephus, which adorns tho 'i'io Cloinontiuo in
tao v utiL'un, was louno in 1110 cimipu um nun,
and placed where it now btuuds by Julius tho
I'.iifrllsii lntir HotioolM.
Our conviction is, that the prcssura is already
far too great 1111011 thoso wlo honestly lullil tho
n quired tasks. We lire perfectly awaro that most
boys contrive, by snlllciently simple means, to
avoid being inconveniently overloaded. Ilut
what we complain of Is, that the burden falls with
to dangorotis a weight upon thoso who tiro oilhor
too ambitious or too cuusxioutious to Uke refuge
la complacent shirking. Ve cunnot forget a
coi.ver at'ori wi ll the ph of one of our
b iKest i.ulilie schools, who was constantly attend
ing on tlx nuvs, ami had every opportunity ol
observing their physical condition. He Informed
us tha', tewarils the end. ot Hie benooi-term, wnou 1
the t'xuniiuuitun was held, those who worked
hard generally iell ratbur below par 111 rcgird to 1
ktrciigtli. in ni ihe severity 01 ineir exeru.'us. 1
And speaking, us wo do, with all onli leuee,
fiotn personal cxpeilencc, wo do not hcsitite to
assert, nt the school in question, a boy of
iivciugc tdeiitswho was desirous of attaining a
h;pu posilinu in bis form, could scarce. y fall to 1
win k lur morn thun was likely to be at uh co n- I
palil.ln with Ihe preservation of vigorous health. I
The lolli.wing i of Dr. Acklnnd is to a ;
urnih-.r 1 lleci : "1 niii'-t say, as a ph . sicjau, that
being my im. 111 business lot, ihut l really view
Tri Biinrf, Mrnjro, Clir Creek.
At we read Sheridan's brief and thrilling des
patchrs, telling us how at Cedar crerk he, or as
he modestly says, "tbe gallantry of his officers
and men," wrong victory from defeat, we were
reminded of that great battle at tho Sambre, In
which Ca sar, by his personal presence, turned
back the conquering Nervians and overwhelmed
them with his legions, who had just been Hoeing
In alarm, and we also Instinctively ttirnorl our
thoughts to tbe field of Marengo, whore Napoleon
hurled Dcsaix on the lines of the victorious Aus
trian", and gathered his beaten troops up in tho
rear und led them on to complete victory, which
thev had utterly claspaircd of winning.
Cn'ar ha., In his "Commentaries," told ns In
his lnimiin-ile -tylo of his great achievement.
The r-erviiins, one of the bravest of the HiikI in
trili. i, had once a'ed their forces In a thicket
on a bill, b"twrcn whieh nnd the. Itoman ca'np
the Siiinbrc fumed. Whilu his soldiers wero
intrenching, n few of his ruv ilry cnnscd tho
(trcsiii. T he Nervians broke from their cover,
cluireid across the stream, and before his
troops could be funned, before even they
Could be warned of the ihin'.'er, the cnemv win
upon tloni. The liuuous eavairy of Treves
II. (I, panic-stricken, minnuiiciag Hint all wus
lost. The foot-sobtiers, without wauin-r e-vch
to lirid Inn leeion, joined whatever detachment
he fell in with. Hut all f Hints seemed Iriutiiss.
The Hth, nth, 11th, and Uth Ivgions, even tho
renowned loth Legion, tried in vnin to stay the
foe. Cie-iir saw that the time for a last trial had
come. The enemy was pressing in front and on
tbe I nnks. TI e best centurions were killed. At
least one standard was gone. The Nervians had
nlmo-t reached the buggage. There was no
reserve. "Whereupon," s.iy tho Commentaries,
"Cu fur snatching a buckler from a soldier who
slood in the rear ol the legion, lor he himself had
come wit hunt one, and prosing to tho front of the
biit lc, called the centurions by name, encouraged
the rest, nnd comtnunded the soldiers to advance
their ensigns and w iden their ranks, that they
might be tho more at lilerty to uso their
swords. His arrival in.-piring thu men with
tope, nnd reviving their courage, as every one
wus iiml itiotis of distinguishing himself in the
pii set cc of his tieiii nil, uud even in bis
1 st extremity redoubled his eir.irts, the progress
of lie enemy nut u littlo checked." That wus
the turning point. The legions charged aain,
the fugitive cavalry relumed to their work,
even the si rvHiits becamo inspired with courage
and lushed to the attack, uud tho Nervians
were utterly overthrown. Tho vietiry was
justly considered as 0110 of tho most
brilliatt ever won by the groat Roman
lender. How exactly "mutntin mutnndii,"
having regard to tho change of circum
stances, do the words which wo hive
quoted from Ciesur doscribo the wo k of tho
fiery Sheridan at Cedar, creek I It would not
have been nil exaggeration for either com
mander to say, "1 won the vistory." Hut it
should he remarked that Cu sar was with his
army when it wus surprised, and is justly criti
cized for allowing biiusolf to bo cauitht unpre
pared, and that t he opoortiinc arrival of Labiouus,
with two fresh legions during the light, was of tho
greatest service to him. Mioridim was uot with
his army when It was atbit kcd. He would pro
bably not have been surprised. Ho had no rein
forecmcnts nt nil, but won his splendid victory
with the very suuie troops which hud been driven
uiilis by the cm my, w ith heavy loss.
At Murengn, our re ulcrs remember, Napoleon's
first Hoc, commanded by Victor nnd Gunlume,
wns broken, tho left of tho second line, com
manded by lauincs, was uncovered and forced
to retreat. Napoleon's left wing wns, in fact,
completely put to flight, and his centre thrown
into disorder. His right wing alone held it.s
ground nt ull. Pemix, who utrived on the Hold
just in time, met tlio fugitives from Victor's
Division, tnw lStipolcou directing the retreat of
lus lelt and centre, and cried out iu anguish, "Tho
battle is lost 1 I tan Co no more than secure your
retreat !" Hut Napoleon, with his quick eye, saw
bclore him the auguries of success, and ordered
Dcsnlx to push forward on tho right, .tolling
him that he himself would rally the dis
ordered troops on the centre and lelt to support
him In tho rear. Desaix galloped to the front to
meet thu fatal ball that laid him low. Hut his
tioops ai d Kcllennau's dashed on. ICollornian
broke through the Austrian lines and captured
six baitalions, wi'h the Austrian commnnder-in-chief,
Znch. Napoleon galloped along his line
calling on the foloicrs to advance. The men who
bud bten ilcdng to tho rcur now hastened
against the foe, and bora down everything before
them. So wns M cminn defeat turned into vic
tory. Just about the same number of troops
were engaged In this battlo ns fought at Cedar
creek on Wednesday. Hut Sheridan's personal
inlineuce and success was in our judgment even
more marked than that of Napoleouoniho famous
lic-H of Marengo.
