X' 1 OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRO STREET. Trvm raunitt rnCnrr, or Emn-rrrv ft rsrr.it T.ea. aarahl. aaraa Carrtar, and mailed la Mulnsrlbera M l ea0tj m Rm Dolus as fm o,, t,,i t Ar. nrtt ln ma Two MoTiia,!nvii'i:jrUi A.lTrce fee in part. irdeiad. 0rwtiMat( an leiert. i at tha nui mi... a !t'-oral Arrant "aaaa! Aff-citendeafni.erf.'Mi 1 ' CrrtMuilxn(. Wa san be tafcen of Aeotiemmi r.mt'itnlr -t.t,A I i--' I M'l.il. ( ti.r Ifsertt'i'i ruin tw .ut'l. .elr fed ' ar ! an and d!-- el the writ, r-nit n ir iie.,l...r , C .llieabft. a-ji a. a guarantee rr b-s ......i neili. Hi aaoui aaaartave to man. r.',.cted i:a.ui.iiiicriioiii. ? "t " l' rtwrriMna. . , te wta ureal Inerease fa tho I -ii-rit.i'iT! if Tit JaHiso Te. rnkit'ti. er.mrieliti. n. In in. to at an aaily r.e nr,.enij reiuet that dii-ni.c.nn-i't. m .v k. I .' ai a.in aa 10 eel. a, If a,,,.,,,:,., mi a.-rnrn a hwartion lu all i( one i-i'ttlotn TUFSDAY, NOVKMIiKR I, If" I. A bLANCK AT TIIK l-OIIIK kl, HlHtll- The National Di-iHocnilic ('oniiiillue, through too pen of the aint of llio hou-n ol' FotliAcbUdA, lias iHNuml au mlilr-osa to tlic people of the United Httttc. Tli.- olijoct of iurt docvunpnt In apparently twol'tiM. First, la announce the nHtonHiln-i Hu t tint thn Union party h given up nil hopes of ( lectin? It candidates. Which I iKilarvd In the Utwaent, tht "Ita (tlio Al:nlnMr.itioii) ' "pan. complicity In acta of fraud mil vln- l(nc U a full coufesslon that Aiiiiaiiavi LrscoLR'a re-election cannot l aceom " pl!Ahwl by an honest appeal to the unboiiht will of nation of freemen." And, m-condly. to inlorm tlie Democratic party that it Is pore of carrying the States of New H.itri Aji, Connecticut, rennsjhanla, New Jer f, Kw York, Delaware, Maryland, Ken tacky, Missouri, Illinois, Mi.-iilgun, lndinn.i, CnilforniA, and Oregon. In case of all theso sanguine hope of the Democracy betas; realized, they woultl receive one hundred and tlfty-two electoral yoU, or Ih.rty-flTe more than Is sufficient to elect their Candidates. Now we propose to examine Into the truth of these assertions, and see whether the State bore named are likely to cH tUt lr votes In the manner stated. We would first, liow ever, distinctly deny the statement that the Union men have no hopes of electing; their candidates, and supply in its place their positive declaration that they not only expect, but also intend, to place in the Presidential chair the. honest and patriotic Abba. ham Lincoln. It Is necessary, In the present desperate state of the Democratic party, to utter word.-, of cheer to the rank und flle; And If such hope enn be procured by making false declarations as to the sentiment of the opposite party, neither Acolst Bti. MONT or any of his coailjntors are loo moral or boo truthful to hesitate to employ the device. Having thus corrected Mr. Hi l. most as to the sentiments of the Union party, wo will proceed to bring forward a few statistics to bow for which party certaiu commonwealths will vote. In all our statements we use oftl tlal fl cures, and 'figures, you know, cannot lie." In order to predict the lailnrc of the Democratic party, it U only necessary to show A loss of thirty-six votes, because such a loss would give a majority for Lincoln and liberty. Tbe address says : "Beyond pcnulventure " is the result lu the Empire State, lu l'enn " syWarfa, and New Jersey. Tito Keystone " State redeemed herself in October ; lu No " vetnber she w'11 lead tho redemption of the " nation." In this we perfectly concur. "The " Keystone State did redeem herself in Oeto- " ber," and we doubt not that she will lead the nation In November. The receipt of the votes of her gillunt sol dier sons has decided where the old Key etoDe will I found. Two out of evury three of her gallant sons have voted for the Union, and a majority of twelve thousand sis hundred And flfty-elght has swept Into oblivion the bcastcd victory of nU, claimed In the State on the wisely called " home vote." There is no inch distinction as the soldier and home vote. Pennsylvania's sons each cists his ballot, and majority decides where the State shall stand. And a majority has decided in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war, and opposed to A disgraceful armistice. Can Bij.mont expect that tier soldiers will vote otherwise next week? If he does he will Ond himself deceived. Those who tli;ht fur the Union will vote lor the Union. So strike out of your cumulation, Mr. Bkj.uont, the twenty-six electoral votes of Pennsylvania. Lst us look at New York. Tho only aifru- met t Advanced in luvor of the. theory that the Empire State will vote for -Peace at tiny price," U that her delegates to I'hleatro void in &vor of nominating M Of :i.i. tiictvf'oie the -'Ute will vote for the in:iilni--.s -ujijiyi't' il by the Democratic dcle-'"s. Tills s!at nieut it docs not merit the name of arTinni iii we will not eontute. It in so ej,i. ie-r il a f II cy.that there is not one little mj. oi truth whereon we can lay hold in oH'T to leap down the stun fire. lut c would, I.i i oii i ' clioo with Nuts York, c rsi.i!i r '!:) rk that jjt year the State, wiliion!- i solii-Vr' '!', (t e a majority of I weufy thousand in favor the Union caiullilute for Sivn t try of .S al . D.il Bklmomt hope that their l!.'lt!':ioiv frauds would puss iiinli. . eoi . p'il We n.s tiu t this par. o the "Aihlre s" was wrlMi-u previous to tliearieut ol'thcii- av'i 'it Iooiu i;, With the soldiers' Vole the SuiN- will sr!ve t least thirty thou innd. This iutl,i .j auo'li i loss of thirty-I'.reti voles from i i - on. hun dred and fifty-! v,,. But we must l.a-leu. In '1 it the Stale of Mle i'i t,c i ie-- a m Jiii il.y of nearly olaht tlH ii-.'ii'l lor lie- TIu'ou i-.i.i(iidato.s. This did no' iiii -ludo tins soldiers' vote, which will largely !.)civa-e tie; uiaioriiy tl is year. California gave a Union majority of tweuty thousand In lUCi, and nlthoii!h the Supreme Court will not allow the soldiers to vote, tho majority will still remain over seventeen thou sand for the cause of Union und Liberty. And finally, little Oregon, a tew mouths siuce, elected Mr. IIk-ndkhsov, Unionist, to Congress by neurly a two-th'rd vote, and nil! undoubtedly give an eijuully large m jority for Lincoln and John-son. To sum up: Iltetoral votes c'ftlmod by flilmont.... 