r 1 TTTTOTTTT, TXTTT TTT1 r TO) H hi Al AAUA PRICE TILREE CENTS. rilUADELrJIIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1SG4. PRICE T1IREK CENTS. Ti TTTj A vv o n. - News from llic South. KXIELLION WITHIN REBELLION Extraordinary Disaffection in North Carolina and Georgia. m:rnr.s os R!:(ostrictio. Olk-ions of tie Kicbuosd "Vhis"." no.. !., r., r.io., r, inc., inc. Tli' KehcU in Itdx-lllou. voiitti c AKri i and f.mm.i mi i.n tvtnt ARKM1 I'IPl HII Tls AMI 1UNV.WAV M.VVCS ritiim IiAtn on Tin. rl. vn i i:i.h ai.i. K' lours to l AririiK hum j.i ri i.i.n tx rrs ovr. CPVSl'tllAC.V IN holml CMIOI IN J I I I'. IA IH IN IV.VOH Or IVAl I V riNH YllllilMA, BH . Dr. J. W. Host, win !'icln bii?h ni a rlor nan in North Carolina arrived, lu New York jr'rJ:iy direct irum II if ir:li, w'r.li import in. Iiitolltj'i'nee. Ho uyt t hf? on'ire Stu'e of North Carolina, its well a "Geor:ia, is alive with, llebel deserters, who In mn-t ci-vs are i.rnio, ani or yamvcd, nud obundumly able to irj;c.ct il.cni reKi:. In t!io western port of tho Sl'i'c tli'-v r.;i"ri fnprnne. There tin y nut only in iko r-peiiod raid on tlio wealthy pl-intcrs ami llebel depots for i applies, but t'i jn.'toi tion to nin.nTiv nave?, w ho iii"c also urmi .;1 .'iuii aeoom,) my fir sc bnials of ill" cvli rs in their raiding cxp" li'nins. The Hcbol iiutboi I'le.,, s ivs Doctor lies, have jtItp'i up all hope of (rri:i;r t lis m"u back ium lie Hehrl rinks, having ben n ii:i '.' j in all their efforts to thi cm!. li.ery evp'di.iou lilted out for this purpose by the ItehaH bus pravcl a f.tlluie, fi r tiyc who were not killeJ in Inula de leted to the insurgents, who's number are cm tinnally Inert l-l ig. .I 'll. IUvii saM, wh"ii in lialrigh, that the ih'.snrtera. from the Confcdcra o army outnumbered the Contciloiato sol liors in the Held. The t'Xenivo conipiraey recntly bro, ight to lij;ht ut ftivleih IniplliMtn inuny prooilneii' olli ccm of the lonerv.rlve part, who uoivop.iny threaten to In 1 tlire deiorti'i-innd 'iioir 1V1 ihU. rrd uke pi-"-en.iii-i .r the S'-'ito fi iverinne a 01 North CVvrolma and nil ruilron.U in the evont OoTemor V.inco fill to Insrf Mte -m: s-pi-rnt M.i'O artion for e 10 .villi I'resid tit l,ino ln. The dm tor u thi;t it is now npp irm tj the Ilebfl Ruthoihii tii'it .w"i'-ril (Jriut h is been aflo.'dirK' faeilitieH to Uener.d Lec to i' elvc his rc'iiforirtnen's, when ',r.vit, by a ul len pr iu of his trap, will elove no the last ,' and o'diie 1jo to e iMHii.ite. '1 lii, Governor V in.'e J-ay, I C-.' plan, v hii b bus Riven ,T '?V. l)vl imi Ii COneern.who is in inv. rof eva1!ll.ttln Virginia allopc'hor, h.'vln'j i-."e.,t lly I'linlor J (i ;.i,;ra: l ee to do bo, and not It ur liir risk of a e ipit ili tionof liinrmy. This was : dd o Ur. IJoVs j i t hiforc leuvieg lUkijjh by au i.id on (Ovcruor Vance's stall. tier Miklrni tloii. H i cnTANT rrraw r i i:om vu r. nir.vnis'r Mkl'l!IN,-l;l".V TO OI'NriMI. HIU.KMvN'S CONi t hi:nci: i horosi : los. frowttke Jiirhi'iiiid i'a'-t, (V' Ur Tuc Ktt. r Ir. in Vi c I'reeid rt Slcpl.ctK to William Kill..", the nicietipev from (Jener.il Sher Iti :, w.ih pK'iiii.iris lo jenutimc, published. U'b inMt.uion was i' r the Vi ee-President to meet Ui i Vunlue in At!:tiita. Alttr exprcl'i2 his uu ie;y to ) r emote tbo tctMiiuiitijnoi'tbii tVatricid.U War," Mr. Stephens p iys: ilut, in the pres.nit in tanc, the entire ab-enee of any power i n ny nrt to enter in:o sueli nei?o tiaticnn, and the like ab enee of any tu Ii i wnr on bin part, so t.u as nppoaij from his iiicsiki'i nevcss.iilly prceluiti my aeeept uieo of tin invi tation thus leudcred. In coinmunic iting tUU tr General SI.erni in you may ulso say to him, that if ho in of opinion tll.it there a :y prosp je! of our npuui (J nptii terms of .uljiistment, to be sub mitted to tlio action of our respective Grcru nicnts, i von though he h is no nj.ver to at:' iu ad ani e hi llm n-in isi'i, ai d will i.i ike this knoiva to me in joine lor, i.. it .it; 1 autlnnit itive n inner (hting .-o S'Mtun for prttco lii.n-e'f, ,n yo'i rtprt-cnt hii,. to 1i.uk i.xpris-e.l hiji 'U). I wi.n'u i:iil chil i lolly and williiifly, wiib th c.i u itit 1. 1' '.inr autiiorities, axode to hid iv.ricit thus in uiitt-j 1, ahd enlo-', V. itii all the e o il 's', iiess of iny iiM'iie, 'ip.m the tespotislole and a'luous tai. ol" if t H i ? pea'e. :oul h irioony to tic com 'ry ii, 'i priii' ! 'S of lion or, r'n, i,nt jnioii c t'l at! i :u i'-.. i'l ii lioes not si'v.i 1 1 ni" U he at 'ill ji..i i- ,.Ue, Ii i.uii.:n.l ri'.soii eb"i.U be 1-,'rmiit! ! to I. iv tin ir i'ii'I s vav. V.n.rs, most rcsp." tiitUv, At. I SA.UJK H. Sil.l 'ILNV. arco ' ationn to omi; om.y wiii.s itii: Iillii- i.iiKKNTs ak;-: i:tit Hii.n vn. ia .i -'..' A.'.r ii, v i.j.''' .;i. Tea e mmot he fcnre 1 by li-'htirnr," is a e-y that we ii.ii't litncs hi ir t.oni tiie fanuii-'ue I. "H muet he umile by m'K iimtlon," timy say. Very true; anJ yi t mu:I, m t'ic t, .Hire of b'llit:' rtn: ui..a t'.,at li:'luiii! is at'u n th-j only ro.il t neaot ath.ns. Two ni'!'i on lui i'ir',-kie:n VIK 'Kc 'a a co-n". at t' e!lh ..lOine .Inii.'nl'y, eli'irn) of fiieiidb I'-niiii been ni.aailin. lit Mo lirst shock and lury of ib? b,;'i'. w c to him who atuinp-. to pin. t'leiu, and to iiH.itn'e "iieo'-ia- tlou." hilt wait nul l tin V are w i.i blown, ua:ll i:ekeni d briiis .s iiiei bl.'lin.; womuls navo taken away the ardor ot c, -ii'ia', mid then a bo can separate tin in, and ' neotj ui.in," ending in a "peacd," is the aiost natural ol things. IVa .e In tinaliv et.'i,!i,iji! t'lio.u-li ihu iii;.i'.ia-ioii, nit the I e'liiing h ul la ! 11 ,,'it::l'i.i i .,r i.-.t, ablt .lad ia. In thenar w'och ti e Ti:;'i;'! i'e- is wsi'ini? apor. ui it i' '.a '.' i v ' i ii t-.ii I'.io .s ii iti! tiu atnaoii.,; pi'ry has b. n pri..i'ii.!!t .I out of h s iurv, vi c.-iie- to d i ol' ii . l !i'.' I'idiiio ttl ho; t " ill b. a' !!. v.i.li a s,"i-r v.ariut's4 ami exhaust ' ,n ;!i.it .vi'l ;,. ;.. ire o ir ..!.: ir for iicg"i...'i in. 1:1 t..' a, ..3d w'il;. i,;v am rain iik t ti e i t.p :-v act " v ' 1 1 all 'h'n I'u , and f:iiij? tlio ar -M:h vim i'.i i ' o." vict ry , the pi tii. o. is oi p e i lit : :i:; ii o.o 'K,.v.iii i,.i us In i veil, ii it a i t.u." s'lipnoiiii:; " i'l : i"; sir" v!i' :;i is heard lit 1 1: wa ptirr:-p"st in aiis.v. r to e i-'h fall i ;" ij.v l-i :'i. 'i 'ii' ti i c ut t'je r i-t'i h . ! s lo di hi ri-'it lio- y Itluv tipo i o.i- .ny, i...l lo in:. In I., i.i di , :!.-!"! :u I. i ji.ii. 1 i!.i-i . Vi U'"' i. ..1 '". I' !! ol'iis . 1 A. !'-.'l n v.r ..! " e. !'? iiv -i.'":.. : -):. !i liiu,.: tin Hi.' a . ' i v i. . i." . ) t h ni.-a i -u1,-liiii.sij. , '' . ir r n b . i, I .:, einU ,;o: trn:.k. 1: ' i.. y .!o i "t ,i i". M.i-ia :-i ,u ;'. y ...e en . a. i ' i a ' ir n,; :h: oi a'1 of tin- 'vuativ I y t'.i :i i-1 : u : ;j r:.is ; r.i 1 t!i y oucu; to icspi ta t: c .I'.Vic j : l;: :i'.:'U udi ic i 1 lo fiveowT tl:e'n" liiuu: a iii ua::i4..ly - u-i:'Mii. H ooiiTlithX'i V lti:ft.l. 1 1 w or lu.iMSsrRi i 1 1 . t'Orii' J.-Oiili ii. . i.i'i.i (.'.. t..,"i.i li'.i f ;.'... .0. Taikin.-' of rc.:ons i iu".ii,:i, I'l r, i- I it .it' means for it tUoio'.if!i .:. ii i, Mid t i .1 's a t'onibiiinilon hd'Aei-n tho t'oiifcVr v-s :'il'ua Koi thi.rn coei" rv .ttiw i, iiitnciit jd bv t1'.