TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. FHILADELFttTA, THURSDAY", NDVKMHKI' 3, 18C4. Swninfl Sclctjtapli OFFICE No. 103 8. THiRD STREET. rrtr Twtms (km P Cm-r, or Kiliitrh Or.T Pa fmifMkiM Carrier, and mailed In Hnhm-rltwre tat oohe cnr at himDouim Pr asm-mi ok n. u ri.n f"-e-n-e o Two K'iiTiia,ln-arlllrla adTnce tw eerln otMerod. TrUraiaU huer-tr at til cecal t.it.i. A IP-oral . trim'"" attended Inaeruoni. To) rrMtonr)rnt. -rTA rinNP ran. he ta en of A nonvtnntie rvMTtmnnWHirt. artM0vrr a, ia-tntird for inMntion mu.i eu auUt-tui' .veil by II. P B.le aa.t attnicsli ut the Wlilr r-n r' r.lj for teat a a roar-ante a hi eood fi.;:h. We tar" aoertk la return ri-.ieeted 1'outiuuuio.ilkma. T Art vrrtlfwrW. (Nrtaft treat bwrnn In the f leaiilnthwi of Tilr -JBvaHitm TMoaArn. eomtpl'r.a; m. lo ttn ta pr.w a an aairr?anr, are Mraenfely rrone.t tliat advert' enient. rua- fed kano'' m a aoen aa it) o clock, II poealb.e, to ei.cur Mea aa eeeoitio la all of oar edttone. THURSDAY, NOVKMnKIl a, wi. fMI AOHt'T OF (ion IX OI K W.tlt. Tlw wy of God are Inrrutu1fo nnl jvut finding out. Tliry arc vary tliflVrt'iit lYoin our rjm. "Man propone, but Ooil iIIh-kims P i Tbcre fn be do doult but Hint tlit-re h ft Divine Providence In miit'li that moil ami oationa P'an a,H' tlo. When we llilnk tw are scheming and actlno; of our own liil'VK'n 1 tnt will, we are but blind or u;ioouio!i lustrumcnta for the carrying out offline jiiv:t, and wiae, and beneficent deslgu of t i Almighty. fJThe Saviour of the worhl tells un, in one of Hla marvellous teacUiap-i, that the Imir.i ot'o'i. head are numlier-jil. ami tlmt s iirirro.v il'.- not fall to the ground without th- cononl "o.' the FaUiT." (Jod works, to i, fur th; pn:tu tioo of His purposes in this world, not only through human agency, but oftcutiuie i lu u manner that soemn to our n irrow lom-iriiii'ii-ax'oa Incotisistcut w ith the '.euevolcnee of Hi-: nature. The progre of the humin race in civiliza tion atnee the timos of whieh we lmvo a:iy anUieutic biitory, has been c-tfeeU-d through meaiui, agencies, nud methods whieh in.-iy hare appeared offensive to the Divine good ness and benignity. Soehil discords, p.r."ei-.i-tiona, and wars have been powerfully mid principally operative In promoting Hie moi'.il and political Improvement of thu world ;:md thus, throuRh what bad the sumbljjics of nnoiitigated evil and wlvVeiluess, tbo be.-t poi ible issue lor the felicity uud elevation of aociety have been aeeomdi-hed. WItiiout going into an ehibor:ttu illnitrnlon of the truth of the forefroiiin' renini li by eil i- t'U8 from the annals of all ClirltMidont, let ns make a present practical implication of the principle by a reference to events that are new passing under our own pcr-on i! ob-er-Tation. That the iustitulion of slavery is op;,;ed to the religion which Jesus Chri I c;tme inli tho world to etablish, no sane man can doubt. The cornei-stone of that religion, as t'v Author of It preached it in Judea uud el trhere, was the golden precept, "Love thy neighbor as thysclt," ami " Uo unto ot tiers as you would have them do unto yon." These Iwo proterbg strike at the very root of all in- ostlee and oppression, and ot course utter u solemn aud direct protest aglu--t that greatest t)f all uilquitles which dooms a whole race to bondage. me ursi scuiers oi mis .orm .vmunean Continent tied uere irom tyrauny and oppres- ion. They sought on these shores a relate from persecution. They were denied liberty lj,w0 nu0pted the syhtem as a sort of profes of conscience in the Old World; and rather iiou coml),iSe the iirst talent of tho country, than milrnit to the wrong, they resolved to establish In a new and then unsettled aud mi- Civtntea Hemisphere a social ana potitwai yatem which should secure to all men civil nS K irimia nonJz.ni n..r .in I in I .mn k'n b ' l 6 tags of that virgin commonwealth which our "PUgrim Fathers" contemplated in eml grating to the savage wUds of Massachusetts and Vir- , b , i i giuia, slavery was unuappity luiiounuuu through the eelflsh policy of th' 'mperial Gov eminent which then exercised a controlling way over the social and political conditions of the British Colonies In America. But the introduction here of slavery at that arly porlod, under circumstances which the colonist could not then resist, did not nsees- aarilv make it a nermannut institution of tue 1 1 . A I, ta o.. l.,.iw.i-,il.l.. too! ill mil UllU, aUU W U U IIU.IVIHU.U . . - - - - national hUtory, that soon alter me provinces declared and won thtlr tndependenec ol l'ng - land the process of emaudpation licgan, and went on in peace until the odious iiistitutiou was formally and legally aiiolisuca in a twjoruy of the original tlilrteen States ol the Union. And now the work of final and complete xt"inction of slavery is proceeding rapidly to consummation. But bow? Xot so much with Uie consent and by the direct agency of tlm rinlitcra nf bbtves as bv the Frovldeiico of me nottltraoi wavw., J' , ... .. God workUlB throU!;il tut! DllUUUe-s anil lonv -vf.u .i..M,:.l..ri tlii.tnsel.es. The National VI UV Olwlt. uvix.- w " ' " ' - - - , Government, acting under the sanction o. military necessity, did much towards setting th li.widinLii and bondwomen ol tut South. But Cod was not sntlsiled with that sol means of effecting emancipation. Jle win to nave designed that tho very advocates ot slavery should abolish slavery. He h .cms to have ho arranged things that those who per- eonaliy and din-ctly hoi 1 the shivt- shall be compelled, by necessity, to tuiloo.se his bonds and set him free. Nay, more. Go.l has so dis- rud afftiim. that -the .slave-own r shall not ciiiiv manumit his slaves, but accord lo iiini a ociul and uoliticul ritco-nlilou, and emlow bim with on estate lu land sn'l' -ienl. to Ins-iri his subsiste-mo and in.lepend'-nce by the vir tee of his own tree labor. Thu b,T this civil war. orer uliie w - .ir. innor.iutly and weakly' lj.