Wc think that the historical scholar will recall
few, if any buttles in which a coinmaudor has s y
brilliantly and strikingly convened disinter into
success, as did our gallant and gifted IShuridaii at
Crdur creek Louis XIV said, haughtily, "L'etut,
i'eit mui." "I Bin tho Statu." Sheridan might
have said on Wednesday night, w ithout bo istiug,
j.'armee,c'est mui," "I a hi thu anny." 1'ivritleiux
Furloughod Soldiers En Route for
their Homes.
Mlicc Inl to The flvenltiK Tclearli.
Wai-iiinotok. November 4, Vl o'clock. The
mail steamer IHclatnr, from City Toint, reports
all quiet in front, nnd nonews of any Importance.
The trial of Colonel Samnol North and others,
charged with complicity in the New York election
fi amis, is in progress to-dny before the Military
Commission. The forenoon has been consumed
by counsel arguing tho question of jurisdiction.
(l;mt numbers of fiirloughcd soldiers of d llor
ent States are en route to their homes to vote.
Secretary Seward, and Assistant Secretary of
.Slate Frederick Seward, left the city this morn
ing for their homes in the North, to cast thoij
vote sat the coming rrcstaentiui oiccion. ino
former bus gone to Auburn, and tho latter to
Albany, N. Y., their respective places of residence.
Question of Jurisdiction Decided in
the Affirmative.
Hpcolnl to Tho Evening 'ilvcrip.
Vahiiinoton, November 1. Tho question of
jurisdiction in the case of Colonel North was do
chled in tho ulllrmativo this morning. North's
friends are endeavoring to delay tho trial, so that
no verdict can be reaehed until alter election
day, hoping thus to mako tho Northern people
believe that North is not guilty, but merely a vic
tim of tho Administration.
Jlxtra trains aro going northward to-day.
loaded with soldiers going h eme to vote. Copper
heads will not have achuueo tommporwlth these
Th " It-rncrH Mreet Mourn."
The maddest of Theodore Hook's trick' was
that known us tho ' Berncrs Street Hoax," which
happened In 18u9, us follows : Walking diwn
Berbers sheet one d.ty, Hook's companion (pro
bably Matthewf) called his attention ton pnr
ticulsrly neat and modist house, tho residence
as w e Inferred from the doorp'.ato of some decent
shopkeeper's widow. "I'll lay you a guinea,''
said Theodore, "that in one week that nlco quiot
dwelling shall be tlio most famous in all Lon
I don." The bet wus taken, and in the course of
I four or five duys, Hood bud written and posted
one thousand letters annexing orders to
tradesmen of every sort within tho lulls of
mortality, all to be executed on one particular
clay snil us neiii ly as possible at ono fixed hour.
From "wagons of coals and potatoes, to hooks,
prints, ices, feathers, jellies, and cranberry tarts,"
rolling in any way available to any human
In itii; but wns commanded Irom scores 01 rival
whh ul. .nil Ihe way in which hoys are pressed : " "'i"r" .1 .... im . .. ,ihiuK
remains to bo 11 laiuoeio, iroui vi iiiieouapoi 1,0 1 ttouintoii.
r.ow. 1 am 1111 am r.
etu fifty yeais In me what, the rtlccts ol this sys-
ti 111 on 1 he Wiiosoi'toi tiie country win ne. we
sh. old be the lt to oppose thu in'roduct on of
It cen on'y re leelily iinnginod what the crash
and jam tiimul of th at day was. Hook had
proMilctl li'liis, II withal ilgmg nearly opposite
We have thought it right to ulludu to the dangers
ot intit'diif ii.k lohniioi al work, m ean e at the
i.gc of M'l- 011! hot s it would b - a sill more serious
evil to eriin.p' the deve!o.,inent of tho body to re,. led th : development of tho mi id.
.VuiM J'i.ii ltriiiw.
-A Jotter from Horn says that recant!, thirteen ckets w ere taken up by the Vapui polioo
and brought to the lock-up. Tha "tntollincnt
rrh r" who superintends the station tele id oue
Of them, 011 the ground that lhu.en was Ucu KU
Unlucky number.
additional subjects in Ihe set ool curi i.mlurn j but i the luted l.ou-o, where with a couple of trusty
unit s no wiociiu'i toe pr Hiossvi t-ie ni'uoui 11111 1.
'Ibe Mayor and his chaplain arrived Invi.ed
tl.ue to Hike the dcith bed confession of a pecu
lating common noimc.i man. There also o.une
the Coven or 1 1 the Hunk, tho Chairman of the
Fas lud'u Coinp my, the Lord Chief Justice, and
thu I'r.n c Mmisi. r above ail, there came his
Grace rl.e Arehnishop of Canterbury, and His
Royal Highness Ibe Coiiiiiniriilur-iu-Uhief. These
nil the siimtmuis, for every pious and
pnttjoti : feel. rig had been most movingly up
pi ultd to.
'ihey could not nil reach llcrners street, how
eve r il.e avenue h ailing to it being jammed up
by ihe drays, ear a, an I ml pressin ; on
to the H'litaiy widow's hoiise ; but certainly the
Duke of Yolk's military pinioniiility und crimson
liiciles In 011 1-ht him to toe point ot ait u k bclore
the 1 cor w Oman's ustouiiinn. 11 1 li-eh to tcirur
and 0 r pur. Most fo rce ere tbe crowding-! of
doctors m.d surgeon-, sc ires of whom had been
cl.eati d 1 f vi.luii'ilc hours. Attorneys, leuchcrs
of tveiy kind, 111 e. nnd lcinul;, hairdressers,
tailors, popular pn lienors, l'urlianient.iry
plcl.iiitliiopis's, l-.ed been u'l alike victimized.
There vis 1.11 awful smashing ot piaes, china,
li n 1 p: i. bonis, co leh-paneis. Many a horse
fell never to rise tig .in. llei-r-b irrols and w,tic
bsricls viirc overturned and exhausted wlih im
punity emidst the press of countless multitudes.
It w is a groat hay for tho plukpoekcts, nn 1 a
greht godsend to the newspapers. Then uiose
many a fervent hue mid cry for tho detection of
llid wholesale deceiver und destroyer. Though
in Hook's own theatrical world ho was instatiily
suspected, 110 sign escaped either him or his 011
lielunls. He found It convenient to be laid u; n
week or two by u severe lit of illness, nnd thou
promoted rceonvulescenco by a lew weeks' couu
try tour. Ho revisited Oxford, nnd professed an
intention of commencing his le-ideiiee there),
lint tho storm blew over and Hood returned
with tranquillity to the green-room.
Tlio l;-l I ei.jl IIoihI'n l.l'iC.
Ci iilederii'e ingeriuiiy Is never at a loss. Tile
la ud and trunk 1 t a man deprived ot one or more
liiiii.s will mm, su iho wisdom and ardor of 11
pirn el Hercules. The linans ol aetiviiy cm be
acouiri d l y 1 rt. A ireul ir nrvlee has been '
orjinn..ed iu 'hu (Junteoeriiey, f ir the siily, i
In in ti e most make rs 111 Huron,", of artnl- -cull
liinl s Und iiiemt'ers, cquqiped with u!l thu
11. oM e 111. nil. g colli ii alio- s modern iucouuUy
has clcvi ed loieuiler them 1 il'ective suusii ut;
lor living hone und muscle. In tho early pact of
il.lsieir.iu cumuli;, si .0' Mirgcon in the C011
lideieto i.rn y was ill sjeii'-ceei to London an 1
took up his iitiiiikrs in tin: nci.nUbjruood of 11 ,
lull, . I art -t.
