The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 02, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    "J b i 0 . ... .H
-4 be.
it ilJjJLJjfli
Tlio Robol Bittorici on t-io
Teiincsacc River.
Ho Ictca Am AuiimuiiUoi, llo;--,
r.Uf., r.ic, ,.., r.i., v.i r.n:
Ohio, Noveinb r 1. A party of forr.jr-f.tu
llrbi I irMiM r-, incluilin,' a nuin'i r of ui'ljors
arrived from below to-day, and wcio iioiil to
t lib nyo.
'Ite simmer er.n'iired .mil liurnH 'iy 'In' HiVli
' "ti turn an, on trie lci,rn'-o river, on
fi tuu'ny, was ibr Mmm, ur.c v -',,im x , h
flnt lilp, Willi a 1 iirjc.o'Tii'.-1 Itv It. C. M. I.mvcII
cf Cincinnati.
The Sleiunir niii valued at j IO,0J,. H ircuvi
rort ixleil of (lovr rnmiT t -lores v:ilu.-.l ir i i,ii,i ,
with considerable otlrr fright. M t of'th:
''I''KK "' blanket .(ore l. '. "i 1 1 K-it Horm m
b.rre the boat was I urnoj. '1 hie from cm.
pnn'ii a's pn vi n- ,! the iy .,, .!0it nil
lli.? forin'c nnd ttw.j r,m tio river built. I', jvhs
Mi- II, d by tho ftiiliotf-i lor t,T,t hours, . I'eitln :
no reply, when he r atir;iim:.iin hectaimif ex
bans'ed the i-ni b ia'. wl lulro.v, an l M.-it a n irt .
tare, nn I burn : I the f-rigs 1 !: In-1: V '. n
on tin h.ial; of llit: river.
Tlic Hi lei f irm h-bin;'!-:; to i I p .
mnnd, culMi-it i at- wo r:;, hn I ii !t m of Volt I l.i rr: ion the' n'gti'. prevl ..r,
Tlu-y ni3"l, .,1 u si- iMUery or tin,": y-nii, 12 and
18pi unilcts, on the laid:, complet-ly c-j'uin Hid
ing tho river in c left direction. Tim o;iLvra an I
crew of Ihc l,i. 7Vj,i esc 'iod to l ino liluil, ex
cept Ciiptnln lVtry.
Tbi: I'i'un.t'i- Ann c ut. d rvn the river Tour
houn afli-r ihe i npt,ire 01' the V.i. w.h firod
en by a niicl.ed li.-riery, thrca niii,;i nluve I'o. t
Ilcruian; but,eil witti flight il.;ni.i..;e. On
pnsing the hu t, she was n..-nin lire, I upiin with
liot and !u-Il, o'lnpl-. u-ly tid.lHiin ber upper
worliB, and hh,!N penelnited h,r hull;
but the p-td out of r.iiige, und w;H in
tow by the puii'ionl.
Sti'iiiigol l'o.ivdi'.-; men, who p..t ej thro:ih
J)rendii, Mate in the cn 1 -emoiit which
oceiirnd lit-t week, between a portion of ,or
rcfs force iiilI Colonel lUle, l'rrest whi rjuted
with tho Insi ofiirms, nmuiini'.ion, Imirgiye, and
many ImrM-s. Tho locality of tho iir;ht w not
lluford, (Jlrilin.-r-!, nn;l I.;,-, n h i 1 n co.isulti
tion at Turin, l'titneM:c, on lYi,i,iy U,r.
All of l-'orrett'H mi ll who are furio.islipd or
n'rupplini,' thriuigl) the country are nrd:rcd to
rentlczyont at Jackson, Tentioiscs.
Tho steamers Orti'tv- and .V,(,i,A.,,., rcpor'ca
captured in iho Tciiiicm river, have arrive 1 in
8if' ty at lV.diicah.
fitruiig rcitifi, 1 cements of r.iountjd lnfintry
b .ve arrivtd at J'utluc ih, which it U believed hm
cliiii,:i t: l'u.-ri:M 's p:un of operati jiw. It n noiv
l.'i' iijl.t that .Miimoiivillo will ho thJ point o
r.o.n hm nvit.'.t:.
Lot umu.i;, Nineinb, r 1. Tha Ne.vA'b,iny
(Ind.) titer, ooi' .;., r P 'j , s H-'jcl bitt ry is
npor,d tn tlic Mi-i.ii.ijii at lira-idy n ino I'oini,
above I :aaI No. 37. Tlia s cimern rie,u:i j a id
J'iuUc I'ulUy v.cie : -r a ked 'vhilj KJinjf uji, and
two p r.-:o.-..i h'i h: hilled. Our Raii iin'i ;ire no.v
fctatiuncd at tho l end, and lur;h.i-t iui'i.e ikc.I
not be appri hei.di ,1.
Tbe lkndir-on ( Ky.) cays the bulk
of ihe (liulu d men in Keutuckyi are 'oin ialo
the Confederate tervlce.
It is reported that tho Kebd General I.yon his
leadiiuaneis ut lVria, Teuneibeo, with " jueu
aud 8 pieces of artillory.
II. A. Ah x.nnder'h Ci 1.:' r ite l h irso "Aitfror,"
valued at sfM'Ci), wa recujitured ut Dloinuheld,
Keutueliy, jt-t ulay.
Ituaor fiys tint Jloo.l, with :l,-u)J inen
crcdsed the Teun ., j( diift northward, to-d iy.
The arilculer nn.! lec.iiity 1110 not lit it. J, nor
att 1 nnhle hi pr, Kent.
r .iliituil .-mil tel. u-r.iph iVj-ii l.oiiNvillj to
Atlanta ii in : ood orJ r.
Al l It I U II T AI.OX; MI' Itf .IN-.
tnioi.i; i.i K.
l.oi:ihviM.t.,No- , inhei 2. It ii de Joe) itc'tr-.
rec' lT'd ut an e.irly hour this n.oi'nimr iu llci'e
thi.trventhiiii; ".ill r'fc!u" uIoj,; ikewhulo
l.ou of -"-In nuauS army .
11:3 rattcry at
Boston, N i -omher '2 A depat, h Irom Au
gos'a, Ma :'ie, Mnl, s that en was rnude
on Monday nh.-h'. to hurpiije the watt r brtery at
Casilne by n iniilin;.' nrty fruiu the I hide.