- bio 1 1 o.' thu tilucL iiepu jii'hiiis. Ii liiii Hi),'! ii.'r.i ci'i ner alues "Ul I ut oi.c, ii'id a tiveiv ' , r i .i who us oi this bu-i'i, lu.'io iii i-'in i.e lupjioi a bappy and purmaneiii rcuin in. lui wi.ln y i r'. Ot tho blood, the evPirniiu iti iu i t thJ luniii'.o. who hae I aade this war will tailice. if ihc Northern conservatives are not ready for tliib coiiibti .aiion, the, next, mid po;.,iijiy our t st iilternative m uuniMt.iun to l'.ii!; aiul or riain .' This would render leuuion ton ve- imp isdbli' and at the t une timi: prutilytL.it which i 111 abi.rbii'i4 pa-hion of every Souilii.ru licait vci (temin; mi t!it .u'lin.d Yiilikies. I would uuUo the atipliciitioii tor i.niicvatiua in the lirst in-i iii 'i) to i liC-Hiui, au tte iiioiiier eouiiiry. ji ms it dims we i-uiild then iiiiplv to Krnuce. Tli1 ! m, incs to tither would be so (.'mat tbat refuAl could Lot be expected. TLo advantage to na would b(, i t;-raat Sep .rv lion trom the Yai kces, and the ubility of wrcik' iur upon that (iodli es raoo a ri. h and nwt'1 re. vcLre. At present, however able wo ruuy bo to D.aiiiluin our indccndeuee, we are nut able to Uoiolute their laud a tuey have desolated ours, I'ltll that is i Heeled, the dead cannot re-tijulelly in weir graven. A singular letter baa come to liL'ht, ad dressed. In lb-t, by one Vineetizo MloaroUl, of Zante, to J'rmce Mettcrutcji, BtTinu n very uuta orablo rcpni't of the dUbulute life led by liyrou hen at Msidonhl. The writer declaivi. that liyron was both bated uud feared by the (iroeks, and mat lilt acain resuueu iroin p n m iiiiiiiiniJ tercd by them ; and Mivarelli i)' tho UeiMl wm not only pardonable but crediluule. An Ineenious FiiKlislmian bat been permit trd lo tiy tome experiments at tho Has works at iluliiics, the most suixeiful of wim b waa the auddeu uppeani'ice throuithout the city of a beau- tilul clear red Itgbl, which threw around rays of v tli uiost oriuiaiit Ui'hcnpuon. It is said that by the addition to Ibe gasometer of some chemical aalis, an Increase of light and changes of color ( fan b Ins luu umovutly producod. THIRD EDITION TRIAL Or COLONEL NORTH. Ho is Tried To-Day for Election Frauds. nis rniEMDs despondent. Bpetwl to Ti fTrtilo TclBTiitu AVmihinoton, Kovembtr .". t iI.okI North's trial hai commenced tu-rf'tr- H'J counsel plea I ant of jurisdiction in the Military .'ouinil-ion. There is a prospect that this preliminary ques tion n 111 occupy to-day. Colonel North ami hia nyniftanta arc looking h icard and aunio is. THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Erie County Widc-AuMke for the Union. TRAtHON THE WAR PATH. FirwIM Tim Ilreiiliti: Tptoirrnrih. t'oiiHt. I'll., November J. The in: rouiidin , population turned out In (Treat nuui'iers l ist nipht to lu ar Geort'o 1'i.ineiu Tr i n, the c'lr-oipioi of law, liberty, Mid I :iion, at this place, lie b il l that, M'iClellaii being the caiidi la'e of 1. :lai i it, it is legi'.iioate to draw iustMiKon for ill i-tit nj him and his poli'.i, il eour e. Jamb put on goat-ik n gloves and li.'.po i "1 on bis old fund father, by which trick ho rH'.itod Hfati out of bis bir'briht. This was eminciiiiy Pemocr.itie, as thlnrs are iiow-a-ilar ' l bat it h as honest and innocent con. pared with tho whop - ,ln 8-.viu.IIo attempted by It:-) tliimblc-rl'crs at Chieiieo. They wcra for pca:o, or war, or nothing, to Impose on the houvit voters of their party ; and thcr dedju wis not tj cheat an In !i- viilii.il, but a nation, of i'g biithi is'ht of liberty, life, and happiness. (l.u h'"r end appl.iii.-o.j TIIK VrilflliM JIlMl ItOltHIilt V 'tSK MositiM, V. W., November 3. An applica tion wan made befote tho .fa lcs ycs'.or l..y 1'jr a writ of A i.'' a.-' col..; lor tlnr eeu ol'thc ii:. Alba'ii raiders, in m-tody heio. Ti.e Epplicitiaa w ia de?id' d as ille:".vl, as the c.i.-e WMd not out of the bands of tli j Tungis'.ratc, and nc, 'iualooinmitocit has; yet b'.en ru uie. Tuc puolic exai iin.itioa of witnenis begins to-iluy. inildpii ! iklli. lie ton, NovcuibtT 3. U. V.'. IVtsila.uer, pro prietor of tho Ai'ollo (ir has, was instantly killed last uic'bt, hi' Ltiiie ihruAil ir.ni hi-; ctrriafs. AI.MY iW I'OTOMAC. THE MOVEMENT. Wbatitwcs Dedriod to Accomplish , WHAT tT EFFECTED. A I'orrcipon U'tt of tho Ni v York iVm- vr!tc9 ti.o following pari eulars el flneral fj.ant'd last movemi nt : In the fiiid t.T. i-.-, '.i, M'-v in.-nt mail ) for two things, line wis tuc p i- -C"!iou ot :he Ii vd- ton plan!, roa.l a id tl:: S aii'aFvIe r.nlr ?a 1. Vhe iiul w is to ) on n parte ' kno,vied'-o .r tha cicrav s p"s;;.u,, and ' iviie Ir.v: of on at r i r v.'bi-'n our .'liny i-fl i-ii'il. We g.u icd the p'.iiilf, '! fro.n n varsity of " es w rilled t-) g :l I I' d oi t'.ie riiiroiJ, y.'i Mitlicl' ',s no lcnia.n! tr m!li,;t a gre it ir.ici.nt o! d .ii'. 'gc iiii: ii the enemy, tciun ' I ir e numbers of his rmv pn'on.'is, a-id s:iv.in a long line ot worts which col l hava b;ea held, ii eo di Hied, and v.oul l ba u exieudc l oar liud some three i iib to .yards t'.nj Aiidoui itt rwor. Having ihm -xtiiaiued tii; intention, 1 cjiiu tj the cxciriMii, ua i in ih 1,1.' -o I will show co I-clu-ively why the original ' ju w.'.s aba id, m id, ami iiIko i-Iiiov wlmt was really aeeompii ,he 1. To do thii), 1 intend ntk'nig up e udi e, r(i.s' operation.- s-tiutia, pie:ni.-i::," lb P. 1 h.wu lu l t j tru-l '.thcr eyc than n.y invu im- tlio iiiovemiiucs of ibe 9 U forp.o. Xn the in mi f : it'iros 1 bjlai.e I will be found corre-t. The I'd Corp, iiii v.al down the II il'fax. roi l on the a't'-ninon o.' V od:iesd.,v, bivo'Mi'.kiui: noar the ''ilobcri'ioii Hou-e." A. 11 HO o'clj''k Thiirs day t:,., ruing lo'ucr il H rn"i 'k took up his lino ol march, mf.virg don the road almost diu Mi'itti, until h '. .'ti ucl. the (Vmrch r i.nl, j vssirj the '-Con ,'.a " and "Knim l is" Hon ichj. tiliii'5 abuiptly'o ibe rl'.'iit, 'be i i pusiied rapidly up tt.e t'l. I. rah i"ii l ii".:.! I'aey r..;u ;u-1 i':u llyjti, ' House, wi.ee 1 by ad liraucbed oil' to 111" 'lei! Mid west. 1 c.s-iii. mi by ibis road ' fy o.'o-s 'd Arnur'1 Swan, p, and eventually sf:i I. into th-i V.trt.-iiva road, i ear Mr.. l)aK b .."it. I''., lowin .' IhH lo'ol n-ioly so'ithw. ,-,:,.! d ros-in llu', u u ,' Hun. i!n y ii ". n tarii. I lao ri.i-'lit at the. "K.')V iicii-c, ro-iil, cab. i! !V gu i!-; a'liu, t 11 rill i,p a, m,.i I gr.'.:. road 'intil a pla v e.u'.' 1 ' V lb la t T.IS rt: . "l. nil, iiTid pas.-li:- 'he ''Sp i e c 'i ii.'.!' -T . o . i. tlio i' )vi the ''Mi i' d I'o'i.-e.' .. ' Ii b a j ' nidi a I'i Ii s.-s ili.-oai :i d oio h in ' I ii i: s in oi;-j- j,, f ,. L:':- I:It all ot I a.'alry. II Wila cup'.iir:-'!, v.h i l llilo-i.. 1. U.-ip.ci - straight i llo'io," I'm oi'(M 0 i plank r 1, acar '. line ol iho i n nuy . ,',y sul cus "I, iia ii- 1 You i;,'s iiu I il a.', c als i a ll iliei M 'j tt inr ol oar m i l i ir bis L'll,. N.l.'.be. Carr,,l 1. M ill"'' ut ::' .lilli lilli.t I v: ir 1. ,i vi-d 1 1 in M :j ir Ad ;ui,!.d-(eiier il o1' II H'a -i-i.. ,i, Ii iioui I;1' , 'accii' ' au I ihe a , ' i!o ii uci.ti on hi pvneia, tins im ,:i via no; Kau.c 1 uu'il i.r.o in tiic day. ..- i.o :i- th .'lb ( n;,j had n: K.hcd a c m tiie.u,i.ti t lie wood ro .d . ust st.;.. n of, or t'.a I .'ut.. an ? !. t'.-f 'd t'orp. moved on, ns Irf'i.o Me'ni, Jr tae lb.ydloa pl.n.k. On ruchiui; iiicli, (j-i.iril l.a-i's I):. "Sinn (llm who I, a ' 111" ;.'U:l:re, (!, till i0 I'ouVard ill I V) I i'i .s ol b .ii -. Ch traiMi: i: tiio bank in g mailt flj c, i ii ii rid t' .: i : a. i.,,i in guiiiliii; a liu'j of "i 1 1 - : I'i i in . 1 1 .;e iir - Hun it ir. I one aiin, in li'jnt ol iiln'a a v. i ;u fa vn,.; extended. I'm Hioa ii l ii'.i' m k; , the r o , iei, nil liin ib'tcrmiin. I i .i moiii. iii.J t ilio Hit m ors "11 th" oppo.iitc ictuk. Selecting a foii-.iu bop';, and puliing a -;'roa b( dy of skirmisher. in tour column-! or lines mcr the .'.ilium, ho wa about to give the nrji r to ui'vii'icc, , hi n fin ains utiaek was made upo i ( ei:i re.l Mnf's Division from the cusv ind on his I i.sht liai.k. (i'ciifial Moti'o U.vioiuu was sup l oi ii'ir tun i ii.i 1 .,: in. 'i he a'tiii'i; wan ki Mid len, and from so nnex ictcil.'i ip. ni ter (that li.u k belli?; con-ldered p.'.i tut- d I y liie.'ili Cor,!-), tbat C.-Ueral Mott fjund his line torcod lni-k iu some confusion. The cm my t,,'i tuir.id his ci lire a't.