-iiciuin.,', b tea a Diflne mcai s lor tNe win iJi.;c out 1 a gr, .n deliverance of (he nation from what was at Otice a uatioual siu and u national Inconve nience and drawback. It m liter.. lly forced the people and authorities or tho f-lave .States to oiler freedom to their slaves, ou coinlition of their military service in support ol the Rebellion ; and whatever maybe the conse quenceol that otfer to the faturj peace and unity or this nation, ono thing ii certain, t i.it the odium of slavery will, in any event, to. forever erased from the escutcheon of tlie American people. 6TBOKO, HUT TBI E. A tlistiiigui-lied C'.'.i tor ruveutly remarked " tlmt we had .c.i.on to ittBpcet the loyalty of every man who wa not called an 'abolitionist.' " This is ti ne. ; The reason i obvious. Whenever a Copper head desires to express his strongest disappro bation of your sentiments, be cull . u uu loUUonhit. Thli la the climax of' nbu.s!. ' I(ow,iebeiBhtof a Copperhead's diagust Is . a loyal nian. Ueuce, wUeu he calls you aboli tlonh,t, he omymoau. m tru(J t0 the Union aud Ubert,. S(t(;n R Bam(J h UQ honor. . , la futurity, after having exbausud all eni t Uieta to eKpress contempt for a individuul loopIe will Bay, "In 1804 ho waa Copper! . Iiead." A personal meeting will result. Ho (UM t m lUaJ IU.a afl touJt (UI tUat, Foh I.iMOL.v WiiKTriKB on No. rf M Ci.Kt.i-Ai Is rltcted, and Intends to sue fir peace at the fret of the Soutlinrn aristocrats, no mnn who has any ns of 8-Jf rrnpect or manhood In hl. constitution can cast his vo'c In farnr of such dishonor. If he intends to prosecntn thn war to a rcfctorntlnn ot the Union, It Is nseliwi to elect Mm as President Lisicoln Is prowcutins; K as rapidly and successfully as it could bo done by nny one, not excepting M(Ci.km.n. Till'. I.K TI Hi: NEAJtOV. The lecture has become a popular Institu tion. Long ago, Urn poets and philosophers of Old F.ngland Imitated the practice of tlie profesKirs In their Institutions of learning, and occasionally came before the public In tlit Ir proper persons, to discourse of thing with "the rye In a fine frenzy rolling,'' or of the mysteries solved by prolonged meditation In tho clwt or expoiimunt In the laboratory. Hut these Individuals wero exceptions to tho mass of the InitJuted, who either confined themselves to their peculiar circles, or clubs, or awakened the echoes within the tiiuo- liounred wails of a univernity. A. new people, upon the shores of a new world, terming with novel Ideas, perceived the. advantages the lecture possensed, not only as a ii'cnrs of popular Illumination, but as a ro el to diHtinrtion and Inniienec. In New J iii'.iuil, wiJi a jopulatiou naturdly keen, and eon t'nu;;ll seeUii; every facility for acqiiiiiu or impel ting Information, there Is scarcely a town of any pretension which has not at least oro rouce of lectures every winter; an I In .on;c of them these addresses are higher lu pullic lator than any oilier candidates i. .r latronage. 'J'he pystetn grmiu-dly extended. In the piincipa'. cities of tho MiJdle Ki.ites lectures are delivered every winlor to laro diid fui-liionablc audience;!, l'hlladelpliia, espe cially, has adopted the idea, and palnmlzod the numerous courses delivered here to an extent that threatened rivalry even with 1 Jot-ton. As to the why and wherelore of the growing populaiiti of lectures, wo think lh" causes are obvious. First, what listener.-" are likely to be attracted to patronize this modi! of spending nn evening? For the body of the aiidienci we luive that very numerous and Intelligent cla-ss, the church-goern, w ho iguore theatres, operas, dancing, and most of the ordinary ainwsem 'iiU which are so popular with unprofessing f.'luis tians. Then there are those who desire to acquire Information in a cheaper and liveli-r way than that allorded by tliepaticiiLanduiilet study of books. Olhers again are attracted by curiosity to reo ami hear the distinguish. -d personage who is to deliver th;; lecture, anil this portion of the audience is frcnucntly in the majority. Then the lecturers themselves hive grvitly aided In rendering their calling popular and lucrative. Thev know by experience that personal address i. by far the best method of . reaching the public mind and heart, aud that am,ough books may secure an ultimate tri umoli In fame, the road to present diatim; (jnn) i,u:iice, and profit is more surely that 0f the lecture, which, us it la written, may fimVards- securo them tho laslltig reputation nwarde.d to the published productions of tlie eiyt. Thus Emkii jo: lirt-t delivered his origlnaf and suggestive cssajs in the lorin of ,.r,inV) and now they are ranged upon the tiu.)vt,8 orUl0 library to defy the dust of time, T1 recui.,r lt.cturtr. those who seem to nit.n rn,ment in every walk of law, literature, divinily, and science men of deep learning r,m piMi imar'!nHtion,who can utter "thoti"hts thatbreatlic and words that burn." The list i . i .1 ...... .1.1,, .1 t Is long, UllU new stain mi cut, u.i, .r,tu . ju, collection. We need not speclly. Take. ' yonriholcc; but go to lectures you must, fjr, I . ,..1)tt t is the vogue. i "(, il is tut. uj,v.. Who Vatr Tllini! Fl:li:XI)H? When We ii , UllU ILOJICUCI ! paroling wiose prisuuot.-, rum , only thc-e, who declare their Intention to vote ti. M.in i av imil I'kmii.htox. aud when we Me tht in doubling the bonds of those who I arc ouppoiten or i.lNttoi.N ami .ioursuN, we rvi Iniiilv Iihv n nioof that the l!ebeul arc the .. T, n,lr, ,-,, Aa fi-Ienil- llliejiimui mi; t i;m. a.....-.... .v-j . - - - 1 ... . . ... , . .1 I hhip is never given unless It Is reciprocated, . aUow,,,j t0 infer that tV.e l'eaee I ,, i;,.i.,' ivtcnds f.'uu a ,ovft, , lovcs 0.e Union, be expected l , , f p,,.,, r1.-,,.,..4 I au wua,v; iiji alio ljUt.M ivii iixatiov!. i.w m iiAvmi to INVASIONS. The iuvubions, piratical iu their nature, w hich have been made from Canad for some time puht, have now become so numerous una outrageous in their attacks upon our Irontier t 7... ..,t.. t. ...,..cjo - umm, nui numo ,...i. ..s ......... to prevent them. Tho Canadian Oovernineut is power.