The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, November 01, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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I rrceent Tosltion of tho Army.
JIhapqi ARTMIS or TUB A R M V OP Tl( R Il f 0
xac, Ortulxr 30. The utmost quiet h is prcvadet
along the tint to-day. Even picket flilngscouio J
l he Hopped by unanimous consent.
Since tue nrmy returned from tho late roc fo
ment towards the southide of tlic railroad, tho
regimental and brlgalc rumionn lers have boon
holding inspections, and the command art) being
rnt in as effective a condition a before they
OtToiu.n 3l, C A. M. The enemy attempted
to play a sharp trirk on our lines at !).' o'eUck
hut ulirtit. It was partially succe-sful, bat tho
main object was defeated, wiih considerable loss
to them.
At the rmint of connection between the 2 I an I
ilh Corps' pi 'hcts they made an cntranc;, and
assttig from one post to another they pme'ratc.l
the lire for tonic distance, taking all the nion
Tbey then sent forward a Itcavy force tc ehirrc
Ibe line of brastworks, in tho hope of piorcing
cur centre; hut one of the pickets had elected
hit escape to the main line, and given warning in
time for the men to he put on guard behin I the
works; and when the Ribeis advance J, they
recehed such a fire us to drive them back in
Confusion, nnd with heavy Jose.
Repeated attempts were made bnt rescillo I in
tike manner, and although the tiring was kept u.)
early all sight, the enemy gained no further ad
vantage. Our loss Is set at !VH7 ciptnrod. The
casualties In killed and ivoundod are not knovn,
but are r try lew. The loss of the enemy must
have been heavy, as they advanced In rang.) of
Oar batteries and infantry line. It was soinewnat
dork, however, and of course tho firing was n t
w ellective us it would have been hail our men
had a good Tien of tlio enemy. At this dour all
Is quiet.
JdajorvVahih, of fio 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry,
on duty at headquarters, has been promoted to
tho rank of lieutoiinnl- colonel a promotion
which has been long earn d an 1 affords pleasare
to his numerous fi lends.
Additional llvtttll of thf) t'iKlitiiiu; Hit
ofl'niiturml l utwis 4H1mt Tlio lt.-l. I
Jrnvrtal UpurliiK not iilll.-it Ol.iclnl
ft en the Ri?hmon:t ii'i'irrr, Otf.w,
General Lee sent the following to tho War
Office on Thursday night:
UkAHUCAHTIHS Ahmv XoiiriiRus Vikoini ,
Hon. James A. Kcddon, Secretary of War: Tuo
movementof tlio enemy against onr lrt to-lav
was repulsed. Two attiohs upon our linos wore
made one between the Heurlco l'oor Him'o mi l
Charles City road, the other on the YV'dd utntiorg
road. Several huudred prisoners nnd fuir stands
of colors were captan d. Our kiss very slight.
On the Southside the enemy crossed lloiVAiity
creek, belw liurgess' Mul, and forced Dae It Hie
cavulry in the atumoon. (J Hetti atta kc I,
ftLd at first drovo them ; but ton id ih.on in too
Strong loree. Afterwards tho enemy a'.tacKcd
and were repulsed. They sill hold t ,il ink
road at Burgess' Mill. Uu'.h took o.uo colors
ai d piisoners.
fT)n the Wth Colonel Mosul ey, near BonVT
Illl, raptmeu lHigadier-Uoneral Duii) and h :vo
ral other prisoners, a number of nor-c, and
killed e uuuibcr of the, eiiertiy. Ho sustilaod no
loss. It. K I,i;k.
The Yankee troops princlp il'y engage I i i the
ruoveiueut ou Tlmrs i iy, Iwlnv It e:iiu.i 1 1, be
IrmKed to the l'nr,s ; tuoau eii itt ' 1 ou ttie
south sido ero tbo 'Jd, Uth, uu I part of thd Oiii.
Antiti.'r Il4-.iiilcti trm Jtiirr.'it
1 li- i:m :y H. l lo, tu kii 1
riinli Nicl.
The fullowliig olli -la! r.'p jrt w.W re oive I fro'n
Oenural Iee lat roglit :
Octoi er '1H, lil. Hon. J unes A. 8ld n, S.i -ra-larj
of Wur: (cneial A. I, llill r.'porH tiiattba
sfack of (ieretal lle.h upon the enimy n,;.m tn !
Eoydton plunk 10a I, muutionei in my diMiiat. li
liiht evtriMii-', was mu le l.y thnw brigalen unJer
General Maljoi.e in lio n, unJ lli.iiuton
in the r ar. Mab'ino cupturcd ionr liun lred pri
iX'Br, three some's of volom, and six pieces of
aitillery. Tho latter could nu: bo brought oif,
tfce tneuiy having possession of the hrid.'e.
In ti e atta k snbc'iiently lua le by the enemy
Gam rat Mauore hrok.i three lines of lu'lle, and
riuro g the i ight the enemy retired iro n the
Uojdioo plunk road, leaving bis wounded and
Dioiethon two hundred and tiftydeid ou the
About nine o'clock 1'. ill fur-e amteil
and took )xssi sioii ni'oi.r norks on tie U
rood, in front of Ktcrsbnr;, but was s ton dri jn
On the Willium-btirg road, yesterday. Osneral
Field c iptnrod upwards of fom- hnndrcd priso
ners uml ten huh is of colors. ny left
a number id dead ill front of works, and re
tun.ed to hi loiaier position to-day.
U K. l.r.r..
Prvin thf R,rhnivn,f riiqni, ,t, O:! If
The gciicrul view of tn HkirmisUh'g baloiv
Kiehuu nei on Thursday, gieoii bv us o:l yeS"ir
iluy, iccjinres no liiijoitint niodiii n.ion. The
lUicka of the enemy were so easily rep ilse I,
and t.ur c isuul.ics were mi raie, t!n . thara was
little tiej ond the mere m utimt of the eae uy's
ill'couiii.ure to record. Tlio mo'u.T.i nts of our
troops were be nr. fnl, and the uhi.Tri'.y with w il-.'b
ouriiuDui.t in I rr iMlsei every mlt of tlu
enemy waseouspleiioufi.
Hui the eneiuy did not eonio np to the w irk
with tlia' uiu ikeu mindie-s wbKh was doubtless
exLecud oi tlteiii, an I huh as "illustrate I t'lelr
Vdlor" in ihe snuiiner campaign, wh-n lire and
vMsky were liotb clieup in tno Yunnee iriuv.
Our c.iiinitic, all told, umo'iiit to tnrty ni '.n
wounded, ami some h'f do-en ki led. Tti i
er.cmv loM many killed and wound. 1 1, besides
tr.ree liiindttd and eiu'ity-eight prisviu.TH, 1.1-
cliHlii'K me tuiiow nor oil a'rs :
Captniu Jobn C. Keenao. bllh Now Hampshire.
Captain H. W'entaorth, 1'J.h Vicous.a.
Captain M. Mierilf, l'Hh W'iseoii-in.
('u)iluin II. C. Backmun.'Jiitli Ne York.
Captain M. V. Cochrane, 10th Now Hampsfiire.
Ciiptuin J. Carroll, . t i Murylund.
Capt. Hi nry Ward, 1st V. S. ColoroJ Troops.
f rst Lieut. A. I'. 11 olloy, Adj't l!)tii Wisconsin.
First Lieut. II. H. Murray, Mtu Now H impdiire,
First Lieut. 1 humus hmipson, 1st It. I. Artillery,
First Lieut. M. C. Ilunis, lb New York.
First Lieut, l'rsnk Snunders, 118th New York.
First Lieut. 8. L. Mrvant, llbth New iork.
I.icnt. Hewitt C. Wetltlier, MHth New York.
Lieut, deorc A. I'otts, HKih Now York.
Lieut. J. ts. CIiH-e, bib Muiue.
Lieut. TuoichS h. Alii u, MStli New York.
Lieut. Uauiol O'Connor, llKth New York.
J. II bt raw hriibre. Medical Director lMth Corps
Tho f gliting at lVUisburg commenced nljout
smirUo ou our cxtrome right. The euoiny
attacked, projecting a heavy force iroin tlm
rt arofhia main line against our position ou the
liovuton pliiuk road.' lnis niuvemoui, occur
ring tomewlmt in the nature of a surpri-o, pitivod
a suites, so iur as advancing was concerned.
Va lost nine three hundred men, killed,
Dontiuea, ana capture a j riucuy cue intaor.
As soon, hi weer, ns the movement became
tull denned, uenenu uein attacked the enemy
and drove tht m for some dhtunce, capturing two
hundred and sixty prisoners and several Islands
ol colors, liie strengtn or me enemy ut a roi
tiou they bud taken, commanding the road and
m-ouutry about burgee.' mill-pond, prevented
miii irom attemiitiiig to anve tnotn iroin mat
road. It was rumored yetterday evening that
the i lie ui v bad abandoned the ulauk road.
We are pleased to learn that Uvneral lieurir.g,
who w hs reported killed, was uuhurt. Our casual
ties were very liuht.
About 10 o'clock, on Thursday night, the
enemy made a ci.arge upon our lines on Hives'
mrui, urcaking inroiign tuem lor a lewmomenu
but breaking out of skein rery quickly, at soon
s their character wua ascertalued. When ap
proaching our works, ther resnoaded to the hul
rtltM ..'IiIItia) Vw illria I' mnA
ncrcase of Bullion in tha
of Franco.