1 j utMiuctiug u iti lam lor the union ticket : Kew York.. Vmnajlvania. aileliiKau,,,,, trnm. ToUl.... 75 Which from isa uve, f(l, Mrf,,,ls Pekdlkton, and v,, pMtible tho ,u' Unprobuble, you i of ww,, ou't rf ; - hundred and thlrty-thn ,ote,ot Electoral College, or doflcieucy of ton, ,oUw ary to an election. W hsTe gone rather deep into itAUtlcg . bi t it Is Important to show bow the cu of VlUU really Un&. TOE Thus are the IVnuKTatl' hoes swept awsy by oflicial lliircs, hml Uie cause of Union and l.lts'rty rendered certain of a glorious triuinplu The sUy Is tinged wlih (he morning light ; the Mtn of victory will soon rend'-r the day resplendent to the lovers of freedom. Iikmocuatic Ai iAciTv. A b.nner In the reel tit Democratic procession had tho niotlo, "Lei those ho made the war flifhl it out." The Atfr ftiinceiiii cs that it was received w'lh cheers. AY i t b such sci.timi nl.s, can greater audacity lie imagined than that displayed by such a party In ai klna the votes of soldiers who are fighting for the Union 7 We do not wond -r thfcl they get one vote out of ten, sn.l that vote comes Irom the guardhouse. lilt- IHH TKIM? ' NF.4'1 NHI. To that school of politician In our country ho have held tht the Union of the Statu is dissoluble at the pleasure of any onn or more of its members, we owe this deplorable civil war. Joni C. Calhoun, of South Cnrollna, did more than nil other mpn com bined to popularize and propagate this mis- chievous doctrine; and though he died before , . " he saw It carried Into practice, there Is no li justice done to his memory in saying that his baneful (cachings are now hearing their legitimate fruit. It wss certiilnly the hope and the intention of fhe founders of our National Government to make It perpetual. They were too wise not to foresee that all human Institutions are liable to change, and they took every precau tion to secure the federative system they established against tho necessity of violent disruption and overthrow. They set forth In the Federal Constitution Itself the modes by w hlch it might, In case of necessity, bo peace ably amended; but i.bey neither contemplated cor made nny provision for Its violent and forcible destruction. And no one who studies the fiumework of government which those wise and virtuous statesmen so carefully con trived, can mil to perceive Unit it contains within itself all requisite means and methods for Its protection against a resort to anarchy, for un escape from such Inconvonlenees or hardships the system, might possibly produce in practieid operation. On this quest ion of the right of a Mate or Slates to secede whenever there should seem to be a Justifiable causo for secession, turned the great and memorable debate In tho National Senate between Havnk and Wkii PTHtjaudthe latter, on th.it occasion, com pletely aud triumphantly demolished tho dan gerous theories of the Southern udvonate of nullification. Mr. Wiiii.sti n denied tho riijhl of a Stale to peaceably withdraw from the Union, on any pretense whatever; aud ho emphatically declared that such withdrawal would bo un act of revolution, and defenaiblo only on that principle. The Southern Slates, then, lu seceding from Hie Vnlonjniliatcd revolution ; and in attempt ing to maintain that fatal act of treason, they fired the first gun in a war that has filled the whole land witli suffering und lamontat'.on for more than three long nuxlous years. The lU liels have always claimed that they only exercised a privilege of sovereignty In re tiring from the Union and setting up 'in Inde pendent confederation ef their own; and they still eonl end that they are only acting in this wur on the defensive, mid will cease fighting whenever they are "let ulono." But It is obvious that the formutiou of a federative sys tem on their hypothesis would be simply pre posterous, for tho reason that permanence, which Is a prime object aud design of nil gov- 1 eiMiicnt, it, utterly Inconsistent wl h the liberty , of every member of tho association to leave it 1 pt his discretion. It wus, therefore, the duty of the National Administration to exert the whole military power of the Government to j resist mid conquer tho ltcbcllioii ; and thou ,'li it is deeply to bo regretted that a union of I Mates, founded originally on common consent ' aud mutual Interest, should bu maintained and I preserved by force, yet they alone aro to ! blame who made such action necessary; wbilo ' it is quite certain that a war to outset the I timet view is a uiucu einuuer evil tu rn would be the rccozniilon of tho doctriue that uny menilier of a political society may break It up whenever it suits his caprice. On the general subject of the dissolution of the social, compact by the uction of the individuals who uie putties to It, the following extract from "Umku's HellecLions on the French Involu tion' is most perUuenl to our present situa tion. I In says: "Ktsiety is indeed a contract. Stibordinuto " cotiti ttrt for olijccts of luero occasiutial interest "maybe dissolved at pleasure; lint Ibe Mute "ought not to he eon-idcrcd us notliiny; heller " tl.Hn a partner-hip ngrovinciit in a tia lo of " 1'ipper and entice, calico or tobacco, or sume " other such low concern, to ho taken up for " litti" t nipornry intermit, und to bo dissolved by " the fauey of tlio parties. U is to lie looked oil " w itii otl.'ir revercuce, because it is n it a part " ner-hip iu Ihiugs aulieervicnt only to tbu gross 1 " uiiiuii:! exi.iteuce ol a t nii'Urtiy and perishable " nutnro. It is a partnership in nil seieicu; a " p; ru.irsliip In all urt; u partnership in every "virtuo, and iu all perfection. Aa the ends of " sin U u p.irtiu rsbip cuiinot be ohtuiiied ill many " fj' tier .tu.iis, it Imcuiuis u partnership not only " t.ctwccn those nlio are living, lint between thoso ' " whe arc tluid and tho-ewlio uro to bi born. 1 ' l...cli c uliae! oi each pui ticitl.tr Mite is luit ''uchiu-e in lilts peat pnintnul eon'rtci of cler " ii.il eis'i.ty, lir.kniK lue lower with the higher " tia'iires, eonncctitig the visible and iuvisiblo " woi !d, uecuriiing lo u li Cd compact sanctioned " by tiie n: v.olu dc oath wlnca liol.ls all pliysicnl " and all ii.oial iiulurcs, eaeli in thuir appointed " place. This law is n l -uhjuct to tlio wi l of " thine, who by an oiillgatiou above thorn, and " Inliiiiiclv ai.pcrior, are bouud lo suliuiii tiieir ' wii' lo ili.it law. The municipal corporations "of tliat univei'it Lingdom aie not morally at " iil cilyat l!;cr piriisurc, nnd on their epei uli "u. ii-oi it I 'H.t n cut finprineiiirnr, v, hol y to " ill U''"l': alu' luir itsimiler the b inds of iuvir " .