- or un voting to , riU v,.ef ticpicuations ; ami tue iuiru tiivu in whether w will continue to sulfer the attacks, or else tako the cnnm.iti,nini.liri.wn It'll. ,1s V, miwt (Mil- vengcjiit o m our own imimId. wt mosi em- nhntlesl v mv. to iuloot t le la ter alternative. I " ' - I 1'iirniic the scoundrels who have invaded our i land, to uiurdcr our citizens and rob our banks; pursue tlie.n over tlie rivers aud lakes; pursue them to the very presenee ot'the (iov cinor ol tliel anamsu i-roviiiee.s,anusiay nioui without hctitatio'i. "Whoever taketh up tho swortl shall perish by the sword," Is scrip- ttirul, and let us do our part under existing cirriiiL.-Uini e lo lnllil tne Divine coiitmani). Lut. such an aetlou Is Justified by the la'.vof liiilloii: : and we have a precedent in tlie . tioli ol tireat Jititaiu In-r-elf III teg,inl to tb t tiitnliy. TI.e sli aiin i I'u uViin was cap tiaed h; n pally of LViii h Soldiers, who i ii'-'. il ova r to lite I i.iti d Stales, lnok the siia.iitr. iintl tlnlien lit r over nie pans oi Matiaia. This deed w as perfectly .juslilled I.) tl i ir Government, ami the legality ol' the I'Votet.tling w as assented tw by ours. Mr. Fox, In hi letter on thu subject, said 'that ti e act was one, in the htrictest .s':use, of ti l!-tlel'cu:c, iciidi.'ied ubiiohitely neccsiai'y by iiic i iicuinstanccs of tlie occasion, for the satctv ni:u putcctioii oi tier .lajeatys il!l.Jl.tt.s." Vi'e, ti;eiel'ore, have u most undoubted pre cedent in tlie action of thu Canadian and L'riti.sh tiovetnuicnts ; and the action of our Govt i unit ut, under the ciicuiustances, Ls plain, to pur-.ue, cajiture, or destroy all tlie homicides uud thieves who come into o:ir S.'.t,.'. Let ti c Coveniniert but once c.iijtnpo and Iiini!; a 1 w of these miscreants, an u llio ini it e'diuu will he excellent, and all Mich hiva fcioiis in the fuiurc will be prevented. Waii Di:moi IM rs. The War Democrats v.t.o are ur.wllllng to calmly receive the b'osvs aimed at them in Chicago, have held ix con vention in New York. Among lhot.6 who took part in it were men who had always been leaders of tho true Democracy of the Jackson nUimp, and who are to-day unwilling to support tlie Chicago nominees. Among aucU men are General Dix, General Wai. BuiooK, and other truly (mtilotic meinherd of i the party. , PKrPARi.tu roa mrw rit4ti. ' (loernor Suvm hh, of New Vork, is 1etr nilned If postlile, by fiilr means or by foul means, to carry that Slate for blinself and McOi.i-i.l.AJ. KaviiiK been foiled in secur ing the army voie, he lias Lwimm a jirvnvnohi inrnlo which di-'plnys his ehiirln and betrays a purjioso lo seri'rp thn i-h-ctoral voto for the Iemocrntic ticket at sU h'i7,vrd-'. He orders the county slierllfi ' to see that no military or other ortrmbed fori p. am u o-lldKctl t.t hJiotr 1liPiii vr in the n'ri'sity " o the )larc.i where, rtodUtn are hnlil," .Soldiers are not to vote thej ar not to b' permit t-d, according to tlie orders of this. Democratic (iovcinor, to npproaeli or show tin niselvrs in the vicinity of a ballot-boa. This is .Si:yioi itN Idea or a "free ballot." Ho long as bis parly could oivje soldiers roles, and put a voice into the tki-Vton Jaws of Uin dead warrior, which should whi.soer "M Ci.i.i la.n andSKYMOfi!,"lt wa" all rlglit ; bet v. bi n repimi nls or ompnniei at home nie to vole, it is oil wrong, and must not bo MIov ed. What t!o our soldiei-s say to this? Hut tliis fiitud-proUM'ting (Governor goes fnrtlier, and calls on these sheriffs to "exr " else tlie lull force of the law, and, If need be, "order forth the power of their districts, to " prevent the approach of soldiers to the polls." His prating about Interference is bonh. Ho knows there Is no danger of this, unless indeed, which is qitltclilccly,hia friends under take to drive I'nion men from the polls, when It is not probable that men who have perilled their lives i.i defense of the country and tho iij;ljtfi( a "free ballot," would stand Idly by aud sec the crime consummated without lift ing their voice and their hands agaiint tho out i age. Si:vsiot!: giows desperate. His own chances for rc-clcctlon grow beautifully Icm every pacing day; and, besides, be is out of temper lit the conic? 'ions of Don air-m and l'l l:l:v. Urs interft rence with the military, an J his cflorts to have the advantage, of a "Demo cratic lice ballot" which means "studlng" the lx.es will not. save his ticket from an overwhelming defi at. IIiiW is hit Oiikat Fai.u;nI In the times of.li:ri i.::.-o and Jackson the Demo cratic party were in favor of the abolition of .slavery. To-day they are the ilel'cn brs of that Inslil'.ition. Two years ago they said that t'fy were lu favor of abolishing i(,providud it could bo done in n coiiutilulloiinl way. To-day we find l!hV7:j:rY Jihi.nson, the exponent of Demo- crat'c principles, advises traitors to take the J oath fo (lint they could defeat its ub:ilili )n) ' when an oporlunity olu red to procure it in a lawful w ay. In truth, the object of the leaders, of iiurh a party Is to curry favor with tlie l.'cbcl chieftains. lt them be their friends. They will soon need them. Misery loves company, i.ntn are on u:e. verge 01 mo in.-t, iMtch. They totter for a moment. On Tues day they will tiill together Treason and Teace rebellion and Democracy. Ge rgo V. ISlunt, in a lo'.ter to the Now York A.', tii'ti I'oit, pruposts to gtvo all tlio sol d eis and sail us in the unity and navy a 1'hanks git lag of tttikcy and pie, and suggests that the i. oj k go a! .on t it at oucv. A good move, and it can Is; done. Tin-: i.i hj;ka oil. rt-uYN v or w t;sr VIKiaMt." Capital, fl.dOO.OOO, divided into lOO.OiV) shares a 10 cr Bhnre. Hubue.ripMon pTlcn, icr ahara. 1 blA Cmii.iiny own nonet. U the ninet valnalilo land and If ar.n in tlie Knnanlia Vnllcy, iltuata nn llorte Neck and C'teni bi ll'a Itun brmelict of Hull cruck, and wlth.B flvo lntlt or llio Ohio rltcr. on lii.n.c itoci.Diinyownimiwon, which ino p'i '"f tcnry.iino imnii or on ptraay. ti.i i-u u ,um-.iiui oi.m ...i..., - . m,orli,lf,.l. iill ruw .r...atlnii to bwx, to the d, ,.h of tin otle r )Q'-lt utirrotir.dit'i in, tthicn art producing; rVom one iniuim d to uue Lumitad and aiMybanvia or oit per fyv,,'nK' .tcmdwc.n Ki.d.K-i, a hkc amnmtt. 