Fa i ii m 1'iiimt, L. C, Novrin'ior !. The
lhhttnixn, from Llverp )1 ou the 20th, via l oa-
iloti'Urry on il.t 21t of (.'.'to'jcr, pscd t!.is p ilaj
fci t'ay, toutul for Quebec.
The steamer lirtmm art ivfd ont on tho -1st n't.
The ti'iti by tne lltUnum is nnimoorUut.
The reporttd drain of bullion from th ' II ink of
France is falsn, mid an increase of cvh is s'io.i
of over 3,o0t),(KH)f.
S'4ininirrrlal Int. llfKi'nc.
T.'vrnrooi , (VuiIkt 21. Cotton Sales for the
ue. k 2!,i) bales, liiclmline 11,(10) t-) spc. ula
tor and cxportrts. Tlin mark 't c;ucl very dull,
tli a clecdne or s i. no Amorictn. Mull in
trlfnm is quoted at .'3d. Koca ,n p,)-t, M i,0 id
Ilrcndstufl's very dull. Provisions stcs, ly.
I omh n, Octooer 2. Consols closed ut H
fJ lor mi ney.
1 tic bullion in the Hank of Kngland has de
creased i'37'0.
Illinois Central sharps o0' 'il percent, dis-oun'.
Krie Hailroad I'Xo 41.
Anit't'd from New York, I) can 7'a -ir. A'if
yVim'iT, now ylnurotiu at D '.tl; Iahiii I'.miU ' .'
at Lnnilimd rry, Itntuit int ut t.'rceno k, .Vio u
at warren I .int.
Arrived from Da'tiin vo "hip, Vt'jf.s.'i.
Tho Latest Sas'ieiisiors ami Failure-:
in England.
I'niliir.' Annonnrpil In ljinlon. (et. I?.
7. o ti r.s. .umton limit ( ity arttilr), O 1 7.
Mr. Thomas Hurro.ves, of the Sbx'k Kehan.:.
was t'eclured a ilchiiilicr this (Sat trdi", lo)
morning, and was s tb-equontly exam no I at tne
Ouihluitll 1'ulli e Court 011 11 charge uf o'ltuining
money nnder (also pretense.
At an iiii.iournf'i l'leeonit 01 tne creators of
Messis. H. Clongli, R in v Co , at. Uradlord yes
terday, it was resolved to wind np nnder Inspc''
tion. An offer of 5. tid. In the pound, in four
liistalmi ntK, was made ; bit' the directors of tho
Leeds Dunking Company, who are creditors fr
lr arly , 0,1)00, intimated that thev would n it
accept anything less tbsn 7s. (id. in tho pound
tne wooic 10 tie guiiranteeu.
I allures Aulioiiuci il In ;i.onton. Ocl. IS,
Frcm hi f.untlon I'i.itia a. fi. te), ( totr IS.
A nu eting of the creditors of Messrs. CroskeT
K Co. w:i he'd to day at the oillccof the acvotiat
unis. MeSi-rs. Harding, Pullein K Co., when a
rtati nu nt ol affairs was submitted by Mr. i'ullein.
1: was tiiinnimiius.y resolved to wind up the cstats
tinder inSfH ction, the liicfiinj expressing their
onlidence in Mr. L rokf y, nnd Ins ability, with
the ushistinico of the Inspectors, to bring his
minus to a sticees fill issue. The total liabilities,
secn'ed nnd nnsccured, appear to be about
titw, or wnicn nh,ooo arc expected to rank
agsmsi the estaie.
Mr. J. 11. uibtions and Mr. J. II. Til ett. tho
liuuidiitots of the Kast of Kngl.ind Bank, have
announced that a first dividend of 10s. In the
pound will be paid this week unit next, at their
oftlco in Norwicn.
um tht .o'utnu ll, raltl(rUy attl -fr), 0'. 17.
A person of tho name of lie V,tt was brought
up at the Mansion House charge ! with nttcruiit
Ihe forgeil ncc ptanccs of Mfs-rs. J. Scuurt (v Son,
d Maiiehenti r and New York, American bankers,
and ol Messrs. lunmicy Moore u Co., of Liver
pool. J i um tht Lerdvn Iteratd city article), Or'.olttr 18.
It was Biated on 'Change this I lltii) afternoon
that the old nnd respcctuide Hrui of Messrs. Moti
ninper it Denningliotf, couini'esion merclnats,
ehatly associaKd witu the petroleum and oil
11 aues, hid suspended ptyiueut. It is fearl
tlio debts and liabilities wid reach from ) ),0i)
to ft 1 11.000. Tiie assets, it is hope I, may prove
I'.ivotui le.
Misis. Cnndra, Eneisco .1 Co., a house in tho
Suaul-h trade, was :il o reiiortc I to h ive stunned
th s aft ri.iM n,witb li ibiliti s lor I'iJ.OOO. In this
cuse, il is miU, the prospects of tne asteis are not
riiscoursgii.g. Mr. Cua-lm fiiicl soimj two or
three veurs ugo, and .adc, it is believed, a s.itla-
taen ry Iniuiilaiion.
I n'luseN Aiiii'Miiiei l lis I.umlon, Oct. 19.
The suspension has been ami niuecd of Messrs.
fei I, Coohe ei Co., in the Austra iuti trade, with
liabilities for uboat t4o,00-l, of widen it is tuought
pirn. us ouly 30.0 10 will rank on the estate.
l ue uuiienity is nuorie l to oe owing to spo 'illa
tions in shar 8 which will coniproiuisd the Lou
don house uloue, and not th i M -iOoome Ur n.
ihe boohs are in the h.m Is ol M is,rs. K 'inn.
Ford & Co., and a favoia ole hqaidation seems to
be expected.
1 ue suspension n.isren annoiinceil or Messrs.
Bullock e Furiiybough, colonus. brokers, Mlujiug
luno. The uuiount of llii'niiiies is not stated, but
is:iipposed to be small.
I lir Niilriilo l' ll .TlmiKK-'r of (he !lfcr
vhuii1s una l-as'ltwiiKV ltitnti,oi laimlots.
i-tfmiA London A'.i (cjy ar.'i t).:toer !8.
It trniispirtd this ufteruoju that Mr. Robort
llemy Williams, tho London uiauagi-r of the
Mercantile und Kx' Ii,ine 1! mil, committed sui
c de by Hii-on last eeoiui.'rat his residence, in
Iscw Lavenoisn i.lieet. Mr. iiiianis was lor
nnriyiu the Luiou ii.tuk of Loudon, and w. is
only tw enty-seven v ears of aire.
l or some da.vs past lie lud ticen in a st ite of
gr.iat mental udi.i t ement, which is believed yes
terday to have been increased the news from; but it is understood to h ivu boen us :cr
taiiud that all his personal accounts witu tins
bank ate entirely The Mercantile and
I'.xctiunge liana was suiiteo in urown s uuini
iii(.'s, Liverpool, and Old 11 roil street, London,
in FciTiMiy, 1N"3, with a capioil of 1,0.10,000,
in shares ol 'i0, and in June last a negotiation
as concluded to taUe over the business of tne
Loudon Bunk ol Seoii.iod an uu loi tiding will li
bad lie' n stark-d in April, 1H1:, wi.h a capital of
il.tiUiU't 0. liyihc-e urmi ii'.u uu. and issu 'S
i f i.ew shsres, the loii inil cipitalot the Mer-
csntilc and Lxchmge II ink w is increase 1 to
iluOO.OOO, widi IBJO.tiOO puid up. Tho i0
pliures, with 110 paid, weie ) Cstorday at 1 dis
count, and have closed i ti i o oveonig at 'I discount.
Annexed is u note received no u tuc suo-ui.m-uger
Tiu; Mrwajctii.p. anh Kxcn ivns B vnk, No. 4
I.oHiiAiin sruaiiT, Octnis r IH, Imil.Hir: Ki
ll i ring to the suddeu ibuih ot oir manager, Mr.
W'!uis, I am instnictid by the direct irs to
sietc thai, after an Inves Ig t on of the accounts
in d ti e s Tiirii'cs of the b ink, tbev have every
n .isoti to believe that the ml or . of the bank aro
not theicby in any wuy compromised. I am, sir,
yctir obe belt seivant.
NArHANiEL Coiik, 8 tib-M imager.
Th rlN In Aiislralln.
From ihe London Xttri (rity aviwi j, tieteftsr Is.
The advices from Sydney report tho failure of
Messrs. Frauds Giles K. Co., i'jereh int.s,oiii to
that of Messrs. FiiVi nc, Ow"nne it Co., of Lon
don. At a meeting of tho creditors of tne former
house, tho liabilities were stated at 1 1", 710, of
which 173,000 is due to Fnglish, nnd I'i7,7l0 to
local creditors. Of the latter uuiouut lJl,H'Jii is
The upsets wero estimated by Mr. Giles at
nhout 11'JI.IXiO, and be attributed the stoppage
totbe huge shipments raado by l aveuo, Uwyune
fv Co. For iiibtuncc, indents bad been sent home
for goods to tho amount of i', whereas the
toial shipped had reached t)3,0od. A committee
was apiiiited to investigate the estate and report
to a future meeting.
Messrs. liingle A Co., in tho shipping and coal
trade, bad alto suspended payment at (Sydney
wi ll liubilitios for IjO.oOO. Ad olfer to tlio
cuoiiois of five shillings in tlie pouud was made
and rt lused.
I'nunrs la Trndlnir 'lrclet 1st France.