The sentinel Was fired np'jn, bnt the garrison ral
lied and drove tho attaching party oil'. Tiki
escaped I y boate, after cxchanKlm.- a nauihe.r of
'allots. One of tie raMas is Kuiipji-oil to h ivo
ut:did. Ni -ie of tho rarri on were hurt.
bullets came very car sum? of them.
ii del'tudcd by two licir oai.hwo.kt,
b' five tfiiir. each.
ictlil.'on to the E.-j.,;.li,nmoi !..
S'At,niNoioN, Noi ember 2. The steamer n.i..
flagihip of the l'otoniac Floiida. bim returned
. from an expedition up tho Iinppuhatmock, and is
now at tho Navy Yard. M'itLiu a short time past
guerillas have uiado tU-ir appeal ance at the
J mouth of the river and fired into one or more of
Our transports, and the object of this expedition
Has to commence retaliatory meaouics. A force
was landed near the Wycomico, and Feveral
Louses occupied by Ucbel sympathize, who are
Lave harbored guerilla, were du-
I lieen w,
J but the
i 3 touutiu
V Er
i J itroyed.
Afterwards the fli'shin steamed un the Ranna-
baonock as far as raudirs' whatf, and brought
off Mrs. Garnet and funiiiy. fhe is the widow of
tha late Congressman Garnet, of Virginia, a uioce
by marriage of cs-Scnator R. M. T. Hunter, and
a daughter of Mr. Stevens, the well-known
millionaire of New York city. Bern? a loyal
woman, she has bcea anxious for a long time to
come North, but has been Drei-.'ntvi from itriln
' o by the Rebel authorities. Taking advantage.
however, of the proximity of our vessels, she
:acaped from htr (Southern detainers, aud is now
with bvl ft kuds la Ute Notlb.
sr:mnir "v, umv m kw iorh.
Coiainurd Cornmprcial Deriretslon.
Ni:w YmtK N hi -ni'i-r 2. Tin ulcarnar Vrt.j,
fio.-n l.i, ,(, ,,n I r ? , jtj ,.tii ,,,1 the
-id. mrvi I at ihn poit c, m , run ,-. Tic
M'iiict I nr ved or iimi:;'.. r,io
inwstijr-hj ,.;.! ii'.i : ,ii. The -o.n-riM.
ial ,l, p:e 'i,,n i-t un iS t !, li.cb ;n I. n t 1
Ml, I 1)1,
1 t i l! IV, 11 it til ! f if. Is t,! I. ,1K.r,
Mr. liim-h, PN-H.-i- h f,m- l 1! Ch ir'.; ., ' -i
H u tl, il l.'oimul in C'liia.
Ihe .!.! r I J .1 ! I t'18 S th' t r-
ii .irraiv ruo;ua of the Am . -can !-i courn
and reiterates in iniuini on iin- tn-jj
i- i.r'f, an, I tne s ipitiensi of t'i,: llr.mlj tj ,T,.ri
n i ill in 1 1, luiiiu r,
A M iidt id ti le(.'rani s, ? til it Kin II ink ifSpiln
Yhh eoneluiled a loan of ; )) ) j,,,) i rch with
lie .-.. in Mi Minl.vry is hu ovnpicd with
Ihe 1 ei uvian fjiieiiiou.
i loiiK relnl Int. II jrotiro.
Il.- l-ooi.. (I, lat er ?2, P..,-,il,K -Sile, o'
( item :it liay ,.HKI l,-i!cs, t.i,: 1.1 ir:..-i.s ,, , .,
urn I.tti,y i, witti a rn b, r I e ': r dem 1 1 I, i- , v
pr ct , nalrs ut upscuiat r an I ci t.-rcr :i t J
hn i s.
I:, a.l-tmr inn. -live. Tr,i
I ni. fa low
I liiio.-. ( N-ntral h'nirei fjuii' a
ili . eiii.i.; Idio liailroad I K li.
m qui.i. I,V'. i
.'i H'i 1 1 ji r cjnt.
Tlio Aflair on S.mJay NUj'it.
i! i: M i)i it ri in Aiimv oc iji; I'.m rn, ,
. 'M i.i1;:t I. I lir n:pn... a.',l , ipuro o:' i
I mir ph'kct line mi "i'ln ! iv ul-th' o. ir.- -1 : i
lu'i.t i. l et I n ;s, anil the in mi t I'eim i.;! i ; 1
t ' U.I ( 'ih and lllth Nev Y-r.v. T:iey .v,.
'he fr. .-.tor pnrt ne.v nnvi, .m,l oni.vii u i:'.u
raiit of ihei.- du'.iii, an I h um Wtfr., n it m in the oilier u-ifipi who Into Itooa uj
i!ii-y ,-; tliii part of thu I i ; o .
U e. en,? the Hi ! -is ,!,! i, ' c ny o T si", r'e
I'.u het lclo.n.'i;i.' t.i our tl-l er, -is the-- ve.j
all found and brMisht lu i,-- ufon';r.I I'.jrcy.H'e, whii-U Well! nu ft IV I'U'.HIl t'U I llJ.
Thin it the sura: pk-e whre our in vi sonu
timo ago played tho Kehjls a i-imihr trijk, aul
the utmost vigilance his o.vr , iuco bee a ccr
eifed on bo-li sides to prevent n reoe-hi m of th
I'Ccurien. e; but win n the I... move c mini -n jed,
eMrymaiiiu the nmks Ku hcind li t I to hike
liti.rnon pichet, and smma of th.,c i-ivn, it is
nil,', had never loaded a f,'i;i.
'J'he only way to account f.a .hU is, their
force was too small to cur...- j., many oura arms,
and t:,at they did not h r.e lime to return for
Although the li Iiijj Has l.ept up by by'i ...i,,.s
( U theline bee, tin crudities a..; report -J. Li t
ni!.t it was kepi up ilurinr? most of tlic tii;V.,
I nt thi; line rcwaina the s.imj ai it was previous
to tVe aliair.
A l is quint this niornin;?. '.Ve nro bavin ; Iu
dn.ii h.-ro. Tlio m.unii,s aul iv aim-s
aic cold enough to render tlivg very agreeable
whilo ihe days nro ji:,t warm en,);i"'i tj m 'kts
i iit-duor life the most pioas.u.: i ua-ludbli!.
Great Strategic of our
Last AdvMiico.