'Jhc.t lh utiolhor well at llorfe Nwlt, now b.ired two limulnd and ai ty-livc fact, Willi about thirty rent or oil iulliewi-ll. Thn land on WHICH this well o locta i on nil,.ii...II Th.. Ii.illlr. nl. I n.i.iiv nieu a arul- Uyi ,n( n , (iMr cou ,1JV1. .i,iap..of two-third.. ai ruu, i :' run, the onmnanj own lu 100 a tractor Ihiitj-tiir. a m n , tonflderod by iipi.io,;ia and mining ) . , , i,ronriy. , I'.ookn of anbwa-ltnlou ara Bow open at ttia Coiauany a onircitcom Ko. j. M.irchania' i:chaniso. . , ..i. ...m i. ...t , A IIU.1HSI ii.ouovr i tin."', oimj ........ ...... JOleN J, KltOMEK, I'r. a.uror. ; i n.e '-piittiiura iaity 1'o.i 'nt S'itmnbor a, , y2&r?i?ZlliXWr i'i. a,mit connty u at on Mnuday Uin Uurt.in Oil I'onu any atruckawell on llorK Meek, in Unit county, wliieh will jlual a tlintmand birrls ol oU ier nny. I'hern bt ereat eaeilemeiit on tini mitiii et In IM viciuity, and Uia oil ioiar la m rolllni,' lo a ft-nrlvl aitunl." MAKRIK1. Dl til.l -l.inni.K -on tl o '.'d ImiBitt br Iter. .1. Ill :nt Sinllh. I. IHWIN IM'IU.I.V, I il ltd htnlet , Amy, to n.- u,irj t,. l.ujjli.. o. iu., cuv. -o ; i.siiin i.AV).i!TV.-on Wednp-.Uv, o.-inbi-r atith, I..v his Honor, Jlsyor ll.r,v. wn.l.lAM Y.IJMilN , ,(1 ltl;, , A ,i. la l.lll l.bmuol i on mrv. llela w:ire. i oiinty. 1'a U'oiiliUI'l! IIEW'1 lln tl.n l.t m.tHiit hv R .; .. -.V,.;'-,,.!;, V: tr.a c. , . ' dikii. ,,i,;u i;,.d,,,., ,,,klieM, ,,, l. Hr.,,,,,1 ttl0 ,;,my 1 I.M hll"E Hill .lo 1 N 1 1. ll K K I' I . Ill l I. VI II "It 1. V .( HI I 111) U1 u(- hb :a,.M , u, , a, irk., l4 cjmu mnn o. 't he r-latiya and lriei.dii of (lie um le urn invite .1 to te.leiid his t' le ral, Ii'mio hu tuo.rrit iu iil.-n.-e. No. lnt W alia, e atr.tt. on samrtla iiioniiua at IVo'clx'k. Pu lier.iln rvlcea al lllecn S'.id't M. t. . til il ell. I HVV.nn II. h in.it . at t?t l'.il il Virginia Till. MAS 1 . Ill SN. In t .a l.tli yen-ot h .i.e. I l,e r latl'.eii tind ir endkor the l.mn iar . retp..ctr,ill Inilicd to atlcnd the l.ineial. l.- .tii tn rei ten -.i ot hit utl.ar, l.atr. tl ll.mii, No. I sl ..milcin junrP.t,oii ii,lai mo ini.K in s". oii..ck, mi no t i iriher n.tica. I nD.-rii net . i.i at tJall.Pilral t'liapul. Iniu.umt InCaCio. j oraic.i,i.i.r. HAWKINS - Kil'.o nar Plchiiinn.l, on Hip 'illh ult., v. hit.- ci.li.liiHlulilli Ills Ke.tu.illl, N an IV seven Ii 1'enn svltaiiei ..liu rs. I'aila u l.l.oiiiil. W. 11A WKl.iS. I) to uotiea oi tlie ciueicl Hill itiveit. K1MI -Mi tlie 1.1 Instant Mrs HKllP.l'ltA KINO, t. lie . : I h In'e W 111. K lllU, ill the 7'itll VCar -l llnf II :0. II..- Irl.uoi and 11 ieihl i ol I liu l.l 11 lly are r .peel l illy Invite. I t B'till.l thP I'lUeral. Iroill iief lute re.-liltill-, l'iiu.'- l-'irie rii.et, near Ivell .station, 1 i.e. llv-.oarlli ia:.i, in : nn lav uiienioon. ut 1 o'l'loek. liunrtiii'iit at the I n on t .'i.e-tev.', .si.uli and W ashni...t n avenui.. K mi. h i.-on the lt let.. .('.: I..: i' .vd.iLNitiiir. sr.. i., . .1 il v. ut . 1 1 " ,i I"'.' ! .1 .rlen.l- -I Hie tauiilv re te- ;Me'liuHir ii.i U'.l to i f. n.l tile Iiippi'iI, l.inn hM I 'a leilileu a. Sc. s i I il..p. -1 r.-i. I, on I'r il iv nil em "on, ill J o'eeua. 'it. if(.. . i .1 i o on, ' III till- I'rii"! rv . M.W Wl.l.l.-Oi'li her We, ANDPCW VI V X IVKI.T., a-.t'it I'. veer'. 'I i e retai.va unil irlcti.ls oi the ni.'.uv nra r.-snc't jl;v Itivlt'dto allen.l tile luneral, Irunl tlie re-l.lenee ol his ,iill In Ian. .1.11. Mieiiaril, No. M Ar.tJ ftreet. tins (1 hiu may alii ruooli, ut i o'clock, vt l.honl inruiei tioiiec. MCKKIIIkW Ill.TM.II.-On Ttt vd.iv, N"Ve..ii)T .s..i,:it Die ri .lil.-IK e u' tile t-rklc . ha.eii.H, Nn. ''I I'.A t '1 li.rlPCt.' ': Ml'' t. N'eW V"ik,ll- C.C III . I M'. 1.. 11 . I Uip II, Mr. .lAMfcs; MI.UII'i.KW'.ol' P..i:.idei.'.U, to Jl, M. 0. Hi Tl. l.l;, ui New York, o caws. P.l)tii:o '..-On thc'l.t Inat., ANN MllttA, ivil'e ol .ii- i- I'lilvcoll, til ihetillll year ot ner .10. 'I lie ri hii.sea a.nl irli'iids oi' iii.i (.iiuje ut'.- res,"' 'tt.iilv I lou't'lnl th I'llier.il. Il'olll 111." r.'-l'telK'" ol II - r h!lliMl l, Sc. tli Cherry etit-el, ml l-'relilV mleril.i 'll t . it, t'.'. Illi lllit.. kl 'i o'CloC. J o j roeled lo Itvli'tl.l- H-n'-' t i iiit-l. .'y. Hl.ll. -Klded at the hi.tt e of ( eilnr Itun. on Ihe Ut!i nil. tno, v. I. He nebly liuttlln tm tho honor o. cut eou.er. '.. llui'.JOtl S CAD-VAL M'lllt l:;:l Ii. oi Coin pi liv 1'. Vineii- llith hi-Lilinent C. niiiy:vjnf.i V'oln.ite .ri, am l'l-vj'lal.d l:..ibclln d. licet, iu lhe..lU ycai'in l.o i" c. It vsiOTTOM -on the ll lii-tun'. KM. VISKTII, VI it.- CI 11. P. Ualll-'iiJltO'll, III the nd H' if Ol l.er .1 t . rel, 'in-.' anil irnHi'ls ol the rsuJv 'lie ill t-.l to ivileiid tile liiier.il trnui th re -n!' lice i i hoi Ineli.in l 'Mi. l.f'j Vienna irect, Ki, Met lull U'.ul, on PriJit u.ti u.Oon, i:t J o'clock. AM' IXI-'OKMATION CONTKUMNTi Til!-: wr. rejVlll of H AMt"i:i- II t f "I M N i N will h6 ib.u.Miilly rteeit.'d by b:a uiotiur. Jdm. J.l lAlihi JO.l.!?. WutU Ift t be.ir.l mi Jm-u M-i "o'liiil'idore f l'l' 1 K ' il the I -Uiietlern'e t teiiini 1 "Mcltae,' tlieil Ulti"jlod fn N w OneaiiH, Ini'irumtion btdu iti ! turouti c .v ''( w b' ai.d I'liibtdelpii.a "K-imi4' ifb!r.i,n, ' M'-liL'-'iid mid M-tbl:e p tpei" iile.tue c tv. I'ini uud.i'Mi ,Ot,i..iA.-r -tl, . 111 A , - DON'T KOKur.TTIIK Oil AND KX- t ur rn of tlie "oiiatluier' Mutual Coal Company Vt their iinii tt, t-i"onw nn rnluj,. I h- ex jiirnot.ic JeaMi.ihu d ,mjI ot tlie Hetd u Kulroad ijompniiiy. 1 UIU Ji.KSiH uud CALUMVHIIX Htnv;ia, at proiil-elf ten niumtt a pa-l 7 o'eb'ck, tu mluuteit b-dug ullowod lor Ibojv who have not pne'ir--d ti. to e- tt.. in 011 tl.e pot. The C'Hiiiniit' e of Arrmtfin'iiti will iw In aitond anee to deliver HiUil to 'o !t ji.uwuie-ly btaiu.d invM- l I A It I i I in 1 1. iv i: n r i u r. h v c a ft a v LACE cunTAm 1 1 im id"' J j I J HO 'I'llAN C t M I' or iMrs-WAM:).1,. I. E. VVALUAVIH, MABt)NICI UVl.l., Ko. T13 CEJKiHUr Et,:t, COUKTIJEY & WILLTTTiJ. V'ncm,. 14. oml If, H.Sh VKNTll Ht. .