-ntion upon our lot.t l i e (iif iural I'.gan), and at t ie niin: tim i lni girg his 1'iiticiit.g to tn ar upon boih Hank and tin.' t, ir laiui r on bis right aud rear, and lib mat J i ..i t. In ibis crii'eal moincut Qeuorul Ean w.tj equal Ui tho oc' ii:ion, aud he raji.dly drew back Lis ih lit, lacing south, and so covered bis reur lu m lu ng currkd. llis right centre t aeod c ., while the lilt t.tHid firm, lookinif north, duo bilgHde, forming tlio extreme left (compos ! of licw Ircops, and belonging to Ueueral Moll's Dhisiiiii), was laced about and sent rapldlyto tha support of the right, while a string of akinnish iis protected the only open aide of this lui )uoinptu and novel square. Meanwhile, blecper'a Tenth Massachusetti Ilatiety rapidly unlimbcrcd in the rear, and com uiuiccd a tirniic hie upon tha enemy ut sbart range, maiio tivringhis battery from front to right In Kpltndid style. Battery C, I'ifih I'nited State! Arlllli ry, aho performed gotid sendee, aud dis plnjcd gnat gallaniry in this trying moment. In shorter time than it takes to write thn-sj lines, three successive t bargea wore mde by the ltebeis, only to be repulsed with great slaughter and heavy loss in prisoners. The elmrri s were met wilb great liruiueri by the " Wliito" I), vision, and Ibe heroic conduct of Ihese gallant regiment desenrt all tha glory tbat can bo accorded to Hum. Kach charge by the enemy wa fol lowed by 8 coupler tharge oa Ue part of Ugaeral 'gn, ami be look altrrthcr nearly a. th miand pns'iiiers. Aft. r this t . Icf r p'lUc, tLe division of tlcieral M )tt reoive-fd their forint'i n, and execute ! a voopnoiiTe charge, taking tenia hnndrel p.'i-ollPTS. The sec ne at this plage of II. erg mient n a tcrrt aiy rxclling mie, for the tiring wa so s'airp and continuous, the seopo of the b ittle was s small, and toe situution of the advance ibrlsi m fo critical, that one could alm.nl imnme Mm" f in tho very ndilM of the tight. In la t, ihjdit! t ent npp.uin," baiurics wee o clo-e to cu'h other, that the fhclis ploughed the very gri iinJ ttfnui'h the pun". While the ri'i'ii-ement wr.i roing on in front a division ot H. bel i Anlr , who !r:d len a inov icg our re ir vi ihc ll.ivl:on plank ro.l, es ii moncod a vigaMin ishel'm.- n?nur iic-t paiiioa, thro.vii.g our aiubal im e an ) aarn'Miii ni I: .ris into im nifiitr.ry confu'lun. As I s.-,i on my hoire, near She .Suand II ui-e, shells ne-i: Mv a,; ovi r our hc.ids t three dill-Tent uilglo, au I h pH.'id every ue how to t".'A',., Ai one time I alniii i'. itu.iir i,c, that the gallant 21 would be conipcl'ed t.) give w.'.y, an I pnh ips b.' badly wh pped. 1 he bravery ni tin nic), lin-i ever, ned th' mlmirrble runT.er in whtrh they'd Division was handled by Genera' M -in. firned the lalo of :he d ,y, ami res ibed gre t:ly in our f.iTur. Cur loss y ry m ill, roi-i Jfrin- th itu i tiooof our tro pi" 1 ho '.'I l)'s m. .i';h,.i -ti th-y ba.l lo rei-, ivi' a comb; i, .1 a'.' n k oiit'i'ir right nud roar, ami c .... I to in ad.ii'1 -n.il ertlerv tire on their front, an I to a puiiino:' oar own ait llery Iir', nonly -i h-'.ool fir t r iil. e ou"l niu'ht of the eti'-my, r piiU:-i e i di -ua-OS-he i'tiJi-i.1', and I ikon: l..n;e :i'i ,i is ,, in i-,n,ers. 1 he.r lo.s -, as 3 m'l er a id J? r.i u k'll.'il, with 1 1 mil -. rs an 1 . i v., an le I. The .1-1 ibv -ion, ()'iici.il Moti,a:Vr t'm llr.' rionientirv coiili-lni, , ilil re owe I aid w. lit iu a,, iln witu vi'- r. '1 hi". 1 i.h -v ii a i! -loo; bnt it is now so late that 1 ,i,u uua'iie t i b" prc.-e. Tao t.ght i ' ii I v lasted a i h car, an 1 w is o: ta; w A mi ,-t ile-i-i ipt ion. 1 1 uicrar, Iran: a id M ; i 1 1 I'.'r; c mi I he ground, wilb ' I. ueial II in 'o ; an I I linni I'roi i good auliioi.ty tual General I' ic' i" 10 id'o I ii is i ry wai nil r i rai-ed. I oic l I'll; Kent 1"'T tlenoral l'.gau aitc-iva'd, and c .ii,,Ii tr.enlei! him lin;liiy, .ii.-l rema.k' d ih o. it v none of Ihc irov iliil'.i'iiit po.i::oa .'or e no .i i ; l :r to be pljced i i. The '.'d I'orps ciptarfl ulto.;'her ,.n i'lo pri-iiner-.. I'rom the fnt ill it, the V.h (').. .s di 1 nil cn nect with ' ie.ucr.il ll.i'u.o 'k, and in a lo: it a'H" i v of tools, ibe. possesHon of tbe p auk r a 1 '.as u'"indoaed, and Ihe corps fell b ,;1: on thr .'i h turps up, ib) Wocl ro.i I, callo 1 by t'li U djls Telegraph roa I," aiiil r ached II i 'h a's Hun about inldniaht. Gn'Cg's t' nalrv w,.rc 1 in in support of 1 'iio r il Iianeock, and execute 1 a ch ii ge to thr left o ' our pohliion r.n I bu k of the plunk nil. It created a diversion, and ;ths partially suerrssl'iil. The I'th Corps moved fr in their Intrenched rimps on our loit, pairing out by K rt ( uni mi:.rs, and pu-hing do vn th '.'"lurch nu I uu il tb'V struck the Ini vk's aud hoisse.iu's firms. Se.tnga line of bri a tw erks thro vu up by the Hebe i, and aba idone 1 by thntn after a iili'h rc Istance, tp c orjn hii-icd tiiem-eives in t un ng 11 e works and cuaii dug 'oniewuat i heir ihrec ion. Thus w.i- c .n'inned dow n t'ei roa I, Mil th works extend., d in nnbr.ikiu lice aj tuey ad V. in. Oil, untii ihey H'ree'i the I). mean ro id ab mt a miie or so to :bj riglit of ila'.eli.T'a llin. Hit little oppo.dilou was i aa le to ihelr a Iv.iuce ind KC.'rccly any honliaace oil rei! to their onerati M Thi , in sub. lance, was the op ;r.uious of the '.I.h lorp.-. I: war cont.-Mpbih'il that this eonim u.d would rcarh the apex of the eiicinv's p'ni'ini nt almost the t une moment tnat the Jd Corps would str ke into the piauk rend nr.d the enemy's II ink. TIhs would ita;e a I'.iversi u and cancel, for a time, the movi neuis of Jd t orpK, unj n was expected would I, nd lo important r iiilts. Thclbh Corps, in fact, was the moving pivot in the whole comiiinul wheeling movement, a id while cnrine-iing w itli our old poaitom on tl.e rg!:t, they would hide the pnvross of the centre, (a'.h Corps) and lelt ('Jd Corps) until it would b too lalo for tho Cue.ny to prevent our onward movi mem. l'roin some uncxpl lined reas in, the lib Corps did not get on the uciuy s line at day light, its anticipated, aud the lid Corps ha I aire idy Income cugai'fd when tho did so get on', thus revealing the extent of our se'iumj of opj ratiuns. Genernl Waiicn'j Corps (i'.Ii) tnvcd out by the Van h'l rond to the Church road, ii;i wim li (la y li ed, pust thu B.to oi" l'.i,)l ar Spring Church, on to Ihe l it of i' '. '.) Il Cur,,' ir.tr urii r.eiiia, pausing out by I'o. t: C.iin'niin!s iu r ir o: th.' !th, end tlicrj s'rikiiig out to the left l y a :'.c? military r.) ui. 'on. del able drlny W..9 or, .isioned by the r.,.il inswie our wi.r'.s beicg tak'-n up by tlie ciiinn ind o' Cent ral 1 "a .-i.es ; ard r (tl.piigu '.he c -js w ! la, t iu nc an, n nt 'i A. M, il wa: pi--, H win a Griieral CraAii'cr.l's ilivislou uln: i I), h.iu.,i ; lip t'.. . r. ar, d 'tiled out of our work. Coa u i tiiii ln's D.vl-ioi ('ho SilO, temporari y u .d r tl.e toiiim.".n I of (! aeral li irdeit, b 1 1 i'i- a I- vaucc, w:tii General Ayrcb Divit.on i-he 2.1 1, ,n the ci." tre. A'tcr channg the a'i il'.is in front of Fort Cii.i- mings, Ibe Mb Corps plungo I into tho works to tiie ieit, and pn.died rapally n by a roa I cut by tuc cnciucerK, and lUo r a raphi maicti ol a io i'. two links reached tin: Dune in road, where G :ue ral llarllen's Hivisi ni heea in: b 'lly engigo l. 1 he uivibicn was rip'diy thr i vn into threo linos oi baule by brigade, tnu right overlaain.; too lnlluaiy ro.d, and tho leu, uu tha Ar.as.r iig laiin, win e .he 3 1 brigade ur rc u' Iiuu icicd uu the Duncan r iad. A flnirp mul running fire of mu kctry en nod, mid for a linio ihe cngugein-ut was pretty yeyere, 'i hc division ultimately n iccceiled, l o vover, in di iving the eiiCinv liom a line of works, h intil ? thrown up by litem, and tho Rebels sullenly f 1 buck. Our loss in thi do iion was ra ber severe considering tlio pen d of the tight, Biinn is.'y men beiii; wiiui.ilod, but 1 wad inlor.uod 1 1 it iiio.e were killed. eM ral Ayr a coining up, was ordered to mass bis oivi-ion on tlio I lio. lbe uiiliiary r .ail, in the w Kills und t j tho rear, lie did s,i, facing nu tioops tow nd ibe road and right, wh .re ho i i mailieil the gi'fater parrot die day. tOT.' ral Ciaivionl airivcl and iiroeded do va t;e r Jin), puabing pat ibe 2d li. vision, uitil b3 c.iu.e to the l)iine.in r a.td. where lie turned to the leli, and marched up tho Duncan roid, pa t the Arms-r ing Hoi c, mi l readied 11 1'.cu'jr's Kiiii, or .s-ing wlii h, at tne dam uu ir Ar :i tir i g's lns, he l.irm'd Ins il: visum lu order of ba't'e, I 's i ight lesiiiig on in: r in. Tl.e Mary and llr g ide, from CJoncral ,yre' Vii.i.sii.u, was teiiipua ily l :t n:h 'J lro u hi coiiiiiinnil and n-siucd to tii it ol Generil Cm v I'i id. 