A try. Lbit, AV'aiiiu.n Si i n ,v, Va., O. t ibcr
CO. Tho aiigh- oi a mile a. id a ba'f west and
n nil.u ai u a li.'.ll s,'Uthae-t n n ilred on our left
by ih,' r ent strap tic il,'in,.n-ira.i.ui is leiu;;
Uronc'y fm t tii U, and 1 iiinbistan 1 tho
Army Line r..i!ro. d is lo U: iuimedi itely pushed
out to li e left, two ortlirce miles beyouii s
pn s nr ti
1 In way this Important CM nsion of our f trti-
li. d Inn eaiue to l.e bo ta-ilv .'.il l cli"iolT m idu.
wis by the enemy's weikcing their linos of
bat le at liiis piut to ina nupt .v they t t i't to
be a llai.k movement ui )un J tu.-ir cx renic rl)rht.
iviueia.y wire ma-sni.t ir; .in-:', tin: ' 1 ami j'.n
(Mps mi our i rtn mo left, the U h Oor. sb-vel
In at ibis poiut and to, I; i In' of their works, w-fs rever-ul, or "r;':'n I'-'ed" ai tho o'.tl
ec h cul1 it, and now tonus on r re n left am'le.
1 robab y not liniiii!? tn j i,-,r h is so importrtnt
nn e!t i' i.m of A f.irt'M. il In . 'lOen lnado wi'li
Fo lit'le lighting. Il is ti no 'I t ilmre iv is con
tii'eraliie inairL'iig nml , ,',!! ' . narehiu ii Via
i peraiioti, I ut thai, was a mere i ilic lor luj bjys
vlio Li.d ii. ill mi loiw i-oi'lifH',1 ,'i ca-np,a'i 1 ihy
u.aile a fiolic of ii, going and , innni?, not.-. iilt
s iiiiilin,; ;!. ';. a a ii'i i't ' ing by fie rain
on 'llaii'il iv nirjht. 'Mii, II . i ry otr'.ei-mo.e-I11.U'
iinnily, on eithi r t i .le, : ri 'de n ns-r..te,l
l i- giowing weal.i.t-.s of 1 1, I ' j he 1 ,inuy. lu
wi'oiy rti' to i!if; i -ii- lvrs at it dis
tance, il ey buvo a'liAnd a i a. , i fatal and lrre
I'Srablc tppr-a-a to ten. ' j a villi unt.
'llieir constcrnaiinii nlom: ih - entire lino, on
1'ny, is iepriinteil liy i. eitirs and our
own t-ci'pi'ilpri'" " is a i u ;;r o.len'.e.l o;m-:v
I. nnn r Ci easion. 3
, Jfl tli" I'm iii'.ivwei.ts .n't. 'ho attack mi r.'tr
nr;ht had been rc, uls d, th : vim m-idua V:gor
i.i.s ..SMiult on our left, in Ii atm General Gi'ij,!?.
I hi- nu nil a K.nlt w is a -'ioi ; one, bu'. oil o
seven- vig nous as the !l:'-.i. ' 1, n. r.i! Orf
.: inliy nn t tlic cLeiny ia i pa u,.i.d -tvl-.i, lo'ig'ht
"illi i allantri, and clid i I euthu-iastlc illy
w'i i v. the cm emy fell Iwk. 1 l.i last assault was
siieiT-sfniiy H'.ailml hi il.n k.
(ii nen 1 ilain o, k oi p ui e l hi, usual smjaeity
and jui'pn ("1 the moiueiii I' : nttael'. Was in idj
I y iho Iiibil General 11 il i n his comni mil.
J'liilr ir the piif;ieFS of the a -i H I:c inspired Ills
u etl with that conl! 'enco whl h roweouiiuati leis
cnii inipurt, and which iiiw I ut ifio-c wuo have
fien llam ock on the II' Id cr.n p )-ibiy nppreciiite.
Genital Itauzock iin,l html, as wea as other
f .(ineiiils and i unuicr.., 'ig i,.:u , -s, were exposed
t if i nly to a seveie :t 1 cry, 1 i t id io t' a sh up
ii' " kftry lire iltnipg ihe intic- .1 p .it.on of iho
ic'ion; t ut In s.,i , ii'" i,f our :;e.-i r d
iliiieiswire Int., alihoiijli" re.i ral of th-jir tiaif
(.Una io i,to IM.un ltJ.
ales! SculliCFSa vs
Jc2. Da7ii5 Promises an Araiiotice
if- tua North Respectfully
Eup3 for it,
tioih Ihe Ctiatle.litn Mtreury.
President Davis, who baa been opposed to
making auy ronce-i-sions whatever lo tun enemy
bus bitn hnally prevailed upon to graut au
aiuilntice to the North, provided it is soliciiod in
a rtspectiul manner. This proposed annlstice ii
gihimd, raises the blockade by laud aud sea
which will enable our people to lay in a huvre
amount of supplies. "
The deserters troiu our service will then be glad
to return in order to receiie their pay and an
honorable discharge, which will give us an addi
tional force of two hunured thousand veiuraus.
Then if hostilities are essoined the South is sura
of tueiess. Thetefore we lose nothing by grant,
ing this experiment to the Yaukees, who have
openly confessed that they ata whipped by pro
citiluilci the war on their part a laUve,
iuladku'iiia, wi:i)m:si)vy, xovi:mm m. m.
(; i: k
mm r
'ft! vjd
t'i'.v rn
1 U J tt
,."..-'-Ni"-"; i
-,-- -v i
v-' ' ' i
h- - ! i.
r-. - i
Tliounndi if
v... v..ii iiiiuuuu
f -
Trr,u??parcncic3 Displayed
on November
AMI description of thu mirrnillcmt tlico -
rit.W of this building wtwpuWMicd h. Tun
Tj:i.i.a:Afii of yestcnlay.
I.f at Light a (leiwo crowd assi-inlilial aroun,l
the hciKlii.'iurters to wc the gorgvoua transpa
rcticics nod lliti'ii to t!ie imislc mid Hp..'.ikiiig.
Tlio ttita t Wits soon Impassable', riii.l tlie aid j
w;il!.s w ore iVu ely packed v. iih our c jloa-.l
Ntiuii'i'oii.s )lii:wii'i illnmiti it.Ml t'w i.t-'iet,
urn! aild'-il io tlio lirilliaiiiiy oi" tho wii :. A bio
fro- II .' ,i " e J- iruci!, ,!,. . tl.