-t, I'lllLVIiKI.I'IMA. AlmicfAei"i.i of BHAI'TIFVIj C'O'lTAtJi; 1' UUNITl'Iti;, And (lip out rv(lM oiaa to Oil. cl'?. Aim, 11'n.ng fuoci fumltuni anil B il'lm, cmlntl tiliand. I-iiiUH-iu I!nrcnlnN In I lotliintf. T'.i.rralm in ( loiMna. Itbrfiiliih hi 4'l.jlhlritf. llafiiii nn Ui dull litij. At Ohvim.i- Boiki Ot't HIahiI. A 1 1 'lt. s vtl.l i H .iki..m' Old SlaniT. At Oka i. v ii HinhKs' O t si mil. Ai O.iA .Vli.1 i. Diujii V Old 3lHliJ. K.I. iif4 ClM'. lltlt .?l. OrfM'tirsiitit urit. Nn. in a I hi-nut a.ji'4 t. o. U.i CIiopmuI .tru;t. .Imim' 4 lolliine, S. lil'or. Nevenlli al &l Mthl.T. .IOM.H" Cli Ihlnit, H. K tirli'T a.'Tftilh a'nl af trkat. I'.H' (' uthi. m. S. Y.. viiH-r Si'flilli ani A. it lo:t. 4oKI'.H, I.I. ililtii, H K. ciirm r hwi-iiilt ami M hi Mil. .IOSI s1 ( li.tiiliii:. S. K. ritiner S4.vtmti kiki MHrktil. .lONKSCIntl lni;, S. K. cotni r Sanlli and Milrk. l. JHNKV Cl'itl.tini. 8 I'., r.miipr hevrnlh anil Murki.t. .IOM'.s'('l"lilnr. S pi.tncr SoM-nth and toitrki L Jtb I :s' clotleni;, H. I-.. rfinn'r Si-vcnili and YnikI. .l't.I.S,(:i'.llliti7,8. K.e ril r Sn 'nlh itnd MarV rt. ,IOM ,h' I lolllilnt. H. I' . ciirimr Hi vetilll and Mrki't. .lOM.h' C .liili';, H. K. oirniT Si'rnili uud Mikot. .JONI.S1 ' otl.init. K. K. enwr Sov.ath ami .Harkot. .IOM.M' Cl T.lih.i;, H. i:. e .T l. r H cnlh and .Miekel. J INKS' CIciMi.k, s. 1.. rorniT St.vonlh anS Mm k"t. JO MVS' f . IhliiK. K. K. cniln l Si'vcn'lt ar.ij Murkul. JONKS' Cl'.lti iik, S. I f..ui'T Si'vi'Htt and Mano't. JoM.s (ami tut . S. l: i iirnpr svi-ntli mid .vlarki't. .lONkS' C'l.'ltillif;, B. li. c ntiur Suvtmtli itnd Atitrkel. tiret-u anil Itlix It T-i-. A fresh ltiip..ritiia, 11 the ua. KMa r.t iiim I. Juat reci-Ned by 111 vis A leu ntnits, An-it and foreh mtvau. lZurulnr Alnrni ivpfrti The rutiflj) r- iiil'onn.'d Unit 1 hava ncis'i Ivst In obt -.i' lii-' thn n. rnry nf Oil i T.tlu- i I if aba. in tminti tur tins city and I g viplnlty. It la nporilicS by plvarl fl. I'Cy ,ili.iiiiP 't.i a ntlicr te-ura.T, tf4 f'tiAAar Hi. t nl 'hp w In-H iiro nol viilnlJ Kiu-'i "iff- j'.' "JrA. vil 1 1 do w n nil ihior In mi oppralor. It ' ' 1 " ' r In introduced wt hnut ilrl'' ln Ilia lintup in ili hM.t. A luirtil tr uiinit tfli rnfili lo jnur rnnm ; In faiiimt avoid il. In st yisiri' rapi rlrma hi New Yni k it hi'. not Inlkd If HI. ret ob its. t to litnUrt, buvnild a donlit. thn wm lnH'. and do.,r, ot I your lioti.o, it cull bu done, Cill Hnd no i It. Jill I is . siiii i r.i, No. a; it (Jllh,SM' r street. PIllUOHt lilUOHl Bttcx co a MASON HAMLIN 'A f!AUi:U.T OUIiAhS. MA30N nMi.ivs CAlil.M'.T OliliAtiM. Dixccit naoj HtTtl T. PL N'OS. I rtAson. J. K. tloUI.O, Bsivpnth and Obeannt ntroe's. p-K. - N O T I C E. ' III l;MNtl SI IIIMi OIL CO.MI'ANV Ot ' I'LVN HVLVA.NI A. I'PPM.li het'lOk' rpceipi Me rei;tii'i.led to call ill No. H" CIIKSM'T Bll ci t and receive. c rllttc:ilea for nmnp. j. c. i'i; i 11-: -Ct Seerelsry ami 1'rpasnrer. EST riULAbKI.PIH.V l'OST Ol'lT'JK, K Mill II J. lslil. I IMrOKTAST NOTICK. The ni..ilk on ami al'ler thi di-tc it nil oatces on the I Pcciiblvtuini Ki.tlroad, lietwcoii Alteoiia itnd IttMnir:: ; I the line ol the I'inlni'i ip!na and K.llo Kailrnad, nol'Miwost ot Lock Haven, and on the Itln.nti.huro and I, n :,:iw'.vio Itiiilri.iul, toePther with the l'ol.ivilnK oliicra Selin'a Itii-ove, NorttininberliiiKl, IivInIiiio, Ml ion, Wini.ens.nrt, Klinlta (X, Y.J, Lock Huron, and .itiuey shjru, villi S Ol f.olK P. M., DAILY (S ATI'IIIIAY EXrKPIT.D), In lilaee ol 9 1'. M., a heretoloia. I t;. a. w w.noKN, j 11 2 it I'.xlinnilT. DiaSOIAHTON. TUB CO-I'AllTXI'.ltRHIP hcretotiire exutinn tinner Mio flim of SAMl'KL N. ' liAV Ks A SON, la tlm day dloolvil). Ilia bumn.iM will bo aetllcd by the nmlerah ned, at No. -JJ li.t:K stwt. Ii a a. I-. Iiaviu, aurvlvini Paituer. ' Plulade'iihla, HepKuiotr au, lwit. ! f PARlIflCltsIIIP. Tha undi:rl!med hara ttilndaf fr rim d n t o-t.ailner.hili Ulelor the tirm ol li t VlHS Hlto- a lltKS, lor the trauacUotl of a taieral ItauUliu aad JUiikemne lllinloebf.al ho. no a; Cln-I, ClUWrS K HAV1B3, .tt'lta A. DAVIf.S. Pbt!ede',hla, Cktol.er 1, ISSI. U. 8. CtrHAcatea of !iid.'blcdn. l)iirertia. r' Veiicl.i ra ami cheeka.and Uoturmuent Sccuiiilc iiono- tnl'y, b.WBl.t ar.d aold. ill-l liu I huauieka l'aiH'r aud loaai on rotlatcraia neKoeated. Htocka and Loaub boiojht aud lold on t'oimiiNHlon. ( O -1' A R T N E It S H 1 1'. WASH I X(J TON . J I I-ICIIl-.lt. (ounni.iloll Merchant and W hok -ala I OecU r tn lanv:otia and 1'rodnee, haa aa''-i ucil w iih huat In hit I. n. Ii.cn bia on. IIKNIiY CLAY lie il lltll. Tno , atyle ol the brui w-lll lie WASIIlNll'ION IIL'TCIIKIt SOV, Ko. HI and 1H K. r'HON'T H'ra. t. ' Phila;.)ilila. Otss-oor !M, Wit. Iti-x-lin 1 :Al'NrSS,BMNI)NESS,ANn(:ATARItlI. J ' -.1 . ISAACS, M. It, Profcamr I the Kra and l.ar. treath nil r)la..aiea aipetttinilnv 10 he a'n.ve iinmiVirii well the nltnoat ducccan. Ye tint na tiom 'be ruiil reiiahla Hiin.'eek In the cio can lie aien al hla olllei', No. Jll PlNl', Moat. The Meillcal Pa. ttlly are Invited lo acioinnan thtn patSiiU. a he bai no .-e.'1'cts In his irac.:iei. ll 81 f I . p.. . . . ... . ,,,, . . ainiiEOVui affJ'STVa r""''1'' 8 1-PMi titl .1 S "iL:-7 BANOAt.h, LRnl irUl K, So. 14 Sort MNTII airaei. a"ovo Market. U ipturoa I radically eon d b B f. hVKMK'rrH pratulum Pa'enl ; "t"-'"' .!'" i. ""J S"l'' Kla.tio Beltl, n-....:,. i,,,., nu'l.oilia, nnuuiUN po, pvipn lorlce. Criuvlon. Ac. Ijiule. aAWnilad bv Mra. B.C. P.VPKP IT. nrM-lT MILITARY TvOTICES. BlXrH PIKN8YLYANIA. C4.VALRY. Z 1 i kc J i ' 1 T I n i t)i'j'K;i;. N . .: CI I ESN UT Sl'ltKKT. Re. in.ti wanted lor 'hi. ci'!cli.i'e. Iti". 1 111 1. 1 .il '.il..r t.eti. rat .sin r dan . comtnaii.'. ?'l.t I' nr' pspirh nie of the Cithers, flnd the i.,lTiltd re ut.. 1 1 11 c. 11 ned hv tl.c nth !,enn-ytv..n'n Oav.ilr in tha ht lc rt L Jcr thl. a tu.iat tleliiali:i) Hi tiiui-'iit lor V clcral.4 ol c'a a' ty or infantry dc.!iliiK to rc-enJ."t. All. l.fcM llN.Vl.NV AM) CT1Y IIOI SIIES PAUL Ai oly to Mr jov CHARLES L. LEI PER, I It. .7 I-'l No. .v.i 'ti::Ni, r s' iu:i:t. Down- rin MAUIM.S. WAN1K1) iL 'oi ;ha lEittd hurra Mttimu 01 nic fj in pe,' mi tlie ilfeH ol a iKltJMr ui o-T Nta U a i.i! in bcMru Liiiudbuics biuy-w-uar d ed un a N.vy V'ur:at lI'iLi'Il". 'i m i i f -i nie, Vi.iT Vr ar, J t ! , t j- ci in t.1 ".-.;tl U ;hr 11 l'.