He cnuie provii-ed wi'.ii inoilul 1 of the trune ite'd
1111 lid, r-td a' of .ao ihiiceiv,
sp. nt scMial ccb in su peri tj lending iheuianu- 1
liutnio ot u l.iiiul cr ol m'iiis, legs, hands, ttit., 1
whiih wire suppiivd in sets ol two or three uuh, '
il.ut nuiid Uii 1 c ils of biocl. ide-ninnlhg, onu at 1
least lo u'.d r-u. h its dcstina i -il 111 safety. Oui
ore pnr'ieulur sp eirnen of Ingenuity par' I
euro was bl stow t il. nnd tho surgeon took chitrse I
of it hiuin-li', si wed it up in a water proof iMsirig,
ihut it might mivivo t! e chsuce of being thrown
liverboiuil to bo lescued from the editches of
Fed. nil chasers. This was the identical limb an
"At glesey leg," as it is called which enabled
(iuheiul llooil to take service sgain, und us-uuio
coihiiiand ot the unny at Atlanta. London iiult-x.
t.c rnrif, !! I.lou-lt HIT.
Captain Pptl-e, the nnd. united explorer of the
Kile, u:tcr pas.-ing ttnhmt throttgU inaiijr perils
by land and wider, fell 11 lictlm V un iuglorions
accident in tl o lieuit of FnglHiiJ. Jules Uerard,
the celebrated li"ii-kill..-r und African traveler,
hus, It is rumored 1 y the lust foreign,
becu diowntd whi'e crossing a river in Africt.
Delivered. lil;o Daniel of old, from tho mouth of
the lion mid the paw i f the b ar, he, too, has
fallen a victim to un accident which happens daily
in the most civi'ied coiintiles,
Guard is hieiiy known iu this country by his
exciting book on lion-Luntiug. He gives a piclut 9,
by no inians flattering, of the King of ileasts, and
certainly his acquaintance with the huge animals
was intiniute enough to make hiiu a much better
judge of the case than most men can be. Recently
Guard headed an amateur expedition into
Algeria, formed ol spormmta who also wished to
tee and shoot lious.
F'atal Accident. A man 'named William
Fruncis, well knows as the kef per ot the hotel
known as the "Hit or Miss," on the Coney Island
road, was found lying dead lust evening beside
his wagon, ou the i'latbush avenue road. He hud
bten duvii.g home, when he lost bis balance aud
iell ell the wagon, breaking his neck. An inquest
was bold this morning, and a verdict in accord
Bi.ce with the tauts rendered. Francis leaves a
wtte aud three childien. -V. I', l'uit lust eetiung.
M11 ((In it 011 the Ncadold.
The execution of tho French murderer, Lutour,
was attended with singular circumstitneetf. The
O iiioi Rationale gives these purtlculars ;
"When informed that his last day had a' riro.l,
he ritused to hear a word from any priest, and
uttered the most dreadful blasphemies. He had
announced that he would compose a series of
vertes 0:1 the occasion, und ting Ihein from tlio
priton to the scaffold. Accordingly he nover
feared throughout the whole d. suture (about
three hundred und fifty yards) singing out in a
loud voice the couplet in question. He ascended
the steps of the soatlord firmly and lightly, and
on striving above, alter deliberately regarding
the multitude, he thundered forth the fjllowiiig
lints :
"Alloni, nauvre vli-tlma,
Ton jour a ntort est arrive,
Conlr? tut de Ih tyrannies
i.a conteau auusUut eat luve !'
Being then tied to the plank and filing into tha
usual horizontal position in order to be brought
under the blade, he still went on
"AU"iia,pauvre vletlme,
Tou Siiu de rncirt .'
A heavy sound was then beard, and all was over.
The crowd dispersed at ouce, expressing horror
and Indignation at such a tvvoiiiug display of
Till". TltlAI. IK t OI.Oi:l. NORTH.
SVasiiinuton, November 4. The trial of
Colonel Samuel North, New York State Agent,
nnd of Levi Cohen uud M.M. Jones, was rcsumod
this morning before the United States Military
Commission, Uwtiernl Doubloduy, President.
Mr. Gillette, for tho defenso, replied, still plead
Ing to tho jurisdiction of the Court, to the nrgu
ment of Judge Advocate F'ostcr. Ho held th it tho
Dorr enso, in Rhode Island, and tho
digham case, both of which wero referred to yes
today by Colonel Foster, w ere by no means simi
lar to tho present case. There is no resemblance-
between the case of Vallandighuiii und that of
Colore! Nerth and those charged with him.
Mr. Gillette then proceeded to combat Colonel
Fostir's argument, that In time of war certain
provisions of tho Constitution, which was ono of
peace, were necessarily siisponded. Tho extent
of tho tuspension has nothing to do with tho
question before the Court.
The learned Judge Advocato told tho Court it
was the duty of the Government to protect the
soldiers uguinst fraud nnd in all their rights. It
wns right for the Government to protect tho sol
dier iu relation to all his rights us far as they
spring out of his rclutiou to the Government as a
The folilicr, however, elocs not voto by virtue
of his relution us a soldier. Tha right to vote is a
relation springing out of a local law of a State.
It Is tho riht of a man as a soldier, and not as a
citizen. Tho Government nitty properly havo
laws preventing tho sale of liquor to soldiers,
and preventing nny ono from inducing them
to sell tl.cir clothes nnd arms, but it
has no authority in war or in pc.neo to atlempt a
supervision or control over civil rights. There
fore when the State of New York ai a common,
weiihh pusi-cs a law iu relation to certain rightu,
it docs not give the General control
over Mini rinis. 11 in mis case a nus
been committed it was against a civil right of tho
Boldicrs und uguinst the law of Now York,
nnd tho remedy is to bo found under tho
law of that State. A ninnboi- of authorities wero
here read in support of tho proposition that the
United States had no common law la tela
tion to criminal matters which could bo resorted
to In this and similar cases; that the
United States tribunals hail no power to try
causes arising under thu statute laws of the States ;
and that no Court bud jurisdiction, except such as
was given it by the power creating tho Court.
Mr. Gillette also quoted the act of Congross of
March 3, 18C3, and argued from it that Congress
itself directed what should be done with prisoners
ot Stute aB distinguished from prisoners of war.
How nrc tho licensed prisoners of a military
chataeter ?
Tiny were not in tho military sorvicc, and did
the fuel of their arrost and Imprisonment make
them military authorities ? It is cle ir tha'., t!ie)
accused are cither Stato or political prisoner;!. If
they lire political prisoners then this tribunal
ha no jurisdiction. Ilcsido State and political
prisoners, these aro purely military prisoners,
and it is over such only that this military com
mission has jurisdiction.