Vhiit lias lieen so longthiva.u.ied and so mil ii a'lutit ftei.H to l.ivj co:nea las'. The
Ions-i'i H-rrcl rttiick on WiFnli'ti'.oa w-oiil I .ipie ir
to l e lit haul. Vo bavo guoj r. a oa to he'.iiivo,
fiom i.ifoi rniitii.n received, that an att i -It U
iini.iini u: n. ay ln locked f.-r unv i'.av. I'he
Ik et I- oi-niblliijr both at Fortrcs) Monroe and
UtaiilOit llnrtor, N. C.
oucn inioi man ill regit'ii. u :.9 uiiferi'lc 'n-
cur military and I hey are cxii'i cn'lc
bum. ii. ami, iridic. I, posnlvelv ,1, ,i;v n,,r u
noii-ciMnbatuiits, iin.l e.peci 'h'v iioaieu ani
cl.l'iiiili, should bo renaiiv.l before an att :i-
la .uaiiy nuts t.Ki-place. I ins i, .le-ircd loribeir
i.i. n M.' es, nnil for the further l 'MSMi tin- tmdr
rre-cn.e would neeestarilv have tbe ilh-et of n n-
biiirnshincthc dcfniH'. It is cxpecU'd tint nil
the mm who remain will b:ar ti.eir full part in
lit Ifialin'r li.eir Imines and In repelling the in-
T .Tars cf our soil.
TI'or do t;ot ttin' e tip their minds to do
1 at tl ey can in delcc-o of their tomes are e;.
n i i.d to", as wo presume litilo sympathy
or favor will be tinwu ay poition of tae i mlo
innu' ticn who remain tiire, nn I who do not
in ray II cmselvcs 'u deiense of the place. Thoe 1
),y cla'-sea as non-comliatants, who
inti ml to reii'uvc in tnse of au iituek, had better
il, so bi'oio t.e pii.- nrc of an actual attack is
felt, as ihe di atulty of r.-moval m iv, and
jirobrbiy will be, insurmountable.
'. out t'.e ( I ft, .'."'Oil CjI'I '''. IX'el'i'' JJ .
lie firing since our last ha. Veil principally
dito( tnl nt Fort Sumter and fSuliirun's Island.
Iluttery (reg.;and the Hwarup Angel lired ninety.
tiK shots nt the fort, and seventy-nine at ISulli.
van's and Jones' Inlands, 1 hursduy night Aud
Friday. Two shots vroro tired at the city.
The sentinels guarding tho "pen" on Morris
Island were relieved yesterday, and a largo body
of men, supposed to be the Confederate iirisonors
numbed to the lower md of the island. '
Later in the day a transwrt with troops on
toaid, tolicved to be prisoners, left Lwulhouso
Inlet aud sailed 8011U1.
NocUaiige in the lleot Is reported.
4com ll,e U Ji't'Ue.titter.
On Tucday last, the 18th Instant, Captain
Amos, with bis command, 'ought the Yankees
four tours, driving them to their gunboat, with
a Iosj of between thirty and forty killed and
The party consisted of five hundred Infantry
that bad landed that morning site utiles below
V ilton. Captain Amos' loss was three wounded.
YV bat hi force was we have not definitely learned
but il wat lutBcieuUlo whip bra hundred
u it a i
a r
'J' -z
sroi'T AND
r-7r:.lri ttitt iis!tfr(r
MliVllljlL. IALVUU,
a rATnor.TC "ranked
UEXtVlJLUNT lnwclvers
tv, iiPU i n!e., i -
to rrrk far religious security
?ur '' ,,'ll','Ti',''"1 ,h,t AI''' MEX Wvvtf '
Sjt7 cui:atku i-'H'ALi tLut tliny aro m- $1VV
rJf t 'wl hr tholr Crontor with icrtain 1NALI11V
I W A Al"'K nT""Tf,i lit among Ilium r I.II K, MIIER- iTW
i ff TV, wiJ dm pamult of h.ippiucM." V ',nii'i -i of JaJe- W
P7 ptnJciwt. July 1. ,
m 1 1 &sf&s&?'
TICK OF Juitico; to plan tho entiililMnnrnt of popular rr
institutions with the enjoyment of I.IIIKHTY OF t'O.V- jl-Ut
filllilNl'l-:, to R'lvnneo the
niiingtho HIiilili'LL
1 1 A ft KKCTS." fSJ
Now. A. I). lSCI.l.vemaflolpatinir overlOrt.noo rTrni!.
LU TUN slaves, by the freo
i 1.!.. . t I lilt,,
thot nf 1-iul al.n Id K"
-..'iiiiiii ui uer i.n.ucijv i
realijrs his grnnd iilrns
mn, wflmMi nnl eli!l I
iv vau ir Bwuia
regard to CHHlll), COLOH,
juj.uuu. v. , .v.i
ll.ULl XOULOitlOlS 2uAKlX.4-Vr,
Tracticully enfonjcil by GL0KI0U3 GRANT,
I.t-t ni ru luln item ty our ballot?, and n.nko Kmaavipation
in Front o" tlio S-rrcrvicory Comniiltco's EaUding.
1, 1831,in Honor of tio
. nml patriotic addresses w 'ii .hdlvo.-ihl by
. HonoiaMcs John Uu il-i vn, W.m.ias, I).
KKi.t.i y, M yor A.;, of Maiuu. and
' T. ' ' ,
1 IIOMAH KBSiEIt, K((. '
The whole ntlVr pussod oil" wilh greM cv,
nml hnpplm ea bei.uicd on cv. ry couiit''iiaiicc.
Tliu night will leu ; be ivi.uMu'R' by ;
citi.i ns.
Hut the si'iitli inpn who had tiie air..; r In
liaiul hiiV') done other no I in .c p.'1-.n iiie i'
w LAY'S k.-..
fii:f !al IS. 'll.ti Ji.'ii lit i.x ilLii TtilrKfapSl.
Vimuim,, : n, N v in ' ir 2
', ' ' tt'.'.'w :i.. . . ..:.
1 "' u-''''-
' ti.-ncmj li iriiird pu'il -l.;. u I . '.. - the
' ;, this ui .ri.i.ig, r.-p .l-e .-.V.V
. ., .r.j. l0 , t,;i. I
i . i. . . '
'Ui-ed Cry 1 ,,.t, a,.d v - ve-".
j I'n.t 'bi- M. f i'.au Fc in '" r i'I-ii;-
utb r IViii-ii' tin-ir.'h M '.!'' il ill
J I M '., ,' ;.s
II,' ill .1-1.4
t" l-y.
i '(?. s: ( : .-..i.
; ,.,. . ,. , . , , , , ,. v ,. i ,
- ; '" !-
ll-Mlt hcie. I: is '! i. 11 l-l..'i'l t'ut -Mi',
Ft-f;i.d. n will ! hen'.! frm shoi !ly.
, ;, ,-.tns I.ucl I. .S.n . i'i 1 roan.,,
, . ... . . ...,, fc ,.
.1 ai l Ut p U . I ' l.i : 'I " ...... ...I . louuilji
Bight on the colored cci.11 ci y leetiii'y rased 1 y
Jtuve Underwood, of Alcuudria, V'itginia, at
their statf, n near Acntii.U, "1'a, i -. i i nsp'ritcd
fight occurred, w hich reunited in the tout ol tho
A Kyn.piitljli.'.'r' Mi'I Hii'ipenrte l.