-' iW nir. , AIL 1 1 K LtH'AJ. liot'-NflhS .!d ci'on M il-t'lKn- :nt'.t ir.n.e I Tire Mi ney. ! li r -1 lunlitr in;onnKo l l'ijr i t.: K'u't'i 1 l.i;n2M'iif . No.;41 H. Hfn v T Kire,-t, bt.low Hjru';c h:ret, It tw il... l.oi. n u y ar.d JuWk. 0. - Mi CAW f.F.Y. ati-tf Mjt and Kecruitii jdit.e;. tt errs find foli!leri vMtlng t e Ity on fur'uii mhs. D"ed.n HWOiLS ASi) OTIIKK MU.ITAKV IPMKN fS, Are Invited t the extcmlvo WANl'KACTL'lilKO K JTAULISllMKNT CECP.GE W. SIMONS & BROTHER, KANSOM KTIUCKT HAIsI, HAJ.BOU Bircct, abova BUtli BUutd. PEISEHTATION BW0ED3 It nla loonier at the ahortaal notlca, which r rlchnaia and inavnllkeneaeliailanva comtiatiUon. no otuar houac In too cojiitry c.njl.lnli.k tl a at A N H r Ai; i v k i tun e.j.r. wim nit nueiPvAii swvw aJu. 1 TT!NOiriM AN H'tlM t,A(!S, r.w uri t.i tmsM;r ' i AT RIM. I window sua in M w son 1 r s. rt.. tH . . 7 4 1 KELTY, aiAhii. ti.-i'in.-r:., , tilitSN IT arBi'.kT. N v 7 11 I I" A NO OVIM'.S, liti v.i T I t.'cc.i ir h i is T-r: ri7 ft- ::.(r-. law piiiurs. 1 4 Arr,USE!V:LNT3. W-8.;UAN ACADEMY Or tdJIO. CROVER'3 .a:wiM oi'r.itA.. t-l'l.CIAI, NOTIOK. C'iiv .s the t tiee. t de.itli lrrii doi.Aid I r tpa.oo 1. Ip'ii l r ti a coiu-i, a i ...n t..a lm rtor ( Is huivali' t"in pi. i .1 1 ro. tifane the Sali ofTuJttU for Single Nih'A, Wit H.ltjr.IAY MOKN1NO NliXf, fr' I MilLlt 5. W!i ft-ats f.r anyn httnay l..tia.1 at lea ACAi'F-MY Ol'" MUH1U. ou iiOlj f Ii ft k'l.iM H iOCK. A: .r l n.liy (l 81 IIS( Rjr710N W ll.l. BK. TAKKX at tic I l;l M NT KHH-'I r,n i:ati:, a id the rsn ar I pt.f II'Mk-U I c r! arg -d ( f ad n;i, wlictlur (or it -Ii-:, 'si ii'a'a ot tar the aftn. I.KONAHl) (IHOVKK, ll- l-'.'t IMKKtl OB. iN1 y.w vui:xsvt .vrithKT tiikatuk. I.l'.l,slll I'l.OVMt 4 IVII.UAM b. Sl.NN.Lca- H. Cu n no ill H I r i Th. 1 1 1 1 I ; I A i: tMsii, Nmoniim U'.l, I n rtii m: la ..I Mi'H. i). e. i.oivi.k.s. ho V. Ill ;i(i .-ar lot the laM lln;e po-iC, i ly, bv re.iin.st. an I .) l-al Pi ' i.i it '.Vn.l cue Vine,' In KASI l.iASK. In. is-lL le i eh C e t o.iie. ii I'a ftj'cd tin: oi in atiAi- f-Kvi u saw a iVomav. h, ,r. )..:ilii.ii,TIII. Mi N ASIMlt ill .yr. Jl'sT: Or. 1 III ,'l.W'I.KS H M MiClli. I III DA t I'.t I NIMi. lll.SEUt OK VIlS. O. V. Iio IV I kS, In lirt urn i hiu.ii ii r ol CAW II. I.K. S.illiriluj Allen. eon. II VI II IIIIANK I AMII.V WA1I N 1 1., vtb- n v. ill hr 'i isJn.s d, rill. lollTV lllll.l;s.i AN 'AI.NIJT SIKKI'.T 1 11KATIIK. . ai.ri nt.ttie in tno toe cxeiti inent, il. en nilereal. a .d Mattliii, el.i cra. nny driinia herrloion jirO'itl. cd Si ioi.iI v ef k ' I it.p tn i ncct in,. I'nl eiiKai.eincnt ol M 't. MsK KAN III I'll A NA N . an 1 hla tulenitd and liean'lliil rtousl, cr. MISS ut, ma IIUi.llAN A.N.nhn will sopi ar a Ills. KVIAIMl, In the nev. ih.tne-.tfi lining eti'illel WAI11M1 IOIIT1IK '.i;ilt'r: llr.TIIK DAKK Dr.KK IN 'I'll K WOi'lis' .loiinll.an li.uoblafr Mi K:.N Ittll'll tSAN M.ili. rnirl.holo Mi..a Vlll'llMA II I'l'll A N .t N As-l-tol hj the loll .'rt n.rll of the I 'ii;i.;hy. Si .e. n-.-iv be hocorad Irnin '.i nil a o'clock. Curtain riics at 7i o'clock. Mu?. .S. J(1MN DUICWS HEW AKCU SX. i hi. at n i:. MU. AMI VPS. Il tNI.V WII.I.IAtM. Wl.lM.S1iA AMI Illl IISHAV KVl;NlMS, li;r'i.AM as ir was. l:a'.'k"d Pat I'.M'.M'.V WM.t.lAMi .IntliO'liot lira. ItAIIMlV W i;.l.!AMS Alier Vihich, IN AND Ot) I OP PI. tCK. let .-, afantnli k 3k th iincfta. Sin. lUilM'V WILLIAMS To PAI IS A.SD I'.AOK Ad.tl.V KOK HVK. P.HMiS. I4in'i- ..stnart Holloa I ..'II AY l.VUMMi, 1HM.H I' OJT ft.l.lM.V V, lo I.IA 111 '. CITY ORDINANCES. 1K SOLUTION V'lo Antl.oiiP tic 'I ratlin ai 'lo Antl.oiiP li t' 'I ratlin avlliir ol Torr .ai.',fpt,i il e nvei'UP to Inltt sir. ct, ix :l'C I hire enth W m il. lU"oinl. lly Hit M 'rct m Oiunmm Co-hmiK ol 11m t.'ity i.i l'hihiifi l-h:fi. Tn ni" tlii C'tiia-r Cftiuml-ioii'r oi' l.luliv. n h tiu, lie Is In r. ;b itiiiti'ir..il ami tlln rtc.l lo uiitr h.u it tout' h t w iih ii (ou'piu iH pnwr or .:ivcr.i, )nr Hit' trnu Wkj rv " Torr r-trcct, in thn i'liii liionMi Wai J, ht'twt'f n ItlttRf fcfi.no iut Mlnth Mtrct't: mid (f i he cart it w .tn r tliun Is ni'tt bt (or a iln'a lr.icK,h' Is uiitlimi.t;U to it -1m i- Ii lu il ' pniKr itllh l (.iklnfi uu tijtial i.iuntcr ol 1 1 1 fit in r.rb -. Ahf,AMM,i; .1. IIMCI'MC, l'r ii'ii'iit ot t'ousuiiiii Cotim !1. w si. r. r.m.i t , C'lcik oi Corum'jn Counrfl. JAMKM LVsn, Vrcsiilmit ol Mt ltd (Umnclt. api rotnl llii tl lnjr d .y oi Ot-tolK.r, Anmi ! ii.i cuo tliuiibttdti riuht liuiuliuil and i.xiy-i'"tir ( A. It. 1h;i). -Hfttjj yi,r. Arin.it iii-.niiT, H Mttjorol .'Uilmvlellila. 4 N O II ) I N A N C K J lo Auilmrle ll t'onhtrtM i(.n orirt(f'r'c'toii &r.t In lafcr line i t Htswer on Urond sirn t, tM-twceu Uxiord mid 1 ln u-p-oii nn pis, m iI:o 'l'Mjniletli Wrird. Lt r A, i ou (tiooiny oivimtn uu ino imcoi iiromi B:r Lclw c n d-.fnitl uud TluimpsMi ntrt-uU, in the 1 went H th y ant, lmvi- cmr-trui t-t it sfwer on tl e line ol l'.ruitd sirtet ajorunai'l, at thfir o n i.erxjiml mid prlvn'o ruatuml t'xiM-iiM', imdiT Hnd wltli the mijirovul ol tH Jtciiid ol Htirw:. h ; And w In Tf us It is mi', sury, in ordT tn mal.o tli mnie u wllnblr us u nillii' NPWM, u'ul lor Mm iirupcr mit'ice c'rHiimtve. io Ct'iilnal tiitt r: tioni at Muster hired, .le f Iiim.u tteM. itnd '1 Lnhijt.-.on Mrt't't, In tlie Ihio of ti!d hcwiT, lltf nin"Mry inlet and manholes; tli. rui'.rt , htK'tloii 1. Tin Hi Irct iintl t'oinuioii ('ttiii( ll.i of lh-'(!ly of l lii'ftilelnliiit do ordain, T'mt Xhf lu-p trliucnt ol Ilitdi wajh br and Ik berelo anttiorlt d to on-dmr. on I bo lino ol M'w it on Itroud htn it, I ctw t en Oxtord Hnd 'r'lo.'iosun stn-fth, the tt'lloln bit ei-tlons, town, ;it SlHstur utrei t, a. .Ii tlrrt.t.n.ttnjit. uud tit tJxh'fil htmt, v. il It t tf M'rMir inlttrt mid m-n .ok lor tlir pprintkc ol 'in'ace (Tiilumi'. hi diti -oi wln-n-oi din I be ptid from (Una ti i lor CoitMti uct i'li ot Iti audi Culvert a of thu OnllnniHe tc un ke mi hv piiMiitMi tt Uu li'i irtmcutof Ihjtwrts lor tbe T ir Vrtii. AI.KX TVDKIt .!. HAItl'KK, rn nnK'iit ui Couiuiou Cou m il. AttHSt- Ab)4HAM S I I w vitv, Antiattiiit ('Uiik of Com rutin Coimrti. JAMl'.H I.i Ml, rnfldi'ht o Mfle.tl'oiuitjll. Approve ildn thirty HrM dny of Orlotx-r, Anno lo minl one tnou-atud ettfht muidit-d and sUtv-loiiriA. 