I'm ii (Olivier 17 J Corripitdctiei oj LonHon Timtl.
The resolution adopted by the directors of the
Sank of Fruuce to raise ihe rate of discount from
seven lo eight per cent, has produced an unfavor
able impression In Parisian commercial circles.
It presses particularly on traders with a small
capital who lire force4 to sell for credit. It was
iniS)sible, however, fur the directors to act
otherw ise, seeing that the specie in the bank had
diminished by 17,HU0,000f. withlu a week, while
the laink notes lu circulation increased U.OW.OOOf.
It is further to Is? remarked that the cash in hand
at this time last year was '272,000,0001'., while at
present it is only 26O,000,Ot0f.
A Hoary CTUla tn Mavda-ld.
frm Ihe LfiHm Tl,nti, Oeioier 19.
The accounts from Madrid describe financial
affklrs as approaching almost a stale of chaos.
ow lug to the embarrassments of the Government
and of th National Lank, coupled with the
(duct produced by te recent muxa from laioa
of the dishonored b lis of Ihe SO ltc Oencra o de
Ctedit en Espngne.
Thf OtetN In Braill.
VAti m or m. socto's hank tw nto s.n t av-
mknis srsi'iM oiii' nv Tlia iiamk or Intnl..
Ilio m JArlno1 Fcptem'ier 2.1. The bnklnu
frm of M. Kouto has f.iihd for a V' ry
amnnnt. IHher fullurestook place in co isequeue",
and are followed hy a commercial rr sis. A
slightly 1 etter feeling, however, now prevails.
i he tiovi'rninci't ha- decreed Ihe snp n iou of
eah payments for notes by the Hank of Hnw.ll,
and hasgivm a forced currency to th? l anK s
raiut hb or smuiiiii nnoTttr?i op mo 'uni.o
F it'H ;H L'-n li Tr ti-1' 1 1 1: at '!. (, :l,r9.
The following not' anniiunces th it in ronse
r,ni mil of the news iiy tel. irrini yes erd v nt tv
I eiliire of Messrs. Moieiri llrothrrs 1 mp'i 'li,
ar Ki.i, Messrs. Itu'ce, M ir. in Unit hers A. I' .,
f I on ion, hive deemed t right, tor 1 lie r. e.-os s
of a I their creditors, also to suspend. II ith the
Brazilian an.l ihe Londo't houses were of g 1
st sliding, an I It is hoped the to, vi.e will ,r n e
but lemporary. Annesed is th" .circular iss .ed .
i ;o : ui a r si, Hm . .(K..iW( tn. '.wo -' ... iti-.
n. n Wf r-.'Stlm rretivp.lby :r rrfr. p'. i -.tin. i ii o'
l' s -ii m nsi . i el .. .r ci.r r' ei it it , M.'..-.. K -. 1.1.
lir lit. r l I i M''',,. er Km J.oM .r.i. -' .i.sf i t ,n i .e
I'.'l ei of lti lurk ol A. .1 A. Neil v. l... . 1 Co;
t"ii; All I Slt'i MO-ii . ti.O live .eif.t Ives r, .e i . till uiM i-.msi.l.-Atile, w 1 'u i
lt.'i in. il it '.-s( in the IniP'.'s; .,; ' r 1.1 .-u .1 1,. . ; .,.. ;
I ' lr p.l v 1 .i1'!' s M'O. tlur t. 'Ks, v 111 '1 if 1't i, .ii'i,
W.le. 11 ri. d v.. .ire I l :, 1 I. f l. r !.( ,.
Turo'i" .1 I. "l 01111- A' C 1., wild 1 1 If 1 f'.- t.i p'e.ii t
Hie. u . ! I ir e.r :r- .'eie- .- .r h t . ir "t . r .
l : 111 . I .li it r eiao.i. vni :o paei ... 1 ui. -
ill. I tf i lie- 11. in g n ' e , " 0 rsiu . ,.."
tlliS. Vl 1. .lie, . HI' .1. II. . Jul ' h ' i,.
hi ! : 1 .Mini - ;k 1 1 i.e iti'iis 1 1
Tiir htcst pMi.i iiRor hio .a nu: no no si-.
em fif l.fiii'Jl 'i.M'.. f .?v 1' t ''.' t' '' ' 11'.
1 he Braill in telegrams to d iy in rui'i' 1 "1
f.iilnre of four linns at liio ,l me r i. be- I s
several otbers nf minor Imp irtiiice. In? p ni i
lire s.o,ito (' , U itnc. c. l" lh ., ! n a V. .! .,
and MonN'in rid Luna. Tlie ,irt wo the
hirjct tiaukets in tin- city. Mess's. , , ,,
are possessed ot eteus;vo e 1; i.i', -vti, :. h ' c ".1
liH'k-d np in hllilduu iiivesinieoi.s ; an I Me si s.
Ooinos l-'ilho, whoso sospei-s: m wp c '.-
tieut on ol M. ssrs .jii;u '. or" I ."'.si c
lelieve I lo have lar"c j.r ipertv.
Hence it is npKsed tlia", iftbue n" . 1.' 1, .1
fnil li..iidation in iy he ex, ft. 'i "i . tior
three years la k Messrs. So tto A C 1. wero in
temporary enib.irrassineat, and w " n assisted, n
Is s iid, 10 tho ix'ent of a Million nu t a U ill
st rlink by the BaDk of Brall.
It may he assumed that i. is to la,
Conpled with tlie anxietv pccasloued by tho
ilec'aiation of hostilities against the rep ii)!i.' of
I'm 'ti iv, ilrit the su -pension of s o 1? ptym'i's
by the of Hra.til is to be miri'iuted. l h s
blink a few ye irs ago luloiitd u spn ) ir steo,
which was eominiied for soma tunc.
Cninillo I'rso is playing in Toronto.
A dow n-east editor declares that modesly is
a quality that highly a turns a woman, but r.tins
a 111 in.
Joseph Lake, a fat hoy, twelve ys.irs old, an I
weighing three hundred and cigh y-tivo pounds,
died at his home in Chichester, N. II., on the
19th ult , of typhoid fever. He lock cold while
on an exhibition tour.
The medical college property at Castleton,
Vermont, whence two thousand young doctors
have bscn sent, has been sold, aud will be
as a medical collcgo no longer.
A moviment Is proposed ut Nantuskot,
Massachusetts, to eiitcfsupoii th cod anil mack
erel fishery as a means of relieving the pros
perity of the town.
There Is a boy in Quincy, Majs '.chusctts, two
years old, who can call all the letters of the
alphabet, fpell thro or four words, and Jo a sum
in arithmetic. His tunic !s Frank A1ims Tirrell.
Our armies halt tojbury their dead. They
resume their marching and fighting. The rca-e-Surrender
l'arty dig np the sleeping braves form
thtm in unwilling ranks pursue tho Union
columns, and in the blackness and quint of night
force llie-c shadowy heroes to fire lutothsir c m
ratles in arms, flank and rear, ballots in no deadly
than Ui be! lead.
Hon. Wheeler, Dcmocra'.io Mrnbor 0 '
Congress Iroin the Third Wisconsin District, hm
stepped, like tho true man ho is, oil" the Chicago
p a'.form, and pledges himself to sustain tho
prosecution of tho war until the Hotels lay dewn
their arms.
Thee is ro rriino In tho hisi t-y of
wickedness to be Compile! with the infamy o
digging np the dead s dill, rs of the I'nion from
their mariyr graves in Virginia, add npiklug
them vote oj-'aiiist the cause which they died to
Two geiitleuie 1 In lud' iaa hie olfurcd to
give fifty thousand dollars etch towirds the
cstablfhuient of a first-class Female College in
the ci'y of Lnfaycttc, in thitStite, If one hun
dred thousand dollars injre can be raised by the
There was a gathering of five generations at
the house of widow Folly l'oivers in I'rincotot:,
Massachusetts, on the l!Hh instant. There were
present Mrs. Towers, figej ninety-eight, her
(laughter from Leominster, and her grand-daugh
ter, great grand daughter, ami great great grand
son, all fioni Clinton.
rrofefsor Bowen, of Harvard College, while
returning from a meeting of tho faculty one even
ing last week, was assaulted by a rulliin.who
sprang upon hi in from behind a tree, and strack
blm a severe blow uiiou the hi vl, rendering him
early Insensible. After iatliaing tho blo.v, the
assailant fled.
Several gentlemen of Bostou havo just re
turned from a grand coon-hunting expedition in
several of the New 11 tmpshire towns. In two
nights they cnpiurej sixteen racoons, tho largest
of which weighed sixteen poun Is. They were
all treed by a dog and then shot.
The whole parish Of Ilev. J. W. Wellmai, of
Newton Corner, Massachusetts, J niej with the r
pastor in celebrating h's tin wedding last weak,
and besides a 1 irge amou-t'.; of tin ware, give him
U'O and a new overcoat to reuiem'ier Ilia eva
sion by.
At Washington Tark, iu TrcvidiiiM, II. L, a
day or two ago, a man weighing one hundred and
forty pounds under' jok to run around tlie mile
track in sixteen minutes, dragging a suiky weigh
ing nlnety-fivo pounds, in which war seated a
man weighing one hundred aud sovoaty pounds.
He accomplished the feat in eleven mluut s and
thirty-seven seconds.