Tho Aloxaiidria (last-tie 1 aj been su-pendod,
owing to Sir. Snowdcu, tlu proprietor, Ixln::
among those of tho riouthern sympathisers de
tailed as a safeguard on the Oiauge and Alexan
dria railroad trains, against guoi ilia attack,;.
Haki'.ishvbo, Novemlter 2. The oflic'al vote
of forty-ono counties has beta received at the
Secretary's oiilce.
T be following is the a'givgale, including the
f oldiers" vote :
Union I'W,7.27
Deuiocralic 17(i,U'.S
TTnien majority.
crn prrnxiQENCE.
8titi or Tniaoiima Ta-BAT. 3d A. at.,
87. Kaoa, 45. One P. M., "j. Korth.
(for additional City luttlUgenct tee fourth paye.)
Fatal Accideki. This morning lad named
Bodil, who waa ran over yesterday at Mulberry
street and Glrard aveaae, died from the eiiocu of
lifw W ,r'l lit, -h'
:i. -, i ,,,1
lira t'vi.yrg'lji
"ri f i:..n.a
fsettKa A.D. ly
liaron oi unitimnrK, lr., raw
oiuoni; tho most and
of all nrr-n.
a - ii.. cuiirfiTTiv H'uPi n I-
and l'EACK bv the 1'IIAO- ilk ;
eanpe of eivilizntion byreeoff- Jn;
Totes of lu r poople, l'ltOVKS, tuJ.
It 1. I.V 'I II W. tn in fin . a ."T .1
I f I'.iT'lrl.l.'ll .. .. .1 1 I. fStl-lli.
: u ivini'un, wi'i lum buu pWlT
of Jb'.STICIi by adopting a lArJi
necures to AM. M1..V tha cu- rtj
........... . it,
mi n ifiiwty et - r
4 V l-XMWu P
I 11.000 Colerod S ,l I, m trow Mrr- l
rrf l,..t i,,iw at iba duut, iluai.4 lur
1! to. l uioa. H
fi. i'.wV'?.-J
"'.'-1 "V-,f
i' t
Enumciyalion of tho Slaves
'J'iio fommiltci: have nslatcd Colonel S. JI.
j.ow,,A, Cl.i.-f HnsUrimt nud RccruKSntr
, .. . .
Ollicer for fh. State of ITitrjIaml, lu ralein;;
T"r "'" thwntt uo,,,rcJ ln tb:lt
St;l'0, Th"y M'ul tIlcir J?"nl. without
expi ns to tins Oovernnii'iit, throug'j all the ;
.Uriel with drums ami fifes; I'ld i
mpi tini; in colored churches; and brought
about the groat cb:tn of feeltu wh! :U his
ti'.Ucii place In that Hlalo.
Pai.i or Sioths ami Ki:.M. KsiAin. Tho
fell v. .ng mi'ik Mc.o mad,: to-il iy, aijiho V.x-
Ian a , by .lames A. IV' ennui, Auctioneer:
. , - i -,- , in- l,..i.i ,u 11,0 s a le l-sri 'j'a,'.it. . 'e. .' .-nt.
. 1 ,l. Co ,1 i .l.i K ' ' .j f ci il,
.V -i . , - -a, Ji u' i !.i' l;.Hi:.:' Iron Oa,'.i;,anj-, a i i t
.'i ' ! . u ' ii t , il" C'l P.Tuiili iru.
.'...I., 1'IK ll" ill U S ' I 'I "It II'".
I , i l i, .', N... :;u S f4I:'i Ire -1, 17 .'i 1 flic a'l I'J -5
lie: ; ,iu I,. . ir IM lii.irili I.,', r, -l, i-t HU.
I'll, un. V. 'Il'i i' i i-'.tiei , i, iai iho laal-.,"S on llift
re- ii " I'.m ''..' 1' I "!. el nr S .V 0.
int.. ..iiii'ii,: In,, i .il i f .1 rv.Vii. 11 M ij'l-.iil
.',...- :, . , t a ii.. li.-,. I,y ,i ie' 1. !,' ,r. 5i '".
Ii : .1-' I'I In;', I l.r. I Slorv. .el ,",'11';.' SOU s8 il'.'.l.
,' lli ut lic.i ,,1 il. l, .St.,' o.l a,
1 1
J.: 1 .'
k .1
u'lii-r. S'-. -' 1 .T'ir.'r,. r "Ireei,
; ; 1 :to : t'l 1 111 v : o i.
1 i', N 1. '.0'B o, it, 1 1' :
, 'I'
l.mei I, . ,,-,!. X". l.)lVo.,l ktl'vct, Willi
. , ;. 1.,: b'." 1. 1-- e , 1 1- . ir. .',; 0.
...', "i n'rv, . 1", 1 o-i.-r of 1'. HUM Iv.'itiiA flinn'l.',
t . -11 a I 01, let!, -o i- t., IU w 1 1, v --- I i."'t, c'l'r. 41 .1.
i..., , :.t. i I -t, . Il at. i' .i .a 'I ';ajn uv'.ui,' u" I
, .. -11 t. '.a.tU la'.t ValJ, t.- i I !li.l, t.i -'1
i.i! 1. ul. -! T-j.
A l'K!:l rsovi.t.TV iiai.i.oo's aii;i;m,. .
This mtiin.'iiU, at 3 o'clock, tho wor'.d-rcnowued
a ici tiut, T. I?. C. Lowe, Fs,i.,wil! commence n
series ( I' array b'.'oon ascensions to a height of
one Uimio ml feet, from the enclosed grounds,
ecu ir 1. 1 I 1' and ('oatos fctrcc-t. lhno
a unions will bo continue i day anil evening
Qtriif all (aim end fnvotable weal her. Tho
well known sill of Frotesaor I .owe, who a:Ud us
a rcnaiit lo the Allay of the rotomac Uurinj the
wsr on tha I'obinsuln.aud wbohas already taken
nil t.tti'cu t'..otiaid per-oni iu these t'pical
ascii.fions, buiuies perfect Safety. Ills adver
tibeu.eot will be found in another column.
Fii.c iaiit.Mi. We undeisUtud that recruiting
w ill still progress, notwithstanding the fact that
the tiotn of the city is full. A bill will bo intro
duced in Councils to-morrow reducing the city
bonniy lo about $ too, and proiidlnr for the ex
pecdituie (T that part of the appropriation for
encouraging lolunteerlujf which remains uuex.
aendtd. This amouuu to over iouO.ouu,
Installation, The Installation of the Rev.