The cuso of Vullandighiim, which hud been re
fend to differed from this iu that he violated a
known law which )mt been published, and tha
consequences of the violation of which were well
known to him 1 but Coloucl North uud tho-o
charged with him knew of no law that could
arraign them before u military tribunal. If there
was such n law i' was tr poit fm-to, and con so.
queutly iiiicon-titutiunul and void.
Colored F osier, iu reply, referred again to the
Vail.iiidlghiiiu ease, and said tho Uniioil State
Circuit Court 1 1 Ohio hud refused to graut nppli
cation lor a ,uU is corpus for two reasons :
1st. That they had no power to reviow the de
cisions of a miiiiury court.
2d. That s licit military ourl had not exceeded
it? juiiidictiou.
Co'onel i'ostei' iiigued that, under tho Consti
tution, many of its provisions had to yield to the
safety of the whoio people. Even hi time of
pence private property mny bo scucd for the
public good ; nnd shall it bo said that greater
power is not conferred in time of war? It is
apparent that Congress has unlimited powers lu
declining and currying on war, und tho President
has the power to Indicate the mode whereby the
war tluill be carried on.
In times of war, when the peace powers of tho
Constitution conflict with the war powers, tho
former must give way to the littler; aud the
President may, with perfect legality, use extra
ordinary powers, and such as may seem to him
best In conducting the wur, and he must, in tic
cordance with his oatli of ollicc, do ull iu his
power to bring a war to a successful termination.
In this way the laws of pence must necessarily
he mado to give way, aud what is known as mar
tial law be substituted.
Colonel Foster also referred again to the Dorr
case In Rhode Island, nnd argued from it that
the wur powers of tho President am uulimited,
and that iu time of actuid war the President may
ute extraordinary mca-ures.
Colonel Foster continued by assuring thoui
that the war power was strictly Constitutional,
and quoted from various authorities lu support
of bis argument. If the argument of the counsel
for the defense was correct, theu if Lee or Long
street were captured they could not be tried,
except by regular indictment by a grand Jury,
and trial before petit Jury.
In the Mi xlean war, General Rcott established
military tilbunal", and made tho statutes of the
United fitntos to prevail tboro. Could it be said
that this action was Illegal i And yet It wonl J be
Impossible to point oat the clause of the Consti
tution giving General Scott such power.
The President In January last ordered a Com
mission to be convened for the trial of nrh cases
should be brought before It. This esse of
Samuel North and others was sent to this Cum
min-ion by the appellate power creating the lonrt,
and comcqticntly the Commission ha no autho
rity to lay they have nojurlsdlctlon In the case,
for the Jurisdiction ha been given to the Umn-
minsion by the Judge Advoc de-Goner il.
If there is an organi.ed band to dulrsua me.
soldier of any one of his rights, has not a military
court the rlttht to Iry thoso who swindle the sol
dier of his bounty, or who deprive! him of any of
his rights? It is always a crime to defraud a
soldier, and a Government must lake the soldier's
Intern t in hand.
Tl.e Judge Advocato denied that the crime
charged was against tho statute of New York.
The statute does not provide for tho indictment of
any one who committed tho crime outsldo of the
State. In which county of tho Htn'o of New
York could un indictment bo obtained And con
sequently a military court is tho proper one to
tuke cognizance of tho case, for the crime
charged was one against thu soldier In the field,
and consequently was under the direct charge of
the military authorities.
The Court was hero cleared, nn.I the Commis
sion ovenulsd tho plea to tho jurisdiction, und
decided that they had jurisdiction.
Colonel Foster asked the Court to rondor a
judgment of gulity. Tho defendants could have
put In any plea they pleased. They had cho-on to
pkiid to the juiifldlction, and must abide by the
con sequences.
Mr. Gillette c m-ldcred tho demand of tho Judge
Advocate an extraordinary one, and argued that
a plea tu the jurisdiction was not un unusual
If tho dt finto had dismissed, then the Court
cou'd decide whether n plea should ba entered.
Now will a military court decide, that bee uiso a
pica to the jut isiiic, inn has not been sustained,
that the accused cannot be eonlrontod with the
witnesses:, but that ho should bo condemned
without a trial ? The Court has simply decided
that the argument against tho jurl diction w is
not good. If Iho case were disposed of withnut
a hearing, would it havo the eiroet of putting
down the crime ?
Colonel Foster, in reply, said tho point In this
caio Is when a pe rson pleuds to tho jurisdiction
pro tanto, It acknowledges tho facts cluirgod, and
it is purely matter of favor to allow tho defense
then to plead to tho merits of the case.
Tho Couit denied the motion of Colonel Foster,
vnd the prisoners in turn entered the plea of not
Mr. McPherson moved that tho accused bo
severed und separate trials ho granted them.
The motion was denied.
Mr. Mel'herson then moved that the Jeid je
Advocate elect whether he will try the several
purticB us principals or accessories. They cannot
be both.
Colonel F'ostcr said he would not amend 111
specification. Ho would not consider tho parties
as principals or accessories, but would try them
upon the charges us set forth iu tho seccliicaUons
The charges were not drawn up ns an indict
ment at common law, but as such papers un
ntually drawn In proceedings before military
Mr. OilUttc argued that it was the duty of the
Court to compel his Judgo Advocate to elect how
ho would try tho several prrties, whother us
principals or accessories.
The man who is to be defended as nn accessory
has one line of defense, and the principal has
another. The evidenco In either case must bo
Mr. MoPhcrsou s motion was domed, and the
Couit took a recess until 'A o'clock.
or rRiLAftKLrau.
Ttis Tlanii will remain open sttlieOfflceof the Company
to till up lutiecrlr-tiona to the attck.
I IVE DOI.I.AJtfl rr atiare to le. pa d 't j.i fiirertliitl-o.
The Ccunpsny have paroJiMud t'.rtet of toiI In the
Jlrat Ward of tha city, enttndlns from folnt Uouls read
to tl.f river utawarc (irouidl'ilfdy to be connected by
railroad with Ihe enterolvc Uuunt,, and Pucka of
the rYnmvrveatA lis do, as Company), on account of which
Ihe Homvanj Iisto already rent
t enting only 17 IM now duo, which Is Ihe only Ia4eht-
etlrws ef the Company.
Additional mini rlritlona ire njw rfinlrea far wharves,
Do, as, and othiir cneml IniprovcmintB,
l'ertoua fi.rwurulnn iuh.. dini-im for to.-k, or l.ntnl
Till I'tS IlldCOn, Will I'lCaSO IU .-' Ult-ir enmn. yujn-m IV
the orfr el
KIltllKltICK r. IH'ltl!!'.M.,F.m .Treasurer.
T. H.
113 Ct
EM Kit Y,
No. 11? Ttfnrkct Rtreot
C. W. RlUhT. sinnau.
Confine: at mire.t lillelnneiit a frdl ."rtuienlofImirf4
1 d In mentfc UrSk-s, Pupular Pan-nt HeOldnea, Palntt,
foal Oil, Window l.ln, rrcirrlptUm Vlalu, Ae.,t as low
priori an prnnlne nrrt-clBm lioccl. can be Aola.
