The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 04, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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price three cents.
Ballot-Box Stuffing on tho
The followlrg Mut was forwarded to the
Secrttary of the Navy by Fleet Captain A. M.
rnnock, temporarily rommnndin?, the Missis
sippi Piuadron. The Navy Department otno
time ilu.e i.ued insrnctlon to the commanders
of all iuaJrons lu adurd every facility to the
agents of Buttci, appointed by competent au
th rfty, to secure a f a r rote.
The New York World, with characteristic men
dacity, asserts Unit Secretary Wi-llea hni sent "a
three-masted revenue steamer to take tho I'msl
ilcr.tial vote of the seamen at IMtm Hea l, Key
Wet, and in the fluir," and also that t!ic Com
missioner Bent on board refused to t.iRO MeJIel
lan votes. Now, Sc.retury Welles has no more
control of i lie revenue sienmors than he hai of
the United Ntates Supreme Court, lie tin not
sent a rivcuue steamer or any other steamer upon
ineh a commission.
Tho truth is, that the WrlJ is only crying
"step thiel !" over such frauds ill are exnoand in
the subjoined letter, tent by Caption IVnnoek.
The Coj perheads send out commis-doncr to r-ito
only McClellan v ile", and if possible, to tni'is
imite Union votes into cupper, uid then attompt
to covi r up their rascality wiiW such lies as
in the W'orltl of yc'cnlay.
TJnitko STATU Ikon-clad Esskx, Mcm iiis,
Tern., October 22. Captain A. M. I'onnoclt!
United Ktates Nary, Cominnn'ling Mississippi
Hi,nadron. Sir: On tho I7tli ln-bint arrived by
the naval supply steamer .V, m Vu'oii-rf a Mr.
Mi- hael MeKeon, uccomp iniid hy his clerk, a
Mr. Hugh I-'. Mrighan. Mr. Koon unnoutie !
hi in el I to Die ai a Commissioner, appointed liy
the (lovtrnorof the St.itc of New York, to ilii
tributc the blank forms rcitii,nte to ena'de so'
dlers and milnrs who are qualified electors of
that State to vote at the approaching general
election. In support of this stiitmnent, he ex
hihlti d to me the commission of (iovernor Sev
mourto that effect, nlviati order from l.ietite iiint
Commander Greer, by your authority, directing
all commatulimto'lii-vrs of vessels in the Missii-'
ippi Squadron to nlloid t. him us commissioner
every facility in tho execution of his o lice.
Id reply to my in inlrie", Mr. McKon state 1
that he had with him only the blank forms printed
by tho State, and that the election ballots for both
parties were aboard the llug-ship, exne.-tcd bore
wllhin a few hours. I toed Mr. Mclvoon that
eveiy opportunity would boaffordei to theollic ts
and crew of my division lo exercise freely and
fully the elective frani hise. The Coramis-ioner
noon alter lift the ship, promising to rouini
shortly. That same evening you arrived hero in
the Hlarkllavk. After pit ingniy respects, I in ulc
Inquiry of you in regard to the elect! m b illots.
Yon informed me thut thu b it? purporting to
contain them was opened in tour presence, l t
that no bullo'sv.ere to bo found the con nti
comittlng solely of the. blank firms tuteiiJo 1 to
accompany the billots. I tu x! saw Mr. Melton
n tho afternoon of the following day, when I
returned on board tho l-Ustr, alter nc-. in lanyiug
you in your ollleial visit to the coiniu.uuiiug geu
eral and to the defences of Memphis, lie and U s
clerk were, or rather had been, ong ag.-d in lining
in the blank forms for some of mv men. lie
had asked try executivo oltlccr to administer Hie
requisite oaths, assuring the laiter that it was "all
I could only exchange a word or two with Mr.
McKcnn, as I desired, in aceor l.inco witU yjur
iiistruct'ons, to place the .Wifir niAre, as soon as
Jiossiblc, iu a position where she could culil ide
the ravine below Kort 1'iekci iu,'. lint befori 1
left the Etsrx, Acllng Volunteer Lletitouunl i'.ir
ker informed mo ihat MeKeon ouly brought be
fore him those of my men who wuro wiliiuir to
ote for McClellan; and to thosi mou ho distri
buted McClellan ballots, leaving the ship as m
as he had attended to those of bis o vn party.
I taw that tho Commissioner w as usimj his pn')
lic ofllce for rhnbhy cleete neeriu leirpmes. I
afterwards illscovercd that he hid pursued
exactly the same course socuriuir o.iiy iho
McClollan votes -aboard the oilier tjunhoiw
lyinj; heie. I reported the uircniiisMnces to you.
Desnous to Ucfiat such unworthy
schemes, and to secure a free uml impirtiil cxer
ciieof the elective franchise to tha ntli.;r an l
nieu of the Mississippi s iiadron, von re U.)sted
ne to procure correct lists of the i'riMaloutial
t.lcitors nominated by each one of t'ie re:
political parties in ihc S:a c of New York, in order
that you might nave co,,les struck oil by tlu II isj
ship printii.g press for the use of those uudoryour
com mat d.
The New York city newspapers Hnpjillcd llsti
Of the 1'iesirleniial Uleciors and of the Uit'ieriii
lrial candidates of both parties, and from tho-io
have been curcfully printed, and l)v your ordjr
forwarded to cah vessel of the squadron iueq i il
propoition, the ballots of each of the groat pjli'.i
Cdl orKauziitions, c. &e.
(Mgncd) R. Townsbno,
Cointnanil -r U. St. N..
ConinnndinR 7lh IjisIi i.-t, Miss. S juadron.
li asitntti-n it pub.icrint N'ae. 3.
Aili rfss of ( W.tltir'dirn to Hie
t'rlellil4 t I, lie S.-iiHtot- Kitll'il tH
Fci.Luw-UinxiiNa: Tli-e of us who enj ived
the intimate personal aequuin nnceof our departed
hadtr will lar nthiibiastic tesrinony to his
lnleiifcc, unealculniing ilcvotiou to the I nio i.
Throughout the inemorn'ilo win er of isw-oi he
exhausted the rc. ourcisof c nciliat on and of
stntesnmnship in r.culous, unscliish ellints t oavort
tiie calauiiiy of civil war, because he fcaied such
war, if InnuKura'id by the Fodi-ril authority,
would prove the. grave of tue Union.
Hut when ecesion and reliillioa culinin itod
1tj a wai.ton at'nek on the national lla an 1 its
hemic defenders, the great champion of p ip ilar
tovercicnty threw his whole heart into the stnii
ftle for onr national Integrity, and brvatued out
his soul in invocations to his countrymen ti
"riph' till the lust armed fiat expires," lu detense
of thut sacred and precious heritage bequeathe!
to us by our revolutionary auots ors.
In the i-pirit of that lavoca.iou, I, o ic of tho
linmbiest but moot dcvolcd of your nuiuhcr, wiio
from the hour the lir-t It. he I gnu was tired at
Suintcr, have licen a War Democrat, and u ilhing
Che eiititut you to r, ad ( trefully and thotijht
lully the rival platforms of the 1! iltmurc 'and
, Chicago Conventions, resnectivoly, an I d.vide
v. Inch of them most near y euihod'es the senti
ment and is imbued with ihc spirit of your de
ceased chlcf.aud give your i ll' oris and your v.itci
to ti e cause which the hunt of Douglas must
bonorarni bless.
In a crisis like this, party names, organU itlons,
oftil'utii iip, ure nnihtug. Thu saivaiion of the
llcpublic is everything. Let no ono who over
td nnd honored our great statesman ho Justly
rtproacbed with lack of can age or of iclf-sacri-fice
lu this hour of the nation's supreme t''ial.
For myself, I can read the Chicago platform no
otherwise than as a white II ig of surrender to thu
Kebels as a confession of defeat by the nation
in its struggle to vindicate its just authority and
maintain its territorial integrity! Aud haitii;
vainly waited long enough iu the hops u
see that platform icpndiuted and sut aside by
the supporters ot tho Chicago Candidate.
I hereby entreat you to unite with tuo in op.
posing to thu death everything that looks liko
trucking to tiaitors everything that can be re
ceived with exultation by the conspirators who
broke up the Demociatic party nnd defeated it
national ctinditiutcs simply to create a pretext fo '
rebellion nnd disunion. 1 shall cast my vote for
the unconditional Union ciimliiiiitcs throughout,
and entreat nil v.ho are proud of their past asso
ciation and sympathy with Stepht u A. Douglas
to do likewise.
Yours, in the filth aud hope of the true Demo
cracy, UlKAM VfALHIlIIiUK.
New Y'ork, November 2, lbol.
--cic ) urk Timvt vf (O'day.
A Yorkshire llrrtnlt.
In the East Hiding of Yorkshire there dwells a
nan of property, who, from some cause or other,
is In a degree emulating the character Immortal
ized by Sickens iu one of his Christmas numbers
Of All tht Year Hound. He live in a large Old
mansion, into which no feet are allowed to cn
croucli. Ilia food is left for him iu a shed ; and
last year's crops are out in the tields yet ; the
buy rotting in cocks, uncut ; uud the rye grass
standing in one field about slK feet iu Leight.-
ficttcattit (Eng ) Chronu W.
Here is a fine bull produced by tho ltuk)end
mice in a burst of tine writing : "A hundred
thousand hearts were beating as they witnessed
the ascent of Nadar: a hundred thousand eyes
were watchlDg tha movements of the balloon"-.