John F. Kobitison, formorly a lawyer at
Lowell, died at Somerville, Massachusetts, last
week, In his slxty-fouith yaar. Ha wus a na'.'vo
of Dover, New Hampshire, graduated at Harvard
In 192'), studied law wlih Daniel Webster, and
became eminent In his profession. lie was
passionately fond of classical stulles, aud his
favorite literary recreation was tlio reading of
Demosthenes and Plato in the original, after
completing the business of the day.
Some interest has been credited by the dis
covery of a number of Indian curiosities in the
lands of tho F.nglish Land Company, lu the town
ship of Dysart, Canada. Tho mon at work on the
company's road arc dotitally found an InJian
grave, and on opening it found buried therein a
uumber of silver trinkets of excellent workman
ship, and In capital preservation. There are said
to be numbers of these graves throughout the
F.nulish Company's lauds, thoy having been In
former years the neutrul ground between the
Cblppewas and the Mohawks. The company'!
officers have taken steps to have those graves
Tub Beautii'vi.. Men are so inclined to con
tent themselves with w hat is commonest, the
spirit and the tenses so easily grow dead to the
im pros-ilons of the beautiful and perfect, that
every one should stndy to nourish In his mind
the faculty of feeling these things by every
method in bis power. For no man can bear to
bo entirely deprived of such enjoyments ; it Is
only because they are not used to taste of what
is excellent, that the generality of people take
delight lu silly and insipid things, provided they
lie new. For this reason, one ought every day to
bear a little song, read a good poem, see a line
picture, and, If it be possible, to epvalt a fen re
souablf wor da.
stprrlnl to Tlio i:vrnlnir Trlrcrnpti.
Uai.iihork, Novemler 1. FI igs aro flying to
the hr.'" to-day on all public and manv private
bnlidings. Salutes of thirty-five, one hundred,
also thirt ru gun, wi'.l be lired duriag the day.
All the bells of the city rung last night. M my
negro churches are open, and colored persons
are di'n inc. 'ti'dhint with joy. They, however,
bebsvc becomimt y.
Oppont i Is uf the new Constitn'iou have aban
donc'l all ho.'C ot doing a'iy,hii' but so'iui t.
iMUlll s AC O' N r
0I4 brnllon tr tliss tmi!ini'lMtton In
Slury likiiil.
Laitimoi i , Noscin'ier 1. Kiimiicipilioii was
rclebr here to-day with spirit. At sunrise it
grand alut" ol live hundred guns wis 00111
nicuetd, a-'C 'inpani. d by tho ringing or church
bells and sign il bells. Hogs wcru displayed from
the public buildings and many privste dwellings.
At norm the (iri.ig of salutes w is resumed from
Forts Fc leral llill and Ma-shai , tae Chri-t
Church helis j. ming in the merry peals, pcrforoi-
lii;' a intervals various nat'ooal and pa ri die
bis, in' tiding 11 i:l Coltiui'da, I.sud of the l're '.
nod tar Spangled Banner.
I IMS If pour KUV
Ni.w Yoi.h Ni.ietiibcr 1. 1 h: ste.inp d i"..'f.m,
liot.: Vi ri II .1.1'. on .he Huh int., ut ived at this
port to-day.
The lVuie'.to : rult! s-.y-i lh' Uc'iol pr'noim s
plu 1 1 under tire on M i n is hue h vi
rt moved to l'o. t l'i lakl, our ori mners in Ch v les
too hoviiii: been removed from their expose 1
Mtuatiou by ihe He ids.
Ilo, b'o. kaih -1 nine. ,,o, front N;tsto
N. 1'., was sunk on the '2 Id ult., near the 111 iitl'i
ol Charle b n harbor, by our Morris Isl in I bi'
t.ries. iienrral Foster 'iron :b;. w!' 1 him from Florida
11 hnndred barrels of or.iug is for the soldi ts.
There seems to be a presp -nt ofctcSianiti a'l
the sick and w ounded 0.1 fco'.U sides. Tiic tund
for the relief of our prisoners raised am ng the
soldiers, umounts to Si 'iK1, and bus been sent to
Savannah to be placed in the hands uf a clergy
man. Unite a number of deserters have recently
reached our lines from Savannah.
Tlif Silmnicr "City 01 Cork" sit Vfw York.
Nr.w Y'ohk, November 1. The stnumer City
of Cork has arrived with Liverpool advices of the
li th of October. Her news has been anticipated.
Market ly 'l'rl'irrisin
Ntiw York, November 1. Flour has advanced
'.'(e-i 0i em. : mi's of IsOOtjhls stf'l-.'O.i urtuiOr St.te;
Sllli uil'i .'.0 for Ulna; til'lo.i l.i Oir Hnitri.r'i. Wn v.
uilv o.t . O .'.(" Se ; .4,1-1 unun JlirUllt. I'nra U'lvutlen.1 'le.,
w llli .nisll sMs. Moet nria. Forll temlv : .r'U
bti s m ssl i.'sjiH ijt Af el. Lard Una l o.l.,u;ta cenli.
The new stables built at Paris for the Km
fcror Napoleon is a vast hippo Iroine, nearly
square; the Hour is covered with sund unit saw-tlu-t,
and ihe walls are wainscoted and padded
for Ibe henctit of riders thrown from their horses.
There is a gallery capable of holding thirty per
sons, and the building is ligh ed Irom the roof.
The stables are composed ot three naves sop 1
ruted by urclies and divided into boarded stills,
each of which bears the name of the horse that
occupies it. Tho mangers are so constructed that
a portion always coutsin water. Thoro is a In-go
loose lio at the extremity of eueh nave. Tlie
lonntatns in courtyards arc supplied w.ttt water
Irom the Seine.
Venice Is constantly giving td proofs of
decay. Within the lust live years tho vessels
enuring una leaving the port of Venice have
d punished tweuty-cn-hl per cent, in number uud
fortV'Oiie per cent. 111 louuntte. The valuo of (ho
y ear's imporis h is, in the same period, decrease 1
twenty-seven aud a hall' percent., uud that of tho
ex polls l.fiy-three and 11 h. ill per cout. ! act , r es
uro ti ins cried irom the left to the right I a ik of
Ihe Munlo. While Venlco sinks in distress, hor
old rival, 'H'noa, finds, nv the eivtonslou of rail
ways nnd the abolition of frontier dues, 1 widen
ing' m.iil'ot in Central afd Snu'hern Fitly, an 1
haa largely incrc.iaed, if not doubled, her ton
nage. CUT INmUQNC.
Ptatb o' Tu bhuowktkb To-dav. 31 A. M.,
sjlj. Noom 471. Oue P. M., 471. Wind, N. by W.
Fennsylvania Oreot3 her Sister
The Decorations, Parado, Etc.
To-day In the earliest duwn of morning the
people of Philadelphia cotau.cnced the congratu
lation over the redemptiou of Maryland. The
streets were decorated wit evcrgrceus, aud flags
were rl)ing from every pole. The lower streets,
where our colored population dwell, wero, a, un
early hour, irowded with the iluam:ns of that
locality ; and oar whole population treated it as a
gala day.
The hearts of free I'hiladoiphians have always
sympathized with the downcast of our neighbor
ing state, and now when the, blllit is removed,
they are the liut to send their grutula.lon to those
who have regnnera'.ed their Stx'.e. The same
di nu nstr.ttlotis of joy, we are Did, are being dis
played iu Baltimore, the city where our troops
we e stoned but three short years ago.
'lu-duy the whole city turus out to ho lor tholr
nsmo of "Abolition city."
over the whole land will go the elid nes,
and everywhere will like d Jinonsir itions attend
the news. 'There is more joy over one siu ier
1 but repentoth than over the niiiily and nine
which went not astray." So when a new Staie is
adiltd lo the cuuso of ireeilom, ih'in over those
who for yeais have scea the error of their ways
and repented.
All hml, free Ma.yland! And lot tbo salutes
which have this day resounded through our city
be echoed back by tho grauiio bills of New
Hampshire and the lofty pe.iks of tho mountuius
of distant Oregon, whose tops are enveloped in an
eternal cloud.
At the hiadquiunVrs of the Supervisory Com
mittee for ltecruiling Colored Uogiments, No.
1210 Chtsuut street, the most extensive prepara
tions were being made this morning for a proper
celebration of the duy. The w hole frout of tho
building, from tho pavement to the roof, is cov
ered with paintings and designs gotten up by ihe
Artists' Sketch Club of this city. Tuis evening
the whole will bo btilliant'y illuminated, and the
tilect will be mott pleasing. vo gno a mu iiu
sciiptiou of the triiuspnrencms nnd mottoes.
Surmounting the whole is a splendid gas jet,
showing the words
Under which aro the following:
' 'Jinver, lu raid or rtnt, coru a Hlsck Ksnluisut."
(llattle Scene. Culoniil Truoys Chsrslns.)
Of Slovtry- Jerterson, tlie Father 01 Ueiuoerscy hji 1
Tee Aluilstitr lu uo stiriiiuU wnU ti cn ut. .idss
Wi'l H u Ui suili a touts-!." .Velei e I iriinia, page i;j,
1'hert Is notanisn llvlns wl.o wishes ni
ttiun 1 dti to a pln sdepteil for tho Auoi.moa or
LAiKKl.' H'iwAlV"i' ll'ur toBotftrt Uorru.
"It would reJelM my very soul thst avaur oas af my
ft llow-bilffas emsnaiuUfd. I houor th
gi Ki.k Iur UivU- aohl. ulurls to uUuusli sUvsr."
lunct limey.