R. W. Henry, I. D., as pastor of the Korth I'rcs
bitet'lau C'l.urih, will take place this evening.
DtsnttcT CofHT Judge Hare. L. A. Erw
ll. va. Jerauia 4t Joan. Aa fccUua ol rtptoila. tu
DisTiiitT Coin- Judge Stroud Robert
Buckunai u ll, uit o Jotiit 11. Iirui.. Admiuitraiof
.1 ll, ..ll orlrirlllratlj!a,Aa Aaasllvo
i.oer aod cons trlea. J"n ot-
alrham B. rt. liais "J w orrdl. Aa actio
to racsvur Sue nal ol nwi as4 ax u.. ol
Uml. Jury "i'i. ....
liisssj vaatvi rt. Jaa UacMtw, Aa titles
- - .....
li -
r-.-i i
I t -I
I .I"., .1
1 v
, n.'ar ll,.-h,'i -i, I ' i
. o ,. I
o..lti. : f
1 1 I
tmt r. cn. If.'. rrJ -
r- " -.
im j ",ii
lli!' :''i'r'";-.- r-fui,,'
i ,:i i-. "ii :
-ff -t" it'
No. 1210 Chosnut Stroot,
of Maryland.
'Fliey established and supported a Freo
Military School for nearly a year, which gra
duated over five huudrcd offlciirs, under (he
able chiu'e of Colonel John II. TAGdAirr,
which has boon continued timloi' tho tltlo of
the "United States Jlilitary School," with a
modciate charce for tuition. Thev est iblishe,1
Camp William l'otm near the city, and
!:avc rai.scil eight regiments In this State.
'4 oir diimr lor ft roMMnrl I', twrell two v!tl -Ioi
,l,l,lit. .'iitii'ilt iiiul a, 1, i.'l.ail ,n 1 1, 'I ti'clic .tcr iit.iiil.
r.,..l, h In, h, ll is mi i.,' .. 11 ...s iaui. u l.y tliu caitlossniis.
01' it..' .1, in ,un:. (lu 1 r-.i 1
(Jo CM OF QfAl.l cu Sfssioxh .1 nlgo Tboinp-11.-
1 :,' rr, : To HI' t.eB,"i. n tt. oi'rii,li 1 ., tot tin. trfil of
Ad" if it . :r,hs. u,. n,-i t il Ioi" rau'iit.' units a ii' isHint ni tlio
I'll. .'.!' Ol tell t'"l.'., IVhll ll 1. 11 !;..! Ill , II 41 ll . r ' li ' IlC6, ,.t C, I' i'i I ini'l l.lli ',,' i , ie"ts, u, I tn ii. He li ti
tl.,' li. it'll o' I. uili,,,: llt'-ta well llieeat alio -.In tvh''r'.4
ntiln.iil. oon i. Ill, r ", lituplt to tee tiU-ierv ol lite rutl
cin:.' ci !,ii lioiai'diali- ni'teMi elnt ja. Vvi'iIkiI uaiity.
I nil aim i.i'Jsi v i iit iii sti
Wi nsrMi.iv.Xov.'l 'I he 'n '.--'.'or Breadstuff j
an,l l'r",l''e o'a rall.v ii 111,1,'t let, In eoii-.e-ju-'nee of llie
i'iri.ti.' n oiiuii ail In lii'hl iiu'l K'. Inntiro .
Cotnu, ! it' s i tiiii'l, uiul iit.unoal al e''J,''.
. t,a.ric.l : .,'ur.. s i. u i ,'io,i i,'i f lo1. 1, .i ll f HI ttit .
In 'I iiutahy iiil..iai il'ti'K- Si aul i.nli' oi k'JA.i. til at
..-1 i.i a- ui .
I he 1 1' ur Marl ol tei ,1s itpwi,l. We a.lvuui-e our ino-
ta'.i.-n-. . ' l ari.-l. Al "i.l ioia liarr.'li v, . re dun le.t
I .1 e.t tin 1' loiriel lor svaa, ana Sl'i"-,l'.' tor i ntra
1 ... .Iv ,r,. .'... 'JIYM l.r...U K, HIlL' lidi.l.t. HUM. ...a
wuil.,ia n. i ic.uis'. csi.ti.oa i.tuis nt'in ai-H., tw
.ii'.-. aii? mi. illy will. In t!a raii't,-. 1 ho re. eipts of lijro
1 i. rr me biattll, ei.d K is tt iu ut S'eIi. Ill Ojtu llt-.l
tli'H, i n tl"ii.i4 1 t'Ore 1.-very latlti M la'ul coiuiDrf til, aul
: ol-,,'!.-, 1 i.m r"t ' l l'- Csur.ii. io) 1, isii. Ml' hts.a
ft'nt, . i.10 nt $-'-!'. Out uiciu I. now akkeJ. IVh'ibni.v
l c qi "U ,J nt 6J'Ii'I J H.'. biutlll .-lil'-i of ltv. al St 'll.' Jl
$1 '7e t I nli. ( urn l.n. aaiaie cj w.'. yS tin ,h., .no la.uoJ
In... . M-il at kl'Tn lur i''loi, .D,l t',i'.'uf l-7il lor
iitM-.' V.''iu. Oats are stcd), auu.-'OiO uu.a. s-a at
Hi .-i v uoip" flw'yst fl'TS for PanaiylvauiA aaJ
Ol ioboii., an lt-;.'fi'i l'n ilic.
HI, p l.iilion, V " wn, Mi'tlreil l'a.. ll. a. H,'totl A Co.
Haiti ur ('. Hi 0" r, Nmltl . l'ortui,ntn. Tj ler a C".
Seal Zmiita, Joln.aon, klBkitou.J. ii. Hti.l'-v A Co.
t-i r ('. Hi, tfou, l(.i!ilnoii, l-ori i(',iai,.l.ii.o.s Kepjillar
bra. ( Ul. fcUtu, Uci , Hojtuii, E. A. bJiidor A Cu,
Uniietl Hales slejui.r Uerniuil.. A.ali I oloHesrLIeu
tfl.Bitt.r W Hinlllt e.niiuiajiili'i. rtoui Wiht UulfiMuad
rou. wan oiil,iaihron, and "icV ai aucUaryeil
"i'"ro"ue E. A . Prehran, Beaii, 14 dan from Muus, Willi
uxat Its & V. Weisc-'iw.oi u. J. tt. l''!"v
inosiiie lloanoko (nr.), loal.aey. foini I'orto CtttsUo
Kim .well i "Hon uJ ipuii' lo lisl.ell sou.
liiUOr.nn H. lle, Nort.iii, ll' from Mluai, wlta o llnrrli. H vl t Co.