, tkus showing that each possessor of a heart was
en her shutting one eye or hud but one eye
tubular JJclyiaa race.
News from the South.
Scarcity of Clothing in tho
Rebel Army.
Tho Expoctcd Attack Upon
Ffc-i thf ri H9nd A.'ffi'iirwe, V.ew,Vr I.
The (southern papers bring us very little of tho
movi ments and operations of Hood's arm v. This
may be accounted for from tho fact that his army
is constantly on the movo. and there Is very little
opportunity, for this reason, of communicating
wiih the press. Krnm the account wo get it
se mi to be a settled fact that (ieneral 11 io .l broke
up his camp at U.ulsdcn, A'ahaiin, on the 2.M,
tnovid northward in the direction of (.ant T's
Ijitiiling, on the Tennessee, and Is now, lu all
probability. In Middle Tennessee. The events of
the next few days will bo looked for w.tu in. cr
est. It is reported th it Forrest has bwn ordered
forward to attack llrl liteport. A Correspondent
of the Montgomery Jkf 7, writiug from Ci ii.s leu,
Alabama, says:
The army has moved. The tronpi are gone.
The last train lias disappeared, and the 1-tst
soldier das taken hi farewell peep ol the soutii
tide of the Coosa.
tin Friday, October 21, .Stewart's Corps nrirchc.l
out in the van. It was followed by Lee, or ra'ln r
Hick Taylor, who occupies the centre, ami to d iv,
lit dawn, the delithtcd l'ennsee.ini, ntidcr
Clirnthiim, crossed the river .Ion' an, or C io,i.
1 he transportation quickly billowed, an 1 nt n ton
the pontoon was taken up un l also hurried for
ward alter the troops
What docs It mean ? It has but one sinillea'i in;
thnt is "lorward." (ieneral Cheatham w h q,i e
unwell when he mounted to follow Ins corps.
"Hut," said he, "we are Koiug home now, a id I'll
strap myself to my saddle before they shill Icavo
luc behind."
(ienenil Bcnurcgird is with 'ictwral UdI.
Kvery general otll er is a' li i -i post, and tho spirit
uml morale of the men are unbonnled.
We shall cross the Tennceo rieer, as is g'ne
rallv believed, near Ountcrsvillc, about Sun lav,
October 2.1, or the next day. I'nc weather is deli
cious nnd the roads good. The days nn; jus' cj !
enough to mako a tramp of thirty miles a health
ful exercise, and the nights not too cool lor sound
nnd happy slumbers by grca'. lo,; lieips.
Tho Itelicl A run ltilllv Morriiliing
fsearcKy or Mi ops hikI lllnukct.i.
Corrf'potntt iff of the Xavunnah K hi'lii nn.
Ili.rn Mor.NTAlN, Alabauni, October 22, IS'Il.
It is the prevailing opinion hem that Mo-uai's
20ih Corps of Yankee soldiers still o cupy
Atlanta, and only that one; but some prisoners
captured recently, and brought in vest rliv,
nlllrm that theio are llucc corps yet there. t jt
were not for "Sherman's Mi.teri r namliors th ire
would be no risk In pnt'ini.' every contidoncc in
General Hood's suei ess. There arc some who d j
not doubt it even now , while tiie disparity iunuiu
bcifl is thought to be so great.
An ofllccr yesterday told mo that this difL-renco
was daily growing less. Men were making their
appearance In tho ranks igain, with gun and ku ip
lai k, who h d not been heard from bef.irn in
months, lying in hospit In mid out of tho w iv.
'Ihe cavalry forces which WiieVer
carried Into Middle Teiine-see with him, some of
which became pictty thormighlv sca.t .red, are
being gathered together ngiin under their old
(Ieneral llenurceanrs heailqnarters h.ivo been
changed from Jacksonville to Oadseen.
It is to be regretted that General Hood's army
is so bud y piovided with blankets an 1 sh ies in
this extraordinary movement. Whole regiments
nio barefooted, while blankets with any ot the
mi n is rather the excep'ion than the ritlo. And
theie ure sonic reginn uts who have not been paid
in tiltccn n.ouihs! Of cuurso, then, the m mi h no
liotlung in the way of mom y with which to pur
chase clothing for tlicuielves. There a mauv
I uuilicils ol nieu iu c imp at Hluo Mount tin for
the want ol proper outihs. They ar.s fil l of en
thusiasm, and anxious to j nn tho advancing
Htiny, but are kept back bv the cum) indicated.
The wind Is already cold and chilling in theso
mountains, and, unlesi iho country proiuatly
iorw.nls these suppiiis, or General Hood goes
into Tennc-sec and K ntiicky and captures t iem,
them will he great suffering among bis troops.
Hut there can be n excuse for tho O-ivern-ii.
i M in not paying oli the men. The olll eis and
men on po-t duty, the duunl-d m -n at homo, tho
cnntructorH, the quaitcrm ist- r, in foot, every
body except the imor soldiiri iu the ranks tiro
promptly paid. It in enough to aronio the In
dignation of tho whole country, lint there is not,
a murmur among theso heroes. They press t'or
wurdto dunger and to Idieriy hatless, coa.less,
bioitless, moneyless, ready to e.odiiio ail and
to brave all tor the :kcof their country's iuJe
p. niieiue.
A corr. spondent wi Iu s from Jacksonville, Al.i.,
under date ol the 2t) h :
S.ucc my las'. n pan has b;on llrcd
the news of which b is bjen rc;eivej here.
Therefore 1 may truthfully say "all quiet aloag
ihe Coosa."
I am p ad to sec buy.? quantities of shoes an 1
clothing coming up. I'm. re is stiil a large brigade
of men detained here, however, for the want of
shois. Generals lb aim g .rd aud Hood tiro stir
ring tip the q art-musters aOoii this ma'.t r. an 1
I hope it will n t bo I nig before no man will be
detail ed from li s colors by this cause
sVem-ral llnwtll l ol.i in f lin K -cvul tin
Itiihiiifiih A ii'iil lr ll.ii .JoorliftiiH.
The St.ulfirm ft .eiV wy, p iblihcdat Maojt),
In lis tvi ning edition of the 21 !, savs :
We published in th:s iiiorniug's edition a manly,
thrilling appeal trotn G, i.eral Howell Cobb to the
ei p c of ihe Stute of (Jco-ia. L-.titccho from
the liiounta n- in H o sett shore, and from tin
ei-ftcrn to the western limits of the Kmpirc Bta'o
nt sner l ack the lui'tle cry. (ioorglans, rally
pa tme man nnd end the war. Ho savs lo-ik t
A ir: Il ia, that goo i old .State, torn aud bleeding
nt every pore; her ciii. us murdered iu coll
b o- u, her lieli's laid waa'e, dor rich vail y given
up to the II. mes, by order of the commander-iu-cl
li ft f the Yankee aim-. Bichersns unrob
ing by th.U'ai.ds to defend Ue.hniond aud
I', torsluii g. Kee her people sutli rinir for two Ion;?,
blm oy jeurs on 'la it rations, and now tin eu ened
with Iniiiiiifl. Yet they ure more resolved an I
lt li r in iii d this day than ever iieforo lo porish or
be free. He states that though Virginia did not
si ci dc until Lincoln called upon her f.r muu t i
force buck Georgia uud her seceding sisters into
the Union, she Indignantly spurned tho o til, and
wore lo defend tin iu to the, and "a uo'jlo it has been."
llilir ol tt..eit,.i, .Uaeov, lit , Ovtobrfr IS'll. I'lia
iih a, ii.eiitt new IhIiin nittee I., re lie-ia evt-ry jianl'in of
41, n-, m lo m tin- (iri-upittl'-n ai cli- eiiiiuy will t aitoui 4
v kill hiicM-ns t Imt own pe..He will dn llnilriluly, 'I an
liens I Mini Liltti'iil ilinetiNro ot IIiIh duty rv "very tuaa
wlia owe. hi-rvaic lo ills eininlrr, nlune it iKS-e.ssry lo
uceeli piOtl till' ri lllll. lo etleet lllit rtiUll ml OBec Is 1 IjO
uIji-s-I i I lhl eiretilar.
All i iln er. l, Ii.iii.ipi to this eomtnsnd, e.piiclaltv nnrall
iiik' elltci-rL. are ucicd lo u.s reiiiiwed i-il.ats iq
i I" Ten it nil ortrn lnr tlitt return of alii-iu-e t- t'.cir
1 iis'1'' nh wt:" senoinir lorwanl tluisu who lisve iu
far sjyasl er reiuiieo lo njpjirt. Tlit-.e oltleern em uiahlt-J.
that r ... ruimt tic to It that every mail In lb lr rtetpc.-tivo
eeiitities ur dmtnels, iilio I..-1uiikn lullio lioaf. ilurste ar.ay,
mlh, r ol the In-Ill rr me resi-i ve, ie mu te lo rvu.t at oneo
to he. pi oi tr comma). J : and iu i-ese ol tiie ue-n bel'MiKinK
t -ll.e i.i.laia, ll.ey w.ll ivport lu ih-'o head nisru r the
1...11.1- ol uli sacli It uml mi h-iiae v- aliout pna-er autlieray.