'I he lt liiigiide, (i la i'il llra.'g, of i' e !d Dni-i'.n, b. ing lar ;i r ii.au :h'i 3d, C l mcl Hod". limn, lb". M i rj l.i ml lirig id,: ,,.i pl.t in two, ami a w ing pi iced oil e:t,'h Pan'i ir t iloiiel llo'l.iia.i's Lri:' ab , il.us mukiiis I' a ii hues of ua adcpia u isc:..n-,ia. As fen n us the line was forni ' l, tho order w-ii given, 'l oi ws-d." Il:ninl Crawford's or l-f 3 v.. re lo iidv.iiii-o strnigl.; I irw in), kc-.vinjr his i ii-bt iisiicg on the i io, a id lo ul i n I'ely c ni ne' t with Genual liii.i'f the 'id Corps. It was Mippoeeil ihat II I'.-liei 's li m too1: its eo'ii-.-a' Unaid tlio 1','iy ilton pi mli roul, in a srr'in' ,i of a circle, ard th if by la';iic; tin; run for ids guide, io iieial I .'Jul t 1 could not .ail to make the. pioper ci'iiiie''.tion. 'ihe iiMilt i-Ii.nvcd Unit the map upon w h'ch these phots 'vere in.i'ur'd w.s to: vlly nic irre .', ill d this fact caused a coninboe. ehana iu Dir. actual laiiiiu uvrcs of Ci li'-loid' ejiuei in I. As ib.it General advanced, he found 'he ground Gvr which he led to pass of the ruuglic.se djsc.vi'.i u, liiii; loiibleis lying sc lttercl nil through tlio w oods, anil tlio woods thiinsolviii of llio mj-t iii,,i-!ieiiiiiilo description. '1 hc;e ob"tuclcs, howmcr, were overcome with out much I'.clny, and the lines kept moving up in good style lor eomii ili-t.nrc, when tin; run sud denly uud unexpected ehang.-d iu course lo the ea ,t, fonninga lnt::e bend or elbor, which caused (ii icral Craw lord's right to shift slo'ly lo the riiibt us be advanced, liius currying bis left lur tlicr to the right. 'Ibis was the critcial momont; for, bid not the run taken this bcii.1, the left of the o'h Corps would undoubtedly have cunt) in colli. Ion wild Hill's Corps, which was lying concealed in tlio ilente woods. As it was, the division of (lonnal Crawford just cleared ihe enemy, uud when lie i nine out of the bend spoken of, and resumed his direct murcb for the lJoydion pi ink road, be was viitually in tho rear of Hill's Corps. 1 have reason to infer that the enemy were In pcrftct knowledge of our moveuients, and quietly laid xlill until they wore lairly on the tiauk of the 2d Corps before they made their attack. fie that na it may, thoro is no room fur doubt tbat this is the true reasou why the 2d Corps found Its flank cv.posod to tbo attack of theeuomy. As it was, 1 cau not see that any particular blame can be laid upon any one, for the plan was made aud lendnid futilo by an error in the map. The run was the guide, and Its crooked course misled our columns, I think that I have ex plained the reason why the uioveinout failed to win its full fruition, and although unfortunate in that recpect, I think that the heavy loss inflicted upon the Rebels In prisoners, redeemed, in great part, the fortune of Ihe day. To make a review of the entire operation! one ba only to rerueinbcr that the great event sought to be accomplished was the seizure of Ibe Soaih 8 de railrutt, TUW was 8 failure, liut, a Uie other h..nil, look at the ircdit side. We aptn -0,1 at let t I ii''1 1 r "i ncrs, end lost no! n- k i,f l a: r ii nit) r. Three guns and f uir haul.' flags were ao atuong the lrii' if thedy. Trie, atone tune matter looked try pi! y lor the id Corps, but by the gi'iuuii .if oi.r general the tide na turned, and instead of a io-s we h id a posi tive gain. s o uiso h id pos-e .s,,u ci it. Uni nf wort.com tn.i'idlng a utr.nir p 's i,on, c w neet r.g wi'h our o d I, I', and runnoig nearly nnnh, andevntu il'y -'r.kirg the Iiuu. an im I. Ii we had wi-he.l, we could have held ibis lme, which wool I b.ico c in tra ted the opcn.tive limits nf tin- Rebel army to a ci'ti-M' i.i'de near. e. Hut they c-iu be ta.oui at .riy Inn,- wiMi na anv tr,'Uliie or loss on o :t pin, "i ih i :ln ar i I'litiirie l itefse'-Hicii is ii". ot .ouch count. THE rJOLDIERS' VOTE FRAUD. Etiiltavcr to Pc-stpo:; the Case oi' Colonel North. TIIK (sOYCKNMCST lihil.SMX WisiiiMiiov, November 2. i',.u:tiij? s.y. iiiour' Cvunnilssioii loc.iht aci'tlnx iutHVe 'V to day w it h the rrci.li nt. They ihea vi i- i I s, retury rtiiuitoii, who gae them a long audcrui'i'. Thi y have s.i'i:'.e J i!ie:un Ins, fnc.i i'ic cvulnu re w hirh hits alreu ly b. en suomi.t d lo then- ia . tion, 'h at the nll.iir Is more .nave and s r o is thsii they h,id tuppj cd. Ju !ge I'urisi'i' nl-o yielded the pn.nt of c ) iipa ti i.'. an . -.1 n '. ' .n, : n I ' roost - mill h low-':'' '. h in whin h" i,r-t ariivi'.l h. re. Uis poin ti-dav, urged w.'h great l".'i -iu ii ity, w n tt. 't C ibcei North's ti i.il be posipou nt und all a' t ie ele 't, u. ::LCr.:t.ll V NMIltoil ., IIO d tli'., .si.il, tl,r c.ee as in the trm 1 1 oi 'lie 11 ui n;' Mi'.n i y la lice, an I h" could cc co re iu I I r hi, nitc. n mil' e ; Im he would . na any il ia :0'. i.e. a, uprruvcii by ,l,nl , ll"!'. 1 ii'-.' Ill' i'i tipti'l waited on l,i 11 lit, w't i wa lit through tin t'a-e in i iti u r w i u t'te u, m 1, although w illin;! to e t:d thrui r ay p op ;r . on . . tesy, could sie no i:..-oti vrhv (. a ael No:':' Ciici' Klu'iild not be pro 'eedod wilb prcisv l, a atiy other p-rann's wou'd be. He would allow tin in a'l r .k.ui i'i'o Ion lo prepare a o li use, but lao.eihm that Im c ild not eonsi'iently cnnceilc. Ihc op'U ioii-. ni, indeed the orly prop.r plar1' m an . p, ,t n .s. puliciueut, and it was loitiio Can rt to d .i" us lo the propi ielie.i of del ay, aini- lae pre, iam i lied brcn put on trial. Cijloii'.'l Nor'h, or one of ais n a ,i, lijes, i-li bo tiied to-morroa. Me-.i :. Gilb ri .in I l . 1'nerst.n have nec i let innl as counsel, and, w i h Ihe Ciiiuii'.l-' in::"rs, bi;a fie; ! t the pri-one.-s. '1 y bail a pr-Mractcl lO'ervi.' v .v.'h tbein t i-d.iy, p '.p iratjiy to op n:n; tlio c ise :.i. Ill.'Il.lW. It i not lr::e ns at ..! that the votii sei, ed a' the New York M ac A , ncy il o,n have b. e-i in: i r. nilcred t. th" I'tuimlj aucrs, and t v t:ii n ili-ti ibiiteil. I' he i c i er, at in:: t'l" I '; ; ,1 vn: : "ci n -evera! p ackiig'-s whi Mi had every niq.rar aiice of being genuiiic. ll,ii.c ito ii.mdi'd i.vir t i Mr. Kcliv, upon his jii nonal pb'dge that tli. y -huuld li : f lic'i : ti ' I v dlstribntiil, mi'l It is limit!! t jid that ho leu for New Y'ork ta night for that pnrnose. Jndge I'mker aud bis ojileiigue rcmai i h're. The two bitter genM nun were present d Jriug the. si'. inr; oi Court this niornin.;, " ituo-s ng and pirtiei jiHii"g in the preiimiuaiics ol ilin c isa. The Uovcriiinent lies been lio ale I win lot rs from the army and all pu is . I the con u try soire lue exnntiiic, i-Oi'tr.iiinici'ii':: iiniioita it iniorm 4. yn, or ilet.'.ilm.; llm wroor's kno.vled.; of ln oil clh'T iiauils prin t::;! and cout'.ian'a'.od by the Copp. rheads. One ollicer writestbat,at .1 conyivi il gath'-ricg, an oitl tm rd and fii.iin r o lic.r in the t.rui;', but at the tliii'i tal.iDg MeClelliui vo;e for Ilo Yoik, reveuli d to him lie lac? :h i', ten tbouc'Ti fi i.Uiluient. soUiiers' vote.' .vor.ld b ' nurd iu Nrv Yoik eily ami llrool.lyn alone hit tho :hiu0' was all arraii'.'.i d. Whin asktd In 9'icli a f.aud uitil l becirriad out, bo leplied Unit there were h jus holders enough iu New York and all the l.ir.co towns will ing lo kWi 'ir to Hiivihlii'.' which wou'd help the M.CIcllin (i 111 y. 'A prc-lng inv,t.i'iu.i fir lie MiCb.'ll'iil vote-g ithcrer bus been issii j ,y too Curt, ir.rl he will ilmVc" .'i.ivo nno'li r o ;' !' 1 oriiiV to olli' i.'.liy ilela.l his oau p.ir.i ui' it,. in. 1 ii f.aud' lie v i'e . can, nn i.'.s are hourlv uaijaiui Mr. litlel'inl's ll-K 1.: 111'. W.'.6hin;;l'Jii coire-,'ondi;:iceol'lhe If. . : ' ', a t- iv nays sinre, it w is i-ia'e.t tiial Mr, II nm 1 t w as ic it 1 y ami anxious to 1 'l 0.1 th 2 res'i,i ui ' t, : i lei tain, :"ni 'ha' hi oj'di ! nrj on the sum:", rx, iiul c n Ideru'ile s'.irpri-e. In lisp, 1, so to tins notice, wo pii'ili.hr 1 01 M0nd.1v the following unto, taviiig thai 11 cii.no liom u perfectly responsible ipi wicr I i',c .iii.'!