1. ALKXAVIiFfl HKVItV, It .M'i.vur ol 1'lulntb IpliU. A To O H J) I N A N C K To Muk so Anproniiuiion to the lloard of Uuu To( Wl.ltv lloMWlltl. V )irut, 1 he l.talni nre of thi .State, at I be Hession of I it iiiL- made ihi apprpr!ntioa of lour tboii ,iind tint If i n to thn Will' ll-;.ial, li- tbu atipporl of pttlieuti ai'nutied iiuio tin- in.-httiiioii from the. Iiiioriorm tbe Siato, Hint amount, with other in-nn s mia:M""p' iatt d.eiliinated at oie iiiiinand ilireo lutiidrcd uud tbirly--iffht dolbtri and twenty Ihix- crnl. mnl.in m Mtnl of fle ib-iiisaiul lltiie liunilred and lli.rty-ub lu dtilUrn an.l twenty tbrc fir Ik ; tkun hire, Heciiuu 1. Tue Select ai'd CotnuiiiB (Niinietl-ct th(ltjr of I'hilmb'lnliia do onlaiin, I hit lU Mim nl flv Iboiiiniid tbree buii.:roo and thlrty-clL'bt do.lart and twenty-thn-o ifiiii be Hiitt i bo auuie U boiolrt ap.iruprmted out of tbe above i au.ud niinta u r Wills ll"inil, for the aupport aud Bi'ilUiKt li.eiil ol the -tlUie tt.-. InlloWM : Item 1. Il'iimi' Kn)fDfi, tbra thOUan I 0114 blind fed mid hilt ( dV) dollHi.. Item .'. KrtUne- and Waeii, lx lintidre I and fU L-uty A (-:) d.dii t. Item i, Mudicrtl leMr;mt:iit, tbn-e hnnlrLd ((0) tiltl'Hl. Item 4. i:eHl l.Niitte, twelve h Retired tiud klxty-tbree dobai 1 and twenty-n r e uenn (Slio -M). Mi tlJon ,l. 1 ri hinn oi eUlny lotir d .llar-i Hint ninety nn.'Ci" 1- In iur-by trao it m d in mi I'nn lo Item 4 vt an iTd.i nr. f apprud Jniai iry :m, l.v,i; uud tho w.it--r;ii li .tl'i'l Ik- drawn In cui.uruity w illi etiatlng ordl AI.'CX tKlt .1. H.tKPPK, I're.ident o t'oin a.nl Ooitnctl. Sit ' 1 , Altc-t-Wi 1 r. t l.-i 1, 01 I oiiiinon fmii' II. I t.MCS I.VMi, Prei.d. nl .11 ti.-le -i l '..iiie-'L -I tl, - I'ltllV-tl.pr !:iv ol Oft 1 1. r. Anno I' noli ..li'l 1 ipl' Icliilleil an.l .IM''-..illl' (A. 11. Al.l '.NIiKIt HI'.SRV, M.ij r 01' l'hi!..'teliiiit. A in r .loll f i 1- II. It "I") l ; S O L L T I u N 1 1 To It. lc iae Ceriain Pn.yertiei ol H. P. Khu IV in tli J.e ii 01 Certain .linbrnii'iitt. Umclvetl, I'y (in- rHfU'rt and C'innion Count lis of the Ciiy ot I'hiludelpMH. Inat ttio t iiy tiiMclt-r U b-rt by i"itlioi itd to ifle.i-p the I'-Mo-vini; tlnurtl't d p one riles '-) Kwhert F. Khik: in.ji tin- lien ci .1 :udt'Mii'iif enit red 011 tlie on'CtiU bond ot l.eolge II. Hllilth, lie Hl'i OlIhtiT, Hint I III tlie lb n oi u iiiduiiieiit enft rt'd on the utlhu-il bond o( Juhn lioaler, Kuperti'.ei.tleiit of the 1 lly lt,uli Ad il. ( '., L. S. HM .Mui-' b, !, iii if in to Miy, ii'l tlmt ci-rta;n tluee ts'ory br- k niexBu:i((e or terenn'Ht ami 1-h or p.vv of urottnd aitiiaUe n the vonth -.i'l ot fine ntrrfd, at 1 lu dii tal Oi f one Mm.'i'ed rttid ttiirt- one b et h. iuehiM weat- in in the Hit i.d- 11 I.l'.' n,b. u i t-:, m tue c ty of I'itiJa 'eipi'U. i'iititiri:ii;;j In fiont or bio.idrh on bidd yihv hi ie t ei.hieeli iett nine III' h n, mid ett ullng in leiuth or Oei'Mi Ni-.itnw uni. Deuv ten inn'i r araili;l Willi h.i iu ..leviMUli rtutt, nlm-t -;. u et lo a IMuut v ic-t !de street, ItitiUltu tr. ru i.nti y V, urn fn-t t ( tMnine si nit, Pill-J lt.it it j ;ip i t ; uud iiKo i h that c-Ttaiii three- vforv biKI iiieioitiir.' ir ti n iiM-u a nd Kt or pit i' 01' r-n:iid iitn.ui on i!io wr.l s tie oi M'.rr n Mjeci (now cu.'J rt'ctriT'U Birui-t) at the uinmui' i-i m- :n'.v-r,ne n i.it mji e.n iiiCJ'O liorihw.in! Iroui ti..- ii'irl1, si-.e 1 1 I.iiit ;ii d stf t , c.jn'.i.niiij 111 front trt .Kith on i-aitl Moi-riit .itr- rt elfthteeu li t-! nine lne'ies and a lituf, ul.d m Iciih wihtHurd t'01 1 -turee ftet, (irovlnul thi: i- liirt-i it n ni Hi: eaitl li. f . hi.iii eoiistiai limit.io ; mid irv Kb l H at t':o s.iil ( '. U'iw li ill pay to tho Soil- lloi1, m 1 r ik or' 01 u,n eny, ti.e i.ii:i 01 t 1 1 toiit,r, tu de'uy inc e x'tubt .1 on ltd 111 th" iKihitnl! M ot lhi lenohilloii. AtK ANI'KK .1. If Alii':. if. rrtajd-'iii of L'l-niinoii t 'viaicd, pro teui- Attepf AHiAII A l HTkW.tRT, A4lbt.inK Urk 01 'oioniuii Coiint'it. J.WIKS l, ND, lredrtMit of Select Couneif. AiiprnM'd fhi lhhty-(lr?t day of Ik-lobcr, -Anno liojinil 01, c uuiuuiia iim iiLinoiua ana aixiy-ioar u ALKXAMiKK MKSHY, It Mtorot I'hiladulpliiat t'ONlSOLUJATIONNATIOSALllAS'lv, Nov KUdKU .. Inn! The Ileum of director, have tht. day 1lu1lu1t.il a di el ilcilol tly. PKli I'tiSf., paviihle on' the lh in.lnnt. ten " niuo-l. Ji't.ll ,S . rir.il-"!'. Il-j-ih.luiii taihor. fii J A Tt 11 M T . VVQOO . CWY, Nt. 70 (.mi 1 '..iN sit :s 1'itiui'i r. ladies' a:;d suKSsr; hats, JIKKI' WTViJ M. IXIWliH'I' -UXJli4. " COIITUvrEyTAL EAT," liOlNISV-TS Af tf. 0 1. 1: i! a 1 1 r 11 1 c K P. fl,i VITA ,i Mt'iH o,d 1, oer. Kelt Imii ai d H-Mitu'a n.'.Ti .i(-.i, ()l)l tV OAKY, No. Tl-: ( IIPl'KUT HTI'. KT. reciAL rcTict?. J , , '1' MNTIl W A H I. . PBiKOinrs, hot uzs. 5M', IIAM.IllV'.irii Al. VIM IN TUT, ni'.l.ll POII on: coi Mi.i .'.(i.MNni 'iit.vrrou-t. lie it'jalc'itins .flhi) ThNTll WAKI), t'n"tiihl. to Ihc clact' 111 of LINCOLN AM) JOHNSON, ard cpcad to a Irt-nC eri-ua iuli'mIcc tind to coini'io'ni.s tn till mined Irnitora, will nsttihlc at PKOAIl AND HACK HTRKPTH, ON KATCl'DAY JiVKMNO, NutciiiIh r fl, Al 7 o'clock, to niarch tn Ihe l.AHT liBlMJ IIAI.I.V lor LMOS AND I.IBKI'TV, to lie held In IMipl'PNUKM i: Hl'IJAIlK. Let all come .1 Iio loe Ihc rnlin b'-ttcr lhin patty. Plrtnic'a Ittl'ifi.la Pttii-t pl.-nif notice. Ity older ol tho W'.trd Anioeistion. A. 11. PKASt IrIC H.I'repiilPllt. Wm. II. I.i Mm, Scelbtiuy. II :l-;;t -T'i - II U A l CJ tf A. 1C 'V 1Z JCH '.:' KErUCMCAX lN'VINCli)I.i:S. Novi.Miii.it 3, 11. OUIiI.ltR no, it. I. The Clnh will asccoiMo Tills AITCCNOO.N.at ;it o'clock, 10 priK-eeil to Halem, "Met.' .laiiov.to ii 11 in the Lincoln and Johnson demount! alion to Ini lie Id thu'o IhK evi'iilni.'