It Is Iln- tlxid paii,i-eer tali (,V,titc lerale an J St tie
sail rlla u tl at ll.e men who eun sei-vu in l.On
' I II 'injur (tare stiitll do it, and lie I tl.,rt v,itl .. upaied .v
llilar lo elte, t tat lesult. -Sot only limitwri hat lo evwr'v
Siod tlnuii Ib Iho Acpout niH.te to lirlai; ialo the service
evi r lua-i slit to do duty lu the He'd.
A lew wio, ol tit Uli tul" -.sia ieo liy i.-fry man in (ln-.da
ahli-mid babli-to do It, Would drive the ln.l ent-iny I'roia
o. r soil, aii.lridtht Htate loruver ot ttietr Imtetiilpieifaeo.
U'C-siun! Ihe i ei-tinv ol your Htate IB in yoir lisad.
N-w Is ll.e liaie lo slrlke'llie blow ; ai.d If tlis t I'einy it not
Uiiviu lr ni vuiir toil It wilt he your unit, uot lliolra.
hj 1.1.1. COI. 11, Majir-lleuvlal ( voiuiaudlui,', to.
InilMirlunt Sews from tUf TrniiH-ltiHaia.
Mlil ltf-iKrliiifn( I'litt Splnnillit SJeu-rrol-lilp
ol hiuliu to I.IUrKI lbl'Ul
eevtrj. from iKi lluhiitond Enquirir.OctuLtrV.
Mr. Wsgner, Govenunent messenger, has Just
arrived from tshreveport, with the most import
ant despatches ever brought from the Trans-Mississippi.
Although we can give no particulars of what Is
passing on the western bank of the Mississippi,
says the Mobile Ketjiiter, still we are at liberty lo
assert thut the news is ol the most eucouraglug
and important nature.
Wo are pleased to learn that the movements in
the Trans-Mississippi ure curried on with strict
secresy, the despatches all being in cipher, and
the "powers that be" at silent us the current of
the mighty stream that divides that devoted por
tion of the Confederacy from their Jia.tero
Shelby Is near the Arkansas line, capturing
forts and destroying Stoole'i rcinforcciucuU and
Magrudcr is in Arkans i, operating in the most
v.gon ns manner, nnd, with his ns-nil
Tchcmeiifv (and he is one ol th sq barking dogs
that I In ), tin t Meele Hu I he cannot live long ,n
th-' tame route.
It is a pity thtsmemorab'e n ovem n' c ml I not
have bejiun i0 an r ; b it tha' is owin ; to 'he di ti
cu'ly ol transportation, iic, ami woeinnot cjin
plnln. I ct noonebe snrpr sc 1 if thoTrins Vslssipii,
umhr the spli ndid cenera'snip of Klr ir Sinitti,
el ould yet act the most slitn U p ut In tho ll'ier i
tion of our glorious country.
Tins t xi ! Iltliirk l'on tVltiiilnKtini.
Cyrrt..f i'i.ffi n-r af the M hmnnl Il ii'iVA.
WlLMISOloN, N. C, OeiOVr 2 i. Itet ir-l I
cm. , rs, it i- isi il. rep ti a lirc tl.-t t t 'i-t .
in llaiiqiton Koads for the avo-ved pur,o-e of
getting coinnnind of Wilmington harbor; bai il Is
dilllcult to conjeeiuro wh il they hop.- to ace i m
plish without ihe aid of a land force, I'lieu iiic
question aris. s, fr.itri win nee em this lor e V
iilitaini d ? It would seem, by his r. p. it - I ill
for more tro n s, that Grant w u!d not li- III. y
to spare any ol Ins veterans ; Sn-ri-lio b is all he
can alo ud to m the v.nlev ; Saerm in seems to 'w
S'dlictently iinm-cd lu North Guorgii; an I the
Yniikeetoico-.itithc West ,,re quite mole pi i-e o
lake care ol I'm c.
'I here rniiain the recruits, It is true; but they
can scarcely be made dice ive fortius u'tiea,
even ii Kirragut li-iul.l hive ih- tcun-rity to
make the attempt. Current report, Ipi v vis-,
points out this place. a the destin it ion of the lr i i
i lad Meet now as.umblir.g ; and until it c in b t
di lini ely deli rminid, we must nuke pr -iin-tiens
to nn i t it.
The position of the Cape Fear d 'feus.-i rcu I r
tie m strong aain-t nil :uta-4 by si-i, oatu
elm liy to their proximity to the channel ihro-ti; i
w hich ve-cls llill't pa-s u eu'er 111'! m jlitU of I'l l
river. It is about Hi ir . v unit I'r en in t.ivn.,t'
Wilmliigtnn to the sei, the rtv. r navi : I'lhi tor
large steamer-, running through a level, in ir-dir
loiintry, wed woodel on cither shore. Sun:
l ight milrs below the t wa is tijej lirst ti ir, an I
beiontl th s the stream is clear and d -e i. u r I
the "Rip" is re iched. A long, lii'v, narro v i-l a.i I
stietchea directly across tho m-'utb of the liv r,
leaving only two narrow inlo'.s at ei lior eti.l for
tin- waters to join each other.
These are here ilea. ununited F. is'ern and
We.lern bar, orOld anil New inl. t. It t ire tic
war the Western bir was ulono used by ve--. cl
ot any sir.e, and t'ie United Sta-es J ivern nent
m aile an eliort I ) rlo-e tho Now lab-; iitncly, la
order to lorec A larger viilnnie of oer ilir'nigti
the other, to it deep-r and cip.ihbioi
t -kii govcr the bar vessels of giea ei si, mud
Many years w is this work on kin I, and in my
thousaiiils w ore spent in hanaug s-iiu -s to tiirn.v
into the channel, not one of a-iiieii U is ever been
heard ot siuee. It w is a til i ' ta-k. Tun chan
nel deepened, if anyming, nnd tin- pr.'ji-et wis
abatuluiicil. rui- inlet s nu eoasid--re l Hi
belter of the two bv blockade-runners, ultlloaga
a inaioiiiy of steamers goin,' to N i-s iu go out
the Westi ru bar.
Along the whole extent of the North Car din.i
coast, tiie bav s, in'O's, and harbors ii-e c mtan' Iv
changing, the sands sinning I o n place io pi ice,
tillii g npun entrance here and deepening an itlier
tin re. Ai ove llatteras sa-b there is u it an Inlet
at ihe present time at nil navigable, while no
longer than twen'y y ir. ag i there were three or
four At tins place there Is the same change con
stantly going on 'he channel moving all ml. from
place to place, and tho "Kip" Idling in or deep
ening astonishing rupiditv.
At tiie l'.asteru bar the cuatinel runs within fifty
or sixty yards of the shore, ami close un icr ihc
guns ol Fort Fi-lu r and Fort Lon'i, while at tee
Western bar Fort Caswell mi aid , il equally wt il.
liesides these main defenses tire several minor
but. ties strung along the beach, located ut poin
that, to an engineer's eye, seem :d to bear mod
upon the track of vessels corning into the river.
1 hire is also close by Fort Fisiier, and on a point
of land iK tweeti the "Kip" and the bar, a Ur"
caithwork or mound, erected by Co! mot Li.iu
(commander of the forts), which mounts soiuo
power In I guns.
For several months past this his btien atiirr.v.
to the II. ot outs ale, tin I has very properly kept
Ihem at a rcsp. ctful distance. Taeso guas hive
a plunging tire upon tho channel from the "Kqi"
to the bar and beyond -, so it will he extremely
dilllcult for even an iron-clad to enter the harbor
in til theso guns are silenced. Bearing upon the
"Kip" nro several recently constructed works,
mounting very ellcctitc ordnance.
Vpon tho eastern "Kip," uml a'most Im-no-iliately
iu the mid. lie of tue channel, is th t wie k
of ihe iron-cbid liuleijh, winch was lost by a
suilili n change iu tlu moving sandy hj'to'u; lor
it was proven she was'n the ex iet line pn-i j the
evening previous in safety. Hy this it wid bes.-en
the channel Is dilllcult, t veil with skilful pilo's;
tl at it is easiiy ilefcu-ible, ami that tin propjr
d. Peiiscs have I ceil erected. These seem quite
i!ciiii te, and I am fully of opinion, alio to
rcHi-t any licet the enemy can now brine; ag iiii-t
lint an at'uck by water may not bo cxpeeui l
alone; for Hie tic -twill nnd Miln dly e i-op.-r i e
with some kind of land force; and wa a'o
to look to the land side of th t works. II re, too,
1 believe, proper provision has been mi le. If
the plan bo to land men at Lock wo id's Foily to
opimto against Cic-well, and at Mtsiniiiro
Koiuid uitaiusl Fort Fisher, then wo must
lo our lund force to meet mom. Of O noral
Whiting's foice 1 know nothing, and wouljsay
nothing il 1 did; but entire cjulidenco is here
leit iu his ability lo hold thu pjsitiju, and I
believe he wiil do it.
There is no man nndersLinds the ground bo'
tr;for, us a lieutenant of tho United Stiles
army, he bus ntrviycd i' over ami over. And
besides, he is defending his own ho no and his
own pioplc. Willi a proper force 8' cuiuiii in I,
I have no foils of Uio result; it will l.lp--i
intosiigc and bomhardincnt of the lorts, ai at
Charleston, nntil the rough wiutur weither
drives the iiu-.cawonhy iron monitors iiuosnuo
sater haven.