Centre-pifcs, Jll" fort.
Arm of Marylaud.
The t'al must and sl.sdl o pre.ervsd." Jauo.
Stout-, id srea, r.prr..nuu Jr.turniiy. Lsbor,'O.
Juslu. Truth, cuailly,
Viuili, tdui-sBon, Lou, K.Usioa.
"W Uold thM trail-ltob .elf-svtSrirt: that all uu ear
errand null ; Uist Uie f "dowsd Iiy thtlr t'rwtot Itli
eMiani tiilinbl. nshui'thsl sruoiis IIikm ar. 111.,
Un.nv, snS U. urull of bspuUlMS. -Mclarluin of
KiauMip.Uosi (Eaul.l aceoifpUsaad
.lll' A to.lMl.tiy lle.tKO :liTt. 'I Pill
more. I.i lb ,it .t .il.olk' ''unlil -'.i'ni( tli' a il srise
li d lli .iletll :w lliirr. rl .11 .frl. J St ll's. In i
rn.l-'M .0 -li i lol.lirfn iser'.l te er rel ei ei. . el'.y
nd r-ser bv thf ytmr' r ol' nisoo- ; tn ,lsr il,,' ns'...h,i. i
ru st nt p o '.Ur tit-l line n w e'i ll e . t o, iitent o II.. tv
.1 mi i. 'irii; in .. -. tlie r.ti of e-viO, ni-ni h?
r.' o. iiult t.'i. ul . .uis'oi ci .01 Ciriijs i-.
Sc... A. II. IN-4, hv phi it 'lt'iti'i. ,T,T i' A,o:fel
I'..!., Af.U C ' Oil .M '! t. hi th, ft. VO'O. Ol U . ii-sel'l.
p in.. III I i.t .lie I. . iPIr Ij Irili. I . fie nsli'e I. .eti.
Irui of In r tniin irul il'id thnl s'ui tvt
i r.nd 'd ' i. t eisi. lis I ipilu : . I .ns n islil'h
e is sin an rn'i ir, r o.i .lent ot 1' Pi tr isoir d
lif e., wllliiei r, ir.iri! In '. rl, ' nr. or en lot's .
IP'I to F'-rl.'lis Miirvlnul. "Our Sl.r.lotl flr.t li
Kmr.ll. lr.Pl'h.Tlv.1 tv'ilfi'tl, ll'.t to une Hi 1,11 .ti
nt y eu.nitirAll hr -l.e.. l.'.l to typiry a r-jrn.r it-d
(S .in h.
11 ut! "t Pirr'y .ml t'aloii, n w and Airr iir, on. and '
On the columns of the Arch are the following
n lines
In? M ham) .,luro i . i l,.ft-ind loluictu
SUll ei iwo. I;?...
Tl'tirv V-'ltili r li.i is, -P. f'4-ron, M t'.rrolfoil,
II 1,. H ind, W iii. I'M'. Mstlhiff. '.s .rtuKl etisse,
Airhih.iln St. riuitr, Oltn. Win Niti.lwi.i.1,
. M Si.nt.Mi, I'd. J.Kdsar 'I
Urn. It brrt O. Selirn.'rt, d'otu. le-rjn. Hurnee,
I'.il Win 11. Hlrni'i , Mu.tlit'W Tivh aan,
I'd. s. m. Hnwinin, .rorniten,
K II. Ferl. O I. .iloretll, 'Win .'Clllllliy,
w. K Sir.4inlin. Win Win.
A. J. I 'r. .,', II. o. H-ioii -h. r (e( Wr.iP,
II. II. .ol..o..r.....-h,alid II .!! llirssvr.
I., v. A. w . Ilinli.eU. l. ithrr iUr lii,nj
to. e'r.-ie
1H 177-!.
1 Ml II. I'AI 111.
Tie intlfiil p.'i'ntine rrpri senone . 'llPtii l hittt fWe at
M.rlo-l llrielils, tteiir Kit 'i moiel . SciOonl'i. r f, it -S .
- iile MMiar-io llutinr a .uuvrHliiltor ilr.lrl .
"" Tortus the common mind ."
tKvlio.. llous.o '
Ami a wiiinun ilirr -tiiiv .utile r'til.irrii tl, rcto.
'l is l releini ,, liiers ire'ii Merylii id, n i a tlio fr nt,
fiK-lit ttipr for tho l'u ion.
" ed rlisil It iiertilut It A srhiltftipr UA.V luaSeS Blill a
lv l.k. s hit i ion ts oi'ttl ,iwl) . "- (Not. '
i I'liltire of .n Atenliia Sal.)
'.,i;l t l,i r Mi CS : Jltll, Ltl.'.i, .1'ilOlllldreii.
M,,l o " I 'uvii tr.rt. of nitt, H,nn"'i. and oMI.t -ti s di
itiii.ii..') unt at Atiiryiaud C iitslltiitioa to th. lr
l. ,tli. '
(lief .re K-r W'saer, Month ''.irclt in.)
"tli is' I lio.t r ellCe let le i .. (1.1,1 toliclt Ilio Sjisulil.j."
l.tii.iie n l'rn. i.ii-itd, .t.oiaary l.lsut,
It. lr,ili.tiu Liiu'iiin.
Pr r ll i.i . 'i" r oil lis lleirtous UrAtlt,
In l- ei Lie i S icr tin
lit. s'siii, Kl
t .it. ,i i t in y itrr.. , it ,
I ,. it - st,. net r.eiii l.v o r UnM-os, ifd m iKp Knuin'ip.i
I,. ill a I-am Fixed I ir 'ir.' ot I., .coin mi I J -Otrtann.
I'i. 't i' v e.ciii.l s:v-nt an I i' ntr ihiiu.l ; trie Istl-!'
s.ili oil aid tv.i,!tn. Inui to it plajc ol s.t'ety.
r.'l'r.ots nftli e.-.its lirnnt. ts'iiiri.lini, HuOpr, Mlur
litrtl I'le't-s; I 'iiiniiio.l,.rs. I'e tor. Ilut-mt. Fsir.,',11;
t sot nu VV, list,, w. Men B. M.'on, Hu i. Wiuliiu l.
Iiel'e.i, Hon J-c it,
The portraits wiil he snif cn led at tho top and
on both snlcii of the Iraii-p.iicnces.
'1 his evetiiiig tlie whole uf tne building will be
briihnr.tly illuiiiineted. Ab.iut twenty -live largo
balloons,' with "Victory" and "Kninncipatiou"
insciihed upon them, will be strung a roi-a the
street. A bund of music, iv ill be in attendance,
sH'i ehes will be m ule, salutes tired, and tbero
will bo a general rejoicing.
Ibis morning, six einiipnniesof the 41s' I'nit d
Statis Colored Troops, under Colonel Warner,
celebrated tho event by a gtand street piratic.
They marched into the city, ami marched to tho
hciid'iiiarti rs of the Superv.s try Cnuiinitlco on
Che. nut street. Here they wire drawn up In
line, the bund pliiyniit " Rally around the Flag."
A large crowd g title red in front, and tho wil teat
enihusiusm prevailed. After halting lor a short
time, the procession moved on, aud passed over
tLe following route:
Down Chemut to Third, Third to Walnut,
VVitlnut to Fourth, Fourth to Uimbard, Lombard
to lit tee nth, fifteenth to Wainut, Walnut to
F.iglitcetith, Eighteenth to t'hesnut, Chesnut to
broad, at Druad to place of tiring salute, thence
totiirurd avenue, Onard avenue to depot.
Ail along Lombard and South streets flags were
flying from the windows aud from the house-t tps.
The colored people were gathered ii'iout in hirgj
crowds, rejoicing over the groat event. Tue best
of order prevailed.
This evening appropriate ceremonies will take
plate in ull the coh red churches, whi h niv lit
expected to be crowded to ovcrllowing, witn bold
blacks and whites.
There will also be appropriate exercises in many
of the white churches.
At tho Cii ion Episcopal praver meeting, to b
held to-day, at .11 o'clock, in S'. Matthew's
Church, corner of highteen'h ainKlimrd avonuo,
there will bo services with reiurcnce to tho rcclu
mi.tion of Mary lend to freedom.
lu addition to the attractions at thq h ill of the
Supervisory Com mi tee, there will be a I .rge ill
piaced on the top of the building. This after,
root) ihe bell will toll forth iu honor ot tho event
which liberates many thousands of bond nun.
Nothing is moro absurd than thut tho Nonli
wouid be overrun with free negroes iu a short
tin e after emancipation was d' clmcd.
W e were informed this morning Unit numerous
persons in e preparing, now tint slavery H no d
ished tin re, 10 remove from i'uiiii loliihi.t lo
Maryland. In watching the prcparadoat at the
beaiintiurterH, in Cnesnut street, wo bad un op
portunity of conversing witn several promi i 'iit
coh'icd citireus. In their oinuion, as fat as
shivery is wined ont towards tho south vanl, tho
colored people of the N irih will go to it. Ag tin,
we heard of others who wore preparing to go to
Maryland. The ouly objection on the part of ibe
emigrants is that tho locality is not sufOclcn'.ly
tar southward.
If slavery were tiuly abo'.ishe,!, there would be
few Africans to be seen hen ul nuts. A highly
respcctablo colored man assured us that he knew
haif-a-ooicu families who lied tram Virg.uia with
their household goods nowno.irly two years agi,
whose lurnituie still reniuined in Its boxes. Thvy
had waitt d since, week by week, lor a chance to
return. Lllio thousands of other colored pew.ile,
they ask only for un opportunity to own their
own bodies; and when they can do so in the
South would rather be there Hum on any other
portion of the universe.