Iiil-Airaveia. Bosd.lS dvs trvm Cardfiiss, wil aao
lai.eeto.i. W . H 'ltiid u a Inv.
Ur; : sin o. Hi"aia, iw " -' BeTl.tUatUtit
Uai'i.r i ."ifu.'l fr-tss Uraalwlas, im., with
''aulniet J 'sHorswell. Kdiaids. Tt hoaii rre New
tirk, i.h sad. U W. tl. H-.U4 Co.
Ctrretft'"eflie'iUKteiiia IfreliMntt
lwl, ioi.. Moveniiet l acai Julia K. uaiaax. from
Bayua lur I'SUadelpbui, went up llie bay lo-du i Iwti
barque, weal le eea trfierdar. Titer art Ave acaooaers
al lae liiMSsraier. wma ItW.
Orrus '. Tn. exr,( '
w ,It td, DorroiW 1. (
The Stock Market cratinm t active, bat prleoo
are unsettled. Government inds are firmer anil '
prices bavo advance I, with sales of 6 20j at lOi, '
eouponsoiT; and Rj of 1SS1 at lWJj 7oT)j aro -quoted
at 10.'.(.i 107.
In shares there h less dolu?, with
alei of llesd.nn to not ce at 'WMOsj ; full uir and
soldatriTj,,.!,',.), i,a decline; IU J for '
aiiiiUn and Amboy railroad -.Jiij for l'ennsyl.
van,.. ; for l.lvlc tsehnyikdl ,.':.) for Miuebill ;
..I' tnr.Noitl. lVmi.yhan ajio lor Klmira pre
l.rti ,l;(,l :orl'h.laJ,:lpLi.,nJ dabha-.r.; 31 for
I iiilatle phii. and line; and 18 f.r Long Island.
OldCiti Cares 1 Ing aty.i ;aud new d lui.
City TanxiiRrr liailroad sharss are wuhjul ,
rtar go. ,', was bi I f ,r Fifd, ,a gUlh. 3l ht 1
f-pnice end I'lne-, M for Chosnut aud Walnut j
lli for Arch ; for Oreen and Cnates; and M for '
( lrard College, 70 was akcd for Secjnd and
I biid i AO for Tenth and Eitventh; 2't for Thir.
t emli and Fifttcti'.h.
Ci al (HI shans ere more a.-tlve, ani prices aro
''fir; MsplcShado is excited, and his advanced
.'.l, with mles at t't;.!(28j Hgljert3iCrf3l, ,(). ,
u ncc l A Oil Cie, K at o ; I) .l.eli at 9. J k, an
idvi nce of ); Noltlo and IKila-niUr at 8
MiCiiufo k atllj ; Densmore at 8;anJ M;Kiheay
an;, whl h is a clccliue.
II :,k shan s are lirmly held, bnt there is little
or mating doing. 170 was bid for North America;
lor Commercial; 00 for Njrth.-ra Lilieruoj;
L'.'i for Mc bnnic.'j 3D for Manufacturers' and
Me, hniies"; Aj for City; 33 for Consolidation;
nml li' for Vnlon.
C. rial shares nre less a-tlvc, and pris are
raihtr lower, w-ltii sales of bnquohsont Canil
nt l-'i'i ; 11 1 was bid for Schay Ikill Nvhi; itloa com
inori, 10 for pnferred; aud Oj for Morris Canal
Hold has declined 17 per cent, since last even,
ing, opening ar ais.j. fell oir and sold at 2.'M1 at i
11 o'clock; kM7 at 12; 23 i at lii; and i-U at 1 ,
F. M. 1 be speculators have boon elrjulaiiug for
several dijs past all kinds of rum its to put
up the i -icc of gold, to affect the PionitaitUl '
Cll'Cliwll. I
'1 lieu-is lli rlo or no demand for money, ami the
matket louimitis easy. Loans ou call are troely
ollercd nt ll per cent, per aimim. rrimo pyaru I
very scarce, and quoted at 7( 8 ier coat.
Reooneil by i.lara-ou t Co., iirohtra, ise. iJl a. Thad ai.
htvi'-OKI'; llOAUoh
.fs. h luiljell Oil.... s', ,'0 ah Kcbert Oil...
-ii .11 oo ii.) if '
Id M, A S
1 s - fl rt C 9 I
II, h do li-, I
in .li .1 !',
I' it an .io c in,,
:., e in lu a 'tiiK li. .1 is in.
1'IV 111
do ....
son. a
1. ti h
ni tb
do m.1
da na
Mi ah d. . sicj",.
1 i -it
lis, , n
V .-. sh
:;ii , h
m i pr.
VI all
-n' U.
do .
.1 S ih'; 1
1'Miah do
... lit i-sv
...'M US !
5 US I
IS I FolttiuOoal. a.) )0
.va h sioy K-u.Utt' t SI
sia'i 31.1'tu HDrtOe.. 1
i sh
So .
... US',
loo .a
fl. a-.S'iovloo.lii'J
...l nn Heart. B H
,W 4
bl txt(
,blj -SI1.
to .nit:
liiOsn do..
d. li, I
1 ii a
4i nn
4i'' alt
d i
do ...
f S4"i tl. M s, '8l 10 ,',
tt i.i Hi i;, i 7o. I.!'1.
S.'Ol'I'.y S. ne ....ioi
lot o do .'.a nm .... nj I
I'm i I s. II i lit in. .111
1", I a II 3,1 ittli. .. no V
1-io.r w i i,e-tir is. ..lo i
Is all Kk, ill Ol t
li.iii-a u. :.'4i
blO SK'a
,.iS 7S
b l UH
)Cl .a
l.'sj all
loo ill
nn iii
i!7 H
1,7 H
do .
....i ,0 sta.
bKl ess;
Jul' 1, Mtinle Hltado..
...Msii d" o.'
l"o "h tl
siOab do
1'SI urv do
17" ill do
ltsish a sh tl,i
.Killsh M-iKlnsniiy....
300 a'l Ha io lUti.J....
I V 'it ll
lllli hit I- lilt' liCoill.UtiO
-,oi, ,N. n l ii.'k ....
,'Osll Nul l.- Ucl..
s I
l.'ii-,l, M, i lint, ,'k....