Gaieral lUagg U here; but whether on a lour
of Inspection or to take temp irary eo'iiinan 1 1
have not heard. F'or two or throo diyshoti is
been visiting the various di fen-e w th General
Whuing, anil I hebeve is satisli- d with the I it'iir's
enginei ring skill. It is uutlersto id G. moral IJr.igg
will lemiiiu hero until the tiirlit Is over.
A block of marble, wrought in Italy for t'nY
South Carolina S'alo House, now sunn amis the
firemen's monument in Chicago CeiiK-t-ry, hav
ing been confiscated iu trying to runtho block id)
to its or git ul destination.
Iit cently Moseby hus been seen and convened
with by persons of Fairfax county. It Is said
that since he resumed command of hi- butt a ion
he bus been seriously wounded in tho foot, ci itc-d
by his horse falling ujioii him. He wears a slip
per, and walks with a cane, and evidences by Ins
lintnnir that the wound, If not dangerous, is very
painful. It is said that this accident occurred 1 1
hi in tcvornl duys ugo. A novel
Miiyor Alexander, of Sprlngtlold, M iss., has
made a wager with a Oemoerat of that city, that
in tho event of McClellan's e'ottlon, and withiu
fifteen days thereafter, tho Mayor is to give the
McClcUnnito a wheelbarrow ride a disunite of
two miles, between the hours of 1 aud r o'elack
iu the afternoon.
A letter from Sin Francisco thus in ntiois
the Ludy Equostritinism at tho Hois.! l'atr:
"Fifteen young ladies coutonded for tho prizes
for equestrianism, aud I believe fourteen wore
awurded -, the lifierulh, not b.lDg pretty, could
not expect any. The most graceful und really
best horsewoman on the ground received the
snouJ princ, whi reus slio ought to have received
the first ; but she was not quite as pretty us oue
other, and consequently came iu lor the second
although Ike fust in tho nice. .She rode the
pacing horse 1'uritlc around tho course in 2-3S
and Square, an untl-ilyspei tic troller, iu 21 j. I
think her name is Olmsted, formerly of Chi
cago." The socoud officer In command of a bund of
Kentucky guerillas is a woman named Stto Mou
day. She dresses in male uttire, generally spot t
ing a full Confederate uniform. Vpon her head
she wears a jaunty plumed hut, beneath which
escapes a wealth of dark brown hair, falling
around and down her shoulders In luxuriant
curls. She Is possessed of a comely form, hus a
dark, piercing eye, is bold rider, and a during
leader. Trior to connecting herself with a gang
of outlaws, she was associated with the bond
commanded by the notorious scoundrel Captain
Alexander, who met bin doom a tragic death
a short time ago In Southern Kentucky, Lieu
tenant Flowers, or 6uo Monday, U a practical
robber; and many ladles, who have beeu so
unfortunate at to meet her on the highway, can
testify with what tang froid she yreseute a pistol
and commands "stand and deliver." Her name is
becoming widely known, and to the ladies it Is
always sassuclakd with, horror.
Ocn. Rosccrnns to bo Assigned
to a Command.
Nprrtnl lo Tlio lai uitis Tele r.lptl.
vVshinoton, November 4. To-day's ''hi w-
publishes the following as an editorial, t'ms
endorsing It scmi-oftlivully :
'The St. Louis 'mou of Saturday last states
Ihat It was currency reported iu that city tho
day bcli'te, that (ieneral Uoc raus has been
ordered to report to Washington, to lie assigned
to ix command in the Army of tho rotomie.
(ieneral l'leaionton will, of course, succeed him
until some other coinin mder Is appointed. Gene
ral Bunl s was mentioned In wcll-itiforuie 1 circles
a.s ihe future cotnnia nler of tho Detriment."
Iiloro Destruction of Shipping.
Ni;v Y'ohk, November 4. Too bir po .l"j;i
(Abraham?) l.itico!n, of llarpswcll, Clptaln
liibber, bom V inland, for Cu'u, put lino tliis
port th s mori.iiii;, with the captains crew-of
ll.e ship ,s7i.i.''oiy .Sdir, from Nov York for
I'anan.'i ; uud tbebii quos .lie.4 J Vee, fro.ti
ll.u. (' ir for Montevideo, mi l .'m iii .. ffi.'f.fron
Cardenas for New Y ork ; all of which, vs. ml s w ro
burn, d by ttio oil .tc '' .i, 1 1 n n .i, I. i 'iiteu
W ilkinson, which left Wilmington, N. C, on
October 27.
Tho Murk I.. I'ottrr was tmrn "d on Oc'o'ier
31, and tho ship ,Sin'ij ,S7iic ant the bar. in
l.miiia Hull on tin -list, in l.i'Uj lo J.) d tgrccs 2 1
iiiii.u'.es, long tud" 70 degrees.
'Ihe barque I .',ni I. in was cipinvd by
the pirate ('lirtrawaujit, and hondc I for ?? IS.n ' J ;
and sixty persons, lucl idiiig the ci.italm of tho
barqute Emma I,. Hull, Mfirk I.. I'n'tn; a id
ship siimtitiit Star. Captain Driukwator rci irts
the new pirate as screw steamer, painted pel
grein, fore und-aft-schooner rigged, m ists sin
ro topmasts, and two smoke. stacks. She cirri. -s
Ihtcc guns, nnd n crew of one hundred and il.'ty
men. Sho inn out of Wilmington, N. C., on tho
ui,;ht ol thu ViVili ult., with two other steamers.
I'olKicnl tteifiuruls-llarvlaiKl will Vole
m lor Mr. I.tiirulit.
Sj ei.'-i tl.- Tht Breniuj 7't7r.Tfl.
ll.M i i Mom:, November 4. The judges of olcc
ti n lute have agreed to put the oa'h of al
ii gium o to all voters, without distinction, at the
iippiouehing election, untl reserve the right, also,
of reiusiiig tho votes of alt persons wb nn they
!uve icason to know are in symp dhy with Iho
Southern Kebels. This tho la enables then to
do. Governor Uradfoid has issued a profa na
tion, giving his opinion that the now Cotistiiu
tionul .onth mils' be adtninl-tcro 1 to all.
Tic Co pcilii'iuls, McClellanites, Secessionists,
end otl cr elements of the Democratic p irty lield
a n.n-8 ineeling at Keehlbite Hall lil t night,
wiih h was iuiily attended. They hold another
mict tig to night at the M.rylaul las itutc.
The L'nton puny here is vigilant day and night.
Mr. Lincoln will cany Maryland by a large
I'rniti llie Ari.i.v !' ihe I'utiHiiar.
Wakiiino lost, November 1. A note fr m the
Army of the Pi Mmae, dated yesterd w, s is tho
si ueiionof nil urs remains uue'.iangjil, and the
nun are uiaking themselves comfort. rile by
building ion hoti-cs,
A bcM're ra n storm set in ycs'er lay in or iing,
and Mill continues, making traveling .. v:hiu;r
but pUasaut.
Itebi 1 KhIiI on lli l.o.ilsvlllc ntitl Vusdi
vlllx Knllr.fH t.
Loiisiil.i.K, November 3. The Journal sijs a
gang of guerillas m ule tin a'.t ick on the Lint
vil e and Nashville railroad yesterday, s'ri'vinj
it nt Cave C.ty. Several negro soldiers wire
captured and killed. Tho scoundrels, after iho
perpetration of this outrage, rotroatod fro.a tue
road in great basto.
Iiiiriftoiinieikt nf GMierul HlnnnrifliiUe
Hllll VitOitl.
S r. Lol ls, November 4. M ijor-General M ir
ma.iuke, flrigadier-General Cabol.aud four Rebel
colonels, captured by General P.eusontoti at Ihc
buttle of O.-uge, left hero jestcrJay for Johnson's
Fiom six to tight inches of snow fell hero yes
slarUeia by 'llrrrnit.
Ni w- Y'oiik, N iveiiilKT 4. Flour has declined
P re' It ..fon S' Mils ' I .'.'.Olll lor Sll ue SIU'i
UVi '.'.'i f-.r ill. ,,unl $'n HVft l.'i lor suu'ji'iru. W.ieU liae
itee.l' ert l-.iat ei-n's ; l. uiiitnp -rtiia. I'orn rlnai-.i
ol II fitehuOirt. er Si iii',. Ilsettlrtn. fork heavy . s ,los
rf lion hois, el e-ll"-'..i,ll-liu lor Mens, l.eru s.ealj.
WI ) .lull.
Um iimoiik, November 4 Flour quiet bnt
lb in ; Wi-.o-i.i i'tra. il l 'i'i. IV li.'t netive ; sale o' I " :Hi
In. Mi. ' 1 ..I t OS i I. ...,,' I'.riiilnll a-. -I .Jl i.l'.l.
i .r us Mll.e. 1' sin 1 1 Atlii iii...ui.iul ut Sy.te,
W'hel.j dull a: d'.'il'
Mr. I.. 1. Iiarrou, iho a tir, and a young
actress, La l'etito Alii e, wi nt on a hand-car by
n it; t from Richmond, Indiana, a distance of
forty-five uiln-s.
Miss Mary Provost, the nctre, was lately
robbed ol .fJlS'iO during n supper sho had givon t
some friends at her hotel in St. Louis. She after
wards recovered the money.
K. li. M. Ho kcr, tho correspondent of th
Indiana Stute Juurnal. h is come to grief d iwn In
Sherman's d. par'Uieut. He has beeu uirested
by orderof General Sherman, n id is now engaged
in sweeping tho streets oi Cu utatiooga. His par
ticular elLn-o is not known.