- r.Cis A'e I'ji t A it I anil.' t'i VVamau'ttn c iro-l' .n,-ii' ef .li .lit ". in lis la-il S milui Issii.', line Mr It.'lUKOl It rt-my lu littai.y ii ni ii'iiteii Mi C -I ail . clwrt.on. I 1, 4it' u il. E.i.ili'.l ivei. 11 u kii .rt tli.1,1 $sn'j ta 1 1) wn 1 i.e.vil It.tii iii.tt i.i-i 'i 11 waul 1 ne fl ''nl T us l.e 0 i'li-ie'1. h ' si stul he rcjd o-.l t r-t ta on.', Hi i t, u ,t 11' bf ICR li.ac!i liiiuitlt'iicil 111 tii uuOiics. ui hid 0K-11 1 .ind lit nitei l. II Mr. lt"lint 11' hits i ll '.neil !li 1 ic., t ie l '. a' III , ore 1 s'lll ai-' I lur lam iu Asst'.. UMib, In reply Ij this no !uc received tiio follow ing : 3Ti the hititi.i'vftht! .Vial I'ui-t- V'rii, ; bh-: A carl' SP'ill 'I'll' 'a yit," l-i"'i' t' to il iv, s-'.iui illlMtjes t" 'H 'I Ut i"1 ' I'' '' 11 al",- l it .1 it'll. 1 'II el io 11 t iiKei . I ti I 1 ,0. 11 : - I ivill d: :tlL' iii"i 01 tea I'l .11 v. ,(1 iliUl ... 1 $ I ii 1 1,,') 111" ii.c.i . 1 h.i il '. 1 .cod 111 Hi- N -iv tirt 'Irutt oiiipany, lnut II l.'. 1. 111:0 11 alriulil ti vitt' ed, m will Uu ill A stale til 'ar .till I.i.; till' U't .nil.' Ill A laiiil-ti' I1 n. ar 1 I '" lam' 1 tut 1 A .1: ra-i'iinl 1. 1 11:, a t itli St'i'ii-.l'l t'i : Ami tilt' taint: aiiiuui'l, la It" hI'i.iih -li U'l-i,,-,it'a. ll. i 11 iitic-rtii M: 'liliati is tiiuetisl lav Uu ml wil.la r.. l i-, J m litiai In. li ria 1,1 i.Oicu. .i,l. r&, very l"sj tc.ii.iv. v c ; i ' -j r in t.Mosr. It si ei.is i"ro:n this tha'. Mi . Idel'iiou: I no; . t nil anxious to bet on the remit of too eliciii):i, en 11 when 1 lu h tvo o IdH ol : 10 t 1 One io h-8 tjver. As lo ihe b it tchich ue is will, a ; to lake, we siiimiit it to pulil'e cousiiieratiou. l oo it. u 11 point tsiablished by bis laiiei is, ilia' he has il l faith whalLier in McC:vl...u' vkiUoti. ..c 1 n k 'J'l'iita. There art now three female A inaicin se ilp lo:f, to wit: ini il tsiiicr, ,M. ,s bo 1 Iv is, an 1 a Mi". 1-r. cn,au (uow iu Ita'y), ju ,t bi: "ti'.ug known lo fini". Miss Kiitibetli Mirii 'iliek, tie fi'. ; ; i r 1 of l'l.o nl.wille, niid on Snnd.iy, thi2ti ia-'-Uii', grd 1! yc.irs.O mo.i'lit, ai. 1 17 d i, s. '.V-.m at tee ugo of U year :, Mi' : i l iek weigbod 2a I l.iiiiliils. At ihe t'.ul': of her d'i.i.li !;o '.vi'icd j'hl pounds. Di kena. in hi new story ol "Oar M1lu.1l I'lieiid," like Thackeray in hi later n'.v. I ,, is said fo have, barrotfed some . li.ir.io'cr.s from America. A No York journal as, arts t,:.v. " .1 I n ;o ciftsB .f re ulers In New York will rtO'.-ni.i in Ihe pcr-on of Marti -her l.ili'. vu id, H ,.., A peii'l- iuii,) f Ne York, of wh'jM Mr. D.ci.i.ai ha I'iiliie a stiikiiig silh.jucne." Winil lur" A toldirr ii one of the late bit'.lo, Sitting very coolly behind oue of his guns, where thi bbo: was falling very fast, htiug asked by the chaplain whether he wa9 mipportuj by Divino Frovidtiice, replied, "No, sit ; I :un sunpjrtod by the nth New Jersey." Where n new building was I nins crc. trd a 1 joining one of tlicliiii'aesllu a ne'giibiiring city, au cmi loyee went 0111 upou the roaf of the com pbtcd building, and liuding the neighbor wa? going up Bomo five feet hlghrr than Lis, maJu the irjquiiy of the mason, "Why didn't the owner build it a little higher?" Without any hesita tion the mason replied, "Cuue hcdiuuT o wn any higher." A gentleman of Buffalo, who hJ not been In Bennington since his youth, fifty years ago, went there lately, and fouud that Mount Anthony, which used to be a conspicuous object from bin father's houso, wa no louger visible, atiother bill intercepting tho view. lie saya the old hill hui sunk, or else the new one has Increased in alti tude during his absence of fifty years. Who huj been meddling wiih those hills i Speak out ! CITY INTELLIGENCE. State op Thhrmometbr To-pay. Six A.M., 42. Noon, 48. One F. M;, 49j. Wind, N. E. P,,wmtor City. Bomriu. Tula- mornJoi the Mayor isincd warranta for the payment of the city ixiurny to sij- U crvli(el U ca-v '7 futuri Cii are nmiv. UP IN A BALLOON. A BirdVoyo View cf tbo City. Did you rver "go up" in a bit'divm, reader if Ti'K Ti:Lr?.Ki'it ? You have bjen prope'lej gently through Ihc a r th. so many times on t'ia'. rope contrivanc ; called a"wiug,"we have no doubt, and to a very pre .t height alsa. llu. were you ever seated iu the basket of a balloon, and elevated to a h. i'iht of some f.iicea bii idicd or moie fi rt f r above tbo roof- of the house", m 1 seemingly almost beyond the clouds ? If not, nomo day pay a visit tothat famous icron ui'., l'rol'essnr l.oivc, who is now hourly ulfiriliii"; our cl i.eiiii au opportunity to make topical as cnions to whatever height they may deslroy.from hi balloon i;n amis, Fifteenth and Coito streets'. In these balloon ascension" the entire ci'.y is spread out hi line your g we, as though lo. 11; down upon a map. Abnosi encireling thi; city, n il the waters of the Delaware and .Schuylkill. I he frowning walls of the Peinumti.iry, 110 v batlird ill tho lays of the setting suii, 'ippeir ' you like poino ancient castle, fru ight with It gends of ynrc,nn l hospitably invitineyou wl'iiui I;, w ills. (1 Irani College, the Sin; : H Use, Ka 1 mount l',ii k, Point Itroe.e, all c eno 'icforn yo ir eve in rapid succession, and are invii-tej wi h an atiraetiveaest Ilia'., on ihv earth, 111' y never brlore postlCMtCl'. I How straiipely d v tho white shnMern nf the liou-e contrast with the bricks that cuiii .i j llitiii, ! A id yet, view id fiotii such a height, ho , .singularly pi. tiire-quc. do they Ih'C'im"! I' liia i tb Iph.a i.i t r lo'.l.s iiioi-e ele ic.ly and more ouit j Ih oi Alien vii wa d from the basket of a bill . m. 1 but Inr tii : conii'iuDus sire nu ol'poil''.ri ms tip i to r streirs, one would think that the citv lay in I wiiiiuig for tna reccicion 01 some renowned guesi, 1 111 wh, -e feil the inhabitants were ready 10 bjv ! in -ul iii iiini. e 1 oiiio' eciivt to our reid. rs the romitcst I ide 1 ot the ci st. ic plraiurc. ilcrived ill making a j balloon .iscensioii. .Sueli a "oird'n-eye vie v" 1:1 I in oioainc 1 .:- has I'.ever yet been presented by uny mil'. And so inr us safely is coneirucl, cue is iu as mile d inger 11 , fhoiih "ei'i'd i 1 Ins or In r rooi I'lp-ehair at botii.', 'flu: art of lYnn's si.r l.cwii Ins i d iced the ricil.:c of ballooning to c. pel !"'t nyteui. Ye-tei lay aii'ii iioja l'rol'issur l,,w3 inT. il :d his splei. ill. i balloon "Wa-diingloit," and a 11 ai;i ber of I'i'lie nud I'etitlcmim asocn led a d s'.m -e ot one thou-and feet, Ihe Ii ,llo in being t'O.i'isilIcl by u 1 ip'j ii t.o'hi d to a v iiuil..ss. Ab mt 4 o'clo 'K ore oi liis .sc islam-: sinned 01 na :. r,,il y '."',;:, mi'l i'fti r n 'neiniii:; in the ur ab ur two hours. Inu.li d -a cly iu flic neighbiiiliood o. l'a.:;lith and lliclicisiia sa'ei.fs. During the nbsence of his assistant, IVofessor l ow ' nils d a now au, I in 1111111 i ll h tiloo 1, 111 1 a' 7.1 o'clock il was le up annul l')'d ,.;ei, icitii lire works. At that lic'ht tli ' nisul.tv h i m )t br.l li.uit, and attriii ted l''e ai'ciilioii 01' tlnnis.in I of pir-on- in tho sire ts. The bail inn wai taen I., 'ill, il doTn, and i;,'V.ri! gentl-tiien cui'iru -ed the 1 pp ntunily of wilncs-ti! l'nil tilelphia ly gaslight. On ilcsceinli:!',' they expi:se.l their ileal delight ai the iii..giilil.-eut vicar spr.'iJ hc'iTi' them. Thise. eshi'u io'is aut'ib; ci.i tli.i.ed daily, mi.l on S'liu.iliy n-xt Professor l.owo will make a giand iat 'nsioa wilb his lar'e balloon. Amorg tl o-r who nndc cxc irs.t.ns yo-4crliy weie W. 1-. Miskev, Esq , of l'hila lolpiii.i ; Miss Stevens, Philadelphia; George 1 co ind lady, N'ei. Yolk ; a;'.) Ilo ito 1 and la ly, N v York ; Tlioinas M. Co'cinan, Mr. Swain, Mr.Crump, and o.hi n of tuis city. HMtfilMiv. ami Aunrsr or nu; Sri'iosgfV la nor Acs. Tli id niortihn;, between 12 ti'jA 1 oVIrcli, the clothing storo of Mr. Charles Xtyrreil, N'o. CilO Market street, wa? cuteicl by Vfirglars, who ellectcd an entrance by pryingopjrl thobi k sbultirs. About .I'sluOJ worth of ejritbing was packed up nid placed III tho yard ready to ro move. TwoMitl''clous cbaractejrii seen lurking about Iho li'lyhboiliood weru- w.urhed by the polhe, aiil liVved to J-.iglilti and K.ius'ini meets, wlibte they wvrn atresieJ by O'li'irs llean aud Siinilevn.., Ono of th in u i.i a "billy" on his pcison, an X unofliei- $li In counlen-rt notes. As soon as tne a:tenip e i nargi.iry bo- came kpow-n ti'cy wo"' mispecled o:" l.'j'.:iL; mi;:i c:ieil. Tb;s morning they were nrn'gne 1 brf irc Alderniii'i t ebbn and iTave tho 11:1111 of lid. Hn hlngs and llctry Melvilhj. Mr. r.yrrj'l, t'1,1 lothing tnerchnnt, w'S pie- xt and reci.