Mohf. OvTUAtiEs. Ai Mr. Thomas M. Colonial
was passing along Dock street, below Second,
about 9 o'clock last evening, ou bis return from
a Vnlon banner-raising on Front street, below
South, where ho bad delivered an address, he
was attucked l oin behind by asneakiug assassin,
who struck him a severe blow on the side of the
head with a bi'ly or sluug-shnt. Mr. Coleman severely injured, the scalp being lacerated to
the extent of several inches.
Last tvinitig, as the Soldiers' C'.rnpftlgn Chin
w;is passing iu front of the Keystone Clut beai
uuattcrs, ou Clicsnut street, on their return from
astrrit paiado, a g mg of rowdies mule a rush
and attempted to kill some of the Campaigners.
Oltlccr Luiakre arroted one of t-ne assailauti,
but the follow iv. is rescued. A mau ntruok the
ctlher a terrildn blow over tho eye. It Is said ho
was arrested uud locked up lor a hearing.
As the same club was passing ulong in the
Vicinity of Fourth and Chcsititt streets, a vouug
man pres-cd preliy hnrd aff iiii.t Mr. F'. II. D -idle,
a stock broker, who was .undine as a spectitOi
on the enibstone In a moment he found that
he had been relieved of his nitteli, a family relic,
greatly prized. 1 hethnf look refuge in ihe ranlis
of the Kiyiitoners, and escaped.
As the Key -lone Club was mar 'h rg up Triad
stiect last night, a fight ensued ' tho corner of
Mouth street. Several pistols were tired, and an
attempt was made to te ir out a ho'.tl. Ihe police
ariestcd ibreeof the rioters, aud the rest wore
driven off.
Fine This morning between 8 and 8 o'clock
a tiro occurred in the U'ranicrijti oitli e, next door
to the office of TnE tvuNiNO Ti:i.uoiiArn. The
flames oilgiuuted in the second story from a
tpaik from the flue, In which there was un opon
iug. A lot of pupcr was consumed, and tho
buildlngmade a narrow esc ipo. The Humes wore
extinguished without the uid cf the lire appa
ratus. Aruival or nnoiKFNTs. Tbe Union Voluu
tecr Ktfiohnient Saloon Is still buBy In its
good work. Thiro passed through our city yes
terday afternoon the lHth New York Regiment
linrlv this morning the 8th Massachusetts
arrived, and this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the I2d
v. Ulan ne. All of these have been or will be
rcfretbid ut the saloon.
Titu Citv Qiota Fill. This morning the
Mayer Usued for tbo payment of the
ciiy bounty to sixty-one men, of whom forty
eight were credited to the First Ward, and
thirteen to tho Mnetoenth Ward. Tho quota of
the city under the last call Is full, and .the
city bounty of 6 150 will now cease.
Militahy Funk ka l.T he fuueral of Captain
Charles M. Vouog, formerly of the 118th Kcgl
nient l'cnusylvania Volunteers, who died at his
residence In this city, on Saturday last, will take
place to-morrow niornlug. The deceased enlisted
In the service as a private.
Bf.l't ulican Invinciules. The Club will co
to Klkton, Maryland, to-morrow (Wednesday)
evening, to participate in the eras Lincoln and
Johnson denionstnuiou to bo held thera. The
members will see to-morrow's papers for Mar
shal's aiders.
X'A&Aiia. The Cadets of Temperance are
making extensive arrangements for a grand
farad oa lUaaksirlu d skaI.
roi.triCAi At the Hall f the Invlneiblcs,
John Cessna and A.W.Benedict, Esn,.,dollvorcd
adoresfcs last aight, to a large and enthusiastic
The II. ill of thi Union Irf-aTiie was crowded to
bear Dr. C. I. M' irfs, and Hon. Lewis Darker,
both of whom tl' live red able addresses.
Hon. l'red'k ll.ifsnwn k delivered an eioeUctit
and eloquent speech on "tho War of Civili.aiiou,"
lo a large ami discriminn'ive audience.
lbh.p M. Mnipson rla'ivercd his oration on
"Oar h at onal Conflict," In tbfl Acad my of
Music, lo a full hoii'p. The addre-s was both
eirt'oent and'ic.
H"n. John I, Hawson, Congressinnn fro-n the
Twenlv-fourth District, spoke lost night ut the
Continental Th. aire.
A II g for Lincoln and Johnnon was raised la t
n id lit at Front and South streets. T. W.CoIcmiu,
L'., Si oVe.
A Fa is n Fun m. At the Central Sta lon yes
terday aftci noon, a young man had a he irln;
upon the charge of stealing asmall sum of money.
It lestitied to that thedcfeudiintaccompatiied
ti e prosecutor to a puhl.o hoti-o in Cherry strec,
and that the latter, after having several glasses
ot liiUor. at in a chair aud feel asleep. In the
presi nice of s'rat gers in tho bar-room the defend
ant trick the watch of tlic prosecutor, and rc
maikcd that it would be all right, ns ho knew
bun. Wbi o the prosecutor awoKo, ho discovered
that his money us well ns his wutch was gone,
and he attributed the loss of it tn hlsiico,:i tint
Hiice and supposed friend. The hearing waa con
tinued until today.
Tup ALivsitot HK. The census of the Alms
house on Saturday last was 2!) 1 7, an Increase of
.'0 over the same period last year. Admitted
wilhin Ilio pat two weeks, 1!W; births, 9; deaths,
X2; discharged, ll:l; eloped, X); granted lot
lugs, 49; r-rauted meals, 102; tokil males, 103.1;
leu i airs, lil'.iS.
Tua Unitko Rta ri'.a Hosi itai.s. During the
pa t week there were admitted into the various
ruiiilary hospitals iu this department 2IIIH sol
il.eis, limking the total nutnOer of 11711. During
the same time 4:i'j wete returned to duty.
To rciTMASK CkoTutHO atLow rnic,make
il io-mm ti,n ' nr slink of itt A to - maub lUrto-uis We
ar. p.illns Kooda ritual In "vfs. A', ii'i.s.n.1 oiavi'tW,
It "In '.'A I" ,'il' ' r trtlt. leir r llliill Is DnW elini'. 1 t ,e
aire S'Oils in.Oc tn noler. N Il v. all hv,.i., -It., a-'d
pliri'i til Itiotlnitit Men's. YottUl s, .114 IlOVS'. Alloanbo
-ulloil wlU-.or.t iltilay nr trouble.
IW-ss'i-i t A f'o.,
Towtr Hall, Ko, itli Mia A.l .;iet.
The Fall or Kicumond!
Ti.w jr.iii orm.irka'
i lio Fall oi in. ltd!
Tlie Fall of Hit' Your!
The Foil of Cliilhllitf!
Allttieie tall, are near their terniliiutteii.e'Mtst iii' n'lv
KM your Fall t Inlhlntr to-tiay at Cliaxies Utel.o.dc no. s
vne pilce, uiidei the Cniitiuioiliit.
Cim.nBi:N'a Cr.oTiiiNO. An elegant assort
icut at At. Hlioeui iker A t.'o.'s, Ko. IS N. Fi-bili
Tiik Cloak Shasox. Ladles will find that they
ran purr ease ihe li.ttd.-oino.t a. an II a. i tin eUlnear rliaks
ntsjrn ll.nry., Mo. as and So N. Mnlh aire. t. for ahotit
whut thrv would pay for tho tnnte.-lul alone. M-a. Henry
I. u.lilre. of hrrfhiialsea, and has ato ed a l.rue lot of
inat.ri.l at niueh Ipsa thou presont prlc . I. ad ., who
ri uuOe rloaks Hits wtnlsr will do w.iy Id ralllnit upon
M' s. Henry. Her prttlrrn elnnka ar. tmpor rd In mlvatiee
of the ...Q.t it. ain1 thu.o of her own mtika uro full c-ilutl
to ltii'ni,u not better.
Wornk, In Klghth street, h is a'l the beautiful
tares anil embroideries suitable for Ilio ladtoa. lllvo hltu
a call.
H'kit ViitotviA Vr.Titoi.Ei M Lamiis. A few
deslr.bletill triieta In Wed VlrxInU. liicludtni: tlirs'oleaa
on HuriiltiK rlpriniia; n iit b ottwrvd iu tins maiaetiora
lew day a.
Abo, a ehotce property Ul Veuanso rotinty. Pa.
Inquire ot Jons H. I.nvi:.
No. Ill H. Frail street.
?Nbw Military and Naval Aouser Mi- a new and i-oiiven'ettl otllc. .tl
ho Sfts W. nut street, tor the onlleetl n of ci-suas, where
nerirSios, p.Ue-uionty, and baca pay will b. pad lo
cl I'ai.t.ts.