A company orgini.ed for the purpose of
building roll's Type Setting Machines have
nearly completed a machine for tho Manchester
(Eng.) Ouarilian. This machine Is run by steam,
and both sets type and distributes at the same
Tho proprietors of tho Hartford Courant,
which was one hundred years old October 29, ou
that duy issued aac jwiVcortho first or specimen
number, dated October 2D, 1701. It is a little
larger than a sheet of foolscap paper, aud is quile
a curiosity.
A wife iu Sua Fiancisco lately put a potitlon
for divorce in tbo court on the ground that her
husband was a "confounded foal." The court
vouldu't admit the pica, because almost every
parried man would be liable to the sumo imputa
tion. Did you ever!
General Custer, who has so distinguished
himself in the battles won by General Sheridan,
and who bus been made a Major-Uenernl, Is but
twenty-four years old. He's "one of the boys,"
and bis muthcr must be proud of bun, like that
other mother of his, bis country.
A remarkable story comes from Vlteolo,
Iuily, aliout the lute Cardinal bedina. It appears
that bis body lay in state in a church there, en
closed in a triple oollln, when suddenly an ex
plosion was beard as if from his coilin, and the
corpse was lorcibly ejected, the bior aud the
lighted caniUos uround il wore overturned. The
few people in the church fled in dismay. The
police attributed the atlair to tha explosion of a
bomb which bud been placed under the coffln,
aad immediately arrested evcral citizeua sus
pected of libcrailsm.
cm mmijaENOE.
Pun: or Tin r mom r.t su To tat. Six A. M ,
5 14. Noon, Jo. One T. M , 61. Wind, W. S. W.
Tiik Kit, unci ok Jam km CAvpiiri.t
C'oRONKii' Ikvchtkiation. The liiviKitiaatioa in
tlio cuo nt Jams i amviiki.i., who was killed on
1s t snlun'ev iiilit, in front nt the Commonwealth
rtaiMtnit, during the pautra 01 the Kemocrano pro
cession, was continued yestonlav afternoon, by Co
roner lAvi.oa. at tho t eiilrnl Police StadoB.
The ilr.t win c-s rx inline. I was Kati 1. mi Win
ner evidence was ns 1,,'lnwM I re-Mo at No. 112
Poplar Mrs el s I was on stiwl, above Until,
cu last S-atiirilae 11 arhl ; il was about half past 1 lev. n
'clock; the tlntm banco ronimeneed about tlio tt'110
tbe Meventeentli and K. elite.. nth Ward llelnratious
were pis-111 ; I saw a nein ilrc seil In the Uniterm of
a soldi r: had a rap 011, and hid nn Ms breast a
Mi Cle inn I silnr ; this 11. sn had a lantern, wld -li hn
threw in., lc, ami pulled soiiictliiinr out 01 Ins pocket ;
this he threw at (lie old n uu, wtiich struck turn and
knoeketl him down. ( oi.i-MAN, No. Ill I "nates Cvot. e vorn
I taw ilistm I. auce on I liesuut street ah ivc Sixl II j
tin re wen- several tilth s at tint pi n o iliironr the
eveniiit?, but the principal nun wan the tUlit ivli.ui
the old limn naskilleil; Iheolil gentleinali was slaud
inv a short (il.lsl.r. nbmetliel iiiniii .liweilth lluil.l
111 ei ho was sliuek bv a iiorsoii in thu proe kmimi,
who wan iliifneil in uniioriii; I Hunk he lolon.'oj to
the Seventeenth Ward ileleirnt nn.
Matiik Iowk, No. H'i 1 oales street, .worn I
wa- 011 I hem. ut riltvet above sixth, ilnnii the dis
tnrl nine m Hint place j I witiieseeJ a man ilre . ,l 111
liielirm; tie ranie out nf the procession uu. I throw
siiiiiethoi wlueh appoai ml like a blacsjack, aud
w lileli ii-l ed t!i.. n'll raau to tlio ur.iiiu 1.
Ijiut. limit KuwAiio la.i.iorT. am IMnif
at .so. uili l'u.o street ; I iliU not nee III1 o'tl 11111.1
stiiiek; I saw an individual who was str.iek witfi a
t boltle; a liu tuber of tll.inrt in the bill nt tho
piece n.ri were eneaeial 111 the libt. and used their
lutilemn and other ims-i ,-ti ireo v.
I I'sou Kon-rriu, No. ft liravson pltiro, sworn I
witliesneil the ri nturbance ou t hem ul ntreet; I siw
the otil nent omanetrtiok. j I w an ntnlidlllir notrtho
ileiekM il, anil the mi-silo which nlruoi linn Hew bv
ley I; Ihe hev enti eiilh Ward ilelf.eilioii was
piioiiie nt tie- lime; the aa-sile as thr wu bv s
nee 111 l'. 11- Ion. ol lao priu'esion, as it c.l'tio 1ro.11
licit 1111-ct-.mi ; I ntiw a minihei- ot men c.nne from
tue pun ni mtil niik M ve.ul .reii.lein.-n on tlio
sieeiMilk. it wa.. einut eia'ivelv qu et ill tiiat qaarier
l.ntn tla- S -vei.teenili v anl ciiine a oliir
I ove. it, vims, No. t:a Wood sworn -I)a-ri.uilie
iiiKiiirhnnco on Hatiirda 111 -hi I w is at
rSiMh nml ( h mitt: ntrcs-tn; I saw tlio n il mm nib r
hi-li'ille 11 sirilrk; ihe II lit was g.ui ' al at lint
p nee ; I itiil u t s. e hiiv 11, il ee ottieer anv one.
r iimim-.Ii a Iv. svll'..u. No. 7'4 llnyln ntisv-l I
V IIS slal til ti ir 'II liont ol ItnwilM's F.KIli-osn olll,-., on
Sniin.lav 111,'lit; tliu old entl.. 1111:1 won sir.le'K by a
lltiit.ail tlinilili I.) sonic periaill boloua-ill' lo the
Si vci'leen'h Ward .l",ei,.itioa ; 1 wai si indlil . e'o se
lo h mat iho lima; I Iio!h I to carry him down into
nn eat 1 lie ie. ur; be was .sti nek hack 01 tiie e ir; ta.uo
w nn a voiiiil-holy : truck nt tho time; 1 did nut see
nn ei the poheo ton" strike, hut a number ot tucm
Ui :e ftruck hv riotous baliviiln-a n.
Isaac lit rr, W. comer I bird and f.nrs
stieets, sworn 1 saw the old jrout Ionian alter b hsil
been struekj 1 Old not seo tho s nkill; tlio liif it
v a ' eem ru'. nnd iiiissiles were tlvin-j iu over ill
n rliiin : I wnn struck on Hi -bold with a pieee ol a
clul 1 1 did not sec any ol tint poheo uirco strike.
.li ns (iltAilAM, ic-i,liiii; 111 Cherry ntreel. above
N nib, nworu - i was on Ihe south sido 01 t'liesuut
slie-1. above Sixth, on hmi. Sntiinlav lusdit ; 1 ho o rt
I'i nth itnin was ou tiie north si.lo ot tlio street; I
siiw n rinbtnrv man ntut it police otbeer ntuiuliinr
near blm; 1 was parading 111 Iho early part ot tho
fvciihiir with the .MiiiiiId ,Vieii 1 nuw nolieo ollioers
tr H'st to iiuell tlio ilisttirhauco, but did not steunv
o tl.eui ilelila-iuto y strike uuv 01 those oneavrod in
the not; I do! not see any ono str.ko the old man.
l'ATIlll'K IlllAIIY.t No. 63) Aid srrts't, sworn I
did not soo the o d geittlemnii ntriiek; b it I did see
a police otl'cor stnko un uid yiililat oil the noiph elrtn
l ibv street; this man was taken away by two oili
er is.
ill. raiiACLition, Kvvorii On Suiulav last I made a
pon uiorteui -xaui'iiulioti iiiion tkio boil v 01 an old
men nt tlio 1 et.trat Siatinn; an ini-ti and a halt
10 ibr iho L it ear wnn a contused wound, Hardly
exteiubn tbroueli tltoiikiii; I oxumiuod Iho bra 11;
th. -re was 110 bruises about the ecaji, but a clot of
Llood was loiiiid pressing upon th laceui tlio brunt;
ihi-, 111 my opinion, was thu cause of his uoith; this
iiiiL-lit have las-u caused by a binworafa'l; tlio
w untl on tiie neck wan nviiteiitly cuinnd by a jluiil
A number of other witnesses worn exniiilnml when
Ihe u.visiigutiuii was cuiuiiiiieU over until this aitoi
tionu. I-'atai, AcctnuNT. Coronor Taylor held an
luquest yesterday afternoon io the cuso of George
Francis Itogart, aged four years, who was run
over by n Government wagon, at Montgomery
nnd (iirard avenues, and killed. There were
two wagons attachi d together, und the unfortu
tia'e lad attempted to .jump ou the tongue of tho
last one, when he fell, tlio wheels passing over bis
body, aud indicting injuries which caused his
death in about au hour. Ut) had just provio is to
tho accident been driven away from tint wagons
while hanging on one of thorn. The driver wis
unitniiro of what had happened 11 mil informe I
by a pcr-on who bud Witnessed the ocourrcn .