-clii-iiln ale coniieainty, arid to dis-oho it int. " I'll iinv ici. I, uncivil, uie onni' -u 1 dia is of " i Itna Lli'.ry principles, it is tho ihst uiil s i " pr n:e I cit:o.it) oniy, a u.-eessny tint is nut ' ib.i-1! bn'. clni.se-, it ikfL-si.'y p.ir un mat to " leu Hi rii'itm, that admi's no discus-lni, ni l " th mat.tls no evident, which alone can justify " ft iTw.it to iin- riiliy, Tlii no .'ua -.ity is n i c " i-e;'tlon lo the rule; bii'iiiiio tins necessity " itself is ii puri, too, of that moral uud pliysi al " dispo-itioii of things to whii'h man inut he ' oliedient by consent or force ; hut if thai wliieli " ie only burni.vion to ncut'ssity should Ik- made " the oleect of choice, the law is Lrekeri, nature " i dl-.oheyed, nnd tlio reb"ll!oit( are eiitlaw: !, " cast for:h, and exiled from this world of ro.c. on, " end order, and peace, m.d vue.a'.1, mid lVait'u! " eui'enee, in'o tho .in; : . . n i 1 1 o world of l.i'id " ri'-s, ei.c -ni, vice, con 'j-:oii, cud ua iv.uiiiy " soirow." M.NI Tl' K !. TO TUB A LM Y. Too 1UI1 'll importance criuuot be iiltaehed to t'uis duty of every citizen who stays nt home. If you have a brother, a relative, or friend iu the firmy, send him a score of l. nion Uckoh, and see that they are correctly printed. The scarcity of ballots loses the cause oi the Union many noWIers votes. Do your duty. It will cost but n irlfle. Send to our clti m soldiers the tickets they need. Every vote lost to the Union is a vote cast tor a dIsgr.Kcf.il pence. Wk Jiricic A Mam iiy the Company lis KtKi'S. General McC'lkllan Is for war, so at least be says. He appeared in the Now York -Academy of Music in the box with the discarded traitor, Fitz Joiin Pouter. Can loyal men be blamed for doubting the loyulty of lb. n-Wnd aud companion of A disgraced and waliered Copperhead f DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPIIIA, f:i.otit Tiir. wrw sit at. Another sUr Is ad'led to our national flag; another child ol the Union has reached its pjuihood, and is admitU'd to full monibcrshlp In the great national family. Henceforth, Nevada, the yougest si'lon of American liberty and American Institutions, assumes a seat In the counciU of our Government, and takes espial position, as regards rights aud interests, with the old members of our I'c public, NevBda wss organised March 2, lsfll, into a Territorial Government, having for its area KlfltiO square miles, mid containing lit the time a population of 40,0110. It lies directly east ol Culilornia, and wct of Utah, and is embraced between the 1 loth deree of longitude west of It. a 'Mil, ,!..,. 1 r XT i I Oreeiiwich-the .Wth degree west of Wash- , ington and the western boundary of Califor nia, and the 4'd parallel north latitude, and the 37th parallel north latitude, which sepa rates It from Arl.ons. Carson City Is the capital, with a population of near three thousand, but Virginia is the Urgent town In the Slate, its population being estimated nt over ten thousand. There aro quite a large iiuiiiIht of towns in the Slalo, uviirarrinr frnm turn tlif-.tiaarwl Ia fla. Ikn.....,l .,,., ,, aih.... ....k it . Inhabitants. Although at such a distance fiom tho older portions of our country, the people of Nevada have not neglected those enlightening instrumentalities winch have been the glory nnd benefit of the Ea.storn States. A system of common schools wr.s promptly put Info operation, and the children In many coun ties of Uiis far Western commonwealth, planted down among the wild.s of tho mounU'os, for several years pnst havo enjoyed facilities for Instruction scarcely surpassed by their young relatives of the Kasl. Nevada is peculiarly rich in the precious metals, and there axe few portions of the State which do not abound to a greater or less extent with gold and silver. In August, lbfi2, it was said that there were one hundred and forty mills in full operation lu the territory, the major portion of thn mills crush'ng the quartz at un average of eight cords per week, and worth fcUlO per cord. The cost of transportation to and from tho various mines, is put down nt (sXK),000 annually. In connection with the mineral we il'h and the vast abundance of the precious metals, Nevada possessed line agricultural advantage, a large portion of the soil being very rich and productive. As regards Its political com plexion, (lie Slate is decidedly Union, the volo In September, ISO., standing for the uncondi tional Union ticket (Legislature), 7110,uud for all other parties ,'JSUH, the total vote being 10,!18. 'ihe territory furnished her mile towards suppressing the I! 'hellion, lu thn shape of a battalion of four companies, uii'ti beiing !."A) men, who have been in active ser vice since they were mustered In. Aiik Tiifct Conhistknt? When we see a purty which is continually crying "Peace, peace," carry in its procession a carl loi.lej with bricks for the express purpose of taking the lives or Injuring the limbs of its political opponents, are we not justified in s aying that such n party is not only false to its country) but also false to lis own professions? They who desire peace should appear sspcieel'iil citizens, and not us armed rutllans. 