They havi trrrat faetlthea torproennn- a apeeitv ad tist
ni.n.i f-T trost: who pati-nnue theni, having tir.mcii mile
ill I'ltl'liur'. 4. rand Kuplda. AlleSluiin. a id cirroiip.ind
ei re with tint tTb'ctieil nilluea In ihol'iiiun Mr. Ma
thews has been envaeed In ihe Wa-'ilueiiin depm tinnnls
for yi ars prevluus. ant Bniitirior Indeeeineiits aru o'lered
to tlrn.e havliig buaiui BB lu their Una. duo sditiruse
uvnt. Tns "F'i.ohv.nce" not only combines all tho
deattablr i.nalittea in a Suwiuk Machine, tint In ad till in to
tlir.e ..veri uiaetiitio has ono id Jenea a patent heoimtra
attaihi d, t-niibllnK Ihe oietalnr to t irn any S til uein
ile-ire.l : i.a tn avibl the str.ihl on tlie at es, le-nt (in. fare,
cieae npplli .itloii. nid tuCsnoiit rare, tu tnt or les i iisit.l ia
oj rraltiti riewlnit SJaehin.-s, evety "I'I" Is l',ii-u.!ied
with "tlurrj'iuri Iself MittvT, ' whlell uiildea the wttrk
lts,ir lle.Ult a Ihla. tbere is no other inileh.tiH wlrc'i eo
ruter si. larfo a fan, of wnta. Ir does nc reijuire hu t tit the tinner side Oian It dmia on tlio .itnl
us', .ire ot thrriid nrsilk with tho K iMteit iMin.mir.
Withal tlieso, Its prteo I. no ine'ier than
(liar of sin e sllicb niaelilnca. t-.voty "Kloieii. o'' lim
chine, mrtunver, la enld with a vvarratcy, written, if
reiiiiind, anil mi.vsa peileet N.ll.laeoitl Is ulien ilie
nion. y I. relumed, ami c-ieh imietnn. I. kept In parfeet
o iter one ' tr free ul e' nuiiaem.' laiti oiie.'aliir are
.i nt lo tu iinuies of purcb'isera, lo slvo lustiue'lons,
n tier desired.
V, eeo'.clule, therefore, tha' lathe pitre.hise of He-rlnir
Mai'lnrt.a tho "I .,leliee" In.lriunel ", .eld ot No. M l
t li. .i nt ilreel, h.. ihe nr.t e alia noou Hie aot'titlnu of
att w ho wiaiiti al.iitay ir.sHl tusie aud aouud judsuaent ui
uiakiii; thili .e.ectloiiH.
Hum ArritovAi.. Mis. 8. A. AMen lately re
crli td a letter froin a lad., siiilltu.' that, a' the .n rirestl in
o' n'.ln mnt fi kenil. she ptire.l;a-eil abollinof Vrs.H.A.
A lieu . W.iritl a Hair Ki-som. r ami .yliitiil-aiuuin. o H ilr
liresslrir, aad at.rr naintr a fuw tipvi.. h r 11 dr. which waa
qu.l. itrcy, waa 10 na you'liliit oi.or. and n"vv
h.iit wn. n. No tadv'. mil t l.e.iin.i.eta wi;li
oul the,. preparaLOD.. Kvery llruynl,! a.ils tuaui.
11 Y ltRFRitRNCK to the ad vit 1-cmont of the West
Jers'-i Ualir-'ad, it will be .oen that two 'taitv lin.s run t
and fn in I ajw M.y.vln :-jt'H M . din utj .'. 1'. M ,
-nd .t tl 1'. AI., due at 7'i6 1. At. lf..uroiDs iroai Cap. Jl ay
ill A. M.aitd 1116 A. il.
Tnosr. who desire a lino plctur.i should vMt
P. F. Kelmer'. Oaliery, So. e-tl Arcs alreet. and aoloot
I tror.i t.i pea, Varies do Yisito.vr 1U.-S1.. rhoe'sraphs hi
Oil colors.
Ornca or Tn. Flvastto Tar aoasns, (
'lu.-day, Nostlu'iW I. (
YcaterduT afternoon, after wn went to press.
a strong r.dly set in in tho NewWork Stock Mar
ket, and Erie rose from Wi, to 0:)J; Sllohignn
Southern fiom"Oto73; Illinois Ceiiir il ubont 4
' cent., and the whole list sympathized in tho
ri-. Gold Btidtlonly jumped from 22.J t 'ii'i,
under coilli ting accounts from tho front, and
Kebcl stories of disaster to onr arms.
In onr own market tho tendency was strongly
npna ds. Ileadiujr rose from G'ii to 674 of,, ,
bujerilO tliys; and Schuylkill Navlg tion prc
ferred uud common, and Ihe better class of Oil
H neks, al-o advanced.
There ia every Indication of an oM-fadiioned
stork movement based, in this market, upon the
hounlitulness of money and tho Incrcised earn
ings of the coal-earrjiiig companies. Tuhllc
orders couio lu ipiite ficuly now that tho rise h is
set In, and the brokers hava commissions In
abundance. If tho election p issos off imlctly wo
shall have, undoubtedly, 011 0 of the strongest
movements in stock that has been witnessed since
Ibe war began.
At the Fifth Avenue Biard last evening the
murkot continued strong and tho Iron-actions
were very lurgo. The sales ot Eric alono, yester
day, mast have been over 20,0 k) shires. In
Reading also, in the Now York markets, the
operations are enormous, thousands of shares
changing hands privately, nnd not noted npon
tho public stock record.
Everybody who has a few hundreds or thou
sands of spare money is rushiug luto the stock
market, and wc look for a revival of the scenes
of last spring, v. hen Heading was put np to 82j and
Erie to 120. There is no denying the fact that
gambling is a human propensity. No dog twopt
otrhis bono or gives his expected cutlet for a
present crust, but tho tnmllest shaver will
"knuckle down" at marbles, aud trade cake for
Ikforo Hoard tho market opens strong, both
here and In New York. Erie is 1014 bid ; Head
ing C74, cash, and 6, bnyer 30, with a very ram
pant feeling. Oold Is quoted, at this mooting,
from New York at 233, and the whole stock lint
is op 8 to 3 per cent.
The Stock M&rkot is excited this moraine, ia
prices are hotter, owing to the advance In gold.
Vnltcd States bonds ar firmly hold, with sale
of 5-20 at lOlCMOli, coupons off, 8s of ISSl art
quoted at 1061(1064, which is an advanc.
sjUallroad shares are mora active, aad price
have advanced, with sale of Reading at 68684,
an advanc of 1; Northern Ceutral Railroad at
;i li M, an advanc of 2 ; Pennsylvania at 70 ;
Korristown at 60; Lehigh Valley at SO, an ad
vance of 2 ; North rennsylvanlaat 31 J(o'311 1 Cata
wba common at 18jj, preferred at 40 ; and Phila
delphia and Erie at 321, which la an advance;
Ki wa bid for LRU. Schuylkill ; oi tut Ulk-
1 111 ; 50 fur Elmira preferred; and 48 for Long
In City Tassenger Railroad share lhr If
little or nothing doing; but ihey are firmly battf.
Coal Oil shares aro more active, and 'loe. ar)
steady, with sales of McE heny at 6, wak Va
an advance; Dalell at an advaae Of J;
Egbert, 3 ; Perry, 4 ; Noble and DeUmater at
and Oil Creek at fl?.
Bank shares are very firm, bnt wa hear of
rnlci. 170 was bid for North A jierka; 67 for
Comiterrlal ; nnj fr Mechanics', which it aa ad
vnnce ; 2 for Western, an advance ; 6.1 for City (
38 for Consolidation; CO for Corn Exchange;
and 4X4 for Union.
f There is more activity to nolle in Canal share-,
with sales f Schuylkill Navigation at 331, an
advance of , prefenrd at i)(n. 0J, an advance f
4 i la-hlgh Navigation at 74 ; aud Delaware Dhfl
slon at 30 ; 95 was bid for Morris Canal e jmmoB (
aud Id for Mustpn'hanna Canal. '
The Monty Market, as we have noticed for
some time past, continues easy, and the demanet
is limited. IOans on call ate freely offered at6(7
per rent, per annum ; prime paper is scarce, and
qui ted at 8(3 10 per cent.
Gold is moro a dive this morning, and price
bare advanced 8(0; in per cent, since last evening,
0 ening nt 2,10, advanced and told at 21 ns at
K'i o'clock, fell off and sold at ?3i at II, US a
12, rallied and sold at T17 at 12 P. M.
eportsd by Clai kson A Cat., Broker., N.. IU fl. TMnt Btj
R t7 -h Itehem Mln.biO 7 .
ISO ah do 7
'.en.b AlKd.... V'
vis'.lt Cei bd Hi
lon.hCurtla OH
lllil do
1, sh I'hU. A Oil tt.
k. i d
rsilnh Keval'. Oil.... lit Kea ling a..... 7S
rst. b do Rl.,
,..i.-i nvn pi..D.T v .
ai.tai an. ......... .rsa
ion vv-t neater u.ft. tt 1 do ho Is)
list sh fern I'lant. r.. 7
I'.i sh I'ul'on foal ... S
luOsliHiElbeuyOII.. S'.
lot. ri
do boO SS
4- 'H
do S)
to bd
I1.1 .h
if U. H. r 90s i 1 Ji.'sh N Central, .bit si
SlltO dr. 10: . l'l.b ao M
si"sh Fiil'nnCual.... k-, fl eC A i, T ...til)
S.SO U (i6.m toil, AA SHU I'll
(is 10 d. 101 I' ii h I'.nna Ra 7
ii-'m h Ilia Miami li1, do klo 70
l'S an llil t'reek o;4
4 sh Vorristown K.
jin.n unizeii oil.... s'y
Ml.... n'
I t I
el.... a
nt a.