Aiu.ivAi, or lli:oii;Nrs. Tho following regi
ments, in companies, passed through our city
nnd were fed nt the Cooper Shop Saloon ye, tor-
day :
A detachment of 8')0 sick and wounded m-n
from Petersburg, half of whom wore fed at the
Coopi r Khop Salo in. Company K, 7th United
Stuns Infantry, 4S men, commanded by Llou-
t. ruin t Cnllln. ll'h Maine Volunteers, !)" man
n,d 7 ollleers. A iletuchmont of il l and ldth
New Jeiscv, 12 men fiom bevorlv. 7 ID men trom
ilitlerent hospitals, District of Columbia. 40 men
of the ltiil.l Keglineiit Pennsylvania Volunteers,
-is men of dill, rent regiments.
11 011 b roit Aobd CoLoiii'.ii Pboi'J.r. A move
meet is on foot among the colored people to
establish an institution similar in Its chancer
to tho Indigent Widows' and Single Women's
Society. A meeting of colored citizens in refer
ence lo tho subject whs bold last evening at 1st.
Thomas' Church. Tho billowing oillc.ers have
been elected : President, !Hwyn Purrish ; Vice
Pusl.'i nt, Steplion Smith ; .Secretary, M. Oaldcr
ton ; Treasurer, Samuel it duploe.
Ili.t iii iTikii to Qo On. Ycst'Tday a bill
passed both branches of City Councils, providing
fur t.'ie continuation of recruiting in this city.
Th bounties arc the suno as before, but reirii
latcdas 1. llows ; For twelve mouths mn,9l0;
for two Jems' men, $l)t; lor three years' moll,
JMiiO: for enrol ed citizens who Mrui.sU substi
tutes, fJKO, Jfi'W, und fr.1do, lor tho respective
tonus ol sci vice.
Aim 01 u RuiiiiKHY or 1 11 it Mail. Andrew J.
Sin lb, route agent for ti.u Post ):ilee in tbo
lliavet 11... noli of the Leh'-'h Valley road, h id a
hvai ng before the U.S. Corninlsiloner yester-lay,
1 pon the ehar 'e of robbing Ilia mail. Tuo evi
dence shop cd that he had taken letters from tho
tram, " re IU1111 open, und destroyed the 11, after
tat leg the cotitcn's. Ho was hold 1 1 ans wer at
Jti iovmiy of S101.1.N Piioiu.m v. This morn
ing a hoisc and carriage stolen from Dr. Tooth
nelier, No. 0":) Norih Seventeenth streot, was re
covered at u livery stable on Poplar street, above
Lit vi Mb. The Doctor weut to visit a patient,
and whi o in tho house two boys came along,
jumped into his earri .go, and drove oil'. Alter
1 riving around, they pi n e I tbo horse iu livery at
tbestablow re il was found.
UouiiFiiv. Some time between twelve o'clock
lust night and early this morning the residence
of Ci ptain James Warner, No. l-50rt Lombard
sireit, was entered by thieves and robbed of a
handsome gold watch, vulued at 'it0, and two
docn silver spoons. Captain Warner follows the
sea, and the watch was presented to him by the
panics owning the vessel of which he has charge.
rosTi-o.vtr.n. The Excursion of the Consumer's
Mutual Coal Company to their mines has been
post oned on account of the Inclemency of the
weather. Our readers will perceive by their no.
t ce in to dity's pBpcr thut Thursday next is iWcd,
ui d the better hum of eight o'clock fur starting,
reluming the same day.
A ltioiMiiNT RE-bNLisTtn. We are happy
to announce that ihe whole lirey Iloserve Regi
ment, Lioutoiiant-Colonol Clnrke commanding,
huve re enlisted, and will arrive in this city from
BhtridHn s nrmy (bth Corps) this afternoon at
ul aut live o'clock. They w ill return to duty after
a short vi.-it to their frieuds.
The Kxtha Assessments'. Tho whole num
ber of persons placed on the extra assessment list
for the Presidential election Is 4485. Of this num
ber, the largest number, 342. were received in the
Twentieth Ward. The smallest number, 76, were
received In Ihe Fourth Ward.
Damaoi.s Askkv Fob. At tbe meeting of
Select Council, held yesterday afternoon, a peti
tion was presented from Dr. David Juyne, claim
ing compensation from the city for damages doue
to bis propirty, No. 611 Cbesnut street, by the
Democratic para do on Eaturduy night last.
Akkival of tui Ovnbuat Galena.. This
morning, the United States gunboat Galena, ot
M'Clcllun notoriety, was reported coming up the
river. Hie came from Key West, aud wiil be re
paired at our Navy Yard.
JUcai iTUio. This morning the Mayor Issued
warrunU for the payment of the dty bounty to
ore buudred and twenty men. ninety-five of
wboiu ware credited to ihe First Ward.
rouTtcAL. At the Vnton League ITall last
night, ex United States Senator Clemens, of Ala
bama, delivered an able address to a largo
At the Hall of the Invisibles,, Tier. William
Hatfield and Dr. T. K. Osmuii spoke to a tolera
bly large audience.
At a large mooting at Oermnntown, Governor
Purlin, Hon. Lewie Murker, and General J.x.
Owen spoke.
Tbe address of tho Governor wai one of the
most able and eloquent be has yet delivered, and
as an oratorical ettort has tew equals. His Kx
rellcncy speaks to-tiight at Iloddonfleld, New
Tl.o Academy of Music was well filled las
f vening, on the. occ islon of a great speech from
Colonel R. stockctt Matthews, of Maryland. Tne
able and eloquent otator was frequently ap
plauded during bia admirable address.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of Ihe friend
of the I'nion wns held at Salem, N. J., last night.
The Republican Invinciblcs of this ci y, un l
Catruen Club were in attendance. Tbe whole town
was brilliantly illuminated, tbero being a grand
torchlight procession after tbe adjournment f
the meeting. The linn. William D. Kclley was
among the list of speakers.
Kaii noAti Accikent A horse and dray were
run Into bv a locomotive, on the North Pennsyl
vania railroad, at Diamond street, yesterd iv,
killing the horse and badly injuring the driver,
John Russell.
Akkivkii. The remains of Captain O. W.
Hawkins, of the !7tb Regiment Pennsylvania
oluntfcts, arrived in thin city yesterdsv. iho
deceased dud from wounds received lu front of
Petersl nig.
Inchkask or Sai.ahy. An ordinance) is now
before the Committee on Finance of City Conn e.ils
tsi inert a e the salary of the Mayor of Philadel.
phut to y.jiXU per annum, after tho first of January
Colon 11. Tuo win' RutnwrNT. A telegram has
hem received, stating that Colonel Thomas' Regi
ment will arrive in this city this afternoon.
To Pencil Asr. Piothino at Low rnimn, mako
a n In It. n rrm ear stock nl Hr.Ativ sunt llkrmsnts. Wu
eifsiUili K'is'Ol ti.liiil In Oys, ftl, m.ils an. I .iid'cin,
ft et. ?A O. t.n irr rr-ii. lotsrr thin In D...W charse.! l.irtne
sivn.i'ff-fsU nitole toonl.T. We tnve A'l slvl-s, !.., a-ul
.rlei'h ut I'totlnne-M.-li's, Y.nith n, und Itovs'. All eatl lie
sulteil wiUioultluley ,n tmunie.
Tti vvrrT A Po.,
Tower Hall, No. Ms Market attest.
I.iNi n Rrsi'Kt-Ti t'l.t.Y rr.t11ciTP.11 ToOeonov.
t'rnr.i'la Train, euniialate Inrlhe net lrvs.liaivi 1
Hew brilliant In t e man h of mat I!
To day leavea ycilvraey IM-Iilmt;
lint art -n.-ti increase trains
A In Hie inoileot iliawli.f trains.
Kir si no- Ufa Orow ; ite-n . ie 10 wie uaeil ;
Cal.Tic Ann some minds amttaetf 1
Itut tinir all thrau wo tan aarea.a.
for hnrr'a A Ti-.ns Ihat o. e liv tdr
tleorre.bur yoiirrl-nliiii at I'tia. SHokon A ito.'s one
f ri..-, un.) r tiie CoLttiii-nUI, and doo't mako a fit t'tljon
01 yoiirstir.
Ciiii.nnitN's Ci.otiuko.
lle.v n' Nmt.
llo s' Overcoats.
'I h.lnri e-t and heat anaorf tntvit in tV eltv.
M. isuol.uskkit & t'u., No. 4 H. Eishtb siroet.
Fun Tim Opkra. Tho most elegant Oporii
Itlnak. w e have i-vt-r a'cu wu n itlottd on i-xtiililMuit this
n i.rliin. , iC ttm nil.'.ro..ias of M-'inrs. lrjr,-r el llaker,
Din Nell-Mii.wa Hi wiiik Klnotilnu Manufacturers, t'liesuut
sin et, w F.lulilti. Tti.nn l'l..iikn urn nlsli irately eiu-tnolaprt-il
mi tlitr celoiirit-'il tewlnir niaohtana, en-i tliono
Lolli-s Ititcnilltic. to Rototlieamo lltruiittt lipora.enl
wi.iilnu tl e hniiOnenivHt eieaki, should not tall to procure
oueol iLeauwi.tiout delay.