'IIII'. tOI.I.Y OF TIIK KfHU'll. Nobody can fail to see that the South has loved slnvery more than the Union. It is mire than probable that but for slavery the South would never have made war upon the National Government. Every Iruo lover of tho country must deeply regret that any such eloimmt of division nnd Conflict should ever have entered into the political arrangement which origi nally broucht the Slates together. It is true that nil but one of tho thirteen colonies which first entered into the political association held slaves, und that they agreed to let each other dispose of the Institution of slavery iu such manner and time as might best consist with tl-eir individual couvenieuce and wulfare. And this principle of independence with regard to the matlcr wot'uid admirably well in the beginning. Uuder its mild aud impartial action, one Stute ufU-r another irnl. rid nf the Incl.,,, ,..! I 1 . t.. .e.. flic rest wcro in course of releasing tliem- selves from It by the same wise aud peaceable means. And that salutary process of abolition of the only great drawback on the prosperity snd harmony and true honor of the nation might have been continued lo tho end, h id not the arrogance of the Stales iu which ' slavery still existed driven the free Mates to i an organized protest against their uai'e.i- ! Boiuible and Inaduiinsihle claims. j The Kepubliciin parly was never iiil 'mlc-l, j when it wus first Inrmed, fo attempt any in tor- ', ferenee with slavery where it wjs dretdy ; estublished by loeiil law. They repestedly nnd j distinctly disavowed any such design. Tlmy built their party organUation only ou tho principle that slnvery was local, and not national; and that, while the constitutional compact disallowed uny intervention by the Federal Government to destroy the Institution where It legally existed, there was no national covenant to warrant an extension of slavery beyond these limits. In other words, the Republican party contended tint the t'r- rltories of the nation were the common pro perty of the whole people of the United Slutes, nnd that it was the. clear political policy, us well as the moral and r.ili.lout duty, of the whole people to prevent the ex tension of slavery into the yet unsettled domain of the Itepubiie. They held, more over, that as tho territories wero eui'ly the DroiH'i'tv ol the iieoule ol all the Mates, a majority of nil the people bad clearly Ihe rl-ht to determine, by llm l.'glal.ilive aei'ou ol i.lp'li' representatives, in ( longress, whether s'lvi.ry should or should nol go iuio Uie naio.ul territories. Ou this hiisN the party was founded; und though it failed to elect Its thvt rreiilui.i.d ticket on that platform of principle, it e.io t eiiled in li-iil in placing the present Ai'-'clii-Iftration in iniwer. The .South rebelled .ig.i'ii'-. the ii a i r principle., thai the rational t' iiiroii' s were never 10 ii; opciit-ii to one iun ou.ie'iiui o: rl. vciy, iii.d umlertcok to Bet up a l.uvi .u uieiit 01' their own, untler which they niigbl "cure to their "pe-.-ul'ar inbtinrloit" ua inde.'iuilo tx ten ion southward und w s'. wcrd. Hut tho war which has b'iccir.e. necessary to suppress the Kebellion is nut only lilicly to li-ustrate thi schemes of tl e -outiiern pi-opcgumiists 01 slavery, out Will probably extlng iish the in-itituilou where, but ibr the Kehellion it would not hitve been Interfered with by the national authorities. Indeed, even after the war had progressed for a considerable time, and il had become evident that slavery wuot go down before, lt, the Pre sident offered to the slave fctatea the itlierna tive of compensated emancipation. Eat they stubbornly refused the piopoaitlon, und must, now Uike the consequences of their folly. 1 he luiiid.-d pouuds of pumpkins, t'lC fruit of two seeds accidentally sown, luve b:cu gathcicd in Jli-ldlihiiijJ, Yv'lsv'lt' ASM V1 VINT. f Wal.MT StIUIT TliriTKr.-"nj f"T hr 1 I rrditi is a niesl lkii ; tine, ffi ully with th mnsaes. Accordingly, ths house, llieujli cs; rellently filkd ovirvuhere, i pontfself ; crowded to ovcrfowim: in tin i'.rr tier. The ' story, bo ever, Is noen- vdv Kngliah, Imiiiiig on the (,hiiic lus (nh cl. sr. m w ttsicd in Kupiatidi, and ot curse u'ts r'y imUown hi re , bnl It is a Moi) of n e s' d "(' res- on i4 ths ri b over llic pi'r num. a? J fe -Acultn tdo lievls of II' aiaikme. c have rnreiy ten: the puUhr yo ii ten Med in the Mile i t a d.aieiiiic Ik..-'; a oiiirijrr, a Irlid, an eli! Litl.er, a vein f iU , sm II c very clenu nts li r p: pil ar m (iM, and iri'- , trifl Jnr tin i ridifi wi:i nc iopinar, Mr. 1 ncl ai in biiiiu tl c pot i.f the fa'hrsr- rhsraciir In Uie i lc el (V.uiilncK. It Is on 111 lllC VCIJ UM lllll li'VH- liAVCSM o liim AtltitliVt. .,,,, , . ,,., ...,.. .. CKM-fs of ndinsis'-tic i Xi'i-'ej raiton. Mims Vti puna llic lmi un hh pu ny, t nl(r, ai.il simpl't, h the wile of a pern-nut slciil.t lie. Thireisvcry liillc 0 psol unity for fhe dill lay of i-iiMcr, cxniit Ir i ne icciic. and Hi wm ft I ii-ii L) this eri.ii.istiir; younr nrtrcss unit furvo and ill'Ct. The picture of'WHitlng fr.r tba verdict" wsb a wi-il-groiind itome-tic n tal.li p, liimi-vn, much ol il' Ulssi from tl nrl l ii.nl ii tnrf not Is-infr nell known hen". Wo wou d, however, nifrt'i si that the i-Mresil' ftr III pioeted isiiins hou.ie-d.'g hleiuld hf dn,p. nseif with, it makes ridiculous the sccucinti ndud to be pHtlictic. Mr. lleinplc das a part that, In eon juncUon with the clinrnt tcr tst a pert viMsfto qlrl, iiliijeil witli firt-Ri vivacl y by Mrs. Henri, i n livened lh- lu-.iilnieMs a'uei'he e of t lie ilrsma. The trinl n-cne was i IT irelv man iRfd, Mr. Hi nil and Mr. '1 llts.n mslciiu' excelleiit snd illx nil cd tio use-l lorn. Mr. Unii l w.n ('ismI, le-rau'd lie an mis not als.ve his esi'iicliy. Mr. H uicy, bs iimih', was us mucli like n is cr as a -ost. Mr. Vniinp pli.ytd Urn rus'ic villain w.lti I ho force tl Hi cliainclt rim s Ilia vilisins, for kIiIi-Ii he list a scilt . Of court lb" drains miui tic ma le teort' i.ttiiic-ie l-y a In tti r nt.e in cf nr. a te li.inc cut inn nier. 