M.h Beanlns B.... Ad
l'.i.h do bid as W
sen.h do bseesj
4 ab Monk ran.... 01
1 1 st, do i3
tl.l.hlMnh Val .. SO
tl' atawla.a H-bb 1W
KlOahCalaw iirar.,,, 40
lutuhfull. ACrle.... 31V
SIO lh MF.Ihenv
aSAl sb MvsJl Bank.... U
ust.n ,-erry uu...
C" sh Heine .V He!
:slb Ksbert Oil.,
Itsish I't, lint... .
l.'iat.Sch Sav pr.. to 1
I"isll dt "O',!
HS'.li do I111. 1
It n Seh. N.eniti ... .Hi,'
Ilsh LelilltNav.... 74 1
Ml nil I n l lllv c IS)
jreisa N. Central .... SI.'.'
Db IIavfw ft Bao., No. 20 8. Third street,
atioto as follows
American Oold
American (silver, A'l and i't
Dimes and Hair Dimes.
fipanish Quarters
Ptnn. Currencr..
20? ..
.. 210
I di. 1-6 din.
cw York l-.xcbange 1-IV " par.
M. SciitLTt & Co., No. It S. Third street,
report the following quotations for foreign ex
change, per steamer Scotia, from New York
London, tn daT.'.Uiht. Hi.iAi: London. 8 daya, MokA
21.7 i I'arls, 1:11 data' .uhl. iif lo,".!. I.'S, ! I'arls. 9 da;,
jr. (W.i'.'f. 10j Antwerp, AO dV .Hht. If. IJXI Bro
il on. Gil dava' aljiht. ISJludilSi Haniburs. SO davs' tbrht.
S rasto Co.O"ite,, Berlin, nil Oays' aiaht, 17.4a)
l;s; Aui.terilaui, MO Caya' .Ujhl, 'jSjJIIOO ; fraakion, SO
daya' aisht.ltsi. Market llrra.
Quotations of the pnaclpal Coal aad Coal OU
stocks at 1 o'clock to-Uay .
Aid At. I Bid Atk.
Fulton coin s irriraiite on....... X 1
Kip Mountain Coal, s S 1 Franklin oil
I. . r.A MM. CiI..H Ilia- Hew. MOT 0)U,. 1
Cre.nMt.Coal.... 6
N. C.rbondal. ?V
Now C-rterl 1
Ff.'d.r liam Coal. 1
Clinton Coal 1
Hitler Coal It
Iitainond Coal i0
Aineriean Kaolin. ..
I'eunM litres. '.'I
Coiinertluui ....... ..
SvesHloi.e Zinc... 'J'4
) n.l.'.orCU 1 I
His Tank a
6S. Irrins Oil 7
I F.oe Farm OU....
IViliuismor... a 1
)', I.i.elloil h
1'. UcaUhMV t
14 OU IX
... tueiK
111 att,A Offtajnalaw. a
Hiboard IV
It suaj Farm HM
S Hruner ..'
i Fetroleam UatHr. SU
I'i Fa.bert 8'?
al-iS lime l.laod g
I AiieKheuv Hlser., 1
!tv; thirtin (eX
t nnliiieutal
Farrell 9
Oil Creek II
la, ue Sliaile DiL.Vn','
tel.'iintfaik tli).... f'i
l'pnn.lvalt:a l'l.. 1
Pet ry Oil 4
llienal OU 1'.
Kev.lore Oil '.".'
vnaio o ll
I'tiloe I etmivura.. '.'V
lleacon nil........ f.'
Heiirna Oil S V
I'htla AOII Uteea. 1'a
ill. ,1'Oriasnia....
8 c.rn Flaate-
4l Hrutaa
Keek oil....
S. Trr Farm
l ohe ,
?tf Nell. Oil Co
j Upper tcouomy.
8 I
The following nro the recelpfs of Flonr and
Grain at this port to-day : Flour, 1200 bbls.;
V beat, d'JOU bushels; Corn, 2103 bushels; Oats.
3o(MI Im-hcls.
The Bunk return this afternoon is partially
liiihi r on Lo ins and Deposits, aud steady oa the
bpi cie avcr.tgc.
The exports of specie from this part have
Klttee Jan. 1, lsA4.tS7.nriA.fiS Ram rime Inlasy tttJM.m
Fame time lo l :l. .'ls.l i7.A J Katne t a e In Wtt. an d.34
Kiiine time In lsiij. 4li..VO.ics Batiw time In loot. SOJOA 're
hauietuite Hi l-iil. :l.i 4 H-'.'J Ham. uiue ia l-'l . J.jfcJ.14
Fuln. linio la IMSl. 41.4-4.719 Hatno tltn-in ls-s). 3Ai,lsHs,7ifa
Hi. ma tin e in l'-"l. S .Iss.lliO Mame toil, inHQWi
Hum Hut. In IS08. 8.1 1 d,''.0
Tho weekly averages of the old Rank of the
city of New York, on Saturdiy, Ooto'wsr 29,
1HH4, present, in the aggregate, the following
changes from tho previous exhibit of Octo
ber 22 :
Increase in Loans, 742 687
Increase iu t-iieele 07,947
Decrease in Circulation 71.4H9
1m r. use in TJcdniwn De touts 1.0rS,a08
Including the Clearing House operations of th
week, which show the inter-exchange Between
the Hanks, including also the Huo-Treasury Bal
ance at the clo eol the week. Tho following is the
general comparison with the previous exhibit,
and also with tho movement this time last sea
son :
Oei ni.isjt.
031. 711, )SB4
anr.7 7.S5
ISO. 7. 7-4
li.'.,!! Sill
Ctri-ttlatK n
crn.t in h ana..
t 11. trail 11
InBiili-Tri a.nry
.,81-N 4nl nun
.. Ai: l.i',118
. Ss.Ul.U.'l
. .7i,.'.M
. 84i .irt- .SIS
;.'l.sisS.. in)
. KI.l7s.VM
. SS,4Ho,7ial
ls, .'I 'l
nvn - 0
'.4A S407
J. .:. 8
Iii ss i an
fllll.AIal.l.flllA ill IDE KEPORT.
Ti 1 shay, November 1 . B irk Quercitron
Burk continues scarce. A sale of 15 hhds. it r
jiorti d at f do (I ' ton.
Cutton Is dull, aud pi ices aro entirely nominal
at at out l'-d.
Flour The m irkot for Flour ia ra'.ker quiet
the extreuielv lllit receipts and stock having a
tendency to cause a llrua feeling, and some bold
ri a arc It, disposed to operate at present prices.
The demand for export is moderate and the only to report Is ult nit I.1O1) imls. at 8l0 7 ieiU
for fxti'.i ; .sjl Hp 12 for extra family, and VW'-'M
(tt 12 oil lor tancy hranils. Small sales lor the
supply 01 the homo trade are making within th
lunge of tlie-e ligurea. Nuiall sales ol Hye Flour
nro reported nt 'J;.t U'2 ). Cum Meal coutiuaes
quiet mid nominul.
There hi a tlitu feeling In tho market for Wh'it,
and prices bavo an upward mndoney. Th stock
are reduced to a compara'lvely low figure, and
sales of lilOO buh. Pennsylvania red at U 60,
nnd 1IHS3 bush, iiinliei nt fri-M ; white is quiet; no
sules have been reported. Ryo Is in steady re
quest at SI '20, with sides of 200 bnsh. There It
very little Corn here ; about 1000 bush, yeliow
sold at fc'l'bUi aud 300 bush, white at Sfl-70.
There is a steady demand for Oats at 88c. Barley
and Mult are without essential change.
Whisky sells slowly at 1'78 for rennsylvania
and Ohio.
CI.EAHKO this MOBirnra.
Btaai:hlp .'. (lib.on Bowin, Ji.w York,. W. J. TaylorAiCa
liutntie L. Wriakl, Jr.,Lluvioa, 6tjuil.wtrai,l'.friut
IirtK ti."w. Barter, flllolirlst, Beaufbrt, D. i. Stetson A Co.
Hi Ik A'loS Lea, Hariris, New Oiian. V. 8. Qnarleruiaate
bUir W eitoi or, iticker.aa, Botiou, Si obi., Caldwell si do.
ARRrvitn thih tfonimsa.
Bartiu. Carlivu.Trasarliii.U daya riouMataazM.wlth .
SUfrar, Ac, to A. Hnuiler A Oo.
Hri Albert, Dow, 18 days lroui r.ntaoola, with lumbat
to K A tlouder A Co
ttel.r K. II. 1'al.y, Sandars, 4 days horn New Londoa, In
ball..! to captain.
Bebr l.aae uli.crwu, t days from Boston, wtth moil
totYowalltCollma. - E.J.Uerrity. slarediUi, ( days frota LaaaavUU.
with atone to captain.
8chr Two sVuihora. Waat, 1 day from India Klver.wttk
grata to J lull llairalV.
Cerreiaotidenc of 0t4 PhiUulepKU Exthmnal
Ijiwi.. lsai., Ootuber so. Tb. barqu. Joha lfarh".
rrotn Vldiadelplita fur t.i uambaoo. aud bds H.r t-
muiadelidiia tor UuaiiUiiamn want u, .-a se-da.
Ua baruor bur. id vms.1. WtaJ W. .
soara.ove aaju'S im"---
tip for The Mvenm, M ttt
ai.TAliiaa-Barsiu. CaiKu. Trw'
Siisar'r Waltaoa A aonat J""'w,, loal.a-
luo baa.hM loao"i " i .( aiotfitss. W , II
1 ! 1
1 '
r '
. It
1 f :
1 i
1 t .