Tit (VmliTtlniieri, In full ynrlety, si.d "f the best nnstrly.
t'cel lnoiil PetuM Iml'vn, Mailitcr. Pot Alh. CSa ,!!,
flotia Ash, A in, cm nf Vitriol, Annstto, Copperas, Kstroot
of l.(l(sl.c., roR liYKkS' ue, always oahand,t
lowest lift rah Brlcca
rt'i n sriiT.H rem FAMir.v t'RR,
tlroiiml exirc "'y our enles and to whieh we lavlyS
the aneMe-n ir loose In w nit of n-Mahlc articles.
Also, JMJ(!0, XTARCIt, JUfnTAKl), At., ef
Orilcrn tiy mall, or city pott, will mart wlih prnirtpt at '
linilen.or aprelnl nuointlnna wlU be inrniahod wtiea re-.
IV t'.lU I I I fi MIJIJALIj,
Wholi "ale Drug Warehouse,
jail ly Ko. tin MUlM.T Strict, above front.
DAS FOll SALE, en will pay particular attentlm to the
piurhBe of all lli deilrsble and dividend paying
Such at the XOIM.E AND DK.I.AMATKlt, DAIjtELL,
IMeKLllHK Y, MeI I STOCK VllLE, or Philadelphia, and
CeitMASIA, lllid.OA'IK, ami Kb ICKUIlllUOltSrl, of
New York.
jto.a.1 rise STKEur, Rooms.
Now Ycrk.
licalrra In litis
lru ie.
Tollot Artlolon,
unci Mpocilaltloea
WIffEB, Ac., Bold onlj for MmllctiMl par-
(10 8 la
,t. lA A'S, U . I , ProfcKior t tlio Ky nd Kar,
tit nti" all dtii.'noii ft.iiicrtniiiliiK 10 'b' mvfi memtm wiih
tli? uirii.i.t tirrt (in. Teitm nlnln tiom the nmt rriintite
"fitecf In tro tv nn n M n at mi niiirp, no. bit ftrtn
Htuut. Tlie M"ll'-l hawuitvire invitct to ccompnr
itit ir patif ntA, h lit hut no iccruLi In hit practict. 10-htf
rim.AnKi.piiiA rurorons'
ANHA,K INnlMLTP., No. 14 North
INIH Htryl. shove Market. RiKiturna
-A'tienny cured hv K V. KVKKKTT'H Prtmtnm Pttent
lonPi. fTruchen, tc.
10 29 lm
Cost Prioe to Ctockhoiders $7'00 per Too.
Rn.MiE9, each entitling- to ONK AND A H ALF TOMS,
Btllrstcoit, KVS-UY YEAH for T (VKNTY YI2AKB, nd
CAK1I DIVH1EM18 of prollta from the 111I0 of all sarplu,
Coa),my now bo obtained ut Sln-Ol), puyftble hilf oa tuib-
cribiiis and hall ou JaiiUiiry H ne.t, ol U10 MurL Ah
Ollloo 11 H. TIIIHO Htroot,
Stock Capita, 500,000, in 02,500 Shares.
Eeseived "Working Capital, 12,500 Shares.
St. Ijuvim, Novembar ;j. TUo I 'tvluw,
ono ot the poorest of hor Htiss, was captured by
tho Kebcis ut J'urt liarnmu, ou the rcnuuasue
river, on Stiudy.
-..Twinty dccrttM from Fort llcrmuns ro.ichod
I'utluoiih on MoniUy. Tut'V rop'irt that Forrest,
llufurd, Chtiliti-rH, ami licll wero uoucenUMtii.g
there. Thty huvo fourteen pieces ot cviium,
bo i'hb tlio nriuiMiiCTit of thu gu nbo.t-t Vwliw,
OrttiMH from Hood uud Forrest had been re id
to tho troop?, ettying that II od was mur.'lrn.j
noitli. tud would cross tho Tcnuos-Jcc river ut
liiidgi'port, while Forrent utt.icliod JoUuiOnvillo.
- Tlio IMriito " Tiillii.HiNsc."
IS'iiW Yohk, IS'Ovcndier 4. The iteaiucr Chena-
pnde, from Purttand, has arrived at this port
to-duy, and reports that she was boarded by tho
United Btatofcsteuru cutter Kewanna, aid informed
that the pirate TutUhassee was on tho cuist, aud
hud destroyed neverul vessels.
Nkw Yokk, November I. Steka Irregular.
Chicago tnil IC-ck iflitiui. I D; I'ltdihuii nd prffm n d.
ul u ; UliM"ib ('iiliul. t:n ; Io txniUs, I J ' ; Ml 'HUm. Hti-
nn, 7.i; Niff Yoik (VutrtU. itmtniL'. t Hi ; Hutla
lihir. l'JI; KrM. Ino; ti.iui, '.Ml ; inu- Yvnr t 'until. -at pa,
If.-'..; IO-'sV'h, !) I l.t ; t -liOi, CiiiilO!.i, 1UI ; Cjupim itt, -4
fti.liai-rinYli-.ti s. (if 4 tlmrM. H: of 10 thari. fK; of 20
nhitrt d. : f WUteuroii, 4-ii of ICO ibarM, tH5; of
S.e kitMrvH. I'MAK
Vuch t.hare out irn tre ro:HT in rporive. ernry yi-r. mini a hmf t.i.Hoi p. i ut cot'-, for ao ypar , nun uin
J.iwiUntih t-vtry ii wtjiitiii,(ui ine noun irom me ba.u i
all murplitf roHl
Hiticl hulclf rt who no nor want any enni mat navu ittfir
nrrinnrt on nt cnul h til hv irtQ IHimuitllv. lor tnr.r nitpucisii
bt', ibf ri.ult buitK ii(t uver in ihtin, Inavpeinltfit
entit i a.
J tir ( '(in'panv pnanrnH iuffr anti wpiiuuiin" uurtiv.
i iiftN ALt.stiN incur 'iiniiumt). Schuylkill county.
with rxhntlve Atiniijjf and Tnnm-r ki,(lu4, mi excclitMit
Ihinl.:t Urtakt-r hltipo tt'orkfi. lure StPnin Krivtm'H, K.iii
roailH. pud all othor MuohliH'rv and ApparAttir,, In t'ntl
nnnutlon. car(ip 'mlctng MM'fi loan, tu be extonUud to
IWi.tOU ivnu pfr i ar.
rim I f.Mti ii nr in nnn fiiiniiTv. tnirn v 01 inn ihu'-r
Ilfiith ard Win-rote Vctut, which, with i'vral o-lir
u)uab:e C'ral Yfira, pxitjt (I within the Unas uf tbu (Jom-
nm v fur nrunv two itiiltw m 'i-iisfT II.
a n ui I'D oi iiie HfiKiiiiii viii.uisu mi' una i ma uiiio-si
tif ilit-- :oiHauy.uvur wbith tlm Coal is dtljr rut to
TM Ar R Pt.
htcK-kholdevii irn"oriirr itieir toal inanyoi ine uuai
ivi'k v x i.unii) Ui ul. lir- Kvn. f.llt. Miove.or Jiii t oui.
all at tt -hret i.t t om iirMcut ."(() p r tun, oem ereo at
Irlf ll" UKf, W'IMIl III' II-HI 1 l-MHiirrH l IllUVHi l m
C al ) ardu, in tha ivorihtTii, Jliediu, and HouUiara p-r-
tinnit ut tiit Cit.