'lies, mid new scen- ry and pro pt itu f ; but lln- n.HiiHfcnii nt of Ihe Walnut lends net this nay, and the paiient public, tskiny for a fa t a romii that noilnne is to lie dune in ti e Vay ol tci ni ry here, aie content to tako lldnicsas liny, sit- being itctiml'.v siupreed inio applause st tin t-lirlitei-t aienlc i licet, cun iliough pioduce f by old maieriul. The piece will lie repeated evory cvtniig. Nr.w Ciii'SMT Sthi hT Thlatuk. Mrs. I!uw eis luude hir re-tut icr in I'lilladelphia, last eviniug, to un Immense house every individual in the house having a welcome on his lips for this cliHiniing Hctti s-. vln lias atuincii p ipa luiity in xpitr of licr talent a rare thing in these tlitjs, wht a humliiig pushes taient to tho wail. Her reception wus most enthusiastic. Alien (Sun it TiiKA-ini It is useleas to SRy that Mr. Mid Mrs. Harney Williams had a warm reception and a full house. It is their universal cu-lem. Tbcy played their well known pieces pri st y to the Batisfsction ol their admiiers. AiAioMV or Misie. The great qiicstlou of Ihe day I ihe opera. The ladies are as much ex cited nhout it as the men are itl-oiit Ihe elecion. Tho opera Is a most perfect nrgaulz uion ; the candi. !uit are all favorites, and hUT all atlalncd tli o highest position in the musical world. It will commence on Monday, Noveaihcr 7, V it li what i'sra Mr. Orovur has not nnnounccd ; but nil on bis list arc nduiirnlile, and huroalresdy, w ith one oxct-ption, M.riclf, been heard ind ap phitidi d in this city. A Novii.tv Tho managers of "The Con- suo'crs' Mutual Coal Company" have arranged for an excursion to Ihe Colliery on Friday next. A i mitid numlicr of tickets are se jipart for uou stockhuldcrs. This is a rare opportunity for our citicns to visit the liluek diamond region of their unlive Male, and we heartily commend tlio ex cursion to all who have tbe time and means to impure f i r it. Tor full details, ne adrcrtiscuicnt. 'I'll K Kl Kl K A Ol I. -TOM lA 1 OF WKST VIKUI.M l." Capital, fl,CKiO,000, divided Into 100,0 X nhaics al 110 per iliarp. Stiuacrtplb-a rr. par t'ltr This Compniiv owo nsxf o llit aioal alulle Un I and Itpamii iu lti Kanaalia Vallrji. annate m Ilona Nrclt and Catnplielt'a Unn btai eita u( Hull creek, ana withtt S e uUea of the Ohio river. On llurtie Neek tbe reasisuiyowaonaweS, which k aow pumliluit twcnly-ttirt-e bntrrU ol cil per di.y. Toif r. al anly tr.it-a lniialrt-tt und tsaM--Mvra fA deep. Tv Htiperlnlfiiili lit l now pri'iiaiitut to bote to Uie il A of the oilier w cilk anrreuiulini: ne, wtilclt air prodnclur r-aa one linudri'tl to one liiiutlied and f lxl Uarictti of o.t asr day, wlifti tir are t.atJf.rvd ai oau pruduco a Uke eat -uuu 'I hire t nnultiT well al llorso Nis'k, now b.irud two liui tin d auil sisly-rtve If'l, with alionl thirty feet of oil In tlio wult. The Iniid on wlcrh tlds 'ri!l is Incited Is on a perpi'toal team- The Hull Crk C.im.nr oa-u a one third iiiti-reit, our coinpHny hive the t)l..!iia-of tiro llilrilc. At Cuuiptii-U'i run, tin- emupaay uwi In foe a tra;t of tliiriy-thri-a aere, ooi sUU tail by t;er,tv;et an1 miniin anilineuri tlio btst oil terntorv in the Siatf. Tlio i:r-4t Tack well, ttewiiitf live hiiudrfd ha:r.lt, aifUla I'i pivpiTl.7. Iiiwika ofsuiisoi tpil.in are now open al the iiunvQ' Otll. e, Koolu No. Ifs, Miit-rliAiita l'Arhanpe. A limitul immliei- ol tliarek only v.111 b- .a'd. i OILS J. KltO-MCIt, 'i iea nriv, Irem ll.a "I'llllaira baity rot 'of Si piainiiir S, Ism. "On. SriMsi:. 'ihe 'Whm-ttnit Imt.li'i-ooer' says: Ws leant tn in a letiil mau who ainvni yco-rnsy rn IM..a.... i. iIihi j... U..naHif iI.m ltni.,.ii llll limn .... ! ki'd' iiore jn-ek.iu that o uiy. wnieii wi earileiueiil on tin elei el In It Is vicinity, and the uU layer 1 pri'Taillna lo a lini rvu eti'iit. nurrl'sl. ItllOi'iM-TIIOMI'SOV.-Oii tlm J7IU ultimo, al HU .total's I'.-itireli. lirutiklMi. N. V. iiy Hie Itev. l.in.r'rt I-'. Hevinnui lllll-.l.tT II. l.lt'HIM.ol Wa-hlti, lull t'lly, to BlAM Mil l.il.. luu,;lilel ol iu u. J lioiup ou, l.j. IMM. I'.IIW I.U.". Ou Anvii-t Kh msni.l to ili-alli, al Ait ih'r. oiivillii pri-ou. i a-or'ia, tl Al. II. Ilovl ills, att"4 U yeais, lunnvro- 11 this city. Il K.s.-Al l u - I uliit. Va.. In Ihe Kill year ol bis aie, T:iOS, K. lil'NN, Hln-iitiinlreil-aitU-r.fiieiy-eiililU Ki- in i-ni I'tiincissaius i ti'iiiiti-eise runt Arinv t'.oriis. el. i'-l sun ii t.niT.'tt mill SlHiKanit liiinii ol luis clly. i in" h me iciii un-nio.-rni in'- i.iiiuiy 10--1 iu me war. line nut lei- will lie aivclliit liiN funeral. FPKKS1AN. On llie 2sih ulllmo. on lil war liouie with hi. re. iment. I'll A III.): A. 1 1:1. 1. MA N. ilh, 1 oa 01 ChurU-ii li. aud sarnu A. Krueuiun, iu llio Jmii y.-ar of in ae. Tl.e IrlemWot the fsnilli . r.nuihny II, llroy Heiern- t'onii.aiiy v. Oiie-liuiiilreil-anil-iiini.r-iixth Itechnent I'eniisrlvaiiiN Voliinu- r-, ere ri-"iiaiiilif Invlti"! lo .i. ti tni his 'mitral, iunn hl. lade r's ri-lai'm-e, No. :sil S Tenth trt-'t. 011 Th.ir-ilio , Novi-tniinr .hi. ls.il, at 11 o i-hs-k A. si., tvilhoul luilher luillee. IIAHHIH.-nil tin. t'lnrilliiii 01 the :ilsf lilllino, M MtV .1ANK aiehl.tVl.il, vile oi cu.n. .11. ilnrri., a,d U 3 i-sr.. Ih-iHilvi-H and it-leuil ure rrHM-.--iriilH' InvllHtl in at- li ml Ihe lurcrnl, Hum lo-r hue. iiMli ti'.i.. No. rliest.ir -tris-t. on Wei!iie.-u.i miennm .. M iistanl, it' oVlaiv. HOI t llliiN.-uil I Im -.I.I. iilnie... ii:n MAKV diiie lit. r 01 the lain 'I hum.. wil d H..- na lli'ugiilnii, In Ihe yi-ar 01 In-r a'", ll'-r irK-n-ls anil I'-c-eoi llm il.iaev aro rf .pei-il'itlly Invaisl 10 niu-ll.1 In-r hum nil . 110111 ins luU' r.-anh-iioe. o. 4 JullMh.ai sunt, 1 Iii-ns .0 he taun J'n ir.t an.. riii:th lrfl, en W i-iiiif.-.N hi 1 ... 1 11 . el '.' ii'iiV-L, Serv lei h at .-t. l'sui'. 1 li ir 11, i ninl, h, ,ow Wtf licit HANI in KS.--II11 s..l'1'.i-, 11. t il e-,uu, UOHI, HI HAM i'i Is, en-., in tin. se, y-r 01 hs . 'lu liisli' lu I'H'i - nil-' I a-. "ii tn dm lain! y Hrn lit v.le.1 tn N.li'iiit 11.- me. rs , 1 1.111 hi- hitu le-nh I n. iMIl Vine ft, 1 i-l. ici l i' . 1 n' -. 1 1 v , s.i.naih'r . I. n ..'1 k I . .VI. '1 1. i..... il -ii I leuel 11, .1. 1 It 111. r panels 1 I- n " i-.i0 J VA.W I- I.I..- lli-H.I.e r ANIlhl .VI A. V IV 1. 1. 1. en 1 1 -. cr-. n..-r ai'..vsim 11 li ti-n'iv tt il t ii il n.'ii in . I'.i'iacn :, - ri .1 .'.r-i-' , . . -t r. .i.-i t.'i k '. 11. .: 1: lt, sic ,'ICi I (in nf) J uiil !. 1 II, i l . y. I li-.- .m ii. .n- i'iii j i-t r -i M 1 o ).!: I ! I Hi i! U -f " r llM" lii.iJi1' in li" I'l'f- sr( 1 i l Im luit- rti 'l on ti IliWf. I'. I .Mai : i I I ne i: i .-.a. I.. I-. .s , . 'lulh iie I(i'). lit M1 'IT. H'H l.l.mltl Ullll ttlCJit "I Iiii'- tlilllt. (fr" niK: 111 ,ti-i ii. mi -mi I...