-ui.e l the counterfeit nioiu v louml iu Clio 0.1s ers' ,n nt the iliK ves a" money jda 'cd ther by nl nse f, wilb 11 private iiu.'k then ou t 111 n a'D its ojg i i hurarur. Tuis fact rlei'ly I. est noil tha b,ir- giaiy on tuo pri oiifr.s, wan were v. nom c.oo- iiiiiliil to lUiMvr at u uiri.oii: ue 11.; rei i-e 1. a he burglars hau orolo n in'o the sti.e, ami m- teiidi.l 10 lemove tlieir plan ler some :iiiij di.r'hg the uighl. 1'obtai. MuNi.v-Ouiii'.ii Kvi rr.H. Thi'i new system for the trarsmissior. of suns uo ler thir'y dellara went into eded on luosilay, on whirli day about tinrly ill'.ns were purchased nt the Philadelphia Po t Ihiic.e, nud nuuirro is luqulnes wine niaile by persons dos rous of i.ifor nil o.i iu reference to the Rvr'.em. fr'o favorable were tho liiille.i'.ioi.s on the lirbt diy, lint it was biliived tl.e ijsicm would prove a suec ss, and wo il l be at mice adopted by nil p r'sias deslrin? tho trans mission of small cums to nr.ir 01 dist iut points, ihe rcrtiuntv of transmission so strongly re:o:n iiiindiri it tii the lav ir of the public II iir.jt iinpr, buble that the (iovrnnieiit wnl s.'eedily deiii-e a pl.'ii by which tho iiionuy-iii'ilur syneiu can bo luailc avail i'ilu for the, tr msnii-siou of iu rids In m the several In udquarters of the urmy. Tun Ursctt op Cvrci i ksmhss. Mi. Mr; Tt'illiclm, of IletblehcTii, Ph., on g 'tiliig o:l'.i r',- sengtr car at Kighih and C illoivbill street, y tirdiiy, was thrown to the ground by tlu cir twins too out kiy Ht irted, and h id one cf her )ii, fruelured, bciidrs being much bruise I. A pi.isii ian i ho was e illed to a'ten 1 uaoa M.J. VViilieliii pionounceo iuo mjuij iuui:iii:ii,'ii one. As siiu i.s oi Hiivi.iii.ui m' '..ii union i . 11 ove iiii'-kiv,'..mple lime sb mid have baeti givt hi-lo git ell ihc plili'orin. S ver 1! iati a a) .1 iniuiy to a ;ed p- r ous, uu ! r si:u:nr ci. Haans, have occurred recently. A 61:11101 h Misnm.. H iring the nil Ire, National II ill lad e.eulng, 0110 1011 necned iiiiftb' r of pi l.ln.-: his po ket. Tne cr a v 1 was inrin nse Uv me lime, auu uarm a p nu im pii j was relieved 01' bis p .vk .'.-book. Turning round, lie-nv.-tbenei used with his hau l- 'io.iind ciia-ge i him w th the thi i'.. 1'ie 1 i' .i r iv h t ikci :iro ciis. tody a ad l.cl.eii up .ill iii.;..l. it'H 1.1 Tiling i- -vas hli'ovn thai Uo was are pe.t.bltf p -moii, uid i th ere is no proof a uini. uin, any more thiih1. was near the p'raan, he was ol' en .r-o ili.e'i :rg'.d. Ho now in liiivi w ill p.-o-c lite tne p"rso! wiu pieli ned the ei:aii;e. A 1'HOMiM NT i iiik.vm '.v. Wc are hippy to be able luinlorm our readers Ilut the Ij'.rurd i.nj eloqueiit diviuc, It. v. R. M. U.i'.i'.ol'.l, w.ll spei'; on "OurM ilion I Cri-is" lhioo'i.:ni',nt Ni'.'oicil Hull. Not ith-uiDiling tho nuiii'irouj if: :r inietinps tiie Rev Doeior deserves au 1 wd! be rciiivc l byucro !:d liou-e. lie Is In) wall known in our ci'yto b: s!i ;ht",l tor even suc'i utitiu t;oii6 us ate ollered ciso .vliere. A Most aoie and e!oiUi nt uddrets may be expected. Ulwahii OiFi:i:i:n. The l'xccutive C unmit trc of the National I'limn party oUer a reward of live hundred dullars for the approhendw au l conviction of tho party In the procession, last Sa'iird.iv cvenii g, w ho were in a furnituro-e ir loialcd with ini.siiiic-, which were u-ed in tho nlt'.ck on the Campaign Club Headquarter. TuANBI AIll M V STILL ll.t.r HtN ATKIl. 00 ftC- connl of the gonernl uppreela lon of our citizens, cvii.ccd by the crowds which nightly gather i frr nt of the rooinnof the Supervisory Commit'. re, N'o. 121U Clusuut street, the brilliant iranp 1 n ricy thereat displayed will be Illumiualcd for the in xt ten nights. MttriNo i thi! Twrsrv-Foi UTii VVakd. We trust that our readers will not fail to turn oat en matte at the meeting In frout or the Union League houi,e of the Twenty-fourth Ward, to lie held this evening, i'ull details will be (ound in the advertisement. Calccs Nominations. Tho Union members of City Councils held a caueui yesterday after noon, and nominated the following geutlomen for iliicctora of the Peunsylvunia Hnilroud: John Rico, John Derbyshire, uud John Mctvenuedy, 1'UI.BI.NTATION TO TUB ClTY. A beautiful buck dier, captured while swimming acroai tho James riverubout a week ago, bus been presented to the city, aud will be placed in tho Hittenhouse Square, Collision ok tub DtutwA-Rii. The Camden ferryboat Mary came Into collision with another boat on the Dolaarero laat evening, doing con! deruble damn; to both. A man. who! name we did not ls"ii bad Lu leg badly crashed. Tmv. Hern Cmius Asti.vm. Thinmomln-- a! II o'elok,vhe dedication of the Bard Orpha:i Asylum of St. Stephen's Church and the conse cration of it Chapel took place at the Inslilullon, lc- aud on tho Delaware county line, three tniln wet of Market street bridge. The building an lands apiertalning thereto were erected or bought i accordance with Ihe will of Elba Howard llurd. Tbo term of tbo last testament are as follow : i "I .lt sle an I ' piiit!i to Ihe ll'1' sr. Cle.r. Wi-''iia Still V.1rlniil tli l'rplit I's I 'a i'!i. Ill I lieu tvfl l-.O't ll. h'Sla. itil ise io t.'i.l- I.' Ic't'is;,.! Id" r. .1.1 is J r t n.-, Irn. mr by Ir In'.' Iwlnve I ftteti 11 SI l.l'ltli rel'.rr.l ui.. anil rt'in uin!- r t.i mv i-i . i-.m i v 4..tuii, r- ih i' r ,c, "it latvt tl. tnj tt lit rVs't" c na!' ,t '!"' DOi.rtr:. ,, ,r - 1 t'( In uiy W ill Ami rotlieil. In t.i.sl, t) )ta':lslt an an Cru far t inr lil o It inulf r tiAiis. t" Iv r i'I-'il ' ' hut I n !si'i .I'vlii-i 0 A t. l 'i.n't ( 7n,s-i.' In nonar e my tale wiiiJ !ui.lin I, Lilwsril Hlnt e; Itnra. ' l i e oli it-Is .,1 ll,, pot Ai I. i'ii .i'l l.r to nii'u' i'ii. flliintl. mill At n .nil ihltt at. ana tialf (Is let III Is'" I el und il-'itrniiiifH t v th...,. to w nose tu itn. tunenf linn' .n trilstt'il tli.' Asyl'iin i,U' lUc" not to bu llisiriKtuti In i:u. (t rt"i in '.ilia ut. Ur 1. Hi" sv 0 iU Ii null: ttr.ilnoi 1 Ml.t en III i.'i i'u uite iiiipi.of tiirt nirp na'. let,, tli 111 rour y irt rt nit "t tint 111, ire iliii!inhl i t, hiio sicil 11,11 e b,,en no ll -itlin l:i I'nilf.isiil rpisotM.itl liurcli lit ti.ti l,Vt hi I'l. I it'f I ll.il ; let' Il),tlu -Aaii' class .,1 "I lilis-n, u i' - tlPil In lit' tail l 'Iniri'li. In ltn 1'str "f p.'int.'yl. ins; sn.l. '!'irii:t'. Sil .lli"r Iilai fennl nriihau t li'.lil i: t nf Ifi UaiiBie li' rt I. . let le.. t'.rtil r.iur vcir "I a"i ;:n,l rl it nu r" li .ui I'l.'.it yiirs, wra.tiit ivsr"'' ' to ini utn r a - t. rn , inn er Miltt'.rc llntn H'a et , r.i i e U I ', u a' all laat-. still la riia f i.e. In.' O'-nhS'l eniitlreii or el'Tvyuiell ol l.i I'r.'tt tnl i li.ireli k,i l bare the pr. it" iiul." In n-conlatife with the instrument, tli' csvj. torn of her will hue eree'ed a s'.atily pile, wlr li wi.l act as a permanent memorial lo the -a idnos and penert'sity ol ll iwaul Kiiipnen Hunt nud nl win1. The building I." made of uton , wh eh iu iinr.-cd on the plane. The t itil imoiiiit ot Ian 1 itti'ludi d io the ciiajc is forty-live aor This in cliuti'" a tine eardi'rt which Is u't n be I. wliica is brantilul y b: til out and adorn nl with s'atii irv. Tli' furniture in th iustitu'ion is that which wa in use in the oi l llurd cstn-o, :.uj tin: h: itcly ninhofimv of a eeiituiy ago .vill no v ndoru "lie of the most popular and uaeful institutions of our Slate. Althiingh trui aiuth win .; is not vet. flnidiel, the insti'Btlon contains three hundred i hiidreti. 