1 l.t; ompunv aim an tit mihiiik w rm ure cituri r duou
aid ll rj't't ulioi'H rat fit h on ou inr c.inn iin-iupje.
t orCiim ur ui-o aunicripuoua uvviy ai ma
1 his txniilMtt' Cosmetic liat nr. fttiaal rr of atitirr-
h jr. whfieiJnji, Hit'l pre'heiAiinr tht- cotiipifxiitn. il w pre
pmrd trnm turn tvhlU- wax. In n e Un olraordliiary quall
tUkttr prtrviiifi the niaktiiH It boh, fair, emooUi,
n.l traiibpan nt. It i mot ho-.itili g aTi-r ahavliur.ciir'
chappt-rt oandn and Hp, r innvm punpka, rdoichea, tal
frrriiin, or Minhtirn. and lriq urti a purly tint to tht
fare mck,ai d arum, wtca ; , .SO, ami 7 rena. HUNT
A CO., IM H.WJCN r.N'i U Mtr et aud No.41 b. KItillTil
If to rain adirliimf nyi ;
If to CUUhV ttlV Id'uUft slwhKt
Ji t b a IiI'mhihuk tl.iwer,
I wHitg, dyihg In an hnur BaUrTt
I t hiivp a hoat of mends;
If for vice to ma amnndi;
It ltli hltfh-tiT It'tfMi to wd;
Jl a uiuiblu htone wbn dtiul WraltI
f tn live threescore and ten,
Wlflhlri! iiie a J.-i.k HL,'ktn;
!( to llvr a life nf pwaeet
If to dla and no to great nBAim I
If yon wtnh a life of aleannrea ;
II you value thin world'i trctMiiFeit
It every oonifnt you would Beo,
Take my advice, and wish all thrt4.
Then, bavin? Health, Wealth, and Beauty,
Tuu'l) be prepared for every duty.
Br a careful Perusal nt Or. WILLIAM YOITWB Kew i
RmK. THK MAHUMdK (iHII-K, which should be read '
by every enr. aoui oy ioRtieiif r gine-aiiy, ana ai ui
ei:ta. aue-u
InlaUlh!e In corrertlnr, rrulatinr, and removing alt
vbhtructioiM iinru whrttcver eaiijs.ana alwaya
aucciimui ai a provuutlve.
CllAltT?.lir:r HY SIsTK OK VKNflSYLY WU.
CAPITAL H'lOCK, Hft ,000,000
gOO.IStIO hliare-H tar Viilne,
lr -i.l. iii !' N H. ANBiaisOV.
1 ' ir't)i o . m.
I t Oman A. Se-oti,
N. II. Kn.-ir a,
V itlliun H. I re MU..1
lioii. it r. h i. i.-,
J..I.11 W. Jill.y,
l.LalU-l. Uu Mill e-r,
J i lot;. R. Macee,
T C. Mi'tKi.vvil, IHrrivbiirn.
J. hn W. Hull, do
John Hrituy, do
W. VV. Who, LuaeiiKler.
Willittui G. Simlf, C'ejiortitlo.
Kecietary and Trt'iwuror.
erncn Eo. 423 waout stuflt,
ltOH ISO. 5.
Authentlt'iited apietmens have been procured lm noma
cf the C'uiiiiany'B loilea, and liuvo bten aaiiyi'd hyfro-tt'r-sori
ltooth and CiarretUvlihtliu must wiAUiyinr-tulU,
MutiHi rintlon IIhIb aro now open at thaOlrlec ot tho Com
pany, and at tho Tn asurer'a Ollluo (luterual Hevenue),
No. A'21 ClILM'T Htrvet, Farinfara' and Mechanic' Hank
bull Unff. To original imhcrlLur till per e Intro for a
limited iiuiiiLcr ufshuri.-i.
Cir uln ri, ts. or Infot mutlon can be ohUlned at
U- olliie ol the Company, arte.- the 17th lust. 10-H-lta
CfCce. Ho. 121 S. TEIRD Street, 2d floor,
3). il. II. HCaM'lXK.
10-24 A. B. JA.KDKN, SRCUKfARr.
rQAL AT fi-7-fiO PMl TUN Til K CON-
J iiiineii' MutMU C.'iil '.'' in i tinv. Ine -rp'.ra'ed t'0iT
tt e ;,iitiiil Mm. n- l.iiwf t iim- -stattj or ivnn-y.vrtiii.,,
C-'tilir tni4. f-nn- o Hlu.r 'n u. $iu pur ai are, 9.0 ,im.
I'.i-, t.U m-javi H . Nh.
Traiiiier--JOaLAlI KIMKKHOCK, No. 1231 MAUKET
oi net,
j Yi:a iim. -v s,x'n
I'DUAIil) r..nN KN, No. i;v Aii-hmn c.
lll'.MtV A L. No. Wuluut tMUH.
I, r cbAY'l OS, No. I -) N I htm atreat.
1'HOK. Ne. HKi lit5uul UeU
fiVI-'Ifl.' V,. .'!.(. Ml V I II Hir, ft.
'1 1 Cmi't nn U ttn rtre.vl v aubcrtptionn to ltn atoett
nta.nner hhuu-.tu d'ii tlio MorMi'ddt ra wuli the
Lf l Mtnitl ot l hltti A ll X'l.nUkiil m! al $ stO p'T toil.
ut iii Mut.munk-.ilr .mil aha .if .
Aiaiii li. ini!..wi.--PKNCI-:U H'lUK'tr-
Tin' llestii hi t.iricfur. r iin- lii-tnncn ot Mia-iVfffhe
ftiochi:. i;. im. Ibvo iirmnntd t r.m i.CUicnN VO l'Hfi
CUf. i II KY I I ItlK lo.MI'AM, lo taau piuju
! Id IiA . Ko cnil'i'i' 4. lll -tiiHl.
a M.i'i'hii 'I diii: . wr li r- t;r nrovl-lon or the prlv?ir
cor.,1. n. and hHtt'v nt tl.e x nitouUts. will n tv( tl.e
fput vi l,t- Iti-udnni iiH)lr;.ad , umpuny. Thirtemith und
Ciii-ow hiu Min i in. ut 7 u cirk In ihu iirornhiK. uau ur
uenl direi tl lo Il.e vo'llt ry . i.UtwIhk tliivf hoiirn ou itie
vioinut. .mi will i ef ii ru to the ft! v bv 1) oV'o.-K p. M.