- 1 --.ii 1 1 1 .im V l ir.- liur-'l, , k.u Wi-Uju'-Jny morning, Novl-luKh' J, ivi'a".y at' 111 uV.m'k. WUH.-0i it ' -.fit.' Ir-tmit, rrfZABHTIl K wife of Ji'tm V Vn. in tin 4.1; vi m luir urv. 'I tv iritr.d- .11 re in 11 -ivi 01' u' urn i.y re ifhp.-ctiully invit.tliu hU'-nil ttc tmu-rul ifm tlio r.-i.li n. 0 nt iir Illltit-lllHi, 'I'll hO' CiihlMl, tlllr IUV, S0Vt'lllt"T lt tit 1 V liu ll . w It ho' I t'ui liKF boiKi. 'iO .rt:tt'i'll to -tlylil-u him i' t ' r v. sr--.j-" l :;.vi.ij 11A.1K. Tt . Its i'i II I I ' M ..Il i ii li' 1 n: I M.'t ll.K ' la li' n ctw. i' t: will Of 11 i.r,i 1, all. ' a." 1 r llu a w! w. h 1 .J c--r.ii -..t.s d- aa. I: v .vi-.i.-r v'HAi's r.il, i ' 11, i-.jl ai'-r 'I e ; v.l in IV . I.. a.l.i I., r n . i 1 ii r t. I t.-l ' : rv-,;-' SDCIi N I) JA1H NAL JiANK OV 1 1....11 l4'l.,a. 1 i ti-r-, V. .0J'r 1. in I. a .11. iti i d nt six rKR i a. i. Ma mi .ln'isn't clear ' W. il. l.UAWV, earner. 'iui.ire.-i.ra i:ev ieia:i ! J?Ar,.'.' " ""' I " ' " 1 HE MAN l i'ACi L'ltKKS' NATIONAL l''AMl- I , i -1 Al.l i.'-ltt a . M'Vf ir.nir i , i"..i. T'.i l-!re.'l' l.--.ethi- ila d.cl.rtd a d.valead or 1KB r;;t; t I n i . ,.r h. Utt i aoiith. iiAy.ai on di unnd, .iir.iaaioi'. M. WOOUWAIIH, II .(). e'afc i-r. i fcCCrilvv'AI'.K UANH. lt-vy nil lt i.ei'll, Nov. uilier I . Is., I. T'e lizard ef Ii 'MWrs I a.t eUvtared a Utvuliiid ol tl'ill l I'l.i; I l;NT.. ..oalilr ou il.-mmid. S-..J.-I- iw lUi.ua riiie'.td u brjiil u'n ir errtlrl.''e, H I ,t K. 1' BTKEL.t'aaSiar. p-T- - THK KAIMKUS,ANl)tr.CUAK:S Xaiwnui Han, fun Ai.a, atevemoer 1, 1-.4. Tim I. ire. turn l.j.e tianday dn lured a lilmliudoi K1VI a,.r .aut , paj b k ou viamai1 i l , i- a- -.r nl ail la..in. l I 'I TUESDAY, NOVFAmER lt c V II II mx oet-ra nr N T I If. I! S T (I OK OF LACE CURTAINS at vOKTf PP. C I s- I.I'MM T II A N OOMT IK .Hei"(TA11llS. I. E. WALRAVEN, SO :t a. OH Ml Ts H. OAKRVf., MAKONIO IIAI.Ii, 5j. 713 OHESffUT Btreet. BUSINESS ITEM3. Jni m-'a llatr Tontr CLKANSI S lilt. HCAI.r tHOM SCPRK. JAYNI'.a IIAtlt lONIt! I..-.MOVI8 A I.I. IIAMOKI'IT I ROM TIIK. HAIR. J A INKS HAIR TOMC CI lil'.H mt.PTIVK lU-KAHI'.S Of Till', HCAI.r. JAVNK'S HAIJt TOMO i:rne.i rur. Kti.r to hkai.thv AcrtoH. ,itm;s hair tomo I'lll VI:nTS TI'R IIAtlt FROM KALMNU Oil'. JAV.VK'8 HAIR IONIC riJiir.NiB I RIMATLUE ORKI.NESS. .IAVHK8 IIAtlt TOMC M.1VIMH HIK FORM Al ION OI' II AMI SI'ilTS. .lAVM-'. S HAIR TOMC CAI.hKS TUB (1RSWTH (IK M:W IIAtlt. JAYNK 8 HAIR TOMO hl.l'I.l'llll S BAI.II HI. AOS WITH NKW HAH'.. 4AVNC8 HAIR TOMC rfKASSr.S TIIK HAIR IROM AM, IMfl'KIl Ii:. JAV.Nt H HAIR TONIC wii I. i.f;Mi.i: i hi; vt-v. or a wio i. nnlci;ssakv. JAT.N'K'8 HAIR TOMC Wll.l. nKI-ItOIItrt L HAIR LOST IS ICKNKS8. J A Y.N It S) HAIR TONIC KI.I'.I'S 'I III- HAIR MOIST. AMI Till'. EM'S KROM SI'LIITINO. JATNE S HAIR TOMC ASA HI Al'l'll TfcH Of TIIK IIAIH IS t N'l ltfASSRII. .IAVNK'8 HAIR TOMC IIIVrN Till. HAIR A II It'll A! D (il.OSSV APPEAR ASCK. IAYNR8 II AIR TOMO WILL ritOMOTE TIIK (IKOWTH Of WniKKKK.. jaym; s hair tomo WILL QI'KKKN TIIK PKV I-ILOPM K N' T OV HOVS- TA'HKS. JAVMS'S II IR TONIC AS A 1'ia.SslNU '0R THK IIAIB IS I'M'.M.KI.I.KU. .'AIM: 8 HAIR TONIC 18 PKl.IC.HlHH.LV rKKFB.MUn. JAY SK- II IIll TOSIO suoriii rr. o thk tchi.kt tapilk or faery LAUY AND OKSTLEMAV. JAY.VE 8 HAIR TONIC v-'iV )-aaittiLt lat fatii.4a, aad iu eDilnued use !1 it--. 1-4 Lair u. 4 Ka- ia a cw.a ax.J Li ai:l-y csn au. r-e.-a.-t-l valj- tj It. . (.in a-..-, Vo. tii CTjimil '.i-'.-t. llnrcKlxa In lothliijf. Ilhrrail In I lial.ljiK. I'.hll uli.i III I'l'ilbiHK Ilaiaa.Lk lit (. Ml ln4. At IIkSvii.ii So. si:- Hl-I Sl m-I. At 1 lit a 1. v o.i.h H.i.s s 1 nil rtiaa-L At lll.AI II I.I. Nl is l-h' O il MilllJ. At oiia .. 11.1.1. se.M-e uiJ itiana. t. fni' r ti. iiiit itrift, Ne. U t 'la-Hiiut htrts-t. Kti. mil I tli-pnut auiM-l. ho. UWI OIhmiuI ulntt. JoneV 4lollilnc, N. '.. 4'or. Ncvenlll anil MARKI T. jiiM'h-ft. itliiff, fl. K. csirnsr Si'vs-itli and Mtrl-et. JsiSUH' t'loihinii. S. K. cirtiar M.-veiult and ti.rk(t. Jl KI.S" I I..II1I11K. H. K. c.irii. r Sevi-iuh and .Malknt. JilNKie ( lot illm. K. K. i-ornar Se.tmih anil Vlarkut. JO M K" ('lull In.', s. K.. cunter So. until and Ma -k.t. Ji INKS' Cleti.iiiK. 8 K. enrn.-r hevenUi and M irk.'t. .KiNKh'Cl'-tiiiliir. N K. cuilier Hevculh alia siailn-t. JoKKS' t'Ui'liiac, H. fc. curlier Hersiuli a.id Vtaikrt. .10M.'t.'i-jth'iiK, rt. K. c iriu f Stivi'ich kiid M-uKi;'.. .If iSKc t-Uillitnii. S. I-. corner Hi-vanlb and Markul. JIIM b' (' ethll'l,', N. K. Comer Nnvaillli and Vlnrkat. JON K.s- (".oili u I. H. K. crier Sevi nih ami Carkst. .UlM.H ( li.itilL-i', H. F..cori.i-r Me.enlli and M.e ket. jioNKH' Clnlliljiii, s. K. turner H.-teulh and ataiki-l. JUNKS' ( iiitiileu, H. K. t-oriiir Aev.-u'li st.it Vurkei. ,ltiNKM-('luliaii;,si. K. i-orncr heveatn ami Market. JoM.H O'oO !iut. R. I, curlier Niivi lilh an.l lnir--l. JON tS' t l . tiling, 8. li. c inier HettuiUi an.l Mai Kit. riMl Tihl-'lirolitr. fiAVIS RII'IIAUIVS. Area and Tenth Minna. Lave now In mIoiv a auiily ol Ilia H-i Ili.'iM. CiicoA H111 Li and Hi ar.-t-ll C'l.a "i. .lis. llnrylAr A Unn Teloymph The lniVk tr-m'oi uiiia Hint I hav u vi if'tl In obinininir llu- n vficv nf tlili f r aliln mhle iuftrntinn V-T ilils ttiy IA1IIM. II II tlIVIA'lU 1 VIL illl- Iiy ,i lie mute uh nil niin-rt keratin i it I v ti..t m I I'm ati'K 11, it vital lU K.Ai'h J- 0.-BV-aaKr ia.irl..- .,.l J.j.r la ;in n.ifiiffir. tt f - 1 3 h IlltrndllCtril iVi'lit.Lt tloiUlllK t). )iom in it'ti lMt. A biir.yl.ir ta'i-t lrl(Lra)h to yur room ; ho munol avolJ It. lo ulx yv&r e()i'tjnce in S.w rk It Im- i't it.tloil. If (t U mi oh- t lo n!et, brvomt u tlfiln, t'ie nil w unit tlort of yvur luMiaf, it inn tit iltuuu. Call r.d hi- It. JOHN A. Ml itvirr.T, Jin. !." rUb-iNl I MW'd I" lit HON? MASON A HAMM'iS ClIiI.NST OUOANS. MAHllX A H VMI.IN'H (AlllNKT OIU.ANS. hhklii linos I PUN08. J. f.. iiori.r), vi-n'A anil cnutnui streets. PERSONAL. ' Kl I h. Kon;K 11. Kisn.coi-VMni.v s. 0. not iiic leli m 'J' m nu -ii.i '- .nn.i eauti'. Kli U nixv 'II Wr..;i' fa-, r; M il nt M:ii:I.i-..'i r;; Am: n! Oliver in I'a't'uiiiiri.. I s.u :.' "l.r.Ja.