Hu i-h d
'j o .it Hoi sntorv... .
ton I'll do UO
1,1 .it do
a o -a io iktti i.w
$ 'Joo renna tl tu..,,.ili
151KSI do iiltv
.sjti.h fciiitlra. ti
tM WeslChe.l It., .106
lino atlnns i f Oo'd ai the Inhla Oul.1
t'.Xiliunei,No. ol S. Third sireet, second sUtry :
j'i A. M 2li',.J 12 M m
11 A. M 2ibJ 1 P. M 2J3
JMaiket exci'ed.
1)r IIavew Bito., No. 20 S. Third street,
ijiiotc as follows ;
. . Jlvvinf. Jlrthtf.
American flold 21) U3'i can Silver, Cs aud Fs 2'M ..
I) tnrs and Half Dimes L'15 ..
Spanish Uuaiters 210 ..
I tun. Cuirenci Jdis.lSdis.
'i w V(,ik Exchange 1 10 " par.
(.hn tail' ns or me principal Coal and Coal Oil
Btoiks at 1 o'clock today ;
eta a . i. iu
rmior. Cosl s 0 Kra-alln Ol!
Ilili Mtaliiiaiu Csial. I 7 ilow.a fe.da0ll.,
(rem. O.l IV
lirm-ii Ml. (U.tvi..,,
N . rn-ot'tii'isvU.
-v fruh
r'-flfl I ui Cot,
Cllnu nCc!
ImLkr txl
JtUnit nij (oil,,,,
, t"a
, i
, 1
!, I'epe aru OU....
Mrhiliouj .
lt'.oe-ta OU.
Olui.lead U
Moltla A Uelauioier. 7 Si
eAiiivr ciiii Kitoliji..
llliboaxil IV
:l S'otv Sarin.
i'enii Mli Inn ...
( umiocilcut .....
k''V(siiiiit TUiC,
Fxi'.-lhM.r Oil....
Hue Tamil
Oil 4Voik
HI Uionrr 1),-
S, I'l-lrolQuoi Ceaue. :
Ruben SU
I j, li if 1.1. nd 1
? , laeSeity Jilrer.. 1
.V. it nrtto hS
JeMm Mik'c Oii.,
j s i i,aauii ur,ea. I
.Mii'iDiinl Oil..
Huh (.'rook.,
I eiin-a Iv.tni 1'et.
3 Oermiiis.,
Vi vhtj Plnur
, lrr arin. ......
i'Ja ti oia
3 Hull. Otl CO ,
3 I'l'lHT K-C-tnOniy,,
1 Tur riiuitt)(J.,
I'errv li
nnfiti On
Ktvi'-t OU
(Ui: foOi-
( tHOI- I e'T'llflllal.,
KC4( H OH ,
Ksji otn Oil
UrisVlfl Otl
Tho f.'llowin is ft fst:iU!ineut of cotl trAns
I'CTlCu UD li.C DciiiWsilC Aliil UU'Imuj Crtoul : .
afur the itf .-t mdi'itf forth
r'c nrp tr"1 llctjv'iii CanJ i ' T.fS.HM
l'oni.i)nHiiuiLoiil.'u 4Mjmti
Total Ions :ll,C !0
F'. r li.e same piiiod lx.t year:
r.r Me
I i law are aad llu.l on Canal Co.. .....! ail a'ri.anf
l't on Jiianlti loelllw it.Ui OJ.fsj
T.Miotls 4S.SV.1 1.-71,4 A
'lirN.w Vork I'tiljitua this mo. ning naa:
"ioi,ey is iibun ..ant a.noug stock lions, is at
(If,. 7 a r edit. In co.iiiii itcial paper no change.
I'i line bills at li per rent., aud seenud grade at
'.i(o 12 me the r tes. Fur Uoverniueat secaridet
the ii ipiiiy is gi .od, aud prices under tliestiinuln
ot sptcu ulam in ("il'i .uiil t nicy shares sill noon
iiiu j n point wl.e e ihe Oovernumnt can make
n law to '.ho people tor a loan with -uc :es.
The i e .r npi'i'i'ii'li of ihe meeting of Courcst
ii nv keip Mr. l'es-enden out of the muraoi uu'.il
be is ii le tully to piet-eiit his liuuuoial poiiey,
but ih at he will" rely n, oa inure 'h"r man. ts. Ion
und I' wer loans mav be deemed cerraln, jiidjinir
fi. in 1 is londiict thus f.r. N other policy can
. i. the Oovemuii ut sucoes"fully, or bo more
ccn t liy c.ippoiled by the people."
- The odle'sl ststenient of the public debt, fir
tie mouth of October, shows thi amount out
standing to be .-',017,0"i),.ili 7H, or aa lucre ise
Mine the last monthly statement of over JM--his.'
(HO. Tbe debt bearing Interest in coin is
nlK Ut fef.H.l.otKi.utsi; deht 1earing interest in law
ful mouev, S iM.'Mie oeO; the debt on which inter
est has ceased, $V.7,000; and the debt bearing
uo interest, SftTl,. The interest has Increased
to iii, in coin, and to AS.Gb7,oiH) in law
ful monev, or :,WiOihxD of the former, and
frlSOOlsJl) of tho latter, the entire amount of
inurest Ixiini-' tj.-4,31 a,t6'ii. The unpiid reiuU
ul cus are t-:i7,.Va,000, and the amount ln the
Treasury nearly fc.Hl,(K,0uU.
The amouut of six ier cent, bonds exchanged
for seven-thirties, under the acts of July aud
AiiRust, loiii, Is nearly &T26 ,000,000, an Increaso
since the former monthly statement of $U,0o0,.
000. The amount of five-twenty tlx per cent,
bonds, under the act of Juno,Uoi,ls37,7Sl,OoO.
The seven-thirty (tree year notes, authorised
by the act of July 17, 1804, hava been reduoed
liom $.'.,i,0ii0,000 to 14,000,000. The amount of
certificates of liidebteduess has beon Increased
jjKMS.Saa. The two rears five per cent, note
have beeu reduced 1,hu,u00 since the September
statement, and the three years Treasury notes,
under (be act of June .10, 1804, have been iacreaaed
nearly j'il,000,b00. The fractional curreacy ium
been reduid from 921,000,000 to $20,720,000.
With reference to tbe foreign market for
American securities, Mr. K. F. batlenhwaito It
ports at follows
"Although thore hat been no great' activity ut
tbe London market for American securitis
during the paet week, wa hava to raoord as uu-,
proveuent lu United Butaa fiva-twenir bouJei
of four dollars, aud la such railroad k'Suu at
licar inUreat payable in currency, aa J"a"
from Ave to tea per cent o
nest, nowaver. UriKsaraed la Us. "T
UViont ar. all bat w.isl. UJJ
; r:
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