An L-xct-l ent prl mui v wl'l tl.ui l; unordtd to the
M' i ick liOiittTH to ft- thf'r o.vil OioptMt V.tiT t'
a intuit nrn! i-mhscjiii iniiiiii:: oicraUoii hi lull wi ra J IS Lf.
A uir t lt. tr,it ie iii ;."(. I or to not-$itttci U-crt cUo
int. v rofh if i-lnle t iktim tck.
A'riiin, ixiu ntanllil.e iiiu.Ih to enable every one to do
ii'.'ioi t hi- n hu-H whj iuiv ocaue to at so.
Hlnt-'lo tU'k'i lor ihe '..t.urfl.-u will lie to eah; tick
for a Ijdy and f to di'tra.v ttw ct ot the Ur.
Abiindunt rt fn-ahmt hit will he pruvuifd by thu Cuuij.auy
ii 111 t i linruH.
As tin nitiiihcr of tickets lu limited, It wmM be well for
tlno-i! who di-shi- to lo o iu the uxi'tiraioii to tn.c .ro i:
enrlv. J.adit-tt iau puilicl).ate tu thu . luiaiou with
ntiri' iiroi.rii'l V.
No such opportunfiy has evei1 before brn offered to tbe
rltii i of l'i'lladciiihlu to t-xuiuine the great ooal rttfioni
ui rubiuo ivitnni.
CiHWi nr in vmox parskngkr katl-
C?IJU,UUU MAY COWi'A.Ni A ltOM4 1011
1 he L'lih-n I'asfener Hnibviiy Company offer fur tale
nt pitr i n- lunn'reti tliciintiU dnlluib of hi per cent,
tviii, mi huitds, tKar of all tuxig, huU-jiiul, Bitite, and ilit
uu ij al.
'll.t'i-o boiulu are secured hy a flrHt niorb;a-o on the
r ad and lit tiauehi-en. Iho truHteeH arc ClureuceU
Chirk uLd Taoiaas A. fli-olt.
'J hey art! isaced In milus of $00, and can bo had on ap
pHcutn n nt the illicu td' thu Cuuipuny, 2q. wJ bomb
KH It'l il Htrett.
lli-il-m WXLUAH r. KEMH1.E, Treasurer.
upon lUrnoiid( VYutcht;, 'vwalry i'Uto,
iClotuLig, Ac., at
' JONl.a k OO.'fl
Corutx ot illlitlt and GAhKIIL Siructl,
K.n.-WAMONDb, WAlCUttt, JKWEUtirt
me,, ff-r hale at
C. M. HtHbaud,
W. It. (Spear,
(lnrgp h. .Morttati,
Ji:lm E. uilletro,
1 houias V . 1'nco,
K, l-' rrontis,
IUnr A. ISnlca.
UKUAiiKAiiLV low piticasg.
J HiltS tlF l KM' 11 M.
& CO.. r-KOl'KIK-
I.1TIKI1 lllllfMN-. an-II
DIMNU l;ll(.M8, No. ;l CHK.MlUr HTHKBT, 01
'Obl'l K (iKM-.KXL l'Osr or Kit IK, rilH.lU)ICl.flllA,
l'A. TeniltT, hy iMitllum of the public preia, tu tln-lr nu
rjiemtiii piitioua ftud (rli-nda, tnulr warmaat tliaiik.
liberal encuuraenient moat seni-mUKly br.Uiwetli Mil
pr niUe Ui aild .till furtlicr attrai-tluiie sud lui.rtveirieiile,
and uae ever endeavur to merit U,. euamUuued aupiiurt
si.d pauouase of Hie central' ftirutikiplil. aud
Ticinii -mm' Ift-li-KiB
X. B. Our motto
X rot Largs KutCosl.
flu a Ton
t ot Wove and Hraier Coal,
KlN'l'U Sircel (K.7K
below ijlrard avenue.
N B. gaoi.le at Brunch Omee,
11-J-lm B1XTM uii HPItlBQ UittDtN.
These PIHi are nMli!n(r new. and have been wed by tfce 1
li nor for many eats, both lu r raiae aud Aruurma, with
uniiMrnlU'int Mif . ens in every ear ; and he Ii anf4 bv
nmiiy ii-oiihaiiU hidtea who havo uaud tnera, to ttako fie ,
ruin puiiiic lor ine aut lution oi inoie mi tiering irnia .
1reLii arliiea whatever, at well a to Drtivit an in 1
erea--eot fatmly xht-ro liralU will nt permit It. Feinalea
f'fcullnrlj bitiihiio, or tt:oe ti;niio.h)K thciuf elves no, aro
cautioned Lrnlii8t uhIii-' thene plus w Mtf in that condition.
km ii.e propilt-toi abhiiines no n-npt intoliuy Kiu ruie atwve
atininnion, although Mit-ir mU1ue-i would prvint any
mui hii-l to hiiilth, ot-it-rwl-e ti.e I'lHi are recommended,
t- nil ai.d L'xi.ilclf di)f( tior :tt!coniHiiti li'it eai;h boa.
riici- i, ot m. tion-1 r . b.iia wholesale and ret u
by Mo; h IU wlnii liriiLKhu:
r. inoti. w ii ti a i.o., io. . r oui m Nireec.
WitthT .t iildall. No U!i M-irk-t tiruet
A Mar hull, c rner of 1 hi tcenfh ano Market tttreeta
ei.'h r v Kuiith, cornt-r of se. oiil ami (Irteu tretttf,
Iiott A Co , o. li'i N Htc.iml tn et.
Jiit:ion. lii.Uoway A I 'owdeu, ana
H. V. !' lio-nur. 'nmlf n.
At letall by all driiKuliLa. sen dins
To cltlitr atent.can hav.- thu
I'll I.S br-NT CON r 1 1 K Nil ALLY,
Pr mull, to any purt of tlx ciiy or country, fre ef
n II. HUrYB,
ft Tl-Tm Jio. 2I& W. T1UKTY-HIX TU Street, N.T
tlclAjlpool, tonchinir at Queinati wn, Cork Harbor.
- 1 1.. wtu-KiiovMi nttiaioei-a 01 u.e Liverpool, bhw iwi,
anc I'tiiitKtt-ipi.ia Hieuiustip Corupuuy are Intended, te
t l.AHi OW, Hntiirday, Nnwmher 5.
t I I V OK AlAM llLM'l'.K. M.itiinlu.V. SoveniiHir 13.
CITY Ot LONiKiN. Haturd.iy, M'tvetuher lit.
And every ffnsrcediuu HatunUy, &l noon, from Pier No)
44 Nor'h lover.
I- rtl t Abb .( Ou Hiwrve ',0 tlO
l-'irht Ciilun to 1.' ndon I.O(n mmue t London. ., tw-uo
rirM ' ii'-in to runs.. l'MM-t) Hti-i-rn" to I'arU 80'tHi
KlihtCahinloltunjor'MiKDOO HlevrvwH U,truu,ir. 74.(0
l'aM-ni'rH also ftu-wtuded Ui Havre, ilreuiun, Kot-
tenlHre, Antwcip.Ac , atiuatlv low ratea.
rarrtt fr in i.ivf inooi or uutieuMown i r?ru wwm.
lnO, I7', ti:0 Hie-ratrn from Llvi-rpool and yneem-
toHn,;o. 'I hose hpo wish ut eiid :or Uit; frieuda vaa
buv feke' hei at 'Iiei-e ratS
lot luithtr in.eiiuaUoii appi at the (Mmpany'e ofnctl
JUtl N ii. 1ALL, Agent,
Ko. IU WALNH Sutujl, r-UiiaidulpuA.