- Iiun MiuMne W..1I:.." K, :i .li lji in. All Wi ll. Bind I'l-i-' lull 1.. l-i.'.'n a ibia ' Kv inn:' I ' I' .-r in ." irat Aiiraoi:. ocidmrss. HI l.i. .,. r.L.t 1 f.''.t;n:t,'n c.i,,. , e. : i.-.-cpi-. I Aii,rin H'fc.ct., ii-rv n-vw.fl' hj:Jc i.tk'U'UK' l-J Mili-iiT, Avlt-ie IlUA I.1 .f I', ', il 1 il' Iji!' PWLAriLPEIA P02T QTTKZ, rCTC I'I ti 11. I. LPECUL KOTICE. Tin: MfSfi r-sit:r. mstim win t.. n-c .-! m Tl telJAY, Si ifiaur 1. liia..k aikt!in car.M.H- tainid, and a l!.'.t t-l liim v 0n1tr nil tl.a' Bt't t'.so- IUI.kI .(.D, ..!i:.tkn a: tl.e Krnty Croat Pti vn mcrtat ta.i OCice, entrance At lie Hr vttr Kecia 4otr. whtreall ii.rf.riaAt;ea id rt-uc.i. n il .fe't; can la jrvp:-td. Tl.cle.k':ni; are ti.e ri.;ci n' C.u.uJii..i t-i..-r.td far Aleut j OrtWri AariidtT.o! iii titii tlf , i itr tin a-id aer ai-.-.-uiiii; t il Car anvand hi m ....1 rent ....i.i'n.u ....it e';;ta No crdr.r luecd for It'i thnri II Mid not fT. ea.Uni fJ6. OrU.m will li liMied fa. tln rrn'ai letweia f-.er.eura of'i A M. and 6 r. M. C. A. WAl.UOUN, rOSTMAUER. lrj it rSST AKMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S ollan. Lmboiueied. Sl.iuld. rStraua. Wiatuil, k'. mitjla uiitiutattad, al iaaii.j Mwchani Taih'ir, i-.9 .. CJt;mt.l.l.lH'UUt 1661. A. T I I s-t 1' . W000 4 CARY, Nr.. 7V CIII1WNHT Nl'HliiKT. LADIES' AND MISSES' 3ATS, Al.Ii HHAI'EI-, IIIilHT HTVL.IJH, bOlV'EHT 1IIC'1UH. "NEW WNTINENTAl HAT' ar M O U It A I It PltlCKH. P. (. OLii Vl't VI T IIOK M;1H nia-le ).ar. rSt Hal aud u..niieta feLocsd. NVtt)I & OAKY, Hi. T!k t'.lr-(Ur STlUsET. AMUSEMENTS. MLEIOAN ACAJ)i:MY Or MUSId. GROVERS GRAND (.i:i(MAri or Kit a.. NKASON 01' TEN MOIITS ONLY. (I'on'lirlr Itmlti il hr tiiavicmenlt lo llu niih'n an noiinred, and rum ' I he osc Died : nor can an lurtlii-r i-ean n ol t.rand OLeia ba uirtu dtirtnc tlio tail au.l winter In Una .it.) C( miKM.-INH MOKIIAV, KOVfcMllLU 7. 8P.ASON KiiiitsriitniO! tickets r-.r aale now at llOi:l.l) 8 HII N1C8T01 r The llln-ctiir earnc I'y lin.ea that tl.a Iov.t is Oisira mil aatliit In sc. iiiIiik a Intre ksamin halo, in vioir oi the v.-rj irrst rsi'iiiM' anil ni-cins iry risk nltendiiiK itn otirrnlli' ontt llirlhi ef wiicli DiMiiiilk.-. tire. Willi llil. Imie In-plai-.-a Uie till e 01 su. ..rtialiiii Sua-, al tlie lilJuiTiaj . er ineslerat.' ihiii, anu oners a s.-neiuo tinnrueiai A BKAT IXlR KAMI KKIHT. A HKJIT I OK LVEIIY OTHK.R NII.IIT. (ultcriialing llnin cither the flist or me se.-otid 0iei-a),and A BKAT 10K THK MUST UVK NlllHTS. Heitson SVeurrd Seat (Ten Opetasl HJI10 AlirriiMle Nlulas cctirisl Hxnu (Ki.aOiieiaiil t. i 1 irat 1 Ivc 0H ras 0 Hair ror Rleclo nera nlr.ttt wilt oot CMiiiuence tiefnre TUrK.SHAY.Niiveliibir l, IHIli. IU .1 M M1 Its. JOHN DUKW8 NEW AltCll ST. Tiir.A'i nr.. I.MKAOIlhlSAIIY ATTIt VOUOM. 1 lti.1 i-.ii ol u.t- cnsui;. in. nt ol NR. AMI MltH. I1AKM V WILLIAMS. IKlNIiAY AMI H l.SHAY K.VK.M NILS, 'l lie I.ei:iiiili.rv Insii's il -1 111. 1 a 1 1: V I'llil l.K: Or. CON C'CAllOI.AN 8 HRKAVI f llCar. Ian IIAIINK.V Wll.l. l AMs Jtn'aliee W'S. UAUM.Y W;.1.1AJIS Alter wtilt'li ttie I'linieilli'tta ol 'i 11 v 1 -I'm 1 1 HIS III TIIK OOHNTRY. MeiLisa. will, so-i; Mrs. IIAIINKY WII.I.IAIUS To cieliitie wjili tlie I un 0 .if JOMW IIABV. VEW CUKSNOT 8TRKF.T THKAT1U',. X LEONAKIi llROVER WILLIAJ1 E. SINN, Lsn ace aisl Hanan-ra. Tl Kal.AY KVKMNti. K.,i eniliar 1 . lH'il. IW. cd i. el t itt the ili-tili.Lii.i.i.ed Aiuericsn Auu-l-m and PflUule-eliia 1 avor te. Mini. X). I'. r.OWKItS. VVho wilt iti-i-ftr, l. r ttie aecond time In Itils elty, ai "Lail)- 1 aw I ( no "Mil. uine ai.-. in ... vv . i u.ii-'iie iina un nmul vcl.t-r) emoii. nnl iy, in '. act-, ijli-.t l.A."l l.l .."i-.. r.a. i.i. -..ii,. In ..r.:,i-.,tii... I.AllY At'lll.KY'H hKl'ltl.r. h.iumi.v All. niiKii.. 1,11.1 I.Alt KAVIILk MA1INPI', vrliui nil; I iiiMlu. i-d, fur llie aei ouu Hum, Till; K0K1Y lllll.v I'.S. i uiiiAt r.if.siMi, iiKNti-ii or nits. o. r itnw i n s. AY rh NUT SXUKfr THKATKK. CUONU WH.K OK Till'. KI.SOWNKI AltlTiTCH, Mil. ..U K CAN IU t:.t AH.iwN, .ud tiid t:i1i nt tt !.mi tM'an'iftil (Um liii r. AUM III. IMA HUt-HAFlA. utiH rii;i.it') i;u:mmi, Novcmi.or I.Ihgi. V !i' tto i rpitiiri il ;ur tl r m coin, llni' in tltN CitT. WAHINUlui: TIIK Ki:..i!T: Or. TtiK DaKK IKKT 1JI Jill. VU.II!SI ,l..nMl.an Itoiel.tfuJv MrKKAN Bliril KSA X Mm U. kihcI lnJe Mish I m -I t 1 IH CIl.VNA A.hitrd I; vi he lull atrniaMr. orn.o (JuninsnT. lu oilico'optii iiou.i till ciu clck. Curtain rliea at 74J o clu k. WANTS. 4 ixhnisiu;d housk WANTUD, IN Ti r.t Vlaltait.er lie.tial.or Arcli, oi Chi-anut atiaut. A.airetik "1 uniiaJu-d lliiiiae,' altlil.ullisa. lu-A FOR SALE AND TO LET. m TO RKNT. TBK M C'OND 11.001;, Li No. It; fi Y onil Mrt w.-Aio leal ili-on. Alio, a smre oa i iliaalrit t. Al l I) U .loll II. I.ova;. H---.SI tit Nn. Ill 8. IRON I' nlnvt TAlSrsOI.UTION. TIU4 CO-PAKTNEKSHIP I l.etnrr W eM.tli'V UUllerthfl Ullll of KAMUCL K. 1 AV EM AON, I. Uu da) dlsolv. d. The bialnei. wul bv aeKietl b) tl-e tin.!erli.iad, st No. m lioCK rtti-ict. I . H. Ed I'lllT.., DIUTITIII 1 (1AU( l'k!laC(i!iI.lA. (H.i Ur i. lnb f'O rARTNU'.-'lllI'.-Tho trnl. mlk'ned hara this dar fiirmi .1 e co.li.. on r. ten linger Ilia lirni l I A Vll.s l;l'l- 'lltaLii, li.r tlit- transavtion nl a yiaiersl itamuut anil lltuAiiaiiv llll.ilitsa.al Jiu. iu u r-irnei. lll.Mtl.l'V I. Il.llbl, l'l.TKR A. OAVIKU. ri'tad. -lilila, fit u l.er 1, 1 V. 8. CrMlisu. of Ind' bte.lnas, Oaanarmaili ra' Ylnelitri au.l t I.e. and t.uvariiui.'i.t hei-ui iilea isina rniiy, lK'".lit i .1 mi l m-i i lit aitll.a run 1 atnl loa-a nn t.onaieran neiiiicaiua. Hcoekl aud Leans besii lit unit aula on eiiuuil..toa. j lll."irnl'.l:. I'l.iiiii-Iliir M'-retisiit and Wlnli-iil ll-dli-r In I'i" v.'.. im and I'loilui-e. luta mvurlslcit wltl. htm in hi. I i. .itllii I . run 1IKMIV l l.Al UUICHKK. Ilia al. Je ol' llie linn will lie VV A si 1 1 Ml ion no iinr.it k mis, Ni.. II . and lil II. I -ll'JS r Hrrai-t. H;!tnd. l hie. (i. iil.er -l.lsill. Ili-.'t-lia 8S A TON t er l.aii.6 nlCot. .i'. a I'i n rur sine and Heater C'ial, ALTKH'H COAL VAIIO. NINTH siii-in lU.l', be un tilr.trd itt.unt. at r.r.-tii.'li Ofllcf, dIMH and sI'HINll IIAIIIH..'