1 Ii" plan ol Uie U iildiii ; is l':ie i 1 irgo central body, wilb two win". connected by Uvo corri dors from lh building. On the ground iloor Is the dinlm; room, iwitn ining rooms, witli pantry an.l ci eis. The south w ing lias th') i cllini and store r Kiins ; th" n ir'.h wing holds the bowling alley, play room, aud several spare rooms. On the second l! mr, nnin building, nrc the library, parlor, nud school rooms; wliiletho noriii and south wings contain sew, ng ami tea.Uers' rooms nud store rooms rj.protivoly. On thi; third Iloor, main building, is the. clt.ipcl. The rest ot tills story is rtjvoto I to dormitories!. The agave building is re.plo.io with all ibe em ven oiices which mo tarn invention h is Invented. The whole work h.n 'aeon prosecuted to this Mice Shful conclusion urn lor the e.irriui mini! nn iit of the following gcivlcmen, who couiiitme the Hoard of Directors : Messrs. William Kirkh im, oir.; W. ltleli nrds Robley Diinglisou, M. D., l.cv.s Rodma I, M. I)., I'll irics V. II .gucr, K bv ar I Shiapen, .1 m.es M i-oc, s '.mnc' li. ilro i!,-h, I io a is Nicl s in, l.iidow i.-k C. Cieeaiati, Uo r0'J Pl.tt, J. lidg.ir 111 iinnon. A large number of i elens hf' tha e'ty to at'sn '. tho deni H Ji y and i onsocr iti, in iWimoni.'S. TU mi'iiibers of St. Stephen's Church were well reuro M'litcd. Il in llishops I'oucr au l Stev'us vivi-c expcctnl to be prc-i nt to tali" part in tiio exer cic.s. 'l ho cenmonies were those p 'euliar tu thu Protectant I'.pis, opal Church on stioli ooca ions, and were a'Hnued with a in irke.il degrje of Rolemnity. They took plane in IhCinprl, where the mm iteb of tne ins'iiuliou wero also gathered. This b nine for orphans w as co, n-in.no. d by Mrs. Pin d mju:c time belore hnr dejth, a portion of her i sbite iu George street, above Ninth, bjing ns. d for Unit purpose. After he- de ;tli, liar oxaion'ors liumeiii itely coiniiieucf d tho const ruction of the present bo.iuill.il stiiieiuiu. I'pi.itioai. At Union J.ctguo Hall a I'.rj meeting was addressed by Colonel Brisbane, of Kentucky. At Natinnal 11 ill M'ss Diokin'on nddnnscd ono of the largest mecilnirs ever haul in thai v.ust. building. A larjtc torchlight pro:es.sion lllnminetl tin streeis oi" l'liiiikloid, and mule th.: eveuinpj vocal with he illy cheer. for tho I'niou ticket. A laiite Riq-uiilie in meetln',' was held last night nt Seventeenth und Poplar iilrcem. Addresses were delivered by Colonel Willnim 11. Maim and othirt. At tho Academy of Mmie this evening an addiess will l". delivered by Col me! II. Sio"kot Mattlu wh, of M iryjaml. At Musical Fail 1 II ill the Democracy will b.i flildresscd hy Richard o'Goiinai', J-l ., of Now York. lion. Jen). Clemens', cf Aliiliaina, speak" nt Concert II ill. A n immense, nri-s meeting of tlio local cIti.ous of ftrinuiutowii, Muiiiiyimk, Niceto-vn, Cliunut Ilill, llraiichtowii, and vicinity, will h) h il l a ll.c lornei ol Scho il l.'iuo and "l'hi'i't Road, fjer riiniitown, Governor Cunin, lion. If jury Wiutar li ivis. Genet.ilJiiil.ua 1". i) ten, 11 in. M n'liu It. Thayer, und others, will dollicr addres -,. Kxti.xsivk Laiioi:mes and itncoviiitv or S ro i.i.n Goodk. Thcarretof a colo-c.l boy wi U a sto'en jacket on htm, a few diy B'noe, ns men tioned lu Tub Tbi l'.on.M'ii.lmle 1 to the ro:ovcry of a ljrjrc amount of gojln, s'olon from red dences la IhU city between March aui Oct )bcr last. The l id arrested proved to bo the sun of 1). William, beeper of a rusuuraut in .'ievciHli Street, near I.om'. oul, a id lu his pus-js'lnj inuro stolen propcity was fouud. On lufirtn uion received from him, Mary Kent, also colored, was ariesUil, und considei ablo Htolen property was obtained from her, and on piwn ticket found lu her posnession slob n goods were recov ered fro il seveiiil p iv, unrokers' cut ibiishments. ThA goo Is recover' d c.omist of nirii'a auJ wom n's clotuing, ulicc's, blankeis, pillow-c isc :, tuble-cloths, ea.stoi s, wine-holders, butt' r ho! ler, n inkiu-rlnsi, tew, nud th y were stolen trom private residences uud bonrd'iig bouses. Tho d or mdarts were ca:h hebi in t I'l IU ball to nns- v r. Two of t he p imm Who bud n reived the goa ls were held in 100 I eu b. A SwiNDi.iKit TiiANB.M i.'ON. An Individual giving rho iiumo of G 'urge Parson eabod a: t ie estt dlisi.ucnl of Mr. "Samujl Pnlllips, on S. Sevtrilb street, yesterday a'l"riiJon, a. id pur chased liari.fc.-B to the value of wj.'.S. Ho lou-lcod in payiaent a eh a k on tho Farmers' and Mo eh ini 's' Hank. I'pm b dug jne. in' 1, it vv is ponioiiii' cd worihiess. Parsons never having ha 1 liny aeeoimt w it i tu.i', or p. rh ips any suiniar, lusii'.utli n. Inform 'lion of tl:o s vln J'o .va- e n:i lnu i. f ined 1 1 Cilo;' Hit 'et.ve Kraukl.u, who im liiedia e'y lele gru plied ir nind In tevoi .il o. ih : prniei; ;i! cita s. wlr. re i. w : i Mipp-jajl the tu -I-t ve hail lied. Tins inominf, n despit 'll was ireeive.l ftoin the poit'e authorities of Jirs'V (itv. -l.it, :ig that 1 a:so J bad boon ufiO'.cd Iherc. and would b- h.l.l ii ilil tho urn. a! of tne Pi.lliieciphi.i cueer . To Pi nniAir. CkoruiM t Low Piticxs, mi'ie a hi a li'in ii"in ' ur u.n i. oi Hi .n" :i im' . trm -n -. Wj llltll lllll- I'll-lli 4-lllllii 1'J I al, I'. .'elf All 1 I'llJ t ''!', ii ,.m -.'.' a i.(, tr te.:. tun tln.nli r.iiv rtitisit i .r i. u ame .mls utile ti eol-i. VV e I i' A" fit is, si -..i,, m 1.1 lin-t s ot ' :io: .'ii M-"i t. Yeicii t, mul Ho: '. Ad 04:1 bs .i.illnl wil-.i 1.: U' U.i t r It. al,,. Hi s' ki 1 ii ?' 1., town I! ill, Ni). ,'j!a il ar rl maji-t. Thai 11 vi 1 n('N. Pei'iileyc.s'erd.iv were crowd lu.' : 'a: s.'leti .1st In .'' ' v, a., in it wa- (.atolii , , ni p., n i.whtlsliihuillii I lie 1 i) l Ji a 1.1 t', il.lit It 1 is m li raill ileil I' ul I'u me so .1 '1 w.. ..'- '., 'i Ii ins i.tne.ii t:. ny il, in r.n lit on t" 1 ii'-iiina re nu eo nail lu . lei. o : .1 ileum t a- lia'tu'it -t I iii-sil iy. .-. ne 1 ti,,if will tit: lei rriis.it .Mini 1 t ' o 1 r, .erd. I'rt'i- vn , fv.-i-.."i.in tt if .in-' u., l-k ', '. It II '"lie lirief' el 1' :,:'K It I"'''! 1 i'nie's ,v. 0 1 , Anil tli si rt-li..iiiiii Al tt.e ti till lint I'tlti , slip I. Jc(i.:iv; Ha ?t,'C C' uuiiiiilill. Ciui iiiD'N'a Cr.oTiiiM,. ll, -111 ri its. Iiri.iiit't.'ieili'nv. Il'iy.s' Overciis. Ili- Hi 0-1 mil lest Att.srttllttat In t'l" ely. M. .Sili.i.llAMkal 4 l.'o., tu. -i X. ti J-llW 'reit. fiTii.L Ahkai'. The hk'h oneoiniiinn which tl:it i.i'-.' 1 And (Ii-mOO. el' tiKI "Kl -ri'U,')" H.'tvllIK lrt lilm: (Ihe a"enty l'r wliieli, Ui this nl v. It ' No iti I li'-init tirt'til'I'Avo UyiklieJ ini'jiillait lii-lr.iui''nl Invo t, lUUit e liuist ili spi rnU' rl. Ali v uu Hit- part. in. Tu ctio 11, Uv nl' urit.il-clAH iu!ii:it-!l,ir, lolly wlilou I'All du 110 1 0 tl 11 iUl the teeila. I a! w have liarma 11 snitn.1 In lla si eoaiuiim Willi relluet t) Hi Kioreiuo At n li as will l. ,ei ir..l lo ih, i.i'li , 11 te, ; i if itie, u Uin tifa. tii.n 01 nil wan iU t Hi nioiiiuil eAuiin ijr tin littelvis. Wi'.rt Virginia Pktiiolstm Lanbs. A few tloirabl.. nil Inrt. In West VlrrinK. Iiii'lu.llus tlirralsasDS niil'.u'iilissHpraujtiwiU b oitniwl iu Uilt uirkii lor a itvt il ". .,..-vbiw Mualr.ra. JI l.lt. lillVlll wi.. " 1 ,u- ii I ... lii'iulre vl' 20. Iti H. t'roat tlriwt. TiiOBOt OHlY TEsrBi). Mrs. 8. A. Allen a World t llslr Kimloisx nd ijloDsltAmum lias sUaid tha t"t li.r twenty yi MI.IliMin "I litl ever yer, ll l out a ilye' and differ. Irum U oUior preprlioiii. u tl ei.nt.lli.Ui' Wi llie !lmcut w lilch It tha lit m the fmtr . 1 lay r une.iu.lled lor r.nrniit, lnior.iln, bMulliy hui aiiddisssiiiK the lilr, rudrln ft sun. silk), aul las iv Tliey elimnte Oie hair and imparl to li a iuimI do Visliiiul fraKrincii. fcvm-y ljrusBi.1 sells theiu. 0Mlloi, Ttsi'LE or Abt, No. 014 Arch truft 1'irparf tl t all liuiet to wake photoirniplilo vlrs of tlnp.. l uUdliujt. country seaU, Intanurs, to.l drawlons anil "id ploluie. oliul lu a superior manner. INtuipoU I'ou I'liallriised and oouinarisoB ollelti-d li ur Inipurvat (JaiioMia:!' prououacttl liiiturjiatwjd tiysupcrtor Judus. B. F. Raima' Photo graph Gallery, No. 624 Arrh etreel, has a wltU tpruid reputation, ills Ivory Opee.t artee tleVl.lto. and Hi Sue 1'lis.loitiapln la oil solvit art) weBviailidA) acttuna. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ornca or Th rrimis T-.Ar, I Thurtaay, JVovemM . The Stock nnl Gold Markets are very mneJi nnsettlid under political compllcaiion, prior tt the election, and the gold light is fiercely waged, ihe ieccsh bankcri trying to mark ap tha prloe, In order to kfloct tho elections, while the loyai cnpitallsta are telling. Il Ii staled la well-la-formed clrclr that the Government i tolling gold, and several heavy falluroi have oocurred here and in New York among the bullion broker, entailing icvcro loss upon Certain jold speeti lotors, npon which the verdict of the pnblie Jory Ik, ".Served them right." Several of them are m m who made loud profession of loyalty, aod theif hypocrisy Is jnstly punished. "The uilll of God grind slowly," but the meal la of the puree!. The eternal law of ribt and truth prova alway and everywhere, even in the Stock Market so tha'. In the long run tho duties! brniu loniprehcmui that "It it best to bS boneet and true." The old and ?tai 1 memlien of the Sto:k Ek chui'ge nro quiet, awaiting the elec'.Ion, after which we shall have lively tltiei. It U prvdent just now to stand htill, and to we advise oar readers. Those having uund, dividend-paying securities need have no apprehension of a peraaa m nt decline. All the clement combine to point to an advance before January. The Stock Market Is nn settled and les a r tire this miTnin,?, wi'h the exocptiou of Coil Oil f harts, which nro lu d'-iuiii:!, und prlr.es better. Maplo Shade sold at IliJifH, which Is analrAnoe of -I j D il: ell nt !! j Rock at 4 ; rerry at 4 ; McKl hciiyr.t f !,an adianre of J j Egliort at vj:94, au udvanco of 4 ; and Donsm ire at 8. Government bonds are rather quiet. New 5-20a oldHtlOljfuofHrsl.tlOCJ; aid 10-491 at 91 New City Cs arc selling at 1.12, and old do. at 9C?J. In Railroad shares thoro is lest doing. Reii Ing sold at ti7(Vi g;, j Foiuisylvanu Uallroad at 004 j andMinchillntOdi -lij wat bid for Little Schuylkill; UO for North Penusylvaala j 18 fur Ciittnwlssa common, 3,'i for preferred; 3d" for PiiUadilplila aud Erie; and IS for Lung Island. City Va wenger 11 ill r oid shares ure nithuut any material change. Sprueo anil riue sold M 3IJ j 2i'i4 was bid for Glrnr J College ; 2') for Qreon and Coates; 3 ) for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 59 for Cl.csniii atul Walnut; 63 for West Philadelphia; I? for Arch, which is an advaace; and 10 for I'.:i'-c und Vine; 70 was asked for Sejoni and Third. There ia little or nothing doiu in Bank ha.-M; o 1 wa b;d for C'jmincrciiil; S3 for South sa.-k ; l7j for G'iiuiil; 3S for Consolidation ; and 40 for Union. Canal t hares are less ac'.ive, and prices are) rather lower, w ith silts of Schuylkill Navigation common ut J".1 ; 71 was bid for Lehigh Naviga tion; ! for Morris Canal common; aud 15i for Fucp.uhnnna Canal. The Money Market Is without change. Lans on call nre freely offered at 6(W;7 per ent. per annum; prime paper 1 very scarce, and quoted nt 71"!) per cent. A despatch from v'ashigtou thi morning eays : The total subscription to the 10-40 loan, to Octoler 30, foot ap $31,61)7,800; to the new T .IOj, '.37,00 1,800. The currency Issned to the National Duuks dnritig last week amounts to $l,b26,l:0; total to October 3(1, $ V7 ,1181,180. Gold is very dull this morning, and Ihe trana actions are limited, opening at 211 ; fell off, and sold nt 2271 nt o'clock A.M.; advanced and sold at 210 ut 11 o'eclo:k; 2i!l'i at 12 o'clock J 4:ii nt 124 P. M. ' ' Tho Gn at Basin Oil Cornpmy wa this day placed upou the books of the Broker' Bo.trd. We perceive they announce two (2) coot dividend in our columns. Although a Philadel phia cornpmy, the stock 1 mainly held in Bosh in, and is thu only oil B'.erkontho ll)rd there. rjlir.APKI.PI Il STOCK E.YCUiN-JE 8ALK, TOV.3. KcperteJ by ( lark ian ., Brolteni, S. Ul 8. Third 81, BKI-OKK BUt:!t)S. sl nil K lie. il I -il.o ,0 Im eh lii-'ii n Oil J 1.1 .11 la Oil Owi... IV 4's c4; . 1 l").li lia.ntll 00.... lis pu sli tut uu - l h do DtO 9si I'O.h n-allng It.... .,'- lil)-li d) 17 VoO.hMssKi 8'itili.. Ji) I" 1 ell t ill 1 H-l-ll da 4 1"'t th 0 lo:t In i'ii tl.) 4 Iti 4 1 "h lie Ims 4 ll! ilt iil'i do lata 4S'i Ii u sli Corn I'luiiti r., ', .'t '. tee tii d" i'.i.i' 7 Hm do 7 lull si, fen ':i-ra.... S'; 1,11 .11 li..iimi.ru H'11 .!i do bail Hi,! iij -i, do...... biJU ,11 ih do.. , at P.itl. Ki'ytl'u )il ... li.llhOuitln OU... is) -n do ir1 th llrnr.rtr ,, 100 in Oil Creek...., V4 ft 1ST boa nn. tl (flU. H. C, 'blxou.lis.e 111 til Mtn,0 Hii.. li...O ill a ji ,Z uiyou... said do let.'., ei.iiid V. 1. 6-i3.m:w.liil ii.ii io 11.01;! t.'s'ilO P. h. lo uo !HSi 4uun ud... lui.li Mitihaurou... 111-1 tui Hia uu , . j luiitH a Hi 1.11 It m.ii-i tsiit. 1. .111. tat ... ..:' ItmOtli d I,, 4' ri.tt nh.. 1.1. nurip.. iii 1 ). i: M.o-Vlit bt;4 H-' -h Siiriieii k l'lne. .il't Ii til .M'ta' nl) HO .1 l nil llu .Mount.. li.XJ 7 Ai'O eh do Il'i 1, M .i, Ii.',ll Oil !!'. ' i s mu noituiiit; ,.ai) f lentil do t,7 liAlsh Hull ram ... il aoo HI i'uitofl OoaUtJ ) 0 'Juiitn do d tli Sob. Navooui.. a 1'2 l"-'li an uJJI'2 8ISI sh Lock Oil I I ',ii sh J'11 oil l.'ri'. k.. I1,'1 :ihi 01 flo 1411 ll'. h PennaBK. ea.' l ti do , Hi 11) sn ritnsronr . 8 lll sh Tel. y Oil 4 A) tu Keaouig 11., , 'st Qtioaitlon t f Gold at the Pull idelphla Gold Fx 1 haii'te, No. 31 S. Third street, second story : U ' A. M 231 12 M 23n? 11 A. M U30J 1 I'. M 'tUIJ Mm ke 1 dull. Quotations of th.' principj Cal aad Coal Oil stocks at 1 0 clock to-.lay : Fi'lton 1'ifil !i llic ,vio-i.':..in i'e.ii. 11 N.Y A tlil. l..li 'PmnUfnfWI...; I 7 I', ti J 1 '. :li,r. Kaitjp Oil.. I IfVIIIB nl 5 I'-l I arui OU.... H I lii. stir.).. 8 Haa.mi'ic, 1) l'i'ty ( K-.nertt oil . .. o'ln.ttvid j-sa Nunli-1 DilamalOT. 7 '4 lliolmil I. M')n' 1'ariD, ...... 'i'Ji ttruner Jja I'rtrtiln'iui c'knuti. a latb-tt v , ili.i:? i.i'inj ....... . . Arr.-hMiy lllvar.. 1 Si p 'aiun 7 t'haa A DU Oronk. 1 ' i Iliul '.'ruet. ....... I 'a' , ''nru l ltuir...... 7 B-i.'Kl H i it"fc op ;, t''l. Oil I'll i':unr Me" iiior Tair n)m:teiid.. o.' Or.en.M .(:". N I'd' i.Ol,JlUs' Lew i'i. ' k. ... I-. Otr I't'ii IN 'IIiiI..iiI.'..aI. .. I rt'.r I'e.ii.... a i! -M -'. . i '1 v I 1', K.'v.t.v.c y.u H tlelilOil M' Tnak I ''.ntiiioiaA! Kair 11 11. 1 l'ri'1-.li ll.uili' sUt iil O.I.. M.l'hn'et'.'. tel..., l'tnins) Ivuoia 1'at. 1'i-rrv oil Mm "i nl II I ht ys'i ne ml Vtiia!'o I'll I'liini. I r'.n '.oiila. I'.iaei,n nil tifi ii a s-io Ur, aalc Oil a IS a i Ha ll A C'liMi'i.mr.MT Ii.l-Ri;ci:ivki). A person wh dim tl in company vvii.ii Dr. Johnson eudaavirod to 111 n 1 c bis court to him hy laughing I umoile rutely at everything ho said. The iloDtor bore it for some t.mu with philosoph.cal Indilferencej but the iunwtinon; h 1, hi, ha! bee iuin intole rable, ' Pray, oir," said the d ictor, "what It ilia lnuttt r? l 'hope I have not said anything bat yon can comprehend." rilll.ADEI.PUIA Tit IDE REPORT. Tm iisDAY, November 3. Trade has been unsettled to-dAj by a tumMe of Jfl per eont. In Gold and ilxcliani-e, aad then.' hai been verUiUe dJnu. Cotton Is Inactive and uomiaal. Dure U very little Uark onerlag, and Ho.! is Arm at f 15 ii t"n. In Fanuert' liark noUiln daing. fn Coal there l more aetlilty. 'I Ifie I. u.orti liniulr) for Hour, bill U It chiefly on Gov eriiiiiintaiiO iit.aedAbjiit MS.) bnle.wero disposed ol vi 1111111 ill- rn. or i-w.l-i' '- aaloe to U,e k- me li.ile i.u,e Irom Unto SfJ.at iu Qni'ity. Timre I. very hole ue Hour here, and U la firm at 19. In ( orn Meal, liuUilnS doinp. Ha WI.UI klaiket wai dull, and prices wan IrTetntlai". Kmall tale, ot red al i fc-Se J 64 f built., and 2itJ0 UiAaH, koulucXr wliile ou torint not madepuDlie. There It very little KyeC'iiunis lu. and I0 bnshtltFenn- v-lvaiila auld at Sl'76. t'oru ie in lair rwiueat, and 21)00) b'u.leli- ytiUow aojd at Sl'70. Oats km In eUia.ly denAnd, aud lute biukel Lil aie told al too. la barley aud Waltnnaalue. ... , In out Uirt Is a marked upward Uiilenity; sales ot Linseed at l .-i; and V lulur Lard Oil al ll UO, Lead hat advauoud, aud salca of Ualeua ar reported at l.ilit et'iilt, catb. jaal hi, ire. are umer, audSpUllsof TarpenUue ar held al fi IO. vatb. Vt'Hi.ky It lu better isxiaeit. Bait efiOO barrels Okieat 1 77, aud lu smau lots at 1 78. L&TEST WAJLIM5 LNTLLLICH'.fa OLEASkd THia woasnifa. .. . Steamship E. C. hnilii, Uaiiabee, e Vk. w. aw Co. - 'frartSm ) Bur.jue Cxatmerce, Kobuuon, Kw ' rlrl Matilda, AAirt,Llt"-'l'"".m'4., Utuj Aruoalook, Hryaat. Ma" "' w. kclir tukta. Ualier. Iioefc. ttM ,H. A. aoaiaaw i