Tiik New Fium op Asiimkad & Kvans, in tho
old a nnd ol llaf...nrd. an Cn.-nnnt atre it. No. 721, have a
1 litre aliiek to st-lisi; fl-..Dl. Ttioj liuve exiteiience in tiie
l.atlne.s. and an- ub ait p.itillslnas aunie valuabli: additions
to the liter aline of oar country.
McF.i.nov has a fine assortment of cloaks,
siiitni'le tor the Indies. Ilels oiutoeite Uie IVanslvaina, lu inUi au-eet
"A Fkiv Moiie Plain Facts." More of the
Flon ii. e M a. litii a are not In use than a'l oilier scerlnt;
nui l't. en 1 1. 11,1, inert i ,'ai.mhi aro not aula la a yean falsi
are not la it"a ni litllaiteipliU. Hut there are enoiiKk In
ti.e to eMMtiilsri Its aiiperlnrlt)' ove all other r.inihy
mai Iniien. aral itnin tor It a host ot frieti'la wh , roifnr.l Ic
un ll.e l, a. en of Hewlnir Alaotilnet. Ko older machine
oovernso la-K'O a raiiKe of work ua the l-'liireni-e. Too
mih-i, of lite Kl- rvneo dnrliiK the rtrst year has e been m iro
than double inane of any other sewltm machinal for a hko
pr.ofl, hkov. lay that a Ola' riinliintiiin luii-lle can uni .1.,
at'prti-lAie In. iMlvAtttat.iin of Ihe Ktoreuee nvor all others.
1 ul. lii.trtu-tloiin naien wltlioili charge, whcincr voa vv aah
lo piiri-lmne or mil. Sverv nint-hliie warranted la give
rntiri. .atiafaritt.n, or tin- money returned. Ot.lianis
olieriitoin, with or wl'.t-nut iiiaeion..., actit t any p in of
ll.e ruy, li tun oav or week. 4.AI1 or tend year orders to
the Kiori Lte bewjii); Machine Company, o. 0-10 Caesuat
Wi:st Vihoivia Pktiiot.hcm Iasni,-A few
dl-.lrable nil I, nets In Weit Vtrelnts. lueliiUlttii three leaiss
on Itiirnliis; Mprlna ; will lie ottered Ju tills market for a
few ilaj n.
Aku, a choice prept rt lu VenanKO comity, Pa.
lnuireof .loir-r H. 1,-ivK.
Mo. 10 d. t-'raut street.
Gxruon's Trmclk op Aut, No. OU Arch
trret, l-repHrril nt all lanes to make iihotordp'ilc views
of nftips. bneiUnt.'S country aoaia, Interiors, AO. i drawlnns
arid old iiletire. ooliKil iu a siiiienor insnnei. I' niii -Ll-t
nit i ha'en,fd and coini.urtsoii tollclii-.l to our Imp-rial
photographs iiriiiioiiiiciii niisiirpasseU by superior jndnus.
Wiikn Yof Hkhiiib l'noTooBAriis mode, don't
tali to viHlt H. T Helm, r a No. li'M Arch afreet, and etiiitn-
ll.chlhfl p-ehuetis life al.e PhotogrAphs 111 ft.l, Ivo y-
t pea, Cartes lie Vmlli's.
Qyrica or The Kvbno TanaoaAi-H, I
1'r day, Kvember 4. i ;
The Ftock and Gold Markets eoutinno very
much unsettled under tho vory contllcting ac
counts from tbe army, and tbe rumors of tbo
intended raid from Canada by tho secessionists
upon our Northern borders. The election com
plicutions also assist in rendering operators
caiitii.nv, and, ex. opt in tho old stocks, a general
unwillingness to assume now stock obligations is
vciy perceptible. The old bidders of Reading
bold with tenacity the sharos purchased for the
rise and the forthcoming dividend ; while a few
of tho outsldo timid disciples are inclined to
throw overboard the shares recently purchased.
After the election is over we ahull have calmer
waters and smoother sailing, when a strong
movement is predicted.
The Stock Market is dull this morning, with
the exception of Coal Oil shares, which coutiuue
txcitiduud more active. M iplo eihado opatied
this morning with sales at 41, fell off, and sold at
X4; Fgbert 60ld early In the day at C'.u fiJ, fell off,
uud sold at lV'.i; DuUvll at 10; Noble aud Dola
mutcr at H j ; Dcnsrr.ore, Hi ; McKlhcny, CJ ; Min
eral Oil, -!g ; and Ilock Oil at 4.
Government bonds are firm, with sales of t5-20s
nt Uml, coupons olf; new do. at 100J; and Gi of
1881 at KklsJ j 7-.'Hs nro quoted at llljfn IDC; old
City (is are selling ut 100.
In Railroad shares there Is very little doing.
Reuding sold ut 1 17 A, and North Pennsylvania
railroad bonds at 07 4(u '.IS ; 46 was bid for Little
Hihtiylkill; 00 for M.uchlll; 30 for North Penn
sylvania; hllj lor Lehigh Valley ; SO for Elmlra
preferred ; 18 fur Caiawlssa common ; 32) for
Philadelphia nnd liiie ; and 13 for Loug Island.
City Paet-cnger Railroad Mi ares continue dull,
wiih Eules of Thirteenth aud Fifteenth at '24; 31
was bid for Spruce nnd Pine; 61 for West Phila
delphia; 17 for Arch; '29 for Green and Coatcs;
aud 2f'i for Girurd College; CD1 was asked for
Second aud Third; aud 604 for Cliesmit and
Rank shares are firm, but there is little or nothiug
doing. 13G was bid for r armors' aud Mechanics';
574 for Commercial ; 28 for Manufacturers' aud
Mechanics'; oi for Consolidation; 47 for Com
monwealth j 63 for Com Lxcbaiige ; aud 40 for
Cuual shares continue dull, and we hear of uo
sales; 39 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation pre
ferrcd; 71 for Lehigh Navigation; 98 for Morris
Canal common; 151, for Susquehanna Caual; aud
37 for Delaware Division.
Money continues easy and the demand Is
lindted. Loam on call are freely offered at 67
per cent, per aunum ; prime paper is scarce aud
quoted at 709 per ccut.
Gold conunuos dull, and the sales are limited,
opening at 23G, fell otl' aud sold at 233 at 11 o'clock,
232, at 12, rallied and sold at 23 at 124 P. M.
The official statement shows that on tha last
Monday In October, 1864, the reaources of the
National Eauklng Associations were over
f7,0O,0O0, including about 93,250,000 of loans
and disoouut, and nearly 45,0a)0,0O0 In specie
and other lawful money. The profits are stated
at o,000,000.
Quotation of Gold at the(Pbiladelphla fjold
xchange, Iso. 31 b. 1 turd street, socoud story :
ol A. M 2 Id la M h
11 A. JU......aa.V01 A a . jai.eaee..ea
Jdakcl dull.
rrmjiDrt.rinA btotk ixchahciii Brjri, mr. e
BapertssJ y Clarknon At Co.. nmlera. w. m . Tklri
ineth llar'M-rsh...,.wB 41
"''"ua BOA HUH.
410 ib. Ualeetl On..
tx. ill do 41
Ktsi ah a 0 41
ltsiaa d bl 44
. ah Egbert Oil 6
Will, da
4n do.
! ah dn Ill .
100 h Curtlil OU in
ion in do aUO 9
Jim nil do IU
0 b Rock Oil
Miah larr MometWad s2
SK'S'i Penatnore R i
win nit Phn. ai 011 :. ii
liv-ahCorn Planter.. 7"f
l'i tin. 7
I'O.h do. hlO Tsi
lil ah Heneca Oil. ...
110 ah Story Farm .M S
1 om Ka.-eia r ml .0 IV
Ksish Kevafa Ol'. bd 3sf
is. ab do e 6
IK) ah do M f'l
4m ah do r,'i
tss1 all dn Utn C 1-
l iHOah da InH) ii'
St" all it bo 6"i
H'S'lh do ht SSI
.n .10 e'
'i"o .It do
l'r d M f
'l" do A
I'Uah do ,10
;o,h fl t
e an mr Centre.... s
1'S'sli M. kMneii) OU- S
ttnnnrr. a . a, t.. im
t- isn I' M k-An I1.1V
a ..m . .S
I Maple ah.. M0 44
lilt' ah do blO 41
sju , .e.l'aey
$" do Jill
S si I'. H 7 .'tos ini'j,
bsllfllv i; lll i
Hi.!' It. nd. 44. clt'Ci1
at.. N M .,71
1') do SS 1
HKtah Ksla-rt Oil
l.uOah do la ft'.
issi.h do boo
I'll ah do Mt
ti ill do (,'!
von ah do boo ui
taoah do a
JK'.h Kiaillne H..U1U 7l'
lis. ah lath tVl.'.lh XI 1
beak do Ills!
l"n do b.10 4 l
.Ml ah R-llans-e In., d',
rah Kuli-.nCoal.... n't
4oll ah dn h SVj
lot sll UAIiall Od tvkl 10
l'Oati d b 10 '
nu an Hobi a Del...
4.'.0 ah do
Vi0 ah llenainore
iati MeKlhtnyOII .
inn ah do b
i "n ayije rana..
inn ah do , . .
tkaiab Mineral oil..
Jio ait ibK Olh.
Quotations of the principal Coal aad (Wi nil
stock at 1 o'clock to-day .-
Kt Mk. Bid juk.