. N It. -A-mi lri II l lm (I'a, 1"" COAL AT Hi-M I'liR TON'. TUB '' C-iintuna-ls' .Ml'laal (.'ntil I nlupnilV. III.' rt"ira-eit nn.lvr t'a- lien '"I M nlin' lan'i.l' llio stuli' in I'laiittyl viam, Ooteu.'i, is;i. mH.ivo .liar", at $Ii per .aure, I'ui.HU lt.il'lent-J.'.MI H LVN'1. Tirn-nrer-Jt'SIAII k l.VI K1I1I0CK, No.h'll MARKET hireii. WIIKt'Tl'US. J1'S l.v N'li. i.i'. s. .sitli aire.'!. I.IlVV Villi I.. JOSKH, Mo. !! ArcU aln-tit. 1II.MSY K.M'l., No. llll Wnlnnl alu-ei. I'. K. t'LAVTON, No. I N. 'I bird .treet. HI. is. t.M.SI I'. No. IM l liiMl.il iiir.ii'1. t 1 1 It K, Nj. ..', SIXTH H.reet. '! 'i. 1'f.r r.iii. i. -till reei-lvine i-ilisrr'rt."Ti. to !t ln. k :-i aie ..i' .i..i-. arui iiairiivti u e nio. a .olJirti w.;!: thu It .-a iti - 'tlv nl Vi I In. Asli r.ci.-i. ti :il i'i al m tK' I' n. A. i.' ai '.Mal..utli.-.V.-. .KH1N Vl'AiiM. , 'ii .. i ,n .iii.,wii-M,l:ff.lt KOUKItT). T i- I'.'ii .' er 1 1:' . tor", nt ill" in-.', an', nf' ).. i v el : le Un-1 1 . r.. l.-ive orr.it -,h! I ran i-At I II SH N 10 IiIB i 11. l....li'i OF I'Mt l'nMl'AS-1, lu M.e liia,..e uu MM..VV. Nn i run-1 in Mir. a " i-:..i T u:ii, i. I.!i to. i-rv i.ru-.-'!en for tr.e privacy, '.in.r', .ua- ..nil t. nn- i . 'i' rmul. ;i . ' il l"...'lne 1'. I I e:'!'.e Hi..!jlla( Railroad O. ina.ie)', ln,rloi-nt'i rati I ail. 'vl.i!: H.r.'et!-, rtt 7 . e.t- a in I. s ILoraiarf, a.-.J i.n-lieeill,- tr. I.' llu- . .-Hie;. , ally's. tliri-e In i.a en r'.e ,-f.. ma etui t 11 le.nrn to ireeiiv .'i,j n by I'o'.'Se-' P. M. A . .' ;..-tit i i .urUii..'y v. . 1 tin's la- a: pr-led (o tl.a 6'u. eh j . ir. I. I . Qiy to l.tlleJr nn 11 ororn. -.-.tiu'. ta isy a !4ni.fi. iTii.C''al ut'n.nit opasf.tl.-n i.i I ill w-raaii.'. . ,,. ... ,al ir lit pvoil .. to awi-l-lil. ttct ic.o -nl! I lb...' e'i itml a O k. A -r. , iin-i tavi.ll be it mle H enable arery one lo in ml liti. ea niin. i. bo uij' ili-nii' lo do e", Sili.eie Ikl.i 's l-i- ti.e Ksi-.ili'ioil will tie Vi M.eh; lli aet Jer a i. y a.Kl i-.'D! U'Ua.n ts, ui til ira.y I .e lo.t o: tl.s -.'are. At-i-iiur.! r.i'rn.u.L:i will bi pre.i.tid by tbe l'ein;iaiijr vniil eat 1 1 sire. ... . Aa If " n inn er if tlett l. Is lt'.i-1'.ed, tt wsu'd b we 1 ft.? t! o.e wi.ii t!-;re '0 j.nn at the K.aa-i. u t pme ir th.-nl i uiy. La,t.es iau .Arii.'iaM ia U.e Kxc ui.on wttk eiti.n i i-... tii-y. . . . , Voi'i-h ..yrartitnity hf I eye. leKiie boen nnerca lo too eltiii of Inilailelplua lo i-aaiux lli attat ooul ftvut """''.'itW OK AI1RAN-OVMRN-T. Wiaui H. T. rr, I C. M. ll'i.banil, Kaiw ii A. liendrv, W. II. ISliiar, VlilianiC.riitalu, I l.f i n. L. Mortan, ". I', 'la.niasi', : 3 '' f- tm.ler... n II Liv er. I TImioio. VV . 1'rieo, Jal.nU.WI.iaUr. I K- ' l'"''V MMlAlby, HinryA.lll't-.' !i",r.;.!ts,,7.t me.. Iho ?.. "ftixs Kv.-.ii,in .uon'.-l proem. Uiu Uv-' B(u' "'u ..ii X e-vlsU nottinoham awb bwiw l.acu;h, fffWIITfl. EH. . I WINDOW SIIADKS, Wo. T 1 3 i m.TT, CARSrNQT0500. I cuciiritr 8TRNSV. r-rw mti , HAmirACT'.iiti-n.s tit. -i I IMANO COVl'ttS, t Alt'lPS;r UTiK K IM TUB OITT at tow rRin-n. CIIKSMIT STItfcf.T. SPECIAL NOTICES. -'yr aAL.X. Ol- T1II1 i ONION LEAGUE, CIir.SN!IT STHU'.T, AIIOVK TWELFTH. THIS EVENING, AV :if O CLfXIC, Rf li'all.e of ll.'lnl-a Ixan?, i.ljrwj'l afll hA iaa.l. !(.!. OA. I'Hl'.I.r.S, of yrtsachtt'.'tn If jt. Iir.MVY II. TOKl'UKT, of Maij lnu I.', Ki t. I'.DWAKH II AW MS. I TIIK f.AIHK.l Al'.iC INVIYKIl TO ATTKMI. II, I1MA1NC1 f'ATIOft. TIIK SLTl'.nVIFOKY COMMITTKK l'01 iti.cm.niNo coLOKKD TRoora a , Ii:tfind c'fbrstlnK tho i;.M VKTORT of KMttTf 0 MC M'0(.JtlSt acl, lien in Mnr'nd, her-l. c- J l(".(iW Clir'st an BlAvci bvv btu made rfibE UKwa-w dltion.il!; , on - H1KSDAY, NOVr.MIIKn 1. j Tha Jnr tie new Conntlt jIIiu will go Into elect. I TIIK HI It.MNQ Ml. l.'IO Cllr.NNUT HTltKKC 4 Will te I la OltATl II and llltll.LI ANTLT ILLUMI NAILH 11: YMII'AKF.MJIi.H emblematic, of Mlil'KTY AND PROG KK89. Saltite.i nl 1 lie And during tl.o da, and caitaea will i ll rntiK. ; LOYAL MK.N sjmpnliilii'ir in tiiti triumph aralnTitf! to display l'la.-a daring tlte daj, and IRuatnatA Uiclr hens. 1 at liUht. r'nrtl er arrsrgrme nl. fur tha C'elibtatlutt will .Ill bean-f n II it i u.nnced ai dII rajuta ol t-i dim: rotr. fi'" O TU1J i EirUBLICAN INVINCIBLE3, j) mai;ki;t rtrput, uklow TniuTKENntjf' B InvliMKii al' th Ct'ia, MIGS ANNA E. DIOKINSMC WILL, A0URLH4 11IK lUHl.HJ, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. AT t O'CLOCK. TIIK I.AIUHS ItlVITKDTS ATTEND-. I HAL-li OP 1IIK UNION LEAGUE, CIIV.SNL'T STUEF.T, ABOVE TWKI.FTU. rty Invli .ltua of tlio tlnlea l.-tne, COLONEL TAYl.OU, of Kust Tcnnessw, Will ndilrcn the public on Wf wi:dm:sia kvf.mxc, not. 2, AT 7 0 CLOCK. jut: t..Mii:u au invu kuio ai i eno. ACADIMY OF MUSIC, BKOAD STKF.HT. r.f IsvlitlK a of ilia Union Leaf?'. COI ONFI. It. STOf'KKTT MATTURW3, Of MurjlAiid, ! Will auiliea Die arbilc ou the nam of Ike Dir. OX TlirisSD.VY EVESIKG, NO?. 3, AT 8 O'CLOCK, AT TTTT! A f! A Tir.M7' OT MTISTfl. ) TLA.S.can In- had al th llnk.u league. No lSISOa !l40ial OlMiiaaf ll-l-M . But slrat't, aed ali.iaai linlou LJun, o. ill, airett. it; CiliANU UNION lt ALLY of llie litieiti 01' LIM'Ol.N AND JOIIMSO.N. -- V i Jfll KOUTir, NO HOC'III-OHK COUIfTHf; Till! HTAliU AND hTKII'lH 0II ALL T1IH LAN ALL LOVKIW OF TTIKIIt COUSTRlf, Alt, I.AII.ANT' I.TKUANH WHO II AVIS K0UUU far et r i.li.ltliil A UNIOfi al vtlio l.iaior oui -.IIA K. SOI I'll 111 ANU 8AII.HRA; all w lid Lille f l!K tSiJN'. Slid ...ailU I'll NIMH TIIAllOlti-l; all t uh ied lo a PIH'iKAC'KI't 1. AUMISTIttB; all In fin or ul l.KANT, Mll.KMAi, UllJIIliAK. and ' I ;1 t ARRAUI AS PL.M E COMHIsSION'TiltSj all i it i d' ef rt. VJIOK ANII CONIJTnrTIO-, r.i! v ' i tV'Ire to tuiiau.il to our ehild.-en tlio kUaal i. n.'tiri .1 . ii ti. 'o l'-i l'A I KIOTS 01' ii; all .i-..--.,ii , n.aiM end a.lia'inl, arc iie.lii'tliauici AT 1M tl l;MLN..E biil. A!tli, h.VHKl'AY EVENlNii, KovombtrS, ti t. 111..- i.eveilcn to the CAl'sM Of 01 R CaOCNTBlT. ( 0MB OKLI COME AU.I , , 1 Kl' THK WIIOLK I'tOPLE COME, AND KKOCLilH 1-Uil thi: r.NioN mi st and hiiall he ntcsEnv ,1 A CKANO i llal'l.AV OK illtl.WOliKS ' will take piace at U.e i-tn.a of the uicitln.. li y eidtr ol' li e Ji ilkllKl Vulvn City Eaacuiiv Cdl nliica. jous a. uuTLti; Bo. 73 ci'r.tf'pT BTR1KT.