. II. It I, ennipstlr r..t:eslfd that nil who arc able will turn cut to paitlclpfllo in th pm a:n. III. l.auiia inuM l.o mined lu at tho tl.dl dnrln-llio tan rtii np. l:iiilpi'jer.t' may he hud at the Hull. IV. Tickcta, .'A'cenU; I. male at tlie Hull at 2 o'clock P. M. lly order of CIIAI11.KS W. NMllTI, It Clu. t II ir .liul. 12 UNION LEAGUE, CIIICSKVT SIUEKT, AUOVIS TWI'.Hlll. THIS EVENING, AT 7)i OCl.OtK, HON. .ILRE. CLKMliNiS, I.ao fulled Hialea sanalor fiom Alabama, AND m'av.m; McVeigh, ksh., Will address the Pt'bllc mi Ihe Poilllciil I-liucs of tho Djv. tnn lapiph Aiir. invitkhto attkna. ii jt" ualij or Tiiu EEFUELICAN INVINCIBLE3, MAliKKT STRl-il'IT, 11KI.OW Tlilll IKI'.N III. p.. Invli itlcil of Ihe C'loh, Eev. E. M. HATFILLD, T. IMBLEY 08HUN, M. D.( WILL ADlllU .MH 1 II K I'll 111, 11', THIS (111 CllSDAY) KVUNIXO. NOV. :i, AT 8 OXI.OCK. .Allll.lt JRVIT1.UT') UK PKI KI NI'. It 3UM X' Ol Jlt'HIC. HKftAD STKliia". lly li.vliHtlott ot the Union Ia ii: ie, tt'LONEL )!. XIOCKK1T M.VITUK.WS, Ol M.tiylanJ, Wl!) adtirna the ciil. nl of rhlla..plila on tUe Iaum of tbe OuJ, OX TIICRMI.YY EVEMW, NOV. 3, AT 4 OTI.tM'K, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC TI. IMS can he Imd nl the 1'nlon I.' antie. No l.'li'. Chra nnt htrti't, and Nwil'iml t:rl..n linh No. llii'i Ohcinut atroct, ! ba M. Wiley, bo. t-'l C'htmul - tract. id ivt til ActJcuiJ. HI'" JjIKCOLK, JO BE t ON, AM D LIBERTY ! UNION Ml-XTING-HI'TII M'ARD. A Sluettn; of tin I.nval fitlrtu of "firth Witrd will he held at w A.HIl I S'.'l n s .11 L, Tillltl' tiluct. at. v Kpruea. Thia l'l UUK.iHA'i ) fcvelilL, fcoteiiikcr 'l,t7'j o'clocK. imi. Jims w. v ans pv. co'on.i tikims i n.- t.P.H.VI.U, an.l otherH Mill ftildrei the .Me ; :n. . li,,. i ncift. are liAitnl to l.c i'leiolit 1;. P. K1N11, I. H. A i hi -min, Jii., t'h.iirmnn. II. u .ui:..Mn-i, Hicrct.inil. 11" rr- iniLADiLrniA post cracE, ot ror.r.i; ;, isi t. SFICIAL KOTICE. Tin: Ml'-Mi f OHl'KIl SVHTKM K-Ill co mtmilacton Tt'181'AV, ti'ew aber 1. .ilank ai nlii aiiout canbaob laimd. and a lit of M"nc Otdnr Clncc tint atecnal llhd seen, en applica'.icn at the Mney Older l)tirt mcni i tlhis Oil'ce, entrance at t'ne Ut-ltter Kootn dour, wheirall Infcriuation In tclntloa llicrc'o raobeprocored. Hie ft'llowinif arc Hit lim a of CcuiinJi.loua char-j-iil lor Sloiiei Order, t An Order not a.xrrailina tit) in ''ent, t'ver IH and Bol cceeiUll,' $M t'l Cetlta 0ar t.'oautl up lo .w JUOenia So order Waned for ! tlmn (I and not ecee.!Ui 'Kl. Ordera will be l.aned for the prennl bctwectt tU liour, ofUA. M. and t P.M. C. A. WAI.IIOUN, romuAnes. I0 t M l- LlrTOOLN AITO J0H318ONI 1 Utiijn il ' I Vi toryt A (1UAN1. MASS MEETING ttv lit il TTINIOIN CITI'.llNm TWETX-FOUKTU WARD, W 1 HE IU I.!) TKiS CvZiYG, NOV. 3, AT ;.' r ui.otnc, IX H;0N1 OF tHK UEION' LEAGUE HOOSE. Thirty-EigLtli aaJ Market Stre-9-U 1 1si Mc. Iltui Kill tio HjJersricd hy Hon. I.KWIS HAIiKl'.H, Hon. AI.l.XANDi n MrCI.UItU, Hon. N. B. HIIOWMK. Captain- A. 11. CAI.HOfK, atul di NNis o'lir.n.y, l'.sd. a:i m'.o are Id fa.orot ti e I'SlOK-nf Constitatloaaa I.llnrt et ti.e ti.oltiK'a Old of our Country, il t'inb:cni of tl.tia rn.titn; nnao. 312I3A.M MMOLS AM) wnr.HU jounsor, AKK INVIIl.OTO AITKMIl. li tie iM:tthir nl'.itild prove tinf-voniM.' the ueetlfia! tvl'l lukt lily t at the COWMISSIONEI.S' HALL, TUIli'lVoSllVKKl'lI AND MARKET ST8. Ol It A N I) MASS MEETING. Ylrtsrj ! Vlciory I MAINR. VKIIHONT. OHIO. INUiAMA. MOhllB. j A1I.AMA. 1 . hill NAN- ' : t lni.MI. l'l N.S.-.1 tt t.NIA. J II A.NK tlOll POIt TIIK TOKI'NS; OUIt COI'NTKIT Ifl I'ltKK. All ftkf.itH oi I.fbi-riy end I aw. atil of the lll-OaiOIrl I MOS o'.r f.tlH ta tu: de, aud the (iKANl) OI .! I 'liVG '1 hey flu t i'iifnrtf ; all uho aie iii favor of Ihe droUoa ot AERAHAM LINCOLN, 1 ti? ppie pAtrtot find nnillnclUnf SUPPOIiTES or THE oonstitutioit, Whoe wipe mcamea have npiield tlio Kattonal Crcrltt. HIWAI'.IHi TIIPASO.V, and rpiPd th UOPES OP Illl. OPPIIPMIPU In CPtry land; andall la farorof ANDREW JOHNSON, A M AN' HJIOM Till, t ATS COUI.D NOT INTIMIDATR, UUIJ) COUIiO NOT HUV, SOIt TltF.AION MPIlt'CK, are ti-itle.tej lo met, WrUl out diMinction ol party, cieod. or btitbiilaee, t INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, ON SATIKMY KVKXIXC, NOT. 5, Al 7'; U'l'lW R, To it Jft- f v( r 'li Vir'm!i-- of "iir ( IiHt-r- In tht Tj4, and of tle I n'on 1j ti at tlie nllot Imik, tnd to faiis ini-nt:rt'h to hLcnr-i' at tlfl 'l Hon, on Novo inner 8, tlioio it'-h defcutof ii.i ?ni mli.t of our oouniry. Ici everv hpp c mo w(.o pi in. a I'Ml'KD T A l'IVl)M.l t 'H N'll.i, a Stan -iiiia'U ntio ha aucceMk4 to ,i ii).rnJ o ii.i'ti: .;(?, yr! io-iprlty to j; nt rl LanJ. i..p:t': . d iW-Jom .or I to iru-44infor Kill. l. ta'l ioii P, tf.--n.'.vi k am to the eana of tit'ir nun tf. r-O'.Ki' Uir li.t-r. -.net -I tin- I.IKori.AN MUt IUCKACV wit t t: H:r.KUOM OK OCR H1.KC 1 IOSS m d .Jt'iio'-nr.- Hit ban'in'w which mould allow tilU'ilMll MANt: i;i;s m u-ftifir 111 ."Hk-old tn biiipUr T;tn uficinj t to toriupt Aoitncnu Ciiii'ii-. and ovarii rot Anicili-an IrktituiiMia. At Uit :u'.f.uinuiriit. u nmd lNply of Kircworka will bi j.in by l'rotfM.r J.u hhuti. 'll.t n.'ii.i of il.o Hitn'.M- will tc i'! en In a future RvlvLitiai u.cni. Ji order oi Hit Citj iliccmlv t CitiiiuHtCf . JOllIS i XiU X"L.J-ll. H -j ;,a!ri::aii l onJii.ltioc on M''ctinj. - AT A Ml-'KTING OV THE CITY -- Fxei-niivo ( oniiinttcenitlic Niitiiitiul l nl'-n Tarty, held Novi:uibt-r 'J. 1 -M, the fuJiow.w' .ian.hk' uud iuo itilion:. w-r adojitc-d : .... V lu it .is, 1 im' a i ii'i-iitivr ami oxciise for d-"tnrin.t ixd diaoivor i-n f.e in, Ut of tl-- l.it- t-alUd l-m..orun.i yr-. fr lor. in'r M 1: a i. l!cd. tht Comt-iiii. ilircctil th U t vir Head. 1 1' 1,11 t'ommoiiwcHlih Jlui d Dk', "iiiouldiH cos d, and tin- hon-.f and iruni.ier.cif-. not hU.U'd. And vin n ud, H;.M iliitctu n wag comn'icd wlth.nil tVhoiiB ii-u iur dcltuoc nlt..ft:thcf toil illy uutl.ori- l ,:u-wv"d 'Ilia, it IsCominitu-ercc'ird with in-llmmtlou ll.n enuf'U inpr. vrked and dnitwrdiy attat-k of a.ud ar tn ied rffooc-rtiO piocei m upon cur ml' u U.e UmiJiiiK v. a i;r.ntiyauiatot.d aud our IwauUiul ua- iNmiivfd i' it wt hereby offer reward of HVh in N J""' ci.Alruwn City Execute e CoiuiuiUo. ... .t: . i K .iihur T. ''" I StcreUritl. ,, la-TV,- ARMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S J 4 ("ithina P.tnbrolderad. KliouldorStrapa, WrtMllU, Ac, lu m -t uu.uji.anaU, at rtduoed jirje a Merchant Taia'ir, lUlSu A ..ll)iI)r'lli)HliWYlU.uut.