Fulton Coal as, I rolon Petroleum., -i'
But Mountain foal. wf 7 Monona li) O e"
M.V. Mid. Coal
14 Heneca Oil fi t
,'.V airvauM Ol! V 1
S V.KravnUinOU .. I
1. Howes K4U17I1., I lift
1 limns; "tl tH li
i'i Pee f arm Oil.... V
15 1 1 if ne more IV ai2
SI illaliellOU 11 J 10
lev,- MoKlheny 4af St
S 1 K.sw.rU OU , . ,
JW 'Olm.tead V 3 1
H MohleAiDelauaalar. aw HsT
t HiMiard IW 11?
lvg Btory ram JT
s Bnmer I T ,
fa Kabert 4kf kH
it Hose Island ,. .. 1 2
Atlaithony Klver.. 1 ' 1 V
M Cartln , BVIn-'j
V rh.Ua oil Creek, l li 1
3'. Hull I tree k tH 4NC
4'a Oertaaula.... 1 1'2
V Brliraa 4
', kock OU 4 4 ,
tlreen Mi. Coal...
X ('a-honiiale....
New On ek
Fee.ter Hera Coal,
. 1
. 1
, 1
. 10
. I
, 1
. 5
. IS
. .v
. 't
Clinton (toal ,
llutler I'oal
I'laioenil Coel....
dmertran Kaoiln..
I'ei.u Mlntns
kryalone 7.tno.. .
Ilia Tank ,
Y arrell
Oil I'n-ek
Manle rsfiade Oil.
til'!:nt,..k oil...
Pennaylvania I'at.
1'orrv Oil ,
Vlneral OH... ..
Kelatone Oil
venaoao oli
The following are the recolnta of Orud Oil ai
this port during Hie past week i
Crude, bills lSltJ
Ketined, bbls raj
The following are the receipt of Tlow and
Grain nt this port during the pant week i
Flour, bbls l,at()
AVI eat, bushels 3'llHorJ
Corn, " !,90
Oats, " 2d,2d9
The following arc the inspections of Flour and
Meal for Ihe week ending November 3 :
Barrels supertine 6fi(Vf
" Kye Flour As)
" Corn Meal 925
" condemned H
Total 11,839
The quantity of flour and grain In store at
Chicago on the 2Jd of October was as follows :
Flour, bbls...,
Wheat, bush..
Corn, " ..
Outs, " ..
Hurley, " ..
Itye, " ..
. 3tl,4-'0
. HS.019
Total in bushels 1,015,102 3,151,278
The New York Trihtme this mornlns; say :
"Money is reported active amonir stock house,
and at 7 per cent, the demand is very active. The)
City Banks are moving with prudence in view of
large drafts made by the Government upon
country depositories, which will be met a usual
by their city agents. There is no reason why so
large an ainouut of money should longer rumitia
with tbe National Hanks, to the inconvenience of
tho Treasury, and the encouragement of specu
lators. In mercantile paper no change."
American aceurilles were quoted In London
on the 2lst of October as follows:
Maryland 5 per cent SVtelS
1'nited States, 5-20 years, 18S2 43(3 1
Yircmla State 5 per cent. 15 .put
Do. ti per cent ...27 074
Aliinitte and Great Western, Tow York
section, 1st mortgage, ISH0, 7 per cent.. 69W71
Do. td morignge, 1MHI oiQ-J
Tcitni-J lvanla, 1st mortgage, 1877 t'jji'7t
Do. 2d mortgage, 1HS2 6-5 titij
J-ate shares, ,Sltt0 (ail paid) ..40(n)t
Do 7 p r cent. prof, do .-W.uH'l
Do. 1th inorigsgo 41153
Do. 6th mortgtige 4712
Illinois Central, li pi-rcent.. 187.5 .7.3(ri7d
lo. JtfrlOO shares (nil paid) , 50(,i)ol
Mat iettuanil Cincinnati Ku Iroad bonds, 7s. tin -71
rnnumn H dlrooil, let mork 7prct. 18tij..lHOrt)l03
Do. 2d mortgage, 7 percent. 1H72. 100(g)W3
ruinsylvuiiia Railroad bonds, 2.1 mort
gage, 0 per cent., convertible ...79?!
The progressive Increase of tho Publlo Debt,
of ull descriptions, since the fit h of July, wiiou
Mr. l esscndeii took charge of the Treasury, Is as
Prlnelpat. Inttmtt.
1 ,72,Stl7.0 10 IfJ 73,42 i.iiri
1.7!).) 033, 1(19 73,7o'.5.H
l,7!l,2sH,3tS -f 74,758,047
l,W).Vi23.-tit 73,ti50,6ta
1,837 492,170 7o.418,3J5
1,8.I2.I0,8S5 71,871 tm
l,849,7l4,o. 78.088, l.i
1,8)9,274,374 M,K),0o9
l,S78,-5t.),''.'H 77,447,123
l,9V),7.i,7lfi 81,778 641
2,017,099,613 ,U13,U0ti
July 5...
July 12...
July 19...
July 2b..
Aug. 2..
Aug. ..
Aug. 1(1..
Aug. 23..
Aug. 30..
Kept. 31). .
Oct. 31..
Increase In 118 dnv $.'21,232 478 $1 1,888 S
Average daily increase of principal... . -$1 iox),ia
Averugc ruto ol inturcst per annum. 4 23 per cent.
lng"M,-"iiiiHi;,MlilnouiTaiioy,ls,sOT,0()J. .' ,,,
The issues of currency stood at tbo two)
periods under comparison as follows:
,sa.,iAe,-ii. Oetofei-sil.
rnlti'd ntntea notea eeM.liKl.ftrj
Klve.ereent lylarSolea SI.V'O.Ikh)
Five I'er ei.l.-i- oar Nulea lii.sHOkk)
HU l'l)lli
r Ive I-er l-- ni 7 .vrar .-sou-., won
Tri-aanr . tua . 11 elucli luti-reat
Iian c -aaesl ,
Fraet.oital rarreiiev
f,SJ,J10 aiOdd.US
llM, Ul.iM)
4 si.' 411
Vrl M (NO
Coin pound litlen-al Xotee..
..IViSi.OWJIJS puu,l rj
I'liii.AmxriiiA ritAiK KEPtmr.
FitiDAT, November 4. Tiado to-day his
mostly been brought to a stand-still by the Incle
ment condition of the weither, and the fluctua
tions in gold and exchange.
Ihero is less demand lor r lour, but vnnplici
come in slowly, uud bold rs are firm in tlioir
deuuinsls; sales are mostly in a sin til way for
bome consumer and retai.ers at $luycl025 !)
bid. for supcriine, JjilO H)(tti for extra, aad
lj.'11'oOC" 13 lor low gride extra family and fancy
lots, according to quality. There is very little
Itye Flour here, and it is taken nt $90 2 ('
bbl. Trices ol Corn Meal are nominal.
The offerings of Wecat are small, but them Iv
very little coining in. We quota red at $1 -V)(i)
2 ti i for l'enn-ylvania and -Southern, and $& 73 "
2-t0 for while, the iatit-r for Kentucky. Sintll
sules of Rve at l-70C'i 1-72- Cora is vory quiet;
small sales of yellow at 1-70. Oats are un
changed ; sales of 2t)t)i) bushels Ddiuwaro at Wj.
lu liurlcy and Malt no sales.
Cotton is not so tirra ; we qnote at $1-25 for
InGrocorictand rrovisions there labutlittla
Whisky Is unchanged! sales of 300 bbl. Ohio)
at lpl-77 1'78, and Drudge at 1-70.
OLI.ARF.1) 11118 MORHINa.
Iianine Orel lllK, lluvi-iier, foonaoola, 4.0,. Bailey A Co.
llriK Olive e'rancea, HiuuJI, do. do.
llrlKtMloue.llnlMii, Ma ansae, do.
eh hr Ar-u K)e, Tu n.etid, Key Weet, D. 8. HteuonJlCe.
Sehr t'hrrij, 1'tia.e, HaniiaoD Koads, 11. A- sktiaius.
Kthr Johu 1'rlve, XUavrson, do. do. .DH
Baisjue Mary beuiuy. Clark, days fruia Port Soyal, la
ballast io D. 8. susieua A Co.
n i is- A . ' . Lan abee, ixiwiy, 5 days from Providenea, la
ballast to capuuu. .,,-.-
MeAr Mouteuma, Lewis, 10 days from Bangor, with
lumber to cetoaiu.
hehr Ilia-kiuuu, (laudy, 4 tlays from Kef folk, In ballast
l Ip t Peter, from peaauovia.
H.true I'li-iadaa, from Pjn U-oyal.
1'iiree llsht l.aritua ; au4 tour lines, one daeply ladaa.
Maniue Clou-tee i.iumiia,lruuc'aluuiuui,waaoil iloiauaay
llook at noon yeelerday.
sumeia' Mutual I'-oa) Combaay to Daelr Mima a(
keaa poeiiH.ned ou aeoou nt l the weather, lo
IMLKlallA iit.XT, TUB bah 1KH.,
Ant althe eUclttloa uf niauyaf (be btMaUokMan
UiueufaturUuu will tie ,
H.1UUT O CLOCK IX TUB MOf"" -lnateadof
vraT '
TIIK eabt.iek iioita or suer"
1'ievieu.i tiAst
Thls alKtrat!' of .evinl
i UK Tim or " ',-yaj. '
Wlicb WtU b tgx txXM pAT.