..-ilvliW a tTA TYrttt a e- T" T 111IY
la jTJ'ftC". Htsnur.i'ln Line, SHllfnif t'rr m each wrt oa
l.Tb . t ' m I ... fl.ilii')., K.. HI VIC Vlla. .
j..pli..-n'.n l nu Whurf, lioHtoii. Krora flrht wharf
, flrrt;f.on KAimdav, No umovir , 104.
u Hit biner lioiu l M"i 1 1 eh'J.ia nus w trit.
'I he str ninsLlo M' ItM N will mill I'm in Bonton for Pt.
laoclphiji on Ha'utdav, Novi tiilu r a' 4 o'clock t. ht.
i lit aa ni-w auu ti ntttauuaj uti-Hiuinioi unm a rextuai
I'm , sd'i-nff tieiii eci h (.oil pui ctuallj en Saiiirdaryi.
I-it-uiai m a.nt-ctd at oue-bad'tliu prtuduin eliarifed oa
IJlle Vl'rll.!r.
r rt'l-.'iit taken at Nlr ru'ei,
n.Mpptrs are n.:iiid uibor.d Slip KeceivU and BlBl
Lading wft tl:t-ii v'l Mih,
f r I iviht or kiiiu (hnvtnff nne aeeommxKtloM)
pp'- tvi IIKNitY WtNHoR A CO..
jti4-u mil ,w ttt. Avenjj(
LU. NoM'lllhOI LV
Tu.' r.nth (dun I'Ull AI'Kl.TMlI ., Cuptaln C. T. V
wi'l mmi lor 'lu- Hiinv.. r irt on the L'.th November.
htteinv In cinr! it v.
li.OjlAS HICII PDHf)S 4 CO.,
1"- C .No. Ivl W'ALN U tilliHiL.
' aod S'.vifthure L'ntn. via UuiAware and
I.i.i mn t 1 t.i: b'fetiiitt ol ttirse linen are leaTlug
dai at 1.' o 'tfii-ck M aud & o'clock I. M.,from thiad plC
above W alniii ttrei-t
ber nt'rht. wtmh be tnkon on aeoommodatlnf
"n , apply to WILLI M M. I1A1KI) &. CO.. No. li4ir
William 8. 'lurr,
l-..l!ii A lle-pilry,
V I liam nrilllili.,
CD. '1 aluiae1,
li. 11. 'I iivu.r,
Ji.lm 11. Vt heeler.
. II Arkll-y.
IIp.i.l-.-M. MIN.T. I
ll i. ile-hlrr-.l llmt thoio m1i Intend to join In the
Fi urslou bliouid prot ult' tlmir tli-art before W.ln'-.Uy
Uext. It-i-il
A FinST-CXjABH A.11'XUC.1'2
To be hd at
EcLuylkill Ilaven Ooal GomDanj'a Depot,
Koi. ls aud IhV MAKKKT BTKKi:T.
Kenr Arruiiii' nic-iit. on and alter 1 UKMllAY.
NuveinoHr 1. 1m4, tiu.u. will leme freui rYamut atreet
I'lei an fiillou-.
lor t'Bpe Muv .ud all r.Uci-i aoutn orMiiivuie at vi
A. M andll I' M. I
F..r Mi vi Ii'. Hr di-eton. Ha em. and nil Intermedlsie
Sliu-tl .outr Ol i.i.'..-iiui-o ui u a. M ami u i. at.
i-i.r i ias. i w . ni.. i-j . .. tin.i j t . a.
or Woodbury, Uluiict'Mvr, Ao , al tf A. il., Ul M.,3 ST
tr. at.
I.i'iivo fine Mav al il A. M inu 111.') A. M,
" AlilMlli. ul .--lo A. M. lino :l r. tt.
" ai 7 r. A. M.,:i-1F.M.
" biiiuiu at 7 A. M.. Hlid il H. M.
" Wooobiiry ul 7,(i U, 011.IU 17 A. M.,an.KJ
uml ll-lu IV M . 1.1 1'liT.i.l.'n -
Hill Blie-iui O all inn UMiai uiai.e:..u. 01
Iiea, r-ci-lvo, dt'liver, and rorvvurd Ibroiiu)
ail. It- ICxpreiii t.i.mjinnie. to ail pai ls 01 l . auy
r. y
iirtu-le- i-ntruhti-d to tliem. A Hpticial Me V OF i'Ticcouiir
l.uuit-tl eile-u Uliounn train, - ,
J. V AN IIKNrJS RULES, UupeidiWlldarat.
fiiiiatie'i-iiia, overm r 1. i.-'ri. ui-j
e AlaUKil AJit) AMhllY UAIUtOAl) COMl'A.Niaif.l
MO'l'ICK. . "til
On and after MOKDAY,.lanuai-y 4, lHOf , th. Train, far
Hew ork, le-avfug Ktu.hsteMi Uepol, Phlladalpkla, a
811 A.M. (Hltlil),and t". M.,nd tho train. WaYloK,
iiew York al S A. U. and 7 SO I'. St., wlU hereafter be rujl
.itlinln-ly for ate Unlli-d Mlatoe Mall, and Kew tork.Pt.1
ud WsehLustbO runenere,Hiio win o uueuiuoinB..
nut any pa.euuser. brtn u aW dtlee.
The lu A. M. and 11 Mldiilnot I.lue. freaa Kew York t u, and the H SO A. M. ao 6 P. M . Law Iron
W.l,lli.tooUiew York.wll oonti... .1 preaent, . j o;
rarry .....iK to andhoin tl.eliileruiHlla.auultMiaihu
Baltimore Wa.hloaton, and M11W York.
. Bl II. J.. 1 .. 1, V..w. ir.s.lii,rf.. TX.mi.A aJ
. .f; . . u AM yail F. dj, 1 U svnsl IV ail ...tKKt stnA
from Wuluut atiet Wharf Vvta Camden), ate audSAj
M.. n H., a suiu or. m.fwuT maw iora
V HHALlB I'l.NIC 1KF.B TAIl iOS-H. eao.ali..
Cuuvulut Ibr UiS sovkel. Bold b the iU-u,iiit. 11 i lui
lnH.,lunir M.iira.wliirl, LF,
And k-avr. Maw Tail, from foot of Cnrflandt arraalX
at 7 A.Ai.,.v-J,i a,., una e r. . ., ana at t wia- u
Miiht. ed ftotn aivtof liaituu eireet at S A. M.,au4M Wat. A. UATIMK,
JM-lf AtmWtf